diff --git a/corsika/detail/media/WMM.inl b/corsika/detail/media/WMM.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3eecac4800bd830af5fceadfd8ce43d476d384d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/media/WMM.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/factorials.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/legendre.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/CorsikaData.hpp>
+#include <fstream>
+namespace corsika {
+  inline MagneticFieldVector get_wmm(const CoordinateSystemPtr Cs, const double year,
+                                     const LengthType altitude, const double latitude,
+                                     const double longitude) {
+    if (year < 2020 || year > 2025) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("Year has to be between 2020 and 2025.");
+    }
+    if (altitude < -1_km || altitude > 850_km) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("Altitude should be between -1_km and 850_km.");
+    }
+    if (latitude < -90 || latitude > 90) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("Latitude has to be between -90 and 90 degree.");
+      abort();
+    } else if (latitude < -89.992 || latitude > 89.992) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("Latitude is close to the poles.");
+    }
+    if (longitude < -180 || longitude > 180) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("Longitude should be between -180 and 180 degree.");
+    }
+    const double lat_geo = latitude * constants::pi / 180;
+    const double lon = longitude * constants::pi / 180;
+    // Transform into spherical coordinates
+    const double f = 1 / 298.257223563;
+    const double e_squared = f * (2 - f);
+    LengthType R_c =
+        constants::EarthRadius::Equatorial / sqrt(1 - e_squared * pow(sin(lat_geo), 2));
+    LengthType p = (R_c + altitude) * cos(lat_geo);
+    LengthType z = sin(lat_geo) * (altitude + R_c * (1 - e_squared));
+    LengthType r = sqrt(p * p + z * z);
+    double lat_sph = asin(z / r);
+    const int length = 90;
+    double epoch, g[length], h[length], g_dot[length], h_dot[length];
+    std::string model_name;
+    std::string release_date;
+    int n[length], m[length];
+    // Read in coefficients
+    boost::filesystem::path const path = corsika::corsika_data("GeoMag/WMM.COF");
+    boost::filesystem::ifstream file(path, std::ios::in);
+    // Exit if file opening failed
+    if (!file.is_open()) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("Failed opening WMM.COF.");
+      abort();
+    }
+    file >> epoch >> model_name >> release_date;
+    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      file >> n[i] >> m[i] >> g[i] >> h[i] >> g_dot[i] >> h_dot[i];
+      // Time interpolation
+      g[i] = g[i] + (year - epoch) * g_dot[i];
+      h[i] = h[i] + (year - epoch) * h_dot[i];
+    }
+    file.close();
+    double legendre, next_legendre, derivate_legendre;
+    double magneticfield[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+    for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
+      legendre = boost::math::legendre_p(n[j], m[j], sin(lat_sph));
+      next_legendre = boost::math::legendre_p(n[j] + 1, m[j], sin(lat_sph));
+      // Schmidt semi-normalization and Condon-Shortley phase term
+      if (m[j] > 0) {
+        legendre *= sqrt(2 * boost::math::factorial<double>(n[j] - m[j]) /
+                         boost::math::factorial<double>(n[j] + m[j])) *
+                    pow(-1, m[j]);
+        next_legendre *= sqrt(2 * boost::math::factorial<double>(n[j] + 1 - m[j]) /
+                              boost::math::factorial<double>(n[j] + 1 + m[j])) *
+                         pow(-1, m[j]);
+      }
+      derivate_legendre =
+          (n[j] + 1) * tan(lat_sph) * legendre -
+          sqrt(pow(n[j] + 1, 2) - pow(m[j], 2)) / cos(lat_sph) * next_legendre;
+      magneticfield[0] +=
+          pow(constants::EarthRadius::Geomagnetic_reference / r, n[j] + 2) *
+          (g[j] * cos(m[j] * lon) + h[j] * sin(m[j] * lon)) * derivate_legendre;
+      magneticfield[1] +=
+          pow(constants::EarthRadius::Geomagnetic_reference / r, n[j] + 2) * m[j] *
+          (g[j] * sin(m[j] * lon) - h[j] * cos(m[j] * lon)) * legendre;
+      magneticfield[2] +=
+          (n[j] + 1) * pow(constants::EarthRadius::Geomagnetic_reference / r, n[j] + 2) *
+          (g[j] * cos(m[j] * lon) + h[j] * sin(m[j] * lon)) * legendre;
+    }
+    magneticfield[0] *= -1;
+    magneticfield[1] /= cos(lat_sph);
+    magneticfield[2] *= -1;
+    // Transform back into geodetic coordinates
+    double magneticfield_geo[3];
+    magneticfield_geo[0] = magneticfield[0] * cos(lat_sph - lat_geo) -
+                           magneticfield[2] * sin(lat_sph - lat_geo);
+    magneticfield_geo[1] = magneticfield[1];
+    magneticfield_geo[2] = magneticfield[0] * sin(lat_sph - lat_geo) +
+                           magneticfield[2] * cos(lat_sph - lat_geo);
+    return MagneticFieldVector{Cs, magneticfield_geo[0] * 1_nT,
+                               magneticfield_geo[1] * 1_nT, magneticfield_geo[2] * -1_nT};
+  }
+} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/media/WMM.hpp b/corsika/media/WMM.hpp
index a1f84351a4b51e679691c92a14aca1814a9d1798..9eb93b9d55854a88e059a3e0623a5509aadf0868 100644
--- a/corsika/media/WMM.hpp
+++ b/corsika/media/WMM.hpp
@@ -25,14 +25,16 @@ namespace corsika {
    * @param  latitude    Latitude of the location to evaluate the field at,
                          in degrees between -90 and 90 (negative for southern hemisphere).
    * @param  longitute   Longitude of the location to evaluate the field at,
-                         in degrees between -180 and 180 (negative for western hemisphere).
+                         in degrees between -180 and 180 (negative for western
+   hemisphere).
    * @returns    The magnetic field vector in nT.
-   inline MagneticFieldVector get_wmm(const CoordinateSystemPtr Cs, const double year, 
-             const LengthType altitude, const double latitude, const double longitude);
+  inline MagneticFieldVector get_wmm(const CoordinateSystemPtr Cs, const double year,
+                                     const LengthType altitude, const double latitude,
+                                     const double longitude);
 } // namespace corsika
 #include <corsika/detail/media/WMM.inl>
diff --git a/tests/media/testMagneticField.cpp b/tests/media/testMagneticField.cpp
index 1bbe1b718a2c9ed10dc6bc256ad00a53ab70f5c9..b792b7b16f4da697d096d6fae21361c8114e771a 100644
--- a/tests/media/testMagneticField.cpp
+++ b/tests/media/testMagneticField.cpp
@@ -30,72 +30,62 @@ TEST_CASE("UniformMagneticField w/ Homogeneous Medium") {
   CoordinateSystemPtr const& gCS = get_root_CoordinateSystem();
   Point const gOrigin(gCS, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
-  // setup our interface types
-  using IModelInterface = IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>;
-  using AtmModel = UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>;
-  // the composition we use for the homogenous medium
-  NuclearComposition const protonComposition({Code::Proton}, {1.});
-  // create a magnetic field vector
-  Vector B0(gCS, 0_T, 0_T, 0_T);
-  // the constant density
-  const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
-  // create our atmospheric model
-  AtmModel medium(B0, density, protonComposition);
-  // and test at several locations
-  CHECK(B0.getComponents(gCS) ==
-        medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)).getComponents(gCS));
-      B0.getComponents(gCS) ==
-      medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 1000_km, -1000_km, 1000_km)).getComponents(gCS));
-  CHECK(B0.getComponents(gCS) ==
-        medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)).getComponents(gCS));
-  // create a new magnetic field vector
-  Vector B1(gCS, 23_T, 57_T, -4_T);
-  // and update this atmospheric model
-  medium.setMagneticField(B1);
-  // and test at several locations
-  CHECK(B1.getComponents(gCS) ==
-        medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)).getComponents(gCS));
-      B1.getComponents(gCS) ==
-      medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 1000_km, -1000_km, 1000_km)).getComponents(gCS));
-  CHECK(B1.getComponents(gCS) ==
-        medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)).getComponents(gCS));
-  // check the density and nuclear composition
-  CHECK(density == medium.getMassDensity(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)));
-  medium.getNuclearComposition();
-  // create a line of length 1 m
-  Line const line(gOrigin, Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type>(
-                               gCS, {1_m / second, 0_m / second, 0_m / second}));
-  // the end time of our line
-  auto const tEnd = 1_s;
-  // and the associated trajectory
-  setup::Trajectory const track =
-      setup::testing::make_track<setup::Trajectory>(line, tEnd);
-  // create earth magnetic field vector
-  MagneticFieldVector Earth_B_1 = get_wmm(gCS, 2022.5, 100_km, -80, -120);
-  MagneticFieldVector Earth_B_2 = get_wmm(gCS, 2022.5, 0_km, 0, 120);
-  MagneticFieldVector Earth_B_3 = get_wmm(gCS, 2020, 100_km, 80, 0);
-  CHECK(Earth_B_1.getX(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(5815).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_1.getY(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(14803).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_1.getZ(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(49755.3).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_2.getX(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(39684.7).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_2.getY(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(-42.2).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_2.getZ(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(10809.5).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_3.getX(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(6261.8).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_3.getY(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(-185.5).margin(0.03));
-  CHECK(Earth_B_3.getZ(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(-52429.1).margin(0.03));
+  SECTION("UniformMagneticField interface") {
+    // setup our interface types
+    using IModelInterface = IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>;
+    using AtmModel = UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>;
+    // the composition we use for the homogenous medium
+    NuclearComposition const protonComposition({Code::Proton}, {1.});
+    // create a magnetic field vector
+    Vector B0(gCS, 0_T, 0_T, 0_T);
+    // the constant density
+    const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
+    // create our atmospheric model
+    AtmModel medium(B0, density, protonComposition);
+    // and test at several locations
+    CHECK(B0.getComponents(gCS) ==
+          medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)).getComponents(gCS));
+    CHECK(B0.getComponents(gCS) ==
+          medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 1000_km, -1000_km, 1000_km))
+              .getComponents(gCS));
+    CHECK(B0.getComponents(gCS) ==
+          medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)).getComponents(gCS));
+    // create a new magnetic field vector
+    Vector B1(gCS, 23_T, 57_T, -4_T);
+    // and update this atmospheric model
+    medium.setMagneticField(B1);
+    // and test at several locations
+    CHECK(B1.getComponents(gCS) ==
+          medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, -10_m, 4_m, 35_km)).getComponents(gCS));
+    CHECK(B1.getComponents(gCS) ==
+          medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 1000_km, -1000_km, 1000_km))
+              .getComponents(gCS));
+    CHECK(B1.getComponents(gCS) ==
+          medium.getMagneticField(Point(gCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)).getComponents(gCS));
+  }
+  SECTION("WorldMagneticModel") {
+    // create earth magnetic field vector
+    MagneticFieldVector Earth_B_1 = get_wmm(gCS, 2022.5, 100_km, -80, -120);
+    MagneticFieldVector Earth_B_2 = get_wmm(gCS, 2022.5, 0_km, 0, 120);
+    MagneticFieldVector Earth_B_3 = get_wmm(gCS, 2020, 100_km, 80, 0);
+    CHECK(Earth_B_1.getX(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(5815).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_1.getY(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(14803).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_1.getZ(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(49755.3).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_2.getX(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(39684.7).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_2.getY(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(-42.2).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_2.getZ(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(10809.5).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_3.getX(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(6261.8).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_3.getY(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(-185.5).margin(0.03));
+    CHECK(Earth_B_3.getZ(gCS) / 1_nT == Approx(-52429.1).margin(0.03));
+  }