Develop Cherenkov emission module
We plan to develop a Cherenkov emission module handling Cherenkov photon production and propagation.
We don't have a design for this module yet, so we would like to collect suggestions and requirements from the community.
The general plan is the following:
- develop Cherenkov process (Cherenkov production)
- develop Cherenkov propagation using one the current available atmospheric models (i.e. layered exp.)
- add the support of external atmospheric tables to be used for the Cherenkov light propagation
- validate the Cherenkov module standalone against C7
- to do so: 'manually inject' the same 'inputs tracks' into C7 and C8 Cherenkov modules and check the output
- Later: overcome some C7 limitations (spherical atmosphere, Cherenkov/fluorensce light from horizontal/vertical showers, scattering of Cherenkov light, etc.)
Comments on this plan are welcome.