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Neutrino interactions with pythia 8310

Merged Felix Riehn requested to merge neutrino-interactions-with-pythia-8245 into master
@@ -180,6 +180,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
->check(CLI::Range(0.000001, 1.e13))
bool track_neutrinos = false;
app.add_flag("--track-neutrinos", track_neutrinos, "switch on tracking of neutrinos")
"charged (CC) or neutral current (NC) or both")
->check(CLI::IsMember({"neutral", "NC", "charged", "CC", "both"}))
"Height above earth radius of the observation level (in m)")
@@ -398,8 +406,21 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
corsika::pythia8::Decay decayPythia;
// neutrino interactions (options are: NC, CC)
corsika::pythia8::NeutrinoInteraction neutrinoPrimaryPythia(true, true);
// neutrino interactions with pythia (options are: NC, CC)
bool NC = false;
bool CC = false;
if (auto const nuIntStr = app["--neutrino-interaction-type"]->as<std::string>();
nuIntStr == "neutral" || nuIntStr == "NC") {
NC = true;
CC = false;
} else if (nuIntStr == "charged" || nuIntStr == "CC") {
NC = false;
CC = true;
} else if (nuIntStr == "both") {
NC = true;
CC = true;
corsika::pythia8::NeutrinoInteraction neutrinoPrimaryPythia(NC, CC);
// hadronic photon interactions in resonance region
corsika::sophia::InteractionModel sophia;
@@ -407,7 +428,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
HEPEnergyType const emcut = 1_GeV * app["--emcut"]->as<double>();
HEPEnergyType const hadcut = 1_GeV * app["--hadcut"]->as<double>();
HEPEnergyType const mucut = 1_GeV * app["--mucut"]->as<double>();
ParticleCut<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> cut(emcut, emcut, hadcut, mucut, true, dEdX);
ParticleCut<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> cut(emcut, emcut, hadcut, mucut,
!track_neutrinos, dEdX);
// tell proposal that we are interested in all energy losses above the particle cut
set_energy_production_threshold(Code::Electron, std::min({emcut, hadcut, mucut}));