From 7c3d873d23561fb256a03915240cbce7bffe5cc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nikos Karastathis <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2022 15:34:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update radio_em_shower.cpp after rebasing

 examples/radio_em_shower.cpp | 477 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 241 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)

diff --git a/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp b/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp
index 49bb306ff..c96421173 100644
--- a/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp
+++ b/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project,
- *
- * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
- * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
- * the license.
- */
+* (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project,
+* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+* the license.
 #include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessSequence.hpp>
 #include <corsika/framework/process/SwitchProcessSequence.hpp>
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 #include <corsika/modules/ObservationPlane.hpp>
 #include <corsika/modules/ParticleCut.hpp>
 #include <corsika/modules/TrackWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/Sibyll.hpp>
 #include <corsika/modules/PROPOSAL.hpp>
 #include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
@@ -62,248 +63,252 @@
 #include <typeinfo>
-  The .../Random.hpppp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
-  number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
-  executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
-  link this togehter, it will fail.
- */
-#include <corsika/modules/sibyll/Random.hpp>
-#include <corsika/modules/urqmd/Random.hpp>
+ The .../Random.hpppp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
+ number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
+ executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
+ link this togehter, it will fail.
+#include <corsika/modules/Random.hpp>
 using namespace corsika;
 using namespace std;
 void registerRandomStreams(int seed) {
-  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("cascade");
-  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("proposal");
-  if (seed == 0) {
-      std::random_device rd;
-      seed = rd();
-      cout << "new random seed (auto) " << seed << endl;
-  }
-  RNGManager<>::getInstance().setSeed(seed);
+ RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("cascade");
+ RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("proposal");
+ RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("sibyll");
+ if (seed == 0) {
+   std::random_device rd;
+   seed = rd();
+   cout << "new random seed (auto) " << seed << endl;
+ }
+ RNGManager<>::getInstance().setSeed(seed);
 template <typename TInterface>
 using MyExtraEnv =
-    UniformRefractiveIndex<MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<TInterface>>>;
+   UniformRefractiveIndex<MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<TInterface>>>;
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
-  if (argc != 3) {
-    std::cerr
-        << "usage: radio_em_shower <energy/GeV> <seed> - put seed=0 to use random seed"
-        << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  int seed{static_cast<int>(std::stof(std::string(argv[2])))};
-  std::cout << "Seed: " << seed << std::endl;
-  feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
-  // initialize random number sequence(s)
-  registerRandomStreams(seed);
-  // setup environment, geometry
-  using EnvironmentInterface =
-      IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
-  using EnvType = Environment<EnvironmentInterface>;
-  EnvType env;
-  CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
-  Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
-  create_5layer_atmosphere<EnvironmentInterface, MyExtraEnv>(
-      env, AtmosphereId::LinsleyUSStd, center, 1.000327, Medium::AirDry1Atm,
-      MagneticFieldVector{rootCS, 50_uT, 0_T, 0_T});
-  std::unordered_map<Code, HEPEnergyType> energy_resolution = {
-      {Code::Electron, 10_MeV},
-      {Code::Positron, 10_MeV},
-      {Code::Photon, 10_MeV},
-  };
-  for (auto [pcode, energy] : energy_resolution)
-    set_energy_production_threshold(pcode, energy);
-  // setup particle stack, and add primary particle
-  setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
-  stack.clear();
-  const Code beamCode = Code::Electron;
-  auto const mass = get_mass(beamCode);
-  const HEPEnergyType E0 = 1_GeV * std::stof(std::string(argv[1]));
-  double theta = 0.;
-  auto const thetaRad = theta / 180. * M_PI;
-  HEPMomentumType P0 = calculate_momentum(E0, mass);
-  auto momentumComponents = [](double thetaRad, HEPMomentumType ptot) {
-    return std::make_tuple(ptot * sin(thetaRad), 0_eV, -ptot * cos(thetaRad));
-  };
-  auto const [px, py, pz] = momentumComponents(thetaRad, P0);
-  auto plab = MomentumVector(rootCS, {px, py, pz});
-  cout << "input particle: " << beamCode << endl;
-  cout << "input angles: theta=" << theta << endl;
-  cout << "input momentum: " << plab.getComponents() / 1_GeV
-       << ", norm = " << plab.getNorm() << endl;
-  auto const observationHeight = 1.4_km + constants::EarthRadius::Mean;
-  auto const injectionHeight = 112.75_km + constants::EarthRadius::Mean;
-  auto const t = -observationHeight * cos(thetaRad) +
-                 sqrt(-static_pow<2>(sin(thetaRad) * observationHeight) +
-                      static_pow<2>(injectionHeight));
-  Point const showerCore{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
-  Point const injectionPos =
-      showerCore + DirectionVector{rootCS, {-sin(thetaRad), 0, cos(thetaRad)}} * t;
-  std::cout << "point of injection: " << injectionPos.getCoordinates() << std::endl;
-  stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
-      beamCode, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(beamCode)),
-      plab.normalized(), injectionPos, 0_ns));
-  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("shower axis length: {} ",
-                   (showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() * 1.02);
-  ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos) * 1.02, env,
-                              false, 1000};
-  TimeType const groundHitTime{(showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() / constants::c};
-  // int ring_number {std::stof(std::string(argv[2]))};
-  //  std::cout << "Ring number : " << ring_number << std::endl;
-  // auto const radius_ {ring_number * 25_m};
-  //  std::cout << "Radius = " << radius_ << std::endl;
-  // const int rr_ = static_cast<int>(radius_ / 1_m);
-  std::string outname_ = "radio_em_shower_outputs"; // + std::to_string(rr_);
-  OutputManager output(outname_);
-  // Radio objects
-  // the antenna time variables
-  const TimeType duration_{1e-6_s};
-  const InverseTimeType sampleRate_{1e+9_Hz};
-  // the detector (aka antenna collection) for CoREAS and ZHS
-  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorCoREAS;
-  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorZHS;
-  auto const showerCoreX_{showerCore.getCoordinates().getX()};
-  auto const showerCoreY_{showerCore.getCoordinates().getY()};
-  auto const injectionPosX_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getX()};
-  auto const injectionPosY_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getY()};
-  auto const injectionPosZ_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getZ()};
-  auto const triggerpoint_{Point(rootCS, injectionPosX_, injectionPosY_, injectionPosZ_)};
-  std::cout << "Trigger Point is: " << triggerpoint_ << std::endl;
-  // // setup CoREAS antennas
-  for (auto radius_1 = 25_m; radius_1 <= 500_m; radius_1 += 25_m) {
-    for (auto phi_1 = 0; phi_1 <= 315; phi_1 += 45) {
-      // auto radius_1 = 200_m;
-      // auto phi_1 = 45;
-      auto phiRad_1 = phi_1 / 180. * M_PI;
-      auto rr_1 = static_cast<int>(radius_1 / 1_m);
-      auto const point_1{Point(rootCS, showerCoreX_ + radius_1 * cos(phiRad_1),
-                               showerCoreY_ + radius_1 * sin(phiRad_1),
-                               constants::EarthRadius::Mean)};
-      std::cout << "Antenna point: " << point_1 << std::endl;
-      auto triggertime_1{(triggerpoint_ - point_1).getNorm() / constants::c};
-      std::string name_1 = "CoREAS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_1) +
-                           "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_1) + "degrees";
-      TimeDomainAntenna antenna_1(name_1, point_1, rootCS, triggertime_1, duration_, sampleRate_,
-                                  triggertime_1);
-      detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(antenna_1);
-    }
-  }
-  // primary particle times -> t ground
-  // setup ZHS antennas
-  for (auto radius_ = 25_m; radius_ <= 500_m; radius_ += 25_m) {
-    for (auto phi_ = 0; phi_ <= 315; phi_ += 45) {
-      // auto radius_ = 200_m;
-      // auto phi_ = 45;
-      auto phiRad_ = phi_ / 180. * M_PI;
-      auto rr_ = static_cast<int>(radius_ / 1_m);
-      auto const point_{Point(rootCS, showerCoreX_ + radius_ * cos(phiRad_),
-                              showerCoreY_ + radius_ * sin(phiRad_),
+ logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+ if (argc != 3) {
+   std::cerr
+       << "usage: radio_em_shower <energy/GeV> <seed> - put seed=0 to use random seed"
+       << std::endl;
+   return 1;
+ }
+ int seed{static_cast<int>(std::stof(std::string(argv[2])))};
+ std::cout << "Seed: " << seed << std::endl;
+ feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
+ // initialize random number sequence(s)
+ registerRandomStreams(seed);
+ // setup environment, geometry
+ using EnvironmentInterface =
+     IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+ using EnvType = Environment<EnvironmentInterface>;
+ EnvType env;
+ CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+ Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+ create_5layer_atmosphere<EnvironmentInterface, MyExtraEnv>(
+     env, AtmosphereId::LinsleyUSStd, center, 1.000327, Medium::AirDry1Atm,
+     MagneticFieldVector{rootCS, 50_uT, 0_T, 0_T});
+ std::unordered_map<Code, HEPEnergyType> energy_resolution = {
+     {Code::Electron, 5_MeV},
+     {Code::Positron, 5_MeV},
+     {Code::Photon, 5_MeV},
+ };
+ for (auto [pcode, energy] : energy_resolution)
+   set_energy_production_threshold(pcode, energy);
+ // setup particle stack, and add primary particle
+ setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+ stack.clear();
+ const Code beamCode = Code::Electron;
+ auto const mass = get_mass(beamCode);
+ const HEPEnergyType E0 = 1_GeV * std::stof(std::string(argv[1]));
+ double theta = 0.;
+ auto const thetaRad = theta / 180. * M_PI;
+ HEPMomentumType P0 = calculate_momentum(E0, mass);
+ auto momentumComponents = [](double thetaRad, HEPMomentumType ptot) {
+   return std::make_tuple(ptot * sin(thetaRad), 0_eV, -ptot * cos(thetaRad));
+ };
+ auto const [px, py, pz] = momentumComponents(thetaRad, P0);
+ auto plab = MomentumVector(rootCS, {px, py, pz});
+ cout << "input particle: " << beamCode << endl;
+ cout << "input angles: theta=" << theta << endl;
+ cout << "input momentum: " << plab.getComponents() / 1_GeV
+      << ", norm = " << plab.getNorm() << endl;
+ auto const observationHeight = 1.4_km + constants::EarthRadius::Mean;
+ auto const injectionHeight = 112.75_km + constants::EarthRadius::Mean;
+ auto const t = -observationHeight * cos(thetaRad) +
+                sqrt(-static_pow<2>(sin(thetaRad) * observationHeight) +
+                     static_pow<2>(injectionHeight));
+ Point const showerCore{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
+ Point const injectionPos =
+     showerCore + DirectionVector{rootCS, {-sin(thetaRad), 0, cos(thetaRad)}} * t;
+ std::cout << "point of injection: " << injectionPos.getCoordinates() << std::endl;
+ stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+     beamCode, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(beamCode)),
+     plab.normalized(), injectionPos, 0_ns));
+ CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("shower axis length: {} ",
+                  (showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() * 1.02);
+ ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos) * 1.02, env,
+                             false, 1000};
+ TimeType const groundHitTime{(showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() / constants::c};
+ // int ring_number {std::stof(std::string(argv[2]))};
+ //  std::cout << "Ring number : " << ring_number << std::endl;
+ // auto const radius_ {ring_number * 25_m};
+ //  std::cout << "Radius = " << radius_ << std::endl;
+ // const int rr_ = static_cast<int>(radius_ / 1_m);
+ std::string outname_ = "radio_em_shower_outputs"; // + std::to_string(rr_);
+ OutputManager output(outname_);
+ // Radio objects
+ // the antenna time variables
+ const TimeType duration_{1e-6_s};
+ const InverseTimeType sampleRate_{1e+9_Hz};
+ // the detector (aka antenna collection) for CoREAS and ZHS
+ AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorCoREAS;
+ AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorZHS;
+ auto const showerCoreX_{showerCore.getCoordinates().getX()};
+ auto const showerCoreY_{showerCore.getCoordinates().getY()};
+ auto const injectionPosX_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getX()};
+ auto const injectionPosY_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getY()};
+ auto const injectionPosZ_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getZ()};
+ auto const triggerpoint_{Point(rootCS, injectionPosX_, injectionPosY_, injectionPosZ_)};
+ std::cout << "Trigger Point is: " << triggerpoint_ << std::endl;
+ // // setup CoREAS antennas
+ for (auto radius_1 = 25_m; radius_1 <= 500_m; radius_1 += 25_m) {
+   for (auto phi_1 = 0; phi_1 <= 315; phi_1 += 45) {
+     // auto radius_1 = 200_m;
+     // auto phi_1 = 45;
+     auto phiRad_1 = phi_1 / 180. * M_PI;
+     auto rr_1 = static_cast<int>(radius_1 / 1_m);
+     auto const point_1{Point(rootCS, showerCoreX_ + radius_1 * cos(phiRad_1),
+                              showerCoreY_ + radius_1 * sin(phiRad_1),
-      auto triggertime_{(triggerpoint_ - point_).getNorm() / constants::c};
-      std::string name_ =
-          "ZHS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_) + "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_) + "degrees";
-      TimeDomainAntenna antenna_(name_, point_, rootCS, triggertime_, duration_, sampleRate_,
-                                 triggertime_);
-      detectorZHS.addAntenna(antenna_);
-    }
-  }
-  // ----------------------- Radio objects
-  // --------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // setup processes, decays and interactions
-  EnergyLossWriter dEdX{showerAxis, 10_g / square(1_cm), 200};
-  // register energy losses as output
-  output.add("dEdX", dEdX);
-  ParticleCut<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> cut(5_MeV, 5_MeV, 100_GeV, 100_GeV, true, dEdX);
-  corsika::proposal::Interaction emCascade(env);
-  corsika::proposal::ContinuousProcess<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> emContinuous(env, dEdX);
-  //  BetheBlochPDG<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> emContinuous{dEdX};
-  //  NOT possible right now, due to interface differenc in PROPOSAL
-  //  InteractionCounter emCascadeCounted(emCascade);
-  TrackWriter tracks;
-  output.add("tracks", tracks);
-  // long. profile
-  LongitudinalWriter profile{showerAxis, 10_g / square(1_cm), 200};
-  output.add("profile", profile);
-  LongitudinalProfile<SubWriter<decltype(profile)>> longprof{profile};
-  // initiate CoREAS
-  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorCoREAS),
-               CoREAS<decltype(detectorCoREAS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
-               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
-      coreas(detectorCoREAS, env);
-  // register CoREAS with the output manager
-  output.add("CoREAS", coreas);
-  // initiate ZHS
-  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorZHS),
-               ZHS<decltype(detectorZHS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
-               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
-      zhs(detectorZHS, env);
-  // // register ZHS with the output manager
-  output.add("ZHS", zhs);
-  Plane const obsPlane(showerCore, DirectionVector(rootCS, {0., 0., 1.}));
-  ObservationPlane<setup::Tracking, ParticleWriterParquet> observationLevel{
-      obsPlane, DirectionVector(rootCS, {1., 0., 0.})};
-  output.add("particles", observationLevel);
-  // auto sequence = make_sequence(emCascade, emContinuous, longprof, cut, coreas, zhs);
-  auto sequence = make_sequence(emCascade, emContinuous, longprof, cut, coreas, zhs,
-                                observationLevel, tracks);
-  // define air shower object, run simulation
-  setup::Tracking tracking;
-  output.startOfLibrary();
-  Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, output, stack);
-  // to fix the point of first interaction, uncomment the following two lines:
-  //  EAS.forceInteraction();
-  HEPEnergyType const Efinal = dEdX.getEnergyLost() + observationLevel.getEnergyGround();
-      "total energy budget (GeV): {}, "
-      "relative difference (%): {}",
-      Efinal / 1_GeV, (Efinal / E0 - 1) * 100);
-  output.endOfLibrary();
+     std::cout << "Antenna point: " << point_1 << std::endl;
+     auto triggertime_1{(triggerpoint_ - point_1).getNorm() / constants::c};
+     std::string name_1 = "CoREAS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_1) +
+                          "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_1) + "degrees";
+     TimeDomainAntenna antenna_1(name_1, point_1, rootCS, triggertime_1, duration_, sampleRate_,
+                                 triggertime_1);
+     detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(antenna_1);
+   }
+ }
+ // primary particle times -> t ground
+ // setup ZHS antennas
+ for (auto radius_ = 25_m; radius_ <= 500_m; radius_ += 25_m) {
+   for (auto phi_ = 0; phi_ <= 315; phi_ += 45) {
+     // auto radius_ = 200_m;
+     // auto phi_ = 45;
+     auto phiRad_ = phi_ / 180. * M_PI;
+     auto rr_ = static_cast<int>(radius_ / 1_m);
+     auto const point_{Point(rootCS, showerCoreX_ + radius_ * cos(phiRad_),
+                             showerCoreY_ + radius_ * sin(phiRad_),
+                             constants::EarthRadius::Mean)};
+     auto triggertime_{(triggerpoint_ - point_).getNorm() / constants::c};
+     std::string name_ =
+         "ZHS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_) + "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_) + "degrees";
+     TimeDomainAntenna antenna_(name_, point_, rootCS, triggertime_, duration_, sampleRate_,
+                                triggertime_);
+     detectorZHS.addAntenna(antenna_);
+   }
+ }
+ // ----------------------- Radio objects
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // setup processes, decays and interactions
+ EnergyLossWriter dEdX{showerAxis, 10_g / square(1_cm), 200};
+ // register energy losses as output
+ output.add("dEdX", dEdX);
+ ParticleCut<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> cut(5_MeV, 5_MeV, 100_GeV, 100_GeV, true, dEdX);
+ corsika::sibyll::Interaction sibyll{env};
+ HEPEnergyType heThresholdNN = 80_GeV;
+ corsika::proposal::Interaction emCascade(env, sibyll.getHadronInteractionModel(),
+                                          heThresholdNN);
+ corsika::proposal::ContinuousProcess<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> emContinuous(env, dEdX);
+ //  BetheBlochPDG<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> emContinuous{dEdX};
+ //  NOT possible right now, due to interface differenc in PROPOSAL
+ //  InteractionCounter emCascadeCounted(emCascade);
+ TrackWriter tracks;
+ output.add("tracks", tracks);
+ // long. profile
+ LongitudinalWriter profile{showerAxis, 10_g / square(1_cm), 200};
+ output.add("profile", profile);
+ LongitudinalProfile<SubWriter<decltype(profile)>> longprof{profile};
+ // initiate CoREAS
+ RadioProcess<decltype(detectorCoREAS),
+              CoREAS<decltype(detectorCoREAS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+              decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+     coreas(detectorCoREAS, env);
+ // register CoREAS with the output manager
+ output.add("CoREAS", coreas);
+ // initiate ZHS
+ RadioProcess<decltype(detectorZHS),
+              ZHS<decltype(detectorZHS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+              decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+     zhs(detectorZHS, env);
+ // // register ZHS with the output manager
+ output.add("ZHS", zhs);
+ Plane const obsPlane(showerCore, DirectionVector(rootCS, {0., 0., 1.}));
+ ObservationPlane<setup::Tracking, ParticleWriterParquet> observationLevel{
+     obsPlane, DirectionVector(rootCS, {1., 0., 0.})};
+ output.add("particles", observationLevel);
+ // auto sequence = make_sequence(emCascade, emContinuous, longprof, cut, coreas, zhs);
+ auto sequence = make_sequence(emCascade, emContinuous, longprof, cut, coreas, zhs,
+                               observationLevel, tracks);
+ // define air shower object, run simulation
+ setup::Tracking tracking;
+ output.startOfLibrary();
+ Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, output, stack);
+ // to fix the point of first interaction, uncomment the following two lines:
+ //  EAS.forceInteraction();
+ HEPEnergyType const Efinal = dEdX.getEnergyLost() + observationLevel.getEnergyGround();
+     "total energy budget (GeV): {}, "
+     "relative difference (%): {}",
+     Efinal / 1_GeV, (Efinal / E0 - 1) * 100);
+ output.endOfLibrary();
\ No newline at end of file