diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/Copyright b/Processes/UrQMD/Copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0667505f66addd37ae1094f423366bdf97ab69a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/Copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+UrQMD source and documentation are provided freely for the purpose of
+checking and reproducing published results of the authors.
+The Open Standard Codes and Routines (OSCAR)-Group has established -
+for good reasons - guidelines for reproducablity, usage and quality
+control of simlulations codes for pA and AA collsions.
+UrQMD is a complex model. In order to ensure that it is used correctly
+that all results are reproducible and that the proper credits are
+given we ask for your agreement to the following copyright and
+safeguard mechanisms in the OSCAR spirit.
+The UrQMD collaboration favors cooperation and joint projects with
+outside researchers. We encourage experimental collaborations to
+compare their results to UrQMD. We support you and/or cooperate on any
+sensible project related to UrQMD
+If you are interested in a project, please contact us.
+Projects without the participation of the UrQMD-Collaboration are
+accepted, if the project is not a current thesis topic of any
+UrQMD-Collaboration member.
+We expect that the code authors are informed about any changes and
+modifications made to the code. Any changes to the official version
+must be documented.
+The code or any fragments of it shall not be given away to third
+parties.  Similarily, events generated with UrQMD shall not be given
+to third parties without consent of the code authors.
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/addpart.f b/Processes/UrQMD/addpart.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d28a4cfaf419f344474da52210659fb53ad1bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/addpart.f
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+c $Id: addpart.f,v 1.4 2000/01/12 16:02:32 bass Exp $
+      subroutine addpart(index)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput index : index for slot to create in particle arrays
+c This subroutine creates an entry for a particle with index {\tt index} in all
+c particle arrays.
+c \danger{The {\tt nbar} and {\tt nmes} counters must be updated by the
+c calling routine !}
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'freezeout.f'
+      integer ind,i,j,index
+      ind=index
+c     now shift vectors upwards
+      do 10 i=npart,ind,-1
+         r0(i+1)=r0(i)
+         rx(i+1)=rx(i)
+         ry(i+1)=ry(i)
+         rz(i+1)=rz(i)
+         p0(i+1)=p0(i)
+         px(i+1)=px(i)
+         py(i+1)=py(i)
+         pz(i+1)=pz(i)
+         fmass(i+1)=fmass(i)
+         ityp(i+1)=ityp(i)
+         iso3(i+1)=iso3(i)
+         ncoll(i+1)=ncoll(i)
+         lstcoll(i+1)=lstcoll(i)
+         charge(i+1)=charge(i)
+         spin(i+1)=spin(i)
+         dectime(i+1)=dectime(i)
+         tform(i+1)=tform(i)
+         xtotfac(i+1)=xtotfac(i)
+         origin(i+1)=origin(i)
+         strid(i+1)=strid(i)
+         uid(i+1)=uid(i)
+         frr0(i+1)=frr0(i)
+         frrx(i+1)=frrx(i)
+         frry(i+1)=frry(i)
+         frrz(i+1)=frrz(i)
+         frp0(i+1)=frp0(i)
+         frpx(i+1)=frpx(i)
+         frpy(i+1)=frpy(i)
+         frpz(i+1)=frpz(i)
+         ffermpx(i+1)=ffermpx(i)
+         ffermpy(i+1)=ffermpy(i)
+         ffermpz(i+1)=ffermpz(i)
+         r0_t(i+1)=r0_t(i)
+         rx_t(i+1)=rx_t(i)
+         ry_t(i+1)=ry_t(i)
+         rz_t(i+1)=rz_t(i)
+         do 11 j=1,2
+            p0td(j,i+1)=p0td(j,i)
+            pxtd(j,i+1)=pxtd(j,i)
+            pytd(j,i+1)=pytd(j,i)
+            pztd(j,i+1)=pztd(j,i)
+            fmasstd(j,i+1)=fmasstd(j,i)
+            ityptd(j,i+1)=ityptd(j,i)
+            iso3td(j,i+1)=iso3td(j,i)
+ 11      continue
+ 10      continue
+c     increment npart
+         npart=npart+1
+         if(npart.ge.nmax) then
+            write(6,*)'*** error in addpart:too much particles>',nmax
+            write(6,*)' -> increase nmax in coms.f '
+            call file14out(999)
+            stop
+         endif
+c     initialize new slot
+         r0(ind)=0.0
+         rx(ind)=0.0
+         ry(ind)=0.0
+         rz(ind)=0.0
+         p0(ind)=0.0
+         px(ind)=0.0
+         py(ind)=0.0
+         pz(ind)=0.0
+         fmass(ind)=0.0
+         ityp(ind)=0
+         iso3(ind)=0
+         ncoll(ind)=0
+         lstcoll(ind)=0
+         charge(ind)=0
+         spin(ind)=-1
+         dectime(ind)=0.d0
+         tform(ind)=0.0d0
+         xtotfac(ind)=1.0d0
+         origin(ind)=0
+         strid(ind)=0
+         uid(ind)=0
+         frr0(ind)=0.d0
+         frrx(ind)=0.d0
+         frry(ind)=0.d0
+         frrz(ind)=0.d0
+         frp0(ind)=0.d0
+         frpx(ind)=0.d0
+         frpy(ind)=0.d0
+         frpz(ind)=0.d0
+         ffermpx(ind)=0.d0
+         ffermpy(ind)=0.d0
+         ffermpz(ind)=0.d0
+         r0_t(ind)=0.d0
+         rx_t(ind)=0.d0
+         ry_t(ind)=0.d0
+         rz_t(ind)=0.d0
+         do 12 j=1,2
+            p0td(j,ind)=0.d0
+            pxtd(j,ind)=0.d0
+            pytd(j,ind)=0.d0
+            pztd(j,ind)=0.d0
+            fmasstd(j,ind)=0.d0
+            ityptd(j,ind)=0
+            iso3td(j,ind)=0
+ 12      continue
+c     rescan collision table - all particle indices which have been
+c     shifted upwards must be modified in the collision tables, too.
+      call scantab(ind,1)
+c     the lstcoll array must also be shifted due to the new particle slot
+      do 15 i=1,npart
+         if(lstcoll(i).le.nmax) then
+            if(lstcoll(i).eq.ind) then
+               lstcoll(i)=0
+            elseif(lstcoll(i).gt.ind) then
+               lstcoll(i)=lstcoll(i) + 1
+            endif
+         endif
+ 15   continue
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/angdis.f b/Processes/UrQMD/angdis.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90fdb4aaf1fd84279ca167b6d5e1fc28999e7f46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/angdis.f
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+c $Id: angdis.f,v 1.15 2000/01/12 16:02:33 bass Exp $
+      subroutine angdisnew(sqrts,m1,m2,iline,costh,phi)
+c     Revision : 1.1
+c input:  sqrts, m1, m2, iline : characteristics of the ingoing channel
+coutput costh   : cos(theta) of theta-angle
+coutput phi     : phi-angle
+c     {\tt angdisnew} delivers phi and cos(theta) scattering angles
+c     according to the angular distributions given by Mao et al.
+c     {\tt angdisnew} performs numerical inversion of the integral of the
+c     differential cross-section by means of a bisection method.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 sqrts, m1, m2, costh, costhcoll, phi, ranf, pi, s
+      real*8 anginter
+      integer iline
+      logical symlog(38)
+      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979312d0)
+c symmetrize or not angular distribution (depending on iline)
+c this data statements may be changed ...
+      data symlog /14*.true., 1*.false., 6*.true., 7*.false.,
+     &              7*.true., 1*.false., 2*.true./
+      s = sqrts*sqrts
+      phi = 2.0d0*pi*ranf(0)
+      goto (4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 9,
+     &      9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 9,
+c ISO-FB interpolation for MB iline 26/27/28
+     &      4, 4,10,10,10,11,11,11, 4, 4,
+     &      4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 9, 9, 4) abs(iline)
+c cross-sections NN (Mao et al.)
+   4  continue
+      costh = -costhcoll(s,m1,m2,symlog(abs(iline)))
+      return
+c isotropic decay
+   9  continue
+      costh = 1.0d0-2.0d0*ranf(0)
+      return
+c no deflection at all
+  10  continue
+      costh = 1.0d0
+      return
+c smooth interpolation between iso and f-b:
+  11  continue
+cbl only for intermediate masses, otherwise no deflection (zero degree scattering)
+      if(sqrts.gt.6d0) goto 10
+      costh = anginter()
+      return
+      end
+      function costhcoll(s,m1,m2,sym)
+      implicit none
+      real*8 costhcoll, s, m1, m2, x, dct, ct, dsigma, ranf
+      integer j
+      logical sym
+      x = ranf(0)
+      dct = 2.0d0
+      costhcoll = -1.0d0
+c for jmax=12 the accuracy is better than 0.1 degree
+      do j=1,12 ! accuracy 2**-jmax
+        dct = 0.5d0*dct
+        ct = costhcoll+dct
+        if (dsigma(s,m1,m2,sym,ct).le.x) costhcoll=ct
+      enddo
+c randomize in final interval in order to avoid discrete angles
+      costhcoll = costhcoll+ranf(0)*dct
+      return
+      end
+      function dsigma(s_in,m1_in,m2_in,sym,costh)
+cc dsigma(s\_in,chosth) = int_-1^costh dsigma/dOmega(s_in,..) dOmega
+cc it is normalized such that dsigma(s\_in,-1) = 0 and
+cc                            dsigma(s\_in,1) = 1
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      real*8 dsigma
+      real*8 s_in, m1_in, m2_in, costh,
+     &       msi, cmsi, gsi, mom, cmom, gom, mpi, cmpi, gpi, m
+      real*8 m42, mpi2, cmpi2, d_pi1, d_pi2, cm6gp,
+     &       cpi_3, cpi_2, cpi_1, cpi_m, cpi_l, cpi_0,
+     &       msi2, cmsi2, cmsi4, cmsi6, d_si1, d_si2, d_si3, cm2gs,
+     &       csi_3, csi_2, csi_1, csi_m, csi_l, csi_0,
+     &       mom2, cmom2, cmom4, cmom6, d_om1, d_om2, d_om3, s_om1,
+     &       cm2go, com_3, com_2, com_1, com_m, com_l,
+     &       fac1, d_mx1, d_mx2, d_mx3,
+     &       cmx_o1, cmx_s1, cmx_om, cmx_sm, fac2, fac3,
+     &       cmx_olc, cmx_ols, cmx_slc, cmx_sls
+      real*8 sig, tp_pi, tp_si, tp_om, tm_pi, tm_si, tm_om,
+     &       bom_3, bom_2, bom_1, bom_m, bom_0, bom_l,
+     &       bmx_o1, bmx_s1, bmx_om, bmx_sm, bmx_ol, bmx_sl
+      real*8 s, tmax, tp, to, twos, brak1, norm,
+     &       t1_pi, t2_pi, t1_si, t2_si, t1_om, t2_om,
+     &       t3_pi, t4_pi, t3_si, t4_si, t3_om, t4_om
+      logical firstlog, sym
+      common /nn/ norm
+c define masses and coupling constants
+      data msi /0.550d0/ cmsi /1.200d0/ gsi  /9.40d0/
+      data mom /0.783d0/ cmom /0.808d0/ gom /10.95d0/
+      data mpi /0.138d0/ cmpi /0.510d0/ gpi  /7.27d0/
+      data m   /0.938d0/
+      save firstlog
+      save m42, mpi2, cmpi2, d_pi1, d_pi2, cm6gp,
+     &     cpi_3, cpi_2, cpi_1, cpi_m, cpi_l, cpi_0
+      save msi2, cmsi2, cmsi4, cmsi6, d_si1, d_si2, d_si3, cm2gs,
+     &     csi_3, csi_2, csi_1, csi_m, csi_l, csi_0
+      save mom2, cmom2, cmom4, cmom6, d_om1, d_om2, d_om3, s_om1,
+     &     cm2go, com_3, com_2, com_1, com_m, com_l
+      save fac1, d_mx1, d_mx2, d_mx3,
+     &     cmx_o1, cmx_s1, cmx_om, cmx_sm, fac2, fac3,
+     &     cmx_olc, cmx_ols, cmx_slc, cmx_sls
+      sig(tp_pi,tp_si,tp_om,tm_pi,tm_si,tm_om) =
+c pion
+     & +((cpi_3*tp_pi + cpi_2)*tp_pi + cpi_1)*tp_pi
+     & + cpi_m/tm_pi + cpi_0 + cpi_l*log(tp_pi*tm_pi)
+c sigma
+     & +((csi_3*tp_si + csi_2)*tp_si + csi_1)*tp_si
+     & + csi_m/tm_si + csi_0 + csi_l*log(tp_si*tm_si)
+c omega
+     & +((bom_3*tp_om + bom_2)*tp_om + bom_1)*tp_om
+     & + bom_m/tm_om + bom_0 + bom_l*log(tp_om*tm_om)
+c mix
+     & + bmx_o1*(tp_om - 1.0d0)
+     & + bmx_s1*(tp_si - 1.0d0)
+     & + bmx_om*log(tm_om)
+     & + bmx_sm*log(tm_si)
+     & + bmx_ol*log(tp_om)
+     & + bmx_sl*log(tp_si)
+c calculate constants only once!
+      if(firstlog) goto 1000
+      if (info) write(6,*)
+     $     '(info) dsigma: calculating constants for ang. dist.'
+c define constants for pion-Term (no s-dependence)
+      m42   = 4.0d0*m*m
+      mpi2  = mpi*mpi
+      cmpi2 = cmpi*cmpi
+      d_pi1 = cmpi2-mpi2
+      d_pi2 = d_pi1*d_pi1
+      cm6gp = 1.5d0*cmpi2**3*gpi**4*m42*m42/d_pi2
+      cpi_3 = -(cm6gp/3.0d0)
+      cpi_2 = -(cm6gp*mpi2/d_pi1)
+      cpi_1 = -(cm6gp*mpi2*(2.0d0*cmpi2 + mpi2)/d_pi2)
+      cpi_m = -(cm6gp*cmpi2*mpi2/d_pi2)
+      cpi_l = -(cm6gp*2.0d0*cmpi2*mpi2*(cmpi2 + mpi2)/d_pi2/d_pi1)
+      cpi_0 = -(cpi_3 + cpi_2 + cpi_1 + cpi_m)
+c define constants for sigma-Term (no s-dependence)
+      msi2  = msi*msi
+      cmsi2 = cmsi*cmsi
+      cmsi4 = cmsi2*cmsi2
+      cmsi6 = cmsi2*cmsi4
+      d_si1 = m42-cmsi2
+      d_si2 = m42-msi2
+      d_si3 = cmsi2-msi2
+      cm2gs = 0.5d0*cmsi2*gsi**4/d_si3**2
+      csi_3 = -(cm2gs*d_si1**2/3.0d0)
+      csi_2 = -(cm2gs*cmsi2*d_si1*d_si2/d_si3)
+      csi_1 = -(cm2gs*cmsi4*(2.0d0*d_si1 + d_si2)*d_si2/d_si3**2)
+      csi_m = -(cm2gs*cmsi6*d_si2**2/msi2/d_si3**2)
+      csi_l = -(cm2gs*cmsi6*d_si2*(d_si1 + d_si2)*2.0d0/d_si3**3)
+      csi_0 = -(csi_3 + csi_2 + csi_1 + csi_m)
+c define constants for omega-Term
+      mom2  = mom*mom
+      cmom2 = cmom*cmom
+      cmom4 = cmom2*cmom2
+      cmom6 = cmom2*cmom4
+      d_om1 = m42-cmom2
+      d_om2 = m42-mom2
+      d_om3 = cmom2-mom2
+      s_om1 = cmom2+mom2
+      cm2go = 0.5d0*cmom2*gom**4/d_om3**2
+      com_3 =  cm2go/3.0d0
+      com_2 = -(cm2go*cmom2/d_om3)
+      com_1 =  cm2go*cmom4/d_om3**2
+      com_m =  cm2go*cmom6/(d_om3**2*mom2)
+      com_l = -(cm2go*cmom6*4.0d0/d_om3**3)
+c define constants for mix-Term
+      fac1 = -((gsi*gom*cmsi2*cmom2)**2*m42)
+      d_mx1 = cmom2 - cmsi2
+      d_mx2 = cmom2 - msi2
+      d_mx3 = cmsi2 - mom2
+      cmx_o1 = fac1/(cmom2*d_mx1**2*d_mx2*d_om3)
+      cmx_s1 = fac1/(cmsi2*d_mx1**2*d_mx3*d_si3)
+      cmx_om = fac1/(d_om3**2*d_mx3**2*(mom2 - msi2))
+      cmx_sm = fac1/(d_si3**2*d_mx2**2*(msi2 - mom2))
+      fac2 = (-fac1)/(d_mx1**3*d_om3**2*d_mx2**2)
+      fac3 = (-fac1)/(d_mx1**3*d_mx3**2*d_si3**2)
+      cmx_olc =
+     &  fac2*(3.0d0*cmom2**3        - cmom2**2*cmsi2
+     &      - 2.0d0*cmom2**2*mom2   - 2.0d0*cmom2**2*msi2
+     &      + cmom2*mom2*msi2       + cmsi2*mom2*msi2
+     &      - 4.0d0*cmom2**2*m42    + 2.0d0*cmom2*cmsi2*m42
+     &      + 3.0d0*cmom2*mom2*m42  - cmsi2*mom2*m42
+     &      + 3.0d0*cmom2*msi2*m42  - cmsi2*msi2*m42
+     &      - 2.0d0*mom2*msi2*m42)
+      cmx_ols =
+     &  fac2*(8.0d0*cmom2**2        - 4.0d0*cmom2*cmsi2
+     &      - 6.0d0*cmom2*mom2      + 2.0d0*cmsi2*mom2
+     &      - 6.0d0*cmom2*msi2      + 2.0d0*cmsi2*msi2
+     &      + 4.0d0*mom2*msi2)
+      cmx_slc =
+     &  fac3*(cmom2*cmsi2**2        - 3.0d0*cmsi2**3
+     &      + 2.0d0*cmsi2**2*mom2   + 2.0d0*cmsi2**2*msi2
+     &      - cmom2*mom2*msi2       - cmsi2*mom2*msi2
+     &      - 2.0d0*cmom2*cmsi2*m42 + 4.0d0*cmsi2**2*m42
+     &      + cmom2*mom2*m42        - 3.0d0*cmsi2*mom2*m42
+     &      + cmom2*msi2*m42        - 3.0d0*cmsi2*msi2*m42
+     &      + 2.0d0*mom2*msi2*m42)
+      cmx_sls =
+     &  fac3*(4.0d0*cmom2*cmsi2     - 8.0d0*cmsi2**2
+     &      - 2.0d0*cmom2*mom2      + 6.0d0*cmsi2*mom2
+     &      - 2.0d0*cmom2*msi2      + 6.0d0*cmsi2*msi2
+     &      - 4.0d0*mom2*msi2)
+      firstlog = .true.
+      if (info) write(6,*) '(info) dsigma: calculation finished'
+c s-dependence beyond this point
+ 1000 continue
+      s = s_in - (m1_in+m2_in)**2 + m42
+      tmax = s-m42
+      tp = 0.5d0*(costh+1.0d0)*tmax
+      twos = 2.0d0*s
+c define s-dependent stuff for omega-Term
+      brak1 = (twos-m42)**2
+      bom_3 = com_3*(-(2.0d0*cmom2**2) - 2.0d0*cmom2*twos - brak1)
+      bom_2 = com_2*(2.0d0*cmom2*mom2 + s_om1*twos + brak1)
+      bom_1 = com_1*(-(4.0d0*cmom2*mom2) - 2.0d0*mom2**2 -
+     &               2.0d0*(cmom2+2*mom2)*twos - 3.0d0*brak1)
+      bom_m = com_m*(-(2.0d0*mom2**2)- 2.0d0*mom2*twos - brak1)
+      bom_l = com_l*(s_om1*mom2 + (cmom2 + 3.0d0*mom2)*s + brak1)
+      bom_0 = -(bom_3 + bom_2 + bom_1 + bom_m)
+c define s-dependent stuff for mix-Term
+      bmx_o1 = cmx_o1*(d_om1 - twos)
+      bmx_s1 = cmx_s1*(d_si1 - twos)
+      bmx_om = cmx_om*(d_om2 - twos)
+      bmx_sm = cmx_sm*(d_si2 - twos)
+      bmx_ol = cmx_olc + cmx_ols*s
+      bmx_sl = cmx_slc + cmx_sls*s
+      t1_pi = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+tmax/cmpi2)
+      t2_pi = 1.0d0+tmax/mpi2
+      t1_si = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+tmax/cmsi2)
+      t2_si = 1.0d0+tmax/msi2
+      t1_om = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+tmax/cmom2)
+      t2_om = 1.0d0+tmax/mom2
+      norm = sig(t1_pi,t1_si,t1_om,t2_pi,t2_si,t2_om)
+      t1_pi = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+tp/cmpi2)
+      t2_pi = 1.0d0+tp/mpi2
+      t1_si = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+tp/cmsi2)
+      t2_si = 1.0d0+tp/msi2
+      t1_om = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+tp/cmom2)
+      t2_om = 1.0d0+tp/mom2
+      if (sym) then
+        norm=2.0d0*norm
+        to = tmax-tp
+        t3_pi = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+to/cmpi2)
+        t4_pi = 1.0d0+to/mpi2
+        t3_si = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+to/cmsi2)
+        t4_si = 1.0d0+to/msi2
+        t3_om = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+to/cmom2)
+        t4_om = 1.0d0+to/mom2
+        dsigma = (sig(t1_pi,t1_si,t1_om,t2_pi,t2_si,t2_om)
+     &           -sig(t3_pi,t3_si,t3_om,t4_pi,t4_si,t4_om))/norm+0.5d0
+      else
+        dsigma = sig(t1_pi,t1_si,t1_om,t2_pi,t2_si,t2_om)/norm
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      function anginter()
+      implicit none
+      real*8 ranf, anginter, a
+      a=8d0
+c the costheta distribution p(x) is proportional to exp(a*x)
+c x is chosen between -1 and +1
+c a=0  corresponds to isotropic distr.
+c a=infinity corresponds to exactly forward distr.
+c inverse transform method is used:
+      anginter=1d0/a*log( ranf(0)*(exp(a)-exp(-a))+exp(-a) )
+      if(anginter.lt.-1d0.or.anginter.gt.1d0)then
+       write(*,*)"#angdis# illegal costh value: ",anginter
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/anndec.f b/Processes/UrQMD/anndec.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ccce6a4512034caa7f0aa12144791307b3fcacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/anndec.f
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+c $Id: anndec.f,v 1.20 2003/05/02 13:14:47 weber Exp $
+        subroutine anndec(io,mm1,ii1,iiz1,mm2,ii2,iiz2,sqrts,sig,gam)
+cinput io    : 0: annihilation; 1: decay
+cinput mm1   : mass of scattering/decaying particle 1
+cinput ii1   : ID of  scattering/decaying particle 1
+cinput iiz1  : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering/decaying particle 1
+cinput mm2   : mass of scattering particle 2
+cinput ii2   : ID of  scattering particle 2
+cinput iiz2  : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering particle 2
+cinput sqrts : $sqrts{s}$ of collision; resonance mass for decay
+coutput sig  : resonance scattering cross section
+coutput gam  : width of the produced resonance
+c     {\tt anndec} handles meson-baryon and meson-meson annihilations
+c     as well as all meson and baryon resonance decays. In case of
+c     annihilations it returs the total resonance production cross section
+c     and the decay width of the resonance chosen as final state.
+c     The final state itself for both cases, annihilation and decay
+c     is returned via the {\tt newpart} common block. In the case
+c     of a decay the final state may consist of up to 4 particles.
+c     Technically, {\tt anndec} is only an interface to {\tt anndex},
+c     which actually handles the summation of the Breit-Wigner formulas
+c     in the annihilation case and the final state generation for
+c     annihilation and decay.
+      implicit none
+      integer io,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,ii1,ii2,iiz1,iiz2,is
+      real*8 m1,m2,mm1,mm2,sig,gam,sqrts
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer strit
+C    ************************************************************************
+C  Case 1 :  Two ingoing Particles --> One outgoing Particle (Resonance,...)
+      i1=ii1
+      i2=ii2
+      iz1=iiz1
+      iz2=iiz2
+      m1=mm1
+      m2=mm2
+      if(io.eq.0)then !annihilation
+      sig=0d0
+      gam=0d0
+C     Check if (sqrt(s)-masses of ingoing particles) is significant different
+C     from zero
+      if(sqrts-mm1-mm2.le.1d-3)return
+C     Check if CTOption(15) is set different from zero-->then skip anndec.f
+      if(CTOption(15).ne.0)return
+C     Check if itype of particle one is smaller than the one of particle two
+C     if so --> interchange particle one and particle two
+C      in case of particle one = B and particle two = M --> then
+C      new particle one = M and new particle two = B
+      if(iabs(i1).lt.iabs(i2))call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+C     Determination of the amount of the netstrangness
+      is=iabs(strit(i1)+strit(i2))
+C       maxbar (Maximum Baryon ityp)
+C       if second particle is antibaryon and first particle is strange
+C       switch antibaryon to baryon
+      if(iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then
+         if(i2.lt.0)then
+           if(strit(i1).ne.0)i1=-i1 ! get corresponding anti-branch
+         end if
+      end if
+C     Check if both particles are mesons
+      if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i2).ge.minmes)then
+c... boson+boson sector
+C     Check if amount of netstrangeness is greater than 1
+c     currently no resonant processes for |s|>1 are implemented
+         if(is.gt.1)return
+         if(is.ne.0)then
+           call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,
+     .        sig,gam,maxbrm,minmes+1,maxmes,bmtype,branmes)
+         else
+           call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,
+     .        sig,gam,maxbrm,minmes+1,maxmes,bmtype,branmes)
+         endif
+C        Check if second particle is baryon
+C        (with zero amount of netstrangeness) ?
+C        e.g. pion-nucleon case
+      else if(is.eq.0.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then
+c... (anti-)N*,D*
+         call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .        maxbra,minnuc+1,maxdel,brtype,branres)
+C       Check if second particle is baryon
+C        (with amount one of netstrangeness) ?
+      else if(is.eq.1.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then
+c... (anti-)Y*
+         call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .        maxbrs1,minlam+1,maxsig,bs1type,branbs1)
+C       Check if second particle is baryon
+C        (with amount two of netstrangeness) ?
+      else if(is.eq.2.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then
+c... (anti-)X*
+         call anndex(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .        maxbrs2,mincas+1,maxcas,bs2type,branbs2)
+      else
+        sig=0d0
+        return
+      end if
+C    *************************************************************
+Css  Case 2 : one ingoing particle (resonance,..) --> 2-4 outgoing
+Css  particles (decay)
+      else ! decay !!!!!
+         i2=0
+         iz2=0
+         m2=0.d0
+         is=iabs(strit(i1))
+         if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes)then ! meson dec.
+            call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .           maxbrm ,minmes+1,maxmes,bmtype,branmes)
+         else if(is.eq.0)then   ! n*,d,d*
+            call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .           maxbra,minnuc+1,maxdel,brtype,branres)
+         else if(is.eq.1)then   !
+            call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .            maxbrs1,minlam+1,maxsig,bs1type,branbs1)
+         else if(is.eq.2)then
+            call anndex(1,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     .           maxbrs2,mincas+1,maxcas,bs2type,branbs2)
+         else
+            write(6,*)'make22(anndex): s=',is,'not included'
+            stop
+         end if
+C    End of Cases 1 and 2 : annihilation/decay
+      end if
+C    ************************************************************
+      return
+      end
+       subroutine anndex(io,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,sqrts,sig,gam,
+     &            maxbr,mini,maxi,btype,branch)
+cinput io     : 0: annihilation; 1: decay
+cinput m1     : mass of scattering/decaying particle 1
+cinput i1     : ID of  scattering/decaying particle 1
+cinput iz1    : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering/decaying particle 1
+cinput m2     : mass of scattering particle 2
+cinput i2     : ID of  scattering particle 2
+cinput iz2    : $2\cdot I_3$ of scattering particle 2
+cinput sqrts  : $sqrts{s}$ of collision; resonance mass for decay
+coutput sig   : resonance scattering cross section
+coutput gam   : width of the produced resonance
+cinput maxbr  : number of decay channels for particle class
+cinput mini   : smallest {\tt ityp} of particle class
+cinput maxi   : largest {\tt ityp} of particle class
+cinput btype  : array with exit channel definitions
+cinput branch : array with branching ratios for final state
+c     {\tt anndex} performs meson-baryon and meson-meson annihilations
+c     as well as all meson and baryon resonance decays. In case of
+c     annihilations it returs the total resonance production cross section
+c     and the decay width of the resonance chosen as final state.
+c     The final state itself for both cases, annihilation and decay
+c     is returned via the {\tt newpart} common block. In the case
+c     of a decay the final state may consist of up to 4 particles.
+c     In {\tt anndex} the actual summation over Breit-Wigner formulas
+c     in the case of annihilations is performed.
+c     For decays the branch is choosen according to the mass dependent
+c     part of the decay width (call to {\tt fbrancx}); then the final
+c     state (which consists of particle {\tt ityp}, $2\cdot I_3$ and
+c     mass is generated and transferred to teh {\tt newpart} common
+c     block.
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 pi,cc,sqrts
+      parameter(pi=3.1415927,cc=0.38937966)
+      integer maxbr,mini,maxi,btype(4,0:maxbr)
+      real*8 branch(0:maxbr,mini:maxi)
+      integer icnt,is
+      integer io,i,j,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,itag,ii1,ii2
+      integer itn1,itnz1
+      real*8 m1,m2,prob(0:100),sum,sig,gam,cgk2
+      real*8 sigi(minnuc:maxmes),mmax,mmin,br,mmi1,mmi2,ppcm,gt
+      real*8 m,g,mo
+c      functions
+      real*8 fbrwig,pcms,massit
+      real*8 mminit,widit,fbrancx,ranf,fcgk,fwidth
+      real*8 fprwdt
+      integer jit,isoit,strit
+      if(io.eq.1)then
+C   one ingoing particle --> two,three,four outgoing particles
+c... decays
+         do 3 i=0,maxbr
+            if(isoit(btype(1,i))+isoit(btype(2,i))+isoit(btype(3,i))+
+     &         isoit(btype(4,i)).lt.iabs(iz1).or.
+     &           m1.lt.mminit(btype(1,i))+mminit(btype(2,i))
+     &                +mminit(btype(3,i))+mminit(btype(4,i)) )then
+               prob(i)=0.d0
+            else
+               prob(i)=fbrancx(i,iabs(i1),iz1,m1,branch(i,iabs(i1)),
+     &              btype(1,i),btype(2,i),btype(3,i),btype(4,i))
+            endif
+ 3       continue
+         icnt=0
+c... find out branch = i
+         call getbran(prob,0,100,sum,0,maxbr,i)
+ctp060202 9       call getbran(prob,0,100,sum,0,maxbr,i)
+         if(i.gt.maxbr)then
+            write(6,*)'anndex(dec): no final state found for:',i1,m1,iz1
+            write(6,*)'please check minimal masses: m1,m1min,m2min'
+            write(6,*)'and iso3 of decaying particle'
+            write(6,*)(prob(j),j=0,maxbr)
+            stop
+         end if
+c... get itypes and set number of outgoing particles, prepare final state
+         nexit=2
+         itypnew(1)=btype(1,i)
+         itot(1)=isoit(itypnew(1))
+         itypnew(2)=btype(2,i)
+         itot(2)=isoit(itypnew(2))
+         itypnew(3)=btype(3,i)
+         if(itypnew(3).ne.0) then
+            itot(3)=isoit(itypnew(3))
+            pnew(5,3)=massit(itypnew(3))
+c sidnew is used to set the lstcoll array
+            sidnew(3)=strcount
+            sidnew(2)=strcount ! correct here, set only for nexit > 2
+            nexit=nexit+1
+         endif
+         itypnew(4)=btype(4,i)
+         if(itypnew(4).ne.0) then
+            itot(4)=isoit(itypnew(4))
+            pnew(5,4)=massit(itypnew(4))
+            sidnew(4)=strcount
+            nexit=nexit+1
+         endif
+         if(nexit.gt.2) strcount=strcount+1
+c check for some special cases involving decay of antibaryons and
+c strange mesons
+         if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.strit(i1).ne.0) then
+            do 41 j=1,nexit
+               if(strit(itypnew(j)).ne.0)then
+c  for anti-K* decays(mesons with one s-quark)
+                  itypnew(j)=isign(itypnew(j),i1)
+               end if
+ 41         continue
+         elseif(iabs(i1).lt.minmes) then
+c     the (anti-)baryon MUST always be the first outgoing particle
+c     -> conserve baryon-charge
+            itypnew(1)=isign(itypnew(1),i1)
+            do 42 j=2,nexit
+               if(strit(itypnew(j)).ne.0.and.i1.lt.0) then
+                  itypnew(j)=(-1)*itypnew(j)
+               endif
+ 42         continue
+         endif
+c... get isopin-3 components
+         itag=-50
+         call isonew4(isoit(i1),iz1,itot,i3new,itag)
+c     write(6,*)'anndem:',iz3,iz1,iz2,'#',is3,is1,is2
+c...  get masses
+         if(widit(itypnew(1)).ge.1.d-4.and.
+     &        widit(itypnew(2)).le.1.d-4)then
+c...  i1 is a broad meson
+            pnew(5,2)=massit(itypnew(2))
+            mmin=mminit(itypnew(1))
+            mo = pnew(5,2)
+            if(nexit.gt.2) then
+               do 39 j=3,nexit
+                  mo=mo+pnew(5,j)
+ 39            continue
+            endif
+            mmax=sqrts-mo
+            call getmas(massit(itypnew(1)),widit(itypnew(1)),itypnew(1)
+     &                  ,isoit(itypnew(1)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,1))
+         elseif(widit(itypnew(2)).ge.1.d-4
+     &           .and.widit(itypnew(1)).le.1.d-4)then
+c...  i2 is a broad meson
+            pnew(5,1)=massit(itypnew(1))
+            mmin=mminit(itypnew(2))
+            mo = pnew(5,1)
+            if(nexit.gt.2) then
+               do 49 j=3,nexit
+                  mo=mo+pnew(5,j)
+ 49            continue
+            endif
+            mmax=sqrts-mo
+            call getmas(massit(itypnew(2)),widit(itypnew(2)),itypnew(2)
+     &           ,isoit(itypnew(2)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,2))
+         elseif(widit(itypnew(1)).ge.1.d-4
+     &           .and.widit(itypnew(2)).ge.1.d-4)then
+c...  i1&i2 are both broad
+            if(ranf(0).gt.0.5)then
+               mmin=mminit(itypnew(1))
+               mo=mminit(itypnew(2))
+               if(nexit.gt.2) then
+                  do 59 j=3,nexit
+                     mo=mo+pnew(5,j)
+ 59               continue
+               endif
+               mmax=sqrts-mo
+               call getmas(massit(itypnew(1)),widit(itypnew(1)),
+     &              itypnew(1),isoit(itypnew(1)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,1))
+               mmin=mminit(itypnew(2))
+               mo=pnew(5,1)
+               if(nexit.gt.2) then
+                  do 69 j=3,nexit
+                     mo=mo+pnew(5,j)
+ 69               continue
+               endif
+               mmax=sqrts-mo
+               call getmas(massit(itypnew(2)),widit(itypnew(2)),
+     &              itypnew(2),isoit(itypnew(2)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,2))
+            else ! of ranf.gt.0.5
+               mmin=mminit(itypnew(2))
+               mo=mminit(itypnew(1))
+               if(nexit.gt.2) then
+                  do 79 j=3,nexit
+                     mo=mo+pnew(5,j)
+ 79               continue
+               endif
+               mmax=sqrts-mo
+               call getmas(massit(itypnew(2)),widit(itypnew(2)),
+     &              itypnew(2),isoit(itypnew(2)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,2))
+               mmin=mminit(itypnew(1))
+               mo=pnew(5,2)
+               if(nexit.gt.2) then
+                  do 89 j=3,nexit
+                     mo=mo+pnew(5,j)
+ 89               continue
+               endif
+               mmax=sqrts-mo
+               call getmas(massit(itypnew(1)),widit(itypnew(1)),
+     &              itypnew(1),isoit(itypnew(1)),mmin,mmax,mo,pnew(5,1))
+            endif
+c     none are broad
+         else
+            pnew(5,2)=massit(itypnew(2))
+            pnew(5,1)=massit(itypnew(1))
+         end if
+         mmax=0.d0
+         do 99 j=1,nexit
+            mmax=mmax+pnew(5,j)
+ 99      continue
+         if(sqrts.le.mmax)then
+            write(6,*)' *** error(anndex): treshold violated',sqrts-mmax
+            stop
+         end if
+C   two ingoing particles --> one outgoing particle (resonance)
+C     i.e. (i0=0)
+      else
+c.... collisions: find in-branch = j
+         sig=0.0
+         gam=0.0
+            ii1=i1
+            ii2=i2
+c  for strange - nonstrange meson-meson scattering: strip sign
+         is=iabs(strit(i1)+strit(i2))
+         if(is.ne.0.and.iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i2).ge.minmes) then
+            ii1=iabs(i1)
+            ii2=iabs(i2)
+         endif
+c  for meson baryon, strip sign of baryon
+         if(iabs(i2).le.maxbar) then
+            ii2=iabs(i2)
+         endif
+         call getobr(btype,0,maxbr,ii1,ii2,j)
+         if(j.eq.-99)return
+         mmi1=mminit(i1)
+         mmi2=mminit(i2)
+C   next line outside the loop (compare post-QM-version: inside the loop)
+         ppcm=pcms(sqrts,m1,m2)
+C      Loop over different branches (resonances...)
+         do 88 i=mini,maxi
+            sigi(i)=0.d0
+            br=branch(j,i)
+            gt=widit(i)
+            if(br*gt.lt.1d-4)goto 88
+            cgk2=fcgk(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,i)
+            if(br*cgk2.gt.0d0.and.sqrts.gt.mmi1+mmi2+1d-2.and.
+     &          ppcm.gt.1d-2)then
+               br=fprwdt(j,i,iz1+iz2,sqrts)/fwidth(i,iz1+iz2,sqrts)
+               m=dabs(sqrts)
+               g=fwidth(i,iz1+iz2,m)
+               sigi(i)=dble(jit(i)+1)
+     /                 /dble((jit(i1)+1)*(jit(i2)+1))
+     *           *pi/ppcm**2*br
+     *           *g*g/((m-massit(i))**2+g*g/4d0)*cgk2*cc
+               end if
+              if(sigi(i).gt.1e10)then
+                write(6,*)' ***error(anndec) cross section too high '
+                write(6,*)'anndex(ann):',i,
+     ,           br,cgk2,fbrwig(i,iz1+iz2,sqrts,1),
+     ,               1/pcms(sqrts,m1,m2),sigi(i)
+                write(6,*)m1,m2,sqrts
+                write(6,*)i1,i2,i
+                write(6,*)iz1,iz2,iz1+iz2
+              end if
+ 88      continue
+c...  find outgoing resonance
+         call getbran(sigi,minnuc,maxmes,sig,mini,maxi,itn1)
+ctp060202 108     call getbran(sigi,minnuc,maxmes,sig,mini,maxi,itn1)
+         if(sig.ge.1d-10)then
+            itnz1=iz1+iz2
+            gam=fwidth(itn1,itnz1,sqrts)
+         end if
+c     copy created resonance into newpart arrays
+         itypnew(1)=itn1
+         i3new(1)=itnz1
+         pnew(5,1)=sqrts
+         if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i2).ge.minmes) then
+            if(iabs(strit(i1)+strit(i2)).ne.0) then
+               itypnew(1)=isign(itypnew(1),i1*i2)
+            endif
+         else
+            itypnew(1)=isign(itypnew(1),i2)
+         endif
+ctp060202 3333    continue
+C   End of two Cases (annihilation/decay)
+      end if                    !dec/ann
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function fbrwig(i,iz,mi,bit)
+cinput  i  : resonance ID
+cinput  iz : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance
+cinput  mi : mass of resonance
+cinput bit : sign is used as option to toggle between fixed and m.dep. widths
+c  {\tt fbrwig} returns a normalized Breit-Wigner Function.
+c  Note, that the normalization actually only holds true for
+c  fixed decay widths. {\tt fbrwig}, however, uses per default
+c  a mass dependent width. You should divide by
+c  {\tt bwnorm} to obtain normalized Breit-Wigners for mass dependent
+c  widths also. For {\tt bit} < 0 a fixed width is used.
+      implicit none
+      integer i,iz,bit
+      real*8 pi,mi,g,fwidth,massit,widit
+      real*8 f,e,m0,g1,g2
+      parameter(pi=3.1415927)
+      f(e,m0,g1,g2)=0.5/pi*g1/((e-m0)**2+0.25*g2**2)
+      if(bit.lt.0)then
+         g=widit(i)
+         fbrwig=f(mi,massit(i),g,g)
+      else
+         g=fwidth(i,iz,mi)
+         fbrwig=f(mi,massit(i),g,g)
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+        subroutine getbran(x,dmin,dmax,sumx,nmin,nmax,i)
+cinput   x : vector containing weights, dimension is {\tt x(dmin:dmax)}
+cinput  dmin : lower dimension of {\tt x}
+cinput  dmax : upper dimension of {\tt x}
+coutput sumx : sum of elements of {\tt x} from {\tt nmin} to {\tt nmax}
+cinput  nmin : lower boundary for {\tt getbran} operation
+cinput  nmax : upper boundary for {\tt getbran} operation
+coutput i : index of element which has been choosen randomly
+c     {\tt getbran} takes a vector of weights or probabilities
+c     {\tt x(dmin:dmax)} and sums up the elements from
+c     {\tt nmin} to {\tt nmax}. It then chooses randomly an element {\tt i}
+c     between {\tt nmin} and {\tt nmax}. The probability of
+c     choosing {\tt i} depends on the weights contained in {\tt x}.
+c     \danger{ {\tt i} will be undefined if {\tt sum} is less or
+c     equal to zero}
+        implicit none
+        integer i,j,nmin,nmax,dmin,dmax
+        real*8 x(dmin:dmax),sumx,ranf,rx,cut
+        parameter (cut=1d-20)
+        sumx=0D0
+        do 10 j=nmin,nmax
+           sumx=sumx+x(j)
+ 10     continue
+        if (sumx.lt.cut) then
+           i=nmax+1
+           return
+        endif
+        rx=sumx*ranf(0)
+        do 20 j=nmin,nmax
+           if (rx.le.x(j)) then
+              i=j
+              return
+           endif
+           rx=rx-x(j)
+ 20     continue
+        if (abs(rx).lt.1D-10) then
+           i=nmax
+           return
+        endif
+        call error ('getbran','no channel found',rx,3)
+        end
+        subroutine getobr(x,dmin,dmax,i1,i2,i)
+cinput x : array, either {\tt brtype, bmtype, bs1type} or {\tt bs2type}
+cinput dmin : lower dimension of {\tt x(4,dmin:dmax)}
+cinput dmin : upper dimension of {\tt x(4,dmin:dmax)}
+cinput i1 : ID of first incoming particle
+cinput i2 : ID of second incoming particle
+coutput i : index of decay branch into {\tt i1} and {\tt i2}
+c     {\tt getobr} returns the index of the decay branch for the
+c     exit channel $B^* \rightarrow$ {\tt i1} + {\tt i2}
+c     from one of the arrays
+c     {\tt brtype, bmtype, bs1type} or {\tt bs2type}. This index
+c     is needed for the calculation of the cross section
+c     {\tt i1} + {\tt i2} $\rightarrow B^*$.
+        implicit none
+        integer i,j,i1,i2,dmin,dmax,x(4,dmin:dmax)
+        do 108 j=dmin,dmax
+          if((x(1,j).eq.i1.and.x(2,j).eq.i2.and.x(3,j).eq.0).OR.
+     &       (x(1,j).eq.i2.and.x(2,j).eq.i1.and.x(3,j).eq.0))then
+            i=j
+            return
+          end if
+  108    continue
+         i=-99
+         return
+         end
+      subroutine normit (sigma,isigline)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput sigma : vector with all (partial) cross sections
+coutput sigma : unitarized vector with cross sections
+cinput isigline : process class of cross sections
+c     {\tt normit} unitarizes the cross sections contained in the
+c     {\tt sigma} array. The total cross section is stored in
+c     {\tt sigma(0)}. The partial cross sections are unitarized
+c     (rescaled) such, that their sum adds up to the total cross
+c     section. Confidence levels can be assigned to different
+c     partial cross sections indicating whether they may be rescaled
+c     (i.e. if they are not well known) or whether they must not
+c     be rescaled (i.e. because they have been fitted to experimental
+c     data).
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      real*8 sigma(0:maxpsig)
+      integer isigline
+      integer i, npsig, restart
+      integer uncert(1:maxpsig)
+      real*8 diff, sumpart, gsumpart
+      real*8 newsig(0:maxpsig)
+c get the number of channels
+         npsig=sigmaln(1,1,isigline)
+c normalize only if sigtot is not given by the sum of sigpart
+      if (sigmaln(2,1,isigline).gt.0) then
+c copy array
+         do 10 i=1,npsig
+            uncert(i)=sigmaln(i+2,2,isigline)
+ 10      continue
+ 100     restart=0
+         sumpart=0
+         gsumpart=0
+c calculate the sum of all sigpart
+         do 20 i=1,npsig
+            sumpart=sumpart+sigma(i)
+            gsumpart=gsumpart+sigma(i)*uncert(i)
+ 20      continue
+c difference between sigtot and the sum of sigpart
+         diff=sigma(0)-sumpart
+c if all channels are exactly zero, there must be an error in blockres.f!
+         if (sumpart.eq.0.0) then
+            write (6,*) 'normit: Error! sumpart.eq.0'
+c            stop
+            return
+        endif
+         if (gsumpart.eq.0.0) then
+            do 50 i=1,npsig
+c now all channels can be modified
+               if (uncert(i).eq.0) then
+c                 write (6,*) 'modify channel',i
+                  uncert(i)=1
+               endif
+ 50         continue
+c restart calculation
+            goto 100
+         endif
+         do 60 i=1,npsig
+c rescale channels
+            newsig(i)=sigma(i)+uncert(i)*diff*sigma(i)/gsumpart
+c if a channel is negative...
+            if (newsig(i).lt.0) then
+c set it to zero and restart
+               sigma(i)=0.0
+               restart=1
+            endif
+ 60      continue
+         if (restart.eq.1) goto 100
+c copy new values to sigma
+         do 70 i=1,npsig
+            sigma(i)=newsig(i)
+ 70      continue
+      endif
+      if (CTOption(7).eq.1.and.sigma(2).gt.1d-10) then
+         sigma(1)=0d0
+      endif
+      if (CTOption(7).eq.-1) then
+         do 80 i=2,npsig
+            sigma(i)=0d0
+ 80      continue
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function fwidth(ir,izr,m)
+cinput  ir  : resonance ID
+cinput  izr : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance
+cinput  m   : mass of resonance
+c     {\tt fwidth} returns the mass-dependent total decay width
+c     of the resonance {\tt ir}.
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer i,ir,izr,mm,mp,ires
+      real*8 gtot,m,widit,splint
+      real*8 minwid, fprwdt
+      if (CTOption(1).ne.0) then
+         fwidth=widit(ir)
+         return
+      endif
+      if (wtabflg.gt.0.and.CTOption(33).eq.0) then
+         ires=iabs(ir)
+         minwid=min(widit(ir),1D-8)
+         if (ires.ge.minbar.and.ires.le.maxbar) then       !baryons
+c widths are continued horicontally outside the spline region
+                if(m.le.maxtab2)then
+              fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fbtaby(1,ires,1),
+     .           fbtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,m),minwid)
+                else
+              fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fbtaby(1,ires,1),
+     .           fbtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,maxtab2),minwid)
+                     endif
+         else if (ires.ge.minmes.and.ires.le.maxmes) then  !mesons
+c widths are continued horicontally outside the spline region
+           if(m.le.maxtab2)then
+              fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fmtaby(1,ires,1),
+     .           fmtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,m),minwid)
+                     else
+              fwidth=max(splint(tabx(1),fmtaby(1,ires,1),
+     .           fmtaby(1,ires,2),widnsp,maxtab2),minwid)
+            endif
+         else
+            write (6,*) '*** error(fwidth) wrong itype:',ir
+            fwidth=0
+         endif
+      else
+         call brange(ir,mm,mp)
+         gtot=0d0
+         if(mp.gt.0)then
+            do 27 i=mm,mp
+               gtot=gtot+fprwdt(i,ir,izr,m)
+ 27         continue
+         end if
+         fwidth=gtot            !*widit(ir)
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function fprwdt(i,ir,izr,mi)
+cinput  i   : decay branch
+cinput  ir  : resonance ID
+cinput  izr : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance
+cinput  mi  : mass of resonance
+c     {\tt fprwdt} returns the mass dependent partial decay width
+c     of the decay channel {\tt i}.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 m,br,bi,mir,g,mi
+      integer i,ir,izr,i1,i2,i3,i4
+      real*8 widit,fbrancx,mminit,massit
+      call b3type(ir,i,bi,i1,i2,i3,i4)
+      m=dabs(mi)
+      g=0d0
+      mir=massit(ir)
+      if(bi.gt.1d-9.and.mir.gt.mminit(i1)+mminit(i2))then
+         br=fbrancx(i,ir,izr,m,bi,i1,i2,i3,i4)
+c     write(6,*)'   ',bi,gi,widit(ir)
+         g=br*widit(ir)
+      end if
+      fprwdt=g
+      return
+      end
+       real*8 function fbrancx(i,ir,izr,em,bi,b1,b2,b3,b4)
+cinput i  : decay branch
+cinput ir : ID of resonance
+cinput em : actual mass of resonance
+cinput bi : branching ration at peak
+cinput b1 : itype of 1st outgoing particle
+cinput b2 : itype of 2nd outgoing particle
+cinput b3 : itype of 3rd outgoing particle
+cinput b4 : itype of 4th outgoing particle
+c     {\tt fbrancx} returns the mass dependent branching ratio for
+c     the decay channel {\tt i} of resonance {\tt ir}. This
+c     branching ratio is NOT normalized. To extract the mass dependent
+c     decay width, use {\tt fprwdt}.
+c {\tt fbrancx} =$
+c        \left( \Gamma^{i,j}_{R} \frac{M_{R}}{M}
+c        \left( \frac{\langle p_{i,j}(M) \rangle}
+c                    {\langle p_{i,j}(M_{R}) \rangle} \right)^{2l+1}
+c         \frac{1.2}{1+ 0.2
+c        \left( \frac{\langle p_{i,j}(M) \rangle}
+c                    {\langle p_{i,j}(M_{R}) \rangle} \right)^{2l} }
+c          \right)  $
+       implicit none
+       real*8 kdiv1,kdiv2,em,b,mmin,mn,m1m,m2m
+       real*8 bi,minwid
+       real*8 fbran,splint,splintth,pmean
+       integer i,ires,ir,izr,b1,b2,b3,b4
+       include 'comres.f'
+       include 'comwid.f'
+       include 'options.f'
+       real*8 mminit,massit
+       integer isoit,flbr,ipwr,ipwr1
+       ires=iabs(ir)
+       if(iabs(izr).gt.isoit(ires))then
+          fbrancx=0d0
+          return
+       end if
+       if(CTOption(8).ne.0)then
+          fbrancx=bi
+          return
+       end if
+       m1m=mminit(b1)
+       m2m=mminit(b2)
+c in case of three or four particle decays put masses in m2m
+       if(b3.ne.0) m2m=m2m+mminit(b3)
+       if(b4.ne.0) m2m=m2m+mminit(b4)
+       mn=massit(ires)          ! nominal mass
+       mmin= m1m+m2m            ! minimal mass of resonance
+       if (wtabflg.ge.2.and.CTOption(33).eq.0) then
+          minwid=min(fbran(i,ires),1D-8)
+          if (ires.ge.minbar.and.ires.le.maxbar) then !baryons
+c branching ratios are continued horicontally outside the spline region
+             if(em.le.maxtab2)then
+                b=max(splintth(tabx,pbtaby(1,1,ires,i),
+     .               pbtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,em,mmin),minwid)
+             else
+                b=max(splintth(tabx,pbtaby(1,1,ires,i),
+     .               pbtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,maxtab2,mmin),minwid)
+             endif
+          else if (ires.ge.minmes.and.ires.le.maxmes) then !mesons
+             if (em.le.maxtab2) then
+c branching ratios are continued horicontally outside the spline region
+                b=max(splint(tabx,pmtaby(1,1,ires,i),
+     .               pmtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,em),minwid)
+             else
+                b=max(splint(tabx,pmtaby(1,1,ires,i),
+     .               pmtaby(1,2,ires,i),widnsp,maxtab2),minwid)
+             endif
+          else
+             write (6,*) '*** error(fbrancx) wrong id:',ir
+             b=0
+          endif
+       else
+         b=0d0
+         if (bi.gt.0.and.em.gt.mmin.and.mn.gt.mmin) then
+           ipwr=flbr(i,ires)
+           ipwr1=ipwr+1
+c determine expectation values of outgoing masses
+c call of pmean with -99 instead of iso3 to ensure usage of fixed
+c resonance widths: 5% error, but avoids recursion via call
+c to fwidth from pmean
+           if(CTOption(33).ne.0)then
+              kdiv1=pmean(em,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr1)/
+     &             pmean(mn,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr1)
+              kdiv2=pmean(em,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr)/
+     &             pmean(mn,b1,-99,b2,-99,b3,-99,b4,-99,ipwr)
+           else
+              kdiv1=pmean(em,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2),
+     &                       b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr1)/
+     &              pmean(mn,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2),
+     &                       b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr1)
+              kdiv2=pmean(em,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2),
+     &                       b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr)/
+     &              pmean(mn,b1,isoit(b1),b2,isoit(b2),
+     &                       b3,isoit(b3),b4,isoit(b4),ipwr)
+           end if
+           b=bi*mn/em*kdiv1*1.2/(1.+0.2*kdiv2)
+         else
+           b=0.
+         end if
+       end if
+       fbrancx=b
+       return
+       end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/blockres.f b/Processes/UrQMD/blockres.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa6357301152c284ca1f328a25edcadcc71e3b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/blockres.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1033 @@
+c $Id: blockres.f,v 1.19 2003/06/29 14:26:35 weber Exp $
+      blockdata setres
+cc itypes: 100 g,   101 pi, 102 eta, 103 om, 104 rho, 105 f_0(1370)
+cc         106 K,   107 eta', 108 K*, 109 phi,
+cc 0++     110 k_0*(1430), 111 a_0(980), 112 f_0(1370)
+cc 1++     113 k_1(1270), 114 a_1(1260), 115 f_1(1285), 116 f_1(1420),
+cc 2++     117 k_2(1430), 118 a_2(1320), 119 f_2(1270), 120 f_2'(1525)
+cc 1+-     121 K_1(1400), 122 b_1(1235), 123 h_1(1170), 124 h_1'(1380)
+cc 1--     125 K*(1410), 126 rho(1465), 127 om(1419), 128 phi(1680),
+cc 1--     129 K*(1680), 130 rho(1700), 131 om(1662), 132 phi?(1900)
+cc (see 'Review of Particle Properties' Phys. Rev. D50 (1994)
+cc  Phys. Rev. D54 (1996) and Eur. Phys. J. C3 (1998))
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer i, j, k
+c set a string for the what and ident tools
+      data versiontag/'@(#)$UrQMD: Version 1.3b (10035/10002) $'/
+c channels, branching ratios, angular momentum of branches,
+c etc.
+c ALL of the beyond is sensitive to the parameters defined in comres.f
+      data massres/0.938,
+c Nucleon resonances
+     @             1.440,1.515,1.550,1.645,1.675,1.680,
+     @             1.730,1.710,1.720,1.850,1.950,2.000, 2.150,
+     @             2.220,2.250,
+c Delta (and resonances)(Particle Data Group)
+c     @             1.232,1.600,1.620,1.700,1.900,1.905,
+c     @             1.910,1.920,1.930,1.950,
+c Delta (and resonances)
+     @             1.232,1.700,1.675,1.750,1.840,1.880,
+     @             1.900,1.920,1.970,1.990,
+c Lambda (and resonances)
+     @             1.116,1.407,1.520,1.600,1.670,1.690,
+     @             1.800,1.810,1.820,1.830,1.890,2.100,
+     @             2.110,
+c Sigma (and resonances)
+     @             1.192,1.384,1.660,1.670,1.750,1.775,
+     @             1.915,1.940,2.030,
+c Xi (and resonances)
+     @             1.315,1.532,1.700,1.823,1.950,2.025,
+c     @             1.315,1.532,1.690,1.823,1.950,2.025,
+c Omega
+     @             1.672/
+      data widres/ 0.d0,
+c Nucleon resonances
+     @             0.350,0.120,0.140,0.160,0.140,0.120,
+     @             0.120,0.140,0.150,0.500,0.550,0.350,0.500,
+     @             0.550,0.470,
+c Delta (and resonances)(Particle-Data-Group)
+c     @             0.120,0.350,0.150,0.300,0.200,0.350,
+c     @             0.250,0.200,0.350,0.300,
+c Delta (and resonances)
+     @             0.115,0.350,0.160,0.350,0.260,0.350,
+     @             0.250,0.200,0.350,0.350,
+c Lambda (and resonances)
+     @             0.,0.050,0.016,0.150,0.035,0.060,
+     @             0.300,0.150,0.080,0.095,0.100,0.200,
+     @             0.200,
+c Sigma (and resonances)
+     @             0.,0.036,0.100,0.060,0.090,0.120,
+     @             0.120,0.220,0.180,
+c Xi (and resonances)
+     @             0.,0.009,0.05,0.024,0.06,0.02,
+c Omega
+     @             0./
+      data massmes/
+c         g     pi    eta   omega   rho   f_0(980)  K
+     & 0.000, 0.138, 0.547, 0.782, 0.769, 0.990,    0.494,
+c                    eta'   K*     phi
+     @             0.958, 0.893, 1.019,
+c 0++ scalar  k_0*(1430), a_0(980), f_0(1370)
+     @        1.429,      .990,     1.370,
+c 1++         k_1(1270),a_1(1260),f_1(1285),f_1(1420)
+     @        1.273,    1.230,    1.282,    1.426,
+c 2++  tensor k_2*(1430),a_2(1320),f_2(1270),f_2'(1525)
+     @        1.430,     1.318,    1.275,    1.525,
+c 1+-                K_1(1400) b1     h1      h1'
+     @          1.400,    1.235, 1.170,  1.386,
+c 1--    K    rho   omega phi
+     &  1.410,1.465,1.419,1.681,
+     &  1.680,1.720,1.649,1.910/
+      data widmes /
+c          g    pi  eta   omega   rho   f_0(980)  K
+     &    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 8.43e-3 ,0.151, 0.1,    0.0,
+c                    eta'      K*      phi
+     @             0.201e-3, 50.e-3, 4.43e-3,
+c 0++        scalar  k_0*(1430), a_0(980), f_0(1370)
+     @         .287,        .100,       .200,
+c 1++        pseudo-vector k_1(1270),a_1(1260),f_1(1285),f_1(1420)
+     @             .090,     .400,      .024,       .055,
+c 2++        tensor     k_2*(1430),a_2(1320),f_2(1270),f_2'(1525)
+     @          .100,       .107,     .185,     .076,
+c 1+-                   k1(1400)        b1      h1    h1*
+     @           0.174,    0.142,   0.36,   0.09,
+c 1--    K    rho   omega phi
+     &  0.227, 0.310, 0.174, 0.150,
+     &  0.323, 0.240, 0.220, 0.090/
+c      Spins of resonances and mesons (multiplied by two):
+      data Jres/      1,
+     @                1,    3,    1,    1,    5,    5,
+     @                3,    1,    3,    3,    7,    3,   7,
+     @                9,    9,
+     D                3,    3,    1,    3,    1,    5,
+     @                1,    3,    5,    7,
+     L                1,    1,    3,    1,    1,    3,
+     @                1,    1,    5,    5,    3,    7,   5,
+     S                1,    3,    1,    3,    1,    5,
+     @                5,    3,    7,
+     X                1,    3,    3,    3,    3,    5,
+     O                3 /
+      data Jmes/ 2,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,
+c 1--
+     &     2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2/
+c      Parities of resonances and mesons:
+      data Pares/      1,
+     @                1,   -1,   -1,   -1,   -1,    1,
+     @               -1,    1,    1,    1,    1,   -1,  -1,
+     @                1,   -1,
+     D                1,    1,   -1,   -1,   -1,    1,
+     @                1,    1,   -1,    1,
+     L                1,   -1,   -1,    1,   -1,   -1,
+     @               -1,    1,    1,   -1,    1,   -1,   1,
+     S                1,    1,    1,   -1,   -1,   -1,
+     @                1,   -1,    1,
+c some Xi parities are unknown     ?           ?     ?
+     X                1,    1,    1,   -1,    1,    1,
+     O                1 /
+c                 g  pi et om rh si k  et k* ph k0* a0 f0 k1 a1 f1 f1*
+      data Pames/ -1,-1,-1,-1,-1, 1,-1,-1,-1,-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  1,
+c                 k2 a2 f2* f2' k1 b1 h1 h1* rh* rh* om* om*
+     &             1, 1, 1,  1,  1, 1, 1,  1,
+c 1--    (incl. rh* rh* om* om*)
+     &  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1/
+c       Isospins of resonances and mesons (multiplied by two)
+      data Isores/    1,
+     @                1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     d                3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,
+     l                0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+     s                2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
+     x                1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     o                0/
+      data Isomes/ 0,2,0,0,2,0,1,0,1,0,1,2,0,1,2,0,0,1,2,0,0,1,2,0,0,
+c 1--
+     &  1,2,0,0,1,2,0,0/
+c     &     2,2,0,0/
+c strres gives the number of strange quarks for baryons
+c        (switch sign for anti-part.)
+      data strres/ 26*0,13*1,9*1,6*2,3/
+c strmes gives the number of strange quarks for mesons
+c        (switch sign for anti-part.)
+      data strmes/ 6*0,-1,0,-1,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,
+c 1--
+     &  -1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0/
+c     &     0,0,0,0/
+c meson id's sorted by multipletts
+      data mlt2it/
+     &     101, 106, 102, 107,
+     &     104, 108, 103, 109,
+     &     111, 110, 105, 112,
+     &     114, 113, 115, 116,
+     &     118, 117, 119, 120,
+     &     122, 121, 123, 124,
+     &     126, 125, 127, 128,
+     &     130, 129, 131, 132/
+c      the decay branches have different angular momentum
+C     gN,piN,etN,omN,rhN,pipiN,piD,piN*,KL,KS,f0N,a0N
+c  now some n*'s
+      data lbr/
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
+     &  0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
+     &  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
+     &  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
+     &  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,
+     &  1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2,
+     &  0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+     &  3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4,
+     &  0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
+     &  2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3,
+     &  3, 5, 5, 3, 3, 5, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4,
+     &  4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5,
+c d,d*
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+     &  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
+     &  0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1,
+     &  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
+     &  1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2,
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0,
+     &  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,
+     &  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,
+     &  3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4/
+         data lbs1/
+c orbital angular momentum of decays (baryons with s=1)
+c       _  _                                                 _
+c      NK NK892 Sipi Si*pi gLa  etLa omLa Lapi etSi La*pi DelK
+c lambda*'s
+     & 0,   0,   0,   2,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   2,
+     & 2,   0,   2,   0,   0,   2,   0,   2,   2,   1,   0,
+     & 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   1,
+     & 0,   0,   0,   2,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   2,
+     & 2,   0,   2,   0,   0,   2,   0,   2,   2,   1,   0,
+     & 0,   0,   0,   2,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   2,
+     & 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   1,
+     & 3,   1,   3,   1,   1,   3,   1,   3,   3,   2,   1,
+     & 2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   1,   2,
+     & 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   0,   1,
+     & 4,   2,   4,   2,   2,   4,   2,   4,   4,   3,   2,
+     & 3,   1,   3,   1,   1,   3,   1,   3,   3,   2,   1,
+c sigma's
+     & 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   1,
+     & 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   0,   1,
+     & 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   1,
+     & 2,   0,   2,   0,   0,   2,   0,   2,   2,   1,   0,
+     & 0,   0,   0,   2,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   1,   2,
+     & 2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2,   1,   2,
+     & 3,   1,   3,   1,   1,   3,   1,   3,   3,   2,   1,
+     & 2,   0,   2,   0,   0,   2,   0,   2,   2,   1,   0,
+     & 3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   3,   2,   3/
+        data lbs2/
+c orbital angular momentum of decays (baryons with s=2)
+     &  1,  1,  1,  1,
+     &  1,  1,  1,  1,
+     &  2,  0,  2,  2,
+     &  1,  1,  1,  1,
+     &  3,  1,  3,  3/
+        data lbm/
+c orbital angular momentum of meson decays
+c (9 stands for 'forbidden', branching ratio should be zero!)
+C     gg   gpi grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho pisi pieta sisi
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10
+c     rhet etsig 2rho rhom  2eta  KK  KK* Kpi  K*pi  Krho kome K*K ompi
+c      11    12   13    14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21 22 23
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c                      8   10  121314  1617  19      23
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,9,1,9,9,9,1,1,9,1,1,1,9,9,9,9,1,1,1,1,1, !101
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,9,1,9,9,9,1,1,9,1,1,1,9,9,9,9,1,1,1,1,1, !102
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, !103
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, !104
+     & 0,9,0,0,9,9,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,9, !105
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,9,1,9,9,9,1,1,9,1,1,1,9,9,9,9,1,1,1,1,1, !106
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,9,1,9,9,9,1,1,9,1,1,1,9,9,9,9,1,1,1,1,1, !107
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, !108
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, !109
+c 0++
+c                      8   10  121314  1617  19      23
+     & 0,9,0,0,9,9,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,9, !110
+     & 0,9,0,0,9,9,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,
+     & 0,9,0,0,9,9,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,9,
+c 1++
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+c 2++
+     & 0,2,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
+     & 0,2,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
+     & 0,2,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
+     & 0,2,0,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,
+c 1+-
+C     gg   gpi grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho pisi pieta sisi
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10
+c     rhet etsig 2rho rhom  2eta  KK  KK* Kpi  K*pi  Krho kome K*K ompi
+c      11    12   13    14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21 22 23
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c                      8   10  121314  1617  19      23
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+     & 0,0,0,0,0,0,9,0,9,9,9,0,0,9,0,0,0,9,9,9,9,0,0,0,0,0,
+c 1--
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+c 1--
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+     & 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1/
+        data branres/
+Channels: gN   piN  etN  omN  rhN pipiN piD  piN* KL   KS   f0N  a0N
+c n* resonances
+     a  4d-4, .65, .00, .00, .00, .10, .25, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1440
+     b 45d-4, .60, .00, .00, .15, .05, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1520
+     c 45d-4, .60, .30, .00, .00, .05, .00, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1535
+     d 1d-3 , .60, .06, .00, .00, .10, .10, .05, .07, .02, .00, .00, !1650
+     e 5d-5 , .40, .00, .00, .00, .00, .55, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1675
+     f 21d-4, .60, .00, .00, .00, .20, .15, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1680
+     g 1d-4 , .05, .15, .00, .05, .30, .40, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1700
+     h    0., .16, .15, .00, .05, .26, .20, .10, .05, .03, .00, .00, !1710
+     i 1d-4 , .10, .00, .00, .80, .05, .00, .00, .03, .02, .00, .00, !1720
+     j    0., .30, .00, .55, .15, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1900
+     k    0., .12, .00, .00, .43, .19, .14, .05, .03, .00, .04, .00, !1990
+     l    0., .45, .10, .10, .20, .05, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !2080
+     m    0., .35, .00, .05, .30, .10, .15, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, !2190
+     n    0., .35, .00, .00, .25, .20, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !2220
+     o    0., .30, .00, .00, .25, .20, .20, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, !2250
+c delta resonances
+     a  6d-3, 1.0, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1232
+     b    0., .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .65, .25, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1600
+     c  4d-4, .15, .00, .00, .05, .00, .65, .15, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1620
+     d  2d-3, .20, .00, .00, .25, .00, .55, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1700
+     e    0., .25, .00, .00, .25, .00, .25, .25, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1900
+     f  3d-4, .18, .00, .00, .80, .00, .02, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1905
+     g    0., .30, .00, .00, .10, .00, .35, .25, .00, .00, .00, .00, !1910
+     h    0., .27, .00, .00, .00, .00, .40, .30, .00, .03, .00, .00, !1920
+     i    0., .22, .00, .00, .05, .00, .40, .30, .00, .03, .00, .00, !1930
+     j 15d-3, .38, .00, .00, .00, .00, .34, .24, .00, .00, .00, .04/ !1950
+        data branbs1/
+c...the branching ratios for unstable baryons with strangeness -1:
+channels:       _  _                                                 _
+c      NK NK892 Sipi Si*pi gLa  etLa omLa Lapi etSi La*pi DelK
+c lambda*'s
+     @ .00, .00,1.00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .45, .00, .43, .11,.008, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .35, .00, .65, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .20, .00, .50, .00, .00, .30, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .25, .00, .45, .30, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .40, .20, .20, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .35, .45, .15, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .65, .00, .14, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .10, .00, .70, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .35, .20, .10, .30, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .35, .20, .05, .30, .00, .02, .08, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .25, .45, .30, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c sigma's   ! stable particles shoud add to zero!
+     @ .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .00, .00, .12, .00, .00, .00, .00, .88, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .30, .00, .35, .00, .00, .00, .00, .35, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .15, .00, .70, .00, .00, .00, .00, .15, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .40, .00, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .55, .00, .00,
+     @ .40, .00, .04, .10, .00, .00, .00, .23, .00, .23, .00,
+     @ .15, .00, .40, .05, .00, .00, .00, .40, .00, .00, .00,
+     @ .10, .15, .15, .15, .00, .00, .00, .15, .00, .15, .15,
+     @ .20, .04, .10, .10, .00, .00, .00, .20, .00, .18, .18/
+        data branbs2/
+c...the branching ratios for unstable baryons with strangeness -2:
+channels:                     _      _
+c            Xipi  Xigamma  LaK   SigK
+c Xi's
+     @       .98,    .02,    0.,   0.,
+     @       .10,    .00,   .70,   .20,
+     @       .15,    .00,   .70,   .15,
+     @       .20,    .00,   .40,   .20,
+     @       .10,    .00,   .20,   .70/
+        data branmes /
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c pion
+     a 1.00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c eta
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c omega
+     a  .00, .09, .00, .00, .00, .00, .02, .00, .89, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c rho(770)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,1.00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c f_0(980)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .70, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .30, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c kaon
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c eta'
+     a  .02, .00, .30, .03, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .65, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c K*(892)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,.003, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,1.00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c phi
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .01, .00, .00, .13, .02, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .84, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c K_0(1430)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,1.00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c a_0(980)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .90, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c f_0(1370)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .10, .00, .00, .00, .70, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c K_1(1270)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .47, .42, .11, .00, .00,
+c a_1(1260)
+     a  .00, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .90, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c f_1(1285)
+     a  .00, .00, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .33, .00, .00,
+     a  .53, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .09, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c f_1(1420)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .04, .00, .00, .48, .48,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c k_2(1430)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .50, .25, .09, .03, .13, .00,
+c a_2(1320)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .70, .00, .14, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .11, .00, .05, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c f_2(1270)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .50, .00, .00, .00, .30, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c f_2'(1525)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .01, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .10, .89, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c 1+-
+c K_1(1400)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .96, .03, .01, .00, .00,
+c b_1(1235)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .90,
+c h_1(1170)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .90, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c h_1'(1380)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .50, .50,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c 1--
+c K*(1410)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .30, .65, .05, .00, .00, .00,
+c rho(1450)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .50, .00, .00, .00, .50, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c om(1420)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,1.00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c phi(1680)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .40, .40,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .10, .10, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c 1--
+c K*(1680)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,.003, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .40, .30, .30, .00, .00, .00,
+c rho(1700)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .20, .00, .00, .00, .10, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .70, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c om(1600)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .50, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .50, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+c phi(1900)
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .20, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00,
+     a  .00, .00, .00, .00, .10, .70, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00, .00
+     a   /
+C     gg   gpi  grho    gome geta gK   2pi pirho 3pi pieta 4pi KK* K*K
+c      0     1    2     3    4    5    6   7    8    9     10  11  12
+c    et2pi etrho rho2pi om2pi 2eta KK  2Kpi Kpi  K*pi Krho kom K*2pi ompi
+c      13    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23  24  25
+c minimal masses of mesons
+c                    g     pi  eta  om     rh     f0    k
+        data mmesmn/0.0,0.138,0.547,0.276,0.276,0.276,0.495,
+c            eta', k*, phi,k_0*,    a_0,f_0
+     a       0.278,0.636,.414,.636,0.685,0.276,
+c            k1     a1      f1  f1   k2*     a2*  f2  f2'
+     a       0.774, 0.414, 0.276,1.272,0.636,0.414,0.276,.990,
+c     1+-
+     &       0.774,0.556,0.417,1.272,
+c 1--
+     &  0.636, 0.278, 0.414, 0.990,
+     &  0.636, 0.278, 0.414, 0.990/
+        data bmtype/
+c for each branch you have itype1(M),itype2(M),itype3(M),itype4(M)
+c in case of resonances in the exit-channel, maximum two are allowed
+c which must be listed as the first two entries
+c note: if total strangeness .ne.0, the first meson should be strange!
+c       g g          g   pi       g  rho      g   om
+     @  100,100,0,0, 100,101,0,0, 100,104,0,0, 100,103,0,0,
+c       g eta        k   g        pi pi        pi rho
+     @  100,102,0,0, 106,100,0,0, 101,101,0,0, 101,104,0,0,
+c       pi pi pi       pi  et       pi pi pi pi      k kbar*
+     @  101,101,101,0, 101,102,0,0, 101,101,101,101, 106,-108,0,0,
+c          kbar k*      et pi pi
+     @ -106,108,0,0, 102,101,101,0,
+c       rho et        rho pi pi      om pi pi      et et
+     @  104,102,0,0, 104,101,101,0, 103,101,101,0, 102,102,0,0,
+c       k kbar        k   kbar pi     k pi         k* pi
+     @  106,-106,0,0, 106,-106,101,0, 106,101,0,0, 108,101,0,0,
+c       k rho        k om         k* pi pi       om pi
+     @  106,104,0,0, 106,103,0,0, 108,101,101,0, 103,101,0,0/
+      data brtype/
+c non-strange baryon decay branches:
+c for each branch you have a maximum of 4 outgoing itypes
+c in case of resonances in the exit-channel, maximum two are allowed
+c which must be listed as the first two entries
+c         N  g        N  pi       N  et      N  om      N rho
+     @    1,100,0,0,  1,101,0,0,  1,102,0,0, 1,103,0,0, 1,104,0,0,
+c         N pi pi      Delta pi    N* pi      La k        Sig k
+     @    1,101,101,0, 17,101,0,0, 2,101,0,0, 27,106,0,0, 40,106,0,0,
+c         N f0          N a0
+     @    1,105,0,0, 1,111,0,0/
+c strangeness -1 baryon decay branches:
+c in case of resonances in the exit-channel, maximum two are allowed
+c which must be listed as the first two entries
+      data bs1type/
+c                  N Kbar      N K*bar     Si pi          Si*pi
+     @        1,-106,0,0, 1,-108,0,0, 40,101,0,0, 41,101,0,0,
+c                La  g       La  et      La om       La pi
+     @        27,100,0,0, 27,102,0,0, 27,103,0,0, 27,101,0,0,
+c                  Si et       La* pi      Delta kbar
+     @        40,102,0,0, 29,101,0,0, 17,-106,0,0/
+c strangeness -2 baryon decay branches:
+c in case of resonances in the exit-channel, maximum two are allowed
+c which must be listed as the first two entries
+      data bs2type/
+c                  Xi pi       Xi pi          La Kbar            Si Kbar
+     @        49,101,0,0, 49,100,0,0, 27,-106,0,0,  40,-106,0,0/
+cccccccccccccccccccc pointer arrays for cross sections cccccccccccccccccc
+c general structure:
+c     SigmaLn(SigLnXX(ICLTYP),*) contains in its columns
+c     EITHER flags for the crossx and make22 subroutines in which
+c     the respective parametrizations and exitchannels are stored
+c     OR the line-numbers of the
+c     sigmainf(LINE,*) and sigmascal(LINE,*) arrays
+c     in which information about the cross sections for the processes with
+c     particles of ITYPs ITYP1 and ITYP2 in the entry channel are stored.
+c     The first entry in the respective LINE of the sigmainf contains
+c     the number of possible exit channels for the collision and the
+c     second entry points to the total cross section.
+c     The ELASTIC cross section MUST always exist and be the FIRST
+c     cross section entry after the total cross section!!
+c     In case of NEGATIVE LINENUMBERS in sigmaLn(j>2,i), a DETAILED BALANCE
+c     calculation will be performed
+      data (((sigmaLN(i,j,k),i=1,maxpsig),j=1,2),k=1,maxreac) /
+c 1  proton neutron
+c     nCH   t  el  ND  pN* ND* DD  DN* DD*
+     .  9, 16, 17,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7, 15,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,
+c 2  proton proton (and neutron neutron)
+c     nCH t   el  ND pN* ND* DD DN* DD*
+     .  9, 18, 19,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7, 15,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,
+c 3  D N (sigtot=-1 sum over branches for total cross section)
+     .  5, -1, 13, 30,  8, 35, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c 4  N* N (sigtot=-1 sum over branches for total cross section)
+     .  4, 12, 13, -2, 14, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c 5  D* N(sigtot=-1 sum over branches for total cross section)
+     .  4, 12, 13, -3, 14, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c 6  D D (sigtot=-1 sum over branches for total cross section)
+     .  5, -1, 13, 32, 31, 14, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c 7  D N* (sigtot=-1 sum over branches for total cross section)
+     .  4, 12, 13, -5, 14, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c 8  D D* (sigtot=-1 sum over branches for total cross section)
+     .  4, 12, 13, -6, 14, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c 9  meson baryon
+     .  5, 25, 26, 10, 27, 28, 36,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c10  meson meson (are automatically summed)
+     .  5, -1, 38, 11, 27, 28,  37,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c11  bbar-b
+     .  3, -1, 22, 23, 24,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c12  D*D* or D*N* or N*N*
+     .  4, 12, 13, -7, 14, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+c13  BB (for all that are not specified above: YY etc.)
+     .  2, 12, 13, 15,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     .  0,  0,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 /
+cccccccccccccccccccc cross sections info  ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c In sigmainf(LINE,*)  the following information is stored:
+c column 1     : line# number for sigmas(line#,*) array (index(sig))
+c column 2     : flag for angular distribution in the out-channel
+c                 0 : isotropic scattering
+c                 1 : elastic scattering (ident. part.) ang. distrib. exp (-as)
+c                 2 : elastic scattering (non ident. part.) ang. distrib.
+c                 3 : f-b peaked N N to N Delta
+c        3     : number of particles in the out-channel
+c                ( 0 for total cross sections)
+c                for <0 number of calls to crossx for sub-branches
+c        4 - 8 : ITYPs of particles in the out-channel
+c        9 - 15: 2*I3 of particles in the out-channel (-9 for isocgk call)
+c                DANGER: the entries have to be sorted in a way, that ALL
+c                        unknown I3 components (those which are -9) are
+c                        at the END of the list !!!
+c IN sigmascal(LINE,*) the following information is stored:
+c column 1     : scaling factor for cross section in sigmas(line#,*)
+c column 2     : sqrt(s) value corresponding to entry sigmas(line#,1)
+c column 3     : Delta(sqrt(s)) between sigmas(line#,n) and sigmas(line#,n+1)
+c column 4,5   : undefined (optionally formation time for outgoing channel)
+c     proton - neutron total cs. index(inf)=1, index(sig)=1
+      data (sigmainf(1,i),i=1,20) /
+     @  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     @  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 /
+      data(sigmascal(1,i),i=1,5) /
+     @  1.0000000, 1.8964808, 0.0100000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000 /
+c     proton - neutron elastic cs. index(inf)=2, index(sig)=2
+      data (sigmainf(2,i),i=1,20) /
+     @  2,  2,  2,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0, -9, -9,
+     @  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 /
+      data(sigmascal(2,i),i=1,5) /
+     @  1.0000000, 1.8964808, 0.0100000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000 /
+c     proton - proton (neutron - neutron) total cs. index(inf)=3, index(sig)=3
+c     low energy forward peak is subtracted
+      data (sigmainf(3,i),i=1,20) /
+     @  3,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
+     @  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 /
+      data(sigmascal(3,i),i=1,5) /
+     @  1.0000000, 1.8964808, 0.0100000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000 /
+c     proton - proton (neutron-neutron) elastic cs. index(inf)=4, index(sig)=4
+      data (sigmainf(4,i),i=1,20) /
+     @  4,  1,  2,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  -9,  -9,
+     @  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0 /
+      data(sigmascal(4,i),i=1,5) /
+     @  1.0000000, 1.8964808, 0.0100000, 0.0000000, 0.0000000 /
+cccccccccccccccccccccccc cross sections sigmas() cccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c     proton - neutron total cs. index=1
+      data (sigmas(1,i),i=1,ITBLSZ) /
+     @248.20, 93.38, 55.26, 44.50, 41.33, 38.48, 37.20, 35.98,
+     @ 35.02, 34.47, 34.37, 34.67, 35.23, 35.97, 36.75, 37.37,
+     @ 37.77, 38.03, 38.40, 38.83, 39.26, 39.67, 40.06, 40.45,
+     @ 40.79, 41.06, 41.31, 41.52, 41.70, 41.81, 41.87, 41.98,
+     @ 42.12, 42.29, 42.55, 42.82, 43.01, 43.12, 43.16, 43.14,
+     @ 43.06, 42.95, 42.81, 42.67, 42.54, 42.45, 42.38, 42.33,
+     @ 42.30, 42.29, 42.28, 42.26, 42.24, 42.21, 42.17, 42.14,
+     @ 42.10, 42.07, 42.06, 42.05, 42.04, 42.03, 42.02, 42.00,
+     @ 41.97, 41.94, 41.89, 41.84, 41.79, 41.73, 41.67, 41.61,
+     @ 41.55, 41.49, 41.44, 41.38, 41.34, 41.31, 41.29, 41.28,
+     @ 41.27, 41.28, 41.30, 41.33, 41.36, 41.40, 41.44, 41.49,
+     @ 41.50, 41.51, 41.51, 41.51, 41.52, 41.51, 41.51, 41.50,
+     @ 41.50, 41.49, 41.47, 41.46
+     @/
+c     proton - neutron elastic cs. index=2
+      data (sigmas(2,i),i=1,ITBLSZ) /
+     @248.20, 93.38, 55.26, 44.50, 41.33, 38.48, 37.20, 35.98,
+     @ 35.02, 34.47, 32.48, 30.76, 29.46, 28.53, 27.84, 27.20,
+     @ 26.53, 25.95, 25.59, 25.46, 25.00, 24.49, 24.08, 23.86,
+     @ 23.17, 22.70, 21.88, 21.48, 20.22, 19.75, 18.97, 18.39,
+     @ 17.98, 17.63, 17.21, 16.72, 16.68, 16.58, 16.42, 16.22,
+     @ 15.98, 15.71, 15.42, 15.14, 14.87, 14.65, 14.44, 14.26,
+     @ 14.10, 13.95, 13.80, 13.64, 13.47, 13.29, 13.09, 12.89,
+     @ 12.68, 12.47, 12.27, 12.06, 11.84, 11.76, 11.69, 11.60,
+     @ 11.50, 11.41, 11.29, 11.17, 11.06, 10.93, 10.81, 10.68,
+     @ 10.56, 10.44, 10.33, 10.21, 10.12, 10.03,  9.96,  9.89,
+     @  9.83,  9.80,  9.77,  9.75,  9.74,  9.74,  9.74,  9.76,
+     @  9.73,  9.70,  9.68,  9.65,  9.63,  9.60,  9.57,  9.55,
+     @  9.52,  9.49,  9.46,  9.43
+     @/
+c     proton - proton (neut - neut) total cs. index=3
+c     low energy forward peak is subtracted
+      data (sigmas(3,i),i=1,ITBLSZ) /
+     @ 39.48, 31.76, 26.26, 24.05, 23.94, 23.77, 23.72, 23.98,
+     @ 24.48, 24.52, 28.72, 33.21, 37.33, 39.87, 42.14, 44.15,
+     @ 46.85, 48.56, 48.65, 48.97, 48.81, 48.43, 48.36, 48.19,
+     @ 47.89, 47.53, 47.42, 47.37, 47.17, 46.65, 46.48, 45.94,
+     @ 45.63, 45.75, 45.52, 45.24, 45.13, 44.96, 44.55, 44.44,
+     @ 44.10, 43.89, 43.77, 43.32, 43.30, 43.07, 42.95, 42.74,
+     @ 42.46, 42.28, 42.11, 41.96, 41.86, 41.74, 41.64, 41.54,
+     @ 41.44, 41.37, 41.29, 41.22, 41.14, 41.09, 41.01, 40.93,
+     @ 40.83, 40.74, 40.66, 40.58, 40.51, 40.47, 40.40, 40.35,
+     @ 40.47, 40.44, 40.38, 40.35, 40.32, 40.27, 40.25, 40.23,
+     @ 40.19, 40.13, 40.11, 40.09, 40.06, 40.02, 40.00, 39.95,
+     @ 39.94, 39.90, 39.87, 39.82, 39.77, 39.72, 39.67, 39.59,
+     @ 39.54, 39.48, 39.41, 39.32
+     @/
+c     proton - proton (neut - neut) elastic cs. index=4
+      data (sigmas(4,i),i=1,ITBLSZ) /
+     @ 39.48, 31.76, 26.26, 24.05, 23.94, 23.77, 23.72, 23.98,
+     @ 24.48, 24.52, 25.00, 25.40, 25.80, 26.00, 24.32, 23.81,
+     @ 24.37, 24.36, 23.13, 22.83, 22.50, 22.20, 21.83, 21.50,
+     @ 21.55, 21.25, 20.90, 20.55, 20.30, 20.15, 20.05, 19.90,
+     @ 19.50, 19.25, 19.00, 18.50, 18.10, 17.60, 17.20, 17.00,
+     @ 16.70, 16.50, 16.20, 15.80, 15.57, 15.20, 15.00, 14.60,
+     @ 14.20, 14.00, 13.80, 13.60, 13.40, 13.20, 13.00, 12.85,
+     @ 12.70, 12.60, 12.50, 12.40, 12.30, 12.20, 12.10, 12.00,
+     @ 11.90, 11.80, 11.75, 11.70, 11.64, 11.53, 11.41, 11.31,
+     @ 11.22, 11.13, 11.05, 10.97, 10.89, 10.82, 10.75, 10.68,
+     @ 10.61, 10.54, 10.48, 10.41, 10.35, 10.28, 10.22, 10.16,
+     @ 10.13, 10.10, 10.08, 10.05, 10.02,  9.99,  9.96,  9.93,
+     @  9.90,  9.87,  9.84,  9.80
+     @/
+      end
+      integer function flbr(i,iir)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,iir,ir,l
+      include 'comres.f'
+      ir=iabs(iir)
+      l=0
+      if(ir.gt.minnuc.and.ir.le.maxdel)then
+        l=lbr(i,ir)
+      else if(ir.gt.minlam.and.ir.le.maxsig)then
+        l=lbs1(i,ir)
+      else if(ir.gt.mincas.and.ir.le.maxcas)then
+        l=lbs2(i,ir)
+      else if(ir.gt.minmes.and.ir.le.maxmes)then
+        l=lbm(i,ir)
+      else
+        write(6,*)'*** error(flbr) *** i,ir:',i,ir
+        stop
+      endif
+      flbr=l*2 ! angular momentum of decay into ch.i(x2)
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function fbran(i,iir)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,iir,ir
+      real*8 b
+      include 'comres.f'
+      ir=iabs(iir)
+      b=0.d0
+      if(ir.gt.minnuc.and.ir.le.maxdel)then
+        b=branres(i,ir)
+      else if(ir.gt.minlam.and.ir.le.maxsig)then
+        b=branbs1(i,ir)
+       else if(ir.gt.mincas.and.ir.le.maxcas)then
+        b=branbs2(i,ir)
+      else if(ir.gt.minmes.and.ir.le.maxmes)then
+        b=branmes(i,ir)
+      else
+        write(6,*)'*** error(fbran) *** i,ir:',i,ir
+        stop
+      endif
+      fbran=b ! branching ratio of decay into ch.i(x2)
+      return
+      end
+      integer function strit(i)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,is,ia
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+         strit=0
+         return
+      endif
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+         is=strmes(ia)
+      else
+         is=strres(ia)
+      endif
+      strit=is*iabs(i)/i        ! number of strange quarks in part. i
+      return
+      end
+      integer function fchg(i3,i)
+      integer i,i3,b,s,ia,strit
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+         fchg=0
+         return
+      endif
+      s=strit(i)
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        b=0
+      else
+        b=ia/i
+      endif
+      fchg =(i3+b-s)/2 ! i3 is multiplied whith 2 &  s(s)=-1!
+      return  ! charge of particle i
+      end
+      real*8 function massit(i)
+      integer i,ia
+      include 'comres.f'
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        massit=massmes(ia)
+      else
+        massit=massres(ia)
+      endif
+      return  ! mass of particle i
+      end
+      real*8 function mminit(i)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,ia
+      real*8 massit,widit ! functions
+      real*8 cut,pcut
+      parameter(pcut=1d-3) ! keep pcut*mass for rel.kinetic energy
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+         mminit=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      cut=pcut*massit(ia)
+      if(widit(ia).le.pcut)then ! narrow particle condition
+        mminit=massit(ia)
+      else if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        mminit=mmesmn(ia)+cut
+      else if(ia.gt.minnuc.and.ia.le.maxdel)then
+        mminit=massit(minnuc)+massit(pimeson)+cut
+      else if(ia.gt.minlam.and.ia.le.maxlam)then
+        mminit=massit(minsig)+massit(pimeson)+cut
+      else if(ia.gt.minsig.and.ia.le.maxsig)then
+        mminit=massit(minsig)+massit(pimeson)+cut
+      else if(ia.gt.mincas.and.ia.le.maxcas)then
+        mminit=massit(mincas)+massit(pimeson)+cut
+      else
+        mminit=massit(ia)
+      endif
+      return  ! minimal mass of particle i
+      end
+      real*8 function widit(i)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,ia
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+         widit=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        widit=widmes(ia)
+      else
+        widit=widres(ia)
+      endif
+      return ! width of particle i
+      end
+      subroutine brange(i,mm,mp)
+      implicit none
+      integer mm,mp,ia,i
+      include 'comres.f'
+      ia=abs(i)
+      mm=0
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        mp=maxbrm
+      else if(ia.gt.minnuc.and.ia.le.maxdel)then
+        mp=maxbra
+      else if(ia.gt.minlam.and.ia.le.maxsig)then
+        mp=maxbrs1
+      else if(ia.gt.mincas.and.ia.le.maxcas)then
+        mp=maxbrs2
+      else
+        mp=0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine b3type(i,j,bi,b1,b2,b3,b4)
+c i=itype j=number of decay channel bi=branching ratio b1-4 outgoing itypes
+      implicit none
+      integer ia,i,j,b1,b2,b3,b4
+      real*8 bi
+      include 'comres.f'
+      ia=abs(i)
+      if(ia.gt.minmes)then
+        bi=branmes(j,ia)
+        b1=bmtype(1,j)
+        b2=bmtype(2,j)
+        b3=bmtype(3,j)
+        b4=bmtype(4,j)
+      else if(ia.gt.minnuc.and.ia.le.maxdel)then
+        bi=branres(j,ia)
+        b1=brtype(1,j)
+        b2=brtype(2,j)
+        b3=brtype(3,j)
+        b4=brtype(4,j)
+      else if(ia.gt.minlam.and.ia.le.maxsig)then
+        bi=branbs1(j,ia)
+        b1=bs1type(1,j)
+        b2=bs1type(2,j)
+        b3=bs1type(3,j)
+        b4=bs1type(4,j)
+      else if(ia.gt.mincas.and.ia.le.maxcas)then
+        bi=branbs2(j,ia)
+        b1=bs2type(1,j)
+        b2=bs2type(2,j)
+        b3=bs2type(3,j)
+        b4=bs2type(4,j)
+      else
+        bi=0d0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      integer function isoit(i)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,ia
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+         isoit=0
+         return
+      endif
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        isoit=isomes(ia)
+      else
+        isoit=isores(ia)
+      end if
+      return ! isospin of particle i
+      end
+      integer function jit(i)
+      implicit none
+      integer i,ia
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if(i.eq.0) then
+         jit=0
+         return
+      endif
+      ia=iabs(i)
+      if(ia.ge.minmes)then
+        jit=jmes(ia)
+      else
+        jit=jres(ia)
+      endif
+      return ! spin of particle i
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/boxinc.f b/Processes/UrQMD/boxinc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d2eb827cbbca769a6da1cfe005d7ed7df583ccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/boxinc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+c $Id: boxinc.f,v 1.3 1999/01/18 09:56:53 ernst Exp $
+c     Unit     : all modules using the box
+c     Version  : 1.0
+c        max count of different species
+        integer bptmax
+         parameter(bptmax=20)
+c      counter
+        integer cbox
+c      Flags
+        integer boxflag
+        integer edensflag, mbflag
+        integer para,solid,mtest
+c      number of different species
+        integer mbox
+c      particle counters
+        integer bptpart(bptmax),bptityp(bptmax),bptiso3(bptmax)
+        real*8 bptpmax(bptmax)
+        real*8 edens
+c      edge length of a cube in fm
+        real*8  lbox
+c      half edge lengt of a cube
+        real*8  lboxhalbe
+c      double edge length of a cube
+        real*8  lboxd
+c      momenta
+        real*8 mbp0, mbpx, mbpy, mbpz
+        common /boxic/ cbox,boxflag, mbox, bptityp, bptiso3, bptpart
+        common /boxic/ edensflag, para, solid, mbflag, mtest
+        common /boxrc/ lbox, lboxhalbe, lboxd, bptpmax, edens
+        common /boxrc/ mbp0, mbpx, mbpy, mbpz
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/boxprg.f b/Processes/UrQMD/boxprg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2daa11ad2a1aba109c102dbb280c242e583aa45a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/boxprg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+c $Id: boxprg.f,v 1.8 1999/01/18 09:56:53 ernst Exp $
+      subroutine bptinit(ibox)
+c     Unit     : Initis all the particles setted by the bpt command
+c     Version  : 1.0
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+c Var
+c        counter, spin
+      integer i,ibox,fchg,getspin
+c        randomnumbergenerator, particlemass, deacy times
+      real*8 ranf,massit,dectim
+c        momentum, angle distribution
+      real*8 P,cost,sint,phi
+      ecm=0.d0
+      ebeam=0.d0
+c  main program
+c loop over all particles
+      do 42 i=npart+1,npart+bptpart(ibox)
+c          configuration space
+         r0(i)=0.d0
+         rx(i)=lboxhalbe*(1-2*ranf(0))
+         ry(i)=lboxhalbe*(1-2*ranf(0))
+         rz(i)=lboxhalbe*(1-2*ranf(0))
+c          isospin and ityp
+         iso3(i)=bptiso3(ibox)
+         ityp(i)=bptityp(ibox)
+c set baryon and   meson numbers
+         if(abs(ityp(i)).le.maxbar) then
+            nbar=nbar+1
+         else
+            nmes=nmes+1
+         endif
+c                charge
+         charge(i)=fchg(iso3(i),ityp(i))
+c                massarray
+         fmass(i)=massit(ityp(i))
+c                Spin
+         spin(i)=getspin(ityp(i),-1)
+c                decaytime
+         dectime(i)=dectim(i,1)
+ 42   continue
+c        End of loop
+      if (edensflag.le.0) then
+c        homogenious momentum distribution, randomly distributed
+c        max momentum is a parameter
+         do 45 i=npart+1,npart+bptpart(ibox)
+            P=bptpmax(ibox)*ranf(0)**(1./3.)
+            cost = 1.-2.*ranf(0)
+            sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2)
+            phi = 2.*Pi*ranf(0)
+            px(i) = P*sint*cos(phi)
+            py(i) = P*sint*sin(phi)
+            pz(i) = P*cost
+            call setonshell(i)
+ 45      continue
+      elseif (edensflag.ge.1) then
+c        energiedensity
+c loop over all particles
+         do 60 i=npart+1,npart+bptpart(ibox)
+            P=bptpmax(ibox)/bptpart(ibox)*ranf(0)**(1./3.)
+            cost = 1.-2.*ranf(0)
+            sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2)
+            phi = 2.*Pi*ranf(0)
+c different initialisations
+            if (para.eq.0) then
+c Boxmode
+               if (i.eq.1) write(*,*) 'Boxmode'
+               px(i) = P*sint*cos(phi)
+               py(i) = P*sint*sin(phi)
+               pz(i) = P*cost
+            elseif(para.eq.1) then
+c stream over stream
+               if (i.eq.1) write(*,*) 'streammode'
+               px(i) = 0.d0
+               py(i) = 0.d0
+               pz(i) = bptpmax(ibox)/bptpart(ibox)*(-1.d0)**i
+            elseif(para.eq.2) then
+c slab on slab
+               if (i.eq.1) write(*,*) 'slabmode'
+               px(i)=0.d0
+               py(i)=0.d0
+               if (rz(i).gt.0) then
+                  pz(i)=(-1.0d0)*bptpmax(ibox)/bptpart(ibox)
+               else
+                  pz(i)=bptpmax(ibox)/bptpart(ibox)
+               endif
+            endif
+ 60      continue
+      endif
+c        sum of particles
+      npart=npart+bptpart(ibox)
+      Write(*,*) 'Particles = ',npart
+      return
+      end
+      function swapi(x,dx)
+c Version: 1.0
+      real*8 swapi, x, dx
+      swapi = x
+ 1    if (swapi.lt.-dx) then
+         swapi = swapi + 2.0d0*dx
+         goto 1
+      end if
+ 2    if (swapi.gt.dx) then
+         swapi = swapi - 2.0d0*dx
+         goto 2
+      end if
+      end
+      Function Energie(alpha,max)
+c     Unit     : calculate the energy
+c     Version  : 1.0
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer i
+      real*8 alpha,max
+      real*8 Energie, E
+      E=0
+      Do 42 i=1,npart
+         E=E+sqrt((alpha**2)*(px(i)*px(i)+py(i)*py(i)+pz(i)*pz(i))+
+     $        fmass(i)**2)
+ 42   continue
+      Energie=E-max
+      Return
+      End
+      Function Regula(me)
+c     Unit     : Searches for the zero of the function
+c     Version  : 1.0
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      real*8 Regula,xn,xu,x0,me,Energie
+      integer i
+      real*8 E1,E2,E3
+c init
+      xu=0.d0
+      x0=3.d0
+c main
+      Write(*,*) 'Regula is running!'
+      i=0
+ 10   Continue
+      i=i+1
+      E1=Energie(x0,me)
+      E2=Energie(xu,me)
+      xn=x0-(E1*(x0-xu))/(E1-E2)
+      E3=Energie(xn,me)
+      IF ((E2*E3).LE.0) then
+         x0=xn
+      else
+         xu=xn
+      EndIF
+      IF ((ABS(x0-xu).GE.1.D-12).and.(i.le.1000).and.(
+     &     ((E3.ge.1.D-12).or.(-E3.ge.1.D-12)))) goto 10
+      Regula=xn
+      End
+      real*8 function wallcoll(ipart,wall)
+c     Unit     : Collisions with an imaginary wall
+c     Version  : 1.0
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+c var
+      real*8  betax,betay,betaz
+      real*8  ty,tz
+      real*8        tn
+      integer wall,ipart
+      integer wally,wallz
+c Mainprogram
+c init the variables
+      wall=0
+      tn=0
+c velocity
+      betax=px(ipart)/p0(ipart)
+      betay=py(ipart)/p0(ipart)
+      betaz=pz(ipart)/p0(ipart)
+c check which wall is reached next and sort by impact time
+c wall presents the wall and tn the time
+      if (betax.lt.0) then
+         wall=-4
+         tn=(-lboxhalbe-rx(ipart))/(-max(-betax,1.d-13))
+      else
+         wall=-1
+         tn=((lboxhalbe-rx(ipart))/max(betax,1.d-13))
+      endif
+      if (betay.lt.0) then
+         wally=-5
+         ty=(-lboxhalbe-ry(ipart))/(-max(-betay,1.d-13))
+      else
+         wally=-2
+         ty=((lboxhalbe-ry(ipart))/max(betay,1.d-13))
+      endif
+      if(ty.lt.tn) then
+         tn=ty
+         wall=wally
+      endif
+      if (betaz.lt.0) then
+         wallz=-6
+         tz=(-lboxhalbe-rz(ipart))/(-max(-betaz,1.d-13))
+      else
+         wallz=-3
+         tz=((lboxhalbe-rz(ipart))/max(betaz,1.d-13))
+      endif
+      if(tz.lt.tn) then
+         tn=tz
+         wall=wallz
+      endif
+c sets the time for the earliest wall collision
+      wallcoll=tn
+      return
+      End
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/cascinit.f b/Processes/UrQMD/cascinit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..121924e9ae895f7dcce781c3f7a5df0b9ff0e989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/cascinit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+c $Id: cascinit.f,v 1.11 2002/05/14 12:33:50 balazs Exp $
+      subroutine cascinit(ZZ,AA,nucleus)
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'inputs.f'
+      integer Z,A,i,getspin,fchg,ZZ,AA,antia, j,k, nrjc,izcnt,nucleus
+      real*8 R,P,R2,ranf,sint,phi,nucrad,cost,drr
+      real*8 xcm,ycm,zcm,pxcm,pycm,pzcm,densnorm,add,avd,ws
+      real*8 r_long, r_short, rdef, ratio, alpha
+c mass correction according to binding energy
+      real*8 meff
+ce bcorr to prevent recycling odd nuclei
+         logical bcorr
+        common /ini/ bcorr
+        bcorr=.false.
+C averaged density of one Gaussian in units of central value
+      avd = 0.5**1.5
+      pxcm=0.d0
+      pycm=0.d0
+      pzcm=0.d0
+      A=abs(AA)
+      Z=abs(ZZ)
+      antia=A/AA
+      PT_AA(nucleus)=A
+      if(A.gt.AAmax) then
+         write(6,*)'***(E): Mass ',A,' exceeds initialization limit!'
+         write(6,*)'        -> increase parameter AAmax=',AAmax
+         write(6,*)'           in include-file inputs.f '
+         write(6,*)'        -> uqmd aborting ... '
+         stop
+      endif
+      if (A.eq.1) then  ! proton or neutron
+        i = 1
+        PT_iso3(i,nucleus) = antia*(-1+2*Z)
+        PT_ityp(i,nucleus) = antia*1
+        uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1
+        PT_uid(i,nucleus)=uid_cnt
+        PT_spin(i,nucleus) = 1
+        PT_dectime(i,nucleus)=1.d31
+        PT_charge(i,nucleus)=fchg(PT_iso3(i,nucleus),
+     &                            PT_ityp(i,nucleus))
+        PT_fmass(i,nucleus) = EMNUC
+        PT_p0(i,nucleus)=sqrt(PT_fmass(i,nucleus)**2)
+        return
+      end if
+C Initialisation of A nucleons in configuration space
+      xcm=0.d0
+      ycm=0.d0
+      zcm=0.d0
+      R2=0.d0
+      if (CTOption(24).eq.1) then
+        R2 = nucrad(A) + 10.0
+      elseif(CTOption(24).eq.0)then
+        R2 = nucrad(A)
+      endif
+      nrjc = 0
+      if(CTOption(24).eq.2)then ! use fast method
+        call nucfast(A,nucleus)
+        do j=1,A
+          PT_dectime(j,nucleus)=1.d31
+          xcm=xcm+PT_rx(j,nucleus)
+          ycm=ycm+PT_ry(j,nucleus)
+          zcm=zcm+PT_rz(j,nucleus)
+        enddo
+      else
+      do 1 j=1,A
+        PT_dectime(j,nucleus)=1.d31
+111     nrjc = nrjc+1
+        R = R2*ranf(0)**(1./3.)
+        cost = 1.-2.*ranf(0)
+        sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2)
+        phi = 2.*Pi*ranf(0)
+        PT_r0(j,nucleus) = 0.d0
+        PT_rx(j,nucleus) = R*sint*cos(phi)
+        PT_ry(j,nucleus) = R*sint*sin(phi)
+        PT_rz(j,nucleus) = R*cost
+        if (CTParam(21).gt.0.0) then
+           ratio = sqrt((1 + 4.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) /
+     $                  (1 - 2.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) )
+           alpha = atan( sqrt(PT_rx(j,nucleus)*PT_rx(j,nucleus)
+     $     + PT_ry(j,nucleus)*PT_ry(j,nucleus))/PT_rz(j,nucleus))
+           r_short = nucrad(A)*(ratio**(-(1.0/3.0)))
+           r_long  = nucrad(A)*(ratio**(2.0/3.0))
+           rdef = r_short/sqrt(1-((r_long**2-r_short**2)/r_long**2)
+     $            *cos(alpha)*cos(alpha))
+        else
+           rdef = nucrad(A)
+        endif
+        if (CTOption(24).eq.1) then
+           WS = 1 / ( 1 + dexp( ( R - rdef ) / 0.545 ) )
+cdh        if (ranf(0) > WS ) then
+           if (ranf(0) .gt. WS ) then
+c               write (6,*) "rejected: ",R
+              goto 111
+           endif
+        else
+           do 11 k=1,j-1
+              drr=(PT_rx(j,nucleus)-PT_rx(k,nucleus))**2
+     &             +(PT_ry(j,nucleus)-PT_ry(k,nucleus))**2
+     &             +(PT_rz(j,nucleus)-PT_rz(k,nucleus))**2
+              if (drr.lt.2.6.and.nrjc.lt.CTParam(46)) goto 111
+ 11        continue
+        endif
+        xcm=xcm+PT_rx(j,nucleus)
+        ycm=ycm+PT_ry(j,nucleus)
+        zcm=zcm+PT_rz(j,nucleus)
+1     continue
+      endif
+      if (nrjc.ge.CTParam(46)) then
+c       write(6,*)'*** warning: initialisation corrupt '
+         bcorr=.true.
+      end if
+      xcm = xcm/dble(A)
+      ycm = ycm/dble(A)
+      zcm = zcm/dble(A)
+      do 13 j=1,A
+        if (CTOption(24).eq.0) then
+          PT_rx(j,nucleus) = PT_rx(j,nucleus)-xcm
+          PT_ry(j,nucleus) = PT_ry(j,nucleus)-ycm
+          PT_rz(j,nucleus) = PT_rz(j,nucleus)-zcm
+        endif
+        PT_rho(j,nucleus) = avd
+13    continue
+C local proton density in nucleus A,Z
+      do 14 j=1,Z
+        do 15 k=j+1,Z
+          drr=(PT_rx(j,nucleus)-PT_rx(k,nucleus))**2
+     &       +(PT_ry(j,nucleus)-PT_ry(k,nucleus))**2
+     &       +(PT_rz(j,nucleus)-PT_rz(k,nucleus))**2
+          add=exp(-(2.0*gw*drr))
+          PT_rho(j,nucleus) = PT_rho(j,nucleus)+add
+          PT_rho(k,nucleus) = PT_rho(k,nucleus)+add
+15      continue
+14    continue
+C local neutron density in nucleus A,Z
+      do 16 j=Z+1,A
+        do 17 k=j+1,A
+          drr=(PT_rx(j,nucleus)-PT_rx(k,nucleus))**2
+     &       +(PT_ry(j,nucleus)-PT_ry(k,nucleus))**2
+     &       +(PT_rz(j,nucleus)-PT_rz(k,nucleus))**2
+          add=exp(-(2.0*gw*drr))
+          PT_rho(j,nucleus) = PT_rho(j,nucleus)+add
+          PT_rho(k,nucleus) = PT_rho(k,nucleus)+add
+17      continue
+16    continue
+      densnorm = (2.0*gw/pi)**1.5
+      do 18 j=1,A
+        PT_rho(j,nucleus) = PT_rho(j,nucleus)*densnorm
+        PT_pmax(j,nucleus) = hqc*(3.0*pi*pi*PT_rho(j,nucleus))**(1./3.)
+18    continue
+      izcnt=0
+      do 12 j=1,A
+         P = PT_pmax(j,nucleus)*ranf(0)**(1./3.)
+         cost = 1.-2.*ranf(0)
+         sint = sqrt(1.-cost**2)
+         phi = 2.*Pi*ranf(0)
+         PT_px(j,nucleus) = P*sint*cos(phi)
+         PT_py(j,nucleus) = P*sint*sin(phi)
+         PT_pz(j,nucleus) = P*cost
+         pxcm=pxcm+PT_px(j,nucleus)
+         pycm=pycm+PT_py(j,nucleus)
+         pzcm=pzcm+PT_pz(j,nucleus)
+         if (j.le.Z) then
+            PT_iso3(j,nucleus)= 1*antia
+            PT_charge(j,nucleus)=1*antia
+         else
+            PT_iso3(j,nucleus)= -(1*antia)
+            PT_charge(j,nucleus)=0
+         endif
+         PT_spin(j,nucleus) = getspin(1,-1)
+         PT_ityp(j,nucleus) = 1*antia
+        uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1
+        PT_uid(j,nucleus)=uid_cnt
+12    continue
+c perform CM-correction
+      pxcm=pxcm/A
+      pycm=pycm/A
+      pzcm=pzcm/A
+      do 2 i=1,A
+         PT_px(i,nucleus)=PT_px(i,nucleus)-pxcm
+         PT_py(i,nucleus)=PT_py(i,nucleus)-pycm
+         PT_pz(i,nucleus)=PT_pz(i,nucleus)-pzcm
+c effective masses for initial energy corr. (CTOption(11).eq.0)
+         r=sqrt(PT_rx(i,nucleus)**2+PT_ry(i,nucleus)**2
+     &         +PT_rz(i,nucleus)**2)
+         p=sqrt(PT_px(i,nucleus)**2+PT_py(i,nucleus)**2
+     &         +PT_pz(i,nucleus)**2)
+ctp060202         PT_fmass(i,nucleus) = meff(z,a,r,p)
+         PT_fmass(i,nucleus) = meff(z,a,p)
+         PT_p0(i,nucleus)=sqrt(PT_px(i,nucleus)**2+PT_py(i,nucleus)**2
+     &                    +PT_pz(i,nucleus)**2+PT_fmass(i,nucleus)**2)
+ 2    continue
+c end of CM-correction
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine nucfast(IA,JJ)
+      include 'inputs.f'
+      real*8 nucrad
+      am=0.545
+      rad=nucrad(ia)/am
+      cr1=1.+3./rad+6./rad**2+6./rad**3
+      cr2=3./rad
+      cr3=3./rad+6./rad**2
+      rimmax=0.0
+      DO I=1,IA
+ 1      zuk=ranf(0)*cr1-1.
+        if(zuk.le.0.)then
+          tt=rad*(ranf(0)**.3333-1.)
+        elseif(zuk.le.cr2 )then
+          tt=-log(ranf(0))
+        elseif(zuk.lt.cr3 )then
+          tt=-log(ranf(0))-log(ranf(0))
+        else
+          tt=-log(ranf(0))-log(ranf(0))-log(ranf(0))
+        endif
+        if(ranf(0).gt.1./(1.+exp(-abs(tt))))goto 1
+        rim=tt+rad
+        z=rim*(2D0*ranf(0)-1D0)
+        rim=dsqrt(rim*rim-z*z)
+cc        if(rimmax.lt.rim*AM)rimmax=rim*AM
+        PT_r0(I,JJ)=0d0
+        PT_rz(I,JJ)=Z * AM
+ 2      s1=2d0*ranf(0)-1d0
+        s2=2d0*ranf(0)-1d0
+        s3=s1*s1+s2*s2
+        if(s3.gt.1d0)goto 2
+        s3=dsqrt(s3)
+        c=s1/s3
+        s=s2/s3
+        PT_rx(I,JJ)=rim * C * AM
+        PT_ry(I,JJ)=rim * S * AM
+      enddo
+cc      print *,"rimmax",rimmax
+cc      if(debug.ge.3)then
+cc        write (*,*) "nucleons"
+cc        do i=1,ia
+cc          write (*,'(i3,3g12.6)')i,PT_rx(i,JJ),PT_ry(i,JJ),PT_rz(i,JJ)
+cc        enddo
+cc        write (*,*)
+cc      endif
+      return
+      END
+      function nucrad(AA)
+      implicit none
+      real*8 nucrad, r_0
+      integer A,AA
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      A=abs(AA)
+c root mean square radius of nucleus of mass A
+c r_0 corresponding to rho0
+      if (CTOption(24).ge.1) then
+c root mean square radius of nucleus of mass A (Mayer-Kuckuck)
+         nucrad = 1.128 * a**(1./3.) - 0.89 * a**(-(1./3.))
+      else
+         r_0 = (0.75/pi/rho0)**(1./3.)
+c subtract gaussian tails, for distributing centroids correctly
+         nucrad = r_0*(0.5*(a + (a**(1./3.)-1.)**3.))**(1./3.)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine boostnuc(i1,i2,pin,b,dst)
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer i1,i2,i
+      real*8 b,dst,ei,ti
+      real*8 pin,beta,gamma
+      do 1 i=i1,i2
+      beta = pin/sqrt(pin**2+fmass(i)**2)
+      gamma = 1.d0/sqrt(1.d0-beta**2)
+c  Gallilei-Trafo in x-direction (impact parameter)
+c  projectile hits at POSITIVE x
+         rx(i) = rx(i) + b
+c  distance between nuclei: projectile at NEGATIVE z for dst < 0
+         if(CTOption(23).eq.0)then
+           ti = r0(i)
+           rz(i) = rz(i)/gamma+dst/gamma
+         else
+          rz(i) = (rz(i) + dst)
+         end if
+         Ei = p0(i)
+         p0(i) = gamma*(p0(i) - beta*pz(i))
+         pz(i) = gamma*(pz(i) - beta*Ei)
+ 1    continue
+      return
+      end
+ctp060202      real*8 function meff(z,a,r,p)
+      real*8 function meff(z,a,p)
+c mean binding energy of a nucleon in a nucleus according to weizaecker
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 av,as,ac,aa,ap,mdef,p,e,EMNUC
+      integer z,a
+      parameter (av=0.01587,as=0.01834,ac=0.00071)
+      parameter (aa=0.09286,ap=11.46,EMNUC=0.938)
+      if(CTOption(11).ne.0.or.a.eq.1)then
+        meff=EMNUC
+        return
+      end if
+c...mass defect
+      mdef=-(av*A)+as*A**0.66667+ac*z*z/a**0.33333+aa*(z-a/2.)**2/a
+c...energy per nucleon = binding energy + nucleon mass
+      e=min(0d0,mdef/a)+EMNUC
+      meff=sqrt(e**2-p**2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getnucleus(nucleus,offset)
+c     Revision: 1.0
+cinput nucleus : 1=projectile, 2=target
+cinput offset  : offset for location of nucleus in particle vectors
+c output : via common blocks
+c This subroutine read in a nucleus which has been initialized
+c by {\tt cascinit} and stored in the {\tt PT\_ *(i,nucleus)} arrays.
+c The respective nucleus is then rotated randomly in configuration
+c and momentum space to yield a new initial state.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'inputs.f'
+c local variables
+      real*8 eul1,eul2,eul3,ceul1,seul1,ceul2,seul2,ceul3,seul3
+      real*8 vecx0,vecy0,vecz0,vecx1,vecy1,vecz1,vecx2
+      real*8 vecy2,vecz2
+      integer k,nucleus,offset
+c functions
+      real*8 ranf
+c ***
+c *** rotation around Euler-angles
+c ***
+      if (CTParam(21).gt.0.0) then
+         eul1 = 0.0
+         eul2 = 0.0
+         eul3 = 0.0
+      else
+         eul1 = ranf(0)*2.0*pi
+         eul2 = ranf(0)*2.0*pi
+         eul3 = ranf(0)*2.0*pi
+      endif
+      ceul1 = cos(eul1)
+      seul1 = sin(eul1)
+      ceul2 = cos(eul2)
+      seul2 = sin(eul2)
+      ceul3 = cos(eul3)
+      seul3 = sin(eul3)
+      do 178 k=1,PT_AA(nucleus)
+c rotate in configuration space
+         vecx0 = PT_rx(k,nucleus)
+         vecy0 = PT_ry(k,nucleus)
+         vecz0 = PT_rz(k,nucleus)
+         vecx1 =   ceul1*vecx0 + seul1*vecy0
+         vecy1 = -(seul1*vecx0)+ ceul1*vecy0
+         vecz1 =                                     vecz0
+         vecx2 =   ceul2*vecx1               + seul2*vecz1
+         vecy2 =                       vecy1
+         vecz2 = -(seul2*vecx1)              + ceul2*vecz1
+         vecx0 =   ceul3*vecx2 + seul3*vecy2
+         vecy0 = -(seul3*vecx2)+ ceul3*vecy2
+         vecz0 =                                     vecz2
+         rx(k+offset) = vecx0
+         ry(k+offset) = vecy0
+         rz(k+offset) = vecz0
+c rotate in momentum space
+         vecx0 = PT_px(k,nucleus)
+         vecy0 = PT_py(k,nucleus)
+         vecz0 = PT_pz(k,nucleus)
+         vecx1 =   ceul1*vecx0 + seul1*vecy0
+         vecy1 = -(seul1*vecx0)+ ceul1*vecy0
+         vecz1 =                                     vecz0
+         vecx2 =   ceul2*vecx1               + seul2*vecz1
+         vecy2 =                       vecy1
+         vecz2 = -(seul2*vecx1)              + ceul2*vecz1
+         vecx0 =   ceul3*vecx2 + seul3*vecy2
+         vecy0 = -(seul3*vecx2) + ceul3*vecy2
+         vecz0 =                                     vecz2
+         px(k+offset) = vecx0
+         py(k+offset) = vecy0
+         pz(k+offset) = vecz0
+c initialize the other quantum numbers
+         iso3(k+offset)=PT_iso3(k,nucleus)
+         ityp(k+offset)=PT_ityp(k,nucleus)
+         uid(k+offset)=PT_uid(k,nucleus)
+         spin(k+offset)=PT_spin(k,nucleus)
+         dectime(k+offset)=PT_dectime(k,nucleus)
+         charge(k+offset)=PT_charge(k,nucleus)
+         fmass(k+offset)=PT_fmass(k,nucleus)
+         r0(k+offset)=PT_r0(k,nucleus)
+         p0(k+offset)=PT_p0(k,nucleus)
+ 178  continue
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function rnfWSX(AA,zmin,zmax)
+c  yields a $x^n$ distributet value for $x$ between mmin and mmax
+      implicit none
+      real*8 zmin,zmax,ranf,a,rr,yf,z,nucrad
+      integer AA
+      parameter (a=0.54d0)
+      rr=nucrad(aa)
+      if(zmax.lt.rr)then
+        write(6,*)'rnfwsx: maximum radius seems too low'
+        stop
+      end if
+ 108  continue
+      z=zmin+ranf(0)*(zmax-zmin)
+      yf=z*z/((zmax-zmin)**3)*0.5d0/(1d0+exp(z-rr)/a)
+      rnfWSX=z
+      if(yf.gt.1d0)stop'rnfWSX: wrong normalisaton:'
+      if(yf.gt.ranf(0))    return
+      goto 108
+      end
+      subroutine setonshell(i)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine set particle i on-shell
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer i
+      p0(i) = sqrt(px(i)**2+py(i)**2+pz(i)**2+fmass(i)**2)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/colltab.f b/Processes/UrQMD/colltab.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a16ee8129c5810a9702898baa0044300da61a434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/colltab.f
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+c $Id: colltab.f,v 1.5 1999/11/24 19:47:48 ssoff Exp $
+cdes  This file contains the  uqmd collision tables
+      integer ncollmax
+      parameter (ncollmax = 100) ! maximum number of entries in collision table
+      integer nct,actcol,nsav,apt
+      real*8 cttime(0:ncollmax),ctsqrts(ncollmax),ctsigtot(ncollmax)
+      real*8 ctcolfluc(ncollmax)
+      logical ctvalid(ncollmax)
+      real*8 tmin
+      integer cti1(ncollmax),cti2(ncollmax),ctsav(ncollmax)
+c      integer updi1(ncollmax),updi2(ncollmax)
+c     cttime  : collision time
+c     ctsqrts : $sqrt{s}$ of collision
+c     ctsigtot: total cross section in mbarn
+c     tmin    : paramteter for {\tt collupd}
+c     cti1    : index of particle 1
+c     cti2    : index of particle 2
+c     nct     : number of collisions in the table
+c     actcol  : current collision
+c     ctvalid : tag whether collision is {\em true} or {\em false}
+c     ctsav   : list of particles which lost their collision partner
+c     nsav    : number of entries in {\tt ctsav}
+c     apt     : mass of first particle/composite in the part. arrays
+      common /colltab/cttime,ctsqrts,ctsigtot,tmin,cti1,cti2,nct,actcol,
+     &     ctvalid,ctsav,nsav,apt,ctcolfluc
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/coload.f b/Processes/UrQMD/coload.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efe92e6469bcd564369412fa0ee8b95e76f5ebce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/coload.f
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+c $Id: coload.f,v 1.11 2001/04/06 21:48:16 weber Exp $
+      real*8 function sigtot(ind1,ind2,sqrts)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ind1 : index of particle 1
+cinput ind2 : index of particle 2
+cinput sqrts: $\sqrt{s}$ of collision between part. 1 and 2
+c     {\tt sigtot} returns the total cross section (in mbarn) for the collision
+c     between the particles with the indices {\tt ind1} and {\tt ind2}.
+       implicit none
+       include 'coms.f'
+       include 'comres.f'
+       include 'newpart.f'
+       integer isigline
+       integer ind1,ind2,collclass
+       integer ityp1,ityp2,iso31,iso32
+       real*8 sqrts,mminit
+c for detailed-balance
+       integer nCh,ii
+       real*8 e1,e2,sigma
+c     reset sigtot, store often needed values in scalars
+       sigtot=0.d0
+       ityp1=ityp(ind1)
+       ityp2=ityp(ind2)
+       iso31=iso3(ind1)
+       iso32=iso3(ind2)
+c     now get collision class (line-number for sigmaLN array in blockres.f)
+c     isigline classifies the collision (pp,pn,Delta N, Meson-Baryon etc)
+       isigline=collclass(ityp1,iso31,ityp2,iso32)
+       if(isigline.eq.0) return ! zero cross section for collclass=0
+c     get pointer for total cross section (column #2 in SigmaLN array)
+       iline=SigmaLn(2,1,isigline) ! flag of total cross section
+c     if zero, cross section is zero, return
+       if(iline.eq.0) return
+       if(iline.gt.0) then
+c     if gt zero we have a tabulated or parameterized total cross section,
+c     all table-lookups and parametrizations are accessed via crossx
+             call crossx(iline,sqrts,ityp1,iso31,
+     &                         max(fmass(ind1),mminit(ityp1)),
+     &                         ityp2,iso32,
+     &                         max(fmass(ind2),mminit(ityp2)),
+     &                         sigtot)
+       else
+c     total cross section via sum of partial cross sections
+c     get number of exit-channels:
+          if (isigline.gt.maxreac) then
+             write (6,*) '4isigline: ',isigline
+          endif
+          nCh=SigmaLn(1,1,isigline)
+c transformation quantities  into NN system for proper kinematics
+c (necessary for detailed balance cross sections)
+c     first compute transformation betas
+          e1=sqrt(fmass(ind1)**2+px(ind1)**2
+     &         +py(ind1)**2+pz(ind1)**2)
+          e2=sqrt(fmass(ind2)**2+px(ind2)**2
+     &         +py(ind2)**2+pz(ind2)**2)
+          betax=(px(ind1)+px(ind2))/(e1+e2)
+          betay=(py(ind1)+py(ind2))/(e1+e2)
+          betaz=(pz(ind1)+pz(ind2))/(e1+e2)
+c     now transform momenta
+          pxnn=px(ind1)
+          pynn=py(ind1)
+          pznn=pz(ind1)
+          p0nn=e1
+c     call to Lorentz transformation
+          call rotbos(0d0,0d0,-betax,-betay,-betaz,
+     &         pxnn,pynn,pznn,p0nn)
+          pnn=sqrt(pxnn*pxnn+pynn*pynn+pznn*pznn)
+c     end of transform part
+c     loop over exit channels for sum of partial cross sections
+c     partial cross sections start in column #3 of SigmaLN in blockres.f
+          do 10 ii=3,nCh+2
+c     get pointer for partial cross section
+             iline=SigmaLn(ii,1,isigline)
+c     normal partial cross sections
+             if(iline.gt.0) then
+                   call crossx(iline,sqrts,ityp1,iso31,fmass(ind1),
+     &                         ityp2,iso32,fmass(ind2),sigma)
+             else
+c     detailed balance partial cross section (must be computed now)
+c     (crossz delivers inelastic channel for SINGLE resonance)
+                call crossz(iline,sqrts,ityp1,iso31,fmass(ind1),
+     &                      ityp2,iso32,fmass(ind2),sigma)
+             endif
+c     perform summation of partial cross sections
+             sigtot=sigtot+sigma
+c     end of loop for partial cross sections
+ 10       continue
+c     end of total / sum of partial cross sections if
+       endif
+c     return to caller
+       return
+       end
+      subroutine getnext(k)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+coutput k : index of next collison
+c {\tt getnext} returns the index of the next collision or decay
+c to be performed.
+c If no further collisons occur in the timestep, {\tt getnext} returns
+c {\tt k}=0 .
+      implicit none
+      integer k
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'colltab.f'
+c     shrink collision tables in case 80% load to counter possible overflow
+       if(dble(nct)/ncollmax.ge.0.8) call collshrink
+c     set k to current collision/decay (which has already been performed and
+c     and is outdated by the time of this call)
+      k = actcol
+ 1    continue
+c     increment counter, next entry in table is now the current one
+      k = k+1
+c     if the end of the collision table has been reached, return with k=0
+      if (k.gt.nct) then
+         k = 0
+         actcol = k
+         return
+      endif
+c     if the current entry in the collision table is marked "F" - false -
+c     (due to previous interaction of one of the collision partners)
+c     then find new collision partners for the particle(s) via calls
+c     to collupd
+      if (.not.ctvalid(k)) then
+         call collupd(cti1(k),1)
+c     second call only if not a decay entry
+         if(cti2(k).gt.0) call collupd(cti2(k),1)
+c     if the current collision is now marked "T" - true - return
+         if(ctvalid(k)) then
+            actcol = k
+            return
+         endif
+c     the current collision is still marked false, go to top of loop
+c     (and increment counter)
+         goto 1
+      endif
+c     the current entry is marked "T" - true - this is the next
+c     collision to be perfomed
+      actcol = k
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine collshrink
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine deletes all entries in the collision tables between
+c     1 and {\tt actcol}-1. It's purpose is to counter a possible overflow
+c     of the collision tables.
+      implicit none
+      integer i
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      do 104 i=actcol,nct
+         cttime(1+i-actcol) = cttime(i)
+         ctsqrts(1+i-actcol) = ctsqrts(i)
+         ctsigtot(1+i-actcol) = ctsigtot(i)
+         cti1(1+i-actcol) = cti1(i)
+         cti2(1+i-actcol) = cti2(i)
+         ctvalid(1+i-actcol) = ctvalid(i)
+         ctcolfluc(1+i-actcol) = ctcolfluc(i)
+ 104  continue
+c     recalculate number of collisions in tables
+      nct=1+nct-actcol
+c     reset pointer to current collision
+      actcol=1
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine colload
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c This routine fills the collision tables with all collisions and decays
+c to be performed in the current timestep. Within the timestep,
+c particle propagation is assumed on straight lines. This routine
+c actually only performs the outer of the double particle loop and
+c calls {\tt collupd} for the inner loop.
+      implicit none
+      integer i
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'colltab.f'
+c     reset number of collisions in table and current collision pointer
+      nct = 0
+      actcol = 0
+c reset all collision arrays
+      do 10 i=1,ncollmax
+         cttime(i)=0.d0
+         ctsqrts(i)=0.d0
+         ctsigtot(i)=0.d0
+         cti1(i)=0
+         cti2(i)=0
+         ctvalid(i)=.false.
+         ctcolfluc(i)=1.d0
+ 10   continue
+c     outer loop over all particles
+      do 20 i=1,npart
+c     call collupd for inner loop, -1: inner loop only from i+1 to npart
+         call collupd(i,-1)
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine collupd(i,all)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput i   : particle to be checked for collison or decay
+cinput all : flag for update mode
+c {\tt collupd} checks whether particle {\tt i} will collide or decay
+c in the time interval between the current time {\tt acttime}
+c and the end of the time step.
+c {\tt collupd} uses the variable {\tt tmin} to find the {\bf earliest}
+c interaction/decay of particle {\tt i} and store it in the
+c collision arrays via a call to {\tt ctupdate}.
+c For {\tt all}$>0$ all other particles from 1 to {\tt npart} are checked
+c (necessary for update after a collision/decay), whereas for
+c {\tt all}$<0$ only the particles with the indices from {\tt i+1} to
+c {\tt npart} are checked (for calls via {\tt colload}).
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      real*8 dst2
+      integer i,all
+      integer j,imin,jmin,j0,A
+      integer wall
+      integer stidx
+      logical isstable
+      real*8  tn, wallcoll
+      real*8 tcoll,sqrs,sigt,sqrts,sigtot
+      real*8 smin,sigmin,sigfac
+      real*8 colfaci,colfacj,colfac,colfacmin
+c     number of "initial" particles in event
+      A = At+Ap
+c     initially tmin is set to the time-interval until the end of the timestep
+c     tmin is then minimized to the time of the first interaction of
+c     particle i
+c     acttime: current time
+c     time: time at beginning of timestep
+c     dtimestep: length of timestep
+      tmin=dtimestep-acttime+time
+c     other information to be stored together with tmin
+      smin = 0 ! sqrt(s) of interaction
+      sigmin = 0 ! total cross section of interaction
+      imin = 0 ! index of first particle
+      jmin = 0 ! index of second particle
+c  check, if particle i is a resonance, that might decay within the remaining
+c  part of the timestep.
+c  If so, than treat decay as collision (with particle 2= 0)
+      if (dectime(i)-acttime.lt.tmin) then
+         isstable = .false.
+         do 132 stidx=1,nstable
+            if (ityp(i).eq.stabvec(stidx)) then
+c               write (6,*) 'no decay of particle ',ityp(i)
+               isstable = .true.
+            endif
+ 132     enddo
+         if (.not.isstable) then
+            tmin = dectime(i) - acttime
+            smin=fmass(i)
+            imin = i
+            jmin = 0
+         endif
+      endif
+c new walls selected if mbflag equals 2
+      if ((mbox.gt.0).and.(mbflag.eq.2)) then
+c acttime is the ACTUAL time
+c time is the time at the BEGINNING of the timestep
+c tmin is being minimized RELATIVE to the beginning of the timestep
+c tn is the relativ time to the next wall colision
+        tn=wallcoll(i,wall)
+c comparison wheather a particle decays before a wall colision
+            if (tn.lt.tmin) then
+c set the time
+                    tmin=tn
+c set the particle number
+                    imin=i
+c set the wall
+                    jmin=wall
+            endif
+        endif
+c default setting: loop does only go from i+1 to npart
+         j0 = i+1
+c in case of "update mode" let loop run starting from 1
+         if (all.gt.0) j0 = 1
+c  Now check, which is the earliest collision of particle i
+         do 101 j=j0,npart
+c check for some exclusion cases
+            if (
+c 1. avoid "self-interaction"
+     &           i.ne.j
+c 2. particles which have interacted with each other in the past
+c    are only allowed to interact with each other if at least one
+c    of them has had an interaction in between.
+c    (due to string-decays the structure is a little complicated, since
+c    one particle can have multiple partners of it's last interaction)
+     &          .AND.
+     &          ((lstcoll(i).ne.j.and.lstcoll(i).ne.(nmax+strid(j)+1))
+     &           .or.
+     &           (lstcoll(j).ne.i.and.lstcoll(j).ne.(nmax+strid(i)+1))
+     &           .or.
+     &           (lstcoll(i).eq.0.and.lstcoll(j).eq.0))
+c 3. Particles within the projectile or target respectively are per
+c    default only allowed to interact with each other in case they
+c    have already had an interaction with a particle of the target
+c    or projectile respectively. This can be turned off by setting
+c    CTOption(6) to a nonzero value.
+c    This rule of course must not not apply to produced particles.
+c    In the case of a meson nucleus collision, projectile and
+c    target may be swapped in the particle vectors (therefore the
+c    use of Apt instead of Ap, because Apt has been then swapped
+c    accordingly)
+     &          .AND.
+     &          (CToption(6).ne.0.or.i.gt.A.or.j.gt.A.or.
+     &           ncoll(i)+ncoll(j).gt.0.or.
+     &          (i.le.Apt.and.j.gt.Apt).or.(j.le.Apt.and.i.gt.Apt))
+     &         ) then
+c  determine time of minimal approach of particles i and j
+c  relative to current time
+                  call nxtcoll(i,j,dst2,tcoll)
+c  are the particles close enough - check cut off
+c (default: 250 mbarn, defined in coms.f)
+               if (dst2.lt.hit_sphere) then
+c does the collision occur in the current time step?
+                  if (tcoll.gt.0.d0.and.tcoll.lt.tmin) then
+c     get sqrt(s) and total cross section
+                     sqrs = sqrts(i,j)
+c reduced cross section for leading hadrons of string fragmentation
+c within their formation time
+c the scaling factor is sigfac which is determined by the
+c individual particles scaling factors xtotfac
+                     if(tform(i).le.acttime+tcoll
+     &                       .and.tform(j).le.acttime+tcoll) then
+                       sigfac=1.d0
+                     else if(tform(i).le.acttime+tcoll
+     &                       .and.tform(j).gt.acttime+tcoll) then
+                       sigfac=xtotfac(j)
+                     else if(tform(j).le.acttime+tcoll
+     &                       .and.tform(i).gt.acttime+tcoll) then
+                       sigfac=xtotfac(i)
+                     else
+                       sigfac=xtotfac(i)*xtotfac(j)
+                     endif
+c     get total cross section via call to sigtot and rescale
+                     sigt = sigfac*sigtot(i,j,sqrs)
+c     rescale sigtot due to color fluctuations
+ctp060202                     call colorfluc(ityp(i),ityp(j),sqrs,
+                     call colorfluc(ityp(i),ityp(j),
+     &                              colfaci,colfacj)
+                     colfac=colfaci*colfacj
+                     sigt = sigt*colfac
+c     are we within the geometrical cross section
+                     if (sigt.gt.max(1.d-8,(10.d0*pi*dst2))) then
+c     this collision is to beat, now
+                        tmin = tcoll
+                        smin = sqrs
+                        sigmin = sigt
+                        imin = i
+                        jmin = j
+                        colfacmin=colfac
+                     endif
+                  endif
+               endif
+            endif
+ 101     continue
+         if (imin.gt.0) then
+c  if we found something, then update table via call to ctupdate
+c  (keep in mind: tmin is relative to actual time!)
+            call ctupdate(imin,jmin,acttime+tmin,smin,sigmin,colfacmin)
+c     in case of "full load mode" after every collision
+c     only the first entry in the collision table is relevant
+            if(CTOption(17).ne.0) nct=1
+         endif
+       return
+       end
+       subroutine ctupdate(i,j,t,s,sig,cfac)
+cinput i : index of 1st colliding particle
+cinput j : index of 2nd colliding particle (0 for decay)
+cinput t : (absolut) time  of collision/decay
+cinput s : $sqrt{s}$ (GeV) of collison
+cinput sig : total cross section (mbarn) of collision
+cinput cfac :  scaling factor for color fluctuation
+c This subroutine updates the collision arrays.
+c It determines the (chonologically) correct position for the new
+c entry in the collision arrays, creates the respective slot and
+c inserts the new entry (via a call to {\tt ctset}.
+c Then the arrays are scanned to tag the chonologically first collision
+c of particle {\tt i} or {\tt j} {\em true} and all subsequent ones
+c as {\em false}.
+       implicit none
+       integer i,j
+       real*8 t,s,sig,cfac
+       include 'colltab.f'
+       integer k,tfound,ncoll1
+       ncoll1 = nct + 1
+       tfound = ncoll1
+c loop over all collisions in table
+       do 101 k=actcol+1,nct
+c     get the correct position for the new entry (chronologically sorted)
+          if (tfound.eq.ncoll1.and.t.le.cttime(k)) tfound = k
+c     the above construct works as follows:
+c     as long as t > cttime(k), the first term is true and teh
+c     the second is false. At the correct position for the new
+c     entry BOTH terms are true, for all later times the first
+c     term is false in order not to overwrite the value of tfound
+ 101   continue
+c make sure that collision is not already listed in the table
+       if (.not.(t.eq.cttime(tfound).and.(i.eq.cti1(tfound).and.
+     &      j.eq.cti2(tfound).or.i.eq.cti2(tfound).and.
+     &      j.eq.cti1(tfound)))) then
+c then create slot for  new entry
+             do 102 k=nct,tfound,-1
+                cttime(k+1) = cttime(k)
+                ctsqrts(k+1) = ctsqrts(k)
+                ctsigtot(k+1) = ctsigtot(k)
+                cti1(k+1) = cti1(k)
+                cti2(k+1) = cti2(k)
+                ctvalid(k+1) = ctvalid(k)
+                ctcolfluc(k+1) = ctcolfluc(k)
+ 102         continue
+c     increment number of collisions/decays in table
+          nct = ncoll1
+       endif
+c insert new entry into the created slot via call to ctset
+       call ctset(tfound,i,j,t,s,sig,cfac)
+c     only the chonologically FIRST collision of particle i is set to true
+       do 103 k=actcol+1,nct,1
+c     the newly found collision must be omitted in the following sequence
+          if (k.eq.tfound) goto 103
+c  is there already a collision with i or j ?
+          if (cti1(k).eq.i.or.cti2(k).eq.i) then
+c     if the other collision is at an earlier time (the table is time-ordered,
+c     therefore k < tfound corresponds to an earlier time)
+c     then set the new one to false or vice versa
+             if (k.lt.tfound.and.ctvalid(k)) then
+                ctvalid(tfound) = .false.
+             else
+                ctvalid(k) = .false.
+             endif
+          endif
+c     do likewise for the second particle
+          if (j.gt.0.and.(cti1(k).eq.j.or.cti2(k).eq.j)) then
+             if (k.lt.tfound.and.ctvalid(k)) then
+                ctvalid(tfound) = .false.
+             else
+                ctvalid(k) = .false.
+             endif
+          endif
+ 103   continue
+       return
+       end
+      subroutine ctset(tfound,i,j,t,s,sig,cfac)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput tfound : index in coll. array for coll. to be inserted
+cinput i : index of first colliding particle
+cinput j : index of second colliing particle (0 for decay, negative: wall)
+cinput t : (absolute) time of collision
+cinput s : $sqrt{s}$ (GeV) of collison
+cinput sig : total cross section (mbarn) of collsion
+cinput cfac :  scaling factor for color fluctuation
+c {\tt ctset} enters the collision of particles {\tt i} and {\tt j}
+c into the collision arrays at index {\tt tfound}.
+      implicit none
+      integer tfound,i,j
+      real*8 t,s,sig,cfac
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      cttime(tfound) = t
+      ctsqrts(tfound) = s
+      ctsigtot(tfound) = sig
+      cti1(tfound) = i
+      cti2(tfound) = j
+      ctvalid(tfound) = .true.
+      ctcolfluc(tfound) = cfac
+      return
+      end
+       real*8 function sqrts(i,j)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     input: i,j : numbers of colliding particles
+c     output: $\sqrt{s}$ of collision as return value
+       implicit none
+       include 'coms.f'
+       integer i,j
+       real*8 p10,p20
+       p10 = sqrt((px(i)+ffermpx(i))**2
+     +           +(py(i)+ffermpy(i))**2
+     +           +(pz(i)+ffermpz(i))**2+fmass(i)**2)
+       p20 = sqrt((px(j)+ffermpx(j))**2
+     +           +(py(j)+ffermpy(j))**2
+     +           +(pz(j)+ffermpz(j))**2+fmass(j)**2)
+       sqrts = sqrt((p10+p20)**2
+     +               -(px(i)+ffermpx(i)+px(j)+ffermpx(j))**2
+     +               -(py(i)+ffermpy(i)+py(j)+ffermpy(j))**2
+     +               -(pz(i)+ffermpz(i)+pz(j)+ffermpz(j))**2)
+       return
+       end
+      subroutine nxtcoll(j,k,dst,dtauc)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c input:  j,k   : indices of colliding particles
+coutput dst   : impact parameter squared
+coutput dtauc : collisiontime in the computational system
+c     {\tt nxtcoll}  is the heart  of the collision term. It determines
+c     the time  in the  computional system, when the  collision between
+c     j and k took or will take place ({\tt dtauc}). The squared impact
+c     parameter of the collision is returned in {\tt dst}. {\tt dst} is
+c     independent of the computational system  in which the coordinates
+c     of j and k are given.
+      implicit none
+      integer j,k, i
+      include 'coms.f'
+      real*8 u1(0:3), u2(0:3), p1(0:3), p2(0:3)
+      real*8 dp(0:3), du(0:3), bt_com(3), bt(3)
+      real*8 du2, dp2, dudp, bt_du, bt_dp, btdr, bt2
+      real*8 dst, gam_com, gam_com2, bt_com2, dtauc
+c do some assignments first
+      u1(0) = r0(j)
+      u1(1) = rx(j)
+      u1(2) = ry(j)
+      u1(3) = rz(j)
+      u2(0) = r0(k)
+      u2(1) = rx(k)
+      u2(2) = ry(k)
+      u2(3) = rz(k)
+      p1(0) = sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2)
+      p1(1) = px(j)
+      p1(2) = py(j)
+      p1(3) = pz(j)
+      p2(0) = sqrt(px(k)**2+py(k)**2+pz(k)**2+fmass(k)**2)
+      p2(1) = px(k)
+      p2(2) = py(k)
+      p2(3) = pz(k)
+c -velocity and gamma-factor of the two particle center of momentum
+c frame (com) measured in the computational system
+      bt_com2 = 0.0d0
+      do 1 i=1,3
+        bt_com(i) = -((p1(i)+p2(i))/(p1(0)+p2(0)))
+        bt_com2 = bt_com2 + bt_com(i)**2
+    1 continue
+      gam_com = 1.0d0/sqrt(1.0d0-bt_com2)
+      gam_com2 = gam_com**2/(1.0d0+gam_com)
+c calculate some numbers which are needed for the Lorentz-transformation
+      bt_du = 0.0d0
+      bt_dp = 0.0d0
+      do 2 i=1,3
+        bt_du = bt_du + bt_com(i)*(u1(i) - u2(i))
+        bt_dp = bt_dp + bt_com(i)*(p1(i) - p2(i))
+    2 continue
+c calculate bt_com square and the dotproduct bt_com*(r(j)-r(k)),
+c where the r's are given in the computational frame
+c perform Lorentz-transformation of relative distance and relative
+c momentum vectors of particles j and k into com-frame
+c use the resulting 3-vectors du and dp to obtain du and dp squared
+c and the dotproduct du*dp
+      du2  = 0.0d0
+      dp2  = 0.0d0
+      dudp = 0.0d0
+      bt2  = 0.0d0
+      btdr = 0.0d0
+      do 3 i=1,3
+        bt(i) = p1(i)/p1(0) - p2(i)/p2(0) ! Rechensystem rel. vel.
+        bt2 = bt2 + bt(i)**2
+        btdr = btdr + bt(i)*(u1(i)-u2(i)) ! Rechensystem
+        du(i) = u1(i)-u2(i) + bt_com(i)*
+     *      (gam_com2*bt_du+gam_com*(u1(0)-u2(0)))
+        dp(i) = p1(i)-p2(i) + bt_com(i)*
+     *      (gam_com2*bt_dp+gam_com*(p1(0)-p2(0)))
+        du2  = du2  + du(i)*du(i)
+        dp2  = dp2  + dp(i)*dp(i)
+        dudp = dudp + du(i)*dp(i)
+    3 continue
+c  obtain collision time and impact parameter squared
+      dtauc = -(btdr/bt2)
+      dst   = du2 - dudp*dudp/dp2
+      end
+      subroutine scantab(ind,offs)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ind : index of particle
+cinput offs: offset
+c     {\tt scantab} adjusts the collision table to changed particle
+c     indices due to calls to {\tt addpart} or {\tt delpart}.
+c     In case of an annihilation a list is created of those particles
+c     which have lost their collision partner and have to be rechecked
+c     for possible collisions/decays.
+      implicit none
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer ind,offs,i,k
+      logical rescan
+c     reset counters for the rechecking of particles due to lost collision
+c     partners
+      nsav=0
+      rescan=.false.
+c     call from addpart
+      if (offs.gt.0) then
+c     shift upwards, if necessary
+         do 1 i=1,nct
+            if (cti1(i).ge.ind) cti1(i) = cti1(i) + offs
+            if (cti2(i).ge.ind) cti2(i) = cti2(i) + offs
+ 1       continue
+c     call from delpart
+      else
+c     omit scan, if last collision in table
+         if(actcol.eq.nct) return
+c     start loop with next collision in table
+         i=actcol+1
+ 2       continue
+         if((cti1(i).eq.ind).or.(cti2(i).eq.ind)) then
+c     a dubious entry has been found, now
+c     look for particles with 'lost' collision partners
+            if(cti1(i).eq.ind.and.cti2(i).gt.0) then
+c     save particles with 'lost' partners in the ctsav array
+               nsav=nsav+1
+               ctsav(nsav)=cti2(i)
+               if(ctsav(nsav).gt.ind) ctsav(nsav)=ctsav(nsav) + offs
+            elseif(cti2(i).eq.ind.and.cti1(i).gt.0) then
+               nsav=nsav+1
+               ctsav(nsav)=cti1(i)
+               if(ctsav(nsav).gt.ind) ctsav(nsav)=ctsav(nsav) + offs
+            endif
+c     delete obsolete collision
+            do 4 k=i+1,nct
+               cttime(k-1) = cttime(k)
+               ctsqrts(k-1) = ctsqrts(k)
+               ctsigtot(k-1) = ctsigtot(k)
+               cti1(k-1) = cti1(k)
+               cti2(k-1) = cti2(k)
+               ctvalid(k-1) = ctvalid(k)
+               ctcolfluc(k-1) = ctcolfluc(k)
+ 4          continue
+c     decrement collision counter
+            nct = nct-1
+            rescan=.true.
+         else
+c     else entry is OK
+            rescan=.false.
+         endif
+c     shift rest of table, in case entry has not been deleted
+         if(.not.rescan) then
+            if (cti1(i).gt.ind) cti1(i) = cti1(i) + offs
+            if (cti2(i).gt.ind) cti2(i) = cti2(i) + offs
+            i=i+1
+         endif
+c     condinue procedure until all collisions have been scanned
+         if(i.le.nct) goto 2
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+        subroutine printtab
+c     Revision: 1.0
+c     {\tt printtab} prints the contents of the collision arrays on
+c     unit 6 and marks the current collision with an *. This subroutine
+c     is used for debugging purposes only.
+        implicit none
+        include 'colltab.f'
+        integer i
+        character*1 c
+        write(6,*) 'colltab:'
+        do 101 i=1,nct
+           c = ' '
+           if (i.eq.actcol) c = '*'
+           write(6,'(i4,1x,L1,A1,2(i4,1x),4(f6.3,1x))')
+     &            i,ctvalid(i),c,cti1(i),cti2(i),cttime(i),ctsqrts(i)
+ 101    continue
+        return
+        end
+ctp060202      subroutine colorfluc(it1,it2,ws,fac1,fac2)
+      subroutine colorfluc(it1,it2,fac1,fac2)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput it1 : ityp particle 1
+cinput it2 : ityp particle 2
+cinput ws  : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+coutput fac1 : x-section scaling factor of particle 1
+coutput fac2 : x-section scaling factor of particle 2
+c     Modifies the hadron cross section due to color fluctuations,
+c     ref. L. Frankfurt et al.: Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sc. 44 (1994)501
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+ctp060202      real*8 ws,fac1,fac2
+      real*8 fac1,fac2
+      real*8 x,y,Pmes,Pbar,ranf
+      integer it1,it2
+      fac1=1d0
+      fac2=1d0
+c switched on ?
+      if (ctoption(42).eq.0) return
+c particle 1 is baryon
+      if (abs(it1).lt.100) then
+ 1     x=ranf(0)*3d0
+       y=ranf(0)
+c probability disrtibution for x-section factor
+       Pbar=(1.19+32.11*x-15.65*x**2-1.24*x**3+0.94*x**4)/18.d0
+       Pbar=max(0d0,Pbar)
+       if(y.gt.Pbar) goto 1
+       fac1=x
+c particle 1 is meson
+      else
+ 2     x=ranf(0)*5d0
+       y=ranf(0)
+c probability disrtibution for x-section factor
+       Pmes=(21.76+4.41*x-3-79*x**2+0.40*x**3)/25.d0
+       Pmes=max(0d0,Pmes)
+       if(y.gt.Pmes) goto 2
+       fac1=x
+      endif
+c particle 2 is baryon
+      if (abs(it2).lt.100) then
+ 3     x=ranf(0)*3d0
+       y=ranf(0)
+c probability disrtibution for x-section factor
+       Pbar=(1.19+32.11*x-15.65*x**2-1.24*x**3+0.94*x**4)/18.d0
+       Pbar=max(0d0,Pbar)
+       if(y.gt.Pbar) goto 3
+       fac2=x
+c particle 2 is meson
+      else
+ 4     x=ranf(0)*5d0
+       y=ranf(0)
+c probability disrtibution for x-section factor
+       Pmes=(21.76+4.41*x-3-79*x**2+0.40*x**3)/25.d0
+       Pmes=max(0d0,Pmes)
+       if(y.gt.Pmes) goto 4
+       fac2=x
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/comnorm.f b/Processes/UrQMD/comnorm.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdc0b49e29569d3073c1e47a162b743e2f50758f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/comnorm.f
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+c $Id: comnorm.f,v 1.5 1999/01/18 09:56:55 ernst Exp $
+      integer n
+      parameter (n = 400)
+      real*8 x_norm(0:3,1:n),y_norm(0:3,1:n)
+      real*8 y2a(0:3,1:n),y2b(0:3,1:n),dx
+      common /normsplin/ x_norm,y_norm,y2a,y2b,dx
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/comres.f b/Processes/UrQMD/comres.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e7a4a7cc393d06ad044df35dabbfa9364e7fd949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/comres.f
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+c $Id: comres.f,v 1.15 2003/06/29 14:26:36 weber Exp $
+cdes This file contains definitions for the collision term
+      integer maxbar,maxbra,minbar
+      integer offmeson,maxmeson,pimeson,maxbrm,minnuc,mindel
+      integer maxbrs1,maxbrs2
+      integer numnuc,numdel,nucleon,maxnuc,maxdel
+      integer minmes,maxmes
+      parameter (minnuc=1) ! lowest baryon particle ID
+      parameter (minmes=100) ! lowest meson particle ID
+      parameter (maxmes=132) ! hightest meson particle ID
+c number of resonances of a kind
+      parameter (numnuc=16) ! number of nucleon resonances
+      parameter (numdel=10) ! number of delta resonances
+c indices of minimal and maximal itype of a kind (redundant but nice)
+      parameter (maxnuc=minnuc+numnuc-1) ! highest nucleon ID
+      parameter (mindel=minnuc+maxnuc)   ! lowest delta ID
+      parameter (maxdel=mindel+numdel-1) ! highest delta ID
+c minres & maxres define the range of nonstable & nonstrange baryons
+      integer minres,maxres
+      parameter (minres=minnuc+1) ! lowest baryon resonance ID
+      parameter (maxres=maxdel)   ! highest (nonstrange) baryon
+                                  ! resonance ID
+c strangenes.ne.0 baryon resonances
+      integer minlam,minsig,mincas,minome
+      integer numlam,numsig,numcas,numome
+      integer maxlam,maxsig,maxcas,maxome
+      parameter (numlam=13) ! number of lambda states
+      parameter (numsig=9)  ! number of sigma states
+      parameter (numcas=6)  ! number of cascade states
+      parameter (numome=1)  ! number of omega states
+      parameter (minlam=mindel+numdel)   ! ID of lowest lambda state
+      parameter (maxlam=minlam+numlam-1) ! ID of highest lambda state
+      parameter (minsig=minlam+numlam)   ! ID of lowest sigma state
+      parameter (maxsig=minsig+numsig-1) ! ID of highest sigma state
+      parameter (mincas=minsig+numsig)   ! ID of lowest cascade state
+      parameter (maxcas=mincas+numcas-1) ! ID of highest cascade state
+      parameter (minome=mincas+numcas)   ! ID of lowest omega state
+      parameter (maxome=minome+numome-1) ! ID of highest omega state
+c minbar & maxbar define the range of all baryons
+      parameter (minbar=minnuc) ! ID of lowest baryon state
+      parameter (maxbar=maxome) ! ID of highest baryon state
+      parameter (offmeson=minmes) ! offset between zero and lowest
+                                  ! meson state
+      parameter (maxmeson=maxmes) ! ID of highest meson state
+c... these variables are in principal obsolete and should be exchanged
+c were referenced
+c... avoid hard coded itypes
+      integer itrho,itome,iteta,itkaon,itphi,itetapr
+      parameter (itkaon=106)   ! ID of kaon
+      parameter (itrho=104)    ! ID of rho meson
+      parameter (itome=103)    ! ID of omega meson
+      parameter (iteta=102)    ! ID of eta
+      parameter (itphi=109)    ! ID of phi
+      parameter (itetapr=107)  ! ID of eta'
+      parameter (pimeson=101)  ! ID of $\pi$
+      parameter (nucleon=minnuc) ! ID of nucleon
+      integer itmin,itmax
+      parameter (itmin=minnuc)  ! lowest defined ID
+      parameter (itmax=maxmes)  ! highest defined ID
+      parameter (maxbra=11)  ! decay channels for $s=0$ baryon resonances
+      parameter (maxbrm=25) ! decay channels for meson resonances
+      parameter (maxbrs1=10)! decay channels for $s=1$ baryon resonances
+      parameter (maxbrs2=3) ! decay channels for $s=2$ baryon resonances
+       integer mlt2it(maxmes-minmes) ! meson IDs sorted by multipletts
+      real*8 massoff,mresmin,mresmax
+      parameter (massoff=1d-4)      ! offset for mass generation
+      parameter (mresmin=1.0765d0)  ! minimum baryon resonance mass
+      parameter (mresmax=5d0)       ! maximum baryon resonance mass
+      character*45 versiontag
+      common /versioning/ versiontag
+      real*8 massres(minbar:maxbar),widres(minbar:maxbar)
+      real*8 branmes(0:maxbrm,minmes+1:maxmes)
+      real*8 branres(0:maxbra,minnuc+1:maxdel)
+      real*8 branbs1(0:maxbrs1,minlam+1:maxsig)
+      real*8 branbs2(0:maxbrs2,mincas+1:maxcas)
+      integer Jres(minbar:maxbar)
+      integer Jmes(minmes:maxmes)
+      integer pares(minbar:maxbar),pames(minmes:maxmes)
+      integer Isores(minbar:maxbar), Isomes(minmes:maxmes)
+      integer brtype(4,0:maxbra),bmtype(4,0:maxbrm)
+      integer bs1type(4,0:maxbrs1),bs2type(4,0:maxbrs2)
+      real*8 massmes(minmes:maxmes)
+      real*8 mmesmn(minmes:maxmes)
+      real*8 widmes(minmes:maxmes)
+      integer strres(minbar:maxbar),strmes(minmes:maxmes)
+      integer lbr(0:maxbra,minnuc+1:maxdel)
+      integer lbs1(0:maxbrs1,minlam+1:maxsig)
+      integer lbs2(0:maxbrs2,mincas+1:maxcas)
+      integer lbm(0:maxbrm,minmes+1:maxmes)
+      common /resonances/ massres,widres,massmes,widmes,mmesmn,
+     ,                    branres,branmes,branbs1,branbs2,
+     ,                    bs1type,bs2type,lbs1,lbs2,lbm,
+     ,                    jres,jmes,lbr,brtype,pares,pames,
+     ,                    bmtype,
+     ,                    Isores,Isomes,strres,strmes,mlt2it
+c     massres   : baryon mass table
+c     widres    : baryon decay width table
+c     massmes   : meson mass table
+c     widmes    : meson decay width table
+c     mmesmn    : table of minimum masses for meson resonances
+c     branres   : branching ratios for $s=0$ baryon resonances
+c     branmes   : branching ratios for meson resonances
+c     branbs1   : branching ratios for $s=1$ baryon resonances
+c     branbs2   : branching ratios for $s=2$ baryon resonances
+c     brtype    : definitions of the decay branches for $s=0$ baryon resonances
+c     bmtype    : definitions of the decay branches for meson resonances
+c     bs1type   : definitions of the decay branches for $s=1$ baryon resonances
+c     bs2type   : definitions of the decay branches for $s=2$ baryon resonances
+c     lbr       : decay angular momenta for $s=0$ baryon decays
+c     lbm       : decay angular momenta for meson decays
+c     lbs1      : decay angular momenta for $s=1$ baryon decays
+c     lbs2      : decay angular momenta for $s=2$ baryon decays
+c     jres      : spin table for baryons
+c     jmes      : spin table for mesons
+c     pares     : parity table for baryons
+c     pames     : parity table for mesons
+c     isores    : isospin table for baryons
+c     isomes    : isospin table for mesons
+c     strres    : strangeness table for baryons
+c     strmes    : strangeness table for mesons
+ccccccccccccccccccccc sigtab-declarations cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+      integer itblsz,nsigs,maxreac,maxpsig,sigver
+      parameter (sigver = 1000) ! version number for collision
+                                ! term and tables
+      parameter (maxreac = 13) ! maximum number of collision classes
+      parameter (maxpsig = 12) ! maximum number of cross
+                               ! sections per class
+      parameter (nsigs = 10)   ! number of tabulated cross sections
+      PARAMETER (ITBLSZ= 100)  ! table size of cross section tables
+      integer sigmaLN(maxpsig,2,maxreac)
+      integer sigmainf(nsigs,20)
+      real*8 sigmascal(nsigs,5), sigmas(nsigs,itblsz)
+      common/sigtabi/sigmaln,sigmainf
+      common/sigtabr/sigmas,sigmascal
+c     sigmaln   : pointer array connecting collision classes with cross sections
+c     sigmainf  : information related to tabulated cross sections
+c     sigmascal : information related to tabulated cross sections
+c     sigmas    : tabulated cross sections
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+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/coms.f
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+c $Id: coms.f,v 1.21 2003/06/29 14:26:36 weber Exp $
+c standard common block for uQMD
+cdes This file contains the standard commom blocks of UrQMD
+      real*8 emnuc
+      parameter (emnuc = 0.938) ! nucleon mass
+      integer nmax, nspl
+      real*8 hit_sphere
+      parameter (nmax = 500) ! maximum number of particles
+      parameter (nspl = 500)  ! dimension of spline arrays
+      parameter (hit_sphere = 8.d0)  ! hard collision cutoff: 251 mbarn
+c     debug and validity range
+      logical check, info, warn
+      parameter (check=.true., info=.false., warn=.false.)
+      integer Ap, At, Zp, Zt, npart, nbar, nmes, ctag
+      integer nsteps,ranseed,event,eos,dectag,uid_cnt
+      integer NHardRes,NSoftRes,NDecRes,NElColl,NBlColl
+      real*8  time,  acttime, bdist, ebeam, bimp,bmin,ecm
+c 7 integer
+      common /sys/ npart, nbar, nmes, ctag,nsteps,uid_cnt,
+     +             ranseed,event,Ap,At,Zp,Zt,eos,dectag,
+     +             NHardRes,NSoftRes,NDecRes,NElColl,NBlColl
+      common /rsys/ time,acttime,bdist,bimp,bmin,ebeam,ecm
+c     Ap       : projectile mass
+c     Zp       : projectile charge
+c     At       : target mass
+c     Zt       : target charge
+c     npart    : total number of particles
+c     nbar     : number of baryons AND antibaryons
+c     nmes     : number of mesons
+c     ctag     : counter of All interactions (coll. and dec.)
+c     nsteps   : number of timesteps
+c     uid_cnt  : counter for assigning unique particle ID-tags
+c     ranseed  : random number generator seed of event
+c     event    : event counter
+c     eos      : flag for the EoS chosen
+c     dectag   : counter for decays
+c     NHardRes : counter for resonance excitation in BB collisions
+c     NSoftRes : counter for resonance excitation in MB collisions
+c     NElColl  : counter for elastic collisions
+c     NBlColl  : counter for Pauli-blocked collisions
+c     time     : system time at beginning of timestep
+c     acttime  : current system time
+c     bdist    : maximum impact parameter (of event sample)
+c     bimp     : actual impact parameter
+c     bmin     : minimum impact parameter (of event sample)
+c     ebeam    : incident beam energy (lab frame)
+c     ecm      : initial projectile-hadron target-hadron c.m. energy
+      logical firstseed
+      common /comseed/firstseed
+      logical lsct(nmax),
+     +        logSky, logYuk, logCb, logPau
+      common /logic/ lsct, logSky, logYuk, logCb, logPau
+c 2*nmax*nmax logical
+      integer spin(nmax),ncoll(nmax),charge(nmax),strid(nmax),
+     +        ityp(nmax),lstcoll(nmax),iso3(nmax),origin(nmax),uid(nmax)
+c 6*nmax integer
+      real*8 eps, er0, pi, rho0,hqc
+      parameter (eps  = 1.0E-12)  ! small number
+      parameter (er0  = 1.128379167) ! used for error function
+      parameter (pi   = 3.1415926535) ! useful constant
+      parameter (rho0 = 0.16) ! nuclear matter ground state density
+      parameter (hqc  = 0.197327) ! value of $\hbar c$
+c IMPORTANT: when you change the version number please change also
+c            the versiontag in blockres.f !
+      integer version, laires
+      parameter ( version = 10035) ! version number
+      parameter ( laires  = 10002) ! additional tag
+c MD temporary arrays
+       real*8 r0_t(nmax), rx_t(nmax), ry_t(nmax), rz_t(nmax)
+       common/mdprop/ r0_t, rx_t, ry_t, rz_t
+      real*8
+     +     gw, sgw, delr, fdel, dt,
+     +     da, db,
+     +     Cb0, Yuk0, Pau0, Sky20, Sky30, gamSky, gamYuk, drPau, dpPau,
+     +     dtimestep
+c 19 real*8
+      real*8 cutmax, cutPau, cutCb, cutYuk, cutSky, cutdww
+      common /cuts/ cutmax, cutPau, cutCb, cutYuk, cutSky, cutdww
+      real*8 spx(nspl), spPauy(nspl), outPau(nspl),
+     +                spCby(nspl),  outCb(nspl),
+     +                spYuky(nspl), outYuk(nspl),
+     +                spSkyy(nspl), outSky(nspl),
+     +                spdwwy(nspl), outdww(nspl)
+      common /spdata/ spx, spPauy, outPau, spCby,  outCb,
+     +                     spYuky, outYuk, spSkyy, outSky,
+     +                     spdwwy, outdww
+      real*8
+     +     r0(nmax), rx(nmax), ry(nmax), rz(nmax),
+     +     p0(nmax), px(nmax), py(nmax), pz(nmax),
+     +     airx(nmax), airy(nmax), airz(nmax),
+     +     aipx(nmax), aipy(nmax), aipz(nmax),
+     +     aorx(nmax,4), aory(nmax,4), aorz(nmax,4),
+     +     aopx(nmax,4), aopy(nmax,4), aopz(nmax,4),
+     +     fmass(nmax), rww(nmax),
+     +     dectime(nmax), tform(nmax), xtotfac(nmax)
+      common/isys/spin,ncoll,charge,ityp,lstcoll,iso3,origin,strid,
+     +            uid
+      common /coor/ r0, rx, ry, rz, p0, px, py, pz, fmass, rww, dectime
+      common /frag/ tform, xtotfac
+c     spin    : particle spin
+c     ncoll   : particle number of collisions
+c     charge  : particle charge
+c     strid   : ID of last string, the particle was contained in
+c     ityp    : particle ID
+c     lstcoll : tag of last interaction of particle
+c     iso3    : $2 \cdot I_3$ of particle
+c     origin  : ID of last interaction of particle
+c     uid     : unique particle ID tag
+c     r0      : particle time
+c     rx      : $x$ coordinate
+c     ry      : $y$ coordinate
+c     rz      : $z$ coordinate
+c     p0      : particle energy
+c     px      : $p_x$ momentum
+c     py      : $p_y$ momentum
+c     pz      : $p_z$ momentum
+c     fmass   : mass of particle
+c     rww     : ??
+c     dectime : decay time of particle
+c     tform   : formation time of particle
+c     xtotfac : cross section scaling factor during formation time
+      common /aios/ airx, airy, airz, aipx, aipy, aipz,
+     +              aorx, aory, aorz, aopx, aopy, aopz
+      common /pots/ Cb0, Yuk0, Pau0, Sky20, Sky30, gamSky,
+     +              gamYuk, drPau, dpPau, gw, sgw, delr, fdel,
+     +              dt,da, db,dtimestep
+c spectator arrays
+        integer smax
+        parameter(smax=500)  ! maximum number of spectators
+        real*8 r0s(smax), rxs(smax), rys(smax), rzs(smax),
+     +               p0s(smax), pxs(smax), pys(smax), pzs(smax),
+     +               sfmass(smax)
+        integer sspin(smax), scharge(smax), sityp(smax), siso3(smax),
+     +          suid(smax)
+        integer nspec
+        common /scoor/ r0s, rxs, rys, rzs, p0s, pxs ,pys, pzs, sfmass
+        common /sisys/ sspin, scharge, sityp, siso3, suid
+        common /ssys/ nspec
+c     sspin    : spectator particle spin
+c     scharge  : spectator particle charge
+c     sityp    : spectator particle ID
+c     siso3    : $2 \cdot I_3$ of spectator particle
+c     r0s      : spectator particle time
+c     rxs      : spectator $x$ coordinate
+c     rys      : spectator $y$ coordinate
+c     rzs      : spectator $z$ coordinate
+c     p0s      : spectator particle energy
+c     pxs      : spectator $p_x$ momentum
+c     pys      : spectator $p_y$ momentum
+c     pzs      : spectator $p_z$ momentum
+c     sfmass   : mass of spectator particle
+        real*8 p0td(2,nmax),pxtd(2,nmax),pytd(2,nmax),pztd(2,nmax),
+     +         fmasstd(2,nmax)
+        integer ityptd(2,nmax),iso3td(2,nmax)
+        integer itypt(2),uidt(2),origint(2),iso3t(2)
+        common /rtdelay/p0td,pxtd,pytd,pztd,fmasstd
+        common /itdelay/ityptd,iso3td
+        common /svinfo/itypt,uidt,origint,iso3t
+c     p0td    : energy of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+c     pxtd    : $p_x$ of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+c     pytd    : $p_y$ of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+c     pztd    : $p_z$ of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+c     fmasstd : mass of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+c     ityptd  : ID of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+c     iso3td  : $2\cdot I_3$ of parent particles of resonace (DP formalism)
+        real*8 ffermpx(nmax), ffermpy(nmax), ffermpz(nmax)
+        real*8 peq1, peq2
+        common /ffermi/ ffermpx, ffermpy, ffermpz
+        common /peq/ peq1,peq2
+c     ffermpx  : fermi momentum in $x$ direction
+c     ffermpy  : fermi momentum in $y$ direction
+c     ffermpz  : fermi momentum in $z$ direction
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..570effcc8fc4ae48ada2407999dc7b32228a368e
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+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/comstr.f
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+c $Id: comstr.f,v 1.2 1999/01/18 09:56:58 ernst Exp $
+      parameter (njspin=8)
+      real*8  PJSPNS,PMIX1S(3,njspin),PMIX2S(3,njspin),PBARS,
+      real*8  PJSPNC,PMIX1C(3,njspin),PMIX2C(3,njspin),PBARC
+c parm gives the probability for different meson multiplets according
+c to spin degeneracy and average mass ratios
+c spin-parity 0- : 1- : 0+ : 1+ : 2+ = parm(1):parm(2)...:parm(njspin)
+      real*8 parm(njspin)
+      common/coparm/parm
+      real*8 pi
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+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/comwid.f
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+c $Id: comwid.f,v 1.13 2003/06/29 14:26:36 weber Exp $
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     common block for the tabulated branching ratios
+c number of points for the interpolation
+      integer widnsp
+c the branching ratios are interpolated with high precision in the range
+c from mintab to maxtab1 and from maxtab1 to maxtab2 with a smaller precision
+c version number of the table
+      integer tabver
+      real*8 mintab, maxtab1, maxtab2
+c set the default values
+      parameter (widnsp=120)
+      parameter (mintab=0.1d0)
+      parameter (maxtab1=5.0d0)
+      parameter (maxtab2=50.0d0)
+c increase this parameter, if you make changes, which require a new table
+      parameter (tabver=9)
+c tabulated x-values (i.e. sqrt(s) of the collision)
+      real*8 tabx (1:widnsp)
+c tabulated y-values (i.e. the branching ratios) and the second
+c derivatives of the function.
+c full baryon ratio
+      real*8 fbtaby (1:widnsp,minbar:maxbar,1:2)
+c partial baryon ratios
+cdh   real*8 pbtaby (1:widnsp,1:2,minbar:maxbar,0:maxbrs1)
+      real*8 pbtaby (1:widnsp,1:2,minbar:maxbar,0:maxbra)
+c full meson ratio
+      real*8 fmtaby (1:widnsp,minmes:maxmes,1:2)
+c partial meson ratios
+      real*8 pmtaby (1:widnsp,1:2,minmes:maxmes,0:maxbrm)
+c Breit-Wigner norms
+c norm of Breit-Wigner with mass dependent widths baryons/mesons
+        real*8 bwbarnorm(minbar:maxbar),bwmesnorm(minmes:maxmes)
+c tabulated fppfit()
+c tabulated x-values (i.e. sqrt(s) of the collision)
+      real*8 tabxnd (1:widnsp)
+c 2-resonance channels
+c                      x     deriv ND N*..D*
+      real*8 frrtaby(1:widnsp,1:2,1:2,2:maxdel)
+c this flag indicates the progress of tabulating the function
+      integer wtabflg
+c name of file containing the tables
+      character*77 tabname
+      common /decaywidth/ tabx,fbtaby,pbtaby,fmtaby,pmtaby,wtabflg
+      common /brwignorm/ bwbarnorm,bwmesnorm
+      common /xsections/ tabxnd,frrtaby
+      common /tabnames/ tabname
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/dectim.f
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+c $Id: dectim.f,v 1.7 1999/01/18 09:56:59 ernst Exp $
+      real*8 function dectim(ind,iproc)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ind : ID of particle
+cinput iproc: process ID for resonance creation
+couput dectim: time of decay
+c     This function computes a random choice for the time at which
+c     a resonance will decay and transformes it to the computational
+c     frame.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      integer ind,iproc
+      real*8 gg,wid,tau,ranf,fwidth,widit,fbwnorm,mr,massit
+      real*8 tmp,factor
+c first determine width of resonace
+      if(CTOption(1).eq.0.and.CTOption(34).ne.1) then
+c     mass dependent width
+         wid=fwidth(ityp(ind),iso3(ind),fmass(ind))*CTParam(1)
+      else
+c     fixed width
+         wid=widit(ityp(ind))*CTParam(1)
+      end if
+      if(WID .GT. 1.d-10) then
+         if(CTOption(34).lt.2) then
+c     "normal" life time tau=1/gamma
+            TAU=-(dLOG(1.d0-RANF(0))/WID)
+         else
+c     use Danielewicz delay
+            if(iproc.ne.36.and.iproc.ne.37) then
+c     delay for scattering wave
+               TAU=-(dLOG(1.d0-RANF(0))*
+     &              fbwnorm(fmass(ind),ityp(ind),iso3(ind))*pi/2.d0)
+            else
+c     delay for forward wave
+               if(CTOption(34).eq.2) then
+                  factor=1.d0/CTParam(58)
+               elseif(CTOption(34).eq.3) then
+                  factor=(ctsigtot(actcol)-CTParam(58))/CTParam(58)
+               elseif(CTOption(34).eq.4) then
+                  tmp=dsqrt(2.d0/(wid*3.14d0*
+     &                 fbwnorm(fmass(ind),ityp(ind),iso3(ind))))
+                  factor=1.d0/(CTParam(58)*tmp)
+               else
+                  factor=1.d0
+               endif
+               mr=massit(ityp(ind))
+               TAU=-(dLOG(1.d0-RANF(0))*factor*
+     &              2.d0*pi*fbwnorm(fmass(ind),ityp(ind),iso3(ind))*
+     &              (fmass(ind)-mr)**2/wid**2)
+            endif
+         endif
+      ELSE
+c     stable particle
+         DECTIM=1.d34
+         RETURN
+      END IF
+      gg=p0(ind)/fmass(ind)
+      DECTIM=TAU*GG*hqc
+      RETURN
+      END
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+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/delpart.f
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+c $Id: delpart.f,v 1.5 2000/01/12 16:02:34 bass Exp $
+      subroutine delpart(index)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput index : index of particle to delete
+c     This subroutine deletes the entry of particle {\tt index} in all
+c     particle arrays.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'freezeout.f'
+      integer index,i,j,ind
+      ind=index
+      if(ind.lt.1.or.ind.gt.npart) then
+         write(6,*)'***(E) delpart: ind out of bounds ',ind,npart
+         stop
+      endif
+c     update nbar and nmes counters
+      if(iabs(ityp(ind)).le.maxbar) then
+          nbar=nbar-1
+      elseif(iabs(ityp(ind)).ge.minmes)then
+          nmes=nmes-1
+      endif
+c     delete slot
+      do 10 i=ind+1,npart
+         r0(i-1)=r0(i)
+         rx(i-1)=rx(i)
+         ry(i-1)=ry(i)
+         rz(i-1)=rz(i)
+         p0(i-1)=p0(i)
+         px(i-1)=px(i)
+         py(i-1)=py(i)
+         pz(i-1)=pz(i)
+         fmass(i-1)=fmass(i)
+         ityp(i-1)=ityp(i)
+         iso3(i-1)=iso3(i)
+         ncoll(i-1)=ncoll(i)
+         lstcoll(i-1)=lstcoll(i)
+         charge(i-1)=charge(i)
+         spin(i-1)=spin(i)
+         dectime(i-1)=dectime(i)
+         tform(i-1)=tform(i)
+         xtotfac(i-1)=xtotfac(i)
+         origin(i-1)=origin(i)
+         strid(i-1)=strid(i)
+         uid(i-1)=uid(i)
+         frr0(i-1)=frr0(i)
+         frrx(i-1)=frrx(i)
+         frry(i-1)=frry(i)
+         frrz(i-1)=frrz(i)
+         frp0(i-1)=frp0(i)
+         frpx(i-1)=frpx(i)
+         frpy(i-1)=frpy(i)
+         frpz(i-1)=frpz(i)
+         ffermpx(i-1)=ffermpx(i)
+         ffermpy(i-1)=ffermpy(i)
+         ffermpz(i-1)=ffermpz(i)
+         r0_t(i-1)=r0_t(i)
+         rx_t(i-1)=rx_t(i)
+         ry_t(i-1)=ry_t(i)
+         rz_t(i-1)=rz_t(i)
+         do 11 j=1,2
+            p0td(j,i-1)=p0td(j,i)
+            pxtd(j,i-1)=pxtd(j,i)
+            pytd(j,i-1)=pytd(j,i)
+            pztd(j,i-1)=pztd(j,i)
+            fmasstd(j,i-1)=fmasstd(j,i)
+            ityptd(j,i-1)=ityptd(j,i)
+            iso3td(j,i-1)=iso3td(j,i)
+ 11      continue
+c            ...
+ 10      continue
+        npart=npart-1
+c     update entries of lstcoll vector
+         do 15 i=1,npart
+            if(lstcoll(i).le.nmax) then
+               if(lstcoll(i).eq.ind) then
+                  lstcoll(i)=0
+               elseif(lstcoll(i).gt.ind) then
+                  lstcoll(i)=lstcoll(i)-1
+               endif
+            endif
+ 15      continue
+c     update collision tables
+c     and scan for particles which have lost their collision partner
+      call scantab(ind,-1)
+c     update pointer array for new/scattered particles
+      do 20 i=1,nexit
+         if(inew(i).gt.ind) then
+            inew(i)=inew(i)-1
+         elseif(inew(i).eq.ind) then
+            inew(i)=0
+         endif
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine adspec(index)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput index : index of particle to delete
+c     This subroutine deletes the entry of particle {\tt index} in all
+c     particle arrays and writes it to file 14 and 16 by the call
+c     of specout
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      integer index,i,ind
+      ind=index
+      if(ind.lt.1.or.ind.gt.npart) then
+         write(6,*)'***(E) adspec: ind out of bounds ',ind,npart
+         stop
+      endif
+cernst fill spectator-arrays
+      nspec=nspec+1
+      r0s(nspec)=r0(ind)
+      rxs(nspec)=rx(ind)
+      rys(nspec)=ry(ind)
+      rzs(nspec)=rz(ind)
+      p0s(nspec)=p0(ind)
+      pxs(nspec)=px(ind)
+      pys(nspec)=py(ind)
+      pzs(nspec)=pz(ind)
+      sfmass(nspec)=fmass(ind)
+      sspin(nspec)=spin(ind)
+      scharge(nspec)=charge(ind)
+      sityp(nspec)=ityp(ind)
+      siso3(nspec)=iso3(ind)
+      suid(nspec)=uid(ind)
+c     update nbar and nmes counters
+      if(iabs(ityp(ind)).le.maxbar) then
+          nbar=nbar-1
+      elseif(iabs(ityp(ind)).ge.minmes)then
+          nmes=nmes-1
+      endif
+      i=ind
+      call specout(i,14)
+      call specout(i,16)
+      do 10 i=ind+1,npart
+         r0(i-1)=r0(i)
+         rx(i-1)=rx(i)
+         ry(i-1)=ry(i)
+         rz(i-1)=rz(i)
+         p0(i-1)=p0(i)
+         px(i-1)=px(i)
+         py(i-1)=py(i)
+         pz(i-1)=pz(i)
+         fmass(i-1)=fmass(i)
+         ityp(i-1)=ityp(i)
+         iso3(i-1)=iso3(i)
+         ncoll(i-1)=ncoll(i)
+         lstcoll(i-1)=lstcoll(i)
+         charge(i-1)=charge(i)
+         spin(i-1)=spin(i)
+         dectime(i-1)=dectime(i)
+         tform(i-1)=tform(i)
+         xtotfac(i-1)=xtotfac(i)
+         uid(i-1)=uid(i)
+c            ...
+ 10      continue
+        npart=npart-1
+c     update entries of lstcoll vector
+         do 15 i=1,npart
+            if(lstcoll(i).eq.ind) then
+               lstcoll(i)=0
+            elseif(lstcoll(i).gt.ind) then
+               lstcoll(i)=lstcoll(i)-1
+            endif
+ 15      continue
+c     update collision tables
+      call scantab(ind,-1)
+c     update pointer array for new/scattered particles
+      do 20 i=1,nexit
+         if(inew(i).gt.ind) then
+            inew(i)=inew(i)-1
+         elseif(inew(i).eq.ind) then
+            inew(i)=0
+         endif
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine rmspec(bpro,btar)
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer i,n,nspc
+      real*8 sr1,sr2,srp,srt,bpro,btar,roff
+      real*8 nucrad
+      n=npart
+      nspc=0
+      roff=CTParam(35)
+      srp=(roff+nucrad(Ap))**2
+      srt=(roff+nucrad(At))**2
+      if(n.le.2)return
+      i=n
+ 108  continue
+        sr1=ry(i)**2+(rx(i)-bpro)**2
+        sr2=ry(i)**2+(rx(i)-btar)**2
+        if((sr1.gt.srp.or.sr2.gt.srt).and.ityp(i).eq.1)then
+           write(6,*)'rmspec: ',rx(i),ry(i),i
+           call adspec(i)
+        end if
+        i=i-1
+        if(i.ge.1)goto 108
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/detbal.f b/Processes/UrQMD/detbal.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eee1d770b8e6adf748c7d0380043face92fe2366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/detbal.f
@@ -0,0 +1,895 @@
+c $Id: detbal.f,v 1.12 1999/01/18 09:57:00 ernst Exp $
+      subroutine detbal(sqrts,ityp1,ityp2,iso31,iso32,
+     &                  em1,em2,itnew1,itnew2,dbfact)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput sqrts   : sqrt(s)
+cinput ityp1   : ityp of incoming particle 1
+cinput ityp2   : ityp of incoming particle 2
+cinput iso31   : 2*I3 of incoming particle 1
+cinput iso32   : 2*I3 of incoming particle 2
+cinput em1     : mass of incoming particle 1
+cinput em2     : mass of incoming particle 2
+cinput itnew1  : ityp of outgoing particle 1
+cinput itnew2  : ityp of outgoing particle 2
+coutput dbfact     : correction factor for cross section
+c     This subroutine calculates a correction factor for the
+c     partial crosssection based on the principle of detailed balance.
+c     For {\tt CTOption(3)=0} a modified detailed balance (default) is used
+c     which takes finite resonance widths into account. For
+c     {\tt CTOption(3)=1} the old standard detailed balance relation is used.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      real*8 sqrts, dbfact
+      integer iso31, iso32
+      real*8  em1, em2, clebweight
+      integer ityp1, ityp2, itnew1, itnew2
+c     local vars for integration of Breit-Wigner:
+      real*8 mepsilon
+      real*8 oq, q, minwid, factor
+      integer inres, outres,idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4
+c     called functions
+      real*8 pcms, dbweight, massit
+      real*8 pmean, widit, dgcgkfct
+      integer isoit
+      real*8 detbalin
+      external detbalin
+c     0.1 MeV shift for integrator-maxvalue
+      parameter(mepsilon=0.0001)
+c     minimal width for "unstable" particle
+      parameter( minwid=1.d-4 )
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      logical ctp060202
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)em1,em2
+ctp060202 end
+      idum1=0
+      idum2=0
+      idum3=0
+      idum4=0
+c     fix itypes, iso3 and  phase-space for outgoing particles
+c     a) set up call to isocgk and getmass: determine outgoing isospins
+c        and masses
+c clebweight: actually areduction of given isospin_summed cross_section
+c             to actual incoming channel - here it is used to probe
+c             wether the process in question is isospin allowed or not
+      clebweight=dbweight(isoit(ityp1),iso31,isoit(ityp2),iso32,
+     &     isoit(itnew1),isoit(itnew2))
+      if(clebweight.lt.0.00001) then
+         dbfact=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+c     b) determine momenta
+      pnnout=pcms(sqrts,massit(itnew1),massit(itnew2))
+c     d) now calculate correction factor
+c     call to dgcgkfct which calculates degeneracy factors and clebsches
+      factor=dgcgkfct(ityp1,ityp2,iso31,iso32,itnew1,itnew2)
+      if(CTOption(3).eq.0) then
+c modified detailed balance
+c reference: Danielewicz and Bertsch: Nuclear Physics A533(1991) 712.
+c     count resonances in the incoming channel:
+         inres=0
+         if(widit(ityp1).gt.minwid) inres=inres+1
+         if(widit(ityp2).gt.minwid) inres=inres+1
+c     count resonances in the outgoing channel:
+         outres=0
+         if(widit(itnew1).gt.minwid) outres=outres+1
+         if(widit(itnew2).gt.minwid) outres=outres+1
+         if(inres.eq.0) then
+c     in this case detbal without resonances, original prescription
+            dbfact=factor*pnnout**2/(pnn**2)
+         elseif(inres.eq.1) then
+c modified det-bal for one resonance
+c     now generate the correction factor
+         dbfact=factor*pnnout**2/
+     &          pmean(sqrts,ityp1,iso31,ityp2,iso32,
+     &                idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,2)
+      else
+c     modified det-bal for two resonances
+c     reference: S.A. Bass, private calculation
+         oq=0D0
+         if(outres.gt.0) then
+c here we have B* B* to B* N
+            oq=pmean(sqrts,itnew1,-99,itnew2,-99,
+     &               idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,2)
+         endif
+         q=pmean(sqrts,ityp1,iso31,ityp2,iso32,
+     &           idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,2)
+c     now generate the correction factor
+            if(outres.eq.0) then
+               dbfact=factor*pnnout**2/(max(1.d-12,q))
+            else
+               dbfact=factor*oq/(max(1.d-12,q))
+            endif
+         endif
+         return
+c original detailed balance
+      elseif(CTOption(3).eq.1) then
+         dbfact=factor*pnnout**2/(pnn**2)
+c error processing
+      else
+         write(6,*)'undefined detailed balance mode in DETBAL'
+         dbfact=1.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function ppiso(pid,ityp1,iso31,ityp2,iso32,itnew1,itnew2)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput pid     : ID of process
+cinput ityp1   : ityp of incoming particle 1
+cinput ityp2   : ityp of incoming particle 2
+cinput iso31   : 2*I3 of incoming particle 1
+cinput iso32   : 2*I3 of incoming particle 2
+cinput itnew1  : ityp of outgoing particle 1
+cinput itnew2  : ityp of outgoing particle 2
+coutput nniso     : isospin-factor for the reaction $p p \to B B$
+c     This subroutine calculates the isospin-factor for resonance
+c     excitation in inelastic proton proton collisions.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 dbweight,factor,dgcgkfct
+      integer isoit,pid,itag,iz1,iz2,i1,i2,im,jm,ityp1,ityp2
+      integer iso31,iso32,itnew1,itnew2,itmp1,itmp2
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      i1=ityp1
+      i2=ityp2
+      iz1=iso31
+      iz2=iso32
+      im=itnew1
+      jm=itnew2
+      if(pid.gt.0) then
+         ppiso=dbweight(i1,iz1,i2,iz2,isoit(im),isoit(jm))/
+     /        dbweight(1,1,1,1,isoit(im),isoit(jm))
+      else
+         factor=dgcgkfct(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,nucleon,nucleon)
+         if(factor.le.1.d-8) then
+            ppiso=0.d0
+            return
+         endif
+         nexit=2
+         itot(1)=isoit(nucleon)
+         itot(2)=isoit(nucleon)
+         call isocgk4(isoit(i1),iz1,isoit(i2),iz2,itot,i3new,itag)
+         itmp1=i3new(1)
+         itmp2=i3new(2)
+         ppiso=dbweight(nucleon,itmp1,nucleon,itmp2,
+     &           isoit(im),isoit(jm))/
+     /           dbweight(1,1,1,1,isoit(im),isoit(jm))
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function dgcgkfct(ityp1,ityp2,iso31,iso32,itnew1,itnew2)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ityp1   : ityp of incoming particle 1
+cinput ityp2   : ityp of incoming particle 2
+cinput iso31   : 2*I3 of incoming particle 1
+cinput iso32   : 2*I3 of incoming particle 2
+cinput itnew1  : ityp of outgoing particle 1
+cinput itnew2  : ityp of outgoing particle 2
+coutput dgcgkfct     : product of degeneracy and cgk factor for detailed bal.
+c     This subroutine calculates the product of the spin and isospin
+c     degeneracy factors and the a isospin correction factor
+c     (isospin dependence of cross section) for the detailed balance
+c     cross section.
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer iso31,iso32
+      real*8  clebweight
+      integer ityp1, ityp2,stot(4),itnew1,itnew2
+c     components of degeneracy factor
+      integer gin1,gin2,gout1,gout2
+      real*8 dgfact
+c     called functions
+      real*8 dbweight
+      integer jit,isoit
+c     a) set up call to isocgk and getmass: determine outgoing isospins
+c        and masses
+c clebweight: reduction of given isospin_summed cross_section to actual
+c             incoming channel
+c 1) reduction:
+      clebweight=dbweight(isoit(ityp1),iso31,isoit(ityp2),iso32,
+     &     isoit(itnew1),isoit(itnew2))
+      if(clebweight.lt.0.00001) then
+         dgcgkfct=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+c     c) calculate degeneracy factors
+c        reference: S. Bass, GSI-Report 93-13 p. 25 and references therein
+c     get spins: in-channel stot(1 and 2), out-channel stot(3 and 4)
+      stot(1)=jit(ityp1)
+      stot(2)=jit(ityp2)
+      stot(3)=jit(itnew1)
+      stot(4)=jit(itnew2)
+      gout1=(stot(3)+1)
+      gout2=(stot(4)+1)
+      gin1=(stot(1)+1)
+      gin2=(stot(2)+1)
+c     the degeneracy factor is
+      dgfact=dble(gout1*gout2)/dble(gin1*gin2)
+c     d) now calculate correction factor
+      dgcgkfct=dgfact*clebweight
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function pmean(sqrts,itp1,iz1,itp2,iz2,
+     &                      itp3,iz3,itp4,iz4,ipwr)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput sqrts  : $\sqrt{s}$
+cinput itp1   : ityp of particle 1
+cinput iz1    : $2 \cdot I_3$ of particle 1
+cinput itp2   : ityp of particle 2
+cinput iz2    : $2 \cdot I_3$ of particle 2
+cinput itp3   : ityp of particle 3
+cinput iz3    : $2 \cdot I_3$ of particle 3
+cinput itp4   : ityp of particle 4
+cinput iz4    : $2 \cdot I_3$ of particle 4
+cinput ipwr   : power of $p_{mean}$ to integrate
+c     This function returns the value of the following integral:
+c     \begin{displaymath}
+c     \int\limits_{m_1= {\tt mmin}}^{\tt mmax}
+c      p_{CMS}^{\tt ipwr}(\sqrt{s},m_1,m_2) A_1(m_1) A_2(m_2) \; dm_1 dm_2
+c     \end{displaymath}
+c     with $A_r(m)$ being the spectral function of the resonance:
+c     \begin{displaymath}
+c      A(m) = \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma(m)/2}{(m-m_0)^2+\Gamma(m)^2/4}
+c     \end{displaymath}
+      implicit none
+c      include "comres.f"
+      real*8 sqrts,minwid,q1,q2
+      real*8 mmin1,mfix,mmin2,maxs1,maxs2,mepsilon,diverg1
+      real*8 smass
+      integer itp1,ipwr,iz1,itp2,iz2,itp3,iz3,itp4,iz4
+      integer inres,izz1,ind1,ind2
+      real*8 detbalin,widit,massit,detbalin2,mminit,pcms
+c      integer
+      external detbalin,detbalin2
+c     minimal width for "unstable" particle
+      parameter( minwid=1.d-3 )
+c     0.1 MeV shift for integrator-maxvalue
+      parameter(mepsilon=0.0001)
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      logical ctp060202
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)iz3,iz4
+ctp060202 end
+      if(sqrts.le.mminit(itp1)+mminit(itp2)) then
+         pmean=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+c     count broad particles and store number in inres
+c     NOTE: only particles 1 and 2 may be broad!!!!
+      inres=0
+      if(widit(itp1).gt.minwid) inres=inres+1
+      if(widit(itp2).gt.minwid) inres=inres+1
+      if(inres.eq.0) then
+c     in this case the Breit-Wigner distributions are Delta functions,
+c     no integrations necessary
+         smass=massit(itp2)
+         if(itp3.ne.0) smass=smass+massit(itp3)
+         if(itp4.ne.0) smass=smass+massit(itp4)
+         pmean=pcms(sqrts,massit(itp1),smass)**ipwr
+         return
+      elseif(inres.eq.1) then
+c modified det-bal for one resonance
+c first determine which particle is the resonance and store ityp in ind1
+         if(widit(itp1).gt.minwid) then
+            ind2=itp2
+            ind1=itp1
+            izz1=iz1
+         else
+            ind2=itp1
+            ind1=itp2
+            izz1=iz2
+         endif
+c     now set integration boundaries
+         mmin1=mminit(ind1)
+         mfix=mminit(ind2)
+         if(itp3.ne.0) mfix=mfix+massit(itp3)
+         if(itp4.ne.0) mfix=mfix+massit(itp4)
+         maxs1=sqrts-mfix-mepsilon
+c     the integration might be divided by the pole of the Breit-Wigner
+c     then two integrations with diverg1 as upper or lower boundary
+c     respectively are necessary
+         diverg1=massit(ind1)
+c     now perform integration in function detbalin
+c     integrate f(m1)=pcms(sqrts,m1,m2)**ipwr*fbwnorm(m1,ityp1)
+         q1=0.d0
+         q2=0.d0
+         if(mmin1.le.diverg1) then
+            if(maxs1.gt.diverg1) then
+               call qsimp(detbalin,mmin1,diverg1,
+     &              ind1,izz1,mfix,sqrts,ipwr,q1,-1)
+               call qsimp(detbalin,diverg1,maxs1,
+     &              ind1,izz1,mfix,sqrts,ipwr,q2,1)
+            else
+               call qsimp(detbalin,mmin1,maxs1,
+     &              ind1,izz1,mfix,sqrts,ipwr,q1,-1)
+            endif
+         else
+               call qsimp(detbalin,mmin1,maxs1,
+     &              ind1,izz1,mfix,sqrts,ipwr,q2,1)
+         endif
+         pmean=(q1+q2)
+         return
+      else
+c 2 resonances to integrate over
+         if(itp3.ne.0) then
+            write(6,*) 'ERROR in pmean: only one broad particle allowed'
+            write(6,*) '                in case of 3 or 4 body decays!!'
+            stop
+         endif
+c     outer integration:
+c     set integration boundaries
+         mmin1=mminit(itp1)
+         mmin2=mminit(itp2)
+         maxs2=sqrts-mmin1
+         diverg1=massit(itp2)
+         q1=0.d0
+         q2=0.d0
+         if(mmin2.le.diverg1) then
+            if(maxs2.gt.diverg1) then
+               call qsimp2(detbalin2,mmin2,diverg1,
+     &              itp2,iz2,mmin1,itp1,iz1,ipwr,sqrts,q1,-1)
+               call qsimp2(detbalin2,diverg1,maxs2,
+     &              itp2,iz2,mmin1,itp1,iz1,ipwr,sqrts,q1,1)
+            else
+               call qsimp2(detbalin2,mmin2,maxs2,
+     &              itp2,iz2,mmin1,itp1,iz1,ipwr,sqrts,q1,-1)
+            endif
+         else
+            call qsimp2(detbalin2,mmin2,maxs2,
+     &           itp2,iz2,mmin1,itp1,iz1,ipwr,sqrts,q1,1)
+         endif
+         pmean=(q1+q2)
+         return
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function detbalin(m1,ityp1,iz1,m2,sqrts,ipwr)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput m1     : mass of resonance (integration variable)
+cinput ityp1  : ityp of Delta/N* resonance for fbwnorm()
+cinput iz1    : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance
+cinput m2     : second mass for call to pcms
+cinput sqrts  : sqrt(s)
+cinput ipwr   : power for $p_mean$
+c     This function is an integrand for the modified detailed balance:
+c     \begin{displaymath}
+c     detbalin(m1)=\, p_{CMS}^{\tt ipwr}(\sqrt{s},m_1,m_2) A_1(m_1)
+c     \end{displaymath}
+c     with $A_r(M)$ being the spectral function of the resonance:
+c     \begin{displaymath}
+c      A(m) = \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma(m)/2}{(m-m_0)^2+\Gamma(m)^2/4}
+c     \end{displaymath}
+      implicit none
+c     arguments
+      real*8 m1,m2,sqrts
+      integer ityp1,iz1,ipwr
+c     called functions
+      real*8 fbwnorm,pcms
+      detbalin=pcms(sqrts,m1,m2)**ipwr*fbwnorm(m1,ityp1,iz1)
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function detbalin2(m2,ityp2,iz2,min1,
+     &                          ityp1,iz1,ipwr,sqrts)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This function represents the integrand
+c     \begin{displaymath}
+c     detbalin2\,=\,A_2(m2)\;
+c     \int \limits_{m_N + m_{\pi}}^{\sqrt{s} - m_2}
+c     p_{rel}(\sqrt{s},m_1,m_2) A_1(m_1)  \, d m_1
+c     \end{displaymath}
+c     for the modified detailed balance with two resonances in the
+c     incoming channel.
+c     $A_r(M)$ is the spectral function of the resonance (see {\tt detbalin}).
+cinput m2     : mass of resonance2 (outer integration in detbal)
+cinput ityp1  : ityp of resonance1
+cinput ityp2  : ityp of resonance2
+cinput min1   : lower boundary for integration via {\tt qsimp}
+ccinput max1   : upper boundary for integration via {\tt qsimp}
+cinput iz1    : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance 1
+cinput iz2    : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance 2
+cinput ipwr   : power for $p_mean$
+cinput sqrts  : $\sqrt{s}$
+c     output:
+c             detbalin2  : value of function
+c     function and subroutine calls:
+c                      detbalin (referenced as external)
+c                      fbwnorm
+c                      qsimp
+      implicit none
+      integer ityp1,ityp2,iz1,iz2,ipwr
+      real*8 m2,min1,max1,sqrts,q1,q2,diverg1,fbwnorm,mepsilon
+      real*8 massit
+      real*8 detbalin
+      external detbalin
+c     0.1 MeV shift for integrator-maxvalue
+      parameter(mepsilon=0.0001)
+      max1=sqrts-m2-mepsilon
+      diverg1=massit(ityp1)
+      q1=0.d0
+      q2=0.d0
+      if(min1.le.diverg1) then
+         if(max1.gt.diverg1) then
+            call qsimp(detbalin,min1,diverg1,
+     &           ityp1,iz1,m2,sqrts,ipwr,q1,-1)
+            call qsimp(detbalin,diverg1,max1,
+     &           ityp1,iz1,m2,sqrts,ipwr,q2,1)
+         else
+            call qsimp(detbalin,min1,max1,
+     &           ityp1,iz1,m2,sqrts,ipwr,q1,-1)
+         endif
+      else
+            call qsimp(detbalin,min1,max1,
+     &           ityp1,iz1,m2,sqrts,ipwr,q2,1)
+      endif
+      detbalin2=fbwnorm(m2,ityp2,iz2)*(q1+q2)
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function fbwnorm(m,ires,iz1)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput m   : mass of resonance
+cinput ires: ityp of resonance
+cinput iz1 : $2\cdot I_3$ of resonance
+c     {\tt fbwnorm} returns a Breit-Wigner distribution (non-relativistic)
+c     which is normalized to 1 in the limit of mass-independent
+c     decay widths. However this function uses mass-dependent decay
+c     widths when available. The function only uses widths down to
+c     a lower boundary of 1 MeV, smaller widths are automatically set
+c     to 1 MeV. For {\tt iz=-99} fixed widths are used instead of
+c     a call to {\tt fwidth}. You should use {\tt fbrwig} for standard purpose
+c     since in case of mass dependent widths fbwnorm() is not very well
+c     defined for widths smaller than 1 MeV.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 m,gam2,mres,fwidth,massit,widit,gam,minwid
+      integer ires,ires1,iz1
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+c     minimal width for "unstable" particle
+      parameter( minwid=1.d-3 )
+      ires1 = ires
+      mres = massit(ires1)
+      if(iz1.eq.-99.or.wtabflg.eq.0)then
+        gam = widit(ires1)
+      else
+        gam = fwidth(ires1,iz1,m)
+      end if
+c     cutoff for small widths
+      gam=max(gam,minwid)
+      gam2=gam**2
+      fbwnorm = 0.5*gam/(pi*((m-mres)**2+gam2/4.0))!*norm
+      return
+      end
+c  here start the numerical receipies routines for numerical integration
+c  no more physics beyond this point in the file!!!
+c(c) numerical receipies, adapted for f(x,idum,dum,dum)
+      SUBROUTINE qsimp(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3,s,flag)
+c     Simpson integration via Numerical Receipies.
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      INTEGER JMAX,j,idum1,idum2,idum3,flag
+      REAL*8 a,b,func,s,EPS
+      REAL*8 os,ost,st,dum2,dum3
+      EXTERNAL func
+      PARAMETER (JMAX=20)
+      if(b-a.le.1.d-4) then
+         s=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      EPS = 6.d-2
+      if (CTOption(35).eq.1) EPS=6.d-3
+      ost=-1.d30
+      os= -1.d30
+      do 11 j=1,JMAX
+         if(flag.eq.-1) then
+            call midsqu1(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3,st,j)
+         elseif(flag.eq.1) then
+            call midsql1(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3,st,j)
+         endif
+        s=(9.*st-ost)/8.
+        if (abs(s-os).le.EPS*abs(os)) return
+        os=s
+        ost=st
+11    continue
+      write(6,*)  'too many steps in qsimp, increase JMAX!'
+      return
+      END
+C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software.
+      SUBROUTINE midsqu1(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3,s,n)
+c     modified midpoint rule; allows singuarity at upper limit
+      implicit none
+      integer idum1,idum2,idum3
+      real*8 dum2,dum3
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk
+      EXTERNAL funk
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b,xx
+      func(x)=2.*x*funk(bb-x**2,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3)
+      b=sqrt(bb-aa)
+      a=0.d0
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+      xx=0.5d0*(a+b)
+      s=(b-a)*func(0.5d0*(a+b))
+      else
+        it=3**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm)
+        ddel=del+del
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+ddel
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3.
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE midsql1(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3,s,n)
+c     modified midpoint rule; allows singularity at lower limit
+      implicit none
+      integer idum1,idum2,idum3
+      real*8 dum2,dum3
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk
+      EXTERNAL funk
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b
+      func(x)=2.*x*funk(aa+x**2,idum1,idum2,dum2,dum3,idum3)
+      b=sqrt(bb-aa)
+      a=0.
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+        s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b))
+      else
+        it=3**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm)
+        ddel=del+del
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+ddel
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3.
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+c(c) numerical receipies, adapted for f(x,idum,dum,dum)
+      SUBROUTINE qsimp2(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,
+     &                  idum5,dum2,s,flag)
+c     Simpson integration via Numerical Receipies.
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      INTEGER JMAX,j,idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,idum5,flag
+      REAL*8 a,b,s,EPS
+      REAL*8 os,ost,st,dum1,dum2
+      REAL*8 func
+      PARAMETER (JMAX=10)
+      external func
+      if(b-a.le.1.d-4) then
+         s=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      EPS = 6.d-2
+      if (CTOption(35).eq.1) EPS=6.d-3
+      ost=-1.d30
+      os= -1.d30
+      do 11 j=1,JMAX
+         if(flag.eq.-1) then
+            call midsqu2(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,
+     &                  idum5,dum2,st,j)
+         elseif(flag.eq.1) then
+            call midsql2(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,
+     &                  idum5,dum2,st,j)
+         endif
+        s=(9.*st-ost)/8.
+        if (abs(s-os).le.EPS*abs(os)) return
+        os=s
+        ost=st
+11    continue
+      write(6,*)  'too many steps in qsimp2, increase JMAX!'
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE midsqu2(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,
+     &                  idum5,dum2,s,n)
+c     modified midpoint rule; allows singuarity at upper limit
+      implicit none
+      integer idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,idum5
+      real*8 dum1,dum2
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk
+      EXTERNAL funk
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b
+      func(x)=2.*x*funk(bb-x**2,
+     &                  idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,idum5,dum2)
+      b=sqrt(bb-aa)
+      a=0.
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+        s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b))
+      else
+        it=3**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm)
+        ddel=del+del
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+ddel
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3.
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE midsql2(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,
+     &                  idum5,dum2,s,n)
+c     modified midpoint rule; allows singularity at lower limit
+      implicit none
+      integer idum1,idum2,idum3,idum4,idum5
+      real*8 dum1,dum2
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk
+      EXTERNAL funk
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b
+      func(x)=2.*x*funk(aa+x**2,
+     &                  idum1,idum2,dum1,idum3,idum4,idum5,dum2)
+      b=sqrt(bb-aa)
+      a=0.
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+        s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b))
+      else
+        it=3**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm)
+        ddel=del+del
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+ddel
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3.
+      endif
+      return
+      END
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/dwidth.f b/Processes/UrQMD/dwidth.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1debcd42fe6c0618fa8ac02a9ed594dbc5ab35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/dwidth.f
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+c $Id: dwidth.f,v 1.10 2001/04/06 22:08:24 weber Exp $
+      real*8 function mmean (io,m0,g,mmin,mmax)
+cinput  io  : flag (see bleow)
+cinput  m0  : pole mass
+cinput  g   : nominal width
+cinput mmin : minimal mass
+cinput mmax : maximal mass
+c   io=0 : Yields average mass between {\rm mmin} and {\rm mmax}
+c          according to a Breit-Wigner function with constant width {\rm g}
+c          and pole {\rm m0}.\\
+c   io=1 : Chooses a mass randomly between {\rm mmin} and {\rm mmax}
+c             according to a Breit-Wigner function with constant
+c             width {\rm g} and pole {\rm m0}.\\
+c    else: Integral of a Breit-Wigner function from {\rm mmin} to {\rm mmax}.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 m0,g,mmin,mmax,x,i0,i1,inv,fmin,fmax,ranf,f,gcut
+      parameter(gcut=1d-10)
+      integer io
+      logical errchk
+      parameter (errchk=.true.)
+      i0(x) =2.*g*atan( 2.* (x-m0)/ g  )
+      i1(x) =.5*g**2*log( (x-m0)**2+g**2/4. ) + m0*i0(x)
+      inv(x)=.5*g*tan( 0.5*x/g )+m0
+c...check for some error conditions
+      if(errchk)then
+        if(mmin.gt.mmax)
+     .    write(6,*)'mmean: mass range negative (mmin>mmax)'
+     .          ,mmin,mmax
+        if(g.le.gcut.and.(m0.gt.mmax.or.m0.lt.mmin))
+     .    write(6,*)'mmean: narrow particle out of mass range'
+      end if
+      if(io.eq.0)then
+        if(g.le.gcut)then
+          mmean=0d0
+          if(mmin.le.m0.and.m0.le.mmax)mmean=1d0
+        else
+          mmean=(i1(mmax)-i1(mmin))/(i0(mmax)-i0(mmin))
+        end if
+      else if(io.eq.1)then
+c... determin a mass in a given interval
+        if(g.le.gcut)then
+          mmean=max(mmin,min(mmax,m0))
+        else
+          fmin=i0(mmin)
+          fmax=i0(mmax)
+          f=fmin+(fmax-fmin)*ranf(0)
+          mmean=inv(f)
+        end if
+      else
+            mmean=i0(mmax)-i0(mmin) !this might not work for narrow part.
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getmas(m0,g0,i,iz,mmin,mmax,mrest,m)
+cinput  m0   : pole mass of resonance
+cinput  g0   : nominal width of resonance
+cinput  i    : resonance ID
+cinput  iz   : iso3 of resonance
+cinput  mmin : minimal mass
+cinput  mmax : maximal mass
+coutput m    : actual mass of the resonance
+c        {\tt getmas} (not $\rightarrow$ {\tt getmass}) first chooses the
+c        mass {\tt m} of resonance {\tt i} between {\tt mmin} and {\tt mmax}
+c        by a call of {\tt mmean}. Since {\tt mmean} only handles Breit-Wigners
+c        with constant widths it follows
+c        a correction such that  {\tt m} is distributed according to mass
+c        dependent widths (corresponding to {\tt fbrwig(...,m,1)}).
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer i,iz,nrej, nrejmax
+      real*8 m,m0,g0,mmin,mmax,x,x0,gg,f,g,h,pi,al,alpha,ce,mmax2
+      real*8 phi,k,k0,mrest
+      real*8 ranf,mmean,fbrwig,bwnorm,pcms
+      parameter(pi=3.1415926535d0)
+      parameter(alpha=3d0, ce=2d0, nrejmax=5000)
+c 'broadened' Breit-Wigner function with h(x0,al)=h(x0,1)
+c normalised to alpha
+      h(x,x0,gg,al)=al*0.5/pi*(al*gg)/((x-x0)**2+0.25*(al*gg)**2)
+c cut-off for maximum resonance mass
+      mmax2=min(mresmax,mmax)
+      if(g0.lt.1d-4.or.CTOption(1).ne.0.or.CTOption(32).ne.0)then
+        m=mmean(1,m0,g0,mmin,mmax2)
+        return
+      else
+          nrej=0
+c This is a Monte Carlo rejection method, where the invertable
+c BW-distribution with constant widths is used to limit the BW-distribution
+c with mass-dep. widths whose inverse is not known analytically.
+108     continue
+        m=mmean(1,m0,alpha*g0,mmin,mmax2)
+        if(m.gt.(mmax2+1d-8).or.m.lt.(mmin-1d-8))then
+           write(*,*)'getmas (W): m outside (mmin,mmax2)',m,mmin,mmax2
+           write(*,*)'called as getmas(',m0,g0,i,mmin,mmax,')'
+           write(*,*)'Program stopped'
+           stop
+        endif
+cdh     if ((CTOption(25).eq.1).and.(mrest.gt.0.0)) then
+        if ((CTOption(25).eq.1).and.(mrest.gt.0.d0)) then
+           k=pcms(mmax2+mrest,mrest,m)
+           k0=pcms(mmax2+mrest,mrest,mmin)
+           phi = m*k / (mmin*k0)
+        else
+           phi = 1.0
+        endif
+c Breit-Wigner with mass dependent widths and phase space correction
+            f=fbrwig(i,iz,m,1)*phi/bwnorm(i)
+            g=ce*h(m,m0,g0,alpha)
+            if(g.lt.f)then
+              write(*,*)'(W) getmas: C h(m) not limiting at m=',m
+              write(*,*)'->mass distribution of ',i,'might be corrupt'
+            endif
+          nrej=nrej+1
+        if (nrej.le.nrejmax.and.(ranf(0)*g).gt.f) goto 108
+        if (nrej.gt.nrejmax) then
+           write(*,*)'(W) getmas_space: too many rejections, m= ',m
+           write(*,*)'called with (',m0,g0,i,mmin,mmax,mrest,')'
+           write(*,*)'->mass distribution of ',i,' might be corrupt'
+           m=mmean(1,m0,alpha*g0,mmin,mmax2)
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+        real*8 function bwnorm(ires)
+cinput  ires   : itype of resonance
+c        This function calculates the integral of {\tt fbrwig}
+c        between parameters {\tt mmin}(= 0~GeV) and {\tt mmax}(= 30~GeV) by
+c        calling {\tt qsimp3} resp. by table lookup. It's value shall
+c        serve as the norm of the Breit-Wigner function of particle {\tt ires}
+c        with mass dependent width.
+        implicit none
+        include 'comres.f'
+        include 'comwid.f'
+        include 'options.f'
+        integer ires,iz,isoit,it
+        real*8 mmin,mmax,pole,norm1,norm2
+        real*8 widit,massit
+        parameter(mmin=0d0,mmax=50d0)
+        real*8 fbrwig
+        external fbrwig
+        if((CTOption(36).ne.0.or.CTOption(1).ne.0).and.wtabflg.gt.1)then
+          bwnorm=1d0
+          return
+        endif
+        it=iabs(ires)
+      if (wtabflg.ge.2.and.CTOption(33).eq.0) then
+c table lookup
+         if (it.ge.minbar.and.it.le.maxbar) then
+           bwnorm=bwbarnorm(it)
+         else if (it.ge.minmes.and.it.le.maxmes) then
+           bwnorm=bwmesnorm(it)
+         else
+           write (6,*) '*** error(bwnorm) wrong id:',it
+           bwnorm=1d0
+         endif
+        else
+c calculate
+           if (widit(it).gt.1d-3)then
+           pole=massit(it)
+c arbitrary value of iz
+             iz=isoit(it)
+c     the integration is divided by the pole of the Breit-Wigner -
+c     thus two integrations with pole as upper or lower boundary
+c     respectively are necessary
+             call qsimp3(fbrwig,mmin,pole,it,iz,norm1,-1)
+             call qsimp3(fbrwig,pole,mmax,it,iz,norm2,+1)
+             bwnorm=norm1+norm2
+           else
+             bwnorm=1d0
+           endif
+        endif
+        return
+        end
+c no physics after these routines!
+c(c) numerical receipies, adapted for f(idum1,idum2,x)
+      SUBROUTINE qsimp3(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,s,flag)
+c     Simpson integration via Numerical Receipies.
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      INTEGER JMAX,j,idum1,idum2,flag
+      REAL*8 a,b,func,s,EPS
+      REAL*8 os,ost,st
+      PARAMETER (JMAX=100)
+      external func
+      if(b-a.le.1.d-4) then
+         s=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      EPS = 5d-3
+      if (CTOption(35).eq.1) EPS=5d-4
+      ost=-1.d30
+      os= -1.d30
+      do 11 j=1,JMAX
+         if(flag.eq.-1) then
+            call midsqu3(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,st,j)
+         elseif(flag.eq.1) then
+            call midsql3(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,st,j)
+         endif
+        s=(9.*st-ost)/8.
+        if (abs(s-os).le.EPS*abs(os)) return
+        os=s
+        ost=st
+11    continue
+      write(6,*)  'too many steps in qsimp3, increase JMAX!'
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE midsqu3(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,s,n)
+c     modified midpoint rule; allows singuarity at upper limit
+      implicit none
+      integer idum1,idum2
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk
+      EXTERNAL funk
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b
+      func(x)=2.*x*funk(idum1,idum2,bb-x**2,1)
+      b=sqrt(bb-aa)
+      a=0.
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+        s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b))
+      else
+        it=3**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm)
+        ddel=del+del
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+ddel
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3.
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE midsql3(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,s,n)
+c     modified midpoint rule; allows singularity at lower limit
+      implicit none
+      integer idum1,idum2
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk
+      EXTERNAL funk
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b
+      func(x)=2.*x*funk(idum1,idum2,aa+x**2,1)
+      b=sqrt(bb-aa)
+      a=0.
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+        s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b))
+      else
+        it=3**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm)
+        ddel=del+del
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+ddel
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3.
+      endif
+      return
+      END
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/error.f b/Processes/UrQMD/error.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..694f15fc22a7c3ea8de7028d5cf708149dcf9750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/error.f
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+      subroutine error (function_name, message, value, level)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     output of errors and warnings
+      implicit none
+      character function_name*(*)
+      character message*(*)
+      real*8 value
+      integer level
+      include 'inputs.f'
+      integer errdev
+      errdev=6
+      if ((level.lt.1).or.(level.gt.3)) then
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Error in Subroutine error:'
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Message: Wrong Errorlevel'
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Related Value: ', level
+      endif
+      if (level.eq.1) then
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Warning in Subroutine ',function_name,':'
+      elseif (level.eq.2) then
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Error in Subroutine ',function_name,':'
+      else
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Fatal Error in Subroutine ',
+     $        function_name,':'
+      endif
+      write (errdev,*) '*** Message: ',message
+      write (errdev,*) '*** Related Value: ',value
+      if (level.ge.3) then
+         write (errdev,*)
+         write (errdev,*) '*** Program stopped.'
+         stop
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/freezeout.f b/Processes/UrQMD/freezeout.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f40e492055fe190e665c0aad160e955029abd7ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/freezeout.f
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+c $Id: freezeout.f,v 1.4 1999/01/18 09:57:01 ernst Exp $
+c freezeout common block for uQMD
+c     Revision : 1.0
+      real*8 frr0(nmax), frrx(nmax), frry(nmax), frrz(nmax),
+     +     frp0(nmax), frpx(nmax), frpy(nmax), frpz(nmax)
+      common /frcoor/ frr0, frrx, frry, frrz, frp0, frpx, frpy, frpz
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/getmass.f b/Processes/UrQMD/getmass.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85d92d97e0fda06d9f53627612dd13a6c350995d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/getmass.f
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+c $Id: getmass.f,v 1.9 1999/01/18 09:57:02 ernst Exp $
+      real*8 function getmass(ssqrt,type)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput  ssqrt  :  maximum energy available
+cinput  type   :  class of resonance defined in getrange
+coutput getmass:  mass of the resonance
+C  DETERMINES MASS OF A non-strange baryon RESONANCE.
+c     function calls: massdist ranf
+      implicit none
+      real*8 ssqrt,mdice,mm,mmax
+      integer type
+      real*8 ranf
+      include 'comnorm.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+c...  only n*,d,d* included in n_splint
+      mmax=min(mresmax,ssqrt)
+c get probability mdice
+      call n_splint(x_norm,y_norm,y2a,n,mmax,mdice,type)
+      if(mdice.eq.0)write(6,*)'getmass:mdice=',mdice
+c for this probability choose mass mm
+      call n_splint(y_norm,x_norm,y2b,n,mdice*ranf(0),mm,type)
+      if(mm.lt.mresmin) then
+         write(6,*)'(W) getmass-error - m, mmin',mm,mresmin
+           mm=mresmin
+      else if(mm.gt.mresmax) then
+         write(6,*)'(W) getmass-error - m, ,max',mm,mresmax
+           mm=mresmax
+      endif
+      getmass=mm
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine norm_init
+coutput : via common-block comnorm
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comnorm.f'
+      real*8 massdist
+      real*8 x(n),y(n),y21(n),y22(n)
+      integer i,j
+c    linear weighting restored
+c    in comnorm.f n is set to 400 again
+      dx = (mresmax-mresmin)/dble(n-1) ! (n-1)**2 for quad. weight
+      do 1 i=0,3
+         y_norm(i,1) = 0.0
+         y(1) = 0.0
+         x_norm(i,1) = mresmin
+         x(1) = mresmin
+         do 2 j=2,n
+            x_norm(i,j) = mresmin+dble(j-1)*dx ! (j-1)**2 for quad. weight
+            x(j) = x_norm(i,j)
+            y(j) = y(j-1) + (x(j)-x(j-1)) ! valid for both weights
+     &                      *(massdist(x(j-1),i)+massdist(x(j),i)
+     &                  + 4.0*massdist(0.5*(x(j)+x(j-1)),i))/6.0
+            y_norm(i,j) = y(j)
+2        continue
+         call spline(x,y,n,massdist(mresmin,i),
+     &                    massdist(mresmax,i),y21)
+         call spline(y,x,n,1.0/massdist(mresmin,i),
+     &                    1.0/massdist(mresmax,i),y22)
+         do 3 j=1,n
+            y2a(i,j) = y21(j)
+            y2b(i,j) = y22(j)
+3        continue
+1     continue
+      return
+      end
+c Numerical recipies:
+c  (modified)
+      SUBROUTINE n_splint(xa,ya,y2a,n,x,y,m)
+      implicit none
+      INTEGER n,m
+      real*8 x,y,xa(0:3,n),y2a(0:3,n),ya(0:3,n)
+      INTEGER k,khi,klo
+      real*8 a,b,h
+      klo=1
+      khi=n
+1     if (khi-klo.gt.1) then
+        k=(khi+klo)/2
+        if(xa(m,k).gt.x)then
+          khi=k
+        else
+          klo=k
+        endif
+      goto 1
+      endif
+      h=xa(m,khi)-xa(m,klo)
+      if (h.eq.0.)pause 'bad xa input in splint'
+      a=(xa(m,khi)-x)/h
+      b=(x-xa(m,klo))/h
+      y=a*ya(m,klo)+b*ya(m,khi)+((a**3-a)*y2a(m,klo)+
+     *   (b**3-b)*y2a(m,khi))*(h**2)/6.
+      return
+      END
+C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software.
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/getspin.f b/Processes/UrQMD/getspin.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b34e1ec1a91b5d48bbe1629f1831c683a1dbe95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/getspin.f
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+c $Id: getspin.f,v 1.3 1999/01/18 09:57:03 ernst Exp $
+      integer function getspin(iityp,itag)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ityp   : ID of particle
+cinput itag   : flag for return value
+c output: $2*J_{tot}$ of particle
+c     This subroutine converts global ityp to maximum spin and optionally
+c     chooses a random projection ({\tt itag=-1}).
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer ityp,iityp,jtot,itag
+      real*8 ranf
+      ityp=abs(iityp)
+      jtot=0
+      if(ityp.ge.nucleon.and.ityp.le.maxbar) then
+         jtot=Jres(ityp)
+      elseif(ityp.ge.offmeson.and.ityp.le.maxmeson) then
+         jtot=Jmes(ityp)
+      else
+         write(6,*)'undefined total isospin in getspin:'
+         write(6,*)'ityp: ',ityp
+         stop
+      endif
+      getspin=0
+      if(itag.eq.1) then
+         getspin=jtot
+      elseif(itag.eq.-1) then
+         getspin=jtot-2*int(ranf(0)*(jtot+1))
+      else
+         write(6,*)'itag-error in getspin.f'
+         stop
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/init.f b/Processes/UrQMD/init.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d934f7f74aae1a87bbdaa76a9e75c0a99e55b371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/init.f
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+c $Id: init.f,v 1.20 2002/05/14 12:33:50 balazs Exp $
+      subroutine init
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine calls initialization procedures for different
+c     equations of state and calculation modi.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'inputs.f'
+      include 'freezeout.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      integer j,k,icount,npold,getspin,fchg,indsp(2),isrt,ipbm
+      real*8 nucrad,dstt,dstp,pcm,eb,embeam,emtarget
+      real*8 massit,ranf,pcms,dectim
+      real*8 gaeq,beeq,galab,belab,ppeq,pteq
+      real*8 pboost
+      real*8 ratio
+      integer AAp, AAt
+        integer nnuc
+        parameter (nnuc=11)
+        save isrt,ipbm
+         logical bcorr
+        common /ini/ bcorr
+        integer i,flagy
+        real*8 alf,regula
+c momenta
+       real*8 mx,my,mz
+c important: never change!
+      npart = 0
+      npold = 0
+      nbar=0
+      nmes=0
+      apt=0
+      uid_cnt=0
+c reset counters
+c     all collisions/decays
+      ctag  = 0
+c     all decays
+      dectag = 0
+c     number of prod. hard resonances
+      NHardRes=0
+c     number of prod. soft resonances
+      NSoftRes=0
+c     number of prod. resonances via decay
+      NDecRes=0
+c     number of blocked collisions
+      NBlColl=0
+c     number of elastic collisions
+      NElColl=0
+c     number of strings
+      strcount=1
+      nspec = 0                   !hjd
+      eb=0D0
+c icount is the number of EXTRAordinary pro/tar combinations (i.e. pion ...)
+      icount = 0
+c reset particle vectors
+      do 20 j=1,nmax
+        spin(j)  = 0
+        ncoll(j) = 0
+        lstcoll(j)=0
+        r0(j) = 0.0
+        rx(j)    = 0.0
+        ry(j)    = 0.0
+        rz(j)    = 0.0
+        p0(j)    = 0.0
+        px(j)    = 0.0
+        py(j)    = 0.0
+        pz(j)    = 0.0
+        frr0(j) = 0.0
+        frrx(j)    = 0.0
+        frry(j)    = 0.0
+        frrz(j)    = 0.0
+        frp0(j)    = 0.0
+        frpx(j)    = 0.0
+        frpy(j)    = 0.0
+        frpz(j)    = 0.0
+        fmass(j) = 0.0
+        charge(j)= 0
+        iso3(j)  = 0
+        ityp(j)  = 0
+        dectime(j)= 0.0
+        origin(j)=0
+        tform(j)=0.0
+        xtotfac(j)=1.0
+        strid(j)=0
+        uid(j)=0
+         ffermpx(j) = 0.0
+         ffermpy(j) = 0.0
+         ffermpz(j) = 0.0
+         do 21 k=1,2
+            p0td(k,j)=0.d0
+            pxtd(k,j)=0.d0
+            pytd(k,j)=0.d0
+            pztd(k,j)=0.d0
+            fmasstd(k,j)=0.d0
+            ityptd(k,j)=0
+            iso3td(k,j)=0
+ 21      continue
+ 20   continue
+      if(CTOption(40).eq.1) then
+         call getoldevent
+         return
+      endif
+      if (boxflag.eq.1) then
+         mbpx=0
+         mbpy=0
+         mbpz=0
+         mx=0
+         my=0
+         mz=0
+         nbar=0
+         nmes=0
+         flagy=edensflag
+         ctoption(30)=0         ! no frozen fermi for box
+         do 100 cbox=1,mbox
+            if (flagy.ge.1) then
+               bptpmax(cbox)=edens/mbox
+            endif
+            call bptinit(cbox)
+ 100     Continue
+c prevents a collective motion in the box
+         do 143 i=1,npart
+            mbpx=mbpx+px(i)
+            mbpy=mbpy+py(i)
+            mbpz=mbpz+pz(i)
+ 143     continue
+         do 142 i=1,npart
+            px(i)=px(i)-mbpx/npart
+            py(i)=py(i)-mbpy/npart
+            pz(i)=pz(i)-mbpz/npart
+            call setonshell(i)
+ 142     continue
+         if (flagy.ge.1) then
+            alf=Regula(edens)
+            do 42  i=1,npart
+               px(i) = alf*px(i)
+               py(i) = alf*py(i)
+               pz(i) = alf*pz(i)
+               call setonshell(i)
+ 42         continue
+         endif
+         Write(*,*) 'walls selected'
+         mbflag=2
+         if (solid.gt.0) Write(*,*)'solid walls selected'
+         Return
+      EndIf
+      if(At.ne.0) then
+         if (CTParam(21).eq.0.0) then
+            dstp = nucrad(Ap)+CTParam(41)
+            dstt = nucrad(At)+CTParam(41)
+         else
+            ratio = sqrt((1 + 4.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) /
+     $           (1 - 2.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) )
+            dstp = nucrad(Ap)*ratio**(2.0/3.0)+CTParam(41)
+            dstt = nucrad(At)*ratio**(2.0/3.0)+CTParam(41)
+         endif
+c add radius offset
+         dstp=dstp+CTParam(30)
+         dstt=dstt+CTParam(30)
+c         dst=0.5d0*(dstt+dstp)
+      else
+c            dst=0.d0
+            dstp=0d0
+            dstt=0d0
+      endif
+ce For anti nuclei:
+      AAp = abs(Ap)
+      AAt = abs(At)
+c fix masses of projectile and target for calculation of pbeam,ecm,pcm
+      if(prspflg.eq.0) then
+         embeam=AAp*EMNUC
+      elseif(prspflg.eq.1) then
+         icount=icount+1
+c!!!  sofar only pro/tar with fixed masses allowed
+         embeam=massit(spityp(1))
+      endif
+      if(trspflg.eq.0) then
+         emtarget=AAt*EMNUC
+      elseif(trspflg.eq.1) then
+         icount=icount+1
+         emtarget=massit(spityp(2))
+      endif
+c p(equal_speed) with given elab  cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+         if(srtflag.eq.0) then
+            ebeam=AAp*ebeam
+            eb=ebeam+embeam
+            pbeam=sqrt(ebeam*(ebeam+2.0d0*embeam))
+c p(equal_speed) with given sqrt(s) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+         elseif(srtflag.eq.1) then
+c     in this mode, everything has to calculated on a per particle basis
+            embeam=embeam/dble(AAp)
+            emtarget=emtarget/dble(AAt)
+            if(emtarget+embeam.gt.srtmin)then
+               srtmin=emtarget+embeam+1d-2
+               write(6,*)' *** error:initial energy below treshold'
+               write(6,*)'     c.m. energy will be increased to:',
+     &              srtmin
+               srtmax=max(srtmax,srtmin)
+            end if
+            if(efuncflag.eq.0) then
+               ecm=srtmin
+            else                ! if(efuncflag.eq.1) then
+c excitation function
+               if(mod((event-1)*nsrt,nevents).eq.0
+     &              .and.firstev.gt.0)then
+                  if(efuncflag.eq.1)then
+                     ecm=ecm+(srtmax-srtmin)/dble(nsrt-1)
+                  else if(efuncflag.eq.2)then
+                     isrt=isrt+1
+                     ecm=srtmin*exp(
+     &                    (dlog(srtmax/srtmin))
+     &                    *isrt/(nsrt-1))
+                  end if
+               elseif(firstev.eq.0) then
+                  isrt=0
+                  firstev=1
+                  ecm=srtmin
+               endif
+            endif
+c this is all on a per particle basis
+            pcm=pcms(ecm,embeam,emtarget)
+            ebeam=sqrt(embeam**2 + (pcm*ecm/emtarget)**2) - embeam
+            pbeam=pcm*ecm/emtarget
+c now revert to full quantities
+            ebeam=AAp*ebeam
+            pbeam=AAp*pbeam
+            embeam=embeam*AAp
+            emtarget=emtarget*AAt
+            eb=sqrt(embeam**2+pbeam**2)
+c p(equal_speed) with given plab ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+         elseif(srtflag.eq.2) then
+           if(efuncflag.gt.0) then
+c excitation function
+c calculate the next pbeam if number of events at current pbeam exceeds nevents/npb
+             if (mod((event-1)*npb,nevents).eq.0
+     &              .and.firstev.gt.0) then
+c excitation function linear in pbeam
+               if (efuncflag.eq.1) then
+                 pbeam=pbeam+(pbmax-pbmin)/dble(npb-1)
+c else use a logaritmic excitation function
+               else if(efuncflag.eq.2) then
+                 ipbm=ipbm+1
+                 pbeam=pbmin*exp(
+     &                    (dlog(pbmax/pbmin))
+     &                    *ipbm/(npb-1))
+               end if
+             else if (firstev.eq.0) then
+               ipbm=0
+               firstev=1
+               pbeam=pbmin
+            endif
+          endif
+c input was pbeam per particle
+          pbeam=AAp*pbeam
+          eb=sqrt(embeam**2+pbeam**2)
+          ebeam=eb-embeam
+       endif
+c now do the calculation of equal_speed quantities
+         galab=eb/embeam        ! gamma_lab
+         belab=pbeam/eb         ! beta_lab
+         gaeq=sqrt(0.5*(1+galab)) ! gamma_equal_speed
+         beeq=belab*galab/(1+galab) ! beta_equal_speed
+         ppeq=gaeq*beeq*embeam  ! p_projectile(eq)
+         pteq=-(gaeq*beeq*emtarget) ! p_target(eq)
+c reduce to per particle quantities
+         ppeq=ppeq/dble(AAp)
+         if(AAt.ne.0) then
+            pteq=pteq/dble(AAt)
+            emtarget=emtarget/dble(AAt)
+         endif
+         embeam=embeam/dble(AAp)
+         pbeam=pbeam/dble(AAp)
+         ebeam=ebeam/dble(AAp)
+c the following is the NN sqrt(s)
+         ecm=sqrt(embeam**2+2*eb/dble(AAp)*emtarget+emtarget**2)
+c compute transformation betas for output
+         pcm=max(1d-10,pbeam*emtarget/ecm)
+         if(CTOption(27).eq.0) then
+            betann=0.d0
+            betatar=pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+emtarget**2)
+            betapro=-(1.*pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+embeam**2))
+         elseif(CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+            betann=-(1*pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+emtarget**2))
+            betatar=0.d0
+            betapro=-(1*pbeam/sqrt(pbeam**2+embeam**2))
+         elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+            betann=pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+emtarget**2)
+            betatar=pbeam/sqrt(pbeam**2+embeam**2)
+            betapro=0.d0
+         endif
+c determine impact parameter
+         if(CTOption(5).eq.0) then
+            bimp=bdist
+         elseif(CTOption(5).eq.1) then
+c hjd1
+c           if(bdist.gt.(nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30)))
+c    &           bdist=nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30)
+c hjd1
+c ! M.R. 2019-04-24: updated sampling procedure from UrQMD 3.4
+            bimp=sqrt(bmin**2 + ranf(0) * (bdist**2 - bmin**2)) 
+cdh         if (bimp<bmin) goto 215
+         elseif(CTOption(5).eq.2) then
+CMR         if(bdist.gt.(nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30)))
+CMR  &           bdist=nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30)
+            bimp=bmin+ranf(0)*(bdist-bmin)
+         else
+            write(6,*)'illegal CTOption(5) :',CTOption(5)
+            stop
+         endif
+         if(At.eq.0) bimp=0.d0
+c initialize normal projectile
+         if(prspflg.eq.0) then
+            if(mod(event,nnuc).eq.0)then
+               call cascinit(Zp,Ap,1)
+            endif
+            call getnucleus(1,npart)
+            npart=npart+AAp
+c change reference frame
+            if (CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+               pboost = -pbeam
+            elseif (CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+               pboost = 0.d0
+            else
+               pboost = -ppeq
+            endif
+            call boostnuc(npold+1,npold+AAp,
+     &                    pboost,0.5*bimp,-dstp)
+c save fermi motion
+            if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then
+               call savefermi(npold+1,npold+AAp,-pboost)
+            endif
+            npold=npart
+            nbar=nbar+AAp
+            if (CTParam(20).ne.0) then
+               call getnucleus(1,npart)
+               npart=npart+AAp
+               call boostnuc(npold+1,npold+AAp,
+     &              pboost,0.5*bimp,-dstp+CTParam(20))
+               if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then
+                  call savefermi(npold+1,npold+AAp,-pboost)
+               endif
+               npold=npart
+               nbar=nbar+AAp
+            endif
+         endif
+c initialize normal target
+         if(At.ne.0) then
+            if(trspflg.eq.0) then
+               if(mod(event,nnuc).eq.0)then
+                  call cascinit(Zt,At,2)
+               endif
+               call getnucleus(2,npart)
+               npart=npart+AAt
+c change ref. frame
+               if(CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+                   pboost = 0.d0
+               elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+                  pboost = pbeam
+               else
+                  pboost = -pteq
+               endif
+               call boostnuc(npold+1,npold+AAt,
+     &                       pboost,-(0.5*bimp),dstt)
+c save fermi motion
+               if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then
+                  call savefermi(npold+1,npold+AAt,-pboost)
+               endif
+               npold=npart
+               nbar = nbar + AAt
+            endif
+         endif
+c set unique ID-tag counter (is not initialized with getnucleus calls)
+         uid_cnt=npart
+         if(icount.eq.0) then
+c set counter for collupd
+            apt=Ap
+            return
+c initialize special PRO/TAR combinations
+         elseif(icount.eq.1) then
+            if(prspflg.eq.1) then
+               indsp(1)=1
+c the "regular" target sits first in the arrays
+               apt=At
+            else
+               indsp(1)=2
+               apt=Ap
+            endif
+         elseif(icount.eq.2) then
+            if(abs(spityp(1)).le.abs(spityp(2))) then
+               indsp(1)=1
+               indsp(2)=2
+               apt=Ap
+            else
+               indsp(1)=2
+               indsp(2)=1
+               apt=At
+            endif
+         endif
+         do 40 j=1,icount
+            npart=npart+1
+            if(abs(spityp(indsp(j))).lt.minmes) then
+               nbar=nbar+1
+            else
+               nmes=nmes+1
+            endif
+            iso3(npart) = spiso3(indsp(j))
+            ityp(npart) = spityp(indsp(j))
+            uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1
+            uid(npart)=uid_cnt
+            spin(npart) = getspin(ityp(npart),-1)
+            charge(npart)=fchg(iso3(npart),ityp(npart))
+            fmass(npart) = massit(ityp(npart))
+            rx(npart) = 0.d0
+            ry(npart) = 0.d0
+            rz(npart) = 0.d0
+            px(npart) = 0.d0
+            py(npart) = 0.d0
+c        pz ist stored in pbeam,p?eq!
+            pz(npart) = 0.d0
+            p0(npart)=sqrt(px(npart)**2+py(npart)**2+pz(npart)**2
+     &           +fmass(npart)**2)
+            if(indsp(j).eq.1) then
+               if(CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+                  call boostnuc(npart,npart,-pbeam,0.5*bimp,-dstp)
+               elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+                  call boostnuc(npart,npart,0.d0,0.5*bimp,-dstp)
+               else
+                  call boostnuc(npart,npart,-ppeq,0.5*bimp,-dstp)
+               endif
+            elseif(indsp(j).eq.2) then
+               if(CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+                  call boostnuc(npart,npart,0.d0,-(0.5*bimp),dstt)
+               elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+                  call boostnuc(npart,npart,pbeam,-(0.5*bimp),dstt)
+               else
+                  call boostnuc(npart,npart,-pteq,-(0.5*bimp),dstt)
+               endif
+            endif
+            dectime(npart) = dectim(npart,1)
+ 40      continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine savefermi(i1,i2,p)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     Store fermi momentum in fferm
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer i,i1,i2
+      real*8 p
+      if (i1.eq.0) return
+      if (ncoll(i1).gt.0) return
+      do i=i1,i2
+         ffermpx(i)=px(i)
+         ffermpy(i)=py(i)
+         ffermpz(i)=pz(i)-p
+         px(i)=0.0
+         py(i)=0.0
+         pz(i)=p
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine addfermi(ind,p)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     Restore fermi momentum from fferm
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer ind
+      real*8 p
+      if (ind.eq.0) return
+      p = pz(ind)
+      px(ind) = px(ind)+ffermpx(ind)
+      py(ind) = py(ind)+ffermpy(ind)
+      pz(ind) = pz(ind)+ffermpz(ind)
+      ffermpx(ind) = 0.0
+      ffermpy(ind) = 0.0
+      ffermpz(ind) = 0.0
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/inputs.f b/Processes/UrQMD/inputs.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..206ea9981eb537295a0e77498d32a12c1d67cb47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/inputs.f
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+c $Id: inputs.f,v 1.4 2000/01/12 16:02:36 bass Exp $
+c     include file for data from the input subroutine
+      integer nevents,spityp(2),prspflg
+      integer trspflg,spiso3(2),outsteps,bflag,srtflag,efuncflag
+      integer nsrt,npb,firstev
+      real*8  srtmin,srtmax,pbeam,betann,betatar,betapro
+      real*8  pbmin,pbmax
+      common /inputs/nevents,spityp,prspflg,trspflg,
+     &               spiso3,outsteps,bflag,srtflag,efuncflag,nsrt,
+     &               firstev, npb
+      common /input2/ srtmin,srtmax,pbeam,betann,betatar,betapro,
+     &                      pbmin, pbmax
+c maximum mass for projectile and target
+      integer AAmax
+      parameter(AAmax=300)
+c storage arrays for projectile and target nuclei
+      integer PT_iso3(AAmax,2),PT_ityp(AAmax,2),PT_spin(AAmax,2)
+      integer PT_charge(AAmax,2),PT_AA(2),PT_uid(AAmax,2)
+      real*8 PT_r0(AAmax,2),PT_rx(AAmax,2),PT_ry(AAmax,2),PT_rz(AAmax,2)
+      real*8 PT_p0(AAmax,2),PT_px(AAmax,2),PT_py(AAmax,2),PT_pz(AAmax,2)
+      real*8 PT_dectime(AAmax,2),PT_fmass(AAmax,2),PT_rho(AAmax,2)
+      real*8 PT_pmax(AAmax,2)
+c common blocks (data transfer between cascinit and getinit)
+      common/ProTarInts/PT_iso3,PT_ityp,PT_spin,PT_charge,PT_AA,PT_uid
+      common/ProTarReals/PT_r0,PT_rx,PT_ry,PT_rz,PT_fmass,PT_dectime,
+     &                   PT_p0,PT_px,PT_py,PT_pz,PT_rho,PT_pmax
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/iso.f b/Processes/UrQMD/iso.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..681b2c3b3e343b53c771213b2b2f4eb0dba363fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/iso.f
@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
+c $Id: iso.f,v 1.7 1999/01/18 09:57:06 ernst Exp $
+      SUBROUTINE ISOCGK4(J1,M1,J2,M2,Jnew,Mnew,ITAG)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine determines according to probabilities given by
+c     Clebsch Gordan cefficients the total and 3-component of the
+c     isospin of up to 4 outgoing particles
+c     input:
+c     (isocgk: two part. in and two part. out)
+c              J1    : 2*I  of ingoing particle 1
+c              M1    : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 1
+c              J2    : 2*I  of ingoing particle 2
+c              M2    : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 2
+c              Jnew  : 2*I  of outgoing particles (array)
+c     (isonew: one part. in and two part. out)
+c              J     : 2*I  of ingoing particle
+c              M     : 2*I3 of ingoing particle
+c              Jnew  : 2*I  of outgoing particles (array)
+c              ITAG=-50 << necessary for correct functioning of routine
+c     input/output:
+c              Mnew  : 2*I3 of outgoing particles (array)
+c                       Mnew(i)=-9 to determine the I3 component of the
+c                          i-th particle randomly
+c              ITAG  : = -1 then no possible isospin combination has been found
+c     function calls:
+c                     ranf()
+c                     clebsch
+c important global variables:
+c              nexit : number of outgoing particles
+c important local variables:
+C     M       TOTAL I3 OF IN-/OUT-STATE
+      implicit none
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      integer m1,j1,m2,j2,itag,Jnew,Mnew
+      integer Jtot,M,Jminol,Jmaxol,Jminnw,Jmaxnw,i,j,k,l,il,jp,jpr
+      integer jmin,jmax,Nj,ifind
+      integer m1pr,m1p,m1pos,m1out
+      integer m2pr,m2p,m2pos,m2out
+      integer m3pr,m3p,m3pos,m3out
+      integer m4pr,m4p,m4pos,m4out,Mmin,Mmax
+      integer m12,m34,j12,j34
+      integer Jin,Min
+      real*8 pjin,prbout,prbsum,zrand,c12,c34,c_tot
+      DIMENSION pjin(20),prbout(20,20,20,20)
+      DIMENSION m1out(20),m2out(20),m3out(20),m4out(20)
+      DIMENSION JNEW(mprt),Mnew(mprt),Mmin(mprt),Mmax(mprt)
+      real*8 ranf,clebsch
+      ITAG=0
+      M=M1+M2
+c 1.) first treat  some special cases
+        if(nexit.gt.4)then
+          write(6,*)'ISOCGK: only <=4 outgoing Isospins can be coupled'
+          itag=-1
+          stop
+          return
+        endif
+        if(nexit.eq.3)Jnew(4)=0
+      if(nexit.eq.2)then       !nexit.eq.2
+        Jnew(3)=0
+        Jnew(4)=0
+c check for zero in out-channel:
+       if(Jnew(1).eq.0) then
+          Mnew(1)=0
+          Mnew(2)=m
+          return
+       elseif(Jnew(2).eq.0) then
+          Mnew(2)=0
+          Mnew(1)=m
+          return
+       endif
+      endif                   !nexit.eq.2
+c 2.) determine possible min and max isospins for in/out state
+c determine number of possible in-states
+       Jminol=  MAX0(IABS(J1-J2),IABS(M))
+       Jmaxol= J1+J2
+c determine number of possible out-states
+        Jminnw=1000
+        do 1 i=-1,1,2
+         do 2 j=-1,1,2
+          do 3 k=-1,1,2
+           do 4 l=-1,1,2
+            jp=IABS(i*Jnew(1)+j*Jnew(2)+k*Jnew(3)+l*Jnew(4))
+            if(jp.lt.Jminnw)Jminnw=jp
+4           continue
+3          continue
+2         continue
+1        continue
+        Jminnw=MAX0(Jminnw,IABS(M))
+        Jmaxnw=0
+         do 5 i=1,nexit
+          Jmaxnw=Jmaxnw+Jnew(i)
+5       continue
+c  check which possible states match (are common for in AND out state)
+       Jmin  =  MAX0(Jminol,Jminnw)
+       Jmax  =  MIN0(Jmaxol,Jmaxnw)
+c error check for unphysical input
+       if(Jmin.gt.Jmax) then
+          itag=-1
+          write(6,*)'isocgk: jmin > jmax : unphysical input!'
+          write(6,*) J1,M1,J2,M2,jnew(1),jnew(2),jmin,jmax
+          return
+       endif
+c 3.) calculate number of possible isospins
+       nj = (Jmax-Jmin)/2 +1
+       if(J1.eq.0.or.J2.eq.0)then
+          if(Jmin.ne.Jmax) then
+             itag=-1
+             write(6,*) 'J1(2)=0,Jmin.ne.Jmax IN ISOCGK - check calling'
+             return
+          endif
+          if(J1.eq.0.and.J2.eq.0) then
+             write(6,*) "J1,J2=0 IN ISOCGK - can't couple this"
+             itag=-1
+               return
+          endif
+c here only one total isospin is possible (probability is unity)
+          pjin(1)=1.
+          goto 310
+       END IF      !J1.EQ.0.OR.J2.EQ.0
+c if no overlap between in and out state, return with itag=-1
+       if(nj.le.0) then
+          itag=-1
+          write(6,*)'Isocgk: nj.le.0 - no combination possible'
+          return
+       endif
+       ifind=0
+c 4) loops over all possible combinations of J1,J2,M1,M2,Jtot
+c    to get the probabilities of the in-channel couplings
+             DO 6 jpr=Jmin,Jmax,2
+                      ifind=ifind+1
+                      pjin(ifind)=clebsch(J1,J2,m1,m2,jpr)
+6          CONTINUE
+c error message, if not all possible Jtot's have been found
+c       if(ifind.ne.nj) then
+c          write(6,*)'ERROR IN ISOCGK IFIND.NE.NJ'
+c          stop
+c       endif
+c sum CGKs over all possible Jtots (-> probabilities)
+       prbsum=0.
+       do 7 il=1,nj
+          prbsum=prbsum+pjin(il)
+7      continue
+c check for nonsense
+       IF(prbsum.le.0.) THEN
+          write(6,*)'ERROR IN ISOCGK 30:PRBSUM.LE.0.'
+          stop
+       END IF
+c normalize PJIN(.) to 1
+c now PJIN contains CGK-based probabilities for the different possible Jtots
+       Do 8 il=1,nj
+          pjin(il)=pjin(il)/prbsum
+8      Continue
+310   continue
+c 5) now throw dice to determine one of the possible Jtots
+       zrand=ranf(0)
+       Do 9 il=1,nj
+          if(zrand.lt.pjin(il))then
+c this is now the "real Jtot"
+             Jtot= Jmin +2*(il-1)
+               goto 11
+          else
+             zrand=zrand-pjin(il)
+          endif
+9      Continue
+11         Continue
+       goto 111
+c this is the entry for one in and >= two out particles
+       IF(ITAG.EQ.-50) THEN
+          Jtot=Jin
+          M=Min
+          itag=0
+       END IF                   !itag=-50
+c here now both cases (one/two-in particles) together
+c now the in-channel is determined -> get out-channel
+ 111   continue
+c special cases
+       if(nexit.gt.4)then
+          write(6,*)'ISONEW: only <=4 outgoing Isospins can be coupled'
+          itag=-1
+          stop
+          return
+       endif
+       if(nexit.eq.3)then
+          Jnew(4)=0
+          Mnew(4)=0
+       endif
+       if(nexit.eq.2)then
+          Jnew(3)=0
+          Jnew(4)=0
+          Mnew(3)=0
+          Mnew(4)=0
+c check for zero in out-channel:
+          if(Jnew(1).eq.0) then
+             mnew(1)=0
+             mnew(2)=m
+             return
+          elseif(Jnew(2).eq.0) then
+             mnew(2)=0
+             mnew(1)=m
+             return
+          endif
+       endif                    !nexit=2
+c reset counters
+        m1pos=2*Jnew(1)+1
+        m2pos=2*Jnew(2)+1
+        m3pos=2*Jnew(3)+1
+        m4pos=2*Jnew(4)+1
+       Do 161 m1p=1,20
+          m1out(m1p)=0
+          m2out(m1p)=0
+          m3out(m1p)=0
+          m4out(m1p)=0
+          Do 162 m2p=1,m2pos
+           Do 163 m3p=1,m3pos
+            Do 164 m4p=1,m4pos
+           prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)=0d0
+164            Continue
+163      Continue
+162     Continue
+161    Continue
+c get min/maximal M
+        Do 100 i=1,4
+            Mmin(i)=-Jnew(i)
+            Mmax(i)=Jnew(i)
+100        Continue
+c calculate the possible |J_i M_i> combinations and their probability
+        do 112 j12=Iabs(Jnew(1)-Jnew(2)),(Jnew(1)+Jnew(2)),2
+        do 134 j34=Iabs(Jnew(3)-Jnew(4)),(Jnew(3)+Jnew(4)),2
+        m1pos=0
+        Do 41 m1pr=Mmin(1),Mmax(1),2
+         m1pos=m1pos+1
+         m1out(m1pos)=m1pr
+           m2pos=0
+         Do 42 m2pr=Mmin(2),Mmax(2),2
+          m2pos=m2pos+1
+          m2out(m2pos)=m2pr
+            m3pos=0
+          Do 43 m3pr=Mmin(3),Mmax(3),2
+           m3pos=m3pos+1
+           m3out(m3pos)=m3pr
+             m4pos=0
+             Do 44 m4pr=Mmin(4),Mmax(4),2
+              m4pos=m4pos+1
+              m4out(m4pos)=m4pr
+c            m4pr=m-m1pr-m2pr-m3pr
+              If(m1pr+m2pr+m3pr+m4pr.ne.m)goto 44
+              m12=m1pr+m2pr
+              m34=m3pr+m4pr
+                c12=clebsch(Jnew(1),Jnew(2),m1pr,m2pr,J12)
+                c34=clebsch(Jnew(3),Jnew(4),m3pr,m4pr,J34)
+                c_tot= clebsch(J12,J34,m12,m34,Jtot)
+                    prbout(m1pos,m2pos,m3pos,m4pos)=
+     +         prbout(m1pos,m2pos,m3pos,m4pos)+c12*c34*c_tot
+ 44          Continue
+ 43       Continue
+ 42    Continue
+ 41   Continue
+ 134  continue
+ 112  continue
+c error check
+       if(m1pos.eq.0.or.m2pos.eq.0.or.m3pos.eq.0.or.m4pos.eq.0)then
+          write(6,*)'IN ISOCGK/ISONEW: MPOS=0 ERROR'
+            write(6,*)"Can't couple Jin, Min=",Jtot,M
+            write(6,*)'To J1,J2,J3,J4=',Jnew(1),Jnew(2),Jnew(3),Jnew(4)
+          itag=-1
+          return
+       endif
+c sum up all CGKs
+       prbsum=0.
+       Do 51 m1p=1,m1pos
+          Do 52 m2p=1,m2pos
+           Do 53 m3p=1,m3pos
+            Do 54 m4p=1,m4pos
+           prbsum=prbsum+prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)
+54            Continue
+53       continue
+52      continue
+51     continue
+c error check
+       IF(prbsum.le.0.) then
+          write(6,*)'ERROR IN ISOCGK/ISONEW:PRBSUM.LE.0.'
+            write(6,*)"Can't couple Jin, Min=",Jtot,M
+            write(6,*)'To J1,J2,J3,J4=',Jnew(1),Jnew(2),Jnew(3),Jnew(4)
+          stop
+       endif
+c normalize to 1 (now we have real probabilities for different Mout combis)
+       Do 61 m1p=1,m1pos
+          Do 62 m2p=1,m2pos
+           Do 63 m3p=1,m3pos
+            Do 64 m4p=1,m4pos
+           prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)=prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)/prbsum
+c      write(*,*)'!p= ',m1out(m1p),m2out(m2p),m3out(m3p),
+c     & m4out(m4p),prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)
+64            Continue
+63       Continue
+62      Continue
+61     Continue
+c now determine according to the PRBOUT values the outgoing M combination
+       zrand=ranf(0)
+       Do 71 m1p=1,m1pos
+          Do 72 m2p=1,m2pos
+           Do 73 m3p=1,m3pos
+            Do 74 m4p=1,m4pos
+           if(zrand.lt.prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)) then
+             Mnew(1)= M1out(m1p)
+             Mnew(2)= M2out(m2p)
+             Mnew(3)= M3out(m3p)
+               Mnew(4)= M4out(m4p)
+               goto 70
+           else
+             zrand=zrand-prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)
+           endif
+74            Continue
+73       Continue
+72      Continue
+71     Continue
+70         Continue
+       RETURN
+       END
+      real*8 function fcgk(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,i) !L.A.W. Tue Aug 15 1995
+c returns the normalized clebsch gorden factor also for combinations
+c involving strange mesons and antibaryons
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      real*8 c
+      integer i1,i2,iz1,iz2,i,iz,isoit,i12,i12a,ir,strit,icnt
+      logical nombbb
+      fcgk=0D0
+      icnt=0
+      c=0d0
+      iz=iz1+iz2
+      if(isoit(i).lt.iabs(iz))goto 1008
+      if(isoit(i1)*isoit(i2).eq.0)then
+         c=1d0
+         goto 1008
+      end if
+      call cgknrm(isoit(i),iz,isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,ir,c)
+      if(i1.eq.i2.and.iz1.ne.iz2.and.iz1+iz2.eq.0)c=2d0*c
+c... particle exchange
+      if(ir.ne.0)then
+         icnt=icnt+1
+         if(icnt.le.1)then
+           write(6,*)'fcgk: no iso-spin decomposition found for:',
+     @       i,iz,' to ',i1,iz1,'+',i2,iz2
+           write(6,*)'      please check this channel'
+        end if
+        return
+      end if
+      if(strit(i).eq.0)then
+c... this is now for particle+antiparticle (except nonstrange mesons)
+         i12=i1*i2
+         i12a=iabs(i12)
+         nombbb=i12a.lt.maxbar**2.or.i12a.gt.minmes**2
+c... the charge conjugated states have the same weight
+         if(i12.lt.0.and.nombbb)then
+c... for example anti-K* + K
+            if(i1.ne.-i2)c=c*5d-1
+         end if
+      end if
+1008   fcgk=c
+      return
+      end
+       subroutine cgknrm(JIN,MIN,J1NEW,J2NEW,M1IN,M2IN,ierr,cf)
+C gives the normalized cg-factor i.e. poosibility into a given
+C iso-spin decomposition of JIN,MIN into J1NEW,J2NEW,M1IN,M2IN
+C ierr equals 0 if there is any alowed J1,J2,M1,M2 (not necessaryly
+C equal to J1NEW,J2NEW,M1IN,M2).
+C ierr is not equal 0 if all channels are iso-spin forbidden
+C for specific couplings possibly involving strange particles or
+C anti-particles function fcgk should be used (see beyond)
+Coutput cf :  normalized cg-factor
+       implicit integer (i - n)
+       implicit real*8 (a - h , o - z)
+       DIMENSION PRBOUT(20),M1OUT(20)
+       real*8 clebsch
+c the in particle of course defines Jtot and Mtot
+       cf =0d0
+       ierr = 0
+ctp060202 1     JTOT=JIN
+       JTOT=JIN
+       M=MIN
+       ITAG=0
+c check for zero in out-channel:
+          if(j1new.eq.0) then
+             m1new=0
+             m2new=m
+             return
+          elseif(j2new.eq.0) then
+             m2new=0
+             m1new=m
+             return
+          endif
+c here now both cases (one/two in particles) together
+c reset counters
+       M1POS=0
+c loop over all J1,J2,Jtot,M1,M2 combinations
+       do 39 m1pr=-j1new,j1new,2
+          m2pr=m-m1pr
+c if J1new and J2new and Jtot and Mtot create a match then store M1new
+c inM1OUT array and the CGK in PRBOUT array; the counter for possible
+c Mnew combinations is M1POS
+          M1POS=M1POS+1
+          M1OUT(M1POS)=M1PR
+          PRBOUT(M1POS)=clebsch(j1new,j2new,m1pr,m2pr,jtot)
+          if( ! (m1pr.eq.m2in.and.m2pr.eq.m1in).or.
+     @       (m2pr.eq.m2in.and.m1pr.eq.m1in))cf=cf+PRBOUT(M1POS)
+ 39    continue
+c error check
+       IF(M1POS.EQ.0) then
+          write(6,*)'IN ISOCGK: M1POS=0 ERROR'
+          write(6,*)'jtot,j1new,j2new,m',jtot,j1new,j2new,m
+          itag=-1
+          return
+       endif
+c sum over all CGKs
+       PRBSUM=0.
+       DO 50 M1P=1,M1POS
+ 50    continue
+c error check
+       IF(PRBSUM.LT.1d-3) then
+          ierr = 1
+          cf = 0d0
+          return
+       endif
+c normalize to 1 (now we have real probabilities for different Mout combis)
+       cf=cf/PRBSUM
+       RETURN
+       END
+      real*8 function dbweight(j1,m1,j2,m2,j1new,j2new)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This function delivers a weight, based on a Clebsch Gordan
+c     coefficient, for detailed balance cross sections
+c     input:
+c              J1    : 2*I  of ingoing particle 1
+c              J2    : 2*I  of ingoing particle 2
+c              M1    : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 1
+c              M2    : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 2
+c              J1new : 2*I  of outgoing particle 1
+c              J2new : 2*I  of outgoing particle 2
+c     output:
+c              weight : weight factor
+c     function calls:
+c                     clebsch
+      implicit none
+      integer j1,m1,j2,m2,j1new,j2new,jminol,jmaxol,jminnw,jmaxnw
+      integer nj,jpr,m,jmax,jmin,ind
+      real*8 clebsch,weight(10)
+      dbweight=0.d0
+      m=m1+m2
+c determine number of possible states
+c fist the in state
+      JMINOL=  MAX0(IABS(J1-J2),IABS(M))
+      JMAXOL= J1+J2
+c now the out state
+c  which possible states match (are common for in AND out state)
+      NJ = (JMAX-JMIN)/2 +1
+      if(nj.lt.1) return
+      ind=0
+      do 18 jpr=jmin,jmax,2
+         ind=ind+1
+         weight(ind)=clebsch(j1,j2,m1,m2,jpr)
+         dbweight=dbweight+weight(ind)
+ 18   continue
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function clebsch(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This function delivers a Clebsch Gordan Coefficient, which has been
+c     calculated by w3j.
+c     input:
+c              J1    : 2*I  of ingoing particle 1
+c              J2    : 2*I  of ingoing particle 2
+c              M1    : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 1
+c              M2    : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 2
+c              J3    : 2*I  of projection requested
+c                           (i.e. resonance to be formed)
+c     output:
+c              clebsch : CGK**2
+c     function calls:
+c                     w3j
+c                     !!! first call function after intialization with loginit
+      implicit none
+      real*8 LogFak( 0 : 100 ),dj1,dj2,dj3,dm1,dm2,dm3,w3j
+      real*8 cfct,cgk
+      integer j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,ipot,jmm,jmm1
+      common /FACTORIALS/LogFak
+      integer jmax
+      parameter(jmax=7)
+      real*8 cgktab(0:jmax,0:jmax,-jmax:jmax,-jmax:jmax,0:jmax)
+      common /cgks/cgktab
+c     each cgk for j's in the range up to jmax is calculated only once
+c     and then stored in the cgktab table for further use
+      jmm1=max(j1,j2)
+      jmm=max(j3,jmm1)
+      if(jmm.gt.jmax.or.(cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3).lt.-8.d0)) then
+         dj1=dble(j1)/2.d0
+         dj2=dble(j2)/2.d0
+         dj3=dble(j3)/2.d0
+         dm1=dble(m1)/2.d0
+         dm2=dble(m2)/2.d0
+         dm3=-(dm1+dm2)
+         ipot=(j1+m1+j2-m2)/2
+         cfct=sqrt(2*dj3+1.d0)/(-(1.d0**ipot))
+         cgk=cfct*w3j(dj1,dj2,dj3,dm1,dm2,dm3)
+         clebsch=cgk**2
+         if(jmm.le.jmax) then
+            cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3)=clebsch
+         endif
+      else
+         clebsch=cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3)
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      function W3j( J1, J2, J3, M1, M2, M3 )
+c  This program calculates the 3-j wigner symbols according to the
+c  representation of A. Lindner.
+c  Reference:
+c  A. Lindner, Drehimpulse in der Quantenmechanik, Teubner 1984, P.39
+      implicit none
+c  Program input
+      real*8       J1, J2, J3, M1, M2, M3
+c  Program returns
+      real*8       W3j
+c  Global variables
+      real*8       LogFak( 0 : 100 )
+      common /FACTORIALS/   LogFak
+c  Program variables
+      real*8       R1, R2, R3,  R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9
+      real*8       N( 1 : 3, 1 : 3 )
+      real*8       Sum1, Sum2
+      real*8       Sigma
+      real*8       LF_R1, LF_R2, LF_R3, LF_R4, LF_R5, LF_R6
+      real*8       LF_R7, LF_R8, LF_R9
+      real*8       LF_Sigma
+      real*8       Hlp1, Hlp2, Pre
+      real*8       Summe, S( 0 : 100 )
+      integer*4    Signum
+      integer*4    in
+      real*8       minimal
+      integer*4    imin, jmin
+      integer*4    i, j
+      real*8       dn
+      real*8       dummy
+c  Start of calculation
+c  Evaluation due to equivalence with Regge symbol
+c     call LogInit
+      Sigma = J1 + J2 + J3
+      N( 1, 1 ) = -J1 + J2 + J3
+      N( 1, 2 ) =  J1 - J2 + J3
+      N( 1, 3 ) =  J1 + J2 - J3
+      N( 2, 1 ) =  J1 - M1
+      N( 2, 2 ) =  J2 - M2
+      N( 2, 3 ) =  J3 - M3
+      N( 3, 1 ) =  J1 + M1
+      N( 3, 2 ) =  J2 + M2
+      N( 3, 3 ) =  J3 + M3
+      do 20 i = 1, 3
+         do 10 j = 1, 3
+            if ( nint( N( i, j ) ) .lt. 0 ) goto 99999
+ 10      continue
+         Sum1 = N( i, 1 ) + N( i, 2 ) + N( i, 3 )
+         Sum2 = N( 1, i ) + N( 2, i ) + N( 3, i )
+         if ( nint( Sum1 ) .ne. nint( Sigma ) )   goto 99999
+         if ( nint( Sum2 ) .ne. nint( Sigma ) )   goto 99999
+ 20   continue
+c      do 101 i=1, 3
+c         write(6,'(3f14.5)') (N(i,j), j=1, 3 )
+c 101  continue
+      imin = 1
+      jmin = 1
+      Signum = 1
+      minimal = N( 1, 1 )
+c  Looking for the smallest N( i, j )
+      do 40 i = 1, 3
+         do 30 j = 1, 3
+            if ( N(i,j) .lt. minimal )   then
+               minimal = N( i, j )
+               imin = i
+               jmin = j
+            endif
+ 30      continue
+ 40   continue
+      Signum = 1
+      if ( imin .gt. 1 )   then
+         do 50 j = 1, 3
+            dummy = N( 1, j )
+            N( 1, j ) = N( imin, j )
+            N( imin, j ) = dummy
+ 50      continue
+         Signum = (-1)**nint( Sigma )
+      endif
+      if ( jmin .gt. 1 )   then
+         do 60 i = 1, 3
+            dummy = N( i, 1 )
+            N( i, 1 ) = N( i, jmin )
+            N( i, jmin ) = dummy
+ 60      continue
+         Signum = (-1)**nint( Sigma ) * Signum
+      endif
+      R1 = N( 1, 1 )
+      R2 = N( 1, 2 )
+      R3 = N( 1, 3 )
+      R4 = N( 2, 1 )
+      R5 = N( 2, 2 )
+      R6 = N( 2, 3 )
+      R7 = N( 3, 1 )
+      R8 = N( 3, 2 )
+      R9 = N( 3, 3 )
+      LF_R1 = LogFak( nint( R1 ) )
+      LF_R2 = LogFak( nint( R2 ) )
+      LF_R3 = LogFak( nint( R3 ) )
+      LF_R4 = LogFak( nint( R4 ) )
+      LF_R5 = LogFak( nint( R5 ) )
+      LF_R6 = LogFak( nint( R6 ) )
+      LF_R7 = LogFak( nint( R7 ) )
+      LF_R8 = LogFak( nint( R8 ) )
+      LF_R9 = LogFak( nint( R9 ) )
+      LF_Sigma = LogFak( nint( Sigma+1.d0 ) )
+      Hlp1 = ( LF_R2 + LF_R3 + LF_R4 + LF_R7 - LF_Sigma -
+     &         LF_R1 - LF_R5 - LF_R9 - LF_R6 - LF_R8 ) / 2.d0
+      Pre = dexp( Hlp1 ) * (-1)**( nint( R6 + R8 ) )
+      Hlp2 = LF_R6 - LogFak( nint(R6-R1) )
+     &       + LF_R8 - LogFak( nint(R8-R1) )
+      S( 0 ) = dexp( Hlp2 )
+      Summe = S( 0 )
+      do 70 in = 1, nint( R1 )
+         dn = dble( in )
+         S( in ) = (-1)*S( in-1 ) * ( R1+1.d0-dn ) * ( R5+1.d0-dn )
+     &        * ( R9+1.d0-dn ) / dn / ( R6-R1+dn ) / ( R8-R1+dn )
+         Summe = Summe + S( in )
+ 70   continue
+      W3j = Pre * Summe * Signum
+      return
+99999 W3j = 0.d0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine LogInit
+c  This function computes the logarithm of the factorials and
+c  stores it in the array LogFak.
+      implicit none
+c  Program output
+      integer jmax
+      parameter(jmax=7) ! must be identical to value in clebsch!!!
+      real*8 cgktab(0:jmax,0:jmax,-jmax:jmax,-jmax:jmax,0:jmax)
+      common /cgks/cgktab
+      real*8      LogFak( 0 : 100 )
+      common / FACTORIALS /   LogFak
+c  Program variables
+      integer*4   i,j1,j2,j3,m1,m2
+c  Program start
+      do 1 j1=0,jmax
+         do 1 j2=0,jmax
+            do 1 m1=-jmax,jmax
+               do 1 m2=-jmax,jmax
+                  do 1 j3=0,jmax
+                     cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3)=-9.d0
+ 1                continue
+      LogFak( 0 ) = 0.d0
+      do 10 i = 1, 100
+         LogFak( i ) = LogFak( i-1 ) + dlog( dble( i ) )
+ 10   continue
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/ityp2pdg.f b/Processes/UrQMD/ityp2pdg.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a48225dceac7fb948026ec4cb80d05ff3946d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/ityp2pdg.f
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+      function pdgid (ityp, iso3)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+coutput pdgid  : Particle-ID according to Particle Data Group
+c     converts UrQMD-Id to PDG-Id
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer pdgid
+      integer ityp
+      integer iso3
+      integer tab_size
+      parameter (TAB_SIZE = 165)
+      logical anti
+      integer abs_ityp
+      integer norm_iso3
+      integer idtab(3,TAB_SIZE)
+      integer first
+      integer last
+      integer next
+      data idtab/
+c Neutron
+     .       1, -1,  2112,
+c Proton
+     .       1,  1,  2212,
+c N*
+     .       2, -1, 12112,        2,  1, 12212,
+     .       3, -1,  1214,        3,  1,  2124,
+     .       4, -1, 22112,        4,  1, 22212,
+     .       5, -1, 32112,        5,  1, 32212,
+     .       6, -1,  2116,        6,  1,  2216,
+     .       7, -1, 12116,        7,  1, 12216,
+     .       8, -1, 21214,        8,  1, 22124,
+     .       9, -1, 42112,        9,  1, 42212,
+     .      10, -1, 31214,       10,  1, 32124,
+     .      14, -1,  1218,       14,  1,  2128,
+c Delta
+     .      17, -3,  1114,  17, -1,  2114,  17, 1,  2214,  17, 3,  2224,
+     .      18, -3, 31114,  18, -1, 32114,  18, 1, 32214,  18, 3, 32224,
+     .      19, -3,  1112,  19, -1,  1212,  19, 1,  2122,  19, 3,  2222,
+     .      20, -3, 11114,  20, -1, 12114,  20, 1, 12214,  20, 3, 12224,
+     .      21, -3, 11112,  21, -1, 11212,  21, 1, 12122,  21, 3, 12222,
+     .      22, -3,  1116,  22, -1,  1216,  22, 1,  2126,  22, 3,  2226,
+     .      23, -3, 21112,  23, -1, 21212,  23, 1, 22122,  23, 3, 22222,
+     .      24, -3, 21114,  24, -1, 22114,  24, 1, 22214,  24, 3, 22224,
+     .      25, -3, 11116,  25, -1, 11216,  25, 1, 12126,  25, 3, 12226,
+     .      26, -3,  1118,  26, -1,  2118,  26, 1,  2218,  26, 3,  2228,
+c Lambda
+     .      27,  0,  3122,
+     .      28,  0, 13122,
+     .      29,  0,  3124,
+     .      30,  0, 23122,
+     .      31,  0, 33122,
+     .      32,  0, 13124,
+     .      33,  0, 43122,
+     .      34,  0, 53122,
+     .      35,  0,  3126,
+     .      36,  0, 13126,
+     .      37,  0, 23124,
+     .      38,  0,  3128,
+     .      39,  0, 23126,
+c Sigma
+     .      40, -2,  3112,    40,  0,  3212,    40,  2,  3222,
+     .      41, -2,  3114,    41,  0,  3214,    41,  2,  3224,
+     .      42, -2, 13112,    42,  0, 13212,    42,  2, 13222,
+     .      43, -2, 13114,    43,  0, 13214,    43,  2, 13224,
+     .      44, -2, 23112,    44,  0, 23212,    44,  2, 23222,
+     .      45, -2,  3116,    45,  0,  3216,    45,  2,  3226,
+     .      46, -2, 13116,    46,  0, 13216,    46,  2, 13226,
+     .      47, -2, 23114,    47,  0, 23214,    47,  2, 23224,
+     .      48, -2,  3118,    48,  0,  3218,    48,  2,  3228,
+c Xi
+     .      49, -1,  3312,     49,  1,  3322,
+     .      50, -1,  3314,     50,  1,  3324,
+     .      52, -1, 13314,     52,  1, 13324,
+c Omega
+     .      55,  0,  3334,
+c gamma
+     .     100,  0,    22,
+c pion
+     .     101, -2,  -211,    101,  0,   111,    101,  2,   211,
+c eta
+     .     102,  0,   221,
+c omega
+     .     103,  0,   223,
+c rho
+     .     104, -2,  -213,    104,  0,   113,    104,  2,   213,
+c f0(980)
+     .     105,  0, 10221,
+c kaon
+     .     106, -1,   311,    106,  1,   321,
+c eta'
+     .     107,  0,   331,
+c k*(892)
+     .     108, -1,   313,    108,  1,   323,
+c phi
+     .     109,  0,   333,
+c k0*(1430)
+     .     110, -1, 10313,    110,  1, 10323,
+c a0(980)
+     .           111, -2,-10211,    111,  0, 10111,    111,  2, 10211,
+c f0(1370)
+     .     112,  0, 20221,
+c k1(1270)
+     .     113, -1, 10313,    113,  1, 10323,
+c a1(1260)
+     .     114, -2,-20213,    114,  0, 20113,    114,  2, 20213,
+c f1(1285)
+     .     115,  0, 20223,
+c f1'(1510)
+     .     116,  0, 40223,
+c k2*(1430)
+     .     117, -1,   315,    117,  1,   325,
+c a2(1329)
+     .     118, -2,  -215,    118,  0,   115,    118,  2,   215,
+c f2(1270)
+     .     119,  0,   225,
+c f2'(1525)
+     .     120,  0,   335,
+c k1(1400)
+     .     121, -1, 20313,    121,  1, 20323,
+c b1
+     .     122, -2,-10213,    122,  0, 10113,    122,  2, 10213,
+c h1
+     .     123,  0, 10223,
+c K* (1410)
+     .           125, -1, 30313,    125,  1, 30323,
+c rho (1450)
+     .     126, -2,-40213,    126,  0, 40113,    126,  2, 40213,
+c omega (1420)
+     .           127,  0, 50223,
+c phi(1680)
+     .           128,  0, 10333,
+c k*(1680)
+     .           129, -1, 40313,    129,  1, 40323,
+c rho(1700)
+     .     130, -2,-30213,    130,  0, 30113,    130,  2, 30213,
+c omega(1600)
+     .           131,  0, 60223,
+c phi(1850)
+     .           132,         0,   337 /
+cb check for antiparticles
+      if (ityp.lt.0) then
+cl its an antiparticle
+         anti = .true.
+         abs_ityp = abs(ityp)
+         norm_iso3 = -iso3
+cl only mesons with odd isospin can have a negative ITYPE
+         if (abs_ityp.gt.minmes)then
+           if(mod(isomes(abs_ityp),2).eq.0) then
+            call error ('pdgid','Negative ITYP not allowed',
+     .           dble(ityp),3)
+            pdgid = 0
+            return
+          endif
+         endif
+      else
+         anti = .false.
+         abs_ityp = ityp
+         norm_iso3 = iso3
+      endif
+cb search for the ITYP in IDTAB
+      first = 1
+      last = TAB_SIZE
+      if (idtab(1,first).eq.abs_ityp) then
+         next = first
+         goto 200
+      endif
+      if (idtab(1,last).eq.abs_ityp) then
+         next = last
+         goto 200
+      endif
+ 100  continue
+cl ITYP not found in IDTAB
+      if (last.le.(first+1)) then
+         pdgid = 0
+         return
+      endif
+      next = (first+last)/2
+      if (idtab(1,next).lt.abs_ityp) then
+         first = next
+         goto 100
+      elseif (idtab(1,next).gt.abs_ityp) then
+         last = next
+         goto 100
+      endif
+ 200  continue
+cl calculate the entry with the wanted ISO3
+      next = next - (idtab(2,next)-norm_iso3)/2
+cl check if we found the correct values in IDTAB
+      if ((idtab(1,next).eq.abs_ityp).and.
+     .    (idtab(2,next).eq.norm_iso3)) then
+         if (anti) then
+            pdgid = -idtab(3,next)
+         else
+            pdgid = idtab(3,next)
+         endif
+      else
+         call error ('pdgid','Error in tablelookup',dble(next),3)
+         pdgid = 0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function partname (ityp)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+coutput partname : Name of the Particle as a character string
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      character*15 partname
+      integer ityp
+      integer abs_ityp
+      character*7 baryon_names(maxbar-minbar+1)
+      character*11 meson_names(maxmes-minmes+1)
+      character*1 prefix
+      data baryon_names/
+     .     'Nukleon',
+     .     'N(1440)',
+     .     'N(1520)',
+     .     'N(1535)',
+     .     'N(1650)',
+     .     'N(1675)',
+     .     'N(1680)',
+     .     'N(1700)',
+     .     'N(1710)',
+     .     'N(1720)',
+     .     'N(1900)',
+     .     'N(1990)',
+     .     'N(2080)',
+     .     'N(2190)',
+     .     'N(2220)',
+     .     'N(2250)',
+     .     'D(1232)',
+     .     'D(1600)',
+     .     'D(1620)',
+     .     'D(1700)',
+     .     'D(1900)',
+     .     'D(1905)',
+     .     'D(1910)',
+     .     'D(1920)',
+     .     'D(1930)',
+     .     'D(1950)',
+     .     'Lambda',
+     .     'L(1405)',
+     .     'L(1520)',
+     .     'L(1600)',
+     .     'L(1670)',
+     .     'L(1690)',
+     .     'L(1800)',
+     .     'L(1810)',
+     .     'L(1820)',
+     .     'L(1830)',
+     .     'L(1890)',
+     .     'L(2100)',
+     .     'L(2110)',
+     .     'Sigma',
+     .     'S(1385)',
+     .     'S(1660)',
+     .     'S(1670)',
+     .     'S(1750)',
+     .     'S(1775)',
+     .     'S(1915)',
+     .     'S(1940)',
+     .     'S(2030)',
+     .     'Xi',
+     .     'X(1530)',
+     .     'X(1690)',
+     .     'X(1820)',
+     .     'X(1950)',
+     .     'X(2030)',
+     .     'Omega' /
+      data meson_names/
+     .     'gamma',
+     .     'pion',
+     .     'eta',
+     .     'omega',
+     .     'rho',
+     .     'f0(980)',
+     .     'kaon',
+     .     'eta''',
+     .     'k*(892)',
+     .     'phi',
+     .     'k0(1430)',
+     .     'a0(980)',
+     .     'f0(1370)',
+     .     'k1(1270)',
+     .     'a1(1260)',
+     .     'f1(1285)',
+     .     'f1(1510)',
+     .     'k2*(1430)',
+     .     'a2(1329)',
+     .     'f2(1270)',
+     .     'f2''(1525)',
+     .     'k1(1400)',
+     .     'b1',
+     .     'h1',
+     .     'h1''',
+     .     'k*(1410)',
+     .     'rho(1450)',
+     .     'omega(1420)',
+     .     'phi(1680)',
+     .     'k*(1680)',
+     .     'rho(1700)',
+     .     'omega(1600)',
+     .     'phi3(1850)' /
+      abs_ityp = abs(ityp)
+c    set the prefix for anti-particles
+      if (ityp.lt.0) then
+         prefix = '*'
+      else
+         prefix = ' '
+      endif
+      if ((abs_ityp.ge.minbar).and.(abs_ityp.le.maxbar)) then
+         partname = prefix//baryon_names (abs_ityp)
+      elseif ((abs_ityp.ge.minmes).and.(abs_ityp.le.maxmes)) then
+         partname = prefix//meson_names (abs_ityp-99)
+      else
+         call error ('partname','ITYP out of range',dble(ityp),3)
+         partname = '---'
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/jdecay2.f b/Processes/UrQMD/jdecay2.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a69c70a940ca75e89846603b4775561381645bd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/jdecay2.f
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+        subroutine nbodydec(rm)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c input:  rm: Resonance mass
+c     {\tt nbodydec} performs the decay of a resonance with mass rm in
+c     its local rest  frame into nexit particles  with  4-momenta  and
+c     masses  stored  in the array  pnew (see  comment to SUB jdecay).
+c     The accessible many-body  phase-space is homogenously populated,
+c     i.e. each configuration has equal probability. The theory behind
+c     this  approach  can be  found in  M.M. Block and J.D. Jackson, Z.
+c     Phys. C 3, 255 (1980). The original  routine is contained in  CPC
+c     (Code ACGJ). It has been modified for uQMD purposes.
+c     More documentation and better readability are to follow.
+        implicit none
+        integer j,i,imin1
+        include 'newpart.f'
+        real*8 rm
+        real*8 p4loc(0:3), p1loc(3), ploc(3)
+        real*8 M(mprt), MEFFloc(mprt), MASS
+        real*8 M1,F1,M11
+        real*8 z3, v2, ptot, costheta, z4, v1, reci1, z9, delx2, xi,
+     +   z10, pp1dot,ener1,p2, p1s, z5, sintheta, phii,psin,
+     +   p1sq, u, u1, ximin,ximax,delu,energy,pi,wmax,w,esys,z2,s,
+     +   z8,reci,b, delxi,a,delz,ranf
+        integer ntry
+        p4loc(0) = rm
+        p4loc(1) = 0d0
+        p4loc(2) = 0d0
+        p4loc(3) = 0d0
+        wmax = 1d0
+        PI=4d0*ATAN(1d0)
+        M1=0d0 !Initialize M1=sum of all masses.
+C       Read masses.
+        DO I=1,nexit
+          m(i) = pnew(5,i)
+          M1=M1+M(I) ! M1= sum of all masses.
+        ENDDO
+        IF (M1.EQ.0.) THEN  ! If massless.
+          MASSLESS=.TRUE.
+          WMAX=1d0
+        ENDIF
+        MEFFloc(1)=M(1) !Initialize Meff(1)
+C       Initialize ESYS.
+        ESYS=SQRT(p4loc(0)*p4loc(0)+p4loc(1)*p4loc(1)+
+     +            p4loc(2)*p4loc(2)+p4loc(3)*p4loc(3))
+C       Main Calculation
+        ntry=0
+60        W=1d0    !Initial weight, for each new event.
+          ntry=ntry+1
+          MASS=M1 !Initial M=total mass of ALL particles.
+          ENERGY=p4loc(0)    !Initialize E to E*=cms energy.
+          DO I=nexit-1,2,-1   !Loop over all N-2 effective masses needed.
+            U1=M(I+1)/ENERGY
+            U=U1**2
+            MASS=MASS-M(I+1)
+C           MASS=SUM of all rest masses of the REMAINING particles.
+            XIMIN=(MASS/ENERGY)**2          !This is Xi,minimum.
+            DELU=1d0-U1
+            XIMAX=DELU**2           !This is Xi,maximum,where
+                        !XIMIN <= XI <= XIMAX.
+            DELXI=XIMAX-XIMIN       ! DELXI=delta (XI)=XIMAX-XIMIN.
+            B=(1d0+U-XIMIN)          ! Used in FAST event generator.
+            A=dble(I)*B            ! A=commonly used factor.
+            IMIN1=I-1               ! IMIN1=commonly used factor.
+            DELZ=(A-dble(IMIN1)*DELXI)*DELXI**IMIN1        ! DELZ=Zmax-Zmin
+C           Here, we introduce the FAST generators.
+            RECI=1d0/dble(I)
+            S=1d0/(dble(I)-dble(IMIN1)*DELXI/B)    ! The probability
+                        ! for the distribution i*(i-1)*y**(i-2)*(1-y).
+100         Z2=ranf(0)
+            IF (Z2.LT.S) THEN  ! The distribution i*(i-1)*y**(i-2)*(1-y).
+                Z8=ranf(0)
+                Z9=ranf(0)
+                RECI1=1d0/dble(IMIN1)
+                DELX2=DELXI*Z8**RECI*Z9**RECI1
+              ELSE
+                Z10=ranf(0)
+                DELX2=DELXI*Z10**RECI   ! The probability distribution
+                                ! i*y**(i-1)
+            ENDIF
+            IF (DELX2.EQ.0.) GOTO 100 ! Guards against division by 0.
+ctp060202 110         XI=XIMIN+DELX2 ! XI=XImin+deltaXI.
+            XI=XIMIN+DELX2      ! XI=XImin+deltaXI.
+                        ! We reweight (multiply) W by
+                                ! DELZ*F1*[(XI/(XI-XIMIN))**(I-2)]/(1+U-XI) .
+            W=W*DELZ*F1(U,XI)*((XI/DELX2)**(I-2))/(1d0+U-XI)
+            MEFFloc(I)=ENERGY*SQRT(XI) ! Store effective mass I, and
+                                ! update E for next effective mass.
+            ENERGY=MEFFloc(I)
+          ENDDO
+          V1=(M(1)/ENERGY)**2     ! Set up final weight, with particles 1 and 2.
+          V2=(M(2)/ENERGY)**2
+          W=W*F1(V1,V2) ! We now have the FINAL weight.
+                !We find WMAX, the max weight, here.
+c          IF (W.GT.WMAX) WMAX=W   ! Update WMAX.
+                        ! This routine selects W=1 (unweighted events).
+          Z3=ranf(0)
+          IF (W.LT.WMAX*Z3.and.ntry.le.1000) THEN
+             GOTO 60
+          ENDIF
+        ! We have accepted event, so see if we Lorentz transform it.
+        M11=p4loc(0)
+        p1loc(1)=p4loc(1)
+        p1loc(2)=p4loc(2)
+        p1loc(3)=p4loc(3)
+        !Iterate over all blob masses, MEFF(I), where MEFF(1)=M(1),MEFF(N)=E*.
+        DO 2500 I=nexit,2,-1
+            ENERGY=.5d0*(M11+(M(I)**2-MEFFloc(I-1)**2)/M11)
+            PTOT=SQRT(ENERGY**2-M(I)**2)
+                !Find RANDOM cos(theta*)=COSTHETA, random PHI*=PHI
+                ! SINTHETA=SIN(THETHA*)
+            Z4=ranf(0)
+            COSTHETA=2d0*Z4-1d0 ! -PI <= THETA* <= PI
+            SINTHETA=SQRT(1d0-COSTHETA**2)
+            Z5=ranf(0)
+            PHII=2d0*PI*Z5   ! 0 <= PHI* <= 2*PI, random PHII
+            PSIN=PTOT*SINTHETA !Commonly used combination.
+                ! Calculate momentum compon. of particle I, ploc(k), k=1 to 3.
+            ploc(1)=PSIN*COS(PHII) ! x-component.
+            ploc(2)=PSIN*SIN(PHII) !y-component.
+            ploc(3)=PTOT*COSTHETA ! z-component.
+            P1SQ=p1loc(1)**2+p1loc(2)**2+p1loc(3)**2
+            P1S=SQRT(P1SQ)
+            ENER1=SQRT(P1SQ+M11**2)
+                ! Calculate Plab(i) =
+                        !P*(i) + betagamma(i)*
+                        ! [Energy + betagamma(j).ploc(j)/(gamma+1)],
+                                !where . means DOT product, i,j=x,y,z.
+            PP1DOT=ploc(1)*p1loc(1)+ploc(2)*p1loc(2)+ploc(3)*p1loc(3) ! DOT product.
+            A=(ENERGY+PP1DOT/M11/(1d0+ENER1/M11))/M11
+                ! Plab=P1 for particle I;store in matrix OUT(K,I,3), update
+                                ! new M11 and new p1loc()=ploc()-p1loc().
+            P2=0d0
+            DO J=1,3
+                 ploc(J)=ploc(J)+A*p1loc(J) !Store new ploc().
+                 P2=P2+ploc(J)*ploc(J) !Get square of ploc() vector.
+                 p1loc(J)=p1loc(J)-ploc(J) !Update p1loc()
+            ENDDO
+            ENERGY=SQRT(P2+M(I)**2) !Store new ENERGY.
+            M11=MEFFloc(I-1) ! Update M11.
+c            WRITE (5,2600) M(I),ENERGY,ploc(1),ploc(2),ploc(3)
+            pnew(5,i) = m(i)
+            pnew(4,i) = sqrt(m(i)**2+ploc(1)**2+ploc(2)**2+ploc(3)**2)
+            pnew(1,i) = ploc(1)
+            pnew(2,i) = ploc(2)
+            pnew(3,i) = ploc(3)
+2500    ENDDO
+c2600    FORMAT(0P,F7.4,2X,G13.7,5X,G13.7,3X,G13.7,3X,G13.7)
+        P2=0d0 ! Do LAST particle here.
+        DO J=1,3
+            ploc(J)=p1loc(J) ! Store last ploc().
+            P2=P2+ploc(J)*ploc(J)
+        ENDDO
+        ENERGY=SQRT(P2+M(1)**2) ! Store last ENERGY.
+c               WRITE (5,2600) M(1),ENERGY,ploc(1),ploc(2),ploc(3)
+c               WRITE (5,*)
+            pnew(5,1) = m(1)
+            pnew(4,1) = sqrt(m(1)**2+ploc(1)**2+ploc(2)**2+ploc(3)**2)
+            pnew(1,1) = ploc(1)
+            pnew(2,1) = ploc(2)
+            pnew(3,1) = ploc(3)
+        RETURN
+        END
+        FUNCTION F1(V1,V2)
+        ! Function F1(V1,V2)=SQR(1+(V1-V2)**2-2*(V1+V2))=2*(P*)/(E*).
+        implicit none
+        REAL*8 F1, F2, V1, V2
+        F2=1d0+(V1-V2)**2-2d0*(V1+V2)
+        IF (F2.LE.0d0) THEN
+             F1=0d0
+           ELSE
+             F1=SQRT(F2) ! Guard against sqr(-).
+        ENDIF
+        END
+      function M_inv_2(v01,vx1,vy1,vz1,
+     +                 v02,vx2,vy2,vz2)
+      real*8 M_inv_2,v01,vx1,vy1,vz1,
+     +               v02,vx2,vy2,vz2
+      M_inv_2 = sqrt((v01+v02)**2
+     +              -(vx1+vx2)**2
+     +              -(vy1+vy2)**2
+     +              -(vz1+vz2)**2)
+      return
+      end
+      function M_inv_3(v01,vx1,vy1,vz1,
+     +                 v02,vx2,vy2,vz2,
+     +                 v03,vx3,vy3,vz3)
+      real*8 M_inv_3,v01,vx1,vy1,vz1,
+     +               v02,vx2,vy2,vz2,
+     +               v03,vx3,vy3,vz3
+      M_inv_3 = sqrt((v01+v02+v03)**2
+     +              -(vx1+vx2+vx3)**2
+     +              -(vy1+vy2+vy3)**2
+     +              -(vz1+vz2+vz3)**2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jdecay(rm)
+C        input px,py,pz : CM-momenta of total system
+C              rm:        Mass of resonance (sqrt(s))
+c for pnew and pgen :
+c      first index: 1=px, 2=py, 3=pz, 4=E, 5=m0
+c      second index: particle number
+      implicit none
+       include 'newpart.f'
+       real*8 pgen(5,mprt),rnd(mprt),u(3),beta(3),wt,tmp
+       real*8 wtmax,rm,sum,pi,sum1,sum2,pcms,ranf,gamma,bp,phi,qcm,r1234
+       parameter(pi=3.141592654)
+       integer n,nadd1,i,j,ii,k
+       pgen(1,1)=0d0
+       pgen(2,1)=0d0
+       pgen(3,1)=0d0
+       pgen(5,1)=rm
+       pgen(4,1)=rm
+       nadd1=nexit-1
+       pgen(5,nexit)=pnew(5,nexit)
+c Two body decay
+c ---------------
+       if(nexit.eq.2) goto 400
+       sum=0d0
+c sum: sum of masses in the outgoing channel
+       do 20 n=1,nexit
+          sum=sum+pnew(5,n)
+ 20    continue
+c     calculate maximum phase-space weight wtmax
+c     ------------------------------------
+       wtmax=0.5d0
+       sum1=pgen(5,1)
+       sum2=sum-pnew(5,1)
+       do 200 i=1,nadd1
+          wtmax=wtmax*pcms(sum1,sum2,pnew(5,i))
+          sum1=sum1-pnew(5,i)
+          sum2=sum2-pnew(5,i+1)
+ 200   continue
+c     generate uniform nexit-body phase space
+c     --------------------------------------
+300   continue
+c first generate nexit random numbers with decreasing value
+c as excess energy distribution weights
+      rnd(1)=ranf(1)
+      do 110 i=2,nexit
+         rnd(i)=ranf(1)
+         do 120 j=i,2,-1
+            if(rnd(j).gt.rnd(j-1)) then
+               tmp=rnd(j-1)
+               rnd(j-1)=rnd(j)
+               rnd(j)=tmp
+            endif
+ 120      continue
+ 110   continue
+c last weight has to be zero
+      rnd(nexit)=0d0
+c now ?
+      wt=1d0
+      sum1=sum
+      do 330 i=2,nexit
+         sum1=sum1-pnew(5,i-1)
+         pgen(5,i)=sum1+rnd(i)*(pgen(5,1)-sum)
+         if(pgen(5,1)-sum.lt.0.0) write(6,*)'glrrrrrp'
+         wt=wt*pcms(pgen(5,i-1),pgen(5,i),pnew(5,i-1))
+ 330  continue
+      r1234=ranf(1)
+      if(wt.lt.r1234*wtmax) goto 300
+c     carry out two-body decays in pgen frames
+c     ----------------------------------------
+ 400  continue
+      do 410 i=1,nadd1
+         qcm=pcms(pgen(5,i),pgen(5,i+1),pnew(5,i))
+c        u(3) is cos(theta)
+         u(3)=2d0*ranf(1)-1d0
+         phi=2d0*pi*ranf(1)
+         u(1)=sqrt(1d0-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+         u(2)=sqrt(1d0-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+         do 420 j=1,3
+            pnew(j,i)=qcm*u(j)
+            pgen(j,i+1)=-pnew(j,i)
+ 420     continue
+         pnew(4,i)=sqrt(qcm**2+pnew(5,i)**2)
+         pgen(4,i+1)=sqrt(qcm**2+pgen(5,i+1)**2)
+ 410  continue
+      do 430 j=1,4
+         pnew(j,nexit)=pgen(j,nexit)
+ 430  continue
+c     boost pgen frames to lab frame
+c     -------------------------------------------------
+      do 500 ii=1,nadd1
+         i=nexit-ii
+         do 510 j=1,3
+            beta(j)=pgen(j,i)/pgen(4,i)
+ 510     continue
+         gamma=pgen(4,i)/pgen(5,i)
+         do 520 k=i,nexit
+            bp=beta(1)*pnew(1,k)+beta(2)*pnew(2,k)+beta(3)*pnew(3,k)
+            do 530 j=1,3
+               pnew(j,k)=pnew(j,k)+gamma*beta(j)*(pnew(4,k)
+     &              +bp*gamma/(gamma+1d0))
+ 530        continue
+            pnew(4,k)=gamma*(pnew(4,k)+bp)
+ 520     continue
+ 500  continue
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/make22.f b/Processes/UrQMD/make22.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72c02a21e03b8642d64ddb888f37addf78e50617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/make22.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2951 @@
+c$Id: make22.f,v 1.36 2003/05/02 11:06:54 weber Exp $
+      subroutine make22(iio,e,ii1,iiz1,mm1,xfac1,ii2,iiz2,mm2,xfac2)
+cinput iio   : label for exit-channel
+cinput e     : $\sqrt{s}$ of process
+cinput ii1   : ID of incoming particle 1
+cinput iiz1  : $2\cdot I_3$ of incoming particle 1
+cinput mm1   : mass of incoming particle 1
+cinput xfac1 : scaling factor for preformed hadron
+cinput ii2   : ID of incoming particle 2
+cinput iiz2  : $2\cdot I_3$ of incoming particle 2
+cinput mm2   : mass of incoming particle 2
+cinput xfac2 : scaling factor for preformed hadron
+c  output:   exit channel via common-blocks in {\tt newpart.f}
+c {\tt make22} generates the final state for all scatterings and
+c decays. Due to the diverse nature of the interactions handled
+c many special cases have to be taken care of. The label {\tt iio}
+c matches in most cases the respective label in subroutine {\tt crossx},
+c which returns the respective partial cross sections.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer io,iio,i1,i2,i3,i4,i,k,i1p,i1m,i2p,i2m
+      integer ifqrk1,ifqrk2,ifdiq1,ifdiq2,ifqrk3,ifqrk4,ifdiq3,ifdiq4
+      integer iq1(2),iq2(3),kq1,kq2,kqq1,kqq2,iii,iff(3)
+      real*8 sig,e,m1,m2,m3,m4,gam,mm1,mm2,m1m,m2m,xfac1,xfac2
+      integer iz1,iz2,iz3,iz4,errflg,icnt,ntry,ib1,ib2,i1old,i2old
+      logical bit
+      integer isoit,whichres
+      real*8 getmass,fmsr,ranf,pcms,massit,widit,mminit
+c...vacuum quantumnumber(s) for special string decay (don't touch)
+      real*8 valint(1)
+      common /values/ valint
+      real*8 b1,b2,ba1(3),ba2(3)
+      integer j,l,ii1,ii2,iiz1,iiz2,iexopt,iddum,ibar,jbar
+      logical fboost,switips
+      integer ident(2,mprt)
+      real*8 part(9,mprt),ms1,ms2,msmin1,msmin2,tau,esum
+      bit=.true.
+      switips=.false.
+      io=mod(iio,200)
+      i1=ii1
+      i2=ii2
+      iz1=iiz1
+      iz2=iiz2
+      m1=mm1
+      m2=mm2
+      icnt=0
+      ntry=0
+      ibar=0
+      if(iabs(i1).lt.minmes)ibar=ibar+isign(1,i1)
+      if(iabs(i2).lt.minmes)ibar=ibar+isign(1,i2)
+c in case of a MB-reaction, sort particles (but keep track of
+c any id-switch with the 'switips'-flag)
+      if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i1).le.maxmes.and.
+     &   iabs(i2).ge.minbar.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then
+        call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+        switips=.true.
+      endif
+      if(i1+i2.eq.0.and.iz1+iz2.eq.0.and.CTOption(20).ne.0.and.
+     .    io.gt.20)goto 27 !e+e-
+      if(io.lt.0)goto(100,100,100,100,100,100,100,29)-io
+c      if(i1+i2.gt.2)write(6,*)'make22:',i1,i2
+ctp060202 1007 continue
+      goto(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,9,17,9,17,20,
+     ,9,13,23,14,12,26,27,15,14,100,29,100,14,15,14,36,36,13)io
+      write(6,*)'make22: unknown channel requested io:',io
+      write(6,*)'  ',e,i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2
+      stop
+ 1    continue
+      i3=minnuc
+      i4=mindel
+      m3=massit(i3)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 2    continue
+      i3=minnuc
+      m3=massit(i3)
+      if(bit)call getres(io,e,minnuc+1,maxnuc,i4)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 3    continue
+      i3=minnuc
+      m3=massit(i3)
+      if(bit)call getres(io,e,mindel+1,maxdel,i4)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 4    continue
+      i3=mindel
+      i4=mindel
+      call getmas(massit(i3),widit(i3),i3,isoit(i3),
+     .     mminit(i4),e-mminit(i4),mminit(i4),m3)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 5    continue
+c...pp->DN*, DN* with factor 4/3
+      i3=mindel
+      if(bit)call getres(io,e,minnuc+1,maxnuc,i4)
+      call getmas(massit(i3),widit(i3),i3,isoit(i3),
+     .     mminit(i3),e-mminit(i4),mminit(i4),m3)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 6    continue
+c...pp->DD*, DN* with factor 4/3
+      i3=mindel
+      if(bit)call getres(io,e,mindel+1,maxdel,i4)
+      call getmas(massit(i3),widit(i3),i3,isoit(i3),
+     .     mminit(i3),e-mminit(i4),mminit(i4),m3)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 7    continue
+c...pp -> generate N*N*,N*D*,D*D*
+      m3=fmsr(mminit(mindel),e-mresmin)
+      m4=fmsr(mminit(mindel),e-m3)
+      if(bit)i3=whichres(m3,3)
+      if(bit)i4=whichres(m4,3)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 8    continue
+      i3=mindel
+      i4=mindel
+      call getmas(massit(i3),widit(i3),i3,isoit(i3),
+     .     mminit(i4),e-mminit(i4),mminit(i4),m3)
+      call getmas(massit(i4),widit(i4),i4,isoit(i4),mminit(i4),
+     .     e-m3,m3,m4)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 1008
+ 9    continue
+      write(6,*)'make22: channel no.',io,'not implemented.'
+      stop
+ 10   continue
+c...MB->B',MM->M* annihilations
+      call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+      goto 2002
+c      return
+ 11   continue
+      call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+      goto 2002
+c      return
+ 12   continue
+      write(6,*)'make22: channel no.',io,'should correspond to',
+     ,'total cross section, i.e. make22 should not be called.'
+      stop
+ 13   continue
+c...elastic scattering
+      if(switips)then
+         call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+         switips=.false.
+      endif
+      call setizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2,i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      if(mminit(i4)+mminit(i3).gt.e)then
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'make22(el):threshold violated'
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'m3:',m3,mminit(i3)
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'m4:',m4,mminit(i4)
+      else
+        if(m3.lt.mminit(i3))m3=mminit(i3)
+        if(m4.lt.mminit(i4))m4=mminit(i4)
+      end if
+      goto 2001
+ 14   continue
+c...inelastic scattering (aqm for nonstrange resonances)
+c   for arbitrary resonances getinw should be modified
+c   arbitrary particles are excited (whithout charge exchange)
+c...get minimal masses
+      call getirg(i1,i1m,i1p)
+      m1m=mminit(i1m)
+      call getirg(i2,i2m,i2p)
+      m2m=mminit(i2m)
+      if(e-m1m-m2m.le.0d0)then
+c...elastic scattering
+        call setizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2,i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+        goto 2001
+c        return
+      end if
+      if(ranf(0).lt.5d-1)then
+         m3=fmsr(m1m,e-m2m)
+         m4=fmsr(m2m,e-m3)
+      else
+         m4=fmsr(m2m,e-m1m)
+         m3=fmsr(m1m,e-m4)
+      end if
+      if(e-m3-m4.lt.0d0)goto 13
+      if(i1m.lt.i1p.and.widit(i1m).lt.1d-3.and.
+     .    m3.le.massit(i1m+1)-0.5*widit(i1m+1))then
+c...lowest itype of this kind of particles is stable
+c & mass .lt. approximate minimal mass of lowest itype + 1
+        m3=massit(i1m)
+        i3=i1m
+      else if(i1m.eq.i1p.and.widit(i1m).lt.1d-3) then
+c...class with only one narrow particle
+        i3=i1
+        m3=massit(i3)
+      else
+c...itypes of this kind are all unstable
+        call whichi(i3,i1m,i1p,m3)
+      end if
+      if(i2m.lt.i2p.and.widit(i2m).lt.1d-3.and.
+     .    m4.le.massit(i2m+1)-0.5*widit(i2m+1))then
+c...lowest itype of this kind of particles is stable
+        m4=massit(i2m)
+        i4=i2m
+      else if(i2m.eq.i2p.and.widit(i2m).lt.1d-3) then
+c...class with only one narrow particle
+        i4=i2
+        m4=massit(i4)
+      else
+c...itypes of this kind are all unstable
+        call whichi(i4,i2m,i2p,m4)
+      end if
+c...no charge transfer
+      iz3=iz1
+      iz4=iz2
+      i3=isign(i3,ii1)
+      i4=isign(i4,ii2)
+      goto 2001
+c      return
+ 15    continue
+c...XX -> 2 strings
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)then
+        write(6,*)' *** error(make22): string section is called ',
+     .            'while strings are switched off:CTOption(12).ne.0'
+        stop
+      end if
+      if(switips)then
+         call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+         switips=.false.
+      endif
+c store old itypes
+      i1old=i1
+      i2old=i2
+ 155  continue
+c allow for deexcitation: 'excitation' starts from groundstate
+      if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes)then
+c.. meson resonances may also be deexcitated: assign the particle
+c id's of the lowest multiplet (with the same quark content)
+        call ityp2id(i1,iz1,iq1(1),iq1(2))
+        if(iabs(iq1(1)).gt.iabs(iq1(2)))then
+          iddum=iq1(1)
+          iq1(1)=iq1(2)
+          iq1(2)=iddum
+        endif
+        iddum=isign(100*iabs(iq1(1))+10*iabs(iq1(2)),iq1(1))
+        call id2ityp(iddum,0d0,i1,iz1)
+      else
+         call getirg(i1,i1m,i1p)
+      endif
+c same for second particle
+      if(iabs(i2).ge.minmes)then
+        call ityp2id(i2,iz2,iq1(1),iq1(2))
+        if(iabs(iq1(1)).gt.iabs(iq1(2)))then
+          iddum=iq1(1)
+          iq1(1)=iq1(2)
+          iq1(2)=iddum
+        endif
+        iddum=isign(100*iabs(iq1(1))+10*iabs(iq1(2)),iq1(1))
+        call id2ityp(iddum,0d0,i2,iz2)
+      else
+         call getirg(i2,i2m,i2p)
+      endif
+c BEWARE: now i1 and i2 do not contain anymore the ityps of the ingoing
+c particles, but the ityps of the lowest possible states (groundstates).
+c This is needed in order for the string-excitation to be able to
+c excite ALL states and not only those above the state of the ingoing
+c particle.
+c If you need the old ityps (i.e. for elastic scattering) then reset them
+c via i1old and i2old
+c if the incoming masses are changed due to excitation, then the
+c new masses should not be lower than:
+      m1m=mminit(i1)
+      m2m=mminit(i2)
+c..discriminate between BB and MB collisions:
+      ib1=1
+      ib2=1
+      if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes)ib1=0
+      if(iabs(i2).ge.minmes)ib2=0
+c set minimum energy for the two strings
+      msmin1=m1m+CTParam(2)
+      msmin2=m2m+CTParam(2)
+c no (meson) string below 1 gev:
+      if(msmin1.lt.1d0)msmin1=1d0
+      if(msmin2.lt.1d0)msmin2=1d0
+c if energy too low: do elastic collision
+      if(m1m+m2m+CTParam(34).ge.e)then
+ctp060926        write(*,*)'make22: not enough energy for string exc. ->elastic/
+ctp060926     &deexcitation'
+ctp060926        write(*,*)' i1, i2, m1, m2, e: ',i1,i2,m1,m2,e
+         i1=i1old
+         i2=i2old
+        goto 13
+      endif
+c convert to quark-IDs
+         call ityp2id(i1,iz1,ifdiq1,ifqrk1)
+         call ityp2id(i2,iz2,ifdiq2,ifqrk2)
+         iexopt=CTOption(22)
+ 81      continue
+c 100 tries for excitation, otherwise elastic scattering
+         ntry=ntry+1
+         if(ntry.gt.100)then
+ctp060926          write(*,*)'make22: too many tries for string exc. ->elastic/
+ctp060926     &           deexcitation'
+ctp060926          write(*,*)' i1, i2, m1, m2, e: ',i1,i2,m1,m2,e
+         i1=i1old
+         i2=i2old
+          goto 13
+         endif
+c string-excitation:
+c get string masses ms1,ms2 and the leading quarks
+         call STREXCT(IFdiq1,IFqrk1,ib1,M1m,
+     &           ifdiq2,ifqrk2,ib2,M2m,E,
+     &           iexopt,
+     &           ba1,ms1,ba2,ms2,
+     &           ifdiq3,ifqrk3,ifdiq4,ifqrk4)
+c the boost parameters are now fixed for the masses ms1, ms2. If the
+c masses will be changed, set the parameter fboost to "false":
+      fboost=.true.
+c accept deexcitation of one of the hadrons:
+      if(ms1.le.msmin1.and.ms2.ge.msmin2)then
+        ms1=massit(i1)
+        fboost=.false.
+      else if(ms2.le.msmin2.and.ms1.ge.msmin1)then
+        ms2=massit(i2)
+        fboost=.false.
+c don't accept elastic-like (both masses too low):
+      else if(ms1.lt.msmin1.and.ms2.lt.msmin2)then
+        goto 81
+      endif
+c in case of deexcitation new masses are necessary
+c single diffractive, mass excitation according 1/m
+      if(ms1.le.msmin1)then
+        ms2=fmsr(msmin2,e-ms1)
+        fboost=.false.
+      elseif(ms2.le.msmin2)then
+        ms1=fmsr(msmin1,e-ms2)
+        fboost=.false.
+      endif
+c quark-quark scattering -> only elastic !
+      if(xfac1.lt..999d0.and.xfac2.lt..999d0
+     &     .and.ranf(0).lt..25) then
+         i1=i1old
+         i2=i2old
+         goto 13
+      endif
+c single diffractive if one particle is a quark state,
+c mass excitation according 1/m
+      if(xfac1.lt..999d0.and.ranf(0).lt..5)then
+        ms1=massit(i1)
+        ms2=fmsr(msmin2,e-ms1)
+        fboost=.false.
+      elseif(xfac2.lt..999d0.and.ranf(0).lt..5)then
+        ms2=massit(i2)
+        ms1=fmsr(msmin1,e-ms2)
+        fboost=.false.
+      endif
+c take care that the particles will be able to decay lateron:
+      if(ms1.lt.m1m)then
+        ms1=m1m
+        fboost=.false.
+      endif
+      if(ms2.lt.m2m)then
+        ms2=m2m
+        fboost=.false.
+      endif
+c avoid energy conservation violation
+      if(ms1+ms2.gt.e)goto 155
+       if(CTOption(22).ne.1.or..not.fboost)then
+c the boost parameters have to be calculated:
+         b1=2.*e*pcms(e,ms1,ms2)/(e**2+ms1**2-ms2**2)
+         b2=2.*e*pcms(e,ms1,ms2)/(e**2-ms1**2+ms2**2)
+         ba1(3)=+b1
+         ba2(3)=-b2
+         do 151 j=1,2
+            ba1(j)=0d0
+ 151        ba2(j)=0d0
+      end if
+c now write information to newpart common-blocks
+      mstring(1)=ms1
+      mstring(2)=ms2
+c string#1
+      if(ms1.le.msmin1)then
+        nstring1=1
+        l=1
+        do j=1,3
+          part(j,l)=0d0
+          part(j+5,l)=0d0
+        enddo
+        part(4,l)=ms1
+        part(4+5,l)=0d0
+        part(5,l)=ms1
+        ident(1,l)=i1
+        ident(2,l)=iz1
+      else
+       call qstring(ifdiq3,ifqrk3,ms1,part,ident,nstring1)
+       if(nstring1.eq.0) goto 155
+      end if
+      esum=0d0
+      jbar=0
+      do l=1,nstring1
+         pnew(5,l)=part(5,l)
+         itypnew(l)=ident(1,l)
+         if(iabs(ident(1,l)).lt.minmes)jbar=jbar+isign(1,ident(1,l))
+         i3new(l)=ident(2,l)
+         do j=1,4
+           pnew(j,l)=part(j,l)
+           xnew(j,l)=part(j+5,l)
+         enddo
+         pnew(3,l)=part(3,l)
+         xnew(3,l)=part(3+5,l)
+         call rotbos(0d0,0d0,ba1(1),ba1(2),ba1(3),
+     ,    pnew(1,l),pnew(2,l),pnew(3,l),pnew(4,l))
+         call rotbos(0d0,0d0,ba1(1),ba1(2),ba1(3),
+     ,    xnew(1,l),xnew(2,l),xnew(3,l),xnew(4,l))
+         esum=esum+pnew(4,l)
+      enddo
+      call leadhad(1,nstring1,1)
+c string #2
+      if(ms2.le.msmin2) then
+        nstring2=1
+        l=1
+        do j=1,3
+          part(j,l)=0d0
+          part(j+5,l)=0d0
+        enddo
+        part(4,l)=ms2
+        part(4+5,l)=0d0
+        part(5,l)=ms2
+        ident(1,l)=i2
+        ident(2,l)=iz2
+      else
+       call qstring(ifdiq4,ifqrk4,ms2,part,ident,nstring2)
+       if(nstring2.eq.0) goto 155
+      end if
+      esum=0d0
+       do l=1,nstring2
+        pnew(5,nstring1+l)=part(5,l)
+        itypnew(nstring1+l)=ident(1,l)
+        if(iabs(ident(1,l)).lt.minmes)jbar=jbar+isign(1,ident(1,l))
+        i3new(nstring1+l)=ident(2,l)
+        do j=1,4
+          pnew(j,nstring1+l)=part(j,l)
+          xnew(j,nstring1+l)=part(j+5,l)
+        enddo
+        pnew(3,nstring1+l)=-pnew(3,nstring1+l)
+        xnew(3,nstring1+l)=-xnew(3,nstring1+l)
+        call rotbos(0d0,0d0,ba2(1),ba2(2),ba2(3),
+     ,    pnew(1,nstring1+l),pnew(2,nstring1+l),pnew(3,nstring1+l),
+     ,     pnew(4,nstring1+l))
+        call rotbos(0d0,0d0,ba2(1),ba2(2),ba2(3),
+     ,    xnew(1,nstring1+l),xnew(2,nstring1+l),xnew(3,nstring1+l),
+     ,     xnew(4,nstring1+l))
+        esum=esum+pnew(4,nstring1+l)
+      enddo
+      call leadhad(nstring1+1,nstring1+nstring2,1)
+c error check
+ctp060926      if(ibar.ne.jbar)then
+ctp060926         write(6,*)' *** (E) no baryon number conservation', ibar,jbar
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'     ',i1,i2,ms1,ms2
+ctp060926         write(6,'(5i4)')(itypnew(l),l=1,nstring1+nstring2)
+ctp060926         end if
+      return
+ctp060202 718  format(i2,i4,i3,1x,10(f10.4,1x))
+ 17   continue
+      iz3=iz1
+      iz4=iz2
+      i3=i1
+      i4=i2
+      m3=m1
+      m4=m2
+c the following lines MUST be there in order to set nucleons on-shell
+c after their first collision
+      if(m3.lt.mminit(i3))m3=mminit(i3)
+      if(m4.lt.mminit(i4))m4=mminit(i4)
+      goto 2001
+ 20   continue
+      if(ityptd(1,pslot(1)).eq.0) then
+c normal decay
+c note: m4,i4 and iz4 are dummies in this call
+         call anndec(1,m1,i1,iz1,m4,i4,iz4,e,sig,gam)
+      else
+c forward time-delay
+         pnew(5,1)=fmasstd(1,pslot(1))
+         itypnew(1)=ityptd(1,pslot(1))
+         i3new(1)=iso3td(1,pslot(1))
+         pnew(5,2)=fmasstd(2,pslot(1))
+         itypnew(2)=ityptd(2,pslot(1))
+         i3new(2)=iso3td(2,pslot(1))
+      endif
+      if(nexit.eq.2) then
+         i3=itypnew(1)
+         iz3=i3new(1)
+         m3=pnew(5,1)
+         i4=itypnew(2)
+         iz4=i3new(2)
+         m4=pnew(5,2)
+         goto 2001
+      else
+c three or four body decay
+         nstring1=1
+         nstring2=nexit-1
+         do i=1,4
+            do j=1,nexit
+               pnew(i,j)=0d0
+               xnew(i,j)=0d0
+            end do
+         end do
+         mstring(1)=pnew(5,1)
+         mstring(2)=pnew(5,2)
+         do 91 j=3,nexit
+            mstring(2)=mstring(2)+pnew(5,j)
+ 91      continue
+c now call routine for momentum phase space...
+         call nbodydec(e)
+         return
+      endif
+ 23   continue
+c...annihilation -> string
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)then
+        write(6,*)' *** error(make22): string section is called ',
+     .            'while strings are switched off:CTOption(12).ne.0'
+        stop
+      end if
+      ms1=e/2.
+      ms2=e/2.
+      mstring(1)=ms1
+      mstring(2)=ms2
+c determine flavour content of b-bbar-system
+      call ityp2id(i1,iz1,ifdiq1,ifqrk1)
+      call ityp2id(i2,iz2,ifdiq2,ifqrk2)
+c...create string 1 out of quark-antiquark pair
+      call qstring(ifqrk1,ifqrk2,ms1,part,ident,nstring1)
+      esum=0d0
+      do k=1,nstring1
+        l=k
+        do j=1,4
+          pnew(j,l)=part(j,l)
+          xnew(j,l)=part(j+5,l)
+        enddo
+        esum=esum+pnew(4,l)
+        pnew(5,l)=part(5,l)
+        itypnew(l)=ident(1,l)
+        i3new(l)=ident(2,l)
+        tau=part(9,l)/ (part(4,l)/part(5,l))
+      enddo
+      call leadhad(1,nstring1,0)
+c...create string 2 out of diquark-antidiquark-pair
+c   use one quark and one antiquark for the string-ends:
+       ifqrk1=int(ifdiq1/1000)
+       ifqrk2=int(ifdiq2/1000)
+c...store remaining flavour quantum numbers in ctp(26), they will
+c   be passed to the 'clustr'-routine:
+       ifdiq1=mod(ifdiq1/100,10)
+       ifdiq2=mod(ifdiq2/100,10)
+       valint(1)=dble(((abs(ifdiq1*10.d0)+abs(ifdiq2*1.d0))
+     &            *isign(1,ifdiq1)))
+       valint(1)=sign(valint(1),dble(ifdiq1))
+       call qstring(ifqrk1,ifqrk2,ms2,part,ident,nstring2)
+       valint(1)=0.d0
+      esum=0d0
+      do l=1,nstring2
+        do j=1,4
+          pnew(j,nstring1+l)=part(j,l)
+          xnew(j,nstring1+l)=part(j+5,l)
+        enddo
+        esum=esum+pnew(4,nstring1+l)
+        pnew(5,nstring1+l)=part(5,l)
+        itypnew(nstring1+l)=ident(1,l)
+        i3new(nstring1+l)=ident(2,l)
+        tau=part(9,nstring1+l)/ (part(4,l)/part(5,l))
+      enddo
+      call leadhad(nstring1+1,nstring1+nstring2,0)
+      return
+ 26   continue
+c...elastic MB scattering (the outgoing particle id's must not be
+c   assigned randomly like at label 2001)
+      if(switips)then
+         call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+         switips=.false.
+      endif
+      call setizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2,i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      if(mminit(i4)+mminit(i3).gt.e)then
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'make22(el):threshold violated'
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'m3:',m3,mminit(i3)
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'m4:',m4,mminit(i4)
+      else
+        if(m3.lt.mminit(i3))m3=mminit(i3)
+        if(m4.lt.mminit(i4))m4=mminit(i4)
+      end if
+c... get momenta & fill newpart, 2 particle exit-channel
+      nstring1=1
+      nstring2=1
+      nexit=2
+      do i=1,4
+         do j=1,2
+            pnew(i,j)=0d0
+            xnew(i,j)=0d0
+         end do
+      end do
+c...boost to 2-particle cms
+      pnew(3,1)=pcms(e,m3,m4)
+      pnew(3,2)=-pcms(e,m3,m4)
+      pnew(4,1)=sqrt(m3**2+pnew(3,1)**2)
+      pnew(4,2)=sqrt(m4**2+pnew(3,2)**2)
+      pnew(5,1)=m3
+      mstring(1)=m3
+      itypnew(1)=i3
+      i3new(1)=iz3
+      pnew(5,2)=m4
+      mstring(2)=m4
+      itypnew(2)=i4
+      i3new(2)=iz4
+      return
+ 27   continue
+c XX-> 1 string : e+e- , MB
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)then
+        write(6,*)' *** error(make22): string section is called ',
+     .            'while strings are switched off:CTOption(12).ne.0'
+        stop
+      end if
+c quark-quark scattering -> only elastic !
+      if(xfac1.lt..999d0.and.xfac2.lt..999d0
+     &   .and.ranf(0).lt.0.25) goto 26
+      ms1=e
+      mstring(1)=ms1
+      mstring(2)=0d0
+c determine flavour content of string
+      if(CTOption(20).eq.1)then
+c..e+e- annihilation
+      if(ranf(0).lt.CTParam(6))then
+        ifqrk1=3  ! ssbar
+        ifqrk2=-3
+      else
+        call ityp2id(104,0,ifqrk1,ifqrk2)  ! qqbar
+      end if
+      else
+c...MB annihilation. the quark content must be known:
+      call ityp2id(i2,iz2,iq1(1),iq1(2))
+      call ityp2id(i1,iz1,ifdiq2,iq2(3))
+      if(abs(i1).ge.minmes) then
+         iq2(1)=ifdiq2
+         iq2(2)=iq2(3)
+         iq2(3)=0
+      else
+         iq2(1)=mod(ifdiq2/100,10)
+         iq2(2)=int(ifdiq2/1000)
+      endif
+      do 312 kq1=1,2
+       do 412 kq2=1,3
+c..two of the quarks must be able to annihilate:
+        if(iq1(kq1)+iq2(kq2).eq.0) then
+         kqq1=kq1
+         kqq2=kq2
+         goto 414
+        endif
+ 412   continue
+ 312  continue
+      goto 26 ! could not create double charged strange baryon string
+ 414  continue
+c.. the 'iff'-quarks constitute the produced (anti-)baron
+      iff(1)=iq1(3-kqq1)
+      iii=1
+      do 512 kq2=1,3
+       if (kq2.ne.kqq2) then
+        iii=iii+1
+        iff(iii)=iq2(kq2)
+       endif
+ 512  continue
+      if(abs(i1).lt.minmes) then
+         call mquarks(iff,ifqrk1,ifqrk2)
+      else
+         ifqrk1=iff(1)
+         ifqrk2=iff(2)
+      endif
+      endif
+c...create string 1 out of quark-antiquark pair
+      call qstring(ifqrk1,ifqrk2,ms1,part,ident,nstring1)
+      esum=0d0
+c primitive bug-fix:
+      if(nstring1.eq.0)then
+ctp060926        write(6,*)'make22: iline 27 not completed. ->elastic'
+        goto 26
+      endif
+      do 101 k=1,nstring1
+        l=k
+c no leading hadron in e+e-
+        if(CTOption(20).eq.1)then
+          leadfac(l)=0.0d0
+        endif
+        do 102 j=1,4
+          pnew(j,l)=part(j,l)
+          xnew(j,l)=part(j+5,l)
+ 102    continue
+        esum=esum+pnew(4,l)
+        pnew(5,l)=part(5,l)
+        itypnew(l)=ident(1,l)
+        i3new(l)=ident(2,l)
+        tau=part(9,l)/ (part(4,l)/part(5,l))
+ 101    continue
+      if(CTOption(20).eq.1)then
+        call leadhad(1,nstring1,3)
+      else
+        call leadhad(1,nstring1,1)
+      endif
+      nstring2=0
+      return
+ 29   continue
+c...DD->ND detailed balance
+      i3=minnuc
+      i4=mindel
+      m3=massit(i3)
+      m4=getmass(e-m3,0)
+      if(iabs(iz1+iz2).gt.isoit(i3)+isoit(i4))then
+       iz3=-9
+       iz4=-9
+      else
+         nexit=2
+         itot(1)=isoit(i3)
+         itot(2)=isoit(i4)
+         call isocgk4(isoit(i1),iz1,isoit(i2),iz2,itot,i3new,errflg)
+         i3=isign(i3,ii1)
+         i4=isign(i4,ii2)
+         iz3=i3new(1)
+         iz4=i3new(2)
+      end if
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 2001
+ 100  continue
+c...??->NN detailed balance inverse channels
+c iso3 are assigned in detbal
+      nexit=2
+      i3=minnuc
+      i4=minnuc
+      m3=massit(minnuc)
+      m4=massit(minnuc)
+      itot(1)=isoit(i3)
+      itot(2)=isoit(i4)
+      call isocgk4(isoit(i1),iz1,isoit(i2),iz2,itot,i3new,errflg)
+      i3=isign(i3,ii1)
+      i4=isign(i4,ii2)
+      iz3=i3new(1)
+      iz4=i3new(2)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.0.5d0)call swpizm(i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+      goto 2001
+ 36   continue
+c...MB->B',MM->M* annihilations (forward time delay)
+      call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+      goto 2003
+ 1008 continue
+c...get isospin-3 components
+      nexit=2
+      itot(1)=isoit(i3)
+      itot(2)=isoit(i4)
+      call isocgk4(isoit(i1),iz1,isoit(i2),iz2,itot,i3new,errflg)
+      iz3=i3new(1)
+      iz4=i3new(2)
+ctp060926      if(errflg.ne.0)then
+ctp060926        write(6,*)'make22: iso-spin conservation ',
+ctp060926     ,            'not possible in isocgk: error-flag=',errflg
+ctp060926        write(6,*)'      ',isoit(i1),iz1,isoit(i2),iz2,'>',
+ctp060926     ,            isoit(i3),isoit(i4),iz3,iz4,
+ctp060926     ,            ' process:',e,i1,m1,i2,m2,'>',i3,m3,i4,m4,'io=',io
+ctp060926      end if
+      i3=isign(i3,ii1)
+      i4=isign(i4,ii2)
+ 2001 continue
+c... get momenta & fill newpart, 2 particle exit-channel
+      nstring1=1
+      nstring2=1
+      nexit=2
+      do i=1,4
+         do j=1,2
+            pnew(i,j)=0d0
+            xnew(i,j)=0d0
+         end do
+      end do
+c...boost to 2-particle cms
+      if(.not.(ityptd(1,pslot(1)).ne.0.and.CTOption(34).eq.2.and.
+     &     iline.eq.20)) then
+c normal decay
+         pnew(3,1)=pcms(e,m3,m4)
+         pnew(3,2)=-pcms(e,m3,m4)
+         pnew(4,1)=sqrt(m3**2+pnew(3,1)**2)
+         pnew(4,2)=sqrt(m4**2+pnew(3,2)**2)
+      else
+c forward time delay
+         pnew(1,1)=pxtd(1,pslot(1))
+         pnew(1,2)=pxtd(2,pslot(1))
+         pnew(2,1)=pytd(1,pslot(1))
+         pnew(2,2)=pytd(2,pslot(1))
+         pnew(3,1)=pztd(1,pslot(1))
+         pnew(3,2)=pztd(2,pslot(1))
+         pnew(4,1)=p0td(1,pslot(1))
+         pnew(4,2)=p0td(2,pslot(1))
+      endif
+      pnew(5,1)=m3
+      mstring(1)=m3
+      itypnew(1)=i3
+      i3new(1)=iz3
+      pnew(5,2)=m4
+      mstring(2)=m4
+      itypnew(2)=i4
+      i3new(2)=iz4
+      return
+ 2002 continue
+c...  fill newpart, one particle exit channel
+      nstring1=1
+      nstring2=0
+      nexit=1
+      do i=1,4
+        pnew(i,1)=0d0
+        xnew(i,1)=0d0
+      end do
+      pnew(4,1)=e
+      mstring(1)=e
+c     the rest of the relevant new particle data have been
+c     filled into the newpart arrays by anndex
+      return
+ 2003 continue
+c bookkeeping for forward time-delay
+      do 204 j=1,2
+         if(pslot(j).lt.1) goto 204
+         pold(1,j)=px(pslot(j))
+         pold(2,j)=py(pslot(j))
+         pold(3,j)=pz(pslot(j))
+         pold(4,j)=p0(pslot(j))
+         pold(5,j)=fmass(pslot(j))
+         itypold(j)=ityp(pslot(j))
+         iso3old(j)=iso3(pslot(j))
+ 204  continue
+c...  fill newpart, one particle exit channel
+      nstring1=1
+      nstring2=0
+      nexit=1
+      do i=1,4
+        pnew(i,1)=0d0
+        xnew(i,1)=0d0
+      end do
+      pnew(4,1)=e
+      mstring(1)=e
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function rnfxf(b,xm,xp)
+cinput b  : parameter
+cinput xm : lower interval boundary
+cinput xp : upper interval boundary
+c {\tt rnfxf} yields a value $x$ between {\tt xm} and {\tt xp}
+c distributetd like $(1-x)^b/x$.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 xm,xp,i,inv,x,fmin,fmax,f,ranf,b
+      i(x)=log(x)
+      inv(x)=exp(x)
+      fmin=i(xm)
+      fmax=i(xp)
+ 3    f=fmin+(fmax-fmin)*ranf(0)
+      x=inv(f)
+      if(ranf(0).gt.(1d0-x/xp)**b)goto 3
+      rnfxf=x
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine setizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2,i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4)
+c input  : {\tt i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2}
+c output : {\tt i3,iz3,m3,i4,iz4,m4}
+c This subroutine simply maps {\tt iz1} $\to$ {\tt iz3} $\ldots$
+c {\tt m2} $\to$ {\tt m4}
+      real*8 m1,m2,m3,m4
+      integer i1,iz1,i2,iz2,i3,iz3,i4,iz4
+      i3=i1
+      i4=i2
+      m3=m1
+      m4=m2
+      iz3=iz1
+      iz4=iz2
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+c input   : {\tt i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2}
+c output  : {\tt i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2}
+c This subroutine simply swaps {\tt 1} $\to$ {\tt 2} and vice versa.
+      real*8 m1,m2,ms
+      integer i1,iz1,i2,iz2,is,izs
+      is=i1
+      i1=i2
+      ms=m1
+      m1=m2
+      izs=iz1
+      iz1=iz2
+      i2=is
+      iz2=izs
+      m2=ms
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function rnfpow(n,mmin,mmax)
+cinput n    : parameter
+cinput mmin : lower interval boundary
+cinput mmax : upper interval boundary
+c {\tt rnfpow} yields a value $x$ between {\tt mmin} and {\tt mmax}
+c distributetd like $x^n$.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 mmin,mmax,i,inv,ii,iinv,x,fmin,fmax,f,ranf
+      integer n
+      i(x)=x**(n+1)/(n+1)
+      inv(x)=((n+1)*x)**(1/(n+1))
+      ii(x)=log(x)
+      iinv(x)=exp(x)
+      if(n.eq.-1)then
+        fmin=ii(mmin)
+        fmax=ii(mmax)
+        f=fmin+(fmax-fmin)*ranf(0)
+        rnfpow=iinv(f)
+      else
+        fmin=i(mmin)
+        fmax=i(mmax)
+        f=fmin+(fmax-fmin)*ranf(0)
+        rnfpow=inv(f)
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function fmsr(mmin,mmax)
+cinput mmin : minimum mass
+cinput mmax : maximum mass
+c  {\tt fmsr} yields a mass according to the finite mass sum rule (FMSR)
+c  A.I.Sanda Phys.~Rev.~{\bf D6}~(1973)~231 and
+c  M.B.Einhorn  et al., Phys. Rev. {\bf D5}~(1972)~2063
+      implicit none
+      real*8 mmin,mmax,rnfpow!,x
+      ! i(x)=log(x)
+      ! inv(x)=exp(x)
+      fmsr=rnfpow(-1,mmin,mmax)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getfmsr(io,mmin,mmax,ir,mr)
+cinput io   : class of resonance
+cinput mmin : minimum mass
+cinput mmax : maximum mass
+coutput ir  : ID of resonance
+coutput mr  : mass of resonance
+c  {\tt getfmsr} is an extension of {\tt fmsr} to simulate
+c  a resonance structure at low masses
+      implicit none
+      integer io,ir,whichres
+      real*8 mmin,mmax,mr,massit,widit
+      include 'comres.f'
+      real*8 fmsr,mmean
+      mr=fmsr(mmin,mmax)
+c...if strings come into play > modify whichres!
+      ir=whichres(mr,io)
+      mr=mmean(1,massit(ir),widit(ir),mmin,mmax)
+      return
+      end
+     *IOPT,ba1,ams1,ba2,ams2,ifl31,ifl32,ifl41,ifl42)
+cinput ifl11  : ID of (di)quark of projectile hadron
+cinput ifl12  : ID of remaining quark of projectile hadron
+cinput ib1    : baryon number of projectile hadron
+cinput am1    : mass of projectile hadron
+cinput ifl21  : ID of (di)quark of target hadron
+cinput ifl22  : ID of remaining quark of target hadron
+cinput ib2    : baryon number of target hadron
+cinput am2    : mass of target hadron
+cinput ecm    : $\sqrt{s}$ of excitation
+cinput iopt   : flag for excitation ansatz (1: Fritiof, 2:QGSM)
+coutput ba1   : velocity of 1st string
+coutput ams1  : mass of 1st string
+coutput ba2   : velocity vector of 2nd string
+coutput ams2  : mass of 2nd string
+coutput ifl31 : (di)quark content of 1st string
+coutput ifl32 : remainig quark content of 1st string
+coutput ifl41 : (di)quark content of 2nd string
+coutput ifl42 : remaining quark content of  2nd string
+c output : particle IDs, masses and  momenta via common block {\tt newpart}
+c This routine performs the excitation of two strings according
+c to different ansatzes defined via parameter {\tt iopt}
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 ba1(3),ba2(3),P(2,5),ranf
+      integer IFLS(2,2)
+      PARAMETER(PI=3.14159)! value of Pi
+      PARAMETER(XMAX=1.0)
+      sigma=CTParam(31)
+      alpha=CTParam(32)
+      betav=CTParam(33)
+      ampit=CTParam(34)
+      betas=CTParam(40)
+      IF(AM1+AM2+ampit.gt.ECM) THEN
+         WRITE(6,*) '....STOP! Initial energy is too low for string
+     * excitation, ECM=', ECM,'<',am1,'+',am2
+         STOP
+      ENDIF
+      bt=.false.
+      if(ranf(0).lt.5d-1)bt=.true.
+      PCMS=SQRT(ALAMB(ECM**2,AM1**2,AM2**2))/(2.0*ECM)
+      ECMS1=SQRT(PCMS**2+AM1**2)
+      ECMS2=SQRT(PCMS**2+AM2**2)
+C                                           (PPLS01,PMINS01,PTX01,PTY01)
+      PPLS01=ECMS1+PCMS
+      PTX01=0.
+      PTY01=0.
+C                                           (PPLS02,PMINS02,PTX02,PTY02)
+      PPLS02=ECMS2-PCMS
+      PTX02=0.
+      PTY02=0.
+C                                           (QX,QY)
+      PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0)
+      QX=QT*COS(PHI)
+      QY=QT*SIN(PHI)
+c      IF(IOPT.EQ.1) THEN
+       if(IOPT.eq.1.or.dabs(alpha).lt.1d-4)then
+       else ! IF(IOPT.EQ.2) THEN
+c      else
+c        write(6,*)'strexct: undefined excitation model'
+c        stop
+      ENDIF
+C                                      (PPRPLS1,PPRMINS1,PPRX1,PPRY1)
+      PPRMINS1=0.
+      PPRX1=0.
+      PPRY1=0.
+C                                      (PPRPLS2,PPRMINS2,PPRX2,PPRY2)
+      PPRPLS2=0.
+      PPRX2=0.
+      PPRY2=0.
+C                                                       (QPLS,QMINS)
+      QPLS=-(QT**2/PPRMINS2)
+      QMINS= QT**2/PPRPLS1
+      IF(IOPT.EQ.1) THEN
+C  P1 ---> P1 + Q
+C  P2 ---> P2 - Q
+         PPLS1=PPLS01+QPLS
+         PMINS1=PMINS01+QMINS
+         PTX1=PTX01+QX
+         PTY1=PTY01+QY
+         PPLS2=PPLS02-QPLS
+         PMINS2=PMINS02-QMINS
+         PTX2=PTX02-QX
+         PTY2=PTY02-QY
+         IFLS(1,1)=IFL11
+         IFLS(1,2)=IFL12
+         IFLS(2,1)=IFL21
+         IFLS(2,2)=IFL22
+C  P1 ---> P1 - PPR1 + PPR2 - Q
+C  P2 ---> P2 - PPR2 + PPR1 + Q
+         PTX1=PTX01-PPRX1+PPRX2-QX
+         PTY1=PTY01-PPRY1+PPRY2-QY
+         PTX2=PTX02-PPRX2+PPRX1+QX
+         PTY2=PTY02-PPRY2+PPRY1+QY
+C  (In case of Baryon-Baryon or Meson-Meson or
+C  Antibaryon-Antibaryon or Meson-Antibaryon or Antibaryon-Meson
+C  interaction)
+         IF((IB1.EQ.1.AND.IB2.EQ.1).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.-1.AND.IB2.EQ.-1).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.0.AND.IB2.EQ.0).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.0.AND.IB2.EQ.-1).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.-1.AND.IB2.EQ.0)) THEN
+            IFLS(1,1)=IFL11
+            IFLS(1,2)=IFL22
+            IFLS(2,1)=IFL21
+            IFLS(2,2)=IFL12
+         ENDIF
+C  QUARK REARRANGEMENT  (In case of Meson-Baryon or Antibaryon-Baryon or v.v.
+C  interaction)
+         IF((IB1.EQ.0.AND.IB2.EQ.1).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.1.AND.IB2.EQ.0).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.-1.AND.IB2.EQ.1).OR.
+     .        (IB1.EQ.1.AND.IB2.EQ.-1)) THEN
+            IFLS(1,1)=IFL11
+            IFLS(1,2)=IFL21
+            IFLS(2,1)=IFL22
+            IFLS(2,2)=IFL12
+         ENDIF
+      ELSE
+         PPLS1=0
+         PMINS1=0
+         PTX1=0
+         PTY1=0
+         PPLS2=0
+         PMINS2=0
+         PTX2=0
+         PTY2=0
+         WRITE(6,*) 'ERROR IN MAKE22: WRONG IOPT'
+         STOP
+      ENDIF
+C  COMPUTE OUTGOING STRING MASSES. They should be more than stable hadron
+C  (with the same quark content) masses. In the contrary case generation
+C  should be repeated
+      AMS1S=PPLS1*PMINS1-QT**2
+      SPINT=.TRUE.
+      AMS0=0
+      IF(MOD(IFLS(1,1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFLS(1,2),100).EQ.0) THEN
+C  qq-qqbar string
+       IFLU=1  ! add u- quark to construct hadron
+C  AMS0 is sum of masses of lowest baryon states
+       AMS0=amass(IFLH1)+amass(IFLH2)
+      ENDIF
+      IF(.NOT.(MOD(IFLS(1,1),100).EQ.0
+     .    .AND.MOD(IFLS(1,2),100).EQ.0))THEN
+C  AMS0 is mass of lowest hadron state
+        IKH=IDPARS(IFLS(1,1),IFLS(1,2),SPINT,2)
+        AMS0=amass(IKH)
+      ENDIF
+      IF(AMS1S.LT.AMS0**2) GO TO 100
+      AMS2S=PPLS2*PMINS2-QT**2
+      SPINT=.TRUE.
+      IF(MOD(IFLS(2,1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFLS(2,2),100).EQ.0) THEN
+C  qq-qqbar string
+       IFLU=1  ! add u- quark to construct hadron
+C  AMS0 is sum of masses of lowest baryon states
+       AMS0=amass(IFLH1)+amass(IFLH2)
+      ENDIF
+      IF(.NOT.(MOD(IFLS(2,1),100).EQ.0
+     .    .AND.MOD(IFLS(2,2),100).EQ.0)) THEN
+C  AMS0 is mass of lowest hadron state
+        IKH=IDPARS(IFLS(2,1),IFLS(2,2),SPINT,2)
+        AMS0=amass(IKH)
+      ENDIF
+      IF(AMS2S.LT.AMS0**2) GO TO 100
+      AMS1=SQRT(AMS1S)
+      AMS2=SQRT(AMS2S)
+      IF(AMS1+AMS2.GT.ECM) GO TO 100
+      P(1,1)=PTX1
+      P(1,2)=PTY1
+      P(1,3)=0.5*(PPLS1-PMINS1)
+      P(1,4)=0.5*(PPLS1+PMINS1)
+      P(1,5)=AMS1
+      P(2,1)=PTX2
+      P(2,2)=PTY2
+      P(2,3)=0.5*(PPLS2-PMINS2)
+      P(2,4)=0.5*(PPLS2+PMINS2)
+      P(2,5)=AMS2
+      do 152 j=1,3
+      ba1(j)=p(1,j)/p(1,4)
+ 152  ba2(j)=p(2,j)/p(2,4)
+      ifl31=ifls(1,1)
+      ifl32=ifls(1,2)
+      ifl41=ifls(2,1)
+      ifl42=ifls(2,2)
+      ESTR=P(1,4)+P(2,4)
+      PSTRX=PTX1+PTX2
+      PSTRY=PTY1+PTY2
+      PSTRZ=P(1,3)+P(2,3)
+ctp060926      if(abs(estr-ecm).gt.1d-12)then
+ctp060926           WRITE(6,*) 'ECM=',ECM
+ctp060926           WRITE(6,*) 'ESTR=',ESTR
+ctp060926      end if
+ctp060926      if(pstrx.gt.1d-12)WRITE(6,*) 'PSTRX=',PSTRX
+ctp060926      if(pstry.gt.1d-12)WRITE(6,*) 'PSTRY=',PSTRY
+ctp060926      if(pstrz.gt.1d-12)WRITE(6,*) 'PSTRZ=',PSTRZ
+C Note! One should also check flavour conservation!
+      RETURN
+      END
+      real*8 FUNCTION ALAMB(X,Y,Z)
+c input :  {\tt x,y,z}
+      implicit none
+      real*8 x,y,z
+      ALAMB=max(0d0,(X-Y-Z)*(X-Y-Z) - 4.D0*Y*Z)
+      RETURN
+      END
+cinput xmin : lower boundary
+cinput alfa : parameter
+cinput beta : parameter
+C This function returns {\tt xmin}$ < x < 1$
+c values distributed according to the Beta-function
+      implicit none
+      real*8 x,xmin,alfa,beta
+      IF(X.LE.XMIN) GO TO 100
+      XVDIS=X
+      RETURN
+      END
+coutput x   : Beta-distributed value
+cinput alfa : parameter
+cinput beta : parameter
+C   $U(X)=C*X**(ALFA-1)*(1-X)**(BETA-1)$
+      implicit none
+      real*8 ran1,ran2,alfa,beta,r1a,r2b,r12,x,ranf
+ 1    RAN1=ranf(0)
+      RAN2=ranf(0)
+      R1A=RAN1**(1./ALFA)
+      R2B=RAN2**(1./BETA)
+      R12=R1A+R2B
+      IF(R12.GE.1.) GO TO 1
+      X=R1A/R12
+      RETURN
+      END
+cinput xmin : lower boundary
+cinput xmax : upper boundary
+cinput beta : parameter
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      PE1=(1.-XMIN)**(BETA+1.)/(BETA+1.)-(1.-XMAX)**(BETA+1.)/
+     *(BETA+1.)
+      PE1=PE1/PE
+ 108  RND=ranf(0)
+      RNDMPE1=ranf(0)
+      IF(RNDMPE1.GT.PE1) GO TO 200
+      X=1.-((1.-XMIN)**(BETA+1.)*(1.-RND)+(1.-XMAX)**(BETA+1.)*
+     *RND)**(1./(BETA+1.))
+      GO TO 300
+300   PPE1=(1.-X)**BETA
+      PPE2=1./X
+      PPE1=PPE1+PPE2
+      PPE2=PPE1*PPE2
+      IF(PPE1*ranf(0).GT.PPE2) GO TO 108
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine getres(io,e,im,ip,ir)
+cinput io : resonance class
+cinput e  : $\sqrt{s}$ of excitation process
+cinput im : lower boundary for resonance ID's
+cinput ip : upper boundary for resonance ID's
+coutput ir : ID of resonance
+c This subroutine randomly selects a resonance ID for a given
+c resonance class ({\tt io}), collision $\sqrt{s}$ and ID possible range.
+c The selected resonance choice is weighted according to the respective
+c partial cross section for the excitation of such a resonance.
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer io,i,im,ip,ir
+      real*8 e,x(minnuc:maxmes),xmax
+      do i=im,ip
+         call crossf(io,e,i,x(i))
+      end do
+      call getbran(x,minnuc,maxmes,xmax,im,ip,ir)
+ctp060926      if(ir.gt.ip.or.ir.lt.im) then
+ctp060926         write(6,*)'***(E) getres: no final state selected...'
+ctp060926         write(6,*)io,e,xmax,im,ip,ir
+ctp060926      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine aqm(i1,i2,xt,xel)
+cinput :  {\tt i1,i2} : ID's of particle 1 and 2
+coutput : {\tt xt,xel}: total and elastic cross section
+c This subroutine returns cross sections according
+c to the additive quark model.
+      integer i(2),ij,j,i1,i2,strit
+      real*8 s(2),xt,xel,mn(2)
+      integer ifa, ifb, isoit
+      include 'comres.f'
+      i(1)=i1
+      i(2)=i2
+      do 108 j=1,2
+        ij=i(j)
+        if(iabs(ij).ge.minmes)then
+          s(j)=1d0*abs(strit(ij))
+          call ityp2id(ij, isoit(ij), ifa, ifb)
+c take care of hidden strangeness
+          if (abs(ifa).eq.3 .and. abs(ifb).eq.3) s(j)=2
+          mn(j)=1.d0
+        else
+          s(j)=1d0*abs(strit(ij))
+          mn(j)=0.d0
+        end if
+ 108  continue
+      xt=max(0d0,40d0*0.666667**(mn(1)+mn(2))
+     *  *( 1d0-0.4*s(1)/(3d0-mn(1)) )
+     *  *( 1d0-0.4*s(2)/(3d0-mn(2)) ) )
+      xel=0.039*xt**1.5d0
+      return
+      end
+      real* 8 function fppfit(iio,e,i3,i4)
+c     Version: 1.0
+cinput iio    : tag for cross section class
+cinput e     : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput i3    : ID of first outgoing particle
+cinput i4    : ID of second outgoing particle
+c     {\tt fppfit} returns the isospin-independent part
+c     of the production cross section
+c     for one or two outgoing resonances ({\tt i3} and {\tt i4})
+c     in a proton-proton
+c     collision. {\tt io} sets the class of cross section
+c     which is returned (i.e. $p p \rightarrow N \Delta$). If
+c        {\tt io} is set 99 the class will be determined according
+c        to {\tt i3} and {\tt i4}.
+      implicit none
+        include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 e,tmp
+      integer i,iio,io,im,jm,id1,id2,id3,id4,i3,i4
+        integer i1m,i1p,i2m,i2p,class1,class2,iim
+c funct.
+      real*8 pmean,widit,massit,splint
+      integer jit,isoit
+c...parameters for resonance production in NN
+      integer nfit
+      parameter (nfit=7)
+      real*8 ar(nfit)
+      integer rr(2,nfit)
+c io =         1      2     3     4       5      6      7
+c              nd    nn*    nd*   dd      dn*    dd*    B*B*
+      data ar/ 4d4,  6.3d0, 12d0, 2.8d0,   3.5d0, 3.5d0, 0.d0 /
+      data rr/ 4,0,   4,1,   4,2,  0,0,   0,1,  0,2,    3,3 /
+c rr tells of which particle class the out particles are
+c hard cut: no resonant cross section at highest energies
+        if(e.gt.maxtab2)then
+          fppfit=0d0
+          return
+        endif
+      id1=0
+      id2=0
+      id3=0
+      id4=0
+      im=i3
+      jm=i4
+        if(iio.eq.99)then
+c determine iline
+c get class of 1 particle
+          do 101 i=0,4
+            call getrange(i,i1m,i1p)
+            class1=0
+            if(im.ge.i1m.and.im.le.i1p)then
+              class1=i
+              goto 102
+            endif
+101          continue
+          write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: no x-section parametrized for ',im
+          stop
+102          continue
+c get class of 2 particle
+          do 103 i=0,4
+            call getrange(i,i2m,i2p)
+            class2=0
+            if(jm.ge.i2m.and.jm.le.i2p)then
+              class2=i
+              goto 104
+            endif
+103          continue
+          write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: no x-section parametrized for ',jm
+          stop
+104          continue
+c get iline corrsponding to pp->i3,i4
+          do 105 i=1,nfit
+            if((rr(1,i).eq.class1.and.rr(2,i).eq.class2).or.
+     v       (rr(1,i).eq.class2.and.rr(2,i).eq.class1))then
+              io=i
+              goto 106
+            endif
+105          continue
+c maybe we have an R*R* reaction?
+          if(im.ge.minres.and.im.le.maxres
+     &     .and.jm.ge.minres.and.jm.le.maxres)then
+                  io=7
+                  goto 106
+               endif
+          write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: no iline found for particles',im,jm
+          stop
+106          continue
+        else
+          io=iio
+        endif
+c sort particles acc. to itypes
+        if(io.ne.5.and.im.gt.jm)then
+          im=i4
+          jm=i3
+        endif
+        if(io.eq.5.and.im.lt.jm)then
+          im=i4
+          jm=i3
+        endif
+c consistency checks
+        call getrange(rr(1,io),i1m,i1p)
+        if(im.lt.i1m.or.im.gt.i1p)then
+          write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: wrong iline for outgoing particles',
+     &      io,im,jm
+          stop
+        endif
+        call getrange(rr(2,io),i2m,i2p)
+        if(jm.lt.i2m.or.jm.gt.i2p)then
+          write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: wrong iline for outgoing particles',
+     &      io,im,jm
+          stop
+        endif
+      goto(1,2,2,2,2,2,4) io
+      write(6,*) '****(E) wrong x-section ID in fppfit *****',io
+      stop
+c pp ->ND
+ 1    continue
+        if(wtabflg.ge.3.and.CTOption(9).eq.0)then
+c table lookup
+           iim=0
+           if(im.eq.minnuc)then
+             iim=1
+           elseif(im.eq.mindel)then
+             iim=2
+           else
+             write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: First particle should be N or Delta'
+             stop
+           endif
+           fppfit=max(0d0,splint(tabxnd,frrtaby(1,1,iim,jm),
+     &       frrtaby(1,2,iim,jm),widnsp,e))
+      else
+c calculate cross section
+         fppfit=pmean(e,im,isoit(im),jm,isoit(jm),id1,id2,id3,id4,1)
+     &       /(pmean(e,1,1,1,1,id1,id2,id3,id4,1)
+     &       *e*e)*ar(io)
+     &       *(massit(jm)**2*widit(jm)**2/((e**2-massit(jm)**2)**2
+     &       +widit(jm)**2*massit(jm)**2))
+     &       *dble((jit(im)+1)*(jit(jm)+1))
+        endif
+      return
+c pp->NN* pp->ND* pp->DD pp->DN* pp->DD*
+ 2        continue
+        if(wtabflg.ge.3.and.CTOption(9).eq.0)then
+c table lookup
+          iim=0
+           if(im.eq.minnuc)then
+             iim=1
+           elseif(im.eq.mindel)then
+             iim=2
+           else
+             write(*,*)'(E) fppfit: First particle should be N or Delta'
+             stop
+           endif
+           fppfit=max(0d0,splint(tabxnd,frrtaby(1,1,iim,jm),
+     .           frrtaby(1,2,iim,jm),widnsp,e))
+      else
+c calculate cross section
+         tmp=pmean(e,im,isoit(im),jm,isoit(jm),id1,id2,id3,id4,1)
+     &         /(pmean(e,1,1,1,1,id1,id2,id3,id4,1)
+     &         *e*e)*ar(io)
+     &         *dble((jit(im)+1)*(jit(jm)+1))
+         if(im.ne.jm) then
+            tmp=tmp
+     &         /((massit(jm)-massit(im))**2*(massit(jm)+massit(im))**2)
+         endif
+         fppfit=tmp
+      endif
+      return
+c pp->B*B*
+ 4    continue
+c sofar set to zero
+      fppfit=0d0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine crossx(iio,e,ii1,iiz1,mm1,ii2,iiz2,mm2,sig)
+cinput iio  : pointer to cross section
+cinput e    : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput ii1  : ID of particle 1
+cinput iiz1 : $2\cdot I_3$ of particle 1
+cinput mm1  : mass of particle 1
+cinput ii2  : ID of particle 2
+cinput iiz2 : $2\cdot I_3$ of particle 2
+cinput mm2  : mass of particle 2
+coutput sig : cross section
+c This routine returns cross sections which are accessed via tags (pointers)
+c {\tt iio}. The cross sections can either be partial ones for specific
+c exit channels or total cross sections for the two incoming hadrons
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      integer io,iio,i1,i2,iz1,iz2
+      integer i,im,ip,j,jm,jp,ii1,iiz1,ii2,iiz2
+c      integer itmp1,itmp2,itag
+      real*8 sig,e,e0,sum,m1,m2,m3,gam,dum,s1,s2,s3
+      real*8 c1,c2,mm1,mm2,aaqm,dbfact,cgkcor,qflg,factor,ggam
+      real*8 sighelp,meltpoint2,pfrome,pmelt,pmelt2,plab
+      logical kplflag
+      real*8 clebsch,siglookup,bcms,massit,widit,mminit,xmelt
+      real*8 fppfit,fwidth,fbwnorm,ppiso
+c...additional functions and variables for ppbar&pp scattering:
+      real*8 bbphi,nnphi,sighera,sapptot,
+     &       sappela,sappann,sappdiff,dgcgkfct
+      integer isoit,iq1(2),iq2(3),ifdiq2,kq1,kq2
+      real*8 sigheramb,sigmb,meltpoint
+      logical excl
+      real*8 ef,sigf,ee
+      integer jf,if
+c...parameters for resonance production in NN
+      integer nfit
+      parameter (nfit=7)
+c      real*8 er(nfit)
+      integer rr(2,nfit),in(nfit)
+      real*8 x,x0,xa,xb,xc,bf
+      real*8 f
+      save kplflag
+      f(x,x0,xa,xb,xc)=max(0d0,2.*xb*xa*(x-x0)/(xb**2+(x-x0)**2))*
+     *     ((x0+xb)/(x))**xc
+c io =         1      2     3     4       5      6      7
+c              nd    nn*    nd*   dd      dn*    dd*    B*B*
+c      data er/ 4d-2, 0d0,   0d0,  0d0,    0d0,   0d0,   0d0/
+      data rr/ 4,0,   4,1,   4,2,  0,0, 0,1,  0,2,    3,3 /
+c rr tells of which particle class the out particles are
+      data in/ 1,     1,     1,    1,  -1,    1,      1  /
+c in tells which out particle has the higher itype
+      excl=.false. !flag for exclusive cross section(detailed balance)
+      kplflag=.false. ! flag for k+ p total x-section
+      goto 107
+      entry crossf(if,ef,jf,sigf)
+      io=if
+      ee=ef
+      j=jf
+      call getrange(rr(1,io),i,ip) ! call getrange(rr(2,io),jm,jp)
+      sigf=fppfit(io,ee,i,j)
+      return
+      entry crossz(iio,e,ii1,iiz1,mm1,ii2,iiz2,mm2,sig)
+      excl=.true.  !flag for exclusive cross section(detailed balance)
+ 107  continue
+c...some settings for all channels enter here
+      sig=0d0
+      io=iabs(iio)
+      aaqm=CTParam(3)      !exponent for bcm scaled AQM-cross sections
+      call setizm(ii1,iiz1,mm1,ii2,iiz2,mm2,
+     ,i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+c in case of a MB-reaction, sort particles: meson must be second (i2)
+      if(iabs(i1).ge.minmes.and.iabs(i1).le.maxmes.and.
+     &   iabs(i2).ge.minbar.and.iabs(i2).le.maxbar)then
+        call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+      endif
+      goto(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,8,9,10,
+     ,       11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,9,21,22,23,24,
+     ,       25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38)io
+      write(6,*)'cross[x,z]: ',
+     ,' unknown channel requested, wrong io:',io
+      stop
+ 1    continue
+c...pp-> ND pp->NN* pp->ND* pp->DD pp->DN* pp->DD*
+      call setizm(iabs(ii1),iiz1,mm1,iabs(ii2),iiz2,mm2,
+     ,i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+c     fist outgoing particle has lower ID
+      if(i1.gt.i2)call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+c     determine range for first outgoing particle
+      call getrange(rr(1,io),im,ip)
+      if(excl)then
+cut down the loop to one resonance for inverse exclusive processes
+        jm=in(io)*max0(in(io)*i1,in(io)*i2)
+        jp=jm
+      else
+        call getrange(rr(2,io),jm,jp)
+      end if
+      sum=0.
+      do i=im,ip
+c...loop over i3 (1st outgoing particle)
+        do j=jm,jp
+c...loop over i4 (2nd outgoing particle)
+c   sum over x-section
+c explicit isospin dependence
+           cgkcor=ppiso(iio,i1,iz1,i2,iz2,i,j)
+           sum=sum+fppfit(io,e,i,j)*cgkcor
+        end do
+      end do
+      sig=sum
+c     detailed balance
+      if(iio.lt.0.and.sig.gt.1.d-12) then
+            call detbal(e,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,max(mminit(i1),m1),
+     &           max(mminit(i2),m2),1,1,dbfact)
+            sig=sig*dbfact
+      endif
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+      return
+ 8    continue
+c...ND->DD  iso-spin summed value
+      call setizm(iabs(ii1),iiz1,mm1,iabs(ii2),iiz2,mm2,
+     ,i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+      e0=2.*massit(mindel)-widit(mindel)
+      c1=clebsch(isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,1)
+      c2=clebsch(isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,2)
+ctp060926      if(io.lt.0)write(6,*)'crossz(DD->ND):c1,c2=',c1,c2,
+ctp060926     ,           isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,'itypes:',i1,i2
+      sig=f(e,e0,12.0d0,0.02d0,2d0)*(0.66667*c1+4d0/dsqrt(20d0)*c2)
+      if(iio.lt.0.and.sig.gt.1.d-12) then
+            call detbal(e,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,max(mminit(i1),m1),
+     &           max(mminit(i2),m2),minnuc,mindel,dbfact)
+            sig=sig*dbfact
+      endif
+      return
+ 9    continue
+      write(6,*)'crossx: channel no.',io,'not implemented.'
+      stop
+ 10   continue
+      call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+      return
+ 11   continue
+      call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+      return
+ 12   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model total cross section
+      call aqm(i1,i2,sig,dum)
+      if(sig.gt.1d3)then
+        write(6,*)'sig=',sig
+      end if
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+      return
+ 13   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model elastic cross section
+      call aqm(i1,i2,dum,sig)
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+      return
+ 14   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model inelastic cross section
+      call aqm(i1,i2,s1,s2)
+      s3=s1-s2
+      s1=s3
+c DD->DD is possible only for e<4gev, then DD->Strings (15) is used
+      e0=mminit(i1)+mminit(i2)+2d0*CTParam(4)
+      bf=2d0*dabs(CTParam(4)-CTParam(2))
+      s2=f(e,e0,s3,bf,1d0)
+      sig=xmelt(e,s1,s2,max(mminit(i1),m1)+max(mminit(i2),m2),
+     @     e0+2d0*CTparam(2))
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+      return
+ 15   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model string cross section
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)return
+      if(CTOption(12).eq.0)then
+        call aqm(i1,i2,sig,dum)
+        sig=sig-dum
+c dum is the inelastic xsec
+c string threshold is at 3.2 GeV by default
+        if(e.gt.2d0*(1.08d0+ctparam(2)))then
+          sig=sig*bcms(e,1.08d0+ctparam(2),1.08d0+ctparam(2))**(aaqm)
+        else
+          sig=0.d0
+        end if
+      end if
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+      return
+ 16   continue
+c...pn-total...low energy tables & high energy fit
+      sig=xmelt(e,siglookup(1,e),sighera(.938d0,.938d0,e,3),3.d0,5.d0)
+      return
+ 17   continue
+c...pn-elastic...low energy tables & high energy fit (then pn=pp)
+      sig=xmelt(e,siglookup(2,e),sighera(.938d0,.938d0,e,2),3.d0,5.d0)
+      return
+ 18   continue
+c...pp-total...low energy tables & high energy fit
+      sig=xmelt(e,siglookup(3,e),sighera(.938d0,.938d0,e,1),3.d0,5.d0)
+      return
+ 19   continue
+c...pp-elastic...low energy tables & high energy fit
+      sig=xmelt(e,siglookup(4,e),sighera(.938d0,.938d0,e,2),3.d0,5.d0)
+      return
+ctp060202 20   continue
+      write(6,*)'crossx: cross section for decay(io=20) requested'
+      stop
+      return
+ 21   continue
+c...bbar total...from ppbar via AQM & phase-space
+      call aqm(1,-1,nnphi,dum)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,bbphi,dum)
+      sig=sapptot(e,m1,m2)*bbphi/nnphi
+      return
+ 22   continue
+c...bbar elastic...from ppbar via AQM & phase-space
+      call aqm(1,-1,nnphi,dum)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,bbphi,dum)
+      sig=sappela(e,m1,m2)*bbphi/nnphi
+      return
+ 23   continue
+c...bbar annihilation from ppbar via AQM & phase-space
+      call aqm(1,-1,nnphi,dum)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,bbphi,dum)
+      sig=sappann(e,m1,m2)*bbphi/nnphi
+      return
+ 24   continue
+c...bbar diffractive...from ppbar via AQM & phase-space
+      call aqm(1,-1,nnphi,dum)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,bbphi,dum)
+      sig=sappdiff(e,m1,m2)*bbphi/nnphi
+      return
+ 25   continue
+c...pi^+ +p
+      if ((i2.eq.minmes+1).and.(iz2.eq.2)
+     &   .and.(i1.eq.1).and.(iz1.eq.1)) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,7)
+         meltpoint=2.00d0
+c...pi^- +p
+      elseif ((i2.eq.minmes+1).and.(iz2.eq.-2)
+     &   .and.(i1.eq.1).and.(iz1.eq.1)) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,9)
+         meltpoint=2.18d0
+c...K^+ +p
+      elseif ((i2.eq.minmes+6).and.(iz2.eq.1)
+     &   .and.(i1.eq.1).and.(iz1.eq.1)) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e ,11)
+         meltpoint=1.84d0
+C        here second meltpoint to enable linear interpolation between
+C        meltpoint2 and meltpoint (in plab)
+         meltpoint2=1.7d0
+         kplflag=.true.
+c...K^- +p
+      elseif ((i2.eq.-(minmes+6)).and.(iz2.eq.-1)
+     &   .and.(i1.eq.1).and.(iz1.eq.1)) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,14)
+         meltpoint=2.12d0
+c...K^+ +n
+      elseif ((i2.eq.minmes+6).and.(iz2.eq.1)
+     &   .and.(i1.eq.1).and.(iz1.eq.-1)) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,13)
+         meltpoint=1.75d0
+c...K^- +n
+      elseif ((i2.eq.-(minmes+6)).and.(iz2.eq.-1)
+     &   .and.(i1.eq.1).and.(iz1.eq.-1)) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,16)
+         meltpoint=1.6d0
+c...gamma + p
+      elseif ((i2.eq.minmes).and.(iz2.eq.0)
+     &   .and.iabs(i1).le.maxbar) then
+         sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,6)
+         meltpoint=1.75d0
+      else
+c...MB total (->B*/->Strings/el.)
+        call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sigmb,gam)
+        if (sigmb.gt.1d-8) then
+c meltpoint for resonant meson absorption moved to higher energies
+          meltpoint=max(1.7d0, m1+m2+.2d0)
+        else
+          meltpoint=1.7d0
+        endif
+        call aqm(pimeson,nucleon,dum,nnphi)
+        call aqm(i1,i2,dum,bbphi)
+        sigheramb=sighera(m2,m1,e,7)*bbphi/nnphi
+      endif
+      call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sigmb,gam)
+c now melt the low energy resonance x-sec and the high energy hera-fits:
+      if (e.lt.meltpoint) then
+c cross section for Danielewicz forward delay
+c     here the DP-cross section has the same form as the normal one
+         if(CTOption(34).eq.2) then
+            sig=sigmb+CTParam(58)*sigmb
+         elseif(CTOption(34).eq.3) then
+            m3=e
+            call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sigmb,gam)
+            if(sig.gt.1d-5) sig=sigmb+CTParam(58)
+         elseif(CTOption(34).eq.4) then
+            m3=e
+            call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sigmb,gam)
+            if(sigmb.gt.1d-5)then
+               ggam=fwidth(itypnew(1),i3new(1),m3)
+               sig=sigmb+CTParam(58)*
+     &              sig*dsqrt(2.d0/(ggam*3.1415d0*fbwnorm(m3,
+     &              itypnew(1),i3new(1))))
+            endif
+         else
+C actually default for e.lt.meltpoint
+C    take result from anndec as sigma
+            sig=sigmb
+         endif
+c-- nonres adds s-channel strings for strange meson baryon reactions
+c-- resonances are not sufficient to fit data - sig gets modified in nonres !!!
+C-- so that k- p cross section describes data reasonable.
+C-- nonres call only below meltpoint
+      call nonres(e,i1,iz1,i2,iz2,sig)
+      else
+C        for e.ge.meltpoint
+         sig=sigheramb
+      endif
+c.. is annihilation possible ? (quark content?)
+      call ityp2id(i2,iz2,iq1(1),iq1(2))
+      call ityp2id(i1,iz1,ifdiq2,iq2(3))
+      if(abs(i1).ge.minmes) then
+        iq2(1)=ifdiq2
+        iq2(2)=iq2(3)
+        iq2(3)=0
+      else
+        iq2(1)=mod(ifdiq2/100,10)
+        iq2(2)=int(ifdiq2/1000)
+      endif
+      qflg=0.d0
+      do 7312 kq1=1,2
+       do 7412 kq2=1,3
+c.. annihilation ?
+        if(iq1(kq1)+iq2(kq2).eq.0) qflg=1.d0
+ 7412   continue
+ 7312  continue
+c..--> elastic X-section gets minimum val. of 12.5 mb (K+ P)
+c..    if annihilation is not possible
+c..      (exclude gamma baryon elastic)
+      if (i2.ne.minmes) then
+          sig=max(sig,12.5d0*(1d0-qflg))
+C       for k+ p linear interpolation between meltpoint2 and meltpoint
+          if (kplflag.and.
+     &        qflg.eq.0.d0.and.e.lt.meltpoint
+     &       .and.e.gt.meltpoint2) then
+             sighelp=sighera(m2,m1,meltpoint,11)
+             pfrome=plab(m2,m1,e)
+             pmelt2=plab(m2,m1,meltpoint2)
+             pmelt=plab(m2,m1,meltpoint)
+             sig=xmelt(pfrome,1.25d1,sighelp,pmelt2,pmelt)
+          endif
+      endif
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+C  end of MB total
+      return
+ 26   continue
+      if(i2.eq.minmes)then
+c..no elastic gamma B scattering:
+       sig=0.d0
+       return
+      endif
+c...MB->MB elastic (pi+ p scaled with aqm)
+      if(mminit(i1)+mminit(i2).gt.e) then
+c     no collision if sqrts is insufficient to put particles on-shell
+         sig=0.d0
+      else
+         call aqm(pimeson,nucleon,dum,nnphi)
+         call aqm(i1,i2,dum,bbphi)
+         sig=sighera(m2,m1,e,8)*bbphi/nnphi
+      endif
+      return
+ 27   continue
+c..MB-> 1 String (s-channel) (pi+ p scaled with aqm)
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)return
+      call aqm(pimeson,nucleon,nnphi,dum)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,bbphi,dum)
+      sig=sighera(m2,m1,e,7)*bbphi/nnphi
+c-- minus elastic x-sect. (scaled with el. aqm)
+      call aqm(pimeson,nucleon,dum,nnphi)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,dum,bbphi)
+      sig=sig-sighera(m2,m1,e,8)*bbphi/nnphi
+c.. is s-channel possible ? (quark content?)
+      call ityp2id(i2,iz2,iq1(1),iq1(2))
+      call ityp2id(i1,iz1,ifdiq2,iq2(3))
+      if(abs(i1).ge.minmes) then
+        iq2(1)=ifdiq2
+        iq2(2)=iq2(3)
+        iq2(3)=0
+      else
+        iq2(1)=mod(ifdiq2/100,10)
+        iq2(2)=int(ifdiq2/1000)
+      endif
+      qflg=0.d0
+      do 312 kq1=1,2
+       do 412 kq2=1,3
+c..two of the quarks must be able to annihilate:
+        if(iq1(kq1)+iq2(kq2).eq.0) qflg=1.d0
+ 412   continue
+ 312  continue
+      sig=xmelt(e,sig,0.d0,3d0,6.d0)*qflg
+      if(e.le.1.7d0)sig=0.d0
+      call nonres(e,i1,iz1,i2,iz2,sig)
+      return
+ 28   continue
+c..MB-> 2 Strings (t-channel) (pi+ p scaled with aqm)
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)return
+      call aqm(pimeson,nucleon,nnphi,dum)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,bbphi,dum)
+      sig=sighera(m2,m1,e,7)*bbphi/nnphi
+c-- minus elastic x-sect. (scaled with el. aqm)
+      call aqm(pimeson,nucleon,dum,nnphi)
+      call aqm(i1,i2,dum,bbphi)
+      sig=sig-sighera(m2,m1,e,8)*bbphi/nnphi
+c-- melting
+      sig=xmelt(e,0d0,sig,3d0,6.d0)
+      return
+ 29   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model inelastic cross section
+c specially reduced to avoid double-counting in case of DN and DD
+c    cross sections
+      call aqm(i1,i2,sig,dum)
+      sig=sig-dum
+      sig=sig*bcms(e,max(mminit(i1),m1),max(mminit(i2),m2))**aaqm
+      sig=xmelt(e,sig,0d0,2d0*(1.08d0+ctparam(2)),5.0d0)
+c here comes the reduction
+      sig=xmelt(e,0d0,sig,2.75d0,3.4d0)
+      return
+ 30   continue
+c parameterized detailed balance cross sections for ND->NN
+      factor=dgcgkfct(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,nucleon,nucleon)
+      if(factor.le.1.d-8) then
+         sig=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      cgkcor=ppiso(-1,i1,iz1,i2,iz2,nucleon,nucleon)
+         sig=factor*cgkcor*(1.3d8*(e**(-17.5d0))+3.6d4*(e**(-7d0)))
+c         write(6,*)factor,cgkcor,sig
+      return
+ 31   continue
+c parameterized detailed balance cross sections for DD->DN
+      e0=massit(i1)-0.5*widit(i1)+massit(i2)-0.5*widit(i2)
+      factor=dgcgkfct(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,nucleon,mindel)
+      if(factor.le.1.d-8.or.e.lt.e0)then
+         sig=0.d0
+      else
+         c1=clebsch(isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,1)
+         c2=clebsch(isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,2)
+c param
+         sig=
+     &        (2.5d56*exp(-(50.0d0*e))
+     &        +4.9d14*exp(-(12.d0*e))
+     &        +1.1d6*exp(-(4.50d0*e)))
+     &        *factor
+c the following factors are from Heinz Sorge's Habilitation
+     &        *(0.66667*c1+4d0/dsqrt(20d0)*c2)
+      endif
+      return
+ 32   continue
+C parameterized detailed balance cross sections for DD->NN
+      factor=dgcgkfct(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,nucleon,nucleon)
+      if(factor.le.1.d-8.or.e.lt.2.15d0) then
+         sig=0.d0
+         return
+      endif
+      cgkcor=ppiso(-4,i1,iz1,i2,iz2,nucleon,nucleon)
+c param
+      sig=(7.27d0*(e-2.14d0)**(-1.2176d0)+0.05d0*(e-2.14d0)**(-3.257d0))
+     &     *factor*cgkcor
+      return
+ 33   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model resonance cross section
+       call aqm(i1,i2,sig,dum)
+       sig=sig-dum  ! dum is the elastic xsec
+      if(e.gt.mminit(i1)+mminit(i2))then
+c x_string+x_resonances
+          sig=sig*bcms(e,mminit(i1),mminit(i2))**(aaqm*3)
+c get x_string
+          sig=xmelt(e,sig,0d0,mminit(i1)+mminit(i2)+1.5d0,
+     @         mminit(i1)+mminit(i2)+3d0)
+      end if
+      return
+ 34   continue
+c...??->X => additive quark model string cross section
+      if(CTOption(12).ne.0)return
+        call aqm(i1,i2,sig,dum)
+        sig=sig-dum !  dum is the elastic xsec
+       if(e.gt.mminit(i1)+mminit(i2))then
+c x_string+x_resonances
+          sig=sig*bcms(e,mminit(i1),mminit(i2))**(aaqm*3)
+c get x_resonances
+          sig=xmelt(e,0d0,sig,mminit(i1)+mminit(i2)+1.5d0,
+     @         mminit(i1)+mminit(i2)+3d0)
+      end if
+      return
+ 35   continue
+      e0=mminit(i1)+mminit(i2)+CTParam(4)*2d0
+      call aqm(i1,i2,sig,dum)
+      sig=f(e,e0,sig-dum,1d0,1d0)
+      return
+ 36   continue
+c cross section for Danielewicz forward delay
+      if(CTOption(34).eq.2) then
+         call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+         sig=CTParam(58)*sig
+      elseif(CTOption(34).eq.3) then
+         m3=e
+         call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+         if(sig.gt.1d-5) sig=CTParam(58)
+      elseif(CTOption(34).eq.4) then
+         m3=e
+         call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+         if(sig.gt.1d-5)then
+            ggam=fwidth(itypnew(1),i3new(1),m3)
+            sig=CTParam(58)*
+     &           sig*dsqrt(2.d0/(ggam*3.1415d0*
+     &           fbwnorm(m3,itypnew(1),i3new(1))))
+         endif
+      else
+         sig=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+ 37   continue
+c cross section for Danielewicz forward delay
+      if(CTOption(34).eq.2) then
+         call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+         sig=CTParam(58)*sig
+       elseif(CTOption(34).eq.3) then
+          m3=e
+          call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+          if(sig.gt.1d-5) sig=CTParam(58)
+       elseif(CTOption(34).eq.4) then
+          m3=e
+          call anndec(0,m1,i1,iz1,m2,i2,iz2,e,sig,gam)
+          if(sig.gt.1d-5)then
+             ggam=fwidth(itypnew(1),i3new(1),m3)
+             sig=CTParam(58)*
+     &            sig*dsqrt(2.d0/(ggam*3.1415d0*
+     &           fbwnorm(m3,itypnew(1),i3new(1))))
+          endif
+      else
+         sig=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+ 38   continue
+c elastic meson-meson cross section
+      sig=5.d0
+c     check energy conservation (cut-off is one 1 MeV)
+      if(max(m1,mminit(i1))+max(m2,mminit(i2))+1.d-3.gt.e) sig=0.d0
+      return
+ctp060202 99   continue
+c...single diffr. pp
+      sig=.68*(1.+36/e**2)*log(0.6+0.1*e**2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine nonres(e,ii1,iiz1,ii2,iiz2,sig)
+cinput e    : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput ii1  : ID of particle 1
+cinput iiz1 : $2\cdot I_3$ of particle 1
+cinput ii2  : ID of particle 2
+cinput iiz2 : $2\cdot I_3$ of particle 2
+coutput sig : cross section
+c {\tt nonres} adds s-channel strings for strange meson baryon reactions,
+c since
+c resonances are not sufficient to fit data -
+c {\tt sig} gets modified in {\tt nonres},
+C so that $k^- p$ cross section describes data reasonable.
+C {\tt nonres} should be only called below {\tt meltpoint}
+      implicit none
+      logical b
+      real*8 m1,m2,e,sig
+      integer strit,i1,i2,iz1,iz2,ii1,ii2,iiz1,iiz2
+      b=.false.
+      call setizm(ii1,iiz1,0d0,ii2,iiz2,0d0,
+     @      i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+      if(iabs(i1).gt.iabs(i2))
+     @     call swpizm(i1,iz1,m1,i2,iz2,m2)
+C    check wether sigma should be modified
+C        1) strange meson required
+C        2) nonstrange baryon required
+C        3) combination of strange meson + baryon (k- p)
+C         or antistrange meson + antibaryon (k+ pbar) required
+      if(strit(i2).ne.0.and.i1*i2.lt.0.and.strit(i1).eq.0)b=.true.
+C   if this condition is fullfilled modify sigma
+C   add exponential underground and corrections
+C   (two gaussians,constant,low energy cut off)
+C       to describe experimental k- p cross section
+C    four  cases for different corrections
+      if ((b).and.e.gt.1.433.and.e.lt.1.4738188) then
+        sig=sig+120.
+      elseif ((b).and.e.ge.1.4738188.and.e.lt.1.485215) then
+        sig=sig-1.296457765d7*(e-1.433)**4+
+     &        2.160975431d4*(e-1.433)**2+120.
+      elseif ((b).and.e.ge.1.485215.and.e.lt.1.977) then
+        sig=sig+1.07769d+06*exp(-(6.44463d0*e))-
+     &         10.*exp(-(((e-1.644)**2)/0.004))+
+     &         10.*exp(-(((e-1.977)**2)/0.004))
+      elseif ((b).and.e.ge.1.977.and.e.lt.2.12) then
+C keep maximum value of gaussian above e=1.977 GeV
+C                         (e=2.12 GeV is meltpoint)
+        sig=sig+1.07769d+06*exp(-(6.44463d0*e))+10.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function sappann(sroot,m1,m2)
+cinput sroot : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+c  OUTPUT: {\ttsappann} = annihilation cross section for $\bar N N$
+c  Taken from: P. Koch, C.B. Dover, Phys. Rev. {\bf C40} (1989) 145
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 sroot,m1,m2,s0,a,b,sig0,s,srootnn,snn
+      parameter(a=0.05d0,b=0.6d0,sig0=120.d0,s0=3.52)
+      if (CTOption(38).eq.1) then
+c evaluate the parametrization at the same relative momentum as in nbar-n
+         srootnn=snn(sroot,m1,m2)
+         s=srootnn**2
+      else
+c evaluate parametrization now at the same sqrts
+         s=sroot**2
+      endif
+      sappann=sig0*(s0/s)*(a**2*s0/((s-s0)**2+a**2*s0)+b)
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function sapptot(sroot,m1,m2)
+cinput sroot : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+c  OUTPUT: {\ttsapptot} = total cross section for $\bar N N$
+c  high energy paramametrization and data taken from PRD 50 (1994)\\
+c  $p_{lab} > 5 $GeV:  CERN/HERA parametrization\\
+c  0.3 GeV $< p_{lab} <$ 5 GeV: polynomial fit to the data (by C.S.)\\
+c  $p_{lab} <0.3$ GeV: another fit, only constrained by sigma annihilation
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 p,sroot,plab,sighera,m1,m2,srootnn,snn
+      if (CTOption(38).eq.1) then
+c evaluate the parametrization at the same relative momentum as in nbar-n
+         srootnn=snn(sroot,m1,m2)
+      else
+c evaluate parametrization now at the same sqrts
+         srootnn=sroot
+      endif
+      p=plab(0.938d0,0.938d0,srootnn)
+      if(p.ge.5.d0)then
+         sapptot=sighera(0.938d0,0.938d0,srootnn,4)
+        return
+      else if(p.ge.0.3d0)then
+        sapptot=75.0146d0+43.1276d0/p+2.58298d0/p**2-3.90783d0*p
+        return
+      else
+        sapptot=271.6d0*exp(-(1.1d0*p**2))
+        return
+      endif
+      end
+      real*8 function sappela(sroot,m1,m2)
+cinput sroot : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+c  OUTPUT: {\tt sappela} = elastic cross section for $\bar N N$
+c  high energy paramametrization and data taken from PRD 50 (1994)\\
+c  $p_{lab} > 5 $GeV:  CERN/HERA parametrization\\
+c  0.3 GeV $< p_{lab} <$ 5 GeV: polynomial fit to the data (by C.S.)\\
+c  $p_{lab} <0.3$ GeV: no data, set constant
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 p,sroot,plab,sighera,m1,m2,srootnn,snn
+      if (CTOption(38).eq.1) then
+c evaluate the parametrization at the same relative momentum as in nbar-n
+         srootnn=snn(sroot,m1,m2)
+      else
+c evaluate parametrization now at the same sqrts
+         srootnn=sroot
+      endif
+      p=plab(0.938d0,0.938d0,srootnn)
+      if(p.ge.5.d0)then
+         sappela=sighera(0.938d0,0.938d0,srootnn,5)
+        return
+      else if(p.ge.0.3d0)then
+        sappela=31.6166d0+18.2842d0/p-1.14896d0/p**2-3.79508d0*p
+        return
+      else
+        sappela=78.6d0
+        return
+      endif
+      end
+      real*8 function sappdiff(sroot,m1,m2)
+cinput sroot : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+c  OUTPUT: {\tt sappdiff} = diffractive cross section for $\bar N N$
+c  This cross section is totally determined by
+c $ \sigma_{diff}=\sigma_{tot}-\sigma_{elast.}-\sigma_{annihil.}$
+      implicit none
+      real*8 p,sroot,m1,m2,plab,sappann,sapptot,sappela
+      p=plab(0.938d0,0.938d0,sroot)
+      if(p.le.0.1d0)then
+        sappdiff=0.d0
+        return
+      else
+        sappdiff=max(0.d0,sapptot(sroot,m1,m2)
+     &           -sappela(sroot,m1,m2)-sappann(sroot,m1,m2))
+        return
+      endif
+      end
+      blockdata herafits
+c  cross section parameters for specific collsion type
+c  CERN/HERA fits, taken from PRD 50 (1994)
+c  see: function 'sighera'
+      implicit none
+      integer nfit
+c     integer io
+      parameter (nfit=16)
+      real*8 a(nfit),b(nfit),n(nfit),c(nfit),d(nfit)
+     &       ,p1(nfit),p2(nfit)
+      common /HERA/ a,b,n,c,d,p1,p2
+c io =          1       2       3       4        5        6
+c            pp(tot) pp(ela) pn(tot) app(tot) app(ela) gammap(tot)
+c               7       8       9      10       11       12
+c         pi+p(tot) pi+p(el) pi-p(tot) pi-p(el) k+p(tot) k+p(el)
+c              13      14      15      16
+c          k+n(tot) k-p(tot) k-p(ela) k-n(tot)
+c p1 (p2) give the momentum range (lab momentum) of the fit
+      data a/  48.0,   11.9,  47.3,   38.4,     10.2,   0.147,
+     @         16.4,     0.,  33.0,   1.76,     18.1,     5.0,
+     @         18.7,   32.1,   7.3,   25.2/
+      data b/    0.,   26.9,    0.,   77.6,     52.7,      0.,
+     @         19.3,   11.4,   14.0,  11.2,       0.,     8.1,
+     @           0.,     0.,     0.,    0./
+      data n/    0.,  -1.21,    0.,  -0.64,    -1.16,      0.,
+     @         -.42,    -.4, -1.36,  -0.64,       0.,    -1.8,
+     @           0.,     0.,    0.,     0./
+      data c/ 0.522,  0.169, 0.513,   0.26,    0.125,   .0022,
+     @          .19,   .079,  .456,   .043,      .26,     .16,
+     @          .21,    .66,   .29,    .38/
+      data d/ -4.51,  -1.85, -4.27,   -1.2,    -1.28,   -.017,
+     @           0.,     0., -4.03,     0.,      -1.,    -1.3,
+     @         -.89,   -5.6,  -2.4,   -2.9/
+      data p1/   3.,     2.,    3.,     5.,       5.,      3.,
+     @           3.,     2.,   1.8,     1.8,       2.,      2.,
+     @           2.,     1.75,    3.,    1.8/
+c   for (k- p) p1=1.75 GeV/c works reasonable
+      data p2/2100.,  2100.,  370.,  1.7d6,    1.7d6,    183.,
+     @         340.,   200.,  370.,   360.,     310.,    175.,
+     @         310.,   310.,  175.,   310./
+      end
+      real*8 function sighera(m1,m2,sroot,io)
+cinput sroot : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+cinput io    : flag for respective cross section
+c  OUTPUT: {\tt sighera} = cross section for specific collsion type
+c {\tt io} can have the following values:
+c \begin{tabular}{rl}
+c               1 & $pp$ total \\
+c               2 & $pp$ elastic \\
+c               3 & $pn$ total \\
+c               4 & $\bar p p$ total\\
+c               5 & $\bar p p$ elastic\\
+c               6 & $\gamma p$ (tot) \\
+c               7 & $\pi^+ p$ (tot) \\
+c               8 & $\pi^+ p$ (el) \\
+c               9 & $\pi^- p$ (tot)\\
+c              10 & $\ pi- p$ (el) \\
+c              11 & $k^+ p$ (tot)\\
+c              12 & $k^+ p$ (el)\\
+c              13 & $k^+ n$ (tot)\\
+c              14 & $k^- p$ (tot)\\
+c              15 & $k^- p$ (ela)\\
+c              16 & $k^- n$ (tot)\\
+c \end{tabular}
+c This subroutine returns CERN/HERA parametrizations for cross sections
+c {\tt p1} and {\tt p2} in the {\tt blockdata} routine
+c give the momentum range (lab momentum) of the fit.
+c The fits have been taken from
+c Phys. Rev. {\bf D50} (1994).
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer nfit,io
+      parameter (nfit=16)
+      real*8 a(nfit),b(nfit),n(nfit),c(nfit),d(nfit),sroot,p,plab
+     &       ,p1(nfit),p2(nfit),m1,m2,massit
+      common /HERA/ a,b,n,c,d,p1,p2
+c      p=plab(m1,m2,sroot)
+      p=0.d0
+      if(io.ge.1.and.io.le.5)then
+       p=plab(massit(minnuc),massit(minnuc),sroot)
+      elseif(io.eq.6)then
+       p=plab(massit(minmes),massit(minnuc),sroot)
+      elseif(io.ge.7.and.io.le.10)then
+       p=plab(massit(pimeson),massit(minnuc),sroot)
+      elseif(io.ge.11.and.io.le.16)then
+       p=plab(massit(itkaon),massit(minnuc),sroot)
+      else
+       write(*,*)'#make22 error. sighera called with io=',io
+       stop
+      endif
+         if(p.lt.1d-15) then
+c if energy conservation is not possible (p.eq.0) then return zero
+            sighera=0.d0
+            return
+         endif
+      if(p.lt.p1(io))then
+        p=p1(io)
+      elseif (p.gt.p2(io).and.(warn)) then
+        write(6,*)'sighera: sroot=',sroot,' high!, io=',io
+        write(6,*)'         m1,m2,plab,p2(io)=',m1,m2,p,p2(io)
+        write(6,*)'sighera fit used above upper limit (extrapolation)'
+      endif
+        sighera=a(io)+b(io)*p**n(io)+c(io)*log(p)**2+d(io)*log(p)
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function xmelt(e,x1,x2,em,ep)
+cinput e  :  $\sqrt{s}$ of process
+cinput x1 : value at {\tt em}
+cinput x2 : value at {\tt ep}
+cinput em : lower boundary in $\sqrt{s}$
+cinput ep : upper boundary in $\sqrt{s}$
+c  {\tt xmelt } yields an interpolation beween {\tt x1} and {\tt x2}
+c  in the $\sqrt{s}$ range beween {\tt em} and {\tt ep}.
+c  For {\tt e < em}  it equals {\tt x2},  if {\tt e > em} it yields
+c  a combination of both {\tt x1} and {\tt x2} such that there is a
+c  continuous  transition from {\tt x1} to {\tt x2}.
+c  For parameter b=.false. a linear combination is used,
+c  for parameter b=.true. a sin-form is used.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 e,x1,x2,em,ep,lam,pi
+      logical b
+      parameter(b=.false.,pi=.31415927d-1)
+      lam=max(0d0,min(1d0,(e-min(em,ep))/abs(ep-em)))
+      if(b)lam=5d-1*sin((lam-5d-1)*pi)+5d-1
+      xmelt=(1d0-lam)*x1+lam*x2
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function plab(m1,m2,sroot)
+cinput sroot : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+c {\tt plab} returns the lab-momentum of particle 1
+      implicit none
+      real*8 sroot,m1,m2
+      if(sroot-m1-m2.lt.0d0)then
+        plab=0d0
+      else
+        plab=sqrt((sroot**2-(m1+m2)**2)*(sroot**2-(m1-m2)**2))/(2*m2)
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function snn(sbb,m1,m2)
+cinput sbb   : $\sqrt{s}$ of a $BB$ collision
+cinput m1    : mass of 1st (anti-)baryon
+cinput m2    : mass of 2nd (anti-)baryon
+c  {\tt snn} returns the  equivalent c.o.m. energy of a $NN$-collision
+c                with the same relative momentum
+      implicit none
+      real*8 sbb,prel,m1,m2
+      prel=sqrt((sbb**2-(m1+m2)**2)*(sbb**2-(m1-m2)**2))/sbb
+      snn=sqrt(prel**2+3.52d0)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/newpart.f b/Processes/UrQMD/newpart.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5feec4c429f1e1f79328483dca028c289f1d82fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/newpart.f
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+c $Id: newpart.f,v 1.6 1999/01/18 09:57:09 ernst Exp $
+c     include-file newpart
+cdes     this file contains arrays for scattered or new created particles
+cdes     and is used to communicate between the different routines which
+cdes     are involved in hadling the kinematics
+      integer mprt,oprt
+c maximum number of new particles:
+      parameter(mprt=200) ! maximum number of produced particles
+      parameter(oprt=2)   ! maximum number of incoming particles
+c pslot : slots of incoming particles
+c itypnew: ityps of new particles
+c i3new: $2*I_3$ of new particles
+c inew: array-indices of new particles (will be assigned in scatter-routines)
+c nexit: number of particles in exit-channel
+c iline: tag for out-channel process
+c nstring1 : number of particles in string 1
+c nstring2 : number of particles in string 2
+c strcount : ??
+c sidnew : stringID for produced particles
+c pslot : slots of incoming particles
+c itot: $2*I_{tot}$ of new particles (will be assigned in scatter-routines)
+c pnew(5,mprt) : momenta, energy and mass of produced particles
+c     pnew(1,*) = px
+c     pnew(2,*) = py
+c     pnew(3,*) = pz
+c     pnew(4,*) = e
+c     pnew(5,*) = mass
+c xnew(4,mprt) : locations and time of produced particles
+c     xnew(1,*) = rx
+c     xnew(2,*) = ry
+c     xnew(3,*) = rz
+c     xnew(4,*) = r0
+c pold(5,oprt) : momenta, defined like pnew
+c itypold : incoming itypes
+c iso3old : incoming iso3's
+c xtotfacold: xtotfacs of incoming particles
+c mstring() masses of strings 1 and 2 (or particles 1 and 2)
+c leadfac(mprt): (1-leadfac) is the factor, by which the total cross
+c                section of a hadron is multiplied within its formation
+c                time (.ne.1 only for leading hadrons)
+      integer itypnew(mprt),i3new(mprt),itot(mprt),inew(mprt),nexit
+      integer nstring1, nstring2,iline,itypold(oprt),iso3old(oprt)
+      integer pslot(oprt),strcount
+      real*8 pnew(5,mprt),xnew(4,mprt),mstring(2),leadfac(mprt)
+      real*8 pold(5,oprt),xtotfacold(oprt)
+      integer sidnew(mprt)
+c relative velocity/between comp. frame and two particle rest frame
+c is betax, betay, betaz (needed for lotrans)
+c momentum vector in two particle restframe is p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn
+      real*8 betax,betay,betaz,p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn,pnn,pnnout
+      common /inewpart/ itypnew,i3new,itot,inew,nexit,iline,strcount,
+     &                  pslot,nstring1,nstring2,sidnew,itypold,iso3old
+      common /rnewpart/ pnew,xnew,betax,betay,betaz,pold,
+     &                  p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn,pnn,mstring,pnnout,
+     &                  xtotfacold
+      common /fnewpart/ leadfac
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/numrec.f b/Processes/UrQMD/numrec.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8ba84680d441badb3941228c7830319bf823566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/numrec.f
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+c$Id: numrec.f,v 1.5 1999/01/18 09:57:10 ernst Exp $
+C Routines taken from Numerical Recipes
+      SUBROUTINE spline(x,y,n,yp1,ypn,y2)
+      implicit integer (i - n)
+      implicit real*8 (a - h , o - z)
+      INTEGER n,NMAXsp
+      PARAMETER (NMAXsp=500)
+      REAL*8 yp1,ypn,x(NMAXsp),y(NMAXsp),y2(NMAXsp)
+      INTEGER i,k
+      REAL*8 p,qn,sig,un,u(NMAXsp)
+      if (yp1.gt..99e30) then
+        y2(1)=0.
+        u(1)=0.
+      else
+        y2(1)=-0.5
+        u(1)=(3./(x(2)-x(1)))*((y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))-yp1)
+      endif
+      do 11 i=2,n-1
+        sig=(x(i)-x(i-1))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))
+        p=sig*y2(i-1)+2.
+        y2(i)=(sig-1.)/p
+        u(i)=(6.*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+
+     *1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1))/(x(i)-x(i-1)))/(x(i+1)-x(i-1))-sig*
+     *u(i-1))/p
+11    continue
+      if (ypn.gt..99e30) then
+        qn=0.
+        un=0.
+      else
+        qn=0.5
+        un=(3./(x(n)-x(n-1)))*(ypn-(y(n)-y(n-1))/(x(n)-x(n-1)))
+      endif
+      y2(n)=(un-qn*u(n-1))/(qn*y2(n-1)+1.)
+      do 12 k=n-1,1,-1
+        y2(k)=y2(k)*y2(k+1)+u(k)
+12    continue
+      return
+      END
+      FUNCTION ran1(idum)
+      implicit integer (i - n)
+c     real*4 is on purpose, do not change!!!
+      implicit real*4 (a - h , o - z)
+      real*8 ran1
+      PARAMETER (IA=16807,IM=2147483647,AM=1./IM,IQ=127773,IR=2836,
+     *NTAB=32,NDIV=1+(IM-1)/NTAB,EPS=1.2e-7,RNMX=1.-EPS)
+      INTEGER*4 j,k,iv(NTAB),iy
+      SAVE iv,iy
+      DATA iv /NTAB*0/, iy /0/
+      if (idum.le.0.or.iy.eq.0) then
+        idum=max(-idum,1)
+        do 11 j=NTAB+8,1,-1
+          k=idum/IQ
+          idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k
+          if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+IM
+          if (j.le.NTAB) iv(j)=idum
+11      continue
+        iy=iv(1)
+      endif
+      k=idum/IQ
+      idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k
+      if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+IM
+      j=1+iy/NDIV
+      iy=iv(j)
+      iv(j)=idum
+      ran1=dble(min(AM*iy,RNMX))
+      return
+      END
+C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software .
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/options.f b/Processes/UrQMD/options.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7500864dc940d99698270fc893d7c8af7068bc3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/options.f
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+c $Id: options.f,v 1.9 2001/04/06 21:48:16 weber Exp $
+c... law: include file (only) for global parameters & options
+      integer numcto,numctp,maxstables
+      parameter(numcto=400) ! maximum number of options
+      parameter(numctp=400) ! maximum number of parameters
+      parameter(maxstables=20) ! maximum number of stable particles
+      integer   CTOption(numcto)
+      character ctodc(numcto)*2
+      real*8    CTParam(numctp)
+      character ctpdc(numctp)*2
+      integer nstable
+      integer stabvec(maxstables)
+      logical bf13,bf14,bf15,bf16,bf17,bf18,bf19,bf20,fixedseed
+      common /options/CTOption,CTParam
+      common /optstrings/ctodc,ctpdc
+      common /loptions/fixedseed,bf13,bf14,bf15,bf16,bf17,bf18,
+     .     bf19,bf20
+      common /stables/nstable,stabvec
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/outcom.f b/Processes/UrQMD/outcom.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67ccc0dd2a8f739d74dce5f53f76de751d50bbe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/outcom.f
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+c $Id: outcom.f,v 1.3 2000/01/12 16:02:39 bass Exp $
+c temporary storage for in-channel
+      real*8 tsqrts,tstot,tsigpart
+      real*8 tr0(3),trx(3),try(3),trz(3),ttform(3),txtotfac(3),
+     @     tp0(3),tpx(3),tpy(3),tpz(3),tm(3)
+      integer tind(3),tityp(3),tiso3(3),tcoll(3),tstrange(3)
+      integer tlcoll(3),tcharge(3),torigin(3),tstrid(3),tuid(3)
+      common/outcom/tsqrts,tstot,tsigpart,
+     &     tr0,trx,try,trz,ttform,txtotfac,
+     @     tp0,tpx,tpy,tpz,tm,
+     &     tind,tityp,tiso3,tcoll,tstrange,
+     &     tlcoll,tcharge,torigin,tstrid,tuid
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/output.f b/Processes/UrQMD/output.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efcef27473f23ef404e9a87c41059fb84fe9729c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/output.f
@@ -0,0 +1,864 @@
+c $Id: output.f,v 1.19 2003/05/02 11:19:18 weber Exp $
+      subroutine output(iunit)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine writes the event-header to file(iunit)
+cinput iunit  : output-unit
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'inputs.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'freezeout.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      integer iunit,i,ttime,iu,app,att,zpp,ztt
+      integer iiunit,isunit
+cdh      integer id, pdgid
+      integer timestep,itotcoll,iinelcoll
+      real*8 sigmatot,ptsigtot,stot,otime
+      common /outco2/sigmatot
+      character*4 reffram
+      character*20 aa,ah,ai,ak
+      character*36 ae,abt
+      character*31 aee
+      character*15 ab,aj,al,am
+      character*13 ac,ag,pds,tds
+      character*12 ad
+      character*7 af
+      character*9 ag2
+      character*1 add
+      character*191 apa14,apa15,apav
+      character*2 apa,aop
+c file15out
+      integer ind,ind1,ind2,nin
+      integer istr,ich,ii
+      real*8 sqrts, sigpart, colldens, cdens,cdens_
+      logical bdum,paulibl,ctp060202
+      include 'outcom.f'
+      integer fchg,strit
+      character*1 echar
+      integer iou(13:20)
+      save
+cdh   data iou/13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20/
+      data iou/ 6, 6, 6,16,17,18,19,20/
+c              output formats
+c fileheader
+ 101  format(a20,3i7,a15,i2)
+ 301  format(a13,a13,i4,i4,a12,a13,i4,i4,a1)
+c 305  format(a36,3f10.7)
+ 304  format(a36,3f6.2,a31,1f9.2)
+ 302  format (a7,i9,a13,i12,a9,a20,i4,a20,f7.3)
+c 303  format(a20,i3,a15,e10.4,a15,e10.4,a15,e10.4)
+ 102  format(a2,15(i3,a2))
+c 103  format(a2,12(e10.4,a2))
+ 306  format(a171)
+ 305  format(a36,3f11.7)
+ 303  format(a20,i3,a15,e11.4,a15,e11.4,a15,e11.4)
+ 103  format(a2,12(e11.4,a2))
+c standard particle information vector
+ 201  format(9e16.8,i5,2i3,i6,i5,i4)
+c special output for cto40 (restart of old event)
+ 210  format(9e16.8,i5,2i3,i6,i5,i10,3e16.8,i8)
+c special output for mmaker
+ctp060202 203  format(9e16.8,i5,2i3,i6,i5,i4,i5,2e16.8)
+c same with index for file15
+ 501  format(i5,9e16.8,i5,2i3,i6,i5,i3,i15)
+c enhanced file16
+ 503  format(9e15.7,i5,2i3,i6,i5,i4,2i4)
+c same including freeze-out coordinates
+ 213  format(9e16.8,i5,2i3,i6,i5,i4,8e16.8)
+c collsision stats for file14
+ 202  format(8i8)
+c same with EndOfEvent tag for file16
+ 602  format(a1,8i8)
+c header-line for each collision in file15
+ 502  format(i1,i8,i4,i7,f8.3,4e12.4)
+      if(iunit.eq.17)return
+      if(bf13.and.(iunit.eq.13)) return
+      if(bf14.and.(iunit.eq.14)) return
+      if(bf15.and.(iunit.eq.15)) return
+      if(bf16.and.(iunit.eq.16)) return
+c     copy projectile/target info to local vars
+      app=ap
+      zpp=zp
+      att=at
+      ztt=zt
+      if(iunit.eq.19) return
+      aa='UQMD   version:     '
+      ab='  output_file '
+      abt='transformation betas (NN,lab,pro) '
+      ac='projectile:  '
+      ad='   target: '
+      add=' '
+      ae='impact_parameter_real/min/max(fm):  '
+      aee='  total_cross_section(mbarn):  '
+      af='event# '
+      ag=' random seed:'
+      ah='equation_of_state: '
+      ai=' total_time(fm/c): '
+      aj='  E_lab(GeV/u):'
+      ak=' Delta(t)_O(fm/c): '
+      al='  sqrt(s)(GeV):'
+      am='  p_lab(GeV/u):'
+      apa='pa'
+      aop='op'
+      apa14='pvec: '//
+     & 'r0              rx              ry              rz          '//
+     & '    p0              px              py              pz      '//
+     & '        m          ityp 2i3 chg lcl#  ncl or'
+      apa15='pvec:ind   '//
+     & 'r0              rx              ry              rz          '//
+     & '    p0              px              py              pz      '//
+     & '        m          ityp 2i3 chg lcl#  ncl st'
+      if(iunit.eq.15) then
+         apav=apa15
+      else
+         apav=apa14
+      endif
+      if(fixedseed) then
+         ag2=' (fixed) '
+      else
+         ag2=' (auto)  '
+      endif
+      if(prspflg.eq.1) then
+         pds='(ityp, char) '
+         app=spityp(1)
+         zpp=fchg(spiso3(1),app)
+      else
+         pds='(mass, char) '
+      endif
+      if(trspflg.eq.1) then
+         tds='(ityp, char) '
+         att=spityp(2)
+         ztt=fchg(spiso3(2),att)
+      else
+         tds='(mass, char) '
+      endif
+c determine cross section of the projectile-target system
+      sigmatot = ptsigtot()
+      otime=outsteps*dtimestep
+      ttime=int(nsteps*dtimestep+0.01)
+      if(iunit.eq.15)then
+       write(iou(15),502)0,event,Ap,At,bimp,ecm
+     ,     ,sigmatot,ebeam,pbeam
+      else
+      write(iou(iunit),101) aa,version, sigver, laires, ab,iunit
+      write(iou(iunit),301) ac,pds, App, Zpp, ad,tds, Att, Ztt,add
+      write(iou(iunit),305) abt,betann,betatar,betapro
+      write(iou(iunit),304) ae,bimp,bmin,bdist,aee,sigmatot
+      write(iou(iunit),303) ah,eos,aj,ebeam,al,ecm,am,pbeam
+      write(iou(iunit),302) af,event,ag,ranseed,ag2,ai,ttime,ak,otime
+      write(iou(iunit),102) aop,(CTOption(i),CTOdc(i),i=1,15)
+      write(iou(iunit),102) aop,(CTOption(i),CTOdc(i),i=16,30)
+      write(iou(iunit),102) aop,(CTOption(i),CTOdc(i),i=31,45)
+      write(iou(iunit),103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=1,12)
+      write(iou(iunit),103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=13,24)
+      write(iou(iunit),103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=25,36)
+      write(iou(iunit),103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=37,48)
+      write(iou(iunit),306) apav
+      end if
+      return
+      entry uounit(iiunit,isunit)
+      iou(iiunit)=isunit
+      return
+      entry file14out(timestep)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine writes the standard output-file (unit 14)
+cinput timestep  : timestep of output
+      if(bf14)return
+      ttime=int(timestep*dtimestep+0.01)
+      itotcoll=ctag-dectag
+      iinelcoll=itotcoll-NBlColl-NElColl
+      write(iou(14),*) npart,ttime
+      write(iou(14),202) itotcoll,NElColl,iinelcoll,NBlColl,dectag,
+     @     NHardRes,NSoftRes,NDecRes
+c now write particle-output
+c write spectators
+      if(CTOption(28).eq.2)then
+         if(CTOption(41).eq.0) then
+            do 141 i=1,nspec
+               write(iou(14),201) r0s(i),rxs(i),rys(i),rzs(i),p0s(i),
+     @              pxs(i),pys(i),pzs(i),sfmass(i),
+     @              sityp(i),siso3(i),scharge(i),
+     @              -1,-1,0
+ 141        continue
+         else
+            do 142 i=1,nspec
+               write(iou(14),210) r0s(i),rxs(i),rys(i),rzs(i),p0s(i),
+     @              pxs(i),pys(i),pzs(i),sfmass(i),
+     @              sityp(i),siso3(i),scharge(i),
+     @              -1,-1,0,1d34,0d0,1d0,0
+ 142        continue
+         endif
+      endif
+      if(CTOption(41).eq.0) then
+         do 13 i=1,npart
+            write(iou(14),201) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @           px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @           pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @           ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @           lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100)
+ 13      continue
+      else
+         do 31 i=1,npart
+            write(iou(14),210) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @           px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @           pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @           ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @           lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),origin(i),
+     @           dectime(i),tform(i),xtotfac(i),uid(i)
+ 31      continue
+      endif
+      return
+      entry file13out(timestep)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine writes the standard output-file (unit 13),
+c     including the freeze-out configuration of the particles
+cinput timestep  : timestep of output
+      if(bf13)return
+      ttime=int(timestep*dtimestep+0.01)
+      itotcoll=ctag-dectag
+      iinelcoll=itotcoll-NBlColl-NElColl
+      write(iou(13),*) npart,ttime
+      write(iou(13),202) itotcoll,NElColl,iinelcoll,NBlColl,dectag,
+     @     NHardRes,NSoftRes,NDecRes
+c now write particle-output
+c write spectators
+        if(CTOption(28).eq.2)then
+          do 191 i=1,nspec
+            write(iou(13),213) r0s(i),rxs(i),rys(i),rzs(i),p0s(i),
+     @        pxs(i),pys(i),pzs(i),sfmass(i),
+     @        sityp(i),siso3(i),scharge(i),
+     @        -1,-1,0,r0s(i),rxs(i),rys(i),rzs(i),p0s(i),
+     @        pxs(i),pys(i),pzs(i)
+ 191      continue
+        endif
+      do 90 i=1,npart
+         if(ncoll(i).eq.0) then
+            write(iou(13),213) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @           px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @           pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @           ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @           lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100),
+     @           r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),px(i)+ffermpx(i),
+     @           py(i)+ffermpy(i),pz(i)+ffermpz(i)
+         else
+            write(iou(13),213) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @           px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @           pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @           ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @           lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100),
+     @           frr0(i),frrx(i),frry(i),frrz(i),frp0(i),frpx(i),
+     @           frpy(i),frpz(i)
+         endif
+ 90   continue
+      return
+      entry file15out(ind1,ind2,sqrts,stot,sigpart)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This subroutine writes information about the in-channel to file15
+c     (the collision statistics file)
+cinput        ind1    : index of particle 1
+cinput        ind2    : index of particle 2 (=0 for decay of {\tt ind1})
+cinput        sqrts   : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput        stot        : total cross section
+cinput        sigpart        : partial cross section
+c determine tag for scatter-input or decay-input
+c and store entry channel in temporary observables
+      bdum=paulibl(ind1,cdens)
+      tsqrts=sqrts
+      tstot=stot
+      tsigpart=sigpart
+      tind(1)=ind1
+      tr0(1)=r0(ind1)
+      trx(1)=rx(ind1)
+      try(1)=ry(ind1)
+      trz(1)=rz(ind1)
+      tp0(1)=p0(ind1)
+      tpx(1)=px(ind1)
+      tpy(1)=py(ind1)
+      tpz(1)=pz(ind1)
+      tm(1)=fmass(ind1)
+      tityp(1)=ityp(ind1)
+      tiso3(1)=iso3(ind1)
+      tstrange(1) = strit(tityp(1))
+      tcoll(1) = ncoll(ind1)
+      tlcoll(1)=lstcoll(ind1)
+      torigin(1)=origin(ind1)
+      tuid(1)=uid(ind1)
+      if(ind2.le.0) then
+         nin=1
+      elseif(ind2.gt.0) then
+         bdum=paulibl(ind2,cdens_)
+         cdens=5d-1*(cdens+cdens_)
+         nin=2
+         tind(2)=ind2
+         tr0(2)=r0(ind2)
+         trx(2)=rx(ind2)
+         try(2)=ry(ind2)
+         trz(2)=rz(ind2)
+         tp0(2)=p0(ind2)
+         tpx(2)=px(ind2)
+         tpy(2)=py(ind2)
+         tpz(2)=pz(ind2)
+         tm(2)=fmass(ind2)
+         tityp(2)=ityp(ind2)
+         tiso3(2)=iso3(ind2)
+         tstrange(2)=strit(tityp(2))
+         tcoll(2) = ncoll(ind2)
+         tlcoll(2)=lstcoll(ind2)
+         torigin(2)=origin(ind2)
+         tuid(2)=uid(ind2)
+      endif
+      return
+      entry f15outch(colldens)
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)colldens
+ctp060202 end
+      if (bf15) return
+c     This entry writes information about the collision to file15
+c     one line for each particle:
+c     format: x y z px py pz ityp iso3...
+      write(iou(15),502) nin,nexit,iline,ctag,acttime,tsqrts
+     ,     ,tstot,tsigpart,cdens
+      do 11 i=1,nin
+         istr=strit(tityp(i))
+         ich = fchg(tiso3(i),tityp(i))
+         write(iou(15),501) tind(i),tr0(i),trx(i),try(i),trz(i),
+     @                   tp0(i),tpx(i),tpy(i),tpz(i),tm(i),
+     @                   tityp(i),tiso3(i),ich,tlcoll(i),
+     @                   tcoll(i),istr,torigin(i)
+ 11   continue
+      do 20 ii=1,nexit
+         i=inew(ii)
+         istr=strit(ityp(i))
+         write(iou(15),501) i,r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),
+     @                   p0(i),px(i),py(i),pz(i),fmass(i),
+     @                   ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),lstcoll(i),
+     @                   ncoll(i),istr,origin(i)
+ 20   continue
+      return
+      entry f16outch
+      if (bf16.or.(CTOption(13).eq.0)) return
+      if (nin.eq.1) then
+         tityp(2)=0
+      endif
+      do 22 ii=1,nexit
+         i=inew(ii)
+         write(iou(16),503) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),
+     @        p0(i),px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @        pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @        ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),lstcoll(i),
+     @        ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100),tityp(1),tityp(2)
+ 22   continue
+      return
+      entry file16out
+      echar='E'
+      itotcoll=ctag-dectag
+      iinelcoll=itotcoll-NBlColl-NElColl
+      if(bf16) return
+c now write particle-output
+      if (CToption(13).eq.0) then
+c write spectators
+         if (CTOption(28).eq.2)then
+            do 151 i=1,nspec
+               write(iou(16),201)r0s(i),rxs(i),rys(i),rzs(i),p0s(i),
+     @              pxs(i),pys(i),pzs(i),sfmass(i),
+     @              sityp(i),siso3(i),scharge(i),
+     @              -1,-1,0
+ 151        continue
+         endif
+         do 12 i=1,npart
+            write(iou(16),201) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @           px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @           pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @           ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @           dectag+lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100)
+ 12      continue
+      else
+         do 14 i=1,npart
+            write(iou(16),503) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @           px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @           pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @           ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @           dectag+lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100),-99,-99
+ 14      continue
+      endif
+c write collision counters etc.
+       write(iou(16),602) echar,itotcoll,NElColl,iinelcoll,NBlColl,
+     @     dectag,NHardRes,NSoftRes,NDecRes
+      return
+      entry file16entry(ind)
+c     This entry stores one decay for later output (must be done, in case
+c     of pauli-blocked decay)
+      tr0(3)=r0(ind)
+      trx(3)=rx(ind)
+      try(3)=ry(ind)
+      trz(3)=rz(ind)
+      tp0(3)=p0(ind)
+      tpx(3)=px(ind)
+      tpy(3)=py(ind)
+      tpz(3)=pz(ind)
+      tm(3)=fmass(ind)
+      tityp(3)=ityp(ind)
+      tind(3)=ind
+      tiso3(3)=iso3(ind)
+      tcharge(3)=charge(ind)
+c     lstcoll is negative to identify decayed particles
+      tlcoll(3)=-(1*lstcoll(ind))
+      tcoll(3)=ncoll(ind)
+      torigin(3)=origin(ind)
+      tuid(3)=uid(ind)
+      return
+      entry file16write
+c     This entry writes the decay to file
+      i=3
+      if(bf16)return
+      if (CTOption(13).eq.0) then
+      write(iou(16),201) tr0(i),trx(i),try(i),trz(i),tp0(i),tpx(i),
+     @        tpy(i),tpz(i),tm(i),tityp(i),tiso3(i),tcharge(i),
+     @        tlcoll(i),tcoll(i),mod(torigin(i),100)
+      else
+      write(iou(16),503) tr0(i),trx(i),try(i),trz(i),tp0(i),tpx(i),
+     @        tpy(i),tpz(i),tm(i),tityp(i),tiso3(i),tcharge(i),
+     @        tlcoll(i),tcoll(i),mod(torigin(i),100),-98,-98
+      endif
+      return
+      entry osc_header
+      if (bf19) return
+      write (19,901) 'OSC1997A    '
+      write (19,901) 'final_id_p_x'
+ 901  format (a12)
+      if (CTOption(27).eq.0) then
+         reffram='eqsp'
+      elseif (CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+         reffram='tar'
+      elseif (CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+         reffram='pro'
+      else
+         call error ('osc_header','Unknown Ref-Frame',
+     .        dble(CTOption(27)),2)
+         reffram='----'
+      endif
+      write (19,902) 'UrQMD', '1.2', app, zpp, att, ztt,
+     .     reffram, ebeam, 1
+ 902  format (2(a8,2x),'(',i3,',',i6,')+(',i3,',',i6,')',2x,a4,2x,
+     &     e10.4,2x,i8)
+      return
+      entry osc99_header
+c header for OSCAR 99A output format
+      if (bf20) return
+      write (20,991)
+      write (20,992)
+ 991  format ('# OSC1999A')
+ 992  format ('# full_event_history')
+      if (CTOption(27).eq.0) then
+         reffram='nncm'
+      elseif (CTOption(27).eq.1) then
+         reffram='tar'
+      elseif (CTOption(27).eq.2) then
+         reffram='pro'
+      else
+         call error ('osc_header','Unknown Ref-Frame',
+     .        dble(CTOption(27)),2)
+         reffram='----'
+      endif
+      write (20,993)
+ 993  format ('# UrQMD 1.2')
+      write (20,994) app, zpp, att, ztt,reffram, ebeam, 1
+ 994  format ('# (',i3,',',i6,')+(',i3,',',i6,')',2x,a4,2x,
+     &     e10.4,2x,i8)
+      return
+      entry osc_event
+c body for OSCAR 97A format
+      if (bf19) return
+      write (19,903) event, npart, bimp, 0D0
+ 903  format (i10,2x,i10,2x,f8.3,2x,f8.3)
+c particles
+      do 99 i=1,npart
+cdh      id = pdgid(ityp(i), iso3(i))
+cdh      write(19,904) i, id,
+cdh  .        px(i)+ffermpx(i), py(i)+ffermpy(i), pz(i)+ffermpz(i),
+cdh  .        p0(i), fmass(i),
+cdh  .        frrx(i), frry(i), frrz(i), frr0(i)
+ 99   continue
+cdh 904  format (i10,2x,i10,2x,9(e12.6,2x))
+      return
+      entry osc99_event(ind)
+c full event info for OSCAR 99A format
+      if (bf20) return
+      if(ind.eq.-1) then
+         write (20,995) 0, npart, event, bimp, 0D0
+      elseif(ind.eq.1) then
+         write (20,996) npart, 0
+      else
+         write(6,*) 'fatal error in osc_99_event: wrong tag'
+         stop
+      endif
+ 995  format (3(i7,2x),2(f8.3,2x))
+ 996  format (2(i7,2x))
+c particles
+      do 88 i=1,npart
+cdh      id = pdgid(ityp(i), iso3(i))
+cdh      write(20,997) uid(i), id, 0,
+cdh  .        px(i)+ffermpx(i), py(i)+ffermpy(i), pz(i)+ffermpz(i),
+cdh  .        p0(i), fmass(i),
+cdh  .        frrx(i), frry(i), frrz(i), frr0(i)
+ 88   continue
+cdh 997  format (3(i10,2x),9(e12.6,2x))
+      return
+      entry osc99_coll
+      if (bf20) return
+c     This entry writes information about the collision to file20
+c     one line for each particle:
+c     format: x y z px py pz ityp iso3...
+      write(iou(20),999) nin,nexit,iline,ctag,acttime,tsqrts
+     ,     ,tstot,tsigpart,cdens
+      do 911 i=1,nin
+cdh      id = pdgid(tityp(i), tiso3(i))
+cdh      write(20,997) tuid(i), id, 0,
+cdh  .        tpx(i), tpy(i), tpz(i),tp0(i),tm(i),
+cdh  .        trx(i), try(i), trz(i), tr0(i)
+ 911   continue
+      do 912 ii=1,nexit
+         i=inew(ii)
+cdh      id = pdgid(ityp(i), iso3(i))
+cdh      write(20,997) uid(i), id, 0,
+cdh  .        px(i), py(i), pz(i),p0(i),fmass(i),
+cdh  .        rx(i), ry(i), rz(i), r0(i)
+ 912  continue
+ 999  format(3(i7,2x),i7,f8.3,4e12.4)
+      return
+      entry osc99_eoe
+c end of event tag for OSCAR 99A format
+      if (bf20) return
+      write(20,996) 0,0
+      return
+      entry getoldevent
+c     read event header
+      read(10,*,end=666)
+     @ aa
+      read(10,301) ac,pds, App, Zpp, ad,tds, Att, Ztt,add
+      read(10,305) abt,betann,betatar,betapro
+      read(10,304) ae,bimp,bmin,bdist,aee,sigmatot
+      read(10,303) ah,eos,aj,ebeam,al,ecm,am,pbeam
+      read(10,302) af,event,ag,ranseed,ag2,ai,ttime,ak,otime
+      read(10,102) aop,(CTOption(i),CTOdc(i),i=1,15)
+      read(10,102) aop,(CTOption(i),CTOdc(i),i=16,30)
+      read(10,102) aop,(CTOption(i),CTOdc(i),i=31,45)
+      read(10,103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=1,12)
+      read(10,103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=13,24)
+      read(10,103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=25,36)
+      read(10,103) apa,(CTParam(i),CTPdc(i),i=37,48)
+      read(10,306) apav
+c reset option 40
+      CTOption(40)=1
+c read event body
+      read(10,*) npart,ttime
+      read(10,202) itotcoll,NElColl,iinelcoll,NBlColl,dectag,
+     @     NHardRes,NSoftRes,NDecRes
+c      timestep=dble(ttime)/dtimestep
+      ctag=itotcoll+dectag
+c now read particle-output
+      nbar=0
+      do 39 i=1,npart
+         read(10,210) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @        px(i),py(i),pz(i),fmass(i),
+     @        ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @        lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),origin(i),
+     @        dectime(i),tform(i),xtotfac(i)
+      if(abs(ityp(i)).le.maxbar)nbar=nbar+1
+ 39   continue
+      nmes=npart-nbar
+      acttime=r0(1)
+c     read options-file
+cdh   call getparams
+      return
+c stop in case of EoF
+ 666  stop
+      entry specout(ind,iu)
+      i=ind
+      if (CTOption(28).lt.0) return
+      if (iu.eq.16.and.bf16) return
+      if (iu.eq.14.and.bf14) return
+      write(iu,201) r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),
+     @     px(i)+ffermpx(i),py(i)+ffermpy(i),
+     @     pz(i)+ffermpz(i),fmass(i),
+     @     ityp(i),iso3(i),charge(i),
+     @     dectag+lstcoll(i),ncoll(i),mod(origin(i),100)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine spectrans(tstep)
+c  (when cto 28 is set to 2 this subroutine is called
+c  to propagate the spectators along straight lines)
+cinput tstep : timestep
+      implicit none
+      real*8 dtime,energ,tstep
+      integer j
+      include 'coms.f'
+      dtime=tstep
+      do 1 j=1,nspec
+         energ = p0s(j)
+         r0s(j) = r0s(j) + dtime
+         rxs(j) = rxs(j) + pxs(j)/energ*dtime
+         rys(j) = rys(j) + pys(j)/energ*dtime
+         rzs(j) = rzs(j) + pzs(j)/energ*dtime
+1     continue
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function ptsigtot()
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This function caculates the total cross section of the reaction.
+c     (Projectile - target total cross section)
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer indmn,indmx,itypmn,iso3mn,itypmx,iso3mx
+      integer isigline,iline,collclass
+      real*8 stot,sigel
+      real*8 sigtot
+c determine total cross section for reaction:
+      if(abs(Ap)+abs(At).gt.2) then
+         stot=10.d0*pi*(bdist**2-bmin**2)
+      elseif(abs(Ap)+abs(At).eq.2) then
+         stot=sigtot(1,2,ecm)
+cccccccc for CTOption(7)=1 no elastic cross section:
+         if(CTOption(7).eq.1) then
+c first sort the two itypes for call to collclass and anndec
+            if(abs(ityp(1)).lt.abs(ityp(2))) then
+               indmn=1
+               indmx=2
+            else
+               indmn=2
+               indmx=1
+            endif
+            itypmn=ityp(indmn)
+            iso3mn=iso3(indmn)
+            itypmx=ityp(indmx)
+            iso3mx=iso3(indmx)
+            isigline=collclass(itypmx,iso3mx,itypmn,iso3mn)
+c     the elastic cross section is always the first entry (#3)
+            iline=SigmaLn(3,1,isigline)
+c!!!!DANGER: does not work for unstable particles (-> detailed balance)
+            call crossx(iline,ecm,ityp(1),iso3(1),
+     &              fmass(1),ityp(2),iso3(2),fmass(2),sigel)
+            if(stot-sigel.gt.0) then
+               stot=stot-sigel
+            else
+               stot=sigel
+            endif
+         endif
+      else
+         stot=0.d0
+      endif
+      ptsigtot=stot
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/paulibl.f b/Processes/UrQMD/paulibl.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..55f07f278f2e68bf775dc850181ef2a91388b7d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/paulibl.f
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+c $Id: paulibl.f,v 1.4 1999/01/18 09:57:11 ernst Exp $
+       logical function paulibl(i,rhob)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This function determines wether the final state of particle i
+c     is pauli-blocked ({\tt .true.}) or not ({\tt .false.}).
+c     The baryon-density at the location of particle i is returned in {\tt rhob}
+cinput   i :     Index of particle to be added
+coutput rhob :   baryon density at location of i
+       implicit none
+       integer i, j
+       real*8 afit, bfit, rho, f, rhob, test, r2, p2, pgw, rhob0
+       parameter (afit=1.49641d0, bfit=0.208736d0)
+       real*8 qij(4),pij(4),pr2,q2,qp
+       include 'coms.f'
+       include 'comres.f'
+       include 'options.f'
+       rho = 0.0d0
+       rhob = 0.0d0
+       rhob0 = 0d0
+       f = 0.0d0
+       pgw = 1.0d0/hqc/hqc/gw
+       if(CTOption(23).eq.0)goto 3
+       do 1 j=1,nbar
+          r2 = (rx(i)-rx(j))**2+(ry(i)-ry(j))**2+(rz(i)-rz(j))**2
+          if ((ityp(i).eq.ityp(j)).and.(iso3(i).eq.iso3(j))) then
+             p2 = (px(i)+ffermpx(i)-px(j)-ffermpx(j))**2
+     &           +(py(i)+ffermpy(i)-py(j)-ffermpy(j))**2
+     &           +(pz(i)+ffermpz(i)-pz(j)-ffermpz(j))**2
+             p2 = 0.25d0*p2
+             rho = rho + dexp(-(2.0d0*gw*r2))
+             f = f + dexp(-(gw*r2)-pgw*p2)
+          end if
+          rhob = rhob + dexp(-(2.0d0*gw*r2))
+ 1     continue
+       paulibl = .true.
+       test = afit + bfit*rho
+       if (test.gt.f) paulibl = .false.
+       if (CTOption(10).eq.1) paulibl=.false.
+       rhob = rhob*(2.0d0*gw/pi)**1.5/rho0
+       if(ityp(i).eq.104)write(6,*)'**',rhob
+       return
+ 3     continue
+       do 108 j=1,nbar
+          qij(4)=r0(i)-r0(j)
+          qij(1)=rx(i)-rx(j)
+          qij(2)=ry(i)-ry(j)
+          qij(3)=rz(i)-rz(j)
+          pij(4)=p0(i)+p0(j)
+          pij(1)=px(i)+ffermpx(i)+px(j)+ffermpx(j)
+          pij(2)=py(i)+ffermpy(i)+py(j)+ffermpy(j)
+          pij(3)=pz(i)+ffermpz(i)+pz(j)+ffermpz(j)
+          q2=qij(4)**2-qij(1)**2-qij(2)**2-qij(3)**2
+          p2=pij(4)**2-pij(1)**2-pij(2)**2-pij(3)**2
+          qp=qij(4)*pij(4)-qij(1)*pij(1)-qij(2)*pij(2)
+     .       -qij(3)*pij(3)
+          r2=qp**2/p2 - q2
+          if(r2.lt.0) then
+             write(6,*)'***(E) negative transverse distance !!',r2
+             write(6,*)r0(j),rx(j),ry(j),rz(j),p0(j),px(j),py(j),pz(j)
+             write(6,*)r0(i),rx(i),ry(i),rz(i),p0(i),px(i),py(i),pz(i)
+             r2=1000.d0
+          endif
+          pr2 = (px(i)-px(j))**2+(py(i)-py(j))**2+(pz(i)-pz(j))**2
+          if ((ityp(i).eq.ityp(j)).and.(iso3(i).eq.iso3(j))) then
+             rho=rho+dexp(-(2.0d0*gw*r2))
+             f=f+dexp(-(gw*r2)-.25d0*pgw*pr2)
+          end if
+c baryon density in rest frame of particle
+         if(j.ne.lstcoll(i))rhob=rhob+dexp(-(2.0d0*gw*r2))
+ 108  continue
+      paulibl=.true.
+      test=afit+bfit*rho
+      if (test.gt.f) paulibl=.false.
+      if (CTOption(10).eq.1) paulibl=.false.
+      rhob=max(0d0,min(.1d3,rhob*(2.0d0*gw/pi)**1.5/rho0))
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/proppot.f b/Processes/UrQMD/proppot.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc5960586ccb799742576f53596e3304934eede0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/proppot.f
@@ -0,0 +1,950 @@
+c $Id: proppot.f,v 1.10 1999/01/18 09:57:12 ernst Exp $
+c Setting of global paramters
+      subroutine params
+      implicit none
+      real*8 A0, chi
+      include 'coms.f'
+c     gw = 0.25 fm^-2 width of the gaussian
+      logSky = .true.
+      logYuk = .true.
+      logCb  = .true.
+      logPau = .false.
+      gw     = 0.25
+      sgw    = sqrt(gw)
+      Cb0    = 1.44
+      Yuk0   = 0.0 !-85.0
+      gamYuk = 1.4
+      drPau  = 9.0
+      dpPau  = 0.0144
+      Pau0   = 0.0 !99.5*(hqc/sqrt(drPau*dpPau))**3
+C hard Skyrme EOS (usual stuff)
+c      Sky30  = 70.5
+c      gamSky = 2.0
+c      A0     = -124.2 * 0.5
+C hard Skyrme EOS (JK parametrisation corrected for Gausswidth gw=0.25)
+       Sky30  = 125.93
+       gamSky = 1.676
+       A0     = -87.67
+       chi    = 0.93
+c      Sky30  = 303.0 !188.18
+c      gamSky = 7.0/6.0 !1.457
+c      A0 = -356.0 * 0.5
+      Sky20 = chi*2.0*A0
+      Yuk0 = (1.0-chi)/(2.0*pi*gamYuk**2)*A0
+c      Sky20 = 0.0d0
+c      Sky30 = 0.0d0
+c      Yuk0  = 0.0d0
+c      Cb0   = 0.0d0
+      delr = 0.2
+      fdel = delr*delr/6.0
+      da = -(1.0/delr)
+      db = -da
+      cutdww = 20.0
+      cutPau = 20.0
+      cutYuk = 20.0
+      cutCb  = 20.0
+      dtimestep=0.2
+      dt  = 0.02
+c      dt2 = 0.5*dt
+c      dt6 = dt/6.0
+      return
+      end
+c Reset of all indexed variables
+      subroutine set0
+      implicit none
+      integer i, j
+      include 'coms.f'
+      do 10 i=1,nspl
+        spPauy(i) = 0.0
+        outPau(i) = 0.0
+        spCby(i)  = 0.0
+        outCb(i)  = 0.0
+        spYuky(i) = 0.0
+        outYuk(i) = 0.0
+        spSkyy(i) = 0.0
+        outSky(i) = 0.0
+        spdwwy(i) = 0.0
+        outdww(i) = 0.0
+  10  continue
+      do 20 j=1,nmax
+        spin(j)  = 0
+        iso3(j)   = 0
+        ncoll(j) = 0
+        rx(j)    = 0.0
+        ry(j)    = 0.0
+        rz(j)    = 0.0
+        px(j)    = 0.0
+        py(j)    = 0.0
+        pz(j)    = 0.0
+        fmass(j) = 0.0
+  20  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine derivs(row)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k, index, row
+      real*8 spu, spo, outu, outo, tmp, a, b, dy, dp, drdp, dpj
+      real*8 rxjku, ryjku, rzjku, rjku, pxjku, pyjku, pzjku, pjku
+      logical iPau
+      include 'coms.f'
+C aopx(j,?) = -dH/dx_j
+C aorx(j,?) = dH/dpx_j
+      do 10 j=1,nbar
+        rww(j) = 0.0
+   10 continue
+      if(logSky) then
+      do 20 j=1,nbar
+        do 30 k=j+1,nbar
+          rxjku = (airx(j)-airx(k))
+          ryjku = (airy(j)-airy(k))
+          rzjku = (airz(j)-airz(k))
+          rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2)
+          if(rjku.lt.cutdww) then
+            index = int(rjku/delr)+1
+            a = dble(index) - rjku/delr
+            b = 1.0 - a
+            tmp = a*spdwwy(index)+b*spdwwy(index+1)+
+     +       ((a**3-a)*outdww(index)+(b**3-b)*outdww(index+1))*fdel
+            rww(j) = rww(j) + tmp
+            rww(k) = rww(k) + tmp
+          end if
+  30    continue
+  20  continue
+      end if
+      do 40 j=1,nbar
+        aopx(j,row) = 0.0
+        aopy(j,row) = 0.0
+        aopz(j,row) = 0.0
+        dpj = 1.0/sqrt(aipx(j)*aipx(j)+aipy(j)*aipy(j)+aipz(j)*aipz(j)+
+     +             fmass(j)*fmass(j))
+        aorx(j,row) = aipx(j)*dpj
+        aory(j,row) = aipy(j)*dpj
+        aorz(j,row) = aipz(j)*dpj
+  40  continue
+      do 50 j=1,nbar
+        do 60 k=j+1,nbar
+          rxjku = (airx(j)-airx(k))
+          ryjku = (airy(j)-airy(k))
+          rzjku = (airz(j)-airz(k))
+          rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2)
+          if (rjku.ge.1.0E-8) then
+            rxjku = rxjku/rjku
+            ryjku = ryjku/rjku
+            rzjku = rzjku/rjku
+          else
+            rxjku = 0.0
+            ryjku = 0.0
+            rzjku = 0.0
+          end if
+          spu  = 0.0
+          spo  = 0.0
+          outu = 0.0
+          outo = 0.0
+          dy = 0.0
+          index = int(rjku/delr)+1
+          a = dble(index)-rjku/delr
+          b = 1.0-a
+          if(logYuk.and.rjku.lt.cutYuk) then
+            spu  = spu  + spYuky(index)
+            spo  = spo  + spYuky(index+1)
+            outu = outu + outYuk(index)
+            outo = outo + outYuk(index+1)
+          end if
+          if(logSky.and.rjku.lt.cutdww) then
+            tmp = Sky20 + Sky30*gamSky/(gamSky+1.0)*
+     *            (rww(j)**(gamSky-1.0)+rww(k)**(gamSky-1.0))
+            spu  = spu  + spdwwy(index)*tmp
+            spo  = spo  + spdwwy(index+1)*tmp
+            outu = outu + outdww(index)*tmp
+            outo = outo + outdww(index+1)*tmp
+          end if
+          dy = da*spu+db*spo+
+     +      ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outu+(3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outo)*fdel
+          if(logCb) then
+          if(rjku.lt.cutCb) then
+            dy = dy + (da*spCby(index)+db*spCby(index+1)+
+     +                ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outCb(index)+
+     +                (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outCb(index+1))*fdel)*
+     *                dble(charge(j)*charge(k))
+          else
+            dy = dy - Cb0/rjku/rjku*dble(charge(j)*charge(k))
+          end if
+          end if
+          if(logPau.and.iPau(j,k)) then
+            pxjku = (aipx(j)-aipx(k))
+            pyjku = (aipy(j)-aipy(k))
+            pzjku = (aipz(j)-aipz(k))
+            pjku = sqrt(pxjku**2+pyjku**2+pzjku**2)
+            if (pjku.ge.1.0E-8) then
+              pxjku = pxjku/pjku
+              pyjku = pyjku/pjku
+              pzjku = pzjku/pjku
+            else
+              pxjku = 0.0
+              pyjku = 0.0
+              pzjku = 0.0
+            end if
+            drdp = 0.5*(pjku*pjku/dpPau+rjku*rjku/drPau)
+            if(drdp.lt.cutPau) then
+              index = int(drdp/delr)+1
+              a = dble(index)-drdp/delr
+              b = 1.0-a
+              tmp = da*spPauy(index)+db*spPauy(index+1)+
+     +              ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outPau(index)+
+     +               (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outPau(index+1))*fdel
+              dy = dy+tmp*rjku/drPau
+              dp = tmp*pjku/dpPau*0.001
+              aorx(j,row) = aorx(j,row)+dp*pxjku
+              aory(j,row) = aory(j,row)+dp*pyjku
+              aorz(j,row) = aorz(j,row)+dp*pzjku
+              aorx(k,row) = aorx(k,row)-dp*pxjku
+              aory(k,row) = aory(k,row)-dp*pyjku
+              aorz(k,row) = aorz(k,row)-dp*pzjku
+            end if
+          end if
+          dy = -(0.001*dy)
+          aopx(j,row) = aopx(j,row)+dy*rxjku
+          aopy(j,row) = aopy(j,row)+dy*ryjku
+          aopz(j,row) = aopz(j,row)+dy*rzjku
+          aopx(k,row) = aopx(k,row)-dy*rxjku
+          aopy(k,row) = aopy(k,row)-dy*ryjku
+          aopz(k,row) = aopz(k,row)-dy*rzjku
+  60    continue
+  50  continue
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function Ekintot()
+      implicit none
+      integer j
+      real*8 Ekin
+      include 'coms.f'
+      Ekintot = 0.0
+      do 3 j=1,npart
+         Ekintot= Ekintot+Ekin(j)
+ 3    continue
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function EtotJK()
+      implicit none
+      real*8 Etot
+      integer j
+      include 'coms.f'
+      EtotJK = Etot()
+      do 3 j=1,npart
+         EtotJK= EtotJK-fmass(j)
+ 3    continue
+      EtotJK = EtotJK/npart
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function Etot()
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k, index
+      real*8 a, b, y, drdp, tp, tr, tmp, Ekintot
+      real*8 Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau, Ekin
+      real*8 rxjku, ryjku, rzjku, rjku, pxjku, pyjku, pzjku, pjku
+      logical iPau
+      include 'coms.f'
+      common /energies/ Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau
+      Etot = 0.0
+      Ekinbar = 0.0
+      Ekinmes = 0.0
+      ESky2 = 0.0
+      ESky3 = 0.0
+      EYuk = 0.0
+      ECb = 0.0
+      EPau = 0.0
+      if(EoS.eq.0) then
+c CASCADE mode
+         Etot=Ekintot()
+         return
+      else
+c with potentials
+c kinetic energies of mesons first
+         do 4 j=nbar+1,npart
+            Etot= Etot+Ekin(j)
+            Ekinmes = Ekinmes+Ekin(j)
+ 4       continue
+      do 10 j=1,nbar
+        rww(j) = 0.0
+   10 continue
+      if(logSky) then
+      do 20 j=1,nbar
+        do 30 k=j+1,nbar
+          rxjku = (rx(j)-rx(k))
+          ryjku = (ry(j)-ry(k))
+          rzjku = (rz(j)-rz(k))
+          rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2)
+          if(rjku.lt.cutdww) then
+            index = int(rjku/delr)+1
+            a = dble(index) - rjku/delr
+            b = 1.0 - a
+            tmp = a*spdwwy(index)+b*spdwwy(index+1)+
+     +       ((a**3-a)*outdww(index)+(b**3-b)*outdww(index+1))*fdel
+            rww(j) = rww(j) + tmp
+            rww(k) = rww(k) + tmp
+          end if
+  30    continue
+  20  continue
+      end if
+      do 40 j=1,nbar
+        Etot = Etot + Ekin(j) + 0.0005*Sky20*rww(j) +
+     +         0.001*Sky30/(gamSky+1.0)*rww(j)**gamSky
+        Ekinbar = Ekinbar + Ekin(j)
+        ESky2 = ESky2 + 0.0005*Sky20*rww(j)
+        ESky3 = ESky3 + 0.001*Sky30/(gamSky+1.0)*rww(j)**gamSky
+        do 50 k=j+1,nbar
+          rxjku = (rx(j)-rx(k))
+          ryjku = (ry(j)-ry(k))
+          rzjku = (rz(j)-rz(k))
+          rjku = sqrt(rxjku**2+ryjku**2+rzjku**2)
+          index = int(rjku/delr)+1
+          a = dble(index)-rjku/delr
+          b = 1.0-a
+          if(logYuk.and.rjku.lt.cutYuk) then
+            y = a*spYuky(index)+b*spYuky(index+1)+
+     +          ((a**3-a)*outYuk(index)+(b**3-b)*outYuk(index+1))*fdel
+            Etot = Etot + 0.001*y
+            EYuk = EYuk + 0.001*y
+          end if
+          if(logCb) then
+          if(rjku.lt.cutCb) then
+            y = (a*spCby(index)+b*spCby(index+1)+
+     +          ((a**3-a)*outCb(index)+(b**3-b)*outCb(index+1))*fdel)*
+     *          dble(charge(j)*charge(k))
+          else
+            y = Cb0/rjku*dble(charge(j)*charge(k))
+          end if
+          Etot = Etot + 0.001*y
+          ECb = ECb + 0.001*y
+          end if
+          if(logPau.and.iPau(j,k)) then
+            pxjku = (px(j)-px(k))
+            pyjku = (py(j)-py(k))
+            pzjku = (pz(j)-pz(k))
+            pjku = sqrt(pxjku**2+pyjku**2+pzjku**2)
+            tp = pjku
+            tr = rjku
+            drdp = 0.5*(pjku*pjku/dpPau+rjku*rjku/drPau)
+            if(drdp.lt.cutPau) then
+              index = int(drdp/delr)+1
+              a = dble(index)-drdp/delr
+              b = 1.0-a
+              y = a*spPauy(index)+b*spPauy(index+1)+
+     +            ((a**3-a)*outPau(index)+(b**3-b)*outPau(index+1))*fdel
+              Etot = Etot + 0.001*y
+              EPau = EPau + 0.001*y
+            end if
+          end if
+  50    continue
+  40  continue
+      Ekinbar = Ekinbar/dble(nbar)
+      Ekinmes = Ekinmes/dble(max(1,npart-nbar))
+      ESky2 = ESky2/dble(nbar)
+      ESky3 = ESky3/dble(nbar)
+      EYuk = EYuk/dble(nbar)
+      ECb = ECb/dble(nbar)
+      EPau = EPau/dble(nbar)
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cascstep(tim,dtime)
+      implicit none
+      real*8 tim,dtime,energ
+      integer j
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      logical ctp060202
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)tim
+ctp060202 end
+      do 1 j=1,npart
+         energ = sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2)
+         r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime
+         rx(j) = rx(j) + px(j)/energ*dtime
+         rz(j) = rz(j) + pz(j)/energ*dtime
+         ry(j) = ry(j) + py(j)/energ*dtime
+1     continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine proprk(tim,dtime)
+      implicit none
+      real*8 tim,dtime,energ,dt2, dt6
+      integer j
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      logical ctp060202
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)tim
+ctp060202 end
+      if (EoS.eq.0) then
+c  cascade mode
+         do 1 j=1,npart
+               energ = p0(j)    ! sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2)
+               r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime
+               rx(j) = rx(j) + px(j)/energ*dtime
+               ry(j) = ry(j) + py(j)/energ*dtime
+               rz(j) = rz(j) + pz(j)/energ*dtime
+1        continue
+         return
+      else
+c propagation with potentials
+c propagate mesons on straight lines
+         do 2 j=nbar+1,npart
+            energ = p0(j) ! sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2)
+            r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime
+            rx(j) = rx(j) + px(j)/energ*dtime
+            ry(j) = ry(j) + py(j)/energ*dtime
+            rz(j) = rz(j) + pz(j)/energ*dtime
+2        continue
+c propagate baryons
+c adjust time-step parameters
+      dt = dtime
+      dt2 = dtime/2.0d0
+      dt6 = dtime/6.0d0
+      do 10 j=1,nbar
+        airx(j) = rx(j)
+        airy(j) = ry(j)
+        airz(j) = rz(j)
+        aipx(j) = px(j)
+        aipy(j) = py(j)
+        aipz(j) = pz(j)
+  10  continue
+      call derivs(1)
+      do 20 j=1,nbar
+        airx(j) = rx(j) + dt2*aorx(j,1)
+        airy(j) = ry(j) + dt2*aory(j,1)
+        airz(j) = rz(j) + dt2*aorz(j,1)
+        aipx(j) = px(j) + dt2*aopx(j,1)
+        aipy(j) = py(j) + dt2*aopy(j,1)
+        aipz(j) = pz(j) + dt2*aopz(j,1)
+  20  continue
+      call derivs(2)
+      do 30 j=1,nbar
+        airx(j) = rx(j) + dt2*aorx(j,2)
+        airy(j) = ry(j) + dt2*aory(j,2)
+        airz(j) = rz(j) + dt2*aorz(j,2)
+        aipx(j) = px(j) + dt2*aopx(j,2)
+        aipy(j) = py(j) + dt2*aopy(j,2)
+        aipz(j) = pz(j) + dt2*aopz(j,2)
+  30  continue
+      call derivs(3)
+      do 40 j=1,nbar
+        airx(j) = rx(j) + dt*aorx(j,3)
+        airy(j) = ry(j) + dt*aory(j,3)
+        airz(j) = rz(j) + dt*aorz(j,3)
+        aipx(j) = px(j) + dt*aopx(j,3)
+        aipy(j) = py(j) + dt*aopy(j,3)
+        aipz(j) = pz(j) + dt*aopz(j,3)
+  40  continue
+      call derivs(4)
+      do 50 j=1,nbar
+         r0(j) = r0(j) + dtime
+        rx(j)=rx(j)+dt6*(aorx(j,1)+2.0*(aorx(j,2)+aorx(j,3))+aorx(j,4))
+        ry(j)=ry(j)+dt6*(aory(j,1)+2.0*(aory(j,2)+aory(j,3))+aory(j,4))
+        rz(j)=rz(j)+dt6*(aorz(j,1)+2.0*(aorz(j,2)+aorz(j,3))+aorz(j,4))
+        px(j)=px(j)+dt6*(aopx(j,1)+2.0*(aopx(j,2)+aopx(j,3))+aopx(j,4))
+        py(j)=py(j)+dt6*(aopy(j,1)+2.0*(aopy(j,2)+aopy(j,3))+aopy(j,4))
+        pz(j)=pz(j)+dt6*(aopz(j,1)+2.0*(aopz(j,2)+aopz(j,3))+aopz(j,4))
+        p0(j)=sqrt(px(j)**2+py(j)**2+pz(j)**2+fmass(j)**2)
+ 50   continue
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine potPau
+      implicit none
+      integer i, ncut, index
+      real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy, Pau
+      include 'coms.f'
+      rx(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(1) = 0.0d0
+      rz(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(2) = 0.0d0
+      rz(2) = 0.0d0
+      px(1) = 0.0d0
+      py(1) = 0.0d0
+      pz(1) = 0.0d0
+      px(1) = 0.0d0
+      py(2) = 0.0d0
+      pz(2) = 0.0d0
+      Ecut = 1.0E-5
+      i = 0
+  99  i = i+1
+      dr = delr*dble(i-1)
+      rx(2) = sqrt(2.0*dr*drPau)
+      spx(i) = dr
+      spPauy(i) = Pau(1,2)
+      if(spPauy(i).lt.Ecut) then
+        spPauy(i) = 0.0
+        cutPau = dr
+        abl0 = -Pau0
+        abln = 0.0
+        ncut = i
+      else
+        goto 99
+      end if
+      call spline(spx,spPauy,ncut,abl0,abln,outPau)
+      write(6,'(''Pauli-Potential    '',e10.3,i5,f7.1)')
+     +      Ecut, ncut, cutPau
+      do 10 i=0,20
+        dr = 0.323*dble(i)
+        if(dr.gt.cutPau) then
+          y = 0.0
+          dy = 0.0
+        else
+        rx(2) = dr
+        dr = 0.5*dr*dr/drPau
+        index = int(dr/delr)+1
+        a = dble(index) - dr/delr
+        b = 1.0 - a
+        y = a*spPauy(index)+b*spPauy(index+1)+
+     +     ((a**3-a)*outPau(index)+
+     +      (b**3-b)*outPau(index+1))*fdel
+        dy = da*spPauy(index)+db*spPauy(index+1)+
+     +        ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outPau(index)+
+     +         (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outPau(index+1))*fdel
+        dy = dy*sqrt(2.0*dr*drPau)/drPau
+        end if
+  10  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine potCb
+      implicit none
+      integer i, ncut, index
+      real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy, dCb, Cb
+      include 'coms.f'
+      rx(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(1) = 0.0d0
+      rz(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(2) = 0.0d0
+      rz(2) = 0.0d0
+      Ecut = 1.0E-5
+      iso3(1) = 1
+      iso3(2) = 1
+      i = 0
+  99  i = i+1
+      dr = delr*dble(i-1)
+      rx(2) = dr
+      spx(i) = dr
+      spCby(i) = Cb(1,2)
+      if(abs(spCby(i)*dr-Cb0)/max(dr,1.0d-5).lt.Ecut) then
+        spCby(i) = Cb0/dr
+        cutCb  = dr
+        abln = dCb(1,2)
+        abl0 = 0.0
+        ncut = i
+      else
+        goto 99
+      end if
+      call spline(spx,spCby,ncut,abl0,abln,outCb)
+      write(6,'(''Coulomb-Potential  '',e10.3,i5,f7.1)')
+     +      Ecut, ncut, cutCb
+      do 10 i=0,20
+        dr = 0.2*dble(i)+0.01212
+        rx(2) = dr
+        if(dr.ge.cutCb) then
+          y = Cb0/dr
+          dy = -(Cb0/dr/dr)
+        else
+          index = int(dr/delr)+1
+          a = dble(index) - dr/delr
+          b = 1.0 - a
+          y = a*spCby(index)+b*spCby(index+1)+
+     +       ((a**3-a)*outCb(index)+(b**3-b)*outCb(index+1))*fdel
+          dy = da*spCby(index)+db*spCby(index+1)+
+     +         ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outCb(index)+
+     +           (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outCb(index+1))*fdel
+        end if
+  10  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine potYuk
+      implicit none
+      integer i, ncut, index
+      real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy
+      real*8 Yuk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      rx(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(1) = 0.0d0
+      rz(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(2) = 0.0d0
+      rz(2) = 0.0d0
+      Ecut = 1.0E-5
+      i = 0
+  99  i = i+1
+      dr = delr*dble(i-1)
+      rx(2) = dr
+      spx(i) = dr
+      spYuky(i) = Yuk(1,2)
+      if(abs(spYuky(i)).lt.Ecut) then
+        spYuky(i) = 0.0
+        cutYuk = dr
+        abl0 = 0.0
+        abln = 0.0
+        ncut = i
+      else
+        goto 99
+      end if
+      call spline(spx,spYuky,ncut,abl0,abln,outYuk)
+      write(6,'(''Yukawa-Potential   '',e10.3,i5,f7.1)')
+     +      Ecut, ncut, cutYuk
+      do 10 i=0,40
+        dr = 0.2*dble(i)
+        rx(2) = dr
+        if(dr.gt.cutYuk) then
+          y = 0.0
+          dy = 0.0
+        else
+        index = int(dr/delr)+1
+        a = dble(index) - dr/delr
+        b = 1.0 - a
+        y = a*spYuky(index)+b*spYuky(index+1)+
+     +     ((a**3-a)*outYuk(index)+(b**3-b)*outYuk(index+1))*fdel
+        dy = da*spYuky(index)+db*spYuky(index+1)+
+     +        ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outYuk(index)+
+     +         (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outYuk(index+1))*fdel
+        end if
+  10  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine potdww
+      implicit none
+      integer i, ncut, index
+      real*8 Ecut, dr, abl0, abln, a, b, y, dy
+      real*8 dww
+      include 'coms.f'
+      rx(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(1) = 0.0d0
+      rz(1) = 0.0d0
+      ry(2) = 0.0d0
+      rz(2) = 0.0d0
+      Ecut = 1.0E-8
+      i = 0
+  99  i = i+1
+      dr = delr*dble(i-1)
+      rx(2) = dr
+      spx(i) = dr
+      spdwwy(i) = dww(1,2)
+      if(abs(spdwwy(i)).lt.Ecut) then
+        spdwwy(i) = 0.0
+        cutdww = dr
+        abl0 = 0.0
+        abln = 0.0
+        ncut = i
+      else
+        goto 99
+      end if
+      call spline(spx,spdwwy,ncut,abl0,abln,outdww)
+      write(6,'(''Interaction-Density'',e10.3,i5,f7.1)')
+     +      Ecut, ncut, cutdww
+      do 10 i=0,20
+        dr = 0.295*dble(i)
+        rx(2) = dr
+        if(dr.gt.cutdww) then
+          y = 0.0
+          dy = 0.0
+        else
+        index = int(dr/delr)+1
+        a = dble(index) - dr/delr
+        b = 1.0 - a
+        y = a*spdwwy(index)+b*spdwwy(index+1)+
+     +     ((a**3-a)*outdww(index)+(b**3-b)*outdww(index+1))*fdel
+        dy = da*spdwwy(index)+db*spdwwy(index+1)+
+     +        ((3.0*a**2-1.0)*da*outdww(index)+
+     +         (3.0*b**2-1.0)*db*outdww(index+1))*fdel
+        end if
+  10  continue
+      return
+      end
+c Kinetic Energy
+      function Ekin(j)
+      implicit none
+      integer j
+      real*8 Ekin
+      include 'coms.f'
+      Ekin = sqrt((px(j)+ffermpx(j))*(px(j)+ffermpx(j))+
+     +            (py(j)+ffermpy(j))*(py(j)+ffermpy(j))+
+     +            (pz(j)+ffermpz(j))*(pz(j)+ffermpz(j))+
+     +            fmass(j)*fmass(j))
+      return
+      end
+c Derivative for Kinetic Energy
+      function dEkin(j)
+      implicit none
+      integer j
+      real*8 dEkin
+      include 'coms.f'
+      dEkin = 1.0/sqrt(px(j)*px(j)+py(j)*py(j)+pz(j)*pz(j)+
+     +                 fmass(j)*fmass(j))
+      return
+      end
+c Skyrme Potential (3-body) rwwterm
+      function dww(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 dww, rjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      dww = gw/pi*sqrt(gw/pi)*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)))/
+     /      rho0
+      return
+      end
+cc Skyrme Potential
+      function Sky(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 Sky, rjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      Sky = Sky20*gw/pi*sqrt(gw/pi)*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)))
+      return
+      end
+c Coulomb Potential
+      function Cb(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 Cb, rjk
+      real*8 erf
+      include 'coms.f'
+      if (iso3(j).eq.1.and.iso3(k).eq.1) then
+        if (rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then
+          Cb = Cb0*er0*sgw
+        else
+          Cb = Cb0/rjk(j,k)*erf(sgw*rjk(j,k))
+        end if
+      else
+        Cb = 0.0
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+c Derivative for Coulomb Potential
+      function dCb(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 dCb, rjk
+      real*8 erf
+      include 'coms.f'
+      if (iso3(j).eq.1.and.iso3(k).eq.1) then
+        if (rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then
+          dCb = 0.0
+        else
+          dCb = Cb0*(er0*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)))*sgw*rjk(j,k)-
+     +               erf(sgw*rjk(j,k)))/rjk(j,k)/rjk(j,k)
+        end if
+      else
+        dCb = 0.0
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+c Yukawa Potential
+      function Yuk(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 Yuk, rjk
+      real*8 erf
+      include 'coms.f'
+      if(rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then
+        Yuk = Yuk0*(er0*sgw-exp(0.25/gamYuk/gamYuk/gw)/gamYuk*
+     *              (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw)))
+      else
+        Yuk = Yuk0*0.5/rjk(j,k)*exp(0.25/gamYuk/gamYuk/gw)*
+     *           (exp(-(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk))*
+     +            (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw-sgw*rjk(j,k)))-
+     -            exp(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk)*
+     +            (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw+sgw*rjk(j,k))))
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+c Derivative for Yukawa Potential
+      function dYuk(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 dYuk, rjk
+      real*8 erf
+      include 'coms.f'
+      if(rjk(j,k).lt.eps) then
+        dYuk = 0.0
+      else
+        dYuk = 0.5*Yuk0/rjk(j,k)*( exp(0.25/gamYuk/gamYuk/gw)*(
+     *          (-(1.0/rjk(j,k))-1.0/gamYuk)*exp(-(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk))*
+     *             (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw-sgw*rjk(j,k))) +
+     *          (1.0/rjk(j,k)-1.0/gamYuk)*exp(rjk(j,k)/gamYuk)*
+     *             (1.0-erf(0.5/gamYuk/sgw+sgw*rjk(j,k))) ) +
+     +          sgw*er0*2.0*exp(-(gw*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k))) )
+      end if
+      return
+      end
+c Pauli Potential
+      function Pau(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 Pau, pjk, rjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      Pau = Pau0*exp(-(0.5*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)/drPau))*
+     *           exp(-(0.5*pjk(j,k)*pjk(j,k)/dpPau))
+      return
+      end
+c Derivative (p) for Pauli Potential
+      function dPaup(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 dPaup, pjk, rjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      dPaup = -(Pau0/dpPau*pjk(j,k)*
+     *                    exp(-(0.5*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)/drPau))*
+     *                    exp(-(0.5*pjk(j,k)*pjk(j,k)/dpPau)))
+      return
+      end
+c Derivative (r) for Pauli Potential
+      function dPaur(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 dPaur, pjk, rjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      dPaur = -(Pau0/drPau*rjk(j,k)*
+     *                   exp(-(0.5*rjk(j,k)*rjk(j,k)/drPau))*
+     *                   exp(-(0.5*pjk(j,k)*pjk(j,k)/dpPau)))
+      return
+      end
+      function rjk(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 rjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      rjk = sqrt((rx(j)-rx(k))**2+(ry(j)-ry(k))**2+(rz(j)-rz(k))**2)
+      return
+      end
+      function pjk(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      real*8 pjk
+      include 'coms.f'
+      pjk = sqrt((px(j)-px(k))**2+(py(j)-py(k))**2+(pz(j)-pz(k))**2)
+      return
+      end
+      function iPau(j,k)
+      implicit none
+      integer j, k
+      logical iPau
+      include 'coms.f'
+      iPau = .false.
+      if (iso3(j).eq.iso3(k).and.ityp(j).eq.ityp(k)) iPau = .true.
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/saveinfo.f b/Processes/UrQMD/saveinfo.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a14a935ac213a52c04bd0295d932860201f0ba4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/saveinfo.f
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+c $Id: saveinfo.f,v 1.7 2002/05/03 00:31:19 weber Exp $
+      subroutine saveinfo(ind,itag)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ind:  particle ID
+cinput itag: slot for particle to stored (>0) or extracted (<0) from
+c     This subroutine stores the information of the {\tt ind} slot in
+c     the particle arrays (necessary in case of pauli-blocked collisions)
+c     The absolute value of {\tt itag}  indicates the storage slot to be used.
+c     For positive values of {\tt itag} the information is stored, for negative
+c     values it is restored. Currently two slots are available.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer ind,itag,islot,j
+      integer lstcollt(2),ncollt(2)
+      integer charget(2),spint(2),stridt(2)
+c     origint(2),uidt(2)
+      real*8 r0t(2),rxt(2),ryt(2),rzt(2),
+     p      r0tt(2),rxtt(2),rytt(2),rztt(2),
+     @     p0t(2),pxt(2),pyt(2),pzt(2),fmasst(2),tdectime(2),
+     @     xtotfact(2),tformt(2),p0tdt(2,2),pxtdt(2,2),pytdt(2,2),
+     @     pztdt(2,2),fmasstdt(2,2)
+      integer ityptdt(2,2),iso3tdt(2,2)
+      save
+      if(ind.eq.0) return
+      islot=abs(itag)
+c     save particle
+      if(itag.gt.0) then
+         r0t(islot)=r0(ind)
+         rxt(islot)=rx(ind)
+         ryt(islot)=ry(ind)
+         rzt(islot)=rz(ind)
+         r0tt(islot)=r0_t(ind)
+         rxtt(islot)=rx_t(ind)
+         rytt(islot)=ry_t(ind)
+         rztt(islot)=rz_t(ind)
+         p0t(islot)=p0(ind)
+         pxt(islot)=px(ind)
+         pyt(islot)=py(ind)
+         pzt(islot)=pz(ind)
+         fmasst(islot)=fmass(ind)
+         itypt(islot)=ityp(ind)
+         iso3t(islot)=iso3(ind)
+         ncollt(islot)=ncoll(ind)
+         lstcollt(islot)=lstcoll(ind)
+         origint(islot)=origin(ind)
+         charget(islot)=charge(ind)
+         spint(islot)=spin(ind)
+         tdectime(islot)=dectime(ind)
+         stridt(islot)=strid(ind)
+         uidt(islot)=uid(ind)
+         xtotfact(islot)=xtotfac(ind)
+         tformt(islot)=tform(ind)
+         do 11 j=1,2
+            p0tdt(j,islot)=p0td(j,ind)
+            pxtdt(j,islot)=pxtd(j,ind)
+            pytdt(j,islot)=pytd(j,ind)
+            pztdt(j,islot)=pztd(j,ind)
+            fmasstdt(j,islot)=fmasstd(j,ind)
+            ityptdt(j,islot)=ityptd(j,ind)
+            iso3tdt(j,islot)=iso3td(j,ind)
+ 11      continue
+c         ...
+      elseif(itag.lt.0)then
+c     restore particle
+         r0(ind)=r0t(islot)
+         rx(ind)=rxt(islot)
+         ry(ind)=ryt(islot)
+         rz(ind)=rzt(islot)
+         r0_t(ind)=r0tt(islot)
+         rx_t(ind)=rxtt(islot)
+         ry_t(ind)=rytt(islot)
+         rz_t(ind)=rztt(islot)
+         p0(ind)=p0t(islot)
+         px(ind)=pxt(islot)
+         py(ind)=pyt(islot)
+         pz(ind)=pzt(islot)
+         fmass(ind)=fmasst(islot)
+         ityp(ind)=itypt(islot)
+         iso3(ind)=iso3t(islot)
+         ncoll(ind)=ncollt(islot)
+         lstcoll(ind)=lstcollt(islot)
+         origin(ind)=origint(islot)
+         charge(ind)=charget(islot)
+         spin(ind)=spint(islot)
+         dectime(ind)=tdectime(islot)
+         strid(ind)=stridt(islot)
+         uid(ind)=uidt(islot)
+         xtotfac(ind)=xtotfact(islot)
+         tform(ind)=tformt(islot)
+         do 12 j=1,2
+            p0td(j,ind)=p0tdt(j,islot)
+            pxtd(j,ind)=pxtdt(j,islot)
+            pytd(j,ind)=pytdt(j,islot)
+            pztd(j,ind)=pztdt(j,islot)
+            fmasstd(j,ind)=fmasstdt(j,islot)
+            ityptd(j,ind)=ityptdt(j,islot)
+            iso3td(j,ind)=iso3tdt(j,islot)
+ 12      continue
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/scatter.f b/Processes/UrQMD/scatter.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0611287bcbb322fa797dd28435673efd30c9a9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/scatter.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1437 @@
+c$Id: scatter.f,v 1.23 2002/05/03 00:31:19 weber Exp $
+      subroutine scatter(id1,id2,ssigtot,sqrts,ccolfac)
+c  Revision : 1.0
+cinput id1   : index of particle 1
+cinput id2   : index of particle 2
+cinput ssigtot: total cross section
+cinput sqrts : $sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput ccolfac : scale factor for color fluctuations
+c  This subroutine performs the scattering/annihilation
+c  of two particles  or the decay
+c  of one particle in the incoming channel.
+c  Structure of this routine:
+c  \begin{enumerate}
+c       \item transform to NN system for proper kinematics
+c       \item get collision class and number of exit-channels
+c       \item loop over exit-channels and get partial cross sections
+c       \item select exit-channel
+c       \item save information in case of pauli-blocking
+c       \item call kinematics routines
+c       \item call output routine for collision file
+c  \end{enumerate}
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+c local variables
+      real*8 sqrts,ssigtot,sigpart,sigma(0:maxpsig),sigsum,sigfac
+      real*8 e1,e2,lambda,colldens,ccolfac
+      integer ind1,ind2,ityp1,ityp2,isigline,nCh,ii
+      integer i,j,itot1,itot2,iso31,iso32
+      integer id1,id2
+c     functions and subroutines
+      integer collclass,isoit
+c     make local copies of particle indices
+      ind1=id1
+      ind2=id2
+c     increment collision-counter
+      ctag=ctag+1
+c     save total cross section in sigma(0)
+      sigma(0)=ssigtot
+c     initialize some arrays (definitions are listed in newpart.f)
+      do 13 j=1,mprt
+         do 12 i=1,5
+            pnew(i,j)=0.0
+ 12      continue
+         inew(j)=0
+         leadfac(j)=1.d0
+         sidnew(j)=0
+ 13   continue
+c if ind2 is less than 0, a collision with a wall takes place
+      if (ind2.lt.0) then
+         call file15out(ind1,ind2,sqrts,ssigtot,sigpart)
+c solid < 1 then periodic boundary conditions
+            if (solid.lt.1) then
+                if (ind2.eq.-1) then
+                        rx(ind1)=rx(ind1)-lbox
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-4) then
+                        rx(ind1)=rx(ind1)+lbox
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-2) then
+                        ry(ind1)=ry(ind1)-lbox
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-5) then
+                        ry(ind1)=ry(ind1)+lbox
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-3) then
+                        rz(ind1)=rz(ind1)-lbox
+                else
+                        rz(ind1)=rz(ind1)+lbox
+                endif
+            else
+c solid walls
+                if (ind2.eq.-1) then
+                        px(ind1)=-px(ind1)
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-4) then
+                        px(ind1)=-px(ind1)
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-2) then
+                        py(ind1)=-py(ind1)
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-5) then
+                        py(ind1)=-py(ind1)
+                elseif (ind2.eq.-3) then
+                        pz(ind1)=-pz(ind1)
+                else
+                        pz(ind1)=-pz(ind1)
+                endif
+            Endif
+                nexit=1
+                inew(1)=ind1
+        call f15outch(0.d0)
+        return
+        endif
+c add fermi motion
+      if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then
+         call addfermi(ind1,peq1)
+         call addfermi(ind2,peq2)
+      endif
+c     clear array of partial cross sections
+      do 14 i=1,maxpsig
+         sigma(i)=0.d0
+ 14   continue
+c     save particle indices into pslot for later use (Danielewicz-Pratt delays)
+      pslot(1)=ind1
+      pslot(2)=ind2
+c some abbreviations
+      ityp1=ityp(ind1)
+      itot1=isoit(ityp1)
+      iso31=iso3(ind1)
+      if(ind2.eq.0) then
+         ityp2=0
+         itot2=0
+         iso32=0
+      else
+         ityp2=ityp(ind2)
+         itot2=isoit(ityp2)
+         iso32=iso3(ind2)
+      endif
+c     transform in to NN system for proper kinematics
+      e1 = p0(ind1)
+      if(ind2.eq.0) then
+cccc DECAY cccccccccccccccccccccccc
+c     increment decay counter
+         dectag=dectag+1
+c     prepare output to decay file
+         call file16entry(ind1)
+         sqrts=fmass(ind1)
+         betax=px(ind1)/e1
+         betay=py(ind1)/e1
+         betaz=pz(ind1)/e1
+         p0nn=p0(ind1)
+         pxnn=px(ind1)
+         pynn=py(ind1)
+         pznn=pz(ind1)
+         pnn=sqrt(pxnn*pxnn+pynn*pynn+pznn*pznn)
+c     set tag for decay:
+         iline=20
+      else
+         e2 = p0(ind2)
+c     transformation betas into two particle CMS system
+         betax=(px(ind1)+px(ind2))/(e1+e2)
+         betay=(py(ind1)+py(ind2))/(e1+e2)
+         betaz=(pz(ind1)+pz(ind2))/(e1+e2)
+c     calculate momenta in two particle CMS system
+         pxnn=px(ind1)
+         pynn=py(ind1)
+         pznn=pz(ind1)
+         p0nn=e1
+c     call to Lorentz transformation
+         call rotbos(0d0,0d0,-betax,-betay,-betaz,
+     &        pxnn,pynn,pznn,p0nn)
+         pnn=sqrt(pxnn*pxnn+pynn*pynn+pznn*pznn)
+c     reduced cross section for leading hadrons of string fragmentation
+c     sigfac is scaling factor for cross section
+         sigfac=1.d0
+         if(tform(ind1).le.acttime
+     &           .and.tform(ind2).gt.acttime) then
+            sigfac=xtotfac(ind2)
+         else if(tform(ind2).le.acttime
+     &           .and.tform(ind1).gt.acttime) then
+            sigfac=xtotfac(ind1)
+         elseif(tform(ind1).gt.acttime
+     &        .and.tform(ind2).gt.acttime) then
+            sigfac=xtotfac(ind1)*xtotfac(ind2)
+         endif
+c modify sigfac due to color fluctuations
+         sigfac = sigfac*ccolfac
+c now get line-number for sigmaLN array in blockres
+         isigline=collclass(ityp1,iso31,ityp2,iso32)
+c  number of exit-channels:
+         nCh=SigmaLn(1,1,isigline)
+         do 10 ii=3,nCh+2 ! loop over exit-channels
+c           get  process-id (iline) from sigmaLN array in blockres
+            iline=SigmaLn(ii,1,isigline)
+            if(iline.gt.0) then ! normal cross sections:
+               call crossx(iline,sqrts,ityp1,iso31,fmass(ind1),
+     &                     ityp2,iso32,fmass(ind2),sigma(ii-2))
+            else   !  detailed balance:
+               call crossz(iline,sqrts,ityp1,iso31,fmass(ind1),
+     &                     ityp2,iso32,fmass(ind2),sigma(ii-2))
+            endif  ! end of detailed balance
+c     ensure reduction of part. cross sections within formation time
+            sigma(ii-2)=sigfac*sigma(ii-2)
+ 10      continue               ! end of exit channel loop
+c     unitarize partial cross sections (rescale sum to match the total cross section)
+         call normit (sigma,isigline)
+c     select partial cross section ii
+         call getbran(sigma,0,maxpsig,sigsum,1,nCh,ii)
+         if(sigsum.lt.1d-10)then
+           write(6,*)'***(W) scatter: ',
+     ,     'no entry found for fin. state -> forced elastic scat. ',
+     ,     'particles:line=',isigline,'ecm=',sqrts
+           write(6,*)'     collision of    : ',
+     &                        ityp1,iso31,fmass(ind1),
+     &                        ityp2,iso32,fmass(ind2)
+           write(6,*)'                sigma=',sigma,ii
+c     force elastic scattering
+           sigpart=sigma(0)
+           iline=13
+        else
+           sigpart=sigma(ii)    ! partial cross section
+           iline=SigmaLN(ii+2,1,isigline) ! <- correct! ii has been redefined
+        end if
+      endif
+cccc end of scatter/decay if
+      call file15out(ind1,ind2,sqrts,ssigtot,sigpart)
+c     save old particle information in case of pauli blocking
+c     or rejection due to energy non-conservation
+      call saveinfo(ind1,1)
+      call saveinfo(ind2,2)
+c... prepare exit channel
+      call scatprep(ind1,ind2,sqrts,sigpart)
+      lambda=1.0d0
+      call prescale(lambda)
+      call scatfinal(colldens)
+c     output to collision file
+      call f15outch(colldens)
+      call osc99_coll
+c     write output to decay file
+      if(ind2.eq.0) call file16write
+c     in case of ctoption(13).ne.0 more output is written with the next call
+      call f16outch
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine scatprep(in1,in2,sqrts,sigpart)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput ind1   : index of ingoing particle 1
+cinput ind2   : index of ingoing particle 2
+cinput sqrts  :  $sqrt{s}$ of collision
+cinput sigpart: partial cross section for process
+c {\tt scatprep, prescale} and {\tt scatfinal} handle the collision/decay
+c kinematics and the book-keeping of the global particle vectors.
+c In {\tt scatprep} the exit channel is generated via a call to
+c {\tt make22}, the information is stored in common blocks of the
+c {\tt newpart.f} file. Furthermore the new particle order including
+c new slots for the exit channel are generated in {\tt scatprep}
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      integer i,ind1,ind2,k,in1,in2
+      integer itmp(mprt),ipmp(mprt)
+      real*8 sqrts,sigpart
+      real*8 phi1,phi2
+      real*8 pzi1,pzi2,pxi1,pxi2,pyi1,pyi2
+      real*8 rstringx(2),rstringy(2),rstringz(2),tstring(2),tformold(2)
+      real*8 rpott(2),rpotx(2),rpoty(2),rpotz(2)
+      real*8 th,rdum, ctheta1
+      integer bar,nb1,nb2,nm1,nm2,meslist2(mprt),strid1,strid2
+      integer barlist1(mprt),barlist2(mprt),meslist1(mprt)
+      logical dnscall
+c     functions:
+      real*8 pcms
+      common /scatcomr/rstringx,rstringy,rstringz,tstring,
+     &                rpott,rpotx,rpoty,rpotz,
+     &                pzi1,pzi2,pxi1,pxi2,pyi1,pyi2,
+     &                ctheta1,phi1,th,phi2,tformold
+      common /scatcomi/itmp,ipmp,ind1,ind2,nb1,nb2,strid1,strid2,
+     &                 bar,nm1,nm2
+      common /scatcoml/dnscall
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      logical ctp060202
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)sigpart
+ctp060202 end
+c     call to paulibl for baryon-density
+      dnscall=CTOption(39).ne.0
+c     reset some pointer arrays
+      do 10 i=1,mprt
+         itmp(i)=0
+         ipmp(i)=0
+         barlist1(i)=0
+         barlist2(i)=0
+         meslist1(i)=0
+ 10   continue
+      ind1=in1
+      ind2=in2
+      strid1=0
+      strid2=0
+c     reset xtotfacs
+      if(tform(ind1).le.acttime) xtotfac(ind1)=1.d0
+      if(ind2.gt.0) then
+        if(tform(ind2).le.acttime) xtotfac(ind2)=1.d0
+      endif
+c     1. determine mass, ityp's, iso3's of outgoing channel
+      if(ind2.ne.0) then ! scattering/annihilation
+         call make22(iline,sqrts,
+     &               ityp(ind1),iso3(ind1),fmass(ind1),xtotfac(ind1),
+     &               ityp(ind2),iso3(ind2),fmass(ind2),xtotfac(ind2))
+      elseif(ind2.eq.0) then ! decay
+         call make22(iline,sqrts,
+     &               ityp(ind1),iso3(ind1),fmass(ind1),xtotfac(ind1),
+     &               0,0,0d0,1d0)
+      endif
+c set here the true nexit (number of particles in the exit channel):
+      nexit=nstring1+nstring2
+c     2a). annihilation/soft resonance production: store properties
+      if(nstring2.eq.0) then
+c     store average  time and position of particles (only one part/string coming out...)
+         tstring(1)=(r0(ind1)+r0(ind2))/2.
+         rstringx(1)=(rx(ind1)+rx(ind2))/2.
+         rstringy(1)=(ry(ind1)+ry(ind2))/2.
+         rstringz(1)=(rz(ind1)+rz(ind2))/2.
+c     do the same for the MD trajectories
+         rpott(1)=(r0_t(ind1)+r0_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpotx(1)=(rx_t(ind1)+rx_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpoty(1)=(ry_t(ind1)+ry_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpotz(1)=(rz_t(ind1)+rz_t(ind2))/2.
+         pnnout=pnn
+c     store the incoming momenta for further use before the slots get erased/replaced
+c     by outgoing particles
+         pxi1=px(ind1)
+         pxi2=px(ind2)
+         pyi1=py(ind1)
+         pyi2=py(ind2)
+         pzi1=pz(ind1)
+         pzi2=pz(ind2)
+c     store old formation times
+         tformold(1)=max(tform(ind1),tform(ind2))
+         tformold(2)=max(tform(ind1),tform(ind2))
+c two leading hadrons form s-channel -> the larger reduction factor
+c of the incoming hadrons is maintained:
+         xtotfacold(1)=max(xtotfac(ind1),xtotfac(ind2))
+         xtotfacold(2)=max(xtotfac(ind1),xtotfac(ind2))
+      else
+c     2b) 1. scattering/decay/strings: store both locations for later use
+c        store time and position of both incoming particles
+         tstring(1)=r0(ind1)
+         rstringx(1)=rx(ind1)
+         rstringy(1)=ry(ind1)
+         rstringz(1)=rz(ind1)
+c        likewise for the MD trajectory arrays
+         rpott(1)=r0_t(ind1)
+         rpotx(1)=rx_t(ind1)
+         rpoty(1)=ry_t(ind1)
+         rpotz(1)=rz_t(ind1)
+c        store old formation time and reduction factor
+         tformold(1)=tform(ind1)
+         xtotfacold(1)=xtotfac(ind1)
+         if(ind2.eq.0) then !decay
+c           likewise for particles 2,3,4...
+            tstring(2)=r0(ind1)
+            rstringx(2)=rx(ind1)
+            rstringy(2)=ry(ind1)
+            rstringz(2)=rz(ind1)
+            rpott(2)=r0_t(ind1)
+            rpotx(2)=rx_t(ind1)
+            rpoty(2)=ry_t(ind1)
+            rpotz(2)=rz_t(ind1)
+            tformold(2)=tform(ind1)
+            xtotfacold(2)=xtotfac(ind1)
+         else
+            tstring(2)=r0(ind2)
+            rstringx(2)=rx(ind2)
+            rstringy(2)=ry(ind2)
+            rstringz(2)=rz(ind2)
+            rpott(2)=r0_t(ind2)
+            rpotx(2)=rx_t(ind2)
+            rpoty(2)=ry_t(ind2)
+            rpotz(2)=rz_t(ind2)
+            tformold(2)=tform(ind2)
+            xtotfacold(2)=xtotfac(ind2)
+         endif
+c     2b) 2. get relative momentum in 2 particle cms (only for ang. distrib.!)
+         if(iline.gt.0) then
+            pnnout=pcms(sqrts,mstring(1),mstring(2))
+         endif
+      endif    ! nstring2.eq.0
+c     2b) 3.  get angular distribution
+      if (ind2.ne.0) then
+       call angdisnew(sqrts,fmass(ind1),fmass(ind2),iline,ctheta1,phi1)
+      else
+       call angdisnew(sqrts,fmass(ind1),0.0d0,iline,ctheta1,phi1)
+      end if
+c   for CTOption(2)<>0 phi1=0 and 2-part. scattering is in the scattering plane
+      if(ind2.ne.0.and.CTOption(2).ne.0) then
+         phi1=0.d0
+      endif
+c     get angles between two particle CMS and computational frame
+      call getang(pxnn,pynn,pznn,th,phi2,rdum)
+c     option for pure forward streaming
+      if(CTOption(14).ne.0)then
+         ctheta1=1d0
+         th=0d0
+      end if
+c     3. generate slots for new particles
+c     count baryons AND anti-baryons in old slots (NOT net-baryons!!)
+      bar=0
+      if(abs(ityp(ind1)).le.maxbar)then
+         bar=bar+1
+      endif
+cccc in case of baryon-boson scattering, inew(1) contains the baryon,
+cccc otherwise it does not matter
+      if(ind2.ne.0) then
+         if(abs(ityp(ind2)).le.maxbar) then
+            bar=bar+1
+         endif
+         if(abs(ityp(ind2)).le.maxbar.and.
+     &        abs(ityp(ind1)).ge.minmes) then
+            inew(1)=ind2
+            inew(2)=ind1
+         else
+            inew(1)=ind1
+            inew(2)=ind2
+         endif
+      else
+cccc decay: must create a second slot
+         inew(1)=ind1
+c     increment meson counter
+         nmes=nmes+1
+c     set new slot number
+         inew(2)=nbar+nmes
+c     create the slot
+         call addpart(inew(2))
+c     this is needed for delpart (to esure correct counters):
+         ityp(inew(2))=999
+c     three or four body decays
+         if(nexit.gt.2) then
+            do 91 i=3,nexit
+               nmes=nmes+1
+               inew(i)=nbar+nmes
+               call addpart(inew(i))
+               ityp(inew(i))=999
+ 91         continue
+         endif
+      endif
+cccc soft resonance production (second slot must be deleted)
+      if(nexit.eq.1) then
+c        the smaller index automatically belongs to a baryon if there was one
+         inew(1)=min0(ind1,ind2)
+c        get index to be deleted
+         inew(2)=max0(ind1,ind2)
+c        delete second slot
+         call delpart(inew(2))
+      endif
+c     generate sorting-order for new particles:
+c      1. leading baryon of particle/string 1
+c      2. leading baryon of particle/string 2
+c      3. all other baryons of particle/string 1
+c      4. all other baryons of particle/string 2
+c      5. all mesons of particle/string 1
+c      6. all mesons of particle/string 2
+c     the itypnew-indices are stored into the itmp-array
+c     the location-index (do the new particles "belong" to incident particle 1 or 2)
+c      is stored in the ipmp-array
+      nb1=0  ! number of baryons in string 1
+      nb2=0  ! number of baryons in string 2
+      nm1=0  ! number of mesons in string 1
+      nm2=0  ! number of mesons in string 2
+c     now get the number of baryons and mesons and their ityps from string/particle 1
+      call instring(1,nstring1,nb1,nm1,barlist1,meslist1)
+      if(nstring2.ne.0)
+c     likewise from string/particle 2
+     &     call instring(nstring1+1,nexit,nb2,nm2,barlist2,meslist2)
+c now really generate the above described sorting-order
+      if(  (bar.eq.0)
+     & .or.(bar.eq.1.and.nb1.gt.0)
+     & .or.(bar.eq.2.and.nb1.gt.0.and.nb2.eq.0)) then
+c     loop over baryons in string/particle 1
+         do 381 i=1,nb1
+            itmp(i)=barlist1(i)
+            ipmp(i)=1
+ 381     continue
+c     loop over baryons in string/particle 2
+         do 382 i=1,nb2
+            itmp(nb1+i)=barlist2(i)
+            ipmp(nb1+i)=2
+ 382     continue
+      elseif((bar.eq.1.and.nb2.gt.0.and.nb1.eq.0)
+     &   .or.(bar.eq.2.and.nb2.gt.0.and.nb1.eq.0)) then
+c     loop over baryons in string/particle 2
+         do 391 i=1,nb2
+            itmp(i)=barlist2(i)
+            ipmp(i)=2
+ 391     continue
+      elseif(bar.eq.2.and.nb1.gt.0.and.nb2.gt.0) then
+         itmp(1)=barlist1(1)
+         ipmp(1)=1
+         itmp(2)=barlist2(1)
+         ipmp(2)=2
+c     loop over baryons in string/particle 1
+         do 371 i=2,nb1
+            itmp(1+i)=barlist1(i)
+            ipmp(1+i)=1
+ 371     continue
+c     loop over baryons in string/particle 2
+         do 372 i=2,nb2
+            itmp(nb1+i)=barlist2(i)
+            ipmp(nb1+i)=2
+ 372     continue
+      endif
+c     loop over mesons in string/particle 1
+      do 383 i=1,nm1
+         itmp(nb1+nb2+i)=meslist1(i)
+         ipmp(nb1+nb2+i)=1
+ 383  continue
+c     loop over mesons in string/particle 2
+      do 384 i=1,nm2
+         itmp(nb1+nb2+nm1+i)=meslist2(i)
+         ipmp(nb1+nb2+nm1+i)=2
+ 384  continue
+c in case of annihilation without baryon production
+c or if a baryon-antibaryon pair is created via a meson-meson collision,
+c delete old slots
+c note: this sequence is needed to keep all baryons at the top
+c       of the particle table. However, it destroys distinctive
+c       projectile/target areas in the particle arrays.
+      if((bar.eq.2.and.(nb1+nb2).eq.0)
+     &   .or.
+     &   (bar.eq.0.and.(nb1+nb2).gt.0)
+     &  ) then
+         call delpart(inew(1))
+         call delpart(inew(2))
+         inew(1)=0
+         inew(2)=0
+c     store average  time and position of particles
+         tstring(1)=(r0(ind1)+r0(ind2))/2.
+         rstringx(1)=(rx(ind1)+rx(ind2))/2.
+         rstringy(1)=(ry(ind1)+ry(ind2))/2.
+         rstringz(1)=(rz(ind1)+rz(ind2))/2.
+         tstring(2)=tstring(1)
+         rstringx(2)=rstringx(1)
+         rstringy(2)=rstringy(1)
+         rstringz(2)=rstringz(1)
+c     do likewise for MD trajectories
+         rpott(1)=(r0_t(ind1)+r0_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpotx(1)=(rx_t(ind1)+rx_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpoty(1)=(ry_t(ind1)+ry_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpotz(1)=(rz_t(ind1)+rz_t(ind2))/2.
+         rpott(2)=rpott(1)
+         rpotx(2)=rpotx(1)
+         rpoty(2)=rpoty(1)
+         rpotz(2)=rpotz(1)
+c in case of a meson-string with baryon-antibaryon creation
+c the meson-slot must be deleted
+      elseif(bar.eq.1.and.(nb1+nb2).gt.1) then
+         call delpart(inew(2))
+         inew(2)=0
+      endif
+c now create new slots:
+      do 307 i=1,nexit
+         if(inew(i).lt.1) then
+c     the new particle ID is stored in itypnew
+            if(iabs(itypnew(itmp(i))).le.maxbar) then
+c     the particle is a baryon
+               do 385 k=1,i
+c     make sure that mesons in the inew array are shifted upwards
+                  if(inew(k).gt.nbar)inew(k)=inew(k)+1
+ 385           continue
+c     increment baryon counter
+               nbar=nbar+1
+c     this is the new particle slot
+               inew(i)=nbar
+            elseif(iabs(itypnew(itmp(i))).ge.minmes) then
+c     the particle is a meson
+               nmes=nmes+1
+               inew(i)=nbar+nmes
+            endif
+c     create the slot
+            call addpart(inew(i))
+         endif
+ 307  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine prescale(lambda)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput lambda : scaling factor for momenta of outgoing particles
+c {\tt scatprep, prescale} and {\tt scatfinal} handle the collision/decay
+c kinematics and the book-keeping of the global particle vectors.
+c In {\tt prescale} the actual kinematics for the exit-channel, including
+c a call to {\tt angdis} for the angular distribution and the transformation
+c from the two particle restframe to the computational frame is being
+c performed. Momenta and locations of exit channel particles are written
+c to the global particle vectors. \\
+c The scaling factor {\tt lambda} is needed to ensure global energy conservation
+c in the case of momentum dependent interactions (MDI). In that case {\tt prescale}
+c can be called several succesive times with different values of {\tt lambda}
+c to minimize $E_{tot,in} - E_{tot,out}$.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      integer i,j,itmp(mprt),ipmp(mprt),ind1,ind2,nb1,nb2
+      real*8 lambda,th,phi2,ctheta1,phi1,theta3,phi3,pabs
+      real*8 pzi1,pzi2,pxi1,pxi2,pyi1,pyi2
+      real*8 rstringx(2),rstringy(2),rstringz(2),tstring(2)
+      real*8 rpott(2),rpotx(2),rpoty(2),rpotz(2)
+      real*8 tauf(mprt),tformold(2)
+      integer getspin,strid1,strid2,bar,nm1,nm2
+      common /scatcomr/rstringx,rstringy,rstringz,tstring,
+     &                 rpott,rpotx,rpoty,rpotz,
+     &                 pzi1,pzi2,pxi1,pxi2,pyi1,pyi2,
+     &                 ctheta1,phi1,th,phi2,tformold
+      common /scatcomi/itmp,ipmp,ind1,ind2,nb1,nb2,strid1,strid2,
+     &                 bar,nm1,nm2
+      if(nexit.eq.1) then ! soft resonance production
+c new momenta are stored in pnew
+         pnew(1,1)=lambda*(pxi1+pxi2)
+         pnew(2,1)=lambda*(pyi1+pyi2)
+         pnew(3,1)=lambda*(pzi1+pzi2)
+c this is the energy
+         pnew(4,1)=dsqrt(pnew(5,1)**2+
+     &             pnew(1,1)**2+pnew(2,1)**2+pnew(3,1)**2)
+c formation time
+         tauf(1)=0.d0
+      else                      ! scattering/decay
+         do 205 j=1,nexit
+c compute formation time (as a eigentime)
+            tauf(j)=xnew(4,j)*pnew(5,j)/pnew(4,j)
+c     rescale momenta of particles
+            call getang(pnew(1,j),pnew(2,j),pnew(3,j),theta3,phi3,pabs)
+            pabs=lambda*pabs
+            call putang(pnew(1,j),pnew(2,j),pnew(3,j),theta3,phi3,pabs)
+c check for forward time-delay
+c in case of delay the momenta are already in the comp. frame
+            if(.not.(CTOption(34).eq.2.and.iline.eq.20.and.
+     &         ityptd(1,pslot(1)).ne.0)) then
+c     rotate in the from z-axis to th&phi given by angdis
+               call rotbos(dacos(ctheta1),phi1,0d0,0d0,0d0,
+     &                     pnew(1,j),pnew(2,j),pnew(3,j),pnew(4,j))
+c     rotate from the NN to the comp. sys. and
+c     transform particles to computational system
+c     decays should not be rotated
+               if (iline.eq.20) then
+                  th = 0.d0
+                  phi2 = 0.d0
+               end if
+               call rotbos(th,phi2,betax,betay,betaz,
+     &                     pnew(1,j),pnew(2,j),pnew(3,j),pnew(4,j))
+            endif
+c end of delay-if
+ 205     continue
+      endif
+c     write coordinates for energy-check and pauli-blocking
+c     correct particle/string-locations from relative to absolute
+      do 215 i=1,nexit
+c     write locations to global arrays
+c     the ipmp values determine wether the new particle belongs to incoming slot 1 or 2
+         r0(inew(i))=tstring(ipmp(i))
+         rx(inew(i))=rstringx(ipmp(i))
+         ry(inew(i))=rstringy(ipmp(i))
+         rz(inew(i))=rstringz(ipmp(i))
+c     likewise for MD trajectories
+         r0_t(inew(i))=rpott(ipmp(i))
+         rx_t(inew(i))=rpotx(ipmp(i))
+         ry_t(inew(i))=rpoty(ipmp(i))
+         rz_t(inew(i))=rpotz(ipmp(i))
+c     write momenta to global arrays
+         p0(inew(i))=pnew(4,itmp(i))
+         px(inew(i))=pnew(1,itmp(i))
+         py(inew(i))=pnew(2,itmp(i))
+         pz(inew(i))=pnew(3,itmp(i))
+c store formation time and leading hadron
+         if(pnew(5,itmp(i)).gt.0d0)then
+            tform(inew(i))=tstring(1)+tauf(itmp(i))*
+     &                  pnew(4,itmp(i))/pnew(5,itmp(i))
+         else
+           tform(inew(i))=tstring(ipmp(i))
+         endif
+c     cross section reduction factor and string ID
+         xtotfac(inew(i))=leadfac(itmp(i))
+         strid(inew(i))=sidnew(itmp(i))
+c additional reduction of the leading hadrons' cross section
+c in case the incoming hadron x-sec was already reduced
+c otherwise an elastic scattering would erase formation time...
+         if(xtotfacold(ipmp(i)).lt.1d0) then
+            xtotfac(inew(i))=xtotfacold(ipmp(i))*xtotfac(inew(i))
+         endif
+         if(tform(inew(i)).lt.tformold(ipmp(i))
+     &      .and.xtotfac(inew(i)).gt.0) then
+            tform(inew(i))=tformold(ipmp(i))
+         endif
+c store the respective string-ids in strid1 and strid2
+         if(ipmp(i).eq.1.and.strid(inew(i)).ne.0) then
+            strid1=strid(inew(i))
+         elseif(ipmp(i).eq.2.and.strid(inew(i)).ne.0) then
+            strid2=strid(inew(i))
+         endif
+c     write mass, ID, I3 and spin to global arrays
+         fmass(inew(i))=pnew(5,itmp(i))
+         ityp(inew(i))=itypnew(itmp(i))
+         iso3(inew(i))=i3new(itmp(i))
+         spin(inew(i))=getspin(itypnew(itmp(i)),-1)
+ 215  continue
+c set lstcoll:
+c     lstcoll relates the outgoing particles of this scattering/decay interaction
+c     to each other - it is used to prevent them from directly interacting again
+c     with each other because this would be unphysical.
+      if(ind2.eq.0) then
+         lstcoll(inew(1))=ind1
+      else
+         lstcoll(inew(1))=inew(2)
+      endif
+      if(nexit.gt.1) lstcoll(inew(2))=inew(1)
+      do 216 i=1,nexit
+c in case of strings assign string-id's to lstcoll of leading hadrons
+c instead of collision-partner index
+c on string id's can be can be distinguished from normal indices
+c by an offset of NMAX+1
+c case 1: part.1 is excited to string
+         if(nstring1.gt.1.and.nstring2.eq.1) then
+            if(ipmp(i).eq.2) then
+               lstcoll(inew(i))=nmax+strid1+1
+            elseif(ipmp(i).eq.1) then
+               if(bar.eq.2.and.nb1.gt.0.and.nb2.gt.0) then
+                  lstcoll(inew(i))=inew(2)
+               else
+                  lstcoll(inew(i))=inew(nb1+nb2+nm1+1)
+               endif
+            endif
+c case 2: part.2 is excited to string
+         elseif(nstring1.eq.1.and.nstring2.gt.1) then
+            if(ipmp(i).eq.1) then
+               lstcoll(inew(i))=nmax+strid2+1
+            elseif(ipmp(i).eq.2) then
+               lstcoll(inew(i))=inew(1)
+            endif
+c case 3: two strings
+         elseif(nstring1.gt.1.and.nstring2.gt.1) then
+            if(ipmp(i).eq.1) then
+               lstcoll(inew(i))=nmax+strid2+1
+            elseif(ipmp(i).eq.2) then
+               lstcoll(inew(i))=nmax+strid1+1
+            endif
+c case 4: one (mesonic) string
+         elseif(nstring1.gt.1.and.nstring2.eq.0) then
+            lstcoll(inew(i))=nmax+strid1+1
+         endif
+ 216  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine scatFinal(colldens)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+coutput colldens : baryon density at point of interaction
+c {\tt scatprep, prescale} and {\tt scatfinal} handle the collision/decay
+c kinematics and the book-keeping of the global particle vectors.
+c In {\tt scatfinal} the interaction is checked for Pauli-blocking and all
+c particle {\em quantum numbers} which so far have not been set are written
+c to the global arrays. Some collision counters are incremented here, too.
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'freezeout.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer i,ind1,ind2,itmp(mprt),ipmp(mprt),nb1,nb2,j
+      integer ikill1,ikill2,strid1,strid2,bar,nm1,nm2
+      integer iloffset
+      real*8 colldens
+      logical dnscall,dnsdum
+c     functions:
+      integer fchg
+      real*8 dectim
+      logical paulibl
+      common /scatcomi/itmp,ipmp,ind1,ind2,nb1,nb2,strid1,strid2,
+     &                 bar,nm1,nm2
+      common /scatcoml/dnscall
+c     check pauli-blocking (only for nucleons and delta(1232)
+c     loop over all baryons in exit-channel
+      do 306 i=1,nb1+nb2
+         if(itypnew(itmp(i)).eq.nucleon) then
+            dnscall=.false.
+            ikill1=0
+            ikill2=0
+c     call to Pauli-Blocker
+            if(paulibl(inew(i),colldens)) then
+c     pauli-blocked collision, restore information and return
+c     first delete unnecessary slots
+               if(nexit.gt.2) then
+                  do 317 j=3,nexit
+                     call delpart(inew(j))
+ 317              continue
+               endif
+c in case of blocked decay, delete second entry
+               if(ind2.eq.0) then
+                  call delpart(inew(2))
+c only delete/create slots if something more than a mere
+c swapping has happened
+               elseif(.not.(((inew(1).eq.ind1).or.(inew(1).eq.ind2))
+     &                .and.((inew(2).eq.ind1).or.(inew(2).eq.ind2))))
+     &                 then
+                  ikill1=max0(inew(1),inew(2))
+                  ikill2=min0(inew(1),inew(2))
+                  call delpart(ikill1)
+                  if(ikill2.gt.0) call delpart(ikill2)
+                  call addpart(ind1)
+                  if(ind2.gt.0) call addpart(ind2)
+               endif
+c     restore old contents of slots ind1 and ind2
+               call saveinfo(ind1,-1)
+               call saveinfo(ind2,-2)
+c     in case of blocked decay, sample new decay time
+               if(ind2.eq.0) then
+                  dectime(ind1)=dectim(ind1,iline)+acttime
+               endif
+c     restore frozen fermi state if necessary
+               if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then
+                  call savefermi(ind1,ind1,peq1)
+                  call savefermi(ind2,ind2,peq2)
+               endif
+c     set lstcoll
+               if(ind2.ne.0) then
+                  lstcoll(ind1)=ind2
+                  lstcoll(ind2)=ind1
+               else
+                  lstcoll(ind1)=ind1
+               endif
+c     set baryon and meson counters
+               if(ikill1.ne.0) then
+                  if(abs(ityp(ind1)).lt.minmes) then
+                     nbar=nbar+1
+                  else
+                     nmes=nmes+1
+                  endif
+               endif
+               if(ind2.gt.0.and.ikill2.ne.0) then
+                  if(abs(ityp(ind2)).lt.minmes) then
+                     nbar=nbar+1
+                  else
+                     nmes=nmes+1
+                  endif
+               endif
+c     increment blocking counter
+               NBlColl=NBlColl+1
+c     set number of particles in exit-channel to zero
+               nexit=0
+               return
+            endif
+         endif
+ 306  continue
+c     the collision was not blocked, proceed...
+c     4. rewrite arrays, clear entries etc.
+c     fill the rest of the slot
+c     in case the Pauli-Blocker was not called, do it now in order to
+c     get the baryon density at the interaction point, colldens
+      if(dnscall) dnsdum=paulibl(inew(1),colldens)
+c     write rest of the quantum numbers to global vectors
+      do 312 i=1,nexit
+c     number of collisions
+         ncoll(inew(i))=ncoll(inew(i))+1
+c     charge
+         charge(inew(i))=fchg(iso3(inew(i)),ityp(inew(i)))
+c     time of decay
+         dectime(inew(i))=dectim(inew(i),iline)+tform(inew(i))
+c     last process the particle was involved in
+         if ( (iline.ne.13).and.(iline.ne.17).and.(iline.ne.19).and.
+     $        (iline.ne.22).and.(iline.ne.26).and.(iline.ne.38)) then
+            if (ind2.gt.0) then
+               iloffset=0
+               if ( (iline.eq.27).or.(iline.eq.28) ) then
+                  if ( (CTOption(41).gt.1) ) then
+                     if ( (abs(itypt(1)).gt.100).and.
+     $                    (abs(itypt(2)).gt.100) ) then
+                        iloffset=20
+                     endif
+                     if ( (itypt(1).eq.ityp(inew(i))).and.
+     $                    (iso3t(1).eq.iso3(inew(i))) ) then
+                        origin(inew(i))=origint(1)+100
+                        uid(inew(i))=uidt(1)
+                     elseif ( (itypt(2).eq.ityp(inew(i))).and.
+     $                       (iso3t(2).eq.iso3(inew(i))) ) then
+                        origin(inew(i))=origint(2)+100
+                        uid(inew(i))=uidt(2)
+                     else
+                        origin(inew(i))=iline+iloffset
+     $                       +1000*(iabs(itypt(1))+1000*iabs(itypt(2)))
+                     endif
+                  else
+                     origin(inew(i))=iline+iloffset
+     $                    +1000*(iabs(itypt(1))+1000*iabs(itypt(2)))
+                  endif
+               else
+                  origin(inew(i))=iline
+     $                 +1000*(iabs(itypt(1))+1000*iabs(itypt(2)))
+               endif
+            else
+               origin(inew(i))=iline
+     $              +1000*(iabs(itypt(1)))
+            endif
+c     unique ID tag
+            uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1
+            uid(inew(i))=uid_cnt
+         else
+            origin(inew(i))=origint(i)+100
+            uid(inew(i))=uidt(i)
+            if (ityp(inew(1)).ne.itypt(1)) then
+               if (nexit.ne.2) then
+                  write(6,*) "fatal error in scatter: nexit.ne.2!"
+                  stop
+               endif
+               origin(inew(i))=origint(3-i)+100
+               uid(inew(i))=uidt(3-i)
+            endif
+         endif
+c     freeze-out coordinates
+         frr0(inew(i))=r0(inew(i))
+         frrx(inew(i))=rx(inew(i))
+         frry(inew(i))=ry(inew(i))
+         frrz(inew(i))=rz(inew(i))
+         frp0(inew(i))=p0(inew(i))
+         frpx(inew(i))=px(inew(i))
+         frpy(inew(i))=py(inew(i))
+         frpz(inew(i))=pz(inew(i))
+c forward time-delay
+      if(CTOption(34).eq.2.and.(iline.eq.36.or.iline.eq.37)) then
+         do 307 j=1,2
+            p0td(j,inew(i))=pold(4,j)
+            pxtd(j,inew(i))=pold(1,j)
+            pytd(j,inew(i))=pold(2,j)
+            pztd(j,inew(i))=pold(3,j)
+            fmasstd(j,inew(i))=pold(5,j)
+            ityptd(j,inew(i))=itypold(j)
+            iso3td(j,inew(i))=iso3old(j)
+ 307     continue
+      else
+         do 308 j=1,2
+            p0td(j,inew(i))=0.d0
+            pxtd(j,inew(i))=0.d0
+            pytd(j,inew(i))=0.d0
+            pztd(j,inew(i))=0.d0
+            fmasstd(j,inew(i))=0.d0
+            ityptd(j,inew(i))=0
+            iso3td(j,inew(i))=0
+ 308     continue
+      endif
+c     in a N particle exit channel the produced resonance
+c     either comes from BB->B* ? ? or a String -> B* ? ?
+         if(ityp(inew(i)).ge.minres.and.ityp(inew(i)).le.maxres) then
+            if(iline.ne.20.or.iline.ne.10) then
+c     B B -> ? ?
+               NHardRes=NHardRes+1
+            elseif(iline.eq.20) then
+               NDecRes=NDecRes+1
+            elseif(iline.eq.10) then
+               NSoftRes=NSoftRes+1
+            endif
+         endif
+ 312  continue
+c other counters for B-strings/M-strings could be added here...
+      if(iline.eq.13.or.iline.eq.17
+     &     .or.iline.eq.19.or.iline.eq.26) then
+         NElColl=NElColl+1
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      integer function collclass(ityp1,iso31,ityp2,iso32)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     This function links the ingoing collision channel to the
+c     line number of the sigmaLN array in {\tt blockres.f} in which the
+c     types of cross section parametrizations to perform are defined.
+cinput ityp1  : ityp of particle 1
+cinput iso31  : $I_3$ of particle 1
+cinput ityp2  : ityp of particle 2
+cinput iso32  : $I_3$ of particle 2
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer ityp1,ityp2,iso31,iso32,i1,i2,iz1,iz2
+      real*8 d1,d2
+c     copy to new variables MUST be done because of swpizm
+c     (otherwise scatter will crash due to swapped particle properties)
+      i1=iabs(ityp1)
+      i2=iabs(ityp2)
+      iz1=iso31
+      iz2=iso32
+      d1=0.d0
+      d2=0.d0
+      if(i1.lt.i2)call swpizm(i1,iz1,d1,i2,iz2,d2)
+c baryon-antibaryon
+      if(i1.le.maxbar.and.i2.le.maxbar.and.ityp1*ityp2.lt.0) then
+         collclass=11
+         if(CTOption(19).ne.0)collclass=0
+         return
+      end if
+c nucleon nucleon
+      if(i1.eq.nucleon.and.i2.eq.nucleon) then
+         if(iz1.eq.iz2) then
+c proton proton or neutron-neutron
+            collclass=2
+            return
+         else
+c proton neutron
+            collclass=1
+            return
+         endif
+      elseif(i1.eq.mindel.and.i2.eq.nucleon) then
+c Delta(1232) nucleon
+         collclass=3
+         return
+      elseif(i1.gt.minnuc.and.i1.le.maxnuc.and.
+     &       i2.eq.nucleon) then
+c N+ nucleon
+         collclass=4
+         return
+      elseif(i1.ge.mindel.and.
+     &       i1.le.maxdel.and.
+     &       i2.eq.nucleon) then
+c D* nucleon
+         collclass=5
+         return
+      elseif(i1.eq.mindel.and.i2.eq.mindel) then
+c Delta(1232)-Delta(1232)
+         collclass=6
+         return
+      elseif(i1.eq.mindel.and.
+     &       i2.gt.minnuc.and.
+     &       i2.le.maxnuc) then
+c Delta(1232)-N*
+         collclass=7
+         return
+      elseif(i2.eq.mindel.and.
+     &       i1.gt.mindel.and.
+     &       i1.le.maxdel) then
+c Delta(1232)-D*
+         collclass=8
+         return
+      elseif(i1.ge.minmes.and.i2.le.maxbar) then
+c Boson-Baryon
+         collclass=9
+         return
+      elseif(i1.ge.minmes.and.i2.ge.minmes) then
+c Boson-Boson
+         collclass=10
+         return
+      elseif(i1.gt.minnuc.and.
+     &       i1.le.maxdel.and.
+     &       i2.gt.minnuc.and.
+     &       i2.le.maxdel) then
+c D*-D* or D*-N* or N*-N*
+         collclass=12
+         return
+      elseif(i1.le.maxbar.and.i2.le.maxbar) then
+c all remaining BB-collisions
+         collclass=13
+         return
+      else
+c class not defined (sets sigtot to zero)
+      write(*,*)'scatter: collclass of ',i1,i2,' not yet defined!'
+         collclass=0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getang(x,y,z,th,ph,r)
+c gives spherical coordinates of cartesian 3-vector $(x,y,z)$
+c input : 3-vector x,y,z
+c output: angles {\tt th}($\vartheta$), {\tt ph}($\varphi$) and radius {\tt r}
+      implicit none
+      real*8 x,y,z,th,ph,cut,r
+      parameter (cut=1d-9)
+      if(abs(x).lt.cut.and.abs(y).lt.cut) then
+         ph=0d0
+      else
+         ph=datan2(y,x)
+      endif
+      r=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
+      th=dacos(z/max(r,cut))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine putang(x,y,z,th,ph,r)
+c  creates 3-vector $(x,y,z)$ out of  spherical coordinates
+c  input: angles {\tt th}($\vartheta$), {\tt ph}($\varphi$) and radius {\tt r}
+c  output: 3-vector x,y,z
+      implicit none
+      real*8 x,y,z,th,ph,r
+      x=r*sin(th)*cos(ph)
+      y=r*sin(th)*sin(ph)
+      z=r*cos(th)
+      return
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE rotbos(THE,PHI,BEX,BEY,BEZ,p1,p2,p3,p4)
+c INPUT: the,phi,bex,bey,bez,p
+c OUTPUT: p
+c 1)rotate 4-vector p according to the and phi 2/ boost 4-vector p
+      implicit none
+      real*8 P(4),BEX,BEY,BEZ,GA,BEP,GABEP,rot(3,3),the,phi
+      real*8 p1,p2,p3,p4,bb2
+      integer j
+      IF(THE**2+PHI**2.GT.1E-20) THEN
+        ROT(1,1)=COS(THE)*COS(PHI)
+        ROT(1,2)=-SIN(PHI)
+        ROT(1,3)=SIN(THE)*COS(PHI)
+        ROT(2,1)=COS(THE)*SIN(PHI)
+        ROT(2,2)=COS(PHI)
+        ROT(2,3)=SIN(THE)*SIN(PHI)
+        ROT(3,1)=-SIN(THE)
+        ROT(3,2)=0.
+        ROT(3,3)=COS(THE)
+        DO 108 J=1,3
+ 108       P(J)=ROT(J,1)*P1+ROT(J,2)*P2+ROT(J,3)*P3
+        p(4)=p4
+      else
+        p(1)=p1
+        p(2)=p2
+        p(3)=p3
+        p(4)=p4
+      ENDIF
+      bb2=BEX**2+BEY**2+BEZ**2
+      IF(bb2.GT.1E-20) THEN
+        GA=1D0/DSQRT(1D0-bb2)
+        BEP=BEX*P(1)+BEY*P(2)+BEZ*P(3)
+        GABEP=GA*(GA*BEP/(1D0+GA)+P(4))
+        P(1)=P(1)+GABEP*BEX
+        P(2)=P(2)+GABEP*BEY
+        P(3)=P(3)+GABEP*BEZ
+        P(4)=GA*(P(4)+BEP)
+      ENDIF
+      p1=p(1)
+      p2=p(2)
+      p3=p(3)
+      p4=p(4)
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine instring(low,high,nb,nm,barlist,meslist)
+c     version: 1.0
+c     this subroutine returns arrays with the indices of the baryons/mesons
+c     found in the itypnew-array of {\tt newpart.f}
+cinput low:  lower search boundary
+cinput high: upper search boundary
+coutput nb : number of baryons in range
+coutput nm : number of mesons in range
+coutput barlist: list of indices for baryons
+coutput meslist: list of indices for mesons
+      implicit none
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer i,low,high,nb,nm,barlist(mprt),meslist(mprt)
+      nb=0
+      nm=0
+      do 10 i=low,high
+         if(abs(itypnew(i)).le.maxbar) then
+          nb=nb+1
+          barlist(nb)=i
+       else
+          nm=nm+1
+          meslist(nm)=i
+       endif
+ 10   continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine leadhad(n1l,n2l,nbl)
+cinput n1l : First index of this string in the newpart-arrays
+cinput n2l : Last index of this string in the newpart-arrays
+cinput nbl : Baryon number of string system, nbl=3 is e+e-
+c output : via common-block {\tt newpart.f}
+c This subroutine determines the position of the leading hadrons
+c of a string fragmentation in the newpart-arrays and assigns the
+c reduction factor for the total cross sections (for all non-leading
+c hadrons this factor is zero, i.e. they have no cross-section during
+c their formation time)
+      implicit none
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'coms.f'
+      integer n1l,n2l,nbl,ll
+c default: no leading hadron at all
+       do 1 ll=n1l,n2l
+         leadfac(ll)=0.d0
+ 1    continue
+c no leading quarks in e+e-
+      if(nbl.eq.3) return
+c full x-section, if there is only one particle
+      if(n1l.eq.n2l)then
+        leadfac(n1l)=1.d0
+        sidnew(n1l)=0
+        return
+      endif
+c the last hadron contains always one leading quark
+      if(iabs(itypnew(n2l)).le.maxbar)then
+        leadfac(n2l)=0.33d0
+      else
+        leadfac(n2l)=0.5d0
+      endif
+c baryonic string: look for the first (=leading) baryon
+      if(nbl.gt.0)then
+        do 10 ll=n1l,n2l
+         if(iabs(itypnew(ll)).le.maxbar)then
+          leadfac(ll)=0.66d0
+          goto 20
+         endif
+ 10    continue
+ 20    continue
+      else
+c mesonic string: the first hadron contains one leading quark
+        if(iabs(itypnew(n1l)).le.maxbar)then
+          leadfac(n1l)=0.33d0
+        else
+          leadfac(n1l)=0.5d0
+        endif
+      endif
+      do 33 ll=n1l,n2l
+         if (leadfac(ll).gt.0d0) then
+            sidnew(ll)=strcount
+         else
+            sidnew(ll)=0
+         endif
+ 33   continue
+      strcount=strcount + 1
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/siglookup.f b/Processes/UrQMD/siglookup.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd45e5a3f8da28d406f4415751e88b26f855e0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/siglookup.f
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+c $Id: siglookup.f,v 1.4 1999/01/18 09:57:15 ernst Exp $
+      real*8 function SIGLOOKUP(iline,sqrts)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput iline : line\# for information in {\tt sigmainf} array
+cinput sqrts : $\sqrt{s}$ of collision
+c output : returns tabulated cross section value
+c     This function returns the cross section stored in line ISIGLINE of
+c     the SIGMAS array at the respective value of sqrt(s) (SQRTS)
+c     Optional scaling according to SIGMASCAL is performed.
+      implicit none
+      real*8 sqrts,xpt,x1,y1in,y2in,slin,tlow,tblstp,thigh
+      integer isigline,index,iline
+c later, sigtab.f should only be included into main.f and all relevant tables
+c should be accessed via common blocks
+      include 'comres.f'
+c line for sigmas(line,*) array
+      isigline=sigmainf(iline,1)
+c log of lowest sqrt(s) entry in the table
+      tlow=log(sigmascal(iline,2))
+c exp(tblstp) is Delta(sqrts) for table
+      tblstp=sigmascal(iline,3)
+c maximum log of sqrt(s) enty in the table
+      thigh=itblsz*tblstp+tlow
+c table-lookup sequence (modified IQMD/RQMD)
+c first generate x-coordinate from sqrt(s) for the table
+      XPT=LOG(sqrts)
+c check if sqrt(s) is below lower boundary
+         siglookup=0.d0
+         return
+      END IF
+c now get index (which is the column in sigtab)
+c check if sqrt(s) is above upper boundary
+c also this solution is not clean...
+         INDEX=ITBLSZ-1
+         xpt=thigh
+      END IF
+c now make a straighforward interpolation
+c in the sigtab array
+c bracket for sqrt(s) value (between X1 and XPT)
+      X1=(INDEX-1)*TBLSTP + TLOW
+c sigmas(isigline,INDEX) is the c.s. array, the wanted c.s. is stored
+c in line isigline
+      Y1IN=sigmas(isigline,INDEX)
+      Y2IN=sigmas(isigline,INDEX+1)
+c get the slope
+c get the cross section and store it in SIGLOOKUP
+c scale the cross section
+      siglookup=sigmascal(iline,1)*siglookup
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/string.f b/Processes/UrQMD/string.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62edad89561432977c45d5457902fd24cfd3becc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/string.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2078 @@
+c $Id: string.f,v 1.18 2003/05/02 11:06:56 weber Exp $
+      subroutine stringdec(ityp,iz2,smass,part,ident2,npart)
+cinput smass   : Stringmass
+cinput ityp    : Particle ID
+cinput iz2     : Isospin$_3\cdot 2$
+coutput part   : 4-momenta, 4-position, masses (array)
+coutput ident2 : ityp, iz2 (array)
+coutput npart  : number of outgoing particles
+c     This subroutine performs string fragmentation.
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'comstr.f'
+      dimension part(9,mxptcl)
+      dimension ident2(2,mxptcl)
+c we call the translation routine
+        call ityp2id(ityp,iz2,ifa,ifb)
+        goto 1
+cspl... string fragmentation called with quark id's and energy as arguments
+         entry qstring(ifanew,ifbnew,smass,part,ident2,npart)
+         ifa=ifanew
+         ifb=ifbnew
+ 1      continue
+        smem=smass
+c here we call the fragmentation routine. the produced hadrons and their
+c properties are returned via the pptcl- and ident-array in the common-block
+       call string(ifa,ifb,smass)
+c here the array pptcl has been filled with nptcl entries (1->nptcl)
+c now we translate to uqmd and shift the pptcl- and ident-info to the
+c corresponding part- and ident2-arrays of the newpart-common-block:
+       npart=nptcl
+       do 2 i=1,nptcl
+        call id2ityp(ident(i),pptcl(5,i),itypout,iz2out)
+        ident2(1,i)=itypout
+        ident2(2,i)=iz2out
+        smem=smem-pptcl(4,i)
+        do 3 j=1,9
+         part(j,i)=pptcl(j,i)
+ 3       continue
+ 2      continue
+c check for energy conservation:
+ctp060926       if(abs(smem).gt.1.0D-5)then
+ctp060926        write(*,*)'! stringdec: energy difference=',smem
+ctp060926        write(*,*)'ifa,ifb,smass=',ifa,ifb,smass
+ctp060926       endif
+       return
+       end
+      subroutine strini
+c output     : via common blocks
+c     {\tt strini} calculates mixing angles for the meson-multipletts
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'options.f'
+        include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comstr.f'
+        real*8 m3
+        real*8 massit
+        integer jit
+c mixing angles of meson multiplets according to flavor SU(3) quark model:
+cspl-0795 these parameters assign the pure u/ubar,d/dbar,s/sbar states
+c  (e.g. 110,220,330) to the physical particles according to the su(3)
+c  quark model. The flavor mixing angles are chosen according to quadratic
+c  Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula (Review of Particle Properties,
+c  Phys. Rev D50 (1994) 1319). For the scalar mesons this formula is not
+c  applicable. We assume an ideal mixing angle (tan(theta)=1/sqrt(2)).
+c pseudoscalar: theta=-10 deg
+c vector      : theta= 39 deg
+c pseudovector: theta= 51 deg
+c tensor      : theta= 28 deg
+      real*8 mixang(njspin)
+c ideal mixing angles assumed for the last three multiplets
+      data mixang/-10d0,39d0,35.3d0,51d0,28d0,35.3d0,35.3d0,35.3d0/
+      pi = 4d0*datan2(1d0,1d0)
+c calculate 'singlet shift probabilities', e.g. a 11 (u-ubar) state
+c can be changed to a 22 (d-dbar) or 33 (s-sbar) state with a certain
+c probability. THEN they can be identified with physical hadrons!
+      do 3 i=1,njspin
+         mixang(i)=mixang(i)/36d1*2d0*3.1416d0
+         PMIX1S(1,i)=(dcos(mixang(i))/sqrt(6d0)
+     &        -dsin(mixang(i))/sqrt(3d0))**2
+         PMIX1S(2,i)=PMIX1S(1,i)
+         PMIX1S(3,i)=(-(dcos(mixang(i))*2d0/dsqrt(6d0))
+     &        -dsin(mixang(i))/dsqrt(3d0))**2
+         PMIX2S(1,i)=0.5d0
+         PMIX2S(2,i)=0.5d0
+         PMIX2S(3,i)=1d0
+ce calculate probabilities of the meson multipletts
+ce according to parm=(spin degeneracy)/(average mass) *ctp(50 ff.)
+           parm(i)=0d0
+           m3=0d0
+           do 102 j=0,3
+             itp=mlt2it(4*(i-1)+j+1)
+             m3=m3+massit(itp)
+             jpc=jit(itp)/2
+102           continue
+           parm(i)=parm(i)+(2*jpc+1)/m3*4*CTParam(49+i)
+c the mixing-angles are the same for 'string' and 'cluster':
+         do 2 k=1,3
+            PMIX1C(k,i)=PMIX1S(k,i)
+            PMIX2C(k,i)=PMIX2S(k,i)
+c            write(6,*)'#',pmix1c(k,i)
+ 2       continue
+ 3    continue
+      return
+      end
+cinput   sigqt  : Width of Gaussian
+coutput  pt0    : transverse momentum
+C     generate pt with Gaussian
+c     distribution $\propto pt \exp(-pt^2/sigqt^2)$
+      implicit none
+      real*8 pt0,sigqt,rnd,ranf
+      RND=ranf(0)
+      PT0=SIGQT*SQRT(-DLOG(1.d0-RND))
+      RETURN
+      END
+cinput ID     : quarkcode
+coutput ifl1  : single quarks id
+coutput ifl2  : single quarks id
+coutput ifl3  : single quarks id
+coutput jspin : spin id
+C          -MESONS:
+C          I=0, J<=K, +/- IS SIGN FOR J,
+C          ID=110 FOR PI0, ID=220 FOR ETA, ETC.
+C          -BARYONS:
+C          I<=J<=K IN GENERAL,
+C          -DIQUARKS:
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+c extract the single (anti-)quark ids from the hadron id:
+      I=IDABS/1000
+      J=MOD(IDABS/100,10)
+      K=MOD(IDABS/10,10)
+      JSPIN=MOD(IDABS,10)
+c diquarks:
+      IF(ID.NE.0.AND.MOD(ID,100).EQ.0) GO TO 300
+c quarks oder so:
+      IF(J.EQ.0) GO TO 200
+c mesonen:
+      IF(I.EQ.0) GO TO 100
+      IFL1=ISIGN(I,ID)
+      IFL2=ISIGN(J,ID)
+      IFL3=ISIGN(K,ID)
+      RETURN
+C          MESONS
+      IFL1=0
+      IFL2=ISIGN(J,ID)
+      IFL3=ISIGN(K,-ID)
+      RETURN
+      IFL1=0
+      IFL2=0
+      IFL3=0
+      JSPIN=0
+      return
+300   IFL1=ISIGN(I,ID)
+      IFL2=ISIGN(J,ID)
+      IFL3=0
+      JSPIN=0
+      RETURN
+      END
+cinput   amstr     : stringmass
+cinput   ifl1      : leading (di)quark (along +Z)
+cinput   ifl2      : leading (di)quark
+c output : produced particles via common block ({\tt pptcl})
+C     Hadron production via string fragmentation. masses acc. to Breit
+c     Wigner distr., incl. production of mesonic and baryonic resonances
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'comstr.f'
+      DIMENSION PX1L(2),PY1L(2),PX1(2),PY1(2),PMTS(2),W(2),IFL(2)
+      DIMENSION VC(3)
+      LOGICAL leading
+      include 'options.f'
+      IFLL=0
+      PXL=0
+      PYL=0
+c..strange quark and charm quark probabilities:
+      prbs=ctparam(6)
+      prbc=ctparam(7)
+cspl the diquark-suppresion parameter is reduced for small
+c    string masses (finite size effect) see A. Jahns diploma thesis
+      if(amstr.le.2.8d0)then
+        pbars=0.d0
+      elseif (amstr.le.5d0)then
+        pbars=((amstr-2.8d0)/2.2d0)**3*ctparam(8)
+      else
+        pbars=ctparam(8)
+      endif
+c..some parameters (see input.f)
+      dmas=ctparam(9)
+      dmass=ctparam(10)
+      pardbs=ctparam(25)
+      sigqts=ctparam(42)
+      PU=1./(2.+PRBS+PRBC)
+      LRET=.FALSE.
+      NREP = 0
+      DIQBR=.TRUE.
+      NFIX=0
+      BACK=.TRUE.
+c.. here starts everything (if the string break up didn't work
+c..                         we start again at this point)
+ 100  I=NFIX
+      ilead=0
+      NPR=0
+      NPL=0
+c.. nrep=number of tries to break string
+      NREP=NREP+1
+      LRET=.TRUE.
+ctp060926      write(*,*)'!! STRING: no fragmentation.'
+      return
+      IFL(1)=IFL1
+      IFL(2)=IFL2
+      DO 110 J=1,2
+ 110  W(J)=AMSTR
+      DO 120 J=1,2
+      PX1L(J)=0.
+      PY1L(J)=0.
+      PX1(J)=0.
+ 120  PY1(J)=0.
+      SPINT=.TRUE.
+      KSPIN=1
+      IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GOTO 131
+      WEND=(AMASS(IDR)+DMAS)**2
+      GO TO 151
+131   IFCN=1
+      IF(ranf(0).GT.0.5) IFCN=2
+      IFLC1=IFCN
+      IF(IFL(1).LT.0) IFLC1=-IFCN
+151   SPINT=.FALSE.
+      KSPIN=0
+c.. only one break goto 225 is the end of the fragmentation
+      IF(W(1)*W(2).LE.WEND) GO TO 225
+c..the main iteration loop for the fragmentation:
+ 130  I=I+1
+      IF(I.GT.MXPTCL) GO TO 9999
+      JSIDE=INT(1.+2.*ranf(0))
+      IF(JSIDE.EQ.1) NPR=NPR+1
+      IF(JSIDE.EQ.2) NPL=NPL+1
+C  IS IFL(JSIDE) A QUARK OR A DIQUARK ? (di-quark-->150)
+      IF(MOD(IFL(JSIDE),100).EQ.0) GO TO 150
+      DIQBR=.FALSE.
+      DRND=ranf(0)
+c.. do a qq-qqbar pair with certain prob.
+      IF(DRND.LT.PBARS) GO TO 140
+      GO TO 200
+c.. no single-strange diquarks (us,ds)!
+cblubb      if(max0(iq1,iq2).eq.3.and.min0(iq1,iq2).lt.3)goto 140
+c.. suppr. double strange di-quarks(ss) with certain prob. (acc. to ctp 29)
+      if((IQ1.eq.3.and.IQ2.eq.3)
+     &     .and.ranf(0).gt.CTParam(29))goto 140
+      IF(IQ1.LE.IQ2) GO TO 145
+      ISWAP=IQ1
+      IQ1=IQ2
+      IQ2=ISWAP
+145   IFQQ=1000*IQ1+100*IQ2
+      GO TO 200
+c..the di-quark part:
+ 150  DRND=ranf(0)
+      IF(DRND.LE. PARDBS) GO TO 190
+      IFLL=IFLD1
+      DRND=ranf(0)
+      IFLL=IFLD2
+ 160  DIQBR=.TRUE.
+      PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0)
+      PXL=PTL0*COS(PHI)
+      PYL=PTL0*SIN(PHI)
+      PX1(JSIDE)=-PXL
+      PY1(JSIDE)=-PYL
+      GO TO 200
+      DIQBR=.FALSE.
+      IF(MOD(IFLN,100).EQ.0) SIGQTSN=sigqts*ctparam(38)
+      if(iabs(ifln).eq.3.or.iabs(ifl(jside)).eq.3)
+     &                  sigqtsn=sigqts*ctparam(39)
+c no pt for leading hadron:
+      leading=.false.
+      if((JSIDE.EQ.1.and.NPR.eq.1).and.
+     & (abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1120 .or.abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1220) )then
+c     & (abs(IDENT(I)).ge.1110))then
+        leading=.true.
+cblu        pt2=pt2/2d0
+        ilead=ilead+1
+      endif
+      if((JSIDE.EQ.2.and.NPL.eq.1).and.
+     & (abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1120 .or.abs(IDENT(I)).eq.1220) )then
+c     & (abs(IDENT(I)).ge.1110))then
+        leading=.true.
+cblu        pt2=pt2/2d0
+        ilead=ilead+1
+      endif
+c..transverse momentum choosen for the newly produced hadron
+      PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0)
+      PX2=PT2*COS(PHI)
+      PY2=PT2*SIN(PHI)
+      PPTCL(1,I)=PX1(JSIDE)+PX2
+      PPTCL(2,I)=PY1(JSIDE)+PY2
+C  GENERATE Z-momentum
+      PTS=PPTCL(1,I)**2+PPTCL(2,I)**2
+      PMTS(JSIDE)=PPTCL(5,I)**2+PTS
+      ZMIN=PMTS(JSIDE)/(W(1)*W(2))
+      ZMAX=1.-PMTS(3-JSIDE)/(W(1)*W(2))
+      IF(ZMIN.GE.ZMAX) GO TO 100
+c.. fraction of momentum acc. to the fragmentation fct.
+      PPTCL(3,I)=0.5*(Z*W(JSIDE)-PMTS(JSIDE)/
+     *(Z*W(JSIDE)))*(-1.)**(JSIDE+1)
+      PPTCL(4,I)=0.5*(Z*W(JSIDE)+PMTS(JSIDE)/(Z*W(JSIDE)))
+      IDCAY(I)=0
+      IF(.NOT.(JSIDE.EQ.1)) GO TO 282
+      PPTR(1,NPR)=PPTCL(1,I)
+      PPTR(2,NPR)=PPTCL(2,I)
+      PPTR(3,NPR)=PPTCL(3,I)
+      PPTR(4,NPR)=PPTCL(4,I)
+      PPTR(5,NPR)=PPTCL(5,I)
+ 282  IF(.NOT.(JSIDE.EQ.2)) GO TO 283
+      PPTL(1,NPL)=PPTCL(1,I)
+      PPTL(2,NPL)=PPTCL(2,I)
+      PPTL(3,NPL)=PPTCL(3,I)
+      PPTL(4,NPL)=PPTCL(4,I)
+      PPTL(5,NPL)=PPTCL(5,I)
+ 283  IF(DIQBR) GO TO 210
+      PX1(JSIDE)=-PX2
+      PY1(JSIDE)=-PY2
+      GO TO 220
+210   ID1=IABS(IFLL)
+      ID2=IABS(IFLN)
+      IF(ID1.LE.ID2) GO TO 215
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID1=ISWAP
+215   IFL(JSIDE)=ISIGN(1000*ID1+100*ID2,IFLL)
+ 220  W(1)=W(1)-PPTCL(4,I)-PPTCL(3,I)
+      W(2)=W(2)-PPTCL(4,I)+PPTCL(3,I)
+      SPINT=.TRUE.
+      KSPIN=2
+      IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GO TO 240
+      AMB=AMASS(IDB)+dmass
+      GO TO 211
+240   IFCN=1
+      IF(ranf(0).GT.0.5) IFCN=2
+      IFLC1=-IFCN
+      IF(IFL(1).GT.0) IFLC1=IFCN
+      IFLC2=-IFLC1
+211   P1X=PX1(1)+PX1(2)
+      P1Y=PY1(1)+PY1(2)
+      PT12=P1X**2+P1Y**2
+      W12=W(1)*W(2)
+      AMS2=W12-PT12
+      IF(AMS2.LT.AMB**2) GO TO 100
+      SPINT=.TRUE.
+      KSPIN=1
+      IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.AND.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GO TO 231
+      WEND=(AMASS(IDR)+DMAS)**2
+      GO TO 232
+232   SPINT=.FALSE.
+      KSPIN=0
+      IF(W(1)*W(2).GE.WEND) GO TO 130
+      GO TO 230
+225   P1X=PX1(1)+PX1(2)
+      P1Y=PY1(1)+PY1(2)
+      PT12=P1X**2+P1Y**2
+      W12=W(1)*W(2)
+      AMS2=W12-PT12
+ 230  NPTCL=I
+      AMC=SQRT(AMS2)
+      EC=(W(1)+W(2))/2.0
+      VC(1)=P1X/EC
+      VC(2)=P1Y/EC
+      VC(3)=(W(1)-W(2))/(2.0*EC)
+      NIN1=NPTCL+1
+c.. the last break of the string will be done in clustr
+      CALL CLUSTR(IFL(1),IFL(2),AMC,ilead)
+      IF(LRET) GO TO 100
+      NFIN1=NPTCL
+      NPR=NPR+1
+      NPL=NPL+1
+c..the hadron from the left and the right side of the string
+c..are copied to the final pptcl array
+      PPTL(1,NPL)=PPTCL(1,NFIN1)
+      PPTL(2,NPL)=PPTCL(2,NFIN1)
+      PPTL(3,NPL)=PPTCL(3,NFIN1)
+      PPTL(4,NPL)=PPTCL(4,NFIN1)
+      PPTL(5,NPL)=PPTCL(5,NFIN1)
+      PPTR(1,NPR)=PPTCL(1,NIN1)
+      PPTR(2,NPR)=PPTCL(2,NIN1)
+      PPTR(3,NPR)=PPTCL(3,NIN1)
+      PPTR(4,NPR)=PPTCL(4,NIN1)
+      PPTR(5,NPR)=PPTCL(5,NIN1)
+      JJ=NFIX
+      DO 284 J=1,NPR
+      JJ=JJ+1
+      PPTCL(1,JJ)=PPTR(1,J)
+      PPTCL(2,JJ)=PPTR(2,J)
+      PPTCL(3,JJ)=PPTR(3,J)
+      PPTCL(4,JJ)=PPTR(4,J)
+      PPTCL(5,JJ)=PPTR(5,J)
+      JJ=NFIX+NPR
+      DO 285 J=1,NPL
+      JJ=JJ+1
+      K=NPL-J+1
+      PPTCL(1,JJ)=PPTL(1,K)
+      PPTCL(2,JJ)=PPTL(2,K)
+      PPTCL(3,JJ)=PPTL(3,K)
+      PPTCL(4,JJ)=PPTL(4,K)
+      PPTCL(5,JJ)=PPTL(5,K)
+      N1=NFIX+1
+      N2=NFIX+NPR+NPL-1
+c.. we choose the LUND scheme
+      consti=.false.
+C----- CONSTITUENT      TIME           ----------------C
+      DO 1286 J=N1,N2
+      P3S=0.
+      ES=0.
+      DO 1287 L=N1,J
+      P3S=P3S+PPTCL(3,L)
+1287  ES=ES+PPTCL(4,L)
+c.. TI is the formation time of the particle
+c.. ZI is the z coordinate
+      TI=(AMSTR-2.*P3S)/(2.*XAP)
+      ZI=(AMSTR-2.*ES)/(2.*XAP)
+      IF(J.NE.N2) GO TO 1288
+      TII=TI
+      ZII=ZI
+1288  PPTCL(6,J)=0.
+      PPTCL(7,J)=0.
+      PPTCL(8,J)=ZI
+      PPTCL(9,J)=TI
+      PPTCL(6,N2+1)=0.
+      PPTCL(7,N2+1)=0.
+      PPTCL(8,N2+1)=ZII
+      PPTCL(9,N2+1)=TII
+      GO TO 1253
+      ENDIF
+C-----  INSIDE-OUTSIDE  TIME (LUND)    ----------------C
+      DO 286 J=N1,NPTCL
+      P3S=0.
+      ES=0.
+      NJ=J-1
+      IF(NJ.EQ.0) GO TO 289
+      DO 287 L=N1,NJ
+      P3S=P3S+PPTCL(3,L)
+ 287  ES=ES+PPTCL(4,L)
+c.. TI is the formation time of the particle
+c.. ZI is the z coordinate
+ 289  TI=(AMSTR-2.*P3S+PPTCL(4,J)-PPTCL(3,J))/(2.*XAP)
+      ZI=(AMSTR-2.*ES-PPTCL(4,J)+PPTCL(3,J))/(2.*XAP)
+      PPTCL(6,J)=0.
+      PPTCL(7,J)=0.
+      PPTCL(8,J)=ZI
+      PPTCL(9,J)=TI
+1253  RETURN
+c.. warning if to many hadrons are produced in string
+c.. increase the particle arrays to avoid this
+9999  WRITE(6,9998) I
+      STOP
+      END
+cinput   amctr     : stringmass,
+cinput   ifl1      : leading quark (or diquark) along $+Z$ axis
+cinput   ifl2      : 2nd leading quark (or diquark)
+cinput   ilead     : $2-ilead=$ number of leading (di-)quarks
+c output : produced particles via common block ({\tt pptcl})
+c  Only the final 2 particles are created in {\tt clustr}!
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'comstr.f'
+      DIMENSION IFL(2),U(3)
+      real*8 valint(1)
+      common /values/ valint
+      include 'options.f'
+ctp060202 to avoid warnings with gfortran compilation
+      logical ctp060202
+      ctp060202=.false.
+      if(ctp060202)write(*,*)ilead
+ctp060202 end
+c.. strange and charm suppression in clustr (see string)
+      prbs=ctparam(6)
+      prbc=ctparam(7)
+c..the diquark-suppresion parameter is reduced for small
+c    string masses (finite size effect) see A. Jahns diploma thesis
+      if(amctr.le.2.8d0)then
+        pbarc=0.d0
+      elseif (amctr.le.5d0)then
+        pbarc=((amctr-2.8d0)/2.2d0)**3*ctparam(8)
+      else
+        pbarc=ctparam(8)
+      endif
+      dmas=ctparam(9)
+      dmass=ctparam(10)
+      PU=1./(2.+PRBS+PRBC)
+      NREP=0
+      LRET=.FALSE.
+ 100  I=NFIX
+      LRET=.TRUE.
+      RETURN
+      KSPIN=0
+      IFL(1)=IFL1
+      IFL(2)=IFL2
+      SPINT=.FALSE.
+      I=I+2
+      IF(I.GT.MXPTCL) GO TO 9999
+      JSIDE=1
+      IF(MOD(IFL(1),100).EQ.0.OR.MOD(IFL(2),100).EQ.0) GO TO 150
+      DRND=ranf(0)
+      IF(DRND.LT.PBARC.and.valint(1).eq.0.d0) GO TO 140
+      GO TO 200
+      IF(IQ1.LE.IQ2) GO TO 145
+      ISWAP=IQ1
+      IQ1=IQ2
+      IQ2=ISWAP
+145   IFQQ=1000*IQ1+100*IQ2
+      GO TO 200
+      IF(MOD(IFL(JSIDE),100).EQ.0) GO TO 130
+ 200  continue
+c..quark-flip included (to describe some phi data)
+      if(CTParam(5).gt.ranf(0).and.mod(ifln,100).ne.0.and.
+     &   mod(ifl(jside),100).ne.0.and.mod(ifl(3-jside),100).ne.0)then
+c quark-flip
+      else
+      end if
+c..for special bbar-b annihilation reactions for conservation
+c  of total quantum numbers
+      if(valint(1).ne.0.d0)then
+        ifq1=int(valint(1)/10.)
+        ifq2=-mod(int(valint(1)),10)
+        if(isign(1,ifln).eq.isign(1,ifq1))then
+        else
+        endif
+      endif
+      PPTCL(5,I-1)=AMASS(IDENT(I-1))
+C  IF TOO LOW MASS,START ALL OVER (i.e. goto 100)
+      DEMAS=0.15
+      IF(IFLN.LT.3) DEMAS=0.
+c      IF(AMCTR.GT.PPTCL(5,I-1)+PPTCL(5,I)+DEMAS)  GO TO 102
+      IF(AMCTR.GT.PPTCL(5,I-1)+PPTCL(5,I)+DEMAS) then
+       if(mod(ifl1,100).eq.0.or.mod(ifl2,100).eq.0)goto 102
+c..maximum kinetic energy cutoff for meson-clustr:
+c..we want a lot of energy in the particle mass in this last break
+       IF(AMCTR-PPTCL(5,I-1)-PPTCL(5,I).lt.ctparam(43)) GO TO 102
+      endif
+      NREP=NREP+1
+c.. 100 starts all over
+      GO TO 100
+c.. isotropic px py pz distribution
+      U(3)=1.-2.*ranf(0)
+      PHI=2.*PI*ranf(0)
+      ST=SQRT(1.-U(3)**2)
+      U(1)=ST*COS(PHI)
+      U(2)=ST*SIN(PHI)
+      PPTCL(1,I-1)=PA*U(1)
+      PPTCL(1,I)=-(PA*U(1))
+      PPTCL(2,I-1)=PA*U(2)
+      PPTCL(2,I)=-(PA*U(2))
+      PPTCL(3,I-1)=PA*U(3)
+      PPTCL(3,I)=-(PA*U(3))
+      PA2=PA**2
+      PPTCL(4,I-1)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I-1)**2)
+      PPTCL(4,I)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I)**2)
+      IDCAY(I-1)=0
+      IDCAY(I)=0
+      NPTCL=I
+c..forward/backward distribution in clustr for baryons
+c..(no pt in the last string break!)
+c..pt for the baryon comes from parton kick in the excitation
+      if(abs(ident(i)).ge.1000.or.abs(ident(i-1)).ge.1000)then
+      PPTCL(1,I-1)=0.d0
+      PPTCL(1,I)=0.d0
+      PPTCL(2,I-1)=0.d0
+      PPTCL(2,I)=0.d0
+      PPTCL(3,I-1)=PA
+      PPTCL(3,I)=-PA
+      PA2=PA**2
+      PPTCL(4,I-1)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I-1)**2)
+      PPTCL(4,I)=SQRT(PA2+PPTCL(5,I)**2)
+      IDCAY(I-1)=0
+      IDCAY(I)=0
+      NPTCL=I
+      endif
+c..if baryon number=+-1, force the (anti-)baryon in positive
+c..z-direction (just pick the right hemisphere)
+      if(ctoption(29).gt.0)then
+      if( (iabs(ident(i)/1000).ne.0.and.iabs(ident(i-1)/1000).eq.0
+     &    .and.pptcl(3,i).lt.0.d0).or.
+     &  (iabs(ident(i-1)/1000).ne.0.and.iabs(ident(i)/1000).eq.0
+     &    .and.pptcl(3,i-1).lt.0.d0)) then
+            pptcl(3,i)  =-pptcl(3,i)
+            pptcl(3,i-1)=-pptcl(3,i-1)
+      endif
+      endif
+      RETURN
+c.. particle array to small warning:
+9999  WRITE(6,9998) I
+      STOP
+      END
+      integer FUNCTION IFLAV(PU,PRBS)
+cinput PU      : 1-{\tt PU}= up (down, resp.) probability
+cinput PRBS    : Strange quark suppression
+c output : {\tt iflav}:  flavor of created quark
+c     Returns quark flavor acc. to suppression prob's:
+c     1=up, 2=down, 3=strange, 4=charm
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      RNDOM=ranf(0)
+      IF(RNDOM.GT.PU) GO TO 1
+c..create up quark
+      IFLAV=1
+      RETURN
+  1   IF(RNDOM.GT.2.0*PU) GO TO 2
+c..create down quark
+      IFLAV=2
+      RETURN
+  2   IF(RNDOM.GT.PU*(2.0+PRBS)) GO TO 3
+c..create strange quark
+      IFLAV=3
+      RETURN
+c..create charm quark
+  3   IFLAV=4
+      RETURN
+      END
+cinput IFL       : ID of existing quark
+cinput IFLN      : ID of newly created quark
+cinput PT2       : $p_t$ of newly created hadron
+cinput ZMIN      : lowest allowed longitudinal momentum fraction
+cinput ZMAX      : highest allowed longitudinal momentum fraction
+cinput leading   : flag for leading particle
+coutput ZFRAGS   : longitudinal momentum fraction of created hadron
+c     According to the fragmentation function(s), longitudinal momentum
+c     is assigned to the hadron.
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      LOGICAL leading
+      include 'options.f'
+      PARAMETER(ALFT=0.5,ARHO=0.5,APHI=0.,APSI=-2.)
+      PARAMETER(AN=-0.5,ALA=-0.75,ALAC=-1.75)
+      PARAMETER(AKSI=-1.0,AUSC=-2.0,AUCC=-2.0)
+c.. cto 21 chooses the fragmentation fct.
+      if ((.not.leading).or.(ifln.eq.3)) then
+         affm=ctparam(47)
+         bffm=ctparam(48)
+ 5108  ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+       YF=((1d0-ZFRAGS)**bffm*(bffm+1)*affm+1-affm)/3d0
+ctp060926       if(yf.gt.1d0.or.yf.lt.0d0)then
+ctp060926        write(6,*)'ZFRAGS: wrong norm:',yf,zmin,zmax,zfrags
+ctp060926       end if
+       IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+       GO TO 5108
+      endif
+c.. GAUSSIAN fragmentation fct.
+      if(CTOption(21).eq.0)then
+         affm=CTParam(36)
+         bffm=CTParam(37)
+c.. suppress low momentum particles
+      deltaz=zmax-zmin
+      zmin=zmin+deltaz*0.25d0
+ 108  ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+c.. gaussian distr.
+      yf=exp(-(((zfrags-bffm)**2)/(2.*affm**2)))
+c.. field-feynmann fragmentation fct.
+c      YF=((1d0-ZFRAGS)**bffm*(bffm+1)*affm+1-affm)/3d0
+ctp060926      if(yf.gt.1d0.or.yf.lt.0d0)then
+ctp060926       write(6,*)'ZFRAGS: wrong norm:',yf,zmin,zmax,zfrags
+ctp060926      end if
+c      return
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 108
+      else if(CTOption(21).eq.1)then
+c..lund-fragmentation fct.
+ 1008 ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1-zfrags)*exp(-(0.7*pt2/zfrags))/3d0
+ctp060926      if(yf.gt.1d0.or.yf.lt.0d0)then
+ctp060926       write(6,*)'ZFRAGS: wrong norm:',yf,zmin,zmax,zfrags
+ctp060926      end if
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 1008
+      else if(CTOption(21).eq.2)then
+c.. kaidalov's fragmentation fct.
+      ID1=IABS(IFL)
+      ID2=IABS(IFLN)
+      IF(MOD(ID2,100).EQ.0) GO TO 15
+      GO TO(1,2,3,4),ID2
+ 1    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.0-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-ARHO)
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO  1
+ 2    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-ARHO)
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO  2
+ 3    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-APHI)
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO  3
+ 4     ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-APSI)
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO  4
+15    Continue
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.1)) GO TO 16
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.2)) GO TO 17
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.3)) GO TO 18
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.1.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 19
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.2.AND.IFL3.EQ.2)) GO TO 20
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.2.AND.IFL3.EQ.3)) GO TO 21
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.2.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 22
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.3.AND.IFL3.EQ.3)) GO TO 23
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.3.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 24
+      IF((IFL2.EQ.4.AND.IFL3.EQ.4)) GO TO 25
+16    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AN-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 16
+17    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AN-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 17
+18    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALA-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 18
+19    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALAC-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 19
+20    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AN-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 16
+21    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALA-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 21
+22    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*ALAC-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 22
+23    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AKSI-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 23
+24    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AUSC-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 24
+25    ZFRAGS=ZMIN+ranf(0)*(ZMAX-ZMIN)
+      YF=(1.-ZFRAGS)**(ALFT-(2.*AUCC-ARHO))
+      IF(ranf(0).LE.YF) RETURN
+      GO TO 25
+      else
+       write(6,*)'string.f: cto(21)=',ctoption(21),' not valid'
+       stop
+      end if
+      END
+cinput V         : boost velocity (3-vector)
+cinput NIN       : lower boundary in the pptcl array
+cinput NFIN      : upper boundary in the pptcl array
+cinput back      : inversion flag for transformation
+c output : via common block ({\tt pptcl})
+c     Performs a Lorentz-boost of a part of the pptcl array
+c     (from {\tt nin} to {\tt nfin})
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      DIMENSION V(3),VD(3)
+      L=1
+      IF(BACK) L=-1
+      DO 3 I=1,3
+3     VD(I)=V(I)
+      VVD=VD(1)*VD(1)+VD(2)*VD(2)+VD(3)*VD(3)
+      GAD=1.D0/DSQRT(DABS(1.D0-VVD))
+      GA=GAD
+      DO 100 J=NIN,NFIN
+      VP=V(1)*PPTCL(1,J)+V(2)*PPTCL(2,J)+V(3)*PPTCL(3,J)
+      GAVP=GA*(GA*VP/(1.+GA)-FLOAT(L)*PPTCL(4,J))
+      PPTCL(1,J)=PPTCL(1,J)+GAVP*V(1)
+      PPTCL(2,J)=PPTCL(2,J)+GAVP*V(2)
+      PPTCL(3,J)=PPTCL(3,J)+GAVP*V(3)
+      PMAS=PPTCL(5,J)
+      PPTCL(4,J)=SQRT(PPTCL(1,J)**2+PPTCL(2,J)**2+PPTCL(3,J)**2+
+     +PMAS**2)
+      RETURN
+      END
+      BLOCK DATA D2
+c     Initial values for several common blocks
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'comstr.f'
+c this parameter controls the min. energy for ending string fragmentation
+c default      DATA DMAS/0.35/
+c now: ctparam(9) and ctparam(10)
+c      DATA DMAS/1./
+c      data dmass/0.25/
+      DATA XAP/1.0/
+      DATA PARQLS/0.5/,PARRS/0.9/
+C      DATA PRBS/0.3/,PRBC/0.0005/,PBARC/0.09/,PBARS/0.09/
+c these are now ctparam(6),ctparam(7) and ctparam(8)
+c      DATA PRBS/0.33/,PRBC/0.0/,PBARC/0.09/,PBARS/0.09/
+      DATA PJSPNC/.50/
+      DATA PJSPNS/.50/
+c      DATA PJSPNC/1./
+c      DATA PJSPNS/1./
+C      DATA PMIX1C/.25,.25,.5,.5,.5,1./,PMIX2C/.5,.5,1.,0.,0.,1./
+c      DATA PMIX1S/.25,.25,.5,.5,.5,1./,PMIX2S/.5,.5,1.,0.,0.,1./
+cspl-0795 these parameters assign the pure u/ubar,d/dbar,s/sbar states
+c  (e.g. 110,220,330) to the physical particles according to the su(3)
+c  quark model. The flavor mixing angles are chosen according to quadratic
+c  Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula (Review of Particle Properties,
+c  Phys. Rev D50 (1994) 1319). For the scalar mesons this formula is not
+c  applicable. We assume an ideal mixing angle (tan(theta)=1/sqrt(2)).
+c pseudoscalar: theta=-10 deg
+c vector      : theta= 39 deg
+c pseudovector: theta= 51 deg
+c tensor      : theta= 28 deg
+c PMIX1C/S(IF1,JSPIN) gives the quark content of the heavy isosinglet:
+c  e.g. the eta' (330) is 25% u/ubar 25% d/dbar and 50% s/sbar
+c PMIX2C/S(IF1,JSPIN) chooses for nonstrange qqbars between the isosinglet
+c  the and the isotriplet
+c  quark content of the heavy singlett
+c      DATA PMIX1C/.25,.25,.5,   ! eta'
+c     &     0.,0.,1.,    ! phi
+c     &     0.,0.,1.,    ! f_0
+c     &     .04,.04,.92, ! f_1'
+c     &     .01,.01,.98/ ! f_2'
+c      DATA PMIX2C/.5 ,.5 ,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5 ,.5 ,1. ,.5 ,.5 , 1./
+c      DATA PMIX1S/.25,.25,.5,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,1.,.04,.04,.92,.01,.01,.98/,
+c     &     PMIX2S/.5 ,.5 ,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5,.5,1.,.5 ,.5 ,1. ,.5 ,.5 , 1./
+c       DATA SIGQTS/0.65/ -> ctparam(42)
+       END
+      BLOCK DATA D4
+cinput ()      : NONE
+coutput ()     : via common blocks
+c     Initial values for several common blocks
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+C          DATA COMTRY
+      DATA NTRIES/1000/
+      END
+cinput IFL01  : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks
+cinput IFL02  : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks
+cinput SPINT        : flag for spin assignment
+cinput IR           : Determines particle spin
+c output : Quark code of the hadron
+c parm gives the probability for different meson multiplets according
+c to spin degeneracy and average mass ratios
+c spin-parity 0- : 1- : 0+ : 1+ : 2+ = parm(1):parm(2)...:parm(5)
+c If SPINT=.t., IR will be used to assign particle spin
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comstr.f'
+      IFL1=IFL01
+      IFL2=IFL02
+      IF(MOD(IFL1,100).EQ.0) GO TO 420
+      IF(MOD(IFL2,100).EQ.0) GO TO 425
+      call getbran(parm,1,njspin,psdum,1,njspin,jspin)
+      jspin=jspin-1
+      ID1=IFL1
+      ID2=IFL2
+      IF(ID1+ID2.NE.0) GO TO 400
+      ID1=IABS(ID1)
+      IF(ID1.GE.4) GO TO 401
+      RND=ranf(0)
+ 401  ID2=-ID1
+ 400  IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 410
+      ISAVE=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISAVE
+      GO TO 470
+ 420  ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL1/100,10),IFL1)
+      ID2=IFL1/1000
+      ID1=IFL2
+      GO TO 430
+ 425  ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL2/100,10),IFL2)
+      ID2=IFL2/1000
+      ID1=IFL1
+ 430  IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 431
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISWAP
+ 431  IF(IABS(ID2).LE.IABS(ID3)) GO TO 432
+      ISWAP=ID2
+      ID2=ID3
+      ID3=ISWAP
+ 432  IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 440
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISWAP
+ 440  JSPIN=1
+      IF(ID1.EQ.ID2.AND.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 450
+      JSPIN=INT(ranf(0)+PJSPNS)
+ 450  IF(JSPIN.EQ.1.OR.ID1.EQ.ID2.OR.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 460
+      DRND=ranf(0)
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISWAP
+ 460  IDHAD=1000*IABS(ID1)+100*IABS(ID2)+10*IABS(ID3)+JSPIN
+      RETURN
+      END
+cinput IFL01  : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks
+cinput IFL02  : ID of (anti-)quarks/di-quarks
+cinput SPINT        : flag for spin assignment
+cinput IR           : Determines particle spin
+c output : Quark code of the hadron
+c parm gives the probability for different meson multiplets according
+c to spin degeneracy and average mass ratios
+c spin-parity 0- : 1- : 0+ : 1+ : 2+ = parm(1):parm(2)...:parm(5)
+c If SPINT=.t., IR will be used to assign particle spin
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'comstr.f'
+      IFL1=IFL01
+      IFL2=IFL02
+      IF(MOD(IFL1,100).EQ.0) GO TO 420
+      IF(MOD(IFL2,100).EQ.0) GO TO 425
+c.. choose multiplett by its probability
+      call getbran(parm,1,njspin,dummy,1,njspin,jspin)
+      jspin=jspin-1
+      ID1=IFL1
+      ID2=IFL2
+      IF(ID1+ID2.NE.0) GO TO 400
+      ID1=IABS(ID1)
+      IF(ID1.GE.4) GO TO 401
+c.. singlet mixing acc. to mixing angles
+      RND=ranf(0)
+ 401  ID2=-ID1
+ 400  IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 410
+      ISAVE=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISAVE
+      GO TO 470
+ 420  ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL1/100,10),IFL1)
+      ID2=IFL1/1000
+      ID1=IFL2
+      GO TO 430
+ 425  ID3=ISIGN(MOD(IFL2/100,10),IFL2)
+      ID2=IFL2/1000
+      ID1=IFL1
+ 430  IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 431
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISWAP
+ 431  IF(IABS(ID2).LE.IABS(ID3)) GO TO 432
+      ISWAP=ID2
+      ID2=ID3
+      ID3=ISWAP
+ 432  IF(IABS(ID1).LE.IABS(ID2)) GO TO 440
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISWAP
+ 440  JSPIN=1
+      IF(ID1.EQ.ID2.AND.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 450
+      JSPIN=INT(ranf(0)+PJSPNC)
+ 450  IF(JSPIN.EQ.1.OR.ID1.EQ.ID2.OR.ID2.EQ.ID3) GO TO 460
+      DRND=ranf(0)
+      ISWAP=ID1
+      ID1=ID2
+      ID2=ISWAP
+ 460  IDHAD=1000*IABS(ID1)+100*IABS(ID2)+10*IABS(ID3)+JSPIN
+       RETURN
+      END
+      real*8 FUNCTION AMASS(ID)
+cinput ID      : Quark code
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comstr.f'
+      real*8 mmin,mmax,m0,mminit, massit, widit
+      integer isoit
+      dimension amq(4)
+      include 'options.f'
+c.. quark masses (u,d,s,c)
+      DATA AMq/.15,.15,.45,1.6/
+c fraction of baryonresonances
+      bresfrac=ctparam(11)
+      idabs=iabs(id)
+c get quark masses
+      if (idabs.le.4) then
+        amass=amq(idabs)
+        return
+      endif
+c get diquark masses
+      IF(ID.NE.0.AND.MOD(ID,100).EQ.0) then
+        AMASS=AMq(IABS(IFL1))+AMq(IABS(IFL2))
+        return
+      endif
+c get hadron masses
+c get baryon masses
+c (anti-)nucleon ?
+      if ((idabs.eq.1120).or.(idabs.eq.1220)) then
+        if (ranf(0).lt.bresfrac)then
+c.. N*
+          amass=getmass(mresmax,1)
+          return
+        else
+c.. N
+          amass=0.938
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+c (anti-)delta ?
+      if ((idabs.eq.1111).or.(idabs.eq.1121)
+     &   .or.(idabs.eq.1221).or.(idabs.eq.2221)) then
+        if (ranf(0).lt.bresfrac)then
+c.. D*
+          amass=getmass(mresmax,2)
+          return
+        else
+c.. Delta(1232)
+          m0=massit(mindel)
+          w0=widit(mindel)
+c get meson mass accord. to breit wigner distr.
+          mmin=mminit(mindel)
+          mmax=m0+3d0*w0
+cdh       call getmas(m0,w0,mindel,isoit(mindel),mmin,mmax,-1,amass)
+          call getmas(m0,w0,mindel,isoit(mindel),mmin,mmax,-1.d0,amass)
+          return
+        endif
+      endif
+c (other baryons)
+      if(idabs-1000.ge.0) then
+        call id2ityp(id,0.d0,itypin,iz2)
+c..check range and avoid double counting for explicitely treated resonances
+        if ((abs(itypin).ge.minlam.and.abs(itypin).le.maxcas).and.
+     &   (idabs.ne.1231.and.idabs.ne.1131.and.idabs.ne.2231.and.
+     &    idabs.ne.1331.and.idabs.ne.2331).and.
+     &   (ctoption(31).eq.1)) then
+c.. generate also non-groundstate ityps for strange baryons
+         call probitypres(itypin,ityp)
+        else
+           ityp=itypin
+        endif
+         amass=massit(iabs(ityp))
+       return
+      endif
+c mesons
+      if(idabs.le.330+njspin-1) then
+        call id2ityp(id,0.d0,ityp,iz2)
+        m0=massit(iabs(ityp))
+        w0=widit(iabs(ityp))
+c get meson mass accord. to breit wigner distr.
+        mmin=max(mminit(iabs(ityp)),m0-3d0*w0)
+        mmax=m0+3d0*w0
+cdh     call getmas(m0,w0,ityp,iz2,mmin,mmax,-1,amass)
+        call getmas(m0,w0,ityp,iz2,mmin,mmax,-1.d0,amass)
+        return
+      endif
+      write(6,*)'! amass: no mass for part.id:',id
+      return
+      END
+      real*8 FUNCTION DBLPCM(A,B,C)
+cinput A      : Mass of particle A
+cinput B      : Mass of particle B
+cinput C      : Mass of particle C
+c In the rest frame of a particle of mass A, decaying into particles
+c of masses B and C, {\tt dblpcm} returns the momenta of the outgoing
+c particles.
+      implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
+      implicit integer (i-n)
+      DA=A
+      DB=B
+      DC=C
+      DVAL=(DA**2-DB**2-DC**2)**2-(2.D0*DB*DC)**2
+      DBLPCM=0.
+      return
+      END
+      subroutine ityp2id(ityp,iz2,ifa,ifb)
+cinput ityp    : UrQMD particle ID
+cinput iz2     : UrQMD $2\cdot I_3$
+coutput ifa : quarkcode (diquark)
+coutput ifb : quarkcode (quark)
+c  returns quark id from uqmd-ityp and isospin z-component (times 2)
+c  quark ids are:  1 up,  2 down,  3 strange,  4 charm
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer itypabs,ityp,iz2,ifa,ifb,sf
+      integer t3,if(3)
+      itypabs=iabs(ityp)
+      t3=iz2*isign(1,ityp)
+c nucleons ?
+      if (itypabs.lt.minmes) then
+       sf=strres(itypabs)
+c uuu
+       if(t3.eq.3) then
+        if(1)=1
+        if(2)=1
+        if(3)=1
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c uus
+       if(t3.eq.2) then
+        if(1)=1
+        if(2)=1
+        if(3)=3
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c uud
+       if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf.eq.0)) then
+        if(1)=1
+        if(2)=1
+        if(3)=2
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c uss
+       if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf.eq.2)) then
+        if(1)=1
+        if(2)=3
+        if(3)=3
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c uds
+       if((t3.eq.0).and.(sf.eq.1)) then
+        if(1)=1
+        if(2)=2
+        if(3)=3
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c sss
+       if((t3.eq.0).and.(sf.eq.3)) then
+        if(1)=3
+        if(2)=3
+        if(3)=3
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c udd
+       if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf.eq.0)) then
+        if(1)=1
+        if(2)=2
+        if(3)=2
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c dss
+       if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf.eq.2)) then
+        if(1)=2
+        if(2)=3
+        if(3)=3
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c dds
+       if (t3.eq.-2) then
+        if(1)=2
+        if(2)=2
+        if(3)=3
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+c ddd
+       if (t3.eq.-3) then
+        if(1)=2
+        if(2)=2
+        if(3)=2
+        call mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+        ifa=ifa*isign(1,ityp)
+        ifb=ifb*isign(1,ityp)
+        return
+       endif
+      endif
+c-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
+c bosons
+      if (itypabs.ge.minmes) then
+       sf=strmes(itypabs)
+c d ubar
+       if(t3.eq.-2) then
+        ifa=2
+        ifb=-1
+        return
+       endif
+c d sbar
+       if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.-1)) then
+        ifa=2
+        ifb=-3
+        return
+       endif
+c s ubar
+       if((t3.eq.-1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.+1)) then
+        ifa=3
+        ifb=-2
+        return
+       endif
+c q qbar
+       if(t3.eq.0) then
+c u ubar
+c all neutral triplet states:
+        if ((itypabs.eq.minmes+1)   .or.      !pi0
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+4)  .or.
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+11)  .or.
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+14)  .or.
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+18)  .or.
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+22)  .or.
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+26)  .or.
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes+30)  .or.
+c the gamma gets also a quark content
+     &       (itypabs.eq.minmes)) then
+         ifa=1
+         ifb=-1
+         return
+        endif
+c d dbar
+c light singlet states (generally less strange quark content)
+        if ((itypabs.eq.minmes+2) .or.        !eta
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+3)  .or.
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+5)  .or.
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+15)  .or.
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+19)  .or.
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+23)  .or.
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+27)  .or.
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+31)) then
+         ifa=2
+         ifb=-2
+         return
+        endif
+c s sbar
+        if ((itypabs.eq.minmes+7) .or.        !eta' (958)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+9)  .or.        !phi (1020)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+12) .or.        !f_0  (980)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+16) .or.        !f_1 (1510)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+20) .or.        !f_2'(1525)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+24) .or.        !f_2'(1525)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+28) .or.        !f_2'(1525)
+     &      (itypabs.eq.minmes+32))then
+         ifa=3
+         ifb=-3
+         return
+        endif
+       endif
+c u sbar
+       if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.-1)) then
+        ifa=1
+        ifb=-3
+        return
+       endif
+c s dbar
+       if((t3.eq.1).and.(sf*isign(1,ityp).eq.+1)) then
+        ifa=3
+        ifb=-1
+        return
+       endif
+c u dbar
+       if(t3.eq.2) then
+        ifa=1
+        ifb=-2
+        return
+       endif
+      endif
+c  in any other case we will do a mesonic string
+c.. and a warning !
+ctp060926      write(*,*)'! ityp2id: ityp',ityp,',iz2',iz2,
+ctp060926     &          ' can not be converted into id. Please check.'
+      ifa=1
+      ifb=-1
+      RETURN
+      end
+      subroutine mquarks(if,ifa,ifb)
+cinput if     : single quarks (array)
+coutput ifa : diquark
+coutput ifb : quark
+c this routine adds randomly the single quarks of the
+c baryon to become a diquark and a quark.
+      implicit none
+      include 'options.f'
+      real*8 ranf
+      integer if(0:2),ifa,ifb,ir
+      integer i,prod,inons
+      ir=int(3.*ranf(0))
+      ifa=1000*if(ir)+100*if(mod(ir+1,3))
+      ifb=if(mod(ir+2,3))
+c.. check if heavy quark clusters are switched off (cto 37=0)
+      if (CTOption(37).eq.0)  return
+c.. not switched off -> clusters strange quarks to
+c.. diquark molecule, i.e. keep ss-diquark together
+c. are there 2 strange quarks
+      prod=if(0)*if(1)*if(2)
+      if (prod.eq.9.or.prod.eq.18.or.prod.eq.27) then
+c. find the non-strange quark inons
+       inons=0
+       do i=0,2
+        if(if(i).lt.3) inons=i
+       enddo
+       ifb=if(inons)
+       ifa=1000*if(mod(inons+1,3))+100*if(mod(inons+2,3))
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine id2ityp(id,mass,it,iz)
+cinput id    : quarkcode
+cinput mass  : mass of resonance
+coutput: it : UrQMD particle ID
+coutput: iz : $2\cdot I_3$ of particle
+c     returns UrQMD ID ({\tt it}) and isospin z-component (times 2) ({\tt IZ})
+c     from quark id
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      integer IT,IZ,id,idabs,i,j,k,jspin,idloc,whichres
+      real*8 mass,pardelt,mminit,dm,dmold,massit
+      integer iit,irun
+c.. extract quark id's and spin
+      I=IDABS/1000
+      J=MOD(IDABS/100,10)
+      K=MOD(IDABS/10,10)
+      JSPIN=MOD(IDABS,10)
+c single diquarks are not popular in urqmd:
+      IF(ID.NE.0.AND.MOD(ID,100).EQ.0) GO TO 222
+c single quarks are not popular in urqmd:
+      IF(J.EQ.0) GO TO 222
+c mesons:
+       if(I.EQ.0) then
+c calculate isospin from quark content:
+       IZ=0
+       if(j.lt.3) IZ=3-2*j
+       if(k.lt.3) IZ=IZ+(2*k-3)
+       IZ=isign(1,id)*IZ
+       idloc=idabs-jspin
+       if((idloc.eq.110).or.(idloc.eq.120))then
+c..triplett (e.g. pion)
+          IT= mlt2it(jspin*4+1) ! minmes+1
+          return
+       else if(idloc.eq.220)then
+c..1st singlett (e.g. eta)
+          IT= mlt2it(jspin*4+3) !minmes+2
+          return
+       else if(idloc.eq.130.or.idloc.eq.230)then
+c..strange doublett (e.g. (anti-)kaon)
+          IT=isign(mlt2it(jspin*4+2),id)
+          return
+       else if(idloc.eq.330)then
+c..2nd singlett (e.g. eta')
+          IT=mlt2it(jspin*4+4)  !minmes+7
+          return
+       else
+          goto 222
+       endif
+      else
+c.. baryons:
+c calculate isospin from quark content:
+       IZ=0
+       if(i.lt.3) IZ=3-2*i
+       if(j.lt.3) IZ=IZ+3-2*j
+       if(k.lt.3) IZ=IZ+3-2*k
+       IZ=isign(1,id)*IZ
+c spin 1/2 baryons (all nucleon-resonances are treated here!)
+      if(jspin.eq.0)then
+c (anti-)nucleons and resonances
+       if(idabs.eq.1120.or.idabs.eq.1220)then
+c mass below parnuc -> nucleon (ground state), mass above parnuc ->N*
+         if(mass.lt.mminit(minnuc+1))then
+           IT=isign(minnuc,id)
+           return
+         else
+           IT=isign(whichres(dble(mass),1),id)
+           return
+         endif
+       else if(idabs.eq.2130)then
+c lambda
+           iit=minlam
+           if (mass.gt.1d0)then
+           dmold=1d30
+           do irun = minlam,maxlam
+              dm=abs(massit(irun)-mass)
+              if (dm.le.dmold)then
+                 dmold=dm
+                 iit=irun
+              end if
+           end do
+           end if
+           IT=isign(iit,id)
+           return
+       else if(idabs.eq.1230.or.idabs.eq.1130.or.idabs.eq.2230)then
+c sigma
+           iit=minsig
+           if (mass.gt.1d0)then
+           dmold=1d30
+           do irun = minsig,maxsig
+              dm=abs(massit(irun)-mass)
+              if (dm.le.dmold)then
+                 dmold=dm
+                 iit=irun
+              end if
+           end do
+           end if
+           IT=isign(iit,id)
+           return
+       else if(idabs.eq.1330.or.idabs.eq.2330)then
+c cascade
+           iit=mincas
+           if (mass.gt.1d0)then
+           dmold=1d30
+           do irun = mincas,maxcas
+              dm=abs(massit(irun)-mass)
+              if (dm.le.dmold)then
+                 dmold=dm
+                 iit=irun
+              end if
+           end do
+           endif
+           IT=isign(iit,id)
+           return
+       else
+           goto 222
+       endif
+c spin 3/2 baryons (all delta-resonances are treated here!)
+      else if(jspin.eq.1)then
+       if(idabs.eq.1111.or.idabs.eq.1121.or.
+     &    idabs.eq.1221.or.idabs.eq.2221)then
+c if mass below pardelt -> Delta1232, otherwise: Delta-resonance
+         pardelt=1.45
+         if(mass.lt.pardelt)then
+c delta 1232
+           IT=isign(whichres(dble(mass),0),id)
+           return
+         else
+c delta resonance
+           IT=isign(whichres(dble(mass),2),id)
+           return
+         endif
+       else if(idabs.eq.1231.or.idabs.eq.1131.or.idabs.eq.2231)then
+c sigma*
+           IT=isign(minsig+1,id)
+           return
+       else if(idabs.eq.1331.or.idabs.eq.2331)then
+c cascade*
+           IT=isign(mincas+1,id)
+           return
+       else if(idabs.eq.3331)then
+c omega
+           IT=isign(minome,id)
+           return
+       else
+        goto 222
+       endif
+c higher spin baryons include here:
+      else
+       goto 222
+      endif
+      endif
+ 222  continue
+ctp060926      write(6,*)'! ID=',id,' can not be converted into ityp'
+ctp060926      write(6,*)'I=',i,'J=',j,'K=',k,'spin=',jspin
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine probitypres(itypin,itypout)
+cinput itypin : ityp of groundstate
+coutput: itypout : ityp of groundstate plus resonances
+c     returns a new ityp which also includes resonce ityps, this is
+c     necessary to include hyperon resonces as long as no proper getmass
+c     for hyperons existst.
+c     the probabilities are chooses according to a exp(delta m/b) distribution.
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer itypin,itypout,ss,i,itypinn
+      real*8 prob(1:200),probres,norm,deltam,massit
+      ss=itypin/abs(itypin)
+      itypinn=abs(itypin)
+c.. the lambda
+      if (itypinn.ge.minlam.and.itypinn.le.maxlam)then
+c get probabilities and norm
+         norm=0d0
+         do i=minlam+1,maxlam
+            deltam=abs(massit(i)-massit(minlam))
+            prob(i)=probres(deltam,massit(minlam),i)
+            norm=norm+prob(i)
+         end do
+         do i=minlam+1,maxlam
+            prob(i)=prob(i)/norm
+         end do
+         call findityp(prob,itypout,minlam+1,maxlam)
+         itypout=itypout*ss
+         return
+      end if
+c.. the sigma
+      if (itypinn.ge.minsig.and.itypinn.le.maxsig)then
+c get probabilities and norm
+         norm=0d0
+         do i=minsig+1,maxsig
+            deltam=abs(massit(i)-massit(minsig))
+            prob(i)=probres(deltam,massit(minsig),i)
+c... do not generate masses for minsig+1 they are treated ecplicitely
+            if (i.eq.minsig+1) prob(i)=0d0
+            norm=norm+prob(i)
+         end do
+         do i=minsig+1,maxsig
+            prob(i)=prob(i)/norm
+         end do
+         call findityp(prob,itypout,minsig+1,maxsig)
+         itypout=itypout*ss
+         return
+      end if
+c.. the cascades
+      if (itypinn.ge.mincas.and.itypinn.le.maxcas)then
+c get probabilities and norm
+            norm=0d0
+         do i=mincas+1,maxcas
+            deltam=abs(massit(i)-massit(mincas))
+            prob(i)=probres(deltam,massit(mincas),i)
+c... do not generate masses for mincas+1 they are treated ecplicitely
+            if (i.eq.mincas+1) prob(i)=0d0
+            norm=norm+prob(i)
+         end do
+         do i=mincas+1,maxcas
+            prob(i)=prob(i)/norm
+         end do
+         call findityp(prob,itypout,mincas+1,maxcas)
+         itypout=itypout*ss
+         return
+      end if
+      write(*,*)'itypin, itypout',itypin,itypout
+      stop 'Error in probitypres!'
+      end
+      real*8 function probres(dm,minmass,it)
+cinput dm : mass difference to groundstate
+cinput minmass : mass of groundstate
+cinput it : ityp
+coutput: probres: unnormalized probability for this state
+c     returns probabilty for a higher mass state according to
+c     exponential distribution with degeneracy
+      implicit none
+      real*8 dm,minmass,j,g,T
+      integer it, getspin
+c.. assume temperature T=170 MeV (from statistical model, e.g. becattini,heinz)
+      T=0.170d0
+c.. get spin*2
+      j=1d0*getspin(it,1)
+      if (j.lt.0) then
+c.. take spin into account via J= m^2 and deg. g=2j+1 (regge theory)
+       j=2d0*(minmass+dm)**2
+      end if
+      g=(j+1d0)
+      probres=g*exp(-(dm/T))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine findityp (p,it,mini,maxi)
+cinput p : array with normalized probabilities
+cinput mini : lowest index
+cinput maxi : largest index
+coutput: it: ityp according to probability
+c     returns a new ityp according to probabilties defined in p
+      implicit none
+      real*8 p(1:200),y,ranf
+      integer it,mini,maxi,ix
+      it=mini
+      ix=0
+      y=0d0
+ 1    continue
+      ix=int(mini+int((maxi-mini+1)*ranf(0)))
+      y=ranf(0)
+      if (y.lt.p(ix)) then
+        it=ix
+        return
+      end if
+      goto 1
+      end
+C                        THE END
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/tabinit.f b/Processes/UrQMD/tabinit.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5032e1c8ba87a88d7dbe4c7e49ebd03c768c3a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/tabinit.f
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+c $Id: tabinit.f,v 1.14 2003/05/02 13:14:46 weber Exp $
+      subroutine loadwtab (io)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+coutput   : information in common-block comwid.f
+c     load the tabulated branching ratios from disk
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      integer ios, nsp, io, ver!, i
+c      character*35 pwdcmd
+      character*10 deftab
+      character*8 defexe
+      logical b
+c set the defaultname of the file, containing the table
+      parameter (deftab='tables.dat', defexe='uqmd.exe')
+      b=io.eq.1
+c get the name of the table from the environment variable
+      call getenv('URQMD13_TAB',tabname)
+c if it is empty, use the default name
+      if (tabname(1:4).eq.'    ') then
+         tabname=deftab
+      endif
+      if(b)write (6,*) 'Looking for the tabulated decay width...'
+     &                 ,tabname
+c open the table
+      open (unit=75,iostat=ios,file=tabname,form='unformatted',
+     .      status='old')
+c if it fails ...
+      if (ios.ne.0) then
+c close the file handle
+c         close (unit=75, status='delete')
+         if(b)write (6,*) 'No file:',tabname,'in this directory'
+c get the full path of the executable, ...
+c         call getenv('_',pwdcmd)
+c         write (6,*) 'pwd:',pwdcmd
+         write (6,*) 'tabname:',tabname
+c extract the path
+c         i=max(index(pwdcmd,defexe),2)
+c         write (tabname,*) pwdcmd (1:i-1),deftab
+c         tabname=tabname(2:)
+         if(b)write (6,*) 'Looking for ',tabname,'...'
+c and look for a table in the directory of the executable
+         open (unit=75,iostat=ios,file=tabname,
+     .         form='unformatted',status='old')
+      endif
+c if the last 'open' command succeeds read the file
+      if (ios.eq.0) then
+         if(b)write (6,*) 'O.K.'
+         if(b)write (6,*) 'reading...'
+c read all tables
+         read (unit=75, iostat=ios) ver, nsp, tabx, fbtaby, pbtaby,
+     .          fmtaby, pmtaby, bwbarnorm, bwmesnorm,
+     .            tabxnd, frrtaby
+c caution! the file is unformatted, therefor it is system dependent!
+         if(b)write (6,*) 'version=',ver
+c if no errors occur ...
+         if (ios.eq.0) then
+            if(b)write (6,*) 'O.K.'
+            wtabflg=3
+c check, if the version number is correct
+            if (ver.eq.tabver) then
+               if(b)write (6,*) 'tabver=',ver,'  O.K.'
+            else
+               write (6,*) 'wrong table!'
+               write (6,*) 'tabver should be',tabver,',instead of',ver
+               wtabflg=0
+            endif
+c check, if the table has the correct 'widnsp'
+            if (nsp.eq.widnsp) then
+               if(b)write (6,*) 'widnsp=',nsp,'  O.K.'
+            else
+               write (6,*) 'wrong table!'
+               write (6,*) 'widnsp should be',widnsp,', instead of',nsp
+                     wtabflg=0
+               endif
+c if table is O.K. close file
+            if (wtabflg.eq.3) then
+               close (unit=75, status='keep')
+c otherwise ...
+            else
+c delete the present table
+               close (unit=75, status='delete')
+               tabname=deftab
+c and calculate a new one
+               call mkwtab
+            endif
+c in case of read errors ...
+         else
+c delete the present table
+            close (unit=75, status='delete')
+            write (6,*) 'Error while reading ',tabname
+            tabname=deftab
+c and calculate a new one
+            call mkwtab
+         endif
+c in any other case ...
+      else
+ctp         tabname=deftab
+c calculate an new table
+         call mkwtab
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine savewtab
+c     Revision : 1.0
+c     save the tabulated branching ratios to disk
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      integer ios
+      write (6,*) 'Writing new table...'
+c try to generate a new file
+      open (unit=75,iostat=ios,file=tabname,form='unformatted',
+     .      status='new')
+c if it succedds ...
+      if (ios.eq.0) then
+c write the tables into the file
+         write (unit=75, iostat=ios) tabver, widnsp, tabx, fbtaby,
+     .        pbtaby, fmtaby, pmtaby, bwbarnorm, bwmesnorm,
+     .            tabxnd, frrtaby
+         if (ios.eq.0) write (6,*) 'O.K.'
+c otherwise complain
+      else
+         write (6,*) 'Error: ',tabname,'exists!'
+      endif
+c close the file
+      close (unit=75, status='keep')
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine mkwtab
+c     Revision : 1.0
+coutput   : information in common-block comwid.f
+c     tabulate the mass dependent branching ratios
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      real*8 fwidth,m,first,last,delta,abl0,abln,mir,mminit,fbrancx
+      real*8 massit,bran,smass,bwnorm,fppfit
+      integer i,bchan,itp,isoit,cmin,cmax,i1,i2,i3,i4,ii1
+      write (6,*) 'Generating table...'
+c this indicates, that all tables are still empty
+      wtabflg=0
+c high precision splines from mintab to maxtab1
+c lower precicision between maxtab1 and maxtab2
+c now fill the x-values
+c start with 'mintab'
+      first=mintab
+c 66 % of all fixpoints between mintab and maxtab1
+c calculate the steps
+      delta=(maxtab1-mintab)/((widnsp-1d0)*2d0/3d0)
+      if (delta.le.0d0) then
+         write(*,*)'(E) Please allow maxtab1>mintab in comwid'
+         stop
+      endif
+c store the values into 'tabx'
+      do 10 i=1,int(widnsp*2./3.)
+         m=first+(i-1)*delta
+         tabx(i)=m
+ 10   continue
+c 33 % of all fixpoints with larger delta between maxtab1 and maxtab2
+      delta=(maxtab2-maxtab1)/((widnsp-1d0)*1d0/3d0)
+      if (delta.le.0d0) then
+         write(*,*)'(E) Please allow maxtab2>maxtab1 in comwid'
+         stop
+      endif
+c store the values into 'tabx'
+        do 11 i=int(widnsp*2./3.)+1,widnsp
+         m=maxtab1+(i-1-int(widnsp*2./3.))*delta
+         tabx(i)=m
+ 11   continue
+c now fill the y-values of the full branching ratios
+c these are the first derivatives at the first an the last point
+c of the interpolating function. a value greater than 1E30 signals the
+c 'spline' routine to set the boundary condition for a natural spline
+c with zero second derivative
+      abl0=2D30
+      abln=2D30
+c loop over all baryons
+      do 20 itp=minbar,maxbar
+c loop over all x-values
+         do 21 i=1,widnsp
+c store the values ...
+            fbtaby (i,itp,1)=fwidth(itp,isoit(itp),tabx(i))
+ 21      continue
+c calculate the second derivate and store it in 'fbtaby(,,2)'
+         call spline (tabx(1),fbtaby(1,itp,1),widnsp,abl0,abln,
+     .                fbtaby(1,itp,2))
+ 20   continue
+      write (6,*) '(1/7) ready.'
+c loop over all mesons
+      do 30 itp=minmes,maxmes
+c loop over all x-values
+         do 31 i=1,widnsp
+c store the values ...
+            fmtaby (i,itp,1)=fwidth(itp,isoit(itp),tabx(i))
+ 31      continue
+c calculate the second derivate and store it in 'fmtaby(,,2)'
+         call spline (tabx(1),fmtaby(1,itp,1),widnsp,abl0,abln,
+     .                fmtaby(1,itp,2))
+ 30   continue
+      write (6,*) '(2/7) ready.'
+c the flag indicates, that now all full widths are tabulated
+      wtabflg=1
+c now fill the y-values of the partial branching ratios
+c loop over all baryons
+      do 40 itp=minbar,maxbar
+c get the mass of this particle
+         mir=massit(itp)
+c get the range of possible decay channels
+         call brange (itp, cmin, cmax)
+c check, if there are any decay channels
+         if (cmax.gt.0) then
+c loop over all decay channels
+            do 41 bchan=cmin,cmax
+c now get the outgoing particles 'i1' and 'i2' for the channel 'j'
+c 'bran' is the mass independent branching ratio (tabulated in blockres)
+c 'bflag' indicates, if 'i1', 'i2' or both are broad
+               call b3type (itp,bchan,bran,i1,i2,i3,i4)
+c check, if decay is allowed
+               smass=mminit(i2)
+               if(i3.ne.0) smass=smass+mminit(i3)
+               if(i4.ne.0) smass=smass+mminit(i4)
+               if (bran.gt.1d-9.and.mir.gt.mminit(i1)+smass) then
+c loop over all x-values
+                  do 42 i=1,widnsp
+c store the values
+*        write(*,*)'mkwtab: i,itp,bchan=',i,itp,bchan
+*       write(*,*)'mkwtab: isoit,tabx,bran,i1,i2,i3,i4=',
+*    &    isoit(itp),tabx(i),bran,i1,i2,i3,i4
+                     pbtaby(i,1,itp,bchan)=
+     .                    fbrancx (bchan,itp,isoit(itp),tabx(i),
+     .                    bran,i1,i2,i3,i4)
+ 42               continue
+c calculate the second derivate and store it in 'pbtaby(,2,,)'
+                  call spline (tabx(1),pbtaby(1,1,itp,bchan),widnsp,
+     .                         abl0,abln,pbtaby(1,2,itp,bchan))
+               end if
+ 41         continue
+         end if
+ 40   continue
+      write (6,*) '(3/7) ready.'
+c loop over all mesons
+      do 50 itp=minmes,maxmes
+c get the mass of this particle
+         mir=massit(itp)
+c get the range of possible decay channels
+         call brange (itp, cmin, cmax)
+c check, if there are any decay channels
+         if (cmax.gt.0) then
+            do 51 bchan=cmin,cmax
+c now get the outgoing particles 'i1' and 'i2' for the channel 'j'
+c 'bran' is the mass independent branching ratio (tabulated in blockres)
+c 'bflag' indicates, if 'i1', 'i2' or both are broad
+               call b3type(itp,bchan,bran,i1,i2,i3,i4)
+               smass=mminit(i2)
+               if(i3.ne.0) smass=smass+mminit(i3)
+               if(i4.ne.0) smass=smass+mminit(i4)
+               if (bran.gt.1d-9.and.mir.gt.mminit(i1)+smass) then
+c loop over all x-values
+                  do 52 i=1,widnsp
+                     pmtaby(i,1,itp,bchan)=
+     .                    fbrancx (bchan,itp,isoit(itp),tabx(i),
+     .                    bran,i1,i2,i3,i4)
+ 52               continue
+c calculate the second derivate and store it in 'pmtaby(,2,,)'
+                  call spline (tabx(1),pmtaby(1,1,itp,bchan),widnsp,
+     .                         abl0,abln,pmtaby(1,2,itp,bchan))
+               end if
+ 51         continue
+         end if
+ 50   continue
+      write (6,*) '(4/7) ready.'
+c calculate the norm integral of the Breit-Wigner functions
+c   with mass dependent widths
+        do 60 i=minbar,maxbar
+           bwbarnorm(i)=bwnorm(i)
+60        continue
+      write (6,*) '(5/7) ready.'
+c.. mesons
+        do 61 i=minmes,maxmes
+           bwmesnorm(i)=bwnorm(i)
+61        continue
+      write (6,*) '(6/7) ready.'
+c now all branching ratios and BW-integrals are tabulated
+      wtabflg=2
+ce tabulate fppfit
+c fill the x-values
+c range of tabulated cross sections
+      first=2d0*massit(nucleon)+massit(pimeson)
+        last=maxtab1
+c calculate the steps
+c the energies are weighted quadratically
+      delta=(last-first)/((widnsp-1)*2./3.)**2
+c store the values into 'tabx'
+c 66 % of all fixpoints between mintab and maxtab1
+      do 69 i=1,int(widnsp*2./3.)
+         m=first+(i-1)**2*delta
+         tabxnd(i)=m
+ 69   continue
+c 33 % of all fixpoints with larger, constant delta between maxtab1 and maxtab2
+        delta=(maxtab2-last)/((widnsp-1)*1./3.)
+        do 70 i=int(widnsp*2./3.)+1,widnsp
+         m=maxtab1+(i-1-int(widnsp*2./3.))*delta
+         tabxnd(i)=m
+ 70   continue
+c.. all pp-exit channels
+c loop over first out-particle N & D
+        do 81 ii1=1,2
+          if(ii1.eq.1)i1=minnuc
+          if(ii1.eq.2)i1=mindel
+c loop over second out-particle N(1440)..maxdel
+          do 82 i2=minnuc+1,maxdel
+c loop over all x-values
+          do 83 i=1,widnsp
+c store the values ...
+              frrtaby(i,1,ii1,i2)=fppfit(99,tabxnd(i),i1,i2)
+83            continue
+c calculate the second derivate and store it in 'frrtaby(,,2)'
+          call spline (tabxnd(1),frrtaby(1,1,ii1,i2),widnsp,abl0,abln,
+     .                frrtaby(1,2,ii1,i2))
+82          continue
+81        continue
+      write (6,*) '(7/7) ready.'
+c pp cross sections are now tabulated
+        wtabflg=3
+c save the table on disk
+      call savewtab
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function splint (xa,ya,y2a,n,x)
+c     Unit     : general infrastructure
+c     Author   : (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software
+c     Date     : 03/07/96
+c     Revision : 1.1
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      integer n
+      integer k,khi,klo
+      real*8 x,y,xa(n),y2a(n),ya(n)
+      real*8 a,b,h
+      save khi,klo
+      data klo/1/
+      data khi/2/
+      if(khi.le.n.and.x.ge.xa(klo).and.x.lt.xa(khi))then
+      elseif(khi+1.le.n.and.x.ge.xa(klo+1).and.x.lt.xa(khi+1))then
+        klo=klo+1
+        khi=khi+1
+      else
+      klo=1
+      khi=n
+1     if (khi-klo.gt.1) then
+         k=(khi+klo)/2d0
+         if(xa(k).gt.x)then
+            khi=k
+         else
+            klo=k
+         endif
+      goto 1
+      endif
+      endif
+      h=xa(khi)-xa(klo)
+      if (h.eq.0.) pause 'bad xa input in splint'
+      a=(xa(khi)-x)/h
+      b=(x-xa(klo))/h
+      y=a*ya(klo)+b*ya(khi)+((a*a*a-a)*y2a(klo)+
+     .            (b*b*b-b)*y2a(khi))*(h*h)/6d0
+      splint=y
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function splintth (xa,ya,y2a,n,x,th)
+c     Unit     : general infrastructure
+c     Author   : (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software
+c                modified my H. Weber
+c     Date     : 03/07/96
+c     Revision : 1.1
+c     split routine with nice threshold behaviour for cross sections
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'comwid.f'
+      integer n
+      integer k,khi,klo
+      real*8 x,y,xa(n),y2a(n),ya(n)
+      real*8 a,b,h,th
+      save khi,klo
+      data klo/1/
+      data khi/2/
+      if(khi.le.n.and.x.ge.xa(klo).and.x.lt.xa(khi))then
+      elseif(khi+1.le.n.and.x.ge.xa(klo+1).and.x.lt.xa(khi+1))then
+        klo=klo+1
+        khi=khi+1
+      else
+      klo=1
+      khi=n
+1     if (khi-klo.gt.1) then
+         k=(khi+klo)/2d0
+         if(xa(k).gt.x)then
+            khi=k
+         else
+            klo=k
+         endif
+         goto 1
+      endif
+      endif
+      h=xa(khi)-xa(klo)
+      if (h.eq.0.) pause 'bad xa input in splint'
+      if (xa(khi).lt.(th+2*h)) then
+c linear approximation close to threshold (within 2h)
+         splintth=ya(khi)*(x-th)/(xa(khi)-th)
+      else
+         a=(xa(khi)-x)/h
+         b=(x-xa(klo))/h
+         y=a*ya(klo)+b*ya(khi)+((a*a*a-a)*y2a(klo)+
+     .        (b*b*b-b)*y2a(khi))*(h*h)/6d0
+         splintth=y
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/urqmd.f b/Processes/UrQMD/urqmd.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e71329318d41a2820e3d62502131f76aab9fc8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/urqmd.f
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+c $Id: urqmd.f,v 1.22 2001/04/06 22:38:54 weber Exp $
+cdh   program UrQMD
+      subroutine UrQMD(iflbmax)
+c      Authors : The UrQMD collaboration
+c                S.A. Bass, M. Belkacem, M. Bleicher, M. Brandstetter,
+c                L. Bravina, C. Ernst, L. Gerland, M. Hofmann,
+c                S. Hofmann, J. Konopka, G. Mao, L. Neise, S. Soff,
+c                C. Spieles, H. Weber, L.A. Winckelmann, H. Stoecker
+c                and W. Greiner
+c     Revision: 1.2
+cc    contact address:
+cc                     urqmd@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
+c This is the main module of {\tt urqmd}. It servers as a connection between
+c the initialization, the propagation (including the real part of the
+c optical potential) and the collision term (imaginary part of the optical
+c potential).
+c  iflbmax: flag for retrying interaction after non-interaction
+c     0 = do retry until interaction happens
+c     1 = do not ( propagate particle, retry then)
+C  modifications for use in connection with CORSIKA by D. Heck
+      implicit none
+      include 'coms.f'
+      include 'comres.f'
+      include 'options.f'
+      include 'colltab.f'
+      include 'inputs.f'
+      include 'newpart.f'
+      include 'boxinc.f'
+      integer i,j,k,steps,ii,ocharge,ncharge, mc, mp, noc, it1,it2
+      real*8 sqrts,otime,xdummy,st
+      logical isstable
+      integer stidx,iflbmax
+      real*8 Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau
+      common /energies/ Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau
+      integer cti1sav,cti2sav
+      common/cncc/ncc
+      integer*8 ncc
+c     numerical/technical initialisation
+cdh   call uinit(0)
+cdh   call osc_header
+cdh   call osc99_header
+c  Main program
+      noc=0
+ 1    mc=0
+      mp=0
+c loop over all events
+cdh   do 10 event=1,nevents
+c     start event here
+c     time is the system time at the BEGINNING of every timestep
+      time = 0.0
+c     initialize random number generator
+c     call auto-seed generator only for first event and if no seed was fixed
+cdh   if(.not.firstseed.and.(.not.fixedseed)) then
+cdh      ranseed=-(1*abs(ranseed))
+cdh      call sseed(ranseed)
+cdh   else
+cdh      firstseed=.false.
+cdh   endif
+cdh   write(6,*)'event# ',event,ranseed
+c     initialisation of physics quantities
+      call init
+c old time if an old fort.14 is used
+      if(CTOption(40).eq.1)time=acttime
+c output preparation
+c write headers to file
+      call output(13)
+      call output(14)
+      call output(15)
+cdh   call output(16)
+cdh   if(event.eq.1)call output(17)
+cdh   call osc99_event(-1)
+c for CTOption(4)=1 : output of initialization configuration
+      if(CTOption(4).eq.1)call file14out(0)
+c     participant/spectator model:
+cdh   if(CTOption(28).ne.0) call rmspec(0.5d0*bimp,-(0.5d0*bimp))
+c     compute time of output
+      otime = outsteps*dtimestep
+c reset time step counter
+      steps = 0
+c  loop over all timesteps
+      do 20  steps=1,nsteps
+c store coordinates in arrays with *_t
+c this is needed for MD type propagation
+         if (eos.ne.0) then
+            do 23 j=1,npart
+               r0_t(j) = r0(j)
+               rx_t(j) = rx(j)
+               ry_t(j) = ry(j)
+               rz_t(j) = rz(j)
+ 23         continue
+         end if
+c we are at the beginning of the timestep, set current time (acttime)
+         acttime = time
+c  option for MD without collision term
+         if(CTOption(16).ne.0) goto 103
+c  Load collision table with next collisions in current timestep
+         call colload
+c     check for collisions in time-step, nct = # of collisions in table
+         if (nct.gt.0) then
+c     entry-point for collision loop in case of full colload after every coll.
+ 101        continue
+            k = 0
+c     normal entry-point for collision loop
+ 100        continue
+c     get next collision
+            call getnext(k)
+c     exit collision loop if no collisions are left
+            if (k.eq.0) goto 102
+c  propagate all particles to next collision time
+c  store actual time in acttime, propagation time st=cttime(k)-acttime
+             st=cttime(k)-acttime
+            call cascstep(acttime,st)
+c  new actual time (for upcoming collision)
+            acttime = cttime(k)
+c  perform collision
+            if(cti2(k).gt.0.)then
+             if(abs(sqrts(cti1(k),cti2(k))-ctsqrts(k)).gt.1d-3)then
+               write(6,*)' ***(E) wrong collision update (col) ***'
+               write(6,*)cti1(k),cti2(k),
+     &              ctsqrts(k),sqrts(cti1(k),cti2(k))
+             endif
+            else if(cti2(k).eq.0.and.
+     &              abs(fmass(cti1(k))-ctsqrts(k)).gt.1d-3) then
+               write(6,*)' *** main(W) wrong collision update (decay)'
+               write(6,*)ctag,cti1(k),ityp(cti1(k)),dectime(cti1(k)),
+     &              fmass(cti1(k)),ctsqrts(k)
+            endif
+            ocharge=charge(cti1(k))
+            if(cti2(k).gt.0) ocharge=ocharge+charge(cti2(k))
+c     store quantities in local variables for charge conservation check
+            it1= ityp(cti1(k))
+            if(cti2(k).gt.0)it2= ityp(cti2(k))
+c increment "dirty" collision counter
+            if(cti2(k).gt.0)then !scatter      !scatter
+               mc=mc+1
+            endif
+c     perform scattering/decay
+            ncc     = ncc+1
+            cti1sav = cti1(k)                  ! hjd
+            cti2sav = cti2(k)                  ! hjd
+            call scatter(cti1(k),cti2(k),ctsigtot(k),ctsqrts(k),
+     &                   ctcolfluc(k))
+c  update collision table
+c     normal update mode
+            if(CTOption(17).eq.0) then
+               if(nexit.eq.0) then
+c     new collision partners for pauli-blocked states (nexit=0)
+c hjd1  and cdh
+                  if (cti1(k).ne.cti1sav.or.cti2(k).ne.cti2sav) then
+                    goto 1
+c                    cti1(k) = cti1sav !!!  hjd1
+c                    cti2(k) = cti2sav !!!  hjd1
+                  endif
+c hjd1  and cdh
+                  call collupd(cti1(k),1)
+                  if(cti2(k).gt.0) call collupd(cti2(k),1)
+               else
+                  ncharge=0
+c     new collision partners for scattered/produced particles (nexit><0)
+                  do 30 i=1,nexit
+c     ncharge is used for charge conservation check
+                     ncharge=ncharge+charge(inew(i))
+                     call collupd(inew(i),1)
+ 30               continue
+c     charge conservation check
+                  if(ocharge.ne.ncharge) then
+                     write(6,*)'ch-conservation error coll/dec ',ctag
+                     write(6,*)'   it1:',it1,'   it2:',it2
+                     write(6,*)'   ch:',ocharge,ncharge
+                     write(6,*)'cti1(k),cti2(k),ctsigtot(k),ctsqrts(k)'
+                     write(6,*)cti1(k),cti2(k),ctsigtot(k),ctsqrts(k)
+                  endif
+               endif
+c     update collisions for partners of annihilated particles
+               do 55 ii=1,nsav
+                  call collupd(ctsav(ii),1)
+ 55            continue
+               nsav=0
+            else               ! (CTOption(17).ne.0)
+c     full collision load
+               call colload
+            endif
+            if (CTOption(17).eq.0) goto 100
+            goto 101
+c     this is the point to jump to after all collisions in the timestep
+c     have been taken care of
+ 102        continue
+         endif                  ! (nct.gt.0)
+c  After all collisions in the timestep are done, propagate to end of
+c  the timestep.
+c     point to jump to in case of MD without collision term
+ 103     continue
+c     increment timestep
+         time = time+dtimestep
+c  After all collisions in the timestep are done, propagate to end of
+c  the timestep.
+         call cascstep(acttime,time-acttime)
+c     in case of potential interaction, do MD propagation step
+         if (eos.ne.0) then
+c set initial conditions for MD propagation-step
+            do 24 j=1,npart
+               r0(j) = r0_t(j)
+               rx(j) = rx_t(j)
+               ry(j) = ry_t(j)
+               rz(j) = rz_t(j)
+ 24         continue
+c now molecular dynamics trajectories
+            call proprk(time,dtimestep)
+         end if                 ! (eos.ne.0)
+c     perform output if desired
+cdh      if(mod(steps,outsteps).eq.0.and.steps.lt.nsteps)then
+cdh         if(CTOption(28).eq.2)call spectrans(otime)
+cdh         call file14out(steps)
+cdh      endif                  ! output handling
+ 20   continue                  ! time step loop
+         acttime=time
+c optional decay of all unstable particles before final output
+c DANGER: pauli-blocked decays are not performed !!!
+         if(CTOption(18).eq.0) then
+c no do-loop is used because npart changes in loop-structure
+            i=0
+            nct=0
+            actcol=0
+c disable Pauli-Blocker for final decays
+            CTOption(10)=1
+c decay loop structure starts here
+ 40         continue
+            i=i+1
+c is particle unstable
+            if(dectime(i).lt.1.d30) then
+ 41            continue
+               isstable = .false.
+               do 44 stidx=1,nstable
+                  if (ityp(i).eq.stabvec(stidx)) then
+cdh                   write (6,*) 'no decay of particle ',ityp(i)
+                     isstable = .true.
+                  endif
+ 44            enddo
+               if (.not.isstable) then
+c     perform decay
+                  call scatter(i,0,0.d0,fmass(i),xdummy)
+c     backtracing if decay-product is unstable itself
+                  if(dectime(i).lt.1.d30) goto 41
+               endif
+            endif
+c     check next particle
+            if(i.lt.npart) goto 40
+         endif                       ! final decay
+c final output
+cdh     if(CTOption(28).eq.2)call spectrans(otime)
+         call file13out(nsteps)
+         call file14out(nsteps)
+cdh      call file16out
+cdh      call osc_event
+cdh      call osc99_event(1)
+cdh      call osc99_eoe
+c           print *,"noc",noc,bdist,ctag,bimp
+         mp=mp+npart
+         if(iflbmax.eq.0.and.ctag.eq.0)then
+cdh        write(*,*)'(W) No collision in event ',event
+           noc=noc+1
+           if(noc.ge.1000 .and. mod(noc,1000) .eq. 0)then
+             print *,'no collision problem in UrQMD'
+c~              stop
+           endif
+           goto 1
+         endif
+         write(*,*) 'iterations =', noc
+c     end of event loop
+cdh 10   continue
+cdh   write(6,*)'no. of collisions = ',mc/dble(nevents), ' (per event)'
+cdh   write(6,*)'final particles   = ',mp/dble(nevents), ' (per event)'
+cdh   write(6,*)'empty events      : ', noc, ' = ',
+cdh  +      noc*1d2/dble(nevents), '%'
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/urqmdInterface.F b/Processes/UrQMD/urqmdInterface.F
index 8eaf1f740aab02052962e8d151c5a84d91bfd784..4fe9c044e447f577559444be28e0798ab3cd678e 100644
--- a/Processes/UrQMD/urqmdInterface.F
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/urqmdInterface.F
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ c Primary initialization for UrQMD 1.31
       implicit none
 c CONEX includes
-#include "conex.h"
-#include "conex.incnex"
+c~ #include "conex.h"
+c~ #include "conex.incnex"
 #ifndef __CXCORSIKA__
-      character*500 furqdat
-      integer ifurqdat, nfurqdat
-      common/urqfname/  furqdat, ifurqdat, nfurqdat
+c~       character*500 furqdat
+c~       integer ifurqdat, nfurqdat
+c~       common/urqfname/  furqdat, ifurqdat, nfurqdat
       include 'boxinc.f'
       include 'inputs.f'
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ c local
       character adum
       double precision sig_u1,ekdummy
       integer iamaxu,idmaxu,iemaxu
-      common /cxs_u1/ sig_u1(mxie,mxid,mxia),iamaxu,idmaxu,iemaxu
-      double precision xs(3),bim(3)
-c M.R.: bim added to cxs_u2
-      common /cxs_u2/ xs,bim
+c~       common /cxs_u1/ sig_u1(mxie,mxid,mxia),iamaxu,idmaxu,iemaxu
+c~       double precision xs(3),bim(3)
+c~ c M.R.: bim added to cxs_u2
+c~       common /cxs_u2/ xs,bim
       integer iudebug
-      data bim/6.d0,6.d0,7.d0/
+c~       data bim/6.d0,6.d0,7.d0/
       integer init
       data init/0/
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ c M.R.: bim added to cxs_u2
-      IF ( isx.ge.2 ) THEN
-        IUDEBUG = isx-1
-      ELSE
-        IUDEBUG = 0
-      ENDIF
+c~       IF ( isx.ge.2 ) THEN
+c~         IUDEBUG = isx-1
+c~       ELSE
+c~         IUDEBUG = 0
+c~       ENDIF
       WRITE (*,*)
      $   '############################################################'
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@ C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
      $   '############################################################'
-      DO  I = 1, 3
-        XS(I) = 10.D0 * PI * BIM(I)**2
-      ENDDO
+c~       DO  I = 1, 3
+c~         XS(I) = 10.D0 * PI * BIM(I)**2
+c~       ENDDO
       call set0
@@ -141,22 +141,22 @@ C  SUPPRESS ALL OUTPUT
       bf20 = .true.
-      IF     ( IUDEBUG .EQ. 1 ) THEN
-        bf13 = .true.
-        bf14 = .false.
-        call uounit(14,IFCK)
-        bf15 = .true.
-        bf13 = .false.
-        call uounit(13,IFCK)
-        bf14 = .true.
-        bf15 = .true.
-        bf13 = .true.
-        bf14 = .true.
-        bf15 = .false.
-        call uounit(15,IFCK)
-      ENDIF
+c~       IF     ( IUDEBUG .EQ. 1 ) THEN
+c~         bf13 = .true.
+c~         bf14 = .false.
+c~         call uounit(14,IFCK)
+c~         bf15 = .true.
+c~       ELSEIF ( IUDEBUG .EQ. 2 ) THEN
+c~         bf13 = .false.
+c~         call uounit(13,IFCK)
+c~         bf14 = .true.
+c~         bf15 = .true.
+c~       ELSEIF ( IUDEBUG .GT. 2 ) THEN
+c~         bf13 = .true.
+c~         bf14 = .true.
+c~         bf15 = .false.
+c~         call uounit(15,IFCK)
+c~       ENDIF
       do  i = 1, numcto
          CTOdc(i) = '  '
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ C  INITIALIZES SOME ARRAYS
       IF ( CTOption(33) .EQ. 0  .OR.  CTOption(9) .EQ. 0 ) THEN
         call loadwtab(io)
@@ -400,22 +400,22 @@ c   ie=1..41   E=10.0**(float(ie)/10-1.0-0.05)  (bin-middle)
 c   id=1..9    p,ap,n,an,pi+,pi-,K+,K-,KS
 c   ia=1..3    N,O,Ar
-      if(ifurqdat.eq.1)then
-        OPEN(UNIT=76,FILE=furqdat(1:nfurqdat),STATUS='OLD')
-      else
-        OPEN(UNIT=76,FILE='UrQMD-1.3.1-xs.dat',STATUS='OLD')
-      endif
-      read(76,*) adum,iamaxu,idmaxu,iemaxu
-      do ia=1,iamaxu
-        do id=1,idmaxu
-          do ie=1,iemaxu
-            read(76,*) ekdummy,sig_u1(ie,id,ia)
-          enddo
-          read(76,*)
-          read(76,*)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      close(76)
+c~       if(ifurqdat.eq.1)then
+c~         OPEN(UNIT=76,FILE=furqdat(1:nfurqdat),STATUS='OLD')
+c~       else
+c~         OPEN(UNIT=76,FILE='UrQMD-1.3.1-xs.dat',STATUS='OLD')
+c~       endif
+c~       read(76,*) adum,iamaxu,idmaxu,iemaxu
+c~       do ia=1,iamaxu
+c~         do id=1,idmaxu
+c~           do ie=1,iemaxu
+c~             read(76,*) ekdummy,sig_u1(ie,id,ia)
+c~           enddo
+c~           read(76,*)
+c~           read(76,*)
+c~         enddo
+c~       enddo
+c~       close(76)
-      xsegymin=0.25d0
+c~       xsegymin=0.25d0
 #ifdef __CXDEBUG__
       call utisx2
diff --git a/Processes/UrQMD/whichres.f b/Processes/UrQMD/whichres.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd2e66561b83d894b8b7af609522a7a076e95990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Processes/UrQMD/whichres.f
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+c $Id: whichres.f,v 1.6 1999/01/18 09:57:18 ernst Exp $
+      integer function whichres(m,class)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput   m          : Mass of the resonance
+cinput   class      : class of resonance: see subr. getrange
+coutput  whichres   : itype of the resonance
+      implicit none
+      real*8 m
+      integer class,i,im,ip
+      call getrange(class,im,ip)
+        call whichi(i,im,ip,m)
+        whichres=i
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine whichi(i,im,ip,m)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput   m         : Mass of the resonance
+cinput   im,ip         : lower and upper limit of itypes
+coutput  i                 : itype of the resonance
+c     the range defined by {\tt im} and {\tt ip}.
+      implicit none
+      include 'comres.f'
+      real*8 m,fmax,f(-itmax:itmax),fbrwig,bwnorm
+      integer i,im,ip,jit,isoit
+      include 'options.f'
+      do 101 i=im,ip
+c        f(i) = breitwig(m,i)
+         f(i) = fbrwig(i,isoit(i),m,1)/bwnorm(i)*dble(jit(i)+1)
+ 101  continue
+      call getbran(f,-itmax,itmax,fmax,im,ip,i)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getrange(class,i1,i2)
+c     Revision : 1.0
+cinput  class  : class  of resonance:
+c                   0  = Delta(1232)
+c                   1  = N*
+c                   2  = Delta* (EXcludind D(1232))
+c                   3  = all nonstrange resonances allowed
+c                   4  = nucleon
+c                         11  = N and N*
+c                         12  = Delta(1232) and Delta*
+c                         13  = Lambda, Lambda*
+c                         14  = Sigma, Sigma*
+c                          15  = Cascade, Cascade*
+c                         16  = Omega(s)
+coutput i1,i2  : range of resonance IDs (from,to)
+C     INTERFACE BETWEEN class AND paticle ID
+      implicit none
+      integer class,i1,i2
+      include 'comres.f'
+      if (class.eq.0) then
+c  inspect only Delta(1232)
+         i1 = mindel
+         i2 = mindel
+      else if (class.eq.1) then
+c  all N*-Resonances
+         i1 = minnuc+1
+         i2 = maxnuc
+      else if (class.eq.2) then
+c  all Delta-Resonances (EXcluding D(1232))
+         i1 = mindel+1
+         i2 = maxdel
+      else if (class.eq.3) then
+c  all non strange Resonances
+         i1 = minres
+         i2 = maxres
+      else if (class.eq.4) then
+         i1 = nucleon
+         i2 = nucleon
+      else if (class.eq.11) then
+         i1 = minnuc
+         i2 = maxnuc
+      else if (class.eq.12) then
+         i1 = mindel
+         i2 = maxdel
+      else if (class.eq.13) then
+         i1 = minlam
+         i2 = maxlam
+      else if (class.eq.14) then
+         i1 = minsig
+         i2 = maxsig
+      else if (class.eq.15) then
+         i1 = mincas
+         i2 = maxcas
+      else if (class.eq.16) then
+         i1 = minome
+         i2 = maxome
+      else
+c  something went wrong
+         write(6,*) 'getrange: class=',class,' not valid...'
+         stop
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine getinw(i,m,class,mmax)
+c Revision : 1.0
+cinput    i   : Resonance ID
+cinput   mmax : upper limit for mass to create
+coutput   i   : Resonance ID of particle in same class
+coutput   m   : Mass of particle in same class
+coutput class : Class of resonance i (see {\tt getrange})
+c Does in a way the inverse of subr. getrange: look in which class
+c resonance i is and determine mass m and itype i of same class with
+c maximal mass of mmax.
+      include 'comres.f'
+      integer i,j,im,ip,isav,class,ii,iim,iip
+      real*8 m,mmax
+      real*8 massit,getmass
+      integer whichres,isign
+      isav=i
+      do 108 j=0,2
+        call getrange(j,im,ip)
+        if(i.ge.im.and.i.le.ip)then
+          m=getmass(mmax,j)
+          i=whichres(m,j)
+          class=j
+          return
+        end if
+ 108  continue
+c if failed keep old value of i and standard value for m
+claw next line is for debug purpose
+        write(6,*)'getinw: itype not in resonance range:itype=',isav
+      i=isav
+      m=massit(i)
+      return
+      entry getirg(ii,iim,iip)
+cinput ii       : particle ID
+coutput iim,iip : minimal and maximal itype of particle's class
+c Determine which range (acc. to {\tt getrange}) particle
+c {\tt ii} belongs to.
+      do 1008 j=11,16
+        call getrange(j,iim,iip)
+        if(iabs(ii).ge.iim.and.iabs(ii).le.iip)then
+           iim=min(isign(iim,ii),isign(iip,ii))
+           iip=max(isign(iim,ii),isign(iip,ii))
+           return
+        endif
+ 1008   continue
+c only one particle (ii) within range
+      iim=ii
+      iip=ii
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function massdist(m,class)
+c Revision : 1.0
+cinput  m        : mass to look at
+cinput  class    : resonance class (see {\tt getrange}
+coutput massdist : value of mass distribution at mass m
+      implicit none
+      real*8 m
+      integer class,i1,i2,i,isoit,jit
+      include 'comres.f'
+      real*8 fbrwig,bwnorm
+      include 'options.f'
+      call getrange(class,i1,i2)
+c  Delta(1232) is included via i1=i2=mindel
+      massdist = 0.0
+      do 101 i=i1,i2
+c         massdist=massdist+breitwig(m,i)
+         massdist=massdist+fbrwig(i,isoit(i),m,1)
+     &        /bwnorm(i)*dble(jit(i)+1)
+ 101  continue
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function pcms(ecm,m1,m2)
+c calculates the CM-momentum in a 2-body decay/coll. depending on ecm
+      implicit none
+      real*8 ecm,m1,m2,s
+ctp131205 lt -> le
+c      if (ecm.lt.m1+m2) then
+      if (ecm.le.m1+m2) then
+         pcms = 0.0
+         return
+      endif
+      s = ecm*ecm
+      pcms = sqrt( (s-(m1+m2)**2)*(s-(m1-m2)**2)/(4.0*s))
+      return
+      end
+      real*8 function bcms(ecm,m1,m2)
+c calculates the CM-velocity in a 2-body decay/coll. depending on ecm
+      implicit none
+      real*8 ecm,m1,m2,s
+      if (ecm.le.m1+m2) then
+         bcms = 0.0
+         return
+      endif
+      s = ecm*ecm
+      bcms = sqrt( (1d0-(m1+m2)**2/s) * (1d0-(m1-m2)**2/s) )
+      return
+      end