diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/CMakeLists.txt b/Documentation/Examples/CMakeLists.txt
index 00a152fffb194ca1599ce5ce7180feb099618ef7..cfd96473717afafb31fd4cc52fe266fe48fef024 100644
--- a/Documentation/Examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+add_executable (helix_example helix_example.cc)
+target_link_libraries(helix_example CORSIKAgeometry CORSIKAunits)
+install (TARGETS helix_example DESTINATION share/examples)
 add_executable (geometry_example geometry_example.cc)
 target_link_libraries (geometry_example CORSIKAgeometry CORSIKAunits)
diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc b/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc
index 742de1202d9a02c5e5c7b2889d46cae72793fbab..6927bd8380e3968a4f19c531e61474324ea850a7 100644
--- a/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ using namespace phys::units::literals; // support unit literals like 5_m;
 int main()
-    //~ // define the root coordinate system
+    // define the root coordinate system
     CoordinateSystem root;
     // another CS defined by a translation relative to the root CS
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ int main()
     std::cout << "p2-p1 norm^2: " << norm << std::endl;
     Sphere s(p1, 10_m); // define a sphere around a point with a radius
-    //~ std::cout << "p1 inside s:  " << s.isInside(p2) << std::endl;    
+    std::cout << "p1 inside s:  " << s.isInside(p2) << std::endl;    
     Sphere s2(p1, 3_um); // another sphere
-    //~ std::cout << "p1 inside s2: " << s2.isInside(p2) << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "p1 inside s2: " << s2.isInside(p2) << std::endl;
     // let's try parallel projections:
@@ -49,14 +49,15 @@ int main()
     auto const v3 = v1.parallelProjectionOnto(v2);
-    auto const cross = v1.cross(v2).normalized();
+    // cross product
+    auto const cross = v1.cross(v2).normalized(); // normalized() returns dimensionless, normalized vectors
     // if a CS is not given as parameter for getComponents(), the components
     // in the "home" CS are returned
-    std::cout << v1.getComponents() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << v2.getComponents() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << v3.getComponents() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << cross.getComponents() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "v1: " << v1.getComponents() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "v2: " <<v2.getComponents() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "parallel projection of v1 onto v2: " << v3.getComponents() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "normalized cross product of v1 x v2" << cross.getComponents() << std::endl;
     return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc b/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebb5cb4e9d2e4da785d76d960496f9d2074d214e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
+#include <Geometry/Vector.h>
+#include <Geometry/CoordinateSystem.h>
+#include <Geometry/Helix.h>
+#include <Geometry/Point.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <array>
+using namespace phys::units; 
+using namespace phys::units::io; // support stream << unit
+using namespace phys::units::literals; // support unit literals like 5_m;
+int main()
+    CoordinateSystem root;
+    Point const r0(root, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
+    auto const omegaC = 2 * M_PI * 1_Hz;
+    Vector<speed_d> vPar(root, {0_m / second, 0_m / second, 10_cm / second});
+    Vector<speed_d> vPerp(root, {1_m / second, 0_m / second, 0_m / second});
+    Helix h(r0, omegaC, vPar, vPerp);
+    auto constexpr t0 = 0_s;
+    auto constexpr t1 = 1_s;
+    auto constexpr dt = 1_us;
+    auto constexpr n = long((t1 - t0) / dt) + 1;
+    auto arr = std::make_unique<std::array<std::array<double, 4>, n>>();
+    auto& positions = *arr;
+    for (auto [t, i] = std::tuple{t0, 0}; t < t1; t += dt, ++i)
+    {
+        auto const r = h.getPosition(t).getCoordinates();
+        positions[i][0] = t / 1_s;
+        positions[i][1] = r[0] / 1_m;
+        positions[i][2] = r[1] / 1_m;
+        positions[i][3] = r[2] / 1_m;
+    }
+    std::cout << positions[n-2][0] << " " << positions[n-2][1] << " " << positions[n-2][2] << " " << positions[n-2][3] << std::endl;
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Framework/Geometry/Helix.h b/Framework/Geometry/Helix.h
index 9dacfb9dd6920d7ffe71c2e0d982dce23339d941..a1ba107519a5e485f2644fc3501e3d9314f12c75 100644
--- a/Framework/Geometry/Helix.h
+++ b/Framework/Geometry/Helix.h
@@ -7,25 +7,33 @@
 class Helix // TODO: inherit from to-be-implemented "Trajectory"
-    using SpeedVec = Vector<phys::units::speed_d>;
+    using SpeedVec = Vector<Speed>;
     Point const r0;
-    phys::units::quantity<phys::units::frequency_d> const omegaC;
+    Frequency const omegaC;
     SpeedVec const vPar;
     SpeedVec vPerp, uPerp;
+    Length const radius;
     Helix(Point const pR0, phys::units::quantity<phys::units::frequency_d> pOmegaC,
         SpeedVec const pvPar, SpeedVec const pvPerp) :
-        r0(pR0), omegaC(pOmegaC), vPar(pvPar), vPerp(pvPerp), uPerp(vPar.normalized().cross(vPerp))
+        r0(pR0), omegaC(pOmegaC), vPar(pvPar), vPerp(pvPerp), uPerp(vPar.normalized().cross(vPerp)),
+        radius(pvPar.norm() / pOmegaC)
-    Point getPosition(phys::units::quantity<phys::units::time_interval_d> t) const
+    auto getPosition(Time t) const
         return r0 + vPar * t + (vPerp * (cos(omegaC * t) - 1) + uPerp * sin(omegaC * t)) / omegaC;
+    auto getRadius() const
+    {
+        return radius;
+    }
diff --git a/Framework/Geometry/QuantityVector.h b/Framework/Geometry/QuantityVector.h
index 8176715122102302637e332f24c519325c3c29f0..26e6c2a4104dfe60cca55b48edfd9792b30c9810 100644
--- a/Framework/Geometry/QuantityVector.h
+++ b/Framework/Geometry/QuantityVector.h
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
         return QuantityVector<dim>(eVector / p);
-    auto& operator/=(double const p) const
+    auto& operator/=(double const p)
         eVector /= p;
         return *this;
diff --git a/Framework/Geometry/Sphere.h b/Framework/Geometry/Sphere.h
index 9c21910cf188ba58f43bb17b6288811af4a94ee1..cc87e1088161c0ea6800bad116c154e23deff015 100644
--- a/Framework/Geometry/Sphere.h
+++ b/Framework/Geometry/Sphere.h
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 class Sphere
-    using Length = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::length_d, double>;
     Point center;
     Length const radius;
diff --git a/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc b/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc
index b85d35327cf2796f1d690d3a33c5cc5e94c9a19c..648e68f00afec5c462ef9d70da0435e834f7c4d7 100644
--- a/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc
+++ b/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
 using namespace phys::units;
+using namespace phys::units::literals;
 TEST_CASE( "PhysicalUnits", "[Units]" )
diff --git a/Framework/Logging/Makefile b/Framework/Logging/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c6c84cac0c0fd96166af6eb86fa9e390a2ad3811..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Framework/Logging/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-CXXFLAGS+=-I. --std=c++14 -O3
-all: test test_off
-#test: test.o
-#	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
-	rm -rf *.o test test_off *.dat *.log
diff --git a/Framework/ParticleProperties/ParticleProperties.hpp b/Framework/ParticleProperties/ParticleProperties.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f627966915e96af83dd282bc75cf16e65ca1b280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Framework/ParticleProperties/ParticleProperties.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace ParticleProperties {
+typedef int16_t PDGCode;
+#include "generated_particle_properties.inc"
+auto constexpr getMass(InternalParticleCode const p)
+    return masses[static_cast<uint8_t const>(p)];
+auto constexpr getPDG(InternalParticleCode const p)
+    return pdg_codes[static_cast<uint8_t const>(p)];
+auto constexpr getElectricChargeQN(InternalParticleCode const p)
+    return electric_charge[static_cast<uint8_t const>(p)];
+auto constexpr getElectricCharge(InternalParticleCode const p)
+    return getElectricChargeQN(p) * (phys::units::e / 3.);
+auto const getName(InternalParticleCode const p)
+    return names[static_cast<uint8_t const>(p)];
+std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, InternalParticleCode const p)
+    stream << getName(p);
+    return stream;
diff --git a/Framework/Units/PhysicalUnits.h b/Framework/Units/PhysicalUnits.h
index 83ed903f9f2ffd7da290349f69daa059aa8d18e8..d9bb61ac4d78826cc4a5c2bfdbc2c90ee661e89e 100644
--- a/Framework/Units/PhysicalUnits.h
+++ b/Framework/Units/PhysicalUnits.h
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
    Define _XeV literals, alowing 10_GeV in the code.     
-using namespace phys::units::io;
-using namespace phys::units::literals;
+/*using namespace phys::units::io;
+using namespace phys::units::literals;*/
 namespace phys {
   namespace units {
@@ -22,5 +22,11 @@ namespace phys {
+using Length = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::length_d, double>;
+using Time = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::time_interval_d, double>;
+using Speed = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::speed_d, double>;
+using Frequency = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::frequency_d, double>;
+using ElectricCharge = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::electric_charge_d, double>;
diff --git a/Framework/Units/testUnits.cc b/Framework/Units/testUnits.cc
index 3206c50951328502350614c244fd5e0e7e35c3b6..305d06fbd0093b32a341fe093be8ee47aae3ab52 100644
--- a/Framework/Units/testUnits.cc
+++ b/Framework/Units/testUnits.cc
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 #include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
 using namespace phys::units;
+using namespace phys::units::literals;
 TEST_CASE( "PhysicalUnits", "[Units]" ) {  
   REQUIRE( 1_m/1_m == 1 );
diff --git a/ThirdParty/phys/units/quantity.hpp b/ThirdParty/phys/units/quantity.hpp
index 29ab27f65e487a088a71e0ac068b539dbf608f80..5f764409d6939ea43c393e254f2f62208c192f87 100644
--- a/ThirdParty/phys/units/quantity.hpp
+++ b/ThirdParty/phys/units/quantity.hpp
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ private:
     enum { has_dimension = ! Dims::is_all_zero };
-    // static_assert( has_dimension, "quantity dimensions must not all be zero" );
+    // static_assert( has_dimension, "quantity dimensions must not all be zero" ); // MR: removed
     // friends:
diff --git a/Tools/pdxml_reader.py b/Tools/pdxml_reader.py
index b17c7b4903f8f6acc55ea1db66db188f76720d6e..fe3d06e974b00219be7afdff4dfc1cb927cc3f20 100755
--- a/Tools/pdxml_reader.py
+++ b/Tools/pdxml_reader.py
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ def parse(filename):
         decay_width = float(particle.attrib.get("mWidth", 0)) # GeV
         lifetime = float(particle.attrib.get("tau0", math.inf)) # mm / c
-        yield (pdg_id, name, mass)
+        yield (pdg_id, name, mass, electric_charge)
         # TODO: read decay channels from child elements
         if "antiName" in particle.attrib:
             name = particle.attrib['antiName']
-            yield (-pdg_id, name, mass)
+            yield (-pdg_id, name, mass, -electric_charge)
 def c_identifier(name):
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ def c_identifier(name):
 def build_pythia_db(filename):
     particle_db = OrderedDict()
-    for (pdg, name, mass) in parse(filename):
+    for (pdg, name, mass, electric_charge) in parse(filename):
         c_id = c_identifier(name)
         #~ print(name, c_id, sep='\t', file=sys.stderr)
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ def build_pythia_db(filename):
             "name" : name,
             "pdg" : pdg,
             "mass" : mass, # in GeV
+            "electric_charge" : electric_charge # in e/3
     return particle_db
@@ -163,6 +164,8 @@ def gen_internal_enum(pythia_db):
 def gen_properties(pythia_db):
+    # masses
     string = "static constexpr std::size_t size = {size:d};\n".format(size = len(pythia_db))
     string += "static constexpr std::array<double const, size> masses{{\n"
@@ -171,24 +174,34 @@ def gen_properties(pythia_db):
         string += "  {mass:f}, // {name:s}\n".format(mass = p['mass'], name = p['name'])
     string += ("}};\n"
+    # PDG codes
                "static constexpr std::array<PDGCode const, size> pdg_codes{{\n")
     for p in pythia_db.values():
         string += "  {pdg:d}, // {name:s}\n".format(pdg = p['pdg'], name = p['name'])
     string += ("}};\n"
+    # name strings
                "static const std::array<std::string const, size> names{{\n")
     for p in pythia_db.values():
         string += "  \"{name:s}\",\n".format(name = p['name'])
-    string += "}};\n"
+    string += ("}};\n"
+    # electric charges
+               "static constexpr std::array<int16_t, size> electric_charges{{\n")
+    for p in pythia_db.values():
+        string += "  \"{charge:d}\",\n".format(charge = p['electric_charge'])
     return string
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    pythia_db = build_pythia_db("ParticleData.xml")
+    pythia_db = build_pythia_db("Tools/ParticleData.xml")
     for c_id, sib_info in read_sibyll("sibyll_codes.dat"):
         #~ print(c_id, sib_info)
@@ -216,7 +229,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         #~ if table != pdg:
             #~ raise Exception(p, sib_db, pdg, table)
-    with open("generated_particle_properties.inc", "w") as f:
+    with open("Framework/ParticleProperties/generated_particle_properties.inc", "w") as f:
         print(gen_internal_enum(pythia_db), file=f)
         print(gen_properties(pythia_db), file=f)