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  • AirShowerPhysics/corsika
  • rulrich/corsika
  • AAAlvesJr/corsika
  • Andre/corsika
  • arrabito/corsika
  • Nikos/corsika
  • olheiser73/corsika
  • AirShowerPhysics/papers/corsika
  • pranav/corsika
9 results
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with 0 additions and 1046 deletions
set (GEOMETRY_SOURCES CoordinateSystem.cc)
set (GEOMETRY_HEADERS Vector.h Point.h Sphere.h CoordinateSystem.h Helix.h)
add_library (CORSIKAgeometry STATIC ${GEOMETRY_SOURCES})
set_target_properties (CORSIKAgeometry PROPERTIES VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION})
set_target_properties (CORSIKAgeometry PROPERTIES SOVERSION 1)
# target dependencies on other libraries (also header only)
target_link_libraries (CORSIKAgeometry CORSIKAunits)
target_include_directories (CORSIKAgeometry PRIVATE ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (CORSIKAgeometry INTERFACE ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (CORSIKAgeometry INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework>
install (TARGETS CORSIKAgeometry
# code testing
add_executable (testGeometry testGeometry.cc)
target_link_libraries (testGeometry CORSIKAgeometry CORSIKAunits CORSIKAthirdparty) # for catch2
add_test (NAME testGeometry COMMAND testGeometry -o report.xml -r junit)
#include <Geometry/CoordinateSystem.h>
EigenTransform CoordinateSystem::getTransformation(CoordinateSystem const& c1, CoordinateSystem const& c2)
CoordinateSystem const* a{&c1};
CoordinateSystem const* b{&c2};
CoordinateSystem const* commonBase{nullptr};
while (a != b && b != nullptr)
a = &c1;
while (a != b && a != nullptr)
a = a->getReference();
if (a == b)
b = b->getReference();
if (a == b && a != nullptr)
commonBase = a;
throw std::string("no connection between coordinate systems found!");
EigenTransform t = EigenTransform::Identity();
auto* p = &c1;
while (p != commonBase)
t = p->getTransform() * t;
p = p->getReference();
p = &c2;
while (p != commonBase)
t = p->getTransform().inverse(Eigen::TransformTraits::Isometry) * t;
p = p->getReference();
return t;
#ifndef _include_COORDINATESYSTEM_H_
#define _include_COORDINATESYSTEM_H_
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> EigenTransform;
typedef Eigen::Translation<double, 3> EigenTranslation;
class CoordinateSystem
CoordinateSystem const* reference = nullptr;
EigenTransform transf;
CoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem const& reference, EigenTransform const& transf) :
static EigenTransform getTransformation(CoordinateSystem const& c1, CoordinateSystem const& c2);
CoordinateSystem() : // for creating the root CS
auto& operator=(const CoordinateSystem& pCS)
reference = pCS.reference;
transf = pCS.transf;
return *this;
auto translate(QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d> vector) const
EigenTransform const translation{EigenTranslation(vector.eVector)};
return CoordinateSystem(*this, translation);
auto rotate(QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d> axis, double angle) const
EigenTransform const rotation{Eigen::AngleAxisd(angle, axis.eVector.normalized())};
return CoordinateSystem(*this, rotation);
auto translateAndRotate(QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d> translation, QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d> axis, double angle)
EigenTransform const transf{Eigen::AngleAxisd(angle, axis.eVector.normalized()) * EigenTranslation(translation.eVector)};
return CoordinateSystem(*this, transf);
auto const* getReference() const
return reference;
auto const& getTransform() const
return transf;
#ifndef _include_HELIX_H_
#define _include_HELIX_H_
#include <Geometry/Vector.h>
#include <Geometry/Point.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
class Helix // TODO: inherit from to-be-implemented "Trajectory"
using SpeedVec = Vector<phys::units::speed_d>;
Point const r0;
phys::units::quantity<phys::units::frequency_d> const omegaC;
SpeedVec const vPar;
SpeedVec vPerp, uPerp;
Helix(Point const pR0, phys::units::quantity<phys::units::frequency_d> pOmegaC,
SpeedVec const pvPar, SpeedVec const pvPerp) :
r0(pR0), omegaC(pOmegaC), vPar(pvPar), vPerp(pvPerp), uPerp(vPar.normalized().cross(vPerp))
Point getPosition(phys::units::quantity<phys::units::time_interval_d> t) const
return r0 + vPar * t + (vPerp * (cos(omegaC * t) - 1) + uPerp * sin(omegaC * t)) / omegaC;
#ifndef _include_POINT_H_
#define _include_POINT_H_
#include <Geometry/BaseVector.h>
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Geometry/Vector.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
class Point : public BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>
using Length = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::length_d, double>;
Point(CoordinateSystem const& pCS, QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d> pQVector) :
BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>(pCS, pQVector)
Point(CoordinateSystem const& cs, Length x, Length y, Length z) :
BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>(cs, {x, y, z})
auto getCoordinates() const
return BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::qVector;
auto getCoordinates(CoordinateSystem const& pCS) const
if (&pCS == BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::cs)
return BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::qVector;
return QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d>(CoordinateSystem::getTransformation(*BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::cs, pCS) * BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::qVector.eVector);
void rebase(CoordinateSystem const& pCS)
BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::qVector = getCoordinates(pCS);
BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::cs = &pCS;
Point operator+(Vector<phys::units::length_d> const& pVec) const
return Point(*BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::cs, getCoordinates() + pVec.getComponents(*BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::cs));
Vector<phys::units::length_d> operator-(Point const& pB) const
auto& cs = *BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>::cs;
return Vector<phys::units::length_d>(cs, getCoordinates() - pB.getCoordinates(cs));
#ifndef _include_QUANTITYVECTOR_H_
#define _include_QUANTITYVECTOR_H_
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
template <typename dim>
class QuantityVector
using Quantity = phys::units::quantity<dim, double>;
//using QuantitySquared = decltype(std::declval<Quantity>() * std::declval<Quantity>());
Eigen::Vector3d eVector;
typedef dim dimension;
QuantityVector(Quantity a, Quantity b, Quantity c) :
eVector{a.magnitude(), b.magnitude(), c.magnitude()}
QuantityVector(Eigen::Vector3d pBareVector) :
auto operator[](size_t index) const
return Quantity(phys::units::detail::magnitude_tag, eVector[index]);
auto norm() const
return Quantity(phys::units::detail::magnitude_tag, eVector.norm());
auto squaredNorm() const
using QuantitySquared = decltype(std::declval<Quantity>() * std::declval<Quantity>());
return QuantitySquared(phys::units::detail::magnitude_tag, eVector.squaredNorm());
auto operator+(QuantityVector<dim> const& pQVec) const
return QuantityVector<dim>(eVector + pQVec.eVector);
auto operator-(QuantityVector<dim> const& pQVec) const
return QuantityVector<dim>(eVector - pQVec.eVector);
template <typename ScalarDim>
auto operator*(phys::units::quantity<ScalarDim, double> const p) const
using ResQuantity = phys::units::detail::Product<ScalarDim, dim, double, double>;
if constexpr (std::is_same<ResQuantity, double>::value) // result dimensionless, not a "Quantity" anymore
return QuantityVector<phys::units::dimensionless_d>(eVector * p.magnitude());
return QuantityVector<typename ResQuantity::dimension_type>(eVector * p.magnitude());
template <typename ScalarDim>
auto operator/(phys::units::quantity<ScalarDim, double> const p) const
return (*this) * (1 / p);
auto operator*(double const p) const
return QuantityVector<dim>(eVector * p);
auto operator/(double const p) const
return QuantityVector<dim>(eVector / p);
auto& operator/=(double const p) const
eVector /= p;
return *this;
auto& operator*=(double const p)
eVector *= p;
return *this;
auto& operator+=(QuantityVector<dim> const& pQVec)
eVector += pQVec.eVector;
return *this;
auto& operator-=(QuantityVector<dim> const& pQVec)
eVector -= pQVec.eVector;
return *this;
auto& operator-() const
return QuantityVector<dim>(-eVector);
auto normalized() const
return (*this) * (1 / norm());
template <typename dim>
auto& operator<<(std::ostream& os, QuantityVector<dim> qv)
using Quantity = phys::units::quantity<dim, double>;
os << '(' << qv.eVector(0) << ' ' << qv.eVector(1) << ' ' << qv.eVector(2)
<< ") " << phys::units::to_unit_symbol<dim, double>(Quantity(phys::units::detail::magnitude_tag, 1));
return os;
#ifndef _include_SPHERE_H_
#define _include_SPHERE_H_
#include <Geometry/Point.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
class Sphere
using Length = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::length_d, double>;
Point center;
Length const radius;
Sphere(Point const& pCenter, Length const pRadius) :
center(pCenter), radius(pRadius)
auto isInside(Point const& p) const
return radius*radius > (center - p).squaredNorm();
#ifndef _include_VECTOR_H_
#define _include_VECTOR_H_
#include <Geometry/BaseVector.h>
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
template <typename dim>
class Vector : public BaseVector<dim>
using Quantity = phys::units::quantity<dim, double>;
Vector(CoordinateSystem const& pCS, QuantityVector<dim> pQVector) :
BaseVector<dim>(pCS, pQVector)
Vector(CoordinateSystem const& cs, Quantity x, Quantity y, Quantity z) :
BaseVector<dim>(cs, QuantityVector<dim>(x, y, z))
auto getComponents() const
return BaseVector<dim>::qVector;
auto getComponents(CoordinateSystem const& pCS) const
if (&pCS == BaseVector<dim>::cs)
return BaseVector<dim>::qVector;
return QuantityVector<dim>(CoordinateSystem::getTransformation(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, pCS).linear() * BaseVector<dim>::qVector.eVector);
void rebase(CoordinateSystem const& pCS)
BaseVector<dim>::qVector = getComponents(pCS);
BaseVector<dim>::cs = &pCS;
auto norm() const
return BaseVector<dim>::qVector.norm();
auto squaredNorm() const
return BaseVector<dim>::qVector.squaredNorm();
template <typename dim2>
auto parallelProjectionOnto(Vector<dim2> const& pVec, CoordinateSystem const& pCS) const
auto const ourCompVec = getComponents(pCS);
auto const otherCompVec = pVec.getComponents(pCS);
auto const& a = ourCompVec.eVector;
auto const& b = otherCompVec.eVector;
return Vector<dim>(pCS, QuantityVector<dim>(b * ((a.dot(b)) / b.squaredNorm())));
template <typename dim2>
auto parallelProjectionOnto(Vector<dim2> const& pVec) const
return parallelProjectionOnto<dim2>(pVec, *BaseVector<dim>::cs);
auto operator+(Vector<dim> const& pVec) const
auto const components = getComponents(*BaseVector<dim>::cs) + pVec.getComponents(*BaseVector<dim>::cs);
return Vector<dim>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, components);
auto operator-(Vector<dim> const& pVec) const
auto const components = getComponents() - pVec.getComponents(*BaseVector<dim>::cs);
return Vector<dim>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, components);
auto& operator*=(double const p)
BaseVector<dim>::qVector *= p;
return *this;
template <typename ScalarDim>
auto operator*(phys::units::quantity<ScalarDim, double> const p) const
using ProdQuantity = phys::units::detail::Product<dim, ScalarDim, double, double>;
if constexpr (std::is_same<ProdQuantity, double>::value) // result dimensionless, not a "Quantity" anymore
return Vector<phys::units::dimensionless_d>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, BaseVector<dim>::qVector * p);
return Vector<typename ProdQuantity::dimension_type>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, BaseVector<dim>::qVector * p);
template <typename ScalarDim>
auto operator/(phys::units::quantity<ScalarDim, double> const p) const
return (*this) * (1 / p);
auto operator*(double const p) const
return Vector<dim>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, BaseVector<dim>::qVector * p);
auto operator/(double const p) const
return Vector<dim>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, BaseVector<dim>::qVector / p);
auto& operator+=(Vector<dim> const& pVec)
BaseVector<dim>::qVector += pVec.getComponents(*BaseVector<dim>::cs);
return *this;
auto& operator-=(Vector<dim> const& pVec)
BaseVector<dim>::qVector -= pVec.getComponents(*BaseVector<dim>::cs);
return *this;
auto& operator-() const
return Vector<dim>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, - BaseVector<dim>::qVector);
auto normalized() const
return (*this) * (1 / norm());
template <typename dim2>
auto cross(Vector<dim2> pV) const
auto const c1 = getComponents().eVector;
auto const c2 = pV.getComponents(*BaseVector<dim>::cs).eVector;
auto const bareResult = c1.cross(c2);
using ProdQuantity = phys::units::detail::Product<dim, dim2, double, double>;
if constexpr (std::is_same<ProdQuantity, double>::value) // result dimensionless, not a "Quantity" anymore
return Vector<phys::units::dimensionless_d>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, bareResult);
return Vector<typename ProdQuantity::dimension_type>(*BaseVector<dim>::cs, bareResult);
#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
using namespace phys::units;
TEST_CASE( "PhysicalUnits", "[Units]" )
SECTION( "sectionOne" )
REQUIRE( 1_m/1_m == 1 );
SECTION( "sectionTwo" )
REQUIRE_FALSE( 1_m/1_m == 2 );
SECTION( "sectionThree" )
REQUIRE( 1_s/1_s == 2 );
#ifndef _include_BufferedSink_h_
#define _include_BufferedSink_h_
namespace logger {
namespace sink {
Output buffer template. NoBuffer does nothingk.
struct NoBuffer {
inline bool Test(const std::string&) const { return false; }
inline std::string GetString() const { return std::string(""); }
inline void Clear() {}
inline void Add(const std::string&) {}
Output buffer template. StdBuffer records fSize characters in
local memeory before passing it on to further output stages.
struct StdBuffer {
StdBuffer(const int size) : fSize(size) {}
inline bool Test(const std::string& s) { return int(fBuffer.tellp())+s.length() < fSize; }
inline std::string GetString() const { return fBuffer.str(); }
inline void Clear() { fBuffer.str(""); }
inline void Add(const std::string& s) { fBuffer << s; }
int fSize;
std::ostringstream fBuffer;
Definition of Sink for log output.
template<typename TStream, typename TBuffer=StdBuffer>
class BufferedSink {
BufferedSink(TStream& out, TBuffer buffer = {} ) : fOutput(out), fBuffer(std::move(buffer)) {}
void operator<<(const std::string& msg) {
if (!fBuffer.Test(msg)) {
fOutput << fBuffer.GetString();
if (!fBuffer.Test(msg))
fOutput << msg;
void Close() { fOutput << fBuffer.GetString(); }
TStream& fOutput;
TBuffer fBuffer;
typedef BufferedSink<std::ostream, StdBuffer> BufferedSinkStream;
}// end namespace
} // end namespace
add_library (CORSIKAlogging INTERFACE)
target_include_directories (CORSIKAlogging INTERFACE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework)
target_include_directories (CORSIKAlogging INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework>
install (FILES Logger.h Sink.h MessageOn.h MessageOff.h NoSink.h Sink.h BufferedSink.h
DESTINATION include/Logging)
#ifndef _include_logger_h_
#define _include_logger_h_
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <Logging/MessageOn.h>
#include <Logging/MessageOff.h>
#include <Logging/Sink.h>
#include <Logging/NoSink.h>
#include <Logging/BufferedSink.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
Everything around logfile generation and text output.
namespace logger {
Defines one stream to accept messages, and to wrote those into
TSink. The helper class MessageOn will convert input at
compile-time into message strings. The helper class MessageOff,
will just do nothing and will be optimized away at compile time.
template<typename MSG=MessageOn, typename TSink=sink::NoSink>
class Logger : private MSG {
using MSG::Message;
// Logger() : fName("") {}
Logger(const std::string color, const std::string name, TSink& sink) : fSink(sink), fName(color+"["+name+"]\033[39m ") {}
~Logger() { fSink.Close(); }
// Logger(const Logger&) = delete;
Function to add string-concatenation of all inputs to output
template<typename ... Strings>
void Log(const Strings&... inputs) {
fSink << MSG::Message(inputs...);
const std::string& GetName() const { return fName; }
TSink& fSink;
std::string fName;
} // end namesapce
#define LOG(__LOGGER,...) \
__LOGGER.Log(__LOGGER.GetName(), __FILE__,":", __LINE__, " (", __func__, ") -> ", ##__VA_ARGS__);
CXXFLAGS+=-I. --std=c++14 -O3
all: test test_off
#test: test.o
# $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
rm -rf *.o test test_off *.dat *.log
#ifndef _include_MessageOff_h_
#define _include_MessageOff_h_
namespace logger {
Helper class to ignore all arguments to MessagesOn::Message and
always return empty string "".
class MessageOff {
template<typename First, typename ... Strings> std::string Message(const First& arg, const Strings&... rest) {
return "";
} // end namespace
#ifndef _include_MessageOn_h_
#define _include_MessageOn_h_
namespace logger {
Helper class to convert all input arguments of MessageOn::Message
into string-concatenated version and return this as string.
class MessageOn {
std::string Message() { return "\n"; }
template<typename First, typename ... Strings> std::string Message(const First& arg, const Strings&... rest) {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << arg << Message(rest...);
return ss.str();
template<typename ... Strings> std::string Message(const int& arg, const Strings&... rest) {
return std::to_string(arg) + Message(rest...);
template<typename ... Strings> std::string Message(const double& arg, const Strings&... rest) {
return std::to_string(arg) + Message(rest...);
template<typename ... Strings> std::string Message(char const * arg, const Strings&... rest) {
return std::string(arg) + Message(rest...);
template<typename ... Strings> std::string Message(const std::string& arg, const Strings&... rest) {
return arg + Message(rest...);
// ----------------------
// boost format
template<typename ... Strings> std::string Message(const boost::format& fmt, const Strings&... rest) {
boost::format FMT(fmt);
return bformat(FMT, rest...);
template<typename Arg, typename ... Strings> std::string bformat(boost::format& fmt, const Arg& arg, const Strings&... rest) {
fmt % arg;
return bformat(fmt, rest...);
std::string bformat(boost::format& fmt) { return fmt.str() + "\n"; }
}// end namesapce
#ifndef _include_NoSink_h_
#define _include_NoSink_h_
namespace logger {
namespace sink {
struct NoSink {
inline void operator<<(const std::string&) {}
inline void Close() {}
}// end namespace
} // end namespace
#ifndef _include_Sink_h_
#define _include_Sink_h_
namespace logger {
a sink for the logger must implement the two functions
operator<<(const std::string&)
See example: NoSink
namespace sink {
Definition of Sink for log output.
template<typename TStream>
class Sink {
Sink(TStream& out) : fOutput(out) {}
void operator<<(const std::string& msg) {
fOutput << msg;
void Close() {}
TStream& fOutput;
typedef Sink<std::ostream> SinkStream;
}// end namespace
} // end namespace
set (STACK_HEADERS StackOne.h)
add_library (CORSIKAstack INTERFACE)
#set_target_properties (CORSIKAstack PROPERTIES SOVERSION 1)
#target_link_libraries (CORSIKAstackinterface CORSIKAunits)
#target_include_directories (CORSIKAstack PRIVATE ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (CORSIKAstack INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework>
install (FILES StackOne.h DESTINATION include/Stack)
#ifndef _include_StackIterator_h__
#define _include_StackIterator_h__
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
namespace stack {
template<class Stack, class Particle> class StackIteratorInfo;
The main interface to iterator over objects on a stack.
template<typename Stack, typename Particle>
class StackIterator : public Particle
friend Stack;
friend Particle;
friend StackIteratorInfo<Stack,Particle>;
int fIndex;
//#warning stacks should not be copied because of this:
Stack* fData;
StackIterator() : fData(0), fIndex(0) { }
StackIterator(Stack& data, const int index) : fData(&data), fIndex(index) { }
StackIterator(const StackIterator& mit) : fData(mit.fData), fIndex(mit.fIndex) { }
StackIterator& operator++() { ++fIndex; return *this; }
StackIterator operator++(int) { StackIterator tmp(*this); ++fIndex; return tmp; }
bool operator==(const StackIterator& rhs) { return fIndex == rhs.fIndex; }
bool operator!=(const StackIterator& rhs) { return fIndex != rhs.fIndex; }
StackIterator& operator*() { return *this; }
const StackIterator& operator*() const { return *this; }
int GetIndex() const { return fIndex; }
Stack& GetStack() { return *fData; }
const Stack& GetStack() const { return *fData; }
inline StackIterator<Stack,Particle>& base_ref() { return static_cast<StackIterator<Stack, Particle>&>(*this); }
inline const StackIterator<Stack,Particle>& base_ref() const { return static_cast<const StackIterator<Stack, Particle>&>(*this); }
Internal helper class for StackIterator
template<class _Stack, class Particle>
class StackIteratorInfo {
friend Particle;
StackIteratorInfo() {}
inline _Stack& Stack() { return static_cast<StackIterator<_Stack, Particle>*>(this)->GetStack(); }
inline int Index() const { return static_cast<const StackIterator<_Stack, Particle>*>(this)->GetIndex(); }
inline const _Stack& Stack() const { return static_cast<const StackIterator<_Stack, Particle>*>(this)->GetStack(); }
} // end namespace stack
#ifndef _include_stackone_h_
#define _include_stackone_h_
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <StackInterface/Stack.h>
namespace stack {
Example of a particle object on the stack.
template<typename _Stack>
class ParticleReadOne : public StackIteratorInfo<_Stack, ParticleReadOne<_Stack> >
using StackIteratorInfo<_Stack, ParticleReadOne>::GetIndex;
using StackIteratorInfo<_Stack, ParticleReadOne>::GetStack;
void SetId(const int id) { GetStack().SetId(GetIndex(), id); }
void SetEnergy(const double e) { GetStack().SetEnergy(GetIndex(), e); }
int GetId() const { GetStack().GetId(GetIndex()); }
double GetEnergy() const { GetStack().GetEnergy(GetIndex()); }
double GetPDG() const { return 0; } // ConvertToPDG(GetId()); }
void SetPDG(double v) { GetStack().SetId(0, 0); } //fIndex, ConvertFromPDG(v)); }
Memory implementation of the most simple particle stack object.
class StackOneImpl
/// the actual memory to store particle data
std::vector<int> fId;
std::vector<double> fData;
void Clear() { fData.clear(); }
int GetSize() const { return fData.size(); }
int GetCapacity() const { return fData.size(); }
void SetId(const int i, const int id) { fId[i] = id; }
void SetEnergy(const int i, const double e) { fData[i] = e; }
const int GetId(const int i) const { return fId[i]; }
const double GetEnergy(const int i) const { return fData[i]; }
Function to copy particle at location i2 in stack to i1
void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) {
fData[i2] = fData[i1];
fId[i2] = fId[i1];
void IncrementSize() { fData.push_back(0.); fId.push_back(0.); }
void DecrementSize() { if (fData.size()>0) { fData.pop_back(); fId.pop_back(); } }
typedef StackIterator<StackOneImpl, ParticleReadOne<StackOneImpl> > ParticleOne;
typedef Stack<StackOneImpl, ParticleOne> StackOne;
} // end namespace