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  • AirShowerPhysics/corsika
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* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/math/quadrature/gauss_kronrod.hpp>
namespace corsika::environment {
* \class ShowerAxis
* The environment::ShowerAxis is created from a geometry::Point and
* a geometry::Vector and inside an Environment. It internally uses
* a table with steps=10000 (default) rows for interpolation.
* The shower axis can convert location in the shower into a
* projected grammage along the shower axis.
class ShowerAxis {
template <typename TEnvModel>
ShowerAxis(geometry::Point const& pStart,
geometry::Vector<units::si::length_d> length,
environment::Environment<TEnvModel> const& env, int steps = 10'000)
: pointStart_(pStart)
, length_(length)
, max_length_(length_.norm())
, steplength_(max_length_ / steps)
, axis_normalized_(length / max_length_)
, X_(steps + 1) {
auto const* const universe = env.GetUniverse().get();
auto rho = [pStart, length, universe](double x) {
auto const p = pStart + length * x;
auto const* node = universe->GetContainingNode(p);
return node->GetModelProperties().GetMassDensity(p).magnitude();
double error;
int k = 0;
X_[0] = units::si::GrammageType::zero();
auto sum = units::si::GrammageType::zero();
for (int i = 1; i <= steps; ++i) {
auto const x_prev = (i - 1.) / steps;
auto const d_prev = max_length_ * x_prev;
auto const x = double(i) / steps;
auto const r = boost::math::quadrature::gauss_kronrod<double, 15>::integrate(
rho, x_prev, x, 15, 1e-9, &error);
auto const result =
units::si::MassDensityType(phys::units::detail::magnitude_tag, r) *
sum += result;
X_[i] = sum;
for (; sum > k * X_binning_; ++k) {
d_.emplace_back(d_prev + k * X_binning_ * steplength_ / result);
assert(std::is_sorted(X_.cbegin(), X_.cend()));
assert(std::is_sorted(d_.cbegin(), d_.cend()));
units::si::LengthType steplength() const;
units::si::GrammageType maximumX() const;
units::si::GrammageType minimumX() const;
units::si::GrammageType projectedX(geometry::Point const& p) const;
units::si::GrammageType X(units::si::LengthType) const;
geometry::Vector<units::si::dimensionless_d> const& GetDirection() const;
geometry::Point const& GetStart() const;
geometry::Point const pointStart_;
geometry::Vector<units::si::length_d> const length_;
units::si::LengthType const max_length_, steplength_;
geometry::Vector<units::si::dimensionless_d> const axis_normalized_;
std::vector<units::si::GrammageType> X_;
// for storing the lengths corresponding to equidistant X values
units::si::GrammageType const X_binning_ = std::invoke([]() {
using namespace units::si;
return 1_g / 1_cm / 1_cm;
std::vector<units::si::LengthType> d_;
} // namespace corsika::environment
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/environment/FlatExponential.h>
#include <corsika/environment/NuclearComposition.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Line.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Trajectory.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/random/RNGManager.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
namespace corsika::environment {
// clang-format off
* The SlidingPlanarExponential models mass density as
* \f[
* \varrho(r) = \varrho_0 \exp\left( \frac{|p_0 - r|}{\lambda} \right).
* \f]
* For grammage/length conversion, the density distribution is approximated as
* locally flat at the starting point \f$ r_0 \f$ of the trajectory with the axis pointing
* from \f$ p_0 \f$ to \f$ r_0 \f$.
//clang-format on
template <class T>
class SlidingPlanarExponential : public BaseExponential<SlidingPlanarExponential<T>>,
public T {
NuclearComposition const nuclComp_;
units::si::LengthType const referenceHeight_;
using Base = BaseExponential<SlidingPlanarExponential<T>>;
SlidingPlanarExponential(geometry::Point const& p0, units::si::MassDensityType rho0,
units::si::LengthType lambda, NuclearComposition nuclComp, units::si::LengthType referenceHeight = units::si::LengthType::zero())
: Base(p0, rho0, lambda)
, nuclComp_(nuclComp),
referenceHeight_(referenceHeight) {}
units::si::MassDensityType GetMassDensity(
geometry::Point const& p) const override {
auto const height = (p - Base::fP0).norm() - referenceHeight_;
return Base::fRho0 * exp(Base::fInvLambda * height);
NuclearComposition const& GetNuclearComposition() const override { return nuclComp_; }
units::si::GrammageType IntegratedGrammage(
geometry::Trajectory<geometry::Line> const& line,
units::si::LengthType l) const override {
auto const axis = (line.GetR0() - Base::fP0).normalized();
return Base::IntegratedGrammage(line, l, axis);
units::si::LengthType ArclengthFromGrammage(
geometry::Trajectory<geometry::Line> const& line,
units::si::GrammageType grammage) const override {
auto const axis = (line.GetR0() - Base::fP0).normalized();
return Base::ArclengthFromGrammage(line, grammage, axis);
} // namespace corsika::environment
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/environment/IMediumModel.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Volume.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace corsika::environment {
class Empty {}; //<! intended for usage as default template argument
template <typename TModelProperties = Empty>
class VolumeTreeNode {
using IModelProperties = TModelProperties;
using VTNUPtr = std::unique_ptr<VolumeTreeNode<IModelProperties>>;
using IMPSharedPtr = std::shared_ptr<IModelProperties>;
using VolUPtr = std::unique_ptr<corsika::geometry::Volume>;
VolumeTreeNode(VolUPtr pVolume = nullptr)
: fGeoVolume(std::move(pVolume)) {}
//! convenience function equivalent to Volume::Contains
bool Contains(corsika::geometry::Point const& p) const {
return fGeoVolume->Contains(p);
VolumeTreeNode<IModelProperties> const* Excludes(
corsika::geometry::Point const& p) const {
auto exclContainsIter =
std::find_if(fExcludedNodes.cbegin(), fExcludedNodes.cend(),
[&](auto const& s) { return bool(s->Contains(p)); });
return exclContainsIter != fExcludedNodes.cend() ? *exclContainsIter : nullptr;
/** returns a pointer to the sub-VolumeTreeNode which is "responsible" for the given
* \class Point \p p, or nullptr iff \p p is not contained in this volume.
VolumeTreeNode<IModelProperties> const* GetContainingNode(
corsika::geometry::Point const& p) const {
if (!Contains(p)) { return nullptr; }
if (auto const childContainsIter =
std::find_if(fChildNodes.cbegin(), fChildNodes.cend(),
[&](auto const& s) { return bool(s->Contains(p)); });
childContainsIter == fChildNodes.cend()) // not contained in any of the children
if (auto const exclContainsIter = Excludes(p)) // contained in any excluded nodes
return exclContainsIter->GetContainingNode(p);
} else {
return this;
} else {
return (*childContainsIter)->GetContainingNode(p);
* Traverses the VolumeTree pre- or post-order and calls the functor \p func for each
* node. \p func takes a reference to VolumeTreeNode as argument. The return value \p
* func is ignored.
template <typename TCallable, bool preorder = true>
void walk(TCallable func) {
if constexpr (preorder) { func(*this); }
std::for_each(fChildNodes.begin(), fChildNodes.end(),
[&](auto& v) { v->walk(func); });
if constexpr (!preorder) { func(*this); };
void AddChild(VTNUPtr pChild) {
pChild->fParentNode = this;
// It is a bad idea to return an iterator to the inserted element
// because it might get invalidated when the vector needs to grow
// later and the caller won't notice.
void ExcludeOverlapWith(VTNUPtr const& pNode) {
auto* GetParent() const { return fParentNode; };
auto const& GetChildNodes() const { return fChildNodes; }
auto const& GetExcludedNodes() const { return fExcludedNodes; }
auto const& GetVolume() const { return *fGeoVolume; }
auto const& GetModelProperties() const { return *fModelProperties; }
bool HasModelProperties() const { return fModelProperties.get() != nullptr; }
template <typename ModelProperties, typename... Args>
auto SetModelProperties(Args&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<IModelProperties, ModelProperties>,
"unusable type provided");
fModelProperties = std::make_shared<ModelProperties>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return fModelProperties;
void SetModelProperties(IMPSharedPtr ptr) { fModelProperties = ptr; }
template <class MediumType, typename... Args>
static auto CreateMedium(Args&&... args) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<IMediumModel, MediumType>,
"unusable type provided, needs to be derived from \"IMediumModel\"");
return std::make_shared<MediumType>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
std::vector<VTNUPtr> fChildNodes;
std::vector<VolumeTreeNode<IModelProperties> const*> fExcludedNodes;
VolumeTreeNode<IModelProperties> const* fParentNode = nullptr;
VolUPtr fGeoVolume;
IMPSharedPtr fModelProperties;
} // namespace corsika::environment
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/environment/DensityFunction.h>
#include <corsika/environment/FlatExponential.h>
#include <corsika/environment/HomogeneousMedium.h>
#include <corsika/environment/IMagneticFieldModel.h>
#include <corsika/environment/IMediumModel.h>
#include <corsika/environment/IRefractiveIndexModel.h>
#include <corsika/environment/InhomogeneousMedium.h>
#include <corsika/environment/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.h>
#include <corsika/environment/LinearApproximationIntegrator.h>
#include <corsika/environment/NuclearComposition.h>
#include <corsika/environment/SlidingPlanarExponential.h>
#include <corsika/environment/UniformMagneticField.h>
#include <corsika/environment/UniformRefractiveIndex.h>
#include <corsika/environment/VolumeTreeNode.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Line.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
using namespace corsika::geometry;
using namespace corsika::environment;
using namespace corsika::particles;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
using namespace corsika;
CoordinateSystem const& gCS =
Point const gOrigin(gCS, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
TEST_CASE("HomogeneousMedium") {
NuclearComposition const protonComposition(std::vector<Code>{Code::Proton},
HomogeneousMedium<IMediumModel> const medium(19.2_g / cube(1_cm), protonComposition);
TEST_CASE("FlatExponential") {
NuclearComposition const protonComposition(std::vector<Code>{Code::Proton},
Vector const axis(gCS, QuantityVector<dimensionless_d>(0, 0, 1));
LengthType const lambda = 3_m;
auto const rho0 = 1_g / units::static_pow<3>(1_cm);
FlatExponential<IMediumModel> const medium(gOrigin, axis, rho0, lambda,
auto const tEnd = 5_s;
SECTION("horizontal") {
Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {20_cm / second, 0_m / second, 0_m / second}));
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
REQUIRE((medium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, 2_m) / (rho0 * 2_m)) == Approx(1));
REQUIRE((medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, rho0 * 5_m) / 5_m) == Approx(1));
SECTION("vertical") {
Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {0_m / second, 0_m / second, 5_m / second}));
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
LengthType const length = 2 * lambda;
GrammageType const exact = rho0 * lambda * (exp(length / lambda) - 1);
REQUIRE((medium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, length) / exact) == Approx(1));
REQUIRE((medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, exact) / length) == Approx(1));
SECTION("escape grammage") {
Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {0_m / second, 0_m / second, -5_m / second}));
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
GrammageType const escapeGrammage = rho0 * lambda;
REQUIRE(trajectory.NormalizedDirection().dot(axis).magnitude() < 0);
REQUIRE(medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, 1.2 * escapeGrammage) ==
std::numeric_limits<typename GrammageType::value_type>::infinity() * 1_m);
SECTION("inclined") {
Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {0_m / second, 5_m / second, 5_m / second}));
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
double const cosTheta = M_SQRT1_2;
LengthType const length = 2 * lambda;
GrammageType const exact =
rho0 * lambda * (exp(cosTheta * length / lambda) - 1) / cosTheta;
REQUIRE((medium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, length) / exact) == Approx(1));
REQUIRE((medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, exact) / length) == Approx(1));
TEST_CASE("SlidingPlanarExponential") {
NuclearComposition const protonComposition(std::vector<Code>{Code::Proton},
LengthType const lambda = 3_m;
auto const rho0 = 1_g / units::static_pow<3>(1_cm);
auto const tEnd = 5_s;
SlidingPlanarExponential<IMediumModel> const medium(gOrigin, rho0, lambda,
SECTION("density") {
CHECK(medium.GetMassDensity({gCS, {0_m, 0_m, 3_m}}) /
medium.GetMassDensity({gCS, {0_m, 3_m, 0_m}}) ==
SECTION("vertical") {
Vector const axis(gCS, QuantityVector<dimensionless_d>(0, 0, 1));
FlatExponential<IMediumModel> const flat(gOrigin, axis, rho0, lambda,
Line const line({gCS, {0_m, 0_m, 1_m}},
gCS, {0_m / second, 0_m / second, 5_m / second}));
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
CHECK(medium.GetMassDensity({gCS, {0_mm, 0_m, 3_m}}).magnitude() ==
flat.GetMassDensity({gCS, {0_mm, 0_m, 3_m}}).magnitude());
CHECK(medium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, 2_m).magnitude() ==
flat.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, 2_m).magnitude());
CHECK(medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, rho0 * 5_m).magnitude() ==
flat.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, rho0 * 5_m).magnitude());
auto constexpr rho0 = 1_kg / 1_m / 1_m / 1_m;
struct Exponential {
auto operator()(corsika::geometry::Point const& p) const {
return exp(p.GetCoordinates()[0] / 1_m) * rho0;
template <int N>
auto Derivative(Point const& p, Vector<dimensionless_d> const& v) const {
return v.GetComponents()[0] * (*this)(p) / corsika::units::static_pow<N>(1_m);
auto FirstDerivative(Point const& p, Vector<dimensionless_d> const& v) const {
return Derivative<1>(p, v);
auto SecondDerivative(Point const& p, Vector<dimensionless_d> const& v) const {
return Derivative<2>(p, v);
TEST_CASE("InhomogeneousMedium") {
Vector direction(gCS, QuantityVector<dimensionless_d>(1, 0, 0));
Line line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {20_m / second, 0_m / second, 0_m / second}));
auto const tEnd = 5_s;
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
Exponential const e;
DensityFunction<decltype(e), LinearApproximationIntegrator> const rho(e);
SECTION("DensityFunction") {
REQUIRE(e.Derivative<1>(gOrigin, direction) / (1_kg / 1_m / 1_m / 1_m / 1_m) ==
REQUIRE(rho.EvaluateAt(gOrigin) == e(gOrigin));
auto const exactGrammage = [](auto l) { return 1_m * rho0 * (exp(l / 1_m) - 1); };
auto const exactLength = [](auto X) { return 1_m * log(1 + X / (rho0 * 1_m)); };
auto constexpr l = 15_cm;
NuclearComposition const composition{{Code::Proton}, {1.f}};
InhomogeneousMedium<IMediumModel, decltype(rho)> const inhMedium(composition, rho);
SECTION("Integration") {
REQUIRE(rho.IntegrateGrammage(trajectory, l) / exactGrammage(l) ==
REQUIRE(rho.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, exactGrammage(l)) /
exactLength(exactGrammage(l)) ==
REQUIRE(rho.MaximumLength(trajectory, 1e-2) >
l); // todo: write reasonable test when implementation is working
REQUIRE(rho.IntegrateGrammage(trajectory, l) ==
inhMedium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, l));
REQUIRE(rho.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, 20_g / (1_cm * 1_cm)) ==
inhMedium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, 20_g / (1_cm * 1_cm)));
TEST_CASE("LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder") {
LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder builder(gOrigin);
{{{particles::Code::Nitrogen, particles::Code::Oxygen}}, {{.6, .4}}});
builder.addLinearLayer(1_km, 10_km);
builder.addLinearLayer(2_km, 20_km);
builder.addLinearLayer(3_km, 30_km);
REQUIRE(builder.size() == 3);
auto const builtEnv = builder.assemble();
auto const& univ = builtEnv.GetUniverse();
REQUIRE(builder.size() == 0);
auto const R = builder.getEarthRadius();
REQUIRE(univ->GetChildNodes().size() == 1);
REQUIRE(univ->GetContainingNode(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, R + 35_km)) == univ.get());
REQUIRE(dynamic_cast<Sphere const&>(
univ->GetContainingNode(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, R + 8_km))->GetVolume())
.GetRadius() == R + 10_km);
REQUIRE(dynamic_cast<Sphere const&>(
univ->GetContainingNode(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, R + 12_km))->GetVolume())
.GetRadius() == R + 20_km);
REQUIRE(dynamic_cast<Sphere const&>(
univ->GetContainingNode(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, R + 24_km))->GetVolume())
.GetRadius() == R + 30_km);
TEST_CASE("UniformMagneticField w/ Homogeneous Medium") {
// setup our interface types
using IModelInterface = IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>;
using AtmModel = UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>;
// the composition we use for the homogenous medium
NuclearComposition const protonComposition(std::vector<Code>{Code::Proton},
// create a magnetic field vector
Vector B0(gCS, 0_T, 0_T, 0_T);
// the constant density
const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
// create our atmospheric model
AtmModel medium(B0, density, protonComposition);
// and test at several locations
REQUIRE(B0.GetComponents(gCS) ==
medium.GetMagneticField(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)).GetComponents(gCS));
B0.GetComponents(gCS) ==
medium.GetMagneticField(Point(gCS, 1000_km, -1000_km, 1000_km)).GetComponents(gCS));
REQUIRE(B0.GetComponents(gCS) ==
medium.GetMagneticField(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)).GetComponents(gCS));
// create a new magnetic field vector
Vector B1(gCS, 23_T, 57_T, -4_T);
// and update this atmospheric model
// and test at several locations
REQUIRE(B1.GetComponents(gCS) ==
medium.GetMagneticField(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)).GetComponents(gCS));
B1.GetComponents(gCS) ==
medium.GetMagneticField(Point(gCS, 1000_km, -1000_km, 1000_km)).GetComponents(gCS));
REQUIRE(B1.GetComponents(gCS) ==
medium.GetMagneticField(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)).GetComponents(gCS));
// check the density and nuclear composition
REQUIRE(density == medium.GetMassDensity(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)));
// create a line of length 1 m
Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {1_m / second, 0_m / second, 0_m / second}));
// the end time of our line
auto const tEnd = 1_s;
// and the associated trajectory
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
// and check the integrated grammage
REQUIRE((medium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, 3_m) / (density * 3_m)) == Approx(1));
REQUIRE((medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, density * 5_m) / 5_m) == Approx(1));
TEST_CASE("UniformRefractiveIndex w/ Homogeneous") {
// setup our interface types
using IModelInterface = IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>;
using AtmModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>;
// the constant density
const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
// the composition we use for the homogenous medium
NuclearComposition const protonComposition(std::vector<Code>{Code::Proton},
// the refrative index that we use
const double n{1.000327};
// create the atmospheric model
AtmModel medium(n, density, protonComposition);
// and require that it is constant
REQUIRE(n == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)));
REQUIRE(n == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, +210_m, 0_m, 7_km)));
REQUIRE(n == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_km)));
REQUIRE(n == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, 100_km, 400_km, 350_km)));
// a new refractive index
const double n2{2.3472123};
// update the refractive index of this atmospheric model
// check that the returned refractive index is correct
REQUIRE(n2 == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)));
REQUIRE(n2 == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, +210_m, 0_m, 7_km)));
REQUIRE(n2 == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_km)));
REQUIRE(n2 == medium.GetRefractiveIndex(Point(gCS, 100_km, 400_km, 350_km)));
// define our axis vector
Vector const axis(gCS, QuantityVector<dimensionless_d>(0, 0, 1));
// check the density and nuclear composition
REQUIRE(density == medium.GetMassDensity(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)));
// create a line of length 1 m
Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
gCS, {1_m / second, 0_m / second, 0_m / second}));
// the end time of our line
auto const tEnd = 1_s;
// and the associated trajectory
Trajectory<Line> const trajectory(line, tEnd);
// and check the integrated grammage
REQUIRE((medium.IntegratedGrammage(trajectory, 3_m) / (density * 3_m)) == Approx(1));
REQUIRE((medium.ArclengthFromGrammage(trajectory, density * 5_m) / 5_m) == Approx(1));
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/environment/DensityFunction.h>
#include <corsika/environment/HomogeneousMedium.h>
#include <corsika/environment/IMediumModel.h>
#include <corsika/environment/NuclearComposition.h>
#include <corsika/environment/ShowerAxis.h>
#include <corsika/environment/VolumeTreeNode.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Line.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
using namespace corsika::geometry;
using namespace corsika::environment;
using namespace corsika::particles;
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
using namespace corsika;
const auto density = 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m);
auto setupEnvironment(particles::Code vTargetCode) {
// setup environment, geometry
auto env = std::make_unique<environment::Environment<environment::IMediumModel>>();
auto& universe = *(env->GetUniverse());
const geometry::CoordinateSystem& cs = env->GetCoordinateSystem();
auto theMedium =
geometry::Point{cs, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m},
1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
using MyHomogeneousModel = environment::HomogeneousMedium<environment::IMediumModel>;
density, environment::NuclearComposition(std::vector<particles::Code>{vTargetCode},
auto const* nodePtr = theMedium.get();
return std::make_tuple(std::move(env), &cs, nodePtr);
TEST_CASE("Homogeneous Density") {
auto [env, csPtr, nodePtr] = setupEnvironment(particles::Code::Nitrogen);
auto const& cs = *csPtr;
[[maybe_unused]] auto const& env_dummy = env;
[[maybe_unused]] auto const& node_dummy = nodePtr;
auto const observationHeight = 0_km;
auto const injectionHeight = 10_km;
auto const t = -observationHeight + injectionHeight;
Point const showerCore{cs, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
Point const injectionPos = showerCore + Vector<dimensionless_d>{cs, {0, 0, 1}} * t;
environment::ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos),
*env, 20};
CHECK(showerAxis.steplength() == 500_m);
CHECK(showerAxis.maximumX() / (10_km * density) == Approx(1).epsilon(1e-8));
CHECK(showerAxis.minimumX() == 0_g / square(1_cm));
const Point p{cs, 10_km, 20_km, 8.3_km};
CHECK(showerAxis.projectedX(p) / (1.7_km * density) == Approx(1).epsilon(1e-8));
const units::si::LengthType d = 6.789_km;
CHECK(showerAxis.X(d) / (d * density) == Approx(1).epsilon(1e-8));
const Vector<dimensionless_d> dir{cs, {0, 0, -1}};
CHECK(showerAxis.GetDirection().GetComponents(cs) == dir.GetComponents(cs));
CHECK(showerAxis.GetStart().GetCoordinates() == injectionPos.GetCoordinates());
# create the library
add_library (CORSIKAanalytics INTERFACE)
# namespace of library -> location of header files
set (
# header files of this library
set (
# copy the headers into the namespace
# include directive for upstream code
target_include_directories (
# and link against spdlog
# CORSIKAanalytics
# spdlog::spdlog
# install library
install (
# ----------------
# code unit testing
CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (testFunctionTimer)
target_link_libraries (
CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (testClassTimer)
target_link_libraries (
* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <utility>
namespace corsika::analytics {
/// Wraps and measures the runtime of a single function type object
* @tparam TFunc funtion pointer that should be wrapped
* @tparam TClock type of the clock that should be used for measurements
* @tparam TDuration type of std::duration to measure the elapsed time
template <typename TFunc, typename TClock = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock,
typename TDuration = std::chrono::microseconds>
class FunctionTimer {
typename TClock::time_point start_;
TDuration timeDiff_;
TFunc function_;
/// Constructs the wrapper with the given functionpointer
FunctionTimer(TFunc f)
: function_(f) {}
template <typename... TArgs>
auto operator()(TArgs&&... args) -> std::invoke_result_t<TFunc, TArgs...> {
start_ = TClock::now();
auto tmp = function_(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
timeDiff_ = std::chrono::duration_cast<TDuration>(TClock::now() - start_);
return tmp;
inline TDuration getTime() const { return timeDiff_; }
} // namespace corsika::analytics
add_subdirectory (Analytics)
add_subdirectory (Cascade)
add_subdirectory (Geometry)
add_subdirectory (Logging)
add_subdirectory (Particles)
add_subdirectory (ProcessSequence)
add_subdirectory (Random)
add_subdirectory (StackInterface)
add_subdirectory (Testing)
add_subdirectory (Utilities)
add_subdirectory (Units)
# namespace of library -> location of header files
set (
# header files of this library
set (
add_library (CORSIKAcascade INTERFACE)
# include directive for upstream code
target_include_directories (
# install library
install (
# ----------------
# code unit testing
target_link_libraries (
Here are have to explain the corsika::cascade::Cascade class and its
\ No newline at end of file
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/logging/Logging.h>
#include <corsika/process/ProcessReturn.h>
#include <corsika/random/ExponentialDistribution.h>
#include <corsika/random/RNGManager.h>
#include <corsika/random/UniformRealDistribution.h>
#include <corsika/stack/SecondaryView.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/stack/history/EventType.hpp>
#include <corsika/stack/history/HistorySecondaryProducer.hpp>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
/* see Issue 161, we need to include SetupStack only because we need
to globally define StackView. This is clearly not nice and should
be changed, when possible. It might be that StackView needs to be
templated in Cascade, but this would be even worse... so we don't
do that until it is really needed.
#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
* The cascade namespace assembles all objects needed to simulate full particles cascades.
namespace corsika::cascade {
* \class Cascade
* The Cascade class is constructed from template arguments making
* it very versatile. Via the template arguments physics models are
* plugged into the cascade simulation.
* <b>TTracking</b> must be a class according to the
* TrackingInterface providing the functions:
* <code>auto GetTrack(Particle const& p)</auto>,
* with the return type <code>geometry::Trajectory<corsika::geometry::Line>
* </code>
* <b>TProcessList</b> must be a ProcessSequence. *
* <b>Stack</b> is the storage object for particle data, i.e. with
* Particle class type <code>Stack::ParticleType</code>
template <typename TTracking, typename TProcessList, typename TStack,
TStackView is needed as explicit template parameter because
of issue 161 and the
inability of clang to understand "stack::MakeView" so far.
typename TStackView = corsika::setup::StackView>
class Cascade {
using Particle = typename TStack::ParticleType;
using VolumeTreeNode =
using MediumInterface = typename VolumeTreeNode::IModelProperties;
// Data members
corsika::environment::Environment<MediumInterface> const& environment_;
TTracking& tracking_;
TProcessList& process_sequence_;
TStack& stack_;
corsika::random::RNG& rng_ =
unsigned int count_ = 0;
// we only want fully configured objects
Cascade() = delete;
* Cascade class cannot be default constructed, but needs a valid
* list of physics processes for configuration at construct time.
Cascade(corsika::environment::Environment<MediumInterface> const& env, TTracking& tr,
TProcessList& pl, TStack& stack)
: environment_(env)
, tracking_(tr)
, process_sequence_(pl)
, stack_(stack)
, count_(0) {
if constexpr (TStackView::has_event) {
C8LOG_INFO(" - With full cascade HISTORY.");
* The Run function is the main simulation loop, which processes
* particles from the Stack until the Stack is empty.
void Run() {
while (!stack_.IsEmpty()) {
while (!stack_.IsEmpty()) {
C8LOG_TRACE("Stack: {}", stack_.as_string());
auto pNext = stack_.GetNextParticle();
"============== next particle : count={}, pid={}, "
", stack entries={}"
", stack deleted={}",
count_, pNext.GetPID(), stack_.getEntries(), stack_.getDeleted());
// do cascade equations, which can put new particles on Stack,
// thus, the double loop
// DoCascadeEquations();
* Force an interaction of the top particle of the stack at its current position.
* Note that SetNodes() or an equivalent procedure needs to be called first if you
* want to call forceInteraction() for the primary interaction.
void forceInteraction() {
C8LOG_DEBUG("forced interaction!");
auto vParticle = stack_.GetNextParticle();
TStackView secondaries(vParticle);
vParticle.Delete(); // primary particle has interacted and is gone
* The Step function is executed for each particle from the
* stack. It will calcualte geometric transport of the particles,
* and apply continuous and stochastic processes to it, which may
* lead to energy losses, scattering, absorption, decays and the
* production of secondary particles.
* New particles produced in one step are subject to further
* processing, e.g. thinning, etc.
void Step(Particle& vParticle) {
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
// determine geometric tracking
auto [step, geomMaxLength, nextVol] = tracking_.GetTrack(vParticle);
[[maybe_unused]] auto const& dummy_nextVol = nextVol;
// determine combined total interaction length (inverse)
InverseGrammageType const total_inv_lambda =
// sample random exponential step length in grammage
corsika::random::ExponentialDistribution expDist(1 / total_inv_lambda);
GrammageType const next_interact = expDist(rng_);
"total_lambda={} g/cm2, "
", next_interact={} g/cm2",
double((1. / total_inv_lambda) / 1_g * 1_cm * 1_cm),
double(next_interact / 1_g * 1_cm * 1_cm));
auto const* currentLogicalNode = vParticle.GetNode();
// assert that particle stays outside void Universe if it has no
// model properties set
assert(currentLogicalNode != &*environment_.GetUniverse() ||
// convert next_step from grammage to length
LengthType const distance_interact =
// determine the maximum geometric step length from continuous processes
LengthType const distance_max = process_sequence_.MaxStepLength(vParticle, step);
C8LOG_DEBUG("distance_max={} m", distance_max / 1_m);
// determine combined total inverse decay time
InverseTimeType const total_inv_lifetime =
// sample random exponential decay time
corsika::random::ExponentialDistribution expDistDecay(1 / total_inv_lifetime);
TimeType const next_decay = expDistDecay(rng_);
"total_lifetime={} s"
", next_decay={} s",
(1 / total_inv_lifetime) / 1_s, next_decay / 1_s);
// convert next_decay from time to length [m]
LengthType const distance_decay = next_decay * vParticle.GetMomentum().norm() /
vParticle.GetEnergy() * units::constants::c;
// take minimum of geometry, interaction, decay for next step
auto const min_distance =
std::min({distance_interact, distance_decay, distance_max, geomMaxLength});
C8LOG_DEBUG("transport particle by : {} m", min_distance / 1_m);
// here the particle is actually moved along the trajectory to new position:
// std::visit(setup::ParticleUpdate<Particle>{vParticle}, step);
// .... also update time, momentum, direction, ...
vParticle.SetTime(vParticle.GetTime() + min_distance / units::constants::c);
// apply all continuous processes on particle + track
if (process_sequence_.DoContinuous(vParticle, step) ==
process::EProcessReturn::eParticleAbsorbed) {
C8LOG_DEBUG("Cascade: delete absorbed particle PID={} E={} GeV",
vParticle.GetPID(), vParticle.GetEnergy() / 1_GeV);
if (!vParticle.isDeleted()) vParticle.Delete();
C8LOG_DEBUG("sth. happening before geometric limit ? {}",
((min_distance < geomMaxLength) ? "yes" : "no"));
if (min_distance < geomMaxLength) { // interaction to happen within geometric limit
// check whether decay or interaction limits this step the
// outcome of decay or interaction MAY be a) new particles in
// secondaries, b) the projectile particle deleted (or
// changed)
TStackView secondaries(vParticle);
if (min_distance != distance_max) {
Create SecondaryView object on Stack. The data container
remains untouched and identical, and 'projectil' is identical
to 'vParticle' above this line. However,
projectil.AddSecondaries populate the SecondaryView, which can
then be used afterwards for further processing. Thus: it is
important to use projectle/view (and not vParticle) for Interaction,
and Decay!
[[maybe_unused]] auto projectile = secondaries.GetProjectile();
if (min_distance == distance_interact) {
} else {
assert(min_distance == distance_decay);
// make sure particle actually did decay if it should have done so
if (secondaries.getSize() == 1 &&
projectile.GetPID() == secondaries.GetNextParticle().GetPID())
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("Cascade: {} decayed into itself!",
} else { // step-length limitation within volume
C8LOG_DEBUG("step-length limitation");
// no extra physics happens here. just proceed to next step.
[[maybe_unused]] auto const assertion = [&] {
auto const* numericalNodeAfterStep =
C8LOG_TRACE("Geometry check: numericalNodeAfterStep={} currentLogicalNode={}",
fmt::ptr(numericalNodeAfterStep), fmt::ptr(currentLogicalNode));
return numericalNodeAfterStep == currentLogicalNode;
assert(assertion()); // numerical and logical nodes don't match
} else { // boundary crossing, step is limited by volume boundary
DoBoundary may delete the particle (or not)
caveat: any changes to vParticle, or even the production
of new secondaries is currently not passed to ParticleCut,
thus, particles outside the desired phase space may be produced.
todo: this must be fixed.
process_sequence_.DoBoundaryCrossing(vParticle, *currentLogicalNode, *nextVol);
process::EProcessReturn decay(TStackView& view) {
units::si::InverseTimeType const actual_decay_time =
random::UniformRealDistribution<units::si::InverseTimeType> uniDist(
const auto sample_process = uniDist(rng_);
auto const returnCode = process_sequence_.SelectDecay(view, sample_process);
if (returnCode != process::EProcessReturn::eDecayed) {
C8LOG_WARN("Particle did not decay!");
SetEventType(view, history::EventType::Decay);
return returnCode;
process::EProcessReturn interaction(TStackView& view) {
units::si::InverseGrammageType const current_inv_length =
random::UniformRealDistribution<units::si::InverseGrammageType> uniDist(
const auto sample_process = uniDist(rng_);
auto const returnCode = process_sequence_.SelectInteraction(view, sample_process);
if (returnCode != process::EProcessReturn::eInteracted) {
C8LOG_WARN("Particle did not interace!");
SetEventType(view, history::EventType::Interaction);
return returnCode;
* set the nodes for all particles on the stack according to their numerical
* position
void setNodes() {
std::for_each(stack_.begin(), stack_.end(), [&](auto& p) {
auto const* numericalNode =
void SetEventType(TStackView& view, [[maybe_unused]] history::EventType eventType) {
if constexpr (TStackView::has_event) {
for (auto&& sec : view) { sec.GetEvent()->setEventType(eventType); }
// but this here temporarily. Should go into dedicated file later:
const char* c8_ascii_ =
,ad8888ba, ,ad8888ba, 88888888ba ad88888ba 88 88 a8P db ad88888ba
d8"' `"8b d8"' `"8b 88 "8b d8" "8b 88 88 ,88' d88b d8" "8b
d8' d8' `8b 88 ,8P Y8, 88 88 ,88" d8'`8b Y8a a8P
88 88 88 88aaaaaa8P' `Y8aaaaa, 88 88,d88' d8' `8b "Y8aaa8P"
88 88 88 88""""88' `"""""8b, 88 8888"88, d8YaaaaY8b ,d8"""8b,
Y8, Y8, ,8P 88 `8b `8b 88 88P Y8b d8""""""""8b d8" "8b
Y8a. .a8P Y8a. .a8P 88 `8b Y8a a8P 88 88 "88, d8' `8b Y8a a8P
`"Y8888Y"' `"Y8888Y"' 88 `8b "Y88888P" 88 88 Y8b d8' `8b "Y88888P"
} // namespace corsika::cascade
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/cascade/testCascade.h>
#include <corsika/cascade/Cascade.h>
#include <corsika/process/ProcessSequence.h>
#include <corsika/process/null_model/NullModel.h>
#include <corsika/process/stack_inspector/StackInspector.h>
#include <corsika/process/tracking_line/TrackingLine.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/environment/HomogeneousMedium.h>
#include <corsika/environment/NuclearComposition.h>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::process;
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
using namespace corsika::geometry;
#include <limits>
using namespace std;
auto MakeDummyEnv() {
TestEnvironmentType env; // dummy environment
auto& universe = *(env.GetUniverse());
auto theMedium = TestEnvironmentType::CreateNode<Sphere>(
Point{env.GetCoordinateSystem(), 0_m, 0_m, 0_m},
100_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
using MyHomogeneousModel = environment::HomogeneousMedium<environment::IMediumModel>;
1_g / (1_cm * 1_cm * 1_cm),
std::vector<particles::Code>{particles::Code::Proton}, std::vector<float>{1.}));
return env;
class ProcessSplit : public process::InteractionProcess<ProcessSplit> {
int fCalls = 0;
GrammageType fX0;
ProcessSplit(GrammageType const X0)
: fX0(X0) {}
template <typename Particle>
corsika::units::si::GrammageType GetInteractionLength(Particle const&) const {
return fX0;
template <typename TSecondaryView>
corsika::process::EProcessReturn DoInteraction(TSecondaryView& view) {
auto const projectile = view.GetProjectile();
const HEPEnergyType E = projectile.GetEnergy();
std::tuple<particles::Code, units::si::HEPEnergyType,
corsika::stack::MomentumVector, geometry::Point, units::si::TimeType>{
projectile.GetPID(), E / 2, projectile.GetMomentum(),
projectile.GetPosition(), projectile.GetTime()});
std::tuple<particles::Code, units::si::HEPEnergyType,
corsika::stack::MomentumVector, geometry::Point, units::si::TimeType>{
projectile.GetPID(), E / 2, projectile.GetMomentum(),
projectile.GetPosition(), projectile.GetTime()});
return EProcessReturn::eInteracted;
int GetCalls() const { return fCalls; }
class ProcessCut : public process::SecondariesProcess<ProcessCut> {
int fCount = 0;
int fCalls = 0;
HEPEnergyType fEcrit;
ProcessCut(HEPEnergyType e)
: fEcrit(e) {}
template <typename TStack>
EProcessReturn DoSecondaries(TStack& vS) {
auto p = vS.begin();
while (p != vS.end()) {
HEPEnergyType E = p.GetEnergy();
if (E < fEcrit) {
++p; // next particle
C8LOG_INFO(fmt::format("ProcessCut::DoSecondaries size={} count={}", vS.getEntries(),
return EProcessReturn::eOk;
int GetCount() const { return fCount; }
int GetCalls() const { return fCalls; }
TEST_CASE("Cascade", "[Cascade]") {
HEPEnergyType E0 = 100_GeV;
random::RNGManager& rmng = random::RNGManager::GetInstance();
auto env = MakeDummyEnv();
auto const& rootCS = env.GetCoordinateSystem();
tracking_line::TrackingLine tracking;
stack_inspector::StackInspector<TestCascadeStack> stackInspect(1, true, E0);
null_model::NullModel nullModel;
const GrammageType X0 = 20_g / square(1_cm);
const HEPEnergyType Ecrit = 85_MeV;
ProcessSplit split(X0);
ProcessCut cut(Ecrit);
auto sequence = nullModel % stackInspect % split % cut;
TestCascadeStack stack;
std::tuple<particles::Code, units::si::HEPEnergyType,
corsika::stack::MomentumVector, geometry::Point, units::si::TimeType>{
particles::Code::Electron, E0,
corsika::stack::MomentumVector(rootCS, {0_GeV, 0_GeV, -1_GeV}),
Point(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 10_km}), 0_ns});
cascade::Cascade<tracking_line::TrackingLine, decltype(sequence), TestCascadeStack,
EAS(env, tracking, sequence, stack);
SECTION("full cascade") {
CHECK(cut.GetCount() == 2048);
CHECK(cut.GetCalls() == 2047);
CHECK(split.GetCalls() == 2047);
SECTION("forced interaction") {
CHECK(stack.getEntries() == 2);
CHECK(split.GetCalls() == 1);
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/SecondaryView.h>
#include <corsika/stack/node/GeometryNodeStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/nuclear_extension/NuclearStackExtension.h>
using TestEnvironmentType =
template <typename T>
using SetupGeometryDataInterface =
corsika::stack::node::GeometryDataInterface<T, TestEnvironmentType>;
// combine particle data stack with geometry information for tracking
template <typename StackIter>
using StackWithGeometryInterface = corsika::stack::CombinedParticleInterface<
SetupGeometryDataInterface, StackIter>;
using TestCascadeStack = corsika::stack::CombinedStack<
typename corsika::stack::nuclear_extension::ParticleDataStack::StackImpl,
corsika::stack::node::GeometryData<TestEnvironmentType>, StackWithGeometryInterface>;
See also Issue 161
#if defined(__clang__)
using TestCascadeStackView =
corsika::stack::SecondaryView<typename TestCascadeStack::StackImpl,
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)
using TestCascadeStackView = corsika::stack::MakeView<TestCascadeStack>::type;
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <string>
namespace corsika::geometry {
* Interface / base class for trajectories.
class BaseTrajectory {
BaseTrajectory() = delete;
BaseTrajectory(corsika::units::si::TimeType start, corsika::units::si::TimeType end)
: fTStart(start)
, fTEnd(end) {}
//!< for \f$ t = 0 \f$, the starting Point shall be returned.
virtual Point GetPosition(corsika::units::si::TimeType) const = 0;
//!< the Point is return from u=0 (start) to u=1 (end)
virtual Point GetPosition(double u) const = 0;
* returns the length between two points of the trajectory
* parameterized by \arg t1 and \arg t2. Requires \arg t2 > \arg t1.
virtual corsika::units::si::TimeType TimeFromArclength(
corsika::units::si::LengthType) const = 0;
virtual LengthType ArcLength(corsika::units::si::TimeType t1,
corsika::units::si::TimeType t2) const = 0;
virtual corsika::units::si::TimeType GetDuration(
corsika::units::si::TimeType t1, corsika::units::si::TimeType t2) const {
return t2 - t1;
virtual Point GetEndpoint() const { return GetPosition(fTEnd); }
virtual Point GetStartpoint() const { return GetPosition(fTStart); }
corsika::units::si::TimeType const fTStart, fTEnd;
} // namespace corsika::geometry
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/geometry/CoordinateSystem.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/QuantityVector.h>
namespace corsika::geometry {
* Common base class for Vector and Point. Currently it does basically nothing.
template <typename dim>
class BaseVector {
QuantityVector<dim> qVector;
CoordinateSystem const* cs;
BaseVector(CoordinateSystem const& pCS, QuantityVector<dim> pQVector)
: qVector(pQVector)
, cs(&pCS) {}
auto const& GetCoordinateSystem() const { return *cs; }
} // namespace corsika::geometry
set (
set (
set (
add_library (CORSIKAgeometry STATIC ${GEOMETRY_SOURCES})
set_target_properties (
# target dependencies on other libraries (also the header onlys)
target_link_libraries (
target_include_directories (
install (
# --------------------
# code unit testing
target_link_libraries (
target_link_libraries (
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/geometry/CoordinateSystem.h>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace corsika::geometry;
* returns the transformation matrix necessary to transform primitives with coordinates
* in \a pFrom to \a pTo, e.g.
* \f$ \vec{v}^{\text{(to)}} = \mathcal{M} \vec{v}^{\text{(from)}} \f$
* (\f$ \vec{v}^{(.)} \f$ denotes the coordinates/components of the component in
* the indicated CoordinateSystem).
EigenTransform CoordinateSystem::GetTransformation(CoordinateSystem const& pFrom,
CoordinateSystem const& pTo) {
CoordinateSystem const* a{&pFrom};
CoordinateSystem const* b{&pTo};
CoordinateSystem const* commonBase{nullptr};
while (a != b && b != nullptr) {
a = &pFrom;
while (a != b && a != nullptr) { a = a->GetReference(); }
if (a == b) break;
b = b->GetReference();
if (a == b && a != nullptr) {
commonBase = a;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("no connection between coordinate systems found!");
EigenTransform t = EigenTransform::Identity();
auto* p = &pFrom;
while (p != commonBase) {
t = p->GetTransform() * t;
p = p->GetReference();
p = &pTo;
while (p != commonBase) {
t = t * p->GetTransform().inverse(Eigen::TransformTraits::Isometry);
p = p->GetReference();
return t;
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/utl/sgn.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <stdexcept>
typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> EigenTransform;
typedef Eigen::Translation<double, 3> EigenTranslation;
namespace corsika::geometry {
class RootCoordinateSystem;
template <typename T>
class Vector;
using corsika::units::si::length_d;
class CoordinateSystem {
CoordinateSystem const* reference = nullptr;
EigenTransform transf;
: // for creating the root CS
transf(EigenTransform::Identity()) {}
static auto CreateCS() { return CoordinateSystem(); }
friend corsika::geometry::RootCoordinateSystem; /// this is the only class that can
/// create ONE unique root CS
static EigenTransform GetTransformation(CoordinateSystem const& c1,
CoordinateSystem const& c2);
CoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem const& reference, EigenTransform const& transf)
: reference(&reference)
, transf(transf) {}
auto& operator=(const CoordinateSystem& pCS) {
reference = pCS.reference;
transf = pCS.transf;
return *this;
auto translate(QuantityVector<length_d> vector) const {
EigenTransform const translation{EigenTranslation(vector.eVector)};
return CoordinateSystem(*this, translation);
* creates a new CS in which vVec points in direction of the new z-axis
template <typename TDim>
auto RotateToZ(Vector<TDim> vVec) const {
auto const a = vVec.normalized().GetComponents(*this).eVector;
auto const a1 = a(0), a2 = a(1);
auto const s = utl::sgn(a(2));
auto const c = 1 / (1 + s * a(2));
Eigen::Matrix3d A, B;
if (s > 0) {
A << 1, 0, a1, // comment to prevent clang-format
0, 1, a2, // .
-a1, -a2, 1; // .
B << -a1 * a1 * c, -a1 * a2 * c, 0, // .
-a1 * a2 * c, -a2 * a2 * c, 0, // .
0, 0, -(a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) * c; // .
} else {
A << 1, 0, a1, // .
0, -1, a2, // .
a1, -a2, -1; // .
B << -a1 * a1 * c, +a1 * a2 * c, 0, // .
-a1 * a2 * c, +a2 * a2 * c, 0, // .
0, 0, (a1 * a1 + a2 * a2) * c; // .
return CoordinateSystem(*this, EigenTransform(A + B));
template <typename TDim>
auto rotate(QuantityVector<TDim> axis, double angle) const {
if (axis.eVector.isZero()) {
throw std::runtime_error("null-vector given as axis parameter");
EigenTransform const rotation{Eigen::AngleAxisd(angle, axis.eVector.normalized())};
return CoordinateSystem(*this, rotation);
template <typename TDim>
auto translateAndRotate(QuantityVector<phys::units::length_d> translation,
QuantityVector<TDim> axis, double angle) {
if (axis.eVector.isZero()) {
throw std::runtime_error("null-vector given as axis parameter");
EigenTransform const transf{Eigen::AngleAxisd(angle, axis.eVector.normalized()) *
return CoordinateSystem(*this, transf);
auto const* GetReference() const { return reference; }
auto const& GetTransform() const { return transf; }
bool operator==(CoordinateSystem const& cs) const {
return reference == cs.reference && transf.matrix() == cs.transf.matrix();
bool operator!=(CoordinateSystem const& cs) const { return !(cs == *this); }
} // namespace corsika::geometry
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace corsika::geometry {
FourVector supports "full" units, e.g. E in [GeV/c] and p in [GeV],
or also t in [s] and r in [m], etc.
However, for HEP applications it is also possible to use E and p
both in [GeV].
The FourVector can return NormSqr and Norm, whereas Norm is
sqrt(abs(NormSqr)). The physical units are always calculated and
returned properly.
FourVector can also return if it is TimeLike, SpaceLike or PhotonLike.
When a FourVector is initialized with a lvalue reference, this is
also used for the internal storage, which should lead to complete
disappearance of the FourVector class during optimization.
template <typename TimeType, typename SpaceVecType>
class FourVector {
using SpaceType = typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type::Quantity;
//! check the types and the physical units here:
std::is_same<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type, SpaceType>::value ||
std::is_same<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
decltype(std::declval<SpaceType>() / corsika::units::si::meter *
"Units of time-like and space-like coordinates must either be idential "
"(e.g. GeV) or [E/c]=[p]");
FourVector(const TimeType& eT, const SpaceVecType& eS)
: fTimeLike(eT)
, fSpaceLike(eS) {}
TimeType GetTimeLikeComponent() const { return fTimeLike; }
SpaceVecType& GetSpaceLikeComponents() { return fSpaceLike; }
const SpaceVecType& GetSpaceLikeComponents() const { return fSpaceLike; }
auto GetNormSqr() const { return GetTimeSquared() - fSpaceLike.squaredNorm(); }
SpaceType GetNorm() const { return sqrt(abs(GetNormSqr())); }
bool IsTimelike() const {
return GetTimeSquared() < fSpaceLike.squaredNorm();
} //! Norm2 < 0
bool IsSpacelike() const {
return GetTimeSquared() > fSpaceLike.squaredNorm();
} //! Norm2 > 0
/* this is not numerically stable
bool IsPhotonlike() const {
return GetTimeSquared() == fSpaceLike.squaredNorm();
} //! Norm2 == 0
FourVector& operator+=(const FourVector& b) {
fTimeLike += b.fTimeLike;
fSpaceLike += b.fSpaceLike;
return *this;
FourVector& operator-=(const FourVector& b) {
fTimeLike -= b.fTimeLike;
fSpaceLike -= b.fSpaceLike;
return *this;
FourVector& operator*=(const double b) {
fTimeLike *= b;
fSpaceLike *= b;
return *this;
FourVector& operator/=(const double b) {
fTimeLike /= b;
fSpaceLike.GetComponents() /= b; // TODO: WHY IS THIS??????
return *this;
FourVector& operator/(const double b) {
*this /= b;
return *this;
Note that the product between two 4-vectors assumes that you use
the same "c" convention for both. Only the LHS vector is checked
for this. You cannot mix different conventions due to
SpaceType operator*(const FourVector& b) {
if constexpr (std::is_same<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
decltype(std::declval<SpaceType>() /
corsika::units::si::meter *
return fTimeLike * b.fTimeLike *
(corsika::units::constants::c * corsika::units::constants::c) -
return fTimeLike * fTimeLike - fSpaceLike.norm();
This function is automatically compiled to use of ignore the
extra factor of "c" for the time-like quantity
auto GetTimeSquared() const {
if constexpr (std::is_same<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
decltype(std::declval<SpaceType>() /
corsika::units::si::meter *
return fTimeLike * fTimeLike *
(corsika::units::constants::c * corsika::units::constants::c);
return fTimeLike * fTimeLike;
//! the data members
TimeType fTimeLike;
SpaceVecType fSpaceLike;
//! the friends: math operators
template <typename T, typename U>
friend FourVector<typename std::decay<T>::type, typename std::decay<U>::type>
operator+(const FourVector<T, U>&, const FourVector<T, U>&);
template <typename T, typename U>
friend FourVector<typename std::decay<T>::type, typename std::decay<U>::type>
operator-(const FourVector<T, U>&, const FourVector<T, U>&);
template <typename T, typename U>
friend FourVector<typename std::decay<T>::type, typename std::decay<U>::type>
operator*(const FourVector<T, U>&, const double);
template <typename T, typename U>
friend FourVector<typename std::decay<T>::type, typename std::decay<U>::type>
operator/(const FourVector<T, U>&, const double);
The math operator+
template <typename TimeType, typename SpaceVecType>
inline FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>
operator+(const FourVector<TimeType, SpaceVecType>& a,
const FourVector<TimeType, SpaceVecType>& b) {
return FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>(
a.fTimeLike + b.fTimeLike, a.fSpaceLike + b.fSpaceLike);
The math operator-
template <typename TimeType, typename SpaceVecType>
inline FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>
operator-(const FourVector<TimeType, SpaceVecType>& a,
const FourVector<TimeType, SpaceVecType>& b) {
return FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>(
a.fTimeLike - b.fTimeLike, a.fSpaceLike - b.fSpaceLike);
The math operator*
template <typename TimeType, typename SpaceVecType>
inline FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>
operator*(const FourVector<TimeType, SpaceVecType>& a, const double b) {
return FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>(a.fTimeLike * b,
a.fSpaceLike * b);
The math operator/
template <typename TimeType, typename SpaceVecType>
inline FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>
operator/(const FourVector<TimeType, SpaceVecType>& a, const double b) {
return FourVector<typename std::decay<TimeType>::type,
typename std::decay<SpaceVecType>::type>(a.fTimeLike / b,
a.fSpaceLike / b);
} // namespace corsika::geometry
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <cmath>
namespace corsika::geometry {
* A Helix is defined by the cyclotron frequency \f$ \omega_c \f$, the initial
* Point r0 and
* the velocity vectors \f$ \vec{v}_{\parallel} \f$ and \f$ \vec{v}_{\perp} \f$
* denoting the projections of the initial velocity \f$ \vec{v}_0 \f$ parallel
* and perpendicular to the axis \f$ \vec{B} \f$, respectively, i.e.
* \f{align*}{
\vec{v}_{\parallel} &= \frac{\vec{v}_0 \cdot \vec{B}}{\vec{B}^2} \vec{B} \\
\vec{v}_{\perp} &= \vec{v}_0 - \vec{v}_{\parallel}
class Helix {
using VelocityVec = Vector<corsika::units::si::SpeedType::dimension_type>;
Point const r0;
corsika::units::si::FrequencyType const omegaC;
VelocityVec const vPar;
VelocityVec const vPerp, uPerp;
corsika::units::si::LengthType const radius;
Helix(Point const& pR0, corsika::units::si::FrequencyType pOmegaC,
VelocityVec const& pvPar, VelocityVec const& pvPerp)
: r0(pR0)
, omegaC(pOmegaC)
, vPar(pvPar)
, vPerp(pvPerp)
, uPerp(vPerp.cross(vPar.normalized()))
, radius(pvPar.norm() / abs(pOmegaC)) {}
Point GetPosition(corsika::units::si::TimeType t) const {
return r0 + vPar * t +
(vPerp * (cos(omegaC * t) - 1) + uPerp * sin(omegaC * t)) / omegaC;
Point PositionFromArclength(corsika::units::si::LengthType l) const {
return GetPosition(TimeFromArclength(l));
auto GetRadius() const { return radius; }
corsika::units::si::LengthType ArcLength(corsika::units::si::TimeType t1,
corsika::units::si::TimeType t2) const {
return (vPar + vPerp).norm() * (t2 - t1);
corsika::units::si::TimeType TimeFromArclength(
corsika::units::si::LengthType l) const {
return l / (vPar + vPerp).norm();
} // namespace corsika::geometry