diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 6d2e374011722c63f467780839821c6a473c0fb6..2f50c9446922e19a97aa6c790155003d6c835ff0 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@ add_subdirectory (modules/sibyll)
 add_subdirectory (modules/qgsjetII)
 add_subdirectory (modules/urqmd)
 add_subdirectory (modules/conex)
+add_subdirectory (modules/epos)
 # unit testing
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/epos/Interaction.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/epos/Interaction.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6c1790c5710b77b39937f7d5faf96c82abf1322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/epos/Interaction.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/epos/Interaction.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/FourVector.hpp>
+//#include <corsika/modules/sibyll/ParticleConversion.hpp>
+//#include <corsika/modules/sibyll/SibStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp>
+#include <epos.hpp>
+#include <tuple>
+using namespace corsika;
+using SetupParticle = setup::Stack::stack_iterator_type;
+namespace corsika::epos {
+  inline Interaction::Interaction() {
+    //       if(ilowegy.ne.1.or.MCleModel.eq.4)xsegymin=dble(0.5*egymin**2)
+    //       if(MCModel.eq.4)xsegymax=min(xsegymax,dble(0.5*egymax**2))
+    //       nrnody=nrnodyxs
+    //       do i=1,nrnody
+    //         nody(i)= nodyxs(i)
+    //       enddo
+    // #if !__CXCORSIKA__ && !__CORSIKA8__
+    //       inicnt=inicnt+1
+    // c      isetcs=2  ! epos cross-section from tabulated calculation (h-A and AA)
+    ::epos::hadr6_.isetcs=3; //  epos cross-section from tabulated simulations
+                             //       (h-A and A-A)
+    ::epos::nucl6_.infragm=2; // --> model how projectiles fragment!
+    ::epos::hadr6_.isigma=0; //                  !do not print out the
+    //       cross section on screen ionudi=1
+    //       nfnii=nxsfnii             ! epos file name
+    //       fnii=xsfnii
+    //       nfnid=nxsfnid
+    //       fnid=xsfnid
+    //       nfnie=nxsfnie
+    //       fnie=xsfnie
+    //       nfnrj=nxsfnrj
+    //       fnrj=xsfnrj
+    //       nfncs=nxsfncs
+    //       fncs=xsfncs
+    //       nfnch=nxsfnch
+    //       fnch=xsfnch
+    // c air
+    /*    for (int i=1; i<=3; ++i) {
+      ::epos::nxsair_.airanxs[i]=aira[i];
+      ::epos::nxsair_.airznxs[i]=airz[i];
+      ::epos::nxsair_.airwnxs[i]=airw[i];
+	}
+    ::epos::nxsair_.airavanxs=airava;
+    ::epos::nxsair_.airavznxs=airavz;
+    */
+    ::epos::appli_.iappl = iapplxs;
+    ::epos::events_.nevent = neventxs;
+    ::epos::othe2_.iframe = iframexs;
+    //       if(fnch(1:nfnch).ne.'none')
+    //      &  open(ifcx,file=fnch(1:nfnch),status='unknown')
+    //       call iclass(idproj,iclpro)
+    //       call iclass(idtarg,icltar)
+    //       if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+    //         call ranfgt(seedp)      !not to change the seed ...
+    ::epos::hdecin_(false);
+    ::epos::hnbspd_(iospec);
+    //         ktnbod=0
+    ::epos::hnbpajini_();
+    //         if(iclegy2.gt.1)then
+    //           egyfac=(egymax*1.0001/egylow)**(1./float(iclegy2-1))
+    //         else
+    //           egyfac=1.
+    //         endif
+    //       endif
+    //       maproj=mamx               !to set difnuc up to the maximum mass
+    //       call conini
+    //       call psaini
+    //       call ranfst(seedp)        ! ... after this initialization
+  }
+  inline Interaction::~Interaction() {
+    CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Epos::Interaction n={} ", count_);
+  }
+  inline corsika::CrossSectionType Interaction::getCrossSection(
+      const corsika::Code BeamId, const corsika::Code TargetId,
+      const corsika::HEPEnergyType CoMenergy) const {}
+  template <>
+  inline corsika::GrammageType Interaction::getInteractionLength(
+      SetupParticle const& projectile) const {
+    return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * 1_g / (1_cm * 1_cm);
+  }
+  /**
+     In this function SIBYLL is called to produce one event. The
+     event is copied (and boosted) into the shower lab frame.
+   */
+  template <typename TSecondaryView>
+  inline void Interaction::doInteraction(TSecondaryView& view) {
+    auto const projectile = view.getProjectile();
+    const auto corsikaBeamId = projectile.getPID();
+    if (corsika::is_nucleus(corsikaBeamId)) {
+      // nuclei handled by different process, this should not happen
+      throw std::runtime_error("Nuclear projectile are not handled by SIBYLL!");
+    }
+    // position and time of interaction, not used in Sibyll
+    Point const pOrig = projectile.getPosition();
+    TimeType const tOrig = projectile.getTime();
+    // define projectile
+    HEPEnergyType const eProjectileLab = projectile.getEnergy();
+    auto const pProjectileLab = projectile.getMomentum();
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const& originalCS = pProjectileLab.getCoordinateSystem();
+        "ProcessEPOS: "
+        "DoInteraction: pid {} interaction ",
+        corsikaBeamId);
+    // define target
+    // for Sibyll is always a single nucleon
+    // FOR NOW: target is always at rest
+    const auto eTargetLab = 0_GeV + constants::nucleonMass;
+    const auto pTargetLab = MomentumVector(originalCS, 0_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV);
+    const FourVector PtargLab(eTargetLab, pTargetLab);
+        "Interaction: ebeam lab: {} GeV"
+        "Interaction: pbeam lab: {} GeV",
+        eProjectileLab / 1_GeV, pProjectileLab.getComponents());
+        "Interaction: etarget lab: {} GeV "
+        "Interaction: ptarget lab: {} GeV",
+        eTargetLab / 1_GeV, pTargetLab.getComponents() / 1_GeV);
+    const FourVector PprojLab(eProjectileLab, pProjectileLab);
+    // define target kinematics in lab frame
+    // define boost to and from CoM frame
+    // CoM frame definition in Sibyll projectile: +z
+    COMBoost const boost(PprojLab, constants::nucleonMass);
+    auto const& csPrime = boost.getRotatedCS();
+    // just for show:
+    // boost projecticle
+    [[maybe_unused]] auto const PprojCoM = boost.toCoM(PprojLab);
+    // boost target
+    [[maybe_unused]] auto const PtargCoM = boost.toCoM(PtargLab);
+        "Interaction: ebeam CoM: {} GeV "
+        "Interaction: pbeam CoM: {} GeV ",
+        PprojCoM.getTimeLikeComponent() / 1_GeV,
+        PprojCoM.getSpaceLikeComponents().getComponents(csPrime) / 1_GeV);
+        "Interaction: etarget CoM: {} GeV "
+        "Interaction: ptarget CoM: {} GeV ",
+        PtargCoM.getTimeLikeComponent() / 1_GeV,
+        PtargCoM.getSpaceLikeComponents().getComponents(csPrime) / 1_GeV);
+    CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Interaction: position of interaction: {} ",
+                      pOrig.getCoordinates());
+    CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Interaction: time: {} ", tOrig);
+    HEPEnergyType Etot = eProjectileLab + eTargetLab;
+    MomentumVector Ptot = projectile.getMomentum();
+    // invariant mass, i.e. cm. energy
+    HEPEnergyType Ecm = sqrt(Etot * Etot - Ptot.getSquaredNorm());
+    // sample target mass number
+    auto const* currentNode = projectile.getNode();
+    auto const& mediumComposition =
+        currentNode->getModelProperties().getNuclearComposition();
+    // get cross sections for target materials
+    /*
+      Here we read the cross section from the interaction model again,
+      should be passed from getInteractionLength if possible
+     */
+    //#warning reading interaction cross section again, should not be necessary
+    auto const& compVec = mediumComposition.getComponents();
+    std::vector<CrossSectionType> cross_section_of_components(compVec.size());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < compVec.size(); ++i) {
+      auto const targetId = compVec[i];
+      auto const sigProd = getCrossSection(corsikaBeamId, targetId, Ecm);
+      cross_section_of_components[i] = sigProd;
+    }
+    const auto targetCode =
+        mediumComposition.sampleTarget(cross_section_of_components, RNG_);
+    CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Interaction: target selected: {} ", targetCode);
+    //
+    /*
+      maproj=maprojxs
+      laproj=laprojxs
+      matarg=matargxs
+      latarg=latargxs
+      idproj=idprojxs
+      idtarg=idtargxs
+      amproj=xsamproj
+      amtarg=xsamtarg
+      call idspin(idproj,ispin,jspin,istra)
+      isoproj=sign(1,idproj)*ispin
+      call idspin(idtarg,ispin,jspin,istra)
+      isotarg=sign(1,idtarg)*ispin
+      engy=sngl(xsengy)
+      elab=sngl(xselab)
+      ecms=sngl(xsecms)
+      ekin=sngl(xsekin)
+      pnll=sngl(xspnll)
+      pnullx=sngl(xspnullx)
+      yhaha=sngl(xsyhaha)
+      ypjtl=sngl(xsypjtl)
+      detap=xsdetap
+      detat=xsdetat
+      tpro=xstpro
+      zpro=xszpro
+      ttar=xsttar
+      ztar=xsztar
+c      xsbminim=dble(bminim)     !not needed and can interfer with other MC
+c      xsbmaxim=dble(bmaxim)
+      call iclass(idproj,iclpro)
+      call iclass(idtarg,icltar)
+      call emsini(engy,idproj,idtarg)
+      call paramini(1)
+      bkmxndif=conbmxndif()
+      bkmx=conbmx()
+      xsbkmx=dble(bkmx)
+      if(maproj.gt.1.or.matarg.gt.1)then
+        xsbmax=xsrmproj+xsrmtarg
+      else
+        xsbmax=xsbkmx
+      endif
+      bimevt=-1
+      bmax=sngl(xsbmax)
+      rmproj=sngl(xsrmproj)
+      rmtarg=sngl(xsrmtarg)
+      rcproj=xsrcproj
+      rctarg=xsrctarg
+      call xsigma                          !set some variabkle according to xs
+      if(idtarg.eq.0)idtarg=1120           !air = nucleus
+     */
+  }
+} // namespace corsika::epos
diff --git a/corsika/modules/Epos.hpp b/corsika/modules/Epos.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bceb34fb5318b8d1c93c83d572eedb32cdaf382e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/Epos.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+//#include <corsika/modules/epos/ParticleConversion.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/epos/Interaction.hpp>
+//#include <corsika/modules/epos/Decay.hpp>
diff --git a/corsika/modules/epos/Interaction.hpp b/corsika/modules/epos/Interaction.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7c5e179ddb462e014b87cc4726c2af015ee4d9b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/epos/Interaction.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/InteractionProcess.hpp>
+#include <tuple>
+namespace corsika::epos {
+  class Interaction : public InteractionProcess<Interaction> {
+  public:
+    Interaction();
+    ~Interaction();
+    //! returns production and elastic cross section for hadrons in sibyll. Inputs are:
+    //! CorsikaId of beam particle, CorsikaId of target particle and center-of-mass
+    //! energy. Allowed targets are: nuclei or single nucleons (p,n,hydrogen).
+    CrossSectionType getCrossSection(Code const, Code const, HEPEnergyType const) const;
+    template <typename TParticle>
+    GrammageType getInteractionLength(TParticle const&) const;
+    /**
+       In this function SIBYLL is called to produce one event. The
+       event is copied (and boosted) into the shower lab frame.
+     */
+    template <typename TSecondaries>
+    void doInteraction(TSecondaries&);
+  private:
+    default_prng_type& RNG_ = RNGManager::getInstance().getRandomStream("epos");
+    unsigned int count_;
+  };
+} // namespace corsika::epos
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/epos/Interaction.inl>
diff --git a/corsika/modules/epos/Random.hpp b/corsika/modules/epos/Random.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1e7e7bc7cdc062c6a609d97161287d47310034a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/epos/Random.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <random>
+ * \file epos/Random.hpp
+ *
+ * This file is an integral part of the sibyll interface. It must be
+ * linked to the executable linked to sibyll exactly once
+ *
+ */
+namespace epos {
+  double rndm_interface() {
+    static corsika::default_prng_type& rng =
+        corsika::RNGManager::getInstance().getRandomStream("epos");
+    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist;
+    return dist(rng);
+  }
+} // namespace epos
diff --git a/modules/epos/CMakeLists.txt b/modules/epos/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..091ef4a26fba19884561267f0ff87f62a8baaac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+set (
+  epos.cpp
+  epos-bas-lhc.f  epos-con-lhc.f eposm.f epos_j.f 
+  epos-dky-lhc.f  epos-dro-lhc.f epos-ems-lhc.f  
+  epos-fra-lhc.f  epos-ico-lhc.f epos-hnb-lhc.f 
+  epos-ids-lhc.f  epos-int-lhc.f epos-jps-lhc.f  
+  epos-omg-lhc.f  epos-par-lhc.f epos-sem-lhc.f 
+  epos-rsh-lhc.f  epos-qsh-lhc.f epos-tim-lhc.f 
+  epos-uti-lhc.f  epos-xan-lhc.f epos-xpr-lhc.f  
+  )
+set (
+  epos.hpp
+  )
+enable_language (Fortran)
+target_include_directories (EPOS PUBLIC
+  $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/corsika_modules/epos>
+  )
+set_target_properties (
+  )
+add_library (EPOS_static STATIC ${MODEL_SOURCES})
+target_include_directories (EPOS_static PUBLIC
+  $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include/corsika_modules/epos>
+  )
+set_target_properties (
+  EPOS_static
+  )
+install (
+  DESTINATION include/corsika_modules/epos
+  )
+install (
+  EXPORT CORSIKA8PublicTargets
+  INCLUDES DESTINATION include/corsika_modules/epos
+  )
+install (
+  TARGETS EPOS_static
+  EXPORT CORSIKA8PublicTargets
+  INCLUDES DESTINATION include/corsika_modules/epos
+  )
+# add EPOS to CORSIKA8 build
+add_dependencies (CORSIKA8 EPOS_static)
+target_link_libraries (CORSIKA8 INTERFACE EPOS_static)
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-app-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-app-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..031ec047cfd80b65285147f2cfc93a43109baad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-app-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+c 05.02.2008 Main program and random number generator of epos
+c (Do not compile it for CONEX or Corsika)
+      program aamain
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      save nopeno
+      call aaset(0)
+      call atitle
+      call xiniall
+9999  continue
+      call aread
+      if(nopen.eq.-1) then !after second round aread
+        nopen=nopeno
+        iecho=1
+        call xiniall
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+      call utpri('aamain',ish,ishini,4)
+      if(iappl.ne.0)then
+        if(abs(idprojin).eq.12)then  !fake e-A collision with gamma(pi0)-A
+          noebin=-nevent
+          nevent=1
+          if(elepti.le.1.)stop 'electron energy not defined'
+          if(ebeam.le.1.)stop 'proton energy not defined'
+          irescl=0     !no rescaling because of electron
+          write(ifmt,'(a,i10,a,f6.2,a,f8.2,a)')'generate',-noebin
+     & ,'  events for electron on proton =',elepti,' ->',ebeam,'  ...'
+        else
+          if(ebeam.gt.0.)stop 'ebeam need abs(idproj)=12 for DIS'
+        endif
+        do nrebin= 1,abs(noebin)
+          call ainit
+                                ! if (nrebin.eq.1) call xini
+          if(nevent.gt.0)then
+            if(noebin.ge.0)then
+              write(ifmt,'(a,i10,a,f10.2,a)')'generate',nevent
+     &       ,'  events for engy =',engy,'  ...'
+            endif
+            if(icotabr.eq.1)nevent=1
+            if(icotabr.eq.1)nrevt=1
+            if(nfull.gt.0)nevent=nfreeze*nfull
+            if(mod(nevent,nfreeze).ne.0)
+     &        stop'nevent must be a multiple of nfreeze!!!!!!!!!      '
+            if(istore.gt.0) call bstora
+            do  n=1,nevent
+              if(irewch.eq.1)rewind(ifch)
+              nfr=mod(n-1,nfreeze)*ispherio
+              if(nfr.ne.0)goto77
+              do nin=1,iabs(ninicon)
+                if(icotabr.eq.0)call aepos(isign(1,-ninicon)*nin)
+                if(icocore.ne.0)call IniCon(nin)
+              enddo
+  77          if(ispherio.ne.0)then
+                if(nfr.eq.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     &           'spherio evolution + hadronization ...'
+                if(mod(nfr+1,50).eq.0)
+     &          write(ifmt,*)'hadronization ',nfr+1,' / ',nfreeze
+c                  call spherio2(nrevt,nfr)
+                if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list after spherio&',1,nptl)
+                call decayall(1)
+                if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list after decay&',1,nptl)
+              endif
+              call aafinal
+              if(iurqmd.eq.1)call urqmd(n)
+              call afinal
+              call xana
+              if(iappl.ne.3)then
+                if(istore.ge.1.and.istore.le.3) call bstore
+                if(istore.eq.4) call lhestore(n)
+                if(istore.eq.5) call ustore
+                if(istore.eq.6) call hepmcstore
+                if(istore.eq.-1) call estore
+              endif
+              if(nfr+1.eq.nfreeze.or.ispherio.eq.0)call aseed(1)
+            enddo
+            call astati
+          else
+            call xana
+          endif
+        enddo
+        call bfinal
+        if(noebin.lt.0)call phoGPHERAepo(2)  !statistic for fake DIS
+      endif
+      if(istore.eq.3) write(ifdt,*) ' 0 0 '
+      write(6,'(a)')'rewind copy-file'
+      rewind (ifcp)
+      nopeno=nopen
+      nopen=-1
+      iecho=0
+      call utprix('aamain',ish,ishini,4)
+      goto 9999
+      end
+      function rangen()
+c     generates a random number
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision dranf
+ 1    rangen=sngl(dranf(dble(irandm)))
+      if(rangen.le.0.)goto 1
+      if(rangen.ge.1.)goto 1
+      if(irandm.eq.1)write(ifch,*)'rangen()= ',rangen
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function drangen(dummy)
+c     generates a random number
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision dummy,dranf
+      drangen=dranf(dummy)
+      if(irandm.eq.1)write(ifch,*)'drangen()= ',drangen
+      return
+      end
+      function cxrangen(dummy)
+c     generates a random number
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision dummy,dranf
+      cxrangen=sngl(dranf(dummy))
+      if(irandm.eq.1)write(ifch,*)'cxrangen()= ',cxrangen
+      return
+      end
+c Random number generator from CORSIKA *********************************
+C  If calling this function within a DO-loop
+C  you should use an argument which prevents (dummy) to draw this function 
+C  outside the loop by an optimizing compiler.
+      implicit none
+      common/eporansto2/irndmseq
+      integer irndmseq
+      double precision uni(1),dummy
+      call RMMARD( uni(1),1,irndmseq)
+      DRANF = UNI(1)
+      UNI(1) = dummy        !to avoid warning
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine ranfgt(seed)
+c Initialize seed in EPOS : read seed (output)
+c Since original output seed and EPOS seed are different,
+c define output seed as : seed=ISEED(3)*1E9+ISEED(2)
+c but only for printing. Important values stored in /eporansto/
+c Important : to be call before ranfst
+      INTEGER          KSEQ
+      PARAMETER        (KSEQ = 2)
+      INTEGER          MODCNS
+      INTEGER          IJKL(KSEQ),I97(KSEQ),J97(KSEQ),
+     *                 NTOT(KSEQ),NTOT2(KSEQ),JSEQ
+      common/eporansto/diu0(100),iiseed(3)
+      double precision    seed,diu0
+      integer iiseed,i
+      iiseed(1)=IJKL(1)
+      iiseed(2)=NTOT(1)
+      iiseed(3)=NTOT2(1)
+      seed=dble(iiseed(3))*dble(MODCNS)+dble(iiseed(2))
+      diu0(1)=C(1)
+      do i=2,98
+        diu0(i)=U(i-1,1)
+      enddo
+      diu0(99)=dble(I97(1))
+      diu0(100)=dble(J97(1))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ranfst(seed)
+c Initialize seed in EPOS :  restore seed (input)
+c Since original output seed and EPOS seed are different,
+c define output seed as : seed=ISEED(3)*1E9+ISEED(2)
+c but only for printing. Important values restored from /eporansto/
+c Important : to be call after ranfgt
+      INTEGER          KSEQ
+      PARAMETER        (KSEQ = 2)
+      INTEGER          MODCNS
+      INTEGER          IJKL(KSEQ),I97(KSEQ),J97(KSEQ),
+     *                 NTOT(KSEQ),NTOT2(KSEQ),JSEQ
+      common/eporansto/diu0(100),iiseed(3)
+      double precision    seedum,seed,diu0
+      integer i,iiseed
+      seedum=seed
+      IJKL(1)=iiseed(1)
+      NTOT(1)=iiseed(2)
+      NTOT2(1)=iiseed(3)
+      C(1)=diu0(1)
+      do i=2,98
+        U(i-1,1)=diu0(i)
+      enddo
+      I97(1)=nint(diu0(99))
+      J97(1)=nint(diu0(100))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ranflim(seed)
+      double precision seed
+      if(seed.gt.1d9)stop'seed larger than 1e9 not possible !'
+      end
+      subroutine ranfcv(seed)
+c Convert input seed to EPOS random number seed
+c Since input seed and EPOS (from Corsika) seed are different,
+c define input seed as : seed=ISEED(3)*1E9+ISEED(2) 
+      INTEGER          MODCNS
+      common/eporansto/diu0(100),iiseed(3)
+      double precision    seed,diu0
+      integer iiseed
+      iiseed(3)=int(seed/dble(MODCNS))
+      iiseed(2)=nint(mod(seed,dble(MODCNS)))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ranfini(seed,iseq,iqq)
+c Initialize random number sequence iseq with seed
+c if iqq=-1, run first ini
+c    iqq=0 , set what sequence should be used
+c    iqq=1 , initialize sequence for initialization
+c    iqq=2 , initialize sequence for first event
+      INTEGER          MODCNS
+      common/eporansto/diu0(100),iiseed(3)
+      double precision    seed,diu0
+      integer iiseed
+      common/eporansto2/irndmseq
+      integer irndmseq
+      integer iseed(3),iseq,iqq,iseqdum
+      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+        irndmseq=iseq
+      elseif(iqq.eq.-1)then
+        iseqdum=0
+        call RMMAQD(iseed,iseqdum,'R')   !first initialization
+      elseif(iqq.eq.2)then
+        irndmseq=iseq
+        if(seed.ge.dble(MODCNS))then
+           write(*,'(a,1p,e8.1)')'seedj larger than',dble(MODCNS)
+           stop 'Forbidden !'
+        endif
+        iiseed(1)=nint(mod(seed,dble(MODCNS)))
+c iiseed(2) and iiseed(3) defined in aread
+        call RMMAQD(iiseed,iseq,'S') !initialize random number generator
+      elseif(iqq.eq.1)then        !dummy sequence for EPOS initialization
+        irndmseq=iseq
+        if(seed.ge.dble(MODCNS))then
+           write(*,'(a,1p,e8.1)')'seedi larger than',dble(MODCNS)
+           stop 'Forbidden !'
+        endif
+        iseed(1)=nint(mod(seed,dble(MODCNS)))
+        iseed(2)=0
+        iseed(3)=0
+        call RMMAQD(iseed,iseq,'S') !initialize random number generator
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+C               http://consult.cern.ch/shortwrups/v113/top.html
+C               http://consult.cern.ch/shortwrups/v116/top.html
+C  DATE     : Feb  17, 2009
+      INTEGER          KSEQ
+      PARAMETER        (KSEQ = 2)
+      INTEGER          MODCNS
+      INTEGER          IJKL(KSEQ),I97(KSEQ),J97(KSEQ),
+     *                 NTOT(KSEQ),NTOT2(KSEQ),JSEQ
+      INTEGER          ISEQ,IVEC,LENV
+      SAVE
+      IF ( ISEQ .GT. 0  .AND.  ISEQ .LE. KSEQ ) JSEQ = ISEQ
+      DO   IVEC = 1, LENV
+        UNI = U(I97(JSEQ),JSEQ) - U(J97(JSEQ),JSEQ)
+        IF ( UNI .LT. 0.D0 ) UNI = UNI + 1.D0
+        U(I97(JSEQ),JSEQ) = UNI
+        I97(JSEQ)  = I97(JSEQ) - 1
+        IF ( I97(JSEQ) .EQ. 0 ) I97(JSEQ) = 97
+        J97(JSEQ)  = J97(JSEQ) - 1
+        IF ( J97(JSEQ) .EQ. 0 ) J97(JSEQ) = 97
+        C(JSEQ)    = C(JSEQ) - CD
+        IF ( C(JSEQ) .LT. 0.D0 ) C(JSEQ)  = C(JSEQ) + CM
+        UNI        = UNI - C(JSEQ)
+        IF ( UNI .LT. 0.D0 ) UNI = UNI + 1.D0
+        IF ( UNI .EQ. 0.D0 ) UNI = TWOM48
+        RVEC(IVEC) = UNI
+      ENDDO
+        NTOT2(JSEQ) = NTOT2(JSEQ) + 1
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
+C               http://consult.cern.ch/shortwrups/v113/top.html
+C  ORIG. 01/03/89 FCA + FJ
+C  DATE     : Feb  17, 2009
+      INTEGER          KSEQ
+      PARAMETER        (KSEQ = 2)
+      INTEGER          MODCNS
+      INTEGER          IJKL(KSEQ),I97(KSEQ),J97(KSEQ),
+     *                 NTOT(KSEQ),NTOT2(KSEQ),JSEQ
+      INTEGER          ISEED(3),I,IDUM,II,II97,IJ,IJ97,IORNDM,
+     *                 ISEQ,J,JJ,K,KL,L,LOOP2,M,NITER
+      CHARACTER        CHOPT*(*), CCHOPT*12
+      LOGICAL          FIRST
+      SAVE
+      DATA             FIRST / .TRUE. /, IORNDM/11/, JSEQ/1/
+      IF ( FIRST ) THEN
+        TWOM24 = 2.D0**(-24)
+        TWOM48 = 2.D0**(-48)
+        CD     = 7654321.D0*TWOM24
+        CM     = 16777213.D0*TWOM24
+        CINT   = 362436.D0*TWOM24
+        MODCNS = 1000000000
+        FIRST  = .FALSE.
+        JSEQ   = 1
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( CCHOPT .EQ. ' ' ) THEN
+        ISEED(1) = 54217137
+        ISEED(2) = 0
+        ISEED(3) = 0
+        CCHOPT   = 'S'
+        JSEQ     = 1
+      ENDIF
+      IF     ( INDEX(CCHOPT,'S') .NE. 0 ) THEN
+        IF ( ISEQ .GT. 0  .AND.  ISEQ .LE. KSEQ ) JSEQ = ISEQ
+        IF ( INDEX(CCHOPT,'V') .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          READ(IORNDM,'(2Z8,Z16)') I97(JSEQ),J97(JSEQ),C(JSEQ)
+          READ(IORNDM,'(24(4Z16,/),Z16)') U
+          IJ = IJKL(JSEQ)/30082
+          KL = IJKL(JSEQ) - 30082 * IJ
+          I  = MOD(IJ/177, 177) + 2
+          J  = MOD(IJ, 177)     + 2
+          K  = MOD(KL/169, 178) + 1
+          L  = MOD(KL, 169)
+          CD =  7654321.D0 * TWOM24
+          CM = 16777213.D0 * TWOM24
+        ELSE
+          IJKL(JSEQ)  = ISEED(1)
+          NTOT(JSEQ)  = ISEED(2)
+          NTOT2(JSEQ) = ISEED(3)
+          IJ = IJKL(JSEQ) / 30082
+          KL = IJKL(JSEQ) - 30082*IJ
+          I  = MOD(IJ/177, 177) + 2
+          J  = MOD(IJ, 177)     + 2
+          K  = MOD(KL/169, 178) + 1
+          L  = MOD(KL, 169)
+          DO   II = 1, 97
+            S = 0.D0
+            T = 0.5D0
+            DO   JJ = 1, 48
+              M = MOD(MOD(I*J,179)*K, 179)
+              I = J
+              J = K
+              K = M
+              L = MOD(53*L+1, 169)
+              IF ( MOD(L*M,64) .GE. 32 ) S = S + T
+              T = 0.5D0 * T
+            ENDDO
+            UU(II) = S
+          ENDDO
+          CC    = CINT
+          II97  = 97
+          IJ97  = 33
+          NITER = MODCNS
+          DO   LOOP2 = 1, NTOT2(JSEQ)+1
+            IF ( LOOP2 .GT. NTOT2(JSEQ) ) NITER = NTOT(JSEQ)
+            DO   IDUM = 1, NITER
+              UNI = UU(II97) - UU(IJ97)
+              IF ( UNI .LT. 0.D0 ) UNI = UNI + 1.D0
+              UU(II97) = UNI
+              II97     = II97 - 1
+              IF ( II97 .EQ. 0 ) II97 = 97
+              IJ97     = IJ97 - 1
+              IF ( IJ97 .EQ. 0 ) IJ97 = 97
+              CC       = CC - CD
+              IF ( CC .LT. 0.D0 ) CC  = CC + CM
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+          I97(JSEQ) = II97
+          J97(JSEQ) = IJ97
+          C(JSEQ)   = CC
+          DO   JJ = 1, 97
+            U(JJ,JSEQ) = UU(JJ)
+          ENDDO
+        ENDIF
+        IF ( ISEQ .GT. 0 ) THEN
+          JSEQ = ISEQ
+        ELSE
+          ISEQ = JSEQ
+        ENDIF
+        IF ( INDEX(CCHOPT,'V') .NE. 0 ) THEN
+          WRITE(IORNDM,'(2Z8,Z16)') I97(JSEQ),J97(JSEQ),C(JSEQ)
+          WRITE(IORNDM,'(24(4Z16,/),Z16)') U
+        ELSE
+          ISEED(1) = IJKL(JSEQ)
+          ISEED(2) = NTOT(JSEQ)
+          ISEED(3) = NTOT2(JSEQ)
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
+c Random number generator from CERN LIB *********************************
+c      real function ranf(dummy)
+cc     uniform random number generator from cern library
+c      double precision    dranf,    g900gt,   g900st
+c      double precision    ds(2),    dm(2),    dseed
+c      double precision    dx24,     dx48
+c      double precision    dl,       dc,       du,       dr
+c      logical             single
+c      data      ds     /  1665 1885.d0, 286 8876.d0  /
+c      data      dm     /  1518 4245.d0, 265 1554.d0  /
+c      data      dx24   /  1677 7216.d0  /
+c      data      dx48   /  281 4749 7671 0656.d0  /
+c      double precision dummy,a
+c      single  =  .true.
+c      goto 10
+c      entry dranf(dummy)
+c      a=dummy
+c      single  =  .false.
+c  10  dl  =  ds(1) * dm(1)
+c      dc  =  dint(dl/dx24)
+c      dl  =  dl - dc*dx24
+c      du  =  ds(1)*dm(2) + ds(2)*dm(1) + dc
+c      ds(2)  =  du - dint(du/dx24)*dx24
+c      ds(1)  =  dl
+c      dr     =  (ds(2)*dx24 + ds(1)) / dx48
+c      if(single)  then
+c         ranf  =  sngl(dr)
+c      else
+c         dranf  =  dr
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      entry g900gt()
+c      g900gt  =  ds(2)*dx24 + ds(1)
+c      return
+c      entry g900st(dseed)
+c      ds(2)  =  dint(dseed/dx24)
+c      ds(1)  =  dseed - ds(2)*dx24
+c      g900st =  ds(1)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine ranfgt(seed)
+c      double precision    seed,     g900gt,   g900st,   dummy
+c      seed  =  g900gt()
+c      return
+c      entry ranfst(seed)
+c      dummy  =  g900st(seed)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine ranfcv(seed)
+cc Convert input seed to EPOS random number seed
+cc Useless with ranf
+c      double precision seed,dummy
+c      dummy=seed
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine ranfini(seed,iseq,iqq)
+cc Initialize random number sequence iseq with seed
+cc if iqq=-1, run first ini : useless with ranf
+cc    iqq=0 , set what sequence should be used
+cc    iqq=1 , initialize sequence for initialization
+cc    iqq=2 , initialize sequence for first event
+c      INTEGER          MODCNS
+c      common/eporansto/diu0(100),iiseed(3)
+c      double precision    seed,diu0
+c      integer iiseed
+c      common/eporansto2/irndmseq
+c      integer irndmseq
+c      integer iseed(3),iseq,iqq,iseqdum
+c      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+c        call ranfst(seed)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.-1)then
+c        iseqdum=iseq
+c        iseed(1)=iseq
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.2)then
+c        if(seed.gt.1d15)stop'seedj larger than 1e15 not possible !'
+c        call ranfst(seed)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.1)then        !dummy sequence for EPOS initialization
+c        if(seed.gt.1d15)stop'seedi larger than 1e15 not possible !'
+c        call ranfst(seed)
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-bas-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-bas-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8099f7573244bd3331769adcdf4d812a534f2f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-bas-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,6489 @@
+      subroutine aaset(iop)
+c     sets parameters and options, initializes counters ...
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/record/maxrec(2),irecty(30,2)
+      common/cfacmss/facmss /cr3pomi/r3pomi,r4pomi/cifset/ifset
+      common /ems12/iodiba,bidiba  ! defaut iodiba=0. if iodiba=1, study H-Dibaryon
+      character*500 fndat,fnncs,fnIIdat,fnIIncs,fnII03dat,fnII03ncs                 !qgs-II????????
+      common/qgsfname/  fndat, fnncs, ifdat, ifncs
+      common/qgsIIfname/fnIIdat, fnIIncs, ifIIdat, ifIIncs     !qgs-II????????
+      common/qgsII03fname/fnII03dat, fnII03ncs, ifII03dat, ifII03ncs     !qgs-II????????
+      common/ghecsquel/anquasiel,iquasiel
+      common/cbincond/nozero,ibmin,ibmax
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      common/producetab/ producetables              !used to link CRMC
+      logical producetables                         !with EPOS and QII
+      !gauss weights
+      data (tgss(2,i),i=1,7)/ .3399810436,.8611363116    ,5*0.     /
+      data (wgss(2,i),i=1,7)/ .6521451549,.3478548451    ,5*0.     /
+      data (tgss(3,i),i=1,7)/ .2386192,.6612094,.9324700  ,4*0.    /
+      data (wgss(3,i),i=1,7)/ .4679139,.3607616,.1713245  ,4*0.    /
+      data (tgss(5,i),i=1,7)/ .1488743389,.4333953941,.6794095682
+     *                       ,.8650633666,.9739065285    ,2*0.     /
+      data (wgss(5,i),i=1,7)/ .2955242247,.2692667193,.2190863625
+     *                       ,.1494513491,.0666713443    ,2*0.     /
+      data (tgss(7,i),i=1,7)/ .9862838,.9284349,.8272013,.6872929
+     *                       ,.5152486,.3191124,.1080549           /
+      data (wgss(7,i),i=1,7)/ .03511946,.08015809,.1215186,.1572032
+     *                       ,.1855384,.2051985,.2152639           /
+      if(iop.eq.1)write(ifmt,'(a)')'default settings ...'
+      if(iop.eq.1)goto 1001
+      if(iop.eq.2)goto 1002
+c  version
+      iversn=int(1.99*100) !version number
+      iverso=int(1.99*100) !last official version
+c  application
+      iappl=1          !choice for application (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
+c  model
+      model=1
+      iquasiel=1       !allow (1) or not (0) quasi-elastic event in model 3
+c  file names and units
+      fnnx='path/epos '      !path epos name
+      fnch='zzz.check '         !check-file name
+      fnhi='zzz.histo '         !histo-file name
+      fndt='zzz.data '          !data-file name
+      fncp='zzz.copy '          !copy-file name
+      fnii='zzz.initl '       !initl-file name
+      fnid='zzz.inidi '       !inidi-file name
+      fndr='zzz.inidr '       !inidr-file name
+      fnie='zzz.iniev '       !iniev-file name
+      fnrj='zzz.inirj '       !inirj-file name
+      fncs='zzz.inics '       !inics-file name
+      nfnnx=index(fnnx,' ')-1   !length of path epos name
+      nfnch=index(fnch,' ')-1   !length of check-file name
+      nfnhi=index(fnhi,' ')-1   !length of histo-file name
+      nfndt=index(fndt,' ')-1   !length of data-file name
+      nfncp=index(fncp,' ')-1   !length of copy-file name
+      nfnii=index(fnii,' ')-1   !length of initl-file name
+      nfnid=index(fnid,' ')-1   !length of inidi-file name
+      nfndr=index(fndr,' ')-1   !length of inidr-file name
+      nfnie=index(fnie,' ')-1   !length of iniev-file name
+      nfnrj=index(fnrj,' ')-1   !length of inirj-file name
+      nfncs=index(fncs,' ')-1   !length of inics-file name
+      ifop=5     !optns-file unit
+      ifmt=6     !std output unit
+      ifcx=31    !check-file unit (for open)
+      ifch=31    !check-file unit (for write)
+      ifhi=35    !histo-file unit
+      ifdt=51    !data-file unit
+      ifcp=52    !copy-file unit
+      ifin=53    !input-file unit
+      hydt='---'
+      producetables=.true.
+c  initial seed
+c following number should be less than kseq in RMMARD (=2 in EPOS)
+      iseqini=2   !sequence number at start program 
+c seed for random number generator: at start program
+      seedi=0d0   !.ne.0.
+      iseqsim=1   !.ne.iseqini : sequence number at start program 
+c seed for random number generator: for first event
+      seedj=0d0   !.ne.0.
+c place to start for random number generator: for first event
+      seedj2=0d0  
+      call ranfini(0d0,0,-1) !initialize some parameters
+ 1001 continue ! ----> entry iop=1 <-----
+      call factoriel
+c  some basic things
+      nevent=1    !number of events
+      nfull=-1          !number of full events (ico+hydro+f.o.)(if different from -1)
+      nfreeze=1    !number of freeze out events per epos event
+      ninicon=1    ! +-number of events per initial condition
+                    ! if positive: keep same b, otherwise generate b each time
+      engy=-1      !energy
+      elab=-1      !energy lab
+      ecms=-1      !energy centre of mass
+      ekin=-1      !energy kinetic
+      pnll=-1      !momentum
+      ebeam=-1     !beam energy for proton in fake DIS (pi0-proton collision)
+      egymin=6.    !minimum energy
+      egymax=2.E+06 !maximum energy
+      noebin=1     !number of energy bins
+      engmin=0     !minimum energy
+      engmax=0     !maximum energy
+      iologe=-1     !0=linear bins   1=log bins (cms engy)
+      iologl=-1     !0=linear bins   1=log bins (Kinetic engy)
+      infragm=0    !nuclear fragmentation
+c  printout options
+      if(iop.eq.0)iprmpt=-2   !prompt (>0) or not (<0)
+      ish=0      !1,2,3,4 ...: more and more detailed messages
+      irandm=0   !prints all random numbers (1)
+      irewch=0   !rewinds check file before each event (1)
+      if(iop.eq.0)iecho=1    !verify option for input reading
+      modsho=1   !message all modsho events
+      idensi=0   !must be 1 when subr xjden1 is used
+      ishevt=0   !minimum event number for certain print options
+      iwseed=1   !print out seed (1) or not
+      jwseed=1   !print out seed in see file (1) or not
+c  fragmentation and decay parameters
+      fkappa=0.0145 !String tension (GeV2)
+      fkappag=0.0145 !String tension (GeV2) for gluon string
+      fkainc=0.35   !factor for natural increase of string tension with energy
+c energy dependence comes from fit of e+e->had mult in epos-fra
+c this parameter is used to fix the increase of baryon and strangeness for Tevatron
+      fkamax=1.e30  !limit of effect in hadronic collision on fkappa
+      pud=0.433  !prob u d (from e+e- but used only in epos-dky/vedi)
+      pudd=0.88  !d suppression in diquark break (e+e- data)
+      puds=0.50  !s suppression in diquark break (important for Xi production in e+e- AND aXi in NA49)
+      pudc=0.33  !c suppression in diquark break (??? no data)
+      pmqu=0.003 !mass quark u for string fragm
+      pmqd=0.004  !mass quark d for string fragm
+      pmqs=0.077 !mass quark s for string fragm
+      pmqc=0.14  !mass quark c for string fragm (real mass 1.15<m<1.35)
+      pmqq=0.1185 !mass diquark for string fragm (fix number of baryons) 
+      strcut=1.   !cut factor for diffractive string fragmentation (1=no suppresion)
+      diqcut=0.5  !baryon cut factor for diffractive string fragmentation (needed for pi+p->p/ap data (pz/E > diqcut : no diquark for first node)
+      pdiqua= 0.1   !qq-qqbar probability in epos-dro/vedi (decazys only)
+      ptfra=  0.35 !string break pt
+      ptfraqq=0.35 !string end break pt
+      ptfrasr=0.   !string break pt increase for strangeness (disable in epos-fra)
+      pbreak=-0.33 !break-parameter (~0.4 to match NA49 data and pi0 spectra for CR)
+c if -1<pb<0, take pb for soft and e+e- parameterization for hard strings
+      pbreakg=0. !minimum pbreak at high energy in e+e- parameterization
+      zetacut=0.  !g->ggq2 cut for special hadronization
+c  fragmentation and decay options
+      ndecay=0   !ndecay suppresses certain resonance decays
+                 !0000001: all resonance decays suppressed
+                 !0000010: k_short/long (+-20) decays suppressed
+                 !0000100: lambda (+-2130) decays suppressed
+                 !0001000: sigma (+-1130,+-2230) decays suppressed
+                 !0010000: cascade (+-2330,+-1330) decays suppressed
+                 !0100000: omega (+-3331) decays suppressed
+                 !1000000: pi0 (110) decays suppressed
+                 !also several "1"s may be used with obvious meaning
+      maxres=99999 !maximum resonance spin
+      aouni=0.   !technical parameter for development
+c  lepton-nucleon and e+e- options
+      iolept=1     !q2-x ditribution calculated (1) or taken from table (<0)
+      ydmin=0      ! range of y
+      ydmax=0
+      qdmin=0      ! range of q**2
+      qdmax=0
+      themin=0     !minimum scattering angle
+      themax=0     !maximum scattering angle
+      elomin=0     !minimum energy of outgoing lepton
+      elepti=0     !incoming lepton energy
+      elepto=0     !outgoing lepton energy
+      angmue=3.9645/360.*2*3.14159 !mue angle
+      icinpu=0
+      itflav=0     ! initial flavor for e+e-
+      idisco=0     !deep inelastic contributions
+                   !0=all, 1=direct-light, 2=direct-charm, 3=resolved
+c  hadron-hadron options +++
+      isetcs=3    !option to obtain pomeron parameters
+                  ! 0.....determine parameters but do not use Kfit
+                  ! 1.....determine parameters and use Kfit
+                  ! else..get from table
+                  !         should be sufficiently detailed
+                  !          say iclegy1=1,iclegy2=99
+                  !         table is always done, more or less detailed!!!
+                  !and option to use cross ection tables
+                  ! 2....tabulation of formula
+                  ! 3....tabulation of simulations
+                  ! else...not
+      iclegy1=1   !energy class lower limit ( 1 minimal    1 realistic    )
+      iclegy2=99   !energy class upper limit ( 1  option   99 use of table )
+      isigma=0    !option for xsection printing (always calculated now)
+                  !  0=no, 1=yes : calculation (not good for ionudi=2)
+                  !  2=AA pseudo simulations
+c  hadron-hadron options
+      idprojin=1120 !projectile particle id
+      idtargin=1120 !target particle id
+      idproj=1120 !projectile particle id
+      idtarg=1120 !target particle id
+      iregge=0    !consider reggeons (1=yes 0=no)
+      isopom=1    !consider soft pomerons (1=yes 0=no)
+      ishpom=1    !consider semihard pomerons (1=yes 0=no)
+      iscreen=1   !consider screening corrections (1=yes 0=no)
+      isplit=1    !consider splitting corrections (1=yes 0=no)
+      irzptn=0    !recalculate Zptn (1=yes 0=no)  ????????maybe obsolete??????????
+      irmdrop=1    !consider droplet for remnants (1=yes 0=no)
+      nprmax=10000 !maximum number of pomerons/reggeons
+      iemspl=0
+      intpol=3     !number of points for interpolation in psfli, psfaz
+      ioems=2
+      iomega=1    !option for omega calculation (if 2, no diffraction in G)
+        !hadron excitation classes (used in psvin)
+      icdp=2     !projectile hadron excitation
+      icdt=2     !target hadron excitation
+              !hadron classes: 1=pions,2=nucleons,3=kaons
+      iclpro1=1   !projectile hadron class lower limit
+      iclpro2=3   !projectile hadron class upper limit
+      icltar1=2   !target hadron class lower limit (should not be change (see epos-sem))
+      icltar2=2   !target hadron class upper limit (should not be change (see epos-sem))
+      egylow=1.5  !lower limit of lowest energy bin
+      delh=0.25   !effective overcriticity for the hard pom (techn param)
+      factgam=1         !enhancement factor for gammas
+c  hadron-hadron parameters +++
+      alpfomi=   0.     !normalization of function fom for Phi^n (z0=alpfomi)
+      betfom=    5.d0   !slope of function fom for Phi^n
+      gamfom=    3.5d0  !Z slope of function fom for Phi^n
+      betpom=    0.25   !gluon structure function parameter for the so
+      glusea=    0.1    !sea quarks / (sea quarks + gluons) at x -> 0
+      r2had(2)=  1.2    !r2 proton
+      r2hads(2)= 1.25   !diff corr factor proton
+      slopom=    0.06   !alpha prime pomeron
+      slopoms=   0.2    !alpha prime pomeron dif
+      gamhad(2)= 1.     !gamma proton increase->  sig up, n up, softPom up
+      gamhadsi(2)=-1.   !correction factor to gamma soft proton (<0 = 1 = same as gamhad)
+      gamtil=    0.08   !increase -> sig up, n up, hard Pom up
+      alppar=    0.55   !alpha particip (not 1 !) increase -> sig up, n down, width y down
+      alppom=    1.075  !alpha pomeron
+      ptsend=    1.     !string end pt
+      ptsendi=   0.3    !string end pt for non excited state and diquark
+      ptsems=    0.2    !mass of string end (minimum pt)
+      ptsecu=    1.     !cut factor for gaussian distribution
+      ptdiff=    0.32   !pt for diffraction
+      q2min=     4.0    !q**2 cutoff
+      q2ini=     0.25   !resolution scale
+      q2fin=     0.02   !q**2 cutoff timelike      decrease ->  high pt down
+      amdrmax=   30.    !maximum mass leading droplet (<50 for stability)
+      amdrmin=   10.    !minimum mass leading droplet
+      facdif=    0.4    !factor for diffractive profile
+      facmc=     1.05   !correction factor to match MC simulations (should be 1.)
+      reminv=    0.17   !remnant inversion probability (inversion important for forward pi(0) spectra : consequences on Xmax)
+      edmaxi=    1.e12  !defines edmax in epos-sem
+      epmaxi=    1.e12  !defines epmax in epos-sem
+c  hadron-hadron parameters
+      qcdlam=.04           !lambda_qcd squared
+      naflav=3          !number of active flavors (hard string)
+      nrflav=3          !number of active flavors in remnant and string fragm
+                        !nrflav is defined later as max(nrflav,naflav)
+      factk=2.         !k-factor value
+      alfe=1./137.
+      pt2cut=0.         !p_t-cutoff for the born process
+      rstrau(1)=1.   !pion !effective ratio of u sea over u sea basis
+      rstrad(1)=1.         !effective ratio of d sea over u sea basis
+      rstras(1)=0.2        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis (kaons in pipp250)
+      rstrac(1)=1.         !effective ratio of c sea over u sea basis
+      rstrau(2)=1.   !nucl !effective ratio of u sea over u sea basis
+      rstrad(2)=1.         !effective ratio of d sea over u sea basis
+      rstras(2)=0.7        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis
+      rstrac(2)=1.        !effective ratio of c sea over u sea basis
+      rstrau(3)=1.   !kaon !effective ratio of u sea over u sea basis
+      rstrad(3)=1.         !effective ratio of d sea over u sea basis
+      rstras(3)=0.2        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis (kaons in kpp250)
+      rstrac(3)=1.        !effective ratio of c sea over u sea basis
+      rstrau(4)=1.   !j/psi!effective ratio of u sea over u sea basis
+      rstrad(4)=1.         !effective ratio of d sea over u sea basis
+      rstras(4)=0.8        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis
+      rstrac(4)=0.2        !effective ratio of c sea over u sea basis
+      rstrasi=0.0      !effective ratio of strange sea over u sea increase
+c wgtqqq (<1) define the probability that the diquark is a taken 
+c (or introduced in  a meson) directly from the remnant 
+c it is for stopping not for baryon prod (put baryon in the center but do 
+c not change very large x of mesons). Value fixed with forward baryon 
+c in pion interactions. Active only with iremn>1
+      wgtqqq(1)=0.22   !weight for val diq (as soft string ends for one pomeron) for pion
+      wgtqqq(2)=0.22   !weight for val diq for nucleon
+      wgtqqq(3)=0.22   !weight for val diq for kaon
+      wgtqqq(4)=0.22   !weight weight for val diq for J/Psi
+c within 1-wgtqqq not to take a diquark, wgtdiq (<1) is 
+c the absolut probability to create a diquark as string end
+      wgtdiq=0.15      !weight for seadiq - antidiq as soft string end 
+c in the 1-wgtqqq-wgtdiq probabilty not to have a q-aq string ends,
+c wgtval is the probability to take the valence quark in soft interactions
+c wgtsea is the probability to take a q-aq pair from the sea, 
+c if no valence quarks are available, then we use sea quarks
+c these values can be arbitrary choosen since wgtval/wgtsea is used
+      wgtval=0.15        !weight for valq - antiq as soft string ends
+      wgtsea=0.85       !weight for seaq - antiq as soft string ends
+      exmass=0.02         !excitation mass for remnant
+      r3pom=0.01      !triple pomeron coupling (not used)
+        r3pomi=r3pom  !store
+      r4pom=0.001     !4-pomeron coupling
+        r4pomi=r4pom  !store
+      wexcit=0.       !excitation in fremnu (for DIS)
+      wproj=0.        !not used
+      wtarg=0.        !not used
+c soft/hard selection like without screening to get shape of pt 
+c distribution in pp right and energy density in auau
+c gfactor < 0 means that the hard contribution is increased % soft 
+c when Z increase : doesn't seem to be supported by HERA-B data
+      gfactor=1000.    !exp(-gfactor*Z) in front of eps in om5jk (to choose soft or hard)
+      gwidth=0.62     !diff relative b-width
+!     gamhad(1) defined in psaini
+!     gamhad(3) defined in psaini
+      gamhadsi(1)=0.55    !correction factor to gamma soft pion
+      gamhadsi(3)=0.47    !correction factor to gamma soft kaon
+      gamhadsi(4)=-1.    !correction factor to gamma soft charm
+      r2had(1)=1.5    !r2 pion
+      r2had(3)=0.8    !r2 kaon
+      r2had(4)=0.     !r2 charm
+      r2hads(1)=1.1   !diff corr factor pion
+      r2hads(3)=1.1   !diff corr factor kaon
+      r2hads(4)=1.25  !diff corr factor kaon
+      chad(1)=1.      !c pion
+      chad(2)=1.      !c proton
+      chad(3)=1.      !c kaon
+      chad(4)=1.      !c charm
+      wdiff(1)=0.5    !diffractive probability
+      wdiff(2)=0.7    !diffractive probability
+      wdiff(3)=0.53   !diffractive probability
+      wdiff(4)=0.1    !diffractive probability
+      alplea(1)=0.7  !alpha leading pion
+      alplea(2)=1.    !alpha leading proton
+      alplea(3)=0.7    !alpha leading kaon
+      alplea(4)=1.    !alpha leading jpsi
+      rexndf=-1.      !relative value of rexndi compare to rexdif if >0
+c following parameters recalculated in xsigma ...
+      rexdifi(1)=-0.8  !remnant excitation probability diffractive pion
+      rexdifi(2)=-0.725!remnant excitation probability diffractive proton
+      rexdifi(3)=-0.8  !remnant excitation probability diffractive kaon
+      rexdifi(4)=1.    !remnant excitation probability diffractive charmed
+      rexpdif(1)=0.    !remnant pion exchange probability diffractive pion
+      rexpdif(2)=0.26  !remnant pion exchange probability diffractive proton
+      rexpdif(3)=0.    !remnant pion exchange probability diffractive kaon
+      rexpdif(4)=0.    !remnant pion exchange probability diffractive charmed
+      rexndii(1)=0.4   !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive pion
+      rexndii(2)=0.55  !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive proton
+      rexndii(3)=0.6   !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive kaon
+      rexndii(4)=1.    !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive charmed
+c ... up to here.
+      xmxrem=20.      !maximum momentum fraction allowed to be given for remnant mass determination (very important for multiplicity and xf distri at low energy)
+      xmindiff=1.35  !factor for minimum energy of pion exchange in prorem (change multiplicity and xf distribution of protons and neutrons)
+      xminremn=1.25  !factor for minimum energy in prorem (change multiplicity of all remnants)
+      rexres(1)=0.175 !pion remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      rexres(2)=0.1   !nucleon remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      rexres(3)=0.5   !kaon remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      rexres(4)=1.    !charm remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      alpdif=0.45     !alpha mass diffractive for cross section and metropolis
+      alpdi=0.45      !alpha mass diffractive
+      alpndi=1.6       !alpha mass nondiffractive
+      alpsea=0.3      !alpha string end x for sea parton
+      alpval=0.3      !alpha string end x for valence parton
+      alpdiq=0.3      !alpha string end x for sea diquark
+      ammsqq=0.28     !minimum mass string quark quark
+      ammsqd=1.08    !minimum mass string quark diquark
+      ammsdd=1.88    !minimum mass string diquark diquark
+      delrex=0.5     !excitation mass to be added to the minimal remnant mass when remnant is not connected to string (nuclear splitting)
+      cumpom=ammsqq     !cutoff mass for virtual pomerons (minimum= 2 pion mass)
+      alpdro(1)=2.   !factor for minimum mass of leading droplet (not less than 1.5 for kinematic reasons)
+      alpdro(2)=0.3   !pt of leading droplet
+      alpdro(3)=1.6  !alpha mass of leading droplet (iept=3)
+      iodiba=0.      ! if iodiba=1, study H-Dibaryon (not used (see ProRef in epos-ems ????)
+      bidiba=0.030   ! epsilon of H-Dibaryon
+c screening splitting +++
+c Note : cross section/saturation value, change inelasticity and not only cross section
+      epscrw=0.1      !overall factor for Z (Zsame,Zother)-> pp xsect .... w_Z
+      epscrp=3.       !b width param for Z     -> pp xsection ............ w_B
+      egyscr=3.     !screening minimum energy -> pp xsection ........... s_M
+      epscrd=0.1        !screening power for diffractive part
+      epscrs=0.1    !screening power increase soft  -> pp xsctn ........ alp_S
+      epscrh=2.5    !screening power increase hard  -> pp xsctn ........ alp_H
+      epscrx=0.42  !screening power maxi          -> pp xsctn
+c nuclear part of Z
+      znurho=1.65    !increase of Z due to nuclear effect  -> pA xsctn (low E)
+      zbrads=0.7 !factor for saturated radius of nucleon in nuclei for shadowing (nuclear saturation -> decrease pA xs)
+      zbcut=0.7    !minimum diameter for shadowing (increase pA xs)
+      zbrmax=0.     !maximum b limit for nuclear splitting pairs (fix indirectly Zmax for nuclear collision (number of pair which can be connected to the main pair)
+c Z dependent parameters
+      zrminc=0.75  !increase probability for remnant excitation in nuclei (without connexion)
+      ptvpom=0.30       !pt of virtual Pomerons (for getdropx)
+      zodinc=0.         !# pom dependence for increase of pt
+      zipinc= 1.33    !inner pt modif factor increase
+      zopinc= 0.      !soft/hard modif factor increase
+      zoeinc= 3.      !cutoff timelike evol modif factor increase
+      zdfinc=15.      !z factor for a diffractive pomeron   
+      zdrinc= 0.     !increase of droplet minimum mass (iremn>=2)
+      zmsinc= 0.15    !increase of remant minimum mass and decrease alpha (increase remnant mass with iept=3)
+      xzcut=3.     !factor for minimum x for a Pomeron to be used for nuclear splitting
+c Reggeon parameters  (not used)
+      alpreg=0.734   !alpha_reggeon
+      sloreg=0.499   !slope_reggeon
+      gamreg=16.46   !gamma_reggeon
+      r2reg=0.613    !r^2_reggeon
+c  masses
+      amhadr(1)=.14            !pion mass
+      amhadr(2)=.939           !nucleon mass
+      amhadr(3)=.496           !kaon mass
+      amhadr(4)=1.868          !d-meson mass
+      amhadr(6)=1.116          !lambda mass
+      amhadr(5)=2.27           !lambda_c mass
+      amhadr(7)=.548           !eta mass
+      amhadr(8)=3.5            !J/psi mass
+c      qcmass=1.6               !c-quark mass  (in idmass = 1.2 )
+c      amhdibar=2.200           !h-dibaryon mass       !not used any more
+      qmass(0)=pmqq           !diquark effective bounding energy (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(0)=0
+      call idmass(1,qumass)
+      qmass(1)=qumass           !u quark effective mass (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(1)=1
+      call idmass(2,qdmass)
+      qmass(2)=qdmass           !d quark effective mass (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(2)=-1
+      call idmass(3,qsmass)
+      qmass(3)=qsmass           !s quark effective mass (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(3)=0
+      call idmass(4,qcmass)
+      qmass(4)=qcmass          !c quark effective mass (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(4)=0
+      call idmass(5,qbmass)
+      qmass(5)=qbmass          !b quark effective mass (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(5)=0
+      call idmass(6,qtmass)
+      qmass(6)=qtmass          !t quark effective mass (for pt distribtions)
+      isospin(6)=0
+c  nucleus-nucleus
+      iokoll=0      !fix # of collisions (1)
+      laproj=0      !projectile charge number
+      maproj=0      !projectile mass number
+      latarg=0      !target charge number
+      matarg=0      !target mass number
+      core=0.34     !hard core distance(2*0.17)
+c      ncolmx=100000 !maximum number of collisions
+      fctrmx=10     !parameter determining range for density distribution
+      bmaxim=10000  !maximum impact parameter
+      bminim=0.     !minimum impact parameter
+      phimax=2*3.1415927 !maximum phi
+      phimin=0      !minimum phi
+      iLHC=0        !LHC tune on(1)/off(0)
+      ionudi=3      !nuclear diffraction included (>0) or not (0)
+                    ! = 0 for RHIC nuclear data based on glauber
+                    !     (no event with 0 collision "a la Glauber")
+                    ! = 1 for cosmic ray simulations (diffraction without
+                    !      excitation counted as inelastic
+                    !      to be consistent with sigma_ine used for CR)
+                    ! = 2 for fixed target accelerator data cross section
+                    !     (diffractive without projectile excitation = elastic)
+                    ! = 3 real inelastic (no trigger effect)
+                    !     (diffractive without excitation = elastic (but not for LHC because a Pomeron is present))
+c rescattering parameters +++
+      iorsce=0      !color exchange turned on(1) or off(0)
+      iorsdf=3      !droplet formation turned on(>0) or off(0)
+      iorshh=0      !other hadron-hadron int. turned on(1) or off(0)
+      iocluin=1     !include inwards moving corona segments into clusters (1) or not (0)
+      ioquen=0      !jet quenching option (0=no)
+      iohole=0      !hole filling option (0=no)
+      fploss=0.     !parton energy loss (effective)
+      fplmin=0.     !minimum pl for rescaled particles after flow
+      fvisco=-50.    !viscosity (effective)
+      taumin=1.0    !min tau for rescattering
+      taurea=1.0    !reaction time (=formation time)
+      nsegsu=30     !number of segments per subcluster
+      nsegce=4      !number of segments per cell
+      kigrid=1      !long grid number increase factor
+      fsgrid=1.0    !sgrid factor
+      ptclu=3  !obove this: string segments escape cluster
+      amimfs=1.0    !below this: elastic
+      amimel=0.050  !below this: nothing
+      delamf=1      !above this: color exch  !cutoffs for kinetic energy
+      deuamf=1      !above this: nothing     !mass - minimum mass of pair
+      epscri(1)=0.15!energy density for hnbaaa
+      epscri(3)= -1 !read in from table
+c rescattering parameters
+      amsiac=.8     !interaction mass
+      amprif=0      !print option
+      delvol=1      !print option
+      deleps=1      !print option
+      deltau=0.2    !initial delta_tau for space-time evolution
+      factau=1.05   !factor for delta_tau for space-time evolution
+      numtau=80     !number of tau steps for space-time evolution
+      dlzeta=0.5    !delta_zeta for longitudinal droplet binning
+      etafac=1.0    !factor determining inner range
+      facnuc=0.0    !factor for nuclear size to determine inner range
+      hacore=0.8    !hadron compressibility factor
+      cepara=0.03   !parameter for excitation for color exchange
+      dscale=1.    !scale parameter for hadron-hadron
+      iceopt=1      !real color exchange (1) or just excitation (0)
+c coupling with urqmd
+      iurqmd=0    ! call eposurqmd (1) or not
+c initial conditions for hydro
+      ispherio=0    !call spherio
+      cutico=3      !cutoff parameter for smoothing kernel in epos-ico
+                    !  (as small as possible with stable results)
+      dssico=0.2    !s step size for string integration in epos-ico
+                    !  (as big as possible with stable results)
+      icocore=0     !consider core initial condition (1 or 2)
+      icotabm=0     !make table for initial condition stuff
+      icotabr=0     !read table for initial condition stuff
+c  cluster decay
+      ioclude=3     !cluster decay option
+      amuseg=4.0    !min mass for radial boost (limit=amuseg+yrmax(E))
+      yradmx= 0.5  !max radial collective boost
+      yradmi= 0.12  !max radial collective boost increase
+      yradpp=1.     !max radial collective boost
+      yradpi=0.     !max radial collective boost increase
+      yradpx=0.    !not used
+      facecc=0.45   !eccentricity parameter
+      ylongmx=-1.   !max long collective boost ( < 0 -> take from jintpo )
+      rcoll=0.0     !radial collective flow param
+      bag4rt=0.200  !bag constant ^1/4
+      taunll=1.0    !decay time (comoving frame)
+      vrad=0.3
+      facts=0.3     !gamma-s factor
+      factb=1       !gamma-s factor baryons
+      factq=1       !gamma-qqbar
+c  droplet decay initializations
+         asuhax(1)=1.134  !two lowest multiplets
+         asuhax(2)=1.301  !two lowest multiplets
+         asuhax(3)=1.461  !two lowest multiplets
+         asuhax(4)=1.673  !two lowest multiplets
+         asuhax(5)=0.7700 !two lowest multiplets   rho
+         asuhax(6)=0.8920 !two lowest multiplets   K*
+         asuhax(7)=1.2320 !two lowest multiplets
+         asuhay(1)=0.940  !lowest multiplet
+         asuhay(2)=1.200  !lowest multiplet
+         asuhay(3)=1.322  !lowest multiplet
+         asuhay(4)=1.673  !lowest multiplet
+         asuhay(5)=0.1400 !lowest multiplet
+         asuhay(6)=0.4977 !lowest multiplet
+         asuhay(7)=1.2320 !lowest multiplet
+c  droplet specification
+      keu=0     !u flavour of droplet
+      ked=0     !d flavour of droplet
+      kes=0     !s flavour of droplet
+      kec=0     !c flavour of droplet
+      keb=0     !b flavour of droplet
+      ket=0     !t flavour of droplet
+      tecm=10   !energy of droplet
+      volu=70   !volume of droplet
+c  metropolis and grand canonical
+      iospec=10 !option for particle species
+      iocova=1  !covariant (1) or noncovariant (2) phase space integral
+      iopair=2  !single pair (1) or double pair (2) method
+      iozero=65 !relative weight of zeros (compared to hadrons)
+                ! (-1) nspecs
+                ! (-2) nspecs/sqrt(tecm/volu)
+      ioflac=1  !test multipl distr without (1) or with (2) flavour conserv
+                !  (2 only good for nspecs=3,7)
+      iostat=1  !use boltzmann (1) or quantum (0) statistics in hgc-routines
+      ioinco=1  !call hnbmin for initial configuration (0)
+                !call hgcnbi for initial configuration to generate better
+                !initial configuration (1)
+                !call hgcnbi for initial configuration to generate optimal
+                !initial configuration (2)
+      iograc=1  !call hgcaaa in case of ioinco=0 (1)
+      epsgc=2.  !required accuracy in hgcaaa 10**(-epsgc)
+      iocite=0  !perform counting at metropolis iterations (1) or not (else)
+      ioceau=0  !perform counting for exp. autocorrel. time (1) or not (else)
+      iociau=0  !perform counting for int. autocorrel. time (1) or not (else)
+      ioinct=0  !test grand canonical metropolis sampling (1)
+                !to plot results call xhgccc, xhgcfl and xhgcam
+      ioinfl=1  !conserve flavor in initial configuration in hgcnbi (1)
+                !do not conserve flavor (0)
+                !do not conserve flavor and energy (-1)
+      iowidn=2  !width of total multiplicity distribution in hgcnbi
+                ! sigma_tot -> sigma_tot/iowidn
+                ! >0 unnormalized
+                ! <0 normalized
+      ionlat=2  !determine nlattc ,old method (0)
+                !or determine nlattc in hgcnbi as:
+                ! (1) max(1.3*<N>,<N>+2*sigma,6)
+                ! (2) max(1.5*<N>,<N>+3*sigma,6)
+                ! (3) max(2.0*<N>,<N>+4*sigma,6)
+      iomom=1   !number of momenta to be changed in hnbodz
+      ioobsv=0  !observable for autocorrelation time calculation
+                !0: total multiplicity
+                !else: particle id for particle species
+      iosngl=0  !event # for which counting at metropolis iterations is done
+      iorejz=0  !reject pair exchange with only zeros (1) or not (else)
+      iompar=4  !parameter for windowing algorithm
+      iozinc=0  !if iozevt>0: modifies iozero for testing (in sr hgcnbi)
+      iozevt=0  !if >0: modifies iozero for testing (in sr hgcnbi)
+      nadd=0    !number of pi0s added to minimum initial configuration
+      iterma=-6 !>0: maximum number of iterations
+                !<0: - number of iterations per corr time
+      iterpr=10000 !iter-increment for printout
+      iterpl=1  !iter-increment for plot
+      iternc=50 !iterations not counted for analysis
+      epsr=1e-4 !required accuracy in sr hnbraw
+      keepr=1   !keep most random numbers rnoz in hnbodz (1)
+                !  or update all (0)
+c  strangelets
+      iopenu=1      !option for minimum energy
+                    !1: sum of hadron masses
+                    !2: bag model curve with minimum at nonzero strangen
+      themas=.51225 !parameter theta in berger/jaffe mass formula
+c tests
+      iotst1=0     !test
+      iotst2=0     !test
+      iotst3=0     !test
+      iotst4=0     !test
+c  jpsi
+      jpsi=0     !jpsi to be produced (1) or not (0)
+      jpsifi=0   !jpsi final state interaction (1) or not (0)
+      sigj=0.2   !jpsi nucleon cross section [fm**2]
+      taumx=20   !max time for jpsi evolution
+      nsttau=100 !time steps for jpsi evolution
+      ijphis=0   !fill jpsi histograms (1) or not (0)
+c  analysis: intermittency, space-time, droplets, formation time
+      ymximi=2   !upper limit for rapidity interval for intermittency analysis
+      imihis=0   !fill intermittency histograms (1) or not (0)
+      isphis=0   !fill space-time histograms (1) or not (0)
+      iologb=0   !0=linear bins   1=log bins
+      ispall=1   !xspace: all ptls (1) or only interacting ptls (else)
+      wtmini=-3  !tmin in xspace
+      wtstep=1   !t-step in xspace
+      iwcent=0   !only central point (1) or longitudinal distr (else) in xspace
+      iclhis=0   !fill droplet histograms (1) or not (0)
+      iwtime=0   !fill formation time histogram (1) or not (else)
+      wtimet=100 !max time in wtime
+      wtimei=0   !max mass in wtime
+      wtimea=1000 !max mass in wtime
+c  storing
+      maxrec(1)=7
+      irecty(1,1)=1
+      irecty(2,1)=2
+      irecty(3,1)=3
+      irecty(4,1)=4
+      irecty(5,1)=5
+      irecty(6,1)=6
+      irecty(7,1)=7
+      maxrec(2)=14
+      irecty(1,2)=1
+      irecty(2,2)=2
+      irecty(3,2)=3
+      irecty(4,2)=4
+      irecty(5,2)=5
+      irecty(6,2)=6
+      irecty(7,2)=7
+      irecty(8,2)=8
+      irecty(9,2)=9
+      irecty(10,2)=10
+      irecty(11,2)=11
+      irecty(12,2)=12
+      irecty(13,2)=13
+      irecty(14,2)=14
+c  other
+      gaumx=8    !range for gauss distribution
+      nclean=1   !clean /cptl/ if nclean > 0
+                 !(not for part with istptl<istmax if nclean=1 (do not change analysis)
+                 ! for all part with ist.ne.0 if nclean > 1 (particle nb reduce at max))
+      istore=0   !0: no storage to data-file
+                 !-1: epos full info (fixed format)
+                 !1: epos     standard
+                 !2: OSC1997A standart
+                 !3: OSC1999A standart
+                 !4: Les Houches Event Format (LHEF) standart
+                 !5: calls routine ustore (modifiable by the user)
+      ioidch=1   !id choice for storage to data-file
+      iframe=0   !frame specification production run
+      jframe=0   !frame specification analysis
+      kframe=0   !frame specification analysis (2nd frame)
+                 ! 1:total
+                 !11:nucleon-nucleon
+                 !12:target
+                 !21:gamma-nucleon
+                 !22:lab
+                 !32:sphericity
+                 !33:thrust
+      irescl=1   !momentum rescaling (1) or not (0)
+      ifrade=1   !suppression of fragmentation and decay (0)
+      idecay=1   !suppression of decay (0)
+      jdecay=1   !suppression of cluster decay (0), concerns only ity=60 cluster
+      iremn=2    !suppression of multiquark remnant (0) (string end with same flavor) -> reduce remnant excitation and suppress droplet prod. in remnant
+                 !or full multiquark remnant (no limitations) (1)
+                 !or multiquark remnant with valence quark conservation and inelastic remnant as low mass droplet only (2)
+                 !or suppression of multiquark remnant with different string end flavors (3)
+      ntrymx=10  !try-again parameter
+      istmax=1   !analyse only istptl <= istmax
+      irdmpr=0   !random sign for projectile if 1
+      ilprtg=1   !consider leading particle in projectile (1)
+                 !or target  (-1) side
+c  constants
+      pi=3.1415927
+      pii=1./(2*pi**2)
+      hquer=0.197327
+      prom=.94
+      piom=.14
+      ainfin=1e31
+c air
+      airanxs(1)=14.007
+      airznxs(1)=7.
+      airwnxs(1)=0.781
+      airanxs(2)=15.999
+      airznxs(2)=8.
+      airwnxs(2)=.21
+      airanxs(3)=39.948
+      airznxs(3)=18.
+      airwnxs(3)=0.009
+      airavanxs=airanxs(1)*airwnxs(1)+airanxs(2)*airwnxs(2)
+     &         +airanxs(3)*airwnxs(3)
+      airavznxs=airznxs(1)*airwnxs(1)+airznxs(2)*airwnxs(2)
+     &         +airznxs(3)*airwnxs(3)
+c  zero initializations
+      ixgeometry=0
+      ixbDens=0
+      ixtau=0
+      iEmsB=0
+      iEmsBg=0
+      iEmsPm=0
+      iEmsPx=0
+      iEmsSe=0
+      iEmsDr=0
+      iEmsRx=0
+      iEmsI2=0
+      iEmsI1=0
+      iSpaceTime=0
+      nemsi=0
+      facmss=1.
+      nstmax=0
+      do 6 i=1,99
+      prob(i)=0
+      do 6 j=1,2
+      icbac(i,j)=0
+6     icfor(i,j)=0
+      imsg=0
+      do j=1,mxjerr
+       jerr(j)=0
+      enddo
+      ntevt=0
+      nrevt=0
+      naevt=0
+      nrstr=0
+      nrptl=0
+      nptlu=0
+      do itau=1,mxtau
+      volsum(itau)=0
+      vo2sum(itau)=0
+      nclsum(itau)=0
+      do ivol=1,mxvol
+      do ieps=1,mxeps
+      clust(itau,ivol,ieps)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      iutotc=0
+      iutote=0
+      nopen=0
+      nopenr=0
+      knxopen=0
+      kchopen=0
+      khiopen=0
+      kdtopen=0
+      klgopen=0
+      ifdat=0
+      ifncs=0
+      xpar1=0.
+      xpar2=0.
+      xpar3=0.
+      xpar4=0.
+      xpar5=0.
+      xpar6=0.
+      xpar7=0.
+      xpar8=0.
+      if(iop.eq.0)khisto=0
+      nrclu=0
+      nrnody=0
+      do n=1,mxnody
+      nody(n)=0
+      enddo
+      nrpri=0
+      ctaumin=-1.
+      do n=1,mxpri
+      subpri(n)='      '
+      ishpri(n)=0
+      enddo
+      nctcor=0
+      ncttim=0
+      do n=1,matau
+      tauv(n)=0
+      enddo
+      ncnt=0
+      nrnucl(1)=0
+      nrnucl(2)=0
+      do i=1,mxnucl
+      rnucl(i,1)=0
+      rnucl(i,2)=0
+      rnuclo(i,1)=0
+      rnuclo(i,2)=0
+      bnucl(i,1)=0
+      bnucl(i,2)=0
+      bnucl(i,3)=0
+      bnucl(i,4)=0
+      enddo
+      xbtot(1)=0.
+      xbtot(2)=0.
+      inicnt=0
+      accept=0.
+      reject=0.
+      do n=1,matau
+      tauv(n)=0.
+      enddo
+      anquasiel=0.
+      nglacc=0
+      ifset=1
+ 1002 continue ! ----> entry iop=2 <----
+c  analysis
+      xvaria='numptl'
+      yvaria='ycmptl'
+      normal=11
+      xminim=-100
+      xmaxim=100
+      nrbins=100
+      hisfac=1
+      do nr=1,mxbins
+      do l=1,5
+      ar(nr,l)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      nozero=0
+      ibmin=1
+      ibmax=1e8
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine LHCparameters
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      iLHC=1
+      infragm=2    !nuclear fragmentation
+c cross section based parameters
+      epscrw=0.3      !overall factor for Z (Zsame,Zother)-> pp xsect .... w_Z
+      epscrp=1.25       !b width param for Z     -> pp xsection ............ w_B
+      egyscr=3.     !screening minimum energy -> pp xsection ........... s_M
+      epscrd=0.21        !screening power for diffractive part
+      epscrs=0.    !screening power increase soft  -> pp xsctn ........ alp_S
+      epscrh=2.2    !screening power increase hard  -> pp xsctn ........ alp_H
+      epscrx=0.4  !screening power maxi          -> pp xsctn
+      znurho=2.5    !increase of Z due to nuclear effect  -> pA xsctn (low E)
+      zbrads=0.6 !factor for saturated radius of nucleon in nuclei for shadowing (nuclear saturation -> decrease pA xs)
+      zbcut=0.6    !minimum diameter for shadowing (increase pA xs)
+c slope and diffraction
+      r2had(1)=1.    !r2 pion
+      r2had(2)=0.85    !r2 proton
+      r2had(3)=0.7    !r2 kaon
+      r2had(4)=0.     !r2 charm
+      r2hads(1)=1.   !diff corr factor pion
+      r2hads(2)=1.   !diff corr factor proton
+      r2hads(3)=1.   !diff corr factor kaon
+      r2hads(4)=1.   !diff corr factor charm
+      wdiff(1)=0.7    !diffractive probability
+      wdiff(2)=0.875    !diffractive probability
+      wdiff(3)=0.65   !diffractive probability
+      wdiff(4)=0.1    !diffractive probability
+      facdif=0.7    !factor for diffractive profile
+      slopom=0.18   !alpha prime pomeron
+      slopoms=0.26    !alpha prime pomeron dif
+      gwidth=1.4     !diff relative b-width
+c remnant excitation
+      rexpdif(2)=0.28  !remnant pion exchange probability diffractive proton
+      rexdifi(2)=-0.65  !remnant excitation probability diffractive proton
+      rexndii(1)=0.65  !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive pion
+      rexndii(2)=0.65  !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive proton
+      rexndii(3)=0.65  !remnant excitation probability nondiffractive kaon
+      rexres(1)=0.     !pion remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      rexres(2)=0.     !nucleon remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      rexres(3)=0.15   !kaon remnant excitation probability in nucleus
+      alpdif=0.7     !alpha mass diffractive for cross section and metropolis
+      alpdi=1.05      !alpha mass diffractive
+      alpndi=2.  !1.65       !alpha mass nondiffractive
+      alpdro(3)=2.5  !alpha mass of leading droplet (iept=3)
+      alpdro(2)=1.5   !alpha mass of leading droplet (iept=3)
+      zmsinc= 0.    !increase of remant minimum mass and decrease alpha (increase remnant mass with iept=3)
+      zrminc= 0.  !increase probability for remnant excitation in nuclei (without connexion)
+c string fragmentation
+      pbreak=-0.4 !break-parameter (~0.4 to match NA49 data and pi0 spectra for CR)
+      pbreakg=0.15 !minimum pbreak at high energy in e+e- parameterization
+      zetacut=1.5  !g->ggq2 cut for special hadronization
+      fkappa=0.014  !String tension (GeV2) for quark string
+      fkappag=0.014 !String tension (GeV2) for gluon string
+      ptfraqq=0.    !pt for rotation of string in remnant
+      ptsend=1.     !string end pt
+      ptsems=0.2
+      pmqq=0.107 !mass diquark for string fragm (fix number of baryons) 
+      qmass(0)=0.           !diquark effective bounding energy (for pt distribtions)
+      pmqs=0.074 !mass quark s for string fragm
+      rstras(1)=0.5        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis (kaons in pipp250)
+      rstras(2)=0.5        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis (lambdas in pp158)
+      rstras(3)=0.5        !effective ratio of s sea over u sea basis (kaons in kpp250)
+      wgtdiq=0.25      !weight for seadiq - antidiq as string end 
+      wgtqqq(1)=0.     !weight for val diq (as soft string ends for one pomeron) for pion
+      wgtqqq(2)=0.     !weight for val diq for nucleon
+      wgtqqq(3)=0.     !weight for val diq for kaon
+      wgtqqq(4)=0.     !weight weight for val diq for J/Psi
+      fkainc=0.   !factor for natural increase of string tension with energy
+c energy dependence comes from fit of e+e->had mult in epos-fra
+c this parameter is used to fix the increase of baryon and strangeness for Tevatron
+      fkamax=10000.  !limit of effect in hadronic collision on fkappa
+      zopinc= 0.007                !soft/hard modif factor increase
+      zipinc= 1.35              !inner pt modif factor increase
+      zodinc= 0.    !#of pom dependence
+      xzcut=3.35     !factor for minimum x for a Pomeron to be used for nuclear splitting
+      zoeinc= 0.      !cutoff timelike evol modif factor increase
+      reminv=0.05   !remnant inversion probability (inversion important for forward pi(0) spectra : consequences on Xmax)
+c radial flow (new)
+      yradpx=0.55    !increase factor of low mass flow (conserv. mult.)
+      yradpp=4.     !mass dependence of low mass flow (attenuation for heavy part)
+c radial flow (old)
+      yradmx= 0.04   !increase factor of high mass flow (decrease. mult.)    
+      yradpi= 10.7      !minimum for rad flow (min=yradpi*yradmx)
+c long flow
+      ylongmx=-0.106 !long collective boost ( < 0 -> factor for mass dependence)
+      yradmi= 9.2  !minimum for long flow (min=yradmi*ylongmx)
+      ptclu=1.       !maximum pt of particles going into cluster (this change <pt> because the maximum flow will depend on ptclu**yradpp and multiplicity because less particles are inculded in clusters (can be compensated by fploss)
+      ioquen=1      !jet quenching option (0=no)
+      iohole=0      !hole filling option (0=no)
+      fploss=1.75     !parton energy loss (effective)
+      fvisco=1.3    !factor to correct # of segment in high density pair vs all
+      fplmin=-2.5     !fix the eta shape at high pt
+      amuseg=3.    !min mass for radial boost
+      facecc=0.5   !max eccentricity parameter
+      nsegce=7      !number of segments per cell
+      facts=0.35    !strangeness suppression in droplet
+      factb=0.35    !baryon increase in droplet
+      end
+      subroutine estore
+c     writes the results of a simulation into the file with unit ifdt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+c     modifiable by the user
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c  count the number of particles to be stored (--> nptevt)
+      nptevt=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).le.istmax)nptevt=nptevt+1
+      enddo
+      write(ifdt,*)nptevt,bimevt,phievt,kolevt,pmxevt,egyevt
+     *           ,npjevt,ntgevt,qsqevt,typevt
+      do n=1,nptl
+       if(istptl(n).le.istmax)then !store events with istptl < istmax
+        write(ifdt,*)n,idptl(n),pptl(1,n),pptl(2,n),pptl(3,n),pptl(4,n)
+     *            ,pptl(5,n),iorptl(n),jorptl(n),istptl(n),ityptl(n)
+     *            ,xorptl(1,n),xorptl(2,n),xorptl(3,n),xorptl(4,n)
+     *            ,ifrptl(1,n),ifrptl(2,n),dezptl(n)
+       endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifdt,'(A)') ' '         !to finish the file
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hepmcstore
+c     writes the results of a simulation into the file with unit ifdt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision phep2,vhep2
+      integer       nhep2,isthep2,idhep2,jmohep2,jdahep2
+      dimension isthep2(nmxhep),idhep2(nmxhep),jmohep2(2,nmxhep)
+     &,jdahep2(2,nmxhep),phep2(5,nmxhep),vhep2(4,nmxhep)
+      integer iepo2hep(mxptl),ihep2epo(nmxhep),ihep2epo2(nmxhep)
+      logical lrcore,lrcor0,lclean
+c  count the number of particles to be stored
+      do i=1,nptl
+        iepo2hep(i)=0    !initialize epos index to hep index
+      enddo
+      do j=1,nmxhep
+        ihep2epo(j)=0    !initialize hep index to epos index
+        ihep2epo2(j)=0   !initialize 2nd hep index to epos index
+      enddo
+c  store event variables in HEP common :
+c information available :
+c     nrevt.......... event number
+      nevhep=nrevt
+c     nptevt ........ number of (stored!) particles per event
+c     bimevt ........ absolute value of impact parameter
+c     phievt ........ angle of impact parameter
+c     kolevt ........ number of collisions
+c     pmxevt ........ reference momentum
+c     egyevt ........ pp cm energy (hadron) or string energy (lepton)
+c     npjevt ........ number of primary projectile participants
+c     ntgevt ........ number of primary target participants
+c     npnevt ........ number of primary projectile neutron spectators
+c     nppevt ........ number of primary projectile proton spectators
+c     ntnevt ........ number of primary target neutron spectators
+c     ntpevt ........ number of primary target proton spectators
+c     jpnevt ........ number of absolute projectile neutron spectators
+c     jppevt ........ number of absolute projectile proton spectators
+c     jtnevt ........ number of absolute target neutron spectators
+c     jtpevt ........ number of absolute target proton spectators
+      if(istmax.gt.0.and.ioclude.ne.0)then
+        istmaxhep=2
+      else
+        istmaxhep=min(istmax,1)
+      endif
+      nhep2=0
+      ipro=0
+      itar=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+      if(istptl(i).le.istmaxhep.or.i.le.maproj+matarg)then !store events with istptl < istmax
+c  store particle variables:
+c     i ............. particle number
+      io=iorptl(i)
+      lclean=.false.
+      if(istptl(i).le.1.and.io.eq.0.and.i.gt.maproj+matarg)then
+        lclean=.true.                       !happens only after cleaning
+        io=i
+      endif
+      iadd=1
+      jm1io=0
+      jm2io=0
+      jd1io=0
+      jd2io=0
+      jm1hep=0
+      jm2hep=0
+      jd1hep=0
+      jd2hep=0
+      idio=0
+      if(io.gt.0)then
+        if(istptl(io).le.1.and.i.gt.maproj+matarg.and..not.lclean)then!mother is normal particle (incl. spectators and fragments)
+          iadd=1
+          jm1hep=iepo2hep(io)
+          if(jorptl(i).gt.0)jm2hep=iepo2hep(jorptl(i))
+        elseif(istmaxhep.gt.0.and.(iorptl(io).gt.0.or.lclean))then
+c     create special father/mother to have the complete chain from beam to final particle
+          if(lclean)then
+            istptlio=99       !if cleaning defined: use all remnants
+            iorptlio=io
+          else
+            do while(iorptl(iorptl(io)).gt.0)
+              io=iorptl(io)
+            enddo
+            istptlio=istptl(io)
+            iorptlio=iorptl(io)
+          endif
+          if(istptlio.eq.41)then !remnant
+            if(istptl(i).eq.2.and.jdahep2(2,iorptl(io)).eq.0)then  !beam remnant used in core
+              ifrptl(1,iorptl(io))=io !no to be used again as core mother
+              jmohep2(2,iorptl(io))=1
+c              print *,'rcore',i,iorptl(io)
+            elseif(istptl(i).le.1)then
+              iadd=2
+              idio=93
+              jm1io=iorptl(io)
+              jd1io=nhep2+2
+              jm1hep=nhep2+1
+              jmohep2(2,jm1io)=-1
+              jdahep2(2,jm1io)=i
+c              print *,'remn',i,iorptl(io)
+           endif
+          elseif(istptl(i).le.1.and.istptlio.eq.31)then !string
+            iadd=2
+            idio=92
+            if(pptl(3,i).ge.0.)then
+              jm1io=iorptl(io)
+            else
+              jm1io=jorptl(io)
+            endif
+            jd1io=nhep2+2
+            jm1hep=nhep2+1
+            jdahep2(2,jm1io)=i
+            jmohep2(2,jm1io)=-1
+c              print *,'string',i,iorptl(io)
+          elseif(istptl(i).le.1.and.istptlio.eq.11)then !core
+            iadd=2
+            idio=91
+            jm1io=1
+            dddmn=1e33
+            if(jorptl(iorptlio).eq.0)then
+              jm1io=1
+              dddmn=1e33
+              do k=1,maproj     !look for closest projectile nucleon
+                ddd=1e34
+                if(iorptl(k).lt.0.and.ifrptl(1,k).eq.0)
+     &               ddd=(xorptl(1,k)-xorptl(1,io))**2
+     &               +(xorptl(2,k)-xorptl(2,io))**2
+                if(ddd.lt.dddmn)then
+                  jm1io=k
+                  dddmn=ddd
+                endif
+              enddo
+              jm2io=1
+              dddmn=1e33
+              do k=maproj+1,maproj+matarg !look for closest target nucleon
+                ddd=1e34
+                if(iorptl(k).lt.0.and.ifrptl(1,k).eq.0)
+     &               ddd=(xorptl(1,k)-xorptl(1,io))**2
+     &               +(xorptl(2,k)-xorptl(2,io))**2
+                if(ddd.lt.dddmn)then
+                  jm2io=k
+                  dddmn=ddd
+                endif
+              enddo
+              iorptl(io)=jm1io
+              jorptl(io)=jm2io
+              jorptl(iorptl(io))=io
+              jm1io=0
+              jm2io=0
+            endif
+            if(pptl(3,i).ge.0.)then
+              jm1io=iorptl(io)
+            else
+              jm1io=jorptl(io)
+            endif
+            jd1io=nhep2+2
+            jm1hep=nhep2+1
+            jdahep2(2,jm1io)=i
+            jmohep2(2,jm1io)=-1
+c              print *,'core',i,iorptl(io)
+          elseif(istptl(i).le.1.and.istptlio.eq.51)then !nuclear fragment
+            idio=90
+            if(jorptl(io).gt.0)then
+              iadd=2
+              jm1io=iorptl(io)
+c              jm2io=jorptl(io)
+              jm1hep=nhep2+1
+              jorptl(io)=0
+            else
+              iadd=1
+              jm1hep=iepo2hep(io)
+            endif
+          elseif(istptlio.eq.99)then !particle after cleaning
+            iadd=2
+            idio=91
+            if(pptl(3,i).ge.0.)then
+              ipro=ipro+1
+              if(ipro.gt.maproj)ipro=1
+              jm1io=ipro
+            else
+              itar=itar+1
+              if(itar.gt.matarg)itar=1
+              jm1io=maproj+itar
+            endif
+            jd1io=nhep2+2
+            jm1hep=nhep2+1
+            jdahep2(2,jm1io)=i
+            jmohep2(2,jm1io)=-1
+c            print *,'clean',i,iorptl(io),pptl(3,i),jm1io
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        jm1hep=-1
+        jm2hep=-1
+        jd1hep=ifrptl(1,i)
+        jd2hep=ifrptl(2,i)
+      endif
+      if(istptl(i).gt.1)goto 100    !skip non final particles (allowed before to define correctly some spectators going to core)
+      idpdg=idtrafo('nxs','pdg',idptl(i))
+      if(idpdg.eq.99)then
+        print *,'Skip particle',i,idptl(i)
+        goto 100
+      endif
+      if(nhep2+iadd.gt.nmxhep)then
+        print *,'Warning : produced number of particles is too high'
+        print *,'          Particle list is truncated, skip event !'
+        goto 10000
+      endif
+      do j=1,iadd
+        nhep2=nhep2+1
+        if(j.eq.1.and.iadd.eq.2)then
+          ii=io
+          ix=jm1io  !for position we use father position
+          id=idio
+          jm1=iepo2hep(jm1io)
+          jm2=0 
+          if(jm2io.gt.0)jm2=iepo2hep(jm2io)
+          jd1=jd1io
+          jd2=jd2io
+          if(id.eq.90)ihep2epo2(nhep2)=ii
+        else
+          ii=i
+          ix=i
+          id=idpdg
+          jm1=jm1hep
+          jm2=jm2hep
+          jd1=jd1hep
+          jd2=jd2hep
+          if(ii.gt.maproj+matarg.or.jd1.gt.0)ihep2epo2(nhep2)=ii
+        endif
+        iepo2hep(ii)=nhep2
+c       idptl(i) ...... particle id
+        idhep2(nhep2)=id
+c       pptl(1,i) ..... x-component of particle momentum (GeV/c)
+        phep2(1,nhep2)=dble(pptl(1,ii))
+c       pptl(2,i) ..... y-component of particle momentum (GeV/c)
+        phep2(2,nhep2)=dble(pptl(2,ii))
+c       pptl(3,i) ..... z-component of particle momentum (GeV/c)
+        phep2(3,nhep2)=dble(pptl(3,ii))
+c       pptl(4,i) ..... particle energy  (GeV)
+        phep2(4,nhep2)=dble(pptl(4,ii))
+c       pptl(5,i) ..... particle mass    (GeV/c2)
+        phep2(5,nhep2)=dble(pptl(5,ii))
+c       istptl(i) ..... generation flag: last gen. (0) or not (1)
+        isthep2(nhep2)=min(2,istptl(ii)+1) !in hep:1=final, 2=decayed
+        if(i.le.maproj+matarg)isthep2(nhep2)=4 !beam particles
+c       ityptl(i) ..... particle type (string, remnant ...)
+c       xorptl(1,i) ... x-component of formation point (fm)
+        vhep2(1,nhep2)=xorptl(1,ix)*1e-12 !conversion to mm
+c       xorptl(2,i) ... y-component of formation point (fm)
+        vhep2(2,nhep2)=xorptl(2,ix)*1e-12 !conversion to mm
+c       xorptl(3,i) ... z-component of formation point (fm)
+        vhep2(3,nhep2)=xorptl(3,ix)*1e-12 !conversion to mm
+c     xorptl(4,i) ... formation time (fm/c)
+        vhep2(4,nhep2)=xorptl(4,ix)*1E-12 !conversion to mm/c
+c       tivptl(1,i) ... formation time (always in the pp-cms!)
+c       tivptl(2,i) ... destruction time (always in the pp-cms!)
+c       ifrptl(1,i) ..... particle number of first daughter (no daughter=0)
+        jdahep2(1,nhep2)=jd1      !need a second loop to calculated proper indice
+c       ifrptl(2,i) ..... particle number of last daughter (no daughter=0)
+        jdahep2(2,nhep2)=jd2      !need a second loop to calculated proper indice
+c       iorptl(i) ..... particle number of father (if .le. 0 : no father)
+        jmohep2(1,nhep2)=jm1
+c       jorptl(i) ..... particle number of mother (if .le. 0 : no mother)
+        jmohep2(2,nhep2)=jm2
+      enddo
+ 100  continue
+      endif
+      enddo
+c copy first list in final list to define daughters of beam particles 
+      nhep=0
+      nhepio=0
+      if(istmaxhep.ne.0)nhep=maproj+matarg
+      lrcor0=.true.   !link spectator remnants to core only once 
+      lrcore=.false. 
+c start with beam particles (except spectators producing fragments)
+      do j=1,maproj+matarg
+        if(istmaxhep.eq.0)then
+c when no daughter/mother informations, simply copy beam particles
+          nhep=nhep+1
+          nhepio=nhepio+1
+          idhep(nhep)=idhep2(j)
+          phep(1,nhep)=phep2(1,j)
+          phep(2,nhep)=phep2(2,j)
+          phep(3,nhep)=phep2(3,j)
+          phep(4,nhep)=phep2(4,j)
+          phep(5,nhep)=phep2(5,j)
+          isthep(nhep)=4
+          vhep(1,nhep)=vhep2(1,j)
+          vhep(2,nhep)=vhep2(2,j)
+          vhep(3,nhep)=vhep2(3,j)
+          vhep(4,nhep)=vhep2(4,j)
+          jmohep(1,nhep)=-1
+          jmohep(2,nhep)=-1
+          jdahep(1,nhep)=0
+          jdahep(2,nhep)=0
+          iepo2hep(j)=nhep
+          isthep2(j)=-isthep2(j) 
+          ihep2epo2(j)=-nhep
+        else
+        nhep0=nhep
+        nhepi0=nhepio+1
+        isthep(nhepi0)=0
+        nio=0
+c copy all daughters after the mother
+        do k=maproj+matarg+1,nhep2
+          if(jmohep2(1,k).eq.j.and.idhep2(k).ne.90)then
+            if(isthep(nhepi0).eq.0)then       !first save mother beam particle
+              nhepio=nhepio+1
+              idhep(nhepio)=idhep2(j)
+              phep(1,nhepio)=phep2(1,j)
+              phep(2,nhepio)=phep2(2,j)
+              phep(3,nhepio)=phep2(3,j)
+              phep(4,nhepio)=phep2(4,j)
+              phep(5,nhepio)=phep2(5,j)
+              isthep(nhepio)=4
+              vhep(1,nhepio)=vhep2(1,j)
+              vhep(2,nhepio)=vhep2(2,j)
+              vhep(3,nhepio)=vhep2(3,j)
+              vhep(4,nhepio)=vhep2(4,j)
+              jmohep(1,nhepio)=-1
+              jmohep(2,nhepio)=-1
+              iepo2hep(j)=nhepio
+              isthep2(j)=-isthep2(j) 
+              ihep2epo2(j)=-nhepio
+              lrcore=.false.     !link spectator remnants to core only once 
+              if(lrcor0)then
+               kk=k
+               do while (kk.le.nhep2.and..not.lrcore)
+                if(idhep2(kk).eq.91.and.jmohep2(1,kk).eq.j)lrcore=.true.
+                kk=kk+1
+               enddo
+              endif
+            endif
+            if(lrcore)then           !save other mothers for same core
+              lrcor0=.false.
+              do i=1,maproj+matarg
+                if(isthep2(i).gt.0.and.jmohep2(2,i).gt.0)then
+                  nhepio=nhepio+1
+                  nio=nio+1
+                  idhep(nhepio)=idhep2(i)
+                  phep(1,nhepio)=phep2(1,i)
+                  phep(2,nhepio)=phep2(2,i)
+                  phep(3,nhepio)=phep2(3,i)
+                  phep(4,nhepio)=phep2(4,i)
+                  phep(5,nhepio)=phep2(5,i)
+                  isthep(nhepio)=4
+                  vhep(1,nhepio)=vhep2(1,i)
+                  vhep(2,nhepio)=vhep2(2,i)
+                  vhep(3,nhepio)=vhep2(3,i)
+                  vhep(4,nhepio)=vhep2(4,i)
+                  jmohep(1,nhepio)=-1
+                  jmohep(2,nhepio)=-1                  
+                  isthep2(i)=-isthep2(i) 
+                  iepo2hep(i)=nhepio
+                  ihep2epo2(i)=-nhepio
+                endif
+              enddo
+            endif
+            nhep=nhep+1
+            idhep(nhep)=idhep2(k)
+            phep(1,nhep)=phep2(1,k)
+            phep(2,nhep)=phep2(2,k)
+            phep(3,nhep)=phep2(3,k)
+            phep(4,nhep)=phep2(4,k)
+            phep(5,nhep)=phep2(5,k)
+            isthep(nhep)=isthep2(k)
+            vhep(1,nhep)=vhep2(1,k)
+            vhep(2,nhep)=vhep2(2,k)
+            vhep(3,nhep)=vhep2(3,k)
+            vhep(4,nhep)=vhep2(4,k)
+            jdahep(1,nhep)=0
+            if(jdahep2(1,k).gt.0)jdahep(1,nhep)=-ihep2epo2(jdahep2(1,k))
+            jdahep(2,nhep)=0
+            if(jdahep2(2,k).gt.0)jdahep(2,nhep)=-ihep2epo2(jdahep2(2,k))
+            jmohep(1,nhep)=nhepi0
+            jmohep(2,nhep)=nhepi0+nio
+            isthep2(k)=-isthep2(k)
+            if(ihep2epo2(k).le.0)then
+              ihep2epo2(k)=-nhep
+            else   !for nuclear fragments
+              ihep2epo(nhep)=ihep2epo2(k)
+              if(ihep2epo(nhep).gt.0)iepo2hep(ihep2epo(nhep))=nhep
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(nhepio.ge.nhepi0)then
+          do i=nhepi0,nhepi0+nio
+            jdahep(1,i)=nhep0+1
+            jdahep(2,i)=nhep
+          enddo
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+c copy all other particles (secondary particles and spectators)
+      do k=maproj+matarg+1,nhep2
+          if(isthep2(k).gt.0)then
+c look for mother of fragments
+            nhep0=nhep+1
+            nhepi0=nhepio+1
+            if(jmohep2(1,k).gt.0.and.jmohep2(1,k).le.maproj+matarg)then
+c copy all mothers before the daughter
+              do j=1,maproj+matarg
+                if(isthep2(j).gt.0.and.jdahep2(1,j).eq.ihep2epo2(k))then
+                  nhepio=nhepio+1
+                  idhep(nhepio)=idhep2(j)
+                  phep(1,nhepio)=phep2(1,j)
+                  phep(2,nhepio)=phep2(2,j)
+                  phep(3,nhepio)=phep2(3,j)
+                  phep(4,nhepio)=phep2(4,j)
+                  phep(5,nhepio)=phep2(5,j)
+                  isthep(nhepio)=4
+                  vhep(1,nhepio)=vhep2(1,j)
+                  vhep(2,nhepio)=vhep2(2,j)
+                  vhep(3,nhepio)=vhep2(3,j)
+                  vhep(4,nhepio)=vhep2(4,j)
+                  jmohep(1,nhepio)=-1
+                  jmohep(2,nhepio)=-1
+                  jdahep(1,nhepio)=0
+                  if(jdahep2(1,j).gt.0)jdahep(1,nhepio)=-jdahep2(1,j)
+                  jdahep(2,nhepio)=0
+                  if(jdahep2(2,j).gt.0)jdahep(2,nhepio)=-jdahep2(2,j)
+                  isthep2(j)=-isthep2(j) 
+                  iepo2hep(j)=nhepio
+                  ihep2epo(nhepio)=j
+                endif
+              enddo
+            endif
+            nhep=nhep+1
+            idhep(nhep)=idhep2(k)
+            phep(1,nhep)=phep2(1,k)
+            phep(2,nhep)=phep2(2,k)
+            phep(3,nhep)=phep2(3,k)
+            phep(4,nhep)=phep2(4,k)
+            phep(5,nhep)=phep2(5,k)
+            isthep(nhep)=isthep2(k)
+            vhep(1,nhep)=vhep2(1,k)
+            vhep(2,nhep)=vhep2(2,k)
+            vhep(3,nhep)=vhep2(3,k)
+            vhep(4,nhep)=vhep2(4,k)
+            jdahep(1,nhep)=0
+            if(jdahep2(1,k).gt.0)jdahep(1,nhep)=-ihep2epo2(jdahep2(1,k))
+            jdahep(2,nhep)=0
+            if(jdahep2(2,k).gt.0)jdahep(2,nhep)=-ihep2epo2(jdahep2(2,k))
+            ihep2epo(nhep)=ihep2epo2(k)
+            if(ihep2epo(nhep).gt.0)iepo2hep(ihep2epo(nhep))=nhep
+            if(nhepio.lt.nhepi0)then
+              if(jmohep2(1,k).gt.0)then
+                if(ihep2epo2(jmohep2(1,k)).le.0)then
+                  jmohep(1,nhep)=-ihep2epo2(jmohep2(1,k))
+                else
+                  jmohep(1,nhep)=iepo2hep(ihep2epo2(jmohep2(1,k)))
+                endif
+              else
+                jmohep(1,nhep)=0
+              endif
+              if(jmohep2(2,k).gt.0)then
+                if(ihep2epo2(jmohep2(2,k)).le.0)then
+                  jmohep(2,nhep)=-ihep2epo2(jmohep2(2,k))
+                else
+                  jmohep(2,nhep)=iepo2hep(ihep2epo2(jmohep2(2,k)))
+                endif
+              else
+                jmohep(2,nhep)=0
+              endif
+            else  !for nuclear fragments
+                jmohep(1,nhep)=nhepi0
+                jmohep(2,nhep)=nhepio             
+            endif
+            isthep2(k)=-isthep2(k) 
+          endif
+      enddo
+      if(nhep.ne.nhep2.or.nhepio.ne.maproj+matarg)then
+        print *,'Warning : number of particles changed after copy'
+        nrem1=0
+        do k=1,nhep2
+          if(isthep2(k).eq.-4)then
+            nrem1=nrem1+1
+          endif
+        if(isthep2(k).gt.0)
+     &  print *,'         ',k,idhep2(k),jmohep2(1,k),isthep2(k)
+     &         ,'from',ihep2epo2(k)
+        enddo
+        print *,'         ',nhep2,'->',nhep
+        nrem2=0
+        do k=1,nhep
+          if(isthep(k).eq.4)then
+            nrem2=nrem2+1
+          endif
+c        print *,'         ',k,idhep(k),isthep(k),'from',ihep2epo(k)
+        enddo
+        print *,'          Particle list not consistent, skip event !'
+        print *,'         ',nrem1,'->',nrem2
+        goto 10000
+      endif
+c update daughter list with correct index
+      do j=1,nhep
+        i=ihep2epo(j)
+        if(jdahep(1,j).lt.0)then
+          jdahep(1,j)=iepo2hep(-jdahep(1,j))
+          if(jdahep(2,j).lt.0)jdahep(2,j)=iepo2hep(-jdahep(2,j))
+        elseif(i.gt.0.and.jdahep(1,j).eq.0)then
+c         ifrptl(1,i) ..... particle number of first daughter (no daughter=0)
+          if(ifrptl(1,i).gt.0)then
+            jdahep(1,j)=iepo2hep(ifrptl(1,i))
+          else
+            jdahep(1,j)=0
+          endif
+          if(jdahep(2,j).eq.0)then
+c         ifrptl(2,i) ..... particle number of last daughter (no daughter=0)
+            if(ifrptl(2,i).gt.0)then
+              jdahep(2,j)=iepo2hep(ifrptl(2,i))
+            else
+              jdahep(2,j)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+c      write(ifdt,130)jmohep(1,j),jmohep(2,j),j,jdahep(1,j),jdahep(2,j)
+c     &,idhep(j),isthep(j),(phep(k,j),k=1,5),(vhep(k,j),k=1,4)
+c 130  format (1x,i6,i6,3x,i6,3x,i6,i6,i12,i4,8x,5(e8.2,1x)
+c     *,4x,4(e8.2,1x))
+      enddo
+ 9999 return
+10000 nhep=0
+      goto 9999
+      end
+      subroutine lhestore(n)
+c     writes the results of a simulation into the file with unit ifdt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+c     use Les Houches Event File as defined in hep-ph/0109068 for the
+c     common block and hep-ph/0609017 for the XML output.
+c     some code taken from example from Torbjrn Sjstrand
+c     in http://www.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/lhef
+      include 'epos.inc'
+C...User process event common block.
+      PARAMETER (MAXNUP=50000)  !extend array for file production
+c      PARAMETER (MAXNUP=500)
+      SAVE /HEPEUP/
+      integer iepo2hep(mxptl)
+c  count the number of particles to be stored (--> nptevt)
+      nhep=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).le.istmax.and.abs(idptl(i)).le.10000)nhep=nhep+1
+      enddo
+      if(nhep.gt.MAXNUP)then
+        print *,'Warning : produced number of particles is too high'
+        print *,'          event is not stored'
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+C...set event info and get number of particles.
+      NUP=nhep             !number of particles
+      IDPRUP=nint(abs(typevt))  !type of event (ND,DD,CD,SD)
+      XWGTUP=1d0           !weight of event
+      SCALUP=-1d0          !scale for PDF (not used)
+      AQEDUP=-1d0          !alpha QED (not relevant)
+      AQCDUP=-1d0          !alpha QCD (not relevant)
+C...Copy event lines, omitting trailing blanks. 
+C...Embed in <event> ... </event> block.
+      write(ifdt,'(A)') '<event>' 
+      nhep=0
+      DO 220 i=1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).le.istmax.and.abs(idptl(i)).le.10000)then !store events with istptl < istmax
+          nhep=nhep+1
+c     i ............. particle number
+c     idptl(i) ...... particle id
+          idpdg=idtrafo('nxs','pdg',idptl(i))
+          if(idpdg.eq.99)idpdg=0   !unknown particle
+          iepo2hep(i)=nhep
+c  store particle variables:
+          IDUP(nhep)=idpdg
+          if(iorptl(i).lt.0)then
+          ISTUP(nhep)=-9      !incoming particle
+          else
+          ISTUP(nhep)=min(3,istptl(i)+1) !in LHEF:1=final, 2=decayed, 3=intermediate state
+          endif
+          if(iorptl(i).gt.0)then
+            MOTHUP(1,nhep)=iepo2hep(iorptl(i))
+          else
+            MOTHUP(1,nhep)=0
+          endif
+c     jorptl(i) ..... particle number of mother (if .le. 0 : no mother)
+          if(jorptl(i).gt.0)then
+            MOTHUP(2,nhep)=iepo2hep(jorptl(i))
+          else
+            MOTHUP(2,nhep)=-1
+          endif
+          ICOLUP(1,nhep)=0        !color flow
+          ICOLUP(2,nhep)=0        !color flow
+          do J=1,5                !particle momentum (GeV/c)
+            PUP(J,nhep)=dble(pptl(J,i))
+          enddo
+          VTIMUP(nhep)=(dble(tivptl(2,i))-dble(tivptl(1,i)))*1d-12 !life time c*tau in mm
+          if(VTIMUP(nhep).gt.dble(ainfin)
+     &   .or.VTIMUP(nhep).ne.VTIMUP(nhep))then
+            write(ifch,*)'ici',VTIMUP(nhep),tivptl(2,i),tivptl(1,i)
+     &                        ,i,nptl
+            VTIMUP(nhep)=ainfin
+            call utstop("aie&")
+          endif
+          SPINUP(nhep)=9           !polarization (not known)
+          write(ifdt,*)IDUP(nhep),ISTUP(nhep),
+     &      MOTHUP(1,nhep),MOTHUP(2,nhep),ICOLUP(1,nhep),ICOLUP(2,nhep),
+     &      (PUP(J,nhep),J=1,5),VTIMUP(nhep),SPINUP(nhep)
+        endif
+c optional informations
+      write(ifdt,*)'#geometry',bimevt,phievt
+      write(ifdt,'(A)') '</event>' 
+      if(n.eq.nevent)then
+C...Successfully reached end of event loop: write closing tag
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '</LesHouchesEvents>' 
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') ' ' 
+      endif
+ 1000 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ustore
+c     writes the results of a simulation into the common hepevt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+c     modifiable by the user
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer iepo2hep(mxptl)
+c  count the number of particles to be stored (--> nptevt)
+      nptevt=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+        iepo2hep(i)=-1    !initialize hep index to epos index
+        if(istptl(i).le.istmax)nptevt=nptevt+1
+      enddo
+c  store event variables in HEP common :
+c information available :
+c     nrevt.......... event number
+      nevhep=nrevt
+c     nptevt ........ number of (stored!) particles per event
+c     bimevt ........ absolute value of impact parameter
+c     phievt ........ angle of impact parameter
+c     kolevt ........ number of collisions
+c     pmxevt ........ reference momentum
+c     egyevt ........ pp cm energy (hadron) or string energy (lepton)
+c     npjevt ........ number of primary projectile participants
+c     ntgevt ........ number of primary target participants
+c     npnevt ........ number of primary projectile neutron spectators
+c     nppevt ........ number of primary projectile proton spectators
+c     ntnevt ........ number of primary target neutron spectators
+c     ntpevt ........ number of primary target proton spectators
+c     jpnevt ........ number of absolute projectile neutron spectators
+c     jppevt ........ number of absolute projectile proton spectators
+c     jtnevt ........ number of absolute target neutron spectators
+c     jtpevt ........ number of absolute target proton spectators
+      nhep=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+      if(istptl(i).le.istmax.or.i.le.maproj+matarg)then !store events with istptl < istmax
+        nhep=nhep+1
+        if(nhep.gt.nmxhep)then
+          print *,'Warning : produced number of particles is too high'
+          print *,'          Particle list is truncated'
+          goto 1000
+        endif
+c  store particle variables:
+c     i ............. particle number
+c     idptl(i) ...... particle id
+      idpdg=idtrafo('nxs','pdg',idptl(i))
+      if(idpdg.ne.99)then
+        idhep(nhep)=idpdg
+        iepo2hep(i)=nhep
+      else
+        print *,'Skip particle',i,idptl(i)
+        nhep=nhep-1
+        goto 100
+      endif
+c     pptl(1,i) ..... x-component of particle momentum (GeV/c)
+      phep(1,nhep)=dble(pptl(1,i))
+c     pptl(2,i) ..... y-component of particle momentum (GeV/c)
+      phep(2,nhep)=dble(pptl(2,i))
+c     pptl(3,i) ..... z-component of particle momentum (GeV/c)
+      phep(3,nhep)=dble(pptl(3,i))
+c     pptl(4,i) ..... particle energy  (GeV)
+      phep(4,nhep)=dble(pptl(4,i))
+c     pptl(5,i) ..... particle mass    (GeV/c2)
+      phep(5,nhep)=dble(pptl(5,i))
+c     iorptl(i) ..... particle number of father (if .le. 0 : no father)
+      if(iorptl(i).gt.0)then
+        jmohep(1,nhep)=iepo2hep(iorptl(i))
+      else
+        jmohep(1,nhep)=-1
+      endif
+c     jorptl(i) ..... particle number of mother (if .le. 0 : no mother)
+      if(jorptl(i).gt.0)then
+        jmohep(2,nhep)=iepo2hep(jorptl(i))
+      else
+        jmohep(2,nhep)=-1
+      endif
+c     ifrptl(1,i) ..... particle number of first daughter (no daughter=0)
+      jdahep(1,nhep)=0  !need a second loop to calculated proper indice
+c     ifrptl(2,i) ..... particle number of last daughter (no daughter=0)
+      jdahep(2,nhep)=0  !need a second loop to calculated proper indice
+c     istptl(i) ..... generation flag: last gen. (0) or not (1)
+      isthep(nhep)=min(2,istptl(i)+1)  !in hep:1=final, 2=decayed
+      if(i.le.maproj+matarg)isthep(nhep)=4     !beam particles
+c     ityptl(i) ..... particle type (string, remnant ...)
+c     xorptl(1,i) ... x-component of formation point (fm)
+      vhep(1,nhep)=xorptl(1,i)*1e-12 !conversion to mm
+c     xorptl(2,i) ... y-component of formation point (fm)
+      vhep(2,nhep)=xorptl(2,i)*1e-12 !conversion to mm
+c     xorptl(3,i) ... z-component of formation point (fm)
+      vhep(3,nhep)=xorptl(3,i)*1e-12 !conversion to mm
+c     xorptl(4,i) ... formation time (fm/c)
+      vhep(4,nhep)=xorptl(4,i)*1E-12 !conversion to mm/c
+c     tivptl(1,i) ... formation time (always in the pp-cms!)
+c     tivptl(2,i) ... destruction time (always in the pp-cms!)
+ 100   continue
+      endif
+      enddo
+ 1000 continue
+c Second list to update daughter list (only if mothers are in list)
+      if(istmax.ge.1)then
+        nhep=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if(istptl(i).le.istmax)then !store events with istptl < istmax
+            nhep=nhep+1
+            if(nhep.gt.nmxhep)return
+c           ifrptl(1,i) ..... particle number of first daughter (no daughter=0)
+            if(ifrptl(1,i).gt.0)then
+              jdahep(1,nhep)=iepo2hep(ifrptl(1,i))
+            else
+              jdahep(1,nhep)=0
+            endif
+c           ifrptl(2,i) ..... particle number of last daughter (no daughter=0)
+            if(ifrptl(2,i).gt.0)then
+              jdahep(2,nhep)=iepo2hep(ifrptl(2,i))
+            else
+              jdahep(2,nhep)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine bstora
+c     writes the results of a simulation into the file with unit ifdt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+C...User process initialization commonblock.
+      SAVE /HEPRUP/
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      common/record/maxrec(2),irecty(30,2)
+      character code*8,version*8,frame*4,ldum*888
+      code='EPOS   '
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)code= 'EPOSLHC '
+      if(model.eq.2)code='QGSJET01'
+      if(model.eq.3)code='GHEISHA '
+      if(model.eq.4)code='PYTHIA  '
+      if(model.eq.5)code='HIJING  '
+      if(model.eq.6)code='SIBYLL  '
+      if(model.eq.7.or.model.eq.11)code='QGSJETII'
+      if(model.eq.8)code='PHOJET  '
+      if(model.eq.9)code='FLUKA   '
+      write(version,'(f5.2,3x)')iversn/100.
+      if(iframe.eq. 1)frame='ttcm'
+      if(iframe.eq.11)frame='nncm'
+      if(iframe.eq.12)frame='targ'
+      if(iframe.eq.21)frame='gncm'
+      if(iframe.eq.22)frame='lncm'
+      ntest=1
+      if (istore.eq.2) then     ! OSC1997A
+        if(iappl.eq.3)then
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+        else
+        write (ifdt,'(a)') 'OSC1997A'
+        write (ifdt,'(a)') 'final_id_p_x'
+        write(ifdt,100) code,version
+     *       ,maproj,laproj,matarg,latarg,frame,engy,ntest
+ 100    format(2(a8,'  '),'(',i3,',',i3,')+(',i3,',',i3,')',
+     *       '  ',a4,'  ',e10.4,'  ',i8)
+        maxrec(1)=4
+        irecty(1,1)=1           !nevt
+        irecty(2,1)=2
+        irecty(3,1)=3
+        irecty(4,1)=4
+        maxrec(2)=11
+        irecty(1,2)=1           !nr
+        irecty(2,2)=2           !id
+        irecty(3,2)=3           !px
+        irecty(4,2)=4           !py
+        irecty(5,2)=5           !pz
+        irecty(6,2)=6           !E
+        irecty(7,2)=7           !M
+        irecty(8,2)=11          !x
+        irecty(9,2)=12          !y
+        irecty(10,2)=13         !z
+        irecty(11,2)=14         !t
+        endif
+      elseif(istore.eq.3) then
+        if(iappl.eq.3)then
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+          read(ifdt,'(A)')ldum
+        else
+ 201    format('# ',a)
+        write (ifdt,201) 'OSC1999A'
+        if(istmax.eq.0) then
+          write (ifdt,201) 'final_id_p_x'
+        elseif(istmax.ge.2) then
+          write (ifdt,201) 'full_event_history'
+        endif
+ 202    format('# ',a8,' ',a8)
+        write(ifdt,202) code,version !3rd line
+ 203    format('# (',i3,',',i3,')+(',i3,',',i3,')',
+     *       '  ',a4,'  ',e10.4,'  ',i8)
+        write(ifdt,203) maproj,laproj,matarg,latarg,frame,engy,ntest
+        endif
+        maxrec(1)=5
+        irecty(1,1)=2           !nevt
+        irecty(2,1)=0           !zero
+        irecty(3,1)=1           !additional information
+        irecty(4,1)=3           !additional information
+        irecty(5,1)=4           !additional information
+        maxrec(2)=12
+        irecty(1,2)=1           !nr
+        irecty(2,2)=2           !id
+        irecty(3,2)=10          !ist
+        irecty(4,2)=3           !px
+        irecty(5,2)=4           !py
+        irecty(6,2)=5           !pz
+        irecty(7,2)=6           !E
+        irecty(8,2)=7           !M
+        irecty(9,2)=11          !x
+        irecty(10,2)=12         !y
+        irecty(11,2)=13         !z
+        irecty(12,2)=14         !t
+                                ! nin nout [optional information]
+                                ! ipart id ist px py pz p0 mass x y z t [optional information]
+      elseif(istore.eq.4)then
+C rename .data file .lhe file
+      if(kdtopen.eq.1)close(ifdt)
+      kdtopen=1
+      fndt(nfndt-4:nfndt)=".lhe "
+      nfndt=nfndt-1
+      if(iappl.eq.3)then
+        open(unit=ifdt,file=fndt(1:nfndt),status='old')
+      else
+        open(unit=ifdt,file=fndt(1:nfndt),status='unknown')
+C...Write header info.
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '<LesHouchesEvents version="1.0">'
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '<!--'
+        write(ifdt,'(A,A8,A,A8)') '# File generated with ',code,' '
+     *                           ,version
+        write(ifdt,'(A,I9)')'# Total number of min. bias events : '
+     *                      ,nevent
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '# 4 types of subprocess are defined : '
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') 
+     *  '#  ->  1 : Non Diffractive events AB-->X'
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') 
+     *  '#  ->  2 : Double Diffractive events AB-->XX'
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') 
+     *  '#  ->  3 : Central Diffractive events AB-->AXB'
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') 
+     *  '#  ->  4 : Single Diffractive events AB-->XB or AB-->AX'
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') 
+     *  '#geometry gives impact parameter (fm) and phi (rad) of events'
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '-->'       
+C...Set initialization info and get number of processes.
+        IDBMUP(1)=idtrafo('nxs','pdg',idproj)  !projectile
+        IDBMUP(2)=idtrafo('nxs','pdg',idtarg)  !target
+        if(noebin.lt.0)then
+        EBMUP(1)=dble(elepti)                 !energy beam proj
+        EBMUP(2)=dble(ebeam)                  !energy beam targ
+        PDFGUP(1)=-1d0            !PDFlib group code for proj PDF (lepton)
+        PDFGUP(2)=1d0             !PDFlib group code for targ PDF (user defined)
+        PDFSUP(1)=-1d0            !PDFlib set code for proj PDF (lepton)
+        PDFSUP(2)=1d0             !PDFlib set code for targ PDF (user defined)
+        else
+        EBMUP(1)=dble(0.5*engy)                 !energy beam proj
+        EBMUP(2)=dble(0.5*engy)                 !energy beam targ
+        if(iappl.eq.6)then
+        PDFGUP(1)=-1d0            !PDFlib group code for proj PDF (lepton)
+        PDFGUP(2)=-1d0            !PDFlib group code for targ PDF (lepton)
+        PDFSUP(1)=-1d0            !PDFlib set code for proj PDF (lepton)
+        PDFSUP(2)=-1d0            !PDFlib set code for targ PDF (lepton)
+        elseif(iappl.eq.7)then
+        PDFGUP(1)=-1d0            !PDFlib group code for proj PDF (lepton)
+        PDFGUP(2)=1d0             !PDFlib group code for targ PDF (user defined)
+        PDFSUP(1)=-1d0            !PDFlib set code for proj PDF (lepton)
+        PDFSUP(2)=1d0             !PDFlib set code for targ PDF (user defined)
+        else
+        PDFGUP(1)=1d0             !PDFlib group code for proj PDF (user defined)
+        PDFGUP(2)=1d0             !PDFlib group code for targ PDF (user defined)
+        PDFSUP(1)=1d0             !PDFlib set code for proj PDF (user defined)
+        PDFSUP(2)=1d0             !PDFlib set code for targ PDF (user defined)
+        endif
+        endif
+        IDWTUP=3                !weight=1 for all events
+        NPRUP=4                 !number of subprocess (ND,DD,CD,SD)
+        IPR=1                   !subprocesses (store non diffractive events)
+        XSECUP(IPR)=dble(sigcut)*1d9 !cross section in pb
+        XERRUP(IPR)=0d0         !statistical error
+        XMAXUP(IPR)=1d0         !weight
+        LPRUP(IPR)=1            !ND event (typevt=1)
+        IPR=2                   !subprocesses (store double diffractive events)
+        XSECUP(IPR)=dble(sigdd)*1d9 !cross section in pb
+        XERRUP(IPR)=0d0         !statistical error
+        XMAXUP(IPR)=1d0         !weight
+        LPRUP(IPR)=2            !DD event (typevt=2)
+        IPR=3                   !subprocesses (store single diffractive events)
+        XSECUP(IPR)=dble(sigdif-sigdd-sigsd)*1d9 !cross section in pb
+        XERRUP(IPR)=0d0         !statistical error
+        XMAXUP(IPR)=1d0         !weight
+        LPRUP(IPR)=3            !CD event (typevt=3)
+        IPR=4                   !subprocesses (store single diffractive events)
+        XSECUP(IPR)=dble(sigsd)*1d9 !cross section in pb
+        XERRUP(IPR)=0d0         !statistical error
+        XMAXUP(IPR)=1d0         !weight
+        LPRUP(IPR)=4            !SD event (typevt=4)
+C...Copy initialization lines, omitting trailing blanks. 
+C...Embed in <init> ... </init> block.
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '<init>' 
+        write(ifdt,*) IDBMUP(1),IDBMUP(2),EBMUP(1),EBMUP(2)
+        DO 120 IPR=1,NPRUP
+          write(ifdt,*) XSECUP(IPR),XERRUP(IPR),XMAXUP(IPR),LPRUP(IPR)
+ 120    CONTINUE
+        write(ifdt,'(A)') '</init>'
+       endif
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine bstore
+c     writes the results of a simulation into the file with unit ifdt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/record/maxrec(2),irecty(30,2)
+      common/dimensi/k2(100)
+      nptevt=0
+      do n=1,nptl
+        iok=1               !idcode simple
+        if(istptl(n).gt.istmax
+     &     .or.(ioidch.eq.2.and.idptl(n).gt.10000))then
+          iok=0
+        endif
+      if (iok.eq.1) nptevt=nptevt+1
+      enddo
+ 11   format (i6,' ',$)
+ 12   format (e12.6,' ',$)
+ 13   format (f3.0,' ',$)
+      do i=1,maxrec(1)
+        l=irecty(i,1)
+        if(l.eq.0)write(ifdt,21) 0
+        if(l.eq.1)write(ifdt,11)nrevt
+        if(l.eq.2)write(ifdt,11)nptevt
+        if(l.eq.3)write(ifdt,12)bimevt
+        if(l.eq.4)write(ifdt,12)phievt
+        if(l.eq.5)write(ifdt,11)kolevt
+        if(l.eq.6)write(ifdt,12)pmxevt
+        if(l.eq.7)write(ifdt,12)egyevt
+        if(l.eq.8)write(ifdt,11)npjevt
+        if(l.eq.9)write(ifdt,11)ntgevt
+        if(l.eq.10)write(ifdt,11)npnevt
+        if(l.eq.11)write(ifdt,11)nppevt
+        if(l.eq.12)write(ifdt,11)ntnevt
+        if(l.eq.13)write(ifdt,11)ntpevt
+        if(l.eq.14)write(ifdt,11)jpnevt
+        if(l.eq.15)write(ifdt,11)jppevt
+        if(l.eq.16)write(ifdt,11)jtnevt
+        if(l.eq.17)write(ifdt,11)jtpevt
+        if(l.eq.20)write(ifdt,12)amproj
+        if(l.eq.21)write(ifdt,12)amtarg
+        if(l.eq.22)write(ifdt,12)qsqevt
+        if(l.eq.23)write(ifdt,12)xbjevt
+        if(l.eq.24)write(ifdt,13)typevt
+      enddo
+      write (ifdt,*)            !RETURN
+ 21   format (i6,' ',$)
+ 22   format (e12.6,' ',$)
+ 23   format (i10,' ',$)
+      do n=1,nptl
+        iok=1                   !idcode simple
+        if(istptl(n).gt.istmax
+     &     .or.(ioidch.eq.2.and.idptl(n).gt.10000))then
+          iok=0
+        endif
+        if (iok.eq.1) then
+          id=idptl(n)
+          if(istore.eq.2.or.ioidch.eq.2)then
+            id=idtrafo('nxs','pdg',idptl(n))
+          endif
+          do i=1,maxrec(2)
+            l=irecty(i,2)
+            if(l.eq.0)write(ifdt,21) 0
+            if(l.eq.1)write(ifdt,21) n
+            if(l.eq.2)write(ifdt,23) id
+            if(l.eq.3.or.l.eq.17)write(ifdt,22) pptl(1,n)
+            if(l.eq.4.or.l.eq.17)write(ifdt,22) pptl(2,n)
+            if(l.eq.5.or.l.eq.17)write(ifdt,22) pptl(3,n)
+            if(l.eq.6.or.l.eq.17)write(ifdt,22) pptl(4,n)
+            if(l.eq.7.or.l.eq.17)write(ifdt,22) pptl(5,n)
+            if(l.eq.8)write(ifdt,21) iorptl(n)
+            if(l.eq.9)write(ifdt,21) jorptl(n)
+            if(l.eq.10)write(ifdt,21) istptl(n)
+            if(l.eq.11.or.l.eq.18)write(ifdt,22) xorptl(1,n)
+            if(l.eq.12.or.l.eq.18)write(ifdt,22) xorptl(2,n)
+            if(l.eq.13.or.l.eq.18)write(ifdt,22) xorptl(3,n)
+            if(l.eq.14.or.l.eq.18)write(ifdt,22) xorptl(4,n)
+            if(l.eq.19)write(ifdt,22) dezptl(n)
+            if(l.eq.21)write(ifdt,21) ifrptl(1,n)
+            if(l.eq.22)write(ifdt,21) ifrptl(2,n)
+            if(l.eq.23)write(ifdt,21) ityptl(n)
+            if(l.eq.15) then
+              if(iorptl(n).gt.0)then
+                write(ifdt,23) idptl(iorptl(n))
+              else
+                write(ifdt,23) 0
+              endif
+            endif
+            if(l.eq.16) then
+              if(jorptl(n).gt.0)then
+                write(ifdt,23) idptl(jorptl(n))
+              else
+                write(ifdt,23) 0
+              endif
+            endif
+          enddo
+          write (ifdt,*)        !RETURN
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine bread
+c     reads the results of a simulation into the file with unit ifdt
+c     contains a description of the stored variables.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/record/maxrec(2),irecty(30,2)
+      character*255 line
+      dimension inptl(mxptl)
+      data ichkfile/0/
+      save ichkfile
+      logical info
+C...User process event common block.
+      PARAMETER (MAXNUP=50000)  !extend array for file production
+c      PARAMETER (MAXNUP=500)
+      SAVE /HEPEUP/
+        if(istore.eq.-1.or.iappl.eq.-1)then
+      ifinp=ifdt
+      if(ichkfile.eq.0)then
+        if(iappl.eq.-1)then
+          inquire(file=fnin(1:nfnin),exist=info)
+          if(info)then
+            open(unit=ifin,file=fnin(1:nfnin),status='old')
+            ifinp=ifin
+          else
+            call utstop('Cannot open file for conversion !&')
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      read(ifinp,*,end=999)nptevt,bimevt,phievt,kolevt,pmxevt,egyevt
+     *           ,npjevt,ntgevt,qsqevt,typevt
+      if(nptevt.eq.0.or.nptevt.gt.mxptl)then
+        print *,'sorry, '
+        print *,'there is wrong particle number in the event record  '
+        stop
+      endif
+      nptl=0
+      do n=1,nptevt
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        read(ifinp,*)nidp,id,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5,io,jo,is,it
+     *                     ,xo1,xo2,xo3,xo4,ifr1,ifr2,dez
+c keep the structure of the original event
+        do while(nptl.lt.nidp)
+          idptl(nptl)=0
+          pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+          pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+          pptl(3,nptl)=0.
+          pptl(4,nptl)=0.
+          pptl(5,nptl)=0.
+          iorptl(nptl)=0
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          istptl(nptl)=5
+          ityptl(nptl)=0
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=0.
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=0.
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=0.
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=0.
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+          dezptl(nptl)=0
+          nptl=nptl+1
+        enddo
+        idptl(nptl)=id
+        pptl(1,nptl)=pp1
+        pptl(2,nptl)=pp2
+        pptl(3,nptl)=pp3
+        pptl(4,nptl)=pp4
+        pptl(5,nptl)=pp5
+        iorptl(nptl)=io
+        jorptl(nptl)=jo
+        istptl(nptl)=is
+        ityptl(nptl)=it
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=xo1
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=xo2
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=xo3
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=xo4
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=ifr1
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=ifr2
+        dezptl(nptl)=dez
+      enddo
+        elseif(istore.eq.4)then
+c skip intro
+ 10    read(ifdt,'(a)',end=999)line
+       if(line(1:7).ne."<event>")goto 10
+c      write(ifdt,'(A)') '<event>' 
+      read(ifdt,*)NUP,typevt,XWGTUP,SCALUP,AQEDUP,AQCDUP
+      nhep=0
+      nptl=0
+      DO 220 i=1,nup
+          nhep=nhep+1
+          read(ifdt,*,end=999)IDUP(nhep),ISTUP(nhep),
+     &      MOTHUP(1,nhep),MOTHUP(2,nhep),ICOLUP(1,nhep),ICOLUP(2,nhep),
+     &      (PUP(J,nhep),J=1,5),VTIMUP(nhep),SPINUP(nhep)
+          id=idtrafo('pdg','nxs',IDUP(nhep))
+          if(id.eq.99)id=0   !unknown particle
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          idptl(nptl)=id
+          if(ISTUP(nhep).eq.-9)then
+            istptl(nptl)=1
+            iorptl(nptl)=-1
+            jorptl(nptl)=0
+          else
+            istptl(nptl)=ISTUP(nhep)-1
+            iorptl(nptl)=MOTHUP(1,nhep)
+            jorptl(nptl)=max(0,MOTHUP(2,nhep))
+          endif
+          do J=1,5                !particle momentum (GeV/c)
+            pptl(J,nptl)=sngl(PUP(J,nhep))
+          enddo
+c optional informations
+       read(ifdt,*,end=999)line,bimevt,phievt
+       read(ifdt,*,end=999)line
+c       read(ifdt,*,end=999)nptevt,bimevt,phievt,kolevt,pmxevt,egyevt
+c     *           ,npjevt,ntgevt,qsqevt,typevt
+c       if(nptevt.eq.0.or.nptevt.gt.mxptl)then
+c         print *,'sorry, '
+c         print *,'there is wrong particle number in the event record  '
+c         stop
+c       endif
+c       do n=1,nptevt
+c       read(ifdt,*)nidp,idptl(n),pptl(1,n),pptl(2,n),pptl(3,n),pptl(4,n)
+c     *            ,pptl(5,n),iorptl(n),jorptl(n),istptl(n),ityptl(n)
+c     *            ,xorptl(1,n),xorptl(2,n),xorptl(3,n),xorptl(4,n)
+c       inptl(nidp)=n
+c       if(iorptl(n).gt.0)iorptl(n)=inptl(iorptl(n))
+c       if(jorptl(n).gt.0)jorptl(n)=inptl(jorptl(n))
+c       enddo
+        elseif(istore.eq.5)then
+       read(ifdt,*,end=999)nptevt,bimevt,phievt,kolevt,pmxevt,egyevt
+     *           ,npjevt,ntgevt,qsqevt,typevt
+       if(nptevt.eq.0.or.nptevt.gt.mxptl)then
+         print *,'sorry, '
+         print *,'there is wrong particle number in the event record  '
+         stop
+       endif
+       do n=1,nptevt
+       read(ifdt,*)nidp,idptl(n),pptl(1,n),pptl(2,n),pptl(3,n),pptl(4,n)
+     *            ,pptl(5,n),iorptl(n),jorptl(n),istptl(n),ityptl(n)
+     *            ,xorptl(1,n),xorptl(2,n),xorptl(3,n),xorptl(4,n)
+       inptl(nidp)=n
+       if(iorptl(n).gt.0)iorptl(n)=inptl(iorptl(n))
+       if(jorptl(n).gt.0)jorptl(n)=inptl(jorptl(n))
+       enddo
+       nptl=nptevt
+        else
+      info=.false.
+      do n=1,mxptl
+        inptl(n)=0
+      enddo
+      read(ifdt,'(a255)',end=1)line
+ 1    k=1
+      nptevt=0
+      do i=1,maxrec(1)
+        l=irecty(i,1)
+        if(l.eq.0)read(line(k:),'(i6)')ldummy !0
+        if(l.eq.0) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.1)read(line(k:),'(i6)')ldummy !nrevt
+        if(l.eq.1) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.2)read(line(k:),'(i6)')nptevt
+        if(l.eq.2) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.3)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')bimevt
+        if(l.eq.3) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.4)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')phievt
+        if(l.eq.4) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.5)read(line(k:),'(i6)')kolevt
+        if(l.eq.5) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.6)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')pmxevt
+        if(l.eq.6) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.7)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')egyevt
+        if(l.eq.7) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.8)read(line(k:),'(i6)')npjevt
+        if(l.eq.8) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.9)read(line(k:),'(i6)')ntgevt
+        if(l.eq.9) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.10)read(line(k:),'(i6)')npnevt
+        if(l.eq.10) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.11)read(line(k:),'(i6)')nppevt
+        if(l.eq.11) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.12)read(line(k:),'(i6)')ntnevt
+        if(l.eq.12) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.13)read(line(k:),'(i6)')ntpevt
+        if(l.eq.13) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.14)read(line(k:),'(i6)')jpnevt
+        if(l.eq.14) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.15)read(line(k:),'(i6)')jppevt
+        if(l.eq.15) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.16)read(line(k:),'(i6)')jtnevt
+        if(l.eq.16) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.17)read(line(k:),'(i6)')jtpevt
+        if(l.eq.17) k=k+7
+        if(l.eq.20)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')amproj
+        if(l.eq.20) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.21)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')amtarg
+        if(l.eq.21) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.22)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')qsqevt
+        if(l.eq.22) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.23)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')xbjevt
+        if(l.eq.23) k=k+13
+        if(l.eq.24)read(line(k:),'(f3.0)')typevt
+        if(l.eq.24) k=k+4
+      enddo
+      if(nptevt.eq.0)then
+        print *,'sorry, '
+        print *,'there is no particle number in the event record  '
+        stop
+      endif
+      do n=1,nptevt
+        read(ifdt,'(a255)',end=2)line
+ 2      k=1
+        do i=1,maxrec(2)
+          l=irecty(i,2)
+          if(l.eq.0)read(line(k:),'(i6)') ldummy
+          if(l.eq.0) k=k+7
+          if(l.eq.1)then
+            read(line(k:),'(i6)') nidp
+            if(nidp.gt.0.and.nidp.le.mxptl)then
+              info=.true.
+              inptl(nidp)=n
+            endif
+            k=k+7
+          endif
+          if(l.eq.2)read(line(k:),'(i10)') idptl(n)
+          if(l.eq.2) k=k+11
+          if(l.eq.3.or.l.eq.17)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)') pptl(1,n)
+          if(l.eq.3.or.l.eq.17) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.4.or.l.eq.17)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)') pptl(2,n)
+          if(l.eq.4.or.l.eq.17) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.5.or.l.eq.17)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)') pptl(3,n)
+          if(l.eq.5.or.l.eq.17) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.6.or.l.eq.17)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)') pptl(4,n)
+          if(l.eq.6.or.l.eq.17) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.7.or.l.eq.17)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)') pptl(5,n)
+          if(l.eq.7.or.l.eq.17) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.8)then
+            read(line(k:),'(i6)') iorptl(n)
+            k=k+7
+            if(info.and.iorptl(n).gt.0)iorptl(n)=inptl(iorptl(n))
+          endif
+          if(l.eq.9)then
+            read(line(k:),'(i6)') jorptl(n)
+            k=k+7
+            if(info.and.jorptl(n).gt.0)jorptl(n)=inptl(jorptl(n))
+          endif
+          if(l.eq.10)read(line(k:),'(i6)') istptl(n)
+          if(l.eq.10) k=k+7
+          if(l.eq.11.or.l.eq.18)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')xorptl(1,n)
+          if(l.eq.11.or.l.eq.18) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.12.or.l.eq.18)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')xorptl(2,n)
+          if(l.eq.12.or.l.eq.18) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.13.or.l.eq.18)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')xorptl(3,n)
+          if(l.eq.13.or.l.eq.18) k=k+13
+          if(l.eq.14.or.l.eq.18)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)')xorptl(4,n)
+          if(l.eq.14.or.l.eq.18) k=k+13
+c     if(i.eq.15)read(line(k:),'(i6)') idiptl(n)
+          if(l.eq.15) k=k+7
+c     if(i.eq.16)read(line(k:),'(i6)') idjptl(n)
+          if(l.eq.16) k=k+7
+          if(l.eq.19)read(line(k:),'(e12.6)') dezptl(n)
+          if(l.eq.19) k=k+13
+c          if(l.eq.21)read(line(k:),'(I6)') ifrptl(1,n)
+          if(l.eq.21) k=k+7
+c          if(l.eq.22)read(line(k:),'(I6)') ifrptl(2,n)
+          if(l.eq.22) k=k+7
+          if(l.eq.23)read(line(k:),'(I6)') ityptl(n)
+          if(l.eq.23) k=k+7
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      nptl=nptevt
+        endif
+      nevt=1
+ 999  continue
+      end
+      subroutine aafinal
+c  * calculates xorptl(j,i), representing formation points.
+c    (xorptl(j,i),j=1,4) is the 4-vector representing the space-time of
+c    creation of particle i.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if(idptl(i).ne.0.and.istptl(i).le.1)then
+          if(    abs(tivptl(1,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(1,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(2,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(3,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(4,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.pptl(5,i).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)then
+c            if(ish.ge.4)call alistc('afinal&',i,i)
+            t=tivptl(1,i)
+            xorptl(1,i)=xorptl(1,i)+pptl(1,i)/pptl(4,i)*(t-xorptl(4,i))
+            xorptl(2,i)=xorptl(2,i)+pptl(2,i)/pptl(4,i)*(t-xorptl(4,i))
+            xorptl(3,i)=xorptl(3,i)+pptl(3,i)/pptl(4,i)*(t-xorptl(4,i))
+            xorptl(4,i)=t
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.1)then
+              if(iorptl(i).gt.0)idior=idptl(iorptl(i))
+              write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     .        '*** warning (afinal see check file): '
+              write(ifch,'(a,i6,i10,i10,i3,1x,7(e7.1,1x))')
+     .        '*** warning (afinal): ',
+     .        i,idptl(i),idior,ityptl(i),tivptl(1,i), pptl(4,i)
+     .        ,pptl(5,i),xorptl(1,i),xorptl(2,i),xorptl(3,i),xorptl(4,i)
+c              call alistc(' ici &',1,i)
+            endif
+            tivptl(1,i)=2*ainfin
+            tivptl(2,i)=2*ainfin
+            xorptl(1,i)=2*ainfin
+            xorptl(2,i)=2*ainfin
+            xorptl(3,i)=2*ainfin
+            xorptl(4,i)=2*ainfin
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine afinal
+c  does some final calculations, to be called before call aasto.
+c  * calculates nptlu, the maximum nptl for all events.
+c  * in case of mod(iframe,10) .ne. 1, these vectors are transformed
+c    (being originally in the "natural frame",
+c    NB : boost of coordinates only if not a non-sense (otherwise put to inf)
+c         always boost of momentum if possible (if not STOP !)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      double precision pgampr,rgampr
+      common/cgampr/pgampr(5),rgampr(4)
+      double precision pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5
+      logical lclean
+      call utpri('afinal',ish,ishini,4)
+      lclean=.false.
+      nptlu=max0(nptl,nptlu)
+      if(mod(iframe,10).ne.1)then
+        if(iframe.eq.12.or.iframe.eq.22)then    !targ
+          pp1=0d0
+          pp2=0d0
+          pp3=dsinh(dble(yhaha))
+          pp4=dcosh(dble(yhaha))
+          pp5=1d0
+        else
+          stop'transformation not yet defined'
+        endif
+      endif
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if(idptl(i).ne.0.and.istptl(i).le.1)then
+         if(pptl(5,i).le.ainfin
+     .     .and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)then
+          if(    abs(tivptl(1,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(1,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(2,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(3,i)).le.ainfin
+     .    .and.abs(xorptl(4,i)).le.ainfin)then
+c Space-time boost
+            if(mod(iframe,10).ne.1)then
+              if(iframe.eq.12)then
+                call utlob4(-1,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5
+     .               ,xorptl(1,i),xorptl(2,i),xorptl(3,i),xorptl(4,i))
+              elseif(iframe.eq.22)then
+c not the electron in lab frame in fake DIS
+                if(.not.((abs(iappl).eq.1.or.iappl.eq.3)
+     *             .and.i.eq.2*(maproj+matarg)+1))then
+c put particle from cms to target frame
+                  call utlob4(-1,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5
+     .                 ,xorptl(1,i),xorptl(2,i),xorptl(3,i),xorptl(4,i))
+c do rotation of gamma in proton rest frame
+                  call utrot4(-1,rgampr(1),rgampr(2),rgampr(3)
+     .                 ,xorptl(1,i),xorptl(2,i),xorptl(3,i))
+c boost in lab frame
+                  call utlob4(-1,pgampr(1),pgampr(2),pgampr(3),pgampr(4)
+     .       ,pgampr(5),xorptl(1,i),xorptl(2,i),xorptl(3,i),xorptl(4,i))
+                endif
+              else
+                stop'transformation not yet defined'
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            tivptl(1,i)=ainfin
+            xorptl(1,i)=ainfin
+            xorptl(2,i)=ainfin
+            xorptl(3,i)=ainfin
+            xorptl(4,i)=ainfin
+          endif
+c Momentum boost
+          if(mod(iframe,10).ne.1)then
+            if(iframe.eq.12)then
+              call utlob5(-yhaha
+     .        , pptl(1,i), pptl(2,i), pptl(3,i), pptl(4,i), pptl(5,i))
+            elseif(iframe.eq.22)then
+c not the electron in lab frame in fake DIS
+              if(.not.((abs(iappl).eq.1.or.iappl.eq.3)
+     *           .and.i.eq.2*(maproj+matarg)+1))then
+c put particle from cms to target frame
+                call utlob5(-yhaha
+     .     , pptl(1,i), pptl(2,i), pptl(3,i), pptl(4,i), pptl(5,i))
+c do rotation of gamma in proton rest frame
+                call utrot4(-1,rgampr(1),rgampr(2),rgampr(3)
+     .               , pptl(1,i), pptl(2,i), pptl(3,i))
+c boost in lab frame
+                call utlob4(-1,pgampr(1),pgampr(2),pgampr(3),pgampr(4)
+     .         ,pgampr(5), pptl(1,i), pptl(2,i), pptl(3,i), pptl(4,i))
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif(model.eq.6)then
+          lclean=.true.
+          istptl(i)=99
+        else
+          call utstop("Negative energy in afinal&")
+        endif
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(lclean)then
+        nptl0=nptl
+        call utclea(maproj+matarg+1,nptl0)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+        if(model.eq.1)call alistf('EPOS&')
+        if(model.eq.2)call alistf('QGSJET01&')
+        if(model.eq.3)call alistf('GHEISHA&')
+        if(model.eq.4)call alistf('PYTHIA&')
+        if(model.eq.5)call alistf('HIJING&')
+        if(model.eq.6)call alistf('SIBYLL 2.1&')
+        if(model.eq.7.or.model.eq.11)call alistf('QGSJET II&')
+        if(model.eq.8)call alistf('PHOJET&')
+        if(model.eq.9)call alistf('FLUKA&')
+        if(model.eq.10)call alistf('URQMD&')
+      endif
+c      if(isto.eq.1)stop
+c$$$      call testconex(2)
+      if(ntevt.gt.0)then
+        b1=bminim
+        b2=min(bmax,bmaxim)
+        a=pi*(b2**2-b1**2)
+        if(iappl.eq.3.or.iappl.eq.-1)then      !read
+          ntevt=nint(float(nevent)/sigine*a*10.)
+          anintine=float(nevent)
+          anintdiff=anintine*sigdif/sigine
+          anintsdif=anintine*sigsd/sigine
+        endif
+        sigineex=anintine/float(ntevt)*a*10
+        sigdifex=anintdiff/float(ntevt)*a*10
+        sigsdex=anintsdif/float(ntevt)*a*10
+      endif
+      if(imihis.eq.1)call wimi
+      if(imihis.eq.1.and.nrevt.eq.nevent)call wimino
+      if(isphis.eq.1)call xspace(1)
+      if(iclhis.eq.1)call wclu
+      if(iclhis.eq.1.and.nrevt.eq.nevent)call wclufi
+      if(iwtime.eq.1)call wtime(1)
+      if(iwtime.eq.1.and.nrevt.eq.nevent)call wtime(2)
+      if(ish.ge.8)call alistc('afinal&',1,nptl)
+      call utprix('afinal',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine bfinal
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      if(jerr(1).gt.4.and.jerr(1).gt.0.01*nevent)then
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of events:',nevent
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of (flav > 9) warnings:',jerr(1)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #        (OK when happens rarely)'
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+      endif
+      if(jerr(3).gt.4.and.jerr(3).gt.0.01*jerr(2))then
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of clusters:',jerr(2)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of neg m^2 clusters:',jerr(3)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #          (OK when happens rarely)'
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+      endif
+      if(jerr(5).gt.4.and.jerr(5).gt.0.01*jerr(4))then
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of successful remnant cluster'
+     &                       ,' decays:',jerr(4)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of unsuccessful remnant cluster'
+     &                       ,' decays:',jerr(5)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #        (OK when happens rarely)'
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+      endif
+      if(jerr(6).gt.4.and.jerr(6).gt.0.01*nevent)then
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of events:',nevent
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of low mass remnant clusters:'
+     &                      ,jerr(6)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #        (OK when happens rarely)'
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a)')('#',i=1,70)
+      endif
+      if(jerr(7).gt.4.and.jerr(7).gt.0.01*nevent)then
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of events:',nevent
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of flav problem in SE:'
+     &                      ,jerr(7)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #        (OK when happens rarely)'
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a)')('#',i=1,70)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.1.and.jerr(8).gt.4.and.jerr(8).gt.0.01*nevent)then
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a1)')('#',i=1,70)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of events:',nevent
+        write(ifch,*)'  #   number of events with all Pom lost:'
+     &                      ,jerr(8)
+        write(ifch,*)'  #        (OK when happens rarely)'
+        write(ifch,'(3x,70a)')('#',i=1,70)
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine ainit
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common/cquama/quama
+      parameter (nptj=129)
+      common /cptj/xptj(nptj),qptj(nptj),wptj(nptj)
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat!,seedp
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat /ctain/mtain
+      double precision rcproj,rctarg
+      common/geom1/rcproj,rctarg
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      external sptj
+      call utpri('ainit ',ish,ishini,4)
+      inicnt=inicnt+1
+      if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(a)')'initializations ...'
+        if(isigma.eq.1.and.ionudi.ne.1)then
+          write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     &  '##################################################'
+          write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     &  '# Warning X section calc. not consistent with MC #'
+          write(ifmt,'(a,i2,a,i2,a)')
+     &  '#             isigma=',isigma,', ionudi=',ionudi,
+     &                                    '               #'
+          write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     &  '##################################################'
+        endif
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          call atitle
+c update file names
+          fnrj(1:nfnrj+4)=fnrj(1:nfnrj)//".lhc"
+          nfnrj=nfnrj+4
+          fncs(1:nfncs+4)=fncs(1:nfncs)//".lhc"
+          nfncs=nfncs+4
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(noebin.ge.0)then
+        ntevt=0
+        if(seedi.ne.0d0)then
+          call ranfini(seedi,iseqini,1)
+        else
+          stop 'seedi = 0 ... Please define it !'
+        endif
+        seedc=seedi
+        if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+          call aseedi
+          if(seedj2.ne.0d0)then
+            call ranfcv(seedj2)
+            write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     &"Random number sequence does not start at 0 ... please wait !"
+          endif
+          if(seedj.ne.0d0)then
+            call ranfini(seedj,iseqsim,2)
+          else
+            stop 'seedi = 0 ... Please define it !'
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif(inicnt.eq.1)then !fake DIS, initialization is part of the event
+        if(seedj.ne.0d0)then
+          if(seedj2.ne.0d0)then
+            call ranfcv(seedj2)
+            write(ifmt,'(a)')
+     & "Random number sequence does not start at 0 ... please wait !"
+          endif
+          call ranfini(seedj,iseqsim,2)
+        else
+          stop 'seedj = 0 ... Please define it !'
+        endif
+        call aseed(2)
+      endif
+      if(model.ne.1.and.inicnt.eq.1)then
+        if(model.eq.2)iversn=100 !'QGSJET01'
+        if(model.eq.3)iversn=100 !'GHEISHA '
+        if(model.eq.4)iversn=611 !'PYTHIA  '
+        if(model.eq.5)iversn=138 !'HIJING   '
+        if(model.eq.6)iversn=210 !'SIBYLL  '
+        if(model.eq.7)iversn=400 !'QGSJETII-04'
+        if(model.eq.8)iversn=112 !'PHOJET  '
+        if(model.eq.9)iversn=201125 !'FLUKA   '
+        if(model.eq.11)iversn=300 !'QGSJETII-03'
+        if(model.ne.1)iverso=iversn
+        call IniModel(model)
+      endif
+      if(isphis.eq.1)iframe=11  !nncm
+      if(icinpu.ge.1)elepti=engy
+ctp060829      if(iopenu.eq.2)call smassi(themas)
+      if(iopenu.eq.2.and.ish.eq.19)stop'change this?????????' !call smassp
+      if(iappl.eq.5)then
+      yhaha=0
+      ypjtl=0
+      endif
+      if(ispherio.ne.0)ndecay=1
+      if(ispherio.ne.0)idecay=0
+      if(ispherio.ne.0)jdecay=0
+      if(iurqmd.ne.0)ndecay=1
+      if(iurqmd.ne.0)idecay=0
+      if(ifrade.eq.0)irescl=0
+      idtarg=idtargin
+      idproj=idprojin
+      do 111 iii=1,4
+ 111  rexdif(iii)=abs(rexdifi(iii))
+      if(noebin.gt.1)then
+        engy=-1
+        ekin=-1
+        if(iologe.eq.1)engy=
+     *       engmin*(engmax/engmin)**((real(nrebin)-0.5)/noebin)
+        if(iologe.eq.0.or.(iologe.lt.0.and.iologl.lt.0))engy=
+     *       engmin+(engmax-engmin)/noebin*(nrebin-0.5)
+        if(iologl.eq.1)ekin=
+     *       engmin*(engmax/engmin)**((real(nrebin-0.5))/noebin)
+        if(iologl.eq.0)ekin=
+     *       engmin+(engmax-engmin)/noebin*(real(nrebin)-0.5)
+        elab=-1
+        ecms=-1
+        pnll=-1
+        if(jpsi.lt.0)then
+  11      z=0.19*sqrt(-2*alog(rangen()))*cos(2*pi*rangen())
+          engy=abs(z)*engmax
+          if(engy.lt.egymin)goto11
+        endif
+      elseif(noebin.lt.0)then  !fake e-A with pi0-A for hadron production
+        if(inicnt.eq.1)call phoGPHERAepo(0)  !kinematic initialization
+        idproj=1120  !110
+c        if(model.eq.2.or.model.eq.6)idproj=idtarg   !for qgsjet01, projectile and target are not symetric and we want to look what happen on the projectile side (used for CR)
+        laproj=-1
+        maproj=1
+        engy=-1
+        ekin=-1
+        elab=-1
+        ecms=-1
+        pnll=-1
+        call phoGPHERAepo(1)       !fix energy according to gamma energy
+      endif
+           if(iappl.le.3)then
+        if(idtarg.eq.0)then   !in case of Air target, initialize with Argon nucleus
+          if(model.eq.6)then     !no Argon in Sibyll
+            latarg=7
+            matarg=14
+          else
+            latarg=20
+            matarg=40
+          endif
+        endif
+        if((idproj.ne.1120.and.(laproj.ne.-1.or.maproj.ne.1))
+     &    .or.maproj.le.0)
+     &  call utstop('Invalid projectile setup !&')
+c        if((idtarg.ne.1120.and.(latarg.ne.-1.or.matarg.ne.1))
+c     &    .or.matarg.le.0)
+c     &  call utstop('Invalid target setup !&')
+      if(iabs(idtarg).ne.1120.and.iabs(idtarg).ne.1220.and.idtarg.ne.0)
+     &  call utstop('Invalid target !&')
+      if((((idtarg.eq.-1120.or.iabs(idtarg).eq.1220)
+     &    .and.(latarg.ne.-1.or.matarg.ne.1))
+     &    .and.(idtarg.ne.1120.or.latarg.lt.0))
+     &    .or.matarg.le.0)
+     &  call utstop('Invalid target setup !&')
+      call idmass(idproj,amproj)
+      call idmass(idtarg,amtarg)
+      call idspin(idproj,ispin,jspin,istra)
+      isoproj=sign(1,idproj)*ispin
+      call idspin(idtarg,ispin,jspin,istra)
+      isotarg=sign(1,idtarg)*ispin
+      nre=0
+      if(engy.ge.0.)nre=nre+1
+      if(pnll.ge.0.)nre=nre+1
+      if(elab.ge.0.)nre=nre+1
+      if(ekin.ge.0.)nre=nre+1
+      if(ecms.ge.0.)nre=nre+1
+      if(nre.ne.1)stop'invalid energy definition'
+      ifirstghe=0
+ 101  continue
+         if(engy.gt.0.)then
+      pnll=sqrt(amproj**2+amtarg**2)
+      pnll=(engy-pnll)*(engy+pnll)*0.5/amtarg
+      pnll=sqrt(max(0.,(pnll-amproj)*(pnll+amproj)))
+c      pnll=sqrt(max(0., ((engy**2-amproj**2-amtarg**2)/2/amtarg)**2
+c     &                   -amproj**2) )
+      elab=sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)
+      ekin=elab-amproj
+      ecms=engy
+         elseif(ecms.gt.0.)then
+      engy=ecms
+      pnll=sqrt(amproj**2+amtarg**2)
+      pnll=(engy-pnll)*(engy+pnll)*0.5/amtarg
+      pnll=sqrt(max(0.,(pnll-amproj)*(pnll+amproj)))
+c      pnll=sqrt(max(0., ((engy**2-amproj**2-amtarg**2)/2/amtarg)**2
+c     &                   -amproj**2) )
+      elab=sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)
+      ekin=elab-amproj
+         elseif(elab.gt.0)then
+      pnll=sqrt(max(0.,(elab-amproj)*(elab+amproj)))
+      engy=sqrt( 2*elab*amtarg+amtarg**2+amproj**2 )
+      ecms=engy
+      ekin=elab-amproj
+         elseif(pnll.gt.0)then
+      elab=sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)
+      engy=sqrt( 2*sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)*amtarg+amtarg**2+amproj**2 )
+      ecms=engy
+      ekin=elab-amproj
+         elseif(ekin.gt.0.)then
+      elab=ekin+amproj
+      pnll=sqrt(max(0.,(elab-amproj)*(elab+amproj)))
+      engy=sqrt( 2*elab*amtarg+amtarg**2+amproj**2 )
+      ecms=engy
+         endif
+         if(model.eq.3.and.ifirstghe.eq.0)then    !det, trit and alp
+           if(maproj.eq.2.and.laproj.eq.1)idproj=17
+           if(maproj.eq.3.and.laproj.eq.1)idproj=18
+           if(maproj.eq.4.and.laproj.eq.2)idproj=19
+           if(idproj.ge.17.and.idproj.le.19)then
+             elab=elab*maproj
+             call idmass(idproj,amproj)
+             maproj=1
+             laproj=-1
+             ifirstghe=1
+             engy=-1
+             ecms=-1
+             pnll=-1
+             ekin=-1
+             goto 101
+           endif
+         endif
+      if(pnll.le.0.001)call utstop('ainit: energy too low&')
+      if(engy.gt.egymax)call utstop('ainit: energy too high&')
+      s=engy**2
+      pnullx=utpcm(engy,amproj,amtarg)
+      yhaha=alog((sqrt(pnll**2+s)+pnll)/sqrt(s))
+      ypjtl=alog((sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)+pnll)/amproj)
+      if(noebin.lt.0)then
+        pnll=sqrt(max(0.,(ebeam-amtarg)*(ebeam+amtarg))) !in the lab system (not in the gamma-p system)
+        ecms=2.*sqrt(ebeam*elepti) !for plots
+      endif
+         elseif(iappl.eq.7)then
+      call idmass(idproj,amproj)
+         if(elab.gt.0)then
+      pnll=sqrt(max(0.,elab**2-amproj**2))
+      engy=amproj
+      ecms=engy
+      ekin=elab-amproj
+         elseif(pnll.gt.0)then
+      elab=sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)
+      engy=amproj
+      ecms=engy
+      ekin=elab-amproj
+         elseif(ekin.gt.0.)then
+      elab=ekin+amproj
+      pnll=sqrt(max(0.,elab**2-amproj**2))
+      engy=amproj
+      ecms=engy
+         else
+      engy=amproj
+      ecms=amproj
+      elab=0.
+      pnll=0.
+      ekin=0.
+         endif
+      pnullx=0.
+      ypjtl=alog((sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)+pnll)/amproj)
+      yhaha=ypjtl
+      elseif(engy.gt.0.)then
+        ecms=engy
+        endif
+      detap=(ypjtl-yhaha)*etafac
+      detat=-yhaha*etafac
+      tpro=dcosh(detap)
+      zpro=dsinh(detap)
+      ttar=dcosh(detat)
+      ztar=dsinh(detat)
+      egyevt=engy
+      ekievt=ekin
+      pmxevt=pnll
+      if(iappl.gt.9)stop'update following statement'
+      if(iappl.ge.5.and.iappl.le.9)then
+      s=12.**2
+      endif
+    !~~~~~redefine energy in case of imposed radial flow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+c   Transfered in epos-con for "koll" dependency
+c      if(iappl.le.4.or.iappl.eq.9)then
+cc        yrmaxi=max( 0. , yradmx+yradmi*log(engy)**3  )   !better to have a unique definition for extrapolation (based on SPS AA, RHIC and Tevatron pp)  --> but problem at ultra-high energy and from theory we don't know (yet)
+c        yrmaxi=max( 0. , yradmx+yradmi*log10(engy/200.)  )
+c        if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+c          yrmaxi=max(0.0,yradpp+yradpi*alog10(engy/1800.))
+c        endif
+c        if(yrmaxi.gt.1e-5)then
+c          yyrmax=dble(yrmaxi)
+c          fradflii=sngl(1d0/
+c     &  ((sinh(yyrmax)*yyrmax-cosh(yyrmax)+1d0)/(yyrmax**2/2d0)))
+c        else
+c          fradflii=1.
+c        endif
+c      endif
+      if(iappl.le.3)then
+       if(maproj.gt.1)then
+        rpj=1.19*maproj**(1./3.)-1.61*maproj**(-1./3.)
+        rmproj=rpj+fctrmx*.54
+        rcproj=dble(rpj/cosh(yhaha)*facnuc)
+       else
+        rmproj=0
+        rcproj=dble(0.8/cosh(yhaha)*facnuc)
+       endif
+       if(matarg.gt.1)then
+        rtg=1.19*matarg**(1./3.)-1.61*matarg**(-1./3.)
+        rmtarg=rtg+fctrmx*.54
+        rctarg=dble(rtg/cosh(yhaha)*facnuc)
+       else
+        rmtarg=0
+        rctarg=dble(0.8/cosh(yhaha)*facnuc)
+       endif
+      endif
+      call iclass(idproj,iclpro)
+      call iclass(idtarg,icltar)
+      call emsini(engy,idproj,idtarg)
+         if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+c          call ranfgt(seedp)   !not to change the seed ... not needed with 2 sequence
+      call hdecin(.false.)
+      if(iappl.eq.1.or.iappl.ge.5)then
+      c=6
+      call utquaf(sptj,nptj,xptj,qptj,0.,.33*c,.66*c,c)
+      endif
+      if(iappl.ne.2)then
+        call hnbspd(iospec)
+        ktnbod=0
+c        if(model.eq.1)call hnbxxxini
+        call hnbpajini
+      endif
+      if(model.eq.1)then
+        if(iclegy2.gt.1)then
+          egyfac=(egymax*1.0001/egylow)**(1./float(iclegy2-1))
+        else
+          egyfac=1.
+        endif
+        call psaini
+        call conini
+      else
+        iorsce=0
+        iorsdf=0
+        iorshh=0
+        iorsdf=0
+      endif
+c      if(iappl.ne.6.and.model.eq.1)call psaini
+c          call ranfst(seedp)                     ! ... after this initialization
+        endif       !inicnt=1
+c$$$      if(idproj.eq.1120)icp=2        !????????????? for what ?
+c$$$      if(idproj.eq.-1120)icp=-2
+c$$$      if(idproj.eq.120)icp=1
+c$$$      if(idproj.eq.-120)icp=-1
+c$$$      if(idproj.eq.130)icp=4
+c$$$      if(idproj.eq.-130)icp=-4
+      if(model.eq.1)then                   !only for epos
+      koll=1      !because it's needed in Gfunpar
+      if(iappl.le.3)then
+        call paramini(1)
+        if(ish.ge.4)then
+          do i=idxD0,idxD1
+            write(ifch,'(9(a,f8.4))')
+     *      'AlpD:',alpD(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    AlpDp:',alpDp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    AlpDpp:',alpDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    BetD:',betD(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    BetDp:',betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    BetDpp:',betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    GamD:',gamD(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    DelD:',delD(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     * ,'    AlpPar:',alppar
+     * ,'    bkmxdif:',bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(iappl.le.3)then
+        bkmxndif=conbmxndif()
+        bkmx=conbmx()
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'bkmx,bkmxndif',bkmx,bkmxndif
+        if(maproj.gt.1.or.matarg.gt.1)then
+        bmax=rmproj+rmtarg
+        else
+        bmax=bkmx
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ixtau.eq.1)call xtauev(0)
+      if(model.eq.1)then
+      if(iEmsB.eq.1)call xEmsB(0,0,0)
+      if(iEmsBg.eq.1)call xEmsBg(0,0,0)
+      if(iEmsPm.eq.1)call xEmsPm(0,0,0,0)
+      if(iEmsPx.eq.1)call xEmsPx(0,0.,0.,0)
+      if(iEmsPBx.eq.1)call xEmsP2(0,0,0,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+c      if(iEmsPx.eq.1)call xEmsPxNo(0,0.,0.,0,0)
+      if(iEmsSe.eq.1)call xEmsSe(0,0.,0.,0,1)
+      if(iEmsSe.eq.1)call xEmsSe(0,0.,0.,0,2)
+      if(iEmsDr.eq.1)call xEmsDr(0,0.,0.,0)
+      if(iEmsRx.eq.1)call xEmsRx(0,0,0.,0.)
+      endif
+c G function parameters      !-----> a verifier ?????????? (AA ??)
+      if(iappl.eq.1)then
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,1,0.,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamvv)
+        epszero=epss
+        do i=1,nclha
+         alpff(i)=   engy**epszero*gamhad(i)
+        enddo
+        betff(1)=   -alppar+epsp
+        betff(2)=   -alppar+epst
+      else
+        epszero=0.
+      endif
+      endif
+c additional initialization procedures
+      if(model.ne.1)then
+        call IniEvtModel
+      elseif(iappl.le.3)then
+c Cross section calculation
+        call xsigma
+      endif
+      if(idtarg.eq.0)idtarg=1120 !air = nucleus
+      if(inicnt.eq.1.and.noebin.ge.0)then
+        call aseed(2)
+      else                    !to use the proper random sequence
+        call ranfini(seedc,iseqsim,0)
+        if(noebin.ge.0.and.nevent.gt.0)call aseed(2)
+      endif
+ccc      call MakeFpartonTable
+c$$$      call testconex(1)
+      call utprix('ainit ',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine aread
+c  reads and interprets input commands
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision histoweight
+      common/chiswei/histoweight
+      common/cyield/yield/cifset/ifset/caverg/averg
+      common/csigma/sigma
+      double precision val,val1,val2
+      character*1000 line,linex,cline
+      data nappl /0/
+      common/record/maxrec(2),irecty(30,2)
+      common/cfacmss/facmss /cr3pomi/r3pomi,r4pomi
+      common /ems12/iodiba,bidiba  ! defaut iodiba=0. if iodiba=1, study H-Dibaryon
+      character*500 fndat,fnncs,fnIIdat,fnIIncs,fnII03dat,fnII03ncs !qgs-II
+      common/qgsfname/  fndat, fnncs, ifdat, ifncs
+      common/qgsIIfname/fnIIdat, fnIIncs, ifIIdat, ifIIncs     !qgs-II
+      common/qgsII03fname/fnII03dat, fnII03ncs, ifII03dat, ifII03ncs !qgs-II03
+      common/qgsnfname/ nfndat, nfnncs
+      common/qgsIInfname/ nfnIIdat, nfnIIncs     !qgs-II
+      common/qgsII03nfname/ nfnII03dat, nfnII03ncs     !qgs-II03
+      common/ghecsquel/anquasiel,iquasiel
+      common/cjjj/jjj,cline
+      character cmodel*21
+      parameter(mxdefine=40)
+      character w1define*100,w2define*100
+      common/cdefine/ndefine,l1define(mxdefine),l2define(mxdefine)
+     &               ,w1define(mxdefine),w2define(mxdefine)
+      common/cbincond/nozero,ibmin,ibmax
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      j=-1
+      nhsto=0
+      ndefine=0
+    1 call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          if(line(i:j).eq.'#define')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,ne)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'bim3')stop'****** bim3->bim03 ****** '
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'bim5')stop'****** bim5->bim05 ****** '
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'bim6')stop'****** bim6->bim06 ****** '
+      if(ndefine+1.gt.mxdefine)stop'too many `define` statements.      '
+      l1=j-i+1
+      if(l1.gt.99)stop'`define` argument 1 too long.            '
+      w1define(ndefine+1)(1:l1)=line(i:j)
+      w1define(ndefine+1)(l1+1:l1+1)=' '
+      call utword(line,i,j,ne)
+      l2=j-i+1
+      if(l2.gt.99)stop'`define` argument 2 too long.            '
+      w2define(ndefine+1)(1:l2)=line(i:j)
+      w2define(ndefine+1)(l2+1:l2+1)=' '
+      ndefine=ndefine+1
+      l1define(ndefine)=l1
+      l2define(ndefine)=l2
+          elseif(line(i:j).eq.'goto')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,ne)
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      linex=line
+      call utword(line,i,j,ne)
+      do while(line(i:j).ne.linex(ix:jx))
+      call utword(line,i,j,ne)
+      enddo
+      goto1
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'application')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'application?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then       !only first read
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'conversion')iappl=-1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'analysis')  iappl=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'hadron')    iappl=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'geometry')  iappl=2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'read')      iappl=3
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'micro')     iappl=4
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'kinky')     iappl=5
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'ee')        iappl=6
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'decay')     iappl=7
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'lepton')    iappl=8
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'hydro')     iappl=9
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'ee')    then
+        naflav=5                ! number of flavors
+      endif
+      nappl=nappl+1
+      if(iappl.ne.0.and.nappl.gt.1)call aaset(1)
+      if(iappl.eq.0.and.nappl.gt.1)call aaset(2)
+      if(iappl.eq.0)jframe=iframe
+      if(iappl.eq.0)kframe=iframe
+      if(iappl.eq.1)iframe=0
+      if(iappl.eq.2)iframe=0
+      if(iappl.eq.4)iframe=1
+      if(iappl.eq.5)iframe=1
+      if(iappl.eq.6)iframe=1
+      if(iappl.eq.7)iframe=0
+      if(iappl.eq.8)iframe=21        !gncm
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'call')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'subroutine?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then       !-----only second run
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEnergy')call xEnergy
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xCoopFryRapPi')call xCoopFryRap(1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xCoopFryRapKa')call xCoopFryRap(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xCoopFryPtPi')call xCoopFryPt(1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xCoopFryPtKa')call xCoopFryPt(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xCoopFryV2Pi')call xCoopFryV2(1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xCoopFryV2Ka')call xCoopFryV2(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConThickProj')call xConThick(1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConThickTarg')call xConThick(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConNuclDensProj')call xConNuclDens(1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConNuclDensTarg')call xConNuclDens(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConNuclDensProjTarg')call xConNuclDens(1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConNuclDensProjTarg')call xConNuclDens(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xFom')call xfom
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xGeometry')call xGeometry(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbDens')call xbDens(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEpsilon')call xEpsilon(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xZnucTheo')call xZnucTheo
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xRanPt')call xRanPt
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParGam')call xParGam
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParGampp')call xParGampp
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParOmega1xy')call xParOmega1xy
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParOmega3xyz')call xParOmega3xyz
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPro')call xParPro
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPro1')call xParPro1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomInc')call xParPomInc
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncX')call xParPomIncX
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncP')call xParPomIncP
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncM')call xParPomIncM
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncXI')call xParPomIncXI
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncPI')call xParPomIncPI
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncMI')call xParPomIncMI
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPomIncJ')call xParPomIncJ
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParOmega1')call xParOmega1
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParOmega3')call xParOmega3
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParOmega5')call xParOmega5
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParOmegaN')call xParOmegaN
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParGauss')call xParGauss
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParSigma')call xParSigma
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParSigma2')call xParSigma2
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xScrD')call xScrD
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xFitD1')call xFitD1
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xExaD2')call xExaD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbExaD')call xbExaD
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbExaD2')call xbExaD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbnExaD')call xbnExaD
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbnExaD2')call xbnExaD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xFitD2')call xFitD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbParD')call xbParD
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParD2')call xParD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xGexaJ')call xGexaJ
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xbnParD')call xbnParD
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xsParD')call xsParD
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xmParD2')call xmParD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xyParD')call xyParD
+c$$$      if(line(i:j).eq.'xyParD2')call xyParD2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPhi1')call xParPhi1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParPhi')call xParPhi
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParH')call xParH
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParHPhiInt')call xParHPhiInt
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xParZ')call xParZ
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xtauev')call xtauev(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xspace')call xspace(2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'gakjto'   )call gakjto
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'psaevp')call psaevp
+c     if(line(i:j).eq.'pyarea')call pyarea
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xjden1')call xjden1(2,0,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xjden2')call xjden2(2,0,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+c     if(line(i:j).eq.'xjdis' )call xjdis(2,0,0)
+      if(model.eq.1)then
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsB' )call xEmsB(2,0,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsBg')call xEmsBg(2,0,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsPm')call xEmsPm(2,0,0,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsPx')call xEmsPx(2,0.,0.,0)
+c      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsPx')call xEmsPxNo(2,0.,0.,0,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsSe')call xEmsSe(2,0.,0.,0,1)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsSe')call xEmsSe(2,0.,0.,0,2)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsDr')call xEmsDr(2,0.,0.,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsRx')call xEmsRx(2,0,0.,0.)
+      if(line(i:j-4).eq.'xEmsP2')then
+        read(line(j-1:j-1),*)val
+        idh=nint(val)
+        read(line(j:j),*)val
+        jex=nint(val)
+        if(line(j-3:j-2).eq.'PE')
+     &       call xEmsP2(2,idh,jex,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+        if(line(j-3:j-2).eq.'IB')
+     &       call xEmsP2(3,idh,jex,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+        if(line(j-3:j-2).eq.'OB')
+     &       call xEmsP2(4,idh,jex,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.)
+      endif
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConxyzProj')
+     &stop'xConxyzProj->xConNuclDensProj'
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConxyzTarg')
+     &stop'xConxyzTarg->xConNuclDensTarg'
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xConxyzProjTarg')
+     &stop'xConxyzProjTarg->xConNuclDensProjTarg'
+      endif
+      elseif(model.eq.1)then  !first run and epos
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'xGeometry')then
+       call xGeometry(0)
+       ixgeometry=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEpsilon')then
+       call xEpsilon(0)
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xbDens')then
+       ixbDens=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xtauev')then
+       ixtau=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsB')then
+       iEmsB=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsBg')then
+       iEmsBg=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsPm')then
+       iEmsPm=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsPx')then
+       iEmsPx=1
+      elseif(line(i:j-4).eq.'xEmsP2')then
+       iEmsPBx=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsSe')then
+       iEmsSe=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsDr')then
+       iEmsDr=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsRx')then
+       iEmsRx=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsI1')then
+       iEmsI1=1
+       if(iEmsI1+iEmsI2.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'newpage zone 3 4 1'
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xEmsI2')then
+       iEmsI2=1
+       if(iEmsI1+iEmsI2.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'newpage zone 3 4 1'
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xSpaceTime')then
+       iSpaceTime=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xxSpaceTime')then
+       stop'xxSpaceTime->xSpaceTime.              '
+      endif
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'decayall')then
+      nrnody=0
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'echo')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'on or off?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on')iecho=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iecho=0
+      if(line(i:j).ne.'on'.and.line(i:j).ne.'off')stop'invalid option'
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)iecho=0
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'fqgsjet')then              !QGSJet
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-type file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      linex=line
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dat')fndat(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dat')nfndat=j-i+1             !length of qgsdat01-file name
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncs')fnncs(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncs')nfnncs=j-i+1             !length of sectnu-file name
+      if(nfndat.gt.1)ifdat=1
+      if(nfnncs.gt.1)ifncs=2
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'fqgsjetII03')then              !QGSJET-II-03
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-type file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      linex=line
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dat')fnII03dat(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dat')nfnII03dat=j-i+1             !length of qgsjet-II.dat name
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncs')fnII03ncs(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncs')nfnII03ncs=j-i+1             !length of qgsjet-II.ncs name
+      if(nfnII03dat.gt.1)ifII03dat=1
+      if(nfnII03ncs.gt.1)ifII03ncs=2
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'fqgsjetII')then              !QGSJET-II-03
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-type file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      linex=line
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dat')fnIIdat(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dat')nfnIIdat=j-i+1             !length of qgsjet-II.dat name
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncs')fnIIncs(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncs')nfnIIncs=j-i+1             !length of qgsjet-II.ncs name
+      if(nfnIIdat.gt.1)ifIIdat=1
+      if(nfnIIncs.gt.1)ifIIncs=2
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'fname')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-type file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      linex=line
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'file-name?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pathnx')fnnx(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'check')fnch(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'histo')fnhi(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'data') fndt(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'input')fnin(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'copy') fncp(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'initl') fnii(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'initl+') fnii(nfnii+1:nfnii+j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidi') fnid(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidi+') fnid(nfnid+1:nfnid+j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidr') fndr(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidr+') fndr(nfndr+1:nfndr+j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iniev') fnie(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iniev+') fnie(nfnie+1:nfnie+j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inirj') fnrj(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inirj+') fnrj(nfnrj+1:nfnrj+j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inics') fncs(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inics+') fncs(nfncs+1:nfncs+j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pathnx')nfnnx=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'check')nfnch=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'histo')nfnhi=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'data') nfndt=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'input')nfnin=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'copy') nfncp=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'initl') nfnii=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'initl+')nfnii=nfnii+j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidi') nfnid=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidi+')nfnid=nfnid+j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidr') nfndr=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inidr+')nfndr=nfndr+j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iniev') nfnie=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iniev+')nfnie=nfnie+j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inirj') nfnrj=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inirj+')nfnrj=nfnrj+j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inics') nfncs=j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inics+')nfncs=nfncs+j-i+1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'check'.and.fnch(1:nfnch).ne.'none') then
+      open(unit=ifcx,file=fnch(1:nfnch),status='unknown')
+      kchopen=1
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pathnx'.and.fnnx(1:nfnnx).ne.'none')then
+      knxopen=1
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'histo'.and.fnhi(1:nfnhi).ne.'none')then
+      open(unit=ifhi,file=fnhi(1:nfnhi),status='unknown')
+      khiopen=1
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'data'.and.fndt(1:nfndt).ne.'none')then
+      open(unit=ifdt,file=fndt(1:nfndt),status='unknown')
+      kdtopen=1
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'copy'.and.fncp(1:nfncp).ne.'none')then
+      open(unit=ifcp,file=fncp(1:nfncp),status='unknown')
+      kcpopen=1
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'frame')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'frame?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        if(nopen.ne.-1)then       ! event definition only, not analysis
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'nucleon-nucleon')then
+      if(iappl.eq.0)jframe=11
+      if(abs(iappl).eq.1)iframe=11
+      if(iappl.eq.3)iframe=11
+      if(iappl.gt.3.or.iappl.eq.2)stop'invalid option nucleon-nucleon'
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'target')then
+      if(iappl.eq.0)jframe=12
+      if(abs(iappl).eq.1)iframe=12
+      if(iappl.eq.3)iframe=12
+      if(iappl.gt.3.or.iappl.eq.2)stop'invalid option target'
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'gamma-nucleon')then
+      if(iappl.eq.0)then
+        jframe=21
+      elseif(iappl.le.3.and.iappl.ne.2)then
+        iframe=21
+      endif
+      if((iappl+1)/2.eq.4)iframe=21
+      if(iappl.ne.0.and.(iappl+1)/2.ne.4.and.iappl.ne.3
+     *   .and.abs(iappl).ne.1)stop'invalid option gamma-nucleon'
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'lab')then
+      if(iappl.eq.0)then
+        jframe=22
+      elseif(iappl.le.3.and.iappl.ne.2)then
+        iframe=22
+      endif
+      if((iappl+1)/2.eq.4)iframe=22
+      if(iappl.ne.0.and.(iappl+1)/2.ne.4.and.iappl.ne.3
+     *             .and.abs(iappl).ne.1)stop'invalid option lab'
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'sphericity')then
+      if(iappl.eq.0)jframe=32
+      if(iappl.ne.0)stop'invalid option sphericity'
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'thrust')then
+      if(iappl.eq.0)jframe=33
+      if(iappl.ne.0)stop'invalid option thrust'
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'breit')then
+          if(iappl.ne.0)stop'invalid option breit'
+        else
+      stop'frame not recognized'
+        endif
+        endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'frame+')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'binning')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'log/lin?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'lin')iologb=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'log')iologb=1
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'beginhisto'.or.line(i:j).eq.'bh')then
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then
+        jjj=j
+        cline=line
+        call xini
+        j=jjj
+        line=cline
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'endhisto'.or.line(i:j).eq.'eh')then
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then
+        nhsto=nhsto+1
+        call xhis(nhsto)
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'noweak')then
+      !only used in xini
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'histogram'.or.line(i:j).eq.'hi')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'plot')then
+      stop' "plot" not used any more'
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'root')then
+      stop' "root" not used any more'
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'idcode')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xpara')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xparas')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,1)
+      read(line(i:j),*)ipara
+      do ii=1,ipara
+      call utword(line,i,j,1)
+      enddo
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'histoweight')then
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e22.14)')'histoweight ',histoweight
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'histoweight-1')then
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e22.14)')'histoweight -1'
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'input')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'input file?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.ge.0)then
+       nopen=nopen+1
+       if(nopen.gt.9)stop'too many nested input commands'
+       open(unit=20+nopen,file=line(i:j),status='old')
+       if(iprmpt.eq.1)iprmpt=-1
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'nodecays')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      do while (line(i:j).ne.'end')
+       if(nrnody.ge.mxnody)then
+        write(ifmt,'(a)')'too many nodecays; command ignored'
+       else
+        nrnody=nrnody+1
+        read(line(i:j),*)val
+        nody(nrnody)=nint(val)
+       endif
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      enddo
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'nodecay')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then
+      if(nrnody.ge.mxnody)then
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'too many nodecay commands; command ignored'
+      j=1000
+      i=j+1
+      goto1
+      endif
+      nrnody=nrnody+1
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      nody(nrnody)=nint(val)
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'dodecay')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      idx=nint(val)
+      nrn=0
+      imv=0
+      do while(nrn.lt.nrnody)
+       nrn=nrn+1
+       if(idx.eq.nody(nrn))then
+         nrnody=nrnody-1
+         imv=1
+       endif
+       if(imv.eq.1.and.nrn.le.nrnody)nody(nrn)=nody(nrn+1)
+      enddo
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'MinDecayLength')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      ctaumin=val
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'print')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'subroutine?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+       if(line(i:j).eq.'*')then
+      nrpri=0
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'level?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      ish=nint(val)
+       else
+      nrpri=nrpri+1
+      subpri(nrpri)='                    '
+      subpri(nrpri)(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'level?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      ishpri(nrpri)=nint(val)
+       endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'printcheck')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'screen or file?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'screen')ifch=ifmt
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'file')ifch=ifcx
+      if(line(i:j).ne.'screen'.and.line(i:j).ne.'file')
+     *write(ifmt,'(a)')'invalid option; command ignored'
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'prompt')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'on or off or auto?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on')iprmpt=2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iprmpt=-2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'auto'.and.nopen.eq.0)iprmpt=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'auto'.and.nopen.eq.1)iprmpt=-1
+      if(line(i:j).ne.'on'.and.line(i:j).ne.'off'
+     *.and.line(i:j).ne.'auto')stop'invalid option'
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'return')then
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then
+        close(ifop)
+        nopen=nopen-1
+        if(nopen.eq.0.and.iprmpt.eq.-1)iprmpt=1
+ccc      close(20+nopen)
+ccc      nopen=nopen-1
+ccc      if(nopen.eq.0.and.iprmpt.eq.-1)iprmpt=1
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'run')then
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'runprogram')then
+      if(kchopen.eq.0.and.fnch(1:nfnch).ne.'none')then
+        open(unit=ifcx,file=fnch(1:nfnch),status='unknown')
+        kchopen=1
+      endif
+      if(khiopen.eq.0.and.fnhi(1:nfnhi).ne.'none')then
+        open(unit=ifhi,file=fnhi(1:nfnhi),status='unknown')
+        khiopen=1
+      endif
+      if(kdtopen.eq.0.and.fndt(1:nfndt).ne.'none')then
+        open(unit=ifdt,file=fndt(1:nfndt),status='unknown')
+        kdtopen=1
+      endif
+      if(kcpopen.eq.0.and.fncp(1:nfncp).ne.'none')then
+        open(unit=ifcp,file=fncp(1:nfncp),status='unknown')
+        kcpopen=1
+      endif
+      return
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'if')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      linex=line
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val1
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val2
+      ifset=1
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'engy')then
+        call idmass(idproj,amproj)
+        call idmass(idtarg,amtarg)
+        xxengy=0.
+        if(engy.gt.0.)then
+          xxengy=engy
+        elseif(ecms.gt.0.)then
+          xxengy=ecms
+        elseif(elab.gt.0)then
+          xxengy=sqrt( 2*elab*amtarg+amtarg**2+amproj**2 )
+        elseif(pnll.gt.0)then
+          xxengy=sqrt( 2*sqrt(pnll**2+amproj**2)*amtarg
+     *                   +amtarg**2+amproj**2 )
+        elseif(ekin.gt.0.)then
+          xxelab=ekin+amproj
+          xxengy=sqrt( 2*xxelab*amtarg+amtarg**2+amproj**2 )
+        endif
+        if(xxengy.lt.val1.or.xxengy.gt.val2)ifset=0
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'projtarg')then
+        if(maproj.ne.nint(val1).or.matarg.ne.nint(val2))ifset=0
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'set'.and.ifset.eq.1)then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'p/o-name p/o-value?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      linex=line
+      ix=i
+      jx=j
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'p/o-value?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'hydtab')then
+        hydt=line(i:j)
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xvaria')then
+        xvaria='      '
+        xvaria(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      elseif(linex(ix:jx).eq.'yvaria')then
+        yvaria='      '
+        yvaria(1:j-i+1)=line(i:j)
+      else
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+c       general
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'model') model=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iquasiel') iquasiel=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iversn')iversn=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iappl' )iappl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nevent')nevent=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nfull') nfull=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nfreeze')nfreeze=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ninicon')ninicon=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'egymin' )egymin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'egymax' )egymax=sngl(val)
+c       constants
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ainfin')ainfin=sngl(val)
+c       printout options
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iprmpt')iprmpt=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.  'ish' )ish=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ishsub')ishsub=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'irandm')irandm=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'irewch')irewch=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iecho ')iecho =nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'modsho')modsho=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'idensi')idensi=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'infragm')infragm=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ishevt')ishevt=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iwseed')iwseed=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'jwseed')jwseed=nint(val)
+c       fragmentation and decay
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pdiqua')pdiqua=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pud'   )pud   =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pmqu'  )pmqu  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pmqd'  )pmqd  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pmqs ' )pmqs  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pmqc ' )pmqc  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pmqq ' )then
+                                  pmqq  =sngl(val)
+                                  qmass(0)=pmqq
+      endif
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fkappa' )fkappa   =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fkappag' )fkappag   =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pudd ' )pudd  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'puds ' )puds  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pudc ' )pudc  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'strcut' )strcut   =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'diqcut' )diqcut   =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioptf ')ioptf =nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'delrex')delrex=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ndecay')ndecay=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'maxres')maxres=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pbreak')pbreak=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pbreakg')pbreakg=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zetacut')zetacut=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptfra')ptfra=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptfraqq')ptfraqq=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'aouni ')aouni=sngl(val)
+c       lepton-nucleon and e+e-
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iolept')iolept=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ydmin')ydmin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ydmax')ydmax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'qdmin')qdmin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'qdmax')qdmax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'themin')themin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'themax')themax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'elomin')elomin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'engy' )engy=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'elab' )elab=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ekin' )ekin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ecms' )ecms=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ebeam' )ebeam=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'elepti')elepti=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'elepto')elepto=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'angmue')angmue=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'noebin')noebin=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'engmin')engmin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'engmax')engmax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iologe')iologe=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iologl')iologl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'itflav')itflav=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'idisco')idisco=nint(val)
+c       hadron-hadron
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'pnll' )pnll=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'idproj')idprojin=nint(val)
+      idproj=idprojin
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'idtarg')idtargin=nint(val)
+      idtarg=idtargin
+      if(idtarg.eq.0)idtarg=1120
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptq   ')ptq   =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrau(1)')rstrau(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrad(1)')rstrad(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstras(1)')rstras(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrac(1)')rstrac(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrau(2)')rstrau(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrad(2)')rstrad(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstras(2)')rstras(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrac(2)')rstrac(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrau(3)')rstrau(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrad(3)')rstrad(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstras(3)')rstras(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrac(3)')rstrac(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrau(4)')rstrau(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrad(4)')rstrad(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstras(4)')rstras(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrac(4)')rstrac(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rstrasi')rstrasi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtval')wgtval=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtsea')wgtsea=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtdiq')wgtdiq=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtqqq(1)')wgtqqq(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtqqq(2)')wgtqqq(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtqqq(3)')wgtqqq(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wgtqqq(4)')wgtqqq(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wproj ')wproj =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wtarg ')wtarg =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wexcit')wexcit=sngl(val)
+c      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'cutmsq')cutmsq=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'cutmss')cutmss=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'exmass')exmass=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iregge')iregge=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'isopom')isopom=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ishpom')ishpom=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iscreen')iscreen=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'isplit')isplit=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'irzptn')irzptn=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'irmdrop')irmdrop=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nprmax')nprmax=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemspl')iemspl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'intpol')intpol=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'isigma')isigma=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iomega')iomega=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'isetcs')isetcs=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemsb' )iemsb= nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemspm')iemspm=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemspx')iemspx=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemsse')iemsse=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemsdr')iemsdr=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemsrx')iemsrx=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemsi2')iemsi2=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iemsi1')iemsi1=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioems' )ioems= nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ispacetime')ispacetime= nint(val)
+c       unified parameters
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iclpro1')iclpro1=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iclpro2')iclpro2=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'icltar1')icltar1=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'icltar2')icltar2=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iclegy1')iclegy1=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iclegy2')iclegy2=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'egylow')egylow=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alppom')alppom=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhad(1)')stop'gamhad(1) not allowed'
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhad(2)')gamhad(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhad(3)')stop'gamhad(3) not allowed'
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhads(1)')gamhadsi(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhads(2)')gamhadsi(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhads(3)')gamhadsi(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamhads(4)')gamhadsi(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamtil')gamtil=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'slopom')slopom=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'slopoms')slopoms=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2had(1)' )r2had(1)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2had(2)' )r2had(2)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2had(3)' )r2had(3)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2had(4)' )r2had(4)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2hads(1)' )r2hads(1)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2hads(2)' )r2hads(2)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2hads(3)' )r2hads(3)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2hads(4)' )r2hads(4)= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r3pom'   )r3pom= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r4pom'   )r4pom= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'egyscr'  )egyscr= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscrw'  )epscrw= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscrx'  )epscrx= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zbrads'  )zbrads= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscrs'  )epscrs= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscrh'  )epscrh= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscrp'  )epscrp= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'znurho'  )znurho= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscrd'  )epscrd= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gfactor' )gfactor= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gwidth'  )gwidth= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'chad(1)' )chad(1)=  sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'chad(2)' )chad(2)=  sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'chad(3)' )chad(3)=  sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'chad(4)' )chad(4)=  sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wdiff(1)')wdiff(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wdiff(2)')wdiff(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wdiff(3)')wdiff(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wdiff(4)')wdiff(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'facdif')  facdif=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'facmc')   facmc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexndf')  rexndf=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexndi(1)')rexndii(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexndi(2)')rexndii(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexndi(3)')rexndii(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexndi(4)')rexndii(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexdif(1)')rexdifi(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexdif(2)')rexdifi(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexdif(3)')rexdifi(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexdif(4)')rexdifi(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexpdif(1)')rexpdif(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexpdif(2)')rexpdif(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexpdif(3)')rexpdif(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexpdif(4)')rexpdif(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexres(1)')rexres(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexres(2)')rexres(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexres(3)')rexres(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rexres(4)')rexres(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zrminc')zrminc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpreg')alpreg=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'sloreg')sloreg=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamreg')gamreg=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'r2reg' )r2reg= sngl(val)
+c      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amhdibar')amhdibar= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptdiff')ptdiff=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alppar')alppar=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpsea')alpsea=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpval')alpval=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpdiq')alpdiq=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alplea(1)')alplea(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alplea(2)')alplea(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alplea(3)')alplea(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alplea(4)')alplea(4)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpdif')alpdif=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpdi')alpdi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpndi')alpndi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ammsqq')ammsqq=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ammsqd')ammsqd=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ammsdd')ammsdd=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'cumpom')cumpom=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'reminv')reminv=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptsend')ptsend=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptsendi')ptsendi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptsems')ptsems=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zdrinc')zdrinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zmsinc')zmsinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'edmaxi')edmaxi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epmaxi')epmaxi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zopinc')zopinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zipinc')zipinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fkainc')fkainc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fkamax')fkamax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zodinc')zodinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zbrmax')zbrmax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zoeinc')zoeinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xmxrem')xmxrem=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptsecu')ptsecu=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zdfinc')zdfinc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'zbcut') zbcut=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xzcut') xzcut=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xminremn')xminremn=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xmindiff')xmindiff=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpdro(1)')alpdro(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpdro(2)')alpdro(2)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpdro(3)')alpdro(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amdrmax')amdrmax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amdrmin')amdrmin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iodiba')iodiba=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'bidiba')bidiba=sngl(val)
+c       hard pomeron parameters
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'q2min' )q2min=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'q2ini' )q2ini=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'q2fin' )q2fin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'betpom')betpom=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'alpfom')alpfomi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'betfom')betfom=dble(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gamfom')gamfom=dble(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'glusea')glusea=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'factk' )factk=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'naflav')naflav=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nrflav')nrflav=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pt2cut')pt2cut=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'factgam')factgam=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'delh')delh=sngl(val)
+c       nucleus-nucleus
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iokoll')iokoll=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'laproj')laproj=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'maproj')maproj=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'latarg')latarg=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'matarg')matarg=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'core'  )core  =sngl(val)
+c      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ncolmx')ncolmx=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fctrmx')fctrmx=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'bmaxim')bmaxim=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'bminim')bminim=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'phimax')phimax=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'phimin')phimin=sngl(val)
+c       rescattering parameters
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iorsce')iorsce=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iorsdf')iorsdf=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iorshh')iorshh=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iocluin')iocluin=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioquen')ioquen=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iohole')iohole=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fploss')fploss=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fvisco')fvisco=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fplmin')fplmin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'hacore')hacore=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amimfs')amimfs=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amimel')amimel=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'cepara')cepara=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dscale')dscale=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iceopt')iceopt=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'delamf')delamf=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'deuamf')deuamf=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'taurea')taurea=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nsegsu')nsegsu=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nsegce')nsegce=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'kigrid')kigrid=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'fsgrid')fsgrid=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ptclu') ptclu=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscri(1)')epscri(1)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epscri(3)')epscri(3)=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amsiac')amsiac=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amprif')amprif=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'delvol')delvol=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'deleps')deleps=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'taumin')taumin=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'deltau')deltau=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'factau')factau=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'numtau')numtau=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dlzeta')dlzeta=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'etafac')etafac=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'facnuc')facnuc=sngl(val)
+c       urqmd
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iurqmd')iurqmd=int(val)
+c       spherio
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ispherio')ispherio=int(val)
+c       ico
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'cutico') cutico=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dssico') dssico=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'icocore')icocore=int(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'icotabm')icotabm=int(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'icotabr')icotabr=int(val)
+c       droplet decay
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'dezzer')dezzer=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioclude')ioclude=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'amuseg')amuseg=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'yradmx')yradmx=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'yradmi')yradmi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'yradpp')yradpp=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'yradpi')yradpi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'yradpx')yradpx=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'facecc')facecc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'rcoll' )rcoll= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ylongmx' )ylongmx= sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'bag4rt')bag4rt=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'taunll')taunll=sngl(val)
+c       droplet specification
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'keu'  )keu=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'ked'  )ked=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'kes'  )kes=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'kec'  )kec=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'keb'  )keb=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'ket'  )ket=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'tecm' )tecm=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'volu' )volu=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'vrad' )vrad=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'facts')facts=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'factb')factb=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'factq')factq=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inbxxx')inbxxx=sngl(val)
+c       metropolis
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iospec')iospec=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iocova')iocova=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iopair')iopair=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iozero')iozero=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioflac')ioflac=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iostat')iostat=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioinco')ioinco=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iograc')iograc=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epsgc' )epsgc=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iocite')iocite=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioceau')ioceau=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iociau')iociau=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioinct')ioinct=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioinfl')ioinfl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iowidn')iowidn=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ionlat')ionlat=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iomom')iomom=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioobsv')ioobsv=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iosngl')iosngl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iorejz')iorejz=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iompar')iompar=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iozinc')iozinc=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iozevt')iozevt=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq. 'nadd' )nadd=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iterma')iterma=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'itermx')stop'STOP: set iterma, not itermx'
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iterpr')iterpr=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iterpl')iterpl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iternc')iternc=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'epsr'  )epsr=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'keepr' )keepr=nint(val)
+c       strangelets
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iopenu')iopenu=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'themas')themas=sngl(val)
+c       tests
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iotst1')iotst1=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iotst2')iotst2=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iotst3')iotst3=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iotst4')iotst4=nint(val)
+c       jpsi
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'jpsi  ')jpsi  =nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'jpsifi')jpsifi=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'sigj  ')sigj  =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'taumx ')taumx =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nsttau')nsttau=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ijphis')ijphis=nint(val)
+c       analysis: intermittency, space-time, droplets, formation time
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ymximi')ymximi=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'imihis')imihis=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'isphis')isphis=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iologb')iologb=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ispall')ispall=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wtmini')wtmini=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wtstep')wtstep=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iwcent')iwcent=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iclhis')iclhis=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iwtime')iwtime=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wtimet')wtimet=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wtimei')wtimei=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'wtimea')wtimea=sngl(val)
+c       other
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'gaumx ')gaumx =sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nclean')nclean=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'istore')istore=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ioidch')ioidch=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iframe')iframe=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'jframe')jframe=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'labsys')stop'labsys no longer supported'
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'irescl')irescl=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iremn')iremn=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ifrade')ifrade=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'idecay')idecay=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'jdecay')jdecay=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ntrymx')ntrymx=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'istmax')istmax=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ionudi')ionudi=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'seedi') seedi =val
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'seedj') seedj =val
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'seedf') seedj2=val
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'normal')normal=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xminim')xminim=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xmaxim')xmaxim=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'nrbins')nrbins=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'hisfac')hisfac=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xshift')xshift=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'etacut')etacut=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar1' )xpar1=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar2' )xpar2=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar3' )xpar3=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar4' )xpar4=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar5' )xpar5=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar6' )xpar6=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar7' )xpar7=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'xpar8' )xpar8=sngl(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'irdmpr')irdmpr=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ilprtg')ilprtg=nint(val)
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'iLHC')then
+        if(nint(val).eq.1)call LHCparameters
+      endif
+c       frame definitions
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'engy'.and.iframe.eq.0)iframe=11
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ecms'.and.iframe.eq.0)iframe=11
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'elab'.and.iframe.eq.0)iframe=12
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ekin'.and.iframe.eq.0)iframe=12
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'pnll'.and.iframe.eq.0)iframe=12
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'ebeam'.and.iframe.eq.0)iframe=21
+      if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'noebin'.and.dabs(val-1.d0).gt.1.d-10)iframe=11
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'set')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      ifset=1
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'stop')then  !same as return
+      if(nopen.ne.-1)then
+      close(20+nopen)
+      nopen=nopen-1
+      if(nopen.eq.0.and.iprmpt.eq.-1)iprmpt=1
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'stopprogram')then
+      close(unit=ifcx)
+      close(unit=ifhi)
+      close(unit=ifdt)
+      stop
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'EndEposInput')then
+      return
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'string')then
+      nstmax=nstmax+1
+      ns=nstmax
+      icinpu=0
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifmt,'(a)')'string: prob icbac1 icbac2 icfor1 icfor2?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      prob(ns)=sngl(val)
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifmt,'(a)')'string: icbac1 icbac2 icfor1 icfor2?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      icbac(ns,1)=nint(val)
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifmt,'(a)')'string: icbac2 icfor1 icfor2?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      icbac(ns,2)=nint(val)
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifmt,'(a)')'string: icfor1 icfor2?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      icfor(ns,1)=nint(val)
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifmt,'(a)')'string: icfor2?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      icfor(ns,2)=nint(val)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'kinks')then
+      nptl=0
+ctp290806      nrow=0
+      nel=0
+ 10   continue
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'endkinks')goto 12
+      nel=nel+1
+ctp290806      nrow=1+(nel-1)/4
+      nc=mod(nel-1,4)+1
+      read(line(i:j),*)a
+      if(nc.eq.1)nptl=nptl+1
+      if(nc.eq.1)idptl(nptl)=nint(a)
+      if(nc.eq.2)pptl(1,nptl)=a
+      if(nc.eq.3)pptl(2,nptl)=a
+      if(nc.eq.4)then
+        pptl(3,nptl)=a
+        istptl(nptl)=20
+        pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(3,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+     $       +pptl(1,nptl)**2)
+      endif
+      goto 10
+ 12   continue
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'record')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+c      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+c     *     write(ifmt,'(a)')'kinks: icbac1 icbac2 icfor1 icfor2?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      ir=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'event')then
+        ir=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'particle')then
+        ir=2
+      else
+        call utstop("Wrong definition for record!&")
+      endif
+      maxrec(ir)=0
+ 20   call utworn(line,j,ne)
+c      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)
+c     *     write(6,'(a)')'<kinks-data (px-py-pz)>? (End=endkinks)'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'endrecord')then
+         goto 22
+      endif
+      maxrec(ir)=maxrec(ir)+1
+      irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=-1
+      if(ir.eq.1)then
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'0') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=0
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'nevt') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=1
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'nptl') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=2
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'b') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=3
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'phi') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=4
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'ncol') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=5
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'pmx') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=6
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'egy') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=7
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'npj') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=8
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'ntg') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=9
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'npn') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=10
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'npp') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=11
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'ntn') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=12
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'ntp') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=13
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'jpn') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=14
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'jpp') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=15
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'jtn') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=16
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'jtp') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=17
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'amp') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=20
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'amt') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=21
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'qsq') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=22
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'xbj') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=23
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'typ') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=24
+      else
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'0') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=0
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'i') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=1
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'id') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=2
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'p1') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=3
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'p2') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=4
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'p3') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=5
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'p4') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=6
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'p5') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=7
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'fa') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=8
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'mo') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=9
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'st') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=10
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'x1') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=11
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'x2') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=12
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'x3') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=13
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'x4') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=14
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'idfa') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=15
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'idmo') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=16
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'p') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=17
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'x') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=18
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'dez') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=19
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'c1') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=21
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'c2') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=22
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'ty') irecty(maxrec(ir),ir)=23
+      endif
+      if(irecty(maxrec(ir),ir).eq.-1)then
+        write(*,*) 'unknown variable ',line(i:j)
+        stop
+      endif
+      goto 20
+ 22   continue
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'switch')then
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'option on/off?'
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      call utworn(line,j,ne)
+      if(ne.eq.0.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'on/off?'
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'droplet')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iorsdf=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iorsdf=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'cascade')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+c      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iorsce=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iorshh=1
+c      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iorsce=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iorshh=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'soft')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )isopom=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')isopom=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'hard')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )ishpom=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')ishpom=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'splitting')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )isplit=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iscreen=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')isplit=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iscreen=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'fusion')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iorsce=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iorsdf=3
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' )iorshh=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iorsce=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iorsdf=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iorshh=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'urqmd')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' ) iurqmd=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off') iurqmd=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'spherio')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' ) ispherio=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off') ispherio=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'decay')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' ) ndecay=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off') ndecay=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' ) idecay=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off') idecay=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'clusterdecay')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' ) jdecay=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off') jdecay=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'fragdecay')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'on' ) ifrade=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'off') ifrade=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'icocore')then
+          stop'switch icocore not supported any more.    '
+        endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'idchoice')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'nxs')then
+        ioidch=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'pdg')then
+        ioidch=2
+      else
+        stop'invalid idchoice.     '
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'make')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'icotable')icotabm=1
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'read')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'icotable')icotabr=1
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'output')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'full' )      istore=-1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'epos' )      istore=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'osc1997a' )  istore=2
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'osc1999a' )  istore=3
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'lhef' )      istore=4
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'ustore' )    istore=5
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'hepmc' )     istore=6
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'model')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'epos')then
+        model=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'lhc'.or.line(i:j).eq.'LHC')then
+        model=1
+        call LHCparameters
+      else
+        nij=j-i+1
+        if(nij.gt.20)stop'cmodel too small'
+        cmodel(1:nij)=line(i:j)
+        cmodel(nij+1:nij+1)=' '
+        call NumberModel(cmodel,model)
+      endif
+      if(abs(iappl).ne.1.and.iappl.ne.3.and.model.ne.1
+     &.and..not.(model.eq.4.and.iappl.eq.7))
+     &call utstop('Application not possible with this model&')
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'trigger')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      ntc=1
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'or'.or.line(i:j).eq.'contr')then
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        read(line(i:j),*)ztc
+        ntc=nint(ztc)
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+      endif
+      do n=1,ntc
+        if(n.ne.1)call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      enddo
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'noerrorbut')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'b')then
+      nbarray=nbarray+1
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      barray(nbarray)=val
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'message')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then      !only write in second read
+      write(ifmt,'(a,$)')line(i:j)
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'endmessage')then
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then      !only write in second read
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')' '
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'write'.or.line(i:j).eq.'writex')then
+      ii=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'write')then
+        ii=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'writex')then
+        ii=2
+      else
+        call utstop("Wrong definition for write!&")
+      endif
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      idol=0
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'$')then
+       idol=1
+       call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      endif
+      !write: only write in second read; writex: only write in first read
+      if(ii.eq.1.and.nopen.eq.-1.or.ii.eq.2.and.nopen.ne.-1)then
+       if(j-4.ge.i)then
+        do l=i,j-4
+         if(line(l:l+4).eq.'$hydt')then
+           line(l+3:l+4)='  '
+           write(line(l:l+2),'(a)')hydt
+         endif
+        enddo
+       endif
+       if(j-6.ge.i)then
+        do l=i,j-6
+         if(line(l:l+6).eq.'$iversn')then
+          if(mod(iversn,100).le.9)then
+           write(line(l:l+6),'(i1,a,i1,3x)')
+     *     int(iversn/100),'.0',mod(iversn,100)
+          else
+           write(line(l:l+6),'(i1,a,i2,3x)')
+     *     int(iversn/100),'.',mod(iversn,100)
+          endif
+         endif
+        enddo
+       endif
+       if(j-8.ge.i)then
+        do l=i,j-8
+         if(line(l:l+8).eq.'$xxxyield')then
+          write(line(l:l+8),'(f8.6,1x)')yield
+         endif
+         if(line(l:l+7).eq.'$xxyield')then
+          write(line(l:l+8),'(f7.5,1x)')yield
+         endif
+         if(line(l:l+6).eq.'$xyield')then
+          write(line(l:l+8),'(f6.4,1x)')yield
+         endif
+        enddo
+       endif
+       if(j-5.ge.i)then
+        do l=i,j-5
+         if(line(l:l+5).eq.'$yield')then
+          if(yield.lt.1.0)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.3,1x)')yield
+          elseif(yield.lt.100.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.2,1x)')yield
+          elseif(yield.lt.1000.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.1,1x)')yield
+          elseif(yield.lt.10000.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f6.1)')yield
+          else
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(i6)')nint(yield)
+          endif
+         endif
+        enddo
+        do l=i,j-5
+         if(line(l:l+5).eq.'$averg')then
+          if(averg.lt.1.0)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.3,1x)')averg
+          elseif(averg.lt.100.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.2,1x)')averg
+          elseif(averg.lt.1000.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.1,1x)')averg
+          elseif(averg.lt.10000.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f6.1)')averg
+          else
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(i6)')nint(averg)
+          endif
+         endif
+        enddo
+        do l=i,j-5
+         if(line(l:l+5).eq.'$sigma')then
+          if(sigma.lt.1.0)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.3,1x)')sigma
+          elseif(sigma.lt.100.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.2,1x)')sigma
+          elseif(sigma.lt.1000.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f5.1,1x)')sigma
+          elseif(sigma.lt.10000.)then
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(f6.1)')sigma
+          else
+           write(line(l:l+5),'(i6)')nint(sigma)
+          endif
+         endif
+        enddo
+       endif
+       if(idol.eq.0)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')line(i:j)
+       else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,a,$)')line(i:j),' '
+       endif
+      endif
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'nozero')then
+      nozero=1
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'ibmin')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      ibmin=nint(val)
+           elseif(line(i:j).eq.'ibmax')then
+      call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      read(line(i:j),*)val
+      ibmax=nint(val)
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'writearray'
+     $     .or.line(i:j).eq.'writehisto')then
+      if(nopen.eq.-1)then !second run
+       ih=0
+       if(line(i:j).eq.'writearray') ih=1
+       call utword(line,i,j,0)
+       if(line(i:j).eq.'s')then
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        linex=line
+        ix=i
+        jx=j
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        if(linex(ix:jx).eq.'inicon')stop'error 060307'
+       else
+        ioint=0
+        iocontr=0
+        ncontr=0
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'int')then
+         ioint=1
+         call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        endif
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'contr')then
+         iocontr=1
+         call utword(line,i,j,0)
+         read(line(i:j),*)val
+         ncontr=nint(val)
+         call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        endif
+        read(line(i:j),*)val
+        nco=nint(val)
+        if(ih.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')'array',nco
+        if(ioint.eq.0)then
+         sum=0
+         averg=0
+         do k=1,nrbins
+          if(iocontr.eq.0.and.ionoerr.eq.0)then
+            ar3=ar(k,3)
+            ar4=ar(k,4)
+          elseif(ionoerr.eq.1)then
+            ar3=ar(k,3)
+            ar4=ar(k,4)
+          elseif(ionoerr.eq.2)then
+            ar3=ar(k,3)
+            ar4=ar(k,4)
+            ar5=ar(k,5)
+          else
+            ar3=ary(k,ncontr)
+            ar4=ardy(k,ncontr)
+          endif
+          iok=1
+          if(k.lt.ibmin.or.k.gt.ibmax)iok=0
+          sum=sum+ar3
+          averg=averg+ar(k,1)*ar3
+          if(nco.eq.2)then
+            if(nozero.eq.1.and.ar3.eq.0.)iok=0
+            if(iok.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),ar3
+          elseif(nco.eq.3)then
+            if(nozero.eq.1.and.ar3.eq.0..and.ar4.eq.0.)iok=0
+            if(iok.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),ar3,ar4
+          elseif(nco.eq.4)then
+          if(nozero.eq.1.and.ar3.eq.0..and.ar4.eq.0..and.ar5.eq.0.)iok=0
+            if(iok.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')ar(k,1),ar3,ar4,ar5
+          endif
+         enddo
+         if(sum.gt.0.)averg=averg/sum
+        else
+         sum=0.
+         sum2=0.
+         sum3=0.
+         err2=0.
+         do k=1,nrbins
+          if(iocontr.eq.0.and.ionoerr.eq.0)then
+            ar3=ar(k,3)
+            ar4=ar(k,4)
+          elseif(ionoerr.eq.1)then
+            ar3=ar(k,3)
+            ar4=ar(k,4)
+          elseif(ionoerr.eq.2)then
+            ar3=ar(k,3)
+            ar4=ar(k,4)
+            ar5=ar(k,5)
+          else
+            ar3=ary(k,ncontr)
+            ar4=ardy(k,ncontr)
+          endif
+          sum=sum+ar3*(ar(2,1)-ar(1,1))
+          if(nco.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),sum
+          if(ionoerr.eq.0)then
+            err2=err2+(ar4*(ar(2,1)-ar(1,1)))**2
+            if(nco.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),sum,sqrt(err2)
+          elseif(ionoerr.eq.1)then
+            sum2=sum2+(ar4*(ar(2,1)-ar(1,1)))
+            if(nco.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),sum,sum2
+          elseif(ionoerr.eq.2)then
+            sum2=sum2+(ar4*(ar(2,1)-ar(1,1)))
+            sum3=sum3+(ar5*(ar(2,1)-ar(1,1)))
+            if(nco.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),sum,sum2
+            if(nco.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')ar(k,1),sum,sum2,sum3
+          endif
+         enddo
+        endif
+        if(ih.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'  endarray'
+       endif
+      else !nopen .ge. 0 -- first run
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'s')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,0)
+          call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'int')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'contr')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,0)
+          call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        endif
+      endif
+      nozero=0
+      ibmin=1
+      ibmax=1e8
+           else
+      write(ifmt,'(a,a,a)')'command "',line(i:j),'" not found'
+      j=1000
+      stop
+           endif
+      i=j+1
+      goto 1
+      end
+      subroutine aseed(modus)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision seedf
+      call utpri('aseed ',ish,ishini,3)
+      call ranfgt(seedf)
+      if(iwseed.eq.1)then
+        if(nrevt.eq.0)then
+          write(ifmt,'(a,i10,d27.16)')'seedj:',nint(seedj),seedf
+        elseif(mod(nrevt,modsho).eq.0)then
+          if(modus.eq.1)
+     *   write(ifmt,'(a,i10,5x,a,i10,a,d27.16)')
+     *              'nrevt:',nrevt,'seedj:',nint(seedj),' seedf:',seedf
+          if(modus.eq.2)
+     *   write(ifmt,'(a,i10,d27.16)')'seed:',nint(seedj),seedf
+        endif
+        if(jwseed.eq.1)then
+         open(unit=1,file=fnch(1:nfnch-5)//'see',status='unknown')
+         write(1,'(a,i10,5x,a,i10,a,d27.16)')
+     *           'nrevt:',nrevt,'seedj:',nint(seedj),' seedf:',seedf
+         close(1)
+        endif
+      endif
+      seedc=seedf
+      call utprix('aseed ',ish,ishini,3)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine aseedi
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      call utpri('aseedi',ish,ishini,3)
+      if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,'(a,i10)')'seedi:',nint(seedi)
+      call utprix('aseedi',ish,ishini,3)
+      return
+      end
+c$$$        subroutine aseed(modus)        !Flush ????
+c$$$      include 'epos.inc'
+c$$$      double precision seedf
+c$$$      call utpri('aseed',ish,ishini,4)
+c$$$      call ranfgt(seedf)
+c$$$      if(modus.eq.2)then
+c$$$        write(ifmt,'(a,d26.15)')'seed:',seedf
+c$$$      elseif(modus.eq.1)then
+c$$$        if(mod(nrevt,modsho).eq.0)then
+c$$$          write(ifmt,100)'nrevt:',nrevt,'seedf:',seedf
+c$$$          call flush(ifmt)
+c$$$        endif
+c$$$      endif
+c$$$      seedc=seedf
+c$$$  100 format(a,i10,10x,a,d26.15)
+c$$$      call utprix('aseed',ish,ishini,4)
+c$$$      return
+c$$$      end
+      subroutine astati
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/ghecsquel/anquasiel,iquasiel
+      call utpri('astati',ish,ishini,1)
+      if(ish.ge.1.and.iappl.eq.1.)then
+        if(abs(accept+reject).gt.1.e-5)write(ifch,'(a,f9.5)')
+     *'EMS acc.rate:',accept/(accept+reject)
+        if(antot.ne.0.)write(ifch,*)'initial soft,hard(%)'
+     *                           ,ansf/antot*100.
+     *                           ,ansh/antot*100.,' of' ,antot
+        if(antotf.ne.0.)write(ifch,*)'final soft,hard(%)'
+     *                           ,ansff/antotf*100.
+     *                           ,anshf/antotf*100.,' of' ,antotf
+        if(antotre.ne.0.)write(ifch,*)
+     *                  'droplet,string(+d),reson(+d), (had)(%) '
+        if(antotre.ne.0.)write(ifch,*)'     '
+     *                           ,andropl/antotre*100.
+     *                           ,anstrg0/antotre*100.
+     *                           ,'(',anstrg1/antotre*100.,') '
+     *                           ,anreso0/antotre*100.
+     *                           ,'(',anreso1/antotre*100.,') '
+        if(antotre.ne.0.)write(ifch,*)'     '
+     *             ,' (',anghadr/antotre*100.,')',' of' ,antotre
+       if(pp4ini.gt.0.)write(ifch,*)'Energy loss',(pp4ini-pp4max)/pp4ini
+      write(ifch,*)'ine cross section:',sigineex
+      write(ifch,*)'diffr cross section:',sigdifex
+      write(ifch,*)'SD cross section:',sigsdex
+c      if(model.eq.3)write(ifch,*)'quasi-elastic cross section:'
+c     &,anquasiel/float(ntevt)*a*10
+         endif
+c$$$      call testconex(3)
+      if(iprmpt.le.0)goto1000
+      write(ifch,'(77a1)')('-',i=1,77)
+      write(ifch,'(a)')'statistics'
+      write(ifch,'(77a1)')('-',i=1,77)
+      write(ifch,'(a,i6)')'nr of messages:',imsg
+      write(ifch,'(a,i8)')'maximum nptl:',nptlu
+      write(ifch,'(77a1)')('-',i=1,77)
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('astati',ish,ishini,1)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine atitle
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+      write(ifmt,'(67a1/a1,8x,a,5x,a,23x,a1/a,22x,a,13x,a1/67a1)')
+     *('#',l=1,68),'EPOS LHC '
+     *,'K. WERNER, T. PIEROG','#'
+     *,'#','Contact: tanguy.pierog@kit.edu'
+     *,('#',l=1,68)
+      write(ifmt,'(a,8x,a,11x,a/a,5x,a,6x,a/67a1)')
+     * '#','WARNING: This is a special retuned version !!!','#'
+     *,'#','Do not publish results without contacting the authors.','#'
+     *,('#',l=1,67)
+      else
+      write(ifmt,'(67a1/a1,8x,a,f5.2,5x,a,7x,a1/a,22x,a,10x,a1/67a1)')
+     *('#',l=1,68),'EPOS',iversn/100.
+     *,'K. WERNER, T. PIEROG, S. PORTEBOEUF.','#'
+     *,'#','Contact: werner@subatech.in2p3.fr'
+     *,('#',l=1,68)
+      endif
+      if(iversn.eq.iverso)return
+      write(ifmt,'(a,8x,a,10x,a/a,5x,a,6x,a/67a1)')
+     * '#','WARNING: This is a non-official beta version!!!','#'
+     *,'#','Do not publish results without contacting the authors.','#'
+     *,('#',l=1,67)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine avehep
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      call utpri('avehep',ish,ishini,4)
+      call utprix('avehep',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+      subroutine aepos(nin)
+c Generate event
+c  * calculates numbers of spectators:
+c    npnevt (number of primary proj neutron spectators)
+c    nppevt (number of primary proj proton spectators)
+c    ntnevt (number of primary targ neutron spectators)
+c    ntpevt (number of primary targ proton spectators)
+c    jpnevt (number of absolute proj neutron spectators)
+c    jppevt (number of absolute proj proton spectators)
+c    jtnevt (number of absolute targ neutron spectators)
+c    jtpevt (number of absolute targ proton spectators)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision eppass,etpass
+      common/emnpass/eppass(mamx,4),etpass(mamx,4)
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+c      integer iutime(5)
+      call utpri('aepos',ish,ishini,4)
+c      call timer(iutime)
+c      timeini=iutime(3)+float(iutime(4))/1000.
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+          call alist('start event&',0,0)
+          write(ifch,*)'event number:',nrevt+1
+      endif
+c if random sign for projectile, set it here
+      if(irdmpr.ne.0.and.laproj.eq.-1)then
+        idproj=idprojin*(1-2*int(rangen()+0.5d0))
+        call emsini(engy,idproj,idtarg) !recall emsini to set initial valence quark properly
+      endif
+c for Air target, set the target nucleus
+      if(idtargin.eq.0.and.model.ne.6)then
+        call getairmol(latarg,matarg)
+        if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'Air Target, select (Z,A) :'
+     &                           ,latarg,matarg
+      endif
+      if(iappl.eq.4)then
+      ntry=0
+  1   ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.gt.100)stop'in aepos, to many amicro attempts.    '
+      call amicro(iret)
+      if(iret.ne.0)goto 1
+      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list before int/decays&',1,nptl)
+      nevt=1
+      nbdky=nptl
+      call bjinta(ier)
+      if(ier.eq.1)stop'error in bjinta'
+      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list after int/decays&',1,nptl)
+      goto 1000
+      endif
+      if(iappl.eq.9)then
+      call ahydro
+      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list before int/decays&',1,nptl)
+      nevt=1
+      nbdky=nptl
+      call bjinta(ier)
+      if(ier.eq.1)stop'error in bjinta'
+      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list after int/decays&',1,nptl)
+      goto 1000
+      endif
+      ntry=0
+      nptly=0
+      if(nin.le.1)bimevt=-1
+c save statistic at last inelastic event
+      ntevt0=ntevt
+      andropl0=andropl
+      anstrg00=anstrg0
+      anstrg10=anstrg1
+      anreso00=anreso0
+      anreso10=anreso1
+      anghadr0=anghadr
+      antotre0=antotre
+      anintdiff0=anintdiff
+      anintsdif0=anintsdif
+      anintine0=anintine
+ 3    continue !set value back to last inelastic event
+      ntevt=ntevt0
+      andropl=andropl0
+      anstrg0=anstrg00
+      anstrg1=anstrg10
+      anreso0=anreso00
+      anreso1=anreso10
+      anghadr=anghadr0
+      antotre=antotre0
+      anintdiff=anintdiff0
+      anintsdif=anintsdif0
+      anintine=anintine0
+c elastic event
+ 2    ntevt=ntevt+1
+      iret=0
+      ntry=ntry+1
+      if(iappl.eq.1.or.iappl.eq.2)naevt=naevt+1
+ 5    nevt=0
+      if(nrevt.eq.0)nptly=nptl
+      if(iappl.ne.5)call cleanup
+      nptl=0
+      minfra=mxptl
+      maxfra=0
+      if(iappl.eq.1.or.iappl.eq.2)then !---hadron---geometry---
+      if(iret.eq.0.and.ntry.lt.10000.and.engy.ge.egymin)then    !if no inel scattering -> nothing !
+        if(model.eq.1)then
+          call emsaaa(iret)
+        else
+          call emsaaaModel(model,idtargin,iret)
+        endif
+        if(iret.eq.-2)then       !ncol=0 (force elastic)
+          goto 5
+        elseif(iret.lt.0)then       !ncol=0
+          goto 2
+        elseif(iret.gt.0)then
+          goto 3                !error
+        endif
+      else
+        if(iret.eq.0)then
+          ntevt=ntevt0+100
+          if(ish.ge.2)
+     &  write(ifch,*)'Nothing done after ',ntry,' ntry ... continue'
+          if(ish.ge.1)
+     &  write(ifmt,*)'Nothing done after ',ntry,' ntry ... continue'
+        elseif(ish.ge.2)then
+          write(ifch,*)'Elastic event.'
+        endif
+        iret=0
+        nevt=1
+        call conre     !define projectile and target (elastic scattering)
+        call conwr     !when the MC is suppose to produce something but failed
+        do i=1,nptl    !activate projectile and target as final particles
+          istptl(i)=0
+          iorptl(i)=0
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(iappl.eq.2)then
+        nevt=1
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      elseif(iappl.eq.3.or.iappl.eq.-1) then
+        nevt=1
+        call bread
+        if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list after reading&',1,nptl)
+        goto 500
+      elseif(iappl.eq.5) then !---kinky---
+         nptl=nptly
+         nevt=1
+         do i=1,nptl
+           istptl(i)=20
+         enddo
+      elseif(iappl.eq.6)then !---ee---
+        call timann
+        nevt=1
+      elseif(iappl.eq.7)then !---decay---
+        call conwr
+        nevt=1
+      elseif(iappl.eq.8)then !---lepton---
+        call psadis(iret)
+        if(iret.gt.0)goto5
+        nevt=1
+      endif
+      if(nevt.eq.0)stop'************ should not be ***************'
+      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('list before fragmentation&',1,nptl)
+      nptlx=nptl+1
+      if(iappl.ne.2.and.iappl.ne.7.and.nevt.eq.1.and.ifrade.ne.0)then
+        iclu=0
+        if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iorsdf.eq.3)iclu=1   !in case of fusion, don't use Z first time
+        call gakfra(iclu,iret)
+        if(iret.gt.0)goto 3
+        maxfra=nptl
+        if(ish.ge.2.and.model.eq.1)
+     &              call alist('list after fragmentation&',nptlx,nptl)
+        if(irescl.eq.1)then
+          call utghost(iret)
+          if(iret.gt.0)goto 3
+        endif
+c       nptlx=nptl+1
+      endif
+ 500   continue
+      if(ispherio.eq.1.and.irescl.eq.1)then
+        call utrsph(iret)
+        if(iret.gt.0)goto 3
+      endif
+      if(iappl.ne.2.and.nevt.eq.1)then
+        nbdky=nptl
+        call bjinta(ier)
+        if(ier.eq.1)goto 3
+        if(iappl.eq.1.and.irescl.eq.1)then
+          call utresc(iret)
+          if(iret.gt.0)goto 3
+        endif
+c       calculates numbers of spectators:
+        npnevt=0
+        nppevt=0
+        ntnevt=0
+        ntpevt=0
+        jpnevt=0
+        jppevt=0
+        jtnevt=0
+        jtpevt=0
+        if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,'(/31a1/a/31a1)')('-',l=1,31)
+     *       ,'primary and absolute spectators',('-',l=1,31)
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,'(/a//a/)')'projectile nucleons:'
+     *       ,'     i    id   ior   ist'
+        do i=1,maproj
+          if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,'(4i6)')i,idptl(i),iorptl(i),istptl(i)
+          io=iorptl(i)
+          id=idptl(i)
+          is=istptl(i)
+          if(io.eq.0.and.id.eq.1220)npnevt=npnevt+1
+          if(io.eq.0.and.id.eq.1120)nppevt=nppevt+1
+          if(io.eq.0.and.is.eq.0.and.id.eq.1220)jpnevt=jpnevt+1
+          if(io.eq.0.and.is.eq.0.and.id.eq.1120)jppevt=jppevt+1
+        enddo
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,'(/a//a/)')'target nucleons:'
+     *       ,'     i    id   ior   ist'
+        do i=maproj+1,maproj+matarg
+          if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,'(4i6)')i,idptl(i),iorptl(i),istptl(i)
+          io=iorptl(i)
+          id=idptl(i)
+          is=istptl(i)
+          if(io.eq.0.and.id.eq.1220)ntnevt=ntnevt+1
+          if(io.eq.0.and.id.eq.1120)ntpevt=ntpevt+1
+          if(io.eq.0.and.is.eq.0.and.id.eq.1220)jtnevt=jtnevt+1
+          if(io.eq.0.and.is.eq.0.and.id.eq.1120)jtpevt=jtpevt+1
+        enddo
+        if(ish.ge.2)then
+          write(ifch,'(/a/)')'numbers of participants and spectators:'
+          write(ifch,'(a,i4,a,i4)')'primary participants:   projectile:'
+     *         ,npjevt,'   target:',ntgevt
+          write(ifch,'(a,i4,a,i4)')'primary spectators:     projectile:'
+     *         ,npnevt+nppevt,'   target:',ntnevt+ntpevt
+          write(ifch,'(a,i4,a,i4)')
+     *         'primary spectator neutrons:   projectile:',npnevt
+     *         ,'   target:',ntnevt
+          write(ifch,'(a,i4,a,i4)')
+     *         'primary spectator protons:    projectile:',nppevt
+     *         ,'   target:',ntpevt
+          write(ifch,'(a,i4,a,i4)')'absolute spectators:    projectile:'
+     *         ,jpnevt+jppevt,'   target:',jtnevt+jtpevt
+        endif
+c Form nuclear fragments
+        if(model.eq.1.and.(maproj.gt.1.or.matarg.gt.1))then
+          call emsfrag(iret)
+          if(iret.gt.0)goto 3
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          if(abs(iappl).eq.1.or.iappl.eq.3)then
+            numbar=0
+            pp4=0.
+            do j=1,nptl
+              if(istptl(j).eq.0)then
+             if(idptl(j).gt. 1000.and.idptl(j).lt. 10000)numbar=numbar+1
+             if(idptl(j).lt.-1000.and.idptl(j).gt.-10000)numbar=numbar-1
+             if(abs(idptl(j)).eq.17)then
+               numbar=numbar+sign(2,idptl(j))
+             elseif(abs(idptl(j)).eq.18)then
+               numbar=numbar+sign(3,idptl(j))
+             elseif(abs(idptl(j)).eq.19)then
+               numbar=numbar+sign(4,idptl(j))  
+             elseif(abs(idptl(j)).gt.1000000000)then
+               numbar=numbar+mod(idptl(j),10000)/10
+             endif
+             if((((idptl(j).eq.1120.or.idptl(j).eq.1220)
+     *           .and.idproj.gt.1000).or.(iabs(idptl(j)).gt.100
+     *           .and.idproj.lt.1000)).and.pptl(4,j)
+     *           .gt.pp4.and.pptl(3,j).gt.0.)pp4=pptl(4,j)
+              endif
+            enddo
+            pp4max=pp4max+pp4
+            pp4ini=pp4ini+pptl(4,1)
+            nvio=isign(matarg,idtarg)-numbar
+            if(iabs(idproj).gt.1000)then
+              nvio=nvio+isign(maproj,idproj)
+            elseif(iabs(idproj).eq.17)then
+              nvio=nvio+isign(2,idproj)
+            elseif(iabs(idproj).eq.18)then
+              nvio=nvio+isign(3,idproj)
+            elseif(iabs(idproj).eq.19)then
+              nvio=nvio+isign(4,idproj)
+            endif
+            if(ish.ge.2)write (ifch,*)'- Baryon number conservation : '
+     &                  ,nvio,' -'
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.2.and.ifrade.ne.0)
+     *    call alist('list after int/decays&',1,nptl)
+        endif
+      endif
+      if((iappl.eq.1.or.iappl.eq.2).and.nevt.eq.0)then
+        if(nin.le.1)bimevt=-1
+        goto 2
+      endif
+      if(ifrade.ne.0.and.iappl.eq.2.and.
+     $     idproj.eq.1120.and.idtarg.eq.1120)then
+       numbar=0
+       do j=1,nptl
+        if(istptl(j).eq.0)then
+         if(idptl(j).gt. 1000.and.idptl(j).lt. 10000)numbar=numbar+1
+         if(idptl(j).lt.-1000.and.idptl(j).gt.-10000)numbar=numbar-1
+        endif
+       enddo
+       nvio=maproj+matarg-numbar
+       if(nvio.ne.0)then
+        call alist('complete list&',1,nptl)
+        write(6,'(//10x,a,i3//)')'ERROR: baryon number violation:',nvio
+        write(6,'(10x,a//)')
+     *        'a complete list has been printed into the check-file'
+        stop
+       endif
+      endif
+      ifirst=0
+      if(nrevt+1.eq.1)ifirst=1
+      if(jpsi.gt.0)then
+        npjpsi=0
+        do i=1,jpsi
+          call jpsifo(npjpsi)
+          call jpsian(ifirst)
+        enddo
+        if(ish.ge.1)call jtauan(0,0)
+        if(nrevt+1.eq.nevent)call jpsihi
+      endif
+      if(ixtau.eq.1)call xtauev(1)
+1000  continue
+      if(iabs(nin).eq.iabs(ninicon))nrevt=nrevt+1
+      nglacc=nglacc+nglevt
+c      call timer(iutime)
+c      timefin=iutime(3)+float(iutime(4))/1000.
+      call utprix('aepos',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine cleanup
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      do i=1,nptl
+        do  k=1,5
+          pptl(k,i)=0
+        enddo
+        iorptl(i)  =0
+        jorptl(i)  =0
+        idptl(i)   =0
+        istptl(i)  =0
+        tivptl(1,i)=0
+        tivptl(2,i)=0
+        ifrptl(1,i)=0
+        ifrptl(2,i)=0
+        ityptl(i)  =0
+        iaaptl(i)  =0
+        radptl(i)  =0
+        dezptl(i)  =0
+        itsptl(i)  =0
+        rinptl(i)  =-9999
+        do  k=1,4
+          xorptl(k,i)=0
+          ibptl(k,i) =0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine emsaaa(iret)
+c  basic EMS routine to determine Pomeron configuration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/col3/ncol,kolpt
+      call utpri('emsaaa',ish,ishini,4)
+      if(ish.ge.3)call alist('Determine Pomeron Configuration&',0,0)
+      iret=0
+      nptl=0
+      call conaa(iret)
+      if(iret.gt.0)goto 1001   !no interaction
+      if(iappl.eq.2.and.ixgeometry.eq.1)call xGeometry(1)
+      if(iappl.eq.2)goto 1000
+      call conre
+      call conwr
+      call GfunParK(iret)
+      if(iret.gt.0)goto 1000    !error
+      if(ionudi.eq.0
+     &  .and.(maproj.ne.1.or.matarg.ne.1).and.nglevt.eq.0)goto 1001
+      call integom1(iret)
+      if(iret.gt.0)goto 1000    !error
+      call emsaa(iret)
+      if(iret.gt.0)goto 1000    !error
+      if(ncol.eq.0)goto 1001 !no interaction
+1000  call utprix('emsaaa',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+1001  iret=-1           !no interaction
+      goto 1000
+      end
+      subroutine alist(text,n1,n2)
+c    ior  jor  i  ifr1  ifr2     id  ist  ity      pt  m  y
+c       ist                                     ity
+c                                  light cluster ........ 19
+c   ptl ...  0 1                   soft pom ............. 20-23   25(reggeon)
+c   clu ... 10 11                  hard pom low mass .... 30
+c   ptn ... 20 21                  proj remnant ......... 40-49
+c   str ... 29                     targ remnant ......... 50-59
+c   pom ... 30 31 32(virtual)      cluster .............. 60
+c   rem ... 40 41                  direct photon ........ 71,72
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)
+      dimension pp(5)
+      if(n1.gt.n2)return
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(/1x,89a1/1x,a,a,a,90a1)')
+     *('#',k=1,89),'############  ',text(1:imax-1),'  '
+     *,('#',k=1,74-imax)
+      write(ifch,'(1x,89a1/)')('#',k=1,89)
+      endif
+      if(n1.eq.0.and.n2.eq.0)return
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,a/1x,89a1)')
+     *'   ior   jor     i  ifr1  ifr2       id ist ity',
+     *'        pt         m         E         y'
+     *,('-',k=1,89)
+      endif
+      do j=1,5
+        pp(j)=0.
+      enddo
+      nqu=0
+      nqd=0
+      nqs=0
+      do i=n1,n2
+        ptptl=pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.
+        if(ptptl.le.0.)then
+          ptptl=0.
+        else
+          ptptl=sqrt(ptptl)
+        endif
+        amtptl=pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.+pptl(5,i)**2.
+        if(amtptl.le.0.)then
+          amtptl=0.
+          if(abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+            call idmass(idptl(i),amtptl)
+          endif
+          amtptl=sqrt(amtptl*amtptl+pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.)
+        else
+          amtptl=sqrt(amtptl)
+        endif
+        rap=0.
+        if(amtptl.gt.0..and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)
+     &  rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))/amtptl)
+         write(ifch,'(1x,i6,i6,i6,i6,i6,i10,2i3,2x,4(e9.3,1x),$)')
+     &          iorptl(i),jorptl(i),i,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i)
+     &    ,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i),ptptl,pptl(5,i),pptl(4,i),rap
+        write(ifch,*)' '
+c        if(istptl(i).ne.12)write(ifch,*)' '
+c        if(istptl(i).eq.12)write(ifch,'(1x,3(e9.3,1x))')
+c     &           sptl(i),sqrt(uptl(i)-xorptl(1,i)**2)
+c     &            ,sqrt(optl(i)-xorptl(2,i)**2)
+        if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.0.and.n1.eq.1.and.n2.eq.nptl)then
+          do j=1,4
+            pp(j)=pp(j)+pptl(j,i)
+          enddo
+          if(istptl(i).ne.40.and.istptl(i).ne.30)then
+            call idqufl(i,idptl(i),ifl1,ifl2,ifl3)
+            nqu=nqu+ifl1
+            nqd=nqd+ifl2
+            nqs=nqs+ifl3
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine blist(text,n1,n2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)
+      dimension pp(5)
+      if(n1.gt.n2)return
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(/1x,89a1/1x,a,a,a,90a1)')
+     *('#',k=1,89),'#############  ',text(1:imax-1),'  '
+     *,('#',k=1,74-imax)
+      write(ifch,'(1x,89a1/)')('#',k=1,89)
+      endif
+      if(n1.eq.0.and.n2.eq.0)return
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,a,a/1x,90a1)')
+     *'   ior   jor     i  ifr1   ifr2      id ist ity',
+     *'        pt      mass    energy','       rap'
+     *,('-',k=1,90)
+      endif
+      do j=1,5
+        pp(j)=0.
+      enddo
+      nqu=0
+      nqd=0
+      nqs=0
+      do i=n1,n2
+        amtptl=pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.+pptl(5,i)**2.
+        if(amtptl.le.0.)then
+          amtptl=0.
+          if(abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+            call idmass(idptl(i),amtptl)
+          endif
+          amtptl=sqrt(amtptl*amtptl+pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.)
+        else
+          amtptl=sqrt(amtptl)
+        endif
+        pt=pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.
+        if(pt.gt.0.)pt=sqrt(pt)
+        rap=0.
+        if(amtptl.gt.0..and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)
+     &  rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))/amtptl)
+        write(ifch,125)iorptl(i),jorptl(i),i,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i)
+     &       ,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i)
+     &       ,pt,pptl(5,i),pptl(4,i),rap
+ 125  format (1x,i6,i6,i6,i6,i6,i10,2i3,2x,5(e9.3,1x)
+     *     ,f9.2,4x,5(e8.2,1x))
+        if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.0.and.n1.eq.1.and.n2.eq.nptl)then
+          do j=1,4
+            pp(j)=pp(j)+pptl(j,i)
+          enddo
+          if(istptl(i).ne.40.and.istptl(i).ne.30)then
+            call idqufl(i,idptl(i),ifl1,ifl2,ifl3)
+            nqu=nqu+ifl1
+            nqd=nqd+ifl2
+            nqs=nqs+ifl3
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine clist(text,n1,n2,ity1,ity2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)
+      dimension pp(5)
+      if(n1.gt.n2)return
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(/1x,a,a,a,90a1)')
+     *'-------------  ',text(1:imax-1),'  ',('-',k=1,74-imax)
+      endif
+      if(n1.eq.0.and.n2.eq.0)return
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,a/1x,90a1)')
+     *'     i       id ist ity',
+     *'        pt        pz        p0      mass'
+     *,('-',k=1,90)
+      endif
+      do j=1,5
+        pp(j)=0.
+      enddo
+      do i=n1,n2
+        pt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+        write(ifch,127)i,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i)
+     &       ,pt,pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i),pptl(5,i)
+ 127    format (1x,i6,i10,2i3,2x,4(e9.3,1x))
+        if(ityptl(i).ge.ity1.and.ityptl(i).le.ity2)then
+          do j=1,4
+            pp(j)=pp(j)+pptl(j,i)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,'(90a1)')('-',k=1,90)
+      write(ifch,127)0,0,0,0
+     & ,sqrt(pp(1)**2+pp(2)**2),pp(3),pp(4)
+     & ,sqrt(max(0.,pp(4)-pp(3))*max(0.,pp(4)+pp(3))-pp(1)**2-pp(2)**2)
+      write(ifch,*)' '
+      end
+      subroutine alistf(text)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)
+      dimension pp(5),erest(5),errp(4)
+      n1=1
+      if(iframe.eq.21.and.(abs(iappl).eq.1.or.iappl.eq.3))
+     *n1=2*(maproj+matarg+1)
+      n2=nptl
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(/1x,124a1/1x,a,a,a,108a1)')
+     *('#',k=1,124),'#############  ',text(1:imax-1),'  '
+     *,('#',k=1,108-imax)
+      write(ifch,'(1x,124a1/)')('#',k=1,124)
+      endif
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,a,a/1x,124a1)')
+     *'   ior   jor        i     ifr1   ifr2         id ist ity',
+     *'            px         py         pz         p0       mass',
+     *'       rap'
+     *,('-',k=1,124)
+      endif
+      do j=1,4
+        pp(j)=0.
+        errp(j)=0.
+      enddo
+      pp(5)=0.
+      do i=n1,n2
+        if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+        amtptl=pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.+pptl(5,i)**2.
+        if(amtptl.le.0.)then
+          amtptl=0.
+          if(abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+            call idmass(idptl(i),amtptl)
+          endif
+          amtptl=sqrt(amtptl*amtptl+pptl(1,i)**2.+pptl(2,i)**2.)
+        else
+          amtptl=sqrt(amtptl)
+        endif
+        rap=0.
+        if(amtptl.gt.0..and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)
+     &  rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))/amtptl)
+        write(ifch,125)iorptl(i),jorptl(i),i,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i)
+     &       ,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i),(pptl(j,i),j=1,5),rap
+c     &,(xorptl(j,i),j=1,4)
+        do j=1,4
+          pp(j)=pp(j)+pptl(j,i)
+        enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 125  format (1x,i6,i6,3x,i6,3x,i6,i6,i12,2i4,4x,5(e10.4,1x)
+     *     ,f9.2,4x,4(e8.2,1x))
+ 126  format (51x,5(e10.4,1x))
+ 128  format (51x,65('-'))
+      pp(5)=(pp(4)-pp(3))*(pp(4)+pp(3))-pp(2)**2-pp(1)**2
+      if(pp(5).gt.0.)then
+        pp(5)=sqrt(pp(5))
+      else
+        pp(5)=0.
+      endif
+      write (ifch,128)
+      write (ifch,126) (pp(i),i=1,5)
+      erest(1)=0.
+      erest(2)=0.
+      if(iframe.eq.22.and.(abs(iappl).eq.1.or.iappl.eq.3))then
+        i=maproj+matarg+1
+        erest(3)=pptl(3,i)+matarg*pptl(3,i+1)
+        erest(4)=pptl(4,i)+matarg*pptl(4,i+1)
+      else
+        erest(3)=maproj*pptl(3,1)+matarg*pptl(3,maproj+1)
+        erest(4)=maproj*pptl(4,1)
+     &          +matarg*pptl(4,maproj+1)
+      endif
+      erest(5)=amproj
+      write (ifch,129)  (erest(j),j=1,5)
+ 129  format (50x,'(',5(e10.4,1x),')')
+      do j=1,4
+      if(abs(pp(j)).gt.0.d0)errp(j)=100.*(pp(j)-erest(j))/pp(j)
+      enddo
+      write (ifch,130)  (errp(j),j=1,4)
+ 130  format (50x,'(',3x,4(f7.2,4x),2x,'err(%))')
+      end
+      subroutine alist2(text,n1,n2,n3,n4)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)
+      if(n1.gt.n2)return
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,a,a)')
+     *'--------------- ',text(1:imax-1),' ---------------  '
+      do i=n1,n2
+      write(ifch,125)iorptl(i),jorptl(i),i,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i)
+     &,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i),(pptl(j,i),j=1,5)
+c     &,(xorptl(j,i),j=1,4)
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a)')'----->'
+      do i=n3,n4
+      write(ifch,125)iorptl(i),jorptl(i),i,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i)
+     &,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i),(pptl(j,i),j=1,5)
+c     &,(xorptl(j,i),j=1,4)
+      enddo
+ 125  format (1x,i6,i6,3x,i6,3x,i6,i6,i12,2i4,4x,5(e8.2,1x))
+c     *,4x,4(e8.2,1x))
+      end
+      subroutine alistc(text,n1,n2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)
+      if(n1.gt.n2)return
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      if(n1.ne.n2)write(ifch,'(1x,a,a,a)')
+     *'--------------- ',text(1:imax-1),' ---------------  '
+      do i=n1,n2
+      write(ifch,130)iorptl(i),jorptl(i),i,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i)
+     &,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i),(pptl(j,i),j=1,5)
+     &,(xorptl(j,i),j=1,4),tivptl(1,i),tivptl(2,i)
+      enddo
+ 130  format (1x,i6,i6,3x,i6,3x,i6,i6,i12,2i4,4x,5(e8.2,1x)
+     *,4x,6(e8.2,1x))
+      end
+      subroutine sigmaint(g0,gz,sigdo)
+c hadron-hadron cross sections integration
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision PhiExact,vvv11,vvv12,vvv21,om1intbi!,PomNbri
+     *,vvv22,ww01,ww02,ww11,ww12,ww21,ww22,gz(0:3)
+     *,vvv11e,vvv12e,vvv21e,vvv22e,PhiExpo
+      kollini=koll
+      koll=1
+c       rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy**2)
+        rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+max(slopom,slopoms)*log(engy**2)
+     &     +gwidth*(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))
+     &     +bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)/4./0.0389
+        rpom=4.*.0389*rs
+        e1=exp(-1.)
+c        cpt=chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)
+        gz(0)=0.d0
+        gz(1)=0.d0
+        gz(2)=0.d0
+        gz(3)=0.d0
+        e2=engy**2
+        sigdo=0.
+        do i1=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          z=.5+x1(i1)*(m-1.5)
+          zv1=exp(-z)
+          zv2=(e1*z)
+          b1=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv1))
+          b2=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv2))
+          zz=0.!znurho
+          if(isetcs.eq.0)then
+            vvv11=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b1))
+            vvv12=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b2))
+            vvv21=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b1))
+            vvv22=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b2))
+          else
+            vvv11=max(0.d0,PhiExpo(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b1))
+            vvv12=max(0.d0,PhiExpo(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b2))
+            vvv21=max(0.d0,PhiExpo(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b1))
+            vvv22=max(0.d0,PhiExpo(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b2))
+c           vvv11=sqrt(vvv21)
+c           vvv12=sqrt(vvv21)
+            if(isetcs.eq.1.and.ionudi.eq.1)then     !to test simulations
+              vvv11e=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b1))
+              vvv12e=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b2))
+              vvv21e=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b1))
+              vvv22e=max(0.d0,PhiExact(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,e2,b2))
+              vvv11=0.5d0*(vvv11+vvv11e) !to be as close as possible
+              vvv12=0.5d0*(vvv12+vvv12e) !than the value with
+              vvv21=0.5d0*(vvv21+vvv21e) !isetcs > 0
+              vvv22=0.5d0*(vvv22+vvv22e)
+            endif
+          endif
+          ww11=1.d0-vvv11
+          ww12=1.d0-vvv12
+          ww21=1.d0-vvv21
+          ww22=1.d0-vvv22
+          ww01=vvv21-2d0*vvv11+1d0
+          ww02=vvv22-2d0*vvv12+1d0
+          gz(0)=gz(0)+a1(i1)*(ww01+ww02/z)
+          gz(1)=gz(1)+a1(i1)*(ww11+ww12/z)
+          gz(2)=gz(2)+a1(i1)*(ww21+ww22/z)
+          gz(3)=gz(3)+a1(i1)*(ww11*z+ww12/z*(1.-log(z)))
+          phi1=vvv21
+          phi2=vvv22
+          phi1x=sngl(min(50d0,exp(om1intbi(b1,2)/dble(r2hads(iclpro)
+     &                                               +r2hads(icltar)))))
+          phi2x=sngl(min(50d0,exp(om1intbi(b2,2)/dble(r2hads(iclpro)
+     &                                               +r2hads(icltar)))))
+          sigdo=sigdo+a1(i1)*(phi1*(phi1x-1.)+phi2*(phi2x-1.)/z)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        g0=pi*rpom*10./2.                 !common factor (pi*rpom because of b->z, 10 to have mbarn and /2. because z is from -1 to 1 but we need 0 to 1.
+        koll=kollini
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xsigma
+c hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus cross sections calculation
+c b - impact parameter squared (in case of hadron-nucleus interaction);
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision gz(0:3),gzp(0:3),GZ0(2)
+c Model 2 Common
+      COMMON /Q_AREA1/  IA(2),ICZ,ICP
+      COMMON /Q_AREA15/ FP(5),RQ(5),CD(5)
+      COMMON /Q_AREA7/  RP1
+      COMMON /Q_AREA16/ CC(5)
+      double precision RP1,FP,RQ,CD,PIQGS,BM,AM,CC,GDP,GDT,GDD
+C...Total cross sections in Pythia
+      double precision SIGT
+      COMMON/PYINT7/SIGT(0:6,0:6,0:5)
+c Model 5 Common
+      COMMON/HIPARNT/HIPR1(100), IHPR2(50), HINT1(100), IHNT2(50)
+c theoretical cross sections
+      sigcut=0.
+      sigtot=0.
+      sigela=0.
+      sigine=0.
+      sigtotold=0.
+      sigtotf=0.
+      sigelaold=0.
+      sigelaf=0.
+      sigineold=0.
+      sigineaa=0.
+      sigtotaa=0.
+      sigelaaa=0.
+      sigcutaa=0.
+      sigdif=0.
+      sloela=0.
+      sigsd=0.
+      sigdd=0.
+c simulated cross sections
+      sigineex=0.          !calculated in ems if isigma>0
+      sigdifex=0.
+      sigsdex=0.
+      call utpri('xsigma',ish,ishini,4)
+      if(model.eq.1)then                        !epos
+        if(icltar.ne.2)stop'xsigma: only icltar=2 allowed.'
+        call sigmaint(g0,gz,sigdifold)
+        sigelaold=g0*gz(0)               !elastic cross section
+        rs=g0*0.4091    !=g0/pi/10.*2./4./.0389
+        if(gz(1).gt.0d0)sloela=2.*rs*gz(3)/gz(1)
+        sigineold=g0*gz(2)               !inelastic pomerons cross-section
+        sigtotold=2.*g0*gz(1)                  !tot cross-section
+        sigdifold=sigdifold * g0 !xs in mb
+        sigcut=sigineold-sigdifold             !cut cross section
+        x=engy
+c fit to data
+        sigtotf=14.5*x**0.21+20.*x**(-0.2)+19.*(x-1.)**(-1)
+        sigelaf=35.*(x-1)**(-2.8)+17.*x**(-0.47)+0.31*log(x)**2
+c        sigtotfp=sigtotf
+c        sigelafp=sigelaf
+        if(iclpro.eq.1)then        !pi+p
+          sigtotf=10.*(x-1)**(-3)+16.*x**0.13+40.*x**(-1.2)
+          sigelaf=20.*(x-1)**(-3)+6.*x**(-0.4)+0.15*log(x)**2.
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then    !K+p
+          sigtotf=13.*x**0.15+35.*x**(-1.5)
+          sigelaf=15.*(x-1)**(-3)+5.*x**(-0.4)+0.1*log(x)**2
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.4)then    !D+p
+          sigtotf=0.!12.5*x**0.15+35.*x**(-1.5)
+          sigelaf=0.!15.*(x-1)**(-3)+3.*x**(-0.4)+0.2*alog(x)**2 
+        endif
+        if(engy.lt.20.)then
+          sigcoul=max(0.,sigtotf-sigtotold)
+        else
+          sigcoul=0.
+        endif
+        sigdif=sigdifold
+        sigdelaf=max(0.,(sigelaf+sigineold-sigtotf))
+c        sigdelaf=max(0.,(sigelaf-sigelaold))
+        edlim=0.015
+        if(rexdifi(iclpro).lt.0..or.rexdifi(icltar).lt.0.)then
+c          print *,'sig',sigdelaf,sigdif,sigelaf,sigineold,sigtotf
+          sigdela=min(sigdelaf,sigdif)
+c calculate rexdif for proton first (always needed)
+          if(rexdifi(icltar).lt.0.)then
+c use fit of sigela to get rexdif
+            if(engy.lt.min(30.,-log(-rexdifi(icltar))/edlim))then
+c pi or K - p, calculate sigdif for pp
+              if(iclpro+icltar.ne.4)then 
+                iclprosave=iclpro
+                iclpro=2
+                call sigmaint(g0p,gzp,sigdifp)
+c                siginep=g0p*gzp(2)
+                sigdifp=sigdifp * g0p
+c                sigdelafp=max(0.,(sigelafp+siginep-sigtotfp))
+c                sigdelap=min(sigdelafp,sigdifp)
+                iclpro=iclprosave
+              else
+                sigdifp=sigdif
+c                sigdelafp=sigdelaf
+c                sigdelap=sigdela
+              endif
+              if(sigdifp.gt.0.)then
+c                ratioSig=sigdelap/sigdifp
+c                rexdif(icltar)=1.-sqrt(ratioSig)
+c                if(rexdif(icltar).ge.exp(-edlim*engy))
+c     &               rexdif(icltar)=exp(-edlim*engy)
+                rexdif(icltar)=exp(-edlim*engy)
+                rexdif(icltar)=max(rexdif(icltar),abs(rexdifi(icltar)))
+              else
+                rexdif(icltar)=1.
+              endif
+            else
+c        rexdif(icltar)=max(exp(-1.7/engy**0.3),abs(rexdifi(icltar)))  !strong reduction
+c        rexdif(icltar)=max(exp(-0.33/engy**0.066),abs(rexdifi(icltar))) !moderate one (constant sig NSD)
+              rexdif(icltar)=abs(rexdifi(icltar))
+            endif
+          else
+            rexdif(icltar)=rexdifi(icltar)
+          endif
+         if(iclpro.ne.2)then  !pi or K rexdif knowing p rexdif
+          if(rexdifi(iclpro).lt.0.)then
+            if(engy.lt.min(30.,-log(-rexdifi(iclpro))/edlim)
+     &         .and.sigdif.gt.0.)then !use fit of sigela to get rexdif
+c              ratioSig=sigdela/sigdif
+c              if(abs(1.-rexdif(icltar)).gt.1.e-6)then
+c                rexdif(iclpro)=1.-ratioSig/(1.-rexdif(icltar))
+c              else
+c                rexdif(iclpro)=abs(rexdifi(iclpro))
+c              endif
+c              if(rexdif(iclpro).ge.exp(-edlim*engy))
+c     &             rexdif(iclpro)=exp(-edlim*engy)
+              rexdif(iclpro)=exp(-edlim*engy)
+              rexdif(iclpro)=max(rexdif(iclpro),abs(rexdifi(iclpro)))
+            elseif(sigdif.le.0.)then
+              rexdif(iclpro)=1.
+            else
+c          rexdif(iclpro)=max(exp(-1.7/engy**0.3),abs(rexdifi(iclpro))) !strong reduction
+c         rexdif(iclpro)=max(exp(-0.33/engy**0.066),abs(rexdifi(iclpro)))  !moderate one (constant sig NSD)
+              rexdif(iclpro)=abs(rexdifi(iclpro))
+            endif
+           else
+             rexdif(iclpro)=abs(rexdifi(iclpro))
+           endif
+         endif
+         sigdela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &           *(1.-rexdif(icltar))  *sigdif
+        else
+          rexdif(iclpro)=rexdifi(iclpro)
+          rexdif(icltar)=rexdifi(icltar)
+          sigdela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &           *(1.-rexdif(icltar))  *sigdif
+        endif
+c        if(rexndf.gt.0..and.iclpro.eq.2)then
+        if(rexndf.gt.0.)then
+          rexndi(iclpro)=rexndf*rexdif(iclpro)
+        else
+          rexndi(iclpro)=rexndii(iclpro)
+        endif
+c        if(rexndf.gt.0..and.icltar.eq.2)then
+        if(rexndf.gt.0.)then
+          rexndi(icltar)=rexndf*rexdif(icltar)
+        else
+          rexndi(icltar)=rexndii(icltar)
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'Xsigma : rexdif/ndi=',rexdif(iclpro)
+     &                                                 ,rexdif(icltar)
+     &                                                 ,rexndi(iclpro)
+     &                                                 ,rexndi(icltar)
+        sigsd=( (1.-rexdif(icltar))*rexdif(iclpro)
+     &         +(1.-rexdif(iclpro))*rexdif(icltar) )*sigdif
+        sigdd=rexdif(iclpro)*rexdif(icltar)*sigdif
+c        if(engy.lt.10.)sigela=max(sigelaf,sigela)
+        sigela=sigelaold+sigcoul
+        sigine=sigineold
+        if(ionudi.ne.1.and.iLHC.eq.0)then
+          sigela=sigela+sigdela
+          sigine=sigine-sigdela
+        endif
+        sigtot=sigine+sigela
+        sigineaa=eposcrse(ekin,maproj,matarg,idtarg)
+c        write(ifmt,*)'Rexdif',rexdif(iclpro),rexdif(icltar)
+      elseif(model.eq.2)then
+        g0=real(PIQGS*RP1/CD(ICZ)*AM**2*10.D0)
+        CALL m2XXFZ(0.D0,GZ0)
+        gz(1)=GZ0(1)
+        gz(2)=GZ0(2)
+        gz(3)=0d0
+        sigcut=g0*gz(2)/2.               !cut pomerons cross-section
+        sigtot=g0*gz(1)                  !tot cross-section
+        gz(0)=sigtot-sigcut
+        sigela=gz(0)*CC(ICZ)*CC(2)       !elastic cross section
+c GDP - projectile diffraction cross section
+        GDP=(1.D0-CC(ICZ))*CC(2)*gz(0)
+c GDT - target diffraction cross section
+        GDT=(1.D0-CC(2))*CC(ICZ)*gz(0)
+c  GDD - double diffractive cross section
+        GDD=(1.D0-CC(ICZ))*(1.D0-CC(2))*gz(0)
+        sigsd=GDT+GDP
+        sigdd=GDD
+        sigdif=sigsd+sigdd
+        sigine=sigcut+sigdif
+        rs=g0*0.4091    !=g0/pi/10.*2./4./.0389
+        if(gz(1).gt.0.)sloela=2.*rs*gz(3)/gz(1)
+        sigdifold=sigtot-sigcut-sigela       !diffractive cross section
+        sigineaa=qgsincs
+      elseif(model.eq.3)then
+        call m3SIGMA(ekin,idproj,1120,1,1,sigi,sige)
+        sigine=sigi
+        sigela=sige
+        sigcut=sigine
+        sigtot=sigine+sigela
+        sigdif=sigtot-sigcut-sigela       !diffractive cross section
+        sigineaa=gheincs
+      elseif(model.eq.4)then         !PYTHIA
+        sigsd=sngl(SIGT(0,0,2)+SIGT(0,0,3))
+        sigela=sngl(SIGT(0,0,1))
+        sigcut=sngl(SIGT(0,0,5))
+        sigtot=sngl(SIGT(0,0,0))
+        sigine=sigtot-sigela
+        sigdif=sigtot-sigcut-sigela       !diffractive cross section
+        sigineaa=pytincs
+      elseif(model.eq.5)then           !HIJING
+        sigsd=HIPR1(33)*HINT1(12)
+        sigdif=0.
+        sigcut=0.
+        sigtot=HINT1(13)
+        sigine=HINT1(12)
+        sigela=sigtot-sigine
+        sigineaa=hijincs
+      elseif(model.eq.6)then                  !for Sibyll
+        call m6SIGMA(iclpro,engy,stot,sela,sine,sdifr,slela,Rho)
+        sigtot=stot
+        sigela=sela
+        sigine=sine
+        sigdif=sdifr
+        sloela=slela
+        sigcut=sigtot-sigdif-sigela     ! cut cross section
+        sigsd=sigdif/2.
+        sigineaa=sibincs
+      elseif(model.eq.7.or.model.eq.11)then                  !for QGSJET-II
+        call m7SIGMA(stot,scut,sine,slela)
+        sigtot=stot
+        sigcut=scut
+        sigine=sine
+        sloela=slela
+        sigela=sigtot-sigine     ! elastic cross section
+        sigdif=sigine-sigcut
+        sigsd=sigdif
+        sigineaa=qgsIIincs
+      elseif(model.eq.8)then                  !for PHOJET
+        call m8SIGMA(stot,scut,sine,sela,slela,ssd)
+        sigtot=stot
+        sigcut=scut
+        sigine=sine
+        sloela=slela
+        sigela=sela 
+        sigdif=sigine-sigcut
+        sigsd=ssd
+        sigineaa=phoincs
+      elseif(model.eq.9)then                  !for Fluka
+        call m9SIGMA(stot,sine,sela)
+        sigtot=stot
+        sigine=sine
+        sigcut=sigine
+        sigela=sela 
+        sigineaa=fluincs
+      elseif(model.eq.10)then                  !for Urqmd
+        sigtot=urqincs
+        sigineaa=urqincs
+      endif
+             if(isigma.ge.1)then  !===============!
+      if(ish.ge.1.and.noebin.ge.0)
+     *write (ifmt,225)engy,ekin,sigtot,sigtotf,sigtotold
+     *,sigine,sigtotf-sigelaf,sigineold
+     *,sigela,sigelaf,sigelaold,sigcut,sloela,sigdif,sigsd
+     *,sigineaa
+      if(ish.ge.1.and.ifch.ne.ifmt)
+     *write (ifch,225)engy,ekin,sigtot,sigtotf,sigtotold
+     *,sigine,sigtotf-sigelaf,sigineold
+     *,sigela,sigelaf,sigelaold,sigcut,sloela,sigdif,sigsd
+     *,sigineaa
+c (from tabulation) for pA/AA
+      if((isigma.eq.2.and.noebin.ge.0)
+     &    .or..not.(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1))then  
+        sigtotaa=0.
+        sigelaaa=0.
+        if(model.eq.1)then
+          if(isigma.ne.2)then
+            if(maproj.gt.5.and.matarg.gt.5)write(ifmt,*)
+     &      'Cross-section may be wrong, use isigma=2 instead ! ',
+     &      '(if you care about it ...)'
+c eposcrse depends of ionudi while eposinecrse corresponds to ionudi=1 always
+            sigineaa=eposinecrse(ekin,maproj,matarg,idtarg)
+            sigelaaa=eposelacrse(ekin,maproj,matarg,idtarg)
+            sigtotaa=sigelaaa+sigineaa
+            sigcutaa=eposcutcrse(ekin,maproj,matarg,idtarg)
+            if(ionudi.gt.1)then
+c First order approximation. Better to use isigma=2 for that
+              difpart=max(0.,sigineaa-sigcutaa)
+c  non excited projectile
+              sigqela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*0.3*log(float(matarg)))
+              sigqela=sigqela**(1.+float(maproj)**0.3)
+              sdpart=1.d0-sigqela
+c  non excited target
+              if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+                sigqelap=sigqela    
+                sigqela=sigqela*((1.-rexdif(icltar))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(icltar)*0.3*log(float(maproj))))
+     &                           **(1.+float(matarg)**0.3)
+                if(ionudi.eq.2)sigqela=sigqelap-sigqela
+                sdpart=1.d0-sigqela
+                sigqela=0.
+              elseif(ionudi.eq.3)then
+                sigqela=sigqela*((1.-rexdif(icltar))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(icltar)*0.3*log(float(maproj))))
+     &                           **(1.+float(matarg)**0.3)
+                sdpart=1.d0-sigqela
+              endif
+c  excited diffractive part
+              sigqela=sigqela*difpart
+              sigineaa=sigineaa-sigqela
+              sigelaaa=sigelaaa+sigqela
+c here cut is absorbtion xs : cut + 95 % of excited diff.
+              sigcutaa=sigcutaa+0.95*difpart*sdpart
+            elseif(ionudi.eq.0)then
+              write(ifmt,*)
+     &        'Cross-section can not be calculated with ionudi=0'
+            endif
+          else
+              write(ifmt,*)
+     &        'Compute Cross-section (can take a while...)'
+            call crseaaEpos(sigtotaa,sigineaa,sigcutaa,sigelaaa)
+          endif
+        elseif(isigma.eq.2.and.matarg.gt.1)then
+         call crseaaModel(sigtotaa,sigineaa,sigcutaa,sigelaaa)
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.1.and.noebin.ge.0)
+     &  write (ifmt,226)sigtotaa,sigineaa,sigcutaa,sigelaaa
+        if(ish.ge.1.and.ifch.ne.ifmt)
+     &  write (ifch,226)sigtotaa,sigineaa,sigcutaa,sigelaaa
+             endif  !================!
+      endif
+225   format(' hadron-proton cross sections for ',f10.2,' GeV',
+     *'  (ekin:',g13.5,' GeV)'/
+     *4x,'total cross section:           ',f8.2,3x,f8.2,3x,f8.2/
+     *4x,'inelastic cross section:       ',f8.2,3x,f8.2,3x,f8.2/
+     *4x,'elastic cross section:         ',f8.2,3x,f8.2,3x,f8.2/
+     *4x,'cut cross section:             ',f8.2/
+     *4x,'elastic slope parameter:       ',f8.2/
+     *4x,'diffr. cross section:          ',f8.2,14x,f8.2/
+     *4x,'inelastic (tab) cross section: ',f8.2)
+ 226  format(' hadron/nucleus-hadron/nucleus cross sections'/
+     *4x,'total pA/AA cross section:     ',f8.2/
+     *4x,'inelastic pA/AA cross section: ',f8.2/
+     *4x,'cut pA/AA cross section:       ',f8.2/
+     *4x,'elastic pA/AA cross section:   ',f8.2)
+      call utprix('xsigma',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-con-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-con-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb6f28efebec8347dde663eb992e7976924b6150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-con-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1323 @@
+      subroutine conaa(iret)
+c  determines interaction configuration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      common/cfacmss/facmss
+      double precision yyrmax
+      common/scrangle/ phik3(kollmx),thetak3(kollmx)
+      call utpri('conaa ',ish,ishini,4)
+      iret=0
+c     initialisations
+c     ---------------
+      vel=tanh(ypjtl-yhaha)+tanh(yhaha)
+c     determine phi, bimp, coll, iproj, itarg, x/y/zproj, x/y/ztarg
+c     ---------------------------------------------------------------
+           if(iokoll.eq.1)then
+      koll=matarg
+      do k=1,koll
+        do n=1,4
+          coord(n,k)=0.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      bimp=0
+      phi=0
+      xproj(1)=0
+      yproj(1)=0
+      zproj(1)=0
+      lproj(1)=koll
+      lproj3(1)=0
+      do k=1,koll
+        bij=bkmx*sqrt(rangen())
+        bk(k)=bij
+        iproj(k)=1
+        itarg(k)=k
+        phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+        xtarg(k)=bij*cos(phi)
+        ytarg(k)=bij*sin(phi)
+        ztarg(k)=0
+        ltarg(k)=1
+        kproj(1,k)=k
+        ktarg(k,1)=k
+        ltarg3(k)=0
+        ktarg3(k,1)=0
+        kproj3(k,1)=0
+        if(iscreen.ne.0.and.bij.le.bkmxndif)then
+          if(zbrmax.le.0..or. bij.lt.zbcutx+zbrmax*rangen())then
+            lproj3(1)=lproj3(1)+1
+            ltarg3(k)=1
+            kproj3(1,lproj3(1))=k
+            ktarg3(k,1)=k
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+           elseif(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+      b1=bminim
+      b2=amin1(bkmx,bmaxim)
+      if(b1.gt.b2)call utstop('conaa: bmin > bmax&')
+      bimp=sqrt(b1*b1+(b2*b2-b1*b1)*rangen())
+      koll=1
+      do n=1,4
+        coord(n,1)=0.
+      enddo
+      bk(1)=bimp
+      iproj(1)=1
+      itarg(1)=1
+      phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+      xproj(1)=bimp*cos(phi)
+      yproj(1)=bimp*sin(phi)
+      zproj(1)=0
+      xtarg(1)=0
+      ytarg(1)=0
+      ztarg(1)=0
+      lproj(1)=1
+      ltarg(1)=1
+      lproj3(1)=1
+      ltarg3(1)=1
+      kproj3(1,1)=1
+      ktarg3(1,1)=1
+      kproj(1,1)=1
+      ktarg(1,1)=1
+           else
+      call conxyz('p',mamx,xproj,yproj,zproj,ypjtl-yhaha)
+      call conxyz('t',mamx,xtarg,ytarg,ztarg,yhaha)
+      bx=0
+      by=0
+      if(maproj.gt.0)then
+      if(bimevt.lt.0)then
+        b1=bminim
+        b2=amin1(rmproj+rmtarg,bmaxim)
+        if(b1.gt.b2)call utstop('conaa: bmin > bmax&')
+        bimp=sqrt(b1**2+(b2**2-b1**2)*rangen())
+        if(nbarray.gt.0)bimp=barray(mod(nrevt,nbarray)+1)
+        if(jpsi.gt.0)then
+          bimp=b1+(b2-b1)*(float(mod(nrevt,12))+rangen())/12.
+          bimevt=bimp
+        endif
+        phi=phimin+rangen()*(phimax-phimin)
+      else
+        phi=phievt
+        bimp=bimevt
+      endif
+      bx=cos(phi)*bimp
+      by=sin(phi)*bimp
+      endif
+      if(jpsi.lt.0)then !modify b
+        bx=xtarg(1)
+        by=ytarg(1)
+      endif
+      if(maproj.eq.0)goto1000
+      koll=0
+      do i=1,maproj
+      lproj(i)=0
+      lproj3(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,matarg
+      ltarg(j)=0
+      ltarg3(j)=0
+      enddo
+      do 12 i=1,maproj
+      do 11 j=1,matarg
+      if(jpsi.lt.0.and.ztarg(j).le.ztarg(1))goto11
+      bij=sqrt((xproj(i)+bx-xtarg(j))**2+(yproj(i)+by-ytarg(j))**2)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'i_p:',i,' i_t:',j,' b_ij:',bij
+      if(bij.gt.bkmx)goto 11
+      koll=koll+1
+      if(koll.gt.kollmx)call utstop('conaa: kollmx too small&')
+      bk(koll)=bij
+      bkx(koll)=xproj(i)+bx-xtarg(j)
+      bky(koll)=yproj(i)+by-ytarg(j)
+      iproj(koll)=i
+      itarg(koll)=j
+      lproj(i)=lproj(i)+1
+      ltarg(j)=ltarg(j)+1
+      kproj(i,lproj(i))=koll
+      ktarg(j,ltarg(j))=koll
+      phik3(koll)=0.
+      thetak3(koll)=0.
+      if(iscreen.ne.0.and.bij.le.bkmxndif)then
+        if(zbrmax.gt.0..and.bij.gt.zbcutx+zbrmax*rangen())goto 11
+        lproj3(i)=lproj3(i)+1
+        ltarg3(j)=ltarg3(j)+1
+        kproj3(i,lproj3(i))=koll
+        ktarg3(j,ltarg3(j))=koll
+c define angle for anti-shadowing
+        if(abs(bky(koll)).gt.1.e-6)then
+          if(abs(bkx(koll)).gt.1.e-6)then
+            phik3(koll)=atan(bky(koll)/bkx(koll))
+          else
+            phik3(koll)=sign(0.5*pi,bky(koll))
+          endif
+        elseif(bkx(koll).lt.0.)then
+          phik3(koll)=pi
+        endif
+        if(bk(koll).gt.0.)then
+          thetak3(koll)=atan(bglaubx/bk(koll))
+        else
+          thetak3(koll)=0.5*pi
+        endif
+      endif
+11    continue
+12    continue
+      do k=1,koll
+        do n=1,4
+          coord(n,k)=0.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+          endif
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'koll=',koll
+      if(koll.eq.0)goto 1001
+c     determine coord
+c     ---------------
+      do kl=1,koll
+      i=iproj(kl)
+      j=itarg(kl)
+      dist=ztarg(j)-zproj(i)
+      coord(1,kl)=(xproj(i)+xtarg(j))*0.5
+      coord(2,kl)=(yproj(i)+ytarg(j))*0.5
+      coord(3,kl)=(zproj(i)+ztarg(j))*0.5
+      coord(4,kl)=dist/vel
+      enddo
+      if(iscreen.ne.0)call CalcScrPair(bimp)
+    !~~~~~redefine energy in case of imposed radial flow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      yrmaxi=max(0.,yradmx+yradmi*log(1.+engy/sqrt(float(koll))))
+      if(yrmaxi.gt.1e-5)then
+        yyrmax=dble(yrmaxi)
+        fradflii=sngl(1d0/
+     &  ((sinh(yyrmax)*yyrmax-cosh(yyrmax)+1d0)/(yyrmax**2/2d0)))
+      else
+        fradflii=1.
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'yrmaxi=',yrmaxi
+c     exit
+c     ----
+1000  continue
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'ia,x/y/zproj:'
+      do mm=1,maproj
+      write(ifch,*)mm,xproj(mm),yproj(mm),zproj(mm)
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,*)'ia,x/y/ztarg:'
+      do mm=1,matarg
+      write(ifch,*)mm,xtarg(mm),ytarg(mm),ztarg(mm)
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,*)'iret',iret
+      endif
+      call utprix('conaa ',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+1001  continue !iret=1 causes redo of whole collision
+      iret=1
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+      write(ifch,*)
+      write(ifch,*)'***** subroutine conaa:'
+      write(ifch,*)'***** no nucleon pair found --> no interaction'
+      write(ifch,*)
+      endif
+      goto 1000
+      end
+      function frdmzcut(b)
+c  determines interaction configuration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      frdmzcut=zbcutx*exp(-(b*rangen()))
+c      frdmzcut=zbcutx*rangen()
+c      bdum=b
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine CalcScrPair(b)
+c  determines interaction configuration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common/scrangle/ phik3(kollmx),thetak3(kollmx)
+      logical lascr(kollmx),cont
+c     order pairs for splitting as a function of b
+c     ---------------
+      do i=1,maproj
+        if(lproj3(i).gt.1)then
+          do l=2,lproj3(i)
+            m=l
+ 100        continue
+              kp=kproj3(i,m-1)
+              kl=kproj3(i,m)
+              if(bk(kl).lt.bk(kp))then
+                kproj3(i,m-1)=kl
+                kproj3(i,m)=kp
+                m=m-1
+            if(m.gt.1)goto 100
+              endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do j=1,matarg
+        if(ltarg3(j).gt.1)then
+          do l=2,ltarg3(j)
+            m=l
+ 200        continue
+              kp=ktarg3(j,m-1)
+              kl=ktarg3(j,m)
+              if(bk(kl).lt.bk(kp))then
+                ktarg3(j,m-1)=kl
+                ktarg3(j,m)=kp
+                m=m-1
+            if(m.gt.1)goto 200
+              endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(koll.gt.1)then
+c Define anti-shadowing as a consequence of geometrical screening of
+c nucleons at large b by the one at small b
+c Projectile
+c Check phi not to be in the range of a nucleon with smaller b
+        do i=1,maproj
+          if(lproj3(i).gt.1)then
+            kl=kproj3(i,1)
+            lascr(kl)=.true.
+            do 300 l=lproj3(i),2,-1
+              kl=kproj3(i,l)
+              lascr(kl)=.true.
+              if(bk(kl).ge.frdmzcut(b))then
+                do m=1,l-1
+                  km=kproj3(i,m)
+                  if(kl.ne.km.and.bk(km).ge.frdmzcut(b)
+     &          .and.phik3(kl).ge.phik3(km)-thetak3(km)
+     &          .and.phik3(kl).le.phik3(km)+thetak3(km))then
+                    lascr(kl)=.false.
+                    goto 300
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              endif
+ 300        continue
+          endif
+        enddo
+c suppress screened pair from the list
+        do i=1,maproj
+          if(lproj3(i).gt.1)then
+            do l=1,lproj3(i)
+              kl=kproj3(i,l)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do i=1,maproj
+          if(lproj3(i).gt.1)then
+            n=2
+            cont=lproj3(i).gt.1
+            do while(cont)
+              l=lproj3(i)
+              kl=kproj3(i,l)
+c suppress end of the list in order to have the last pair active
+              do while(.not.lascr(kl).and.l.gt.1)
+                kproj3(i,l)=0
+                lproj3(i)=lproj3(i)-1
+                l=lproj3(i)
+                kl=kproj3(i,l)
+              enddo
+              cont=lproj3(i).gt.n
+              if(cont)then
+c compress list
+                kn=kproj3(i,n)
+                if(.not.lascr(kn))then
+                  m=lproj3(i)   !last pair always active
+                  km=kproj3(i,m)
+                  kproj3(i,n)=km
+                  kproj3(i,m)=0
+                  lproj3(i)=lproj3(i)-1
+                endif
+              endif
+              n=min(lproj3(i)-1,n)+1
+              cont=lproj3(i).ne.n
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+c Target
+c Check phi not to be in the range of a nucleon with smaller b
+        do j=1,matarg
+          if(ltarg3(j).gt.1)then
+            kl=ktarg3(j,1)
+            lascr(kl)=.true.
+            do 400 l=ltarg3(j),2,-1
+              kl=ktarg3(j,l)
+              lascr(kl)=.true.
+              if(bk(kl).ge.frdmzcut(b))then
+                do m=1,l-1
+                  km=ktarg3(j,m)
+                  if(km.ne.kl.and.bk(km).ge.frdmzcut(b)
+     &          .and.phik3(kl).ge.phik3(km)-thetak3(km)
+     &          .and.phik3(kl).le.phik3(km)+thetak3(km))then
+                    lascr(kl)=.false.
+                    goto 400
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              endif
+ 400        continue
+          endif
+        enddo
+c suppress screened pair from the list
+        do j=1,matarg
+          if(ltarg3(j).gt.1)then
+            n=2
+            cont=ltarg3(j).gt.1
+            do while(cont)
+              l=ltarg3(j)
+              kl=ktarg3(j,l)
+c suppress end of the list in order to have the last pair active
+              do while(.not.lascr(kl).and.l.gt.1)
+                ktarg3(j,l)=0
+                ltarg3(j)=ltarg3(j)-1
+                l=ltarg3(j)
+                kl=ktarg3(j,l)
+              enddo
+              cont=ltarg3(j).gt.n
+              if(cont)then
+c compress list
+                kn=ktarg3(j,n)
+                if(.not.lascr(kn))then
+                  m=ltarg3(j)   !last pair always active
+                  km=ktarg3(j,m)
+                  ktarg3(j,n)=km
+                  ktarg3(j,m)=0
+                  ltarg3(j)=ltarg3(j)-1
+                endif
+              endif
+              n=min(ltarg3(j)-1,n)+1
+              cont=ltarg3(j).ne.n
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine xGeometry(iii)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/xgeom/nnn,naa(kollmx),nbb(kollmx)
+      character*5 fmt1,fmt2
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+      do k=1,kollmx
+        naa(k)=0
+      enddo
+      nnn=0
+      elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+      ngl=0
+      do k=1,koll
+        r=bk(k)
+        if(r.le.sqrt(sigine/10./pi))ngl=ngl+1
+      enddo
+      if(ngl.ne.0)then
+        nnn=nnn+1
+        naa(ngl)=naa(ngl)+1
+      endif
+      elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      if(xpar1.eq.0..and.xpar2.eq.0.)then
+       print*,'---------- xGeometry -----------------------'
+       return
+      endif
+      x1=1-0.01*xpar2
+      x2=1-0.01*xpar1
+      kmx=0
+      nbb(1)=naa(1)
+      do k=2,kollmx
+        if(naa(k).ne.0.)kmx=k
+        nbb(k)=nbb(k-1)+naa(k)
+      enddo
+      k1=0
+      k2=0
+      do k=1,kmx
+        x=nbb(k)/float(nnn)
+        if(x.lt.x1)k1=k
+        if(x.lt.x2)k2=k
+      enddo
+      k1=k1+1
+      k2=k2+1
+      x=0
+      av=0
+      su=0
+      p1=0.
+      p2=0.
+      do k=1,kmx
+        xb=x
+        x=nbb(k)/float(nnn)
+        y=naa(k)/float(nnn)
+        dx=x-xb
+        p=0.
+        if(k.eq.k1)then
+          p=(x-x1)/dx
+          p1=p
+        elseif(k.eq.k2)then
+          p=(x2-xb)/dx
+          p2=p
+        elseif(k.gt.k1.and.k.lt.k2)then
+          p=1
+        endif
+      av=av+y*p*k
+      su=su+y*p
+      enddo
+      av=av/su
+      n1=nint(100*p1)
+      n2=nint(100*p2)
+      if(n1.eq.0)then
+        k1=k1+1
+        n1=100
+      endif
+      if(k1.le.9)fmt1='i1,4x'
+      if(k1.gt.9.and.k1.le.99)fmt1='i2,3x'
+      if(k1.gt.99.and.k1.le.999)fmt1='i3,2x'
+      if(k1.gt.999.and.k1.le.9999)fmt1='i4,1x'
+      if(k2.le.9)fmt2='i1,4x'
+      if(k2.gt.9.and.k2.le.99)fmt2='i2,3x'
+      if(k2.gt.99.and.k2.le.999)fmt2='i3,2x'
+      if(k2.gt.999.and.k2.le.9999)fmt2='i4,1x'
+      write(6,'(i4,a,i5,a,'//fmt1//',i6,a,i5,a,'//fmt2//',5x,a,f8.2)')
+     &       nint(xpar2),':MIN',n1,'%',k1
+     &      ,nint(xpar1),':MAX',n2,'%',k2   ,'av:',av
+      endif
+      end
+      function conbmx()
+      double precision om1intbc,p,eps
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      conbmx=0.
+      b1=0.
+      b2=7.
+      eps=5.0d-3
+      p=1.d0-dexp(-om1intbc(b2))
+      if(p.gt.2.d0*eps)return
+      ntry=0
+10    ntry=ntry+1
+      b=b1+.5*(b2-b1)
+      p=(1.d0-dexp(-om1intbc(b)))
+      if(p.gt.eps)then
+       if(p.gt.2.d0*eps)then
+        b1=b
+       else
+        conbmx=b
+       return
+       endif
+      else
+       if(p.lt.eps/5.d0)then
+        b2=b
+       else
+        conbmx=b
+        return
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(ntry.le.1000)goto 10
+      write(ifmt,*)'Too much try in conbmx ... bmax=',b
+      conbmx=b
+      return
+      end
+      function conbmxndif()
+      double precision om1intbc,p,eps
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      iomegasave=iomega
+      iomega=2
+      conbmxndif=0.
+      b1=0.
+      b2=7.
+      conbmxndif=b2
+      eps=1d-10
+      p=1.d0-dexp(-om1intbc(b2))
+      if(p.gt.2.d0*eps)goto 100
+      ntry=0
+10    ntry=ntry+1
+      b=b1+.5*(b2-b1)
+      p=(1.d0-dexp(-om1intbc(b)))
+      if(p.gt.eps)then
+       if(p.gt.2.d0*eps)then
+        b1=b
+       else
+        conbmxndif=b
+       goto 100
+       endif
+      else
+       if(p.lt.eps/5.d0)then
+        b2=b
+       else
+        conbmxndif=b
+        goto 100
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(ntry.le.1000)goto 10
+      write(ifmt,*)'Too much try in conbmxndif ... bkmxndif=',b
+      conbmxndif=b
+ 100  iomega=iomegasave
+      return
+      end
+      function conbmxdif()
+c find b to have (1-exp(-om))pmax=pdiff
+      double precision om1intbc,pmax,drootom,pdiff
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      conbmxdif=0.
+      b1=0.
+      bmax=7.
+      iomegasave=iomega
+      iomega=2
+      eps=1.e-5
+      pmax=1.d0-dexp(-om1intbc(b1))
+      pdiff=facdif
+      if(pmax.gt.eps)then
+        conbmxdif=drootom(pdiff,pmax,bmax,eps)
+      endif
+      iomega=iomegasave
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine conre
+c  initializes remnants
+      include "epos.incems"
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      call utpri('conre ',ish,ishini,6)
+c     proj
+c     ----
+      la=laproj
+      ma=iabs(maproj)
+      las=0
+      mas=0
+      do l=1,ma
+      if(la.lt.0)then
+        if(iabs(idproj).lt.20)then
+          id=idproj
+        else
+          ia=iabs(idproj/10)
+          is=idproj/iabs(idproj)
+          if(ia.ne.111.and.ia.ne.222.and.ia.ne.333)id=idproj/10*10
+          if(ia.eq.111.or. ia.eq.222.or. ia.eq.333)id=idproj/10*10+is
+          if(ia.eq.213)id=1230*is
+        endif
+      else
+        id=1220
+        if(rangen().le.(la-las)*1./(ma-mas))id=1120
+        if(id.eq.1120)las=las+1
+        mas=mas+1
+      endif
+      ic1=idtrai(1,id,1)
+      ic2=idtrai(2,id,1)
+      icproj(1,l)=ic1
+      icproj(2,l)=ic2
+      enddo
+c     targ
+c     ----
+      la=latarg
+      ma=iabs(matarg)
+      las=0
+      mas=0
+      do l=1,ma
+      if(la.lt.0)then
+        if(iabs(idtarg).lt.20)then
+          id=idtarg
+        else
+          ia=iabs(idtarg/10)
+          is=idtarg/iabs(idtarg)
+          if(ia.ne.111.and.ia.ne.222.and.ia.ne.333)id=idtarg/10*10
+          if(ia.eq.111.or. ia.eq.222.or. ia.eq.333)id=idtarg/10*10+is
+          if(ia.eq.213)id=1230*is
+        endif
+      else
+        id=1220
+        if(rangen().le.(la-las)*1./(ma-mas))id=1120
+        if(id.eq.1120)las=las+1
+        mas=mas+1
+      endif
+      ic1=idtrai(1,id,1)
+      ic2=idtrai(2,id,1)
+      ictarg(1,l)=ic1
+      ictarg(2,l)=ic2
+      enddo
+      call utprix('conre ',ish,ishini,6)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine conrl
+c  initializes target remnant in case of appl lepton
+      include "epos.incems"
+      common/nucl1/laproj,maproj,latarg,matarg,core,fctrmx
+      common/hadr2/iomodl,idproj,idtarg,wexcit
+c     targ
+c     ----
+      la=latarg
+      ma=iabs(matarg)
+      las=0
+      mas=0
+      do l=1,ma
+      if(la.lt.0)then
+      id=idtarg
+      else
+      id=1220
+      if(rangen().le.(la-las)*1./(ma-mas))id=1120
+      if(id.eq.1120)las=las+1
+      mas=mas+1
+      endif
+      ic1=idtrai(1,id,1)
+      ic2=idtrai(2,id,1)
+      ictarg(1,l)=ic1
+      ictarg(2,l)=ic2
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine conwr
+c     writes /cptl/
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incems"
+      double precision XA(64,3),XB(64,3),BQGS,BMAXQGS,BMAXNEX,BMINNEX
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      parameter(iapmax=208)
+      double precision bqgs2,bmaxqgs2,bmaxnex2,bminnex2,xan,xbn
+      common /qgsIInex1/xan(iapmax,3),xbn(iapmax,3)
+     *,bqgs2,bmaxqgs2,bmaxnex2,bminnex2
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      integer ic(2)
+      call utpri('conwr ',ish,ishini,6)
+      bx=cos(phi)*bimp
+      by=sin(phi)*bimp
+c     write /cptl/
+c     ------------
+      nptl=0
+           if(iokoll.eq.1)then   ! precisely matarg collisions
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      do 3 i=1,4
+3     xorptl(i,nptl)=0
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=-ainfin
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=0
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      do 1 k=1,koll
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      do 4 i=1,4
+4     xorptl(i,nptl)=0
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=-ainfin
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=0
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+1     continue
+           elseif(iappl.ne.7)then
+c             print *,'proj'
+      do 6 i=1,maproj
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      istptl(nptl)=0
+      iorptl(nptl)=0
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      if(model.eq.2)then       !QGSJet
+      xproj(i)=XA(i,1)
+      yproj(i)=XA(i,2)
+      zproj(i)=XA(i,3)
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      elseif(model.eq.7.or.model.eq.11)then       !QGSJetII
+      xproj(i)=xan(i,1)
+      yproj(i)=xan(i,2)
+      zproj(i)=xan(i,3)
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      elseif(model.ge.3)then       !Gheisha, ...
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      endif
+      xorptl(1,nptl)=xproj(i)+bx/2
+      xorptl(2,nptl)=yproj(i)+by/2
+      xorptl(3,nptl)=zproj(i)
+      xorptl(4,nptl)=0
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=-ainfin
+c for visualisation uncomment
+c-c   tivptl(1,nptl)=-100
+      tivptl(2,nptl)= ainfin
+c             print *,i,xorptl(1,nptl),xorptl(2,nptl),xorptl(3,nptl)
+6     continue
+c             print *,'targ'
+      do 7 i=1,matarg
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      istptl(nptl)=0
+      iorptl(nptl)=0
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      if(model.eq.2)then       !QGSJet
+      xtarg(i)=XB(i,1)
+      ytarg(i)=XB(i,2)
+      ztarg(i)=XB(i,3)
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      elseif(model.eq.7.or.model.eq.11)then       !QGSJetII
+      xtarg(i)=xbn(i,1)
+      ytarg(i)=xbn(i,2)
+      ztarg(i)=xbn(i,3)
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      elseif(model.ge.3)then       !Gheisha, ...
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      endif
+      xorptl(1,nptl)=xtarg(i)-bx/2
+      xorptl(2,nptl)=ytarg(i)-by/2
+      xorptl(3,nptl)=ztarg(i)
+      xorptl(4,nptl)=0
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=-ainfin
+c for visualisation uncomment
+c-c   tivptl(1,nptl)=-100
+      tivptl(2,nptl)= ainfin
+c             print *,i,xorptl(1,nptl),xorptl(2,nptl),xorptl(3,nptl)
+7     continue
+      if(abs(idprojin).eq.12)then   !electron for fake DIS
+c electron projectile
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        istptl(nptl)=41
+        iorptl(nptl)=-1
+        jorptl(nptl)=-1
+        iorptl(1)=nptl         !pi0 (porjectile) coming from lepton
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=bx/2
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=by/2
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=0.
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=0.
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=-ainfin
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=0.
+c target nucleons (in lab frame)
+        do i=1,matarg
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          istptl(nptl)=41
+          iorptl(nptl)=-1
+          jorptl(nptl)=-1
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xtarg(i)-bx/2
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=ytarg(i)-by/2
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=ztarg(i)
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=0
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=-ainfin
+c         for visualisation uncomment
+c         -c   tivptl(1,nptl)=-100
+          tivptl(2,nptl)= ainfin
+        enddo
+c electron remnant
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        istptl(nptl)=0
+        iorptl(nptl)=maproj+matarg+1
+        jorptl(nptl)=-1
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=bx/2
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=by/2
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=0.
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=0.
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=0.
+        tivptl(2,nptl)= ainfin
+      endif
+          endif
+      nptl=0
+      if(iappl.le.2)then
+      do i=1,maproj
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      ic(1)=icproj(1,i)
+      ic(2)=icproj(2,i)
+      id=idtra(ic,0,0,0)
+c      id=idtra(ic,0,0,3)      !tp071107 imix=3 ??????????
+      call idmass(id,ams)
+      idptl(nptl)=id
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=pnullx
+      pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pnullx**2+ams**2)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=ams
+      ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+      ityptl(nptl)=0
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(iappl.ne.7)then
+      do i=1,matarg
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      ic(1)=ictarg(1,i)
+      ic(2)=ictarg(2,i)
+      id=idtra(ic,0,0,0)
+c      id=idtra(ic,0,0,3)      !tp071107 imix=3 ??????????
+      call idmass(id,ams)
+      idptl(nptl)=id
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=-pnullx
+      pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pnullx**2+ams**2)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=ams
+      ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+      ityptl(nptl)=0
+      enddo
+      if(abs(idprojin).eq.12)then   !electron for fake DIS
+c electron projectile
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        id=idprojin
+        call idmass(id,ams)
+        idptl(nptl)=id
+        pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+        pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+        pptl(3,nptl)=sqrt(max(0.,(elepti+ams)*(elepti-ams)))
+        pptl(4,nptl)=elepti
+        pptl(5,nptl)=ams
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=1
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=1
+        ityptl(nptl)=40
+c target nucleons (in lab frame)
+        do i=1,matarg
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          idptl(nptl)=idptl(maproj+i)
+          pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+          pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+          pptl(3,nptl)=-pnll
+          pptl(4,nptl)=ebeam
+          pptl(5,nptl)=pptl(5,maproj+i)
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=maproj+i
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=maproj+i
+          ityptl(nptl)=50
+        enddo
+c electron remnant
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        idptl(nptl)=id
+        pptl(1,nptl)=phoele(1)
+        pptl(2,nptl)=phoele(2)
+        pptl(3,nptl)=phoele(3)
+        pptl(4,nptl)=phoele(4)
+        pptl(5,nptl)=ams
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        ityptl(nptl)=40
+      endif
+      else
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      id=idproj
+      call idmass(id,ams)
+      idptl(nptl)=id
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=pnullx
+      pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pnullx**2+ams**2)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=ams
+      ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+      ityptl(nptl)=0
+      iorptl(nptl)=-1
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      istptl(nptl)=0
+      do 5 i=1,4
+ 5      xorptl(i,nptl)=0
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=0
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=0
+      endif
+c     exit
+c     ----
+      call utprix('conwr ',ish,ishini,6)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine conxyz(ch,n,x,y,z,ynuc)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      real x(n),y(n),z(n)
+      character ch*1
+      massnr=0
+      iii=0
+      if(ch.eq.'p')then
+      massnr=maproj
+      iii=1
+      elseif(ch.eq.'t')then
+      massnr=matarg
+      iii=2
+      else
+      call utstop('conxyz: nucleus neither proj nor targ&')
+      endif
+      if(massnr.eq.0)return
+      if(massnr.gt.n)call utstop('conxyz: massnr.gt.n&')
+      if(massnr.eq.1)then
+      x(1)=0
+      y(1)=0
+      z(1)=0
+      return
+      endif
+      rad=radnuc(massnr)
+      if(massnr.ge.10)then !---wood-saxon density---
+        rad=rad/difnuc(massnr)
+        cr1=1.+3./rad+6./rad**2+6./rad**3
+        cr2=3./rad
+        cr3=3./rad+6./rad**2
+        do i=1,massnr
+   1      zuk=rangen()*cr1-1.
+          if(zuk.le.0.)then
+            tt=rad*(rangen()**.3333-1.)
+          elseif(zuk.le.cr2 )then
+            tt=-log(rangen())
+          elseif(zuk.lt.cr3 )then
+            tt=-log(rangen())-log(rangen())
+          else
+            tt=-log(rangen())-log(rangen())-log(rangen())
+          endif
+          if(rangen().gt.1./(1.+exp(-abs(tt))))goto 1
+          rim=tt+rad
+          zz=rim*(2.*rangen()-1.)
+          rim=sqrt(rim*rim-zz*zz)
+          z(i)=zz*difnuc(massnr)
+          call pscs(c,s)
+          x(i)=rim*c*difnuc(massnr)
+          y(i)=rim*s*difnuc(massnr)
+        enddo
+      elseif(massnr.ge.3)then  ! ---gaussian density---
+        rad=rad*sqrt(2.*massnr/(massnr-1.))   !van hove simulation
+        do l=1,3
+          summ=0.
+          do i=1,massnr-1
+            j=massnr-i
+            aks=rad *(rangen()+rangen()+rangen()-1.5)
+            k=j+1
+            if(l.eq.1)x(k)=summ-aks*sqrt(float(j)/k)
+            if(l.eq.2)y(k)=summ-aks*sqrt(float(j)/k)
+            if(l.eq.3)z(k)=summ-aks*sqrt(float(j)/k)
+            summ=summ+aks/sqrt(float(j*k))
+          enddo
+          if(l.eq.1)x(1)=summ
+          if(l.eq.2)y(1)=summ
+          if(l.eq.3)z(1)=summ
+        enddo
+      elseif(massnr.eq.2)then  ! ---deuteron---
+        !.........r=t*difnuc(massnr), t~exp(-2*t)*(1-exp(-a*t))
+        a=radnuc(massnr)
+  2     t=-0.5*alog(rangen())  !~exp(-2*t)
+        if(rangen().gt.(1-exp(-a*t))**2)goto2
+        r=t*difnuc(massnr)
+        zz=r*(2.*rangen()-1.)
+        call pscs(c,s)
+        rxy=sqrt(r*r-zz*zz)
+        z(1)=0.5*zz
+        x(1)=0.5*rxy*c
+        y(1)=0.5*rxy*s
+        z(2)=-z(1)
+        x(2)=-x(1)
+        y(2)=-y(1)
+      else
+        stop'conxyz: wrong massnr.     '
+      endif
+c...plot preparation
+      rmax=(radnuc(massnr)+3)
+      drnucl(iii)=rmax/mxnucl
+      nrnucl(iii)=nrnucl(iii)+1
+      do i=1,massnr
+        r=sqrt(x(i)**2+y(i)**2+z(i)**2)
+        k=1+int(r/drnucl(iii))
+        if(k.le.mxnucl)rnucl(k,iii)=rnucl(k,iii)+1
+      enddo
+c...lorentz trafo
+      do i=1,massnr
+      z(i)=z(i)/cosh(ynuc)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine conini
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      imax=max(maproj,matarg)
+      if(idtargin.eq.0)imax=max(imax,40)
+      do massnr=1,mamxx
+        dif=0.54
+        rad=0.
+        if(massnr.gt.imax.or.massnr.eq.1)then
+          dif=0
+          rad=0
+        elseif(massnr.eq.197)then
+          dif=0.562
+          rad=6.5
+        elseif(massnr.ge.10)then
+          rad=1.12*massnr**0.33333-0.86*massnr**(-0.33333)
+        elseif(massnr.ge.3)then
+          rad=.9*float(massnr)**.3333
+        elseif(massnr.eq.2)then
+          dif=4.316
+          rad=4.68
+        endif
+        difnuc(massnr)=dif
+        radnuc(massnr)=rad
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xConNuclDens(iii)
+c plots distribution of nucleons in nuclei
+c  iii = 1 (proj) or 2 (targ)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      if(model.ne.1)return
+      massnr=1
+      if(iii.eq.1)then
+        massnr=maproj
+      elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+        massnr=matarg
+      endif
+      if(massnr.eq.1)return
+      a=1./4.316
+      b=4.68
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!-----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!          nuclear density          '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!-----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(massnr.ge.10)write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      if(massnr.lt.10)write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "title nuclear density"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.99 -0.15 " r (fm) "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis rho(r)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,mxnucl*drnucl(iii)
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,mxnucl
+      r=(j-0.5)*drnucl(iii)
+      d=0.5*drnucl(iii)
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')  r,rnucl(j,iii)/nrnucl(iii)/
+     *                     (4./3.*pi*((r+d)**3-(r-d)**3))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbo '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,mxnucl
+      r=(j-0.5)*drnucl(iii)
+      rr=2*r
+      rho=1
+      if(massnr.eq.2)then
+        rho=1.00*((1-exp(-b*a*rr))*exp(-a*rr)/rr)**2
+      elseif(massnr.eq.197)then
+        rho=0.16/(1+exp((r-6.5)/0.562))
+      elseif(massnr.ge.10)then
+        rho=0.16/(1+exp((r-radnuc(massnr))/difnuc(massnr)))
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')  r,rho
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xConThick(iii)
+      ! plots sigma_pp *T_A (b)  (=average number of collisions)
+      ! T_A = thickness function
+      !  iii = 1 (proj) or 2 (targ)
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(iconimax=20,iconkmax=100)
+      real thick(2,0:iconimax)
+      imax=iconimax
+      kmax=iconkmax
+      if(model.ne.1)return
+      ramx=mxnucl*drnucl(iii)
+      do i=0,imax
+        x=i/float(imax)*ramx
+        sum=0
+        rho0=conrho(iii,0.)
+        h=ramx/kmax
+        do k=1,kmax
+          z=k*h
+          r=sqrt(x*x+z*z)
+          rho2=conrho(iii,r)
+          z=(k-0.5)*h
+          r=sqrt(x*x+z*z)
+          rho1=conrho(iii,r)
+          sum=sum+h/6.*(rho0+4*rho1+rho2)
+          rho0=rho2
+        enddo
+        sum=sum*2 ! integral fro -infty to +infty
+        thick(1,i)=x
+        thick(2,i)=sum
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbo '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'txt "xaxis b (fm)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'txt "yaxis [s]?pp! T?A! (b) " '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,imax
+        write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)') thick(1,i),sigine/10.*thick(2,i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      function conrho(iii,r)
+      ! nuclear density
+      !  iii = 1 (proj) or 2 (targ)
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      conrho=1.
+      if(model.ne.1)return
+      massnr=1
+      if(iii.eq.1)then
+        massnr=maproj
+      elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+        massnr=matarg
+      endif
+      if(massnr.eq.1)return
+      a=1./4.316
+      b=4.68
+      rr=2*r
+      rho=1
+      if(massnr.eq.2.and.rr.gt.0.)then
+        rho=1.00*((1-exp(-b*a*rr))*exp(-a*rr)/rr)**2
+      elseif(massnr.eq.197)then
+        rho=0.16/(1+exp((r-6.5)/0.562))
+      elseif(massnr.ge.10)then
+        rho=0.16/(1+exp((r-radnuc(massnr))/difnuc(massnr)))
+      endif
+      conrho=rho
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-dky-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-dky-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b0bcb6f8274b45bc8d61e954676e3808c2bfd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-dky-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2155 @@
+      subroutine decayall(n)
+c  decay of objects n to nptl, including their children
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      ttaus=1
+      np1=n
+ 1    np2=nptl
+      do ip=np1,np2
+         if(istptl(ip).eq.0)then  !consider last generation particles
+            call hdecas(ip,iret)
+            if(iret.eq.1)stop'error in hdecas detected in decay'
+         endif
+      enddo
+      np1=np2+1
+      if(np1.le.nptl)goto1
+      end
+      subroutine hdecas(i,iret)
+c  decay of object i  (main decay routine)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat,zor,tor
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision ttaux,ttauz
+      integer jcdu(nflav,2)
+      iret=0
+      nptlb=nptl
+c no last generation -> no decay
+      if(istptl(i).ne.0)return
+      if(nptl.gt.mxptl-10)then
+        call alist('end&',1,nptl)
+        call utstop('hdecas: mxptl too small&')
+      endif
+c entry
+      call utpri('hdecas',ish,ishini,5)
+      ttauz=ttaus
+c skip nuclei
+      if(idptl(i).gt.1e9)return
+c small droplet decay
+      if(iabs(idptl(i)).gt.1e8)then
+        stop'hdecas: no longer supported (2).       '
+      endif
+c  ordinary decay
+      call idmass(111,amrho0)
+      call idmass(221,amomeg)
+      ioi=iorptl(i)
+      if(ioi.gt.0.and.(idptl(i).eq.111.or.idptl(i).eq.221))then
+        if(.not.(iabs(idptl(ioi)).lt.10000
+     *       .and.jorptl(i).eq.0))then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1.and.((ityptl(i).ge.20.and.ityptl(i).le.39)
+     *        .or.ityptl(i).eq.42.or.ityptl(i).eq.52))then
+c mix rho and omegas only from string production and if not decay product
+            if(idptl(i).eq.111)idptl(i)=221
+            if(idptl(i).eq.221.and.ityptl(i).ge.30.and.ityptl(i).le.39
+     *         .and.rangen().gt.0.5)idptl(i)=111
+          elseif(iLHC.eq.0.and..not.(ityptl(i).eq.60))then
+            if(idptl(i).eq.111)idptl(i)=221
+            if(idptl(i).eq.221.and.rangen().gt.0.5)idptl(i)=111
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ctaumin.gt.0.)then
+        call idtau(idptl(i),1.,1.,ctau)       !ctau in fm
+        if(ctau*1.e-13.gt.ctaumin)goto 1000   !ctaumin in cm
+      endif
+      ida=iabs(idptl(i))
+      if(.not.(iappl.eq.7.and.i.eq.1))then
+      if(mod(ndecay        ,10).eq.1
+     *.and.ida.ne.0.and.ida.lt.10000)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/10     ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.  20)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/100    ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.2130)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/1000   ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.1130)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/1000   ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.2230)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/10000  ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.2330)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/10000  ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.1330)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/100000 ,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq.3331)goto1000
+      if(mod(ndecay/1000000,10).eq.1.and.ida.eq. 110)goto1000
+      if(nrnody.gt.0)then
+      do nod=1,nrnody
+      if(idptl(i).eq.nody(nod))goto 1000
+      enddo
+      endif
+      endif
+      call hdecay(i,iret)
+      if(iret.eq.1)goto1000
+      if(nptl.le.nptlb)then
+        iret=-1
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+c ---successful decay---
+      istptl(i)=1
+      ifrptl(1,i)=nptlb+1
+      ifrptl(2,i)=nptl
+      t=tivptl(2,i)
+      x=xorptl(1,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(1,i)/pptl(4,i)
+      y=xorptl(2,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(2,i)/pptl(4,i)
+      z=xorptl(3,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(3,i)/pptl(4,i)
+      call jtaux(t,z,ttaux)
+      ttaus=ttaux
+      if( ttaus.gt.0d0 ) then
+        call jtauin
+        call jtaus(z,ttest,sz)
+        if (abs(t-ttest).gt.1e-5.and.ish.ge.1) then
+          call utmsg('hdecas')
+          write(ifch,*)'*****  t /= ttest'
+          write(ifch,*)t,ttest,i,z,t,xorptl(3,i),xorptl(4,i)
+     $         ,pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i)
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+      endif
+c loop over decay products
+      do 20 n=nptlb+1,nptl
+      iorptl(n)=i
+      jorptl(n)=0
+      istptl(n)=0
+      ifrptl(1,n)=0
+      ifrptl(2,n)=0
+      rad=0
+      phi=0
+      ti=t
+      zi=z
+      xorptl(1,n)=x + rad*cos(phi)
+      xorptl(2,n)=y + rad*sin(phi)
+      xorptl(3,n)=zi
+      xorptl(4,n)=ti
+      io=n
+1     io=iorptl(io)
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'io = ',io,'  origin: ',iorptl(io)
+      if(io.eq.iorptl(io))call utmsg("Strange iorptl in hdecas&")
+c security to avoid infinite loop
+      if(iorptl(io).gt.0.and.io.ne.iorptl(io))goto 1  
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'origin: ',io,idptl(io)
+      zor=xorptl(3,io)
+      tor=xorptl(4,io)
+      call idquac(io,nq,ndummy1,ndummy2,jcdu)
+      r=rangen()
+      tauran=-taurea*alog(r)
+      call jtaix(n,tauran,zor,tor,zis,tis)
+      tivptl(1,n)=amax1(ti,tis)
+      call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+      r=rangen()
+      tivptl(2,n)=t+taugm*(-alog(r))
+      ityptl(n)=ityptl(i)
+      radptl(n)=0.
+      dezptl(n)=0.
+      itsptl(n)=itsptl(i)
+      rinptl(n)=rinptl(i)
+20    continue
+      if(iabs(idptl(nptlb+1)).le.6) then
+        call gakli2(0,0)
+        write (*,*) 'nptlb+1,nptl:',nptlb+1,nptl
+        istptl(nptlb+1)=1
+        do n=nptlb+2,nptl
+          istptl(n)=20
+        enddo
+        call gakfra(0,iret)
+        if(iret.eq.1)goto1000
+        call gakli2(0,0)
+      endif
+1000  continue
+      ttaus=ttauz
+      call jtauin
+      call utprix('hdecas',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hdecay(ip,iret)
+c  decays particle ip from /cptl/
+c  for ip being no resonance: call StaHad
+c  for ip being resonance: standard resonance decay  procedure
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/wco/wmass2,wgam2
+      parameter (mxlook=10000,mxdky=2000)
+      common/dkytab/look(mxlook),cbr(mxdky),mode(5,mxdky)
+      dimension pgen(5,10),rnd(10),u(3),beta(3)
+     1     ,reduce(10)
+      dimension prest(4,10),kno(10)
+      data reduce/1.,1.,2.,5.,15.,60.,250.,1500.,1.2E4,1.2E5/
+      data twome/1.022006e-3/
+c          fctn definitions
+      dot(i1,i2)=prest(4,i1)*prest(4,i2)-prest(1,i1)*prest(1,i2)
+     *-prest(2,i1)*prest(2,i2)-prest(3,i1)*prest(3,i2)
+c          charged w propagator.
+      wprop(z)=(z-wmass2**2)**2+(wmass2*wgam2)**2
+      call utpri('hdecay',ish,ishini,5)
+      ipp=ip
+      iret=0
+      nptlb=nptl
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'ip,id,mass: ',ip,idptl(ip),pptl(5,ip)
+      if(model.eq.4.and.iappl.eq.7)then
+        if(abs(idptl(ipp)).gt.13.and.abs(idptl(ipp)).ne.1120
+     &.and.abs(idptl(ipp)).ne.15)call decaymod(ipp,iret)
+        if(iret.gt.0)goto 1000
+        naddptl=0
+        goto 900 
+      endif
+c     no k_long decay
+c     ---------------
+c     if(idptl(ip).eq.-20)goto1000
+c     select decay mode
+c     -----------------
+      ntry=0
+2     ntry=ntry+1
+           if(ntry.gt.100)then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('hdecay')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  decay not possible. iret = 1.'
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      iret=1
+      goto1000
+           endif
+      idlv1=idptl(ip)
+      amss=pptl(5,ip)
+c Decay of deuteron
+      if(abs(idlv1).eq.17)then
+        amss=1.01*amss
+        naddptl=2
+        call idmass(1120,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+1)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+1)=sign(1120,idlv1)
+        sum=amnew
+        call idmass(1220,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+2)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+2)=sign(1220,idlv1)
+        sum=sum+amnew
+        goto 111
+      endif
+c Decay of triton
+      if(abs(idlv1).eq.18)then
+        amss=1.01*amss
+        naddptl=3
+        call idmass(1120,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+1)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+1)=sign(1120,idlv1)
+        sum=amnew
+        call idmass(1220,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+2)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+2)=sign(1220,idlv1)
+        sum=sum+amnew
+        call idmass(1220,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+3)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+3)=sign(1220,idlv1)
+        sum=sum+amnew
+         goto 111
+      endif
+c Decay of alpha
+      if(abs(idlv1).eq.19)then
+        amss=1.01*amss
+        naddptl=4
+        call idmass(1120,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+1)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+1)=sign(1120,idlv1)
+        sum=amnew
+        call idmass(1220,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+2)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+2)=sign(1220,idlv1)
+        sum=sum+amnew
+        call idmass(1120,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+3)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+3)=sign(1120,idlv1)
+        sum=sum+amnew
+        call idmass(1220,amnew)
+        pptl(5,nptl+4)=amnew
+        idptl(nptl+4)=sign(1220,idlv1)
+        sum=sum+amnew
+        goto 111
+      endif
+c  select one of the decay channel
+      ipoint=look(iabs(idlv1))-1
+      if(idlv1.eq.-20)ipoint=look(320)-1
+      if(ipoint.lt.0) goto1000
+      try=rangen()
+100   ipoint=ipoint+1
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ipoint,cbr,try',ipoint,cbr(ipoint),try
+      if(try.gt.cbr(ipoint)) goto100
+      naddptl=0
+      sum=0.
+c      nstart=nptl+1                  !?????????????????unused
+      new=0
+      do 110 i=1,5         !store id and mass of products
+        if(mode(i,ipoint).eq.0) goto 110
+        if(nptl+naddptl+1.gt.mxptl) goto 9999
+        if(iabs( mode(1,ipoint)) .le. 6.and.i.eq.2)then   !decay into quark ???
+          call vedi(mode(1,ipoint),mode(2,ipoint),k3,idlv1)
+          idptl(new)=idlv1
+          call idmass(idlv1,amnew)
+          pptl(5,new)=amnew
+          sum=pptl(5,new)
+        else                                 !decay into particles
+          naddptl=naddptl+1
+          new=nptl+naddptl
+          idptl(new)=mode(i,ipoint)
+          idlv1=idptl(new)
+          call idmass(idlv1,pptl(5,new))
+          sum=sum+pptl(5,new)
+        endif
+ 110  continue
+ 111  continue
+      if(naddptl.ne.1.and.sum.ge.amss)goto 2
+ 112  naddptl1=naddptl-1
+      do 120 j=1,5
+      pgen(j,1)=pptl(j,ip)
+120   continue
+      pgen(5,1)=amss !needed because of deuteron, triton and alpha decay and OK
+      pgen(5,naddptl)=pptl(5,nptl+naddptl)
+      if(naddptl.eq.1) goto 700            !one body decay
+      if(naddptl.eq.2) goto 400            !two body decay
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'>= 3 body decay'
+c     use kroll-wada distribution for pi0 and eta dalitz decays.
+c     ----------------------------------------------
+      if(.not.((idptl(ip).eq.110.or.idptl(ip).eq.220).and.
+     1iabs(idptl(nptl+2)).eq.12)) goto 130
+      ntry=0             !decay of pi0 or eta into electron
+125   ntry=ntry+1
+           if(ntry.gt.10)then
+      if(ish.ge. 0)then
+      call utmsg('hdecay')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  ntry > 10. iret = 1.'
+      write(ifch,*)'***** amee,ree,wtee',amee,ree,wtee
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      iret=1
+      goto1000
+           endif
+      amee=twome*(pptl(5,ip)/twome)**rangen()
+      ree=(twome/amee)**2
+      wtee=(1.-(amee/pptl(5,ip))**2)**3*sqrt(1.-ree)*(1.+.5*ree)
+      if(wtee.lt.rangen()) goto125
+      pgen(5,2)=amee
+      goto400
+130   continue
+c     calculate maximum phase-space weight
+c     ------------------------------------
+      wtmax=1./reduce(naddptl)
+      sum1=pgen(5,1)
+      sum2=sum-pptl(5,nptl+1)
+      do 200 i=1,naddptl1
+      wtmax=wtmax*utpcm(sum1,sum2,pptl(5,nptl+i))
+      sum1=sum1-pptl(5,nptl+i)
+      sum2=sum2-pptl(5,nptl+i+1)
+200   continue
+c     generate uniform naddptl-body phase space
+c     --------------------------------------
+      ntry=0
+300   ntry=ntry+1
+           if(ntry.gt.10000)then
+      if(ish.ge. 0)then
+      call utmsg('hdecay')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  infinite loop (2). iret = 1.'
+      write(ifch,*)'***** ip,idptl(ip),pptl(5,ip):'
+     *,ip,idptl(ip),pptl(5,ip)
+      write(ifch,*)'***** wt,wtmax:',wt,wtmax
+      write(ifch,*)'***** i,pgen(5,i),pptl(5,nptl+i),idptl(nptl+i):'
+      do i=1,naddptl
+      write(ifch,*)i,pgen(5,i),pptl(5,nptl+i),idptl(nptl+i)
+      enddo
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      iret=1
+      goto1000
+           endif
+      rnd(1)=1.
+      jsave=1
+      do 310 i=2,naddptl1
+      rnew=rangen()
+      i1=i-1
+      do 320 jj1=1,i1
+      j=i-jj1
+      jsave=j+1
+      if(rnew.le.rnd(j)) goto310
+      rnd(jsave)=rnd(j)
+320   continue
+310   rnd(jsave)=rnew
+      rnd(naddptl)=0.
+      wt=1.
+      sum1=sum
+      do 330 i=2,naddptl
+      sum1=sum1-pptl(5,nptl+i-1)
+      pgen(5,i)=sum1+rnd(i)*(pgen(5,1)-sum)
+      a=pgen(5,i-1)
+      b=pgen(5,i)
+      c=pptl(5,nptl+i-1)
+      wt=wt*utpcm(a,b,c)
+330   continue
+      if(wt.lt.rangen()*wtmax) goto300
+c     carry out two-body decays in pgen frames
+c     ----------------------------------------
+400   continue
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'2 body decay'
+      do 410 i=1,naddptl1
+      qcm=utpcm(pgen(5,i),pgen(5,i+1),pptl(5,nptl+i))
+      u(3)=2.*rangen()-1.
+      phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+      u(1)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+      u(2)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+      do 420 j=1,3
+      pptl(j,nptl+i)=qcm*u(j)
+      pgen(j,i+1)=-pptl(j,nptl+i)
+420   continue
+      pptl(4,nptl+i)=sqrt(qcm**2+pptl(5,nptl+i)**2)
+      pgen(4,i+1)=sqrt(qcm**2+pgen(5,i+1)**2)
+410   continue
+      do 430 j=1,4
+      pptl(j,nptl+naddptl)=pgen(j,naddptl)
+430   continue
+c     boost pgen frames to lab frame
+c          also save momenta in rest frame (last frame)
+c     -------------------------------------------------
+      do 500 ii=1,naddptl1
+      i=naddptl-ii
+      do 510 j=1,3
+      beta(j)=pgen(j,i)/pgen(4,i)
+510   continue
+      gamma=pgen(4,i)/pgen(5,i)
+      do 520 k=i,naddptl
+      k1=nptl+k
+      bp=beta(1)*pptl(1,k1)+beta(2)*pptl(2,k1)+beta(3)*pptl(3,k1)
+      do 530 j=1,3
+      prest(j,k)=pptl(j,k1)
+      pptl(j,k1)=pptl(j,k1)+gamma*beta(j)*(pptl(4,k1)
+     1+bp*gamma/(gamma+1.))
+530   continue
+      prest(4,k)=pptl(4,k1)
+      pptl(4,k1)=gamma*(pptl(4,k1)+bp)
+      if(pptl(4,k1).lt.1.d-5)then
+        pptl(4,k1)=sqrt(pptl(1,k1)*pptl(1,k1)+pptl(2,k1)*pptl(2,k1)
+     &                 +pptl(3,k1)*pptl(3,k1))
+      endif
+520   continue
+500   continue
+c     matrix elements
+c     ---------------
+        if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.14)then                  !muon decay
+          goto 650
+        elseif(naddptl.eq.3)then
+          if(idptl(ip).eq.221.or.idptl(ip).eq.331)then  !omeg and phi decay
+            goto 610
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130.or.       !Kl and K decay
+     1       idptl(ip).eq.-20)then
+            if(iabs(idptl(nptl+2)).lt.20)then   !semi-leptonic
+              goto 630
+            else                                !hadronic
+              goto 640
+            endif
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(nptl+1)).lt.20.and. !other semi-leptonic decay
+     1       idptl(nptl+1).ne.10)then
+            goto 620
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(nptl+2)).le.6)then
+            goto 605            !decay into quark
+          else
+            goto 800
+          endif
+        else
+         goto 800
+        endif
+ 605    wt=pptl(5,ip)*pptl(5,nptl+1)*dot(2,3)
+        IF(wt.LT.rangen()*pptl(5,ip)**4/16.) goto 300
+        ams=sqrt(dot(2,2)+dot(3,3)+2.*dot(2,3))
+        kno(1)=idptl(nptl+2)
+        kno(2)=idptl(nptl+3)
+        if(ammin(kno(1),kno(2)).gt.ams)then
+          call vedi(kno(1),kno(2),iddum,idlv2)
+          idptl(nptl+2)=idlv2
+          call idmass(idlv2,amnew2)
+          pptl(5,nptl+2)=amnew2
+          naddptl=2
+          goto 112
+        endif
+        PS =sqrt(dot(2,2))
+        psq=sqrt(dot(3,3))
+c        PSP=PS                  !!???????????????unused
+        np=0                    !!!!?????
+        nq=2
+        CNDE=4.5*LOG(MAX((ams-PS-PSQ)/0.7,1.1))
+c        IF(MMAT.EQ.12) CNDE=CNDE+PARJ(63)
+ 769    NTRY=NTRY+1
+        IF(NTRY.GT.1000) THEN
+          write(*,*)'hdecay caught in infinite loop'
+          write(ifch,*)'hdecay caught in infinite loop'
+          iret=1
+          goto 1000
+        ENDIF
+        GAUSS=SQRT(-2.*CNDE*LOG(MAX(1E-10,rangen())))*
+     &       SIN(2.*pi*rangen())
+        ND=0.5+0.5*NP+0.25*NQ+CNDE+GAUSS
+        IF(ND.LT.NP+NQ/2.OR.ND.LT.2.OR.ND.GT.10) GOTO 769
+c......choose hadrons
+        kno(3)=kno(1)
+        kno(4)=kno(2)
+        CONTINUE
+        IF(ND.EQ.NP+NQ/2) GOTO 773
+        DO I=nptl+2,nptl+2+nd-nq/2-1
+          JT=2+1+INT((NQ-1) * rangen() )
+          CALL vedi(kno(JT),0,KFL2,idlv3)
+          idptl(i)=idlv3
+c          IF(K(I,2).EQ.0) GOTO 769
+          kno(JT)=-KFL2
+        enddo
+ 773    CONTINUE
+        CALL vedi(kno(3),kno(4),KFLDMP,idlv4)
+        idptl(nptl+2+nd-nq/2)=idlv4
+        sum=0.
+        do i=nptl+2,nptl+2+nd-nq/2
+          call idmass(idptl(i),am)
+          pptl(5,i)=am
+          sum=sum+am
+        enddo
+        if(sum.gt.ams) goto 769
+c......goto phase space dis....
+        ip=nptl+2+nd-nq/2+1
+        do j=1,4
+          pptl(j,ip)=pptl(j,ipp)-pptl(j,nptl+1)
+        enddo
+        pptl(5,ip)=ams
+        idptl(ip)=sign(80,idptl(ipp))
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        naddptl=nd
+        goto 112
+c     omeg and phi decay
+c          use vectors in rest frame
+c     ------------------------------
+610   wt=(pptl(5,nptl+1)*pptl(5,nptl+2)*pptl(5,nptl+3))**2
+     1-(pptl(5,nptl+1)*dot(2,3))**2
+     2-(pptl(5,nptl+2)*dot(1,3))**2
+     3-(pptl(5,nptl+3)*dot(1,2))**2
+     4+2.*dot(1,2)*dot(2,3)*dot(1,3)
+      if(wt.lt.rangen()*pptl(5,ip)**6/108.) goto300
+      goto800
+c     semileptonic and quark decays
+c          use vectors in rest frame, where ip has (m,0,0,0)
+c          include w propagator
+c     ------------------------------------------------------
+620   wt=(pptl(5,ip)*prest(4,2))*dot(1,3)
+      s12=pptl(5,nptl+1)**2+pptl(5,nptl+2)**2+2.*dot(1,2)
+      s12max=pptl(5,ip)**2
+      wt=wt*wprop(s12max)/wprop(s12)
+      if(wt.lt.rangen()*pptl(5,ip)**4/16.) goto 300
+      goto 800
+c     semileptonic kaon decays
+c          use vectors in rest frame, where ip has (m,0,0,0)
+c          include form factor FML
+c     ------------------------------------------------------
+630   if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130)then
+        if(iabs(idptl(nptl+2)).eq.12)then
+          ncha=1          !K   -> Pi0 + e + Nu
+        else
+          ncha=2          !K   -> Pi0 + Mu + Nu
+        endif
+      else
+        if(iabs(idptl(nptl+2)).eq.12)then
+          ncha=3          !K0  -> Pi + e + Nu
+        else
+          ncha=4          !K0  -> Pi + Mu + Nu
+        endif
+      endif
+      wt=FML(ncha,pptl(5,ip),pptl(5,nptl+1),pptl(5,nptl+2)
+     &       ,prest(4,1),prest(4,2),prest(4,3))
+      if(wt.lt.rangen()) goto 300
+      goto 800
+c     hadronic kaon decays
+c          use vectors in rest frame, where ip has (m,0,0,0)
+c          include form factor FM
+c     ------------------------------------------------------
+640   if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130)then
+        if(iabs(idptl(nptl+3)).eq.120)then
+          ncha=1          !K   -> 3 Pi
+        else
+          ncha=2          !K   ->  Pi + 2 Pi0
+        endif
+      else
+        if(iabs(idptl(nptl+1)).eq.110)then
+          ncha=3          !K0  -> 3 Pi0
+        else
+          ncha=4          !K0  -> 2 Pi + Pi0
+        endif
+      endif
+      S0=(pptl(5,ip)**2+pptl(5,nptl+1)**2+pptl(5,nptl+2)**2
+     &   +pptl(5,nptl+3)**2)/3.d0
+      S1=pptl(5,ip)**2+pptl(5,nptl+1)**2-2.*prest(4,1)*pptl(5,ip)
+      S2=pptl(5,ip)**2+pptl(5,nptl+2)**2-2.*prest(4,2)*pptl(5,ip)
+      S3=pptl(5,ip)**2+pptl(5,nptl+3)**2-2.*prest(4,3)*pptl(5,ip)
+      wt=FM(ncha,S0,S1,S2,S3)
+      if(wt.lt.rangen()) goto 300
+      goto 800
+c     muon decays
+c          use vectors in rest frame, where ip has (m,0,0,0)
+c          include form factor FMU
+c     ------------------------------------------------------
+650   xxx=2.*prest(4,1)/pptl(5,ip)            !reduced energy of electron
+      if(xxx.gt.1.) goto 300
+      wt=FMU(xxx)
+      rrr=rangen()
+      if(wt.lt.rrr) goto 300
+      goto 800
+c     one-particle decays
+c     -------------------
+700   continue
+      do 710 j=1,5
+      pptl(j,nptl+1)=pptl(j,ip)
+710   continue
+c     swap particles and antiparticles if idptl(ip)<0
+c     -----------------------------------------------
+ 800    continue
+        if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.80)then
+          nptl=nptl-1
+          naddptl=naddptl+1
+        endif
+        if(idptl(ipp).ge.0.or.iabs(idptl(ipp)).eq.20) goto 900
+        do 810 i=1,naddptl
+          idabs=iabs(idptl(nptl+i))
+          ifl1=idabs/1000
+          ifl2=mod(idabs/100,10)
+          ifl3=mod(idabs/10,10)
+          if(ifl1.eq.0.and.ifl2.ne.0.and.ifl2.eq.ifl3) goto 810
+          if(idabs.eq.9.or.idabs.eq.10.or.idabs.eq.20) goto 810
+          if(idabs.eq.29.or.idabs.eq.30.or.idabs.eq.40) goto 810
+          idptl(nptl+i)=-idptl(nptl+i)
+ 810    continue
+ 900    continue
+        nptl=nptl+naddptl
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('hdecay: nptl>mxptl&')
+c        nqk=0           !???????????????????unused
+        if(iabs(idptl(nptl)).lt.10.or.mod(idptl(nptl),100).eq.0)then
+c          call utstop('hdecay: decay ptcl is parton&')
+        endif
+c     print
+c     -----
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+      write(ifch,140)sngl(ttaus)
+  140 format(/' ----------------------------'/
+     *'    decay  at tau =',f6.2/
+     *' ----------------------------')
+      write(ifch,*)'decaying object:'
+      call alist('&',ip,ip)
+      write(ifch,*)'decay products:'
+      call alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'momentum sum:'
+      do kk=1,5
+      pptl(kk,nptl+1)=0
+      do ii=nptlb+1,nptl
+      pptl(kk,nptl+1)=pptl(kk,nptl+1)+pptl(kk,ii)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      call alist('&',nptl+1,nptl+1)
+      endif
+c     exit
+c     ----
+ 1000 continue
+      ip=ipp
+      if(iret.ne.0.and.ish.ge.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(a)')'hdecay: redo event'
+        write(ifch,'(a)')'hdecay: redo event'
+      endif
+      call utprix('hdecay',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+ 9999   call utstop('hdecay: mxptl too small&')
+        end
+      subroutine vedi(k1,k2,k3,id)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      if(k2.eq.0)then
+        if(rangen().lt.pdiqua.and.iabs(k1).lt.6)then
+          ifl1=int(rangen()/pud)+1
+          ifl2=int(rangen()/pud)+1
+          k3=-min(ifl1,ifl2)*1000-max(ifl1,ifl2)*100
+        else
+          k3=int(rangen()/pud)+1
+        endif
+        if(k1.gt.0.and.k1.le.6)k3=-k3
+        if(k1.lt.-1000)k3=-k3
+      else
+        k3=k2
+      endif
+      id=idsp(k1,k3)
+      if(iabs(id).le.999) then
+        ids=max(mod(iabs(id)/100,10),mod(iabs(id)/10,10))
+        if(ids.le.2)then
+          idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(rangen()+0.5),id)
+        elseif(ids.eq.3)then
+          idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(rangen()+0.6),id)
+        else
+          idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(rangen()+0.75),id)
+        endif
+      else
+        idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(0.5+rangen()),id)
+      endif
+      id=idr
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*) 'Flavor:',k1,k2,k3,id
+      end
+      subroutine hdecin(lprint)
+c     sets up /dkytab/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/wco/wmass2,wgam2
+      dimension imode(6)
+      character*8 idlabl,lmode(6),lres
+      character*8 iblank
+      logical lprint
+      parameter (mxlook=10000,mxdky=2000)
+      common/dkytab/look(mxlook),cbr(mxdky),mode(5,mxdky)
+      common/nodcay/nodcay,noeta,nopi0,nonunu,noevol,nohadr
+      logical nodcay,noeta,nopi0,nonunu,noevol,nohadr
+      parameter (ndectb=1193)
+      real dectab(7,ndectb)
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=  1, 18)/
+     *  110., .98850,  10.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 110.,1.00000,  10.,  12., -12.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 220., .38000,  10.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 220., .71000, 110., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 220., .94600, 120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 220., .99500, 120.,-120.,  10.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 220.,1.00000,  10.,  12., -12.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 330., .44100, 220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 330., .66100, 220., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 330., .95900, 111.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 330., .98000, 221.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 330.,1.00000,  10.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 121.,1.00000, 120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 111., .99989, 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 111., .99993,  12., -12.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 111.,1.00000,  14., -14.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 221., .89900, 120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 221., .91200, 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j= 19, 36)/
+     *  221., .99992, 110.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 221.,1.00000,  12., -12.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 331., .48600, 130.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 331., .83700, 230.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 331., .98400, 120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 331., .99944, 220.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 331., .99975,  12., -12.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 331.,1.00000,  14., -14.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 230., .50000,  20.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 230.,1.00000, -20.,   0.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 131., .66670, 230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 131.,1.00000, 130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 231., .66670, 130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 231.,1.00000, 230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .11000,  12., -11., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .17000,  12., -11., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .28000,  14., -13., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .34000,  14., -13., 231.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j= 37, 54)/
+     *  240., .37800, 230.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .56300, 230.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .60800, 231.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .62100, 230.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .71000, 130.,-120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .80100, 230.,-120.,-120., 120.,   0.
+     *, 240., .87900, 130.,-120.,-120., 110.,   0.
+     *, 240., .95400, 230.,-120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *, 240., .96600, 230.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .97600, 331.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240., .98800,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 240.,1.00000,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .04500, -12.,  11., 130.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .07500, -12.,  11., 131.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .12000, -14.,  13., 130.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .15000, -14.,  13., 131.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .20300, 130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .22700, 230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j= 55, 72)/
+     *  140., .24700, 230., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .28900, 230., 221.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .45100, 130.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .53600, 131.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .56200, 231., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .57600, 230., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .58700, 130.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .60300, 230.,-120., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 140., .72700, 130.,-120.,-120., 120.,   0.
+     *, 140., .87600, 230.,-120., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *, 140., .96900, 130.,-120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *, 140.,1.00000, 230., 110., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *, 340., .03250,  12., -11., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .06500,  12., -11., 331.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .09750,  14., -13., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .13000,  14., -13., 331.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .17900,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .22800,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j= 73, 90)/
+     *  340., .33800,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .44800,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .55800,-120., 331.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .57500,-130., 230., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .59200,-230., 230.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 340., .69400,-130., 230.,-120., 120.,   0.
+     *, 340., .79600,-130., 230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *, 340., .89800,-130., 130.,-120., 110.,   0.
+     *, 340.,1.00000,-230., 230.,-120., 110.,   0.
+     *, 241., .64000, 140.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 241., .92000, 240., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 241.,1.00000, 240.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 141., .55000, 140., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 141.,1.00000, 140.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 341.,1.00000, 340.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .07400,  12., -12.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .14800,  14., -14.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .15210,-121., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j= 91,108)/
+     *  441., .15620, 111., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .16020, 121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .16300,-121., 111., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .16580, 121.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .16860, 121., 111.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 441., .28740, 120.,-120., 130.,-130.,   0.
+     *, 441., .40620, 110., 110., 130.,-130.,   0.
+     *, 441., .52500, 120.,-120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *, 441., .64380, 120.,-120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *, 441., .76260, 110., 110., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *, 441., .88130, 120.,-120., 230.,-230.,   0.
+     *, 441.,1.00000, 110., 110., 230., 230.,   0.
+     *, 150., .06000, -12.,  11., 140.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .12000, -12.,  11., 141.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .18000, -14.,  13., 140.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .24000, -14.,  13., 141.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .25500, -16.,  15., 140.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .27000, -16.,  15., 141.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=109,122)/
+     *  150., .28050, 140., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .29100, 140., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .30150, 141., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .31200, 141., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .32650, 140.,-340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .34100, 140.,-341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .35550, 141.,-340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., .37000, 141.,-341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 150., 0.820  ,   1.,  -4.,   1.,  -2.,   0.
+     *, 150., 0.920  ,   1.,  -2.,   1.,  -4.,   0.
+     *, 150., 0.975  ,   1.,  -4.,   4.,  -3.,   0.
+     *, 150., 0.985  ,   1.,  -3.,   4.,  -4.,   0.
+     *, 150., 0.995  ,   1.,  -1.,   1.,  -2.,   0.
+     *, 150., 1.     ,   1.,  -1.,   4.,  -3.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=123,142)
+     */ 250., .06000, -12.,  11., 240.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .12000, -12.,  11., 241.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .18000, -14.,  13., 240.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .24000, -14.,  13., 241.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .25500, -16.,  15., 240.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .27000, -16.,  15., 241.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .28050, 240., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .29100, 240., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .30150, 241., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .31200, 241., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .32650, 240.,-340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .34100, 240.,-341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .35550, 241.,-340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., .37000, 241.,-341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 250., 0.820  ,   2.,  -4.,   1.,  -2.,   0.
+     *, 250., 0.920  ,   2.,  -2.,   1.,  -4.,   0.
+     *, 250., 0.975  ,   2.,  -4.,   4.,  -3.,   0.
+     *, 250., 0.985  ,   2.,  -3.,   4.,  -4.,   0.
+     *, 250., 0.995  ,   2.,  -1.,   1.,  -2.,   0.
+     *, 250., 1.     ,   2.,  -1.,   4.,  -3.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=143,176)/
+     *     238*1. /
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=177,190)
+     * /350., .06000,  12., -11., 340.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .12000,  12., -11., 341.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .18000,  14., -13., 340.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .24000,  14., -13., 341.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .25500,  16., -15., 340.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .27000,  16., -15., 341.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .28050, 340., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .29100, 340., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .30150, 341., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .31200, 341., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .32650, 340.,-340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .34100, 340.,-341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .35550, 341.,-340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 350., .37000, 341.,-341.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=191,196)/
+     *  350., 0.820  ,   3.,  -4.,   1.,  -2.,   0.
+     *, 350., 0.920  ,   3.,  -2.,   1.,  -4.,   0.
+     *, 350., 0.975  ,   3.,  -4.,   4.,  -3.,   0.
+     *, 350., 0.985  ,   3.,  -3.,   4.,  -4.,   0.
+     *, 350., 0.995  ,   3.,  -1.,   1.,  -2.,   0.
+     *, 350., 1.     ,   3.,  -1.,   4.,  -3.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=197,244)/
+     *     336*1. /
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=245,262)/
+     *  160., .33330,  -1.,   2.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 160., .66660,  -4.,   3.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 160., .77770,  11., -12.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 160., .88880,  13., -14.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 160.,1.00000, -15.,  16.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 260., .33330,  -1.,   2.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 260., .66660,  -4.,   3.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 260., .77770, -11.,  12.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 260., .88880, -13.,  14.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 260.,1.00000, -15.,  16.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 360., .33330,  -1.,   2.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 360., .66660,  -4.,   3.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 360., .77770, -11.,  12.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 360., .88880, -13.,  14.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 360.,1.00000, -15.,  16.,  -5.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 151.,1.00000, 150.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 251.,1.00000, 250.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 351.,1.00000, 350.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=263,280)/
+     *  161.,1.00000, 160.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 261.,1.00000, 260.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 361.,1.00000, 360.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1230.,1.00000,2130.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1111.,1.00000,1120., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1121., .66670,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1121.,1.00000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1221., .66670,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1221.,1.00000,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2221.,1.00000,1220.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1131., .88000,2130., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1131., .94000,1130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1131.,1.00000,1230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1231., .88000,2130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1231., .94000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1231.,1.00000,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2231., .88000,2130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2231., .94000,1230.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=281,298)/
+     * 2231.,1.00000,2230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1331., .66670,2330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1331.,1.00000,1330., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2331., .66670,1330.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2331.,1.00000,2330., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,  16., .18000,  12., -11.,  15.,   0.,   0.
+     *,  16., .36000,  14., -13.,  15.,   0.,   0.
+     *,  16., .45100,-120.,  15.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,  16., .66000,-121.,  15.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,  16., .78000, 110., 110.,-120.,  15.,   0.
+     *,  16., .83600, 120.,-120.,-120.,  15.,   0.
+     *,  16.,1.00000, 120., 110.,-120.,-120.,  15.
+     *,2140., .03750, -12.,  11.,2130.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .07500, -12.,  11.,1231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .11250, -14.,  13.,2130.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .15000, -14.,  13.,1231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .18200,2130., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .21300,1230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=299,316)/
+     * 2140., .24400,1120.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .29500,1131., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .34600,1231., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .39700,1121.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .44800,1111.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .49900,1130., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .55000,1230., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .60100,1120.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2140., .65800,1120.,-230., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,2140., .71500,1120.,-230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,2140., .77200,1120.,-130., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,2140., .82900,1220.,-230., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,2140., .88600,1220.,-130., 120., 120.,   0.
+     *,2140., .94300,2130., 120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,2140.,1.00000,2130., 120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,1140.,1.00000,2140., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1240.,1.00000,2140., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2240.,1.00000,2140.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=317,334)/
+     * 1340., .03750, -12.,  11.,1330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .07500, -12.,  11.,1331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .11250, -14.,  13.,1330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .15000, -14.,  13.,1331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .19900,1330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .24800,1231., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .28800,1330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .32800,1131.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .36800,1330., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .40800,1130.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .44800,1330., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .48800,2330., 120., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .52800,1130.,-130., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .56800,1130.,-230., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .60800,1230.,-230., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1340., .66400,2130.,-230., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,1340., .72000,2130.,-130., 120., 120.,   0.
+     *,1340., .77600,1130.,-230., 120.,-120.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=335,352)/
+     * 1340., .83200,1130.,-230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,1340., .88800,1330., 120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,1340., .94400,1330., 120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,1340.,1.00000,2330., 120., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,3140., .03750, -12.,  11.,1330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .07500, -12.,  11.,1331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .11250, -14.,  13.,1330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .15000, -14.,  13.,1331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .19900,1330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .24800,1231., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .28800,1330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .32800,1131.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .36800,1330., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .40800,1130.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .44800,1330., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .48800,2330., 120., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .52800,1130.,-130., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .56800,1130.,-230., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=353,370)/
+     * 3140., .60800,1230.,-230., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3140., .66400,2130.,-230., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,3140., .72000,2130.,-130., 120., 120.,   0.
+     *,3140., .77600,1130.,-230., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,3140., .83200,1130.,-230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3140., .88800,1330., 120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,3140., .94400,1330., 120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3140.,1.00000,2330., 120., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .03750, -12.,  11.,2330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .07500, -12.,  11.,2331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .11250, -14.,  13.,2330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .15000, -14.,  13.,2331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .17500,2330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .20000,1330., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .22500,1130.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .25000,1230.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .29500,2331., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .34000,1331., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=371,388)/
+     * 2340., .38500,1131.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .43000,1231.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .47500,2330., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .52000,1330., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .56500,1130.,-131.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .61000,1230.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2340., .64900,2130.,-230., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,2340., .68800,2130.,-230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .72700,2130.,-130., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .76600,1130.,-230.,-120., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .80500,1130.,-130., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,2340., .84400,1130.,-130., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .88300,1330., 120.,-120., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .92200,1330., 110., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,2340., .96100,2330., 120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,2340.,1.00000,2330., 120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3240., .03750, -12.,  11.,2330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .07500, -12.,  11.,2331.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=389,406)/
+     * 3240., .11250, -14.,  13.,2330.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .15000, -14.,  13.,2331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .17500,2330., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .20000,1330., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .22500,1130.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .25000,1230.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .29500,2331., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .34000,1331., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .38500,1131.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .43000,1231.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .47500,2330., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .52000,1330., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .56500,1130.,-131.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .61000,1230.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3240., .64900,2130.,-230., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,3240., .68800,2130.,-230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3240., .72700,2130.,-130., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,3240., .76600,1130.,-230.,-120., 110.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=407,424)/
+     * 3240., .80500,1130.,-130., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,3240., .84400,1130.,-130., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3240., .88300,1330., 120.,-120., 110.,   0.
+     *,3240., .92200,1330., 110., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3240., .96100,2330., 120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,3240.,1.00000,2330., 120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3340., .07500, -12.,  11.,3331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .15000, -12.,  11.,3331.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .25000,1330.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .31000,3331., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .37000,1331.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .43000,1330.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .49000,2330.,-230., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .55000,1330.,-230., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .61000,1330.,-130., 120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3340., .67500,3331., 120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *,3340., .74000,3331., 120., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3340., .80500,1330.,-230., 120.,-120.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=425,442)/
+     * 3340., .87000,1330.,-230., 110., 110.,   0.
+     *,3340., .93500,2330.,-230., 120., 110.,   0.
+     *,3340.,1.00000,2330.,-130., 120., 120.,   0.
+     *,1141.,1.00000,2140., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1241.,1.00000,2140., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2241.,1.00000,2140.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1341., .66670,2340., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1341.,1.00000,1340., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2341., .66670,1340.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2341.,1.00000,2340., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3341.,1.00000,3340., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .06000,  12., -11.,1140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .12000,  12., -11.,1141.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .18000,  14., -13.,1140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .24000,  14., -13.,1141.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .25500,  16., -15.,1140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .27000,  16., -15.,1141.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .28925,1140.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=443,460)/
+     * 1150., .30850,1140.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .32775,1141.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .34700,1141.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .35775,1140., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .36850,1140., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .37925,1141., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .39000,1141., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .42050,1140.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .45100,1140.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .48150,1140.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .51200,1140.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .54250,1140.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .57300,1140.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .60350,1140.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .63400,1140.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .66450,1141.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .69500,1141.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .72550,1141.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=461,478)/
+     * 1150., .75600,1141.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .78650,1141.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .81700,1141.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .84750,1141.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .87800,1141.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .89325,1140.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .90850,1140.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .92375,1140.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .93900,1140.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .95425,1141.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .96950,1141.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150., .98475,1141.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1150.,1.00000,1141.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .06000,  12., -11.,1240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .12000,  12., -11.,1241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .18000,  14., -13.,1240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .24000,  14., -13.,1241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .25500,  16., -15.,1240.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=479,496)/
+     * 1250., .27000,  16., -15.,1241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .28925,1240.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .30850,1240.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .32775,1241.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .34700,1241.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .35775,1240., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .36850,1240., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .37925,1241., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .39000,1241., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .42050,1240.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .45100,1240.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .48150,1240.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .51200,1240.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .54250,1240.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .57300,1240.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .60350,1240.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .63400,1240.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .66450,1241.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=497,514)/
+     * 1250., .69500,1241.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .72550,1241.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .75600,1241.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .78650,1241.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .81700,1241.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .84750,1241.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .87800,1241.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .89325,1240.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .90850,1240.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .92375,1240.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .93900,1240.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .95425,1241.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .96950,1241.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250., .98475,1241.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1250.,1.00000,1241.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .06000,  12., -11.,1340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .12000,  12., -11.,1341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .18000,  14., -13.,1340.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=515,532)/
+     * 1350., .24000,  14., -13.,1341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .25500,  16., -15.,1340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .27000,  16., -15.,1341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .28925,1340.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .30850,1340.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .32775,1341.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .34700,1341.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .35775,1340., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .36850,1340., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .37925,1341., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .39000,1341., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .42050,1340.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .45100,1340.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .48150,1340.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .51200,1340.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .54250,1340.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .57300,1340.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .60350,1340.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=533,550)/
+     * 1350., .63400,1340.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .66450,1341.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .69500,1341.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .72550,1341.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .75600,1341.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .78650,1341.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .81700,1341.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .84750,1341.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .87800,1341.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .89325,1340.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .90850,1340.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .92375,1340.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .93900,1340.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .95425,1341.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .96950,1341.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350., .98475,1341.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1350.,1.00000,1341.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .06000,  12., -11.,2140.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=551,568)/
+     * 2150., .12000,  12., -11.,1241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .18000,  14., -13.,2140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .24000,  14., -13.,1241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .25500,  16., -15.,2140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .27000,  16., -15.,1241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .28925,2140.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .30850,2140.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .32775,1241.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .34700,1241.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .35775,2140., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .36850,2140., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .37925,1241., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .39000,1241., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .42050,2140.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .45100,2140.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .48150,2140.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .51200,2140.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .54250,2140.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=569,586)/
+     * 2150., .57300,2140.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .60350,2140.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .63400,2140.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .66450,1241.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .69500,1241.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .72550,1241.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .75600,1241.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .78650,1241.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .81700,1241.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .84750,1241.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .87800,1241.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .89325,2140.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .90850,2140.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .92375,2140.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .93900,2140.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .95425,1241.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .96950,1241.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2150., .98475,1241.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=587,604)/
+     * 2150.,1.00000,1241.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .06000,  12., -11.,2240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .12000,  12., -11.,2241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .18000,  14., -13.,2240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .24000,  14., -13.,2241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .25500,  16., -15.,2240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .27000,  16., -15.,2241.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .28925,2240.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .30850,2240.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .32775,2241.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .34700,2241.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .35775,2240., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .36850,2240., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .37925,2241., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .39000,2241., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .42050,2240.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .45100,2240.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .48150,2240.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=605,622)/
+     * 2250., .51200,2240.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .54250,2240.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .57300,2240.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .60350,2240.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .63400,2240.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .66450,2241.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .69500,2241.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .72550,2241.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .75600,2241.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .78650,2241.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .81700,2241.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .84750,2241.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .87800,2241.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .89325,2240.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .90850,2240.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .92375,2240.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .93900,2240.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .95425,2241.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=623,640)/
+     * 2250., .96950,2241.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250., .98475,2241.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2250.,1.00000,2241.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .06000,  12., -11.,2340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .12000,  12., -11.,2341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .18000,  14., -13.,2340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .24000,  14., -13.,2341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .25500,  16., -15.,2340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .27000,  16., -15.,2341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .28925,2340.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .30850,2340.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .32775,2341.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .34700,2341.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .35775,2340., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .36850,2340., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .37925,2341., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .39000,2341., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .42050,2340.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=641,658)/
+     * 2350., .45100,2340.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .48150,2340.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .51200,2340.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .54250,2340.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .57300,2340.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .60350,2340.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .63400,2340.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .66450,2341.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .69500,2341.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .72550,2341.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .75600,2341.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .78650,2341.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .81700,2341.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .84750,2341.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .87800,2341.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .89325,2340.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .90850,2340.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .92375,2340.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=659,720)/
+     * 434*1./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=721,738)/
+     * 2350., .93900,2340.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .95425,2341.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .96950,2341.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350., .98475,2341.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2350.,1.00000,2341.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .06000,  12., -11.,3140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .12000,  12., -11.,1341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .18000,  14., -13.,3140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .24000,  14., -13.,1341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .25500,  16., -15.,3140.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .27000,  16., -15.,1341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .28925,3140.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .30850,3140.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .32775,1341.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .34700,1341.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .35775,3140., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .36850,3140., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .37925,1341., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=739,756)/
+     * 3150., .39000,1341., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .42050,3140.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .45100,3140.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .48150,3140.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .51200,3140.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .54250,3140.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .57300,3140.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .60350,3140.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .63400,3140.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .66450,1341.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .69500,1341.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .72550,1341.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .75600,1341.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .78650,1341.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .81700,1341.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .84750,1341.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .87800,1341.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .89325,3140.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=757,774)/
+     * 3150., .90850,3140.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .92375,3140.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .93900,3140.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .95425,1341.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .96950,1341.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150., .98475,1341.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3150.,1.00000,1341.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .06000,  12., -11.,3240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .12000,  12., -11.,2341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .18000,  14., -13.,3240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .24000,  14., -13.,2341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .25500,  16., -15.,3240.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .27000,  16., -15.,2341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .28925,3240.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .30850,3240.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .32775,2341.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .34700,2341.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .35775,3240., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=775,792)/
+     * 3250., .36850,3240., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .37925,2341., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .39000,2341., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .42050,3240.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .45100,3240.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .48150,3240.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .51200,3240.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .54250,3240.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .57300,3240.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .60350,3240.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .63400,3240.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .66450,2341.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .69500,2341.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .72550,2341.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .75600,2341.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .78650,2341.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .81700,2341.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .84750,2341.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=793,810)/
+     * 3250., .87800,2341.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .89325,3240.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .90850,3240.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .92375,3240.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .93900,3240.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .95425,2341.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .96950,2341.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250., .98475,2341.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3250.,1.00000,2341.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .06000,  12., -11.,3340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .12000,  12., -11.,3341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .18000,  14., -13.,3340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .24000,  14., -13.,3341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .25500,  16., -15.,3340.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .27000,  16., -15.,3341.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .28925,3340.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .30850,3340.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .32775,3341.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=811,828)/
+     * 3350., .34700,3341.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .35775,3340., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .36850,3340., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .37925,3341., 340.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .39000,3341., 341.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .42050,3340.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .45100,3340.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .48150,3340.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .51200,3340.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .54250,3340.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .57300,3340.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .60350,3340.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .63400,3340.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .66450,3341.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .69500,3341.,-120., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .72550,3341.,-120., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .75600,3341.,-120., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .78650,3341.,-121., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=829,846)/
+     * 3350., .81700,3341.,-121., 220.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .84750,3341.,-121., 111.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .87800,3341.,-121., 221.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .89325,3340.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .90850,3340.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .92375,3340.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .93900,3340.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .95425,3341.,-130., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .96950,3341.,-130., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350., .98475,3341.,-131., 230.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3350.,1.00000,3341.,-131., 231.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1160., .33300,   1.,  -2.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1160., .66700,   4.,  -3.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1160., .77800, -12.,  11.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1160., .88900, -14.,  13.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1160.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1260., .33300,   1.,  -2.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1260., .66700,   4.,  -3.,2500.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=847,864)/
+     * 1260., .77800, -12.,  11.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1260., .88900, -14.,  13.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1260.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2260., .33300,   1.,  -2.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2260., .66700,   4.,  -3.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2260., .77800, -12.,  11.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2260., .88900, -14.,  13.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2260.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,2500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2160., .33300,   1.,  -2.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2160., .66700,   4.,  -3.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2160., .77800, -12.,  11.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2160., .88900, -14.,  13.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2160.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,1500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1360., .33300,   1.,  -2.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1360., .66700,   4.,  -3.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1360., .77800, -12.,  11.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1360., .88900, -14.,  13.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1360.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,3500.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=865,882)/
+     * 2360., .33300,   1.,  -2.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2360., .66700,   4.,  -3.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2360., .77800, -12.,  11.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2360., .88900, -14.,  13.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2360.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3360., .33300,   1.,  -2.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3360., .66700,   4.,  -3.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3360., .77800, -12.,  11.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3360., .88900, -14.,  13.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3360.,1.00000, -16.,  15.,3500.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1151.,1.00000,1150.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1251.,1.00000,1250.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2251.,1.00000,2250.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1351.,1.00000,1350.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2351.,1.00000,2350.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3351.,1.00000,3350.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1161.,1.00000,1160.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1261.,1.00000,1260.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=883,886)/
+     * 2261.,1.00000,2260.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1361.,1.00000,1360.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2361.,1.00000,2360.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3361.,1.00000,3360.,  10.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *    delta++ resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=887,900)/
+c    *--dl++(1620)---------------------------------
+     * 1112., .30000,1120., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1112., .66000,1111., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1112., .90000,1121., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1112.,1.00000,1120., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+c    *--dl++(1700)---------------------------------
+     *,1113., .15000,1120., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1113., .51000,1111., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1113., .75000,1121., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1113.,1.00000,1120., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+c    *--dl++(1925)---------------------------------
+     *,1114., .28000,1120., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1114., .40600,1111., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1114., .49000,1121., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1114., .69000,1120., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1114., .70000,1130., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1114.,1.00000,1122., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *    delta- resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=901,914)/
+c    *--dl-(1620)----------------------------------
+     * 2222., .30000,1220.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2222., .66000,2221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2222., .90000,1221.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2222.,1.00000,1220., 110.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+c    *--dl-(1700)----------------------------------
+     *,2223., .15000,1220.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2223., .51000,2221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2223., .75000,1221.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2223.,1.00000,1220., 110.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+c    *--dl-(1925)----------------------------------
+     *,2224., .28000,1220.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2224., .40600,2221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2224., .49000,1221.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2224., .69000,1220.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2224., .70000,2230., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2224.,1.00000,1222.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *    n*+ resonances + delta+ resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=915,931)/
+c    *--n*+(1440)----------------------------------
+     * 1122., .20000,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122., .60000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122., .68000,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122., .73000,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122., .76000,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122., .84000,1120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122., .87000,1120., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1122.,1.00000,1220., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+c    *--n*+(1530)----------------------------------
+     *,1123., .17000,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .51000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .57000,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .61000,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .63000,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .67000,1120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .68000,1120., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123., .75000,1220., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1123.,1.00000,1120., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=932,948)/
+c    *--dl+(1620)----------------------------------
+     * 1124., .20000,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1124., .30000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1124., .54000,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1124., .58000,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1124., .90000,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1124., .96000,1120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1124.,1.00000,1220., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+c    *--n*+(1665)----------------------------------
+     *,1125., .16700,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .49970,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .62470,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .70800,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .74970,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .82080,1120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .85190,1120., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .96300,1220., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125., .97300,1120., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1125.,1.00000,2130., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=949,955)/
+c    *--dl+(1700)----------------------------------
+     * 1126., .10000,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1126., .15000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1126., .39000,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1126., .43000,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1126., .75000,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1126., .91500,1120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1126.,1.00000,1220., 120., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=956,969)/
+c    *--n*+(1710)----------------------------------
+     * 1127., .04430,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .13290,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .23790,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .30790,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .34290,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .41190,1120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .48090,1120., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .54990,1220., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .66070,1120., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .72800,2130., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .74930,1230., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .76000,1130., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127., .84000,1120., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1127.,1.00000,1220., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=970,980)/
+c    *--dl+(1925)----------------------------------
+     * 1128., .18700,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .28000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .36400,1111.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .37800,1121., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .49000,1221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .62300,1120., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .69000,1220., 121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .69350,1130., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .69900,1230., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128., .89900,1122., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1128.,1.00000,1222., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *    n*0  resonances + delta0 resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=981,997)/
+c    *----------n*0(1440)--------------------------
+     * 1222., .20000,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222., .60000,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222., .68000,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222., .73000,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222., .76000,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222., .84000,1220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222., .87000,1220., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1222.,1.00000,1120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+c    *----------n*0(1530)--------------------------
+     *,1223., .17000,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .51000,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .57000,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .61000,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .63000,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .67000,1220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .68000,1220., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223., .75000,1120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1223.,1.00000,1220., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=998,1014)/
+c    *----------dl0(1620)--------------------------
+     * 1224., .20000,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1224., .30000,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1224., .54000,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1224., .58000,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1224., .90000,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1224., .96500,1220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1224.,1.00000,1120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+c    *----------n*0(1665)--------------------------
+     *,1225., .16700,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .49970,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .62470,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .70800,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .74970,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .82080,1220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .85190,1220., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .96300,1120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225., .97300,1220., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1225.,1.00000,2130., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1015,1021)/
+c    *----------dl0(1700)--------------------------
+     * 1226., .10000,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1226., .15000,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1226., .39000,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1226., .43000,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1226., .75000,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1226., .91500,1220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1226.,1.00000,1120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1022,1035)/
+c    *----------n*0(1710)--------------------------
+     * 1227., .04430,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .13290,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .23790,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .30790,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .34290,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .41190,1220., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .48090,1220., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .54990,1120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .66070,1220., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .72800,2130., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .73870,1230., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .76000,2230., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227., .92000,1120.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1227.,1.00000,1220., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1036,1046)/
+c    *----------dl0(1925)--------------------------
+     * 1228., .18700,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .28000,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .36400,2221., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .37800,1221., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .49000,1121.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .55700,1220., 111.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .69000,1120.,-121.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .69350,2230., 130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .70000,1230., 230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228., .80000,1122.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1228.,1.00000,1222., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *   lambda resonances + sigma0 resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1047,1059)/
+c    *----------lambda(1405)-----------------------
+     * 1233., .33000,1230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1233., .66000,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1233.,1.00000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *----------lambda(1520)-----------------------
+     *,1234., .22500,1120.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .48000,1220.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .62000,1230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .76000,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .90000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .96000,2130., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .99000,2130., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .99330,1130.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234., .99660,2230., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1234.,1.00000,1230., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1060,1075)/
+c    *----------lambda(1645)-----------------------
+     * 1235., .10000,1120.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .20000,1220.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .35000,1230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .50000,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .65000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .75000,2130., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .80000,2130., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .84500,1130.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .89000,2230., 120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235., .93500,1230., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1235.,1.00000,2130., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *----------sigma0(1665)-----------------------
+     *,1236., .10000,1120.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1236., .20000,1220.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1236., .40000,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1236., .60000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1236.,1.00000,2130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1076,1084)/
+c    *----------sigma0(1776)-----------------------
+     * 1237., .17500,1120.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .35000,1220.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .38750,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .42500,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .57500,2130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .60000,2231., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .62500,1131.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237., .75000,1234., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1237.,1.00000,1230., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1085,1094)/
+c    *----------lambda(1845)-----------------------
+     * 1238., .17000,1120.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .34000,1220.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .44000,1230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .54000,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .64000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .70000,1231., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .76000,2231., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .82000,1131.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238., .91000,1120.,-131.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1238.,1.00000,1220.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1095,1106)/
+c    *----------sigma0(1930)-----------------------
+     * 1239., .07500,1120.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .15000,1220.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .20000,1121.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .25000,1221.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .32500,1120.,-131.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .40000,1220.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .47500,2230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .55000,1130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .70000,2130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .77500,2231., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239., .85000,1131.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1239.,1.00000,1234., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *            sigma+ resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1107,1118)/
+c    *----------sigma+(1665)-----------------------
+     * 1132., .20000,1120.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1132., .40000,1130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1132., .60000,1230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1132.,1.00000,2130., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *----------sigma+(1776)-----------------------
+     *,1133., .35000,1120.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133., .38750,1130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133., .42500,1230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133., .57500,2130., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133., .60000,1131., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133., .62500,1231., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133., .75000,1234., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1133.,1.00000,1130., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1119,1128)/
+c    *----------sigma+(1930)-----------------------
+     * 1134., .15000,1120.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .22500,1111.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .25000,1121.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .40000,1120.,-231.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .47500,1130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .55000,1230., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .70000,2130., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .77500,1131., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134., .85000,1231., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1134.,1.00000,1234., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *            sigma- resonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1129,1140)/
+c    *----------sigma-(1665)-----------------------
+     * 2232., .20000,1220.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2232., .40000,2230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2232., .60000,1230.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2232.,1.00000,2130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *----------sigma-(1776)-----------------------
+     *,2233., .35000,1220.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233., .38750,2230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233., .42500,1230.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233., .57500,2130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233., .60000,2231., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233., .62500,1231.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233., .75000,1234.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2233.,1.00000,2230., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1141,1150)/
+c    *----------sigma-(1930)-----------------------
+     * 2234., .15000,1220.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .17500,1221.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .25000,2221.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .40000,1220.,-131.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .47500,2230., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .55000,1230.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .70000,2130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .77500,2231., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234., .85000,1231.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2234.,1.00000,1234.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *      additional mesonresonances
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1151,1159)/
+c    *-----------f0(975)---------------------------
+     *  332., .50000, 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 332., .75000, 110., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 332., .87500, 130.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 332.,1.00000, 230.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------a0(980)---------------------------
+     *, 112., .56000, 110., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 112., .78000, 130.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 112.,1.00000, 230.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------a+(980)---------------------------
+     *, 122., .60000, 120., 220.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 122.,1.00000, 130.,-230.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *      weak baryon decays
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1160,1169)/
+c    *-----------lambda(1116)----------------------
+     * 2130.,0.64200,1120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,2130.,1.00000,1220., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------sigma+(1180)----------------------
+     *,1130.,0.51580,1120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,1130.,1.00000,1220., 120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------sigma-(1180)----------------------
+     *,2230.,1.00000,1220.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *---------kaskade-(1360)----------------------
+     *,2330.,1.00000,2130.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *---------kaskade0(1360)----------------------
+     *,1330.,1.00000,2130., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *---------omega-(1680)------------------------
+     *,3331.,0.68000,2130.,-130.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3331.,0.82000,1330.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,3331.,1.00000,2330., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+c    *      weak meson decays
+c    *---------------------------------------------
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1170,1171)/
+c    *-----------k0s()--------------------------
+     *   20., .68610, 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *,  20.,1.00000, 110., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0./
+      data ((dectab(i,j),i=1,7),j=1172,ndectb)/
+c    *-----------k0l-------------------------------
+     *  320., .2113, 110., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320., .2113, 110., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320., .2120, 110., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320., .3380, 120.,-120., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320., .4744, 120.,  14., -13.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320., .6108,-120., -14.,  13.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320., .8054, 120.,  12., -11.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 320.,1.0000,-120., -12.,  11.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------k+-------------------------------
+     *, 130., .6352 , -14.,  13.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 130., .8468 , 120., 110.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 130., .9027 , 120., 120.,-120.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 130., .92   , 120., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 130., .9518 , 110., -14.,  13.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 130.,1.     , 110., -12.,  11.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------pi+------------------------------
+     *, 120., 1.    , -14.,  13.,   0.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------mu-------------------------------
+     *,  14., 1.    ,  12., -11.,  13.,   0.,   0.
+c    *-----------etac-------------------------------
+     *, 440.,  .32  , 230.,-230., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 440.,  .64  , 220., 110., 110.,   0.,   0.
+     *, 440.,  .76  , 120.,-120., 130.,-130.,   0.
+     *, 440.,  .88  , 120.,-120., 120.,-120.,   0.
+     *, 440., 1.    , 130.,-130., 130.,-130.,   0.
+c    *-----------etac-------------------------------
+     *,1220., 1.    ,1120.,  12., -11.,   0.,   0./
+      call idresi
+c     determine wmass2,wgam2
+c     ----------------------
+      alfa=1./137.036
+      gf=1.16570e-5
+      sin2w=.215
+      sinw=sqrt(sin2w)
+c      cosw=sqrt(1.-sin2w)           !?????????????????unused
+      amw=sqrt(pi*alfa/(.9304*sqrt(2.)*gf))/sinw
+      wmass2=amw
+      call idmass(5,amlep5)
+      call idmass(6,amlep6)
+      ngam=12
+      if(amlep5+amlep6.gt.amw) ngam=9
+      wgam2=gf*amw**3/(6.*pi*sqrt(2.))*ngam
+      data iblank/' '/
+      ird=0
+      do 1 i=1,mxlook
+1     look(i)=0
+      do 2 i=1,mxdky
+      do 3 j=1,5
+3     mode(j,i)=0
+2     cbr(i)=0.
+      nodcay=.false.
+      noeta=.false.
+      nopi0=.false.
+      nonunu=.false.
+      noevol=.false.
+      nohadr=.false.
+      if(lprint) write(ifch,10)
+10    format('1',30('*')/' *',28x,'*'/
+     1' *',5x,'isajet decay table',5x,'*'/
+     2' *',28x,'*'/' ',30('*')//
+     36x,'part',18x,'decay mode',19x,'cum br',15x,'ident',17x,
+     4'decay ident')
+      loop=0
+      iold=0
+      if(nodcay) return
+200   loop=loop+1
+      if(loop.gt.mxdky) goto9999
+220   do 210 i=1,5
+      imode(i)=0
+      lmode(i)=iblank
+210   continue
+      ird=ird+1
+      if(ird.gt.ndectb)return
+c      if(ird.gt.1171)return   ! ??????????????????????????
+      ires=nint(dectab(1,ird))
+      br=dectab(2,ird)
+      do 215 i=1,5
+215   imode(i)=nint(dectab(2+i,ird))
+      if(nopi0.and.ires.eq.110) goto220
+      if(noeta.and.ires.eq.220) goto220
+      if(ires.eq.iold) goto230
+      if(ires.lt.0.or.ires.gt.mxlook)
+     *call utstop('hdecin: ires out of range&')
+      look(ires)=loop
+230   iold=ires
+      cbr(loop)=br
+      do 240 i=1,5
+      mode(i,loop)=imode(i)
+      if(imode(i).ne.0) lmode(i)=idlabl(imode(i))
+240   continue
+      lres=idlabl(ires)
+      if(lprint) write(ifch,20) lres,(lmode(k),k=1,5),
+     1br,ires,(imode(k),k=1,5)
+20    format(6x,a5,6x,5(a5,2x),3x,f8.5,15x,i5,4x,5(i5,2x))
+      goto200
+9999  write(ifch,*)'loop=', loop
+      call utstop('hdecin: loop > mxdky&')
+      end
+C -----------------------------------------------
+      FUNCTION FM(NQ,S0,S1,S2,S3)
+C -----------------------------------------------
+C Amax is the maximum of this amplitude (taken from Corsika by D. Heck)
+C NQ is the decay channel :
+C   1 - K -> 3 Pi
+C   2 - K -> Pi + 2 Pi0
+C   3 - K0 -> 3 Pi0
+C   4 - K0 -> 2 Pi + Pi0
+C -----------------------------------------------
+      DIMENSION G(4),H(4),D(4),Amax(4)
+      PARAMETER (PIM=139.57E-3)
+      DATA G/-0.2154,0.594,0.,0.67/
+      DATA H/0.01,0.035,0.,0.079/
+      DATA D/-0.01,0.,0.,0.0098/
+      DATA Amax/1.27,1.84,1.,2.22/
+      FM=1.+G(NQ)*(S3-S0)/(PIM*PIM)+H(NQ)*((S3-S0)/(PIM*PIM))**2
+     *+D(NQ)*((S2-S1)/(PIM*PIM))**2
+      FM=FM/Amax(NQ)
+      RETURN
+      END
+C -----------------------------------------------
+C -----------------------------------------------
+C EEP IS E'pion
+C Amax is the maximum of this density (taken from Corsika by D. Heck)
+C N is the decay channel :
+C   1 - K -> Pi0 + e + Nu
+C   2 - K -> Pi0 + Mu + Nu
+C   3 - K0 -> Pi + e + Nu
+C   4 - K0 -> Pi + Mu + Nu
+C -----------------------------------------------
+      DIMENSION CLP(4),CLN(4),Amax(4)
+      DATA CLP/0.0276,0.031,0.0288,0.034/
+      DATA CLN/0.0,0.006,0.,0.025/
+      DATA Amax/1.28e-2,1.194e-2,1.31e-2,1.241e-2/
+      SM1=RM1*RM1
+      SM2=RM2*RM2
+      EEP=0.5D0*(AM*AM+SM1-SM2)/AM-E1S
+      GP=1.+CLP(N)*(AM*AM+SM1-2.*AM*E1S)/SM1
+      H=(AM*AM-SM1)/SM1*(CLN(N)-CLP(N))/GP
+      FML=GP*GP*(AM*(2.*E2S*E3S-AM*EEP)+
+     *SM2*(0.25*EEP-E3S)+H*SM2*(E3S-0.5*EEP)+
+     *0.25*H*H*SM2*EEP)
+      FML=FML/Amax(N)
+      RETURN
+      END
+C -----------------------------------------------
+C -----------------------------------------------
+C -----------------------------------------------
+      FMU=2.*(3.-2.*X)*X*X
+      RETURN
+      END
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-dro-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-dro-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bfaf491d5d05bcc6fe0b7982757d26ff44720c28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-dro-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2642 @@
+      subroutine ahydro
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/cranphi/ranphi
+      ntry=0
+ 1    ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.eq.100)stop'in ahydro: infine loop (080719)   '
+      nevt=0
+      nptl=0
+      rmproj=1.19*maproj**(1./3.)-1.61*maproj**(-1./3.)+fctrmx*.54
+      rmtarg=1.19*matarg**(1./3.)-1.61*matarg**(-1./3.)+fctrmx*.54
+      b1=bminim
+      b2=min(rmproj+rmtarg,bmaxim)
+      bimevt=sqrt(b1**2+(b2**2-b1**2)*rangen())
+      phievt=0
+      ranphi=0
+      call InitializeHyperbola !does not affect results but necessary
+      call HydroFO(ier)
+      if(ier.eq.1)goto1
+      do n=1,nptl
+        iorptl(n)=0
+        jorptl(n)=0
+        istptl(n)=0
+        ifrptl(1,n)=0
+        ifrptl(2,n)=0
+        tivptl(1,n)=xorptl(4,n)
+        call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+        r=rangen()
+        tivptl(2,n)=tivptl(1,n)+taugm*(-alog(r))
+        radptl(n)=0.
+        dezptl(n)=0.
+        itsptl(n)=0
+        rinptl(n)=0
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine amicro(iret)
+c  microcanonical decay of cluster specified via keu...ket, tecm, volu
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      double precision seedp
+      data ncntmi/0/
+      save ncntmi
+      call utpri('amicro',ish,ishini,4)
+      ncntmi=ncntmi+1
+      if(ncntmi.eq.1)then
+        call ranfgt(seedp)      !not to change the seed ...
+        if(hydt.ne.'---')then
+          call HydroTable2(0)
+          call DefineParticles
+        else
+          call ManiParticles(93,0)
+        endif
+        call ranfst(seedp)      ! ... after this initialization
+      endif
+      iret=0
+      nevt=0
+      nptl=0
+c      dez=0.5e-4
+      call InitializeHyperbola !does not affect results but necessary
+c  50  continue
+      call GraCan
+      energ=0
+      do i=1,np
+        energ=energ+pcm(4,i)
+      enddo
+      !print*,'+++++',energ,tecm,tecm/volu
+ccc      if(abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1) goto50   !uncomment for energy conservation
+      do n=1,np
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('StaHadShort: mxptl too small&')
+        idptl(nptl)=ident(n)
+        do j=1,4
+          pptl(j,nptl)=pcm(j,n)
+          xorptl(j,nptl)=0
+        enddo
+        pptl(5,nptl)=amass(n)
+        ityptl(nptl)=19
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        iorptl(n)=0
+        jorptl(n)=0
+        istptl(n)=0
+        ifrptl(1,n)=0
+        ifrptl(2,n)=0
+        tivptl(1,n)=0
+        call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+        r=rangen()
+        tivptl(2,n)=tivptl(1,n)+taugm*(-alog(r))
+        radptl(n)=0.
+        itsptl(n)=0
+        rinptl(n)=-9999
+      enddo
+      call utprix('amicro',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine GraCan
+      ! decays cluster specified via tfo and volu using
+      !    hadron gas (ioclude=4) or recombination (ioclude=5)
+      ! pcm(5,n) is the usual energy (ioclude=4)
+      ! or the effective energy, based on quark mass sum (ioclude=5)
+      !        so for the flow boost use this energy
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/copt/istat
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      parameter (mspez=54)
+      common/cspez1/nspez,ispez(mspez),aspez(2,mspez),gspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez2/kspez,jspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez3/fuga(mspez)
+      common/cspez4/ffstat(2,0:mspez+2) /ctfo/tfo
+      real u(3)
+      io3=ioclude-3
+      if(io3.lt.1.or.io3.gt.2)stop'in GraCan: wrong ioclude (140808) '
+      yie= volu * ffstat(io3,nspez) * ffstat(io3,mspez+2)
+      np=yie
+      if(rangen().le.yie-np)np=np+1
+      do n=1,np
+        r=rangen()*yie
+        i=0
+        do while(yie*ffstat(io3,i)/ffstat(io3,nspez).lt.r)
+         i=i+1
+        enddo
+        ident(n)=ispez(i)
+        amass(n)=aspez(1,i)
+        fug=fuga(i)
+        js=jspez(i)
+        x=RanBoseFermi(aspez(io3,i),fug,js,tfo,istat)
+        p=x*tfo
+        e=sqrt(amass(n)**2+p**2)
+        ex=sqrt(aspez(io3,i)**2+p**2)
+        u(3)=2.*rangen()-1.
+        phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+        u(1)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+        u(2)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+        pcm(1,n)=p*u(1)
+        pcm(2,n)=p*u(2)
+        pcm(3,n)=p*u(3)
+        pcm(4,n)=e
+        pcm(5,n)=ex
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine HydroTable2(ichk)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      parameter (mspez=54)
+      common/cspez1/nspez,ispez(mspez),aspez(2,mspez),gspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez2/kspez,jspez(mspez) /cstep/netastep /crapi/delrapi
+      common/ctempcrit/tempcrit,epscrit
+      character tabname*550
+      if(hydt.eq.'---')stop'in HydroTable2. no table found (150808) '
+      write(tabname,'(a)')fnnx(1:nfnnx)//'epos.ini'//hydt//' '
+      call HydroTable(ichk,tabname)
+      epscri(3)=epscrit
+      kspez=1
+      nspez=54
+      end
+      subroutine HydroTable(ichk,tabname) ! 13 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f except inc)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      character txtdum*40, tabname*550
+      common/ctempcrit/tempcrit,epscrit/ctfo/tfo
+      nchar=index(tabname,' ')-1
+      write(*,'(a,$)')
+     * ' reading table '//tabname(1:nchar)//' ...'
+      open(unit=3,file=tabname(1:nchar),status='old'
+     * ,err=99)
+      read(3,'(a)')txtdum
+      read(3,*)maprojx,matargx,engyx,epscrit,tempcrit
+      tfo=tempcrit
+      if(ichk.eq.1)then
+       if(maprojx.ne.maproj)stop'HydroTable: maprojx.ne.maproj.       '
+       if(matargx.ne.matarg)stop'HydroTable: matargx.ne.matarg.       '
+       if(engyx.ne.engy)stop'HydroTable: engyx.ne.engy.       '
+      endif
+      read(3,*)ncenthy,netahy,ntauhy,nphihy,nradhy
+      if(ncenthx.lt.ncenthy)stop'HydroTable: ncenthx too small.   '
+      if(netahx.lt.netahy)  stop'HydroTable: netahx too small.   '
+      if(ntauhx.lt.ntauhy)  stop'HydroTable: ntauhx too small.   '
+      if(nphihx.lt.nphihy)  stop'HydroTable: nphihx too small.   '
+      if(nradhx.lt.nradhy)  stop'HydroTable: nradhx too small.   '
+      read(3,*)(ntauhoc(ncent),ncent=1,ncenthy)
+      read(3,*)(centhy(ncent),ncent=1,ncenthy)
+     *         ,(etahy(neta),  neta=  1,netahy)
+     *         ,(phihy(nphi),  nphi=  1,nphihy)
+     *         ,(radhy(nrad),  nrad=  1,nradhy)
+      read(3,*)((tauhoc(ncent,ntau),ncent=1,ncenthy), ntau=1,ntauhy)
+      read(3,*)((((epsii(ncent,neta,nphi,nrad),ncent=1,ncenthy)
+     *          ,neta=1,netahy),nphi=1,nphihy),nrad=1,nradhy)
+      read(3,*)meos,meosmu
+      read(3,*)((eos(i,m),i=1,3),m=1,meos)
+     *          ,((eosmu(i,m),i=1,17),m=1,meosmu)
+      read(3,*)mcenty
+      read(3,*)(bcenty(m),m=1,mcenty),(pcenty(m),m=1,mcenty)
+      read(3,*)nbimp
+      read(3,*)(bimpar(1,m),m=1,nbimp),(bimpar(2,m),m=1,nbimp)
+      read(3,*)((((rar(ncent,neta,ntau,nphi),ncent=1,ncenthy)
+     *          ,neta=1,netahy),ntau=1,ntauhy),nphi=1,nphihy)
+      read(3,*)(((((var(i,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi),i=1,3),ncent=1,ncenthy)
+     *           ,neta=1,netahy),ntau=1,ntauhy),nphi=1,nphihy)
+      close(3)
+      do ntau=1,ntauhx
+        tauhy(ntau)=tauhoc(1,ntau)
+      enddo
+      do ncent=2,ncenthy
+        do ntau=1,ntauhoc(ncent)
+          if(abs(tauhoc(ncent,ntau)-tauhy(ntau)).gt.1e-4)
+     *     stop'in HydroTable: different tau grids.       '
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      print*,' done'
+      return
+   99 print*,'HydroTable: error opening hydro table'
+      print*,'      file=',tabname(1:nchar)
+      stop'070817'
+      end
+      subroutine SymmTab(ncent1,ncent2)   ! 13 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f except inc)
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cderivs/
+     .  ddrdtau(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     . ,ddrdphi(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     . ,ddrdeta(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+      common/cgmma/gaa(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+                       !..............................................
+      write(*,'(a,$)')' making symmetric tables ...'
+                       !''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
+      do ncent=ncent1,ncent2
+       do meta=1-netahy,netahy-1
+        do ntau=1,ntauhx
+         do nphi=1,nphihy
+           waa(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           raa(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           vaa(1,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           vaa(2,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           vaa(3,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           ddrdphi(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           ddrdtau(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           ddrdeta(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+           gaa(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=0
+         enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do ncent=ncent1,ncent2
+      ntauho=ntauhoc(ncent)
+      do neta=1,netahy
+       meta=neta-1
+       zetahy(meta)=etahy(neta)
+       zetahy(-meta)=-etahy(neta)
+      enddo
+      if(mod(nphihy,2).ne.1)stop'in Symm (2103200820)   '
+      do neta=1,netahy
+        meta=neta-1
+        do ntau=1,ntauho
+          do nphi=1,nphihy
+           !-------------------------
+           !  symmetry: eta -> -eta ;  x -> -x ;  y -> y
+           !    or   eta -> -eta ;  r -> r ;  phi -> pi-phi
+           !    vtg -> -vtg
+           !    v3 -> -v3
+           !    drdphi -> -drdphi
+           !    drdeta -> -drdeta
+           !-------------------------
+           nphimed=nphihy/2+1
+           if(nphi.le.nphimed)then
+            jphi=nphimed+1-nphi
+           else
+            jphi=nphihy-(nphi-nphimed)
+           endif
+           if(meta.ne.0)then
+           raa(  ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)= rar(  ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)
+           vaa(1,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)= var(1,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)
+           vaa(2,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)= var(2,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)
+           vaa(3,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)= var(3,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)
+           raa(  ncent,-meta,ntau,nphi)= rar(  ncent,neta,ntau,jphi)
+           vaa(1,ncent,-meta,ntau,nphi)= var(1,ncent,neta,ntau,jphi)
+           vaa(2,ncent,-meta,ntau,nphi)=-var(2,ncent,neta,ntau,jphi)
+           vaa(3,ncent,-meta,ntau,nphi)=-var(3,ncent,neta,ntau,jphi)
+           else
+           raa(ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)=
+     .     0.5*(rar(ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)+rar(ncent,neta,ntau,jphi))
+           vaa(1,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=
+     .     0.5*(var(1,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)+var(1,ncent,neta,ntau,jphi))
+           vaa(2,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)=
+     .     0.5*(var(2,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)-var(2,ncent,neta,ntau,jphi))
+           vaa(3,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)=
+     .     0.5*(var(3,ncent,neta,ntau,nphi)-var(3,ncent,neta,ntau,jphi))
+           endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do meta=1-netahy,netahy-1
+        do nphi=1,nphihy
+            n=ntauho
+            do while(raa(ncent,meta,n,nphi).eq.0.0.and.n.gt.2)
+              n=n-1
+            enddo
+            n=n+1
+            n=min(n,ntauho)
+            ntauhec(ncent,meta,nphi)=n
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      dphi=phihy(2)-phihy(1)
+      dtau=tauhy(2)-tauhy(1)
+      deta=etahy(2)-etahy(1)
+      do meta=1-netahy,netahy-1
+        mem=meta-1
+        mem=max(mem,1-netahy)
+        mep=meta+1
+        mep=min(mep,netahy-1)
+        do nphi=1,nphihy
+          npp=nphi+1
+          npp=min(npp,nphihy)
+          npm=nphi-1
+          npm=max(npm,1)
+          do ntau=1,ntauhec(ncent,meta,nphi)
+            ntm=ntau-1
+            ntm=max(ntm,1)
+            ntp=ntau+1
+            ntp=min(ntp,ntauhec(ncent,meta,nphi))
+            ddrdphi(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=(raa(ncent,meta,ntau,npp )
+     .              -raa(ncent,meta,ntau,npm )) / ((npp-npm)*dphi)
+            ddrdtau(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=(raa(ncent,meta,ntp ,nphi)
+     .              -raa(ncent,meta,ntm ,nphi)) / ((ntp-ntm)*dtau)
+            ddrdeta(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=(raa(ncent,mep ,ntau,nphi)
+     .              -raa(ncent,mem ,ntau,nphi)) / ((mep-mem)*deta)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do meta=1-netahy,netahy-1
+        do nphi=1,nphihy
+          do ntau=1,ntauhec(ncent,meta,nphi)
+            vv=sqrt(vaa(1,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)**2
+     .             +vaa(2,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)**2
+     .             +vaa(3,ncent, meta,ntau,nphi)**2)
+            gaa(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=1./sqrt((1-vv)*(1+vv))
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do meta=1-netahy,netahy-1
+       do nphi=1,nphihy
+c        phi=phihy(nphi)
+        do ntau=1,ntauhec(ncent,meta,nphi)
+          tau=tauhy(ntau)
+          rad=raa(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)
+          vrd=vaa(1,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)
+          vtg=vaa(2,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)
+          v3=vaa(3,ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)
+          vv=sqrt(vrd**2+vtg**2+v3**2)
+          gm=1./sqrt((1-vv)*(1+vv))
+          dVs=      - ddrdtau(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi) * tau * rad *gm
+     .              +                    rad * tau       *gm*vrd
+     .              + ddrdphi(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi) * tau       *gm*vtg
+     .              - ddrdeta(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi) * rad       *gm*v3
+          waa(ncent,meta,ntau,nphi)=abs(dVs)
+        enddo !tau
+       enddo !phi
+      enddo !neta
+      enddo !ncent
+      print*,' done'
+      end
+      subroutine DefineParticles   ! 14 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f except inc)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/copt/istat
+      parameter (mspez=54)
+      common/cspez1/nspez,ispez(mspez),aspez(2,mspez),gspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez2/kspez,jspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez3/fuga(mspez)
+      common/cspez4/ffstat(2,0:mspez+2) /ctfo/tfo
+      parameter (nlag=15)
+      real xlag(nlag),wlag(nlag)
+c      parameter (klax=5)
+      common/cspez7/klass(mspez)
+      data klass/
+     *  0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4*0
+     *, 9*0
+     *, 8*0
+     *, 8*0
+     *,10*0
+     *,10*0/
+      data ispez/
+     *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
+     *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
+     *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
+     *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
+     *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
+     *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331 /
+      data jspez/
+     *  -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 , 36*1/
+      data gspez/
+     *  9*1.
+     *, 9*3.
+     *, 8*2.
+     *, 8*2.
+     *,10*4.
+     *,10*4./
+      data (aspez(1,m),m=1,mspez)/
+     *    1.349766E-01   !pi               0
+     *,2* 1.3957018E-01  !pi               +
+     *,2* 4.93677E-01    !K                +
+     *,2* 4.97648E-01    !K                0
+     *,   5.4751E-01     !eta              0
+     *,   9.5778E-01     !eta'(958)        0
+     *,3* 7.755E-01      !rho(770)         0
+     *,2* 8.9166E-01     !K*(892)          +
+     *,2* 8.9600E-01     !K*(892)          0
+     *,   7.8265E-01     !omega(782)       0
+     *,   1.019460E+00   !phi(1020)        0
+     *,2* 9.3827203E-01  !p                +
+     *,2* 9.3956536E-01  !n                0
+     *,2* 1.18937E+00    !Sigma            +
+     *,2* 1.115683E+00   !Lambda           0
+     *,2* 1.192642E+00   !Sigma            0
+     *,2* 1.197449E+00   !Sigma            -
+     *,2* 1.31483E+00    !Xi               0
+     *,2* 1.32131E+00    !Xi               -
+     *,8* 1.2320E+00     !Delta(1232)      -
+     *,2* 1.3828E+00     !Sigma(1385)      +
+     *,2* 1.3837E+00     !Sigma(1385)      0
+     *,2* 1.3872E+00     !Sigma(1385)      -
+     *,2* 1.53180E+00    !Xi(1530)         0
+     *,2* 1.5350E+00     !Xi(1530)         -
+     *,2* 1.67245E+00    !Omega            -
+     */
+c      data (aspez(1,m),m=1,mspez)/
+c     *     0.13496, 2* 0.13957, 2* 0.49367, 2* 0.49767, 0.54880,0.95760
+c     *, 3* 0.77000, 2* 0.88810, 2* 0.89220,    0.78260, 1.01960
+c     *, 2* 0.93828, 2* 0.93957, 2* 1.18940, 2* 1.11560
+c     *, 2* 1.19250, 2* 1.19740, 2* 1.31490, 2* 1.32130
+c     *, 8* 1.23200, 2* 1.38230, 2* 1.38200, 2* 1.38750
+c     *, 2* 1.53180, 2* 1.53500, 2* 1.67220   /
+      parameter (nquark=3)
+      real amaq(0:nquark)
+      data amaq /0., 0.337, 0.337, 0.486/
+      do m=1,mspez
+        id=ispez(m)
+        call idflav(id,i1,i2,i3,jspin,index)
+        amx=amaq(abs(i1))+amaq(abs(i2))+amaq(abs(i3))
+        aspez(2,m)=amx
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(a,$)')' DefineParticles  ...'
+      istat=1  !0=Boltzmann, 1=Bose/Fermi
+      pi=3.1415927
+      hbar=0.197327
+      call gaulag(xlag,wlag,nlag,0.)
+      do n=1,nlag
+      wlag(n)=wlag(n)*exp(xlag(n))
+      enddo
+      !write(*,'(4x,a,$)')'fuga:'
+      do m=kspez,nspez
+        id=ispez(m)
+        chem=0
+        if(meosmu.gt.0)then
+         ihi=idxHiranoTable(id)
+         if(ihi.gt.0)then
+          k=1
+          do while(eosmu(1,k).gt.tfo)
+           k=k+1
+          enddo
+          f=(tfo-eosmu(1,k))/(eosmu(1,k-1)-eosmu(1,k))
+          chem=eosmu(ihi,k)*(1-f) + eosmu(ihi,k-1)*f
+         endif
+        endif
+        fuga(m)=exp(chem/tfo)
+        !if(m.lt.6)write(*,'(i5,a,f6.2,$)')id,':',fuga(m)
+      enddo
+      !write(*,'(/25x,a,$)')'yie:'
+      facphase=1./(2*pi*hbar)**3
+      do m=0,kspez-1
+        ffstat(1,m)=0
+        ffstat(2,m)=0
+      enddo
+       eesum=0
+       hhsum=0
+       do m=kspez,nspez
+        id=ispez(m)
+        am=aspez(1,m)
+        amx=aspez(2,m)
+        esum=0
+        fsum=0
+        gsum=0
+        hsum=0
+        do n=1,nlag
+          x=xlag(n)  ! p/tfo
+          e=sqrt(am**2+x**2*tfo**2)
+          w=exp(-sqrt(am**2/tfo**2+x**2))  * fuga(m)
+          fsum=fsum+wlag(n)*x**2*w /(1+istat*jspez(m)*w)
+          esum=esum+wlag(n)*x**2*w /(1+istat*jspez(m)*w) *e
+          wx=exp(-sqrt(amx**2/tfo**2+x**2)) !???? * fuga(m)
+          gsum=gsum+wlag(n)*x**2*wx /(1+istat*jspez(m)*wx)
+          hsum=hsum+wlag(n)*x**2*wx /(1+istat*jspez(m)*wx) *e
+        enddo
+        esum=esum * facphase * gspez(m) * 4 * pi * tfo**2  * tfo
+        fsum=fsum * facphase * gspez(m) * 4 * pi * tfo**2  * tfo
+        gsum=gsum * facphase * gspez(m) * 4 * pi * tfo**2  * tfo
+        hsum=hsum * facphase * gspez(m) * 4 * pi * tfo**2  * tfo
+        ffstat(1,m)=ffstat(1,m-1)+fsum
+        ffstat(2,m)=ffstat(2,m-1)+gsum
+        eesum=eesum+esum
+        hhsum=hhsum+hsum
+        !if(m.lt.6)write(*,'(i5,a,f8.5,$)')id,':',fsum
+      enddo
+      ffstat(1,mspez+1)=eesum
+      ffstat(1,mspez+2)=1
+      ffstat(2,mspez+1)=hhsum
+      ffstat(2,mspez+2)=eesum/hhsum
+      print*,'  E/V=',eesum,'  Ereco/V=',hhsum,'    done'
+      !do n=1,nlag
+      !print*,n,xlag(n),wlag(n)
+      !enddo
+      end
+      subroutine RestFrameFO(nsimu,bimp
+     . ,jcent,ier,iprint,ianl,isto) ! 14 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f except inc)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/copt/istat
+      parameter (mspez=54,klax=5)
+      common/cspez1/nspez,ispez(mspez),aspez(2,mspez),gspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez2/kspez,jspez(mspez)  /cho/netaho
+      common/cpro/probdi(20,100),dprob,mxprob
+      common/crap/nraphi,jfac  /cstep/netastep
+      common/cspez3/fuga(mspez)
+      common/cspez4/ffstat(2,0:mspez+2)  /ctfo/tfo
+      real u(3),q(4),waii(2),wbii(2),wcii(2)
+      real wrii(2),wwii(2),wxii(2),wyii(2),wzii(2)
+      parameter(numiv=100,rapmax=5,rapmin=-rapmax,ptvmax=2)
+      common/cana1/rapeta(klax,-netahx+1:netahx-1,numiv)
+      common/cana1b/rapar(klax,numiv),v2rapar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cana1c/phaar(klax,numiv,numiv)
+      common/cana1d/sapar(klax,numiv),v2sapar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cana1e/ptvar(klax,numiv),ptwar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cspez7/klass(mspez)
+      common/cderivs/
+     .  ddrdtau(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     . ,ddrdphi(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     . ,ddrdeta(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+      ier=1
+      if(bimp.gt.centhy(ncenthy)+0.5)return
+      ier=0
+      pi=3.1415927
+c      hbar=0.197327
+      delrax= 2*rapmax   / numiv
+      delptv= ptvmax   / numiv
+      do i=1,100
+       probdi(jcent,i)=0
+      enddo
+      mxprob=jcent
+      dprob=0.1
+      ncent=2
+      do while(ncent.lt.ncenthy.and.centhy(ncent).lt.bimp)
+        ncent=ncent+1
+      enddo
+      n1=ncent-1
+      n2=ncent
+      frac=(bimp-centhy(n1))/(centhy(n2)-centhy(n1))
+      g1=1-frac
+      g2=frac
+      ntauho=max(ntauhoc(n1),ntauhoc(n2))
+      if(iprint.eq.1)then
+       print*,'++++++++',ncent, bimp, centhy(n1),centhy(n2),g1,g2
+       print*,'++++++++',ntauho,netaho,jfac*netastep,nsimu
+       write(*,'(a,$)')' Rest Frame freeze out ...    '
+      endif
+      dphi=phihy(2)-phihy(1)
+      dtau=tauhy(2)-tauhy(1)
+c      deta=etahy(2)-etahy(1)
+      dleta=(etahy(2)-etahy(1))/jfac
+      dall=dphi*dtau*dleta*0.125
+      do nphi=1,nphihy
+      if(iprint.eq.1.and.
+     .mod(nphihy+1-nphi,10).eq.0)write(*,'(i3,$)')(nphihy+1-nphi)/10
+      phi=phihy(nphi)
+      fphi=2
+      if(nphi.eq.1.or.nphi.eq.nphihy)fphi=1
+      do ntau=1,ntauho
+      tau=tauhy(ntau)
+      ftau=2
+      if(ntau.eq.1.or.ntau.eq.ntauho)ftau=1
+      do meta=-netaho+netastep,netaho,netastep
+        do ii=1,2
+        if(ii.eq.1)then
+          mt=meta-netastep
+        else                 !if(ii.eq.2)
+          mt=meta
+        endif
+        wwii(ii)=g1*waa(n1,mt,ntau,nphi)    +g2*waa(n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        wwii(ii)=max(0.,wwii(ii))
+        wxii(ii)=g1*vaa(1,n1,mt,ntau,nphi)  +g2*vaa(1,n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        wyii(ii)=g1*vaa(2,n1,mt,ntau,nphi)  +g2*vaa(2,n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        wzii(ii)=g1*vaa(3,n1,mt,ntau,nphi)  +g2*vaa(3,n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        wrii(ii)=g1*raa(n1,mt,ntau,nphi)    +g2*raa(n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        waii(ii)=g1*ddrdtau(n1,mt,ntau,nphi)+g2*ddrdtau(n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        wbii(ii)=g1*ddrdphi(n1,mt,ntau,nphi)+g2*ddrdphi(n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        wcii(ii)=g1*ddrdeta(n1,mt,ntau,nphi)+g2*ddrdeta(n2,mt,ntau,nphi)
+        enddo
+        jmax=jfac*netastep
+        do j=0,jmax
+          f=2
+          if(j.eq.0.or.j.eq.jmax)f=1
+          fall=fphi*ftau*f
+          dVs=wwii(1)+j/float(jmax)*(wwii(2)-wwii(1))
+          dVs=dVs*dall*fall
+          vr=wxii(1)+j/float(jmax)*(wxii(2)-wxii(1))
+          vt=wyii(1)+j/float(jmax)*(wyii(2)-wyii(1))
+          v3=wzii(1)+j/float(jmax)*(wzii(2)-wzii(1))
+          v1=vr*cos(phi)+vt*sin(phi)
+          v2=vr*sin(phi)-vt*cos(phi)
+          gmx=max(1e-8, 1.-vr*vr-vt*vt-v3*v3)
+          gm=1./sqrt(gmx)
+          rad=wrii(1)+j/float(jmax)*(wrii(2)-wrii(1))
+          ieta=(meta-netastep)*jfac+j
+          eta=ieta*dleta
+          finc=10
+          volu=abs(dVs)*finc
+          io3=ioclude-3
+          if(io3.lt.1.or.io3.gt.2)
+     .     stop'in RestFrameFO: wrong ioclude (150808) '
+          yie= volu * ffstat(io3,nspez) * ffstat(io3,mspez+2)
+          do nsim=1,nsimu
+            np=yie
+            if(rangen().le.yie-np)np=np+1
+            if(np.gt.0)then
+              do n=1,np
+                r=rangen()*yie
+                i=0
+                do while(yie*ffstat(io3,i)/ffstat(io3,nspez).lt.r)
+                 i=i+1
+                enddo
+                kss=klass(i)
+                id=ispez(i)
+                am=aspez(1,i)
+                fug=fuga(i)
+                js=jspez(i)
+                x=RanBoseFermi(aspez(io3,i),fug,js,tfo,istat)
+                p=x*tfo
+                e=sqrt(p**2+aspez(1,i)**2)
+                ex=sqrt(p**2+aspez(io3,i)**2)
+                !print*,id,e
+                u(3)=2.*rangen()-1.
+                angle=2.*pi*rangen()
+                u(1)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*cos(angle)
+                u(2)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*sin(angle)
+                q(1)=p*u(1)
+                q(2)=p*u(2)
+                q(3)=p*u(3)
+                q(4)=ex
+                call utlob3(-1, v1*gm , v2*gm , v3*gm , gm ,1e0
+     .                   , q(1), q(2), q(3), q(4))
+                w1=FOFactor(wrii(1),waii(1),wbii(1),wcii(1),tau,phi,q)
+                w2=FOFactor(wrii(2),waii(2),wbii(2),wcii(2),tau,phi,q)
+                fof=w1+j/float(jmax)*(w2-w1)
+                fof=fof*dall*fall
+                probab=fof/volu/e
+                ij=1+probab/dprob
+                if(ij.ge.1.and.ij.le.100)
+     .           probdi(jcent,ij)=probdi(jcent,ij)+1
+                if(rangen().le.probab)then !accept
+                  if(io3.eq.2)q(4)=e
+                  rap=eta +  0.5*log((q(4)+q(3))/(q(4)-q(3)))
+                  pt2=q(1)**2+q(2)**2
+                  ptr=sqrt(pt2)
+                  pha=sign(1.,q(2))*acos(q(1)/ptr)
+                  if(pha.lt.0.)pha=pha+2*pi
+                  if(ianl.eq.1)then !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+                    pz=sqrt(am**2+ptr**2)*sinh(rap)
+                    pz2p=pz/sqrt(pz**2+ptr**2)
+                    nrap=1+(rap-rapmin)/delrax
+                    npha=1+pha/(2*pi/numiv)
+                    sap=0.501
+                    if(pz2p.le.-1.)then
+                     nsap=0
+                    elseif(pz2p.ge.1.)then
+                     nsap=numiv+1
+                    else
+                     sap=0.5*log((1+pz2p)/(1-pz2p))
+                     nsap=1+(sap-rapmin)/delrax
+                    endif
+                    nptv=1+ptr/delptv
+                    if(nrap.ge.1.and.nrap.le.numiv.and.kss.gt.0)then
+                      rapeta(kss,meta,nrap)=rapeta(kss,meta,nrap)+1
+                      rapar(kss,nrap)=rapar(kss,nrap)+1
+                      if(pt2.gt.0.)
+     .                v2rapar(kss,nrap)=v2rapar(kss,nrap)
+     .                 +(q(1)**2-q(2)**2)/pt2
+                      if(npha.ge.1.and.npha.le.numiv)then
+                        phaar(kss,nrap,npha)=phaar(kss,nrap,npha)+1
+                      endif
+                    endif
+                    if(nsap.ge.1.and.nsap.le.numiv.and.kss.gt.0)then
+                      sapar(kss,nsap)=sapar(kss,nsap)+1
+                      if(pt2.gt.0.)
+     .                v2sapar(kss,nsap)=v2sapar(kss,nsap)
+     .                 +(q(1)**2-q(2)**2)/pt2
+                    endif
+                    if(nptv.ge.1.and.nptv.le.numiv.and.kss.gt.0
+     .              .and.abs(rap).le.0.5)then
+                      ptvar(kss,nptv)=ptvar(kss,nptv)+1
+                    endif
+                    if(nptv.ge.1.and.nptv.le.numiv.and.kss.gt.0
+     .              .and.abs(sap).le.0.5)then
+                      ptwar(kss,nptv)=ptwar(kss,nptv)+1
+                    endif
+                  endif !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+                  if(isto.eq.1)
+     .            call FOStore(id,ptr,pha,am,rap,rad,phi,tau,eta)
+                endif
+              enddo !np
+            endif !np.gt.0
+          enddo !nsim
+        enddo !j
+      enddo !meta
+      enddo !ntau
+      enddo !nphi
+      if(iprint.eq.1)print*,' done'
+      end
+      subroutine FOStore(id,ptr,pha,am,rap,rad,phi,tau,eta)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cranphi/ranphi
+      data ncntfoa/0/
+      save ncntfoa
+      ncntfoa=ncntfoa+1
+c      if(ncntfoa.eq.1)nptlb=nptl
+      phinull=phievt+ranphi
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      if(nptl.gt.mxptl)
+     . call utstop('FOStore: mxptl too small&')
+      idptl(nptl)=id
+      pptl(1,nptl)=ptr*cos(pha+phinull)
+      pptl(2,nptl)=ptr*sin(pha+phinull)
+      pptl(3,nptl)=sqrt(am**2+ptr**2)*sinh(rap)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(am**2+ptr**2)*cosh(rap)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=am
+      ityptl(nptl)=60
+      xorptl(1,nptl)=rad*cos(phi+phinull)
+      xorptl(2,nptl)=rad*sin(phi+phinull)
+      xorptl(3,nptl)=tau*sinh(eta)
+      xorptl(4,nptl)=tau*cosh(eta)
+      end
+      function FOFactor(wr,wa,wb,wc,tau,phi,q) ! 13 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f)
+      real q(4)
+      rad=wr
+      qrd= cos(phi)*q(1)+sin(phi)*q(2)
+      qtg= sin(phi)*q(1)-cos(phi)*q(2)
+      fof=      - wa * tau * rad *q(4)
+     .          +      rad * tau *qrd
+     .          + wb * tau       *qtg
+     .          - wc * rad       *q(3)
+      FOFactor=fof
+      end
+      function RanBoseFermi(am,fug,js,tfo,istat) ! 13 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f)
+c   generates randomly x=p/tfo according to Bose/Fermi
+  1   x=RanTherm(am/tfo)
+      if(istat.eq.0)goto2  !Boltznann
+      p=x*tfo
+      e=sqrt(p**2+am**2)
+      w=exp(-e/tfo)*fug
+      if(js.eq.-1)then !bosons
+        w0=exp(-am/tfo)*fug
+        pacc=(1.-w0)/(1.-w)
+      elseif(js.eq.1)then !fermions
+        pacc=1./(1.+w)
+      else
+        stop'in RanBoseFermi: unknown statistics (080726) '
+      endif
+      !print*,'+++++',am,js,pacc
+      if(rangen().gt.pacc)goto1
+  2   RanBoseFermi=x
+      end
+      function RanTherm(a) ! 13 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f)
+c   generates a random number according to f(x) ~ x**2*exp(-sqrt(x*2+a**2))
+c   in the interval from zero to infinity
+      !ntry=0
+  1   i=2
+      if(rangen().le.a**3/(a**3+3*a**2+6*a+6))i=1
+      !ntry=ntry+1
+      if(i.eq.1)then
+        x=a*rangen()**(1./3.)
+        if(rangen().gt.exp(a-sqrt(x**2+a**2)))goto1
+      elseif(i.eq.2)then
+        !f(z)~a**2+2*a*z+z**2)*exp(-z)  from zero to infty
+        r=rangen()
+        if(r.lt.a**2/(a**2+2*a+2))then
+           z=-log(rangen())
+        elseif(r.lt.(a**2+2*a)/(a**2+2*a+2))then
+           z=-log(rangen())-log(rangen())
+        else
+           z=-log(rangen())-log(rangen())-log(rangen())
+        endif
+        x=a+z
+        if(rangen().gt.exp(x-sqrt(x**2+a**2)))goto1
+      endif
+      RanTherm=x
+      !ia=a*100
+      !print*,ia,'   ',ntry,'    ',x
+      end
+      subroutine DefineRapScale ! 13 Aug 08 (same as gyx.f except inc)
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/crap/nraphi,jfac /cho/netaho /cstep/netastep /crapi/delrapi
+      deta=etahy(2)-etahy(1)
+      write(*,'(a,$)')' DefineRapScale  ...'
+      jfac=1
+      delrap=deta
+      do while(delrap.gt.delrapi)
+        jfac=jfac+1
+        delrap=deta/jfac
+      enddo
+      write(*,'(f7.2,i3,f7.2,5x,$)')deta,jfac,delrap
+      nraphi=5
+      rapmn=-delrap*nraphi
+      do while(rapmn.gt.-2.)
+        nraphi=nraphi+1
+        if(nraphi.gt.nraphx)stop'(1539070608)   '
+        rapmn=-delrap*nraphi
+      enddo
+      netaho=netahy-1
+      do while(mod(netaho,netastep).ne.0)
+      netaho=netaho-1
+      enddo
+      !print*,'$$$$$$ nraphi,rapmn,netaho:',nraphi,rapmn,netaho
+      print*,' done'
+      end
+      subroutine HydroFO(ier)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr
+      parameter (klax=5)
+      parameter(numiv=100)!,rapmax=5,rapmin=-rapmax)
+      common/cana1b/rapar(klax,numiv),v2rapar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cana1d/sapar(klax,numiv),v2sapar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cstep/netastep /crapi/delrapi
+      double precision seedp
+      data icntcf /0/
+      save icntcf
+      icntcf=icntcf+1
+      if(icntcf.eq.1)then
+        call ranfgt(seedp)      !not to change the seed ...
+        do n=1,klax
+         do nu=1,numiv
+          rapar(n,nu)=0
+          v2rapar(n,nu)=0
+          sapar(n,nu)=0
+          v2sapar(n,nu)=0
+         enddo
+        enddo
+        netastep=1
+        delrapi=0.2
+        call HydroTable2(0)
+        call SymmTab(1,ncenthy)
+        call DefineParticles
+        call DefineRapScale
+        call ranfst(seedp)      ! ... after this initialization
+      endif
+      if(iappl.eq.9)then
+        call CheckBimp(ier)
+        if(ier.eq.1)return
+        call GetNpart
+      endif
+      call RestFrameFO(1,bimevt,1,ier,0,1,1)
+      end
+      subroutine xEnergy
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspez=54)
+      common/cspez4/ffstat(2,0:mspez+2)
+      common/ccsum/eesum,hhsum
+      eesum=ffstat(1,mspez+1)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   energy     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp pgs xmod lin ymod lin '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')eesum*volu,0.005
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine GetNpart
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      mcent=2
+      do while(mcent.lt.mcenty.and.bcenty(mcent).lt.bimevt)
+        mcent=mcent+1
+      enddo
+      m1=mcent-1
+      m2=mcent
+      hrac=(bimevt-bcenty(m1))/(bcenty(m2)-bcenty(m1))
+      h1=1-hrac
+      h2=hrac
+      npartic=h1*pcenty(m1)+h2*pcenty(m2)
+      npjevt=npartic/2
+      ntgevt=npartic-npjevt
+      !print*,'++++++++'
+      !.    ,mcent, bimevt, bcenty(m1),bcenty(m2),h1,h2,npartic
+      end
+      subroutine CheckBimp(ier)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      data icntcb /0/
+      save icntcb, wref,bref
+      icntcb=icntcb+1
+      if(icntcb.eq.1)then
+        nmax=0
+        wmax=0
+        do n=1,nbimp
+         if(bimpar(2,n).gt.wmax)then
+           wmax=bimpar(2,n)
+           nmax=n
+         endif
+        enddo
+        nref=nmax*0.75
+        bref=bimpar(1,nref)
+        wref=bimpar(2,nref)
+      endif
+      ier=0
+      if(bimevt.lt.bref)then
+        q=1
+      else
+        w=wref/bref*bimevt
+        n=2
+        do while(n.lt.nbimp.and.bimpar(1,n).lt.bimevt)
+          n=n+1
+        enddo
+        n1=n-1
+        n2=n
+        frac=(bimevt-bimpar(1,n1))/(bimpar(1,n2)-bimpar(1,n1))
+        g1=1-frac
+        g2=frac
+        wx=g1*bimpar(2,n1)+g2*bimpar(2,n2)
+        wx=max(0.,wx)
+        q=wx/w
+      endif
+      if(rangen().gt.q)ier=1
+      !if(ier.eq.0)print*,'+++++',bimevt,q
+      end
+      subroutine xCoopFryPt(kss)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(numiv=100,ptvmax=2,klax=5)
+      common/cana1e/ptvar(klax,numiv),ptwar(klax,numiv)
+      delptv= ptvmax   / numiv
+      pi=3.1415927
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   pt    '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod log '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f7.2)') 'xrange 0 2 '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "xaxis p?t!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "yaxis dn / 2[p] p?t! dp?t!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+      do n=1,numiv
+        x=(n-0.5)*delptv
+        y=ptvar(kss,n)/float(nevent)/delptv/2./pi/x
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)')x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto plot 0'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,f7.2)') 'xrange 0 2 '
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+c      do n=1,numiv
+c        x=(n-0.5)*delptv
+c        y=0
+c        if(ptwar(kss,n).gt.0.)y=ptwar(kss,n)/float(nevent)/delptv/2./pi/x
+c        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)')x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xCoopFryRap(kss)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(numiv=100,rapmax=5,rapmin=-rapmax,klax=5)
+      common/cana1b/rapar(klax,numiv),v2rapar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cana1d/sapar(klax,numiv),v2sapar(klax,numiv)
+      delrax= 2*rapmax   / numiv
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   rapidity distribution     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' xrange -5 5'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis y "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis dn/dy "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      do n=1,numiv
+        x=rapmin+(n-0.5)*delrax
+        y=rapar(kss,n)/float(nevent)/delrax
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' xrange -5 5'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis  [c] "'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis dn/d[c]"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+c      do n=1,numiv
+c        x=rapmin+(n-0.5)*delrax
+c        y=sapar(kss,n)/float(nevent)/delrax
+c        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xCoopFryV2(kss)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(numiv=100,rapmax=5,rapmin=-rapmax,klax=5)
+      common/cana1b/rapar(klax,numiv),v2rapar(klax,numiv)
+      common/cana1d/sapar(klax,numiv),v2sapar(klax,numiv)
+      delrax= 2*rapmax   / numiv
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   v2     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f7.2)') ' xrange -5 5 yrange 0 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis y "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis v?2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      do n=1,numiv
+        x=rapmin+(n-0.5)*delrax
+        y=0
+        if(rapar(kss,n).gt.0.)y=v2rapar(kss,n)/rapar(kss,n)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,f7.2)') ' xrange -5 5 yrange 0 auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis  [c]"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis v?2!"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+c      do n=1,numiv
+c        x=rapmin+(n-0.5)*delrax
+c        y=0
+c        if(sapar(kss,n).gt.0.)y=v2sapar(kss,n)/sapar(kss,n)
+c        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine DropletDecay(ip,iret)
+      ! statistical hadronization with imposed flow
+      !   (to be distiguished from real hydro flow as in StaHadDF)
+      !---------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      double precision p(5),c(5)!,yyrmax
+      parameter(maxit=50000)
+      common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
+      dimension uu(4),pe(5),pa(5)
+      common/ylong/ylong(maxp)
+      common/vradi/vradi(maxp),vtang(maxp),phifop(maxp),radfop(maxp)
+     . ,taufop(maxp)
+      common/xxxspecsy/ndrop(-4:4,-4:4,-4:4)
+      common/cdelzet/delzet,delsgr /cvocell/vocell
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      common/cranphi/ranphi /ctfo/tfo
+      double precision seedp
+      !data vv2 /0./ nvv2 /0/  vv3 /0./
+      !save vv2,nvv2,vv3
+      data icntsta /0/
+      save icntsta
+      icntsta=icntsta+1
+      if(ioclude.eq.1)stop'ioclude.eq.1 no longer supported.    '
+      if(ioclude.eq.2)stop'ioclude.eq.2 no longer supported.    '
+      call utpri('DropletDecay',ish,ishini,4)
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+      write(ifch,140)
+  140 format(/' ----------------------------------'/
+     *        '    droplet decay'/
+     *        ' ----------------------------------')
+      write(ifch,*)'droplet:'
+      call alist('&',ip,ip)
+      endif
+      call ManiParticles(1,1) !store parameters, to be restored at the end
+      if(icntsta.eq.1)then
+        call ranfgt(seedp)      !not to change the seed ...
+        call ManiParticles(92,0)
+        !redefine parameters, for this subroutine; for the moment same parameters
+        ! for remnants and droplets, this could easily be changed
+        call ManiParticles(1,2) !store local parameters
+        call ranfst(seedp)      ! ... after this initialization
+      else
+        call ManiParticles(-1,2) !restore local parameters
+      endif
+      iret=0
+      do j=1,5
+      c(j)=pptl(j,ip)
+      enddo
+      call idquac(ip,nqi,nsi,nai,jc)
+      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+      !print*,'droplet uds=',keu,ked,kes,'   E=',pptl(5,ip)
+    !~~~~~define masses~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      amin=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      aumin=amuseg+yrmaxi
+      ipo=ip
+      if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)ipo=iorptl(ip)
+      tecmor=pptl(5,ipo)
+      tecm=pptl(5,ip)
+      tecmxx=tecm
+      if(iappl.eq.4.or.iorsdf.ne.3
+     &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants
+        yrmax=0
+      else
+        yrmax=yrmaxi             !define in ainit
+      endif
+    !~~~~~redefine energy in case of imposed radial flow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      fradfli=1.
+      if(yrmax.gt.1e-5)fradfli=fradflii                !define in ainit
+      if(tecm*fradfli.lt.amin.and.tecm.gt.0.)fradfli=1.1*amin/tecm  !if flow too large, do something anyway (saturation of flow)
+      if(yrmax.gt.1e-5.and.tecmor.gt.aumin
+     &.and.tecm*fradfli.gt.amin) then
+         tecm=tecm*fradfli
+      else
+        yrmax=0.
+        fradfli=1.
+      endif
+    !~~~~~redefine energy in case of long coll flow
+      if(iappl.eq.4.or.iorsdf.ne.3
+     &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants
+        yco=0
+      else
+       if(ylongmx.lt.0.)then
+        yco=delzet * 1.75
+       else
+        yco=ylongmx
+       endif
+      endif
+      tecmx=tecm
+      if(yco.gt.0..and.tecmor.gt.aumin) then
+        tecm=tecm/sinh(yco)*yco
+      else
+        yco=0.
+      endif
+      !print*,'========= cluster energy: ',pptl(5,ip),tecmx,tecm
+    !~~~~~define volu~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      volu=tecm/epscri(3)
+    !~~~~~~~~~decay~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        ibarini=(keu+ked+kes+kec+keb+ket)/3 !for baryon number conservation
+        niter=0
+    4   niter=niter+1
+        call GraCan
+        energ=0
+        ibaryon=ibarini
+        do i=1,np
+          energ=energ+pcm(4,i)
+          if(abs(ident(i)).gt.1000)ibaryon=ibaryon-sign(1,ident(i))
+        enddo
+        !print*,'++4+++',energ,tecm,tecm/volu,ibaryon
+        if((abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1.or.ibaryon.ne.0)
+     &       .and.niter.le.maxit) goto 4 !comment for energy non-conservation
+        if(niter.gt.maxit)then
+         iret=1
+         goto1000
+        endif
+    !~~~~~~~~~~long coll flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      tecmxxx=tecm
+      if(yco.gt.0.) then
+        errlim=0.0001
+        tecm=tecmx
+        niter=0
+ 611    energ=0.
+        niter=niter+1
+        do i=1,np
+          ylong(i)=(2*rangen()-1)*yco
+          uu(3)=sinh(ylong(i))
+          uu(4)=cosh(ylong(i))
+          energ=energ+uu(4)*pcm(4,i)+uu(3)*pcm(3,i)
+        enddo
+        if(abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1)then
+          goto 611
+        elseif(niter.ge.1000)then
+          if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Long Flow failed:'
+     &                             ,energ,tecm
+          yco=0
+          tecm=tecmxxx
+          goto 400
+        endif
+        !print*,'===== energy after flow boosts',energ,'   soll: ',tecm
+        do j=1,4
+          pe(j)=0.
+        enddo
+        do i=1,np
+          uu(1)= 0
+          uu(2)= 0
+          uu(3)= sinh(ylong(i))
+          uu(4)= cosh(ylong(i))
+          call utlob3(-1,uu(1),uu(2),uu(3),uu(4),1e0
+     *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
+          do j=1,4
+          pe(j)=pe(j)+pcm(j,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        pe(5)=sqrt(pe(4)**2-pe(3)**2-pe(2)**2-pe(1)**2)
+        !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')'flow boosts',pe
+        do j=1,4
+          pa(j)=0.
+        enddo
+        do i=1,np
+          call utlob3(1,pe(1),pe(2),pe(3),pe(4),pe(5)
+     *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
+          do j=1,4
+            pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
+        !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' cms boost ',pa
+        esoll=tecm
+        scal=1.
+        do ipass=1,200
+          sum=0.
+          do  j=1,np
+            do k=1,3
+              pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
+            enddo
+            pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
+     *           +amass(j)**2)
+            sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
+          enddo
+          scal=esoll/sum
+          !write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
+          !    $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
+          if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto301
+        enddo
+ 301    continue
+        do j=1,4
+          pa(j)=0.
+        enddo
+        do i=1,np
+          do j=1,4
+            pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
+        !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' rescaling ',pa
+      endif
+ 400  continue
+    !~~~~~~~~~~radial flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      if(fradfli.lt.1.) then
+        errlim=0.0001
+        tecm=tecmxx
+        phinull=phievt+ranphi
+        do n=1,np
+          vradi(n)=tanh(sqrt(rangen())*yrmax)
+          vtang(n)=0.
+          phifop(n)=rangen()*2*pi
+          radfop(n)=0.
+          taufop(n)=0.
+        enddo
+        energ=0.
+        do n=1,np
+          co=cos(phifop(n)+phinull)
+          si=sin(phifop(n)+phinull)
+          v1=vradi(n)*co+vtang(n)*si
+          v2=vradi(n)*si-vtang(n)*co
+          v3=0
+          a=1.-v1*v1-v2*v2-v3*v3
+          if(a.le.0.)stop'in DropletDecay (20032008)        '
+          gm=1./sqrt(a)
+          uu(1)=v1*gm
+          uu(2)=v2*gm
+          uu(3)=v3*gm
+          uu(4)=gm
+          call utlob3(-1,uu(1),uu(2),uu(3),uu(4),1e0
+     *         , pcm(1,n), pcm(2,n), pcm(3,n), pcm(5,n))
+          energ=energ+sqrt(amass(n)**2
+     *                     +pcm(1,n)**2+pcm(2,n)**2+pcm(3,n)**2)
+        enddo
+        esoll=tecm
+        !print*,tecm,energ
+        iiscale=1
+        if(iiscale.eq.1)then
+          scal=1.
+          do ipass=1,200
+            sum=0.
+            do  j=1,np
+              do k=1,3
+                pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
+              enddo
+              pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
+     *           +amass(j)**2)
+              sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
+            enddo
+            scal=esoll/sum
+            if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto300
+          enddo
+  300     continue
+        endif
+      else
+        phinull=0.
+        do n=1,np
+          vradi(n)=0.
+          vtang(n)=0.
+          phifop(n)=0.
+          radfop(n)=0.
+          taufop(n)=0.
+        enddo
+      endif
+    !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      nptlb=nptl
+      do n=1,np
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)
+     .   call utstop('DropletDecay: mxptl too small&')
+        idptl(nptl)=ident(n)
+        do j=1,4
+          p(j)=pcm(j,n)
+        enddo
+        p(5)=amass(n)
+        call utlob2(-1,c(1),c(2),c(3),c(4),c(5),p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),10)
+        do j=1,5
+          pptl(j,nptl)=p(j)
+        enddo
+        if(fradfli.lt.1.) then
+          ityptl(nptl)=60
+        elseif(ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then
+          ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(ip)+1
+        else
+          ityptl(nptl)=19
+        endif
+        if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then
+         if(ityptl(nptl).eq.60)then
+          ipo=iorptl(ip)
+          phi=phifop(n)
+          tau=taufop(n)
+          r=radfop(n)
+          !---add r-randomness
+          !dr=5
+          !do while(dr.lt.-2.or.dr.gt.2.)
+          ! dr=sqrt(3.)*(rangen()+rangen()+rangen()+rangen()-2)
+          !enddo
+          !r=r+dr
+          !---------
+          zeta=0.5*log((p(4)+p(3))/(p(4)-p(3)))
+          !deleta=etahy(2)-etahy(1)
+          !zeta=zetaor-0.5*delzet+delzet*rangen()
+          z=tau*sinh(zeta)
+          t=tau*cosh(zeta)
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=r*cos(phi+phinull)
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=r*sin(phi+phinull)
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=z
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+         else
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ip)
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ip)
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,ip)
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,ip)
+         endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write(ifch,*)'decay products:'
+        call alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
+        if(ish.ge.5)then
+          write(ifch,*)'momentum sum:'
+          do kk=1,5
+          pptl(kk,nptl+1)=0
+          do ii=nptlb+1,nptl
+          pptl(kk,nptl+1)=pptl(kk,nptl+1)+pptl(kk,ii)
+          enddo
+          pptl(kk,nptl+2)=c(kk)
+          enddo
+          call alist('&',nptl+1,nptl+2)
+        endif
+      endif
+ 1000 continue
+      call ManiParticles(-1,1)
+      call utprix('DropletDecay',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+      subroutine ManiParticles(isens,isto)
+      ! isens=1 -> store,  isens=-1 -> restore,  isens=9... -> redefine
+      !-----------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      parameter (mspez=54,msto=2)
+      common/cspez1/nspez,ispez(mspez),aspez(2,mspez),gspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez2/kspez,jspez(mspez)
+      common/cspez3/fuga(mspez)
+      common/cspez4/ffstat(2,0:mspez+2)
+      common/ctfo/tfo
+      common/sp1/ffstatSave(2,0:mspez+2,msto),fugaSave(mspez,msto)
+      common/sp2/iocludeSave(msto),kspezSave(msto),nspezSave(msto)
+      common/sp3/tfoSave(msto),meosmuSave(msto),epscri3Save(msto)
+      if(isens.eq.1)then !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~store~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        iocludeSave(isto)=ioclude
+        kspezSave(isto)=kspez
+        nspezSave(isto)=nspez
+        if(kspez.gt.0)then
+         do m=kspez,nspez
+          ffstatSave(1,m,isto)=ffstat(1,m)
+          ffstatSave(2,m,isto)=ffstat(2,m)
+          fugaSave(m,isto)=fuga(m)
+         enddo
+        endif
+        do i=1,2
+         do j=1,2
+          ffstatSave(i,mspez+j,isto)=ffstat(i,mspez+j)
+         enddo
+        enddo
+        tfoSave(isto)=tfo
+        meosmuSave(isto)=meosmu
+        epscri3Save(isto)=epscri(3)
+      elseif(isens.eq.-1)then !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~restore~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        ioclude=iocludeSave(isto)
+        kspez=kspezSave(isto)
+        nspez=nspezSave(isto)
+        if(kspez.gt.0)then
+          do m=kspez,nspez
+           ffstat(1,m)=ffstatSave(1,m,isto)
+           ffstat(2,m)=ffstatSave(2,m,isto)
+           fuga(m)=fugaSave(m,isto)
+          enddo
+        endif
+        do i=1,2
+         do j=1,2
+          ffstat(i,mspez+j)=ffstatSave(i,mspez+j,isto)
+         enddo
+        enddo
+        tfo=tfoSave(isto)
+        meosmu=meosmuSave(isto)
+        epscri(3)=epscri3Save(isto)
+      elseif(isens.eq.92)then !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~redefine set2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        !used for remnant and droplet decay --- may be modified!!!
+        ioclude=5             !choice of hadronization (4 or 5)
+        kspez=1               !choice of
+        nspez=54              !   particles
+        tfo=0.130             !freeze out temperature used in this routine
+        meosmu=0              !no chemical potentials used in this routine
+        epscri(3)=0.0765      !should be consitent with tfo see EoS table below
+        call DefineParticles
+      elseif(isens.eq.93)then !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~redefine set3~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        !used for application micro
+        kspez=1               !choice of
+        nspez=54              !   particles
+        tfo=0.130             !freeze out temperature used in this routine
+        meosmu=0              !no chemical potentials used in this routine
+        epscri(3)=0.0765      !should be consitent with tfo see EoS table below
+        call DefineParticles
+      endif
+      !--------------------------!
+      ! epscri(3)  !    tfo      !
+      !--------------------------!
+      !   0.045    !   0.11954   !
+      !   0.050    !   0.12157   !
+      !   0.055    !   0.12327   !
+      !   0.060    !   0.12496   !
+      !   0.065    !   0.12665   !
+      !   0.070    !   0.12801   !
+      !   0.075    !   0.1297    !
+      !   0.080    !   0.13072   !
+      !   0.085    !   0.13207   !
+      !   0.090    !   0.13343   !
+      !   0.095    !   0.13444   !
+      !   0.100    !   0.13546   !
+      !   0.105    !   0.13648   !
+      !   0.110    !   0.13749   !
+      !   0.115    !   0.13851   !
+      !   0.120    !   0.13952   !
+      !   0.125    !   0.1402    !
+      !--------------------------!
+      end
+      subroutine xSpaceTime
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      if(iSpaceTime.eq.1.and.ioclude.gt.1)then
+         call xCoreCorona(0,0)
+         do m=0,4,2
+          do meta=-m,m,max(1,2*m)
+           call xFoMass(meta)
+           call xFoRadius(meta)
+           call xFoRadVelocity(meta)
+           call xFoTanVelocity(meta)
+          enddo
+         enddo
+         do m=0,4,2
+          do meta=-m,m,max(1,2*m)
+           call xFreezeOutTauX(meta)
+          enddo
+         enddo
+         call xFeff
+         !call xFreezeOutTauEta
+         !call xFreezeOutTZ
+         call xEos
+      elseif(iSpaceTime.eq.1)then
+         call xCoreCorona(0,0)
+         !stop'bjinta: space-time plots require ioclude>1.          '
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine xEos
+      include'epos.inc'
+      include'epos.inchy'
+      common/latt/temp(14),press(14),epsi(14)
+      call Lattice
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   eos 1     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' xrange 0.   3.  yrange 0 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis [e] (GeV/fm^3!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis p([e]) (GeV/fm^3!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      do m=1,meos
+       if(eos(1,m).le.3.)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')eos(1,m),eos(2,m)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp poc  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      do m=2,13
+       if(epsi(m).le.3.)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')epsi(m),press(m)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   eos 2     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' xrange 0.   3.  yrange 0 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis [e] (GeV/fm^3!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis T([e]) (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      do m=1,meos
+       if(eos(1,m).le.3.)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')eos(1,m),eos(3,m)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp poc  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      do m=2,13
+       if(epsi(m).le.3.)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')epsi(m),temp(m)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      !write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   eosmu     '
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)') ' openhisto htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin '
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)') ' xrange 0.   0.2  yrange 0 auto'
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "xaxis T (GeV)"'
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)') ' txt  "yaxis [m]?[p]!(T) (GeV)"'
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)') ' array 2'
+      !do m=1,meosmu
+      ! if(eos(1,m).le.3.)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')eosmu(1,m),eosmu(2,m)
+      !enddo
+      !write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine Lattice
+      parameter (hc=0.1973,Tc=0.170/hc)
+      common/latt/temp(14),press(14),epsi(14)
+      real t2tc(14),p2T4(14),e2T4(14)
+      ! T/Tc  no units
+      data t2tc /0.80,0.87,0.96,1.02,1.07,1.14,1.20,1.28
+     *          ,1.35,1.52,1.70,1.90,2.24,2.55/
+      ! p/T^4,  no units
+      data p2T4 /0.05,0.15,0.39,0.60,0.86,1.12,1.40,1.66
+     *          ,1.91,2.32,2.65,2.89,3.19,3.41/
+      do i=1,14
+       temp(i)=t2tc(i)*Tc*hc                ! in GeV
+       press(i)=p2T4(i)*(t2tc(i)*Tc)**4*hc  ! in GeV/fm^3
+      enddo
+      do i=2,13
+        f1=p2T4(i-1)*(t2tc(i-1)*Tc)**4
+        f2=p2T4(i  )*(t2tc(i  )*Tc)**4
+        f3=p2T4(i+1)*(t2tc(i+1)*Tc)**4
+        a=(t2tc(i  )*Tc - t2tc(i-1)*Tc)
+        b=(t2tc(i+1)*Tc - t2tc(i  )*Tc)
+        s=(f2-f1)/a*b/(a+b) + (f3-f2)/b*a/(a+b)
+        s2T3=s / (t2tc(i)*Tc)**3
+        e2T4(i)=  s2T3 - p2T4(i)
+        epsi(i)=e2T4(i)*(t2tc(i)*Tc)**4*hc  ! in GeV/fm^3
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xFreezeOutTauX(meta)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      !..........................................................................
+      nhis=1
+      npl=0
+      nplx=0
+      deleta=etahy(2)-etahy(1)
+      eta1=zetahy(meta)-deleta/2
+      eta2=zetahy(meta)+deleta/2
+      etaav=zetahy(meta)
+      taumax=tauhoc(ncentr,ntauhu(ncentr,meta))+4
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(ityptl(n).eq.60
+     * .and.istptl(n).ne.12.and.istptl(n).ne.11)then
+         if(istptl(iorptl(n)).eq.11)then
+          tau=0
+          tau2=xorptl(4,n)**2-xorptl(3,n)**2
+          if(tau2.gt.0.)tau=sqrt(tau2)
+          if(tau.lt.taumax)then
+           rap=
+     *     .5*alog((xorptl(4,n)+xorptl(3,n))/(xorptl(4,n)-xorptl(3,n)))
+           if(rap.ge.eta1.and.rap.le.eta2)then
+           if(abs(xorptl(2,n)).le.2)then
+            npl=npl+1
+            nplx=nplx+1
+            if(npl.eq.1)then
+              if(nplx.gt.1)
+     *        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   tau-x      '
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!newpage'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name t-r-0-',nhis
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp prl xmod lin ymod lin'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xrange -10 10'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,f5.1)')  'yrange 0 ',taumax
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'txt  "xaxis x (fm)"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'txt  "yaxis [t] (fm/c)"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.35 0.90 "[c]=',etaav,'"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.02 0.9 """B#y"B#"L#2fm""'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+            endif
+            write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')xorptl(1,n),tau
+            if(npl.eq.1000)then
+              nhis=nhis+1
+              npl=0
+            endif
+           endif
+           endif
+          endif
+         endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(nplx.gt.0)write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+    !..........................................................................
+       nhis=1
+      npl=0
+      nplx=0
+      npli=20
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra
+     *  .and.(istptl(n).eq.0.or.istptl(n).eq.1))then
+           rap=1e10
+           xp=tptl(n)+zptl(n)
+           xm=tptl(n)-zptl(n)
+           if(xp.gt.0.0.and.xm.gt.0.0)rap=.5*alog(xp/xm)
+           if(rap.ge.-0.5.and.rap.le.0.5)then
+           if(abs(xorptl(2,n)).le.2)then
+            npl=npl+npli
+            nplx=nplx+1
+            if(npl.eq.npli)then
+              if(nplx.gt.1)
+     *        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   tau-x    corona  '
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name t-r-0-cor-',nhis
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pgl '
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+            endif
+            x=xorptl(1,n)
+            y=xorptl(2,n)
+            z=xorptl(3,n)
+            t=xorptl(4,n)
+            tau=0
+            tau2=t**2-z**2
+            if(tau2.gt.0.)tau=sqrt(tau2)
+            if(abs(y).le.2)
+     .      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,tau
+            dt=0.1
+            do k=1,npli-1
+            x=x+pptl(1,n)/pptl(4,n)*dt
+            y=y+pptl(2,n)/pptl(4,n)*dt
+            z=z+pptl(3,n)/pptl(4,n)*dt
+            t=t+dt
+            tau=0
+            tau2=t**2-z**2
+            if(tau2.gt.0.)tau=sqrt(tau2)
+            if(abs(y).le.2)
+     .            write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,tau
+            enddo
+            if(npl.eq.1000)then
+              nhis=nhis+1
+              npl=0
+            endif
+           endif
+           endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0'
+    !..........................................................................
+       end
+      subroutine xFeff
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!-------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!   feff      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!-------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '!newpage'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto name feff'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'xrange -6 6'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'yrange 0 1.2'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "xaxis [c] "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "yaxis f?eff!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)') 'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+      do meta=-netahy+1,netahy-1
+        neta=abs(meta)+1
+        eta=etahy(neta)
+        if(meta.lt.0)eta=-eta
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)') eta,feff(ncentr,meta)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xFreezeOutTauEta
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      taumax=tauhoc(ncentr,ntauhu(ncentr,0))+4
+    !..........................................................................
+      nhis=1
+      npl=0
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(ityptl(n).eq.60
+     * .and.istptl(n).ne.12.and.istptl(n).ne.11)then
+         if(istptl(iorptl(n)).eq.11)then
+          tau=0
+          tau2=xorptl(4,n)**2-xorptl(3,n)**2
+          if(tau2.gt.0.)tau=sqrt(tau2)
+          if(tau.lt.taumax)then
+            npl=npl+1
+            if(npl.eq.1)then
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!   tau-eta      '
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!newpage'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')   'openhisto name t-eta-',nhis
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      'htyp prl xmod lin ymod lin'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      'xrange -4 4'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,f5.1)')  'yrange 0 ',taumax
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt  "xaxis [c] "'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt  "yaxis [t] (fm/c)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+            endif
+            eta=
+     *     .5*alog((xorptl(4,n)+xorptl(3,n))/(xorptl(4,n)-xorptl(3,n)))
+            write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)') eta,tau
+            if(npl.eq.1000)then
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+              nhis=nhis+1
+              npl=0
+            endif
+          endif
+         endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(npl.ne.0)write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      if(npl.eq.0)stop'xFreezeOutTZ: no particles!!!!!            '
+      end
+      subroutine xFreezeOutTZ
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      common/cen/ncentr
+    !..........................................................................
+      nhis=1
+      npl=0
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(ityptl(n).eq.60
+     * .and.istptl(n).ne.12.and.istptl(n).ne.11)then
+         if(istptl(iorptl(n)).eq.11)then
+            npl=npl+1
+            if(npl.eq.1)then
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!   t-z      '
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!-------------------------------'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!newpage'
+              write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')   'openhisto name t-z-',nhis
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      'htyp prl xmod lin ymod lin'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      'xrange -25 25'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')      'yrange 0 25 '
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt  "xaxis z (fm)"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt  "yaxis t (fm/c)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.70 0.22 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+            endif
+            write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)') xorptl(3,n),xorptl(4,n)
+            if(npl.eq.1000)then
+              write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+              nhis=nhis+1
+              npl=0
+            endif
+         endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(npl.ne.0)write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0'
+      if(npl.eq.0)stop'xFreezeOutTZ: no particles!!!!!            '
+      end
+      subroutine xFoMass(meta)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      taumax=tauhoc(ncentr,ntauhu(ncentr,meta))+2
+c      netahyxx=netahy
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!   hydro freeze out rate     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!newpage'
+      do ii=1,3
+        if(ii.eq.1)nphi=2
+        if(ii.eq.2)nphi=1+nphihy/4
+        if(ii.eq.3)nphi=1+nphihy/2
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')'openhisto htyp lin name w-',meta,nphi,ii
+        if(ii.eq.1)then !----------------------
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1)')'xmod lin xrange 0. ',taumax
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt  "xaxis [t] (fm/c)"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)') 'ymod lin yrange auto auto '
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.1 0.9 "  [c]=',zetahy(meta),'"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis w "'
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+        endif       !-------------------------------
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'array 2'
+        deltau=tauhoc(ncentr,2)-tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+        do ntau=2,ntauhu(ncentr,meta)
+         dy=waa(ncentr,meta,ntau,nphi)
+         write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')tauhoc(ncentr,ntau)-deltau/2,dy
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+        if(ii.ne.3)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0-'
+        if(ii.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0'
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xFoRadius(meta)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      taumax=tauhoc(ncentr,ntauhu(ncentr,meta))+2
+c      netahyxx=netahy
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!        hydro freeze out radius     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!newpage'
+      do ii=1,3
+        if(ii.eq.1)nphi=2
+        if(ii.eq.2)nphi=1+nphihy/4
+        if(ii.eq.3)nphi=1+nphihy/2
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')'openhisto htyp lin name r-',meta,nphi,ii
+        if(ii.eq.1)then !----------------------
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1)')'xmod lin xrange 0. ',taumax
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt  "xaxis [t] (fm/c)"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)') 'ymod lin yrange auto auto '
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.1 0.9 "  [c]=',zetahy(meta),'"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis r  (fm) "'
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+        endif !-------------------------------
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'array 2'
+        do ntau=2,ntauhu(ncentr,meta)
+         write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')tauhoc(ncentr,ntau)
+     .     ,raa(ncentr,meta,ntau,nphi)
+         enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+        if(ii.ne.3)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0-'
+        if(ii.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0'
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xFoRadVelocity(meta)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      taumax=tauhoc(ncentr,ntauhu(ncentr,meta))+2
+c      netahyxx=netahy
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!     hydro freeze out rad velocity      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!newpage'
+      do ii=1,3
+        if(ii.eq.1)nphi=2
+        if(ii.eq.2)nphi=1+nphihy/4
+        if(ii.eq.3)nphi=1+nphihy/2
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')'openhisto htyp lin name y-',meta,nphi,ii
+        if(ii.eq.1)then !----------------------
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1)')'xmod lin xrange 0. ',taumax
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "xaxis [t] (fm/c)"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)') 'ymod lin yrange auto auto '
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.1 0.9 "  [c]=',zetahy(meta),'"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis v?rad!  "'
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+        endif !-------------------------------
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'array 2'
+        do ntau=2,ntauhu(ncentr,meta)
+         write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')tauhoc(ncentr,ntau)
+     .     ,vaa(1,ncentr,meta,ntau,nphi)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+        if(ii.ne.3)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0-'
+        if(ii.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0'
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xFoTanVelocity(meta)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr /ctauhu/ntauhu(ncenthx,1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      taumax=tauhoc(ncentr,ntauhu(ncentr,meta))+2
+c      netahyxx=netahy
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!    hydro freeze out tang velocity      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!newpage'
+      do ii=1,4
+        if(ii.eq.1)nphi=2
+        if(ii.eq.2)nphi=1+nphihy/8
+        if(ii.eq.3)nphi=1+nphihy/8*3
+        if(ii.eq.4)nphi=1+nphihy/2
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')'openhisto htyp lin name y-',meta,nphi,ii
+        if(ii.eq.1)then !----------------------
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1)')'xmod lin xrange 0. ',taumax
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "xaxis [t] (fm/c)"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)') 'ymod lin yrange auto auto '
+         write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.1 0.9 "  [c]=',zetahy(meta),'"'
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis v?tan!  "'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+        endif !-------------------------------
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'array 2'
+        do ntau=2,ntauhu(ncentr,meta)
+         write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')tauhoc(ncentr,ntau)
+     .     ,vaa(2,ncentr,meta,ntau,nphi)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+        if(ii.ne.4)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0-'
+        if(ii.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a)') 'plot 0'
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xCoreCorona(iii,jjj)
+c     space-time evolution of core and corona
+c     cluster ............   ist=11  ity=60
+c     core particles .....   ist=0   ity=60
+c     corona particles ...   ist=0   ity/=60
+c    iii=1: plot also binary collisions
+c    jjj>0: multiplicity trigger (useful for pp)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      common/cdelzet/delzet,delsgr
+      parameter (myy=48,mrr=100)
+      real yy(myy),rr(mrr)
+      common/cranphi/ranphi
+      phinll=phievt+ranphi
+      phi=   phievt+ranphi
+      !print*,'   EventPhi=',phievt,'   RandomPhi=',ranphi
+      rapmax=6
+      radmax=10
+      r1=0.0
+      if(maproj.gt.1)r1=radnuc(maproj)
+      r2=0.0
+      if(matarg.gt.1)r2=radnuc(matarg)
+      if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.gt.1)r1=r2
+      if(maproj.gt.1.and.matarg.eq.1)r2=r1
+      a=7.8
+      b=bimevt/2
+c      n1=koievt
+      n2=0
+      do k=1,koll
+       if(itpr(k).gt.0)n2=n2+1
+      enddo
+c      n3=nglevt
+      if(jjj.gt.0)then
+      multy1=0
+       do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+          amt=pptl(5,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+          rap=1000
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))/amt)
+          endif
+          ch=0
+          if(abs(idptl(i)).ge.100.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+            if(abs(ch).gt.0.1.and.abs(rap).le.1.)multy1=multy1+1
+          endif
+         endif
+        enddo
+        ih1=jjj/100
+        ih2=mod(jjj,100)
+        if(0.5*multy1.lt.ih1.or.0.5*multy1.gt.ih2)return
+      endif
+      xmax=1+int(a*1.5)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!---------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   core particles                '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!---------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!newpage'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto name st1'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp prv xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-xmax,xmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',-a,a
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.85 -0.25 " x (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt "yaxis y (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.90 "core"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.80 "corona"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.82 0.07 "[c]=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      ncore=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+       if(abs(sptl(i)).lt.0.5*delsgr.and.istptl(i).eq.2)then
+         write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')xptl(i)*cos(phi)+yptl(i)*sin(phi)
+     .      ,                      -xptl(i)*sin(phi)+yptl(i)*cos(phi)
+         ncore=ncore+1
+       endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   corona particles               '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto name st2'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pgv xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      ncorona=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+       if(abs(sptl(i)).lt.0.5*delsgr.and.istptl(i).eq.0
+     .  .and.ityptl(i).ne.60.and.ityptl(i).ne.19)then
+         write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')xptl(i)*cos(phi)+yptl(i)*sin(phi)
+     .      ,                      -xptl(i)*sin(phi)+yptl(i)*cos(phi)
+        ncorona=ncorona+1
+       endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      !print*,'b=',bimevt,'   ncorona:ncore =  ',ncorona,':',ncore
+         if(iii.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   binary collisions             '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto name coo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pbl xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-xmax,xmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',-a,a
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,koll
+       if(itpr(k).gt.0)then
+         write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')coord(1,k)*cos(phi)+coord(2,k)*sin(phi)
+     * ,                      -coord(1,k)*sin(phi)+coord(2,k)*cos(phi)
+       endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+         endif
+      if(r1.ne.0.0)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'plot 0-'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   hard spheres             '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')   'openhisto name stc1 htyp lyu'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')   'array 2'
+        do j=-50,50
+         phi=j/50.*pi*0.55
+         write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')r1*cos(phi)-b,r1*sin(phi)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      endif
+      if(r2.ne.0.0)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'plot 0-'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')   'openhisto name stc1 htyp lyu'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')   'array 2'
+        do j=-50,50
+         phi=j/50.*pi*0.55
+         write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-r1*cos(phi)+b,r1*sin(phi)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'plot 0'
+   !........................................................................................
+      if(ioclude.le.1)return
+   !........................................................................................
+      delrap=2*rapmax/float(myy)
+      do m=1,myy
+        yy(m)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra.and.istptl(n).eq.2)then
+        routp=-sin(phinll)*xptl(n)+cos(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rinp = cos(phinll)*xptl(n)+sin(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        if(abs(rinp).le.1.and.abs(routp).le.1.)then
+          rapx=dezptl(n)
+          eco=0
+          amt=pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)).gt.0.d0)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,n))*alog((pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)))/amt)
+            eco=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+          endif
+          m=(rapx+rapmax)/delrap+1
+          if(m.gt.myy)m=myy
+          yy(m)=yy(m)+eco
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!    core segment energy per d[c]dxdy         '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!           vs space-time rapidity rapx       '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!   (same as histogram rapx eco... in optns)  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!newpage'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name rapx'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.3)') 'xrange ',-rapmax,rapmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')        'yrange 0 auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt "title initial energy          "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.05 0.70 "x=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.05 0.60 "y=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "xaxis space-time rapidity [c] "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "yaxis dE/d[c]dxdy "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do m=1,myy
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-rapmax+(m-0.5)*delrap, yy(m)/4./delrap
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+   !........................................................................................
+      delrap=2*rapmax/float(myy)
+      do m=1,myy
+        yy(m)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra.and.istptl(n)/2.eq.0)then
+        routp=-sin(phinll)*xptl(n)+cos(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rinp = cos(phinll)*xptl(n)+sin(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        if(abs(rinp).le.1.and.abs(routp).le.1.)then
+          rapx=dezptl(n)
+          eco=0
+          amt=pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)).gt.0.d0)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,n))*alog((pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)))/amt)
+            eco=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+          endif
+          m=(rapx+rapmax)/delrap+1
+          if(m.ge.1.and.m.le.myy)yy(m)=yy(m)+eco
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!    corona segment energy per d[c]dxdy       '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!           vs space-time rapidity rapx       '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!   (same as histogram rapx eco... in optns)  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name rapx'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.3)') 'xrange ',-rapmax,rapmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')        'yrange 0 auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt "title initial energy          "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "xaxis space-time rapidity [c] "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "yaxis dE/d[c]dxdy "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do m=1,myy
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-rapmax+(m-0.5)*delrap, yy(m)/4./delrap
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+      call xEiniEta(1)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'plot 0'
+   !........................................................................................
+      delrad=2*radmax/float(mrr)
+      do m=1,mrr
+        rr(m)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra.and.istptl(n).eq.2)then
+        routp=-sin(phinll)*xptl(n)+cos(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rinp = cos(phinll)*xptl(n)+sin(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rapx=dezptl(n)
+        if(abs(rapx).le.1.and.abs(routp).le.1.)then
+          eco=0
+          amt=pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)).gt.0.d0)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,n))*alog((pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)))/amt)
+            eco=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+          endif
+          m=(rinp+radmax)/delrad+1
+          if(m.gt.mrr)m=mrr
+          rr(m)=rr(m)+eco
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!    core segment energy per d[c]dxdy vs x    '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!   (same as histogram rinp eco... in optns)  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!newpage'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name rapx'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.3)') 'xrange ',-radmax,radmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')        'yrange 0 auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt "title initial energy          "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.05 0.70 "[c]=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.05 0.60 "y=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "xaxis x (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "yaxis dE/d[c]dxdy "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do m=1,mrr
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-radmax+(m-0.5)*delrad, rr(m)/4./delrad
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+   !........................................................................................
+      delrad=2*radmax/float(mrr)
+      do m=1,mrr
+        rr(m)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra.and.istptl(n)/2.eq.0)then
+        routp=-sin(phinll)*xptl(n)+cos(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rinp = cos(phinll)*xptl(n)+sin(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rapx=dezptl(n)
+        if(abs(rapx).le.1.and.abs(routp).le.1.)then
+          eco=0
+          amt=pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)).gt.0.d0)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,n))*alog((pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)))/amt)
+            eco=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+          endif
+          m=(rinp+radmax)/delrad+1
+          if(m.gt.mrr)m=mrr
+          rr(m)=rr(m)+eco
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!    corona segment energy per d[c]dxdy vs x  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!   (same as histogram rinp eco... in optns)  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name rapx'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do m=1,mrr
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-radmax+(m-0.5)*delrad, rr(m)/4./delrad
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+      call xEiniX(1)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'plot 0'
+   !........................................................................................
+      delrad=2*radmax/float(mrr)
+      do m=1,mrr
+        rr(m)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra.and.istptl(n).eq.2)then
+        routp=-sin(phinll)*xptl(n)+cos(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rinp = cos(phinll)*xptl(n)+sin(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rapx=dezptl(n)
+        if(abs(rapx).le.1.and.abs(rinp).le.1.)then
+          eco=0
+          amt=pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)).gt.0.d0)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,n))*alog((pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)))/amt)
+            eco=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+          endif
+          m=(routp+radmax)/delrad+1
+          if(m.gt.mrr)m=mrr
+          rr(m)=rr(m)+eco
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!    core segment energy per d[c]dxdy vs y    '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!   (same as histogram routp eco... in optns)  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!newpage'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name rout'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.3)') 'xrange ',-radmax,radmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')        'yrange 0 auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt "title initial energy          "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.05 0.70 "[c]=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.05 0.60 "x=0"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'text 0.65 0.9 "',centhy(ncentr),'fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "xaxis y (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'txt  "yaxis dE/d[c]dxdy "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do m=1,mrr
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-radmax+(m-0.5)*delrad, rr(m)/4./delrad
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+   !........................................................................................
+      delrad=2*radmax/float(mrr)
+      do m=1,mrr
+        rr(m)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nptl
+        if(dezptl(n).lt.1e3.and.n.le.maxfra.and.istptl(n)/2.eq.0)then
+        routp=-sin(phinll)*xptl(n)+cos(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rinp = cos(phinll)*xptl(n)+sin(phinll)*yptl(n)
+        rapx=dezptl(n)
+        if(abs(rapx).le.1.and.abs(rinp).le.1.)then
+          eco=0
+          amt=pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)).gt.0.d0)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,n))*alog((pptl(4,n)+abs(pptl(3,n)))/amt)
+            eco=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+          endif
+          m=(routp+radmax)/delrad+1
+          if(m.gt.mrr)m=mrr
+          rr(m)=rr(m)+eco
+        endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!    corona segment energy per d[c]dxdy vs y  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!   (same as histogram routp eco... in optns)  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name rout'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do m=1,mrr
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')-radmax+(m-0.5)*delrad, rr(m)/4./delrad
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray closehisto plot 0-'
+      call xEiniY(1)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xEini(ii)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.inchy'
+      common/cen/ncentr
+      entry xEiniX(ii)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!        hydro initial energy vs x  '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto  array 2'
+      do nr=nradhy,2,-1
+       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')
+     .     -radhy(nr),epsii(ncentr,ii,1,nr)*tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+      enddo
+      do nr=1,nradhy
+       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')
+     .     radhy(nr),epsii(ncentr,ii,1,nr)*tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+      return
+      entry xEiniY(ii)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!        hydro initial energy vs y     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto  array 2'
+      do nr=nradhy,2,-1
+       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')
+     .    -radhy(nr),epsii(ncentr,ii,nphihy,nr)*tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+      enddo
+      do nr=1,nradhy
+       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')
+     .    radhy(nr),epsii(ncentr,ii,nphihy,nr)*tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+      return
+      entry xEiniEta(ii)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)') '!        hydro initial energy vs y     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '!----------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto  array 2'
+      do neta=netahy,2,-1
+       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')
+     .   -etahy(neta),epsii(ncentr,neta,1,1)*tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+      enddo
+      do neta=1,netahy
+       write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')
+     .   etahy(neta),epsii(ncentr,neta,1,1)*tauhoc(ncentr,1)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'endarray closehisto '
+      return
+      end
+      integer function idxHiranoTable(id)
+      ida=abs(id)
+      ihi=0
+      if(ida.eq.120.or.id.eq.110)   ihi=2       !pion
+      if(id.eq.220)                 ihi=3       !eta
+      if(ida.eq.121.or.id.eq.111)   ihi=4       !rho
+      if(id.eq.221)                 ihi=5       !omega
+      !if(id.eq.)                        ihi=6         !sigma
+      if(id.eq.330)                 ihi=7       !eta prime
+      !if(id.eq.)                        ihi=8         !f_0
+      !if(id.eq.)                        ihi=9         !a_0
+      if(id.eq.331)                 ihi=10      !phi
+      !if(id.eq.)                        ihi=11          !h_1
+      if(ida.eq.130.or.ida.eq.230)  ihi=12      !K
+      if(ida.eq.131.or.ida.eq.231)  ihi=13      !K star
+      if(ida.eq.1120.or.ida.eq.1220)ihi=14      !N
+      if(ida.eq.1111.or.ida.eq.1121)ihi=15      !Delta
+      if(ida.eq.1221.or.ida.eq.2221)ihi=15      !Delta
+      if(ida.eq.2130)               ihi=16      !Lambda
+      if(ida.eq.1130.or.ida.eq.1230)ihi=17      !Sigma
+      if(ida.eq.2230)               ihi=17      !Sigma
+      idxHiranoTable=ihi
+      end
+      subroutine InitializeHyperbola
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common /cttaus/  tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      ttaus=1
+      ypjtl=6
+      yhaha=3
+      etapro=(ypjtl-yhaha)*etafac
+      etatar=-yhaha*etafac
+      detap=dble(etapro)
+      detat=dble(etatar)
+      tpro=dcosh(detap)
+      zpro=dsinh(detap)
+      ttar=dcosh(detat)
+      ztar=dsinh(detat)
+      end
+      integer function idGet()
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a/6i4)')
+     *' keu ked kes kec keb ket:',keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket
+      do i=1,6
+      jc(i,1)=0
+      jc(i,2)=0
+      enddo
+      if(keu.ge.0)jc(1,1)=keu
+      if(ked.ge.0)jc(2,1)=ked
+      if(kes.ge.0)jc(3,1)=kes
+      if(kec.ge.0)jc(4,1)=kec
+      if(keb.ge.0)jc(5,1)=keb
+      if(ket.ge.0)jc(6,1)=ket
+      if(keu.lt.0)jc(1,2)=-keu
+      if(ked.lt.0)jc(2,2)=-ked
+      if(kes.lt.0)jc(3,2)=-kes
+      if(kec.lt.0)jc(4,2)=-kec
+      if(keb.lt.0)jc(5,2)=-keb
+      if(ket.lt.0)jc(6,2)=-ket
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a/6i4/6i4)')' jc:',jc
+      idr=0
+      do  nf=1,nflav
+        do  ij=1,2
+          if(jc(nf,ij).ge.10)idr=7*10**8
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if(idr/10**8.ne.7)then
+        call idenco(jc,ic,ireten)
+        if(ic(1).eq.0.and.ic(2).eq.0)then
+          ic(1)=100000
+          ic(2)=100000
+        endif
+        idr=8*10**8+ic(1)*100+ic(2)/100
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i9)')' id:',idr
+      else
+        idr=idr
+     *       +mod(jc(1,1)+jc(2,1)+jc(3,1)+jc(4,1),10**4)*10**4
+     *       +mod(jc(1,2)+jc(2,2)+jc(3,2)+jc(4,2),10**4)
+        call idtrbi(jc,ibptl(1,1),ibptl(2,1),ibptl(3,1),ibptl(4,1))
+      endif
+      idGet=idr
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-ems-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-ems-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51faa2370709b199ee5578dc3d473484e1f259ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-ems-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,12556 @@
+      subroutine emsaa(iret)
+c  energy-momentum sharing
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/cwzero/wzero,wzerox
+      double precision omega,omlog,oma,omb,wab,wba,wmatrix,wzero,nbar
+     *,wzerox,rrr,eps,xprem,xmrem,om1intgck
+      parameter(eps=1.d-30)
+      common/col3/ncol,kolpt
+c      logical modu
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      double precision s,px,py,pomass,plc!,PhiExpo
+      common/ems6/ivp0,iap0,idp0,isp0,ivt0,iat0,idt0,ist0
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      common/epoquasi/iquasi
+      logical vpom,difint
+      dimension ishuff(2*mamx,2),icp(2),ict(2),jcp(nflav,2),jct(nflav,2)
+     &          ,nishuff(2)
+      call utpri('emsaa ',ish,ishini,4)
+      irea=iret
+      do j=1,2
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jcp(i,j)=0
+          jct(i,j)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      iret=0
+      iret2=0
+c     initialize
+c     ----------
+      call emsipt   !initialize projectile and target
+      call emsigr   !initialize grid
+c Metropolis
+      if(iokoll.ne.1)then
+        nSprmx=0
+        do k=1,koll
+          nSprmx=nSprmx+nprmx(k)
+        enddo
+        omlog=0
+        nemsi=nemsi+1
+        if(nemsi.le.4.and.iemsi1.eq.1)call xEmsI1(1,0,omlog)
+        if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'after xEmsI1'
+        if(nemsi.le.4.and.iemsi2.eq.1)call xEmsI2(1,0)
+        if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'after xEmsI2'
+        if(ish.ge.6)call XPrint('Before Markov:&')
+c     Markov
+c     ------
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'Markov Process'
+      kint=int(max(15.,2.*engy**0.2))
+      if(koll.gt.50)kint=3*kint/int(log(float(koll)))
+      kmcmx=nSprmx*kint        !50*kint  !100*kint
+      do kmc=1,kmcmx               !-----> start Metropolis
+       knprmx=0
+       rrr=dble(rangen())
+       do ik=1,koll
+         knprmx=knprmx+nprmx(ik)
+         if(rrr.le.dble(knprmx)/dble(nSprmx))then ! k-th pair
+           k=ik
+           goto 10
+         endif
+       enddo
+ 10    continue
+       ip=iproj(k)
+       it=itarg(k)
+       n=1+int(rangen()*float(nprmx(k)))  ! n-th spot for k-th pair
+       nbar=dble(npr(0,k))
+       if(idpr(n,k).eq.0)nbar=nbar-1d0
+       xprem=1.d0!xpp(ip)+xppr(n,k)        !consistently, it should be 1.
+       xmrem=1.d0!xmt(it)+xmpr(n,k)
+       wzerox=(nbar+1d0)
+       wzero=wzerox    / ( wzerox
+     &                    +om1intgck(k,xprem,xmrem)*gammaV(k) )
+       if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'wzero',k,n,wzero,wzerox,gammaV(k)
+     &                          ,om1intgck(k,xprem,xmrem)
+       if(ish.ge.1.and.100000*(kmc/100000).eq.kmc)
+     & write(ifmt,*)'kmc',kmc,kmcmx
+       call StoCon(1,k,n)
+       call RemPom(k,n)
+       call ProPo(k,n)
+       call ProXY(k,n)
+       call StoCon(2,k,n)
+       if(idpr(n,k).eq.0.and.idx0.eq.0)then
+         accept=accept+1.
+       else
+         omb=omega(n,k)
+         if(omb.le.0.d0)then
+           reject=reject+1.
+           call RemPom(k,n)
+           call StoCon(-1,k,n)
+         else
+           wab=wmatrix(k,n)
+           if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'omb',omb,wab,k,n
+           if(wab.le.0.d0)then
+             write (ifmt,*)'wab,kmc',wab,omb,kmc,k,n,xpr(n,k),ypr(n,k)
+     &  ,xppr(n,k),xmpr(n,k),xpp(ip),xmt(it),ip,it,idpr(n,k)
+             write(ifmt,'(a,i12,d25.15)')'ems,seedf',nrevt+1,seedc
+             iret=1
+             goto 1000
+           endif
+           call RemPom(k,n)
+           call StoCon(-1,k,n)
+           oma=omega(n,k)
+           wba=wmatrix(k,n)
+           if(oma.ge.0.d0.and.oma.le.eps*omb*wba/wab)then
+             accept=accept+1.
+             call RemPom(k,n)
+             call StoCon(-2,k,n)
+             omlog=omlog+dlog(omb)
+             goto 500
+           elseif(oma.le.1.d-300.or.oma.ne.oma.or.omb.ne.omb)then
+             write (ifmt,*)'oma,kmc',oma,omb,kmc,k,n,xpr(n,k),ypr(n,k)
+     &  ,xppr(n,k),xmpr(n,k),idpr(n,k),npr(1,k),xpp(ip),xmt(it),ip,it
+             write(ifmt,'(a,i12,d25.15)')'ems,seedf',nrevt+1,seedc
+             iret=1
+             goto 1000
+           endif
+           z=sngl(omb/oma*wba/wab)
+           if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'z,oma',z,oma,wba,k,n
+           if(rangen().gt.z)then
+             reject=reject+1.
+           else
+             accept=accept+1.
+             call RemPom(k,n)
+             call StoCon(-2,k,n)
+             omlog=omlog-dlog(oma)+dlog(omb)
+           endif
+ 500       continue
+         endif
+         endif
+       if(nemsi.le.4)then
+         kplot=int(float(kmc)/float(kmcmx)*100.)
+         if(iemsi1.eq.1)call xEmsI1(1,kplot,omlog)
+         if(iemsi2.eq.1)call xEmsI2(1,kplot)
+       endif
+      enddo                     !-----> end Metropolis
+      else
+        n=1
+        do k=1,koll
+          call ProPo(k,n)
+          call ProXY(k,n)
+        enddo
+      endif
+c --- Plot Pomeron b-distributions ---
+      if(ish.ge.6)call XPrint('After Markov :&')
+      if(iemsb.eq.1)then ! plot
+       do k=1,koll
+        call xEmsB(1,1,k)
+        if(nprt(k).gt.0)call xEmsB(1,2,k)
+       enddo
+      endif
+      if(iemsbg.eq.1)then ! plot
+        call xEmsBg(3,0,0)
+        do k=1,koll
+          call xEmsBg(1,0,k)
+          if(nprt(k).gt.0)then
+            call xEmsBg(1,-1,k)
+            do n=1,nprmx(k)
+              if(idpr(n,k).ne.0)call xEmsBg(1,idpr(n,k),k)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+c --- Plot distr of pomeron number ---
+      if(iemspm.eq.1)then
+       do k=1,koll
+           call xEmsPm(1,k,nprt(k),nprmx(k))
+       enddo
+      endif
+c --- Count all interactions ---
+      ncol=0
+      ncolh=0
+      do k=1,koll
+        if(nprt(k).gt.0)then
+          ncol=ncol+1
+          if(isplit.eq.1)then
+            do n=1,nprmx(k)
+              if(xpr(n,k).gt.xzcutpar(k))itpr(k)=1  !for nuclear splitting
+            enddo
+          endif
+          ip=iproj(k)
+          it=itarg(k)
+          kolp(ip)=kolp(ip)+nprt(k) !number of cut Pomerons
+          kolt(it)=kolt(it)+nprt(k) !on remnants
+        endif
+      enddo
+c --- Calculate Z (written to zzremn)
+      do ip=1,maproj
+       call CalcZZ(1,ip)
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+       call CalcZZ(-1,it)
+      enddo
+c -- Split Enhanced Pomerons and fix their nature ---
+      if(isplit.eq.1.and.ncol.gt.0)then
+        if (iLHC.eq.1)then  !make random selection to avoid assymetry
+          nishuff(1)=0
+          nishuff(2)=0
+          do ip=1,maproj
+            nishuff(1)=nishuff(1)+1
+            ishuff(nishuff(1),1)=ip 
+          enddo
+          do it=1,matarg
+            nishuff(2)=nishuff(2)+1
+            ishuff(nishuff(2),2)=it 
+          enddo
+          do while(nishuff(1)+nishuff(2).gt.0)
+c random selection
+            if(nishuff(1).gt.0.and.nishuff(2).gt.0)then
+              ir=1+int(rangen()+0.5)
+            elseif(nishuff(1).gt.0)then
+              ir=1
+            else
+              ir=2
+            endif
+            indx=1+int(rangen()*float(nishuff(ir)))
+            if(ir.eq.1)then
+              ip=ishuff(indx,ir)
+              if(lproj3(ip).ne.0.and.kolp(ip).eq.0)call ProNucSpl( 1,ip)
+            else
+              it=ishuff(indx,ir)
+              if(ltarg3(it).ne.0.and.kolt(it).eq.0)call ProNucSpl(-1,it)
+            endif
+            ishuff(indx,ir)=ishuff(nishuff(ir),ir)
+            nishuff(ir)=nishuff(ir)-1
+          enddo
+        else
+          do ip=1,maproj
+            if(lproj3(ip).ne.0.and.kolp(ip).eq.0)call ProNucSpl( 1,ip)
+          enddo
+          do it=1,matarg
+            if(ltarg3(it).ne.0.and.kolt(it).eq.0)call ProNucSpl(-1,it)
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)call XPrint('After ProNucSpl:&')
+      endif
+c -- Fix Pomeron type ---
+      do k=1,koll
+        itpr(k)=0
+        do n=1,nprmx(k)
+          if(idfpr(n,k).eq.0)call ProPoTy(k,n)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c --- Fix Remnant Excitation
+      do ip=1,maproj
+       if(lproj(ip).ne.0)then
+         call ProReEx( 1,ip)
+         if(iremn.ge.2)call UpdateFlav(ip,jcp,0) !reset jcpref to 0
+       endif
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+       if(ltarg(it).ne.0)then
+         call ProReEx(-1,it)
+         if(iremn.ge.2)call UpdateFlav(it,jct,0) !reset jctref to 0
+       endif
+      enddo
+c --- LHC tune : remove unnecessary diffractive Pomerons
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        do k=1,koll
+          ip=iproj(k)
+          it=itarg(k)
+c remove temporary diffractive Pomeron if at least on remnant excited
+c          ymean=0.
+          do n=1,nprmx(k)
+            if(idpr(n,k).eq.-1)then
+              idpr(n,k)=1
+              if((iep(ip).gt.0.or.iet(it).gt.0)
+     &             .and.xpr(n,k).le.xzcutpar(k))call VirPom(k,n,0)
+c              if(iep(ip).gt.0.or.iet(it).gt.0)then
+c                if(xpr(n,k).ge.xzcutpar(k))then
+c                  call VirPom(k,n,0)
+c                else
+c                  ymean=ymean+ypr(n,k)
+c                endif
+c              endif
+           endif
+          enddo
+cc put excitation on the side of the pomeron
+c          if((ymean.gt.0..and.iet(it).gt.0).or.
+c     &       (ymean.lt.0..and.iep(ip).gt.0))then
+c            ietmp=iep(ip)
+c            iep(ip)=iet(it)
+c            iet(it)=ietmp
+c          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+c --- Count real interactions ---
+      ncol=0
+      do k=1,koll
+        if(nprt(k).gt.0)then        !inelastic
+          ncol=ncol+1
+          if(itpr(k).lt.0)then
+            itpr(k)=-1
+          else
+            itpr(k)=1              !diffractive with Pomeron
+          endif
+        elseif(itpr(k).gt.0)then    !diffractive
+          ncol=ncol+1
+          call ProDiSc(k)
+          itpr(k)=2
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'ncol:',ncol
+c --- fix all variables
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'fix all variables'
+c ---  recalculate Zptn
+c      if(irzptn.eq.1)call recalcZPtn
+      typevt=0                !ela
+      if(maproj+matarg.eq.2)then     !pp
+        if(itpr(1).ne.0)then
+          anintine=anintine+1.
+          if(itpr(1).gt.0)then
+            if(ionudi.eq.1
+     &        .or.iep(1).ne.0.or.iet(1).ne.0.or.itpr(1).eq.1)then
+              anintdiff=anintdiff+1.
+              if((iep(1).eq.0.and.iet(1).eq.2).or.
+     &           (iet(1).eq.0.and.iep(1).eq.2))anintsdif=anintsdif+1.
+              if(iep(1).eq.0.and.iet(1).eq.2)typevt=-4    !SD tar
+              if(iet(1).eq.0.and.iep(1).eq.2)typevt=4     !SD pro
+              if(iep(1).eq.2.and.iet(1).eq.2)typevt=2     !DD
+              if(iep(1).eq.0.and.iet(1).eq.0)typevt=3     !CD
+            else
+              anintine=anintine-1. !diffractive without excitation = elastic
+            endif
+          else
+            typevt=1                                      !ND
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        aidif=0.
+        aidifp=0.
+        aidift=0.
+        aiine=0.
+        do k=1,koll
+          ip=iproj(k)
+          it=itarg(k)
+          if(aidif.ge.0..and.itpr(k).gt.0)then
+            aidifp=aidifp+iep(ip)+(2-itpr(k))*0.00001
+            aidift=aidift+iet(it)+(2-itpr(k))*0.00001
+            if(ionudi.eq.1)then !count all diff as inelastic (to compare to tabulated cs)
+              aidif=aidif+1.
+            endif
+          elseif(itpr(k).eq.-1)then
+            aiine=aiine+1.
+            aidif=-ainfin
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(ionudi.eq.2)then
+          aidif=aidif+aidifp
+        else
+          aidif=aidif+aidifp+aidift
+        endif
+        if(aidif.gt.0.)then
+          anintdiff=anintdiff+1.
+          anintine=anintine+1.
+          if(aidifp.gt.0.5.and.aidift.le.0.5)then
+            anintsdif=anintsdif+1.
+            typevt=4                        !SD pro
+          endif
+          if(aidifp.gt.0.5.and.aidift.gt.0.5)then
+            typevt=2                        !DD
+          endif
+          if(ionudi.ne.2)then
+            if(aidifp.le.0.5.and.aidift.gt.0.5)then
+              anintsdif=anintsdif+1.
+              typevt=-4                      !SD tar
+            elseif(typevt.le.0.5.and.aidifp.gt.0..and.aidift.gt.0.)then
+              typevt=3                      !CD
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif(aiine.gt.0.)then
+          anintine=anintine+1.
+          typevt=1                          !ND
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)call XPrint('After fixing:&')
+c --- Plot MC pomeron number ---
+      if(nemsi.le.4.and.irea.ge.0)then
+       if(iemsi1.eq.1)call xEmsI1(1,100,omlog)
+       if(iemsi2.eq.1)call xEmsI2(1,100)
+       if(iemsi1.eq.1.and.ncol.gt.0)call xEmsI1(2,0,omlog)
+       if(iemsi2.eq.1.and.ncol.gt.0)call xEmsI2(2,0)
+       if((iemsi1.eq.1.or.iemsi2.eq.1).and.ncol.eq.0)nemsi=nemsi-1
+      endif
+      if(iemsb.eq.1)then        ! plot
+        do k=1,koll
+          if(itpr(k).eq.0)call xEmsB(1,3,k) !nothing
+          if(itpr(k).eq.-1)call xEmsB(1,4,k) !cut
+          if(itpr(k).gt.0)call xEmsB(1,5,k) !diffr
+          if(abs(itpr(k)).eq.1)call xEmsB(1,6,k) !cut+diffr cut
+        enddo
+      endif
+c check for diffractive interaction without excitation
+      difint=.true.
+      ieptot=0
+      if(maproj+matarg.eq.2)ieptot=1     !not used for pp
+      do k=1,koll
+        if(itpr(k).eq.2)then
+          ip=iproj(k)
+          it=itarg(k)
+          ieptot=ieptot+iep(ip)
+          if(ionudi.ne.2)ieptot=ieptot+iet(it)
+c for CR, ionudi=1, count diffraction without excitation as inelastic (part of the xs)
+          if(ionudi.ne.1.and.iep(ip).eq.0.and.iet(it).eq.0)then
+            ncol=ncol-1
+            itpr(k)=0
+            kolp(ip)=kolp(ip)-1
+            kolt(it)=kolt(it)-1
+          endif
+        else
+          if(iLHC.eq.1.and.abs(itpr(k)).eq.1)then
+            difint=.false.
+          elseif(iLHC.eq.0)then   !bug in CR version for ionudi=2 (difint=F always !)
+            difint=.false.
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(difint.and.ionudi.eq.2.and.ieptot.eq.0)then
+        ncol=0                  !for ionudi=2
+        iret=0
+        goto 1000               !no projectile excitation = elastic
+      endif
+      iquasi=0
+      if(ncol.eq.0)goto 998
+      if(difint.and.ieptot-1.le.0)then
+        iquasi=1
+        if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'EPOS Quasi-elastic event'
+        goto 998
+      endif
+c --- Treat Pomerons ---------------------------------------
+c --- Check minimum mass ---
+      do k=1,koll
+        ip=iproj(k)
+        it=itarg(k)
+      do n=1,nprmx(k)
+        if(xpr(n,k).lt.(cumpom/engy)**2)then
+          nnb=nbkpr(n,k)
+          nnv=nvpr(n,k)
+          if(nnv.ne.0)then
+            nbkpr(nnv,k)=0                  !if bckp Pomeron
+          endif
+          if(nnb.ne.0)then
+            ivi=1
+            call VirPom(k,nnb,ivi)            !if hard backup exist
+            nbkpr(n,k)=0                    !remove it
+          endif
+          ivi=2
+          call VirPom(k,n,ivi)
+        elseif(itpr(k).eq.1.and.abs(idfpr(n,k)).eq.1)then
+c diffractive cut Pomeron should not change remnant excitation
+          idfs=sign(1,idfpr(n,k))
+          if(iep(ip).eq.0.and.iet(it).eq.0)then
+            idfpr(n,k)=idfs*4       !not linked to both proj and targ
+          elseif(iep(ip).eq.0)then
+            idfpr(n,k)=idfs*3       !linked to targ
+            iet(it)=1               !target excitation is inelastic type
+          elseif(iet(it).eq.0)then
+            idfpr(n,k)=idfs*2       !linked to proj
+            iep(ip)=1               !projectile excitation is inelastic type
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+c --- Set String End Type and Pt
+      do k=1,koll
+        ip=iproj(k)
+        it=itarg(k)
+        do n=1,nprmx(k)
+          if(idpr(n,k).gt.0)then
+          ntry=0
+          vpom=.false.
+          ivpi=ivp(ip)
+          ivti=ivt(it)
+          idpi=idp(ip)
+          idti=idt(it)
+          do i=1,2
+            icp(i)=icproj(i,ip)
+            ict(i)=ictarg(i,it)
+          enddo
+          if(iremn.ge.2)then    !save jcpref and jctref into jcp and jct
+            call UpdateFlav(ip,jcp,1)
+            call UpdateFlav(it,jct,2)
+          endif
+ 100      ntry=ntry+1
+          iret=0
+          if(ntry.ge.200)vpom=.true.
+          if(ntry.gt.1)then
+       if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'Try again setting string ends for k,n'
+     &                               ,k,n,ntry
+            ivp(ip)=ivpi
+            ivt(it)=ivti
+            idp(ip)=idpi
+            idt(it)=idti
+            do i=1,2
+              icproj(i,ip)=icp(i)
+              ictarg(i,it)=ict(i)
+            enddo
+            if(iremn.ge.2)then       !restore jcpref and jctref from jcp and jct
+              call UpdateFlav(ip,jcp,-1)
+              call UpdateFlav(it,jct,-2)
+            endif
+            call RmPt(k,n)
+          endif
+          if(nvpr(n,k).eq.0)call ProSeTy(k,n)      !Not for backup Pomeron
+          call ProSePt(k,n,iret)
+          if(iret.eq.1)then
+            if(vpom)then
+              ivi=13
+              call VirPom(k,n,ivi)
+            else
+              goto 100
+            endif
+          endif
+c      enddo
+c      enddo
+c --- Check Pomeron mass
+c      do k=1,koll
+c      do n=1,nprmx(k)
+       if(idpr(n,k).ne.0.and.ivpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+        px=xxp1pr(n,k)+xxp2pr(n,k)+xxm1pr(n,k)+xxm2pr(n,k)
+        py=xyp1pr(n,k)+xyp2pr(n,k)+xym1pr(n,k)+xym2pr(n,k)
+        pomass=xpr(n,k)*s-px*px-py*py
+        if(pomass.lt.amprmn(idhpr(n,k)))then
+          nnv=nvpr(n,k)
+          nnb=nbkpr(n,k)
+          idfpom=iabs(idfpr(n,k))
+          if(vpom)then
+            ivi=3
+            call VirPom(k,n,ivi)  !call RmPt(k,n)
+            if(nnv.ne.0)then    !bckp Pomeron
+              nbkpr(nnv,k)=0
+            endif
+            if(nnb.ne.0)then    !big Pomeron with bckp one
+              ivpr(nnb,k)=1
+              nvpr(nnb,k)=0
+              idfpr(nnb,k)=idfpom
+              npr(1,k)=npr(1,k)+1
+              npr(3,k)=npr(3,k)-1
+            endif
+          else
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        endif
+       endif
+c      enddo
+c      enddo
+c --- Define String ends for "backup" Pomerons ---
+c      do k=1,koll
+c      do n=1,nprmx(k)
+c        if(nvpr(n,k).ne.0)call ProSeX(k,n,iret)
+c        if(iret.eq.1)then
+c          if(vpom)then
+c            nn=nvpr(n,k)
+c            ivi=7
+c            call VirPom(k,n,ivi)
+c            nbkpr(nn,k)=0
+c          else
+c            goto 100
+c          endif
+c        endif
+        iret=0
+        iret2=0
+c      enddo
+c      enddo
+c --- Define String ends for "normal" Pomerons ---
+c      do k=1,koll
+c      do n=1,nprmx(k)
+        if(nvpr(n,k).eq.0)call ProSeX(k,n,iret)   !Not for backup Pomeron
+        if(iret.eq.1)then
+          if(vpom)then
+            ivi=12
+            call VirPom(k,n,ivi)
+          else
+            goto 100
+          endif
+        endif
+        iret=0
+        iret2=0
+      endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+c --- Write ---
+ 998  call emszz
+      if(ncol.eq.0)then
+        iret=0
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      do k=1,koll
+       if(abs(itpr(k)).eq.1)call emswrpom(k,iproj(k),maproj+itarg(k))
+      enddo
+c --- Treat hard Pomeron
+      ncolh=0
+      do k=1,koll
+        ncolhp=0
+        do n=1,nprmx(k)
+          if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+            if(ishpom.eq.1)then
+              call psahot(k,n,iret)
+              if(iret.eq.0)ncolhp=ncolhp+1
+              if(iret.eq.1)then
+                if(nbkpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+                  nn=nbkpr(n,k)
+                  call ProSeTy(k,nn)
+                  call ProSeX(k,nn,iret2)
+                  if(iret2.eq.1)then
+                    ivi=15
+                    call VirPom(k,nn,ivi)
+                    if(ivi.lt.0)then
+                      jerr(7)=jerr(7)+1
+                      iret=1
+                      goto 1000
+                    endif
+                    istptl(nppr(nn,k))=32
+                    nbkpr(n,k)=0
+                  else
+                    ivpr(nn,k)=1
+                    nvpr(nn,k)=0
+                    idfpr(nn,k)=idfpr(n,k)
+                    npr(1,k)=npr(1,k)+1
+                    npr(3,k)=npr(3,k)-1
+                    ansff=ansff+1 !counters
+                    anshf=anshf-1
+                  endif
+                endif
+                ivi=16
+                call VirPom(k,n,ivi)
+                if(ivi.lt.0)then
+                  jerr(7)=jerr(7)+1
+                  iret=1
+                  goto 1000
+                endif
+                istptl(nppr(n,k))=32
+              elseif(nbkpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+                nn=nbkpr(n,k)
+                ivi=17
+                call VirPom(k,nn,ivi)
+                if(ivi.lt.0)then
+                  jerr(7)=jerr(7)+1
+                  iret=1
+                  goto 1000
+                endif
+                istptl(nppr(nn,k))=32
+                nbkpr(n,k)=0
+              endif
+              iret=0
+            else
+              istptl(nppr(n,k))=32
+              if(nbkpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+                nn=nbkpr(n,k)
+                istptl(nppr(nn,k))=32
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(ncolhp.gt.0)ncolh=ncolh+1     !count hard binary collisions
+      enddo
+      kohevt=ncolh     !update number of hard collisions
+      if(iLHC.eq.0.and.iremn.ge.2)then
+c --- Add valence quark to jcpref and jctref for soft string ends ---
+        do ip=1,maproj
+          if(iep(ip).ne.-1)then
+            call UpdateFlav(ip,jcp,10)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,1,ip)=jcp(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,2,ip)=jcp(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          else
+            icp(1)=icproj(1,ip)
+            icp(2)=icproj(2,ip)
+            call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,1,ip)=jcp(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,2,ip)=jcp(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do it=1,matarg
+          if(iet(it).ne.-1)then
+            call UpdateFlav(it,jct,20)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,1,it)=jct(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,2,it)=jct(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          else
+            ict(1)=ictarg(1,it)
+            ict(2)=ictarg(2,it)
+            call iddeco(ict,jct)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,1,it)=jct(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,2,it)=jct(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+c --- Treat "normal" soft Pomerons ---
+      do k=1,koll
+        do n=1,nprmx(k)
+          if(nvpr(n,k).eq.0)then
+            if(isopom.eq.1)then
+              call ProSeF(k,n,iret)
+              if(iret.eq.1)then
+                ivi=18
+                call VirPom(k,n,ivi)
+                if(ivi.lt.0)then
+                  jerr(7)=jerr(7)+1
+                  iret=1
+                  goto 1000
+                endif
+                istptl(nppr(n,k))=32
+              endif
+              iret=0
+            else
+              istptl(nppr(n,k))=32
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c --- Treat Remnants -----------------------------------------
+c --- Fix Pion Exchange in diffractive remnants
+      do ip=1,maproj
+       if(iep(ip).eq.2)call ProReEx( 2,ip)
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+       if(iet(it).eq.2)call ProReEx( -2,it)
+      enddo
+c --- Diffractive Pt and check Pomeron status
+      iret=1
+      do k=1,koll
+        call ProDiPt(k,1,iret)
+      enddo
+      if(iret.ne.0)then
+        jerr(8)=jerr(8)+1
+        ivi=99
+        if(ish.ge.2)then
+          write(ifch,*)'All Pomeron lost, redo event !'
+          write(ifmt,*)'All Pomeron lost, redo event !'
+        endif
+        iret=1
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iremn.ge.2)then
+c --- Add valence quark to jcpref and jctref for soft string ends ---
+        do ip=1,maproj
+          if(iep(ip).ne.-1)then
+            call UpdateFlav(ip,jcp,10)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,1,ip)=jcp(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,2,ip)=jcp(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          else
+            icp(1)=icproj(1,ip)
+            icp(2)=icproj(2,ip)
+            call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,1,ip)=jcp(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jcpval(nnn,2,ip)=jcp(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do it=1,matarg
+          if(iet(it).ne.-1)then
+            call UpdateFlav(it,jct,20)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,1,it)=jct(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,2,it)=jct(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          else
+            ict(1)=ictarg(1,it)
+            ict(2)=ictarg(2,it)
+            call iddeco(ict,jct)
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,1,it)=jct(nnn,1)
+            enddo
+            do nnn=1,nrflav
+              jctval(nnn,2,it)=jct(nnn,2)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      do ip=1,maproj
+c Here and later "kolp(ip).ne.0" replaced by "iep(ip).ne.-1" to count
+c projectile and target nucleons which are counted in paires but are not used
+c in collision (no diffractive or inelastic interaction) as slow particles
+c at the end. Then we can use them in ProRem to give mass to all other nucleons
+c and avoid energy conservation violation that utrescl can not treat
+c (and it gives a reasonnable number of grey particles even if distributions
+c are not really reproduced).
+c       if(kolp(ip).ne.0)call ProCop(ip,ip)
+       if(iep(ip).ne.-1)call ProCop(ip,ip)
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+       if(iet(it).ne.-1)call ProCot(it,maproj+it)
+c       if(kolt(it).ne.0)call ProCot(it,maproj+it)
+      enddo
+c ---- Remnant Masses (ProReM)
+      if(ish.ge.6)call XPrint('Before  ProReM:&')
+      ntry=0
+      iret=0
+      call StoRe(1)             !Store Remnant configuration
+ 123  ntry=ntry+1
+      nishuff(1)=0
+      nishuff(2)=0
+      do ip=1,maproj
+        if(iep(ip).eq.0)then
+          nishuff(1)=nishuff(1)+1
+          ishuff(nishuff(1),1)=ip      !positive for non excited projectile
+        elseif(iep(ip).gt.0)then
+          nishuff(2)=nishuff(2)+1
+          ishuff(nishuff(2),2)=ip      !positive for excited projectile
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+        if(iet(it).eq.0)then
+          nishuff(1)=nishuff(1)+1
+          ishuff(nishuff(1),1)=-it !negative for non excited  target
+        elseif(iet(it).gt.0)then
+          nishuff(2)=nishuff(2)+1
+          ishuff(nishuff(2),2)=-it !negative for excited  target
+        endif
+      enddo
+c      do ir=1,2         !first set mass of non excited remnant
+cc      do ir=2,1,-1         !first set mass of excited remnant
+c      do while(nishuff(ir).gt.0)
+      do while(nishuff(1)+nishuff(2).gt.0)
+c random selection
+        if(nishuff(1).gt.0.and.nishuff(2).gt.0)then
+          ir=1+int(rangen()+0.5)
+        elseif(nishuff(1).gt.0)then
+          ir=1
+        else
+          ir=2
+        endif
+        indx=1+int(rangen()*float(nishuff(ir)))
+        if(ishuff(indx,ir).gt.0)then
+          ip=ishuff(indx,ir)
+          call ProReM( 1,ip,iret)
+        else
+          it=-ishuff(indx,ir)
+          call ProReM(-1,it,iret)
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.10)call XPrint('In  ProReM:&')
+        if(iret.eq.1)then
+          !----------------------------------------
+          !If there is a problem, try again shuffle (30 times),
+          !if it doesn't work, for pp, try 10 times with the same type
+          !of event and if doesn't work redo event;
+          !for pA redo event ; and for AB (with A or B >10)
+          !continue with some ghosts ...
+          !----------------------------------------
+          if(ntry.lt.30)then
+            if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'shuffle, try again',ntry
+            call StoRe(-1)         !Restore Remnant configuration
+            iret=0
+            goto 123
+          elseif(ntry.gt.30.or.maproj.le.20.or.matarg.le.20)then
+            if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'ProRem, redo event ! ntry=',ntry
+            if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'ProRem, redo event ! ntry=',ntry
+            iret=1
+            goto 1000
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'shuffle, try again forcing ...'
+            call StoRe(-1)         !Restore Remnant configuration
+            iret=10
+            goto 123
+          endif
+        endif
+        ishuff(indx,ir)=ishuff(nishuff(ir),ir)
+        nishuff(ir)=nishuff(ir)-1
+       enddo
+c      enddo
+c --- Correction for Diffractive Pt (from Ralph but seems to be less good for NA49)
+c      do k=1,koll
+c        call ProDiPt(k,2,idum)
+c      enddo
+      iret=0
+      if(ish.ge.6)call XPrint('After ProReM:&')
+c --- Write Z into zpaptl for connected strings
+      do ip=1,maproj
+        if(kolp(ip).ne.0)call WriteZZ(1,ip)
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+        if(kolt(it).ne.0)call WriteZZ(-1,it)
+      enddo
+c --- Write Remnants
+      do ip=1,maproj
+c       if(kolp(ip).ne.0)call emswrp(ip,ip)
+       if(iep(ip).ne.-1)call emswrp(ip,ip)
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+c       if(kolt(it).ne.0)call emswrt(it,maproj+it)
+       if(iet(it).ne.-1)call emswrt(it,maproj+it)
+      enddo
+c --- Remnant Flavors (ProReF)
+      do ip=1,maproj
+        call ProReF(1,ip,iret)
+        if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+      enddo
+      do it=1,matarg
+        call ProReF(-1,it,iret)
+        if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+      enddo
+c     plot
+c     ----
+       if(iemspx.eq.1)then
+       do ko=1,koll
+        if(nprt(ko).gt.0)then
+         do np=1,nprmx(ko)
+          if(idpr(np,ko).gt.0)then
+           call xEmsPx(1,sngl(xpr(np,ko)),sngl(ypr(np,ko)),nprt(ko))
+          endif
+         enddo
+        endif
+       enddo
+      endif
+      if(iemspbx.eq.1)then
+       do k=1,koll
+        if(nprt(k).gt.0)then
+         do n=1,nprmx(k)
+          if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+            je1=min(1,nemispr(1,n,k))
+            je2=min(1,nemispr(2,n,k))
+            jex=1+je1+2*je2
+            if(itpr(k).eq.-1)then
+              call xEmsP2(1,1+idhpr(n,k),jex
+     *            ,sngl(xppr(n,k))
+     *            ,sngl(xmpr(n,k))
+     *            ,sngl(xpprbor(n,k)),sngl(xmprbor(n,k))
+     *            ,ptprboo(1,n,k),ptprboo(2,n,k)  )
+            else !diffractive hard pomeron
+              call xEmsP2(1,0,jex
+     *            ,sngl(xppr(n,k))
+     *            ,sngl(xmpr(n,k))
+     *            ,sngl(xpprbor(n,k)),sngl(xmprbor(n,k))
+     *            ,ptprboo(1,n,k),ptprboo(2,n,k)  )
+            endif
+          endif
+         enddo
+        endif
+       enddo
+      endif
+      if(iemsse.eq.1)then
+       do ko=1,koll
+        if(nprt(ko).gt.0)then
+         do np=1,nprmx(ko)
+          if(idpr(np,ko).gt.0)then
+           ptp1=sngl(xxp1pr(np,ko)**2+xyp1pr(np,ko)**2)
+           ptp2=sngl(xxp2pr(np,ko)**2+xyp2pr(np,ko)**2)
+           ptm1=sngl(xxm1pr(np,ko)**2+xym1pr(np,ko)**2)
+           ptm2=sngl(xxm2pr(np,ko)**2+xym2pr(np,ko)**2)
+           call xEmsSe(1,sngl(xp1pr(np,ko)),ptp1,1,1)
+           call xEmsSe(1,sngl(xp2pr(np,ko)),ptp2,1,1)
+           call xEmsSe(1,sngl(xm1pr(np,ko)),ptm1,-1,1)
+           call xEmsSe(1,sngl(xm2pr(np,ko)),ptm2,-1,1)
+           call xEmsSe(1,sngl(xp1pr(np,ko)),sngl(xm1pr(np,ko)),1,2)
+           call xEmsSe(1,sngl(xm2pr(np,ko)),sngl(xp2pr(np,ko)),1,2)
+          endif
+         enddo
+        endif
+       enddo
+      endif
+      if(iemsdr.eq.1)then
+       do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(iorptl(i)).eq.41)then
+          xpdr=(pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))/sngl(plc)
+          xmdr=(pptl(4,i)-pptl(3,i))/sngl(plc)
+          if(ityptl(i).eq.41)call xEmsDr(1,xpdr,xmdr,1)
+          if(ityptl(i).eq.51)call xEmsDr(1,xpdr,xmdr,2)
+          if(ityptl(i).eq.42)call xEmsDr(1,xpdr,xmdr,3)
+          if(ityptl(i).eq.52)call xEmsDr(1,xpdr,xmdr,4)
+        endif
+       enddo
+      endif
+      if(iemsrx.eq.1)then
+       do i=1,maproj
+        if(kolp(i).gt.0)call xEmsRx(1,1,sngl(xpp(i)),sngl(xmp(i)))
+       enddo
+       do j=1,matarg
+        if(kolt(j).gt.0)call xEmsRx(1,2,sngl(xmt(j)),sngl(xpt(j)))
+       enddo
+      endif
+      if(ixbDens.eq.1)call xbDens(1)
+c     exit
+c     ----
+ 1000 continue
+c      write(*,*)'emsaa-iret',iret
+      if(ish.ge.2.and.iret.ne.0)write(ifch,*)'iret not 0 (ems)=> redo'
+     &                                       ,iret,ivi
+      call utprix('emsaa ',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine StoCon(mode,k,n)
+c store or restore configuration
+c   mode = 1 (store) or -1 (restore)
+c   k = collision index
+c   n = pomeron index
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      if(mode.eq.1)then
+       do i=0,3
+        nprx0(i)=npr(i,k)
+       enddo
+       nprtx0=nprt(k)
+       idx0=idpr(n,k)
+       xxpr0=xpr(n,k)
+       yx0=ypr(n,k)
+       xxppr0=xppr(n,k)
+       xxmpr0=xmpr(n,k)
+       nppx0=npp(ip)
+       nptx0=npt(it)
+       xppx0=xpp(ip)
+       xppstx0=xppmx(ip)
+       xmpstx0=xppmn(ip)
+       xmtx0=xmt(it)
+       xptstx0=xmtmx(it)
+       xmtstx0=xmtmn(it)
+      elseif(mode.eq.2)then
+       do i=0,3
+        nprx(i)=npr(i,k)
+       enddo
+       nprtx=nprt(k)
+       idx=idpr(n,k)
+       xxpr=xpr(n,k)
+       yx=ypr(n,k)
+       xxppr=xppr(n,k)
+       xxmpr=xmpr(n,k)
+       nppx=npp(ip)
+       nptx=npt(it)
+       xppx=xpp(ip)
+       xppstx=xppmx(ip)
+       xmpstx=xppmn(ip)
+       xmtx=xmt(it)
+       xptstx=xmtmx(it)
+       xmtstx=xmtmn(it)
+      elseif(mode.eq.-1)then
+       do i=0,3
+        npr(i,k)=nprx0(i)
+       enddo
+       nprt(k)=nprtx0
+       idpr(n,k)=idx0
+       xpr(n,k)=xxpr0
+       ypr(n,k)=yx0
+       xppr(n,k)=xxppr0
+       xmpr(n,k)=xxmpr0
+       npp(ip)=nppx0
+       npt(it)=nptx0
+       xpp(ip)=xppx0
+       xppmx(ip)=xppstx0
+       xppmn(ip)=xmpstx0
+       xmt(it)=xmtx0
+       xmtmx(it)=xptstx0
+       xmtmn(it)=xmtstx0
+      elseif(mode.eq.-2)then
+       do i=0,3
+        npr(i,k)=nprx(i)
+       enddo
+       nprt(k)=nprtx
+       idpr(n,k)=idx
+       xpr(n,k)=xxpr
+       ypr(n,k)=yx
+       xppr(n,k)=xxppr
+       xmpr(n,k)=xxmpr
+       npp(ip)=nppx
+       npt(it)=nptx
+       xpp(ip)=xppx
+       xppmx(ip)=xppstx
+       xppmn(ip)=xmpstx
+       xmt(it)=xmtx
+       xmtmx(it)=xptstx
+       xmtmn(it)=xmtstx
+      else
+      call utstop('mode should integer from -2 to 2 (without 0)&')
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine RemPom(k,n)
+c remove pomeron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      npr(idpr(n,k),k)=npr(idpr(n,k),k)-1  !nr of pomerons
+      nprt(k)=npr(1,k)+npr(3,k)
+      if(idpr(n,k).gt.0)then
+       npp(ip)=npp(ip)-1                     !nr of pomerons per proj
+       npt(it)=npt(it)-1                     !nr of pomerons per targ
+       idpr(n,k)=0
+       xpp(ip)=xpp(ip)+xppr(n,k)
+       xmt(it)=xmt(it)+xmpr(n,k)
+       xpr(n,k)=0.d0
+       ypr(n,k)=0.d0
+       xppr(n,k)=0.d0
+       xmpr(n,k)=0.d0
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine ProPo(k,n)
+c propose pomeron type = idpr(n,k
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision wzero,wzerox
+      common/cwzero/wzero,wzerox
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      idpr(n,k)=0
+      if(dble(rangen()).gt.wzero)then
+        idpr(n,k)=1
+c nbr of pomerons per proj
+       npp(ip)=npp(ip)+1
+c nbr of pomerons per targ
+       npt(it)=npt(it)+1
+      endif
+      npr(idpr(n,k),k)=npr(idpr(n,k),k)+1 !nr of pomerons
+      nprt(k)=npr(1,k)+npr(3,k)
+      end
+      subroutine ProXY(k,n)
+c propose pomeron x,y
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision xp,xm,om1xprk,om1xmrk,anip,anit,eps
+     &,xprem,xmrem,xprm,xmrm
+      parameter (eps=1.d-30)
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      xpr(n,k)=0.d0
+      ypr(n,k)=0.d0
+      if(idpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+          xprem=xpp(ip)
+          xmrem=xmt(it)
+c because of fom, it's not symetric any more if we choose always xp first
+c and then xm ... so choose it randomly.
+          if(rangen().lt.0.5)then
+            xp=om1xprk(k,xprem,xminDf,1)
+            xmrm=xmrem
+            xprm=xminDf
+            xm=om1xmrk(k,xp,xprm,xmrm,1)
+          else
+            xm=om1xprk(k,xmrem,xminDf,-1)
+            xmrm=xminDf
+            xprm=xprem
+            xp=om1xmrk(k,xm,xmrm,xprm,-1)
+          endif
+          xpr(n,k)=xp*xm
+          ypr(n,k)=0.d0
+          if(xm.gt.eps.and.xp.gt.eps)then
+            ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*dlog(xp/xm)
+            xppr(n,k)=xp
+            xmpr(n,k)=xm
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'Warning in ProXY ',xp,xm
+            npr(idpr(n,k),k)=npr(idpr(n,k),k)-1
+            idpr(n,k)=0
+            npr(idpr(n,k),k)=npr(idpr(n,k),k)+1
+            xpr(n,k)=0.d0
+            ypr(n,k)=0.d0
+            xppr(n,k)=0.d0
+            xmpr(n,k)=0.d0
+            nprt(k)=npr(1,k)+npr(3,k)
+            npp(ip)=npp(ip)-1   !nr of pomerons per proj
+            npt(it)=npt(it)-1   !nr of pomerons per targ
+          endif
+c Update xp and xm of remnant, and change the limit to have big enought mass.
+        anip=dble(npp(ip))
+        anit=dble(npt(it))
+        xpp(ip)=xpp(ip)-xppr(n,k)
+        xppmn(ip)=min(1.d0,anip*xpmn(ip)/xmpmx(ip))
+        xmt(it)=xmt(it)-xmpr(n,k)
+        xmtmn(it)=min(1.d0,anit*xtmn(it)/xptmx(it))
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function wmatrix(k,n)
+c proposal matrix w(a->b), considering pomeron type, x, y
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision wzero,wzerox,Womegak,xprem,xmrem,om1intgck
+      common/cwzero/wzero,wzerox
+c      ip=iproj(k)
+c      it=itarg(k)
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.0)then
+        wmatrix=wzero
+      else
+          xprem=1.d0!xpp(ip)+xppr(n,k)
+          xmrem=1.d0!xmt(it)+xmpr(n,k)
+          wmatrix=(1d0-wzero)/om1intgck(k,xprem,xmrem)
+     *           *Womegak(xppr(n,k),xmpr(n,k),xprem,xmrem,k)
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function omega(n,k)
+c calculates partial omega for spot (k,n)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/cwzero/wzero,wzerox
+      double precision wzero,wzerox,eps
+      parameter(eps=1.d-15)
+      double precision PhiExpoK,omGamk,xp,xm,fom
+      double precision plc,s
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      omega=0.d0
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      if(xpp(ip).lt.xppmn(ip)+eps.or.xpp(ip).gt.1.d0+eps)goto 1001
+      if(xmt(it).lt.xmtmn(it)+eps.or.xmt(it).gt.1.d0+eps)goto 1001
+      omega=xpp(ip)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     &     *xmt(it)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+c      ztg=0
+c      zpj=0
+c      nctg=0
+c      ncpj=0
+c      zsame=nprt(k)
+c      if(idpr(n,k).gt.0)then
+c        if(nprt(k).le.0)stop'omega: nprt(k) should be positive !!!!    '
+c        zsame=zsame-1
+c      endif
+c      nlpop=nint(zsame)
+c      nlpot=nint(zsame)
+c      bglaub2=sigine/10./pi        !10= fm^2 -> mb
+c      bglaub=sqrt(bglaub2)
+c      b2x=epscrp*epscrp*bglaub2
+c      b2=bk(k)**2
+c      ztgx=epscrw*exp(-b2/2./b2x)*fscra(engy/egyscr)
+c      zpjx=epscrw*exp(-b2/2./b2x)*fscra(engy/egyscr)
+c      if(koll.gt.1)then
+c        do li=1,lproj(ip)
+c          kk=kproj(ip,li)
+c          if(kk.ne.k)then
+c            b2=bk(kk)**2
+c            if(b2.le.bglaub2)nctg=nctg+1
+c            ztg=ztg+epscrw*exp(-b2/2./b2x)*fscro(engy/egyscr)
+c            nlpop=nlpop+nprt(kk)
+c          endif
+c        enddo
+c        do li=1,ltarg(it)
+c          kk=ktarg(it,li)
+c          if(kk.ne.k)then
+c            b2=bk(kk)**2
+c            if(b2.le.bglaub2)ncpj=ncpj+1
+c            zpj=zpj+epscrw*exp(-b2/2./b2x)*fscro(engy/egyscr)
+c            nlpot=nlpot+nprt(kk)
+c          endif
+c        enddo
+c      endif
+      !  zpjx+zpj is equal to zparpro(k)
+      !  ztgx+ztg is equal to zpartar(k)
+      zprj=zparpro(k)  !zsame+zpj
+      ztgt=zpartar(k)  !zsame+ztg
+c      if(npp(ip).gt.nfctrl)stop'nfctrl too small (1)         '
+c      if(npt(it).gt.nfctrl)stop'nfctrl too small (2)         '
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.0)then
+        omega=omega*wzerox
+      else
+        xp=xppr(n,k)
+        xm=xmpr(n,k)
+c        !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+c        ! fom : part of Phi regularization; Phi -> Phi^(n) (n = number of Poms)
+c        ! Phi^(0) relevant for Xsect unchanged, apart of (maybe) normalization (Z)
+c        !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+        omega=omega*omGamk(k,xp,xm)*gammaV(k)*fom(zprj,xm,bk(k))
+     &                                       *fom(ztgt,xp,bk(k))
+      endif
+      omega=omega*PhiExpoK(k,xpp(ip),xmt(it))
+      if(omega.le.0.d0)goto 1001
+      if(koll.gt.1)then
+        do li=1,lproj(ip)
+          kk=kproj(ip,li)
+          if(itarg(kk).ne.it)then
+            ipl=iproj(kk)
+            itl=itarg(kk)
+            omega=omega*PhiExpoK(kk,xpp(ipl),xmt(itl))
+            if(omega.le.0.d0)goto 1001
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do li=1,ltarg(it)
+          kk=ktarg(it,li)
+          if(iproj(kk).ne.ip)then
+            ipl=iproj(kk)
+            itl=itarg(kk)
+            omega=omega*PhiExpoK(kk,xpp(ipl),xmt(itl))
+            if(omega.le.0.d0)goto 1001
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(omega.lt.1.d-100)then
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(*,*)'omega-exit',omega
+        omega=0.d0
+      elseif(omega.gt.1.d100)then
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(*,*)'omega-exit',omega
+        omega=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+ 1001 continue
+      omega=0.d0
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function fom(z,x,b)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,u,w,z0
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      ! part of Phi regularization; Phi -> Phi^(n) (n = number of Poms)
+      ! Phi^(0) relevant for Xsect unchanged
+      !----------------------------------------------------------------
+      fom=1d0
+      if(z.gt.0..and.alpfomi.gt.0.)then
+       z0=dble(alpfomi)
+       u=dble(z**gamfom)
+c       u=z0*dble(z/z0)**2.
+       w=u/z0*exp(-dble(b*b/delD(1,iclpro,icltar)))
+c       w=10.d0*u
+       !---------------------------------------------------
+       !e=exp(-0.05*u)  !analytic function with e(0)=1
+       !fom=((1-u)+(u+w)*sqrt(x**2+((u-1+e)/(u+w))**2))
+       !     fom(z=0)=1  fom(x=0)=e  fom(x=1)~w
+       !---------------------------------------------------
+       fom=1.d0+w*x**betfom
+       !---------------------------------------------------
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine ProNucSpl(ir,ii)
+c propose nuclear splitting
+c for proj (iep) if ir=1 or target (iet) if ir=-1
+c If remnant full of parton, force excitation to mimic fan diagram connections
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision alp,eps,xrr,zfrac(kollmx),zsum,xk,proba,xp,xm,xr0
+     &,drangen,omGamk,PomInt!,PomIncPExact,PomIncMExact
+      integer knopp(kollmx)
+      parameter(eps=1.d-10)
+      if(ir.eq.1)then                   !proj
+        ip=ii
+        zzz=zzremn(ip,1)!excite more if many nucleon connected or if in nucleus
+        if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl proj:',ip,zzz
+        r=rangen()
+        if(r.gt.exp(-min(50.,zrminc*zzz)))then
+          iep(ip)=5
+          if(kolp(ip).eq.0)then
+          if(1.d0-xpp(ip).gt.eps)stop'ProNucSpl: should not happen (2)'
+            alp=1.d0/(1.d0+dble(alplea(iclpro)))
+            ncon=0
+            zsum=0d0
+            do l=1,lproj3(ip)
+              kp=kproj3(ip,l)
+              it=itarg(kp)
+              if(kolt(it).gt.0)then
+                do m=1,ltarg3(it)
+                  kt=ktarg3(it,m)
+                  if(itpr(kt).gt.0)then
+                    do n=1,nprmx(kt)
+                      if(xpr(n,kt).gt.xzcutpar(kt))then
+                        ncon=ncon+1
+                        knopp(ncon)=kt
+                        zfrac(ncon)=dble(zparpro(kt))
+                        zsum=zsum+zfrac(ncon)
+                      endif
+                    enddo
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              endif
+            enddo
+            if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl zsum:',zsum,ncon
+            if(zsum.gt.0d0)then
+              xr0=xpp(ip)-drangen(xpp(ip))**alp
+              xrr=xr0
+              if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'xrr:',xrr
+              do nc=1,ncon
+                k=knopp(nc)
+                xk=zfrac(nc)/zsum*xr0
+                if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'xk:',nc,k,xk
+                ipp=iproj(k)
+                itt=itarg(k)
+                do n=1,nprmx(k)
+                  if(xpr(n,k).gt.xzcutpar(k))then
+                    xp=xppr(n,k)+xk
+                    if(xp.lt.1d0)then
+c accept xp with probability GFF/PomIncExact
+                     PomInt=PomInck(k)
+                     if(PomInt.gt.0d0)then
+                      proba=omGamk(k,xp,xmpr(n,k))
+     &                   *xrr**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     &                   *xpp(ipp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     &                   *xmt(itt)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+     &                   /PomInt
+                      if(drangen(proba).lt.proba)then !accept xp for pair k
+                        xppr(n,k)=xp
+                        xpr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)*xmpr(n,k)
+                        ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*log(xppr(n,k)/xmpr(n,k))
+                        xpp(ip)=xpp(ip)-xk
+                        knucnt(1,k)=knucnt(1,k)+1 !store info of momentum transfer
+                        irnuc(knucnt(1,k),1,k)=ip !in case of virpom later
+                        npnuc(knucnt(1,k),1,k)=n
+                        xxnuc(knucnt(1,k),1,k)=xk
+                        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'Transfer:'
+     &                                          ,knucnt(1,k),k,n,xk,ip
+                        goto 10
+                      endif
+                     endif
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                enddo
+                xrr=xrr-xk
+ 10             continue
+              enddo
+              if(xrr.lt.eps)then
+                iep(ip)=0       !excitation not possible
+                zzremn(ip,1)=0.
+              endif
+              if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl out:',iep(ip),xrr
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+              zzremn(ip,1)=0.
+              if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl out:',iep(ip)
+            endif
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl out:',iep(ip)
+          endif
+        else
+          iep(ip)=0
+        endif
+      elseif(ir.eq.-1)then      !targ
+        it=ii
+        zzz=zzremn(it,2)!excite more if many nucleon connected or if in nucleus
+        if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl targ:',it,zzz
+        r=rangen()
+        if(r.gt.exp(-min(50.,zrminc*zzz)))then
+          iet(it)=5
+          if(kolt(it).eq.0)then
+          if(1.d0-xmt(it).gt.eps)stop'ProNucSpl: should not happen (4)'
+            alp=1.d0/(1.d0+dble(alplea(icltar)))
+            ncon=0
+            zsum=0d0
+            do l=1,ltarg3(it)
+              kt=ktarg3(it,l)
+              ip=iproj(kt)
+              if(kolp(ip).gt.0)then
+                do m=1,lproj3(ip)
+                  kp=kproj(ip,m)
+                  if(itpr(kp).gt.0)then
+                    do n=1,nprmx(kp)
+                      if(xpr(n,kp).gt.xzcutpar(kp))then
+                        ncon=ncon+1
+                        knopp(ncon)=kp
+                        zfrac(ncon)=dble(zpartar(kp))
+                        zsum=zsum+zfrac(ncon)
+                      endif
+                    enddo
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              endif
+            enddo
+            if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl zsum:',zsum,ncon
+            if(zsum.gt.0d0)then
+              xr0=xmt(it)-drangen(xmt(it))**alp
+              xrr=xr0
+              if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'xrr:',xrr
+              do nc=1,ncon
+                k=knopp(nc)
+                xk=zfrac(nc)/zsum*xr0
+                if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'xk:',nc,k,xk
+                ipp=iproj(k)
+                itt=itarg(k)
+                do n=1,nprmx(k)
+                  if(xpr(n,k).gt.xzcutpar(k))then
+                    xm=xmpr(n,k)+xk
+                    if(xm.lt.1d0)then
+c accept xp with probability GFF/PomIncExact
+                     PomInt=PomInck(k)
+                     if(PomInt.gt.0d0)then
+                      proba=omGamk(k,xppr(n,k),xm)
+     &                     *xpp(ipp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     &                     *xmt(itt)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+     &                     *xrr**dble(alplea(icltar))
+     &                     / PomInt
+                      if(drangen(proba).lt.proba)then !accept xp for pair k
+                        xmpr(n,k)=xm
+                        xpr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)*xmpr(n,k)
+                        ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*log(xppr(n,k)/xmpr(n,k))
+                        xmt(it)=xmt(it)-xk
+                        knucnt(2,k)=knucnt(2,k)+1 !store info of momentum transfer
+                        irnuc(knucnt(2,k),2,k)=it !in case of virpom later
+                        npnuc(knucnt(2,k),2,k)=n
+                        xxnuc(knucnt(2,k),2,k)=xk
+                        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'Transfer:'
+     &                                          ,knucnt(2,k),k,n,xk,it
+                        goto 20
+                      endif
+                     endif
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                enddo
+                xrr=xrr-xk
+ 20             continue
+              enddo
+              if(xrr.lt.eps)then
+                iet(it)=0       !excitation not possible
+                zzremn(it,2)=0.
+              endif
+              if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl out:',iet(it),xrr
+            else
+              iet(it)=0
+              zzremn(it,2)=0.
+              if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl out:',iet(it)
+            endif
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProNucSpl out:',iet(it)
+          endif
+        else
+          iet(it)=0
+        endif
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine ProPoTy(k,n)
+c propose pomeron type
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      double precision s,plc
+      double precision ww,w0,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w(0:7),aks,eps,zdiff
+     *,xh,yp!,xp,xm
+      parameter(eps=1.d-10)
+      logical cont
+      dimension nnn(3),kkk(3)
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.0)return
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:k,n,idpr,x',k,n,ip,it,nprt(k)
+     *                                              ,idpr(n,k),xpr(n,k)
+      if(idpr(n,k).ne.1)call utstop('ProPoTy: should not happen&')
+      cont=.true.
+      do i=1,3
+        nnn(i)=0
+        kkk(i)=0
+      enddo
+      idfpr(n,k)=1
+      xh=xpr(n,k)
+      yp=ypr(n,k)
+c      xp=xppr(n,k)
+c      xm=xmpr(n,k)
+      nnn(3)=n
+      kkk(3)=k
+      if(iep(ip).ne.5)iep(ip)=-1
+      if(iet(it).ne.5)iet(it)=-1
+      idpr(n,k)=1
+        w0=0.d0
+        w1=0.d0
+        w2=0.d0
+        w3=0.d0
+        w4=0.d0
+        w5=0.d0
+        call WomTy(w,xh,yp,k)
+        if(w(0).gt.0.d0)w0=w(0)
+        if(w(1).gt.0.d0)w1=w(1)
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then
+          if(w(2).gt.0.d0)then                 !q-g
+            if(ivp(ip).gt.0)then
+              w2=w(2)
+            else
+              w1=w1+w(2)
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(w(3).gt.0.d0)then                 !g-q
+            if(ivt(it).gt.0)then
+              w3=w(3)
+            else
+              w1=w1+w(3)
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(w(4).gt.0.d0)then                 !q-q
+            if(ivp(ip)*ivt(it).gt.0)then
+              w4=w(4)
+            else
+              w1=w1+w(4)
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          if(w(2).gt.0.d0)w2=w(2)
+          if(w(3).gt.0.d0)w3=w(3)
+          if(w(4).gt.0.d0)w4=w(4)
+        endif
+        if(w(5).gt.0.d0)w5=w(5)
+        ww=w0+w1+w2+w3+w4+w5
+        if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:ww,ww_i'
+     *       ,ww,w0/ww*100.d0,w1/ww*100.d0,w2/ww*100.d0
+     *       ,w3/ww*100.d0,w4/ww*100.d0,w5/ww*100.d0
+        aks=dble(rangen())*ww
+        if(ww.lt.eps.or.aks.le.w0)then            !soft pomeron
+          itpr(k)=-2*npommx        !Pair is not diffractive
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:idpr',idpr(n,k)
+        elseif(aks.ge.ww-w5)then !diffractive interaction
+          itpr(k)=itpr(k)+2
+c the probability to have a real diffractive Pomeron increase with Z and hard P
+c          zdiff=exp(-min(50.d0,dble(zdfinc*(zparpro(k)+zpartar(k)))*w1))
+          zdiff=1d0/sqrt(1d0+dble(zdfinc*(zparpro(k)+zpartar(k)))*w1)
+c          print *,xpr(n,k),zdiff,w1!,zdiff2
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:itpr',itpr(k),zdiff
+          if(xpr(n,k).gt.xzcutpar(k).and.rangen().gt.zdiff)then
+c          if(rangen().gt.zdiff)then
+c High mass diffraction : Keep pomeron and choose between soft and semi-hard
+            aks=dble(rangen())*(w0+w1)
+            if(aks.gt.w0)then
+              idpr(n,k)=3
+              npr(3,k)=npr(3,k)+1
+              npr(1,k)=npr(1,k)-1
+              bhpr(n,k)=bk(k)
+              idhpr(n,k)=0
+c            elseif(iLHC.eq.1)then
+c              idpr(n,k)=-1
+            endif
+          else
+           if(iLHC.eq.1)then     !LHC tune 
+c keep soft Pomeron for later 
+              idpr(n,k)=-1
+           else                     !original CR
+c Low mass diffraction : no pomeron
+c restore x from nuclear splitting
+            if(knucnt(1,k).gt.0)then
+              do nuc=1,knucnt(1,k)
+                if(npnuc(nuc,1,k).eq.n)then
+                  ipp=irnuc(nuc,1,k)
+                  xpp(ipp)=xpp(ipp)+xxnuc(nuc,1,k)
+                  if(xpp(ipp)-1d0.ge.-1d-10)iep(ipp)=0
+                  xppr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)-xxnuc(nuc,1,k)
+                  xpr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)*xmpr(n,k)
+                  ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*log(xppr(n,k)/xmpr(n,k))
+                  npnuc(nuc,1,k)=0 !to be sure not to use it again
+                endif
+              enddo
+            endif
+            if(knucnt(2,k).gt.0)then
+              do nuc=1,knucnt(2,k)
+                if(npnuc(nuc,2,k).eq.n)then
+                  itt=irnuc(nuc,2,k)
+                  xmt(itt)=xmt(itt)+xxnuc(nuc,2,k)
+                  if(xmt(itt)-1d0.ge.-1d-10)iet(itt)=0
+                  xmpr(n,k)=xmpr(n,k)-xxnuc(nuc,2,k)
+                  xpr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)*xmpr(n,k)
+                  ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*log(xppr(n,k)/xmpr(n,k))
+                  npnuc(nuc,2,k)=0 !to be sure not to use it again
+                endif
+              enddo
+            endif
+            call RemPom(k,n)
+            idfpr(n,k)=0
+            npr(0,k)=npr(0,k)+1 !nr of empty cells
+            kolp(ip)=kolp(ip)-1 !suppress diffractive collision from the remnant
+            kolt(it)=kolt(it)-1 !it will be restored if the pair is diffractive
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:idpr',idpr(n,k)
+          endif
+         endif
+        else
+          itpr(k)=-2*npommx        !Pair is not diffractive
+          idpr(n,k)=3
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:idpr',idpr(n,k)
+          npr(3,k)=npr(3,k)+1
+          npr(1,k)=npr(1,k)-1
+          bhpr(n,k)=bk(k)
+          aks=aks-w0
+          if(aks.le.w1)then                             !gg-pomeron
+            idhpr(n,k)=0
+          elseif(aks.le.w1+w2)then                      !qg-pomeron
+            idhpr(n,k)=1
+            ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+          elseif(aks.le.w1+w2+w3)then                   !gq-pomeron
+            idhpr(n,k)=2
+            ivt(it)=ivt(it)-1
+          elseif(aks.le.w1+w2+w3+w4)then                !qq-pomeron
+            idhpr(n,k)=3
+            ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+            ivt(it)=ivt(it)-1
+          else
+            call utstop('ems-unknown pomeron&')
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ProPoTy:idhpr',idhpr(n,k)
+     &         ,' |',ip,ivp(ip),' |',it,ivt(it)
+        endif
+        if(idfpr(n,k).eq.1)then
+          antot=antot+1
+          antotf=antotf+1
+          if(abs(idpr(n,k)).eq.1)then
+            ansf=ansf+1
+            ansff=ansff+1
+          endif
+          if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+            ansh=ansh+1
+            anshf=anshf+1
+          endif
+        endif
+      do i=3,1,-1
+        if(nnn(i).ne.0.and.kkk(i).ne.0.and.cont)then
+          if(idpr(nnn(i),kkk(i)).eq.3)then
+                       !Backup soft Pomeron if sh not possible later
+            kb=kkk(i)
+            nb=nnn(i)
+            ip=iproj(kb)
+            it=itarg(kb)
+            do nn=1,nprmx(kb)
+              if(idpr(nn,kb).eq.0)then !empty spot
+                nbkpr(nb,kb)=nn
+                nvpr(nn,kb)=nb
+                idpr(nn,kb)=1
+                ivpr(nn,kb)=2
+                xpr(nn,kb)=xpr(nb,kb)
+                ypr(nn,kb)=ypr(nb,kb)
+                xppr(nn,kb)=xppr(nb,kb)
+                xmpr(nn,kb)=xmpr(nb,kb)
+                idfpr(nn,kb)=-idfpr(nb,kb)
+                bhpr(nn,kb)=bhpr(nb,kb)
+                idp1pr(nn,kb)=0
+                idp2pr(nn,kb)=0
+                idm1pr(nn,kb)=0
+                idm2pr(nn,kb)=0
+                xm1pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xp1pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xm2pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xp2pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xxm1pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xym1pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xxp1pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xyp1pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xxm2pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xym2pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xxp2pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                xyp2pr(nn,kb)=0.d0
+                goto 10
+              endif
+            enddo
+      if(ish.ge.2)write(ifmt,*)'no empty lattice site, backup lost'
+ 10         continue
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ProDiSc(k)
+c propose diffractive scattering
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      kolp(ip)=kolp(ip)+itpr(k)/2 !number of diffractive Pomerons
+      kolt(it)=kolt(it)+itpr(k)/2 !on remnants
+      end
+      subroutine ProReEx(ir,ii)
+c propose remnant excitation
+c for proj (iep) if ir=1 or target (iet) if ir=-1:
+c 0 = no,  1 = inel excitation,  2 = diffr excitation
+c fixed before : 5 = excit due to split without connection
+c fixed after : 3 = large excitation due to # quark > 3
+c               6 = active spectator (get small pt and used for mass)
+c propose "pion exchange" process for diffractive remnant excitation
+c for proj (iep) if ir=2 or target (iet) if ir=-2:
+c 4 = diffr excitation but with fixed minimum excited mass
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      if(ir.eq.1)then                   !proj
+        ip=ii
+        mine=0
+        mdif=0
+        do l=1,lproj(ip)
+          kp=kproj(ip,l)
+          if(itpr(kp).lt.0)mine=1
+          if(itpr(kp).gt.0)mdif=1
+        enddo
+        r=rangen()
+        if(mine.eq.1)then   !inelastic
+          if(iremn.eq.1)then
+c increase excitation probability with number of close enough nucleons
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexndi(iclpro))**(kolp(ip)
+     &          *(1.+rexres(iclpro)*log(max(1.,float(lproj(ip)))))))then
+              iep(ip)=1
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+            endif
+          elseif(iremn.ne.0)then  
+c increase of inelastic remnant excitation in pA needed for Barton
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexndi(iclpro))
+     &         **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(lproj(ip)-1)))then
+              iep(ip)=1
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+            endif
+          else!if(iremn.ne.2)then
+            if(r.lt.rexndi(iclpro))then
+              iep(ip)=1
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif(mdif.eq.1)then        !diffr
+          if(iremn.eq.1)then
+c increase excitation probability with number of close enough nucleons
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexdif(iclpro))**(kolp(ip)
+     &          *(1.+rexres(iclpro)*log(max(1.,float(lproj(ip)))))))then
+              iep(ip)=2
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+            endif
+          elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+c increase of diffractive remnant excitation in pA needed for Barton
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &        **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(lproj(ip)-1)))then
+              iep(ip)=2
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+            endif
+          else
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexdif(iclpro)))then
+              iep(ip)=2
+            else
+              iep(ip)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif(iep(ip).ne.5)then
+c for non-excited spectators
+          iep(ip)=0
+        endif
+      elseif(ir.eq.-1)then                !targ
+        it=ii
+        mine=0
+        mdif=0
+        do l=1,ltarg(it)
+          kt=ktarg(it,l)
+          if(itpr(kt).lt.0)mine=1
+          if(itpr(kt).gt.0)mdif=1
+        enddo
+        r=rangen()
+        if(mine.eq.1)then   !inelastic
+          if(iremn.eq.1)then
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexndi(icltar))**(kolt(it)
+     &          *(1.+rexres(icltar)*log(max(1.,float(ltarg(it)))))))then
+              iet(it)=1
+            else
+              iet(it)=0
+            endif
+          elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+c increase of inelastic remnant excitation in pA needed for Barton
+            if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexndi(icltar))
+     &         **(1.+rexres(icltar)*float(ltarg(it)-1)))then
+              iet(it)=1
+            else
+              iet(it)=0
+            endif
+          else
+            if(r.lt.rexndi(icltar))then
+              iet(it)=1
+             else
+              iet(it)=0
+            endif
+         endif
+        elseif(mdif.eq.1)then        !diffr
+          if(iremn.eq.1)then
+              if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexdif(icltar))**(kolt(it)
+     &      *(1.+rexres(icltar)*log(max(1.,float(ltarg(it)))))))then
+                iet(it)=2
+              else
+                iet(it)=0
+              endif
+            elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+c increase of diffractive remnant excitation in pA needed for Barton anb xsection
+              if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexdif(icltar))
+     &      **(1.+rexres(icltar)*float(ltarg(it)-1)))then
+                iet(it)=2
+              else
+                iet(it)=0
+              endif
+            else
+              if(r.lt.1.-(1.-rexdif(icltar)))then
+                iet(it)=2
+              else
+                iet(it)=0
+              endif
+            endif
+        elseif(iet(it).ne.5)then
+          iet(it)=0
+        endif
+      elseif(ir.eq.2)then                !proj diff excitation
+c minimum mass excitation
+        ip=ii
+        r=rangen()
+c        if(r.lt.rexpdif(iclpro))iep(ip)=4  
+        if(r.lt.rexpdif(iclpro)
+     & **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(lproj(ip)-1)))iep(ip)=4  
+      elseif(ir.eq.-2)then                !targ diff excitation
+cminimum mass excitation
+        it=ii
+        r=rangen()
+c        if(r.lt.rexpdif(icltar))iet(it)=4  
+        if(r.lt.rexpdif(icltar)
+     & **(1.+rexres(icltar)*float(ltarg(it)-1)))iet(it)=4  
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine ProDiPt(k,iqq,iret)
+c propose transverse momentum for diffractive interaction
+c iqq=1  : fix pt for non diffractive pair (and check if all pairs are still valid)
+c iqq=2  : diffractive pt with mass dependence
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision xxe(kollmx),xye(kollmx),pt2,am0,am1,am2!,p5sqpr,p5sqtg
+      double precision plc,s,xxpnew,xypnew,xxtnew,xytnew,rannorm
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      save xxe,xye
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      pt=0.
+      phi=0.
+c generate p_t for diffractive
+      if(iqq.eq.1)then
+       if(ptdiff.gt.0.)then
+         if(itpr(k).eq.2)then
+           pt=ranpt()*ptdiff/(1.+0.02*max(0.,sngl(log(s))))
+         elseif(itpr(k).eq.0)then   !pt for non-wounded nucleon (usefull in ProRem to avoid problem in utrescl)
+           if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+             pt = sngl(RANNORM(0.088D0,0.044D0))  !limited by some data like sal.optns
+           else
+             ptnw=0.005
+             pt=ranptd()*ptnw
+           endif
+           if(kolp(ip).eq.0.and.iep(ip).le.0)iep(ip)=6   !active spectators
+           if(kolt(it).eq.0.and.iet(it).le.0)iet(it)=6
+         else
+           xxe(k)=0d0
+           xye(k)=0d0
+           goto 10
+         endif
+         phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+         xxe(k)=dble(pt*cos(phi))
+         xye(k)=dble(pt*sin(phi))
+       else
+         xxe(k)=0d0
+         xye(k)=0d0
+       endif
+c update remnant p_t
+ 10    xxp(ip)=xxp(ip)-xxe(k)
+       xyp(ip)=xyp(ip)-xye(k)
+       xxt(it)=xxt(it)+xxe(k)
+       xyt(it)=xyt(it)+xye(k)
+       if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,'(a,i5,3i4,4g13.5)')
+     &                    'ProDiPt',k,ip,it,itpr(k),pt,phi,xxe(k),xye(k)
+       if(itpr(k).ne.0.and.itpr(k).ne.3)iret=0
+!to simulate the fact that originally we had a Pomeron
+c         if(koll.le.2)then
+c           call StoCon(-k,k,1)  !to fixe mass of corresponding remnants
+c           xpp(ip)=xpp(ip)-xppr(1,k)
+c           xpt(it)=xpt(it)+xppr(1,k)
+c           xmt(it)=xmt(it)-xmpr(1,k)
+c           xmp(ip)=xmp(ip)+xmpr(1,k)
+c           idpr(1,k)=0
+c           xpr(1,k)=0.d0
+c           ypr(1,k)=0.d0
+c           xppr(1,k)=0.d0
+c           xmpr(1,k)=0.d0
+c         endif
+c         p5sqpr=xpp(ip)*xmp(ip)*s-dble(amproj*amproj)
+c         p5sqtg=xpt(it)*xmt(it)*s-dble(amtarg*amtarg)
+c         phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+c         ntry=0
+c 20      ntry=ntry+1
+c         pt=ranptcut(ptsems)*ptsend**2
+c         if(ntry.lt.100.and.(p5sqpr-dble(pt*pt).lt.0.d0
+c     &                   .or.p5sqtg-dble(pt*pt).lt.0.d0))then
+c             goto 20
+c         else
+c           pt=ranptcut(ptsems)*ptsendi
+c         endif
+c         xxe(k)=dble(pt*cos(phi))
+c         xye(k)=dble(pt*sin(phi))
+c         xxp(ip)=xxp(ip)-xxe(k)
+c         xyp(ip)=xyp(ip)-xye(k)
+c         xxt(it)=xxt(it)+xxe(k)
+c         xyt(it)=xyt(it)+xye(k)
+c       endif
+      elseif(itpr(k).eq.2.and.ptdiff.ne.0.)then
+        pt2=xxe(k)*xxe(k)+xye(k)*xye(k)
+        if(pt2.gt.0d0)then
+          am0=dble(amproj**2*amtarg**2)
+          am1=max(dble(amproj**2),xpp(ip)*xmp(ip)*s
+     &              -xxp(ip)*xxp(ip)-xyp(ip)*xyp(ip))
+          am2=max(dble(amtarg**2),xpt(it)*xmt(it)*s
+     &              -xxp(it)*xxp(it)-xyp(it)*xyp(it))
+          ptd=ptdiff/(1.+0.02*max(0.,sngl(log(s*am0/am1/am2)))) !0.02 comes from data (Z. Phys. C 67, 227-237, 1995)
+c           ad=pi/4./ptd**2
+c           r=rangen()
+          pt=ranpt()*ptd        !sqrt(-alog(r)/ad)
+        else
+          return
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,'(a,i5,2i4,5g13.5)')
+     &                    'ProDiPt',k,ip,it,pt,sqrt(pt2),ptd,am1,am2
+c suppress the pt given with iqq=1 and give a new one taking into account the mass (iqq=2) with the same angle phi
+        pt=pt/sqrt(pt2)
+        xxe(k)=xxe(k)*pt
+        xye(k)=xye(k)*pt
+c update remnant p_t if enough energy available
+        xxpnew=xxp(ip)-xxe(k)
+        xypnew=xyp(ip)-xye(k)
+        xxtnew=xxt(it)+xxe(k)
+        xytnew=xyt(it)+xye(k)
+        if((iep(ip).eq.0.or.
+     &      xpp(ip)*xmp(ip)*s-xxpnew*xxpnew-xypnew*xypnew
+     &      .gt.1.3d0*dble(pptl(5,npproj(ip)))**2)
+     &.and.(iet(it).eq.0.or.
+     &      xpt(it)*xmt(it)*s-xxtnew*xxtnew-xytnew*xytnew
+     &      .gt.1.3d0*dble(pptl(5,nptarg(it)))**2))then
+          xxp(ip)=xxp(ip)-xxe(k)
+          xyp(ip)=xyp(ip)-xye(k)
+          xxt(it)=xxt(it)+xxe(k)
+          xyt(it)=xyt(it)+xye(k)
+        endif
+       endif
+       end
+      subroutine ProSePt(k,n,iret)
+c propose transverse momentum for string ends
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      double precision s,plc
+      double precision x1p,x2p,x1t,x2t
+      if(ivpr(n,k).eq.2)return            !Backup Pomeron
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      amk0=1. ! included in ptsend !(qmass(1)+qmass(2)+qmass(3))/3.     !mass for mt distribution
+      ptsecut=ptsecu        !cut for gaussian distribution (center around 0.4)
+c generate p_t for string ends  (proj)
+      iret=0
+      ntry=0
+ 10   ntry=ntry+1
+      xxp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xyp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xyp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xym1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xym2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      x1p=0d0
+      x2p=0d0
+      x1t=0d0
+      x2t=0d0
+      pt=0.
+      phi=0.
+      if(ntry.gt.100)then
+        iret=1
+        goto 1000               !no pt
+      endif
+c      !---proj-----
+        ptsef=ptsend
+        if(iep(ip).eq.0)ptsef=ptsendi
+        ptsendx = ptsems
+        ptsendy = ptsendx
+        if(iLHC.eq.0)ptsendy = ptsendx*2
+        ipt=1
+c 2 step pt : first give pt between remnant and Pomeron and then between 
+c string ends on the same side.
+        if(iLHC.eq.-1)ipt=2
+        do ii=1,ipt
+      if(idp1pr(n,k).gt.0)then
+        if(ii.eq.1)then
+         if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.4.or.idp1pr(n,k).eq.5)then   !diquarks
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendy+qmass(0) !mass for mt distribution with bounding energy for diquark
+         else
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendx
+         endif
+c         if(iep(ip).eq.0)amk1=0.
+         if(iep(ip).eq.0)then
+           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+         else
+           pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+           pt=pt+amk1
+         endif
+c         pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c         pt=pt+amk1
+c         pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+c         pt=sqrt(pt*pt+amk1*amk1)
+       else
+         pt=ranpt()*ptfraqq
+       endif
+         phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+         xxp1pr(n,k)=xxp1pr(n,k)+dble(pt*cos(phi))
+         xyp1pr(n,k)=xyp1pr(n,k)+dble(pt*sin(phi))
+      else
+         xxp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+         xyp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      endif
+      if(idp2pr(n,k).gt.0)then
+        if(ii.eq.1)then
+         if(idp2pr(n,k).eq.4.or.idp2pr(n,k).eq.5)then
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendy+qmass(0) !mass for mt distribution with bounding energy for diquark
+         else
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendx
+         endif
+c         if(iep(ip).eq.0)amk1=0.
+         if(iep(ip).eq.0)then
+           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+         else
+           pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+           pt=pt+amk1
+         endif
+c         pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c         pt=pt+amk1
+c         pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+c         pt=sqrt(pt*pt+amk1*amk1)
+         phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+       else    !use pt and phi from other string ends
+         pt=-pt
+       endif 
+         xxp2pr(n,k)=xxp2pr(n,k)+dble(pt*cos(phi))
+         xyp2pr(n,k)=xyp2pr(n,k)+dble(pt*sin(phi))
+      else
+         xxp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+         xyp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      endif
+c generate p_t for string ends  (targ)
+c      !---targ-----
+        ptsef=ptsend
+        if(iet(it).eq.0)ptsef=ptsendi
+        ptsendx = ptsems
+        ptsendy = ptsendx
+        if(iLHC.eq.0)ptsendy = ptsendx*2.
+      if(idm1pr(n,k).gt.0)then
+        if(ii.eq.1)then
+         if(idm1pr(n,k).eq.4.or.idm1pr(n,k).eq.5)then
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendy+qmass(0) !mass for mt distribution with bounding energy for diquark
+         else
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendx
+         endif
+c         if(iet(it).eq.0)amk1=0.
+         if(iet(it).eq.0)then
+           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+         else
+           pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+           pt=pt+amk1
+         endif
+c         pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c         pt=pt+amk1
+c         pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+c         pt=sqrt(pt*pt+amk1*amk1)
+       else
+         pt=ranpt()*ptfraqq
+       endif
+         phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+         xxm1pr(n,k)=xxm1pr(n,k)+dble(pt*cos(phi))
+         xym1pr(n,k)=xym1pr(n,k)+dble(pt*sin(phi))
+      else
+         xxm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+         xym1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      endif
+      if(idm2pr(n,k).gt.0)then
+        if(ii.eq.1)then
+         if(idm2pr(n,k).eq.4.or.idm2pr(n,k).eq.5)then
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendy+qmass(0) !mass for mt distribution with bounding energy for diquark
+         else
+           amk1=amk0*ptsendx
+         endif
+c         if(iet(it).eq.0)amk1=0.
+         if(iet(it).eq.0)then
+           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+         else
+           pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c           pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+           pt=pt+amk1
+         endif
+c         pt=ranptcut(ptsecut)*ptsef
+c         pt=pt+amk1
+c         pt=ranptd()*ptsef
+c         pt=sqrt(pt*pt+amk1*amk1)
+         phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+       else    !use pt and phi from other string ends
+         pt=-pt
+       endif 
+         xxm2pr(n,k)=xxm2pr(n,k)+dble(pt*cos(phi))
+         xym2pr(n,k)=xym2pr(n,k)+dble(pt*sin(phi))
+      else
+         xxm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+         xym2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      endif
+      if(ii.eq.1)then    !balance pt bwteen string ends and remnant
+        x1p=xxp(ip)-xxp1pr(n,k)-xxp2pr(n,k)
+        x2p=xyp(ip)-xyp1pr(n,k)-xyp2pr(n,k)
+        x1t=xxt(it)-xxm1pr(n,k)-xxm2pr(n,k)
+        x2t=xyt(it)-xym1pr(n,k)-xym2pr(n,k)
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then       !check energy
+          if(x1p**2+x2p**2+2.*amproj**2.ge.xpp(ip)*s)goto 10
+          if(x1t**2+x2t**2+2.*amtarg**2.ge.xmt(it)*s)goto 10
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'ProSePt',ii,n,k
+     *   ,sqrt(xxp1pr(n,k)**2+xyp1pr(n,k)**2)
+     *   ,sqrt(xxp2pr(n,k)**2+xyp2pr(n,k)**2)
+     *   ,sqrt(xxm1pr(n,k)**2+xym1pr(n,k)**2)
+     *   ,sqrt(xxm2pr(n,k)**2+xym2pr(n,k)**2)
+      enddo
+c update remnant p_t (pomeron)
+        xxp(ip)=x1p
+        xyp(ip)=x2p
+        xxt(it)=x1t
+        xyt(it)=x2t
+c update backup soft pomeron p_t if exist
+ 1000   if(nbkpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+          nn=nbkpr(n,k)
+          xxp1pr(nn,k)=xxp1pr(n,k)
+          xyp1pr(nn,k)=xyp1pr(n,k)
+          xxp2pr(nn,k)=xxp2pr(n,k)
+          xyp2pr(nn,k)=xyp2pr(n,k)
+          xxm1pr(nn,k)=xxm1pr(n,k)
+          xym1pr(nn,k)=xym1pr(n,k)
+          xxm2pr(nn,k)=xxm2pr(n,k)
+          xym2pr(nn,k)=xym2pr(n,k)
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'ProSePt'
+        write(ifch,'(4i14/4d14.3/4d14.3/)')
+     * idp1pr(n,k),idp2pr(n,k),idm1pr(n,k),idm2pr(n,k)
+     *,xxp1pr(n,k),xxp2pr(n,k),xxm1pr(n,k),xxm2pr(n,k)
+     *,xyp1pr(n,k),xyp2pr(n,k),xym1pr(n,k),xym2pr(n,k)
+        endif
+        end
+      subroutine ProSeX(k,n,iret)
+c calculates x of string ends
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      double precision s,plc
+      common/cems10/a(0:ntypmx),b(0:ntypmx),d(0:ntypmx)
+      double precision a,b,d
+     *,xp,xm,ap1,ap2,am1,am2,aamin1,aamin2,u
+     *,xmn1,xmn2
+      iret=0
+      if(abs(itpr(k)).ne.1)return
+      if(idpr(n,k).ne.1.or.ivpr(n,k).eq.0)return
+      if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.0.and.idp2pr(n,k).eq.0
+     * .and.idm1pr(n,k).eq.0.and.idm2pr(n,k).eq.0)
+     *call utstop('no Pomeron in ProSex&')
+      xp=xppr(n,k)
+      xm=xmpr(n,k)
+      ap1=a(idp1pr(n,k))
+      ap2=a(idp2pr(n,k))
+      am1=a(idm1pr(n,k))
+      am2=a(idm2pr(n,k))
+      aamin1=ammn(idp1pr(n,k)+idm2pr(n,k))
+      aamin2=ammn(idp2pr(n,k)+idm1pr(n,k))
+      xmn1=(aamin1**2+(xxp1pr(n,k)+xxm2pr(n,k))**2
+     &               +(xyp1pr(n,k)+xym2pr(n,k))**2)/s
+      xmn2=(aamin2**2+(xxp2pr(n,k)+xxm1pr(n,k))**2
+     &               +(xyp2pr(n,k)+xym1pr(n,k))**2)/s
+      ntry=0
+ 999  ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.gt.100)then
+        iret=1
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Problem in ProSex(k,n)',k,n
+        return
+      endif
+    1 u=dble(rangen())**(1d0/(1d0+ap1))
+      if(dble(rangen()).gt.(1d0-u)**ap2)goto1
+      xp1pr(n,k)=u*xp
+      xp2pr(n,k)=(1-u)*xp
+    2 u=dble(rangen())**(1d0/(1d0+am1))
+      if(dble(rangen()).gt.(1d0-u)**am2)goto2
+      xm1pr(n,k)=u*xm
+      xm2pr(n,k)=(1-u)*xm
+      if(xp1pr(n,k)*xm2pr(n,k).lt.xmn1)then
+      goto 999
+c       fc=xp1pr(n,k)*xm2pr(n,k)/xmn1   !avoid virpom
+c       if(fc.eq.0.)goto 999
+c       xp1pr(n,k)=xp1pr(n,k)/sqrt(fc)
+c       xm2pr(n,k)=xm2pr(n,k)/sqrt(fc)
+      endif
+      if(xp2pr(n,k)*xm1pr(n,k).lt.xmn2)then
+      goto 999
+c       fc=xp2pr(n,k)*xm1pr(n,k)/xmn2   !avoid virpom
+c       if(fc.eq.0.)goto 999
+c       xp2pr(n,k)=xp2pr(n,k)/sqrt(fc)
+c       xm1pr(n,k)=xm1pr(n,k)/sqrt(fc)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+       write(ifch,*) 'ProSeX'
+       write(ifch,'(2d28.3,i8)') xp,xm,ntry
+       write(ifch,'(4d14.3)')xp1pr(n,k),xp2pr(n,k),xm1pr(n,k),xm2pr(n,k)
+       write(ifch,'(4d14.3/)')xp1pr(n,k)*xm2pr(n,k)
+     *                   ,xp2pr(n,k)*xm1pr(n,k),  xmn1, xmn2
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine RmPt(k,n)
+c remove pt from pomeron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      xxp(ip)=xxp(ip)+xxp1pr(n,k)+xxp2pr(n,k)
+      xyp(ip)=xyp(ip)+xyp1pr(n,k)+xyp2pr(n,k)
+      xxt(it)=xxt(it)+xxm1pr(n,k)+xxm2pr(n,k)
+      xyt(it)=xyt(it)+xym1pr(n,k)+xym2pr(n,k)
+      xp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xym1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xyp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xym2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xyp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      idp1pr(n,k)=0
+      idm2pr(n,k)=0
+      idp2pr(n,k)=0
+      idm1pr(n,k)=0
+      end
+      subroutine VirPom(k,n,id)
+c create virtual pomeron
+c virtual pomeron: ivpr(n,k)=0, otherwise ivpr(n,k)=1
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/col3/ncol,kolpt
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      double precision plc,s
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      integer jcp(nflav,2),jct(nflav,2)
+c      data nvir/0/
+c      save nvir
+      call utpri('VirPom',ish,ishini,3)
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.0)return
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      nnv=nvpr(n,k)
+      nnb=nbkpr(n,k)
+c                        nvir=nvir+1
+c                   print *,'  ',id,'   ',nvir
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+      write(ifch,*)"virpom ",id," (n,k)",n,k,nnb,nnv,nppr(n,k),itpr(k)
+     &                            ,nprt(k),idpr(n,k),npr(1,k),npr(3,k)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)"remnant in",xpp(ip),xmt(it)
+      endif
+      if(nnv.ne.0)then
+        nn=nnv
+        kk=k
+        if(idpr(nn,kk).eq.0)then
+          nvpr(n,k)=0
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(nnb.ne.0)then
+        nn=nnb
+        kk=k
+        if(idpr(nn,kk).eq.0)then
+          nbkpr(n,k)=0
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(nbkpr(n,k).eq.0.and.nvpr(n,k).eq.0)then     !normal Pomeron
+      npr(0,k)=npr(0,k)+1
+      npp(ip)=npp(ip)-1
+      npt(it)=npt(it)-1
+      npr(idpr(n,k),k)=npr(idpr(n,k),k)-1
+      nprt(k)=npr(1,k)+npr(3,k)
+      antotf=antotf-1
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.1)ansff=ansff-1
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)anshf=anshf-1
+      kolp(ip)=kolp(ip)-1
+      kolt(it)=kolt(it)-1
+      xxp(ip)=xxp(ip)+xxp1pr(n,k)+xxp2pr(n,k)
+      xyp(ip)=xyp(ip)+xyp1pr(n,k)+xyp2pr(n,k)
+      xxt(it)=xxt(it)+xxm1pr(n,k)+xxm2pr(n,k)
+      xyt(it)=xyt(it)+xym1pr(n,k)+xym2pr(n,k)
+c restore x from nuclear splitting
+      if(knucnt(1,k).gt.0)then
+        do nuc=1,knucnt(1,k)
+          if(npnuc(nuc,1,k).eq.n)then
+            ipp=irnuc(nuc,1,k)
+            xpp(ipp)=xpp(ipp)+xxnuc(nuc,1,k)
+            if(xpp(ipp).ge.1d0)iep(ipp)=0
+            xppr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)-xxnuc(nuc,1,k)
+            xpr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)*xmpr(n,k)
+            ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*log(xppr(n,k)/xmpr(n,k))
+            npnuc(nuc,1,k)=0    !to be sure not to use it again
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(knucnt(2,k).gt.0)then
+        do nuc=1,knucnt(2,k)
+          if(npnuc(nuc,2,k).eq.n)then
+            itt=irnuc(nuc,2,k)
+            xmt(itt)=xmt(itt)+xxnuc(nuc,2,k)
+            if(xmt(itt).ge.1d0)iet(itt)=0
+            xmpr(n,k)=xmpr(n,k)-xxnuc(nuc,2,k)
+            xpr(n,k)=xppr(n,k)*xmpr(n,k)
+            ypr(n,k)=0.5D0*log(xppr(n,k)/xmpr(n,k))
+            npnuc(nuc,2,k)=0    !to be sure not to use it again
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      xpp(ip)=xpp(ip)+xppr(n,k)
+      xmt(it)=xmt(it)+xmpr(n,k)
+      if(abs(itpr(k)).eq.1.and.nprt(k).eq.0)then !no more Pomeron on this pair
+        if(itpr(k).gt.0)then
+          itpr(k)=2             !this pair is diffractive
+          if(id.gt.0.and.iep(ip).eq.0.and.iet(it).eq.0)itpr(k)=3  !this pair is empty now
+        else
+          itpr(k)=3             !this pair is empty now
+        endif
+      endif
+      endif
+      istring=idp1pr(n,k)+idp2pr(n,k)+idm1pr(n,k)+idm2pr(n,k)
+      if(istring.ne.0.and.iremn.ge.2)then
+        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)"restore flavor:",istring
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)+1 !update number of valence quark
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).eq.2)ivt(it)=ivt(it)+1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).eq.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)+1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).eq.2)ivt(it)=ivt(it)+1
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.5)idp(ip)=idp(ip)+1 !update number of valence diquark
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).eq.5)idt(it)=idt(it)+1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).eq.5)idp(ip)=idp(ip)+1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).eq.5)idt(it)=idt(it)+1
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.4)idp(ip)=idp(ip)-1 !update number of diquark
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).eq.4)idt(it)=idt(it)-1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).eq.4)idp(ip)=idp(ip)-1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).eq.4)idt(it)=idt(it)-1
+        endif
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then      !virtual Pomeron (remove unnecessary flavors for string ends)
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jcp(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,ip)
+              jct(i,j)=jctref(i,j,it)
+            enddo
+            do i=nrflav+1,nflav
+              jcp(i,j)=0
+              jct(i,j)=0
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)"in:",jcp,' |',jct
+          iret=0
+c Projectile diquark-antidiquark pair
+          iaq=nint(1.5+sign(0.5,float(idproj)))
+          iq=3-iaq
+          if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.4)then  !diquark
+c    first quark
+            idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,iaq,'v',0,iret)      !pick anti-quark
+            ntry=0
+            do while (jcp(idum,iq).eq.0.and.ntry.lt.100)!look for the corresponding quark
+              ntry=ntry+1
+              idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,iaq,'v',0,iret)
+            enddo
+            if(ntry.lt.100)then          !if OK, then remove the pair and pick a second quark
+              call idsufl3(idum,1,jcp)
+              call idsufl3(idum,2,jcp)
+              if(jcp(idum,1)-jcpval(idum,1,ip).lt.0) !check valence quark number
+     &             jcpval(idum,1,ip)=jcpval(idum,1,ip)-1
+              if(jcp(idum,2)-jcpval(idum,2,ip).lt.0)
+     &             jcpval(idum,2,ip)=jcpval(idum,2,ip)-1
+c   second quark
+              idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,iaq,'v',0,iret)
+              ntry2=0
+              do while (jcp(idum,iq).eq.0.and.ntry2.lt.100)!look for the corresponding antiquark
+                ntry2=ntry2+1
+                idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,iaq,'v',0,iret)
+              enddo
+              if(ntry2.lt.100)then          !if OK, then remove the pair
+                call idsufl3(idum,1,jcp)
+                call idsufl3(idum,2,jcp)
+                if(jcp(idum,1)-jcpval(idum,1,ip).lt.0)
+     &               jcpval(idum,1,ip)=jcpval(idum,1,ip)-1
+                if(jcp(idum,2)-jcpval(idum,2,ip).lt.0)
+     &               jcpval(idum,2,ip)=jcpval(idum,2,ip)-1
+              else          !if not (because quarks already used by other valid string), then redo event to avoid problem in flavor conservation
+                if(id.ge.15)then
+                  id=-1
+                  return
+                else
+                  call utstop("Virpom:should not happen (2) !&")
+                endif
+              endif
+            else      !if no pair has be found (because quarks already used by other valid string), then redo event to avoid problem in flavor conservation
+              if(id.ge.15)then
+                id=-1
+                return
+              else
+                call utstop("Virpom:should not happen  (3) !&")
+              endif
+            endif
+c Projectile quark-antiquark pair
+          else
+            idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,iaq,'v',0,iret)      !pick anti-quark
+            ntry=0
+            do while (jcp(idum,iq).eq.0.and.ntry.lt.100)  !look for the corresponding quark
+              ntry=ntry+1
+              idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,iaq,'v',0,iret)
+            enddo
+            if(ntry.lt.100)then          !if OK, then remove the pair
+              call idsufl3(idum,1,jcp)
+              call idsufl3(idum,2,jcp)
+              if(jcp(idum,1)-jcpval(idum,1,ip).lt.0)
+     &             jcpval(idum,1,ip)=jcpval(idum,1,ip)-1
+              if(jcp(idum,2)-jcpval(idum,2,ip).lt.0)
+     &             jcpval(idum,2,ip)=jcpval(idum,2,ip)-1
+            else                         !if not (because quarks already used by other valid string),then redo event to avoid problem in flavor conservation
+              if(id.ge.15)then
+                id=-1
+                return
+              else
+                call utstop("Virpom:should not happen (4) !&")
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+c Target diquark-antidiquark pair
+          iaq=nint(1.5+sign(0.5,float(idtarg)))
+          iq=3-iaq
+          if(idm1pr(n,k).eq.4)then  !diquark
+c    first quark
+            idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,iaq,'v',0,iret)
+            ntry=0
+            do while (jct(idum,iq).eq.0.and.ntry.lt.100)
+              ntry=ntry+1
+              idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,iaq,'v',0,iret)
+            enddo
+            if(ntry.lt.100)then
+              call idsufl3(idum,1,jct)
+              call idsufl3(idum,2,jct)
+              if(jct(idum,1)-jctval(idum,1,it).lt.0)
+     &             jctval(idum,1,it)=jctval(idum,1,it)-1
+              if(jct(idum,2)-jctval(idum,2,it).lt.0)
+     &             jctval(idum,2,it)=jctval(idum,2,it)-1
+c    second quark
+              idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'v',0,iret)
+              ntry2=0
+              do while (jct(idum,2).eq.0.and.ntry2.lt.100)
+                ntry2=ntry2+1
+                idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'v',0,iret)
+              enddo
+              if(ntry2.lt.100)then
+                call idsufl3(idum,1,jct)
+                call idsufl3(idum,2,jct)
+                if(jct(idum,1)-jctval(idum,1,it).lt.0)
+     &               jctval(idum,1,it)=jctval(idum,1,it)-1
+                if(jct(idum,2)-jctval(idum,2,it).lt.0)
+     &               jctval(idum,2,it)=jctval(idum,2,it)-1
+              else
+                if(id.ge.15)then
+                  id=-1
+                  return
+                else
+                  call utstop("Virpom:should not happen (5) !&")
+                endif
+              endif
+            else
+              if(id.ge.15)then
+                id=-1
+                return
+              else
+                call utstop("Virpom:should not happen (6) !&")
+              endif
+            endif
+c Target quark-antiquark pair
+          else
+            idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'v',0,iret)
+            ntry=0
+            do while (jct(idum,2).eq.0.and.ntry.lt.100)
+              ntry=ntry+1
+              idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'v',0,iret)
+            enddo
+            if(ntry.lt.100)then
+              call idsufl3(idum,1,jct)
+              call idsufl3(idum,2,jct)
+              if(jct(idum,1)-jctval(idum,1,it).lt.0)
+     &             jctval(idum,1,it)=jctval(idum,1,it)-1
+              if(jct(idum,2)-jctval(idum,2,it).lt.0)
+     &             jctval(idum,2,it)=jctval(idum,2,it)-1
+            else
+              if(id.ge.15)then
+                id=-1
+                return
+              else
+                call utstop("Virpom:should not happen (7) !&")
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)"out:",jcp,' |',jct
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jcpref(i,j,ip)=jcp(i,j)
+              jctref(i,j,it)=jct(i,j)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      ivpr(n,k)=0
+      nbkpr(n,k)=0
+      nvpr(n,k)=0
+      idpr(n,k)=0
+      idfpr(n,k)=0
+      xpr(n,k)=0d0
+      ypr(n,k)=0d0
+      xppr(n,k)=0d0
+      xmpr(n,k)=0d0
+      idp1pr(n,k)=0
+      idp2pr(n,k)=0
+      idm1pr(n,k)=0
+      idm2pr(n,k)=0
+      xm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xym1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xyp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xym2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xxp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+      xyp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+       if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)"remnant out",xpp(ip),xmt(it),itpr(k)
+      call utprix('VirPom',ish,ishini,3)
+      end
+      subroutine StoRe(imod)
+c Store Remnant configuration (imod=1) before shuffle  to restore the
+c initial configuration (imod=-1) in case of problem.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      if(imod.eq.1)then
+c       initialize projectile
+        do i=1,maproj
+          iepst(i)=iep(i)
+          xppst(i)=xpp(i)
+          xmpst(i)=xmp(i)
+          xposst(i)=xpos(i)
+        enddo
+c       initialize target
+        do j=1,matarg
+          ietst(j)=iet(j)
+          xmtst(j)=xmt(j)
+          xptst(j)=xpt(j)
+          xtosst(j)=xtos(j)
+        enddo
+      elseif(imod.eq.-1)then
+c       restore projectile
+        do i=1,maproj
+          iep(i)=iepst(i)
+          xpp(i)=xppst(i)
+          xmp(i)=xmpst(i)
+          xpos(i)=xposst(i)
+        enddo
+c       restore target
+        do j=1,matarg
+          iet(j)=ietst(j)
+          xmt(j)=xmtst(j)
+          xpt(j)=xptst(j)
+          xtos(j)=xtosst(j)
+        enddo
+      else
+        call utstop('Do not know what to do in StoRe.&')
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine UpdateFlav(ir,jc,mod)
+C Add valence quark to sea quarks in projectile jcpref (mod=10) or target
+c jctref (mod=20) for soft string ends (mod=0 reset jcrpref and
+c jctref to 0).
+c For mod=1 or 2, save jcref into jc.
+c For mod=-1 or -2, put jc into jcref.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      dimension ic(2),jc(nflav,2),jc2(nflav,2)
+      if(mod.eq.0)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jcpref(i,j,ir)=0
+            jctref(i,j,ir)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      elseif(mod.eq.-1)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jcpref(i,j,ir)=jc(i,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      elseif(mod.eq.-2)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jctref(i,j,ir)=jc(i,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      elseif(mod.eq.1)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jc(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,ir)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      elseif(mod.eq.2)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jc(i,j)=jctref(i,j,ir)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      elseif(mod.eq.10)then
+        ic(1)=icproj(1,ir)
+        ic(2)=icproj(2,ir)
+        call iddeco(ic,jc)
+        itest=0
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jcpref(i,j,ir)=jcpref(i,j,ir)+jc(i,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+c cancel quark and antiquarks to avoid to much remnant excitation
+        do i=1,nrflav
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          if(jcpref(i,1,ir).ge.jcpref(i,2,ir))then
+            jcpref(i,1,ir)=jcpref(i,1,ir)-jcpref(i,2,ir)
+            jcpref(i,2,ir)=0
+c update valence quarks (cancel first sea quarks)
+            if(jcpref(i,1,ir)-jc(i,1).lt.0)jc(i,1)=jcpref(i,1,ir)
+            jc(i,2)=0
+          else
+            jcpref(i,2,ir)=jcpref(i,2,ir)-jcpref(i,1,ir)
+            jcpref(i,1,ir)=0
+c update valence quarks (cancel first sea quarks)
+            if(jcpref(i,2,ir)-jc(i,2).lt.0)jc(i,2)=jcpref(i,2,ir)
+            jc(i,1)=0
+          endif
+          endif
+          do j=1,2
+            itest=itest+jcpref(i,j,ir)
+            jc2(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,ir)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if(itest.eq.0)then !do not leave empty remnant
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jc2,1,'r',3,iretso)     !create q-qb
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jcpref(i,j,ir)=jc2(i,j)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,1x,4i3,3x,4i3)')
+     & 'jcpref(',ir,') ini:',((jcpref(i,j,ir),i=1,nflavems),j=1,2)
+      elseif(mod.eq.20)then
+        ic(1)=ictarg(1,ir)
+        ic(2)=ictarg(2,ir)
+        call iddeco(ic,jc)
+        itest=0
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jctref(i,j,ir)=jctref(i,j,ir)+jc(i,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        do i=1,nrflav
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+c cancel quark and antiquarks to avoid to much remnant excitation
+          if(jctref(i,1,ir).ge.jctref(i,2,ir))then
+            jctref(i,1,ir)=jctref(i,1,ir)-jctref(i,2,ir)
+            jctref(i,2,ir)=0
+c update valence quarks (cancel first sea quarks)
+            if(jctref(i,1,ir)-jc(i,1).lt.0)jc(i,1)=jctref(i,1,ir)
+            jc(i,2)=0
+          else
+            jctref(i,2,ir)=jctref(i,2,ir)-jctref(i,1,ir)
+            jctref(i,1,ir)=0
+c update valence quarks (cancel first sea quarks)
+            if(jctref(i,2,ir)-jc(i,2).lt.0)jc(i,2)=jctref(i,2,ir)
+            jc(i,1)=0
+          endif
+          endif
+          do j=1,2
+            itest=itest+jctref(i,j,ir)
+            jc2(i,j)=jctref(i,j,ir)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if(itest.eq.0)then !do not leave empty remnant
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jc2,1,'r',3,iretso)     !create q-qb
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jctref(i,j,ir)=jc2(i,j)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,1x,4i3,3x,4i3)')
+     & 'jctref(',ir,') ini:',((jctref(i,j,ir),i=1,nflavems),j=1,2)
+      else
+        stop'mod not recognized in UpdateFlav'
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine CalcZZ(ir,m)
+C Calculates zz for remnant m for proj (ir=1) or target (ir=-1)
+c   writes it to zzremn(m, 1 or 2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      if(isplit.eq.1)then
+        if(ir.eq.1)then
+          zz=0.
+          if(lproj3(m).ge.1)then
+            do l=1,lproj3(m)
+              kpair=kproj3(m,l)
+              zpar=zparpro(kpair)
+              zz=zz+min(zpar,epscrx)
+             enddo
+          endif
+          zzremn(m,1)=zz
+       elseif(ir.eq.-1)then
+          zz=0
+          if(ltarg3(m).ge.1)then
+            do l=1,ltarg3(m)
+              kpair=ktarg3(m,l)
+              zpar=zpartar(kpair)
+              zz=zz+min(zpar,epscrx)
+            enddo
+          endif
+          zzremn(m,2)=zz
+        else
+          stop'CalcZZ: invalid option.          '
+        endif
+      else
+        if(ir.eq.1) zzremn(m,1)=0
+        if(ir.eq.-1)zzremn(m,2)=0
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine WriteZZ(ir,irem)
+c Write Z into zpaptl(K) for connected strings
+c                 K is the index for the string end
+c                 on the corresponding remnant side
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      double precision s,plc
+      if(ir.eq.1)then
+        jrem=1
+      elseif(ir.eq.-1)then
+        jrem=2
+      else
+        jrem=0
+        call utstop("Wrong ir in WriteZZ !&")
+      endif
+      do li=1,lremn(irem,jrem)
+        kkk=kremn(irem,li,jrem)
+c        ip=iproj(kkk)
+c        it=itarg(kkk)
+         amtot=0.
+         do n=1,nprmx(kkk)
+           if(idpr(n,kkk).ne.0)amtot=amtot+sngl(xpr(n,kkk)*s)
+         enddo
+         amtot=sqrt(amtot)
+         do n=1,nprmx(kkk)
+          if(idpr(n,kkk).ne.0)then
+           npom=nppr(n,kkk)
+c              write(ifch,*)'remn',irem,' (',jrem,' )     pom',npom
+c     &            ,'    ',zzremn(irem,jrem)
+           ie=0
+           is1=0
+           if(ifrptl(1,npom).gt.0)then
+            do is=ifrptl(1,npom),ifrptl(2,npom)
+              if(ie.eq.0)is1=is
+              if(idptl(is).ne.9)ie=ie+1
+              if(ie.eq.2)then
+               is2=is
+               ie=0
+               if(ir.eq. 1)then
+c  Z for remnant ip (low if alone and high in nucleus)
+                 zpaptl(1,is1)=zzremn(irem,jrem)
+c  sum of Z of remnant itt linked to ip (high if connected to many other remn)
+                 zpaptl(2,is1)=amtot !float(nprt(kkk)) !float(lproj(ip))
+c                 zpaptl(2,is1)=0.
+c                 if(lproj(ip).ge.1)then
+c                   do l=1,lproj(ip)
+c                     kpair=kproj(ip,l)
+c                     itt=itarg(kpair)
+c                     zpaptl(2,is1)=zpaptl(2,is1)+zzremn(itt,2)
+c                   enddo
+c                 endif
+               endif
+               if(ir.eq.-1)then
+c  Z for remnant it (low if alone and high in nucleus)
+                 zpaptl(1,is2)=zzremn(irem,jrem)
+c  sum of Z of remnant ipp linked to it (high if connected to many other remn)
+                 zpaptl(2,is2)=float(nprt(kkk)) !float(ltarg(it))
+c                 zpaptl(2,is2)=0.
+c                 if(ltarg(it).ge.1)then
+c                   do l=1,ltarg(it)
+c                     kpair=ktarg(it,l)
+c                     ipp=iproj(kpair)
+c                     zpaptl(2,is2)=zpaptl(2,is2)+zzremn(ipp,1)
+c                   enddo
+c                 endif
+               endif
+c               do isi=is1,is2
+c                write(ifch,*)' ',isi,idptl(isi),zpaptl(1,isi),zpaptl(2,isi)
+c               enddo
+              endif
+            enddo
+           endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine ProReM(ir,irem,iret)
+c propose remnant mass of remnant irem in case of proj (ir=1)
+c or target (ir=-1)
+c   (-> xmp, xpt)
+c iret : input : if iret=10 force to give mass even if no more energy,
+c        when input not 10 : output = error if 1
+c Energy is taken only from the other side nucleon which are close enough
+c to form a pair even if that pair was not used for a collision.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision rr,xxx,xmin,xmax,msmin,xmmin,xpt2rem,xtest0,xtmp
+      double precision at,alp,xi,xii,eps,sx,xmin0,xtest(mamx),fxtest
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      common/cemsr5/at(0:1,0:5)
+      double precision plc,s,p5sq,aremn,aremnex,xxmax,drangen!,xmdrmax
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      integer icrmn(2),jc(nflav,2)
+      logical cont,force,drop,excited
+      character cremn*4
+      dimension k2j(mamx)
+      call utpri('ProReM',ish,ishini,5)
+      if(iret.eq.10)then
+        force=.true.
+      else
+        iret=0
+        force=.false.
+      endif
+      ntrymx=50
+      do j=1,2
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jc(i,j)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c uncomment the following two lines to force the excitation
+ccc      force=.true.   !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+ccc      ntrymx=1       !<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+c initial definitions
+      ntry=0
+      iremo1=0
+      jremo=0
+      if(ir.eq.1)then
+        cremn='targ'
+        jrem=1
+        jremo=2
+        masso=lproj(irem)     !number of target nucleon linked to irem
+        do k=1,masso
+          k2j(k)=itarg(kproj(irem,k))
+          xme(k2j(k))=0.d0
+        enddo
+        icrmn(1)=icremn(1,irem,jrem)
+        if(icrmn(1).eq.999999)then    !more than 9 quark : use jcpref
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jc(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,irem)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        else
+          icrmn(2)=icremn(2,irem,jrem)
+          call iddeco(icrmn,jc)
+        endif
+        amremn=amproj
+           !idx=isign(iabs(idproj)/10*10+1,idproj)
+           !call idmass(idx,amremn)
+        iremo1=itarg(1)
+        msmin=dble(amremn*amremn)
+        zz=1.
+        if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.3.or.iez(irem,jrem).eq.5)
+     &  zz=zz+zzremn(irem,1)*zmsinc
+      elseif(ir.eq.-1)then
+        cremn='proj'
+        jrem=2
+        jremo=1
+        masso=ltarg(irem)  !number of projectile nucleon linked to irem
+        do k=1,masso
+          k2j(k)=iproj(ktarg(irem,k))
+          xme(k2j(k))=0.d0
+        enddo
+        icrmn(1)=icremn(1,irem,jrem)
+        if(icrmn(1).eq.999999)then    !more than 9 quark : use jctref
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jc(i,j)=jctref(i,j,irem)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        else
+          icrmn(2)=icremn(2,irem,jrem)
+          call iddeco(icrmn,jc)
+        endif
+        amremn=amtarg
+           !idx=isign(iabs(idtarg)/10*10+1,idtarg)
+           !call idmass(idx,amremn)
+        iremo1=iproj(1)
+        msmin=dble(amremn*amremn)
+        zz=1.
+        if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.3.or.iez(irem,jrem).eq.5)
+     &  zz=zz+zzremn(irem,2)*zmsinc
+      endif
+      drop=.false.
+      if(iremn.ge.2.and.(iez(irem,jrem).eq.3.or.iez(irem,jrem).eq.5))
+     &   drop=.true.
+      excited=.false.
+      if(iez(irem,jrem).gt.0.and.iez(irem,jrem).ne.6)
+     &   excited=.true.
+c for spectators only low mass and few partners, so do not care about energy
+      if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.6)force=.true.
+c defs
+      sx=s*xpz(irem,jrem)
+      xpt2rem=xxz(irem,jrem)**2d0+xyz(irem,jrem)**2d0
+c  fremnux (+) and not fremnux2 (-) which gives a mass too low in case of gethadron where q and aq do not cancel
+      if(excited)then
+        aremn=dble(max(amremn,fremnux(jc)))
+c       if(iremn.eq.2.and.iez(irem,jrem).eq.3)      !droplet
+c     &     aremn=dble(max(amremn,fremnux(jc)))
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then
+          aremnex=aremn+amemn(idz(irem,jrem),iez(irem,jrem))
+c         if(drop)aremnex=aremnex*zz
+        else
+          aremnex=aremn+amemn(idz(irem,jrem),iez(irem,jrem))
+        endif
+      elseif(iLHC.eq.1)then !minimum mass for spectators should be as low as possible
+        aremn=amremn
+        aremnex=dble(max(amremn,fremnux2(jc)))
+      else    !minimum mass for spectators should be as low as possible
+        aremn=dble(max(amremn,fremnux2(jc)))
+        aremnex=aremn
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,10)ir,irem,masso,icrmn,iez(irem,jrem),force
+     &                         ,amremn,fremnux(jc),aremn,aremnex
+     &                         ,xpz(irem,jrem),xpt2rem,sx
+ 10   format('prorem :  ',i3,2i4,2i7,i2,L2,/
+     &      ,'    mass :',4g13.5,/
+     &      ,' x,pt,sx :',3g13.5)
+c ntry
+    1 ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.gt.ntrymx)then
+        if(ish.ge.5)then
+          call utmsg('ProReM')
+          write(ifch,*)'Remnant mass assignment not possible (ntry)'
+     &                 ,ir,irem
+          if(force)write(ifch,*)'Ignore p4 conservation'
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        if(.not.force)then
+          iret=1
+          goto 1000
+        else
+c not enough energy availabe : force last mass and check
+          goto 900
+        endif
+      endif
+c check
+      if(xpz(irem,jrem).le.0.d0)then
+        write(ifch,*)'ProRem ipp',xpz(irem,jrem)
+     &                           ,jrem,irem,lremn(irem,jrem)
+        do li=1,lremn(irem,jrem)
+          kkk=kremn(irem,li,jrem)
+          write(ifch,*)'kkk',kkk
+        enddo
+        call XPrint('ProRem :&')
+        call utstop('Big problem in ProRem !&')
+      endif
+c xtest = xminus-max,  corresponding mostly to a remnant mass 0.2
+      xtest0=0.d0
+      fxtest=0.4d0*(1d0+drangen(xxx)) !1.d0 !0.3d0
+      do k=1,masso
+        j=k2j(k)
+        cont=.false.
+ctp        if(xmz(j,jremo).gt.eps.and.iez(j,jrem).gt.0)then !xmz(,jremo)=xplus
+ctp060824        if(xmz(j,jremo).gt.eps.and.iez(j,jrem).ge.0)then !xmz(,jremo)=xplus
+c        if(iez(j,jremo).gt.0.or.koll.eq.1)then !xmz(,jremo)=xplus
+          if(xmz(j,jremo).gt.eps)then !xmz(,jremo)=xplus
+            cont=.true.
+            xmmin=xzos(j,jremo)/xmz(j,jremo)
+          else
+            xmmin=xzos(j,jremo)
+          endif
+          xtest(j)=xpz(j,jremo)-xmmin !maximal momentum available
+!this term is very important for non excited remnants in pp, it changes the xf
+! distribution of proton and the multiplicity at low energy. Fxtest should not
+! be to close to 0. otherwise it makes a step in xf distribution of p at
+! 1-fxtest but if fxtest=1, multiplicity at low energy is too high ...
+! but better (and smoother) with exponential decrease).
+          if(.not.cont)then
+            if(xtest(j).gt.0d0)then
+              xtest(j)=min(xtest(j),fxtest/xpz(irem,jrem))
+            else
+              xtest(j)=min(1.d0,fxtest/xpz(irem,jrem))
+            endif
+          endif
+c        else
+c          xtest(j)=0.01d0 !maximal momentum available for non exited state
+c        endif
+         xtest0=max(xtest0,xtest(j))
+c        print *,iep(1),iet(1),iez(irem,jrem),xtest(j),xpz(j,jremo),xmmin
+c     & ,xzos(j,jremo),xmz(j,jremo)
+      enddo
+ctp060824      if(.not.cont)xtest=min(1.d0,0.2d0/xpz(irem,jrem))
+c determine xminus
+c      xmin0=1.05*(aremn**2d0+xxz(irem,jrem)**2d0+xyz(irem,jrem)**2d0)/sx
+c      xmin=1.1*(aremnex**2d0+xxz(irem,jrem)**2d0+xyz(irem,jrem)**2d0)/sx
+      xmin0=1.1d0*(aremn**2d0+xpt2rem)/sx
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.xmin0.ge.1.d0)xmin0=min(xmin0,0.9d0)
+      if(ish.ge.1.and.xmin0.ge.1d0)
+     &   write(ifch,*)"Warning in ProReM with xmin0 !"
+      if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.4)then !pion exchange, minim should not change
+        xmin=dble(xmindiff)*(aremnex**2d0+xpt2rem)/sx
+      else
+        xmin=dble(xminremn)*(aremnex**2d0+xpt2rem)/sx
+      endif
+c      xmax=min(1.d6/s,xtest0)             !to avoid ultra high mass remnants
+      xmax=xtest0
+c for diffractive remnant, mass should never exceed 5% of the proj or targ energy
+c      if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.1)then
+c        xmax=min(xmax,max(dble(xminremn),xmin))
+c      elseif(iez(irem,jrem).eq.2)then
+c        xmax=min(xmax,max(dble(xmindiff),xmin))
+c      endif
+c      if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.1.or.iez(irem,jrem).eq.3)then
+c       xtmp=max(dble(min(1.,xminremn*float(maproj+matarg-1))),xmin)
+c     &               *drangen(xmin)
+      xtmp=1.d0
+      if(excited)then
+      if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.2)then
+c        xtmp=max(min(1d0,dble(xmindiff)),xmin)!*drangen(xmin)
+        xtmp=min(1d0,dble(xmxrem)*dble(masso)
+     &                      *drangen(xmin)**0.05)
+c        xtmp=dble(xmindiff)
+      elseif(iez(irem,jrem).eq.1)then
+        xtmp=min(1d0,dble(xmxrem)*dble(masso)
+     &                      *drangen(xmin)**0.05)
+c        xtmp=dble(xminremn)
+      elseif(drop)then     !3 or 5
+c       xtmp=max(dble(min(1.,xminremn*float(maproj+matarg-1))),xmin)
+c     &               *drangen(xmin)
+        xtmp=min(1d0,dble(xmxrem)*zz*dble(masso)
+     &                         *drangen(xmin)**0.05)
+c        xtmp=dble(xminremn)
+      endif
+      endif
+      xmax=min(xmax,max(xtmp,xmin))
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'ntry',ntry,xmin,xmax,xtmp
+     *                               ,xmax*dble(masso),xmin0,excited
+      if(koll.eq.1)xmax=min(xmax,xpz(iremo1,jremo))
+      xxmax=xmax*dble(masso)-eps
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)xxmax=min(1d0-eps,xxmax)      !check energy limit
+      if(xmin.ge.xxmax)then
+        xmax=xxmax
+        xmin=xmin0
+        if(xmin0.ge.xmax-eps)then
+          if(.not.force)then
+            iret=1
+          elseif(excited)then
+            xmz(irem,jrem)=min(1.-xpz(irem,jrem),
+     &                       xmin0+0.5d0*(1d0-xmin0)*drangen(xmin)) !random not to form a peak
+          else
+            xxx=(aremn**2d0+xpt2rem)/sx
+            xmz(irem,jrem)=xxx
+c            xmin0=max(0.5d0,(1d0-((amzmn(idz(irem,jremo),jremo)
+c     &                   +6d0*drangen(xxx))**2+xpt2rem)/sx))*xxx
+            if(iLHC.eq.1)then     !LHC tune (more reasonnable xsi distribution)
+c          xmin0=(1d0-xmin**0.3)*xxx
+              xmin0=max(0.35d0*(1d0+drangen(xxx))
+     &          ,1d0-((amzmn(idz(irem,jremo),jremo)
+     &             +engy**drangen(xxx))**2+xpt2rem)/sx)*xxx
+            else   !original CR version
+              xmin0=max(0.35d0*(1d0+drangen(xxx))
+     &          ,1d0-((amzmn(idz(irem,jremo),jremo)
+     &             +sqrt(engy)*drangen(xxx)**0.5)**2+xpt2rem)/sx)*xxx
+            endif
+          endif
+          goto 1000
+        endif
+      elseif(xmin.ge.xmax)then
+        xmax=1d0
+      endif
+      rr=dble(rangen())
+      alp=0.
+      xxx=0.d0
+      if(excited)then
+c        xmin=xmin-xpt2rem/sx                     !no pt
+c        xmax=xmax-xpt2rem/sx                     !no pt
+        alp=at(idz(irem,jrem),iez(irem,jrem))/dble(zz)
+        if(dabs(alp-1.d0).lt.eps)then
+          xxx=xmax**rr*xmin**(1d0-rr)
+        else
+          xxx=(rr*xmax**(1d0-alp)+(1d0-rr)*xmin**(1d0-alp))
+     &                                             **(1d0/(1d0-alp))
+        endif
+c        xxx=xxx+xpt2rem/sx                       !no pt
+!smooth distribution
+        if(iez(irem,jrem).eq.4)xmin=xmin0
+        xmin0=xmin+(1d0-exp(-2d0*drangen(xxx)**2))*(xxx-xmin)
+      else
+        if(masso.eq.1)ntry=ntrymx   !xxx is fixed so 1 try is enough
+c        xmin=dble(amremn)**2d0/sx                !no pt
+c        xxx=xmin+xpt2rem/sx                      !no pt
+        xmin=(dble(aremn)**2d0+xpt2rem)/sx
+        xxx=xmin
+        if(xmin.gt.xmax+eps)then
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'xmin>xmax for proj not possible (2)'
+     &                 ,ir,irem
+          if(.not.force)then
+            iret=1
+          else
+            xmz(irem,jrem)=xxx
+          endif
+          goto 1000
+        endif
+c to have a nice diffractive peak, do not allow too much fluctuation
+c this function is more or less a fit of the diffractive peak
+c (pp100, ep-forward (ZEUS), NA49, pipp100, taking into account the 
+c contribution of inelastic remnants)
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then     !LHC tune (more reasonnable xsi distribution)
+c          xmin0=(1d0-xmin**0.3)*xxx
+            xmin0=max(0.35d0*(1d0+drangen(xxx))
+     &          ,1d0-((amzmn(idz(irem,jremo),jremo)
+     &             +engy**drangen(xxx))**2+xpt2rem)/sx)*xxx
+          else   !original CR version
+            xmin0=max(0.35d0*(1d0+drangen(xxx))
+     &          ,1d0-((amzmn(idz(irem,jremo),jremo)
+     &             +sqrt(engy)*drangen(xxx)**0.5)**2+xpt2rem)/sx)*xxx
+          endif
+c       write(*,*)'->',xmin0/xxx,sx,log10(1d0-xmin0/xxx)
+c     &,1d0-((amzmn(idz(irem,jremo),jremo)
+c     &+5d0*exp(-0.5d0*drangen(xxx)**2))**2+xpt2rem)/sx
+c        xmin0=dble(0.9+0.09*rangen())*xxx
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'alp',alp,xmin,xxx,xmax,zz
+      msmin=xmin*sx
+c      msmin=xmin*sx+xpt2rem                      !no pt
+c partition xminus between nucleons of the other side
+      xii=1d0
+      ii=masso
+      kk=int(rangen()*float(ii))+1   ! choose ramdomly a nucleon to start
+      do while(ii.gt.0)
+        iro=k2j(kk)
+        cont=iez(iro,jremo).lt.0.or.xme(iro).lt.-0.99d0
+        do while(cont)
+          kk=kk+1
+          if(kk.gt.masso)kk=kk-masso
+          iro=k2j(kk)
+          ii=ii-1
+          if(ii.lt.1)then
+            ntry=ntrymx
+            goto 1
+          endif
+          cont=iez(iro,jremo).lt.0.or.xme(iro).lt.-0.99d0
+        enddo
+        if(ii-1.gt.0)then
+         xi=xii*dble(rangen())**(1.d0/dble(ii-1))
+        else
+         xi=0d0
+        endif
+        xme(iro)=xxx*(xii-xi)
+        xmmin=xzos(iro,jremo)
+        if(xmz(iro,jremo).gt.eps)then
+          xmmin=xmmin/xmz(iro,jremo)
+        elseif(koll.eq.1.and.xtest(iro).gt.eps)then
+          xmmin=xmmin/min(xpz(irem,jrem),xtest(iro))
+        elseif(xtest(iro).gt.eps)then
+          xmmin=xmmin/xtest(iro)
+        endif
+        if((xpz(iro,jremo)-xme(iro)).lt.xmmin)then
+          if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'     skip ',cremn,' ',ii,masso,ntry
+     &                      ,iro,xme(iro),xpz(iro,jremo)-xme(iro),xmmin
+          xme(iro)=-1.d0
+          if(ii.le.1)goto 1
+        else
+          xii=xi
+          if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'       ok ',cremn,' ',ii,masso,ntry
+     &                      ,iro,xme(iro),xme(iro)/xxx
+        endif
+        kk=kk+1
+        if(kk.gt.masso)kk=kk-masso
+        ii=ii-1
+      enddo
+c check xmz(irem,jrem)
+ 900  xmz(irem,jrem)=xxx
+      p5sq=xpz(irem,jrem)*xmz(irem,jrem)*s
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'final mass',irem,p5sq,msmin
+     &,xpz(irem,jrem),xmz(irem,jrem),force
+      if(p5sq-msmin.lt.-1d-10)then
+        if(ish.ge.5)then
+          call utmsg('ProReM')
+          write(ifch,*)'Remnant mass assignment not possible (M<Mmin)!'
+     &                 ,ir,irem
+          if(force)write(ifch,*)'Ignore p4 conservation'
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        if(.not.force)then
+          iret=1
+        elseif(xpz(irem,jrem).gt.0.d0)then
+          xmz(irem,jrem)=min(1.-xpz(irem,jrem),
+     &                       xmin+0.5d0*(1d0-xmin)*drangen(xmin))   !random not to form a peak
+        endif
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+c subtract xme
+      do k=1,masso
+        iro=k2j(k)
+        if(xme(iro).gt.0.d0)then
+          xpz(iro,jremo)=xpz(iro,jremo)-xme(iro)  !xpz(,jremo)=xminus
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 1000 continue
+      if(iret.ne.1)xzos(irem,jrem)=xmin0*xpz(irem,jrem)
+      call utprix('ProReM',ish,ishini,5)
+      end
+      subroutine ProSeTy(k,n)
+c creates proposal for string ends, idp., idm.
+c updates quark counters
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/ems6/ivp0,iap0,idp0,isp0,ivt0,iat0,idt0,ist0
+      double precision pes,xfqp,xfqt   !so01
+      parameter(eps=1.e-6)
+      common/ems9/xfqp(0:9),xfqt(0:9)
+      common/emsx3/pes(0:3,0:6)
+      integer jcp(nflav,2),jct(nflav,2)
+     &       ,jcpi(nflavems,2),jcti(nflavems,2)
+      logical go
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.2)stop'no Reggeons any more'
+      iret=0
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      if(iremn.ge.3)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jcp(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,ip)
+            jct(i,j)=jctref(i,j,it)
+          enddo
+          do i=nrflav+1,nflav
+            jcp(i,j)=0
+            jct(i,j)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      idp1pr(n,k)=0
+      idm1pr(n,k)=0
+      idp2pr(n,k)=0
+      idm2pr(n,k)=0
+      idsppr(n,k)=0
+      idstpr(n,k)=0
+      pssp=0.
+      pvsp=0.
+      pvap=0.
+      pddp=0.
+      psvvp=0.
+      paasp=0.
+      psst=0.
+      pvst=0.
+      pvat=0.
+      pddt=0.
+      psvvt=0.
+      paast=0.
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+c for hard Pomeron, define which string ends are connected to valence quark
+c treat gluon has soft string ends (including diquarks but can not be
+c a "soft" valence like in soft Pomerons) later
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+        go=.false.
+        if(ivp0.eq.iap0.and.rangen().lt.0.5)go=.true.    !meson
+        idsppr(n,k)=5
+        if(idhpr(n,k).eq.3.or.idhpr(n,k).eq.1)then
+          if(iremn.ge.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+          if(iap0.eq.0.or.go)then !baryon
+            idp1pr(n,k)=2
+          else                    !antibaryon
+            idp2pr(n,k)=2
+          endif
+        endif
+        idstpr(n,k)=5
+        if(idhpr(n,k).eq.3.or.idhpr(n,k).eq.2)then
+          if(iremn.ge.2)ivt(it)=ivp(it)-1
+          if(iat0.eq.0)then     !baryon
+            idm1pr(n,k)=2
+          else                  !antibaryon
+            idm2pr(n,k)=2
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(idpr(n,k).ne.0)then
+c    projectile
+       if(idfpr(n,k).eq.1.or.idfpr(n,k).eq.2)then
+       ntry=0
+       ivpi=ivp(ip)
+       idpi=idp(ip)
+       idspi=idsppr(n,k)
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jcpi(i,j)=jcp(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+  1    ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.gt.10)call utstop('something goes wrong in sr ProSeTy&')
+       ivp(ip)=ivpi
+       idp(ip)=idpi
+       idsppr(n,k)=idspi
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jcp(i,j)=jcpi(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+       pss=wgtval+wgtsea
+       if(pss.gt.0.)then
+         pss=wgtsea/pss
+       else
+         pss=0.
+       endif
+       if(iremn.ge.2)then
+         if(iap0.eq.0)then
+           pvs=0.
+           if(ivp(ip).ne.0.and.idpr(n,k).ne.3)pvs=1.-pss
+           pva=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           if(idp(ip).ne.0.and.idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)psvv=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+           paas=0.
+         elseif(ivp0.eq.0)then
+           pva=0.
+           if(ivp(ip).ne.0.and.idpr(n,k).ne.3)pva=1.-pss
+           pvs=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(idp(ip).ne.0.and.idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)paas=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+         else                   !for meson, no soft string with valence quark (we do not know whether the quark or the antiquark will be used by hard string)
+           pvs=0.
+           pva=0.
+c diquark or antidiquark can be created once in meson remnant
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(1+idp(ip).ne.0)then
+             if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)psvv=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+             if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)paas=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+           endif
+         endif
+         pdd=wgtdiq/(1.+float(abs(idp(ip))))
+c         if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+c           pdd=0.
+c           psvv=0.
+c           paas=0.
+c         endif
+       elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=0.
+         paas=0.
+         if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)psvv=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+         if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)paas=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+         pdd=wgtdiq/(1.+float(abs(idp(ip))))
+       else
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=0.
+         paas=0.
+         pdd=wgtdiq/(1.+float(abs(idp(ip))))
+       endif
+       if(idp1pr(n,k).eq.2)then  !with valence quark only 1 SE available
+         psd=pdd
+         pds=0.
+         pdd=0.
+       elseif(idp2pr(n,k).eq.2)then  !with valence antiquark only 1 SE available
+         pds=pdd
+         psd=0.
+         pdd=0.
+       else
+         psd=pdd
+         pds=pdd
+         pdd=pdd**2
+       endif
+       su=1.-min(1.,pdd+psd+pds)            !diquark probability
+       pss=(1.-min(1.,pvs+pva))*su        !no more valence quark: take from sea
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       su=1.-min(1.,psvv+paas)      !stopping probability
+       pss=pss*su
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       psd=psd*su
+       pds=pds*su
+       pdd=pdd*su
+       su=pss+pvs+pva+pdd+psd+pds+psvv+paas
+       pssp = pss /su
+       pvsp = pvs /su
+       pvap = pva /su
+       psdp = psd /su
+       pdsp = pds /su
+       pddp = pdd /su
+       psvvp= psvv/su
+       paasp= paas/su
+       r=rangen()
+       if(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+psdp+pdsp+psvvp+paasp)
+     &                               .and.pddp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=4
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=4
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+4
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)+2
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+      elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+psdp+psvvp+paasp).and.pdsp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=4
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+4
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)+1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+psvvp+paasp).and.psdp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=4
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+4
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)+1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+psvvp).and.paasp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=5
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+5
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+pddp).and.psvvp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=5
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+5
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp).and.pvap.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=2
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+2
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(r.gt.pssp.and.pvsp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=2
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+2
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(pssp.gt.eps)then
+        if(idp1pr(n,k).ne.2)idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idp2pr(n,k).ne.2)idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=idsppr(n,k)+1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       else
+        goto 1
+       endif
+       else
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=0
+       endif
+c    target
+       if(idfpr(n,k).eq.1.or.idfpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+       ntry=0
+       ivti=ivt(it)
+       idti=idt(it)
+       idsti=idstpr(n,k)
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jcti(i,j)=jct(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+  2    ntry=ntry+1
+       if(ntry.gt.10)call utstop('something goes wrong in sr ProSeTy&')
+       ivt(it)=ivti
+       idt(it)=idti
+       idstpr(n,k)=idsti
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jct(i,j)=jcti(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+       pss=wgtval+wgtsea
+       if(pss.gt.0.)then
+         pss=wgtsea/pss
+       else
+         pss=0.
+       endif
+       if(iremn.ge.2)then
+         if(iat0.eq.0)then
+           pvs=0.
+           if(ivt(it).ne.0.and.idpr(n,k).ne.3)pvs=1.-pss
+           pva=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           if(idt(it).ne.0.and.idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)psvv=wgtqqq(icltar)
+           paas=0.
+         elseif(ivt0.eq.0)then
+           pva=0.
+           if(ivt(it).ne.0.and.idpr(n,k).ne.3)pva=1.-pss
+           pvs=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(idt(it).ne.0.and.idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)paas=wgtqqq(icltar)
+         else                   !for meson, no soft string with valence quark (we do not know whether the quark or the antiquark will be used by hard string)
+           pvs=0.
+           pva=0.
+c diquark or antidiquark can be created once in meson remnant
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(1+idt(it).ne.0)then
+             if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)psvv=wgtqqq(icltar)
+             if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)paas=wgtqqq(icltar)
+           endif
+         endif
+         pdd=wgtdiq/(1.+float(abs(idt(it))))
+c         if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+c           pdd=0.
+c           psvv=0.
+c           paas=0.
+c         endif
+       elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=0.
+         paas=0.
+         if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)psvv=wgtqqq(icltar)
+         if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)paas=wgtqqq(icltar)
+         pdd=wgtdiq/(1.+float(abs(idt(it))))
+       else
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=0.
+         paas=0.
+         pdd=wgtdiq/(1.+float(abs(idt(it))))
+       endif
+       if(idm1pr(n,k).eq.2)then  !with valence quark only 1 SE available
+         psd=pdd
+         pds=0.
+         pdd=0.
+       elseif(idm2pr(n,k).eq.2)then  !with valence antiquark only 1 SE available
+         pds=pdd
+         psd=0.
+         pdd=0.
+       else
+         psd=pdd
+         pds=pdd
+         pdd=pdd**2
+       endif
+       su=1.-min(1.,pdd+pds+psd)            !diquark probability
+       pss=(1.-min(1.,pvs+pva))*su        !no more valence quark: take from sea
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       su=1.-min(1.,psvv+paas)      !stopping probability
+       pss=pss*su
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       pds=pds*su
+       psd=psd*su
+       pdd=pdd*su
+       su=pss+pvs+pva+pdd+psd+pds+psvv+paas
+       psst = pss /su
+       pvst = pvs /su
+       pvat = pva /su
+       psdt = psd /su
+       pdst = pds /su
+       pddt = pdd /su
+       psvvt= psvv/su
+       paast= paas/su
+       r=rangen()
+       if(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+psdt+pdst+psvvt+paast)
+     &                               .and.pddt.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=4
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=4
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+4
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)+2
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+      elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+psdt+psvvt+paast).and.pdst.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=4
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+4
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)+1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+psvvt+paast).and.psdt.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=4
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+4
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)+1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+psvvt).and.paast.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=5
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+5
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+pddt).and.psvvt.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=5
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+5
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst).and.pvat.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=2
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+2
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivt(it)=ivt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(r.gt.psst.and.pvst.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=2
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+2
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivt(it)=ivt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(psst.gt.eps)then
+        if(idm1pr(n,k).ne.2)idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        if(idm2pr(n,k).ne.2)idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=idstpr(n,k)+1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       else
+        goto 2
+       endif
+       else
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=0
+       endif
+      else
+        idp1pr(n,k)=0
+        idm2pr(n,k)=0
+        idp2pr(n,k)=0
+        idm1pr(n,k)=0
+      endif
+      else       !iLHC
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+       pssp=0.
+       pvsp=0.
+       pvap=0.
+       pddp=0.
+       psvvp=0.
+       paasp=0.
+       psst=0.
+       pvst=0.
+       pvat=0.
+       pddt=0.
+       psvvt=0.
+       paast=0.
+       if(idhpr(n,k).eq.3)then  !so01
+        idp1pr(n,k)=2
+        idp2pr(n,k)=8
+        idm1pr(n,k)=2
+        idm2pr(n,k)=8
+       elseif(idhpr(n,k).eq.2)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idm1pr(n,k)=2
+        idm2pr(n,k)=8
+       elseif(idhpr(n,k).eq.1)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=2
+        idp2pr(n,k)=8
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+       elseif(idhpr(n,k).eq.0)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+       else
+        call utstop('ProSeTy-idhpr????&')
+       endif
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then       !add flavor to jcpref and jctref for psahot and ProSeF later (sea quark)
+         idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret)
+         idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret)
+       endif
+      elseif(idpr(n,k).eq.1)then
+c    projectile
+       if(idfpr(n,k).eq.1.or.idfpr(n,k).eq.2)then
+       ntry=0
+       ivpi=ivp(ip)
+       idpi=idp(ip)
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jcpi(i,j)=jcp(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+ 3     ntry=ntry+1
+       if(ntry.gt.10)call utstop('something goes wrong in sr ProSeTy&')
+       ivp(ip)=ivpi
+       idp(ip)=idpi
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jcp(i,j)=jcpi(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+       pss=wgtval+wgtsea
+       if(pss.gt.0.)then
+         pss=wgtsea/pss
+       else
+         pss=0.
+       endif
+       if(iremn.ge.2)then
+         if(iap0.eq.0)then
+           pvs=0.
+           if(ivp(ip).ne.0)pvs=1.-pss
+           pva=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           if(idp(ip).ne.0)psvv=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+           paas=0.
+         elseif(ivp0.eq.0)then
+           pva=0.
+           if(ivp(ip).ne.0)pva=1.-pss
+           pvs=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(idp(ip).ne.0)paas=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+         else                   !for meson, no soft string with valence quark (we do not know whether the quark or the antiquark will be used by hard string)
+           pvs=0.
+           pva=0.
+c diquark or antidiquark can be created once in meson remnant
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(1+idp(ip).ne.0)then
+             psvv=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+             paas=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+           endif
+         endif
+         pdd=wgtdiq
+       elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+         paas=wgtqqq(iclpro)
+         pdd=wgtdiq
+       else
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=0.
+         paas=0.
+         pdd=wgtdiq
+       endif
+       su=1.-min(1.,pdd)            !diquark probability
+       pss=(1.-min(1.,pvs+pva))*su        !no more valence quark: take from sea
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       su=1.-min(1.,psvv+paas)      !stopping probability
+       pdd=pdd*su
+       pss=pss*su
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       su=pss+pvs+pva+pdd+psvv+paas
+       pssp = pss /su
+       pvsp = pvs /su
+       pvap = pva /su
+       pddp = pdd /su
+       psvvp= psvv/su
+       paasp= paas/su
+       r=rangen()
+       if(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+pddp+psvvp).and.paasp.gt.eps)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=5
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=6
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap+pddp).and.psvvp.gt.eps)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=5
+        idsppr(n,k)=5
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idp(ip)=idp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp+pvap).and.pddp.gt.eps)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=4
+        idp2pr(n,k)=4
+        idsppr(n,k)=4
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+       elseif(r.gt.(pssp+pvsp).and.pvap.gt.eps)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=2
+        idsppr(n,k)=3
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(r.gt.pssp.and.pvsp.gt.eps)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=2
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=2
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivp(ip)=ivp(ip)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(pssp.gt.eps)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       else
+        goto 3
+       endif
+       else
+        idp1pr(n,k)=1
+        idp2pr(n,k)=1
+        idsppr(n,k)=0
+       endif
+c    target
+       if(idfpr(n,k).eq.1.or.idfpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+       ntry=0
+       ivti=ivt(it)
+       idti=idt(it)
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jcti(i,j)=jct(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+ 4     ntry=ntry+1
+       if(ntry.gt.10)call utstop('something goes wrong in sr ProSeTy&')
+       ivt(it)=ivti
+       idt(it)=idti
+       if(iremn.eq.3)then
+         do j=1,2
+           do i=1,nrflav
+             jct(i,j)=jcti(i,j)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       endif
+       pss=wgtval+wgtsea
+       if(pss.gt.0.)then
+         pss=wgtsea/pss
+       else
+         pss=0.
+       endif
+       if(iremn.ge.2)then
+         if(iat0.eq.0)then
+           pvs=0.
+           if(ivt(it).ne.0)pvs=1.-pss
+           pva=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           if(idt(it).ne.0)psvv=wgtqqq(icltar)
+           paas=0.
+         elseif(ivt0.eq.0)then
+           pva=0.
+           if(ivt(it).ne.0)pva=1.-pss
+           pvs=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+           if(idt(it).ne.0)paas=wgtqqq(icltar)
+         else                   !for meson, no soft string with valence quark (we do not know whether the quark or the antiquark will be used by hard string)
+           pvs=0.
+           pva=0.
+           psvv=0.
+           paas=0.
+c diquark or antidiquark can be created once in meson remnant
+           if(1+idt(it).ne.0)then
+             psvv=wgtqqq(icltar)
+             paas=wgtqqq(icltar)
+           endif
+         endif
+         pdd=wgtdiq
+       elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=wgtqqq(icltar)
+         paas=wgtqqq(icltar)
+         pdd=wgtdiq
+       else
+         pvs=0.
+         pva=0.
+         psvv=0.
+         paas=0.
+         pdd=wgtdiq
+       endif
+c no more valence quark: take from sea
+       su=1.-min(1.,pdd)            !diquark probability
+       pss=(1.-min(1.,pvs+pva))*su        !no more valence quark: take from sea
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       su=1.-min(1.,psvv+paas)      !stopping probability
+       pdd=pdd*su
+       pss=pss*su
+       pvs=pvs*su
+       pva=pva*su
+       su=pss+pvs+pva+pdd+psvv+paas
+       psst = pss /su
+       pvst = pvs /su
+       pvat = pva /su
+       pddt = pdd /su
+       psvvt= psvv/su
+       paast= paas/su
+       r=rangen()
+       if(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+pddt+psvvt).and.paast.gt.eps)then
+        idm1pr(n,k)=5
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=6
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat+pddt).and.psvvt.gt.eps)then
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=5
+        idstpr(n,k)=5
+        if(iremn.ge.2)idt(it)=idt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jcpref for ProSeF later (sea quark) (only a q-aq pair because we replace diquark by q-aq (baryon "decay" or "stopping")
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst+pvat).and.pddt.gt.eps)then
+        idm1pr(n,k)=4
+        idm2pr(n,k)=4
+        idstpr(n,k)=4
+        if(iremn.eq.3)then   !add diquark flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret)
+          idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',3,iret)
+        endif
+       elseif(r.gt.(psst+pvst).and.pvat.gt.eps)then
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=2
+        idstpr(n,k)=3
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivt(it)=ivt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(r.gt.psst.and.pvst.gt.eps)then
+        idm1pr(n,k)=2
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=2
+        if(iremn.ge.2)ivt(it)=ivt(it)-1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       elseif(psst.gt.eps)then
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=1
+        if(iremn.eq.3)idum=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',3,iret) !add flavor to jctref for ProSeF later (sea quark)
+       else
+        goto 4
+       endif
+       else
+        idm1pr(n,k)=1
+        idm2pr(n,k)=1
+        idstpr(n,k)=0
+       endif
+      elseif(idpr(n,k).eq.0)then
+        idp1pr(n,k)=0
+        idm2pr(n,k)=0
+        idp2pr(n,k)=0
+        idm1pr(n,k)=0
+      endif
+      endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)then
+      write(ifch,'(a,2(6(f4.2,1x),2x),$)')'ProSeTy ',
+     * pssp,pvsp,pvap,pddp,psvvp,paasp, psst,pvst,pvat,pddt,psvvt,paast
+      write(ifch,'(2x,3i3,2x,2(i2,1x,2i2,1x,i2,i3,2x))')idpr(n,k),n,k
+     * ,idsppr(n,k),idp1pr(n,k),idp2pr(n,k),ivp(ip),idp(ip)
+     * ,idstpr(n,k),idm1pr(n,k),idm2pr(n,k),ivt(it),idt(it)
+        endif
+      if(iremn.eq.3)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nrflav
+            jcpref(i,j,ip)=jcp(i,j)
+            jctref(i,j,it)=jct(i,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if(ish.ge.6)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,1x,4i3,3x,4i3)')'jcpref(',ip,'):',jcp
+          write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,1x,4i3,3x,4i3)')'jctref(',it,'):',jct
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ProSeF(k,n,iret)
+c starting from string properties as already determined in EMS,
+c one determines string end flavors
+c by checking compatibility with remnant masses.
+c strings are written to /cems/ and then to /cptl/
+c remnant ic is updated (icproj,ictarg)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision plc,s,pstg,pend
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/cems/pstg(5,2),pend(4,4),idend(4)
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      integer icp(2),ict(2),ic(2),icp1(2),icp2(2),icm1(2),icm2(2)
+      integer jcp(nflav,2),jct(nflav,2),jcpv(nflav,2),jctv(nflav,2)
+      integer jcp1(nflav,2),jcp2(nflav,2),jcm1(nflav,2),jcm2(nflav,2)
+      common/col3/ncol,kolpt /cfacmss/facmss /cts/its
+c     entry
+c     -----
+      iret=0
+      if(ncol.eq.0)return
+      if(abs(itpr(k)).ne.1)return
+      ip=iproj(k)
+      it=itarg(k)
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.0.or.ivpr(n,k).eq.0)return
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.2)stop'Reggeon'
+      if(idpr(n,k).eq.3)return
+      call utpri('ProSeF',ish,ishini,5)
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+          write(ifch,*)'soft Pomeron'
+          write(ifch,*)'k:',k,'  n:',n,'  ip:',ip,'  it:',it
+      endif
+      np=nppr(n,k)
+c         string ends
+          pend(1,1)=xxp1pr(n,k)
+          pend(2,1)=xyp1pr(n,k)
+          pend(3,1)=xp1pr(n,k)*plc/2d0
+          pend(4,1)=dsqrt(pend(1,1)**2+pend(2,1)**2+pend(3,1)**2)
+          pend(1,2)=xxp2pr(n,k)
+          pend(2,2)=xyp2pr(n,k)
+          pend(3,2)=xp2pr(n,k)*plc/2d0
+          pend(4,2)=dsqrt(pend(1,2)**2+pend(2,2)**2+pend(3,2)**2)
+          pend(1,4)=xxm1pr(n,k)
+          pend(2,4)=xym1pr(n,k)
+          pend(3,4)=-xm1pr(n,k)*plc/2d0
+          pend(4,4)=dsqrt(pend(1,4)**2+pend(2,4)**2+pend(3,4)**2)
+          pend(1,3)=xxm2pr(n,k)
+          pend(2,3)=xym2pr(n,k)
+          pend(3,3)=-xm2pr(n,k)*plc/2d0
+          pend(4,3)=dsqrt(pend(1,3)**2+pend(2,3)**2+pend(3,3)**2)
+c         strings
+          pstg(1,1)=xxp1pr(n,k)+xxm2pr(n,k)
+          pstg(2,1)=xyp1pr(n,k)+xym2pr(n,k)
+          pstg(3,1)=(xp1pr(n,k)-xm2pr(n,k))*plc/2d0
+          pstg(4,1)=(xp1pr(n,k)+xm2pr(n,k))*plc/2d0
+          pstg(5,1)=dsqrt((pstg(4,1)-pstg(3,1))*(pstg(4,1)+pstg(3,1))
+     &                   -pstg(1,1)**2-pstg(2,1)**2)
+          pstg(1,2)=xxp2pr(n,k)+xxm1pr(n,k)
+          pstg(2,2)=xyp2pr(n,k)+xym1pr(n,k)
+          pstg(3,2)=(xp2pr(n,k)-xm1pr(n,k))*plc/2d0
+          pstg(4,2)=(xp2pr(n,k)+xm1pr(n,k))*plc/2d0
+          pstg(5,2)=dsqrt((pstg(4,2)-pstg(3,2))*(pstg(4,2)+pstg(3,2))
+     &                   -pstg(2,2)**2-pstg(1,2)**2)
+c         initialize
+          ntry=0
+  777     ntry=ntry+1
+          if(ntry.gt.100)goto1001
+          if(iremn.ge.2)then    !uses precalculated flavors
+            do i=1,2
+              icp(i)=icproj(i,ip)
+              ict(i)=ictarg(i,it)
+            enddo
+            if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+              call iddeco(icp,jcpv)
+              call iddeco(ict,jctv)
+            endif
+            do j=1,2
+              do i=1,nrflav
+                jcp(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,ip)
+                jct(i,j)=jctref(i,j,it)
+                if(iLHC.eq.0)then
+                jcpv(i,j)=jcpval(i,j,ip)
+                jctv(i,j)=jctval(i,j,it)
+                endif
+              enddo
+              do i=nrflav+1,nflav
+                jcp(i,j)=0
+                jct(i,j)=0
+                jcpv(i,j)=0
+                jctv(i,j)=0
+               enddo
+            enddo
+          else
+            do i=1,2
+              icp(i)=icproj(i,ip)
+              ict(i)=ictarg(i,it)
+            enddo
+            call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+            call iddeco(ict,jct)
+            do j=1,2
+              do i=1,nflav
+                jcpv(i,j)=0
+                jctv(i,j)=0
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          endif
+          do i=1,2
+           icp1(i)=0
+           icp2(i)=0
+           icm1(i)=0
+           icm2(i)=0
+           do j=1,nflav
+            jcp1(j,i)=0
+            jcp2(j,i)=0
+            jcm1(j,i)=0
+            jcm2(j,i)=0
+           enddo
+          enddo
+          idpj0=idtr2(icp)
+          idtg0=idtr2(ict)
+          do j=1,4
+           idend(j)=0
+          enddo
+          if(ish.ge.7)then
+            write(ifch,'(a,3x,6i3,3x,6i3,i9)')' proj: '
+     *     ,jcp,idpj0
+            write(ifch,'(a,6i3,3x,6i3)')' proj val:  ',jcpv
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.7)then
+            write(ifch,'(a,3x,6i3,3x,6i3,i9)')' targ: '
+     *    ,jct,idtg0
+            write(ifch,'(a,6i3,3x,6i3)')' targ val:  ',jctv
+          endif
+c         determine string flavors
+          call fstrfl(jcp,jct,jcpv,jctv,icp1,icp2,icm1,icm2
+     *                ,idp1pr(n,k),idp2pr(n,k),idm1pr(n,k),idm2pr(n,k)
+     *                                   ,idsppr(n,k),idstpr(n,k),iret)
+          if(iret.ne.0)goto 1002
+c         check mass string 1
+          ic(1)=icp1(1)+icm2(1)
+          ic(2)=icp1(2)+icm2(2)
+          if(ic(1).gt.0.or.ic(2).gt.0)then
+           am=sngl(pstg(5,1))
+           call iddeco(icp1,jcp1)
+           call iddeco(icm2,jcm2)
+           ammns=utamnx(jcp1,jcm2)
+           if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,2i7,2e12.3)')
+     *           ' string 1 - ic,mass,min.mass:',ic,am,ammns
+           if(am.lt.ammns*facmss)then
+             goto 777   !avoid virpom
+           endif
+           if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+           idend(1)=idtra(icp1,0,0,0)
+           idend(3)=idtra(icm2,0,0,0)
+           else
+           idend(1)=idtra(icp1,0,0,3)
+           idend(3)=idtra(icm2,0,0,3)
+           endif
+           if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,2i6)') ' string 1 - SE-ids:'
+     *      ,idend(1),idend(3)
+          endif
+c         check mass string 2
+          ic(1)=icp2(1)+icm1(1)
+          ic(2)=icp2(2)+icm1(2)
+          if(ic(1).gt.0.or.ic(2).gt.0)then
+           am=sngl(pstg(5,2))
+           call iddeco(icp2,jcp2)
+           call iddeco(icm1,jcm1)
+           ammns=utamnx(jcp2,jcm1)
+           if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,2i7,2e12.3)')
+     *           ' string 2 - ic,mass,min.mass:',ic,am,ammns
+           if(am.lt.ammns*facmss)then
+             goto 777  !avoid virpom
+           endif
+           if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+           idend(2)=idtra(icp2,0,0,0)
+           idend(4)=idtra(icm1,0,0,0)
+           else
+           idend(2)=idtra(icp2,0,0,3)
+           idend(4)=idtra(icm1,0,0,3)
+           endif
+           if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,2i6)') ' string 2 - SE-ids:'
+     *      ,idend(2),idend(4)
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.5)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,i10)')' pom:   '
+     *    ,idptl(np)
+          write(ifch,'(a,2i5)')' str 1: '
+     *    ,idend(1),idend(3)
+          write(ifch,'(a,2i5)')' str 2: '
+     *    ,idend(2),idend(4)
+          endif
+c         update remnant ic
+c determine icp,ict
+c Similar process for hard pomeron in epos-rsh !!!!
+          if(iremn.ge.2)then    !uses precalculated flavors
+            do j=1,2
+              do i=1,nrflav
+                jcpref(i,j,ip)=jcp(i,j)
+                jctref(i,j,it)=jct(i,j)
+                if(iLHC.eq.0)then
+                jcpval(i,j,ip)=jcpv(i,j)
+                jctval(i,j,it)=jctv(i,j)
+                endif
+              enddo
+            enddo
+            if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            call idenco(jcpv,icp,iret)
+            if(iret.ne.0)goto 1002
+            call idenco(jctv,ict,iret)
+            if(iret.ne.0)goto 1002
+            do i=1,2
+              icproj(i,ip)=icp(i)
+              ictarg(i,it)=ict(i)
+            enddo
+            endif
+            if(ish.ge.5)then
+              write(ifch,'(a,6i3,3x,6i3)')' proj:  ',jcp
+              write(ifch,'(a,6i3,3x,6i3)')' proj val:  ',jcpv
+              write(ifch,'(a,6i3,3x,6i3)')' targ:  ',jct
+              write(ifch,'(a,6i3,3x,6i3)')' targ val:  ',jctv
+            endif
+          else
+            call idenco(jcp,icp,iret)
+            if(iret.ne.0)goto 1002
+            call idenco(jct,ict,iret)
+            if(iret.ne.0)goto 1002
+            do i=1,2
+              icproj(i,ip)=icp(i)
+              ictarg(i,it)=ict(i)
+            enddo
+            if(ish.ge.5)then
+              write(ifch,'(a,2i7,1x,a)')' proj:  '
+     *             ,(icp(l),l=1,2)
+              write(ifch,'(a,2i7,1x,a)')' targ:  '
+     *             ,(ict(l),l=1,2)
+            endif
+          endif
+c         write strings to /cptl/
+          its=idp1pr(n,k)+idm2pr(n,k)
+          call fstrwr(1,1,3,k,n)
+          its=idp2pr(n,k)+idm1pr(n,k)
+          call fstrwr(2,2,4,k,n)
+c     exit
+c     ----
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('ProSeF',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+ 1002 jerr(1)=jerr(1)+1         ! > 9 quarks per flavor attempted.
+ 1001 iret=1
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a)')'Problem in ProSeF ... '
+      goto 1000
+      end
+      subroutine fstrfl(jcp,jct,jcpv,jctv,icp1,icp2,icm1,icm2
+     *                         ,idp1,idp2,idm1,idm2,idsp,idst,iret)
+c knowing the string end types (idp1,idp2,idm1,idm2)
+c               and remnant flavors (icp,ict)
+c               and remnant link of the string (idsp and idst)
+c   for LHC     (idsp/t=100 with one idp/idm=2 means that the valence quark 
+c                to use is define in the corresponding icp/icm
+c                (using just 1 to 6 for flavor identification (no diquark)))
+c one determines quark flavors of string ends (icp1,icp2,icm1,icm2)
+c               and updates remnant flavors (icp,ict)
+c iret=0   ok
+c iret=1   problem, more than 9 quarks per flavor attempted
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      integer icp1(2),icp2(2),icm1(2),icm2(2)
+      integer jcp(nflav,2),jct(nflav,2)
+     &       ,jcpi(nflavems,2),jcti(nflavems,2)
+      integer iq(2,4),jcpv(nflav,2),jctv(nflav,2)
+      character m
+c      data neuz/0/proz/0/dtaz/0/
+c      save neuz,proz,dtaz
+      call utpri('fstrfl',ish,ishini,7)
+c     entry
+c     -----
+      idum=0
+      iret=0
+      iret1=0
+      iret2=0
+      iret3=0
+      iret4=0
+      if(idp1.eq.8)stop'fstrfl: fragm quarks not used any more'
+      if(idp2.eq.8)stop'fstrfl: fragm quarks not used any more'
+      if(idm1.eq.8)stop'fstrfl: fragm quarks not used any more'
+      if(idm2.eq.8)stop'fstrfl: fragm quarks not used any more'
+c determine flavors of string ends (u,d,s)
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+       write(ifch,'(a,3x,2i3)')' string 1, SE types:',idp1,idm2
+       write(ifch,'(a,3x,2i3)')' string 2, SE types:',idp2,idm1
+      endif
+c empty
+      if(idp1.eq.0)then
+       iq(1,1)=0
+       iq(2,1)=0
+      endif
+      if(idp2.eq.0)then
+       iq(1,2)=0
+       iq(2,2)=0
+      endif
+      if(idm1.eq.0)then
+       iq(1,4)=0
+       iq(2,4)=0
+      endif
+      if(idm2.eq.0)then
+       iq(1,3)=0
+       iq(2,3)=0
+      endif
+      do j=1,2
+        do n=1,nrflav
+          jcpi(n,j)=jcp(n,j)
+          jcti(n,j)=jct(n,j)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c Projectile
+      if(idsp.eq.0.or.iremn.eq.0)then
+c give the same flavor to quark and antiquark not to change remnant flavor
+        if(idp1.eq.4)then
+c diquarks, code 4
+          iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',0,iret)
+          iq(2,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',0,iret)
+          iq(1,2)=iq(1,1)
+          iq(2,2)=iq(2,1)
+        else
+c sea quarks, code 1
+          iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',0,iret)
+          iq(2,1)=0
+          iq(1,2)=iq(1,1)
+          iq(2,2)=0
+        endif
+      elseif(iremn.ge.2)then
+c count valence quarks properly
+c valence quarks
+        if(idp1.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            if(idsp.eq.100)then
+              iq(1,1)=icp1(1)   !flavor of hard quark already defined
+            else
+              iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcpv,1,'v',0,idum)
+            endif
+            if(iq(1,1).gt.0)then !if still exist, update jcp and jcpv
+              call idsufl3(iq(1,1),1,jcpv)
+            else                ! if not, use jcp directly and sea
+              iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',1,idum)
+            endif
+          else
+          iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcpv,1,'v',0,idum)
+          if(iq(1,1).gt.0)then          !if still exist, update jcp and jcpv
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,1),1,jcpv)
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,1),1,jcp)
+          else                          ! if not, use jcp directly
+            iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'v',1,idum)
+          endif
+          endif
+          iq(2,1)=0
+        endif
+        if(idp2.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            if(idsp.eq.100)then
+              iq(1,2)=icp2(2)   !flavor of hard antiquark already defined
+            else
+              iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcpv,2,'v',0,idum)
+            endif
+            if(iq(1,2).gt.0)then !if still exist, update jcp and jcpv
+              call idsufl3(iq(1,2),2,jcpv)
+            else                ! if not, use jcp directly and sea
+              iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'s',1,idum)
+            endif
+          else
+          iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcpv,2,'v',0,idum)
+          if(iq(1,2).gt.0)then          !if still exist, update jcp and jcpv
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,2),2,jcpv)
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,2),2,jcp)
+          else                          ! if not, use jcp directly
+            iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'v',1,idum)
+          endif
+          endif
+          iq(2,2)=0
+        endif
+c sea quarks
+        m='v'           !iremn=3
+        if(idp1.eq.1)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='s'
+          j=1                    !quark
+          i=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,1)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jcp(i,j)-jcpv(i,j).lt.0)jcpv(i,j)=jcpv(i,j)-1
+          iq(2,1)=0
+        elseif(idp1.ge.4)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='d'
+          j=2                    !anti-diquark
+          i=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,1)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jcp(i,j)-jcpv(i,j).lt.0)jcpv(i,j)=jcpv(i,j)-1
+          i=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(2,1)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jcp(i,j)-jcpv(i,j).lt.0)jcpv(i,j)=jcpv(i,j)-1
+        endif
+        if(idp2.eq.1)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='s'
+          j=2                    !antiquark
+          i=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,2)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jcp(i,j)-jcpv(i,j).lt.0)jcpv(i,j)=jcpv(i,j)-1
+          iq(2,2)=0
+        elseif(idp2.ge.4)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='d'
+          j=1                    !diquark
+          i=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,2)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jcp(i,j)-jcpv(i,j).lt.0)jcpv(i,j)=jcpv(i,j)-1
+          i=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(2,2)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jcp(i,j)-jcpv(i,j).lt.0)jcpv(i,j)=jcpv(i,j)-1
+        endif
+      elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+c free remant content
+c valence quarks
+        if(idp1.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1.and.idsp.eq.100)then
+            iq(1,1)=icp1(1)         !flavor of hard quark already defined
+          else
+            iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'v',1,iret)
+          endif
+          iq(2,1)=0
+        endif
+        if(idp2.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1.and.idsp.eq.100)then
+            iq(1,2)=icp2(1)     !flavor of hard antiquark already defined
+          else
+            iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'v',1,iret)
+          endif
+          iq(2,2)=0
+        endif
+c sea quarks
+        if(idp1.eq.1)then
+          iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',1,iret1)
+          iq(2,1)=0
+        endif
+        if(idp2.eq.1)then
+          iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'s',1,iret2)
+          iq(2,2)=0
+        endif
+c diquarks, code 4
+        if(idp1.eq.4.or.idp2.eq.4)then
+          iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'d',1,iret1)
+          iq(2,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'d',1,iret1)
+          iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',1,iret2)
+          iq(2,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',1,iret2)
+        endif
+c diquarks, code 5 (former valence, but actually sea)
+        if(idp1.eq.5)then
+          iq(1,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'d',1,iret1)
+          iq(2,1)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'d',1,iret1)
+        endif
+        if(idp2.eq.5)then
+          iq(1,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',1,iret2)
+          iq(2,2)=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'d',1,iret2)
+        endif
+        if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+c in case of saturated remnants, use the same flavor for quark and anti-quark
+c at string-end
+        if(iret1.ne.0.or.iret2.ne.0)then
+          do j=1,2
+            do n=1,nrflav
+              jcp(n,j)=jcpi(n,j)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          if(idp1.gt.idp2.or.(idp1.eq.idp2.and.rangen().gt.0.5))then
+            iq(1,2)=iq(1,1)
+            iq(2,2)=iq(2,1)
+          else
+            iq(1,1)=iq(1,2)
+            iq(2,1)=iq(2,2)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+c Target
+      if(idst.eq.0.or.iremn.eq.0)then
+c give the same flavor to quark and antiquark not to change remnant flavor
+        if(idm1.eq.4)then
+c diquarks, code 4
+          iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',0,iret)
+          iq(2,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',0,iret)
+          iq(1,3)=iq(1,4)
+          iq(2,3)=iq(2,4)
+        else
+c sea quarks,code 1
+          iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',0,iret)
+          iq(2,4)=0
+          iq(1,3)=iq(1,4)
+          iq(2,3)=0
+        endif
+      elseif(iremn.ge.2)then
+c count valence quarks properly
+c valence quarks
+        if(idm1.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            if(idst.eq.100)then
+              iq(1,4)=icm1(1)   !flavor of hard quark already defined
+            else
+              iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jctv,1,'v',0,idum)
+            endif
+            if(iq(1,4).gt.0)then !if still exist, update jct and jctv
+              call idsufl3(iq(1,4),1,jctv)
+            else                ! if not, use jct directly
+              iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',1,idum)
+            endif
+          else
+          iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jctv,1,'v',0,idum)
+          if(iq(1,4).gt.0)then          !if still exist, update jct and jctv
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,4),1,jctv)
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,4),1,jct)
+          else                          ! if not, use jct directly
+            iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'v',1,idum)
+          endif
+          endif
+          iq(2,4)=0
+        endif
+        if(idm2.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            if(idst.eq.100)then
+              iq(1,3)=icm2(2)   !flavor of hard antiquark already defined
+            else
+              iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jctv,2,'v',0,idum)
+            endif
+            if(iq(1,3).gt.0)then !if still exist, update jct and jctv
+              call idsufl3(iq(1,3),2,jctv)
+            else                ! if not, use jct directly
+              iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'s',1,idum)
+            endif
+          else
+          iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jctv,2,'v',0,idum)
+          if(iq(1,3).gt.0)then          !if still exist, update jct and jctv
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,3),2,jctv)
+            call idsufl3(iq(1,3),2,jct)
+          else                          ! if not, use jct directly
+            iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'v',1,idum)
+          endif
+          endif
+          iq(2,3)=0
+        endif
+c sea quarks
+        m='v'           !iremn=3
+        if(idm1.eq.1)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='s'
+          j=1                    !quark
+          i=idrafl(icltar,jct,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,4)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jct(i,j)-jctv(i,j).lt.0)jctv(i,j)=jctv(i,j)-1
+          iq(2,4)=0
+        elseif(idm1.ge.4)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='d'
+          j=2                   !anti-diquark
+          i=idrafl(icltar,jct,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,4)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jct(i,j)-jctv(i,j).lt.0)jctv(i,j)=jctv(i,j)-1
+          i=idrafl(icltar,jct,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(2,4)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jct(i,j)-jctv(i,j).lt.0)jctv(i,j)=jctv(i,j)-1
+        endif
+        if(idm2.eq.1)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='s'
+          j=2                    !antiquark
+          i=idrafl(icltar,jct,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,3)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jct(i,j)-jctv(i,j).lt.0)jctv(i,j)=jctv(i,j)-1
+          iq(2,3)=0
+        elseif(idm2.ge.4)then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)m='d'
+          j=1                    !diquark
+          i=idrafl(icltar,jct,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(1,3)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jct(i,j)-jctv(i,j).lt.0)jctv(i,j)=jctv(i,j)-1
+          i=idrafl(icltar,jct,j,m,1,idum)
+          iq(2,3)=i
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.and.jct(i,j)-jctv(i,j).lt.0)jctv(i,j)=jctv(i,j)-1
+        endif
+      elseif(iremn.ne.0)then
+c valence quarks
+        if(idm1.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1.and.idst.eq.100)then
+            iq(1,4)=icm1(1)         !flavor of hard quark already defined
+          else
+            iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'v',1,iret)
+          endif
+          iq(2,4)=0
+        endif
+        if(idm2.eq.2)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.1.and.idst.eq.100)then
+            iq(1,3)=icm2(1)         !flavor of hard antiquark already defined
+          else
+            iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'v',1,iret)
+          endif
+          iq(2,3)=0
+        endif
+c sea quarks
+        if(idm1.eq.1)then
+          iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',1,iret4)
+          iq(2,4)=0
+        endif
+        if(idm2.eq.1)then
+          iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'s',1,iret3)
+          iq(2,3)=0
+        endif
+c diquarks, code 4
+        if(idm1.eq.4.or.idm2.eq.4)then
+          iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'d',1,iret3)
+          iq(2,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'d',1,iret3)
+          iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',1,iret4)
+          iq(2,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',1,iret4)
+        endif
+c diquarks, code 5 (former valence, but actually sea)
+        if(idm1.eq.5)then
+          iq(1,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'d',1,iret4)
+          iq(2,4)=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'d',1,iret4)
+        endif
+        if(idm2.eq.5)then
+          iq(1,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',1,iret3)
+          iq(2,3)=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'d',1,iret3)
+        endif
+        if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+c in case of saturated remnants, use the same flavor for quark and anti-quark
+c at string-end
+        if(iret3.ne.0.or.iret4.ne.0)then
+          do j=1,2
+            do n=1,nrflav
+              jct(n,j)=jcti(n,j)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          if(idm1.gt.idm2.or.(idm1.eq.idm2.and.rangen().gt.0.5))then
+            iq(1,4)=iq(1,3)
+            iq(2,4)=iq(2,3)
+          else
+            iq(1,3)=iq(1,4)
+            iq(2,3)=iq(2,4)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      ifla=iq(1,1)
+      iflb=iq(2,1)
+      iflc=iq(1,3)
+      ifld=iq(2,3)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,2i5,4x,2i5)')
+     *' string 1, string ends:',ifla,iflb,iflc,ifld
+      if(ifla.gt.0)then
+       if(iflb.eq.0)then
+        icp1(1)=10**(6-ifla)
+        icp1(2)=0
+       else
+        icp1(1)=0
+        icp1(2)=10**(6-ifla)
+        icp1(2)=icp1(2)+10**(6-iflb)
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(iflc.gt.0)then
+       if(ifld.eq.0)then
+        icm2(1)=0
+        icm2(2)=10**(6-iflc)
+       else
+        icm2(1)=10**(6-iflc)
+        icm2(1)=icm2(1)+10**(6-ifld)
+        icm2(2)=0
+       endif
+      endif
+      ifla=iq(1,4)
+      iflb=iq(2,4)
+      iflc=iq(1,2)
+      ifld=iq(2,2)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,2i5,4x,2i5)')
+     *' string 2, string ends:',ifla,iflb,iflc,ifld
+      if(ifla.gt.0)then
+       if(iflb.eq.0)then
+        icm1(1)=10**(6-ifla)
+        icm1(2)=0
+       else
+        icm1(1)=0
+        icm1(2)=10**(6-ifla)
+        icm1(2)=icm1(2)+10**(6-iflb)
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(iflc.gt.0)then
+       if(ifld.eq.0)then
+        icp2(1)=0
+        icp2(2)=10**(6-iflc)
+       else
+        icp2(1)=10**(6-iflc)
+        icp2(1)=icp2(1)+10**(6-ifld)
+        icp2(2)=0
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,'(a,2i7,4x,2i7)')
+     *  ' SE-forw:',icp1(1),icp1(2),icp2(1),icp2(2)
+        write(ifch,'(a,2i7,4x,2i7)')
+     *  ' SE-back:',icm1(1),icm1(2),icm2(1),icm2(2)
+        write(ifch,'(a,3x,6i3,3x,6i3)')' proj:',jcp
+        write(ifch,'(a,3x,6i3,3x,6i3)')' proj val:',jcpv
+        write(ifch,'(a,3x,6i3,3x,6i3)')' targ:',jct
+        write(ifch,'(a,3x,6i3,3x,6i3)')' targ val:',jctv
+      endif
+c     exit
+c     ----
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('fstrfl',ish,ishini,7)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine fremfl(icp,ict,iret)
+cc checks projectile and target flavor (icp,ict)
+cc in case of reggeon exchange they do not correspond to hadrons.
+cc one transfers therefore flavor from one side to the other in order
+cc to have hadron flavor.
+cc icp and ict are modified correspondingly
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      integer icp(2),ict(2),jcp(6,2),jct(6,2),kp(4),kt(4)
+c      call utpri('fremfl',ish,ishini,7)
+cc     entry
+cc     -----
+c      iret=0
+c      call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+c      call iddeco(ict,jct)
+c      iakp=0
+c      iakt=0
+c      ikp=0
+c      ikt=0
+c      do l=1,4
+c       kp(l)=jcp(l,1)-jcp(l,2)
+c       kt(l)=jct(l,1)-jct(l,2)
+c       iakp=iakp+iabs(kp(l))
+c       iakt=iakt+iabs(kt(l))
+c       ikp=ikp+kp(l)
+c       ikt=ikt+kt(l)
+c      enddo
+c      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'iak_p:',iakp,' ik_p:',ikp
+c      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'iak_t:',iakt,' ik_t:',ikt
+c      if(iakp.eq.4)then
+c       if(ikp.eq.4.or.ikp.eq.-2)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jcp,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! subtract quark
+c        iqt=1      ! add quark
+c       elseif(ikp.eq.-4.or.ikp.eq.2)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jcp,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c        iqt=2      ! add antiquark
+c       else
+c        call utstop('fremfl&')
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakt.eq.4)then
+c       if(ikt.eq.4.or.ikt.eq.-2)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! add quark
+c        iqt=2      ! subtract quark
+c       elseif(ikt.eq.-4.or.ikt.eq.2)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! add antiquark
+c        iqt=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c       else
+c        call utstop('fremfl&')
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakp.eq.3)then
+c       if(ikp.gt.0)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jcp,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! subtract quark
+c        iqt=1      ! add quark
+c       else
+c        ifl=idrafl(jcp,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c        iqt=2      ! add antiquark
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakt.eq.3)then
+c       if(ikt.gt.0)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! add quark
+c        iqt=2      ! subtract quark
+c       else
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! add antiquark
+c        iqt=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakp.eq.2)then
+c       if(ikp.gt.0)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! add quark
+c        iqt=2      ! subtract quark
+c       else
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! add antiquark
+c        iqt=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakt.eq.2)then
+c       if(ikt.gt.0)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! subtract quark
+c        iqt=1      ! add quark
+c       else
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c        iqt=2      ! add antiquark
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakp.eq.1)then
+c       if(ikp.gt.0)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jcp,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! add antiquark
+c        iqt=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c       else
+c        ifl=idrafl(jcp,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! add quark
+c        iqt=2      ! subtract quark
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iakt.eq.1)then
+c       if(ikt.gt.0)then
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,2,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=1      ! subtract antiquark
+c        iqt=2      ! add antiquark
+c       else
+c        ifl=idrafl(jct,1,'v',iret)
+c        iqp=2      ! subtract quark
+c        iqt=1      ! add quark
+c       endif
+c      else
+c       call utstop('fremfl: error&')
+c      endif
+c      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'iq_p:',iqp,' iq_t:',iqt,' if:',ifl
+c      call uticpl(icp,ifl,iqp,iret)
+c      if(iret.ne.0)goto1000
+c      call uticpl(ict,ifl,iqt,iret)
+c      if(iret.ne.0)goto1000
+cc     exit
+cc     ----
+c1000  continue
+c      call utprix('fremfl',ish,ishini,7)
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine fstrwr(j,ii,jj,k,n)
+c take pstg(5,j),pend(4,ii),idend(ii),pend(4,jj),idend(jj)  (/cems/)
+c and write it to /cptl/
+c  j:     string 1 or 2
+c  ii,jj: string end (1,2: proj; 3,4: targ)
+c  k:     current collision
+c  n:     current pomeron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision pstg,pend,ptt3!,utpcmd
+      common/cems/pstg(5,2),pend(4,4),idend(4)
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      double precision  pp(4)
+      common/cts/its
+      call utpri('fstrwr',ish,ishini,7)
+      if(idend(ii).ne.0.and.idend(jj).ne.0)then
+c string
+c        id1=abs(idend(ii))
+c        id2=abs(idend(jj))
+c        call idmass(id1,am1)
+c        call idmass(id2,am2)
+c        if(id1.gt.100)then
+c          am1=am1+qmass(0)
+c        endif
+c        if(id2.gt.100)then
+c          am2=am2+qmass(0)
+c        endif
+c        ptt3=utpcmd(pstg(5,j),dble(am1),dble(am2),iret)
+c        if(iret.ne.0.or.pstg(5,j)-dble(am1)-dble(am2).le.0d0)then
+c          ptt3=0.5d0*pstg(5,j)
+c          am1=0.
+c          am2=0.
+c        endif
+        am1=0.
+        am2=0.
+        ptt3=0.5d0*pstg(5,j)
+       call utlob2(1,pstg(1,j),pstg(2,j),pstg(3,j),pstg(4,j),pstg(5,j)
+     * ,pend(1,ii),pend(2,ii),pend(3,ii),pend(4,ii),20)
+       pp(1)=0d0
+       pp(2)=0d0
+       pp(3)=ptt3!.5d0*pstg(5,j)
+       pp(4)=sqrt(ptt3*ptt3+dble(am1*am1))!.5d0*pstg(5,j)
+       call utrot2
+     * (-1,pend(1,ii),pend(2,ii),pend(3,ii),pp(1),pp(2),pp(3))
+       call utlob2(-1,pstg(1,j),pstg(2,j),pstg(3,j),pstg(4,j),pstg(5,j)
+     * ,pp(1),pp(2),pp(3),pp(4),21)
+       npom=nppr(n,k)
+       if(ifrptl(1,npom).eq.0)ifrptl(1,npom)=nptl+1
+       ifrptl(2,npom)=nptl+2
+       istptl(npom)=31
+       nptl=nptl+1
+       pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(pp(1))
+       pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(pp(2))
+       pptl(3,nptl)=sngl(pp(3))
+       pptl(4,nptl)=sngl(pp(4))
+       pptl(5,nptl)=am1 !0.
+       istptl(nptl)=20
+       iorptl(nptl)=npom
+       jorptl(nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+       xorptl(1,nptl)=coord(1,k)
+       xorptl(2,nptl)=coord(2,k)
+       xorptl(3,nptl)=coord(3,k)
+       xorptl(4,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+       tivptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+       idptl(nptl)=idend(ii)
+       ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(npom)+j
+       itsptl(nptl)=its
+       rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+       qsqptl(nptl)=pstg(4,j)**2
+       zpaptl(1,nptl)=0.
+       zpaptl(2,nptl)=0.
+       nptl=nptl+1
+       do i=1,4
+        pptl(i,nptl)=sngl(pstg(i,j))-pptl(i,nptl-1)
+       enddo
+       pptl(5,nptl)=am2!0.
+       istptl(nptl)=20
+       iorptl(nptl)=nppr(n,k)
+       jorptl(nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+       xorptl(1,nptl)=coord(1,k)
+       xorptl(2,nptl)=coord(2,k)
+       xorptl(3,nptl)=coord(3,k)
+       xorptl(4,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+       tivptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+       idptl(nptl)=idend(jj)
+       ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(npom)+j
+       itsptl(nptl)=its
+       rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+       qsqptl(nptl)=pstg(4,j)**2
+       zpaptl(1,nptl)=0.
+       zpaptl(2,nptl)=0.
+       if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,100)' kink:',(pptl(l,nptl-1),l=1,4),idptl(nptl-1)
+        write(ifch,100)' kink:',(pptl(l,nptl),l=1,4),idptl(nptl)
+       endif
+      elseif(idend(ii).ne.0.and.idend(jj).eq.0)then
+c resonance
+       npom=nppr(n,k)
+       if(ifrptl(1,npom).eq.0)ifrptl(1,npom)=nptl+1
+       ifrptl(2,npom)=nptl+1
+       istptl(npom)=31
+       nptl=nptl+1
+       idptl(nptl)=idend(ii)
+       pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(pstg(1,j))
+       pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(pstg(2,j))
+       pptl(3,nptl)=sngl(pstg(3,j))
+       pptl(4,nptl)=sngl(pstg(4,j))
+       pptl(5,nptl)=sngl(pstg(5,j))
+       istptl(nptl)=0
+       iorptl(nptl)=npom
+       jorptl(nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+       xorptl(1,nptl)=coord(1,k)
+       xorptl(2,nptl)=coord(2,k)
+       xorptl(3,nptl)=coord(3,k)
+       xorptl(4,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       tivptl(1,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+       tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+       ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(npom)+2+j
+       itsptl(nptl)=its
+       rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+       qsqptl(nptl)=0.
+       zpaptl(1,nptl)=0.
+       zpaptl(2,nptl)=0.
+       if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,100)'  res:',(pptl(l,nptl),l=1,4),idptl(nptl)
+       endif
+      elseif(idend(ii).eq.0.and.idend(jj).eq.0)then
+       goto1000
+      else
+       call utstop('error in fstrwr&')
+      endif
+  100 format(a,4e9.3,i5)
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('fstrwr',ish,ishini,7)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ProReF(ir,m,iretxx)
+c  proposes flavor for remnant m for proj (ir=1) or target (ir=-1)
+c  and writes remnant into /cptl/ as string or hadron
+c   ityptl definitions:
+c      51  41  ...  rmn drop
+c      52  42  ...  rmn str inel
+c      53  43  ...  rmn str diff
+c      54  44  ...  rmn str inel with split (or after droplet or hadron split)
+c      55  45  ...  rmn res
+c      56  46  ...  rmn from split without connexion
+c      57  47  ...  rmn res active spectators
+c      58  48  ...  rmn res from diff
+c      59  49  ...  hadron split
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision plc,s   ,ptt1,ptt2,ptt3
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat,zor,tor
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      double precision amasmin,amasini,xmdrmax,xmdrmin!,utpcmd
+      integer icf(2),icb(2)
+      integer jcf(nflav,2),jcval(nflav,2)!,jcdummy(nflav,2)
+      logical gdrop, ghadr,gproj
+      double precision ept(5),ep(4),aa(5),am2t,piq1,piq2,piq3
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      common /ems12/iodiba,bidiba  ! defaut iodiba=0. if iodiba=1, study H-Dibaryon
+      character c*1,c1*1,c2*1
+      call utpri('ProReF',ish,ishini,3)
+      iretxx=0
+      if(ir.ne.1.and.ir.ne.-1)stop'ProReF: wrong ir'
+      irmdropx=irmdrop
+ 55   idrop=0
+      gdrop=.false.
+      ghadr=.false.
+      iret=0
+      dens=0.0765
+      do j=1,2
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jcf(i,j)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      flow=1.
+      if(ir.eq.1)then
+c        if(kolp(m).le.0)goto1000
+        if(iep(m).le.-1)goto1000
+        gproj=.true.
+        mm=npproj(m)
+        iept=iep(m)
+        zz=zzremn(m,1)
+        iclpt=iclpro
+        isopt=isoproj
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then         !number of valence quarks still in proj
+          if(iLHC.gt.0)then
+            flow=1e10          !to force decay here
+          elseif((iept.eq.3.or.iept.eq.5).and.yrmaxi.gt.1.e-5)then
+            flow=1./fradflii**2
+          endif
+          do nnn=1,nrflav
+            jcval(nnn,1)=jcpval(nnn,1,m)
+            jcval(nnn,2)=jcpval(nnn,2,m)
+          enddo
+          do nnn=nrflav+1,nflav
+            jcval(nnn,1)=0
+            jcval(nnn,2)=0
+          enddo
+        else
+          do nnn=1,nflav
+            jcval(nnn,1)=0
+          enddo
+          do nnn=1,nflav
+            jcval(nnn,2)=0
+          enddo
+        endif
+      elseif(ir.eq.-1)then
+c        if(kolt(m).le.0)goto1000
+        if(iet(m).le.-1)goto1000
+        gproj=.false.
+        mm=nptarg(m)
+        iept=iet(m)
+        zz=zzremn(m,2)
+        iclpt=icltar
+        isopt=isotarg
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then         !number of valence quarks still in proj
+          if(iLHC.gt.0)then
+            flow=1e10          !to force decay here
+          elseif((iept.eq.3.or.iept.eq.5).and.yrmaxi.gt.1.e-5)then
+            flow=1./fradflii**2
+          endif
+          do nnn=1,nrflav
+            jcval(nnn,1)=jctval(nnn,1,m)
+            jcval(nnn,2)=jctval(nnn,2,m)
+          enddo
+          do nnn=nrflav+1,nflav
+            jcval(nnn,1)=0
+            jcval(nnn,2)=0
+          enddo
+        else
+          do nnn=1,nflav
+            jcval(nnn,1)=0
+          enddo
+          do nnn=1,nflav
+            jcval(nnn,2)=0
+          enddo
+        endif
+      else
+        call utstop('ProReF: ir ???&')
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.3)
+     &write(ifch,*)'remnant particle index:',mm,m,iclpt,isopt
+      if(ish.ge.8)call alist('ProRef&',1,nptl)
+      antotre=antotre+1.
+      mmini=mm
+      nptlini=nptl
+      minfra=min(minfra,nptlini)   !for trigger condition
+      do l=1,5
+       ept(l)=dble(pptl(l,mm))
+      enddo
+      ifrptl(1,mm)=0
+      ifrptl(2,mm)=0
+c  initialize forward and backward ic (to transform remnant into string)
+      if(gproj)then
+        icf(1)=icproj(1,m)
+        icf(2)=icproj(2,m)
+        if(icf(1).eq.999999)then    !more than 9 quark : use jcpref
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jcf(i,j)=jcpref(i,j,m)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        else
+          call iddeco(icf,jcf)
+        endif
+      else                     !gtarg
+        icf(1)=ictarg(1,m)
+        icf(2)=ictarg(2,m)
+        if(icf(1).eq.999999)then    !more than 9 quark : use jctref
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nrflav
+              jcf(i,j)=jctref(i,j,m)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        else
+          call iddeco(icf,jcf)
+        endif
+      endif
+      icb(1)=0
+      icb(2)=0
+      call idquacjc(jcf,nqu,naq)
+c use RemoveHadron if too many c quarks
+      if(nrflav.gt.3)then
+        nqc=jcf(4,1)+jcf(4,2)
+        if(nqu.lt.3.and.jcf(4,1).gt.1.or.
+     &     naq.lt.3.and.jcf(4,2).gt.1.or.
+     &             jcf(4,1)*jcf(4,2).gt.1 )nqc=4
+      else
+        nqc=0
+      endif
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then
+        ier=0
+        ires=0
+        id=idtra(icf,ier,ires,0)
+        if(ier.eq.0)then
+          call idspin(id,ispin,jspin,istra)
+        else
+          ispin=0
+          jspin=0
+          istra=0
+        endif
+      endif
+c define masses
+      amasmin=dble(fremnux(jcf))**2.d0
+      if(ept(5).le.0.d0)then
+        ept(5)=dble(fremnux(jcf)*(1.+rangen()))
+        if(ish.ge.2)then
+          call utmsg('ProReF')
+          write(ifch,*)'zero remnant mass -> amasmin'
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+      endif
+      am2t=sqrt(ept(1)**2+ept(2)**2+ept(5)**2)
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.ept(4).gt.am2t.and.(iept.eq.0.or.iept.eq.6))then
+        ept(3)=sign(sqrt((ept(4)+am2t)*(ept(4)-am2t)),ept(3))
+      else
+        ept(4)=sqrt(ept(3)*ept(3)+ept(2)*ept(2)+ept(1)*ept(1)
+     &           +ept(5)*ept(5))
+      endif
+      am2t=(ept(4)+ept(3))*(ept(4)-ept(3))-(ept(1)**2+ept(2)**2)
+      if(ish.ge.2
+     &   .and.(am2t.lt.-1d0.or.abs(am2t-ept(5)*ept(5)).gt.ept(5)))then
+          write(ifch,*)'Precision problem in ProRef, p:',
+     &             (ept(k),k=1,4),ept(5)*ept(5),am2t
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        if(gproj)then
+            write(ifch,'(a,5e11.3,2i7)')' proj:'
+     &      ,(sngl(ept(k)) ,k=1,5),(icproj(k,m) ,k=1,2)
+        else    !gtarg
+           write(ifch,'(a,5e11.3,2i7)')' targ:'
+     &      ,(sngl(ept(k)) ,k=1,5),(ictarg(k,m),k=1,2)
+         endif
+      endif
+      amasini=ept(5)*ept(5)
+      xmdrmin=dble(fremnux(jcf)+amdrmin)**2
+      xmdrmax=dble(fremnux(jcf)+amdrmax)**2
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'remnant masses:',am2t,amasini,amasmin
+     &                ,xmdrmin,zz,iept
+c.............................exotic ...................................
+c      if(amasini.gt.amasmin.and.irmdropx.eq.1)then
+c      if(.not.((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+      if((iept.eq.3.or.iept.eq.5.or.
+c     &   (iept.eq.1.and.iremn.eq.3!.and.amasini.le.xmdrmin
+c     &    .and.(jcf(4,1)+jcf(4,2).eq.0)).or.
+     &   .not.((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+     &           .or.(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1))).and.nqc.le.3
+     &    .and.amasini.gt.amasmin.and.irmdropx.eq.1)then
+c      if((
+c     &   .not.((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+c     &           .or.(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1)).or.
+c     &   (iept.ne.0.and.iept.le.2.and.reminv/ept(5).gt.rangen()))
+c     &    .and.amasini.gt.amasmin.and.irmdropx.eq.1)then
+         !print*,'-------------------------------------------' !!!
+         !print*,jcf
+         !print*,icf,sqrt(amasini),sqrt(amasmin),sqrt(xmdrmin)  !!!
+         !print*,nqu,naq                                      !!!
+c charm not possible in droplet
+        if(iremn.ge.2.or.
+     &     (amasini.gt.xmdrmin.or.nqc.ne.0))then
+          if(iremn.eq.2)then
+         call getdropx(ir,iept,m,icf,jcf,jcval,zz,ept,aa
+     &                                          ,gdrop,xmdrmax)
+          else
+         call getdroplet(ir,iept,icf,jcf,zz,ept,aa,gdrop,xmdrmax)
+          endif
+          !--------------------------------
+          !emit a droplet, update the remnant string flavor and 5-momentum
+          ! input
+          !     ir ......... 1  projectile, -1  target remnant
+          !     ept ........ remnant  5-momentum
+          !     jcf ........ remnant jc
+          ! output
+          !     gdrop ...  .true. = successful droplet emission
+          !                          jcf, ept ....... droplet  ic and 5-momentum
+          !                          icf, a ......... remnant string jc and 5-momentum
+          !               .false. = unsuccessful
+          !                          jcf, ept .... unchanged,
+          !                          emits hadrons instead of droplet
+c         !                          considered as droplet jc and 5-momentum
+          !-------------------------------------
+        endif
+c redefine energy and charm quarks in droplet
+        amasini=ept(5)*ept(5)
+        nqc=jcf(4,1)+jcf(4,2)
+c use remove hadrons if droplet too heavy (should not happen) or charm
+        if(amasini.gt.1e4.or.nqc.ne.0)goto 500
+        !...........droplet
+        !also in case of unsuccessful drop emission, then remnant = droplet !
+        idrop=1
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        t=xorptl(4,mm)
+        istptl(mm)=41
+        ifrptl(1,mm)=nptl
+        ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+        tivptl(2,mm)=t
+c            Remnant radius to have eps=dens GeV/fm3
+        radptl(nptl)=(3.*sngl(ept(5))/4./pi/dens)**0.3333
+        dezptl(nptl)=0.
+        do l=1,5
+          pptl(l,nptl)=sngl(ept(l))
+        enddo
+        if(gdrop)then
+          idx=0
+        else
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            idx=idtra(icf,0,0,0)
+          else
+            idx=idtra(icf,0,0,3)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(abs(idx).gt.100)then
+         amx=sngl(ept(5))
+         call idres(idx,amx,idrx,iadjx)
+         idx=idrx
+        else
+         idx=0
+        endif
+        if(idx.eq.0)then
+          istptl(nptl)=10
+          call idenct(jcf,idptl(nptl)
+     *    ,ibptl(1,nptl),ibptl(2,nptl),ibptl(3,nptl),ibptl(4,nptl))
+          if(gproj)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=40
+          else  !gtarg
+            ityptl(nptl)=50
+          endif
+        else
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          idptl(nptl)=idx
+          pptl(5,nptl)=amx
+          pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(amx*amx+pptl(1,nptl)*pptl(1,nptl)
+     &       +pptl(2,nptl)*pptl(2,nptl)+pptl(3,nptl)*pptl(3,nptl))
+          if(gproj)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=45
+            if(iept.eq.6)ityptl(nptl)=47
+          else  !gtarg
+            ityptl(nptl)=55
+            if(iept.eq.6)ityptl(nptl)=57
+          endif
+        endif
+        iorptl(nptl)=mm
+        jorptl(nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,mm)
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,mm)
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,mm)
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=t
+        call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+        do l=1,4
+          ibptl(l,nptl)=0
+        enddo
+        andropl=andropl+1
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'Proref,ept(5),id',ept(5),idptl(nptl)
+        !print*,nptl,idptl(nptl),sngl(ept(5)),pptl(5,nptl)  !!!
+        !..........remnant update
+        if(gdrop)then  !drop emission: new remnant -> ept, icf
+          idrop=0
+          do l=1,5
+            ept(l)=aa(l)
+          enddo
+          call iddeco(icf,jcf)
+          call idquacjc(jcf,nqu,naq)
+          if(iret.eq.1)call utstop('Pb in ProRef in strg+drop process&')
+          !!!  print*,'new remnant:',icf,ept(5)    !!!
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          t=xorptl(4,mm)
+          ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+          do l=1,5
+            pptl(l,nptl)=sngl(ept(l))
+          enddo
+          idptl(nptl)=idptl(mm)
+          istptl(nptl)=40
+          iorptl(nptl)=mm
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,mm)
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,mm)
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,mm)
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=t
+          tivptl(2,nptl)=ainfin
+          if(gproj)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=40
+          else   !gtarg
+            ityptl(nptl)=50
+          endif
+          do l=1,4
+            ibptl(l,nptl)=0
+          enddo
+        endif
+        !........decay mini-droplet......
+        mm=nptlini+1
+        nptlb=nptl
+        if(iabs(idptl(mm)).gt.10**8)then
+          iret=0
+          if(iorsdf.ne.3.or.pptl(5,mm).gt.100.
+     &       .or.amasini.le.amasmin*flow)then      !decay here only if no fusion or large mass or mass too low for flow
+          if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'Decay remnant droplet...'
+          if(nptlb.gt.mxptl-10)call utstop('ProRef: mxptl too small&')
+          if(ifrade.gt.0.and.ispherio.eq.0)then
+            if(ioclude.eq.3.or.dble(pptl(5,mm)).lt.xmdrmin)then
+              call hnbaaa(mm,iret)
+            else
+              call DropletDecay(mm,iret)!Decay remn
+              iret=0
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(iret.ne.1.and.nptl.ne.nptlb)then ! ---successful decay---
+            istptl(mm)=istptl(mm)+1
+            ifrptl(1,mm)=nptlb+1
+            ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+            t=tivptl(2,mm)
+            x=xorptl(1,mm)+(t-xorptl(4,mm))*pptl(1,mm)/pptl(4,mm)
+            y=xorptl(2,mm)+(t-xorptl(4,mm))*pptl(2,mm)/pptl(4,mm)
+            z=xorptl(3,mm)+(t-xorptl(4,mm))*pptl(3,mm)/pptl(4,mm)
+            do 21 n=nptlb+1,nptl
+              iorptl(n)=mm
+              jorptl(n)=0
+              istptl(n)=0
+              ifrptl(1,n)=0
+              ifrptl(2,n)=0
+              radius=0.8*sqrt(rangen())
+              phi=2*pi*rangen()
+              ti=t
+              zi=z
+              xorptl(1,n)=x + radius*cos(phi)
+              xorptl(2,n)=y + radius*sin(phi)
+              xorptl(3,n)=zi
+              xorptl(4,n)=ti
+              iioo=mm
+              zor=dble(xorptl(3,iioo))
+              tor=dble(xorptl(4,iioo))
+c              call idquac(iioo,nq,ndummy1,ndummy2,jcdummy)
+              r=rangen()
+              tauran=-taurea*alog(r)
+              call jtaix(n,tauran,zor,tor,zis,tis)
+              tivptl(1,n)=amax1(ti,tis)
+              call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+              r=rangen()
+              tivptl(2,n)=t+taugm*(-alog(r))
+c              ityptl(n)=ityptl(n)+1         !already in hnbaaa
+              if(iept.eq.6)ityptl(n)=ityptl(n)+5  !6
+              radptl(n)=0.
+              dezptl(n)=0.
+              itsptl(n)=0
+              rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+   21       continue
+            if(iabs(idptl(nptlb+1)).le.6) then
+              call gakli2(0,0)
+              if(ish.ge.1)write (ifmt,*)'string from drop:nptlb+1,nptl:'
+     *                                 ,nptlb+1,nptl
+              istptl(nptlb+1)=1
+              do n=nptlb+2,nptl
+                istptl(n)=20
+                zpaptl(1,n)=0.
+                zpaptl(2,n)=0.
+              enddo
+              call gakfra(0,iret)
+              call gakli2(0,0)
+            endif
+            jerr(4)=jerr(4)+1
+          elseif(ifrade.gt.0.and.ispherio.eq.0)then ! Unsuccessful decay
+            jerr(5)=jerr(5)+1
+            if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     *         '***** Unsuccessful remnant cluster decay'
+     *             ,' --> do RemoveHadrons instead.'
+            mm=mmini
+            nptl=nptlini
+            irmdropx=0
+            goto 55
+          endif
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(idrop.eq.1)goto 1000
+        !successful drop decay, no additional string, nothing to do
+      endif
+ 500  mm=mmini
+      if(gdrop)mm=nptlini+2
+      istptl(mm)=41
+      ifrptl(1,mm)=nptl+1
+c........................remove hadrons.........................
+      if(.not.((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+     &          .or.(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1)))then
+        if(irmdropx.eq.irmdrop)then
+          jerr(6)=jerr(6)+1
+             !call utmsg('ProReF')
+             !write(ifch,*)'***** condition for droplet treatment: '
+             !write(ifch,*)'*****  amasini.gt.amasmin.and.irmdropx.eq.1 = '
+             !*           ,amasini.gt.amasmin.and.irmdropx.eq.1
+             !write(ifch,*)'***** amasini,amasmin,irmdropx:'
+             !*                 ,amasini,amasmin,irmdropx
+             !write(ifch,*)'***** nqu,naq:',nqu,naq
+             !write(ifch,*)'***** call RemoveHadrons'
+             !call utmsgf
+        endif
+       call RemoveHadrons(gproj,ghadr,m,mm,jcf,jcval,icf,ept,iret)
+       if(iret.ne.0)then
+         iretxx=1
+         goto 1000
+       endif
+      endif
+c........................ determine idr (0=string, else=resonance).......
+      if(icf(1).eq.0.and.icf(2).eq.0)then
+        id=110
+      else
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          id=idtra(icf,0,0,0)
+        else
+          id=idtra(icf,0,0,3)
+        endif
+      endif
+      idr=0
+      am=sngl(ept(5))
+      call idres(id,am,idr,iadj)
+c      if(iabs(mod(idr,10)).le.2.and.idr.ne.0)then
+c       id=idr
+c      else
+c       idr=0
+c      endif                                !ckeck on-shell mass (see uti)
+      if(iadj.ne.0.and.iept.gt.0.and.ept(5).gt.0.d0
+     &     .and.(dabs((ept(4)+ept(3))*(ept(4)-ept(3))
+     $           -ept(2)**2-ept(1)**2-dble(am)**2).gt.0.3d0))idr=0
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write(ifch,'(a,5e11.3)')' updt:',(sngl(ept(k)) ,k=1,5)
+        write(ifch,*)'            icf: ',icf,' idr: ',idr,' iept: ',iept
+      endif
+c      if(iept.eq.3)stop'ProReF: iept=3 ???'
+      if(iept.gt.0.and.iept.ne.6.and.idr.eq.0)then
+        !... nqu of remainder string
+        anstrg0=anstrg0+1
+        if(gdrop)anstrg1=anstrg1+1
+        call iddeco(icf,jcf)
+        nqu=0
+        nqv=0
+        nav=0
+        do l=1,nrflav
+          nqu=nqu+jcf(l,1)-jcf(l,2)
+          nqv=nqv+jcval(l,1)+jcval(l,2)
+          nav=nav+jcval(l,2)
+        enddo
+c        if(zrminc.lt.0.)stop'ProReF: not supported any more.         '
+        !......determine forward momentum ep
+        am1=0.
+        am2=0.
+        ptt1=0d0
+        ptt2=0d0
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          pt=ranptcut(1.)*ptfraqq
+          if(pt.lt.0.5d0*ept(5))then
+            phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+            ptt1=dble(pt*cos(phi))
+            ptt2=dble(pt*sin(phi))
+          endif
+          ptt3=dble(ir)*sqrt((0.5d0*ept(5))**2-ptt1*ptt1-ptt2*ptt2)
+        else
+          ptt3=dble(ir)*0.5d0*ept(5)
+        endif
+        ep(1)=ptt1
+        ep(2)=ptt2
+        ep(3)=ptt3
+cc        ep(4)=0.5d0*ept(5)
+        ep(4)=sqrt(ptt3*ptt3+ptt2*ptt2+ptt1*ptt1+dble(am1*am1))
+c        if(abs(ept(3)).le.ptsend)then
+c          phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+c          theta=2.*pi*rangen()
+c          ca=cos(theta)
+c          sa=sin(theta)
+c          call utroa2(dble(phi),dble(ca),dble(sa),0d0,ep(1),ep(2),ep(3))
+c        endif
+        call utlob2(-1,ept(1),ept(2),ept(3),ept(4),ept(5)
+     *     ,ep(1),ep(2),ep(3),ep(4),25)
+        xxx=min(1.,sngl(abs(ep(3)/ep(4))))
+        qqs=sngl(ept(5)**2)
+        !....determine forward and backward flavor icf, icb
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then
+          xm3val=9.
+          xm2val=3.
+          xm1val=1.
+          ntryx=0
+ 33       xx1=0.
+          xx2=0.
+          xx3=0.
+          del=1./(1.-alppar)
+          if(nqv.eq.3)then
+            xx1=min(1.,ranptcut(xm3val))
+            xx2=min(1.,ranptcut(xm3val))
+            xx3=min(1.,ranptcut(xm3val))
+          elseif(nqv.eq.2)then
+            xx1=min(1.,ranptcut(xm2val))
+            xx2=min(1.,ranptcut(xm2val))
+            xx3=rangen()**del
+          elseif(nqv.eq.1)then
+            xx1=min(1.,ranptcut(xm1val))
+            xx2=rangen()**del
+            xx3=rangen()**del
+          else
+            xx1=rangen()**del
+            xx2=rangen()**del
+            xx3=rangen()**del
+          endif
+          if(ntryx.lt.1000)then
+            if(xx1+xx2+xx3.gt.1)goto 33
+          else
+            xx1=rangen()
+            xx2=rangen()*(1.-xx1)
+            xx3=rangen()*(1.-xx1-xx2)
+          endif
+          xx1=xxx*xx1
+          xx2=xxx*xx2
+          xx3=xxx*xx3
+          piq1=0d0
+          piq2=0d0
+          piq3=0d0
+          if(iept.eq.4)then
+            ireminv=0       !no inversion for very low mass diffraction
+          else
+c inversion needed for inelatic remnant because of cascade (NA49)
+            ireminv=1  
+          endif
+       if(nqu.eq.3)then      !---baryon---
+          c="s"
+          if(nqv.ge.1)c="v"
+          iq1=idraflx(piq1,xx1,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,1,isopt,c)
+          c="s"
+          if(nqv.ge.2)c="v"
+          iq2=idraflx(piq2,xx2,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,1,isopt,c)
+          c="s"
+          if(nqv.ge.3)c="v"
+          iq3=idraflx(piq3,xx3,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,1,isopt,c)
+c rescale x to have heavier quark backward (neutron in ZEUS or lambda in NA49 not forward)
+c          if(iept.eq.2)then
+c            if(isopt.gt.0)then
+c              xx1=xx1/float(iq1)
+c              xx2=xx2/float(iq2)
+c              xx3=xx3/float(iq3)
+c            elseif(isopt.lt.0)then
+c              if(iq1.lt.3)then
+c                xx1=xx1/float(3-iq1)
+c              else
+c                xx1=xx1/float(iq1)
+c              endif
+c              if(iq2.lt.3)then
+c                xx2=xx2/float(3-iq2)
+c              else
+c                xx2=xx2/float(iq2)
+c              endif
+c              if(iq3.lt.3)then
+c                xx3=xx3/float(3-iq3)
+c              else
+c                xx3=xx3/float(iq3)
+c              endif
+c            endif
+c          endif
+          call neworderx(xx3,xx2,xx1,iq3,iq2,iq1)
+          if(xx2-xx3.gt.reminv*(xx1-xx2))ireminv=0
+c put always strange quarks in diquark (for lambda and cascade (NA49))
+          if(iq3.ge.3.and.ireminv.eq.0)ireminv=1 !here inversion only in diffraction except for strange particles (lambda and cascade very central)
+c if inversion for diffractive and inelastic
+c          if(iq1+iq2.lt.6.and.iq3.ge.3.and.ireminv.eq.0)then
+c            iqtmp=iq3
+c            if(iq2.eq.3.or.(iq1.ne.3.and.rangen().gt.0.5))then
+c              iq3=iq1
+c              iq1=iqtmp
+c            else
+c              iq3=iq2
+c              iq2=iqtmp
+c            endif
+c          endif
+          if(ireminv.eq.0)then
+            call uticpl(icf,iq3,2,iret) ! antiquark
+            call uticpl(icb,iq3,1,iret) ! quark
+          else
+            call uticpl(icf,iq3,2,iret) ! antiquark
+            call uticpl(icb,iq3,1,iret) ! quark
+            call uticpl(icf,iq2,2,iret) ! antiquark
+            call uticpl(icb,iq2,1,iret) ! quark
+          endif
+        elseif(nqu.eq.-3)then !---antibaryon---
+          c="s"
+          if(nqv.ge.1)c="v"
+          iq1=idraflx(piq1,xx1,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,2,isopt,c)
+          c="s"
+          if(nqv.ge.2)c="v"
+          iq2=idraflx(piq2,xx2,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,2,isopt,c)
+          c="s"
+          if(nqv.ge.3)c="v"
+          iq3=idraflx(piq3,xx3,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,2,isopt,c)
+c rescale x to have heavier quark backward (neutron in ZEUS or lambda in NA49 not forward)
+c          if(iept.eq.2)then
+c            if(isopt.gt.0)then
+c              xx1=xx1/float(iq1)
+c              xx2=xx2/float(iq2)
+c              xx3=xx3/float(iq3)
+c            elseif(isopt.lt.0)then
+c              if(iq1.lt.3)then
+c                xx1=xx1/float(3-iq1)
+c              else
+c                xx1=xx1/float(iq1)
+c              endif
+c              if(iq2.lt.3)then
+c                xx2=xx2/float(3-iq2)
+c              else
+c                xx2=xx2/float(iq2)
+c              endif
+c              if(iq3.lt.3)then
+c                xx3=xx3/float(3-iq3)
+c              else
+c                xx3=xx3/float(iq3)
+c              endif
+c            endif
+c          endif
+          call neworderx(xx3,xx2,xx1,iq3,iq2,iq1)
+          if(xx2-xx3.gt.reminv*(xx1-xx2))ireminv=0
+c put always strange quarks in diquark
+          if(iq3.ge.3.and.ireminv.eq.0)ireminv=1
+c          if(iq1+iq2.lt.6.and.iq3.ge.3.and.ireminv.eq.0)then
+c            iqtmp=iq3
+c            if(iq2.eq.3.or.(iq1.ne.3.and.rangen().gt.0.5))then
+c              iq3=iq1
+c              iq1=iqtmp
+c            else
+c              iq3=iq2
+c              iq2=iqtmp
+c            endif
+c          endif
+          if(ireminv.eq.0)then
+            call uticpl(icf,iq3,1,iret) ! quark
+            call uticpl(icb,iq3,2,iret) ! antiquark
+          else
+            call uticpl(icf,iq1,1,iret) ! quark
+            call uticpl(icb,iq1,2,iret) ! antiquark
+            call uticpl(icf,iq2,1,iret) ! quark
+            call uticpl(icb,iq2,2,iret) ! antiquark
+          endif
+        elseif(nqu.eq.0)then !---meson---
+          xx3=0.    !no third quark
+          iq3=0
+          if(nqv.eq.2)then
+            c1="v"
+            c2="v"
+            j=min(2,1+int(0.5+rangen()))
+          elseif(nav.ne.0)then    !valence antiquark
+            c1="v"
+            c2="s"
+            j=2
+          elseif(nqv.ne.0)then    !valence quark
+            c1="v"
+            c2="s"
+            j=1
+          else                    !only sea quarks
+            c1="s"
+            c2="s"
+            j=min(2,1+int(0.5+rangen()))
+          endif
+          iq1=idraflx(piq1,xx1,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,j,isopt,c1)
+          iq2=idraflx(piq2,xx2,qqs,iclpt,jcf,jcval,3-j,isopt,c2)
+          if(xx1.gt.xx2)ireminv=0
+         if(ireminv.eq.1)then
+            call uticpl(icf,iq1,3-j,iret) ! subtract quark 1 forward
+            call uticpl(icb,iq1,j,iret) ! add quark 1 backward
+          else
+            call uticpl(icf,iq2,j,iret) ! subtract antiquark 2 forward
+            call uticpl(icb,iq2,3-j,iret) ! add antiquark 2 backward
+          endif
+        else
+          call utmsg('ProReF')
+          write(ifch,*)'***** neither baryon nor antibaryon nor meson.'
+          write(ifch,*)'*****  number of net quarks:',nqu
+          write(ifmt,*)'ProReF: no hadron; ',nqu,' quarks  --> redo'
+          iretxx=1
+          goto 1000
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,'(a,2i3,3(i2,e13.6))')' inversion:',isopt
+     &         ,ireminv,iq1,xx1,iq2,xx2,iq3,xx3
+        else
+        ireminv=0
+        if(iept.ne.0)then
+          if(rangen().lt.reminv)ireminv=1
+        endif
+        if(nqu.eq.3)then      !---baryon---
+          iq=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,1,'v',1,iret)
+          call uticpl(icf,iq,2,iret)       ! antiquark
+          call uticpl(icb,iq,1,iret)       ! quark
+          if(ireminv.eq.1)then
+           iq=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,1,'v',1,iret)
+           call uticpl(icf,iq,2,iret)       ! antiquark
+           call uticpl(icb,iq,1,iret)       ! quark
+          endif
+        elseif(nqu.eq.-3)then !---antibaryon---
+          iq=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,2,'v',1,iret)
+          call uticpl(icf,iq,1,iret)       ! quark
+          call uticpl(icb,iq,2,iret)       ! antiquark
+          if(ireminv.eq.1)then
+           iq=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,2,'v',1,iret)
+           call uticpl(icf,iq,1,iret)       ! quark
+           call uticpl(icb,iq,2,iret)       ! antiquark
+          endif
+        elseif(nqu.eq.0)then !---meson---
+           iq1=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,1,'v',1,iret)
+           iq2=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,2,'v',1,iret)
+           if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+             call uticpl(icf,iq1,2,iret) ! subtract quark
+             call uticpl(icb,iq1,1,iret) ! add quark
+           else
+             call uticpl(icf,iq2,1,iret) ! subtract antiquark
+             call uticpl(icb,iq2,2,iret) ! add antiquark
+           endif
+c        elseif(nqu.eq.0)then !---meson---
+c          if(iept.ne.1.and.iept.ne.6.and.rangen().lt.0.5)then
+c           iq=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,1,'v',1,iret)
+c           call uticpl(icf,iq,2,iret)       ! subtract quark
+c           call uticpl(icb,iq,1,iret)       ! add quark
+c          else
+cc put quark in forward direction always for inelastic
+c           iq=idrafl(iclpt,jcf,2,'v',1,iret)
+c           call uticpl(icf,iq,1,iret)       ! subtract antiquark
+c           call uticpl(icb,iq,2,iret)       ! add antiquark
+c          endif
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.1)then
+          call utmsg('ProReF')
+          write(ifch,*)'***** neither baryon nor antibaryon nor meson.'
+          write(ifch,*)'*****  number of net quarks:',nqu
+          endif
+          write(ifmt,*)'ProReF: no hadron; ',nqu,' quarks  --> redo'
+          iretxx=1
+          goto1000
+        endif
+      endif
+        !..... forward string end
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('ProRef: mxptl too small&')
+        pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(ep(1))
+        pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(ep(2))
+        pptl(3,nptl)=sngl(ep(3))
+        pptl(4,nptl)=sngl(ep(4))
+        pptl(5,nptl)=am1 !0.
+        istptl(nptl)=20
+        iorptl(nptl)=mm
+        if(.not.gdrop)istptl(mm)=41
+        jorptl(nptl)=0
+        if(.not.ghadr.and..not.gdrop)ifrptl(1,mm)=nptl
+        ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,mm)
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,mm)
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,mm)
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,mm)
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          idptl(nptl)=idtra(icf,0,0,0)
+        else
+          idptl(nptl)=idtra(icf,0,0,3)
+        endif
+        if(gproj)then
+          if(iep(m).lt.1)stop'ProReF: iep(m)<1     '
+          ityptl(nptl)=41+iep(m)  ! =42 =43 =44 =46 =47
+          if(iep(m).eq.4)ityptl(nptl)=42
+          if(gdrop.and.iep(m).ne.6)ityptl(nptl)=44
+          if(ghadr)ityptl(nptl)=44
+        else  !gtarg
+          if(iet(m).lt.1)stop'ProReF: iet(m)<1     '
+          ityptl(nptl)=51+iet(m)  !=52 =53 =54 =56 =57
+          if(iet(m).eq.4)ityptl(nptl)=52
+          if(gdrop.and.iet(m).ne.6)ityptl(nptl)=54
+          if(ghadr)ityptl(nptl)=54
+        endif
+        itsptl(nptl)=1
+        qsqptl(nptl)=qqs
+        rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+        !write(6,'(a,i9,$)')'     ',idptl(nptl) !======================
+        zpaptl(1,nptl)=zz
+        if(gproj)then
+          zpaptl(2,nptl)=float(lproj(m))
+c          zpaptl(2,nptl)=0.
+c          if(lproj(m).ge.1)then
+c            do l=1,lproj(m)
+c              kpair=kproj(m,l)
+c              itt=itarg(kpair)
+c              zpaptl(2,nptl)=zpaptl(2,nptl)+zzremn(itt,2)
+c            enddo
+c          endif
+        else  !gtarg
+          zpaptl(2,nptl)=float(ltarg(m))
+c          zpaptl(2,nptl)=0.
+c          if(ltarg(m).ge.1)then
+c            do l=1,ltarg(m)
+c              kpair=ktarg(m,l)
+c              ipp=iproj(kpair)
+c              zpaptl(2,nptl)=zpaptl(2,nptl)+zzremn(ipp,1)
+c            enddo
+c          endif
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.3)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,5e11.3,$)')' kink:',(pptl(k,nptl),k=1,5)
+          write(ifch,*)' id: ',idptl(nptl)
+        endif
+        !....... backward string end
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('ProRef: mxptl too small&')
+        pptl2=0.
+        do i=1,3
+         pptl(i,nptl)=sngl(ept(i)-ep(i))
+         pptl2=pptl2+pptl(i,nptl)*pptl(i,nptl)
+        enddo
+        pptl(5,nptl)=am2 !0.
+        pptl2=pptl2+pptl(5,nptl)*pptl(5,nptl)
+        pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl2)
+        pptl2=sngl(ept(4)-ep(4))
+        if(ish.ge.1.and.abs(pptl2-pptl(4,nptl)).gt.max(0.1,
+     &                                         0.1*abs(pptl2)))then
+          write(ifmt,*)
+     &    'Warning in ProRef: inconsistent backward string end energy !'
+     &    ,pptl(4,nptl),pptl2,abs(pptl2-pptl(4,nptl)),am1,am2,ptt3,ep(4)
+          if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)
+     &    'Warning in ProRef: inconsistent backward string end energy !'
+     &    ,(pptl(kkk,nptl),kkk=1,4),pptl2,abs(pptl2-pptl(4,nptl))
+        endif
+        istptl(nptl)=20
+        iorptl(nptl)=mm
+        jorptl(nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,mm)
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,mm)
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,mm)
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,mm)
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          idptl(nptl)=idtra(icb,0,0,0)
+        else
+          idptl(nptl)=idtra(icb,0,0,3)
+        endif
+        if(gproj)then
+          ityptl(nptl)=41+iep(m)  ! =42 =43 =47
+          if(iep(m).eq.4)ityptl(nptl)=42
+          if(gdrop.and.iep(m).ne.6)ityptl(nptl)=44
+          if(ghadr)ityptl(nptl)=44
+        else  !gtarg
+          ityptl(nptl)=51+iet(m)  !=52 =53 =57
+          if(iet(m).eq.4)ityptl(nptl)=52
+          if(gdrop.and.iet(m).ne.6)ityptl(nptl)=54
+          if(ghadr)ityptl(nptl)=54
+        endif
+        itsptl(nptl)=1
+        qsqptl(nptl)=qqs
+        rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+        !write(6,'(a,i9)')'     ',idptl(nptl)
+        zpaptl(1,nptl)=0.
+        zpaptl(2,nptl)=1.
+        if(ish.ge.3)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,5e11.3,$)')' kink:',(pptl(k,nptl),k=1,5)
+          write(ifch,*)' id: ',idptl(nptl)
+        endif
+c............................no string = resonance...................
+      else
+        anreso0=anreso0+1
+        if(gdrop)anreso1=anreso1+1
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(idr.ne.0)id=idr
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('ProRef: mxptl too small&')
+        if(iept.eq.0.or.iept.eq.6)call idmass(id,am)
+        idptl(nptl)=id
+        pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(ept(1))
+        pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(ept(2))
+        am2t=sqrt(ept(2)*ept(2)+ept(1)*ept(1)+dble(am*am))
+        if(iLHC.eq.1.and.ept(4).gt.am2t)then   !conserve value of E on not pz
+          pptl(4,nptl)=sngl(ept(4))
+          pptl(3,nptl)=sngl(sign(sqrt((ept(4)+am2t)*(ept(4)-am2t))
+     &                          ,ept(3)))
+        else
+          pptl(3,nptl)=sngl(ept(3))
+          pptl(4,nptl)=sngl(sqrt(ept(3)*ept(3)+am2t))
+        endif
+        pptl(5,nptl)=am
+        istptl(nptl)=0
+        iorptl(nptl)=mm
+        if(.not.gdrop)istptl(mm)=41
+        jorptl(nptl)=0
+        if(.not.ghadr.and..not.gdrop)ifrptl(1,mm)=nptl
+        ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,mm)
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,mm)
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,mm)
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,mm)
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+        call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+        if(gproj)then
+          ityptl(nptl)=45
+          if(gdrop)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=46
+          elseif(iept.eq.6)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=47
+          elseif(iept.eq.2.or.iept.eq.4)then
+c          elseif(iept.eq.2)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=48
+          elseif(ghadr)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=49
+          else
+            mine=0
+            mdif=0
+            do l=1,lproj(m)
+              kp=kproj(m,l)
+              if(abs(itpr(kp)).eq.1)mine=1
+              if(itpr(kp).eq.2)mdif=1
+            enddo
+            if(mine.eq.0.and.mdif.eq.1)ityptl(nptl)=48
+          endif
+        else   !gtarg
+          ityptl(nptl)=55
+          if(gdrop)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=56
+          elseif(iept.eq.6)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=57
+          elseif(iept.eq.2.or.iept.eq.4)then
+c          elseif(iept.eq.2)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=58
+          elseif(ghadr)then
+            ityptl(nptl)=59
+          else
+            mine=0
+            mdif=0
+            do l=1,lproj(m)
+              kp=kproj(m,l)
+              if(abs(itpr(kp)).eq.1)mine=1
+              if(itpr(kp).eq.2)mdif=1
+            enddo
+            if(mine.eq.0.and.mdif.eq.1)ityptl(nptl)=58
+          endif
+        endif
+        itsptl(nptl)=0
+        qsqptl(nptl)=0.
+        rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,'(a,5e10.3,i7)')' nucl:'
+     *         ,(pptl(i,nptl),i=1,5),idptl(nptl)
+      endif
+c      print *,iep(1),iet(1),ityptl(nptl)
+ 1000 call utprix('ProReF',ish,ishini,3)
+ctp060829        if(ityptl(nptl).gt.60)print*,ityptl(nptl)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine RemoveHadrons(gproj,ghadr,m,mm,jcf,jcv
+     &                        ,icf,ept,iret)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      integer jcf(nflav,2),jcv(nflav,2),icf(2)
+      double precision aa(5),ept(5)
+      logical ghadr,gproj
+      common/ems6/ivp0,iap0,idp0,isp0,ivt0,iat0,idt0,ist0
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      iret=0
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then
+        if(gproj)then
+          idrf=idp(m)
+        else
+          idrf=idt(m)
+        endif
+      else
+        if(gproj)then
+          idrf=idp0
+        else
+          idrf=idt0
+        endif
+      endif
+      call idquacjc(jcf,nqu,naq)
+      if(nqu.eq.naq.and.(nqu.le.2.or.idrf.eq.0))then
+        nmes=nqu
+        nmes=nmes-1             !string is aq-q
+        nbar=0
+      elseif(nqu.gt.naq)then
+        nmes=naq
+        nbar=(nqu-nmes)/3     !nbar baryons
+        if(nmes.eq.0.or.idrf.eq.1)then
+          nbar=nbar-1        !string is qq-q
+        else
+          nmes=nmes-1        !string is aq-q
+        endif
+      elseif(nqu.lt.naq)then
+        nmes=nqu
+        nbar=(naq-nmes)/3    !nbar antibaryons
+        if(nmes.eq.0.or.idrf.eq.1)then
+          nbar=nbar-1        !string is aqaq-aq
+        else
+          nmes=nmes-1        !string is aq-q
+        endif
+      else
+        nbar=nqu/3
+        nmes=nqu-3*nbar
+        nbar=nbar+naq/3
+        nbar=nbar-1             !string is qq-q or aqaq-aq
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)
+     &       write(ifch,*)'RemoveHadron part (nq,na,nb,nm,dq):'
+     &                     ,nqu,naq,nbar,nmes,idrf
+      if(nmes+nbar.gt.0)ghadr=.true.
+c  remove mesons
+       if(nmes.gt.0)then
+          do mes=1,nmes
+            !write(ifch,*)'remove meson',mes,' / ',nmes
+            call gethadron(1,idd,aa,jcf,jcv,ept,gproj,iret)
+            if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+              nptl=nptl+1
+              if(nptl.gt.mxptl)
+     &             call utstop('RemoveHadrons: mxptl too small&')
+              idptl(nptl)=idd
+              do i=1,5
+                pptl(i,nptl)=sngl(aa(i))
+              enddo
+              iorptl(nptl)=mm
+              jorptl(nptl)=0
+              if(mes.eq.1)then
+                ifrptl(1,mm)=nptl
+                ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+              else
+                ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+              endif
+              ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+              ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+              istptl(nptl)=0
+              if(gproj)then
+                ityptl(nptl)=49
+                xorptl(1,nptl)=xproj(m)
+                xorptl(2,nptl)=yproj(m)
+                xorptl(3,nptl)=zproj(m)
+              else   !gtarg
+                ityptl(nptl)=59
+                xorptl(1,nptl)=xtarg(m)
+                xorptl(2,nptl)=ytarg(m)
+                xorptl(3,nptl)=ztarg(m)
+              endif
+              xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,mm)
+              tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+              call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+              tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+              qsqptl(nptl)=0.
+c           deleted: after abstracting a meson,
+c           check if the NEW remnant is a H-Dibaryon
+          enddo
+        endif
+c remove (anti)baryons
+        call idquacjc(jcf,nqu,naq)
+        if(nbar.gt.0)then
+          do nb=1,nbar
+            !write(ifch,*)'remove baryon',nb,' / ',nbar
+            prq=float(nqu/3)
+            pra=float(naq/3)
+            psum=prq+pra
+            if(psum.gt.0.)then
+              if(rangen()*psum.le.prq)then      !baryon
+                call gethadron(2,idd,aa,jcf,jcv,ept,gproj,iret)
+                nqu=nqu-3
+              else                              !antibaryon
+                call gethadron(3,idd,aa,jcf,jcv,ept,gproj,iret)
+                naq=naq-3
+             endif
+            else
+              iret=1
+            endif
+            if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+              nptl=nptl+1
+              if(nptl.gt.mxptl)
+     &             call utstop('RemoveHadron: mxptl too small&')
+              idptl(nptl)=idd
+              do i=1,5
+                pptl(i,nptl)=sngl(aa(i))
+              enddo
+              iorptl(nptl)=mm
+              jorptl(nptl)=0
+              if(nmes.eq.0.and.nb.eq.1)then
+                ifrptl(1,mm)=nptl
+                ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+              else
+                ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+              endif
+              ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+              ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+              istptl(nptl)=0
+              if(gproj)then
+                ityptl(nptl)=49
+                xorptl(1,nptl)=xproj(m)
+                xorptl(2,nptl)=yproj(m)
+                xorptl(3,nptl)=zproj(m)
+              else    !gtarg
+                ityptl(nptl)=59
+                xorptl(1,nptl)=xtarg(m)
+                xorptl(2,nptl)=ytarg(m)
+                xorptl(3,nptl)=ztarg(m)
+              endif
+              xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,mm)
+              tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+              call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+              tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+              qsqptl(nptl)=0.
+c             deleted: after abstracting a (anti)baryon,
+c                                  check if the NEW remnant is a H-Dibaryon
+          enddo
+        endif
+        call idenco(jcf,icf,iret)
+ 1000 return
+      end
+         subroutine gethadron(imb,idf,a,jc,jcv,ep,gproj,iret)
+c       goal:  emit a hadron (imb= 1 meson, 2 baryon, 3 antibaryon)
+c              update the remnant flavor and 5-momentum
+c       idf ,a : hadron id and 5-momentum
+c       gproj  : T  projectile, F  target remnant
+c       jc, ep : remnant flavor and 5-momentum
+c       iret   : in case of error, keep correct momentum in remnant
+c                and lose the quarks of the (not) emitted hadron
+        include 'epos.inc'
+        include 'epos.incems'
+        common/cems5/plc,s
+        double precision s,plc
+        double precision ep(5),a(5),re(5),p1(5)
+        integer jc(nflav,2),jcv(nflav,2),jcini(nflav,2),jcvini(nflav,2)
+     &    ,ifh(3),ic(2)
+        common /ems12/iodiba,bidiba  ! defaut iodiba=0. if iodiba=1, study H-Dibaryon
+        double precision ptm,qcm,u(3),utpcmd,ptt,phi,sxini,sxini0,strmas
+     &                  ,ampt2dro,ampt2str,p5sq,amasex,drangen,xmaxrm
+        logical gproj
+        call utpri('gethad',ish,ishini,5)
+        iret=0
+        do i=1,5
+          a(i)=0.d0
+          re(i)=ep(i)
+        enddo
+        ic(1)=0
+        ic(2)=0
+        do j=1,2
+          do i=1,nflav
+            jcini(i,j)=jc(i,j)
+            jcvini(i,j)=jcv(i,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then
+          if(ish.ge.5)then
+            write(ifch,*)'remnant flavor and 5-momentum:',jc
+            write(ifch,*)'                              ',jcv
+            write(ifch,*)'momentum :',ep,gproj,imb
+          endif
+          call idquacjc(jcvini,nqv,nav)
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.5)
+     &       write(ifch,*)'remnant flavor and 5-momentum:',jc,ep,gproj
+     &                                                          ,imb
+          nqv=0
+          nav=0
+        endif
+       !write(*,'(/a,5f8.3)')'p before: ',ep
+        if(gproj)then
+          iclpt=iclpro
+        else
+          iclpt=icltar
+        endif
+c boost remnant in rest frame
+         if(ish.ge.6) write (ifch,*) 'on-shell check'
+         do k=1,5
+           p1(k)=ep(k)
+         enddo
+         p1(5)=(p1(4)-p1(3))*(p1(4)+p1(3))-p1(2)**2-p1(1)**2
+         if(p1(5).gt.0d0.and.abs(p1(5)-ep(5)*ep(5)).lt.ep(5))then
+           p1(5)=sqrt(p1(5))
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Precision problem in gethad, p:',
+     &          (p1(k),k=1,5),ep(5)*ep(5)
+           p1(5)=0d0
+        endif
+c       initial limits
+        mamos=4
+        ptm=p1(5)
+        sxini0=ptm*ptm
+        idf=0
+c redo
+        nredo=0
+ 777    continue
+        nredo=nredo+1
+        if(nredo.gt.1)then       !restore initial flavors
+          ic(1)=0
+          ic(2)=0
+          do j=1,2
+            do i=1,nflav
+              jc(i,j)=jcini(i,j)
+              jcv(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          if(iremn.ge.2)then
+            call idquacjc(jcvini,nqv,nav)
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'Restore flavor',idf,jc
+          idf=0
+          if(ptm.eq.0.or.nredo.gt.20)then
+            if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &         'Pb with hadron momentum in Gethad !'
+            iret=1
+          endif
+        endif
+c  get the id and mass of hadron, the remnant jc is updated
+        iret2=0
+          if(imb.eq.1)then              ! a meson
+            j=1
+            if(nqv.gt.0)then
+              i=idraflz(jcv,j)
+              jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+              nqv=nqv-1
+            else
+              i=idrafl(iclpt,jc,j,'v',1,iret2)
+              if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iret2.ne.0)goto 77
+            endif
+            ifq=i
+            j=2
+            if(nav.gt.0)then
+              i=idraflz(jcv,j)
+              jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+              nav=nav-1
+            else
+              i=idrafl(iclpt,jc,j,'v',1,iret2)
+              if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iret2.ne.0)goto 77
+            endif
+            ifa=i
+c            write(ifch,*)'ici',ifq,ifa,jc,'| ',jcv
+            ic(1)=10**(6-ifq)
+            ic(2)=10**(6-ifa)
+            ier=0
+            idf=idtra(ic,ier,idum,0)
+            if(ier.ne.0)then
+              if(ifq.le.ifa)then
+                idf=ifq*100+ifa*10
+              else
+                idf=-(ifq*10+ifa*100)
+              endif
+            endif
+            call idmass(idf,amss)
+          elseif(imb.eq.2)then            ! a baryon
+            j=1
+            do ik=1,3
+              if(nqv.gt.0)then
+                i=idraflz(jcv,j)
+                jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+                nqv=nqv-1
+              else
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jc,j,'v',1,iret2)
+              if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iret2.ne.0)goto 77
+              endif
+              ifh(ik)=i
+              ic(j)=ic(j)+10**(6-i)
+            enddo
+            ier=0
+            idf=idtra(ic,ier,idum,0)
+            if(ier.ne.0)then
+              call neworder(ifh(1),ifh(2),ifh(3))
+              idf=ifh(1)*1000+ifh(2)*100+ifh(3)*10
+              if(ifh(1).ne.ifh(2).and.ifh(2).ne.ifh(3)
+     $             .and.ifh(1).ne.ifh(3))  idf=2130
+              if(ifh(1).eq.ifh(2).and.ifh(2).eq.ifh(3))idf=idf+1
+            endif
+            call idmass(idf,amss)
+          elseif(imb.eq.3)then           ! an antibaryon
+            j=2
+            do ik=1,3
+              if(nav.gt.0)then
+                i=idraflz(jcv,j)
+                jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+                nav=nav-1
+              else
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jc,j,'v',1,iret2)
+              if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iret2.ne.0)goto 77
+              endif
+              ifh(ik)=i
+              ic(j)=ic(j)+10**(6-i)
+            enddo
+            ier=0
+            idf=idtra(ic,ier,idum,0)
+            if(ier.ne.0)then
+              call neworder(ifh(1),ifh(2),ifh(3))
+              idf=ifh(1)*1000+ifh(2)*100+ifh(3)*10
+              if(ifh(1).ne.ifh(2).and.ifh(2).ne.ifh(3)
+     $             .and.ifh(1).ne.ifh(3))  idf=2130
+              if(ifh(1).eq.ifh(2).and.ifh(2).eq.ifh(3))idf=idf+1
+              idf=-idf
+            endif
+            call idmass(idf,amss)
+           else
+            call utstop('This imb does not exist in gethad !&')
+           endif
+   77     if(iret2.ne.0)then
+          write(ifmt,*)'warning in gethadron: imb=',imb,'  iclpt:',iclpt
+          write(ifmt,*)'   jc: ',jc,'  j: ',j,'   (1=q,2=aq)  --> redo'
+          call utmsg('gethad')
+          write(ifch,*)'Not enough quark ??? ... redo event !'
+          call utmsgf
+          iret=1
+          goto 1000
+          endif
+c fix pt
+          amasex=dble(amss)
+          strmas=dble(utamnz(jc,mamos))
+          ptt=dble(ranpt()*alpdro(2))**2         !pt+pl
+          if(iret.ne.0)ptt=min(ptt,sxini0)
+          if(ptt.gt.sxini0)goto 777
+          sxini=sqrt(sxini0-ptt)
+          a(5)=amasex
+          re(5)=sxini-a(5)
+          if(re(5).lt.strmas)then
+            call idquacjc(jc,nq,na)
+            if(nq+na.le.3)then
+              idtmp=idtra(ic,1,idum,0)
+              amtmp=0.
+              call idmass(idtmp,amtmp)
+              if(re(5).lt.amtmp)then
+                if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     &           'Pb with initial mass in Gethad, retry',idf
+     &       ,amasex,re(5),strmas,sxini,ptm,ptt,amtmp,idtmp,ic,iret
+                if(iret.eq.0)then
+                  goto 777
+                else
+                  if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     &           'Continue with minimal mass for remnant',re(5)
+     &                                                   ,amtmp
+                  re(5)=amtmp
+                endif
+              else
+                strmas=amtmp
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          ampt2dro=amasex**2d0
+          ampt2str=strmas**2d0
+c two body decay
+          iret2=0
+          if(iret.eq.1)then
+c If energy to small, then produce a new particle adding the needed missing energy (limited energy violation to avoid stop and corrected in utrescl)
+            xmaxrm=a(5)*a(5)+re(5)*re(5)
+            if(ptm*ptm-xmaxrm.lt.0d0)then
+             ptm=1.1d0*sqrt(2.d0*abs(a(5))*abs(re(5))+xmaxrm)
+             p1(5)=ptm
+             p1(4)=sqrt(p1(3)*p1(3)+p1(2)*p1(2)+p1(1)*p1(1)+p1(5)*p1(5))
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'2 body decay',ptm,a(5),re(5),iret
+          qcm=utpcmd(ptm,a(5),re(5),iret2)
+          if(iret2.ne.0)then
+            if(iret.eq.0)then
+             goto 777
+            else
+c              call utstop('Problem with qcm in gethadron !&')
+              if(ish.ge.1)then
+                call utmsg('gethad')
+                write(ifch,*)'Problem with qcm  ... redo event !'
+                call utmsgf
+              endif
+              iret=1
+              return
+            endif
+          endif
+          u(3)=2.d0*drangen(qcm)-1.d0
+          phi=2.d0*dble(pi)*drangen(u(3))
+          u(1)=sqrt(1.d0-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+          u(2)=sqrt(1.d0-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+          if(u(3).ge.0d0)then          !send always hadron backward
+            do j=1,3
+              re(j)=qcm*u(j)
+              a(j)=-re(j)
+            enddo
+          else
+            do j=1,3
+              a(j)=qcm*u(j)
+              re(j)=-a(j)
+            enddo
+          endif
+          re(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+re(5)**2)
+          a(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+a(5)**2)
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'boost : ',qcm
+     &      ,' and momentum in rest frame : ',re,a
+c Fix re of remnant
+c boost string in collision frame
+        call utlob2(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,re(1),re(2),re(3),re(4),81)
+         p5sq=(re(4)+re(3))*(re(4)-re(3))-(re(1)*re(1)+re(2)*re(2))
+         if(p5sq.ge.ampt2str)then
+           re(5)=sqrt(p5sq)
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.6)then
+             write(ifch,*)'Pb with remnant mass -> retry'
+             write(ifch,*)'   m^2:',p5sq,'  m_min^2:',ampt2str
+             write(ifch,*)'   momentum four vector:',(re(ii),ii=1,4)
+           endif
+           if(iret.eq.0)then
+             goto 777
+           else
+             if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     &            'Finish with minimal mass for remnant',re(5)
+           endif
+         endif
+c Fix a of hadron
+c boost hadron in collision frame
+        call utlob2(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,a(1),a(2),a(3),a(4),82)
+         p5sq=(a(4)+a(3))*(a(4)-a(3))-(a(1)**2.d0+a(2)**2.d0)
+         if(abs(p5sq-ampt2dro).le.0.1)then
+           a(5)=sqrt(p5sq)
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.6)then
+             write(ifch,*)'Pb with hadron mass'
+             write(ifch,*)'   m^2:',p5sq,'  m_min^2:',ampt2dro
+             write(ifch,*)'   momentum four vector:',(a(ii),ii=1,4)
+           endif
+           a(4)=sqrt(a(5)*a(5)+a(3)*a(3)+a(2)*a(2)+a(1)*a(1))
+           if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'Fix E with M and P:',(a(ii),ii=1,5)
+         endif
+c        if(iret.eq.1)then      !If problem with momenta do not update remnant
+c          if(ish.ge.4)
+c     *    write(ifch,*)'no hadron emission in gethad'
+c        else     !update the 3-momentum and energy of remnant: ep
+          if(ish.ge.1.and.abs(ep(4)-re(4)-a(4)).gt.1.d-2*ep(4))then
+            write(ifmt,*)'Pb with energy conservation in gethad'
+            if(ish.ge.6)then
+              write(ifch,*)'Pb with energy conservation :'
+              write(ifch,*)'   p1_ini:',ep(1),'  p1:',re(1)+a(1)
+              write(ifch,*)'   p2_ini:',ep(2),'  p2:',re(2)+a(2)
+              write(ifch,*)'   p3_ini:',ep(3),'  p3:',re(3)+a(3)
+              write(ifch,*)'   p4_ini:',ep(4),'  p4:',re(4)+a(4)
+            endif
+          endif
+          do i=1,5
+            ep(i)=re(i)
+          enddo
+          if(ish.ge.5)then
+            write(ifch,*)'get hadron with id and 5-momentum:',idf, a
+          endif
+c        endif
+        !do i=1,5
+        !  sm(i)=ep(i)+a(i)
+        !enddo
+        !write(*,'(a,5f8.3,i5)')'p after:  ',sm,iret
+c      ghost condition
+c         if(abs((a(4)+a(3))*(a(4)-a(3))
+c     $           -a(2)**2-a(1)**2-a(5)**2).gt.0.3
+c     $      .and.  abs(1.-abs(a(3))/a(4)).gt.0.01)print*,iret,dd
+c$$$        if(iodiba.eq.1)then  ! for H-dibaryon study ??????????
+c$$$          call idenco(jc,ic,iret)
+c$$$          if(ic(1).eq.222000.and.ic(2).eq.0)ep(5)=ep(5)-bidiba
+c$$$        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)then
+          write(ifch,*)'new remnant flavor and 5-momentum:',jc, ep,iret
+        endif
+        iret=0
+c          write(ifmt,*)'get hadron with id and 5-momentum:',idf, a
+c          write(ifmt,*)'new remnant flavor and 5-momentum:',jc, ep
+ 1000 call utprix('gethad',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+         subroutine getdroplet(ir,iept,ic,jc,z,ep,a,pass,xmdrmax)
+c  emit a droplet, update the remnant string flavor and 5-momentum
+c input
+c       ir ........ 1  projectile, -1  target remnant
+c       iept ...... particle excitation
+c       ep ........ remnant  5-momentum
+c       jc ........ remnant jc
+c       z  ........ Z factor from splitting
+c output
+c       pass ...  .true. = successful droplet emission
+c                            jc, ep ....... droplet  ic and 5-momentum
+c                            ic, a ........ remnant string jc and 5-momentum
+c                 .false. = unsuccessful
+c                            jc, ep .... unchanged,
+c                            considered as droplet jc and 5-momentum
+        include 'epos.inc'
+        include 'epos.incems'
+        double precision ep(5),a(5),p1(5),re(5),eps,amasex,xmdrmax
+        double precision xxx,rr,alp,p5sq,xmin,xmax,ampt2str
+     &  ,sxini,strmas,xxxmax,xxxmin,ampt2dro,xmdrmaxi
+        parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+        integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2),icx(2)
+        integer jcini(nflav,2),jcfin(nflav,2)
+        logical pass
+        common/cems5/plc,s
+        double precision s,plc,ptm,qcm,u(3),utpcmd,ptt,drangen,phi
+        call utpri('getdro',ish,ishini,4)
+        iret=0
+        iret2=0
+        xmdrmaxi=min(50.d0,xmdrmax)
+        pass=.true.
+        idps=0
+        idms=0
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jcini(i,1)=jc(i,1)
+          jcini(i,2)=jc(i,2)
+          jcfin(i,1)=0
+          jcfin(i,2)=0
+        enddo
+        call idquacjc(jcini,nqu,naq)
+        do i=1,5
+          a(i)=0.d0
+          re(i)=0.d0
+        enddo
+        npart=nqu+naq
+        nqc=jcini(4,1)+jcini(4,2)
+        if(ir.eq.1)then
+           iclpt=iclpro
+         else
+           iclpt=icltar
+         endif
+         if(ish.ge.5)then
+           write(ifch,10)'remnant flavor and 5-momentum:'
+     &                    ,jc,ep,nqu,naq,nqc,iept
+ 10        format(a,/,'jc:',6i3,' |',6i3,/,'ep:',5(e10.3,1x),/,4i4)
+         endif
+c  get id of string ends, the remnant string jc is updated
+         if(iremn.eq.3)then  !  remnant content=string content (droplet empty)
+           do i=1,nflav
+             jcfin(i,1)=jcini(i,1)
+             jcfin(i,2)=jcini(i,2)
+             jcini(i,1)=0
+             jcini(i,2)=0
+           enddo
+         else
+         if(npart.lt.3.and.ep(5).lt.xmdrmax.and.nqc.eq.0)then !light droplet with few quarks
+            pass=.false.
+            goto 1000
+         elseif(npart.lt.3)then    !few quarks but heavy, add some quarks to extract a q-qbar string (should not exit directly because of the large mass)
+           ifq=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,2,'r',3,iret2)
+           if(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1)then
+             idps=1
+             idms=1
+             nqu=2
+             naq=2
+           else
+             call utstop('This should not happen (getdrop) !&')
+           endif
+         elseif(nqu.eq.2.and.naq.eq.2)then
+           idps=1
+           idms=1
+         elseif(naq.eq.0)then
+           idps=5
+           idms=1
+         elseif(nqu.eq.0)then
+           idps=1
+           idms=5
+         else                 !There is enough q or aq to do qq-q string
+           if(jcini(4,1)-jcini(4,2).eq.0)then !if c-cbar
+             idps=1
+             idms=1
+           else
+c One chooses the first q or aq
+           rrr=rangen()
+           npart=nqu+naq
+           if(jcini(4,1)+jcini(4,2).ne.0)then !if some charm take it out
+             if(jcini(4,1).ne.0)then
+               idps=1
+               nqu=nqu-1
+             else
+               idms=1
+               naq=naq-1
+             endif
+           elseif(rrr.gt.float(naq)/float(npart))then
+             idps=1
+             nqu=nqu-1
+           else
+             idms=1
+             naq=naq-1
+           endif
+c One chooses the second one
+           rrr=rangen()
+           npart=nqu+naq
+           if(idps.eq.1.and.jcini(4,1).ne.0)then !if some charm take it out
+             idps=5
+           elseif(idms.eq.1.and.jcini(4,2).ne.0)then !if some charm take it out
+             idms=5
+           elseif(rrr.gt.float(naq)/float(npart))then
+             if(idps.eq.1.and.nqu.ge.2)then
+               idps=5
+             else
+               idps=1
+             endif
+           else
+             if(idms.eq.1.and.naq.ge.2)then
+               idms=5
+             else
+               idms=1
+             endif
+           endif
+c If there is already 2 q or 2 aq as string end, we know that we need
+c a third one to complete the string
+           if(idps.eq.5)idms=1
+           if(idms.eq.5)idps=1
+           if(idps.eq.1.and.idms.ne.5)idms=1
+           if(idms.eq.1.and.idps.ne.5)idps=1
+         endif
+         endif
+         if(ish.ge.5)then
+           write(ifch,*)'remnant string ends :',idps,idms
+         endif
+          if(idps.ne.5.and.idms.ne.5)then              ! q-aq string
+            if(jcini(4,1).eq.1)then
+              ifq=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,1,'c',1,iret)
+            else
+              ifq=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,1,'v',1,iret)
+            endif
+            if(jcini(4,1).eq.1)then
+              ifa=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,2,'c',1,iret)
+            else
+              ifa=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,2,'v',1,iret)
+            endif
+            jcfin(ifq,1)=1
+            jcfin(ifa,2)=1
+          elseif(idps.eq.5)then                       ! qq-q string
+            do ik=1,3
+              if(jcini(4,1).ne.0)then
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,1,'c',1,iret)
+              else
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,1,'v',1,iret)
+              endif
+              jcfin(i,1)=jcfin(i,1)+1
+            enddo
+          elseif(idms.eq.5)then                        !aqaq-aq string
+            do ik=1,3
+              if(jcini(4,2).ne.0)then
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,2,'c',1,iret)
+              else
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,2,'v',1,iret)
+              endif
+              jcfin(i,2)=jcfin(i,2)+1
+            enddo
+          endif
+          endif      !iremn=3
+          if(iret.ne.0)call utstop('Not enough quark in getdro ???&')
+          if(jcini(4,1)+jcini(4,2).ne.0)
+     &         call utstop('There is sitll charm quark in getdro???&')
+c string id
+         call idenco(jcfin,icx,iret)
+         if(iret.eq.1)then
+           call utstop('Exotic flavor in getdroplet !&')
+         endif
+c boost remnant in rest frame
+      if(ish.ge.6) write (ifch,*) 'on-shell check'
+        do k=1,5
+          p1(k)=ep(k)
+        enddo
+        p1(5)=(p1(4)-p1(3))*(p1(4)+p1(3))-p1(2)**2-p1(1)**2
+        if(p1(5).gt.0d0.and.abs(p1(5)-ep(5)*ep(5)).lt.ep(5))then
+          p1(5)=sqrt(p1(5))
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'Precision problem in getdro, p:',
+     &             (p1(k),k=1,5),ep(5)*ep(5)
+          p1(5)=ep(5)
+          p1(4)=sqrt(p1(3)*p1(3)+p1(2)*p1(2)+p1(1)*p1(1)+p1(5)*p1(5))
+        endif
+      if(ish.ge.6) write (ifch,*) 'boost vector:',p1
+c limits for momenta
+      mamod=4
+      mamos=4
+      fad=alpdro(1)
+      if(iremn.eq.3)fad=fad*(1.+z*zdrinc)
+      fad=max(1.5,fad)
+      ptm=p1(5)
+      amasex=dble(fad*utamnz(jcini,mamod))
+      fas=2.
+      if(iremn.eq.3)then
+        id=idtra(icx,ier,ires,0)
+        if(ier.eq.0)then
+          call idmass(id,amass)           !minimum is particle mass
+          strmas=dble(amass)
+        else
+          strmas=dble(fas*utamnz(jcfin,mamos))
+        endif
+      else
+        strmas=dble(fas*utamnz(jcfin,mamos))
+      endif
+c redo
+       nredo=0
+ 777   continue
+       nredo=nredo+1
+       if(nredo.eq.10)then
+          amasex=1.5d0*dble(utamnz(jcini,mamod))
+          if(iremn.ne.3)strmas=1.5d0*dble(utamnz(jcfin,mamos))
+       elseif(nredo.gt.20)then
+          !write(ifch,*)'nredo.gt.20 -> only drop'
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &     'Pb with string mass in Getdrop, continue with gethad'
+          pass=.false.
+         goto 1000
+       endif
+c fix pt
+          sxini=ptm*ptm
+          ptt=dble(ranpt()*alpdro(2))**2         !pt
+          if(ptt.ge.sxini)goto 777
+          sxini=sqrt(sxini-ptt)
+          ampt2dro=amasex**2d0
+          ampt2str=strmas**2d0
+          if(ampt2dro.gt.xmdrmaxi)then
+            xmdrmaxi=2d0*ampt2dro
+c            write(ifmt,*)'Warning Mmin>Mmax in Getdroplet'
+          endif
+          xxxmax=min(xmdrmaxi,(sxini-strmas)**2)    !strmas/(strmas+ampt2)
+          xxxmin=ampt2dro
+          if(xxxmin.gt.xxxmax)then
+            !write(ifch,*)'Warning Mmin>sxini -> only drop'
+           if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &     'Pb with ampt2 in Getdrop, retry',nredo,ir
+     &             ,ampt2dro,ampt2str,xxxmin,xxxmax,sxini,ptt,xmdrmaxi
+            goto 777
+          endif
+c fix mass
+            rr=drangen(xxxmax)
+            xmax=xxxmax
+            xmin=xxxmin
+            alp=dble(alpdro(3))
+            if(dabs(alp-1.d0).lt.eps)then
+              xxx=xmax**rr*xmin**(1d0-rr)
+            else
+              xxx=(rr*xmax**(1d0-alp)+(1d0-rr)*xmin**(1d0-alp))
+     &                                                **(1d0/(1d0-alp))
+            endif
+c        write(ifch,*)'ini',xmin,xxx,xmax,rr,ampt2dro
+c    &                   ,(sxini-sqrt(xxx)),ampt2str,p1(5)
+          re(5)=sqrt(xxx)
+          a(5)=sxini-re(5)
+          if(a(5).lt.strmas)then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     &           'Pb with initial mass in Getdrop, retry',ir
+     &       ,xmin,xxx,xmax,rr,ampt2dro,ampt2str,a(5)
+            goto 777
+          endif
+c two body decay
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'2 body decay',ptm,re(5),a(5)
+          qcm=utpcmd(ptm,re(5),a(5),iret)
+          u(3)=0.d0 !2.d0*drangen(qcm)-1.d0
+          phi=2.d0*dble(pi)*drangen(u(3))
+          u(1)=sqrt(1.d0-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+          u(2)=sqrt(1.d0-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+          if(u(3).lt.0d0)then          !send always droplet backward
+c          if(u(3).gt.0d0)then          !send always droplet forward     ?????
+            do j=1,3
+              re(j)=qcm*u(j)
+              a(j)=-re(j)
+            enddo
+          else
+            do j=1,3
+              a(j)=qcm*u(j)
+              re(j)=-a(j)
+            enddo
+          endif
+          re(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+re(5)**2)
+          a(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+a(5)**2)
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'momentum in rest frame : ',re,a
+c Fix a of string
+c boost string in collision frame
+        call utlob2(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,a(1),a(2),a(3),a(4),71)
+         p5sq=(a(4)+a(3))*(a(4)-a(3))-(a(1)**2.d0+a(2)**2.d0)
+         if(p5sq.gt.ampt2str)then
+           a(5)=sqrt(p5sq)
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.6)then
+             write(ifch,*)'Pb with string mass -> retry'
+             write(ifch,*)'   m^2:',p5sq,'  m_min^2:',ampt2str
+             write(ifch,*)'   momentum four vector:',(a(ii),ii=1,4)
+           endif
+           goto 777
+         endif
+c Fix ep of droplet
+c boost droplet in collision frame
+        call utlob2(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,re(1),re(2),re(3),re(4),72)
+         p5sq=(re(4)+re(3))*(re(4)-re(3))-(re(1)*re(1)+re(2)*re(2))
+         if(p5sq.gt.ampt2dro)then
+           re(5)=sqrt(p5sq)
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.6)then
+             write(ifch,*)'Pb with droplet mass -> retry'
+             write(ifch,*)'   m^2:',p5sq,'  m_min^2:',ampt2dro
+             write(ifch,*)'   momentum four vector:',(re(ii),ii=1,4)
+           endif
+           goto 777
+         endif
+       if(ish.ge.1.and.abs(ep(4)-re(4)-a(4)).gt.1.d-2*ep(4))then
+         write(ifmt,*)'Pb with energy conservation in getdro'
+         if(ish.ge.6)then
+           write(ifch,*)'Pb with energy conservation :'
+           write(ifch,*)'   p1_ini:',ep(1),'  p1:',re(1)+a(1)
+           write(ifch,*)'   p2_ini:',ep(2),'  p2:',re(2)+a(2)
+           write(ifch,*)'   p3_ini:',ep(3),'  p3:',re(3)+a(3)
+         endif
+       endif
+c If OK, save flavors of droplet and string
+         do i=1,5
+           ep(i)=re(i)
+         enddo
+         ic(1)=icx(1)
+         ic(2)=icx(2)
+         do i=1,nflav
+           jc(i,1)=jcini(i,1)
+           jc(i,2)=jcini(i,2)
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.6)then
+           write(ifch,20)'droplet:',jc,ep
+           write(ifch,30)'string remnant:',ic,a
+         endif
+ 20      format(a,/,'jc:',6i3,' |',6i3,/,'ep:',5(e10.3,1x))
+ 30      format(a,/,'ic:',i7,' |',i7,/,'a:',5(e10.3,1x))
+ 1000    continue
+         call utprix('getdro',ish,ishini,4)
+         end
+         subroutine getdropx(ir,iept,m,ic,jc,jcv,z,ep,a,pass,xmdrmax)
+c  emit a droplet taken into account momentum fraction without screening,
+c  update the remnant string flavor and 5-momentum (to be used with iremn=2)
+c input
+c       ir ........ 1  projectile, -1  target remnant
+c       iept ...... particle excitation
+c       m  ........ remnant index
+c       ep ........ remnant  5-momentum
+c       jc ........ remnant jc
+c       jcv ....... remnant jc valence quark
+c       z  ........ Z factor from splitting
+c output
+c       pass ...  .true. = successful droplet emission
+c                            jc, ep ....... droplet  ic and 5-momentum
+c                            ic, a ........ remnant string jc and 5-momentum
+c                 .false. = unsuccessful
+c                            jc, ep .... unchanged,
+c                            considered as droplet jc and 5-momentum
+        include 'epos.inc'
+        include 'epos.incems'
+        double precision ep(5),a(5),p1(5),re(5),eps,amasex,xmdrmax
+        double precision xxx,rr,alpm,p5sq,xmin,xmax,ampt2str,xmsmax
+     &  ,sxini,strmas,xxxmax,xxxmin,ampt2dro,xmdrmaxi,xprmi,xmrmi
+     &  ,xprmd,xmrmd,xprms,xmrms,xpti,ypti,xptd,yptd,xpts,ypts,xptt,yptt
+        double precision om1xpr,xremd,xrems,freduc
+     &       ,atil(ntymi:ntymx),btilp(ntymi:ntymx),btilpp(ntymi:ntymx)
+        parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+        integer jc(nflav,2),jcv(nflav,2),ic(2),icx(2)
+        integer jcvini(nflav,2),jcini(nflav,2)
+     &         ,jcfin(nflav,2),jcvfin(nflav,2)
+        logical pass
+        common/cems5/plc,s
+        double precision s,plc,ptm,qcm,u(3),utpcmd,ptt,drangen,phi
+        logical strcomp,valqu
+        call utpri('getdrx',ish,ishini,4)
+        iret=0
+        xmdrmaxi=min(50.d0,xmdrmax)
+        pass=.true.
+        idps=0
+        idms=0
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jcini(i,1)=jc(i,1)
+          jcini(i,2)=jc(i,2)
+          jcvini(i,1)=jcv(i,1)
+          jcvini(i,2)=jcv(i,2)
+          jcfin(i,1)=0
+          jcfin(i,2)=0
+          jcvfin(i,1)=0
+          jcvfin(i,2)=0
+        enddo
+        call idquacjc(jcini,nqu,naq)
+        call idquacjc(jcvini,nqv,nav)
+        do i=1,5
+          a(i)=0.d0
+          re(i)=0.d0
+        enddo
+        nqc=jcini(4,1)+jcini(4,2)
+        idrf=0
+        if(nqu-naq.ne.0)idrf=1
+        if(ir.eq.1)then
+           iclpt=iclpro
+           if(idrf.eq.0)idrf=idp(m)  !change it only if not 1
+           xprmi=xpp(m)
+           xmrmi=xmp(m)
+           xpti=xxp(m)
+           ypti=xyp(m)
+           if(lproj3(m).gt.0)then
+             nlnk=max(1,nint(z*float(lproj3(m))))
+           else
+             nlnk=0
+           endif
+        else
+           iclpt=icltar
+           if(idrf.eq.0)idrf=idt(m)  !change it only if not 1
+           xprmi=xmt(m)
+           xmrmi=xpt(m)
+           xpti=xxt(m)
+           ypti=xyt(m)
+           if(ltarg3(m).gt.0)then
+             nlnk=max(1,nint(z*float(ltarg3(m))))
+           else
+             nlnk=0
+           endif
+         endif
+         if(ish.ge.5)then
+           write(ifch,10)'remnant flavor and 5-momentum:'
+     &                    ,jc,jcv,ep,nqu,naq,nqv,nav,nqc,idrf,iept,nlnk
+ 10        format(a,/,'jc:',6i3,' |',6i3,/,'jcv:',6i3,' |',6i3,/
+     &            ,'ep:',5(e10.3,1x),/,8i4)
+         endif
+c check formation conditions
+         strcomp=.false.
+         valqu=.false.    !if true, valence quark will always be in strings : reduce lambda production
+         if((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+     &          .or.(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1).and.nlnk.ne.0)then 
+c not enough quark for the droplet, check mass
+           if(iept.ne.5.and.ep(5)*ep(5).lt.xmdrmax.and.nqc.eq.0)then
+             pass=.false.       !continue without droplet
+             if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &      'Normal remnant in Getdropx, continue only with droplet ...'
+             goto 1000
+           endif
+c create q-aq from sea (but no charm)
+           do n=1,nlnk
+             idum=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,1,'r',3,iret)
+             nqu=nqu+1
+             naq=naq+1
+           enddo
+           strcomp=.true.
+           valqu=.false.
+         elseif(mod(nqu-naq,3).ne.0)then
+           call utstop('This should not happen (getdropx) !&')
+         endif
+c  get id of string ends, the remnant string jc is updated
+c First remove all charm
+         if(nqc.ne.0.and.jcini(4,1)-jcini(4,2).eq.0)then !if c-cbar
+           if(jcini(4,1).eq.1)then
+             idps=1
+             idms=1
+           else
+             call utstop('getdropx can not manage more than c-cb !&')
+           endif
+         elseif(nqc.ne.0.and.jcini(4,1)*jcini(4,2).ne.0)then
+           call utstop('getdropx can not manage c quarks this way !&')
+         else
+           if(nqc.ne.0)then !if some charm take it out
+             if(jcini(4,1).ne.0)then
+               if(nqu.lt.3)then
+                 idrf=0         !can not use c in antibaryon
+               elseif(jcini(4,1).gt.1)then
+                 idrf=1         !more than 1 c quark only in baryon
+               endif
+             elseif(jcini(4,2).ne.0)then
+               if(naq.lt.3)then
+                 idrf=0         !can not use cb in baryon
+               elseif(jcini(4,2).gt.1)then
+                 idrf=1         !more than 1 c antiquark only in antibaryon
+               endif
+             endif
+             if(idrf.ne.0.and.jcini(4,1).gt.0.and.jcini(4,1).le.3)then
+               idps=5
+               idms=1
+         elseif(idrf.ne.0.and.jcini(4,2).gt.0.and.jcini(4,2).le.3)then
+               idps=1
+               idms=5
+             elseif(jcini(4,1).gt.1.or.jcini(4,2).gt.1)then
+               call utstop('getdropx can not use more than 3 c/cb !&')
+             endif
+           endif
+c take into account number of diquark in final remnant string
+           if(idps.eq.0)then
+             if(idrf.ne.0)then  !use a diquark
+               if(nqu.gt.naq)then        !qq-q
+                 idps=5
+                 idms=1
+               elseif(nqu.lt.naq)then    !qbqb-qb
+                 idps=1
+                 idms=5
+               endif
+             else               !q-qb
+               idps=1
+               idms=1
+             endif
+           endif
+         endif                  !string end type
+         if(ish.ge.5)then
+           write(ifch,*)'remnant string ends :',idps,idms
+         endif
+c choose flavor with priority to valence quark (after charm)
+          if(idps.ne.5.and.idms.ne.5)then              ! q-aq string
+            j=1
+            if(jcini(4,j).gt.0)then
+              i=4
+              jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+              if(jcvini(i,j).gt.0)then
+                jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                nqv=nqv-1
+              endif
+            elseif(valqu.and.nqv.gt.0)then
+              i=idraflz(jcvini,j)
+              jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+              jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+              nqv=nqv-1
+            else
+              i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,j,'v',1,iret)
+              if(jcini(i,j)-jcvini(i,j).lt.0)then
+                jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+              endif
+            endif
+            ifq=i
+            j=2
+            if(jcini(4,j).gt.0)then
+              i=4
+              jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+              if(jcvini(i,j).gt.0)then
+                jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                nav=nav-1
+              endif
+            elseif(valqu.and.nav.gt.0)then
+              i=idraflz(jcvini,j)
+              jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+              jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+              nav=nav-1
+            else
+              i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,j,'v',1,iret)
+              if(jcini(i,j)-jcvini(i,j).lt.0)then
+                jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+              endif
+            endif
+            ifa=i
+            jcfin(ifq,1)=1
+            jcfin(ifa,2)=1
+          elseif(idps.eq.5)then                       ! qq-q string
+            j=1
+            do ik=1,3
+              if(jcini(4,j).ne.0)then
+                i=4
+                jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+                if(jcvini(i,j).gt.0)then
+                  jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                  jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                  nqv=nqv-1
+                endif
+              elseif(valqu.and.nqv.gt.0)then
+                i=idraflz(jcvini,j)
+                jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+                nqv=nqv-1
+              else
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,j,'v',1,iret)
+                if(jcini(i,j)-jcvini(i,j).lt.0)then
+                  jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                  jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                endif
+              endif
+              jcfin(i,j)=jcfin(i,j)+1
+            enddo
+          elseif(idms.eq.5)then                        !aqaq-aq string
+            j=2
+            do ik=1,3
+              if(jcini(4,j).gt.0)then
+                i=4
+                jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+                if(jcvini(i,j).gt.0)then
+                  jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                  jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                  nav=nav-1
+                endif
+              elseif(valqu.and.nav.gt.0)then
+                i=idraflz(jcvini,j)
+                jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                jcini(i,j)=jcini(i,j)-1
+                nav=nav-1
+              else
+                i=idrafl(iclpt,jcini,j,'v',1,iret)
+                if(jcini(i,j)-jcvini(i,j).lt.0)then
+                  jcvini(i,j)=jcvini(i,j)-1
+                  jcvfin(i,j)=jcvfin(i,j)+1
+                endif
+              endif
+              jcfin(i,j)=jcfin(i,j)+1
+            enddo
+          endif
+          if(iret.ne.0)call utstop('Not enough quark in getdropx ???&')
+          if(jcini(4,1)+jcini(4,2).ne.0)
+     &         call utstop('There is sitll charm quark in getdropx???&')
+c string id
+         call idenco(jcfin,icx,iret)
+         if(iret.eq.1)then
+           call utstop('Exotic flavor in getdropx !&')
+         endif
+c boost remnant in rest frame
+      if(ish.ge.6) write (ifch,*) 'on-shell check'
+        do k=1,5
+          p1(k)=ep(k)
+        enddo
+        p1(5)=(p1(4)-p1(3))*(p1(4)+p1(3))-p1(2)**2-p1(1)**2
+        if(p1(5).gt.0d0.and.abs(p1(5)-ep(5)*ep(5)).lt.ep(5))then
+          p1(5)=sqrt(p1(5))
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'Precision problem in getdropx, p:',
+     &             (p1(k),k=1,5),ep(5)*ep(5)
+          p1(5)=ep(5)
+          p1(4)=sqrt(p1(3)*p1(3)+p1(2)*p1(2)+p1(1)*p1(1)+p1(5)*p1(5))
+        endif
+c limits for momenta
+      mamod=4
+      mamos=4
+      fad=alpdro(1)
+      fad=max(1.5,fad*(1.+z*zdrinc))
+      ptm=p1(5)
+      amasex=dble(fad*utamnz(jcini,mamod))
+      fas=2.
+      strmas=dble(fas*utamnz(jcfin,mamos))
+      ampt2dro=amasex**2d0
+      ampt2str=strmas**2d0
+      if(ampt2dro.gt.xmdrmaxi)then
+        xmdrmaxi=2d0*ampt2dro
+c       write(ifmt,*)'Warning Mmin>Mmax in Getdropx'
+      endif
+c redo
+       xxxmin=1d0-xprmi
+       if(xxxmin.gt.ampt2dro/(s*xmrmi))then
+         xmrmd=ampt2dro/(s*xxxmin)
+       else
+         nlnk=0
+       endif
+       nredo=-1
+       freduc=1d0
+ 777   continue
+       nredo=nredo+1
+       if(strcomp.and.nredo.eq.20)then  !after 19 try and remnant compatible with a string
+         pass=.false.         !continue without droplet
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,'(a,2i3,4e12.5)')
+     &     'Pb with splitting in Getdropx, continue without split ...'
+     &     ,nlnk,nvirt,xxxmax,xxxmin,ep(5)**2,xmdrmax
+         goto 1000
+       elseif(nredo.eq.10.or.nredo.eq.26)then        !reduce minimum mass
+          amasex=1.5d0*dble(utamnz(jcini,mamod))
+          strmas=1.5d0*dble(utamnz(jcfin,mamos))
+          ampt2dro=amasex**2d0
+          ampt2str=strmas**2d0
+          xmrmd=ampt2dro/(s*xxxmin)
+       elseif(nredo.eq.20)then    !after 19 try, use 2 body decay
+         xmrmd=1d0+xmrmi
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &     'nredo>20, use 2 body decay ...',nvirt,xxxmax,xxxmin
+         amasex=dble(fad*utamnz(jcini,mamod))
+         strmas=dble(fas*utamnz(jcfin,mamos))
+         ampt2dro=amasex**2d0
+         ampt2str=strmas**2d0
+         if(ish.ge.6) write (ifch,*) 'boost vector:',p1
+       elseif(nredo.ge.30)then
+          !write(ifch,*)'nredo.gt.20 -> only drop'
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &    'Pb with string mass in Getdropx, continue without split ...'
+          pass=.false.
+         goto 1000
+       endif
+       if(xmrmd.lt.xmrmi.and.nlnk.gt.0)then        !kinetic compatibility
+         xmrms=xmrmi-xmrmd
+c fix the virtual number of collision (no screening)
+         iscreensave=iscreen
+         iscreen=0
+         imin=ntymin
+         imax=ntymx
+         if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+         spp=sngl(s)
+         nvirt=0
+         xxxmax=0d0
+         xpts=0d0
+         ypts=0d0
+         if(ir.eq.1)then
+           do l=1,lproj3(m)    !use all pairs attached to remnant
+             kp=kproj3(m,l)
+             nvirt=nvirt+1
+             do i=imin,imax
+               call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,bk(kp),spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst
+     &                                                       ,epss,gamv)
+               atil(i)=dble(alp)
+               btilp(i)=dble(bet)
+               btilpp(i)=dble(betp)
+             enddo
+             xprms=1d0-xxxmax
+c take x from an "unscreened" Pomeron (reduction factor if too high)
+             xxx=om1xpr(atil,btilp,btilpp,xprms,xmrmi,ir)*freduc
+             ptt=dble(ranptcut(1.)*alpdro(2))
+c             ptt=dble(ranptcut(ptsems)*alpdro(2))
+             phi=2d0*dble(pi)*drangen(ptt)
+             xprms=1d0-xxxmax-xxx
+             xptt=xpts+ptt*cos(phi)
+             yptt=ypts+ptt*sin(phi)
+             xrems=xprms*xmrms*s-(xpti+xptt)**2-(ypti+yptt)**2
+             if(xrems.gt.ampt2str)then
+               xxxmax=xxxmax+xxx
+               xpts=xptt
+               ypts=yptt
+             endif
+           enddo
+         else
+           do l=1,ltarg3(m)    !use all pairs attached to remnant
+             kt=ktarg3(m,l)
+             nvirt=nvirt+1
+             do i=imin,imax
+               call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,bk(kt),spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst
+     &                                                       ,epss,gamv)
+               atil(i)=dble(alp)
+               btilp(i)=dble(bet)
+               btilpp(i)=dble(betp)
+             enddo
+             xprms=1d0-xxxmax
+c take x from an "unscreened" Pomeron (reduction factor if too high)
+            xxx=om1xpr(atil,btilp,btilpp,xprms,xmrmi,ir)*freduc
+             ptt=dble(ranptcut(1.)*alpdro(2))
+c             ptt=dble(ranptcut(ptsems)*alpdro(2))
+             phi=2d0*dble(pi)*drangen(ptt)
+             xprms=1d0-xxxmax-xxx
+             xptt=xpts+ptt*cos(phi)
+             yptt=ypts+ptt*sin(phi)
+             xrems=xprms*xmrms*s-(xpti+xptt)**2-(ypti+yptt)**2
+             if(xrems.gt.ampt2str)then
+               xxxmax=xxxmax+xxx
+               xpts=xptt
+               ypts=yptt
+             endif
+           enddo
+         endif
+         iscreen=iscreensave
+         if(xxxmax.le.xxxmin)goto 777
+c check string mass and energy
+         xprms=1d0-xxxmax
+         xpts=xpti+xpts
+         ypts=ypti+ypts
+         xrems=xprms*xmrms*s-xpts*xpts-ypts*ypts
+         if(xrems.lt.ampt2str)then
+           if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &          'Pb with string mass in Getdropx, retry',nredo,ir
+     &          ,ampt2str,xrems,xprms,xmrms,xpts,ypts
+           goto 777
+         endif
+c check droplet mass and energy
+c Droplet mass should not exceed to much mdrmaxi. Use random to smooth distrib.
+         xmsmax=xmdrmaxi*(1.+drangen(xmdrmaxi))
+         xprmd=xprmi-xprms
+         xptd=xpti-xpts
+         yptd=ypti-ypts
+         xremd=xprmd*xmrmd*s-xptd*xptd-yptd*yptd
+         if(xremd.lt.ampt2dro)then
+c Droplet should not have a mass too low.
+           if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &          'Pb with drop mass (low) in Getdropx, retry',nredo,ir
+     &          ,ampt2dro,xremd,xprmd,xmrmd,xptd,yptd
+           goto 777
+         elseif(xremd.ge.xmsmax)then
+c Droplet should not have a mass too high.
+           if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &          'Pb with drop mass (high) in Getdropx, retry',nredo,ir
+     &          ,xremd,xmsmax,xprmd,xmrmd,xptd,yptd
+           freduc=freduc*0.5d0
+           goto 777
+         endif
+         re(1)=xptd
+         re(2)=yptd
+         if(ir.eq.1)then
+           re(3)=(xprmd-xmrmd)*plc*0.5d0
+         else
+           re(3)=(xmrmd-xprmd)*plc*0.5d0
+         endif
+         re(4)=(xprmd+xmrmd)*plc*0.5d0
+         re(5)=sqrt(xremd)
+         a(1)=xpts
+         a(2)=ypts
+         if(ir.eq.1)then
+           a(3)=(xprms-xmrms)*plc*0.5d0
+         else
+           a(3)=(xmrms-xprms)*plc*0.5d0
+         endif
+         a(4)=(xprms+xmrms)*plc*0.5d0
+         a(5)=sqrt(xrems)
+       else   !if xm to small, use two body decay (should be rare)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'kinematic limit -> boost vector:',p1
+c fix pt
+          sxini=ptm*ptm
+          ptt=dble(ranpt()*alpdro(2))**2         !pt
+          if(ptt.ge.sxini)goto 777
+          sxini=sqrt(sxini-ptt)
+          xmsmax=xmdrmaxi*(1.+drangen(xmdrmaxi))
+          xxxmax=min(xmsmax,(sxini-strmas)**2)    !strmas/(strmas+ampt2)
+          xxxmin=ampt2dro
+          if(xxxmin.gt.xxxmax)then
+            !write(ifch,*)'Warning Mmin>sxini -> only drop'
+           if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &     'Pb with ampt2 in Getdropx, retry',nredo,ir
+     &             ,ampt2dro,ampt2str,xxxmin,xxxmax,sxini,ptt,xmsmax
+            goto 777
+          endif
+c fix mass
+            rr=drangen(xxxmax)
+            xmax=xxxmax
+            xmin=xxxmin
+            alpm=dble(alpdro(3))
+            if(dabs(alpm-1.d0).lt.eps)then
+              xxx=xmax**rr*xmin**(1d0-rr)
+            else
+              xxx=(rr*xmax**(1d0-alpm)+(1d0-rr)*xmin**(1d0-alpm))
+     &                                                **(1d0/(1d0-alpm))
+            endif
+c        write(ifch,*)'ini',xmin,xxx,xmax,rr,ampt2dro
+c     &                   ,(sxini-sqrt(xxx)),ampt2str,p1(5)
+          re(5)=sqrt(xxx)
+          a(5)=sxini-re(5)
+          if(a(5).lt.strmas)then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     &           'Pb with initial mass in Getdropx, retry',ir
+     &       ,xmin,xxx,xmax,rr,ampt2dro,ampt2str,a(5)
+            goto 777
+          endif
+c two body decay
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'2 body decay',ptm,re(5),a(5)
+          qcm=utpcmd(ptm,re(5),a(5),iret)
+          u(3)=2.d0*drangen(qcm)-1.d0
+          phi=2.d0*dble(pi)*drangen(u(3))
+          u(1)=sqrt(1.d0-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+          u(2)=sqrt(1.d0-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+          do j=1,3
+            re(j)=qcm*u(j)
+            a(j)=-re(j)
+          enddo
+          re(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+re(5)**2)
+          a(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+a(5)**2)
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'momentum in rest frame : ',re,a
+c Fix a of string
+c boost string in collision frame
+        call utlob2(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,a(1),a(2),a(3),a(4),73)
+         p5sq=(a(4)+a(3))*(a(4)-a(3))-(a(1)**2.d0+a(2)**2.d0)
+         if(p5sq.gt.ampt2str)then
+           a(5)=sqrt(p5sq)
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.6)then
+             write(ifch,*)'Pb with string mass -> retry'
+             write(ifch,*)'   m^2:',p5sq,'  m_min^2:',ampt2str
+             write(ifch,*)'   momentum four vector:',(a(ii),ii=1,4)
+           endif
+           goto 777
+         endif
+c Fix ep of droplet
+c boost droplet in collision frame
+        call utlob2(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,re(1),re(2),re(3),re(4),74)
+         p5sq=(re(4)+re(3))*(re(4)-re(3))-(re(1)*re(1)+re(2)*re(2))
+         if(p5sq.gt.ampt2dro)then
+           re(5)=sqrt(p5sq)
+         else
+           if(ish.ge.6)then
+             write(ifch,*)'Pb with droplet mass -> retry'
+             write(ifch,*)'   m^2:',p5sq,'  m_min^2:',ampt2dro
+             write(ifch,*)'   momentum four vector:',(re(ii),ii=1,4)
+           endif
+           goto 777
+         endif
+       endif     !test of xm
+       if(ish.ge.1.and.abs(ep(4)-re(4)-a(4)).gt.1.e-2*ep(4))then
+         write(ifmt,*)'Pb with energy conservation in getdropx'
+         if(ish.ge.6)then
+           write(ifch,*)'Pb with energy conservation :'
+           write(ifch,*)'   p1_ini:',ep(1),'  p1:',re(1)+a(1)
+           write(ifch,*)'   p2_ini:',ep(2),'  p2:',re(2)+a(2)
+           write(ifch,*)'   p3_ini:',ep(3),'  p3:',re(3)+a(3)
+         endif
+       endif
+c If OK, save flavors of droplet and string
+         do i=1,5
+           ep(i)=re(i)
+         enddo
+         ic(1)=icx(1)
+         ic(2)=icx(2)
+         do i=1,nflav
+           jc(i,1)=jcini(i,1)
+           jc(i,2)=jcini(i,2)
+           jcv(i,1)=jcvfin(i,1)
+           jcv(i,2)=jcvfin(i,2)
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.6)then
+           write(ifch,20)'droplet:',jc,ep
+           write(ifch,30)'string remnant:',ic,a
+           write(ifch,'(a)')'valence:'
+           write(ifch,'(6i3)')jcv
+         endif
+ 20      format(a,/,'jc:',6i3,' |',6i3,/,'ep:',5(e10.3,1x))
+ 30      format(a,/,'ic:',i7,' |',i7,/,'a:',5(e10.3,1x))
+ 1000    continue
+         call utprix('getdrx',ish,ishini,4)
+         end
+       subroutine neworder(n1, n2, n3)
+c make 3 integers ordered like 1 2 3
+            if(n2.lt.n1)then
+              ifb=n2
+              n2=n1
+              n1=ifb
+            endif
+            if(n3.lt.n1)then
+              ifb=n3
+              n3=n2
+              n2=n1
+              n1=ifb
+            elseif(n3.lt.n2)then
+              ifb=n3
+              n3=n2
+              n2=ifb
+            endif
+         end
+       subroutine neworderx(x1,x2,x3,i1,i2,i3)
+c make 3 reals ordered like 1 2 3
+            if(x2.lt.x1)then
+              xfb=x2
+              x2=x1
+              x1=xfb
+              ifb=i2
+              i2=i1
+              i1=ifb
+            endif
+            if(x3.lt.x1)then
+              xfb=x3
+              x3=x2
+              x2=x1
+              x1=xfb
+              ifb=i3
+              i3=i2
+              i2=i1
+              i1=ifb
+            elseif(x3.lt.x2)then
+              xfb=x3
+              x3=x2
+              x2=xfb
+              ifb=i3
+              i3=i2
+              i2=ifb
+            endif
+         end
+      function idtr2(ic)
+c transforms ic to id such that only hadrons have nonzero id
+      parameter (nidt=30)
+      integer idt(3,nidt),ic(2)
+      data idt/
+     * 100000,100000, 110   ,100000,010000, 120   ,010000,010000, 220
+     *,100000,001000, 130   ,010000,001000, 230   ,001000,001000, 330
+     *,100000,000100, 140   ,010000,000100, 240   ,001000,000100, 340
+     *,000100,000100, 440
+     *,300000,000000,1111   ,210000,000000,1120   ,120000,000000,1220
+     *,030000,000000,2221   ,201000,000000,1130   ,111000,000000,1230
+     *,021000,000000,2230   ,102000,000000,1330   ,012000,000000,2330
+     *,003000,000000,3331   ,200100,000000,1140   ,110100,000000,1240
+     *,020100,000000,2240   ,101100,000000,1340   ,011100,000000,2340
+     *,002100,000000,3340   ,100200,000000,1440   ,010200,000000,2440
+     *,001200,000000,3440   ,000300,000000,4441/
+      idtr2=0
+      if(ic(1).eq.0.and.ic(2).eq.0)then
+       if(rangen().ge.0.5)then
+        idtr2=110
+        ic(1)=100000
+        ic(2)=100000
+       else
+        idtr2=220
+        ic(1)=10000
+        ic(2)=10000
+       endif
+       return
+      endif
+      do 1 i=1,nidt
+       if(ic(2).eq.idt(1,i).and.ic(1).eq.idt(2,i))idtr2=-idt(3,i)
+       if(ic(1).eq.idt(1,i).and.ic(2).eq.idt(2,i))idtr2=idt(3,i)
+1     continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emsini(e,idpji,idtgi)
+c  energy-momentum sharing initializations
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/cemsr5/at(0:1,0:5)
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/cems10/a(0:ntypmx),b(0:ntypmx),d(0:ntypmx)
+      common/ems6/ivp0,iap0,idp0,isp0,ivt0,iat0,idt0,ist0
+      double precision d,a,b,plc,s,amd,dcel,xvpr,xdm,at,xdm2
+      common/ems3/dcel,ad
+      common/cems13/xvpr(0:3)
+c parameter test
+      if(nflavems.lt.nrflav)
+     &   call utstop("nflavems<nrflav : change it in epos-ems !&")
+c abreviations
+      plc=dble(e)
+      s=plc**2
+      amd=0.5d0   !dble(delrex) !(large enough in case of strangeness in string end
+c alpha (0=0, 1=s, 2=v, 4=d, 8=f)
+      a(0)=0d0
+      a(1)=dble(alpsea)
+      a(2)=dble(alpval)
+      a(3)= 0.0d0
+      a(4)=dble(alpdiq)
+      a(5)=dble(a(4))
+      a(6)= 0.0d0
+      a(7)= 0.0d0
+      a(8)=dble(a(2))
+      a(9)= 0.0d0
+c beta (0=0, 1=s, 2=v, 4=d, 8=f)
+      b(0)=0.0d0
+      b(1)=dble(-alpqua)
+      b(2)=dble(-alpqua)
+      b(3)=0.0d0
+      b(4)=0.0d0
+      b(5)=0.0d0
+      b(6)=0.0d0
+      b(7)=0.0d0
+      b(8)=dble(-alpqua)
+      b(9)=0.0d0
+c alpha_trailing and beta_trailing (0=meson, 1=baryon;
+c                                   0=no excit, 1=nondiffr, 2=diffr,
+c                                   3=nondiffr split, 5=diffr split)
+      at(0,0)=0.0d0
+      at(0,1)=dble(alpndi)
+      at(0,2)=dble(alpdi)
+      at(0,3)=dble(alpdro(3))
+      at(0,4)=10d0
+      at(0,5)=dble(alpdro(3))
+      at(1,0)=0.0d0
+      at(1,1)=dble(alpndi)
+      at(1,2)=dble(alpdi)
+      at(1,3)=dble(alpdro(3))
+      at(1,4)=10d0
+      at(1,5)=dble(alpdro(3))
+c minimal string masses ( i+j, each one: 0=0, 1=s, 2=v, 4=d, 5=d, 8=f)
+      ammn(0)=0d0
+      ammn(1)=0d0
+      ammn(2)=dble(ammsqq)+amd
+      ammn(3)=dble(ammsqq)
+      ammn(4)=dble(ammsqq)
+      ammn(5)=dble(ammsqd)+amd
+      ammn(6)=dble(ammsqd)+amd
+      ammn(7)=0d0
+      ammn(8)=dble(ammsdd)+amd
+      ammn(9)=dble(ammsqd)+amd
+      ammn(10)=dble(ammsqd)+amd
+      ammn(12)=dble(ammsqd)+amd
+      ammn(16)=0.14d0
+c minimal pomeron masses (0=soft or gg, 1=qg, 2=gq, 3=qq)
+      amprmn(0)=ammsqq
+      amprmn(1)=dsqrt(4d0*dble(q2min))
+      amprmn(2)=amprmn(1)
+      amprmn(3)=amprmn(1)
+c cutoff for virtual pomeron (0=0, 1=soft Pom, 2=regge, 3=hard)
+c      xvpr(0)=0d0
+c      xvpr(1)=dble(cumpom**2)/s
+c      xvpr(2)=dble(cumpom**2)/s
+c      xvpr(3)=0.0d0**2/s
+c minimal remnant masses (0=meson, 1=baryon)
+      idpj=idpji
+      xdm=0.35d0                  !<pt>
+      call idmass(idpj,ampj)
+      if(iabs(idpj).gt.1000)then
+       ampmn(0)=0.14d0+xdm
+       ampmn(1)=dble(ampj)+xdm
+      else
+       ampmn(0)=dble(ampj)+xdm
+       ampmn(1)=0.94d0+xdm
+      endif
+      idtg=idtgi
+      if(idtg.eq.0)idtg=1120
+      call idmass(idtg,amtg)
+      if(iabs(idtg).gt.1000)then
+       amtmn(0)=0.14d0+xdm
+       amtmn(1)=dble(amtg)+xdm
+      else
+       amtmn(0)=dble(amtg)+xdm
+       amtmn(1)=0.94d0+xdm
+      endif
+c minimal excitation masses (0=meson, 1=baryon
+c                            0=no excit, 1=nondiffr, 2=diffr,
+c                                   6=nondiffr but no pomeron)
+      xdm2=0.35d0
+      amemn(0,0)=0.d0
+      amemn(1,0)=0.d0
+      amemn(0,4)=0.d0
+      amemn(1,4)=0.d0
+      amemn(0,6)=0.d0
+      amemn(1,6)=0.d0
+      amemn(0,1)=xdm2!+dble(delrex)
+      amemn(0,2)=xdm2!+dble(delrex)
+      amemn(0,3)=xdm2!+dble(delrex)
+      amemn(0,5)=xdm2+dble(delrex) !remnant excited without connexion (split)
+      amemn(1,1)=xdm2!+dble(delrex)
+      amemn(1,2)=xdm2!+dble(delrex)
+      amemn(1,3)=xdm2!+dble(delrex)
+      amemn(1,5)=xdm2+dble(delrex) !remnant excited without connexion (split)
+c maximal excitation masses (0=no excit, 1=nondiffr, 2=diffr)
+      amemx(0)=2d0*xdm
+      amemx(1)=plc
+      amemx(2)=plc
+      if(idpj.gt.1000)then     ! baryon
+c initial quark configuration
+       ivp0=3
+       iap0=0
+       idp0=1
+       isp0=1
+c no val quark for exotic projectile
+       if(iremn.ge.2.and.(idpj.ne.1120.and.idpj.ne.1220))ivp0=0
+      elseif(idpj.lt.-1000)then     ! antibaryon
+c initial quark configuration
+       ivp0=0
+       iap0=3
+       idp0=1
+       isp0=1
+c no val quark for exotic projectile
+       if(iremn.ge.2.and.(idpj.ne.-1120.and.idpj.ne.-1220))iap0=0
+      else      ! meson
+c initial quark configuration
+       ivp0=1
+       iap0=1
+       idp0=0
+       if(iclpro.eq.1)then
+         isp0=0
+       else
+         isp0=1
+       endif
+c no val quark for exotic projectile
+       if(iremn.ge.2.and.(mod(abs(idpj/100),10).gt.4
+     &                 .or.mod(abs(idpj/10),10).gt.4
+     &    .or.mod(abs(idpj/100),10)/mod(abs(idpj/10),10).eq.1))then
+         ivp0=0
+         iap0=0
+       endif
+      endif
+      if(idtg.gt.1000)then    ! baryon
+c initial quark configuration
+       ivt0=3
+       iat0=0
+       idt0=1
+       ist0=0
+c no val quark for exotic target
+       if(iremn.ge.2.and.(idtg.ne.1120.and.idtg.ne.1220))ivt0=0
+      elseif(idtg.lt.-1000)then   ! antibaryon
+c initial quark configuration
+       ivt0=0
+       iat0=3
+       idt0=1
+       ist0=0
+c no val quark for exotic target
+       if(iremn.ge.2.and.(idtg.ne.-1120.and.idtg.ne.-1220))iat0=0
+      else       ! meson
+c initial quark configuration
+       ivt0=1
+       iat0=1
+       if(icltar.eq.1)then
+         idt0=0
+       else
+         idt0=1
+       endif
+       ist0=0
+c no val quark for exotic target
+       if(iremn.ge.2.and.(mod(abs(idtg/100),10).gt.4
+     &                 .or.mod(abs(idtg/10),10).gt.4
+     &    .or.mod(abs(idtg/100),10)/mod(abs(idtg/10),10).eq.1))then
+         ivt0=0
+         iat0=0
+       endif
+      endif
+c eikonal parameters
+       dcel=dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+c counters
+       antot=0.
+       ansh=0.
+       ansf=0.
+       antotf=0.
+       anshf=0.
+       ansff=0.
+       pp4max=0.
+       pp4ini=0.
+       andropl=0.
+       anstrg0=0.
+       anstrg1=0.
+       anreso0=0.
+       anreso1=0.
+       anghadr=0.
+       antotre=0.
+       anintdiff=0.
+       anintsdif=0.
+       anintine=0.
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emsigr
+c initialize grid
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      call utpri('emsigr',ish,ishini,5)
+      do k=1,koll  !----k-loop---->
+c determine length of k-th line of grid
+       o=max(1.e-5,min(sngl(om1intc(k)),float(npommx)))!if GFF used for propo
+        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'emsigr:k,o',k,o
+       n=0
+       if(o.le.50)then
+         p=1./(exp(o)-1)
+       else
+         p=0.
+       endif
+10     n=n+1
+       p=p*o/n
+        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'emsigr:n,p',n,p
+       if((p.gt.1e-4.or.n.lt.int(o)).and.n.lt.npommx
+     *.and.n.lt.nprmax)goto 10
+       if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'emsigr:nmax,b',n,bk(k)
+       npr(0,k)=n
+       nprmx(k)=n
+       nprt(k)=0
+       do i=1,3
+        npr(i,k)=0
+       enddo
+c initial value for interaction type
+       itpr(k)=0
+c initial value for nuclear splitting
+       do ir=1,2
+         knucnt(ir,k)=0
+         do ncon=1,mamx
+           npnuc(ncon,ir,k)=0
+           irnuc(ncon,ir,k)=0
+           xxnuc(ncon,ir,k)=0d0
+         enddo
+       enddo
+c initialize grid
+       do n=1,nprmx(k)
+        idpr(n,k)=0
+        idfpr(n,k)=0
+        ivpr(n,k)=1
+        nppr(n,k)=0
+        nbkpr(n,k)=0
+        nvpr(n,k)=0
+        idsppr(n,k)=0
+        idstpr(n,k)=0
+        idrpr(n,k)=0
+        idhpr(n,k)=0
+        bhpr(n,k)=0.
+        xpr(n,k)=0d0
+        ypr(n,k)=0d0
+        xppr(n,k)=0d0
+        xmpr(n,k)=0d0
+        xp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        idp1pr(n,k)=0
+        idp2pr(n,k)=0
+        idm1pr(n,k)=0
+        idm2pr(n,k)=0
+        xxp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xyp1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xxp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xyp2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xxm1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xym1pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xxm2pr(n,k)=0d0
+        xym2pr(n,k)=0d0
+       enddo
+      enddo !  <----k-loop-----
+      call utprix('emsigr',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emsipt
+c initialize projectile and target
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/ems3/dcel,ad
+      common/ems6/ivp0,iap0,idp0,isp0,ivt0,iat0,idt0,ist0
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      double precision dcel,s,plc
+c initialize projectile
+      do i=1,maproj
+       idp(i)=idp0
+       ivp(i)=ivp0+iap0
+       iap(i)=iap0
+       isp(i)=isp0
+       iep(i)=-1
+       ifp(i)=0
+       kolp(i)=0
+       npp(i)=0
+       npproj(i)=0
+       xxp(i)=0d0
+       xyp(i)=0d0
+       xpmn(i)=(amemn(idp(i),0)+ampmn(isp(i)))**2/s
+       xpmx(i)=dmin1(1d0,(amemx(0)+ampmn(isp(i)))**2/s)
+       xpos(i)=0.9d0*(amemx(0)+ampmn(isp(i)))**2/s
+       xppmx(i)=0.5d0/(1d0+1d0/dble(maproj)**0.3d0)!1d0-dsqrt(xpmn(i))/maproj
+       xmpmx(i)=0.5d0/(1d0+1d0/dble(matarg)**0.3d0)!1d0-dsqrt(xpmn(i))/matarg
+       xmpmn(i)=xpmn(i)/xppmx(i)
+       xppmn(i)=xpmn(i)/xmpmx(i)
+       xpp(i)=1d0
+       xmp(i)=0d0
+       xppst(i)=0.d0
+       xmpst(i)=0.d0
+       xposst(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+c initialize target
+      do j=1,matarg
+       idt(j)=idt0
+       ivt(j)=ivt0+iat0
+       iat(j)=iat0
+       ist(j)=ist0
+       iet(j)=-1
+       ift(j)=0
+       kolt(j)=0
+       npt(j)=0
+       nptarg(j)=0
+       xxt(j)=0d0
+       xyt(j)=0d0
+       xtmn(j)=(amemn(idt(j),0)+amtmn(ist(j)))**2/s
+       xtmx(j)=dmin1(1d0,(amemx(0)+amtmn(ist(j)))**2/s)
+       xtos(j)=0.9d0*(amemx(0)+amtmn(ist(j)))**2/s
+       xmtmx(j)=0.5d0/(1d0+1d0/dble(matarg)**0.3d0)!1d0-dsqrt(xtmn(j))/matarg
+       xptmx(j)=0.5d0/(1d0+1d0/dble(maproj)**0.3d0)!1d0-dsqrt(xtmn(j))/maproj
+       xptmn(j)=xtmn(j)/xmtmx(j)
+       xmtmn(j)=xtmn(j)/xptmx(j)
+       xmt(j)=1d0
+       xpt(j)=0d0
+       xmtst(j)=0.d0
+       xptst(j)=0.d0
+       xtosst(j)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emszz
+c     completes /cptl/ for nucleons, checks for no interaction
+c     writes   /cevt/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      common/col3/ncol,kolpt
+      integer kolpz(mamx),koltz(mamx)
+      call utpri('emszz ',ish,ishini,6)
+c     write /cptl/
+c     ------------
+      if(iokoll.eq.1)then   ! precisely matarg collisions
+c nothing to do
+        ntg=0
+        npj=0
+        ncoli=0
+      else
+c determine ncol
+       ncolx=ncol
+       ncol=0
+       ncoli=0
+       do 8 k=1,koll
+       if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'k,itpr,ncol,ncolx',k,itpr(k),ncol,ncolx
+        if(itpr(k).eq.0)goto 8
+        if(abs(itpr(k)).eq.1)ncoli=ncoli+1
+          ncol=ncol+1
+          if(itpr(k).ne.3)then          !empty pair, remnant not modified
+            i=iproj(k)
+            j=itarg(k)
+            istptl(i)=1
+            iorptl(i)=-1
+            tivptl(2,i)=coord(4,k)
+            istptl(maproj+j)=1
+            iorptl(maproj+j)=-1
+            tivptl(2,maproj+j)=coord(4,k)
+          endif
+8      continue
+       if(ncolx.ne.ncol)write(6,*)'ncolx,ncol:', ncolx,ncol
+       if(ncolx.ne.ncol)call utstop('********ncolx.ne.ncol********&')
+       if(ncol.eq.0)goto1001
+c determine npj, ntg
+       do ip=1,maproj
+        kolpz(ip)=0
+       enddo
+       do it=1,matarg
+        koltz(it)=0
+       enddo
+      do k=1,koll
+       if(itpr(k).ne.0.and.itpr(k).ne.3)then
+        ip=iproj(k)
+        it=itarg(k)
+        kolpz(ip)=kolpz(ip)+1
+        koltz(it)=koltz(it)+1
+       endif
+      enddo
+      npj=0
+      do ip=1,maproj
+       if(kolpz(ip).gt.0.or.iep(ip).ge.3)npj=npj+1
+      enddo
+      ntg=0
+      do it=1,matarg
+       if(koltz(it).gt.0.or.iet(it).ge.3)ntg=ntg+1
+      enddo
+c     write(6,*)'npj,ntg,npj+ntg:',npj,ntg,npj+ntg
+       endif
+c     write /cevt/
+c     ------------
+      nevt=1
+      bimevt=bimp
+      phievt=phi
+      kolevt=ncol
+      koievt=ncoli
+      kohevt=0      !not yet defined
+      npjevt=npj
+      ntgevt=ntg
+      pmxevt=pnll
+      egyevt=engy
+      !print*,' ===== ',kolevt,koievt' ====='
+c     exit
+c     ----
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+      do n=1,nptl
+      write(ifch,115)iorptl(n),jorptl(n),n,istptl(n)
+     *,tivptl(1,n),tivptl(2,n)
+      enddo
+  115 format(1x,'/cptl/',2i6,2i10,2(e10.3,1x))
+      endif
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('emszz ',ish,ishini,6)
+      return
+1001  continue
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+      write(ifch,*)
+      write(ifch,*)'   ***** no interaction!!!'
+      write(ifch,*)'   ***** ncol=0 detected in emszz'
+      write(ifch,*)
+      endif
+      goto 1000
+      end
+      subroutine ProCop(i,ii)
+c Propose Coordinates of remnants from active projectile nucleons
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision xmptmp,aproj
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      integer icrmn(2),jc(nflav,2),icini(2)
+      double precision s,plc
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      npproj(i)=nptl
+      idptl(nptl)=idptl(ii)*100+99  !100*10**idp(i)+iep(i)
+      istptl(nptl)=40
+      ityptl(nptl)=40
+      iorptl(nptl)=ii
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+      do j=1,2
+        do k=1,nflav
+          jc(k,j)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      istptl(ii)=1
+c     determine kolz
+      if(lproj(i).gt.1)then
+        zmax=-ainfin
+        kolz=0
+        do l=1,lproj(i)
+          k=kproj(i,l)
+          z=coord(3,k)
+          if(itpr(k).ne.0.and.z.gt.zmax)then
+            zmax=z
+            kolz=k
+          endif
+        enddo
+      else
+        kolz=1
+      endif
+c      if(kolz.eq.0)call utstop(' kolz=0 (proj)&')
+      if(kolz.eq.0)then
+        t=0.
+      else
+        t=coord(4,kolz)
+      endif
+      xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ii)
+      xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ii)
+      xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,ii)
+      xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=t
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=t
+      naq=0
+      nqu=0
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then   !update icproj
+        idp(i)=min(1,abs(idp(i)))
+        k=1
+        nqu=0
+        do n=1,nrflav
+          jc(n,k)=jcpref(n,k,i)
+          nqu=nqu+jc(n,k)
+        enddo
+        k=2
+        naq=0
+        do n=1,nrflav
+          jc(n,k)=jcpref(n,k,i)
+          naq=naq+jc(n,k)
+        enddo
+        isum=nqu+naq
+        call idenco(jc,icrmn,iret)
+        if(iret.eq.0.and.(isum.le.3.or.iremn.ne.3))then
+          icproj(1,i)=icrmn(1)
+          icproj(2,i)=icrmn(2)
+        elseif(iremn.eq.3)then
+      write(ifch,*)'Problem in projectile flavor :',i,' ->',jc,' :',isum
+          call utstop('Procop: Problem in projectile flavor !&')
+        else     !for iremn=2 and large number of quark define icproj=999999
+          icproj(1,i)=999999
+          icproj(2,i)=999999
+        endif
+      endif
+      icrmn(1)=icproj(1,i)
+      icrmn(2)=icproj(2,i)
+      if(iremn.ge.1)then      !excited remnant ?
+        call idtr4(idptl(ii),icini)
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Procop icini proj',i,icini,' ->',icrmn
+        if((icrmn(1)-icini(1))+(icrmn(2)-icini(2)).ne.0)then
+          if(iep(i).eq.6)then
+            write(ifch,'(a,d25.15)')
+     &'Flavor problem in proj for pseudo-inelastic collision !',seedc
+          elseif(iep(i).eq.0)then
+            iep(i)=1
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(iremn.eq.2)then
+          if(.not.((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+     &       .or.(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1)))iep(i)=3
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i2)')
+     &            'Procop part ',ii,', iep(',i,'): ',iep(i)
+      if(iremn.le.1)call iddeco(icrmn,jc)
+      if(iep(i).ge.1.and.iep(i).ne.6)then
+        aproj=dble(max(amproj,fremnux(jc)))
+      else
+        aproj=dble(max(amproj,fremnux2(jc)))
+      endif
+c      aprojex=max(ampmn(isp(i))+amemn(idp(i),iep(i))
+c     &           ,dble(fremnux(jc)))
+      xmptmp=(aproj**2+xxp(i)*xxp(i)+xyp(i)*xyp(i))
+     &       /(xpp(i)*s)
+      xpos(i)=xpp(i)*xmptmp
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Procop mass : ',aproj,xpos(i)*s
+      if(xmptmp.gt.1.d0)then
+        xmptmp=0.d0
+      if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'Warning in ProCop, Remnant mass too low'
+      endif
+      pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(xxp(i))
+      pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(xyp(i))
+      pptl(3,nptl)=sngl((xpp(i)-xmptmp)*plc/2d0)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=sngl((xpp(i)+xmptmp)*plc/2d0)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=aproj
+c      write(ifmt,*)'ProCop',i,nptl
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine ProCot(j,jj)
+c Propose Coordinates of remnants from active targets nucleons
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision xpttmp,atarg
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      integer icrmn(2),jc(nflav,2),icini(2)
+      double precision s,plc
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      nptarg(j)=nptl
+      idptl(nptl)=idptl(jj)*100+99    !100*10**idt(j)+iet(j)
+      istptl(nptl)=40
+      ityptl(nptl)=50
+      iorptl(nptl)=jj
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+      ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+      do k=1,2
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jc(i,k)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      istptl(jj)=1
+c     determine kolz
+      if(ltarg(j).gt.1)then
+        zmin=ainfin
+        kolz=0
+        do l=1,ltarg(j)
+          k=ktarg(j,l)
+          z=coord(3,k)
+          if(itpr(k).ne.0.and.z.lt.zmin)then
+            zmin=z
+            kolz=k
+          endif
+        enddo
+      else
+        kolz=1
+      endif
+c      if(kolz.eq.0)call utstop(' kolz=0 (targ)&')
+      if(kolz.eq.0)then
+        t=0.
+      else
+        t=coord(4,kolz)
+      endif
+      xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,jj)
+      xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,jj)
+      xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,jj)
+      xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=t
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=t
+      naq=0
+      nqu=0
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then   !update ictarg
+        idt(j)=min(1,abs(idt(j)))
+        k=1
+        nqu=0
+        do n=1,nrflav
+          jc(n,k)=jctref(n,k,j)
+          nqu=nqu+jc(n,k)
+        enddo
+        k=2
+        naq=0
+        do n=1,nrflav
+          jc(n,k)=jctref(n,k,j)
+          naq=naq+jc(n,k)
+        enddo
+        isum=nqu+naq
+        call idenco(jc,icrmn,iret)
+        if(iret.eq.0.and.(isum.le.3.or.iremn.ne.3))then
+          ictarg(1,j)=icrmn(1)
+          ictarg(2,j)=icrmn(2)
+        elseif(iremn.eq.3)then
+      write(ifch,*)'Problem in projectile flavor :',j,' ->',jc,' :',isum
+          call utstop('Procot: Problem in target flavor !&')
+        else     !for iremn=2 and large number of quark define ictarg=999999
+          ictarg(1,j)=999999
+          ictarg(2,j)=999999
+        endif
+      endif
+      icrmn(1)=ictarg(1,j)
+      icrmn(2)=ictarg(2,j)
+      if(iremn.ge.1)then      !excited remnant ?
+        call idtr4(idptl(jj),icini)
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Procot icini targ',j,icini,' ->',icrmn
+        if((icrmn(1)-icini(1))+(icrmn(2)-icini(2)).ne.0)then
+          if(iet(j).eq.6)then
+            write(ifch,'(a,d25.15)')
+     &'Flavor problem in targ for pseudo-inelastic collision !',seedc
+          elseif(iet(j).eq.0)then
+            iet(j)=1
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(iremn.eq.2)then
+          if(.not.((nqu.eq.3.and.naq.eq.0).or.(nqu.eq.0.and.naq.eq.3)
+     &       .or.(nqu.eq.1.and.naq.eq.1)))iet(j)=3
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,i3,a,i2)')
+     &            'Procot part ',jj,', iet(',j,'): ',iet(j)
+      if(iremn.le.1)call iddeco(icrmn,jc)
+      if(iet(j).ge.1.and.iet(j).ne.6)then
+        atarg=dble(max(amtarg,fremnux(jc)))
+      else
+        atarg=dble(max(amtarg,fremnux2(jc)))
+      endif
+c      atargex=max(amtmn(ist(j))+amemn(idt(j),iet(j))
+c     &           ,dble(fremnux(jc)))
+      xpttmp=(atarg**2+xxt(j)*xxt(j)+xyt(j)*xyt(j))
+     &       /(xmt(j)*s)
+      xtos(j)=xpttmp*xmt(j)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Procot mass : ',atarg,xtos(j)*s
+      if(xpttmp.gt.1.d0)then
+        xpttmp=0.d0
+      if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Warning in ProCot, Remnant mass too low'
+      endif
+      pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(xxt(j))
+      pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(xyt(j))
+      pptl(3,nptl)=sngl((xpttmp-xmt(j))*plc/2d0)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=sngl((xpttmp+xmt(j))*plc/2d0)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=atarg
+c      write(ifmt,*)'ProCot',j,nptl
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emswrp(i,ii)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision p5sq
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      double precision s,plc
+      parameter(eps=1.e-5)
+      if(npproj(i).eq.0)then
+        write(*,*)'emswrp i ii',i,ii
+        call utstop('emswrp with npproj=0 should never happen !&')
+c        t=xorptl(4,kolp(i))
+c        istptl(ii)=1
+c        iorptl(ii)=-1
+c        tivptl(2,ii)=t
+c        nptl=nptl+1
+c        npproj(i)=nptl
+c        idptl(nptl)=idptl(ii)*100+99 !100*10**idp(i)+iep(i)
+c        istptl(nptl)=40
+c        ityptl(nptl)=40
+c        iorptl(nptl)=ii
+c        jorptl(nptl)=kolp(i)
+c        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+c        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+c        xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ii)
+c        xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ii)
+c        xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,ii)
+c        xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+c        tivptl(1,nptl)=t
+c        tivptl(2,nptl)=t
+c        mm=nptl
+c        kolp(i)=1
+      else
+        mm=npproj(i)
+      endif
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.(iep(i).eq.0.or.iep(i).eq.6))
+     &xmp(i)=min(1d0-xpp(i),xmp(i))
+      pptl(1,mm)=sngl(xxp(i))
+      pptl(2,mm)=sngl(xyp(i))
+      pptl(3,mm)=sngl((xpp(i)-xmp(i))*plc/2d0)
+      pptl(4,mm)=sngl((xpp(i)+xmp(i))*plc/2d0)
+      if(pptl(4,mm).lt.-eps)call utstop('E pro<0 !&')
+      p5sq=xpp(i)*xmp(i)*s-xxp(i)*xxp(i)-xyp(i)*xyp(i)
+      if(p5sq.gt.1.d-10)then
+        pptl(5,mm)=sngl(sqrt(p5sq))
+      elseif(iep(i).eq.0)then
+        pptl(5,mm)=pptl(5,ii)
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.2)then
+          write(ifch,*)'problem with mass for projectile, '
+     &         ,'continue with zero mass'
+          write(ifch,*)i,mm,xxp(i),xyp(i),xpp(i),xmp(i),p5sq
+        endif
+        pptl(5,mm)=0.
+      endif
+      do l=1,4
+       ibptl(l,mm)=0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emswrt(j,jj)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision p5sq
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      double precision s,plc
+      parameter(eps=1.e-5)
+      if(nptarg(j).eq.0)then
+        write(*,*)'emswrt j jj',j,jj
+        call utstop('emswrt with nptarg=0 should never happen !&')
+c        t=xorptl(4,kolt(j))
+c        istptl(jj)=1
+c        iorptl(jj)=-1
+c        tivptl(2,jj)=t
+c        nptl=nptl+1
+c        nptarg(j)=nptl
+c        idptl(nptl)=idptl(jj)*100+99 !100*10**idp(i)+iep(i)
+c        istptl(nptl)=40
+c        ityptl(nptl)=50
+c        iorptl(nptl)=jj
+c        jorptl(nptl)=kolt(j)
+c        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+c        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+c        xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,jj)
+c        xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,jj)
+c        xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,jj)
+c        xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+c        tivptl(1,nptl)=t
+c        tivptl(2,nptl)=t
+c        mm=nptl
+c        kolt(j)=1
+      else
+        mm=nptarg(j)
+      endif
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.(iet(j).eq.0.or.iet(j).eq.6))
+     &xpt(j)=min(1d0-xmt(j),xpt(j))
+      pptl(1,mm)=sngl(xxt(j))
+      pptl(2,mm)=sngl(xyt(j))
+      pptl(3,mm)=sngl((xpt(j)-xmt(j))*plc/2d0)
+      pptl(4,mm)=sngl((xpt(j)+xmt(j))*plc/2d0)
+      if(pptl(4,mm).lt.-eps)call utstop('E targ<0 !&')
+      p5sq=xpt(j)*xmt(j)*s-xxt(j)*xxt(j)-xyt(j)*xyt(j)
+      if(p5sq.gt.1.d-10)then
+        pptl(5,mm)=sngl(sqrt(p5sq))
+      elseif(iet(j).eq.0)then
+        pptl(5,mm)=pptl(5,jj)
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.2)then
+          write(ifch,*)'problem with mass for target, '
+     &            ,'continue with zero mass'
+          write(ifch,*)j,mm,xxt(j),xyt(j),xpt(j),xmt(j),p5sq
+        endif
+        pptl(5,mm)=0.
+      endif
+      do l=1,4
+       ibptl(l,mm)=0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emswrpom(k,i,j)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      double precision s,px,py,plc
+      do 30 n=1,nprmx(k)
+       if(idpr(n,k).eq.0.or.ivpr(n,k).eq.0)goto30
+       nptl=nptl+1
+       nppr(n,k)=nptl
+       px=xxp1pr(n,k)+xxp2pr(n,k)+xxm1pr(n,k)+xxm2pr(n,k)
+       py=xyp1pr(n,k)+xyp2pr(n,k)+xym1pr(n,k)+xym2pr(n,k)
+       pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(px)
+       pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(py)
+       pptl(3,nptl)=sngl(dsqrt(xpr(n,k))*dsinh(ypr(n,k))*plc)
+       pptl(4,nptl)=sngl(dsqrt(xpr(n,k))*dcosh(ypr(n,k))*plc)
+       pptl(5,nptl)=sngl(dsqrt(xpr(n,k)*s-px*px-py*py))
+   !    print*,pptl(5,nptl)/plc
+       idptl(nptl)=idpr(n,k)*10000
+     &     +idp1pr(n,k)*1000
+     &     +idp2pr(n,k)*100
+     &     +idm1pr(n,k)*10
+     &     +idm2pr(n,k)
+       idptl(nptl)=idptl(nptl)*100+99
+       istptl(nptl)=30
+       iorptl(nptl)=i
+       jorptl(nptl)=j
+       ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+       ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+       xorptl(1,nptl)=coord(1,k)
+       xorptl(2,nptl)=coord(2,k)
+       xorptl(3,nptl)=coord(3,k)
+       xorptl(4,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       tivptl(1,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       tivptl(2,nptl)=coord(4,k)
+       if(idpr(n,k).eq.1)then
+        ityptl(nptl)=20
+        if(itpr(k).gt.0)ityptl(nptl)=25
+       elseif(idpr(n,k).eq.3)then
+        ityptl(nptl)=30
+        if(itpr(k).gt.0)ityptl(nptl)=35
+       else
+        call utstop('emswrpom: unknown id&')
+       endif
+       do l = 1,4
+        ibptl(l,nptl)=0
+       enddo
+30    continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine emsfrag(iret)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision pfrx(mamxx),pfry(mamxx),pfrz(mamxx),xmean,ymean
+     &                ,zmean,spec
+      integer          ityp(mamxx)
+      iret=0
+c Projectile fragment(s)
+      irest = maproj*100+abs(laproj)
+      inew=0
+      idrest=0
+      mapro=maproj
+      xmean=0d0
+      ymean=0d0
+      zmean=0d0
+      spec=0d0
+      amrest=0.
+      imin=maproj
+      imax=1
+      do is=1,maproj
+        if(istptl(is).eq.0)then
+          if ( iorptl(is) .eq. 0 ) then
+            if(infragm.eq.0)then   !keep free nucleons
+c  copy spectators at the end of the list (necessary for hepmc interface)
+              nptl=nptl+1
+              if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+                iret=1
+                goto 1000
+              endif
+              call utrepl(nptl,is)
+              istptl(is)=1
+              ifrptl(1,is)=nptl
+              ifrptl(2,is)=nptl
+              istptl(nptl)=0
+              iorptl(nptl)=is
+            else
+c  compose projectile spectators to remaining nucleus
+              spec=spec+1d0
+              tivptl(2,is)=0d0
+              xmean=xmean+xorptl(1,is)
+              ymean=ymean+xorptl(2,is)
+              zmean=0d0
+              amrest=amrest+pptl(5,is)
+              imin=min(imin,is)
+              imax=max(imax,is)
+              istptl(is)=1
+              ifrptl(1,is)=nptl+1
+              ifrptl(2,is)=nptl+1
+              idrest = is
+              id=idptl(is)
+              if     ( id .eq. 1120 ) then
+                inew  = inew + 101
+                irest = irest - 101
+              elseif ( id .eq. 1220 ) then
+                inew  = inew + 100
+                irest = irest - 100
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif( iorptl(is) .le. 0  .and.  istptl(is) .eq. 1 ) then
+          if( iorptl(is) .eq. 0 )jorptl(is)=1
+          mapro=mapro-1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(inew.eq.0)goto 100
+      xmean=xmean/spec
+      ymean=ymean/spec
+      zmean=zmean/spec
+      nptla=nptl
+c prepare intermediate particle to produce nuclear fragment
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+        iret=1
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      if( inew .eq. 100 .or. inew .eq. 101 ) then
+c  remaining nucleus is single neutron or proton
+        call utrepl(nptl,idrest)
+        ifrptl(1,idrest)=nptl
+        ifrptl(2,idrest)=nptl
+        istptl(nptl)=0
+        iorptl(nptl)=idrest
+        goto 100
+      else
+c intermediate particles for father/mother relationship
+        idptl(nptl)=800000000+inew
+        ea = float(inew/100)*pptl(4,idrest)
+c  momenta squared
+        ptm = sqrt(max(0.,(ea-amrest)*(ea+amrest)))
+        istptl(nptl)=51
+        pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+        pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+        pptl(3,nptl)=ptm
+        pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+     *                     +pptl(3,nptl)**2+amrest**2)
+        pptl(5,nptl)=amrest         !mass
+        ityptl(nptl)=40
+        iorptl(nptl)=imax
+        jorptl(nptl)=imax
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=nptl+1
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=0d0
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=0d0
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=0d0
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=0d0
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=0d0
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=0d0
+        if ( infragm .ge. 2 ) then
+c  remaining nucleus is evaporating nucleons and alpha particles
+         jfin  = 0
+         call epovapor( maproj,inew,jfin,ityp,pfrx,pfry,pfrz )
+         if ( jfin .eq. 0 )then   !something failed
+           iret=1
+           goto 1000
+         endif
+c loop to treat the remnants of the desintegrated fragment
+         do  135  j = 1, jfin
+          if(ityp(j).lt.0.)then
+            idnucl=-ityp(j)
+            inucl= idnucl/100
+            if(idnucl.eq.402)then   !helium (alpha)
+              idnucl=19
+            elseif(idnucl.eq.301)then   !tritium
+              idnucl=18
+            elseif(idnucl.eq.201)then   !deuterium
+              idnucl=17
+            else
+              iprot= mod(idnucl,100)
+              idnucl=1000000000+iprot*10000+inucl*10 !PDG code for nucleus
+            endif
+          else
+            inucl=1
+            idnucl=ityp(j)
+          endif
+          ea = float(inucl)*pptl(4,idrest)
+c  momenta squared
+          call idmass(idnucl,am)
+          ptm = ( ea - am ) * ( ea + am )
+          pt2 = sngl( pfrx(j)**2 + pfry(j)**2 )
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'pro fragment: j,id,ea,ptm,pt2=',
+     *                                       j,idnucl,ea,ptm,pt2
+          if ( pt2 + pfrz(j)**2 .ge. ptm ) then
+            if (ish.ge.2) write(ifch,*) 'emsfrag: pt reject particle',j
+            nnn=0
+            is=0
+            do while (is.lt.maproj.and.nnn.lt.inucl)
+              is=is+1
+              if(istptl(is).eq.1
+     &             .and.jorptl(is).eq.0.and.iorptl(is).eq.0)then
+                nnn=nnn+1
+c  copy spectators at the end of the list (necessary for hepmc interface)
+                nptl=nptl+1
+                if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+                  iret=1
+                  goto 1000
+                endif
+                call utrepl(nptl,is)
+                jorptl(is)=1
+                ifrptl(1,is)=nptl
+                ifrptl(2,is)=nptl
+                istptl(nptl)=0
+                iorptl(nptl)=is
+              endif
+            enddo
+            goto 135
+          else
+            plong = sqrt(ptm-pt2)
+          endif
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+            iret=1
+            goto 1000
+          endif
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(pfrx(j))
+          pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(pfry(j))
+          pptl(3,nptl)=plong+sngl(pfrz(j))   !OK if plong >> pfrz
+          pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+     *                     +pptl(3,nptl)**2+am**2)
+          pptl(5,nptl)=am    !mass
+          ityptl(nptl)=0
+          iorptl(nptl)=nptla+1
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xmean
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=ymean
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=zmean
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(2,idrest)
+          idptl(nptl)=idnucl
+ 135    continue
+        elseif ( infragm .eq. 1 ) then
+c  remaining nucleus is one fragment
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+            iret=1
+            goto 1000
+          endif
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          pptl(1,nptl)=0.d0
+          pptl(2,nptl)=0.d0
+          pptl(4,nptl)=0.d0
+          inucl=0
+          do is=1,maproj
+            if(iorptl(is).eq.0.and.jorptl(is).eq.0)then
+              inucl=inucl+1
+              pptl(4,nptl)=pptl(4,nptl)+dble(pptl(4,is))
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if(inucl.ne.inew/100)call utstop('Pb in emsfrag !&')
+          idnucl=1000000000+mod(inew,100)*10000+(inew/100)*10
+          call idmass(idnucl,am)
+          pptl(5,nptl)=am    !mass
+          ptot=(pptl(4,nptl)+am)*(pptl(4,nptl)-am)
+          pptl(3,nptl)=sqrt(ptot)
+          ityptl(nptl)=0
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          iorptl(nptl)=nptla+1
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xmean
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=ymean
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=zmean
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(2,idrest)
+          idptl(nptl)=idnucl
+        endif
+        ifrptl(2,nptla+1)=nptl
+        if(ifrptl(1,nptla+1).gt.ifrptl(2,nptla+1))then
+          ifrptl(1,nptla+1)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptla+1)=0
+        endif
+      endif
+c possible decay of fragments
+      call decayall(nptla+1)
+      do is=nptla+1,nptl
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,4(e10.4,1x),f6.3)')
+     $       ' Projectile fragments ',is,' id :',idptl(is)
+     $  , ' momentum :',(pptl(k,is),k=1,5)
+      enddo
+ 100  continue
+c Target fragment(s)
+      irest = matarg*100+abs(latarg)
+      inew=0
+      matar=matarg
+      xmean=0d0
+      ymean=0d0
+      zmean=0d0
+      spec=0d0
+      amrest=0.
+      imin=maproj+matarg
+      imax=maproj+1
+      do is=maproj+1,maproj+matarg
+        if(istptl(is).eq.0)then
+          if ( iorptl(is) .eq. 0 ) then
+            if(infragm.eq.0)then   !keep free nucleons
+c  copy spectators at the end of the list (necessary for hepmc interface)
+              nptl=nptl+1
+              if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+                iret=1
+                goto 1000
+              endif
+              call utrepl(nptl,is)
+              istptl(is)=1
+              ifrptl(1,is)=nptl
+              ifrptl(2,is)=nptl
+              istptl(nptl)=0
+              iorptl(nptl)=is
+            else
+c  compose projectile spectators to remaining nucleus
+              spec=spec+1d0
+              tivptl(2,is)=0d0
+              xmean=xmean+xorptl(1,is)
+              ymean=ymean+xorptl(2,is)
+              zmean=0d0
+              amrest=amrest+pptl(5,is)
+              imin=min(imin,is)
+              imax=max(imax,is)
+              istptl(is)=1
+              ifrptl(1,is)=nptl+1
+              ifrptl(2,is)=nptl+1
+              idrest = is
+              id=idptl(is)
+              if     ( id .eq. 1120 ) then
+                inew  = inew + 101
+                irest = irest - 101
+              elseif ( id .eq. 1220 ) then
+                inew  = inew + 100
+                irest = irest - 100
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif( iorptl(is) .le. 0  .and.  istptl(is) .eq. 1 ) then
+          if( iorptl(is) .eq. 0 ) jorptl(is)=1
+          matar=matar-1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(inew.eq.0)goto 1000
+      xmean=xmean/spec
+      ymean=ymean/spec
+      zmean=zmean/spec
+      nptla=nptl
+c prepare intermediate particle to produce nuclear fragment
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+        iret=1
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      if( inew .eq. 100 .or. inew .eq. 101 ) then
+c  remaining nucleus is single neutron or proton
+        call utrepl(nptl,idrest)
+        ifrptl(1,idrest)=nptl
+        ifrptl(2,idrest)=nptl
+        istptl(nptl)=0
+        iorptl(nptl)=idrest
+        goto 1000
+      else
+c intermediate particles for father/mother relationship
+        idptl(nptl)=800000000+inew
+        ea = float(inew/100)*pptl(4,idrest)
+c  momenta squared
+        ptm = sqrt(max(0.,(ea-amrest)*(ea+amrest)))
+        istptl(nptl)=51
+        pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+        pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+        pptl(3,nptl)=-ptm
+        pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+     *                     +pptl(3,nptl)**2+amrest**2)
+        pptl(5,nptl)=amrest         !mass
+        ityptl(nptl)=50
+        iorptl(nptl)=imax
+        jorptl(nptl)=imax
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=nptl+1
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        xorptl(1,nptl)=0d0
+        xorptl(2,nptl)=0d0
+        xorptl(3,nptl)=0d0
+        xorptl(4,nptl)=0d0
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=0d0
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=0d0
+        if ( infragm .ge. 2 ) then
+c  remaining nucleus is evaporating nucleons and alpha particles
+         jfin  = 0
+         call epovapor( matarg,inew,jfin,ityp,pfrx,pfry,pfrz )
+         if ( jfin .eq. 0 )then   !something failed
+           iret=1
+           goto 1000
+         endif
+c loop to treat the remnants of the desintegrated fragment
+         do  235  j = 1, jfin
+          if(ityp(j).lt.0.)then
+            idnucl=-ityp(j)
+            inucl= idnucl/100
+            if(idnucl.eq.402)then   !helium (alpha)
+              idnucl=19
+            elseif(idnucl.eq.301)then   !tritium
+              idnucl=18
+            elseif(idnucl.eq.201)then   !deuterium
+              idnucl=17
+            else
+              iprot= mod(idnucl,100)
+              idnucl=1000000000+iprot*10000+inucl*10 !PDG code for nucleus
+            endif
+          else
+            inucl=1
+            idnucl=ityp(j)
+          endif
+          ea = float(inucl)*pptl(4,idrest)
+c  momenta squared
+          call idmass(idnucl,am)
+          ptm = ( ea - dble(am) ) * ( ea + dble(am) )
+          pt2 = sngl( pfrx(j)**2 + pfry(j)**2 )
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'tar fragment: j,id,ea,ptm,pt2=',
+     *                                       j,idnucl,ea,ptm,pt2
+          if ( pt2 + pfrz(j)**2 .ge. ptm ) then
+            if (ish.ge.2) write(ifch,*) 'emsfrag: pt reject particle',j
+            nnn=0
+            is=maproj
+            do while (is.lt.maproj+matarg.and.nnn.lt.inucl)
+              is=is+1
+              if(istptl(is).eq.1
+     &             .and.jorptl(is).eq.0.and.iorptl(is).eq.0)then
+                nnn=nnn+1
+c  copy spectators at the end of the list (necessary for hepmc interface)
+                nptl=nptl+1
+                if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+                  iret=1
+                  goto 1000
+                endif
+                call utrepl(nptl,is)
+                jorptl(is)=1
+                ifrptl(1,is)=nptl
+                ifrptl(2,is)=nptl
+                istptl(nptl)=0
+                iorptl(nptl)=is
+              endif
+            enddo
+            goto 235
+          else
+            plong=-sqrt(ptm-pt2)
+          endif
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+            iret=1
+            goto 1000
+          endif
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          pptl(1,nptl)=sngl(pfrx(j))
+          pptl(2,nptl)=sngl(pfry(j))
+          pptl(3,nptl)=plong+sngl(pfrz(j))   !OK if plong >> pfrz
+          pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+     *                     +pptl(3,nptl)**2+am**2)
+          pptl(5,nptl)=am    !mass
+          ityptl(nptl)=0
+          iorptl(nptl)=nptla+1
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xmean
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=ymean
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=zmean
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(2,idrest)
+          idptl(nptl)=idnucl
+ 235    continue
+        elseif ( infragm .eq. 1 ) then
+c  remaining nucleus is one fragment
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          if(nptl.gt.mxptl)then
+            iret=1
+            goto 1000
+          endif
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          pptl(1,nptl)=0.d0
+          pptl(2,nptl)=0.d0
+          pptl(4,nptl)=0.d0
+          inucl=0
+          do is=maproj+1,maproj+matarg
+            if(iorptl(is).eq.0.and.jorptl(is).eq.0)then
+              inucl=inucl+1
+              pptl(4,nptl)=pptl(4,nptl)+dble(pptl(4,is))
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if(inucl.ne.inew/100)call utstop('Pb in emsfrag !&')
+          idnucl=1000000000+mod(inew,100)*10000+(inew/100)*10
+          call idmass(idnucl,am)
+          pptl(5,nptl)=am    !mass
+          ptot=(pptl(4,nptl)+am)*(pptl(4,nptl)-am)
+          pptl(3,nptl)=sqrt(ptot)
+          ityptl(nptl)=0
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          iorptl(nptl)=nptla+1
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+          xorptl(1,nptl)=xmean
+          xorptl(2,nptl)=ymean
+          xorptl(3,nptl)=zmean
+          xorptl(4,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=zmean
+          tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(2,idrest)
+          idptl(nptl)=idnucl
+        endif
+        ifrptl(2,nptla+1)=nptl
+        if(ifrptl(1,nptla+1).gt.ifrptl(2,nptla+1))then
+          ifrptl(1,nptla+1)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptla+1)=0
+        endif
+      endif
+c possible decay of fragments
+      call decayall(nptla+1)
+      do is=nptla+1,nptl
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i5,a,i10,a,4(e10.4,1x),f6.3)')
+     $       ' Target fragments ',is,' id :',idptl(is)
+     $  , ' momentum :',(pptl(k,is),k=1,5)
+      enddo
+ 1000 continue
+      end
+c      subroutine reaction(idpj,idtg,ireac)
+cc returns reaction code ireac
+c      iap=iabs(idpj/10)
+c      iat=iabs(idtg/10)
+c      isp=idpj/10/iap
+c      ist=idtg/10/iat
+c      call idchrg(idpj,cp)
+c      call idchrg(idtg,ct)
+c      ac=abs(cp+ct)
+c      if(iap.gt.100)then
+c       if(iat.gt.100)then
+c        if(isp.eq.1)then
+c         if(ist.eq.1)then
+c          ireac=1
+c         else
+c          ireac=6
+c         endif
+c        else
+c         if(ist.eq.1)then
+c          ireac=6
+c         else
+c          ireac=1
+c         endif
+c        endif
+c       elseif(iat.eq.11.or.iat.eq.12.or.iat.eq.22)then
+c        if(ac.ge.2.)then
+c         ireac=2
+c        else
+c         ireac=3
+c        endif
+c       else
+c        if(ac.ge.2.)then
+c         ireac=4
+c        else
+c         ireac=5
+c        endif
+c       endif
+c      elseif(iap.eq.11.or.iap.eq.12.or.iap.eq.22)then
+c       if(iat.gt.100)then
+c        if(ac.ge.2.)then
+c         ireac=2
+c        else
+c         ireac=3
+c        endif
+c       elseif(iat.eq.11.or.iat.eq.12.or.iat.eq.22)then
+c        ireac=7
+c       else
+c        ireac=8
+c       endif
+c      else
+c       if(iat.gt.100)then
+c        if(ac.ge.2.)then
+c         ireac=4
+c        else
+c         ireac=5
+c        endif
+c       elseif(iat.eq.11.or.iat.eq.12.or.iat.eq.22)then
+c        ireac=8
+c       else
+c        ireac=9
+c       endif
+c      endif
+c      end
+      subroutine xEmsI1(iii,kc,omlog)
+c plot omlog vs iter
+c plot  nr of pomerons vs iter
+c plot number of collisions vs iter
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      parameter(nbin=100)
+      common/cmc/ot(0:nbin),zz(0:nbin),i(0:nbin)
+     *,yt1,yt2,kx(0:nbin)
+      parameter(nbim=100)
+      common/cmc1/xp(0:nbim),xt(0:nbim),x(0:nbim),o(0:nbim)
+     *,y1,y2,car
+      character car*5
+      double precision xp,xt,x,omlog,om1intbc
+      character ce*8
+      double precision plc,s,seedp
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+c      if(iemsi2.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in XemsI1: iemsi2 = 0&')
+       if(iii.eq.1)then
+      o(kc)=sngl(omlog)
+      nptk=0
+      kollx=0
+      do ko=1,koll
+      nptk=nptk+nprt(ko)
+c      if(itpr(ko).gt.0)then
+      if(nprt(ko).gt.0)then
+       kollx=kollx+1
+      endif
+      enddo
+      zz(kc)=nptk
+      kx(kc)=kollx
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      call ranfgt(seedp)
+      sum=0
+      kollx=0
+      sumg=0
+      kollg=0
+      kollini=koll
+      koll=1
+      do ko=1,kollini
+ctp060829       ip=iproj(ko)
+ctp060829       it=itarg(ko)
+       om1i=sngl(om1intbc(bk(ko)))
+ctp060829         wk=1.
+ctp060829         wp=0.
+ctp060829         wt=0.
+       om1g=sngl(om1intbc(bk(ko)))
+       sum=sum+om1i
+       sumg=sumg+om1g
+       if(rangen().lt.1.-exp(-om1i))then
+        kollx=kollx+1
+       endif
+       if(rangen().lt.1.-exp(-om1g))then
+        kollg=kollg+1
+       endif
+      enddo
+      koll=kollini
+      call ranfst(seedp)
+      x1=0
+      x2=nbin
+      write(ce,'(f8.2)')sngl(plc)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   log omega       for event ',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name omega-',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis ln[W]"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')  'text 0.5 0.90 "E ='//ce//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbim
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),o(k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')'! nr of coll`s  for event ',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name coll-',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis nr of collisions"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),float(kx(k))
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),float(kollx)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),float(kollg)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')'! nr of pom`s  for event ',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name pom-',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis nr of Pomerons"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),zz(k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      if(sum.lt.4*zz(nbin))then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),sum
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),sumg
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+        endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsI2(iii,kc)
+c plot quanities vs iter
+c   plot 1: <x> for Pomeron vs iter
+c   plot 2: <x> for projectile vs iter
+c   plot 3: <x> for target vs iter
+c arguments:
+c   iii:   modus (1,2)
+c   kc:    iteration step
+c   omega: config probability
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      parameter(nbim=100)
+      common/cmc1/xp(0:nbim),xt(0:nbim),x(0:nbim),o(0:nbim)
+     *,y1,y2,car
+      character car*5
+      double precision xp,xt,x,xpo,xpj,xtg
+      common/cemsi2/xpo,xpj,xtg
+        if(iii.eq.1)then
+      npom=0
+      xpo=0
+      do k=1,koll
+c       ip=iproj(k)
+c       it=itarg(k)
+       if(nprmx(k).gt.0)then
+        do n=1,nprmx(k)
+         if(idpr(n,k).gt.0.and.ivpr(n,k).gt.0)then
+          xpo=xpo+xpr(n,k)
+          npom=npom+1
+         endif
+        enddo
+       endif
+      enddo
+      if(npom.gt.0)xpo=xpo/npom
+      npk=0
+      xpj=0d0
+      do i=1,maproj
+       if(xpp(i).lt.0.999)then
+        xpj=xpj+xpp(i)!*xmp(i)
+        npk=npk+1
+       endif
+      enddo
+      if(npk.gt.0)xpj=xpj/dble(npk)
+      ntk=0
+      xtg=0d0
+      do j=1,matarg
+       if(xmt(j).lt.0.999)then
+        xtg=xtg+xmt(j)!*xpt(j)
+        ntk=ntk+1
+       endif
+      enddo
+      if(ntk.gt.0)xtg=xtg/dble(ntk)
+      x(kc)=xpo
+      xp(kc)=xpj
+      xt(kc)=xtg
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      x1=0
+      x2=nbim
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   average x  Pom   for event ',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name avxPom-',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis average x Pomeron"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbim
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),x(k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   average x proj   for event ',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name avxProj-',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis average x proj"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbim
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),xp(k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')    '!   average x targ   for event ',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name avxTarg-',nrevt+1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis average x targ"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=0,nbim
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(k),xt(k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+        endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsRx(iii,id,xp,xm)
+c plot  x+, x-, x, y distribution of remnants
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(nbix=50,nbiy=50,nid=2)
+      common/cxp/nxp(nid),nxm(nid),nx(nid),ny(nid)
+     *,wxp(nbix,nid),wxm(nbix,nid),wx(nbix,nid),wy(nbiy,nid)
+     *,xpu,xpo,xmu,xmo,xu,xo,yu,yo,dy
+      if(iemsrx.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in XemsRx: iemsrx = 0&')
+        if(iii.eq.0)then
+      xpu=10/engy**2
+      xpo=1
+      xmu=10/engy**2
+      xmo=1
+      xu=10/engy**2
+      xo=1
+      yu=-alog(engy**2)
+      yo=alog(engy**2)
+      dy=(yo-yu)/nbiy
+      do j=1,nid
+       nxp(j)=0
+       nxm(j)=0
+       nx(j)=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+        wxp(i,j)=0
+        wxm(i,j)=0
+        wx(i,j)=0
+       enddo
+       ny(j)=0
+       do i=1,nbiy
+        wy(i,j)=0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+        elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+      i=0
+      if(xp.lt.xpu)goto1
+      i=1+int(alog(xp/xpu)/alog(xpo/xpu)*nbix)
+      if(i.gt.nbix)goto1
+      if(i.lt.1)goto1
+      wxp(i,id)=wxp(i,id)+1
+      nxp(id)=nxp(id)+1
+1     continue
+      if(xm.lt.xmu)goto2
+      i=1+int(alog(xm/xmu)/alog(xmo/xmu)*nbix)
+      if(i.gt.nbix)goto2
+      if(i.lt.1)goto2
+      wxm(i,id)=wxm(i,id)+1
+      nxm(id)=nxm(id)+1
+2     continue
+      x=xp*xm
+      if(x.lt.xu)goto3
+      i=1+int(alog(x/xu)/alog(xo/xu)*nbix)
+      if(i.gt.nbix)goto3
+      if(i.lt.1)goto3
+      wx(i,id)=wx(i,id)+1
+      nx(id)=nx(id)+1
+3     continue
+      if(xm.le.0.)goto4
+      if(xp.le.0.)goto4
+      y=0.5*alog(xp/xm)
+      if(y.lt.yu)goto4
+      i=int((y-yu)/dy)+1
+      if(i.gt.nbiy)goto4
+      if(i.lt.1)goto4
+      wy(i,id)=wy(i,id)+1
+      ny(id)=ny(id)+1
+4     continue
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      do j=1,nid
+      if(j.eq.1)then
+        iclrem=iclpro
+      elseif(j.eq.2)then
+        iclrem=icltar
+      else
+        iclrem=0
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!   remnant xp distribution      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name xpRemnant-',j
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpu,xpo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis remnant x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x+)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=1,nbix
+      x=xpu*(xpo/xpu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+      dx=xpu*(xpo/xpu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xpo/xpu)**(-1./nbix))
+      if(nxp(j).ne.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,wxp(i,j)/dx/nxp(j)
+      if(nxp(j).eq.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,0.
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=1,nbix
+      x=xu*(xo/xu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,x**alplea(iclrem)*(1+alplea(iclrem))
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!   remnant xm distribution      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name xmRemnant-',j
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xmu,xmo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis remnant x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x-)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=1,nbix
+      x=xmu*(xmo/xmu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+      dx=xmu*(xmo/xmu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xmo/xmu)**(-1./nbix))
+      if(nxm(j).ne.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,wxm(i,j)/dx/nxm(j)
+      if(nxm(j).eq.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,0.
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!   remnant x distribution      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name xRemnant-',j
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xu,xo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis remnant x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=1,nbix
+      x=xu*(xo/xu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+      dx=xu*(xo/xu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xo/xu)**(-1./nbix))
+      if(nx(j).ne.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,wx(i,j)/dx/nx(j)
+      if(nx(j).eq.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,0.
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!   remnant y distribution      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      '!----------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name yRemnant-',j
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',yu,yo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis remnant y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(y)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=1,nbix
+      y=yu+dy/2.+(i-1)*dy
+      if(ny(j).ne.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')y,wy(i,j)/dy/ny(j)
+      if(ny(j).eq.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')y,0.
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+        endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsPm(iii,ko,nmci,nmcmx)
+c m (pomeron number) distribution for different b-bins.
+c arguments:
+c   iii:  modus (0,1,2)
+c   ko:   pair number (1 - AB)
+c   nmc:  number of pomerons
+c   nmcmx: number max of pomerons
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbin=200)
+      parameter(nbib=32)
+      common/cn/wn(0:nbin,nbib),wnmc(0:nbin,nbib),npmx(nbib),nn(nbib)
+     &         ,nn2(nbib),dn(nbib)
+      common/cb1/db,b1,b2,bb(nbib),nbibx
+      double precision plc,s,om1intbc
+      character ce*8,cb*4
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      common/cemspm/sumb(nbib)
+      if(iemspm.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in XemsPm: iemspm = 0&')
+        if(iii.eq.0)then
+      do k=1,nbib
+       nn(k)=0
+       nn2(k)=0
+       sumb(k)=0
+       do i=0,nbin
+        wnmc(i,k)=0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      nbibx=6
+      b1=0
+      b2=2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbibx
+        elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+      k=int((bk(ko)-b1)/db)+1
+c      nmc=nmci
+      if(k.gt.nbibx)k=nbibx
+      if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      dn(k)=max(1.,float(nmcmx)/float(nbin))
+      nmc=nint(float(nmci)/dn(k)+0.499999)
+      if(nmc.gt.nbin)nmc=nbin
+      if(nmc.lt.0)return
+      nn(k)=nn(k)+1
+      wnmc(nmc,k)=wnmc(nmc,k)+1./dn(k)
+      sumb(k)=sumb(k)+bk(ko)
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      kollini=koll
+      koll=1         !to have screening for pp
+      do 1 k=1,nbibx
+       bb(k)=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+       if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1.and.bmaxim.eq.0.)bb(k)=b1
+       om1i=sngl(om1intbc(bb(k)))
+       wntmp=0.
+       do 10 i=0,nbin
+         wn(i,k)=0.
+         if(wntmp.gt.1e5)goto 10
+         do j=i,i+int(dn(k))-1
+           if(j.eq.0)then
+             wntmp=exp(-om1i)
+           else
+             wntmp=wntmp*om1i/j
+           endif
+           wn(i,k)=wn(i,k)+wntmp/dn(k)
+         enddo
+         if(wn(i,k).gt.0.000001*(1.-exp(-om1i)))npmx(k)=i
+ 10    continue
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! distr of Pomeron number vs b'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ce,'(f8.2)')sngl(plc)
+      write(cb,'(f4.2)')bb(k)
+      if(nn(k).gt.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name mPom-',k
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,float(npmx(k))*dn(k)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis number m of Pomerons"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis prob(m)"'
+      if(k.eq.1)
+     *write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.5 0.90 "E ='//ce//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.5 0.80 "b ='//cb//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(i)*dn(k),wnmc(i,k)/max(1,nn(k))
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! distr of Pomeron number vs b'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!   traditional approach'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')    'openhisto name mPomTradi-',k
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,float(npmx(k))*dn(k)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do i=0,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')float(i)*dn(k),wn(i,k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+ 1    continue
+      koll=kollini
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsB(iii,jjj,ko)
+c b distribution at different stages
+c arguments:
+c   iii:  modus (0,1,2)
+c   jjj:  stage or type of interaction
+c     just after Metropolis:
+c           1 ... all
+c           2 ... interaction
+c     after defining diffraction:
+c           3 ... nothing
+c           4 ... cut
+c           5 ... diffr
+c           6 ... cut + diffr cut
+c   ko:   pair number (1 - AB)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      parameter(njjj=6)
+      parameter(nbib=32)
+      common/cxemsb1/w(0:njjj,nbib),nn(njjj)
+      common/cxemsb2/db,b1,b2
+      common/cxemsb3/njjj1
+      double precision PhiExact,om1intbi,PhiExpo!,PhiUnit
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      dimension uua2(nbib),uuo2(nbib),uu3(nbib)
+      if(iemsb.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in XemsB: iemsB = 0&')
+        if(iii.eq.0)then
+      do k=1,nbib
+       do j=0,njjj
+        w(j,k)=0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      do j=1,njjj
+       nn(j)=0
+      enddo
+      njjj1=0
+        elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+      b1=0
+      b2=bkmx*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbib
+      k=int((bk(ko)-b1)/db)+1
+      if(k.gt.nbib)return
+      if(k.lt.1)return
+      w(jjj,k)=w(jjj,k)+1
+      nn(jjj)=nn(jjj)+1
+      if(jjj.eq.1)njjj1=1
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      if(njjj1.ne.1)call utstop
+     &('xEmsB must be called also with jjj=1&')
+      ymax=0
+      kollini=koll
+      koll=1
+      do k=1,nbib
+       x=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+       y=w(1,k)/nn(1)/(pi*((x+0.5*db)**2-(x-0.5*db)**2))
+       ymax=max(ymax,y)
+      enddo
+      fk=bkmx**2*pi
+      ymax=1.4
+      do 1 j=1,njjj
+       if(nn(j).eq.0)goto1
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distr exact theory '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+         if(j.ge.2.and.j.le.6)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1,a)')  'openhisto name b',j,'Exact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+      if(j.eq.2)then
+        uuo2(k)=sngl(PhiExpo(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b))
+        uua2(k)=min(uuo2(k),max(0.,
+     &          sngl(Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b))))
+        uu3(k)=sngl(min(50d0,exp(om1intbi(b,2)/dble(r2hads(iclpro)
+     &                                             +r2hads(icltar)))))
+      endif
+      if(j.eq.2)y=(1.-uua2(k))
+      if(j.eq.3)y=uua2(k)
+      if(j.eq.4.or.j.eq.6)y=(1.-uua2(k)*uu3(k))
+      if(j.eq.5)y=uua2(k)*(uu3(k)-1.)
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+         endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distr unitarized theory '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1,a)')  'openhisto name b',j,'Unit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbf xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+      if(j.eq.1)y=1
+      if(j.eq.2)y=(1.-uuo2(k))
+      if(j.eq.3)y=uuo2(k)
+      if(j.eq.4.or.j.eq.6)y=(1.-uuo2(k)*uu3(k))
+      if(j.eq.5)y=uuo2(k)*(uu3(k)-1.)
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distr for cross section '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1,a)')  'openhisto name b',j,'Unit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lge xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+      if(j.eq.1)y=1
+      if(j.eq.2)y=(1.-(uuo2(k)+uua2(k))*0.5)
+      if(j.eq.3)y=(uuo2(k)+uua2(k))*0.5
+      if(j.eq.4.or.j.eq.6)y=(1.-(uuo2(k)+uua2(k))*0.5*uu3(k))
+      if(j.eq.5)y=(uuo2(k)+uua2(k))*0.5*(uu3(k)-1.)
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distribution simulation'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1,a)')  'openhisto name b',j,'Simu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lrf xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.0,b2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',0.,ymax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      if(j.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.1 0.35 "after Metropolis"'
+      if(j.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.2 0.20 "all "'
+      if(j.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.3 0.85 "after Metropolis"'
+      if(j.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.5 0.70 "interaction "'
+      if(j.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.3 0.85 "nothing"'
+      if(j.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.3 0.85 "cut"'
+      if(j.eq.5)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.3 0.85 "diffr"'
+      if(j.eq.6)write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.3 0.85 "cut + diffr cut"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      x=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+      if(j.eq.1)y=fk*w(j,k)/nn(1)/(pi*((x+0.5*db)**2-(x-0.5*db)**2))
+      if(j.ne.1)y=0.
+      if(j.ne.1.and.w(1,k).ne.0.)y=w(j,k)/w(1,k)
+      if(nn(j).gt.0)write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+   1  continue
+      koll=kollini
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsBg(iii,jjj,ko)
+c b distribution at different stages for different group
+c arguments:
+c   iii:  modus (0,1,2,3)
+c   jjj:  group of interaction (1,2 ... ,7)
+c   ko:   pair number (1 - AB)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      parameter(njjj=7)
+      parameter(nbib=16)
+      common/cxemsb4/wg(-1:njjj,nbib),nng(nbib),uug(nbib),kollx
+      common/cxemsb5/dbg,b1g,b2g
+      common/cxemsb6/njjj0
+      double precision seedp,PhiExpo!,PhiExact
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      if(iemsbg.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in XemsBg: iemsbg = 0&')
+        if(iii.eq.0)then
+      do k=1,nbib
+       nng(k)=0
+       do j=-1,njjj
+        wg(j,k)=0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      njjj0=0
+      kollx=0
+        elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+      b1g=0
+      b2g=bkmx*1.2
+      dbg=(b2g-b1g)/nbib
+      k=int((bk(ko)-b1g)/dbg)+1
+      if(k.gt.nbib)return
+      if(k.lt.1)return
+      if(jjj.eq.-1.or.jjj.eq.0)then
+        wg(jjj,k)=wg(jjj,k)+1
+      else
+        wg(jjj,k)=wg(jjj,k)+1
+        nng(k)=nng(k)+1
+      endif
+      if(jjj.eq.0)njjj0=1
+        elseif(iii.eq.3)then
+          call ranfgt(seedp)
+          do k=1,koll
+            om1i=sngl(om1intc(k))
+            if(rangen().lt.1.-exp(-om1i))then
+c            om1i=sngl(PhiExpo(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy*engy,bk(k)))
+c            if(rangen().lt.1.-om1i)then
+              kollx=kollx+1
+            endif
+          enddo
+          call ranfst(seedp)
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      if(njjj0.ne.1)call utstop
+     &('xEmsBg must be called also with jjj=0&')
+      ymax=1.4
+      kollini=koll
+      koll=1
+      wtot=1.
+      if(matarg+maproj.gt.2)then
+      wtot=0.
+      do k=1,nbib
+       wtot=wtot+wg(-1,k)
+      enddo
+      if(kollx.gt.0)wtot=wtot/float(kollx)
+      endif
+      do 1 j=1,njjj
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distribution simulation'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1,a)')  'openhisto name bg',j,'Simu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,b2g
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',0.,ymax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      if(wtot.gt.0.d0)
+     &write(ifhi,'(a,f7.4,a)')    'text 0.5 0.8 "alpha=',1./wtot,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      b=b1g+(k-0.5)*dbg
+      y=0.
+      if(nng(k).ne.0.and.wg(0,k).ne.0)
+     &              y=wg(j,k)/float(nng(k))*wg(-1,k)/wg(0,k)!/wtot
+c      if(wg(0,k).ne.0..and.nng(k).ne.0)y=wg(j,k)/nng(k)*wg(-1,k)/wg(0,k)
+c!???????????? better normalization ? probability to have an interaction
+c in epos compared to eikonal probability, instead of normalized by the
+c probability of a collision for a pair (the number collision/number
+c active pair).
+      uug(k)=uug(k)+y
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+   1  continue
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distr tot simul theory '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'openhisto name btotSimu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      b=b1g+(k-0.5)*dbg
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,uug(k)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '! b distr unitarized theory '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')   '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i1,a)')  'openhisto name bg',j,'Unit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis impact parameter b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(b)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do k=1,nbib
+      b=b1g+(k-0.5)*dbg
+c      a1=Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b)
+       a1=sngl(PhiExpo(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b))
+      y=(1.-a1)
+      write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      koll=kollini
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsPx(iii,xmc,ymc,npos)
+c plot  x-distribution and y-distribution of Pomerons
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbix=30,nbib=51)
+      common/cx/x(2,nbix),dx(2,nbix),wxmc(2,nbix),wxmcI(2,nbix)
+     * ,xl(2,nbix),dxl(2,nbix),wxp(2,nbix),wxm(2,nbix),wxpI(2,nbix)
+     *,wxmI(2,nbix),wxpY(2,nbix),wxmY(2,nbix),wxmcY(2,nbix)
+      parameter(nbiy=50)
+      common/cy/y(nbiy),wymc(nbiy),wymcY(nbiy),wymcI(nbiy),nyp,nym
+      double precision PomIncXExact,PomIncPExact,PomIncMExact,dcel
+      double precision PomIncXIExact,PomIncPIExact,PomIncMIExact
+      common/ems3/dcel,ad
+      common/cemspx/xu,xo,yu,yo,dy,xlu,xlo,bb,nn,db,mm,nm,nt
+      character mod*5, imod*5, txtxm*6
+      nposi=5
+      if(iemspx.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in XemsPx: iemspx = 0&')
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+       xu=0.1/engy**2
+       xo=1.
+       xlu=0.01/engy
+       xlo=1.
+       yu=-alog(engy**2)
+       yo=alog(engy**2)
+       dy=(yo-yu)/nbiy
+        do i=1,nbix
+        x(1,i)=xu*(xo/xu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+        x(2,i)=xu+(xo-xu)*((i-0.5)/nbix)
+        dx(1,i)=xu*(xo/xu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xo/xu)**(-1./nbix))
+        dx(2,i)=(xo-xu)/nbix
+        wxmc(1,i)=0.
+        wxmc(2,i)=0.
+        wxmcI(1,i)=0.
+        wxmcI(2,i)=0.
+        wxmcY(1,i)=0.
+        wxmcY(2,i)=0.
+       enddo
+       do i=1,nbix
+        xl(1,i)=xlu*(xlo/xlu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+        xl(2,i)=xlu+(xlo-xlu)*((i-0.5)/nbix)
+        dxl(1,i)=xlu*(xlo/xlu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xlo/xlu)**(-1./nbix))
+        dxl(2,i)=(xlo-xlu)/nbix
+        wxp(1,i)=0.
+        wxp(2,i)=0.
+        wxm(1,i)=0.
+        wxm(2,i)=0.
+        wxpI(1,i)=0.
+        wxpI(2,i)=0.
+        wxmI(1,i)=0.
+        wxmI(2,i)=0.
+        wxpY(1,i)=0.
+        wxpY(2,i)=0.
+        wxmY(1,i)=0.
+        wxmY(2,i)=0.
+       enddo
+       do i=1,nbiy
+        y(i)=yu+dy/2.+float(i-1)*dy
+        wymc(i)=0.
+        wymcI(i)=0.
+        wymcY(i)=0.
+       enddo
+       mm=0
+       nt=0
+       nyp=0
+       nym=0
+       db=bkmx*2./float(nbib-1)
+      elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+       xp=sqrt(xmc)*exp(ymc)
+       xm=sqrt(xmc)*exp(-ymc)
+       mm=mm+1
+       if(xmc.lt.xu)goto11
+       i=1+int(alog(xmc/xu)/alog(xo/xu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto1
+       if(i.lt.1)goto1
+       wxmc(1,i)=wxmc(1,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wxmcI(1,i)=wxmcI(1,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wxmcY(1,i)=wxmcY(1,i)+1.
+1      continue
+       i=1+int((xmc-xu)/(xo-xu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto11
+       if(i.lt.1)goto11
+       wxmc(2,i)=wxmc(2,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wxmcI(2,i)=wxmcI(2,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wxmcY(2,i)=wxmcY(2,i)+1.
+11     continue
+       if(xp.lt.xlu)goto12
+       i=1+int(alog(xp/xlu)/alog(xlo/xlu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto2
+       if(i.lt.1)goto2
+       wxp(1,i)=wxp(1,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wxpI(1,i)=wxpI(1,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wxpY(1,i)=wxpY(1,i)+1.
+2      continue
+       i=1+int((xp-xlu)/(xlo-xlu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto12
+       if(i.lt.1)goto12
+       wxp(2,i)=wxp(2,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wxpI(2,i)=wxpI(2,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wxpY(2,i)=wxpY(2,i)+1.
+12     continue
+       if(xm.lt.xlu)goto13
+       i=1+int(alog(xm/xlu)/alog(xlo/xlu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto3
+       if(i.lt.1)goto3
+       wxm(1,i)=wxm(1,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wxmI(1,i)=wxmI(1,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wxmY(1,i)=wxmY(1,i)+1.
+3      continue
+       i=1+int((xm-xlu)/(xlo-xlu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto13
+       if(i.lt.1)goto13
+       wxm(2,i)=wxm(2,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wxmI(2,i)=wxmI(2,i)+1.
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wxmY(2,i)=wxmY(2,i)+1.
+13     continue
+       if(ymc.lt.yu)return
+       i=int((ymc-yu)/dy)+1
+       if(i.gt.nbiy)return
+       if(i.lt.1)return
+       wymc(i)=wymc(i)+1
+       if(npos.eq.1)    wymcI(i)=wymcI(i)+1
+       if(npos.eq.nposi)wymcY(i)=wymcY(i)+1
+       if(ymc.gt.0)nyp=nyp+1
+       if(ymc.lt.0)nym=nym+1
+      elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+       if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1.and.bminim.eq.bmaxim)then
+        mmmm=1
+        bb=bmaxim
+        ff=float(nrevt)/float(ntevt)
+        imod='   dn'
+       elseif(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+        mmmm=3
+        ff=1.
+        imod='   dn'
+       elseif(bminim.lt.0.001.and.bmaxim.gt.20)then
+        mmmm=2
+        area=pi*(rmproj+rmtarg)**2
+        ff=area*float(nrevt)/float(ntevt)/(maproj*matarg)/sigine*10
+        imod='   dn'
+       else
+        write(ifmt,*)'xEmsPx ignored'
+        return
+       endif
+       kollini=koll
+       koll=1
+       kk1=nint(xpar1)
+       kk2=nint(xpar2)
+       do kk=kk1,kk2
+       if(kk.eq.1)mod=' log '
+       if(kk.eq.2)mod=' lin '
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   Pomeron x distribution    '//mod
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')  'openhisto name xPomSimuL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')  'htyp lru xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xu,xo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom! / dx?PE!"'
+       if(kk.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.3 "f=',ff,'"'
+       if(kk.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "f=',ff,'"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s1=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+       u=x(kk,i)
+       z=ff*wxmc(kk,i)/dx(kk,i)/nrevt
+       s1=s1+z*dx(kk,i)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name xPomUnitL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')  'htyp lba xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xu,xo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom! / dx?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s2=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+        u=x(kk,i)
+        if(mmmm.eq.1)z=sngl(PomIncXExact(dble(u),bb))
+        if(mmmm.eq.2)z=sngl(PomIncXIExact(dble(u)))/sigine*10
+        if(mmmm.eq.3)z=sngl(PomIncXIExact(dble(u)))/sigine*10
+        s2=s2+dx(kk,i)*z
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,f5.3,a,f5.3,a)')
+     *                       'text .1 .85 "I= ',s1,' (',s2,')"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')           '!--------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')           '!   Pomeron y distribution   '//mod
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')           '!--------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name yPomSimuL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod'//mod
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',yu,yo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis y?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom!/dy?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.7 "f=',ff,'"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s1=0
+       do i=1,nbiy
+       u=y(i)
+       z=ff*wymc(i)/dy/nrevt
+       s1=s1+z*dy
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   Pomeron x+ distribution    '//mod
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')   'openhisto name xpPomSimuL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')   'htyp lru xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xlu,xlo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom! / dx+?PE!"'
+       if(kk.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.3 "f=',ff,'"'
+       if(kk.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "f=',ff,'"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s1=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+       u=xl(kk,i)
+       z=ff*wxp(kk,i)/dxl(kk,i)/nrevt
+       s1=s1+z*dxl(kk,i)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name xpPomUnitL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')   'htyp lba xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xlu,xlo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom! / dx+?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s2=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+        u=xl(kk,i)
+        if(mmmm.eq.1)z=sngl(PomIncPExact(dble(u),bb))
+        if(mmmm.eq.2)z=sngl(PomIncPIExact(dble(u)))/sigine*10
+        if(mmmm.eq.3)z=sngl(PomIncPIExact(dble(u)))/sigine*10
+        s2=s2+dxl(kk,i)*z
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,f5.3,a,f5.3,a)')
+     *                       'text .1 .85 "I= ',s1,' (',s2,')"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   x-?PE! distribution    '//mod
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')   'openhisto name xmPomSimuL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')   'htyp lru xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xlu,xlo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom! / dx-?PE!"'
+       if(kk.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.3 "f=',ff,'"'
+       if(kk.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "f=',ff,'"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s1=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+       u=xl(kk,i)
+       z=ff*wxm(kk,i)/dxl(kk,i)/nrevt
+       s1=s1+z*dxl(kk,i)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name xmPomUnitL'//mod(3:4)
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')   'htyp lba xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xlu,xlo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis'//imod//'?Pom! / dx-"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       s2=0
+       do i=1,nbix
+        u=xl(kk,i)
+        if(mmmm.eq.1)z=sngl(PomIncMExact(dble(u),bb))
+        if(mmmm.eq.2)z=sngl(PomIncMIExact(dble(u))/sigine*10)
+        if(mmmm.eq.3)z=sngl(PomIncMIExact(dble(u))/sigine*10)
+        s2=s2+dxl(kk,i)*z
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,f5.3,a,f5.3,a)')
+     *                       'text .1 .85 "I= ',s1,' (',s2,')"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+  !................................................................
+       xm=-1. !xm integration
+       txtxm='xm int'
+       do jjb=0,3
+       b=jjb*0.5
+       do jj=0,2
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')   '!   ffom11    '//mod,jjb,jj
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2i1)')'openhisto name ffom11L'//mod(3:4),jjb,jj+8
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',xlu,xlo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "xaxis  x+?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis dn?Pom! / dx+?PE! "'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.05 0.1  "fit and exact, all contrib."'
+       if(jjb.lt.3)write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,3a)')
+     *             'txt "title ffom11   b =',b,'   ',txtxm,'"'
+       if(jjb.ge.3)write(ifhi,'(3a)')
+     *             'txt "title ffom11   b aver   ',txtxm,'"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       do i=1,nbix
+       u=xl(kk,i)
+       if(jjb.lt.3.and.jj.eq.0)z= ffom11(u,xm,b,-1,-1)
+       if(jjb.lt.3.and.jj.eq.1)z= ffom11(u,xm,b,0,5)
+       if(jjb.lt.3.and.jj.eq.2)z= ffom11(u,xm,b,0,4)
+       if(jjb.eq.3.and.jj.eq.0)z=ffom11a(u,xm,-1,-1)
+       if(jjb.eq.3.and.jj.eq.1)z=ffom11a(u,xm,0,5)
+       if(jjb.eq.3.and.jj.eq.2)z=ffom11a(u,xm,0,4)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       if(jj.le.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+       if(jj.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       do jjb=0,3
+       b=jjb*0.5
+       do jjj=1,6
+       jj=jjj
+       if(jjj.eq.6)jj=0
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')   '!   ffom11    '//mod,jjb,jj
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')'openhisto name om1ffL'//mod(3:4),jjb,jj
+       if(jj.ne.0)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       if(jj.eq.0)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lro xmod'//mod//'ymod log'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',xlu,xlo
+       if(jj.eq.1)then
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "xaxis  x+?PE!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis  dn?Pom! / dx+?PE!  "'
+       if(kk.eq.2)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.1 0.2  "soft sea-sea"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.1 0.1  "val-sea sea-val val-val"'
+       else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.05 0.8  "soft"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.05 0.7  "diff"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.05 0.6  "sea-sea"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.05 0.5  "val-sea"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.05 0.4  "sea-val"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0.05 0.3  "val-val"'
+      endif
+       if(jjb.lt.3)write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,3a)')
+     *             'txt "title ffom11   b =',b,'  ',txtxm,'"'
+       if(jjb.ge.3)write(ifhi,'(3a)')
+     *             'txt "title ffom11   b aver  ',txtxm,'"'
+       endif
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       do i=1,nbix
+       u=xl(kk,i)
+       if(jjb.lt.3)z= ffom11(u,xm,b,jj,jj)
+       if(jjb.eq.3)z=ffom11a(u,xm,jj,jj)
+       write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       if(jjj.ne.6)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+       if(jjj.eq.6)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+       enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      koll=kollini
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsP2(iii,jaa,jex,xpd,xmd,xpb,xmb,pt1,pt2)
+c plot  x+ distributions of Pomeron ends (PE) (xpd)
+c          and Pomeron's in Born (IB) partons (xpb),
+c     and pt dist of Pomeron's out Born (OB) partons
+c       integrated over x- bins (xmd,xmb)
+c  iii=0: initialize
+c  ii=1: fill arrays
+c  iii>=2: make histogram
+c           (2 - Pomeron end PE, 3 - in Born IB, 4 - out Born OB)
+c  jaa: type of semihard Pomeron
+c         0= sea-sea diff, 
+c         1= sea-sea, 2= val=sea, 3= sea-val, 4= val-val
+c         5= all  for iii=2
+c  jex: emission type
+c         1= no emission, 2= proj emis, 3= targ emis, 4= both sides
+c         5= all  for iii=2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbixp=25,nbixm=5,nbipt=20)
+      common/cxb/xlp(2,nbixp),dxlp(2,nbixp)
+     *          ,xlm(2,nbixm),dxlm(2,nbixm)
+     *          ,wxb(2,0:4,4,nbixp,nbixm)
+     *          ,wxe(2,0:4,4,nbixp,nbixm)
+      common/cptb/ptu,pto,ptob(nbipt),wptob(0:4,4,nbipt)
+      common/cemspbx/xlub1,xlub2,xlob
+ctp060829      character imod*5
+      if(iemspbx.eq.0)call utstop('ERROR in xEmsP2: iemspbx = 0&')
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+       xlub1=0.01/engy
+       xlub2=0.
+       xlob=1.
+       do i=1,nbixp
+        xlp(1,i)=xlub1*(xlob/xlub1)**((i-0.5)/nbixp)
+        xlp(2,i)=xlub2+(xlob-xlub2)*((i-0.5)/nbixp)
+        dxlp(1,i)=xlub1*(xlob/xlub1)**(1.*i/nbixp)
+     *             *(1.-(xlob/xlub1)**(-1./nbixp))
+        dxlp(2,i)=(xlob-xlub2)/nbixp
+       enddo
+       do i=1,nbixm
+        xlm(1,i)=xlub1*(xlob/xlub1)**((i-0.5)/nbixm)
+        xlm(2,i)=xlub2+(xlob-xlub2)*((i-0.5)/nbixm)
+        dxlm(1,i)=xlub1*(xlob/xlub1)**(1.*i/nbixm)
+     *             *(1.-(xlob/xlub1)**(-1./nbixm))
+        dxlm(2,i)=(xlob-xlub2)/nbixm
+       enddo
+       do i=1,nbixp
+       do j=1,nbixm
+       do jaai=0,4
+       do jexi=1,4
+        wxb(1,jaai,jexi,i,j)=0.
+        wxb(2,jaai,jexi,i,j)=0.
+        wxe(1,jaai,jexi,i,j)=0.
+        wxe(2,jaai,jexi,i,j)=0.
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       ptu=2
+       pto=20
+       do i=1,nbipt
+       ptob(i)=ptu+(pto-ptu)*(i-0.5)/nbipt
+       do jaai=0,4
+       do jexi=1,4
+       wptob(jaai,jexi,i)=0
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       enddo
+      elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+       xp=xpb
+       xm=xmb
+       if(xp.lt.xlub1)goto2
+       if(xm.lt.xlub1)goto2
+       i=1+int(alog(xp/xlub1)/alog(xlob/xlub1)*nbixp)
+       if(i.gt.nbixp)goto2
+       if(i.lt.1)goto2
+       j=1+int(alog(xm/xlub1)/alog(xlob/xlub1)*nbixm)
+       if(j.gt.nbixm)goto2
+       if(j.lt.1)goto2
+       wxb(1,jaa,jex,i,j)=wxb(1,jaa,jex,i,j)+1.
+2      continue
+       if(xp.lt.xlub2)goto12
+       if(xm.lt.xlub2)goto12
+       i=1+int((xp-xlub2)/(xlob-xlub2)*nbixp)
+       if(i.gt.nbixp)goto12
+       if(i.lt.1)goto12
+       j=1+int((xm-xlub2)/(xlob-xlub2)*nbixm)
+       if(j.gt.nbixm)goto12
+       if(j.lt.1)goto12
+       wxb(2,jaa,jex,i,j)=wxb(2,jaa,jex,i,j)+1.
+12     continue
+       xp=xpd
+       xm=xmd
+       if(xp.lt.xlub1)goto22
+       if(xm.lt.xlub1)goto22
+       i=1+int(alog(xp/xlub1)/alog(xlob/xlub1)*nbixp)
+       if(i.gt.nbixp)goto22
+       if(i.lt.1)goto22
+       j=1+int(alog(xm/xlub1)/alog(xlob/xlub1)*nbixm)
+       if(j.gt.nbixm)goto22
+       if(j.lt.1)goto22
+       wxe(1,jaa,jex,i,j)=wxe(1,jaa,jex,i,j)+1.
+  22   continue
+       if(xp.lt.xlub2)goto32
+       if(xm.lt.xlub2)goto32
+       i=1+int((xp-xlub2)/(xlob-xlub2)*nbixp)
+       if(i.gt.nbixp)goto32
+       if(i.lt.1)goto32
+       j=1+int((xm-xlub2)/(xlob-xlub2)*nbixm)
+       if(j.gt.nbixm)goto32
+       if(j.lt.1)goto32
+       wxe(2,jaa,jex,i,j)=wxe(2,jaa,jex,i,j)+1.
+  32   continue
+       do m=1,2
+       if(m.eq.1)pt=pt1
+       if(m.eq.2)pt=pt2
+       i=1+int((pt-ptu)/(pto-ptu)*nbipt)
+       if(i.lt.1)goto42
+       if(i.gt.nbipt)goto42
+       wptob(jaa,jex,i)=wptob(jaa,jex,i)+1
+   42  continue
+       enddo
+      elseif(iii.ge.2)then
+       if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1.and.bminim.eq.bmaxim)then
+ctp060829        mmmm=1
+ctp060829        bb=bmaxim
+        ff=float(nrevt)/float(ntevt)
+ctp060829        imod='   dn'
+       elseif(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+ctp060829        mmmm=3
+        ff=1.
+ctp060829        imod='   dn'
+       elseif(bminim.lt.0.001.and.bmaxim.gt.20)then
+ctp060829        mmmm=2
+        area=pi*(rmproj+rmtarg)**2
+        ff=area*float(nrevt)/float(ntevt)/(maproj*matarg)/sigine*10
+ctp060829        imod='   dn'
+       else
+        write(ifmt,*)'xEmsP2 ignored'
+        return
+       endif
+       j1=1  !nint(xpar1)   !first xminus bin
+       j2=5  !nint(xpar2)   !last xminus bin
+       if(iii.eq.4)j2=1
+       kkk=2 !nint(xpar3)   !1 (log binning) 2 (lin binning)
+       if(kkk.eq.1)then
+ctp060829         xmi1=xlub1*(xlob/xlub1)**((j1-1.)/nbixm)
+ctp060829         xmi2=xlub1*(xlob/xlub1)**((j2-0.)/nbixm)
+         xlub=xlub1
+       elseif(kkk.eq.2)then
+ctp060829         xmi1=xlub2+(xlob-xlub2)*((j1-1.)/nbixm)
+ctp060829         xmi2=xlub2+(xlob-xlub2)*((j2-0.)/nbixm)
+         xlub=xlub2
+       endif
+       jaa1=jaa
+       jaa2=jaa
+       jex1=jex
+       jex2=jex
+       if(jaa.eq.5)then
+       jaa1=0
+       jaa2=4
+       endif
+       if(jex.eq.5)then
+       jex1=1
+       jex2=4
+       endif
+       if(jex.eq.1)then
+        je1=0
+        je2=0
+       elseif(jex.eq.2)then
+        je1=1
+        je2=0
+       elseif(jex.eq.3)then
+        je1=0
+        je2=1
+       elseif(jex.eq.4)then
+        je1=1
+        je2=1
+       elseif(jex.eq.5)then
+        je1=2
+        je2=2
+       endif
+       if(iii.eq.2)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')   '!   PE    ',jaa,jex
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+        sum=ffom12aii(max(1,jaa),je1,je2)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2i1)')'openhisto name ffom12a',jaa,jex
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',xlub,xlob
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt "xaxis  x+?PE!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'txt "yaxis dn?semi! / dx+?PE!    "'
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2i1,a)')'txt "title ffom12a + MC   (',jaa,jex,')"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbixp
+         u=xlp(kkk,i)
+         z=ffom12ai(u,max(1,jaa1),jaa2,je1,je2)
+         write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        if(jex.eq.5)then
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,2i1)')'openhisto name ffom11',jaa,jex
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lba'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.05 0.5 "+ ffom11a "'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')'array 2'
+          do i=1,nbixp
+           u=xlp(kkk,i)
+           z=ffom11a(u,-1.,max(1,jaa1),jaa2)
+           write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+          enddo
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        endif
+       elseif(iii.eq.3)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')   '!   IB    ',jaa,jex
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+    !.......total integral
+        s2min=4*q2min
+        zmin=s2min/engy**2
+        zmax=1
+        xpmin0 = 0.01/engy
+        xpmax=1
+        ig1=3
+        ig2=3
+        r1=0
+        do i1=1,ig1
+        do m1=1,2
+          z=zmin*(zmax/zmin)**(.5+tgss(ig1,i1)*(m1-1.5))
+          xpmin=max(z,xpmin0)
+          r2=0
+          if(xpmin.lt.xpmax)then
+          do i2=1,ig2
+          do m2=1,2
+            xp=xpmin*(xpmax/xpmin)**(.5+tgss(ig2,i2)*(m2-1.5))
+            xm=z/xp
+            r2=r2+wgss(ig2,i2)*ffsigiut(xp,xm,max(1,jaa),je1,je2)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          endif
+          r2=r2*0.5*log(xpmax/xpmin)
+          r1=r1+wgss(ig1,i1)*r2*z
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        r1=r1*0.5*log(zmax/zmin)
+        res=  r1 * factk * .0390  /sigine*10
+        sum=res
+   !.......plot
+        xx2min = 0.01/engy     !max(xpar1,0.01/engy)
+        xx2max = 1             !xpar2
+        xx1min = 0.01/engy     !max(xpar3,0.01/engy)
+        xx1max = 1             !xpar4
+        nbins  = 10            !nint(xpar5)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2i1)') 'openhisto xrange 0 1 name ffsig',jaa,jex
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'yrange auto auto htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "xaxis x+?IB!         "              '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis dn?semi! / dx+?IB!  "'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2i1,a)')'txt "title ffsig + MC   (',jaa,jex,')"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+        del=(xx1max-xx1min)/nbins
+        do ii=1,nbins
+          xx1=xx1min+(ii-0.5)*del
+          ig2=3
+          r2=0
+          do i2=1,ig2
+          do m2=1,2
+            xx2=xx2min*(xx2max/xx2min)**(.5+tgss(ig2,i2)*(m2-1.5))
+            r2=r2+wgss(ig2,i2)*ffsigiut(xx1,xx2,max(1,jaa),je1,je2)*xx2
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          sig=r2*0.5*log(xx2max/xx2min)
+          sig   = sig * factk * .0390   /sigine*10
+          write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')xx1,sig
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray'
+       elseif(iii.eq.4)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,3i1)')   '!   OB    ',jaa,jex
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!----------------------------------'
+      !...... integral
+        y2     = 10
+        ptmin  = 2
+        ptmax  = 6
+        sum=0
+        ig=2
+        do i=1,ig
+        do m=1,2
+              pt=ptmin*(ptmax/ptmin)**(.5+tgss(ig,i)*(m-1.5))
+          sig=ffsigi(pt**2,y2)
+          sig   =sig    * factk * .0390 /sigine*10  * 2   ! 2 partons!
+              sum=sum+wgss(ig,i)*sig*pt
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        sum=sum*0.5*log(ptmax/ptmin)
+      !...... pt distr
+        y2     = 10
+        ptmin  = 2
+        ptmax  = 20
+        nbins  = 18
+        sx=engy**2
+        do jj=3,1,-1
+        write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')'openhisto name jet',jj
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'xrange 0 20 xmod lin ymod log '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "xaxis pt?OB!         "           '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis dn?ptn! / dpt?OB!  "'
+        if(jj.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lro'
+        if(jj.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lgo'
+        if(jj.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)')'htyp lyo'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.1 "1/f=',1./ff,'"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')'array 2'
+        delpt=(ptmax-ptmin)/nbins
+        do i=1,nbins
+          pt=ptmin+(i-0.5)*delpt
+          sig=1
+          if(jj.eq.1)then
+            sig=ffsigi(pt**2,y2)      ! our stuff
+          elseif(jj.eq.2)then
+            if(engy.ge.10.)sig=psjvrg1(pt**2,sx,y2) ! grv
+          elseif(jj.eq.3)then
+            if(engy.ge.10.)sig=psjwo1(pt**2,sx,y2)   !duke-owens
+          endif
+          sig   =sig    * factk * .0390 /sigine*10 * 2
+          write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')pt,sig
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+        if(jj.ne.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+        if(jj.ne.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')  'plot 0-'
+        enddo
+       endif
+       x=0.1+(min(3,iii)-2)*0.30
+       y=0.2+(min(3,iii)-2)*0.55
+       if(engy.gt.100.)then
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2f5.2,a,f6.3,a)')'text',x,y,' "   form ',sum,'"'
+       else
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2f5.2,a,f6.5,a)')'text',x,y,' "   form ',sum,'"'
+       endif
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')  'closehisto plot 0-'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') "!-----------------------------"
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') "! MC   "
+       write(ifhi,'(a)') "!-----------------------------"
+       if(iii.eq.2)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a,i1,i1)')'openhisto name dndxPE',jaa,jex
+       if(iii.eq.3)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a,i1,i1)')'openhisto name dndxIB',jaa,jex
+       if(iii.eq.4)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a,i1,i1)')'openhisto name dndptOB',jaa,jex
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')     'htyp prs'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')     'array 2'
+       sum=0
+       imax=nbixp
+       if(iii.eq.4)imax=nbipt
+       do i=1,imax
+        u=xlp(kkk,i)
+        if(iii.eq.4)u=ptob(i)
+        z=0
+        do j=j1,j2
+        do jaai=jaa1,jaa2
+        do jexi=jex1,jex2
+         if(iii.eq.2)z=z+wxe(kkk,jaai,jexi,i,j)
+         if(iii.eq.3)z=z+wxb(kkk,jaai,jexi,i,j)
+         if(iii.eq.4)z=z+wptob(jaai,jexi,i)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        del=dxlp(kkk,i)
+        if(iii.eq.4)del=(pto-ptu)/nbipt
+        z=z/del*ff/nrevt
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')u,z
+        sum=sum+z*del
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       x=0.1+(min(3,iii)-2)*0.30
+       y=0.1+(min(3,iii)-2)*0.55
+       if(engy.gt.100)then
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2f5.2,a,f6.3,a)')'text',x,y,' "   simu ',sum,'"'
+       else
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2f5.2,a,f6.5,a)')'text',x,y,' "   simu ',sum,'"'
+       endif
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsSe(iii,xmc,ptmc,ih,iqq)
+c     iqq = 1 : String End mass and rapidity
+c     iqq = 2 : String mass and rapidity
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(nbix=50)
+      common/cxpar/nx(2),x(nbix),wxmc(nbix,2),xmn,xmx,xu,xo
+      parameter(nbiy=40)
+      common/cypar/ny(2),y(nbiy),wymc(nbiy,2),ymin,ymax,dy,yu,yo
+      s=engy**2
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+       nx(iqq)=0
+       xu=0.1/engy**2
+       xo=1.
+       do i=1,nbix
+         x(i)=xu*(xo/xu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+         wxmc(i,iqq)=0
+       enddo
+       yo=alog(s)
+       yu=-yo
+       dy=(yo-yu)/nbiy
+       ny(iqq)=0
+       do i=1,nbiy
+         y(i)=yu+dy/2.+(i-1)*dy
+         wymc(i,iqq)=0
+       enddo
+      elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+       if(xmc.lt.xu)return
+       if(ptmc.eq.0.)return
+       ymc=0.
+       if(iqq.eq.1)ymc=0.5*alog(xmc*s/ptmc)*ih
+       if(iqq.eq.2)ymc=0.5*alog(xmc/ptmc)
+       i=1+int(alog(xmc/xu)/alog(xo/xu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto1
+       if(i.lt.1)goto1
+       wxmc(i,iqq)=wxmc(i,iqq)+1
+       nx(iqq)=nx(iqq)+1
+1      continue
+       if(ymc.lt.yu)return
+       i=int((ymc-yu)/dy)+1
+       if(i.gt.nbiy)return
+       if(i.lt.1)return
+       wymc(i,iqq)=wymc(i,iqq)+1
+       ny(iqq)=ny(iqq)+1
+      elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')        '!--------------------------------'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')        '!   string end x distr       '
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')        '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xu,xo
+        if(iqq.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string end x"'
+        if(iqq.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string x"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbix
+         dx=xu*(xo/xu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xo/xu)**(-1./nbix))
+         if(nx(iqq).gt.0)
+     *   write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x(i),wxmc(i,iqq)/dx/nx(iqq)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',yu,yo
+        if(iqq.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string end y"'
+        if(iqq.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string y"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(y)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbiy
+         if(ny(iqq).gt.0)
+     *   write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')y(i),wymc(i,iqq)/dy/ny(iqq)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xEmsDr(iii,xpmc,xmmc,ie)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(nbix=50,nie=4)
+      common/cxpardr/nxp(nie),nxm(nie),x(nbix),wxpmc(nbix,nie)
+     &      ,wxmmc(nbix,nie),xmn,xmx,xu,xo,wxmc(nbix,nie),nx(nie)
+      parameter(nbiy=40)
+      common/cypardr/ny(nie),y(nbiy),wymc(nbiy,nie),ymin,ymax,dy,yu,yo
+      s=engy**2
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+       do ni=1,nie
+         nxp(ni)=0
+         nxm(ni)=0
+         nx(ni)=0
+       enddo
+       xu=0.1/engy**2
+       xo=1.
+       do i=1,nbix
+         x(i)=xu*(xo/xu)**((i-0.5)/nbix)
+         do ni=1,nie
+           wxpmc(i,ni)=0
+           wxmmc(i,ni)=0
+           wxmc(i,ni)=0
+         enddo
+       enddo
+       yo=alog(s)
+       yu=-yo
+       dy=(yo-yu)/nbiy
+       do ni=1,nie
+         ny(ni)=0
+       enddo
+       do i=1,nbiy
+         y(i)=yu+dy/2.+(i-1)*dy
+         do ni=1,nie
+           wymc(i,ni)=0
+         enddo
+       enddo
+      elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+       if(ie.lt.1.or.ie.gt.nie)return
+       if(xpmc.lt.xu)return
+       i=1+int(alog(xpmc/xu)/alog(xo/xu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto1
+       if(i.lt.1)goto1
+       wxpmc(i,ie)=wxpmc(i,ie)+1
+       nxp(ie)=nxp(ie)+1
+       if(xmmc.lt.xu)return
+       i=1+int(alog(xmmc/xu)/alog(xo/xu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)goto1
+       if(i.lt.1)goto1
+       wxmmc(i,ie)=wxmmc(i,ie)+1
+       nxm(ie)=nxm(ie)+1
+1      continue
+       if(xmmc.ge.xu)then
+         ymc=0.5*alog(xpmc/xmmc)
+       else
+         return
+       endif
+       if(ymc.lt.yu)return
+       i=int((ymc-yu)/dy)+1
+       if(i.gt.nbiy)return
+       if(i.lt.1)return
+       wymc(i,ie)=wymc(i,ie)+1
+       ny(ie)=ny(ie)+1
+       xmc=xpmc*xmmc
+       if(xmc.lt.xu)return
+       i=1+int(alog(xmc/xu)/alog(xo/xu)*nbix)
+       if(i.gt.nbix)return
+       if(i.lt.1)return
+       wxmc(i,ie)=wxmc(i,ie)+1
+       nx(ie)=nx(ie)+1
+      elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+        do ii=1,nie
+       if(ii.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(a)')'!-----  projectile droplet  ----'
+       if(ii.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(a)')'!-----    target droplet    ----'
+       if(ii.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)')'!-----  projectile string end  ----'
+       if(ii.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a)')'!-----    target string end    ----'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   droplet/string x+ distr       '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xu,xo
+        if(ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.2)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet x+"'
+        if(ii.eq.3.or.ii.eq.4)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string end x+"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbix
+         dx=xu*(xo/xu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xo/xu)**(-1./nbix))
+         if(nxp(ii).gt.0)
+     *   write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x(i),wxpmc(i,ii)/dx/nxp(ii)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   droplet/string x- distr       '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xu,xo
+        if(ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.2)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet x-"'
+        if(ii.eq.3.or.ii.eq.4)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string end x-"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbix
+         dx=xu*(xo/xu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xo/xu)**(-1./nbix))
+         if(nxm(ii).gt.0)
+     *   write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x(i),wxmmc(i,ii)/dx/nxm(ii)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   droplet/string y distr       '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',yu,yo
+        if(ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.2)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet y"'
+        if(ii.eq.3.or.ii.eq.4)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string end y"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(y)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbiy
+         if(ny(ii).gt.0)
+     *   write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')y(i),wymc(i,ii)/dy/ny(ii)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!   droplet/string mass distr       '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '!--------------------------------'
+      do ii=1,nie
+        if(ii.eq.2.or.ii.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+        if(ii.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        if(ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.3)write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+        if(ii.eq.2.or.ii.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',sqrt(xu*s),sqrt(s*xo)
+        if(ii.eq.1.or.ii.eq.2)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet mass (GeV)"'
+        if(ii.eq.4.or.ii.eq.3)
+     *  write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis string end mass (GeV)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(x)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+        do i=1,nbix
+         dx=xu*(xo/xu)**(1.*i/nbix)*(1.-(xo/xu)**(-1./nbix))
+         if(nx(ii).gt.0)
+     *   write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')sqrt(x(i)*s),wxmc(i,ii)/dx/nx(ii)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine xtype(k,n,i1,i2,text)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incems'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+c      character  text*40
+c      imax=itext+1
+c      do i=itext,1,-1
+c      if(text(i:i).eq.'&')imax=i
+c      enddo
+c      ip=iproj(k)
+c      it=itarg(k)
+c      if(i1.eq.1)then
+c         write(ifch,*)
+c         write(ifch,*)('-',ll=1,27)
+c         write(ifch,*)'  '//text(1:imax-1)
+c         write(ifch,*)('-',ll=1,27)
+c      endif
+c      if(i2.eq.1)then
+c         write(ifch,*)
+c         write(ifch,*)'k:',k,'   n:',n,'   ip:',ip,'   it:',it
+c         write(ifch,*)'bk:',bk(k)
+c         if(n.ne.0)write(ifch,*)'idpr:',idpr(n,k)
+c         write(ifch,*)'iep:',iep(ip),'   iet:',iet(it)
+c         write(ifch,*)'idp:',idp(ip),'   idt:',idt(it)
+c      endif
+c      end
+      subroutine XPrint(text)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xpptot,xmptot,xpttot,xmttot
+c      parameter(itext=15)
+      character  text*(*)
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      if(imax.gt.1)write(ifch,'(1x,a)')text(1:imax-1)
+      write(ifch,'(a)')
+     *' k:     itpr:   npr0: npr1: nprmx:   Pomeron id lattice:'
+      do k=1,koll
+       write(ifch,'(1x,i6,1x,i4,4x,i4,2x,i4,3x,i4,a3,$)')
+     *              k,itpr(k),npr(0,k),npr(1,k),nprmx(k),'   '
+       do n=1,nprmx(k)
+        write(ifch,'(i2,$)')idpr(n,k)
+       enddo
+       write(ifch,*)' '
+      enddo
+      xpptot=0d0
+      xmptot=0d0
+      xpttot=0d0
+      xmttot=0d0
+      write(ifch,'(a)')' Pomeron xy lattice:'
+      do k=1,koll
+       do n=1,nprmx(k)
+       xpptot=xpptot+xppr(n,k)
+       xmttot=xmttot+xmpr(n,k)
+        write(ifch,'(i6,1x,i2,1x,d10.3,1x,d10.3,3x,$)')
+     *                  k,n,xpr(n,k),ypr(n,k)
+       enddo
+       write(ifch,*)' '
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,'(a)')' projectile remnants x+,x-,px,py,x,iep:'
+      do ip=1,maproj
+       xpptot=xpptot+xpp(ip)
+       xmptot=xmptot+xmp(ip)
+       write(ifch,'(i3,2x,5d12.3,i3)')ip,xpp(ip),xmp(ip),xxp(ip),xyp(ip)
+     *                             ,xpos(ip),iep(ip)
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,'(a)')' target remnants x-,x+,px,py,x,iet:'
+      do it=1,matarg
+       xpttot=xpttot+xpt(it)
+       xmttot=xmttot+xmt(it)
+       write(ifch,'(i3,2x,5d12.3,i3)')it,xmt(it),xpt(it),xxt(it),xyt(it)
+     *                             ,xtos(it),iet(it)
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,*)' remnant balance x+,x-:'
+     &,(xpptot+xpttot)/dble(maproj)
+     &,(xmptot+xmttot)/dble(matarg)
+      end
+      subroutine xfom
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision fom,x
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')     '!##################################'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i3)')  '!   fom     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')     '!##################################'
+      b=0.
+      do i=1,6
+        z=0.2*exp(0.8*i)
+        xi=0.01+0.16*float(i-1)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,i1)') 'openhisto name fom',i
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'xrange 0 1'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'yrange 0.1 1000 '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x "'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis fom"'
+        if(z.lt.10.)
+     &   write(ifhi,'(a,f4.2,a,f4.1,a)')'text ',xi,' 0.9 "',z,'"'
+        if(z.ge.10.)
+     &   write(ifhi,'(a,f4.2,a,f4.0,a)')'text ',xi,' 0.9 "',z,'"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'array 2'
+        do n=1,99
+          x=dble(n)*0.01d0
+          write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,fom(z,x,b)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  closehisto '
+        if(i.lt.6)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'plot 0-'
+        if(i.eq.6)write(ifhi,'(a)')    'plot 0'
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xbDens(jjj)
+c plots b distribution for all pairs
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      if(jjj.eq.1)then
+c prepare plot for xbDens
+      if(ixbDens.eq.1)then
+        iii=1     !proj
+        Nnucla=0
+        do ip=1,maproj
+          if(lproj(ip).ne.0)then
+            Nnucla=Nnucla+1
+            do l=1,lproj(ip)
+              k=kproj(ip,l)
+              b=bk(k)
+              i=1+int(b/bkmx*float(mxnucl))
+              if(i.le.mxnucl)bnucl(i,iii)=bnucl(i,iii)+1.
+            enddo
+          endif
+          if(lproj3(ip).ne.0)then
+            do l=1,lproj3(ip)
+              k=kproj3(ip,l)
+              b=bk(k)
+              i=1+int(b/bkmx*float(mxnucl))
+              if(i.le.mxnucl)bnucl(i,iii+2)=bnucl(i,iii+2)+1.
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+        xbtot(iii)=xbtot(iii)+float(Nnucla)
+        iii=2     !targ
+        Nnucla=0
+        do it=1,matarg
+          if(ltarg(it).ne.0)then
+            Nnucla=Nnucla+1
+            do l=1,ltarg(it)
+              k=ktarg(it,l)
+              b=bk(k)
+              i=1+int(b/bkmx*float(mxnucl))
+              if(i.le.mxnucl)bnucl(i,iii)=bnucl(i,iii)+1.
+            enddo
+          endif
+          if(ltarg3(it).ne.0)then
+            do l=1,ltarg3(it)
+              k=ktarg3(it,l)
+              b=bk(k)
+              i=1+int(b/bkmx*float(mxnucl))
+              if(i.le.mxnucl)bnucl(i,iii+2)=bnucl(i,iii+2)+1.
+            enddo
+          endif
+        enddo
+        xbtot(iii)=xbtot(iii)+float(Nnucla)
+      endif
+      else
+      if(xbtot(1).gt.0.)then
+        xbtot(3)=xbtot(1)
+        xbtot(4)=xbtot(2)
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin name bdens'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '- txt "xaxis b (fm)" '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '+ txt "yaxis P(b) proj " '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '+ txt "yaxis P(b) targ " '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '+ txt "yaxis P(b) scr proj " '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '+ txt "yaxis P(b) scr targ " '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 5'
+        db=bkmx/float(mxnucl)
+        do j=1,mxnucl
+          b=(j-0.5)*db
+          d=pi*((b+db)**2-b**2)
+          write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)') b,(bnucl(j,iii)/xbtot(iii)/d,iii=1,4)
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'plot bdens+1- plot bdens+2-'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'plot bdens+3- plot bdens+4 '
+      endif
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-fra-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-fra-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4282590408c64b1526c7f5a46afacce84f018af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-fra-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2976 @@
+      subroutine gakfra(iclu,iret)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter (eta=0.4,etap=0.1)
+      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000)
+      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+c      common /cpptr/ pptr(4,mxptl),ystr(mxptl)
+      double precision p1,p12,p2
+      dimension co(12),ind(0:mxnbr),p1(5),p2(5)
+      dimension ic2(2),ic1(2),ic(2),fkap(3)
+      common/pb/pb /cnsbp/nsbp  /cn8ptl/n8ptl
+      common/czz/kky,krm,kdrm,kzrm,pui(3),pdi(3),psi(3),pci(3),zzzz,itp
+     &,pduui(3),pdudi(3),pdusi(3),pduci(3),pdddi(3),pddsi(3),pddci(3)
+     &,pdssi(3),pdsci(3),pdcci(3)
+      double precision psg
+      common/zpsg/psg(5)
+      logical go
+      pf(i,j)=(pst(4,i)-pst(3,i))*(pst(4,j)+pst(3,j))
+     &     -pst(2,i)*pst(2,j)-pst(1,i)*pst(1,j)
+      nob=0
+      call utpri('gakfra',ish,ishini,4)
+      iret=0
+c.....search string in pptl-list...................................
+      nkmax=nptl
+      nk1=maproj+matarg+1
+ 2    continue
+      if(nclean.gt.0.and.nptl.gt.mxptl/2)then
+        nnnpt=0
+        do iii=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+          go=.true.
+          if(nclean.eq.1.and.istptl(iii).le.istmax)go=.false.
+          if(go.and.mod(istptl(iii),10).ne.0)then
+            istptl(iii)=99
+            nnnpt=nnnpt+1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(nnnpt.gt.mxptl-nptl)then
+          nptl0=nptl
+          call utclea(maproj+matarg+1,nptl0)
+          nkmax=nptl
+          nk1=maproj+matarg+1
+c          write(ifch,'(a)')' ---------after utclea------------'
+c          call blist('&',nk1,nkmax)
+        endif
+      endif
+      do while(nk1.le.nkmax)
+        if(istptl(nk1).eq.20)then
+          nk2=nk1+1
+          do while(idptl(nk2).eq.9)
+            nk2=nk2+1
+          enddo
+          goto 3                !ok, string from nk1 to nk2
+        else
+          nk1=nk1+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      goto 9999                 !no more string
+c                       decay string  nk1 - nk2
+ 3    nob=-1
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write(ifch,'(/1x,25a1/5x,a/1x,25a1/)')
+     *  ('-',k=1,25),'string decay',('-',k=1,25)
+        write(ifch,'(a)')' ---------string------------'
+        call blist('&',nk1,nk2)
+      endif
+      itp=ityptl(nk1)
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        if(jorptl(nk1).ne.0.or.jorptl(nk2).ne.0)then
+          kky=1
+        else
+          kky=0
+        endif
+      else
+        kky=0
+c      if(nk2-nk1.gt.1.or.iappl.eq.6)kky=1
+        if((itp.ge.30.and.itp.le.39).or.iappl.eq.6)kky=1
+      endif
+      krm=0
+      if((itp.ge.50.and.itp.le.59).or.(itp.ge.40.and.itp.le.49))krm=1
+      kdrm=0
+      if(itp.eq.43.or.itp.eq.53)kdrm=1
+c Excited remnant due to split
+      kzrm=0
+      if(itp.eq.44.or.itp.eq.54.or.itp.eq.46.or.itp.eq.56)kzrm=1
+      do k=1,5
+        p1(k)=0d0
+      enddo
+      do i=nk1,nk2
+        do k=1,5
+          p2(k)=dble(pptl(k,i))
+        enddo
+        p2(4)=sqrt(p2(3)**2+p2(2)**2+p2(1)**2+p2(5)**2)
+        do k=1,4
+          p1(k)=p1(k)+p2(k)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      p1(5)=(p1(4)-p1(3))*(p1(4)+p1(3))-p1(2)**2-p1(1)**2
+      if(p1(5).gt.0.d0)then
+        p1(5)=sqrt(p1(5))
+      else
+        iorrem=iorptl(nk1)
+        write(*,*)'Precision problem in gakfra, p:',
+     &             p1(5),p1(4),p1(3),p1(2),p1(1)
+        write(*,*)'origin : ',iorrem
+        p1(5)=0.d0
+c        if(iorrem.ne.0.and.
+c     &    (ityptl(iorrem).eq.40.or.ityptl(iorrem).eq.10))
+c     &    p1(5)=dble(pptl(5,iorrem))
+        if(iorrem.ne.0)then
+          write(*,*)'string mass : ',ityptl(iorrem),pptl(5,iorrem)
+          p1(5)=dble(pptl(5,iorrem))
+        endif
+      endif
+      do k=1,5
+        psg(k)=p1(k)
+      enddo
+c.....pbreak ................................
+      pbi=pbreak
+      zz=0.
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        x=p1(5)                 !sub string mass (energy in cms) for e+e- and pp
+        if(pbi.gt.0.d0.or.(pbi.gt.-0.99999d0.and.kky.eq.0))then
+c around 0.4 for soft because of pi0 spectra for CR and pp multiplicity 
+c and pt spectra at RHIC
+          pb=abs(pbi)
+        else
+c fit is important not only in e+e- but for all particle production
+          pb0=abs(pbi)
+          pb=pb0+(1.-exp(-x/40.))*(pbreakg-pb0)
+c       {{14,0.25},{22,0.22},{34,0.22},{91.2,0.15}} !new
+        endif
+      else
+        x0=1.
+        x=sqrt(qsqptl(nk1))     !string energy
+        if(iappl.ne.6)then  
+c in hadronic collisions, strings are substring of big string from a Pomeron
+c the ratio Energy_tot / Energy_sub is used to quantify the modification of fkappa 
+          x0=x                  !pomeron energy
+          x=p1(4)               !sub string energy
+        endif
+c       if(pbi.gt.0.d0.or.(pbi.gt.-0.99999d0.and.krm.eq.1))then 
+        if(pbi.gt.0.d0.or.(pbi.gt.-0.99999d0.and.kky.eq.0))then
+c around 0.4 for soft because of pi0 spectra for CR and pp multiplicity 
+c and pt spectra at RHIC
+          pb=abs(pbi)
+        else
+c fit is important not only in e+e- but for all particle production
+          pb0=0.33
+c       pb=0.065 + 3600./x**3 - 400./x**2 + 17./x   !<--------
+          pb=pb0*(1.+exp(-x**2/1000))*0.5
+c       {{14,0.25},{22,0.22},{34,0.22},{91.2,0.15}} !new
+          if(iappl.ne.6)then
+            zz=x0/x             !energy dependence from ratio
+            if(iLHC.eq.1)zz=log(max(1.,zz))
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        fkap(1)=fkappa
+        fkap(3)=fkappag
+        fkap(2)=0.5*(fkap(1)+fkap(3))
+      else
+        fkap(1)=fkappa
+        if(zz.gt.0.)then
+          zzz=min(fkamax,fkainc*zz)
+          zzz=sqrt(1.+zzz)
+          if(iLHC.eq.0)pb=pb/zzz
+          fkap(1)=fkap(1)*zzz         !fix increase of ap and K at Tevatron
+        endif
+c      write(*,*)'pb',kky,krm,kdrm,x,x0,pb,zz,fkap
+      endif
+c      write(*,*)'pb',kky,krm,kdrm,x,pb,zpaptl(1,nk1)+zpaptl(1,nk2)
+      zzzz=1.
+      if(isplit.eq.1.and.iappl.ne.6)then       !for pt
+        zzzz=0.
+        zzz=0.
+c        if(krm.eq.0)then  !both hard and soft (not good for mesons for HERA-B or pp RHIC, but good for baryons)
+        if(kky.eq.1)then   !only hard
+c        if((kky.eq.1.or.(iLHC.eq.1.and.krm.eq.0)))then   
+c          zzzz=zipinc*(zpaptl(1,nk1)+zpaptl(1,nk2))
+c          zzzz=sqrt(1.+zzzz)
+          zz=(zpaptl(1,nk1)*(1.+zodinc*log(zpaptl(2,nk2)))     !zpaptl(2,nk1)=# of connected pom
+     &       +zpaptl(1,nk2)*(1.+zodinc*log(zpaptl(2,nk2))))
+c          print *,zpaptl(2,nk1),zpaptl(2,nk2)
+c     &           ,1./cosh(0.007*max(0.,zpaptl(2,nk1)-50.))
+c reduce zz before fusion (make it proportionnal to b and E because at low energy not so many fragments are used and then if only one fragment is used all others particles are fragmented without particular effect 
+          if(iclu.eq.1)zz=zz/cosh(min(30.,
+     &                            0.0085*max(0.,zpaptl(2,nk1)-30.)))   
+          zzzz=zipinc*zz
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            zzz=min(fkamax,fkainc*zz)
+            zzz=sqrt(1.+zzz)
+            fkap(1)=fkap(1)*zzz !fix increase of ap and K at Tevatron
+            fkap(2)=fkap(2)*zzz 
+            fkap(3)=fkap(3)*zzz
+          endif
+c          print *,bimevt,zzzz,zz,0.75*(zpaptl(1,nk1)+zpaptl(1,nk2))
+c          zzz=fkainc*zz
+        elseif(kzrm.eq.1)then
+          zz=zpaptl(1,nk1)
+          zzzz=0. !zopinc*zz
+          zzz=0.!zodinc*zz
+          zzz=sqrt(1.+zzz)
+          fkap(1)=fkap(1)*zzz
+          pb=pb/zzz
+        endif
+        zzzz=sqrt(1.+zzzz)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)"String parameters:"
+     &                      ,iclu,itp,krm,kdrm,kzrm,fkap,zzzz,pb,x
+      if(fkap(1).le.0..or.zzzz.le.0.)
+     &   call utstop("fkappa<=0. not allowed !&")
+      igmx=1
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)igmx=3
+      do ig=1,igmx
+      pui(ig)=1.
+      pdi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difud/fkap(ig))    !assymmetric u and d relevant because of assymmetry Kch / K0 in e+e-
+      psi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difus/fkap(ig))
+      pduui(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuuu/fkap(ig))
+      pdudi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuud/fkap(ig))
+      pdusi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuus/fkap(ig))
+      pdddi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difudd/fkap(ig))
+      pddsi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuds/fkap(ig))
+      pdssi(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuss/fkap(ig))
+      if(nrflav.gt.3)then
+        pci(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuc/fkap(ig))
+        pduci(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difuuc/fkap(ig))
+        pddci(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difudc/fkap(ig))
+        pdsci(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difusc/fkap(ig))
+        pdcci(ig)=pui(ig)*exp(-pi*difucc/fkap(ig))
+      else
+        pci(ig)=0.
+        pduci(ig)=0.
+        pddci(ig)=0.
+        pdsci(ig)=0.
+        pdcci(ig)=0.
+      endif
+      enddo
+c.....light like ...............................................
+      if(ish.ge.6) call blist("before light like&",nk1,nk2)
+      if(rangen().lt.0.5)then
+        i1=nk1
+        i2=nk1+1
+      else
+        i1=nk2-1
+        i2=nk2
+      endif
+      ii=1
+      do while(ii.ge.0)
+        do i=1,4
+          p2(i)=dble(pptl(i,i1))+dble(pptl(i,i2))
+        enddo
+c       p2(5)=sqrt(p2(4)**2-p2(3)**2-p2(2)**2-p2(1)**2)
+        am1=pptl(5,i1)**2
+        am2=pptl(5,i2)**2
+        am12=max(0d0,p2(4)**2-p2(3)**2-p2(2)**2-p2(1)**2-am1-am2)/2
+        if(am12**2.gt.am1*am2)then
+          ak1=.5*((am2+am12)/sqrt(am12**2-am1*am2))-.5
+          ak2=.5*((am1+am12)/sqrt(am12**2-am1*am2))-.5
+        else
+          ak1=0.
+          ak2=0.
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(a,2i4,9f12.6)') 'overlaps'
+     $       ,i1,i2,ak1,ak2,sqrt(2.*am12)
+     &       ,am1,am2
+        do j=1,4
+          a1=(1.+ak1)*pptl(j,i1)-ak2*pptl(j,i2)
+          a2=(1.+ak2)*pptl(j,i2)-ak1*pptl(j,i1)
+          pptl(j,i1)=a1
+          pptl(j,i2)=a2
+        enddo
+        pptl(5,i1)=0.
+        pptl(5,i2)=0.
+        if(nk2-nk1.eq.1) ii=-1
+        ii=ii-1
+        if (nk1.eq.i1)then
+          i1=nk2-1
+          i2=nk2
+        else
+          i1=nk1
+          i2=nk1+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+c.....inverse  ...............................................
+c      if(nk2.eq.nk1+1.and.nptl.lt.mxptl)then
+c        call utrepla(nptl+1,nk2)
+c        call utrepla(nk2,nk1)
+c        call utrepla(nk1,nptl+1)
+c      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6) call blist("after  light like&",nk1,nk2)
+c.....on-shell and copy ...............................................
+      if(ish.ge.6) write (ifch,*) 'on-shell check'
+      do i=nk1,nk2
+        do k=1,5
+          p2(k)=dble(pptl(k,i))
+        enddo
+        p12=p2(4)
+        p2(4)=sqrt(p2(3)**2+p2(2)**2+p2(1)**2+p2(5)**2)
+        if(abs(p12-p2(4))/max(.1d0,p12,p2(4)).ge.1e-1.and.ish.ge.2)then
+          write(ifch,*)'warning: on-shell problem:'
+     &           ,i, idptl(i),(pptl(k,i),k=1,4),' (',sngl(p2(4)),') '
+     &           ,pptl(5,i), istptl(i)
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)  write (ifch,*)  p12 ,'->',p2(4)
+        call utlob2(1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $       ,p2(1),p2(2),p2(3),p2(4),60)
+        f=1.0
+        if(i.ne.nk1.and.i.ne.nk2)f=0.5
+        nmax=1
+        ff=1.
+        aemax=1000.              ! here max band mass
+c          write(ifch,*)"test",f,p2(4),aemax,f*p2(4).gt.aemax
+        if(f*p2(4).gt.aemax) then
+          nmax = int(f*p2(4)/aemax)+1
+          ff=1./float(nmax)
+c          print *,"nmax",nmax
+c          write(ifch,*)"nmax",nmax
+        endif
+        nn=1
+        do while(nn.le.nmax)
+          f=.5
+          if(i.eq.nk1.and.nn.eq. 1  ) f=1.
+          if(i.eq.nk2.and.nn.eq.nmax) f=1.
+          nob=nob+1
+          if(nob.gt.mxnba-7)stop'gakfra: increase parameter mxnba '
+c         if(nmax.ge.2) print *, nob,ff,f,i
+c         if(nmax.ge.2) write(ifch,*)'nob',nob,ff,f,i
+          do k=1,4
+            pst(k,nob)=ff*f*p2(k)
+            ipst(nob)=i
+          enddo
+          nn=nn+1
+        enddo
+      enddo                     !i
+      do i1=nob-1,1,-1          ! copy again gluons
+        nob=nob+1
+        if(nob.gt.mxnba-7)stop'gakfra: increase parameter mxnba '
+        do k=1,4
+          pst(k,nob)=pst(k,i1)
+          ipst(nob)=ipst(i1)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      nob=nob+1                 ! nob is number of kinks
+      if(nob.gt.mxnba-7)stop'gakfra: increase parameter mxnba '
+      if(ish.ge.6) then
+        write (ifch,*) 'bands:'
+        do i=0,nob-1
+          write (ifch,'(i4,4g20.13)') i,(pst(k,i),k=1,4)
+        enddo
+      endif
+c.....total momentum...............................................
+      do k=1,4
+        pst(k,nob)=0.
+      enddo
+      do i=0,nob-1
+        do k=1,4
+          pst(k,nob)=pst(k,nob)+pst(k,i)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c.....write total string on pptl - list.............................
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('gakfra: mxptl too small ...&')
+      call idtr5(idptl(nk1),ic1)
+      call idtr5(idptl(nk2),ic2)
+      ic(1)=ic1(1)+ic2(1)
+      ic(2)=ic1(2)+ic2(2)
+      idptl(nptl) = 8*10**8+ ic(1)*100 + ic(2)/100 !nbr+1
+      istptl(nptl)=10
+      n8ptl=nptl
+      do i=1,5
+        pptl(i,nptl)=p1(i)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write(ifch,'(a)')' ---------total string------------'
+        call blist('&',nptl,nptl)
+      endif
+      ijb(1,0)=-1
+      ijb(2,0)=-1
+      ijb(1,1)=-1
+      ijb(2,1)=-1
+      iflb(0)=-idptl(nk1)
+      iflb(1)= idptl(nk2)
+      do i=1,4
+        ptb(i,0)=0.
+        ptb(i,1)=0.
+      enddo
+c...................light string....................................
+      amm=ammin(idptl(nk1),idptl(nk2))
+      if(sqrt(max(0.,pf(nob,nob))).lt.amm)then
+        id=idsp(  idptl(nk1),idptl(nk2) )
+          if(ish.ge.1)then
+       write (ifch,*)
+     .       '-------string too light to decay--------'
+          write (ifch,*) id,p1(5),amm
+          write (ifch,*) id, sqrt(max(0.,pf(nob,nob))) ,amm
+       endif
+      if(id.ne.0.or.iLHC.ne.1)then
+        am=sqrt(max(0.,pf(nob,nob)))
+        call idress(id,am,idr,iadj)
+       if(ish.ge.1)write (ifch,*) id,am,idr,iadj
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)
+     &       call utstop('gakfra (light): mxptl too small ...&')
+        do i=1,5
+          pptl(i,nptl)=p1(i)
+        enddo
+        do i=nk1,nk2
+          istptl(i)=21
+          ifrptl(1,i)=n8ptl
+          ifrptl(2,i)=0
+        enddo
+        istptl(n8ptl)=29        !code for fragmented string
+        ityptl(n8ptl)=ityptl(nk1)
+        itsptl(n8ptl)=itsptl(nk1)
+        rinptl(n8ptl)=-9999
+        iorptl(n8ptl)=nk1
+        jorptl(n8ptl)=nk2
+        ifrptl(1,n8ptl)=n8ptl+1
+        ifrptl(2,n8ptl)=nptl
+        ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(nk1)
+        itsptl(nptl)=itsptl(nk1)
+        rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+        istptl(nptl)=0
+        iorptl(nptl)=n8ptl
+        jorptl(nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        if(idr.ne.0)then
+          idptl(nptl)=idr
+        else
+          idptl(nptl)=id
+        endif
+        do j=1,4
+          xorptl(j,nptl)=xorptl(j,nk1)
+        enddo
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+        call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+        if(abs(p1(5)-am).gt.0.01)then
+c          write (*,*) 'light string  ---  particle off-shell!!!!'
+c          write (*,*) idr,'  mass:',p1(5),'  should be:',am
+        endif
+        goto 98
+      endif
+      endif
+c................search breakpoints...................................
+      n=0
+      nsbp=1
+      nbr=0
+      iok=0
+ 11   continue
+      if(nsbp.gt.10000)then
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+        write(*,*)'Gakfra : string can not be fragmented, redo event !'
+        write(*,*)nk1,idptl(nk1),nk2,idptl(nk2),istptl(nk1)
+        write(ifch,*)'Gakfra : redo event !'
+        endif
+        iret=1
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+      !----------------------!
+      call gaksbp(0,1,iok)
+      !----------------------!
+      nbrtry=0
+      goto 10
+c..............delete breakpoint....................................
+ 9    if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*) 'delete breakpoint',n,' -> '
+     &,nbr-1,' breakpoints left'
+      call gakdel(n)              !hier loeschen
+c..............no more breakpoints -> redo..........................
+      if(nbr.eq.0)then
+        nsbp=nsbp+1
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)
+     &    'no breakpoints left ... try again (',nsbp,')'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)' '
+        goto 11
+      endif
+c................make index list of breakpoints to adjust...........
+ 10   continue
+      nbrtry=nbrtry+1
+      nind=0
+      do i=1,nbr
+        if(ip(i).eq.0.or.ip(i+1).eq.0)then
+          nind=nind+1
+          ind(nind)=i
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(nbrtry.gt.1000000)then
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+        write(*,*)'Gakfra : string can not be fragmented, redo event !'
+        write(*,*)nk1,nk2,nbr,nind,pb
+        endif
+        iret=1
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+c.....no more breakpoint to adjust...............................
+      if(nind.eq.0) goto 100
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'breakpoints:'
+        write(ifch,'(i3,i5)') 0,-iflb(0)
+        do i=1,nbr
+          write(ifch,'(i3,2i5,1x,4e12.4,2x,2i3,2f6.3)')
+     &      i,iflb(i),-iflb(i),(ptb(j,i),j=1,4)
+     &         ,ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i),xyb(1,i),xyb(2,i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,'(i3,i5)') nbr+1,iflb(nbr+1)
+      endif
+c.....choose breakpoint, calculate masses, lambda..................
+      r=rangen()
+      nn=1+int(r*float(nind))
+c      nn=1+(nind-1)*int(r+0.5)
+      n=ind(nn)
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*) 'choose breakpoint',n
+      nl=n-1
+      nr=n+1
+      do while (nl.gt.0.and.ip(nl).eq.0)
+         nl=nl-1
+      enddo
+      do while (nr.lt.nbr+1.and.ip(nr+1).eq.0)
+         nr=nr+1
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'nl,n,nr:',nl,n,nr
+c      print *,'------------------------------------',1
+      call gaksco(n-1,n,n+1,ijb(1,n),ijb(2,n),x1,x2,y1,y2)
+      if(x2.le.x1.or.y2.le.y1)goto 9
+cc      x=(xyb(1,n)-x1)/(x2-x1)
+cc      y=(xyb(2,n)-y1)/(y2-y1)
+      x=xyb(1,n)
+      y=xyb(2,n)
+      aml2=co(1)+x*co(2)+y*co(3)+x*y*co(4)
+      amr2=co(5)+x*co(6)+y*co(7)+x*y*co(8)
+      ala2=co(9)+x*co(10)+y*co(11)+x*y*co(12)
+c.....determine id of both particles..............................
+      aml=sqrt(max(0.,aml2))
+      idl=idsp( -iflb(n-1) , iflb(n)   )
+      amr=sqrt(max(0.,amr2))
+      idr=idsp( -iflb(n)   , iflb(n+1) )
+c.....if mass to small (because of spacelike pt)  reject..........
+c      amin=0.0
+c      if (aml2.le.amin.or.amr2.le.amin) goto 9
+c.....if no left or right ptl id -> reject.........
+      if(idl.eq.0.or.idr.eq.0)then
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'no left or right ptl id'
+        goto 9
+      endif
+      iadjl=0
+      iadjr=0
+      idrl=0
+      idrr=0
+c.....if no adjusted mass on left side, check for resonance...........
+      if(ip(n)  .eq.0) then
+        aml=sqrt(max(0.,aml2+0.*min(0.,amr2))) !!!????
+        amlxx=aml
+        call idress(idl,aml,idrl,iadjl)
+        r=rangen()
+        if(idrl.eq.110.and.r.lt.0.5)then
+          if (r.gt.eta+etap) goto 9      !rare numerical errors
+          idl=220
+          aml=.549
+          if(r.lt.etap)aml=.958
+          amlxx=aml
+          call idress(idl,aml,idrl,iadjl)
+          iadjl=1
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i5,2f12.6,1i10,i5)')
+     &    ' l:  ',idl,amlxx,aml,idrl,iadjl
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i5,2f12.6,i10,a5)')
+     &    ' l:  ',idl,aml,aml,ip(n),'ok'
+      endif
+c.....if no adjusted mass on right side, check for resonance...........
+      if(ip(n+1).eq.0) then
+        amr=sqrt(max(0.,amr2+0.*min(0.,aml2))) !!!????
+        amrxx=amr
+        call idress(idr,amr,idrr,iadjr)
+        r=rangen()
+        if(idrr.eq.110.and.r.lt.0.5)then
+          if (r.gt.eta+etap) goto 9    !rare numerical errors
+          idr=220
+          amr=.549
+          if(r.lt.etap)amr=.958
+          amrxx=amr
+          call idress(idr,amr,idrr,iadjr)
+          iadjr=1
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i5,2f12.6,1i10,i5)')
+     &    ' r:  ',idr,amrxx,amr,idrr,iadjr
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i5,2f12.6,i10,a5)')
+     &    ' r:  ',idr,amr,amr,ip(n+1),'ok'
+      endif
+c.....mass adjustments.........................................
+      iok=0
+      if(ip(n+1).ne.0)then  !.........adjusted mass on right side
+        if(idrl.eq.0)then
+          call gaksbp(n-1,n,iok)
+          if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(iadjl.eq.1)then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'mass adjustment 1'
+           n2=n+1
+           call gakanp(n-1,n,n2,aml**2,amr**2,0.,iok)
+        endif
+        if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+        ip(n)=idrl
+      elseif(ip(n).ne.0)then !.........adjusted mass on left side
+        if(idrr.eq.0)then
+          call gaksbp(n,n+1,iok)
+          if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(iadjr.eq.1)then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'mass adjustment 2'
+           n2=n+1
+           call gakanp(n-1,n,n2,aml**2,amr**2,0.,iok)
+        endif
+        if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+        ip(n+1)=idrr
+      else       !.........adjusted mass neither left nor right
+        if(idrr.eq.0.and.idrl.eq.0)then
+          call gaksbp(n,n+1,iok)
+          if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+          call gaksbp(n-1,n,iok)
+          if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+          goto 10
+        elseif(idrl.ne.0.and.idrr.eq.0)then
+          if(iadjl.eq.1) then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'mass adjustment 3'
+           call gakanp(n-1,n,nr,aml**2,0.,ala2,iok)
+          endif
+        elseif(idrl.eq.0.and.idrr.ne.0)then
+          if(iadjr.eq.1) then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'mass adjustment 4'
+           n2=n+1
+           call gakanp(nl,n,n2,0.,amr**2,ala2,iok)
+          endif
+        else  !if(idrl.ne.0.and.idrr.ne.0)then
+          if(iadjl.eq.1.or.iadjr.eq.1) then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'mass adjustment 5'
+           n2=n+1
+           call gakanp(n-1,n,n2,aml**2,amr**2,0.,iok)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(iok.eq.1)goto 9
+        ip(n)=idrl
+        ip(n+1)=idrr
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.4)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'left/right particles:'
+     &         ,ip(n),aml,'  ',ip(n+1),amr
+      endif
+      goto 10
+c                         end of string decay
+c.....final list...............................................
+ 100  if(ish.ge.4)then
+        write(ifch,*) '   ************ OK **************'
+        write(ifch,*) 'final breakpoints:'
+        write(ifch,'(i3,i5)') 0,-iflb(0)
+        do i=1,nbr
+          write(ifch,'(i3,2i5,1x,4e12.4,2x,2i3,2f6.3)')
+     &      i,iflb(i),-iflb(i),(ptb(j,i),j=1,4)
+     &         ,ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i),xyb(1,i),xyb(2,i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,'(i3,i5)') nbr+1,iflb(nbr+1)
+      endif
+c.....write particles in pptl-list................................
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write(ifch,'(a)')' ---------produced particles---------'
+      endif
+      nptlini=nptl
+      if(nptlini+nbr+1.gt.mxptl)
+     &       call utstop('gakfra (end): mxptl too small ...&')
+      do i=1,nbr+1
+         nptl=nptl+1
+         if(i.lt.nbr+1)then     !particle = left side of breakpoints
+           call gaksco(i-1,i,i+1,ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i),x1,x2,y1,y2)
+c           taubrr=pst(4,nob+7)+x*pst(4,nob+8)+y*pst(4,nob+9)
+           x=xyb(1,i)
+           y=xyb(2,i)
+           aml2=co(1)+x*co(2)+y*co(3)+x*y*co(4)
+           amr2=co(5)+x*co(6)+y*co(7)+x*y*co(8)
+           ala2=co(9)+x*co(10)+y*co(11)+x*y*co(12)
+           aml=sign(sqrt(abs(aml2)),aml2)
+           amr=sign(sqrt(abs(amr2)),amr2)
+           if(aml.le.0.d0.or.amr.le.0.d0)then
+             if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     & 'Negative mass, fragmentation not OK -> redo ...'
+             n=i
+             nptl=nptlini
+             goto 9
+           endif
+           qsqptl(nptl)=ala2
+           pptl(5,nptl)=aml
+           do j=1,4
+             pptl(j,nptl)=pst(j,nob+1)-
+     &            x*pst(j,nob+2)+y*pst(j,nob+3)
+c             pptr(j,nptl)=ptb(j,i)
+           enddo
+         else                   !last particle = right side of last breakpoint
+           pptl(5,nptl)=amr
+           qsqptl(nptl)=0.
+           do j=1,4
+             pptl(j,nptl)=pst(j,nob+4)+
+     &            x*pst(j,nob+5)-y*pst(j,nob+6)
+c             pptr(j,nptl)=ptb(j,i) !should be zero
+           enddo
+c           taubrr=0.
+         endif
+         idptl(nptl)=ip(i)
+         if(ish.ge.7)call blist('&',nptl,nptl)
+         if(pptl(4,nptl).le.0.d0)then
+           if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     & 'Negative energy, fragmentation not OK -> redo ...'
+           n=i
+           nptl=nptlini
+           goto 9
+         endif
+      enddo
+      nptl=nptlini
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,'(a)')' ---------produced particles---------'
+      endif
+      do i=1,nbr+1
+         nptl=nptl+1
+         call utlob4(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $        ,pptl(1,nptl),pptl(2,nptl),pptl(3,nptl),pptl(4,nptl))
+c         call utlob4(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+c     $        ,pptr(1,nptl),pptr(2,nptl),pptr(3,nptl),pptr(4,nptl))
+         istptl(nptl)=0
+         iorptl(nptl)=n8ptl
+         jorptl(nptl)=0
+         ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+         ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+         r=rangen()
+         tauran=-taurea*alog(r)*pptl(4,nptl)/pptl(5,nptl)
+c         if(jpsi.ge.1)tauran=0.
+c         tauran=max(taubrl,taubrr) !take formation time from string-theory
+         do j=1,4
+           xorptl(j,nptl)=xorptl(j,nk1)+pptl(j,nptl)
+     &       /pptl(4,nptl)*tauran
+         enddo
+         tivptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(4,nptl)
+         call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+         tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+         ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(nk1)
+         itsptl(nptl)=itsptl(nk1)
+         rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+         if(ish.ge.3)call blist('&',nptl,nptl)
+ctp060829          taubrl=taubrr
+      enddo
+      iorptl(n8ptl)=nk1
+      jorptl(n8ptl)=nk2
+      ityptl(n8ptl)=ityptl(nk1)
+      do i=nk1,nk2
+         istptl(i)=21
+         ifrptl(1,i)=n8ptl
+         ifrptl(2,i)=0
+      enddo
+      istptl(n8ptl)=29          !code for fragmented string
+      ifrptl(1,n8ptl)=n8ptl+1
+      ifrptl(2,n8ptl)=nptl
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*)'string momentum sum:'
+        do kk=1,5
+          pptl(kk,nptl+1)=0
+          do ii=n8ptl+1,nptl
+            pptl(kk,nptl+1)=pptl(kk,nptl+1)+pptl(kk,ii)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        call alist2('&',n8ptl,n8ptl,nptl+1,nptl+1)
+      endif
+c.....another string?.........................................
+ 98   nk1=nk2+1
+      goto 2                    !next string
+c.....end of fragmentation.....................................
+ 9999 continue
+      call utprix('gakfra',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine gaksbp(ibr1,ibr2,iok)
+      ! search break points
+      !-----------------------------------------
+      ! nbr ... number of break points
+      !
+      !
+      !
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000)
+      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+      common/pb/pb /cnsbp/nsbp /cn8ptl/n8ptl
+      double precision ax,ay,az,ae,am,bx,by,bz,be
+      dimension co(12)
+      logical weiter
+      common/czz/kky,krm,kdrm,kzrm,pui(3),pdi(3),psi(3),pci(3),zzzz,itp
+     &,pduui(3),pdudi(3),pdusi(3),pduci(3),pdddi(3),pddsi(3),pddci(3)
+     &,pdssi(3),pdsci(3),pdcci(3)
+      double precision psg
+      common/zpsg/psg(5)
+c      dimension pleft(5),pright(5)
+      pf(i,j)=pst(4,i)*pst(4,j)-pst(3,i)*pst(3,j)
+     &     -pst(2,i)*pst(2,j)-pst(1,i)*pst(1,j)
+      mmod(i)=mod(mod(i,nob)+nob,nob)
+      call utpri('gaksbp',ish,ishini,5)
+      ib1=ibr1
+      ib2=ibr2
+      iside=1
+      if(rangen().lt.0.5)iside=2
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'iside:',iside
+      Amxx=80./pb
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &'search brk between ib1=',ib1,' and ib2=',ib2
+      ntry=0
+      nbrold=nbr
+      Amin=0.
+      Amax=Amxx
+ 26   ntry=ntry+1
+      A0=-log(exp(-pb*Amin)+rangen()*(exp(-pb*Amax)-exp(-pb*Amin)))/pb
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'pb, Amin, Amax, A0:',pb, Amin, Amax, A0
+      A=A0
+      Amaxn=0.
+      if(iside.eq.2)goto 51
+      if(ib1.eq.0)then          !startwert der j-schleife
+         jj=nob-1
+      else
+         jj=ijb(2,ib1)
+      endif
+      do while (jj.gt.0)
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib1) )then       !linker brk im Streifen jj?
+            y1=xyb(2,ib1)
+         else                   !nein
+            y1=0.
+         endif
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib2))then       !rechter brk im Streifen jj?
+            y2=xyb(2,ib2)
+         else                   !nein
+            y2=1.
+         endif
+         if(y1.eq.y2) goto 9999
+         if(abs(y1-y2)/abs(y1+y2).le.1e-7) goto 9999
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'y1,y2,A',y1,y2,A
+                                !startwert der i-schleife
+         if(ib1.eq.0)then       !ohne linken brkpt
+            ii=mmod(jj+1)
+            if(jj.lt.nob/2)ii=mmod(nob-jj+1)
+            if(ib2.le.nbr.and.mmod(ii+nob/2)
+     &        .gt.mmod(ijb(1,ib2)+nob/2))then
+              if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'very special case',ii,jj
+              goto12
+            endif
+         else
+            ii=ijb(1,ib1)
+            if(jj.lt.nob/2 .and.
+     $           mmod(nob-jj+1+nob/2).gt. mmod(ii+nob/2)
+     $           )ii=mmod(nob-jj+1)
+         endif
+         weiter=.true.
+         aa=0.
+         if(ii.eq.jj) then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'Rand erreicht'
+            goto 15
+         endif
+         do while(weiter)
+            if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib1))then    !linker brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+               x2=xyb(1,ib1)
+            else
+               x2=1.
+            endif
+            if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib2))then    !rechter brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+               x1=xyb(1,ib2)
+            else
+               x1=0.
+            endif
+            if(x1.eq.x2) goto 9999
+            if(abs(x1-x2)/abs(x1+x2).le.1e-7) goto 9999
+            f=1.0
+            if(ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj))aa=aa+2.*(x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*f*pf(ii,jj)
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ii,jj,x1,x2,aa:',ii,jj
+     $           ,ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj),x1,x2,aa
+     &           ,pf(ii,jj)
+            if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib2))then
+               weiter=.false.
+            else
+               ii=mmod(ii+1)
+               if(ii.eq.jj.or.mmod(ii+jj).eq.0)weiter=.false.
+            endif
+         enddo
+         Amaxn=Amaxn+aa
+         if(aa.gt.A)goto 10
+         A=A-aa
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib2)) then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'brk erreicht'
+            goto 15
+         endif
+ 12      jj=mmod(jj-1)
+      enddo
+      goto 15
+ 10   continue
+      yb=A/aa*(y2-y1)+y1
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jj,yb ok:',jj,yb
+      r=rangen()
+      ra=aa*r
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'r,ra,aa',r,ra,aa
+                                !nochmal die letzte ii-Schleife
+      if(ib1.eq.0)then          !ohne linken brkpt
+         ii=mmod(jj+1)
+         if(jj.lt.nob/2)ii=mmod(nob-jj+1)
+      else
+        ii=ijb(1,ib1)
+        if(jj.lt.nob/2 .and.
+     $       mmod(nob-jj+1+nob/2).gt. mmod(ii+nob/2)
+     $       )ii=mmod(nob-jj+1)
+      endif
+      do while(ra.gt.0.)
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib1))then       !linker brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+            x2=xyb(1,ib1)
+         else
+            x2=1.
+         endif
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib2))then       !rechter brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+            x1=xyb(1,ib2)
+         else
+            x1=0.
+         endif
+         f=1.0
+         ab=0.
+         if(ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj)) ab=2.*(x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*f*pf(ii,jj)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ii,jj,x1,x2,ab,ra:',ii,jj
+     $        ,ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj),x1,x2,ab,ra
+         if(ab.gt.ra)then
+            xb=ra/ab*(x2-x1)+x1
+         else
+            ii=mmod(ii+1)
+         endif
+         ra=ra-ab
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*) 'breakpoint in field ',ii,jj
+     & ,' at position ',xb,yb
+      goto 95
+      !von rechts
+ 51   if(ib2.eq.nbr+1)then      !startwert der i-schleife
+         ii=nob/2-1
+      else
+         ii=ijb(1,ib2)
+      endif
+      do while (ii.ne.nob/2)
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib1))then !linker brk im Streifen (ii)
+            x2=xyb(1,ib1)
+         else
+            x2=1.
+         endif
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib2))then !rechter brk im Streifen (ii)
+            x1=xyb(1,ib2)
+         else
+            x1=0.
+         endif
+         if(x1.eq.x2) goto 9999
+         if(abs(x1-x2)/abs(x1+x2).le.1e-7) goto 9999
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'x1,x2 A',x1,x2,A
+         if(ib2.eq.nbr+1)then
+            jj=mmod(ii+1)
+            if(ii.gt.nob/2)jj=mmod(nob-ii+1)
+            if(ib1.ge.1.and.jj.gt.ijb(2,ib1))then
+               if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'very special case',ii,jj
+               goto 13
+            endif
+         else
+            jj=ijb(2,ib2)
+            if(ii.gt.nob/2 .and. mmod(nob-ii+1).gt.jj)jj=mmod(nob-ii+1)
+         endif
+         weiter=.true.
+         aa=0.
+         if(ii.eq.jj) then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'Rand erreicht'
+            goto 15
+         endif
+         do while(weiter)
+            if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib1))then    !linker brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+               y1=xyb(2,ib1)
+            else
+               y1=0.
+            endif
+            if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib2))then !rechter brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+               y2=xyb(2,ib2)
+            else
+               y2=1.
+            endif
+            if(y1.eq.y2) goto 9999
+            if(abs(y1-y2)/abs(y1+y2).le.1e-7) goto 9999
+            f=1.0
+            if(ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj))aa=aa+2.*(x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*f*pf(ii,jj)
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ii,jj,x1,x2,aa:',ii,jj
+     $           ,ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj),x1,x2,aa
+     &           ,pf(ii,jj)
+            if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib1))then
+               weiter=.false.
+            else
+               jj=mmod(jj+1)
+               if(jj.eq.ii.or.mmod(ii+jj).eq.0)weiter=.false.
+            endif
+         enddo
+         Amaxn=Amaxn+aa
+         if(aa.gt.A)goto 14
+         A=A-aa
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ib1)) then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'brk erreicht'
+            goto 15
+         endif
+ 13      ii=mmod(ii-1)
+      enddo
+      goto 15
+ 14   continue
+      xb=A/aa*(x2-x1)+x1
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ii,xb ok:',ii,xb
+      r=rangen()
+      ra=aa*r
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'r,ra,aa',r,ra,aa
+                                !nochmal die letzte jj-Schleife
+      if(ib2.eq.nbr+1)then
+         jj=mmod(ii+1)
+         if(ii.gt.nob/2)jj=mmod(nob-ii+1)
+      else
+         jj=ijb(2,ib2)
+         if(ii.gt.nob/2 .and. mmod(nob-ii+1).gt.jj)jj=mmod(nob-ii+1)
+      endif
+      do while(ra.gt.0.)
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib1))then       !linker brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+            y1=xyb(2,ib1)
+         else
+            y1=0.
+         endif
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ib2))then       !rechter brk im Feld (ii,jj)
+            y2=xyb(2,ib2)
+         else
+            y2=1.
+         endif
+         f=1.0
+         ab=0.
+         if(ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj)) ab=2.*(x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*f*pf(ii,jj)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ii,jj,x1,x2,ab,ra:',ii,jj
+     $        ,ipst(ii).ne.ipst(jj),x1,x2,ab,ra
+         if(ab.gt.ra)then
+            yb=ra/ab*(y2-y1)+y1
+         else
+            jj=mmod(jj+1)
+         endif
+         ra=ra-ab
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*) 'breakpoint in field ',ii,jj
+     & ,' at position ',xb,yb
+ 95   continue
+c.....breakpoint accepted......................
+      nbr=nbr+1
+      if(nbr.gt.mxnbr-2) stop 'gaksbp: increase parameter mxnbr'
+      do i=nbr+1,ib1+1,-1
+         do j=1,2
+            ijb(j,i)=ijb(j,i-1)
+            xyb(j,i)=xyb(j,i-1)
+         enddo
+         do k=1,4
+            ptb(k,i)=ptb(k,i-1)
+         enddo
+         iflb(i)=iflb(i-1)
+         ip(i)=ip(i-1)
+      enddo
+      ip(ib1+1)=0
+      ip(ib1+2)=0
+      ijb(1,ib1+1)=ii
+      ijb(2,ib1+1)=jj
+      xyb(1,ib1+1)=xb
+      xyb(2,ib1+1)=yb
+cc ..........diquark...............................................
+c      pdiqu=pdiqua
+c      if(kzrm.eq.1.or.krm.eq.0)then
+cc        pdiqu=exp(log(pdiqua)/sqrt(1.+fkainc*(zzzz-1.)))
+cc        pdiqu=exp(log(pdiqua)/(1.+fkainc*(zzzz-1.)))
+c      endif
+cc      if(iappl.eq.1.and.krm.eq.0)then
+cc        pdiqu=pdiquak
+cc      endif
+c      if(nbr.le.2.and.abs(psg(3)/psg(4)).gt.diqcut)pdiqu=0.
+c      if(rangen().lt.pdiqu.and.iabs(iflb(ib1)).lt.6
+c     &  .and.iabs(iflb(ib2)).lt.6)then
+c        jqu=2
+c      else
+c        jqu=1
+c      endif
+c ..........flavor...............................................
+      ig=1
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        if(jorptl(ipst(ii)).eq.-9)ig=ig+1
+        if(jorptl(ipst(jj)).eq.-9)ig=ig+1
+      endif
+      pu=pui(ig)
+      pd=pdi(ig)
+      ps=psi(ig)
+      pc=pci(ig)
+      pduu=pduui(ig)
+      pdud=pdudi(ig)
+      pdus=pdusi(ig)
+      pduc=pduci(ig)
+      pddd=pdddi(ig)
+      pdds=pddsi(ig)
+      pddc=pddci(ig)
+      pdss=pdssi(ig)
+      pdsc=pdsci(ig)
+      pdcc=pdcci(ig)
+!      print *,pu,pd,ps,pc,difud,difus,difuc
+c      print *,krm,kdrm,nbr,abs(psg(3)/psg(4))
+c suppress forward (proj) or backward (targ) diquark production 
+c in non central strings (baryon spectra in pion collisions or NA49 data)
+c ----> this should not be used for meson projectile because of kaon spectra
+c       at 100 GeV (Barton, etc) <--------
+c      if(kdrm.eq.1.and.ib1.le.1.and.abs(psg(3)/psg(4)).gt.strcut)then
+c        ps=0.
+c        pc=0.
+c      endif
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+c kill baryon production in case of high pt or forward production
+        if((ib1.le.1.or.ib2.ge.nbr-1)
+     &   .and.sqrt(psg(1)**2+psg(2)**2+psg(3)**2)/psg(4).gt.diqcut)then
+          pduu=0.
+          pdud=0.
+          pdus=0.
+          pduc=0.
+          pddd=0.
+          pdds=0.
+          pddc=0.
+          pdss=0.
+          pdsc=0.
+          pdcc=0.
+        endif
+      else
+c suppress forward (proj) or backward (targ) diquark production 
+c in non central strings (baryon spectra in pion collisions or NA49 data)
+        if(kdrm.eq.1.and.ib1.le.1.and.abs(psg(3)/psg(4)).gt.diqcut)then
+          pduu=0.
+          pdud=0.
+          pdus=0.
+          pduc=0.
+          pddd=0.
+          pdds=0.
+          pddc=0.
+          pdss=0.
+          pdsc=0.
+          pdcc=0.
+        endif
+      endif
+      pdiqu=pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc+pddd+pdds+pddc+pdss+pdsc+pdcc
+      psum=pu+pd+ps+pc+pdiqu
+c      print *,krm,kdrm,kky,zzzz,ps/(pu+pd+ps),pdiqu/psum
+      r=rangen()*psum
+      jqu=1
+      ifl2=0
+      if(r.gt.psum-pdiqu)then
+        jqu=2
+        if(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc+pddd+pdds+pddc+pdss+pdsc
+     &       .and.pdcc.gt.0.)then
+          ifl1=4
+          ifl2=4
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc+pddd+pdds+pddc+pdss
+     &         .and.pdsc.gt.0.)then
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+            ifl1=3
+            ifl2=4
+          else
+            ifl1=4
+            ifl2=3
+          endif
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc+pddd+pdds+pddc
+     &         .and.pdss.gt.0.)then
+          ifl1=3
+          ifl2=3
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc+pddd+pdds
+     &         .and.pddc.gt.0.)then
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+            ifl1=2
+            ifl2=4
+          else
+            ifl1=4
+            ifl2=2
+          endif
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc+pddd
+     &         .and.pdds.gt.0.)then
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+            ifl1=2
+            ifl2=3
+          else
+            ifl1=3
+            ifl2=2
+          endif
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus+pduc.and.pddd.gt.0.)then
+          ifl1=2
+          ifl2=2
+          jqu=2
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud+pdus.and.pduc.gt.0.)then
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+            ifl1=1
+            ifl2=4
+          else
+            ifl1=4
+            ifl2=1
+          endif
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu+pdud.and.pdus.gt.0.)then
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+            ifl1=1
+            ifl2=3
+          else
+            ifl1=3
+            ifl2=1
+          endif
+        elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps+pc+pduu.and.pdud.gt.0.)then
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)then
+            ifl1=1
+            ifl2=2
+          else
+            ifl1=2
+            ifl2=1
+          endif
+        else
+          ifl1=1
+          ifl2=1
+        endif
+      elseif(r.gt.pu+pd+ps.and.pc.gt.0.)then
+        ifl1=4
+      elseif(r.gt.pu+pd.and.ps.gt.0.)then
+        ifl1=3
+      elseif(r.gt.pu.and.pd.gt.0.)then
+        ifl1=2
+      else
+        ifl1=1
+      endif
+      if(jqu.eq.2)then  !diquark ------
+        ifl=-min(ifl1,ifl2)*1000-max(ifl1,ifl2)*100
+      else              !quark ------
+        ifl=ifl1
+      endif
+      if(iflb(ib1).lt.0.and.iflb(ib1).ge.-6)ifl=-ifl
+      if(iflb(ib1).gt.1000)ifl=-ifl
+      iflb(ib1+1)=ifl
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,20) ig,ifl,pu,pd,ps,pc,pdiqu/psum
+     &,sqrt(psg(1)**2+psg(2)**2+psg(3)**2)/psg(4).gt.diqcut
+     &,pduu,pdud,pdus,pduc,pddd,pdds,pddc,pdss,pdsc,pdcc
+ 20   format('ig,flavor,pu,pd,ps,pc,pdiqu,dcut:',i2,i6,5g13.5,l2/
+     &,'  diquark u:',4g15.5,/,'  diquark d:',3g15.5,/
+     &,'  diquark s:',2g15.5,10x,'diquark c:',g15.5)
+c      if(krm.ne.1.and.kdrm.ne.1)then
+c        icub=ib1+1
+c        !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+c        !  ib1+1 is the current break point index
+c        !             (between 1 and nbr)
+c        !  ijb(1,ib1) and ijb(2,ib1) are band indices
+c        !         each index from 0 to nob-1 (nob= number of bands)
+c        !         0 is left, then come the gluons, then antiquark, then agin gluons
+c        !         like q - g - g - g - ~q - g - g - g
+c        !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+c        call gaksco(icub-1,icub,icub+1
+c     &    ,ijb(1,icub),ijb(2,icub),x1,x2,y1,y2)
+c        x=xyb(1,icub)
+c        y=xyb(2,icub)
+c        aml2=co(1)+x*co(2)+y*co(3)+x*y*co(4)
+c        amr2=co(5)+x*co(6)+y*co(7)+x*y*co(8)
+c        aml=sign(sqrt(abs(aml2)),aml2)
+c        amr=sign(sqrt(abs(amr2)),amr2)
+c        !------segment left of current breakpoint icub -----
+c        pleft(5)=aml
+c        do j=1,4
+c          pleft(j)=pst(j,nob+1)-x*pst(j,nob+2)+y*pst(j,nob+3)
+c        enddo
+c        call utlob4(-1,psg(1),psg(2),psg(3),psg(4),psg(5)
+c     $     ,pleft(1),pleft(2),pleft(3),pleft(4))
+c        !------segment right of current breakpoint icub-----
+c        pright(5)=amr
+c        do j=1,4
+c          pright(j)=pst(j,nob+4)+x*pst(j,nob+5)-y*pst(j,nob+6)
+c        enddo
+c        call utlob4(-1,psg(1),psg(2),psg(3),psg(4),psg(5)
+c     $     ,pright(1),pright(2),pright(3),pright(4))
+c        !-------------------------
+c        amt=pleft(5)**2+pleft(1)**2+pleft(2)**2
+c        if(amt.gt.0..and.pleft(4)+abs(pleft(3)).gt.0.d0)then
+c          amt=sqrt(amt)
+c          yleft=sign(1.,pleft(3))*alog((pleft(4)+abs(pleft(3)))/amt)
+c        else
+c          yleft=0.                  !
+c        endif
+c        amt=pright(5)**2+pright(1)**2+pright(2)**2
+c        if(amt.gt.0..and.pright(4)+abs(pright(3)).gt.0.d0)then
+c          amt=sqrt(amt)
+c          yright=sign(1.,pright(3))*alog((pright(4)+abs(pright(3)))/amt)
+c        else
+c          yright=0.                  !
+c        endif
+c        ybrk=(yleft+yright)/2.
+c        yhax=2                  !0.5*yhaha
+c        zzipx=1
+c        if(ybrk.gt.yhax)then
+c          zzipx=zzipx+(zzipp-1)
+c        elseif(ybrk.gt.-yhax)then
+c          zzipx=zzipx+(zzipp-1)*(ybrk+yhax)/(2*yhax)
+c        endif
+c        if(ybrk.lt.-yhax)then
+c          zzipx=zzipx+(zzipt-1)
+c        elseif(ybrk.lt.yhax)then
+c          zzipx=zzipx+(zzipt-1)*(yhax-ybrk)/(2*yhax)
+c        endif
+c      endif
+      delptfra=0.
+c      if(ifl1.eq.3.and.ifl2.eq.0)delptfra=delptfra+ptfrasr
+c      if(ifl1.eq.3.or.ifl2.eq.3)delptfra=delptfra+ptfrasr
+      fnsbp=1
+      if(nsbp.gt.9)fnsbp=0
+c pt kink due to split elastic scattering (if zzzz.ne.1.)
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        pttra=(ptfra+delptfra)*(zzzz-1.)*fnsbp
+        if(ig.ge.0)then         !quark and soft strings
+c        if(ig.eq.1)then         !quark and soft strings
+c        if(krm.eq.0)then         !quark and soft strings
+          pt=ranpt()*(ptfra +  pttra)!/float(jqu)
+        else
+          pt=ranpt()*(ptfraqq   +  pttra)!/float(jqu)
+        endif
+      else
+        pttra=(ptfra+delptfra)*(zzzz-1.)*fnsbp
+        if(jqu.eq.1)then
+          pt=ranpt()*(ptfra                +  pttra)
+        else
+          pt=ranpt()*(ptfraqq              +  pttra)
+          pt=pt*0.5
+        endif
+      endif
+      beta=2.*pi*rangen()
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'pt:',pt
+      endif
+      ptb(1,ib1+1)=pt*cos(beta)
+      ptb(2,ib1+1)=pt*sin(beta)
+      ptb(3,ib1+1)=0.
+      ptb(4,ib1+1)=0.
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'the bands'
+        write(ifch,'(4g12.6)') (pst(i,ii),i=1,4)
+        write(ifch,'(4g12.6)') (pst(i,jj),i=1,4)
+        write(ifch,*) 'pt before rotation'
+        write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ib1+1),i=1,4)
+      endif
+      ax=dble(pst(1,ii))+dble(pst(1,jj))
+      ay=dble(pst(2,ii))+dble(pst(2,jj))
+      az=dble(pst(3,ii))+dble(pst(3,jj))
+      ae=dble(pst(4,ii))+dble(pst(4,jj))
+      am=sqrt(max(1d-10,(ae+az)*(ae-az)-ax**2-ay**2)) !?????????
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'boost vector ( region ) '
+        write(ifch,'(5g12.6)') ax,ay,az,ae,am,pf(ii,jj)
+      endif
+      bx=pst(1,ii)
+      by=pst(2,ii)
+      bz=pst(3,ii)
+      be=pst(4,ii)
+      call utlob2(1,ax,ay,az,ae,am,bx,by,bz,be,60)
+      if(ish.ge.8) then
+        write (ifch,*) 'boost of b'
+        write (ifch,*) 'bx,by,bz,be',bx,by,bz,be
+      endif
+      if(abs(bx)+abs(by)+abs(bz).gt.0.)then
+        call utrot4(-1,bx,by,bz,ptb(1,ib1+1),ptb(2,ib1+1),ptb(3,ib1+1))
+      else
+        write(ifmt,*) 'null rot of pt',bx,by,bz
+        write(ifmt,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ib1+1),i=1,4)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8) then
+        write (ifch,*) 'rot of pt'
+        write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ib1+1),i=1,4)
+      endif
+      call utlob4(-1,ax,ay,az,ae,am
+     &  ,ptb(1,ib1+1),ptb(2,ib1+1),ptb(3,ib1+1),ptb(4,ib1+1))
+      if(ish.ge.8) then
+        write (ifch,*) 'backboost of pt'
+        write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ib1+1),i=1,4)
+      endif
+c      if(az.eq.0..and.ay.eq.0.)az=1e-8    !not needed if following line commented
+c      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'rot vector:',ax,ay,az,ae,am
+c.....call utrota(-1,sngl(ax),sngl(ay),sngl(az)  !already commented in nexus2
+c....&              ,ptb(1,ib1+1),ptb(2,ib1+1),ptb(3,ib1+1))
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'pt'
+        write(ifch,'(4g12.6)') (ptb(i,ib1+1),i=1,4)
+        write (ifch,*) ijb(1,ib1+1),ijb(2,ib1+1),xyb(1,ib1+1)
+     $       ,xyb(2,ib1+1)
+      endif
+      if(iside.eq.1)then
+         ib1=ib1+1
+         ib2=ib2+1
+      endif
+c      Amin=0.
+c      if(Amax.lt.Amxx) goto 15
+c      goto 25
+ 15   continue
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'Amax:',Amax,Amaxn
+      if (nbr.eq.nbrold) then
+         Amax=Amaxn
+         Amin=0.
+         if(pb*Amax.le.0..or.ntry.ge.1000)then
+           goto 9999
+         endif
+         goto 26
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+         write(ifch,*) 0,iflb(0)
+         do i=1,nbr
+           if(i.eq.ib2) write(ifch,*) '.................'
+            write(ifch,'(i3,2x,2(i3),2(" ",g14.7),3x,i5,4(" ",g12.6))')
+     &           i,ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i),xyb(1,i),xyb(2,i)
+     &           ,iflb(i),(ptb(j,i),j=1,4)
+           if(i.eq.ibr1) write(ifch,*) '.................'
+         enddo
+         write(ifch,*) nbr+1,iflb(nbr+1)
+      endif
+ 9999 if(nbr.eq.nbrold)iok=1
+      call utprix('gaksbp',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      function ranptcut(xcut)
+c .........exp(-x**2)
+c      if(xcut.gt.0.)then
+c        x=sqrt(-(log(rangen()))/(3.1415927/4.)/xcut) !gauss
+c      else
+c        x=sqrt(-(log(rangen()))/(3.1415927/4.)) !gauss
+c      endif
+ 12   x=sqrt(-(log(rangen()))/(3.1415927/4.)) !gauss
+      if(xcut.gt.0.)then
+        if(rangen().lt.x/xcut)goto 12
+      endif
+      ranptcut=x
+      return
+c .........exp(-x)
+c  12  xmx=50
+c      r=2.
+c      do while (r.gt.1.)
+c  11    x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+c        if(x.eq.0.)goto11
+c        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-x)*(1+x**2) )
+c      enddo
+c      x=x/2.
+      end
+c      function ranpticut(xcut)
+cc .........exp(-x)
+c  12  xmx=50
+c      r=2.
+c      do while (r.gt.1.)
+c  11    x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+c        if(x.eq.0.)goto11
+c        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-x)*(1+x**2) )
+c      enddo
+c      x=x/2.
+c      if(rangen().gt.xcut/x)goto 12
+c      ranpticut=x
+c      end
+      function ranpt()
+c .........exp(-x)
+      xmx=50
+      r=2.
+      do while (r.gt.1.)
+  11    x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+        if(x.eq.0.)goto11
+        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-x)*(1+x**2) )
+      enddo
+      ranpte=x/2.
+c     -------------
+      ranpt=ranpte
+      return
+c     -------------
+cc .........exp(-x**2)
+c      ranptg=sqrt(-log(rangen())/(3.1415927/4.)) !gauss
+cc .........exp(-sqrt(x))
+c      xmx=500
+c      r=2.
+c      do while (r.gt.1.)
+c        x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+c        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-sqrt(x))*(1+x**2)/5. )
+c      enddo
+c      ranpts=x/20.
+      end
+      function ranptk()
+c .........exp(-x)
+      xmx=50
+      r=2.
+      do while (r.gt.1.)
+  11    x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+        if(x.eq.0.)goto11
+        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-x)*(1+x**2) )
+      enddo
+      ranpte=x/2.
+c     -------------
+      ranptk=ranpte
+      return
+c     -------------
+cc .........exp(-x**2)
+c      ranptg=sqrt(-log(rangen())/(3.1415927/4.)) !gauss
+cc .........exp(-sqrt(x))
+c      xmx=500
+c      r=2.
+c      do while (r.gt.1.)
+c        x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+c        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-sqrt(x))*(1+x**2)/5. )
+c      enddo
+c      ranpts=x/20.
+      end
+      function ranptd()
+c .........exp(-x**2)
+      ranptg=sqrt(-log(rangen())/(3.1415927/4.)) !gauss
+c     -------------
+      ranptd=ranptg
+      return
+c     -------------
+cc .........exp(-x)
+c      xmx=50
+c      r=2.
+c      do while (r.gt.1.)
+c  11    x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+c        if(x.eq.0.)goto11
+c        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-x)*(1+x**2) )
+c      enddo
+c      ranpte=x/2.
+cc .........exp(-sqrt(x))
+c      xmx=500
+c      r=2.
+c      do while (r.gt.1.)
+c        x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+c        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-sqrt(x))*(1+x**2)/5. )
+c      enddo
+c      ranpts=x/20.
+      end
+      subroutine gakdel(ibr)
+      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000)
+      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+      dimension co(12)
+      do i=ibr,nbr+1
+         do j=1,2
+            ijb(j,i)=ijb(j,i+1)
+            xyb(j,i)=xyb(j,i+1)
+         enddo
+         do k=1,4
+            ptb(k,i)=ptb(k,i+1)
+         enddo
+         iflb(i)=iflb(i+1)
+         ip(i)=ip(i+1)
+      enddo
+      ip(ibr)=0
+      nbr=nbr-1
+      end
+      subroutine gaksco(ibr1,ibr,ibr2,ib,jb,x1,x2,y1,y2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000)
+      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+      dimension co(12)
+      logical weiter
+      pf(i,j)=pst(4,i)*pst(4,j)-pst(3,i)*pst(3,j)
+     &     -pst(2,i)*pst(2,j)-pst(1,i)*pst(1,j)
+      mmod(i)=mod(mod(i,nob)+nob,nob)
+      call utpri('gaksco',ish,ishini,8)
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+         write(ifch,*) 'zwischen brk:',ibr1,ibr,ibr2,'(',nob,')',nbr
+         write(ifch,*) 'region:',ib,jb
+      endif
+      if(ib.eq.ijb(1,ibr1))then
+         x2=xyb(1,ibr1)
+      else
+         x2=1.
+      endif
+      if(ib.eq.ijb(1,ibr2))then
+         x1=xyb(1,ibr2)
+      else
+         x1=0.
+      endif
+      if(jb.eq.ijb(2,ibr1))then
+         y1=xyb(2,ibr1)
+      else
+         y1=0.
+      endif
+      if(jb.eq.ijb(2,ibr2))then
+         y2=xyb(2,ibr2)
+      else
+         y2=1.
+      endif
+c.....left side...................................................
+      n=nob+1
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'x1,x2',x1,x2
+      do i=1,4
+cc        pst(i,n)=(x2-x1)*pst(i,ib)+ptb(i,ibr)-ptb(i,ibr1)
+        pst(i,n)=     x2*pst(i,ib)+ptb(i,ibr)-ptb(i,ibr1)-y1*pst(i,jb)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add a  1 ii',1.,ib
+      ii=mmod(ib-1)
+      weiter=.true.
+      if(ib.eq.ijb(1,ibr1))weiter=.false.
+      do while(ii.ne.jb.and.weiter) !linker Rand??
+         f1=1.
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ibr1))f1=xyb(1,ibr1)
+         do i=1,4
+            pst(i,n)=pst(i,n)+f1*pst(i,ii)
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add a f1 ii',f1,ii
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ibr1))weiter=.false.
+         ii=mmod(ii-1)
+      enddo
+      jj=mmod(jb+1)
+      weiter=.not.weiter
+      if(jb.eq.ijb(2,ibr1))weiter=.false.
+      do while(weiter)
+         f1=1.
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ibr1))f1=1.-xyb(2,ibr1)
+         do i=1,4
+            pst(i,n)=pst(i,n)+f1*pst(i,jj)
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add b f1 ii',f1,jj
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ibr1))weiter=.false.
+         jj=mmod(jj+1)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,4
+cc        pst(i,n+1)=(x2-x1)*pst(i,ib)
+        pst(i,n+1)=        pst(i,ib)
+cc        pst(i,n+2)=(y2-y1)*pst(i,jb)
+        pst(i,n+2)=        pst(i,jb)
+      enddo
+      co(1)= pf(n,n)
+      co(2)=-2.*pf(n,n+1)
+      co(3)= 2.*pf(n,n+2)
+      co(4)=-2.*pf(n+1,n+2)
+      if(ish.ge.8) then
+        do i=n,n+2
+          write (ifch,'(4g12.5)') (pst(j,i),j=1,4)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'co left:',co(1),co(2),co(3),co(4)
+c.....right side...................................................
+      n=nob+4
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'y1,y2',y1,y2
+      do i=1,4
+cc         pst(i,n)=(y2-y1)*pst(i,jb)-ptb(i,ibr)+ptb(i,ibr2)
+         pst(i,n)=    y2*pst(i,jb)-ptb(i,ibr)+ptb(i,ibr2)-x1*pst(i,ib)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add a  1 jj',1.,jb
+      ii=mmod(ib+1)
+      weiter=.true.
+      if(ib.eq.ijb(1,ibr2))weiter=.false.
+      do while(ii.ne.jb.and.weiter)
+         f1=1.
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ibr2))f1=1.-xyb(1,ibr2)
+         do i=1,4
+            pst(i,n)=pst(i,n)+f1*pst(i,ii)
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add a f1 ii',f1,ii
+         if(ii.eq.ijb(1,ibr2))weiter=.false.
+         ii=mmod(ii+1)
+      enddo
+      jj=mmod(jb-1)
+      weiter=.not.weiter
+      if(jb.eq.ijb(2,ibr2))weiter=.false.
+      do while(weiter)
+         f1=1.
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ibr2))f1=xyb(2,ibr2)
+         do i=1,4
+            pst(i,n)=pst(i,n)+f1*pst(i,jj)
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add b f1 ii',f1,jj
+         if(jj.eq.ijb(2,ibr2))weiter=.false.
+         jj=mmod(jj-1)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,4
+cc         pst(i,n+1)=(x2-x1)*pst(i,ib)
+         pst(i,n+1)=        pst(i,ib)
+cc         pst(i,n+2)=(y2-y1)*pst(i,jb)
+         pst(i,n+2)=         pst(i,jb)
+      enddo
+      co(5)=pf(n,n)
+      co(6)= 2.*pf(n,n+1)
+      co(7)=-2.*pf(n,n+2)
+      co(8)=-2.*pf(n+1,n+2)
+      if(ish.ge.8) then
+        do i=n,n+2
+          write (ifch,'(4g12.5)') (pst(j,i),j=1,4)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'co right:',co(5),co(6),co(7),co(8)
+c.....lambda (absolute past).....................................
+      n=nob+7
+      do i=1,4
+cc         pst(i,n)= x1*pst(i,ib)+y1*pst(i,jb)
+         pst(i,n)= 0.
+      enddo
+      ii=mmod(ib+1)
+      do while (mmod(ii+jb).ne.0)
+         if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*) 'add lambda',ii
+         do i=1,4
+            pst(i,n)=pst(i,n)+pst(i,ii)
+         enddo
+         ii=mmod(ii+1)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,4
+cc         pst(i,n+1)=(x2-x1)*pst(i,ib)
+cc         pst(i,n+2)=(y2-y1)*pst(i,jb)
+         pst(i,n+1)= pst(i,ib)
+         pst(i,n+2)= pst(i,jb)
+      enddo
+      co(9)=     pf(n,n)
+      co(10)= 2.*pf(n,n+1)
+      co(11)= 2.*pf(n,n+2)
+      co(12)= 2.*pf(n+1,n+2)
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'co lambda:',co(9),co(10),co(11),co(12)
+      call utprix('gaksco',ish,ishini,8)
+      end
+      subroutine gakanp(ibr1,ibr,ibrr2,aml2,amr2,ala2,iok)
+c   mass adjustment of fragments
+c        ibr1-ibr   ibr-ibrr2
+c   where ibr1,ibr,ibrr2 are break point indices
+c   aml2,amr2 are the reqired squared masses (if zero -> any mass)
+c   iok=0 (ok) or ok=1 (error)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000,mxnin=2000)
+      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+      double precision ax,ay,az,ae,am,bx,by,bz,be,A,B,C
+      dimension co(12),am2(0:2),nin(2,0:mxnin)
+      logical weiter
+c      pf(i,j)=pst(4,i)*pst(4,j)-pst(3,i)*pst(3,j)
+c     &     -pst(2,i)*pst(2,j)-pst(1,i)*pst(1,j)
+      mmod(i)=mod(mod(i,nob)+nob,nob)
+      call utpri('gakanp',ish,ishini,6)
+      ibr2=ibrr2
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) ibr1,ibr,ibr2,aml2,amr2,ala2,iok
+      iok=0
+      ib=ijb(1,ibr)
+      jb=ijb(2,ibr)
+      ni=0
+ 10   do i=1,ni
+        if((nin(1,i).eq.ib.and.nin(2,i).eq.jb)
+     $       .or.(ipst(ib).eq.ipst(jb)))then
+          iok=1
+          if(ish.ge.4)then
+            write(ifch,*) 'error ... endless loop'
+            if(ib.eq.ipst(jb))  write(ifch,*) ' in zero mass region'
+          endif
+          goto 9999
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ni=ni+1
+      if(ni.gt.mxnin)stop'gakanp: increase parameter mxnin  '
+      nin(1,ni)=ib
+      nin(2,ni)=jb
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'ib,jb=',ib,jb
+      if(ni.ge.2)then
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'rotate pt to new band'
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'from',nin(1,ni-1),nin(2,ni-1)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'  to',ib,jb
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+         ax=pst(1,nin(1,ni-1))+pst(1,nin(2,ni-1))
+         ay=pst(2,nin(1,ni-1))+pst(2,nin(2,ni-1))
+         az=pst(3,nin(1,ni-1))+pst(3,nin(2,ni-1))
+         ae=pst(4,nin(1,ni-1))+pst(4,nin(2,ni-1))
+         am=sngl(sqrt(max(1d-8,dble(ae)**2-dble(ax)**2
+     $        -dble(ay)**2-dble(az)**2))) !???????????????????????
+         bx=pst(1,nin(1,ni-1))
+         by=pst(2,nin(1,ni-1))
+         bz=pst(3,nin(1,ni-1))
+         be=pst(4,nin(1,ni-1))
+         if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'bx,by,bz,be',bx,by,bz,be
+         call utlob2(1,ax,ay,az,ae,am,bx,by,bz,be,60)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'bx,by,bz,be',bx,by,bz,be
+         call utlob4( 1,ax,ay,az,ae,am
+     &        ,ptb(1,ibr),ptb(2,ibr),ptb(3,ibr),ptb(4,ibr))
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+         if(abs(bx)+abs(by)+abs(bz).gt.0.)then
+           call utrot4( 1,bx,by,bz,ptb(1,ibr),ptb(2,ibr),ptb(3,ibr))
+         else
+           write(ifmt,*) 'null rot of pt (2)',bx,by,bz
+           write(ifmt,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+         endif
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+         ax=pst(1,ib)+pst(1,jb)
+         ay=pst(2,ib)+pst(2,jb)
+         az=pst(3,ib)+pst(3,jb)
+         ae=pst(4,ib)+pst(4,jb)
+         am=sngl(sqrt(max(1d-8,dble(ae)**2-dble(ax)**2
+     $        -dble(ay)**2-dble(az)**2))) !???????????????????????
+         if(am.le.1.1e-4)then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'error ... am<1.1e-4'
+           iok=1
+           goto 9999
+         endif
+         bx=pst(1,ib)
+         by=pst(2,ib)
+         bz=pst(3,ib)
+         be=pst(4,ib)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'bx,by,bz,be',bx,by,bz,be
+         if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'ax,ay,az,ae',ax,ay,az,ae,am
+         call utlob2(1,ax,ay,az,ae,am,bx,by,bz,be,60)
+         if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'bx,by,bz,be',bx,by,bz,be
+         if(abs(bx)+abs(by)+abs(bz).gt.0.)then
+           call utrot4(-1,bx,by,bz,ptb(1,ibr),ptb(2,ibr),ptb(3,ibr))
+         else
+           write(ifmt,*) 'null rot of pt (3)',bx,by,bz
+           write(ifmt,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+         endif
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+         call utlob4(-1,ax,ay,az,ae,am
+     &        ,ptb(1,ibr),ptb(2,ibr),ptb(3,ibr),ptb(4,ibr))
+         if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(4f12.8)') (ptb(i,ibr),i=1,4)
+      endif
+      call gaksco(ibr1,ibr,ibr2,ib,jb,x1,x2,y1,y2)
+c      if(ni.eq.1)print *,'------------------------------------',2
+cc      x=(xyb(1,ibr)-x1)/(x2-x1)
+cc      y=(xyb(2,ibr)-y1)/(y2-y1)
+      x=xyb(1,ibr)
+      y=xyb(2,ibr)
+      am2(0)=aml2
+      am2(1)=amr2
+      am2(2)=ala2
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) ibr1,ibr,ibr2,aml2,amr2,ala2,iok
+      if(amr2.le.0.)then
+         l1=2
+         l2=0
+      elseif(aml2.le.0.)then
+         l1=1
+         l2=2
+      elseif(ala2.le.0.)then
+         l1=1
+         l2=0
+      else
+         stop' not like this , please...'
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6.and.amr2.le.0)write(ifch,*) 'adjust: 1',l1,l2
+      if(ish.ge.6.and.aml2.le.0)write(ifch,*) 'adjust: 2' ,l1,l2
+      if(ish.ge.6.and.ala2.le.0)write(ifch,*) 'adjust: 3',l1,l2
+      i=4*l1
+      j=4*l2
+      A = dble(co(i+4))*dble(co(j+3)) - dble(co(j+4))*dble(co(i+3))
+      B = dble(co(i+4))*dble(co(j+1)) - dble(co(i+3))*dble(co(j+2))
+     &  + dble(co(i+2))*dble(co(j+3)) - dble(co(i+1))*dble(co(j+4))
+     &  - dble(am2(l2))*dble(co(i+4)) + dble(am2(l1))*dble(co(j+4))
+      C = dble(co(i+2))*dble(co(j+1)) - dble(co(i+1))*dble(co(j+2))
+     &  + dble(am2(l1))*dble(co(j+2)) - dble(am2(l2))*dble(co(i+2))
+      if (ish.ge.7) then
+         write(ifch,*) 'ABC,q ',A,B,C,B**2-4.*A*C
+         if(abs(A).gt.0.d0)then
+            write(ifch,*) sqrt(max(0d0,B**2-4d0*A*C))/2d0/A-B/A/2d0
+            write(ifch,*) -sqrt(max(0d0,B**2-4d0*A*C))/2d0/A-B/A/2d0
+         endif
+      endif
+      x=0.
+      y=0.
+      xx=0.
+      yy=0.
+      if(abs(A).gt.1.d-20.and.B*B-4.*A*C.ge.0.d0)then
+        y=sngl(sqrt(max(0.d0,B**2-4.*A*C))/2.d0/A-B/A/2.d0)
+        if(abs(co(i+2)+y*co(i+4)).gt.0.)
+     &       x=(am2(l1)-co(i+1)-y*co(i+3))/(co(i+2)+y*co(i+4))
+      elseif(abs(A).le.1.d-20.and.abs(B).gt.0.d0)then
+        y=-sngl(C/B)
+        if(abs(co(i+2)+y*co(i+4)).gt.0.)
+     &       x=(am2(l1)-co(i+1)-y*co(i+3))/(co(i+2)+y*co(i+4))
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'error ... no solution of quadr equ'
+        iok=1
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+      if(abs(A).gt.1.d-20.and.B**2-4.*A*C.ge.0.d0)then
+        yy=sngl(-sqrt(max(0.d0,B**2-4.*A*C))/2.d0/A-B/A/2.d0)
+        if(abs(co(i+2)+yy*co(i+4)).gt.0.)
+     &       xx=(am2(l1)-co(i+1)-yy*co(i+3))/(co(i+2)+yy*co(i+4))
+      elseif(abs(A).le.1.d-20.and.abs(B).gt.0.d0)then
+        yy=-sngl(C/B)
+        if(abs(co(i+2)+yy*co(i+4)).gt.0.)
+     &       xx=(am2(l1)-co(i+1)-yy*co(i+3))/(co(i+2)+yy*co(i+4))
+      else
+         if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'error ... no solution (2) '
+         iok=1
+         goto 9999
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+         write(ifch,*) x ,y ,(co(i+2)+ y*co(i+4)),' OK '
+         write(ifch,*) xx,yy,(co(i+2)+yy*co(i+4)),' OK '
+      endif
+      weiter=.true.
+ 50   if(x.gt.x1.and.x.lt.x2.and.y.gt.y1.and.y.lt.y2)then
+cc         xyb(1,ibr)=x1+(x2-x1)*x
+cc         xyb(2,ibr)=y1+(y2-y1)*y
+         xyb(1,ibr)=x
+         xyb(2,ibr)=y
+         ijb(1,ibr)=ib
+         ijb(2,ibr)=jb
+         e1=pst(4,nob+1)-x*pst(4,nob+2)+y*pst(4,nob+3)
+         e2=pst(4,nob+4)+x*pst(4,nob+5)-y*pst(4,nob+6)
+         if( e1.lt.0. .or. e2.lt.0. ) then
+           if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'error ... e1<0 or e2<0'
+           iok=1
+           goto 9999
+         endif
+         !amal2=co(1)+co(2)*x+co(3)*y+co(4)*x*y
+         !amar2=co(5)+co(6)*x+co(7)*y+co(8)*x*y
+         if(ish.ge.6)then
+           amal2=co(1)+co(2)*x+co(3)*y+co(4)*x*y
+           amar2=co(5)+co(6)*x+co(7)*y+co(8)*x*y
+           write(ifch,*) 'brkshift:',xyb(1,ibr),xyb(2,ibr),ib,jb
+           write (ifch,*)'E:',e1
+           write (ifch,*)'E:',e2
+           write(ifch,'(2(a6,1g12.6))') 'aml:'
+     &          ,sqrt(max(0.,amal2)),'amr:',sqrt(max(0.,amar2))
+         endif
+         i=ibr1+1
+         do while(i.le.ibr-1)
+            if((mmod(ijb(1,i)+nob/2) .lt. mmod(ijb(1,ibr)+nob/2)
+     &           .or.(mmod(ijb(1,i)+nob/2) .eq. mmod(ijb(1,ibr)+nob/2)
+     &           .and.(xyb(1,i).gt.xyb(1,ibr))))
+     &           .and.
+     &           (ijb(2,i) .gt. ijb(2,ibr)
+     &           .or.(ijb(2,i) .eq. ijb(2,ibr)
+     &           .and.xyb(2,i).lt.xyb(2,ibr)))) goto 150
+            if(ish.ge.6) then
+               write(ifch,*) 'away:'
+     &          ,i,xyb(1,i),xyb(2,i),ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i)
+            endif
+            call gakdel(i)
+            i=i-1
+            ibr=ibr-1
+            ibr2=ibr2-1
+ 150        i=i+1
+         enddo
+         i=ibr+1
+         do while (i.le.ibr2-1)
+            if((mmod(ijb(1,i)+nob/2) .gt. mmod(ijb(1,ibr)+nob/2)
+     &           .or.(mmod(ijb(1,i)+nob/2) .eq. mmod(ijb(1,ibr)+nob/2)
+     &           .and.(xyb(1,i).lt.xyb(1,ibr))))
+     &           .and.
+     &           (ijb(2,i) .lt. ijb(2,ibr)
+     &           .or.(ijb(2,i) .eq. ijb(2,ibr)
+     &           .and.xyb(2,i).gt.xyb(2,ibr)))) goto 160
+            if(ish.ge.6) then
+               write(ifch,*) 'away:'
+     &          ,i,xyb(1,i),xyb(2,i),ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i)
+            endif
+            call gakdel(i)
+            ibr2=ibr2-1
+            i=i-1
+ 160        i=i+1
+         enddo
+         goto 9999
+      else
+        if(x.gt.x2
+     &    .and.ib.ne.ijb(1,ibr1) !brk-begrenzung
+     &    .and.mmod(ib-1).ne.jb !linker oder rechter Rand
+     &    .and.mmod(ib-1+jb).ne.0)then !oben oder unten
+          ib=mmod(ib-1)
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(x.lt.x1
+     &    .and.ib.ne.ijb(1,ibr2) !brk-begrenzung
+     &    .and.mmod(ib+1).ne.jb !linker oder rechter Rand
+     &    .and.mmod(ib+1+jb).ne.0)then !oben oder unten
+          ib=mmod(ib+1)
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(y.gt.y2
+     &    .and.jb.ne.ijb(2,ibr2) !brk-begrenzung
+     &    .and.mmod(jb-1).ne.ib !linker oder rechter Rand
+     &    .and.mmod(jb-1+ib).ne.0)then !oben oder unten
+          jb=mmod(jb-1)
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(y.lt.y1
+     &    .and.jb.ne.ijb(2,ibr1) !brk-begrenzung
+     &    .and.mmod(jb+1).ne.ib !linker oder rechter Rand
+     &    .and.mmod(jb+1+ib).ne.0)then !oben oder unten
+          jb=mmod(jb+1)
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(weiter)then
+          weiter=.false.
+          x=xx
+          y=yy
+          goto 50
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'error ... x,y not in allowed range'
+        iok=1
+      endif
+ 9999 if(amr2.eq.0.) ibrr2=ibr2
+      call utprix('gakanp',ish,ishini,6)
+      end
+c      subroutine gakstr(ifl)
+cc     calculates string-fragments by taking off pt of breakup
+cc     do with ifl=1   undo with ifl=-1
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      common /cpptr/ pptr(4,mxptl),ystr(mxptl)
+c      do i=1,nptl
+c        if(istptl(i).eq.29)then
+c          nk1=ifrptl(1,i)
+c          nk2=ifrptl(2,i)
+c          do j=nk1,nk2
+c            if ((istptl(j).eq.0.or.istptl(j-1).eq.0).and.j.ne.nk1) then
+c              do k=1,4
+c                pptl(k,j)=pptl(k,j)+pptr(k,j-1)*ifl
+c              enddo
+c              !write(ifch,*)"left side back  to ",j,(pptr(k,j-1),k=1,4)
+c            endif
+c            if ((istptl(j).eq.0.or.istptl(j+1).eq.0).and.j.ne.nk2) then
+c              do k=1,4
+c                pptl(k,j)=pptl(k,j)-pptr(k,j)*ifl
+c              enddo
+c              !write(ifch,*)"right side back to ",j,(-pptr(k,j),k=1,4)
+c            endif
+c            if(ifl.eq.-1.and.istptl(j).eq.0)then
+c           e=pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2+pptl(3,j)**2
+c     &           +pptl(5,j)**2
+c              e=sqrt(e)
+c           !dif=abs(e-pptl(4,j))
+c           !if(dif.gt.0.01.and.dif/e.gt.0.1)print*,j,e,pptl(4,j)
+c              pptl(4,j)=e
+c            endif
+c          enddo
+c        endif
+c        if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+c          if ( ifl.eq.1 ) then
+c            ystr(i)=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))
+c     *           /sqrt(pptl(5,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2) )
+c          endif
+c        endif
+c      enddo
+c      end
+      subroutine gakli2(nn1,nn2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision pgampr,rgampr
+      common/cgampr/pgampr(5),rgampr(4)
+c      double precision db1,db2,db3,db4,db5
+      character label*8,idlabl*8
+c      db1=0d0
+c      db2=0d0
+c      db3=rgampr(4)
+c      db4=sqrt(rgampr(1)**2+rgampr(2)**2+rgampr(3)**2)
+c      db5=sqrt( db4**2-rgampr(4)**2)
+      n1=nn1
+      n2=nn2
+      if (n1.eq.0) n1=1
+      if (n2.eq.0) n2=nptl
+      write (ifch,'(1a4,5a12,4a4,a10,2a4)')
+     &'no.','px','py','pz','E','m','ior','jor','if1','if2'
+     &,'id','ist','ity'
+      do i=n1,n2
+         if (idptl(i).lt.10000)then
+            label='        '
+            label=idlabl(idptl(i))
+         else
+            label='        '
+         endif
+         chrg=0.
+         if(iabs(idptl(i)).le.9999)call idchrg(idptl(i),chrg)
+         write (ifch,125) i,(pptl(j,i),j=1,5),iorptl(i),jorptl(i)
+     &        ,ifrptl(1,i),ifrptl(2,i),idptl(i)
+     $        ,chrg             !charge
+     &        ,istptl(i),ityptl(i),label
+      enddo
+ 125  format (1i4,5g18.10,4i6,1i10
+     $     ,1f5.2               !charge
+     $     ,2i4,'  ',A8
+c     $     ,7g12.4,i5
+     $     )
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine gakli4
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000)
+c      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+c     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+c     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+c      dimension co(12)
+c      do i=0,nob-1
+c        write (ifch,10) i,(pst(j,i),j=1,4)
+c      enddo
+c 10   format(1i4,5g18.10)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine gakli3
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter (mxnbr=500,mxnba=5000)
+c      common /gag/nob,pst(4,0:mxnba),ipst(0:mxnba)
+c     $     ,nbr,ijb(2,0:mxnbr),xyb(2,0:mxnbr)
+c     &     ,ptb(4,0:mxnbr),iflb(0:mxnbr),ip(0:mxnbr),co,x,y
+c      dimension co(12),p1(5),p2(5)
+c      write(ifch,*) 'particle list of string decay'
+c      do i=1,5
+c        p1(i)=0.
+c      enddo
+c      do i=1,nbr+1
+c        if(i.lt.nbr+1)then
+c          call gaksco(i-1,i,i+1,ijb(1,i),ijb(2,i),x1,x2,y1,y2)
+c          if(x2.gt.x1)then
+ccc            x=(xyb(1,i)-x1)/(x2-x1)
+c            x=xyb(1,i)
+c          else
+c            x=0.
+c          endif
+c          if(y2.gt.y1)then
+ccc            y=(xyb(2,i)-y1)/(y2-y1)
+c            y=xyb(2,i)
+c          else
+c            y=0.
+c          endif
+c          aml2=co(1)+x*co(2)+y*co(3)+x*y*co(4)
+c          amr2=co(5)+x*co(6)+y*co(7)+x*y*co(8)
+c          aml=sign(sqrt(abs(aml2)),aml2)
+c          amr=sign(sqrt(abs(amr2)),amr2)
+c          do j=1,4
+c            p2(j)=pst(j,nob+1)-x*pst(j,nob+2)+y*pst(j,nob+3)
+c            p1(j)=p1(j)+p2(j)
+c          enddo
+c          p2(5)=aml
+c        else
+c          do j=1,4
+c            p2(j)=pst(j,nob+4)+x*pst(j,nob+5)-y*pst(j,nob+6)
+c            p1(j)=p1(j)+p2(j)
+c          enddo
+c          p2(5)=amr
+c        endif
+c        write(ifch,'(2i4,i6,a,i5,i10,5g14.6)') i-1,i
+c     &    ,-iflb(i-1),'==',iflb(i),ip(i)
+c     &    ,(p2(j),j=1,5)
+c      enddo
+c      am2=p1(4)**2-p1(3)**2-p1(2)**2-p1(1)**2
+c      p1(5)=sign(sqrt(abs(am2)),am2)
+c      write(ifch,'(12x,a60)')
+c     &  '------------------------------------------------------------'
+c      write(ifch,'(14x,5g14.6)') (p1(j),j=1,5)
+c      write(ifch,*)
+c      end
+      subroutine idress(id,am,idr,iadj)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      call idres(id,am,idr,iadj)
+      if(idr.eq.0)then
+        return
+      endif
+      ids=max(mod(iabs(id)/100,10),mod(iabs(id)/10,10))
+      if(iabs(idr).le.999) then
+c        write (ifch,*) '  ',id,idr,ids
+        if(ids.le.4)return  !???? if the following is used, bad result
+        if(ids.le.2)then
+          idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(rangen()+0.5),id)
+        elseif(ids.eq.3)then
+          idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(rangen()+0.6),id)
+        else
+          idr=sign(iabs(id)+int(rangen()+0.75),id)
+        endif
+c        write (ifch,*) '->',id,idr
+        call idmass(idr,am)
+      elseif(iabs(idr).le.9999)then
+        if(ids.le.3)return
+        if(mod(iabs(idr),10).gt.1)then
+          if(iabs(id).ne.1111.and.iabs(id).ne.2221.and.iabs(id).ne.3331)
+     $         then
+            idr=sign(iabs(id)+1,id)
+            call idmass(idr,am)
+          else
+            idr=id
+            call idmass(idr,am)
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE gaksphe(sphe,r,mstu41)
+C...Purpose: to perform sphericity tensor analysis to give sphericity,
+C...aplanarity and the related event axes. stolen from jetset ;-)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      dimension sphe(4,3)
+      DIMENSION SM(3,3),SV(3,3)
+C...Calculate matrix to be diagonalized.
+      NP=0
+      JA=0
+      JB=0
+      JC=0
+c      MSTU41=2
+      DO 110 J1=1,3
+         DO 100 J2=J1,3
+            SM(J1,J2)=0.
+ 100     CONTINUE
+      PS=0.
+      DO 140 I=1,nptl
+      IF(istptl(i).ne.0)  GOTO 140
+      IF(MSTU41.GE.2) THEN
+         ida=iabs(idptl(i))
+         IF(ida.EQ.0.OR.ida.EQ.11.OR.ida.EQ.13.OR.ida.EQ.15) GOTO 140
+         IF(MSTU41.GE.3) then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),chrg)
+            if (abs(chrg).le.0.1) goto 140
+         endif
+      ENDIF
+      NP=NP+1
+      PA=SQRT(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,I)**2+pptl(3,i)**2)
+      PWT=1.
+      IF(ABS(r-2.).GT.0.001) PWT=MAX(1E-10,PA)**(r-2.)
+      DO 130 J1=1,3
+         DO 120 J2=J1,3
+            SM(J1,J2)=SM(J1,J2)+PWT*pptl(j1,i)*pptl(j2,i)
+ 120     CONTINUE
+      PS=PS+PWT*PA**2
+C...Very low multiplicities (0 or 1) not considered.
+      IF(NP.LE.1) THEN
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          CALL utmsg('sphe  ')
+          write(ifch,*) 'too few particles for analysis'
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        sphe(4,1)=-1.
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+      DO 160 J1=1,3
+         DO 150 J2=J1,3
+            SM(J1,J2)=SM(J1,J2)/PS
+ 150     CONTINUE
+C...Find eigenvalues to matrix (third degree equation).
+      SQ=(SM(1,1)*SM(2,2)+SM(1,1)*SM(3,3)+SM(2,2)*SM(3,3)-SM(1,2)**2-
+     &     SM(1,3)**2-SM(2,3)**2)/3.-1./9.
+      SR=-0.5*(SQ+1./9.+SM(1,1)*SM(2,3)**2+SM(2,2)*SM(1,3)**2+SM(3,3)*
+     &     SM(1,2)**2-SM(1,1)*SM(2,2)*SM(3,3))
+     &     +SM(1,2)*SM(1,3)*SM(2,3)+1./27.
+      SP=COS(ACOS(MAX(MIN(SR/SQRT(-SQ**3),1.),-1.))/3.)
+      sphe(4,1)=1./3.+SQRT(-SQ)*MAX(2.*SP,SQRT(3.*(1.-SP**2))-SP)
+      sphe(4,3)=1./3.+SQRT(-SQ)*MIN(2.*SP,-SQRT(3.*(1.-SP**2))-SP)
+      sphe(4,2)=1.-sphe(4,1)-sphe(4,3)
+      IF(sphe(4,2).LT.1E-5) THEN
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          CALL utmsg('gaksphe')
+          write(ifch,*) 'all particles back-to-back'
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        sphe(4,1)=-1.
+        RETURN
+      ENDIF
+C...Find first and last eigenvector by solving equation system.
+      DO 240 I=1,3,2
+         DO 180 J1=1,3
+            SV(J1,J1)=SM(J1,J1)-sphe(4,I)
+            DO 170 J2=J1+1,3
+               SV(J1,J2)=SM(J1,J2)
+               SV(J2,J1)=SM(J1,J2)
+ 170        CONTINUE
+ 180     CONTINUE
+         SMAX=0.
+         DO 200 J1=1,3
+            DO 190 J2=1,3
+               IF(ABS(SV(J1,J2)).LE.SMAX) GOTO 190
+               JA=J1
+               JB=J2
+               SMAX=ABS(SV(J1,J2))
+ 190        CONTINUE
+ 200     CONTINUE
+         SMAX=0.
+         DO 220 J3=JA+1,JA+2
+            J1=J3-3*((J3-1)/3)
+            RL=SV(J1,JB)/SV(JA,JB)
+            DO 210 J2=1,3
+               SV(J1,J2)=SV(J1,J2)-RL*SV(JA,J2)
+               IF(ABS(SV(J1,J2)).LE.SMAX) GOTO 210
+               JC=J1
+               SMAX=ABS(SV(J1,J2))
+ 210        CONTINUE
+ 220     CONTINUE
+         JB1=JB+1-3*(JB/3)
+         JB2=JB+2-3*((JB+1)/3)
+         sphe(JB1,I)=-SV(JC,JB2)
+         sphe(jb2,I)=SV(JC,JB1)
+         sphe(jb,I)=-(SV(JA,JB1)*sphe(jb1,I)+SV(JA,JB2)
+     &        *sphe(jb2,I))/SV(JA,JB)
+         PA=SQRT(sphe(1,I)**2+sphe(2,I)**2+sphe(3,I)**2)
+         SGN=(-1.)**INT(rangen()+0.5)
+         DO 230 J=1,3
+            sphe(j,I)=SGN*sphe(j,I)/PA
+ 230     CONTINUE
+C...Middle axis orthogonal to other two. Fill other codes.
+      SGN=(-1.)**INT(rangen()+0.5)
+      sphe(1,2)=SGN*(sphe(2,1)*sphe(3,3)-sphe(3,1)*sphe(2,3))
+      sphe(2,2)=SGN*(sphe(3,1)*sphe(1,3)-sphe(1,1)*sphe(3,3))
+      sphe(3,2)=SGN*(sphe(1,1)*sphe(2,3)-sphe(2,1)*sphe(1,3))
+      do i=1,3
+         do j=1,4
+            pptl(j,nptl+i)=sphe(j,i)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+C...Calculate sphericity and aplanarity. Select storing option.
+ccc      SPH=1.5*(sphe(4,2)+sphe(4,3))
+ccc      APL=1.5*sphe(4,3)
+      RETURN
+      END
+      SUBROUTINE gakthru(thru,mstu41)
+C...Purpose: to perform thrust analysis to give thrust, oblateness
+C...and the related event axes. stolen from jetset ;-)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      DIMENSION TDI(3),TPR(3)
+      dimension thru(4,3)
+C...Take copy of particles that are to be considered in thrust analysis.
+      IAGR=0
+      NP=0
+      PS=0.
+c      MSTU41=2
+      MSTU44=4
+      MSTU45=2
+      PARU42=1.0
+      PARU48=0.0000001
+      DO 100 I=1,nptl
+         IF(istptl(i).ne.0)goto 100
+         ida=iabs(idptl(i))
+         IF(ida.EQ.0.OR.ida.EQ.11.OR.ida.EQ.13.OR.ida.EQ.15)GOTO 100
+         IF(MSTU41.GE.3) then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),chrg)
+            if (abs(chrg).le.0.1) goto 100
+         endif
+         IF(nptl+NP.GE.mxptl) THEN
+            CALL utstop('gakthru: no more memory left in cptl&')
+            thru(4,1)=-1.
+            RETURN
+         ENDIF
+         NP=NP+1
+c         K(nptl+NP,1)=23
+         pptl(1,nptl+NP)=pptl(1,I)
+         pptl(2,nptl+NP)=pptl(2,I)
+         pptl(3,nptl+NP)=pptl(3,I)
+         pptl(4,nptl+NP)=SQRT(pptl(1,I)**2+pptl(2,I)**2+pptl(3,I)**2)
+         pptl(5,nptl+NP)=1.
+         IF(ABS(PARU42-1.).GT.0.001)
+     &        pptl(5,nptl+NP)=pptl(4,nptl+NP)**(PARU42-1.)
+         PS=PS+pptl(4,nptl+NP)*pptl(5,nptl+NP)
+C...Very low multiplicities (0 or 1) not considered.
+      IF(NP.LE.1) THEN
+         CALL utmsg('thru  ')
+         write(ifch,*) 'too few particles for analysis'
+         call utmsgf
+         thru(4,1)=-1
+         RETURN
+      ENDIF
+C...Loop over thrust and major. T axis along z direction in latter case.
+      DO 320 ILD=1,2
+      IF(ILD.EQ.2) THEN
+c        PHI=GAKANG(pptl(1,nptl+NP+1),pptl(2,nptl+NP+1))
+c        CALL lurot(nptl+1,nptl+NP+1,0.,-PHI)
+c        THE=GAKANG(pptl(3,nptl+NP+1),pptl(1,nptl+NP+1))
+c        CALL lurot(nptl+1,nptl+NP+1,-THE,0.)
+         ax=pptl(1,nptl+NP+1)
+         ay=pptl(2,nptl+NP+1)
+         az=pptl(3,nptl+NP+1)
+         do irot=nptl+1,nptl+NP+1
+            call utrota(1,ax,ay,az
+     &           ,pptl(1,irot),pptl(2,irot),pptl(3,irot))
+         enddo
+         if(np.eq.2)then
+           pptl(1,nptl+NP+2)=1.
+           pptl(2,nptl+NP+2)=0.
+           pptl(3,nptl+NP+2)=0.
+           pptl(4,nptl+NP+2)=0.
+           goto 325
+         endif
+      ENDIF
+C...Find and order particles with highest p (pT for major).
+      DO 110 ILF=nptl+NP+4,nptl+NP+MSTU44+4
+         pptl(4,ILF)=0.
+      DO 160 I=nptl+1,nptl+NP
+         IF(ILD.EQ.2) pptl(4,I)=SQRT(pptl(1,I)**2+pptl(2,I)**2)
+         DO 130 ILF=nptl+NP+MSTU44+3,nptl+NP+4,-1
+            IF(pptl(4,I).LE.pptl(4,ILF)) GOTO 140
+            DO 120 J=1,5
+               pptl(j,ILF+1)=pptl(j,ILF)
+ 120        CONTINUE
+ 130     CONTINUE
+         ILF=nptl+NP+3
+ 140     DO 150 J=1,5
+            pptl(j,ILF+1)=pptl(j,I)
+ 150     CONTINUE
+C...Find and order initial axes with highest thrust (major).
+      DO 170 ILG=nptl+NP+MSTU44+5,nptl+NP+MSTU44+15
+         pptl(4,ILG)=0.
+      NC=2**(MIN(MSTU44,NP)-1)
+      DO 250 ILC=1,NC
+         DO 180 J=1,3
+            TDI(J)=0.
+ 180     CONTINUE
+         DO 200 ILF=1,MIN(MSTU44,NP)
+            SGN=pptl(5,nptl+NP+ILF+3)
+            IF(2**ILF*((ILC+2**(ILF-1)-1)/2**ILF).GE.ILC) SGN=-SGN
+            DO 190 J=1,4-ILD
+               TDI(J)=TDI(J)+SGN*pptl(j,nptl+NP+ILF+3)
+ 190        CONTINUE
+ 200     CONTINUE
+         TDS=TDI(1)**2+TDI(2)**2+TDI(3)**2
+         DO 220 ILG=nptl+NP+MSTU44+MIN(ILC,10)+4,nptl+NP+MSTU44+5,-1
+            IF(TDS.LE.pptl(4,ILG)) GOTO 230
+            DO 210 J=1,4
+               pptl(j,ILG+1)=pptl(j,ILG)
+ 210        CONTINUE
+ 220     CONTINUE
+         ILG=nptl+NP+MSTU44+4
+ 230     DO 240 J=1,3
+            pptl(j,ILG+1)=TDI(J)
+ 240     CONTINUE
+         pptl(4,ILG+1)=TDS
+C...  Iterate direction of axis until stable maximum.
+      pptl(4,nptl+NP+ILD)=0.
+      ILG=0
+ 260  ILG=ILG+1
+      THP=0.
+ 270  THPS=THP
+      DO 280 J=1,3
+         IF(THP.LE.1E-10) TDI(J)=pptl(j,nptl+NP+MSTU44+4+ILG)
+         IF(THP.GT.1E-10) TDI(J)=TPR(J)
+         TPR(J)=0.
+      DO 300 I=nptl+1,nptl+NP
+         SGN=SIGN(pptl(5,I),TDI(1)*pptl(1,I)
+     &        +TDI(2)*pptl(2,I)+TDI(3)*pptl(3,I))
+         DO 290 J=1,4-ILD
+            TPR(J)=TPR(J)+SGN*pptl(j,I)
+ 290     CONTINUE
+      THP=SQRT(TPR(1)**2+TPR(2)**2+TPR(3)**2)/PS
+      IF(THP.GE.THPS+PARU48) GOTO 270
+C...  Save good axis. Try new initial axis until a number of tries agree.
+      IF(THP.LT.pptl(4,nptl+NP+ILD)-PARU48.AND.ILG.LT.MIN(10,NC))
+     &     GOTO 260
+      IF(THP.GT.pptl(4,nptl+NP+ILD)+PARU48)
+     $     THEN
+         IAGR=0
+         SGN=(-1.)**INT(rangen()+0.5)
+         DO 310 J=1,3
+            pptl(j,nptl+NP+ILD)=SGN*TPR(J)/(PS*THP)
+ 310     CONTINUE
+         pptl(4,nptl+NP+ILD)=THP
+         pptl(5,nptl+NP+ILD)=0.
+      ENDIF
+      IAGR=IAGR+1
+C...  Find minor axis and value by orthogonality.
+ 325  SGN=(-1.)**INT(rangen()+0.5)
+      pptl(1,nptl+NP+3)=-SGN*pptl(2,nptl+NP+2)
+      pptl(2,nptl+NP+3)=SGN*pptl(1,nptl+NP+2)
+      pptl(3,nptl+NP+3)=0.
+      THP=0.
+      DO 330 I=nptl+1,nptl+NP
+         THP=THP+pptl(5,I)*ABS(pptl(1,nptl+NP+3)*pptl(1,I)
+     &        +pptl(2,nptl+NP+3)*pptl(2,I))
+      pptl(4,nptl+NP+3)=THP/PS
+      pptl(5,nptl+NP+3)=0.
+C...  Fill axis information. Rotate back to original coordinate system.
+      do irot=nptl+NP+1,nptl+NP+3
+         call utrota(-1,ax,ay,az
+     &        ,pptl(1,irot),pptl(2,irot),pptl(3,irot))
+      enddo
+      do ild=1,3
+         do j=1,4
+            thru(j,ild)=pptl(j,nptl+NP+ild)
+         enddo
+      enddo
+C...Calculate thrust and oblateness. Select storing option.
+ccc      THR=thru(4,1)
+ccc      OBL=thru(4,2)-thru(4,3)
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine gakjet(ijadu)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/njjjj/njets(5,2,mxbins)
+c      nmin=xpar1
+c      nmax=xpar2
+      if(nrevt.eq.1)then
+        do i=1,5
+          do j=1,mxbins
+            njets(i,ijadu,j)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      do i=1,nrbins
+        ycut=xminim*(xmaxim/xminim)**((float(i)-0.5)/nrbins)
+c        if(iologe.ne.1)ycut=xminim+(xmaxim-xminim)/nrbins*(nrbins)
+        nj=gaknjt(ycut,ijadu)
+        if(nj.ge.1.and.nj.le.5)then
+          njets(nj,ijadu,i)=njets(nj,ijadu,i)+1
+        endif
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine gakjto
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/njjjj/njets(5,2,mxbins)
+      n=xpar4
+      ijadu=xpar3
+      do i=1,nrbins
+        ycut=xminim*(xmaxim/xminim)**((float(i)-0.5)/nrbins)
+        write (ifhi,*) ycut,float(njets(n,ijadu,i))/nrevt
+     $       ,sqrt(1.*njets(n,ijadu,i))/nrevt
+      enddo
+      end
+      function gaknjt(ycut,ijadu)
+c     ijadu   1 =  JADE    2=DURHAM
+c     ycut - max. distance
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      a2j(i,j)=2.*pptl(4,i)*pptl(4,j)*(1.-(pptl(1,i)*pptl(1,j)
+     &     +pptl(2,i)*pptl(2,j)+pptl(3,i)*pptl(3,j))
+     &     /(sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(3,i)**2)
+     &       *sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2+pptl(3,j)**2)))/evis**2
+      a2d(i,j)=2.*min(pptl(4,i)**2,pptl(4,j)**2)
+     &     *(1.-(pptl(1,i)*pptl(1,j)
+     &     +pptl(2,i)*pptl(2,j)+pptl(3,i)*pptl(3,j))
+     &     /(sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(3,i)**2)
+     &       *sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2+pptl(3,j)**2)))/evis**2
+      bet(i)=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(3,i)**2)
+      ska(i,j)=pptl(1,i)*pptl(1,j)+pptl(2,i)*pptl(2,j)
+     &     +pptl(3,i)*pptl(3,j)
+      a2c(i,j)= ((bet(i)*bet(j)-ska(i,j))
+     &     *2.*bet(i)*bet(j)  /  (0.00001+bet(i)+bet(j))**2 )
+      evis=0.
+      nn=0
+      do i=1,nptl
+         if (istptl(i).eq.0) then
+            nn=nn+1
+            do j=1,5
+               pptl(j,nptl+nn)=pptl(j,i)
+            enddo
+            evis=evis+pptl(4,i)
+            jorptl(i)=nn
+         endif
+      enddo
+      iflag=0
+      i1=0
+      j1=0
+      do while (iflag.eq.0.and.nn.ge.2)
+         a2min=ycut
+         iflag=1
+         do i=nptl+1,nptl+nn-1
+            do j=i+1,nptl+nn
+               if(ijadu.eq.1)then
+                  a2=a2j(i,j)
+               elseif(ijadu.eq.2) then
+                  a2=a2d(i,j)
+               else
+                  a2=a2c(i,j)
+               endif
+               if (a2.lt.a2min) then
+                  iflag=0
+                  i1=i
+                  j1=j
+                  a2min=a2
+               endif
+            enddo
+         enddo
+         if (iflag.eq.0) then
+            do i=1,4
+               pptl(i,i1)=pptl(i,i1)+pptl(i,j1)
+            enddo
+            do i=1,nptl
+               if(istptl(i).eq.0.and.jorptl(i).eq.j1-nptl)
+     &              jorptl(i)=i1-nptl
+               if(istptl(i).eq.0.and.jorptl(i)+nptl.gt.j1)
+     &              jorptl(i)=jorptl(i)-1
+            enddo
+            do i=j1,nptl+nn
+               do j=1,5
+                  pptl(j,i)=pptl(j,i+1)
+               enddo
+            enddo
+            nn=nn-1
+         endif
+      enddo
+      do i=nptl+1,nptl+nn
+         istptl(i)=-1
+         jorptl(i)=i-nptl
+         pptl(5,i)=sqrt(max(0.,(pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))
+     &   *(pptl(4,i)-pptl(3,i))-pptl(2,i)**2-pptl(1,i)**2))
+      enddo
+      do i=nptl+1,nptl+nn-1
+         do j=i+1,nptl+nn
+            if(pptl(4,jorptl(i)+nptl).lt.pptl(4,jorptl(j)+nptl))then
+               k=jorptl(i)
+               jorptl(i)=jorptl(j)
+               jorptl(j)=k
+            endif
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=nptl+1,nptl+nn
+         idptl(nptl+jorptl(i))=9910+i-nptl
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nptl
+        jorptl(i)=0             !jorptl(nptl+jorptl(i))
+      enddo
+c      nptl=nptl+nn
+      gaknjt=nn
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idtr5(id,ic)
+      integer ic(2)
+      ic(1)=0
+      ic(2)=0
+      ii=1
+      if(id.lt.0)ii=2
+      i1=1
+      if(iabs(id).gt.999)i1=3
+      do i=i1,int(log(abs(float(id)))/log(10.))+1
+        j=mod(iabs(id)/10**(i-1),10)
+        if(j.gt.0)then
+          ic(ii)=ic(ii)+10**(6-j)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      function ammin(id1,id2)
+      dimension ic1(2),ic2(2),jc2(6,2),jc1(6,2)
+      call idtr5(id1,ic1)
+      call idtr5(id2,ic2)
+      call idcomk(ic1)
+      call idcomk(ic2)
+      call iddeco(ic1,jc1)
+      call iddeco(ic2,jc2)
+      ammin=utamnx(jc1,jc2)
+      end
+c      function idtr(id1,id2)
+c      integer ic(2),id(2)
+c      id(1)=id1
+c      id(2)=id2
+c      do i=1,2
+c        ic(i)=0
+c      enddo
+c      do j=1,2
+c        ii=1
+c        if(id(j).lt.0)ii=2
+c        i1=1
+c        if(iabs(id(j)).gt.999)i1=3
+c        do i=i1,int(log(abs(float(id(j))))/log(10.))+1
+c          jj=mod(iabs(id(j))/10**(i-1),10)
+c          if(jj.gt.0)then
+c            ic(ii)=ic(ii)+10**(6-jj)
+c          endif
+c        enddo
+c      enddo
+c      idtr=idtra(ic,0,0,3)
+c      if(idtr.ne.idsp(id1,id2))then
+c        write (*,'(4i6)') idtr,idsp(id1,id2),id1,id2
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      function idsp(id1,id2)
+      ia1=iabs(id1)
+      ia2=iabs(id2)
+      if(ia1.ge.1000.and.ia2.ge.1000)then
+        idsp=0
+        isign=0
+      elseif(ia1.le.1000.and.ia2.le.1000)then
+        idsp=min(ia1,ia2)*100+max(ia1,ia2)*10
+        isign=1
+        if(max(ia1,ia2).ne.-min(id1,id2)) isign = -1
+        if(idsp.eq.220)idsp=110
+        if(idsp.eq.330)idsp=220
+      else
+        isign=1
+        if(id1.lt.0.and.id2.lt.0)isign=-1
+        idb=min(ia1,ia2)
+        if(idb.eq.5)then
+          idsp=0
+          return
+        endif
+        ida=max(ia1,ia2)
+        ida1=ida/1000
+        ida2=mod(ida/100,10)
+        if(idb.le.ida1)then
+          idsp=idb*1000+ida/10
+        elseif(idb.le.ida2)then
+          idsp=ida1*1000+idb*100+ida2*10
+        else
+          idsp=ida+idb*10
+        endif
+        if(ida1.eq.ida2.and.ida2.eq.idb)idsp=idsp+1
+      endif
+      idsp=idsp*isign
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-hnb-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-hnb-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..659ec906c4575b071d8dfc7acdefa267b5249d39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-hnb-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,8697 @@
+      subroutine hnbaaa(ip,iret)  !former hnbaaa156 from epos-yyy
+c  microcanonical decay of cluster ip via loop over hnbmet
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common /cttaus/  tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      double precision p(5),c(5)
+      parameter(maxit=50000)
+      common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
+      dimension be(4),pe(5),pa(5)
+      common/yradx/yrad(maxp),phirad(maxp)
+      common/xxxspecsy/ndrop(-4:4,-4:4,-4:4)
+      common/cdelzet/delzet,delsgr /cvocell/vocell
+      call utpri('hnbaaa',ish,ishini,4)
+      ntry=0
+ 10   continue
+      ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+      write(ifch,140)sngl(ttaus)
+  140 format(/' ----------------------------------'/
+     *'    droplet decay  at tau =',f6.2/
+     *' ----------------------------------')
+      write(ifch,*)'droplet:'
+      call alist('&',ip,ip)
+      endif
+      iret=0
+      do j=1,5
+      c(j)=pptl(j,ip)
+      enddo
+      call idquac(ip,nqi,nsi,nai,jc)
+      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+c      write(ifch,*)'droplet uds=',keu,ked,kes,'   E=',pptl(5,ip)
+    !~~~~~redefine energy in case of radial flow
+      amin=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,4)   !utamnu(...,4) and not utamnu(...,5)
+      aumin=amuseg+yrmaxi        !for rad and long flow  
+      ipo=ip                                   !could be too light after flow
+      if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)ipo=iorptl(ip)
+      tecmor=pptl(5,ipo)
+      if(iappl.eq.4.or.iorsdf.ne.3
+     &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants
+        yrmax=0
+      else
+        yrmax=yrmaxi
+                  !aumin=amin
+                  !if(yrmax.gt.0.2)print*,'===',tecmor,aamin,yrmax
+      endif
+      fradflo=1.
+      if(yrmax.gt.1e-2)fradflo=fradflii
+      tecm=pptl(5,ip)
+      if(tecm.lt.amin)then
+        iret=1
+        if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'Decay skipped (M too low) !'
+     &                           ,tecm,amin
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      if(iappl.eq.4.or.iorsdf.ne.3
+     &.or.ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then !not for droplets from remnants
+        yco=0
+      else
+       if(ylongmx.lt.0.)then
+        yco=delzet !* 1.75
+       else
+        yco=ylongmx
+       endif
+      endif
+      corrco=1.
+      if(yco.gt.0.)corrco=sinh(yco)/yco
+      tecmxx=tecm
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        corr=fradflo/corrco
+        if(tecm*corr.lt.amin.and.tecm.gt.0.)then
+          fradflo=min(1.,1.1*amin/tecm*corrco) !if flow too large, do something anyway (saturation of flow)
+          corr=fradflo/corrco
+        endif
+      else
+        if(tecm*fradflo.lt.amin.and.tecm.gt.0.)fradflo=1.1*amin/tecm  !if flow too large, do something anyway (saturation of flow)
+        corr=fradflo
+      endif
+      if(yrmax.gt.1e-2.and.tecmor.gt.aumin
+     &  .and.tecm*corr.ge.amin) then
+        ! redefine energy to account for collective flow
+        ! \int_0^yrmax f(y) d2y = E_new (effective mass)
+        ! \int_0^yrmax cosh(y) f(y) d2y = E_old
+        tecm=tecm*fradflo
+        if(tecm.lt.amin)stop'aaahnb: small mass. should not happen.   '
+      else
+        yrmax=0.
+      endif
+    !~~~~~redefine energy in case of long coll flow
+! because of the grid structure for the cluster, fluctuations in eta
+! appears if there is no smearing with long flow !
+      tecmx=tecm
+c      if(yco.gt.0..and.tecmor.gt.aumin) then
+      if(yco.gt.0) then
+        if(iLHC.eq.1.and.tecm.ge.aumin)then
+          tecm=tecm/corrco
+          do while(tecm.lt.amin)
+            yco=yco*0.5
+            corrco=sinh(yco)/yco
+            tecm=tecmx/corrco
+          enddo
+        else
+          tecm=tecm/corrco
+          if(tecm.lt.aumin)then  !security to avoid minimum mass
+            tecm=tecmx
+            yco=0.
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        yco=0.
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'===== cluster energy: '
+     &                               ,pptl(5,ip),tecmx,tecm,amin,aumin
+     &                               ,delzet,yrmax,yco,ityptl(ip)
+    !~~~~~~~~~define volume~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      volu=tecm/epscri(1)
+    !~~~~~~~~~decay~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      call hnbini(iret)
+      !if(iret.ne.0)write(ifch,*)'***** unsucessfull hnbini *****'
+      if(iret.ne.0)goto 1000
+      if(ioinct.ge.1)goto 1
+      do iter=1,itermx
+        naccit(iter)=0
+        call hnbmet
+      enddo
+1     continue
+      if(ioceau.eq.1.and.iappl.eq.1)call xhnbte(ip)
+    !~~~~~~~~~~long coll flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      tecmxxx=tecm
+      if(yco.gt.0.) then
+        errlim=0.0001
+        tecm=tecmx
+        niter=0
+ 611    energ=0.
+        niter=niter+1
+        do i=1,np
+          yrad(i)=(2*rangen()-1)*yco
+          be(3)=sinh(yrad(i))
+          be(4)=cosh(yrad(i))
+          energ=energ+be(4)*pcm(4,i)-be(3)*pcm(3,i)
+        enddo
+        if(abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1.and.niter.lt.1000)then
+          goto 611
+        elseif(niter.ge.1000)then
+          if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Long Flow failed:'
+     &                             ,energ,tecm
+          yco=0
+          tecm=tecmxxx
+          goto 400
+        endif
+                !print*,'===== energy after flow boosts',energ,'   soll: ',tecm
+        do j=1,4
+          pe(j)=0.
+        enddo
+        do i=1,np
+          be(1)= 0
+          be(2)= 0
+          be(3)= sinh(yrad(i))
+          be(4)= cosh(yrad(i))
+          call utlob3(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1e0
+     *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
+          do j=1,4
+          pe(j)=pe(j)+pcm(j,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        pe(5)=sqrt(pe(4)**2-pe(3)**2-pe(2)**2-pe(1)**2)
+       !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')'flow boosts',pe
+        do j=1,4
+          pa(j)=0.
+        enddo
+        do i=1,np
+          call utlob3(1,pe(1),pe(2),pe(3),pe(4),pe(5)
+     *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
+          do j=1,4
+            pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
+                !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' cms boost ',pa
+        esoll=tecm
+        scal=1.
+        do ipass=1,200
+          sum=0.
+          do  j=1,np
+            do k=1,3
+              pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
+            enddo
+            pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
+     *           +amass(j)**2)
+            sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
+          enddo
+          scal=esoll/sum
+          !write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
+          !    $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
+          if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto301
+        enddo
+ 301    continue
+        do j=1,4
+          pa(j)=0.
+        enddo
+        do i=1,np
+          do j=1,4
+            pa(j)=pa(j)+pcm(j,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        pa(5)=sqrt(pa(4)**2-pa(3)**2-pa(2)**2-pa(1)**2)
+        !write(6,'(a,5e11.3)')' rescaling ',pa
+      endif
+ 400  continue
+    !~~~~~~~~~~radial flow -> particles~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      if(yrmax.gt.0.) then
+        fecc=0
+        aa=1
+        bb=0
+        cc=0
+        dd=1
+        if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then
+          ipo=iorptl(ip)
+          xx=uptl(ipo)   ! <x**2>
+          yy=optl(ipo)   ! <y**2>
+          xy=desptl(ipo) ! <x*y>
+          dta=0.5*abs(xx-yy)
+          ev1=(xx+yy)/2+sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
+          ev2=(xx+yy)/2-sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
+          if(xy.lt.0..and.dta.ne.0.)then
+            theta=0.5*atan(-xy/dta)
+          elseif(xy.gt.0..and.dta.ne.0.)then
+            theta=-0.5*atan(xy/dta)
+          else
+            theta=0
+          endif
+c          if(dta.ne.0.)then
+c            theta=0.5*atan(abs(xy)/abs(dta))
+c            if(    xy.gt.0..and.dta.gt.0.)then
+c              theta=theta
+c            elseif(xy.lt.0..and.dta.gt.0.)then
+c              theta=-theta
+c            elseif(xy.gt.0..and.dta.lt.0.)then
+c              theta=pi-theta
+c            elseif(xy.lt.0..and.dta.lt.0.)then
+c              theta=theta-pi
+c            endif
+c          else
+c            theta=2.*pi*rangen()
+c          endif
+          !eccx=(yy-xx)/(yy+xx)
+          yy=ev1
+          xx=ev2
+          ecc=(yy-xx)/(yy+xx)
+c          print*,'AA',ecc,theta
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            fecc=min(facecc,ecc) !be careful : fecc change <pt> since it is the elliptical deformation of the sub cluster(give strength of v2)
+          else
+            fecc=facecc*ecc
+            fecc=min(0.3,fecc) !be careful : fecc change <pt> since it is the 
+          endif
+          phiclu=mod(phievt+theta,2.*pi) !do not change otherwise v2 is gone
+          if(phiclu.lt.-pi)phiclu=phiclu+2*pi
+          if(phiclu.gt.pi)phiclu=phiclu-2*pi
+          aa=cos(phiclu)
+          bb=sin(phiclu)
+          cc=-sin(phiclu)
+          dd=cos(phiclu)
+        endif
+        errlim=0.0001
+        tecm=tecmxx
+        niter=0
+ 610    energ=0.
+        niter=niter+1
+        do i=1,np
+          yrad(i)=sqrt(rangen())
+          phirad(i)=2.*pi*rangen()
+          pt2=0.
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)pt2=(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2) !+amass(i)**2)
+          bex=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*cos(phirad(i))
+     *       *(1+fecc/(1.+pt2))
+          bey=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*sin(phirad(i))
+     *       *(1-fecc/(1.+pt2))
+          be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
+          be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
+          be(3)=-0d0
+          be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
+          bp=0d0
+          do k=1,3
+            bp=bp+pcm(k,i)*be(k)
+          enddo
+          en=be(4)*pcm(4,i)+bp
+          energ=energ+en
+c          bp=sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)**yradpp
+cc          bp=sqrt(amass(i)**2+pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)**yradpp
+c          be(1)=pcm(1,i)-bp*(aa*bex+cc*bey)
+c          be(2)=pcm(2,i)-bp*(bb*bex+dd*bey)
+c          be(4)=sqrt(be(1)**2+be(2)**2+pcm(3,i)**2
+c     *           +amass(i)**2)
+c          en=be(4)
+c          energ=energ+en
+        enddo
+        if(abs(energ-tecm).gt.0.1.and.niter.lt.1000)then
+          goto 610
+        elseif(niter.ge.1000)then
+          if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Radial Flow failed:'
+     &                             ,yrmax,energ,tecm,np
+          iret=1
+          if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Decay skipped !'
+          goto 1000
+c          goto 300
+        endif
+        energ=0.
+        do i=1,np
+          pt2=0.
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)pt2=(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)!+amass(i)**2)
+          bex=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*cos(phirad(i))
+     *       *(1+fecc/(1.+pt2))
+          bey=dsinh(dble(yrad(i)*yrmax))*sin(phirad(i))
+     *       *(1-fecc/(1.+pt2))
+          be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
+          be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
+          be(3)=0d0
+          be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
+          call utlob3(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1e0
+     *         , pcm(1,i), pcm(2,i), pcm(3,i), pcm(4,i))
+c          bp=sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)**yradpp
+cc          bp=sqrt(amass(i)**2+pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2)
+c          pcm(1,i)=pcm(1,i)-bp*(aa*bex+cc*bey)
+c          pcm(2,i)=pcm(2,i)-bp*(bb*bex+dd*bey)
+c          pcm(4,i)=sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2+pcm(3,i)**2
+c     *           +amass(i)**2)
+          energ=energ+pcm(4,i)
+        enddo
+        esoll=tecm
+        scal=1.
+        do ipass=1,200
+          sum=0.
+          do  j=1,np
+            do k=1,3
+              pcm(k,j)=scal*pcm(k,j)
+            enddo
+            pcm(4,j)=sqrt(pcm(1,j)**2+pcm(2,j)**2+pcm(3,j)**2
+     *           +amass(j)**2)
+            sum=sum+pcm(4,j)
+          enddo
+          scal=esoll/sum
+c          write(6,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
+c     $         ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
+          if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto300
+        enddo
+ 300    continue
+      else
+        do n=1,np
+          yrad(n)=0.
+          phirad(n)=0.
+        enddo
+      endif
+    !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+      nptlb=nptl
+      do n=1,np
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        if(nptl.gt.mxptl)call utstop('hnbptl: mxptl too small&')
+        idptl(nptl)=ident(n)
+        do j=1,4
+          p(j)=pcm(j,n)
+        enddo
+        p(5)=amass(n)
+        call utlob2(-1,c(1),c(2),c(3),c(4),c(5),p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),10)
+        do j=1,5
+          pptl(j,nptl)=p(j)
+        enddo
+        if(tecmor.gt.aumin)then
+          ityptl(nptl)=60
+        elseif(ityptl(ip).eq.40.or.ityptl(ip).eq.50)then
+          ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(ip)+1
+        else
+          ityptl(nptl)=19
+        endif
+        ipo=iorptl(ip)
+        iorptl(nptl)=ip
+        jorptl(nptl)=ipo
+c protection against very high momentum particle (it can happen very very boosted cluster (which do no really make sense anyway))
+        if(iLHC.eq.1.and.p(4).ge.0.5*engy)then
+          if(ish.ge.4)call alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
+          nptl=nptlb
+          iret=1
+          if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'Decay skipped (p4 too high) !', ntry
+          if(ntry.lt.10)goto 10
+          goto 1000
+        endif
+        if(ityptl(ip).eq.60)then
+          if(ityptl(nptl).eq.60)then
+            xx=uptl(ipo)        ! <x**2>
+            yy=optl(ipo)        ! <y**2>
+            rini=sqrt(5./3.*(xx+yy)) !<r**2>=3/5*R**2 for sphere of radius R
+            r=1.15*rini*yrad(n) !yrad=y/ymax
+            tau=2.25/sqrt(yrad(n)**2+0.04)-0.75
+            z=xorptl(3,ipo)
+            t=xorptl(4,ipo)
+           !zeta=0.5*log((t+z)/(t-z))-0.5*delzet+2*0.5*delzet*rangen()
+            zeta=0.5*log((p(4)+p(3))/(p(4)-p(3)))
+            z=tau*sinh(zeta)
+            t=tau*cosh(zeta)
+            xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ipo)+r*cos(phirad(n))
+            xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ipo)+r*sin(phirad(n))
+            xorptl(3,nptl)=z
+            xorptl(4,nptl)=t
+          else
+            xorptl(1,nptl)=xorptl(1,ip)
+            xorptl(2,nptl)=xorptl(2,ip)
+            xorptl(3,nptl)=xorptl(3,ip)
+            xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,ip)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.4)then
+        write(ifch,*)'decay products:'
+        call alist('&',nptlb+1,nptl)
+        if(ish.ge.5)then
+          write(ifch,*)'momentum sum:'
+          do kk=1,5
+            pptl(kk,nptl+1)=0
+            do ii=nptlb+1,nptl
+              pptl(kk,nptl+1)=pptl(kk,nptl+1)+pptl(kk,ii)
+            enddo
+            pptl(kk,nptl+2)=c(kk)
+          enddo
+          call alist('&',nptl+1,nptl+2)
+        endif
+      endif
+ 1000 continue
+      call utprix('hnbaaa',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+c#########                                                                  #########
+c#########                  hnb and hgc routines                            #########
+c#########                                                                  #########
+      subroutine hgcaaa
+c hadronic resonance gas in grand canonical treatment
+c returns T, chemical potentials and hadronic yield
+c (hadron chemical potentials as combinations of quark chemical potentials)
+c input:
+c   iostat: 1: Boltzmann approximation, 0: quantum statistics  /metr3/
+c   tecm:                    droplet energy      /confg/
+c   volu:                    droplet volume      /confg/
+c   keu ked kes kec keb ket: net flavor number   /drop5/
+c output:
+c   tem    : temperature [GeV]                            /cgchg/
+c   chem(1:nflav): quark chem. pot. [GeV]                 /cflav/
+c   chemgc(1:nspecs): hadron chem. pot. [GeV]             /cgchg/
+c   ptlngc(1:nspecs): hadron number                       /cgchg/
+c   rmsngc(1:nspecs): standard deviation of hadron number /cgchg/
+c exact treatment (iostat=0):
+c for massive hadrons     : first in Boltzmann approximation with analytical
+c                           expressions for particle and energy densities,
+c                           then by using quantum statistics in integral form,
+c                           extracting mu and T using numerical integration
+c                           and an iterative procedure to solve for mu, T
+c for massless hadrons    : using analytic expressions for massles particles
+c                           and employing the  same algorithm as for massive
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      common/cnrit/nrit
+      gen=10.0**(-epsgc)
+      genm=gen/10.
+      isho=ish
+      if(ishsub/100.eq.51)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
+      iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
+c     initialization
+c     --------------
+      kef(1)=keu
+      kef(2)=ked
+      kef(3)=kes
+      kef(4)=kec
+      kef(5)=keb
+      kef(6)=ket
+      if(iug.eq.1)nflavs=1
+      if(iug.eq.3)nflavs=2
+      if(iug.eq.5)nflavs=2
+      if(iug.eq.7)nflavs=3
+      if(iug.eq.9)nflavs=3
+      if(iug.eq.11)nflavs=3
+      tem=0.0
+      do i=1,nflavs
+      chem(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      call hgchac(0)
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      ptlngc(i)=0.0
+      rmsngc(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      nrit=0
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*)('-',l=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hgcaaa ',('-',l=1,30)
+        write(ifch,'(1x,a,2x,3i3)')
+     *'>>> grand canonical hadron gas for droplet with u d s content:'
+     *,keu,ked,kes
+        write(ifch,'(1x,a,2x,f7.3,2x,a,2x,f7.3)')
+     *'mass [GeV]:',tecm,'volume [fm^3]:',volu
+      endif
+      if(iug.eq.1.and.keu.ne.0.and.ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion impossible !!!'
+      write(ifch,*)'keu=0 required for this option'
+      write(ifch,*)'T = mu(i) = 0 returned'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      endif
+      if(iug.eq.3.and.(keu+ked).ne.0.and.ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion impossible !!!'
+      write(ifch,*)'keu+ked=0 required for this option'
+      write(ifch,*)'T = mu(i) = 0 returned'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      endif
+      kf=keu+ked+kes+kec+keb+ket
+      kf=abs(kf)
+      if(kf.ne.0)then
+      if(mod(kf,3).ne.0.and.ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion impossible !!!'
+      write(ifch,*)'sum must be multiple of three'
+      write(ifch,*)'T = mu(i) = 0 returned'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      endif
+      endif
+c     initial T (m=0, baryon free)
+c     -------------------------------
+      gfac=0.0
+       if(iostat.eq.0.and.iospec.eq.iug)then
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      igsp=int(gspecs(i))
+      if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0)then
+      gfac=gfac+7.*gspecs(i)/8.
+      else
+      gfac=gfac+gspecs(i)
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)gfac=gfac+16.
+      tem=(tecm/volu*hquer**3*30./pi**2/gfac)**.25
+       else
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      gfac=gfac+gspecs(i)
+      enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)gfac=gfac+16.
+      tem=(tecm/volu*hquer**3*pi**2/gfac/3.)**.25
+      tem=2.*tem
+       endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,1)'initial T :',tem
+1     format(1x,a,3x,f9.6)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'iospec: ',iospec
+       if(ish.ge.5.and.iospec.ne.iug)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion in Boltzmann approx. :'
+       elseif(ish.ge.5.and.iospec.eq.iug)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion for massless hadrons :'
+       endif
+       if(ish.ge.5)then
+      if(nflavs.eq.1)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a)')
+     *'T:','chemu:'
+      if(nflavs.eq.2)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a,5x,a)')
+     *'T:','chemu:','chemd:'
+      if(nflavs.eq.3)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a,5x,a,5x,a)')
+     *'T:','chemu:','chemd:','chems:'
+       endif
+      k=1
+10    continue
+      if(ish.ge.9.and.mod(k,10).eq.0)
+     *write(ifch,*)'hgc iteration:',k
+      if(ish.ge.9)call hgccch(1)
+c     search for temperature (chem=const)
+c     -----------------------------------
+      idt=0
+      temo=tem
+       if(iospec.eq.iug)then
+c     massless particles
+c     ------------------
+      if(iostat.eq.0)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)
+     *write(ifch,*)'iteration (massless):',k
+      call hgctm0
+      elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)
+     *write(ifch,*)'iteration (Boltzmann, massless):',k
+      call hgctbo(ibna)
+      if(ibna.eq.1)then
+      tem=temo
+      goto20
+      endif
+      endif
+       else
+c     Boltzmann approxiamtion (massive particles)
+c     -------------------------------------------
+      if(ish.ge.9)
+     *write(ifch,*)'iteration (Boltzmann, massive):',k
+      call hgctbo(ibna)
+      if(ibna.eq.1)then
+      tem=temo
+      goto20
+      endif
+       endif
+      if(tem.le.1.e-6.and.ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion imposssible'
+      write(ifch,*)'T:',tem
+      if(ioinco.ge.1)call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=isho
+      return
+      endif
+      dt=abs(temo-tem)
+      if(dt.le.gen*temo.or.dt.le.genm)idt=1
+c     search for chemical potentials (tem=const)
+c     ------------------------------------------
+      idch=0
+      ibna=0
+        do iafs=1,nflavs
+      chemo=chem(iafs)
+       if(iospec.eq.iug)then
+c     massless particles
+c     ------------------
+      if(iostat.eq.0)then
+      call hgccm0
+      elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
+      call hgccbo(ibna)
+      endif
+       else
+c     Boltzmann approxiamtion (massive particles)
+c     -------------------------------------------
+      call hgccbo(ibna)
+       endif
+      dch=abs(chemo-chem(iafs))
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'dch:',dch
+      if(dch.le.abs(gen*chemo).or.dch.le.genm)idch=idch+1
+      if(ibna.eq.1)then
+      chem(iafs)=chemo
+      call hgchac(0)
+      goto20
+      endif
+        enddo
+c     new hadron chem. potentials
+c     ---------------------------
+      call hgchac(0)
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.1)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,f8.6,2x,f9.6)')
+     *tem,chem(1)
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.2)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,f8.6,2x,f9.6,2x,f9.6)')
+     *tem,chem(1),chem(2)
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.3)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,f8.6,2x,f9.6,2x,f9.6,2x,f9.6)')
+     *tem,chem(1),chem(2),chem(3)
+      if(idch.eq.nflavs.and.idt.eq.1)goto20
+      k=k+1
+       if(k.gt.300)then
+       if(ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,*)'failure in approximate solution'
+      goto20
+       endif
+      goto10
+20    continue
+      if(ish.ge.9)call hgccch(0)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'  T  :',tem
+      do i=1,nflavs
+      if(i.eq.1.and.ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'chemu:',chem(1)
+      if(i.eq.2.and.ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'chemd:',chem(2)
+      if(i.eq.3.and.ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,f9.6)')'chems:',chem(3)
+      enddo
+c     checking results
+c     ----------------
+      if(ish.ge.5)call hgcchb
+c     particle yield
+c     --------------
+      call hgcpyi(1)
+c     checking flavor conservation
+c     ----------------------------
+      if(ish.ge.5)call hgccfc
+      if(iug.eq.iospec.and.iostat.eq.0)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)
+     *'approximation and exact treatment equal'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=isho
+      return
+      endif
+c     continue or return approximate values
+c     -------------------------------------
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      rmsbol(i)=rmsngc(i)
+      ptlbol(i)=ptlngc(i)
+      chebol(i)=chemgc(i)
+      enddo
+      tembol=tem
+      if(iostat.eq.1)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=isho
+      return
+      endif
+c     quantum statistics
+c     ------------------
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'quantum statistics:'
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.1)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a)')
+     *'T:','chemu:'
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.2)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a,6x,a)')
+     *'T:','chemu:','chemd:'
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.3)write(ifch,'(3x,a,8x,a,6x,a,6x,a)')
+     *'T:','chemu:','chemd:','chems:'
+      k=1
+30    continue
+      if(ish.ge.9.and.mod(k,10).eq.0)
+     *write(ifch,*)'hgc iteration:',k
+c     new temperature
+c     ---------------
+      idt=0
+      temo=tem
+      call hgctex
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.1)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,f10.8,2x,f10.7)')
+     *tem,chem(1)
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.2)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,f10.8,2x,f10.7,2x,f10.7)')
+     *tem,chem(1),chem(2)
+      if(ish.ge.5.and.nflavs.eq.3)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,f10.8,2x,f10.7,2x,f10.7,2x,f10.7)')
+     *tem,chem(1),chem(2),chem(3)
+      if(tem.le.1.e-6.and.ish.ge.5)then
+      write(ifch,*)'inversion imposssible'
+      write(ifch,*)'T:',tem
+      call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=isho
+      return
+      endif
+      dt=abs(temo-tem)
+      if(dt.le.gen*temo.or.dt.le.genm)idt=1
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'dtem:',dt
+c     new quark chem. potentials
+c     --------------------------
+      idch=0
+      do iafs=1,nflavs
+      chemo=chem(iafs)
+      call hgccex
+      dch=abs(chemo-chem(iafs))
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'dche:',dch
+      if(dch.le.abs(gen*chemo).or.dch.le.genm)idch=idch+1
+      enddo
+c     new hadron chem. potentials
+c     ---------------------------
+      call hgchac(0)
+       if(idch.eq.nflavs.and.idt.eq.1)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'results:'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'  T  :',tem
+      if(nflavs.ge.1.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'chemu:',chem(1)
+      if(nflavs.ge.2.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'chemd:',chem(2)
+      if(nflavs.ge.3.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'chems:',chem(3)
+51    format(1x,a,3x,f9.6)
+c     checking results
+c     ----------------
+      if(ish.ge.5)call hgcchh(i)
+c     particle yield
+c     --------------
+      call hgcpyi(0)
+c     checking flavor conservation
+c     ----------------------------
+      call hgccfc
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=isho
+      return
+       endif
+       if(k.gt.300)then
+       if(ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,*)'failure in exact solution'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'results:'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'  T  :',tem
+      if(nflavs.ge.1.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'chemu:',chem(1)
+      if(nflavs.ge.2.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'chemd:',chem(2)
+      if(nflavs.ge.3.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,51)'chems:',chem(3)
+c     particle yield
+c     --------------
+      call hgcpyi(0)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcaaa ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=isho
+      return
+       endif
+      k=k+1
+      goto30
+      end
+      function hgcbi0(x)
+      DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9,y
+      SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9
+      DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/1.0d0,3.5156229d0,3.0899424d0,
+     *1.2067492d0,0.2659732d0,0.360768d-1,0.45813d-2/
+      DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9/0.39894228d0,0.1328592d-1,
+     *0.225319d-2,-0.157565d-2,0.916281d-2,-0.2057706d-1,0.2635537d-1,
+     *-0.1647633d-1,0.392377d-2/
+      if (abs(x).lt.3.75) then
+        y=dble((x/3.75)**2)
+        hgcbi0=sngl(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*(p5+y*(p6+y*p7))))))
+      else
+        ax=abs(x)
+        y=dble(3.75/ax)
+        hgcbi0=(exp(ax)/sqrt(ax))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
+     *(q7+y*(q8+y*q9))))))))
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcbi1(x)
+      DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9,y
+      SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9
+      DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/0.5d0,0.87890594d0,0.51498869d0,
+     *0.15084934d0,0.2658733d-1,0.301532d-2,0.32411d-3/
+      DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,q8,q9/0.39894228d0,-0.3988024d-1,
+     *-0.362018d-2,0.163801d-2,-0.1031555d-1,0.2282967d-1,-0.2895312d-1,
+     *0.1787654d-1,-0.420059d-2/
+      if (abs(x).lt.3.75) then
+        y=dble((x/3.75)**2)
+        hgcbi1=x*(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*(p5+y*(p6+y*p7))))))
+      else
+        ax=abs(x)
+        y=dble(3.75/ax)
+        hgcbi1=(exp(ax)/sqrt(ax))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
+     *(q7+y*(q8+y*q9))))))))
+        if(x.lt.0.)hgcbi1=-hgcbi1
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      function hgcbk0(x)
+      DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,y
+      SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7
+      DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/-0.57721566d0,0.42278420d0,0.23069756d0,
+     *0.3488590d-1,0.262698d-2,0.10750d-3,0.74d-5/
+      DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7/1.25331414d0,-0.7832358d-1,0.2189568d-1,
+     *-0.1062446d-1,0.587872d-2,-0.251540d-2,0.53208d-3/
+      if (x.le.2.0) then
+        y=dble(x*x/4.0)
+        hgcbk0=(-log(x/2.0)*hgcbi0(x))+(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*(p5+y*
+     *(p6+y*p7))))))
+      else
+        y=dble(2.0/x)
+        hgcbk0=(exp(-x)/sqrt(x))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
+     *q7))))))
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      function hgcbk1(x)
+      DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7,y
+      SAVE p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7
+      DATA p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7/1.0d0,0.15443144d0,-0.67278579d0,
+     *-0.18156897d0,-0.1919402d-1,-0.110404d-2,-0.4686d-4/
+      DATA q1,q2,q3,q4,q5,q6,q7/1.25331414d0,0.23498619d0,-0.3655620d-1,
+     *0.1504268d-1,-0.780353d-2,0.325614d-2,-0.68245d-3/
+      if (x.le.2.0) then
+        y=dble(x*x/4.0)
+        hgcbk1=(log(x/2.0)*hgcbi1(x))+(1.0/x)*(p1+y*(p2+y*(p3+y*(p4+y*
+     *(p5+y*(p6+y*p7))))))
+      else
+        y=dble(2.0/x)
+        hgcbk1=(exp(-x)/sqrt(x))*(q1+y*(q2+y*(q3+y*(q4+y*(q5+y*(q6+y*
+     *q7))))))
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      function hgcbk(n,x)
+      tox=2.0/x
+      bkm=hgcbk0(x)
+      bk=hgcbk1(x)
+      do 11 j=1,n-1
+        bkp=bkm+j*tox*bk
+        bkm=bk
+        bk=bkp
+11    continue
+      hgcbk=bk
+      return
+      END
+      subroutine hgccbo(iba)
+c returns new chem(iafs) for boltzmann statistics
+c  input:
+c    tem
+c    kef/volu
+c  output:
+c    chem(iafs)
+      common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
+      common/drop6/tecm,volu
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      parameter(nflav=6)
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcbk
+      k=1
+      iba=0
+      c1=-0.5
+      c2=0.5
+      goto11
+c     new chemical potential
+c     ----------------------
+10    chem(iafs)=c1+0.5*(c2-c1)
+11    continue
+      fd=0.0
+      call hgchac(0)
+        do i=1,nspecs
+        if(ifok(iafs,i).ne.0)then
+       if((chemgc(i)/tem).gt.70.)then
+      hpd=1.e30
+       else
+      hpd=exp(chemgc(i)/tem)
+       endif
+       if(aspecs(i).ne.0.)then
+      fk2=hgcbk(2,aspecs(i)/tem)
+      hpd=hpd*gspecs(i)*aspecs(i)**2*tem*fk2
+     */2./pi**2/hquer**3
+       else
+      hpd=hpd*gspecs(i)*tem**3/pi**2/hquer**3
+       endif
+      hfd=ifok(iafs,i)*hpd
+      fd=fd+hfd
+        endif
+        enddo
+      dfd=abs(fd-(kef(iafs)/volu))
+      if(dfd.le.abs(gen*(kef(iafs)/volu)).or.dfd.le.genm)return
+c     if(abs(fd).ge.100.)then
+c     iba=1
+c     return
+c     endif
+       if(fd.gt.(kef(iafs)/volu))then
+      c2=chem(iafs)
+      else
+      c1=chem(iafs)
+       endif
+      k=k+1
+      if(k.gt.300)return
+      goto10
+      end
+      subroutine hgccch(iii)
+c checks convergence of iterative algorithm
+c plots iteration values for T and mu_i
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      parameter (nbin=500)
+      common/cdatc/data(nbin),datb(nbin),datc(nbin),datd(nbin)
+     *,date(nbin),datf(nbin),datg(nbin),dath(nbin),dati(nbin)
+      common/cnrit/nrit
+      character cen*4,cvol*4,cu*3,cd*3,cs*3
+           if(iii.gt.0)then
+      nrit=nrit+1
+      data(nrit)=nrit
+      datb(nrit)=tem
+      datc(nrit)=chem(1)
+      datd(nrit)=chem(2)
+      date(nrit)=chem(3)
+           elseif(iii.eq.0)then
+      nrit=nrit+1
+      data(nrit)=nrit
+      datb(nrit)=tem
+      datc(nrit)=chem(1)
+      datd(nrit)=chem(2)
+      date(nrit)=chem(3)
+      do i=1,nrit
+      datf(i)=datb(nrit)
+      datg(i)=datc(nrit)
+      dath(i)=datd(nrit)
+      dati(i)=date(nrit)
+      enddo
+      x1=data(1)
+      x2=data(nrit)
+      write(cen,'(f4.1)')tecm
+      write(cvol,'(f4.1)')volu
+      write(cu,'(i3)')keu
+      write(cd,'(i3)')ked
+      write(cs,'(i3)')kes
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 4 1 openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis T (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "E= '//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.4 0.9 "V= '//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datb(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datf(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [m]^1! (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "Q^1!= '//cu//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datc(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datg(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [m]^2! (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "Q^2!= '//cd//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datd(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),dath(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis Iteration"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [m]^3! (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.15 0.9 "Q^3!= '//cs//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),date(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrit
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),dati(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+           endif
+       return
+       end
+      subroutine hgccex
+c returns new chem(iafs) for massive quantum statistics
+c  input:
+c    tem
+c    kef/volu
+c  output:
+c    chem(iafs)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcfhn
+      k=1
+      c1=-0.5
+      c2=0.5
+      goto11
+c     new chemical potential
+c     ----------------------
+10    chem(iafs)=c1+0.5*(c2-c1)
+11    continue
+      fd=0.0
+        do ians=1,nspecs
+       if(ifok(iafs,ians).ne.0)then
+      call hgchac(0)
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      hpd=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hpd)
+      endif
+      hpd=hpd*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      fd=fd+hpd*ifok(iafs,ians)
+       endif
+        enddo
+      dfd=abs(fd-(kef(iafs)/volu))
+      if(dfd.le.abs(gen*(kef(iafs)/volu)).or.dfd.le.genm)return
+       if(fd.gt.(kef(iafs)/volu))then
+      c2=chem(iafs)
+      else
+      c1=chem(iafs)
+       endif
+      k=k+1
+      if(k.gt.300)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,*)'failure at cex at iafs:',iafs
+      return
+      endif
+      goto10
+      end
+      subroutine hgccfc
+c checks flavor conservation in particle yield
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'checking flavor conservation'
+      do i=1,nflavs
+      ckef=0.0
+      do ii=1,nspecs
+      ckef=ckef+ifok(i,ii)*ptlngc(ii)
+      enddo
+      dkef=abs(ckef-kef(i))
+      if(dkef.le.1.e-2)then
+      if(i.eq.1.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'u conserved'
+      if(i.eq.2.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'d conserved'
+      if(i.eq.3.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'s conserved'
+      else
+      if(i.eq.1.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'u not conserved'
+      if(i.eq.2.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'d not conserved'
+      if(i.eq.3.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'s not conserved'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'df:',dkef
+      endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgcchb
+c checks results by numerical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcfbe
+      external hgcfbn
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)
+     *'check by numer. calc. of expect. values:'
+      iced=0
+      ceden=0.0
+       do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      cedh=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfbe,a,b,cedh)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'cedh:',cedh
+      ced=cedh*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      ceden=ceden+ced
+       enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
+     *ceden=ceden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'energy density   :',ceden
+      ded=abs((tecm/volu)-ceden)
+      if((tecm/volu)*gen.ge.ded.or.ded.le.gen)iced=1
+      icfd=0
+       do i=1,nflavs
+      cfd=0.0
+      do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      hpd=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfbn,a,b,hpd)
+      endif
+      hfd=ifok(i,ians)*hpd*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hfd:',hfd
+      cfd=cfd+hfd
+      enddo
+      if(i.eq.1.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,5)'flavor density u :',cfd
+      if(i.eq.2.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,5)'flavor density d :',cfd
+      if(i.eq.3.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,5)'flavor density s :',cfd
+5     format(1x,a,1x,f12.6)
+      dfd=abs(cfd-(kef(i)/volu))
+      if(abs(gen*(kef(i)/volu)).ge.dfd.or.dfd.le.gen)
+     *icfd=icfd+1
+       enddo
+       if(iced.eq.1.and.icfd.eq.nflavs)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'results agree'
+      else
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'results disagree'
+       endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgcchh(icorr)
+c checks results by numerical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcfhe
+      external hgcfhn
+      icorr=0
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)
+     *'check by numer. calc. of expect. values:'
+      iced=0
+      ceden=0.0
+       do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      cedh=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,cedh)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'cedh:',cedh
+      ced=cedh*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      ceden=ceden+ced
+       enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
+     *ceden=ceden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'energy density   :',ceden
+      ded=abs((tecm/volu)-ceden)
+      if((tecm/volu)*gen.ge.ded.or.ded.le.gen)iced=1
+      icfd=0
+       do i=1,nflavs
+      cfd=0.0
+      do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      hpd=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hpd)
+      endif
+      hfd=ifok(i,ians)*hpd*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hfd:',hfd
+      cfd=cfd+hfd
+      enddo
+      if(i.eq.1.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,5)'flavor density u :',cfd
+      if(i.eq.2.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,5)'flavor density d :',cfd
+      if(i.eq.3.and.ish.ge.5)write(ifch,5)'flavor density s :',cfd
+5     format(1x,a,1x,f9.6)
+      dfd=abs(cfd-(kef(i)/volu))
+      if(abs(gen*(kef(i)/volu)).ge.dfd.or.dfd.le.gen)
+     *icfd=icfd+1
+       enddo
+       if(iced.eq.1.and.icfd.eq.nflavs)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'results agree'
+      icorr=1
+      else
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'results disagree'
+       endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgccm0
+c returns new quark chemical potentials for massless quantum statistics
+c input:
+c  tem
+c  kef/volu
+c output:
+c  chem
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcfhn
+      k=1
+      z3=1.2020569
+      c1=-0.5
+      c2=0.5
+      goto11
+c     new chemical potential
+c     ----------------------
+10    chem(iafs)=c1+0.5*(c2-c1)
+11    continue
+      fd=0.0
+      call hgchac(0)
+               do i=1,nspecs
+              if(ifok(iafs,i).ne.0)then
+           igsp=int(gspecs(i))
+          if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0)then
+       if(ispecs(i).gt.0)then
+      hpd=gspecs(i)*(chemgc(i)*tem**2+chemgc(i)**3/pi**2)/6./hquer**3
+       else
+      hpd=0.0
+       endif
+c            else
+c      if(ispecs(i).gt.0)then
+c     hpd=gspecs(i)*(chemgc(i)*tem**2/3.-chemgc(i)**3/pi**2/6.)/hquer**3
+c      else
+c     hpd=0.0
+c      endif
+c        endif
+c     n=1
+c0    xx=n*abs(chemgc(i))/tem
+c     if(xx.le.60.)then
+c     hpd=hpd+(-1.)**(n+1)/n**3/exp(xx)
+c     n=n+1
+c     goto20
+c     endif
+c     hpd=hpd*gspecs(i)*tem**3/pi**2/hquer**3
+c     if(chemgc(i).eq.abs(chemgc(i)))then
+c     hpd=gspecs(i)*(chemgc(i)*tem**2+chemgc(i)**3/pi**2)/6./hquer**3
+c    *-hpd
+c     endif
+c      else
+c     hpd=3.*gspecs(i)*tem**3*z3/4./pi**2/hquer**3
+c      endif
+         else
+      hpd=gspecs(i)*tem**3*z3/pi**2/hquer**3
+         endif
+      hfd=hpd*ifok(iafs,i)
+      fd=fd+hfd
+       endif
+        enddo
+      dfd=abs(fd-(kef(iafs)/volu))
+      if(dfd.le.abs(gen*(kef(iafs)/volu)).or.dfd.le.genm)return
+       if(fd.gt.(kef(iafs)/volu))then
+      c2=chem(iafs)
+      else
+      c1=chem(iafs)
+       endif
+      k=k+1
+      if(k.gt.300)then
+      if(ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,*)'failure at cm0 at iafs:',iafs
+      return
+      endif
+      goto10
+      end
+      function hgcfbe(x)
+c integrand of energy density
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=81.
+      hgcfbe=0.0
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.60.)return
+      if(eex.lt.-60)then
+      hgcfbe=1.e25
+      return
+      endif
+      hgcfbe=sq*x**2*exp(-eex)
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcfbf(x)
+c integrand of mean square variance of  energy
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=61
+      hgcfbf=0.0
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.60.)return
+      if(eex.lt.-60)then
+      hgcfbf=1.e25
+      return
+      endif
+      hgcfbf=(aspecs(ians)**2+x**2)*x**2*exp(-eex)
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcfbn(x)
+c integrand of hadron density
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=81.
+      hgcfbn=0.0
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.80.)return
+      if(eex.lt.-60)then
+      hgcfbn=1.e25
+      return
+      endif
+      hgcfbn=x**2*exp(-eex)
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcfhe(x)
+c integrand of energy density
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=81.
+      hgcfhe=0.0
+      igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.80.)return
+       if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
+      d=-1.0
+      if(eex.lt.1.e-10)return
+       else
+      d=1.0
+       endif
+      hgcfhe=sq*x**2/(exp(eex)+d)
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcfhf(x)
+c integrand of mean square variance of  energy
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=61
+      hgcfhf=0.0
+      igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.60.)return
+      if(eex.lt.(-60.))return
+       if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
+      d=-1.0
+      if(eex.lt.1.0e-10.and.eex.gt.(-1.0e-10))return
+       else
+      d=1.0
+       endif
+      hgcfhf=(aspecs(ians)**2+x**2)*x**2/(exp(eex)+2.0*d+exp(-eex))
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcfhn(x)
+c integrand of hadron density
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=81.
+      hgcfhn=0.0
+      igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.80.)return
+       if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
+      d=-1.0
+      if(eex.lt.1.e-10)return
+       else
+      d=1.0
+       endif
+      hgcfhn=x**2/(exp(eex)+d)
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcfhw(x)
+c integrand of mean square variance of hadron yield
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      eex=61
+      hgcfhw=0.0
+      igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
+      sq=sqrt(x**2+aspecs(ians)**2)
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)eex=(sq-chemgc(ians))/tem
+      if(eex.gt.60.)return
+      if(eex.lt.(-60.))return
+       if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
+      d=-1.0
+      if(eex.lt.1.0e-10.and.eex.gt.(-1.0e-10))return
+       else
+      d=1.0
+       endif
+      hgcfhw=x**2/(exp(eex)+2.0*d+exp(-eex))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgchac(iboco)
+c returns hadronic chemical potentials as combinations of quark
+c chemical potentials
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+       do i=1,nspecs
+      chemgc(i)=0.0
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      chemgc(i)=chemgc(i)+ifok(ii,i)*chem(ii)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'mu_i:',chem(ii),' k_i:',ifok(ii,i)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'mu_nu:',chemgc(i)
+      igsp=int(gspecs(i))
+      if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0.and.chemgc(i).gt.aspecs(i).and.iboco.eq.0)
+     *chemgc(i)=aspecs(i)
+       enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgclim(a,b)
+c returns integration limits for numerical evaluation of particle
+c and energy densities using quantum statistics
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      igsp=int(gspecs(ians))
+       if(mod(igsp,2).ne.0)then
+      a=0.001
+       else
+      a=0.0
+       endif
+      b=0.0
+      bb=(chemgc(ians)+tem*80.)**2-aspecs(ians)**2
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'bb:',bb
+      if(bb.ge.0.0)b=sqrt(bb)
+      if(bb.lt.0.0)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'failure at hgclim, bb=',bb
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i5,a,2x,f12.6,1x,a,2x,f9.6)')
+     *'mu(',ispecs(ians),'):',chemgc(ians),' T:',tem
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'ians:',ians,' a:',a,' b:',b
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgcnbi(iret)
+c uses hgcaaa results to generate initial hadron set, nlattc, iozero
+c input:
+c    ptlngc(1:nspecs): particle number expectation values  /cgchg/
+c output:
+c     nump:           number of hadrons   /chnbin/
+c     ihadro(1:nump): hadron ids          /chnbin/
+c     nlattc:         lattice size        /clatt/
+c     iozero:         zero weight         /metr1/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      common/camgc/amgc,samgc,amtot
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      common/cgcnb/nptlgc(mspecs)
+      common/ctaue/taue
+      common/cgck/k(nflav),kp(nflav),kps(nflav)
+     *,idp(maxp),ida(mspecs),idb(mspecs)
+      integer hgcndn
+      iret=0
+      isho=ish
+      if(ishsub/100.eq.50)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)('-',l=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hgcnbi ',('-',l=1,30)
+      nh=nint(ptltot)
+      iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
+      if(iug.lt.9)call utstop('hgcnbi: iospec < 9&')
+c     determine nlattc
+c     ----------------
+        if(ionlat.eq.1)then
+      s1=ptltot+2.*rmstot
+      s2=1.3*ptltot
+      s=max(s1,s2,6.)
+      nlattc=nint(s)
+       elseif(ionlat.eq.2)then
+      s1=ptltot+3.*rmstot
+      s2=1.5*ptltot
+      s=max(s1,s2,6.)
+      nlattc=nint(s)
+       elseif(ionlat.eq.3)then
+      s1=ptltot+4.*rmstot
+      s2=2.*ptltot
+      s=max(s1,s2,6.)
+      nlattc=nint(s)
+        elseif(ionlat.eq.0)then
+      nlattc=8*(tecm/10)*(1/(tecm/volu))**0.2*(nspecs/3.)**0.3
+      if(aspecs(1).lt.0.010)nlattc=nlattc*3
+      nlattc=max(nlattc,20)
+        endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'nlattc:',nlattc
+c     determine iozero
+c     ----------------
+      if(iozero.eq.-1)then
+      iozero=nspecs
+      elseif(iozero.eq.-2)then
+      iozero=nspecs*int(sqrt(volu/tecm))
+      endif
+c     modify iozero for testing
+c     -------------------------
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      iozero=(nrevt/iozevt+1)*iozinc   !nrevt=event number - 1 !!
+      write(ifch,*)'nrevt+1:',nrevt+1,'   iozero:',iozero
+      endif
+c     initial hadron set
+c     ------------------
+      ammin=2.*aspecs(1)
+      if(tecm.lt.ammin)then
+      write(ifch,*)'impossible to generate hadron configuration'
+      call utstop('hgcnbi: tecm less than two pi0 masses&')
+      endif
+      kk=1
+100   continue
+       if(kk.gt.20)then
+       iret=1
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+      write(ifch,*)'failed to generate hadron set for'
+     *,' event:',nrevt+1
+      write(ifch,*)'u d s :',keu,ked,kes,' E:',tecm
+      write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcnbi ',('-',i=1,10)
+      endif
+      ish=isho
+      return
+        endif
+      amtot=0.0
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      nptlgc(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      k(ii)=kef(ii)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)
+     *'sample hadron multiplicities and total mass:'
+      kbar=keu+ked+kes
+      kpar=iabs(keu)+iabs(ked)+iabs(kes)
+      nbar=kbar/3.
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'baryon number:',nbar,' parton number:'
+     *,kpar
+      nn=2
+      if(ioinco.ne.2)then
+      nn=hgcndn(0)
+      else
+      nn=nh
+      endif
+      nb=iabs(nbar)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'<n>:',nh,' n_sample:',nn,' n_bar:',nb
+      if(nn.gt.nb.and.nb.ne.0.and.nb.ge.nh)nn=nb
+      if(nn.lt.nb.and.nb.ne.0)nn=nb
+      km=kpar-iabs(kbar)
+      nt=km/2+nb
+      if(nt.gt.nn)nn=nt
+      nn=max(nn,2)
+      if(ioinco.eq.2)then
+      nit=15*taue
+      else
+      itpn=100
+      nit=nn*itpn
+      endif
+      nbb=0
+      n=0
+c     start with nb protons
+      nptlgc(19)=nptlgc(19)+nb
+      n=nb
+      amtot=amtot+nb*aspecs(19)
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      k(ii)=k(ii)-ifok(ii,19)*nb
+      enddo
+      nbb=nbb+nb
+       do it=1,nit
+      xsp=nspecs
+      x0=0.5
+      xib=x0+xsp*rangen()
+      ib=nint(xib)
+      if(ib.gt.nspecs)ib=nspecs
+      if(ib.lt.1)ib=1
+      kb=ifok(1,ib)+ifok(2,ib)+ifok(3,ib)
+      if(rangen().lt.0.5.and.nptlgc(ib).ge.1)then
+      ni=-1
+      else
+      ni=1
+      endif
+      as=1.0
+      if(nptlgc(ib).eq.0)as=0.5
+      if(nptlgc(ib).eq.1.and.ni.eq.(-1))as=2.0
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)
+     *'id:',ispecs(ib),' <i>:',ptlngc(ib),' ni:',ni
+         if(ni.ne.0)then
+       if(ptlngc(ib).gt.5.0)then
+      pnla=hgcpnl(ib,0)
+      pnlb=hgcpnl(ib,ni)
+      pnlog=-pnla+pnlb
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'pnlog:',pnlog
+      if(pnlog.lt.60)then
+      pn=exp(pnlog)
+      else
+      pn=1.1
+      endif
+       else
+      if(ni.eq.1)then
+      pn=ptlngc(ib)/(nptlgc(ib)+1)
+      elseif(ni.eq.(-1).and.ptlngc(ib).gt.1.e-20)then
+      pn=nptlgc(ib)/ptlngc(ib)
+      elseif(nptlgc(ib).gt.0)then
+      pn=1.1
+      else
+      pn=0.0
+      endif
+       endif
+       pm=1.0
+       if(ioinfl.ge.0)then
+      pmla=hgcpml(ib,0,ib,0)
+      pmlb=hgcpml(ib,ni,ib,0)
+      pmlog=-pmla+pmlb
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'pmlog:',pmlog
+      if(pmlog.lt.60)then
+      pm=exp(pmlog)
+      else
+      pm=1.1
+      endif
+       endif
+      p=pn*pm*as
+      r=rangen()
+      if(r.le.p)then
+      nptlgc(ib)=nptlgc(ib)+ni
+      n=n+ni
+      amtot=amtot+ni*aspecs(ib)
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      k(ii)=k(ii)-ifok(ii,ib)*ni
+      enddo
+      if(kb.ne.0)nbb=nbb+ni
+      if(ish.ge.7.and.ni.gt.0)write(ifch,*)'add:'
+      if(ish.ge.7.and.ni.lt.0)write(ifch,*)'remove:'
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'id:',ispecs(ib),' <n_i>:',ptlngc(ib)
+     *,' n_i:',nptlgc(ib)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'<n>:',nn,' it:',it
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'<M>:',amgc,' M:',amtot
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'p:',p,' r:',r
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'flav defect: u:',k(1),' d:'
+     *,k(2),' s:',k(3)
+      if(n.ge.nn.and.ioinco.ne.2)goto102
+      endif
+       endif
+       enddo
+102   continue
+       ndd=0
+c      if(nbb.lt.nb)then
+c      nba=nb-nbb
+c     if(nbar.gt.0)then
+c     if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'add protons: nba:',nba
+c     nptlgc(19)=nptlgc(19)+nba
+c     n=n+nba
+c     amtot=amtot+aspecs(19)*nba
+c     elseif(nbar.lt.0)then
+c     if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'add aprotons: nba:',nba
+c     nptlgc(20)=nptlgc(20)+nba
+c     n=n+nba
+c     amtot=amtot+aspecs(20)*nba
+c     endif
+c      endif
+       if(n.lt.nn.and.ioinco.ne.2)then
+      ndd=nn-n
+      nd=mod(ndd,4)
+      xn=n
+      xnn=nn
+      xl=(xnn-xn)/4.
+      l=aint(xl)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'add pions/etas: ndd:',ndd
+     *,' l:',l,' nd:',nd
+        if(l.ge.1)then
+       do j=1,l
+      nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
+      nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
+      nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
+      nptlgc(8)=nptlgc(8)+1
+      amtot=amtot+aspecs(1)+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)+aspecs(8)
+       enddo
+        endif
+      if(nd.eq.1)then
+      nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
+      amtot=amtot+aspecs(1)
+      elseif(nd.eq.2)then
+      nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
+      nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
+      amtot=amtot+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)
+      elseif(nd.eq.3)then
+      nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
+      nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
+      nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
+      amtot=amtot+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)+aspecs(1)
+      endif
+       endif
+       if(n.eq.0.and.ioinco.eq.2)then
+      nptlgc(2)=nptlgc(2)+1
+      nptlgc(3)=nptlgc(3)+1
+      amtot=amtot+aspecs(2)+aspecs(3)
+       elseif(n.eq.1.and.ioinco.eq.2)then
+      nptlgc(1)=nptlgc(1)+1
+      amtot=amtot+aspecs(1)
+       endif
+      if(amtot.ge.tecm.and.ioinfl.ge.0)then
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)
+     *'total mass exceeded , redo configuration'
+      kk=kk+1
+      goto100
+      endif
+      iii=0
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)'u d s :',keu,ked,kes,' E:',tecm
+        write(ifch,*)
+     *'hadron set without flavor conservation:'
+      endif
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      n=nptlgc(i)
+      if(n.ge.1)then
+      do j=1,n
+      iii=iii+1
+      if(iii.gt.maxp)stop'iii>maxp in hgcnbi'
+      idp(iii)=ispecs(i)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,'(1x,10i6)')(idp(i),i=1,iii)
+        write(ifch,*)'flav defect: u:',k(1),' d:'
+     *,k(2),' s:',k(3)
+        write(ifch,*)'M:',amtot,' <M>:',amgc
+      endif
+      if(ioinfl.le.0)goto1000
+      ll=1
+      llmax=nn*25
+      ior=1
+120        if(k(1).ne.0.or.k(2).ne.0.or.k(3).ne.0)then
+        if(kk.gt.6)ior=0
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)
+     *'remaining flavor defect before operation:',ll
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'flav defect: u:',k(1),' d:'
+     *,k(2),' s:',k(3)
+      nida=0
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(nptlgc(i).gt.0)then
+      nida=nida+1
+      ida(nida)=i
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(nida.eq.0)then
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'no proposals in a , redo'
+      kk=kk+1
+      goto100
+      endif
+      xna=0.5+nida*rangen()
+      na=nint(xna)
+      if(na.gt.nida)na=nida
+      if(na.lt.1)na=1
+      ia=ida(na)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'nida:',nida,' ia:',ia
+      nidb=0
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      kp(ii)=k(ii)+ifok(ii,ia)
+      kps(ii)=isign(1,kp(ii))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)
+     *'   assemble: u:',kp(1),' d:',kp(2),' s:',kp(3)
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      iacc=0
+      naccsp=0
+      naccmi=1
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      naccsp=naccsp+iabs(ifok(ii,i))
+      if(kp(ii).ne.0)then
+      if(kps(ii)*ifok(ii,i).le.kps(ii)*kp(ii)
+     *.and.kps(ii)*ifok(ii,i).gt.0)iacc=iacc+iabs(ifok(ii,i))
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(kp(1).eq.0.and.kp(2).eq.0.and.kp(3).eq.0)naccmi=0
+      if(iacc.eq.naccsp.and.naccsp.ge.naccmi)then
+      nidb=nidb+1
+      idb(nidb)=i
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(nidb.eq.0)then
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'no proposals in b , redo'
+      kk=kk+1
+      goto100
+      endif
+      xnb=0.5+nidb*rangen()
+      nb=nint(xnb)
+      if(nb.gt.nidb)nb=nidb
+      if(nb.lt.1)nb=1
+      ib=idb(nb)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'nidb:',nidb,' ib:',ib
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)
+     *'proposal:',ispecs(ia),' --> ',ispecs(ib)
+      asym=1.0
+c      if(asym.gt.0.0)then
+       if(ptlngc(ia).gt.5.0)then
+      pnali=hgcpnl(ia,0)
+      pnalf=hgcpnl(ia,-1)
+      pnalog=-pnali+pnalf
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'pnalog:',pnalog
+      if(pnalog.lt.60)then
+      pna=exp(pnalog)
+      else
+      pna=1.1
+      endif
+       else
+      if(ptlngc(ia).gt.1.e-20)then
+      pna=nptlgc(ia)/ptlngc(ia)
+      elseif(nptlgc(ia).gt.0)then
+      pna=1.1
+      else
+      pna=0.0
+      endif
+       endif
+       if(ptlngc(ib).gt.5.0)then
+      pnbli=hgcpnl(ib,0)
+      pnblf=hgcpnl(ib,1)
+      pnblog=-pnbli+pnblf
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'pnblog:',pnblog
+      if(pnblog.lt.60)then
+      pnb=exp(pnblog)
+      else
+      pnb=1.1
+      endif
+       else
+      pnb=ptlngc(ib)/(nptlgc(ib)+1)
+       endif
+      pmli=hgcpml(ia,0,ib,0)
+      pmlf=hgcpml(ia,-1,ib,1)
+      pmlog=-pmli+pmlf
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'pmlog:',pmlog
+      if(pmlog.lt.60)then
+      pm=exp(pmlog)
+      else
+      pm=1.1
+      endif
+      p=pna*pnb*pm*asym
+      if(ior.eq.0)then
+      r=0.0
+      else
+      r=rangen()
+      endif
+c      else
+c     r=1.0
+c     p=0.0
+c      endif
+       if(r.lt.p)then
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'p:',p,' r:',r,' asymmetry:',asym
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'remove ',ispecs(ia),'  add ',ispecs(ib)
+     *,'  proposal accepted'
+      nptlgc(ia)=nptlgc(ia)-1
+      nptlgc(ib)=nptlgc(ib)+1
+      amtot=amtot-aspecs(ia)+aspecs(ib)
+      do ii=1,nflavs
+      k(ii)=k(ii)+ifok(ii,ia)-ifok(ii,ib)
+      enddo
+       endif
+        if(k(1).ne.0.or.k(2).ne.0.or.k(3).ne.0)then
+       ll=ll+1
+      if(ll.le.llmax)then
+      goto120
+      else
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'failed to remove defect, redo'
+      kk=kk+1
+      goto100
+       endif
+        endif
+         endif
+1000  continue
+      nump=0
+      kcu=0
+      kcd=0
+      kcs=0
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      n=nptlgc(i)
+      if(n.ge.1)then
+      do j=1,n
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=ispecs(i)
+      kcu=kcu+ifok(1,i)
+      kcd=kcd+ifok(2,i)
+      kcs=kcs+ifok(3,i)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      enddo
+          if(ioinfl.gt.0)then
+        if(kcu.ne.keu.or.kcd.ne.ked.or.kcs.ne.kes)then
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)
+     *'failed to remove flavor defect, redo configuration'
+      kk=kk+1
+      goto100
+        endif
+          endif
+      if(ioinct.ge.1)then
+        chitot=0.0
+        nutot=nspecs
+        do i=1,nspecs
+        chi=0.0
+        if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-10)chi=(ptlngc(i)-nptlgc(i))/rmsngc(i)
+        chitot=chitot+chi**2
+        enddo
+        call xhgccc(chitot)
+        u=0
+        d=0
+        s=0
+        do i=1,nspecs
+        u=u+ifok(1,i)*nptlgc(i)
+        d=d+ifok(2,i)*nptlgc(i)
+        s=s+ifok(3,i)*nptlgc(i)
+        enddo
+        call xhgcfl(u,d,s,0)
+        call xhgcam(amtot,0)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)
+     *'initial hadron set for droplet decay:'
+        write(ifch,'(1x,10i6)')(ihadro(i),i=1,nump)
+      endif
+       if(nump.ge.nlattc)then
+         nlattc=nump+1
+         if(ish.ge.7)then
+           write(ifch,*)'initial set > nlattc !'
+           write(ifch,*)'new nlattc:',nlattc
+         endif
+       endif
+       if(ish.ge.7)then
+         write(ifch,*)'keu:',kef(1),' kcu:',kcu,' ku:',k(1)
+         write(ifch,*)'ked:',kef(2),' kcd:',kcd,' kd:',k(2)
+         write(ifch,*)'kes:',kef(3),' kcs:',kcs,' ks:',k(3)
+         write(ifch,*)' nh:',nh,' nump:',nump
+         write(ifch,*)' nu:',nutot,'  chi^2:',chitot
+         write(ifch,*)'iozero:',iozero,'  iomom:',iomom
+         write(ifch,*)
+     *'total mass:',amtot,' droplet mass:',tecm
+         write(ifch,*)'trials needed:',kk
+     *,' operations needed:',ll
+         write(ifch,*)'iterations:',it,' pions added:',ndd
+         write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hgcnbi ',('-',i=1,10)
+       endif
+      ish=isho
+      return
+      end
+      integer function hgcndn(i)
+c returns random multiplicity from gaussian distribution for species i
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      common/clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      a=iowidn
+      kk=0
+       if(i.eq.0)then
+1     continue
+      kk=kk+1
+      p=0.0
+      nmin=2
+      nh=nint(ptltot)
+      nmax=nlattc
+      xn=1.5+(nmax-nmin)*rangen()
+      n=nint(xn)
+      x=(n-ptltot)**2/2.0
+      y=-70.
+      if(rmstot.gt.1.e-15)y=-x/rmstot**2*a**2
+      if(y.lt.70.)p=exp(y)
+      if(rmstot.gt.1.e-15.and.iowidn.lt.0)p=p/sqrt(2.*pi)/rmstot
+      if(p.ge.rangen())then
+      hgcndn=n
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
+      return
+      else
+      if(kk.le.25)goto1
+      hgcndn=max(2,nh)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
+      return
+      endif
+       else
+2     continue
+      kk=kk+1
+      p=0.0
+      nmin=0
+      nh=nint(ptlngc(i))
+      nmax=2*nh
+      nmax=max(2,nmax)
+      xn=-0.5+(nmax-nmin)*rangen()
+      n=nint(xn)
+      x=(n-ptlngc(i))**2/2.0
+      if(x.lt.1.e-30)then
+      p=1.
+      else
+      y=-70.
+      if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-15)y=-x/rmsngc(i)**2
+      if(y.lt.70.)p=exp(y)
+      if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-15.and.iowidn.lt.0)
+     *p=p/sqrt(2.*pi)/rmsngc(i)
+      endif
+      if(p.ge.rangen())then
+      hgcndn=n
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
+      return
+      else
+      if(kk.le.25)goto2
+      hgcndn=nh
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hgcndn: k:',kk,' n:',hgcndn
+      return
+      endif
+       endif
+      end
+      function hgcpml(i1,n1,i2,n2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/camgc/amgc,samgc,amtot
+      common/cgcnb/nptlgc(mspecs)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'i1:',i1,' i2:',i2
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'n1:',n1,' n2:',n2
+      hgcpml=-1.e30
+      ampr=n1*aspecs(i1)+n2*aspecs(i2)
+      if((amtot+ampr).lt.tecm.and.(amtot+ampr).ge.0
+     *.and.nptlgc(i1).ge.(-n1).and.nptlgc(i2).ge.(-n2))then
+      hgcpml=0.0
+      pl=(amtot-amgc+ampr)**2/2.0
+      if(pl.lt.1.e-30)then
+      hgcpml=0.0
+      return
+      endif
+      if(samgc.gt.1.e-15)hgcpml=-pl/samgc**2
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hgcpml:',hgcpml
+      return
+      end
+      function hgcpnl(i,n)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cgcnb/nptlgc(mspecs)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'i:',i,' n:',n
+      hgcpnl=-1.e30
+      if(nptlgc(i).ge.(-n))then
+      pl=(nptlgc(i)-ptlngc(i)+n)**2/2.0
+      if(pl.lt.1.e-30)then
+      hgcpnl=0.0
+      return
+      endif
+      if(rmsngc(i).gt.1.e-15)hgcpnl=-pl/rmsngc(i)**2
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'hgcpnl:',hgcpnl
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgcpen
+c returns array for twodimensional plot of energy- and flavor-
+c density
+c xpar1,xpar2 temperature range
+c xpar3       # of bins for temperature
+c xpar4,xpar5 chem.pot. range
+c xpar6       # of bins for chem.pot.
+c xpar7       max. density
+c xpar8       strange chem.pot.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      parameter (nbin=100)
+      real edensi(nbin,nbin),qdensi(nbin,nbin)
+      external hgcfhe
+      external hgcfhn
+      external hgcfbe
+      external hgcfbn
+      iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
+c     initialization
+c     --------------
+      if(iug.eq.1)nflavs=1
+      if(iug.eq.3)nflavs=2
+      if(iug.eq.5)nflavs=2
+      if(iug.eq.7)nflavs=3
+      if(iug.eq.9)nflavs=3
+      if(iug.eq.11)nflavs=3
+      tem=0.0
+      do i=1,nflavs
+      chem(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      call hgchac(0)
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      ptlngc(i)=0.0
+      rmsngc(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      nbt=nint(xpar3)
+      nbc=nint(xpar6)
+      nbc=min(nbc,100)
+      nbt=min(nbt,100)
+      dt=(xpar2-xpar1)/nbt
+      dc=(xpar5-xpar4)/nbc
+      ymax=xpar7
+      cs=xpar8
+      t0=xpar1+dt/2.
+      c0=xpar4+dc/2
+      do i=1,nbc
+      chem(1)=c0+(i-1)*dc
+      chem(2)=chem(1)
+      chem(3)=cs
+      chem(4)=0.0
+      chem(5)=0.0
+      chem(6)=0.0
+      call hgchac(0)
+      do ii=1,nbt
+      tem=t0+(ii-1)*dt
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)' mu:',chem(1),' T:',tem
+       qd=0.0
+       ed=0.0
+      do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      hden=0.0
+      elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hden)
+      elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfbn,a,b,hden)
+      endif
+      hd=hden*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'i:',ians,' n_u:',ifok(1,ians),' hd:',hd
+      qd=qd+ifok(1,ians)*hd+ifok(2,ians)*hd
+      if(qd.gt.ymax)qd=ymax
+c     if(qd.gt.ymax)qd=0.0
+      if(qd.lt.-ymax)qd=-ymax
+c     if(qd.lt.-ymax)qd=0.0
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      edi=0.0
+      elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,edi)
+      elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfbe,a,b,edi)
+      endif
+      edi=edi*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'i:',ians,' mu:',chemgc(ians)
+     *                        ,' edi:',edi
+      ed=ed+edi
+      if(ed.gt.ymax)ed=ymax
+c     if(ed.gt.ymax)ed=0.0
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)' ed:',ed,' qd:',qd
+      edensi(i,ii)=ed
+      qdensi(i,ii)=qd
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
+      do j=1,nbc
+      do jj=1,nbt
+      write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') edensi(j,jj)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
+      do j=1,nbc
+      do jj=1,nbt
+      write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') qdensi(j,jj)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+        return
+        end
+      subroutine hgcpfl
+c returns array for twodimensional plot of energy- and flavor-
+c density fluctuations
+c xpar1,xpar2 temperature range
+c xpar3       # of bins for temperature
+c xpar4,xpar5 chem.pot. range
+c xpar6       # of bins for chem.pot.
+c xpar7       max. density
+c xpar8       strange chem.pot.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cflavs/nflavs,kef(nflav),chem(nflav)
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      parameter (nbin=100)
+      real efl(nbin,nbin),qfl(nbin,nbin),v(nbin),wn(nbin),we(nbin)
+      external hgcfhf
+      external hgcfhe
+      external hgcfhn
+      external hgcfhw
+      external hgcfbf
+      external hgcfbe
+      external hgcfbn
+      iug=(1+iospec)/2*2-1
+c     initialization
+c     --------------
+      if(iug.eq.1)nflavs=1
+      if(iug.eq.3)nflavs=2
+      if(iug.eq.5)nflavs=2
+      if(iug.eq.7)nflavs=3
+      if(iug.eq.9)nflavs=3
+      if(iug.eq.11)nflavs=3
+      tem=0.0
+      do i=1,nflavs
+      chem(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      call hgchac(0)
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      ptlngc(i)=0.0
+      rmsngc(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      nbt=nint(xpar3)
+      nbv=nint(xpar6)
+      nbv=min(nbv,100)
+      nbt=min(nbt,100)
+      dt=(xpar2-xpar1)/nbt
+      dv=(xpar5-xpar4)/nbv
+      ymax=1.e20
+      chem(1)=xpar7
+      chem(2)=xpar7
+      chem(3)=xpar8
+      call hgchac(0)
+      t0=xpar1+dt/2.
+      v0=xpar4
+      do i=1,nbv
+      volu=v0+(i-1)*dv
+      do ii=1,nbt
+      tem=t0+(ii-1)*dt
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'volu:',volu,' tem:',tem
+       ev=0.0
+       ee=0.0
+       qv=0.0
+       qe=0.0
+      do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      hn=0.0
+      hv=0.0
+      elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hn)
+      call uttraq(hgcfhw,a,b,hv)
+      elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfbn,a,b,hn)
+      hv=hn
+      endif
+      hn=hn*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      hv=hv*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'hn:',hn,' hv:',hv
+      hn=max(hn,1.e-15)
+      qv=qv+hv
+      qe=qe+hn
+      if(qv.gt.ymax)qv=ymax
+      if(qe.gt.ymax)qe=ymax
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      eei=0.0
+      evi=0.0
+      elseif(iostat.eq.0)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,eei)
+      call uttraq(hgcfhf,a,b,evi)
+      elseif(iostat.eq.1)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfbe,a,b,eei)
+      call uttraq(hgcfbf,a,b,evi)
+      endif
+      eei=eei*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      evi=evi*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'eei:',eei,' evi:',evi
+      eei=max(eei,1.e-15)
+      ev=ev+evi
+      ee=ee+eei
+      if(ev.gt.ymax)ev=ymax
+      if(ee.gt.ymax)ee=ymax
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'qv:',qv,' ev:',ev
+      qfl(i,ii)=0.
+      efl(i,ii)=0.
+      if(ev.gt.0.0.and.ee.gt.1.e-15)efl(i,ii)=sqrt(ev)/ee
+      if(qv.gt.0.0.and.ee.gt.1.e-15)qfl(i,ii)=sqrt(qv)/qe
+      if(tem.eq.0.195)then
+      we(i)=efl(i,ii)
+      wn(i)=qfl(i,ii)
+      v(i)=volu
+      endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
+      do j=1,nbv
+      do jj=1,nbt
+      write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') efl(j,jj)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar1,xpar2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange',xpar4,xpar5
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',nbt
+      do j=1,nbv
+      do jj=1,nbt
+      write(ifhi,'(e11.3)') qfl(j,jj)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'newpage zone 1 2 1'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar4,xpar5
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array 2'
+      do j=1,nbv
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')v(j),we(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xpar4,xpar5
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array 2'
+      do j=1,nbv
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')v(j),wn(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+        return
+        end
+      subroutine hgcpyi(ist)
+c returns particle yield
+c input:
+c   tem   : temperature
+c   chemgc: chemical potentials
+c output:
+c   ptlngc: expectation value of particle number for each species
+c   rmsngc: standard deviation of ptlngc
+c   ptltot: total particle number
+c   rmstot: standard deviation of ptltot
+c works for hadrons and partons
+c  ist=1 boltzmann statistics
+c  ist=0 quantum statistics
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      common/camgc/amgc,samgc,amtot
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcfhw
+      external hgcfhn
+       if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)then
+c     parton yield
+c     ------------
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'parton yield:'
+      gln=16.*1.20206*tem**3/pi**2*volu/hquer**3
+      sdg=sqrt(gln)   !!???
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(1x,a,f10.4,2x,a,f9.4,a)')
+     *'<N(    0)> :',gln,' sigma :',sdg,' (qm-statistics!)'
+      ptltot=gln
+      rmstot=0.0
+      vartot=gln
+       else
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'hadronic yield:'
+      ptltot=0.0
+      rmstot=0.0
+      vartot=0.0
+       endif
+      amgc=0.0
+      samgc=0.0
+       do ians=1,nspecs
+c     hadronic yield
+c     --------------
+       if(ist.eq.0)then
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      hden=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfhn,a,b,hden)
+      endif
+      ptlngc(ians)=hden*volu*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+       else
+       if((chemgc(ians)/tem).gt.70.)then
+      hpd=1.e30
+       else
+      hpd=exp(chemgc(ians)/tem)
+       endif
+       if(aspecs(ians).ne.0.)then
+      fk2=hgcbk(2,aspecs(ians)/tem)
+      hpd=hpd*gspecs(ians)*aspecs(ians)**2*tem*fk2
+     */2./pi**2/hquer**3
+       else
+      hpd=hpd*gspecs(ians)*tem**3/pi**2/hquer**3
+       endif
+      ptlngc(ians)=hpd*volu
+       endif
+      ptltot=ptltot+ptlngc(ians)
+      amgc=amgc+ptlngc(ians)*aspecs(ians)
+      if(amgc.ge.tecm)amgc=tecm*0.9
+c     standard deviation
+c     ------------------
+      rmsngc(ians)=0.0
+       if(ist.eq.0)then
+      call uttraq(hgcfhw,a,b,var)
+      var=var*gspecs(ians)*volu/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      vartot=vartot+var
+      if(var.ge.0.0)rmsngc(ians)=sqrt(var)
+      samgc=samgc+var*aspecs(ians)
+       else
+      if(ptlngc(ians).ge.0.0)rmsngc(ians)=sqrt(ptlngc(ians))
+      vartot=vartot+ptlngc(ians)
+      samgc=samgc+ptlngc(ians)*aspecs(ians)
+       endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(2x,a,i5,a,2x,f8.4,5x,a,3x,f8.4)')
+     *'m(',ispecs(ians),')  :',aspecs(ians),'mu :',chemgc(ians)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i5,a,2x,f8.4,2x,a,2x,f10.4)')
+     *'<N(',ispecs(ians),')> :',ptlngc(ians),'sigma :',rmsngc(ians)
+       enddo
+      if(vartot.ge.0.0)rmstot=sqrt(vartot)
+      if(samgc.ge.0.0)samgc=sqrt(samgc)
+      if(amgc.ge.tecm)samgc=sqrt(amgc)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(1x,a,2x,f8.4,2x,a,2x,f10.4)')
+     *'<N(  all)> :',ptltot,'sigma :',rmstot
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(1x,a,2x,f8.4,2x,a,2x,f10.4)')
+     *'<M_tot>    :',amgc,'sigma :',samgc
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hgctbo(iba)
+c returns new tem using boltzmann statistics in analytic form
+c  input:
+c    chemgc
+c    tecm/volu
+c  output:
+c    tem
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcbk
+      external hgcbk1
+      iba=0
+      k=1
+      t1=0.0
+      t2=1.0
+      goto15
+10    tem=t1+.5*(t2-t1)
+      if(tem.le.1.e-7)return
+15    eden=0.0
+        do i=1,nspecs
+       if(aspecs(i).ne.0)then
+      if(tem.ne.0.)arr=aspecs(i)/tem
+      cba=(aspecs(i)/tem+12.*tem/aspecs(i)-3.*chemgc(i)/aspecs(i))
+     **hgcbk(2,arr)+(3.-chemgc(i)/tem)*hgcbk1(arr)
+       else
+      cba=4.*tem-chemgc(i)
+       endif
+      if(cba.lt.0.0)then
+      iba=1
+      return
+      endif
+      x=0.
+      if(tem.ne.0.)x=chemgc(i)/tem
+       if(x.le.70.)then
+      y=exp(x)
+       else
+      y=1.e30
+       endif
+       if(aspecs(i).ne.0.)then
+      edi=y*(3./arr*hgcbk(2,arr)+hgcbk1(arr))
+     **gspecs(i)*aspecs(i)**3*tem/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+       else
+      edi=y*3.*gspecs(i)*tem**4/pi**2/hquer**3
+       endif
+      eden=eden+edi
+        enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
+     *eden=eden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
+      de=abs(eden-(tecm/volu))
+      if(de.le.gen*(tecm/volu).or.de.le.genm)return
+c     if(eden.ge.100.)return
+       if(eden.gt.(tecm/volu))then
+      t2=tem
+      else
+      t1=tem
+       endif
+       if(k.gt.300)return
+      k=k+1
+      goto10
+      end
+      subroutine hgctex
+c returns new tem using massive quantum statistics in integral form
+c  input:
+c    chemgc
+c    tecm/volu
+c  output:
+c    tem
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      external hgcfhe
+      k=1
+      t1=0.0
+      t2=tem+0.1
+      goto15
+c     new temperature
+c     ---------------
+10    tem=t1+.5*(t2-t1)
+15    continue
+      if(tem.le.1.e-6)return
+      eden=0.0
+       do ians=1,nspecs
+      call hgclim(a,b)
+      if(b.eq.0.0)then
+      edi=0.0
+      else
+      call uttraq(hgcfhe,a,b,edi)
+      endif
+      edi=edi*gspecs(ians)/2./pi**2/hquer**3
+      eden=eden+edi
+       enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
+     *eden=eden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
+      de=abs(eden-(tecm/volu))
+      if(de.le.gen*(tecm/volu).or.de.le.genm)return
+       if(eden.gt.(tecm/volu))then
+      t2=tem
+      else
+      t1=tem
+       endif
+       if(k.gt.300)then
+       if(ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,*)'failure in tex'
+      return
+       endif
+      k=k+1
+      goto10
+      end
+      subroutine hgctm0
+c returns new tem using massless quantum statistics in analytic form
+c  input:
+c    chemgc
+c    tecm/volu
+c  output:
+c    tem
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/ciakt/gen,iafs,ians,genm
+      k=1
+      t1=0.0
+      t2=1.0
+10    tem=t1+.5*(t2-t1)
+      if(tem.le.1.e-6)return
+      eden=0.0
+        do i=1,nspecs
+      igsp=int(gspecs(i))
+      if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0)then
+      edhm0=7./240.*pi**2*tem**4+chemgc(i)**2*tem**2/8.
+     *+chemgc(i)**4/pi**2/16.
+      else
+      edhm0=pi**2*tem**4/30.+chemgc(i)**2*tem**2/4.
+     *-chemgc(i)**4/pi**2/16.
+      endif
+      edi=edhm0*gspecs(i)/hquer**3
+      eden=eden+edi
+        enddo
+      if(iabs(ispecs(nspecs)).lt.10)
+     *eden=eden+(8.*pi**2*tem**4/15.+bag4rt**4)/hquer**3
+      de=abs(eden-(tecm/volu))
+      if(de.le.gen*(tecm/volu).or.de.le.genm)return
+       if(eden.gt.(tecm/volu))then
+      t2=tem
+      else
+      t1=tem
+       endif
+       if(k.gt.300)then
+       if(ish.ge.5)
+     *write(ifch,*)'failure in tm0'
+      return
+       endif
+      k=k+1
+      goto10
+      end
+      subroutine hnbcor(mode)
+c determines(mode=1) and plots (mode=2) two particle  correlations
+c for the configurations /confg/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer bns
+      parameter (maxp=500,bns=100)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      dimension zwei(bns),zz(bns)!,phi(bns),yy(bns)
+      common/cor/wert(bns),cwert(bns)
+      character*6 cen,cvol
+           if(mode.eq.1)then
+      nctcor=nctcor+1
+      if(nctcor.eq.1)then
+      do nn=1,bns
+      wert(nn)=0
+      cwert(nn)=0
+      enddo
+      endif
+      ll=0
+      do ii=1,np-1
+      do jj=ii+1,np
+      ll=ll+1
+      prod=0
+      do kk=1,3
+      prod=prod+pcm(kk,ii)*pcm(kk,jj)
+      enddo
+      cs=prod/pcm(5,ii)/pcm(5,jj)
+      if(abs(cs).gt.1.)then
+      cs=aint(cs)
+      ang=acos(cs)
+      else
+      ang=acos(cs)
+      endif
+      if(cs.eq.1.)then
+      nk=bns
+      nw=1
+      elseif(ang.eq.pi)then
+      nk=1
+      nw=bns
+      else
+      nw=1+aint(ang/pi*bns)
+      nk=1+aint((cs+1.)/2.*bns)
+      endif
+      nw=min(nw,bns)
+      nk=min(nk,bns)
+      wert(nw)=wert(nw)+1
+      cwert(nk)=cwert(nk)+1
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           elseif(mode.eq.2)then
+      do mm=1,bns
+c      phi(mm)=.5*pi/bns+(mm-1)*pi/bns
+      zwei(mm)=.5*2./bns+(mm-1)*2./bns-1.
+c      yy(mm)=wert(mm)/nctcor
+      zz(mm)=cwert(mm)/nctcor
+      enddo
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'newpage zone 1 1 1 openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'xrange -1 1'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis cosine"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis counts"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'array 2'
+         do mm=1,bns
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')zwei(mm),zz(mm)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbfac(faclog)
+c  returns log of factor for phase space weight
+c  faclog= log{ prod[ m_i*(2*s_i+1)*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3/(n_l+1-i) ] }
+c      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+c  corresponds to eq. 67 of micro paper :
+c         Cvol * Cdeg * Cident * Cmicro
+c    the factors partly compensate each other !!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+c      integer ii(maxp)
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      faclog=0
+c sum_i log m_i*g_i*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3/(n_l+1-i) -> flog
+      flog=0
+      do i=1,np
+      call hnbfaf(i,gg,am,ioma)
+      flog=flog+alog(gg*am*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3/(nlattc+1-i))
+      enddo
+      faclog=faclog+flog
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbfaf(i,gg,am,ioma)
+c  returns degeneracy gg and mass am  for factor f5
+      common/metr1/iospec,iocova,iopair,iozero,ioflac,iomom
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/drop6/tecm,volu
+      ioma=5
+      hquer=0.197327
+      cc=0.216416
+      dd=13.773935
+      call hnbspi(ident(i),spideg)
+      gg=spideg
+      if(ioma.eq.1)am=amass(i)
+      if(ioma.eq.2)am=tecm/np
+      if(ioma.eq.3)am=1
+      if(ioma.eq.4)
+     *am=cc*dd*gg**(-0.25)*(tecm/volu)**(0.25)*hquer**(0.75)
+      if(ioma.eq.5)am=0.5   ! 1GeV / 2  (dimension energy)
+      if(iocova.eq.2)then
+      am=0.5                ! 1 / 2     (no dimension)
+      ioma=0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine hnbids(jc,ids,iwts,i)
+cc  returns i id-codes ids() corr to jc  and their weights iwts()
+c      parameter (mxids=200,mspecs=56,nflav=6)
+c      common/metr1/iospec,iocova,iopair,iozero,ioflac,iomom
+c      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+c      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+c      integer ids(mxids),jc(nflav,2),iwts(mxids),jc1mi2(nflav)
+c      if(nspecs+1.gt.mxids)call utstop('hnbids: mxids too small&')
+c      do n=1,nflav
+c      jc1mi2(n)=jc(n,1)-jc(n,2)
+c      enddo
+c      i=0
+c      do n=1,nflav
+c      if(jc1mi2(n).ne.0)goto1
+c      enddo
+c      i=i+1
+c      ids(i)=0
+c      iwts(i)=iozero
+c    1 continue
+c           do j=1,nspecs
+c      do n=1,nflav
+c      if(jc1mi2(n).ne.ifok(n,j))goto2
+c      enddo
+c      i=i+1
+c      ids(i)=ispecs(j)
+c      iwts(i)=1
+c    2 continue
+c           enddo
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine hnbiiw(x,f,df)
+c returns fctn value and first derivative at x of the
+c i-th integrated weight fctn minus random number
+c for the asympotic phase space integral.
+c input:
+c   x:   x-value
+c   iii: i-value (via common/ciiw/iii,rrr)
+c   rrr: random number   ( " )
+c output:
+c   f:   fctn value
+c   df:  first derivative
+      common/ciiw/iii,rrr
+      i=iii
+      f=x**(2*i-2)*(i-(i-1)*x**2)-rrr
+      df=2*i*(i-1)*(x**(2*i-3)-x**(2*i-1))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbini(iret)
+c  generates initial configuration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/crnoz/rnoz(maxp-1)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      common/cfact/faclog
+      common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      parameter(maxit=50000)
+      common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
+      common/ctaue/taue
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbini ',('-',i=1,30)
+      iter=0
+      nlattc=8*(tecm/10)*(1/(tecm/volu))**0.2*(nspecs/3.)**0.3
+      if(aspecs(1).lt.0.010)nlattc=nlattc*3
+      nlattc=max(nlattc,20)
+      if(iternc.lt.0)iternc=1.500*nlattc
+      itermx=iterma
+      if(itermx.le.0)then
+        e=tecm/volu
+        b=1.1*(e+0.33)**0.66
+        a=13.*(e+0.13)**(-0.65)
+        tm=34.*(e+0.65)**(-0.61)
+        t=a+b*volu
+        taue=max(t,tm)
+        itermx=(-itermx)*taue
+      else
+        taue=0
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'itermx:',itermx
+      if(iternc.gt.itermx/2)iternc=itermx/2
+      if(ioinco.eq.0)then
+            call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+            if(iograc.eq.1)call hgcaaa
+      elseif(ioinco.ge.1)then
+            nk=keu+ked+ked+kec
+            if(tecm.lt.1.5.and.nk.eq.0)then
+                      call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+            elseif(tecm.lt.2.0.and.nk.ne.0)then
+                      call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+            else
+                      call hgcaaa
+                      call hgcnbi(iret)
+                      if(iret.eq.1)then
+                        call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+                        if(ish.ge.5)then
+                          write(ifch,*)'hadron set from hnbmin:'
+                          write(ifch,'(10i6)')(ihadro(k),k=1,nump)
+                        endif
+                      endif
+           endif
+      endif
+      np=nump+nadd
+      if(np.gt.maxp)stop'np too large'
+      nlattc=max(nlattc,1+int(np*1.2))
+c      print *,np,nlattc
+      if(nlattc-1.gt.maxp)stop'maxp too small'
+      do i= 1, nlattc-1
+      rnoz(i)=rangen()
+      enddo
+      if(nadd.gt.0)then
+      do i=nump+1,np
+      ihadro(i)=110
+      enddo
+      endif
+           do i=1,np
+      ident(i)=ihadro(i)
+      amass(i)=-1
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
+      amass(i)=aspecs(j)
+      goto1
+      endif
+      enddo
+    1 continue
+      if(amass(i).lt.0.)
+     *call utstop('hnbini: invalid particle species&')
+           enddo
+      if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody    !covariant
+      if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz    !noncovariant
+      call hnbfac(faclog)
+      wtlog=wtxlog+faclog
+      iret=0
+      if(wtlog.le.-0.99999E+35)then
+        if(ish.ge.1) then
+          call utmsg('hnbini')
+          write(ifch,*)'*****  wtlog for initl config < -1E+35'
+          write(ifch,*)'***** wtlog:',wtlog
+          write(ifch,*)'***** droplet mass:',tecm
+          write(ifch,*)'***** flavour:'
+          write(ifch,*)'*****',keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket
+          write(ifch,'(1x,a,1x,10i6)')'*****',(ihadro(i),i=1,nump)
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        iret=1
+        goto1000
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)'initial configuration:'
+        call hnbwri
+      endif
+      itermx=iterma
+      if(itermx.le.0)then
+      e=tecm/volu
+      b=1.1*(e+0.33)**0.66
+      a=13.*(e+0.13)**(-0.65)
+      tm=34.*(e+0.65)**(-0.61)
+      t=a+b*volu
+      taue=max(t,tm)
+      itermx=(-itermx)*taue
+      else
+      taue=0
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'itermx:',itermx
+      if(iternc.gt.itermx/2)iternc=itermx/2
+      nacc=0
+      nrej=0
+ 1000 continue
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbini ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine hnbint(tecmx,nevtxx,nsho)
+cc  calculates phase space integral of the minimal hadron configuration
+cc  compatibel with keu, ked, kes, kec for a total mass of tecm
+cc  by employing nevtxx simulations and printing results every nsho events
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(maxp=500)
+c      common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
+c      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+c      tecm=tecmx
+c      write(ifch,*)
+c      write(ifch,'(1x,a,4i3,a,f10.4)')'droplet id:',keu,ked,kes,kec
+c     *,'   droplet mass:',tecm
+c      call hnbmin(keu,ked,kes,kec)
+c      np=nump
+c      if(np.gt.maxp)stop'np too large'
+c      do i=1,np
+c      id=ihadro(i)
+c      if(id.eq.30)then
+c          call idmass(2130,am)
+c          amass(i)=2*am-0.100
+c      else
+c         call idmass(id,amass(i))
+c      endif
+c      enddo
+c      wts=0
+c      n=0
+c           do ll=1,nevtxx
+c      n=n+1
+c      if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody
+c      if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz
+c      wt=exp(wtxlog)
+c      wts=wts+wt
+c      if(mod(n,nsho).eq.0)
+c     *write(ifch,'(a,i7,3x,a,e13.6,3x,a,e13.6,3x,a,e13.6)')
+c     *'n:',n,'weight:',wt,'wts/n:',wts/n,'error:',wts/n/sqrt(1.*n)
+c           enddo
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine hnbmet
+c  change (or not) configuration via metropolis
+c  configuration=np,tecm,amass(),ident(),pcm(),volu,wtlog
+c    (common /confg/)
+c  nlattc (in /clatt/) must be set before calling this routine
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/crnoz/rnoz(maxp-1)
+      real rnozo(maxp-1)
+      common/cfact/faclog
+      dimension amasso(maxp),idento(maxp),pcmo(5,maxp)
+      integer jc(nflav,2),jc1(nflav,2),jc2(nflav,2)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (literm=500)
+      common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
+     *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
+c      parameter (mxpair=mspecs**2*4)
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      parameter (nhise=100)
+      common/chise/hise(mspecs,nhise)
+      integer id1old(2),id2old(2),id1new(2),id2new(2)
+      parameter(maxit=50000)
+      common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbmet ',('-',i=1,30)
+        write(ifch,'(1x,a,i4)')'iteration:',iter
+      endif
+      if(mod(iter,iterpr).eq.0)write(ifmt,*)'iteration:',iter
+      if(maxp.gt.np)then
+      do n=np+1,maxp
+      ident(n)=0
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     for iter=1
+c     ----------
+           if(iter.eq.1)then
+      liter=1
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      kspecs(i)=0
+      nptot=0
+      do li=1,literm
+      lspecs(li,i)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do li=1,literm
+      iterc(li)=0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,mspecs
+      do i=1,nhise
+      hise(j,i)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      call hnbzmu(-1)
+           endif
+c     remember old configuration
+c     --------------------------
+      wtlo=wtlog
+      wtlox=wtxlog
+      faclo=faclog
+      npo=np
+      if(np-1.gt.0)then
+      do i=1,np-1
+      rnozo(i)=rnoz(i)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(np.gt.0)then
+      do i=1,np
+      amasso(i)=amass(i)
+      idento(i)=ident(i)
+      do j=1,5
+      pcmo(j,i)=pcm(j,i)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     determine pair, construct new pair, update ident
+c     ------------------------------------------------
+      xab=1
+      xba=1
+           if(iopair.eq.1)then
+c     (single pair method)
+      call hnbpad(1,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc)
+      id1old(1)=ident(n1)
+      id2old(1)=ident(n2)
+      id1old(2)=0
+      id2old(2)=0
+      call hnbpaj(jc,iwpair,id1,id2)
+      ident(n1)=id1
+      ident(n2)=id2
+      call hnbrmz
+      id1new(1)=id1
+      id2new(1)=id2
+      id1new(2)=0
+      id2new(2)=0
+      xab=1
+      xba=1
+      nzold=0
+      if(id1old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
+      if(id2old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
+      nznew=0
+      if(id1new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
+      if(id2new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
+c     determine 2 pairs, construct 2 new pairs, update ident
+c     ------------------------------------------------------
+           elseif(iopair.eq.2)then
+c     (double pair method)
+      kkk=0
+   25 call hnbpad(1,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc)
+      kkk=kkk+1
+      id1old(1)=ident(n1)
+      id2old(1)=ident(n2)
+      call hnbpai(id1,id2,jc1)
+      ident(n1)=id1
+      ident(n2)=id2
+      id1new(1)=id1
+      id2new(1)=id2
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-jc1(i,j)
+      jc2(i,j)=jc(i,j)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+    2 call hnbpad(2,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc1)
+      id1old(2)=ident(n3)
+      id2old(2)=ident(n4)
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)+jc1(i,j)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      call hnbpaj(jc,iwpair,id1,id2)
+      if(iwpair.eq.0)then
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc(i,j)=jc2(i,j)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'no pair possible'
+      goto2
+      endif
+      ident(n3)=id1
+      ident(n4)=id2
+      id1new(2)=id1
+      id2new(2)=id2
+      call hnbrmz
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'wt-sum of 2. pairs (-->):',iwpair
+     *,'   chosen pair:',id1,id2
+      call hnbpaj(jc1,iwpais,idum1,idum2)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'wt-sum of 2. pairs (<--):',iwpais
+      nzold=0
+      if(id1old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
+      if(id2old(1).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
+      if(id1old(2).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
+      if(id2old(2).eq.0)nzold=nzold+1
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'number of zeros (old):',nzold
+      nznew=0
+      if(id1new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
+      if(id2new(1).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
+      if(id1new(2).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
+      if(id2new(2).eq.0)nznew=nznew+1
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'number of zeros (new):',nznew
+      if(iorejz.eq.1.and.nzold.eq.4.and.nznew.eq.4.and.kkk.le.50)goto25
+      xab=1./iwpair*iozero**nznew
+      xba=1./iwpais*iozero**nzold
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'asymmetry factor:',xba/xab
+           else
+      call utstop('hnbmet: invalid choice for iopair&')
+           endif
+c     determine masses/momenta/weight of trial configuration
+c     ------------------------------------------------------
+      if(np.ge.2)then
+           do i=1,np
+      amass(i)=-1
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
+      amass(i)=aspecs(j)
+      goto1
+      endif
+      enddo
+    1 continue
+      if(amass(i).lt.0.)
+     *call utstop('hnbmet: invalid particle species&')
+           enddo
+      keepr=0
+c-c   call hnbolo(1000) !instead of "call hnbody" for testing
+      keepr=1
+      if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody
+      if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz
+      else
+      wtxlog=-1e35
+      endif
+      call hnbfac(faclog)
+      wtlog=wtxlog+faclog
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)'trial configuration:'
+        call hnbwri
+      endif
+c     accept or not trial configuration (metropolis)
+c     ----------------------------------------------
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(1x,a,4i5,a,4i5,a)')
+     *'metropolis decision for '
+     *,id1old(1),id2old(1),id1old(2),id2old(2),'   -->  '
+     *,id1new(1),id2new(1),id1new(2),id2new(2),' :'
+      iacc=0
+           if(wtlog-wtlo.lt.30.)then
+      q=exp(wtlog-wtlo)*xba/xab
+      r=rangen()
+      if(r.le.q)iacc=1
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'new weight / old weight:',q,'    '
+     *,'random number:',r
+           else
+      iacc=1
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log new weight / old weight:'
+     *,wtlog-wtlo
+           endif
+           if(iacc.eq.1)then
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'new configuration accepted'
+      nacc=nacc+1
+      naccit(iter)=1
+           else
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'old configuration kept'
+      nrej=nrej+1
+      wtlog=wtlo
+      wtxlog=wtlox
+      faclog=faclo
+      np=npo
+      if(np-1.gt.0)then
+      do i=1,np-1
+      rnoz(i)=rnozo(i)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(np.gt.0)then
+      do i=1,np
+      amass(i)=amasso(i)
+      ident(i)=idento(i)
+      do j=1,5
+      pcm(j,i)=pcmo(j,i)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      endif
+           endif
+           if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      npit(iter)=np
+      if(iter.gt.iternc)nptot=nptot+np
+      else
+      npob=0
+      do i=1,np
+      if(ioobsv.eq.ident(i))npob=npob+1
+      enddo
+      npit(iter)=npob
+      if(iter.gt.iternc)nptot=nptot+npob
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)'actual configuration:'
+        call hnbwri
+        if(ish.eq.27)stop'change this?????????????' !call hnbcor(1)
+      endif
+c     printout/return
+c     ---------------
+      if(iosngl.ne.nrevt+1.and.iocite.ne.1)goto1000
+      npmax=max(npmax,np)
+           if(liter.le.literm)then
+      iterc(liter)=iterc(liter)+1
+      do i=1,np
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
+      lspecs(liter,j)=lspecs(liter,j)+1
+      goto8
+      endif
+      enddo
+    8 continue
+      enddo
+      if(mod(iter,iterpl).eq.0)then
+      iterl(liter)=iter
+      liter=liter+1
+c     if(liter.le.literm)then
+c     iterc(liter)=iterc(liter-1)
+c     do j=1,nspecs
+c     lspecs(liter,j)=lspecs(liter-1,j)
+c     enddo
+c     endif
+      endif
+           endif
+      if(iter.le.iternc)return
+           do i=1,np
+      call hnbzen(i)  !fill energy histogram
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))then
+      kspecs(j)=kspecs(j)+1
+      goto7
+      endif
+      enddo
+    7 continue
+           enddo
+      call hnbzmu(1)  !fill multiplicity histogram
+           if(iter.eq.itermx.and.npmax.ge.nlattc.and.ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('hnbmet')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  nlattc too small'
+      write(ifch,*)'nlattc:',nlattc,'   npmax:',npmax
+      call utmsgf
+           endif
+1000  continue
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)'accepted proposals:',nacc
+     *,'  rejected proposals:',nrej
+        write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbmet ',('-',i=1,10)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbmin(keux,kedx,kesx,kecx)
+c  returns min hadron set with given u,d,s,c content
+c  input:
+c     keux: net u quark number
+c     kedx: net d quark number
+c     kesx: net s quark number
+c     kecx: net c quark number
+c  output (written to /chnbin/):
+c     nump: number of hadrons
+c     ihadro(n): hadron id for n'th hadron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/chnbin/nump,ihadro(maxp)
+      logical wri
+      character f1*11
+      wri=.false.
+      if(ish.ge.7)wri=.true.
+      if(wri)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbmin ',('-',i=1,30)
+      nump=0
+      f1='(4i3,i7,i6)'
+      ke=iabs(keux+kedx+kesx+kecx)
+      if(keux+kedx+kesx+kecx.ge.0)then
+      keu=keux
+      ked=kedx
+      kes=kesx
+      kec=kecx
+      isi=1
+      else
+      keu=-keux
+      ked=-kedx
+      kes=-kesx
+      kec=-kecx
+      isi=-1
+      endif
+      if(wri)write(ifch,'(4i3)')keux,kedx,kesx,kecx
+      if(wri)write(ifch,'(4i3)')keu,ked,kes,kec
+c get rid of anti-c and c (140, 240, -140, -240)
+      if(kec.ne.0)then
+   10 continue
+      if(kec.lt.0)then
+      kec=kec+1
+      if(keu.gt.ked)then
+      keu=keu-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=140
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      else
+      ked=ked-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=240
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      endif
+      goto10
+      endif
+   11 continue
+      if(kec.gt.0)then
+      kec=kec-1
+      if(keu.lt.ked)then
+      keu=keu+1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=-140
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      else
+      ked=ked+1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=-240
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      endif
+      goto11
+      endif
+      endif
+c get rid of anti-s (130,230)
+    5 continue
+      if(kes.lt.0)then
+      kes=kes+1
+      if(keu.ge.ked)then
+      keu=keu-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=130
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      else
+      ked=ked-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=230
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      endif
+      goto5
+      endif
+c get rid of anti-d (120, -230)
+   6  continue
+      if(ked.lt.0)then
+      ked=ked+1
+      if(keu.ge.kes)then
+      keu=keu-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=120
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      else
+      kes=kes-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=-230
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      endif
+      goto6
+      endif
+c get rid of anti-u (-120, -130)
+    7 continue
+      if(keu.lt.0)then
+      keu=keu+1
+      if(ked.ge.kes)then
+      ked=ked-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=-120
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      else
+      kes=kes-1
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=-130
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      endif
+      goto7
+      endif
+      if(keu+ked+kes+kec.ne.ke)call utstop('hnbmin: sum_kei /= ke&')
+      keq=keu+ked
+c get rid of s (3331, x330, xx30)
+      i=4
+    2 i=i-1
+    3 continue
+      if((4-i)*kes.gt.(i-1)*keq)then
+      kes=kes-i
+      keq=keq-3+i
+      nump=nump+1
+      if(i.eq.3)ihadro(nump)=3331
+      if(i.eq.2)ihadro(nump)=0330
+      if(i.eq.1)ihadro(nump)=0030
+           if(i.lt.3)then
+      do j=1,3-i
+      l=1+2*rangen()
+      if(keu.gt.ked)l=1
+      if(keu.lt.ked)l=2
+      if(l.eq.1)keu=keu-1
+      if(l.eq.2)ked=ked-1
+      ihadro(nump)=ihadro(nump)+l*10**(4-j)
+      enddo
+           endif
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      if(kes.lt.0)call utstop('hnbmin: negative kes&')
+      if(keq.lt.0)call utstop('hnbmin: negative keq&')
+      goto3
+      endif
+      if(i.gt.1)goto2
+      if(keu+ked.ne.keq)call utstop('hnbmin: keu+ked /= keq&')
+c get rid of d (2221, 1220, 1120)
+      i=4
+   12 i=i-1
+   13 continue
+      if((4-i)*ked.gt.(i-1)*keu)then
+      ked=ked-i
+      keu=keu-3+i
+      if(i.eq.3)then
+      nump=nump+2
+      ihadro(nump)=1220
+      ihadro(nump-1)=-120
+      else
+      nump=nump+1
+      if(i.eq.2)ihadro(nump)=1220
+      if(i.eq.1)ihadro(nump)=1120
+      endif
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      if(ked.lt.0)call utstop('hnbmin: negative ked&')
+      if(keu.lt.0)call utstop('hnbmin: negative keu&')
+      goto13
+      endif
+      if(i.gt.1)goto12
+      if(ked.ne.0)call utstop('hnbmin: ked .ne. 0&')
+c get rid of u (1111)
+    9 continue
+      if(keu.gt.0)then
+      keu=keu-3
+      nump=nump+2
+      ihadro(nump)=1120
+      ihadro(nump-1)=120
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      if(keu.lt.0)call utstop('hnbmin: negative keu&')
+      goto9
+      endif
+      if(keu.ne.0)call utstop('hnbmin: keu .ne. 0&')
+      if(isi.eq.-1)then
+      do i=1,nump
+      ihadro(i)=isi*ihadro(i)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      do lo=1,2
+      if(nump.lt.2)then
+      nump=nump+1
+      ihadro(nump)=110
+      if(wri)write(ifch,f1)keu,ked,kes,kec,nump,ihadro(nump)
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(wri)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbmin ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbody
+c   formerly subr genbod from genlib (cernlib).
+c   modified by K. Werner, march 94.
+c   subr to generate n-body event
+c   according to fermi lorentz-invariant phase space.
+c   the phase space integral is the sum over the weights wt divided
+c   by the number of events (sum wt / n).
+c   adapted from fowl (cern w505) sept. 1974 by f. james.
+c   events are generated in their own center-of-mass,
+c   but may be transformed to any frame using loren4.
+c   input to and output from subr thru common block config.
+c   input:
+c             np=number of outgoing particles
+c             tecm=total energy in center-of-mass
+c             amass(i)=mass of ith outgoing particle
+c   output:
+c             pcm(1,i)=x-momentum if ith particle
+c             pcm(2,i)=y-momentum if ith particle
+c             pcm(3,i)=z-momentum if ith particle
+c             pcm(4,i)=energy of ith particle
+c             pcm(5,i)=momentum of ith particle
+c             wtxlog=log of weight of event
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      dimension emm(maxp)
+      dimension rno(3*maxp-4)
+c     !pcm1 is linear equiv. of pcm to avoid double indices
+      dimension em(maxp),pd(maxp),ems(maxp),sm(maxp)
+     *,pcm1(5*maxp)
+      common/cffq/ffqlog(maxp)
+      common/ciiw/iii,rrr
+      equivalence (nt,np),(amass(1),em(1)),(pcm1(1),pcm(1,1))
+      logical wri
+      data twopi/6.2831853073/
+      external hnbiiw
+ctp060829      nas=5 !must be at least 3
+      wri=.false.
+      if(ish.ge.7)wri=.true.
+      if(wri)then
+        write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbody ',('-',i=1,30)
+        write(ifch,1200)np,tecm
+        write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
+        write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(n),n=1,np)
+      endif
+c..... initialization
+      ktnbod=ktnbod + 1
+      if(ktnbod.le.1)then
+        !... ffq(n) = pi * (twopi)**(n-2) / (n-2)!
+        ffqlog(1)=-1e35
+        ffqlog(2)=alog(pi)
+        do n=3,maxp
+        ffqlog(n)=ffqlog(n-1)+log(twopi/(n-2))
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(nt.lt.2) goto 1001
+      if(nt.gt.maxp) goto 1002
+      ntm1=nt-1
+      ntm2=nt-2
+      ntnm4=3*nt - 4
+      emm(1)=em(1)
+      tm=0.0
+      do 2 i=1,nt
+      ems(i)=em(i)**2
+      tm=tm+em(i)
+    2 sm(i)=tm
+      tecmtm=tecm-tm
+      if(tecmtm.le.0.0) goto 1000
+      emm(nt)=tecm
+      wtmlog=alog(tecmtm)*ntm2 + ffqlog(nt) - alog(tecm)
+c...fill rno with 3*nt-4 random numbers, the first nt-2 being ordered
+      do 3 i= 1, ntnm4
+    3 rno(i)=rangen()
+      if(ntm2) 9,5,4
+    4 continue
+      call flpsore(rno,ntm2)
+c...calculate emm().......M_i
+      do 6 j=2,ntm1
+    6 emm(j)=rno(j-1)*tecmtm+sm(j)
+c...calculate wtlog
+    5 continue
+      wtxlog=wtmlog
+      ir=ntm2
+      do 7 i=1,ntm1
+        pd(i)=hnbpdk(emm(i+1),emm(i),em(i+1))
+        if(pd(i).gt.0.)then
+          pdlog=alog(pd(i))
+        else
+          pdlog=-1e35
+        endif
+        wtxlog=wtxlog+pdlog
+    7 continue
+c...complete specification of event (raubold-lynch method)
+      pcm(1,1)=0.0
+      pcm(2,1)=pd(1)
+      pcm(3,1)=0.0
+      do i=2,nt
+        pcm(1,i)=0.0
+        pcm(2,i)=-pd(i-1)
+        pcm(3,i)=0.0
+        ir=ir+1
+        bang=twopi*rno(ir)
+        cb=cos(bang)
+        sb=sin(bang)
+        ir=ir+1
+        c=2.0*rno(ir)-1.0
+        s=sqrt(1.0-c*c)
+        if(i.ne.nt)then
+          esys=sqrt(pd(i)**2+emm(i)**2)
+          beta=pd(i)/esys
+          gama=esys/emm(i)
+          do j=1,i
+            ndx=5*j - 5
+            aa= pcm1(ndx+1)**2 + pcm1(ndx+2)**2 + pcm1(ndx+3)**2
+            pcm1(ndx+5)=sqrt(aa)
+            pcm1(ndx+4)=sqrt(aa+ems(j))
+            call hnbrt2(c,s,cb,sb,pcm,j)
+            psave=gama*(pcm(2,j)+beta*pcm(4,j))
+            pcm(2,j)=psave
+          enddo
+        else !(i.eq.nt)
+          do j=1,i
+            aa=pcm(1,j)**2 + pcm(2,j)**2 + pcm(3,j)**2
+            pcm(5,j)=sqrt(aa)
+            pcm(4,j)=sqrt(aa+ems(j))
+            call hnbrt2(c,s,cb,sb,pcm,j)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+  9   continue
+      goto1111
+ 1000 continue
+      if(wri)
+     *write(ifch,*)'available energy zero or negative -> wtxlog=-1e35'
+      wtxlog=-1e35
+      goto1111
+ 1001 continue
+      if(wri)
+     *write(ifch,*)'less than 2 outgoing particles -> wtxlog=-1e35'
+      wtxlog=-1e35
+      goto1111
+ 1002 continue
+      write(ifch,*)'too many outgoing particles'
+      write(ifch,1150) ktnbod
+ 1150 format(47h0 above error detected in hnbody at call number,i7)
+      write(ifch,1200) np,tecm
+ 1200 format(' np:',i6/' tecm:',f10.5)
+      write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
+      write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(jk),jk=1,np)
+      stop
+1111  continue
+      if(wri)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbody ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      end
+C CERN PROGLIB# M103    FLPSOR          .VERSION KERNFOR  3.15  820113
+C ORIG. 29/04/78
+      COMMON /SLATE/ LT(20),RT(20)
+      LEVEL=1
+      LT(1)=1
+      RT(1)=N
+   10 L=LT(LEVEL)
+      R=RT(LEVEL)
+      LEVEL=LEVEL-1
+   20 IF(R.GT.L) GO TO 200
+      IF(LEVEL) 50,50,10
+  200 I=L
+      J=R
+      M=(L+R)/2
+      X=A(M)
+  220 IF(A(I).GE.X) GO TO 230
+      I=I+1
+      GO TO 220
+  230 IF(A(J).LE.X) GO TO 231
+      J=J-1
+      GO TO 230
+  231 IF(I.GT.J) GO TO 232
+      W=A(I)
+      A(I)=A(J)
+      A(J)=W
+      I=I+1
+      J=J-1
+      IF(I.LE.J) GO TO 220
+  232 LEVEL=LEVEL+1
+      IF((R-I).GE.(J-L)) GO TO 30
+      LT(LEVEL)=L
+      RT(LEVEL)=J
+      L=I
+      GO TO 20
+   30 LT(LEVEL)=I
+      RT(LEVEL)=R
+      R=J
+      GO TO 20
+   50 continue
+      do i=1,n-1
+        if(a(i).gt.a(i+1))stop'FLPSORE: ERROR.                    '
+      enddo
+      RETURN
+      END
+      subroutine hnbodz
+c   subr to generate n-body event
+c   according to non-invariant phase space.
+c   the phase space integral is the sum over the weights exp(wtxlog)
+c   divided by the number of events.
+c   ref.: hagedorn, nuov. cim. suppl ix, x (1958) 646.
+c   events are generated in their own center-of-mass.
+c   input to and output from subr is thru common block config.
+c   input:
+c             np=number of outgoing particles
+c             tecm=total energy in center-of-mass
+c             amass(i)=mass of ith outgoing particle
+c   output:
+c             pcm(1,i)=x-momentum of ith particle
+c             pcm(2,i)=y-momentum of ith particle
+c             pcm(3,i)=z-momentum of ith particle
+c             pcm(4,i)=energy of ith particle
+c             pcm(5,i)=momentum of ith particle
+c             wtxlog=log of weight of event
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      common/cffq/ffqlog(maxp)
+      dimension ti(maxp),xi(maxp),si(maxp),zi(maxp)
+      common/crnoz/rnoz(maxp-1)
+      double precision ps(5)
+      call utpri('hnbodz',ish,ishini,6)
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,1200)np,tecm
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(n),n=1,np)
+c initialization ktnbod=1
+      ktnbod=ktnbod + 1
+      if(ktnbod.gt.1) goto 1
+c     !ffqlog(n) = log{ (4*pi)**n  / (n-1)! }
+      ffqlog(1)=alog(4*pi)
+      do n=2,maxp
+      ffqlog(n)=ffqlog(n-1)+alog(4*pi/(n-1))
+      enddo
+    1 continue
+c set wtxlog -infinity for np<2
+      if(np.lt.2) goto 1001
+c special treatment for np=2
+      if(np.eq.2)then
+      if(tecm.lt.amass(1)+amass(2)+0.00001)goto1000
+      p0=utpcm(tecm,amass(1),amass(2))
+      wtxlog=alog( 4*pi*p0
+     */(1/sqrt(amass(1)**2+p0**2)+1/sqrt(amass(2)**2+p0**2)) )
+      if(ish.ge.7)
+     *write(ifch,*)'wtxlog:',wtxlog,'   (np=2 treatment)'
+      bang=2*pi*rangen()
+      cb=cos(bang)
+      sb=sin(bang)
+      c=2.0*rangen()-1.0
+      s=sqrt(1.0-c*c)
+      do 9 i=1,2
+      is=2*i-3
+      pcm(5,i)=p0
+      pcm(1,i)=is*pcm(5,i)*s*cb
+      pcm(2,i)=is*pcm(5,i)*s*sb
+      pcm(3,i)=is*pcm(5,i)*c
+      pcm(4,i)=sqrt(amass(i)**2+p0**2)
+    9 continue
+      goto1111
+      endif
+c stop if np too large
+      if(np.gt.maxp) goto 1002
+c initialization all ktnbod
+      tm=0.0
+      do 2 i=1,np
+      tm=tm+amass(i)
+    2 continue
+      tt=tecm-tm
+      if(tt.le.0.0) goto 1000
+c prefactor
+      wtxlog=alog(tt)*(np-1) + ffqlog(np)
+      if(ish.ge.7)
+     *write(ifch,*)'wtxlog:',wtxlog,'   (prefactor)'
+c fill rnoz with np-1 random numbers
+      if(keepr.eq.0)then
+      do 3 i= 1, np-1
+    3 rnoz(i)=rangen()
+      else
+      do lo=1,iomom
+      j=1+rangen()*nlattc
+      rnoz(j)=rangen()
+      enddo
+      endif
+c calculate z_i distributed as i*z*(i-1)
+      do i= 1, np-1
+      zi(i)=rnoz(i)**(1./i)
+      enddo
+c calculate x_i
+      xi(np)=1
+      do i=np-1,1,-1
+      xi(i)=zi(i)*xi(i+1)
+      enddo
+c calculate t_i, e_i, p_i
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'calculate t_i, e_i, p_i ...'
+      do i=1,np-1
+      si(i)=xi(i)*tt
+      enddo
+      ti(1)=si(1)
+      if(ti(1).le.0.)ti(1)=1e-10
+      ti(np)=tt-si(np-1)
+      if(ti(np).le.0.)ti(np)=1e-10
+      do i=np-1,2,-1
+      ti(i)=si(i)-si(i-1)
+      if(ti(i).le.0.)ti(i)=1e-10
+      enddo
+      do i=1,np
+      pcm(1,i)=0
+      pcm(2,i)=0
+      pcm(3,i)=0
+      pcm(4,i)=ti(i)+amass(i)
+      p52=ti(i)*(ti(i)+2*amass(i))
+      if(p52.gt.0)then
+      pcm(5,i)=sqrt(p52)
+      else
+      pcm(5,i)=ti(i)*sqrt(1+2*amass(i)/ti(i))
+      endif
+      enddo
+c calculate wtxlog
+      call hnbraw(7,200,w)
+      if(w.gt.0.)then
+      wtxlog=wtxlog+alog(w)
+      else
+      wtxlog=wtxlog-1e+30
+      endif
+      do 7 i=1,np
+      wtxlog=wtxlog+alog(pcm(5,i))+alog(ti(i)+amass(i))
+    7 continue
+      if(ish.ge.7)
+     *write(ifch,*)'wtxlog:',wtxlog
+c print
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+      write(ifch,*)'momenta:'
+      do j=1,4
+      ps(j)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,np
+      do j=1,4
+      ps(j)=ps(j)+pcm(j,i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifch,'(1x,i3,5x,5f12.5)')i,(pcm(j,i),j=1,5)
+      enddo
+      ps(5)=dsqrt(ps(1)**2+ps(2)**2+ps(3)**2)
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a4,8x,5f12.5)')'sum:',(sngl(ps(j)),j=1,5)
+      endif
+      if(w.le.0.)goto1111
+c complete specification of event (random rotations and then deformations)
+      call hnbrot
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'momenta after rotations:'
+      call hnbrop(96,0)
+      call hnbrod
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'momenta after deformations:'
+      call hnbrop(96,1)
+      goto1111
+c error returns
+ 1000 continue
+      if(ish.ge.6)
+     *write(ifch,*)'available energy zero or negative -> wtxlog=-1e35'
+      wtxlog=-1e35
+      goto1111
+ 1001 continue
+      if(ish.ge.6)
+     *write(ifch,*)'less than 2 outgoing particles -> wtxlog=-1e35'
+      wtxlog=-1e35
+      goto1111
+ 1002 continue
+      write(ifch,*)'too many outgoing particles'
+      write(ifch,1150) ktnbod
+ 1150 format(47h0 above error detected in hnbody at call number,i7)
+      write(ifch,1200) np,tecm
+ 1200 format(' np:',i6/' tecm:',f10.5)
+      write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
+      write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(jk),jk=1,np)
+      stop
+1111  continue
+      call utprix('hnbodz',ish,ishini,6)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbolo(loops)
+c  loop over hnbody
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      a=0
+      k=0
+      do j=1,loops
+c-c   if(mod(j,iterpr).eq.0)write(ifmt,*)'     iteration:',iter,j
+      if(iocova.eq.1)call hnbody
+      if(iocova.eq.2)call hnbodz
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'j:',j,'   wtxlog:',wtxlog
+           if(wtxlog.gt.-1e30)then
+      k=k+1
+      if(k.eq.1)c=wtxlog
+           if(a.gt.0.)then
+      if(alog(a).lt.wtxlog-c-20)then
+      a=0
+      c=wtxlog
+      endif
+           endif
+      a=a+exp(wtxlog-c)
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'k:',k,'   c:',c
+      enddo
+      a=a/loops
+      wtxlog=alog(a)+c
+      return
+      end
+      function hnbpdk(a,b,c)
+c  formerly pdk from cernlib
+c  returns momentum p for twobody decay  a --> b + c
+c           a, b, c are the three masses
+c  this p is related to twobody phase space as R2 = pi * p /a
+      double precision aa,bb,cc,a2,b2,c2
+      aa=a
+      bb=b
+      cc=c
+      a2=aa*aa
+      b2=bb*bb
+      c2=cc*cc
+      if(a2 + (b2-c2)**2/a2-2.0*(b2+c2).le.0.)then
+      hnbpdk = 0
+      else
+      hnbpdk = 0.5*dsqrt(a2 + (b2-c2)**2/a2 - 2.0*(b2+c2))
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbpad(k,n1,n2,n3,n4,mm,jc)
+c  k=1: determ pair indices k1,k2
+c  k=2: determ pair indices k3,k4 (.ne. n1,n2)
+c  k=1 and k=2: mm: type of pair, jc: flavour of pair
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2),jc1(nflav,2),ic1(2),jc2(nflav,2),ic2(2)
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      k1=n1
+      k2=n2
+c     determine n1,n2 and mm
+c     ----------------------
+    1 continue
+      n1=1+rangen()*nlattc
+      n1=min(n1,nlattc)
+    2 continue
+      n2=1+rangen()*nlattc
+      n2=min(n2,nlattc)
+      if(n2.eq.n1)goto2
+      if(n2.lt.n1)then
+      n1r=n1
+      n1=n2
+      n2=n1r
+      endif
+      if(k.eq.2)then
+      if(n1.eq.k1.or.n1.eq.k2.or.n2.eq.k1.or.n2.eq.k2)goto1
+      endif
+      if(ident(n1).ne.0.and.ident(n2).ne.0)mm=1  ! hadron-hadron
+      if(ident(n1).ne.0.and.ident(n2).eq.0)mm=2  ! hadron-empty
+      if(ident(n1).eq.0.and.ident(n2).ne.0)mm=2  ! empty-hadron
+      if(ident(n1).eq.0.and.ident(n2).eq.0)mm=3  ! empty-empty
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,'(a,i2)')' mm:',mm
+        write(ifch,*)'to be replaced:',n1,ident(n1)
+        write(ifch,*)'to be replaced:',n2,ident(n2)
+      endif
+c     flavour of n1+n2 --> jc
+c     -----------------------
+           if(mm.eq.1)then
+      call idtr4(ident(n1),ic1)
+      call iddeco(ic1,jc1)
+      call idtr4(ident(n2),ic2)
+      call iddeco(ic2,jc2)
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc(i,j)=jc1(i,j)+jc2(i,j)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           elseif(mm.eq.2.and.ident(n1).ne.0)then
+      call idtr4(ident(n1),ic)
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+           elseif(mm.eq.2.and.ident(n2).ne.0)then
+      call idtr4(ident(n2),ic)
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+           else
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc(i,j)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           endif
+      if(k.eq.2)then
+      n3=n1
+      n4=n2
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbpai(id1,id2,jc)
+c  returns arbitrary hadron pair id1,id2, flavour written to jc
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),jc1(nflav,2),ic1(2),jc2(nflav,2),ic2(2)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+c     construct pair id1,id2
+c     ----------------------
+      i1=rangen()*(nspecs+iozero)-(iozero-1)
+      i1=max(i1,0)
+      i1=min(i1,nspecs)
+      if(i1.eq.0)then
+      id1=0
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc1(i,j)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      else
+      id1=ispecs(i1)
+      call idtr4(id1,ic1)
+      call iddeco(ic1,jc1)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,a,i5,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
+     *'i1:',i1,'   id1:',id1,'   jc1:',jc1
+      i2=rangen()*(nspecs+iozero)-(iozero-1)
+      i2=max(i2,0)
+      i2=min(i2,nspecs)
+      if(i2.eq.0)then
+      id2=0
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc2(i,j)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      else
+      id2=ispecs(i2)
+      call idtr4(id2,ic2)
+      call iddeco(ic2,jc2)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,a,i5,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
+     *'i2:',i2,'   id2:',id2,'   jc2:',jc2
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,i6,i6)')' pair:',id1,id2
+c     determine jc
+c     ------------
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      jc(i,j)=jc1(i,j)+jc2(i,j)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nflav
+      j12=jc(i,1)-jc(i,2)
+      if(j12.ge.0)then
+      jc(i,1)=j12
+      jc(i,2)=0
+      else
+      jc(i,1)=0
+      jc(i,2)=-j12
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(a,6i2,3x,6i2)')' jc:',jc
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbpaj(jc,iwpair,id1,id2)
+c  returns sum of weights iwpair of possible pairs
+c  and randomly chosen hadron pair id1,id2 for given flavour jc
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(mspecs=56,mxids=200)
+      parameter(mxpair=mspecs**2*4)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cspec2/jspecs(2,nflav,mspecs)
+      common/cspec3/lkfok(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
+      common/cspec5/idpairst(2,mxpair,3**6),iwtpaist(0:mxpair,3**6)
+     &              ,idxpair(0:2,0:2,0:2,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1),ipairst(3**6)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      dimension ids(mxids),iwts(mxids),jc(nflav,2)!,jc2(nflav,2)
+      dimension idpair(2,mxpair),iwtpai(mxpair)
+      dimension jc1mi2(nflav),jcmi(nflav)
+c      nflv=nflav
+c      if(nflv.gt.6)
+c     *call utstop('hnbpaj: nflav.gt.6: modify this routine&')
+c     construct possible pairs id1,id2
+c     --------------------------------
+      ipair=0
+      iwpair=0
+      idx=0
+      if(jc(1,1).gt.2)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(1,1).lt.0)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(2,1).gt.2)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(2,1).lt.0)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(3,1).gt.2)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(3,1).lt.0)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(1,2).gt.1)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(1,2).lt.-1)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(2,2).gt.1)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(2,2).lt.-1)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(3,2).gt.1)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif(jc(3,2).lt.-1)then
+        goto 1
+      elseif((abs(jc(4,1))+abs(jc(5,1))+abs(jc(6,1))+abs(jc(4,2))
+     &       +abs(jc(5,2))+abs(jc(6,2))).gt.0)then
+        goto 1
+      endif
+      idx=idxpair(jc(1,1),jc(2,1),jc(3,1),jc(1,2),jc(2,2),jc(3,2))
+      ipair=ipairst(idx)
+      if(ipair.eq.0)return
+      iwpair=iwtpaist(0,idx)
+      do i=1,ipair
+        idpair(1,i)=idpairst(1,i,idx)
+        idpair(2,i)=idpairst(2,i,idx)
+        iwtpai(i)=iwtpaist(i,idx)
+      enddo
+      goto 4           !pair fixed via table
+c  id1=0:
+ 1    continue
+      if(nspecs+1.gt.mxids)call utstop('hnbpaj: mxids too small&')
+      jc1mi2(1)=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      jc1mi2(2)=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      jc1mi2(3)=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      jc1mi2(4)=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      jc1mi2(5)=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      jc1mi2(6)=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+      nids=0
+      if(jc1mi2(1).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(2).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(3).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(4).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(5).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(6).ne.0)goto11
+      nids=nids+1
+      ids(nids)=0
+      iwts(nids)=iozero
+   11 continue
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      if(jc1mi2(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(4).ne.ifok(4,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(5).ne.ifok(5,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(6).ne.ifok(6,j))goto22
+      nids=nids+1
+      ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
+      iwts(nids)=1
+   22 continue
+      enddo
+      if(nids.eq.0)goto2
+      if(nids.gt.mxpair)call utstop('hnbpaj: mxpair too small&')
+      do k=1,nids
+      ipair=ipair+1
+      idpair(1,ipair)=0
+      idpair(2,ipair)=ids(k)
+      iwtpai(ipair)=iozero*iwts(k)
+      iwpair=iwpair+iwtpai(ipair)
+c      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(a,i5,5x,a,i6,i6,5x,a,i6)')' pair nr:'
+c     *,ipair,'ids:',0,ids(k),'weight:',iwtpai(ipair)
+      enddo
+    2 continue
+c  id1>0:
+        do i1=1,nspecs
+c        if(ish.ge.6)then
+c        do i=1,nflav
+c      jc2(i,1)=jc(i,1)-jspecs(1,i,i1)
+c      jc2(i,2)=jc(i,2)-jspecs(2,i,i1)
+c        enddo
+c      write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,a,i6,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
+c     *'i1:',i1,'   id1:',ispecs(i1),'   jc1:'
+c     *,(jspecs(1,i,i1),i=1,6),(jspecs(2,i,i1),i=1,6)
+c      write(ifch,'(a,6i2,3x,6i2)')' jc2:',jc2
+c        endif
+      jcmi(1)=jc1mi2(1)-jspecs(1,1,i1)+jspecs(2,1,i1)
+      jcmi(2)=jc1mi2(2)-jspecs(1,2,i1)+jspecs(2,2,i1)
+      jcmi(3)=jc1mi2(3)-jspecs(1,3,i1)+jspecs(2,3,i1)
+      jcmi(4)=jc1mi2(4)-jspecs(1,4,i1)+jspecs(2,4,i1)
+      jcmi(5)=jc1mi2(5)-jspecs(1,5,i1)+jspecs(2,5,i1)
+      jcmi(6)=jc1mi2(6)-jspecs(1,6,i1)+jspecs(2,6,i1)
+c-charm      if(jcmi(4).ne.0)stop'HNBPAJ: c not treated'
+      if(jcmi(5).ne.0)stop'HNBPAJ: b not treated'
+      if(jcmi(6).ne.0)stop'HNBPAJ: t not treated'
+      nids=0
+      if(abs(jcmi(1)).gt.3)goto3
+      if(abs(jcmi(2)).gt.3)goto3
+      if(abs(jcmi(3)).gt.3)goto3
+      if(abs(jcmi(4)).gt.3)goto3   !-charm
+      if(jcmi(1).ne.0)goto111
+      if(jcmi(2).ne.0)goto111
+      if(jcmi(3).ne.0)goto111
+      if(jcmi(4).ne.0)goto111  !-charm
+      nids=nids+1
+      ids(nids)=0
+      iwts(nids)=iozero
+  111 continue
+      lkfok1=lkfok(1,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+      if(lkfok1.gt.0)then
+       nids=nids+1
+       ids(nids)=lkfok(2,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+       iwts(nids)=1
+       if(lkfok1.gt.1)then
+        nids=nids+1
+        ids(nids)=lkfok(3,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+        iwts(nids)=1
+        if(lkfok1.gt.2)then
+         if(lkfok1.gt.7)       !-charm
+     *   stop'HNBPAJ: dimension of lkfok too small'
+         do ii=3,lkfok1
+         nids=nids+1
+         ids(nids)=lkfok(1+ii,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+         iwts(nids)=1
+         enddo
+        endif
+       endif
+      endif
+c             do j=1,nspecs
+c      if(jcmi(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(4).ne.ifok(4,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(5).ne.ifok(5,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(6).ne.ifok(6,j))goto222
+c      nids=nids+1
+c      ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
+c      iwts(nids)=1
+c  222 continue
+c             enddo
+      if(nids.eq.0)goto3
+      if(ipair+nids.gt.mxpair)call utstop('hnbpaj: mxpair too small&')
+      do k=1,nids
+      ipair=ipair+1
+      idpair(1,ipair)=ispecs(i1)
+      idpair(2,ipair)=ids(k)
+      iwtpai(ipair)=iwts(k)
+      iwpair=iwpair+iwtpai(ipair)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+      ipair0=ipair-nids
+      do k=1,nids
+      ipair0=ipair0+1
+      write(ifch,'(a,i5,5x,a,i6,i6,5x,a,i6)')' pair nr:'
+     *,ipair0,'ids:',ispecs(i1),ids(k),'weight:',iwtpai(ipair0)
+      enddo
+      endif
+    3 continue
+        enddo
+c     no pair found
+c     -------------
+      if(ipair.eq.0)then
+      if(iwpair.ne.0)call utstop('hnbpaj: iwpair.ne.0&')
+      return
+      endif
+ 4    continue
+c     select pair
+c     -----------
+      r=rangen()
+      ir=1+r*iwpair
+      ir=min(ir,iwpair)
+      is=0
+      do ip=1,ipair
+      is=is+iwtpai(ip)
+      if(ir.le.is)then
+      id1=idpair(1,ip)
+      id2=idpair(2,ip)
+c      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'random number:',r
+c     *,' --> chosen pair:',ip
+      goto 1000
+      endif
+      enddo
+      write(ifmt,*)'hnbpaj:',jc,idx,ipair,iwpair,r,ir
+      call utstop('hnbpaj: no pair selected&')
+1000  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbpajini
+c  initialize array to speed up hnbpaj calculation
+c  store sum of weights iwpair of possible pairs in an array
+c  for any combinations of quarks
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(mspecs=56,mxids=200)
+      parameter(mxpair=mspecs**2*4)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cspec2/jspecs(2,nflav,mspecs)
+      common/cspec3/lkfok(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
+      common/cspec5/idpairst(2,mxpair,3**6),iwtpaist(0:mxpair,3**6)
+     &              ,idxpair(0:2,0:2,0:2,-1:1,-1:1,-1:1),ipairst(3**6)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      dimension ids(mxids),iwts(mxids)
+      dimension jc1mi2(3),jcmi(4)
+c      write(ifmt,*)' Initialize droplet decay ...'
+c     construct possible pairs id1,id2
+c     --------------------------------
+      idx=0
+      do iaqs=-1,1
+        do iaqd=-1,1
+          do iaqu=-1,1
+            do iqs=0,2
+              do iqd=0,2
+                do iqu=0,2
+      idx=idx+1
+      idxpair(iqu,iqd,iqs,iaqu,iaqd,iaqs)=idx
+      ipair=0
+      iwtpaist(0,idx)=0
+      do i=1,mxids
+        ids(i)=0
+        iwts(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,mxpair
+        idpairst(1,i,idx)=0
+        idpairst(2,i,idx)=0
+        iwtpaist(i,idx)=0
+      enddo
+c  id1=0:
+      if(nspecs+1.gt.mxids)call utstop('hnbpajini: mxids too small&')
+      jc1mi2(1)=iqu-iaqu
+      jc1mi2(2)=iqd-iaqd
+      jc1mi2(3)=iqs-iaqs
+      nids=0
+      if(jc1mi2(1).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(2).ne.0)goto11
+      if(jc1mi2(3).ne.0)goto11
+      nids=nids+1
+      ids(nids)=0
+      iwts(nids)=iozero
+   11 continue
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      if(jc1mi2(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto22
+      if(jc1mi2(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto22
+      nids=nids+1
+      ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
+      iwts(nids)=1
+   22 continue
+      enddo
+      if(nids.eq.0)goto2
+      if(nids.gt.mxpair)call utstop('hnbpajini: mxpair too small&')
+      do k=1,nids
+      ipair=ipair+1
+      idpairst(1,ipair,idx)=0
+      idpairst(2,ipair,idx)=ids(k)
+      iwtpaist(ipair,idx)=iozero*iwts(k)
+      iwtpaist(0,idx)=iwtpaist(0,idx)+iwtpaist(ipair,idx)
+c      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(a,i5,5x,a,i6,i6,5x,a,i6)')' pair nr:'
+c     *,ipair,'ids:',0,ids(k),'weight:',iwtpai(ipair)
+      enddo
+    2 continue
+c  id1>0:
+        do i1=1,nspecs
+c        if(ish.ge.6)then
+c        do i=1,nflav
+c      jc2(i,1)=jc(i,1)-jspecs(1,i,i1)
+c      jc2(i,2)=jc(i,2)-jspecs(2,i,i1)
+c        enddo
+c      write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,a,i6,a,6i2,3x,6i2)')
+c     *'i1:',i1,'   id1:',ispecs(i1),'   jc1:'
+c     *,(jspecs(1,i,i1),i=1,6),(jspecs(2,i,i1),i=1,6)
+c      write(ifch,'(a,6i2,3x,6i2)')' jc2:',jc2
+c        endif
+      jcmi(1)=jc1mi2(1)-jspecs(1,1,i1)+jspecs(2,1,i1)
+      jcmi(2)=jc1mi2(2)-jspecs(1,2,i1)+jspecs(2,2,i1)
+      jcmi(3)=jc1mi2(3)-jspecs(1,3,i1)+jspecs(2,3,i1)
+      jcmi(4)=0
+      nids=0
+      if(abs(jcmi(1)).gt.3)goto3
+      if(abs(jcmi(2)).gt.3)goto3
+      if(abs(jcmi(3)).gt.3)goto3
+      if(jcmi(1).ne.0)goto111
+      if(jcmi(2).ne.0)goto111
+      if(jcmi(3).ne.0)goto111
+      nids=nids+1
+      ids(nids)=0
+      iwts(nids)=iozero
+  111 continue
+      lkfok1=lkfok(1,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+      if(lkfok1.gt.0)then
+       nids=nids+1
+       ids(nids)=lkfok(2,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+       iwts(nids)=1
+       if(lkfok1.gt.1)then
+        nids=nids+1
+        ids(nids)=lkfok(3,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+        iwts(nids)=1
+        if(lkfok1.gt.2)then
+         if(lkfok1.gt.7)       !-charm
+     *   stop'HNBPAJINI: dimension of lkfok too small'
+         do ii=3,lkfok1
+         nids=nids+1
+         ids(nids)=lkfok(1+ii,jcmi(1),jcmi(2),jcmi(3),jcmi(4))
+         iwts(nids)=1
+         enddo
+        endif
+       endif
+      endif
+c             do j=1,nspecs
+c      if(jcmi(1).ne.ifok(1,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(2).ne.ifok(2,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(3).ne.ifok(3,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(4).ne.ifok(4,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(5).ne.ifok(5,j))goto222
+c      if(jcmi(6).ne.ifok(6,j))goto222
+c      nids=nids+1
+c      ids(nids)=ispecs(j)
+c      iwts(nids)=1
+c  222 continue
+c             enddo
+      if(nids.eq.0)goto3
+      if(ipair+nids.gt.mxpair)
+     &     call utstop('hnbpajini: mxpair too small&')
+      do k=1,nids
+      ipair=ipair+1
+      idpairst(1,ipair,idx)=ispecs(i1)
+      idpairst(2,ipair,idx)=ids(k)
+      iwtpaist(ipair,idx)=iwts(k)
+      iwtpaist(0,idx)=iwtpaist(0,idx)+iwtpaist(ipair,idx)
+      enddo
+      ipairst(idx)=ipair
+    3 continue
+        enddo
+c     no pair found
+c     -------------
+      if(ipair.eq.0)then
+      if(iwtpaist(0,idx).ne.0)call utstop('hnbpajini: iwpair.ne.0&')
+      endif
+                enddo
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbraw(npx,npy,w)
+c returns random walk fctn w=w(0,p_1,p_2,...,p_n) for noncovariant
+c phase space integral (see hagedorn, suppl nuov cim ix(x) (1958)646)
+c input: dimension np and momenta p_i=pcm(5,i) via /confg/
+c    1   < np <= npx : hagedorn method
+c    npx < np <= npy : integral method
+c    npy < np        : asymptotic method
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      integer ii(maxp),isi(maxp)
+      double precision ppcm(maxp),ww,ppsum,ppmax
+      external hnbrax
+      common/cepsr/nepsr
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbraw ',('-',i=1,30)
+      if(np.lt.3)call utstop('hnbraw: np must be at least 3&')
+      kper=5
+      pi=3.1415927
+      pmax=0
+      do i=1,np
+      pmax=pmax+pcm(5,i)
+      enddo
+      wio=0
+      win=0
+      whd=0
+c     sum p_i - 2*p_max not positive
+c     ------------------------------
+      px=0
+      ps=0
+      do i=1,np
+      px=max(px,pcm(5,i))
+      ps=ps+pcm(5,i)
+      enddo
+      if(ps-2*px.le.0.)then
+      w=0
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(1x,a,e12.5,4x)')
+     *'sum p_i - 2*p_max not positive -->  w:',w
+      goto1000
+      endif
+c     asymptotic method
+c     -----------------
+      was=0
+      do i=1,np
+      was=was+pcm(5,i)**2
+      enddo
+      was=(was*2*pi/3)**(-1.5)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(1x,a,e12.5,4x)')
+     *'asymptotic method: was:',was
+      if(np.gt.npy)then
+      w=was
+      goto1000
+      endif
+      if(np.le.npx)goto9
+c     integral method
+c     ---------------
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'integral method...'
+      itmax=8
+      it=0
+      b=pi*np*kper/pmax
+      win=0
+      nepsr=0
+    3 continue
+      it=it+1
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'it:',it
+      b=b*5./3.
+      wio=win
+      call uttrap(hnbrax,0.,b,win)
+      iok=0
+      if(abs(win-wio).le.epsr*abs((win+wio)/2))iok=1
+      if(it.eq.itmax)iok=1
+      if(ish.ge.8.or.ish.ge.7.and.iok.eq.1)
+     *write(ifch,'(1x,2(a,e12.5,2x),a,i2,2x,a,i4)')
+     *'integral method:   win:',win
+     *,'upper limit:',b,'it:',it,'nepsr:',nepsr
+           if(it.eq.itmax
+     *.and.abs(win-wio).gt.epsr*abs((win+wio)/2))then
+      nepsr=nepsr+1
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+      call utmsg('hnbraw')
+      write(ifch,*)
+     *'*****  requested accuracy could not be achieved'
+      write(ifch,*)'achieved accuracy: '
+     *,abs(win-wio)/abs((win+wio)/2)
+      write(ifch,*)'requested accuracy:',epsr
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+           endif
+      if(it.eq.1.or.iok.eq.0)goto3
+      if(nepsr.eq.0)then
+      w=win
+      goto1000
+      endif
+      if(np.gt.20)then
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          call utmsg('hnbraw')
+          write(ifch,*)
+     *         '*****  requested accuracy could not be achieved'
+          write(ifch,*)'achieved accuracy: '
+     *         ,abs(win-wio)/abs((win+wio)/2)
+          write(ifch,*)'requested accuracy:',epsr
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        w=win
+        goto1000
+      endif
+c     hagedorn method (double)
+c     ------------------------
+    9 continue
+      ppmax=0
+      do i=1,np
+      ppcm(i)=pcm(5,i)
+      ppmax=ppmax+ppcm(i)
+      enddo
+      ww=0
+      do i=1,np
+      ii(i)=0
+      isi(i)=1
+      enddo
+      ppsum=ppmax
+      i=0
+      iprosi=1
+      ww=iprosi*(ppsum/ppmax)**(np-3)
+      if(ish.ge.8)
+     *write(ifch,'(4x,i5,12x,f7.2,i5,f11.2)')np,sngl(ppsum)
+     *,iprosi,sngl(ww)
+    5 continue
+      i=i+1
+      if(i.gt.np)goto6
+      if(ii(i).eq.1)goto5
+      iprosi=-iprosi
+      isi(i)=-isi(i)
+      ppsum=ppsum+2*isi(i)*ppcm(i)
+           if(ppsum.gt.0.or.ppsum.eq.0..and.isi(i).gt.0)then
+      ww=ww+iprosi*(ppsum/ppmax)**(np-3)
+      if(ish.ge.8)
+     *write(ifch,'(4x,2i5,2f7.2,i5,f11.2)')
+     *np,i,sngl(2*isi(i)*ppcm(i)),sngl(ppsum),iprosi,sngl(ww)
+           else
+      if(ish.ge.8)
+     *write(ifch,'(4x,2i5,2f7.2,i5,4x,a)')
+     *np,i,sngl(2*isi(i)*ppcm(i)),sngl(ppsum),iprosi,'not counted'
+           endif
+      ii(i)=1
+      if(i.gt.1)then
+      do j=1,i-1
+      ii(j)=0
+      enddo
+      endif
+      i=0
+      goto5
+    6 continue
+      do i=1,np
+      ww=ww*pmax/ppcm(i)/2./i
+      enddo
+      ww=-ww/pmax**3/pi/2.*np*(np-1)*(np-2)
+      whd=ww
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,'(1x,a,e12.5,4x,a)')
+     *'hagedorn method:   whd:',whd,'double precision'
+      w=whd
+1000  continue
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbraw ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      end
+      function hnbrax(x)
+c returns integrand for random walk fctn w=w(0,p_1,p_2,...,p_n):
+c 1./(2*pi**2) * x**2 * prod[sin(p_i*x)/(p_i*x)]
+c input: dimension np and momenta p_i=pcm(5,i) via /confg/
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
+      hnbrax= pii * x**2
+      do i=1,np
+      px=pcm(5,i)*x
+      if(px.ne.0.)hnbrax=hnbrax*sin(px)/px
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbrmz
+c  removes intermediate zeros from ident
+c  updates np
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+c      integer identx(maxp)
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbrmz ',('-',i=1,30)
+      if(np.eq.0)goto1000
+c      do i=1,np
+c      identx(i)=ident(i)
+c      enddo
+c      npx=np
+      i=0
+      np=nlattc+1
+    1 i=i+1
+      if(i.gt.nlattc)then
+      np=nlattc
+      goto1000
+      endif
+      if(ident(i).ne.0)goto1
+    2 np=np-1
+      if(np.eq.0)goto1000
+      if(ident(np).eq.0)goto2
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+      write(ifch,*)'ident:'
+      write(ifch,'(1x,10i7)')(ident(j),j=1,nlattc)
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,i3,3x,a,i3)')'i:',i,'np:',np
+      endif
+      if(i.eq.np+1)goto1000
+      ident(i)=ident(np)
+      ident(np)=0
+      goto1
+1000  continue
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbrmz ',('-',i=1,10)
+      end
+      subroutine hnbrod
+c deformes polygon of a sequence of arbitrarily rotated momentum
+c vectors such that the polygon gets closed
+c    input: pcm(1-3,i) representing polygon
+c    output: pcm(1-3,i) representing closed polygon
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      real x(3),y(3),z(3),w(3)
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'sr hnbrod: polygon deformation:'
+      err=0.01
+      kmax=1000
+      fac=0.30
+      x2max=(err*tecm)**2
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,'(a,i4,a,f12.6)')
+     *' kmax:',kmax,'   x2max:',x2max
+      x(1)=0
+      x(2)=0
+      x(3)=0
+      do i=1,np
+      x(1)=x(1)+pcm(1,i)
+      x(2)=x(2)+pcm(2,i)
+      x(3)=x(3)+pcm(3,i)
+      enddo ! i
+      k=0
+   1  continue
+      x2=x(1)**2+x(2)**2+x(3)**2
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,3f9.3,a,f12.6)')
+     *' it',k,':   x:',x,'      x2:',x2
+      if(x2.le.x2max)goto1000
+      if(k.gt.kmax)goto1001
+      k=k+1
+      ir=1+rangen()*np
+      ir=min(ir,np)
+      z(1)=-x(1)
+      z(2)=-x(2)
+      z(3)=-x(3)
+      x(1)=x(1)-pcm(1,ir)
+      x(2)=x(2)-pcm(2,ir)
+      x(3)=x(3)-pcm(3,ir)
+      y(1)=pcm(1,ir)
+      y(2)=pcm(2,ir)
+      y(3)=pcm(3,ir)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,3f9.3,a,3f9.3,a,i4)')
+     *' it',k,':   x:',x,'   y:',y,'  ir:',ir
+      xxx=x(1)**2+x(2)**2+x(3)**2
+      yyy=y(1)**2+y(2)**2+y(3)**2
+      zzz=z(1)**2+z(2)**2+z(3)**2
+         if(xxx.gt.0..and.yyy.gt.0..and.zzz.gt.0.)then
+c      xx=sqrt(xxx)
+      yy=sqrt(yyy)
+      zz=sqrt(zzz)
+      a=min(fac,fac*yy/zz)
+      w(1)=y(1)+a*z(1)
+      w(2)=y(2)+a*z(2)
+      w(3)=y(3)+a*z(3)
+      www=w(1)**2+w(2)**2+w(3)**2
+         if(www.gt.0.)then
+      ww=sqrt(www)
+      y(1)=yy/ww*w(1)
+      y(2)=yy/ww*w(2)
+      y(3)=yy/ww*w(3)
+      pcm(1,ir)=y(1)
+      pcm(2,ir)=y(2)
+      pcm(3,ir)=y(3)
+         endif
+         endif
+      x(1)=x(1)+y(1)
+      x(2)=x(2)+y(2)
+      x(3)=x(3)+y(3)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a,3f9.3,a,3f9.3,a,i4)')
+     *' it',k,':   x:',x,'   y:',y,'  ir:',ir
+      goto1
+ 1001 continue
+      call utmsg('hnbrod')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  total 3-momentum nonzero'
+      write(ifch,'(3f12.5,5x,2f12.5)')(x(j),j=1,3),x2,x2max
+      call utmsgf
+ 1000 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbrop(ishx,ichk)
+c  prints momenta of configuration (essentially to check rotation procedure)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      double precision ps(5)
+      err=0.01
+      do j=1,4
+      ps(j)=0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,np
+      do j=1,4
+      ps(j)=ps(j)+pcm(j,i)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.ishx)write(ifch,'(1x,i3,5x,5f12.5)')i,(pcm(j,i),j=1,3)
+     *,sqrt(pcm(1,i)**2+pcm(2,i)**2+pcm(3,i)**2),pcm(5,i)
+      enddo
+      ps(5)=dsqrt(ps(1)**2+ps(2)**2+ps(3)**2)
+      if(ish.ge.ishx)write(ifch,'(1x,a4,8x,5f12.5)')
+     *'sum:',(sngl(ps(j)),j=1,5)
+           if(ichk.eq.1)then
+           if(dabs(ps(1)).gt.err*tecm.or.dabs(ps(2)).gt.err*tecm
+     *.or.dabs(ps(3)).gt.err*tecm)then
+      call utmsg('hnbrop')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  total 3-momentum nonzero'
+      write(ifch,'(9x,5f12.5)')(sngl(ps(j)),j=1,5)
+      call utmsgf
+           endif
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbrot
+c rotates momenta of /confg/ randomly
+c   input: pcm(5,i)
+c   output: pcm(1-3,i)
+      common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      real u(3)
+      do i=1,np
+      u(3)=2.*rangen()-1.
+      phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+      u(1)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+      u(2)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+      pcm(1,i)=pcm(5,i)*u(1)
+      pcm(2,i)=pcm(5,i)*u(2)
+      pcm(3,i)=pcm(5,i)*u(3)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine hnbrt2old(c,s,c2,s2,pr,i)
+cc  formerly subr rotes2 from cernlib
+cc  this subr now does two rotations (xy and xz)
+c      parameter(maxp=500)
+c      dimension pr(5*maxp)
+c      k1 = 5*i - 4
+c      k2 = k1 + 1
+c      sa = pr(k1)
+c      sb = pr(k2)
+c      a      = sa*c - sb*s
+c      pr(k2) = sa*s + sb*c
+c      k2 = k2 + 1
+c      b = pr(k2)
+c      pr(k1) = a*c2 - b*s2
+c      pr(k2) = a*s2 + b*c2
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine hnbrt2(c,s,c2,s2,pr,i)
+c  formerly subr rotes2 from cernlib
+c  this subr now does two rotations (xy and xz)
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      dimension pr(5,maxp)
+      k1 = 5*i - 4
+      k2 = k1 + 1
+      sa = pr(1,i)
+      sb = pr(2,i)
+      a      = sa*c - sb*s
+      pr(2,i) = sa*s + sb*c
+      k2 = k2 + 1
+      b = pr(3,i)
+      pr(1,i) = a*c2 - b*s2
+      pr(3,i) = a*s2 + b*c2
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine hnbsor(a,n)
+cc cern proglib# m103    flpsor          .version kernfor  3.15  820113
+cc orig. 29/04/78
+cc   sort the one-dimensional floating point array a(1),...,a(n) by
+cc   increasing values
+c      dimension a(*)
+c      common /slate/ lt(20),rt(20)
+c      integer r,rt
+c      level=1
+c      lt(1)=1
+c      rt(1)=n
+c   10 l=lt(level)
+c      r=rt(level)
+c      level=level-1
+c   20 if(r.gt.l) go to 200
+c      if(level) 50,50,10
+cc   subdivide the interval l,r
+cc     l : lower limit of the interval (input)
+cc     r : upper limit of the interval (input)
+cc     j : upper limit of lower sub-interval (output)
+cc     i : lower limit of upper sub-interval (output)
+c  200 i=l
+c      j=r
+c      m=(l+r)/2
+c      x=a(m)
+c  220 if(a(i).ge.x) go to 230
+c      i=i+1
+c      go to 220
+c  230 if(a(j).le.x) go to 231
+c      j=j-1
+c      go to 230
+c  231 if(i.gt.j) go to 232
+c      w=a(i)
+c      a(i)=a(j)
+c      a(j)=w
+c      i=i+1
+c      j=j-1
+c      if(i.le.j) go to 220
+c  232 level=level+1
+c      if(level.gt.20)stop'level too large'
+c      if((r-i).ge.(j-l)) go to 30
+c      lt(level)=l
+c      rt(level)=j
+c      l=i
+c      go to 20
+c   30 lt(level)=i
+c      rt(level)=r
+c      r=j
+c      go to 20
+c   50 return
+c      end
+      subroutine hnbspd(iopt)
+c  defines particle species and masses and degeneracies.
+c  input:
+c    iopt=odd number: massless
+c    iopt=even number: same as iopt-1, but massive
+c    iopt= 1: pi0 (massless)
+c    iopt= 2: pi0
+c    iopt= 3: pi-,pi0,pi+ (massless)
+c    iopt= 4: pi-,pi0,pi+
+c    iopt= 5: pi-,pi0,pi+,prt,aprt,ntr,antr (massless)
+c    iopt= 6: pi-,pi0,pi+,prt,aprt,ntr,antr
+c    iopt= 7: 25 hadrons (massless)
+c    iopt= 8: 25 hadrons
+c    iopt= 9: 54 hadrons (massless)
+c    iopt=10: 54 hadrons
+c    iopt=11:  3 quarks  (massless)
+c    iopt=12:  3 quarks
+c    iopt=13:  54 hadrons + J/psi   (massless)
+c    iopt=14:  54 hadrons + J/psi
+c    iopt=15:  54 hadrons + J/psi + H  (massless)
+c    iopt=16:  54 hadrons + J/psi + H
+c  output:
+c    nspecs: nr of species
+c    ispecs: id's
+c    aspecs: masses
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      common/cspec2/jspecs(2,nflav,mspecs)
+      common/cspec3/lkfok(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
+      common/cspec4/lkfoi(8,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3,-3:3)  !-charm
+      parameter(nspe01=1,nspe03=3,nspe05=7,nspe07=25,nspe09=54)
+      parameter(nspe11=6,nspe13=55,nspe15=56)
+      real jspe01(nspe01),jspe03(nspe03),jspe05(nspe05),jspe07(nspe07)
+     *,jspe09(nspe09),jspe11(nspe11),jspe13(nspe13),jspe15(nspe15)
+      data jspe01/   110 /
+      data jspe03/   110,  120, -120 /
+      data jspe05/   110,  120, -120, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220 /
+      data jspe07/
+     *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
+     *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
+     *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330 /
+      data jspe09/
+     *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
+     *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
+     *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
+     *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
+     *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
+     *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331 /
+      data jspe11/
+     *     1,   -1,    2,   -2,    3,   -3   /
+      data jspe13/
+     *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
+     *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
+     *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
+     *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
+     *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
+     *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331
+     *, 441 /
+      data jspe15/
+     *   110,  120, -120,  130, -130,  230, -230,  220,  330
+     *,  111,  121, -121,  131, -131,  231, -231,  221,  331
+     *, 1120,-1120, 1220,-1220, 1130,-1130, 2130,-2130
+     *, 1230,-1230, 2230,-2230, 1330,-1330, 2330,-2330
+     *, 1111,-1111, 1121,-1121, 1221,-1221, 2221,-2221, 1131,-1131
+     *, 1231,-1231, 2231,-2231, 1331,-1331, 2331,-2331, 3331,-3331
+     *, 441 , 30 /
+      if(iopt.gt.16)call utstop('hnbspd: invalid option&')
+      ioptx=(1+iopt)/2*2-1
+      if(ioptx.eq.1)nspecs=nspe01
+      if(ioptx.eq.3)nspecs=nspe03
+      if(ioptx.eq.5)nspecs=nspe05
+      if(ioptx.eq.7)nspecs=nspe07
+      if(ioptx.eq.9)nspecs=nspe09
+      if(ioptx.eq.11)nspecs=nspe11
+      if(ioptx.eq.13)nspecs=nspe13
+      if(ioptx.eq.15)nspecs=nspe15
+           do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ioptx.eq.1)ispecs(i)=jspe01(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.3)ispecs(i)=jspe03(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.5)ispecs(i)=jspe05(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.7)ispecs(i)=jspe07(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.9)ispecs(i)=jspe09(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.11)ispecs(i)=jspe11(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.13)ispecs(i)=jspe13(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.15)ispecs(i)=jspe15(i)
+      if(ioptx.eq.iopt)then
+      aspecs(i)=0
+      else
+        id=ispecs(i)
+        call idmass(id,am)
+        aspecs(i)=am
+      endif
+      call hnbspi(ispecs(i),gg)
+      gspecs(i)=gg
+           enddo
+      do nf=1,nflav
+      ifoa(nf)=0
+      enddo
+      do iic=-3, 3                !-charm
+      do iis=-3, 3
+      do iid=-3, 3
+      do iiu=-3, 3
+      do ii=1,7
+      lkfok(ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=0   !-charm
+      lkfoi(ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=0   !-charm
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           do i=1,nspecs
+      id=ispecs(i)
+      call idtr4(id,ic)
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      do nf=1,nflav
+      ifok(nf,i)=jc(nf,1)-jc(nf,2)
+      ifoa(nf)=ifoa(nf)+iabs(ifok(nf,i))
+      jspecs(1,nf,i)=jc(nf,1)
+      jspecs(2,nf,i)=jc(nf,2)
+      enddo
+      iiu=ifok(1,i)
+      iid=ifok(2,i)
+      iis=ifok(3,i)
+      iic=ifok(4,i)  !-charm
+      if(abs(iiu).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: u-dimension of lkfok too small'
+      if(abs(iid).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: d-dimension of lkfok too small'
+      if(abs(iis).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: s-dimension of lkfok too small'
+      if(abs(iic).gt.3)stop'HNBSPD: c-dimension of lkfok too small'   !-charm
+c-charm      if(ifok(4,i).ne.0)stop'HNBSPD: lkfok needs index for c'
+      if(ifok(5,i).ne.0)stop'HNBSPD: lkfok needs index for b'
+      if(ifok(6,i).ne.0)stop'HNBSPD: lkfok needs index for t'
+      lkfok(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=lkfok(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)+1             !-charm
+      lkfoi(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=lkfoi(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)+1             !-charm
+      ii=lkfok(1,iiu,iid,iis,iic)                                      !-charm
+      if(ii.gt.7)stop'HNBSPD: ii-dimension of lkfok too small'
+      lkfok(1+ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=id                                 !-charm
+      lkfoi(1+ii,iiu,iid,iis,iic)=i                                 !-charm
+c       write(6,'(i5,5x,3i5,5x,i5,5x,6i5)')
+c     * id,iiu,iid,iis,(lkfok(iiu,iid,iis,kk),kk=1,7)
+           enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spelog)
+c  returns spelog = log of factor for consid. different species
+c  spelog is double precision
+c  option ioflac determines the method:
+c     ioflac=1: ignore flavour conservation
+c     ioflac=2: flavour conservation implemented straightforward
+c                 (only for nspecs=3,7)
+c     ioflac=3: flavour conservation via generating fctn
+c  further input:
+c     ku,...,kt (integer) : flavour
+c     j (integer) : excluded species
+c     n (integer) : multiplicity
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      integer m(7),l(7),ifot(nflav)
+      common/csph/ifox(nflav),ifoy(nflav),jx,nx,ifom(nflav,mspecs)
+      parameter(mxfacu=200)
+      double precision faci(0:mxfacu)
+      double precision utgam2,spelog,spe
+c      parameter(numax=100,kqmax=100)
+c      parameter(mxhh=200)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbspf ',('-',i=1,30)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,a,9x,a,4x,a)')
+     *' ku kd ks kc kb kt','j','n'
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,6i3,5x,2i5)')
+     *ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n
+      k=nspecs
+      jx=j
+      nx=n
+      ifot(1)=ku
+      ifot(2)=kd
+      ifot(3)=ks
+      ifot(4)=kc
+      ifot(5)=kb
+      ifot(6)=kt
+           if(ioflac.eq.1)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i1)')'ioflac=',ioflac
+      g=0
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(i.ne.j)g=g+gspecs(i)
+      enddo
+      spelog=n*dlog(1.d0*g)
+           elseif(ioflac.eq.2)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i2)')'ioflac:',ioflac
+           if(k.eq.3)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i2)')'nspecs:',nspecs
+      spe=0d0
+           if(j.lt.1.or. j.gt.k)then
+      do 1 n1=0,n
+      do 2 n2=0,n-n1
+      n3=n-n1-n2
+      do 5 nf=1,nflav
+      if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto5
+      if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3).ne.ifot(nf))goto2
+    5 continue
+      spe=spe+utgam2(1.d0+n)
+     &/utgam2(1.d0+n1)/utgam2(1.d0+n2)/utgam2(1.d0+n3)
+     &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3
+    2 continue
+    1 continue
+           else
+      do 3 i1=0,n
+      i2=n-i1
+      m(1)=0
+      m(2)=i1
+      m(3)=i2
+      do i=1,3
+      ii=1+mod(j-2+i,3)
+      l(ii)=m(i)
+      enddo
+      n1=l(1)
+      n2=l(2)
+      n3=l(3)
+      do 6 nf=1,nflav
+      if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto6
+      if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3).ne.ifot(nf))goto3
+    6 continue
+      spe=spe+utgam2(1.d0+n)
+     &/utgam2(1.d0+n1)/utgam2(1.d0+n2)/utgam2(1.d0+n3)
+     &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3
+    3 continue
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'spe:',spe
+      spelog=-1000
+      if(spe.gt.0.d0)spelog=dlog(spe)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'spelog:',spelog
+           elseif(k.eq.7)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,'(1x,a,i2)')'nspecs:',nspecs
+      if(n.gt.mxfacu)call utstop('hnbspf: mxfacu too small&')
+      do lf=0,n
+      faci(lf)=1.d0/utgam2(1d0+lf)
+      enddo
+      spe=0
+           if(j.lt.1.or. j.gt.k)then
+      do n1=0,n
+      do n2=0,n-n1
+      do n3=0,n-n1-n2
+      do n4=0,n-n1-n2-n3
+      do n5=0,n-n1-n2-n3-n4
+      do 12 n6=0,n-n1-n2-n3-n4-n5
+      n7=n-n1-n2-n3-n4-n5-n6
+      do 15 nf=1,nflav
+      if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto15
+      if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3)+n4*ifok(nf,4)
+     *+n5*ifok(nf,5)+n6*ifok(nf,6)+n7*ifok(nf,7).ne.ifot(nf))goto12
+   15 continue
+      spe=spe+1d0/faci(n)*faci(n1)*faci(n2)*faci(n3)*faci(n4)
+     &*faci(n5)*faci(n6)*faci(n7)
+     &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3*gspecs(4)**n4
+     &*gspecs(5)**n5*gspecs(6)**n6*gspecs(7)**n7
+   12 continue
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           else
+      do i1=0,n
+      do i2=0,n-i1
+      do i3=0,n-i1-i2
+      do i4=0,n-i1-i2-i3
+      do 13 i5=0,n-i1-i2-i3-i4
+      i6=n-i1-i2-i3-i4-i5
+      m(1)=0
+      m(2)=i1
+      m(3)=i2
+      m(4)=i3
+      m(5)=i4
+      m(6)=i5
+      m(7)=i6
+      do i=1,7
+      ii=1+mod(j-2+i,7)
+      l(ii)=m(i)
+      enddo
+      n1=l(1)
+      n2=l(2)
+      n3=l(3)
+      n4=l(4)
+      n5=l(5)
+      n6=l(6)
+      n7=l(7)
+      do 16 nf=1,nflav
+      if(ifoa(nf).eq.0.and.ifot(nf).eq.0)goto16
+      if(n1*ifok(nf,1)+n2*ifok(nf,2)+n3*ifok(nf,3)+n4*ifok(nf,4)
+     *+n5*ifok(nf,5)+n6*ifok(nf,6)+n7*ifok(nf,7).ne.ifot(nf))goto13
+   16 continue
+      spe=spe+1d0/faci(n)*faci(n1)*faci(n2)*faci(n3)*faci(n4)
+     &*faci(n5)*faci(n6)*faci(n7)
+     &*gspecs(1)**n1*gspecs(2)**n2*gspecs(3)**n3*gspecs(4)**n4
+     &*gspecs(5)**n5*gspecs(6)**n6*gspecs(7)**n7
+   13 continue
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'spe:',spe
+      spelog=-1000
+      if(spe.gt.0.d0)spelog=dlog(spe)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'spelog:',spelog
+           else
+      call utstop('hnbspf: ioflac=2 only for nspecs=3,7&')
+           endif
+           elseif(ioflac.eq.3)then
+      call utstop('hnbspf: ioflac must be 1 or 2&')
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbspf ',('-',i=1,10)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbspg(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spelog)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision spelog,spalog
+      if(ioflac.ne.0)return
+      ioflac=2
+      call hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spalog)
+      ioflac=3
+      call hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,n,spelog)
+      ioflac=0
+      write(ifch,*)'ioflac=2/3:',spalog,spelog
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbspi(id,spideg)
+c  returns spin degeneracy spideg for particle id-code id
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (nspec=62)
+      dimension ispec(nspec),spid(nspec)
+      data ispec/
+     *     1,   -1,    2,   -2,    3,   -3
+     *,  110,  120, -120,  220,  130, -130,  230, -230,  330
+     *,  111,  121, -121,  221,  131, -131,  231, -231,  331
+     *, 1120, 1220, 1130, 2130, 1230, 2230, 1330, 2330
+     *, 1111, 1121, 1221, 2221, 1131, 1231, 2231, 1331, 2331, 3331
+     *,-1120,-1220,-1130,-2130,-1230,-2230,-1330,-2330
+     *,-1111,-1121,-1221,-2221,-1131,-1231,-2231,-1331,-2331,-3331
+     *,441,30/
+      data spid/
+     *  6*6.
+     *, 9*1.
+     *, 9*3.
+     *, 8*2.
+     *,10*4.
+     *, 8*2.
+     *,10*4.
+     *,1*3
+     *,1*3/
+      do i=1,nspec
+      if(id.eq.ispec(i))then
+      spideg=spid(i)
+      fac=1
+      !factb ... not used
+      !factq ... not used
+      call idflav(id,ifl1,ifl2,ifl3,jspin,index)
+      ifls=0
+      if(abs(ifl1).eq.3)ifls=ifls+1
+      if(abs(ifl2).eq.3)ifls=ifls+1
+      if(abs(ifl3).eq.3)ifls=ifls+1
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+      if(ifls.ge.1)then
+        if(abs(id).gt.1000)then
+          fac=fac*(1+facts)
+        elseif(abs(id).lt.1000)then
+          fac=fac*(1-facts)
+        endif
+      elseif(abs(id).gt.1000)then
+        fac=fac*(1+factb)
+      endif
+      else
+      if(ifls.ge.1)then
+        if(abs(id).gt.1000)then
+          fac=fac*(1+facts)
+        elseif(abs(id).lt.1000)then
+          fac=fac*(1-facts)
+        endif
+      endif
+      endif
+      spideg=spideg*fac
+      goto1
+      endif
+      enddo
+      call utstop('hnbspi: id not found&')
+    1 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine hnbtst(iof12)
+c  calculates logs of prefactors and phase space integral
+c  for ultrarelativistic limit (massless particles) and (2*s_i+1)=1
+c  f12log and w15log=w35log+f12log not calculated calculated for iof12=0
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/ctst/psulog,wtulog
+      integer ii(maxp)
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      pi=3.1415927
+      hquer=0.197327
+      ish0=ish
+      if(ishsub/100.eq.23)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
+      do i=1,np
+      ii(i)=1
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+     *,' entry sr hnbtst ',('-',i=1,30)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'configuration:'
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)(ident(i),i=1,np)
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'n_l:',nlattc,'   n_0:',nlattc-np
+c log of prod m_i*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3 -> f5log
+      f5log=0
+      do i=1,np
+      call hnbfaf(i,gg,am,ioma)
+      f5log=f5log+alog(gg*am*volu/4/pi**3/hquer**3)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log(f5):',f5log
+c log f4log=0
+      f4log=0
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log(f4):',f4log
+c log of 1/prod n_alpha! -> f3log
+      dbllog=0
+      n1=1
+      nx=1
+    1 continue
+      i=0
+      x=0
+      do n2=n1,np
+      if(ident(n2).eq.ident(n1))then
+      ii(n2)=0
+      i=i+1
+      x=x+alog(i*1.)
+      endif
+      if(ii(n2).ne.0.and.n2.gt.n1.and.nx.eq.n1
+     *.and.ident(n2).ne.ident(n1))nx=n2
+      enddo
+      dbllog=dbllog+x
+      if(nx.gt.n1)then
+      n1=nx
+      goto1
+      endif
+      f3log=-dbllog
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log(f3):'
+     *,f3log
+c log of f3 * f4 * f5
+      f35log=f5log+f4log+f3log
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log(f3*f4*f5):',f35log
+c log of phase space integral --> psilog
+           if(iocova.eq.1)then
+      psilog=alog(2.*np*np*(np-1)/tecm**4/pi)
+      do i=1,np
+      psilog=psilog+alog(tecm**2*pi/2./i/i)
+      enddo
+           elseif(iocova.eq.2)then
+      psilog=-alog(2.*np-1)
+      psilog=psilog+(np-1)*alog(pi/2.)
+      do i=1,2*np-2
+      psilog=psilog+alog((2.*np+i-2)/i)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,3*np-4
+      psilog=psilog+alog(tecm/i)
+      enddo
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log(psi):',psilog
+c log of phase space integral * f3 * f4 * f5
+      w35log=f35log+psilog
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'log(f35*psi):',w35log
+           if(iof12.ne.0)then
+c log of macro/micro factor (f1*f2) --> f12log
+      deglog=0
+      do i=1,np
+      deglog=deglog+alog(1.*i)
+      enddo
+      deglog=deglog+f3log
+      do i=1,np
+      deglog=deglog+alog(nlattc+1.-i)-alog(1.*i)
+      enddo
+      f12log=-deglog
+      w15log=w35log+f12log
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+        write(ifch,*)'log(f1*f2):',f12log
+        write(ifch,*)'log(f15*psi):',w15log
+        write(ifch,'(1x,4(a,3x))')
+     *'log(fac):','log(psi):',' log(wt):','log(wta):'
+        write(ifch,'(1x,4(f9.3,3x))')
+     *f12log+f35log,psilog,w15log,w15log-f12log
+      endif
+           endif
+      psulog=psilog
+      wtulog=w35log
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+     *,' exit sr hnbtst ',('-',i=1,10)
+      ish=ish0
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine hnbuex(x,e)
+cc  x --> x*10.**e with x.lt.10.**10.
+c           if(x.eq.0.)then
+c      e=0.
+c           else
+c      e=int(alog10(abs(x)))/10*10
+c      x=x/10.**e
+c           endif
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine hnbwin(n,w,q,i)
+cc  returns random index i according to weight w(i)
+c      real w(n),q(n)
+c      q(1)=w(1)
+c      do k=2,n
+c      q(k)=q(k-1)+w(k)
+c      enddo
+c      y=rangen()*q(n)
+c      do k=1,n
+c      i=k
+c      if(q(k).ge.y)goto1000
+c      enddo
+c      i=n
+c1000  return
+c      end
+      subroutine hnbwri
+c  writes (to ifch) an configuration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/cfact/faclog
+      write(ifch,'(1x,a,i5)')'np:',np
+      write(ifch,'(1x,3(a,3x))')
+     *'log(fac):','log(psi):',' log(wt):'
+      if(wtlog.gt.-1e30.and.wtxlog.gt.-1e30)then
+      write(ifch,'(1x,3(f9.3,3x))')faclog,wtxlog,wtlog
+      else
+      write(ifch,*)faclog,wtxlog,wtlog
+      endif
+      if(np.le.1)return
+      call hnbtst(1)
+      write(ifch,*)'particle id codes:'
+      write(ifch,'(1x,10i6)')(ident(n),n=1,np)
+      write(ifch,*)'particle masses:'
+      write(ifch,'(1x,10f6.3)')(amass(n),n=1,np)
+      end
+      subroutine hnbzen(iii)
+c analysis of events. energy spectra.
+c for iii>0: filling histogram considering ptl iii
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (nhise=100)
+      common/chise/hise(mspecs,nhise)
+      de=2./nhise/2.
+      j=0
+           if(iii.gt.0)then
+      i=iii
+      do l=1,nspecs
+      if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(l))then
+      j=l
+      goto1
+      endif
+      enddo
+    1 continue
+      am=aspecs(j)
+      e=pcm(4,i)
+      ke=1+int((e-am)/(2*de))
+      if(ke.ge.1.and.ke.le.nhise)hise(j,ke)=hise(j,ke)+1
+      return
+           else
+      stop'STOP in hnbzen: iii=0'
+           endif
+      end
+      subroutine hnbzmu(iii)
+c analysis of events. multiplicity spectra.
+c for iii<0: settting histograms to zero (should be first call)
+c for iii>0: filling histogram considering ptl iii
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (nhismu=500)
+      common/chismu/hismu(mspecs,0:nhismu),hismus(nhismu)
+           if(iii.lt.0)then
+      do i=1,nhismu
+      hismus(i)=0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      do i=0,nhismu
+      hismu(j,i)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      goto1000
+           elseif(iii.gt.0)then
+      if(np.ge.1.and.np.le.nhismu)hismus(np)=hismus(np)+1
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      mu=0
+      do i=1,np
+      if(ident(i).eq.ispecs(j))mu=mu+1
+      enddo
+      if(mu.ge.0.and.mu.le.nhismu)hismu(j,mu)=hismu(j,mu)+1
+      enddo
+      goto1000
+           else
+      stop'STOP in sr hnbzmu: iii must not be 0'
+           endif
+1000  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhgcam(amt,iii)
+c creates unnormalized histogram for total mass of grand
+c canonically generated sample
+c xpar1: nr. of bins
+c xpar2: m_1 (lower boundary)
+c xpar3: m_2 (upper boundary)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(nbmx=200)
+      common/camdat/data(nbmx),datb(nbmx)
+      parameter(mxclu=10000)
+      real am(mxclu)
+      character cen*6,cvol*6
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+      am(nrclu)=amt
+      return
+      elseif(iii.lt.0)then
+      nbin=nint(xpar3)
+      x1=xpar1
+      x2=xpar2
+      dam=(x2-x1)/nbin
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
+      do i=1,nbin
+      data(i)=x1+(i-1)*dam
+      datb(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nrclu
+      xnb=(am(i)-x1)/dam+1.
+      nb=nint(xnb)
+      if(nb.le.nbin.and.nb.ge.1)datb(nb)=datb(nb)+1
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 2 1'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis total mass"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')data(j),datb(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      return
+           endif
+       end
+      subroutine xhgccc(chi)
+c creates unnormalized histogram for chi-squared test of initial
+c configuration (grand-canonical results are used)
+c for chi>0: chi-squared for each droplet configuration is written
+c            to /cchi/
+c for chi<0: creates histogram
+c            xpar1 specifies lower limit
+c            xpar2 specifies upper limit
+c            xpar3 specifies bin width
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(nbin=200)
+      common/chidat/data(nbin),datb(nbin)
+      parameter(mxclu=10000)
+      common/cchi/chi2(mxclu)
+      character cnu*2,cinco*1,cen*6,cvol*6
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+         if(chi.ge.0.0)then
+      nrclu=nrclu+1
+      chi2(nrclu)=chi
+      return
+         elseif(chi.lt.0.0)then
+      x1=nint(xpar1)
+      x2=nint(xpar2)
+      da=xpar3
+      write(cnu,'(i2)')nspecs
+      write(cinco,'(i1)')ioinco
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
+      if(x2.eq.0)x2=50.0
+      da=max(0.1,da)
+      a0=x1
+      do i=1,nbin
+      data(i)=a0+(i-1)*da
+      datb(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nrclu
+      nb=(chi2(i)+da/2.-a0)/da
+      if(nb.le.nbin.and.nb.ge.1)datb(nb)=datb(nb)+1
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis [V]^2"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis f([V]^2,n?eff!)"'
+      if(iappl.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      if(iappl.eq.4)write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,nbin
+      dat=datb(j)/nevent/da
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')data(j),dat
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+           endif
+       end
+      subroutine xhgcen
+c  creates energy spectrum plot for decayed QM-droplet
+c  using grand canonical results
+c input:
+c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
+c  xpar2 and xpar3 specify xrange of plot
+c  xpar4 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2) dado (3)
+c  xpar5 specifies statistics to be used ,(0) same as iostat
+c                                         (1) boltzmann
+c output:
+c  histo-file
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      parameter (nbin=200)
+      real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
+      character ctem*5,cit*5,cen*6,cvo*6,chem*5
+      idpa=nint(xpar1)
+      x1=xpar2
+      x2=xpar3
+      ltyp=nint(xpar4)
+      ist=nint(xpar5)
+      if(ist.eq.0.and.iostat.eq.1)ist=1
+      id=0
+      jx=100
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
+      enddo
+      dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
+      x0=x1+dx
+         do j=1,jx
+         datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
+         daty(j)=0.0
+       if(id.eq.0)then
+      do 10 i=1,nspecs
+      dnde=0.0
+        if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(i))then
+      x=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.0.and.ist.eq.0)x=(datx(j)-chemgc(i))/tem
+      if(tem.ne.0.0.and.ist.eq.1)x=(datx(j)-chebol(i))/tembol
+      igsp=gspecs(i)
+       if(x.ge.60)goto10
+       if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0.and.ist.eq.0)then
+      dnde=1./(exp(x)+1.)
+       elseif(x.le.1.e-7.and.ist.eq.0)then
+      dnde=1.e7
+       elseif(ist.eq.0)then
+      dnde=1./(exp(x)-1.)
+       elseif(ist.eq.1)then
+      dnde=exp(-x)
+       endif
+        endif
+      daty(j)=daty(j)+dnde*gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3/8./pi**3
+10    continue
+       else
+      dnde=0.0
+        if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(id))then
+      x=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.0.and.ist.eq.0)x=(datx(j)-chemgc(id))/tem
+      if(tem.ne.0.0.and.ist.eq.1)x=(datx(j)-chebol(id))/tembol
+      igsp=gspecs(id)
+       if(x.ge.60)goto11
+       if(mod(igsp,2).eq.0.and.ist.eq.0)then
+      dnde=1./(exp(x)+1.)
+       elseif(x.le.1.e-7.and.ist.eq.0)then
+      dnde=1.e7
+       elseif(ist.eq.0)then
+      dnde=1./(exp(x)-1.)
+       elseif(ist.eq.1)then
+      dnde=exp(-x)
+       endif
+        endif
+11    daty(j)=dnde*gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3/8./pi**3
+       endif
+         enddo
+      ctem='     '
+      chem='     '
+      if(tem.gt.0.)write(ctem,'(f5.3)')tem
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
+      if(id.gt.0)write(chem,'(f5.3)')chemgc(id)
+      write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(ltyp.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.3)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldd'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis E?[n]! (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/d^3!p"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.10 "T='//ctem//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.20 "[m]?[n]!='//chem//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.20 "i?max!='//cit//'"'
+      if(iocite.ne.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhgcfl(u,d,s,iii)
+c creates unnormalized histogram for net flavor content of grand
+c canonically generated sample
+c xpar1: specifies width of plot, netflavor centered
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(nb=200)
+      common/cfldat/data(nb),datb(nb),datc(nb),datu(nb)
+     *,datd(nb),dats(nb)
+      parameter(mxclu=10000)
+      integer ku(mxclu),kd(mxclu),ks(mxclu)
+      character cfl*3,cen*6,cvol*6
+      if(iii.eq.0)then
+      ku(nrclu)=u
+      kd(nrclu)=d
+      ks(nrclu)=s
+      return
+      elseif(iii.lt.0)then
+      kwid=nint(xpar1)
+      nbin=2*kwid+1
+      x1u=keu-kwid
+      x2u=keu+kwid
+      x1d=ked-kwid
+      x2d=ked+kwid
+      x1s=kes-kwid
+      x2s=kes+kwid
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvol,'(f6.1)')volu
+      do i=1,nbin
+      data(i)=x1u+(i-1)
+      datb(i)=x1d+(i-1)
+      datc(i)=x1s+(i-1)
+      datu(i)=0.0
+      datd(i)=0.0
+      dats(i)=0.0
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nrclu
+      nbu=(ku(i)-x1u+1)
+      nbd=(kd(i)-x1d+1)
+      nbs=(ks(i)-x1s+1)
+      if(nbu.le.nbin.and.nbu.ge.1)datu(nbu)=datu(nbu)+1
+      if(nbd.le.nbin.and.nbd.ge.1)datd(nbd)=datd(nbd)+1
+      if(nbs.le.nbin.and.nbs.ge.1)dats(nbs)=dats(nbs)+1
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 3 1'
+      write(cfl,'(i3)')keu
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1u,x2u
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis net u content"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.65 0.91 "N?u!='//cfl//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')data(j),datu(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(cfl,'(i3)')ked
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1d,x2d
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis net d content"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.65 0.91 "N?d!='//cfl//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')datb(j),datd(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(cfl,'(i3)')kes
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1s,x2s
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis net s content"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis N"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.65 0.91 "N?s!='//cfl//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,nbin
+      write(ifhi,'(2e13.5)')datc(j),dats(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      return
+           endif
+       end
+      subroutine xhgcmt
+c creates transverse mass spectrum for QM-droplet decay
+c according to grand canonical results
+c input:
+c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
+c  xpar2 and xpar3 specify xrange of plot
+c  xpar4 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
+c output:
+c  histo-file
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      parameter (nbin=200)
+      real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      character cen*6,cvo*6,cit*5,ctem*5
+      idpa=nint(xpar1)
+      x1=xpar2
+      x2=xpar3
+      ltyp=nint(xpar4)
+      id=0
+      jx=100
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
+      enddo
+      dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
+      x0=x1+dx
+         do j=1,jx
+         datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
+         daty(j)=0.0
+       if(id.eq.0)then
+      do 10 i=1,nspecs
+      dndmt=0.0
+      if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(i))then
+      x=100.
+      xx=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.)x=datx(j)/tem
+      if(tem.ne.0.)xx=chemgc(i)/tem
+      if(abs(xx).le.60)dndmt=gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3*exp(xx)*datx(j)
+     */4./pi**3*hgcbk1(x)
+      endif
+      daty(j)=daty(j)+dndmt
+10    continue
+       else
+      dndmt=0.0
+      if(datx(j).ge.aspecs(id))then
+      x=100.
+      xx=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.)x=datx(j)/tem
+      if(tem.ne.0.)xx=chemgc(id)/tem
+      if(abs(xx).le.60)dndmt=gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3*exp(xx)*datx(j)
+     */4./pi**3*hgcbk1(x)
+      endif
+      daty(j)=dndmt
+       endif
+         enddo
+      write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
+      write(ctem,'(f5.3)')tem
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(ltyp.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis m?t! (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/d^2!m?t! "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.10 "T='//ctem//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.20 "i?max!='//cit//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhgcmu
+c creates multiplicity plot for decayed QM-droplet
+c according to grand canonical results
+c input:
+c  xpar1 specifies species by paige id, 0 for total multiplicity
+c  xpar2 specifies xrange to be set automatically (0) or by hand (1)
+c  xpar3 and xpar4 xrange if xpar2 ne 0
+c  xpar5 xrange = average+-sigma*xpar5
+c  xpar6 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
+c  xpar7 specifies statistics : same as iostat (0)
+c                               boltzmann (1)
+c output:
+c  histo-file
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (nbin=200)
+      real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      character cyield*8,cen*6,cvo*6,cinco*1
+      idpa=nint(xpar1)
+      ixra=nint(xpar2)
+      iwid=nint(xpar5)
+      ltyp=nint(xpar6)
+      ist=nint(xpar7)
+      if(ist.eq.0.and.iostat.eq.1)ist=1
+      pn=0.0
+      id=0
+      jx=100
+      ymin=1./nevent/10.
+      if(nevent.le.10)ymin=ymin/10.
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
+      enddo
+       if(ixra.eq.1)then
+      x1=anint(xpar3)
+      x2=anint(xpar4)
+       else
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+      x1=anint(ptltot-iwid*rmstot)
+      x2=anint(ptltot+iwid*rmstot)
+      else
+      x1=anint(ptlngc(id)-iwid*rmsngc(id))
+      x2=anint(ptlngc(id)+iwid*rmsngc(id))
+      endif
+      x2=max(x2,3.0)
+       endif
+      x1=max(x1,0.0)
+      dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
+      x0=x1+dx
+      pn=0.0
+      do j=1,jx
+      datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+c     total multiplicity
+c     ------------------
+      x=100.
+      if(rmstot.ge.1.e-10)x=(datx(j)-ptltot)**2/rmstot**2/2.
+       if(x.ge.60)then
+      pn=0.0
+       else
+      pn=exp(-x)/rmstot/sqrt(2.*pi)
+       endif
+      daty(j)=pn
+         else
+c     one species (specified by id)
+c     ------------------------------
+      x=100.
+      if(rmsngc(id).ge.1.e-10.and.ist.eq.0)
+     *x=(datx(j)-ptlngc(id))**2/rmsngc(id)**2/2.
+      if(rmsbol(id).ge.1.e-10.and.ist.eq.1)
+     *x=(datx(j)-ptlbol(id))**2/rmsbol(id)**2/2.
+       if(x.ge.60)then
+      pn=0.0
+       else
+      if(ist.eq.0)pn=exp(-x)/rmsngc(id)/sqrt(2*pi)
+      if(ist.eq.1)pn=exp(-x)/rmsbol(id)/sqrt(2*pi)
+       endif
+      daty(j)=pn
+         endif
+         enddo
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+      write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptltot
+      else
+      write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptlngc(id)
+      endif
+      write(cinco,'(i1)')ioinco
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(ltyp.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.3)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldd'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e11.3,a)')'yrange',ymin,'  auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis N?[n]!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(N?[n]!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.3 0.10 "" "L#N?[n]!"G#='//cyield//'""'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.2 "conf?in!='//cinco//'"'
+      if(iocite.ne.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhgcmx
+c creates multiplicity plot for decayed QM-droplet
+c according to grand canonical results POISSON DISTRIB.!!!!
+c input:
+c  xpar1 specifies species by paige id, 0 for total multiplicity
+c  xpar2 specifies xrange to be set automatically (0) or by hand (1)
+c  xpar3 and xpar4 xrange if xpar2 ne 0
+c  xpar5 xrange = average+-sigma*xpar5
+c  xpar6 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2) dado (3)
+c  xpar7 specifies statistics : same as iostat (0)
+c                               boltzmann (1)
+c output:
+c  histo-file
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (nbin=200)
+      real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cbol/rmsbol(mspecs),ptlbol(mspecs),chebol(mspecs),tembol
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      character cyield*8,cen*6,cvo*6,cinco*1
+      idpa=nint(xpar1)
+      ixra=nint(xpar2)
+      iwid=nint(xpar5)
+      ltyp=nint(xpar6)
+      ist=nint(xpar7)
+      if(ist.eq.0.and.iostat.eq.1)ist=1
+      pn=0.
+      id=0
+      ymin=1./nevent/10.
+      if(nevent.le.10)ymin=ymin/10.
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
+      enddo
+       if(ixra.eq.1)then
+      n1=nint(xpar3)
+      n2=nint(xpar4)
+       else
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+      n1=nint(ptltot-iwid*rmstot)
+      n2=nint(ptltot+iwid*rmstot)
+      else
+      n1=nint(ptlngc(id)-iwid*rmsngc(id))
+      n2=nint(ptlngc(id)+iwid*rmsngc(id))
+      endif
+      n2=max(n2,3)
+       endif
+      n1=max(n1,0)
+      jx=n2+1
+      do j=1,jx
+      datx(j)=j-1
+      jf=1
+      if(j.gt.1)then
+      do i=1,j-1
+      jf=jf*i
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+c     total multiplicity
+c     ------------------
+      daty(j)=1./jf*ptltot**(j-1)*exp(-ptltot)
+         else
+c     one species (specified by id)
+c     ------------------------------
+      if(ist.eq.0)pn=1./jf*ptlngc(id)**(j-1)*exp(-ptlngc(id))
+      if(ist.eq.1)pn=1./jf*ptlbol(id)**(j-1)*exp(-ptlbol(id))
+      daty(j)=pn
+         endif
+         enddo
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+      write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptltot
+      else
+      write(cyield,'(f8.3)')ptlngc(id)
+      endif
+      write(cinco,'(i1)')ioinco
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(ltyp.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.3)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldd'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2i3)')'xrange',n1,n2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e11.3,a)')'yrange',ymin,'  auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis N?[n]!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P(N?[n]!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')'text 0.3 0.10 "" "L#N?[n]!"G#='//cyield//'""'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.2 "conf?in!='//cinco//'"'
+      if(iocite.ne.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhgcpt
+c creates transverse momentum spectrum for decayed QM-droplet
+c according to grand canonical results
+c input:
+c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
+c  xpar2 rapidity window
+c  xpar3 and xpar4 specify xrange of plot
+c  xpar5 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
+c output:
+c  histo-file
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      parameter (nbin=200)
+      real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      character crap*5,cen*6,cvo*6,cit*5
+      idpa=nint(xpar1)
+      y=xpar2
+      x1=xpar3
+      x2=xpar4
+      ltyp=xpar5
+      write(crap,'(f5.1)')y
+      id=0
+      jx=100
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
+      enddo
+      dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
+      x0=x1+dx
+         do j=1,jx
+         datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
+         daty(j)=0.0
+       if(id.eq.0)then
+      do 10 i=1,nspecs
+      x=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.)
+     *x=(sqrt(aspecs(i)**2+datx(j)**2)*cosh(y)-chemgc(i))/tem
+       if(x.ge.60)then
+      dndpt=0.0
+       else
+      dndpt=exp(-x)
+       endif
+      dndpt=dndpt*gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3*cosh(y)
+     **sqrt(aspecs(i)**2+datx(j)**2)/8./pi**3
+      daty(j)=daty(j)+dndpt
+10    continue
+       else
+      x=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.)
+     *x=(sqrt(aspecs(id)**2+datx(j)**2)*cosh(y)-chemgc(id))/tem
+       if(x.ge.60)then
+      dndpt=0.0
+       else
+      dndpt=exp(-x)
+       endif
+      dndpt=dndpt*gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3*cosh(y)
+     **sqrt(aspecs(id)**2+datx(j)**2)/8./pi**3
+      daty(j)=dndpt
+       endif
+         enddo
+      write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(ltyp.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis p?t! (GeV/c)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/dyd^2!p?t!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.10 0.10 "y = '//crap//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.10 0.30 "i?max! = '//cit//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhgcra
+c creates rapidity distribution for decayed QM-droplet
+c according to grand canonical results
+c input:
+c  xpar1 specifies particle species by paige id, 0 for all
+c  xpar2 and xpar3 specify xrange of plot
+c  xpar4 specifies line type : dashed (0), dotted (1), full (2)
+c output:
+c  histo-file
+c  newpage, zone and plot commands not included !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (nbin=200)
+      real datx(nbin),daty(nbin)
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      character cen*6,cvo*6,cng*8
+      idpa=nint(xpar1)
+      x1=nint(xpar2)
+      x2=nint(xpar3)
+      ltyp=nint(xpar4)
+      id=0
+      jx=100
+      ymin=1./nevent/10.
+      if(nevent.le.10)ymin=ymin/10.
+      do i=1,nspecs
+      if(ispecs(i).eq.idpa)id=i
+      enddo
+      dx=(x2-x1)/2./jx
+      x0=x1+dx
+         do j=1,jx
+         datx(j)=x0+(j-1)*dx*2.
+         daty(j)=0.0
+         y=datx(j)
+         if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'cosh y:',cosh(y)
+       if(id.eq.0)then
+      do 10 i=1,nspecs
+      dndy=0.0
+      sum=aspecs(i)**2*tem+2.*aspecs(i)*tem**2/cosh(y)
+     *+2.*tem**3/cosh(y)**2
+      x=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)
+     *x=(aspecs(i)*cosh(y)-chemgc(i))/tem
+       if(x.ge.60.)then
+      pro=0.0
+       else
+      pro=exp(-x)
+      endif
+      pro=pro*gspecs(i)*volu/hquer**3/4./pi**2
+      if(pro.ge.(1.e-30).and.sum.ge.(1.e-30))then
+      che=alog(pro)+alog(sum)
+      else
+      che=-61.0
+      endif
+      if(che.le.60.0.and.che.ge.(-60.0))dndy=pro*sum
+c     if(che.le.60.0.and.che.ge.(-60.0))dndy=exp(che)
+      daty(j)=daty(j)+dndy
+10    continue
+       else
+      dndy=0.0
+      sum=aspecs(id)**2*tem+2.*aspecs(id)*tem**2/cosh(y)
+     *+2.*tem**3/cosh(y)**2
+      x=100.
+      if(tem.ne.0.0)
+     *x=(aspecs(id)*cosh(y)-chemgc(id))/tem
+       if(x.ge.60.)then
+      pro=0.0
+       else
+      pro=exp(-x)
+      endif
+      pro=pro*gspecs(id)*volu/hquer**3/4./pi**2
+      if(pro.ge.(1.e-30).and.sum.ge.(1.e-30))then
+      che=alog(pro)+alog(sum)
+      else
+      che=-61.0
+      endif
+      if(che.le.60..and.che.ge.-60.)dndy=pro*sum
+      daty(j)=dndy
+       endif
+         enddo
+      write(cen,'(f6.1)')tecm
+      write(cvo,'(f6.1)')volu
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+      write(cng,'(f8.3)')ptltot
+      else
+      write(cng,'(f8.3)')ptlngc(id)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      if(ltyp.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo'
+      elseif(ltyp.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e11.3,a)')'yrange',ymin,'  auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dN?[n]!/dy"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.4 0.91 "V='//cvo//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.15 0.91 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0.3 0.10 "N?[n]!='//cng//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+         do j=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),daty(j)
+         enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhnben
+c produces histogram of energy spectrum (after metropolis run)
+c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
+c iocite=1 required
+c xpar1: particle species (venus id-code)
+c xpar2: 1: actual spectrum 2: fit
+c xpar3: 1: de/d3p 2: ede/d3e
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (nhise=100)
+      common/chise/hise(mspecs,nhise)
+      parameter (literm=500)
+      common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
+     *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
+      real datx(nhise),daty(nhise),dats(nhise)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      character ch*1,chid*5,cyield*9,ctem*5
+      de=2./nhise/2.
+      if(iocite.ne.1)stop'STOP: xhnben: iocite=1 required'
+      idcode=nint(xpar1)
+      mode=nint(xpar2)
+      kind=nint(xpar3)
+           do j=1,nspecs
+           if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
+      id=idcode
+      am=aspecs(j)
+      yield=1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
+      if(kind.eq.1)ch=' '
+      if(kind.eq.2)ch='e'
+      ll=kind-1
+      e0=am+de
+      nebins=0
+        do i=1,nhise
+      e=e0+(i-1)*2*de
+      p1=sqrt((e-de)**2-am**2)
+      p2=sqrt((e+de)**2-am**2)
+      d3p=4*pi*(p2**3-p1**3)/3
+      datx(i)=e
+      y=(1-ll+ll*e)*hise(j,i)/(itermx-iternc)/d3p
+      if(y.gt.0.)then
+      nebins=nebins+1
+      daty(i)=alog(y)
+      d=y/sqrt(hise(j,i))
+      dats(i)=1e10
+      if(y-d.gt.0.)dats(i)=alog(y+d)-alog(y-d)
+      else
+      daty(i)=-100
+      dats(i)=1e10
+      endif
+c-c   if(e.lt.0.2)dats(i)=1e10
+        enddo
+      a=0.
+      b=0.
+        if(nebins.ge.3)then
+      call utfit(datx,daty,nhise,dats,1,a,b,siga,sigb,chi2,q)
+      tem=-1./b
+      if(tem.lt.0.050.or.tem.gt.10.)then
+      tem=0.
+      a=0.
+      b=0.
+      endif
+        endif
+      do i=1,nhise
+      daty(i)=exp(daty(i))
+      enddo
+      write(chid,'(i5)')id
+      write(cyield,'(f9.4)')yield
+      ctem='     '
+      if(tem.gt.0.)write(ctem,'(f5.3)')tem
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto xrange 0 3'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')  'text 0 0 "title id='//chid
+     *                           ,'   N='//cyield//'   T='//ctem//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis energy (GeV)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis '//ch//' dn/d3p (GeV-3)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'array 2'
+      do i=1,nhise
+      if(mode.eq.1)write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(i),daty(i)
+      if(mode.eq.2)write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(i),exp(a+b*datx(i))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto'
+           endif
+           enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhnbit
+c produces histogram of multiplicity versus iterations (after metropolis run)
+c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
+c iocite=1 required
+c xpar1: particle species (0=all, else venus id-code)
+c xpar2: 1:actual multiplicity 2:average multiplicity 3:grand canonical
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (literm=500)
+      common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
+     *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
+      real datlx(literm),datly(literm)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      character chid*5,ctecm*5,cvolu*6
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      if(iocite.ne.1)stop'STOP: xhnbit: iocite=1 required'
+      idcode=nint(xpar1)
+      mode=nint(xpar2)
+           if(idcode.eq.0)then
+      yield=0
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      yield=yield+1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
+      enddo
+      datlx(1)=(iterl(1)+1)/2.
+      do li=2,liter-1
+      datlx(li)=(iterl(li)+iterl(li-1)+1)/2.
+      enddo
+      x1=0
+      x2=iterl(liter-1)
+      do li=1,liter-1
+      y=0
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      y=y+lspecs(li,j)
+      enddo
+      if(mode.eq.1)datly(li)=y/iterc(li)
+      if(mode.eq.2)datly(li)=yield
+      if(mode.eq.3)datly(li)=ptltot
+      enddo
+      write(ctecm,'(f5.1)')tecm
+      write(cvolu,'(f6.1)')volu
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0 0 "title E = '//ctecm//'   V = '
+     *                                 ,cvolu//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iterations"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis multiplicity"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=1,liter-1
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datlx(i),datly(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+           else
+           do j=1,nspecs
+           if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
+      yield=1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
+      write(chid,'(i5)')idcode
+      do li=1,liter-1
+      datlx(li)=iterl(li)
+      enddo
+      x1=0
+      x2=datlx(liter-1)
+      do li=1,liter-1
+      if(mode.eq.1)datly(li)=lspecs(li,j)*1./iterc(li)
+      if(mode.eq.2)datly(li)=yield
+      if(mode.eq.3)datly(li)=ptlngc(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "title id='//chid//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iterations "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis multiplicity"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=1,liter-1
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datlx(i),datly(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+           endif
+           enddo
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhnbmu
+c produces histogram of multiplicity distribution (after metropolis run)
+c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
+c iocite=1 required
+c xpar1: particle species (0=all, else venus id-code)
+c xpar2: xrange automatic (0) or given via xpar3,4 (else)
+c xpar3,4: xrange
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (nhismu=500)
+      common/chismu/hismu(mspecs,0:nhismu),hismus(nhismu)
+      parameter (literm=500)
+      common/cmet/kspecs(mspecs),liter,lspecs(literm,mspecs)
+     *,iterl(literm),iterc(literm)
+      real datx(nhismu),daty(nhismu)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      character chid*5,cyield*9,ctecm*5,cvolu*6
+      if(iocite.ne.1)stop'STOP: xhnbmu: iocite=1 required'
+      idcode=nint(xpar1)
+      ixr=nint(xpar2)
+      xx1=xpar3
+      xx2=xpar4
+      write(ctecm,'(f5.1)')tecm
+      write(cvolu,'(f6.1)')volu
+           if(idcode.eq.0)then
+      yield=0
+      do j=1,nspecs
+      yield=yield+1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
+      enddo
+      write(cyield,'(f9.4)')yield
+      i1=0
+      i2=nlattc
+      mus=0
+      do i=1,nhismu
+      if(i1.eq.0.and.nint(hismus(i)).gt.0)i1=i
+      if(nint(hismus(i)).gt.0)i2=i
+      mus=mus+hismus(i)
+      enddo
+      ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.20
+      if(itermx.le.1000)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.40
+      if(itermx.le.100)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.80
+      i1=i1-ij
+      i1=max(i1,2)
+      i2=i2+ij
+      ii=10
+      if(i1.le.50)ii=5
+      if(i1.le.20)ii=2
+      i1=i1/ii*ii
+      i2=i2/ii*ii+ii
+           do i=i1,i2
+      l=1+i-i1
+      datx(l)=i
+      daty(l)=hismus(i)/mus
+           enddo
+      jx=1+i2-i1
+      if(ixr.eq.0)then
+      x1=i1
+      x2=i2
+      else
+      x1=xx1
+      x2=xx2
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')     'text 0 0 "title E = '//ctecm//'   V = '
+     *                              ,cvolu//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis multiplicity n  "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis dN/dn"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.25 "N?MC!='//cyield//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),daty(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+           else
+           do j=1,nspecs
+           if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
+      yield=1.*kspecs(j)/(itermx-iternc)
+      write(cyield,'(f9.4)')yield
+      write(chid,'(i5)')idcode
+      i1=0
+      i2=nlattc
+      mus=0
+      do i=0,nhismu
+      if(i1.eq.0.and.nint(hismu(j,i)).gt.0)i1=i
+      if(nint(hismu(j,i)).gt.0)i2=i
+      mus=mus+hismu(j,i)
+      enddo
+      ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.30
+      if(itermx.le.1000)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*0.60
+      if(itermx.le.100)ij=0.5*(i1+i2)*1.20
+      i1=i1-ij
+      i1=max(i1,0)
+      i2=i2+ij
+      ii=10
+      if(i1.le.50)ii=5
+      if(i1.le.20)ii=2
+      i1=i1/ii*ii
+      i2=i2/ii*ii+ii
+           do i=i1,i2
+      l=1+i-i1
+      datx(l)=i
+      daty(l)=hismu(j,i)/mus
+           enddo
+      jx=1+i2-i1
+      if(ixr.eq.0)then
+      x1=i1
+      x2=i2
+      else
+      x1=xx1
+      x2=xx2
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "title id='//chid//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis multiplicity n  "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis dN/dn"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.25 "N?MC!='//cyield//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),daty(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+           endif
+           enddo
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhnbmz
+c produces histogram of multiplicity distribution from droplet decay
+c or average multiplicity versus iterations
+c for massless hadrons
+c complete histogram: openhisto ... closehisto
+c xpar1: particle species (0=all, else venus id-code)
+c xpar2: lower limit multiplicity
+c xpar3: upper limit multiplicity
+c xpar4: lower limit total multiplicity   (also necc for xpar1.ne.0)
+c xpar5: upper limit  "      "            (also necc for xpar1.ne.0)
+c xpar6: sets htyp: 1->lfu, 2->ldo, 3->lda, 4->ldd
+c xpar7: 0: multiplicity distribution
+c        >0: av multiplicity vs iterations (itermx=xpar7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common/ctst/psulog,wtulog
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      parameter (nhismu=500)
+      common/cflac/ifok(nflav,mspecs),ifoa(nflav)
+      real datx(nhismu),datyu(nhismu)
+      character cyieur*9
+      real pzlog(nhismu)
+      double precision spelog,cc,bb,dsu
+      common/cyield/yield
+      character*3 htyp
+      idcode=nint(xpar1)
+      x1=xpar2
+      x2=xpar3
+      i1=nint(xpar2)
+      i2=nint(xpar3)
+      ii1=nint(xpar4)
+      ii2=nint(xpar5)
+      ih=nint(xpar6)
+      htyp='lin'
+      if(ih.eq.1)htyp='lfu'
+      if(ih.eq.2)htyp='ldo'
+      if(ih.eq.3)htyp='lda'
+      if(ih.eq.4)htyp='ldd'
+      itmax=nint(xpar7)
+      wtrlog=-1e30
+           do i=ii1,ii2
+      if(i.ge.2)then
+      np=i
+      do k=1,np
+      ident(k)=110
+      enddo
+      call hnbtst(0)
+      wtzlog=wtulog
+      if(ioflac.eq.0)call hnbspg(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,0,np,spelog)
+      if(ioflac.ne.0)call hnbspf(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,0,np,spelog)
+      wtulog=wtulog+spelog
+      else
+      wtzlog=-1000
+      wtulog=-1000
+      endif
+      pzlog(1+i-ii1)=wtzlog
+      datyu(1+i-ii1)=wtulog
+      wtrlog=max(wtrlog,wtulog)
+           enddo
+      yield=0
+      su=0
+           do i=ii1,ii2
+      l=1+i-ii1
+      pzlog(l)=pzlog(l)-wtrlog
+      datyu(l)=datyu(l)-wtrlog
+      if(datyu(l).gt.-50.)then
+      datyu(l)=exp(datyu(l))
+      else
+      datyu(l)=exp(-50.)
+      endif
+      yield=yield+i*datyu(l)
+      su=su+datyu(l)
+           enddo
+      yield=yield/su
+           do i=ii1,ii2
+      l=1+i-ii1
+      datx(l)=i
+      datyu(l)=datyu(l)/su
+           enddo
+      jx=1+ii2-ii1
+      write(cyieur,'(f9.4)')yield
+c     ---
+        if(idcode.eq.0.and.itmax.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.15 "N?ana!='//cyieur//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),datyu(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+        elseif(idcode.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',0.,itmax*1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      itm=20
+      do i=1,itm
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   (i-1.)*itmax/(itm-1.),yield
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+        endif
+c     ---
+      if(idcode.eq.0)return
+           do j=1,nspecs
+           if(idcode.eq.ispecs(j))then
+      wtrlog=-1e30
+           do i=i1,i2
+      l=1+i-i1
+      datx(l)=i
+           enddo
+      yield=0
+      suj=0
+      dsu=su
+           do i=i1,i2
+      l=1+i-i1
+      bb=0
+      nfi=0
+      do ntot=max(i+1,ii1),min(i2*nspecs,ii2)
+      nfi=nfi+1
+      cc=1d0
+      do kc=1,i
+      cc=cc*(1.+ntot-kc)/kc*gspecs(j)
+      enddo
+      ku=keu-i*ifok(1,j)
+      kd=ked-i*ifok(2,j)
+      ks=kes-i*ifok(3,j)
+      kc=kec-i*ifok(4,j)
+      kb=keb-i*ifok(5,j)
+      kt=ket-i*ifok(6,j)
+      if(ioflac.eq.0)call hnbspg(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,ntot-i,spelog)
+      if(ioflac.ne.0)call hnbspf(ku,kd,ks,kc,kb,kt,j,ntot-i,spelog)
+      cc=cc*dexp(spelog)
+      bb=bb+cc*dexp(1.d0*pzlog(1+ntot-ii1))/dsu
+      enddo
+      datyu(l)=bb
+      yield=yield+i*datyu(l)
+      suj=suj+datyu(l)
+           enddo
+      yield=yield/suj
+      jx=1+i2-i1
+      write(cyieur,'(f9.4)')yield
+c     ---
+        if(itmax.eq.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.30 0.15 "N?ana!='//cyieur//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=1,jx
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   datx(i),datyu(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'openhisto xrange',0.,itmax*1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp '//htyp//' xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      itm=20
+      do i=1,itm
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')   (i-1.)*itmax/(itm-1.),yield
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+        endif
+c     ---
+      return
+           endif
+           enddo
+      end
+      subroutine xhnbte(iii)
+c fills histograms (iii>=0) or writes histogram to histo-file (iii<0)
+c regarding exponential autocorrelation time and acceptance rate
+c input:
+c   requires complete run with application hadron (iappl=1)
+c   or application metropolis (iappl=4)
+c   ioceau=1 necessary
+c  output:
+c   for iii=0 (only valid for iappl=4):
+c     data(nrevt): nrevt  (event number)               /cdat/
+c     datb(nrevt): taui   (calculated corr time)       /cdat/
+c     datc(nrevt): accrat (acceptance rate)            /cdat/
+c     datd(nrevt): taue   (parametrized corr time)     /cdat/
+c   for iii>0 (only valid for iappl=1):
+c     nrclu=nrclu+1                                    /cnrclu/
+c     data(nrclu): nrclu  (droplet number)             /cdat/
+c     datb(nrclu): taui-taue (calc - param corr time)  /cdat/
+c     datc(nrclu): accrat (acceptance rate)            /cdat/
+c     datd(nrclu): avnp (average particle number)      /cdat/
+c   for iii<0:
+c     writes complete histogram (openhisto ... closehisto) to histofile
+c       for iappl=4:                for iappl=1:
+c         xpar1=1: (data,datb,datd) xpar1=1: (data,datb)
+c         xpar1=2: (data,datc)      xpar1=2: (data,datd)
+c                                   xpar1=3: (data,datc)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxit=50000)
+      common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      parameter (nbin=500)
+      common/cdat/ data(nbin),datb(nbin),datc(nbin),datd(nbin)
+      real dev(maxit)
+      character cobs*5,cnc*5,cdz*5,czer*5
+     *,cmom*5,cnp*7,cen*7,cvol*7,clatt*5,cit*5
+      common/ctaue/taue
+      if(ioceau.ne.1)stop'STOP: ioceau=1 required'
+      if(iii.eq.0.and.iappl.ne.4)stop'STOP: iappl=4 required'
+      if(iii.gt.0.and.iappl.ne.1)stop'STOP: iappl=1 required'
+      if(iii.lt.0)jjj=nint(xpar1)
+      id=0
+      ish0=ish
+c     ish=98
+c          ----------------
+           if(iii.ge.0)then
+c          ----------------
+      if(iii.gt.0)nrclu=nrclu+1
+      if(nrclu.gt.500)return
+c     mean
+c     ----
+      xnptot=nptot
+      avnp=xnptot/(itermx-iternc)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'event:',nrevt,'   droplet:',nrclu
+     *,'   avnp:',avnp
+c     calculate corfct_0
+c     ------------------
+      corzer=0.0
+      do i=iternc+1,itermx
+      dev(i)=npit(i)-avnp
+      corzer=corzer+dev(i)**2
+      enddo
+      corzer=corzer/(itermx-iternc)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'c_0:',corzer
+c     calculate corfct_1
+c     ------------------
+      corone=0.0
+      do i=iternc+1,itermx-1
+      corone=corone+dev(i)*dev(i+1)
+      enddo
+      corone=corone/(itermx-iternc-1)
+c     calculate initial autocorrelation time
+c     -----------------------------------------
+      if(corone.gt.1.e-30.and.corzer.gt.1.e-30)then
+      r=alog(corone)-alog(corzer)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'log rho_1:',r
+      taui=(-1.)/r
+      else
+      taui=0.
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'tau_init:',taui
+c     calculate parametrized autocorrelation time (if necessary)
+c     ----------------------------------------------------------
+      if(taue.eq.0.0)then
+      e=tecm/volu
+      b=1.1*(e+0.33)**0.66
+      a=13.*(e+0.13)**(-0.65)
+      tm=34.*(e+0.65)**(-0.61)
+      t=a+b*volu
+      taue=max(t,tm)
+      endif
+c     calculate acceptance rate
+c     -------------------------
+      xa=nacc
+      ya=itermx
+      accrat=xa/ya
+c     write to data/b/c/d
+c     -------------------
+       if(iii.eq.0)then
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      data(nrevt)=iozero
+      else
+      data(nrevt)=nrevt
+      endif
+      datb(nrevt)=taui
+      datc(nrevt)=accrat
+      datd(nrevt)=taue
+       else
+      data(nrclu)=nrclu
+      datb(nrclu)=taui-taue
+      datc(nrclu)=accrat
+      datd(nrclu)=avnp
+       endif
+c          -----------------------------------
+           elseif(iii.lt.0.and.iappl.eq.4)then
+c          -----------------------------------
+      write(cmom,'(i3)')iomom
+      write(cen,'(f7.3)')tecm
+       if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      write(cnp,'(f7.3)')ptltot
+       else
+       do i=1,nspecs
+       if(ioobsv.eq.ispecs(i))id=i
+       enddo
+      write(cnp,'(f7.3)')ptlngc(id)
+       endif
+      write(cvol,'(f7.3)')volu
+      write(clatt,'(i3)')nlattc
+      write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
+      if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      write(cobs,'(a)')'all'
+      else
+      write(cobs,'(i5)')ioobsv
+      endif
+      write(cnc,'(i5)')iternc
+      if(iozevt.eq.0)write(czer,'(i5)')iozero
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)write(cdz,'(i5)')iozinc
+      x1=1
+      x2=nevent
+      if(jjj.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iozero"'
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis event"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [t]?exp!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.95 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.2  0.95 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.35 0.95 "N?g!='//cnp//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.55 0.95 "observable  '//cobs//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nevent
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datb(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nevent
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datd(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      elseif(jjj.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iozero"'
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis event"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis acceptence rate"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.95 "iomom= '//cmom//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.2  0.95 "nlattc= '//clatt//'"'
+      if(iozevt.eq.0)
+     *write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.35 0.95 "iozero= '//czer//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.55 0.95 "itermx= '//cit//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.75 0.95 "iternc= '//cnc//'"'
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.35  0.95 "dzero= '//cdz//'"'
+      if(iorejz.eq.1)
+     *write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.25 0.05 "zeros rejected !"'
+      if(ioinco.ge.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.05 0.05 "hot start"'
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0.05 0.05 "cold start"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nevent
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datc(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      endif
+c          -----------------------------------
+           elseif(iii.lt.0.and.iappl.eq.1)then
+c          -----------------------------------
+      if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      write(cobs,'(a)')'all'
+      else
+      write(cobs,'(i5)')ioobsv
+      endif
+      x1=1
+      x2=nrclu
+      if(jjj.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [D][t]?exp!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.91 "[D][t]?exp!=[t]?measured!
+     *-[t]?parametrized"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a,a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrclu
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datb(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      elseif(jjj.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis N?obs!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.95 "observable  '//cobs//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrclu
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datd(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      elseif(jjj.eq.3)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis droplet"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis accep. rate"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nrclu
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datc(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      endif
+c          -----
+           endif
+c          -----
+      ish=ish0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhnbti(iii)
+c fills histograms (iii=0) or writes histogram to histo-file (iii<0)
+c regarding integrated autocorrelation time and corresponding multiplicity
+c and variance
+c input:
+c   requires complete run with application metropolis (iappl=4)
+c   iociau=1 necessary
+c   iompar (parameter for windowing algorithm by  a.d.sokal) must
+c   be set to 3 < c_M < 11
+c  output:
+c   for iii=0 (only valid for iappl=4):
+c     data(nrevt): nrevt (event number)              /cdat/
+c     datb(nrevt): tau   (calculated int corr time)  /cdat/
+c     datc(nrevt): stau  (variance tau)              /cdat/
+c     datd(nrevt): avnp  (multiplicity)              /cdat/
+c     date(nrevt): sobs  (variance multiplicity)     /cdat/
+c     datf(nrevt):       (gc multiplicity)           /cdat/
+c   for iii=0 and iosngl>0:
+c     writes complete set of histograms (newpage zone 1 3 1
+c     openhisto ... closehisto plot0 ... openhisto ... closehisto plot 0)
+c     concerning acceptance rate, rejection rate, correlation function
+c     for specific event, specified by value of iosngl (=nrevt+1)
+c   for iii<0:
+c     writes complete histogram (openhisto ... closehisto) to histofile
+c       xpar1=1: (data,datb,datc)
+c       xpar1=2: (data,datd,date,datf)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(maxit=50000)
+      common/count/nacc,nrej,naccit(maxit),nptot,npit(maxit)
+      common/citer/iter,itermx
+      parameter(maxp=500)
+      common/confg/np,amass(maxp),ident(maxp),pcm(5,maxp),wtxlog,wtlog
+      common /clatt/nlattc,npmax
+      common/cgctot/rmstot,ptltot
+      parameter (mspecs=56)
+      common/cspecs/nspecs,ispecs(mspecs),aspecs(mspecs),gspecs(mspecs)
+      common/cgchg/rmsngc(mspecs),ptlngc(mspecs),chemgc(mspecs),tem
+      parameter (nbin=500)
+      common/cdat2/data(nbin),datb(nbin),datc(nbin),datd(nbin)
+     *,date(nbin),datf(nbin),datg(nbin),dath(nbin)
+      common/cdat3/datx(nbin),daty(nbin),datz(nbin),datr(nbin)
+     *,dats(nbin)
+      real corfct(maxit),dev(maxit)
+      character cobs*5,cdz*5,ccuev*5,cmpar*3,ctau*7
+      character cmom*5,cnp*7,cen*7,cvol*7,clatt*5,cit*5,cavnp*7
+      character cnacc*10,cnrej*10,caver*10,cioz*5,ciom*3,cnlat*5
+      if(iociau.ne.1)stop'STOP: iociau=1 required'
+      if(iii.eq.0.and.iappl.ne.4)stop'STOP: iappl=4 required'
+      if(iii.gt.0)stop'STOP: iii>0 not supported'
+      jjj=nint(xpar1)
+      id=0
+c          ----------------
+           if(iii.eq.0)then
+c          ----------------
+c     mean
+c     ----
+      xnptot=nptot
+      avnp=xnptot/(itermx-iternc)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'event:',nrevt,'   avnp:',avnp
+c     normalization of corfct_i
+c     -------------------------
+      corzer=0.0
+      do i=iternc+1,itermx
+      dev(i)=npit(i)-avnp
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'i:',i,'  dev_i:',dev(i)
+      corzer=corzer+dev(i)**2
+      enddo
+      corzer=corzer/(itermx-iternc)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'c_0:',corzer
+c     calculate corfct_i
+c     ------------------
+      nt=itermx-iternc-1
+      do it=1,nt
+      corfct(it)=0.0
+      do i=iternc+1,itermx-it
+      corfct(it)=corfct(it)+dev(i)*dev(i+it)
+      enddo
+      corfct(it)=corfct(it)/(itermx-iternc-it)
+      if(it.le.10.and.ish.ge.9)
+     *write(ifch,*)'t:',it,'  c_t:',corfct(it)
+      enddo
+c     calculate initial autocorrelation time
+c     -----------------------------------------
+      if(corfct(1).gt.1.e-30.and.corzer.gt.1.e-30)then
+      r=alog(corfct(1))-alog(corzer)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'log rho_1:',r
+      taui=(-1.)/r
+      else
+      taui=0.
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'tau_init:',taui
+c     calculate integrated autocorrelation time
+c     -----------------------------------------
+      k=1
+      mpar=iompar
+      tau=taui
+      taux=taui
+      taum=0.0
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'initial tau:',tau,'   c_M:',mpar
+        if(corzer.gt.1.e-30)then
+5     mcut=mpar*abs(taux)
+      tauo=tau
+      tau=.5
+      do it=1,mcut
+      tau=tau+corfct(it)/corzer
+      enddo
+      taum=taum+tau
+      taux=taum/k
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'iteration:',k,'   M:',mcut,'  tau:',tau
+      if(mcut.lt.(mpar*tau).or.mcut.gt.(10.*tau))then
+      dt=abs(tau-tauo)
+      if(k.lt.20.and.dt.gt.0.2)then
+      k=k+1
+      goto5
+      endif
+      endif
+      mcut=mpar*abs(taux)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'tau_mean:',taux,'   M:',mcut
+      tau=0.5
+      do it=1,mcut
+      tau=tau+corfct(it)/corzer
+      enddo
+       endif
+      vtau=(2.*mcut+1.)*2./(itermx-iternc)*tau**2
+      stau=0.0
+      if(vtau.ge.0.0)stau=sqrt(vtau)
+      if(ish.ge.9)
+     *write(ifch,*)'tau_int:',tau,'   var:',vtau,'   sig:',stau
+c     calculate variance of observable
+c     --------------------------------
+      vobs=2.*tau*corzer/(itermx-iternc)
+      sobs=0.0
+      if(vobs.ge.0.0)sobs=sqrt(vobs)
+c     write to data-f
+c     ---------------
+       if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      datf(nrevt)=ptltot
+       else
+      do j=1,np
+      if(ioobsv.eq.ispecs(j))id=j
+      enddo
+      datf(nrevt)=ptlngc(id)
+       endif
+      datb(nrevt)=tau
+      datc(nrevt)=stau
+      date(nrevt)=sobs
+      datd(nrevt)=avnp
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      data(nrevt)=iozero
+      else
+      data(nrevt)=nrevt
+      endif
+c          -------------------------
+           if(iosngl.eq.nrevt+1)then
+c          -------------------------
+      nb=itermx/iterpl
+      if(nb.gt.nbin)nb=nbin
+      datx(1)=iterpl/2
+      daty(1)=naccit(1)
+      datz(1)=1-naccit(1)
+      if(iterpl.ge.2)then
+      do j=1,iterpl-1
+      daty(1)=daty(1)+naccit(1+j)
+      datz(1)=datz(1)+1-naccit(1+j)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      datr(1)=daty(1)/iterpl
+      dats(1)=datz(1)/iterpl
+      do i=2,nb
+      datx(i)=datx(i-1)+iterpl
+      daty(i)=daty(i-1)
+      datz(i)=datz(i-1)
+      do j=1,iterpl
+      daty(i)=daty(i)+naccit((i-1)*iterpl+j)
+      datz(i)=datz(i)+1-naccit((i-1)*iterpl+j)
+      enddo
+      datr(i)=daty(i)/i/iterpl
+      dats(i)=datz(i)/i/iterpl
+      enddo
+      b=nacc
+      c=itermx
+      avrate=b/c
+      write(cnacc,'(i6)')nacc
+      write(cnrej,'(i6)')nrej
+      write(caver,'(f5.3)')avrate
+      write(cioz,'(i5)')iozero
+      write(ciom,'(i3)')iomom
+      write(cnlat,'(i5)')nlattc
+      x1=datx(1)
+      x2=datx(nb)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage zone 1 3 1 openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iterations"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis acceptence rate"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.6 0.5 "accepted '//cnacc//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.6 0.4 "rejected  '//cnrej//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.6 0.3 "aver. rate  '//caver//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.4 0.5 "nlattc='//cnlat//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.4 0.4 "iozero='//cioz//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.4 0.3 "iomom='//ciom//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nb
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),datr(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nb
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datx(j),dats(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      m=min(mcut,500)
+      do i=1,m
+      datg(i)=i
+      dath(i)=1000.
+      if(corzer.gt.1.e-30)dath(i)=corfct(i)/corzer
+      enddo
+      write(ccuev,'(i5)')nrevt+1
+      write(cmpar,'(i3)')mpar
+      write(ctau,'(i7)')tau
+      x1=1.
+      x2=m
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis t"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis correl. func."'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.8 0.95 "event '//ccuev//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.05 0.95  "window parameter= '//cmpar//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.35 0.95  "tau= '//ctau//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a,a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,m
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')datg(j),dath(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+c          -----
+           endif
+c          -----
+c          --------------------
+           elseif(iii.lt.0)then
+c          --------------------
+      write(cmom,'(i3)')iomom
+       if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      write(cnp,'(f7.3)')ptltot
+       else
+      do j=1,np
+      if(ioobsv.eq.ispecs(j))id=j
+      enddo
+      write(cnp,'(f7.3)')ptlngc(id)
+       endif
+      write(cen,'(f7.3)')tecm
+      write(cvol,'(f7.3)')volu
+      write(clatt,'(i3)')nlattc
+      write(cit,'(i5)')itermx
+      write(cavnp,'(f7.3)')avnp
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)
+     *write(cdz,'(i5)')iozinc
+      write(cmpar,'(i3)')mpar
+      if(ioobsv.eq.0)then
+      write(cobs,'(a)')'all'
+      else
+      write(cobs,'(i5)')ioobsv
+      endif
+      x1=data(1)
+      x2=data(nevent)
+      if(jjj.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pnt xmod lin ymod lin'
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iozero"'
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis event"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis [t]?int!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'text 0.05 0.95  "window parameter '//cmpar//'"'
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)
+     *write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.8  0.95 "dzero= '//cdz//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 3'
+      do j=1,nevent
+      write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')data(j),datb(j),datc(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      elseif(jjj.eq.2)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pnt xmod lin ymod lin'
+      if(iozevt.gt.0)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis iozero"'
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis event"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis multiplicity"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.05 0.95 "E='//cen//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.2 0.95 "V='//cvol//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.35 0.95 "N?g!='//cnp//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0.55 0.95 "observable  '//cobs//'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',x1,x2
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a,a)')'yrange',' auto',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 3'
+      do j=1,nevent
+      write(ifhi,'(3e12.4)')data(j),datd(j),date(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto   plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lda xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do j=1,nevent
+      write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')data(j),datf(j)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto'
+      endif
+c          -----
+           endif
+c          -----
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-ico-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-ico-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7dd98081da4c98f7d47dfce9ce8390bc0755507c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-ico-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+c  activate making inicon table by the follwing commands in optns file:
+c        set nevent 1
+c        set bminim 3      (for example)
+c        set bmaxim 5      (for example)
+c        set ninicon 1000  (for example)
+c        set icocore 1  !or 2
+c        make icotable
+c        switch  splitting on
+c        switch  fusion on
+c        switch clusterdecay off
+c  inicon table means storage of IcoE, IcoV, IcoF
+c     IcoE ... energy density in the comoving frame
+c     IcoV ... flow velocity in hyperbolic coordinates
+c               v=(vx,vy,veta=vz/tau)
+c                with the velocity in the frame moving with rapidity eta
+c     IcoV ... net flavor density in the comoving frame
+c  the indices of these fields ix,iy,iz also refer to hyperbolic coordinates
+c     (x,y,eta) at given tau
+c     the corresponding grid is defined in epos.incico
+      subroutine IniCon(nin)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incico'
+      double precision seedf
+      character*80 fn
+      logical table
+      ii=index(fnhi(1:nfnhi),".histo")-1
+      fn=fnhi(1:ii)//".ico"
+      inquire(file=fn(1:ii+4),exist=table)
+      if(icotabr.eq.1)then  !read from file
+        if(.not.table)then
+          write(ifmt,'(//10x,3a//)')'STOP: file '
+     *             ,fn(1:ii+4),' not found !!!'
+          stop
+        endif
+        write(ifmt,'(3a)')'read from ',fn(1:ii+4),' ...'
+        open(97,file=fn,status='old')
+        read(97,*) iversn
+        read(97,*) laprojx,maprojx,latargx,matargx
+        read(97,*) engyx
+        read(97,*) bminimx,bmaximx
+        read(97,*) tauicox
+        read(97,*) iabs_ninicon_dum
+        read(97,*) nxicox,nyicox,nzicox
+        read(97,*)xminicox,xmaxicox,yminicox,ymaxicox,zminicox,zmaxicox
+        if(laprojx.ne.laproj.or.maprojx.ne.maproj
+     * .or.latargx.ne.latarg.or.matargx.ne.matarg)stop'(1)'
+        if(engyx.ne.engy)    stop'variables dont match (2)    '
+        if(bminimx.ne.bminim.or.bmaximx.ne.bmaxim)
+     *                       stop'variables dont match (3)    '
+        if(tauicox.ne.tauico)stop'variables dont match (4)    '
+        if(nxicox.ne.nxico.or.nyicox.ne.nyico
+     * .or.nzicox.ne.nzico)stop'(5)'
+        if( xminicox.ne.xminico.or.xmaxicox.ne.xmaxico
+     * .or.yminicox.ne.yminico.or.ymaxicox.ne.ymaxico
+     * .or.zminicox.ne.zminico.or.zmaxicox.ne.zmaxico)stop'(6)'
+        read(97,*) IcoE,IcoV,IcoF
+        close(97)
+      elseif(icotabr.eq.0)then  ! calculate
+        !if(icotabm.eq.1.and.table)then
+          !write(ifmt,'(//10x,3a//)')'STOP: file '
+          !*             ,fn(1:ii+4),' already exists !!!'
+          !stop
+        !endif
+        if(nin.eq.1)then
+          write(ifmt,'(2a,i7,a)')' calculate inicon table ',
+     &    'based on',iabs(ninicon),' ico-events ...'
+          call IcoStr(1)
+        endif
+        call ranfgt(seedf)
+        if(nin.le.iabs(ninicon).and.mod(nin,modsho).eq.0)
+     &        write(ifmt,'(a,i7,a,f6.2,a,d27.16)')' ico-event ',nin
+     &                   ,'   bimevt:',bimevt,'   seedf:',seedf
+        if(nin.le.iabs(ninicon).and.jwseed.eq.1)then
+          open(unit=1,file=fnch(1:nfnch-5)//'see',status='unknown')
+          write(1,'(a,i7,a,f6.2,a,d27.16)')' ico-event ',nin
+     &                   ,'   bimevt:',bimevt,'   seedf:',seedf
+         close(1)
+        endif
+        !if(nin.le.iabs(ninicon).and.mod(nin,modsho).eq.0)
+        !&         print*,'+++++ time: ',timefin-timeini
+        seedc=seedf
+        call IcoStr(2)
+        if(nin.eq.iabs(ninicon))then
+          write(ifmt,*)'normalize and diagonalize engy-mom tensor'
+           call IcoStr(3)
+           if(icotabm.eq.1)then  ! make table
+            write(ifmt,'(2a)')' write inicon table into ',fn(1:ii+4)
+            open(97,file=fn,status='unknown')
+            write(97,*) iversn
+            write(97,*) laproj,maproj,latarg,matarg
+            write(97,*) engy
+            write(97,*) bminim,bmaxim
+            write(97,*) tauico
+            write(97,*) iabs(ninicon)
+            write(97,*) nxico,nyico,nzico
+            write(97,*) xminico,xmaxico,yminico,ymaxico,zminico,zmaxico
+            write(97,*) IcoE,IcoV,IcoF
+            close(97)
+          endif
+         endif
+      else
+        stop'IniCon: wrong choice'
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine IcoStr(iflag)
+c     energy momentum tensor and flavor current
+c     and corresponding contractions from string method
+c     iflag = 1 initialization
+c           = 2 sum up density
+c           = 3 normalization
+c     output: common blocks /Ico3/  /Ico4/  /Ico5/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incico'
+      double precision IcoT(4,4,nxico,nyico,nzico)
+     *                ,IcoC(3,4,nxico,nyico,nzico)
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      common /Ico10/ntot,ish0,irs
+      double precision p(4),v(4),u(4),eps,T(4,4),gamma,rap,rapx
+      integer ic(2),jc(nflav,2)
+      common/cranphi/ranphi
+      logical ok
+      goto (1,10,100),iflag
+      return
+c                             initialization
+ 1    do ix=1,nxico
+        do iy=1,nyico
+          do iz=1,nzico
+            IcoE(ix,iy,iz)=0.
+            do i=1,3
+              IcoV(i,ix,iy,iz)=0.
+            enddo
+            do i=1,3
+              IcoF(i,ix,iy,iz)=0.
+            enddo
+            do i=1,4
+            do j=1,4
+              IcoT(i,j,ix,iy,iz)=0.
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            do i=1,3
+            do j=1,4
+              IcoC(i,j,ix,iy,iz)=0.
+            enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ntot=0
+      return
+c                        fill arrays
+ 10   ntot=ntot+1
+      dxico=(xmaxico-xminico)/nxico
+      dyico=(ymaxico-yminico)/nyico
+      dzico=(zmaxico-zminico )/nzico
+      phinll=phievt+ranphi
+      do j=1,nptl
+       ok=.true.
+       if(icocore.eq.2
+     . .and.(ityptl(j).lt.20.or.ityptl(j).ge.40))ok=.false.
+       if(ok
+     . .and.dezptl(j).lt.1e3.and.j.le.maxfra.and.istptl(j).eq.2)then
+        aa=cos(phinll)
+        bb=sin(phinll)
+        x=xptl(j)*aa+yptl(j)*bb
+        cc=-sin(phinll)
+        dd=cos(phinll)
+        y=xptl(j)*cc+yptl(j)*dd
+        z=dezptl(j)
+        ix=1+(x-xminico)/dxico
+        iy=1+(y-yminico)/dyico
+        iz=1+(z-zminico)/dzico
+        if(ix.ge.1.and.ix.le.nxico.and.
+     .  iy.ge.1.and.iy.le.nyico.and.
+     .  iz.ge.1.and.iz.le.nzico)then
+          !~~~~~~~~~~~~
+          ! T^i^k = \int d3p p^i p^k /E f(\vec x,\vec p)
+          ! N^k =   \int d3p p^k /E f_net(\vec x,\vec p)
+          !~~~~~~~~~~~~
+          rapx=zminico+(iz-0.5)*dzico
+          amt2=pptl(5,j)**2+pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2
+          pp=pptl(4,j)+abs(pptl(3,j))
+          if(amt2.gt.0..and.pp.gt.0.)then
+           amt=sqrt(amt2)
+           rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,j))*alog(pp/amt)
+           p(1)=pptl(1,j)
+           p(2)=pptl(2,j)
+           p(3)=amt*sinh(rap-rapx)
+           p(4)=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+           do i=1,4
+            do k=1,4
+              IcoT(i,k,ix,iy,iz)=IcoT(i,k,ix,iy,iz)+p(i)*p(k)/p(4)
+            enddo
+           enddo
+           id=idptl(j)
+           ida=iabs(id/10)
+           ids=id/iabs(id)
+           if(ida.ne.111.and.ida.ne.222.and.ida.ne.333)id=id/10*10
+           if(ida.eq.111.or. ida.eq.222.or. ida.eq.333)id=id/10*10+ids
+           if(ida.eq.213)id=1230*ids
+           ic(1)=idtrai(1,id,1)
+           ic(2)=idtrai(2,id,1)
+           call iddeco(ic,jc)
+           do i=1,3
+            fi=jc(i,1)-jc(i,2)
+            do k=1,4
+             IcoC(i,k,ix,iy,iz)=IcoC(i,k,ix,iy,iz)+p(k)/p(4)*fi
+            enddo
+           enddo
+          endif
+          !~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      return
+c                 normalization and diagonalization
+ 100  continue
+      !~~~normalize
+      vol= (xmaxico-xminico)/nxico
+     .    *(ymaxico-yminico)/nyico
+     .    *(zmaxico-zminico)/nzico  *tauico
+      fac=1./ntot/vol
+      do ix=1,nxico
+        do iy=1,nyico
+          do iz=1,nzico
+            do i=1,4
+             do k=1,4
+              IcoT(i,k,ix,iy,iz)=IcoT(i,k,ix,iy,iz)*fac
+             enddo
+            enddo
+            do i=1,3
+             do k=1,4
+              IcoC(i,k,ix,iy,iz)=IcoC(i,k,ix,iy,iz)*fac
+             enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      !~~~diagonalize T
+      do ix=1,nxico
+        do iy=1,nyico
+          do iz=1,nzico
+            do i=1,4
+            do k=1,4
+             T(i,k)=IcoT(i,k,ix,iy,iz)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            call DiagTmunu(T,u,v,gamma,eps,nonz,ix,iy,iz)
+            if(nonz.eq.1)then
+              IcoE(ix,iy,iz)=eps
+              IcoV(1,ix,iy,iz)=v(1)
+              IcoV(2,ix,iy,iz)=v(2)
+               !rapx=zminico+(iz-0.5)*dzico
+               !rap=rapx+log(gamma*(1+v(3)))
+               !IcoV(3,ix,iy,iz)=tanh(rap)
+              IcoV(3,ix,iy,iz)=v(3) / tauico
+              do i=1,3
+               IcoF(i,ix,iy,iz)=IcoC(i,4,ix,iy,iz)*u(4)
+               do  k=1,3
+                IcoF(i,ix,iy,iz)=IcoF(i,ix,iy,iz)
+     .                  -IcoC(i,k,ix,iy,iz)*u(k)
+               enddo
+              enddo
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine DiagTmunu(Tmunu,u,v,gamma,eps,nonz,ix,iy,iz)
+      ! solve lambda * T * lambda = diag(eps,P,P,P), for symmetric T
+      !
+      !  lambda =  g      g*vx        g*vy        g*vz          =symmetric!
+      !            g*vx   a*vx*vx+1   a*vy*vx     a*vz*vx
+      !            g*vy   a*vx*vy     a*vy*vy+1   a*vz*vy
+      !            g*vz   a*vx*vz     a*vy*vz     a*vz*vz+1
+      ! with g=gamma, a=g*g/(g+1)
+      !
+      ! so T*lambda(v)=lambda(-v)*diag(eps,P,P,P)
+      ! first column: four equations
+      !                    eps=T00+T0k*vk
+      !                -eps*vi=Ti0+Tik*vk
+      ! solved iteratively to get eps, vi
+      ! returns u,v,eps if nonz=1 (otherwise zero tensor)
+      !  (by T.Kodama)
+      !  (K. Werner: modifs)
+      include 'epos.incico'
+      double precision Tmunu(4,4), u(4),eps,gamma,g,a, Lor(4,4),w(4),sum
+      double precision v(4),vx(3),tt(4,4),err,sg(4)
+      sg(4)=1d0
+      v(4)=1d0
+      do i=1,3
+       sg(i)=-1d0
+      enddo
+      sum=0d0
+      do i=1,4
+       do k=1,4
+       sum=sum+dabs(Tmunu(i,k))
+       end do
+      end do
+      nonz=0
+      if(sum.eq.0.0d0)return
+      nonz=1
+      do k=1,3
+       v(k)=0.
+      end do
+      eps=0
+      do lrep=1,100
+       epsx=eps
+       do i=1,3
+        vx(i)=v(i)
+       end do
+       eps=Tmunu(4,4)
+       do k=1,3
+        eps=eps-Tmunu(4,k)*vx(k)
+       end do
+       if(eps.le.0d0)then
+         print*,'DiagTmunu: sum(abs(Tmunu))=',sum,'   eps=',eps
+         print*,'Tmunu(4,nu):',(Tmunu(4,nu),nu=1,4)
+         if(eps.gt.-1e-5)then
+           nonz=0
+           return
+         else
+           print*,'STOP in DiagTmunu: negative energy density.  '
+           stop'(3003200808)'
+         endif
+       endif
+       do i=1,3
+        Tv=0d0
+        do k=1,3
+         Tv=Tv+Tmunu(i,k)*vx(k)
+        end do
+        v(i)=(Tmunu(i,4)-Tv)/eps
+       end do
+       if(lrep.gt.60)then
+        do i=1,3
+         v(i)=0.5d0*(vx(i)+v(i))
+        enddo
+       endif
+       !print*,'Tmunu: ',lrep,abs(eps-epsx),(abs(v(i)-vx(i)),i=1,3)
+       err=1d-6
+       if(lrep.gt.50)err=1d-5
+       if(lrep.gt.89)err=1d-4
+       if(abs(eps-epsx).lt.err.and.abs(v(1)-vx(1)).lt.err
+     . .and.abs(v(2)-vx(2)).lt.err.and.abs(v(3)-vx(3)).lt.err)goto1
+        do i=1,4
+          w(i)=0
+          do k=1,4
+          w(i)=w(i)+Tmunu(i,k)*v(k)*sg(k)
+          enddo
+          w(i)=w(i)-eps*v(i)
+        enddo
+        if(lrep.gt.95
+     ..and.w(1)*w(1)+w(2)*w(2)+w(3)*w(3)+w(4)*w(4).lt.err)goto1
+      end do
+  1   v2=0.d0
+      do i=1,3
+       v2=v2+v(i)**2
+      end do
+      if(v2.ge.1.)stop'DiagTmunu: v2 ge 1.          '
+      gamma=1./sqrt(abs(1.-v2))
+      u(4)=gamma
+      u(1)=v(1)*gamma
+      u(2)=v(2)*gamma
+      u(3)=v(3)*gamma
+      !~~~check
+      g=gamma
+      a=g*g/(g+1d0)
+      Lor(4,4)=g
+      do k=1,3
+       Lor(4,k)=-g*v(k)
+       Lor(k,4)=Lor(4,k)
+      enddo
+      do i=1,3
+      do k=1,3
+       Lor(i,k)=a*v(i)*v(k)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do k=1,3
+       Lor(k,k)=Lor(k,k)+1
+      enddo
+      do i=1,4
+      do k=1,4
+        tt(i,k)=0d0
+        do m=1,4
+        do n=1,4
+          tt(i,k)=tt(i,k)+Lor(i,m)*Tmunu(m,n)*Lor(n,k)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      err=err*1d2
+      if(tt(1,4).gt.err.or.tt(2,4).gt.err.or.tt(3,4).gt.err)then
+        print*,'************** DiagTmunu: nonzero T14 or T24 or T34'
+     .  ,'  after ',lrep,' iterations'
+        print*,'d_eps or d_v(i): ',abs(eps-epsx),(abs(v(i)-vx(i)),i=1,3)
+        print*,'Tmunu ( ix=',ix-nxico/2-1,'  iy=',iy-nyico/2-1,' ) :'
+     .  ,'  iz=',iz-nzico/2-1
+        do i=1,4
+        write(*,'(4f10.5,2x,4f10.5)')
+     .  (sngl(tmunu(i,k)),k=1,4),(sngl(tt(i,k)),k=1,4)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-ids-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-ids-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bfe8f9569c822169855986bffa07fd9ec3009a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-ids-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,2500 @@
+      subroutine iclass(id,icl)
+c      determines hadron class
+      ida=iabs(id)
+      if(ida.eq.0.or.(ida.ge.17.and.ida.le.19))then
+       icl=2
+      elseif(ida.eq.130.or.ida.eq.230.or.ida.eq.20)then
+       icl=3
+      elseif(ida.eq.140.or.ida.eq.240.or.ida.eq.340.or.ida/10.eq.44)then
+       icl=4
+      elseif(ida.ge.100.and.ida.le.999)then
+       icl=1
+      elseif(ida.ge.1000.and.ida.le.9999)then
+       icl=2
+      else
+       stop'iclass: id not known'
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine idchrg(id,chrg)
+c     computes charge of particle with ident code id
+c     ichrg must be dimensioned nqlep+12
+      dimension ichrg(53),ifl(3)
+      data ichrg/0,2,-1,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,0,0,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3,1,1,2,2*0
+     *,2,-1,-1,2,-1,2,-1,2,0,0,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3,0,-3,3,0
+     *,3,0,0,0,3,3,3,6,6,6,0/
+      idabs=iabs(id)
+      call idflav(id,ifl(1),ifl(2),ifl(3),jspin,ind)
+      if(idabs.lt.100) goto 200
+      isum=0
+      do 100 i=1,3
+      if(abs(ifl(i)).gt.52)goto 100
+      isum=isum+ichrg(iabs(ifl(i))+1)*isign(1,ifl(i))
+  100 continue
+      chrg=isum/3.
+      return
+200   chrg=ichrg(ind+1)*isign(1,id)
+      chrg=chrg/3.
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idspin(id,iso,jspin,istra)
+c     computes iso (isospin), jspin and istra (strangeness) of particle
+c     with ident code id
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      dimension ifl(3)
+      iso=0
+      jspin=0
+      istra=0
+      idabs=abs(id)
+      if(idabs.le.nflav)then
+        iso=isospin(idabs)*sign(1,id)
+        if(idabs.ge.3)istra=sign(1,id)
+        return
+      endif
+      call idflav(id,ifl(1),ifl(2),ifl(3),jspin,ind)
+      iq1=abs(ifl(1))
+      iq2=abs(ifl(2))
+      iq3=abs(ifl(3))
+      if(iq1.ge.3)istra=istra+sign(1,ifl(1))
+      if(iq2.ge.3)istra=istra+sign(1,ifl(2))
+      if(iq3.ge.3)istra=istra+sign(1,ifl(3))
+      if(iq1.ne.0)then         !baryon
+        iso=(isospin(iq1)+isospin(iq2)+isospin(iq3))*sign(1,iq1)
+      else
+        iso=isospin(iq2)*sign(1,ifl(2))
+        iso=iso+isospin(iq3)*sign(1,ifl(3))
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idcomk(ic)
+c     compactifies ic
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer ic(2),icx(2),jc(nflav,2)
+      call idcomp(ic,icx,jc,1)
+      ic(1)=icx(1)
+      ic(2)=icx(2)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine idcomi(ic,icx)
+cc     compactifies ic
+c      parameter (nflav=6)
+c      integer ic(2),icx(2),jc(nflav,2)
+c      call idcomp(ic,icx,jc,1)
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine idcomj(jc)
+c     compactifies jc
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer ic(2),icx(2),jc(nflav,2)
+      call idcomp(ic,icx,jc,2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idcomp(ic,icx,jc,im)
+c     compactifies ic,jc
+c     input: im (1 or 2)
+c            ic (if im=1)
+c            jc (if im=2)
+c     output: icx (if im=1)
+c             jc
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer ic(2),icx(2),jc(nflav,2)
+      if(im.eq.1)call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      icx(1)=0
+      icx(2)=0
+           do n=1,nflav
+           do j=1,2
+      if(jc(n,j).ne.0)goto1
+           enddo
+           enddo
+      return
+1     continue
+      nq=0
+      na=0
+           do n=1,nflav
+      nq=nq+jc(n,1)
+      na=na+jc(n,2)
+           enddo
+      l=0
+           do n=1,nflav
+      k=min0(jc(n,1),jc(n,2))
+      if(nq.eq.1.and.na.eq.1)k=0
+      jc(n,1)=jc(n,1)-k
+      jc(n,2)=jc(n,2)-k
+      if(jc(n,1).lt.0.or.jc(n,2).lt.0)
+     *call utstop('idcomp: jc negative&')
+      l=l+jc(n,1)+jc(n,2)
+           enddo
+           if(l.eq.0)then
+      jc(1,1)=1
+      jc(1,2)=1
+           endif
+           if(im.eq.1)then
+      call idenco(jc,icx,ireten)
+      if(ireten.eq.1)call utstop('idcomp: idenco ret code = 1&')
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine iddeco(ic,jc)
+c     decode particle id
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      ici=ic(1)
+      jc(6,1)=mod(ici,10)
+      jc(5,1)=mod(ici/10,10)
+      jc(4,1)=mod(ici/100,10)
+      jc(3,1)=mod(ici/1000,10)
+      jc(2,1)=mod(ici/10000,10)
+      jc(1,1)=mod(ici/100000,10)
+      ici=ic(2)
+      jc(6,2)=mod(ici,10)
+      jc(5,2)=mod(ici/10,10)
+      jc(4,2)=mod(ici/100,10)
+      jc(3,2)=mod(ici/1000,10)
+      jc(2,2)=mod(ici/10000,10)
+      jc(1,2)=mod(ici/100000,10)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idenco(jc,ic,ireten)
+c     encode particle id
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      ireten=0
+      ic(1)=0
+      do 20 i=1,nflav
+      if(jc(i,1).ge.10)goto22
+20    ic(1)=ic(1)+jc(i,1)*10**(nflav-i)
+      ic(2)=0
+      do 21 i=1,nflav
+      if(jc(i,2).ge.10)goto22
+21    ic(2)=ic(2)+jc(i,2)*10**(nflav-i)
+      return
+22    ireten=1
+      ic(1)=0
+      ic(2)=0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idenct(jc,id,ib1,ib2,ib3,ib4)
+c     encode particle id
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      do 40 nf=1,nflav
+      do 40 ij=1,2
+      if(jc(nf,ij).ge.10)id=7*10**8
+40    continue
+           if(id/10**8.ne.7)then
+      call idenco(jc,ic,ireten)
+      if(ireten.eq.1)call utstop('idenct: idenco ret code = 1&')
+      if(mod(ic(1),100).ne.0.or.mod(ic(2),100).ne.0)then
+      id=9*10**8
+      else
+      id=8*10**8+ic(1)*100+ic(2)/100
+      endif
+           else
+      call idtrbi(jc,ib1,ib2,ib3,ib4)
+      id=id
+     *+mod(jc(1,1)+jc(2,1)+jc(3,1)+jc(4,1),10**4)*10**4
+     *+mod(jc(1,2)+jc(2,2)+jc(3,2)+jc(4,2),10**4)
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idflav(id,ifl1,ifl2,ifl3,jspin,index)
+c     unpacks the ident code id=+/-ijkl
+c          mesons--
+c          i=0, j<=k, +/- is sign for j
+c          id=110 for pi0, id=220 for eta, etc.
+c          baryons--
+c          i<=j<=k in general
+c          j<i<k for second state antisymmetric in (i,j), eg. l = 2130
+c          other--
+c          id=1,...,6 for quarks
+c          id=9 for gluon
+c          id=10 for photon
+c          id=11,...,16 for leptons
+c          i=17 for deuteron
+c          i=18 for triton
+c          i=19 for alpha
+c          id=20 for ks, id=-20 for kl
+c          i=21...26 for scalar quarks
+c          i=29 for gluino
+c          i=30 for h-dibaryon
+c          i=31...36 for scalar leptons
+c          i=39 for wino
+c          i=40 for zino
+c          id=80 for w+
+c          id=81,...,83 for higgs mesons (h0, H0, A0, H+)
+c          id=84,...,87 for excited bosons (Z'0, Z''0, W'+)
+c          id=90 for z0
+c          diquarks--
+c          id=+/-ij00, i<j for diquark composed of i,j.
+c          index is a sequence number used internally
+c          (index=-1 if id doesn't exist)
+      parameter ( nqlep=41,nmes=2)
+      ifl1=0
+      ifl2=0
+      ifl3=0
+      jspin=0
+      idabs=iabs(id)
+      i=idabs/1000
+      j=mod(idabs/100,10)
+      k=mod(idabs/10,10)
+      jspin=mod(idabs,10)
+      if(id.ge.10000) goto 400
+      if(id.ne.0.and.mod(id,100).eq.0) goto 300
+      if(j.eq.0) goto 200
+      if(i.eq.0) goto 100
+c          baryons
+c          only x,y baryons are qqx, qqy, q=u,d,s.
+      ifl1=isign(i,id)
+      ifl2=isign(j,id)
+      ifl3=isign(k,id)
+      if(k.le.6) then
+        index=max0(i-1,j-1)**2+i+max0(i-j,0)+(k-1)*k*(2*k-1)/6
+     1  +109*jspin+36*nmes+nqlep+11
+      else
+        index=max0(i-1,j-1)**2+i+max0(i-j,0)+9*(k-7)+91
+     1  +109*jspin+36*nmes+nqlep+11
+      endif
+      return
+c          mesons
+100   continue
+      ifl1=0
+      ifl2=isign(j,id)
+      ifl3=isign(k,-id)
+      index=j+k*(k-1)/2+36*jspin+nqlep
+      index=index+11
+      return
+c          quarks, leptons, etc
+200   continue
+      ifl1=0
+      ifl2=0
+      ifl3=0
+      jspin=0
+      index=idabs
+      if(idabs.lt.20) return
+c          define index=20 for ks, index=21 for kl
+      index=idabs+1
+      if(id.eq.20) index=20
+c          index=nqlep+1,...,nqlep+11 for w+, higgs, z0
+      if(idabs.lt.80) return
+      index=nqlep+idabs-79
+      return
+300   ifl1=isign(i,id)
+      ifl2=isign(j,id)
+      ifl3=0
+      jspin=0
+      index=0
+      return
+ 400  index=-1
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idqufl(n,id,nqu,nqd,nqs)
+c     unpacks the ident code of particle (n) and give the number of
+c     quarks of each flavour(only u,d,s)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      nqu=0
+      nqd=0
+      nqs=0
+      if(iabs(id).ge.7.and.iabs(id).lt.100.and.iabs(id).ne.20)return
+      if(iabs(id)/10.eq.11.or.iabs(id)/10.eq.22)return
+      if(iabs(id).eq.20)then
+        if(iorptl(n).gt.0)then
+          if(idptl(iorptl(n)).gt.0)then
+            nqd=1
+            nqs=-1
+          else
+            nqd=-1
+            nqs=1
+          endif
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'Cannot count the number of quark'
+        endif
+        return
+      endif
+      if(id.ne.0.and.mod(id,100).eq.0.and.id.le.10**8) goto 300
+      if(id/10**8.ne.7)then
+        call idtr4(id,ic)
+        call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      else
+        call idtrb(ibptl(1,n),ibptl(2,n),ibptl(3,n),ibptl(4,n),jc)
+      endif
+      nqu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      nqd=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      nqs=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      return
+ 300  i=iabs(id)/1000
+      j=mod(iabs(id)/100,10)
+      ifl1=isign(i,id)
+      ifl2=isign(j,id)
+      if(iabs(ifl1).eq.1)nqu=isign(1,ifl1)
+      if(iabs(ifl1).eq.2)nqd=isign(1,ifl1)
+      if(iabs(ifl1).eq.3)nqs=isign(1,ifl1)
+      if(iabs(ifl2).eq.1)nqu=nqu+isign(1,ifl2)
+      if(iabs(ifl2).eq.2)nqd=nqd+isign(1,ifl2)
+      if(iabs(ifl2).eq.3)nqs=nqs+isign(1,ifl2)
+c      write(ifch,*)'id',id,ifl1,ifl2,nqu,nqd,nqs
+      return
+      end
+      function idlabl(id)
+c     returns the character*8 label for the particle id
+      parameter ( nqlep=41,nmes=2)
+      character*8 idlabl
+      character*8 llep,lmes0,lmes1,lbar0,labar0,lbar1,labar1
+      character*8 lqq,laqq
+      dimension llep(104)
+      dimension lmes0(64),lmes1(64)
+      dimension lbar0(109),labar0(109),lbar1(109),labar1(109)
+      dimension lqq(21),laqq(21)
+c          diquark labels
+      data lqq/
+     1'uu0. ','ud0. ','dd0. ','us0. ','ds0. ','ss0. ','uc0. ','dc0. ',
+     2'sc0. ','cc0. ','ub0. ','db0. ','sb0. ','cb0. ','bb0. ','ut0. ',
+     3'dt0. ','st0. ','ct0. ','bt0. ','tt0. '/
+      data laqq/
+     1'auu0.','aud0.','add0.','aus0.','ads0.','ass0.','auc0.','adc0.',
+     2'asc0.','acc0.','aub0.','adb0.','asb0.','acb0.','abb0.','aut0.',
+     3'adt0.','ast0.','act0.','abt0.','att0.'/
+c          quark and lepton labels
+      data llep/
+     *'     ','up   ','ub   ','dn   ','db   ','st   ','sb   ','ch   ',
+     *'cb   ','bt   ','bb   ','tp   ','tb   ','y    ','yb   ','x    ',
+     *'xb   ','gl   ','err  ','gm   ','err  ','nue  ','anue ','e-   ',
+     *'e+   ','num  ','anum ','mu-  ','mu+  ','nut  ','anut ','tau- ',
+     *'tau+ ','deut ','adeut','trit ','atrit','alph ','aalph','ks   ',
+     *'err  ','err  ','kl   ',
+     *'upss ','ubss ','dnss ','dbss ','stss ','sbss ','chss ','cbss ',
+     *'btss ','bbss ','tpss ','tbss ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ',
+     *'glss ','err  ','hdiba','err  ','ness ','aness','e-ss ','e+ss ',
+     *'nmss ','anmss','mu-ss','mu+ss','ntss ','antss','t-ss ','t+ss ',
+     *'err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','w+ss ','w-ss ','z0ss ','err  ',
+     *'w+   ','w-   ','h0   ','ah0  ','H0   ','aH0  ','A0   ','aA0  ',
+     *'H+   ','H-   ','Zp0  ','aZp0 ','Zpp0 ','aZpp0','Wp+  ','Wp-  ',
+     *'err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','z0   '/
+c          0- meson labels
+      data lmes0/
+     1'pi0  ','pi+  ','eta  ','pi-  ','k+   ','k0   ','etap ','ak0  ',
+     2'k-   ','ad0  ','d-   ','f-   ','etac ','f+   ','d+   ','d0   ',
+     2'ub.  ','db.  ','sb.  ','cb.  ','bb.  ','bc.  ','bs.  ','bd.  ',
+     3'bu.  ','ut.  ','dt.  ','st.  ','ct.  ','bt.  ','tt.  ','tb.  ',
+     4'tc.  ','ts.  ','td.  ','tu.  ','uy.  ','dy.  ','sy.  ','cy.  ',
+     5'by.  ','ty.  ','yy.  ','yt.  ','yb.  ','yc.  ','ys.  ','yd.  ',
+     6'yu.  ','ux.  ','dx.  ','sx.  ','cx.  ','bx.  ','tx.  ','yx.  ',
+     7'xx.  ','xy.  ','xt.  ','xb.  ','xc.  ','xs.  ','xd.  ','xu.  '/
+c          1- meson labels
+      data lmes1/
+     1'rho0 ','rho+ ','omeg ','rho- ','k*+  ','k*0  ','phi  ','ak*0 ',
+     2'k*-  ','ad*0 ','d*-  ','f*-  ','jpsi ','f*+  ','d*+  ','d*0  ',
+     3'ub*  ','db*  ','sb*  ','cb*  ','upsl ','bc*  ','bs*  ','bd*  ',
+     4'bu*  ','ut*  ','dt*  ','st*  ','ct*  ','bt*  ','tt*  ','tb*  ',
+     5'tc*  ','ts*  ','td*  ','tu*  ','uy*  ','dy*  ','sy*  ','cy*  ',
+     6'by*  ','ty*  ','yy*  ','yt*  ','yb*  ','yc*  ','ys*  ','yd*  ',
+     7'yu*  ','ux*  ','dx*  ','sx*  ','cx*  ','bx*  ','tx*  ','yx*  ',
+     8'xx*  ','xy*  ','xt*  ','xb*  ','xc*  ','xs*  ','xd*  ','xu*  '/
+c          1/2+ baryon labels
+      data lbar0/
+     1'err  ','p    ','n    ','err  ','err  ','s+   ','s0   ','s-   ',
+     2'l    ','xi0  ','xi-  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','sc++ ','sc+  ',
+     3'sc0  ','lc+  ','usc. ','dsc. ','ssc. ','sdc. ','suc. ','ucc. ',
+     4'dcc. ','scc. ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','uub. ','udb. ',
+     5'ddb. ','dub. ','usb. ','dsb. ','ssb. ','sdb. ','sub. ','ucb. ',
+     6'dcb. ','scb. ','ccb. ','csb. ','cdb. ','cub. ','ubb. ','dbb. ',
+     7'sbb. ','cbb. ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','utt. ',
+     8'udt. ','ddt. ','dut. ','ust. ','dst. ','sst. ','sdt. ','sut. ',
+     9'uct. ','dct. ','sct. ','cct. ','cst. ','cdt. ','cut. ','ubt. ',
+     1'dbt. ','sbt. ','cbt. ','bbt. ','bct. ','bst. ','bdt. ','but. ',
+     2'utt. ','dtt. ','stt. ','ctt. ','btt. ','err  ','err  ','err  ',
+     3'err  ','err  ','err  ','uuy. ','udy. ','ddy. ','duy. ','usy. ',
+     4'dsy. ','ssy. ','sdy. ','suy. ','uux. ','udx. ','ddx. ','dux. ',
+     5'usx. ','dsx. ','ssx. ','sdx. ','sux. '/
+      data labar0/
+     1'err  ','ap   ','an   ','err  ','err  ','as-  ','as0  ','as+  ',
+     2'al   ','axi0 ','axi+ ','err  ','err  ','err  ','asc--','asc- ',
+     3'asc0 ','alc- ','ausc.','adsc.','assc.','asdc.','asuc.','aucc.',
+     4'adcc.','ascc.','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','auub.','audb.',
+     5'addb.','adub.','ausb.','adsb.','assb.','asdb.','asub.','aucb.',
+     6'adcb.','ascb.','accb.','acsb.','acdb.','acub.','aubb.','adbb.',
+     7'asbb.','acbb.','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','autt.',
+     8'audt.','addt.','adut.','aust.','adst.','asst.','asdt.','asut.',
+     9'auct.','adct.','asct.','acct.','acst.','acdt.','acut.','aubt.',
+     1'adbt.','asbt.','acbt.','abbt.','abct.','abst.','abdt.','abut.',
+     2'autt.','adtt.','astt.','actt.','abtt.','err  ','err  ','err  ',
+     3'err  ','err  ','err  ','auuy.','audy.','addy.','aduy.','ausy.',
+     4'adsy.','assy.','asdy.','asuy.','auux.','audx.','addx.','adux.',
+     5'ausx.','adsx.','assx.','asdx.','asux.'/
+c          3/2+ baryon labels
+      data lbar1/
+     1'dl++ ','dl+  ','dl0  ','dl-  ','err  ','s*+  ','s*0  ','s*-  ',
+     2'err  ','xi*0 ','xi*- ','om-  ','err  ','err  ','uuc* ','udc* ',
+     3'ddc* ','err  ','usc* ','dsc* ','ssc* ','err  ','err  ','ucc* ',
+     4'dcc* ','scc* ','ccc* ','err  ','err  ','err  ','uub* ','udb* ',
+     5'ddb* ','err  ','usb* ','dsb* ','ssb* ','err  ','err  ','ucb* ',
+     6'dcb* ','scb* ','ccb* ','err  ','err  ','err  ','ubb* ','dbb* ',
+     7'sbb* ','cbb* ','bbb* ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','utt* ',
+     8'udt* ','ddt* ','err  ','ust* ','dst* ','sst* ','err  ','err  ',
+     9'uct* ','dct* ','sct* ','cct* ','err  ','err  ','err  ','ubt* ',
+     1'dbt* ','sbt* ','cbt* ','bbt* ','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ',
+     2'utt* ','dtt* ','stt* ','ctt* ','btt* ','ttt* ','err  ','err  ',
+     3'err  ','err  ','err  ','uuy* ','udy* ','ddy* ','err  ','usy* ',
+     4'dsy* ','ssy* ','err  ','err  ','uux* ','udx* ','ddx* ','err  ',
+     5'usx* ','dsx* ','ssx* ','err  ','err  '/
+      data labar1/
+     1'adl--','adl- ','adl0 ','adl+ ','err  ','as*- ','as*0 ','as*+ ',
+     2'err  ','axi*0','axi*+','aom+ ','err  ','err  ','auuc*','audc*',
+     3'addc*','err  ','ausc*','adsc*','assc*','err  ','err  ','aucc*',
+     4'adcc*','ascc*','accc*','err  ','err  ','err  ','auub*','audb*',
+     5'addb*','err  ','ausb*','adsb*','assb*','err  ','err  ','aucb*',
+     6'adcb*','ascb*','accb*','err  ','err  ','err  ','aubb*','adbb*',
+     7'asbb*','acbb*','abbb*','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ','autt*',
+     8'audt*','addt*','err  ','aust*','adst*','asst*','err  ','err  ',
+     9'auct*','adct*','asct*','acct*','err  ','err  ','err  ','aubt*',
+     1'adbt*','asbt*','acbt*','abbt*','err  ','err  ','err  ','err  ',
+     2'autt*','adtt*','astt*','actt*','abtt*','attt*','err  ','err  ',
+     3'err  ','err  ','err  ','auuy*','audy*','addy*','err  ','ausy*',
+     4'adsy*','assy*','err  ','err  ','auux*','audx*','addx*','err  ',
+     5'ausx*','adsx*','assx*','err  ','err  '/
+c          entry
+      call idflav(id,ifl1,ifl2,ifl3,jspin,ind)
+      if(iabs(id).lt.100) goto200
+      if(iabs(id).lt.1000) goto100
+      if(id.ne.0.and.mod(id,100).eq.0) goto300
+c          baryons
+      ind=ind-109*jspin-36*nmes-nqlep
+      ind=ind-11
+      if(jspin.eq.0.and.id.gt.0) idlabl=lbar0(ind)
+      if(jspin.eq.0.and.id.lt.0) idlabl=labar0(ind)
+      if(jspin.eq.1.and.id.gt.0) idlabl=lbar1(ind)
+      if(jspin.eq.1.and.id.lt.0) idlabl=labar1(ind)
+      return
+c          mesons
+100   continue
+      i=max0(ifl2,ifl3)
+      j=-min0(ifl2,ifl3)
+      ind=max0(i-1,j-1)**2+i+max0(i-j,0)
+      if(jspin.eq.0) idlabl=lmes0(ind)
+      if(jspin.eq.1) idlabl=lmes1(ind)
+      return
+c          quarks, leptons, etc.
+200   continue
+      ind=2*ind
+      if(id.le.0) ind=ind+1
+      idlabl=llep(ind)
+      return
+300   i=iabs(ifl1)
+      j=iabs(ifl2)
+      ind=i+j*(j-1)/2
+      if(id.gt.0) idlabl=lqq(ind)
+      if(id.lt.0) idlabl=laqq(ind)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idmass(idi,amass)
+c     returns the mass of the particle with ident code id.
+c     (deuteron, triton and alpha mass come from Gheisha ???)
+      dimension ammes0(15),ammes1(15),ambar0(30),ambar1(30)
+      dimension amlep(52)
+      parameter ( nqlep=41,nmes=2)
+c-c   data amlep/.3,.3,.5,1.6,4.9,30.,-1.,-1.,0.,0.,
+      data amlep/.005,.009,.180,1.6,4.9,170.,-1.,-1.,0.,0.,0.
+     *     ,.5109989e-3,0.,.105658,0.,1.777,1.87656,2.8167,3.755,.49767
+     *     ,.49767,100.3,100.3,100.5,101.6,104.9,130.,2*-1.,100.,0.,
+     *     100.,100.005,100.,100.1,100.,101.8,2*-1.,100.,100.,
+     *     11*0./
+c          0- meson mass table
+      data ammes0/.1349766,.13957018,.547853       !pi0,pi+-,eta
+     *           ,.493677,.497614,.95778           !K+-, K0,eta'
+     *    ,1.86483,1.86960,1.96847,2.9803          !D0,D+-,Ds,etac
+     1    ,5.27917,5.27950,5.3663,6.277,9.390/     !B+-,B0,Bs,Bc,etab
+c     1- meson mass table
+      data ammes1/.77549,.77549,.78265             !rho0,rho+-,omega
+     *           ,.889166,.89594,1.019455          !K*+-,K0*,phi
+     1     ,2.00693,2.01022,2.1123,3.096916        !D0*,D*+-,D*s,j/psi
+     *     ,5.3251,5.3251,5.4154,6.610,9.46030/    !B*+-,B0*,B*s,B*c,upsilon
+c     1/2+ baryon mass table
+      data ambar0/-1.,.93828,.93957,2*-1.,1.1894,1.1925,1.1974
+     1     ,1.1156,1.3149,1.3213,3*-1.
+     $     ,2.453               !15          sigma_c++!
+     $     ,2.454               !            sigma_c+
+     $     ,2.452               !            sigma_c0
+     $     ,2.286               !            lambda_c+
+     2     ,2.576               !19  1340   !Xi'_c+
+     $     ,2.578               !20  2340   !Xi'_c0
+     $     ,2.695               !21  3340   !omegac0
+     $     ,2.471               !22  3240   !Xi_c0
+     $     ,2.468               !23  3140   !Xi_c+
+     $     ,3.55                !24  1440
+     $     ,3.55                !25  2440
+     $     ,3.70                !26  3440
+     $     ,4*-1./
+c     3/2+ baryon mass table
+      data ambar1/1.232,1.232,1.232,1.232,-1.,1.3823,1.3820
+     1     ,1.3875,-1.,1.5318,1.5350,1.6722,2*-1.
+     2     ,2.519               !15          sigma_c++
+     $     ,2.52                !            sigma_c+
+     $     ,2.517               !            sigma_c0
+     $     ,-1.
+     $     ,2.645
+     $     ,2.644
+     $     ,2.80
+     $     ,2*-1.
+     $     ,3.75
+     $     ,3.75
+     3     ,3.90
+     $     ,4.80
+     $     ,3*-1./
+c     entry
+      id=idi
+      amass=0.
+ctp060829      if(iabs(id).eq.30)then
+ctp060829        amass=amhdibar
+ctp060829        return
+ctp060829      endif
+      if(idi.eq.0)then
+        id=1120                 !for air target
+      elseif(abs(idi).ge.1000000000)then
+        goto 500                !nucleus
+      endif
+      if(idi.gt.10000)return
+      call idflav(id,ifl1,ifl2,ifl3,jspin,ind)
+      if(id.ne.0.and.mod(id,100).eq.0) goto400
+      if(iabs(ifl1).ge.5.or.iabs(ifl2).ge.5.or.iabs(ifl3).ge.5)
+     1     goto300
+      if(ifl2.eq.0) goto200
+      if(ifl1.eq.0) goto100
+c          baryons
+      ind=ind-109*jspin-36*nmes-nqlep
+      ind=ind-11
+      amass=(1-jspin)*ambar0(ind)+jspin*ambar1(ind)
+      return
+c          mesons
+100   continue
+      ind=ind-36*jspin-nqlep
+      ind=ind-11
+      amass=(1-jspin)*ammes0(ind)+jspin*ammes1(ind)
+      return
+c          quarks and leptons (+deuteron, triton, alpha, Ks and Kl)
+200   continue
+      amass=amlep(ind)
+      return
+c          b and t particles
+300   continue
+      amass=amlep(iabs(ifl2))+amlep(iabs(ifl3))+1.07+.045*jspin
+      if(ifl1.ne.0) amass=amass+amlep(iabs(ifl1))
+      return
+c          diquarks
+400   amass=amlep(iabs(ifl1))+amlep(iabs(ifl2))
+      return
+c          nuclei
+500   nbrpro=mod(abs(id/10000),1000)
+      nbrneu=mod(abs(id/10),1000)-nbrpro
+      amass=nbrpro*ambar0(2)+nbrneu*ambar0(3)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine idmix(ic,jspin,icm,idm)
+cc     accounts for flavour mixing
+c      parameter (nflav=6)
+c      real pmix1(3,2),pmix2(3,2)
+c      integer ic(2),icm(2)
+c      data pmix1/.25,.25,.5,0.,.5,1./,pmix2/.5,.5,1.,0.,0.,1./
+c      icm(1)=0
+c      icm(2)=0
+c      idm=0
+c      i=ic(1)
+c      if(i.ne.ic(2))return
+c      id=0
+c      if(i.eq.100000)id=1
+c      if(i.eq. 10000)id=2
+c      if(i.eq.  1000)id=3
+c      if(id.eq.0)return
+c      rnd=rangen()
+c      idm=int(pmix1(id,jspin+1)+rnd)+int(pmix2(id,jspin+1)+rnd)+1
+c      icm(1)=10**(nflav-idm)
+c      icm(2)=ic(1)
+c      idm=idm*100+idm*10+jspin
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine idcleanjc(jc)
+c      parameter (nflav=6)
+c      integer jc(nflav,2)
+c      ns=0
+c      do n=1,nflav
+c        jj=min(jc(n,1),jc(n,2))
+c        jc(n,1)=jc(n,1)-jj
+c        jc(n,2)=jc(n,2)-jj
+c        ns=ns+jc(n,1)+jc(n,2)
+c      enddo
+c      if(ns.eq.0)then
+c        jc(1,1)=1
+c        jc(1,2)=1
+c      endif
+c      end
+      subroutine idquacjc(jc,nqu,naq)
+c     returns quark content of jc
+c        jc(nflav,2) = jc-type particle identification code.
+c        nqu = # quarks
+c        naq = # antiquarks
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      nqu=0
+      naq=0
+      do 53 n=1,nflav
+        nqu=nqu+jc(n,1)
+53      naq=naq+jc(n,2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idquacic(ic,nqu,naq)
+c     returns quark content of ic
+c        ic(2) = ic-type particle identification code.
+c        nqu = # quarks
+c        naq = # antiquarks
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      nqu=0
+      naq=0
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      do 53 n=1,nflav
+        nqu=nqu+jc(n,1)
+53      naq=naq+jc(n,2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idquac(i,nq,ns,na,jc)
+c     returns quark content of ptl i from /cptl/ .
+c        nq = # quarks - # antiquarks
+c        ns = # strange quarks - # strange antiquarks
+c        na = # quarks + # antiquarks
+c        jc(nflav,2) = jc-type particle identification code.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      if(iabs(idptl(i)).eq.20)then
+      idptl(i)=230
+      if(rangen().lt..5)idptl(i)=-230
+      goto9999
+      endif
+      if(iabs(idptl(i)).lt.100)then
+      nq=0
+      ns=0
+      do 1 n=1,nflav
+      jc(n,1)=0
+1     jc(n,2)=0
+      return
+      endif
+9999  if(idptl(i)/10**8.ne.7)then
+      call idtr4(idptl(i),ic)
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      else
+      call idtrb(ibptl(1,i),ibptl(2,i),ibptl(3,i),ibptl(4,i),jc)
+      endif
+      na=0
+      nq=0
+      do 53 n=1,nflav
+      na=na+jc(n,1)+jc(n,2)
+53    nq=nq+jc(n,1)-jc(n,2)
+      ns=   jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine idquad(i,nq,na,jc)
+cc     returns quark content of ptl i from /cptl/ .
+cc        nq = # quarks - # antiquarks
+cc        na = # quarks + # antiquarks
+cc        jc(nflav,2) = jc-type particle identification code.
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+c      id=idptl(i)
+c      if(iabs(id).eq.20)then
+c      id=230
+c      if(rangen().lt..5)id=-230
+c      goto9999
+c      endif
+c      if(iabs(id).lt.100)then
+c      nq=0
+cc      ns=0
+c      do 1 n=1,nflav
+c      jc(n,1)=0
+c1     jc(n,2)=0
+c      return
+c      endif
+c9999  if(id/10**8.ne.7)then
+c      call idtr4(id,ic)
+c      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+c      else
+c      call idtrb(ibptl(1,i),ibptl(2,i),ibptl(3,i),ibptl(4,i),jc)
+c      endif
+c      na=0
+c      nq=0
+c      do 53 n=1,nflav
+c      na=na+jc(n,1)+jc(n,2)
+c53    nq=nq+jc(n,1)-jc(n,2)
+cc      ns=   jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+c      return
+c      end
+      integer function idraflx(proba,xxx,qqs,icl,jc,jcval,j,iso,c)
+c     returns random flavor, according to jc and GRV structure function
+c for x(=xxx) and Q2(=qqs) for valence quark (jcval) and sea quarks
+c and update jc with quark-antiquark cancellation
+c             jc : quark content of remnant
+c     j=1 quark, j=2 antiquark,
+c     iso : isospin
+c     proba : probability of the selected quark (output)
+c     c     : "v" is to choose a valence quark, "s" a sea or valence quark
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),jcval(nflav,2)
+      double precision s,puv,pdv,psv,pcv,pus,pds,pss,pcs,piso,proba
+      character c*1
+       if(ish.ge.8)then
+         write(ifch,10)c,j,xxx,qqs,jc,jcval
+       endif
+ 10    format('entry idraflx, j,x,q: ',a1,i2,2g13.5,/
+     &  ,15x,'jc :',2(1x,6i2),/,14x,'jcv :',2(1x,6i2))
+       puv=dble(jcval(1,j))
+       pdv=dble(jcval(2,j))
+       psv=dble(jcval(3,j))
+       pcv=dble(jcval(4,j))
+       if(c.eq."v")then
+         pus=0d0
+         pds=0d0
+         pss=0d0
+         pcs=0d0
+       else
+         pus=dble(jc(1,j))-puv
+         pds=dble(jc(2,j))-pdv
+         pss=dble(jc(3,j))-psv
+         pcs=dble(jc(4,j))-pcv
+       endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        write(ifch,'(a,4f6.3)')'idraflx valence:',puv,pdv,psv,pcv
+        write(ifch,'(a,4f6.3)')'idraflx sea:',pus,pds,pss,pcs
+      endif
+       qq=0.
+       if(iso.gt.0)then
+         if(icl.eq.2)puv=puv*0.5d0   !because GRV already take into account the fact that there is 2 u quark in a proton
+         puv=puv*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,1))
+         pus=pus*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-1))
+         pdv=pdv*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,2))
+         pds=pds*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-2))
+       elseif(iso.lt.0)then
+         puv=puv*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,2))
+         pus=pus*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-2))
+         if(icl.eq.2)pdv=pdv*0.5d0
+         pdv=pdv*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,1))
+         pds=pds*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-1))
+       else
+         piso=(dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,1))
+     &        +dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,2)))
+         if(icl.eq.2)then   !3 quarks
+           piso=piso/3d0
+         else               !2 quarks
+           piso=piso/2d0
+         endif
+         puv=puv*piso
+         pdv=pdv*piso
+         piso=0.5d0*(dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-1))
+     &              +dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-2)))
+         pus=pus*piso
+         pds=pds*piso
+       endif
+       psv=psv*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,3))
+       pss=pss*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-3))
+       if(nrflav.ge.4)then
+         pcv=pcv*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,4))
+         pcs=pcs*dble(psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icl,-4))
+       else
+         pcv=0d0
+         pcs=0d0
+       endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        write(ifch,'(a,4f6.3)')'idraflx P(valence):',puv,pdv,psv,pcv
+        write(ifch,'(a,4f6.3)')'idraflx P(sea):',pus,pds,pss,pcs
+      endif
+      s=puv+pdv+psv+pcv+pus+pds+pss+pcs
+      if(s.gt.0.)then
+       r=rangen()*s
+       if(r.gt.(pdv+pus+pds+pss+psv+pcv+pcs).and.puv.gt.0.)then
+        i=1
+        jcval(i,j)=jcval(i,j)-1
+        proba=puv
+       elseif(r.gt.(pus+pds+pss+psv+pcv+pcs).and.pdv.gt.0.)then
+        i=2
+        jcval(i,j)=jcval(i,j)-1
+        proba=pdv
+       elseif(r.gt.(pds+pss+psv+pcv+pcs).and.pus.gt.0.)then
+        i=1
+        proba=pus
+       elseif(r.gt.(pss+psv+pcv+pcs).and.pds.gt.0.)then
+        i=2
+        proba=pds
+       elseif(r.gt.(psv+pcv+pcs).and.pss.gt.0.)then
+        i=3
+        proba=pss
+       elseif(r.gt.(pcv+pcs).and.psv.gt.0.)then
+        i=3
+        jcval(i,j)=jcval(i,j)-1
+        proba=psv
+       elseif(r.gt.pcs.and.pcv.gt.0.)then
+        i=4
+        jcval(i,j)=jcval(i,j)-1
+        proba=pcv
+       elseif(pcs.gt.0.)then
+        i=4
+        proba=pcs
+       else
+        call utstop("Problem in idraflx, should not be !&")
+       endif
+      else
+        i=idrafl(icl,jc,j,"v",0,iretso)      !no update of jc here
+        if(jc(i,j)-jcval(i,j).lt.1)jcval(i,j)=jcval(i,j)-1
+        proba=0d0
+      endif
+      idraflx=i
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        write(ifch,'(a,2(1x,6i2))')'jc before updating:',jc
+        write(ifch,20)i,j,jcval,proba
+      endif
+ 20   format('i,j|jcval|P:',2i3,' |',2(1x,6i2),' |',g15.3)
+      call idsufl3(i,j,jc)
+      if(ish.ge.8)
+     & write(ifch,'(a,2(1x,6i2))')'jc after updating:',jc
+      return
+      end
+      integer function idrafl(icl,jc,j,c,imod,iretso)
+c     returns random flavor,
+c     if : c='v' : according to jc
+c          c='s' : from sea
+c          c='r' : from sea (always without c quarks)
+c          c='d' : from sea for second quark in diquark
+c          c='c' : take out c quark first
+c             jc : quark content of remnant
+c     j=1 quark, j=2 antiquark,
+c     imod=0     : returns random flavor of a quark
+c     imod=1     : returns random flavor of a quark and update jc
+c                 (with quark-antiquark cancellation)
+c     imod=2     : returns random flavor of a quark and update jc
+c                 (without quark-antiquak cancellation -> accumulate quark)
+c     imod=3     : returns random flavor of a quark and update jc with
+c                  the corresponding quark-antiquark pair
+c                 (without quark-antiquak cancellation -> accumulate quark)
+c     iretso=0   : ok
+c           =1   : more than 9 quarks of same flavor attempted
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      character c*1
+c       write(ifch,*)'entry idrafl, j,imod,c: ',j,imod,' ',c
+      pui=1.
+      if(c.eq.'s')then
+        pu=pui
+        pd=pui*exp(-pi*difud/fkappa)
+        ps=pui*exp(-pi*difus/fkappa)
+        pc=pui*exp(-pi*difuc/fkappa)
+        pu=rstrau(icl)*pu
+        pd=rstrad(icl)*pd
+        ps=rstras(icl)*ps
+        pc=rstrac(icl)*pc
+      elseif(c.eq.'d')then
+        pu=pui*exp(-pi*difuuu/fkappa)
+        pd=pui*exp(-pi*difudd/fkappa)
+        ps=pui*exp(-pi*difuss/fkappa)
+        pc=pui*exp(-pi*difucc/fkappa)
+        pu=pu*rstrau(icl)
+        pd=pd*rstrad(icl)
+        ps=ps*rstras(icl)
+        pc=pc*rstrac(icl)
+      elseif(c.eq.'v')then
+        pu=float(jc(1,j))
+        pd=float(jc(2,j))
+        ps=float(jc(3,j))
+        pc=float(jc(4,j))
+      elseif(c.eq.'r')then
+        pu=1.
+        pd=1.
+        ps=1.
+        pc=0.
+        pu=rstrau(icl)*pu
+        pd=rstrad(icl)*pd
+        ps=rstras(icl)*ps
+      elseif(c.eq.'c')then
+        pu=0.
+        pd=0.
+        ps=0.
+        pc=1.
+      else
+        stop'idrafl: dunnowhatodo'
+      endif
+c      write(ifch,*)'idrafl',pu,pd,ps
+      s=pu+pd+ps+pc
+      if(s.gt.0.)then
+       r=rangen()*s
+       if(r.gt.(pu+pd+ps).and.pc.gt.0d0)then
+        i=4
+       elseif(r.gt.(pu+pd).and.ps.gt.0d0)then
+        i=3
+       elseif(r.gt.pu.and.pd.gt.0d0)then
+        i=2
+       else
+        i=1
+       endif
+      elseif(iremn.le.1.or.c.ne.'v')then
+        i=1+min(2,int((2.+rstras(icl))*rangen()))
+      else
+        idrafl=0
+        return
+      endif
+      idrafl=i
+c      write(ifch,*)'jc before updating',jc
+c      write(ifch,*)'i,j,jc',i,j,jc
+      if(imod.eq.1)then
+        if(iLHC.eq.0.and.iremn.eq.2)then
+          call idsufl3(i,j,jc)
+c   be sure that jc is not empty
+          if(jc(i,j).eq.0)then
+            call idenco(jc,ic,iret)
+            if(iret.eq.0.and.ic(1).eq.0.and.ic(2).eq.0)then
+              jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)+1
+              jc(i,3-j)=jc(i,3-j)+1
+              iretso=1
+            endif
+          endif
+        elseif(iremn.ge.2)then
+          call idsufl3(i,j,jc)
+        else
+          call idsufl(i,j,jc,iretso)
+          if(iretso.ne.0.and.ish.ge.2)then
+            call utmsg('idrafl')
+            write(ifmt,*)'iret none 0 in idrafl',iretso
+            write(ifch,*)'iret none 0 in idrafl',iretso
+            call utmsgf
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif(imod.eq.2)then
+        call idsufl2(i,j,jc)    !do not cancel antiquarks with quarks
+      elseif(imod.eq.3)then
+        call idsufl2(i,1,jc)    !do not cancel antiquarks with quarks
+        call idsufl2(i,2,jc)    !do not cancel antiquarks with quarks
+      endif
+c      write(ifch,*)'jc after updating',jc
+      return
+      end
+      integer function idraflz(jc,j)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      pu=float(jc(1,j))
+      pd=float(jc(2,j))
+      ps=float(jc(3,j))
+      pc=float(jc(4,j))
+      s=pu+pd+ps+pc
+      if(s.gt.0.)then
+       r=rangen()*s
+       if(r.gt.(pu+pd+ps).and.pc.gt.0d0)then
+        i=4
+       elseif(r.gt.(pu+pd).and.ps.gt.0d0)then
+        i=3
+       elseif(r.gt.pu.and.pd.gt.0d0)then
+        i=2
+       else
+        i=1
+       endif
+      else
+       stop'in idraflz (1)                      '
+      endif
+      idraflz=i
+      if(jc(i,j).lt.1)stop'in idraflz (2)              '
+      jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+      end
+      subroutine idsufl(i,j,jc,iretso)
+c subtract flavor i, j=1 quark, j=2 antiquark
+c add antiflavor if jc(i,j)=0
+c iretso=0  ok
+c       =1 : more than 9 quarks of same flavor attempted
+      integer jc(6,2),ic(2)
+      if(jc(i,j).gt.0)then
+       jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+       call idenco(jc,ic,iret)
+       if(ic(1).eq.0.and.ic(2).eq.0)then
+         jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)+1
+         if(jc(i,3-j).lt.9.and.iret.eq.0)then
+           jc(i,3-j)=jc(i,3-j)+1
+         else
+           iretso=1
+         endif
+       endif
+      else
+        if(j.eq.1)then
+          if(jc(i,2).lt.9)then
+            jc(i,2)=jc(i,2)+1
+          else
+            iretso=1
+          endif
+        else
+          if(jc(i,1).lt.9)then
+            jc(i,1)=jc(i,1)+1
+          else
+            iretso=1
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idsufl2(i,j,jc)
+c substract flavor i, by adding antiquark i, j=1 quark, j=2 antiquark
+c Can replace idsufl if we don't want to cancel quarks and antiquarks
+c Warning : No protection against jc(i,j)>9 ! should not encode jc without test
+      parameter(nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      jc(i,3-j)=jc(i,3-j)+1
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idsufl3(i,j,jc)
+c subtract flavor i, j=1 quark, j=2 antiquark
+c add antiflavor if jc(i,j)=0
+c Warning : No protection against jc(i,j)>9 ! should not encode jc without test
+      parameter(nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      if(jc(i,j).gt.0)then
+        jc(i,j)=jc(i,j)-1
+      else
+        jc(i,3-j)=jc(i,3-j)+1
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine idchfl(jc1,jc2,iret)
+cc checks whether jc1 and jc2 have the same number of quarks and antiquarks
+cc if yes: iret=0, if no: iret=1
+c      integer jc1(6,2),jc2(6,2)
+c      iret=0
+c      do j=1,2
+c       n1=0
+c       n2=0
+c       do i=1,6
+c        n1=n1+jc1(i,j)
+c        n2=n2+jc2(i,j)
+c       enddo
+c       if(n1.ne.n2)then
+c        iret=1
+c        return
+c       endif
+c      enddo
+c      end
+      subroutine idres(idi,am,idr,iadj)
+c     returns resonance id idr corresponding to mass am.
+c     performs mass adjustment, if necessary (if so iadj=1, 0 else)
+c     (only for mesons and baryons, error (stop) otherwise)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxindx=1000,mxre=100,mxma=11,mxmx=6)
+      common/crema/indx(mxindx),rema(mxre,mxma),rewi(mxre,mxma)
+     *,idmx(mxma,mxmx),icre1(mxre,mxma),icre2(mxre,mxma)
+      character cad*10
+      write(cad,'(i10)')idi
+      iadj=0
+      idr=0
+      if(abs(idi).lt.20)then
+        idr=idi
+        return
+      endif
+      if(abs(am).lt.1.e-5)am=1e-5
+      id=idi
+      ami=am
+      if(am.lt.0.)then
+        call idmass(id,am)
+        iadj=1
+        if(am.le.0.)then
+        write(ifch,*)'*****  warning in idres (0): '
+     *,'neg mass returned from idmass'
+        write(ifch,*)'id,am(input):',idi,ami
+        am=1e-5
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(id.eq.0)goto 9999
+      if(abs(id).eq.20)id=sign(230,idi)
+      m1=1
+      if(iabs(id).ge.1000)m1=3
+      m2=2
+      if(iabs(id).ge.1000)m2=mxmx
+      do 3 k=m1,m2
+      do 3 m=2,mxma
+        if(iabs(id).eq.idmx(m,k)) then
+          id=idmx(1,k)*10*id/iabs(id)
+          goto 43
+        endif
+ 3    continue
+ 43   continue
+      ix=iabs(id)/10
+      if(ix.lt.1.or.ix.gt.mxindx)then
+        call utstop('idres: ix out of range. id='//cad//'&')
+      endif
+      i=indx(ix)
+      if(i.lt.1.or.i.gt.mxre)then
+        write(ifch,*)'idres problem',id,am
+        call utstop('idres: particle not in table&')
+      endif
+      do 1 j=1,mxma-1
+      if(am.ge.rema(i,j).and.am.le.rema(i,j+1))then
+      if(j-1.gt.9)call utstop('idres: spin > 9&')
+      idr=id/10*10+(j-1)*id/iabs(id)
+      goto 2
+      endif
+1     continue
+      goto 9999
+2     continue
+      do 4 k=1,mxmx
+      if(ix.eq.idmx(1,k))then
+      if(j.lt.1.or.j.gt.mxma-1)
+     *call utstop('idres: index j out of range&')
+      if(idmx(j+1,k).ne.0)idr=idmx(j+1,k)*id/iabs(id)
+      endif
+4     continue
+      iy=mod(iabs(idr),10)
+      if(iy.gt.maxres)then
+      iadj=0
+      idr=0
+      goto 9999
+      endif
+      if(iy.ne.0.and.iy.ne.1)goto 9999
+      call idmass(idr,am)
+      if(am.lt.0.)then
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  error in idres: '
+     *,'neg mass returned from idmass'
+      write(ifch,*)'id,am(input):',idi,ami
+      write(ifch,*)'idr,am:',idr,am
+      call utstop('idres: neg mass returned from idmass&')
+      endif
+      del=max(1.e-3,2.*rewi(i,j))
+      if(abs(ami-am).gt.del)iadj=1
+c      write(ifch,*)'res:',id,idr,ami,am,rewi(i,j),iadj
+9999  if(.not.(ish.ge.8))return
+      write(ifch,*)'return from idres. id,ami,am,idr,iadj:'
+      write(ifch,*)idi,ami,am,idr,iadj
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idresi
+c  initializes /crema/
+c  masses are limit between stable state (so the average between 2 mass states)
+c  width=hbar(6.582e-25 GeV.s)/tau for 151, 251, 351, 451 arbitrary
+c  (no data found) !!!!!!!!!!!
+      parameter (mxindx=1000,mxre=100,mxma=11,mxmx=6)
+      common/crema/indx(mxindx),rema(mxre,mxma),rewi(mxre,mxma)
+     *,idmx(mxma,mxmx),icre1(mxre,mxma),icre2(mxre,mxma)
+      parameter (n=35)
+      dimension remai(n,mxma),rewii(n,mxma),idmxi(mxma,mxmx)
+     *,icrei(n,2*mxma)
+      data (idmxi(j,1),j=1,mxma)/ 11, 110, 111,   0,   0,   0,   0, 4*0/
+      data (idmxi(j,2),j=1,mxma)/ 22, 220, 330, 331,   0,   0,   0, 4*0/
+      data (idmxi(j,3),j=1,mxma)/123,2130,1230,1231,1233,1234,1235, 4*0/
+      data (idmxi(j,4),j=1,mxma)/124,2140,1240,1241,   0,   0,   0, 4*0/
+      data (idmxi(j,5),j=1,mxma)/134,3140,1340,1341,   0,   0,   0, 4*0/
+      data (idmxi(j,6),j=1,mxma)/234,3240,2340,2341,   0,   0,   0, 4*0/
+      data ((icrei(k,m),m=1,2*mxma),k=1,10)/
+     *111,000000, 9*300000,    11*0,
+     *222,000000, 9*030000,    11*0,
+     *112,       10*210000,    11*0,
+     *122,       10*120000,    11*0,
+     *113,       10*201000,    11*0,
+     *223,       10*021000,    11*0,
+     *123,       10*111000,    11*0,
+     *133,       10*102000,    11*0,
+     *233,       10*012000,    11*0,
+     *333,000000, 9*003000,    11*0/
+      data ((icrei(k,m),m=1,2*mxma),k=11,20)/
+     *114,       10*200100,    11*0,
+     *124,       10*110100,    11*0,
+     *224,       10*020100,    11*0,
+     *134,       10*101100,    11*0,
+     *234,       10*011100,    11*0,
+     *334,       10*002100,    11*0,
+     *144,       10*100200,    11*0,
+     *244,       10*010200,    11*0,
+     *344,       10*001200,    11*0,
+     *444,000000, 9*000300,    11*0/
+      data ((icrei(k,m),m=1,2*mxma),k=21,29)/
+     * 11,  10*100000,    0,   10*100000,
+     * 22,  10*001000,    0,   10*001000,
+     * 12,  10*100000,    0,   10*010000,
+     * 13,  10*100000,    0,   10*001000,
+     * 23,  10*010000,    0,   10*001000,
+     * 14,  10*100000,    0,   10*000100,
+     * 24,  10*010000,    0,   10*000100,
+     * 34,  10*001000,    0,   10*000100,
+     * 44,  10*000100,    0,   10*000100/
+      data ((icrei(k,m),m=1,2*mxma),k=30,35)/
+     * 15,  10*100000,    0,   10*000010,
+     * 25,  10*010000,    0,   10*000010,
+     * 35,  10*001000,    0,   10*000010,
+     * 45,  10*000100,    0,   10*000010,
+     * 55,  10*000010,    0,   10*000010,
+     *  3,  10*222000,    0,   10*000010/
+      data ((remai(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=1,10)/
+     *111.,0.000,1.425,1.660,1.825,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *222.,0.000,1.425,1.660,1.825,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *112.,1.080,1.315,1.485,1.575,1.645,1.685,1.705,1.825,2.000,0.000,
+     *122.,1.080,1.315,1.485,1.575,1.645,1.685,1.705,1.825,2.000,0.000,
+     *113.,1.300,1.500,1.700,1.850,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *223.,1.300,1.500,1.700,1.850,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *123.,1.117,1.300,1.395,1.465,1.540,1.655,1.710,1.800,1.885,2.000,
+c     *123.,1.154,1.288,1.395,1.463,1.560,1.630,1.710,1.800,1.885,2.000,
+     *133.,1.423,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *233.,1.428,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+c     *133.,1.423,1.638,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+c     *233.,1.427,1.634,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *333.,0.000,2.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000/
+      data ((remai(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=11,20)/
+     *114.,2.530,2.730,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *124.,2.345,2.530,2.730,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *224.,2.530,2.730,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *134.,2.450,2.600,2.800,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *234.,2.450,2.600,2.800,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *334.,2.700,2.900,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *144.,3.650,3.850,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *244.,3.650,3.850,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *344.,3.800,4.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *444.,0.000,5.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000/
+      data ((remai(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=21,29)/
+     * 11.,0.450,0.950,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 22.,0.750,0.965,1.500,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 12.,0.450,0.950,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 13.,0.500,1.075,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 23.,0.500,1.075,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 14.,1.900,2.250,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 24.,1.900,2.250,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 34.,2.050,2.500,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 44.,3.037,3.158,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000/
+      data ((remai(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=30,35)/
+     * 15.,5.300,5.400,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 25.,5.300,5.400,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 35.,5.396,5.500,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 45.,6.450,7.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     * 55.,9.660,9.999,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,
+     *  3.,2.230,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=1,5)/
+     *111.,0.000e+00,0.115e+00,0.140e+00,0.250e+00,0.250e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *222.,0.000e+00,0.115e+00,0.140e+00,0.250e+00,0.250e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *112.,0.000e+00,0.115e+00,0.200e+00,0.140e+00,0.140e+00,
+     *     0.145e+00,0.250e+00,0.140e+00,0.250e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *122.,7.451e-28,0.115e+00,0.200e+00,0.140e+00,0.140e+00,
+     *     0.145e+00,0.250e+00,0.140e+00,0.250e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *113.,0.824e-14,0.036e+00,0.080e+00,0.100e+00,0.170e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=6,10)/
+     *223.,0.445e-14,0.039e+00,0.080e+00,0.100e+00,0.170e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *123.,0.250e-14,0.890e-05,0.036e+00,0.040e+00,0.016e+00,
+     *     0.090e+00,0.080e+00,0.100e+00,0.145e+00,0.170e+00,
+     *133.,0.227e-14,0.009e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *233.,0.400e-14,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *333.,0.000e+00,0.800e-14,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=11,15)/
+     *114.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *124.,0.400e-11,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *224.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *134.,0.150e-11,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *234.,0.150e-11,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=16,20)/
+     *334.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *144.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *244.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *344.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *444.,0.400e-11,0.010e+00,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=21,25)/
+     * 11.,7.849e-09,0.153e+00,0.057e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 22.,0.130e-05,0.210e-03,0.034e+00,0.004e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 12.,2.524e-17,0.153e+00,0.057e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 13.,5.307e-17,0.051e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 23.,0.197e-02,0.051e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=26,29)/
+     * 14.,0.154e-11,0.002e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 24.,0.615e-12,0.002e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 34.,0.133e-11,0.002e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 44.,0.010e+00,0.068e-03,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      data ((rewii(k,m),m=1,mxma),k=30,35)/
+     * 15.,0.402e-12,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 25.,0.430e-12,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 35.,0.448e-12,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 45.,0.143e-13,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     * 55.,0.525e-04,0.010e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *  3.,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,
+     *     0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00,0.000e+00/
+      do 3 i=1,mxindx
+3     indx(i)=0
+      do 4 k=1,mxre
+      do 4 m=1,mxma
+4     rema(k,m)=0
+      do 2 j=1,mxma
+      do 2 i=1,mxmx
+2     idmx(j,i)=idmxi(j,i)
+      ntec=n
+      if(ntec.gt.mxre)call utstop('idresi: dimension mxre too small&')
+      do 1 k=1,n
+      ix=nint(remai(k,1))
+      ix2=nint(rewii(k,1))
+      ix3=icrei(k,1)
+      if(ix.ne.ix2)call utstop('idresi: ix /= ix2&')
+      if(ix.ne.ix3)call utstop('idresi: ix /= ix3&')
+      if(ix.lt.1.or.ix.gt.mxindx)
+     *call utstop('idresi: ix out of range.&')
+      indx(ix)=k
+      rema(k,1)=0.
+      rewi(k,1)=0.
+      icre1(k,1)=0
+      icre2(k,1)=0
+      do 1 m=2,mxma
+      rema(k,m)=remai(k,m)
+      rewi(k,m)=rewii(k,m)
+      icre1(k,m)=icrei(k,m)
+1     icre2(k,m)=icrei(k,mxma+m)
+      indx(33) =indx(22)
+      indx(213)=indx(123)
+      indx(214)=indx(124)
+      indx(314)=indx(134)
+      indx(324)=indx(234)
+      return
+      end
+c      integer function idsgl(ic,gen,cmp)
+cc     returns 1 for singlets (qqq or qqbar) 0 else.
+c      parameter (nflav=6)
+c      integer ic(2),jcx(nflav,2),icx(2)
+c      character gen*6,cmp*6
+c      idsgl=0
+c      if(cmp.eq.'cmp-ys')then
+c      call idcomi(ic,icx)
+c      else
+c      icx(1)=ic(1)
+c      icx(2)=ic(2)
+c      endif
+c      call iddeco(icx,jcx)
+c      nq=0
+c      na=0
+c      do 1 i=1,nflav
+c      nq=nq+jcx(i,1)
+c1     na=na+jcx(i,2)
+c      if(nq.eq.0.and.na.eq.0)return
+c      if(gen.eq.'gen-no')then
+c      if(nq.eq.3.and.na.eq.0.or.nq.eq.1.and.na.eq.1
+c     *.or.nq.eq.0.and.na.eq.3)idsgl=1
+c      elseif(gen.eq.'gen-ys')then
+c      if(mod(nq-na,3).eq.0)idsgl=1
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine idtau(id,p4,p5,taugm)
+c     returns lifetime(c*tau(fm))*gamma for id with energy p4, mass p5
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxindx=1000,mxre=100,mxma=11,mxmx=6)
+      common/crema/indx(mxindx),rema(mxre,mxma),rewi(mxre,mxma)
+     *,idmx(mxma,mxmx),icre1(mxre,mxma),icre2(mxre,mxma)
+           if(iabs(id).eq.14)then
+      wi=.197/658.654e15
+           elseif(iabs(id).eq.16)then
+      wi=.197/87.11e9
+           elseif(id.eq.-20)then
+      wi=.197/15.34e15
+           elseif(id.eq.20)then
+      wi=.197/2.6842e13
+           elseif((iabs(id).lt.100.and.id.ne.20)
+     *         .or.id.gt.1e9)then
+      wi=0
+           elseif(iabs(id).lt.1e8)then
+      ix=iabs(id)/10
+      if(ix.lt.1.or.ix.gt.mxindx)then
+        write(ifch,*)'id:',id
+        call utstop('idtau: ix out of range.&')
+      endif
+      ii=indx(ix)
+      jj=mod(iabs(id),10)+2
+      m1=1
+      if(iabs(id).ge.1000)m1=3
+      m2=2
+      if(iabs(id).ge.1000)m2=mxmx
+      do 75 imx=m1,m2
+      do 75 ima=2,mxma
+      if(iabs(id).eq.idmx(ima,imx))then
+        jj=ima
+        goto 75
+      endif
+75    continue
+      if(ii.lt.1.or.ii.gt.mxre.or.jj.lt.1.or.jj.gt.mxma)then
+      write(ifch,*)'id,ii,jj:',id,'   ',ii,jj
+      call utstop('idtau: ii or jj out of range&')
+      endif
+      wi=rewi(ii,jj)
+           else
+      tauz=taunll
+c-c   tauz=amin1(9./p5**2,tauz)
+c-c   tauz=amax1(.2,tauz)
+      wi=.197/tauz
+           endif
+      if(wi.eq.0.)then
+      tau=ainfin
+      else
+      tau=.197/wi
+      endif
+      if(p5.ne.0.)then
+      gm=p4/p5
+      else
+      gm=ainfin
+      endif
+      if(tau.ge.ainfin.or.gm.ge.ainfin)then
+      taugm=ainfin
+      else
+      taugm=tau*gm
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idtr4(id,ic)
+c     transforms generalized paige_id -> werner_id  (for < 4 flv)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxindx=1000,mxre=100,mxma=11,mxmx=6)
+      common/crema/indx(mxindx),rema(mxre,mxma),rewi(mxre,mxma)
+     *     ,idmx(mxma,mxmx),icre1(mxre,mxma),icre2(mxre,mxma)
+      integer ic(2)
+      ic(1)=000000
+      ic(2)=000000
+      if(mod(abs(id),100).eq.99)return !not a particle
+      if(iabs(id).lt.20)then
+        if(id.eq.1)then
+          ic(1)=100000
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-1)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=100000
+        elseif(id.eq.2)then
+          ic(1)=010000
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-2)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=010000
+        elseif(id.eq.3)then
+          ic(1)=001000
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-3)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=001000
+        elseif(id.eq.4)then
+          ic(1)=000100
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-4)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=000100
+        elseif(id.eq.5)then
+          ic(1)=000010
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-5)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=000010
+        elseif(id.eq.17)then
+          ic(1)=330000
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-17)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=330000
+        elseif(id.eq.18)then
+          ic(1)=450000
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-18)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=450000
+        elseif(id.eq.19)then
+          ic(1)=660000
+          ic(2)=000000
+        elseif(id.eq.-19)then
+          ic(1)=000000
+          ic(2)=660000
+        endif
+        return
+      endif
+      if(id.eq.30)then
+         ic(1)=222000
+         ic(2)=000000
+         return
+      endif
+      if(iabs(id).lt.1e8)then
+        ix=iabs(id)/10
+        if(ix.lt.1.or.ix.gt.mxindx)goto9999
+        ii=indx(ix)
+        if(ii.eq.0)goto9998
+        jj=mod(iabs(id),10)+2
+        do 27 imx=1,mxmx
+          do 27 ima=2,mxma
+            if(iabs(id).eq.idmx(ima,imx))jj=ima
+ 27     continue
+        if(id.gt.0)then
+          ic(1)=icre1(ii,jj)
+          ic(2)=icre2(ii,jj)
+        else
+          ic(2)=icre1(ii,jj)
+          ic(1)=icre2(ii,jj)
+        endif
+        if(ic(1).eq.100000.and.ic(2).eq.100000.and.rangen().lt.0.5)
+     $       then
+          ic(1)=010000
+          ic(2)=010000
+        endif
+      elseif(mod(id/10**8,10).eq.8)then
+        ic(1)=mod(id,10**8)/10000*100
+        ic(2)=mod(id,10**4)*100
+      elseif(id/10**9.eq.1.and.mod(id,10).eq.0)then   !nuclei
+        nstr=mod(id,10**8)/10000000
+        npro=mod(id,10**7)/10000
+        nneu=mod(id,10**4)/10
+        ic(1)=(2*npro+nneu)*10**5+(2*nneu+npro)*10**4+nstr*10**3
+        ic(2)=0
+      else
+        write(ifch,*)'***** id: ',id
+        call utstop('idtr4: unrecognized id&')
+      endif
+      return
+ 9998 continue
+      write(ifch,*)'id: ',id
+      call utstop('idtr4: indx=0.&')
+ 9999 continue
+      write(ifch,*)'id: ',id
+      call utstop('idtr4: ix out of range.&')
+      end
+      integer function idtra(ic,ier,ires,imix)
+c     tranforms from werner-id to paige-id
+c         ier .... error message (1) or not (0) in case of problem
+c         ires ... dummy variable, not used  any more !!!!
+c         imix ... 1 not supported any more
+c                  2 010000 010000 -> 110, 001000 000100 -> 110
+c                  3 010000 010000 -> 110, 001000 000100 -> 220
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (nidt=54)
+      integer idt(3,nidt),ic(2)!,icm(2)
+      data idt/
+     * 100000,100000, 110   ,100000,010000, 120   ,010000,010000, 220
+     *,100000,001000, 130   ,010000,001000, 230   ,001000,001000, 330
+     *,100000,000100, 140   ,010000,000100, 240   ,001000,000100, 340
+     *,000100,000100, 440
+     *,100000,000010, 150   ,010000,000010, 250   ,001000,000010, 350
+     *,000100,000010, 450   ,000010,000010, 550   ,100000,000000,   1
+     *,010000,000000,   2   ,001000,000000,   3   ,000100,000000,   4
+     *,000010,000000,   5
+     *,200000,000000,1100   ,110000,000000,1200   ,020000,000000,2200
+     *,101000,000000,1300   ,011000,000000,2300   ,002000,000000,3300
+     *,100100,000000,1400   ,010100,000000,2400   ,001100,000000,3400
+     *,000200,000000,4400
+     *,330000,000000,  17   ,450000,000000,  18   ,660000,000000,  19
+     *,300000,000000,1111   ,210000,000000,1120   ,120000,000000,1220
+     *,030000,000000,2221   ,201000,000000,1130   ,111000,000000,1230
+     *,000001,000000,   6
+     *,021000,000000,2230   ,102000,000000,1330   ,012000,000000,2330
+     *,003000,000000,3331   ,200100,000000,1140   ,110100,000000,1240
+     *,020100,000000,2240   ,101100,000000,1340   ,011100,000000,2340
+     *,002100,000000,3340
+     *,100200,000000,1440   ,010200,000000,2440   ,001200,000000,3440
+     *,000300,000000,4441/
+      idtra=0
+      if(ic(1).eq.0.and.ic(2).eq.0)return
+      i=1
+      do while(i.le.nidt.and.idtra.eq.0)
+        if(ic(2).eq.idt(1,i).and.ic(1).eq.idt(2,i))idtra=-idt(3,i)
+        if(ic(1).eq.idt(1,i).and.ic(2).eq.idt(2,i))idtra=idt(3,i)
+        i=i+1
+      enddo
+      isi=1
+      if(idtra.ne.0)isi=idtra/iabs(idtra)
+      jspin=0
+      if(imix.eq.1)stop'imix=1 no longer supported'
+      if(imix.eq.2)then
+      if(idtra.eq.220)idtra=110
+      if(idtra.eq.330)idtra=110
+      elseif(imix.eq.3)then
+      if(idtra.eq.220)idtra=110
+      if(idtra.eq.330)idtra=220
+      endif
+      if(idtra.ne.0)idtra=idtra+jspin*isi
+      if(idtra.ne.0)return
+      if(ier.ne.1)return
+      write(ifch,*)'idtra: ic = ',ic,ires
+      call utstop('idtra: unknown code&')
+      entry idtrai(num,id,ier)
+      idtrai=0
+      if(iabs(id).eq.20)then
+        j=5
+      elseif(iabs(id).eq.110.or.iabs(id).eq.220)then
+        j=1+2*int(2.*rangen())
+      else
+        j=0
+        do i=1,nidt
+          if(iabs(id).eq.idt(3,i))then
+            j=i
+            goto 2
+          endif
+        enddo
+ 2      continue
+      endif
+      if(j.ne.0)then
+        if(id.lt.0)then
+          idtrai=idt(3-num,j)
+        else
+          idtrai=idt(num,j)
+        endif
+        return
+      endif
+      if(ier.ne.1)return
+      write(ifch,*)'idtrai: id = ',id
+      call utstop('idtrai: unknown code&')
+      end
+      subroutine idtrb(ib1,ib2,ib3,ib4,jc)
+c     id transformation ib -> jc
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      jc(1,1)=ib1/10**4
+      jc(2,1)=ib2/10**4
+      jc(3,1)=ib3/10**4
+      jc(4,1)=ib4/10**4
+      jc(5,1)=0
+      jc(6,1)=0
+      jc(1,2)=mod(ib1,10**4)
+      jc(2,2)=mod(ib2,10**4)
+      jc(3,2)=mod(ib3,10**4)
+      jc(4,2)=mod(ib4,10**4)
+      jc(5,2)=0
+      jc(6,2)=0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine idtrbi(jc,ib1,ib2,ib3,ib4)
+c     id transformation jc -> ib
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      ib1=jc(1,1)*10**4+jc(1,2)
+      ib2=jc(2,1)*10**4+jc(2,2)
+      ib3=jc(3,1)*10**4+jc(3,2)
+      ib4=jc(4,1)*10**4+jc(4,2)
+      ib5=jc(5,1)*10**4+jc(5,2)
+      ib6=jc(6,1)*10**4+jc(6,2)
+      if(ib5.ne.0.or.ib6.ne.0)then
+      write(ifch,*)'***** error in idtrbi: bottom or top quarks'
+      write(ifch,*)'jc:'
+      write(ifch,*)jc
+      call utstop('idtrbi: bottom or top quarks&')
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      integer function idtrafo(code1,code2,idi)
+c.....tranforms id of code1 (=idi) into id of code2 (=idtrafo)
+c.....supported codes:
+c.....'nxs' = epos
+c.....'pdg' = PDG 1996
+c.....'qgs' = QGSJet
+c.....'ghe' = Gheisha
+c.....'sib' = Sibyll
+c.....'cor' = Corsika (GEANT)
+c.....'flk' = Fluka
+      common /ighnx/ ighenex(35)
+      data ighenex/
+     $               10,   11,   -12,    12,   -14,    14,   120,   110,
+     $             -120,  130,    20,   -20,  -130,  1120, -1120,  1220,
+     $            -1220, 2130, -2130,  1130,  1230,  2230, -1130, -1230,
+     $            -2230, 1330,  2330, -1330, -2330,    17,    18,    19,
+     $            3331, -3331,  30/
+      DIMENSION        KIPART(48)!,IKPART(35)
+     $               1,   3,   4,   2,   5,   6,   8,   7,
+     $               9,  12,  10,  13,  16,  14,  15,  11,
+     $              35,  18,  20,  21,  22,  26,  27,  33,
+     $              17,  19,  23,  24,  25,  28,  29,  34,
+     $              35,  35,  35,  35,  35,  35,  35,  35,
+     $              35,  35,  35,  35,  30,  31,  32,  35/
+c      DATA IKPART/
+c     $               1,   4,   2,   3,   5,   6,   8,   7,
+c     $               9,  11,  16,  10,  12,  14,  15,  13,
+c     $              25,  18,  26,  19,  20,  21,  27,  28,
+c     $              29,  22,  23,  30,  31,  45,  46,  47,
+c     $              24,  32,  48/
+      INTEGER          ICFTABL(200),IFCTABL(-6:100)
+     *   7,   4,   3,   0,  10,  11,  23,  13,  14,  12,  ! 10
+     *  15,  16,   8,   1,   2,  19,   0,  17,  21,  22,  ! 20
+     *  20,  34,  36,  38,   9,  18,  31,  32,  33,  34,  ! 30
+     *  37,  39,  24,  25, 6*0,
+     *  0,    0,   0,   0,  -3,  -4,  -6,  -5,   0,   0,  ! 50
+     *  10*0,
+     *   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   5,   6,  27,  28,   0,  ! 70
+     *  10*0,
+     *  10*0,
+     *  10*0,                                             !100
+     *  10*0,
+     *   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  47,  45,  46,  48,  49,  !120
+     *  50,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  !130
+     *  41,  42,  43,  44,   0,   0,  51,  52,  53,   0,  !140
+     *   0,   0,  54,  55,  56,   0,   0,   0,  57,  58,  !150
+     *  59,   0,   0,   0,  60,  61,  62,   0,   0,   0,  !160
+     *  40*0/
+     *                402, 302, 301, 201,   0,   0,   0,
+     *  14,  15,   3,   2,  66,  67,   1,  13,  25,   5,
+     *   6,  10,   8,   9,  11,  12,  18,  26,  16,  21,
+     *  19,  20,   7,  33,  34,   0,  68,  69,   0,   0,
+     *  27,  28,  29,  22,  30,  23,  31,  24,  32,   0,
+     * 131, 132, 133, 134, 117, 118, 116, 119, 120, 121,
+     * 137, 138, 139, 143, 144, 145, 149, 150, 151, 155,
+     * 156, 157,   0,   0,   36*0/
+      character*3 code1,code2
+      parameter (ncode=5,nidt=338)
+      integer idt(ncode,nidt)
+      double precision drangen,dummy
+c            nxs|pdg|qgs|cor|sib
+      data ((idt(i,j),i=1,ncode),j= 1,68)/
+     *          1,2,99,99,99             !u quark
+     *     ,    2,1,99,99,99             !d
+     *     ,    3,3,99,99,99             !s
+     *     ,    4,4,99,99,99             !c
+     *     ,    5,5,99,99,99             !b
+     *     ,    6,6,99,99,99             !t
+     *     ,   10,22,99,1,1              !gamma
+     *     ,   9 ,21,99,99,99            !gluon
+     *     ,   12,11,11,3,3              !e-
+     *     ,  -12,-11,-11,2,2            !e+
+     *     ,   11,12,99,66,15            !nu_e-
+     *     ,  -11,-12,99,67,16           !nu_e+
+     *     ,   14,13,99,6,5              !mu-
+     *     ,  -14,-13,99,5,4             !mu+
+     *     ,   13,14,99,68,17            !nu_mu-
+     *     ,  -13,-14,99,69,18           !nu_mu+
+     *     ,   16,15,99,132,19           !tau-
+     *     ,  -16,-15,99,131,-19         !tau+
+     *     ,   15,16,99,133,20           !nu_tau-
+     *     ,  -15,-16,99,134,-20         !nu_tau+
+     *     ,  110,111,0,7,6              !pi0
+     *     ,  120,211,1,8,7              !pi+
+     *     , -120,-211,-1,9,8            !pi-
+     *     ,  220,221,10,17,23           !eta
+     *     ,  130,321,4,11,9             !k+
+     *     , -130,-321,-4,12,10          !k-
+     *     ,  230,311,5,33,21            !k0
+     *     , -230,-311,-5,34,22          !k0b
+     *     ,   20,310,5,16,12            !kshort
+     *     ,  -20,130,-5,10,11           !klong
+     *     ,  330,331,99,99,24           !etaprime
+     *     ,  111,113,19,51,27           !rho0
+     *     ,  121,213,99,52,25           !rho+
+     *     , -121,-213,99,53,26          !rho-
+     *     ,  221,223,99,50,32           !omega
+     *     ,  131,323,99,63,28           !k*+
+     *     , -131,-323,99,64,29          !k*-
+     *     ,  231,313,99,62,30           !k*0
+     *     , -231,-313,99,65,31          !k*0b
+     *     ,  331,333,99,99,33           !phi
+     *     , -140,421,8,116,99           !D0(1.864)
+     *     ,  140,-421,8,119,99          !D0b(1.864)
+     *     , -240,411,7,117,99           !D(1.869)+
+     *     ,  240,-411,7,118,99          !Db(1.869)-
+     *     , 1120,2212,2,14,13           !proton
+     *     , 1220,2112,3,13,14           !neutron
+     *     , 2130,3122,6,18,39           !lambda
+     *     , 1130,3222,99,19,34          !sigma+
+     *     , 1230,3212,99,20,35          !sigma0
+     *     , 2230,3112,99,21,36          !sigma-
+     *     , 1330,3322,99,22,37          !xi0
+     *     , 2330,3312,99,23,38          !xi-
+     *     , 1111,2224,99,54,40          !delta++
+     *     , 1121,2214,99,55,41          !delta+
+     *     , 1221,2114,99,56,42          !delta0
+     *     , 2221,1114,99,57,43          !delta-
+     *     , 1131,3224,99,99,44          !sigma*+
+     *     , 1231,3214,99,99,45          !sigma*0
+     *     , 2231,3114,99,99,46          !sigma*-
+     *     , 1331, 3324,99,99,47         !xi*0
+     *     , 2331, 3314,99,99,48         !xi*-
+     *     , 3331, 3334,99,24,49         !omega-
+     *     , 2140, 4122,9,137,99         !LambdaC(2.285)+
+     *     ,17,1000010020,99,201,1002            !  Deuteron
+     *     ,18,1000010030,99,301,1003            !  Triton
+     *     ,19,1000020040,99,402,1004            !  Alpha
+     *     ,0,0,99,0,0                  !  Air
+     *     ,99,99,99,99,99 /             !  unknown
+      data ((idt(i,j),i=1,ncode),j= 69,89)/
+     $      -340,431,99,120,99           !  Ds+
+     $     ,340,-431,99,121,99           !  Ds-
+     $     ,-241,413,99,124,99           !  D*+
+     $     ,241,-413,99,125,99           !  D*-
+     $     ,-141,423,99,123,99           !  D*0
+     $     ,141,-423,99,126,99           !  D*0b
+     $     ,-341,433,99,127,99           !  Ds*+
+     $     ,341,-433,99,128,99           !  Ds*-
+     $     ,440,441,99,122,99            !  etac
+     $     ,441,443,99,130,99            !  J/psi
+     $     ,2240,4112,99,142,99          !  sigmac0
+     $     ,1240,4212,99,141,99          !  sigmac+
+     $     ,1140,4222,99,140,99          !  sigmac++
+     $     ,2241,4114,99,163,99          !  sigma*c0
+     $     ,1241,4214,99,162,99          !  sigma*c+
+     $     ,1141,4224,99,161,99          !  sigma*c++
+     $     ,3240,4132,99,139,99          !  Xic0
+     $     ,2340,4312,99,144,99          !  Xi'c0
+     $     ,3140,4232,99,138,99          !  Xic+
+     $     ,1340,4322,99,143,99          !  Xi'c+
+     $     ,3340,4332,99,145,99 /        !  omegac0
+      data ((idt(i,j),i=1,ncode),j= 90,nidt)/
+     $       1112,32224,99,99,99         !  Delta(1600)++
+     $     , 1112, 2222,99,99,99         !  Delta(1620)++
+     $     , 1113,12224,99,99,99         !  Delta(1700)++
+     $     , 1114,12222,99,99,99         !  Delta(1900)++
+     $     , 1114, 2226,99,99,99         !  Delta(1905)++
+     $     , 1114,22222,99,99,99         !  Delta(1910)++
+     $     , 1114,22224,99,99,99         !  Delta(1920)++
+     $     , 1114,12226,99,99,99         !  Delta(1930)++
+     $     , 1114, 2228,99,99,99         !  Delta(1950)++
+     $     , 2222,31114,99,99,99         !  Delta(1600)-
+     $     , 2222, 1112,99,99,99         !  Delta(1620)-
+     $     , 2223,11114,99,99,99         !  Delta(1700)-
+     $     , 2224,11112,99,99,99         !  Delta(1900)-
+     $     , 2224, 1116,99,99,99         !  Delta(1905)-
+     $     , 2224,21112,99,99,99         !  Delta(1910)-
+     $     ,2224,21114,99,99,99          !  Delta(1920)-
+     $     ,2224,11116,99,99,99          !  Delta(1930)-
+     $     ,2224, 1118,99,99,99          !  Delta(1950)-
+     $     ,1122,12212,99,99,99          !  N(1440)+
+     $     ,1123, 2124,99,99,99          !  N(1520)+
+     $     ,1123,22212,99,99,99          !  N(1535)+
+     $     ,1124,32214,99,99,99          !  Delta(1600)+
+     $     ,1124, 2122,99,99,99          !  Delta(1620)+
+     $     ,1125,32212,99,99,99          !  N(1650)+
+     $     ,1125, 2216,99,99,99          !  N(1675)+
+     $     ,1125,12216,99,99,99          !  N(1680)+
+     $     ,1126,12214,99,99,99          !  Delta(1700)+
+     $     ,1127,22124,99,99,99          !  N(1700)+
+     $     ,1127,42212,99,99,99          !  N(1710)+
+     $     ,1127,32124,99,99,99          !  N(1720)+
+     $     ,1128,12122,99,99,99          !  Delta(1900)+
+     $     ,1128, 2126,99,99,99          !  Delta(1905)+
+     $     ,1128,22122,99,99,99          !  Delta(1910)+
+     $     ,1128,22214,99,99,99          !  Delta(1920)+
+     $     ,1128,12126,99,99,99          !  Delta(1930)+
+     $     ,1128, 2218,99,99,99          !  Delta(1950)+
+     $     ,1222,12112,99,99,99          !  N(1440)0
+     $     ,1223, 1214,99,99,99          !  N(1520)0
+     $     ,1223,22112,99,99,99          !  N(1535)0
+     $     ,1224,32114,99,99,99          !  Delta(1600)0
+     $     ,1224, 1212,99,99,99          !  Delta(1620)0
+     $     ,1225,32112,99,99,99          !  N(1650)0
+     $     ,1225, 2116,99,99,99          !  N(1675)0
+     $     ,1225,12116,99,99,99          !  N(1680)0
+     $     ,1226,12114,99,99,99          !  Delta(1700)0
+     $     ,1227,21214,99,99,99          !  N(1700)0
+     $     ,1227,42112,99,99,99          !  N(1710)0
+     $     ,1227,31214,99,99,99          !  N(1720)0
+     $     ,1228,11212,99,99,99          !  Delta(1900)0
+     $     ,1228, 1216,99,99,99          !  Delta(1905)0
+     $     ,1228,21212,99,99,99          !  Delta(1910)0
+     $     ,1228,22114,99,99,99          !  Delta(1920)0
+     $     ,1228,11216,99,99,99          !  Delta(1930)0
+     $     ,1228, 2118,99,99,99          !  Delta(1950)0
+     $     ,1233,13122,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1405)0
+     $     ,1234, 3124,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1520)0
+     $     ,1235,23122,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1600)0
+     $     ,1235,33122,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1670)0
+     $     ,1235,13124,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1690)0
+     $     ,1236,13212,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1660)0
+     $     ,1236,13214,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1670)0
+     $     ,1237,23212,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1750)0
+     $     ,1237, 3216,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1775)0
+     $     ,1238,43122,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1800)0
+     $     ,1238,53122,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1810)0
+     $     ,1238, 3126,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1820)0
+     $     ,1238,13126,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1830)0
+     $     ,1238,23124,99,99,99          !  Lambda(1890)0
+     $     ,1239,13216,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1915)0
+     $     ,1239,23214,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1940)0
+     $     ,1132,13222,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1660)+
+     $     ,1132,13224,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1670)+
+     $     ,1133,23222,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1750)+
+     $     ,1133,3226,99,99,99           !  Sigma(1775)+
+     $     ,1134,13226,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1915)+
+     $     ,1134,23224,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1940)+
+     $     ,2232,13112,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1660)-
+     $     ,2232,13114,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1670)-
+     $     ,2233,23112,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1750)-
+     $     ,2233,3116,99,99,99           !  Sigma(1775)-
+     $     ,2234,13116,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1915)-
+     $     ,2234,23114,99,99,99          !  Sigma(1940)-
+     $     ,5,7,99,99,99                 !  quark b'
+     $     ,6,8,99,99,99                 !  quark t'
+     $     ,16,17,99,99,99               !  lepton tau'
+     $     ,15,18,99,99,99               !  lepton nu' tau
+     $     ,90,23,99,99,99               !  Z0
+     $     ,80,24,99,99,99               !  W+
+     $     ,81,25,99,99,99               !  h0
+     $     ,85,32,99,99,99               !  Z'0
+     $     ,86,33,99,99,99               !  Z''0
+     $     ,87,34,99,99,99               !  W'+
+     $     ,82,35,99,99,99               !  H0
+     $     ,83,36,99,99,99               !  A0
+     $     ,84,37,99,99,99               !  H+
+     $     ,1200,2101,99,99,99           !  diquark ud_0
+     $     ,2300,3101,99,99,99           !  diquark sd_0
+     $     ,1300,3201,99,99,99           !  diquark su_0
+     $     ,2400,4101,99,99,99           !  diquark cd_0
+     $     ,1400,4201,99,99,99           !  diquark cu_0
+     $     ,3400,4301,99,99,99           !  diquark cs_0
+     $     ,2500,5101,99,99,99           !  diquark bd_0
+     $     ,1500,5201,99,99,99           !  diquark bu_0
+     $     ,3500,5301,99,99,99           !  diquark bs_0
+     $     ,4500,5401,99,99,99           !  diquark bc_0
+     $     ,2200,1103,99,99,99           !  diquark dd_1
+     $     ,1200,2103,99,99,99           !  diquark ud_1
+     $     ,1100,2203,99,99,99           !  diquark uu_1
+     $     ,2300,3103,99,99,99           !  diquark sd_1
+     $     ,1300,3203,99,99,99           !  diquark su_1
+     $     ,3300,3303,99,99,99           !  diquark ss_1
+     $     ,2400,4103,99,99,99           !  diquark cd_1
+     $     ,1400,4203,99,99,99           !  diquark cu_1
+     $     ,3400,4303,99,99,99           !  diquark cs_1
+     $     ,4400,4403,99,99,99           !  diquark cc_1
+     $     ,2500,5103,99,99,99           !  diquark bd_1
+     $     ,1500,5203,99,99,99           !  diquark bu_1
+     $     ,3500,5303,99,99,99           !  diquark bs_1
+     $     ,4500,5403,99,99,99           !  diquark bc_1
+     $     ,5500,5503,99,99,99           !  diquark bb_1
+     $     ,800000091,91,99,99,99        !  parton system in cluster fragmentation  (pythia)
+     $     ,800000092,92,99,99,99        !  parton system in string fragmentation  (pythia)
+     $     ,800000093,93,99,99,99        !  parton system in independent system  (pythia)
+     $     ,800000094,94,99,99,99        !  CMshower (pythia)
+     $     ,250,511,99,99,99             !  B0
+     $     ,150,521,99,99,99             !  B+
+     $     ,350,531,99,99,99             !  B0s+
+     $     ,450,541,99,99,99             !  Bc+
+     $     ,251,513,99,99,99             !  B*0
+     $     ,151,523,99,99,99             !  B*+
+     $     ,351,533,99,99,99             !  B*0s+
+     $     ,451,543,99,99,99             !  B*c+
+     $     ,550,551,99,99,99             !  etab
+     $     ,551,553,99,99,99             !  Upsilon
+     $     ,2341,4314,99,99,99           !  Xi*c0
+     $     ,1341,4324,99,99,99           !  Xi*c+
+     $     ,3341,4334,99,99,99           !  omega*c0
+     $     ,2440,4412,99,99,99           !  dcc
+     $     ,2441,4414,99,99,99           !  dcc*
+     $     ,1440,4422,99,99,99           !  ucc
+     $     ,1441,4424,99,99,99           !  ucc*
+     $     ,3440,4432,99,99,99           !  scc
+     $     ,3441,4434,99,99,99           !  scc*
+     $     ,4441,4444,99,99,99           !  ccc*
+     $     ,2250,5112,99,99,99           !  sigmab-
+     $     ,2150,5122,99,99,99           !  lambdab0
+     $     ,3250,5132,99,99,99           !  sdb
+     $     ,4250,5142,99,99,99           !  cdb
+     $     ,1250,5212,99,99,99           !  sigmab0
+     $     ,1150,5222,99,99,99           !  sigmab+
+     $     ,3150,5232,99,99,99           !  sub
+     $     ,4150,5242,99,99,99           !  cub
+     $     ,2350,5312,99,99,99           !  dsb
+     $     ,1350,5322,99,99,99           !  usb
+     $     ,3350,5332,99,99,99           !  ssb
+     $     ,4350,5342,99,99,99           !  csb
+     $     ,2450,5412,99,99,99           !  dcb
+     $     ,1450,5422,99,99,99           !  ucb
+     $     ,3450,5432,99,99,99           !  scb
+     $     ,4450,5442,99,99,99           !  ccb
+     $     ,2550,5512,99,99,99           !  dbb
+     $     ,1550,5522,99,99,99           !  ubb
+     $     ,3550,5532,99,99,99           !  sbb
+     $     ,3550,5542,99,99,99           !  scb
+     $     ,2251,5114,99,99,99           !  sigma*b-
+     $     ,1251,5214,99,99,99           !  sigma*b0
+     $     ,1151,5224,99,99,99           !  sigma*b+
+     $     ,2351,5314,99,99,99           !  dsb*
+     $     ,1351,5324,99,99,99           !  usb*
+     $     ,3351,5334,99,99,99           !  ssb*
+     $     ,2451,5414,99,99,99           !  dcb*
+     $     ,1451,5424,99,99,99           !  ucb*
+     $     ,3451,5434,99,99,99           !  scb*
+     $     ,4451,5444,99,99,99           !  ccb*
+     $     ,2551,5514,99,99,99           !  dbb*
+     $     ,1551,5524,99,99,99           !  ubb*
+     $     ,3551,5534,99,99,99           !  sbb*
+     $     ,4551,5544,99,99,99           !  cbb*
+     $     ,5551,5554,99,99,99           !  bbb*
+     $     ,123,10213,99,99,99           !  b1
+     $     ,122,10211,99,99,99           !  a0+
+     $     ,233,10313,99,99,99           !  K0_1
+     $     ,232,10311,99,99,99           !  K*0_1
+     $     ,133,10323,99,99,99           !  K+_1
+     $     ,132,10321,99,99,99           !  K*+_1
+     $     ,143,10423,99,99,99           !  D0_1
+     $     ,132,10421,99,99,99           !  D*0_1
+     $     ,243,10413,99,99,99           !  D+_1
+     $     ,242,10411,99,99,99           !  D*+_1
+     $     ,343,10433,99,99,99           !  D+s_1
+     $     ,342,10431,99,99,99           !  D*0s+_1
+     $     ,223,10113,99,99,99           !  b_10
+     $     ,222,10111,99,99,99           !  a_00
+     $     ,113,10223,99,99,99           !  h_10
+     $     ,112,10221,99,99,99           !  f_00
+     $     ,333,10333,99,99,99           !  h'_10
+     $     ,332,10331,99,99,99           !  f'_00
+     $     ,443,10443,99,99,99           !  h_1c0
+     $     ,442,10441,99,99,99           !  Xi_0c0
+     $     ,444,10443,99,99,99           !  psi'
+     $     ,253,10513,99,99,99           !  db_10
+     $     ,252,10511,99,99,99           !  db*_00
+     $     ,153,10523,99,99,99           !  ub_10
+     $     ,152,10521,99,99,99           !  ub*_00
+     $     ,353,10533,99,99,99           !  sb_10
+     $     ,352,10531,99,99,99           !  sb*_00
+     $     ,453,10543,99,99,99           !  cb_10
+     $     ,452,10541,99,99,99           !  cb*_00
+     $     ,553,10553,99,99,99           !  Upsilon'
+     $     ,552,10551,99,99,99           !  Upsilon'*
+     $     ,124,20213,99,99,99           !  a_1+
+     $     ,125,215,99,99,99             !  a_2+
+     $     ,234,20313,99,99,99           !  K*0_1
+     $     ,235,315,99,99,99             !  K*0_2
+     $     ,134,20323,99,99,99           !  K*+_1
+     $     ,135,325,99,99,99             !  K*+_2
+     $     ,144,20423,99,99,99           !  D*_10
+     $     ,135,425,99,99,99             !  D*_20
+     $     ,244,20413,99,99,99           !  D*_1+
+     $     ,245,415,99,99,99             !  D*_2+
+     $     ,344,20433,99,99,99           !  D*_1s+
+     $     ,345,435,99,99,99             !  D*_2s+
+     $     ,224,20113,99,99,99           !  a_10
+     $     ,225,115,99,99,99             !  a_20
+     $     ,114,20223,99,99,99           !  f_10
+     $     ,115,225,99,99,99             !  f_20
+     $     ,334,20333,99,99,99           !  f'_10
+     $     ,335,335,99,99,99             !  f'_20
+     $     ,444,20443,99,99,99           !  Xi_1c0
+     $     ,445,445,99,99,99             !  Xi_2c0
+     $     ,254,20513,99,99,99           !  db*_10
+     $     ,255,515,99,99,99             !  db*_20
+     $     ,154,20523,99,99,99           !  ub*_10
+     $     ,155,525,99,99,99             !  ub*_20
+     $     ,354,20533,99,99,99           !  sb*_10
+     $     ,355,535,99,99,99             !  sb*_20
+     $     ,454,20543,99,99,99           !  cb*_10
+     $     ,455,545,99,99,99             !  cb*_20
+     $     ,554,20553,99,99,99           !  bb*_10
+     $     ,555,555,99,99,99             !  bb*_20
+     $     ,11099,9900110,99,99,99       !  diff pi0 state
+     $     ,12099,9900210,99,99,99       !  diff pi+ state
+     $     ,22099,9900220,99,99,99       !  diff omega state
+     $     ,33099,9900330,99,99,99       !  diff phi state
+     $     ,44099,9900440,99,99,99       !  diff J/psi state
+     $     ,112099,9902210,99,99,99      !  diff proton state
+     $     ,122099,9902110,99,99,99      !  diff neutron state
+     $     ,800000110,110,99,99,99       !  Reggeon
+     $     ,800000990,990,99,99,99 /     !  Pomeron
+c      print *,'idtrafo',' ',code1,' ',code2,idi
+      nidtmx=68
+      id1=idi
+      if(code1.eq.'nxs')then
+        i=1
+      elseif(code1.eq.'pdg')then
+        i=2
+      elseif(code1.eq.'qgs')then
+        i=3
+        if(id1.eq.-10)id1=19
+      elseif(code1.eq.'cor')then
+        i=4
+      elseif(code1.eq.'sib')then
+        i=5
+      elseif(code1.eq.'ghe')then
+        id1=ighenex(id1)
+        i=1
+      elseif(code1.eq.'flk')then
+        id1=IFCTABL(id1)          !convert to corsika code
+        i=4
+      else
+        stop "unknown code in idtrafo"
+      endif
+      if(code2.eq.'nxs')then
+        j=1
+        ji=j
+        if(i.eq.2.and.id1.gt.1000000000)then   !nucleus from PDG
+          idtrafo=id1 
+          return
+        elseif(i.eq.4.and.id1.gt.402)then               !nucleus from Corsika
+          idtrafo=1000000000+mod(id1,100)*10000+(id1/100)*10   
+          return
+        elseif(i.eq.5.and.id1.gt.1004)then               !nucleus from Sibyll
+          id1=(id1-1000)
+          idtrafo=1000000000+id1/2*10000+id1*10   
+          return
+        elseif(id1.eq.130.and.i.eq.2)then
+          idtrafo=-20
+          return
+        endif
+        if(i.eq.2) nidtmx=nidt
+        if(i.eq.4) nidtmx=89
+      elseif(code2.eq.'pdg')then
+        j=2
+        ji=j
+        if(i.eq.1.and.id1.gt.1000000000)then !nucleus from NEXUS
+          idtrafo=id1 
+          return
+        elseif(i.eq.4.and.id1.gt.402)then               !nucleus from Corsika
+          idtrafo=1000000000+mod(id1,100)*10000+(id1/100)*10   
+          return
+        elseif(i.eq.5.and.id1.gt.1004)then               !nucleus from Sibyll
+          id1=(id1-1000)
+          idtrafo=1000000000+id1/2*10000+id1*10   
+          return
+        elseif(id1.eq.-20.and.i.eq.1)then
+          idtrafo=130
+          return
+        endif
+        if(i.eq.1) nidtmx=nidt
+        if(i.eq.4) nidtmx=89
+       elseif(code2.eq.'qgs')then
+        j=3
+        ji=j
+      elseif(code2.eq.'cor')then
+        j=4
+        ji=j
+      elseif(code2.eq.'sib')then
+        j=5
+        ji=j
+      elseif(code2.eq.'ghe')then
+        j=4
+        ji=6
+      elseif(code2.eq.'flk')then
+        j=4
+        ji=7
+        if(i.le.2) nidtmx=89
+       else
+        stop "unknown code in idtrafo"
+      endif
+      if(i.eq.4)then !corsika  id always >0 so convert antiparticles
+        iadtr=id1
+        if(iadtr.eq.25)then
+          id1=-13
+        elseif(iadtr.eq.15)then
+          id1=-14
+        elseif(iadtr.ge.26.and.iadtr.le.32)then
+          id1=-iadtr+8
+        elseif(iadtr.ge.58.and.iadtr.le.61)then
+          id1=-iadtr+4
+        elseif(iadtr.ge.149.and.iadtr.le.157)then
+          id1=-iadtr+12
+        elseif(iadtr.ge.171.and.iadtr.le.173)then
+          id1=-iadtr+10
+        endif
+      endif
+      iad1=abs(id1)
+      isi=sign(1,id1)
+      if(i.ne.j)then
+      do n=1,nidtmx
+        if(iad1.eq.abs(idt(i,n)))then
+          m=1
+          if(n+m.lt.nidt)then
+            do while(abs(idt(i,n+m)).eq.iad1)
+              m=m+1
+            enddo
+          endif
+          mm=0
+          if(m.gt.1)then
+            if(m.eq.2.and.idt(i,n)*idt(i,n+1).lt.0)then
+              if(id1.eq.idt(i,n+1))mm=1
+              isi=1
+            else
+              mm=int(drangen(dummy)*dble(m))
+            endif
+          endif
+          idtrafo=idt(j,n+mm)*isi
+          if(abs(idtrafo).eq.99)call utstop('New particle not allowed ')
+          if(idtrafo.lt.0.and.j.eq.4)then           !corsika  id always >0
+            iadtr=abs(idtrafo)
+            if(iadtr.eq.13)then
+              idtrafo=25
+            elseif(iadtr.eq.14)then
+              idtrafo=15
+            elseif(iadtr.ge.18.and.iadtr.le.24)then
+              idtrafo=iadtr+8
+            elseif(iadtr.ge.54.and.iadtr.le.57)then
+              idtrafo=iadtr+4
+            elseif(iadtr.ge.137.and.iadtr.le.145)then
+              idtrafo=iadtr+12
+            elseif(iadtr.ge.161.and.iadtr.le.163)then
+              idtrafo=iadtr+10
+            else
+              idtrafo=iadtr
+            endif
+          elseif(idtrafo.eq.19.and.j.eq.3)then
+            idtrafo=-10
+          endif
+          if(j.ne.ji)goto 100
+          return
+        endif
+      enddo
+      else
+        idtrafo=id1
+        if(j.ne.ji)goto 100
+        return
+      endif
+      print *, 'idtrafo: ',code1,' -> ', code2,id1,' not found.   '
+      stop
+c      idtrafocx=0
+c      return
+ 100  if(j.eq.4)then            !corsika
+        if(idtrafo.eq.201)then
+          idtrafo=45
+        elseif(idtrafo.eq.301)then
+          idtrafo=46
+        elseif(idtrafo.eq.402)then
+          idtrafo=47
+        elseif(idtrafo.eq.302)then
+          idtrafo=48
+        endif
+        if(idtrafo.ne.0)then      !air
+          if(ji.eq.6)then
+            idtrafo=kipart(idtrafo)
+          elseif(ji.eq.7)then
+            idtrafo=ICFTABL(idtrafo)
+          endif
+        endif
+        return
+      else
+        call utstop('Should not happen in idtrafo !&')
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-int-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-int-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f508ccfaa53db5dc8973f153c81f96b768aca38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-int-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,5341 @@
+      subroutine bjinta(ier)
+c  fin. state interactions and decays
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat /ctimel/ntc
+      common/col3/ncol,kolpt
+      double precision ttaun,ttau0,rcproj,rctarg
+      common/cttaun/ttaun /cttau0/ttau0 /geom1/rcproj,rctarg
+      logical go,lclean
+      call utpri('bjinta',ish,ishini,4)
+      ier=0
+      if(ncol.eq.0.and.iappl.eq.2)goto1000
+      if(nevt.ne.1.or.ifrade.eq.0)goto1000
+      if(iappl.eq.4.or.iappl.eq.9)then
+        goto5000
+      endif
+      !if(iappl.eq.1)then
+      !  tauxx=0.7+0.94*max(radnuc(maproj),radnuc(matarg))/(0.5*engy)
+      !else
+      !  tauxx=0.
+      !endif
+      !tauzz=max(taumin,tauxx)
+      !print*,'====',taumin,tauxx,tauzz
+      !ttaus=dble(tauzz)
+      ttaus=taumin
+      ttau0=dsqrt(rcproj*rctarg)
+      call jtauin   ! initialize hyperbola
+      if(iappl.ne.1)goto 5000
+c     no-secondary-interactions or parton-ladder-fusion
+c     -------------------------------------------------
+      if(iorsce.eq.0.and.iorsdf.eq.0.and.iorshh.eq.0
+     &      .or.iorsdf.eq.3)then
+        if(iorsdf.eq.3)then
+          lclean=.false.
+          if(nclean.gt.0.and.nptl.gt.mxptl/5)then
+            ! if nptl already very big, clean up useless particles in cptl list.
+            !(do not use it when gakstr() is called (some information lost)
+            nptli=maproj+matarg+1
+            do iii=nptli,nptl
+              go=.true.
+              if(nclean.eq.1.and.istptl(iii).le.istmax)go=.false.
+              if(go.and.mod(istptl(iii),10).ne.0)istptl(iii)=99
+            enddo
+            nptl0=nptl
+            call utclea(nptli,nptl0)
+            lclean=.true.
+          endif
+          nptlbpo=nptl
+          call jintpo(lclean,iret)  !parton-ladder-fusion
+         if(ish.ge.2)call alist('parton-ladder-fusion&',nptlbpo+1,nptl)
+         if(iret.eq.1)goto 1001
+        endif
+        goto 5000
+      else
+        stop'bjinta: not supported any more (310305).     '
+      endif
+5000  continue
+      nptlbd=nptl
+      call xSpaceTime
+      if(ifrade.eq.0)goto779  !skip decay
+      if(idecay.eq.0)goto779  !skip decay
+      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('final decay&',0,0)
+      if(iappl.eq.4.or.iappl.eq.7.or.iappl.eq.9)then
+        nptli=1
+      else
+        nptli=maproj+matarg+1
+      endif
+      np1=nptli
+41    np2=nptl
+      nptli=np1
+      ip=np1-1
+      do while (ip.lt.np2)
+      ip=ip+1
+      if(istptl(ip).eq.0)then
+      call hdecas(ip,iret)
+      if(iret.eq.1)goto 1001
+      if(iret.eq.-1)goto 42
+c remove useless particles if not enough space
+      if(nclean.gt.0.and.nptl.gt.mxptl/2)then
+        nnnpt=0
+        do iii=nptli,ip
+          go=.true.
+          if(nclean.eq.1.and.istptl(iii).le.istmax)go=.false.
+          if(go.and.mod(istptl(iii),10).ne.0)then
+            istptl(iii)=99
+            nnnpt=nnnpt+1
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(nnnpt.gt.mxptl-nptl)then
+          nptl0=nptl
+          call utclea(nptli,nptl0)
+          np2=np2-nnnpt
+          ip=ip-nnnpt
+          nptli=ip
+        endif
+      endif
+      endif
+42    continue
+      enddo
+      nptli=max(nptli,np1)
+      np1=np2+1
+      if(np1.le.nptl)then
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+      if(ish.ge.3)call alist('partial list&',0,0)
+      do 6 ip=np1,nptl
+        call alist('&',ip,ip)
+6     continue
+      endif
+      goto 41
+      endif
+  779 continue
+c      if(ish.ge.2)call alist('complete list&',1,nptl)
+c     on shell check
+c     --------------
+c      if(iappl.eq.1)call jresc
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('bjinta',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+1001  continue
+      ier=1
+      goto 1000
+      end
+c      subroutine jintcs(i,j,ecm,bij,nq,jc,ics)
+cc compare hadron distance with energy dependent cross section
+cc data taken from particle data group, durham and juelich
+cc input:
+cc   i,j: particle indices
+cc   ecm: center-of-mass energy
+cc   bij: impact parameter
+cc   nq: net quark number of fused object
+cc   jc: jc of fused object
+cc output:
+cc   ics=0 if distance larger than sqrt(sig(E_CMS)/pi)
+cc   ics=1 else
+cc The data are from HEPDATA,
+cc the formulas from Rev. Particle Properties 1995
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      integer jci(nflav,2),jcj(nflav,2),jc(nflav,2),kc(nflav)
+c     *,kci(nflav),kcj(nflav)
+c      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+c     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+c      parameter(npp=249,napp=205,npn=411,napn=31,npip=441)
+c      parameter(npim=578,nkmp=299,nkmn=41,nkpp=172,nkpn=91)
+cc      parameter(npim=578,nkmp=299,nkmn=41,nkpp=172,nkpn=91,nlp=35)
+c      parameter(npi1=12,npi2=12,npi3=18,npi4=21,npi5=9)
+cc      real ppecm(npp)
+c      real ppbmx(npp)
+c      real appecm(napp),appbmx(napp)
+c      real pnecm(npn),pnbmx(npn)
+c      real apnecm(napn),apnbmx(napn)
+c      real pipecm(npip),pipbmx(npip)
+c      real pimecm(npim),pimbmx(npim)
+c      real kmpecm(nkmp),kmpbmx(nkmp)
+c      real kmnecm(nkmn),kmnbmx(nkmn)
+c      real kppecm(nkpp),kppbmx(nkpp)
+c      real kpnecm(nkpn),kpnbmx(nkpn)
+cc      real lpecm(nlp),lpbmx(nlp)
+c      real pi1ecm(npi1),pi1bmx(npi1)
+c      real pi2ecm(npi2),pi2bmx(npi2)
+c      real pi3ecm(npi3),pi3bmx(npi3)
+c      real pi4ecm(npi4),pi4bmx(npi4)
+c      real pi5ecm(npi5),pi5bmx(npi5)
+cc      data ppecm/
+cc     *    1.8812,   1.8855,   1.8910,   1.8963,   1.9073
+cc     *,   1.9108,   1.9145,   1.9224,   1.9244,   1.9352
+cc     *,   1.9466,   1.9468,   1.9542,   1.9592,   1.9636
+cc     *,   1.9772,   1.9860,   1.9945,   2.0032,   2.0052
+cc     *,   2.0070,   2.0272,   2.0275,   2.0302,   2.0333
+cc     *,   2.0402,   2.0427,   2.0586,   2.0608,   2.0692
+cc     *,   2.0702,   2.0708,   2.0715,   2.0718,   2.0751
+cc     *,   2.0797,   2.0813,   2.0829,   2.0843,   2.0846
+cc     *,   2.0935,   2.1062,   2.1113,   2.1123,   2.1170
+cc     *,   2.1173,   2.1184,   2.1268,   2.1289,   2.1357
+cc     *,   2.1467,   2.1511,   2.1522,   2.1553,   2.1618
+cc     *,   2.1639,   2.1726,   2.1771,   2.1795,   2.1799
+cc     *,   2.1802,   2.1813,   2.1868,   2.2152,   2.2184
+cc     *,   2.2212,   2.2254,   2.2395,   2.2405,   2.2532
+cc     *,   2.2606,   2.2613,   2.2861,   2.2889,   2.2914
+cc     *,   2.2988,   2.3101,   2.3136,   2.3228,   2.3348
+cc     *,   2.3490,   2.3525,   2.3529,   2.3800,   2.3842
+cc     *,   2.3912,   2.4088,   2.4130,   2.4193,   2.4298
+cc     *,   2.4315,   2.4392,   2.4472,   2.4573,   2.5034
+cc     *,   2.5131,   2.5268,   2.5743,   2.5848,   2.5916
+cc     *,   2.6327,   2.6620,   2.6700,   2.6984,   2.7080
+cc     *,   2.7205,   2.7534,   2.7573,   2.7651,   2.7670
+cc     *,   2.7844,   2.8024,   2.8092,   2.8127,   2.8533
+cc     *,   2.8556,   2.8638,   2.9079,   2.9395,   2.9500
+cc     *,   2.9776,   2.9961,   3.0495,   3.0769,   3.0879
+cc     *,   3.1358,   3.1547,   3.2251,   3.2371,   3.3020
+cc     *,   3.3527,   3.3620,   3.4221,   3.4967,   3.5019
+cc     *,   3.5035,   3.5814,   3.5829,   3.6266,   3.8549
+cc     *,   3.8742,   4.0503,   4.0663,   4.0698,   4.0732
+cc     *,   4.0778,   4.1074,   4.1300,   4.4976,   4.5183
+cc     *,   4.5389,   4.5410,   4.5615,   4.6808,   4.9146
+cc     *,   4.9336,   5.0088,   5.2993,   5.3011,   5.4731
+cc     *,   5.6083,   5.6416,   5.6465,   5.9171,   5.9502
+cc     *,   5.9644,   6.1697,   6.1803,   6.2706,   6.3034
+cc     *,   6.3390,   6.5627,   6.7040,   6.8424,   6.9105
+cc     *,   6.9780,   7.1111,   7.1662,   7.6202,   7.8624
+cc     *,   8.2124,   8.7647,   9.0282,   9.2843,   9.5825
+cc     *,   9.7763,   9.9851,  10.2447,  10.6927,  10.8926
+cc     *,  11.4549,  11.5365,  11.7779,  11.8519,  13.6241
+cc     *,  13.6883,  13.7611,  13.8968,  15.0628,  15.1868
+cc     *,  16.6595,  16.8275,  17.9077,  18.0121,  18.1677
+cc     *,  19.2213,  19.4156,  19.6556,  19.7002,  21.2604
+cc     *,  22.9574,  23.3624,  23.4057,  23.4965,  23.4967
+cc     *,  23.5964,  23.7605,  23.8787,  24.1521,  25.2904
+cc     *,  26.3796,  27.5960,  30.5240,  30.5954,  30.5957
+cc     *,  30.6555,  30.6954,  30.7954,  35.1947,  44.6933
+cc     *,  44.6937,  44.6938,  44.7706,  44.8228,  44.8933
+cc     *,  45.1933,  52.6798,  52.7090,  52.7921,  52.7921
+cc     *,  52.7927,  52.8927,  53.1921,  62.2907,  62.3914
+cc     *,  62.4907,  62.6907,  62.6913,  62.7906
+cc     */
+c      data ppbmx/
+c     *    3.1615,   2.2212,   1.7113,   1.4927,   1.1631
+c     *,   1.0911,   1.0388,    .9525,    .9390,    .8885
+c     *,    .8019,    .8956,    .9115,    .8593,    .8840
+c     *,    .9062,    .8444,    .8444,    .8482,    .8713
+c     *,    .8575,    .8795,    .8795,    .8759,    .8630
+c     *,    .8822,    .8593,    .8813,    .9036,    .9150
+c     *,    .8740,    .9219,    .8740,    .9253,    .8722
+c     *,    .8795,    .9288,    .8704,    .9398,    .9271
+c     *,    .9407,    .9373,    .9756,    .9926,   1.0357
+c     *,   1.0037,   1.0408,    .9739,   1.0108,   1.0479
+c     *,   1.0645,   1.0705,   1.1113,   1.0794,   1.0955
+c     *,   1.1085,   1.1256,   1.1535,   1.1731,   1.1424
+c     *,   1.0794,   1.1480,   1.1590,   1.1888,   1.2218
+c     *,   1.2164,   1.2087,   1.2296,   1.2231,   1.2335
+c     *,   1.2322,   1.2309,   1.2114,   1.2296,   1.2293
+c     *,   1.2489,   1.2303,   1.2322,   1.2322,   1.2127
+c     *,   1.2192,   1.2295,   1.2399,   1.2290,   1.2374
+c     *,   1.2205,   1.2278,   1.2284,   1.2061,   1.2296
+c     *,   1.2296,   1.2540,   1.2008,   1.2260,   1.2229
+c     *,   1.2257,   1.2188,   1.2118,   1.2078,   1.1982
+c     *,   1.2039,   1.2012,   1.1991,   1.1808,   1.1969
+c     *,   1.1959,   1.1922,   1.1902,   1.1897,   1.1878
+c     *,   1.1888,   1.1860,   1.1856,   1.1850,   1.2244
+c     *,   1.1782,   1.1790,   1.1718,   1.1696,   1.1726
+c     *,   1.1576,   1.1656,   1.1606,   1.1603,   1.1581
+c     *,   1.1590,   1.1530,   1.1576,   1.1487,   1.1476
+c     *,   1.1447,   1.1794,   1.1448,   1.1507,   1.1507
+c     *,   1.1407,   1.1403,   1.1507,   1.1581,   1.1645
+c     *,   1.1616,   1.1507,   1.1332,   1.1294,   1.1284
+c     *,   1.1227,   1.1284,   1.1298,   1.1261,   1.1199
+c     *,   1.1365,   1.1438,   1.1284,   1.1424,   1.1230
+c     *,   1.1218,   1.1142,   1.1156,   1.1202,   1.1198
+c     *,   1.1099,   1.1099,   1.1175,   1.1241,   1.1168
+c     *,   1.1099,   1.1128,   1.1241,   1.1103,   1.1149
+c     *,   1.1155,   1.1083,   1.1197,   1.1127,   1.1185
+c     *,   1.1113,   1.1128,   1.1113,   1.1083,   1.1056
+c     *,   1.1067,   1.1070,   1.1059,   1.1063,   1.1070
+c     *,   1.1028,   1.0979,   1.1060,   1.1062,   1.1774
+c     *,   1.0805,   1.1039,   1.0940,   1.0955,   1.0940
+c     *,   1.0955,   1.1082,   1.1128,   1.1082,   1.0852
+c     *,   1.1003,   1.1097,   1.1118,   1.0911,   1.1227
+c     *,   1.1070,   1.1206,   1.1142,   1.1213,   1.1174
+c     *,   1.1199,   1.1142,   1.1185,   1.1180,   1.1113
+c     *,   1.1099,   1.1297,   1.1142,   1.1226,   1.1240
+c     *,   1.1251,   1.1368,   1.1403,   1.1319,   1.1296
+c     *,   1.1333,   1.1303,   1.1284,   1.1343,   1.1516
+c     *,   1.1521,   1.1549,   1.1641,   1.1631,   1.1562
+c     *,   1.1631,   1.1697,   1.1726,   1.1756,   1.1659
+c     *,   1.1660,   1.1617,   1.1686,   1.1774,   1.1713
+c     *,   1.1744,   1.1810,   1.1694,   1.1848
+c     */
+c      data appecm/
+c     *    1.9002,   1.9050,   1.9072,   1.9078,   1.9091
+c     *,   1.9129,   1.9157,   1.9162,   1.9174,   1.9176
+c     *,   1.9180,   1.9195,   1.9201,   1.9224,   1.9226
+c     *,   1.9246,   1.9252,   1.9255,   1.9257,   1.9271
+c     *,   1.9282,   1.9293,   1.9301,   1.9310,   1.9319
+c     *,   1.9328,   1.9334,   1.9345,   1.9359,   1.9370
+c     *,   1.9372,   1.9384,   1.9393,   1.9398,   1.9407
+c     *,   1.9426,   1.9430,   1.9433,   1.9452,   1.9454
+c     *,   1.9473,   1.9485,   1.9495,   1.9500,   1.9510
+c     *,   1.9515,   1.9547,   1.9559,   1.9562,   1.9579
+c     *,   1.9610,   1.9615,   1.9644,   1.9680,   1.9718
+c     *,   1.9755,   1.9788,   1.9829,   1.9871,   1.9911
+c     *,   1.9954,   1.9994,   2.0813,   2.0979,   2.1146
+c     *,   2.1180,   2.1316,   2.1487,   2.1660,   2.1834
+c     *,   2.1868,   2.1938,   2.1991,   2.2008,   2.2184
+c     *,   2.2226,   2.2359,   2.2500,   2.2606,   2.2712
+c     *,   2.2889,   2.2995,   2.3066,   2.3243,   2.3419
+c     *,   2.3490,   2.3511,   2.3596,   2.3701,   2.3772
+c     *,   2.3860,   2.3877,   2.3947,   2.4035,   2.4123
+c     *,   2.4298,   2.4472,   2.4629,   2.4820,   2.4993
+c     *,   2.5165,   2.5268,   2.5337,   2.5508,   2.5678
+c     *,   2.5848,   2.5950,   2.6017,   2.6186,   2.6353
+c     *,   2.6377,   2.6520,   2.6654,   2.6687,   2.6852
+c     *,   2.7017,   2.7182,   2.7345,   2.7508,   2.7670
+c     *,   2.7832,   2.7896,   2.7992,   2.8152,   2.8312
+c     *,   2.8439,   2.8470,   2.8565,   2.8628,   2.9377
+c     *,   2.9561,   2.9745,   3.0351,   3.0769,   3.0828
+c     *,   3.1648,   3.2507,   3.2788,   3.3620,   3.4568
+c     *,   3.5492,   3.6266,   3.7893,   3.8501,   3.8597
+c     *,   3.8742,   3.9455,   4.1074,   4.3499,   4.3926
+c     *,   4.5389,   4.5799,   4.6808,   4.7991,   4.9336
+c     *,   4.9901,   5.1742,   5.2993,   5.3520,   5.4731
+c     *,   5.6416,   5.6911,   5.8534,   5.9644,   6.0113
+c     *,   6.2706,   6.3153,   6.7040,   6.9780,   7.3061
+c     *,   7.6202,   7.7422,   7.8624,   7.8743,   8.0393
+c     *,   8.2124,   8.4930,   8.7647,   9.0282,   9.2843
+c     *,   9.5335,   9.7763,  11.5365,  13.7611,  13.8630
+c     *,  15.0628,  16.8275,  17.9077,  19.4156,  21.2604
+c     *,  22.9574,  30.4098,  30.5943,  30.6861,  52.5843
+c     *,  52.7979,  52.7979,  62.2853,  62.4957,  62.6905
+c     *, 539.9198, 546.9191, 899.8658, 900.0000,1803.0007
+c     */
+c      data appbmx/
+c     *    2.7553,   2.6857,   2.6732,   2.6517,   2.6306
+c     *,   2.5376,   2.4398,   2.4779,   2.5212,   2.5143
+c     *,   2.4573,   2.4799,   2.4495,   2.4286,   2.4521
+c     *,   2.3683,   2.4463,   2.4240,   2.4489,   2.3743
+c     *,   2.4162,   2.3561,   2.3903,   2.3796,   2.3221
+c     *,   2.3689,   2.4181,   2.3221,   2.3823,   2.2987
+c     *,   2.3337,   2.3568,   2.3487,   2.2911,   2.3344
+c     *,   2.2701,   2.3097,   2.3207,   2.2631,   2.2603
+c     *,   2.2666,   2.2412,   2.2319,   2.3097,   2.2327
+c     *,   2.2104,   2.2104,   2.2645,   2.2369,   2.1880
+c     *,   2.1756,   2.2162,   2.1491,   2.1484,   2.1365
+c     *,   2.1320,   2.1027,   2.1065,   2.0913,   2.0776
+c     *,   2.0668,   2.0883,   1.9333,   1.9098,   1.8851
+c     *,   1.8932,   1.8721,   1.8623,   1.8520,   1.8409
+c     *,   1.8678,   1.8575,   1.8325,   1.8429,   1.8088
+c     *,   1.7698,   1.7941,   1.7864,   1.7814,   1.7736
+c     *,   1.7645,   1.7623,   1.7576,   1.7523,   1.7445
+c     *,   1.7419,   1.7019,   1.7342,   1.7311,   1.7271
+c     *,   1.7210,   1.7182,   1.7161,   1.7119,   1.7054
+c     *,   1.6947,   1.6816,   1.6780,   1.6678,   1.6599
+c     *,   1.6509,   1.6328,   1.6449,   1.6396,   1.6319
+c     *,   1.6270,   1.5761,   1.6043,   1.6120,   1.6069
+c     *,   1.5978,   1.6018,   1.5891,   1.5948,   1.5905
+c     *,   1.5849,   1.5778,   1.5736,   1.5679,   1.5785
+c     *,   1.5583,   1.5476,   1.5519,   1.5467,   1.5416
+c     *,   1.5233,   1.5368,   1.5492,   1.5313,   1.4895
+c     *,   1.5579,   1.5107,   1.4680,   1.4725,   1.4586
+c     *,   1.3889,   1.4799,   1.4472,   1.4371,   1.3576
+c     *,   1.4228,   1.3922,   1.3762,   1.3854,   1.3669
+c     *,   1.4161,   1.3623,   1.3638,   1.3530,   1.3762
+c     *,   1.3273,   1.2866,   1.2989,   1.3159,   1.2828
+c     *,   1.3086,   1.2797,   1.2704,   1.2940,   1.2741
+c     *,   1.2514,   1.2540,   1.2803,   1.2653,   1.2603
+c     *,   1.2386,   1.2192,   1.2283,   1.2231,   1.2140
+c     *,   1.2048,   1.2114,   1.2099,   1.2052,   1.2048
+c     *,   1.1984,   1.1928,   1.1901,   1.1902,   1.1888
+c     *,   1.1848,   1.1769,   1.1706,   1.1579,   1.1608
+c     *,   1.1521,   1.1534,   1.1520,   1.1495,   1.1549
+c     *,   1.1550,   1.1580,   1.1672,   1.1562,   1.1743
+c     *,   1.1859,   1.1950,   1.1851,   1.1821,   1.1987
+c     *,   1.4740,   1.4037,   1.4483,   1.4417,   1.5149
+c     */
+c      data pnecm/
+c     *    1.87867,   1.87869,   1.87872,   1.87875,   1.87878
+c     *,   1.87881,   1.87884,   1.87887,   1.87890,   1.87893
+c     *,   1.87896,   1.87899,   1.87902,   1.87906,   1.87909
+c     *,   1.87913,   1.87916,   1.87920,   1.87923,   1.87927
+c     *,   1.87931,   1.87934,   1.87938,   1.87942,   1.87946
+c     *,   1.87950,   1.87954,   1.87958,   1.87962,   1.87966
+c     *,   1.87970,   1.87975,   1.87979,   1.87983,   1.87988
+c     *,   1.87992,   1.87997,   1.88001,   1.88006,   1.88011
+c     *,   1.88015,   1.88020,   1.88025,   1.88030,   1.88035
+c     *,   1.88040,   1.88045,   1.88050,   1.88055,   1.88061
+c     *,   1.88066,   1.88071,   1.88077,   1.88082,   1.88087
+c     *,   1.88093,   1.88099,   1.88104,   1.88110,   1.88116
+c     *,   1.88121,   1.88127,   1.88133,   1.88139,   1.88145
+c     *,   1.88151,   1.88157,   1.88163,   1.88170,   1.88176
+c     *,   1.88182,   1.88189,   1.88195,   1.88202,   1.88208
+c     *,   1.88215,   1.88221,   1.88228,   1.88235,   1.88241
+c     *,   1.88248,   1.88255,   1.88262,   1.88269,   1.88276
+c     *,   1.88283,   1.88290,   1.88297,   1.88305,   1.88312
+c     *,   1.88319,   1.88327,   1.88334,   1.88342,   1.88349
+c     *,   1.88357,   1.88364,   1.88372,   1.88380,   1.88388
+c     *,   1.88396,   1.88403,   1.88411,   1.88419,   1.88428
+c     *,   1.88436,   1.88444,   1.88452,   1.88460,   1.88469
+c     *,   1.88477,   1.88485,   1.88494,   1.88502,   1.88511
+c     *,   1.88519,   1.88528,   1.88537,   1.88546,   1.88554
+c     *,   1.88563,   1.88572,   1.88581,   1.88590,   1.88599
+c     *,   1.88608,   1.88618,   1.88627,   1.88636,   1.88645
+c     *,   1.88655,   1.88664,   1.88674,   1.88683,   1.88693
+c     *,   1.88702,   1.88712,   1.88722,   1.88731,   1.88741
+c     *,   1.88751,   1.88761,   1.88771,   1.88781,   1.88791
+c     *,   1.88801,   1.88811,   1.88822,   1.88832,   1.88842
+c     *,   1.88852,   1.88863,   1.88873,   1.88884,   1.88894
+c     *,   1.88905,   1.88916,   1.88926,   1.88937,   1.88948
+c     *,   1.88959,   1.88970,   1.88980,   1.88991,   1.89003
+c     *,   1.89014,   1.89025,   1.89036,   1.89047,   1.89058
+c     *,   1.89070,   1.89081,   1.89093,   1.89104,   1.89116
+c     *,   1.89127,   1.89139,   1.89150,   1.89162,   1.89174
+c     *,   1.89186,   1.89198,   1.89209,   1.89221,   1.89233
+c     *,   1.89245,   1.89258,   1.89270,   1.89282,   1.89294
+c     *,   1.89306,   1.89319,   1.89331,   1.89344,   1.89356
+c     *,   1.89369,   1.89381,   1.89394,   1.89406,   1.89419
+c     *,   1.89432,   1.89445,   1.89458,   1.89496,   1.89549
+c     *,   1.89602,   1.89615,   1.89656,   1.89697,   1.89724
+c     *,   1.89766,   1.89780,   1.89850,   1.89893,   1.89922
+c     *,   1.89995,   1.90068,   1.90098,   1.90143,   1.90174
+c     *,   1.90235,   1.90250,   1.90312,   1.90407,   1.90503
+c     *,   1.90519,   1.90616,   1.90732,   1.90749,   1.90833
+c     *,   1.90936,   1.91216,   1.91379,   1.91545,   1.91714
+c     *,   1.91905,   1.91924,   1.92100,   1.92160,   1.92179
+c     *,   1.92259,   1.92319,   1.92421,   1.92502,   1.92543
+c     *,   1.92605,   1.92646,   1.92792,   1.93046,   1.93241
+c     *,   1.93306,   1.93570,   1.93704,   1.93953,   1.94021
+c     *,   1.94183,   1.94699,   1.94723,   1.95206,   1.95329
+c     *,   1.95452,   1.95651,   1.96029,   1.96080,   1.97927
+c     *,   1.98533,   1.99806,   2.00884,   2.01269,   2.02779
+c     *,   2.02963,   2.04329,   2.04643,   2.05915,   2.05947
+c     *,   2.05979,   2.07207,   2.07337,   2.07533,   2.09178
+c     *,   2.10847,   2.11385,   2.12061,   2.12536,   2.14243
+c     *,   2.15308,   2.15343,   2.15964,   2.17072,   2.17698
+c     *,   2.18185,   2.19442,   2.21193,   2.21369,   2.22353
+c     *,   2.22846,   2.22952,   2.24715,   2.25597,   2.28851
+c     *,   2.29134,   2.29382,   2.31293,   2.31328,   2.32673
+c     *,   2.34935,   2.35501,   2.36207,   2.38251,   2.39729
+c     *,   2.41135,   2.41591,   2.42817,   2.44006,   2.45995
+c     *,   2.48220,   2.49952,   2.50643,   2.52951,   2.56750
+c     *,   2.58756,   2.63546,   2.64719,   2.66487,   2.67285
+c     *,   2.71088,   2.72336,   2.75178,   2.75634,   2.76802
+c     *,   2.76867,   2.76996,   2.78741,   2.80542,   2.81567
+c     *,   2.85639,   2.85860,   2.86681,   2.91102,   2.94265
+c     *,   2.96543,   3.05273,   3.08729,   3.09115,   3.15805
+c     *,   3.16821,   3.22857,   3.24053,   3.29551,   3.35628
+c     *,   3.42580,   3.50727,   3.55297,   3.58520,   3.58675
+c     *,   3.59580,   3.63049,   3.72425,   3.75633,   4.05460
+c     *,   4.06219,   4.07412,   4.11175,   4.37426,   4.52314
+c     *,   4.54378,   4.74537,   4.93885,   5.12513,   5.30495
+c     *,   5.40999,   5.47892,   5.61424,   5.64757,   5.93444
+c     *,   5.97071,   6.27732,   6.42517,   6.51227,   6.56970
+c     *,   6.71114,   6.87703,   6.98545,   7.18446,   7.23904
+c     *,   7.24942,   7.62830,   8.10603,   8.22114,   8.54948
+c     *,   8.77406,   9.29418,   9.78673,  10.15712,  10.25566
+c     *,  10.70407,  11.13446,  11.54882,  12.33587,  13.77577
+c     *,  15.07880,  15.74960,  16.84544,  17.92675,  18.18703
+c     *,  18.44365,  19.43624,  20.14863,  21.28302,  22.69375
+c     *,  22.98187
+c     */
+c      data pnbmx/
+c     *   10.7613,  10.6195,  10.5290,  10.4010,  10.2901
+c     *,  10.1970,  10.1029,  10.0088,   9.9009,   9.7973
+c     *,   9.7125,   9.6198,   9.5613,   9.4281,   9.3628
+c     *,   9.2801,   9.2068,   9.1103,   9.0239,   8.9609
+c     *,   8.8562,   8.8011,   8.7574,   8.6332,   8.5487
+c     *,   8.4788,   8.4157,   8.3606,   8.2746,   8.2604
+c     *,   8.1583,   8.0778,   8.0127,   7.9567,   7.8691
+c     *,   7.8176,   7.8190,   7.7028,   7.6634,   7.5956
+c     *,   7.5808,   7.4956,   7.4144,   7.3600,   7.3071
+c     *,   7.2947,   7.1947,   7.1389,   7.1333,   7.0404
+c     *,   6.9856,   6.9468,   6.9171,   6.8369,   6.7869
+c     *,   6.7829,   6.6804,   6.6483,   6.5982,   6.5464
+c     *,   6.5060,   6.4541,   6.4539,   6.3684,   6.3219
+c     *,   6.2777,   6.2832,   6.1881,   6.1494,   6.1048
+c     *,   6.0642,   6.0207,   6.0255,   5.9756,   5.9161
+c     *,   5.8717,   5.8276,   5.7878,   5.7481,   5.7319
+c     *,   5.6977,   5.6492,   5.6142,   5.5796,   5.5428
+c     *,   5.4939,   5.4659,   5.4549,   5.3933,   5.3601
+c     *,   5.3311,   5.3037,   5.2760,   5.2429,   5.2381
+c     *,   5.2384,   5.1470,   5.1112,   5.0812,   5.0483
+c     *,   5.0350,   5.0330,   4.9640,   4.9410,   4.9050
+c     *,   4.8714,   4.8408,   4.8482,   4.8518,   4.7611
+c     *,   4.7157,   4.7049,   4.6834,   4.6939,   4.6206
+c     *,   4.5931,   4.5723,   4.5498,   4.5210,   4.5337
+c     *,   4.4726,   4.4898,   4.4251,   4.4013,   4.3784
+c     *,   4.3514,   4.3264,   4.3530,   4.2846,   4.2567
+c     *,   4.2339,   4.2171,   4.1919,   4.1757,   4.1503
+c     *,   4.1329,   4.0924,   4.0797,   4.0624,   4.0446
+c     *,   4.0210,   4.0010,   3.9812,   3.9627,   3.9402
+c     *,   3.9221,   3.9029,   3.8925,   3.8680,   3.8439
+c     *,   3.8244,   3.8094,   3.7816,   3.7719,   3.7396
+c     *,   3.7271,   3.7011,   3.6849,   3.6804,   3.6640
+c     *,   3.6496,   3.5954,   3.6042,   3.5697,   3.5552
+c     *,   3.5463,   3.5265,   3.5212,   3.4992,   3.1432
+c     *,   3.4630,   3.4483,   3.4484,   3.4240,   3.4127
+c     *,   3.3595,   3.3767,   3.3582,   3.3059,   3.3258
+c     *,   3.3182,   3.2582,   3.2740,   3.2621,   3.1984
+c     *,   3.2408,   3.2043,   3.2087,   3.1652,   3.1720
+c     *,   3.1476,   3.0754,   3.1236,   3.1494,   3.0653
+c     *,   3.0757,   3.1030,   3.0692,   3.0466,   3.0392
+c     *,   3.0346,   2.9933,   3.0146,   2.8774,   2.7972
+c     *,   2.6463,   2.8068,   2.6869,   2.6643,   2.6673
+c     *,   2.6684,   2.6409,   2.5520,   2.4341,   2.4978
+c     *,   2.4534,   2.4417,   2.4293,   2.3283,   2.4978
+c     *,   2.3042,   2.3111,   2.1996,   2.1996,   2.1960
+c     *,   2.1469,   2.1223,   2.0791,   2.0599,   1.9891
+c     *,   2.0027,   1.8678,   1.7850,   1.7868,   1.7362
+c     *,   1.6478,   1.6254,   1.6166,   1.6478,   1.6516
+c     *,   1.5554,   1.5727,   1.5656,   1.5290,   1.5149
+c     *,   1.5554,   1.5615,   1.5522,   1.4863,   1.4745
+c     *,   1.4745,   1.3991,   1.4139,   1.1686,   1.3458
+c     *,   1.3587,   1.2425,   1.3171,   1.2828,   1.2153
+c     *,   1.2679,   1.2766,   1.1410,   1.2514,   1.0852
+c     *,   1.1445,   1.1672,   1.0624,   1.1089,   1.0899
+c     *,   1.0171,   1.0399,   1.0645,   1.0417,    .9934
+c     *,   1.0403,   1.0029,   1.0357,   1.0388,   1.0337
+c     *,   1.0428,   1.0555,   1.0663,   1.0546,   1.0626
+c     *,   1.0013,   1.0705,   1.0711,   1.0852,   1.0830
+c     *,   1.1119,   1.0940,   1.0976,   1.0675,   1.1205
+c     *,   1.0464,   1.0995,    .9508,   1.0972,   1.1170
+c     *,   1.1015,   1.1251,   1.1296,   1.1027,   1.1028
+c     *,    .9271,   1.1363,   1.1120,   1.1455,   1.1192
+c     *,   1.1498,   1.1491,   1.0108,   1.1282,   1.1550
+c     *,   1.1617,   1.1354,   1.1586,   1.1631,   1.1378
+c     *,   1.1656,   1.1684,   1.1389,   1.1694,   1.1690
+c     *,   1.1702,   1.1705,   1.1390,   1.1714,   1.1716
+c     *,   1.1326,   1.1517,   1.1697,   1.1731,   1.1716
+c     *,   1.0867,   1.1537,   1.1698,   1.1642,   1.1638
+c     *,   1.1199,   1.1635,   1.1713,   1.1631,   1.1601
+c     *,   1.1340,   1.0823,   1.1598,   1.1754,   1.1572
+c     *,   1.1565,   1.1567,   1.1631,   1.1538,   1.0852
+c     *,   1.0342,   1.1645,   1.1452,   1.1099,   1.0940
+c     *,   1.1185,   1.1470,   1.1388,   1.1424,   1.0705
+c     *,   1.1374,   1.1199,   1.1262,   1.1142,   1.1205
+c     *,   1.0867,   1.1095,   1.0734,   1.1234,   1.0925
+c     *,   1.1135,   1.1076,   1.1070,   1.0955,   1.1027
+c     *,   1.1073,   1.0630,   1.1007,   1.1185,   1.1133
+c     *,   1.1128,   1.1028,   1.1033,   1.1086,   1.1120
+c     *,   1.1013,   1.0991,   1.1086,   1.1028,   1.1027
+c     *,   1.1064,   1.1036,   1.1135,   1.1139,   1.1136
+c     *,   1.1145,   1.1166,   1.1152,   1.1168,   1.1172
+c     *,   1.1230,   1.1187,   1.1254,   1.1224,   1.1329
+c     *,   1.1216
+c     */
+c      data apnecm/
+c     *    2.1288,   2.2007,   2.2500,   2.3044,   2.3529
+c     *,   2.9284,   3.5136,   3.6305,   3.7933,   4.1117
+c     *,   4.5438,   4.9389,   5.1797,   5.3049,   5.4789
+c     *,   5.6476,   6.2773,   6.9855,   7.6283,   8.2211
+c     *,   8.7741,   9.2942,   9.7867,  11.5488,  13.7758
+c     *,  15.0788,  16.8454,  17.9267,  19.4362,  21.2830
+c     *,  22.9819
+c     */
+c      data apnbmx/
+c     *    1.9462,   1.7481,   1.8881,   1.8019,   1.8627
+c     *,   1.4745,   1.3231,   1.3762,   1.3351,   1.3505
+c     *,   1.2841,   1.3086,   1.2565,   1.3038,   1.2218
+c     *,   1.2952,   1.2127,   1.2035,   1.1968,   1.1951
+c     *,   1.1604,   1.1794,   1.1747,   1.1724,   1.1595
+c     *,   1.1637,   1.1477,   1.1520,   1.1510,   1.1478
+c     *,   1.1466
+c     */
+c      data pipecm/
+c     *    1.1050,   1.1154,   1.1165,   1.1256,   1.1273
+c     *,   1.1333,   1.1370,   1.1382,   1.1394,   1.1438
+c     *,   1.1495,   1.1579,   1.1592,   1.1677,   1.1691
+c     *,   1.1697,   1.1757,   1.1771,   1.1777,   1.1784
+c     *,   1.1798,   1.1838,   1.1892,   1.1906,   1.1926
+c     *,   1.1933,   1.1953,   1.1960,   1.1967,   1.1981
+c     *,   1.1994,   1.2008,   1.2015,   1.2022,   1.2028
+c     *,   1.2056,   1.2063,   1.2069,   1.2097,   1.2104
+c     *,   1.2111,   1.2124,   1.2131,   1.2138,   1.2152
+c     *,   1.2166,   1.2172,   1.2193,   1.2200,   1.2214
+c     *,   1.2221,   1.2255,   1.2262,   1.2269,   1.2276
+c     *,   1.2283,   1.2303,   1.2310,   1.2317,   1.2352
+c     *,   1.2358,   1.2365,   1.2372,   1.2400,   1.2407
+c     *,   1.2421,   1.2434,   1.2462,   1.2476,   1.2503
+c     *,   1.2517,   1.2524,   1.2538,   1.2545,   1.2565
+c     *,   1.2613,   1.2627,   1.2696,   1.2716,   1.2730
+c     *,   1.2751,   1.2799,   1.2819,   1.2833,   1.2860
+c     *,   1.2867,   1.2915,   1.2922,   1.2929,   1.2990
+c     *,   1.3010,   1.3024,   1.3119,   1.3126,   1.3180
+c     *,   1.3200,   1.3220,   1.3254,   1.3261,   1.3321
+c     *,   1.3382,   1.3388,   1.3415,   1.3422,   1.3449
+c     *,   1.3469,   1.3522,   1.3608,   1.3615,   1.3622
+c     *,   1.3655,   1.3661,   1.3767,   1.3786,   1.3813
+c     *,   1.3898,   1.3917,   1.3950,   1.4047,   1.4080
+c     *,   1.4112,   1.4157,   1.4163,   1.4176,   1.4208
+c     *,   1.4215,   1.4285,   1.4298,   1.4304,   1.4336
+c     *,   1.4349,   1.4425,   1.4470,   1.4495,   1.4526
+c     *,   1.4539,   1.4652,   1.4677,   1.4702,   1.4764
+c     *,   1.4777,   1.4857,   1.4863,   1.4870,   1.4882
+c     *,   1.4919,   1.4993,   1.4999,   1.5030,   1.5097
+c     *,   1.5103,   1.5121,   1.5146,   1.5212,   1.5249
+c     *,   1.5285,   1.5327,   1.5351,   1.5429,   1.5435
+c     *,   1.5465,   1.5513,   1.5531,   1.5548,   1.5566
+c     *,   1.5637,   1.5655,   1.5673,   1.5708,   1.5720
+c     *,   1.5732,   1.5761,   1.5790,   1.5849,   1.5866
+c     *,   1.5965,   1.5977,   1.5994,   1.6023,   1.6063
+c     *,   1.6121,   1.6133,   1.6144,   1.6264,   1.6287
+c     *,   1.6327,   1.6344,   1.6406,   1.6417,   1.6429
+c     *,   1.6502,   1.6519,   1.6536,   1.6625,   1.6664
+c     *,   1.6670,   1.6676,   1.6687,   1.6692,   1.6714
+c     *,   1.6792,   1.6825,   1.6853,   1.6913,   1.6935
+c     *,   1.6941,   1.6963,   1.6985,   1.6990,   1.7012
+c     *,   1.7170,   1.7175,   1.7208,   1.7240,   1.7267
+c     *,   1.7391,   1.7417,   1.7423,   1.7428,   1.7503
+c     *,   1.7535,   1.7609,   1.7635,   1.7651,   1.7714
+c     *,   1.7735,   1.7767,   1.7793,   1.7798,   1.7908
+c     *,   1.7923,   1.7949,   1.7960,   1.8032,   1.8063
+c     *,   1.8099,   1.8197,   1.8207,   1.8238,   1.8253
+c     *,   1.8289,   1.8304,   1.8320,   1.8386,   1.8436
+c     *,   1.8497,   1.8507,   1.8537,   1.8643,   1.8673
+c     *,   1.8678,   1.8703,   1.8713,   1.8738,   1.8777
+c     *,   1.8792,   1.8812,   1.8827,   1.8881,   1.8911
+c     *,   1.8916,   1.8936,   1.8980,   1.9039,   1.9073
+c     *,   1.9108,   1.9151,   1.9161,   1.9181,   1.9186
+c     *,   1.9249,   1.9283,   1.9317,   1.9331,   1.9350
+c     *,   1.9384,   1.9423,   1.9519,   1.9571,   1.9614
+c     *,   1.9652,   1.9681,   1.9756,   1.9780,   1.9804
+c     *,   1.9893,   1.9921,   1.9968,   1.9987,   2.0034
+c     *,   2.0085,   2.0196,   2.0344,   2.0358,   2.0385
+c     *,   2.0545,   2.0636,   2.0654,   2.0704,   2.0816
+c     *,   2.0839,   2.0933,   2.1106,   2.1151,   2.1257
+c     *,   2.1279,   2.1388,   2.1545,   2.1606,   2.1761
+c     *,   2.1770,   2.1804,   2.1817,   2.1920,   2.2022
+c     *,   2.2060,   2.2187,   2.2480,   2.2646,   2.2934
+c     *,   2.3056,   2.3339,   2.3499,   2.3535,   2.3538
+c     *,   2.3737,   2.3894,   2.4050,   2.4128,   2.4283
+c     *,   2.4398,   2.4513,   2.4703,   2.4892,   2.5080
+c     *,   2.5266,   2.5451,   2.5561,   2.5634,   2.5816
+c     *,   2.5997,   2.6069,   2.6177,   2.6355,   2.6568
+c     *,   2.6708,   2.6987,   2.7057,   2.7195,   2.7401
+c     *,   2.7469,   2.7606,   2.7741,   2.7977,   2.8010
+c     *,   2.8077,   2.8343,   2.8409,   2.8672,   2.8769
+c     *,   2.8997,   2.9093,   2.9350,   2.9414,   2.9636
+c     *,   2.9731,   3.0013,   3.0045,   3.0107,   3.0355
+c     *,   3.0570,   3.0662,   3.0876,   3.0967,   3.1268
+c     *,   3.1328,   3.1566,   3.1862,   3.2067,   3.2155
+c     *,   3.2445,   3.2733,   3.3018,   3.3216,   3.3329
+c     *,   3.3609,   3.3887,   3.4163,   3.4190,   3.4327
+c     *,   3.4436,   3.4707,   3.4869,   3.4976,   3.5244
+c     *,   3.5509,   3.6033,   3.6550,   3.7059,   3.7462
+c     *,   3.9247,   3.9887,   3.9981,   4.4001,   4.4341
+c     *,   4.8193,   4.8387,   5.2120,   5.2246,   5.3889
+c     *,   5.5535,   5.5603,   5.7265,   5.8880,   5.8912
+c     *,   5.9671,   6.1984,   6.2421,   6.5084,   6.6369
+c     *,   6.9138,   7.5617,   8.1584,   8.7144,   8.9794
+c     *,   9.2369,   9.7314,   9.9412,  10.2020,  10.6517
+c     *,  11.4987,  13.7295,  15.0339,  16.6334,  16.8018
+c     *,  17.8835,  18.1439,  21.2400,  22.9386,  24.1342
+c     *,  25.2733
+c     */
+c      data pipbmx/
+c     *     .4424,    .5585,    .6180,    .7485,    .7092
+c     *,    .8058,    .7777,    .9113,    .8974,    .9934
+c     *,   1.0896,   1.2653,   1.3078,   1.5076,   1.5472
+c     *,   1.5656,   1.7019,   1.7504,   1.7934,   1.7626
+c     *,   1.8168,   1.9706,   2.0163,   2.1140,   2.1749
+c     *,   2.0576,   2.1851,   2.1148,   2.1924,   2.1851
+c     *,   2.3104,   2.3480,   2.2883,   2.1924,   2.3602
+c     *,   2.4570,   2.3262,   2.2708,   2.4722,   2.3296
+c     *,   2.5124,   2.3194,   2.4476,   2.4033,   2.5497
+c     *,   2.5313,   2.5514,   2.5181,   2.5125,   2.5156
+c     *,   2.5105,   2.4398,   2.4201,   2.5074,   2.4978
+c     *,   2.4463,   2.4863,   2.4856,   2.4469,   2.5231
+c     *,   2.3534,   2.5357,   2.4482,   2.3796,   2.3823
+c     *,   2.3582,   2.3650,   2.3870,   2.1705,   2.1185
+c     *,   2.2341,   2.2057,   2.2284,   2.1178,   2.1705
+c     *,   2.0622,   2.0490,   2.0122,   1.9041,   1.8873
+c     *,   1.9091,   1.7897,   1.7499,   1.7535,   1.8797
+c     *,   1.8455,   1.6087,   1.6381,   1.6361,   1.6737
+c     *,   1.5329,   1.5327,   1.4879,   1.4351,   1.4461
+c     *,   1.3854,   1.3517,   1.3334,   1.3695,   1.2741
+c     *,   1.2989,   1.2183,   1.2361,   1.2074,   1.1456
+c     *,   1.1997,   1.1439,   1.1381,   1.0786,   1.1185
+c     *,   1.0693,   1.1339,    .9958,   1.0077,   1.0491
+c     *,    .9997,    .9611,    .9452,    .9141,    .9190
+c     *,    .8806,    .8885,    .9200,    .8618,    .9680
+c     *,    .8702,    .8643,    .8263,    .8234,    .7150
+c     *,    .8412,    .8101,    .8704,    .7767,    .8766
+c     *,    .7722,    .7694,    .7956,    .7590,    .7128
+c     *,    .7159,    .6894,    .6894,    .7139,    .6898
+c     *,    .7412,    .6784,    .7181,    .6947,    .7695
+c     *,    .6704,    .7110,    .6910,    .6699,    .7199
+c     *,    .6935,    .6759,    .6843,    .6933,    .7190
+c     *,    .7159,    .6865,    .6958,    .7017,    .6794
+c     *,    .7081,    .7004,    .7128,    .7569,    .7269
+c     *,    .7356,    .7230,    .7332,    .7548,    .7464
+c     *,    .7695,    .7703,    .7707,    .8288,    .8117
+c     *,    .8170,    .8054,    .7990,    .7878,    .8556
+c     *,    .8423,    .8917,    .8664,    .8253,    .8649
+c     *,    .8627,    .8813,    .8461,    .8938,    .9288
+c     *,    .8759,    .8345,    .8972,    .8625,    .8818
+c     *,    .8983,    .8953,    .9080,    .9277,    .9117
+c     *,    .9080,    .8579,    .8974,    .8970,    .9184
+c     *,    .9267,    .9184,    .9092,    .8704,    .9146
+c     *,    .9184,    .9591,    .8649,    .9296,    .9071
+c     *,    .9449,    .9407,    .9536,    .9721,    .9608
+c     *,    .9837,    .9233,    .9542,   1.0004,    .9853
+c     *,    .9934,   1.0005,   1.0061,    .9358,   1.0180
+c     *,   1.0280,   1.0573,    .9982,   1.0357,   1.0555
+c     *,    .9877,   1.0682,   1.0694,   1.0817,   1.0720
+c     *,   1.1046,   1.1041,   1.0596,   1.1013,   1.1217
+c     *,   1.1217,   1.1291,   1.1113,   1.1270,   1.1354
+c     *,   1.0799,   1.1199,   1.1439,   1.1459,   1.1213
+c     *,   1.0907,   1.1368,   1.1488,   1.1008,   1.1500
+c     *,   1.1156,   1.1502,   1.0947,   1.1410,   1.1427
+c     *,   1.1480,   1.0729,   1.1634,   1.1319,   1.1480
+c     *,   1.1295,   1.1213,   1.0783,   1.1044,   1.1027
+c     *,   1.1217,   1.0998,   1.0418,   1.1031,   1.0712
+c     *,   1.0720,   1.0600,   1.0540,   1.1180,   1.0490
+c     *,   1.0464,   1.0380,   1.0124,   1.0202,    .9821
+c     *,   1.0013,    .9945,    .9997,   1.0187,    .9805
+c     *,    .9873,    .9796,    .9608,   1.0045,    .9756
+c     *,    .9695,    .9674,    .9646,    .9662,    .9659
+c     *,    .9654,    .9491,    .9643,    .9566,    .9654
+c     *,    .9636,    .9619,    .9676,    .9774,    .9747
+c     *,    .9916,    .9843,    .9950,    .9932,    .9641
+c     *,    .9895,    .9861,    .9871,    .9905,    .9916
+c     *,    .9657,    .9872,    .9770,    .9796,    .9751
+c     *,    .9637,    .9689,    .9633,    .9635,    .9601
+c     *,    .9580,    .9707,    .9581,    .9540,    .9505
+c     *,    .9509,    .9422,    .9494,    .9657,    .9478
+c     *,    .9513,    .9541,    .9472,    .9439,    .9640
+c     *,    .9452,    .9397,    .9440,    .9390,    .9416
+c     *,    .9424,    .9394,    .9334,    .9366,    .9348
+c     *,    .9338,    .9414,    .9312,    .9115,    .9286
+c     *,    .9373,    .9287,    .9190,    .9248,    .9232
+c     *,    .9339,    .9214,    .9201,    .9183,    .9181
+c     *,    .9170,    .9150,    .9138,    .9071,    .9117
+c     *,    .9106,    .9092,    .9084,    .9253,    .9053
+c     *,    .9061,    .9052,    .9132,    .9032,    .9029
+c     *,    .9008,    .8973,    .8954,    .8928,    .9115
+c     *,    .9021,    .8938,    .8997,    .8907,    .8921
+c     *,    .8834,    .8831,    .8795,    .8774,    .8755
+c     *,    .8745,    .8682,    .8849,    .8649,    .8705
+c     *,    .8616,    .8684,    .8691,    .8634,    .8687
+c     *,    .8636,    .8616,    .8581,    .8571,    .8575
+c     *,    .8582,    .8551,    .8575,    .8582,    .8618
+c     *,    .8597,    .8619,    .8634,    .8693,    .8645
+c     *,    .8682,    .8538,    .8759,    .8818,    .8831
+c     *,    .8853/
+c      data (pimecm(i),i=1,400)/
+c     *    1.1046,   1.1133,   1.1394,   1.1425,   1.1495
+c     *,   1.1579,   1.1585,   1.1592,   1.1598,   1.1677
+c     *,   1.1691,   1.1731,   1.1777,   1.1784,   1.1798
+c     *,   1.1831,   1.1858,   1.1879,   1.1892,   1.1906
+c     *,   1.1940,   1.1967,   1.1994,   1.2008,   1.2015
+c     *,   1.2028,   1.2069,   1.2076,   1.2090,   1.2097
+c     *,   1.2111,   1.2124,   1.2131,   1.2159,   1.2166
+c     *,   1.2179,   1.2186,   1.2200,   1.2214,   1.2234
+c     *,   1.2269,   1.2283,   1.2296,   1.2303,   1.2317
+c     *,   1.2324,   1.2352,   1.2358,   1.2365,   1.2372
+c     *,   1.2407,   1.2421,   1.2441,   1.2462,   1.2476
+c     *,   1.2510,   1.2517,   1.2524,   1.2545,   1.2551
+c     *,   1.2579,   1.2586,   1.2593,   1.2607,   1.2613
+c     *,   1.2627,   1.2634,   1.2641,   1.2662,   1.2668
+c     *,   1.2682,   1.2696,   1.2710,   1.2716,   1.2730
+c     *,   1.2758,   1.2778,   1.2806,   1.2819,   1.2826
+c     *,   1.2833,   1.2847,   1.2888,   1.2915,   1.2922
+c     *,   1.2929,   1.2963,   1.3004,   1.3024,   1.3038
+c     *,   1.3058,   1.3065,   1.3072,   1.3112,   1.3119
+c     *,   1.3126,   1.3146,   1.3180,   1.3187,   1.3200
+c     *,   1.3207,   1.3220,   1.3227,   1.3254,   1.3261
+c     *,   1.3301,   1.3308,   1.3321,   1.3335,   1.3362
+c     *,   1.3375,   1.3388,   1.3415,   1.3422,   1.3455
+c     *,   1.3482,   1.3515,   1.3522,   1.3555,   1.3562
+c     *,   1.3615,   1.3628,   1.3641,   1.3655,   1.3681
+c     *,   1.3694,   1.3760,   1.3773,   1.3786,   1.3898
+c     *,   1.3917,   1.3963,   1.3995,   1.4002,   1.4015
+c     *,   1.4047,   1.4099,   1.4112,   1.4163,   1.4176
+c     *,   1.4183,   1.4196,   1.4208,   1.4228,   1.4234
+c     *,   1.4272,   1.4292,   1.4298,   1.4304,   1.4393
+c     *,   1.4425,   1.4470,   1.4476,   1.4489,   1.4507
+c     *,   1.4539,   1.4589,   1.4596,   1.4608,   1.4652
+c     *,   1.4658,   1.4683,   1.4727,   1.4739,   1.4758
+c     *,   1.4764,   1.4777,   1.4795,   1.4808,   1.4833
+c     *,   1.4851,   1.4857,   1.4876,   1.4882,   1.4894
+c     *,   1.4901,   1.4919,   1.4925,   1.4938,   1.4968
+c     *,   1.4974,   1.4981,   1.4993,   1.5030,   1.5054
+c     *,   1.5060,   1.5066,   1.5072,   1.5097,   1.5103
+c     *,   1.5109,   1.5146,   1.5152,   1.5182,   1.5206
+c     *,   1.5212,   1.5224,   1.5231,   1.5249,   1.5309
+c     *,   1.5327,   1.5345,   1.5357,   1.5387,   1.5405
+c     *,   1.5411,   1.5429,   1.5435,   1.5441,   1.5465
+c     *,   1.5489,   1.5507,   1.5513,   1.5519,   1.5548
+c     *,   1.5590,   1.5614,   1.5637,   1.5655,   1.5673
+c     *,   1.5702,   1.5708,   1.5761,   1.5802,   1.5825
+c     *,   1.5831,   1.5843,   1.5849,   1.5866,   1.5890
+c     *,   1.5936,   1.5948,   1.5977,   1.5994,   1.6017
+c     *,   1.6052,   1.6058,   1.6087,   1.6092,   1.6138
+c     *,   1.6173,   1.6178,   1.6190,   1.6236,   1.6258
+c     *,   1.6276,   1.6287,   1.6298,   1.6315,   1.6327
+c     *,   1.6367,   1.6372,   1.6378,   1.6400,   1.6406
+c     *,   1.6423,   1.6480,   1.6513,   1.6519,   1.6525
+c     *,   1.6547,   1.6553,   1.6614,   1.6631,   1.6637
+c     *,   1.6648,   1.6653,   1.6659,   1.6681,   1.6692
+c     *,   1.6703,   1.6720,   1.6726,   1.6731,   1.6742
+c     *,   1.6792,   1.6798,   1.6803,   1.6820,   1.6825
+c     *,   1.6853,   1.6858,   1.6864,   1.6875,   1.6935
+c     *,   1.6957,   1.6963,   1.6979,   1.6990,   1.7067
+c     *,   1.7072,   1.7121,   1.7127,   1.7132,   1.7186
+c     *,   1.7202,   1.7208,   1.7213,   1.7224,   1.7235
+c     *,   1.7240,   1.7267,   1.7278,   1.7294,   1.7342
+c     *,   1.7348,   1.7391,   1.7407,   1.7428,   1.7476
+c     *,   1.7503,   1.7535,   1.7545,   1.7609,   1.7614
+c     *,   1.7667,   1.7714,   1.7735,   1.7741,   1.7767
+c     *,   1.7772,   1.7798,   1.7824,   1.7835,   1.7871
+c     *,   1.7929,   1.7960,   1.8001,   1.8032,   1.8058
+c     *,   1.8130,   1.8182,   1.8212,   1.8218,   1.8238
+c     *,   1.8253,   1.8258,   1.8289,   1.8320,   1.8370
+c     *,   1.8386,   1.8436,   1.8446,   1.8507,   1.8512
+c     *,   1.8557,   1.8588,   1.8638,   1.8678,   1.8713
+c     *,   1.8762,   1.8777,   1.8792,   1.8807,   1.8827
+c     *,   1.8857,   1.8881,   1.8886,   1.8936,   1.8975
+c     *,   1.9010,   1.9063,   1.9132,   1.9186,   1.9205
+c     *,   1.9249,   1.9254,   1.9273,   1.9283,   1.9317
+c     *,   1.9326,   1.9374,   1.9423,   1.9451,   1.9495
+c     *,   1.9519,   1.9538,   1.9614,   1.9709,   1.9733
+c     *,   1.9747,   1.9799,   1.9884,   1.9903,   1.9987
+c     *,   2.0034,   2.0117,   2.0164,   2.0182,   2.0196
+c     *,   2.0330,   2.0335,   2.0358,   2.0540,   2.0581
+c     *,   2.0636,   2.0654,   2.0798,   2.0812,   2.0816
+c     */
+c      data (pimecm(i),i=401,578)/
+c     *    2.0933,   2.1013,   2.1075,   2.1221,   2.1261
+c     *,   2.1305,   2.1375,   2.1445,   2.1588,   2.1658
+c     *,   2.1740,   2.1804,   2.1877,   2.2026,   2.2119
+c     *,   2.2166,   2.2187,   2.2305,   2.2510,   2.2626
+c     *,   2.2688,   2.2717,   2.3040,   2.3121,   2.3315
+c     *,   2.3483,   2.3538,   2.3737,   2.3744,   2.3925
+c     *,   2.4050,   2.4105,   2.4128,   2.4267,   2.4302
+c     *,   2.4513,   2.4627,   2.4892,   2.5069,   2.5266
+c     *,   2.5561,   2.5634,   2.5802,   2.5925,   2.5997
+c     *,   2.6284,   2.6355,   2.6557,   2.6708,   2.6987
+c     *,   2.7057,   2.7401,   2.7673,   2.7741,   2.7966
+c     *,   2.8077,   2.8343,   2.8409,   2.8672,   2.8769
+c     *,   2.8997,   2.9093,   2.9318,   2.9341,   2.9414
+c     *,   2.9636,   2.9731,   3.0045,   3.0262,   3.0355
+c     *,   3.0570,   3.0656,   3.0662,   3.0876,   3.0967
+c     *,   3.1268,   3.1566,   3.1774,   3.1862,   3.2067
+c     *,   3.2155,   3.2445,   3.2733,   3.3018,   3.3216
+c     *,   3.3329,   3.3609,   3.3887,   3.4163,   3.4190
+c     *,   3.4436,   3.4675,   3.4707,   3.4869,   3.4976
+c     *,   3.5509,   3.6033,   3.6550,   3.6575,   3.7059
+c     *,   3.7312,   3.7462,   3.8402,   3.8935,   3.9887
+c     *,   4.0004,   4.3873,   4.4341,   4.6811,   4.7210
+c     *,   4.7408,   4.8387,   4.8406,   5.0288,   5.0844
+c     *,   5.2120,   5.2353,   5.3889,   5.4254,   5.5603
+c     *,   5.6123,   5.7265,   5.7787,   5.8880,   5.9451
+c     *,   5.9671,   5.9953,   6.0792,   6.1984,   6.2241
+c     *,   6.3479,   6.5070,   6.6369,   6.8140,   6.9138
+c     *,   7.0734,   7.2450,   7.3962,   7.5617,   7.7092
+c     *,   7.9841,   7.9865,   8.1584,   8.1814,   8.3628
+c     *,   8.4410,   8.6582,   8.6593,   8.7144,   8.9794
+c     *,   9.2369,   9.2845,   9.4874,   9.7314,   9.7775
+c     *,   9.9694,  10.2020,  10.3580,  10.4293,  10.5988
+c     *,  10.6517,  10.8697,  11.0833,  11.4987,  13.7295
+c     *,  15.0339,  16.6334,  16.8018,  17.8835,  18.1439
+c     *,  19.3933,  19.6336,  21.2400,  22.9386,  24.1342
+c     *,  25.2733,  26.0050,  26.3632
+c     */
+c      data (pimbmx(i),i=1,400)/
+c     *     .5314,    .5314,    .6580,    .7092,    .7506
+c     *,    .8215,    .8579,    .8406,    .8349,    .9441
+c     *,    .9657,   1.0363,   1.0686,   1.1085,   1.1185
+c     *,   1.1899,   1.1658,   1.2218,   1.2322,   1.2653
+c     *,   1.3273,   1.2374,   1.3611,   1.3716,   1.3267
+c     *,   1.3986,   1.4150,   1.3399,   1.4701,   1.4516
+c     *,   1.4723,   1.4955,   1.4494,   1.4161,   1.4558
+c     *,   1.4625,   1.5006,   1.5128,   1.5160,   1.4584
+c     *,   1.4991,   1.4791,   1.4217,   1.4799,   1.4799
+c     *,   1.4588,   1.4844,   1.4172,   1.4273,   1.4439
+c     *,   1.4166,   1.4127,   1.3739,   1.3624,   1.3971
+c     *,   1.3297,   1.3231,   1.3285,   1.2878,   1.2952
+c     *,   1.2679,   1.2641,   1.2976,   1.2386,   1.2463
+c     *,   1.3025,   1.2489,   1.2239,   1.1902,   1.2114
+c     *,   1.1955,   1.2083,   1.1658,   1.1686,   1.1603
+c     *,   1.1424,   1.1185,   1.1160,   1.1013,   1.1070
+c     *,   1.1041,   1.0823,   1.0645,   1.0779,   1.0295
+c     *,   1.0311,    .9950,   1.0155,    .9950,   1.0029
+c     *,    .9767,   1.0249,    .9853,    .9657,    .9906
+c     *,    .9608,    .9591,    .9805,    .9458,    .9575
+c     *,    .9422,    .9407,    .9558,    .9473,    .9271
+c     *,    .9132,    .9236,    .9219,    .9219,    .9575
+c     *,    .9097,    .9224,    .9094,    .9202,    .8903
+c     *,    .9224,    .9160,    .9122,    .9094,    .8956
+c     *,    .9167,    .9271,    .9398,    .9184,    .9277
+c     *,    .9310,    .9184,    .9354,    .9219,    .9300
+c     *,    .9303,    .9508,    .9451,    .9680,    .9399
+c     *,    .9420,    .9387,    .9667,    .9248,    .9915
+c     *,    .9698,    .9626,   1.0187,    .9659,    .9441
+c     *,    .9766,    .9694,   1.0061,    .9789,    .9757
+c     *,    .9803,   1.0495,   1.0218,   1.0026,   1.0706
+c     *,   1.0277,   1.0302,   1.0690,   1.0552,   1.0406
+c     *,   1.0801,   1.0522,   1.1284,   1.1226,   1.1270
+c     *,   1.0934,   1.0968,   1.1381,   1.0915,   1.1543
+c     *,   1.1775,   1.2101,   1.1247,   1.1506,   1.1781
+c     *,   1.1546,   1.1968,   1.1604,   1.1697,   1.2072
+c     *,   1.2058,   1.2489,   1.1912,   1.2141,   1.1928
+c     *,   1.1986,   1.1978,   1.2256,   1.2565,   1.2029
+c     *,   1.2127,   1.1997,   1.2035,   1.1791,   1.1853
+c     *,   1.1914,   1.1927,   1.2616,   1.2303,   1.1848
+c     *,   1.1507,   1.2399,   1.1510,   1.1898,   1.1499
+c     *,   1.1337,   1.1433,   1.1089,   1.1517,   1.2008
+c     *,   1.1598,   1.1030,   1.0798,   1.1165,   1.1213
+c     *,   1.1190,   1.0861,   1.0776,   1.0653,   1.0730
+c     *,   1.1106,   1.0908,   1.0945,   1.0650,   1.0882
+c     *,   1.0720,   1.0540,   1.0925,   1.0718,   1.1377
+c     *,   1.0867,   1.0802,   1.1090,   1.0936,   1.0915
+c     *,   1.1316,   1.1575,   1.1202,   1.1275,   1.0908
+c     *,   1.1142,   1.1507,   1.1890,   1.1863,   1.2114
+c     *,   1.1142,   1.2001,   1.1312,   1.1930,   1.2563
+c     *,   1.2489,   1.2919,   1.2652,   1.2425,   1.2149
+c     *,   1.2386,   1.2616,   1.3207,   1.3299,   1.2816
+c     *,   1.3296,   1.3562,   1.2957,   1.3831,   1.3028
+c     *,   1.3806,   1.3704,   1.3202,   1.4082,   1.3482
+c     *,   1.3730,   1.3351,   1.3886,   1.3348,   1.3957
+c     *,   1.3929,   1.3790,   1.3791,   1.3946,   1.3641
+c     *,   1.3877,   1.3566,   1.3564,   1.3762,   1.3253
+c     *,   1.3739,   1.3252,   1.3234,   1.3423,   1.3159
+c     *,   1.2643,   1.2700,   1.2584,   1.2466,   1.2841
+c     *,   1.2191,   1.2052,   1.2794,   1.2835,   1.2374
+c     *,   1.2061,   1.1936,   1.1947,   1.2476,   1.1481
+c     *,   1.1496,   1.2187,   1.1427,   1.2101,   1.1192
+c     *,   1.1445,   1.1371,   1.1613,   1.0994,   1.1020
+c     *,   1.1233,   1.1041,   1.0896,   1.0890,   1.0880
+c     *,   1.0802,   1.0946,   1.0940,   1.0670,   1.0761
+c     *,   1.0817,   1.0702,   1.0723,   1.0779,   1.0789
+c     *,   1.0733,   1.0771,   1.0767,   1.0710,   1.0705
+c     *,   1.0720,   1.0729,   1.0472,   1.0959,   1.0788
+c     *,   1.0739,   1.0645,   1.0681,   1.0749,   1.0789
+c     *,   1.0799,   1.0795,   1.0763,   1.0588,   1.0805
+c     *,   1.0724,   1.0660,   1.0663,   1.0801,   1.0988
+c     *,   1.0797,   1.0816,   1.0687,   1.0690,   1.0724
+c     *,   1.0721,   1.0777,   1.0650,   1.0715,   1.0617
+c     *,   1.0690,   1.0678,   1.0714,   1.0323,   1.0672
+c     *,   1.0630,   1.0564,   1.0600,   1.0636,   1.0499
+c     *,   1.0479,   1.0481,   1.0463,   1.0510,   1.0450
+c     *,   1.0171,   1.0517,   1.0498,   1.0510,   1.0412
+c     *,   1.0374,   1.0501,   1.0388,   1.0449,   1.0449
+c     *,   1.0311,   1.0510,   1.0505,   1.0449,   1.0567
+c     *,   1.0572,   1.0495,   1.0632,   1.0461,   1.0403
+c     */
+c      data (pimbmx(i),i=401,578)/
+c     *    1.0629,   1.0642,   1.0525,   1.0709,   1.0585
+c     *,   1.0612,   1.0717,   1.0731,   1.0660,   1.0761
+c     *,   1.0696,   1.0767,   1.0755,   1.0720,   1.0615
+c     *,   1.0665,   1.0660,   1.0714,   1.0670,   1.0650
+c     *,   1.0627,   1.0621,   1.0499,   1.0499,   1.0457
+c     *,   1.0405,   1.0372,   1.0412,   1.0331,   1.0299
+c     *,   1.0299,   1.0241,   1.0321,   1.0306,   1.0232
+c     *,   1.0252,   1.0171,   1.0211,   1.0226,   1.0178
+c     *,   1.0083,   1.0157,   1.0138,    .9918,   1.0140
+c     *,   1.0028,   1.0120,   1.0077,   1.0088,    .9979
+c     *,   1.0052,   1.0025,    .9876,    .9987,    .9990
+c     *,    .9944,    .9845,    .9918,    .9777,    .9892
+c     *,    .9754,    .9856,    .9812,    .9816,    .9831
+c     *,    .9674,    .9800,    .9781,    .9679,    .9756
+c     *,    .9805,    .9759,    .9739,    .9672,    .9718
+c     *,    .9701,    .9682,    .9632,    .9664,    .9538
+c     *,    .9647,    .9628,    .9613,    .9596,    .9449
+c     *,    .9585,    .9572,    .9553,    .9540,    .9624
+c     *,    .9527,    .9468,    .9513,    .9525,    .9503
+c     *,    .9479,    .9459,    .9438,    .9424,    .9422
+c     *,    .9407,    .9457,    .9399,    .9385,    .9368
+c     *,    .9409,    .9248,    .9209,    .9034,    .8974
+c     *,    .9150,    .9089,    .9145,    .9146,    .9080
+c     *,    .9044,    .9082,    .9069,    .9062,    .8938
+c     *,    .9034,    .9045,    .9011,    .8921,    .8979
+c     *,    .8925,    .8982,    .8975,    .8976,    .8947
+c     *,    .8962,    .8932,    .8916,    .8913,    .8888
+c     *,    .8889,    .8892,    .8880,    .8881,    .8842
+c     *,    .8815,    .8826,    .8832,    .8813,    .8826
+c     *,    .8791,    .8835,    .8831,    .8833,    .8782
+c     *,    .8789,    .8813,    .8797,    .8780,    .8744
+c     *,    .8782,    .8842,    .8777,    .8777,    .8789
+c     *,    .8815,    .8800,    .8839,    .8740,    .8732
+c     *,    .8751,    .8784,    .8757,    .8779,    .8630
+c     *,    .8802,    .8775,    .8851,    .8874,    .8903
+c     *,    .8935,    .8965,    .8965
+c     */
+c      data kmpecm/
+c     *    1.4691,   1.4720,   1.4750,   1.4780,   1.4811
+c     *,   1.4837,   1.4843,   1.4860,   1.4876,   1.4910
+c     *,   1.4944,   1.4979,   1.5014,   1.5032,   1.5050
+c     *,   1.5087,   1.5091,   1.5124,   1.5132,   1.5162
+c     *,   1.5170,   1.5200,   1.5220,   1.5239,   1.5278
+c     *,   1.5318,   1.5354,   1.5358,   1.5362,   1.5378
+c     *,   1.5399,   1.5440,   1.5523,   1.5607,   1.5654
+c     *,   1.5688,   1.5775,   1.5784,   1.5863,   1.5916
+c     *,   1.5947,   1.6023,   1.6050,   1.6055,   1.6086
+c     *,   1.6145,   1.6159,   1.6172,   1.6191,   1.6236
+c     *,   1.6319,   1.6328,   1.6332,   1.6420,   1.6461
+c     *,   1.6466,   1.6522,   1.6563,   1.6582,   1.6614
+c     *,   1.6642,   1.6694,   1.6712,   1.6717,   1.6768
+c     *,   1.6806,   1.6811,   1.6839,   1.6843,   1.6867
+c     *,   1.6885,   1.6961,   1.6965,   1.7003,   1.7022
+c     *,   1.7083,   1.7087,   1.7172,   1.7177,   1.7181
+c     *,   1.7229,   1.7243,   1.7276,   1.7342,   1.7374
+c     *,   1.7436,   1.7459,   1.7483,   1.7539,   1.7610
+c     *,   1.7629,   1.7633,   1.7718,   1.7770,   1.7789
+c     *,   1.7793,   1.7817,   1.7840,   1.7873,   1.7892
+c     *,   1.8028,   1.8037,   1.8075,   1.8135,   1.8140
+c     *,   1.8219,   1.8247,   1.8261,   1.8308,   1.8369
+c     *,   1.8401,   1.8406,   1.8410,   1.8475,   1.8480
+c     *,   1.8489,   1.8540,   1.8559,   1.8605,   1.8647
+c     *,   1.8721,   1.8744,   1.8767,   1.8785,   1.8836
+c     *,   1.8951,   1.8955,   1.8983,   1.9001,   1.9029
+c     *,   1.9065,   1.9184,   1.9202,   1.9243,   1.9348
+c     *,   1.9393,   1.9411,   1.9434,   1.9483,   1.9547
+c     *,   1.9628,   1.9637,   1.9659,   1.9699,   1.9798
+c     *,   1.9838,   1.9923,   1.9958,   2.0047,   2.0127
+c     *,   2.0149,   2.0162,   2.0255,   2.0277,   2.0308
+c     *,   2.0417,   2.0430,   2.0487,   2.0579,   2.0653
+c     *,   2.0679,   2.0713,   2.0813,   2.0882,   2.0925
+c     *,   2.1028,   2.1105,   2.1126,   2.1211,   2.1232
+c     *,   2.1258,   2.1351,   2.1444,   2.1507,   2.1528
+c     *,   2.1654,   2.1675,   2.1687,   2.1737,   2.1837
+c     *,   2.1862,   2.1937,   2.2044,   2.2131,   2.2143
+c     *,   2.2274,   2.2356,   2.2478,   2.2546,   2.2659
+c     *,   2.2756,   2.2836,   2.2976,   2.2996,   2.3162
+c     *,   2.3166,   2.3296,   2.3335,   2.3363,   2.3535
+c     *,   2.3562,   2.3725,   2.3729,   2.3748,   2.3887
+c     *,   2.3918,   2.3933,   2.4006,   2.4109,   2.4174
+c     *,   2.4223,   2.4299,   2.4352,   2.4488,   2.4518
+c     *,   2.4675,   2.4705,   2.4861,   2.4887,   2.4936
+c     *,   2.5046,   2.5230,   2.5412,   2.5593,   2.5701
+c     *,   2.5773,   2.5952,   2.6023,   2.6059,   2.6130
+c     *,   2.6306,   2.6447,   2.6482,   2.6656,   2.6795
+c     *,   2.6829,   2.7002,   2.7173,   2.7848,   2.8540
+c     *,   2.9216,   2.9407,   2.9878,   3.0096,   3.0250
+c     *,   3.0526,   3.1783,   3.2191,   3.2993,   3.3887
+c     *,   3.5239,   3.6924,   3.7800,   3.9967,   4.0200
+c     *,   4.1348,   4.4617,   4.4826,   4.7663,   4.8636
+c     *,   4.9779,   5.1080,   5.1263,   5.2349,   5.3237
+c     *,   5.4110,   5.5479,   5.5816,   5.8281,   5.9080
+c     *,   6.0801,   6.2173,   6.3664,   6.6545,   6.9306
+c     *,   7.2610,   7.5770,   7.7605,   7.8207,   7.9985
+c     *,   8.1725,   8.2297,   8.4546,   8.7275,   8.9922
+c     *,   9.2493,   9.4994,   9.7431,   9.9809,  10.2131
+c     *,  11.5086,  13.7378,  15.0415,  16.8085,  17.8898
+c     *,  19.3991,  21.2453,  22.9435,  24.1389
+c     */
+c      data kmpbmx/
+c     *    1.9033,   1.7662,   1.7298,   1.7544,   1.5461
+c     *,   1.6991,   1.6205,   1.5898,   1.5817,   1.5023
+c     *,   1.5554,   1.5086,   1.5065,   1.4948,   1.4799
+c     *,   1.4927,   1.4854,   1.6136,   1.6017,   1.7312
+c     *,   1.4884,   1.7075,   1.5574,   1.5260,   1.5002
+c     *,   1.4571,   1.3991,   1.3219,   1.3434,   1.3635
+c     *,   1.3315,   1.2966,   1.2213,   1.1604,   1.1930
+c     *,   1.1382,   1.1354,   1.1583,   1.1185,   1.1156
+c     *,   1.0645,   1.0247,   1.0969,   1.0779,   1.1083
+c     *,   1.0749,   1.0155,   1.0464,   1.0754,   1.0202
+c     *,   1.0470,   1.0615,   1.0540,   1.0357,   1.0605
+c     *,   1.0428,   1.0265,   1.0187,   1.0611,   1.0615
+c     *,   1.0295,   1.0651,   1.0823,   1.0077,   1.0764
+c     *,   1.1298,   1.1013,   1.1080,   1.1070,   1.1368
+c     *,   1.1382,   1.1410,   1.1418,   1.1312,   1.1466
+c     *,   1.1378,   1.1241,   1.0896,   1.1264,   1.0720
+c     *,   1.1368,   1.1013,   1.1442,   1.1466,   1.1612
+c     *,   1.1726,   1.1755,   1.1576,   1.1726,   1.1848
+c     *,   1.1617,   1.2029,   1.1686,   1.2274,   1.2252
+c     *,   1.1726,   1.2256,   1.2244,   1.2008,   1.2332
+c     *,   1.2828,   1.2548,   1.2412,   1.2887,   1.2853
+c     *,   1.2653,   1.2540,   1.2527,   1.2449,   1.2118
+c     *,   1.1781,   1.1902,   1.1767,   1.1859,   1.1410
+c     *,   1.1594,   1.1800,   1.1185,   1.1256,   1.1354
+c     *,   1.1131,   1.1562,   1.1143,   1.1382,   1.0841
+c     *,   1.0587,   1.0632,   1.0311,   1.0617,   1.0150
+c     *,   1.0309,   1.0174,   1.0110,   1.0171,    .9961
+c     *,    .9719,    .9938,    .9869,    .9953,    .9966
+c     *,   1.0189,    .9977,    .9918,    .9948,   1.0034
+c     *,    .9737,   1.0066,   1.0137,   1.0041,   1.0171
+c     *,   1.0303,   1.0223,   1.0322,    .9751,   1.0331
+c     *,   1.0118,   1.0403,   1.0399,   1.0429,   1.0171
+c     *,   1.0279,   1.0467,   1.0414,   1.0217,   1.0432
+c     *,   1.0379,   1.0280,   1.0351,   1.0171,   1.0278
+c     *,   1.0314,   1.0213,   1.0133,   1.0240,   1.0080
+c     *,   1.0018,    .9964,    .9984,    .9889,    .9910
+c     *,    .9903,    .9801,    .9852,    .9853,    .9847
+c     *,    .9800,    .9832,    .9770,    .9749,    .9754
+c     *,    .9723,    .9741,    .9744,    .9738,    .9751
+c     *,    .9780,    .9738,    .9738,    .9684,    .9712
+c     *,    .9669,    .9680,    .9671,    .9576,    .9619
+c     *,    .9624,    .9585,    .9588,    .9586,    .9525
+c     *,    .9253,    .9518,    .9503,    .9491,    .9463
+c     *,    .9476,    .9420,    .9458,    .9434,    .9341
+c     *,    .9444,    .9412,    .9393,    .9395,    .9210
+c     *,    .9370,    .9358,    .8974,    .9400,    .9342
+c     *,    .9305,    .9141,    .9271,    .9267,    .9228
+c     *,    .9233,    .9219,    .9247,    .9296,    .9253
+c     *,    .9089,    .8992,    .8946,    .8992,    .9062
+c     *,    .9069,    .8874,    .9219,    .8746,    .8795
+c     *,    .8740,    .8704,    .8785,    .8795,    .8667
+c     *,    .8849,    .8510,    .8463,    .8612,    .8292
+c     *,    .8292,    .8387,    .8273,    .8273,    .8292
+c     *,    .8292,    .8349,    .8234,    .8349,    .8176
+c     *,    .8292,    .8180,    .8193,    .8154,    .8130
+c     *,    .8121,    .8145,    .8078,    .7959,    .8088
+c     *,    .8075,    .8064,    .8056,    .8086,    .8048
+c     *,    .8080,    .8068,    .8050,    .8042,    .8050
+c     *,    .8054,    .8064,    .8096,    .8095,    .8107
+c     *,    .8135,    .8234,    .8238,    .8263
+c     */
+c      data kmnecm/
+c     *    1.6212,   1.6781,   1.7053,   1.7863,   1.7882
+c     *,   1.8271,   1.9025,   2.0152,   2.1237,   2.2157
+c     *,   2.4252,   2.6054,   2.6160,   2.9441,   3.5279
+c     *,   3.6965,   4.0245,   4.4666,   4.8690,   5.1136
+c     *,   5.2406,   5.4169,   5.5877,   5.9144,   6.2241
+c     *,   6.9381,   7.5852,   8.1813,   8.7369,   9.2592
+c     *,   9.7536,  10.2241,  11.5209,  13.7525,  15.0575
+c     *,  16.8264,  17.9089,  19.4198,  21.2680,  22.9680
+c     *,  24.1646
+c     */
+c      data kmnbmx/
+c     *     .9132,    .9966,    .9772,    .9966,   1.1382
+c     *,   1.0794,    .9674,    .9167,    .8795,    .8500
+c     *,    .8482,    .8444,    .8330,    .8078,    .8349
+c     *,    .8368,    .7919,    .8146,    .8019,    .8156
+c     *,    .7999,    .7961,    .8038,    .8038,    .7949
+c     *,    .7868,    .7864,    .7910,    .7850,    .7870
+c     *,    .7906,    .7885,    .7945,    .7971,    .8011
+c     *,    .8003,    .8029,    .8082,    .8088,    .8156
+c     *,    .8189
+c     */
+c      data kppecm/
+c     *    1.4447,   1.4516,   1.4522,   1.4585,   1.4663
+c     *,   1.4750,   1.5036,   1.5050,   1.5091,   1.5239
+c     *,   1.5378,   1.5523,   1.5654,   1.5784,   1.5916
+c     *,   1.5929,   1.6014,   1.6037,   1.6050,   1.6150
+c     *,   1.6159,   1.6191,   1.6259,   1.6264,   1.6268
+c     *,   1.6328,   1.6378,   1.6461,   1.6517,   1.6587
+c     *,   1.6605,   1.6652,   1.6792,   1.6843,   1.6853
+c     *,   1.6928,   1.7073,   1.7101,   1.7210,   1.7294
+c     *,   1.7374,   1.7422,   1.7483,   1.7539,   1.7643
+c     *,   1.7662,   1.7704,   1.7789,   1.7793,   1.7864
+c     *,   1.7897,   1.8028,   1.8070,   1.8135,   1.8191
+c     *,   1.8327,   1.8355,   1.8373,   1.8517,   1.8587
+c     *,   1.8605,   1.8679,   1.8725,   1.8813,   1.8836
+c     *,   1.9038,   1.9070,   1.9289,   1.9298,   1.9321
+c     *,   1.9524,   1.9533,   1.9749,   1.9807,   1.9950
+c     *,   1.9972,   1.9994,   2.0074,   2.0193,   2.0435
+c     *,   2.0492,   2.0635,   2.0653,   2.0851,   2.1040
+c     *,   2.1066,   2.1083,   2.1279,   2.1296,   2.1490
+c     *,   2.1507,   2.1717,   2.1908,   2.1924,   2.2110
+c     *,   2.2131,   2.2213,   2.2319,   2.2335,   2.2538
+c     *,   2.2724,   2.2740,   2.2940,   2.3123,   2.3138
+c     *,   2.3375,   2.3531,   2.3725,   2.3903,   2.3918
+c     *,   2.4109,   2.4197,   2.4299,   2.4413,   2.4488
+c     *,   2.4675,   2.4861,   2.5046,   2.5230,   2.5266
+c     *,   2.5412,   2.5521,   2.5593,   2.5773,   2.5952
+c     *,   2.6130,   2.6306,   2.6482,   2.6656,   2.6829
+c     *,   2.7002,   2.7173,   3.0096,   3.0556,   3.1754
+c     *,   3.3887,   3.5239,   3.7800,   4.0200,   4.1348
+c     *,   4.4617,   4.6469,   4.7663,   4.8636,   4.9591
+c     *,   5.1263,   5.2349,   5.4110,   5.5816,   5.7308
+c     *,   5.9080,   6.0646,   6.2173,   6.9306,   7.5770
+c     *,   7.8207,   8.1725,   8.7275,   9.2493,   9.7431
+c     *,  10.2131,  11.5086,  13.7378,  15.0415,  16.6402
+c     *,  16.8085,  17.8898,  18.1501,  19.3991,  21.2453
+c     *,  22.9435,  24.1389
+c     */
+c      data kppbmx/
+c     *     .5412,    .6308,    .6024,    .6050,    .5971
+c     *,    .6037,    .6232,    .6103,    .6482,    .6601
+c     *,    .6386,    .6466,    .6438,    .6204,    .6482
+c     *,    .6358,    .6333,    .6445,    .6443,    .6346
+c     *,    .6410,    .6227,    .6283,    .6308,    .6403
+c     *,    .6290,    .6457,    .5984,    .6333,    .5955
+c     *,    .5944,    .6295,    .6346,    .6090,    .6433
+c     *,    .6383,    .6482,    .6425,    .6543,    .6588
+c     *,    .6652,    .6768,    .6730,    .6723,    .6815
+c     *,    .7040,    .6898,    .7014,    .7001,    .7181
+c     *,    .7130,    .7159,    .7067,    .7440,    .7345
+c     *,    .7365,    .7485,    .7382,    .7474,    .7574
+c     *,    .7588,    .7559,    .7590,    .7582,    .7668
+c     *,    .7592,    .7682,    .7661,    .7697,    .7548
+c     *,    .7661,    .7626,    .7626,    .7563,    .7590
+c     *,    .7578,    .7611,    .7557,    .7555,    .7506
+c     *,    .7498,    .7517,    .7508,    .7540,    .7464
+c     *,    .7538,    .7512,    .7527,    .7534,    .7527
+c     *,    .7565,    .7521,    .7529,    .7525,    .7444
+c     *,    .7517,    .7334,    .7485,    .7491,    .7510
+c     *,    .7466,    .7476,    .7478,    .7472,    .7485
+c     *,    .7378,    .7451,    .7468,    .7474,    .7476
+c     *,    .7459,    .7410,    .7461,    .7457,    .7414
+c     *,    .7464,    .7457,    .7444,    .7444,    .7444
+c     *,    .7442,    .7291,    .7421,    .7429,    .7421
+c     *,    .7397,    .7386,    .7373,    .7389,    .7384
+c     *,    .7384,    .7386,    .7378,    .7569,    .7878
+c     *,    .7548,    .7356,    .7526,    .7421,    .7715
+c     *,    .7568,    .7590,    .7777,    .7421,    .7632
+c     *,    .7464,    .7442,    .7548,    .7367,    .7736
+c     *,    .7378,    .7421,    .7455,    .7502,    .7510
+c     *,    .7653,    .7529,    .7580,    .7544,    .7614
+c     *,    .7605,    .7661,    .7703,    .7805,    .7883
+c     *,    .7850,    .7907,    .7611,    .7961,    .8023
+c     *,    .8068,    .8111
+c     */
+c      data kpnecm/
+c     *    1.6875,   1.7430,   1.7670,   1.7816,   1.7905
+c     *,   1.8144,   1.8383,   1.8615,   1.8749,   1.8846
+c     *,   1.9080,   1.9308,   1.9345,   1.9535,   1.9760
+c     *,   1.9974,   1.9983,   2.0205,   2.0460,   2.0647
+c     *,   2.0678,   2.0864,   2.1066,   2.1079,   2.1109
+c     *,   2.1292,   2.1322,   2.1504,   2.1533,   2.1743
+c     *,   2.1922,   2.1951,   2.2157,   2.2239,   2.2334
+c     *,   2.2362,   2.2565,   2.2739,   2.2767,   2.2967
+c     *,   2.3138,   2.3166,   2.3402,   2.3559,   2.3753
+c     *,   2.3919,   2.3946,   2.4138,   2.4328,   2.4517
+c     *,   2.4704,   2.4891,   2.5076,   2.5259,   2.5442
+c     *,   2.5551,   2.5623,   2.5803,   2.5982,   2.6160
+c     *,   2.6337,   2.6513,   2.6687,   2.6861,   2.7033
+c     *,   2.7204,   3.5279,   4.0245,   4.4666,   4.8690
+c     *,   5.2406,   5.4169,   5.5877,   5.9144,   6.2241
+c     *,   6.9381,   7.5852,   8.1813,   8.7369,   9.2592
+c     *,   9.7536,  10.2241,  11.5209,  13.7525,  15.0575
+c     *,  16.8264,  17.9089,  19.4198,  21.2680,  22.9680
+c     *,  24.1646
+c     */
+c      data kpnbmx/
+c     *     .7024,    .7324,    .7485,    .7527,    .7680
+c     *,    .7758,    .8100,    .8224,    .7611,    .8151
+c     *,    .8031,    .7915,    .7674,    .7842,    .7822
+c     *,    .7590,    .7791,    .7767,    .7758,    .7734
+c     *,    .7754,    .7709,    .7674,    .7713,    .7742
+c     *,    .7752,    .7748,    .7721,    .7680,    .7707
+c     *,    .7674,    .7713,    .7715,    .7695,    .7684
+c     *,    .7734,    .7682,    .7709,    .7672,    .7659
+c     *,    .7653,    .7653,    .7506,    .7626,    .7624
+c     *,    .7701,    .7588,    .7622,    .7592,    .7491
+c     *,    .7588,    .7574,    .7592,    .7582,    .7571
+c     *,    .7464,    .7559,    .7538,    .7529,    .7529
+c     *,    .7534,    .7538,    .7487,    .7487,    .7498
+c     *,    .7474,    .7464,    .7485,    .7464,    .7485
+c     *,    .7464,    .7565,    .7442,    .7485,    .7545
+c     *,    .7555,    .7542,    .7634,    .7653,    .7686
+c     *,    .7671,    .7723,    .7695,    .7785,    .7824
+c     *,    .7905,    .7927,    .7923,    .8052,    .8100
+c     *,    .8137
+c     */
+cc      data lpecm/
+cc     *    2.0577,   2.0583,   2.0593,   2.0595,   2.0609
+cc     *,   2.0617,   2.0629,   2.0642,   2.0643,   2.0647
+cc     *,   2.0666,   2.0671,   2.0683,   2.0692,   2.0709
+cc     *,   2.0720,   2.0783,   2.0818,   2.0935,   2.1022
+cc     *,   2.1058,   2.1117,   2.1326,   2.1559,   2.1731
+cc     *,   2.1811,   2.2079,   2.2360,   2.2505,   2.3107
+cc     *,   2.3733,   2.4534,   2.4695,   2.9278,   5.2476
+cc     */
+cc      data lpbmx/
+cc     *    2.5793,   2.3937,   1.9381,   2.3736,   2.0342
+cc     *,   2.2068,   1.9381,   1.8797,   1.7841,   1.7930
+cc     *,   1.2676,   1.6641,   1.4604,   1.0403,   1.3470
+cc     *,   1.0420,    .8722,    .8368,    .5323,    .5352
+cc     *,    .8867,    .5382,    .8106,    .8043,    .8058
+cc     *,    .8630,    .7031,    .7777,    .9441,   1.0403
+cc     *,    .9772,    .6628,   1.1968,   1.0555,   1.0495
+cc     */
+c      data pi1ecm/
+c     *     .45000,    .55000,    .62500,    .68750,    .73750
+c     *,    .78750,    .83750,    .88750,    .95000,   1.02500
+c     *,   1.10000,   1.17500
+c     */
+c      data pi1bmx/
+c     *     .48533,    .47873,    .55852,    .58087,    .55279
+c     *,    .49185,    .47203,    .46181,    .46181,    .47203
+c     *,    .41459,    .40684
+c     */
+c      data pi2ecm/
+c     *     .45000,    .55000,    .62500,    .68750,    .73750
+c     *,    .78750,    .83750,    .88750,    .95000,   1.02500
+c     *,   1.10000,   1.17500
+c     */
+c      data pi2bmx/
+c     *     .45135,    .80385,    .87767,   1.28779,   1.81771
+c     *,   2.07296,   1.55536,    .95912,    .94407,    .77768
+c     *,    .70467,    .54408
+c     */
+c      data pi3ecm/
+c     *     .45000,    .55000,    .61250,    .65000,    .67500
+c     *,    .70000,    .72500,    .75000,    .77500,    .80000
+c     *,    .82500,    .85000,    .87500,    .90000,    .93750
+c     *,   1.02500,   1.10000,   1.17500
+c     */
+c      data pi3bmx/
+c     *     .50463,    .79988,   1.13541,   1.30497,   1.34462
+c     *,   1.52957,   1.63809,   1.94216,   1.98511,   1.66316
+c     *,   1.69163,   1.62933,   1.06152,    .96574,    .83302
+c     *,    .71365,    .66517,    .59173
+c     */
+c      data pi4ecm/
+c     *     .28500,    .29500,    .30500,    .31500,    .37000
+c     *,    .46000,    .54375,    .61250,    .65000,    .67500
+c     *,    .70000,    .72500,    .75000,    .77500,    .80000
+c     *,    .82500,    .85000,    .87500,    .90125,    .92750
+c     *,    .96000
+c     */
+c      data pi4bmx/
+c     *     .29854,    .46181,    .54115,    .54115,    .51709
+c     *,    .72031,    .80976,    .96078,    .90798,   1.07788
+c     *,   1.37389,   1.70101,   2.02716,   1.83687,   1.52644
+c     *,   1.57469,   1.35640,    .93390,    .98531,    .84062
+c     *,    .79188
+c     */
+c      data pi5ecm/0.75,0.80,0.85,0.90,0.95,1.00,1.05,1.10,1.15/
+c      data pi5bmx/0.4,0.5,0.7,0.9,1.1,1.1,0.7,0.6,0.5/
+c      call utpri('jintcs',ish,ishini,7)
+c      ics=0
+c      if(idptl(i).gt.10000)then
+c       call idquad(i,nqi,nai,jci)
+c       if(nqi.eq.0)then
+c        idi=999
+c       else
+c        idi=9999
+c       endif
+c      else
+c       idi=idptl(i)
+c      endif
+c      if(idptl(j).gt.10000)then
+c       call idquad(j,nqj,naj,jcj)
+c       if(nqj.eq.0)then
+c        idj=999
+c       else
+c        idj=9999
+c       endif
+c      else
+c       idj=idptl(j)
+c      endif
+c      do k=1,nflav
+c       kc(k)=jc(k,1)-jc(k,2)
+c       if(nq.lt.0)kc(k)=-kc(k)
+c      enddo
+c      if(nq.lt.0)nq=-nq
+c      if(ish.ge.7)then
+c       write(ifch,*)'i:',i,' id_i:',idptl(i),' j:',j,' id_j:',idptl(j)
+c       write(ifch,*)'E_cm:',ecm,' jc:',(jc(k,1),k=1,6),(jc(k,2),k=1,6)
+c       write(ifch,*)'nq:',nq,' kc:',(kc(k),k=1,6)
+c      endif
+cc check minimal kinetic energy
+c      ekin=ecm-pptl(5,i)-pptl(5,j)
+c      if(ekin.lt.amimel)goto1000
+cc -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+c      if(iabs(idi).gt.1000.or.iabs(idj).gt.1000)then   !baryon involved
+cc -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+c       if(nq.eq.6)then !------------baryon-baryon ----->
+c        if(kc(1).eq.kc(2))then    !isospin_z=0
+cc pn
+c         if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pn chosen'
+c         if(ecm.lt.2)then
+c          call utindx(npn,pnecm,ecm,iecm)
+c          bmx=pnbmx(iecm)
+c         else
+c          p=ecm*sqrt((ecm**2/4./.94**2)-1.)
+c          if(p.lt.1.)then
+c           sig=33.+196.*(abs(0.95-p))**2.5
+c          elseif(p.lt.2)then
+c           sig=24.2+8.9*p
+c          else
+c           sig=47.3+.513*(alog(p)**2)-4.27*alog(p)
+c          endif
+c          bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c         endif
+c        else                      !isospin_z=+-1
+cc pp
+c         if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pp chosen'
+c         if(ecm.le.1.882)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(1)
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'b_mx:',bmx
+c         elseif(ecm.le.1.887)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(2)
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'b_mx:',bmx
+c         elseif(ecm.le.1.893)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(3)
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'b_mx:',bmx
+c         elseif(ecm.le.1.899)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(4)
+c         elseif(ecm.le.1.909)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(5)
+c         elseif(ecm.le.1.913)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(6)
+c         elseif(ecm.le.1.918)then
+c          bmx=ppbmx(7)
+c         else
+c          p=ecm*sqrt((ecm**2/4./.94**2)-1.)
+c          if(p.lt.0.8)then
+c           sig=23.5+1000.*(0.7-p)**4
+c          elseif(p.lt.1.5)then
+c           sig=23.5+24.6/(1+exp(-(p-1.2)/0.1))
+c          elseif(p.lt.5)then
+c           sig=41.+60.*(p-0.9)*exp(-1.2*p)
+c          else
+c           sig=48+.522*(alog(p)**2)-4.51*alog(p)
+c          endif
+c          bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c         endif
+c        endif
+c       elseif(nq.eq.0)then !-----------baryon-antibaryon ---->
+c        if(kc(1).eq.0.and.kc(2).eq.0.and.kc(3).eq.0)then  !p-ap, n-an
+cc app
+c         if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_app chosen'
+c         if(ecm.lt.2)then
+c          call utindx(napp,appecm,ecm,iecm)
+c          bmx=appbmx(iecm)
+c         else
+c          p=ecm*sqrt((ecm**2/4./.94**2)-1.)
+c          sig=38.4+77.6*p**(-.64)+.26*(alog(p)**2)-1.2*alog(p)
+c          bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c         endif
+c        else                                              !p-an, n-ap
+cc apn
+c         if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_apn chosen'
+c         if(ecm.lt.2)then
+c          call utindx(napn,apnecm,ecm,iecm)
+c          bmx=apnbmx(iecm)
+c         else
+c          p=ecm*sqrt((ecm**2/4./.94**2)-1.)
+c          sig=133.6*p**(-.7)-1.22*(alog(p)**2)+13.7*alog(p)
+c          bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c         endif
+c        endif
+c       elseif(nq.eq.3)then !----------baryon-meson ---->
+c        if(kc(3).eq.0)then
+cc no kaons involved(except for K-L)
+c         if(kc(1).eq.0.or.kc(2).eq.0)then
+cc pip
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pip chosen'
+c          if(ecm.lt.2.5)then
+c           call utindx(npip,pipecm,ecm,iecm)
+c           bmx=pipbmx(iecm)
+c          else
+c           p=sqrt(((ecm**2-0.94**2-0.14**2)/2./0.94)**2.-0.14**2)
+c           sig=16.4+19.3*p**(-.42)+.19*(alog(p)**2)
+c           bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c          endif
+c         else
+cc pim
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pim chosen'
+c          if(ecm.lt.2.5)then
+c           call utindx(npim,pimecm,ecm,iecm)
+c           bmx=pimbmx(iecm)
+c          else
+c           p=sqrt(((ecm**2-0.94**2-0.14**2)/2./0.94)**2.-0.14**2)
+c           sig=33.0+14.0*p**(-1.36)+.456*(alog(p)**2)-4.03*alog(p)
+c           bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c          endif
+c         endif
+c        elseif(kc(3).eq.1)then
+cc strange particles involved
+c         if(kc(1).eq.0.or.kc(2).eq.0)then
+cc kmn
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_kmn chosen'
+c          if(ecm.lt.2.5)then
+c           call utindx(nkmn,kmnecm,ecm,iecm)
+c           bmx=kmnbmx(iecm)
+c          else
+c           p=sqrt(((ecm**2-0.94**2-0.49**2)/2./0.94)**2.-0.49**2)
+c           sig=25.2+.38*(alog(p)**2)-2.9*alog(p)
+c           bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c          endif
+c         else
+cc kmp
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_kmp chosen'
+c          if(ecm.lt.2.5)then
+c           call utindx(nkmp,kmpecm,ecm,iecm)
+c           bmx=kmpbmx(iecm)
+c          else
+c           p=sqrt(((ecm**2-0.94**2-0.49**2)/2./0.94)**2.-0.49**2)
+c           sig=32.1+.66*(alog(p)**2)-5.6*alog(p)
+c           bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c          endif
+c         endif
+c        elseif(kc(3).eq.-1)then
+cc strange particles involved
+c         if(kc(1).eq.3.or.kc(2).eq.3)then
+cc kpp
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_kpp chosen'
+c          if(ecm.lt.2.5)then
+c           call utindx(nkpp,kppecm,ecm,iecm)
+c           bmx=kppbmx(iecm)
+c          else
+c           p=sqrt(((ecm**2-0.94**2-0.49**2)/2./0.94)**2.-0.49**2)
+c           sig=18.1+.26*(alog(p)**2)-alog(p)
+c           bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c          endif
+c         else
+cc kpn
+c          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_kpn chosen'
+c           if(ecm.lt.2.5)then
+c           call utindx(nkpn,kpnecm,ecm,iecm)
+c           bmx=kpnbmx(iecm)
+c          else
+c           p=sqrt(((ecm**2-0.94**2-0.49**2)/2./0.94)**2.-0.49**2)
+c           sig=18.7+.21*(alog(p)**2)-.89*alog(p)
+c           bmx=sqrt(sig/10./pi)
+c          endif
+c         endif
+c        elseif(kc(3).ge.2)then
+cc two strange particles involved
+c         bmx=1.
+c        elseif(kc(3).le.-2)then
+cc two strange particles involved
+c        bmx=1.
+c        endif
+c       else !-----------baryon_cluster-anything---->
+c        write(ifch,*)'i:',i,' id_i:',idptl(i),' j:',j,' id_j:',idptl(j)
+c        write(ifch,*)'r_i:',radptl(i),' r_j:',radptl(j)
+c        write(ifch,*)'E_cm:',ecm,' jc:',(jc(k,1),k=1,6),(jc(k,2),k=1,6)
+c        write(ifch,*)'nq:',nq,' kc:',(kc(k),k=1,6)
+c        bmx=radptl(i)+radptl(j)
+c       endif ! <--------------
+cc -------------------------------------
+c      else  !   meson-meson
+cc -------------------------------------
+c       call idquad(i,nqi,nai,jci)
+c       call idquad(j,nqj,naj,jcj)
+c       do l=1,nflav
+c        kci(l)=jci(l,1)-jci(l,2)
+c        kcj(l)=jcj(l,1)-jcj(l,2)
+c       enddo
+c       if(kci(3).eq.0.and.pptl(5,i).le.1.0
+c     * .and.kcj(3).eq.0.and.pptl(5,j).le.1.0)then
+c        if(kci(1).eq.0.and.kci(2).eq.0.and.pptl(5,i).le.0.5)then
+c         if(kcj(1).eq.0.and.kcj(2).eq.0.and.pptl(5,j).le.0.5)then
+cc pi0 pi0
+c          goto104
+c         elseif(kcj(1).eq.1.and.kcj(2).eq.-1)then
+cc pi0 pi+
+c          goto102
+c         elseif(kcj(1).eq.-1.and.kcj(2).eq.1)then
+cc pi0 pi-
+c          goto103
+c         else
+cc pi0 eta
+c          goto105
+c         endif
+c        elseif(kci(1).eq.1.and.kci(2).eq.-1)then
+c         if(kcj(1).eq.0.and.kcj(2).eq.0.and.pptl(5,j).le.0.5)then
+cc pi+ pi0
+c          goto102
+c         elseif(kcj(1).eq.1.and.kcj(2).eq.-1)then
+cc pi+ pi+
+c          goto101
+c         elseif(kcj(1).eq.-1.and.kcj(2).eq.1)then
+cc pi+ pi-
+c          goto104
+c         else
+cc pi+ eta
+c          goto105
+c         endif
+c        elseif(kci(1).eq.-1.and.kci(2).eq.1)then
+c         if(kcj(1).eq.0.and.kcj(2).eq.0.and.pptl(5,j).le.0.5)then
+cc pi- pi0
+c          goto103
+c         elseif(kcj(1).eq.1.and.kcj(2).eq.-1)then
+cc pi- pi+
+c          goto104
+c         elseif(kcj(1).eq.-1.and.kcj(2).eq.1)then
+cc pi- pi-
+c          goto101
+c         else
+cc pi- eta
+c          goto105
+c         endif
+c        else
+c         if(pptl(5,j).le.0.5)then
+cc eta pi
+c          goto105
+c         else
+cc eta eta
+c          goto106
+c         endif
+c        endif
+c101     continue
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pi+pi+  chosen'
+c        call utindx(npi1,pi1ecm,ecm,iecm)
+c        bmx=pi1bmx(iecm)
+c        goto110
+c102     continue
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pi+pi0  chosen'
+c        call utindx(npi2,pi2ecm,ecm,iecm)
+c        bmx=pi2bmx(iecm)
+c        goto110
+c103     continue
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pi-pi0  chosen'
+c        call utindx(npi3,pi3ecm,ecm,iecm)
+c        bmx=pi3bmx(iecm)
+c        goto110
+c104     continue
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pi-pi+  chosen'
+c        call utindx(npi4,pi4ecm,ecm,iecm)
+c        bmx=pi4bmx(iecm)
+c        goto110
+c105     continue
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_pi_eta  chosen'
+c        call utindx(npi5,pi5ecm,ecm,iecm)
+c        bmx=pi5bmx(iecm)
+c        goto110
+c106     continue
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'sig_eta_eta  chosen'
+c        bmx=0.4   ! approx.  sig=5mb
+c110     continue
+c       else !something else involved, strange etc.
+c        bmx=0.6  ! approx.  sig=10mb
+c       endif
+cc --------------------------------
+c      endif
+cc --------------------------------
+c      if(bij.le.bmx)ics=1
+c      if(ish.ge.7)then
+c      write(ifch,*)'b_mx:',bmx,' b_ij:',bij,' ics:',ics
+c      endif
+c1000  continue
+c      call utprix('jintcs',ish,ishini,7)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine jintel(i,j,p,amim,xaver)
+cc  elastic scattering of ptls i,j
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      real xaver(4)
+c      real p(5),u(5),pei(5),pej(5)
+cc     determine momenta of outgoing particles (pei,pej)
+cc     -------------------------------------------------
+c           if(p(5).le.(pptl(5,i)+pptl(5,j))*.99)then
+c      if(ish.ge.1)then
+c      call utmsg('jintel')
+c      write(ifch,132)p(5),pptl(5,i)+pptl(5,j)
+c132   format(1x,'*****  m_fus < m_i+m_j ---> qcm set zero    ( '
+c     *,2f10.3,' )')
+c      write(ifch,133)'p_i:  ',(pptl(k,i),k=1,5)
+c      write(ifch,133)'p_j:  ',(pptl(k,j),k=1,5)
+c      write(ifch,133)'p_fus:',(p(k),k=1,5)
+c133   format(1x,a6,3x,5f10.3)
+c      call utmsgf
+c      endif
+c      qcm=0.
+c           elseif(p(5).le.pptl(5,i)+pptl(5,j))then
+c      qcm=0.
+c           else
+c      qcm=utpcm(p(5),pptl(5,i),pptl(5,j))
+c           endif
+cc isotropic
+c      u(3)=2.*rangen()-1.
+c      phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+c      u(1)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*cos(phi)
+c      u(2)=sqrt(1.-u(3)**2)*sin(phi)
+c      do 47 k=1,3
+c      pei(k)= qcm*u(k)
+c47    pej(k)=-qcm*u(k)
+cc nonisotropic
+cc-c   pt=sqrt(2./pi)*ptq*sqrt(-2*alog(rangen()) !2-dim Gauss
+cc-c   if(pt.ge.qcm)pt=rangen()*qcm
+cc-c   qpl=sqrt(qcm**2-pt**2)
+cc-c   u(3)=qpl
+cc-c   phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+cc-c   u(1)=pt*cos(phi)
+cc-c   u(2)=pt*sin(phi)
+cc-c   call utaxis(i,j,a1,a2,a3)
+cc-c   ivt=1
+cc-c   if(a3.lt.0.)then
+cc-c   a1=-a1
+cc-c   a2=-a2
+cc-c   a3=-a3
+cc-c   ivt=-1
+cc-c   endif
+cc-c   call utrota(-1,a1,a2,a3,u(1),u(2),u(3))
+cc-c   do 47 k=1,3
+cc-c   pei(k)= u(k)*ivt
+cc-c47 pej(k)=-u(k)*ivt
+c      pei(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+pptl(5,i)**2)
+c      pej(4)=sqrt(qcm**2+pptl(5,j)**2)
+c      pei(5)=pptl(5,i)
+c      pej(5)=pptl(5,j)
+c      call utlobo(-1,p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),p(5)
+c     *,pei(1),pei(2),pei(3),pei(4))
+c      call utlobo(-1,p(1),p(2),p(3),p(4),p(5)
+c     *,pej(1),pej(2),pej(3),pej(4))
+cc     fill /cptl/
+cc     -----------
+c      do 49 lo=1,2
+c      nptl=nptl+1
+c      if(lo.eq.1)ij=i
+c      if(lo.eq.2)ij=j
+c      do 48 k=1,5
+c      if(lo.eq.1)pptl(k,nptl)=pei(k)
+c      if(lo.eq.2)pptl(k,nptl)=pej(k)
+c48    continue
+c      istptl(nptl)=0
+c      idptl(nptl)=idptl(ij)
+c      ibptl(1,nptl)=ibptl(1,ij)
+c      ibptl(2,nptl)=ibptl(2,ij)
+c      ibptl(3,nptl)=ibptl(3,ij)
+c      ibptl(4,nptl)=ibptl(4,ij)
+c      xorptl(1,nptl)=xaver(1)
+c      xorptl(2,nptl)=xaver(2)
+c      xorptl(3,nptl)=xaver(3)
+c      xorptl(4,nptl)=xaver(4)
+c      iorptl(nptl)=i
+c      jorptl(nptl)=j
+c      tivptl(1,nptl)=xaver(4)
+c      call idtau(idptl(nptl),pptl(4,nptl),pptl(5,nptl),taugm)
+c      tivptl(2,nptl)=tivptl(1,nptl)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+c      ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+c      ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+c      ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(ij)
+c49    continue
+c1000  return
+c      end
+c      subroutine jintfs(i,j,p,nq,jc,amim,iret)
+cc  input:
+cc    i,j: particle indices
+cc  output:
+cc    p: 5-momentum of fused ptl
+cc    nq: net quark number of fused ptl
+cc    jc: jc of fused ptl
+cc    amim : minimum mass of fused ptl
+cc    iret: return code
+cc            0=ok
+cc            1=mass p(5) less than amim
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      integer jci(nflav,2),jcj(nflav,2),jc(nflav,2)
+c      real p(5)
+c      double precision ppfus(4),pp52
+c      iret=0
+c      do 35 k=1,4
+c       p(k)=pptl(k,i)+pptl(k,j)
+c35    ppfus(k)=dble(p(k))
+c      pp52=ppfus(4)**2-ppfus(3)**2-ppfus(2)**2-ppfus(1)**2
+c      if(pp52.le.0.)then
+c       if(ish.ge.1)then
+c        call utmsg('jintfs')
+c        write(ifch,*)'*****  mfus**2 < 0    (',pp52,' )'
+c        write(ifch,*)(ppfus(m),m=1,4)
+c        call utmsgf
+c       endif
+c       goto1001
+c      endif
+c      p(5)=sngl(dsqrt(pp52))
+c      call idquad(i,nqi,nai,jci)
+c      call idquad(j,nqj,naj,jcj)
+c      do 29 n=1,nflav
+c       do 29 k=1,2
+c29    jc(n,k)=jci(n,k)+jcj(n,k)
+c      nq=0
+c      do 54 n=1,nflav
+c54    nq=nq+jc(n,1)-jc(n,2)
+c      call idcomj(jc)
+c      amim=utamnz(jc,5)+amimfs
+c      if(p(5).lt.amim)goto1001
+c      goto1000
+c1001  iret=1
+c1000  return
+c      end
+c      subroutine jintfu(i,j,p,jc)
+cc input:
+cc   i,j: particle indices
+cc   p,jc: momentum and jc of fused object
+cc outout:
+cc   id, ib, ist, ior, jor, ifr, ity of fused particle
+cc   written to /cptl/ after increasing nptl by 1
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter (mxlook=10000,mxdky=2000)
+c      common/dkytab/look(mxlook),cbr(mxdky),mode(5,mxdky)
+c      real p(5)
+c      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2),ib(4)
+c      nptl=nptl+1
+cc momentum
+c      do k=1,5
+c       pptl(k,nptl)=p(k)
+c      enddo
+c      amf=p(5)
+cc determine idr, ib(1-4)
+c      idr=0
+c      do 40 nf=1,nflav
+c      do 40 ij=1,2
+c      if(jc(nf,ij).ge.10)idr=7*10**8
+c40    continue
+c           if(idr/10**8.ne.7)then
+c      call idenco(jc,ic,ireten)
+c      if(ireten.eq.1)call utstop('jintfu: idenco ret code = 1&')
+c      id=idtra(ic,0,0,3)
+c43    amc=amf
+c      call idres(id,amc,idr,iadj)
+c          if(idr.ne.0)then
+c      lid=look(iabs(idr))
+c      if((lid.le.0.or.lid.gt.0.and.mode(2,lid).eq.0)
+c     *.and.pptl(5,nptl).gt.amc+1e-3)then
+c      amf=amf+0.010
+c      goto43
+c      endif
+c      if((lid.le.0.or.lid.gt.0.and.mode(2,lid).eq.0)
+c     *.and.abs(amc-pptl(5,nptl)).gt.1e-3)then
+c      if(ish.ge.1)then
+c      call utmsg('jintfu')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  not on mass shell after fusion: '
+c     *,pptl(5,nptl),amc
+c      call utmsgf
+c      endif
+c      endif
+c           endif
+c           if(idr.eq.0)then
+c      if(mod(ic(1),100).ne.0.or.mod(ic(2),100).ne.0)then
+c      idr=9*10**8
+c      else
+c      idr=8*10**8+ic(1)*100+ic(2)/100
+c      endif
+c           endif
+c           else
+c      call idtrbi(jc,ib(1),ib(2),ib(3),ib(4))
+c      idr=idr
+c     *+mod(jc(1,1)+jc(2,1)+jc(3,1)+jc(4,1),10**4)*10**4
+c     *+mod(jc(1,2)+jc(2,2)+jc(3,2)+jc(4,2),10**4)
+c      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'ib:',(ib(kk),kk=1,4)
+c           endif
+c      n=nptl
+cc     fill /cptl/
+cc     -----------
+c      idptl(n)=idr
+c      do k=1,4
+c      ibptl(k,n)=ib(k)
+c      enddo
+c      istptl(n)=0
+c      iorptl(n)=i
+c      jorptl(n)=j
+c      ifrptl(1,n)=0
+c      ifrptl(2,n)=0
+c      ityptl(n)=50
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine jintpo(lclean,iret)
+c  parton-ladder-fusion -- 3D grid -- based on string segments
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incico'
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      parameter(m1grid=10,kgrid=3,kegrid=3)
+      parameter(m3xgrid=21*kgrid*kegrid)
+      parameter(mxcl=4000,mxcli=1000)
+      integer idropgrid(m1grid,m1grid,m3xgrid)
+     &       ,jdropgrid(m1grid,m1grid,m3xgrid)
+     &       ,jclu(m3xgrid),nsegp4(mxcl)
+     &       ,irep(mxcl),mmji(mxcl,mxcli)
+     &       ,jccl(mxcl,nflav,2),nseg(mxcl),mseg(mxcl),kclu(mxcl)
+     &       ,naseg(0:mxcl),nfseg(mxcl),nsegmx(mxcl)
+     &       ,jc(nflav,2),ke(6),jcjj(nflav,2)
+     &       ,nsegmt(mxptl),kmean(2,1001:1000+mxcl)
+     &       ,ncluj(1001:1000+mxptl)   !,ic(2),nclk(m3xgrid)
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+     &                ,pptld(5,mxcl),p4tmp
+      double precision enp,pzp,ena,pza,ccc,sss,enew,pznew,taa2,pta2
+     .,pold,pnew,pnew2,p5a2,eeta,enf,pzf 
+      common   /cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cdelzet/delzet,delsgr /cvocell/vocell
+      common/cranphi/ranphi
+      parameter(maxp=40*mxcl)
+      dimension yrad(maxp),phirad(maxp),pe(5),yrad2(maxp),nfrag(mxptl)
+      logical first,lnew(m1grid,m1grid),lold(m1grid,m1grid),lcont,lpass
+     &,lclean
+      double precision ptest(5),ttest,p52,p4mean(4,mxcl),zor,tor,xmxms
+     &,ppp(5),be(4),energ,bp,rmean(2,mxcl)         !,qqq(5),www(5)
+      dimension mpair(mamx,mamx)
+      save ncntpo!,ntrr,ntrt
+      data ncntpo /0/!,ntrr/0/,ntrt/0/
+      ncntpo=ncntpo+1
+      call utpri('jintpo',ish,ishini,4)
+      tauico=ttaus
+      if(kigrid.gt.kgrid)then
+        write(ifmt,*)'kigrid,kgrid:',kigrid,kgrid
+        stop'jintpo: kigrid too big.          '
+      endif
+      fegrid=yhaha/5.36                 !rapidity range/rap range at RHIC
+      if(fegrid.gt.kegrid)then
+        write(ifmt,*)'fegrid,kegrid:',fegrid,kegrid
+        stop'jintpo: kegrid too small.       '
+      endif
+      m3grid=m3xgrid /kgrid *kigrid /kegrid *fegrid 
+c      if(iLHC.eq.1)m3grid=min(m3xgrid,int(m3grid*0.75))
+      if(mod(m3grid,2).eq.0)m3grid=m3grid+1
+      xgrid=8
+      sgrid=fsgrid *ttaus  *fegrid *6.0 
+      delxgr=2*xgrid/m1grid
+      delsgr=2*sgrid/m3grid
+      shiftx=(1.-2.*rangen())*rangen()*delxgr/2.
+      shifts=(1.-2.*rangen())*rangen()*delsgr/2.
+      vocell= delxgr * delxgr * delsgr
+      delzet=delsgr/ttaus
+      nptla=nptl
+      iflhc=1
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)iflhc=min(3,max(1,nsegce-1))
+      nsegsuj=max(nsegce,nint(float(nsegsu/iflhc)*fegrid))
+      xmxms=150d0      !maximum mass for a subcluster
+      if(ncntpo.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,*)'EPOS used with FUSION option'
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+      print*,'+',('-',i=1,57)
+      print*,'| ttaus sgrid nsegce:',ttaus,fsgrid,'  ',nsegce
+      print*,'| sgrid  delxgr delsgr vocell:',sgrid,delxgr,delsgr,vocell
+      print*,'+',('-',i=1,57)
+        endif
+      endif
+c      print*,'+',('-',i=1,57)
+c...compute x,y,z
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'compute x,y,z'
+      do n=1,nptla
+        iaaptl(n)=1
+        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        ! the following check is important for  ioclude= 4 or 5 
+        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        if(ioclude.ne.3.and.istptl(n).eq.10)then
+        stop'\n\n remnant cluster detected in jintpo\n\n'
+        endif
+        if(istptl(n).eq.0.or.istptl(n).eq.10)then
+          call jtain(n,xptl(n),yptl(n),zptl(n),tptl(n),nnn,0)
+          call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taurem)
+          if(abs(taurem).gt.1e-6.and.
+     .    ityptl(n).ge.40.and.ityptl(n).le.59.and.nnn.eq.1)then
+           iaaptl(n)=0         !!!!nnn=1: ptl lives later
+c           print*,n,ityptl(n),idptl(iorptl(n)),istptl(iorptl(n)),nnn 
+          endif
+          call jtaus(zptl(n),tz,sptl(n))
+          strap=1e10
+          xpl=tptl(n)+zptl(n)
+          xmi=tptl(n)-zptl(n)
+          if(xmi.gt.0.0.and.xpl.gt.0.0)then
+            strap=0.5*log(xpl/xmi)
+          else           !particle at eta=inf
+            iaaptl(n)=0    
+          endif
+          dezptl(n)=strap       !space-time-rapidity
+c          write(ifch,*)'dez ???',n,nnn,taurem,ityptl(n)
+c     & ,pptl(4,n),pptl(3,n),idptl(n),xptl(n),yptl(n),zptl(n),sptl(n)
+        else
+          iaaptl(n)=0    
+          xptl(n)=0.
+          yptl(n)=0.
+          zptl(n)=0.
+          sptl(n)=0.
+          dezptl(n)=1e10
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ntry=0
+c...valid particles
+c      print *,'start -----------------------------------------'
+      ptmax=ptclu**2
+      nptlo=1
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)nptlo=maproj+matarg+1
+      do n=1,nptla
+       !random number calls before if's
+       !to keep random number sequence for testing
+        rdm=rangen()
+        if(istptl(n).eq.0)then
+          call idquac(n,idum1,idum2,idum3,jc)
+        else
+          jc(4,1)=0
+          jc(4,2)=0
+        endif
+       if(iaaptl(n).ne.0)then
+        if(istptl(n).ne.10)then
+          pt2=pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+          am2tmp=(pptl(4,n)+pptl(3,n))*(pptl(4,n)-pptl(3,n))-pt2
+          if(n.le.nptlo)then         !spectators
+            iaaptl(n)=0
+          elseif(ityptl(n).eq.47.or.ityptl(n).eq.57)then
+            iaaptl(n)=0        !no active spectators
+          elseif(istptl(n).ne.0.or.ityptl(n).ge.60)then
+            iaaptl(n)=0
+          elseif(abs(idptl(n)).le.100)then
+            iaaptl(n)=0         !no fundamental particle (electron...)
+         !elseif(ityptl(n).eq.41.or.ityptl(n).eq.51)then
+         !  iaaptl(n)=0     !avoid particles coming from remnant droplet decay
+         !                       !(already droplet decay products !)
+          elseif(abs(am2tmp-pptl(5,n)*pptl(5,n)).gt.30.)then
+            iaaptl(n)=0         !to discard off shell particles
+          elseif(jc(4,1).ne.0.or.jc(4,2).ne.0)then
+            iaaptl(n)=0         !to discard charmed particles
+          elseif(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            if(pt2.lt.1.e-3)then
+              iaaptl(n)=0           !to discard slow proton (spectators)
+            elseif(ptclu.gt.0.)then
+             if(pt2.gt.(1.5*ptclu)**2)then
+              ptmax=max(ptmax,pt2)
+              if(ioquen.eq.0.or.fploss.le.0.)then  !high pt particle escape
+                iaaptl(n)=0
+              elseif(fploss.gt.1.e10)then   !high pt particle absorbed
+                iaaptl(n)=1
+              else                       
+                iaaptl(n)=-1                !high pt particle lose energy
+              endif
+             elseif(pt2.gt.(0.5*ptclu)**2)then
+              if(rdm.lt.(sqrt(pt2)-0.5*ptclu)/ptclu)then
+                ptmax=max(ptmax,pt2)
+                if(ioquen.eq.0.or.fploss.le.0.)then !high pt particle escape
+                  iaaptl(n)=0
+                elseif(fploss.gt.1.e10)then !high pt particle absorbed
+                  iaaptl(n)=1
+                else                       
+                  iaaptl(n)=-1  !high pt particle lose energy
+                endif
+              endif
+             endif
+            else
+              if(ioquen.eq.0.or.fploss.le.0.)then  !high pt particle escape
+                iaaptl(n)=0
+              elseif(fploss.gt.1.e10)then   !high pt particle absorbed
+                iaaptl(n)=1
+              else                       
+                iaaptl(n)=-1                !high pt particle lose energy
+              endif
+            endif
+          elseif(pt2.gt.(1.5*ptclu)**2)then
+            ptmax=max(ptmax,pt2)
+            if(maproj.lt.20.or.matarg.lt.20.or.ioquen.eq.0)then
+              iaaptl(n)=0
+            endif
+          elseif(pt2.gt.(0.5*ptclu)**2)then
+            if(rdm.lt.(sqrt(pt2)-0.5*ptclu)/ptclu)then
+              if(maproj.lt.20.or.matarg.lt.20.or.ioquen.eq.0)iaaptl(n)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+       endif
+c        if(iaaptl(n).eq.0.and.abs(idptl(n)).le.10000.and.abs(idptl(n))
+c     &    .ge.100.and.mod(abs(idptl(n)),100).ne.0
+c     &   .and.ityptl(n).ne.0.and.ityptl(n).lt.50)
+c     &  print*,'not selected',idptl(n),ityptl(n),pptl(4,n)
+      enddo
+c...Start cluster formation
+ 8888 continue
+      nsegsuj=max(nsegce,nint(nsegsuj/1.08**ntry))
+      ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.gt.90)        !do not put more than 100 or change limit for p4mean
+     &call utstop('jintpo: cluster formation impossible ! &')
+      nptl=nptla
+      do 1 k=1,m3grid
+      do 1 j=1,m1grid
+      do 1 i=1,m1grid
+      idropgrid(i,j,k)=0
+  1   continue
+c...count string segments in cell
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'count string segments in cell'
+      do n=1,nptla
+        if(iaaptl(n).ne.0)then
+          i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+          j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+          k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+          if(  i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &    .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &    .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+            nfrag(n)=1
+            if(iLHC.eq.1)then  !count number of quarks to absorbe more baryon than mesons
+              call idquac(n,idum1,idum2,idum3,jc)
+              nfrag(n)=0
+              do nj=1,2
+                do ni=1,nflav
+                  nfrag(n)=nfrag(n)+ni*jc(ni,nj)
+                enddo
+              enddo
+            endif
+c            print *,idptl(n),nfrag(n)
+            idropgrid(i,j,k)=idropgrid(i,j,k)+nfrag(n)
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+cc...check high pt segments
+c      !to use this part one has to define:
+c      !...  1 = valid
+c      !... -1 = valid but high pt
+c      !...  0 = not valid
+c      esu=0
+c      do i=1,nptla
+c      if(istptl(i).eq.0.or.istptl(i).eq.3)esu=esu+pptl(4,i)
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifmt,'(a,41x,f15.1)')' +++++Eajint+++++',esu
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'check high pt segments'
+      if(fploss.gt.0.0)then
+      ein=0
+      elo=0
+      do n=1,nptla
+        delen=0.
+        if(iaaptl(n).eq.-1)then
+          i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+          j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+          k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+          if(   i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &     .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &     .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+           iescape=0  
+           xa=xptl(n)
+           ya=yptl(n)
+           eta=dezptl(n)
+           pz=pptl(3,n)
+           en=pptl(4,n)
+           taa2=pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2+pptl(5,n)**2
+           pza=pz   
+           ena=sqrt(taa2+pza**2)
+           enaxx=en  
+           p5a2=pptl(5,n)**2
+           pta2=pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+           !transform to bjo
+           eeta=eta
+           ccc=cosh(eeta)  
+           sss=sinh(eeta)  
+           enp= ena*ccc-pza*sss
+           pzp=-ena*sss+pza*ccc
+           vz=pzp/enp
+           vx=pptl(1,n)/enp
+           vy=pptl(2,n)/enp
+           !print*,'+++++++',eta,vz,pz/en
+           if(vx.ne.0.0.or.vy.ne.0.0)then
+             if(abs(vx).ge.abs(vy))then
+               ica=1
+               rat=vy/vx
+               is=sign(1.,vx)
+               l=i
+               va=xa
+               wa=ya
+             else
+               ica=2
+               rat=vx/vy
+               is=sign(1.,vy)
+               l=j
+               va=ya
+               wa=xa
+             endif
+             if(is.eq.-1)then
+               imax=1
+             else                 !if(is.eq. 1)
+               imax=m1grid
+             endif
+             vr=sqrt(vx**2+vy**2)
+             ratx=vz/vr
+             qu=fploss*delxgr*sqrt(1+rat**2)*sqrt(1+ratx**2)
+             do lu=l,imax,is
+              vu=-(xgrid+shiftx)+(lu-0.5)*delxgr
+              wu=wa+rat*(vu-va)
+              mu=1+(wu+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+              if(mu.ge.1.and.mu.le.m1grid)then
+                if(ica.eq.1)then
+                  ix=lu
+                  jx=mu
+                else
+                  ix=mu
+                  jx=lu
+                endif 
+                if(idropgrid(i,j,k).ge.nsegce)then
+                  dens=float(idropgrid(ix,jx,k))/float(iflhc)
+                else
+                  dens=0
+                endif
+                !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+                ! DeltaE ~ sqrt(T**3*E) * dL (BDMPS2008)
+                ! -> DeltaE ~ dens^3/8 * sqrt(E) *dL
+                !del=dens**(3./8.)*max(1.,sqrt(pptl(4,n))) 
+                !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+                escale=6
+                xen=enp/escale
+                del=0.02*dens**(3./8.)*max(1.,sqrt(xen)) 
+                delen=delen+del*escale*qu
+c                if(k.ge.m3grid/2-2.and.k.le.m3grid/2+4)
+c     &               write(ifch,'(2i3,4x,2i3,4x,2i3,4x,i3,3f7.3)')
+c     &               k,ica,i,j,ix,jx,idropgrid(ix,jx,k),qu,delen
+c     &               ,pptl(4,n)-delen
+               endif
+             enddo
+           endif
+           pold=sqrt(pta2+pzp**2)
+           enew=enp-delen
+           pnew2=enew**2-p5a2
+           if(enew.gt.0..and.pnew2.gt.0.)iescape=1  
+           if(iescape.eq.1)then  
+              iaaptl(n)=0
+              idropgrid(i,j,k)=idropgrid(i,j,k)-nfrag(n)
+              if(idropgrid(i,j,k).lt.0)stop'jintpo: not possible.    '
+              pnew=sqrt(pnew2)
+              p1=pnew*pptl(1,n)/pold
+              p2=pnew*pptl(2,n)/pold
+              pznew=pnew*pzp   /pold      
+              enf= enew*ccc+pznew*sss
+              pzf= enew*sss+pznew*ccc
+              if(ish.ge.1.and.enf.gt.ena.or.enf.ne.enf)then
+                if(ish.ge.1.and.(enf-ena.gt.0.1d0.or.enf.ne.enf))then
+                write(ifmt,*)'WWWW en gain for eta =',eta
+                write(ifmt,*)'e pz bf (lab)',ena,pza,enaxx
+                write(ifmt,*)'e pz bf (bjo)',enp,pzp   ,enp**2-pzp**2
+                write(ifmt,*)'e pz af (bjo)',enew,pznew,enew**2-pznew**2
+                write(ifmt,*)'e pz af (lab)',enf,pzf   ,enf**2-pzf**2
+c                stop
+                endif
+              elseif(delen.gt.1e-3)then
+c create fake particle with energy lost in cluster
+                nptl=nptl+1   
+                nptla=nptla+1
+                istptl(nptl)=3  !daughter part of cluster
+                iaaptl(nptl)=1
+                pptl(1,nptl)=pptl(1,n)-p1
+                pptl(2,nptl)=pptl(2,n)-p2
+                pptl(3,nptl)=pptl(3,n)-pzf
+                pptl(4,nptl)=pptl(4,n)-enf
+                do l=1,3
+                  xorptl(l,nptl)=xorptl(l,n)
+                enddo
+          ! mother
+                pptl(1,n)=p1
+                pptl(2,n)=p2
+                pptl(3,n)=pzf     
+                tivptl(1,n)=xorptl(4,n)
+                pptl(4,n)=sqrt(pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+     &                        +pptl(3,n)**2+pptl(5,n)**2)
+                if(abs(pptl(4,n)-enf).gt.0.01*pptl(4,n))
+     &   print *,'jintpo eloss',pptl(4,n),enf,(pptl(4,n)-enf)/pptl(4,n)
+                call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+                tivptl(2,n)=tivptl(1,n)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+                ifrptl(1,n)=nptl
+          ! daughter
+                pptl(5,nptl)=0.
+                pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+     &                           +pptl(3,nptl)**2+pptl(5,nptl)**2)
+                xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,n)
+                tivptl(1,nptl)=tivptl(1,n)
+                iorptl(nptl)=n
+                jorptl(nptl)=0
+                idptl(nptl)=idptl(n)*100+sign(99,idptl(n))
+                ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(n)+2
+                xptl(nptl)=xptl(n)
+                yptl(nptl)=yptl(n)
+                zptl(nptl)=zptl(n)
+                sptl(nptl)=sptl(n)
+                dezptl(nptl)=dezptl(n)
+                if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'--> Virtual particle : ',nptl
+     & ,idptl(nptl),iorptl(nptl),ityptl(nptl),(pptl(kk,nptl),kk=1,5)
+              endif
+              elo= elo+ena-pptl(4,n)  
+              !write(ifch,*)n,'      escape'
+           else
+              iaaptl(n)=1
+              ein=ein+pptl(4,n) 
+              !write(ifch,*)n,'core'
+           endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      else
+      do n=1,nptla
+        if(iaaptl(n).eq.-1)then
+          iaaptl(n)=0
+        endif
+      enddo
+      endif
+c      eloss=esu
+c      esu=0
+c      do i=1,nptla
+c      if(istptl(i).eq.0.or.istptl(i).eq.3)esu=esu+pptl(4,i)
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifmt,'(a,41x,f15.1)')' +++++Eajint+++++',esu
+c      eloss=eloss-esu
+c      write(ifch,*)'+++++ein,elo,eloss ',ein,elo,eloss
+c      do n=1,nptla
+c        if(iaaptl(n).eq.-1)then
+c          i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+c          j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+c          k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+c          if(  i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+c     &    .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+c     &    .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+c            if(idropgrid(i,j,k).lt.2*nsegce)then  !surface segments
+c              iaaptl(n)=0
+c              idropgrid(i,j,k)=idropgrid(i,j,k)-1
+c              if(idropgrid(i,j,k).lt.0)stop'jintpo: not possible.    '
+cc           else
+cc             iaaptl(n)=1
+c           endif
+c          endif
+c        endif
+c      enddo
+      endif
+c...identify clusters
+      ifirst=0
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'identify clusters'
+      do k=1,m3grid !~~~~~~k-loop
+        jjj=0
+        do j=1,m1grid
+          first=.true.
+          do i=1,m1grid
+            if(idropgrid(i,j,k).ge.nsegce)then
+              if(first)then
+                ifirst=i
+                jjj=jjj+1
+                if(jjj.gt.mxcl)stop'jintpo: mxcl too small.   '
+                irep(jjj)=0
+                jj=jjj
+                first=.false.
+              endif
+              jdropgrid(i,j,k)=jj
+              if(j.gt.1)then
+               if(jdropgrid(i,j-1,k).ne.0)then
+                jjo=jdropgrid(i,j-1,k)
+                if(jjo.lt.jj)then
+                  if(jj.eq.jjj)jjj=jjj-1
+                  jjx=jj
+                  jj=jjo
+                  do ii=ifirst,i
+                    jdropgrid(ii,j,k)=jj
+                    if(jdropgrid(ii,j-1,k).eq.jjx)then
+                      if(jjx.gt.jjj)jjj=jjj+1
+                      jja=jjx
+                      jjb=jj
+  90                  continue
+                      if(irep(jja).eq.0.or.irep(jja).eq.jjb)then
+                        irep(jja)=jjb
+                      else
+                        mn=min(irep(jja),jjb)
+                        mx=max(irep(jja),jjb)
+                        irep(jja)=mn
+                        jja=mx
+                        jjb=mn
+                        goto 90
+                      endif
+                    endif
+                  enddo
+                elseif(jdropgrid(i,j-1,k).gt.jj)then
+                  irep(jjo)=jj
+                endif
+               endif
+              endif
+            else
+              jdropgrid(i,j,k)=0
+              first=.true.
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        !~~~~cluster jj ---> cluster irep(jj)
+        do jj=jjj,1,-1
+         if(irep(jj).ne.0)then
+           do j=1,m1grid
+             do i=1,m1grid
+               if(jdropgrid(i,j,k).eq.jj)jdropgrid(i,j,k)=irep(jj)
+             enddo
+           enddo
+         endif
+        enddo
+        !~~~~~remove empty cluster indices
+        jjjx=jjj
+        jjj=0
+        jj=0
+        do jjx=1,jjjx
+         if(irep(jjx).eq.0)then
+           jj=jj+1
+           jjj=jjj+1
+         else
+           do j=1,m1grid
+             do i=1,m1grid
+               if(jdropgrid(i,j,k).gt.jj)
+     &           jdropgrid(i,j,k)=jdropgrid(i,j,k)-1
+             enddo
+           enddo
+         endif
+        enddo
+        !~~~~~
+        jclu(k)=jjj
+      enddo !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END k-loop
+c...add segments to avoid holes
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'add segments from holes'
+      if(iohole.eq.1.and.iLHC.eq.1)then
+      do 83 n=1,nptla
+        if(iaaptl(n).eq.0)goto 83
+        ihit=0
+        i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+        if(    i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+          jgr=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+          nplus=idropgrid(i,j,k)
+          if(jgr.eq.0)then          
+            isgi=1
+            if(rangen().gt.0.5)isgi=-1
+            isgj=1
+            if(rangen().gt.0.5)isgj=-1
+            isgk=1
+            if(rangen().gt.0.5)isgk=-1
+            do ii=i-isgi,i+isgi,isgi
+            do jj=j-isgj,j+isgj,isgj
+            do kk=k-isgk,k+isgk,2*isgk
+              if(  ii.ge.1.and.ii.le.m1grid
+     .        .and.jj.ge.1.and.jj.le.m1grid
+     .        .and.kk.ge.1.and.kk.le.m3grid)then
+          if(jdropgrid(ii,jj,kk).gt.0)nplus=nplus+1
+c                 nplus=idropgrid(ii,jj,kk)+iflhc
+                 if(nplus.ge.nsegce)then
+                   ihit=1
+c                   goto 84
+                 endif
+              endif
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+c   84   continue
+        if(ihit.eq.1)then
+          idropgrid(i,j,k)=nplus!idropgrid(i,j,k)+iflhc
+c add cell randomly to adjacent cluster if any
+          isgi=1
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)isgi=-1
+          isgj=1
+          if(rangen().gt.0.5)isgj=-1
+          do ii=i-isgi,i+isgi,2*isgi
+            do jj=j-isgj,j+isgj,2*isgj
+              if(  ii.ge.1.and.ii.le.m1grid
+     .        .and.jj.ge.1.and.jj.le.m1grid)then
+                jjj=jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)
+                if(jjj.gt.0)then
+                  jdropgrid(i,j,k)=jjj
+                  goto 83
+                endif
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+c if no adjacent cluster, create a new one
+          jclu(k)=jclu(k)+1
+          jdropgrid(i,j,k)=jclu(k)
+        endif
+  83  continue
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        write(ifch,*)'segment positions'
+        do k=1,m3grid
+        write(ifch,*)'k=',k,'  jclu=',jclu(k)
+     &              ,'  s=',(k-1)*delsgr-sgrid-shifts
+         do j=m1grid,1,-1
+        write(ifch,'(10i4,3x,10i4)')(idropgrid(i,j,k),i=1,m1grid)
+     &                ,(jdropgrid(i,j,k),i=1,m1grid)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+c...absolute clusters numbering (for all k)
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'absolute clusters numbering'
+      if(iLHC.eq.-1)then    !fuse touching clusters along k  (not used)
+c        midbin=m3grid/2
+c        if(rangen().gt.0.5)midbin=midbin+1
+        jjj=1000
+        k=1
+        jclu(k)=0
+        do j=1,m1grid
+          do i=1,m1grid
+            if(jdropgrid(i,j,k).gt.0)then
+              jclu(k)=jclu(k)+1
+              jjj=jjj+1
+              ncluj(jjj)=0
+              kmean(1,jjj)=k
+              kmean(2,jjj)=k
+              jjx=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+              do jj=j,m1grid
+                do ii=i,m1grid
+                  if(jdropgrid(ii,jj,k).eq.jjx)then
+                    jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)=jjj
+                    ncluj(jjj)=ncluj(jjj)+idropgrid(ii,jj,k)
+                  endif
+                enddo
+              enddo
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        do k=2,m3grid
+          do j=1,m1grid
+            do i=1,m1grid
+              lnew(i,j)=.true.
+              lold(i,j)=.true.
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          jclu(k)=0
+          do j=1,m1grid
+            do i=1,m1grid
+              if(lnew(i,j).and.jdropgrid(i,j,k).gt.0)then
+                lcont=.false.
+                if(jdropgrid(i,j,k-1).gt.0)then
+                  jj0=jdropgrid(i,j,k-1)
+                  nlim=0
+                  if(jj0.gt.1000)nlim=ncluj(jj0)
+                  if(nlim.lt.nsegsuj)then
+                    jclu(k)=jclu(k)+1
+                    jjx=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+                    if(jjx.gt.jj0)then
+                      do jj=jjx,jjj
+                        ncluj(jj)=ncluj(jj+1)
+                        kmean(1,jj)=kmean(1,jj+1)
+                        kmean(2,jj)=kmean(2,jj+1)
+                      enddo
+                      jjj=jjj-1
+                      jclu(k)=jclu(k)-1
+                    endif
+                    kmean(2,jj0)=k
+                    do jj=1,m1grid
+                      do ii=1,m1grid
+                        if(lnew(ii,jj))then
+                          if(jdropgrid(ii,jj,k).eq.jjx)then
+                            jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)=jj0
+                            ncluj(jj0)=ncluj(jj0)+idropgrid(ii,jj,k)
+                            lnew(ii,jj)=.false.
+                   elseif(jdropgrid(ii,jj,k).gt.jjx.and.jjx.gt.jj0)then
+                            jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)=jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)-1
+                          endif
+                        endif
+                      enddo
+                    enddo
+                  else
+                    lcont=.true.
+                  endif
+                else
+                  lcont=.true.
+                endif
+                if(lcont.and.lold(i,j))then
+                  jclu(k)=jclu(k)+1
+                  jjj=jjj+1
+                  ncluj(jjj)=0
+                  kmean(1,jjj)=k
+                  kmean(2,jjj)=k
+                  jjx=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+                  do jj=j,m1grid
+                    do ii=i,m1grid
+                      if(jdropgrid(ii,jj,k).eq.jjx)then
+                        jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)=jjj
+                        ncluj(jjj)=ncluj(jjj)+idropgrid(ii,jj,k)
+                        lold(ii,jj)=.false.
+                      endif
+                    enddo
+                  enddo
+                endif
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        jjs=0
+        do jj=1001,jjj
+          jjs=jjs+1
+          kclu(jjs)=(kmean(1,jj)+kmean(2,jj))/2
+          nseg(jjs)=0
+          nsegp4(jjs)=0
+          p4mean(1,jjs)=0d0   
+          p4mean(2,jjs)=0d0   
+          p4mean(3,jjs)=0d0   
+          p4mean(4,jjs)=0d0   
+          rmean(1,jjs)=0d0      !cluster distance to center
+          rmean(2,jjs)=0d0      !cluster maximal radius
+        enddo
+        do k=1,m3grid
+          do j=1,m1grid
+            do i=1,m1grid
+              if(jdropgrid(i,j,k).gt.0)then
+                jdropgrid(i,j,k)=jdropgrid(i,j,k)-1000
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        jjj=jjj-1000
+      else
+        jjj=jclu(1)
+        do k=2,m3grid
+          do j=1,m1grid
+            do i=1,m1grid
+              if(jdropgrid(i,j,k).gt.0)
+     &             jdropgrid(i,j,k)=jdropgrid(i,j,k)+jjj
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          jjj=jjj+jclu(k)
+        enddo
+        jjs=0
+        do k=1,m3grid
+          do jj=1,jclu(k)
+            jjs=jjs+1
+            kclu(jjs)=k
+            nseg(jjs)=0
+            nsegp4(jjs)=0
+            p4mean(1,jjs)=0d0   
+            p4mean(2,jjs)=0d0   
+            p4mean(3,jjs)=0d0   
+            p4mean(4,jjs)=0d0   
+            rmean(1,jjs)=0d0    !cluster distance to center
+            rmean(2,jjs)=0d0    !cluster maximal radius
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      do 20 i=1,maproj
+      do 20 j=1,matarg
+ 20   mpair(j,i)=0   
+c...calculate mean energy of segments going into in clusters
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     &'calculate mean energy of segments going into in clusters'
+      rmax=0.
+      do 95 n=1,nptla
+        if(iaaptl(n).eq.0)goto 95
+        i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+        if(    i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+          jj=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+          if(jj.gt.0)then
+            nsegp4(jj)=nsegp4(jj)+1
+            io=iorptl(n)
+            if(iLHC.eq.1.and.ityptl(n).lt.40.and.io.gt.0)then !look for corresponding pair of nucleons
+              if(iorptl(io).gt.0)then
+                do while(iorptl(iorptl(io)).ge.0)
+                  io=iorptl(io)
+                enddo
+                ip=iorptl(io)
+                it=jorptl(io)-maproj
+                if(ip.gt.0.and.it.gt.0)mpair(it,ip)=mpair(it,ip)+1
+              endif
+            endif
+            do kk=1,4
+              p4mean(kk,jj)=p4mean(kk,jj)+dble(pptl(kk,n))
+            enddo
+            rr=sqrt(xptl(n)**2+yptl(n)**2)
+            rmean(1,jj)=rmean(1,jj)+rr
+            rmax=max(rr,rmax)
+c           if(jj.eq.9)write(ifch,*)'after',n
+c     & ,pptl(4,n),pptl(3,n),idptl(n),jj,nseg(jj),i,j,k
+          elseif(istptl(n).eq.3)then   !virtual particle is lost (no cluster here)
+            iaaptl(n) = 0   !don't use this particle next time
+            istptl(n) = 5
+            ior=iorptl(n)
+            ifrptl(1,ior) = 0
+            ifrptl(2,ior) = 0
+            do k=1,3         !restore energy to mother particle
+              pptl(k,ior)=pptl(k,ior)+pptl(k,n)
+            enddo
+            pptl(4,ior)=sqrt(pptl(1,ior)**2+pptl(2,ior)**2
+     &                          +pptl(3,ior)**2+pptl(5,ior)**2)
+            call idtau(idptl(ior),pptl(4,ior),pptl(5,ior),taugm)
+            tivptl(2,ior)=tivptl(1,ior)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+          endif
+        endif
+ 95   continue
+      ectot=0.
+      amctot=0.
+      maptot=0
+      mapmax=0
+      npair=0
+      do jj=1,jjj
+        ectot=ectot+p4mean(4,jj)
+        amctot=amctot+(p4mean(4,jj)+p4mean(3,jj))
+     &     *(p4mean(4,jj)-p4mean(3,jj))-p4mean(1,jj)**2-p4mean(2,jj)**2
+        if(nsegp4(jj).ge.nsegce/iflhc)then
+          p4mean(4,jj)=p4mean(4,jj)/dble(nsegp4(jj))
+          rmean(1,jj)=rmean(1,jj)/dble(nsegp4(jj))
+        else
+          p4mean(4,jj)=1d50
+          rmean(1,jj)=-1d0
+        endif
+      enddo
+      yco=0.
+      ycor=1.
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.amctot.gt.0.)then
+        do ip=1,maproj
+          do it=1,matarg
+            if(mpair(it,ip).gt.0)npair=npair+1
+            mapmax=max(mapmax,mpair(it,ip))
+            maptot=maptot+mpair(it,ip)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        amctot=sqrt(amctot)
+        if(amctot.gt.amuseg**2)then
+          visco=1.
+          yrmaxi=yradmx
+c          if(fvisco.gt.0)yrmaxi=yrmaxi*(1.-visco)
+          yrmaxi=yrmaxi*log(exp(yradpi)+amctot**2)
+c          yrmaxi=yrmaxi*amctot**yradpi
+          if(yrmaxi.gt.1e-2)then
+            yyrmax=dble(yrmaxi)
+            fradflii=sngl(1d0/
+     &         ((sinh(yyrmax)*yyrmax-cosh(yyrmax)+1d0)/(yyrmax**2/2d0)))
+          else
+            yrmaxi=0.
+            fradflii=1.
+          endif
+        else
+          amctot=1.
+          visco=0.
+          fradflii=1.
+          yrmaxi=ainfin         !to define ityptl as 19 if mass is too low (aumin=amuseg+yrmaxi in epos-hnb.f)
+        endif
+        if(ylongmx.lt.0.)then
+          delzet=abs(ylongmx)*log(exp(yradmi)+amctot**2)
+c          delzet=abs(ylongmx)*log(exp(yradmi)+amctot)
+c          delzet=abs(ylongmx)*amctot**yradmi
+          yco=delzet            !* 1.75
+        else
+          yco=ylongmx
+        endif
+        ycor=yco
+        if(fvisco.gt.0.)ycor=0.
+        if(ycor.gt.1.e-2)then
+          ycor=sqrt(sinh(ycor)/ycor)/fradflii
+        else
+          ycor=1.
+        endif
+      else
+        if(ylongmx.lt.0)delzet=1.75*delzet
+      endif
+c...mark segments going into in clusters, count them
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'mark segments going into in clusters'
+      do 96 n=1,nptla
+        if(iaaptl(n).eq.0)goto 96
+        i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+        if(    i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+          jj=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+          if(jj.gt.0)then
+          ! count only particles with reasonnable energy
+            pt2=pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2+pptl(5,n)**2
+            am2tmp=(pptl(4,n)+pptl(3,n))*(pptl(4,n)-pptl(3,n))-pt2
+            if(abs(am2tmp).lt.0.1.or.
+     &         dble(pptl(4,n)).le.100.d0/dble(ntry)*p4mean(4,jj))then
+              istptl(n) = 3
+              nseg(jj)=nseg(jj)+1
+              if(rmean(1,jj).gt.0d0)then
+                rmean(2,jj)=max(rmean(2,jj)
+     &                   ,abs(rmean(1,jj)-sqrt(xptl(n)**2+yptl(n)**2)))
+c      print *,'r',jj,rmean(1,jj),sqrt(xptl(n)**2+yptl(n)**2),rmean(2,jj)
+              endif
+c           if(jj.eq.9)write(ifch,*)'after',n
+c     & ,pptl(4,n),pptl(3,n),idptl(n),jj,nseg(jj),i,j,k
+            else
+c              write(ifmt,*)'Rejected particle : ',n,idptl(n)
+             if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Rejected particle : ',n,idptl(n)
+     & ,ityptl(n),(pptl(kk,n),kk=1,5),am2tmp
+     & ,dble(pptl(4,n))/dble(nsegp4(jj)),p4mean(4,jj),nsegp4(jj),jj
+              nsegp4(jj)=nsegp4(jj)-1
+              iaaptl(n)=0
+c        if(iaaptl(n).eq.0)print*,'rejected',idptl(n),ityptl(n)
+c     &                                         ,pptl(4,n)
+              if(nsegp4(jj).ge.nsegce/iflhc)then
+                p4mean(4,jj)=(p4mean(4,jj)*dble(nsegp4(jj)+1)-pptl(4,n))
+     &               /dble(nsegp4(jj))
+              else
+                p4mean(4,jj)=1d50
+              endif
+            endif
+         endif
+        endif
+  96  continue
+c...add segments moving towards clusters
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'add segments moving towards clusters'
+      if(iocluin.eq.1)then
+      do 93 n=1,nptla
+        if(iaaptl(n).eq.0)goto 93
+        ihit=0
+        i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+        if(    i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+          jgr=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+          if(jgr.eq.0)then
+           if(i.ge.m1grid/2)then
+            isi=-1
+           else
+            isi=1
+           endif
+           if(j.ge.m1grid/2)then
+            jsi=-1
+           else
+            jsi=1
+           endif
+            do ii=i,i+2*isi,isi
+             do jj=j,j+2*jsi,jsi
+               if(.not.(ii.eq.i.and.jj.eq.j))then
+                if(ii.ge.1.and.ii.le.m1grid
+     .          .and.jj.ge.1.and.jj.le.m1grid)then
+                 jg=jdropgrid(ii,jj,k)
+                 if(jg.gt.0)then
+c                  if(nseg(jg).gt.50)then
+                   x=xptl(n)
+                   y=yptl(n)
+                   vrad=( x*pptl(1,n)/pptl(4,n)+y*pptl(2,n)/pptl(4,n))
+                    if(vrad.lt.0.)then
+                     ihit=1
+                     goto 94
+                    endif
+c                  endif
+                 endif
+                endif
+               endif
+             enddo
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+   94   continue
+        if(ihit.eq.1)then
+         delx=delxgr*(ii-i)
+         dely=delxgr*(jj-j)
+         xn=xptl(n)+delx
+         yn=yptl(n)+dely
+         ix=1+(xn+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+         jx=1+(yn+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+         jgrx=jdropgrid(ix,jx,k)
+         if(jgrx.gt.0)then
+          xptl(n)=xn
+          yptl(n)=yn
+          istptl(n) = 3
+          nseg(jgrx)=nseg(jgrx)+1
+          if(rmean(1,jg).gt.0d0)
+     &         rmean(2,jgrx)=max(rmean(2,jgrx)
+     &         ,abs(rmean(1,jgrx)-sqrt(xptl(n)**2+yptl(n)**2)))
+         endif
+        endif
+  93  continue
+      endif
+c Decay Strings not included in clusters taking into account Z
+c do it here to have this particles before the one from cluster 
+c (to define maxfra properly)
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'decay Strings not included in clusters'
+      if(ifrade.ne.0.and.ntry.eq.1.and..not.lclean)then
+        nptlx=nptl+1
+c copy decayed strings into new strings if no fragments are used for cluster
+        do n=1,nptl
+          if(istptl(n).eq.29.and.ityptl(n).lt.40)then   !fragmented central strings
+            iused=0
+            do nn=ifrptl(1,n),ifrptl(2,n)
+              if(istptl(nn).eq.3.or.ifrptl(1,nn).ne.0)iused=iused+1
+            enddo
+            if(iused.eq.0)then   !if no fragment used, reset string
+              istptl(n)=28
+              do nn=ifrptl(1,n),ifrptl(2,n)     !suppress product
+                istptl(nn)=4
+                iaaptl(nn)=0
+              enddo
+              do nn=iorptl(n),jorptl(n)         !reinitialize string ends
+                istptl(nn)=20
+              enddo              
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        call gakfra(0,iret)      !fragmentation using Z
+        if(iret.gt.0)goto 1000
+        do nn=nptlx,nptl  !exclude new particle from cluster formation
+          iaaptl(nn)=0
+          call jtain(nn,xptl(nn),yptl(nn),zptl(nn),tptl(nn),nnn,0)
+          call jtaus(zptl(nn),tz,sptl(nn))
+          strap=1e10
+          xpl=tptl(nn)+zptl(nn)
+          xmi=tptl(nn)-zptl(nn)
+          if(xmi.gt.0.0.and.xpl.gt.0.0)strap=0.5*log(xpl/xmi)
+          dezptl(nn)=strap       !space-time-rapidity
+        enddo
+        maxfra=nptl
+        nptla=nptl
+        if(ish.ge.6.and.nptl.ne.nptlx-1)
+     &      call alist('list after second fragmentation&',nptlx,nptl)
+        if(irescl.eq.1)then
+          call utghost(iret)
+          if(iret.gt.0)goto 1000
+        endif
+      endif
+c      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+cc...split high pt segment into one part going out of the cluster and one part included in cluster (number of particle in cluster conserved)
+c        if(ish.ge.6)
+c     &  write(ifch,*)'mark high pt segments going into in clusters'
+c        do 100 n=1,nptla
+c          if(iaaptl(n).ge.0)goto 100
+c          i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+c          j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+c          k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+c          if(    i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+c     &          .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+c     &          .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+c            jj=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+c            if(jj.gt.0)then
+c              if(rmean(1,jj).gt.0d0)then
+c          ! path through cluster
+c                rp=sngl(rmean(2,jj)
+c     &               -abs(sqrt(xptl(n)**2+yptl(n)**2)-rmean(1,jj)))
+c          ! energy density (cluster mass approximate as sqrt(E))
+c                rh=sngl(sqrt(p4mean(4,jj)*nsegp4(jj))
+c     &               /(4d0/3d0*pi*rmean(2,jj)**3))
+c          ! Et used as Energy (transverse energy)
+c                pt2=pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+cc                ept=sqrt(pt2+pptl(3,n)**2)
+c                ept=sqrt(pt2+pptl(5,n)**2)
+c          ! energy loss based on BDMPS (peigne et al.)
+c                eloss=fploss*rh**(3./8.)*max(1.,sqrt(ept))*rp
+c          ! scaling factor
+c                fscal=eloss/ept
+cc                print *,ept,eloss,nsegp4(jj),rmean(2,jj),rh,rp,fscal
+c                if(fscal.le.0.)then   !exclude fragment from cluster
+c                  nseg(jj)=nseg(jj)-1
+c                  istptl(n)=0
+c                  iaaptl(n)=0
+c          ! update cluster mean energy
+c                  nsegp4(jj)=nsegp4(jj)-1
+c                  if(nsegp4(jj).ge.nsegce/iflhc)then
+c                    p4mean(4,jj)=(p4mean(4,jj)*dble(nsegp4(jj)+1)
+c     &                         -pptl(4,n))/dble(nsegp4(jj))
+c                  else
+c                    p4mean(4,jj)=1d50
+c                    rmean(1,jj)=-1d0
+c                  endif
+c                elseif(fscal.lt.1..and.(1.-fscal)**2*pt2.gt.
+c     &    (0.5-log(rangen()))**2*(ptclu**2))then
+cc     &    (0.5-log(rangen()))**2*(pptl(5,n)**2+ptclu**2))then
+cc                  print *,ept,eloss,nsegp4(jj),rmean(2,jj),rh,rp,fscal
+c                  if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'Quenched particle : ',n
+c     & ,idptl(n),ityptl(n),(pptl(kk,n),kk=1,5),ept,eloss,nsegp4(jj),jj
+c                  iaaptl(n)=0   !mother particle leave cluster
+c                  istptl(n)=0
+c                  nptl=nptl+1   !create fake particle with energy lost in cluster
+c                  nptla=nptla+1
+c                  istptl(nptl)=3 !daughter part of cluster
+c                  iaaptl(nptl)=1
+c                  do l=1,3
+c                    pptl(l,nptl)=fscal*pptl(l,n)
+c                    pptl(l,n)=(1.-fscal)*pptl(l,n)
+c                    xorptl(l,nptl)=xorptl(l,n)
+c                  enddo
+c! mother
+c                  tivptl(1,n)=xorptl(4,n)
+c                  pptl(4,n)=sqrt(pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2
+c     &                        +pptl(3,n)**2+pptl(5,n)**2)
+c                  call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+c                  tivptl(2,n)=tivptl(1,n)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+c          ! daughter
+c                  pptl(5,nptl)=0.
+c                  pptl(4,nptl)=sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2
+c     &                           +pptl(3,nptl)**2+pptl(5,nptl)**2)
+c                  xorptl(4,nptl)=xorptl(4,n)
+c                  tivptl(1,nptl)=tivptl(1,n)
+c                  iorptl(nptl)=n
+c                  idptl(nptl)=idptl(n)*100+sign(99,idptl(n))
+c                  call idquac(nptl,idum1,idum2,idum3,jc)
+c                  ityptl(nptl)=ityptl(n)+2
+c                  xptl(nptl)=xptl(n)
+c                  yptl(nptl)=yptl(n)
+c                  zptl(nptl)=zptl(n)
+c                  sptl(nptl)=sptl(n)
+c                  dezptl(nptl)=dezptl(n)
+c                if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'--> Virtual particle : ',nptl
+c     & ,idptl(nptl),ityptl(nptl),(pptl(kk,nptl),kk=1,5)
+c          ! update cluster mean energy
+c                  p4mean(4,jj)=(p4mean(4,jj)*dble(nsegp4(jj))
+c     &                         -pptl(4,n)+pptl(4,nptl))/dble(nsegp4(jj))
+c                else
+c                  istptl(n)=3
+c                  iaaptl(n)=1
+c                  if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'Absorbed particle : ',n
+c     & ,idptl(n),ityptl(n),(pptl(kk,n),kk=1,5),ept,eloss,nsegp4(jj),jj
+c                endif
+c              endif
+c            endif
+c          endif
+c 100    continue
+c      endif
+c      nptlb0=nptl
+      nptlb=nptl+jjj
+c...prepare /cptl/ for clusters
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'prepare /cptl/ for clusters'
+      do jj=1,jjj
+         nptl=nptl+1
+          istptl(nptl)=12
+          do l=1,4
+            pptl(l,nptl)=0.
+            xorptl(l,nptl)=0
+          enddo
+          sptl(nptl)=0
+          uptl(nptl)=0
+          optl(nptl)=0
+          desptl(nptl)=0
+          iorptl(nptl)=0
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+c limit the maximum number of subcluster to half the number of particle
+c (not to have empty subclusters)
+          nsegmx(jj)=max(1,nint(float(nseg(jj))/float(nsegsuj)))
+          if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'nsegmx',jj,nseg(jj),nsegmx(jj)
+     &                                                 ,nsegsuj
+      enddo
+c...prepare /cptl/ for subclusters
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'prepare /cptl/ for subclusters'
+      mm=0
+      do jj=1,jjj
+        do ii=1,nsegmx(jj)
+          mm=mm+1
+          if(mm.gt.mxcl)stop'jintpo: mxcl too small.        '
+          mmji(jj,ii)=mm
+          mseg(mm)=0
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          istptl(nptl)=10
+          do l=1,4
+            pptld(l,mm)=0d0
+            pptl(l,nptl)=0.
+            xorptl(l,nptl)=0
+          enddo
+          sptl(nptl)=0
+          uptl(nptl)=0
+          optl(nptl)=0
+          desptl(nptl)=0
+          do l=1,nflav
+            jccl(mm,l,1)=0
+            jccl(mm,l,2)=0
+          enddo
+          iorptl(nptl)=nptla+jj
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          if(ii.eq.1)ifrptl(1,nptla+jj)=nptlb+mm
+          ifrptl(2,nptla+jj)=nptlb+mm
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c...separate string segments, add dense area segments to clusters
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'separate string segments'
+      do 98 n=1,nptla
+        if(istptl(n).ne.3)goto 98
+        i=1+(xptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        j=1+(yptl(n)+xgrid+shiftx)/delxgr
+        k=1+(sptl(n)+sgrid+shifts)/delsgr
+        if(    i.ge.1.and.i.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.j.ge.1.and.j.le.m1grid
+     &          .and.k.ge.1.and.k.le.m3grid)then
+          jj=jdropgrid(i,j,k)
+          if(jj.gt.0)then
+            iimx=nsegmx(jj)
+            do ii=1,iimx
+              mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+              if(mseg(mm).eq.0)goto 10          !not to have an empty cluster
+            enddo
+            ii=1+rangen()*iimx
+            ii=min(ii,iimx)
+            iini=ii
+            am2tmpmx=1e30
+ 9          ntmp=mmji(jj,ii)
+            am2tmp=(pptld(4,ntmp)+pptld(3,ntmp))
+     &            *(pptld(4,ntmp)-pptld(3,ntmp))
+            if(am2tmp.gt.xmxms**2/2.)then
+              if(am2tmp.lt.am2tmpmx)then
+                mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+                am2tmpmx=am2tmp
+              endif
+              ii=ii+1
+              if(ii.gt.iimx)ii=1
+              if(ii.ne.iini)then
+                goto 9
+              else
+                goto 10
+              endif
+            endif
+            mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+ 10         continue
+            mseg(mm)=mseg(mm)+1
+            ifrptl(1,n)=mm      !local use of ifrptl
+c           write(ifch,*)'end',n
+c     & ,pptl(4,n),pptl(3,n),idptl(n),i,j,k,sptl(n),mm
+            p4tmp=0d0
+            do l=1,3
+             pptld(l,mm)=  pptld(l,mm)  + dble(pptl(l,n))
+             p4tmp=p4tmp+dble(pptl(l,n))*dble(pptl(l,n))
+            enddo
+            p4tmp=sqrt(p4tmp+dble(pptl(5,n)*pptl(5,n)))
+            pptld(4,mm)=  pptld(4,mm)  + p4tmp
+c           if(mm.eq.86)write(ifch,*)'other',n
+c     & ,pptl(4,n),pptl(3,n),pptl(5,n),idptl(n),k,p4tmp
+c     & ,pptld(4,mm),pptld(3,mm),pptld(2,mm),pptld(1,mm)
+c     & ,(pptld(4,mm)+pptld(3,mm))*(pptld(4,mm)-pptld(3,mm))
+            xorptl(1,nptlb+mm)=xorptl(1,nptlb+mm)+xptl(n)
+            xorptl(2,nptlb+mm)=xorptl(2,nptlb+mm)+yptl(n)
+            xorptl(3,nptlb+mm)=xorptl(3,nptlb+mm)+zptl(n)
+            xorptl(4,nptlb+mm)=xorptl(4,nptlb+mm)+tptl(n)
+            sptl(nptlb+mm)=sptl(nptlb+mm)+sptl(n)
+            aa=cos(phievt)
+            bb=sin(phievt)
+            cc=-sin(phievt)
+            dd=cos(phievt)
+            xrot=xptl(n)*aa+yptl(n)*bb
+            yrot=xptl(n)*cc+yptl(n)*dd
+            uptl(nptlb+mm)=uptl(nptlb+mm)+xrot**2
+            optl(nptlb+mm)=optl(nptlb+mm)+yrot**2
+            desptl(nptlb+mm)=desptl(nptlb+mm)+xrot*yrot
+            call idquac(n,idum1,idum2,idum3,jc)
+c            id=idptl(n)
+c            ida=iabs(id/10)
+c            ids=id/iabs(id)
+c            if(ida.ne.111.and.ida.ne.222.and.ida.ne.333)id=id/10*10
+c            if(ida.eq.111.or. ida.eq.222.or. ida.eq.333)id=id/10*10+ids
+c            if(ida.eq.213)id=1230*ids
+c            ic(1)=idtrai(1,id,1)
+c            ic(2)=idtrai(2,id,1)
+c            call iddeco(ic,jc)
+            do l=1,nflav
+              jccl(mm,l,1)=jccl(mm,l,1)+jc(l,1)
+              jccl(mm,l,2)=jccl(mm,l,2)+jc(l,2)
+            enddo
+          else
+            idropgrid(i,j,k)=0
+          endif
+        endif
+  98  continue
+c...associate segments to clusters
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'associate segments to clusters'
+      naseg(0)=0
+      do jj=1,jjj
+        do ii=1,nsegmx(jj)
+          mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+          naseg(mm)=naseg(mm-1)+mseg(mm)
+          nfseg(mm)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do 97 n=1,nptla
+        if(istptl(n).ne.3)goto 97
+        istptl(n) = 2
+c        write(ifch,*)'final segments ',n
+c     &          ,ityptl(n),istptl(n),idptl(n),dezptl(n),pptl(3,n)
+        mm=ifrptl(1,n)
+        nfseg(mm)=nfseg(mm)+1
+        nsegmt(naseg(mm-1)+nfseg(mm))=n
+ 97   continue
+      do jj=1,jjj
+        nst=0
+        do ii=1,nsegmx(jj)
+          mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+          if(mseg(mm).ne.nfseg(mm))stop'jintpo: mseg.ne.nfseg        '
+          nst=nst+mseg(mm)
+        enddo
+        if(nst.ne.nseg(jj))stop'sum(mseg(mm)).ne.nseg(jj)'
+      enddo
+c...finish cluster storage to /cptl/
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'finish cluster storage to /cptl/'
+      xx=0.
+      yy=0.
+      xy=0.
+      mjjsegsum=0
+      do jj=1,jjj
+       njj=nptla+jj
+       mjjseg=0
+       do l=1,nflav
+         jcjj(l,1)=0
+         jcjj(l,2)=0
+       enddo
+       do ii=1,nsegmx(jj)
+        mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+        n=nptlb+mm
+        do l=1,nflav
+          jc(l,1)=jccl(mm,l,1)
+          jc(l,2)=jccl(mm,l,2)
+          ke(l)=jc(l,1)-jc(l,2)
+          jcjj(l,1)=jcjj(l,1)+jc(l,1)
+          jcjj(l,2)=jcjj(l,2)+jc(l,2)
+        enddo
+        call idenct(jc,idptl(n)
+     *  ,ibptl(1,n),ibptl(2,n),ibptl(3,n),ibptl(4,n))
+        ttest=0d0
+        do ji=1,4
+         ptest(ji)=0d0
+          do ns=naseg(mm-1)+1,naseg(mm)
+            ni=nsegmt(ns)
+            ptest(ji)=ptest(ji)+dble(pptl(ji,ni))
+          enddo
+         ptest(ji)=abs(ptest(ji)-pptld(ji,mm))
+         ttest=ttest+ptest(ji)
+        enddo
+        amcmin=1.01*utamnu(ke(1),ke(2),ke(3),ke(4),ke(5),ke(6),4)
+        p52=((pptld(4,mm)+pptld(3,mm))*(pptld(4,mm)-pptld(3,mm))
+     &      -pptld(1,mm)**2-pptld(2,mm)**2)
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+          amcmin=sqrt(max(amcmin**2,sngl(p52)))
+          if(amcmin/ycor.gt.amuseg)amcmin=amcmin*ycor
+c     &                    **max(0.,min(1.,pptld(4,mm)-2.*amcmin*ycor))
+        endif
+        pptld(5,mm)=0d0
+        if(p52.gt.0d0)then
+         pptld(5,mm)=sqrt(p52)
+         jerr(2)=jerr(2)+1
+         if(iLHC.eq.1.and.pptld(5,mm).lt.amcmin
+     &               .and.pptld(4,mm).gt.amcmin)then
+           pptld(5,mm)=dble(amcmin)
+           bp=sqrt((pptld(4,mm)+pptld(5,mm))*(pptld(4,mm)-pptld(5,mm))
+     &            /(pptld(3,mm)*pptld(3,mm)+pptld(2,mm)*pptld(2,mm)
+     &                                      +pptld(1,mm)*pptld(1,mm)))
+           pptld(1,mm)=bp*pptld(1,mm)
+           pptld(2,mm)=bp*pptld(2,mm)
+           pptld(3,mm)=bp*pptld(3,mm)
+c           write(ifch,*)"ici ",n,sqrt(p52),pptld(5,mm),bp,pptld(4,mm),
+c     &  sqrt(pptld(3,mm)*pptld(3,mm)
+c     &                   +pptld(2,mm)*pptld(2,mm)
+c     &                   +pptld(1,mm)*pptld(1,mm)
+c     &                   +pptld(5,mm)*pptld(5,mm))
+c      write(ifch,*)'droplet uds=',ke(1),ke(2),ke(3),'   E=',pptld(5,mm)
+         endif
+        elseif(p52.le.0d0)then
+         jerr(3)=jerr(3)+1
+         pptld(5,mm)=dble(amcmin)
+         pptld(4,mm)=sqrt(pptld(3,mm)*pptld(3,mm)
+     &                   +pptld(2,mm)*pptld(2,mm)
+     &                   +pptld(1,mm)*pptld(1,mm)
+     &                   +pptld(5,mm)*pptld(5,mm))
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.1.and.(abs(ttest).gt.1.d0.or.pptld(5,mm).gt.xmxms))
+     &    then
+          call utmsg('jintpo&')
+          write(ifmt,*)'***** Warning in jintpo !',ntry
+          write(ifch,*)'***** jintpo: momenta messed up (ttest > 0)'
+          write(ifch,*)'*****',mm,n,mseg(mm),p52,ttest
+          write(ifch,*)'*****',jj,nsegp4(jj),p4mean(4,jj)
+          write(ifch,'(a,10x,4f15.4)')'*****',(pptld(ji,mm),ji=1,4)
+          do ns=naseg(mm-1)+1,naseg(mm)
+            ni=nsegmt(ns)
+            write(ifch,'(a,i5,i9,5f15.4,f12.4)')'*****',ni,idptl(ni)
+     *     ,(pptl(ji,ni),ji=1,4),pptl(5,ni)**2
+     *     ,(pptl(4,ni)+pptl(3,ni))*(pptl(4,ni)-pptl(3,ni))
+     *       -pptl(1,ni)**2-pptl(2,ni)**2
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(pptld(5,mm).gt.xmxms)then
+          p4max=0.
+          nh=0
+          do ns=naseg(mm-1)+1,naseg(mm)
+            ni=nsegmt(ns)
+            if(pptl(4,ni).ge.p4max)then
+              nh=ni
+              p4max=pptl(4,ni)
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if(nh.le.0)then
+            stop'Cannot be in jintpo ...'
+          else   !put back nh as normal particle
+            iaaptl(nh) = 0      !don't use this fragment next time
+c        if(iaaptl(nh).eq.0)print*,'excluded',idptl(nh),ityptl(nh)
+c     &                                         ,pptl(4,nh)
+            if(mod(abs(idptl(nh)),100).eq.99)then !restore lost energy
+              istptl(nh) = 5
+              ior=iorptl(nh)
+              iaaptl(ior)=0      !don't use this fragment next time
+              ifrptl(1,ior) = 0
+              ifrptl(2,ior) = 0
+              if(istptl(ior).eq.0)then                   
+                do k=1,3
+                  pptl(k,ior)=pptl(k,ior)+pptl(k,n)
+                enddo
+                pptl(4,ior)=sqrt(pptl(1,ior)**2+pptl(2,ior)**2
+     &                          +pptl(3,ior)**2+pptl(5,ior)**2)
+                call idtau(idptl(ior),pptl(4,ior),pptl(5,ior),taugm)
+                tivptl(2,ior)=tivptl(1,ior)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+              else
+                istptl(ior) = 0
+              endif
+            elseif(idptl(nh).lt.1e4)then
+              istptl(nh) = 0     !particle
+              ifrptl(1,nh) = 0
+              ifrptl(2,nh) = 0
+            else
+              istptl(nh) = 10    !droplet
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.1)
+     &    write(ifch,*)'***** Redo cluster without heavy particle :'
+     &                 ,nh,ntry
+          goto 8888
+        endif
+        do l=1,5
+         pptl(l,n)=sngl(pptld(l,mm))
+        enddo
+        mjjseg=mjjseg+mseg(mm)
+        do l=1,4
+          pptl(l,njj)=pptl(l,njj)+pptl(l,n)
+          xorptl(l,njj)=xorptl(l,njj)+xorptl(l,n)
+          xorptl(l,n)=xorptl(l,n)/float(mseg(mm))
+        enddo
+        sptl(njj)=sptl(njj)+sptl(n)
+        uptl(njj)=uptl(njj)+uptl(n)
+        optl(njj)=optl(njj)+optl(n)
+        desptl(njj)=desptl(njj)+desptl(n)
+        sptl(n)=sptl(n)/float(mseg(mm))
+        uptl(n)=uptl(n)/float(mseg(mm))
+        optl(n)=optl(n)/float(mseg(mm))
+        desptl(n)=desptl(n)/float(mseg(mm))
+        radptl(n)=0
+        istptl(n)=10
+        ifrptl(1,n)=0
+        ifrptl(2,n)=0
+        tivptl(1,n)=xorptl(4,n)
+        tivptl(2,n)=ainfin
+        ityptl(n)=60
+        radptl(n)=0
+        dezptl(n)=0.
+       enddo !ii
+       do l=1,4
+        xorptl(l,njj)=xorptl(l,njj)/float(mjjseg)
+       enddo
+       mjjsegsum=mjjsegsum+mjjseg
+       xx=xx+uptl(njj)
+       yy=yy+optl(njj)
+       xy=xy+desptl(njj)
+       sptl(njj)=sptl(njj)/float(mjjseg)
+       uptl(njj)=uptl(njj)/float(mjjseg)
+       optl(njj)=optl(njj)/float(mjjseg)
+       desptl(njj)=desptl(njj)/float(mjjseg)
+       pjj52=(pptl(4,njj)+pptl(3,njj))*(pptl(4,njj)-pptl(3,njj))
+     &    -pptl(1,njj)**2-pptl(2,njj)**2
+        pptl(5,njj)=0
+        if(pjj52.gt.0)then
+          pptl(5,njj)=sqrt(pjj52)
+        endif
+        ityptl(njj)=60
+        call idenct(jc,idptl(njj)
+     *  ,ibptl(1,njj),ibptl(2,njj),ibptl(3,njj),ibptl(4,njj))
+      enddo !jj
+      ranphi=0
+      rini=0.
+      if(mjjsegsum.gt.0)then
+        xx=xx/float(mjjsegsum)
+        yy=yy/float(mjjsegsum)
+        xy=xy/float(mjjsegsum)
+        dta=0.5*(xx-yy)
+c        eba=0.5*(xx+yy)
+c        ww=-xy
+c        !-------------------------------------------------------
+c        !    inertia tensor:
+c        !----------------------+-------------------------------+
+c        !  <y**2>   -<x*y>     !      with <x**2>=uptl         !
+c        !  -<x*y>   <x**2>     !     <y**2>=optl  <xy>=desptl  !
+c        !----------------------+-------------------------------+
+c        ! Eigenvalues ev1, ev2
+c        !-------------------------------------------------------
+c        ev1=eba+sqrt(dta**2+ww**2)
+c        ev2=eba-sqrt(dta**2+ww**2)
+        if(xy.lt.0..and.dta.ne.0.)then
+          ranphi=0.5*atan(-xy/dta)
+        elseif(xy.gt.0..and.dta.ne.0.)then
+          ranphi=-0.5*atan(xy/dta)
+        else
+          ranphi=0
+        endif
+c        if(dta.ne.0.)then
+c         ranphi=0.5*atan(abs(ww)/abs(dta))
+c         if(    ww.gt.0..and.dta.gt.0.)then
+c          ranphi=ranphi
+c         elseif(ww.lt.0..and.dta.gt.0.)then
+c          ranphi=-ranphi
+c         elseif(ww.gt.0..and.dta.lt.0.)then
+c          ranphi=pi-ranphi
+c         elseif(ww.lt.0..and.dta.lt.0.)then
+c          ranphi=ranphi-pi
+c         endif
+c        else
+c          ranphi=2.*pi*rangen()
+c        endif
+        rini=max(0.01,sqrt(5./3.*(xx+yy))) !<r**2>=3/5*R**2 for sphere of radius R
+        volu=(4./3.*pi*(xx+yy)**1.5)
+c        rho=amctot/volu
+        flowpp=0.
+        flowaa=0.
+        if(iLHC.eq.1.and.visco.gt.0.)then
+          if(npair.gt.0)then
+            fcorr=min(1.,float(mapmax)*abs(fvisco)/float(maptot))
+            visco=min(1.,2.*float(maptot)/float(npair)/float(mapmax))**2
+c     &                 *abs(fvisco))
+          elseif(lclean)then  !large number of particles, npair can't be calculated
+            visco=1e-6
+            fcorr=1.
+          else          !cluster from remnants only
+            visco=1.
+            fcorr=1.
+          endif
+          if(visco.ge.1.)yrmaxi=0. !yrmaxi*(1.-visco)
+c          visco=exp(-min(50.,max(0.,
+c     &         float(koievt)/log(amctot)-abs(fvisco))**yradpi)) !mix flow 
+c         &               max(0.,rmax**2-abs(fvisco))))    !mix flow 
+c          yrmaxi=log(amctot**2)
+c          yrmaxi=yradmx*yrmaxi*(1.-visco)
+c          if(visco.lt.1.and.yrmaxi.gt.1e-2)then
+c            yyrmax=dble(yrmaxi)
+c            fradflii=sngl(1d0/
+c     &         ((sinh(yyrmax)*yyrmax-cosh(yyrmax)+1d0)/(yyrmax**2/2d0)))
+c          else
+c            visco=1.
+c            yrmaxi=0.
+c            fradflii=1.
+c          endif
+c          if(visco.gt.1e-5)then
+c            yrmaxi=yradmx*(yrmaxi
+c     &            +visco*(log(amctot)*yradpx/yradmx-yrmaxi))
+c          else
+c            yrmaxi=yradmx*yrmaxi
+c          endif
+          fradflii=1.
+          if(yrmaxi.gt.0)then
+            flowpp=visco*log(fcorr*amctot)*yradpx
+            flowaa=yrmaxi
+            if(rangen().lt.flowaa/flowpp)then
+              visco=0.
+              yrmaxi=flowaa+max(0.,flowpp-flowaa)
+              yyrmax=dble(yrmaxi)
+              fradflii=sngl(1d0/
+     &        ((sinh(yyrmax)*yyrmax-cosh(yyrmax)+1d0)/(yyrmax**2/2d0)))
+            else
+              yrmaxi=0.
+              visco=log(fcorr*amctot)/log(amctot)
+            endif
+          elseif(fcorr.lt.1.)then
+            visco=log(fcorr*amctot)/log(amctot)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'yrmaxi,delzet=',yrmaxi,delzet
+c        print *,'->',bimevt,yrmaxi,visco*yradpx*log(amctot),flowaa
+c     &        ,flowpp,maptot,log(ectot),visco,log(amctot),rho
+c     &        ,mapmax,npair
+c     &        ,min(1.,2.*float(maptot)/float(npair)/float(mapmax))**2
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*)'print'
+        do k=1,m3grid
+        write(ifch,*)'k=',k,'  jclu=',jclu(k)
+     &              ,'  s=',(k-1)*delsgr-sgrid-shifts
+         do j=m1grid,1,-1
+        write(ifch,'(10i4,3x,10i4)')(idropgrid(i,j,k),i=1,m1grid)
+     &                ,(jdropgrid(i,j,k),i=1,m1grid)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,'(a,a)')
+     &    '    k   jj  nseg      mm  mseg     n      mass'
+     &   ,'         s         y         z         t '
+        do jj=1,jjj
+         do ii=1,max(1,nint(1.*nseg(jj)/nsegsuj))
+           mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+           n=nptlb+mm
+           sg=pptl(3,n)/abs(pptl(3,n))
+           tm=sqrt(pptl(5,n)**2+pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2)
+           y=sg*alog((pptl(4,n)+sg*pptl(3,n))/tm)
+c           if(kclu(jj).eq.44)print *,tm,pptl(4,n),pptl(3,n),iorptl(n)
+           write(ifch,'(2i5,i6,i8,2i6,5f10.3)')
+     &       kclu(jj),jj,nseg(jj),mm,mseg(mm),n,pptl(5,n)
+     &      ,sptl(n),y,xorptl(3,n),xorptl(4,n)
+         enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      iret=0
+      if(jjj.gt.0)then     !decay only if some cluster produced
+      if(4-abs(typevt).gt.0.0001)typevt=-typevt    !typevt < 0 if fusion but only if not SD (sign used for something else for SD ... and no fusion produced for SD events)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'decay ...'
+      if(ifrade.eq.0.or.ispherio.gt.0)goto1000
+      if(jdecay.eq.0)goto1000
+      nptlbcf=nptl
+      nptl0=nptl
+      if(hydt.ne.'---')then
+        call HydroFO(ier)
+      else
+        nclu=0
+        ptest(1)=0d0
+        ptest(2)=0d0
+        ptest(3)=0d0
+        ptest(4)=0d0
+        ptest(5)=0d0
+        do jj=1,jjj
+          do ii=1,max(1,nint(1.*nseg(jj)/nsegsuj))
+           mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+           np=nptlb+mm
+c           print *,'decay',jj
+           if(ioclude.eq.3)then
+             call hnbaaa(np,iret)
+           else
+             call DropletDecay(np,iret)
+           endif
+           if(iret.eq.1)then
+             istptl(np)=istptl(np)+2
+             do ns=naseg(mm-1)+1,naseg(mm)
+               n=nsegmt(ns)
+               if(mod(abs(idptl(n)),100).eq.99)then   !restore lost energy
+                 istptl(n) = 5
+                 ior=iorptl(n)
+                 ifrptl(1,ior) = 0
+                 ifrptl(2,ior) = 0
+                 if(istptl(ior).eq.0)then                   
+                   do k=1,3
+                     pptl(k,ior)=pptl(k,ior)+pptl(k,n)
+                   enddo
+                   pptl(4,ior)=sqrt(pptl(1,ior)**2+pptl(2,ior)**2
+     &                             +pptl(3,ior)**2+pptl(5,ior)**2)
+                   call idtau(idptl(ior),pptl(4,ior),pptl(5,ior),taugm)
+                   tivptl(2,ior)=tivptl(1,ior)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+                 else
+                   istptl(ior) = 0
+                 endif
+               elseif(idptl(n).lt.1e4)then
+                 istptl(n) = 0     !particle
+                 ifrptl(1,n) = 0
+                 ifrptl(2,n) = 0
+               else
+                 istptl(n) = 10    !droplet
+               endif
+             enddo
+           elseif(ioclude.eq.3)then
+             do i=nptl0+1,nptl
+               if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+                 nclu=nclu+1
+                 ptest(1)=ptest(1)+dble(pptl(1,i))
+                 ptest(2)=ptest(2)+dble(pptl(2,i))
+                 ptest(3)=ptest(3)+dble(pptl(3,i))
+                 ptest(4)=ptest(4)+dble(pptl(4,i))
+               endif
+             enddo
+             nptl0=nptl
+           endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      do jj=1,jjj
+       do ii=1,max(1,nint(1.*nseg(jj)/nsegsuj))
+        mm=mmji(jj,ii)
+        np=nptlb+mm
+        istptl(np)=istptl(np)+1
+        ifrptl(1,np)=nptlbcf+1
+        ifrptl(2,np)=nptl
+        rinptl(np)=kclu(jj)-m3grid/2
+       enddo
+      enddo
+c add global flow on all particles of all decayed cluster
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        yrmax=0.
+        if(fvisco.gt.0.)yrmax=yradpx*visco
+      else
+        yrmax=yradpx
+      endif
+c      print *,bimevt,rini,yrmax,yrmaxi,delzet,np,ptmax,visco
+      if(ioclude.eq.3.and.yrmax.gt.1e-3.and.nclu.gt.0)then
+c set angular informations
+        fecc=0
+        aa=1
+        bb=0
+        cc=0
+        dd=1
+        dta=0.5*abs(xx-yy)
+        ev1=(xx+yy)/2+sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
+        ev2=(xx+yy)/2-sqrt(dta**2+xy**2)
+        ecc=(ev1-ev2)/(ev1+ev2)
+c        fecc=facecc*ecc!/(1.+yrmax)
+c        print*,'pp',ecc,ranphi
+        fecc=min(facecc,ecc)   !be careful : fecc change <pt> since it is the elliptical deformation of the sub cluster (give strength of v2)
+        phiclu=mod(phievt+ranphi,2.*pi) !do not change otherwise v2 is gone
+        if(phiclu.lt.-pi)phiclu=phiclu+2*pi
+        if(phiclu.gt.pi)phiclu=phiclu-2*pi
+        aa=cos(phiclu)
+        bb=sin(phiclu)
+        cc=-sin(phiclu)
+        dd=cos(phiclu)
+        errlim=0.00005
+c loop on particles for each main cluster
+c        ncl=nptlb0
+        npass=max(1,min(nclu/5,jjj)) !to have the same number of group of particles than original clusters but different repartition of particles
+        npart=nclu/npass
+        if(npart*npass-nclu.gt.max(5,npart/2))npass=npass+1
+c        print *,'ici',nclu,npass,npart
+c        lcont=.true.
+c        if(nclu.lt.50)lcont=.false.
+        lcont=.false.
+        ncl=0
+        nmin=nptlbcf+1
+        nmax=nptl
+        idrc=-1+2.*int(0.5+rangen())
+        ntot=nclu
+c       prepare debug output for flow
+        nall=0
+        if(ish.ge.5)then
+          nall=nmax-nmin+1
+          do ii=1,nall
+            idptl(nptl+ii)=idptl(nptlbcf+ii)
+          enddo
+          iorptl(nptl+nall+1)=nptl+1
+          jorptl(nptl+nall+1)=nptl+nall
+          do k=1,5
+            pptl(k,nptl+nall+1)=0
+            do ii=1,nall
+              pptl(k,nptl+ii)=pptl(k,nptlbcf+ii)
+              pptl(k,nptl+nall+1)=pptl(k,nptl+nall+1)+pptl(k,nptlbcf+ii)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+c initialization for rescaling on ipart particles    
+        ipart=0
+        tecm0=0.
+        tecm=0.
+        ini0=0
+        ifi0=0
+c        do 900 while (ncl.le.nptlb-1)
+        do while (ntot.gt.0)
+          ncl=ncl+1
+          if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+            yrmax=yradpx*visco
+          else
+            yrmax=yradpx
+          endif
+c         cms frame of all particles from same cluster
+          do k=1,5
+            ppp(k)=0d0
+          enddo
+          ini=nptl
+          ifi=1
+          if(idrc.gt.0)then
+            imax=nmax
+            imin=nmin-1
+            if(ipart.eq.0)ini0=nmin
+          else
+            imax=nmin
+            imin=nmax+1
+            if(ipart.eq.0)ifi0=nmax
+          endif
+c          npclu=0
+c 880      ncl=ncl+1
+          n=0
+          i=imin
+          lpass=.true.
+          do while ((n.lt.npart.or.ncl.eq.npass)
+     &              .and.idrc*i.lt.idrc*imax.and.lpass)
+            i=i+idrc
+c            if(jorptl(i).eq.ncl)then
+c            if(jorptl(i).eq.ncl.and.ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+            if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+              n=n+1
+              ntot=ntot-1
+              ini=min(ini,i)
+              ifi=max(ifi,i)
+c              if(ityptl(i).eq.60)npclu=npclu+1
+              do k=1,4
+                ppp(k)=ppp(k)+dble(pptl(k,i))
+              enddo
+            elseif(.not.lcont.and.n.gt.0)then
+              lpass=.false.
+            endif
+c            print *,ityptl(i),i,imin,imax,idrc,n,npart,ncl,nclu,nptl
+          enddo
+          np=n
+          if(idrc.gt.0)then
+            nmin=nmin+i-imin
+            ifi0=i
+          else
+            nmax=nmax+i-imin
+            ini0=i
+          endif
+c          if(ncl.lt.nptlb.and.npclu.lt.int(0.2*(nptl-nptlbcf+1)))goto880
+          if(ifi.le.ini)goto 900
+c record info for rescaling
+          ipart=ipart+np
+c test mass
+          ppp(5)=(ppp(4)-ppp(3))*(ppp(4)+ppp(3))-ppp(2)**2-ppp(1)**2
+          if(ppp(5).gt.0d0)then
+            ppp(5)=sqrt(ppp(5))
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Precision problem in jintpo, p:',
+     &           (ppp(k),k=1,5)
+            ppp(5)=0d0
+          endif
+            if(ish.ge.4)
+     &           write(ifch,*)'Group of particle: ',
+     &                        idrc,ini,ifi,ncl,'/',npass,npart,nclu
+          if(ppp(5).gt.0d0)then    ! here all particle should have flow
+            do i=ini,ifi
+             if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+              tecm=tecm+pptl(4,i)  !use energy in collision frame as reference
+              call utlob4(1,ppp(1),ppp(2),ppp(3),ppp(4),ppp(5)
+     $             ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+             endif
+            enddo
+            if(tecm.gt.0.)then
+              yrmax=yrmax*log(amctot) !/rini**yradpi
+            else
+              yrmax=0.
+            endif
+c           print *,bimevt,rini,ppp(5),yrmax,yrmaxi,delzet,np,ptmax,visco
+            if(ish.ge.4)
+     &      write(ifch,*)'Radial flow: ',yrmax,tecm,visco,yradpx,yradpp
+            if(yrmax.gt.0.)then
+              if(np.gt.maxp)stop'maxp too small in jintpo'
+              i=0
+              if(ish.ge.8)call clist('list before flow&',ini,ifi,60,60)
+              do ii=ini,ifi
+               if(ityptl(ii).eq.60)then
+                i=i+1
+                yrad(i)=sqrt(rangen())
+                phirad(i)=2.*pi*rangen()
+                pt2=(pptl(1,ii)**2+pptl(2,ii)**2)!+pptl(5,ii)**2)
+                bex=sinh(yrad(i)*yrmax)*cos(phirad(i))
+     &             *(1+fecc/(1.+pt2))
+                bey=sinh(yrad(i)*yrmax)*sin(phirad(i))
+     &             *(1-fecc/(1.+pt2))
+                be(1)=aa*bex+cc*bey
+                be(2)=bb*bex+dd*bey
+                be(3)=0d0
+                be(4)=sqrt(1+be(1)**2+be(2)**2)
+c                call utlob4(1,be(1),be(2),be(3),be(4),1d0
+c     *         , pptl(1,ii), pptl(2,ii), pptl(3,ii), pptl(4,ii))
+c mimic boost transformation but protect against to high values of p(3) (p(3)~p(4)) 
+                pt2=pptl(1,ii)**2+pptl(2,ii)**2
+                bet=-(pptl(1,ii)*be(1)+pptl(2,ii)*be(2))/(be(4)+1.)
+                pt=yradpp**max(1.,pptl(5,ii))
+                fac=1./(1.+sqrt(pt2/pptl(5,ii)**2))**pt
+                bet=bet+sqrt(pt2+(pptl(3,ii)**2+pptl(5,ii)**2)*fac)
+c                bet=bet+sqrt(pt2+max(yradpp,pptl(5,ii))**2) !simplified version with yradpp~proton mass
+                pptl(1,ii)=pptl(1,ii)-bet*be(1)
+                pptl(2,ii)=pptl(2,ii)-bet*be(2)
+                pptl(4,ii)=sqrt(pptl(1,ii)**2+pptl(2,ii)**2
+     *                   +pptl(3,ii)**2+pptl(5,ii)**2)
+              else
+                yrad(i)=0.
+                phirad(i)=0.
+               endif
+              enddo
+              if(ish.ge.8)call clist('list after flow&',ini,ifi,60,60)
+c           boost back
+              pe(1)=0.
+              pe(2)=0.
+              pe(4)=0.
+              do i=ini,ifi
+                if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+                  call utlob4(-1,ppp(1),ppp(2),ppp(3),ppp(4),ppp(5)
+     $             ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+                  pe(1)=pe(1)+pptl(1,i)
+                  pe(2)=pe(2)+pptl(2,i)
+                  pe(4)=pe(4)+pptl(4,i)
+                endif
+              enddo
+cc random rescaling
+c rescaling has to be done for different bins in eta to conserve
+c energy flow (if everything is done at the end on all particles,
+c the energy flow is concentred at mid-rapidity in contradiction
+c with ATLAS data
+c On the other hand, a sufficient number of particles is necessary
+c to have proper eta distribution in particular at high pt.
+c Since the clusters are ordered in rapidity we can do the rescaling on
+c group of clusters having enough particles for the rescaling but
+c not too much to keep the eta dependence of the energy flow.
+c set ipart.ge.1 to do rescaling for each subclusters
+              if((ipart.ge.1.and.ntot.ge.ipart/2).or.ntot.eq.0)then
+                ini=ini0
+                ifi=ifi0
+                if(ish.ge.8)
+     &          call clist('list before flow rescaling&',ini,ifi,60,60)
+                if(fplmin.gt.0)then
+c                  ntrt=ntrt+1
+                  niter=0
+ 611              energ=0.
+                  energ0=0.
+                  niter=niter+1
+                  i=0
+                  ptmax=0.
+                  plmax=0.
+                  do  j=ini,ifi
+                    if(ityptl(j).eq.60)then
+                      i=i+1
+                      pt2=pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2
+                      pz2=pptl(3,j)**2
+                      pp2=pt2+pz2
+c                      et2=(pp2+pptl(5,j)**2)*pt2/pp2
+                      pt=sqrt(pt2)
+c                      pp=sqrt(pp2)
+c base necessary to avoid peak at pt or pl=0
+c epsi change the shape of eta distributions and pt for
+c identified particles (shift the maximum of the distribution)
+c                      epsi=min(0.99,fplmin*rangen()**0.3)
+                      base=0. !sqrt(1./(1.-epsi)**2-1.)*pptl(5,j)/pp
+                      finc=2.
+                      if(energ0.lt.tecm)then
+                        finc=finc*sqrt(float(max(1,niter-300)))
+c                        base=base+min(tecm/pe(4),
+c     &                           (max(0,niter-300))*0.3*pptl(5,j)/pp)
+                      else
+c                        base=base/log10(max(10.,float(niter-300)))
+                        finc=finc/sqrt(max(1.,float(niter-300)))
+                      endif
+c                      if(1.-pptl(5,j)/pptl(4,j).ge.epsi
+c     &                   .and.1.+pptl(5,j)**2*(1./pp2-1./pt2).gt.0.)then
+                      if(1.+pptl(5,j)**2*(1./pp2-1./pt2).gt.0.)then
+                        ptmax=max(pt,ptmax)
+                        plmax=max(abs(pptl(3,j)),plmax)
+                        yrad2(i)=rangen()
+                        yrad2(i)=yrad2(i)*
+     &                       max(0.,min(1.,finc*tecm/pe(4))-base)
+c necessary even with epsi cut to smooth eta distribution
+c and since sumEt has to be conserved, we can constrain scaling for pt
+c and pz :
+c                        ytmp=yrad2(i)
+                        yrad2(i)= yrad2(i)**((1.-(pptl(5,j)
+     &    /sqrt((min(1.,yrad2(i)*float(max(1,niter-100))))**2
+     &         *(pt**2+pptl(3,j)**2)+pptl(5,j)**2))**1.)
+     &    *exp(-fplmin*max(0.,pt**2-(pe(4)/tecm)**2)))
+                        yrad2(i)=min(1.,base+yrad2(i)) !should be here to avoid peak at eta=0.
+                      else
+                        yrad2(i)=1.
+c                        ytmp=yrad2(i)
+                      endif
+                      be(1)= pptl(1,j)*yrad2(i)
+                      be(2)= pptl(2,j)*yrad2(i)
+                      be(3)= pptl(3,j)*yrad2(i)                
+c      print *,niter,i,ntry,yrad2(i),energ/tecm,pt,pptl(3,j),finc,base
+c     *       ,ytmp,(1.-(pptl(5,j)
+c     &    /sqrt((min(1.,yrad2(i)*float(max(1,niter-100))))**2
+c     &         *(pt**2+pptl(3,j)**2)+pptl(5,j)**2))**0.1)
+                      energ=energ+sqrt(be(1)**2+be(2)**2
+     *                       +be(3)**2+pptl(5,j)**2)
+                    endif
+                  enddo
+                  energ0=energ
+c          print *,'fin',niter,energ/tecm
+                  if(abs(energ-tecm)/tecm.gt.1..and.niter.lt.1000)then
+                    goto 611
+                  elseif(niter.ge.1000)then
+c      print *,'Rescaling failed:',pe(4),tecm,ptmax,plmax,ipart,ini0,ifi
+                    if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'Random rescaling failed:'
+     &                   ,energ,tecm,ptmax,plmax,ipart,ini0,ifi
+c                    ntrr=ntrr+1
+                    goto 200
+                  endif
+c      print *,'done',niter,energ/tecm,ipart,ini0,ifi,finc
+                  if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Rescaling done:'
+     &               ,tecm,energ/tecm,niter,ptmax,plmax,ipart,ini0,ifi
+                  i=0
+                  do  j=ini,ifi
+                    if(ityptl(j).eq.60)then
+                      i=i+1
+                      pptl(1,j)= pptl(1,j)*yrad2(i)
+                      pptl(2,j)= pptl(2,j)*yrad2(i)
+                      pptl(3,j)= pptl(3,j)*yrad2(i)                
+                      pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2
+     *                     +pptl(3,j)**2+pptl(5,j)**2)
+                    endif
+                  enddo
+                endif
+ 200            continue
+              if(ish.ge.8)
+     &        call clist('list after flow rescaling&',ini,ifi,60,60)
+              tecm0=tecm0+tecm
+              tecm=0.
+              ipart=0
+            endif
+          endif                 ! yrmax
+        endif     !p(5)>0
+ 900  continue
+      enddo
+c rescale momentum precisely and globaly to avoid artefacts for matrix
+c but only at 10% level to keep dependence of sumEt with eta 
+      if(tecm0.gt.0)then
+        ini=nptlbcf+1
+        ifi=nptl
+        esoll=tecm0
+        scal=1.
+        do ipass=1,2000
+          sum=0.
+          n=0
+          do  j=ini,ifi
+            if(ityptl(j).eq.60)then
+              n=n+1
+c             this part is EXTREMELY important for the pseudorapidity shape at various pt
+c             if nothing special a broad peak appear at eta=0
+c             to avoid that, scal has to be reduced when p3 or pt reach 0
+              if(scal.lt.1.)then
+                scal0=scal
+                pt=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2)
+                if(fplmin.le.0.)then
+                  pt=abs(fplmin)/sqrt(pptl(5,j))*pt
+c                  pt=abs(fplmin)*pt
+                else
+                  pt=5.*pt
+                endif
+                pow=sqrt(pptl(5,j)**2+scal**2*(pt**2
+     *                           +pptl(3,j)**2))
+                pow=(1.-(1./sqrt(pptl(5,j))+pptl(5,j))
+     *                 /(1./sqrt(pptl(5,j))+pow))
+                pow=rangen()*pow
+              else
+                pow=1.-2.*pptl(4,j)/engy  !to avoid particle with energy larger than beam energy
+                if(pow.lt.0.)then
+                  scal0=1./((1.-pow)
+     *                     *exp(-0.25*max(-4.,log(rangen()))))
+                  pow=1.
+c                  print *,j,pptl(4,j),pow,scal0,scal
+c     *                              ,pptl(3,j)*scal0**pow
+                else
+                  scal0=scal
+                  pow=rangen()*pow
+                endif
+              endif
+              do k=1,3
+                pptl(k,j)=pptl(k,j)*scal0**pow !to smooth distributions   
+              enddo
+              pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2
+     *             +pptl(3,j)**2+pptl(5,j)**2)
+              sum=sum+pptl(4,j)
+            endif
+          enddo
+          scal=esoll/sum
+c         write(ifmt,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
+c     $             ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
+          if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim) goto 300
+        enddo
+ 300    continue
+c         write(ifmt,*)'ipass,scal,e,esoll:'
+c     $             ,ipass,scal,sum,esoll
+c adjust pt to have pt conservation in cms of particles having flow
+        if(nclu.gt.0)then
+          ptest(5)=(ptest(4)-ptest(3))*(ptest(4)+ptest(3))-ptest(2)**2
+     &            -ptest(1)**2
+          if(ptest(5).gt.0d0)then
+            ptest(5)=sqrt(ptest(5))
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Precision problem in jintpo, p:',
+     &           (ptest(k),k=1,5)
+            ptest(5)=0d0
+          endif
+          be(1)=0.d0
+          be(2)=0.d0
+          do i=ini,ifi
+            if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+              call utlob4(1,ptest(1),ptest(2),ptest(3),ptest(4),ptest(5)
+     $             ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+              be(1)=be(1)+dble(pptl(1,i))
+              be(2)=be(2)+dble(pptl(2,i))
+            endif
+          enddo
+c shift nclu particles to have sum_pt=0. and boost back in global cms
+          pt1shift=-sngl(be(1)/dble(nclu))
+          pt2shift=-sngl(be(2)/dble(nclu))
+          do i=ini,ifi
+            if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+              pptl(1,i)=pptl(1,i)+pt1shift
+              pptl(2,i)=pptl(2,i)+pt2shift
+              pptl(4,i)=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+     &             +pptl(3,i)**2+pptl(5,i)**2)
+             call utlob4(-1,ptest(1),ptest(2),ptest(3),ptest(4),ptest(5)
+     &             ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+c      if(ntrt.gt.0)print *,"jintpo rescaling :",float(ntrr)/float(ntrt)
+c     define life time
+      n=0
+      do i=ini,ifi
+        if(ityptl(i).eq.60)then
+          n=n+1
+          r=1.15*rini*yrad(n)   !yrad=y/ymax
+          tau=2.25/sqrt(yrad(n)**2+0.04)-0.75
+          z=xorptl(3,i)
+          t=xorptl(4,i)
+!         zeta=0.5*log((t+z)/(t-z))-0.5*delzet+2*0.5*delzet*rangen()
+        test=(pptl(4,i)-pptl(3,i))*(pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))
+        if(test.gt.0.)then
+          zeta=0.5*log((pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))
+     &         /(pptl(4,i)-pptl(3,i)))
+        else    !in case of precision problem (but not always good neither for p<0
+          pt=sqrt(pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2)
+          zeta=0.5*log(1+2*pptl(3,i)*(pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))
+     &   /(pt*pt+pptl(5,i)**2))
+        endif
+          z=tau*sinh(zeta)
+          t=tau*cosh(zeta)
+          xorptl(1,i)=xorptl(1,i)+r*cos(phirad(n))
+          xorptl(2,i)=xorptl(2,i)+r*sin(phirad(n))
+          xorptl(3,i)=z
+          xorptl(4,i)=t
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        do k=1,5
+          pptl(k,nptl+nall+2)=0
+          do ii=nptlbcf+1,nptl
+            pptl(k,nptl+nall+2)=pptl(k,nptl+nall+2)+pptl(k,ii)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        iorptl(nptl+nall+2)=nptlbcf+1
+        jorptl(nptl+nall+2)=nptl
+        call alist2('longitudinal and radial flow&',nptl+1
+     &       ,nptl+nall,nptlbcf+1,nptl)
+        call alist2('momentum sum&',nptl+nall+1,nptl+nall+1
+     &       ,nptl+nall+2,nptl+nall+2)
+        write(ifch,'(1x,50a1/)')('-',k=1,50)
+      endif
+      endif      !ioclude=3 and flow
+      do n=nptlbcf+1,nptl
+        if(ioclude.ne.3)then
+          iorptl(n)=nptlb+1
+          jorptl(n)=nptlbcf
+          rinptl(n)=rinptl((iorptl(n)+jorptl(n))/2)
+        else
+          rinptl(n)=rinptl(iorptl(n))
+        endif
+        istptl(n)=0
+        ifrptl(1,n)=0
+        ifrptl(2,n)=0
+        tivptl(1,n)=xorptl(4,n)
+        call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+        r=rangen()
+        tivptl(2,n)=tivptl(1,n)+taugm*(-alog(r))
+        radptl(n)=0.
+        dezptl(n)=0.
+        itsptl(n)=0
+      enddo
+      endif
+c Decay droplets not included in clusters
+      iret=0
+      do mm=1,nptla
+        nptlb=nptl
+        if(istptl(mm).eq.10)then
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Decay remaining droplet :',mm
+          if(nptlb.gt.mxptl-10)
+     &    call utstop('jintpo: mxptl too small (2)&')
+          if(ioclude.eq.3)then
+            call hnbaaa(mm,iret)
+          else
+            call DropletDecay(mm,iret) !Decay remn
+            iret=0
+          endif
+          if(iret.eq.0.and.nptl.ne.nptlb)then ! ---successful decay---
+            istptl(mm)=istptl(mm)+1
+            ifrptl(1,mm)=nptlb+1
+            ifrptl(2,mm)=nptl
+            t=tivptl(2,mm)
+            x=xorptl(1,mm)+(t-xorptl(4,mm))*pptl(1,mm)/pptl(4,mm)
+            y=xorptl(2,mm)+(t-xorptl(4,mm))*pptl(2,mm)/pptl(4,mm)
+            z=xorptl(3,mm)+(t-xorptl(4,mm))*pptl(3,mm)/pptl(4,mm)
+            do 21 n=nptlb+1,nptl
+              iorptl(n)=mm
+              jorptl(n)=0
+              istptl(n)=0
+              ifrptl(1,n)=0
+              ifrptl(2,n)=0
+              radius=0.8*sqrt(rangen())
+              phi=2*pi*rangen()
+              ti=t
+              zi=z
+              xorptl(1,n)=x + radius*cos(phi)
+              xorptl(2,n)=y + radius*sin(phi)
+              xorptl(3,n)=zi
+              xorptl(4,n)=ti
+              iioo=mm
+              zor=dble(xorptl(3,iioo))
+              tor=dble(xorptl(4,iioo))
+              r=rangen()
+              tauran=-taurea*alog(r)
+              call jtaix(n,tauran,zor,tor,zis,tis)
+              tivptl(1,n)=amax1(ti,tis)
+              call idtau(idptl(n),pptl(4,n),pptl(5,n),taugm)
+              r=rangen()
+              tivptl(2,n)=t+taugm*(-alog(r))
+              radptl(n)=0.
+              dezptl(n)=0.
+              itsptl(n)=0
+              rinptl(nptl)=-9999
+   21       continue
+          else                  ! Unsuccessful decay
+            if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)
+     *         '***** Unsuccessful remnant cluster decay'
+     *             ,' --> redo event.'
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 1000 continue
+      call utprix('jintpo',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+c      subroutine jrad(i,nq,na,jc,rad)
+cc     return hadron radius (data taken from huefner and povh)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      integer jc(nflav,2),kc(nflav)
+c      id=iabs(idptl(i))
+c      am=pptl(5,i)
+c      if(id.lt.10000)then
+c       k=mod(id,10)
+c      else
+c       k=1
+c      endif
+c      do l=1,nflav
+c       kc(l)=iabs(jc(l,1)-jc(l,2))
+c      enddo
+c      if(nq.eq.0)then   ! mesons
+c       if(kc(1).eq.0.and.kc(2).eq.0.and.kc(3).eq.0.and.kc(4).eq.0)then
+c        if(k.eq.0)then           ! flavor singlet pseudoscalar mesons
+c         if(am.ge.0.000)then
+c          rad=0.64                 ! pi0
+c          if(am.ge.0.500)then
+c           rad=0.60                ! eta
+c           if(am.ge.0.900)then
+c            rad=0.40               ! eta prime
+c            if(am.ge.2.900)then
+c             rad=0.17              ! eta charm
+c            endif
+c           endif
+c          endif
+c         else
+c          write(ifch,*)
+c     *    'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i),' k:',k,' m:',am
+c          write(ifch,*)'jc:',(jc(l,1),l=1,6),(jc(l,2),l=1,6)
+c          call utstop('jrad: meson radius not defined&')
+c         endif
+c        else                    ! flavor singlet vector mesons
+c         if(am.ge.0.000)then
+c          rad=0.72                ! rho,omega
+c          if(am.ge.1.000)then
+c           rad=0.46               ! phi
+c           if(am.ge.3.000)then
+c            rad=0.20              ! J/psi
+c           endif
+c          endif
+c         else
+c          write(ifch,*)
+c     *    'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i),' k:',k,' m:',am
+c          write(ifch,*)'jc:',(jc(l,1),l=1,6),(jc(l,2),l=1,6)
+c          call utstop('jrad: meson radius not defined&')
+c         endif
+c        endif
+c       elseif(kc(3).eq.0.and.kc(4).eq.0)then  ! nonstrange, noncharmed
+c        if(k.eq.0)then
+c         rad=0.64  ! pi
+c        else
+c         rad=0.72  ! resonances
+c        endif
+c       elseif(kc(3).ne.0.and.kc(4).eq.0)then  ! strange
+c        if(k.eq.0)then
+c         rad=0.59  ! kaons
+c        else
+c         rad=0.68  ! kaon resonances
+c        endif
+c       else                                   ! charmed
+c        write(ifch,*)'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i)
+c        call utstop('jrad: radius of meson not defined&')
+c       endif
+c      else   !baryons
+c       if(kc(4).gt.0)then       ! charmed
+c        write(ifch,*)
+c     *  'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i),' k:',k,' m:',am
+c        write(ifch,*)'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i)
+c        call utstop('jrad: radius of charmed baryon not defined&')
+c       elseif(kc(3).eq.0)then   ! nonstrange
+c        if(k.eq.0)then
+c         rad=0.82  !nucleons
+c        else
+c         rad=1.00  !resonances
+c        endif
+c       elseif(kc(3).eq.1)then   ! strange
+c        if(k.eq.0)then
+c         rad=0.76  !lambda, sigma
+c        else
+c         rad=0.93  !resonances
+c        endif
+c       elseif(kc(3).eq.2)then   ! double strange
+c        if(k.eq.0)then
+c         rad=0.71  !cascades
+c        else
+c         rad=0.87  !resonances
+c        endif
+c       elseif(kc(3).ge.3)then   ! triple strange
+c        rad=0.79  !omega
+c       else
+c        write(ifch,*)
+c     *  'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i),' k:',k,' m:',am
+c        write(ifch,*)
+c     *  'q:',(jc(l,1),l=1,6),' qbar:',(jc(l,2),l=1,6),
+c     *  ' |q-qbar|:',(kc(l),l=1,6)
+c        call utstop('jrad: should not happen&')
+c       endif
+cc string fragments with |#q|>3
+c       if(na.gt.3)then
+c        a=(na/3.)**(1./3.)
+c        if(ish.ge.7)then
+c         call utmsg('jrad ')
+c         write(ifch,*)
+c     *   'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i),' k:',k,' m:',am
+c         write(ifch,*)
+c     *   'q:',(jc(l,1),l=1,6),' qbar:',(jc(l,2),l=1,6),
+c     *   ' |q-qbar|:',(kc(l),l=1,6)
+c         write(ifch,*)'nq:',nq,' na:',na,' r:',rad,' ar:',a*rad
+c         call utmsgf
+c        endif
+c        rad=rad*a
+c       endif
+c      endif
+c      if(ish.ge.7)then
+c       write(ifch,*)
+c     * 'i:',i,' id:',idptl(i),' k:',k,' m:',am,' rad:',rad
+c       write(ifch,*)'jc:',(jc(l,1),l=1,6),(jc(l,2),l=1,6)
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine jresc
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision pa(5),pj(5)
+      integer ipptl(mxptl)
+      call utpri('jresc ',ish,ishini,4)
+      iret=0
+      nptlpt=maproj+matarg
+      np=0
+      do i=nptlpt+1,nptl
+       if(istptl(i).eq.0
+     * .and.idptl(i).lt.10000.and.pptl(5,i).gt.0.01)then
+        np=np+1
+        ipptl(np)=i
+       endif
+      enddo
+      if(np.lt.2)goto1001
+      do ii=1,np
+       i=ipptl(ii)
+       if(mod(iabs(idptl(i)),10).lt.2)then
+        call idmass(idptl(i),ami)
+        dm=abs(ami-pptl(5,i))
+        if(dm.gt.0.001)then
+         ntry=0
+1        continue
+         ntry=ntry+1
+2        jj=1+int(rangen()*np)
+         j=ipptl(jj)
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)i,j,istptl(j)
+         if(j.eq.i)goto2
+         if(mod(iabs(idptl(j)),10).lt.2)then
+          call idmass(idptl(j),amj)
+         else
+          amj=pptl(5,j)
+         endif
+         do l=1,5
+          pa(l)=dble(pptl(l,i))
+          pj(l)=dble(pptl(l,j))
+         enddo
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,'(70a1)')('-',l=1,70)
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,11)i,idptl(i),'before:',pa,'want:',ami
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,11)j,idptl(j),'before:',pj,'want:',amj
+         call jrescl(pa,dble(ami),pj,dble(amj),iret)
+         if(iret.eq.1)then
+          if(ntry.le.50)then
+           goto1
+          else
+           goto1001
+          endif
+         endif
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,11)i,idptl(i),' after:',pa
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,11)j,idptl(j),' after:',pj
+         if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,'(70a1)')('-',l=1,70)
+         do l=1,5
+          pptl(l,i)=sngl(pa(l))
+          pptl(l,j)=sngl(pj(l))
+         enddo
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+11    format(i5,1x,i5,1x,a,1x,5(d8.2,1x),a,1x,e8.2)
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('jresc ',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+1001  continue
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(a)')'jresc: could not put on shell'
+      endif
+      goto1000
+      end
+      subroutine jrescl(p1,am1,p2,am2,iret)
+c rescale momenta of two particles such that the masses assume given
+c values.
+c input:
+c   p1, p2: momenta of the two particles
+c   am1, am2: desired masses of the two particles
+c output:
+c   p1, p2: new momenta of the two particles
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision p1(5),p2(5)
+     *                ,p1n(5),p2n(5)
+     *                ,a1,a2,a12,am1,am2
+     *                ,b1,b2,c,d,e,f,g,p,q,r
+      call utpri('jrescl',ish,ishini,7)
+      iret=0
+      a1=p1(5)**2
+      a2=p2(5)**2
+      a12=p1(4)*p2(4)-p1(3)*p2(3)-p1(2)*p2(2)-p1(1)*p2(1)
+      if(a12.le.(a1+a2))then
+       if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'a_12 < a_1 + a_2'
+       if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)a12,' < ',a1+a2
+c      goto1001
+      endif
+11    format(5(d9.3,1x))
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,11)p1,a1
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,11)p2,a2
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)a12
+      c=(a1+a12)/(a2+a12)
+      d=(a1-am1**2-a2+am2**2)/(a2+a12)*0.5d0
+      e=a1-2d0*a12*c+a2*c**2
+      f=2d0*(a1-a12*(c+d)+a2*c*d)
+      g=a1-2d0*a12*d+a2*d**2-am1**2
+      p=f/e
+      q=g/e
+      r=p**2-4d0*q
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'c:',c,' d:',d
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'e:',e,' f:',f,' g:',g
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'p:',p,' q:',q,' r:',r
+      if(r.lt.0d0)goto1001
+      b1=-0.5d0*(p-dsqrt(r))
+      b2=b1*c+d
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'b_1:',b1,' b_2:',b2
+      do i=1,4
+       p1n(i)=(1d0+b1)*p1(i)-b2*p2(i)
+       p2n(i)=(1d0+b2)*p2(i)-b1*p1(i)
+      enddo
+      a1=p1n(4)**2-p1n(3)**2-p1n(2)**2-p1n(1)**2
+      a2=p2n(4)**2-p2n(3)**2-p2n(2)**2-p2n(1)**2
+      if(a1.gt.0d0.and.a2.gt.0d0)then
+       do i=1,4
+        p1(i)=p1n(i)
+        p2(i)=p2n(i)
+       enddo
+       p1(5)=dsqrt(a1)
+       p2(5)=dsqrt(a2)
+       if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,11)p1,a1
+       if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,11)p2,a2
+      else
+       goto1001
+      endif
+      if(p1(4).lt.0..or.p2(4).lt.0.)goto1001
+1000  continue
+      call utprix('jrescl',ish,ishini,7)
+      return
+1001  continue
+      iret=1
+      goto1000
+      end
+      subroutine jtain(i,x,y,z,t,n,iopt)
+c returns intersection (x,y,z,t) of ptl-i-trajectory with taus-line.
+c input:
+c   i: particle number
+c   iopt: formation time considered (0) or not (1)
+c output:
+c   x,y,z,t: 4-vector of intersection point
+c   n: exit code
+c       n=0: ok
+c       n=1: ptl lives later
+c       n=2: ptl lives earlier
+c       n=9: tiv1>tiv2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision vv,zza,zz,tt,xo3,xo4,ti1,ti2,derr,dd
+      double precision ttp,zzp,ttt,zzt,vvt,vvp,spt2m2E,p4
+      common/ctfi/tin,tfi
+      double precision ttau0
+      common/cttau0/ttau0
+      n=0
+      tin=0
+      tfi=0
+      derr=1d-2
+      ttp=tpro*ttaus
+      zzp=zpro*ttaus
+      ttt=ttar*ttaus
+      zzt=ztar*ttaus
+      vv=sign(min(1.d0,abs(dble(pptl(3,i)))/dble(pptl(4,i)))
+     &                ,dble(pptl(3,i)))
+      if(abs(vv).ge.1.d0)then
+        spt2m2E=dble(pptl(1,i)*pptl(1,i)+pptl(2,i)*pptl(2,i)
+     &              +pptl(5,i)*pptl(5,i))
+c        if(pptl(4,i).le.0.)then
+          p4=sqrt(dble(pptl(3,i)*pptl(3,i))+spt2m2E)
+c        else
+c          p4=dble(pptl(4,i))
+c        endif
+ctp to avoid precision problem, replace abs(p3)/p4 by sqrt(1-(pt2+m2)/E2)
+        spt2m2E=min(1.d0,sqrt(spt2m2E)/p4)
+        vv=sign(sqrt((1d0+spt2m2E)*(1d0-spt2m2E)),dble(pptl(3,i)))
+      endif
+      xo3=dble(xorptl(3,i))
+      xo4=dble(xorptl(4,i))
+      zza=xo3-xo4*vv
+      if(iopt.eq.0)then
+        ti1=dble(tivptl(1,i))
+      elseif(iopt.eq.1)then
+        ti1=dble(xo4)
+      else
+        ti1=0
+        call utstop("Wrong iopt in jtain !&")
+      endif
+      ti2=dble(tivptl(2,i))
+      if(ti1.gt.ti2)then
+        n=9
+        goto1
+      endif
+      zfi=sngl(xo3+(ti2-xo4)*vv)
+      call jtaus(zfi,tzfi,szfi)
+      tfi=tzfi
+      if(tfi.ge.sngl(ti2))then
+        n=2
+        goto1
+      endif
+      zin=sngl(xo3+(ti1-xo4)*vv)
+      call jtaus(zin,tzin,szin)
+      tin=tzin
+      if(tin.le.sngl(ti1))then
+        n=1
+        goto1
+      endif
+    1 continue
+           if(ttaus.le.ttau0)then
+      tt=ttaus
+      zz=xo3+(tt-xo4)*vv
+      if(tt.lt.ti1.and.n.eq.0)n=1
+      if(tt.ge.ti2.and.n.eq.0)n=2
+      goto1000
+           else
+      vvt=zzt/ttt
+      vvp=zzp/ttp
+      tt=(ttt+(zza-zzt)*vvt)/(1-vv*vvt)
+      zz=xo3+(tt-xo4)*vv
+      if(zz.le.zzt)then
+      if(tt.lt.ti1.and.n.eq.0)n=1
+      if(tt.ge.ti2.and.n.eq.0)n=2
+      goto1000
+      endif
+      tt=(ttp+(zza-zzp)*vvp)/(1-vv*vvp)
+      zz=xo3+(tt-xo4)*vv
+      if(zz.ge.zzp)then
+      if(tt.lt.ti1.and.n.eq.0)n=1
+      if(tt.ge.ti2.and.n.eq.0)n=2
+      goto1000
+      endif
+      dd=1-vv**2
+      if(sngl(dd).eq.0..and.vv.gt.0.)then
+      tt=-(ttaus**2+zza**2)/2d0/zza
+      elseif(sngl(dd).eq.0..and.vv.lt.0.)then
+      tt=(ttaus**2+zza**2)/2d0/zza
+      else
+      tt=(zza*vv+dsqrt(zza**2+ttaus**2*dd))/dd
+      endif
+      zz=xo3+(tt-xo4)*vv
+      if(tt.lt.ti1.and.n.eq.0)n=1
+      if(tt.ge.ti2.and.n.eq.0)n=2
+        if(dabs(ttaus**2-(tt+zz)*(tt-zz)).gt.derr*ttaus**2.and.
+     *dabs(ttaus**2-(tt+zz)*(tt-zz)).gt.derr)then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('jtain')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  ttaus**2 .ne. (tt+zz)*(tt-zz)'
+      write(ifch,*)sngl(ttaus**2),sngl((tt+zz)*(tt-zz))
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      goto1000
+        endif
+           endif
+1000  t=sngl(tt)
+      z=sngl(zz)
+      x=xorptl(1,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(1,i)/pptl(4,i)
+      y=xorptl(2,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(2,i)/pptl(4,i)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtaix(i,tau,zor,tor,z,t)
+c     returns intersection z,t of ptl-i-trajectory with hyperbola h.
+c        h: (t-tor)**2-(z-zor)**2=tau**2 .
+c        zor, tor double precision.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tor,zor,tors,zors,vv,cc,dd,ttau,derr,tt,zz
+      derr=1d-3
+      ttau=dble(tau)
+      zors=dble(xorptl(3,i))-zor
+      tors=dble(xorptl(4,i))-tor
+      vv=dble(pptl(3,i)/pptl(4,i))
+      vv=dmin1(vv,1d0)
+      vv=dmax1(vv,-1d0)
+      cc=zors-tors*vv
+      dd=1d0-vv**2
+      dd=dmax1(dd,0d0)
+           if(dd.eq.0d0.and.cc.eq.0d0)then
+      if(tau.eq.0.)tt=0d0
+      if(tau.ne.0.)tt=dble(ainfin)
+      zz=tt
+      goto1000
+           elseif(dd.eq.0d0)then
+      tt=-(ttau**2+cc**2)/2d0/cc/vv
+           elseif(dd.lt.1e-8)then
+      tt=-(ttau**2+cc**2)/2d0/cc/vv
+      call utmsg('jtaix')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  dd = ',dd,'    treated as zero'
+      call utmsgf
+           else
+      tt=(cc*vv+dsqrt(cc**2+ttau**2*dd))
+      tt=tt/dd
+           endif
+      zz=cc+tt*vv
+      if(dabs(ttau**2-(tt+zz)*(tt-zz)).gt.derr*ttau**2
+     *.and.dabs(ttau**2-(tt+zz)*(tt-zz)).gt.derr
+     *.and.tors**2-zors**2.lt.1e6)then
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+      call utmsg('jtaix')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  ttau**2 .ne. (tt+zz)*(tt-zz)'
+      write(ifch,*)sngl(ttau**2),sngl((tt+zz)*(tt-zz))
+      write(ifch,*)'tau,t,z:'
+      write(ifch,*)tau,tt,zz
+      write(ifch,*)'#,id(ptl):',i,idptl(i)
+      write(ifch,*)'zor,tor(str):',zor,tor
+      write(ifch,*)'zors,tors,p,e(ptl):'
+      write(ifch,*)sngl(zors),sngl(tors),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i)
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      endif
+1000  z=sngl(zz+zor)
+      t=sngl(tt+tor)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtaug(su,so,g,y)
+c  returns g factor and rapidity y for given su, so
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision ttp,zzp,ttt,zzt,ssp,sst,ssu,sso,ss1,ss2,gg
+     *,ssav,yyav,hh
+      double precision ttau0
+      common/cttau0/ttau0
+      ssu=dble(su)
+      sso=dble(so)
+      if(ssu.ge.sso)then
+      sso=(ssu+sso)*0.5d0 + dble(abs(dezzer))*ttaus*0.5d0
+      ssu=(ssu+sso)*0.5d0 - dble(abs(dezzer))*ttaus*0.5d0
+      so=real(sso)
+      su=real(ssu)
+      endif
+      if(ssu.ge.sso)then
+        print*,ssu,sso,dble(abs(dezzer))*ttaus*0.5d0
+        stop'STOP: sr jtaug: ssu.ge.sso'
+      endif
+      g=1
+      if(ttaus.le.ttau0)return
+      ttp=tpro*ttaus
+      zzp=zpro*ttaus
+      ttt=ttar*ttaus
+      zzt=ztar*ttaus
+      ssp=ttaus*0.5d0*dlog((ttp+zzp)/(ttp-zzp))
+      sst=ttaus*0.5d0*dlog((ttt+zzt)/(ttt-zzt))
+      ssav=(ssu+sso)/2d0
+      yyav=ssav/ttaus
+      if(ssav.ge.ssp)yyav=detap
+      if(ssav.le.sst)yyav=detat
+      gg=0
+      if(ssu.lt.sst)gg=gg + dcosh(detat-yyav) * (dmin1(sst,sso)-ssu)
+      if(sso.gt.ssp)gg=gg + dcosh(detap-yyav) * (sso-dmax1(ssp,ssu))
+      if(ssu.lt.ssp.and.sso.gt.sst)then
+      ss1=dmax1(ssu,sst)
+      ss2=dmin1(sso,ssp)
+      gg=gg+ttaus*( dsinh(ss2/ttaus-yyav)-dsinh(ss1/ttaus-yyav) )
+      endif
+      gg=gg/(sso-ssu)
+      hh=0
+      if(ssu.lt.sst)hh=hh + dsinh(detat-yyav) * (dmin1(sst,sso)-ssu)
+      if(sso.gt.ssp)hh=hh + dsinh(detap-yyav) * (sso-dmax1(ssp,ssu))
+      if(ssu.lt.ssp.and.sso.gt.sst)then
+      ss1=dmax1(ssu,sst)
+      ss2=dmin1(sso,ssp)
+      hh=hh+ttaus*( dcosh(ss2/ttaus-yyav)-dcosh(ss1/ttaus-yyav) )
+      endif
+      hh=hh/(sso-ssu)
+      yyav=yyav+0.5d0*dlog((gg+hh)/(gg-hh))
+      gg=0
+      if(ssu.lt.sst)gg=gg + dcosh(detat-yyav) * (dmin1(sst,sso)-ssu)
+      if(sso.gt.ssp)gg=gg + dcosh(detap-yyav) * (sso-dmax1(ssp,ssu))
+      if(ssu.lt.ssp.and.sso.gt.sst)then
+      ss1=dmax1(ssu,sst)
+      ss2=dmin1(sso,ssp)
+      gg=gg+ttaus*( dsinh(ss2/ttaus-yyav)-dsinh(ss1/ttaus-yyav) )
+      endif
+      gg=gg/(sso-ssu)
+      g=sngl(gg)
+      y=sngl(yyav)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtaui(s,ts,zs)
+c  returns time ts and coord zs corresponding to ttaus and inv. length s
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision ttau0
+      common/cttau0/ttau0
+      double precision ttp,zzp,ttt,zzt,ssp,sst,ss,zeta
+      zs=s
+      ts=sngl(ttaus)
+      if(ttaus.le.ttau0)return
+      ttp=tpro*ttaus
+      zzp=zpro*ttaus
+      ttt=ttar*ttaus
+      zzt=ztar*ttaus
+      ssp=ttaus*0.5d0*dlog((ttp+zzp)/(ttp-zzp))
+      sst=ttaus*0.5d0*dlog((ttt+zzt)/(ttt-zzt))
+      ss=dble(s)
+           if(ss.le.sst)then
+      zs=sngl(zzt+ttar*(ss-sst))
+      ts=sngl(ttt+(dble(zs)-zzt)*zzt/ttt)
+           elseif(ss.ge.ssp)then
+      zs=sngl(zzp+tpro*(ss-ssp))
+      ts=sngl(ttp+(dble(zs)-zzp)*zzp/ttp)
+           else
+      zeta=ss/ttaus
+      ts=sngl(ttaus*dcosh(zeta))
+      zs=sngl(ttaus*dsinh(zeta))
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtauin
+c initializes equal time hyperbola at ttaus
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision ttau0,rcproj,rctarg
+      common/geom1/rcproj,rctarg
+      common/cttau0/ttau0
+      call utpri('jtauin',ish,ishini,6)
+      if(ttaus.gt.ttau0)then
+       if(rcproj.gt.1d-10)then
+        detap=dmin1(dble((ypjtl-yhaha)*etafac),dlog(ttaus/rcproj))
+       else
+        detap=dble((ypjtl-yhaha)*etafac)
+       endif
+       if(rctarg.gt.1d-10)then
+        detat=dmax1(dble(-yhaha*etafac),dlog(rctarg/ttaus))
+       else
+        detat=dble(-yhaha*etafac)
+       endif
+       tpro=dcosh(detap)
+       zpro=dsinh(detap)
+       ttar=dcosh(detat)
+       ztar=dsinh(detat)
+      else
+       detap=0d0
+       detat=0d0
+       tpro=0d0
+       zpro=0d0
+       ttar=0d0
+       ztar=0d0
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+       write(ifch,*)'hyperbola at tau=',ttaus
+       write(ifch,*)'r_p:',rcproj,' r_t:',rctarg
+       write(ifch,*)'y_p:',detap,' y_t:',detat
+       write(ifch,*)'t_p:',tpro,' z_p:',zpro
+       write(ifch,*)'t_t:',ttar,' z_t:',ztar
+      endif
+      call utprix('jtauin',ish,ishini,6)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtaus(z,tz,sz)
+c  returns time tz and inv length sz corresponding to ttaus and z
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      double precision ttau0
+      common/cttau0/ttau0
+      double precision ttp,zzp,ttt,zzt,zz,tzz
+      tz=sngl(ttaus)
+      sz=z
+      if(ttaus.le.ttau0)return
+      ttp=tpro*ttaus
+      zzp=zpro*ttaus
+      ttt=ttar*ttaus
+      zzt=ztar*ttaus
+      zz=dble(z)
+           if(zz.le.zzt)then
+      tz=sngl(ttt+(zz-zzt)*zzt/ttt)
+      sz=sngl(ttaus*detat+(zz-zzt)/ttar)
+           elseif(zz.ge.zzp)then
+      tz=sngl(ttp+(zz-zzp)*zzp/ttp)
+      sz=sngl(ttaus*detap+(zz-zzp)/tpro)
+           else
+      if(sngl(ttaus).ge.ainfin)then
+      tz=sngl(ttaus)
+      sz=0.
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('jtaus')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  large ttaus; set tz=ttaus, sz=0'
+      write(ifch,*)'ttaus=',ttaus,'zz=',zz
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      else
+      tzz=dsqrt(ttaus**2+zz**2)
+      tz=sngl(tzz)
+      sz=sngl(ttaus*0.5d0*dlog((tzz+zz)/(tzz-zz)))
+      endif
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtaux(t,z,ttaux)
+c  returns ttaux (-> tau-line) for given t and z.
+c  ttaux: double precision.
+      double precision ttaux,tt,zz,rcproj,rctarg,zt1,zp1,zt2,zp2,ttau0
+      common/geom1/rcproj,rctarg
+      common/cttau0/ttau0
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/   tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      tt=dble(t)
+      zz=dble(z)
+      if(tt.gt.ttau0)then
+       zt1=rctarg-tt
+       zp1=tt-rcproj
+       zt2=ztar/ttar*tt
+       zp2=zpro/tpro*tt
+       if(zz.le.dmax1(zt1,zt2))then
+        if(zt1.gt.zt2)then
+         ttaux=rctarg*dsqrt((tt-zz)/(2d0*rctarg-tt-zz))
+        else
+         ttaux=(ttar*tt-ztar*zz)/(ttar**2-ztar**2)
+        endif
+       elseif(zz.ge.dmin1(zp1,zp2))then
+        if(zp1.lt.zp2)then
+         ttaux=rcproj*dsqrt((tt+zz)/(2d0*rcproj-tt+zz))
+        else
+         ttaux=(tpro*tt-zpro*zz)/(tpro**2-zpro**2)
+        endif
+       else
+        ttaux=dsqrt(tt**2-zz**2)
+       endif
+      else
+       ttaux=tt
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xjden1(ii,itau,x,y,rad,o,u)
+c ii=0: initialization
+c ii=1: determining dense regions in space of individual events
+c       x,y,rad: tranverse coordinates and radius of particle i
+c       o,u: specifies long range: u < s < o (s: long coordinate)
+c ii=2: plot of individual event
+c       xpar1: itau ; valid: 1,..,10
+c       xpar2: z-range: -xpar2 < z < xpar2
+c       xpar3, x-range: -xpar3 < x < xpar3
+c       xpar4, y-range: -xpar4 < y < xpar4
+      include "epos.inc"
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/   tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      if(idensi.ne.1)stop'STOP in xjden1: idensi must be set 1'
+      dlcoox=0.5
+      dlcooy=0.5
+           if(ii.eq.0)then
+      do i=1,nzeta
+      do j=1,mxcoox
+      do k=1,mxcooy
+      kdensi(itau,i,j,k)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+           elseif(ii.eq.1)then
+      if(itau.lt.1.or.itau.gt.mxtau)return
+      tau=sngl(ttaus)
+      zu=u/tau
+      zo=o/tau
+            do 1 i=1,nzeta
+      zi=-nzeta*dlzeta/2-dlzeta/2+i*dlzeta
+      if(zu.gt.zi.or.zo.lt.zi)goto1
+      do 2 j=1,mxcoox
+      xj=-mxcoox*dlcoox/2-dlcoox/2+j*dlcoox
+      do 3 k=1,mxcooy
+      yk=-mxcooy*dlcooy/2-dlcooy/2+k*dlcooy
+      if((x-xj)**2+(y-yk)**2.gt.rad**2)goto3
+      kdensi(itau,i,j,k)=1
+    3 continue
+    2 continue
+    1 continue
+           elseif(ii.eq.2)then
+      itaux=nint(xpar1)
+      if(itaux.gt.mxtau)stop'STOP in xjden1: itaux too large'
+      iz=nint(xpar2/dlzeta)
+      ix=nint(xpar3/dlcoox)
+      iy=nint(xpar4/dlcooy)
+      if(iz.gt.nzeta/2)stop'STOP in xjden1: zeta-range too large'
+      if(ix.gt.mxcoox/2)stop'STOP in xjden1: x-range too large'
+      if(iy.gt.mxcooy/2)stop'STOP in xjden1: y-range too large'
+      do k=mxcooy/2+1-iy,mxcooy/2+iy
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f7.2)')      '! tau: ',tauv(itaux)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.2)')'xrange',-iz*dlzeta,iz*dlzeta
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.2)')'yrange',-ix*dlcoox,ix*dlcoox
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 3'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "xaxis space-time rapidity [z]"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "yaxis transverse coordinate x (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',2*iz
+      do j=mxcoox/2+1-ix,mxcoox/2+ix
+      write(ifhi,'(40i2)')    (kdensi(itaux,i,j,k),
+     *                        i=nzeta/2+1-iz,nzeta/2+iz)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+      enddo
+           else
+      stop'STOP in xjden1: wrong option'
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xjden2(ii,itau,x,y,rad,s)
+c ii=0: initialization
+c ii=1: determining dense regions in space of individual events
+c       x,y,rad: tranverse coordinates and radius of particle i
+c       s: long coordinate
+c ii=2: plot of individual event
+c       xpar1: itau ; valid: 1,..,10
+c       xpar2: s-range: -xpar2 < s < xpar2
+c       xpar3, x-range: -xpar3 < x < xpar3
+c       xpar4, y-range: -xpar4 < y < xpar4
+      include "epos.inc"
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/   tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      parameter (mxcoos=60)
+      common/cdensh/kdensh(matau,mxcoos,mxcoox,mxcooy),ktot(matau)
+      character cy*3
+      dlcoox=0.5
+      dlcooy=0.5
+      dlcoos=0.5
+           if(ii.eq.0)then
+      do i=1,mxcoos
+      do j=1,mxcoox
+      do k=1,mxcooy
+      kdensh(itau,i,j,k)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ktot(itau)=0
+           elseif(ii.eq.1)then
+      if(itau.lt.1.or.itau.gt.mxtau)return
+      tau=sngl(ttaus)
+      z=s/tau
+      do 1 i=1,mxcoos
+      si=-mxcoos*dlcoos/2-dlcoos/2+i*dlcoos
+      do 2 j=1,mxcoox
+      xj=-mxcoox*dlcoox/2-dlcoox/2+j*dlcoox
+      do 3 k=1,mxcooy
+      yk=-mxcooy*dlcooy/2-dlcooy/2+k*dlcooy
+      if(((x-xj)**2+(y-yk)**2+(z-si)**2).gt.rad**2)goto3
+      kdensh(itau,i,j,k)=kdensh(itau,i,j,k)+1
+      ktot(itau)=ktot(itau)+1
+    3 continue
+    2 continue
+    1 continue
+           elseif(ii.eq.2)then
+      itaux=nint(xpar1)
+      if(itaux.gt.mxtau)stop'STOP in xjden2: itaux too large'
+      is=nint(xpar2/dlcoos)
+      ix=nint(xpar3/dlcoox)
+      iy=nint(xpar4/dlcooy)
+      if(is.gt.mxcoos/2)stop'STOP in xjden2: s-range too large'
+      if(ix.gt.mxcoox/2)stop'STOP in xjden2: x-range too large'
+      if(iy.gt.mxcooy/2)stop'STOP in xjden2: y-range too large'
+      do k=mxcooy/2+1-iy,mxcooy/2+iy
+      write(cy,'(f3.1)')-mxcooy*dlcooy/2-dlcooy/2+k*dlcooy
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.2)')'xrange',-is*dlcoos,is*dlcoos
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2f7.2)')'yrange',-ix*dlcoox,ix*dlcoox
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'set ityp2d 5'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt  "xaxis [z] "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')
+     *'txt  "yaxis  x (fm), y='//cy//' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4)')   'array2d',2*is
+      do j=mxcoox/2+1-ix,mxcoox/2+ix
+      do i=mxcoos/2+1-is,mxcoos/2+is
+      write(ifhi,'(e11.3)')
+     *kdensh(itaux,i,j,k)/dlcooy/dlcoos/dlcoox/ktot(itaux)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+      enddo
+           else
+      stop'STOP in xjden2: wrong option'
+           endif
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine postscript(iii,ii,ic)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      character*10 color(10)
+c      if(iii.eq.0)then
+c      ifps=21
+c      open(unit=ifps,file='zzz.ps',status='unknown')
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%!PS-Adobe-2.0'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%Title: tt2.fig'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%Orientation: Portrait'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%BeginSetup'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%IncludeFeature: *PageSize A4'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%EndSetup'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%EndComments'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/l {lineto} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/rl {rlineto} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/m {moveto} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/rm {rmoveto} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/s {stroke} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/gr {grestore} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/gs {gsave} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/cp {closepath} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/tr {translate} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/sc {scale} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/sd {setdash} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/sdo {[.01 .05] 0 sd} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/sdf {[1 .0] 0 sd} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/n {newpath} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/slw {setlinewidth } bind def'
+c      write(ifps,*) '/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def'
+c      write(ifps,*) '/lgrey      { 0 0.95 0.95 srgb} bind def'
+c      write(ifps,*) '/black      { 0 0 0 srgb} bind def'
+c      write(ifps,*) '/red        { 1 0 0 srgb} bind def  '
+c      write(ifps,*) '/green      { 0 1 0  srgb} bind def  '
+c      write(ifps,*) '/blue       { 0 0 1  srgb} bind def  '
+c      write(ifps,*) '/yellow     { 1 0.5 0  srgb} bind def  '
+c      write(ifps,*) '/turquoise  { 0 1 1  srgb} bind def  '
+c      write(ifps,*) '/purple     { 1 0 1  srgb} bind def  '
+cc      write(ifps,*) '/  {   srgb} bind def  '
+cc      write(ifps,*) '/  {   srgb} bind def  '
+c      write(ifps,*) '/ef {eofill} bind def'
+c      WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%EndProlog'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) 'gsave'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/Helvetica findfont 10 scalefont setfont'
+c      color(9)='lgrey     '
+c      color(1)='black     '
+c      color(2)='red       '
+c      color(3)='green     '
+c      color(4)='blue      '
+c      color(7)='yellow    '
+c      color(5)='turquoise '
+c      color(6)='purple    '
+c      np=0
+c         elseif(iii.eq.1)then
+c      np=np+1
+c      write(ifps,'(a,i4)') '%%Page: number ',np
+c      write(ifps,'(a)') 'gsave'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '100 700 tr'
+c      scale=0.125
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) 1./scale,1./scale,' sc'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) scale/2.,' slw'
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/Helvetica findfont ',15.*scale
+c     &     ,' scalefont setfont'
+c      write(ifps,*) color(1),' n ',smin,xmin,' m ( tau:',tau,') show '
+c      WRITE(ifps,*) '/Helvetica findfont ',5.*scale
+c     &     ,' scalefont setfont'
+c      yb=-2.
+c      dy=4./12.
+c      yb=yb-dy/2
+c      do iyb=0,11
+c        yb=yb+dy
+c        WRITE(ifps,*) 'gsave'
+c        WRITE(ifps,*) (xmax-xmin)*1.1*float(int(iyb/4))
+c     &       ,-(xmax-xmin)*1.1*mod(iyb,4),' tr'
+c        write(ifps,*) ' n ',smin,xmin,' m ',smax,xmin,' l '
+c     &       ,smax,xmax,' l ',smin,xmax,' l cp s '
+cc.......particles in layer iyb.............
+c        do i=1,nptl
+c          if(ii.gt.0)then
+c              write(ifps,*)  color(mod(i,5)+2)
+c     &             ,' n ',u,x-r,' m ',o,x-r,' l '
+c     &             ,o,x+r,' l ',u,x+r,' l cp s '
+c              write(ifps,*) ' n ',u,x-r,' m (',i,ior,') show '
+c          else
+c              write(ifps,*) ' n ',s,x,r,0,360,' arc ',color(ic),' s '
+c              write(ifps,*) ' n ',s-r,x,' m (',i,io,') show '
+c          endif
+c 10     enddo
+c        write(ifps,*) color(1),' n ',smin,xmin,' m (',yb,') show '
+c        WRITE(ifps,*) 'grestore'
+c      enddo                    !yb bin
+c      write(ifps,'(a)') 'grestore'
+c      write(ifps,*) 'showpage'
+c          elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+c       write(ifps,*) 'gr'
+c       write(ifps,'(a)') '%%Trailer'
+c       write(ifps,'(a,i4)') '%%Pages: ',np
+c       write(ifps,'(a)') '%%EOF'
+c       close(unit=ifps)
+c          endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine xtauev(iii)
+      jdum=iii
+      end
+      subroutine wimi
+      end
+      subroutine wimino
+      end
+      subroutine xspace(iii)
+      jdum=iii
+      end
+      subroutine wclu
+      end
+      subroutine wclufi
+      end
+      subroutine wtime(iii)
+      jdum=iii
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-jps-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-jps-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..549ad897976fd89fdaf225e99dac446edf34796d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-jps-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1347 @@
+      subroutine jpsifo(npjpsi)
+c   forms a jpsi
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      parameter (ndep=129,ndet=129)
+      common/cdep/xdep(ndep),qdep(ndep),wdep(ndep)
+      common/cdet/xdet(ndet),qdet(ndet),wdet(ndet)
+      parameter (nptj=129)
+      common /cptj/xptj(nptj),qptj(nptj),wptj(nptj)
+      parameter (mxbim=12)
+      common/jpsi1/bimmax,kolran,delt,taumi,jpsinu,jpsidr,taudmx
+      parameter (mxmass=20)
+      parameter (nxmdk=20)
+      parameter (ntjpsi=150)
+      common/jpsi7/xydens(ntjpsi,mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a4min,a4max
+      common/jpsi8/xys(mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a5min,a5max
+      common/jpsi9/ami(ntjpsi,mxmass),a6min,a6max
+      call utpri('jpsifo',ish,ishini,4)
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,'(a)')' jpsi formation'
+c     trigger
+c     -------
+      ymax=0.5
+      ymin=-0.5
+c     jpsi momenta
+c     ------------
+      id=441
+      call idmass(id,amass)
+      s=amass**2
+ 2    rqptj=rangen()*qptj(nptj)
+      pt=utinvt(nptj,xptj,qptj,rqptj)
+      phi=2.*pi*rangen()
+      px=pt*cos(phi)
+      py=pt*sin(phi)
+      lo=0
+    1 lo=lo+1
+      if(lo.gt.10)call utstop('jpsifo: lo > 10 &')
+      z=0.19*sqrt(-2*alog(rangen()))*cos(2*pi*rangen()) !1-dim gauss
+      if(z.gt.1.)goto 1
+      pz=z*engy/2*ransig()
+      e=sqrt(s+px**2+py**2+pz**2)
+      amt=sqrt(amass**2+pt**2)
+      y=sign(1.,pz)*alog( (e+abs(pz))/amt )
+      if(y.lt.ymin.or.y.gt.ymax)goto 2
+c     fill /cptl/
+c     -----------
+      if(npjpsi.eq.0)then
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        npjpsi=nptl
+      endif
+      if(npjpsi.gt.mxptl)then
+        print *,npjpsi,mxptl
+        call utstop('jpsifo: npjpsi>mxptl&')
+      endif
+      istptl(npjpsi)=1
+      idptl(npjpsi)=id
+      pptl(1,npjpsi)=px
+      pptl(2,npjpsi)=py
+      pptl(3,npjpsi)=pz
+      pptl(4,npjpsi)=e
+      pptl(5,npjpsi)=amass
+      kolran=1+rangen()*kolevt
+      xorptl(1,npjpsi)=coord(1,kolran)
+      xorptl(2,npjpsi)=coord(2,kolran)
+      xorptl(3,npjpsi)=coord(3,kolran)
+      xorptl(4,npjpsi)=coord(4,kolran)
+      iorptl(npjpsi)=0
+      jorptl(npjpsi)=0
+      tivptl(1,npjpsi)=xorptl(4,npjpsi)
+      tivptl(2,npjpsi)=ainfin
+      ifrptl(1,npjpsi)=0
+      ifrptl(2,npjpsi)=0
+      if(ish.ge.6) then
+        call alist("&",npjpsi,npjpsi)
+        write (ifch,*) xorptl(1,npjpsi)
+     $       ,xorptl(2,npjpsi),xorptl(3,npjpsi),xorptl(4,npjpsi)
+     $       ,tivptl(1,npjpsi),tivptl(2,npjpsi)
+        ii=iproj(kolran)
+        jj=maproj+itarg(kolran)
+        call alist("collision&",ii,ii)
+        call alist("&",jj,jj)
+      endif
+      a4min=-15.
+      a4max= 15.
+      a5min=-15.
+      a5max= 15.
+      a6min= 2.
+      a6max= 10.
+      call utprix('jpsifo',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+      function sptj(x)
+c     jpsi pt-distribution in 200 gev pp
+      a=0.95
+      c=1/0.363
+      z=x/a
+      sptj=1/a*c**c/utgam1(c)*z**(c-1)*exp(-c*z)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jpsian(ifirst)
+c     jpsi analysis.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      parameter (mxbim=12,ntjpsi=150,mxtauc=16)
+      common/jpsi1/bimmax,kolran,delt,taumi,jpsinu,jpsidr,taudmx
+      common/jpsi2/jjtot(mxbim),jjnuc(mxbim),jjjtau(mxbim,mxtauc)
+      common/jpsi3/jjjtot(mxbim,ntjpsi),jjjdro(mxbim,ntjpsi)
+      common/jpsi4/nnucl(mxbim,ntjpsi),nclose(mxbim,ntjpsi,3)
+      common/jpsi5/ndrop(mxbim,ntjpsi),jjjnt(mxbim,mxtauc)
+      parameter (mxmass=20,mxassy=20)
+      common/jpsi6/ndrp2(mxbim,ntjpsi,mxmass,mxassy)
+     &     ,ndrop3(mxbim,ntjpsi,mxmass,mxassy)
+      parameter (nxmdk=20)
+      common/jpsi7/xydens(ntjpsi,mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a4min,a4max
+      common/jpsi8/xys(mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a5min,a5max
+      common/jpsi9/ami(ntjpsi,mxmass),a6min,a6max
+      common/jpsi10/ndrop0(mxbim,ntjpsi)
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat /ctain/mtain
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      parameter (ndep=129,ndet=129)
+      common/cdep/xdep(ndep),qdep(ndep),wdep(ndep)
+      common/cdet/xdet(ndet),qdet(ndet),wdet(ndet)
+      common/c9ptl/tauptl(mxptl),ss0ptl(mxptl)
+      call utpri('jpsian',ish,ishini,5)
+      detap=(ypjtl-yhaha)*etafac
+      detat=-yhaha*etafac
+      tpro=dcosh(detap)
+      zpro=dsinh(detap)
+      ttar=dcosh(detat)
+      ztar=dsinh(detat)
+      jpsinu=1
+      jpsidr=1
+c      fac=1                     !    <-------- should be one finally
+      taudmx=4
+      rad=sqrt(0.62 / pi)
+      taud=0
+      nucia=0
+      taumi=-2
+      delt=0.1
+      bimmax=amin1(rmproj+rmtarg,bmaxim)
+      delbim=bimmax/mxbim
+      ii=iproj(kolran)
+      jj=maproj+itarg(kolran)
+c.....first event: delete commom blocks...............................
+      if(ifirst.eq.1)then
+        ifirst=0
+        do nbim=1,mxbim
+          jjtot(nbim)=0
+          jjnuc(nbim)=0
+          do ix=1,nxmdk
+            do iy=1,nxmdk
+              xys(nbim,ix,iy)=0.
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          do nt=1,ntjpsi
+            jjjtot(nbim,nt)=0
+            nnucl(nbim,nt)=0
+            jjjdro(nbim,nt)=0
+            ndrop(nbim,nt)=0
+            ndrop0(nbim,nt)=0
+            do kk=1,3
+              nclose(nbim,nt,kk)=0
+            enddo
+            do ix=1,nxmdk
+              do iy=1,nxmdk
+                xydens(nt,nbim,ix,iy)=0.
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          do mm=1,mxtauc
+            jjjtau(nbim,mm)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      nbim=1+int(bimevt/delbim)
+      if(nbim.lt.0.or.nbim.gt.mxbim) goto 5
+      jjtot(nbim)=jjtot(nbim)+1 !events pro bin
+      do 1 i=1,nptl
+        if(idptl(i).eq.441)j=i
+ 1    continue
+c     if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+c     write(6,'(a,i5,a,f6.2,a,f6.2,a,f6.2)')'ip=',ip
+c     *,'   rin= '
+c     *,'   mass= ',pptl(5,ip)
+c     enddo
+c     endif
+c     endif
+      taumax=0.
+      ttaus=taumi-delt
+      do 2 nt=1,ntjpsi
+        idrin=0
+        ttaus=ttaus+delt        !increment of time
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*) 'ttaus:-->',ttaus,ii,jj
+        jpsiex=1
+        call jtain(j,xj,yj,zj,tj,n,1)
+        if(n.eq.1.or.n.eq.2.or.n.eq.9)jpsiex=0 !goto 2
+        if(jpsiex.eq.1)jjjtot(nbim,nt)=jjjtot(nbim,nt)+1
+c       nucleons
+c       --------
+        if(jpsinu.eq.1.and.jpsiex.eq.1)then !test jpsi-nucleon collision
+          do 6 i=1,maproj+matarg
+            if(i.eq.ii.or.i.eq.jj)goto 6
+            nnucl(nbim,nt)=nnucl(nbim,nt)+1
+            t=sngl(ttaus)
+            x=xorptl(1,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(1,i)/pptl(4,i)
+            y=xorptl(2,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(2,i)/pptl(4,i)
+            z=xorptl(3,i)+(t-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(3,i)/pptl(4,i)
+            pde=(pptl(3,i)+pptl(3,j))/(pptl(4,i)+pptl(4,j))
+            gam2i=1-pde**2
+            if(gam2i.eq.0.)goto 6
+            dist=sqrt((x-xj)**2+(y-yj)**2
+     &           +1/gam2i*(z-zj-(t-tj)*pde)**2)
+            if(dist.le.rad)then
+              nclose(nbim,nt,1)=nclose(nbim,nt,1)+1
+              nucia=1
+              if(ish.ge.6)then
+                write (ifch,*) "nucl dist:",dist,' dist(sig)='
+     $               ,rad
+                call alist("&",i,i)
+                call alist("&",j,j)
+              endif
+            elseif(dist.le.rad+1)then
+              nclose(nbim,nt,2)=nclose(nbim,nt,2)+1
+            elseif(dist.le.rad+3)then
+              nclose(nbim,nt,3)=nclose(nbim,nt,3)+1
+            endif
+ 6        continue
+        endif
+c       particles
+c       ---------
+        do 8 i=1,nptl
+c          if ( i.eq.ii.or.i.eq.jj ) goto 8
+          call jtain(i,x,y,z,t,n,1)
+          call jtaus(z,tz,sz)
+          if(n.eq.1.or.n.eq.2.or.n.eq.9)goto 8
+c         calculate s
+c         -----------
+          iad=iabs(idptl(i))
+c          s=(pptl(4,i)+pptl(4,j))**2-(pptl(3,i)+pptl(3,j))**2
+c     $         -(pptl(2,i)+pptl(2,j))**2-(pptl(1,i)+pptl(1,j))**2
+          if ( iad.eq.120 .or. iad.eq.110 ) then !pion
+            sig=1.              !
+          elseif ( iad.eq.121 .or. iad.eq.111 ) then ! rho
+            sig=1.              !
+          elseif ( iad.eq.1120 .or. iad.eq.1220 ) then
+            sig=3.0             ! ???? or 6 ????
+          else
+            goto 8
+          endif
+          call jtaus(zj,tzj,szj)         !????????????????? OK ?
+          dist=sqrt((x-xj)**2+(y-yj)**2+(sz-szj)**2)
+          if ( dist .lt. sqrt(0.1*sig/pi) ) then
+            istptl(j)=2
+            if(ish.ge.6)then
+              write (ifch,*) "dist:",dist,' dist(sig)='
+     $             ,sqrt(0.1*sig/pi),' sig=',sig
+              call alist("&",i,i)
+              call alist("&",j,j)
+            endif
+          endif
+ 8      continue
+c     droplets
+c     --------
+        if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+          call jtaus(zj,tzj,szj)
+          do 3 i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+c...........x-y distribution of strings..............................
+            if(istptl(i).eq.29.and.nt.eq.1)then
+              call jtain(i,x,y,z,t,n,1)
+              if(x.gt.a5min.and.x.lt.a5max.and.
+     &             y.gt.a5min.and.y.lt.a5max)then
+                ix=(x-a5min)/(a5max-a5min)*nxmdk + 1
+                iy=(y-a5min)/(a5max-a5min)*nxmdk + 1
+                xys(nbim,ix,iy)=xys(nbim,ix,iy)+pptl(5,i)
+              endif
+            endif
+            if(istptl(i).gt.10)goto 3
+            if(i.eq.j)goto 3
+            call jtain(i,x,y,z,t,n,1)
+            if(n.eq.1.or.n.eq.2.or.n.eq.9)goto 3
+            stop'jpsian: change!!!!        ' !call jintep(i,x,y,z,t,sz,eps,rho)
+            if(eps.lt.aouni)goto 3 !min-dichte
+            ndrop(nbim,nt)=ndrop(nbim,nt)+1 !droplets at time nt
+            ndrop0(nbim,nt)=ndrop0(nbim,nt)+pptl(5,i) !mass
+            des=0 !?????????????????????????????????
+            o=sz+des
+            u=sz-des
+            r=0 !( xxxx(i) +sngl(ttaus) ) *fac
+            assym=log(des/r)
+            amass=pptl(5,i)
+            a1min=-5.
+            a1max=5.
+            a2min=0.
+            a2max=40.
+            if(assym.ge.a1min.and.assym.lt.a1max
+     &           .and.amass.ge.a2min.and.amass.lt.a2max
+     &           ) then
+              nassym=(assym-a1min)/(a1max-a1min)*mxassy+1
+              namass=(amass-a2min)/(a2max-a2min)*mxmass+1
+              ndrp2(nbim,nt,namass,nassym)=
+     &             ndrp2(nbim,nt,namass,nassym)+1
+            endif
+            a3min=-2.
+            a3max=3.
+            v=log(pi*r**2.*2.*des)/log(10.)
+            if(v.ge.a3min.and.v.lt.a3max
+     &           .and.amass.ge.a2min.and.amass.lt.a2max
+     &           ) then
+              nv=(v-a3min)/(a3max-a3min)*mxassy+1
+              namass=(amass-a2min)/(a2max-a2min)*mxmass+1
+              ndrop3(nbim,nt,namass,nv)=
+     &             ndrop3(nbim,nt,namass,nv)+1
+            endif
+c..............x-y distribution of droplet..............................
+            ix=(x-a4min)/(a4max-a4min)*nxmdk + 1
+            iy=(y-a4min)/(a4max-a4min)*nxmdk + 1
+            xydens(nt,nbim,ix,iy)=xydens(nt,nbim,ix,iy)+eps
+            if(jpsiex.eq.0)goto 3
+c           if(mod(nt,10).eq.1)
+c           write(6,'(f5.2,i6,5x,3f7.2,5x,4f6.2)')sngl(ttaus),i,
+c           *              u,szj,o,sqrt((x-xj)**2+(y-yj)**2),r,v,eps
+            if(szj.lt.u.or.szj.gt.o)goto 3
+            if((x-xj)**2+(y-yj)**2.gt.r**2)goto 3
+c           write(6,'(a,f5.2,a,i5,a)')'***** t=',sngl(ttaus)
+c           *,' -- jpsi in droplet ',i,' *****'
+            taud=taud+delt
+            taumax=max(taud,taumax)
+c           write (*,*) taud,taumax
+            idrin=1
+            jjjdro(nbim,nt)=jjjdro(nbim,nt)+1
+ 3        continue
+c     if (idrin.ne.1)taud=max(taud-delt,0.)
+          if (idrin.ne.1)taud=0.
+        endif
+ 2    continue                  !end nt-loop
+      ijmod=2
+      if(ijmod.eq.2)taud=taumax
+      if(nucia.eq.1)jjnuc(nbim)=jjnuc(nbim)+1
+      if(taud.gt.0.)then
+        do ntaud=1,mxtauc
+          tauc=ntaud*taudmx/mxtauc
+          if(taud.gt.tauc)jjjtau(nbim,ntaud)=jjjtau(nbim,ntaud)+1
+          if(nucia.eq.1.or.taud.gt.tauc)
+     &         jjjnt(nbim,ntaud)=jjjnt(nbim,ntaud)+1
+        enddo
+      else
+        do ntaud=1,mxtauc
+          if(nucia.eq.1)
+     &         jjjnt(nbim,ntaud)=jjjnt(nbim,ntaud)+1
+        enddo
+      endif
+    5 continue
+      call utprix('jpsian',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jtauan(is,im)
+c     display collision
+c     im = ijk
+c          k > 0   -->  post-script
+c          j > 0   -->  povray
+c            j = 1  -->  time and z in n-n cms
+c            j = 2  -->  time and z on hyberbola
+c          i > 0   -->  text  ( changes in alist per time step )
+c     cut in zeta-x (or y) plane for tau
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat
+      common/cttaus/tpro,zpro,ttar,ztar,ttaus,detap,detat /ctain/mtain
+      parameter (mxbim=12,ntjpsi=150,mxtauc=16)
+      common/jpsi1/bimmax,kolran,delt,taumi,jpsinu,jpsidr,taudmx
+      common/jpsi2/jjtot(mxbim),jjnuc(mxbim),jjjtau(mxbim,mxtauc)
+      common/jpsi3/jjjtot(mxbim,ntjpsi),jjjdro(mxbim,ntjpsi)
+      common/jpsi4/nnucl(mxbim,ntjpsi),nclose(mxbim,ntjpsi,3)
+      common/jpsi5/ndrop(mxbim,ntjpsi),jjjnt(mxbim,mxtauc)
+      parameter (mxmass=20,mxassy=20)
+      common/jpsi6/ndrp2(mxbim,ntjpsi,mxmass,mxassy)
+     &     ,ndrop3(mxbim,ntjpsi,mxmass,mxassy)
+      parameter (nxmdk=20)
+      common/jpsi7/xydens(ntjpsi,mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a4min,a4max
+      common/jpsi8/xys(mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a5min,a5max
+      common/jpsi9/ami(ntjpsi,mxmass),a6min,a6max
+      common/jpsi10/ndrop0(mxbim,ntjpsi)
+      character*20 name,nnrr
+      character*28 filename
+      character*12 color(20)
+      character*12 colpo(20)
+      logical lcalc!,zet
+      dimension isch(mxptl)
+c      zet=.true.
+c      zet=.false.
+      xmin=-10.
+      xmax=10.
+      zmin=-10.
+      zmax=10.
+c      zevent=float(nevent*jpsi)
+      if(mod(im,10).ne.0)then
+        name='tau-'
+        n=1
+ 5      l=4
+        ll=int(log(real(n))/log(10.))+1
+        do ii=ll,1,-1
+          l=l+1
+          name(l:l)=char(48+mod(int(n/10**(ii-1)),10))
+        enddo
+        name(l+1:l+3)='.ps'
+        l=l+3
+        inquire(file=name(1:l),exist=lcalc)
+        if (lcalc)then
+          n=n+1
+          goto 5
+        endif
+        write(*,*) 'jtauan name ',name
+        ifps=92
+        open(unit=ifps,file=name(1:l),status='unknown')
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%!PS-Adobe-2.0'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%Title: tt2.fig'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%Orientation: Portrait'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%BeginSetup'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%IncludeFeature: *PageSize A4'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%EndSetup'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%EndComments'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/l {lineto} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/rl {rlineto} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/m {moveto} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/rm {rmoveto} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/s {stroke} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/gr {grestore} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/gs {gsave} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/cp {closepath} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/tr {translate} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/sc {scale} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/sd {setdash} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/sdo {[.01 .05] 0 sd} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/sdf {[1 .0] 0 sd} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/n {newpath} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/slw {setlinewidth } bind def'
+        write(ifps,*) '/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def'
+        write(ifps,*) '/lgrey      { 0 0.95 0.95 srgb} bind def'
+        write(ifps,*) '/black      { 0 0 0 srgb} bind def'
+        write(ifps,*) '/red        { 1 0 0 srgb} bind def  '
+        write(ifps,*) '/green      { 0 1 0  srgb} bind def  '
+        write(ifps,*) '/blue       { 0 0 1  srgb} bind def  '
+        write(ifps,*) '/yellow     { 1 0.5 0  srgb} bind def  '
+        write(ifps,*) '/turquoise  { 0 1 1  srgb} bind def  '
+        write(ifps,*) '/purple     { 1 0 1  srgb} bind def  '
+c.......write(ifps,*) '/  {   srgb} bind def  '
+c.......write(ifps,*) '/  {   srgb} bind def  '
+        write(ifps,*) '/ef {eofill} bind def'
+        WRITE(ifps,'(a)') '%%EndProlog'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) 'gsave'
+        WRITE(ifps,*) '/Helvetica findfont 10 scalefont setfont'
+      endif
+      color(9)='lgrey     '
+      color(1)='black     '
+      color(2)='red       '
+      color(3)='green     '
+      color(4)='blue      '
+      color(7)='yellow    '
+      color(5)='turquoise '
+      color(6)='purple    '
+      colpo(1)='Red  '
+      colpo(2)='Green  '
+      colpo(3)='Blue  '
+      colpo(4)='Yellow  '
+      colpo(5)='Cyan '
+      colpo(6)='Magenta  '
+      colpo(7)='Black  '
+      colpo(8)='Aquamarine '
+      do i=1,mxptl
+        isch(i)=0
+      enddo
+c      gray0=.95
+c      gray1=0.
+      iyb=0                     !????????????????????
+      np=0
+      nt=-10
+      deltau=0.1
+      taumin=-1
+      ttaus=0
+      do while (ttaus.lt.20.)
+        nt=nt+1
+       ! ttaus=dble(taumin+deltau*(factau**(1.*nt-1.)-1)/(factau-1.))
+        ttaus=taumin+deltau*nt
+        tau=ttaus
+        np=np+1
+        if(mod(im,10).ne.0)then
+          write(ifps,'(a,i4)') '%%Page: number ',np
+          write(ifps,'(a)') 'gsave'
+          WRITE(ifps,*) '100 700 tr'
+          scale=0.125
+          WRITE(ifps,*) 1./scale,1./scale,' sc'
+          WRITE(ifps,*) scale/2.,' slw'
+          WRITE(ifps,*) '/Helvetica findfont ',15.*scale
+     &         ,' scalefont setfont'
+          write(ifps,*) color(1),' n ',zmin,xmin,' m ( tau:'
+     $         ,tau,') show '
+          WRITE(ifps,*) '/Helvetica findfont ',2.*scale
+     &         ,' scalefont setfont'
+        endif
+*------ povray ------------------------------------------------------*
+        if (mod(im/100,10).gt.0) then
+          write (ifch,*)   "-----",np,", tau:",ttaus,"------"
+        endif
+        if (mod(im/10,10).gt.0) then
+          write (nnrr,'(i5)') np
+          li=6-log(1.*np+0.1)/log(10.)
+          write (*,*)   "--->"//nnrr(li:5)//"<-----",li,ttaus
+          ifpo=55
+          filename="tau."//nnrr(li:5)//".pov"
+          open(unit=ifpo,file=filename,status='unknown')
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') '#include "colors.inc";'
+c         write (ifpo,'(a)') '#include "shapes.inc" '
+c         write (ifpo,'(a)') '#include "textures.inc" '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') 'background {color White} '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') 'camera {location <0,0,-120> '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') '     direction <0,0,2> look_at <0,0,0>} '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') 'light_source{<0,300,0> color White} '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') 'light_source{<0,5,-90> color White} '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') ' '
+          write (ifpo,'(a)') ' '
+        endif
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if (istptl(i).gt.1) goto 123
+            if((tivptl(2,i)-tivptl(1,i)).lt.1e-3
+     $           .and.idptl(i).gt.1000000.and.iyb.eq.0)
+     $           then
+              write (*,*) 'tiv1=tiv2 !!!!!!!!',i
+              tivptl(2,i)=tivptl(1,i)+100.
+            endif
+c...........calculate coordinates....................................
+            if(mod(im/10,10).eq.1) then !n-n cms frame
+              if (istptl(i).gt.1
+     $             .or.ttaus.lt.tivptl(1,i)
+     $             .or.ttaus.gt.tivptl(2,i)) goto 123
+              x=xorptl(1,i)+(ttaus-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(1,i)/pptl(4,i)
+              y=xorptl(2,i)+(ttaus-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(2,i)/pptl(4,i)
+              z=xorptl(3,i)+(ttaus-xorptl(4,i))*pptl(3,i)/pptl(4,i)
+            else                !  hyperbola frame
+              call jtain(i,x,y,z,t,n,0)
+              call jtaus(z,tz,sz)
+              z=sz
+              if(n.ne.0) goto 123
+            endif
+c...........plot sphere or cylinder ................................
+            if(idptl(i).gt.700000000)
+     $           then
+              if(mod(im/10,10).eq.1)then
+              else
+                des=0 !?????????????????????????????
+                r=0   !(xxxx(i)+vrad*sngl(ttaus))
+                o=sz+des
+                u=sz-des
+                print *,ttaus,o,u,r,x,y
+                ic=4
+                if (mod(im/10,10).gt.0) then
+                  write (ifpo,111) o,x,y,u,x,y,r,colpo(ic)
+                endif
+              endif
+c.............text output of changes in time step ...................
+              if (mod(im/100,10).gt.0) then
+                if(isch(i).eq.0)then
+                  write (ifch,'("> ",$)')
+                  call alist("&",i,i)
+                  isch(i)=1
+                endif
+              endif
+c$$$              o=sz+des
+c$$$              u=sz-des
+c$$$              r=(xxxx(i)+vrad*sngl(ttaus))
+c$$$              rr2=r**2-(y-yb)**2
+c$$$              if(rr2.gt.0.)then
+c$$$                write(ifps,*)
+c$$$     &               ,' n ',u,x-r,' m ',o,x-r,' l '
+c$$$     &               ,o,x+r,' l ',u,x+r,' l cp s '
+c$$$                write(ifps,*) ' n ',u,x-r,' m (',i,iorptl(i),') show '
+c$$$              endif
+            else
+              r=0.8
+              ic=1
+              if(abs(idptl(i)).lt.999) r=0.5
+              if(iabs(idptl(i)).eq.1120) ic=2
+              if(iabs(idptl(i)).eq.1220) ic=3
+              if(iabs(idptl(i)).eq.441) ic=5
+              if(mod(im/10,10).gt.0)then
+                write (ifpo,110) z,x,y,r,colpo(ic) ! sphere
+              endif
+              if(mod(im/100,10).gt.0)then
+                if(isch(i).eq.0)then
+                  write (ifch,'("> ",$)')
+                  call alist("&",i,i)
+                  isch(i)=1
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+            goto 124
+ 123      continue
+          if(mod(im/100,10).gt.0)then
+            if(isch(i).eq.1)then
+              write (ifch,'("< ",$)')
+              call alist("&",i,i)
+              isch(i)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+ 124      continue
+        enddo
+ 110    format('sphere {<',G12.6,',',g12.6,',',g12.6,'>,',g12.6
+     $       ,'pigment {color ',a,'}}')
+ 111    format('cylinder {<',
+     $       G12.6,',',g12.6,',',g12.6,
+     $       '>,<',
+     $       G12.6,',',g12.6,',',g12.6,
+     $       '>,',
+     $       g12.6,
+     $       'pigment {color ',a,'}}')
+        if(mod(im/10,10).gt.0)then
+          close(unit=ifpo)
+        endif
+*-------   end   povray   ------------------------------------------*
+*-------   begin post-script ---------------------------------------*
+        if(mod(im,10).eq.0) goto 159
+        yb=-6.
+        dy=12./12.
+        yb=yb-dy/2
+        do iyb=0,11
+          yb=yb+dy
+          WRITE(ifps,*) 'gsave'
+          WRITE(ifps,*) (xmax-xmin)*1.1*float(int(iyb/4))
+     &         ,-(xmax-xmin)*1.1*mod(iyb,4),' tr'
+          write(ifps,*) ' n ',zmin,xmin,' m ',zmax,xmin,' l '
+     &         ,zmax,xmax,' l ',zmin,xmax,' l cp s '
+c          ttaus=dble(tau)
+c.........particles in layer iyb.............
+          do 10 i=1,nptl
+            if (istptl(i).gt.1) goto 10
+            if((tivptl(2,i)-tivptl(1,i)).lt.1e-3
+     $           .and.idptl(i).gt.1000000.and.iyb.eq.0)
+     $           then
+              write (*,*) 'tiv1=tiv2 !!!!!!!!',i
+              tivptl(2,i)=tivptl(1,i)+100.
+            endif
+            call jtain(i,x,y,z,t,n,0)
+            call jtaus(z,tz,sz)
+            if(n.ne.0) goto 10
+            if(
+     $           (is.eq.0.or.is.eq.i.or.is.eq.iorptl(i)))then
+*.............   is  is the particle number to observe
+*.............   if is=0 then all particles
+c              .and.abs(y-yb).lt.dy/2)then
+              des=0 !??????????????????????????????????
+              if(iyb.eq.11.and
+     $             .abs(tivptl(2,i)-tivptl(1,i)-100.).le.1e-4 ) then
+                tivptl(2,i)=tivptl(1,i)+0.01
+              endif
+              o=sz+des
+              u=sz-des
+              r=0   !(xxxx(i)+vrad*sngl(ttaus))
+              rr2=r**2-(y-yb)**2
+              if(rr2.gt.0.)then
+                r=sqrt(rr2)
+c                write (*,*) i,des,o,u,r,y
+                write(ifps,*)  color(mod(i,5)+2)
+     &               ,' n ',u,x-r,' m ',o,x-r,' l '
+     &               ,o,x+r,' l ',u,x+r,' l cp s '
+                write(ifps,*) ' n ',u,x-r,' m (',i,iorptl(i),') show '
+              endif
+            elseif(abs(y-yb).lt.dy/2.and.zmin.lt.sz.and.sz.lt.zmax
+     &             .and.xmin.lt.x.and.x.lt.xmax)then
+              r=0.8
+              ic=1
+              if(abs(idptl(i)).lt.999)r=0.5
+              if(abs(idptl(i)).lt.999)ic=2
+              if(abs(idptl(i)).eq.1120)ic=3
+              if(abs(idptl(i)).eq.1220)ic=4
+              if(idptl(i).eq.441) ic=7
+              io=iorptl(i)
+              if(is.eq.0.or.io.eq.is)then
+                write(ifps,*) ' n ',sz,x,r,0,360,' arc ',color(ic),' s '
+                write(ifps,*) ' n ',sz-r,x,' m (',i,io,') show '
+              endif
+            endif
+ 10       continue
+          write(ifps,*) color(1),' n ',zmin,xmin,' m (',yb,') show '
+          WRITE(ifps,*) 'grestore'
+        enddo                   !yb bin
+        write(ifps,'(a)') 'grestore'
+        write(ifps,*) 'showpage'
+ 159    continue
+      enddo
+c        write(ifps,*) ' n ',y0,x0,' m ',y1,x0,' l ',y1,x1,' l '
+c     &    ,y0,x1,' l cp s '
+c        write(ifps,*) ' n ',(y0+y1)/2-10.*scale,(x0+x1)/2-5.*scale
+c     &    ,' m (',ii,jj,') show '
+c        ii=nob-1
+      if(mod(im,10).ne.0)then
+        write(ifps,*) 'gr'
+        write(ifps,'(a)') '%%Trailer'
+        write(ifps,'(a,i4)') '%%Pages: ',np
+        write(ifps,'(a)') '%%EOF'
+        close(unit=ifps)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jpsihi
+c     histogram
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxbim=12,ntjpsi=150,mxtauc=16)
+      common/jpsi1/bimmax,kolran,delt,taumi,jpsinu,jpsidr,taudmx
+      common/jpsi2/jjtot(mxbim),jjnuc(mxbim),jjjtau(mxbim,mxtauc)
+      common/jpsi3/jjjtot(mxbim,ntjpsi),jjjdro(mxbim,ntjpsi)
+      common/jpsi4/nnucl(mxbim,ntjpsi),nclose(mxbim,ntjpsi,3)
+      common/jpsi5/ndrop(mxbim,ntjpsi),jjjnt(mxbim,mxtauc)
+      parameter (mxmass=20,mxassy=20)
+      common/jpsi6/ndrp2(mxbim,ntjpsi,mxmass,mxassy)
+     &     ,ndrop3(mxbim,ntjpsi,mxmass,mxassy)
+      parameter (nxmdk=20)
+      common/jpsi7/xydens(ntjpsi,mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a4min,a4max
+      common/jpsi8/xys(mxbim,nxmdk,nxmdk),a5min,a5max
+      common/jpsi9/ami(ntjpsi,mxmass),a6min,a6max
+      common/jpsi10/ndrop0(mxbim,ntjpsi)
+      zevent=float(nevent*jpsi)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'cd /users/theoric/werner/histo/newdata'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'newpage'
+c     suppression as a function of b
+c     ------------------------------
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 1 2 1 openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis J(b) et Jnuc(b) / J"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,jjtot(j)/zevent,0.,zevent
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 " "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,jjnuc(j)/zevent,0.,zevent
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis survival ratio"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,3e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0.2 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+        bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+        rat=0
+        if(jjtot(j).gt.0.)rat=float(jjtot(j)-jjnuc(j))/jjtot(j)
+        write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,rat,0.,float(jjtot(j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      if(maproj.eq.208.and.matarg.eq.208)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'set fmsc 1.0'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f4.1,a)')'column c1 = ( ',bimmax,' - c1  )'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'column c2 = ( c2 * 0.02 )'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'input na50 ratio-b plot 0'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      endif
+c     nr of jpsi vs t
+c     ---------------
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+      do nb=mxbim,1,-1
+        bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis time t (fm)"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis J(b,t) / J"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',taumi,taumi+ntjpsi*delt
+        write(ifhi,'(3a)')      'yrange',' 0 ',' auto'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+        do j=1,ntjpsi
+          tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+          write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')tau,float(jjjtot(nb,j))/nevent,0.,nevent
+        enddo
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+c     nr of nucleons vs t
+c     -------------------
+      if(jpsinu.eq.1)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+        do nb=mxbim,1,-1
+          bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis time t (fm)"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis N(b,t) / J"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',taumi,taumi+ntjpsi*delt
+          write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+          do j=1,ntjpsi
+            tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+            rat=0
+            if(jjjtot(nb,j).gt.0)rat=nnucl(nb,j)/float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+            write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')tau,rat,0.,float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+          enddo
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+        enddo
+      endif
+c     nr of close nucleons vs t
+c     -------------------------
+      if(jpsinu.eq.1)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+        do nb=mxbim,1,-1
+          bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis time t (fm)"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis Nclose(b,t) / J"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',taumi,taumi+ntjpsi*delt
+          write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+          do j=1,ntjpsi
+            tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+            rat=0
+            if(jjjtot(nb,j).ne.0)rat=nclose(nb,j,1)/float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+            write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')tau,rat,0.,float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+          enddo
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+        enddo
+      endif
+c     number of droplets
+c     ------------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+      do nb=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis time t (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis D(b,t) / J"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',taumi,taumi+ntjpsi*delt
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=1,ntjpsi
+      tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+      rat=0
+      if(jjjtot(nb,j).ne.0)rat=ndrop(nb,j)/float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')tau,rat,0.,float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     number of droplets
+c     ------------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+        do nb=mxbim,1,-1
+          bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis time t (fm)"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis mass*D(b,t) / J"'
+          write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',taumi,taumi+ntjpsi*delt
+          write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+          do j=1,ntjpsi
+            tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+            rat=0
+            if(jjjtot(nb,j).ne.0)rat=ndrop0(nb,j)/float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+            write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')tau,rat,0.,float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+          enddo
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+        enddo
+      endif
+c$$$c     assymetry and mass of droplets
+c$$$c     ------------------
+c$$$      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+c$$$         do nb=11,1,-5
+c$$$            bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+c$$$            do nt=40,150,10
+c$$$               tau=taumi+(nt-0.5)*delt
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,*) 'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm ','t=',tau,'"'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis mass "'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis assym"'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',0.,40.
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange ',-5.,5.
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,i)')       'set ityp2d 5'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,i)')       'array2d ',mxmass
+c$$$      do i=1,mxassy
+c$$$         do j=1,mxmass
+c$$$            rat=0.
+c$$$            rat=float(ndrp2(nb,nt,j,i))
+c$$$     &           /zevent        ! nevent
+c$$$     &           /(40./20)      ! mass-bin
+c$$$     &           /(10./20)      ! log(assy)-bin
+c$$$     &           /1.            ! b-bin
+c$$$            write (ifhi,*) rat
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      endif
+c$$$c     volume and mass of droplets
+c$$$c     ------------------
+c$$$      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+c$$$         do nb=11,1,-5
+c$$$            bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+c$$$            do nt=40,150,10
+c$$$               tau=taumi+(nt-0.5)*delt
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,*) 'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm ','t=',tau,'"'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis mass "'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis volume"'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',0.,40.
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange ',-2.,3.
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a,i)')       'array2d ',mxmass
+c$$$      do i=1,mxassy
+c$$$         do j=1,mxmass
+c$$$            rat=0.
+c$$$            rat=float(ndrop3(nb,nt,j,i))
+c$$$     &           /zevent        ! nevent
+c$$$     &           /(40./20)      ! mass-bin
+c$$$     &           /(5./20)       ! log(v)-bin
+c$$$     &           /1.            ! b-bin
+c$$$            write (ifhi,*) rat
+c$$$         enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      enddo
+c$$$      endif
+c$$$c     xy of droplets
+c$$$c     ------------------
+c$$$      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+c$$$        do nb=11,1,-5
+c$$$          bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+c$$$          do nt=40,150,10
+c$$$            tau=taumi+(nt-0.5)*delt
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+c$$$            write(ifhi,*) 'text .1 .90 "xy b= ',bim,' fm ','t=',tau,'"'
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis x "'
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis y "'
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',a4min,a4max
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange ',a4min,a4max
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a,i)')       'array2d ',nxmdk
+c$$$            do i=1,nxmdk
+c$$$              do j=1,nxmdk
+c$$$                rat=0.
+c$$$                rat=xydens(nt,nb,i,j)
+c$$$     &            /zevent       ! nevent
+c$$$     &            /((a4max-a4min)/float(nxmdk)) ! x-bin
+c$$$     &            /((a4max-a4min)/float(nxmdk)) ! y-bin
+c$$$c...............&                 /1.      ! b-bin
+c$$$                write (ifhi,*) rat
+c$$$              enddo
+c$$$            enddo
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+c$$$            write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+c$$$          enddo
+c$$$        enddo
+c$$$      endif
+c$$$c$$$      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+c$$$c$$$      do j=1,ntjpsi
+c$$$c$$$        tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin xmod lin ymod log'
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "tau= ',tau,' fm"'
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis mass t (fm)"'
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "yaxis Nclose(b,t) / J"'
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',a6min,a6max
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c$$$c$$$        do k=1,mxmass
+c$$$c$$$          rat=0.
+c$$$c$$$          amass=(k-0.5)/(mxmass)*(a6max-a6min)+a6min
+c$$$c$$$          rat=ami(j,k)/zevent/(a6max-a6min)*mxmass
+c$$$c$$$          write(ifhi,'(2e12.4)')amass,rat
+c$$$c$$$        enddo
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+c$$$c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+c$$$c$$$      enddo
+c$$$c     xy of strings
+c$$$c     -------------
+c$$$      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+c$$$        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+c$$$        do nb=11,1,-1
+c$$$          bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+c$$$          write(ifhi,*) 'text .1 .90 "xy b= ',bim,' fm ','t=',tau,'"'
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis x "'
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis y "'
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',a4min,a4max
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange ',a4min,a4max
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a,i)')       'array2d ',nxmdk
+c$$$          do i=1,nxmdk
+c$$$             do j=1,nxmdk
+c$$$                rat=0.
+c$$$                rat=xys(nb,i,j)
+c$$$     &               /zevent    ! nevent
+c$$$     &               /((a5max-a5min)/float(nxmdk)) ! x-bin
+c$$$     &               /((a5max-a5min)/float(nxmdk)) ! y-bin
+c$$$c...............&                 /1.      ! b-bin
+c$$$                write (ifhi,*) rat
+c$$$             enddo
+c$$$          enddo
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+c$$$          write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot2d'
+c$$$       enddo
+c$$$      endif
+c     fraction of jpsis in a droplet
+c     ------------------------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 3 4 1'
+      do nb=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(nb-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "b= ',bim,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis time t (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis Jdrop(b,t) / J"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',taumi,taumi+ntjpsi*delt
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=1,ntjpsi
+      tau=taumi+(j-0.5)*delt
+      rat=0
+      if(jjjtot(nb,j).ne.0)rat=jjjdro(nb,j)/float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')tau,rat,0.,float(jjjtot(nb,j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     fraction of jpsis with taud gt tauc
+c     -----------------------------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 2 4 1'
+      do ntauc=1,mxtauc
+      tauc=ntauc*(taudmx/mxtauc)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "tauc= ',tauc,' fm/c"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')
+     *'text 0 0 "yaxis J(b, taud) / J(b)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      rat=0
+      if(jjtot(j).gt.0.)rat=float(jjjtau(j,ntauc))/jjtot(j)
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,rat,0.,float(jjtot(j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     droplet survival ratio
+c     --------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 2 4 1'
+      do ntauc=1,mxtauc
+      tauc=ntauc*(taudmx/mxtauc)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "tauc= ',tauc,' fm/c"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis droplet survival ratio"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      rat=0
+      if(jjtot(j).gt.0.)rat=float(jjtot(j)-jjjtau(j,ntauc))/jjtot(j)
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,rat,0.,float(jjtot(j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0'
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     total approx. survival ratio
+c     --------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 2 4 1'
+      do ntauc=1,mxtauc
+      tauc=ntauc*(taudmx/mxtauc)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "tauc= ',tauc,' fm/c"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis tot. ap. survival ratio"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      rat=0
+      if(jjtot(j).gt.0.)rat=float(jjtot(j)-jjjtau(j,ntauc))/jjtot(j)
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,rat,0.,float(jjtot(j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto '
+      if(maproj.eq.208.and.matarg.eq.208)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')   'openhisto htyp lfu input jpbpb',
+     &        ' j-nucl mult plot 0- '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto htyp ldo input jpbpb j-nucl plot 0- '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'set fmsc 1.0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'column c1 = ( 11.9 - c1  )'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'column c2 = ( c2 * 0.019 )'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'input na50 ratio-b plot 0'
+      elseif(maproj.eq.32.and.matarg.eq.32)then
+         write(ifhi,'(a,a)')   'openhisto htyp lfu input jss',
+     &        ' j-nucl mult plot 0- '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto htyp ldo input jss j-nucl plot 0 '
+      endif
+      enddo
+      endif
+c     total survival ratio
+c     --------------
+      if(jpsidr.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'zone 2 4 1'
+      do ntauc=1,mxtauc
+      tauc=ntauc*(taudmx/mxtauc)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfu xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text .1 .90 "tauc= ',tauc,' fm/c"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'text 0 0 "xaxis bmax-b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis total survival ratio"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bimmax
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')'yrange',' 0 ',' auto '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      rat=0
+      if(jjtot(j).gt.0.)rat=float(jjtot(j)-jjjnt(j,ntauc))/jjtot(j)
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,rat,0.,float(jjtot(j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp ldo xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'columnweight 4 column c4 = ( 0 ) '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 4'
+      do j=mxbim,1,-1
+      bim=(j-0.5)*bimmax/mxbim
+      rat=0
+      if(jjtot(j).gt.0.)rat=float(jjtot(j)-jjnuc(j))/jjtot(j)
+      write(ifhi,'(4e12.4)')bimmax-bim,rat,0.,float(jjtot(j))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       '  endarray'
+      if(maproj.eq.208.and.matarg.eq.208)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'set fmsc 1.0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'column c1 = ( 11.9 - c1  )'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'column c2 = ( c2 * 0.019 )'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'input na50 ratio-b plot 0'
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       ' closehisto plot 0'
+      endif
+      enddo
+      endif
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-omg-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-omg-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db6a48a5ac05595d8fdea4f8b169a831d3400f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-omg-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,5349 @@
+c The two elementary fuctions of our approach, the profile fuction G
+c and the Phi exponent G~, are here referred to as Gpro and Gtilde.
+c Both functions can be written as
+c               G = \sum_type  alp * xp**bet * xm**betp
+c The parameters alp, bet, betp are calculated in GfunParK (k-mode,
+c b is takento the one of pair k) or GfunPar (b-mode: arbitrary b) as
+c  Gpro:   bet  = betD'  + epsGp + gamD*b**2 + epsG -alppar
+c          bet' = betD'' + epsGt + gamD*b**2 + epsG -alppar
+c          alp  = alpD*f * s**(betD+gamD*b**2+epsG) * exp(-b**2/delD)
+c  Gtilde: bet~  = bet  + 1
+c          bet~' = bet' + 1
+c          alp~  = alp * gam(bet~)          * gam(bet~')
+c                      * gam(1+alppro)      * gam(1+alptar)
+c                      * gam(1+alppro+bet~) * gam(1+alptar+bet~')
+c                      * (1+epsGt')         * (1+epsGt')
+c The parameters depend implicitely on s.
+c In the program we use om1 = Gpro
+c  (they differ by a constant which is actually one)
+c and om5 = om1 * 0.5
+c All functions related to om1 are called om1... .
+c The inclusive Pomeron distributions are
+c      PomInc(xp,xm) = Gpro(xp,xm) * (1-xp)**alppro * (1-xm)**alptar
+      subroutine GfunParK(irea)   !---MC---
+c  calculates parameters alp,bet,betp of the G functions (k-mode)
+c  and the screening exponents epsilongp(k,i), epsilongt(k,i), epsilongs(k,i)
+c  Gpro parameters written to /comtilde/atilde(,)btildep(,),btildepp(,)
+c Gtilde parameters written to /cgtilde/atildg(,)btildgp(,),btildgpp(,)
+c  two subscripts: first=type, second=collision k
+c Certain pieces of this routine are only done if irea is <= or = zero.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision atildg,btildgp,btildgpp
+      common/cgtilde/atildg(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx)
+     *,btildgp(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx),btildgpp(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx)
+      double precision utgam2,coefgdp,coefgdt
+      parameter(nbkbin=40)
+      common /kfitd/ xkappafit(nclegy,nclha,nclha,nbkbin),xkappa,bkbin
+      common /cgtilnu/ cfbetpnp,cfbetppnp,cfbetpnm,cfbetppnm,cfalpro
+     &,cfaltar,cfbpap,cfbpam,cfbppap,cfbppam
+      double precision cfbetpnp,cfbetppnp,cfbetpnm,cfbetppnm,cfalpro
+     &,cfaltar,cfbpap,cfbpam,cfbppap,cfbppam,gamv,eps
+      parameter (eps=1.d-25)
+      parameter(nxeps=20,nyeps=32)
+      common/cxeps1/w(0:nxeps,nyeps),y1(nyeps),y2(nyeps)
+      common/cxeps2/db,b1,b2
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/nucl3/phi,bimp
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      b1=0.03
+      b2=bkmx*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nyeps
+      call utprj('GfunParK ',ish,ishini,10)
+      cfbetpnp=0.d0
+      cfbetppnp=0.d0
+      cfbetpnm=0.d0
+      cfbetppnm=0.d0
+      cfalpro=dble(ucfpro)
+      cfaltar=dble(ucftar)
+      cfbpap=1.d0
+      cfbppap=1.d0
+      cfbpam=1.d0
+      cfbppam=1.d0
+      alpfom=0.
+      sy=engy*engy
+      do k=1,koll
+        do i=ntymi,ntymx
+          atilde(i,k)=0.d0
+          btildep(i,k)=0.d0
+          btildepp(i,k)=0.d0
+        enddo
+        do i=idxD0,idxD1
+          atildg(i,k)=0.d0
+          btildgp(i,k)=0.d0
+          btildgpp(i,k)=0.d0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+! calculate collision number according to Glauber -----------------------
+      bglaub=sqrt(sigine/10./pi)
+      nglevt=0
+      do ko=1,koll
+        r=bk(ko)
+        if(r.le.bglaub)nglevt=nglevt+1
+      enddo
+! Z_parton_projectile (zparpro) and Z_parton_target (zpartar)-----------
+      ztav=0.
+      zpav=0.
+      if(iscreen.eq.1.or.isplit.eq.1)then
+        b2x=b2xscr
+        alpfom=alpfomi*fegypp
+        rho0p=conrho(1,0.)
+        rho0t=conrho(2,0.)
+        bcut=0.
+        do k=1,koll
+          ip=iproj(k)
+          it=itarg(k)
+        !....... targ partons seen by proj
+          if(lproj(ip).gt.0)then
+            absb=max(1.e-9,bk(k))
+            b2=absb*absb
+            zkp=fegypp*exp(-b2/b2x)
+            zpartar(k)=min(zkp,epscrx)
+            if(lproj3(ip).gt.1)then
+              do lt=1,lproj3(ip)
+                kp=kproj3(ip,lt)
+                if(kp.ne.k)then
+                  ikt=itarg(kp)
+                  rtarg=sqrt(xtarg(ikt)**2+ytarg(ikt)**2+ztarg(ikt)**2)
+                  rho=conrho(2,rtarg)/rho0t
+                  fegyAA=epscrw*fscro(engy/egyscr,rho)
+                  absb=max(1.e-9,abs(bk(kp))-bcut)
+                  b2=absb*absb
+                  zkp=fegyAA*exp(-b2/b2x)
+                  zpartar(k)=zpartar(k)+min(zkp,epscrx)
+                endif
+c                alpfom=max(alpfom,dble(zpartar(k)))
+              enddo
+            endif
+          else
+            zpartar(k)=0.
+          endif
+          ztav=ztav+zpartar(k)
+         !...........proj partons seen by targ
+          if(ltarg(it).gt.0)then
+            absb=max(1.e-9,bk(k))
+            b2=absb*absb
+            zkt=fegypp*exp(-b2/b2x)
+            zparpro(k)=min(zkt,epscrx)
+            if(ltarg3(it).gt.1)then
+              do lp=1,ltarg3(it)
+                kt=ktarg3(it,lp)
+                if(kt.ne.k)then
+                  ikp=iproj(kt)
+                  rproj=sqrt(xproj(ikp)**2+yproj(ikp)**2+zproj(ikp)**2)
+                  rho=conrho(1,rproj)/rho0p
+                  fegyAA=epscrw*fscro(engy/egyscr,rho)
+                  absb=max(1.e-9,abs(bk(kt))-bcut)
+                  b2=absb*absb
+                  zkt=fegyAA*exp(-b2/b2x)
+                  zparpro(k)=zparpro(k)+min(zkt,epscrx)
+                endif
+c                alpfom=max(alpfom,dble(zparpro(k)))
+              enddo
+            endif
+          else
+            zparpro(k)=0.
+          endif
+          zpav=zpav+zparpro(k)
+          xzcutpar(k)=dble(exp(-min(50.,xzcut*(zparpro(k)+zpartar(k)))))
+        enddo
+      else                      ! no screening
+        do k=1,koll
+          zparpro(k)=0.
+          zpartar(k)=0.
+          xzcutpar(k)=1d0
+        enddo
+      endif
+c calculation of epsilongp epsilongt
+      if(iscreen.eq.1)then
+          !ip=0
+       do k=1,koll
+          !ipp=ip
+        epsG=0.
+        epsilongs(k,0)=0.
+        epsilongs(k,1)=0.
+        ip=iproj(k)             !...........projectile
+       if(lproj(ip).gt.0)then
+          x=zparpro(k)
+          epsilongs(k,0)=sign(abs(epscrd)*x
+     &                       ,epscrd)
+          epsilongp(k,0)=max(-betDp(0,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &                        epscrs*x)
+c     &                       min(epscrx,epscrs*x))
+          if(sy.ge.sfshlim)then
+            epsilongp(k,1)=max(-betDp(1,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &                          epscrh*x)
+c     &                          min(epscrx,epscrh*x))
+          else
+            epsilongp(k,1)=epsilongp(k,0)
+c            epsilongs(k,1)=epsilongs(k,0)
+          endif
+          gammaV(k)=1.d0
+        else
+         epsilongp(k,0)=0.
+         epsilongp(k,1)=0.
+         gammaV(k)=1.d0
+        endif
+        it=itarg(k)             !...........target
+        if(ltarg(it).gt.0)then
+          x=zpartar(k)
+          epsilongs(k,1)=sign(abs(epscrd)*x
+     &                       ,epscrd)
+          epsilongt(k,0)=max(-betDpp(0,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &                        epscrs*x)
+c     &                        min(epscrx,epscrs*x))
+          if(sy.ge.sfshlim)then
+            epsilongt(k,1)=max(-betDpp(1,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &                          epscrh*x)
+c     &                          min(epscrx,epscrh*x))
+          else
+            epsilongt(k,1)=epsilongt(k,0)
+c            epsilongs(k,1)=epsilongs(k,0)
+          endif
+cc          gammaV(k)=gammaV(k)
+        else
+         epsilongt(k,0)=0.
+         epsilongt(k,1)=0.
+         gammaV(k)=gammaV(k)
+        endif
+       enddo
+      else                      ! no screening
+       do k=1,koll
+        epsilongs(k,0)=0.
+        epsilongs(k,1)=0.
+        epsilongp(k,0)=0.
+        epsilongp(k,1)=0.
+        epsilongt(k,0)=0.
+        epsilongt(k,1)=0.
+        gammaV(k)=1.d0
+       enddo
+      endif
+!..............alpha beta betap for Gtilde (->PhiExpo).......................
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do k=1,koll
+        b=bk(k)
+        b2=bk(k)*bk(k)
+        ip=iproj(k)
+        it=itarg(k)
+        if(b.lt.(nbkbin-1)*bkbin)then
+          ibk=int(bk(k)/bkbin)+1
+          if(isetcs.gt.1.and.iclegy.lt.iclegy2)then
+            egy0=egylow*egyfac**float(iclegy-1)
+            xkappa1=xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk)
+     *         +(bk(k)-bkbin*float(ibk-1))/bkbin
+     *         *(xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk+1)
+     *         -xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk))
+            xkappa2=xkappafit(iclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,ibk)
+     *         +(bk(k)-bkbin*float(ibk-1))/bkbin
+     *         *(xkappafit(iclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,ibk+1)
+     *         -xkappafit(iclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,ibk))
+            xkappa=xkappa1+(xkappa2-xkappa1)/log(egyfac)
+     *         *(log(engy)-log(egy0))
+            xkappa=facmc*xkappa
+          else
+            xkappa=xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk)
+     *         +(bk(k)-bkbin*float(ibk-1))/bkbin
+     *         *(xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk+1)
+     *         -xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk))
+            xkappa=facmc*xkappa
+          endif
+        else
+          xkappa=1.
+        endif
+        gfactorp=1.!+(gfactor-1)*exp(-5*b/gwidth/bglaub)
+        gfactort=1.!+(gfactor-1)*exp(-5*b/gwidth/bglaub)
+        do i=idxDmin,imax
+          gamV=gammaV(k)
+c          if(i.lt.2)then
+c          if(i.eq.0)then
+c            epsG=epsilongs(k,i)
+          if(i.eq.2)then
+            if(epscrd.lt.0.)then
+              epsG=epsilongs(k,0)+epsilongs(k,1)
+              epsGp=0.
+              epsGt=0.
+            else
+              epsG=0.
+              epsGp=epsilongs(k,0)
+              epsGt=epsilongs(k,1)
+            endif
+          else
+            epsG=0.
+            epsGp=0.
+            epsGt=0.
+          endif
+          gamb=gamD(i,iclpro,icltar)*b2
+          atildg(i,k)=dble(alpD(i,iclpro,icltar))
+     *            *cfalpro*cfaltar
+     *            *gamv
+c          if(i.eq.0) atildg(i,k)=atildg(i,k)
+          atildg(i,k)=atildg(i,k)
+     *            *dble(xkappa*xkappa)
+          if(i.lt.2)then
+            atildg(i,k)=atildg(i,k)*dble(
+     *            chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)
+     *            *exp(-b2/delD(i,iclpro,icltar))
+     *            *sy**(betD(i,iclpro,icltar)+gamb+epsG)
+     *            *gfactorp *gfactort)
+            epsGp=epsilongp(k,i)
+            epsGt=epsilongt(k,i)
+            btildgp(i,k)=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *                    +epsGp
+     *                    +gamb-alppar)+1.d0
+            btildgpp(i,k)=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *                    +epsGt
+     *                    +gamb-alppar)+1.d0
+          else
+            absb=abs(bk(k))-bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)
+            b2a=absb*absb
+            atildg(i,k)=atildg(i,k)*dble(
+     *                  sy**(betD(i,iclpro,icltar)+epsG)
+     *                 *exp(-b2a/delD(i,iclpro,icltar)))
+            btildgp(i,k)=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+epsGp)+1.d0
+          btildgpp(i,k)=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+epsGt)+1.d0
+          endif
+          coefgdp=utgam2(1.d0+dble(alplea(iclpro))+btildgp(i,k))
+          coefgdt=utgam2(1.d0+dble(alplea(icltar))+btildgpp(i,k))
+          atildg(i,k)=atildg(i,k)
+     *            *utgam2(btildgp(i,k))*utgam2(btildgpp(i,k))
+     *            /coefgdp/coefgdt
+   !...........prepare plot in xepsilon
+          if(irea.eq.0)then
+           kk=max(1,int((bk(k)-b1)/db)+1)
+           if(i.lt.2)then
+             if(i.eq.0)w(0,kk)=w(0,kk)+1
+             if(i.eq.0)w(1,kk)=w(1,kk)+epsGp
+             if(i.eq.0)w(2,kk)=w(2,kk)+epsGt
+c                     w(3+i,kk)=w(3+i,kk)+abs(epsG)
+         !...5-8 soft ... 9-12 semi
+             w(5+4*i,kk)=w(5+4*i,kk)
+     *              +betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)   !prj eff
+     *              +epsGp+gamb
+             w(6+4*i,kk)=w(6+4*i,kk)
+     *              +betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)  !tgt eff
+     *              +epsGt+gamb
+             w(7+4*i,kk)=w(7+4*i,kk)
+     *              +betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)  !prj unscr
+     *              +gamb
+             w(8+4*i,kk)=w(8+4*i,kk)
+     *              +betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar) !tgt unscr
+     *              +gamb
+             if(i.eq.0)w(13,kk)=w(13,kk)+zparpro(k)
+             if(i.eq.0)w(14,kk)=w(14,kk)+zpartar(k)
+           else
+             if(epscrd.lt.0.)then
+               w(3,kk)=w(3,kk)+abs(epsG)
+             else
+               w(3,kk)=w(3,kk)+epsGp
+               w(4,kk)=w(4,kk)+epsGt
+             endif
+           endif
+          endif
+   !................
+        enddo
+      enddo
+           zppevt=zpav/koll
+           zptevt=ztav/koll
+           if(irea.eq.0)then
+             ktot=int(bimp)+1
+             if(ktot.le.nyeps)then
+               w(15,ktot)=w(15,ktot)+zppevt
+               w(16,ktot)=w(16,ktot)+zptevt
+               w(17,ktot)=w(17,ktot)+1
+             endif
+             n=1+int(float(nglevt)/(0.1*maproj*matarg))*(nyeps-1)
+             if(nglevt.ge.1.and.n.ge.1.and.n.le.nyeps)then
+               w(18,n)=w(18,n)+zppevt
+               w(19,n)=w(19,n)+zptevt
+               w(20,n)=w(20,n)+1
+             endif
+           endif
+!........alpha beta betap for Gpro...........................................
+      if(irea.le.0)then
+      do k=1,koll
+        ip=iproj(k)
+        it=itarg(k)
+        b2=bk(k)*bk(k)
+        imax=ntymx
+        if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+        do i=ntymin,imax
+c          if(i.lt.2)then
+c          if(i.eq.0)then
+c            epsG=epsilongs(k,i)
+          if(i.eq.2)then
+            if(epscrd.lt.0.)then
+              epsG=epsilongs(k,0)+epsilongs(k,1)
+              epsGp=0.
+              epsGt=0.
+            else
+              epsG=0.
+              epsGp=epsilongs(k,0)
+              epsGt=epsilongs(k,1)
+            endif
+          else
+            epsG=0.
+            epsGp=0.
+            epsGt=0.
+          endif
+          gamb=gamD(i,iclpro,icltar)*b2
+          atilde(i,k)=dble(alpD(i,iclpro,icltar))
+          if(i.lt.2)then
+          atilde(i,k)=atilde(i,k)*dble(
+     *              exp(-b2/delD(i,iclpro,icltar))
+     *              *sy**(betD(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *                    +gamb+epsG)
+     *              *chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+            epsGp=epsilongp(k,i)
+            epsGt=epsilongt(k,i)
+            btildep(i,k)=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *                    +epsGp
+     *                    +gamb-alppar)
+            btildepp(i,k)=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *                    +epsGt
+     *                    +gamb-alppar)
+          else
+            absb=abs(bk(k))-bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)
+            b2a=absb*absb
+            atilde(i,k)=atilde(i,k)*dble(
+     *                  sy**(betD(i,iclpro,icltar)+epsG)
+     *                 *exp(-b2a/delD(i,iclpro,icltar)))
+            btildep(i,k)=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+epsGp)
+            btildepp(i,k)=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+epsGt)
+          endif
+          if(btildep(i,k)+1d0.lt.-eps.or.btildepp(i,k)+1d0.lt.-eps)then
+            write(ifmt,*)' k,b,ip,it,gamb,alppar',k,bk(k),ip,it,gamb
+     *                                           ,alppar
+            write(ifmt,*)' gammaV,epsGP1/2,epsGT1/2,epsGS1/2'
+     *           ,gammaV(k),epsilongp(k,0),epsilongp(k,1)
+     *     ,epsilongt(k,0),epsilongt(k,1),epsilongs(k,0),epsilongs(k,1)
+            write(ifmt,*)'*******************************************'
+            write(ifmt,*)" atilde,btildep,btildepp "
+            do ii=ntymin,ntymx
+              write(ifmt,*)ii,atilde(ii,k),btildep(ii,k),btildepp(ii,k)
+            enddo
+            call utstop('Error in epos-omg in GfunPark&')
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.10)then
+      do k=1,koll
+        ip=iproj(k)
+        it=itarg(k)
+        write(ifch,*)' k,b,ip,it,',k,bk(k),ip,it
+        write(ifch,*)' zparpro,zpartar,xzcutpar'
+     *      ,zparpro(k),zpartar(k),xzcutpar(k)
+        write(ifch,*)' gammaV,epsilonGP1/2,epsilonGT1/2,epsilonGs1/2'
+     *      ,gammaV(k),epsilongp(k,0),epsilongp(k,1)
+     *      ,epsilongt(k,0),epsilongt(k,1),epsilongs(k,0),epsilongs(k,1)
+        write(ifch,*)'*******************************************'
+        write(ifch,*)" atilde,btildep,btildepp "
+        do i=ntymin,ntymx
+        write(ifch,*)i,atilde(i,k),btildep(i,k),btildepp(i,k)
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,*)" atildg,btildgp,btildgpp "
+        do i=ntymin,ntymx
+        write(ifch,*)i,atildg(i,k),btildgp(i,k),btildgpp(i,k)
+        enddo
+        call GfunPar(xpar7,xpar7,1,0,bk(k),sy,alp,bet,betp
+     &                  ,epsp,epst,epss,gamvv)
+        call GfunPar(xpar7,xpar7,1,1,bk(k),sy,alp,bet,betp
+     &                  ,epsp,epst,epss,gamvv)
+      enddo
+      endif
+      call utprjx('GfunParK ',ish,ishini,10)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine GfunPar(zzip,zzit,m,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst
+     &                  ,epss,gamvv)
+c  calculates parameters alp,bet,betp of the G functions for pp (b-mode)
+c  and the screening exponents epsp,epst,epss,gamvv
+c  zzip:additional z component (nuclear effect projectile side)
+c  zzit:additional z component (nuclear effect target side)
+c  m=1: profile function Gpro,  i=0: soft       i=2: diff
+c  m=2: Gtilde,                 i=1: semi       (no screening for diff)
+c  b: impact param, spp: pp energy squared
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      parameter(nbkbin=40)
+      common /kfitd/ xkappafit(nclegy,nclha,nclha,nbkbin),xkappa,bkbin
+      common /kwrite/ xkapZ
+      double precision utgam2,coefgdp,coefgdt,dalp,dbet,dbetp,eps
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      call utprj('GfunPar ',ish,ishini,10)
+      ee=sqrt(spp)
+c      bglaub2=FbGlaub2(ee)
+      rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(spp)
+      bglaub2=4.*.0389*rs
+      if(ish.ge.10)write(ifch,*)'Gf in:',m,i,b,bglaub2,spp,zzip,zzit
+     &                                    ,iclpro,icltar
+      b2=b*b
+      cfalpro=ucfpro
+      cfaltar=ucftar
+      gamb=gamD(i,iclpro,icltar)*b2
+      if(iscreen.ne.0)then
+        absb=max(1.e-9,abs(b))
+        b2a=absb*absb
+        b2x=2.*epscrp*bglaub2
+        zzp=epscrw*exp(-b2a/b2x)*fscra(ee/egyscr)
+        zzp=min(zzp,epscrx)+zzip !saturation
+        zzt=epscrw*exp(-b2a/b2x)*fscra(ee/egyscr)
+        zzt=min(zzt,epscrx)+zzit !saturation
+        x=zzp
+        epsG=0.
+        if(i.eq.1.and.spp.ge.sfshlim)then
+          epsGp=max(-betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &               epscrh*x)
+c     &               min(epscrx,epscrh*x))
+        elseif(i.le.1)then
+          epsGp=max(-betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &               epscrs*x)
+c     &               min(epscrx,epscrs*x))
+        else
+          if(epscrd.lt.0.)then
+            epsG=epsG+sign(abs(epscrd)*x,epscrd)
+            epsGp=0.
+          else
+            epsGp=sign(abs(epscrd)*x,epscrd)
+            epsG=0.
+          endif
+        endif
+        gamV=1.
+        x=zzt
+        if(i.eq.1.and.spp.ge.sfshlim)then
+          epsGt=max(-betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &               epscrh*x)
+c     &               min(epscrx,epscrh*x))
+        elseif(i.le.1)then
+          epsGt=max(-betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)-0.95+alppar,
+     &               epscrs*x)
+c     &               min(epscrx,epscrs*x))
+        else
+          if(epscrd.lt.0.)then
+            epsG=epsG+sign(abs(epscrd)*x,epscrd)
+            epsGt=0.
+          else
+            epsGt=sign(abs(epscrd)*x,epscrd)
+            epsG=0.
+          endif
+        endif
+c        gamV=gamV
+      else
+        zzp=0.
+        zzt=0.
+        epsGp=0.
+        epsGt=0.
+        epsG=0.
+        gamV=1.
+      endif
+      gfactorp=1.!+(gfactor-1)*exp(-5*b/gwidth/bglaub)
+      gfactort=1.!+(gfactor-1)*exp(-5*b/gwidth/bglaub)
+      rho=betD(i,iclpro,icltar)+gamb+epsG
+      if(m.eq.1)then
+        dalp=dble(alpD(i,iclpro,icltar))
+        if(i.lt.2)then
+          dalp=dalp
+     *       *exp(min(50d0,dble(rho*log(spp)-b2/delD(i,iclpro,icltar))))
+          dbet=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *         +epsGp
+     *         +gamb-alppar)
+          dbetp=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *         +epsGt
+     *         +gamb-alppar)
+        else
+          absb=abs(b)-bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)
+          b2a=absb*absb
+          dalp=dalp
+     *       *exp(min(50d0,dble((betD(i,iclpro,icltar)+epsG)*log(spp)
+     *            -b2a/delD(i,iclpro,icltar))))
+          dbet=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+epsGp)
+          dbetp=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+epsGt)
+        endif
+        if((dbet+1.d0).lt.-eps.or.(dbetp+1.d0).lt.-eps)then
+          write(*,*)'m,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp',m,i,b,spp,dalp,dbet,dbetp
+          call utstop('Error : beta < -1 in Gfunpar in epos-omg&')
+        endif
+      elseif(m.eq.2)then
+        xkappa=1.
+c        if(i.eq.0.and.b.lt.(nbkbin-1)*bkbin)then
+        if(b.lt.(nbkbin-1)*bkbin)then
+          ibk=int(b/bkbin)+1
+          if(isetcs.gt.1.and.iclegy.lt.iclegy2)then
+            egy0=egylow*egyfac**float(iclegy-1)
+            xkappa1=xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk)
+     *         +(b-bkbin*float(ibk-1))/bkbin
+     *           *(xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk+1)
+     *            -xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk))
+            xkappa2=xkappafit(iclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,ibk)
+     *         +(b-bkbin*float(ibk-1))/bkbin
+     *           *(xkappafit(iclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,ibk+1)
+     *            -xkappafit(iclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,ibk))
+            xkappa=xkappa1+(xkappa2-xkappa1)/log(egyfac)
+     *         *(log(ee)-log(egy0))
+            xkappa=facmc*xkappa
+          else
+            xkappa=xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk)
+     *         +(b-bkbin*float(ibk-1))/bkbin
+     *           *(xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk+1)
+     *            -xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,ibk))
+            xkappa=facmc*xkappa
+          endif
+          xkapZ=xkappa
+        endif
+        dalp=dble(alpD(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *        *cfalpro*cfaltar
+     *        *gamV)
+c        if(i.eq.0)alp=alp
+        dalp=dalp
+     *        *dble(xkappa)*dble(xkappa)
+        if(i.lt.2)then
+          dalp=dalp
+     *     *exp(min(50d0,dble(rho*log(spp)-b2/delD(i,iclpro,icltar))))
+     *        *dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)
+     *        *gfactorp *gfactort)
+          dbet=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *        +epsGp
+     *        +gamb-alppar+1.)
+          dbetp=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)
+     *        +epsGt
+     *        +gamb-alppar+1.)
+        else
+          absb=abs(b)-bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)
+          b2a=absb*absb
+          dalp=dalp
+     *     *exp(min(50d0,dble((betD(i,iclpro,icltar)+epsG)*log(spp)
+     *          -b2a/delD(i,iclpro,icltar))))
+          dbet=dble(betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+1.+epsGp)
+          dbetp=dble(betDpp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+1.+epsGt)
+        endif
+        coefgdp=utgam2(1.d0+dble(alplea(iclpro))+dbet)
+        coefgdt=utgam2(1.d0+dble(alplea(icltar))+dbetp)
+        dalp=dalp*utgam2(dbet)*utgam2(dbetp)/coefgdp/coefgdt
+      else
+        stop'GproPar: wrong m value.              '
+      endif
+      alp=sngl(dalp)
+      bet=sngl(dbet)
+      betp=sngl(dbetp)
+      epsp=epsGp
+      epst=epsGt
+      epss=epsG
+      gamvv=gamV
+      alpUni(i,m)=dalp
+      betUni(i,m)=dbet
+      betpUni(i,m)=dbetp
+      if(ish.ge.10)write(ifch,*)'   GfunPar :',alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst
+     &                                    ,epss,gamvv
+      call utprjx('GfunPar ',ish,ishini,10)
+      end
+      subroutine GfomPar(b,spp)
+c  calculates parameters of the fom functions for pp (b-mode)
+c  b: impact param, spp: pp energy squared
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      call utprj('GfomPar ',ish,ishini,6)
+      ee=sqrt(spp)
+      rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(spp)
+      bglaub2=4.*.0389*rs
+      if(iscreen.ne.0)then
+        absb=max(1.e-9,abs(b))
+        b2a=absb*absb
+        b2x=2.*epscrp*bglaub2
+        zzp=(epscrw*exp(-b2a/b2x))*fscra(ee/egyscr)
+        zzp=min(zzp,epscrx) !saturation
+        zzt=(epscrw*exp(-b2a/b2x))*fscra(ee/egyscr)
+        zzt=min(zzt,epscrx) !saturation
+      else
+        zzp=0.
+        zzt=0.
+      endif
+      z0=alpfomi!*epscrw*fscra(ee/egyscr)
+      if(z0.gt.0.)then
+        z1=zzp
+        zzpUni=dble(z1**gamfom/z0)*exp(-dble(b*b/delD(1,iclpro,icltar)))
+c      zzpUni=dble(4.*z0*(z1/z0)**1.5)
+        z1=zzt
+        zztUni=dble(z1**gamfom/z0)*exp(-dble(b*b/delD(1,iclpro,icltar)))
+c      zztUni=dble(4.*z0*(z1/z0)**1.5)
+      else
+        zzpUni=0d0
+        zztUni=0d0
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'   GfomPar :',zzpUni,zztUni
+      call utprjx('GfomPar ',ish,ishini,6)
+      end
+      function fscra(x)
+      fscra=0
+      x2=x*x
+      if(x2.gt.1.)fscra=log(x2)!**2
+      end
+      function fscro(x,rho)
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      fscro=znurho*rho
+      x2=x*x
+c      if(x2.gt.1.)fscro=sqrt(log(x2)**2+fscro**2)
+      if(x2.gt.1.)fscro=log(x2)*(1.+fscro)
+      end
+      function FbGlaub2(x)
+c  calculates (glauber radius)^2 from pp cross section (data fit)
+c(estimated if not already calculated --> not any more to have smoother xs)
+c  x: pp energy
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      if(sigine.eq.0.)then
+        if(iclpro+icltar.eq.3)then !pi+p
+          siginex=20.+0.08*log(x)**3.-0.004*log(x)**4.
+        elseif(iclpro+icltar.eq.5)then !K+p
+          siginex=16.+0.08*log(x)**3.-0.004*log(x)**4.
+        else
+          siginex=30.+0.095*log(x)**3.-0.004*log(x)**4.
+        endif
+c      else
+c       siginex=sigine
+c      endif
+      FbGlaub2=siginex/10./pi
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine recalcZPtn !???????????? not updated !!!
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+       stop'recalcZPtn not valid any more!!!!!!!'
+c      if(koll.eq.1.and.maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+c       npom=nprt(1)
+c       k=1
+c       ip=iproj(1)
+c       it=itarg(1)
+c       zparpro(k)=max(0,npom-1)*0.2
+c       zpartar(k)=0
+c       zpartar(k)=max(0,npom-1)*0.2
+c       ztav=zpartar(k)
+c       zpav=zparpro(k)
+c       zppevt=zpav
+c       zptevt=ztav
+c      endif
+      end
+      double precision function om1(xh,yp,b)   !---test---
+c om1 = G * C * gamd    (C and gamd usually 1)
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c b - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision Gf,xp,xm,xh,yp
+      Gf=0.d0
+      xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+      xm=xh/xp
+      spp=engy**2
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        Gf=Gf+dble(alp)*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+      enddo
+      om1=Gf
+     *  * dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      end
+      double precision function om1intb(b)   !---test---
+c  om1 integrated over xp and xm for given b
+c  Calculation by analytical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision cint,cint2,eps
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      spp=engy*engy
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        cint2=dble(gamv*alp)
+        if((bet+1.0).gt.eps)then
+          cint2=cint2/dble(bet+1.0)
+        else
+          cint2=-cint2*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        if((betp+1.0).gt.eps)then
+          cint2=cint2/dble(betp+1.0)
+        else
+          cint2=-cint2*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        cint=cint+cint2
+      enddo
+      if(cint.lt.-eps)then
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! om1intb in epos-omg is <0 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => om1intb set to 1e-3 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => bmax=3.5 fm !!!!!'
+        cint=1.d-3
+      endif
+      om1intb=cint
+     *       *dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1intbk(k)   !---MC---
+c  Diffractive part of om1 integrated over xp and xm for given pair k
+c  Calculation by analytical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision cint,cint2,eps,bet,betp
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      om1intbk=0d0
+      cint=0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        bet=btildep(i,k)
+        betp=btildepp(i,k)
+        cint2=atilde(i,k)
+        if((bet+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          cint2=cint2/(bet+1.d0)
+        else
+          cint2=-cint2*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        if((betp+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          cint2=cint2/(betp+1.d0)
+        else
+          cint2=-cint2*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        cint=cint+cint2
+      enddo
+      if(cint.lt.-eps)then
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! om1intbk in epos-omg is <0 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => om1intbk set to 1e-3 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => bmax=3.5 fm !!!!!'
+        cint=1.d-3
+      endif
+      om1intbk=cint
+     *       *dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1intbi(b,iqq)   !---MC---
+c  om1 integrated over xp and xm for given b
+c  Calculation by analytical integration of contribution iqq
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision eps,cint
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      spp=engy*engy
+      call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,iqq,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+      cint=dble(gamv*alp)
+      if(dble(bet+1.0).gt.eps)then
+        cint=cint/dble(bet+1.0)
+      else
+        cint=-cint*log(xminDf)
+      endif
+      if(dble(betp+1.0).gt.eps)then
+        cint=cint/dble(betp+1.0)
+      else
+        cint=-cint*log(xminDf)
+      endif
+      if(cint.lt.-eps)then
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! om1intbi in epos-omg is <0 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => om1intbi set to 1e-3 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => bmax=3.5 fm !!!!!'
+        cint=1.d-3
+      endif
+      om1intbi=cint
+     *       *dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1intbc(b)   !---MC---
+c  om1*F*F integrated over xp and xm for given b
+c  Calculation by analytical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision cint,gamom,deltap,deltam
+      double precision utgam2,Fp,Fm
+      spp=engy**2
+      om1intbc=0.d0
+      Fp=dble(ucfpro)   !gamma(1+alplea)
+      Fm=dble(ucftar)
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+       gamom=dble(alp*gamv*chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+        deltap=dble(bet)
+        deltam=dble(betp)
+        cint=cint+gamom*utgam2(deltap+1.d0)*utgam2(deltam+1.d0)
+     &            /utgam2(2.d0+deltap+dble(alplea(iclpro)))
+     &            /utgam2(2.d0+deltam+dble(alplea(icltar)))
+      enddo
+      om1intbc=cint*Fp*Fm
+      if(om1intbc.lt.-1.d-10)then
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! om1intbc in epos-omg is <0 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => om1intbc set to 0. !!!!!'
+        om1intbc=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      double precision function om1intbci(b,iqq)   !---MC---
+cc  om1*F*F integrated over xp and xm for given b and given Pomeron type iqq
+cc  Calculation by analytical integration
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incems'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      double precision cint,gamom,deltap,deltam
+c      double precision utgam2,Fp,Fm,eps
+c      spp=engy**2
+c      om1intbci=0.d0
+c      Fp=dble(ucfpro)   !gamma(1+alplea)
+c      Fm=dble(ucftar)
+c      i=iqq
+c      call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+c      gamom=dble(alp*gamv)*chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)
+c      deltap=dble(bet)
+c      deltam=dble(betp)
+c      cint=gamom*utgam2(deltap+1.d0)*utgam2(deltam+1.d0)
+c     &            /utgam2(2.d0+deltap+dble(alplea(iclpro)))
+c     &            /utgam2(2.d0+deltam+dble(alplea(icltar)))
+c      om1intbci=cint*Fp*Fm
+c      if(om1intbci.lt.-1.d-10)then
+c        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! om1intbci in epos-omg is <0 !!!!!'
+c        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => om1intbci set to 0. !!!!!'
+c        om1intbci=0.d0
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      double precision function om1intgck(k,xprem,xmrem)   !---MC---
+c  om1*(xprem-xp)*(xmrem-xm) integrated over xp and xm for given k
+c  Calculation by analytical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision cint,gamom,deltap,deltam,xprem,xmrem
+      om1intgck=0.d0
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        gamom=dble(atilde(i,k))
+        deltap=dble(btildep(i,k))
+        deltam=dble(btildepp(i,k))
+        cint=cint+gamom/(deltap+1.d0)/(deltam+1.d0)
+     &            /(2.d0+deltap) /(2.d0+deltam)
+     &            *xprem**(deltap+2.d0)
+     &            *xmrem**(deltam+2.d0)
+      enddo
+      om1intgck=cint
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1intgc(b)   !---test---
+c  om1*(1-xp)*(1-xm) integrated over xp and xm for given b
+c  Calculation by analytical integration
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision cint,gamom,deltap,deltam,eps
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      spp=engy**2
+      om1intgc=0.d0
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,spp,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        gamom=dble(alp*gamv*chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+        deltap=dble(bet)
+        deltam=dble(betp)
+        if((deltap+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamom=gamom/(deltap+1.d0)
+        else
+          gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        if((deltam+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamom=gamom/(deltam+1.d0)
+        else
+          gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        cint=cint+gamom /(2.d0+deltap) /(2.d0+deltam)
+      enddo
+      om1intgc=cint
+      if(om1intgc.lt.eps)then
+        write(*,*) b,deltap,deltam,gamom
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! om1intgc in epos-omg is <0 !!!!!'
+        write(*,*) 'WARNING ! => om1intgc set to 0. !!!!!'
+        om1intgc=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+        subroutine integom1(irea)
+c  om1 integrated over xp and xm for  all b=bk(k) if irea=0
+c  result written to :
+c    om1int(k)   = om1intb(bk(k))      = \int om1
+c    om1intc(k)  = om1intgc(bk(k)...   = \int om1*(1-xp)*(1-xm)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision om1intbk,om1intgck,PomIncExactk
+      if(irea.le.0)then
+        do k=1,koll
+          om1int(k)=om1intbk(k) !only diffractive contribution
+          om1intc(k)=om1intgck(k,1d0,1d0)
+        enddo
+        if(irea.eq.0.and.zrminc.gt.0..and.xzcut.gt.0.)then
+          do k=1,koll
+            PomInck(k)=PomIncExactk(k)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xpk(xp,xpr1i,k)   !---test---
+c \int dxm om1*(1-xp)*(1-xm)   (normalized)
+c k - pair indice;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xp,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),cint,gamom
+      double precision deltap(ntymi:ntymx),deltam(ntymi:ntymx),eps
+     &                 ,xpr1,xmr1,xpr1i
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      om1xpk=0.d0
+      if(xp.ge.xpr1i)return
+      xpr1=1.d0
+      xmr1=1.d0
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+          deltap(i)=btildep(i,k)
+          deltam(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+          gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)*xmr1**(deltam(i)+2.d0)/(2.d0+deltam(i))
+          if((deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+            gamomx(i)=gamomx(i)/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+          else
+            gamomx(i)=-gamomx(i)*log(xminDf)
+          endif
+      enddo
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+          gamom=gamomx(i)*xpr1**(deltap(i)+2.d0)/(2.d0+deltap(i))
+          if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+            gamom=gamom/(deltap(i)+1.d0)
+          else
+            gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+          endif
+          cint=cint+gamom
+      enddo
+      do i=imin,imax
+        om1xpk=om1xpk+gamomx(i)*xp**deltap(i)
+     &                       *(xpr1-xp)
+      enddo
+      om1xpk=om1xpk/cint
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xmk(xp,xm,xpr1i,xmr1i,k)   !---test---
+c om1(xp,xm)*(1-xp)*(1-xm)   (normalized for fixed xp)
+c k - pair indice;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xp,xm,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),cint,gamom
+      double precision deltam(ntymi:ntymx),eps,xpr1,xmr1,xpr1i,xmr1i
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      om1xmk=0.d0
+      if(xp.ge.xpr1i)return
+      if(xm.ge.xmr1i)return
+      xpr1=1.d0
+      xmr1=1.d0
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+          gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)*xp**btildep(i,k)*(xpr1-xp)
+          deltam(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+      enddo
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+          gamom=gamomx(i)*xmr1**(deltam(i)+2.d0)/(2.d0+deltam(i))
+          if((deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+            gamom=gamom/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+          else
+            gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+          endif
+          cint=cint+gamom
+      enddo
+      do i=imin,imax
+        om1xmk=om1xmk+gamomx(i)*xm**deltam(i)*(xmr1-xm)
+      enddo
+      om1xmk=om1xmk/cint
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xpr(atil,btilp,btilpp
+     &                                   ,xpremi,xmremi,ir)   !---MC---
+c Random number generated from the function om1xpk. We solve the equation
+c which give om1xprk by Newton-Raphson + secant method.
+c k - pair indice;
+c ir - 1 to get xp, -1 to get xm (be carrefull to inverse xpremi et xmremi
+c when calling with ir=-1)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision x,x0,x1,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),eps,f0t,f1t,f00
+      double precision xt,fx,fpx,r,f1,f0,cint,deltx,prec,drangen,xmrem
+      double precision deltap(ntymi:ntymx),deltam(ntymi:ntymx),xprem
+      parameter (eps=1.d-20)
+      double precision xpremi,xmremi,xlmin,atil(ntymi:ntymx)
+     &                ,btilp(ntymi:ntymx),btilpp(ntymi:ntymx)
+      om1xpr=0.d0
+      if(xpremi.gt.1d0.or.xmremi.gt.1d0)return
+      x0=log(xminDf)
+      x1=log(xpremi)
+      xprem=xpremi
+      xmrem=xmremi
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      xlmin=1.d0
+      xt=0d0
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(ir.gt.0)then
+          deltap(i)=btilp(i)
+          deltam(i)=btilpp(i)
+        else
+          deltap(i)=btilpp(i)
+          deltam(i)=btilp(i)
+        endif
+        gamomx(i)=atil(i)*xmrem**(deltam(i)+2.d0)/(2.d0+deltam(i))
+        if((deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamomx(i)=gamomx(i)/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+        else
+          xlmin=log(xminDf)
+          gamomx(i)=-gamomx(i)*xlmin
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f0=0.d0
+      f1=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          f0=f0+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xprem*exp(x0)**(1.d0+deltap(i))/(1.d0+deltap(i))
+     &           -exp(x0)**(2.d0+deltap(i))/(2.d0+deltap(i)))
+          f1=f1+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xprem*exp(x1)**(1.d0+deltap(i))/(1.d0+deltap(i))
+     &           -exp(x1)**(2.d0+deltap(i))/(2.d0+deltap(i)))
+        else
+          xlmin=log(xminDf)
+          f0=f0+gamomx(i)*(xprem*(x0-xlmin)-exp(x0)+xminDf)
+          f1=f1+gamomx(i)*(xprem*(x1-xlmin)-exp(x1)+xminDf)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f00=f0
+      cint=f1-f00
+      f0=-(f0-f00)/cint
+      f1=-(f1-f00)/cint
+      ntry=0
+ 11   ntry=ntry+1
+      r=drangen(dble(ntry))
+      f0t=f0+r
+      f1t=f1+r
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps.and.ntry.lt.100)goto 11
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps)then
+        do i=imin,imax
+         write(ifmt,*)i,gamomx(i),deltap(i),deltam(i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifmt,*)x0,f0,f0t,x1,f1,f1t,r,cint,ntry
+        call utstop('om1xpr (2)&')
+      endif
+      f0=f0t
+      f1=f1t
+      if(abs(f0).le.eps) then
+        om1xpr=exp(x0)
+        return
+      endif
+      if(abs(f1).le.eps) then
+        om1xpr=exp(x1)
+        return
+      endif
+      x=0.5d0*(x1+x0)
+      deltx=abs(x1-x0)
+      ntry=0
+ 111  continue
+      if(ntry.le.1000)then
+      fx=0.d0
+      fpx=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          fx=fx+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xprem*exp(x)**(1.d0+deltap(i))/(1.d0+deltap(i))
+     &           -exp(x)**(2.d0+deltap(i))/(2.d0+deltap(i)))
+          fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)*exp(x)**deltap(i)*(xprem-exp(x))
+        else
+          fx=fx+gamomx(i)*(xprem*(x-xlmin)-exp(x)+xminDf)
+          fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)*(xprem/exp(x)-1.d0)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      fx=-(fx-f00)/cint+r
+      fpx=fpx/cint
+      xt=x-fx/fpx
+      if (f0*fx.lt.0.D0) then
+        f1=fx
+        x1=x
+      else
+        f0=fx
+        x0=x
+      endif
+      if ((xt.lt.x0.or.xt.gt.x1).and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps) then
+        xt=x1-f1*(x1-x0)/(f1-f0)
+      endif
+       else
+        write(ifmt,*)'Warning in om1xpr, to much try !'
+      endif
+      if(abs(x-xt).gt.deltx*0.5d0) then
+        xt=(x1+x0)*0.5D0
+      endif
+      deltx=abs(x-xt)
+      if(abs(x).gt.eps)then
+        prec=abs(deltx/x)
+      else
+        prec=0d0
+        call utstop('Problem in om1xpr&')
+      endif
+      if (prec.gt.1.d-3.and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps.and.ntry.le.1000) then
+         x=xt
+         ntry=ntry+1
+         goto 111
+      endif
+      om1xpr=exp(x)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xprk(k,xpremi,xmremi,ir)   !---MC---
+c Random number generated from the function om1xpk. We solve the equation
+c which give om1xprk by Newton-Raphson + secant method.
+c k - pair indice;
+c ir - 1 to get xp, -1 to get xm (be carrefull to inverse xpremi et xmremi
+c when calling with ir=-1)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision x,x0,x1,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),eps,f0t,f1t,f00
+      double precision xt,fx,fpx,r,f1,f0,cint,deltx,prec,drangen,xmrem
+      double precision deltap(ntymi:ntymx),deltam(ntymi:ntymx),xprem
+      parameter (eps=1.d-20)
+      double precision xpremi,xmremi,xlmin
+      om1xprk=0.d0
+      x0=log(xmremi)
+      x1=log(xpremi)
+      xprem=1.d0
+      xmrem=1.d0
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      xlmin=1.d0
+      xt=0d0
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(ir.gt.0)then
+          deltap(i)=btildep(i,k)
+          deltam(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+        else
+          deltap(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+          deltam(i)=btildep(i,k)
+        endif
+        gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)*xmrem**(deltam(i)+2.d0)/(2.d0+deltam(i))
+        if((deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamomx(i)=gamomx(i)/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+        else
+          xlmin=log(xminDf)
+          gamomx(i)=-gamomx(i)*xlmin
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f0=0.d0
+      f1=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          f0=f0+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xprem*exp(x0)**(1.d0+deltap(i))/(1.d0+deltap(i))
+     &           -exp(x0)**(2.d0+deltap(i))/(2.d0+deltap(i)))
+          f1=f1+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xprem*exp(x1)**(1.d0+deltap(i))/(1.d0+deltap(i))
+     &           -exp(x1)**(2.d0+deltap(i))/(2.d0+deltap(i)))
+        else
+          xlmin=log(xminDf)
+          f0=f0+gamomx(i)*(xprem*(x0-xlmin)-exp(x0)+xminDf)
+          f1=f1+gamomx(i)*(xprem*(x1-xlmin)-exp(x1)+xminDf)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f00=f0
+      cint=f1-f00
+      f0=-(f0-f00)/cint
+      f1=-(f1-f00)/cint
+      ntry=0
+ 11   ntry=ntry+1
+      r=drangen(dble(ntry))
+      f0t=f0+r
+      f1t=f1+r
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps.and.ntry.lt.100)goto 11
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps)then
+        do i=imin,imax
+         write(ifmt,*)i,gamomx(i),deltap(i),deltam(i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifmt,*)x0,f0,f0t,x1,f1,f1t,r,cint,ntry,bk(k),k
+        call utstop('om1xprk (2)&')
+      endif
+      f0=f0t
+      f1=f1t
+      if(abs(f0).le.eps) then
+        om1xprk=exp(x0)
+        return
+      endif
+      if(abs(f1).le.eps) then
+        om1xprk=exp(x1)
+        return
+      endif
+      x=0.5d0*(x1+x0)
+      deltx=abs(x1-x0)
+      ntry=0
+ 111  continue
+      if(ntry.le.1000)then
+      fx=0.d0
+      fpx=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          fx=fx+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xprem*exp(x)**(1.d0+deltap(i))/(1.d0+deltap(i))
+     &           -exp(x)**(2.d0+deltap(i))/(2.d0+deltap(i)))
+          fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)*exp(x)**deltap(i)*(xprem-exp(x))
+        else
+          fx=fx+gamomx(i)*(xprem*(x-xlmin)-exp(x)+xminDf)
+          fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)*(xprem/exp(x)-1.d0)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      fx=-(fx-f00)/cint+r
+      fpx=fpx/cint
+      xt=x-fx/fpx
+      if (f0*fx.lt.0.D0) then
+        f1=fx
+        x1=x
+      else
+        f0=fx
+        x0=x
+      endif
+      if ((xt.lt.x0.or.xt.gt.x1).and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps) then
+        xt=x1-f1*(x1-x0)/(f1-f0)
+      endif
+       else
+        write(ifmt,*)'Warning in om1xprk, to much try !'
+      endif
+      if(abs(x-xt).gt.deltx*0.5d0) then
+        xt=(x1+x0)*0.5D0
+      endif
+      deltx=abs(x-xt)
+      if(abs(x).gt.eps)then
+        prec=abs(deltx/x)
+      else
+        prec=0d0
+        call utstop('Problem in om1xprk&')
+      endif
+      if (prec.gt.1.d-3.and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps.and.ntry.le.1000) then
+         x=xt
+         ntry=ntry+1
+         goto 111
+      endif
+      om1xprk=exp(x)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xmrk(k,xp,xpremi,xmremi,ir)   !---MC---
+c Random number generated from the function om1xmk. We solve the equation
+c which give om1xmrk by Newton-Raphson + secant method.
+c k - pair indice;
+c ir - 1 to get xm, -1 to get xp (be carrefull to inverse xpremi et xmremi
+c when calling with ir=-1)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision x,x0,x1,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),eps,xp,f0t,f1t
+      double precision xt,fx,fpx,r,f1,f0,cint,deltx,prec,f00
+      double precision deltam(ntymi:ntymx),drangen,xprem,xmrem
+      double precision xpremi,xmremi,xlmin
+      parameter (eps=1.d-20)
+      om1xmrk=0.d0
+c      if(xp.ge.xpremi)return
+      xprem=1.d0
+      xmrem=1.d0
+      x0=log(xpremi)
+      x1=log(xmremi)
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(ir.gt.0)then
+          gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)*xp**btildep(i,k)*(xprem-xp)
+          deltam(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+        else
+          gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)*xp**btildepp(i,k)*(xprem-xp)
+          deltam(i)=btildep(i,k)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f0=0.d0
+      f1=0.d0
+      xlmin=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          f0=f0+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xmrem*exp(x0)**(1.d0+deltam(i))/(1.d0+deltam(i))
+     &           -exp(x0)**(2.d0+deltam(i))/(2.d0+deltam(i)))
+          f1=f1+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xmrem*exp(x1)**(1.d0+deltam(i))/(1.d0+deltam(i))
+     &           -exp(x1)**(2.d0+deltam(i))/(2.d0+deltam(i)))
+        else
+          xlmin=log(xminDf)
+          f0=f0+gamomx(i)*(xmrem*(x0-xlmin)-exp(x0)+xminDf)
+          f1=f1+gamomx(i)*(xmrem*(x1-xlmin)-exp(x1)+xminDf)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f00=f0
+      cint=f1-f00
+      f0=-(f0-f00)/cint
+      f1=-(f1-f00)/cint
+      ntry=0
+ 11   ntry=ntry+1
+      r=drangen(dble(ntry))
+      f0t=f0+r
+      f1t=f1+r
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps.and.ntry.lt.100)goto 11
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps)then
+        write(ifmt,*)x0,f0,f0t,x1,f1,f1t,r,cint,ntry
+        call utstop('Error(2) in epos-omg in om1xmrk&')
+      endif
+      f0=f0t
+      f1=f1t
+      if(abs(f0).lt.eps) then
+        om1xmrk=exp(x0)
+        return
+      endif
+      if(abs(f1).lt.eps) then
+        om1xmrk=exp(x1)
+        return
+      endif
+      x=0.5d0*(x1+x0)
+      deltx=abs(x1-x0)
+      ntry=0
+      xt=0d0
+ 111  continue
+      if(ntry.le.1000)then
+      fx=0.d0
+      fpx=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          fx=fx+gamomx(i)
+     &          *(xmrem*exp(x)**(1.d0+deltam(i))/(1.d0+deltam(i))
+     &           -exp(x)**(2.d0+deltam(i))/(2.d0+deltam(i)))
+          fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)*exp(x)**deltam(i)*(xmrem-exp(x))
+        else
+          fx=fx+gamomx(i)*(xmrem*(x-xlmin)-exp(x)+xminDf)
+          fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)*(xmrem/exp(x)-1.d0)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      fx=-(fx-f00)/cint+r
+      fpx=fpx/cint
+      xt=x-fx/fpx
+      if (f0*fx.lt.-eps) then
+        f1=fx
+        x1=x
+      else
+        f0=fx
+        x0=x
+      endif
+      if ((xt.lt.x0-eps.or.xt.gt.x1+eps).and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps) then
+        xt=x1-f1*(x1-x0)/(f1-f0)
+      endif
+       else
+        write(ifmt,*)'Warning in om1xmrk, to much try !'
+      endif
+      if(abs(x-xt).gt.deltx*0.5d0) then
+        xt=(x1+x0)*0.5D0
+      endif
+      deltx=abs(x-xt)
+      if(abs(x).gt.eps)then
+        prec=abs(deltx/x)
+      else
+        prec=0d0
+        call utstop('Problem in om1xmrk&')
+      endif
+      if (prec.gt.1.d-3.and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps.and.ntry.le.1000) then
+         x=xt
+         ntry=ntry+1
+         goto 111
+      endif
+      om1xmrk=exp(x)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xk(xh,k)   !---test---
+c \int dxp om1   (normalised)
+c k - pair indice;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xh,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),cint,alpp(ntymi:ntymx)
+     &,delta(ntymi:ntymx),deltap(ntymi:ntymx),deltam(ntymi:ntymx),eps
+     &,gamom
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      om1xk=0.d0
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+        gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)
+        deltap(i)=btildep(i,k)
+        deltam(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+        delta(i)=(deltap(i)+deltam(i))*0.5d0
+        alpp(i)=deltap(i)-deltam(i)
+      enddo
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        gamom=gamomx(i)
+        if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamom=gamom/(deltap(i)+1.d0)
+        else
+          gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        if((deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamom=gamom/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+        else
+          gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        cint=cint+gamom
+      enddo
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(alpp(i)).gt.eps)then
+        om1xk=om1xk+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*xh**deltam(i)*(1.d0-xh**alpp(i))
+        else
+        om1xk=om1xk-gamomx(i)*xh**delta(i)*log(xh)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      om1xk=om1xk/cint
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1yk(xh,yp,k)   !---test---
+c om1 normalized for fixed xp
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c k - pair indice;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xh,yp,gamomy(ntymi:ntymx),alpp(ntymi:ntymx),cint
+      double precision deltap,deltam,eps
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      om1yk=0.d0
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+          gamomy(i)=atilde(i,k)
+          deltap=btildep(i,k)
+          deltam=btildepp(i,k)
+        alpp(i)=deltap-deltam
+        gamomy(i)=gamomy(i)*xh**((deltap+deltam)*0.5d0)
+      enddo
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(alpp(i)).gt.eps)then
+          cint=cint-gamomy(i)/alpp(i)*xh**(alpp(i)*0.5d0)
+     &                               *(1.d0-xh**(-alpp(i)))
+        else
+          cint=cint-gamomy(i)*log(xh)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(alpp(i)).gt.eps)then
+        om1yk=om1yk+gamomy(i)*exp(alpp(i)*yp)
+        else
+        om1yk=om1yk+gamomy(i)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      om1yk=om1yk/cint
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1xrk(k)   !---test---
+c Random number generated from the function om1xk. We solve the equation
+c which give om1xrk by Newton-Raphson + secant method.
+c k - pair indice;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,x0,x1,gamomx(ntymi:ntymx),eps,prec,drangen
+      double precision xt,fx,fpx,r,f1,f0,cint,deltx,alpp(ntymi:ntymx)
+     &,delta(ntymi:ntymx),deltap(ntymi:ntymx),deltam(ntymi:ntymx)
+     &,gamom,f0t,f1t
+      parameter (eps=1.d-20)
+      om1xrk=0.d0
+      imin=ntymin
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=imin,imax
+        gamomx(i)=atilde(i,k)
+        deltap(i)=btildep(i,k)
+        deltam(i)=btildepp(i,k)
+        delta(i)=(deltap(i)+deltam(i))*0.5d0
+        alpp(i)=deltap(i)-deltam(i)
+      enddo
+      cint=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        gamom=gamomx(i)
+        if((deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamom=gamom/(deltap(i)+1.d0)
+        else
+          gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        if((deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+          gamom=gamom/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+        else
+          gamom=-gamom*log(xminDf)
+        endif
+        cint=cint+gamom
+      enddo
+      x0=eps
+      x1=1.d0
+      f0=0.d0
+      f1=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(alpp(i)).lt.eps)then
+          if(delta(i)+1.d0.gt.eps)then
+        f0=f0-gamomx(i)/(delta(i)+1.d0)*x0**(delta(i)+1.d0)
+     &        *(log(x0)-1.d0/(delta(i)+1.d0))
+        f1=f1-gamomx(i)/(delta(i)+1.d0)*x1**(delta(i)+1.d0)
+     &        *(log(x1)-1.d0/(delta(i)+1.d0))
+          else
+        f0=f0-0.5d0*gamomx(i)*(log(x0)**2-log(xminDf)**2)
+        f1=f1-0.5d0*gamomx(i)*(log(x1)**2-log(xminDf)**2)
+          endif
+        else
+          if(abs(deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps
+     &  .and.abs(deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+        f0=f0+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(x0**(deltam(i)+1.d0)/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+     &                          -x0**(deltap(i)+1.d0)/(deltap(i)+1.d0))
+        f1=f1+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(x1**(deltam(i)+1.d0)/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+     &                          -x1**(deltap(i)+1.d0)/(deltap(i)+1.d0))
+        elseif(abs(deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+        f0=f0+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(log(x0/xminDf)
+     &                          -x0**(deltap(i)+1.d0)/(deltap(i)+1.d0))
+        f1=f1+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(log(x1/xminDf)
+     &                          -x1**(deltap(i)+1.d0)/(deltap(i)+1.d0))
+        elseif(abs(deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+        f0=f0-gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(log(x0/xminDf)
+     &                          -x0**(deltam(i)+1.d0)/(deltam(i)+1.d0))
+        f1=f1-gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(log(x1/xminDf)
+     &                          -x1**(deltam(i)+1.d0)/(deltam(i)+1.d0))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f0=-f0/cint
+      f1=-f1/cint
+      ntry=0
+ 11   ntry=ntry+1
+      r=drangen(dble(ntry))
+      f0t=f0+r
+      f1t=f1+r
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps.and.ntry.lt.100)goto 11
+      if(f1t*f0t.ge.eps)then
+        do i=imin,imax
+         write(ifmt,*)i,gamomx(i),deltap(i),deltam(i),alpp(i),delta(i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifmt,*)x0,f0,f0t,x1,f1,f1t,r,cint,ntry,bk(k),k
+        call utstop('om1xrk (1)&')
+      endif
+      f0=f0t
+      f1=f1t
+c      if(f1*f0.gt.eps)then
+c        call utmsg('om1xrk')
+c        write(ifch,*)'Poblem with x0, no root ! --> om1xrk=xminDf'
+c        write(ifmt,*)'Poblem with x0, no root ! --> om1xrk=xminDf'
+c        write(ifmt,*)f0,f1,cint,r
+c        call utmsgf
+c        om1xrk=x0
+c        return
+c      endif
+      if(abs(f0).lt.eps) then
+        om1xrk=x0
+        return
+      endif
+      if(abs(f1).lt.eps) then
+        om1xrk=x1
+        return
+      endif
+c      x=(x1+x0)*0.5D0
+      x=sqrt(x1*x0)
+      deltx=abs(x1-x0)
+      ntry=0
+      fx=0.d0
+      fpx=0.d0
+      xt=x
+ 111  continue
+      if(ntry.le.1000)then
+      fx=0.d0
+      fpx=0.d0
+      do i=imin,imax
+        if(abs(alpp(i)).lt.eps)then
+          if(delta(i)+1.d0.gt.eps)then
+        fx=fx-gamomx(i)/(delta(i)+1.d0)*x**(delta(i)+1.d0)
+     &        *(log(x)-1.d0/(delta(i)+1.d0))
+        fpx=fpx-gamomx(i)*x**delta(i)*log(x)
+          else
+        fx=fx-0.5d0*gamomx(i)*(log(x)**2-log(xminDf)**2)
+        fpx=fpx-gamomx(i)*log(x)/x
+          endif
+        else
+          if(abs(deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps
+     &  .and.abs(deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+        fx=fx+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(x**(deltam(i)+1.d0)/(deltam(i)+1.d0)
+     &                          -x**(deltap(i)+1.d0)/(deltap(i)+1.d0))
+        fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*x**deltam(i)*(1.d0-x**alpp(i))
+        elseif(abs(deltap(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+        fx=fx+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(log(x/xminDf)
+     &                          -x**(deltap(i)+1.d0)/(deltap(i)+1.d0))
+        fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*x**deltam(i)*(1.d0-x**alpp(i))
+        elseif(abs(deltam(i)+1.d0).gt.eps)then
+        fx=fx-gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*(log(x/xminDf)
+     &                          -x**(deltam(i)+1.d0)/(deltam(i)+1.d0))
+        fpx=fpx+gamomx(i)/alpp(i)*x**deltam(i)*(1.d0-x**alpp(i))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      fx=-fx/cint+r
+      fpx=fpx/cint
+      xt=x-fx/fpx
+      if (f0*fx.lt.-eps) then
+        f1=fx
+        x1=x
+      else
+        f0=fx
+        x0=x
+      endif
+      if ((xt.lt.x0-eps.or.xt.gt.x1+eps).and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps) then
+        xt=x1-f1*(x1-x0)/(f1-f0)
+      endif
+      else
+        write(ifmt,*)'Warning in om1xrk, to much try !'
+      endif
+      if(abs(x-xt).gt.deltx*0.5d0) then
+        xt=sqrt(x1*x0)
+      endif
+      deltx=abs(x-xt)
+      if(abs(x).gt.eps)then
+        prec=deltx/x
+      else
+        prec=0d0
+        call utstop('Problem in om1xrk&')
+      endif
+      if (prec.gt.1.d-3.and.abs(f1-f0).gt.eps.and.ntry.le.1000)then
+         x=xt
+         ntry=ntry+1
+         goto 111
+      endif
+      om1xrk=x
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om1yrk(xh)   !---test---
+c Random number generated from the function om1yk(xh). We solve the
+c equation which give om1yrk by Newton-Raphson + secant method.
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c k - pair indice;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xh,r!,y0,y1,y,gamomy(ntymi:ntymx),eps,ymin,prec,yt
+      r=dble(rangen())
+      om1yrk=(0.5d0-r)*log(xh)
+      return
+      end
+      function ffom12aii(iq,je1,je2)   !---test---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      ig=5
+      xmin=0.01/engy
+      xmax=1
+      r2=0
+      do i2=1,ig
+      do m2=1,2
+       xm=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*(.5+tgss(ig,i2)*(m2-1.5))
+       r1=0
+       do i1=1,ig
+       do m1=1,2
+        xp=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*(.5+tgss(ig,i1)*(m1-1.5))
+        f=ffom12a(xp,xm,iq,iq,je1,je2)
+        r1=r1+wgss(ig,i1)*f
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       f=r1*0.5*(xmax-xmin)
+       r2=r2+wgss(ig,i2)*f
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ffom12aii=r2*0.5*(xmax-xmin)
+      end
+      function ffom12ai(xp,iq1,iq2,je1,je2)   !---test---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      ig=5
+      xmin=0.01/engy
+      xmax=1
+      r2=0
+      do i2=1,ig
+      do m2=1,2
+       xm=xmin+(xmax-xmin)*(.5+tgss(ig,i2)*(m2-1.5))
+       f=ffom12a(xp,xm,iq1,iq2,je1,je2)
+       r2=r2+wgss(ig,i2)*f
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ffom12ai=r2*0.5*(xmax-xmin)
+      end
+      function ffom12a(xp,xm,iq1,iq2,je1,je2)   !---test---
+c      2*om52*F*F == PomInc
+c  xp - xplus
+c  xm - xminus
+c                              iq=1 .... sea-sea
+c  iq1 - min iq                iq=2 .... val-sea
+c  iq2 - max iq                iq=3 .... sea-val
+c                              iq=4 .... val-val
+c  je = emission type (projectile and target side)
+c          0 ... no emissions
+c          1 ... emissions
+c       else ... all
+c  already b-averaged  (\int d2b /sigine*10)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      sy=engy*engy
+      xh=xm*xp
+ctp060829      yp=0.5*log(xp/xm)
+      ffom12a=0
+      do i=iq1,iq2
+       if(i.eq.1)then
+         ffom12a=ffom12a+2*om52pi(sy*xh,1.,1.,0,je1,je2)
+       elseif(i.eq.2)then
+         ffom12a=ffom12a+2*om52pi(sy*xh,xp,1.,1,je1,je2)
+       elseif(i.eq.3)then
+         ffom12a=ffom12a+2*om52pi(sy*xh,xm,1.,2,je1,je2)
+       elseif(i.eq.4)then
+               ffom12a=ffom12a+2*om52pi(sy*xh,xp,xm,3,je1,je2)
+       endif
+      enddo
+      ffom12a=ffom12a
+     *           *alpff(iclpro)*xp**betff(1)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+     *           *alpff(icltar)*xm**betff(2)*(1-xm)**alplea(icltar)
+      end
+      function ffom11a(xp,xm,iq1,iq2)   !---test---
+c      int(db) om1ff /sigine*10
+c  xp - xplus                  iq=-1 ... fit
+c  xm - xminus                 iq=0 .... soft
+c                              iq=1 .... gg
+c  iq1 - min iq                iq=2 .... qg
+c  iq2 - max iq                iq=3 .... gq
+c                              iq=4 .... qq
+c                              iq=5 .... diff
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      ig=5
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      r=0.d0
+      do i=1,ig
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*tgss(ig,i))
+          f=ffom11(xp,xm,bb,iq1,iq2)
+          r=r+bb*wgss(ig,i)*f
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ffom11a=r*2.*pi*bmid  /sigine*10
+      return
+      end
+      function ffom11(xp,xm,b,iq1,iq2)   !---test---
+c       2*om5*F*F == PomInc
+c  xp - xplus                  iq=-1 ... fit
+c  xm - xminus                 iq=0 .... soft
+c  b - impact parameter        iq=1 .... gg
+c  iq1 - min iq                iq=2 .... qg
+c  iq2 - max iq                iq=3 .... gq
+c                              iq=4 .... qq
+c                              iq=5 .... diff
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision om51
+      if(xm.ge.0.)then
+       xh=xm*xp
+       yp=0.5*log(xp/xm)
+       ffom11=2.*sngl(om51(dble(xh),dble(yp),b,iq1,iq2))
+     *     *(1-xm)**alplea(icltar)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+      else   !xm integration
+       ig=5
+       xmin=0.01/engy
+       xmax=1
+       r=0
+       do i=1,ig
+       do m=1,2
+        xmm=xmin*(xmax/xmin)**(.5+tgss(ig,i)*(m-1.5))
+        xh=xmm*xp
+        yp=0.5*log(xp/xmm)
+        f=2.*sngl(om51(dble(xh),dble(yp),b,iq1,iq2))
+     *     *(1-xmm)**alplea(icltar)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+        r=r+wgss(ig,i)*f*xmm
+       enddo
+       enddo
+       ffom11=r*0.5*log(xmax/xmin)
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function om51(xh,yp,b,iq1,iq2)   !---test---
+c xh - xplus*xminus     iq=-1 ... fit        (om1 * 0.5)
+c yp - rapidity         iq=0 .... soft
+c b - impact param      iq=1 .... gg
+c iq1 - min iq          iq=2 .... qg
+c iq2 - max iq          iq=3 .... gq
+c                       iq=4 .... qq
+c                       iq=5 .... diff
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision xp,xm,xh,yp,om51p,om1
+      om51=0.d0
+      if(xh.le.0.d0.or.xh.gt.1.d0)return
+      sy=engy*engy
+      xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+      xm=xh/xp
+      if(iq1.eq.-1.and.iq2.eq.-1)then
+        om51=0.5d0*om1(xh,yp,b)
+      elseif(iq1.ge.0)then
+        om51=0.d0
+        do i=iq1,iq2
+          if(i.ne.5)then
+            i1=min(i,1)
+          call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i1,b,sy,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+          om51=om51+om51p(sy*sngl(xh),xh,yp,b,i)
+     *           *xp**dble(epsp)*xm**dble(epst)
+     *           *dble(sy)**dble(epss)
+          else
+          call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,2,b,sy,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+          om51=om51+0.5d0*dble(alp)*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+          endif
+       enddo
+      else
+        stop'om5: choice of iq1 and iq2 is nonsense.     '
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function om5s(sx,xh,yp,b,iq1,iq2)   !---test---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision om51
+      double precision xh,yp
+      ss=sx/xh
+      engyx=engy
+      engy=sqrt(ss)
+      om5s=om51(xh,yp,b,iq1,iq2)
+      engy=engyx
+      end
+      double precision function om5Jk(k,xh,yp,iqq)   !---MC---
+c partial om5
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c b - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+c iqq=0 - soft
+c iqq=1 - gg
+c iqq=2 - qg
+c iqq=3 - gq
+c iqq=4 - qq
+c iqq=5 - diffractif
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision xh,yp,om51p
+      double precision plc,s
+      common/cems5/plc,s
+      sy=sngl(s*xh)
+      b=bk(k)
+      epsGp=0.
+      epsGt=0.
+      if(iqq.ne.5)then
+        om5Jk=om51p(sy,xh,yp,b,iqq)
+c Screening effect on Pomeron type set in WomTy
+        if(iscreen.ne.0)then
+          xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+          xm=xh/xp
+          i1=min(iqq,1)
+c use pp screening even for nuclei (avoid to many diffractive collisions)
+c          call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i1,b,sngl(s),alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss
+c     &                 ,gamv)
+c          epsGp=epsp
+c          epsGt=epst
+cc          epsG=epsilongs(k,i1)
+          if(iqq.eq.0)then
+            epsGp=epsilongp(k,i1)
+            epsGt=epsilongt(k,i1)
+          elseif(gfactor.gt.0.)then
+            epsGp=epsilongp(k,i1)*exp(-min(50.,gfactor*zparpro(k)))
+            epsGt=epsilongt(k,i1)*exp(-min(50.,gfactor*zpartar(k)))
+          endif
+          om5Jk=om5Jk*xp**dble(epsGp)*xm**dble(epsGt)!*s**dble(epsG))
+        endif
+      else
+        xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+        xm=xh/xp
+        om5Jk=0.5d0*atilde(2,k)*xp**btildep(2,k)*xm**btildepp(2,k)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om5J(zzp,zzt,xh,yp,b,iq)   !---test---
+c xh - xplus*xminus     iq=-1 ... fit        (om1 * 0.5)
+c yp - rapidity         iq=0 .... soft
+c b - impact param      iq=1 .... gg
+c                       iq=2 .... qg
+c                       iq=3 .... gq
+c zzp - projectile Z    iq=4 .... qq
+c zzt - target Z        iq=5 .... diff
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision xp,xm,xh,yp,om51p,om1
+      om5J=0.d0
+      if(xh.le.0.d0.or.xh.gt.1.d0)return
+      sy=engy*engy
+      xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+      xm=xh/xp
+      epsGp=0.
+      epsGt=0.
+      if(iq.eq.-1)then
+        om5J=0.5d0*om1(xh,yp,b)
+      elseif(iq.ne.5)then
+        i1=min(iq,1)
+        call Gfunpar(zzp,zzt,1,i1,b,sy,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+c        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i1,b,sy,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+c        epsG=epss
+        if(iq.eq.0)then
+          epsGp=epsp
+          epsGt=epst
+        elseif(gfactor.gt.0.)then
+          epsGp=epsp*exp(-min(50.,gfactor*zzp))
+          epsGt=epst*exp(-min(50.,gfactor*zzt))
+        endif
+        om5J=om51p(sy*sngl(xh),xh,yp,b,iq)
+     &      *xp**dble(epsGp)*xm**dble(epsGt)!*sy**dble(epsG)
+      else
+        call Gfunpar(zzp,zzt,1,2,b,sy,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+c        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,2,b,sy,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+      om5J=0.5d0*alp*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function omIgamint(b,iqq)   !---test---
+c - integrated chi~(b)FF/2 for cut I diagram (simple Pomeron)
+c b - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+c iqq=0 effective one
+c iqq=1 soft
+c iqq=2 gg
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision Df
+      Df=0.d0
+      sy=engy*engy
+      omIgamint=0.d0
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+        coefp=1.+alplea(iclpro)
+        coeft=1.+alplea(icltar)
+        do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,sy,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+          betp=1.+betx
+          betpp=1.+betpx
+          Df=alpx*dble(utgam1(betp)*utgam1(betpp)*ucfpro
+     *         *ucftar/utgam1(betp+coefp)/utgam1(betpp+coeft))
+          omIgamint=omIgamint+Df
+        enddo
+      else
+        call utstop('Wrong iqq in omIgamint&')
+      endif
+      omIgamint=omIgamint
+     *     *dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      omIgamint=omIgamint*0.5d0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine WomTy(w,xh,yp,k)
+c - w(ity) for group iqq of cut enhanced diagram giving
+c the probability of the type of the same final state.
+c k - pair indice;
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+c xpr,xmr impulsion fraction of remnant
+c    ity = 0   - soft
+c    ity = 1   - gg
+c    ity = 2   - qg
+c    ity = 3   - gq
+c    ity = 4   - qq
+c Modified by gfactor to increase semihard int. probability
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      doubleprecision xh,yp,om5Jk,w(0:7),ww
+      do i=0,7
+        w(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,5
+        w(i)=om5Jk(k,xh,yp,i)
+      enddo
+      if(gfactor.lt.0..and.w(1).gt.xggfit*w(0))then      !??????????????
+        corfac=exp(-dble(abs(gfactor)*(zparpro(k)+zpartar(k)))
+     &                          *max(0d0,1d0-sqrt(xggfit*w(0)/w(1))))
+        ww=w(0)+w(1)     !gg interaction probability
+        w(0)=w(0)*corfac        !soft suppressed
+        w(1)=ww-w(0)            !semi-hard increased
+c        corfac=float(iotst1) !??????????????????????
+c        ww=w(0)+w(1)+w(2)+w(3)+w(4)+w(5)
+c        whard=0.
+c        do i=1,4
+c          w(i)=w(i)*corfac
+c          whard=whard+w(i)
+c        enddo
+c        if(whard.gt.ww)then
+c         do i=1,4
+c          w(i)=w(i)/whard*ww
+c         enddo
+c         whard=ww
+c        endif
+c        w05=w(0)+w(5)
+c        if(whard.lt.ww)then
+c          w(0)=w(0)/w05*(ww-whard)
+c          w(5)=w(5)/w05*(ww-whard)
+c        else
+c          w(0)=0
+c          w(5)=0
+c        endif
+        !write(*,'(2f11.4)')(ww-w05)/ww,(ww-w(0)-w(5))/ww
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function Womegak(xp,xm,xprem,xmrem,k)   !---MC---
+c - sum(omGam(xp,xm))*(1-xp)*(1-xm) for group of cut enhanced
+c diagram giving the same final state (without nuclear effect).
+c xp,xm - fraction of the loght cone momenta of the pomeron;
+c k - pair index
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xp,xm,xprem,xmrem
+      Womegak=0.d0
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=ntymin,imax
+        Womegak=Womegak+atilde(i,k)*xp**btildep(i,k)*xm**btildepp(i,k)
+      enddo
+      Womegak=Womegak*(xprem-xp)*(xmrem-xm)
+      return
+      end
+c      double precision function omNpcut(xp,xm,xprem,xmrem,bh,iqq)   !---test---
+cc Sum of all cut diagrams
+cc iqq=0 ideal G
+cc iqq=1 exact G + diff
+c      include "epos.inc"
+c      double precision om51,xh,yp,xprem,xmrem,xp,xm!,omYcutI
+c      omNpcut=0.d0
+c      xh=xp*xm
+c      if(abs(xh).gt.1.d-10)then
+c        yp=0.5d0*log(xp/xm)
+c      else
+c        yp=0.d0
+c      endif
+c      if(iqq.eq.0)omNpcut=om51(xh,yp,bh,-1,-1)
+c      if(iqq.eq.1)omNpcut=om51(xh,yp,bh,0,5)
+c      omNpcut=omNpcut*2.d0
+c      return
+c      end
+      double precision function omGam(xp,xm,bh)   !---test---
+c Cut diagram part for calculation of probability distribution
+c xp,xm impulsion fraction of remnant
+c bh - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incems"
+      double precision om51,xp,xm,xh,yp,eps!,omYgam
+      parameter (eps=1.d-20)
+      omGam=0.d0
+      if(xp.lt.eps.or.xm.lt.eps)return
+      xh=xp*xm
+      if(abs(xh).gt.1.d-10)then
+        yp=0.5d0*log(xp/xm)
+      else
+        yp=0.d0
+      endif
+      omGam=om51(xh,yp,bh,-1,-1)
+      omGam=2.d0*omGam
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function omGamk(k,xp,xm)   !---MC---
+c Cut diagram part for calculation of probability distribution (for omega)
+c xp,xm impulsion fraction of remnant
+c bh - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incems"
+      double precision xp,xm
+      omGamk=0.d0
+      imax=ntymx
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=ntymin,imax
+        omGamk=omGamk+atilde(i,k)*xp**btildep(i,k)*xm**btildepp(i,k)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function omGamint(bh)   !---test---
+c Integrated cut diagram part for calculation of probability distribution
+c bh - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+      include "epos.inc"
+      double precision omIgamint!,omYgamint
+      omGamint=2.d0*omIgamint(bh,0)
+      return
+      end
+      block data dgdata
+c constants for numerical integration (gaussian weights)
+      double precision dgx1,dga1
+      common /dga20/ dgx1(10),dga1(10)
+      data dgx1/
+     &   .765265211334973D-01,
+     &   .227785851141645D+00,
+     &   .373706088715420D+00,
+     &   .510867001950827D+00,
+     &   .636053680726515D+00,
+     &   .746331906460151D+00,
+     &   .839116971822219D+00,
+     &   .912234428251326D+00,
+     &   .963971927277914D+00,
+     &   .993128599185095D+00/
+      data dga1/
+     &   .152753387130726D+00,
+     &   .149172986472604D+00,
+     &   .142096109318382D+00,
+     &   .131688638449177D+00,
+     &   .118194531961518D+00,
+     &   .101930119817233D+00,
+     &   .832767415767047D-01,
+     &   .626720483341090D-01,
+     &   .406014298003871D-01,
+     &   .176140071391506D-01/
+      end
+      double precision function Phiexact(zzip,zzit,fj,xp,xm,s,b) !---test---
+c    Exact expression of the Phi function for pp collision
+c    zzip : additionnal component for Z (nuclear effect projectile side)
+c    zzit : additionnal component for Z (nuclear effect target side)
+c    fj   : overall factor for cross section (elastic or inelastic)
+c    xp,xm: momentum fraction
+c    s    : energy square
+c    b    : impact parameter
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision al(idxD0:idxD1),betp(idxD0:idxD1)
+     *,z,xIrst!,ffacto
+      double precision zp(idxD0:idxD1),Phitmp,betpp(idxD0:idxD1)
+     *,yp,ym,xm,xp
+      double precision eps
+      parameter(eps=1.d-20)
+      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD1),imax(idxD0:idxD1)
+      if(idxD0.ne.0.or.idxD1.ne.2) stop "Problem in PhiExact"
+      Phitmp=0.d0
+      if(xp.gt.eps.and.xm.gt.eps.and.xp.le.1.d0+eps
+     &   .and.xm.le.1.d0+eps)then
+       do i=idxD0,idxD1
+        imax(i)=0
+        ipr(i)=0
+        zp(i)=1.d0
+        al(i)=0.d0
+        betp(i)=0.d0
+        betpp(i)=0.d0
+       enddo
+       imax0=idxD1
+       if(iomega.eq.2)imax0=1
+       do i=idxDmin,imax0
+        imax(i)=10+max(5,int(log10(s)))
+        if(b.ge.1.)imax(i)=4+max(3,int(log10(sqrt(s))))
+        imax(i)=min(30,imax(i))
+       enddo
+       Phitmp=0.d0
+       do i=idxDmin,imax0
+         call Gfunpar(zzip,zzit,1,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss
+     *               ,gamv)
+         betp(i)=dble(betx)+1.d0
+         betpp(i)=dble(betpx)+1.d0
+         al(i)=dble(alpx*gamv)
+     *         *dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+       enddo
+       do ipr0=0,imax(0)
+          ipr(0)=ipr0
+          zp(0)=1.d0
+        if (ipr(0).ne.0) zp(0)=(-dble(fj)*al(0))**ipr(0)*facto(ipr(0))
+        do ipr1=0,imax(1)
+           ipr(1)=ipr1
+           zp(1)=1.d0
+        if (ipr(1).ne.0) zp(1)=(-dble(fj)*al(1))**ipr(1)*facto(ipr(1))
+        do ipr2=0,imax(2)
+           ipr(2)=ipr2
+           zp(2)=1.d0
+        if (ipr(2).ne.0) zp(2)=(-dble(fj)*al(2))**ipr(2)*facto(ipr(2))
+          yp=0.d0
+          ym=0.d0
+          z=1.d0
+          isum=0
+          do i=idxDmin,imax0
+            yp=yp+dble(ipr(i))*betp(i)
+            ym=ym+dble(ipr(i))*betpp(i)
+            isum=isum+ipr(i)
+            z=z*zp(i)
+          enddo
+          z=z*xIrst(1,xp,yp,betp,ipr)
+          z=z*xIrst(2,xm,ym,betpp,ipr)
+          Phitmp=Phitmp+z
+         enddo
+         enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      PhiExact=Phitmp
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PhiExpoK(k,xp,xm)   !---MC---
+c    Exponential expression of the Phi function for pp collision
+c    for given k
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xp,xm,Phitmp,Gt1
+      double precision atildg,btildgp,btildgpp
+      common/cgtilde/atildg(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx)
+     *,btildgp(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx),btildgpp(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx)
+      Phitmp=0.d0
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      Phitmp=0.d0
+      Gt1=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+       Gt1=Gt1+atildg(i,k)*xp**btildgp(i,k)*xm**btildgpp(i,k)
+      enddo
+      Phitmp=exp(-Gt1)
+      PhiExpoK=Phitmp
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PhiExpoK2(k,xp,xm)   !---xs---
+c    Exponential expression of the Phi function for pp collision
+c    for given k without diffractive part
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xp,xm,Phitmp,Gt1
+      double precision atildg,btildgp,btildgpp
+      common/cgtilde/atildg(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx)
+     *,btildgp(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx),btildgpp(idxD0:idxD1,kollmx)
+      Phitmp=0.d0
+      imax=1
+      Phitmp=0.d0
+      Gt1=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+       Gt1=Gt1+atildg(i,k)*xp**btildgp(i,k)*xm**btildgpp(i,k)
+      enddo
+      Phitmp=exp(-Gt1)
+      PhiExpoK2=Phitmp
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function Phiexpo(zzip,zzit,fj,xp,xm,s,b)   !---MC---
+c    Exponential expression of the Phi function for pp collision
+c    for given b
+c input :
+c    zzip : additionnal component for Z (nuclear effect projectile side)
+c    zzit : additionnal component for Z (nuclear effect target side)
+c    fj   : overall factor for cross section (elastic or inelastic)
+c    xp,xm: momentum fraction
+c    s    : energy square
+c    b    : impact parameter
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter(nbkbin=40)
+      common /kfitd/ xkappafit(nclegy,nclha,nclha,nbkbin),xkappa,bkbin
+      double precision AlTi
+      double precision BeTip,BeTipp
+      double precision xp,xm,Phitmp,Gt1
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      Gt1=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(zzip,zzit,2,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss
+     &              ,gamv)
+        BeTip =dble(betx)
+        BeTipp=dble(betpx)
+        AlTi  =dble(alpx)
+        Gt1=Gt1+AlTi*xp**BeTip*xm**BeTipp*dble(fj*xkappa**(fj-1.))
+      enddo
+      Phitmp=exp(-Gt1)
+      PhiExpo=Phitmp
+     &     *xp**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     &     *xm**dble(alplea(icltar))
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PhiUnit(xp,xm)   !---test---
+c    Exponential expression of the Phi function for pp collision
+c    for given b
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision AlTi
+      double precision BeTip,BeTipp
+      double precision xp,xm,Phitmp,Gt1
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      Gt1=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        BeTip =betUni(i,2)
+        BeTipp=betpUni(i,2)
+        AlTi  =alpUni(i,2)
+        Gt1=Gt1+AlTi*xp**BeTip*xm**BeTipp
+c        write(ifch,*)'Phiunit',i,xp,xm,Gt1,AlTi,BeTip,BeTipp
+      enddo
+      Phitmp=exp(-Gt1)
+      PhiUnit=Phitmp
+     &     *xp**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     &     *xm**dble(alplea(icltar))
+      return
+      end
+c      double precision function PhiUnit(xp,xm,s,b)   !---inu---
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      double precision xp,xm,PhiExpo,Znorm
+c      PhiUnit=Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,xp,xm,s,b)
+c     &          /Znorm(s,b)
+c      return
+c      end
+      double precision function Hrst(s,b,xp,xm)   !test
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter(idxD2=8)
+      double precision GbetUni,GbetpUni,HbetUni,HbetpUni,HalpUni
+      common/DGamUni/GbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),HbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               GbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),HbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               HalpUni(idxD0:idxD2)
+      double precision al(idxD0:idxD2),betp(idxD0:idxD2)
+     *,z,xJrst!,ffacto
+      double precision zp(idxD0:idxD2),Htmp,betpp(idxD0:idxD2)
+     *,yp,ym,xp,xm
+      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD2),imax(idxD0:idxD2)
+      if(idxD0.ne.0.or.idxD1.ne.2) stop "Problem in Hrst"
+      Htmp=0.d0
+      do i=idxD0,idxD2
+        imax(i)=0
+        ipr(i)=0
+        zp(i)=1.d0
+        al(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      if(xp.ge.0.d0.and.xm.ge.0.d0.and.xp.lt.1.d0.and.xm.le.1.d0)then
+      imax0=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax0=1
+      imax1=idxD2
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax1=imax1-1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax1
+        imax(i)=max(2,int(log10(100.*s)/3.))
+c        if(i.ge.2)imax(i)=imax(i)*2
+        if(b.ge.1.5)imax(i)=2   !max(2,imax(i)/2)
+        imax(i)=min(30,imax(i))
+        if(i.gt.imax0)then
+          if((zzpUni*zztUni.lt.1.d-6)
+     &   .or.(xp.lt.0.1d0.and.xm.lt.0.1d0))then
+            imax(i)=0
+          else
+            imax(i)=1     !imax(i)/3
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      Htmp=0.d0
+        do i=idxDmin,imax1
+          betp(i)=HbetUni(i)
+          betpp(i)=HbetpUni(i)
+          al(i)=HalpUni(i)
+        enddo
+        do ipr0=0,imax(0)
+c          write(ifmt,*)'Hrst ipr0,xp,xm :',ipr0,xp,xm
+           ipr(0)=ipr0
+           zp(0)=1.d0
+           if (ipr(0).ne.0) zp(0)=al(0)**ipr(0)*facto(ipr(0))
+         do ipr1=0,imax(1)
+            ipr(1)=ipr1
+            zp(1)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(1).ne.0) zp(1)=al(1)**ipr(1)*facto(ipr(1))
+         do ipr2=0,imax(2)
+            ipr(2)=ipr2
+            zp(2)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(2).ne.0) zp(2)=al(2)**ipr(2)*facto(ipr(2))
+         do ipr3=0,imax(3)
+            ipr(3)=ipr3
+            zp(3)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(3).ne.0) zp(3)=al(3)**ipr(3)*facto(ipr(3))
+         do ipr4=0,imax(4)
+            ipr(4)=ipr4
+            zp(4)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(4).ne.0) zp(4)=al(4)**ipr(4)*facto(ipr(4))
+         do ipr5=0,imax(5)
+            ipr(5)=ipr5
+            zp(5)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(5).ne.0) zp(5)=al(5)**ipr(5)*facto(ipr(5))
+         do ipr6=0,imax(6)
+            ipr(6)=ipr6
+            zp(6)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(6).ne.0) zp(6)=al(6)**ipr(6)*facto(ipr(6))
+         do ipr7=0,imax(7)
+            ipr(7)=ipr7
+            zp(7)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(7).ne.0) zp(7)=al(7)**ipr(7)*facto(ipr(7))
+         do ipr8=0,imax(8)
+            ipr(8)=ipr8
+            zp(8)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(8).ne.0) zp(8)=al(8)**ipr(8)*facto(ipr(8))
+           if (ipr(0)+ipr(1)+ipr(2)+ipr(3)+ipr(4)+ipr(5)
+     &        +ipr(6)+ipr(7)+ipr(8).ne.0) then
+             yp=0.d0
+             ym=0.d0
+             z=1.d0
+             do i=idxDmin,imax1
+               yp=yp+dble(ipr(i))*betp(i)
+               ym=ym+dble(ipr(i))*betpp(i)
+               z=z*zp(i)
+             enddo
+             z=z*xJrst(xp,yp,GbetUni,ipr)
+             z=z*xJrst(xm,ym,GbetpUni,ipr)
+             Htmp=Htmp+z
+           endif
+          enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+          enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+          enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+      endif
+      Hrst=Htmp
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function HrstI(s,b,xp,xm)   !test
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter(idxD2=8)
+      double precision GbetUni,GbetpUni,HbetUni,HbetpUni,HalpUni
+      common/DGamUni/GbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),HbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               GbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),HbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               HalpUni(idxD0:idxD2)
+      double precision al(idxD0:idxD2),betp(idxD0:idxD2)
+     *,z,xJrstI!,ffacto
+      double precision zp(idxD0:idxD2),Htmp,betpp(idxD0:idxD2)
+     *,yp,ym,xp,xm
+      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD2),imax(idxD0:idxD2)
+      if(idxD0.ne.0.or.idxD1.ne.2) stop "Problem in HrstI"
+      Htmp=0d0
+      do i=idxD0,idxD2
+        imax(i)=0
+        ipr(i)=0
+        zp(i)=1.d0
+        al(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      if(xp.ge.0.d0.and.xm.ge.0.d0.and.xp.lt.1.d0.and.xm.le.1.d0)then
+      imax0=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax0=1
+      imax1=idxD2
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax1=imax1-1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax1
+        imax(i)=max(3,int(log10(s)/2.))
+c        if(i.ge.2)imax(i)=imax(i)*2
+        if(b.ge.1.5)imax(i)=max(2,imax(i)/2)
+        imax(i)=min(30,imax(i))
+        if(i.gt.imax0)then
+          if((zzpUni*zztUni.lt.1.d-6)
+     &   .or.(xp.lt.0.1d0.and.xm.lt.0.1d0))then
+            imax(i)=0
+          else
+            imax(i)=1   !imax(i)/3
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      Htmp=0.d0
+        do i=idxDmin,imax1
+          betp(i)=HbetUni(i)
+          betpp(i)=HbetpUni(i)
+          al(i)=HalpUni(i)
+        enddo
+        do ipr0=0,imax(0)
+           ipr(0)=ipr0
+           zp(0)=1.d0
+           if (ipr(0).ne.0) zp(0)=al(0)**ipr(0)*facto(ipr(0))
+         do ipr1=0,imax(1)
+            ipr(1)=ipr1
+            zp(1)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(1).ne.0) zp(1)=al(1)**ipr(1)*facto(ipr(1))
+         do ipr2=0,imax(2)
+            ipr(2)=ipr2
+            zp(2)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(2).ne.0) zp(2)=al(2)**ipr(2)*facto(ipr(2))
+         do ipr3=0,imax(3)
+            ipr(3)=ipr3
+            zp(3)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(3).ne.0) zp(3)=al(3)**ipr(3)*facto(ipr(3))
+         do ipr4=0,imax(4)
+            ipr(4)=ipr4
+            zp(4)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(4).ne.0) zp(4)=al(4)**ipr(4)*facto(ipr(4))
+         do ipr5=0,imax(5)
+            ipr(5)=ipr5
+            zp(5)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(5).ne.0) zp(5)=al(5)**ipr(5)*facto(ipr(5))
+         do ipr6=0,imax(6)
+            ipr(6)=ipr6
+            zp(6)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(6).ne.0) zp(6)=al(6)**ipr(6)*facto(ipr(6))
+         do ipr7=0,imax(7)
+            ipr(7)=ipr7
+            zp(7)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(7).ne.0) zp(7)=al(7)**ipr(7)*facto(ipr(7))
+         do ipr8=0,imax(8)
+            ipr(8)=ipr8
+            zp(8)=1.d0
+            if (ipr(8).ne.0) zp(8)=al(8)**ipr(8)*facto(ipr(8))
+           if (ipr(0)+ipr(1)+ipr(2)+ipr(3)+ipr(4)+ipr(5)
+     &        +ipr(6)+ipr(7)+ipr(8).ne.0) then
+             yp=0.d0
+             ym=0.d0
+             z=1.d0
+             do i=idxDmin,imax1
+               yp=yp+dble(ipr(i))*betp(i)
+               ym=ym+dble(ipr(i))*betpp(i)
+               z=z*zp(i)
+             enddo
+             z=z*xJrstI(xp,yp,GbetUni,ipr)
+             z=z*xJrstI(xm,ym,GbetpUni,ipr)
+             Htmp=Htmp+z
+           endif
+          enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+          enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+          enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+      endif
+      HrstI=Htmp
+      return
+      end
+c      double precision function HrstI(s,xp,xm)   !---inu---
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incems'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      include 'epos.incpar'
+c      double precision al(idxD0:idxD1),betp(idxD0:idxD1)
+c     *,z,xJrstI!,ffacto
+c      double precision zp(idxD0:idxD1),Htmp,betpp(idxD0:idxD1)
+c     *,yp,ym,xp,xm
+c      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD1),imax(idxD0:idxD1)
+c      if(idxD0.ne.0.or.idxD1.ne.2) stop "Problem in HrstI"
+c      HrstI=0.d0
+c      do i=idxD0,idxD1
+c        imax(i)=0
+c        ipr(i)=0
+c        zp(i)=1.d0
+c        al(i)=0.d0
+c      enddo
+c      if(xp.ge.0.d0.and.xm.ge.0.d0.and.xp.lt.1.d0.and.xm.lt.1.d0)then
+c      HrstI=0.d0
+c      imax0=idxD1
+c      if(iomega.eq.2)imax0=1
+c      do i=idxDmin,imax0
+c        imax(i)=max(5,int(log10(s)))
+cc        if(i.ge.2)imax(i)=imax(i)*2
+c        imax(i)=min(30,imax(i))
+c      enddo
+c      Htmp=0.d0
+c        do i=idxDmin,imax0
+c          betp(i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0
+c          betpp(i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0
+c          al(i)=alpUni(i,1)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+c        enddo
+c        do ipr0=0,imax(0)
+c           ipr(0)=ipr0
+c           zp(0)=1.d0
+c          if (ipr(0).ne.0) zp(0)=al(0)**ipr(0)*facto(ipr(0))
+c         do ipr1=0,imax(1)
+c            ipr(1)=ipr1
+c            zp(1)=1.d0
+c          if (ipr(1).ne.0) zp(1)=al(1)**ipr(1)*facto(ipr(1))
+c         do ipr2=0,imax(2)
+c            ipr(2)=ipr2
+c            zp(2)=1.d0
+c          if (ipr(2).ne.0) zp(2)=al(2)**ipr(2)*facto(ipr(2))
+c             if (ipr(0)+ipr(1)+ipr(2).ne.0) then
+c             yp=0.d0
+c             ym=0.d0
+c             z=1.d0
+c             do i=idxDmin,imax0
+c               yp=yp+dble(ipr(i))*betp(i)
+c               ym=ym+dble(ipr(i))*betpp(i)
+c               z=z*zp(i)
+c             enddo
+c             z=z*xJrstI(xp,yp,betp,ipr)
+c             z=z*xJrstI(xm,ym,betpp,ipr)
+c             Htmp=Htmp+z
+c           endif
+c          enddo
+c         enddo
+c       enddo
+c       HrstI=Htmp
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+c        double precision function ffacto(n)   !---test---
+c        ffacto=1.D0
+c        do i=1,n
+c          ffacto=ffacto*dble(i)
+c        enddo
+c        return
+c        end
+      double precision function xIrst(id,x,y,bet,ipr)   !---test---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision y,gammag,utgam2,x,bet(idxD0:idxD1)
+      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD1)
+      if(id.eq.1)iclrem=iclpro
+      if(id.eq.2)iclrem=icltar
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      if(y.le.160.)then
+       xIrst=gammag(iclrem,y)*x**dble(alplea(iclrem))
+      else
+       xIrst=0
+      endif
+      if(xIrst.gt.0.d0)then
+        do i=idxDmin,imax
+          if(ipr(i).ne.0.and.bet(i).gt.1.d-10)
+     &         xIrst=xIrst*utgam2(bet(i))**dble(ipr(i))
+        enddo
+        if (abs(y).gt.1.d-10) xIrst=xIrst*x**y
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function xJrst(x,y,Gbeta,ipr)   !---inu---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(idxD2=8)
+      double precision y,utgam2,x,Gbeta(idxD0:idxD2),eps,gam
+      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD2)
+      eps=1.d-10
+      imax=idxD2
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=imax-1
+      gam=utgam2(y)
+      if(gam.lt.1.d99)then
+      if ((x-1.d0).gt.eps.or.(y-1.d0).gt.eps) then
+                        xJrst=(1.d0-x)**(y-1.d0)/gam
+                        do i=idxDmin,imax
+      if (ipr(i).ne.0)   xJrst=xJrst*Gbeta(i)**dble(ipr(i))
+                        enddo
+          else
+c            write (*,*) 'Warning in xJrst, infinite value !'
+                        xJrst=(1.d0-x+eps)**(y-1.d0)/gam
+                        do i=idxDmin,imax
+      if (ipr(i).ne.0)   xJrst=xJrst*Gbeta(i)**dble(ipr(i))
+                        enddo
+      endif
+      else
+        xJrst=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function xJrstI(x,y,Gbeta,ipr)   !---inu---
+c Function used for the integration of H*Phi. We do the changement of
+c variable (1-x)=z**alpha. The power alpha can be change if necessary.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(idxD2=8)
+      double precision y,utgam2,x,Gbeta(idxD0:idxD2),alpha,w,gam
+      dimension ipr(idxD0:idxD2)
+      alpha=4.d0
+      w=alpha*(y-1.d0)+alpha-1.d0
+      imax=idxD2
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=imax-1
+      gam=utgam2(y)
+      if(gam.lt.1.d99)then
+      if (w.ge.0)then
+                        xJrstI=alpha*x**w/gam
+                        do i=idxDmin,imax
+      if (ipr(i).ne.0)   xJrstI=xJrstI*Gbeta(i)**dble(ipr(i))
+                        enddo
+         else
+           write(*,*) 'x,y,bet,ipr,w',x,y,Gbeta,ipr,w
+          stop 'Error in xJrstI in epos-omg, integration not possible'
+       endif
+      else
+        xJrstI=0.d0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function HPhiInt(s,b)   !---inu---
+c  Set integrated over xp and xm (x and y) H(x,y)*Phi(x,y) for a
+c  given b by gauss method
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(idxD2=8)
+      double precision GbetUni,GbetpUni,HbetUni,HbetpUni,HalpUni
+      common/DGamUni/GbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),HbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               GbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),HbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               HalpUni(idxD0:idxD2)
+      double precision xhm,x,y,yhm,w,Hrst,utgam2,PhiUnit!,PhiExact
+c      double precision zp2,zm2,HrstI,eps
+c      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /ar9/    x9(3),a9(3)
+      eps=0d0 !1.d-5
+      imax0=idxD1
+      imax1=idxD2
+      if(iomega.eq.2)then
+        imax0=1
+        imax1=imax1-1
+      endif
+      do i=idxDmin,imax0
+        HbetUni(i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0
+        HbetpUni(i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0
+        GbetUni(i)=utgam2(HbetUni(i))
+        GbetpUni(i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(i))
+        HalpUni(i)=alpUni(i,1)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      enddo
+      do i=0,1
+        HbetUni(imax0+1+i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        HbetUni(imax0+3+i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0
+        HbetUni(imax0+5+i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        HbetpUni(imax0+1+i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0
+        HbetpUni(imax0+3+i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        HbetpUni(imax0+5+i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        GbetUni(imax0+1+i)=utgam2(HbetUni(imax0+1+i))
+        GbetUni(imax0+3+i)=utgam2(HbetUni(imax0+3+i))
+        GbetUni(imax0+5+i)=utgam2(HbetUni(imax0+5+i))
+        GbetpUni(imax0+1+i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(imax0+1+i))
+        GbetpUni(imax0+3+i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(imax0+3+i))
+        GbetpUni(imax0+5+i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(imax0+5+i))
+        HalpUni(imax0+1+i)=zztUni*alpUni(i,1)
+        HalpUni(imax0+3+i)=zzpUni*alpUni(i,1)
+        HalpUni(imax0+5+i)=zzpUni*zztUni*alpUni(i,1)
+      enddo
+      w=0.d0
+      xhm=.5d0*(1d0-eps)
+      yhm=.5d0*(1d0-eps)
+      do m=1,2
+        do i=1,3
+c        do i=1,7
+          x=xhm+dble((2*m-3)*x9(i))*xhm
+c          write(ifmt,*)'HPhiInt, xp int :',x
+          do n=1,2
+            do j=1,3
+c            do j=1,7
+              y=yhm+dble((2*n-3)*x9(j))*yhm
+             w=w+dble(a9(i)*a9(j))*Hrst(s,b,x,y)
+     &          *PhiUnit(x,y)
+c     &          *Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,x,y,s,b)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      HPhiInt=w*xhm*yhm
+c      w=0.d0
+c      xhm=.5d0*eps
+c      yhm=.5d0*eps
+c      do m=1,2
+c        do i=1,7
+c          x=1d0-eps+xhm+dble((2*m-3)*x1(i))*xhm
+c          do n=1,2
+c            do j=1,7
+c              y=1d0-epsyhm+dble((2*n-3)*x1(j))*yhm
+c              zp2=1.d0-x**4
+c              zm2=1.d0-y**4
+c              w=w+dble(a1(i)*a1(j))*HrstI(s,x,y)
+cc     &             *PhiUnit(zp2,zm2)
+c     &             *Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,zp2,zm2,s,b)
+c            enddo
+c          enddo
+c        enddo
+c      enddo
+c      HPhiInt=HPhiInt+w*xhm*yhm
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine Kfit(iiclegy)
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      double precision Znorm
+      parameter(nbkbin=40)
+      common /kfitd/ xkappafit(nclegy,nclha,nclha,nbkbin),xkappa,bkbin
+      parameter (nmax=30)
+      logical lnoch
+      if(iiclegy.eq.-1.or.iiclegy.gt.iclegy2)then
+        do iiiegy=1,nclegy
+        do iiipro=1,nclha
+        do iiitar=1,nclha
+        do iiibk=1,nbkbin
+          xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiibk)=1.
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      else
+      if(isetcs.le.1)then
+        s=engy*engy
+        eps=0.05
+      else
+        s=(egylow*egyfac**(iiclegy-1))**2.
+        eps=0.001
+      endif
+      write(ifmt,*)"Fit xkappa ..."
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+        write(ifmt,*)"Kfit s,bkbin,iclegy,ipro,itar"
+     *       ,s,bkbin,iiclegy,iclpro,icltar
+      endif
+      b=0.
+      if(isetcs.le.1.or.iiclegy.eq.iclegy2)then
+        xkf=1.
+      else
+        xkf=xkappafit(iiclegy+1,iclpro,icltar,1)
+      endif
+      xkfs=1.
+      delta=0.
+      deltas=0.
+      do 5 ib=1,nbkbin-1
+        b=float(ib-1)*bkbin
+        xkappafit(iiclegy,iclpro,icltar,ib)=1.
+        if(b.gt.3.+0.05*log(s).or.s.le.20.*q2min)then
+          xkf=1.
+          goto 5
+        endif
+        if(ib.gt.1.and.ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)"    End",delta,xkf
+        delta=1.-sngl(Znorm(s,b))
+        if(delta.le.0d0)then
+          if(xkf.ne.1.)then
+            xkappafit(iiclegy,iclpro,icltar,ib)=xkf
+            delta=1.-sngl(Znorm(s,b))
+          endif
+        else!if(xkf.ne.1.)then
+          goto 5
+        endif
+        if(abs(delta).lt.eps)then
+          if(delta.lt.0d0)then
+            xkfs=xkf-delta
+            deltas=delta
+          endif
+          xkf=1.
+          goto 5
+        elseif(ib.le.nbkbin-1)then
+          if(delta.gt.0.d0)then
+            xkf0=1.
+            xkf1=xkf
+            delta0=delta
+            xkf2=xkf-delta0
+            xkappafit(iiclegy,iclpro,icltar,ib)=xkf2
+            delta1=1.-sngl(Znorm(s,b))
+            if(delta1.lt.0.d0)then
+              xkf0=xkf2
+              xkf1=xkf
+              delta=delta1
+              xkf=xkf0
+            else
+              xkf1=max(delta0,xkf2)
+              xkf0=0.
+              xkf=xkf1
+            endif
+          else
+            xkf0=xkf
+            xkf1=1.-delta
+            xkf2=xkf
+            delta1=delta
+          endif
+          if(ib.eq.1)then
+            deltas=delta
+            xkfs=max(0.00001,1.-delta)
+          endif
+          if(delta.le.deltas)xkf=xkfs
+          if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)"    Start",ib,b,delta,xkf,xkf0,xkf1
+          if(xkf.eq.xkf2)delta=delta1
+          n=0
+          delta0=delta
+          lnoch=.true.
+ 10       continue
+          n=n+1
+          if(n.le.nmax.and.xkf1.ne.xkf0)then
+            if(abs(xkf-xkf2).gt.1e-6.or.abs(delta).gt.abs(deltas))then
+              xkappafit(iiclegy,iclpro,icltar,ib)=xkf
+              delta=1.-sngl(Znorm(s,b))
+            endif
+            if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)"    step",ib,n,delta,xkf,delta0
+            if(delta*delta0.ge.0.)then
+              if(lnoch.and.abs(delta).gt.abs(delta0))goto 5
+            else
+              lnoch=.false.
+            endif
+            if(abs(delta).gt.eps)then
+              if(delta.gt.0.)then
+                xkf1=xkf
+                xkf=(xkf1+xkf0)*0.5
+                delta0=delta
+              else
+                xkf0=xkf
+                xkf=(xkf1+xkf0)*0.5
+                delta0=delta
+              endif
+              goto 10
+            endif
+          else
+            if(ish.ge.2)
+     *      write(ifmt,*)"Warning in Kfit, nmax reached : xkappafit=1."
+            xkappafit(iiclegy,iclpro,icltar,ib)=xkf
+          endif
+        endif
+ 5    continue
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)"    End",delta,xkf
+      if(xkf.gt.1.+eps)write(ifmt,*)
+     *     "Warning in Kfit, xkappafit not yet 1"
+      xkappafit(iiclegy,iclpro,icltar,nbkbin)=1.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function Znorm(s,b)   !---inu---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /kwrite/ xkapZ
+      double precision HPhiInt,PhiUnit!,PhiExact
+c      write(ifmt,*)'Z calculation for (s,b) :',s,b
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,2,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+      enddo
+      call GfomPar(b,s)
+      Znorm=HPhiInt(s,b)
+c      write(ifch,*)'int',Znorm,' phi',Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,s,b)
+      Znorm=Znorm
+     &       +PhiUnit(1.d0,1.d0)
+c     &       +Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,s,b)
+      !write(ifmt,*)'Z=',Znorm,xkapZ,b
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function gammag(iclrem,x)   !---test---
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision x,utgam2
+      gammag=utgam2(dble(alplea(iclrem))+1.D0)
+     &       /utgam2(dble(alplea(iclrem))+1.D0+x)
+      return
+      end
+c        double precision function PomNbri(iqq)   !---xsigma---
+cc integral d2b om1intbci
+cc iqq, Pomeron type
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      double precision om1intbci
+c      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+c      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+c      bmid=bkmx/2.
+c      PomNbri=0.d0
+c      do i=1,7
+c        do m=1,2
+c          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+c          PomNbri=PomNbri+dble(bb*a1(i))*om1intbci(bb,iqq)
+c        enddo
+c      enddo
+c      PomNbri=PomNbri*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+c      return
+c      end
+c#############   former chk #########################################################
+c      double precision function PomIncII(b)   !---check---
+cc  integral_dx_dy om1*F_remn*F_remn for a given b   !---check---
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incems'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      include 'epos.incpar'
+c       double precision cint,gamom(idxD0:idxD1),deltap(idxD0:idxD1)
+c     &,deltapp(idxD0:idxD1),utgam2
+cc Calculation by analytical integration (perfect but it changes
+cc if om1 change):
+c      s=engy**2
+c      imax=1
+c      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+c      do i=idxDmin,imax
+c        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+c        gamom(i)=dble(alp*gamv)*chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)
+c        deltap(i)=dble(bet)
+c        deltapp(i)=dble(betp)
+cc Integration possible only if delta(i)>-1
+c       if(deltap(i).le.-1.d0.or.deltapp(i).le.-1.d0)
+c     &       stop 'Error in epos-par-300 in PomIncII'
+c      enddo
+c      cint=0.d0
+c      do i=idxDmin,imax
+c       cint=cint+gamom(i)*utgam2(deltap(i)+1.d0)*utgam2(deltapp(i)+1.d0)
+c     &            *dble(ucfpro*ucftar)
+c     &            /utgam2(dble(alplea(iclpro))+deltap(i)+2.d0)
+c     &            /utgam2(dble(alplea(icltar))+deltapp(i)+2.d0)
+c      enddo
+c      PomIncII=cint
+c      return
+c      end
+        double precision function PomIncXIExact(x)   !---check---
+c integral d2b PomIncXExact
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,PomIncXExact
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      PomIncXIExact=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+          PomIncXIExact=PomIncXIExact+dble(bb*a1(i))*PomIncXExact(x,bb)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncXIExact=PomIncXIExact*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncXIUnit(x)   !---check---
+c integral d2b PomIncXUnit
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,PomIncXUnit
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      PomIncXIUnit=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+          PomIncXIUnit=PomIncXIUnit+dble(bb*a1(i))*PomIncXUnit(x,bb)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncXIUnit=PomIncXIUnit*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncPIExact(x)   !---check---
+c integral d2b PomIncPExact
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,PomIncPExact
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      PomIncPIExact=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+          PomIncPIExact=PomIncPIExact+dble(bb*a1(i))*PomIncPExact(x,bb)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncPIExact=PomIncPIExact*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncPIUnit(x)   !---check---
+c integral d2b PomIncPUnit
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,PomIncPUnit
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      PomIncPIUnit=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+          PomIncPIUnit=PomIncPIUnit+dble(bb*a1(i))*PomIncPUnit(x,bb)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncPIUnit=PomIncPIUnit*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncMIExact(x)   !---check---
+c integral d2b PomIncMExact
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,PomIncMExact
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      PomIncMIExact=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+          PomIncMIExact=PomIncMIExact+dble(bb*a1(i))*PomIncMExact(x,bb)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncMIExact=PomIncMIExact*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncMIUnit(x)   !---check---
+c integral d2b PomIncMUnit
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x,PomIncMUnit
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      bmid=bkmx/2.
+      PomIncMIUnit=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          bb=bmid*(1.+(2.*m-3)*x1(i))
+          PomIncMIUnit=PomIncMIUnit+dble(bb*a1(i))*PomIncMUnit(x,bb)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncMIUnit=PomIncMIUnit*dble(2.*pi*bmid)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncMExact(xm,b)   !---check---
+c incluse Pomeron distribution \int dx+ { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision AlTiP,BeTip,al,bep,bepp,xpInt,utgam2,xm
+      s=engy**2
+      PomIncMExact=0.d0
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        bep =dble(bet)
+        bepp=dble(betp)
+        al  =dble(alp*gamv)
+        BeTip=bep+1.d0
+        xpInt=utgam2(BeTip)*dble(ucfpro)
+     *                    /utgam2(1.d0+dble(alplea(iclpro))+BeTip)
+        AlTiP=al*xpInt
+        PomIncMExact=PomIncMExact+AlTiP*xm**bepp
+     *                            *(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PomIncMUnit(xm,b)   !---check---
+c incluse  Unitarized Pomeron distribution  \int dx+
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision Df,xp,xm,G2,w,xpm
+      double precision PoInU!,Znorm
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      s=engy**2
+c Calculation by numeric integration :
+      w=0.d0
+      xpm=.5d0
+      do m=1,2
+        do j=1,7
+          xp=xpm*(1.d0+dble((2.*m-3.)*x1(j)))
+          Df=0.d0
+          do i=idxDmin,idxD1
+            call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+            Df=Df+dble(alp)*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+          enddo
+          call GfomPar(b,s)
+          G2=Df*(1.d0+zztUni*xp**betfom)*(1.d0+zzpUni*xm**betfom)
+          w=w+dble(a1(j))*PoInU(xp,xm,s,b)*G2
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      w=w*xpm
+      PomIncMUnit=w!/Znorm(s,b)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PomIncPExact(xp,b)   !---check---
+c incluse Pomeron distribution  \int dx- { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision AlTiP,BeTipp,al,bep,bepp,xmInt,utgam2,xp
+      s=engy**2
+      PomIncPExact=0.d0
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        bep=dble(bet)
+        bepp=dble(betp)
+        al=dble(alp*gamv)
+        BeTipp=bepp+1.d0
+        xmInt=utgam2(BeTipp)*dble(ucftar)
+     *                    /utgam2(1.d0+dble(alplea(icltar))+BeTipp)
+        AlTiP=al*xmInt
+        PomIncPExact=PomIncPExact+AlTiP*xp**bep
+     *                            *(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PomIncPUnit(xp,b)   !---check---
+c incluse  Unitarized Pomeron distribution  \int dx-
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision Df,xp,xm,G2,w,xmm
+      double precision PoInU!,Znorm
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      s=engy**2
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+c Calculation by numeric integration :
+      w=0.d0
+      xmm=.5d0
+      do m=1,2
+        do j=1,7
+          xm=xmm*(1.d0+dble((2.*m-3.)*x1(j)))
+          Df=0.d0
+          do i=idxDmin,imax
+            call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+            Df=Df+alp*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+          enddo
+          call GfomPar(b,s)
+          G2=Df*(1.d0+zztUni*xp**betfom)*(1.d0+zzpUni*xm**betfom)
+          w=w+dble(a1(j))*PoInU(xp,xm,s,b)*G2
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      w=w*xmm
+      PomIncPUnit=w!/Znorm(s,b)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncJExact(b)   !---check---
+c integral of Pomeron distribution  \int dy dx { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision allea,PomIncXExact,xh
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      allea=2.d0+dble(alplea(iclpro)+alplea(icltar))
+      PomIncJExact=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xh=1.d0-(.5d0+dble(x1(i)*(float(m)-1.5)))**(1.d0/allea)
+          PomIncJExact=PomIncJExact+dble(a1(i))
+     &       *PomIncXExact(xh,b)/(1.d0-xh)**(allea-1.d0)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncJExact=PomIncJExact/allea/2.d0
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncExactk(k)   !---MC---
+c integral of Pomeron distribution  \int dy dx { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision allea,PomIncXExactk,xh
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      allea=2.d0+dble(alplea(iclpro)+alplea(icltar))
+      PomIncExactk=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xh=1.d0-(.5d0+dble(x1(i)*(float(m)-1.5)))**(1.d0/allea)
+          PomIncExactk=PomIncExactk+dble(a1(i))
+     &       *PomIncXExactk(k,xh)/(1.d0-xh)**(allea-1.d0)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncExactk=PomIncExactk/allea/2.d0
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncJUnit(b)   !---check---
+c integral of Pomeron distribution  \int dy dx { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision PomIncXUnit,xh,xhm
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      PomIncJUnit=0.d0
+      xhm=.5d0
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xh=xhm*(1.d0+dble(x1(i)*(2.*float(m)-3.)))
+          PomIncJUnit=PomIncJUnit+dble(a1(i))
+     &                                *PomIncXUnit(xh,b)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      PomIncJUnit=PomIncJUnit*xhm
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PomIncXExactk(k,xh)   !---MC---
+c incluse Pomeron distribution  \int dy { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision xh,Df,xp,xm,w,ymax,bet,betp,alp
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+c Calculation by numeric integration :
+      w=0.d0
+      ymax=-.5d0*log(xh)
+      do m=1,2
+        do j=1,7
+          xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(dble((2.*m-3.)*x1(j))*ymax)
+          xm=xh/xp
+          Df=0.d0
+          do i=idxDmin,imax
+            bet=btildep(i,k)+dble(alppar)
+            betp=btildepp(i,k)+dble(alppar)
+            alp=atilde(i,k)
+            Df=Df+alp*xp**bet*xm**betp
+     *      *(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     *      *(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+          enddo
+          w=w+dble(a1(j))*Df
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      w=w*ymax*xh**dble(-alppar)
+      PomIncXExactk=w
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncXExact(xh,b)   !---check---
+c incluse Pomeron distribution  \int dy { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+c (optimized integration but with no y dependance)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision AlTiP,bep,bepp,factor,factor1
+      double precision xpmin,xh,xp,xm,ymax,y
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      s=engy**2
+      PomIncXExact=0.d0
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        bep  =betx
+        bepp =betpx
+        AlTiP=alpx*gamv
+        PomIncXExact=PomIncXExact+AlTiP*xh**((bep+bepp)/2.d0)
+      enddo
+      factor=0.d0
+      allea=min(alplea(iclpro),alplea(icltar))+1.
+      xpmin=max(sqrt(xh),exp(-1.d0))
+      do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xp=1.d0-(1.d0-xpmin)*(.5d0+dble(x1(i)*(float(m)-1.5)))
+     *                                         **(1.d0/dble(allea))
+          xm=xh/xp
+          factor=factor+dble(a1(i))
+     *        *((1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro)-allea+1.)
+     *        *(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+     *        +(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(icltar)-allea+1.)
+     *        *(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(iclpro)))/xp
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      factor=factor*(1.d0-xpmin)**dble(allea)/dble(allea)
+      if(xpmin.gt.1.00001d0*sqrt(xh))then
+        ymax=-log(xh)-2.d0
+        factor1=0.d0
+        do i=1,7
+          do m=1,2
+            y=ymax*dble(x1(i)*(2*m-3))
+            xp=sqrt(xh*exp(y))
+            xm=xh/xp
+            factor1=factor1+dble(a1(i))*(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     *                                 *(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        factor=factor+factor1*ymax
+      endif
+      factor=factor/2.d0
+      PomIncXExact=PomIncXExact*factor
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PomIncXUnit(xh,b)   !---check---
+c incluse  Unitarized Pomeron distribution  \int dy
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision xh,Df,xp,xm,w
+      double precision PoInU,ymax!,Znorm
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      s=engy**2
+ctp060829      sy=s*sngl(xh)
+c Calculation by numeric integration :
+      w=0.d0
+      ymax=-.5d0*log(xh)
+      do m=1,2
+        do j=1,7
+          xp=sqrt(xh)*exp(dble((2.*m-3.)*x1(j))*ymax)
+          xm=xh/xp
+          Df=0.d0
+          do i=idxDmin,imax
+            call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+            Df=Df+alp*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+          enddo
+          call GfomPar(b,s)
+          Df=Df*(1.d0+zztUni*xp**betfom)*(1.d0+zzpUni*xm**betfom)
+          w=w+dble(a1(j))*Df*PoInU(xp,xm,s,b)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      w=w*ymax
+      PomIncXUnit=w!/Znorm(s,b)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function PoInU(xp,xm,s,b)   !---check---
+c Function : PhiU(1-xp,1-xm) + /int(H(z+ + x+,z- + x-)PhiU(z+,z-)dz+dz-)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision xp,xm,zp,zm,zp2,zm2,zpmin,zmmin,deltzp,deltzm
+      double precision zpm,zmm,w,HrstI,PhiUnit,Hrst,eps!,PhiExact
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+      eps=1.d-5
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,2,i,b,s,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+      enddo
+      call GfomPar(b,s)
+      if (1.d0-xp-eps.gt.0.d0.and.1.d0-xm-eps.gt.0.d0) then
+        w=0.d0
+        zpmin=1.d0-xp-eps
+        zmmin=1.d0-xm-eps
+        zpm=.5d0*zpmin
+        zmm=.5d0*zmmin
+        do m=1,2
+          do i=1,7
+            zp=zpm+dble((2*m-3)*x1(i))*zpm
+            do n=1,2
+              do j=1,7
+                zm=zmm+dble((2*n-3)*x1(j))*zmm
+            w=w+dble(a1(i)*a1(j))*Hrst(s,b,zp+xp,zm+xm)
+     &                              *PhiUnit(zp,zm)
+c     &                             *Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,zp,zm,s,b)
+             enddo
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       enddo
+       PoInU=w*zpm*zmm
+       deltzp=eps
+       deltzm=eps
+      else
+        PoInU=0.d0
+        zpmin=0.d0
+        zmmin=0.d0
+        deltzp=1.d0-xp
+        deltzm=1.d0-xm
+      endif
+      w=0.d0
+      zpm=0d0
+      zmm=0d0
+      if(abs(deltzp).gt.1.d-10.and.abs(deltzm).gt.1.d-10)then
+      zpm=.5d0*deltzp
+      zmm=.5d0*deltzm
+      do m=1,2
+        do i=1,7
+          zp=zpmin+zpm+dble((2*m-3)*x1(i))*zpm
+          do n=1,2
+            do j=1,7
+              zm=zmmin+zmm+dble((2*n-3)*x1(j))*zmm
+              zp2=1.d0-xp-zp**2
+              zm2=1.d0-xm-zm**2
+              w=w+dble(a1(i)*a1(j))*HrstI(s,b,zp,zm)
+     &             *PhiUnit(zp2,zm2)
+c     &             *Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,zp2,zm2,s,b)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      endif
+      PoInU=PoInU+w*zpm*zmm
+     &           +PhiUnit(1.d0-xp,1.d0-xm)
+c     &           +Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0-xp,1.d0-xm,s,b)
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncExact(xp,xm,b)   !---check---
+c inclusive Pomeron distribution  { 2G F_remn F_remn }
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      double precision Df,xp,xm
+      Df=0.d0
+      s=engy**2
+      imax=1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        Df=Df+alp*gamv*xp**dble(bet)*xm**dble(betp)
+      enddo
+      Df=dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+     *  *Df
+      PomIncExact=Df
+     *            *(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+     *            *(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+      return
+      end
+        double precision function PomIncUnit(xp,xm,b)   !---check---
+c inclusive Pomeron distribution  { Sum{int{G*Phi} }
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incpar"
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      double precision PoInU,xp,xm,om1,xh,yp
+      xh=xp*xm
+      yp=0.d0
+      if(xm.ne.0.d0)yp=0.5d0*log(xp/xm)
+      PomIncUnit=om1(xh,yp,b)*PoInU(xp,xm,engy*engy,b)
+     &          *(1.d0+zztUni*xp**betfom)*(1.d0+zzpUni*xm**betfom)
+      return
+      end
+c        double precision function PomIncUnitMC(xp,xm,b)   !---check---
+cc inclusive Pomeron distribution  { Sum{int{G*Phi} }
+c      include "epos.inc"
+c      include "epos.incpar"
+c      include "epos.incsem"
+c      include "epos.incems"
+c      parameter(mmax=20)
+c      double precision Gtab,Phitab,xxpu(mmax),xxmu(mmax)
+c      double precision Zm,xp,xm,pGtab,Z,omNpcut,xprem,xmrem,
+c     *                 sxp,sxm,PhiExpo
+c      PomIncUnitMC=0.d0
+c      if(xp.lt.1.d0.and.xm.lt.1.d0)then
+c      m=10
+c      sy=engy*engy
+c      nmcint=2000
+c      nmax=nmcint
+c      do i=1,mmax
+c        xxpu(i)=0.d0
+c        xxmu(i)=0.d0
+c      enddo
+c      xprem=1.d0
+c      xmrem=1.d0
+c      sxp=xprem-xp
+c      sxm=xmrem-xm
+c      Gtab=omNpcut(xp,xm,sxp,sxm,b,0)
+c      Phitab=Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+c      Z=Gtab*Phitab
+c      Zm=0.d0
+c      do mtmp=2,m
+c        write(*,*)"GPhi",mtmp-1,Zm,Z
+c        Zm=0.d0
+c        n=0
+c 10     continue
+c          n=n+1
+c          if(mod(n,1000000).eq.0)write(*,*)
+c     &              "Calculation of PomIncUnit(",mtmp,")->",n
+c          xxpu(1)=xp
+c          xxmu(1)=xm
+c          sxp=xxpu(1)
+c          sxm=xxmu(1)
+c          pGtab=1.d0
+c          do i=2,mtmp
+c            rnau=rangen()*sngl(xprem-sxp)
+c            xxpu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxp=sxp+xxpu(i)
+c            rnau=rangen()*sngl(xmrem-sxm)
+c            xxmu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxm=sxm+xxmu(i)
+c          enddo
+c          if(sxp.lt.xprem.and.sxm.lt.xmrem)then
+c            do i=1,mtmp
+c              Gtab=omNpcut(xxpu(i),xxmu(i),xprem-sxp,xmrem-sxm,b,0)
+c              pGtab=pGtab*Gtab
+c            enddo
+c          Zm=Zm+pGtab*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,xprem-sxp,xmrem-sxm,sy,b)
+c          endif
+c        if(n.lt.nmax)goto 10
+c        Zm=Zm/dble(nmax)*fctrl(m-mtmp)*facto(mtmp)
+c        Z=Z+Zm
+c      enddo
+c      PomIncUnitMC=Z/dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+c        double precision function PhiMCExact(xp,xm,b)   !---check---
+cc virtual emissions  { Sum{int{-GFF} }
+c      include "epos.inc"
+c      include "epos.incpar"
+c      include "epos.incsem"
+c      include "epos.incems"
+c      parameter(mmax=20)
+c      double precision Gtab,xxpu(mmax),xxmu(mmax)
+c      double precision Zm,xp,xm,pGtab,Z,om51,sxp,sxm,xh,yp
+cc     *                 ,omNpuncut
+c      PhiMCExact=0.d0
+c      if(xp.le.1.d0.and.xm.le.1.d0)then
+c      m=6
+c      sy=engy*engy
+c      nmcint=50000
+c      nmax=nmcint
+c      do i=1,mmax
+c        xxpu(i)=0.d0
+c        xxmu(i)=0.d0
+c      enddo
+c      Z=xp**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+c     * *xm**dble(alplea(icltar))
+c      Zm=0.d0
+c      do mtmp=1,m
+c        write(*,*)"GPhi",mtmp-1,Zm,Z/xp**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+c     *                              /xm**dble(alplea(icltar))
+c        Zm=0.d0
+c        n=0
+c 10     continue
+c          n=n+1
+c          if(mod(n,1000000).eq.0)write(*,*)
+c     &              "Calculation of Phiexact(0.,0.,",mtmp,")->",n
+c          sxp=0.d0
+c          sxm=0.d0
+c          pGtab=1.d0
+c          do i=1,mtmp
+c            rnau=rangen()!*sngl(xp-sxp)
+c            xxpu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxp=sxp+xxpu(i)
+c            rnau=rangen()!*sngl(xm-sxm)
+c            xxmu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxm=sxm+xxmu(i)
+c          enddo
+c          if(sxp.lt.xp.and.sxm.lt.xm)then
+c            do i=1,mtmp
+c              xh=xxpu(i)*xxmu(i)
+c              if(abs(xh).gt.1.d-30)then
+c                yp=0.5d0*log(xxpu(i)/xxmu(i))
+c              else
+c                yp=0.d0
+c              endif
+c              Gtab=2*om51(xh,yp,b,0,4)
+cc     *            +omNpuncut(sy*sngl(xh),xh,yp,b,1) !om1(xh,yp,b)
+c              pGtab=pGtab*(-Gtab)
+c            enddo
+c            Zm=Zm+pGtab*(xp-sxp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+c     *           *(xm-sxm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+c          endif
+c        if(n.lt.nmax)goto 10
+c        Zm=Zm/dble(nmax)*fctrl(m-mtmp)*facto(m)
+c        Z=Z+Zm
+c      enddo
+c      PhiMCExact=Z
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+        double precision function Gammapp(sy,b,mtmp)   !---check---
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incpar"
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      include "epos.incems"
+      parameter(mmax=20)
+      double precision Gtab,xxpu(mmax),xxmu(mmax),PhiExpo
+      double precision Zm,xp,xm,pGtab,om1,sxp,sxm,xh,yp
+      Gammapp=0.d0
+      xp=1.d0
+      xm=1.d0
+      nmcint=20000
+      nmax=nmcint
+      do i=1,mmax
+        xxpu(i)=0.d0
+        xxmu(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      Zm=0.d0
+        n=0
+ 10     continue
+          n=n+1
+          if(mod(n,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)
+     &              "Calculation of Gammapp(",mtmp,")->",n
+          sxp=0.d0
+          sxm=0.d0
+          pGtab=1.d0
+          do i=1,mtmp
+            rnau=rangen()!*sngl(xp-sxp)
+            xxpu(i)=dble(rnau)
+            sxp=sxp+xxpu(i)
+            rnau=rangen()!*sngl(xm-sxm)
+            xxmu(i)=dble(rnau)
+            sxm=sxm+xxmu(i)
+          enddo
+          if(sxp.lt.xp.and.sxm.lt.xm)then
+            do i=1,mtmp
+              xh=xxpu(i)*xxmu(i)
+              if(abs(xh).gt.1.d-30)then
+                yp=0.5d0*log(xxpu(i)/xxmu(i))
+              else
+                yp=0.d0
+              endif
+              Gtab=om1(xh,yp,b)
+              pGtab=pGtab*Gtab
+            enddo
+            Zm=Zm+pGtab*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,xp-sxp,xm-sxm,sy,b)
+          endif
+        if(n.lt.nmax)goto 10
+        Zm=Zm/dble(nmax)!**2.d0*(xp*xm)**dble(mtmp)
+      Gammapp=Zm
+      return
+      end
+c        double precision function GammaMCnew(sy,b,mtmp)   !---check---
+c      include "epos.inc"
+c      include "epos.incpar"
+c      include "epos.incsem"
+c      include "epos.incems"
+c      parameter(mmax=20)
+c      common /psar7/ delx,alam3p,gam3p
+c      double precision Gtab,xxpu(mmax),xxmu(mmax)
+c      double precision Zm,xp,xm,pGtab,omGam,Zmtot,
+c     *                 sxp,sxm,PhiExpo!,om1,yp,xh
+c      GammaMCnew=0.d0
+c      Zmtot=0.d0
+c      xp=1.d0
+c      xm=1.d0
+c      nmcint=1000
+c      nmax=nmcint
+c      do i=1,mmax
+c        xxpu(i)=0.d0
+c        xxmu(i)=0.d0
+c      enddo
+c      Zm=0.d0
+c        n=0
+c 10     continue
+c          n=n+1
+c          if(mod(n,1000000).eq.0)write(*,*)
+c     &              "Calculation of GammaMCnew(",mtmp,")->",n
+c          sxp=0.d0
+c          sxm=0.d0
+c          pGtab=1.d0
+c          do i=1,mtmp
+c            rnau=rangen()
+c            xxpu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxp=sxp+xxpu(i)
+c            rnau=rangen()
+c            xxmu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxm=sxm+xxmu(i)
+c          enddo
+c          if(sxp.lt.xp.and.sxm.lt.xm)then
+c            i=0
+c            do k=1,mtmp
+c                i=i+1
+c                Gtab=omGam(xxpu(i),xxmu(i),b) !om1(xh,yp,b)
+c                pGtab=pGtab*Gtab
+c              enddo
+c            Zm=Zm+pGtab*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,xp-sxp,xm-sxm,sy,b)
+c          endif
+c        if(n.lt.nmax)goto 10
+c          Zmtot=Zmtot+Zm/dble(nmax)
+c      GammaMCnew=Zmtot
+c      return
+c      end
+c      double precision function GammaMC(sy,b,mtmp)   !---check---
+c      include "epos.inc"
+c      include "epos.incpar"
+c      include "epos.incsem"
+c      include "epos.incems"
+c      parameter(mmax=20)
+c      double precision Gtab,xxpu(mmax),xxmu(mmax)
+c      double precision Zm,xp,xm,pGtab,om1,
+c     *                 sxp,sxm,xh,yp,PhiExpo!,omNpcut
+c      GammaMC=0.d0
+c      xp=1.d0
+c      xm=1.d0
+c      nmcint=50000
+c      nmax=nmcint
+c      do i=1,mmax
+c        xxpu(i)=0.d0
+c        xxmu(i)=0.d0
+c      enddo
+c      Zm=0.d0
+c        n=0
+c 10     continue
+c          n=n+1
+c          if(mod(n,1000000).eq.0)write(*,*)
+c     &              "Calculation of GammaMC(",mtmp,")->",n
+c          sxp=0.d0
+c          sxm=0.d0
+c          pGtab=1.d0
+c          do i=1,mtmp
+c            rnau=rangen()!*sngl(xp-sxp)
+c            xxpu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxp=sxp+xxpu(i)
+c            rnau=rangen()!*sngl(xm-sxm)
+c            xxmu(i)=dble(rnau)
+c            sxm=sxm+xxmu(i)
+c          enddo
+c          if(sxp.lt.xp.and.sxm.lt.xm)then
+c            do i=1,mtmp
+c              xh=xxpu(i)*xxmu(i)
+c              if(abs(xh).gt.1.d-30)then
+c                yp=0.5d0*log(xxpu(i)/xxmu(i))
+c              else
+c                yp=0.d0
+c              endif
+c              Gtab=om1(xh,yp,b)!omNpcut(xxpu(i),xxmu(i),xp-sxp,xm-sxm,b,0) !om1(xh,yp,b)
+c              pGtab=pGtab*Gtab
+c            enddo
+c            Zm=Zm+pGtab*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,xp-sxp,xm-sxm,sy,b)
+c          endif
+c        if(n.lt.nmax)goto 10
+c        Zm=Zm/dble(nmax)*fctrl(n-mtmp)*facto(mtmp)
+c      GammaMC=Zm
+c      return
+c      end
+        double precision function GammaGauss(sy,b,mtmp)   !---check---
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incpar"
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      include "epos.incems"
+      parameter(mmax=3)
+      common /psar7/ delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      double precision xpmin,xmmin,Gst,zm(mmax),zp(mmax)
+     *,xpmax,xmmax,zpmin(mmax),zmmin(mmax),zpmax(mmax)
+      double precision xp,xm,pGtab,omGam,dzp(mmax),Gp1,Gm1,xmin,eps
+     *,sxp,sxm,PhiExpo,zmmax(mmax),dzm(mmax),Gp2,Gm2,Gp3,Gm3,G0
+c     *,PhiExact
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+c      double precision dgx1,dga1
+c      common /dga20/ dgx1(10),dga1(10)
+      GammaGauss=0.d0
+      xp=1.d0
+      xm=1.d0
+      xmin=1.d-13
+      eps=1.d-15
+      if(mtmp.eq.0)then
+        nmax1=0
+        jmax1=0
+        nmax2=0
+        jmax2=0
+        nmax3=0
+        jmax3=0
+      elseif(mtmp.eq.1)then
+        nmax1=2
+        jmax1=7
+        nmax2=0
+        jmax2=0
+        nmax3=0
+        jmax3=0
+      elseif(mtmp.eq.2)then
+        nmax1=2
+        jmax1=7
+        nmax2=2
+        jmax2=7
+        nmax3=0
+        jmax3=0
+      elseif(mtmp.eq.3)then
+        nmax1=2
+        jmax1=7
+        nmax2=2
+        jmax2=7
+        nmax3=2
+        jmax3=7
+      else
+        write(*,*)"m not between 0 and 3, return ..."
+        return
+      endif
+        xpmin=xmin
+        xmmin=xmin
+        xpmax=1.d0
+        xmmax=1.d0
+      do i=1,mmax
+        zp(i)=0.d0
+        zm(i)=0.d0
+        dzp(i)=0.d0
+        dzm(i)=0.d0
+        zmmin(i)=0.d0
+        zpmax(i)=0.d0
+        zpmin(i)=0.d0
+        zmmax(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+        G0=1.d0
+        if(mtmp.eq.0)then
+          sxp=xp
+          sxm=xm
+          G0=Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+        endif
+c        write(*,*)'x+/-',xmmin,xmmax,xpmin,xpmax
+        dzm(1)=0.d0
+        if(abs(xmmin-xmmax).ge.eps.and.mtmp.ge.1)then
+        zmmax(1)=-log(xmmin)
+        zmmin(1)=-log(xmmax)
+        if(abs(xmmin-xmin).lt.eps)then
+          zmmin(1)=-log(min(xmmax,1.d0-xmmin-xmmin))
+          zmmax(1)=-log(max(xmmin,1.d0-xmmax-xmmax))
+        endif
+        dzm(1)=(zmmax(1)-zmmin(1))/2.d0
+        endif
+        dzp(1)=0.d0
+        if(abs(xpmin-xpmax).ge.eps.and.mtmp.ge.1)then
+        zpmax(1)=-log(xpmin)
+        zpmin(1)=-log(xpmax)
+        if(abs(xpmin-xmin).lt.eps)then
+          zpmin(1)=-log(min(xpmax,1.d0-xpmin-xpmin))
+          zpmax(1)=-log(max(xpmin,1.d0-xpmax-xpmax))
+        endif
+        dzp(1)=(zpmax(1)-zpmin(1))/2.d0
+        endif
+c        write(*,*)'bornes1=',exp(-zpmax(1)),exp(-zpmin(1))
+c     &,exp(-zmmax(1)),exp(-zmmin(1))
+        Gp1=0.d0
+        do np1=1,nmax1
+        do jp1=1,jmax1
+          zp(1)=zpmin(1)+dzp(1)*(1.d0+dble(2.*np1-3.)*dble(x1(jp1)))
+          Gm1=0.d0
+          if(dzm(1).eq.0.d0)then
+            nmax1=1
+            jmax1=1
+          endif
+          do nm1=1,nmax1
+            do jm1=1,jmax1
+              if(dzm(1).ne.0.d0)then
+              zm(1)=zmmin(1)+dzm(1)*(1.d0+dble(2.*nm1-3.)*dble(x1(jm1)))
+              else
+              zm(1)=zp(1)
+              endif
+              if(mtmp.eq.1)then
+              sxp=xp
+              sxm=xm
+              do i=1,mtmp
+                sxp=sxp-exp(-zp(i))
+                sxm=sxm-exp(-zm(i))
+              enddo
+              pGtab=1.d0
+              k=0
+              do l=1,mtmp
+                k=k+1
+                if(dzp(k).ge.0.d0.and.dzm(k).ge.0.d0)then
+                  Gst=omGam(exp(-zp(k)),exp(-zm(k)),b)
+                  pGtab=pGtab*Gst
+                  if(Gst.eq.0.d0)
+     &                write(*,*)'j1=',k,exp(-zp(k)),exp(-zm(k))
+     &     ,exp(-zpmin(k)),exp(-zpmax(k)),dzp(k),dzm(k),jp1
+                else
+                  pGtab=0.d0
+                  write(*,*)'error1 ?',dzp(k),dzm(k)
+                endif
+              enddo
+              if(sxp.gt.0.d0.and.sxm.gt.0.d0)then
+                if(dzm(1).ne.0.d0)then
+                  Gm1=Gm1+pGtab*
+     &dble(a1(jm1))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+     &*exp(-zm(1))
+c     &dble(a1(jm1))*Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+c     &*exp(-zm(1))
+                  else
+                  Gp1=Gp1+pGtab*
+     &dble(a1(jp1))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+     &*exp(-zp(1))
+c     &dble(a1(jp1))*Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+c     &*exp(-zp(1))
+                endif
+c          write(*,*)'m=1',mtmp,Gm1,Gp1,pGtab,sxp,sxm
+              endif
+              endif
+        dzp(2)=0.d0
+        if(abs(xpmin-xpmax).ge.eps.and.mtmp.ge.2)then
+        zpmin(2)=-log(min(min(xpmax,1.d0-exp(-zp(1))),
+     &                     1.d0-xpmin-exp(-zp(1))))
+        zpmax(2)=-log(max(xpmin,1.d0-xpmax-exp(-zp(1))))
+      if(abs(xpmax+xpmax+xpmax-3.d0*dble(1./delx)).lt.eps)then
+          zpmin(2)=-log(xpmax)
+          zpmax(2)=-log(xpmin)
+        endif
+          dzp(2)=(zpmax(2)-zpmin(2))/2.d0
+        endif
+        dzm(2)=0.d0
+        if(abs(xmmin-xmmax).ge.eps.and.mtmp.ge.2)then
+            zmmin(2)=-log(min(min(xmmax,1.d0-exp(-zm(1))),
+     &                     1.d0-xmmin-exp(-zm(1))))
+            zmmax(2)=-log(max(xmmin,1.d0-xmmax-exp(-zm(1))))
+      if(abs(xmmax+xmmax+xmmax-3.d0*dble(1./delx)).lt.eps)then
+            zmmin(2)=-log(xmmax)
+            zmmax(2)=-log(xmmin)
+          endif
+          dzm(2)=(zmmax(2)-zmmin(2))/2.d0
+        endif
+c        write(*,*)'bornes2=',exp(-zpmax(2)),exp(-zpmin(2))
+c     &,exp(-zmmax(2)),exp(-zmmin(2)),xpmax(2),1.d0-exp(-zp(1))
+c     &,1.d0-xpmin(3)-exp(-zp(1)),xpmin(2),1.d0-xpmax(3)-exp(-zp(1))
+        Gp2=0.d0
+        do np2=1,nmax2
+        do jp2=1,jmax2
+          zp(2)=zpmin(2)+dzp(2)*(1.d0+dble(2.*np2-3.)*dble(x1(jp2)))
+          Gm2=0.d0
+          if(dzm(2).eq.0.d0)then
+            nmax2=1
+            jmax2=1
+          endif
+          do nm2=1,nmax2
+            do jm2=1,jmax2
+              if(dzm(2).ne.0.d0)then
+              zm(2)=zmmin(2)+dzm(2)*(1.d0+dble(2.*nm2-3.)*dble(x1(jm2)))
+              else
+              zm(2)=zp(2)
+              endif
+              if(mtmp.eq.2)then
+              sxp=xp
+              sxm=xm
+              do i=1,mtmp
+                sxp=sxp-exp(-zp(i))
+                sxm=sxm-exp(-zm(i))
+              enddo
+              pGtab=1.d0
+              k=0
+              do l=1,mtmp
+                k=k+1
+                if(dzp(k).ge.0.d0.and.dzm(k).ge.0.d0)then
+               Gst=omGam(exp(-zp(k)),exp(-zm(k)),b)
+                  pGtab=pGtab*Gst
+                  if(Gst.eq.0.d0)
+     &                write(*,*)'j2=',k,exp(-zp(k)),exp(-zm(k))
+     &     ,exp(-zpmin(k)),exp(-zpmax(k)),dzp(k),dzm(k),jp1,jp2
+                else
+                  pGtab=0.d0
+                  write(*,*)'error2 ?',dzp(k),dzm(k)
+                endif
+              enddo
+              if(sxp.gt.0.d0.and.sxm.gt.0.d0)then
+                if(dzm(2).ne.0.d0)then
+                  Gm2=Gm2+pGtab*
+     &dble(a1(jm2))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+     &*exp(-zm(2))
+c     &dble(a1(jm2))*Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b,mk)
+c     &*exp(-zm(2))
+                  else
+                  Gp2=Gp2+pGtab*
+     &dble(a1(jp2))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+     &*exp(-zp(2))
+c     &dble(a1(jp2))*Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b,mk)
+c     &*exp(-zp(2))
+                endif
+c          write(*,*)'m=2',mtmp,Gm2,Gp2,pGtab,sxp,sxm
+              endif
+              endif
+        dzp(3)=0.d0
+        if(abs(xpmin-xpmax).ge.eps.and.mtmp.ge.3)then
+        zpmin(3)=-log(min(xpmax,1.d0-exp(-zp(1))-exp(-zp(2))))
+        zpmax(3)=-log(xpmin)
+        dzp(3)=(zpmax(3)-zpmin(3))/2.d0
+        endif
+        dzm(3)=0.d0
+        if(abs(xmmin-xmmax).ge.eps.and.mtmp.ge.3)then
+        zmmin(3)=-log(min(xmmax,1.d0-exp(-zm(1))-exp(-zm(2))))
+        zmmax(3)=-log(xmmin)
+        dzm(3)=(zmmax(3)-zmmin(3))/2.d0
+        endif
+c        write(*,*)'bornes3=',exp(-zpmax(3)),exp(-zpmin(3))
+c     &,exp(-zmmax(3)),exp(-zmmin(3))
+        Gp3=0.d0
+        do np3=1,nmax3
+        do jp3=1,jmax3
+          zp(3)=zpmin(3)+dzp(3)*(1.d0+dble(2.*np3-3.)*dble(x1(jp3)))
+          Gm3=0.d0
+          if(dzm(3).eq.0.d0)then
+            nmax3=1
+            jmax3=1
+          endif
+          do nm3=1,nmax3
+            do jm3=1,jmax3
+              if(dzm(3).ne.0.d0)then
+              zm(3)=zmmin(3)+dzm(3)*(1.d0+dble(2.*nm3-3.)*dble(x1(jm3)))
+              else
+              zm(3)=zp(3)
+              endif
+              sxp=xp
+              sxm=xm
+              do i=1,mtmp
+                sxp=sxp-exp(-zp(i))
+                sxm=sxm-exp(-zm(i))
+              enddo
+              pGtab=1.d0
+              k=0
+              do l=1,mtmp
+                k=k+1
+                if(dzp(k).ge.0.d0.and.dzm(k).ge.0.d0)then
+               Gst=omGam(exp(-zp(k)),exp(-zm(k)),b)
+                  pGtab=pGtab*Gst
+                  if(Gst.eq.0.d0)
+     &                write(*,*)'j3=',k,exp(-zp(k)),exp(-zm(k))
+     &   ,exp(-zpmin(k)),exp(-zpmax(k)),dzp(k),dzm(k),jp1,jp2,jp3
+                else
+                  pGtab=0.d0
+                  write(*,*)'error3 ?',k,dzp(k),dzm(k)
+                endif
+              enddo
+              if(sxp.gt.0.d0.and.sxm.gt.0.d0)then
+                if(dzm(3).ne.0.d0)then
+                  Gm3=Gm3+pGtab
+     &*dble(a1(jm3))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+     &*exp(-zm(3))
+                  else
+                  Gp3=Gp3+pGtab
+     &*dble(a1(jp3))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)
+     &*exp(-zp(3))
+                endif
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+         if(dzm(3).ne.0.d0)Gp3=Gp3+Gm3*dble(a1(jp3))*exp(-zp(3))*dzm(3)
+         nmax3=2
+         jmax3=7
+        enddo
+      enddo
+              if(mtmp.gt.2.and.dzm(2).ne.0.d0)then
+                Gm2=Gm2+Gp3*dble(a1(jm2))*exp(-zm(2))*dzp(3)
+              elseif(mtmp.gt.2)then
+                Gp2=Gp2+Gp3*dble(a1(jp2))*exp(-zp(2))*dzp(3)
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+         if(dzm(2).ne.0.d0)Gp2=Gp2+Gm2*dble(a1(jp2))*exp(-zp(2))*dzm(2)
+         nmax2=2
+         jmax2=7
+        enddo
+      enddo
+              if(mtmp.gt.1.and.dzm(1).ne.0.d0)then
+                Gm1=Gm1+Gp2*dble(a1(jm1))*exp(-zm(1))*dzp(2)
+              elseif(mtmp.gt.1)then
+                Gp1=Gp1+Gp2*dble(a1(jp1))*exp(-zp(1))*dzp(2)
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+         if(dzm(1).ne.0.d0)Gp1=Gp1+Gm1*dble(a1(jp1))*exp(-zp(1))*dzm(1)
+         nmax1=2
+         jmax1=7
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if(mtmp.gt.0)G0=Gp1*dzp(1)
+      write(*,*)"int:",G0
+      GammaGauss=GammaGauss+G0
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function omWi(sy,b)   !---check---
+c cut enhanced diagram integrated over xp, xm, xpr,xmr
+c (with ideal G)
+c b - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c sy- total energy
+      include "epos.inc"
+      include "epos.incpar"
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      include "epos.incems"
+      common /psar7/ delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      double precision xpmin,xmmin,zp,zm,alpp,alpm,xjacp,xjacm
+     *,xpmax,xmmax,zpmin,zmmin,zpmax,chg
+      double precision xp,xm,pGtab,omGam,dzp,Gp1,Gm1,xmin,eps
+     *,sxp,sxm,PhiExpo,zmmax,dzm!,gamp,gamm,gampp,gammp
+c     *,PhiExact
+      common /ar3/  x1(7),a1(7)
+c      double precision dgx1,dga1
+c      common /dga20/ dgx1(10),dga1(10)
+      omWi=0.d0
+        xmin=1.d-30
+        eps=1.d-15
+        chg=1.d0/dble(delx)
+        b2=b*b
+        gamb=gamD(1,iclpro,icltar)
+ctp060829        gamp=dble(gamb*b2/2.-alppar)
+ctp060829        gamm=dble(gamb*b2/2.-alppar)
+ctp060829        gampp=1.d0+2.d0*gamp
+ctp060829        gammp=1.d0+2.d0*gamm
+        nmax=2
+        jmax=7
+        xpmin=xmin
+        xmmin=xmin
+        xpmax=1.d0
+        xmmax=1.d0
+        zpmin=0.d0
+        zmmin=0.d0
+        zpmax=0.d0
+        zmmax=0.d0
+        zp=0.d0
+        zm=0.d0
+        dzp=0.d0
+        dzm=0.d0
+        do intp=1,2
+        do intm=1,2
+          if(intp.eq.1)then
+          xpmin=xmin
+          xpmax=chg
+          alpp=(1.d0+2.d0*dble(gamb*b2/2.))
+          else
+          xpmin=chg
+          xpmax=1.d0
+          alpp=1.d0!(1.d0+2.d0*dble(gamb*b2/2.))
+          endif
+          if(intm.eq.1)then
+          xmmin=xmin
+          xmmax=chg
+          alpm=(1.d0+2.d0*dble(gamb*b2/2.))
+          else
+          xmmin=chg
+          xmmax=1.d0
+          alpm=1.d0!(1.d0+2.d0*dble(gamb*b2/2.))
+          endif
+c        write(*,*)'x+/-',intp,intm,xmmin,xmmax,xpmin,xpmax,alpp,alpm
+        dzm=0.d0
+        if(abs(xmmin-xmmax).ge.eps)then
+          if(alpm.eq.0.d0)then
+            zmmax=-log(xmmin)
+            zmmin=-log(xmmax)
+          else
+            zmmin=xmmin**alpm
+            zmmax=xmmax**alpm
+          endif
+          dzm=(zmmax-zmmin)/2.d0
+        endif
+        dzp=0.d0
+        if(abs(xpmin-xpmax).ge.eps)then
+          if(alpp.eq.0.d0)then
+            zpmax=-log(xpmin)
+            zpmin=-log(xpmax)
+          else
+            zpmin=xpmin**alpp
+            zpmax=xpmax**alpp
+          endif
+          dzp=(zpmax-zpmin)/2.d0
+        endif
+        Gp1=0.d0
+        if(abs(dzp).gt.eps.and.abs(dzm).gt.eps)then
+c        write(*,*)'Ca passe ...'
+        do np1=1,nmax
+        do jp1=1,jmax
+          zp=zpmin+dzp*(1.d0+dble(2.*np1-3.)*dble(x1(jp1)))
+c          zp=zpmin+dzp*(1.d0+dble(2.*np1-3.)*dgx1(jp1))
+          if(alpp.eq.0.d0)then
+            xp=exp(-zp)
+            xjacp=xp
+          else
+            xp=zp**(1.d0/alpp)
+            xjacp=zp**(1.d0/alpp-1.d0)/alpp
+          endif
+          Gm1=0.d0
+          do nm1=1,nmax
+            do jm1=1,jmax
+                zm=zmmin+dzm*(1.d0+dble(2.*nm1-3.)*dble(x1(jm1)))
+c                zm=zmmin+dzm*(1.d0+dble(2.*nm1-3.)*dgx1(jm1))
+                if(alpm.eq.0.d0)then
+                  xm=exp(-zm)
+                  xjacm=xm
+                else
+                  xm=zm**(1.d0/alpm)
+                  xjacm=zm**(1.d0/alpm-1.d0)/alpm
+                endif
+              sxp=1.d0-xp
+              sxm=1.d0-xm
+              pGtab=1.d0
+              if(dzp.ge.0.d0.and.dzm.ge.0.d0)then
+                pGtab=omGam(xp,xm,b)
+                if(pGtab.eq.0.d0)
+     &          write(*,*)'j1=',xp,xm,xmmin,xmmax,dzp,dzm,jp1
+              else
+                pGtab=0.d0
+                write(*,*)'error ?',dzp,dzm
+              endif
+              if(sxp.gt.0.d0.and.sxm.gt.0.d0)then
+                if(dzm.ne.0.d0)then
+                  Gm1=Gm1+pGtab*
+     &dble(a1(jm1))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)*xjacm
+c     &dga1(jm1)*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)*xjacm
+c     &dble(a1(jm1))*Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)*xjacm
+                  else
+                  Gp1=Gp1+pGtab*
+     &dble(a1(jp1))*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)*xjacp
+c     &dga1(jp1)*Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)*xjacp
+c     &dble(a1(jp1))*Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,sxp,sxm,sy,b)*xjacp
+                endif
+c          write(*,*)'m=1',mtmp,Gm1,Gp1,pGtab,sxp,sxm
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+          if(dzm.ne.0.d0)Gp1=Gp1+Gm1*dble(a1(jp1))*dzm*xjacp
+c          if(dzm.ne.0.d0)Gp1=Gp1+Gm1*dga1(jp1)*dzm*xjacp
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        endif
+        omWi=omWi+Gp1*dzp
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function Womint(sy,bh)   !---check---
+c - chi~(xp,xm)/2. for group of cut enhanced diagram giving
+c the same final state integrated over xpr and xmr (with ideal G)
+c bh - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision omWi
+      Womint=omWi(sy,bh)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function WomGamint(bh)   !---check---
+c - chi~(xp,xm)/2. for group of integrated cut enhanced diagram giving
+c the same final for proposal.
+c bh - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision omGamint
+      WomGamint=omGamint(bh)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-par-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-par-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f5a9a1f74eacca418b6c22a20d24994e817abea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-par-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,1364 @@
+c 15/02/2005 epos 1.03
+      subroutine paramini(imod)
+c  Set  parameters of the parametrisation of the eikonals.
+c xDfit=Sum(i=0,1)(alpD(i)*xp**betDp(i)*xm**betDpp(i)*s**betD(i)
+c                            *xs**(gamD(i)*b2)*exp(-b2/delD(i))
+c Parameters stored in /Dparam/ (epos.inc)
+c if imod=0, do settings only for iclpro, if imod=1, do settings
+c for iclpro=2 and iclpro
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision PhiExact,y!,Dsoftshval
+      call utpri('parini',ish,ishini,3)
+c Initialisation of the variables
+      call Class('paramini  ')
+c Variables used for xparg (only graphical application)
+      spmin=4.*q2min         !Definition of spmin in psvin (epos-sha)
+      sfshlim=3.*spmin          !transition energy for soft->hard
+      emaxDf=engy            !energy for fit subroutines
+      smaxDf=emaxDf**2       !energy squared for fit subroutines
+c      sfshlim=100.
+      nptf=10                !number of point for the fit
+      xmaxDf=1.d0            !maximum limit for the fit
+      xminDf=1.d0/dble(smaxDf)   !minimum limit
+      xggfit=xminDf*sfshlim
+      xshmin=3.d-2           !minimum limit for sh variance fit
+      if(smaxDf.lt.sfshlim) xshmin=1.d0
+      xfitmin=0.1d0   !sh fitted between f(1) and f(1)*xfitmin
+      if(smaxDf.lt.sfshlim) xfitmin=1.d0
+      bmaxDf=2.              !maximum b for variance fit
+      idxDmin=idxD0          !minimum indice for parameters
+      ntymin=ntymi           !minimum indice for diagram type
+      ucfpro=utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro))
+      ucftar=utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar))
+      iiiclegy=iclegy
+c for pi or K - p crosse section calculation, we need alpD, ... for
+c iclpro=1 or 3 and iclpro=2
+        iiiclpro1=iclpro
+        iiidirec=1
+        if(imod.eq.0)then
+          iiiclpro2=iclpro
+        else
+          iiiclpro2=2
+          if(iiiclpro1.lt.iiiclpro2)iiidirec=-1
+        endif
+        iclprosave=iclpro
+        do iiipro=iiiclpro2,iiiclpro1,iiidirec
+          iclpro=iiipro
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'gamini'
+     &          ,iscreen,iclpro,icltar,iclegy,smaxDf,sfshlim,spmin
+      if(isetcs.le.1)then                      !if set mode, do fit
+c First try for fit parameters
+c linear fit of the 2 components of G as a function of x
+        call pompar(alpsf,betsf,0) !soft (taking into account hard)
+        call pompar(alpsh,betsh,1) !sh
+c        betsh=0.31
+c        alpsh0=sngl(Dsoftshval(smaxDf,1d0,0.d0,0.,2))*smaxDf**(-betsh)
+c        alpsh1=sngl(Dsoftshval(smaxDf,1d0,0.d0,0.,0))*smaxDf**(-betsh)
+c        if(alpsh0.lt.alpsf)alpsh1=alpsh0
+c        if(alpsh0*smaxDf**betsh.lt.alpsf*smaxDf**betsf)alpsh1=alpsh0
+c        if(smaxDf.gt.100.*sfshlim)then
+c          xfmin=1.e-2
+c          alpsh2=sngl(Dsoftshval(xfmin*smaxDf,dble(xfmin),0.d0,0.,0))
+c     &             *(xfmin*smaxDf)**(-betsh)
+c        else
+c          alpsh2=-1e10
+c        endif
+c        alpsh=max(alpsh1,alpsh2)
+c        alpsh=max(alpsh0,alpsh2)
+c Gaussian fit of the 2 components of G as a function of x and b
+        call variance(delsf,gamsf,0)
+        call variance(delsh,gamsh,1)
+        gamsf=max(0.,gamsf)
+        gamsh=max(0.,gamsh)
+c Fit GFF
+c       fit parameters
+        numminDf=3             !minimum indice
+        numparDf=4             !maximum indice
+        betac=100.               !temperature for chi2
+        betae=1.               !temperature for error
+        fparDf=0.8             !variation amplitude for range
+        nmcxDf=20000          !number of try for x fit
+c starting values
+        parDf(1,3)=alpsf
+        parDf(2,3)=betsf
+        parDf(3,3)=alpsh
+        parDf(4,3)=betsh
+c        if(smaxDf.ge.sfshlim)then
+c          call paramx           !alpD and betD
+c          call pompar(alpsf,betsf,-1) !soft (taking into account hard)
+c          parDf(1,3)=alpsf
+c          parDf(2,3)=max(-0.95+alppar,betsf)
+c          parDf(2,3)=max(0.,betsf)
+c        endif
+        alpsf=parDf(1,3)
+        betsf=parDf(2,3)
+        alpsh=parDf(3,3)
+        betsh=parDf(4,3)
+      else                                     !else parameters from table (inirj)
+        nbpsf=iDxD0
+        if(iclegy2.gt.1)then
+          al=1.+(log(engy)-log(egylow))/log(egyfac) !energy class
+          i2=min(iiiclegy+1,iclegy2)
+          i1=i2-1
+        else
+          i1=iclegy
+          i2=iclegy
+          al=float(iclegy)
+        endif
+        dl=al-i1
+        dl1=max(0.,1.-dl)
+                                !linear interpolation
+        alpsf=alpDs(nbpsf,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +alpDs(nbpsf,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        alpsh=alpDs(1,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +alpDs(1,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        betsf=betDs(nbpsf,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +betDs(nbpsf,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        betsh=betDs(1,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +betDs(1,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        gamsf=gamDs(nbpsf,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +gamDs(nbpsf,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        gamsh=gamDs(1,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +gamDs(1,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        delsf=delDs(nbpsf,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +delDs(nbpsf,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+        delsh=delDs(1,i2,iclpro,icltar)*dl
+     &       +delDs(1,i1,iclpro,icltar)*dl1
+c For the Plots
+        parDf(1,3)=alpsf
+        parDf(2,3)=betsf
+        parDf(3,3)=alpsh
+        parDf(4,3)=betsh
+      endif
+c     if energy too small to have semi-hard interaction -> only soft diagram
+      if(smaxDf.lt.sfshlim.and.idxD0.eq.0)then !no hard: soft+hard=soft
+        alpsf=alpsf/2.
+        alpsh=alpsf
+        betsh=betsf
+        gamsh=gamsf
+        delsh=delsf
+      endif
+c Print results
+      if(ish.ge.4)then
+        write(ifch,*)"parameters for iclpro:",iclpro
+        write(ifch,*)"alp,bet,gam,del sf:",alpsf,betsf,gamsf,delsf
+        write(ifch,*)"alp,bet,gam,del sh:",alpsh,betsh,gamsh,delsh
+      endif
+c Record parameters
+      alpD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=alpsf
+      alpDp(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+      alpDpp(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+      betD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      betDp(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      betDpp(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      gamD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=gamsf
+      delD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)=delsf
+      alpD(1,iclpro,icltar)=alpsh
+      alpDp(1,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+      alpDpp(1,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+      betD(1,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      betDp(1,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      betDpp(1,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      gamD(1,iclpro,icltar)=gamsh
+      delD(1,iclpro,icltar)=delsh
+      if(iomega.lt.2.and.alpdif.ne.1.)then
+        alpDp(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        alpDpp(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        betD(2,iclpro,icltar)=0. !max(0.,betsf)
+        alpdifs=alpdif
+c        alpdif=0.99
+        betDp(2,iclpro,icltar)=-alpdifs+alppar
+        betDpp(2,iclpro,icltar)=-alpdifs+alppar
+c        alpD(2,iclpro,icltar)=(alpsf+alpsh)*wdiff(iclpro)*wdiff(icltar)
+        alpD(2,iclpro,icltar)=wdiff(iclpro)*wdiff(icltar)
+     &            /utgam1(1.-alpdifs)**2
+     &            *utgam1(2.-alpdifs+alplea(iclpro))
+     &            *utgam1(2.-alpdifs+alplea(icltar))
+     &            /chad(iclpro)/chad(icltar)
+c        alpdif=alpdifs
+        gamD(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        delD(2,iclpro,icltar)=4.*.0389*(gwidth*(r2had(iclpro)
+     &                    +r2had(icltar))+slopoms*log(smaxDf))
+      else
+        alpD(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        alpDp(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        alpDpp(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        betD(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        betDp(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        betDpp(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        gamD(2,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        delD(2,iclpro,icltar)=1.
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)"alp,bet,betp,del dif:"
+     &   ,alpD(2,iclpro,icltar),betD(2,iclpro,icltar)
+     &   ,betDp(2,iclpro,icltar),delD(2,iclpro,icltar)
+      bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)=conbmxdif()     !important to do it before kfit,  because it's used in.
+c          call Kfit(-1)    !xkappafit not used : if arg=-1, set xkappafit to 1
+      if(isetcs.le.1)then
+        if(isetcs.eq.0)then
+          call Kfit(-1)         !xkappafit not used : if arg=-1, set xkappafit to 1)
+        else
+c          call Kfit(-1)    !xkappafit not used : if arg=-1, set xkappafit to 1)
+          call Kfit(iclegy)
+        endif
+c for plots record alpDs, betDs, etc ...
+        alpDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=alpsf
+        alpDps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        alpDpps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        betDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+        betDps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+        betDpps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+        gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=gamsf
+        delDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=delsf
+        alpDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=alpsh
+        alpDps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        alpDpps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+        betDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+        betDps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+        betDpps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+        gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=gamsh
+        delDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=delsh
+      endif
+      enddo
+      if(iclpro.ne.iclprosave)stop'problem in parini with iclpro'
+c initialize some variable for screening
+      if(iscreen.ne.0)then
+        fegypp=epscrw*fscra(engy/egyscr)
+        b2xscr=2.*epscrp*4.*.0389
+     &       *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy**2))
+c caculate the radius where Z is saturated at epscrx to define the bases
+c of nuclear shadowing
+        satrad=0.
+        if(fegypp.gt.0.)satrad=-b2xscr*log(epscrx/fegypp)
+        bglaubx=zbrads*sqrt(max(0.1,satrad))
+        zbcutx=zbcut*bglaubx
+c        print *,'---->',bglaubx,zbcutx
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.4)then             !check PhiExact value for x=1
+        y=Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0,1.d0,smaxDf,0.)
+        write(ifch,*)'PhiExact=',y
+      endif
+      call utprix('parini',ish,ishini,3)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine Class(text)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter (eps=1.e-5)    !to correct for precision problem)
+      character*10 text
+      if(iclegy1.eq.iclegy2)then
+        iclegy=iclegy1
+      else
+      iclegy=1+int( (log(engy)-log(egylow))/log(egyfac) + eps ) !energy class
+      if(iclegy.gt.iclegy2)then
+         write(ifch,*)'***********************************************'
+         write(ifch,*)'Warning in ',text
+         write(ifch,*)'Energy above the range used for the fit of D:'
+         write(ifch,*)egylow*egyfac**(iclegy1-1),egylow*egyfac**iclegy2
+         write(ifch,*)'***********************************************'
+         iclegy=iclegy2
+      endif
+      if(iclegy.lt.iclegy1)then
+         write(ifch,*)'***********************************************'
+         write(ifch,*)'Warning in ',text
+         write(ifch,*)'Energy below the range used for the fit of D:'
+         write(ifch,*)egylow*egyfac**(iclegy1-1),egylow*egyfac**iclegy2
+         write(ifch,*)'***********************************************'
+         iclegy=iclegy1
+      endif
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine param
+c  Set the parameter of the parametrisation of the eikonale.
+c  We group the parameters into 4 array with a dimension of idxD1(=1)
+c  to define xDfit (see below).
+c xDfit=Sum(i,0,1)(alpD(i)*xp**betDp(i)*xm**betDpp(i)*s**betD(i)
+c                            *xs**(gamD(i)*b2)*exp(-b2/delD(i))
+c subroutine used for tabulation.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+c Initialisation of the variables
+      emaxDf=egyfac**(iclegy-1)*egylow
+      smaxDf=emaxDf**2
+      spmin=4.*q2min         !Definition of spmin in psvin (epos-sha)
+      sfshlim=3.*spmin
+      nptf=10
+      xmaxDf=1.d0
+      xminDf=1d0/dble(smaxDf)
+      xshmin=3.d-2           !minimum limit for sh variance fit
+      if(smaxDf.lt.sfshlim) xshmin=1.d0
+      xfitmin=0.1d0   !sh fitted between f(1) and f(1)*xfitmin
+      if(smaxDf.lt.sfshlim) xfitmin=1.d0
+      bmaxDf=2.
+      if(idxD0.ne.0.and.idxD1.ne.1) stop "* idxD0/1 are not good! *"
+      engytmp=engy
+      engy=emaxDf
+c Initialisation of the parameters
+      do i=1,nbpf
+        do j=1,4
+          parDf(i,j)=1.
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c.......Calculations of the parameters
+c First try for fit parameters
+c linear fit of the 2 components of G as a function of x
+      call pompar(alpsf,betsf,0) !soft
+      call pompar(alpsh,betsh,1) !sh
+c Gaussian fit of the 2 components of G as a function of x and b
+      call variance(delsf,gamsf,0)
+      call variance(delsh,gamsh,1)
+      gamsf=max(0.,gamsf)
+      gamsh=max(0.,gamsh)
+c Fit GFF
+c      fit parameters
+      numminDf=3                !minimum indice
+      numparDf=4                !maximum indice
+      betac=100.                 !temperature for chi2
+      betae=1.                 !temperature for error
+      fparDf=0.8                 !variation amplitude for range
+      nmcxDf=20000              !number of try for x fit
+c starting values
+      parDf(1,3)=alpsf
+      parDf(2,3)=betsf
+      parDf(3,3)=alpsh
+      parDf(4,3)=betsh
+c      if(smaxDf.ge.3.*sfshlim)then
+c        call paramx             !alpD and betD
+c        call pompar(alpsf,betsf,-1) !soft (taking into account hard)
+c        parDf(1,3)=alpsf
+c        parDf(2,3)=max(-0.95+alppar,betsf)
+c      endif
+      alpsf=parDf(1,3)
+      betsf=parDf(2,3)
+      alpsh=parDf(3,3)
+      betsh=parDf(4,3)
+      if(ish.ge.4)then
+        write(ifch,*)"param: fit parameters :",iscreen,iclpro,icltar
+     *                                        ,iclegy,engy
+        write(ifch,*)"alp,bet,gam,del sf:",alpsf,betsf,gamsf,delsf
+        write(ifch,*)"alp,bet,gam,del sh:",alpsh,betsh,gamsh,delsh
+      endif
+      alpDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=alpsf
+      alpDps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      alpDpps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+      betDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      betDps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      betDpps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsf
+      gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=gamsf
+      delDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=delsf
+      alpDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=alpsh
+      alpDps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      alpDpps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=0.
+      betDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      betDps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      betDpps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=betsh
+      gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=gamsh
+      delDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)=delsh
+      engy=engytmp
+      return
+      end
+        subroutine pompar(alpha,beta,iqq)
+c  Return the power beta and the factor alpha of the fit of the eikonal
+c of a pomeron of type iqq : D(X)=alpha*(X)**beta
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision X,D1,D0,X0,D,droot
+      double precision Dsoftshval,xmax
+      dimension xlnXs(maxdataDf),xlnD(maxdataDf),sigma(maxdataDf)
+      do i=1,nptf
+        sigma(i)=1.e-2
+      enddo
+      if(iqq.le.0) then
+        iscr=iqq
+        xmax=min(0.1d0,10.d0*xminDf)
+        X0=xminDf
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*) 'pompar (0) x0,xmax=',X0,xmax
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          X=X0
+          if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmax/X0)**(dble(i)/dble(nptf-1))
+          D=max(1.d-10,Dsoftshval(sngl(X)*smaxDf,X,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+          if(D.eq.1.d-10)then
+            write(ifch,*)
+     &    "Warning in pompar ! Dsoftshval(0) could be negative"
+            sigma(i+1)=1.e5
+          endif
+          xlnXs(i+1)=sngl(dlog(X*dble(smaxDf)))
+          xlnD(i+1)=sngl(dlog(D))
+        enddo
+c Fit of D(X) between X0 and xmax
+        call fit(xlnXs,xlnD,nptf,sigma,0,a,beta)
+        if(beta.gt.10.)beta=10.
+        alpha=exp(a)
+c        alpha=sngl(Dsoftshval(sngl(X0)*smaxDf,X0,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+c     &       *(sngl(X0)*smaxDf)**(-beta)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.1.and.xfitmin.ne.1.d0) then
+        iscr=2
+c        xmax=max(0.01d0,min(1d0,dble(sfshlim*100./smaxDf)))
+        xmax=1d0!min(1d0,dble(sfshlim*1000./smaxDf))
+c Definition of D0=D(X0)
+        D1=Dsoftshval(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf,xmax,0.d0,0.,iscr)
+        D0=xfitmin*D1
+c Calculation of X0 and D(X)
+        X0=droot(D0,D1,xmax,iscr)
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*) 'pompar (1) x0,xmax=',X0,xmax
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          X=X0
+          if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmax/X0)**(dble(i)/dble(nptf-1))
+          D=max(1.d-10,Dsoftshval(sngl(X)*smaxDf,X,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+          if(D.eq.1.d-10)then
+            write(ifch,*)
+     &    "Warning in pompar ! Dsoftshval(1) could be negative"
+            sigma(i+1)=1.e5
+          endif
+          xlnXs(i+1)=sngl(dlog(X*dble(smaxDf)))
+          xlnD(i+1)=sngl(dlog(D))
+        enddo
+c Fit of D(X) between X0 and xmax
+        call fit(xlnXs,xlnD,nptf,sigma,0,a,beta)
+        if(beta.gt.10.)beta=10.
+        alpha=exp(a)
+c        alpha=sngl(Dsoftshval(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf,xmax,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+c     &       *(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf)**(-beta)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.10.and.xfitmin.ne.1.d0) then    ! iqq=10
+        iscr=0
+        xmax=1.d0 !2.d0/max(2.d0,dlog(dble(smaxDf)/1.d3))
+c Definition of D0=D(X0)
+        D1=Dsoftshval(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf,xmax,0.d0,0.,iscr)
+        D0=xfitmin*D1
+c Calculation of X0 and D(X)
+        X0=droot(D0,D1,xmax,iscr)
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*) 'pompar (1) x0,xmax=',X0,xmax
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          X=X0
+          if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmax/X0)**(dble(i)/dble(nptf-1))
+          D=max(1.d-10,Dsoftshval(sngl(X)*smaxDf,X,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+          if(D.eq.1.d-10)then
+            write(ifch,*)
+     &    "Warning in pompar ! Dsoftshval(10) could be negative"
+            sigma(i+1)=1.e5
+          endif
+          xlnXs(i+1)=sngl(dlog(X*dble(smaxDf)))
+          xlnD(i+1)=sngl(dlog(D))
+        enddo
+c Fit of D(X) between X0 and xmax
+        call fit(xlnXs,xlnD,nptf,sigma,0,a,beta)
+        if(beta.gt.10.)beta=10.
+        alpha=sngl(Dsoftshval(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf,xmax,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+     &       *(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf)**(-beta)
+      else                      !iqq=-1 or iqq=1 and xfitmin=1
+c Calculation of X0 and D(X)
+        iscr=0
+        X0=1.d0/dble(smaxDf)
+        xmax=max(2.d0/dble(smaxDf),
+     &       min(max(0.03d0,dble(smaxDf)/2.d5),0.1d0))
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*) 'pompar (-1) x0,xmax=',X0,xmax
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          X=X0
+          if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmax/X0)**(dble(i)/dble(nptf-1))
+          D=max(1.d-10,Dsoftshval(sngl(X)*smaxDf,X,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+          if(D.eq.1.d-10)then
+            write(ifch,*)
+     &    "Warning in pompar ! Dsoftshval(-1) could be negative"
+            sigma(i+1)=1.e5
+          endif
+          xlnXs(i+1)=sngl(dlog(X*dble(smaxDf)))
+          xlnD(i+1)=sngl(dlog(D))
+        enddo
+c Fit of D(X) between X0 and xmax
+        call fit(xlnXs,xlnD,nptf,sigma,0,a,beta)
+        if(beta.gt.10.)beta=10.
+        alpha=exp(a)
+c        alpha=sngl(Dsoftshval(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf,xmax,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+c     &           *(sngl(xmax)*smaxDf)**(-beta)
+      endif
+        if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*) '%%%%%%%%%%%%% pompar %%%%%%%%%%%%%'
+        if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*) 'alpD ini =',alpha,' betD ini=',beta
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function droot(d0,d1,xmax,iscr)
+c Find x0 which gives f(x0)=D(x0*S)-d0=0
+c iqq=0 soft pomeron
+c iqq=1 semi-hard pomeron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision Dsoftshval,d0,d1,d2,x0,x1,x2,f0,f1,f2,xmax
+      parameter (kmax=1000)
+      k=0
+      x0=max(1.d0/dble(sfshlim),1d-5)
+      x1=xmax
+ 5    d2=dabs(Dsoftshval(sngl(x0)*smaxDf,x0,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+      if(d2.lt.1.d-10.and.x0.lt.x1)then
+        x0=dsqrt(x0*x1)
+c        write(ifch,*)"droot",x0,x1,d0,d1,d2
+        goto 5
+        elseif(d2.gt.d0)then
+        droot=x0
+c        write(ifch,*)"droot",x0,x1,d0,d1,d2
+        return
+      endif
+      f0=d2-d0
+      f1=d1-d0
+      if(f0*f1.lt.0.d0)then
+ 10   x2=dsqrt(x0*x1)
+      d2=dabs(Dsoftshval(sngl(x2)*smaxDf,x2,0.d0,0.,iscr))
+      f2=d2-d0
+      k=k+1
+c        write (ifch,*) '******************* droot **************'
+c        write (ifch,*) x0,x1,x2,f0,f1,f2
+      if (f0*f2.lt.0.D0) then
+        x1=x2
+        f1=f2
+      else
+        x0=x2
+        f0=f2
+      endif
+      if (dabs((x1-x0)/x1).gt.(1.D-5).and.k.le.kmax.and.x1.ne.x0) then
+        goto 10
+      else
+        if (k.gt.kmax) then
+          write(ifch,*)'??? Warning in Droot: Delta=',dabs((x1-x0)/x1)
+c.........stop 'Error in Droot, too many steps'
+        endif
+        droot=dsqrt(x1*x0)
+      endif
+      else
+        droot=dsqrt(x1*x0)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function drootom(d0,dmax,bmax,eps)
+c Find b0 which gives f(b0)=(1-exp(-om(b0,iqq)))/dmax-d0=0
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision om1intbc,d0,d1,d2,f0,f1,f2,dmax
+      parameter (kmax=1000)
+      k=0
+      b0=0.
+      b1=bmax
+      d2=(1.d0-exp(-om1intbc(b1)))/dmax
+      if(d2.gt.d0)then
+        drootom=b1
+c        write(*,*)"drootom exit (1)",b0,b1,d0,d1,d2
+        return
+      endif
+      d1=(1.d0-exp(-om1intbc(b0)))/dmax
+      f0=d1-d0
+      f1=d2-d0
+      if(f0*f1.lt.0.d0)then
+ 10   b2=0.5*(b0+b1)
+      d2=(1.d0-dexp(-om1intbc(b2)))/dmax
+      f2=d2-d0
+      k=k+1
+c      write (*,*) '******************* drootom **************'
+c      write (*,*) b0,b1,b2,f0,f1,f2
+      if (f1*f2.lt.0.D0) then
+        b0=b2
+        f0=f2
+      else
+        b1=b2
+        f1=f2
+      endif
+      if (abs(f2).gt.eps.and.k.le.kmax.and.b1.ne.b0) then
+        goto 10
+      else
+        if (k.gt.kmax) then
+          write(ifch,*)'??? Warning in Drootom: Delta=',abs((b1-b0)/b1)
+c.........stop 'Error in Droot, too many steps'
+        endif
+        drootom=0.5*(b1+b0)
+      endif
+      else
+c        write(*,*)"drootom exit (2)",b0,b1,d0,d1,d2
+        drootom=0.5*(b1+b0)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine variance(r2,alp,iqq)
+c fit sigma2 into : 1/sigma2(x)=1/r2-alp*log(x*s)
+c  iqq=0 -> soft pomeron
+c  iqq=1 -> semi-hard pomeron
+c  iqq=2 -> sum
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      dimension Xs(maxdataDf),vari(maxdataDf),sigma(maxdataDf)
+      double precision X,X0,xmax
+      do i=1,nptf
+        sigma(i)=1.e-2
+      enddo
+      if(iqq.eq.0.or.xshmin.gt.0.95d0)then
+        X0=xminDf
+        xmax=xmaxDf
+      elseif(iqq.eq.2)then
+        X0=xshmin
+        xmax=xmaxDf
+      else
+        X0=1d0/dlog(max(exp(2.d0),dble(smaxDf)/1.d3))
+c        if(smaxDf.lt.100.*q2min)X0=.95d0
+        xmax=xmaxDf
+      endif
+      if(iqq.ne.3.and.iqq.ne.4)then
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          X=X0
+          if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmax/X0)**(dble(i)/dble(nptf-1))
+          Xs(i+1)=log(sngl(X)*smaxDf)
+          sig2=sigma2(X,iqq)
+          if(sig2.le.0.) call utstop
+     &   ('In variance, initial(1) sigma2 not def!&')
+          vari(i+1)=1./sig2
+        enddo
+c Fit of the variance of D(X,b) between X0 and xmaxDf
+        call fit(Xs,vari,nptf,sigma,0,tr2,talp)
+        r2=1./tr2
+        alp=-talp
+c in principle, the formula to convert 1/(del+eps*log(sy)) into
+c  1/del*(1-eps/del*log(sy)) is valid only if eps/del*log(sy)=alp*r2*log(sy)
+c is small. In practice, since the fit of G(x) being an approximation, each
+c component of the fit should not be taken separatly but we should consider
+c G as one function. Then it works even with large alp (gamD).
+c        ttt=alp*r2*log(smaxDf)
+c        if(ttt.gt.0.5)
+c     &    write(ifmt,*)'Warning, G(b) parametrization not optimal : ',
+c     &          'gamD too large compared to delD !',ttt
+      else
+        if(iqq.eq.3)r2=sigma2(xmaxDf,3)
+        if(iqq.eq.4)r2=sigma2(xshmin,3)
+        if(r2.le.0.) call utstop
+     &('In variance, initial(2) sigma2 not def!&')
+        alp=0.
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.4)then
+        write(ifch,*) '%%%%%%%%%% variance ini %%%%%%%%%%%%'
+        write(ifch,*) 'X0=',X0
+        write(ifch,*) 'delD ini=',r2
+        write(ifch,*) 'gamD ini=',alp
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+        function sigma2(x,iqq)
+c Return the variance for a given x of :
+c For G :
+c iqq=0 the soft pomeron
+c iqq=1 the semi-hard and valence quark pomeron
+c iqq=2 the sum
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,Dsoftshval,sfsh,om51p,eps,range,sig2!,omNpuncut
+      external varifit
+      double precision varifit,Db(maxdataDf),bf(maxdataDf)
+      bmax=bmaxDf
+      sig2=bmax*0.5
+      bmin=-bmax
+      eps=1.d-10
+      ierro=0
+      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+        range=sig2
+        sfsh=om51p(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,0.,0)
+        if (dabs(sfsh).gt.eps) then
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          bf(i+1)=dble(bmin+float(i)*(bmax-bmin)/float(nptf-1))
+          Db(i+1)=om51p(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,sngl(bf(i+1)),0)/sfsh
+        enddo
+        else
+          ierro=1
+        endif
+      elseif(iqq.eq.1.and.xshmin.lt..95d0)then
+        range=sig2
+        sfsh=0.d0
+        do j=1,4
+          sfsh=sfsh+om51p(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,0.,j)
+        enddo
+        if (dabs(sfsh).gt.eps) then
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          bf(i+1)=dble(bmin+float(i)*(bmax-bmin)/float(nptf-1))
+          Db(i+1)=0.d0
+          do j=1,4
+           Db(i+1)=Db(i+1)+om51p(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,sngl(bf(i+1)),j)
+          enddo
+          Db(i+1)=Db(i+1)/sfsh
+        enddo
+        else
+          ierro=1
+        endif
+      else
+        sig2=2.d0*sig2
+        range=sig2
+        iscr=0
+        sfsh=Dsoftshval(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,0.,iscr)
+        if (dabs(sfsh).gt.eps) then
+        do i=0,nptf-1
+          bf(i+1)=dble(bmin+float(i)*(bmax-bmin)/float(nptf-1))
+          Db(i+1)=Dsoftshval(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,sngl(bf(i+1)),iscr)
+     &              /sfsh
+        enddo
+        else
+          ierro=1
+        endif
+      endif
+c Fit of D(X,b) between -bmaxDf and bmaxDf
+      if(ierro.ne.1)then
+        nptft=nptf
+        call minfit(varifit,bf,Db,nptft,sig2,range)
+        sigma2=sngl(sig2)
+      else
+        sigma2=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+        subroutine paramx
+c updates the 4 parameters alpsf,betsf,alpsh,betsh by fitting GFF
+c  parDf(1,3) parDf(2,3) ... alp, bet soft
+c  parDf(3,3) parDf(4,3) ... alp, bet semihard
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision Dsoftshpar
+      external Dsoftshpar
+      dimension range(nbpf)
+      call givedatax
+      !determine parameter range
+      do i=numminDf,numparDf
+        range(i)=fparDf*parDf(i,3)
+        parDf(i,1)=parDf(i,3)-range(i)
+        parDf(i,2)=parDf(i,3)+range(i)
+      enddo
+   !   write(ifch,*) '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fitx %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'
+      call fitx(Dsoftshpar,nmcxDf,chi2,err)
+   !   write(ifch,*) 'chi2=',chi2
+   !   write(ifch,*) 'err=',err
+   !   write(ifch,*) 'alpD(1)=',parDf(1,3),' betD(1)=',parDf(2,3)
+   !   write(ifch,*) 'alpD(2)=',parDf(3,3),' betD(2)=',parDf(4,3)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine givedatax
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision X,X0,X1,Dsoftshval,Xseuil
+      numdataDf=nptf
+      X0=xminDf
+      X1=xmaxDf
+      Xseuil=1d0 !min(1.d0,dble(sfshlim*1e4)*XminDf)
+c      print *,'--------------->',Xseuil
+c Fit of G(X) between X0 and X1
+      do i=0,nptf-1
+        X=X0
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(X1/X0)**(dble(i)/dble(nptf-1))
+        datafitD(i+1,2)=max(1.e-10,
+     &                  sngl(Dsoftshval(sngl(X)*smaxDf,X,0.d0,0.,1)))
+        datafitD(i+1,1)=sngl(X)
+        datafitD(i+1,3)=1.
+        if (X.gt.Xseuil)
+     &  datafitD(i+1,3)=exp(-min((sngl(Xseuil/X)-1.),50.))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      function sigma1i(x)
+c Return the variance of the sum of the soft pomeron and the semi-hard
+c pomeron for a given x.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,Dsoftshval,Dint
+      iscr=0
+      Dint=Dsoftshval(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,0.,iscr)
+      sigma1i=0.
+      if(Dint.ne.0.)
+     &sigma1i=sngl(-1.d0/dlog(Dsoftshval(sngl(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,1.,iscr)
+     &   /Dint))
+      return
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE minfit(func,x,y,ndata,a,range)
+c Given a set of data points x(1:ndata),y(1:ndata), and the range of
+c the parameter a, fit it on function func by minimizing chi2.
+c In input a define the expected value of a, and on output they
+c correspond to  the fited value.
+c ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision x(ndata),y(ndata),func,a,range,Smin,Som,a1,a2,eps
+     *,amin,rr,yp
+      parameter (eps=1.d-5)
+      external func
+      Smin=1.d20
+      amin=a
+      a1=a-range
+      a2=a+range
+      do j=1,2000
+        rr=dble(rangen())
+        a=a1+(a2-a1)*rr
+        k=0
+ 10     if(a.lt.0.d0.and.k.lt.100) then
+          rr=dble(rangen())
+          a=a1+(a2-a1)*rr
+          k=k+1
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        if(k.ge.100) call utstop
+     &('Always negative variance in minfit ...&')
+        Som=0.d0
+        do k=1,ndata
+             yp=min(1.d10,func(x(k),a))  !proposal function
+              Som=Som+(yp-y(k))**2.d0
+        enddo
+        if(Som.lt.Smin)then
+          if(Smin.lt.1.)then
+            if(a.gt.amin)then
+              a1=amin
+            else
+              a2=amin
+            endif
+          endif
+          amin=a
+          Smin=Som
+        endif
+        if(Smin.lt.eps)goto 20
+      enddo
+ 20   continue
+      a=amin
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fitx(func,nmc,chi2,err)
+c  Determines parameters of the funcion func
+c  representing the best fit of the data.
+c  At the end of the run, the "best" parameters are stored in parDf(n,3).
+c  The function func has to be defined via "function" using the parameters
+c  parDf(n,3), n=1,numparDf .
+c  Parameters as well as data are stored on /fitpar/:
+c    numparDf: number of parameters  (input)
+c    parDf: array containing parameters:
+c         parDf(n,1): lower limit    (input)
+c         parDf(n,2): upper limit    (input)
+c         parDf(n,3): current parameter (internal and output = final result)
+c         parDf(n,4): previous parameter (internal)
+c    numdataDf: number of data points  (input)
+c    datafitD: array containing data:
+c         datafitD(i,1): x value       (input)
+c         datafitD(i,2): y value       (input)
+c         datafitD(i,3): error         (input)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision func,x
+      external func
+ !     write (ifch,*) 'numparDf,numminDf',numparDf,numminDf
+c initial configuration (better if one start directly with initial one)
+c      do n=numminDf,numparDf
+c              parDf(n,3)=parDf(n,1)+rangen()*(parDf(n,2)-parDf(n,1))
+c      enddo
+      chi2=0.
+      err=0.
+      do i=1,numdataDf
+        x=dble(datafitD(i,1))
+        fx=sngl(func(x))
+        chi2=chi2+(log(fx)-log(datafitD(i,2)))**2/datafitD(i,3)**2
+        err=err+(log(fx)-log(datafitD(i,2)))/datafitD(i,3)**2
+      enddo
+      err=abs(err)/float(numdataDf)
+c metropolis iteration
+      do i=1,nmc
+c        if(mod(i,int(float(nmc)/1000.)).eq.0)then
+          betac=betac*(1.+1./float(nmc))!1.05
+          betae=betae*(1.+1./float(nmc))!1.05
+c        endif
+c        if(mod(i,int(float(nmc)/20.)).eq.0)write(ifch,*)i,chi2,err
+        do n=numminDf,numparDf
+          parDf(n,4)=parDf(n,3)
+        enddo
+        chi2x=chi2
+        errx=err
+        n=numminDf+int(rangen()*(numparDf-numminDf+1))
+        n=max(n,numminDf)
+        n=min(n,numparDf)
+c              if(mod(i,int(float(nmc)/20.)).eq.0)write(ifch,*)n
+        parDf(n,3)=parDf(n,1)+rangen()*(parDf(n,2)-parDf(n,1))
+        chi2=0
+        err=0
+        do j=1,numdataDf
+          x=dble(datafitD(j,1))
+          fx=sngl(func(x))
+          chi2=chi2+(log(fx)-log(datafitD(j,2)))**2/datafitD(j,3)**2
+          err=err+(log(fx)-log(datafitD(j,2)))/datafitD(j,3)**2
+        enddo
+        err=abs(err)/float(numdataDf)
+        if(chi2.gt.chi2x.and.rangen()
+     $             .gt.exp(-min(50.,max(-50.,betac*(chi2-chi2x))))
+     &             .or.err.gt.errx.and.rangen()
+     $             .gt.exp(-min(50.,max(-50.,betae*(err-errx))))
+     &                                                     ) then
+          do n=numminDf,numparDf
+            parDf(n,3)=parDf(n,4)
+          enddo
+          chi2=chi2x
+          err=errx
+        endif
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+        SUBROUTINE fit(x,y,ndata,sig,mwt,a,b)
+c Given a set of data points x(1:ndata),y(1:ndata) with individual standard
+c deviations sig(1:ndata), fit them to a straight line y = a + bx by
+c minimizing chi2 .
+c Returned are a,b and their respective probable uncertainties siga and sigb,
+c the chi­square chi2, and the goodness-of-fit probability q (that the fit
+c would have chi2 this large or larger). If mwt=0 on input, then the standard
+c deviations are assumed to be unavailable: q is returned as 1.0 and the
+c normalization of chi2 is to unit standard deviation on all points.
+c ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+        implicit none
+        INTEGER mwt,ndata
+        REAL sig(ndata),x(ndata),y(ndata)
+        REAL a,b,siga,sigb,chi2 !,q
+        INTEGER i
+        REAL sigdat,ss,st2,sx,sxoss,sy,t,wt
+        sx=0.                 !Initialize sums to zero.
+        sy=0.
+        st2=0.
+        b=0.
+        if(mwt.ne.0) then ! Accumulate sums ...
+          ss=0.
+          do i=1,ndata          !...with weights
+            wt=1./(sig(i)**2)
+            ss=ss+wt
+            sx=sx+x(i)*wt
+            sy=sy+y(i)*wt
+          enddo
+        else
+          do i=1,ndata          !...or without weights.
+            sx=sx+x(i)
+            sy=sy+y(i)
+          enddo
+          ss=float(ndata)
+        endif
+        sxoss=sx/ss
+        if(mwt.ne.0) then
+          do i=1,ndata
+            t=(x(i)-sxoss)/sig(i)
+            st2=st2+t*t
+            b=b+t*y(i)/sig(i)
+          enddo
+        else
+          do i=1,ndata
+            t=x(i)-sxoss
+            st2=st2+t*t
+            b=b+t*y(i)
+          enddo
+        endif
+        b=b/st2                 !Solve for a, b, oe a , and oe b .
+        a=(sy-sx*b)/ss
+        siga=sqrt((1.+sx*sx/(ss*st2))/ss)
+        sigb=sqrt(1./st2)
+        chi2=0.                 !Calculate chi2 .
+c        q=1.
+        if(mwt.eq.0) then
+          do i=1,ndata
+            chi2=chi2+(y(i)-a-b*x(i))**2
+          enddo
+c For unweighted data evaluate typical sig using chi2, and adjust
+c the standard deviations.
+          sigdat=sqrt(chi2/(ndata-2))
+          siga=siga*sigdat
+          sigb=sigb*sigdat
+        else
+          do i=1,ndata
+            chi2=chi2+((y(i)-a-b*x(i))/sig(i))**2
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(chi2.ge.0.2)then
+          b=(y(ndata)-y(1))/(x(ndata)-x(1))
+          a=y(ndata)-b*x(ndata)
+        endif
+c        write(*,*) '$$$$$$$$ fit : a,b,siga,sigb,chi2,q $$$$$$$$$'
+c        write(*,*) a,b,siga,sigb,chi2!???????????????
+        return
+        END
+      double precision function varifit(x,var)
+      double precision x,var
+      varifit=dexp(-min(50.d0,x**2.d0/var))
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function Dsoftshval(sy,x,y,b,iscr)
+c iscr=-1 sum of om5p (i), i from 0 to 4 - fit of hard
+c iscr=0 sum of om5p (i), i from 0 to 4
+c iscr=1 sum of om5p (i), i from 0 to 4 * F * F
+c iscr=2 sum of om5p (i), i from 1 to 4 (semihard + valence quark)
+      double precision x,om51p,y,xp,xm
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      Dsoftshval=0.d0
+      if(iscr.le.0)then
+        do i=0,4
+          Dsoftshval=Dsoftshval+om51p(sy,x,y,b,i)
+        enddo
+      elseif(iscr.eq.1)then
+        xp=dsqrt(x)*dexp(y)
+        if(dabs(xp).ge.1.d-15)then
+          xm=x/xp
+        else
+          xm=1.d0
+          write(ifch,*)'Warning in Dsoftshval in epos-par'
+        endif
+        do i=0,4
+          Dsoftshval=Dsoftshval+om51p(sy,x,y,b,i)
+        enddo
+        Dsoftshval=Dsoftshval*(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+     &                       *(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+      elseif(iscr.eq.2)then
+        do i=1,4
+          Dsoftshval=Dsoftshval+om51p(sy,x,y,b,i)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      Dsoftshval=2.d0*Dsoftshval
+     &     /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+      if(iscr.eq.-1.and.parDf(3,3).lt.parDf(1,3))Dsoftshval=Dsoftshval
+     &     -dble(parDf(3,3)*sy**parDf(4,3))
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function Dsoftshpar(x)
+      double precision x,xp,xm
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      Dsoftshpar=dble(
+     &        parDf(1,3)*(sngl(x)*smaxDf)**parDf(2,3)
+     &       +parDf(3,3)*(sngl(x)*smaxDf)**parDf(4,3) )
+      xp=dsqrt(x)
+      xm=xp
+      Dsoftshpar=Dsoftshpar*(1.d0-xm)**dble(alplea(icltar))
+     &                       *(1.d0-xp)**dble(alplea(iclpro))
+      Dsoftshpar=min(max(1.d-15,Dsoftshpar),1.d15)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-qsh-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-qsh-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2ad9f049efffc07090bf208d25f76f366b3581a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-qsh-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,3172 @@
+c  reshuffled from sem, sto, sha
+c    contains DIS, and unused 3P stuff
+c             ---      ---------------
+c                              DIS
+CDECK  ID>, PHO_GPHERA from phojet by Ralph Engel
+      SUBROUTINE phoGPHERAepo(imod)
+C     interface to call PHOJET (variable energy run) with
+C     HERA kinematics, photon as particle 2
+C     equivalent photon approximation to get photon flux
+C     input:     imod=0        Main initialization
+C                     1        Event initialization
+C             from /photrans/ and /lept1/
+C                EE1=ebeam     proton energy (LAB system)
+C                EE2=elepti    electron energy (LAB system)
+C             from /psar12/:
+C                YMIN2=ydmin    lower limit of Y
+C                        (energy fraction taken by photon from electron)
+C                YMAX2=ydmax    upper limit of Y
+C                Q2MN2=qdmin   lower limit of photon virtuality
+C                Q2MX2=qdmax   upper limit of photon virtuality
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      double precision pgampr,rgampr
+      common/cgampr/pgampr(5),rgampr(4)
+c PHOJET common
+      PARAMETER ( phoPI   = 3.14159265359D0 )
+     &                ,ELEM,ELEM2,Q2MN,Q2MX,XIMAX,XIMIN,XIDEL,DELLY
+     &                ,FLUXT,FLUXL,Q2LOW,Y,FFT,FFL,AY,AY2,YY,WGMAX
+     &                ,ECMIN2,ECMAX2,Q22MIN,Q22AVE,Q22AV2,Q22MAX,AN2MIN
+     &                ,AN2MAX,YY2MIN,YY2MAX,EEMIN2,gamNsig0
+     &                ,Q21MIN,Q21MAX,AN1MIN,AN1MAX,YY1MIN,YY1MAX
+     &                ,ELEM,ELEM2,Q2MN,Q2MX,XIMAX,XIMIN,XIDEL,DELLY
+     &                ,FLUXT,FLUXL,Q2LOW,Y,FFT,FFL,AY,AY2,YY,WGMAX
+     &                ,ECMIN2,ECMAX2,Q22MIN,Q22AVE,Q22AV2,Q22MAX,AN2MIN
+     &                ,AN2MAX,YY2MIN,YY2MAX,EEMIN2,gamNsig0
+     &                ,Q21MIN,Q21MAX,AN1MIN,AN1MAX,YY1MIN,YY1MAX
+     &                ,WEIGHT,Q2E,E1Y,PHI,COF,SIF,WGY,DAY,P1(5),P2(4)
+     &                ,drangen,ALLM97,gamNsig
+      if(imod.eq.0)then        !initialization
+        EE1=dble(ebeam)         !proton energy (LAB system)
+        EE2=dble(elepti)        !electron energy (LAB system)
+        if(ish.ge.2)WRITE(ifch,*) 'phoGPHERAepo: energy to process'
+     *                          ,EE1,EE2
+C  assign particle momenta according to HERA kinematics
+C  proton data
+        if(idtarg.ne.0)then
+          call idmass(idtarg,ams)
+        else
+          call idmass(1120,ams)
+        endif
+        PROM2 = dble(ams)**2
+C electron data
+        call idmass(12,ams)
+        ELEM = dble(ams)
+        ELEM2 = ELEM**2
+        Q2MN = dble(qdmin)
+        Q2MX = dble(qdmax)
+        YMIN2=dble(ydmin)
+        YMAX2=dble(ydmax)
+        XIMAX = LOG(YMAX2)
+        XIMIN = LOG(YMIN2)
+        THMIN2=dble(themin*pi/180.)
+        THMAX2=dble(themax*pi/180.)
+        IF(Q2MN.GT.ELEM2*YMIN2**2/(1.D0-YMIN2))
+     &  WRITE(*,'(/1X,A,1P2E11.4)')
+     &  'phoGPHERAepo: lower Q2 cutoff larger than kin. limit:',
+     &  Q2MN,ELEM2*YMIN2**2/(1.D0-YMIN2)
+        IF(ish.GE.6)THEN
+          Max_tab = 50
+          DELLY = LOG(YMAX2/YMIN2)/DBLE(Max_tab-1)
+          FLUXT = 0.D0
+          FLUXL = 0.D0
+          WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,I5)')
+     &  'phoGPHERAepo: table of photon flux (trans/long)',Max_tab
+          DO 100 I=1,Max_tab
+            Y = EXP(XIMIN+DELLY*DBLE(I-1))
+            Q2LOW = MAX(Q2MN,ELEM2*Y**2/(1.D0-Y))
+            FFT = ((1.D0+(1.D0-Y)**2)/Y*LOG(Q2MX/Q2LOW)
+     &        -2.D0*ELEM2*Y*(1.D0/Q2LOW-1.D0/Q2MX))/(2.D0*phoPI*137.D0)
+            FFL = 2.D0*(1.D0-Y)/Y*LOG(Q2MX/Q2LOW)/(2.D0*phoPI*137.D0)
+            FLUXT = FLUXT + Y*FFT
+            FLUXL = FLUXL + Y*FFL
+            WRITE(ifch,'(5X,1P3E14.4)') Y,FFT,FFL
+ 100      CONTINUE
+          FLUXT = FLUXT*DELLY
+          FLUXL = FLUXL*DELLY
+          WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P2E12.4)')
+     &  'PHOGPHERA: integrated flux (trans./long.):',FLUXT,FLUXL
+        ENDIF
+        YY = YMIN2
+        Q2LOW = MAX(Q2MN,ELEM2*YY**2/(1.D0-YY))
+        WGMAX = (1.D0+(1.D0-YY)**2)*LOG(Q2MX/Q2LOW)
+     &       -2.D0*ELEM2*YY*(1.D0/Q2LOW-1.D0/Q2MX)*YY
+        WGMAX = WGMAX+2.D0*(1.D0-YY)*LOG(Q2MX/Q2LOW)
+        ECMIN2 = dble(egymin)**2
+        ECMAX2 = dble(egymax)**2
+        EEMIN2 = dble(elomin)
+        AY = 0.D0
+        AY2 = 0.D0
+        Q22MIN = 1.D30
+        Q22AVE = 0.D0
+        Q22AV2 = 0.D0
+        Q22MAX = 0.D0
+        AN2MIN = 1.D30
+        AN2MAX = 0.D0
+        YY2MIN = 1.D30
+        YY2MAX = 0.D0
+        ITRY = 0
+        ITRW = 0
+        gamNsig0 = 5d0 * ALLM97(Q2LOW,WGMAX)
+      elseif(imod.eq.1)then     !event
+C  sample y
+        ITRY = ITRY+1
+        ntry=0
+ 175    CONTINUE
+        ntry=ntry+1
+        IF(ntry.ge.1000) THEN
+            WRITE(*,'(1X,A,2E12.5,2(1X,1A,1X,3E13.5))')
+     &        'phoGPHERAepo: problem with cuts:',PFIN(4),EEMIN2,'|'
+            call utstop("Problem with cuts in phoGPHERAepo !&")
+        ENDIF
+           ITRW = ITRW+1
+          YY = EXP(XIDEL*drangen(AY)+XIMIN)
+          YEFF = 1.D0+(1.D0-YY)**2+2.D0*(1.D0-YY)
+          Q2LOW = MAX(Q2MN,ELEM2*YY**2/(1.D0-YY))
+          Q2LOG = LOG(Q2MX/Q2LOW)
+          WGH = YEFF*Q2LOG-2.D0*ELEM2*YY**2*(1.D0/Q2LOW-1.D0/Q2MX)
+          IF(WGMAX.LE.WGH) THEN
+            WRITE(*,'(1X,A,3E12.5)')
+     &        'phoGPHERAepo: inconsistent weight:',YY,WGMAX,WGH
+            call utstop("Problem with YY in phoGPHERAepo !$")
+          ENDIF
+        IF(drangen(AY2)*WGMAX.GT.WGH) GOTO 175
+C  sample Q2
+ 185    CONTINUE
+          Q2 = Q2LOW*EXP(Q2LOG*drangen(YY))
+          WEIGHT = (YEFF-2.D0*ELEM2*YY**2/Q2)/YEFF
+          IF(WEIGHT.GE.1d0) THEN
+            WRITE(*,'(1X,A,3E12.5)')
+     &        'phoGPHERAepo: inconsistent weight:',YY,Q2,YEFF,WEIGHT
+            call utstop("Problem with Q2 in phoGPHERAepo !$")
+          ENDIF
+        IF(WEIGHT.LT.drangen(Q2)) GOTO 185
+        if(ish.ge.2)WRITE(ifch,*) 'phoGPHERAepo: event with Q2,Y:',Q2,YY
+C  incoming electron
+        PINI(1) = 0.D0
+        PINI(2) = 0.D0
+        PINI(3) = sqrt((EE2+ELEM)*(EE2-ELEM))
+        PINI(4) = EE2
+        PINI(5) = ELEM
+C  outgoing electron
+        YQ2 = SQRT((1.D0-YY)*Q2)
+        Q2E = Q2/(4.D0*EE2)
+        E1Y = EE2*(1.D0-YY)
+        phi=2d0*phoPI*drangen(E1Y)
+        COF=cos(phi)
+        SIF=sin(phi)
+        PFIN(1) = YQ2*COF
+        PFIN(2) = YQ2*SIF
+        PFIN(4) = E1Y+Q2E
+        PFIN(5) = ELEM
+c        PFIN(3) = E1Y+Q2E
+        PFIN(3)=(PFIN(4)+sqrt(YQ2*YQ2+ELEM2))
+     *         *(PFIN(4)-sqrt(YQ2*YQ2+ELEM2))
+        if(PFIN(3).ge.0d0)then
+          PFIN(3) = sqrt(PFIN(3))
+        else
+          PFIN(3) = E1Y+Q2E
+        endif
+        GQ2 = sngl(Q2)
+        GWD = 4.*ebeam*elepti*sngl(YY)
+C  polar angle
+        PFTHE = ACOS(PFIN(3)/PFIN(4))
+C  electron tagger
+        IF(PFIN(4).GT.EEMIN2) THEN
+        ENDIF
+C  photon momentum
+        P2(1) = -PFIN(1)
+        P2(2) = -PFIN(2)
+        P2(3) = PINI(3)-PFIN(3)
+        P2(4) = PINI(4)-PFIN(4)
+C  proton momentum
+        P1(1) = 0.D0
+        P1(2) = 0.D0
+        P1(3) = -SQRT(EE1**2-PROM2)
+        P1(4) = EE1
+        P1(5) = sqrt(prom2)
+C  ECMS cut
+        GGECM = (P1(4)+P2(4))**2-(P1(1)+P2(1))**2
+     &         -(P1(2)+P2(2))**2-(P1(3)+P2(3))**2
+        GGECM = SQRT(GGECM)
+C accept A2 and W according to gamma-p cross section (function of F2)
+        gamNsig=ALLM97(Q2,GGECM)/gamNsig0
+        if(gamNsig.ge.1d0)print *,'R>1 in DIS',gamNsig
+        if(drangen(gamNsig).gt.gamNsig)goto 175 !no interaction
+C output
+        engy=sngl(GGECM)
+        xbjevt=GQ2/GWD
+        qsqevt=GQ2
+c gamma
+        rgampr(1) = P2(1)
+        rgampr(2) = P2(2)
+        rgampr(3) = P2(3)
+        rgampr(4) = P2(4)
+c boost gamma in proton rest frame to get the rotation vector
+        call utlob2(1,P1(1),P1(2),P1(3),P1(4),P1(5)
+     *               ,rgampr(1),rgampr(2),rgampr(3),rgampr(4),99)
+c array to define boost needed to put proton from lab to rest frame
+        pgampr(1) = P1(1)
+        pgampr(2) = P1(2)
+        pgampr(3) = P1(3)
+        pgampr(4) = P1(4)
+        pgampr(5) = P1(5)
+c electron
+        elepto=sngl(PFIN(4))
+        phoele(1) = sngl(PFIN(1))
+        phoele(2) = sngl(PFIN(2))
+        phoele(3) = sngl(PFIN(3))
+        phoele(4) = sngl(PFIN(4))
+        if(ish.ge.2)then        !statistic
+C  statistics
+          AY = AY+YY
+          AY2 = AY2+YY*YY
+          YY1MIN = YY2MIN
+          YY1MAX = YY2MAX
+          YY2MIN = MIN(YY2MIN,YY)
+          YY2MAX = MAX(YY2MAX,YY)
+          Q21MIN = Q22MIN
+          Q21MAX = Q22MAX
+          Q22MIN = MIN(Q22MIN,Q2)
+          Q22MAX = MAX(Q22MAX,Q2)
+          Q22AVE = Q22AVE+Q2
+          Q22AV2 = Q22AV2+Q2*Q2
+          AN1MIN = AN2MIN
+          AN1MAX = AN2MAX
+          AN2MIN = MIN(AN2MIN,PFTHE)
+          AN2MAX = MAX(AN2MAX,PFTHE)
+        endif
+      elseif(ish.ge.2)then     !statistic
+        NITER=nrevt
+        WGY = WGMAX*DBLE(ITRY)/DBLE(ITRW)/(137.D0*2.D0*phoPI)
+        WGY = WGY*LOG(YMAX2/YMIN2)
+        AY  = AY/DBLE(NITER)
+        AY2 = AY2/DBLE(NITER)
+        Q22AVE = Q22AVE/DBLE(NITER)
+        Q22AV2 = Q22AV2/DBLE(NITER)
+        if(NITER.gt.1)then
+          DAY = SQRT((AY2-AY**2)/DBLE(NITER))
+          Q22AV2 = SQRT((Q22AV2-Q22AVE**2)/DBLE(NITER))
+        else
+          DAY = 0d0
+          Q22AV2 = 0d0
+        endif
+        SIGMAX = 1d0
+C  output of histograms
+        WRITE(ifch,'(//1X,A,/1X,A,1PE12.3,A,/1X,A)')
+     &'=========================================================',
+     &' *****   simulated cross section: ',WEIGHT,' mb  *****',
+     &'========================================================='
+        WRITE(ifch,'(//1X,A,3I10)')
+        WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P2E12.4)') 'EFFECTIVE WEIGHT (FLUX,TOTAL)',
+     &  WGY,WEIGHT
+        WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P2E12.4)') 'AVERAGE Y,DY                 ',AY
+     &                                                              ,DAY
+        WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P2E12.4)') 'SAMPLED Y RANGE PHOTON       ',
+     &  YY2MIN,YY2MAX
+        WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P2E12.4)') 'AVERAGE Q2,DQ2               ',
+     &  Q22AVE,Q22AV2
+        WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P2E12.4)') 'SAMPLED Q2 RANGE PHOTON      ',
+     &  Q22MIN,Q22MAX
+        WRITE(ifch,'(1X,A,1P4E12.4)') 'SAMPLED THETA RANGE ELECTRON ',
+     &  AN2MIN,AN2MAX,phoPI-AN2MAX,phoPI-AN2MIN
+      endif
+      END
+CDECK  ID>, from PHO_ALLM97 in Phojet
+C     ALLM97 parametrization for gamma*-p cross section
+C     (for F2 see comments, code adapted from V. Shekelyan, H1)
+      SAVE
+      DOUBLE PRECISION S11,S12,S13,A11,A12,A13,B11,B12,B13
+      DOUBLE PRECISION S21,S22,S23,A21,A22,A23,B21,B22,B23
+     &                 AP,BP,AR,BR,XP,XR,SR,SP,F2P,F2R
+      DATA ALFA,XMP2 /112.2D0 , .8802D0 /
+      W2=W*W
+      ALLM97 = 0.D0
+C  pomeron
+      S11   =   0.28067D0
+      S12   =   0.22291D0
+      S13   =   2.1979D0
+      A11   =  -0.0808D0
+      A12   =  -0.44812D0
+      A13   =   1.1709D0
+      B11   =   0.60243D0
+      B12   =   1.3754D0
+      B13   =   1.8439D0
+      M12   =  49.457D0
+C  reggeon
+      S21   =   0.80107D0
+      S22   =   0.97307D0
+      S23   =   3.4942D0
+      A21   =   0.58400D0
+      A22   =   0.37888D0
+      A23   =   2.6063D0
+      B21   =   0.10711D0
+      B22   =   1.9386D0
+      B23   =   0.49338D0
+      M22   =   0.15052D0
+      M02   =   0.31985D0
+      LAM2  =   0.065270D0
+      Q02   =   0.46017D0 +LAM2
+      S=0.
+      T=LOG((Q2+Q02)/LAM2)
+      T0=LOG(Q02/LAM2)
+      IF(Q2.GT.0.D0) S=LOG(T/T0)
+      Z=1.D0
+      IF(Q2.GT.0.D0) Z=(W2-XMP2)/(Q2+W2-XMP2)
+      IF(S.LT.0.01D0) THEN
+C   pomeron part
+        XP=1.D0 /(1.D0 +(W2-XMP2)/(Q2+M12))
+        AP=A11
+        BP=B11**2
+        SP=S11
+        F2P=SP*XP**AP*Z**BP
+C   reggeon part
+        XR=1.D0 /(1.D0 +(W2-XMP2)/(Q2+M22))
+        AR=A21
+        BR=B21**2
+        SR=S21
+        F2R=SR*XR**AR*Z**BR
+      ELSE
+C   pomeron part
+        XP=1.D0 /(1.D0 +(W2-XMP2)/(Q2+M12))
+        AP=A11+(A11-A12)*(1.D0 /(1.D0 +S**A13)-1.D0 )
+        BP=B11**2+B12**2*S**B13
+        SP=S11+(S11-S12)*(1.D0 /(1.D0 +S**S13)-1.D0 )
+        F2P=SP*XP**AP*Z**BP
+C   reggeon part
+        XR=1.D0 /(1.D0 +(W2-XMP2)/(Q2+M22))
+        AR=A21+A22*S**A23
+        BR=B21**2+B22**2*S**B23
+        SR=S21+S22*S**S23
+        F2R=SR*XR**AR*Z**BR
+      ENDIF
+*     F2 = (F2P+F2R)*Q2/(Q2+M02)
+      CIN=ALFA/(Q2+M02)*(1.D0 +4.D0*XMP2*Q2/(Q2+W2-XMP2)**2)/Z
+      ALLM97 = CIN*(F2P+F2R)
+      END
+      subroutine lepexp(rxbj,rqsq)
+c     generates x_bjorken and q**2 according to an experimental
+c     distribution ( given in array xq(nxbj,nqsq) ).
+      parameter (nxbj=10,nqsq=10)
+      parameter (xbjmin=0.,qsqmin=4.)
+      parameter (xbjwid=0.025, qsqwid=4.)
+      dimension xq(nxbj,nqsq),vxq(nxbj*nqsq)
+      equivalence (xq(1,1),vxq(1))
+      data (vxq(i),i=1,50)/
+     &         1304.02,   366.40,    19.84,    10.79,     6.42,
+     &            4.54,     4.15,     3.38,     2.03,     1.56,
+     &          241.63,  1637.26,   427.36,   164.51,    73.72,
+     &           43.07,    20.73,    12.78,     9.34,     5.83,
+     &            0.01,   724.66,   563.79,   275.08,   176.13,
+     &          106.44,    85.82,    54.52,    37.12,    28.65,
+     &            0.01,   202.40,   491.10,   245.13,   157.07,
+     &          104.43,    61.05,    49.42,    37.84,    26.79,
+     &            0.01,     3.77,   316.38,   226.92,   133.45,
+     &           90.30,    63.67,    48.42,    35.73,    28.04/
+      data (vxq(i),i=51,100)/
+     &            0.01,     0.01,   153.74,   213.09,   114.14,
+     &           76.26,    60.02,    43.15,    43.47,    25.60,
+     &            0.01,     0.01,    39.31,   185.74,   108.56,
+     &           88.40,    47.29,    39.35,    31.80,    22.91,
+     &            0.01,     0.01,     0.01,   104.61,   107.01,
+     &           66.24,    45.34,    37.45,    33.44,    23.78,
+     &            0.01,     0.01,     0.01,    56.58,    99.39,
+     &           67.78,    43.28,    35.98,    34.63,    18.31,
+     &            0.01,     0.01,     0.01,    13.56,    76.25,
+     &           64.30,    42.80,    28.56,    21.19,    20.75 /
+      data init/0/
+      init=init+1
+      if(init.eq.1) then
+      n=nxbj*nqsq
+      sum=0.
+      do 1 i=1,n
+      sum=sum+vxq(i)
+1     continue
+      do 2 i=2,n
+2     vxq(i)=vxq(i)+vxq(i-1)
+      do 3 i=1,n
+3     vxq(i)=vxq(i)/sum
+      endif
+      n=nxbj*nqsq
+      r=rangen()
+      call utloc(vxq,n,r,iloc)
+      if(iloc.ge.n) iloc=iloc-1
+      i=mod(iloc,nxbj)+1
+      if(i.eq.0) i=nxbj
+      j=iloc/nxbj + 1
+      dxint=vxq(1)
+      if(iloc.gt.0) dxint=vxq(iloc+1)-vxq(iloc)
+      dxbj=xbjwid*abs(r-vxq(iloc+1))/dxint
+      dy=qsqwid*rangen()
+      rxbj=xbjmin+xbjwid*float(i-1)+dxbj
+      rqsq=qsqmin+qsqwid*float(j-1)+dy
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fremny(wp1,wm1,pnx,pny,sm,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,coord,ey0)
+c  treats remnant from deep inelastic process;
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      dimension coord(6),ic(2),ep(4),ey(3),ey0(3),ep3(4)
+      double precision  ept(4),ept1(4)
+      call utpri('fremny',ish,ishini,5)
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'writing remnant'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)
+     *'wp1,wm1,pnx,pny,sm,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,coord,ey0:'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)
+     *wp1,wm1,pnx,pny,sm,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,coord,ey0
+        if(ic3.eq.0.and.ic4.eq.0)then
+      ic(1)=ic1
+      ic(2)=ic2
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      ep3(3)=pnx
+      ep3(4)=pny
+      ep3(2)=(wp1-wm1)/2
+      ep3(1)=(wp1+wm1)/2
+      call pstrans(ep3,ey0,-1)
+      pptl(1,nptl)=ep3(3)
+      pptl(2,nptl)=ep3(4)
+      pptl(3,nptl)=ep3(2)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=ep3(1)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=sqrt(sm)
+      idptl(nptl)=idtra(ic,0,0,3)
+      iorptl(nptl)=1
+      istptl(nptl)=0
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      do i=1,4
+      xorptl(i,nptl)=coord(i)
+      enddo
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=coord(5)
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=coord(6)
+      ityptl(nptl)=40
+       if(ish.ge.7)then
+      write(ifch,*)'proj: nptl, mass**2,id',nptl,sm,idptl(nptl)
+      write(ifch,*)'ept',
+     *pptl(1,nptl),pptl(2,nptl),pptl(3,nptl),pptl(4,nptl)
+       endif
+        else
+      ic(1)=ic1
+      ic(2)=ic2
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      idptl(nptl)=idtra(ic,0,0,3)
+      istptl(nptl)=20
+      iorptl(nptl)=1
+      jorptl(nptl)=0
+      do i=1,4
+      xorptl(i,nptl)=coord(i)
+      enddo
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=coord(5)
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=coord(6)
+      ityptl(nptl)=40
+      ic(1)=ic3
+      ic(2)=ic4
+      idptl(nptl+1)=idtra(ic,0,0,3)
+      istptl(nptl+1)=20
+      iorptl(nptl+1)=1
+      jorptl(nptl+1)=0
+      do i=1,4
+      xorptl(i,nptl+1)=coord(i)
+      enddo
+      tivptl(1,nptl+1)=coord(5)
+      tivptl(2,nptl+1)=coord(6)
+      ityptl(nptl+1)=40
+      ep3(3)=pnx
+      ep3(4)=pny
+      ep3(2)=(wp1-wm1)/2
+      ep3(1)=(wp1+wm1)/2
+      call pstrans(ep3,ey0,-1)   !boost to hadronic c.m.s.
+      ept(1)=ep3(3)
+      ept(2)=ep3(4)
+      ept(3)=ep3(2)
+      ept(4)=ep3(1)
+      do i=1,4
+        ept1(i)=ep3(i)
+      enddo
+      sww=sqrt(sm)
+      call psdeftr(sm,ept1,ey)
+      ep(1)=.5*sww
+      ep(2)=.5*sww
+      ep(3)=0.
+      ep(4)=0.
+      call pstrans(ep,ey,1)
+      pptl(1,nptl)=ep(3)
+      pptl(2,nptl)=ep(4)
+      pptl(3,nptl)=ep(2)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=ep(1)
+      do i=1,4
+        pptl(i,nptl+1)=ept(i)-pptl(i,nptl)
+      enddo
+      nptl=nptl+1
+        endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'fremny: final nptl',nptl
+      call utprix('fremny',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psadis(iret)
+c psadis - DIS interaction
+      double precision ept(4),ept1(4),xx,wpt(2),eprt,pl,plprt,psutz
+     *,psuds
+      dimension ep3(4),ey(3),ey0(3),bx(6),
+     *qmin(2),iqc(2),nqc(2),ncc(2,2),gdv(2),gds(2),dfp(4)
+      parameter (mjstr=20000)
+      common /psar29/ eqj(4,mjstr),iqj(mjstr),ncj(2,mjstr),ioj(mjstr),nj
+      common /psar30/ iorj(mjstr),ityj(mjstr),bxj(6,mjstr),q2j(mjstr)
+      double precision pgampr,rgampr
+      common/cgampr/pgampr(5),rgampr(4)
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      common/ciptl/iptl
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      call utpri('psadis',ish,ishini,3)
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'engy,elepti,iolept:'
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)engy,elepti,iolept
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      idptl(nptl)=1220
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      nptlh=nptl
+      iptl=nptl
+      s00=1.
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=-engy/2
+      pptl(4,nptl)=engy/2
+      pptl(5,nptl)=0
+1     continue
+      if(iolept.eq.1)then
+        wtot=engy**2
+        engypr=wtot/4./elepti
+        gdv01=psdh(ydmax*wtot,qdmin,iclpro,0)
+        gdv02=psdh(ydmax*wtot,qdmin,iclpro,1)
+        gds01=psdsh(ydmax*wtot,qdmin,iclpro,dqsh,0)
+        gds02=psdsh(ydmax*wtot,qdmin,iclpro,dqsh1,1)
+        gb0=(1.+(1.-ydmax)**2)*(gdv01+gds01)
+     *  +2.*(1.-ydmax)*(gdv02+gds02)
+2       continue
+        qq=qdmin*(qdmax/qdmin)**rangen()
+        yd=ydmin*(ydmax/ydmin)**rangen()
+        wd=yd*wtot
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*)'qq,wd,yd,ydmin,ydmax:'
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*)qq,wd,yd,ydmin,ydmax
+        if(wd.lt.qq)goto 2
+        gdv(1)=psdh(wd,qq,iclpro,0)
+        gdv(2)=psdh(wd,qq,iclpro,1)
+        gds(1)=psdsh(wd,qq,iclpro,dqsh,0)
+        gds(2)=psdsh(wd,qq,iclpro,dqsh1,1)
+        gbtr=(1.+(1.-yd)**2)*(gdv(1)+gds(1))
+        gblong=2.*(1.-yd)*(gdv(2)+gds(2))
+c        gblong=0.   !???????
+        gb=(gbtr+gblong)/gb0*.7
+        if(ish.ge.4)then
+          if(gb.gt.1.)write(ifmt,*)'gb,qq,yd,wd',gb,qq,yd,wd
+          write (ifch,*)'gb,gdv,gds,gdv0,gds0,yd:'
+          write (ifch,*)gb,gdv,gds,gdv01,gds01,
+     *    gdv02,gds02,yd
+        endif
+        if(rangen().gt.gb)goto 2
+        long=int(rangen()+gblong/(gbtr+gblong))
+        elepto=qq/elepti/4.+elepti*(1.-yd)
+        costhet=1.-qq/elepti/elepto/2.
+        theta=acos(costhet)
+        if(theta/pi*180..lt.themin)goto 2
+        if(theta/pi*180..gt.themax)goto 2
+        if(elepto.lt.elomin)goto 2
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'theta,elepto,elepti,iclpro:'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)theta/pi*180.,elepto,elepti,iclpro
+        xbjevt=qq/wd
+        qsqevt=qq
+        call pscs(bcos,bsin)
+        rgampr(1)=-elepto*sin(theta)*bcos
+        rgampr(2)=-elepto*sin(theta)*bsin
+        rgampr(3)=elepti-elepto*costhet
+        rgampr(4)=elepti-elepto
+        pgampr(1)=rgampr(1)
+        pgampr(2)=rgampr(2)
+        pgampr(3)=rgampr(3)-engypr
+        pgampr(4)=rgampr(4)+engypr
+        sm2=pgampr(4)*pgampr(4)
+     *  -pgampr(1)*pgampr(1)-pgampr(2)*pgampr(2)-pgampr(3)*pgampr(3)
+        pgampr(5)=sqrt(sm2)
+        call utlob2(1,pgampr(1),pgampr(2),pgampr(3),pgampr(4),pgampr(5)
+     *  ,rgampr(1),rgampr(2),rgampr(3),rgampr(4),40)
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*)'rgampr:',rgampr
+      elseif(iolept.lt.0)then
+21      call lepexp(xbjevt,qsq)
+        qq=qsq
+        wd=qq/xbjevt
+        if(qq.lt.qdmin.or.qq.gt.qdmax)goto21
+        gdv(1)=psdh(wd,qq,iclpro,0)
+        gdv(2)=psdh(wd,qq,iclpro,1)
+        gds(1)=psdsh(wd,qq,iclpro,dqsh,0)
+        gds(2)=psdsh(wd,qq,iclpro,dqsh1,1)
+        yd=wd/engy**2
+        gbtr=(1.+(1.-yd)**2)*(gdv(1)+gds(1))
+        gblong=2.*(1.-yd)*(gdv(2)+gds(2))
+        gblong=0. !????????????
+        long=int(rangen()+gblong/(gbtr+gblong))
+      else
+        stop'wrong iolept'
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'qq,xbj,wd,gdv,gds,dqsh:'
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)qq,xbjevt,wd,gdv,gds,dqsh
+      egyevt=sqrt(wd-qq)
+      pmxevt=.5*egyevt
+      wp0=sqrt(qq)       !breit frame
+      wm0=(wd-qq)/wp0
+      ey0(1)=egyevt/wp0  !boost to the hadronic c.m.s.
+      ey0(2)=1.
+      ey0(3)=1.
+      do i=1,6
+        bx(i)=0.
+      enddo
+      if(long.eq.0)then
+        sdmin=qq/(1.-sqrt(q2ini/qq))
+        sqmin=sdmin
+      else
+        sdmin=4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)+qq  !minimal mass for born
+        xmm=(5.*sdmin-qq)/4.
+        sqmin=1.1*(xmm+sqrt(xmm**2-qq*(sdmin-qq-4.*q2ini)))
+     *  /2./(1.-4.*q2ini/(sdmin-qq))
+      endif
+      if(long.eq.1.and.wd.lt.1.001*sdmin)goto 1
+      proja=210000.
+      projb=0.
+      call fremnu(ammin,proja,projb,proja,projb,
+     *icp1,icp2,icp3,icp4)
+      nj=0
+      if((rangen().lt.gdv(long+1)/(gdv(long+1)+gds(long+1)).or.
+     *egyevt.lt.1.0001*(ammin+sqrt(sdmin-qq))).and.
+     *(long.eq.0.or.wd.gt.sqmin))then
+        if(long.eq.0)then
+          xd=qq/wd
+          tu=psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,iclpro,1)/2.25
+          td=psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,iclpro,2)/9.
+          gdv0=(tu+td)*4.*pi**2*alfe/qq
+     *    *sngl(psuds(qq,1)/psuds(q2min,1))
+          if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*)'gdv0:',gdv0,sdmin
+          if(rangen().lt.gdv0/gdv(1).or.wd.le.1.0001*sdmin)then    !?????
+            if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'no cascade,gdv0,gdv',gdv0,gdv
+            if(rangen().lt.tu/(tu+td))then
+              iq1=1
+              izh=3
+            else
+              iq1=2
+              izh=6
+            endif
+            jq=1
+            if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'before call timsh2: ',
+     *      'qq,egyevt,iq1',qq,egyevt,iq1
+            call timsh2(qq,0.,egyevt,iq1,-iq1,iq1,-iq1)
+            nj=nj+1
+            iqj(nj)=izh
+            nqc(1)=nj
+            nqc(2)=0
+            ep3(1)=pprt(4,2)
+            ep3(2)=pprt(3,2)
+            ep3(3)=0.
+            ep3(4)=0.
+            call pstrans(ep3,ey0,1)
+            do i=1,4
+              eqj(i,nj)=ep3(i)
+            enddo
+            s0h=0.
+            c0h=1.
+            s0xh=0.
+            c0xh=1.
+            call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey0,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+            goto 17
+          endif
+        endif
+        call psdint(wd,qq,sds0,sdn0,sdb0,sdt0,sdr0,1,long)
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'wd,qq,sds0,sdn0,sdb0,sdt0,sdr0:'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)wd,qq,sds0,sdn0,sdb0,sdt0
+        gb10=(sdn0+sdt0)*(1.-qq/wd)
+        xdmin=sqmin/wd
+3       continue
+        xd=(xdmin-qq/wd)/((xdmin-qq/wd)/(1.-qq/wd))
+     *  **rangen()+qq/wd
+        call psdint(xd*wd,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr,1,long)
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'wdhard,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt:'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)xd*wd,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt
+        tu=psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+        td=psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+        gb1=(sdn*(tu/2.25+td/9.)+sdt*(tu+td)/4.5)
+     *  *(1.-qq/wd/xd)/gb10
+        if(gb1.gt.1..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'gb1,xd,wd,qq,sdt0,sdt',
+     *   gb1,xd,wd,qq,sdt0,sdt
+        if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'gb1,xd,wd,qq,sdt0,sdt:'
+        if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)gb1,xd,wd,qq,sdt0,sdt
+        if(rangen().gt.gb1)goto 3
+        gdres=(sdt-sds)/4.5
+        gdrga=sdr/4.5
+        gdsin=sds/4.5
+        dtu=tu*(sdn/2.25+sdt/4.5)
+        dtd=td*(sdn/9.+sdt/4.5)
+        if(rangen().lt.dtu/(dtu+dtd))then
+          iq1=1
+          izh=3
+          gdbor=sdb/2.25
+          gdnon=sdn/2.25
+        else
+          iq1=2
+          izh=6
+          gdbor=sdb/9.
+          gdnon=sdn/9.
+        endif
+        wpi=wp0
+        wmi=(xd*wd-qq)/wpi
+        iqc(2)=iq1
+        nj=nj+1
+        iqj(nj)=izh
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*(wm0-wmi)
+        eqj(2,nj)=-eqj(1,nj)
+        eqj(3,nj)=0.
+        eqj(4,nj)=0.
+        ncc(1,2)=nj
+        ncc(2,2)=0
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'wp0,wm0,wpi,wmi,iqc(2),eqj'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)wp0,wm0,wpi,wmi,iqc(2),eqj(2,nj)
+      else
+        xdmin=sdmin/wd
+        xpmax=((egyevt-ammin)**2+qq)/wd
+        iq1=int(3.*rangen()+1.)*(2.*int(.5+rangen())-1.)
+        aks=rangen()
+        if(long.eq.0.and.aks.lt.dqsh/gds(1).and.
+     *  egyevt.gt.ammin+sqrt(s00))then
+          if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'no cascade for q_s',
+     *    aks,dqsh/gds(1)
+          xd=qq/wd
+          xpmin=xd+s00/wd
+          jcasc=0
+          if(iq1.gt.0)then
+            jq=1
+          else
+            jq=2
+          endif
+        else
+          jcasc=1
+          call psdint(xpmax*wd,qq,sds0,sdn0,sdb0,sdt0,sdr0,0,long)
+          call psdint(xpmax*wd,qq,sdsq0,sdnq0,sdbq0,sdtq0,sdrq0,1,long)
+          if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)
+     *    'xpmax*wd,qq,sds0,sdn0,sdb0,sdt0,sdr0:'
+          if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)
+     *    xpmax*wd,qq,sds0,sdn0,sdb0,sdt0,sdr0
+        gb10=sdt0*fzeroGluZZ(0.,iclpro)+(sdnq0+sdtq0)
+     *        *fzeroSeaZZ(0.,iclpro)
+          gb10=gb10*15.
+4         xd=xdmin*(xpmax/xdmin)**rangen()
+          xpmin=xd
+          call psdint(xd*wd,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr,0,long)
+          call psdint(xd*wd,qq,sdsq,sdnq,sdbq,sdtq,sdrq,1,long)
+          if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'xd*wd,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr:'
+          if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)xd*wd,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr
+          wwg=sdt*fzeroGluZZ(xd,iclpro)
+          wwq=(sdnq+sdtq)*fzeroSeaZZ(xd,iclpro)
+          gb12=(wwq+wwg)/gb10*(xpmax/xd)**dels
+          if(gb12.gt.1..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)
+     *    'gb12,xpmax*wd,xd*wd,sdt0,sdnq0+sdtq0,sdt,sdnq+sdtq',
+     *    gb12,xpmax*wd,xd*wd,sdt0,sdnq0+sdtq0,sdt,sdnq+sdtq,
+     *    wwq,wwg,(xpmax/xd)**dels,gb10
+          if(ish.ge.5)write (ifch,*)'gb12,xd,xpmax,wwq,wwg:'
+          if(ish.ge.5)write (ifch,*)gb12,xd,xpmax,wwq,wwg
+          if(rangen().gt.gb12)goto 4
+        endif
+        if(jcasc.ne.0)then
+          gb20=(1.-xd/xpmax)**betpom*sdt*(1.-glusea)+
+     *    EsoftQZero(xd/xpmax)*(sdnq+sdtq)*glusea
+        else
+          gb20=EsoftQZero(xd/xpmax)
+        endif
+        if(1.+2.*(-alpqua)+dels.ge.0.)then
+          xpminl=(1.-xpmax)**(alplea(iclpro)+1.)
+          xpmaxl=(1.-xpmin)**(alplea(iclpro)+1.)
+5         xp=1.-(xpminl+(xpmaxl-xpminl)*rangen())**
+     *    (1./(alplea(iclpro)+1.))
+          if(jcasc.ne.0)then
+            gb2=((1.-xd/xp)**betpom*sdt*(1.-glusea)+
+     *      EsoftQZero(xd/xp)*(sdnq+sdtq)*glusea)*(xp/xpmax)**
+     *      (1.+2.*(-alpqua)+dels)/gb20
+          else
+           gb2=EsoftQZero(xd/xp)*(xp/xpmax)**(1.+2.*(-alpqua)+dels)/gb20
+          endif
+          if(gb2.gt.1..and.ish.ge.1)then
+            write(ifmt,*)'gb2,xp:',gb2,xp
+c            read (*,*)
+          endif
+          if(rangen().gt.gb2)goto 5
+        else
+          xpmaxl=xpmax**(2.+2.*(-alpqua)+dels)
+          xpminl=xpmin**(2.+2.*(-alpqua)+dels)
+6         xp=(xpminl+(xpmaxl-xpminl)*rangen())**
+     *    (1./(2.+2.*(-alpqua)+dels))
+          if(jcasc.ne.0)then
+            gb21=((1.-xd/xp)**betpom*sdt*(1.-glusea)+
+     *      EsoftQZero(xd/xp)*(sdnq+sdtq)*glusea)*
+     *      ((1.-xp)/(1.-xd))**alplea(iclpro)/gb20
+          else
+          gb21=EsoftQZero(xd/xp)*((1.-xp)/(1.-xd))**alplea(iclpro)/gb20
+          endif
+          if(gb21.gt.1..and.ish.ge.1)then
+            write(ifmt,*)'gb21,xp:',gb21,xp
+c            read (*,*)
+          endif
+          if(rangen().gt.gb21)goto 6
+        endif
+        wwh=xd*wd-qq
+        wwsh=xp*wd-qq
+        ammax=(egyevt-sqrt(wwsh))**2
+22      call fremnx(ammax,ammin,sm,icp3,icp4,iret)
+        if(iret.ne.0.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'iret.ne.0!'
+     *                                         ,ammax,ammin**2
+        wmn=(1.-xp)*wd/wp0
+        wpn=sm/wmn
+        pnx=0.
+        pny=0.
+        wpp=wp0-wpn
+        wmp=wm0-wmn
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'wp0,wm0,wpn,wmn,wpp,wmp:'
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)wp0,wm0,wpn,wmn,wpp,wmp
+        if(jcasc.eq.0.or.rangen().lt.wwq/(wwg+wwq).
+     *  and.xd*wd.gt.sqmin.and.wwsh.gt.
+     *  (sqrt(wwh)+sqrt(s00))**2)then
+          zgmin=xd/xp
+          zgmax=1./(1.+wp0/xd/wd/(wpp-wwh/wmp))
+          if(zgmin.gt.zgmax)goto 22
+23        zg=zgmin-rangen()*(zgmin-zgmax)
+          if(rangen().gt.zg**dels*((1.-xd/xp/zg)/ (1.-xd/xp))**betpom)
+     *    goto 23
+          xg=xd/zg             !w- share for the struck quark
+          wmq=wd/wp0*(xg-xd)   !w- for its counterpart
+          wpq=s00/wmq          !1. gev^2 / wmq
+          wmq=0.
+          wpp=wpp-wpq
+          wmp=wmp-wmq
+          sxx=wpp*wmp
+          if(ish.ge.5)write (ifch,*)'wpq,wmq,wpp,wmp,sxx:'
+          if(ish.ge.5)write (ifch,*)wpq,wmq,wpp,wmp,sxx
+          if(jcasc.eq.0)then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'before call timsh2: qq,sxx,iq1',
+     *      qq,sxx,iq1
+            call timsh2(qq,0.,sqrt(sxx),iq1,-iq1,iq1,-iq1)
+            ept(1)=.5*(wpp+wmp)
+            ept(2)=.5*(wpp-wmp)
+            ept(3)=0.
+            ept(4)=0.
+            call psdeftr(sxx,ept,ey)
+            ep3(1)=pprt(4,2)
+            ep3(2)=pprt(3,2)
+            ep3(3)=0.
+            ep3(4)=0.
+            call pstrans(ep3,ey,1)
+            wmp=ep3(1)-ep3(2)
+            goto 24
+          endif
+        else
+          iq1=0
+          sxx=wpp*wmp
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'wwh,wwsh,sxx,wpp,wmp:',
+     *  wwh,wwsh,sxx,wpp,wmp
+        wpi=wpp
+        wmi=wwh/wpp
+        wmp=wmp-wmi
+24      call fremny(wpn,wmn,pnx,pny,sm,icp1,icp2,icp3,icp4,bx,ey0)
+        if((-alpqua).eq.-1.)stop'dis does not work for 1/x'
+25      aks=rangen()
+        z=.5*aks**(1./(1.+(-alpqua)))
+        if(z.lt.1.e-5.or.rangen().gt.(2.*(1.-z))**(-alpqua))goto 25
+        if(rangen().gt..5)z=1.-z
+        wm2=wmp*z
+        wm1=wmp-wm2
+        iqc(2)=iq1
+        nj=nj+1
+        iqj(nj)=-int(2.*rangen()+1.)
+        iqj(nj+1)=-iqj(nj)
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*wm1
+        eqj(2,nj)=-eqj(1,nj)
+        eqj(3,nj)=0.
+        eqj(4,nj)=0.
+        eqj(1,nj+1)=.5*wm2
+        eqj(2,nj+1)=-eqj(1,nj+1)
+        eqj(3,nj+1)=0.
+        eqj(4,nj+1)=0.
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(iq1.eq.0)then
+          ncc(1,2)=nj-1
+          ncc(2,2)=nj
+          gdres=sdt-sds
+          gdrga=sdr
+          gdsin=sds
+          gdbor=sdb
+          gdnon=sdn
+        else
+          nj=nj+1
+          if(iabs(iq1).eq.3)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iq1*4/3
+          else
+            iqj(nj)=-iq1
+          endif
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*(wpq+wmq)
+          eqj(2,nj)=.5*(wpq-wmq)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+          if(iq1.gt.0)then
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-1
+            ncj(1,nj-1)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-1)=0
+          else
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-2
+            ncj(1,nj-2)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-2)=0
+          endif
+          if(jcasc.eq.0)then
+            if(iq1.gt.0)then
+              nqc(1)=nj-2
+              nqc(2)=0
+            else
+              nqc(1)=nj-1
+              nqc(2)=0
+            endif
+            s0h=0.
+            c0h=1.
+            s0xh=0.
+            c0xh=1.
+            call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+            goto 17
+          else
+            gdres=(sdtq-sdsq)/4.5
+            gdrga=sdrq/4.5
+            gdsin=sdsq/4.5
+            gdbor=sdbq/4.5
+            gdnon=sdnq/4.5
+            if(iq1.gt.0)then
+              ncc(1,2)=nj-2
+              ncc(2,2)=0
+            else
+              ncc(1,2)=nj-1
+              ncc(2,2)=0
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'wpn,wmn,wpi,wmi,wm1,wm2,nj'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)wpn,wmn,wpi,wmi,wm1,wm2,nj
+      endif
+      si=wpi*wmi+qq
+      qmin(2)=q2min                 !effective momentum cutoff below
+      s2min=max(4.*qq,16.*q2min)    !mass cutoff for born scattering
+      if(rangen().gt.gdres/(gdres+gdsin+gdnon).or.
+     *si.lt.(s2min+qq))goto 12
+c hard pomeron (resolved photon)
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'resolved,gdrga,gdres',gdrga,gdres
+      jj=1
+      if(rangen().gt.gdrga/gdres.and.si.gt.1.1*s2min+qq)then
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'dir-res,si,qq',si,qq
+        pt=0.
+        pt2=0.
+        iqc(1)=0
+        ept(1)=.5*(wpi+wmi)
+        ept(2)=.5*(wpi-wmi)
+        ept(3)=0.
+        ept(4)=0.
+        wpt(1)=wpi           !lc+ for the current jet emission
+        wpt(2)=si/wpi        !lc- for the current jet emission
+        qqmin=max(q2min,s2min/(si/qq-1.))
+        qqmax=min(si/2.,si-s2min)
+        qmin(1)=qqmin
+        xmax=1.
+        xmin=(s2min+qq)/si
+        if(qqmin.ge.qqmax.or.xmin.ge.xmax)stop'min>max'
+        gb0=psjti(qmin(1),qq,si-qq,7,iqc(2),1)*psfap(1.d0,0,1)
+        ncc(1,1)=0
+        ncc(2,1)=0
+        jgamma=1
+        ntry=0
+        xmin1=0.
+        xmin2=0.
+        xmax1=0.
+        djl=0.
+        goto 9
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'res,si,qq',si,qq
+        qmin(1)=q2min                 !effective momentum cutoff above
+        si=si-qq
+        zmin=s2min/si
+        dft0=psdfh4(zmin,q2min,qq,0,0)*psjti(q2min,qq,si,0,iqc(2),1)
+     *  +(psdfh4(zmin,q2min,qq,0,1)+psdfh4(zmin,q2min,qq,0,2)+
+     *  psdfh4(zmin,q2min,qq,0,3))*psjti(q2min,qq,si,7,iqc(2),1)
+7       continue
+        z=zmin**rangen()
+        do i=1,4
+          dfp(i)=psdfh4(z,q2min,qq,0,i-1)
+        enddo
+        dfp(1)=dfp(1)*psjti(q2min,qq,z*si,0,iqc(2),1)
+        dfptot=dfp(1)
+        if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+          sjq=psjti(q2min,qq,z*si,1,0,1)
+          do i=2,4
+            dfp(i)=dfp(i)*sjq
+            dfptot=dfptot+dfp(i)
+          enddo
+        else
+          sjqqp=psjti(q2min,qq,z*si,1,2,1)
+          do i=2,4
+            if(iabs(iqc(2)).eq.i-1)then
+              dfp(i)=dfp(i)*(psjti(q2min,qq,z*si,1,1,1)+
+     *        psjti(q2min,qq,z*si,1,-1,1))/2.
+            else
+              dfp(i)=dfp(i)*sjqqp
+            endif
+            dfptot=dfptot+dfp(i)
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(rangen().gt.dfptot/dft0)goto 7
+        wpq=wpi*(1.-z)
+        wpi=wpi*z
+        aks=dfptot*rangen()
+        if(aks.lt.dfp(1))then
+          iqc(1)=0
+          nj=nj+1
+          ncc(1,1)=nj
+          ncc(2,1)=nj+1
+          iqj(nj)=-int(2.*rangen()+1.)
+          iqj(nj+1)=-iqj(nj)
+          wpq1=wpq*rangen()
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*wpq1
+          eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+          eqj(1,nj+1)=.5*(wpq-wpq1)
+          eqj(2,nj+1)=eqj(1,nj+1)
+          eqj(3,nj+1)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj+1)=0.
+          nj=nj+1
+        else
+          if(aks.lt.dfp(1)+dfp(2))then
+            iqc(1)=1
+          elseif(aks.lt.dfp(1)+dfp(2)+dfp(3))then
+            iqc(1)=2
+          else
+            iqc(1)=3
+          endif
+          iqc(1)=iqc(1)*(2*int(2.*rangen())-1)
+          nj=nj+1
+          ncc(1,1)=nj
+          ncc(2,1)=0
+          iqj(nj)=-iqc(1)
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*wpq
+          eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+        endif
+        ept(1)=.5*(wpi+wmi)
+        ept(2)=.5*(wpi-wmi)
+        ept(3)=0.
+        ept(4)=0.
+        jgamma=0
+        ntry=0
+      endif
+8     continue
+c ladder rung
+      pt2=ept(3)**2+ept(4)**2
+      pt=sqrt(pt2)
+      wpt(1)=ept(1)+ept(2)              !lc+ for the current jet emissi
+      wpt(2)=ept(1)-ept(2)              !lc- for the current jet emissi
+      s2min=max(qmin(1),16.*qmin(2))    !mass cutoff for born
+      s2min=max(s2min,4.*qq)
+      if(jj.eq.1)then
+        wwmin=2.*s2min-2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)
+        wwmin=(wwmin+sqrt(wwmin**2+4.*pt2*(s2min-q2ini)))
+     *  /(1.-q2ini/s2min)/2.
+        sj=psjti(qmin(1),qq,si,iqc(1),iqc(2),1)   !total jet
+        sj2=psjti1(q2min,qmin(1),qq,si,iqc(2),iqc(1),1)
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'resolved - si,wwmin,s2min,sj,sj2:'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)si,wwmin,s2min,sj,sj2
+        if(sj.eq.0.)stop'sj=0'
+        if(rangen().gt.sj2/sj.and.si.gt.1.1*wwmin)goto 26
+        jj=2
+      endif
+      sj=psjti1(qmin(2),qmin(1),qq,si,iqc(2),iqc(1),1)
+      sjb=psbint(qmin(1),qmin(2),qq,si,iqc(1),iqc(2),1) !born parton-parton
+      wwmin=17./16*s2min-2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)
+      wwmin=(wwmin+sqrt(wwmin**2+pt2*(s2min/4.-4.*q2ini)))
+     */(1.-16.*q2ini/s2min)/2.
+      if(rangen().lt.sjb/sj.or.si.lt.1.1*wwmin)goto 10
+26    continue
+      wpt(jj)=wpt(jj)-pt2/wpt(3-jj)
+      if(jj.eq.1)then
+        discr=(si+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini))**2-4.*q2ini*(2.*si+pt2)
+        if(discr.lt.0..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'discr,si,pt,wwmin',
+     *  discr,si,pt,wwmin
+        discr=sqrt(discr)
+        qqmax=(si+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)+discr)/2./(2.+pt2/si)
+      else
+        discr=(si+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini))**2-4.*q2ini*(17.*si+pt2)
+        if(discr.lt.0..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'discr,si,pt,wwmin',
+     *  discr,si,pt,wwmin
+        discr=sqrt(discr)
+        qqmax=(si+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)+discr)/2./(17.+pt2/si)
+      endif
+      qqmin=2.*q2ini*si/(si+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)+discr)
+      if(jj.eq.1.and.s2min.gt.qqmin.or.
+     *jj.eq.2.and.s2min.gt.16.*qqmin)then
+        xmm=.5*(si-s2min+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini))
+        discr=xmm**2-q2ini*(si+pt2)
+        if(discr.lt.0..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'discr1,si,pt,wwmin',
+     *  discr,si,pt,wwmin
+        qqmin=q2ini*si/(xmm+sqrt(discr))
+      endif
+      xmin=1.-q2ini/qqmin
+      xmax=1.-q2ini/qqmax
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'qqmin,qqmax,xmin,xmax',
+     *qqmin,qqmax,xmin,xmax
+      if(qqmin.lt.qmin(jj))then
+        qqmin=qmin(jj)
+        xmi=max(1.-((pt*sqrt(qqmin)+sqrt(pt2*qqmin+
+     *  si*(si-s2min-qqmin*(1.+pt2/si))))/si)**2,
+     *  (s2min+qqmin*(1.+pt2/si)-2.*pt*sqrt(qqmin))/si)
+        xmin=max(xmin,xmi)
+        if(xmin.le.0.)xmin=(s2min+qqmin*(1.+pt2/si))/si
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'qqmin,qmin(jj),xmin,s2min',
+     *  qqmin,qmin(jj),xmin,s2min
+      endif
+      qm0=qmin(jj)
+      xm0=1.-q2ini/qm0
+      if(xm0.gt.xmax.or.xm0.lt.xmin)then
+        xm0=.5*(xmax+xmin)
+      endif
+c      s2max=xm0*si
+      s2max=xm0*si-qm0*(1.+pt2/si)+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)  !new ladder mass squared
+      xx=xm0
+      if(jj.eq.1)then
+        sj0=psjti(qm0,qq,s2max,0,iqc(2),1)*psfap(xx,iqc(1),0)+
+     *  psjti(qm0,qq,s2max,7,iqc(2),1)*psfap(xx,iqc(1),1)
+        gb0=sj0/log(q2ini/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(qm0,iqc(1)))*qm0*2.
+      else
+        sj0=psjti1(qm0,qmin(1),qq,s2max,0,iqc(1),1)*psfap(xx,iqc(2),0)
+     *  +psjti1(qm0,qmin(1),qq,s2max,7,iqc(1),1)*psfap(xx,iqc(2),1)
+        gb0=sj0/log(q2ini/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(qm0,iqc(2)))*qm0*2.
+      endif
+      if(gb0.le.0.)then
+         write(ifmt,*)'gb0.le.0.  si,qq,pt2:',si,qq,pt2
+         iret=1
+         goto 9999
+      endif
+      if(xm0.le..5)then
+        gb0=gb0*xm0**(1.-delh)
+      else
+        gb0=gb0*(1.-xm0)*2.**delh
+      endif
+      xmin2=max(.5,xmin)
+      xmin1=xmin**delh                 !xmin, xmax are put into powe
+      xmax1=min(xmax,.5)**delh       !to simulate x value below
+      if(xmin.ge..5)then
+        djl=1.
+      elseif(xmax.lt..5)then
+        djl=0.
+      else
+        djl=1./(1.+((2.*xmin)**delh-1.)/delh/
+     *  log(2.*(1.-xmax)))
+      endif
+      ntry=0
+9     continue
+      ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.ge.10000)then
+        print *,"ntry.ge.10000"
+        iret=1
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+      if(jgamma.ne.1)then
+        if(rangen().gt.djl)then        !lc momentum share in the cur
+          x=(xmin1+rangen()*(xmax1-xmin1))**(1./delh)
+        else
+          x=1.-(1.-xmin2)*((1.-xmax)/(1.-xmin2))**rangen()
+        endif
+        q2=qqmin/(1.+rangen()*(qqmin/qqmax-1.))
+        qt2=q2*(1.-x)
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jj,q2,x,qt2',jj,q2,x,qt2
+        if(qt2.lt.q2ini)goto 9
+      else
+        x=xmin+rangen()*(xmax-xmin)
+        q2=qqmin*(qqmax/qqmin)**rangen()
+        qt2=(q2-x*qq)*(1.-x)
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jj,q2,x,qt2',jj,q2,x,qt2
+        if(qt2.lt.0.)goto 9
+      endif
+      qt=sqrt(qt2)
+      call pscs(bcos,bsin)
+c ep3 is now 4-vector for s-channel gluon produced in current ladder run
+      ep3(3)=qt*bcos
+      ep3(4)=qt*bsin
+      ptnew=(ept(3)-ep3(3))**2+(ept(4)-ep3(4))**2
+      if(jj.eq.1)then
+        s2min2=max(q2,s2min)
+      else
+        s2min2=max(s2min,16.*q2)
+      endif
+      if(jgamma.ne.1)then
+        s2=x*si-q2*(1.+pt2/si)-ptnew+pt2+qt2  !new ladder mass squared
+        if(s2.lt.s2min2)goto 9      !rejection in case of too low mass
+        xx=x
+        if(jj.eq.1)then
+          sj1=psjti(q2,qq,s2,0,iqc(2),1)
+          if(iqc(1).ne.0)then
+            sj2=psjti(q2,qq,s2,iqc(1),iqc(2),1)
+          elseif(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+            sj2=psjti(q2,qq,s2,1,0,1)
+          else
+            sj2=psjti(q2,qq,s2,1,1,1)/6.+
+     *      psjti(q2,qq,s2,-1,1,1)/6.+
+     *      psjti(q2,qq,s2,2,1,1)/1.5
+          endif
+        else
+          sj1=psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2,0,iqc(1),1)
+          if(iqc(2).ne.0)then
+            sj2=psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2,iqc(2),iqc(1),1)
+          elseif(iqc(1).eq.0)then
+            sj2=psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2,1,0,1)
+          else
+            sj2=psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2,1,1,1)/6.+
+     *      psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2,-1,1,1)/6.+
+     *      psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2,2,1,1)/1.5
+          endif
+        endif
+c gb7 is the rejection function for x and q**2 simulation
+        gb7=(sj1*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)+sj2*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),1))
+     *  /log(qt2/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(q2,iqc(jj)))*q2/gb0
+        if(x.le..5)then
+          gb7=gb7*x**(1.-delh)
+        else
+          gb7=gb7*(1.-x)*2.**delh
+        endif
+      else
+        s2=x*si-q2               !new ladder mass squared
+        if(s2.lt.s2min2)goto 9   !rejection in case of too low mass
+        sj1=0.
+        xx=x
+        if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+          sj2=psjti(q2,qq,s2,1,0,1)
+        else
+          sj2=psjti(q2,qq,s2,1,1,1)/naflav/2.+
+     *    psjti(q2,qq,s2,-1,1,1)/naflav/2.+
+     *    psjti(q2,qq,s2,2,1,1)*(1.-1./naflav)
+        endif
+        gb7=sj2*psfap(xx,0,1)/gb0  !????*(1.-x*qq/q2)
+      endif
+      if(gb7.gt.1..or.gb7.lt.0..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'gb7,q2,x,gb0'
+     *,gb7,q2,x,gb0
+      if(rangen().gt.gb7)goto 9
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'res: jj,iqc,ncc:',
+     *jj,iqc(jj),ncc(1,jj),ncc(2,jj)
+      nqc(2)=0
+      iqnew=iqc(jj)
+      if(jgamma.ne.1)then
+        if(rangen().lt.sj1/(sj1+sj2))then
+          if(iqc(jj).eq.0)then
+            jt=1
+            jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+            nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jj)
+          else
+            jt=2
+            if(iqc(jj).gt.0)then
+              jq=1
+            else
+              jq=2
+            endif
+            nqc(1)=0
+            iqnew=0
+          endif
+          iq1=iqc(jj)
+        else
+          if(iqc(jj).ne.0)then
+            iq1=0
+            jt=3
+            if(iqc(jj).gt.0)then
+              jq=1
+            else
+              jq=2
+            endif
+            nqc(1)=ncc(1,jj)
+          else
+            jt=4
+            jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+            iq1=int(naflav*rangen()+1.)*(3-2*jq)
+            nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jj)
+            iqnew=-iq1
+          endif
+        endif
+      else
+        jt=5
+        jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+        iq1=int(naflav*rangen()+1.)*(3-2*jq)
+        iqnew=-iq1
+        nqc(1)=0
+      endif
+      eprt=max(1.d0*qt,
+     *.5d0*((1.d0-x)*wpt(jj)+qt2/(1.d0-x)/wpt(jj)))
+      pl=((1.d0-x)*wpt(jj)-eprt)*(3-2*jj)
+      zeta=sqrt(qt2/si)/sqrt(x*(1.-x))
+      if(iq1.eq.0)then
+        iq2ini=9
+        jo=iq2ini
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo=-jo
+      else
+        iq2ini=iq1
+        jo=iq2ini
+      endif
+27    call timsh1(q2,sngl(eprt),iq2ini,jo)
+      amprt=pprt(5,1)**2
+      plprt=eprt**2-amprt-qt2
+      if(plprt.lt.-1d-6)goto 27
+      ep3(1)=eprt
+      ep3(2)=dsqrt(max(0.d0,plprt))
+      if(pl.lt.0.d0)ep3(2)=-ep3(2)
+      ey(1)=1.
+      ey(2)=1.
+      ey(3)=1.
+      do i=1,4
+        ept1(i)=ept(i)-ep3(i)
+      enddo
+      call psdefrot(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+      write(ifch,*)'q2,amprt,qt2',q2,amprt,qt2
+      write(ifch,*)'eprt,plprt',eprt,plprt
+      write(ifch,*)'ep3',ep3
+      write(ifch,*)'ept',ept
+      write(ifch,*)'ept1',ept1
+      endif
+      s2new=psnorm(ept1)
+      if(s2new.gt.s2min2)then
+        if(jj.eq.1)then
+          gb=psjti(q2,qq,s2new,iqnew,iqc(2),1)
+        else
+          gb=psjti1(q2,qmin(1),qq,s2new,iqnew,iqc(1),1)
+        endif
+        if(iqnew.eq.0)then
+          gb=gb/sj1
+        else
+          gb=gb/sj2
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          if(gb.gt.1.)write (ifch,*)'gb,s2new,s2,q2,iqnew',
+     *    gb,s2new,s2,q2,iqnew
+        endif
+        if(rangen().gt.gb)goto 9
+      else
+        goto 9
+      endif
+      jgamma=0
+      call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      if(jt.eq.1)then
+        ncc(jq,jj)=nqc(2)
+      elseif(jt.eq.2)then
+        ncc(jq,jj)=ncc(1,jj)
+        ncc(3-jq,jj)=nqc(1)
+      elseif(jt.eq.3)then
+        ncc(1,jj)=nqc(2)
+      elseif(jt.eq.4)then
+        ncc(1,jj)=ncc(3-jq,jj)
+      elseif(jt.eq.5)then
+        ncc(1,jj)=nqc(1)
+        ncc(2,jj)=0
+      endif
+      iqc(jj)=iqnew
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'qt2,amprt,ncc:',
+     *qt2,amprt,ncc(1,jj),ncc(2,jj)
+      do i=1,4
+        ept(i)=ept1(i)
+      enddo
+c c.m. energy squared, minimal  4-momentum transfer square and gluon 4-v
+c for the next ladder run
+      qmin(jj)=q2
+      si=s2new
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'res: new jet - iqj,ncj,ep3,ept',
+     *iqj(nj),ncj(1,nj),ncj(2,nj),ep3,ept
+      goto 8            !next simulation step will be considered
+10    continue
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'res: iqc,si,ept:',iqc,si,ept
+c highest virtuality subprocess in the ladder
+      qqs=max(qmin(1)/4.,4.*qmin(2))
+      qqs=max(qqs,qq)
+      call psabor(si,qqs,iqc,ncc,ept,1,nptlh,bx)
+      goto 17
+12    continue
+c hard pomeron (direct photon)
+      ept(1)=.5*(wpi+wmi)
+      ept(2)=.5*(wpi-wmi)
+      ept(3)=0.
+      ept(4)=0.
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'direct photon - ept,si,qq:',ept,si,qq
+13    continue
+c ladder rung
+      pt2=ept(3)**2+ept(4)**2
+      pt=sqrt(pt2)
+      wpt(1)=ept(1)+ept(2)
+      wpt(2)=si/wpt(1)
+      gdbor=psdbin(qmin(2),qq,si,iqc(2),long)
+      gdtot=psdsin(qmin(2),qq,si,iqc(2),long)
+      if(iqc(2).ne.0)then
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'qmin(2),qq,si',qmin(2),qq,si
+        gdnon=psdnsi(qmin(2),qq,si,long)
+        if(iabs(iqc(2)).eq.1.or.iabs(iqc(2)).eq.4)then
+          gdbor=gdbor/2.25
+          gdtot=gdnon/2.25+gdtot/4.5
+        else
+          gdbor=gdbor/9.
+          gdtot=gdnon/9.+gdtot/4.5
+        endif
+      else
+        gdnon=0.
+      endif
+      if(long.ne.0.or.qmin(2).ge.qq)then
+        s2min=qq+4.*max(qmin(2),qcmass**2)
+        wwmin=(5.*s2min-qq)/4.-2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)
+        wwmin=(wwmin+sqrt(wwmin**2-(qq-pt2)*(s2min-qq-4.*q2ini)))
+     *  /2./(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min-qq))
+      else
+        s2min=qq/(1.-sqrt(q2ini/qq))
+        wwmin=s2min+qq-2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)
+        wwmin=(wwmin+sqrt(wwmin**2-4.*(qq-pt2)*(qq-q2ini)))
+     *  /2./(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'si,s2min,wwmin,qmin(2),gdtot,gdbor:'
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)si,s2min,wwmin,qmin(2),gdtot,gdbor
+      if((rangen().lt.gdbor/gdtot.or.si.lt.1.1*wwmin).and.
+     *(long.eq.0.and.qmin(2).lt.qq.or.iqc(2).eq.0))goto 15
+      if(si.lt.1.1*wwmin)stop'si<1.1*wwmin'
+      qqmax=0.
+      qqmin=0.
+      xmm=si+2.*sqrt(q2ini)*pt-qq
+      discr=xmm**2-4.*q2ini*(5.*si-qq+pt2)
+      if(discr.lt.0.)goto 29
+      discr=sqrt(discr)
+      qqmax=(xmm+discr)/2./(5.-(qq-pt2)/si)
+      qqmin=2.*q2ini*si/(xmm+discr)
+29    continue
+      if(4.*qqmin.lt.s2min-qq.or.long.eq.0.and.
+     *qmin(2).lt.qq)then
+        xmm=si-s2min+2.*sqrt(q2ini)*pt
+        qqmin=2.*q2ini*si/(xmm+sqrt(xmm**2-4.*q2ini*(si-qq+pt2)))
+      endif
+      xmin=1.-q2ini/qqmin
+      if(qqmin.lt.qmin(2))then
+        qqmin=qmin(2)
+        xmi=max(1.-((pt*sqrt(qqmin)+sqrt(pt2*qqmin+
+     *  si*(si-s2min-qqmin*(1.-(qq-pt2)/si))))/si)**2,
+     *  (s2min+qqmin*(1.-(qq-pt2)/si)-2.*pt*sqrt(qqmin))/si)
+        xmin=max(xmin,xmi)
+      endif
+      if(xmin.le.qq/si)xmin=1.001*qq/si
+      if(long.eq.0.and.qmin(2).lt.qq)qqmax=max(qqmax,qq)
+      xmax=1.-q2ini/qqmax
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'qqmax,qqmin,xmax,xmin:',
+     *qqmax,qqmin,xmax,xmin
+      if(qqmax.lt.qqmin)stop'qqmax<qqmin'
+      qm0=qqmin
+      xm0=1.-q2ini/qm0
+      s2max=si*xm0-qm0*(1.-qq/si)
+      sds=psdsin(qm0,qq,s2max,0,long)/4.5
+      sdv=psdsin(qm0,qq,s2max,1,long)/4.5
+      sdn=psdnsi(qm0,qq,s2max,long)
+      if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+        sdn=sdn/4.5
+      elseif(iabs(iqc(2)).eq.1.or.iabs(iqc(2)).eq.4)then
+        sdn=sdn/2.25
+      else
+        sdn=sdn/9.
+      endif
+      sdv=sdv+sdn
+      xx=xm0
+      sj0=sds*psfap(xx,iqc(2),0)+sdv*psfap(xx,iqc(2),1)
+      gb0=sj0/log(q2ini/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(qm0,iqc(2)))*qm0*5.
+      if(gb0.le.0.)then
+         write(ifmt,*)'gb0.le.0.  si,qq,pt2:',si,qq,pt2
+         iret=1
+         goto 9999
+      endif
+      if(xm0.le..5)then
+        gb0=gb0*(xm0-qq/si)/(1.-2.*qq/si)
+      else
+        gb0=gb0*(1.-xm0)
+      endif
+      xmin2=max(.5,xmin)
+      xmax1=min(xmax,.5)
+      if(xmin.ge..5)then
+        djl=1.
+      elseif(xmax.lt..5)then
+        djl=0.
+      else
+        djl=1./(1.-(1.-2.*qq/si)*log((.5-qq/si)/(xmin-qq/si))/
+     *  log(2.*(1.-xmax)))
+      endif
+14    continue
+      if(rangen().gt.djl)then        !lc momentum share in the cur
+        x=(xmin-qq/si)*((xmax1-qq/si)/(xmin-qq/si))**rangen()+qq/si
+      else
+        x=1.-(1.-xmin2)*((1.-xmax)/(1.-xmin2))**rangen()
+      endif
+      q2=qqmin/(1.+rangen()*(qqmin/qqmax-1.))
+      qt2=q2*(1.-x)
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'q2,x,qt2,qq,qqmin,qqmax:',
+     *q2,x,qt2,qq,qqmin,qqmax
+      if(qt2.lt.q2ini)goto 14   !p_t check
+      if(long.ne.0.or.q2.ge.qq)then
+        s2min2=max(4.*q2+qq,s2min)
+      else
+        s2min2=s2min
+      endif
+      qt=sqrt(qt2)
+      call pscs(bcos,bsin)
+c ep3 is now 4-vector for s-channel gluon produced in current ladder run
+      ep3(3)=qt*bcos
+      ep3(4)=qt*bsin
+      ptnew=(ept(3)-ep3(3))**2+(ept(4)-ep3(4))**2
+      s2=x*si-ptnew+pt2-q2*(x-(qq-pt2)/si)
+      if(s2.lt.s2min2)goto 14   !check of the kinematics
+      sds=psdsin(q2,qq,s2,0,long)/4.5
+      sdv0=psdsin(q2,qq,s2,1,long)/4.5
+      if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q2,qq,s2',q2,qq,s2
+      sdn0=psdnsi(q2,qq,s2,long)
+      if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+        sdn=sdn0/4.5
+      else
+        if(iabs(iqc(2)).eq.1.or.iabs(iqc(2)).eq.4)then
+          sdn=sdn0/2.25
+        else
+          sdn=sdn0/9.
+        endif
+      endif
+      sdv=sdv0+sdn
+      xx=x
+      sj1=sds*psfap(xx,iqc(2),0)
+      sj2=sdv*psfap(xx,iqc(2),1)
+c gb7 is the rejection function for x and q**2 simulation.
+      gb7=(sj1+sj2)/log(qt2/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(q2,iqc(2)))/gb0*q2
+      if(x.le..5)then
+        gb7=gb7*(x-qq/si)/(1.-2.*qq/si)
+      else
+        gb7=gb7*(1.-x)
+      endif
+      if(gb7.gt.1..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'gb7,q2,x,qt2,iqc(2),'
+     * ,'gb0,sj1,sj2',gb7,q2,x,qt2,iqc(2),gb0,sj1,sj2
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'gb7,q2,x,qt2,iqc(2),gb0,sj1,sj2,long',
+     * gb7,q2,x,qt2,iqc(2),gb0,sj1,sj2,long
+      if(rangen().gt.gb7)goto 14
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'iqc,ncc:',iqc(2),ncc(1,2),ncc(2,2)
+      iqcnew=iqc(2)
+      nqc(2)=0         !emitted parton color connections
+      if(rangen().lt.sj1/(sj1+sj2).or.(long.ne.0.or.q2.ge.qq).and.
+     *s2.lt.1.5*s2min2)then
+        if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+          jt=1
+          jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,2)
+        else
+          jt=2
+          if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+            jq=1
+          else
+            jq=2
+          endif
+          nqc(1)=0
+        endif
+        iq1=iqc(2)
+        iqcnew=0
+      else
+        if(iqc(2).ne.0)then
+          jt=3
+          iq1=0
+          if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+            jq=1
+          else
+            jq=2
+          endif
+          nqc(1)=ncc(1,2)
+        else
+          tu=sdn0/2.25+sdv0
+          if(naflav.eq.4)tu=tu*2.
+          td=sdn0/9.+sdv0
+          if(rangen().lt.tu/(tu+2.*td))then
+            if(naflav.eq.3)then
+              iq1=1
+            else
+              iq1=1+3*int(.5+rangen())
+            endif
+          else
+            iq1=int(2.5+rangen())
+          endif
+          jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+          iq1=iq1*(3-2*jq)
+          iqcnew=-iq1
+          jt=4
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,2)
+        endif
+      endif
+      eprt=max(1.d0*qt,
+     *.5d0*((1.d0-x)*wpt(2)+qt2/(1.d0-x)/wpt(2)))
+      pl=eprt-(1.d0-x)*wpt(2)
+      zeta=sqrt(qq/si)/sqrt(x*(1.-x))
+      if(iq1.eq.0)then
+        iq2ini=9
+        jo=iq2ini
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo=-jo
+      else
+        iq2ini=iq1
+        jo=iq2ini
+      endif
+28    call timsh1(q2,sngl(eprt),iq2ini,jo)
+      amprt=pprt(5,1)**2
+      plprt=eprt**2-amprt-qt2
+      if(plprt.lt.-1d-6)goto 28
+      ep3(1)=eprt
+      ep3(2)=dsqrt(max(0.d0,plprt))
+      if(pl.lt.0.d0)ep3(2)=-ep3(2)
+      ey(1)=1.
+      ey(2)=1.
+      ey(3)=1.
+      do i=1,4
+        ept1(i)=ept(i)-ep3(i)
+      enddo
+      call psdefrot(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      call psrotat(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      s2new=psnorm(ept1)+qq
+      if((long.ne.0.or.q2.ge.qq).and.iqcnew.ne.0)then
+        xmm=(5.*s2min2-qq)/4.-2.*sqrt(ptnew*q2ini)
+        s2min2=1.1*(xmm+sqrt(xmm**2-(qq-ptnew)*
+     *  (s2min2-qq-4.*q2ini)))/2./(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min2-qq))
+      endif
+      if(s2new.gt.s2min2)then
+        sds1=psdsin(q2,qq,s2new,iqcnew,long)/4.5
+        if(iqcnew.eq.0)then
+          gb=sds1/sds
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q2,qq,s2new',q2,qq,s2new
+          sdn1=psdnsi(q2,qq,s2new,long)
+          if(iabs(iqcnew).eq.1.or.iabs(iqcnew).eq.4)then
+            sdn1=sdn1/2.25
+            sdv=sdv0+sdn0/2.25
+          else
+            sdn1=sdn1/9.
+            sdv=sdv0+sdn0/9.
+          endif
+          gb=.9999*(sds1+sdn1)/sdv
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.3.and.gb.gt.1..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'gbs2',gb
+        if(rangen().gt.gb)goto 14
+      else
+        goto 14
+      endif
+      call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      iqc(2)=iqcnew
+      if(jt.eq.1)then      !current parton color connections
+        ncc(jq,2)=nqc(2)
+      elseif(jt.eq.2)then
+        ncc(jq,2)=ncc(1,2)
+        ncc(3-jq,2)=nqc(1)
+      elseif(jt.eq.3)then
+        ncc(1,2)=nqc(2)
+      elseif(jt.eq.4)then
+        ncc(1,2)=ncc(3-jq,2)
+        ncc(2,2)=0
+      endif
+      do i=1,4
+        ept(i)=ept1(i)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'new jet - iqj,ncj,ep3,ept',
+     *iqj(nj),ncj(1,nj),ncj(2,nj),ep3,ept
+c c.m. energy squared, minimal  4-momentum transfer square and gluon 4-v
+c for the next ladder run
+      qmin(2)=q2
+      si=s2new
+      goto 13            !next simulation step will be considered
+15    continue
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'iqc,si,qmin(2),nj:',
+     *iqc(2),si,qmin(2),nj
+c highest virtuality subprocess in the ladder
+      gb01=0.
+      tmax=0.
+      tmin=si
+      if(iqc(2).eq.0.and.si.gt.qq+4.*max(qcmass**2,qmin(2)))then
+        qminn=max(qcmass**2,qmin(2))
+        tmin1=2.*qminn/(1.-qq/si)/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qminn/(si-qq)))
+        tmin=tmin1
+        tmax=si/2.
+        fb01=psdbom(si,si/2.,si/2.,qq,long)
+        if(long.eq.0)fb01=fb01*si/2.
+        gb01=fb01/log(qminn/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(qminn,iqc(2)))/si**2
+        gb0=gb01
+      else
+        tmin1=0.
+      endif
+      if(long.eq.0.and.qmin(2).lt.qq)then
+        tmax=max(tmax,qq)
+        tmin=max(qmin(2),
+     *  2.*q2ini/(1.-qq/si)/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*q2ini/(si-qq))))
+        ze=qq/si+tmin/si*(1.-qq/si)
+        xx=ze
+        qt2=tmin*(1.-ze)
+        if(qt2.lt..999*q2ini.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'bor-dir:qt20'
+     *                                                 ,qt2
+        gb0=gb01+psfap(xx,iqc(2),1)/log(qt2/qcdlam)
+     *  *sngl(psuds(tmin,iqc(2))/psuds(tmin,1)*psuds(qq,1))
+     *  /si*(1.-tmin*qq/si**2/ze)
+      endif
+      gb0=gb0*2.
+      call psdeftr(si-qq,ept,ey)
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'tmin,tmax,qq,si-qq,gb0:'
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)tmin,tmax,qq,si-qq,psnorm(ept),gb0
+16    continue
+      if(long.eq.0)then
+        t=tmin*(tmax/tmin)**rangen()
+      else
+        t=tmin+(tmax-tmin)*rangen()
+      endif
+      u=si-t
+      ze=qq/si+t/si*(1.-qq/si)
+      qt2=t*(1.-ze)
+      if(t.le.qq.and.long.eq.0)then
+        xx=ze
+        gb=psfap(xx,iqc(2),1)/log(qt2/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(t,iqc(2))
+     *  /psuds(t,1)*psuds(qq,1))/si*(1.-t*qq/si**2/ze)/gb0
+      else
+        gb=0.
+      endif
+      gb1=0.
+      if(iqc(2).eq.0..and.si.gt.qq+4.*max(qcmass**2,qmin(2)).
+     *and.qt2.gt.qcmass**2.and.t.le.si/2..and.t.ge.tmin1)then
+        fb1=psdbom(si,t,u,qq,long)
+        if(long.eq.0)fb1=fb1*t
+        gb1=fb1/log(qt2/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(qt2,iqc(2)))/si**2/gb0
+c        gb1=0.  !???????????????????????
+        gb=gb+gb1
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'gb,t,iqc(2),si,qq,qmin(2),long:',
+     *gb,t,iqc(2),si,qq,qmin(2),long
+      if (ish.ge.1) then
+        if(gb.gt.1.)write(*,*)'gb,gb1,gb0,gb01',
+     *  ',t,iqc(2),si,qq,qmin(2),long:',
+     *  gb,gb1,gb0,gb01,fb1,fb01,t,iqc(2),si,qq,qmin(2),long
+      endif
+      if(rangen().gt.gb)goto 16
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'born:t,qt2:',t,qt2
+      nqc(2)=0
+      if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+        jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+        jq2=3-jq
+        if(rangen().gt.gb1/gb)then
+          iq1=(1+int(3.*rangen()))*(3-2*jq)
+        else
+          iq1=4*(3-2*jq)
+        endif
+        iq2=-iq1                             !quark flavors
+        nqc(1)=ncc(jq,2)
+      else
+        if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+          jq=1
+        else
+          jq=2
+        endif
+        jq2=jq
+        iq1=0
+        iq2=iqc(2)
+        nqc(1)=ncc(1,2)
+      endif
+      call pscs(bcos,bsin)
+      z=sngl(psutz(dble(si-qq),dble(qt2),dble(qt2)))
+      if(t.lt..5*si)z=1.-z
+      wp3=z*sqrt(si-qq)
+      wm3=qt2/wp3
+      if(iabs(iq1).eq.4)qt2=qt2-qcmass**2
+      qt=sqrt(qt2)
+      ep3(1)=.5*(wp3+wm3)
+      ep3(2)=.5*(wp3-wm3)
+      ep3(3)=qt*bcos
+      ep3(4)=qt*bsin
+      call psdefrot(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      zeta=2.
+      if(iq1.eq.0)then
+        iq2ini1=9
+        jo1=iq2ini1
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo1=-jo1
+      else
+        iq2ini1=iq1
+        jo1=iq2ini1
+      endif
+      if(iq2.eq.0)then
+        iq2ini2=9
+        jo2=iq2ini2
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo2=-jo2
+      else
+        iq2ini2=iq2
+        jo2=iq2ini2
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write (ifch,*)'jq,jt,iq2ini1,iq2ini2',
+     *jq,jt,iq2ini1,iq2ini2
+      if(t.lt.qq.and.iabs(iq1).ne.4)then
+        qq1=t*(1.-ze)
+        qq2=qq
+      else
+        qq1=qt2
+        qq2=qt2
+      endif
+      call timsh2(qq1,qq2,sqrt(si-qq),iq2ini1,iq2ini2,jo1,jo2)
+      nfprt=1
+      call psreti(nqc,jq,nfprt,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      if(iqc(2).eq.0)then
+        nqc(1)=ncc(3-jq,2)
+        nqc(2)=0
+      else
+        nqc(1)=nqc(2)
+        nqc(2)=0
+      endif
+      nfprt=2
+      call psreti(nqc,jq2,nfprt,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+17    continue
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'nj',nj
+      if(nj.gt.0)then
+          ityj(i)=30
+          iorj(i)=nptlh
+        do n=1,nj
+          do i=1,4
+            ep3(i)=eqj(i,n)
+          enddo
+          call pstrans(ep3,ey0,-1)         !boost to the c.m. system
+          do i=1,4
+            eqj(i,n)=ep3(i)
+          enddo
+          do l=1,6
+            bxj(l,n)=bx(l)
+          enddo
+          ityj(n)=0
+          iorj(n)=1
+        enddo
+      endif
+      call psjarr(jfl)       !kinky strings formation
+      if(ish.ge.3)write (ifch,*)'jfl',jfl
+      if(jfl.eq.0)then
+        iret=1
+      else
+        iret=0
+        ep3(4)=egyevt
+        ep3(2)=0.
+        ep3(3)=0.
+        ep3(1)=0.
+        do i=2,nptl
+          do l=1,4
+            ep3(l)=ep3(l)-pptl(l,i)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'energy-momentum balance:'
+        if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)ep3
+        if(abs(ep3(4)).gt.3.e-2)write(*,*)'energy-momentum balance:',ep3
+      endif
+ 9999 call utprix('psadis',ish,ishini,3)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psaevc
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c structure functions calculation
+      logical lcalc
+      double precision xx,xmax
+      dimension evs(21,21,135)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar31/ evk0(21,21,54)
+      common /psar32/ evk(21,21,135)
+      common/producetab/ producetables              !used to link with CRMC
+      logical producetables
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      inquire(file=fnie(1:nfnie),exist=lcalc)
+      if(lcalc)then
+       if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(3a)')'read from ',fnie(1:nfnie),' ...'
+        open(1,file=fnie(1:nfnie),status='old')
+        read (1,*)qcdlam0,q2min0,q2ini0,naflav0,epmax0
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam)write(ifmt,'(a)')'iniev: wrong qcdlam'
+        if(q2min0 .ne.q2min )write(ifmt,'(a)')'iniev: wrong q2min'
+        if(q2ini0 .ne.q2ini )write(ifmt,'(a)')'iniev: wrong q2ini'
+        if(naflav0.ne.naflav)write(ifmt,'(a)')'iniev: wrong naflav'
+        if(epmax0 .ne.epmax )write(ifmt,'(a)')'iniev: wrong epmax'
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam.or.q2min0.ne.q2min.or.q2ini0.ne.q2ini
+     *  .or.naflav0.ne.naflav.or.epmax0.ne.epmax)then
+           write(6,'(//a//)')'   iniev has to be reinitialized!!!'
+           stop
+        endif
+        read (1,*)evk0,evk
+        close(1)
+       endif
+       goto 101
+      elseif(.not.producetables)then
+        write(ifmt,*) "Missing epos.iniev file !"        
+        write(ifmt,*) "Please correct the defined path ",
+     &"or force production ..."
+        stop
+      endif
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'iniev does not exist -> calculate tables  ...'
+      xmax=1.d0-2.d0*q2ini/epmax
+      do l=1,27
+        if(l.le.12)then
+          xx=.1d0*exp(l-13.d0)
+        elseif(l.le.21)then
+          xx=.1d0*(l-12.d0)
+        else
+          xx=1.d0-.1d0*(10.d0*(1.d0-xmax))**((l-21)/6.)
+        endif
+        qmin=max(1.d0*q2min,q2ini/(1.-xx))
+      do i=1,21
+        qq=qmin*(.5*epmax/qmin)**((i-1)/20.)
+      do j=1,21
+        qj=qmin*(qq/qmin)**((j-1)/20.)
+        if(l.eq.27.or.i.eq.1.or.j.eq.21)then
+          evk0(i,j,l)=0.
+          evk0(i,j,l+27)=0.
+          do k=1,5
+            evk(i,j,l+27*(k-1))=0.
+          enddo
+        else
+          do k=1,2
+            evk0(i,j,l+27*(k-1))=log(psev0(qj,qq,xx,k))
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      n=1
+1     n=n+1
+      write(ifmt,2)n
+2     format(5x,i2,'-th order contribution')
+      do l=1,26
+        write(ifmt,*)'l',l
+        if(l.le.12)then
+          xx=.1d0*exp(l-13.d0)
+        elseif(l.le.21)then
+          xx=.1d0*(l-12.d0)
+        else
+          xx=1.d0-.1d0*(10.d0*(1.d0-xmax))**((l-21)/6.)
+        endif
+        qmin=max(1.d0*q2min,q2ini/(1.d0-xx))
+      do i=2,21
+        qq=qmin*(.5*epmax/qmin)**((i-1)/20.)
+      do j=1,20
+        qj=qmin*(qq/qmin)**((j-1)/20.)
+        do m=1,3
+        do k=1,2
+          if(m.ne.3)then
+            ev=psev(qj,qq,xx,m,k,n)
+            ev0=psevi0(qj,qq,xx,m,k)
+            evs(i,j,l+27*(m-1)+54*(k-1))=log((ev+ev0)/psfap(xx,m-1,k-1)
+     *      /log(log(qq*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)/log(qj*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam))*4.5)
+          elseif(k.ne.1)then
+            evs(i,j,l+108)=log((psev(qj,qq,xx,m,k,n)+
+     *      psevi0(qj,qq,xx,2,2))/psfap(xx,2,2)
+     *      /log(log(qq*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)/log(qj*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam))*4.5)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      jec=0
+      do i=2,21
+      do j=1,20
+      do l=1,26
+      do k=1,5
+        if(n.eq.2.or.evs(i,j,l+27*(k-1)).ne.0..and.
+     *  abs(1.-evk(i,j,l+27*(k-1))/evs(i,j,l+27*(k-1))).gt.1.e-2)then
+          jec=1
+          evk(i,j,l+27*(k-1))=evs(i,j,l+27*(k-1))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(jec.ne.0)goto 1
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'write to iniev ...'
+      open(1,file=fnie(1:nfnie),status='unknown')
+      write (1,*)qcdlam,q2min,q2ini,naflav,epmax
+      write (1,*)evk0,evk
+      close(1)
+101   continue
+      return
+      end
+      function psdbom(s,t,u,qq,long)
+c psdbom - integrand for DIS c-quark cross-sections (matrix element squared)
+c s  - total c.m. energy squared for the scattering (for n=2: s+qq),
+c t  - invariant variable for the scattering |(p1-p3)**2|
+c u  - invariant variable for the scattering |(p1-p4)**2|
+c qq - photon virtuality
+c long: 0 - contr. to (F2-F_L), 1 - contr. to F_L
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      if(long.eq.0)then       !F2-F_L
+        psdbom=(2.*(t/u+u/t)*(qq**2+(s-qq)**2)/s**2+
+     *  4.*(qcmass*s/t/u)**2*(qq-2.*qcmass**2)+
+     *  8.*qcmass**2/t/u*(s-2.*qq))   *2.    !=4.5/2.25
+      else                    !F_L_C
+        psdbom=16.*qq*((s-qq)/s**2-qcmass**2/t/u) *2.  !=4.5/2.25
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psdbin(q1,qq,s,m1,long)
+c psdbin - DIS born cross-section
+c q1      - virtuality cutoff for current end of the ladder
+c qq      - photon virtuality
+c s=2(pq) - s_true + qq
+c s2min   - mass cutoff for born scattering
+c m1       - incoming parton type (0 - g, 1,2 - q)
+      double precision xx
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      psdbin=0.
+      q2mass=qcmass**2
+      s2min=4.*max(q1,q2mass)+qq
+      if(m1.eq.0.and.s.gt.s2min.and.(idisco.eq.0.or.idisco.eq.2))then
+        tmax=s/2.
+        qtq=4.*max(q2mass,q1)/(s-qq)
+        if(qtq.lt.1.)then
+          tmin=.5*s*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+        else
+          tmin=.5*s
+        endif
+        psdbin=psdbin+psdbor(q1,qq,s,long)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      endif
+      if(long.eq.0.and.q1.lt.qq.and.s.gt.qq/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+     *.and.(idisco.eq.0.or.idisco.eq.1))then
+        m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+        xx=qq/s
+        psdbin=psdbin+psevi0(q1,qq,xx,m,2)*4.*pi**2*alfe/s
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psdbor(q1,qq,s,long)
+c psdbor - DIS born cross-section
+c q1      - virtuality cutoff for current end of the ladder
+c qq      - photon virtuality
+c s=2(pq) - s_true + qq
+c s2min   - mass cutoff for born scattering
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision psuds
+      psdbor=0.
+      q2mass=qcmass**2
+      qtq=4.*max(q2mass,q1)/(s-qq)
+      j=0   !Gluon
+      tmax=s/2.
+      if(qtq.lt.1.)then
+        tmin=.5*s*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+      else
+        tmin=.5*s
+      endif
+      if(tmax.lt.tmin.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'s,q1,qq,tmin,tmax',
+     *s,q1,qq,tmin,tmax
+      ft=0.
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        t=2.*tmin/(1.+tmin/tmax+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-tmin/tmax))
+        u=s-t
+        qt=t*u/s*(1.-qq/s)
+        if(qt.lt..999*max(q2mass,q1).and.ish.ge.1)
+     &  write(ifmt,*)'psdbor:qt,q1',qt,q1
+        fb=psdbom(s,t,u,qq,long)*t**2
+        ft=ft+a1(i)*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)*sngl(psuds(qt,j))
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psdbor=ft/s**2*pi**2*alfe/sngl(psuds(q1,j))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psdint(s,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr,m1,long)
+c psdint - dis cross-sections interpolation - for minimal
+c effective momentum cutoff in the ladder
+c s   - total c.m. energy squared for the ladder,
+c qq  - photon virtuality,
+c sds - dis singlet cross-section,
+c sdn - dis nonsinglet cross-section,
+c sdb - dis born cross-section,
+c sdt - dis singlet+resolved cross-section,
+c m1  - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 - q)
+      double precision xx
+      dimension wk(3),wj(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar27/ csds(21,26,4),csdt(21,26,2),csdr(21,26,2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      sds=0.
+      sdn=0.
+      sdt=0.
+      sdr=0.
+      sdb=psdbin(q2min,qq,s,m1,long)
+      m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+      qlj=log(qq/q2min)*2.+1.
+      j=int(qlj)
+      if(j.lt.1)j=1
+      if(j.gt.19)j=19
+      wj(2)=qlj-j
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      s2min=4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)+qq
+      if(m1.ne.0)s2min=s2min/(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min-qq))
+      if(s.le.s2min.or.idisco.ne.0.and.idisco.ne.2)goto 1
+      qtq=4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)/(s-qq)
+      if(qtq.lt.1.)then
+        tmin=.5*s*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+      else
+        tmin=.5*s
+      endif
+      tmax=s/2.
+      sl=log(s/s2min)/log(edmax/s2min)*25.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      if(k.gt.24)k=24
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do k1=1,3
+        k2=k+k1-1
+      do j1=1,3
+        sds=sds+csds(j+j1-1,k2,m+2*long)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(m.eq.1)then
+        sds=exp(sds)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      else
+        sds=max(sds,0.)
+      endif
+1     continue
+      s2min=max(4.*qq,16.*q2min)+qq
+      if(s.le.s2min.or.long.ne.0.or.idisco.ne.0.and.idisco.ne.3)then
+        sdt=sds
+        goto 2
+      endif
+      sl=log(s/s2min)/log(edmax/s2min)*25.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      if(k.gt.24)k=24
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do k1=1,3
+        k2=k+k1-1
+      do j1=1,3
+        sdr=sdr+csdr(j+j1-1,k2,m)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+        sdt=sdt+csdt(j+j1-1,k2,m)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      sdr=max(sdr,0.)
+      sdt=max(sds,sds+sdt)
+      sdt=sdt+sdr
+2     continue
+      if(long.eq.0.and.q2min.lt.qq.and.s.gt.qq/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+     *.and.(idisco.eq.0.or.idisco.eq.1))then
+        xx=qq/s
+        dsi=psevi(q2min,qq,xx,m,2)*4.*pi**2*alfe/s
+        if(m1.eq.0)then
+          sds=sds+dsi
+          sdt=sdt+dsi
+        else
+          dnsi=psevi(q2min,qq,xx,3,2)*4.*pi**2*alfe/s
+          sdn=sdn+dnsi
+          sds=sds+max(dsi-dnsi,0.)
+          sdt=sdt+max(dsi-dnsi,0.)
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(m1.eq.0)then
+        sds=max(sds,sdb)
+        sdt=max(sdt,sdb)
+      else
+        sdn=max(sdn,sdb)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psdnsi(q1,qq,s,long)
+c psdnsi - DIS nonsinglet cross-section interpolation
+c q1 - effective momentum cutoff for current end of the ladder,
+c qq - photon virtuality,
+c s - total c.m. energy squared for the ladder,
+      double precision xx
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      psdnsi=0.
+      if(long.eq.0.and.q1.lt.qq.and.s.gt.qq/(1.-q2ini/qq))then
+        xx=qq/s
+        psdnsi=psdnsi+max(0.,psevi(q1,qq,xx,3,2)*4.*pi**2*alfe/s)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psdrga(qq,s,s2min,j)
+c psdrga - DIS resolved cross-section (photon sf)
+c qq    - photon virtuality
+c s     - total c.m. energy squared for the process
+c s2min - mass cutoff for born scattering
+c j     - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q)
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psdrga=0.
+      if(s.le.s2min)return
+      xmin=s2min/s
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        z=xmin**(.5+(m-1.5)*x1(i))
+        tu=psdfh4(z,q2min,qq,0,1)
+        td=psdfh4(z,q2min,qq,0,2)
+        ts=psdfh4(z,q2min,qq,0,3)
+        tg=psdfh4(z,q2min,qq,0,0)
+        if(j.eq.0)then
+          sj=tg*psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,0,j,1)+
+     *    (tu+td+ts)*psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,1,j,1)
+        else
+          sj=tg*psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,0,j,1)+
+     *    (tu+td)*(psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,1,1,1)/4.+
+     *    psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,-1,1,1)/4.+
+     *    psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,2,1,1)/2.)+
+     *    ts*psjti(q2min,qq,z*s,2,1,1)
+        endif
+        psdrga=psdrga+a1(i)*sj
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psdrga=-psdrga*log(xmin)*alfe/2.  *4.5 !mean e^2 is taken out
+      return
+      end
+      function psdres(qq,s,s2min,j)
+c psdres - DIS resolved photon cross-section
+c qq    - photon virtuality
+c s     - total w squared for the ladder (s+qq)
+c s2min - mass cutoff for born scattering
+c j     - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q)
+      double precision xx
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psdres=0.
+      if(s.le.s2min+qq)return
+      qmin=max(q2min,s2min/(s/qq-1.))
+      qmax=min(s-s2min,s/2.)
+c numerical integration over transverse momentum squared;
+c gaussian integration is used
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        qi=2.*qmin/(1.+qmin/qmax+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-qmin/qmax))
+        zmax=min(1.,qi/qq)
+        zmin=(max(qi,s2min)+qi)/s
+        fsj=0.
+        if(zmax.gt.zmin)then
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            z=.5*(zmax+zmin+(2*m1-3)*x1(i1)*(zmax-zmin))
+            s2=z*s-qi
+            xx=z
+            if(j.eq.0)then
+              sj=psfap(xx,0,1)*psjti(qi,qq,s2,1,j,1)
+            else
+              sj=psfap(xx,0,1)*(psjti(qi,qq,s2,1,1,1)/6.+
+     *        psjti(qi,qq,s2,-1,1,1)/6.+
+     *        psjti(qi,qq,s2,2,1,1)/1.5)
+            endif
+            fsj=fsj+a1(i1)*sj*qi    !????????(qi-z*qq)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          fsj=fsj*(zmax-zmin)
+        elseif(ish.ge.1)then
+          write(ifmt,*)'psdres:zmax,zmin',zmax,zmin
+        endif
+        psdres=psdres+a1(i)*fsj
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psdres=psdres*(1./qmin-1./qmax)*alfe*.75/pi  !alpha_s -> 6 alpha_e
+      return
+      end
+      function psds(q1,qq,s,j,long)
+c psds - DIS singlet cross-section
+c q1      - virtuality cutoff for current end of the ladder
+c qq      - photon virtuality
+c s=2(pq) - s_true + qq
+c s2min   - mass cutoff for born scattering
+      double precision xxe,xmax,xmin,xmax1,xmin1
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psds=0.
+      q2mass=qcmass**2
+      s2min=4.*max(q1,q2mass)
+      smin=(s2min+qq)/(1.-4.*q2ini/s2min)
+      if(s.le.1.001*smin)return
+      xmax=.5d0*(1.d0+qq/s+dsqrt((1.d0-qq/s)**2-16.d0*q2ini/s))
+      xmin=max(1.d0+qq/s-xmax,1.d0*(s2min+qq)/s)
+      if(xmin.gt.xmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'xmin,xmax,q1,qq,s,smin'
+     *,xmin,xmax,q1,qq,s,smin
+      fx1=0.
+      fx2=0.
+      if(xmax.gt..9d0)then
+        xmin1=max(xmin,.9d0)
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xxe=1.d0-(1.d0-xmax)*((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))**
+     *    (.5d0-x1(i)*(m-1.5))
+          xx=xxe
+          sh=xx*s
+          qtmin=max(1.d0*max(q2mass,q1),q2ini/(1.d0-xxe))
+          qtq=4.*qtmin/(sh-qq)
+          tmin=.5*sh*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+          tmax=.5*sh
+          if(tmin.gt.tmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'psds:tmin,tmax'
+     &                                              ,tmin,tmax
+          ft=0.
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=.5*(tmin+tmax+(2*m1-3)*x1(i1)*(tmin-tmax))
+            u=sh-t
+            qt=t*u/sh*(1.-qq/sh)
+            if(qt.lt.qtmin.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'psds:qt,qtmin'
+     &                                               ,qt,qtmin
+            fb=psdsj(q1,xxe,sh,qt,t,u,qq,j,long)
+            ft=ft+a1(i1)*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          ft=ft*(tmax-tmin)
+          fx1=fx1+a1(i)*ft*(1.-xx)/sh**2
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx1=fx1*log((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))
+      endif
+      if(xmin.lt..9d0)then
+        xmax1=min(xmax,.9d0)
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xxe=xmin*(xmax1/xmin)**(.5-x1(i)*(m-1.5))
+          xx=xxe
+          sh=xx*s
+          qtmin=max(1.d0*max(q2mass,q1),q2ini/(1.d0-xxe))
+          qtq=4.*qtmin/(sh-qq)
+          tmin=.5*sh*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+          tmax=.5*sh
+          if(tmin.gt.tmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'psds:tmin,tmax'
+     *                                              ,tmin,tmax
+          ft=0.
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=(.5*(tmin+tmax+(2*m1-3)*x1(i1)*
+     *      (tmin-tmax)))
+            u=sh-t
+            qt=t*u/sh*(1.-qq/sh)
+            if(qt.lt.qtmin.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'psds:qt,qtmin'
+     *                                               ,qt,qtmin
+            fb=psdsj(q1,xxe,sh,qt,t,u,qq,j,long)
+            ft=ft+a1(i1)*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          ft=ft*(tmax-tmin)
+          fx2=fx2+a1(i)*ft*xx/sh**2
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx2=fx2*log(xmax1/xmin)
+      endif
+      psds=(fx1+fx2)*pi**2*alfe
+      return
+      end
+      function psdsj(q1,xx,s,qt,t,u,qq,j,long)
+c psdsj - integrand for dis singlet cross-section
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff for current end of the ladder
+c xx - lc momentum ratio between initial (j) and final (l) partons
+c s  - c.m. energy squared for the born scattering,
+c t  - invariant variable for the born scattering |(p1-p3)**2|
+c u  - invariant variable for the born scattering |(p1-p4)**2|
+c qq - photon virtuality
+c j  - initial parton at the end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 - q)
+      double precision xx
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      fb=psdbom(s,t,u,qq,long)
+      psdsj=psevi(q1,qt,xx,min(1,iabs(j))+1,1)*fb
+      return
+      end
+      function psdsin(q1,qq,s,m1,long)
+c psdsin - DIS singlet cross-section interpolation
+c q1 - effective momentum cutoff for current end of the ladder,
+c qq - photon virtuality,
+c s -  total c.m. energy squared for the ladder,
+c m1 - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 - q)
+      double precision xx
+      dimension wi(3),wj(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar25/ csdsi(21,21,104)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      psdsin=0.
+      m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+      q2mass=qcmass**2
+      s2min=4.*max(q2min,q2mass)+qq
+      sdmin=4.*max(q1,q2mass)+qq
+      if(m1.ne.0)then
+        s2min=s2min/(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min-qq))
+        sdmin=sdmin/(1.-4.*q2ini/(sdmin-qq))
+      endif
+c      if(s.le.1.e8*sdmin)goto 2  !????????????????
+      if(s.le.sdmin)goto 2
+      qmin=q2min
+      qmax=(s-qq)/4.
+      if(m1.ne.0)qmax=(s-qq+sqrt((s-qq)**2-16.*s*q2ini))/8.
+      qtq=4.*max(q2mass,q1)/(s-qq)
+      if(qtq.lt.1.)then
+        tmin=.5*s*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+      else
+        tmin=.5*s
+      endif
+      tmax=s/2.
+      qlj=log(qq/q2min)*2.+1.
+      j=int(qlj)
+      if(j.lt.1)j=1
+      if(j.gt.19)j=19
+      wj(2)=qlj-j
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      qli=log(q1/qmin)/log(qmax/qmin)*20.+1.
+      i=int(qli)
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(i.gt.19)i=19
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      sl=log(s/s2min)/log(edmax/s2min)*25.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      if(k.gt.24)k=24
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      dsin1=0.
+      do k1=1,3
+        k2=k+k1-1+26*(m-1)+52*long
+      do i1=1,3
+      do j1=1,3
+        dsin1=dsin1+csdsi(i+i1-1,j+j1-1,k2)*wi(i1)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(m1.eq.0)then
+        psdsin=psdsin+exp(dsin1)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      else
+        psdsin=psdsin+max(0.,dsin1)
+      endif
+2     continue
+      if(long.eq.0.and.q1.lt.qq.and.s.gt.qq/(1.-q2ini/qq))then
+        xx=qq/s
+        dsi=psevi(q1,qq,xx,m,2)*4.*pi**2*alfe/s
+        if(m1.eq.0)then
+          psdsin=psdsin+max(dsi,0.)
+        else
+          dnsi=psevi(q1,qq,xx,3,2)*4.*pi**2*alfe/s
+          psdsin=psdsin+max(dsi-dnsi,0.)
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c                        unused 3P
+c      function psvy(xpp0,xpr0,xpm0,xmr0,b,iqq)
+cc psvy - 3p-contributions to the interaction eikonal
+cc xpp - lc+ for the pomeron,
+cc xpr - lc+ for the remnant,
+cc xpm - lc- for the pomeron,
+cc xpr - lc- for the remnant,
+cc b   - impact parameter,
+cc iqq=1  - Y-proj-uncut
+cc iqq=2  - Y-proj-1-cut
+cc iqq=3  - Y-proj-2-cut
+cc iqq=4  - Y-proj-soft-cut
+cc iqq=5  - Y-proj-gss-cut
+cc iqq=6  - Y-proj-qss-cut
+cc iqq=7  - Y-proj-ssg-cut
+cc iqq=8  - Y-proj-ssq-cut
+cc iqq=9  - Y-proj-difr
+cc iqq=-1 - Y-targ-uncut
+cc iqq=-2 - Y-targ-1-cut
+cc iqq=-3 - Y-targ-2-cut
+cc iqq=-4 - Y-targ-soft-cut
+cc iqq=-5 - Y-targ-gss-cut
+cc iqq=-6 - Y-targ-qss-cut
+cc iqq=-7 - Y-targ-ssg-cut
+cc iqq=-8 - Y-targ-ssq-cut
+cc iqq=-9 - Y-targ-difr
+c      psvy=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psvx(xpp,xpr,xpm,xmr,b,iqq)
+cc psvx - 4p-contributions to the interaction eikonal
+cc xpp - lc+ for the pomeron,
+cc xpr - lc+ for the remnant,
+cc xpm - lc- for the pomeron,
+cc xpr - lc- for the remnant,
+cc b   - impact parameter,
+cc iqq=0  - X-uncut
+cc iqq=1  - X-1-cut
+cc iqq=2  - X-Y+cut
+cc iqq=-2 - X-Y-cut
+cc iqq=3  - X-1-cut-soft
+cc iqq=4  - X-1-cut-gss
+cc iqq=-4 - X-1-cut-gss
+cc iqq=5  - X-1-cut-qss
+cc iqq=-5 - X-1-cut-qss
+cc iqq=6  - X-difr+
+cc iqq=-6 - X-difr-
+c      psvx=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftig(x,xpomr,jj)
+c        psftig=0.
+c      end
+c      function psftih(zz,ddd)
+c      psftih=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftij(zz,ddd)
+c      psftij=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftik(xp,del1,rh1,rh2,rh3,rp,z)
+c      psftik=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftim(xp1,xp,del1,rh1,rh2,rh3,rp,z)
+c      psftim=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftil(xp,del1,rh1,rh2,rh3,rp,z)
+c      psftil=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftigt(x)
+c      psftigt=0.
+c       return
+c       end
+c      function psftist(x)
+c      psftist=0.
+c       return
+c       end
+c      function psftig1(x,xpomr,jj)
+c      psftig1=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psftis1(x,xpomr,jj)
+c      psftis1=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psd3p1(xd,xpomr,qq,jj)
+cc psd3p1 - df2difr/dx_pomr
+cc xd - bjorken x,
+cc xpomr - pomeron x,
+cc qq - photon virtuality
+cc jj=1 - 1st order
+c      psd3p1=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psv3p(sy,xpp,xpm,zb)
+cc psv3p - 3p-contributions to the interaction eikonal
+cc sy  - energy squared for the hard interaction,
+cc xpp - lc+ for the sh pomeron,
+cc xpm - lc- for the sh pomeron,
+cc z   - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/4*rp),
+c      psv3p=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psfro(xpomr,zb,iclp,icdpro)
+cc psfro - generalized froissaron between proj. and 3p-vertex
+cc xpp   - lc+ for the proj. side,
+cc xpomr - lc+ for the vertex,
+cc zb    - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/4*rp),
+c      psfro=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psv2(xpomr,zb,iclp,iqq)
+cc psv2 - 2-pom contribution to the froissaron
+cc xpomr - lc+ for the vertex,
+cc zb    - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/4*rp),
+c      psv2=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psvfro(xpp,xpr,xpomr,zb,iclp,icdpro,iqq)
+cc psvfro - effective froissaron contributions
+cc xpomr - lc+ for the vertex,
+cc zb    - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/4*rp),
+cc iqq=0 - total uncut
+cc iqq=1 - total 1-cut
+cc iqq=2 - total 2-cut
+cc iqq=3 - soft 1-cut
+cc iqq=4 - gg 1-cut
+cc iqq=5 - qg 1-cut
+cc iqq=6 - difr
+c      psvfro=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psfroin(xpomr,z,iclp,icdpro)
+cc psfroin - interpolation of effective froissaron corrections
+cc xpomr - lc+ for the 3p-vertex,
+cc z   - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/4*rp),
+c      psfroin=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psvnorm(b)
+cc psvnorm - X-contribution normalization
+cc b   - impact parameter
+c      psvnorm=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function psvxb(dxpp,dxpr,dxpm,dxmr,dxpomr,bb1,bb2
+c     *,iclp,iclt,icdpro,icdtar,iqq)
+cc psvxb   - integrand for X-contributions
+cc dxpomr  - lc+ for the vertex,
+cc bb1,bb2 - impact parameters to proj(targ),
+cc iqq=0   - uncut
+cc iqq=1   - 1-cut
+cc iqq=2   - Y-cut
+cc iqq=3   - soft 1-cut
+cc iqq=4   - gg 1-cut
+cc iqq=5   - qg 1-cut
+cc iqq=6   - difr
+c      double precision dxpp,dxpr,dxpm,dxmr,dxpomr
+c      psvxb=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function pscoef(zz,alp1,alp2,iclp,iqq)
+cc pscoef - integrated vertexes
+cc zz=xpomr/xpr(xpp)
+cc iqq=0 - 2-cut
+cc iqq=1 - 1-uncut
+cc iqq=2 - 2-uncut
+c      pscoef=0.
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function pscoefi(z,i1,i2,iclp,iqq)
+cc pscoefi - interpolation of integrated vertexes
+cc z=xpomr/xpr(xpp)
+cc iqq=0 - 2-cut
+cc iqq=1 - 1-uncut
+cc iqq=2 - 2-uncut
+c      pscoefi=0.
+c      return
+c      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-rsh-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-rsh-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3db1b9e5320c1b998af399f03f52ea12586a84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-rsh-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,3126 @@
+c  reshuffled from sem, sto, sha
+c    contains psahot and related stuff
+c             ------
+      subroutine psahot(kcol,ncolp,iret)
+c psahot - showering (semihard parton-parton interaction)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision ept(4),ept1(4),xx,wpt(2),eprt,pl,plprt,wplc
+     *,wp0,wm0,s,si,smin,xmin,xp1,wpi,wmi,xp,xm,wp1,wm1,wp2,wm2
+     *,wpq,wmq,wpi1,wmi1,pxh,pyh,pth,xmm,xp2,xg,zg,smax,xmax
+     *,xmax1,xmin1,zp0,psutz,xpmax0,xpmin0,gb0,tmax0,tmin0,zpm,gb
+     *,gbyj,tmax,tmin,t,gb7,x,s2,discr,qt,qt2,x1min,x1max,t1min,t1max
+     *,t1,xq1,qq,qqmax,qqmin,pt2,xmin2,ptnew,xpmin,xpmax,xm0,psuds
+c     *,xprh,xmrh
+      dimension ep3(4),ey(3),bx(6)
+     *,qmin(2),iqc(2),nqc(2),ncc(2,2),amqt(4)
+      parameter (mjstr=20000)
+      common /psar7/  delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      common /psar29/eqj(4,mjstr),iqj(mjstr),ncj(2,mjstr),ioj(mjstr),nj
+      common /psar30/iorj(mjstr),ityj(mjstr),bxj(6,mjstr),q2j(mjstr)
+      common /testj/  ajeth(4),ajete(5),ajet0(7)
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      common/emsptl/nppr(npommx,kollmx),npproj(mamx),nptarg(mamx)
+      integer icp(2),ict(2),nemis(2)
+      integer icp1(2),icp2(2),icm1(2),icm2(2)
+      integer jcp(nflav,2),jct(nflav,2),jcpr(nflav,2),jctr(nflav,2)
+      common/cprtx/nprtjx,pprtx(5,2)/ciptl/iptl
+      call utpri('psahot',ish,ishini,3)
+      iret=0
+      alpq=-(alppar+1.)/2.
+      qqcut=q2min  !????????????pt2cut
+      nptl1=nptl
+      iptl=nppr(ncolp,kcol)
+      ip=iproj(kcol)
+      it=itarg(kcol)
+      do i=1,2
+        icp(i)=icproj(i,ip)
+        ict(i)=ictarg(i,it)
+      enddo
+      idpomr=idhpr(ncolp,kcol)
+      bpomr=bhpr(ncolp,kcol)
+      q2finsave=q2fin
+      zzzz=zparpro(kcol)+zpartar(kcol)
+      nnn=ltarg3(it)+lproj3(ip)
+      zz=1.+zoeinc*zzzz**2               !<-----
+      q2fin=q2fin*zz
+c      print *,kcol,zzzz,zz,q2fin
+      ajeth(idpomr+1)=ajeth(idpomr+1)+1.
+c      write(*,*)ajeth
+      idfpomr=idfpr(ncolp,kcol)
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'Start psahot (icp,ict):',ip,icp,it,ict
+     *,ncolp,kcol,iptl,idpomr,idfpomr,bpomr
+      if(idfpomr.eq.0)stop'idfpomr??????'
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write(ifch,20)iptl
+     *  ,sqrt(pptl(1,iptl)**2+pptl(2,iptl)**2),pptl(3,iptl)
+     *  ,pptl(4,iptl),pptl(5,iptl)
+     *  ,istptl(iptl),ityptl(iptl)
+20      format(1x,i4,3x,4(e11.5,1x),i2,1x,i3)
+      endif
+      istptl(iptl)=31
+csp  initialise to 0
+1        do i=1,nj
+      ncj(1,i)=0
+      ncj(2,i)=0
+      enddo  
+csp end initialisation
+      nj=0
+      nptl=nptl1
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then
+        call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+        call iddeco(ict,jct)
+      endif
+      wp0=dsqrt(xpr(ncolp,kcol))*dexp(ypr(ncolp,kcol))*dble(engy)     !???? new
+      wm0=dsqrt(xpr(ncolp,kcol))*dexp(-ypr(ncolp,kcol))*dble(engy)    !double
+      amqt(1)=sqrt(sngl(xxp1pr(ncolp,kcol)**2+xyp1pr(ncolp,kcol)**2))
+      amqt(2)=sqrt(sngl(xxp2pr(ncolp,kcol)**2+xyp2pr(ncolp,kcol)**2))
+      amqt(3)=sqrt(sngl(xxm2pr(ncolp,kcol)**2+xym2pr(ncolp,kcol)**2))
+      amqt(4)=sqrt(sngl(xxm1pr(ncolp,kcol)**2+xym1pr(ncolp,kcol)**2))
+      amqpt=amqt(1)+amqt(2)+amqt(3)+amqt(4)
+      s2min=4.*q2min
+      if(sngl(wp0*wm0).le.(sqrt(s2min)+amqpt)**2)then
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          call utmsg('psahot: insufficient pomeron mass&')
+          write (ifch,*)'mass:',dsqrt(wp0*wm0),amqpt+sqrt(s2min)
+          call utmsgf
+        endif
+        iret=1
+        goto 16
+      endif
+      ih=iproj(kcol)
+      jh=itarg(kcol)
+c      xprh=xpp(ih)
+c      xmrh=xmt(jh)
+      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy**2)
+      z=exp(-bpomr**2/(4.*.0389*rp)) !coef for rejection
+      if(z.eq.0)then
+       write(ifch,*)'psahot : z,ih,jh ! -> ',z,ih,jh
+       call gakli2(ih,ih)
+       call gakli2(jh,jh)
+       call gakli2(iptl,iptl)
+       stop
+      endif
+      do l=1,4
+        bx(l)=xorptl(l,iptl)
+      enddo
+      bx(5)=tivptl(1,iptl)
+      bx(6)=tivptl(2,iptl)
+      ity=ityptl(iptl)
+      if(idpomr.eq.0)then        !gg-pomeron
+        iqq=0   !type of the hard interaction: 0 - gg, 1 - qg, 2 - gq, 3 - qq
+        pxh=0.d0  !p_x for sh pomeron
+        pyh=0.d0  !p_y for sh pomeron
+      elseif(idpomr.eq.1)then    !qg-pomeron
+        iqq=1
+        pxh=xxp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        pyh=xyp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        amqpt=amqpt-amqt(1)
+      elseif(idpomr.eq.2)then    !gq-pomeron
+        iqq=2
+        pxh=xxm2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        pyh=xym2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        amqpt=amqpt-amqt(3)
+      elseif(idpomr.eq.3)then    !qq-pomeron
+        iqq=3
+        pxh=xxp1pr(ncolp,kcol)+xxm2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        pyh=xyp1pr(ncolp,kcol)+xym2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        amqpt=amqpt-amqt(1)-amqt(3)
+      else
+        stop'unknown pomeron'
+      endif
+      pth=pxh**2+pyh**2
+      nj0=nj
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+        write(ifch,*)'iptl,nptl,wp0,wm0,z,iqq,bx:'
+        write(ifch,*) iptl,nptl,wp0,wm0,z,iqq,bx
+      endif
+      s=wp0*wm0                !lc+*lc- for the semihard interaction
+      smin=dble(s2min)+pth          !mass cutoff for the hard pomeron
+      xmin=smin/s
+      smax=(dsqrt(s)-dble(amqpt))**2  !max mass for the hard pomeron
+      xmax=smax/s
+      !wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
+      if(iLHC.eq.1.and.iqq.ne.3)then     !not for val-val
+c xmin is the minimum value of zpm which is the fraction of the Pomeron
+c energy going into the hard part. If zpm=1 nothing left is the soft
+c preevolution part (momentum of soft string ends)
+c take into account z (impact parameter) dependence to avoid hard Pom
+c at large b (lot of rejection and not realistic)
+c        print *,xmin,zopinc*fegypp*exp(-bpomr**2/b2xscr),xmax
+c     *,smin,max(xmin,min(0.99*xmax,zzzz*zzsoft))*ss
+      xmin=max(xmin,min((sqrt(s)-dble(amqpt+ammsdd))**2/s
+     &  ,dble(max(nnn*fegypp*exp(-bpomr**2/b2xscr),zzzz)*zopinc*z)))
+c      xmin=max(xmin,1d0-exp(-dble(zzsoft*zzzz**2)))  !???????????????
+      smin=xmin*s         
+      endif
+      !wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
+       if(smax.le.smin)then
+        write (ifmt,*)'smax,smin',smax,smin
+        iret=1
+        goto 16
+      endif
+      xpmax0=psutz(s,smin,dble(amqpt**2))   !max x+ for the hard pomeron
+      xpmin0=xmin/xpmax0              !min x+ for the hard pomeron
+      xp1=wp0/dble(engy)              !lc+ share for the semihard interaction
+      xp2=wm0/dble(engy)              !lc- share for the semihard interaction
+c  determine LC momenta wpi,wmi for hard Pomeron
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     & 'determine LC momenta wpi,wmi for hard Pomeron'
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then
+        if(iclpro.eq.2)then
+          if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.1120)then !proj=proton
+            nquu1=jcp(1,1)+jcp(1,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(2,1)+jcp(2,2)
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.1220)then !proj=neutron
+            nquu1=jcp(2,1)+jcp(2,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(1,1)+jcp(1,2)
+          else    !to avoid flavor problem with exotic projectile (but should not happen (only gg)
+            nquu1=0
+            nqud1=0
+          endif
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.1)then
+          if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.120)then
+            nquu1=jcp(1,1)+jcp(1,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(2,1)+jcp(2,2)
+          else    !to avoid flavor problem with exotic projectile (but should not happen (only gg)
+            nquu1=0
+            nqud1=0
+          endif
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+          if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130)then !proj=Kch
+            nquu1=jcp(1,1)+jcp(1,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(3,1)+jcp(3,2)
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.230)then  !proj=K0
+            nquu1=jcp(2,1)+jcp(2,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(3,1)+jcp(3,2)
+          else    !to avoid flavor problem with exotic projectile (but should not happen (only gg)
+            nquu1=0
+            nqud1=0
+          endif
+        else                    !charm
+          if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.140)then
+            nquu1=jcp(1,1)+jcp(1,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(4,1)+jcp(4,2)
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.240)then
+            nquu1=jcp(2,1)+jcp(2,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(4,1)+jcp(4,2)
+          elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.340)then
+            nquu1=jcp(3,1)+jcp(3,2)
+            nqud1=jcp(4,1)+jcp(4,2)
+          else
+            nquu1=jcp(4,1)
+            nqud1=jcp(4,2)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(iabs(idptl(maproj+it)).eq.1220)then !targ=neutron
+          nquu2=jct(2,1)+jct(2,2)
+          nqud2=jct(1,1)+jct(1,2)
+        else
+          nquu2=jct(1,1)+jct(1,2)
+          nqud2=jct(2,1)+jct(2,2)
+        endif
+      endif
+      iq1=0
+      iq2=0
+      wwgg=0.
+      wwgq=0.
+      wwqg=0.
+      wwqq=0.
+      wwdd=0.
+      !------------------------------------------
+      if(iqq.eq.3)then     !     val-val
+      !------------------------------------------
+       if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'val-val'
+        xmin1=xmin**dble(delh+.4)
+        xmax1=xmax**dble(delh+.4)
+        zp0=dsqrt(xmin)
+        if(zp0.ge.1.d0)call utstop('zp0 in sem&')
+      !........ kinematical bounds
+        tmax0=dlog((1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0-zp0))/(1.d0-dsqrt(1.d0-zp0)))
+        tmin0=dlog((1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0-xpmax0))
+     *                   /(1.d0-dsqrt(1.d0-xpmax0)))
+        if(iclpro.ne.4)then
+          call psjti0(sngl(smax-pth),sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+          call psjti0(sngl(smax-pth),sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+          call psjti0(sngl(smax-pth),sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+        else
+          call psjti0(sngl(smax-pth),sqqp,sqqpb,4,2)
+          sqq=0.
+          sqaq=0.
+        endif
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then
+          if(nquu1.gt.nqud1.or.iclpro.ne.2)then
+            uv1=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+            dv1=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+          else         !if nquu<nqud => no u or no d
+            uv1=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp1),q2min,0.,1,1)
+            dv1=uv1
+          endif
+          if(nquu1.eq.0)uv1=0d0
+          if(nqud1.eq.0)dv1=0d0
+          if(nquu2.gt.nqud2)then
+            uv2=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+            dv2=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+          else                  !if nquu<nqud => no u or no d
+            uv2=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp2),q2min,0.,1,1)
+            dv2=uv2
+          endif
+          if(nquu2.eq.0)uv2=0d0
+          if(nqud2.eq.0)dv2=0d0
+        else
+          uv1=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+          dv1=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+          uv2=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+          dv2=psdfh4(sngl(zp0*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+        endif
+        wwuu=uv1*uv2*sqq
+        if(iclpro.eq.2)then
+          wwdd=dv1*dv2*sqq
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.1)then
+          wwdd=dv1*dv2*sqaq
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+          wwdd=dv1*dv2*sqqp
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.4)then
+          wwuu=uv1*uv2*sqqp
+          wwdd=0.
+        endif
+        wwud=uv1*dv2*sqqp
+        wwdu=dv1*uv2*sqqp
+        wudt=wwuu+wwdd+wwud+wwdu
+        gb0=dble(wudt)/xmax**dble(delh)/xmin**0.4*
+     *    (1.d0-zp0*xp1)**dble(-1.-alpq-alplea(iclpro))*
+     *    (1.d0-zp0*xp2)**dble(-1.-alpq-alplea(icltar))*(tmax0-tmin0)
+     *    *(1.d0-zp0)**dble(.5+alpq)*(1.d0-zp0)**dble(alpq)  *5.d0
+3       zpm=(xmin1+dble(rangen())*(xmax1-xmin1))**dble(1./(delh+.4))   !zpm
+        if(iclpro.ne.4)then
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+        else
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqqp,sqqpb,4,2)
+          sqq=0.
+          sqaq=0.
+        endif
+        xpmax=psutz(s,zpm*s,dble(amqpt**2))  !max x+ for sh pomeron
+        tmax=dlog((1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0-dsqrt(zpm)))
+     *             /(1.d0-dsqrt(1.d0-dsqrt(zpm))))
+        tmin=dlog((1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0-xpmax))/(1.d0-dsqrt(1.d0-xpmax)))
+        t=(tmin+dble(rangen())*(tmax-tmin))
+        xp=1.d0-((1.d0-dexp(-t))/(1.d0+dexp(-t)))**2  !x+_v
+        xm=zpm/xp                             !x-_v
+        if(xm.gt.xp.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'xm,xp',xm,xp
+        gb=(1.d0-xm)**alpq*(1.d0-xp)**(.5+alpq)*(tmax-tmin)
+        if(rangen().lt..5)then
+          xp=xm
+          xm=zpm/xp
+        endif
+        if(iremn.ge.2)then
+          if(nquu1.gt.nqud1.or.iclpro.ne.2)then
+            uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+            dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+          else         !if nquu<nqud => no u or no d
+            uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,1,1)
+            dv1=uv1
+          endif
+          if(nquu1.eq.0)uv1=0d0
+          if(nqud1.eq.0)dv1=0d0
+          if(nquu2.gt.nqud2)then
+            uv2=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+            dv2=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+          else                  !if nquu<nqud => no u or no d
+            uv2=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,1,1)
+            dv2=uv2
+          endif
+          if(nquu2.eq.0)uv2=0d0
+          if(nqud2.eq.0)dv2=0d0
+        else
+          uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+          dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+          uv2=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+          dv2=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+        endif
+        wwuu=uv1*uv2*sqq
+        if(iclpro.eq.2)then
+          wwdd=dv1*dv2*sqq
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.1)then
+          wwdd=dv1*dv2*sqaq
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+          wwdd=dv1*dv2*sqqp
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.4)then
+          wwuu=uv1*uv2*sqqp
+          wwdd=0.
+        endif
+        wwud=uv1*dv2*sqqp
+        wwdu=dv1*uv2*sqqp
+        wudt=wwuu+wwdd+wwud+wwdu
+        if(wudt.lt.1d-16)then
+          if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'No more valence quark for psahot !'
+          write(ifch,*)'No more valence quark for psahot !'
+     &                     ,ip,it,nquu1,nqud1,nquu2,nqud2
+          iret=1
+          goto 16
+        endif
+        gb=gb*dble(wudt)/zpm**dble(delh+0.4)
+     *    *(1.d0-xp*xp1)**dble(-1.-alpq-alplea(iclpro))
+     *    *(1.d0-xm*xp2)**dble(-1.-alpq-alplea(icltar))/gb0
+c          if(ish.ge.4)then
+          if(gb.gt.1.d0.and.ish.ge.1)write (ifch,*)
+     *      'gb-qq,iclpro,zpm,xp,tmax,tmin,xpmax',
+     *      gb,iclpro,zpm,xp,tmax,tmin,xpmax
+c          endif
+        if(dble(rangen()).gt.gb)goto 3
+        aks=rangen()*wudt
+        if(aks.le.wwuu)then
+          if(iclpro.le.2)then
+            iq1=1
+          elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+            if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130)then !proj=Kch
+              iq1=1
+            else !proj=K0
+              iq1=2
+            endif
+          else   !charm
+            if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.140)then
+              iq1=1
+            elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.240)then
+              iq1=2
+            elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.340)then
+              iq1=3
+            else
+              iq1=4
+            endif
+          endif
+          iq2=1
+        elseif(aks.le.wwuu+wwdd)then
+          if(iclpro.eq.2)then
+            iq1=2
+          elseif(iclpro.eq.1)then
+            iq1=-2
+          elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+            iq1=-3
+          else
+            iq1=-4
+          endif
+          iq2=2
+        elseif(aks.le.wwuu+wwdd+wwud)then
+          if(iclpro.le.2)then
+            iq1=1
+          elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+            if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130)then !proj=Kch
+              iq1=1
+            else !proj=K0
+              iq1=2
+            endif
+          else   !charm
+            if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.140)then
+              iq1=1
+            elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.240)then
+              iq1=2
+            elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.340)then
+              iq1=3
+            else
+              iq1=4
+            endif
+          endif
+          iq2=2
+        else
+          if(iclpro.eq.2)then
+            iq1=2
+          elseif(iclpro.eq.1)then
+            iq1=-2
+          elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+            iq1=-3
+          else
+            iq1=-4
+          endif
+          iq2=1
+        endif
+        wpi=xp*wp0       !lc+ for the semihard interaction
+        wmi=xm*wm0       !lc- for the semihard interaction
+        wp1=(wp0-wpi)
+        wm1=(wm0-wmi)
+        wp1=wp1*psutz(wp1*wm1,dble(amqt(2)**2),dble(amqt(4)**2))
+        wm1=wm1-amqt(2)**2/wp1
+      !-------------------------------------
+      else  ! sea-sea  val-sea  sea-val
+      !-------------------------------------
+       if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'sea-sea  val-sea  sea-val'
+        xmin1=xmin**(delh-dels)
+        xmax1=xmax**(delh-dels)
+        if(iqq.eq.0)then    !rejection function normalization
+          gb0=dlog(xpmax0/xpmin0)*(1.d0-dsqrt(xmin))**(2.*betpom) !y_soft =
+        else
+          tmax0=acos(dsqrt(xpmin0))  !kinematical limits for t=cos(x+-)**2
+          tmin0=acos(dsqrt(xpmax0))
+          if(iqq.eq.1)then
+            uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xpmin0*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+     *        *sngl(1.d0-xpmin0*xp1)**(-1.-alpq-alplea(iclpro))
+            dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xpmin0*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+     *        *sngl(1.d0-xpmin0*xp1)**(-1.-alpq-alplea(iclpro))
+          else
+            uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xpmin0*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+     *        *sngl(1.d0-xpmin0*xp2)**(-1.-alpq-alplea(icltar))
+            dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xpmin0*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+     *        *sngl(1.d0-xpmin0*xp2)**(-1.-alpq-alplea(icltar))
+          endif
+          gb0=(1.d0-xmin/xpmax0)**betpom*dble(uv1+dv1)
+     *      *xpmin0**(-0.5+dels)
+     *      *(1.d0-xpmin0)**(0.5+alpq)*(tmax0-tmin0)
+          if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)
+     *      'gb0,tmax0,tmin0,xpmax0,xpmin0,xmin,xp1,xp2',
+     *      gb0,tmax0,tmin0,xpmax0,xpmin0,xmin,xp1,xp2
+        endif
+        if(iclpro.ne.4.or.iqq.ne.1)then
+          call psjti0(sngl(smax-pth),sj,sjb,iqq,0) !inclusive (sj) and born
+        else
+          call psjti0(sngl(smax-pth),sj,sjb,4,0)
+        endif
+        gb0=gb0*dble(sj)/xmax**delh      *1.5d0    !rejection function norm.
+        if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'gb0,sj,z',gb0,sj,z
+        if(gb0.le.0.)then
+          write (ifmt,*)'gb0<0, smax,pth',smax,pth
+          iret=1
+          goto 16
+        endif
+        ! sharing of light cone momenta between soft preevolution and
+        ! hard interaction: ( first energy-momentum is shared according to
+        ! f_hard(yj)~zpm**(delh-dels-1) and then rejected as
+        ! w_rej ~sigma_hard_tot(yj) / exp(delh*yj)
+ 4        continue
+        zpm=(xmin1+dble(rangen())*(xmax1-xmin1))**dble(1./(delh-dels)) !zpm
+        if(iclpro.ne.4.or.iqq.ne.1)then
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sgg,sggb,0,0)!inclusive (sgg) and born
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sgq,sgqb,0,1)
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+          sqq=(sqq+sqaq+2.*(naflav-1)*sqqp)/naflav/2.
+        else
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sgq,sgqb,4,0)
+          call psjti0(sngl(zpm*s-pth),sqq,sqqb,4,1)
+        endif
+        xpmax=psutz(s,zpm*s,dble(amqpt**2))  !max x+ for sh pomeron
+        xpmin=zpm/xpmax
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'zpm,xpmax,xpmin',zpm,xpmax,xpmin
+        if(iqq.eq.0)then
+          xp=xpmin*(xpmax/xpmin)**rangen()  !lc+ share for the hard interaction
+          xm=zpm/xp           !lc- share for the hard interaction
+        else
+          tmax=acos(dsqrt(xpmin))  !kinematical limits for t=cos(x+-)**2
+          tmin=acos(dsqrt(xpmax))
+          t=tmin+dble(rangen())*(tmax-tmin)
+          xp=cos(t)**2
+          xm=zpm/xp
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'zpm,xp,xm,xpmax,xpmin:',
+     *      zpm,xp,xm,xpmax,xpmin
+        if(iqq.eq.0)then  ! --------- sea-sea -----------
+          dwwgg1=0.
+          dwwgq1=0.
+          dwwqg1=0.
+          dwwqq1=0.
+          dwwgg2=0.
+          dwwgq2=0.
+          dwwqg2=0.
+          dwwqq2=0.
+          wwgg=sngl((1.d0-xp)*(1.d0-xm))**betpom
+          wwgq=sngl(1.d0-xp)**betpom*EsoftQZero(sngl(xm))
+          wwqg=sngl(1.d0-xm)**betpom*EsoftQZero(sngl(xp))
+          wwqq=EsoftQZero(sngl(xp))*EsoftQZero(sngl(xm))
+          if(idfpomr.eq.1)then
+            rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)-slopom*sngl(dlog(zpm))
+            wwgg=(wwgg*z**(rp/rh)/rh+dwwgg1+dwwgg2)
+     *        *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))/z
+            wwgq=(wwgq*z**(rp/rh)/rh+dwwgq1+dwwgq2)
+     *        *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))/z
+            wwqg=(wwqg*z**(rp/rh)/rh+dwwqg1+dwwqg2)
+     *        *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))/z
+            wwqq=(wwqq*z**(rp/rh)/rh+dwwqq1+dwwqq2)
+     *        *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))/z
+          elseif(idfpomr.eq.2)then
+            rh=r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.-slopom*sngl(dlog(zpm))
+            wwgg=wwgg/rh*(r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwqg=wwqg/rh*(r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwgq=wwgq/rh*(r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwqq=wwqq/rh*(r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+          elseif(idfpomr.eq.3)then
+            rh=r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.-slopom*sngl(dlog(zpm))
+            wwgg=wwgg/rh*(r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwqg=wwqg/rh*(r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwgq=wwgq/rh*(r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwqq=wwqq/rh*(r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+          elseif(idfpomr.eq.4)then
+            rh=alam3p-slopom*sngl(dlog(zpm))
+            wwgg=wwgg/rh*alam3p*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwqg=wwqg/rh*alam3p*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwgq=wwgq/rh*alam3p*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            wwqq=wwqq/rh*alam3p*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+          else
+            stop'psahot-idfpomr????'
+          endif
+          wwgg=wwgg*sgg*(1.-glusea)**2
+          wwgq=wwgq*sgq*(1.-glusea)*glusea
+          wwqg=wwqg*sgq*(1.-glusea)*glusea
+          wwqq=wwqq*sqq*glusea**2
+          gbyj=dlog(xpmax/xpmin)*dble(wwgg+wwgq+wwqg+wwqq)
+          wpi=wp0*xp               !lc+ for the hard interaction
+          wmi=wm0*xm               !lc+-for the hard interaction
+          gbyj=gbyj/zpm**dble(delh)/gb0     !rejection fu
+          if(gbyj.ge.1.d0.and.ish.ge.2)write(ifmt,*)'gbyj',gbyj
+          if(dble(rangen()).gt.gbyj)goto 4                     !rejection
+          wp1=wp0-wpi
+          wm1=wm0-wmi
+          call pslcsh(wp1,wm1,wp2,wm2,amqt,dble(amqpt))
+        else  ! --------- val-sea  sea-val -----------
+          dwwg=0.
+          dwwq=0.
+          wwgq=sngl(1.d0-xm)**betpom
+          wwqq=EsoftQZero(sngl(xm))
+          if(idfpomr.eq.1)then
+            rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)-slopom*sngl(dlog(xm))
+            wwgq=(wwgq*z**(rp/rh)/rh+dwwg)
+     *        *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))/z
+            wwqq=(wwqq*z**(rp/rh)/rh+dwwq)
+     *        *(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))/z
+          else              !tp071031 not used anymore
+            if(iqq.eq.1)then
+              rh=r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.-slopom*sngl(dlog(xm))
+              wwgq=wwgq/rh*(r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+              wwqq=wwqq/rh*(r2had(iclpro)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            else
+              rh=r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.-slopom*sngl(dlog(xm))
+              wwgq=wwgq/rh*(r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+              wwqq=wwqq/rh*(r2had(icltar)+alam3p/2.)*z**(rp/rh-1.)
+            endif
+          endif
+          wwgq=wwgq*sgq*(1.-glusea)*sngl(xp)**(-0.5+dels)
+     *      *sngl(1.d0-xp)**(0.5+alpq)
+          wwqq=wwqq*sqq*glusea*sngl(xp)**(-0.5+dels)
+     *      *sngl(1.d0-xp)**(0.5+alpq)
+          if(iqq.eq.1)then         !valence quark-gluon hard interaction
+            if(iremn.ge.2)then
+              if(nquu1.gt.nqud1.or.iclpro.ne.2)then
+                uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+                dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+              else       !if nquu<nqud => no u or no d
+                uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,1,1)
+                dv1=uv1
+              endif
+              if(nquu1.eq.0)uv1=0d0
+              if(nqud1.eq.0)dv1=0d0
+            else
+              uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+              dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xp*xp1),q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+            endif
+            if(uv1+dv1.lt.1d-16)then
+           if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'No more valence quark for psahot !'
+         write(ifch,*)'No more valence quark in projectile for psahot !'
+     &                     ,ip,nquu1,nqud1
+              iret=1
+              goto 16
+            endif
+            wpi=wp0*xp             !lc+ for the hard interaction
+            wmi=wm0*xm             !lc+-for the hard interaction
+            aks=rangen()
+            if(aks.le.uv1/(uv1+dv1))then
+              if(iclpro.le.2)then
+                iq1=1
+              elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+                if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.130)then !proj=Kch
+                  iq1=1
+                else !proj=K0
+                  iq1=2
+                endif
+              else              !charm
+                if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.140)then
+                  iq1=1
+                elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.240)then
+                  iq1=2
+                elseif(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.340)then
+                  iq1=3
+                else
+                  iq1=4
+                endif
+              endif
+            else
+              if(iclpro.eq.2)then
+                iq1=2
+              elseif(iclpro.eq.1)then
+                iq1=-2
+              elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+                iq1=-3
+              else
+                iq1=-4
+              endif
+            endif
+            gbyj=dble((wwgq+wwqq)*(uv1+dv1))*(1.d0-xp*xp1)**
+     *        (-1.-alpq-alplea(iclpro))
+          else                !gluon-valence quark hard interaction
+            xm=xp
+            xp=zpm/xm
+            if(iremn.ge.2)then
+              if(nquu2.gt.nqud2)then
+                uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+                dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+              else              !if nquu<nqud => no u or no d
+                uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,1,1)
+                dv1=uv1
+              endif
+              if(nquu2.eq.0)uv1=0d0
+              if(nqud2.eq.0)dv1=0d0
+            else
+              uv1=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+              dv1=psdfh4(sngl(xm*xp2),q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+            endif
+            if(uv1+dv1.lt.1d-16)then
+           if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'No more valence quark for psahot !'
+             write(ifch,*)'No more valence quark in target for psahot !'
+     &                     ,it,nquu2,nqud2
+              iret=1
+              goto 16
+            endif
+            wpi=wp0*xp             !lc+ for the hard interaction
+            wmi=wm0*xm             !lc+-for the hard interaction
+            aks=rangen()
+            if(aks.le.uv1/(uv1+dv1))then
+              iq2=1
+            else
+              iq2=2
+            endif
+            gbyj=dble(wwgq+wwqq)*dble(uv1+dv1)*
+     *        (1.d0-xm*xp2)**(-1.-alpq-alplea(icltar))
+          endif
+          gbyj=gbyj*(tmax-tmin)/zpm**delh /gb0 /2.1d0 !rejection
+          if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)
+     *      'gbyj,zpm,xp,tmax,tmin,xpmax,xpmin',
+     *      gbyj,zpm,xp,tmax,tmin,xpmax,xpmin
+          if(dble(rangen()).gt.gbyj)goto 4
+          wp1=wp0-wpi
+          wm1=wm0-wmi
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_sea mass check',wp1*wm1,amqpt
+          if(iqq.eq.1)then         !valence quark-gluon hard interaction
+            amq1=amqt(3)**2
+            s24=(amqt(2)+amqt(4))**2
+          else
+            amq1=amqt(1)**2
+            s24=(amqt(2)+amqt(4))**2
+            xp=xm
+            xm=zpm/xp
+          endif
+          x1max=psutz(wp1*wm1,dble(amq1),dble(s24))
+          x1min=dble(amq1)/x1max/wp1/wm1
+          t1min=(1.d0/x1max-1.d0)
+          t1max=(1.d0/x1min-1.d0)
+5           t1=t1min*(t1max/t1min)**dble(rangen())
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'t1,t1min,t1max',t1,t1min,t1max
+          xq1=1.d0/(1.d0+t1)
+          if(dble(rangen()).gt.(xq1*(1.d0-xq1))**(1.+(-alpqua)))goto 5
+          if(iqq.eq.1)then         !valence quark-gluon hard interacti
+            wm2=wm1*(1.d0-xq1)
+            wm1=wm1*xq1
+            wp1=wp1-dble(amq1)/wm1
+            if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_sea+ mass check',
+     *        wp1*wm2,s24
+            wp1=wp1*psutz(wp1*wm2,dble(amqt(2)**2),dble(amqt(4)**2))
+            wm2=wm2-dble(amqt(2))**2/wp1
+          else
+            wp2=wp1*(1.d0-xq1)
+            wp1=wp1*xq1
+            wm1=wm1-dble(amq1)/wp1
+            if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_sea- mass check',
+     *        wp2*wm1,s24
+            wm1=wm1*psutz(wm1*wp2,dble(amqt(4)**2),dble(amqt(2)**2))
+            wp2=wp2-amqt(4)**2/wm1
+          endif
+        endif  ! -------------------
+      !-------------------------------
+      endif
+      !-------------------------------
+c  flavor and momenta of end partons of the hard Pomeron
+       if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &  'flavor and momenta of end partons of the hard Pomeron'
+  6   continue
+      wpi1=wpi
+      wmi1=wmi
+      nj=nj0          !initialization for the number of jets
+      if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'5-ww,smin',wpi*wmi,smin
+      rrr=rangen()
+      jqq=0
+      call iddeco(icp,jcp)     !save valence quarks in jcp and jct
+      call iddeco(ict,jct)
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then
+        do j=1,2
+          do n=1,nrflav
+            jcpr(n,j)=jcpref(n,j,ip)   !remnant sea quarks in jcpr and jctr
+            jctr(n,j)=jctref(n,j,it)
+          enddo
+          do n=nrflav+1,nflav
+            jcpr(n,j)=0
+            jctr(n,j)=0
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      do i=1,2
+        icp1(i)=0
+        icp2(i)=0
+        icm1(i)=0
+        icm2(i)=0
+      enddo
+      iret1=0
+      iret2=0
+c if one or 2 of the 2 initial pomeron ends is sea, choose whether the first
+c emitted parton is a gluon or a quark to define the hard interaction
+c  jqq=0 : gg interaction after soft emission
+c  jqq=1 : qg interaction after soft emission
+c  jqq=2 : gq interaction after soft emission
+c  jqq=3 : qq interaction after soft emission
+c If the initial parton is a quark, the flavor has to be defined and the
+c antiflavor remains as string end.
+      if(iqq.eq.1.or.iqq.eq.2)then
+        if(rrr.lt.wwqq/(wwgq+wwqq))jqq=1
+      elseif(iqq.eq.0)then
+        if(rrr.lt.wwqg/(wwgg+wwqg+wwgq+wwqq))then
+          jqq=1
+        elseif(rrr.lt.(wwqg+wwgq)/(wwgg+wwqg+wwgq+wwqq))then
+          jqq=2
+        elseif(rrr.lt.(wwqg+wwgq+wwqq)/(wwgg+wwqg+wwgq+wwqq))then
+          jqq=3
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+      if((iqq-1)*(iqq-3).eq.0)then    !valence quark on projectile side
+c valence quark used to start space like cascade
+        iqc(1)=iq1                                !proj=particle
+        if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.1220)iqc(1)=3-iq1      !proj=neutron
+        if(idptl(ip).lt.0)iqc(1)=-iqc(1)               !proj=antiparticle
+        ifl1=iabs(iqc(1))
+c check string ends for mesons : 
+c switch q<->aq if needed (done randomly in ProSeTyp)
+        if(iabs(idptl(ip)).lt.1000)then
+          if(iqc(1).gt.0.and.idp1pr(ncolp,kcol).ne.2)then
+            idp2pr(ncolp,kcol)=idp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+            idp1pr(ncolp,kcol)=2
+          elseif(iqc(1).lt.0.and.idp2pr(ncolp,kcol).ne.2)then
+            idp1pr(ncolp,kcol)=idp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+            idp2pr(ncolp,kcol)=2
+          endif
+        endif
+c store flavor of used valence quark in icp1(1) (quark) or icp2(2) (antiquark)
+        idsp=100
+        if(iqc(1).gt.0)then
+          icp1(1)=ifl1
+          if(idp1pr(ncolp,kcol).ne.2)
+     &    call utstop("psahot: Problem with SE (1)!&")
+        else
+          icp2(2)=ifl1
+          if(idp2pr(ncolp,kcol).ne.2)
+     &    call utstop("psahot: Problem with SE (2)!&")
+        endif
+      else
+        idsp=idsppr(ncolp,kcol)
+      endif
+      if((iqq-2)*(iqq-3).eq.0)then    !valence quark on target side
+c valence quark used to start space like cascade
+        iqc(2)=iq2             !tar=particle (can not be pion or kaon !)
+        if(iabs(idptl(maproj+it)).eq.1220)iqc(2)=3-iq2     !targ=neutron
+        if(idptl(maproj+it).lt.0)iqc(2)=-iqc(2)  !targ=antiparticle
+        ifl2=iabs(iqc(2))
+c store flavor of used valence quark in icm1(1) (quark) or icm2(2) (antiquark)
+        idst=100
+        if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+          icm1(1)=ifl2
+          if(idm1pr(ncolp,kcol).ne.2)
+     &    call utstop("psahot: Problem with SE (3)!&")
+        else
+          icm2(2)=ifl2
+          if(idm2pr(ncolp,kcol).ne.2)
+     &    call utstop("psahot: Problem with SE (4)!&")
+        endif
+      else
+        idst=idstpr(ncolp,kcol)
+      endif
+c determine soft string end flavors
+      iret=0
+      call fstrfl(jcpr,jctr,jcp,jct,icp1,icp2,icm1,icm2
+     *           ,idp1pr(ncolp,kcol),idp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+     *           ,idm1pr(ncolp,kcol),idm2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+     *                                  ,idsp,idst,iret)
+      if(iret.ne.0)goto 16
+c put partons in stack for cascades
+      if((iqq-1)*(iqq-3).eq.0)then    !valence quark on projectile side
+c define the second string end from sea
+        if(iqc(1).gt.0)then
+          ifl=idtra(icp2,1,0,2)
+        elseif(iqc(1).lt.0)then
+          ifl=idtra(icp1,1,0,2)
+        else
+          call utstop('No quark for hard Pomeron+ in psahot!&')
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor vq+,sqb+',iqc(1)
+     &                                            ,ifl
+        nj=nj+1
+c put the sea quark (or diquark) into the parton list as string end
+        if(abs(ifl).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=ifl*4/3
+        elseif(abs(ifl).ge.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=ifl*10
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=ifl
+        endif
+        ioj(nj)=7
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wp1+dble(amqt(2))**2/wp1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=wp1-eqj(1,nj)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xyp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_v+ mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        ncc(1,1)=nj
+        ncc(2,1)=0
+      else               !gluon (soft sea) parton on projectile side
+c define the 2 string ends from sea
+        iflq=idtra(icp1,1,0,2)
+        iflqb=idtra(icp2,1,0,2)
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor sq+,sqb+',iflq,iflqb
+        nj=nj+1
+c put the sea quarks (or diquarks) into the parton list as string end
+        if(abs(iflqb).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=iflqb*4/3
+        elseif(abs(iflqb).ge.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=iflqb*10
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=iflqb
+        endif
+        ioj(nj)=7
+        if(abs(iflq).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq*4/3
+        elseif(abs(iflq).ge.4)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq*10
+        else
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq
+        endif
+        ioj(nj+1)=7
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wp1+dble(amqt(1))**2/wp1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=wp1-eqj(1,nj)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xyp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s1+ mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        eqj(1,nj+1)=.5*sngl(wp2+dble(amqt(2))**2/wp2)
+        eqj(2,nj+1)=wp2-eqj(1,nj+1)
+        eqj(3,nj+1)=xxp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj+1)=xyp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s2+ mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+c gluon initiate space like cascade
+        if(jqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.0.and.jqq.eq.2)then   
+          iqc(1)=0
+          ncc(1,1)=nj-1
+          ncc(2,1)=nj
+c quark initiate space like cascade
+        else
+c choose the first parton for the space like cascade (projectile)
+          iqc(1)=int(3*rangen()+1.)*(2.*int(.5+rangen())-1.) 
+          if(1.-1./(wp0*(wmi1-smin/wpi1)).le.xp)goto 1
+7         zg=1d0-dble(rangen())*(1.d0-xp)
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'6-zg,xp',zg,xp
+          if(dble(rangen()).gt.zg**dels*((1.d0-xp/zg)/(1.d0-xp))
+     *                                              **betpom)goto 7
+          xg=xp/zg
+          wpq=wp0*(xg-xp)
+          wmq=1.d0/wpq
+          wmi1=wmi1-wmq
+          if(wmi1*wpi1.le.smin)goto 1
+c add the corresponding anti-parton in the list to compensate the emitted one
+          nj=nj+1
+          if(iabs(iqc(1)).eq.3)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(1)*4/3
+          elseif(iabs(iqc(1)).ge.3)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(1)*10
+          else
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(1)
+          endif
+          ioj(nj)=-7
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*wmq
+          eqj(2,nj)=-eqj(1,nj)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s3+ mass check',eqj(1,nj)**2-
+     *      eqj(2,nj)**2-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+          if(iqc(1).gt.0)then
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-1
+            ncj(1,nj-1)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-1)=0
+            ncc(1,1)=nj-2
+            ncc(2,1)=0
+          else
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-2
+            ncj(1,nj-2)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-2)=0
+            ncc(1,1)=nj-1
+            ncc(2,1)=0
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if((iqq-2)*(iqq-3).eq.0)then    !valence quark on target side
+c define the second string end from sea
+        if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+          ifl=idtra(icm2,1,0,2)
+        elseif(iqc(2).lt.0)then
+          ifl=idtra(icm1,1,0,2)
+        else
+          call utstop('No quark for hard Pomeron- in psahot!&')
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor vq-,sqb-',iqc(2)
+     &                                            ,ifl
+        nj=nj+1
+c put the sea quark (or diquark) into the parton list as string end
+        if(abs(ifl).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=ifl*4/3
+        elseif(abs(ifl).ge.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=ifl*10
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=ifl
+        endif
+        ioj(nj)=8
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wm1+dble(amqt(4))**2/wm1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)-sngl(wm1)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxm1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xym1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_v- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)
+     *    +eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)-eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        ncc(1,2)=nj
+        ncc(2,2)=0
+      else               !gluon (soft sea) parton on target side
+c define the 2 string ends from sea
+        iflq=idtra(icm1,1,0,2)
+        iflqb=idtra(icm2,1,0,2)
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor sq-,sqb-',iflq,iflqb
+        nj=nj+1
+c put the sea quarks (or diquarks) into the parton list as string end
+        if(abs(iflqb).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=iflqb*4/3
+        elseif(abs(iflqb).ge.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=iflqb*10
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=iflqb
+        endif
+        ioj(nj)=8
+        if(abs(iflq).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq*4/3
+        elseif(abs(iflq).ge.4)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq*10
+        else
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq
+        endif
+        ioj(nj+1)=8
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wm1+dble(amqt(3))**2/wm1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)-sngl(wm1)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxm2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xym2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s1- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        eqj(1,nj+1)=.5*sngl(wm2+dble(amqt(4))**2/wm2)
+        eqj(2,nj+1)=eqj(1,nj+1)-wm2
+        eqj(3,nj+1)=xxm1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj+1)=xym1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s2- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+c gluon initiate space like cascade
+        if(jqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.0.and.jqq.eq.1)then
+          iqc(2)=0
+          ncc(1,2)=nj-1
+          ncc(2,2)=nj
+c quark initiate space like cascade
+        else
+c choose the first parton for the space like cascade (target)
+          iqc(2)=int(3*rangen()+1.)*(2.*int(.5+rangen())-1.)
+          if(1.-1./(wm0*(wpi1-smin/wmi1)).le.xm)goto 1
+8           zg=1.d0-dble(rangen())*(1.d0-xm)
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'7-zg,xm',zg,xm
+          if(rangen().gt.zg**dels*((1.d0-xm/zg)/(1.d0-xm))**betpom)
+     *      goto 8
+          xg=xm/zg
+          wmq=wm0*(xg-xm)
+          wpq=1.d0/wmq
+          wpi1=wpi1-wpq
+          if(wmi1*wpi1.le.smin)goto 1
+c add the corresponding anti-parton in the list to compensate the emitted one
+          nj=nj+1
+          if(iabs(iqc(2)).eq.3)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(2)*4/3
+          elseif(iabs(iqc(2)).ge.4)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(2)*10
+          else
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(2)
+          endif
+          ioj(nj)=-8
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wpq)
+          eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s3- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *      eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+          if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-1
+            ncj(1,nj-1)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-1)=0
+            ncc(1,2)=nj-2
+            ncc(2,2)=0
+          else
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-2
+            ncj(1,nj-2)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-2)=0
+            ncc(1,2)=nj-1
+            ncc(2,2)=0
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      else
+c put partons in stack for cascades
+      if((iqq-1)*(iqq-3).eq.0)then    !valence quark on projectile side
+c valence quark used to start space like cascade
+        iqc(1)=iq1              !proj=particle
+        if(iabs(idptl(ip)).eq.1220)iqc(1)=3-iq1 !proj=neutron
+        if(idptl(ip).lt.0)iqc(1)=-iqc(1) !proj=antiparticle
+        ifl1=iabs(iqc(1))
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(iqc(1).gt.0)then
+          if(iremn.ne.0)then
+            if(iremn.eq.3)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl1,1,jcp) !remove valence quark from remnant
+              ifl=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,2,'v',1,iret3) !take sea antiquark from jcpr
+            elseif(iremn.eq.2)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl1,1,jcp) !remove valence quark from remnant
+              ifl=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,2,'s',0,iret3) !take sea antiquark freely
+              call idsufl3(ifl,2,jcpr) !remove sea antiquark from remnant
+            else
+              call idsufl(ifl1,1,jcp,iret1) !remove valence quark from remnant
+              if(iret1.ne.1)then
+                ifl=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'s',1,iret2) !take sea antiquark
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            ifl=ifl1
+          endif
+        elseif(iqc(1).lt.0)then
+          if(iremn.ne.0)then
+            if(iremn.eq.3)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl1,2,jcp)
+              ifl=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,1,'v',1,iret3) !take sea quark
+            elseif(iremn.eq.2)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl1,2,jcp)
+              ifl=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,1,'s',0,iret3) !take sea quark
+              call idsufl3(ifl,1,jcpr) !remove sea quark from remnant
+            else
+              call idsufl(ifl1,2,jcp,iret1)
+              if(iret1.ne.1)then
+                ifl=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',1,iret2)
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            ifl=ifl1
+          endif
+        else
+          call utstop('No quark for hard Pomeron+ in psahot!&')
+        endif
+        if(iret1.eq.1.or.iret2.eq.1)then
+          ifl=ifl1
+         if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 1)'
+         if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 1)'
+          call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+          iret1=0
+          iret2=0
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor vq+,sqb+',iqc(1)
+     &                                            ,-isign(ifl,iqc(1))
+        if(ifl.eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=-isign(ifl,iqc(1))*4/3
+        elseif(ifl.eq.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=-isign(ifl,iqc(1))/4
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=-isign(ifl,iqc(1))
+        endif
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wp1+dble(amqt(2))**2/wp1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=wp1-eqj(1,nj)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xyp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_v+ mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        ncc(1,1)=nj
+        ncc(2,1)=0
+      else
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(idfpomr.lt.3.and.iremn.ne.0)then
+          if(iremn.eq.3)then
+            iflq=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,1,'v',1,iret3) !take sea quark
+            iflqb=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,2,'v',1,iret3) !take sea antiquark
+          elseif(iremn.eq.2)then
+            iflq=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,1,'s',0,iret3) !take sea quark
+            call idsufl3(iflq,1,jcpr) !remove sea quark from remnant
+            iflqb=idrafl(iclpro,jcpr,2,'s',0,iret3) !take sea antiquark
+            call idsufl3(iflqb,2,jcpr) !remove sea antiquark from remnant
+          else
+            iflq=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,1,'s',1,iret1) !Choose flavor of sea quark.
+            if(iret1.ne.1)iflqb=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,2,'s',1,iret2) !Choose antiquark.
+          endif
+        else
+          iflq=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,0,'s',0,iret1)   !Choose flavor of sea quark.
+          iflqb=iflq                   !antiquark=quark (vertex end)
+        endif
+        if(iret1.eq.1.or.iret2.eq.1)then
+          iflqb=iflq
+         if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 2)'
+         if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 2)'
+          call iddeco(icp,jcp)
+          iret1=0
+          iret2=0
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor sq+,sqb+',iflq,-iflqb
+        if(iflqb.eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=-iflqb*4/3
+        elseif(iflqb.eq.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=-iflqb/4
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=-iflqb
+        endif
+        ioj(nj)=7
+        if(iflq.eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq*4/3
+        elseif(iflq.eq.4)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq/4
+        else
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq
+        endif
+        ioj(nj+1)=7
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wp1+dble(amqt(1))**2/wp1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=wp1-eqj(1,nj)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xyp1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s1+ mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        eqj(1,nj+1)=.5*sngl(wp2+dble(amqt(2))**2/wp2)
+        eqj(2,nj+1)=wp2-eqj(1,nj+1)
+        eqj(3,nj+1)=xxp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj+1)=xyp2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s2+ mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+c gluon initiate space like cascade
+        if(jqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.0.and.jqq.eq.2)then
+          iqc(1)=0
+          ncc(1,1)=nj-1
+          ncc(2,1)=nj
+c quark initiate space like cascade
+        else
+c choose the first parton for the space like cascade (projectile)
+          iqc(1)=int(3*rangen()+1.)*(2.*int(.5+rangen())-1.)
+          if(1.-1./(wp0*(wmi1-smin/wpi1)).le.xp)goto 1
+ 17       zg=1d0-dble(rangen())*(1.d0-xp)
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'6-zg,xp',zg,xp
+          if(dble(rangen()).gt.zg**dels*((1.d0-xp/zg)/(1.d0-xp))
+     *                                              **betpom)goto 17
+          xg=xp/zg
+          wpq=wp0*(xg-xp)
+          wmq=1.d0/wpq
+          wmi1=wmi1-wmq
+          if(wmi1*wpi1.le.smin)goto 1
+c add the corresponding anti-parton in the list to compensate the emitted one
+          nj=nj+1
+          if(iabs(iqc(1)).eq.3)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(1)*4/3
+          else
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(1)
+          endif
+          ioj(nj)=-7
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*wmq
+          eqj(2,nj)=-eqj(1,nj)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s3+ mass check',eqj(1,nj)**2-
+     *      eqj(2,nj)**2-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+          if(iqc(1).gt.0)then
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-1
+            ncj(1,nj-1)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-1)=0
+            ncc(1,1)=nj-2
+            ncc(2,1)=0
+          else
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-2
+            ncj(1,nj-2)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-2)=0
+            ncc(1,1)=nj-1
+            ncc(2,1)=0
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      if((iqq-2)*(iqq-3).eq.0)then
+        iqc(2)=iq2              !tar=particle (can not be pion or kaon !)
+        if(iabs(idptl(maproj+it)).eq.1220)iqc(2)=3-iq2 !targ=neutron
+        if(idptl(maproj+it).lt.0)iqc(2)=-iqc(2) !targ=antiparticle
+        ifl2=iabs(iqc(2))
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+          if(iremn.ne.0)then
+            if(iremn.eq.3)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl2,1,jct) !remove valence quark from remnant
+              ifl=idrafl(icltar,jctr,2,'v',1,iret3) !take sea antiquark from jctr
+            elseif(iremn.eq.2)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl2,1,jct) !remove valence quark from remnant
+              ifl=idrafl(icltar,jctr,2,'s',0,iret3) !take sea antiquark freely
+              call idsufl3(ifl,2,jctr) !remove sea antiquark from remnant
+            else
+              call idsufl(ifl2,1,jct,iret1) !remove valence quark from remnant
+              if(iret1.ne.1)then
+                ifl=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'s',1,iret2) !take sea antiquark
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            ifl=ifl2
+          endif
+        elseif(iqc(2).lt.0)then
+          if(iremn.ne.0)then
+            if(iremn.eq.3)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl2,2,jct)
+              ifl=idrafl(icltar,jctr,1,'v',1,iret3) !take sea quark
+            elseif(iremn.eq.2)then
+              call idsufl3(ifl2,2,jct)
+              ifl=idrafl(icltar,jctr,1,'s',0,iret3) !take sea quark
+              call idsufl3(ifl,1,jctr) !remove sea quark from remnant
+            else
+              call idsufl(ifl2,2,jct,iret1)
+              if(iret1.ne.1)then
+                ifl=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',1,iret2)
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            ifl=ifl2
+          endif
+        else
+          call utstop('No quark for hard Pomeron- in psahot!&')
+        endif
+        if(iret1.eq.1.or.iret2.eq.1)then
+          ifl=ifl2
+         if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 3)'
+         if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 3)'
+          call iddeco(ict,jct)
+          iret1=0
+          iret2=0
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor vq-,sqb-',iqc(2)
+     &                                            ,-isign(ifl,iqc(2))
+        if(ifl.eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=-isign(ifl,iqc(2))*4/3
+        elseif(ifl.eq.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=-isign(ifl,iqc(2))/4
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=-isign(ifl,iqc(2))
+        endif
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wm1+dble(amqt(4))**2/wm1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)-sngl(wm1)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxm1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xym1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_v- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)
+     *    +eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)-eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        ncc(1,2)=nj
+        ncc(2,2)=0
+      else
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(mod(idfpomr,2).ne.0.and.iremn.ne.0)then
+          if(iremn.eq.3)then
+            iflq=idrafl(icltar,jctr,1,'v',1,iret3) !take sea quark
+            iflqb=idrafl(icltar,jctr,2,'v',1,iret3) !take sea antiquark
+          elseif(iremn.eq.2)then
+            iflq=idrafl(icltar,jctr,1,'s',0,iret3) !take sea quark
+            call idsufl3(iflq,1,jctr) !remove sea antiquark from remnant
+            iflqb=idrafl(icltar,jctr,2,'s',0,iret3) !take sea antiquark
+            call idsufl3(iflqb,2,jctr) !remove sea antiquark from remnant
+          else
+            iflq=idrafl(icltar,jct,1,'s',1,iret2) !Choose flavor of sea quark.
+            if(iret1.ne.1)iflqb=idrafl(icltar,jct,2,'s',1,iret2) !Choose  antiquark.
+          endif
+        else
+          iflq=idrafl(iclpro,jcp,0,'s',0,iret1)   !Choose flavor of sea quark.
+          iflqb=iflq                   !antiquark=quark (vertex end)
+        endif
+        if(iret1.eq.1.or.iret2.eq.1)then
+          iflqb=iflq
+         if(ish.ge.3)write(ifmt,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 4)'
+         if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Not enough space in rem (psahot 4)'
+          call iddeco(ict,jct)
+          iret1=0
+          iret2=0
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'flavor sq-,sqb-',iflq,-iflqb
+        if(iflqb.eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=-iflqb*4/3
+        elseif(iflqb.eq.4)then
+          iqj(nj)=-iflqb/4
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=-iflqb
+        endif
+        if(iflq.eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq*4/3
+        elseif(iflq.eq.4)then
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq/4
+        else
+          iqj(nj+1)=iflq
+        endif
+        ioj(nj+1)=8
+        eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wm1+dble(amqt(3))**2/wm1)
+        eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)-sngl(wm1)
+        eqj(3,nj)=xxm2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj)=xym2pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s1- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+        eqj(1,nj+1)=.5*sngl(wm2+dble(amqt(4))**2/wm2)
+        eqj(2,nj+1)=eqj(1,nj+1)-wm2
+        eqj(3,nj+1)=xxm1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        eqj(4,nj+1)=xym1pr(ncolp,kcol)
+        nj=nj+1
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s2- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *    eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+        eqj(1,nj)=sqrt(eqj(2,nj)**2+eqj(3,nj)**2+eqj(4,nj)**2)
+c gluon initiate space like cascade
+        if(jqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.0.and.jqq.eq.1)then
+          iqc(2)=0
+          ncc(1,2)=nj-1
+          ncc(2,2)=nj
+c quark initiate space like cascade
+        else
+c choose the first parton for the space like cascade (target)
+          iqc(2)=int(3*rangen()+1.)*(2.*int(.5+rangen())-1.)
+          if(1.-1./(wm0*(wpi1-smin/wmi1)).le.xm)goto 1
+ 18       zg=1.d0-dble(rangen())*(1.d0-xm)
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'7-zg,xm',zg,xm
+          if(rangen().gt.zg**dels*((1.d0-xm/zg)/(1.d0-xm))**betpom)
+     *      goto 18
+          xg=xm/zg
+          wmq=wm0*(xg-xm)
+          wpq=1.d0/wmq
+          wpi1=wpi1-wpq
+          if(wmi1*wpi1.le.smin)goto 1
+c add the corresponding anti-parton in the list to compensate the emitted one
+          nj=nj+1
+          if(iabs(iqc(2)).eq.3)then
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(2)*4/3
+          else
+            iqj(nj)=-iqc(2)
+          endif
+          ioj(nj)=-8
+          eqj(1,nj)=.5*sngl(wpq)
+          eqj(2,nj)=eqj(1,nj)
+          eqj(3,nj)=0.
+          eqj(4,nj)=0.
+          if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'q_s3- mass check',(eqj(1,nj)-
+     *      eqj(2,nj))*(eqj(1,nj)+eqj(2,nj))-eqj(3,nj)**2-eqj(4,nj)**2
+          if(iqc(2).gt.0)then
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-1
+            ncj(1,nj-1)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-1)=0
+            ncc(1,2)=nj-2
+            ncc(2,2)=0
+          else
+            ncj(1,nj)=nj-2
+            ncj(1,nj-2)=nj
+            ncj(2,nj)=0
+            ncj(2,nj-2)=0
+            ncc(1,2)=nj-1
+            ncc(2,2)=0
+          endif
+        endif
+      endif
+      endif        !iLHC
+      if(jqq.ne.0)then
+        if(iqq.ne.0.or.iqq.eq.0.and.jqq.eq.3)then
+          if(iclpro.ne.4.or.iqq.ne.1)then
+            call psjti0(sngl(wpi1*wmi1-pth),sqq1,sqqb1,1,1)
+            call psjti0(sngl(wpi1*wmi1-pth),sqaq1,sqaqb1,-1,1)
+            call psjti0(sngl(wpi1*wmi1-pth),sqqp1,sqqpb1,1,2)
+            sqq1=(sqq1+sqaq1+2.*(naflav-1)*sqqp1)/naflav/2.
+          else
+            call psjti0(sngl(wpi1*wmi1-pth),sqq1,sqqb1,4,1)
+          endif
+          gbs=sqq1/sqq
+        else
+          call psjti0(sngl(wpi1*wmi1-pth),sgq1,sgqb1,0,1)
+          gbs=sgq1/sgq
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.8)write (ifch,*)'gbs',gbs
+        if(rangen().gt.gbs)goto 6
+      endif
+c        inner partons of the hard Pomeron
+       if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     &  'inner partons of the hard Pomeron'
+      nj00=nj
+      wpi=wpi1
+      wmi=wmi1
+      si=wpi*wmi-pxh**2-pyh**2     !total energy squared for the hard
+      if(ish.ge.7)write (ifch,*)'si,wpi,wmi',si,wpi,wmi
+      ept(1)=.5d0*(wpi+wmi)
+      ept(2)=.5d0*(wpi-wmi)
+      ept(3)=pxh
+      ept(4)=pyh
+      qmin(1)=q2min          !effective momentum cutoff above current la
+      qmin(2)=q2min          !effective momentum cutoff below current la
+      qminn=max(qmin(1),qmin(2)) !effective momentum cutoff for the bo
+c        si=psnorm(ept)       !4-momentum squared for the hard pomeron
+      jfirst=1
+      jj=int(1.5+rangen())
+      nemis(1)=0
+      nemis(2)=0
+  9   continue ! <<<<----------- ladder rung ---------------------------
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'ladder rung'
+      pt2=ept(3)**2+ept(4)**2
+      pt=sqrt(sngl(pt2))
+      if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4)then
+        q2mass=0.
+      else
+        q2mass=qcmass**2
+        si=si-dble(q2mass)
+      endif
+      s2min=4.*qminn+q2mass         !mass cutoff for born scattering
+      wwmin=5.*qminn+q2mass-2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)
+      wwmin=(wwmin+sqrt(wwmin**2+4.*(q2mass+pt2)*(qminn-q2ini)))
+     */(1.-q2ini/qminn)/2.
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'qminn,q2mass,pt,wwmin,iqc(1):'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)qminn,q2mass,pt,wwmin
+      wpt(1)=ept(1)+ept(2)            !lc+ for the current jet emissi
+      wpt(2)=ept(1)-ept(2)            !lc- for the current jet emissi
+      sjord=0.
+      if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4)then
+        if(jfirst.eq.1)then
+          sj=psjti(qmin(jj),qqcut,sngl(si),iqc(jj),iqc(3-jj),0)
+          sj2=psjti1(qmin(3-jj),qmin(jj),qqcut
+     *              ,sngl(si),iqc(3-jj),iqc(jj),0)
+          if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'si,sj,sj2:',si,sj,sj2
+          if(rangen().gt.sj2/sj.and.si.gt.1.1d0*dble(wwmin))goto 112
+          jfirst=0
+          jj=3-jj
+          sj=sj2
+          goto 111
+        endif
+       sj=psjti1(qmin(jj),qmin(3-jj),qqcut,sngl(si),iqc(jj),iqc(3-jj),0)
+111     sjb=psbint(qmin(1),qmin(2),qqcut,sngl(si),iqc(1),iqc(2),0) !born parton-parton
+      else
+        sjord=psjci(qmin(2),sngl(si),iqc(2))
+        sj=sjord
+      sjb=psbint(qmin(1),qmin(2),qqcut,sngl(si)+q2mass,iqc(1),iqc(2),0)
+        if(qmin(2).eq.q2min)then
+          wwmins=2.5*q2min*(1.+sqrt(1.+
+     *    4.*(pt2+q2mass)/q2min))
+       if(si.gt.dble(wwmins))call psjti0(sngl(si)+q2mass,sj,sjb
+     *                                                  ,iqc(1),iqc(2))
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'si,pt2,wwmin,s2min,sj,sjb,iqc:'
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)si,pt2,wwmin,s2min,sj,sjb,iqc
+      if(si.lt.1.1d0*dble(wwmin))goto 12 !------>>>>>>>
+      if(rangen().lt.sjb/sj)goto 12 !------>>>>>>>
+      if(iabs(iqc(1)).eq.4)jj=min(2,int(sjord/sj+rangen())+1)  !?????????
+112   continue
+      if(iabs(iqc(jj)).ne.4)then
+        discr=dble((sngl(si)+2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)-q2mass)**2
+     *  -4.*q2ini*(5.*sngl(si)+q2mass+sngl(pt2)))
+        if(discr.lt.0.d0.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'discr,si,pt,wwmin',
+     *  discr,si,pt,wwmin
+        discr=dsqrt(discr)
+        qqmax=(si+2.d0*dble(pt*sqrt(q2ini))-dble(q2mass)+discr)/2.d0
+     *  /(5.d0+(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si)
+        qqmin=qqmax-discr/(5.d0+(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si)
+        if(s2min.gt.4.d0*qqmin+dble(q2mass))then
+          xmm=.5d0*(si-s2min+2.d0*dble(pt*sqrt(q2ini)))
+          discr=xmm**2-si*dble(q2ini)*(1.d0+(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si)
+          if(discr.lt.0..and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'discr1,si,pt,wwmin',
+     *    discr,si,pt,wwmin
+          qqmin=(xmm-dsqrt(discr))/(1.d0+(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si)
+        endif
+        xmax=min(1.d0-dble(q2ini)/qqmax,.9999d0)
+        if(qqmin.lt.dble(qmin(jj)))then
+          qqmin=dble(qmin(jj))
+          xmin=max(1.d0-((dble(pt)*dsqrt(qqmin)+dsqrt(pt2*qqmin+
+     *    si*(si-s2min-qqmin*(1.d0+(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si))))/si)**2,
+     *    (s2min+qqmin*(1.d0+(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si)-2.d0*dble(pt)
+     *    *dsqrt(qqmin))/si)
+          if(xmin.le.0.d0)xmin=s2min/si
+        else
+          xmin=1.d0-dble(q2ini)/qqmin
+        endif
+        qm0=qmin(jj)
+        xm0=1.0-dble(q2ini/qm0)
+        if(xm0.gt..999*xmax.or.xm0.lt.1.001*xmin)then
+          xm0=.5d0*(xmax+xmin)
+        endif
+        s2max=sngl(xm0*si-qm0*(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si)
+     *       +2.*pt*sqrt(q2ini)
+        xx=xm0
+        if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4)then
+          if(jfirst.eq.1)then
+            sj0=psjti(qm0,qqcut,s2max,0,iqc(3-jj),0)*
+     *      psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)+
+     *      psjti(qm0,qqcut,s2max,7,iqc(3-jj),0)
+     *      *psfap(xx,iqc(jj),1)
+          else
+            sj0=psjti1(qm0,qmin(3-jj),qqcut,s2max,0,iqc(3-jj),0)*
+     *      psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)+
+     *      psjti1(qm0,qmin(3-jj),qqcut,s2max,7,iqc(3-jj),0)
+     *      *psfap(xx,iqc(jj),1)
+          endif
+        else
+          sj0=psjci(qm0,s2max,0)*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)+
+     *    psjci(qm0,s2max,1)*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),1)
+        endif
+        gb0=dble(sj0/log(q2ini/qcdlam)*qm0*5.)*psuds(qm0,iqc(jj))
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'gb0,qm0,xm0,s2max:',
+     *  gb0,qm0,xm0,s2max
+c        if(gb0.le.0.)stop'gb0<=0'
+        if(gb0.le.0.d0)then
+          write(ifmt,*)'gb0.le.0.  si,pt2:',si,pt2
+          iret=1
+          goto 16
+        endif
+        if(xm0.le..5d0)then
+          gb0=gb0*xm0**(1.-delh)
+        else
+          gb0=gb0*(1.d0-xm0)*2.d0**delh
+        endif
+        xmin2=max(.5d0,xmin)
+        xmin1=xmin**delh
+        xmax1=min(xmax,.5d0)**delh
+        if(xmin.ge..5d0)then
+          djl=1.
+        elseif(xmax.le..5d0)then
+          djl=0.
+        else
+          djl=1./(1.+((2.*sngl(xmin))**delh-1.)/delh/
+     *    log(2.*(1.-sngl(xmax))))
+        endif
+      else
+        xmin=5.d0*dble(q2min)/si
+        xmax=min(si/(si+5.0*(pt2+dble(q2mass))),.9999d0)
+        qqmax=xmax*si/5.d0
+        qqmin=dble(q2min)
+        qm0=sngl(qqmin)
+        xm0=2.d0/(1.d0+sqrt(1.d0+4.d0*(pt2+dble(q2mass))/qm0))
+        if(xm0.gt..999d0*xmax.or.xm0.lt.1.001d0*xmin)then
+          xm0=.5d0*(xmax+xmin)
+        endif
+        s2max=sngl(xm0*si)
+        xx=xm0
+        sj0=psjti(qm0,qmin(3-jj),s2max,0,iqc(3-jj),0)*
+     *  psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)
+        gb0=dble(sj0/log(qm0/qcdlam)*qm0   *5.)
+        gb0=gb0*xm0**(1.-delh)
+        if(gb0.le.0.d0)then
+          if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'gb0.le.0. (charm)  si,pt2:',si,pt2
+          iret=1
+          goto 16
+        endif
+        djl=0.
+        xmin2=0d0
+        xmin1=xmin**delh
+        xmax1=xmax**delh
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'xmin,xmax,qqmin,qqmax:',
+     *xmin,xmax,qqmin,qqmax
+      ntry=0
+10    continue
+      ntry=ntry+1
+      if(ntry.gt.5000000)then
+        if(ish.ge.1)write(*,*)'Reject hard string (too many rejection)'
+     &,kcol,ncolp,nptl,gb7
+        iret=1
+        goto 16
+      endif
+      if(rangen().gt.djl)then        !lc momentum share in the cur
+        x=(xmin1+dble(rangen())*(xmax1-xmin1))**(1./delh)
+      else
+        x=1.d0-(1.d0-xmin2)*((1.d0-xmax)/(1.d0-xmin2))**rangen()
+      endif
+      qq=qqmin/(1.d0+dble(rangen())*(qqmin/qqmax-1.d0))
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'x,qq:',x,qq,ntry
+      if(iabs(iqc(jj)).ne.4)then
+        qt2=qq*(1.d0-x)
+        if(qt2.lt.dble(q2ini))then
+          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'qt2:',qt2
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        qmin2=max(qminn,sngl(qq))
+        qt=dsqrt(qt2)
+        call pscs(bcos,bsin)
+        ep3(3)=sngl(qt)*bcos   !new parton pt-s
+        ep3(4)=sngl(qt)*bsin
+        ptnew=(ept(3)-dble(ep3(3)))**2+(ept(4)-dble(ep3(4)))**2
+        s2min2=4.*qmin2+q2mass
+        s2=x*(si-qq)-ptnew-qq*(dble(q2mass)+pt2)/si+pt2  !new ladder mass
+        if(s2.lt.dble(s2min2))then
+          if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'s2,s2min2:',s2,s2min2
+          goto 10  !rejection in case of too low mass
+        endif
+        xx=x
+        if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4)then
+          if(jfirst.eq.1)then
+            sj1=psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),0,iqc(3-jj),0)
+            if(iqc(jj).ne.0)then                             !f1 - f2
+              sj2=psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),iqc(jj),iqc(3-jj),0)
+            elseif(iqc(3-jj).eq.0)then                       !f1 - g
+              sj2=psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),1,0,0)
+            else                                             !g  - f2
+              sj2=psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),1,1,0)/naflav/2.      !q  - q
+     *        +psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),-1,1,0)/naflav/2.        !q~ - q
+     *        +psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),1,2,0)*(1.-1./naflav)    !q' - q
+            endif
+          else
+            sj1=psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut,sngl(s2),0,iqc(3-jj),0)
+            if(iqc(jj).ne.0)then                             !f1 - f2
+              sj2=psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut
+     *                   ,sngl(s2),iqc(jj),iqc(3-jj),0)
+            elseif(iqc(3-jj).eq.0)then                       !f1 - g
+              sj2=psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut,sngl(s2),1,0,0)
+            else                                             !g  - f2
+              sj2=psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut
+     *                         ,sngl(s2),1,1,0)/naflav/2.         !q - q
+     *           +psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut
+     *                         ,sngl(s2),-1,1,0)/naflav/2.   !q~ - q
+     *           +psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut
+     *                      ,sngl(s2),1,2,0)*(1.-1./naflav)!q' - q
+            endif
+          endif
+        else
+          sj1=psjci(sngl(qq),sngl(s2),0)
+          sj2=psjci(sngl(qq),sngl(s2),1)
+        endif
+        !...gb7 - rejection function for x and q**2 simulation
+        gb7=dble((sj1*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)+sj2*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),1))/
+     *  log(sngl(qt2)/qcdlam))*psuds(sngl(qq),iqc(jj))*qq/gb0
+        if(x.le..5d0)then
+          gb7=gb7*x**(1.-delh)
+        else
+          gb7=gb7*(1.d0-x)*2.d0**delh
+        endif
+        if(gb7.gt.1..and.ish.ge.2)write(ifmt,*)'gb7,qq,x,qm0,xm0',
+     *  gb7,qq,x,qm0,xm0
+        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'gb7:',gb7
+        if(dble(rangen()).gt.gb7)goto 10
+      else
+        qmin2=max(qminn,sngl(qq))
+        s2min2=4.*qmin2
+        s2=x*si-qq               !new ladder mass
+        if(s2.lt.dble(s2min2))goto 10  !rejection in case of too low mass
+        call pscs(bcos,bsin)
+        xmm=x*(ept(3)*dble(bcos)+ept(4)*dble(bsin))
+        discr=xmm**2+qq*(1.d0-x)-x**2*(pt2+dble(q2mass))
+        if(discr.lt.0.d0)goto 10
+        qt=xmm+dsqrt(discr)
+        ep3(3)=sngl(ept(3)-qt*dble(bcos))   !new parton pt-s
+        ep3(4)=sngl(ept(4)-qt*dble(bsin))
+        qt2=dble(ep3(3)**2+ep3(4)**2)
+        xx=x
+        sj1=psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,sngl(s2),0,iqc(3-jj),0)
+        sj2=0.
+        !.... gb7 - rejection function for x and q**2 simulation
+        gb7=dble(sj1*psfap(xx,iqc(jj),0)/
+     *  log(sngl(qq)/qcdlam))*qq/gb0
+        gb7=gb7*x**(1.-delh)
+        if(gb7.gt.1..and.ish.ge.2)write(ifmt,*)'gb7,qq,x,qm0,xm0',
+     *  gb7,qq,x,qm0,xm0
+        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'gb7:',gb7
+        if(dble(rangen()).gt.gb7)goto 10
+      endif
+! parton type selection iqc -> iqnew (space like) + iq1 (time like)
+      nqc(2)=0
+      iqnew=iqc(jj)
+      if(rangen().lt.sj1/(sj1+sj2))then
+        if(iqc(jj).eq.0)then    !g -> g + g  (jt=1)
+          jt=1
+          jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jj)
+        else                    !q -> g + q  (jt=2)
+          jt=2
+          if(iqc(jj).gt.0)then
+            jq=1
+          else
+            jq=2
+          endif
+          nqc(1)=0
+          iqnew=0
+        endif
+        iq1=iqc(jj)
+        jo=ncc(jq,jj)           !parton origin
+        if(jo.ne.0)then
+          jo=ioj(jo)
+        else
+          jo=ioj(ncc(3-jq,jj))
+        endif
+      else
+        if(iqc(jj).ne.0)then    !q -> q + g  (jt=3)
+          iq1=0
+          jt=3
+          if(iqc(jj).gt.0)then
+            jq=1
+          else
+            jq=2
+          endif
+          nqc(1)=ncc(1,jj)
+        else                    !g -> q + q  (jt=4)
+          jt=4
+          jq=int(1.5+rangen())
+          iq1=int(naflav*rangen()+1.)*(3-2*jq)
+          iqnew=-iq1
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jj)
+        endif
+        jo=ncc(1,jj)             !parton origin
+        if(jo.ne.0)then
+          jo=ioj(jo)
+        else
+          jo=ioj(ncc(2,jj))
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(jo.ge.70.and.jo.ne.99)jo=jo/10
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a,i3,a4,i3,a4,i3)')' Process :'
+     *                       ,iqc(jj),' -> ',iqnew,'  + ',iq1
+      if(iabs(iqc(jj)).ne.4)then
+        q2part=0.
+c        write(*,*)'sem:',wpt(jj),pt2,q2mass,wpt(3-jj),jj
+        if(dabs(wpt(3-jj)).gt.1.d-20)then
+          wplc=wpt(jj)-(pt2+dble(q2mass))/wpt(3-jj)
+        else
+          if(ish.gt.1)write(ifmt,*)'Problem with wpt in sem',wpt(3-jj)
+          wplc=wpt(jj)-(pt2+dble(q2mass))
+        endif
+        qp2max=max(0.,sngl(qt2))
+      else
+        q2part=q2mass
+        wplc=wpt(jj)
+        qp2max=max(0.,sngl(qq))
+      endif
+      eprt=max(dsqrt(qt2+dble(q2part)),.5d0*((1.d0-x)*wplc+
+     *(qt2+dble(q2part))/(1.d0-x)/wplc))
+      pl=((1.d0-x)*wplc-eprt)*dble(3-2*jj)
+      zeta=sqrt(qp2max/si)/sqrt(x*(1.-x))
+      if(iq1.eq.0)then
+        iq2ini=9
+        jo=iq2ini
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo=-jo
+      else
+        iq2ini=iq1
+        jo=iq2ini
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'qq,eprt,iq2ini,jo,E2-Q2',qp2max,eprt
+     *,iq2ini,jo,eprt**2-qt2
+      ntest=0
+11    ntest=ntest+1
+      call timsh1(qp2max,sngl(eprt),iq2ini,jo)
+      amprt=pprt(5,1)**2
+      plprt=max(0.d0,eprt**2-qt2)-dble(amprt)
+      if(plprt.lt.0.d0)then
+        if(ntest.lt.10000)then
+          goto 11
+        else
+          iret=1
+          goto 16
+        endif
+      endif
+      ep3(1)=sngl(eprt)
+      ep3(2)=sngl(dsqrt(plprt))
+      if(pl.lt.0.d0)ep3(2)=-ep3(2)
+      ey(1)=1.
+      ey(2)=1.
+      ey(3)=1.
+      do i=1,4
+        ept1(i)=ept(i)-dble(ep3(i))
+      enddo
+      call psdefrot(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      s2new=psnorm(ept1)
+      if(iabs(iqc(jj)).ne.4.and.s2new-q2mass.gt.s2min2.or.
+     *iabs(iqc(jj)).eq.4.and.s2new.gt.s2min2)then
+        if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4.or.jj.eq.1)then
+          if(jfirst.eq.1)then
+            gb=dble(psjti(sngl(qq),qqcut,s2new,iqnew,iqc(3-jj),0))
+          else
+            gb=dble(psjti1(sngl(qq),qmin(3-jj),qqcut,s2new,iqnew,
+     *                                               iqc(3-jj),0))
+          endif
+        else
+          gb=dble(psjci(sngl(qq),s2new-q2mass,iqnew))
+        endif
+        if(iqnew.eq.0)then
+          gb=gb/dble(sj1)
+        else
+          gb=gb/dble(sj2)
+        endif
+        if(dble(rangen()).gt.gb)goto 10
+      else
+        goto 10
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jt,jj,jq,nqc:',jt,jj,jq,nqc
+      nprtjx=0
+      call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+      if(jt.eq.1)then
+        ncc(jq,jj)=nqc(2)
+      elseif(jt.eq.2)then
+        ncc(jq,jj)=ncc(1,jj)
+        ncc(3-jq,jj)=nqc(1)
+      elseif(jt.eq.3)then
+        ncc(1,jj)=nqc(2)
+      elseif(jt.eq.4)then
+        ncc(1,jj)=ncc(3-jq,jj)
+      endif
+      iqc(jj)=iqnew
+      do i=1,4
+        ept(i)=ept1(i)
+      enddo
+      ! c.m. energy squared, minimal  4-momentum transfer square and gluon 4-v
+      ! for the next ladder run
+      qmin(jj)=sngl(qq)
+      qminn=qmin2
+      si=dble(s2new)
+      nemis(jj)=nemis(jj)+1
+      goto 9  !  ---------------next ladder rung ------------>>>>>>>>>>>
+ 12   continue !------------------- Born process------------------------
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'Born process'
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'iqc,si:',iqc,si
+      qq=dble(qminn)
+   !kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+      xpprbor(ncolp,kcol)=(ept(1)+ept(2))/dble(engy)
+      xmprbor(ncolp,kcol)=(ept(1)-ept(2))/dble(engy)
+      nemispr(1,ncolp,kcol)=nemis(1)
+      nemispr(2,ncolp,kcol)=nemis(2)
+   !   write(*,'(a,2f8.3,i3,3x,2i3)')'------------'
+   !  *          ,xpprbor(ncolp,kcol),xmprbor(ncolp,kcol),nj-nj00,nemis
+   !kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+      call psabor(sngl(si),sngl(qq),iqc,ncc,ept,0,iptl,bx)
+   !kkkkkkkkkkkkk out Born partons without timelike cascade
+      if(nprtjx.eq.2)then
+       do ii=1,2
+        ptprboo(ii,ncolp,kcol)=sqrt(pprtx(1,ii)**2+pprtx(2,ii)**2)
+       enddo
+      else
+        stop'psahot: should not happen!!!!                '
+      endif
+   !kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+   !     ptxxx=max(  ptprboo(1,ncolp,kcol) , ptprboo(2,ncolp,kcol)  )
+   !            print*,sqrt(wm0*wp0),sqrt(wmi*wpi),ptxxx  !++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+   !      if(ptxxx.lt.10)goto1
+   !            print*,'  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '
+   !kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+      if(nj.ne.0.)then
+        do i=1,nj
+          do l=1,6
+            bxj(l,i)=bx(l)
+          enddo
+          ityj(i)=ity
+          iorj(i)=iptl
+        enddo
+      endif
+      call psjarr(jfl)       !kinky strings formation
+      if(jfl.eq.0.and.ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)
+     *'jfl,nj,nptl',jfl,nj,nptl
+      if(jfl.eq.0)goto 1
+c --- update remnant flavour ---
+      iret1=0
+      call idenco(jcp,icp,iret1)
+      if(iret1.eq.1)call utstop('Problem with proj rem in psahot !&')
+      iret2=0
+      call idenco(jct,ict,iret2)
+      if(iret2.eq.1)call utstop('Problem with targ rem in psahot !&')
+      do i=1,2
+        icproj(i,ip)=icp(i)
+        ictarg(i,it)=ict(i)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'End psahot (icp,ict):',icp,ict
+      if(iremn.ge.2)then        !uses precalculated flavors
+        do j=1,2
+          do n=1,nrflav
+            jcpref(n,j,ip)=jcpr(n,j)
+            jctref(n,j,it)=jctr(n,j)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        if(ish.ge.3)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,6i3,2x,6i3)')' proj:  ',jcpr
+          write(ifch,'(a,6i3,2x,6i3)')' targ:  ',jctr
+        endif
+      endif
+c ------------------------------
+16    continue
+      call utprix('psahot',ish,ishini,3)
+      q2fin=q2finsave
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psjarr(jfl)
+c   final jets rearrangement according to their colour connection
+c   and write to /cptl/
+c jfl - flag for the rejection (in case of jfl=0)
+c Input:
+      parameter (mjstr=20000)
+      common /psar29/ eqj(4,mjstr),iqj(mjstr),ncj(2,mjstr),ioj(mjstr),nj
+c eqj(1:4,k) - 4-momentum (qgs) for k-th parton;
+c bxj(1:4,k) - coordinates for k-th parton formation point;
+c iqj(k) - ID (qgs) for k-th parton;
+c ncj(1:2,k) - colour connected partons indexes for k-th parton;
+c nj - number of partons
+      dimension mark(mjstr)
+      double precision  ept(4),eptot(2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      if(nj.eq.0)then
+        jfl=1
+        return
+      endif
+csp : TEST if string are full  
+      do k=1,nj      
+        if(iqj(k).eq.0)then   !gluon must have two neighbours        
+          if(ncj(1,k).eq.0)then !first neigbour missing
+csp          write(*,*)'correction'
+            do kk=1,nj          !look to which parton he is connected
+              if(ncj(1,kk).eq.k)then
+                if(ncj(2,k).ne.kk)ncj(1,k)=kk !if not already connected : connection
+              elseif(ncj(2,kk).eq.k)then
+                if(ncj(1,k).ne.kk)ncj(1,k)=kk
+                endif
+            enddo  
+           endif
+           if(ncj(2,k).eq.0)then !second neigbour missing
+csp           write(*,*)'correction'
+            do kk=1,nj
+              if(ncj(2,kk).eq.k)then
+                if(ncj(1,k).ne.kk)ncj(2,k)=kk
+                elseif(ncj(1,kk).eq.k)then
+                if(ncj(2,k).ne.kk)ncj(2,k)=kk
+                endif
+            enddo  
+           endif          
+        endif
+      enddo
+c      do k=1,nj  !???????????????
+c       eqj(1,k)=dsqrt(0d0+eqj(2,k)**2+eqj(3,k)**2+eqj(4,k)**2)
+c      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.3)then
+        write (ifch,*)'psjarr: nj',nj
+        do k=1,nj
+          if(iqj(k).ne.0)ncj(2,k)=0
+          write(ifch,'(a,i4)')' parton',k
+          write(ifch,'(i6,2x,4e10.3,2x,2i3)')iqj(k)
+     *    ,(eqj(j,k),j=1,4),(ncj(j,k),j=1,2)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      jfl=0
+      do i=1,nj
+        mark(i)=1
+      enddo
+      nptl0=nptl
+c total energy of the two half of the Pomeron
+      eptot(1)=0d0
+      eptot(2)=0d0
+1     continue
+      do ij=1,nj
+        if(mark(ij).ne.0.and.iqj(ij).ne.0)goto 2
+      enddo
+2     continue
+      jfirst=1
+c to calculate the total energy of the 2 big strings produce by a pomeron
+c we first fix to which string (1 or 2) the sub-string belong to
+      ij0=ncj(1,ij)
+      kkk=1
+      if(ij0.gt.0)then
+        if(ncj(1,ij0).eq.ij)kkk=1
+        if(ncj(2,ij0).eq.ij)kkk=2
+      endif
+      if(iabs(iqj(ij)).le.2)then
+        am1=amhadr(1)
+      elseif(iabs(iqj(ij)).eq.4)then
+        am1=amhadr(3)
+      elseif(iabs(iqj(ij)).eq.40)then
+        am1=qcmass
+      else
+        am1=amhadr(2)
+      endif
+      do i=1,4
+        ept(i)=0.
+      enddo
+3     continue
+      call pspawr(ij,kkk)
+      mark(ij)=0
+      do i=1,4
+        ept(i)=ept(i)+eqj(i,ij)
+      enddo
+      eptot(kkk)=eptot(kkk)+eqj(1,ij)
+      if(iqj(ij).ne.0)then
+        if(jfirst.ne.1)then
+          if(iabs(iqj(ij)).le.2)then
+            am2=amhadr(1)
+          elseif(iabs(iqj(ij)).eq.4)then
+            am2=amhadr(3)
+          elseif(iabs(iqj(ij)).eq.40)then
+            am2=qcmass
+          else
+            am2=amhadr(2)
+          endif
+          amj=(am1+am2+stmass)**2
+          sm=psnorm(ept)
+          if(sm.lt.amj)then
+            nptl=nptl0
+            goto 999
+          endif
+          if(nptl-nptl0.lt.nj)then
+            goto 1
+          else
+            if(iLHC.ne.1)then
+c at the end of the process, save eptot(kkk) is qsqptl of each particle
+              do k=nptl0+1,nptl
+                qsqptl(k)=sngl(eptot(nint(qsqptl(k)))**2)
+              enddo
+            endif
+            if(ish.ge.3)then
+              write (ifch,*)'psjarr: nptl',nptl
+              do k=nptl0+1,nptl
+                write(ifch,'(a,i4)')' particle',k
+                write(ifch,'(i5,2x,6e10.3)')idptl(k)
+     *          ,(pptl(j,k),j=1,5),sqrt(qsqptl(k))
+              enddo
+            endif
+            jfl=1
+            goto 999
+          endif
+        else
+          jfirst=0
+          njpar=ij
+          ij=ncj(1,ij)
+          if(ij.eq.0)write(ifch,*)
+     &'IN PSJARR ij=0 :parton,',njpar,'with no connection'
+          goto 3
+        endif
+      else
+        if(ncj(1,ij).eq.njpar)then
+          njdau=ncj(2,ij)
+        else
+          njdau=ncj(1,ij)
+        endif
+        njpar=ij
+        ij=njdau
+        if(ij.eq.0)write(ifch,*)
+     &'IN PSJARR ij=0 :parton,',njpar, 'with no connection'
+        goto 3
+      endif
+  999 continue
+      end
+      subroutine pspawr(kj,kkk)
+c pspawr - writing final parton kj into particle list
+c Input:
+      parameter (mjstr=20000)
+      common /psar29/ eqj(4,mjstr),iqj(mjstr),ncj(2,mjstr),ioj(mjstr),nj
+      common /psar30/ iorj(mjstr),ityj(mjstr),bxj(6,mjstr),q2j(mjstr)
+c eqj(1:4,k) - 4-momentum (qgs) for k-th parton;
+c bxj(1:4,k) - coordinates for k-th parton formation point;
+c iqj(k) - ID (qgs) for k-th parton;
+c ncj(1:2,k) - colour connected partons indexes for k-th parton;
+c nj - number of partons
+c kkk is the indice of the original half of the pomeron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/ciptl/iptl
+      nptl=nptl+1
+      if(ish.ge.9)write (ifch,*)'nptl,kj (sto)',nptl,kj
+      if(nptl.ge.mxptl.or.kj.le.0)then
+       write (ifmt,*)'nptl,kj',nptl,kj
+       call alist('Error in pspawr: nptl or kj out of bounds &',1,nptl)
+       call utstop('nptl or kj out of bounds&')
+      endif
+      if(ifrptl(1,iptl).eq.0)ifrptl(1,iptl)=nptl
+      ifrptl(2,iptl)=nptl
+      pptl(1,nptl)=eqj(3,kj)
+      pptl(2,nptl)=eqj(4,kj)
+      pptl(3,nptl)=eqj(2,kj)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=eqj(1,kj)
+      pptl(5,nptl)=0.
+      idptl(nptl)=psidd(iqj(kj))
+      iorptl(nptl)=iorj(kj)
+      jorptl(nptl)=ioj(kj)
+      istptl(nptl)=20
+      do i=1,4
+        xorptl(i,nptl)=bxj(i,kj)
+      enddo
+      tivptl(1,nptl)=bxj(5,kj)
+      tivptl(2,nptl)=bxj(6,kj)
+      ityptl(nptl)=ityj(kj)
+c register to which big string the particle belongs to
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        qsqptl(nptl)=q2j(kj)
+      else
+        qsqptl(nptl)=float(kkk)
+      endif
+          !kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+       !    write(*,'(a,2i4,i6,f8.3)')'.... ',kj,nptl,idptl(nptl)
+       !*     ,sqrt(pptl(1,nptl)**2+pptl(2,nptl)**2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psabor(si,qq,iqc,ncc,ept,jdis,iptl,coordo)
+c psabor - highest virtuality subprocess in the ladder
+c si - c.m. energy squared for the process,
+c qq - p_t-cutoff for the process due to the evolution,
+c iqc(i), i=1,2 - incoming parton types(0-g,(+-)1-u(u~),(+-)2-d(d~)etc.),
+c ncc(i,j), i,j=1,2 - incoming partons color connections,
+c ept(4) - total 4-momentum for the system of the 2 partons
+c jdis=0 - hadronic process in pp; 1 - resolved photon process
+      double precision ept(4),psutz,psuds
+      dimension ep3(4),ey(3),wsub(5),iqc(2),ncc(2,2),nqc(2),coordo(6)
+      parameter (mjstr=20000)
+      common /psar29/eqj(4,mjstr),iqj(mjstr),ncj(2,mjstr),ioj(mjstr),nj
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      common/cprtx/nprtjx,pprtx(5,2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      call utpri('psabor',ish,ishini,5)
+      if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4)then   !gluon or light quark
+        q2mass=0.
+      else                        !c-quark
+        q2mass=qcmass**2
+      endif
+      p1=si/(1.+q2mass/si)
+      if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then                 !|t|-cutoff (p^2_t>qq)
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+      endif
+      tmax=.5*p1
+      fborn=0.
+      qt2=tmin*(1.d0-tmin/p1)
+      if(qt2.lt..999d0*qq.and.ish.ge.2)write(ifmt,*)'qt20,qq',qt2,qq
+      if(iqc(1).ne.0.or.iqc(2).ne.0)then
+        do l=1,5       !sum over different subprocesses
+          wsub(l)=psbori(si,tmin,iqc(1),iqc(2),l)  !matrix element
+        if(l.le.3)then
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*pssalf(qt2/qcdlam)**2
+        elseif(l.le.4)then
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*pssalf(qt2/qcdlam)*alfe/2/pi
+        else
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*(alfe/2/pi)**2
+        endif
+          fborn=fborn+wsub(l)
+        enddo
+        fborn=tmin**2*fborn
+      else
+        do l=1,5
+          wsub(l)=psbori(si,.5*si,iqc(1),iqc(2),l)
+        if(l.le.3)then
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*pssalf(qt2/qcdlam)**2
+        elseif(l.le.4)then
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*pssalf(qt2/qcdlam)*alfe/2/pi
+        else
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*(alfe/2/pi)**2
+        endif
+          fborn=fborn+wsub(l)
+        enddo
+        fborn=.25*si**2*fborn
+      endif
+       if(jdis.eq.0)then
+         scale1=qt2
+       else
+         scale1=4.*qt2
+       endif
+      gb0=dble(fborn)*psuds(scale1,iqc(1))*psuds(qt2,iqc(2))
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'tmin,gb0:',tmin,gb0
+c 4-momentum transfer squared is simulated first as dq_t**2/q_t**4 from
+c tmin to s/2
+14    q2=tmin/(1.-rangen()*(1.-tmin/tmax))    !q2=min(|t|,|u|)
+      qt2=q2*(1.-q2/p1)                       !qt2=p_t^2 for the process
+      if(qt2.lt.qq.and.ish.ge.2)write(ifmt,*)'qt2,qq',qt2,qq
+      if(rangen().lt..5)then  !|u|=q2, |t|=p1-q2
+        jm=2                  !first parton to be considered
+        tq=p1-q2
+      else                    !|t|=q2, |u|=p1-q2
+        jm=1                  !first parton to be considered
+        tq=q2
+      endif
+      fborn=0.
+      do l=1,5                       !sum over different subprocesses
+        wsub(l)=psbori(si,tq,iqc(1),iqc(2),l)
+        if(l.le.3)then
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*pssalf(qt2/qcdlam)**2
+        elseif(l.le.4)then
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*pssalf(qt2/qcdlam)*alfe/2/pi
+        else
+          wsub(l)=wsub(l)*(alfe/2/pi)**2
+        endif
+        fborn=fborn+wsub(l)
+      enddo
+       if(jdis.eq.0)then
+         scale1=qt2
+       else
+         scale1=4.*qt2
+       endif
+      gb=dble(q2**2*fborn)
+     &*psuds(scale1,iqc(1))*psuds(qt2,iqc(2))/gb0 !rejection function
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'q2,qt2,gb:',q2,qt2,gb
+      if(dble(rangen()).gt.gb)goto 14                   !rejection
+c determination of the color configuration
+      nqc(2)=0
+      if(iqc(1).eq.0.and.iqc(2).eq.0)then      !g+g
+        jq=int(1.5+rangen())    !jq=1(2) - transfer of color (anticolor)
+        nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jm)
+        if(rangen().lt.wsub(1)/fborn)then      !gg->gg
+          if(rangen().lt..5)then
+            jt=1                !anticolor-color annihilation
+            nqc(2)=0
+            njc1=ncc(3-jq,jm)
+            njc2=ncc(jq,3-jm)
+            if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+            else
+              ncj(jq,njc1)=njc2
+            endif
+            if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+            else
+              ncj(3-jq,njc2)=njc1
+            endif
+          else
+            jt=2                    !produced gluons get color and
+            nqc(2)=ncc(3-jq,3-jm)   !anticolor from the 2 parents
+          endif
+        else                                   !gg->qq~
+          jt=9                  !anticolor-color annihilation
+          iqc(jm)=int(naflav*rangen()+1)*(3-2*jq) !(anti)quark flavor
+          iqc(3-jm)=-iqc(jm)
+          njc1=ncc(3-jq,jm)
+          njc2=ncc(jq,3-jm)
+          if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+            ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+          else
+            ncj(jq,njc1)=njc2
+          endif
+          if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+            ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+          else
+            ncj(3-jq,njc2)=njc1
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif(iqc(1)*iqc(2).eq.0)then       !q(q~)+g
+        if(iqc(1)+iqc(2).gt.0)then
+          jq=1                             !q
+        else
+          jq=2                             !q~
+        endif
+       if(rangen().lt.wsub(1)/fborn)then  !q(q~)g->q(q~)g
+        if(rangen().lt..5)then      !anticolor-color annihilation
+          if(iqc(jm).eq.0)then
+            jt=3                    !first parton=g
+            nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jm)
+            njc1=ncc(3-jq,jm)
+            njc2=ncc(1,3-jm)
+            if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+            else
+              ncj(jq,njc1)=njc2
+            endif
+            if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+            else
+              ncj(3-jq,njc2)=njc1
+            endif
+          else
+            jt=4                    !first parton=q(q~)
+            nqc(1)=0
+            njc1=ncc(1,jm)
+            njc2=ncc(3-jq,3-jm)
+            if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+            else
+              ncj(3-jq,njc1)=njc2
+            endif
+            if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+            else
+              ncj(jq,njc2)=njc1
+            endif
+          endif
+        else                        !color transfer
+          if(iqc(jm).eq.0)then
+            jt=5                    !first parton=g
+            nqc(2)=ncc(3-jq,jm)
+            nqc(1)=ncc(1,3-jm)
+          else                      !first parton=q(q~)
+            jt=6
+            nqc(1)=ncc(jq,3-jm)
+          endif
+        endif
+       else          !q(q~)g->q(q~)-gamma (+-color annihilation)
+          if(iqc(jm).eq.0)then
+            jt=11                    !first parton=g
+            nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jm)
+            njc1=ncc(3-jq,jm)
+            njc2=ncc(1,3-jm)
+            if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+            else
+              ncj(jq,njc1)=njc2
+            endif
+            if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+            else
+              ncj(3-jq,njc2)=njc1
+            endif
+            iqc(jm)=iqc(3-jm)
+            iqc(3-jm)=10              !make the second output is gamma.
+          else
+            jt=12                    !first parton=q(q~)
+            nqc(1)=ncc(jq,3-jm)                 !here nqc(1) is gluon.
+            njc1=ncc(1,jm)
+            njc2=ncc(3-jq,3-jm)
+            if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+            else
+              ncj(3-jq,njc1)=njc2
+            endif
+            if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+            else
+              ncj(jq,njc2)=njc1
+            endif
+            iqc(3-jm)=10
+          endif
+       endif
+       elseif(iqc(1)*iqc(2).gt.0)then
+        jt=7                        !qq->qq (q~q~->q~q~)
+        if(iqc(1).gt.0)then
+          jq=1
+        else
+          jq=2
+        endif
+        nqc(1)=ncc(1,3-jm)
+      else                          ! qq~ ->
+        if(iqc(jm).gt.0)then
+          jq=1
+        else
+          jq=2
+        endif
+        aks=rangen()
+        if(aks.lt.(wsub(1)+wsub(2))/fborn)then
+          jt=8                     ! qq~->qq~ (anticolor-color annihilation)
+          if(aks.gt.wsub(1)/fborn)then
+            iqa=iabs(iqc(jm))
+            iq=int((naflav-1)*rangen())+1
+            if(iq.eq.iqa)iq=naflav
+            iqc(jm)=iq*iqc(jm)/iqa
+            iqc(3-jm)=-iqc(jm)
+          endif
+          nqc(1)=0
+          njc1=ncc(1,jm)
+          njc2=ncc(1,3-jm)
+          if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+            ncj(1,njc1)=njc2
+          else
+            ncj(3-jq,njc1)=njc2
+          endif
+          if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+            ncj(1,njc2)=njc1
+          else
+            ncj(jq,njc2)=njc1
+          endif
+        elseif(aks.lt.(wsub(1)+wsub(2)+wsub(3))/fborn)then
+          jt=10                    !color transfer  qq~->gg
+          iqc(1)=0
+          iqc(2)=0
+          nqc(1)=ncc(1,jm)
+          nqc(2)=0
+        elseif(aks.lt.(wsub(1)+wsub(2)+wsub(3)+wsub(4))/fborn)then
+          jt=13                   ! qq~->g+gamma
+          nqc(1)=ncc(1,jm)
+          nqc(2)=ncc(1,3-jm)
+          iqc(jm)=0
+          iqc(3-jm)=10
+        else
+          jt=14                  ! qq~->gamma+gamma
+          njc1=ncc(1,jm)
+          njc2=ncc(1,3-jm)
+          if(iqj(njc1).ne.0)then
+            ncj(jq,njc1)=njc2
+          else
+            ncj(3-jq,njc1)=njc2
+          endif
+          if(iqj(njc2).ne.0)then
+            ncj(3-jq,njc2)=njc1
+          else
+            ncj(jq,njc2)=njc1
+          endif
+          iqc(jm)=10
+          iqc(3-jm)=10
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(jt.ne.8.and.jt.ne.9)then
+        jq2=jq
+      else
+        jq2=3-jq
+      endif
+      call psdeftr(si+q2mass,ept,ey)    !lorentz boost to c.m. frame
+      qt=sqrt(qt2)                      !p_t
+      call pscs(bcos,bsin)              !cos and sin of the polar angle
+      if(iabs(iqc(1)).ne.4)then
+clight cone momentum share for the first parton
+        z=sngl(psutz(dble(si),dble(qt2),dble(qt2)))
+        if((jt.eq.11.and.jm.eq.1).or.(jt.eq.12.and.jm.eq.2)
+     $   .or.(jt.eq.13.and.jm.eq.2))z=1-z
+        wp3=z*sqrt(si)
+        wm3=qt2/wp3
+      elseif(jm.eq.1)then
+        z=sngl(psutz(dble(si),dble(qt2+q2mass),dble(qt2)))
+        wp3=z*sqrt(si)
+        wm3=(qt2+q2mass)/wp3
+      else
+        z=sngl(psutz(dble(si),dble(qt2),dble(qt2+dble(q2mass))))
+        wp3=z*sqrt(si)
+        wm3=qt2/wp3
+      endif
+      ep3(1)=.5*(wp3+wm3)               !parton 4-momentum
+      ep3(2)=.5*(wp3-wm3)
+      ep3(3)=qt*bcos
+      ep3(4)=qt*bsin
+      call psdefrot(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)   !spacial rotation to z-axis
+      zeta=2.                        !2=back-to-back emission (angle=pi)
+      if(iqc(jm).eq.0)then
+        iq2ini1=9
+        jo1=iq2ini1
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo1=-jo1
+c        q2fin=q2fin+zoeinc
+      else
+        iq2ini1=iqc(jm)
+        jo1=iq2ini1
+      endif
+      if(iqc(3-jm).eq.0)then
+        iq2ini2=9
+        jo2=iq2ini2
+        if(zeta.gt.zetacut)jo2=-jo2
+c        q2fin=q2fin+zoeinc
+      else
+        iq2ini2=iqc(3-jm)
+        jo2=iq2ini2
+      endif
+      if(jt.le.10)then
+        qq1=qt2
+        qq2=qt2
+      elseif(jt.le.13)then
+        qq1=qt2
+        qq2=0
+      else
+        qq1=0
+        qq2=0
+      endif
+      call timsh2(qq1,qq2,sqrt(si),iq2ini1,iq2ini2,jo1,jo2)  !final state cascade
+      if(jt.le.10)then      !color connection for the 2nd parton
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jt,jq,nqc:',jt,jq,nqc
+        call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h) !color conn. reconstruction
+        if(jt.eq.1)then
+          nqc(1)=nqc(2)
+          nqc(2)=ncc(3-jq,3-jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.2)then
+          nqc(2)=ncc(3-jq,jm)
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,3-jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.3)then
+          nqc(1)=nqc(2)
+        elseif(jt.eq.4)then
+          nqc(2)=nqc(1)
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,3-jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.5)then
+          nqc(1)=ncc(jq,jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.6)then
+          nqc(2)=ncc(3-jq,3-jm)
+          nqc(1)=ncc(1,jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.7)then
+          nqc(1)=ncc(1,jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.9)then
+          nqc(1)=ncc(3-jq,3-jm)
+        elseif(jt.eq.10)then
+          nqc(1)=nqc(2)
+          nqc(2)=ncc(1,3-jm)
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jt,jq2,nqc:',jt,jq2,nqc
+        call psreti(nqc,jq2,2,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h) !color conn. reconstr.
+      elseif(jt.le.13)then
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jt,jq,nqc:',jt,jq,nqc
+        call psreti(nqc,jq,1,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h) !color conn. reconstruction
+        ep3(1)=pprt(4,2)
+        ep3(2)=pprt(3,2)
+        ep3(3)=pprt(1,2)
+        ep3(4)=pprt(2,2)
+        call psrotat(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)  !special rotation for photon.
+        call pstrans(ep3,ey,1)
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        pptl(1,nptl)=ep3(3)
+        pptl(2,nptl)=ep3(4)
+        pptl(3,nptl)=ep3(2)
+        pptl(4,nptl)=ep3(1)
+        pptl(5,nptl)=0
+        idptl(nptl)=10
+        iorptl(nptl)=iptl
+        istptl(nptl)=0
+        jorptl(nptl)=0
+        do i=1,4
+          xorptl(i,nptl)=coordo(i)
+        enddo
+        tivptl(1,nptl)=coordo(5)
+        tivptl(2,nptl)=coordo(6)
+        ityptl(nptl)=71
+        ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+        ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'jt,iqc:',jt,iqc
+        do j=1,2
+          ep3(1)=pprt(4,j)
+          ep3(2)=pprt(3,j)
+          ep3(3)=pprt(1,j)
+          ep3(4)=pprt(2,j)
+          call psrotat(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)  !special rotation for photon.
+          call pstrans(ep3,ey,1)
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          pptl(1,nptl)=ep3(3)
+          pptl(2,nptl)=ep3(4)
+          pptl(3,nptl)=ep3(2)
+          pptl(4,nptl)=ep3(1)
+          pptl(5,nptl)=0
+          idptl(nptl)=10
+          iorptl(nptl)=iptl
+          istptl(nptl)=0
+          jorptl(nptl)=0
+          do i=1,4
+            xorptl(i,nptl)=coordo(i)
+          enddo
+          tivptl(1,nptl)=coordo(5)
+          tivptl(2,nptl)=coordo(6)
+          ityptl(nptl)=72
+          ifrptl(1,nptl)=0
+          ifrptl(2,nptl)=0
+        enddo
+      endif
+      call utprix('psabor',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psreti(nqc,jort,nfprt,ey,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+c jet reconstructuring procedure - 4-momenta for all final jets
+c nqc(i) - colour connections for the jet
+c jort - color orientation for gluons (=1 if +color goes first, =-1 otherwise)
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+c nprtj - number of partons in the jet (including virtual ones)
+c pprt - 5-momenta for the partons
+c idprt - parton id
+c iorprt - parent parton position in the list
+c idaprt - daughter partons positions in the list
+c output:
+      parameter (mjstr=20000)
+      common /psar29/ eqj(4,mjstr),iqj(mjstr),ncj(2,mjstr),ioj(mjstr),nj
+c nj - number of final jets
+c eqj(i,j) - 4-momentum for the final jet j
+c iqj(j) - flavour for the final jet j
+c ncj(m,j) - colour connections for the final jet j
+      common /psar30/ iorj(mjstr),ityj(mjstr),bxj(6,mjstr),q2j(mjstr)
+      dimension ep3(4),nqc(2),ncc(2,ntim),ey(3)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/cprtx/nprtjx,pprtx(5,2)
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+        write (ifch,*)'nprtj',nprtj
+        do i=1,nprtj
+          write (ifch,*)'i,ic,np,ndd',i,idprt(i),iorprt(i),
+     *    idaprt(1,i),idaprt(2,i)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      ncc(1,nfprt)=nqc(1)
+      if(idprt(nfprt).eq.9)ncc(2,nfprt)=nqc(2)
+      iprt=nfprt
+      if(nprtjx.eq.2)then !out Born before timelike cascade
+       ep3(1)=pprtx(4,iprt)
+       ep3(2)=pprtx(3,iprt)
+       ep3(3)=pprtx(1,iprt)
+       ep3(4)=pprtx(2,iprt)
+       call psrotat(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+       call pstrans(ep3,ey,1)
+       pprtx(4,iprt)=ep3(1)
+       pprtx(3,iprt)=ep3(2)
+       pprtx(1,iprt)=ep3(3)
+       pprtx(2,iprt)=ep3(4)
+      endif
+1     continue
+      idau1=idaprt(1,iprt)
+      idau2=idaprt(2,iprt)
+      icp=idprt(iprt)
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+        write (ifch,*)'1-iprt,icp,idau1,idau2',iprt,icp,idau1,idau2,
+     *  ncc(1,iprt)
+        if(icp.eq.9)write (ifch,*)'ncc2',ncc(2,iprt)
+      endif
+      if(idau1.ne.0.)then         !virtual parton
+        icd1=idprt(idau1)
+        if(icp.eq.9)then
+          if(icd1.ne.9)then      !g -> qq~
+            ncc(1,idau1)=ncc(jort,iprt)
+            ncc(1,idau2)=ncc(3-jort,iprt)
+          else                    !g -> gg
+            ncc(1,idau1)=ncc(1,iprt)
+            ncc(2,idau1)=0
+            ncc(2,idau2)=ncc(2,iprt)
+            ncc(1,idau2)=0
+          endif
+        else                      !q -> qg
+          ncc(1,idau1)=0
+          if(icp*(3-2*jort).gt.0)then
+            ncc(1,idau2)=ncc(1,iprt)
+            ncc(2,idau2)=0
+          else
+            ncc(1,idau2)=0
+            ncc(2,idau2)=ncc(1,iprt)
+          endif
+        endif
+        iprt=idau1
+        goto 1
+      else
+        nj=nj+1
+        ep3(1)=pprt(4,iprt)
+        ep3(2)=pprt(3,iprt)
+        ep3(3)=pprt(1,iprt)
+        ep3(4)=pprt(2,iprt)
+        call psrotat(ep3,s0xh,c0xh,s0h,c0h)
+        call pstrans(ep3,ey,1)
+        do i=1,4
+          eqj(i,nj)=ep3(i)
+        enddo
+        if(icp.eq.9)then
+          iqj(nj)=0
+        elseif(iabs(icp).lt.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=icp
+        elseif(iabs(icp).eq.3)then
+          iqj(nj)=icp*4/3
+        else
+          iqj(nj)=icp*10
+        endif
+        ioj(nj)=jorprt(iprt) !flavor of mother parton
+        q2j(nj)=q2prt(iprt)
+        if(iqj(nj).ne.0)then
+          njc=ncc(1,iprt)
+          if(njc.ne.0)then
+            ncj(1,nj)=njc
+            iqc=iqj(njc)
+            if(iqc.ne.0)then
+              ncj(1,njc)=nj
+            else
+              if(iqj(nj).gt.0)then
+                ncj(2,njc)=nj
+              else
+                ncj(1,njc)=nj
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            ncc(1,iprt)=nj
+          endif
+        else
+          do m=1,2
+            if(jort.eq.1)then
+              m1=m
+            else
+              m1=3-m
+            endif
+            njc=ncc(m1,iprt)
+            if(njc.ne.0)then
+              ncj(m,nj)=njc
+              iqc=iqj(njc)
+              if(iqc.ne.0)then
+                ncj(1,njc)=nj
+              else
+                ncj(3-m,njc)=nj
+              endif
+            else
+              ncc(m1,iprt)=nj
+            endif
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(ish.ge.6)then
+          write (ifch,*)'jet-nj,iprt,icp,iqj(nj),ioj(nj),ncj',
+     *    nj,iprt,icp,iqj(nj),ioj(nj),ncj(1,nj)
+          if(icp.eq.9)write (ifch,*)'ncj2',ncj(2,nj)
+        endif
+      endif
+2     continue
+      if(iprt.ne.nfprt)then
+        icp=idprt(iprt)
+        ipar=iorprt(iprt)
+        idau1=idaprt(1,ipar)
+        idau2=idaprt(2,ipar)
+        if(ish.ge.6)then
+          write (ifch,*)'2-iprt,icp,idau1,idau2,ipar',
+     *    iprt,icp,idau1,idau2,ipar,ncc(1,iprt)
+          if(icp.eq.9)write (ifch,*)ncc(2,iprt)
+        endif
+        if(idau1.eq.iprt)then
+          if(icp.eq.9)then                   !g -> gg
+            ncc(1,ipar)=ncc(1,iprt)
+            ncc(1,idau2)=ncc(2,iprt)
+          else
+            icpar=idprt(ipar)
+            if(icpar.eq.9)then               !g -> qq~
+              ncc(jort,ipar)=ncc(1,iprt)
+            else                             !q -> qg
+              if(icp*(3-2*jort).gt.0)then
+                ncc(2,idau2)=ncc(1,iprt)
+              else
+                ncc(1,idau2)=ncc(1,iprt)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+          iprt=idau2
+          goto 1
+        else
+          if(icp.eq.9)then
+            icpar=idprt(ipar)
+            if(icpar.eq.9)then                !g -> gg
+              ncc(2,ipar)=ncc(2,iprt)
+              ncc(2,idau1)=ncc(1,iprt)
+            else                              !q -> qg
+              if(icpar*(3-2*jort).gt.0)then
+                ncc(1,ipar)=ncc(1,iprt)
+                ncc(1,idau1)=ncc(2,iprt)
+              else
+                ncc(1,ipar)=ncc(2,iprt)
+                ncc(1,idau1)=ncc(1,iprt)
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            ncc(3-jort,ipar)=ncc(1,iprt)
+          endif
+          iprt=ipar
+          goto 2
+        endif
+      else
+        if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*)'3-iprt,ncc',iprt,ncc(1,iprt)
+        nqc(1)=ncc(1,nfprt)
+        if(idprt(nfprt).eq.9)nqc(2)=ncc(2,nfprt)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-sem-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-sem-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c02b67f582929499c1b89a80ac5f138a069e5985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-sem-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,7804 @@
+      function ffsigiut(xx1,xx2,jpp,je1,je2)
+c   \int(dt) \int(du)  ffsig *s/sh**3 *2*pi*alpha**2 *delta(uh+th+sh)
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision tmin,tmax,t,sh2,sqrtq2s
+      ig=3
+      s=engy**2
+      sh=s*xx1*xx2
+      ffsigiut=0.
+      if(sh.le.4.*q2min)return
+      sh2=dble(sh/2.)
+c      tmin=sh/2-sqrt(sh*sh/4-q2min*sh)
+      sqrtq2s=sqrt(dble(q2min*sh))
+      tmin=sh2-sqrt((sh2-sqrtq2s)*(sh2+sqrtq2s))
+      tmax=sh2
+      do i=1,ig
+      do m=1,2
+        t=2d0*tmin/(1d0+tmin/tmax-dble(tgss(ig,i)*(2*m-3))
+     &       *(1d0-tmin/tmax))
+        qq=sngl(t*(1d0-t/dble(sh)))
+        ft=ffsigj(sngl(t),qq,xx1,xx2,jpp,je1,je2)/sh**3
+     *         * (2*pi*pssalf(qq/qcdlam))**2
+        ffsigiut=ffsigiut+wgss(ig,i)*ft*sngl(t)**2
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ffsigiut=ffsigiut
+     *    *0.5*sngl(1d0/tmin-1d0/tmax)
+     *    *2*pi*s
+     *   /2      !CS for parton pair
+      return
+      end
+      function ffsigj(t,qt,x1,x2,jpp,je1,je2)
+c      \sum  x1*f_i(x1,qt) * x2*f_k(x2,qt) * B_ik
+c        B_ik = psbori = contribution to Born xsection:
+c                         dsigmaBorn/d2pt/dy
+c                          = s/pi * delta(s+t+u) * 2*pi*alpha**2 /s**2 * B_ik
+c  qt = virtuality scale
+c  x1, x2 = light cone momentum fractions
+c  x*f_j(x,qt) = function fparton(x,qt,j)
+c jpp: type of Pomeron
+c          1 ... sea-sea
+c          2 ... val-sea
+c          3 ... sea-val
+c          4 ... val-val
+c          5 ... all
+c je = emission type
+c          0 ... no emissions
+c          1 ... emissions
+c          2 ... all
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      s=engy**2*x1*x2
+      if(jpp.ne.5)then
+      ji1=mod(jpp+1,2)+1
+      ji2=(jpp+1)/2
+      sea1=pifpartone(x1,qt,-1,je1,ji1)
+      g1=  pifpartone(x1,qt, 0,je1,ji1)
+      uv1= pifpartone(x1,qt, 1,je1,ji1)
+      dv1= pifpartone(x1,qt, 2,je1,ji1)
+      sea2=pifpartone(x2,qt,-1,je2,ji2)
+      g2=  pifpartone(x2,qt, 0,je2,ji2)
+      uv2= pifpartone(x2,qt, 1,je2,ji2)
+      dv2= pifpartone(x2,qt, 2,je2,ji2)
+      else
+      sea1=pifpartone(x1,qt,-1,je1,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt,-1,je1,2)
+      g1=  pifpartone(x1,qt, 0,je1,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt, 0,je1,2)
+      uv1= pifpartone(x1,qt, 1,je1,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt, 1,je1,2)
+      dv1= pifpartone(x1,qt, 2,je1,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt, 2,je1,2)
+      sea2=pifpartone(x2,qt,-1,je2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt,-1,je2,2)
+      g2=  pifpartone(x2,qt, 0,je2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt, 0,je2,2)
+      uv2= pifpartone(x2,qt, 1,je2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt, 1,je2,2)
+      dv2= pifpartone(x2,qt, 2,je2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt, 2,je2,2)
+      endif
+      ffsigj= ffborn(s,t,  g1*g2                                  !gg
+     *  ,(uv1+dv1+2.*naflav*sea1)*g2+g1*(uv2+dv2+2.*naflav*sea2)    !gq
+     *  ,(uv1+sea1)*(uv2+sea2)                                      !qq
+     *      +(dv1+sea1)*(dv2+sea2)+sea1*sea2*(naflav-1)*2.
+     *  ,(uv1+sea1)*sea2+(uv2+sea2)*sea1                            !qa
+     *    +(dv1+sea1)*sea2+(dv2+sea2)*sea1+sea1*sea2*(naflav-2)*2.
+     *  ,dv1*uv2+dv2*uv1+(uv2+dv2)*sea1*(naflav-1)*2.                    !qqp
+     *    +(uv1+dv1)*sea2*(naflav-1)*2.
+     *    +sea1*sea2*naflav*(naflav-1)*4.
+     *)
+      end
+      function ffsig(t,qt,x1,x2)    !former psjy
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      s=engy**2*x1*x2
+      g1=  pifpartone(x1,qt, 0,2,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt, 0,2,2)
+      uv1= pifpartone(x1,qt, 1,2,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt, 1,2,2)
+      dv1= pifpartone(x1,qt, 2,2,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt, 2,2,2)
+      sea1=pifpartone(x1,qt,-1,2,1)+pifpartone(x1,qt,-1,2,2)
+      g2=  pifpartone(x2,qt, 0,2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt, 0,2,2)
+      uv2= pifpartone(x2,qt, 1,2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt, 1,2,2)
+      dv2= pifpartone(x2,qt, 2,2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt, 2,2,2)
+      sea2=pifpartone(x2,qt,-1,2,1)+pifpartone(x2,qt,-1,2,2)
+      ffsig= ffborn(s,t,  g1*g2                                  !gg
+     *  ,(uv1+dv1+2.*naflav*sea1)*g2+g1*(uv2+dv2+2.*naflav*sea2)   !gq
+     *  ,(uv1+sea1)*(uv2+sea2)                                     !qq
+     *      +(dv1+sea1)*(dv2+sea2)+sea1*sea2*(naflav-1)*2.
+     *  ,(uv1+sea1)*sea2+(uv2+sea2)*sea1                           !qa
+     *    +(dv1+sea1)*sea2+(dv2+sea2)*sea1+sea1*sea2*(naflav-2)*2.
+     *  ,dv1*uv2+dv2*uv1+(uv2+dv2)*sea1*(naflav-1)*2.             !qqp
+     *    +(uv1+dv1)*sea2*(naflav-1)*2.
+     *    +sea1*sea2*naflav*(naflav-1)*4.
+     *)
+      end
+      function ffborn(s,t,gg,gq,qq,qa,qqp)
+      ffborn=
+     *( psbori(s,t,0,0,1)+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,1)
+     * +psbori(s,t,0,0,2)+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,2)) /2.   *gg             !gg
+     *+(psbori(s,t,0,1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,1))       *gq             !gq
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,1))/2.    *qq             !qq
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,-1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,1)+psbori(s,t,1,-1,2)+
+     * psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,2)+psbori(s,t,1,-1,3)+psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,3)) !qa
+     *                                               *qa
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,2,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,1))       *qqp            !qq'
+      end
+      function pifpartone(xx,qq,j,je,ji)  ! pol interpolation of partone
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/tabfptn/kxxmax,kqqmax,fptn(20,20,-1:2,0:2,2)
+      real wi(3),wj(3)
+      common /cpifpartone/npifpartone
+      data npifpartone /0/
+      npifpartone=npifpartone+1
+      if(npifpartone.eq.1)call MakeFpartonTable
+      qqmax=engy**2/4.
+      xxmin=0.01/engy
+      xxmax=1
+      xxk=1.+log(xx/xxmin)/log(xxmax/xxmin)*(kxxmax-1)
+      qqk=1.+log(qq/q2min)/log(qqmax/q2min)*(kqqmax-1)
+      kxx=int(xxk)
+      kqq=int(qqk)
+      if(kxx.lt.1)kxx=1
+      if(kqq.lt.1)kqq=1
+      if(kxx.gt.(kxxmax-2))kxx=kxxmax-2
+      if(kqq.gt.(kqqmax-2))kqq=kqqmax-2
+      wi(2)=xxk-kxx
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      wj(2)=qqk-kqq
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      pifpartone=0
+      do kx=1,3
+      do kq=1,3
+        pifpartone=pifpartone+fptn(kxx+kx-1,kqq+kq-1,j,je,ji)
+     *              *wi(kx)*wj(kq)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      end
+      subroutine MakeFpartonTable
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/tabfptn/kxxmax,kqqmax,fptn(20,20,-1:2,0:2,2)
+      write (*,'(a,$)')'(Fparton table'
+      kxxmax=10
+      kqqmax=10
+      qqmax=engy**2/4.
+      xxmin=0.01/engy
+      xxmax=1
+      do ji=1,2
+       do je=0,2
+        write(*,'(a,$)')'.'
+        do j=-1,2
+         do kxx=1,kxxmax
+          xx=xxmin*(xxmax/xxmin)**((kxx-1.)/(kxxmax-1.))
+          do kqq=1,kqqmax
+           qq=q2min*(qqmax/q2min)**((kqq-1.)/(kqqmax-1.))
+           fptn(kxx,kqq,j,je,ji)= fpartone(xx,qq,j,je,ji)
+          enddo
+         enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      write (*,'(a,$)')'done)'
+      end
+      function fpartone(xx,qq,j,je,ji)                 !former pspdf0 (sha)
+c  parton distribution function for proton  ( actually x*f(x) !!!!!!! )
+c xx = light cone momentum fraction
+c qq = virtuality scale
+c j = parton type
+c         -1 ... sea  (distribution function per flavor)
+c          0 ... g
+c          1 ... u
+c          2 ... d
+c je = emission type
+c          0 ... no emissions
+c          1 ... emissions
+c          2 ... all
+c ji = initial parton type
+c          1 ... sea (q et g)
+c          2 ... val
+      double precision z,xmin,xm,zx,psuds
+      common/ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      fpartone=0
+      if(je.eq.1)goto888
+c ...... f_0 * sudakov.........
+      if(j.eq.0.and.ji.eq.1)then
+        fpartone=fzeroGlu(xx,2,1)         !hadron class 2, projectile side
+      elseif((j.eq.1.or.j.eq.2).and.ji.eq.2)then
+        fpartone=psdfh4(xx,q2min,0.,2,j)
+      elseif(j.eq.-1.and.ji.eq.1)then
+        fpartone=fzeroSea(xx,2,1)
+      endif
+      fpartone=fpartone*sngl(psuds(qq,j)/psuds(q2min,j))
+      if(je.eq.0)goto999
+c......... integral f_0 E_qcd............
+ 888  continue
+      xmin=dble(xx)/(1.d0-dble(q2ini/qq))
+      if(xmin.lt.1.d0)then
+        dpd1=0.
+        dpd2=0.
+        xm=max(xmin,0.3d0)
+ !numerical integration xm -> 1
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          zx=1.d0-(1.d0-xm)*(.5d0+(dble(m)-1.5d0)*dble(x1(i)))**.25d0
+          z=xx/zx
+          gl=fzeroGlu(sngl(zx),2,1)
+          uv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,1)
+          dv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,2)
+          sea=fzeroSea(sngl(zx),2,1)
+          fz=0
+          if(j.eq.0)then
+            if(ji.eq.1)
+     *        fz=gl *psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,1)
+     *          +sea*psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,1)  !ccccc
+            if(ji.eq.2)
+     *           fz=(uv+dv)*psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,1)
+          elseif(j.eq.1.and.ji.eq.2)then
+            fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*uv
+          elseif(j.eq.2.and.ji.eq.2)then
+            fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*dv
+          elseif(j.eq.-1)then
+            akns=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)            !nonsinglet contribution
+            aks=(psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,2)-akns)      !singlet contribution
+            if(ji.eq.1)
+     *        fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,2)*gl
+     *          +sea*aks+sea*akns !ccccc
+            if(ji.eq.2)
+     *        fz=(uv+dv)*aks
+          endif
+          dpd1=dpd1+a1(i)*fz/sngl(zx)**2/sngl(1.d0-zx)**3
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        dpd1=dpd1*sngl(1.d0-xm)**4/8.*xx
+ !numerical integration  xmin -> xm
+        if(xm.gt.xmin)then
+          do i=1,7
+          do m=1,2
+            zx=xx+(xm-xx)
+     &         *((xmin-xx)/(xm-xx))**(.5d0-(dble(m)-1.5d0)*dble(x1(i)))
+            z=xx/zx
+            gl=fzeroGlu(sngl(zx),2,1)
+            uv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,1)
+            dv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,2)
+            sea=fzeroSea(sngl(zx),2,1)
+            fz=0
+            if(j.eq.0)then
+              if(ji.eq.1)
+     *        fz=gl *psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,1)
+     *          +sea*psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,1)     !ccccc
+              if(ji.eq.2)
+     *                fz=(uv+dv)*psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,1)
+            elseif(j.eq.1.and.ji.eq.2)then
+              fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*uv
+            elseif(j.eq.2.and.ji.eq.2)then
+              fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*dv
+            elseif(j.eq.-1)then
+              akns=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)            !nonsinglet contribution
+              aks=(psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,2)-akns)      !singlet contribution
+              if(ji.eq.1)
+     *          fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,2)*gl
+     *              +sea*aks+sea*akns     !ccccc
+              if(ji.eq.2)
+     *          fz=(uv+dv)*aks
+            endif
+            dpd2=dpd2+a1(i)*fz*sngl((1.d0-xx/zx)/zx)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          dpd2=dpd2*sngl(log((xm-xx)/(xmin-xx))*.5d0*xx)
+        endif
+        fpartone=fpartone+dpd2+dpd1
+      endif
+  999 continue
+      if(j.lt.0)fpartone=fpartone/naflav/2.
+      return
+      end
+      function fparton(xx,qq,j)                 !former pspdf0 (sha)
+c  parton distribution function for proton  ( actually x*f(x) !!!!!!! )
+c xx = light cone momentum fraction
+c qq = virtuality scale
+c j = parton type
+c         -1 ... sea  (dsistribution fuction per flavor)
+c          0 ... g
+c          1 ... u
+c          2 ... d
+c (see pages 105 - 107 of our report)
+c  fparton(xx) = xx * f(xx)   !!!!!
+c     f_j(xx,qq) = \sum_k \int(xx<x<1) dx/x f0_k(x) Eqcd_k_j(xx/x,qq)
+c      f0_k = fzeroGlu or fzeroSea
+c      Eqcd=E~qcd+delta*sudakov,  E~qcd: at least one emission
+      double precision z,xmin,xm,zx,psuds
+      common/ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+c ...... f_0 * sudakov.........
+      if(j.eq.0)then
+        fparton=fzeroGlu(xx,2,1)
+      elseif(j.eq.1.or.j.eq.2)then
+        fparton=psdfh4(xx,q2min,0.,2,j)
+      else
+        fparton=fzeroSea(xx,2,1)
+      endif
+      fparton=fparton*sngl(psuds(qq,j)/psuds(q2min,j))
+c......... integral f_0 E_qcd............
+      xmin=xx/(1.d0-dble(q2ini/qq))
+      if(xmin.lt.1.d0)then
+        dpd1=0.
+        dpd2=0.
+        xm=max(xmin,.3d0)
+ !numerical integration xm -> 1
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          zx=1.d0-(1.d0-xm)*(.5d0+(dble(m)-1.5d0)*dble(x1(i)))**.25d0
+          z=xx/zx
+          gl=fzeroGlu(sngl(zx),2,1)
+          uv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,1)
+          dv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,2)
+          sea=fzeroSea(sngl(zx),2,1)
+          if(j.eq.0)then
+            fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,1)*gl
+     *            +(uv+dv+sea)*psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,1)
+          elseif(j.eq.1)then
+            fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*uv
+          elseif(j.eq.2)then
+            fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*dv
+          else
+            akns=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)            !nonsinglet contribution
+            aks=(psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,2)-akns)      !singlet contribution
+            fz=(psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,2)*gl+(uv+dv+sea)*aks+sea*akns)
+          endif
+          dpd1=dpd1+a1(i)*fz/sngl(zx)**2/sngl(1.d0-zx)**3
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        dpd1=dpd1*sngl((1.d0-xm)**4/8.*xx)
+ !numerical integration  xmin -> xm
+        if(xm.gt.xmin)then
+          do i=1,7
+          do m=1,2
+            zx=xx+(xm-xx)*((xmin-xx)/(xm-xx))
+     *             **(.5d0-(dble(m)-1.5)*dble(x1(i)))
+            z=xx/zx
+            gl=fzeroGlu(sngl(zx),2,1)
+            uv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,1)
+            dv=psdfh4(sngl(zx),q2min,0.,2,2)
+            sea=fzeroSea(sngl(zx),2,1)
+            if(j.eq.0)then
+              fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,1)*gl+(uv+dv+sea)*
+     *        psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,1)
+            elseif(j.eq.1)then
+              fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*uv
+            elseif(j.eq.2)then
+              fz=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)*dv
+            else
+              akns=psevi(q2min,qq,z,3,2)            !nonsinglet contribution
+              aks=(psevi(q2min,qq,z,2,2)-akns)      !singlet contribution
+              fz=(psevi(q2min,qq,z,1,2)*gl+(uv+dv+sea)*aks+sea*akns)
+            endif
+            dpd2=dpd2+a1(i)*fz*sngl((1.d0-xx/zx)/zx)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          dpd2=dpd2*sngl(log((xm-xx)/(xmin-xx))*.5d0*xx)
+        endif
+        fparton=fparton+dpd2+dpd1
+      endif
+      if(j.lt.0)fparton=fparton/naflav/2.
+      return
+      end
+      function fzeroGlu(z,k,ipt)
+c        x*f(x)
+c   f = F & EsoftGluon         &=convolution
+c   F(x) = alpff(k)*x**betff(ipt)*(1-x)**alplea(k)
+c   EsoftGluon(x) = x**(-1-dels) * EsoftGluonTil(x)
+c z - light cone x
+c k - hadron class
+c ipt - 1=proj 2=targ
+      double precision xpmin,xp
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      fzeroGlu=0.
+      xpmin=z
+      xpmin=xpmin**(1+betff(ipt)+dels)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        xp=(.5*(1.+xpmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xpmin)))**(1./
+     *            (1+betff(ipt)+dels))
+        zz=z/xp
+        fzeroGlu=fzeroGlu+a1(i)*(1.-xp)**alplea(k)*EsoftGluonTil(zz)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      fzeroGlu=fzeroGlu*.5*(1.-xpmin)/(1+betff(ipt)+dels)
+      fzeroGlu=fzeroGlu *alpff(k) *z**(-dels)
+      end
+      function fzeroSea(z,k,ipt)
+c        x*f(x)
+c   f = F & EsoftQuark         &=convolution
+c   F(x) = alpff(k)*x**betff(ipt)*(1-x)**alplea(k)
+c   EsoftQuark(x) = x**(-1-dels) * EsoftQuarkTil(x)
+c z - light cone x of the quark,
+c k - hadron class
+      double precision xpmin,xp
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      fzeroSea=0.
+      xpmin=z
+      xpmin=xpmin**(1+betff(ipt)+dels)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        xp=(.5*(1.+xpmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xpmin)))**(1./
+     *            (1+betff(ipt)+dels))
+        zz=z/xp
+        fzeroSea=fzeroSea+a1(i)*(1.-xp)**alplea(k)*EsoftQuarkTil(zz)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      fzeroSea=fzeroSea*.5*(1.-xpmin)/(1+betff(ipt)+dels)
+      fzeroSea=fzeroSea *alpff(k) *z**(-dels)
+      end
+      function EsoftGluonTil(zz)
+c   EsoftGluon = zz^(-1-dels) * EsoftGluonTil
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      EsoftGluonTil=gamsoft*(1-glusea)*(1.-zz)**betpom
+      end
+      function EsoftQuarkTil(zz)
+c   EsoftQuark = zz^(-1-dels) * EsoftQuarkTil
+      double precision zmin,z
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      EsoftQuarkTil=0.
+      zmin=zz
+      zmin=zmin**(1.+dels)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        z=(.5d0*(1.+zmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.d0-zmin)))
+     *  **(1.d0/(1.d0+dels))
+        EsoftQuarkTil=EsoftQuarkTil+a1(i)*max(1.d-5,(1.d0-zz/z))**betpom
+     *  *(z**2+(1.-z)**2)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      EsoftQuarkTil=EsoftQuarkTil*1.5*(1.d0-zmin)/(1.+dels)
+                                                !1.5=naflav/2 at Q0
+      EsoftQuarkTil=gamsoft*glusea*EsoftQuarkTil
+      end
+      function EsoftQZero(zz)    ! former psftilf
+c   EsoftQuark = EsoftQZero * wsplit * z^(-1-dels) * gamsoft
+c zz - ratio of the quark and pomeron light cone x (zz=x_G/x_P)
+c integration over quark to gluon light cone momentum ratio (z=x/x_G):
+c   EsoftQZero = int(dz) z^dels * (1-zz/z)^betpom * P_qG(z)
+      double precision zmin,z
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      EsoftQZero=0.
+      zmin=zz
+      zmin=zmin**(1.+dels)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        z=(.5d0*(1.+zmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.d0-zmin)))
+     *  **(1.d0/(1.d0+dels))
+        EsoftQZero=EsoftQZero+a1(i)*max(1.d-5,(1.d0-zz/z))**betpom
+     *  *(z**2+(1.-z)**2)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      EsoftQZero=EsoftQZero*1.5*(1.d0-zmin)/(1.+dels)   !1.5=naflav/2 at Q0
+      return
+      end
+      function ffsigi(qq,y0)                   !former psjx1  (sto)
+c    dsigma/dpt_jet =  \int dy \int dx1  ffsig(x1,x2(x1))
+c x1=xplus, x2=xminus
+c x2=x2(x1) due to u+t+s=0
+c ( s=x1*x2*spp, t/spp=-x1*xt*exp(-y)/2, u/spp=-x2*xt*exp(y)/2 )
+c qq = pt**2,  xt=2.*sqrt(qq/s)
+c rapidity range: 0 to y0
+c    ffsig = function ffsig(t,qq,x1,x2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision xx1,xx2,xt,ymax,ymin,y,xmin,xmax
+      ig=3
+      ig1=3
+      s=engy**2
+      ffsigi=0.
+      if(s.le.4.*qq)return
+      if(qq.lt.q2min)return
+      xt=2d0*sqrt(dble(qq)/dble(s))
+      ymax=min(dble(y0),log(1d0/xt+sqrt((1d0/xt-1d0)*(1d0/xt+1d0))))
+      ymin=-ymax                          !final result must be divided by 2
+      do i=1,ig
+      do m=1,2
+        y=.5d0*(ymax+ymin+(ymin-ymax)*dble((2*m-3)*tgss(ig,i)))
+       !for xx1-integration, use variable x=xx1-xt*exp(y)/2.,with xmin<x<xmax
+        xmin=xt**2/2.d0/(2.d0-xt*exp(-y))                    !condition x2<1
+        xmax=1.d0-xt*exp(y)/2.d0                             !condition x1<1
+        fx=0.
+        do i1=1,ig1
+        do m1=1,2
+          xx1=xt*exp(y)/2.d0+xmin*(xmax/xmin)**dble(.5
+     &                                           +tgss(ig1,i1)*(m1-1.5))
+          xx2=xt*exp(-y)*xx1/(2.d0*xx1-xt*exp(y))
+          z=sngl(xx1*xx2)
+          sh=z*s
+          aa=1.-4.*qq/sh
+          aa=max(1e-10,aa)
+          t=sh/2.*(1.-sqrt(aa))               !formula in parton-parton cms
+          ft=ffsig(t,qq,sngl(xx1),sngl(xx2))
+          fx=fx+wgss(ig1,i1)*ft/sh**2
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx=fx*0.5*sngl(log(xmax/xmin))       !dx/x=0.5*log(xmax/xmin)dt (gauss)
+        ffsigi=ffsigi+wgss(ig,i)*fx
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ffsigi=ffsigi*0.5*sngl(ymax-ymin)    !dy=0.5*(ymax-ymin)dt (gauss)
+     *  *2*pi*(2*pi*pssalf(qq/qcdlam))**2      !alpha = 2*pi*pssalf
+     *   *2*sqrt(qq)                 !d2pt=2*pi*pt*dpt
+     *   /2   ! y interval  2 * Delta_y
+     *   /2   ! condition t < sqrt(s)/2,
+              !     since t > sqrt(s)/2 is automatically included,
+              !      see psbori
+      return
+      end
+      function psbori(s,t,j,l,n)
+c contribution to the born cross-section:
+c   dsigmaBorn/d2pt/dy = s/pi * delta(s+t+u) * 2*pi*alpha**2 /s**2 *psbori
+c s - c.m. energy squared for the born scattering,
+c t - invariant variable for the born scattering |(p1-p3)**2|,
+c j - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c l - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c n - subprocess number
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psbori=0.
+      u=s-t
+      if(u.le.0.d0)return
+      if(iabs(j).ne.4)then           !light quarks and gluons
+        if(n.eq.1)then
+          if(j.eq.0.and.l.eq.0)then                   !gg->gg
+            psbori=(3.-t*u/s**2+s*u/t**2+s*t/u**2)*4.5
+          elseif(j*l.eq.0)then                        !gq->gq
+            psbori=(s**2+u**2)/t**2+(s/u+u/s)/2.25
+          elseif(j.eq.l)then                          !qq->qq
+            psbori=((s**2+u**2)/t**2+(s**2+t**2)/u**2)/2.25
+     *      -s**2/t/u/3.375
+          elseif(j.eq.-l)then                         !qq~->qq~
+            psbori=((s**2+u**2)/t**2+(u**2+t**2)/s**2)/2.25
+     *      +u**2/t/s/3.375
+          else                                        !qq'->qq'
+            psbori=(s**2+u**2)/t**2/2.25
+          endif
+        elseif(n.eq.2)then
+          if(j.eq.0.and.l.eq.0)then                   !gg->qq~
+            psbori=.5*(t/u+u/t)-1.125*(t*t+u*u)/s**2
+          elseif(j.eq.-l)then                         !qq~->q'q'~
+            psbori=(t*t+u*u)/s**2/1.125
+          else
+            psbori=0.
+          endif
+        elseif(n.eq.3)then
+          if(j.ne.0.and.j.eq.-l)then                  !qq~->gg
+            psbori=32./27.*(t/u+u/t)-(t*t+u*u)/s**2/.375
+          else
+            psbori=0.
+          endif
+c............ n=4 for photon product processes, make e_q**2 =2/9.,
+c                 the average value of charge squared for all types of quarks.
+        elseif(n.eq.4) then
+          if(j.ne.0.and.j.eq.-l)then                   !qq~->g+gamma
+            psbori=16*factgam*(u/t+t/u)/81.
+          elseif (j*l.eq.0.and.j+l.ne.0) then          !q(q~)g->q(q~)+gamma
+            psbori=2*factgam*(u/s+s/u)/27.
+          else
+            psbori=0.
+          endif
+ctp090305 temporary to avoid hard gamma which produce fragmentation problem in psahot
+          psbori=0.     !????????????
+        elseif(n.eq.5) then
+          if(j.ne.0.and.j.eq.-l)then                   !qq~->gamma+gamma
+            psbori=4*factgam*(t/u+u/t)/81.
+          else
+            psbori=0.
+          endif
+ctp090305 temporary to avoid hard gamma which produce fragmentation problem in psahot
+          psbori=0.     !????????????
+        endif
+      elseif(n.eq.1)then                                            !c-quark
+        if(l.eq.0)then                                !cg->cg
+          xm=qcmass**2/s/u
+          psbori=(s**2+u**2)/t**2+(s/u+u/s)/2.25
+     *    -4.*qcmass**2/t+xm*(xm*t**2-t)/.5625+4.*qcmass**2*xm
+        else                                          !cq->cq
+          psbori=(s**2+u**2)/t**2/2.25-qcmass**2/t/1.125
+        endif
+      else
+        psbori=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function om51p(sy,xh,yp,b,iqq)
+c om5p - chi~(x,y)
+c xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+c yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+c b - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+c iqq =-1  - 0+1+2+3+4,
+c iqq = 0  - soft pomeron,
+c iqq = 1  - gg,
+c iqq = 2  - qg,
+c iqq = 3  - gq,
+c iqq = 4  - qq,
+c iqq = 5  - soft(int)|b,
+c iqq = 6  - gg(int)|b,
+c iqq = 7  - soft(proj)|b,
+c iqq = 8  - gg(proj)|b,
+c iqq = 9  - qg(proj)|b,
+c iqq = 10 - total fro-uncut integrated,
+c iqq = 11 - total uncut integrated,
+c iqq = 12 - soft(int),
+c iqq = 13 - gg(int),
+c iqq = 14 - <b^2*soft(int)>,
+c iqq = 15 - <b^2*gg(int)>,
+c iqq = 16 - soft(proj-int),
+c iqq = 17 - gg(proj-int),
+c iqq = 18 - qg(proj-int),
+c iqq = 19 - <b^2*soft(proj)>,
+c iqq = 20 - <b^2*gg(proj)>,
+c iqq = 21 - <b^2*qg(proj)>
+      double precision xh,yp!,coefom1,coefom2
+      common /psar7/  delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      common /psar37/ coefom1,coefom2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      xp=dsqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+      if(xh.ne.0.d0)then
+        xm=xh/xp
+      else
+        xm=0.
+      endif
+      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy))
+      zb=exp(-b**2/(4.*.0389*rp))
+      rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)
+      if(iqq.eq.0)then          !soft
+c      rp=r2hads(iclpro)+r2hads(icltar)+slopoms*log(max(1.,sy))
+      zb=exp(-b**2/(4.*.0389*rp))
+        om51p=chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)*gamhads(iclpro)
+     *  *gamhads(icltar)*sy**dels*(xp*xm)**(-alppar)*zb/rp
+      elseif(iqq.le.4)then      !gg,qg,gq,qq
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,iqq)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.5)then      !soft(int)|b
+c        rh=alam3p+slopoms*log(max(1.,sy))
+        om51p=sy**dels*zb**(rp/rh)/rh
+      elseif(iqq.eq.6)then      !gg(int)|b
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,14)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.7)then      !soft(proj)b
+c        rh=r2hads(iclpro)+.5*alam3p+slopoms*log(max(1.,sy))
+        om51p=chad(iclpro)*gamhads(iclpro)*sy**dels
+     *  *xp**(-alppar)*zb**(rp/rh)/rh
+       elseif(iqq.eq.8)then     !gg(proj)b
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,16)
+       elseif(iqq.eq.9)then     !qg(proj)b
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,18)
+       elseif(iqq.eq.10)then    !total fro-uncut integrated
+         om51p=0.d0
+         return
+       elseif(iqq.eq.11)then    !total uncut integrated
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,9)
+c        om51p=om51p+dble(coefom1)/2.d0*om51p**2+dble(coefom2)/6.d0*om51p**3 !!!!!!!!!!
+c        if(om51p.gt.100.d0)om51p=100.d0
+      elseif(iqq.eq.12)then      !soft(int)
+        om51p=sy**dels*4.*.0389
+      elseif(iqq.eq.13)then      !gg(int)
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,5)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.14)then      !<b^2*soft(int)>
+c        rh=alam3p+slopoms*log(max(1.,sy))
+        om51p=sy**dels*rh*(4.*.0389)**2
+      elseif(iqq.eq.15)then      !<b^2*gg(int)>
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,15)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.16)then      !soft(proj-int)
+        om51p=chad(iclpro)*gamhads(iclpro)*sy**dels
+     *  *xp**(-alppar)*4.*.0389
+       elseif(iqq.eq.17)then     !gg(proj-int)
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,6)
+       elseif(iqq.eq.18)then     !qg(proj-int)
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,7)
+      elseif(iqq.eq.19)then      !<b^2*soft(proj)>
+c        rh=r2hads(iclpro)+.5*alam3p+slopoms*log(max(1.,sy))
+        om51p=chad(iclpro)*gamhads(iclpro)*sy**dels
+     *  *xp**(-alppar)*rh*(4.*.0389)**2
+       elseif(iqq.eq.20)then     !<b^2*gg(proj)>
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,17)
+       elseif(iqq.eq.21)then     !<b^2*qg(proj)>
+        om51p=psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,19)  
+      else
+        om51p=0.
+        call utstop("Unknown iqq in om51p !&")
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      double precision function om2p(xh,yp,xprem0,xmrem0,b,iqq)
+cc om2p - chi~(x,y) for cut pomeron
+cc xh - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+cc yp - rapidity for the pomeron;
+cc xprem - x+ for the projectile remnant;
+cc xmrem - x- for the target remnant;
+cc b - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+cc iqq = 0  - total,
+cc iqq = 1  - 1-cut,
+cc iqq = 2  - Y+,
+cc iqq = -2 - Y-,
+cc iqq = 3  - 1-cut(soft),
+cc iqq = 4  - 1+(gg),
+cc iqq = 5  - 1+(qg),
+cc iqq = 6  - 1+(gq),
+cc iqq = 7  - 1+(difr)
+cc iqq = -7 - 1-(difr)
+c      double precision xh,yp,xprem0,xmrem0
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      om2p=0.d0
+c      sy=xh*engy**2
+c      xprem=sngl(xprem0)
+c      xmrem=sngl(xmrem0)
+c      xp=dsqrt(xh)*dexp(yp)
+c      if(xh.ne.0.d0)then
+c        xm=xh/xp
+c      else
+c        xm=0.
+c      endif
+c      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy))
+c      zb=exp(-b**2/(4.*.0389*rp))
+c      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,2)
+c     *  +psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-2)
+c     *  +psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,3)
+c     *  +psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-3)
+c     *  +psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,9)
+c     *  +psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-9)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,1)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,2)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-2)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,6)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-6)
+c        om2p=om2p+(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)*gamhad(iclpro)
+c     *  *gamhad(icltar)*sy**dels*(xp*xm)**(-alppar)*zb/rp
+c     *  +psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,1)+psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,2)
+c     *  +psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,3)+psvin(sy,xp,xm,zb,4))
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.1)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,2)+psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-2)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,1)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.2)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,3)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,2)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.-2)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-3)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-2)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.3)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,4)+psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-4)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,3)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.4)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,5)+psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,7)
+c     *  +psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-5)+psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-7)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,4)+psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-4)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.5)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,6)+psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-8)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,5)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.6)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-6)+psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,8)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-5)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.7)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,9)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,6)
+c      elseif(iqq.eq.-7)then
+c        om2p=psvy(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-9)
+c     *  +psvx(xp,xprem,xm,xmrem,b,-6)
+c      else
+c        stop'om2p-wrong iqq!!!'
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+c      double precision function om3p(xh,yp,xleg,xprem,xmrem,xlrem
+c     *,b1,b2,b12,iqq)
+cc om3p - chi~(x,y) for cut pomeron (nuclear effects)
+cc xh     - fraction of the energy squared s for the pomeron;
+cc yp     - rapidity for the pomeron;
+cc xleg   - x for the pomeron leg;
+cc xprem  - x+ for the projectile remnant;
+cc xmrem  - x- for the target remnant;
+cc xlrem  - x for the leg remnant;
+cc b1     - impact parameter between the pomeron ends;
+cc b2     - impact parameter for the second pomeron end;
+cc iqq = 1  - uncut+,
+cc iqq = 2  - cut+,
+cc iqq = 3  - scr+,
+cc iqq = 4  - diffr+,
+cc iqq = 5  - uncut-,
+cc iqq = 6  - cut-,
+cc iqq = 7  - scr-,
+cc iqq = 8  - diff-
+cc iqq = 9  - uncut-h+,
+cc iqq = 10 - uncut-h-,
+cc iqq = 11 - uncut-YY+,
+cc iqq = 12 - uncut-YY-,
+c      double precision xh,yp,xleg,xprem,xmrem,xlrem
+c      om3p=0.d0
+c      return !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+cc      if(iqq.ne.1.and.iqq.ne.5.and.iqq.ne.9.and.iqq.ne.10
+cc     *.and.iqq.ne.11.and.iqq.ne.12)return
+cc$$$      xp=dsqrt(xh)*exp(yp)
+cc$$$      if(xh.ne.0.d0)then
+cc$$$        xm=xh/xp
+cc$$$      else
+cc$$$        xm=0.d0
+cc$$$      endif
+cc$$$      return
+c      end
+c      double precision function om4p(xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4
+c     *,b12,b13,b14,b23,b24,b34,iqq)
+cc om4p - chi for 2-leg contributions
+cc xx_i - x+- for pomeron ends;
+cc b_ij - impact parameter diff. between pomeron ends;
+cc iqq = 1   - uncut-H,
+cc iqq = 2   - uncut-YY+,
+cc iqq = 3   - uncut-YY-
+c      double precision xx1,xx2xx3,xx4
+c      om4p=0.d0
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function omi5pp(sy,xpp,xpm,z,iqq)   !former psfsh1
+cc omi5pp - integrated semihard interaction eikonal
+cc sy - energy squared for the hard interaction,
+cc z - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/rp),
+cc iqq - type of the hard interaction:
+cc 0  - soft, 1 - gg, 2 - qg, 3 - gq
+c      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+c      common /ar9/    x9(3),a9(3)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      fsy(zsy)=zsy**dels   !*(1.-1./zsy)**betpom
+c      omi5pp=0.
+c      if(iclpro.eq.4.and.iqq.eq.2.or.icltar.eq.4.and.iqq.eq.3)then
+c        spmin=4.*q2min+2.*qcmass**2
+c      elseif(iqq.ne.0)then
+c        spmin=4.*q2min
+c      else
+c        spmin=0.
+c      endif
+c      if(sy.le.spmin)return
+c      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy))
+c      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+c      if(iqq.eq.3)then
+c        iclt=iclpro
+c        iclp=icltar
+c      else
+c        iclp=iclpro
+c        iclt=icltar
+c      endif
+c      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+c        xpmax=(1.-spmin/sy)**(1.+alplea(iclp))
+c        do i=1,3
+c        do m=1,2
+c          xp=1.-(xpmax*(.5+x9(i)*(m-1.5)))**(1./(1.+alplea(iclp)))
+c          xmmax=(1.-spmin/sy/xp)**(1.+alplea(iclt))
+c          do i1=1,3
+c          do m1=1,2
+c            xm=1.-(xmmax*(.5+x9(i1)*(m1-1.5)))**(1./(1.+alplea(iclt)))
+c            sy1=sy*xp*xm
+c            rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy1))
+c            omi5pp=omi5pp+a9(i)*a9(i1)*fsy(sy1)*xmmax*z**(rp/rh)/rh
+c     *      *(xp*xm)**(-alppar)
+c          enddo
+c          enddo
+c        enddo
+c        enddo
+c        omi5pp=omi5pp*xpmax/(1.+alplea(iclp))/(1.+alplea(iclt))
+c     *  *chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)*gamhad(iclpro)*gamhad(icltar)
+c     *  *(xpp*xpm)**(1.-alppar)/4.
+c        return
+c      else
+c        xmin=(spmin/sy)**(delh-dels)
+c        do i=1,3
+c        do m=1,2
+c          zh=(.5*(1.+xmin-(2*m-3)*x9(i)*(1.-xmin)))**(1./(delh-dels))
+c          if(iclpro.eq.4.and.iqq.eq.2.or.icltar.eq.4.and.iqq.eq.3)then
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sgq,sgqb,4,0)
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,4,1)
+c          else
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sgg,sggb,0,0)
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sgq,sgqb,0,1)
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+c            call psjti0(zh*sy,sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+c            sqq=(sqq+sqaq+2.*(naflav-1)*sqqp)/naflav/2.
+c          endif
+c          if(iqq.eq.1)then
+c            stg=0.
+c            do i1=1,3
+c            do m1=1,2
+c              xx=.5+x9(i1)*(m1-1.5)
+c              xp=zh**xx
+c              xm=zh/xp
+c              xp1max=(1.-xp)**(1.+alplea(iclp))
+c              xm1max=(1.-xm)**(1.+alplea(iclt))
+c              do i2=1,3
+c              do m2=1,2
+c                xp1=1.-(xp1max*(.5+x9(i2)*(m2-1.5)))
+c     *          **(1./(1.+alplea(iclp)))
+c                do i3=1,3
+c                do m3=1,2
+c                  xm1=1.-(xm1max*(.5+x9(i3)*(m3-1.5)))
+c     *            **(1./(1.+alplea(iclt)))
+c                  if(xp1.lt.xp.or.xm1.lt.xm)write (*,*)'xp1,xm1,xp,xm'
+c     *            ,xp1,xm1,xp,xm
+c                  rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom
+c     *            *log(xp1*xm1/xp/xm)
+c                  glu1=(1.-xp/xp1)**betpom*(1.-glusea)
+c                  sea1=EsoftQZero(xp/xp1)*glusea
+c                  glu2=(1.-xm/xm1)**betpom*(1.-glusea)
+c                  sea2=EsoftQZero(xm/xm1)*glusea
+c                  stg=stg+a9(i1)*a9(i2)*a9(i3)*(glu1*glu2*sgg
+c     *            +(glu1*sea2+sea1*glu2)*sgq+sea1*sea2*sqq)
+c     *            *xp1max*xm1max*(xp1*xm1)**(dels-alppar)
+c     *            *z**(rp/rh)/rh
+c                enddo
+c                enddo
+c              enddo
+c              enddo
+c            enddo
+c            enddo
+c            omi5pp=omi5pp-a9(i)*log(zh)*stg/zh**delh
+c          else
+c            stq=0.
+c            xpmin=zh**(dels+.5)
+c            do i1=1,3
+c            do m1=1,2
+c              xp=(.5*(1.+xpmin-(2*m1-3)*x9(i1)*(1.-xpmin)))
+c     *        **(1./(dels+.5))
+c              xm=zh/xp
+c              if(xp*xpp.lt..99999)then
+c                uv1=psdfh4(xp*xpp,q2min,0.,iclp,1)
+c                dv1=psdfh4(xp*xpp,q2min,0.,iclp,2)
+c                xm1max=(1.-xm)**(1.+alplea(iclt))
+c                do i2=1,3
+c                do m2=1,2
+c                  xm1=1.-(xm1max*(.5+x9(i2)*(m2-1.5)))
+c     *            **(1./(1.+alplea(iclt)))
+c                  rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(xm1/xm)
+c                  glu2=(1.-xm/xm1)**betpom*(1.-glusea)
+c                  sea2=EsoftQZero(xm/xm1)*glusea
+c                  stq=stq+a9(i1)*a9(i2)*(glu2*sgq+sea2*sqq)*(uv1+dv1)
+c     *            *z**(rp/rh)/rh*xm1max*xm1**(dels-alppar)/sqrt(xp)
+c     *            *((1.-xp)/(1.-xp*xpp))**(1.-alpq+alplea(iclp))
+c                enddo
+c                enddo
+c              endif
+c            enddo
+c            enddo
+c            stq=stq*(1.-xpmin)
+c            omi5pp=omi5pp+a9(i)*stq/zh**delh
+c          endif
+c        enddo
+c        enddo
+c      endif
+c      omi5pp=omi5pp*(1.-xmin)/(delh-dels)
+c      if(iqq.eq.1)then
+c        omi5pp=omi5pp*chad(iclp)*chad(iclt)*gamhad(iclp)
+c     *  *gamhad(iclt)*ffrr**2*(xpp*xpm)**(1.-alppar)
+c     *  /(1.+alplea(iclp))/(1.+alplea(iclt))*pi/8.*factk
+c      else
+c        omi5pp=omi5pp*chad(iclp)*chad(iclt)*ffrr*gamhad(iclt)
+c     *  *xpp**(1.-alpq)*xpm**(1.-alppar)/(.5+dels)
+c     *  /(1.+alplea(iclt))/16.*factk
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      function om52pi(sy,xpp,xpm,iqq,je1,je2)   !modified om51pp
+c      sy  - energy squared for the hard interaction
+c      iqq = 0  - sea-sea,
+c      iqq = 1  - val-sea,
+c      iqq = 2  - sea-val,
+c      iqq = 3  - val-val,
+c      je = emission type
+c               0 ... no emissions
+c               1 ... emissions
+c            else ... all
+c       already b-averaged  (\int d2b /sigine*10)
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /psar7/  delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      if(iqq.lt.0.or.iqq.gt.3)stop'om52pi: unvalid  iqq'
+      om52pi=0.
+      ef1=0
+      ef2=0
+      ef3=0
+      ef4=0
+      if( je1.ge.1             .and. je2.ge.1)             ef1=1
+      if( je1.ge.1             .and.(je2.eq.0.or.je2.eq.2))ef2=1
+      if((je1.eq.0.or.je1.eq.2).and. je2.ge.1)             ef3=1
+      if((je1.eq.0.or.je1.eq.2).and.(je2.eq.0.or.je2.eq.2))ef4=1
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      if(sy.le.spmin)goto999
+      if(iqq.eq.1)then
+        iclv=iclpro
+ctp060829        icls=icltar
+      elseif(iqq.eq.2)then
+ctp060829        icls=iclpro
+        iclv=icltar
+      endif
+      delss=dels
+      if(iqq.eq.3)delss=-0.5
+      xmin=spmin/sy
+      xmin=xmin**(delh-delss)
+      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+c numerical integration over zh
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        zh=(.5*(1.+xmin-(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xmin)))**(1./(delh-delss))
+         sgg=  ef1  *pijet(2,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,0)
+     *   + (ef2+ef3)*pijet(1,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,0)
+     *   +     ef4  *pijet(0,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,0)
+         sgq=  ef1  *pijet(2,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,1)
+     *   + (ef2+ef3)*pijet(1,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,1)
+     *   +     ef4  *pijet(0,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,1)
+         sqq=  ef1  *pijet(2,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,1)
+     *   + (ef2+ef3)*pijet(1,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,1)
+     *   +     ef4  *pijet(0,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,1)
+        sqaq=  ef1  *pijet(2,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,-1,1)
+     *   + (ef2+ef3)*pijet(1,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,-1,1)
+     *   +     ef4  *pijet(0,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,-1,1)
+        sqqp=  ef1  *pijet(2,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,2)
+     *   + (ef2+ef3)*pijet(1,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,2)
+     *   +     ef4  *pijet(0,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,2)
+        sqqi=sqq
+        sqq=(sqq+sqaq+2.*(naflav-1)*sqqp)/naflav/2.
+        if(iqq.eq.0)then
+          stg=0.
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            xx=.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5)
+            xp=zh**xx
+            xm=zh/xp
+            glu1=EsoftGluonTil(xp)
+            sea1=EsoftQuarkTil(xp)
+            glu2=EsoftGluonTil(xm)
+            sea2=EsoftQuarkTil(xm)
+            dstg= glu1*glu2*sgg
+     *            +(glu1*sea2+sea1*glu2)*sgq   !ccccc
+     *              +sea1*sea2*sqq   !ccccc
+            stg=stg+a1(i1)*dstg
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          om52pi=om52pi-a1(i)*log(zh)*stg/zh**delh
+        elseif(iqq.eq.3)then
+          stq=0.  !int^1_(sqrt(z)) dx_p / x_p / sqrt(1-x_p) =int^(tmax)_(0) dt
+          tmax=sqrt(1.-sqrt(zh))        !t=ln((1+sqrt(1-x_p))/(1-sqrt(1-x_p)))
+          tmax=log((1.+tmax)/(1.-tmax))
+          if(tmax.gt.1.e-20)then
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=tmax*(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+            z01=((1.d0-exp(-1.d0*t))/(1.d0+exp(-1.d0*t)))**2
+            xp=1.-z01
+            xm=zh/xp
+            if(xp*xpp.le..9999.and.xm*xpm.le..9999
+     *      .or.xm*xpp.le..9999.and.xp*xpm.le..9999)then
+              stq=stq+a1(i1)
+     *               *(psharg(xp*xpp,xm*xpm,sqqi,sqqp,sqaq)
+     *                 +psharg(xm*xpp,xp*xpm,sqqi,sqqp,sqaq))
+     *            *max(1e-20,1.-xp)**(.5-alpq)
+     *            *max(1e-20,1.-xm)**(-alpq)
+     *               *xp**delss*xm**delss
+     *        *xpp**alppar/gamhad(iclpro)             ! Eval
+     *        *xpm**alppar/gamhad(icltar)             ! Eval
+            endif
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          stq=stq*tmax
+          endif
+          om52pi=om52pi+a1(i)*stq/zh**delh
+        elseif(iqq.eq.1.or.iqq.eq.2)then
+          stq=0.
+          tmax=acos(sqrt(zh))
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=tmax*(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+            xp=cos(t)**2
+            xm=zh/xp
+            if(xp*xpp.lt..99999)then
+              uv1=psdfh4(xp*xpp,q2min,0.,iclv,1)      ! Eval
+              dv1=psdfh4(xp*xpp,q2min,0.,iclv,2)      ! Eval
+              glu2=EsoftGluonTil(xm)
+              sea2=EsoftQuarkTil(xm)
+              dstq=0
+              if(xp.ne.1.)
+     *        dstq=(glu2*sgq+sea2*sqq)*(uv1+dv1)
+     *        *(1.-xp*xpp)**(-1.+alpq-alplea(iclv)) ! Eval
+     *        *xp**(delss-.5)*(1.-xp)**(-alpq+.5)    ! Eval *sqrt(1-x)/sqrt(x)
+     *        *xpp**alppar/gamhad(iclv)             ! Eval
+              stq=stq+a1(i1)*dstq
+            endif
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          stq=stq*tmax
+          om52pi=om52pi+a1(i)*stq/zh**delh
+        else
+          stop'om52pi: unvalid  iqq (2).            '
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      om52pi=om52pi*(1.-xmin)/(delh-delss)
+      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+        om52pi=om52pi/4
+      elseif(iqq.eq.3)then
+        om52pi=om52pi/4
+     *  * utgam1(2.+alplea(iclpro)-alpq)                           ! Eval
+     *     /utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro))/utgam1(1.-alpq)           ! Eval
+     *  * utgam1(2.+alplea(icltar)-alpq)                           ! Eval
+     *     /utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar))/utgam1(1.-alpq)           ! Eval
+     *  /xpp**alpq/xpm**alpq                                       ! Eval
+      elseif(iqq.le.2)then
+        om52pi=om52pi/2
+     *  *utgam1(2.+alplea(iclv)-alpq)/utgam1(1.+alplea(iclv)) ! Eval
+     *  /utgam1(1.-alpq)                                      ! Eval
+     *  /xpp**alpq                                            ! Eval
+      endif
+ 999  continue
+      om52pi=om52pi*factk * .0390   /sigine*10  /2.
+       end
+      function psharg(zh1,zh2,sqq,sqqp,sqaq)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+      if(zh1.le..9999.and.zh2.le..9999)then
+        uv1=psdfh4(zh1,q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+        dv1=psdfh4(zh1,q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+        uv2=psdfh4(zh2,q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+        dv2=psdfh4(zh2,q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+        if(iclpro.eq.2.and.icltar.eq.2)then       !proton
+          fff=sqq*(uv1*uv2+dv1*dv2)+sqqp*(uv1*dv2+dv1*uv2)
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.1.or.icltar.eq.1)then   !pion
+          fff=sqq*uv1*uv2+sqaq*dv1*dv2+sqqp*(uv1*dv2+dv1*uv2)
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.3.or.icltar.eq.3)then   !kaon
+          fff=sqq*uv1*uv2+sqqp*(uv1*dv2+dv1*uv2+dv1*dv2)
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.4.or.icltar.eq.4)then   !J/psi
+          fff=sqq*uv1*(uv2+dv2)
+        else
+          fff=0.
+          call utstop("Projectile not know in psharg !&")
+        endif
+        psharg=fff
+     *               *(1.-zh1)**(-1.+alpq-alplea(iclpro))
+     *               *(1.-zh2)**(-1.+alpq-alplea(icltar))
+      else
+        psharg=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function om51pp(sy,xpp,z,iqq)   !former psfsh
+c om51pp - semihard interaction eikonal
+c sy  - energy squared for the hard interaction,
+c z   - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/rp),
+c iqq - type of the hard interaction:
+c   0 - gg, 1 - qg, 2 - gq, 3 - gg(int), 4 - gg(proj), 5 - qg(proj),
+c   6 - gg(int)|b=0, 7 - <b^2*gg(int)>, 8 - gg(proj)|b=0,
+c   9 - <b^2*gg(proj)>, 10 - qg(proj)|b=0, 11 - <b^2*qg(proj)>
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /psar7/  delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      om51pp=0.
+      if(iqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.3.or.iqq.eq.4
+     *.or.iqq.eq.6.or.iqq.eq.7.or.iqq.eq.8.or.iqq.eq.9
+     *.or.iclpro.ne.4.and.(iqq.eq.1.or.iqq.eq.5
+     *.or.iqq.eq.10.or.iqq.eq.11)
+     *.or.icltar.ne.4.and.iqq.eq.2)then
+        spmin=4.*q2min
+      else
+        spmin=4.*q2min+2.*qcmass**2
+      endif
+      if(sy.le.spmin)goto999
+      icls=iclpro
+      if(iqq.eq.1.or.iqq.eq.5.or.iqq.eq.10.or.iqq.eq.11)then
+        iclv=iclpro
+        icls=icltar
+      elseif(iqq.eq.2)then
+        icls=iclpro
+        iclv=icltar
+      endif
+      xmin=spmin/sy
+      xmin=xmin**(delh-dels)
+      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy))
+      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+c numerical integration over zh
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        zh=(.5*(1.+xmin-(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xmin)))**(1./
+     *  (delh-dels))
+        if(iqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.3.or.iqq.eq.4
+     *  .or.iqq.eq.6.or.iqq.eq.7.or.iqq.eq.8.or.iqq.eq.9
+     *  .or.iclpro.ne.4.and.(iqq.eq.1.or.iqq.eq.5
+     *  .or.iqq.eq.10.or.iqq.eq.11)
+     *  .or.icltar.ne.4.and.iqq.eq.2)then
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sgg,sggb,0,0)  !inclusive (sj) and born (sjb)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sgq,sgqb,0,1)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+          sqq=(sqq+sqaq+2.*(naflav-1)*sqqp)/naflav/2.
+c      tgg=   psjet(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,0,0)
+c     *   +2*psjet1(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,0,0)
+c     *   +  psborn(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,0,0,1)
+c      tgq=   psjet(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,1,0)
+c     *   +2*psjet1(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,1,0)
+c     *   +  psborn(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,0,1,0,1)
+c      tqq=   psjet(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,1,0)
+c     *   +2*psjet1(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,1,0)
+c     *   +  psborn(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,1,0,1)
+c      tqa=   psjet(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,-1,1,0)
+c     *   +2*psjet1(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,-1,1,0)
+c     *   +  psborn(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,-1,1,0,1)
+c      tqqp=  psjet(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,2,0)
+c     *   +2*psjet1(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,2,0)
+c     *   +  psborn(q2min,q2min,q2min,zh*sy,1,2,0,1)
+c      write(6,'(f12.2,3x,2f7.3,2(3x,2f7.3))')
+c     * zh*sy,tgg,sgg, tgq,sgq, tqqp,sqqp
+        else
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sgq,sgqb,4,0)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,4,1)
+        endif
+        if(iqq.eq.0.or.iqq.eq.3.or.iqq.eq.4
+     *  .or.iqq.eq.6.or.iqq.eq.7.or.iqq.eq.8.or.iqq.eq.9)then
+          stg=0.
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            xx=.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5)
+            xp=zh**xx
+            xm=zh/xp
+            glu1=(1.-xp)**betpom*(1.-glusea)
+            sea1=EsoftQZero(xp)*glusea
+            glu2=(1.-xm)**betpom*(1.-glusea)
+            sea2=EsoftQZero(xm)*glusea
+            rh=0.
+            if(iqq.eq.0)then
+              rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)-slopom*log(zh)
+            elseif(iqq.eq.3.or.iqq.eq.4)then
+              rh=1.
+            elseif(iqq.eq.6.or.iqq.eq.7)then
+              rh=alam3p-slopom*log(zh)
+            elseif(iqq.eq.8.or.iqq.eq.9)then
+              rh=r2had(iclpro)+.5*alam3p-slopom*log(zh)
+            endif
+            dstg=(glu1*glu2*sgg+
+     *      (glu1*sea2+sea1*glu2)*sgq+sea1*sea2*sqq)
+     *      *z**(rp/rh)/rh
+            if(iqq.eq.7.or.iqq.eq.9)dstg=dstg*rh**2
+            stg=stg+a1(i1)*dstg
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          om51pp=om51pp-a1(i)*log(zh)*stg/zh**delh
+        else
+          stq=0.
+          tmax=acos(sqrt(zh))
+          do i1=1,7
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=tmax*(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+            xp=cos(t)**2
+            xm=zh/xp
+            if(xp*xpp.lt..99999)then
+              uv1=psdfh4(xp*xpp,q2min,0.,iclv,1)
+              dv1=psdfh4(xp*xpp,q2min,0.,iclv,2)
+              glu2=(1.-xm)**betpom*(1.-glusea)
+              sea2=EsoftQZero(xm)*glusea
+              rh=0.
+              if(iqq.le.2)then
+                rh=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)-slopom*log(xm)
+              elseif(iqq.eq.5)then
+                rh=1.
+              elseif(iqq.le.10.or.iqq.le.11)then
+                rh=r2had(iclpro)+.5*alam3p-slopom*log(xm)
+              endif
+              dstq=0
+              if(xp.ne.1.)
+     *        dstq=(glu2*sgq+sea2*sqq)*(uv1+dv1)
+     *        *z**(rp/rh)/rh
+     *        *(1.-xp*xpp)**(-1.+alpq-alplea(iclv))
+     *        *xp**(dels-.5)*(1.-xp)**(-alpq+.5)
+              if(iqq.eq.11)dstq=dstq*rh**2
+              stq=stq+a1(i1)*dstq
+            endif
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          stq=stq*tmax
+          om51pp=om51pp+a1(i)*stq/zh**delh
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      om51pp=om51pp*(1.-xmin)/(delh-dels)/sy**delh/2.
+      if(iqq.eq.0)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)*gamhad(iclpro)
+     *  *gamhad(icltar)*ffrr**2*pi
+      elseif(iqq.eq.3)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*ffrr**2*pi*4.*.0389
+      elseif(iqq.eq.6)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*ffrr**2*pi
+      elseif(iqq.eq.7)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*ffrr**2*pi*(4.*.0389)**2
+      elseif(iqq.eq.4.or.iqq.eq.8.or.iqq.eq.9)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*ffrr**2*pi*chad(iclpro)*gamhad(iclpro)
+        if(iqq.eq.4)om51pp=om51pp*4.*.0389
+        if(iqq.eq.9)om51pp=om51pp*(4.*.0389)**2
+      elseif(iqq.le.2)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)*ffrr*gamhad(icls)
+     *  *utgam1(2.+alplea(iclv)-alpq)/utgam1(1.+alplea(iclv))
+     *  /utgam1(1.-alpq)/2./xpp**alpq
+      elseif(iqq.eq.5.or.iqq.eq.10.or.iqq.eq.11)then
+        om51pp=om51pp*chad(iclv)*ffrr
+     *  *utgam1(2.+alplea(iclv)-alpq)/utgam1(1.+alplea(iclv))
+     *  /utgam1(1.-alpq)/2./xpp**alpq
+        if(iqq.eq.5)om51pp=om51pp*4.*.0389
+        if(iqq.eq.11)om51pp=om51pp*(4.*.0389)**2
+      endif
+ 999  continue
+      end
+      subroutine epocrossc(niter,gtot,gprod,gabs,gcoh,gqel,gdd)
+c epocrossc - nucleus-nucleus (nucleus-hydrogen) interaction cross sections
+c by calculation will real nuclear profiles and eikonal (simplified simulations)
+c gtot  - total cross section
+c gprod - production cross section (all diffraction included)
+c gabs  - cut Pomerons cross section (no diffraction at all)
+c gdd   - proj (ionudi=2) or proj or targ (ionudi=0/3) excited diffraction
+c         cross section
+c gcoh  - coherent (elastic with respect to the projectile) cross section
+c      (non excited diff proj if ionudi=2, non excited proj+targ if ionudi=0/3)
+c Be careful : this function is not symmetric for gdd and gqel (only projectile
+c diffraction) in case of ionudi=2.
+c (target diffraction is not treated explicitely and contributes to
+c gprod, gdd, gcoh and gtot).
+c WARNING : results are sure only in case of ionudi=1 (no substraction from
+c           diffractive part) in particular for AA with A > 10 (nuclear diff
+c           not well described). For pA seems to be OK with ionudi 2 and 3.
+c code from QGSJET programs by S.Ostapchenko
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      dimension wabs(28),wdd(28),wcoh(28),wprod(28),wqel(28)
+     &         ,b0(28),ai(28)
+      common /ar3/ x1(7),a1(7)
+      double precision xgabs,xgdd,xgprod,xgcoh,xgqel
+      call utpri('epocrs',ish,ishini,2)
+      if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,201)niter,bmax
+      kollini=koll        !koll modified
+      do i=1,7
+       b0(15-i)=bmax*sqrt((1.+x1(i))/2.)
+       b0(i)=bmax*sqrt((1.-x1(i))/2.)
+       ai(i)=a1(i)*bmax**2*pi*5.05        !factor change cs
+       ai(15-i)=ai(i)
+      enddo
+      if(maproj.gt.1.or.matarg.gt.1)then
+        difn=max(difnuc(maproj),difnuc(matarg))
+      else
+        difn=1.
+      endif
+      do i=1,7
+        tp=(1.+x1(i))/2.
+        tm=(1.-x1(i))/2.
+        b0(14+i)=bmax-log(tp)*difn
+        b0(29-i)=bmax-log(tm)*difn
+        ai(14+i)=a1(i)*b0(14+i)/tp*10.*difn*pi
+        ai(29-i)=a1(i)*b0(29-i)/tm*10.*difn*pi
+      enddo
+      do i=1,28
+       wabs(i)=0.
+       wdd(i)=0.
+       wprod(i)=0.
+       wcoh(i)=0.
+       wqel(i)=0.
+      enddo
+      do nc=1,niter
+        if(maproj.eq.1)then
+          xproj(1)=0.
+          yproj(1)=0.
+          zproj(1)=0.
+        else
+          call conxyz('p',mamx,xproj,yproj,zproj,ypjtl-yhaha)
+        endif
+        if(matarg.eq.1)then
+          xtarg(1)=0.
+          ytarg(1)=0.
+          ztarg(1)=0.
+        else
+          call conxyz('t',mamx,xtarg,ytarg,ztarg,yhaha)
+        endif
+        do i=1,28
+          call epogcr(b0(i),xgabs,xgdd,xgprod,xgcoh,xgqel)
+          wabs(i)=wabs(i)+sngl(xgabs)
+          wdd(i)=wdd(i)+sngl(xgdd)
+          wprod(i)=wprod(i)+sngl(xgprod)
+          wcoh(i)=wcoh(i)+sngl(xgcoh)
+          wqel(i)=wqel(i)+sngl(xgqel)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      gabs=0.
+      gdd=0.
+      gcoh=0.
+      gprod=0.
+      gqel=0.
+      do i=1,28
+       wabs(i)=wabs(i)/niter
+       wdd(i)=wdd(i)/niter
+       wcoh(i)=wcoh(i)/niter
+       wprod(i)=wprod(i)/niter
+       wqel(i)=wqel(i)/niter
+       gabs=gabs+ai(i)*wabs(i)
+       gdd=gdd+ai(i)*wdd(i)
+       gcoh=gcoh+ai(i)*wcoh(i)
+       gqel=gqel+ai(i)*wqel(i)
+       gprod=gprod+ai(i)*wprod(i)
+      enddo
+      gtot=gprod+gcoh            !total=all cut (with diff) + all uncut
+      if(ish.ge.2)write (ifch,202)gtot,gprod,gabs,gdd,gcoh,gqel
+201   format(2x,'epocrossc - A-B interaction cross sections,'
+     *,' N of iter.:',i5,' bmax:',f5.2)
+202   format(2x,'epocrossc: gtot=',e10.3,2x,'gprod=',e10.3,2x
+     *,'gabs=',e10.3/4x,'gdd=',e10.3,2x,'gcoh=',e10.3,'gqel=',e10.3)
+      koll=kollini
+      call utprix('epocrs',ish,ishini,2)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine epogcr(b,gabs,gdd,gprod,gcoh,gqel)
+c epogcr - integrands (b-profiles) for nucleus-nucleus cross sections
+c b - impact parameter
+c code from QGSJET programs by S.Ostapchenko
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common/scrangle/ phik3(kollmx),thetak3(kollmx)
+      double precision vin,gabs,gdd,gprod,gcoh,fdd,gqel,fdt,vdt,vcu
+      if(ish.ge.9)write (ifch,201)b
+      gprod=1d0
+      gabs=1d0
+      gdd=1d0
+      fdd=1d0
+      fdt=1d0
+      bx=0
+      by=0
+      if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+        if(b.gt.bkmx)then
+          koll=0
+        else
+          koll=1
+          bk(1)=b
+          iproj(1)=1
+          itarg(1)=1
+          lproj(1)=1
+          ltarg(1)=1
+          lproj3(1)=1
+          ltarg3(1)=1
+          kproj3(1,1)=1
+          ktarg3(1,1)=1
+          kproj(1,1)=1
+          ktarg(1,1)=1
+        endif
+      else
+        bx=b
+        by=0.
+        koll=0
+        do i=1,maproj
+          lproj(i)=0
+          lproj3(i)=0
+        enddo
+        do j=1,matarg
+          ltarg(j)=0
+          ltarg3(j)=0
+        enddo
+        do 12 i=1,maproj
+        do 11 j=1,matarg
+          bij=sqrt((xproj(i)+bx-xtarg(j))**2+(yproj(i)+by-ytarg(j))**2)
+          if(bij.gt.bkmx)goto 11
+          koll=koll+1
+          if(koll.gt.kollmx)call utstop('epogcr: kollmx too small&')
+          bk(koll)=bij
+          bkx(koll)=xproj(i)+bx-xtarg(j)
+          bky(koll)=yproj(i)+by-ytarg(j)
+          iproj(koll)=i
+          itarg(koll)=j
+          lproj(i)=lproj(i)+1
+          ltarg(j)=ltarg(j)+1
+          kproj(i,lproj(i))=koll
+          ktarg(j,ltarg(j))=koll
+          if(iscreen.ne.0.and.bij.le.bkmxndif)then
+            if(zbrmax.gt.0..and.bij.gt.zbcut+zbrmax*rangen())goto 11
+            lproj3(i)=lproj3(i)+1
+            ltarg3(j)=ltarg3(j)+1
+            kproj3(i,lproj3(i))=koll
+            ktarg3(j,ltarg3(j))=koll
+c define angle for anti-shadowing
+            if(abs(bky(koll)).gt.1.e-6)then
+              if(abs(bkx(koll)).gt.1.e-6)then
+                phik3(koll)=atan(bky(koll)/bkx(koll))
+              else
+                phik3(koll)=sign(0.5*pi,bky(koll))
+              endif
+            elseif(bkx(koll).lt.0.)then
+              phik3(koll)=pi
+            endif
+            if(bk(koll).gt.0.)then
+              thetak3(koll)=atan(bglaubx/bk(koll))
+            else
+              thetak3(koll)=0.5*pi
+            endif
+          endif
+ 11     continue
+ 12     continue
+      endif
+      if(koll.eq.0)then
+        gabs=0d0
+        gdd=0d0
+        gprod=0d0
+        gcoh=0d0
+        gqel=0d0
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      if(iscreen.ne.0)call CalcScrPair(b)
+      irea=-1
+      call GfunParK(irea)
+      if(ionudi.eq.0
+     &  .and.(maproj.ne.1.or.matarg.ne.1).and.nglevt.eq.0)then
+        gabs=0d0
+        gdd=0d0
+        gprod=0d0
+        gcoh=0d0
+        gqel=0d0
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+      call integom1(irea)
+      do n=1,maproj
+       call epov(n,vin,vcu,vdt)
+       gprod=gprod*vin
+       gabs=gabs*vcu
+       fdd=fdd*(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &        **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(lproj(n)-1))
+       fdt=fdt*vdt
+      enddo
+      gprod=min(gprod,1.d0)
+      gcoh=1d0-2d0*sqrt(gprod)+gprod
+      gprod=1d0-gprod
+      gabs=max(0d0,1d0-gabs)          !cut (no diffraction)
+      gdd=max(0d0,gprod-gabs)       !diffractive part
+      gqel=0d0
+      if(ionudi.eq.2.and.maproj+matarg.gt.2)then
+        gqel=fdd*gdd      !quasielastic = diffractive without excited proj.
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)gqel=gqel-fdd*fdt*gdd  !DPE counted as inelastic
+        gdd=gdd-gqel             !only excited projectile diffraction
+      elseif(iLHC.ne.1)then
+        gqel=fdd*fdt*gdd !quasielastic = diffractive without excited proj. or targ
+        gdd=gdd-gqel     !inelastic part due to excited diffraction
+      endif
+ 1000 continue
+      if(ish.ge.9)write (ifch,202)gabs,gdd,gprod,gcoh,gqel,fdd,fdt
+201   format(2x,'epogcr-integrands for nucleus-nucleus cross sections,'
+     *,' b=',e10.3)
+202   format(2x,'epogcr: gabs=',e10.3,2x,'gdd=',e10.3,2x,'gprod=',e10.3
+     *,2x,'gcoh=',e10.3,2x,'gqel=',e10.3,2x,'fdd=',e10.3,' fdt=',e10.3)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine epov(n,vin,vcu,vdt)
+c epov - eikonal factors for nucleus-nucleus interaction
+c (used for cross-section calculation)
+c n - projectile nucleon indice
+c vin - all uncut pomerons
+c vcu - all uncut non diff pomerons
+c vdt - non diffractive excitation factor for target
+c code from QGSJET programs by S.Ostapchenko
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common /cncl/xproj(mamx),yproj(mamx),zproj(mamx)
+     *            ,xtarg(mamx),ytarg(mamx),ztarg(mamx)
+      double precision vvv2,vvv1,dv,vin,vcu,vdt,PhiExpoK,PhiExpoK2
+      if(ish.ge.9)write (ifch,201)xproj(n),yproj(n)
+      vin=0.d0
+      vcu=0.d0
+      vvv1=1.d0
+      vvv2=1.d0
+      dv=1.d0
+      do m=1,lproj(n)
+        k=kproj(n,m)
+        vvv2=vvv2*max(0.d0,PhiExpoK2(k,1.d0,1.d0))
+        vvv1=vvv1*max(0.d0,PhiExpoK(k,1.d0,1.d0))
+        dv=dv*(1.-rexdif(icltar))
+     &        **(1.+rexres(icltar)*float(ltarg(m)-1))
+      enddo
+      vcu=vvv2
+      vin=vvv1                    !exp(-2 * chi)
+      vdt=dv
+      if(ish.ge.9)write (ifch,202)vin,vcu,vdt
+      if(ish.ge.9)write (ifch,203)
+201   format(2x,'epov - eikonal factor: nucleon coordinates x=',
+     *e10.3,2x,'y=',e10.3)
+202   format(2x,'vin=',e10.3,2x,'vcu=',e10.3,2x,'vdt=',e10.3)
+203   format(2x,'epov - end')
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psfz(iqq,gz2,b)
+c hadron-nucleus cross sections calculation
+c b - impact parameter squared
+C iqq - 1 = elastic cross section
+C       2 = inelastic cross section
+      double precision PhiExpo
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common /ar3/ x1(7),a1(7)
+      external pttcs,pprcs
+      gz2=0.
+      e1=exp(-1.)
+      if(iomega.eq.2)then      !no dif
+        rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy**2)
+      else
+        rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+max(slopom,slopoms)*log(engy**2)
+     &     +gwidth*(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))
+     &     +bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)/4./0.0389
+      endif
+      rpom=4.*.0389*rs
+      kollini=koll        !koll modified in zzfz
+      koll=1
+      if(iscreen.ne.0.and.(maproj.gt.1.or.matarg.gt.1))then
+        call zzfz(zzp,zzt,kollth,b)
+        koll=kollth
+      else
+        zzp=0.
+        zzt=0.
+      endif
+      do i1=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        z=.5+x1(i1)*(m-1.5)
+        zv1=exp(-z)
+        zv2=(e1*z)
+        b1=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv1))
+        b2=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv2))
+        if(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1)then
+          cg1=1.
+          cg2=1.
+        elseif(matarg.eq.1)then
+          cg1=ptrot(pprcs,b,b1)
+          cg2=ptrot(pprcs,b,b2)
+        else
+          cg1=ptrot(pttcs,b,b1)
+          cg2=ptrot(pttcs,b,b2)
+        endif
+        vv21=sngl(Phiexpo(zzp,zzt,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b1))
+        vv22=sngl(Phiexpo(zzp,zzt,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b2))
+        if(iqq.ne.1)then
+          gz2=gz2+a1(i1)*(cg1*(1.-vv21)+cg2*(1.-vv22)/z)
+        else
+          vv11=sngl(Phiexpo(zzp,zzt,0.5,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b1))
+          vv12=sngl(Phiexpo(zzp,zzt,0.5,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b2))
+          gz2=gz2+a1(i1)*(cg1*(vv21-2.*vv11+1.)
+     &                   +cg2*(vv22-2.*vv12+1.)/z)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      gz2=gz2*rpom*0.5
+      koll=kollini
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine zzfz(zzp,zzt,kollth,b)
+c hadron-nucleus cross sections calculation
+c b - impact parameter squared
+C xsfct - 0.5 = total cross section
+C         1.0 = inelastic cross section
+      common /psar50/ zznuc,b2xnuc
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common /ar3/ x1(7),a1(7)
+      external  pttcs,pprcs,pttzz,pprzz
+      zzp=0.
+      zzt=0.
+      kollth=1
+      if(iscreen.eq.0.or.(maproj.eq.1.and.matarg.eq.1))return
+      rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy**2)
+      rpom=4.*.0389*rs
+      bgl2=2.*rpom*epscrp
+      zzpp=epscrw*fscra(engy/egyscr)
+c caculate the radius where Z is saturated at epscrx to define the bases
+c of nuclear shadowing
+      satrad=0.
+      if(zzpp.gt.0.)satrad=-bgl2*log(epscrx/zzpp)
+      bglx=zbrads*sqrt(max(0.1,satrad))
+      fzbrmax=1.
+      if(zbrmax.gt.0)fzbrmax=zbrmax
+      fzbcut=1.
+      if(zbcut.gt.0)fzbcut=zbcut*bglx
+      fzbrads=1.
+      if(bglx.gt.0)fzbrads=bglx
+      fnuc=1.2*fzbcut/fzbrads
+      b2xnuc=bgl2+4.*fzbrmax*sqrt(float(maproj*matarg))*fnuc
+      e1=exp(-1.)
+      colp=0.
+      colt=0.
+      do i1=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        z=.5+x1(i1)*(m-1.5)
+        zv1=exp(-z)
+        zv2=(e1*z)
+        b1=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv1))
+        b2=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv2))
+        if(maproj.gt.1)then
+          cg1=ptrot(pprcs,b,b1)
+          cg2=ptrot(pprcs,b,b2)
+          colnuc=a1(i1)*(cg1+cg2/z)
+          colp=colp+colnuc
+          rho=0.05
+          zznuc=epscrw*fscro(engy/egyscr,rho)
+          zp1=ptrot(pprzz,b,b1)
+          zp2=ptrot(pprzz,b,b2)
+          zzp=zzp+a1(i1)*(zp1+zp2/z)
+        endif
+        if(matarg.gt.1)then
+          cg1=ptrot(pttcs,b,b1)
+          cg2=ptrot(pttcs,b,b2)
+          colnuc=a1(i1)*(cg1+cg2/z)
+          colt=colt+colnuc
+          rho=0.05
+          zznuc=epscrw*fscro(engy/egyscr,rho)
+          zt1=ptrot(pttzz,b,b1)
+          zt2=ptrot(pttzz,b,b2)
+          zzt=zzt+a1(i1)*(zt1+zt2/z)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      colp=sqrt(colp)
+      colt=sqrt(colt)
+      if(colp.gt.1.)then
+        kollth=nint(max(1.,colp))
+        colp=fnuc*log(colp)
+        zzp=sqrt(zzp)
+        zzp=0.01*zzp*colp*bgl2
+c saturation
+        zzp=min(zzp,colp*epscrx)
+      else
+        zzp=0.
+      endif
+      if(colt.gt.1.)then
+        kollth=nint(max(1.,kollth+colt))
+        colt=fnuc*log(colt)
+        zzt=sqrt(zzt)
+        zzt=0.01*zzt*colt*bgl2
+c saturation
+        zzt=min(zzt,colt*epscrx)
+      else
+        zzt=0.
+      endif
+c      zzp=zzp*2.   !correction to have formula=MC
+c      zzt=zzt*2.
+c      print *,'ici',b,zzp,zzt,kollth,b2xnuc
+      return
+      end
+      function ptgau(func,bm,ipt,iqq)
+c impact parameter integration for impact parameters <bm -
+c for nucleus-nucleus and hadron-nucleus cross-sections calculation
+c ipt=1 : projectile, ipt=2 : target
+c iqq=1 : elastic xsection, iqq=2 : inelastic cross section
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /ar3/ x1(7),a1(7)
+      external func
+      ptgau=0.
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        b=bm*sqrt(.5+x1(i)*(m-1.5))
+        ptgau=ptgau+func(b,ipt,iqq)*a1(i)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ptgau=ptgau*bm**2*pi*.5
+      return
+      end
+      function ptgau1(bm,ipt,iqq)
+c impact parameter integration for impact parameters >bm -
+c for hadron-nucleus cross-sections calculation
+c ipt=1 : projectile, ipt=2 : target
+c iqq=1 : elastic xsection, iqq=2 : inelastic cross section
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /ar5/    x5(2),a5(2)
+      ptgau1=0.
+      if(ipt.eq.1)then
+        difn=difnuc(maproj)
+      else
+        difn=difnuc(matarg)
+      endif
+      do i=1,2
+        b=bm+x5(i)*difn
+        ptgau1=ptgau1+ptfau(b,ipt,iqq)*a5(i)*exp(x5(i))*b*2.*pi*difn
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      function ptgau2(bm,iqq)
+c impact parameter integration for impact parameters >bm -
+c for nucleus-nucleus cross-sections calculation
+c iqq=1 : elastic xsection, iqq=2 : inelastic cross section
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /ar5/    x5(2),a5(2)
+      ptgau2=0.
+      difn=difnuc(maproj)+difnuc(matarg)
+      do i=1,2
+        b=bm+x5(i)*difn
+        ptgau2=ptgau2+ptfauAA(b,iqq)*a5(i)*exp(x5(i))*b*2.*pi*difn
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      function ptfau(b,ipt,iqq)
+c ptfau - integrands for hadron-nucleus cross-sections calculation
+c ipt=1 : projectile, ipt=2 : target
+c iqq=1 : elastic xsection, iqq=2 : inelastic cross section
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /psar35/ anorm,anormp
+      call psfz(iqq,gz2,b)
+      if(ipt.eq.1)then
+        ptfau=1.-max(0.,(1.-anormp*gz2))**maproj
+      else
+        ptfau=1.-max(0.,(1.-anorm*gz2))**matarg
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function ptfauAA(b,iqq)
+c ptfau - integrands for hadron-nucleus cross-sections calculation
+c iqq=1 : elastic xsection, iqq=2 : inelastic cross section
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /psar35/ anorm,anormp
+      external pprcs
+      ptfauAA=0.
+      e1=exp(-1.)
+      rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+max(slopom,slopoms)*log(engy**2)
+     &     +gwidth*(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar))
+     &     +bmxdif(iclpro,icltar)/4./0.0389
+      rpom=4.*.0389*rs
+      do i1=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        z=.5+x1(i1)*(m-1.5)
+        zv1=exp(-z)
+        zv2=(e1*z)
+        b1=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv1))
+        b2=sqrt(-rpom*log(zv2))
+        call psfz(iqq,gz21,b1)
+        call psfz(iqq,gz22,b2)
+        ptfau1=max(0.,(1.-anorm*gz21))**matarg
+        ptfau2=max(0.,(1.-anorm*gz22))**matarg
+        cg1=ptrot(pprcs,b,b1)
+        cg2=ptrot(pprcs,b,b2)
+        ptfauAA=ptfauAA+a1(i1)*(cg1*(1.-ptfau1)+cg2*(1.-ptfau2)/z)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      ptfauAA=ptfauAA*rpom/2.
+      ptfauAA=1.-max(0.,(1.-anormp*ptfauAA))**maproj
+      return
+      end
+      function ptrot(func,s,b)
+c convolution of nuclear profile functions (axial angle integration)
+      common /ar8/ x2(4),a2
+      external func
+      ptrot=0.
+      do i=1,4
+        sb1=b**2+s**2-2.*b*s*(2.*x2(i)-1.)
+        sb2=b**2+s**2-2.*b*s*(1.-2.*x2(i))
+       ptrot=ptrot+(func(sb1)+func(sb2))
+      enddo
+      ptrot=ptrot*a2
+      return
+      end
+      function pttcs(b0)
+c ptt - nuclear profile function value at imp param squared b*difnuc**2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /psar34/ rrr,rrrm
+      common /ar5/    x5(2),a5(2)
+      common /ar9/    x9(3),a9(3)
+      b=b0/difnuc(matarg)**2
+      pttcs=0.
+      zm=rrrm**2-b
+      if(zm.gt.4.*b)then
+        zm=sqrt(zm)
+      else
+        zm=2.*sqrt(b)
+      endif
+      do i=1,3
+        z1=zm*(1.+x9(i))*0.5
+        z2=zm*(1.-x9(i))*0.5
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrr
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pttcs=pttcs+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+        quq=sqrt(b+z2**2)-rrr
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pttcs=pttcs+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pttcs=pttcs*zm*0.5
+      dt=0.
+      do i=1,2
+        z1=x5(i)+zm
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrr-x5(i)
+        if (quq.lt.85.)dt=dt+a5(i)/(exp(-x5(i))+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pttcs=pttcs+dt
+      return
+      end
+      function pttzz(b0)
+c ptt - nuclear Z function value at imp param squared b*difnuc**2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common /psar34/ rrr,rrrm
+      common /psar50/ zznuc,b2xnuc
+      common /ar5/    x5(2),a5(2)
+      common /ar9/    x9(3),a9(3)
+      pttzz=0.
+      b=b0/difnuc(matarg)**2
+c      absb=max(1.e-9,sqrt(b0)-zbcut)
+      absb=max(1.e-9,sqrt(b0))
+      bsq=absb*absb
+      zm=rrrm**2-b
+      if(zm.gt.4.*b)then
+        zm=sqrt(zm)
+      else
+        zm=2.*sqrt(b)
+      endif
+      do i=1,3
+        z1=zm*(1.+x9(i))*0.5
+        z2=zm*(1.-x9(i))*0.5
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrr
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pttzz=pttzz+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+        quq=sqrt(b+z2**2)-rrr
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pttzz=pttzz+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pttzz=pttzz*zm*0.5
+      dt=0.
+      do i=1,2
+        z1=x5(i)+zm
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrr-x5(i)
+        if (quq.lt.85.)dt=dt+a5(i)/(exp(-x5(i))+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pttzz=max(0.,(pttzz+dt)-1.)*zznuc*exp(-bsq/2./b2xnuc)
+      return
+      end
+      function pprcs(b0)
+c ppr - nuclear profile function value at imp param squared b*difnuc**2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /psar41/ rrrp,rrrmp
+      common /ar5/    x5(2),a5(2)
+      common /ar9/    x9(3),a9(3)
+      b=b0/difnuc(maproj)**2
+      pprcs=0.
+      zm=rrrmp**2-b
+      if(zm.gt.4.*b)then
+        zm=sqrt(zm)
+      else
+        zm=2.*sqrt(b)
+      endif
+      do i=1,3
+        z1=zm*(1.+x9(i))*0.5
+        z2=zm*(1.-x9(i))*0.5
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrrp
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pprcs=pprcs+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+        quq=sqrt(b+z2**2)-rrrp
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pprcs=pprcs+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pprcs=pprcs*zm*0.5
+      dt=0.
+      do i=1,2
+        z1=x5(i)+zm
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrrp-x5(i)
+        if (quq.lt.85.)dt=dt+a5(i)/(exp(-x5(i))+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pprcs=pprcs+dt
+      return
+      end
+      function pprzz(b0)
+c ppr - Z nuclear function value at imp param squared b*difnuc**2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common /psar41/ rrrp,rrrmp
+      common /psar50/ zznuc,b2xnuc
+      common /ar5/    x5(2),a5(2)
+      common /ar9/    x9(3),a9(3)
+      pprzz=0.
+      b=b0/difnuc(maproj)**2
+c      absb=max(1.e-9,sqrt(b0)-zbcut)
+      absb=max(1.e-9,sqrt(b0))
+      bsq=absb*absb
+      zm=rrrmp**2-b
+      if(zm.gt.4.*b)then
+        zm=sqrt(zm)
+      else
+        zm=2.*sqrt(b)
+      endif
+      do i=1,3
+        z1=zm*(1.+x9(i))*0.5
+        z2=zm*(1.-x9(i))*0.5
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrrp
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pprzz=pprzz+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+        quq=sqrt(b+z2**2)-rrrp
+        if (quq.lt.85.)pprzz=pprzz+a9(i)/(1.+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pprzz=pprzz*zm*0.5
+      dt=0.
+      do i=1,2
+        z1=x5(i)+zm
+        quq=sqrt(b+z1**2)-rrrp-x5(i)
+        if (quq.lt.85.)dt=dt+a5(i)/(exp(-x5(i))+exp(quq))
+      enddo
+      pprzz=max(0.,(pprzz+dt)-1.)*zznuc*exp(-bsq/2./b2xnuc)
+      return
+      end
+      function pscrse(ek,mapr,matg,iqq)
+c hadron-nucleus (hadron-proton) and nucl-nucl particle production cross section
+c ek     - lab kinetic energy for the interaction
+c maproj - projec mass number
+c matarg - target mass number
+c iqq=1    - ela cross section
+c     >2   - ine cross section (2 used for cut (changing iomega), 3 uses table,
+c                               4 used for ine without table)
+      dimension wk(3),wa(3),wb(3)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /psar33/ asect(7,4,8),asectn(7,8,8)
+      common /psar34/ rrr,rrrm
+      common /psar35/ anorm,anormp
+      common /psar41/ rrrp,rrrmp
+      external ptfau,ptfauAA
+      pscrse=0.
+      call idmass(1120,amt1)
+      call idmass(1220,amt2)
+      amtar=0.5*(amt1+amt2)
+      if(matg.eq.1)amtar=amt1
+      if(mapr.eq.1)then
+        call idmass(idproj,ampro)
+      else
+        ampro=amtar
+      endif
+      egy=ek+ampro
+c      p=sqrt(max(0.,egy**2-ampro**2))
+      egy=sqrt( 2*egy*amtar+amtar**2+ampro**2 )
+      if(isetcs.le.1.or.iqq.ne.3)then
+        maprojsave=maproj
+        matargsave=matarg
+        engysave=engy
+        maproj=mapr
+        matarg=matg
+        engy=egy
+        if(matg.eq.1.and.mapr.eq.1)then
+          if(iqq.eq.1)then !sig ela
+            call psfz(1,gz2,0.)
+          else             !sig ine
+            call psfz(2,gz2,0.)
+          endif
+          gin=gz2*pi*10.
+        elseif(mapr.eq.1)then
+          rad=radnuc(matg)
+          bm=rad+2.
+          rrr=rad/difnuc(matg)
+          rrrm=rrr+log(9.)
+          anorm=1.5/pi/rrr**3/(1.+(pi/rrr)**2)/difnuc(matg)**2
+          if(iqq.ne.1)then
+            gin=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,2)+ptgau1(bm,2,2))*10. !sig ine
+          else
+            gin=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,1)+ptgau1(bm,2,1))*10. !sig ela
+          endif
+        elseif(matg.eq.1)then
+          rad=radnuc(mapr)
+          bm=rad+2.
+          rrrp=rad/difnuc(mapr)
+          rrrmp=rrrp+log(9.)
+          anormp=1.5/pi/rrrp**3/(1.+(pi/rrrp)**2)/difnuc(mapr)**2
+          if(iqq.ne.1)then
+            gin=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,1,2)+ptgau1(bm,1,2))*10. !sig ine
+          else
+            gin=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,1,1)+ptgau1(bm,1,1))*10. !sig ela
+          endif
+         else
+          rad=radnuc(matg)+1.
+          radp=radnuc(mapr)+1.
+          bm=rad+radp+2.
+          rrr=rad/difnuc(matg)
+          rrrm=rrr+log(9.)
+          rrrp=radp/difnuc(mapr)
+          rrrmp=rrrp+log(9.)
+          anorm=1.5/pi/rrr**3/(1.+(pi/rrr)**2)/difnuc(matg)**2
+          anormp=1.5/pi/rrrp**3/(1.+(pi/rrrp)**2)/difnuc(mapr)**2
+          if(iqq.ne.1)then
+            gin=(ptgau(ptfauAA,bm,2,2)+ptgau2(bm,2))*10. !sig ine
+          else
+            gin=(ptgau(ptfauAA,bm,2,1)+ptgau2(bm,1))*10. !sig ela
+          endif
+        endif
+        pscrse=gin
+        maproj=maprojsave
+        matarg=matargsave
+        engy=engysave
+      else
+        ye=log10(max(1.,egy/1.5))+1.
+        je=min(5,int(ye))
+        wk(2)=ye-je
+        wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+        wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+        wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+        ya=matg
+        ya=log(ya)/.69315+1.
+        ja=min(int(ya),6)
+        wa(2)=ya-ja
+        wa(3)=wa(2)*(wa(2)-1.)*.5
+        wa(1)=1.-wa(2)+wa(3)
+        wa(2)=wa(2)-2.*wa(3)
+        if(mapr.eq.1)then
+          do i=1,3
+            do m=1,3
+              pscrse=pscrse+asect(je+i-1,iclpro,ja+m-1)*wk(i)*wa(m)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        else
+          yb=mapr
+          yb=log(yb)/.69315+1.
+          jb=min(int(yb),6)
+          wb(2)=yb-jb
+          wb(3)=wb(2)*(wb(2)-1.)*.5
+          wb(1)=1.-wb(2)+wb(3)
+          wb(2)=wb(2)-2.*wb(3)
+          do i=1,3
+            do m=1,3
+              do n=1,3
+            pscrse=pscrse+asectn(je+i-1,jb+n-1,ja+m-1)*wk(i)*wa(m)*wb(n)
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+        pscrse=exp(pscrse)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function eposcrse(ek,mapro,matar,id)
+c inelastic cross section of epos
+c (id=0 corresponds to air)
+c ek     - kinetic energy for the interaction
+c maproj - projec mass number     (1<maproj<64)
+c matarg - target mass number     (1<matarg<64)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      eposcrse=0.
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+        do k=1,3
+          mt=int(airanxs(k))
+          eposcrse=eposcrse+airwnxs(k)*pscrse(ek,mapro,mt,3)
+        enddo
+      else
+        eposcrse=pscrse(ek,mapro,matar,3)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function eposinecrse(ek,mapro,matar,id)
+c inelastic cross section of epos not using tabulated xs
+c (id=0 corresponds to air)
+c ek     - kinetic energy for the interaction
+c maproj - projec mass number     (1<maproj<64)
+c matarg - target mass number     (1<matarg<64)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      eposinecrse=0.
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+        do k=1,3
+          mt=int(airanxs(k))
+          eposinecrse=eposinecrse+airwnxs(k)*pscrse(ek,mapro,mt,4)
+        enddo
+      else
+        eposinecrse=pscrse(ek,mapro,matar,4)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function eposelacrse(ek,mapro,matar,id)
+c elastic cross section of epos
+c (id=0 corresponds to air)
+c ek     - kinetic energy for the interaction
+c maproj - projec mass number     (1<maproj<64)
+c matarg - target mass number     (1<matarg<64)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      eposelacrse=0.
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+        do k=1,3
+          mt=int(airanxs(k))
+          eposelacrse=eposelacrse+airwnxs(k)*pscrse(ek,mapro,mt,1)
+        enddo
+      else
+        eposelacrse=pscrse(ek,mapro,matar,1)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function eposcutcrse(ek,mapro,matar,id)
+c total cross section of epos
+c (id=0 corresponds to air)
+c ek     - kinetic energy for the interaction
+c maproj - projec mass number     (1<maproj<64)
+c matarg - target mass number     (1<matarg<64)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      eposcutcrse=0.
+      iomegasave=iomega
+      iomega=2
+      if(id.eq.0)then
+        do k=1,3
+          mt=int(airanxs(k))
+          eposcutcrse=eposcutcrse+airwnxs(k)*pscrse(ek,mapro,mt,2)
+        enddo
+      else
+        eposcutcrse=pscrse(ek,mapro,matar,2)
+      endif
+      iomega=iomegasave
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine crseaaEpos(sigt,sigi,sigc,sige)
+c nucleus-nucleus (hadron) cross section of epos from simplified (realistic)
+c simulations
+c (id=0 corresponds to air)
+c  sigt = sig tot
+c  sigi = sig inelastic (cut + projectile diffraction)
+c  sigc = sig cut
+c  sige = sig elastic (includes target diffraction)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      niter=20000
+      if(idtarg.eq.0)then
+        sigt=0.
+        sigc=0.
+        sigi=0.
+        sige=0.
+        sigd=0.
+        sigql=0.
+        do k=1,3
+          matarg=int(airanxs(k))
+          call epocrossc(niter,xsigt,xsigi,xsigc,xsige,xsigql,xsigd)
+          sigt=sigt+airwnxs(k)*xsigt
+          sigi=sigi+airwnxs(k)*xsigi
+          sigc=sigc+airwnxs(k)*xsigc
+          sige=sige+airwnxs(k)*xsige
+          sigd=sigd+airwnxs(k)*xsigd
+          sigql=sigql+airwnxs(k)*xsigql
+        enddo
+      else
+        call epocrossc(niter,sigt,sigi,sigc,sige,sigql,sigd)
+      endif
+      if(ionudi.ne.1)then
+        sige=sige+sigql      !add non-excited diffractive projectile to elastic
+        sigi=sigi-sigql      !do not count non-excited diffractive projectile in inelastic
+        if(maproj+matarg.gt.2)then
+          sigc=sigc+sigd*0.95   !for absorbtion cross section remove 5% of the
+                                !excited projectile diffractive cross section
+                                !which "looks like" non excited (approximation)
+        endif
+      endif
+      end
+c      function pshard1(sy,xpp,xpm,z)
+cc pshard - qq-pomeron eikonal
+cc sy - energy squared for the pomeron,
+cc xpp - lc+ for the pomeron,
+cc xpm - lc- for the pomeron
+c      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+c      common /ar9/   x9(3),a9(3)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      pshard1=0.
+c      if(iclpro.ne.4.and.icltar.ne.4)then
+c        spmin=4.*q2min
+c      else
+c        spmin=4.*q2min+2.*qcmass**2
+c      endif
+c      if(sy.le.spmin)return
+c      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy))
+c      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+c      xmin=spmin/sy             !min hard pomeron mass share
+c      xminl=xmin**(delh+.5)
+c      do i=1,3
+c      do m=1,2
+c        zh=(.5*(1.+xminl-(2*m-3)*x9(i)*(1.-xminl)))**(1./(delh+.5))
+c        if(iclpro.ne.4.and.icltar.ne.4)then
+c          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+c          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+c          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+c        else
+c          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,4,1)
+c          sqq=0.
+c          sqaq=0.
+c        endif
+c        stq=0.
+c        do i1=1,3
+c        do m1=1,2
+c          xx=.5+x9(i1)*(m1-1.5)
+c          xp=zh**xx
+c          xm=zh/xp
+c          if(xp*xpp.le..9999.and.xm*xpm.le..9999.or.
+c     *    xm*xpp.le..9999.and.xp*xpm.le..9999)then
+c          stq=stq+a9(i1)*psharf(xp*xpp,xm*xpm,sqq,sqqp,sqaq)
+c     *    *(1.-xp)**(1.+alplea(iclpro)-alpq)
+c     *    *(1.-xm)**(1.+alplea(icltar)-alpq)
+c          endif
+c        enddo
+c        enddo
+c        pshard1=pshard1-a9(i)*stq/zh**(delh+0.5)*log(zh)
+c      enddo
+c      enddo
+c      pshard1=pshard1*(1.-xminl)/(delh+.5)/4.*factk
+c     **chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)*(xpp*xpm)**(1.-alpq)
+c     **z**(rp/(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)))
+c     */(8.*pi*(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)))
+c      return
+c      end
+      function pshard(sy,xpp,xpm)
+c pshard - qq-pomeron eikonal
+c sy - energy squared for the pomeron,
+c xpp - lc+ for the pomeron,
+c xpm - lc- for the pomeron
+      double precision z01
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      pshard=0.
+      if(iclpro.ne.4.and.icltar.ne.4)then
+        spmin=4.*q2min
+      else
+        spmin=4.*q2min+2.*qcmass**2
+      endif
+      if(sy.le.spmin)return
+      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+      xmin=spmin/sy             !min hard pomeron mass share
+      xminl=xmin**(delh+.5)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        zh=(.5*(1.+xminl-(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xminl)))**(1./(delh+.5))
+        if(iclpro.ne.4.and.icltar.ne.4)then
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,1,1)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqqp,sqqpb,1,2)
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqaq,sqaqb,-1,1)
+        else
+          call psjti0(zh*sy,sqq,sqqb,4,1)
+          sqqp=0.
+          sqaq=0.
+        endif
+        stq=0.  !int^1_(sqrt(z)) dx_p / x_p / sqrt(1-x_p) =int^(tmax)_(0) dt
+        tmax=sqrt(1.-sqrt(zh))        !t=ln((1+sqrt(1-x_p))/(1-sqrt(1-x_p)))
+        tmax=log((1.+tmax)/(1.-tmax))
+        if(tmax.gt.1.e-20)then
+        do i1=1,7
+        do m1=1,2
+          t=tmax*(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+          z01=((1.d0-exp(-1.d0*t))/(1.d0+exp(-1.d0*t)))**2
+          xp=1.-z01
+          xm=zh/xp
+          if(xp*xpp.le..9999.and.xm*xpm.le..9999.or.
+     *    xm*xpp.le..9999.and.xp*xpm.le..9999)then
+          stq=stq+a1(i1)*(psharf(xp*xpp,xm*xpm,sqq,sqqp,sqaq)+
+     *    psharf(xm*xpp,xp*xpm,sqq,sqqp,sqaq))
+     *    *z01**(.5-alpq)/(1.-xm)**alpq
+          endif
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        stq=stq*tmax
+        endif
+        pshard=pshard+a1(i)*stq/zh**(delh+0.5)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      pshard=pshard*(1.-xminl)/(delh+.5)/4.*
+     *utgam1(2.+alplea(iclpro)-alpq)/utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro))/
+     *utgam1(1.-alpq)*
+     *utgam1(2.+alplea(icltar)-alpq)/utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar))/
+     *utgam1(1.-alpq)*
+     *chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)/(8.*pi*(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)))*
+     *(xpp*xpm)**(-alpq)/sy**delh
+      return
+      end
+      function psharf(zh1,zh2,sqq,sqqp,sqaq)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      alpq=(alppar+1.)/2.
+      if(zh1.le..9999.and.zh2.le..9999)then
+        uv1=psdfh4(zh1,q2min,0.,iclpro,1)
+        dv1=psdfh4(zh1,q2min,0.,iclpro,2)
+        uv2=psdfh4(zh2,q2min,0.,icltar,1)
+        dv2=psdfh4(zh2,q2min,0.,icltar,2)
+        if(iclpro.eq.2.and.icltar.eq.2)then       !proton
+          fff=sqq*(uv1*uv2+dv1*dv2)+sqqp*(uv1*dv2+dv1*uv2)
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.1.or.icltar.eq.1)then   !pion
+          fff=sqq*uv1*uv2+sqaq*dv1*dv2+sqqp*(uv1*dv2+dv1*uv2)
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.3.or.icltar.eq.3)then   !kaon
+          fff=sqq*uv1*uv2+sqqp*(uv1*dv2+dv1*uv2+dv1*dv2)
+        elseif(iclpro.eq.4.or.icltar.eq.4)then   !J/psi
+          fff=sqq*uv1*(uv2+dv2)
+        else
+          fff=0.
+          call utstop("Projectile not know in psharg !&")
+        endif
+        psharf=fff*(1.-zh1)**(-1.+alpq-alplea(iclpro))*
+     *  (1.-zh2)**(-1.+alpq-alplea(icltar))
+      else
+        psharf=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psvin(sy,xpp,xpm,z,iqq)
+c psvin - contributions to the interaction eikonal
+c sy  - energy squared for the hard interaction,
+c xpp - lc+ for the sh pomeron,
+c xpm - lc- for the sh pomeron,
+c z   - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/4*rp),
+c iqq = 1  - gg,
+c iqq = 2  - qg,
+c iqq = 3  - gq,
+c iqq = 4  - qq,
+c iqq = 5  - gg(int),
+c iqq = 6  - gg(proj),
+c iqq = 7  - qg(proj),
+c iqq = 9  - total uncut-integrated,
+c iqq = 10 - total cut,
+c iqq = 14  - gg(int)|b=0,
+c iqq = 15  - <b^2*gg(int)>,
+c iqq = 16  - gg(proj)|b=0,
+c iqq = 17  - <b^2*gg(proj)>,
+c iqq = 18  - qg(proj)|b=0,
+c iqq = 19  - <b^2*qg(proj)>
+      dimension wk(3),wi(3),wj(3),wz(3),fa(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar4/  fhgg(11,10,8),fhqg(11,10,80)
+     *,fhgq(11,10,80),fhqq(11,10,80),fhgg0(11,10),fhgg1(11,10,4)
+     *,fhqg1(11,10,40),fhgg01(11),fhgg02(11),fhgg11(11,4)
+     *,fhgg12(11,4),fhqg11(11,10,4),fhqg12(11,10,4)
+     *,ftoint(11,14,2,2,3)
+      common /psar7/  delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      if(iqq.eq.3)then
+        xp=xpm
+        xm=xpp
+        iclp=icltar
+        iclt=iclpro
+      else
+        xp=xpp
+        xm=xpm
+        iclp=iclpro
+        iclt=icltar
+      endif
+      rp=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(max(1.,sy))
+      psvin=0.
+      if(iqq.eq.1.or.iqq.eq.5.or.iqq.eq.6.or.iqq.eq.14
+     *.or.iqq.eq.15.or.iqq.eq.16.or.iqq.eq.17
+     *.or.iclpro.ne.4.and.(iqq.eq.2.or.iqq.eq.7
+     *.or.iqq.eq.18.or.iqq.eq.19)
+     *.or.icltar.ne.4.and.iqq.eq.3
+     *.or.iclpro.ne.4.and.icltar.ne.4)then
+        spmin=4.*q2min
+      else
+        spmin=4.*q2min+2.*qcmass**2
+      endif
+      if(sy.le.spmin.and.(iqq.le.7.or.iqq.gt.13))return
+      if(iqq.le.7.or.iqq.gt.13)then
+        yl=log(sy/spmin)/log(epmax/2./spmin)*10.+1
+        k=int(yl)
+        if(k.gt.9)k=9
+        wk(2)=yl-k
+        wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+        wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+        wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+        if(iqq.ne.4)then  !---------------- not 4 ------------------
+          if(iqq.eq.5)then
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fhgg01(k+1))*wk(2)
+     *        +exp(fhgg01(k+2))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fhgg01(k)*wk(1)+fhgg01(k+1)*wk(2)
+     *        +fhgg01(k+2)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*factk*sy**delh
+            return
+          elseif(iqq.eq.15)then
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fhgg02(k+1))*wk(2)
+     *        +exp(fhgg02(k+2))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fhgg02(k)*wk(1)+fhgg02(k+1)*wk(2)
+     *        +fhgg02(k+2)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*factk*sy**delh
+            return
+          elseif(iqq.eq.6)then
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fhgg11(k+1,iclpro))*wk(2)
+     *        +exp(fhgg11(k+2,iclpro))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fhgg11(k,iclpro)*wk(1)+fhgg11(k+1,iclpro)*wk(2)
+     *        +fhgg11(k+2,iclpro)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*factk*sy**delh*xp**(-alppar)
+            return
+          elseif(iqq.eq.17)then
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fhgg12(k+1,iclpro))*wk(2)
+     *        +exp(fhgg12(k+2,iclpro))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fhgg12(k,iclpro)*wk(1)+fhgg12(k+1,iclpro)*wk(2)
+     *        +fhgg12(k+2,iclpro)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*factk*sy**delh*xp**(-alppar)
+            return
+          elseif(iqq.eq.7.or.iqq.eq.19)then
+            if(xp.lt..2)then
+              xl=log(10.*xp)/log(2.)+5.
+            else
+              xl=5.*xp+5.
+            endif
+            i=int(xl)
+            if(i.lt.1)i=1
+            if(i.eq.5)i=4
+            if(i.gt.8)i=8
+            wi(2)=xl-i
+            wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+            wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+            wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+            do k1=1,3
+              fa(k1)=0.
+            do i1=1,3
+              k2=k+k1-1
+              fhhh=0.
+              if(iqq.eq.7)then
+                fhhh=fhqg11(k2,i+i1-1,iclpro)
+              elseif(iqq.eq.19)then
+                fhhh=fhqg12(k2,i+i1-1,iclpro)
+              endif
+              fa(k1)=fa(k1)+fhhh*wi(i1)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*factk*sy**delh
+            return
+          endif
+          jz=int(10.*z)
+          if(jz.gt.8)jz=8
+          if(jz.lt.1)jz=1
+          wz(2)=10.*z-jz
+          wz(3)=wz(2)*(wz(2)-1.)*.5
+          wz(1)=1.-wz(2)+wz(3)
+          wz(2)=wz(2)-2.*wz(3)
+          if(iqq.eq.14)then
+            do k1=1,3
+              k2=k+k1-1
+              fa(k1)=fhgg0(k2,jz)*wz(1)+fhgg0(k2,jz+1)
+     *        *wz(2)+fhgg0(k2,jz+2)*wz(3)
+            enddo
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*z*factk*sy**delh
+          elseif(iqq.eq.16)then
+            do k1=1,3
+              k2=k+k1-1
+              fa(k1)=fhgg1(k2,jz,iclpro)*wz(1)+fhgg1(k2,jz+1,iclpro)
+     *        *wz(2)+fhgg1(k2,jz+2,iclpro)*wz(3)
+            enddo
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*z*factk*sy**delh*xp**(-alppar)
+          elseif(iqq.eq.18)then
+            if(xp.lt..2)then
+              xl=log(10.*xp)/log(2.)+5.
+            else
+              xl=5.*xp+5.
+            endif
+            i=int(xl)
+            if(i.lt.1)i=1
+            if(i.eq.5)i=4
+            if(i.gt.8)i=8
+            wi(2)=xl-i
+            wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+            wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+            wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+            do k1=1,3
+              fa(k1)=0.
+            do i1=1,3
+            do l1=1,3
+              k2=k+k1-1
+              l2=jz+l1-1+10*(iclpro-1)
+              fhhh=fhqg1(k2,i+i1-1,l2)
+              fa(k1)=fa(k1)+fhhh*wi(i1)*wz(l1)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*z*factk*sy**delh
+          elseif(iqq.eq.1)then   !1111111111111111111111111111111111
+            do k1=1,3
+              k2=k+k1-1
+              iclpt=iclpro+4*(icltar-1)
+              fa(k1)=fhgg(k2,jz,iclpt)*wz(1)+fhgg(k2,jz+1,iclpt)
+     *        *wz(2)+fhgg(k2,jz+2,iclpt)*wz(3)
+            enddo
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*z*factk*sy**delh*(xp*xm)**(-alppar)
+          else  ! 2222222222222222222222 3333333333333333333333 ....
+            if(xp.lt..2)then
+              xl=log(10.*xp)/log(2.)+5.
+            else
+              xl=5.*xp+5.
+            endif
+            i=int(xl)
+            if(i.lt.1)i=1
+            if(i.eq.5)i=4
+            if(i.gt.8)i=8
+            wi(2)=xl-i
+            wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+            wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+            wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+            do k1=1,3
+              fa(k1)=0.
+            do i1=1,3
+            do l1=1,3
+              k2=k+k1-1
+              fhhh=0.
+              if(iqq.eq.2)then
+                l2=jz+l1-1+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1)
+                fhhh=fhqg(k2,i+i1-1,l2)
+              elseif(iqq.eq.3)then
+                l2=jz+l1-1+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1)
+                fhhh=fhgq(k2,i+i1-1,l2)
+              endif
+              fa(k1)=fa(k1)+fhhh*wi(i1)*wz(l1)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            if(k.eq.1)then
+              psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+            else
+              psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+            endif
+            psvin=psvin*xm**(-alppar)*z*factk*sy**delh
+          endif
+        else ! ------------- 4444444444444444444 -----------------------
+          if(xp.lt..2)then
+            xl1=log(10.*xp)/log(2.)+5.
+          else
+            xl1=5.*xp+5.
+          endif
+          i=max(1,int(xl1))
+          if(i.eq.5)i=4
+          i=min(8,i)
+          wi(2)=xl1-i
+          wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+          wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+          wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+          if(xm.lt..2)then
+            xl2=log(10.*xm)/log(2.)+5.
+          else
+            xl2=5.*xm+5.
+          endif
+          j=max(1,int(xl2))
+          if(j.eq.5)j=4
+          j=min(8,j)
+          wj(2)=xl2-j
+          wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+          wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+          wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+          do k1=1,3
+            fa(k1)=0.
+          do i1=1,3
+          do j1=1,3
+            k2=k+k1-1
+            j2=j+j1-1+10*(iclp+4*(iclt-1)-1)
+            fa(k1)=fa(k1)+fhqq(k2,i+i1-1,j2)*wi(i1)*wj(j1)
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          if(k.eq.1)then
+            psvin=max(0.,exp(fa(2))*wk(2)+exp(fa(3))*wk(3))
+          else
+            psvin=exp(fa(1)*wk(1)+fa(2)*wk(2)+fa(3)*wk(3))
+          endif
+          psvin=psvin*z**(rp/(r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)))*
+     *    factk*sy**delh
+        endif !--------------------------------------------
+        return
+      endif
+      yl=log(sy)/log(1.e8)*10.+1
+      k=max(1,int(yl))
+      k=min(k,9)     !?????????????9
+      wk(2)=yl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      if(z.gt..1)then
+        zz=10.*z+4
+      else
+        zz=50.*z
+      endif
+      jz=min(12,int(zz))
+      if(jz.eq.0)jz=1
+      if(jz.eq.4)jz=3
+      wz(2)=zz-jz
+      wz(3)=wz(2)*(wz(2)-1.)*.5
+      wz(1)=1.-wz(2)+wz(3)
+      wz(2)=wz(2)-2.*wz(3)
+      if(iqq.eq.9)then
+        do k1=1,3
+        do l1=1,3
+          k2=k+k1-1
+          l2=jz+l1-1
+          psvin=psvin+ftoint(k2,l2,icdp,icdt,iclp)*wk(k1)*wz(l1)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        psvin=exp(psvin)*z
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psbint(q1,q2,qqcut,ss,m1,l1,jdis)
+c psbint - born cross-section interpolation
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder;
+c q2 - virtuality cutoff at opposite end of the ladder;
+c qqcut - p_t cutoff for the born process;
+c s  - total c.m. energy squared for the scattering,
+c m1 - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c l1 - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+      dimension wi(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar21/ csbor(20,160,2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision psuds
+      psbint=0.
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        qq=max(q1,q2)
+      else
+        qq=max(q1/4.,q2)
+      endif
+      qq=max(qq,qqcut)
+      if(iabs(m1).ne.4)then
+        q2mass=0.
+        if(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.l1)then
+          m=2
+          l=2
+        elseif(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.-l1)then
+          m=3
+          l=1
+        elseif(m1.ne.0.and.l1.ne.0.and.m1.ne.l1)then
+          m=3
+          l=2
+        else
+          m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+          l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+        endif
+      else
+        q2mass=qcmass**2
+        m=4
+        l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+      endif
+      s=ss-q2mass
+      spmin=4.*q2min+q2mass
+      s2min=4.*qq+q2mass
+      if(s.le.s2min)return
+      p1=s/(1.+q2mass/s)
+      if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+      endif
+      qmax=p1/4.
+      tmax=p1/2.
+      ml=20*(m-1)+80*(l-1)
+      qli=log(qq/q2min)/log(qmax/q2min)*19.+1.
+      sl=log(s/spmin)/log(epmax/2./spmin)*19.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      i=int(qli)
+      if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(k.gt.18)k=18
+      if(i.gt.18)i=18
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do i1=1,3
+      do k1=1,3
+        psbint=psbint+csbor(i+i1-1,k+k1+ml-1,jdis+1)
+     *  *wi(i1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psbint=exp(psbint)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      if(jdis.eq.0.and.qq.gt.q1)then
+        psbint=psbint*sngl(psuds(qq,m1)/psuds(q1,m1))
+      elseif(jdis.eq.1.and.4.*qq.gt.q1)then
+        psbint=psbint*sngl(psuds(4.*qq,m1)/psuds(q1,m1))
+      endif
+      if(qq.gt.q2)psbint=psbint*sngl(psuds(qq,l1)/psuds(q2,l1))
+      return
+      end
+      function psborn(q1,q2,qqcut,s,j,l,jdis,md)
+c    hard 2->2 parton scattering born cross-section
+c       including sudakov on both sides
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder;
+c q2 - virtuality cutoff at opposite end of the ladder;
+c qqcut - p_t cutoff for the born process;
+c s - c.m. energy squared for the scattering;
+c j - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q);
+c l - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q).
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      double precision sud0,psbornd,psuds
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psborn=0
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        qq=max(q1,q2)
+      else
+        qq=max(q1/4.,q2)
+      endif
+      qq=max(qq,qqcut)
+c      if(j.ne.3)then  !kkkkkkkkkk  charm is 3 ???
+      if(j.ne.4)then
+        j1=j
+        q2mass=0.
+      else
+        j1=4
+        q2mass=qcmass**2
+      endif
+      p1=s/(1.+q2mass/s)
+      if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+!        return !tmin=2.*qq   !kkkkkkk !?????????????  tp  why not ?
+      endif
+      tmax=p1/2.
+      sud0=psuds(q1,j1)*psuds(q2,l)
+      psbornd=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        t=2.*tmin/(1.+tmin/tmax-x1(i)*(2*m-3)
+     &  *(1.-tmin/tmax))
+        qt=t*(1.-t/p1)
+        if(qt.lt..999*qq.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psborn:qt,qq,q1,q2'
+     &                                             ,qq,qt,q1,q2
+        if(jdis.eq.0)then
+          scale=qt
+        else
+          scale=qt*4.
+        endif
+        if(j1.eq.0.and.l.eq.0)then
+          fb=ffborn(s,t, 1. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. )    !gg
+        elseif(j1*l.eq.0)then
+          fb=ffborn(s,t, 0. , 1. , 0. , 0. , 0.)     !qg
+        elseif(j1.eq.l)then
+          fb=ffborn(s,t, 0. , 0. , 1. , 0. , 0.)     !qq
+        elseif(j1.eq.-l)then
+          fb=ffborn(s,t, 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.)     !qq
+        else
+          fb=ffborn(s,t, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.)     !qq
+        endif
+        fb=fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2
+        psbornd=psbornd+dble(a1(i)*fb)*dble(t)**2
+     &  *psuds(scale,j1)*psuds(qt,l)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psbornd=psbornd*dble(2.*pi**3)/dble(s)**2/sud0*2
+     *    /2   !CS for parton pair
+      if(md.eq.1)psbornd=psbornd*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      psborn=sngl(psbornd)
+      return
+      end
+      function psdgh(s,qq,long)
+c psdgh
+c s - energy squared for the interaction (hadron-hadron),
+      common/ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /cnsta/ pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision psuds
+      xd=qq/s
+      if(long.eq.0)then
+        psdgh=(psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,2,1)/2.25+psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,2,2)/9.
+     *  +psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,2,3)/9.+
+     *  2.*(psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,2,-1)+psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,2,-2)+
+     *  psdfh4(xd,q2min,0.,2,-3))/4.5)
+     *  *sngl(psuds(qq,1)/psuds(q2min,1))*4.*pi**2*alfe/qq
+      else
+        psdgh=0.
+      endif
+      dgh=0.
+      if(long.eq.0)then
+        s2min=qq/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      else
+        s2min=4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)+qq
+        s2min=s2min/(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min-qq))
+      endif
+      xmin=s2min/s
+      if(xmin.lt.1.)then
+        do i=1,7          !numerical integration over z1
+        do m=1,2
+          if(long.eq.0)then
+            z1=qq/s+(xmin-qq/s)*((1.-qq/s)/(xmin-qq/s))
+     *      **(.5+(m-1.5)*x1(i))
+          else
+            z1=.5*(1.+xmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xmin))
+          endif
+          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr,1,long)
+          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sdsg,sdng,sdbg,sdtg,sdrg,0,long)
+          tu=psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,1)
+          td=psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,2)
+          ts=psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,3)
+          tg=psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,0)
+          tsea=2.*(psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,-1)+psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,-2)
+     *    +psdfh4(z1,q2min,0.,2,-3))
+          gy=sdn*(tu/2.25+td/9.+ts/9.+tsea/4.5)+sdtg*tg/4.5
+     *    +sdt*(tu+td+ts+tsea)/4.5
+          dgh=dgh+a1(i)*gy*(1.-qq/s/z1)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        dgh=dgh*log((1.-qq/s)/(xmin-qq/s))*.5
+      endif
+      psdgh=psdgh+dgh
+      return
+      end
+      function psdh(s,qq,iclpro0,long)
+c pshard - hard quark-quark interaction cross-section
+c s - energy squared for the interaction (hadron-hadron),
+c iclpro0 - type of the primary hadron (nucleon)
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision psuds
+      xd=qq/s
+      qqs=q2min
+      if(long.eq.0.and.(idisco.eq.0.or.idisco.eq.1))then
+        psdh=(psdfh4(xd,qqs,0.,iclpro0,1)/2.25+
+     *  psdfh4(xd,qqs,0.,iclpro0,2)/9.)
+     *  *sngl(psuds(qq,1)/psuds(qqs,1))
+     *  *4.*pi**2*alfe/qq
+      else
+        psdh=0.
+      endif
+      dh=0.
+      if(long.eq.0)then
+        s2min=qq/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      else
+        s2min=4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)+qq
+        s2min=s2min/(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min-qq))
+      endif
+      xmin=s2min/s
+      if(xmin.lt.1.)then
+        do i=1,7          !numerical integration over z1
+        do m=1,2
+          if(long.eq.0)then
+            z1=qq/s+(xmin-qq/s)*((1.-qq/s)/(xmin-qq/s))
+     *      **(.5+(m-1.5)*x1(i))
+          else
+            z1=.5*(1.+xmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xmin))
+          endif
+          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sds,sdn,sdb,sdt,sdr,1,long)
+          tu=psdfh4(z1,qqs,0.,iclpro0,1)
+          td=psdfh4(z1,qqs,0.,iclpro0,2)
+          gy=sdt*(tu+td)/4.5+sdn*(tu/2.25+td/9.)
+          if(long.eq.0)then
+            gy=gy*(1.-qq/s/z1)
+          else
+            gy=gy/z1
+          endif
+          dh=dh+a1(i)*gy
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        if(long.eq.0)then
+          dh=dh*log((1.-qq/s)/(xmin-qq/s))*.5
+        else
+          dh=dh*(1.-xmin)*.5
+        endif
+      endif
+      psdh=psdh+dh
+      return
+      end
+      function psdsh(s,qq,iclpro0,dqsh,long)
+c psdsh - semihard interaction eikonal
+c s - energy squared for the interaction (hadron-hadron),
+c iclpro0 - hadron class,
+c z - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/rp),
+c iqq - type of the hard interaction (0 - gg, 1 - qg, 2 - gq)
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision psuds
+      xd=qq/s
+      if(long.eq.0.and.(idisco.eq.0.or.idisco.eq.1))then
+        dqsh=fzeroSeaZZ(xd,iclpro0)/xd**dels
+     *  *ffrr*4.*pi*gamhad(iclpro0)/
+     *  4.5*sngl(psuds(qq,1)/psuds(q2min,1))
+     *  *4.*pi**2*alfe/qq
+      else
+        dqsh=0.
+      endif
+      if(long.eq.0)then
+        s2min=qq/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      else
+        s2min=qq+4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)
+      endif
+      xmin=s2min/s
+      xmin=xmin**(delh-dels)
+      dsh=0.
+      if(xmin.lt.1.)then
+c numerical integration over z1
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          z1=(.5*(1.+xmin-(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xmin)))**(1./
+     *    (delh-dels))
+          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sdsg,sdng,sdbg,sdtg,sdrg,0,long)
+          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sdsq,sdnq,sdbq,sdtq,sdrq,1,long)
+          dsh=dsh+a1(i)/z1**delh*(sdtg*fzeroGluZZ(z1,iclpro0)
+     *    +(sdtq+sdnq)*fzeroSeaZZ(z1,iclpro0))
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        dsh=dsh*(1.-xmin)/(delh-dels)/2.
+      endif
+      psdsh=dqsh+dsh*ffrr*4.*pi*gamhad(iclpro0)/4.5  !*ccorr(1,1,iclpro0)
+      return
+      end
+c      function psdsh1(s,qq,iclpro0,dqsh,long)
+cc psdsh - semihard interaction eikonal
+cc s - energy squared for the interaction (hadron-hadron),
+cc iclpro0 - hadron class,
+cc z - impact parameter factor, z=exp(-b**2/rp),
+cc iqq - type of the hard interaction (0 - gg, 1 - qg, 2 - gq)
+c      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+cc      double precision psuds
+c      psdsh1=0.       !only for plotting in psaevp : not use any more
+cc$$$      xd=qq/s
+cc$$$      write(ifch,*)'Psdsh1 for xd,qq',xd,qq
+cc$$$      if(long.eq.0.and.(idisco.eq.0.or.idisco.eq.1))then
+cc$$$        dqsh=psftist(xd)/4.5*sngl(psuds(qq,1)/psuds(q2min,1))
+cc$$$     *  *4.*pi**2*alfe/qq
+cc$$$      else
+cc$$$        dqsh=0.
+cc$$$      endif
+cc$$$      if(long.eq.0)then
+cc$$$        s2min=qq/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+cc$$$      else
+cc$$$        s2min=qq+4.*max(q2min,qcmass**2)
+cc$$$      endif
+cc$$$      xmin=s2min/s
+cc$$$      xmin=xmin**(delh-dels)
+cc$$$      dsh=0.
+cc$$$      if(xmin.lt.1.)then
+cc$$$c numerical integration over z1
+cc$$$        do i=1,7
+cc$$$        do m=1,2
+cc$$$          z1=(.5*(1.+xmin-(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xmin)))**(1./
+cc$$$     *    (delh-dels))
+cc$$$          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sdsg,sdng,sdbg,sdtg,sdrg,0,long)
+cc$$$          call psdint(z1*s,qq,sdsq,sdnq,sdbq,sdtq,sdrq,1,long)
+cc$$$          dsh=dsh+a1(i)/z1**delh*(sdtg*psftigt(z1)
+cc$$$     *    +(sdtq+sdnq)*psftist(z1))*z1**dels
+cc$$$        enddo
+cc$$$        enddo
+cc$$$        dsh=dsh*(1.-xmin)/(delh-dels)/2.
+cc$$$      endif
+cc$$$      psdsh1=dqsh+dsh/4.5
+c      return
+c      end
+      function psev0(q1,qq,xx,j)
+      double precision xx,psuds,psev00
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psev0=0.
+      psev00=0.d0
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        if(j.eq.1)then           !g->q
+          qi=2.*q1/(1.+q1/qq+(1.-q1/qq)*(2.*m-3.)*x1(i))
+          psev00=psev00+a1(i)*qi*psuds(qi,0)/psuds(qi,1)
+     *    /log(qi*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)
+        else                     !q->g
+          qi=(.5*(q1+qq+(q1-qq)*(2.*m-3.)*x1(i)))
+          psev00=psev00+a1(i)/qi/psuds(qi,0)*psuds(qi,1)
+     *    /log(qi*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(j.eq.1)then
+        psev00=psev00*(1.d0/q1-1.d0/qq)*psuds(qq,1)/psuds(qq,0)/2.d0
+      else
+        psev00=psev00*(qq-q1)*psuds(qq,0)/psuds(qq,1)/2.d0
+      endif
+      psev00=psev00/log(log(qq*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)
+     &             /log(q1*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam))
+      psev0=sngl(psev00)
+      return
+      end
+      function psev(q1,qq,xx,j,l,n)
+      double precision xx,zmax,zmax1,zmin,zmin1,z,psuds,fk,fq
+     &,fz1,fz2
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      zmax=1.d0-q2ini/qq
+      zmin=xx/zmax
+      qmax=qq
+      fz1=0.d0
+      fz2=0.d0
+      if(zmin.lt.zmax)then
+      if(zmin.lt..1d0)then
+        zmax1=min(.1d0,zmax)
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          if(n.eq.2)then
+            z=xx+(zmin-xx)*((zmax1-xx)/(zmin-xx))**(.5+(m-1.5)*x1(i))
+          elseif(j.eq.1)then
+            z=zmin*(zmax1/zmin)**(.5+(m-1.5)*x1(i))
+          else
+            z=(.5d0*(zmax1+zmin+(zmax1-zmin)*(2*m-3)*x1(i)))
+          endif
+          qmin=max(q2ini/(1.d0-xx/z),q2ini/(1.d0-z))
+          qmin=max(qmin,q1)
+          do k=1,2
+            fq=0.d0
+            do i1=1,7
+            do m1=1,2
+              if(n.eq.2)then
+                qi=qmin*(qmax/qmin)**(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+              else
+                qi=(.5*(qmax+qmin+(qmax-qmin)*(2.*m1-3.)*x1(i1)))
+              endif
+              if(j.eq.3.and.k.eq.1)then
+                fk=0.d0
+              else
+                if(n.eq.2)then
+                  fk=dble(psevi0(q1,qi,xx/z,min(2,j),k))
+                else
+                  fk=dble(psevi(q1,qi,xx/z,j,k)/qi)
+                endif
+              endif
+              qt=qi*(1.d0-z)
+              fq=fq+a1(i1)*fk/psuds(qi,l-1)*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            if(n.eq.2)then
+              fq=fq*log(qmax/qmin)*(1.d0-xx/z)
+            elseif(j.eq.1)then
+              fq=fq*(qmax-qmin)
+            else
+              fq=fq*(qmax-qmin)/z
+            endif
+            fz1=fz1+a1(i)*fq*psfap(z,k-1,l-1)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        if(n.eq.2)then
+          fz1=fz1*log((zmax1-xx)/(zmin-xx))/4.
+        elseif(j.eq.1)then
+          fz1=fz1*log(zmax1/zmin)/4.
+        else
+          fz1=fz1*(zmax1-zmin)/4.
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(zmax.gt..1d0)then
+        zmin1=max(.1d0,zmin)
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          z=1.d0-(1.d0-zmax)*((1.d0-zmin1)/(1.d0-zmax))**
+     *    (.5+x1(i)*(m-1.5))
+          qmin=max(q2ini/(1.d0-z),q2ini/(1.d0-xx/z))
+          qmin=max(qmin,q1)
+          do k=1,2
+            fq=0.
+            do i1=1,7
+            do m1=1,2
+              if(n.eq.2)then
+                qi=qmin*(qmax/qmin)**(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+              else
+                qi=(.5*(qmax+qmin+(qmax-qmin)*(2.*m1-3.)*x1(i1)))
+              endif
+              if(j.eq.3.and.k.eq.1)then
+                fk=0.d0
+              else
+                if(n.eq.2)then
+                  fk=dble(psevi0(q1,qi,xx/z,min(2,j),k))
+                else
+                  fk=dble(psevi(q1,qi,xx/z,j,k)/qi)
+                endif
+              endif
+              qt=qi*(1.d0-z)
+              fq=fq+a1(i1)*fk/psuds(qi,l-1)*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            if(n.eq.2)then
+              fq=fq*log(qmax/qmin)
+            else
+              fq=fq*(qmax-qmin)
+            endif
+            fz2=fz2+a1(i)*fq*psfap(z,k-1,l-1)*(1.d0/z-1.d0)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fz2=fz2*log((1.d0-zmin1)/(1.d0-zmax))/4.
+      endif
+      endif
+      psev=sngl((fz1+fz2)*psuds(qq,l-1))
+      return
+      end
+      function psevi0(q1,qq,xx,m,l)
+      double precision xx,xmax,psuds
+      dimension wi(3),wj(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar31/ evk0(21,21,54)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      xmax=1.d0-2.d0*q2ini/epmax
+      qmin=max(1.d0*q2min,q2ini/(1.d0-xx))
+      qm1=max(q1,qmin)
+      if(qq.gt..5001*epmax.and.ish.ge.1)then
+        write(ifch,*)'0-extrap.:q1,qq,epmax,xx,m,l:',q1,qq,epmax,xx,m,l
+c        stop
+      endif
+      if(xx.ge.xmax.or.qq.le.1.000*qm1)then
+        psevi0=0.
+c        write (*,*)'xx,xmax,qq,qm1,qmin,q1',xx,xmax,qq,qm1,qmin,q1
+        return
+      endif
+      if(m.eq.l)then
+        psevi0=1.
+      else
+        if(xx.lt..1d0)then
+          yx=log(10.d0*xx)+13.
+          k=int(yx)
+          if(k.gt.11)k=11
+          if(k.lt.1)k=1
+        elseif(xx.lt..9d0)then
+          yx=10.*xx+12.
+          k=int(yx)
+          if(k.gt.19)k=19
+        else
+          yx=log(10.d0*(1.d0-xx))/log(10.d0*(1.d0-xmax))*6.+21
+          k=int(yx)
+          if(k.gt.25)k=25
+        endif
+        wk(2)=yx-k
+        wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+        wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+        wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+        qli=log(qq/qmin)/log(.5*epmax/qmin)*20.+1.
+        qlj=log(qm1/qmin)/log(qq/qmin)*20.+1.
+        i=int(qli)
+        if(i.gt.19)i=19
+        if(i.lt.1)i=1
+        wi(2)=qli-i
+        wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+        wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+        wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+        j=int(qlj)
+        if(j.lt.1)j=1
+        if(j.gt.19)j=19
+        wj(2)=qlj-j
+        wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+        wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+        wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+        psevi0=0.
+        do i1=1,3
+        do j1=1,3
+        do k1=1,3
+          psevi0=psevi0+evk0(i+i1-1,j+j1-1,k+k1-1+27*(m-1))
+     *    *wi(i1)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        psevi0=exp(psevi0)
+      endif
+      psevi0=psevi0*psfap(xx,m-1,l-1)*log(log(qq*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)
+     */log(qm1*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam))*sngl(psuds(qq,m-1)/psuds(q1,m-1))/4.5
+      return
+      end
+      function psevi(q1,qq,xx,m,l)
+c       m l: 1 1 ... gluon -> gluon
+c            2 1 ... quark -> gluon
+c            1 2 ... gluon -> quark
+c            3 2 ... quark -> quark non singlet
+c            2 2 ... quark -> quark all
+c                             singlet = all - non singlet
+      double precision xx,xmax,psuds
+      dimension wi(3),wj(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar32/ evk(21,21,135)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psevi=0.
+      xmax=1.d0-2.d0*q2ini/epmax
+      if(qq.gt..5001*epmax.and.ish.ge.1)then
+        write(ifch,*)'1-extrap.:q1,qq,epmax,xx,m,l:',q1,qq,epmax,xx,m,l
+c        stop
+      endif
+      qmin=max(1.d0*q2min,q2ini/(1.d0-xx))
+      qm1=max(q1,qmin)
+      if(xx.ge.xmax.or.qq.le.1.0001*qm1)then
+        return
+      endif
+      qmin1=max(1.d0*qmin,q2ini/(1.d0-dsqrt(xx)))
+      if(qq.le.1.0001*qmin1)then
+        psevi=psevi0(q1,qq,xx,min(m,2),l)
+        return
+      endif
+      if(xx.lt..1d0)then
+        yx=log(10.d0*xx)+13.
+        k=int(yx)
+        if(k.gt.11)k=11
+        if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      elseif(xx.lt..9d0)then
+        yx=10.*xx+12.
+        k=int(yx)
+        if(k.gt.19)k=19
+      else
+        yx=log(10.d0*(1.d0-xx))/log(10.d0*(1.d0-xmax))*6.+21
+        k=int(yx)
+        if(k.gt.25)k=25
+      endif
+      wk(2)=yx-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      qli=log(qq/qmin)/log(.5*epmax/qmin)*20.+1.
+      qlj=log(qm1/qmin)/log(qq/qmin)*20.+1.
+      i=int(qli)
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(i.gt.19)i=19
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      j=int(qlj)
+      if(j.lt.1)j=1
+      if(j.gt.19)j=19
+      wj(2)=qlj-j
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      do i1=1,3
+      do j1=1,3
+      do k1=1,3
+        if(m.eq.3)then
+          k2=k+k1-1+108
+        else
+          k2=k+k1-1+27*(m-1)+54*(l-1)
+        endif
+        psevi=psevi+evk(i+i1-1,j+j1-1,k2)
+     *  *wi(i1)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psevi=exp(psevi)*psfap(xx,m-1,l-1)*log(log(qq*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam)
+     */log(qm1*(1.d0-xx)/qcdlam))/4.5
+      if(q1.lt.qm1)psevi=psevi*sngl(psuds(qm1,m-1)/psuds(q1,m-1))
+      return
+      end
+      function psjci(q1,s,l1)
+c psjci - inclusive ordered ladder cross-section interpolation for c-quark
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder
+c s - total c.m. energy squared for the ladder,
+c l1 - parton type at current end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+      dimension wi(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar23/ cschar(20,20,2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psjci=0.
+      q2mass=qcmass**2
+      spmin=4.*q2min+q2mass
+      qq=q1
+      s2min=4.*qq+q2mass
+      if(s.le.s2min)return
+      smins=s2min/(1.-q2ini/q1)
+c      if(s.le.smins)goto 1
+      if(s.le.smins.or.qq.le.q2min)goto 1        !??????? ctp070618
+      p1=s/(1.+q2mass/s)
+      if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+      endif
+      tmax=p1/2.
+      qmax=p1/4.
+      l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+      qli=log(qq/q2min)/log(qmax/q2min)*19.+1.
+      sl=log(s/spmin)/log(epmax/2./spmin)*19.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      i=int(qli)
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(k.gt.18)k=18
+      if(i.gt.18)i=18
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do i1=1,3
+      do k1=1,3
+        psjci=psjci+cschar(i+i1-1,k+k1-1,l)*wi(i1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjci=exp(psjci)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      return
+1     psjci=psbint(q2min,q1,0.,s,4,l1,0)
+      return
+      end
+      function psjct(s,l)
+c psjct - unordered ladder cross-section for c-quark
+c s - c.m. energy squared for the scattering;
+c l - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q).
+      double precision xx,zmax,qmax,qmin,qi,zmin,fsj,z,s2,sj
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psjct=0.
+      q2mass=qcmass**2
+      zmax=dble(s)/(dble(s)+dble(5.*q2mass))
+      qmax=zmax**2*dble(q2mass)/(1.d0-zmax)
+      qmin=dble(q2min)
+      if(qmax.lt.qmin.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjct:qmin,qmax'
+     *                                          ,qmin,qmax
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        qi=2.d0*qmin/(1.d0+qmin/qmax+dble((2*m-3)*x1(i))
+     *              *(1.d0-qmin/qmax))
+        zmax=(2.d0/(1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0+4.d0*dble(q2mass)/qi)))**delh
+        zmin=(5.d0*qi/dble(s))**delh
+        fsj=0.d0
+        if(zmax.lt.zmin.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjct:zmin,zmax'
+     *                                            ,zmin,zmax
+        do i1=1,7
+        do m1=1,2
+          z=(.5d0*(zmax+zmin+dble((2*m1-3)*x1(i1))
+     *      *(zmax-zmin)))**(1./delh)
+          s2=z*dble(s)-qi
+          xx=z
+          sj=dble(psjti(sngl(qi),q2min,sngl(s2),0,l,0)*psfap(xx,1,0))*z
+          fsj=fsj+dble(a1(i1))*sj*dble(pssalf(sngl(qi)/qcdlam))/z**delh
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fsj=fsj*(zmax-zmin)
+        psjct=psjct+a1(i)*sngl(fsj*qi)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjct=psjct*sngl(1./qmin-1./qmax)/delh/4.
+      return
+      end
+      function psjet1(q1,q2,qqcut,s,j,l,jdis)
+c psjet1 - ordered parton ladder cross-section
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder;
+c q2 - virtuality cutoff at opposite end of the ladder;
+c qqcut - p_t cutoff for the born process;
+c s - c.m. energy squared for the scattering;
+c j - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q);
+c l - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q).
+      double precision xx,z,qq,xmax,xmin,s2min,smin,p1,q2ms,q2inis,xmin1
+     *,sh,qtmin,t,xmax1,fx1,fx2,psuds
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /ar9/ x9(3),a9(3)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psjet1=0.
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        qq=dble(max(q1,q2))
+      elseif(jdis.eq.1)then
+        qq=dble(max(q1/4.,q2))
+      else
+        qq=dble(max(q1,q2/4.))
+      endif
+      qq=max(qq,dble(qqcut))
+      if(l.ne.3)then
+        q2mass=0.
+      else
+        q2mass=qcmass**2
+      endif
+      s2min=dble(q2mass)+4.d0*qq
+      if(jdis.eq.0.or.jdis.eq.2)then
+        smin=s2min/(1.d0-dble(q2ini)/qq)
+      else
+        smin=s2min/(1.d0-dble(q2ini)/qq/4.d0)
+      endif
+      if(dble(s).le.smin)return
+      q2ms=dble(q2mass)/dble(s)
+      q2inis=dble(q2ini)/dble(s)
+      p1=dble(s)/(1.d0+q2ms)
+      if(jdis.eq.0.or.jdis.eq.2)then
+        xmax=.5d0*(1.d0+q2ms)+dsqrt(.25d0*(1.d0-q2ms)**2-4.d0*q2inis)
+      else
+        xmax=.5d0*(1.+q2ms)+dsqrt(.25d0*(1.-q2ms)**2-q2inis)
+      endif
+      xmin=max(1.d0+q2ms-xmax,s2min/dble(s))
+      if(xmin.ge.xmax.and.ish.ge.1)then
+        write(ifch,*)'jti1,xmin,xmax',xmin,xmax
+c        return
+      endif
+      fx1=0.d0
+      fx2=0.d0
+      if(xmax.gt..8d0)then
+        xmin1=max(xmin,.8d0)
+        do i=1,3
+        do m=1,2
+          z=1.d0-(1.d0-xmax)*((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))**
+     *    (.5d0+dble(x9(i)*(m-1.5)))
+          sh=z*dble(s)
+          xx=z
+          p1=sh/(1.d0+dble(q2mass)/sh)
+          if(jdis.eq.0.or.jdis.eq.2)then
+            qtmin=max(qq,dble(q2ini)/(1.d0-z))
+          else
+            qtmin=max(qq,dble(q2ini)/(1.d0-z)/4.d0)
+          endif
+          tmin=2.d0*dble(qtmin)/(1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0-4.d0*dble(qtmin)/p1))
+          tmax=p1/2.d0
+          ft=0.
+          if(tmin.ge.tmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjet1:tmin,tmax'
+     *                                              ,tmin,tmax
+          do i1=1,3
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=2.d0*tmin/(1.d0+tmin/tmax-dble(x9(i1)*(2*m1-3))
+     &      *(1.d0-tmin/tmax))
+            qt=sngl(t*(1.d0-t/p1))
+c            if(qt.lt.qtmin)write (*,*)'psjet1:qt,qq',qt,qq
+            if(jdis.eq.0)then
+              scale1=qt
+              scale2=qt
+            elseif(jdis.eq.1)then
+              scale1=qt*4.
+              scale2=qt
+            elseif(jdis.eq.2)then
+              scale1=qt
+              scale2=qt*4.
+            endif
+            fb=0.
+            do n=1,3
+              fb=fb+psjetj(q1,scale1,sngl(t),xx,sngl(sh),j,l,n)
+            enddo
+            ft=ft+a9(i1)*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2*sngl(t**2
+     *      *psuds(scale2,l))
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          fx1=fx1+dble(a9(i)*ft)*(1.d0/tmin-1.d0/tmax)/sh**2*(1.d0-z)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx1=fx1*dlog((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))
+      endif
+      if(xmin.lt..8d0)then
+        xmax1=min(xmax,.8d0)**(-delh)
+        xmin1=xmin**(-delh)
+        do i=1,3
+        do m=1,2
+          z=(.5d0*(xmax1+xmin1+(xmin1-xmax1)*dble((2*m-3)*x9(i))))
+     *    **(-1./delh)
+          sh=z*dble(s)
+          xx=z
+          p1=sh/(1.d0+dble(q2mass)/sh)
+          if(jdis.eq.0.or.jdis.eq.2)then
+            qtmin=max(qq,dble(q2ini)/(1.d0-z))
+          else
+            qtmin=max(qq,dble(q2ini)/(1.d0-z)/4.d0)
+          endif
+          tmin=2.d0*dble(qtmin)/(1.d0+dsqrt(1.d0-4.d0*dble(qtmin)/p1))
+          tmax=p1/2.d0
+          ft=0.
+          if(tmin.ge.tmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjet1:tmin,tmax'
+     &                                              ,tmin,tmax
+          do i1=1,3
+          do m1=1,2
+            t=2.d0*tmin/(1.d0+tmin/tmax-dble(x9(i1)*(2*m1-3))
+     &      *(1.d0-tmin/tmax))
+            qt=sngl(t*(1.d0-t/p1))
+          if(qt.lt.sngl(qtmin).and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjet1:qt,qq'
+     &                                               ,qt,qq
+            if(jdis.eq.0)then
+              scale1=qt
+              scale2=qt
+            elseif(jdis.eq.1)then
+              scale1=qt*4.
+              scale2=qt
+            elseif(jdis.eq.2)then
+              scale1=qt
+              scale2=qt*4.
+            endif
+            fb=0.
+            do n=1,3
+              fb=fb+psjetj(q1,scale1,sngl(t),xx,sngl(sh),j,l,n)
+            enddo
+            ft=ft+a9(i1)*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2*sngl(t**2
+     *      *psuds(scale2,l))
+          enddo
+          enddo
+        fx2=fx2+dble(a9(i)*ft)*(1.d0/tmin-1.d0/tmax)/sh**2*z**(1.+delh)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx2=fx2*(xmin1-xmax1)/dble(delh)
+      endif
+      psjet1=sngl((fx1+fx2)/psuds(q2,l))*pi**3*2
+     *    /2    !CS for parton pair
+      return
+      end
+      function psjet(q1,q2,qqcut,s,j,l,jdis)
+c     parton ladder cross-section
+c     with at least one emission on each side
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder;
+c q2 - virtuality cutoff at opposite end of the ladder;
+c qqcut - p_t cutoff for the born process;
+c s - c.m. energy squared for the scattering;
+c j - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q);
+c l - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,2 etc. - q).
+      double precision xx1,xx2,qq,s2min,xmin,xmax,xmin1,xmax1,t,tmin
+     *,tmax,sh,z,qtmin,ft,fx1,fx2
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /ar9/ x9(3),a9(3)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/ccctest/iiitest
+      iiitest=0
+      psjet=0.
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        qq=dble(max(q1,q2))
+      else
+        qq=dble(max(q1/4.,q2))
+      endif
+      qq=max(qq,dble(qqcut))
+      s2min=4.d0*qq
+      if(dble(s).le.s2min/(1.d0-dble(q2ini)/qq)**2)return   !kkkkkkk
+      phi=acos(1.-54.*q2ini/s)/3.
+      zmax=(1.+2.*cos(phi))**2/9.                 !kkkkkkk
+      zmin=(1.-cos(phi)+sqrt(3.d0)*sin(phi))/3.   !kkkkkkk
+      zmin=max(zmin**2,sngl(s2min/dble(s)))
+      if(zmin.gt.zmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjet:zmin,zmax'
+     *                                           ,zmin,zmax
+      zmin=zmin**(-delh)
+      zmax=zmax**(-delh)
+      do i=1,3
+      do m=1,2
+        z=dble(.5*(zmax+zmin+(zmin-zmax)*(2*m-3)*x9(i)))**(-1./delh)
+        xmin=dsqrt(z)
+        sh=z*dble(s)
+        qtmin=max(qq,dble(q2ini)/(1.d0-dsqrt(z)))
+        tmin=max(0.d0,1.d0-4.d0*qtmin/sh)
+        tmin=2.d0*qtmin/(1.d0+dsqrt(tmin))         !kkkkkkk
+        tmax=sh/2.d0
+        ft=0.d0
+c        if(tmin.gt.tmax)write (*,*)'psjet:tmin,tmax',tmin,tmax
+        do i1=1,3
+        do m1=1,2
+          t=2.d0*tmin/(1.d0+tmin/tmax-dble(x9(i1)*(2*m1-3))
+     &    *(1.d0-tmin/tmax))
+          qt=t*(1.d0-t/sh)
+c          if(qt.lt.qtmin)write (*,*)'psjet:qt,qq',qt,qq
+          xmax=1.d0-q2ini/qt
+          xmin=max(dsqrt(z),z/xmax)   !xm>xp !!!
+          if(xmin.gt.xmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'psjet:xmin,xmax'
+     *                                              ,xmin,xmax
+          fx1=0.d0
+          fx2=0.d0
+          if(xmax.gt..8d0)then
+            xmin1=max(xmin,.8d0)
+            do i2=1,3
+            do m2=1,2
+              xx1=1.d0-(1.d0-xmax)*((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))**
+     *        dble(.5+x9(i2)*(m2-1.5))
+              xx2=z/xx1
+              fb=0.
+                fb=fb+psjeti(q1,q2,qt,sngl(t),xx1,xx2,sngl(sh)
+     *                       ,j,l,jdis)
+     *          +psjeti(q1,q2,qt,sngl(t),xx2,xx1,sngl(sh)
+     *                       ,j,l,jdis)
+              fx1=fx1+dble(a9(i2)*fb)*(1.d0/xx1-1.d0)
+     *                               *pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            fx1=fx1*dlog((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))
+          endif
+          if(xmin.lt..8d0)then
+            xmax1=min(xmax,.8d0)
+            do i2=1,3
+            do m2=1,2
+              xx1=xmin*(xmax1/xmin)**dble(.5+x9(i2)*(m2-1.5))
+              xx2=z/xx1
+              fb=0.
+                fb=fb+psjeti(q1,q2,qt,sngl(t),xx1,xx2,sngl(sh)
+     *                       ,j,l,jdis)
+     *          +psjeti(q1,q2,qt,sngl(t),xx2,xx1,sngl(sh)
+     *                       ,j,l,jdis)
+              fx2=fx2+dble(a9(i2))*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2
+            enddo
+            enddo
+            fx2=fx2*dlog(xmax1/xmin)
+          endif
+          ft=ft+dble(a9(i1))*(fx1+fx2)*t**2
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        ft=ft*(1.d0/tmin-1.d0/tmax)
+        psjet=psjet+a9(i)*sngl(ft*z**(1.+delh)/sh**2)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjet=psjet*(zmin-zmax)/delh*pi**3
+     *         /2.    !CS for parton pair
+      return
+      end
+      function pijet(ii,qi,qq,sk,m1,l1) !polynomial interpol of jet CS
+c  ii ..... type of CS (2 = bothside, 1 = oneside, 0 = no emission, Born)
+c  qi ..... virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder
+c  qq ..... virtuality cutoff of Born
+c  sk ..... energy squared for the scattering
+c  m1,l1 .. parton types
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/psar2/edmax,epmax
+      common/tabcsjet/ksmax,iqmax,jqmax,csjet(0:2,2,20,20,20,3,2)
+      real wi(3),wj(3),wk(3)
+      common/cpijet/npijet
+      data npijet/0/
+      npijet=npijet+1
+      if(npijet.eq.1)call MakeCSTable
+      if(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.l1)then
+        m=2
+        l=2
+      elseif(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.-l1)then
+        m=3
+        l=1
+      elseif(m1.ne.0.and.l1.ne.0.and.m1.ne.l1)then
+        m=3
+        l=2
+      else
+        m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+        l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+      endif
+      qqmin=min(qi,qq)
+      qmax=sk/4.
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      spmed=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**(1./(ksmax-1.))
+      if(sk.le.spmed)then
+        kk=2
+        spmax=spmed
+      else
+        kk=1
+        spmax=epmax/2.
+      endif
+      qli=1.+log(qi/q2min)/log(qmax/q2min)*(iqmax-1)
+      qlj=1.+log(qq/qqmin)/log(qmax/qqmin)*(jqmax-1)
+      sl= 1.+log(sk/spmin)/log(spmax/spmin)*(ksmax-1)
+      k=int(sl)
+      i=int(qli)
+      j=int(qlj)
+      if(k.lt.1)k=1
+      if(j.lt.1)j=1
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(k.gt.(ksmax-2))k=ksmax-2
+      if(i.gt.(iqmax-2))i=iqmax-2
+      if(j.gt.(jqmax-2))j=jqmax-2
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      wj(2)=qlj-j
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      pijet=0
+      do i1=1,3
+      do j1=1,3
+      do k1=1,3
+        pijet=pijet+csjet(ii,kk,k+k1-1,i+i1-1,j+j1-1,m,l)
+     *  *wi(i1)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+          ! if(ii.eq.2)print*,' '
+          ! write(*,'(i2,f6.0,i2,3x,3(2f5.2,2x),f5.2)')
+          !*  ii,sk,k,(wk(kk1),csjet(ii,kk,k+kk1-1,1,1,m,l),kk1=1,3) ,pijet
+      end
+      subroutine MakeCSTable     !tabulates psjet
+c   last two indices of table: parton types
+c        1 1 ... gg
+c        1 2 ... gq
+c        2 1 ... qg
+c        2 2 ... qq
+c        3 1 ... qa
+c        3 2 ... qq'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/psar2/edmax,epmax
+      common/tabcsjet/ksmax,iqmax,jqmax,csjet(0:2,2,20,20,20,3,2)
+      write (*,'(a,$)')'(CS table'
+      ksmax=10
+      iqmax=3
+      jqmax=3
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      do kk=1,2
+       if(kk.eq.1)then
+         spmax=epmax/2.
+       else               !if(kk.eq.2)
+         spmax=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**(1./(ksmax-1.))
+       endif
+       do m=1,3                 !parton type at upper end of the ladder
+        write (*,'(a,$)')'.'
+         do l=1,2              !parton type at lower end of the ladder
+         m1=m-1
+         l1=l-1
+         if(m.eq.3.and.l.eq.1)l1=-m1
+        do k=1,ksmax
+          sk=spmin*(spmax/spmin)**((k-1.)/(ksmax-1.))
+          qmax=sk/4.
+          do i=1,iqmax
+           qi=q2min*(qmax/q2min)**((i-1.)/(iqmax-1.))
+           do j=1,jqmax
+            qq=qi*(qmax/qi)**((j-1.)/(jqmax-1.))
+                !write(*,'(i3,4f8.3,2i4,$)')j, qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1
+            csjet(2,kk,k,i,j,m,l)= psjet(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0)
+            csjet(1,kk,k,i,j,m,l)=psjet1(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0)
+            csjet(0,kk,k,i,j,m,l)=psborn(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,1)
+       !   if(i.eq.1.and.j.eq.1.and.m.eq.1.and.l.eq.1)
+       ! *write(*,'(2f8.2,f13.2,2i3,3x,i3,3f8.3)')
+       ! * qi,qq,sk,m1,l1,k,csjet(2,kk,k,i,j,m,l)
+       ! *             ,csjet(1,kk,k,i,j,m,l),csjet(0,kk,k,i,j,m,l)
+           enddo
+          enddo
+         enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      write (*,'(a,$)')'done)'
+      end
+      function psjeti(q1,q2,qt,t,xx1,xx2,s,j,l,jdis)
+c      E~qcd_ji * E~qcd_lk * B_ik
+c        B_ik = psbori = contribution to Born xsection:
+c                         dsigmaBorn/d2pt/dy
+c                         = s/pi * delta(s+t+u) * 2*pi*alpha**2 /s**2 * B_ik
+c        E~qcd: at least one emission
+c q1  - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder
+c q2  - virtuality cutoff at opposite end of the ladder
+c xx1 - feinman x for the first parton for the born process
+c xx2 - feinman x for the second parton for the born process
+c s   - c.m. energy squared for the born scattering
+c t   - invariant variable for the scattering |(p1-p3)**2|,
+c j   - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c l   - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c reminder
+c     psevi: 1 1 ... gluon -> gluon
+c            2 1 ... quark -> gluon
+c            1 2 ... gluon -> quark
+c            3 2 ... quark -> quark non singlet
+c            2 2 ... quark -> quark all
+c                          singlet = all - non singlet
+      double precision xx1,xx2
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/ccctest/iiitest
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        scale=qt
+      else
+        scale=qt*4.
+      endif
+      if(j.eq.0.and.l.eq.0)then  ! gluon-gluon --->
+        akg1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,1,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        akg2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,1,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        aks1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,1,2)/naflav/2.  !singlet contribution per quark
+        aks2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,1,2)/naflav/2.  !singlet contribution per quark
+        psjeti=ffborn(s,t,akg1*akg2
+     *              ,(akg1*aks2+aks1*akg2)*naflav*2.    !ccccc
+     *               ,aks1*aks2*naflav*2.
+     *               ,aks1*aks2*naflav*2.
+     *               ,aks1*aks2*naflav*2.*(naflav-1)*2.
+     *)
+      elseif(j.eq.0)then     !  gluon-quark --->
+        akg1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,1,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        akg2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,2,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        aks1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,1,2)/naflav/2.         !singlet contribution
+        akns2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,3,2)                 !nonsinglet contribution
+        aks2=(psevi(q2,qt,xx2,2,2)-akns2)/naflav/2. !singlet contribution
+        psjeti=ffborn(s,t,akg1*akg2
+     *              ,(akg1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.)+aks1*akg2*naflav*2.)
+     *              ,aks1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.)
+     *              ,aks1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.)
+     *              ,aks1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.)*(naflav-1)*2.)
+      elseif(l.eq.0)then   ! quark-gluon --->
+        akg1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,2,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        akg2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,1,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        akns1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,3,2)                 !nonsinglet contribution
+        aks1=(psevi(q1,scale,xx1,2,2)-akns1)/naflav/2. !singlet contribution
+        aks2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,1,2)/naflav/2.         !singlet contribution
+        psjeti=ffborn(s,t,akg1*akg2
+     *             ,(akg2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)+aks2*akg1*naflav*2.)
+     *             ,aks2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)
+     *             ,aks2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)
+     *             ,aks2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)*(naflav-1)*2.)
+      else     !  quark-quark --->
+        akg1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,2,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        akg2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,2,1)                  !gluon contribution
+        akns1=psevi(q1,scale,xx1,3,2)                 !nonsinglet contribution
+        aks1=(psevi(q1,scale,xx1,2,2)-akns1)/naflav/2.!singlet contribution
+        akns2=psevi(q2,qt,xx2,3,2)                 !nonsinglet contribution
+        aks2=(psevi(q2,qt,xx2,2,2)-akns2)/naflav/2.!singlet contribution
+        if(j.eq.l)then
+         psjeti=ffborn(s,t,akg1*akg2
+     *     ,(akg2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)+akg1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.))
+     *     ,((akns1+aks1)*(akns2+aks2)+aks1*aks2*(2.*naflav-1.))
+     *     ,(akns1*aks2+akns2*aks1+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.)
+     *     ,(akns1*aks2+akns2*aks1+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.)*(naflav-1)*2.)
+        elseif(j.eq.-l)then
+         psjeti=ffborn(s,t,akg1*akg2
+     *     ,(akg2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)+akg1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.))
+     *     ,(akns1*aks2+akns2*aks1+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.)
+     *     ,((akns1+aks1)*(akns2+aks2)+aks1*aks2*(2.*naflav-1.))
+     *     ,(akns1*aks2+akns2*aks1+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.)*(naflav-1)*2.)
+        else                           !j.ne.l,-l
+         psjeti=ffborn(s,t,akg1*akg2
+     *    ,(akg2*(akns1+aks1*naflav*2.)+akg1*(akns2+aks2*naflav*2.))
+     *    ,(akns1*aks2+akns2*aks1+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.)
+     *    ,(akns1*aks2+akns2*aks1+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.)
+     *    ,(akns1*akns2+akns1*aks2*(naflav-1)*2.
+     *    +akns2*aks1*(naflav-1)*2.+aks1*aks2*naflav*2.*(naflav-1)*2.))
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psjetj(q1,scale,t,xx,s,j,l,n)
+c psjetj - integrand for the ordered ladder cross-section
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder,
+c scale - born process scale,
+c t  - invariant variable for the scattering |(p1-p3)**2|,
+c xx - feinman x for the first parton for the born process
+c s  - c.m. energy squared for the born scattering,
+c j  - parton type at current end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c l  - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0 - g, 1,-1,2,... - q)
+c n  - subprocess number
+      double precision xx
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      m=min(1,iabs(j))+1
+      if(l.ne.3)then
+        if(l.eq.0)then
+          psjetj=psevi(q1,scale,xx,m,1)*(psbori(s,t,0,0,n)+               !gg
+     *    psbori(s,s-t,0,0,n))/2.
+     *    +psevi(q1,scale,xx,m,2)*(psbori(s,t,1,0,n)+                     !qg
+     *    psbori(s,s-t,1,0,n))
+        elseif(j.eq.0)then
+          aks=psevi(q1,scale,xx,1,2)/naflav/2.  !singlet contribution per quark
+          psjetj=psevi(q1,scale,xx,1,1)*(psbori(s,t,0,1,n)+               !gq
+     *    psbori(s,s-t,0,1,n))
+     *    +aks*(psbori(s,t,1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,n))/2.             !qq
+     *    +aks*(psbori(s,t,-1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,-1,1,n))              !qq~
+     *    +aks*(psbori(s,t,1,2,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,n))*(naflav-1)*2.   !qq'
+        else
+          akg=psevi(q1,scale,xx,2,1)                  !gluon contribution
+          akns=psevi(q1,scale,xx,3,2)                 !nonsinglet contribution
+          aks=(psevi(q1,scale,xx,2,2)-akns)/naflav/2.  !singlet contribution
+          if(j.eq.l)then
+            psjetj=akg*(psbori(s,t,0,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,n))        !gq
+     *      +(akns+aks)*(psbori(s,t,1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,n))/2.    !qq
+     *      +aks*(psbori(s,t,-1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,-1,1,n))            !qq~
+     *      +aks*(psbori(s,t,1,2,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,n))*(naflav-1)*2. !qq'
+          elseif(j.eq.-l)then
+            psjetj=akg*(psbori(s,t,0,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,n))        !gq
+     *      +aks*(psbori(s,t,1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,n))/2.           !qq
+     *      +(akns+aks)*(psbori(s,t,-1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,-1,1,n))     !qq~
+     *      +aks*(psbori(s,t,1,2,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,n))*(naflav-1)*2.!qq'
+          else
+            psjetj=akg*(psbori(s,t,0,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,n))        !gq
+     *      +aks*(psbori(s,t,1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,n))/2.           !qq
+     *      +aks*(psbori(s,t,-1,1,n)+psbori(s,s-t,-1,1,n))            !qq~
+     *      +(akns+aks*(naflav-1)*2.)*
+     *      (psbori(s,t,1,2,n)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,n))                   !qq'
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif(n.eq.1)then
+        p1=s/(1.+qcmass**2/s)
+        psjetj=psevi(q1,scale,xx,m,1)*(psbori(s,t,4,0,n)+                 !cg
+     *  psbori(s,p1-t,4,0,n))
+     *  +psevi(q1,scale,xx,m,2)*(psbori(s,t,4,1,n)+                       !cq
+     *  psbori(s,p1-t,4,1,n))
+      else
+        psjetj=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psjti(q1,qqcut,s,m1,l1,jdis)
+c psjti - inclusive hard cross-section interpolation - for any ordering
+c in the ladder
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder
+c qqcut - p_t cutoff for the born process;
+c s  - total c.m. energy squared for the ladder
+c m1 - parton type at current end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+c l1 - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+      dimension wi(3),wj(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar19/ cstot(20,20,240)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psjti=0.
+c      jdis1=jdis
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        qqmin=q1
+        qmax=s/4.
+      else
+        qqmin=max(q2min,q1/4.)
+        qmax=s
+      endif
+      qq=max(qqmin,qqcut)
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      s2min=4.*qq
+      if(s.le.s2min)return
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        smins=s2min/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      else
+        smins=s2min/(1.-q2ini/qq/4.)
+      endif
+      if(s.le.smins)goto 1
+      if(s.gt.4.*qq)then
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/s))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+      endif
+      tmax=s/2.
+      if(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.l1)then
+        m=2
+        l=2
+      elseif(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.-l1)then
+        m=3
+        l=1
+      elseif(m1.ne.0.and.l1.ne.0.and.m1.ne.l1)then
+        m=3
+        l=2
+      else
+        m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+        l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+      endif
+      ml=20*(m-1)+60*(l-1)+120*jdis
+      qli=log(q1/q2min)/log(qmax/q2min)*19.+1.
+      qlj=log(qq/qqmin)/log(s/4./qqmin)*19.+1.
+      sl=log(s/spmin)/log(epmax/2./spmin)*19.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      i=int(qli)
+      j=int(qlj)
+      if(j.lt.1)j=1
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(k.gt.18)k=18
+      if(i.gt.18)i=18
+      if(j.gt.18)j=18
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      wj(2)=qlj-j
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do i1=1,3
+      do j1=1,3
+      do k1=1,3
+        psjti=psjti+cstot(i+i1-1,j+j1-1,k+k1+ml-1)
+     *  *wi(i1)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjti=exp(psjti)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      return
+1     continue
+      psjti=psbint(q1,q2min,qqcut,s,m1,l1,jdis)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psjti0(ss,sj,sjb,m1,l1)
+c psjti0 - inclusive hard cross-section interpolation -
+c for minimal virtuality cutoff in the ladder
+c s - total c.m. energy squared for the ladder,
+c sj - inclusive jet cross-section,
+c sjb - born cross-section,
+c m1 - parton type at current end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+c l1 - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+      dimension wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar22/ cstotzero(20,4,2),csborzer(20,4,2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      sj=0.
+      sjb=0.
+      if(iabs(m1).ne.4)then
+        q2mass=0.
+        if(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.l1)then
+          m=2
+          l=2
+        elseif(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.-l1)then
+          m=3
+          l=1
+        elseif(m1.ne.0.and.l1.ne.0.and.m1.ne.l1)then
+          m=3
+          l=2
+        else
+          m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+          l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+        endif
+      else
+        q2mass=qcmass**2
+        m=4
+        l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+      endif
+      s=ss-q2mass
+      qq=q2min
+      spmin=4.*qq+q2mass
+      if(s.le.spmin)return
+      p1=s/(1.+q2mass/s)
+      if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+      endif
+      tmax=.5*p1
+      sl=log(s/spmin)/log(epmax/2./spmin)*19.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      if(k.gt.18)k=18
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do k1=1,3
+        sj=sj+cstotzero(k+k1-1,m,l)*wk(k1)
+        sjb=sjb+csborzer(k+k1-1,m,l)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      sjb=exp(sjb)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      sj=max(sjb,exp(sj)*(1./tmin-1./tmax))
+      return
+      end
+      function psjti1(q1,q2,qqcut,s,m1,l1,jdis)
+c psjti1 - inclusive hard cross-section interpolation - for strict order
+c in the ladder
+c q1 - virtuality cutoff at current end of the ladder
+c q2 - virtuality cutoff at opposite end of the ladder
+c qqcut - p_t cutoff for the born process;
+c s - total c.m. energy squared for the ladder,
+c m1 - parton type at current end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+c l1 - parton type at opposite end of the ladder (0-g, 1,2,etc.-q)
+      dimension wi(3),wj(3),wk(3)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar20/ csord(20,20,240)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision psuds
+      psjti1=0.
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        qqmin=max(q1,q2)
+      else
+        qqmin=max(q1,q2/4.)
+      endif
+      qq=max(qqmin,qqcut)
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      s2min=4.*qq
+      if(s.le.s2min)return
+      smins=s2min/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      if(s.le.smins)goto 1
+      if(s.gt.4.*qq)then
+        tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/s))
+      else
+        tmin=2.*qq
+      endif
+      tmax=s/2.
+      if(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.l1)then
+        m=2
+        l=2
+      elseif(m1.ne.0.and.m1.eq.-l1)then
+        m=3
+        l=1
+      elseif(m1.ne.0.and.l1.ne.0.and.m1.ne.l1)then
+        m=3
+        l=2
+      else
+        m=min(1,iabs(m1))+1
+        l=min(1,iabs(l1))+1
+      endif
+      ml=20*(m-1)+60*(l-1)+120*jdis
+      qli=log(q1/q2min)/log(s/4./q2min)*19.+1.
+      qlj=log(qq/qqmin)/log(s/4./qqmin)*19.+1.
+      sl=log(s/spmin)/log(epmax/2./spmin)*19.+1.
+      k=int(sl)
+      i=int(qli)
+      j=int(qlj)
+      if(j.lt.1)j=1
+      if(i.lt.1)i=1
+      if(k.gt.18)k=18
+      if(i.gt.18)i=18
+      if(j.gt.18)j=18
+      wi(2)=qli-i
+      wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+      wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+      wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+      wj(2)=qlj-j
+      wj(3)=wj(2)*(wj(2)-1.)*.5
+      wj(1)=1.-wj(2)+wj(3)
+      wj(2)=wj(2)-2.*wj(3)
+      wk(2)=sl-k
+      wk(3)=wk(2)*(wk(2)-1.)*.5
+      wk(1)=1.-wk(2)+wk(3)
+      wk(2)=wk(2)-2.*wk(3)
+      do i1=1,3
+      do j1=1,3
+      do k1=1,3
+        k2=k+k1+ml-1
+        psjti1=psjti1+csord(i+i1-1,j+j1-1,k2)
+     *  *wi(i1)*wj(j1)*wk(k1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjti1=exp(psjti1)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+      if(jdis.eq.0.and.qq.gt.q2)then
+        psjti1=psjti1*sngl(psuds(qq,l1)/psuds(q2,l1))
+      elseif(jdis.eq.1.and.4.*qq.gt.q2)then
+        psjti1=psjti1*sngl(psuds(4.*qq,l1)/psuds(q2,l1))
+      endif
+      return
+1     continue
+      if(jdis.eq.0)then
+        psjti1=psbint(q1,q2,qqcut,s,m1,l1,0)
+      else
+        psjti1=psbint(q2,q1,qqcut,s,l1,m1,1)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function pspdfg(xx,qqs,qq,iclpro0,j)
+c pspdf - parton distribution function
+c qq  - virtuality scale
+c qqs - initial virtuality for the input distributions
+c iclpro0 - hadron class
+c j   - parton type
+      double precision z
+      common/ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision psuds
+      pspdfg=psdfh4(xx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,j)
+      if(j.gt.0)pspdfg=pspdfg+psdfh4(xx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-j)  !+sea contr.
+      pspdfg=pspdfg*sngl(psuds(qq,j)/psuds(qqs,j))
+      xmin=xx/(1.-q2ini/qq)
+      if(xmin.ge.1.)return
+      dpd1=0.
+      dpd2=0.
+      xm=max(xmin,.3)
+      do i=1,7         !numerical integration over zx
+      do m=1,2
+        zx=1.-(1.-xm)*(.5+(m-1.5)*x1(i))**.25
+        z=xx/zx
+        if(j.eq.0)then
+          aks=psevi(qqs,qq,z,2,1)                  !quark contribution
+          akg=psevi(qqs,qq,z,1,1)                  !gluon contribution
+          akns=0.
+        else
+          akg=psevi(qqs,qq,z,1,2)/naflav/2.         !gluon contribution
+          akns=psevi(qqs,qq,z,3,2)            !nonsinglet contribution
+          aks=(psevi(qqs,qq,z,2,2)-akns)/naflav/2.  !quark contribution
+        endif
+        fz=akg*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,0)
+     *  +akns*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,j)
+     *  +aks*(psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,1)+
+     *  2.*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-1)
+     *  +psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,2)+2.*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-2)
+     *  +2.*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-3))
+        if(j.gt.0)fz=fz+akns*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-j)
+        dpd1=dpd1+a1(i)*fz/zx**2/(1.-zx)**3
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      dpd1=dpd1*(1.-xm)**4/8.*xx
+      if(xm.gt.xmin)then
+        do i=1,7         !numerical integration
+        do m=1,2
+          zx=xx+(xm-xx)*((xmin-xx)/(xm-xx))**(.5-(m-1.5)*x1(i))
+          z=xx/zx
+          if(j.eq.0)then
+            aks=psevi(qqs,qq,z,2,1)                  !quark contribution
+            akg=psevi(qqs,qq,z,1,1)                  !gluon contribution
+            akns=0.
+          else
+            akg=psevi(qqs,qq,z,1,2)/naflav/2.         !gluon contribution
+            akns=psevi(qqs,qq,z,3,2)            !nonsinglet contribution
+            aks=(psevi(qqs,qq,z,2,2)-akns)/naflav/2.  !quark contribution
+          endif
+          fz=akg*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,0)
+     *    +akns*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,j)
+     *    +aks*(psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,1)
+     *    +2.*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-1)
+     *    +psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,2)+2.*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-2)
+     *    +2.*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-3))
+          if(j.gt.0)fz=fz+akns*psdfh4(zx,qqs,0.,iclpro0,-j)
+          dpd2=dpd2+a1(i)*fz*(1.-xx/zx)/zx
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        dpd2=dpd2*log((xm-xx)/(xmin-xx))*.5*xx
+      endif
+      pspdfg=pspdfg+dpd2+dpd1
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psaevp
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      qq=xpar1
+      jmod=nint(xpar2)
+      iologb=1
+      if(jmod.eq.0)then            !??????????????ttttttt
+      write(*,*)"no more triple Pomeron, xpar2=0 in psaevp not accepted"
+      write(*,*)"use xpar2=1 instead"
+      jmod=1
+      endif
+      do i=1,nrbins
+        if(iologb.eq.0)then
+          xx=xminim+(xmaxim-xminim)*(i-.5)/nrbins
+        else
+          xx=xminim*(xmaxim/xminim)**((i-.5)/nrbins)
+        endif
+        ar(i,1)=xx
+        ar(i,2)=0.
+        if(jmod.eq.0)then            !evolution+matrix element +3P (ours)
+          ww=qq/xx
+          ar(i,3)=(psdh(ww,qq,2,0)+psdh(ww,qq,2,1)
+c     *    +psdsh1(ww,qq,2,dqsh,0)+psdsh1(ww,qq,2,dqsh,1)
+     *    )/(4.*pi**2*alfe)*qq
+        elseif(jmod.eq.1)then        !evolution+matrix element (ours)
+          ww=qq/xx
+          ar(i,3)=(psdh(ww,qq,2,0)+psdh(ww,qq,2,1)+
+     *    psdsh(ww,qq,2,dqsh,0)+psdsh(ww,qq,2,dqsh,1)
+     *    )/(4.*pi**2*alfe)*qq
+        elseif(jmod.eq.2)then    !just evolution (grv)
+          ar(i,3)=(pspdfg(xx,q2min,qq,2,1)/2.25+
+     *    pspdfg(xx,q2min,qq,2,2)/9.+
+     *    pspdfg(xx,q2min,qq,2,-1)*2./3.6+
+     *    pspdfg(xx,q2min,qq,2,-3)*2./9.)
+          if(naflav.eq.4)ar(i,3)=ar(i,3)+pspdfg(xx,q2min,qq,2,-4)
+     *    *2./2.25
+        elseif(jmod.eq.3)then    !grv
+          ar(i,3)=(psdfh4(xx,qq,0.,2,1)+2.*psdfh4(xx,qq,0.,2,-1))/2.25
+     *    +(psdfh4(xx,qq,0.,2,2)+2.*psdfh4(xx,qq,0.,2,-2))/9.
+     *    +2.*psdfh4(xx,qq,0.,2,-3)/9.  !
+        elseif(jmod.eq.4)then         !just evolution (ours)
+          ar(i,3)=(fparton(xx,qq,1)/2.25+fparton(xx,qq,2)/9.+
+     *    fparton(xx,qq,-1)*6./4.5)                     !uv+dv+6*sea
+          if(naflav.eq.4)ar(i,3)=ar(i,3)+fparton(xx,qq,-4)*2./2.25
+        elseif(jmod.eq.5)then         !grv+res
+          ww=qq/xx
+          ar(i,3)=(psdgh(ww,qq,0)+psdgh(ww,qq,1)
+     *    )/(4.*pi**2*alfe)*qq
+        endif
+        ar(i,4)=0.
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pscs(c,s)
+c pscs - cos (c) and sin (s) generation for uniformly distributed angle
+1     s1=2.*rangen()-1.
+      s2=2.*rangen()-1.
+      s3=s1*s1+s2*s2
+      if(s3.gt.1.)goto 1
+      s3=sqrt(s3)
+      c=s1/s3
+      s=s2/s3
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psdefrot(ep,s0x,c0x,s0,c0)
+c psdefrot - determination of the parameters the spacial rotation to the
+c system for 4-vector ep
+c s0, c0 - sin and cos for the zx-rotation;
+c s0x, c0x - sin and cos for the xy-rotation
+      dimension ep(4)
+c transverse momentum square for the current parton (ep)
+      pt2=ep(3)**2+ep(4)**2
+      if(pt2.ne.0.)then
+        pt=sqrt(pt2)
+c system rotation to get pt=0 - euler angles are determined (c0x = cos t
+c s0x = sin theta, c0 = cos phi, s0 = sin phi)
+        c0x=ep(3)/pt
+        s0x=ep(4)/pt
+c total momentum for the gluon
+        pl=sqrt(pt2+ep(2)**2)
+        s0=pt/pl
+        c0=ep(2)/pl
+      else
+        c0x=1.
+        s0x=0.
+        pl=abs(ep(2))
+        s0=0.
+        c0=ep(2)/pl
+      endif
+      ep(2)=pl
+      ep(3)=0.
+      ep(4)=0.
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psdeftr(s,ep,ey)
+c psdeftr - determination of the parameters for the lorentz transform to
+c rest frame system for 4-vector ep of mass squared s
+      dimension ey(3)
+      double precision ep(4)
+      do i=1,3
+        if(ep(i+1).eq.0.d0)then
+          ey(i)=1.
+        else
+          wp=ep(1)+ep(i+1)
+          wm=ep(1)-ep(i+1)
+          if(wp.gt.1.e-8.and.wm/wp.lt.1.e-8)then
+            ww=s
+            do l=1,3
+              if(l.ne.i)ww=ww+ep(l+1)**2
+            enddo
+            wm=ww/wp
+          elseif(wm.gt.1.e-8.and.wp/wm.lt.1.e-8)then
+            ww=s
+            do l=1,3
+              if(l.ne.i)ww=ww+ep(l+1)**2
+            enddo
+            wp=ww/wm
+          endif
+          ey(i)=sqrt(wm/wp)
+          ep(1)=wp*ey(i)
+          ep(i+1)=0.
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ep(1)=dsqrt(dble(s))
+      return
+      end
+      function psdfh4(xxx,qqs,qq,icq,iq)
+c psdfh4 - GRV structure functions
+      common /psar8/  stmass ,amhadr(8),qcmass
+      common /psar36/ alvc
+      psdfh4=0.
+!      if(x.gt..99999)return
+      x=min(xxx,0.99999)              !warning ! but necessary for idraflx
+      if(icq.eq.2)then
+        if(qqs.le.0.232**2)return
+        sq=log(log(qqs/.232**2)/log(.23/.232**2))
+        if(sq.le.0.)return
+        if(iq.eq.0)then                                 !gluon
+          alg=.524
+          betg=1.088
+          aag=1.742-.93*sq
+          bbg=-.399*sq**2
+          ag=7.486-2.185*sq
+          bg=16.69-22.74*sq+5.779*sq*sq
+          cg=-25.59+29.71*sq-7.296*sq*sq
+          dg=2.792+2.215*sq+.422*sq*sq-.104*sq*sq*sq
+          eg=.807+2.005*sq
+          eeg=3.841+.361*sq
+          psdfh4=(1.-x)**dg*(x**aag*(ag+bg*x+cg*x**2)*log(1./x)**bbg
+     *    +sq**alg*exp(-eg+sqrt(eeg*sq**betg*log(1./x))))
+        elseif(iq.eq.1.or.iq.eq.2)then                  !u_v or d_v
+          aau=.59-.024*sq
+          bbu=.131+.063*sq
+          auu=2.284+.802*sq+.055*sq*sq
+          au=-.449-.138*sq-.076*sq*sq
+          bu=.213+2.669*sq-.728*sq*sq
+          cu=8.854-9.135*sq+1.979*sq*sq
+          du=2.997+.753*sq-.076*sq*sq
+          uv=auu*x**aau*(1.-x)**du*
+     *    (1.+au*x**bbu+bu*x+cu*x**1.5)
+          aad=.376
+          bbd=.486+.062*sq
+          add=.371+.083*sq+.039*sq*sq
+          ad=-.509+3.31*sq-1.248*sq*sq
+          bd=12.41-10.52*sq+2.267*sq*sq
+          ccd=6.373-6.208*sq+1.418*sq*sq
+          dd=3.691+.799*sq-.071*sq*sq
+          dv=add*x**aad*(1.-x)**dd*
+     *    (1.+ad*x**bbd+bd*x+ccd*x**1.5)
+          if(iq.eq.1)then                              !u_v
+            psdfh4=uv
+          elseif(iq.eq.2)then                          !d_v
+            psdfh4=dv
+          endif
+        elseif(iq.eq.-3)then                           !s_sea
+          als=.914
+          bets=.577
+          aas=1.798-.596*sq
+          as=-5.548+3.669*sqrt(sq)-.616*sq
+          bs=18.92-16.73*sqrt(sq)+5.168*sq
+          ds=6.379-.35*sq+.142*sq*sq
+          es=3.981+1.638*sq
+          ees=6.402
+          psdfh4=(1.-x)**ds*sq**als/log(1./x)**aas*(1.+as*sqrt(x)
+     *    +bs*x)*exp(-es+sqrt(ees*sq**bets*log(1./x)))
+        elseif(iabs(iq).lt.3)then                      !u_sea or d_sea
+          aadel=.409-.005*sq
+          bbdel=.799+.071*sq
+          addel=.082+.014*sq+.008*sq*sq
+          adel=-38.07+36.13*sq-.656*sq*sq
+          bdel=90.31-74.15*sq+7.645*sq*sq
+          ccdel=0.
+          ddel=7.486+1.217*sq-.159*sq*sq
+          delv=addel*x**aadel*(1.-x)**ddel*
+     *    (1.+adel*x**bbdel+bdel*x+ccdel*x**1.5)
+          alud=1.451
+          betud=.271
+          aaud=.41-.232*sq
+          bbud=.534-.457*sq
+          aud=.89-.14*sq
+          bud=-.981
+          cud=.32+.683*sq
+          dud=4.752+1.164*sq+.286*sq*sq
+          eud=4.119+1.713*sq
+          eeud=.682+2.978*sq
+          udsea=(1.-x)**dud*(x**aaud*(aud+bud*x+cud*x**2)
+     *    *log(1./x)**bbud+sq**alud*exp(-eud+sqrt(eeud*sq**betud*
+     *    log(1./x))))
+          if(iq.eq.-1)then                           !u_sea
+            psdfh4=(udsea-delv)/2.
+          elseif(iq.eq.-2)then                       !d_sea
+            psdfh4=(udsea+delv)/2.
+          endif
+        else
+          psdfh4=0.
+        endif
+      elseif(icq.eq.1.or.icq.eq.3)then
+        if(qqs.le.0.204**2)return
+        sq=log(log(qqs/.204**2)/log(.26/.204**2))
+        if(sq.le.0.)return
+        if(iq.eq.1.or.iq.eq.2)then
+          aapi=.517-.02*sq
+          api=-.037-.578*sq
+          bpi=.241+.251*sq
+          dpi=.383+.624*sq
+          anorm=1.212+.498*sq+.009*sq**2
+          psdfh4=.5*anorm*x**aapi*(1.-x)**dpi*
+     *    (1.+api*sqrt(x)+bpi*x)
+        elseif(iq.eq.0)then
+          alfpi=.504
+          betpi=.226
+          aapi=2.251-1.339*sqrt(sq)
+          api=2.668-1.265*sq+.156*sq**2
+          bbpi=0.
+          bpi=-1.839+.386*sq
+          cpi=-1.014+.92*sq-.101*sq**2
+          dpi=-.077+1.466*sq
+          epi=1.245+1.833*sq
+          eppi=.51+3.844*sq
+          psdfh4=(1.-x)**dpi*(x**aapi*(api+bpi*sqrt(x)+cpi*x)*
+     *    log(1./x)**bbpi+sq**alfpi*
+     *    exp(-epi+sqrt(eppi*sq**betpi*log(1./x))))
+        elseif(iq.eq.-3)then
+          alfpi=.823
+          betpi=.65
+          aapi=1.036-.709*sq
+          api=-1.245+.713*sq
+          bpi=5.58-1.281*sq
+          dpi=2.746-.191*sq
+          epi=5.101+1.294*sq
+          eppi=4.854-.437*sq
+          psdfh4=sq**alfpi/log(1./x)**aapi*(1.-x)**dpi*
+     *    (1.+api*sqrt(x)+bpi*x)*
+     *    exp(-epi+sqrt(eppi*sq**betpi*log(1./x)))
+        elseif(iabs(iq).lt.3)then
+          alfpi=1.147
+          betpi=1.241
+          aapi=.309-.134*sqrt(sq)
+          api=.219-.054*sq
+          bbpi=.893-.264*sqrt(sq)
+          bpi=-.593+.24*sq
+          cpi=1.1-.452*sq
+          dpi=3.526+.491*sq
+          epi=4.521+1.583*sq
+          eppi=3.102
+          psdfh4=(1.-x)**dpi*(x**aapi*(api+bpi*sqrt(x)+cpi*x)*
+     *    log(1./x)**bbpi+sq**alfpi*
+     *    exp(-epi+sqrt(eppi*sq**betpi*log(1./x))))
+        else
+          psdfh4=0.
+        endif
+      elseif(icq.eq.0)then
+        if(qqs.le.0.204**2)return
+        sq=log(log(qqs/.204**2)/log(.26/.204**2))
+        if(sq.le.0.)return
+        if(iq.eq.0)then
+          alfpi=.504
+          betpi=.226
+          aapi=2.251-1.339*sqrt(sq)
+          api=2.668-1.265*sq+.156*sq**2
+          bbpi=0.
+          bpi=-1.839+.386*sq
+          cpi=-1.014+.92*sq-.101*sq**2
+          dpi=-.077+1.466*sq
+          epi=1.245+1.833*sq
+          eppi=.51+3.844*sq
+          psdfh4=(1.-x)**dpi*(x**aapi*(api+bpi*sqrt(x)+cpi*x)*
+     *    log(1./x)**bbpi+sq**alfpi*
+     *    exp(-epi+sqrt(eppi*sq**betpi*log(1./x))))
+     *    *.543
+        else
+          alfpi=.823
+          betpi=.65
+          aapi=1.036-.709*sq
+          api=-1.245+.713*sq
+          bpi=5.58-1.281*sq
+          dpi=2.746-.191*sq
+          epi=5.101+1.294*sq
+          eppi=4.854-.437*sq
+          str=sq**alfpi/log(1./x)**aapi*(1.-x)**dpi*
+     *    (1.+api*sqrt(x)+bpi*x)*
+     *    exp(-epi+sqrt(eppi*sq**betpi*log(1./x)))
+          if(iq.eq.3)then
+            psdfh4=str*.543*2.
+          else
+            aapi=.517-.02*sq
+            api=-.037-.578*sq
+            bpi=.241+.251*sq
+            dpi=.383+.624*sq
+            anorm=1.212+.498*sq+.009*sq**2
+            val=.5*anorm*x**aapi*(1.-x)**dpi*
+     *      (1.+api*sqrt(x)+bpi*x)
+            alfpi=1.147
+            betpi=1.241
+            aapi=.309-.134*sqrt(sq)
+            api=.219-.054*sq
+            bbpi=.893-.264*sqrt(sq)
+            bpi=-.593+.24*sq
+            cpi=1.1-.452*sq
+            dpi=3.526+.491*sq
+            epi=4.521+1.583*sq
+            eppi=3.102
+            sea=(1.-x)**dpi*(x**aapi*(api+bpi*sqrt(x)+cpi*x)*
+     *      log(1./x)**bbpi+sq**alfpi*
+     *      exp(-epi+sqrt(eppi*sq**betpi*log(1./x))))
+            if(iq.eq.1)then
+              psdfh4=(.836*(val+2.*sea)-.587*str)
+            elseif(iq.eq.2)then
+              psdfh4=(.25*(val+2.*sea)+.587*str)
+            else
+              psdfh4=0.
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+        psdfh4=psdfh4/(1.+qq/.59)**2
+      elseif(icq.eq.4)then
+        if(qqs.le.qcmass**2)return
+        sq=log(log(qqs/qcmass**2)/log(.23/qcmass**2))
+        if(sq.le.0.)return
+        if(iq.eq.2)then
+          psdfh4=x**3*(1.-x)**alvc*(alvc+3.)*(alvc+2.)*(alvc+1.)
+        else
+          aapi=.517-.02*sq
+          api=-.037-.578*sq
+          bpi=.241+.251*sq
+          dpi=.383+.624*sq
+          anorm=1.212+.498*sq+.009*sq**2
+          psdfh4=.5*anorm*x**aapi*(1.-x)**dpi*
+     *    (1.+api*sqrt(x)+bpi*x)
+        endif
+      else
+        psdfh4=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psfap(x,j,l)
+c psfap - altarelli-parisi function (multiplied by x)
+c x - light cone momentum share value,
+c j - type of the parent parton (0-g;1,2,etc.-q)
+c l - type of the daughter parton (0-g;1,2,etc.-q)
+      double precision x
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      if(j.eq.0)then
+        if(l.eq.0)then
+          psfap=((1.d0-x)/x+x/(1.d0-x)+x*(1.d0-x))*6.d0
+        else
+          psfap=(x**2+(1.d0-x)**2)*naflav
+        endif
+      else
+        if(l.eq.0)then
+          psfap=(1.d0+(1.d0-x)**2)/x/.75d0
+        else
+          psfap=(x**2+1.d0)/(1.d0-x)/.75d0
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      function psgen(a1,a2)
+cc psgen - x-values generation according to distribution
+cc x1^(-a1) x2^(-0.5)
+c      common/lept1/engy,elepti,elepto,angmue,icinpu
+c      aa=max(a1,a2)
+c1     continue
+c      if(aa.lt.1.)then
+c        x1=.5*rangen()**(1./(1.-aa))
+c      elseif(aa.eq.1.)then
+c        x1=.5/engy**rangen()
+c      else
+c        x1=.5*(1.+rangen()*(engy**(aa-1.)-1.))**(1./(1.-aa))
+c      endif
+c      if(x1.lt.1.e-7.or.x1.gt..999999)then
+c        goto 1
+c      endif
+c      if(rangen().lt..5)then
+c        gb=x1**(aa-a1)*.5**aa/(1.-x1)**a2
+c      else
+c        x1=1.-x1
+c        gb=(1.-x1)**(aa-a2)*.5**aa/x1**a1
+c      endif
+c      if(rangen().gt.gb)goto 1
+c      psgen=x1
+c      return
+c      end
+      function psidd(icc)
+c psidd - kink type decoder
+      if(icc.eq.0)then                    !g
+        psidd=9
+      elseif(iabs(icc).le.2)then          !u,u~,d,d~
+        psidd=icc
+      elseif(iabs(icc).eq.4)then          !s,s~
+        psidd=icc/4*3
+      elseif(iabs(icc).gt.10)then         !c,c~ etc.
+        psidd=icc/10
+      elseif(icc.eq.3)then                !ud
+        psidd=1200
+      elseif(icc.eq.-3)then               !u~d~
+        psidd=-1200
+      elseif(icc.eq.6)then                !uu
+        psidd=1100
+      elseif(icc.eq.-6)then               !u~u~
+        psidd=-1100
+      elseif(icc.eq.7)then                !dd
+        psidd=2200
+      elseif(icc.eq.-7)then               !d~d~
+        psidd=-2200
+      else
+        psidd=0.
+        write (*,*)'psidd?????????',icc
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c       function pslam(s,a,b)
+cc kinematical function for two particle decay - maximal pt-value
+cc a - first particle mass squared,
+cc b - second particle mass squared,
+cc s - two particle invariant mass squared
+c       pslam=.25/s*(s+a-b)**2-a
+c       return
+c       end
+      function psjvrg1(qt,s,y0)
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /cnsta/ pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision xt,ymin,ymax,y,xmin,xmax,xx1,xx2
+      psjvrg1=0.
+      if(s.le.4.*qt)return
+      xt=2.d0*sqrt(dble(qt)/dble(s))
+      ymax=min(dble(y0),log(1d0/xt+sqrt((1d0/xt-1d0)*(1d0/xt+1d0))))
+      ymin=-ymax
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        y=.5d0*(ymax+ymin+(ymin-ymax)*dble((2*m-3)*x1(i)))
+        xmin=xt**2/2.d0/(2.d0-xt*exp(-y))
+        xmax=1.d0-xt*exp(y)/2.d0
+        fx=0.
+        do i1=1,7
+        do m1=1,2
+          xx1=xt*exp(y)/2d0+xmin*(xmax/xmin)**dble(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+          xx2=xt*exp(-y)*xx1/(2.d0*xx1-xt*exp(y))
+          z=sngl(xx1*xx2)
+          sh=z*s
+          t=sngl(dble(sh)/2d0*(1d0
+     &                      -sqrt(max(0d0,1d0-4d0*dble(qt)/dble(sh)))))
+          ft=psjvrx(t,qt,sngl(xx1),sngl(xx2),sh)
+          fx=fx+a1(i1)*ft/sh**2
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx=fx*sngl(log(xmax/xmin))
+        psjvrg1=psjvrg1+a1(i)*fx
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjvrg1=psjvrg1*sngl(ymax-ymin)*pi**3
+     **pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2*sqrt(qt)
+      return
+      end
+      function psjvrx(t,qt,xx1,xx2,s)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      g1=psdfh4(xx1,qt,0.,2,0)
+      ub1=psdfh4(xx1,qt,0.,2,-1)
+      u1=psdfh4(xx1,qt,0.,2,1)+ub1
+      db1=psdfh4(xx1,qt,0.,2,-2)
+      d1=psdfh4(xx1,qt,0.,2,2)+db1
+      sb1=psdfh4(xx1,qt,0.,2,-3)
+      s1=sb1
+      g2=psdfh4(xx2,qt,0.,2,0)
+      ub2=psdfh4(xx2,qt,0.,2,-1)
+      u2=psdfh4(xx2,qt,0.,2,1)+ub2
+      db2=psdfh4(xx2,qt,0.,2,-2)
+      d2=psdfh4(xx2,qt,0.,2,2)+db2
+      sb2=psdfh4(xx2,qt,0.,2,-3)
+      s2=sb2
+      psjvrx=g1*g2*(psbori(s,t,0,0,1)+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,1)
+     *+psbori(s,t,0,0,2)+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,2))/2.
+     *+(psbori(s,t,0,1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,1))*
+     *(g2*(u1+ub1+d1+db1+s1+sb1)+g1*(u2+ub2+d2+db2+s2+sb2))
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,1))/2.*
+     *(u1*u2+ub1*ub2+d1*d2+db1*db2+s1*s2+sb1*sb2)
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,-1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,1)+psbori(s,t,1,-1,2)+
+     *psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,2)+psbori(s,t,1,-1,3)+psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,3))*
+     *(u1*ub2+ub1*u2+d1*db2+db1*d2+s1*sb2+sb1*s2)
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,2,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,1))*
+     *((u1+ub1)*(d2+db2+s2+sb2)+(u2+ub2)*(d1+db1+s1+sb1)+
+     *(d1+db1)*(u2+ub2+s2+sb2)+(d2+db2)*(u1+ub1+s1+sb1)+
+     *(s1+sb1)*(u2+ub2+d2+db2)+(s2+sb2)*(u1+ub1+d1+db1))
+      return
+      end
+      function psjwo1(qt,s,y0)
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /cnsta/ pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin
+      double precision xt,ymax,ymin,y,xmin,xmax,xx1,xx2
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psjwo1=0.
+      if(s.le.4.*qt)return
+      xt=2.d0*sqrt(dble(qt)/dble(s))
+      ymax=min(dble(y0),log(1d0/xt+sqrt((1d0/xt-1d0)*(1d0/xt+1d0))))
+      ymin=-ymax
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        y=.5d0*(ymax+ymin+(ymin-ymax)*dble(2*m-3)*dble(x1(i)))
+        xmin=xt**2/2.d0/(2.d0-xt*exp(-y))
+        xmax=1.d0-xt*exp(y)/2.d0
+        fx=0.
+        do i1=1,7
+        do m1=1,2
+          xx1=xt*exp(y)/2.d0+xmin*(xmax/xmin)**dble(.5+x1(i1)*(m1-1.5))
+          xx2=xt*exp(-y)/(2.d0-xt*exp(y)/xx1)
+          z=sngl(xx1*xx2)
+          sh=z*s
+          t=sngl(dble(sh)/2d0*(1d0-sqrt(1d0-4d0*dble(qt)/dble(sh))))
+          ft=psjwox(t,qt,sngl(xx1),sngl(xx2),sh)
+          fx=fx+a1(i1)*ft/sh**2
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        fx=fx*log(xmax/xmin)
+        psjwo1=psjwo1+a1(i)*fx
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psjwo1=psjwo1*sngl(ymax-ymin)*pi**3
+     **pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2*sqrt(qt)
+      return
+      end
+      function psjwox(t,qt,xx1,xx2,s)
+      double precision x,scale,upv1,dnv1,sea1,str1,chm1,gl1,
+     *upv2,dnv2,sea2,str2,chm2,gl2
+      scale=sqrt(qt)
+      x=xx1
+      call strdo1(x,scale,upv1,dnv1,sea1,str1,chm1,gl1)
+      x=xx2
+      call strdo1(x,scale,upv2,dnv2,sea2,str2,chm2,gl2)
+      psjwox=gl1*gl2*(psbori(s,t,0,0,1)+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,1)
+     *+psbori(s,t,0,0,2)+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,2)+psbori(s,t,0,0,3)
+     *+psbori(s,s-t,0,0,3))/2.
+     *+(psbori(s,t,0,1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,1)
+     *+psbori(s,t,0,1,2)+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,2)+psbori(s,t,0,1,3)
+     *+psbori(s,s-t,0,1,3))*(gl2*(upv1+dnv1+4.*sea1+2.*str1+2.*chm1)+
+     *gl1*(upv2+dnv2+4.*sea2+2.*str2+2.*chm2))
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,1)
+     *+psbori(s,t,1,1,2)+psbori(s,s-t,1,1,2)+psbori(s,t,1,1,3)+
+     *psbori(s,s-t,1,1,3))/2.*
+     *((upv1+sea1)*(upv2+sea2)+(dnv1+sea1)*(dnv2+sea2)+2.*sea1*sea2
+     *+2.*str1*str2+2.*chm1*chm2)
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,-1,1)+psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,1)+psbori(s,t,1,-1,2)+
+     *psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,2)+psbori(s,t,1,-1,3)+psbori(s,s-t,1,-1,3))*
+     *((upv1+sea1)*sea2+sea1*(upv2+sea2)+(dnv1+sea1)*sea2+
+     *sea1*(dnv2+sea2)+2.*str1*str2+2.*chm1*chm2)
+     *+(psbori(s,t,1,2,1)
+     *+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,1)+psbori(s,t,1,2,2)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,2)
+     *+psbori(s,t,1,2,3)+psbori(s,s-t,1,2,3))*
+     *(upv1*dnv2+upv2*dnv1+(upv1+dnv1)*(2.*sea2+2.*str2+2.*chm2)+
+     *(upv2+dnv2)*(2.*sea1+2.*str1+2.*chm1)+
+     *4.*sea1*(2.*sea2+2.*str2+2.*chm2)+2.*str1*(4.*sea2+2.*chm2)+
+     *2.*chm1*(4.*sea2+2.*str2))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pslcsh(wp1,wm1,wp2,wm2,samqt,amqpt)
+c pslcsh - sh pomeron lc momentum sharing between two strings
+      double precision amqt(4),yqm(4),yqm1(4),xlp(4),xlm(4),am23,sx,y2
+     *,wp1,wp2,wm1,wm2,s,sq,psutz,yqmax,y,amjp,amjm,y1,s12,s34,x34,amqpt
+      dimension samqt(4)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      s=wp1*wm1
+      sq=dsqrt(s)
+      do i=1,4
+        amqt(i)=dble(samqt(i))
+        yqm(i)=dlog(sq/amqt(i)*psutz(s,amqt(i)**2,(amqpt-amqt(i))**2))
+      enddo
+      yqmax=max(yqm(1),yqm(2))
+1     y=yqmax*dble(rangen())
+      j=int(1.5+rangen())
+      if(y.gt.yqm(j))goto 1
+      amjp=amqt(j)*dexp(y)
+      amjm=amqt(j)*dexp(-y)
+      do i=3,4
+        am23=amqt(3-j)+amqt(7-i)
+        sx=(am23+amjp)*(am23+amjm)
+        yqm1(i)=dlog(sq/amqt(i)*psutz(s,amqt(i)**2,sx))
+      enddo
+      yqmax1=max(yqm1(3),yqm1(4))
+      if(dble(rangen()).gt.yqmax1/max(yqm(3),yqm(4)))goto 1
+      y1=yqmax1*dble(rangen())
+      j1=int(3.5+rangen())
+      if(y1.gt.yqm1(j1))goto 1
+      amjp1=amqt(j1)*exp(y1)
+      amjm1=amqt(j1)*exp(-y1)
+      s12=(amqt(3-j)+amjp)*(amqt(3-j)+amjm)
+      s34=(amqt(7-j1)+amjp1)*(amqt(7-j1)+amjm1)
+      y2=dlog(sq/(amqt(3-j)+amjp)*psutz(s,s12,s34))
+      xlp(j)=amqt(j)/sq*dexp(y+y2)
+      xlm(j)=amqt(j)/sq*dexp(-y-y2)
+      xlp(3-j)=amqt(3-j)/sq*dexp(y2)
+      xlm(3-j)=amqt(3-j)/sq*dexp(-y2)
+      x34=1.-xlm(1)-xlm(2)
+      xlm(7-j1)=x34/(1.+amjp1/amqt(7-j1))
+      xlm(j1)=x34-xlm(7-j1)
+c      write (*,*)'xlc',xlp(1),xlp(2),xlm(3),xlm(4)
+      if(dble(rangen()).gt.(xlp(1)*xlp(2)*xlm(3)*xlm(4))**(-alpqua)*
+     *(xlp(j)*(1.d0-xlp(j))*xlm(j1)*(1.d0-xlm(j1))))goto 1
+      wp2=xlp(2)*wp1
+      wp1=xlp(1)*wp1
+      wm2=xlm(4)*wm1
+      wm1=xlm(3)*wm1
+c      write (*,*)'wp1,wm1,wp2,wm2',wp1,wm1,wp2,wm2
+      return
+      end
+      function psnorm(ep)
+c 4-vector squared calculation
+      double precision sm2,ep(4)
+      sm2=ep(1)**2
+      do i=1,3
+        sm2=sm2-ep(i+1)**2
+      enddo
+      psnorm=sm2
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psrotat(ep,s0x,c0x,s0,c0)
+c psrotat - spacial rotation to the lab. system for 4-vector ep
+c s0, c0 - sin and cos for the zx-rotation;
+c s0x, c0x - sin and cos for the xy-rotation
+      dimension ep(4),ep1(3)
+      ep1(3)=ep(4)
+      ep1(2)=ep(2)*s0+ep(3)*c0
+      ep1(1)=ep(2)*c0-ep(3)*s0
+      ep(2)=ep1(1)
+      ep(4)=ep1(2)*s0x+ep1(3)*c0x
+      ep(3)=ep1(2)*c0x-ep1(3)*s0x
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine psrotat1(ep,s0x,c0x,s0,c0)
+cc psrotat - spacial rotation to the lab. system for 4-vector ep
+cc s0, c0 - sin and cos for the zx-rotation;
+cc s0x, c0x - sin and cos for the xy-rotation
+c      dimension ep(4),ep1(3)
+c      ep1(1)=ep(2)
+c      ep1(3)=-ep(3)*s0x+ep(4)*c0x
+c      ep1(2)=ep(3)*c0x+ep(4)*s0x
+c      ep(4)=ep1(3)
+c      ep(3)=-ep1(1)*s0+ep1(2)*c0
+c      ep(2)=ep1(1)*c0+ep1(2)*s0
+c      return
+c      end
+      function pssalf(qq)
+c pssalf - effective qcd coupling (alpha_s/2/pi)
+      include "epos.incsem"
+      pssalf=2./(11.-naflav/1.5)/log(qq)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine pstrans(ep,ey,jj)
+c pstrans - lorentz boosts according to the parameters ey ( determining
+c shift along the z,x,y-axis respectively (ey(1),ey(2),ey(3)))
+c jj=1 - inverse transformation to the lab. system;
+c jj=-1 - direct transformation
+      dimension ey(3),ep(4)
+      if(jj.eq.1)then
+c lorentz transform to lab. system according to 1/ey(i) parameters
+        do i=1,3
+          if(ey(4-i).ne.1.)then
+            wp=(ep(1)+ep(5-i))/ey(4-i)
+            wm=(ep(1)-ep(5-i))*ey(4-i)
+            ep(1)=.5*(wp+wm)
+            ep(5-i)=.5*(wp-wm)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      else
+c lorentz transform to lab. system according to ey(i) parameters
+        do i=1,3
+          if(ey(i).ne.1.)then
+            wp=(ep(1)+ep(i+1))*ey(i)
+            wm=(ep(1)-ep(i+1))/ey(i)
+            ep(1)=.5*(wp+wm)
+            ep(i+1)=.5*(wp-wm)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function psuds(q,m)
+c psuds - spacelike sudakov formfactor
+c q - maximal value of the effective momentum,
+c m - type of parton (0 - g, 1,2, etc. - q)
+      dimension wi(3)
+      common /psar15/ sudx(40,2)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision dps,qlm,ffacs,qlm0,qlmi
+      j=min(iabs(m),1)+1
+      if(q.gt.q2ini)then
+        qli=log(q/q2min)*2.+1.
+        i=int(qli)
+        if(i.lt.1)i=1
+        if(i.gt.38)i=38
+        wi(2)=qli-i
+        wi(3)=wi(2)*(wi(2)-1.)*.5
+        wi(1)=1.-wi(2)+wi(3)
+        wi(2)=wi(2)-2.*wi(3)
+        dps=0.d0
+        do i1=1,3
+          dps=dps+dble(sudx(i+i1-1,j)*wi(i1))
+        enddo
+        qlm0=dble(log(q2ini/qcdlam))
+        qlm=dble(log(q/qcdlam))
+        qlmi=qlm-qlm0         !=log(q/q2ini)
+        psuds=(qlm*log(qlm/qlm0)-qlmi)
+        ffacs=(11.d0-dble(naflav)/1.5d0)/12.d0
+        if(j.eq.1)then
+          psuds=(psuds-ffacs*log(qlm/qlm0)
+     *    +dps*(1.d0-dble(q2ini/q)))/ffacs
+        else
+          psuds=(psuds-log(qlm/qlm0)*.75d0
+     *    +dps*(1.d0-dble(q2ini/q)))*4.d0/9.d0/ffacs
+        endif
+        psuds=exp(-psuds)
+      else
+        psuds=1.d0
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      function psudx(q,j)
+c psudx - part of the bspacelike sudakov formfactor
+c q - maximal value of the effective momentum,
+c j - type of parton (1 - g, 2 - q)
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      psudx=0.
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        qt=.5*(q2ini+q-x1(i)*(2.*m-3.)*(q2ini-q))
+        if(j.eq.1)then
+          zm=1.-qt/q
+          dps=((11.-naflav/1.5)/12.-zm**2*(1.-naflav/12.)+
+     *    (zm**3/3.-zm**4/4.)*(1.-naflav/3.))*q/qt
+        else
+          dps=(1.-qt/q/4.)
+        endif
+        psudx=psudx+a1(i)*dps/log(qt/qcdlam)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      psudx=psudx*.5
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function psutz(s,a,b)
+c psutz - kinematical function for two particle decay - light cone momen
+c share for the particle of mass squared a,
+c b - partner's mass squared,
+c s - two particle invariant mass
+      double precision a1,b1,s1,x,dx,s,a,b
+      a1=dsqrt(a)
+      b1=dsqrt(b)
+      s1=dsqrt(s)
+      x=(1.d0+(a1-b1)*(a1+b1)/s)/2.d0
+      dx=(x-a1/s1)*(x+a1/s1)
+c      x=.5*(1.+(a-b)/s)
+c      dx=(x*x-a/s)
+      if(dx.gt.0.d0)then
+        x=x+dsqrt(dx)
+      else
+        x=a1/s1
+      endif
+      psutz=min(0.999999999d0,x)
+      return
+      end
+      block data ptdata
+c constants for numerical integration (gaussian weights)
+      common /ar3/ x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /ar4/ x4(2),a4(2)
+      common /ar5/ x5(2),a5(2)
+      common /ar8/ x2(4),a2
+      common /ar9/ x9(3),a9(3)
+      data x1/.9862838,.9284349,.8272013,.6872929,.5152486,
+     *.3191124,.1080549/
+      data a1/.03511946,.08015809,.1215186,.1572032,
+     *.1855384,.2051985,.2152639/
+      data x2/.00960736,.0842652,.222215,.402455/
+      data a2/.392699/
+      data x4/ 0.339981,0.861136/
+      data a4/ 0.652145,0.347855/
+      data x5/.585786,3.41421/
+      data a5/.853553,.146447/
+      data x9/.93247,.661209,.238619/
+      data a9/.171324,.360762,.467914/
+      end
+      subroutine strdo1(x,scale,upv,dnv,sea,str,chm,gl)
+c :::::::::::: duke owens set 1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
+      implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
+      double precision
+     +       f(5),a(6,5),b1(3,6,5)
+      data q0,ql1/2.d0,.2d0/
+      data b1/3.d0,0.d0,0.d0,.419d0,.004383d0,-.007412d0,
+     &3.46d0,.72432d0,-.065998d0,4.4d0,-4.8644d0,1.3274d0,
+     &6*0.d0,1.d0,
+     &0.d0,0.d0,.763d0,-.23696d0,.025836d0,4.d0,.62664d0,-.019163d0,
+     &0.d0,-.42068d0,.032809d0,6*0.d0,1.265d0,-1.1323d0,.29268d0,
+     &0.d0,-.37162d0,-.028977d0,8.05d0,1.5877d0,-.15291d0,
+     &0.d0,6.3059d0,-.27342d0,0.d0,-10.543d0,-3.1674d0,
+     &0.d0,14.698d0,9.798d0,0.d0,.13479d0,-.074693d0,
+     &-.0355d0,-.22237d0,-.057685d0,6.3494d0,3.2649d0,-.90945d0,
+     &0.d0,-3.0331d0,1.5042d0,0.d0,17.431d0,-11.255d0,
+     &0.d0,-17.861d0,15.571d0,1.564d0,-1.7112d0,.63751d0,
+     &0.d0,-.94892d0,.32505d0,6.d0,1.4345d0,-1.0485d0,
+     &9.d0,-7.1858d0,.25494d0,0.d0,-16.457d0,10.947d0,
+     &0.d0,15.261d0,-10.085d0/
+      wn=1.d0
+      s= log( log( max(q0,scale)/ql1)/ log(q0/ql1))
+      do 10 i=1,5
+      do 10 j=1,6
+   10 a(j,i)=b1(1,j,i)+s*(b1(2,j,i)+s*b1(3,j,i))
+      do 40 i=1,5
+   40 f(i)=a(1,i)*x**a(2,i)*(wn-x)**a(3,i)*(wn+x*
+     &    (a(4,i)+x*(a(5,i)+x*a(6,i))))
+      do 50 i=1,2
+      aa=wn+a(2,i)+a(3,i)
+   50 f(i)=f(i)*utgam2(aa)/((wn+a(2,i)*a(4,i)/aa)
+     &*utgam2(a(2,i))*utgam2(wn+a(3,i)))
+      upv=f(1)-f(2)
+      dnv=f(2)
+      sea=f(3)/6.d0
+      str=sea
+      chm=f(4)
+      gl =f(5)
+      return
+      end
+      function fzeroGluZZ(z,k)   ! former psftild
+c    fzeroGluZZComplete = fzeroGluZZ * z^(-1-dels) * gamsoft * gamhad
+c  A = 8*pi*s0*gampar*gamtilde
+c integration over semihard pomeron light cone momentum share xp==u
+c fzeroGluZZ = (1-glusea) * engy^epszero
+c  * int(du) u^(epszero-alppar+dels) (1-u)^alplea * (1-z/u)**betpom
+c z - light cone x of the gluon,
+c k - hadron class
+      double precision xpmin,xp
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      fzeroGluZZ=0.
+      xpmin=z
+      xpmin=xpmin**(1.-alppar+dels+epszero)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        xp=(.5*(1.+xpmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xpmin)))**(1./
+     *  (1.-alppar+dels+epszero))
+        fzeroGluZZ=fzeroGluZZ+a1(i)*(1.-xp)**alplea(k)*(1.-z/xp)**betpom
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      fzeroGluZZ=
+     *  fzeroGluZZ*.5*(1.-xpmin)/(1.-alppar+dels+epszero)
+     *     *(1.-glusea)  *engy**epszero
+      return
+      end
+      function fzeroSeaZZ(z,k)     ! former psftile
+c    fzeroSeaZZComplete = fzeroSeaZZ * z^(-1-dels) * gamsoft * gamhad
+c  gamsoft = 8*pi*s0*gampar*gamtilde
+c integration over semihard pomeron light cone momentum share xp==u
+c fzeroSeaZZ = glusea * engy^epszero
+c   * int(du) u^(epszero-alppar+dels) (1-u)^alplea * EsoftQZero(z/u)
+c z - light cone x of the quark,
+c k - hadron class
+      double precision xpmin,xp
+      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      fzeroSeaZZ=0.
+      xpmin=z
+      xpmin=xpmin**(1.-alppar+dels+epszero)
+      do i=1,7
+      do m=1,2
+        xp=(.5*(1.+xpmin+(2*m-3)*x1(i)*(1.-xpmin)))**(1./
+     *  (1.-alppar+dels+epszero))
+        zz=z/xp
+        fzeroSeaZZ=fzeroSeaZZ+a1(i)*(1.-xp)**alplea(k)*EsoftQZero(zz)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      fzeroSeaZZ=fzeroSeaZZ*.5*(1.-xpmin)/(1.-alppar+dels+epszero)
+     *     *glusea  *engy**epszero
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine psaini
+c common initialization procedure
+c if isetcs = 0, alpD, betD, etc ... in inirj are not used and xkappa=1
+c if isetcs = 1, alpD, betD, etc ... in inirj are not used but xkappa.ne.1
+c if isetcs = 2, alpD, betD, xkappa, etc ... in inirj are used and
+c                cross section from calculation in inics are read.
+c    if epos.inics doesn't exist, it produces only the calculated part of it.
+c if isetcs = 3, alpD, betD, xkappa, etc ... in inirj are used and
+c                cross section from simulation in inics are read.
+c    if epos.inics doesn't exist, it produces the calculated AND the
+c    simulated part of it both for ionudi=1 and 3. Only the values for
+c    ionudi=1 (elastic for diffraction counted in xs) are always correct.
+c    AA xs with ionudi=3 do not always correspond to MC simulations.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      logical lcalc!,lcalc2
+c      double precision om5p,xh,yh,v3pom(4),om2p
+      dimension gamhad0(nclha),r2had0(nclha),chad0(nclha)
+     *,alplea0(nclha),asect11(7,4,8),asect13(7,4,8),asect21(7,4,8)
+     *,asect23(7,4,8),asect31(7,8,8),asect33(7,8,8)
+     *,asect41(7,8,8),asect43(7,8,8)!,cgam(idxD)
+      common /psar2/  edmax,epmax
+      common /psar4/  fhgg(11,10,8),fhqg(11,10,80)
+     *,fhgq(11,10,80),fhqq(11,10,80),fhgg0(11,10),fhgg1(11,10,4)
+     *,fhqg1(11,10,40),fhgg01(11),fhgg02(11),fhgg11(11,4)
+     *,fhgg12(11,4),fhqg11(11,10,4),fhqg12(11,10,4)
+     *,ftoint(11,14,2,2,3)
+      common /psar7/  delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      common /psar9/  alpr
+      common /psar15/ sudx(40,2)
+      common /psar19/ cstot(20,20,240)
+      common /psar20/ csord(20,20,240)
+      common /psar21/ csbor(20,160,2)
+      common /psar22/ cstotzero(20,4,2),csborzer(20,4,2)
+      common /psar23/ cschar(20,20,2)
+      common /psar25/ csdsi(21,21,104)
+      common /psar27/ csds(21,26,4),csdt(21,26,2),csdr(21,26,2)
+      common /psar33/ asect(7,4,8),asectn(7,8,8)
+      common /psar34/ rrr,rrrm
+      common /psar35/ anorm,anormp
+      common /psar41/ rrrp,rrrmp
+      common /psar36/ alvc
+      common /psar37/ coefom1,coefom2
+      common /psar38/ vfro(11,14,3,2)
+      common /psar39/ vnorm(11,14,3,2,2)
+c$$$      common /psar40/ coefxu1(idxD,nclha,10)
+c$$$     *,coefxu2(idxD,idxD,nclha,10),coefxc2(idxD,idxD,nclha,10)
+      common/producetab/ producetables              !used to link with CRMC
+      logical producetables
+      common /ar3/    x1(7),a1(7)
+      common /testj/  ajeth(4),ajete(5),ajet0(7)
+      parameter(nbkbin=40)
+      common /kfitd/ xkappafit(nclegy,nclha,nclha,nbkbin),xkappa,bkbin
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      character textini*38
+      external ptfau,ptfauAA
+      call utpri('psaini',ish,ishini,4)
+c    for fragmentation
+c    -----------------
+c number of flavors in fragmentation not less than active flavor in hard string 
+      nrflav=min(max(nrflav,naflav),nflavems)
+      pmqu2=pmqu**2
+      difud=pmqd**2-pmqu2
+      difus=pmqs**2-pmqu2
+      difuuu=(pmqq+pmqu+pmqu)**2-pmqu2
+      difuud=(pudd*pmqq+pmqd+pmqu)**2-pmqu2
+      difuus=(puds*pmqq+pmqs+pmqu)**2-pmqu2
+      difudd=(pudd*pudd*pmqq+pmqd+pmqd)**2-pmqu2
+      difuds=(pudd*puds*pmqq+pmqs+pmqd)**2-pmqu2
+      difuss=(puds*puds*pmqq+pmqs+pmqs)**2-pmqu2
+      if(nrflav.gt.3)then
+        difuc=pmqc**2-pmqu2
+        difuuc=(pudc*pmqq+pmqc+pmqu)**2-pmqu2
+        difudc=(pudd*pudc*pmqq+pmqc+pmqd)**2-pmqu2
+        difusc=(puds*pudc*pmqq+pmqc+pmqs)**2-pmqu2
+        difucc=(pudc*pudc*pmqq+pmqc+pmqs)**2-pmqu2
+      else
+        difuc=0.
+        difuuc=0.
+        difudc=0.
+        difusc=0.
+        difucc=0.
+        rstrac(1)=0.
+        rstrac(2)=0.
+        rstrac(3)=0.
+        rstrac(4)=0.
+      endif
+      if(iappl.ne.6)then
+      do i=1,4
+      ajeth(i)=0.
+      enddo
+      do i=1,5
+      ajete(i)=0.
+      ajet0(i)=0.
+      enddo
+      ajet0(6)=0.
+      ajet0(7)=0.
+      if(isetcs.le.1)then              !for Kfit
+        bkbin=0.3
+      else
+        bkbin=0.1
+      endif
+      xkappa=1.
+      edmax=edmaxi  !1.e12     defined in epos-bas
+      epmax=epmaxi  !1.e12     defined in epos-bas
+c fix enhanced diagrams at minimum energy = 2.5
+      delx=1.5 !sqrt(egymin*egymin/exp(1.))
+c arbitrary value for alam3p (not good if too small (infinite loop in rsh))
+      alam3p=0.5*(r2had(1)+r2had(2)+r2had(3)) !0.6
+      gam3p=.1
+c   interface to 'bas'
+c    ----------------
+      dels=alppom-1.
+      alpqua=(alppar+1.)/2.
+      if(abs(alpqua).lt.1.e-6)call utstop('alpar should not be -1 !&')
+      alpr=-2.+alpqua      !x-exponent for remnant mass
+c   omega coeffs
+c    ----------------
+      coefom0=utgam1(1.+dels-alppar)*utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro))
+     */utgam1(2.+alplea(iclpro)+dels-alppar)
+     **utgam1(1.+dels-alppar)*utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar))
+     */utgam1(2.+alplea(icltar)+dels-alppar)
+      coefom1=1.-utgam1(1.+dels-alppar)**2*utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro))
+     */utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro)+2.*(1.+dels-alppar))
+     **utgam1(1.+dels-alppar)**2*utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar))
+     */utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar)+2.*(1.+dels-alppar))/coefom0**2
+      coefom2=3.*coefom1-1.
+     *+utgam1(1.+dels-alppar)**3*utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro))
+     */utgam1(1.+alplea(iclpro)+3.*(1.+dels-alppar))
+     **utgam1(1.+dels-alppar)**3*utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar))
+     */utgam1(1.+alplea(icltar)+3.*(1.+dels-alppar))/coefom0**3
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'coefom',coefom0,coefom1,coefom2,delx
+c soft pomeron: abbreviations
+      if(iappl.eq.1.or.iappl.eq.8.or.iappl.eq.9)then
+c auxiliary constants:
+        stmass=.05               !string mass cutoff
+c parton density normalization
+        sq=log(log(q2min/.232**2)/log(.23/.232**2))
+        du=2.997+.753*sq-.076*sq*sq
+        qnorm=0.
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xx=.5+x1(i)*(m-1.5)
+          xxq=1.-xx**(1./(1.+du))
+          qnorm=qnorm+a1(i)*(psdfh4(xxq,q2min,0.,2,1)+
+     *    psdfh4(xxq,q2min,0.,2,2))/(1.-xxq)**du
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        qnorm=qnorm*.5/(1.+du)
+        qnormp=qnorm
+c        ffrr=(1.-qnorm)/4./pi/gamhad(2)
+c     *  *utgam1(2.+betpom-dels)/utgam1(1.-dels)
+c     *  /utgam1(1.+betpom)/utgam1(1.+alplea(2))/
+c     *  utgam1(2.-alppar)*utgam1(3.+alplea(2)-alppar)
+c      ffrr=(1.-qnorm)/4./pi/gamhad(2)
+c     *  *utgam1(2.+betpom-dels)/utgam1(1.-dels)
+c     *  /utgam1(1.+betpom)
+c      write(6,*)'===========',ffrr
+        ffrr=gamtil
+     *  /utgam1(1.+alplea(2))/
+     *  utgam1(2.-alppar)*utgam1(3.+alplea(2)-alppar)
+      gamsoft=ffrr*4.*pi
+        if(ish.ge.4)write (ifch,*)'rr,qnorm',ffrr,qnorm
+        sq=log(log(q2min/.232**2)/log(.25/.232**2))
+        dpi=.367+.563*sq
+        qnorm=0.
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xx=.5+x1(i)*(m-1.5)
+          xxq=1.-xx**(1./(1.+dpi))
+          qnorm=qnorm+a1(i)*(psdfh4(xxq,q2min,0.,1,1)+
+     *    psdfh4(xxq,q2min,0.,1,2))/(1.-xxq)**dpi
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        qnorm=qnorm*.5/(1.+dpi)
+        cftmp=1./(1.-qnormp)*(1.-qnorm)
+     *  *utgam1(alplea(2)+1.)/utgam1(alplea(2)+3.-alppar)
+     *  /utgam1(alplea(1)+1.)*utgam1(alplea(1)+3.-alppar)
+        gamhad(1)=gamhad(2)*cftmp
+        if(gamhadsi(1).lt.0.)then
+          gamhads(1)=gamhad(1)
+        else
+          gamhads(1)=gamhad(1)*gamhadsi(1)
+        endif
+        gamhad(1)=gamhads(1)
+        if(ish.ge.4)
+     *  write (ifch,*)'gamhad(1),gamhads(1)',gamhad(1),gamhads(1)
+        if(gamhadsi(2).lt.0.)then
+          gamhads(2)=gamhad(2)
+        else
+          gamhads(2)=gamhad(2)*gamhadsi(2)
+        endif
+        gamhad(2)=gamhads(2)
+        if(ish.ge.4)
+     *  write (ifch,*)'gamhad(2),gamhads(2)',gamhad(2),gamhads(2)
+        qnorm=0.
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xx=.5+x1(i)*(m-1.5)
+          xxq=1.-xx**(1./(1.+dpi))
+          qnorm=qnorm+a1(i)*(psdfh4(xxq,q2min,0.,1,1)+
+     *    psdfh4(xxq,q2min,0.,1,2))/(1.-xxq)**dpi
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        qnorm=qnorm*.5/(1.+dpi)
+        cftmp=1./(1.-qnormp)*(1.-qnorm)
+     *  *utgam1(alplea(2)+1.)/utgam1(alplea(2)+3.-alppar)
+     *  /utgam1(alplea(3)+1.)*utgam1(alplea(3)+3.-alppar)
+        gamhad(3)=gamhad(2)*cftmp
+        if(gamhadsi(3).lt.0.)then
+          gamhads(3)=gamhad(3)
+        else
+          gamhads(3)=gamhad(3)*gamhadsi(3)
+        endif
+        gamhad(3)=gamhads(3)
+        if(ish.ge.4)
+     *  write (ifch,*)'gamhad(3),gamhads(3)',gamhad(3),gamhads(3)
+        quamas=.35
+        gamhad(4)=gamhad(1)*(quamas/qcmass)**2
+        if(gamhadsi(4).lt.0.)then
+          gamhads(4)=gamhad(4)
+        else
+          gamhads(4)=gamhad(4)*gamhadsi(4)
+        endif
+        gamhad(4)=gamhads(4)
+        if(ish.ge.4)
+     *  write (ifch,*)'gamhad(4),gamhads(4)',gamhad(4),gamhads(4)
+        gnorm=0.
+        do i=1,7
+        do m=1,2
+          xx=.5+x1(i)*(m-1.5)
+          xxg=xx**(1./(1.-dels))
+          gnorm=gnorm+a1(i)*(fzeroGluZZ(xxg,4)+fzeroSeaZZ(xxg,4))
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        gnorm=gnorm/(1.-dels)*2.*pi*gamhad(4)*ffrr
+        alvc=6./(1.-gnorm)-4.
+        if(ish.ge.4) write (ifch,*)'rr,qnorm,gnorm,alvc',
+     *  ffrr,qnorm,gnorm,alvc
+c        write (*,*)'rr-c,qnorm,gnorm,alvc',ffrr,qnorm,gnorm,alvc
+      endif
+c tabulation of inclusive jet cross sections
+      do i=1,40
+        qi=q2min*exp(.5*(i-1))
+        sudx(i,1)=psudx(qi,1)
+        sudx(i,2)=psudx(qi,2)
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'bare cross sections ...'
+      call psaevc
+ccc      call MakeCSTable
+      inquire(file=fnii(1:nfnii),exist=lcalc)
+      if(lcalc)then
+       if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(3a)')'read from ',fnii(1:nfnii),' ...'
+        open(1,file=fnii(1:nfnii),status='old')
+        read (1,*)qcdlam0,q2min0,q2ini0,naflav0,epmax0,pt2cut0
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam)write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl: wrong qcdlam'
+        if(q2min0 .ne.q2min )write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl: wrong q2min'
+        if(q2ini0 .ne.q2ini )write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl: wrong q2ini'
+        if(naflav0.ne.naflav)write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl: wrong naflav'
+        if(epmax0 .ne.epmax )write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl: wrong epmax'
+        if(pt2cut0 .ne.pt2cut )write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl: wrong pt2cut'
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam.or.q2min0 .ne.q2min .or.q2ini0 .ne.q2ini
+     *  .or.naflav0.ne.naflav.or.epmax0 .ne.epmax.or. pt2cut.ne.pt2cut0)
+     *  then
+          write(ifmt,'(//a//)')'   initl has to be reinitialized!!!'
+          stop
+        endif
+        read (1,*)csbor,csord,cstot,cstotzero,csborzer
+        close(1)
+       endif
+       goto 1
+      elseif(.not.producetables)then
+        write(ifmt,*) "Missing epos.initl file !"        
+        write(ifmt,*) "Please correct the defined path ",
+     &"or force production ..."
+        stop
+      endif
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'initl does not exist -> calculate tables  ...'
+      write (*,*)'Born xsection csbor'
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      spminc=4.*q2min+qcmass**2
+      do m=1,4   !parton type at upper end of the ladder (1...4 - g,u,d,c)
+      do k=1,20
+        if(m.ne.4)then
+          sk=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((k-1)/19.)
+          p1=sk
+        else
+          sk=spminc*(epmax/2./spminc)**((k-1)/19.)
+          p1=sk/(1.+qcmass**2/sk)
+        endif
+        qmax=p1/4.
+      do i=1,20
+        qq=q2min*(qmax/q2min)**((i-1)/19.)
+      do l=1,2    !parton type at lower end of the ladder
+        k1=k+20*(m-1)+80*(l-1)
+        m1=m-1
+        if(m.eq.3.and.l.eq.1)then  !dd~
+          l1=-m1
+        else                       !du
+          l1=l-1
+        endif                                       !born cr.-sect.
+        csbor(i,k1,1)=log(max(1.e-30,psborn(qq,qq,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,0)))
+        if(m.ne.4)then
+        csbor(i,k1,2)=log(max(1.e-30,psborn(4.*qq,qq,qq,sk,m1,l1,1,0)))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write (*,*)'ordered jet xsection csord'
+      do m=1,4            !parton type at upper end of the ladder
+      do k=1,20
+        write (*,*)'   m=',m,'/4  k=',k,'/20'
+        if(m.ne.4)then
+          sk=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((k-1)/19.)  !c.m. energy squared for the hard
+          p1=sk
+        else
+          sk=spminc*(epmax/2./spminc)**((k-1)/19.)
+          p1=sk/(1.+qcmass**2/sk)
+        endif
+        qmax=p1/4.
+        tmax=p1/2.
+      do i=1,20             !cross-sections initialization
+        qi=q2min*(qmax/q2min)**((i-1)/19.)
+      do j=1,20
+        qq=qi*(qmax/qi)**((j-1)/19.)
+        if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then
+          tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+        else
+          tmin=2.*qq
+        endif
+      do l=1,2              !parton type at lower end of the ladder
+        m1=m-1
+        if(m.eq.3.and.l.eq.1)then
+          l1=-m1
+        else
+          l1=l-1
+        endif
+        if(m.ne.4)then
+          k1=k+20*(m-1)+60*(l-1)
+          if(k.eq.1.or.i.eq.20.or.j.eq.20)then
+            csord(i,j,k1)=log(max(1.e-30,psborn(qi,qq,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,0)))
+            csord(i,j,k1+120)=
+     *                 log(max(1.e-30,psborn(4.*qq,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,1,0)))
+          else
+            csord(i,j,k1)=log(psjet1(qi,qq,qq,sk,m1,l1,0)
+     *      /(1./tmin-1./tmax)+psborn(qi,qq,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,0))
+            csord(i,j,k1+120)=log(psjet1(qi,4.*qq,qq,sk,m1,l1,2)
+     *      /(1./tmin-1./tmax)+psborn(4.*qq,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,1,0))
+          endif
+        elseif(j.eq.1)then
+          if(k.eq.1.or.i.eq.20)then
+         cschar(i,k,l)=log(max(1.e-30,psborn(q2min,qi,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,0)))
+          else
+            cschar(i,k,l)=log(psjet1(qi,q2min,qq,sk,l1,m1,0)
+     *      /(1./tmin-1./tmax)+psborn(q2min,qi,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,0))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write (ifmt,*)'tests:'
+      write (ifmt,'(a,a)')' n-1      sk       qi       qj       qq  '
+     * ,'      born   born-i      ord    ord-i  '
+      do k=1,7
+          sk=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((k-1)/19.)
+          if(k.ge.5)sk=spmin*1.5**(k-4)
+      do n=1,2
+        if(n.eq.1)then
+          qmax1=sk/4.
+          qmax2=sk/4.
+        else             !if(n.eq.2)then
+          qmax1=sk/4.
+          qmax2=sk
+        endif
+      do i=1,3
+        qi=q2min*(qmax1/q2min)**((i-1)/3.)
+      do j=1,3
+        qj=q2min*(qmax2/q2min)**((j-1)/3.)
+        qqmax=sk/4.
+        if(n.eq.1)then
+          qqmin=max(qi,qj)
+        else
+          qqmin=max(qi,qj/4.)
+        endif
+      do lq=1,3
+        qq=qqmin*(qqmax/qqmin)**((lq-1)/3.)
+        if(sk.gt.4.*qq)then
+          tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/sk))
+        else
+          tmin=2.*qq
+        endif
+        tmax=sk/2.
+      do m=1,1             !parton type at upper end of the ladder (1
+      do l=1,1              !parton type at lower end of the ladder (1
+        m1=m-1
+        if(m.eq.3.and.l.eq.1)then
+          l1=-m1
+        else
+          l1=l-1
+        endif
+       a=psborn(qj,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,n-1,0)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+       b=psbint(qj,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,n-1)
+       c=psjet1(qi,qj,qq,sk,m1,l1,2*(n-1))
+     *    +psborn(qj,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,n-1,0)*(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+       d=psjti1(qi,qj,qq,sk,m1,l1,n-1)
+       write (ifmt,'(i3,4f9.1,3x,4f9.4)')n-1,sk,qi,qj,qq,a,b,c,d
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write (*,*)'jet xsection cstot'
+      do k=1,20
+        write (*,*)'k=',k,'/20'
+        sk=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((k-1)/19.)  !c.m. energy squared for the hard
+        qmax=sk/4.
+        tmax=sk/2.
+      do i=1,20             !cross-sections initialization
+      do n=1,2
+        if(n.eq.1)then
+          qi=q2min*(qmax/q2min)**((i-1)/19.)
+        else
+          qi=q2min*(4.*qmax/q2min)**((i-1)/19.)
+        endif
+      do j=1,20
+        if(n.eq.1)then
+          qq=qi*(qmax/qi)**((j-1)/19.)
+        else
+          qq=max(q2min,qi/4.)*(qmax/max(q2min,qi/4.))**
+     *    ((j-1)/19.)
+        endif
+        if(sk.gt.4.*qq)then
+          tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/sk))
+        else
+          tmin=2.*qq
+        endif
+      do m=1,3              !parton type at upper end of the ladder (1
+      do l=1,2              !parton type at lower end of the ladder (1
+        m1=m-1
+        if(m.eq.3.and.l.eq.1)then
+          l1=-m1
+        else
+          l1=l-1
+        endif
+        k1=k+20*(m-1)+60*(l-1)+120*(n-1)
+        if(k.eq.1.or.i.eq.20.or.j.eq.20)then
+       cstot(i,j,k1)=log(max(1.e-30,psborn(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,n-1,0)))
+        else
+          if(n.eq.1)then
+            cstot(i,j,k1)=log((psjet(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0)+
+     *      psjti1(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0)+
+     *      psjti1(q2min,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,0)
+     *      -psbint(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0))/(1./tmin-1./tmax))
+          else
+            cstot(i,j,k1)=log((psjet(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,1)+
+     *      psjet1(qi,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,1)+
+     *      psjti1(q2min,qi,qq,sk,l1,m1,1))/(1./tmin-1./tmax))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+c total and born hard cross-sections logarithms for minimal cutoff
+c (q2min), interpolated in the psjti0 procedure
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      spminc=4.*q2min+qcmass**2
+      do m=1,4
+      do l=1,2
+        m1=m-1
+        if(m.eq.3.and.l.eq.1)then
+          l1=-m1
+        else
+          l1=l-1
+        endif
+      do k=1,20
+        if(m.ne.4)then
+          sk=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((k-1)/19.)  !c.m. energy squared for the hard
+          p1=sk
+          qq=q2min
+        else
+          sk=spminc*(epmax/2./spminc)**((k-1)/19.)
+          p1=sk/(1.+qcmass**2/sk)
+          qq=q2min
+        endif
+        if(p1.gt.4.*qq)then
+          tmin=2.*qq/(1.+sqrt(1.-4.*qq/p1))
+        else
+          tmin=2.*qq
+        endif
+        tmax=p1/2.
+        k1=k+20*(m-1)+80*(l-1)
+        csborzer(k,m,l)
+     *      =log(max(1.e-30,psborn(q2min,q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0,0)))
+        if(k.eq.1)then
+          cstotzero(k,m,l)=csborzer(k,m,l)
+        elseif(m.ne.4)then
+          cstotzero(k,m,l)=log(psjti(q2min,qq,sk,m1,l1,0)/
+     *    (1./tmin-1./tmax))
+        else
+          smins=2.5*q2min*(1.+sqrt(1.+4.*qcmass**2/q2min))
+          if(sk.le.smins)then
+            cstotzero(k,m,l)=log(psjci(q2min,sk,l1)/(1./tmin-1./tmax))
+          else
+            cstotzero(k,m,l)=log((psjci(q2min,sk,l1)+psjct(sk,l1))
+     *      /(1./tmin-1./tmax))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'write to initl ...'
+      open(1,file=fnii(1:nfnii),status='unknown')
+      write (1,*)qcdlam,q2min,q2ini,naflav,epmax,pt2cut
+      write (1,*)csbor,csord,cstot,cstotzero,csborzer,cschar
+      close(1)
+1     continue
+      if(iappl.ne.8)goto 3
+      if(ish.ge.3)write(ifch,*)'dis cross sections ...'
+      inquire(file=fnid(1:nfnid),exist=lcalc)
+      if(lcalc)then
+       if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(3a)')'read from ',fnid(1:nfnid),' ...'
+        open(1,file=fnid(1:nfnid),status='old')
+        read (1,*)qcdlam0,q2min0,q2ini0,naflav0,epmax0,edmax0
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam)write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi: wrong qcdlam'
+        if(q2min0 .ne.q2min )write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi: wrong q2min'
+        if(q2ini0 .ne.q2ini )write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi: wrong q2ini'
+        if(naflav0.ne.naflav)write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi: wrong naflav'
+        if(epmax0 .ne.epmax )write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi: wrong epmax'
+        if(edmax0 .ne.edmax )write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi: wrong edmax'
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam.or.q2min0 .ne.q2min.or.q2ini0 .ne.q2ini
+     *  .or.naflav0.ne.naflav.or.epmax0 .ne.epmax
+     *  .or.edmax0 .ne.edmax)then
+           write(ifmt,'(//a//)')'   inidi has to be reinitialized!!!'
+           stop
+        endif
+        read (1,*)csdsi,csds,csdt,csdr
+        close(1)
+       endif
+       goto 3
+      elseif(.not.producetables)then
+        write(ifmt,*) "Missing epos.inidi file !"        
+        write(ifmt,*) "Please correct the defined path ",
+     &"or force production ..."
+        stop
+      endif
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'inidi does not exist -> calculate tables  ...'
+      do j=1,21
+        qq=q2min*exp(.5*(j-1))                !photon virtuality
+        do m=1,2               !parton type at the end of the ladder
+          q2mass=qcmass**2
+          s2min=4.*max(q2mass,q2min)+qq
+          if(m.eq.2)s2min=s2min/(1.-4.*q2ini/(s2min-qq))
+        do k=1,26
+          write (*,*)'sin,j,m,k',j,m,k
+          sk=s2min*(edmax/s2min)**(.04*(k-1))      !c.m. energy squared
+          if(k.eq.26)sk=1.01*sk
+          qmin=q2min
+          if(m.eq.1)then
+            qmax=(sk-qq)/4.
+          else
+            qmax=(sk-qq+sqrt((sk-qq)**2-16.*sk*q2ini))/8.
+          endif
+          do i=1,21               !cross-sections calculation
+            qi=qmin*(qmax/qmin)**((i-1)/20.)
+            tmax=.5*sk
+            qtq=4.*max(q2mass,qi)/(sk-qq)
+            if(qtq.lt.1.)then
+              tmin=.5*sk*qtq/(1.+sqrt(1.-qtq))
+            else
+              tmin=.5*sk
+            endif
+            do ilong=1,2
+              k1=k+26*(m-1)+52*(ilong-1)
+              if(m.eq.1)then
+                if(tmax.gt.1.01*tmin)then
+                  sij=psds(qi,qq,sk,m-1,ilong-1)
+                  if(sij.lt.0.)write (*,*)'qi,qq,sk,m,long,sij',
+     *            qi,qq,sk,m,ilong,sij
+                  csdsi(i,j,k1)=log(max(0.,sij)/(1./tmin-1./tmax)
+     *            +psdbor(qi,qq,sk,ilong-1))
+                else
+                  csdsi(i,j,k1)=
+     *            log(max(1.e-25,psdbor(qi,qq,sk,ilong-1)))
+                endif
+              else
+                csdsi(i,j,k1)=psds(qi,qq,sk,m-1,ilong-1)
+              endif
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      do j=1,21
+        qq=q2min*exp(.5*(j-1))                       !photon virtuality
+        s2min=max(4.*qq,16.*q2min)    !pt2dis=qq
+      do m=1,2
+      do k=1,26
+        do ilong=1,2
+          k1=k+26*(m-1)+52*(ilong-1)
+          csds(j,k,m+2*(ilong-1))=csdsi(1,j,k1)
+        enddo
+        sk=(s2min+qq)*(edmax/(s2min+qq))**(.04*(k-1))
+        csdt(j,k,m)=psdres(qq,sk,s2min,m-1)
+        csdr(j,k,m)=psdrga(qq,sk-qq,s2min,m-1)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'write to inidi ...'
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'write to inidi ...'
+      open(1,file=fnid(1:nfnid),status='unknown')
+      write (1,*)qcdlam,q2min,q2ini,naflav,epmax,edmax
+      write (1,*)csdsi,csds,csdt,csdr
+      close(1)
+3     continue
+c tabulation of semihard eikonals
+!!!!!!!!!      if(iappl.eq.1)then
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'semihard eikonals ...'
+5     continue
+      inquire(file=fnrj,exist=lcalc)
+      if(lcalc)then
+       if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(3a)')'read from ',fnrj(1:nfnrj),' ...'
+        open(1,file=fnrj(1:nfnrj),status='old')
+        read (1,*)alpqua0,alplea0,alppom0,slopom0,
+     *  gamhad0,r2had0,chad0,
+     *  qcdlam0,q2min0,q2ini0,betpom0,glusea0,naflav0,
+     *  factk0,pt2cut0,gamtil0
+        if(alpqua0.ne.alpqua)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong alpqua',alpqua0,alpqua
+        if(alppom0.ne.alppom)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong alppom',alppom0,alppom
+        if(slopom0.ne.slopom)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong slopom',slopom0,slopom
+        iii=2
+        if(gamhad0(iii).ne.gamhad(iii))write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong gamhad(',iii,')',gamhad0(iii),gamhad(iii)
+        do iii=1,3
+        if(r2had0(iii) .ne.r2had(iii) )write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong r2had(',iii,')',r2had0(iii),r2had(iii)
+        if(chad0(iii)  .ne.chad(iii)  )write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong chad(',iii,')',chad0(iii),chad(iii)
+        if(alplea0(iii).ne.alplea0(iii))write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong alplea(',iii,')',alplea0(iii),alplea(iii)
+        enddo
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong qcdlam',qcdlam0,qcdlam
+        if(q2min0 .ne.q2min )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong q2min',q2min0,q2min
+        if(q2ini0 .ne.q2ini )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong q2ini',q2ini0,q2ini
+        if(betpom0.ne.betpom)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong betpom',betpom0,betpom
+        if(glusea0.ne.glusea)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong glusea',glusea0,glusea
+        if(naflav0.ne.naflav)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong naflav',naflav0,naflav
+        if(factk0 .ne.factk )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong factk', factk0,factk
+        if(pt2cut0 .ne.pt2cut )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong pt2cut', pt2cut0,pt2cut
+        if(gamtil0 .ne.gamtil )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong gamtil', gamtil0,gamtil
+        if(alpqua0.ne.alpqua.or.alppom0.ne.alppom
+     *  .or.slopom0.ne.slopom.or.gamhad0(2).ne.gamhad(2)
+     *  .or.r2had0(1).ne.r2had(1).or.r2had0(2).ne.r2had(2)
+     *  .or.r2had0(3).ne.r2had(3)
+     *  .or.chad0(1).ne.chad(1).or.chad0(2).ne.chad(2)
+     *  .or.chad0(3).ne.chad(3)
+     *  .or.alplea0(1).ne.alplea(1).or.alplea0(2).ne.alplea(2)
+     *  .or.alplea0(3).ne.alplea(3)
+     *  .or.qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam.or.q2min0 .ne.q2min
+     *  .or.q2ini0 .ne.q2ini.or.gamtil0.ne.gamtil
+     *  .or.betpom0.ne.betpom.or.glusea0.ne.glusea.or.naflav0.ne.naflav
+     *  .or.factk0 .ne.factk .or.pt2cut0.ne.pt2cut)then
+           write(ifmt,'(//a//)')'   inirj has to be reinitialized!!!!'
+           stop
+        endif
+        read(1,*)fhgg,fhqg,fhgq,fhqq,fhgg0,fhgg1,fhqg1
+     *  ,fhgg01,fhgg02,fhgg11,fhgg12,fhqg11,fhqg12
+     *  ,ftoint,vfro,vnorm,coefxu1,coefxu2,coefxc2
+        read(1,*)bkbin0,iclpro10,iclpro20,icltar10,icltar20,iclegy10
+     *   ,iclegy20,egylow0,egymax0,iomega0,egyscr0,epscrw0,epscrp0
+        if(isetcs.gt.1)then
+        textini='                                      '
+        if(iclpro10.ne.iclpro1)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong iclpro1  ',iclpro10,iclpro1
+        if(iclpro20.ne.iclpro2)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong iclpro2  ',iclpro20,iclpro2
+        if(icltar10.ne.icltar1)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong icltar1  ',icltar10,icltar1
+        if(icltar20.ne.icltar2)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong icltar2  ',icltar20,icltar2
+        if(iclegy10.ne.iclegy1)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong iclegy1  ',iclegy10,iclegy1
+        if(iclegy20.ne.iclegy2)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong iclegy2  ',iclegy20,iclegy2
+        if(iomega0.ne.iomega)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong iomega   ',iomega0,iomega
+        if(egylow0.ne.egylow)write(textini,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong egylow   ',egylow0,egylow
+        if(egymax0.ne.egymax)write(textini,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong egymax   ',egymax0,egymax
+        if(epscrw0.ne.epscrw)write(textini,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong epscrw    ',epscrw0,epscrw
+        if(epscrp0.ne.epscrp)write(textini,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong epscrp   ',epscrp0,epscrp
+        if(bkbin0.ne.bkbin)write(textini,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inirj: wrong bkbin',bkbin0,bkbin
+        if(textini.ne.'                                      ')then
+           write(ifmt,'(//10x,a//10x,a//)')textini,
+     *     'inirj has to be reinitialized!!!!'
+           stop
+        endif
+        do iiipro=iclpro1,iclpro2
+        do iiitar=icltar1,icltar2
+        do iiiegy=iclegy1,iclegy2
+        do iiib=1,nbkbin
+          read(1,*)xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiib)
+        enddo
+        xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,nbkbin)=1.
+        do iiib=2,nbkbin-1
+          if(xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiib).lt.1.)then
+            xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiib)=max(1.,0.5*
+     *        (xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiib-1)
+     *        +xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiib+1)))
+          endif
+        enddo
+        do iiidf=idxD0,idxD
+         read(1,*)alpDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   alpDps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   alpDpps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   betDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   betDps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   betDpps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   gamDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   delDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+        close(1)
+      endif
+        goto 4
+      elseif(.not.producetables)then
+        write(ifmt,*) "Missing epos.inirj file !"        
+        write(ifmt,*) "Please correct the defined path ",
+     &"or force production ..."
+        stop
+      endif
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'inirj does not exist -> calculate tables  ...'
+      engysave=engy
+      maprojsave=maproj
+      matargsave=matarg
+      iclpros=iclpro
+      icltars=icltar
+      spmin=4.*q2min
+      spminc=4.*q2min+2.*qcmass**2
+      icltar=2
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'  tabulate om5 ...'
+      do iy=1,11
+        sy=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((iy-1)/10.)
+        syc=spminc*(epmax/2./spminc)**((iy-1)/10.)
+        iclpro=2
+        icltar=2
+        if(iy.eq.1)then
+          fhgg01(iy)=-80.
+          fhgg02(iy)=-80.
+        else
+          fhgg01(iy)=log(om51pp(sy,1.,1.,3))
+          fhgg02(iy)=log(om51pp(sy,1.,1.,7))
+        endif
+        do iclpro=iclpro1,iclpro2
+          if(iy.eq.1)then
+            fhgg11(iy,iclpro)=-80.
+            fhgg12(iy,iclpro)=-80.
+          else
+            fhgg11(iy,iclpro)=log(om51pp(sy,1.,1.,4))
+            fhgg12(iy,iclpro)=log(om51pp(sy,1.,1.,9))
+          endif
+          do ix=1,10
+            if(ix.le.5)then
+              xp=.1*2.**(ix-5)
+            else
+              xp=.2*(ix-5)
+            endif
+            if(iy.eq.1)then
+              fhqg11(iy,ix,iclpro)=-80.
+              fhqg12(iy,ix,iclpro)=-80.
+            elseif(iclpro.eq.4)then
+              fhqg11(iy,ix,iclpro)=log(om51pp(syc,1.,1.,5))
+              fhqg12(iy,ix,iclpro)=log(om51pp(syc,1.,1.,11))
+            else
+              fhqg11(iy,ix,iclpro)=log(om51pp(sy,xp,1.,5))
+              fhqg12(iy,ix,iclpro)=log(om51pp(sy,xp,1.,11))
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      do iz=1,10
+        z=.1*iz
+        iclpro=2
+        icltar=2
+        if(iy.eq.1)then
+          fhgg0(iy,iz)=-80.
+        else
+          fhgg0(iy,iz)=log(om51pp(sy,1.,z,6)/z)
+        endif
+        do iclpro=iclpro1,iclpro2
+          if(iy.eq.1)then
+            fhgg1(iy,iz,iclpro)=-80.
+          else
+            fhgg1(iy,iz,iclpro)=log(om51pp(sy,1.,z,8)/z)
+          endif
+          do ix=1,10
+            if(ix.le.5)then
+              xp=.1*2.**(ix-5)
+            else
+              xp=.2*(ix-5)
+            endif
+            if(iy.eq.1)then
+              fhqg1(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro-1))=-80.
+            elseif(iclpro.eq.4)then
+              fhqg1(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro-1))=log(om51pp(syc,xp,z,10)/z)
+            else
+              fhqg1(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro-1))=log(om51pp(sy,xp,z,10)/z)
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do iclpro=iclpro1,iclpro2 !hadron type (1 - pion, 2 - nucleon, 3 - kaon, 4 - charm)
+      do icltar=icltar1,icltar2 !hadron type (2 - nucleon)
+        do iy=1,11
+          sy=spmin*(epmax/2./spmin)**((iy-1)/10.)
+          syc=spminc*(epmax/2./spminc)**((iy-1)/10.)
+          do iz=1,10
+            z=.1*iz
+            if(iy.eq.1)then
+              fhgg(iy,iz,iclpro+4*(icltar-1))=-80.
+            else
+              fhgg(iy,iz,iclpro+4*(icltar-1))=log(om51pp(sy,1.,z,0)/z)
+            endif
+          do ix=1,10
+            if(ix.le.5)then
+              xp=.1*2.**(ix-5)
+            else
+              xp=.2*(ix-5)
+            endif
+            if(iy.eq.1)then
+              fhqg(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1))=-80.
+              fhgq(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1))=-80.
+            else
+              if(iclpro.ne.4)then
+                syx=sy
+              else
+                syx=syc
+              endif
+              fhqg(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1))=
+     *        log(om51pp(syx,xp,z,1)/z)
+              if(icltar.ne.4)then
+                syx=sy
+              else
+                syx=syc
+              endif
+              fhgq(iy,ix,iz+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1))=
+     *        log(om51pp(syx,xp,z,2)/z)
+            endif
+          enddo
+          enddo
+          do ix1=1,10
+            if(ix1.le.5)then
+              xpph=.1*2.**(ix1-5)
+            else
+              xpph=.2*(ix1-5)
+            endif
+          do ix2=1,10
+            if(ix2.le.5)then
+              xmm=.1*2.**(ix2-5)
+            else
+              xmm=.2*(ix2-5)
+            endif
+            if(iy.eq.1)then
+              fhqq(iy,ix1,ix2+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1))=-80.
+            else
+              if(iclpro.ne.4.and.icltar.ne.4)then
+                syx=sy
+              else
+                syx=syc
+              endif
+              fhqq(iy,ix1,ix2+10*(iclpro+4*(icltar-1)-1))=
+     *        log(pshard(syx,xpph,xmm))
+            endif
+          enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(isetcs.gt.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(a)')'  tabulate fit parameters ...'
+      engysave=engy
+      do iclpro=iclpro1,iclpro2 !hadron type (1 - pion, 2 - nucleon, 3 - kaon, 4 - charm)
+      do icltar=icltar1,icltar2 !hadron type (2 - nucleon)
+      do iclegy=iclegy2,iclegy1,-1
+        call param
+      enddo
+      do iiclegy=iclegy2,iclegy1,-1
+        engy=egyfac**(iiclegy-1)*egylow
+        call paramini(0)
+        call Kfit(iiclegy)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      engy=engysave
+      endif
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'  write to inirj ...'
+      open(1,file=fnrj,status='unknown')
+      write (1,*)alpqua,alplea,alppom,slopom,gamhad,r2had,chad,
+     *qcdlam,q2min,q2ini,betpom,glusea,naflav,factk,pt2cut,gamtil
+      write (1,*)fhgg,fhqg,fhgq,fhqq,fhgg0,fhgg1,fhqg1
+     *,fhgg01,fhgg02,fhgg11,fhgg12,fhqg11,fhqg12
+     *,ftoint,vfro,vnorm,coefxu1,coefxu2,coefxc2
+      write(1,*)bkbin,iclpro1,iclpro2,icltar1,icltar2,iclegy1,iclegy2
+     *,egylow,egymax,iomega,egyscr,epscrw,epscrp
+      do iiipro=iclpro1,iclpro2
+       do iiitar=icltar1,icltar2
+        do iiiegy=iclegy1,iclegy2
+        do iiib=1,nbkbin
+          write(1,*)xkappafit(iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar,iiib)
+        enddo
+        do iiidf=idxD0,idxD
+         write(1,*)alpDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   alpDps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   alpDpps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   betDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   betDps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   betDpps(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   gamDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar),
+     *   delDs(iiidf,iiiegy,iiipro,iiitar)
+        enddo
+        enddo
+       enddo
+      enddo
+      close(1)
+      engy=engysave
+      maproj=maprojsave
+      matarg=matargsave
+      iclpro=iclpros
+      icltar=icltars
+      inicnt=1
+      goto 5
+4     continue
+c inelastic cross sections
+      if(isetcs.ge.2)then !--------------------
+      if(ish.ge.4)write(ifch,*)'cross sections ...'
+ 6    continue
+      inquire(file=fncs,exist=lcalc)
+      if(lcalc)then
+       if(inicnt.eq.1)then
+        write(ifmt,'(3a)')'read from ',fncs(1:nfncs),' ...'
+        open(1,file=fncs(1:nfncs),status='old')
+        read (1,*)alpqua0,alplea0,alppom0,slopom0,
+     *  gamhad0,r2had0,chad0,
+     *  qcdlam0,q2min0,q2ini0,betpom0,glusea0,naflav0,
+     *  factk0,pt2cut0
+        if(alpqua0.ne.alpqua)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong alpqua',alpqua0,alpqua
+        if(alppom0.ne.alppom)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong alppom',alppom0,alppom
+        if(slopom0.ne.slopom)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong slopom',slopom0,slopom
+        iii=2
+        if(gamhad0(iii).ne.gamhad(iii))write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong gamhad(',iii,')',gamhad0(iii),gamhad(iii)
+        do iii=1,3
+        if(r2had0(iii) .ne.r2had(iii) )write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong r2had(',iii,')',r2had0(iii),r2had(iii)
+        if(chad0(iii)  .ne.chad(iii)  )write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong chad(',iii,')',chad0(iii),chad(iii)
+        if(alplea0(iii).ne.alplea0(iii))write(ifmt,'(a,i1,a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong alplea(',iii,')',alplea0(iii),alplea(iii)
+        enddo
+        if(qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong qcdlam',qcdlam0,qcdlam
+        if(q2min0 .ne.q2min )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong q2min',q2min0,q2min
+        if(q2ini0 .ne.q2ini )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong q2ini',q2ini0,q2ini
+        if(betpom0.ne.betpom)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong betpom',betpom0,betpom
+        if(glusea0.ne.glusea)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong glusea',glusea0,glusea
+        if(naflav0.ne.naflav)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong naflav',naflav0,naflav
+        if(factk0 .ne.factk )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong factk', factk0,factk
+        if(pt2cut0 .ne.pt2cut )write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong pt2cut', pt2cut0,pt2cut
+        if(alpqua0.ne.alpqua.or.alppom0.ne.alppom
+     *  .or.slopom0.ne.slopom.or.gamhad0(2).ne.gamhad(2)
+     *  .or.r2had0(1).ne.r2had(1).or.r2had0(2).ne.r2had(2)
+     *  .or.r2had0(3).ne.r2had(3)
+     *  .or.chad0(1).ne.chad(1).or.chad0(2).ne.chad(2)
+     *  .or.chad0(3).ne.chad(3)
+     *  .or.alplea0(1).ne.alplea(1).or.alplea0(2).ne.alplea(2)
+     *  .or.alplea0(3).ne.alplea(3)
+     *  .or.qcdlam0.ne.qcdlam.or.q2min0 .ne.q2min
+     *  .or.q2ini0 .ne.q2ini
+     *  .or.betpom0.ne.betpom.or.glusea0.ne.glusea.or.naflav0.ne.naflav
+     *  .or.factk0 .ne.factk .or.pt2cut0.ne.pt2cut)then
+           write(ifmt,'(//a//)')'   inics has to be reinitialized!!!!'
+           stop
+        endif
+        read(1,*)isetcs0,iclpro10,iclpro20,icltar10,icltar20,iclegy10
+     *   ,iclegy20,egylow0,egymax0,iomega0,egyscr0,epscrw0,epscrp0
+        if(iclpro10.ne.iclpro1)write(ifmt,'(a,2i2)')
+     *  'inics: wrong iclpro1',iclpro10,iclpro1
+        if(iclpro20.ne.iclpro2)write(ifmt,'(a,2i2)')
+     *  'inics: wrong iclpro2',iclpro20,iclpro2
+        if(icltar10.ne.icltar1)write(ifmt,'(a,2i2)')
+     *  'inics: wrong icltar1',icltar10,icltar1
+        if(icltar20.ne.icltar2)write(ifmt,'(a,2i2)')
+     *  'inics: wrong icltar2',icltar20,icltar2
+        if(iclegy10.ne.iclegy1)write(ifmt,'(a,2i4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong iclegy1',iclegy10,iclegy1
+        if(iclegy20.ne.iclegy2)write(ifmt,'(a,2i4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong iclegy2',iclegy20,iclegy2
+        if(iomega0.ne.iomega)write(textini,'(a,2i8)')
+     *  'inics: wrong iomega ',iomega0,iomega
+        if(egylow0.ne.egylow)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong egylow',egylow0,egylow
+        if(egymax0.ne.egymax)write(ifmt,'(a,2f12.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong egymax',egymax0,egymax
+        if(egyscr0.ne.egyscr)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong egyscr ',egyscr0,egyscr
+        if(epscrw0.ne.epscrw)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong epscrw',epscrw0,epscrw
+        if(epscrp0.ne.epscrp)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong epscrp',epscrp0,epscrp
+        if(isetcs0.lt.isetcs)write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.4)')
+     *  'inics: wrong isetcs',isetcs0,isetcs
+        if(iclpro10.ne.iclpro1.or.iclpro20.ne.iclpro2
+     *   .or.icltar10.ne.icltar1.or.icltar20.ne.icltar2
+     *   .or.iclegy10.ne.iclegy1.or.iclegy20.ne.iclegy2
+     *   .or.egylow0.ne.egylow.or.egymax0.ne.egymax
+     *   .or.egyscr0.ne.egyscr.or.epscrw0.ne.epscrw.or.isetcs0.lt.isetcs
+     *   .or.epscrp0.ne.epscrp)then
+           write(ifmt,'(//a//)')'   inics has to be reinitialized!!!!'
+           stop
+        endif
+        if(isetcs.eq.2)then
+          if(ionudi.eq.1)then
+            read (1,*)asect,asect13,asect21,asect23,asectn
+     *               ,asect33,asect41,asect43
+          else  !ionudi=3
+            read (1,*)asect11,asect,asect21,asect23,asect31
+     *               ,asectn,asect41,asect43
+          endif
+        elseif(isetcs.eq.3)then
+          if(ionudi.eq.1)then
+            read (1,*)asect11,asect13,asect,asect23,asect31
+     *               ,asect33,asectn,asect43
+          else  !ionudi=3
+            read (1,*)asect11,asect13,asect21,asect,asect31
+     *               ,asect33,asect41,asectn
+          endif
+        else
+           write(ifmt,'(//a//)')' Wrong isetcs in psaini !!!!'
+        endif
+        close(1)
+      endif
+        goto 7
+      elseif(.not.producetables)then
+        write(ifmt,*) "Missing epos.inics file !"        
+        write(ifmt,*) "Please correct the defined path ",
+     &"or force production ..."
+        stop
+      endif
+      ifradesave=ifrade
+      iremnsave=iremn
+      idprojsave=idproj
+      idprojinsave=idprojin
+      idtargsave=idtarg
+      idtarginsave=idtargin
+      laprojsave=laproj
+      latargsave=latarg
+      maprojsave=maproj
+      matargsave=matarg
+      icltarsave=icltar
+      iclprosave=iclpro
+      engysave=engy
+      pnllsave=pnll
+      elabsave=elab
+      ecmssave=ecms
+      iclegysave=iclegy
+      nrevtsave=nrevt
+      neventsave=nevent
+      ntevtsave=ntevt
+      isetcssave=isetcs
+      noebinsave=noebin
+      isigmasave=isigma
+      bminimsave=bminim
+      bmaximsave=bmaxim
+      bimevtsave=bimevt
+      bkmxndifsave=bkmxndif
+c      fctrmxsave=fctrmx
+      ionudisave=ionudi
+      isetcs=2
+      isigma=1
+      noebin=1
+      idtarg=1120
+      idtargin=1120
+      bminim=0.
+      bmaxim=10000.
+      ifrade=0            !to save time, no fragmentation
+      iremn=0             !to save time, simple remnants
+      ionudi=3            !to have both ionudi=1 and 3 in tables
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'inics does not exist -> calculate tables  ...'
+c initialize random numbers
+      if(seedj.ne.0d0)then
+        call ranfini(seedj,iseqsim,2)
+      else
+        stop 'seedi = 0 ... Please define it !'
+      endif
+      call aseed(2)
+      laproj=-1
+      maproj=1
+      icltar=2
+      do iclpro=1,4
+       if(iclpro.lt.iclpro1.or.iclpro.gt.iclpro2)then
+         do ie=1,7
+           do iia=1,8
+             asect11(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+             asect21(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+             asect13(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+             asect23(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+           enddo
+         enddo
+       else
+         do ie=1,7
+           engy=1.5*10.**(ie-1)
+           call paramini(0)
+           bkmxndif=conbmxndif()
+           if(ish.ge.1)
+     &     write(ifch,*)'  calcul.   ',ie,'  (',iclpro,')',engy
+           write(ifmt,*)'  calcul.   ',ie,'  (',iclpro,')',engy
+           sigine=0.
+           do iia=1,8
+            matarg=2**(iia-1)
+            if(matarg.eq.1)then !hadron-proton interaction
+c ine=cut+diff
+              call psfz(2,gz2,0.)
+              gin=gz2*pi*10.
+c cut
+              iomegasave=iomega
+              iomega=2
+              call psfz(2,gz2,0.)
+              iomega=iomegasave
+              gcut=gz2*pi*10.
+c diff
+              difpart=gin-gcut
+c  non excited projectile and target
+              gqela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))*(1.-rexdif(icltar))*difpart
+              gin3=max(1.,gin-gqela)              
+            else
+              call conini
+              rad=radnuc(matarg)
+              bm=rad+2.
+              rrr=rad/difnuc(matarg)
+              rrrm=rrr+log(9.)
+              anorm=1.5/pi/rrr**3/(1.+(pi/rrr)**2)/difnuc(matarg)**2
+c             gela=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,1)+ptgau1(bm,2,1))*10. !sig_ela
+c in=cut+diff
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,2)+ptgau1(bm,2,2))*10. !sig_in
+              gin=gcut
+c cut
+              iomegasave=iomega
+              iomega=2
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,2)+ptgau1(bm,2,2))*10. !sig_cut
+              iomega=iomegasave
+c diff
+              difpart=gin-gcut
+c  non excited projectile
+              gqela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(matarg-1)**0.3)
+c  non excited target
+              gqela=gqela*(1.-rexdif(icltar))
+              gqela=gqela*difpart
+              gin3=max(1.,gin-gqela)
+            endif
+            if(ish.ge.1)write (ifch,226)matarg,gin,gin3
+226         format(2x,'psaini: hadron-nucleus (',i3,') cross sections:'/
+     *       4x,'gin,gin3=',2e10.3)
+            write(ifmt,*)'  matarg,gin,gin3:',matarg,gin,gin3
+            asect11(ie,iclpro,iia)=log(gin)
+            asect13(ie,iclpro,iia)=log(gin3)
+           enddo
+         enddo
+         if(isetcssave.ge.3)then
+         if(iclpro.eq.1)then
+          idprojin=120
+         elseif(iclpro.eq.2)then
+          idprojin=1120
+         elseif(iclpro.eq.3)then
+          idprojin=130
+         endif
+         do ie=1,7
+          engy=1.5*10.**(ie-1)
+           if(engy.le.egymin)engy=egymin
+           if(engy.ge.egymax)engy=egymax
+           write(ifmt,*)'  simul.   ',ie,'  (',iclpro,')',engy
+           if(ish.ge.1)
+     &     write(ifch,*)'  simul.   ',ie,'  (',iclpro,')',engy
+           do iia=1,8
+            matarg=2**(iia-1)
+            latarg=min(1,matarg/2)
+c            fctrmx=max(ftcrmxsave,float(matarg))          !to get stable pA and AA cross section, this number has to be large for large A
+            ntevt=0
+            nrevt=0
+            pnll=-1.
+            elab=-1.
+            ecms=-1.
+            ekin=-1.
+            call conini
+            call ainit
+            nevent=50000
+            if(iia.gt.40)nevent=nevent/10
+c            if(matarg.eq.1)nevent=1
+            call epocrossc(nevent,sigt,sigi,sigc,sige,sigql,sigd)
+c do not count non-excited diffractive projectile in inelastic
+            sigi3=sigi-sigql
+            if(ish.ge.1)write (ifch,228)matarg,sigi,sigi3
+ 228        format(2x,'simul.: hadron-nucleus (',i3,') cross sections:'/
+     *       4x,'gin,gin3=',2e10.3)
+            write(ifmt,*)'  matarg,sigi,sigi3 :',matarg,sigi,sigi3
+            asect21(ie,iclpro,iia)=log(sigi)
+            asect23(ie,iclpro,iia)=log(sigi3)
+c            do  n=1,nevent
+c              ntry=0
+c 222          ntevt=ntevt+1
+c              iret=0
+c              ntry=ntry+1
+c              bimevt=-1.
+c              if(ntry.lt.10000)then
+cc if random sign for projectile, set it here
+c                idproj=idprojin*(1-2*int(rangen()+0.5d0))
+c                call emsaaa(iret)
+c                if(iret.gt.0)goto 222
+c              else
+c                ntevt=ntry
+c              endif
+c            enddo
+c            a=pi*bmax**2
+c            if(a.gt.0..and.ntevt.gt.0.)then
+c             xs=anintine/float(ntevt)*a*10.
+c             write(ifmt,*)'  matarg,nevent,ntevt,bmax,xs :'
+c     .       ,matarg,anintine,ntevt,bmax,xs
+c             write(ifch,*)'  matarg,nevent,ntevt,bmax,xs :'
+c     .       ,matarg,anintine,ntevt,bmax,xs
+c             asect2(ie,iclpro,iia)=log(xs)
+c            else
+c             write(ifmt,*)' Problem ? ',iclpro,matarg,bmax,ntevt
+c             asect2(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+c            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        else
+          do ie=1,7
+            do iia=1,8
+              asect21(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+              asect23(ie,iclpro,iia)=0.
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      idprojin=1120
+      iclpro=2
+      icltar=2
+      do ie=1,7
+        engy=1.5*10.**(ie-1)
+        call paramini(0)
+        bkmxndif=conbmxndif()
+        if(ish.ge.1)
+     &  write(ifch,*)'  calcul. AB  ',ie,engy
+        write(ifmt,*)'  calcul. AB  ',ie,engy
+        do iia=1,8
+          maproj=2**(iia-1)
+          laproj=max(1,maproj/2)
+        do iib=1,8
+          matarg=2**(iib-1)
+          latarg=max(1,matarg/2)
+          sigine=0.
+          if(matarg.eq.1.and.maproj.eq.1)then !proton-proton interaction
+c ine=cut+diff
+            call psfz(2,gz2,0.)
+            gin=gz2*pi*10.
+c cut
+            iomegasave=iomega
+            iomega=2
+            call psfz(2,gz2,0.)
+            iomega=iomegasave
+            gcut=gz2*pi*10.
+c diff
+            difpart=gin-gcut
+c  non excited projectile and target
+            gqela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))*(1.-rexdif(icltar))*difpart
+            gin3=max(1.,gin-gqela)              
+          else
+            call conini
+            if(maproj.eq.1)then
+              rad=radnuc(matarg)
+              bm=rad+2.
+              rrr=rad/difnuc(matarg)
+              rrrm=rrr+log(9.)
+              anorm=1.5/pi/rrr**3/(1.+(pi/rrr)**2)/difnuc(matarg)**2
+c              gela=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,1)+ptgau1(bm,2,1))*10. !sig_ela
+c in=cut+diff
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,2)+ptgau1(bm,2,2))*10. !sig_in
+              gin=gcut
+c cut
+              iomegasave=iomega
+              iomega=2
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,2,2)+ptgau1(bm,2,2))*10. !sig_cut
+              iomega=iomegasave
+c diff
+              difpart=gin-gcut
+c  non excited projectile
+              gqela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(matarg-1)**0.3)
+c  non excited target
+              gqela=gqela*(1.-rexdif(icltar))**(1.+float(matarg)**0.3)
+              gqela=gqela*difpart
+              gin3=max(1.,gin-gqela)
+            elseif(matarg.eq.1)then
+              radp=radnuc(maproj)
+              bm=radp+2.
+              rrrp=radp/difnuc(maproj)
+              rrrmp=rrrp+log(9.)
+              anormp=1.5/pi/rrrp**3/(1.+(pi/rrrp)**2)/difnuc(maproj)**2
+c              gtot=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,1,1)+ptgau1(bm,1,1))*10. !sig_in
+c in=cut+diff
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,1,2)+ptgau1(bm,1,2))*10. !sig_in
+              gin=gcut     !in=cut+diff
+c cut
+              iomegasave=iomega
+              iomega=2
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfau,bm,1,2)+ptgau1(bm,1,2))*10. !sig_cut
+              iomega=iomegasave
+c diff
+              difpart=gin-gcut
+c  non excited projectile
+              gqela=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))**(1.+float(maproj)**0.3)
+c  non excited target
+              gqela=gqela*(1.-rexdif(icltar))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(icltar)*float(maproj-1)**0.3)
+              gqela=gqela*difpart
+              gin3=max(1.,gin-gqela)
+            else
+              rad=radnuc(matarg)+1.
+              radp=radnuc(maproj)+1.
+              bm=rad+radp+2.
+              rrr=rad/difnuc(matarg)
+              rrrm=rrr+log(9.)
+              rrrp=radp/difnuc(maproj)
+              rrrmp=rrrp+log(9.)
+              anorm=1.5/pi/rrr**3/(1.+(pi/rrr)**2)/difnuc(matarg)**2
+              anormp=1.5/pi/rrrp**3/(1.+(pi/rrrp)**2)/difnuc(maproj)**2
+c ine=cut+diff
+c              gtot=(ptgau(ptfauAA,bm,2,1)+ptgau2(bm,1))*10.
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfauAA,bm,2,2)+ptgau2(bm,2))*10.
+c              gin=gtot
+              gin=gcut
+c cut
+              iomegasave=iomega
+              iomega=2
+              gcut=(ptgau(ptfauAA,bm,2,2)+ptgau2(bm,2))*10. !sig_cut
+              iomega=iomegasave
+c diff
+              difpart=gin-gcut
+c  non excited projectile
+              gqelap=(1.-rexdif(iclpro))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(iclpro)*float(matarg-1)**0.3)
+              gqelap=gqelap**(1.+float(maproj)**0.3)
+c  non excited target
+              gqelat=(1.-rexdif(icltar))
+     &             **(1.+rexres(icltar)*float(maproj-1)**0.3)
+              gqelat=gqelat**(1.+float(maproj)**0.3)
+              gqela=gqelap*gqelat*difpart
+              gin3=gin-gqela
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(ish.ge.1)write (ifch,227)maproj,matarg,gin,gin3
+ 227      format(2x,'psaini: nucleus-nucleus (',i3,'-',i3
+     *       ,') cross sections:',/,4x,'gin,gin3=',2e10.3)
+            write(ifmt,*)'  maproj,matarg,gin,gin3 :'
+     *       ,maproj,matarg,gin,gin3
+            asect31(ie,iia,iib)=log(gin)
+            asect33(ie,iia,iib)=log(gin3)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      if(isetcssave.ge.3)then
+      do ie=1,7
+        engy=1.5*10.**(ie-1)
+        if(engy.le.egymin)engy=egymin
+        if(engy.ge.egymax)engy=egymax
+        write(ifmt,*)'  AB xs   ',ie,engy
+        if(ish.ge.1)
+     &  write(ifch,*)'  AB xs   ',ie,engy
+        do iia=1,8
+          maproj=2**(iia-1)
+          laproj=max(1,maproj/2)
+        do iib=1,8
+          matarg=2**(iib-1)
+          latarg=max(1,matarg/2)
+c          fctrmx=max(ftcrmxsave,float(max(maproj,matarg))) !to get stable pA and AA cross section, this number has to be large for large A
+          ntevt=0
+          nrevt=0
+          pnll=-1.
+          elab=-1.
+          ecms=-1.
+          ekin=-1.
+          call conini
+          call ainit
+          nevent=10000
+          if(iia.gt.40)nevent=nevent/5
+          if(iib.gt.40)nevent=nevent/5
+c          if(maproj+matarg.eq.2)nevent=1
+          call epocrossc(nevent,sigt,sigi,sigc,sige,sigql,sigd)
+c do not count non-excited diffractive projectile in inelastic
+          sigi3=sigi-sigql
+          if(ish.ge.1)write (ifch,229)maproj,matarg,sigi,sigi3
+ 229      format(2x,'simul.: nucleus-nucleus (',i3,'-',i3
+     *       ,') cross sections:',/,4x,'gin,gin3=',2e10.3)
+         write(ifmt,*)'  maproj,matarg,sigi,sigi3 :',maproj,matarg
+     &                                               ,sigi,sigi3
+          asect41(ie,iia,iib)=log(sigi)
+          asect43(ie,iia,iib)=log(sigi3)
+c          do  n=1,nevent
+c            ntry=0
+c 223        ntevt=ntevt+1
+c            iret=0
+c            ntry=ntry+1
+c            bimevt=-1.
+c            if(ntry.lt.10000)then
+c              call emsaaa(iret)
+c              if(iret.gt.0)goto 223
+c            else
+c              ntevt=ntry
+c            endif
+c          enddo
+c          a=pi*bmax**2
+c          if(a.gt.0..and.ntevt.gt.0.)then
+c            xs=anintine/float(ntevt)*a*10.
+c          write(ifmt,*)'  maproj,matarg,nevent,ntevt,bmax,xs :'
+c     &                         ,maproj,matarg,anintine,ntevt,bmax,xs
+c          write(ifch,*)'  maproj,matarg,nevent,ntevt,bmax,xs :'
+c     &                         ,maproj,matarg,anintine,ntevt,bmax,xs
+c            asect4(ie,iia,iib)=log(xs)
+c          else
+c            write(ifmt,*)' Problem ? ',maproj,matarg,bmax,ntevt
+c            asect4(ie,iia,iib)=0.
+c          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      else
+        do ie=1,7
+          do iia=1,8
+            do iib=1,8
+              asect41(ie,iia,iib)=0.
+              asect43(ie,iia,iib)=0.
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      endif
+      ifrade=ifradesave
+      iremn=iremnsave
+      idproj=idprojsave
+      idprojin=idprojinsave
+      idtarg=idtargsave
+      idtargin=idtarginsave
+      laproj=laprojsave
+      latarg=latargsave
+      maproj=maprojsave
+      matarg=matargsave
+      icltar=icltarsave
+      iclpro=iclprosave
+      engy=engysave
+      pnll=pnllsave
+      elab=elabsave
+      ecms=ecmssave
+      iclegy=iclegysave
+      nrevt=nrevtsave
+      nevent=neventsave
+      ntevt=ntevtsave
+      isetcs=isetcssave
+      noebin=noebinsave
+      isigma=isigmasave
+      bminim=bminimsave
+      bmaxim=bmaximsave
+      bimevt=bimevtsave
+      bkmxndif=bkmxndifsave
+      ionudi=ionudisave
+c      fctrmx=fctrmxsave
+      inicnt=1
+      write(ifmt,'(a)')'write to inics ...'
+      open(1,file=fncs,status='unknown')
+      write (1,*)alpqua,alplea,alppom,slopom,gamhad,r2had,chad,
+     *qcdlam,q2min,q2ini,betpom,glusea,naflav,factk,pt2cut
+      write(1,*)isetcs,iclpro1,iclpro2,icltar1,icltar2,iclegy1,iclegy2
+     *,egylow,egymax,iomega,egyscr,epscrw,epscrp
+      write (1,*)asect11,asect13,asect21,asect23
+     *          ,asect31,asect33,asect41,asect43
+      close(1)
+      goto 6
+ 7    continue
+      endif !----------isetcs.ge.2-----------
+      endif
+      call utprix('psaini',ish,ishini,4)
+      return
+      end
+c      function fjetxx(jpp,je1,je2)
+cc   almost exactly psjet, just with Eqcd replaced by fparton
+cc    for testing
+cc   gives indeed the same result as jetx
+cc   so the integration seems correct
+c      double precision xx1,xx2,s2min,xmin,xmax,xmin1,xmax1,t,tmin
+c     *,tmax,sh,z,qtmin,ft,fx1,fx2
+c      common /ar3/   x1(7),a1(7)
+c      common /ar9/ x9(3),a9(3)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      fjetxx=0.
+c      s=engy*engy
+c      s2min=4.d0*q2min
+c      zmin=s2min/dble(s)
+c      zmax=1
+c      zmin=zmin**(-delh)
+c      zmax=zmax**(-delh)
+c      do i=1,3
+c      do m=1,2
+c        z=dble(.5*(zmax+zmin+(zmin-zmax)*(2*m-3)*x9(i)))**(-1./delh)
+c        xmin=dsqrt(z)
+c        sh=z*dble(s)
+c        qtmin=max(dble(q2min),dble(q2ini)/(1.d0-dsqrt(z)))
+c        tmin=max(0.d0,1.d0-4.d0*qtmin/sh)
+c        tmin=2.d0*qtmin/(1.d0+dsqrt(tmin))
+c        tmax=sh/2.d0
+c        ft=0.d0
+c        do i1=1,3
+c        do m1=1,2
+c          t=2.d0*tmin/(1.d0+tmin/tmax-dble(x9(i1)*(2*m1-3))
+c     &    *(1.d0-tmin/tmax))
+c          qt=t*(1.d0-t/sh)
+c          xmax=1.d0-q2ini/qt
+c          xmin=max(dsqrt(z),z/xmax)   !xm<xp !!!
+c          if(xmin.gt.xmax.and.ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'fjetxx:xmin,xmax'
+c     *                                              ,xmin,xmax
+c          fx1=0.d0
+c          fx2=0.d0
+c          if(xmax.gt..8d0)then
+c            xmin1=max(xmin,.8d0)
+c            do i2=1,3
+c            do m2=1,2
+c              xx1=1.d0-(1.d0-xmax)*((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))**
+c     *        dble(.5+x9(i2)*(m2-1.5))
+c              xx2=z/xx1
+c                fb=ffsigj(sngl(t),qt,sngl(xx1),sngl(xx2),jpp,je1,je2)
+c     *       +ffsigj(sngl(t),qt,sngl(xx2),sngl(xx1),jpp,je1,je2)
+c              fx1=fx1+dble(a9(i2)*fb)*(1.d0/xx1-1.d0)
+c     *                               *pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2
+c            enddo
+c            enddo
+c            fx1=fx1*dlog((1.d0-xmin1)/(1.d0-xmax))
+c          endif
+c          if(xmin.lt..8d0)then
+c            xmax1=min(xmax,.8d0)
+c            do i2=1,3
+c            do m2=1,2
+c              xx1=xmin*(xmax1/xmin)**dble(.5+x9(i2)*(m2-1.5))
+c              xx2=z/xx1
+c              fb=0.
+c              fb=fb
+c     *             +ffsigj(sngl(t),qt,sngl(xx1),sngl(xx2),jpp,je1,je2)
+c     *       +ffsigj(sngl(t),qt,sngl(xx2),sngl(xx1),jpp,je1,je2)
+c              fx2=fx2+dble(a9(i2))*fb*pssalf(qt/qcdlam)**2
+c            enddo
+c            enddo
+c            fx2=fx2*dlog(xmax1/xmin)
+c          endif
+c          ft=ft+dble(a9(i1))*(fx1+fx2)*t**2
+c        enddo
+c        enddo
+c        ft=ft*(1.d0/tmin-1.d0/tmax)
+c        fjetxx=fjetxx+a9(i)*sngl(ft*z**(1.+delh)/sh**2)
+c     *          /z  ! ffsig = xp f xm f sigma
+c      enddo
+c      enddo
+c      fjetxx=fjetxx*(zmin-zmax)/delh*pi**3
+c  !   *         /2.   !???????????????  kkkkkkkkk
+c      return
+c      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-tim-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-tim-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e65d1145d03379ecd30b0586d18655a96fbcf2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-tim-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+      subroutine timann
+c      electron-positron
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/nfla/nfla
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      integer jcp(6,2),jcm(6,2)
+      dimension p1(5),jorprt2(ntim),ng(ntim)
+      call utpri('timann',ish,ishini,5)
+      egyevt=engy
+      qsqevt=engy**2
+ 123  nprtj=1
+      en=engy
+      q20=0.
+      nptl=0
+      nptl=nptl+1               !electron
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=sqrt(en**2/4-2.61121e-7)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=en/2.
+      pptl(5,nptl)=0.000511
+      idptl(nptl)=12
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      nptl=nptl+1               !positron
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=-sqrt(en**2/4-2.61121e-7)
+      pptl(4,nptl)=en/2.
+      pptl(5,nptl)=0.000511
+      idptl(nptl)=-12
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      nptl=nptl+1               !virtual gamma
+      pptl(1,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(2,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(3,nptl)=0.
+      pptl(4,nptl)=en
+      pptl(5,nptl)=en
+      idptl(nptl)=10
+      iorptl(nptl)=nptl-2
+      jorptl(nptl)=nptl-1
+      istptl(nptl)=1
+      pprt(1,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(2,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(3,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(4,nprtj)=en
+      pprt(5,nprtj)=en
+      idaprt(1,nprtj)=2
+      idaprt(2,nprtj)=3
+      if(q20.gt.0.)then
+        pprt(5,nprtj)=sqrt(q20)
+      else
+        pprt(5,nprtj)=en
+      endif
+      nfla=0
+      do i=1,naflav
+        call idmass(i,am)
+        if (2.*am.lt.en) nfla=i
+      enddo
+      if(itflav.eq.0)then
+        s=engy**2
+        dlz=2.4
+        amz=91.1885
+        al=1./real(137.035989d0)
+        gf=1.16639e-5
+        ak=sqrt(2.)*gf*amz**2/(16*pi*al)
+        chi1=ak*s*(s-amz**2)/((s-amz**2)**2+dlz**2*amz**2)
+        chi2=ak**2*s**2/((s-amz**2)**2+dlz**2*amz**2)
+        qe=-1.
+        ve=0.25-2.*qe*0.232
+        ae=-0.5
+        qf=2./3.
+        vf=sign(.5,qf)-2.*qf*0.232
+        af=sign(.5,qf)
+        dsmax1=
+     $       2.*(qf**2-2.*qf*ve*vf*chi1
+     $       +(ae**2+ve**2)*(af**2+vf**2)*chi2)
+     $       + abs(-4*qf*ae*af*chi1+8*ae*ve*af*vf*chi2)
+        qf=-1./3.
+        vf=sign(.5,qf)-2.*qf*0.232
+        af=sign(.5,qf)
+        dsmax2=
+     $       2.*(qf**2-2.*qf*ve*vf*chi1
+     $       +(ae**2+ve**2)*(af**2+vf**2)*chi2)
+     $       + abs(-4*qf*ae*af*chi1+8*ae*ve*af*vf*chi2)
+ 100    iq1=1+INT(nfla*rangen())
+        call idchrg(iq1,qf)
+        ct=-1.+2.*rangen()
+        vf=sign(.5,qf)-2.*qf*0.232
+        af=sign(.5,qf)
+        dsigma=
+     $       (1.+ct**2)*(qf**2-2.*qf*ve*vf*chi1
+     $       +(ae**2+ve**2)*(af**2+vf**2)*chi2)
+     $       + ct*(-4*qf*ae*af*chi1+8*ae*ve*af*vf*chi2)
+        if(rangen().gt.dsigma/max(dsmax1,dsmax2)) goto 100
+      else
+        iq1=itflav
+      endif
+      if(rangen().lt.0.5)iq1=-iq1
+      nprtj=nprtj+1
+      idprt(nprtj)=iq1
+      pprt(4,nprtj)=en/2.
+      pprt(5,nprtj)=en
+      iorprt(nprtj)=1
+      jorprt(nprtj)=iq1
+      q2prt(nprtj)=en**2
+      nprtj=nprtj+1
+      idprt(nprtj)=-iq1
+      pprt(4,nprtj)=en/2.
+      pprt(5,nprtj)=en
+      iorprt(nprtj)=1
+      jorprt(nprtj)=-iq1
+      q2prt(nprtj)=en**2
+      call timsho(2,3)
+      jorprt2(1)=0               !!color-connection, no origin!!
+      jt=1
+      if(idprt(idaprt(1,1)).lt.0)jt=2
+      do i=1,nprtj
+        ng(i)=0
+        if(idaprt(1,i).ne.0) then
+          js=jt
+          if(idprt(i).lt.0.and.
+     &      ((idprt(idaprt(2,i)).eq.9.and.jt.eq.1).or.
+     &      (idprt(idaprt(1,i)).eq.9.and.jt.eq.2)))then
+            js=3-jt
+          elseif(idprt(i).gt.0.and.idprt(i).ne.9.and.
+     &        ((idprt(idaprt(2,i)).eq.9.and.jt.eq.2).or.
+     &        (idprt(idaprt(1,i)).eq.9.and.jt.eq.1)))then
+            js=3-jt
+          elseif(idprt(i).eq.9.and.idprt(idaprt(1,i)).ne.9.and.
+     &        ((idprt(idaprt(1,i)).lt.0.and.jt.eq.2).or.
+     &        (idprt(idaprt(1,i)).gt.0.and.jt.eq.1)))then
+            js=3-jt
+          endif
+          jorprt2(idaprt(3-js,i))=jorprt2(i)
+          jorprt2(i)=idaprt(js,i)
+          jorprt2(idaprt(js,i))=idaprt(3-js,i)
+        else
+          j=i
+          do while(iorprt(j).ne.0)
+            ng(i)=ng(i)+1
+            j=iorprt(j)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        i=1
+        do while(i.ne.0)
+          if(idaprt(1,i) .eq. 0 ) then
+            write(ifch,*) idprt(i)
+            write(ifch,*) '|'
+          endif
+          i=jorprt2(i)
+        enddo
+      endif
+      iptl=nptl
+      i=1
+      do while(i.gt.0)
+        if(idaprt(1,i) .eq. 0) then
+          nptl=nptl+1
+          do j=1,5
+            pptl(j,nptl)=pprt(j,i)
+          enddo
+          idptl(nptl)=idprt(i)
+          istptl(nptl)=20
+          ityptl(nptl)=30
+          iorptl(nptl)=iptl
+          jorptl(nptl)=jorprt(i)   !type of mother parton
+          qsqptl(nptl)=q2prt(i)
+        endif
+        i=jorprt2(i)
+      enddo
+      ifrptl(1,iptl)=iptl+1
+      ifrptl(2,iptl)=nptl
+      nk1=iptl+1
+ 441  nk2=nk1+1
+      do while (idptl(nk2).eq.9)
+        nk2=nk2+1
+      enddo
+      do i=1,4
+        p1(i)=0.
+        do j=nk1,nk2
+          p1(i)=p1(i)+pptl(i,j)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      p1(5)=sqrt(max(0.,p1(4)**2-p1(3)**2-p1(2)**2-p1(1)**2))
+      do i=1,2
+        do j=1,6
+          jcm(j,i)=0
+          jcp(j,i)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ii=1
+      if(idptl(nk1).lt.0)ii=2
+      jcp(abs(idptl(nk1)),ii)=1
+      jcm(abs(idptl(nk2)),3-ii)=1
+      amm= utamnx(jcp,jcm)
+      if(amm.gt.p1(5))goto 123
+      nk1=nk2+1
+      if(nk1.lt.nptl)goto 441
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*)
+        do i=1,nprtj
+          write(ifch,98) i,(pprt(j,i),j=1,5),idprt(i)
+     &    ,iorprt(i),idaprt(1,i),idaprt(2,i),jorprt2(i),ng(i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,*)
+        do i=1,nprtj
+          if(pprt(5,i).eq.0.)
+     &    write(ifch,99) i,(pprt(j,i),j=1,5),idprt(i),ng(i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,*)
+        write(ifch,*)
+      endif
+ 99   format(i4,5g10.3,2i4)
+ 98   format(i4,5g10.3,6i4)
+      call utprix('timann',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine timsh1(q20,en,idfla,jo)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/nfla/nfla
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      common/cprtx/nprtjx,pprtx(5,2)
+      nfla=naflav
+      nprtj=1
+      pprt(1,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(2,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(3,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(4,nprtj)=en
+      pprt(5,nprtj)=sqrt(q20)
+      q2prt(nprtj)=q20
+      idprt(nprtj)=idfla
+      iorprt(nprtj)=nprtj
+      jorprt(nprtj)=jo
+      call timsho(1,0)
+      nprtjx=0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine timsh2(q20,q21,en,idfla1,idfla2,jo1,jo2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      common/nfla/nfla
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      common/cprtx/nprtjx,pprtx(5,2)
+      nfla=naflav
+      nprtj=1
+      pprt(1,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(2,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(3,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(4,nprtj)=en/2.
+      pprt(5,nprtj)=sqrt(q20)
+      q2prt(nprtj)=q20
+      idprt(nprtj)=idfla1
+      iorprt(nprtj)=nprtj
+      jorprt(nprtj)=jo1
+      nprtj=2
+      pprt(1,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(2,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(3,nprtj)=0.
+      pprt(4,nprtj)=en/2.
+      pprt(5,nprtj)=sqrt(q21)
+      q2prt(nprtj)=q21
+      idprt(nprtj)=idfla2
+      iorprt(nprtj)=nprtj
+      jorprt(nprtj)=jo2
+      call timsho(1,2)
+      nprtjx=1
+      pprtx(1,nprtjx)=0.
+      pprtx(2,nprtjx)=0.
+      pprtx(3,nprtjx)=en/2.
+      pprtx(4,nprtjx)=en/2.
+      pprtx(5,nprtjx)=0
+      nprtjx=2
+      pprtx(1,nprtjx)=0.
+      pprtx(2,nprtjx)=0.
+      pprtx(3,nprtjx)=-en/2.
+      pprtx(4,nprtjx)=en/2.
+      pprtx(5,nprtjx)=0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine timsho(j1,j2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      dimension pz(ntim),id(2,ntim)
+      dimension ij(2),jo(2,2),ee(2),amm2(-6:10),q2s(2)
+      logical first
+      common/nfla/nfla
+      call utpri('timsho',ish,ishini,5)
+      if(iappl.eq.6)then
+        do i=1,6
+          call idmass(i,am)
+          amm2(i)=am**2
+          amm2(-i)=am**2
+        enddo
+      else
+        do i=1,6
+          amm2(i)=0.
+          amm2(-i)=0.
+        enddo
+      endif
+      amm2(9)=0.
+      amm2(0)=0.
+      amm2(10)=0.
+      nn=nprtj
+      ij(1)=j1
+      ij(2)=j2
+      ii2=2
+      if(j2.eq.0)ii2=1
+      ii=1
+      first=.true.
+      n10=0
+ 10   n10=n10+1
+      if(float(n10).gt.1e7)then
+        goto9999
+      endif
+      io=iorprt(ij(ii))
+      idfl=idprt(ij(ii))
+      q2start=pprt(5,ij(ii))**2
+      E=pprt(4,ij(ii))
+      if(ij(2).eq.j2.and.ii2.eq.2)E=pprt(4,ij(1))+pprt(4,ij(2))
+      zetamx=0.
+      if(ij(1).ne.j1)then
+        zetamx=pprt(5,io)/pprt(4,io)/sqrt(pz(io)*(1.-pz(io)))
+      endif
+c      call timdev(idfl,q2start,E,zetamx,idfla,idflb,qa2,z)
+      q2=q2start
+      z=0.5
+      PT2MIN=max(qcdlam*1.1,q2fin)
+      ALFM=LOG(PT2MIN/qcdlam)
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+        write (ifch,*) '---------------------',ii
+     $       ,pprt(5,ij(1))     !,pprt(5,ij(2))
+        write(ifch,*) ' idfl,q2start,zetamx:',idfl,q2start,zetamx
+      endif
+      if (q2.lt.4.*q2fin+2.*amm2(idfl) )then
+        if(ish.ge.9)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,f3.0)') 'null:',0.
+        endif
+        q2=amm2(idfl)
+        idfla=0
+        idflb=0
+        goto 999
+      endif
+ 390  zc=.5*(1.-sqrt(max(0.000001,1.-4.*q2fin/q2)))
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'zc=',zc
+      endif
+      IF(idfl.EQ.9) THEN
+        FBRqqb=nfla*(0.5-ZC)
+        FBR=6.*LOG((1.-ZC)/ZC)+FBRqqb
+      ELSE
+        FBRqqb=0.
+        FBR=(8./3.)*LOG((1.-ZC)/ZC)
+      endif
+      B0=(33.-2.*nfla)/6.
+c.....select new q2
+      r=rangen()
+      q2=q2*exp(log(r)*B0*ALFM/FBR)
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+        write(ifch,*) 'q^2=',q2
+      endif
+      if (q2.lt.4.*q2fin+2.*amm2(idfl))then
+        q2=amm2(idfl)
+        if(ish.ge.9)then
+          write(ifch,'(a,f3.0)') 'null:',0.
+        endif
+        idfla=0
+        idflb=0
+        goto 999
+      endif
+c.....select flavor and z-value .....................................
+      IF(idfl.EQ.9) THEN
+        if(rangen()*FBR.lt.FBRqqb)then
+                                ! .................g -> qqbar
+          Z=ZC+(1.-2.*ZC)*rangen()
+          IF(Z**2+(1.-Z)**2.LT.rangen()) GOTO 390
+          idfla=int(1.+rangen()*real(nfla))
+          idflb=-idfla
+        else                    !..................g -> gg
+          Z=(1.-ZC)*(ZC/(1.-ZC))**rangen()
+          IF(rangen().GT.0.5) Z=1.-Z
+          IF((1.-Z*(1.-Z))**2.lt.rangen()) GOTO 390
+          idfla=9
+          idflb=9
+        endif
+      ELSE
+        Z=1.-(1.-ZC)*(ZC/(1.-ZC))**rangen() !!........q -> qg
+        IF(1.+Z**2.LT.2.*rangen()) GOTO 390
+          idfla=idfl
+          idflb=9
+      endif
+      if(q2*z*(1.-z).le.qcdlam) goto 390
+      if(alfm.lt.rangen()*log(q2*z*(1.-z)/qcdlam)) goto 390
+      if(ij(1).ne.j1.or.ij(2).eq.0)then
+        if(E.le.sqrt(q2))goto 390
+        pzz=sqrt((E-sqrt(q2))*(E+sqrt(q2)))
+        pt2=(E**2*(z*(1.-z)*q2-z*amm2(idflb)-(1.-z)*amm2(idfla))
+     $       -.25*(amm2(idflb)-amm2(idfla)-q2)**2+q2*amm2(idfla))/pzz**2
+        if (pt2.le.0.) then
+          if(ish.ge.9)then
+            write(ifch,*) 'z not good for pt2:',z,pt2
+          endif
+          goto 390
+        endif
+      endif
+      zeta = sqrt(q2)/E/sqrt(z*(1.-z))
+      if(zetamx.gt.0)then
+        if (zeta.gt.zetamx)then
+          if(ish.ge.9)then
+            write(ifch,*) zeta,' > ',zetamx,'zeta-Ablehnung'
+          endif
+          goto 390
+        endif
+      endif
+ 999  continue
+      if(zeta.gt.zetacut)then
+        q2s(ii)=q2
+        if(idfla.eq.9)then                !anything -> gluon jet
+          jo(1,ii)=-9
+        elseif(jorprt(ij(ii)).eq.-9)then  !gluon -> quark jet
+          jo(1,ii)=idfla
+        else                              !no change   
+          jo(1,ii)=jorprt(ij(ii))
+        endif
+        if(idflb.eq.9)then                !anything -> gluon jet
+          jo(2,ii)=-9
+        elseif(jorprt(ij(ii)).eq.-9)then  !gluon -> quark jet
+          jo(2,ii)=idflb
+        else
+          jo(2,ii)=jorprt(ij(ii))
+        endif
+      else                             !no change   
+        jo(1,ii)=jorprt(ij(ii))
+        jo(2,ii)=jorprt(ij(ii))
+        q2s(ii)=q2prt(ij(ii))
+      endif
+      pprt(5,ij(ii))=sqrt(q2)
+      id(1,ii)=idfla
+      id(2,ii)=idflb
+      pz(ij(ii))=z
+      if(first)then
+        ii=2
+        first=.false.
+        if(ii2.eq.2)goto 10
+      endif
+      if(ij(2).eq.0)then
+        z1=1.
+        z2=0.
+        pt=0.
+        alpha=0.
+        pprt(3,ij(1))=sqrt(E**2-pprt(5,ij(1))**2)
+      elseif(ij(1).eq.j1.and.ij(2).eq.j2)then
+        E=pprt(4,ij(1))+pprt(4,ij(2))
+        ee(1)=E*.5+(pprt(5,ij(1))**2-pprt(5,ij(2))**2)/2./E
+        ee(2)=E-ee(1)
+        ii=1
+        do while (ii.le.2)
+          if(ee(ii)-pprt(5,ij(ii)).lt.0.) then
+            if(ish.ge.5)then
+              write(ifch,*) 'goto 11'
+            endif
+            ii=1
+            if ( pprt(5,ij(1))**2-amm2(idprt(ij(1))).lt.
+     $           pprt(5,ij(2))**2-amm2(idprt(ij(2))) ) ii=2
+            goto 10
+          endif
+c          zc=.5*(1.-sqrt(1.-pprt(5,ij(ii))**2/ee(ii)**2))
+c          if(pz(ij(ii)).lt.zc.or.pz(ij(ii)).gt.1.-zc)then
+c            if(ish.ge.7)then
+c              write(ifch,*) 'first branching rejected'
+c            endif
+c            goto 10
+c          endif
+          z=pz(ij(ii))
+          q2=pprt(5,ij(ii))**2
+          pzz=sqrt((ee(ii)-pprt(5,ij(ii)))*(ee(ii)+pprt(5,ij(ii))))
+          if(pzz.gt.0.)then
+           pt2=(ee(ii)**2*(z*(1.-z)*q2-z*amm2(id(2,ii))
+     $          -(1.-z)*amm2(id(1,ii)))
+     $          -.25*(amm2(id(2,ii))-amm2(id(1,ii))-q2)**2
+     $          +q2*amm2(id(1,ii)))/pzz**2
+          else
+           pt2=0.
+          endif
+          if(id(1,ii).ne.0.and.pt2.le.0.)then
+            if(ish.ge.7)then
+              write(ifch,*) 'first branching rejected for pt2',ii
+     $             ,z1,q2,ee(ii),pprt(5,ij(ii)),id(1,ii),id(2,ii)
+            endif
+            goto 10
+          endif
+          ii=ii+1
+        enddo
+        z1=ee(1)/E
+        z2=ee(2)/E
+        if(ish.ge.7)then
+          write(ifch,*) 'z of first branching',z1
+        endif
+        pprt(3,ij(1))= sqrt(max(0.,ee(1)**2-pprt(5,ij(1))**2))
+        pprt(3,ij(2))=-sqrt(max(0.,ee(2)**2-pprt(5,ij(2))**2))
+        pt=0.
+        alpha=0.
+      else
+        E=pprt(4,io)
+        z1=pz(io)
+        z2=1.-z1
+        am0=pprt(5,io)
+        am1=pprt(5,ij(1))
+        am2=pprt(5,ij(2))
+        aM=am2**2-am0**2-am1**2
+        pzz=sqrt((E-am0)*(E+am0))
+        pprt(3,ij(1))=.5*(aM+2.*z1*E**2)/pzz
+        pprt(3,ij(2))=pzz-pprt(3,ij(1))
+        pt2=(E**2*(z1*z2*am0**2-z1*am2**2-z2*am1**2)
+     $       -.25*aM**2+am0**2*am1**2)/pzz**2
+        if(ish.ge.8)then
+          write(ifch,*) 'pt2,pzz=',pt2,pzz,z1**2*E*pprt(5,io),z1,E
+     $         ,pprt(5,io)
+        endif
+        if(pt2.lt.0.) then
+          ii=1
+          if ( pprt(5,ij(1))**2-amm2(idprt(ij(1))).lt.
+     $         pprt(5,ij(2))**2-amm2(idprt(ij(2))) ) ii=2
+          goto 10
+        endif
+        pt=sqrt(pt2)
+        alpha=2.*pi*rangen()
+      endif
+      pprt(4,ij(1))=z1*E
+      pprt(1,ij(1))=cos(alpha)*pt
+      pprt(2,ij(1))=sin(alpha)*pt
+      if(ii2.eq.2)then
+        pprt(4,ij(2))=z2*E
+        pprt(1,ij(2))=-cos(alpha)*pt
+        pprt(2,ij(2))=-sin(alpha)*pt
+      endif
+      if(ij(1).ne.j1)then
+        if(pprt(1,io).ne.0..or.pprt(2,io).ne.0.)then
+          do ii=1,2
+            call utrota(-1,pprt(1,io),pprt(2,io),pprt(3,io)
+     &           ,pprt(1,ij(ii)),pprt(2,ij(ii)),pprt(3,ij(ii)))
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(ij(1).ne.j1)then
+        if(pprt(3,io).lt.0.)then
+          do k=1,3
+            do ii=1,2
+              pprt(k,ij(ii)) = -pprt(k,ij(ii))
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      endif
+      do ii=1,ii2
+        if(id(1,ii).ne.0)then
+          idprt(nprtj+1)=id(1,ii)
+          idprt(nprtj+2)=id(2,ii)
+          pprt(4,nprtj+1)=pz(ij(ii))*pprt(4,ij(ii))
+          pprt(5,nprtj+1)=pz(ij(ii))*pprt(5,ij(ii))
+          pprt(4,nprtj+2)=(1.-pz(ij(ii)))*pprt(4,ij(ii))
+          pprt(5,nprtj+2)=(1.-pz(ij(ii)))*pprt(5,ij(ii))
+          q2prt(nprtj+1)=q2s(ii)
+          q2prt(nprtj+2)=q2s(ii)
+          iorprt(nprtj+1)=ij(ii)
+          iorprt(nprtj+2)=ij(ii)
+          jorprt(nprtj+1)=jo(1,ii)
+          jorprt(nprtj+2)=jo(2,ii)
+          idaprt(1,ij(ii))=nprtj+1
+          idaprt(2,ij(ii))=nprtj+2
+          idaprt(1,nprtj+1)=0
+          idaprt(2,nprtj+1)=0
+          idaprt(1,nprtj+2)=0
+          idaprt(2,nprtj+2)=0
+          nprtj=nprtj+2
+        else
+          idaprt(1,ij(ii))=0
+          idaprt(2,ij(ii))=0
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        if(ij(1).ne.j1)then
+          write(ifch,98) io,(pprt(j,io),j=1,5),pz(io),jorprt(io)
+     &    ,idprt(io)
+          write(ifch,*) '->'
+        endif
+        write(ifch,99) ij(1),(pprt(j,ij(1)),j=1,5),pz(ij(1))
+     &  ,jo(1,1),jo(2,1),idprt(ij(1)),'->',id(1,1),id(2,1)
+        if(ij(2).ne.0)write(ifch,99) ij(2),
+     &  (pprt(j,ij(2)),j=1,5),pz(ij(2))
+     &  ,jo(1,2),jo(2,2),idprt(ij(2)),'->',id(1,2),id(2,2)
+        write(ifch,*)
+      endif
+ 98   format(i4,6g10.3,3i3)
+ 99   format(i4,6g10.3,3i3,a,2i4)
+      if(ij(1).le.nn)ij(1)=nn-1
+      ij(1)=ij(1)+2
+      ij(2)=ij(1)+1
+      ii=1
+      ii2=2
+      first=.true.
+      if(ij(1).le.nprtj)goto 10
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        write(ifch,*)
+        do i=1,nprtj
+          write(ifch,'(i4,1x,5g10.4,2i4,a,2i4)')
+     &    i,(pprt(j,i),j=1,5),idprt(i)
+     &    ,iorprt(i),'  -->',idaprt(1,i),idaprt(2,i)
+        enddo
+        write(ifch,*)
+      endif
+ 9999 call utprix('timsho',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-uti-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-uti-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58ba27bd18d3e5fbccd788f52fb5527fb9ba80d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-uti-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,3943 @@
+      subroutine utresc(iret)
+c  if irescl=1 rescaling is done, otherwise the purpose of going through
+c  this routine is to not change the seed in case of no rescaling
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision p1,esoll,ppp,seedp,psoll,pt1soll,pt2soll
+      dimension p1(5),p2(4),p0(5,mamx+mamx),pini(mxptl)
+      logical force,nolead(mxptl),lspec(mxptl),lim
+      data scalmean/0./scalevt/0./
+      save scalmean,scalevt
+      call utpri('utresc',ish,ishini,4)
+      errlim=0.005 !max(0.001,1./engy)
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)errlim=max(0.00005,0.5/engy)
+      iret=0
+      nptlpt=iabs(maproj)+iabs(matarg)
+      call ranfgt(seedp)        !not to change the seed ...
+      if(nptl.le.nptlpt) goto 9999
+      if(ish.ge.8)then
+        call alistf('list before boost&')
+      endif
+      esoll=0.d0
+      psoll=0.d0
+      p1(1)=0.d0
+      p1(2)=0.d0
+      p1(3)=0.d0
+      p1(4)=0.d0
+      p2(3)=0.d0
+      p2(4)=0.d0
+      ipmax=4
+      imin=nptlpt+1
+      if(iappl.eq.1)then
+        imin=1
+        ipmax=2
+        if(iLHC.eq.1)ipmax=0
+      endif
+c store projectile and target in p0 and sum pz an E in p1(3) and p1(4)
+      do i=1,nptlpt
+        nolead(i)=.false.
+        do j=1,5
+          p0(j,i)=dble(pptl(j,i))
+        enddo
+c calculate total energy of primaries
+c       if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.1)then
+          do j=ipmax+1,4
+            p1(j)=p1(j)+dble(pptl(j,i))
+          enddo
+c       endif
+c calculate total energy of secondaries
+        if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.0)then
+          do j=ipmax+1,4
+            p2(j)=p2(j)+dble(pptl(j,i))
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+c fix secondaries counted in the system
+      do i=nptlpt+1,nptl
+       if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.0)then
+c check maximum energy
+         if(iLHC.eq.1.and.pptl(4,i).gt.engy*0.51)then
+           if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Energy of particle too high !'
+     &                                     ,i,ityptl(i),pptl(4,i)
+c           call utstop('utresc&')
+           if(ityptl(i).eq.48.or.ityptl(i).eq.58  !diffractive resonance
+     &    .or.ityptl(i).eq.47.or.ityptl(i).eq.57)then   !active spectators
+             pptl(4,i)=0.5*engy
+             amt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(5,i)**2)
+             pptl(3,i)=(pptl(4,i)+amt)*(pptl(4,i)-amt)
+             if(pptl(3,i).gt.0.)then
+               pptl(3,i)=sqrt(pptl(3,i))
+             else
+               iret=1
+             endif
+           else
+             iret=1
+           endif
+           if(iret.eq.1)then
+             if(ish.ge.1)write(ifch,*)'Warning in utresc: redo event...'
+c             call utstop('Energy of particle too high !&')
+             goto 9999
+           endif
+         endif
+c fix pt (p1(1) and p2(1)) from secondaries
+         do j=1,ipmax
+           p1(j)=p1(j)+dble(pptl(j,i))
+         enddo
+c calculate total energy of secondaries
+         do j=ipmax+1,4
+           p2(j)=p2(j)+dble(pptl(j,i))
+         enddo
+         lspec(i)=.false.
+         if(((ityptl(i).eq.45.or.ityptl(i).eq.48).and.maproj.ge.100)
+     &  .or.((ityptl(i).eq.55.or.ityptl(i).eq.58).and.matarg.ge.100))
+     &   lspec(i)=.true.
+         if((abs(pptl(3,i)/pnullx).le.0.9
+     & .and.abs(pptl(3,i)).gt.pptl(5,i)).or.lspec(i))then
+           nolead(i)=.true.
+c           write(ifch,*)'nolead',i
+         else
+           nolead(i)=.false.
+c           write(ifch,*)'lead',i
+         endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      psoll=max(dble(pnullx),abs(p1(3)))
+c check if energy is conserved before boost
+      if(iappl.eq.1)then
+        diff=abs(p2(3)-p1(3))
+        scal=p2(4)/p1(4)
+        if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim.and.abs(diff/psoll).lt.errlim
+     &     .and.(iLHC.eq.0.or.
+     &    (abs(p2(1)).lt.errlim.and.abs(p2(2)).lt.errlim)))then
+          if(ish.ge.4) 
+     & write (ifch,'(2x,a,2g14.6)') 'Energy OK: ',scal,abs(diff/psoll)
+          goto 9999
+        else
+         diff=0.
+         scal=1.
+        endif
+      endif
+c calculate boost vector to have sum of pt=0 and sum of pz=0
+      ppp=(p1(4)+p1(3))*(p1(4)-p1(3))-p1(2)*p1(2)-p1(1)*p1(1)
+      if(ppp.gt.0.d0)then
+        p1(5)=sqrt(ppp)
+      else
+        iret=1
+        write(ifch,*)'p1',p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),ppp
+        if(ish.ge.2)write (ifch,*) 'Problem in utresc (1): redo event'
+        write (ifmt,*) 'Problem in utresc (1): redo event'
+c       call utstop('utresc&')
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+      esoll=p1(5)
+      if(ish.ge.4) write (ifch,'(a,5g14.6)') 'boost-vector: ',p1
+c     trafo
+c     -----
+      pmax=0.d0
+      npart=0
+      pt1soll=0.d0
+      pt2soll=0.d0
+      do i=imin,nptl
+        if(mod(istptl(i),10).le.1)then
+          call utlob4(1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $         ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+          if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.0.and.i.gt.nptlpt)then
+            npart=npart+1
+            pt1soll=pt1soll+dble(pptl(1,i))
+            pt2soll=pt2soll+dble(pptl(2,i))
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(i.gt.nptlpt.and.nolead(i))pmax=max(pmax,abs(pptl(3,i)))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.6)then
+        call alistf('list after boost&')
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a)')'--------rescale momenta----------'
+      if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ptsoll:',pt1soll,pt2soll,npart
+        pt1soll=pt1soll/dble(npart)
+        pt2soll=pt2soll/dble(npart)
+        do i=nptlpt+1,nptl
+          if(mod(istptl(i),10).eq.0)then
+            pptl(1,i)=pptl(1,i)-sngl(pt1soll)
+            pptl(2,i)=pptl(2,i)-sngl(pt2soll)
+            pptl(4,i)=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+     &                    +pptl(3,i)**2+pptl(5,i)**2)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'esoll,psoll,pmax:',esoll,psoll,pmax
+c     rescale momenta in rest frame
+c     -----------------------------
+      scal=1.
+      diff0=0.
+c      ndif0=1
+      ferr=0.05
+      force=.false.
+      npart=nptl-imin+1
+      do ipass=1,300
+        sum=0.
+        sum3=0.
+        difft=diff0
+        ndif=0
+        nfirst=int(rangen()*float(npart))    !start list randomly
+        do  i=0,npart-1
+          j=imin+i+nfirst
+          if(j.gt.nptl)j=imin+i+nfirst-npart
+          if(mod(istptl(j),10).eq.0)then
+c modified particles
+            if(nolead(j))then
+c            if(j.gt.nptlpt)then
+c            if(abs(pptl(3,j))/pnullx.lt.0.9)then  !not spectator or diffraction
+              if(scal.eq.1..and.abs(diff0).lt.1.e-6)then
+                ndif=ndif+1
+                pini(j)=pptl(3,j)
+              else
+                pptl3new=0.
+                if( force .or.(
+     &            ityptl(j)/10.eq.4.or.ityptl(j)/10.eq.5
+     &                      ))then !try just remnant first
+                  ndif=ndif+1
+                  diff=sign(min(0.3*abs(pini(j)),
+     &                      rangen()*abs(difft)),difft)
+                  pptl3new=scal*(pptl(3,j)-diff)
+c                  write(ifch,*)'par',j,pptl3new,pptl(3,j),diff,difft
+c     &                 ,ndif,pmax,scal
+                  if(abs(pptl3new).lt.pmax)then
+c particle should not be too fast or too modified
+                    if(abs(pptl3new-pini(j)).lt.ferr*abs(pini(j))
+     &         .or.(lspec(j).and.abs(pptl3new).lt.abs(0.8*pini(j))))then
+c                  write(ifch,*)'used'
+                      difft=difft-diff
+                      pptl(3,j)=scal*(pptl(3,j)-diff)
+                      pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2
+     *                     +pptl(3,j)**2+pptl(5,j)**2)
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+c sum over all particles
+            sum=sum+pptl(4,j)
+            sum3=sum3+pptl(3,j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        diff=sum3
+        scal=sngl(esoll)/(sum-diff)
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)
+     $       'ipass,scal,diff/psoll,e,pz,ndif,f:'
+     $   ,ipass,scal,diff/psoll,sum,sum3,ndif,force
+        if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim.and.abs(diff/psoll).lt.errlim)
+     $  goto 300
+        if(ndif.gt.0.and.(force.or.ipass.lt.150))then
+c          ndif0=ndif
+          diff0=diff
+        elseif(abs(scal-1.).le.1e-2.and.abs(diff/psoll).lt.5e-2
+     &                                           .and.iLHC.eq.0)then
+          goto 300
+        elseif(force)then
+          if(ish.ge.2)
+     $    write(ifmt,*)'Warning in utresc: no more allowed particle'
+          goto 302
+        else
+          force=.true.
+          ferr=0.1
+          diff=0.
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 302  if(iLHC.eq.1)then
+        lim=.not.(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim.and.abs(diff/psoll).lt.errlim)
+      else
+        lim=abs(scal)+abs(diff/psoll).gt.2.5
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+        call utmsg('utrescl')
+        write(ifch,*)'*****  scal=',scal,diff/psoll,lim
+        call utmsgf
+      endif
+      if(lim)then
+        if(ish.ge.1)then
+          write(ifmt,*)'Warning in utresc !'
+          write(ifch,'(a,i10,d25.15)')'redo EPOS event ...'
+     &                                ,nint(seedj),seedc
+        endif
+        iret=1
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+c     trafo
+c     -----
+ 300  continue
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if(i.le.nptlpt)then
+          do j=1,5
+            pptl(j,i)=p0(j,i)
+          enddo
+        else
+          if(mod(istptl(i),10).le.1)then
+            call utlob4(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $           ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.4)call alist('list after rescaling&',1,nptl)
+ 9999 continue
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+        scalevt=scalevt+1.
+        scalmean=scalmean+scal
+        write(ifch,*)' average rescaling factor: ',scalmean
+     &                                            /scalevt
+      endif
+      call ranfst(seedp)        ! ... after this subroutine
+      call utprix('utresc',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+      subroutine utghost(iret)
+c  if irescl=1 make particle on-shell if not
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision seedp
+      call utpri('ughost',ish,ishini,4)
+      iret=0
+      nptlpt=iabs(maproj)+iabs(matarg)
+      if(iappl.eq.6.or.iappl.eq.8)nptlpt=3   ! ee or DIS
+      call ranfgt(seedp)        !not to change the seed ...
+      if(nptl.le.nptlpt) goto 9999
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a)')'---------mark ghosts---------'
+c     mark ghosts
+c     -----------
+      do  j=nptlpt+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(j).le.1.and.pptl(4,j).gt.0.d0)then
+          if(iLHC.eq.0.or.mod(abs(idptl(j)),10).le.1)then !for LHC tune don't fix mass of resonnances (to keep width)
+            amass=pptl(5,j)
+            call idmass(idptl(j),amass)
+            if(abs(idptl(j)).gt.100.and.
+     &       abs(pptl(5,j)-amass).gt.0.01*amass)then
+              if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'wrong particle mass',j,idptl(j)
+     &                                           ,pptl(5,j),amass
+              amass=pptl(5,j)
+              call idres(idptl(j),amass,idr,iadj)
+              if(idr.ne.0)then
+                pptl(5,j)=amass
+                idptl(j)=idr
+              else
+                call idmass(idptl(j),amass)
+                pptl(5,j)=amass
+              endif
+              call idtau(idptl(j),pptl(4,j),pptl(5,j),taugm)
+              tivptl(2,j)=tivptl(1,j)+taugm*(-alog(rangen()))
+            else
+              pptl(5,j)=amass
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(abs((pptl(4,j)+pptl(3,j))*(pptl(4,j)-pptl(3,j))
+     $         -pptl(2,j)**2-pptl(1,j)**2-pptl(5,j)**2).gt.0.3
+     $       .and.abs(1.-abs(pptl(3,j))/pptl(4,j)).gt.0.01)then
+        !print*,'ghost',ityptl(j),idptl(j)
+           if(ish.ge.1)write(ifmt,*)'ghost:',j,idptl(j),ityptl(j)
+           if(ish.ge.5)then
+              write(ifch,'(a,$)')'ghost:'
+              call alistc("&",j,j)
+            endif
+            ityptl(j)=100+ityptl(j)/10
+          elseif(irescl.ge.1)then
+c ensure that all particles are really on-shell
+            pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2
+     *                    +pptl(3,j)**2+pptl(5,j)**2)
+          endif
+        elseif(mod(istptl(j),10).eq.0)then
+c if not droplet with fusion
+          if(istptl(j).ne.10.or.iorsdf.ne.3)then
+            if(ish.ge.1)then
+              write(ifmt,*)'Lost particle (E=0)'
+              write(ifch,*)'Lost particle (E=0) :'
+              call alistc("utghost&",j,j)
+            endif
+            istptl(j)=istptl(j)+2
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a)')'---------treat ghosts---------'
+c     treat ghosts
+c     ------------
+      ifirst=1
+      scal=1.
+      pfif=0.
+      efif=0.
+      ntry=0
+ 132  nfif=0
+      psum=0
+      esum=0.
+      ntry=ntry+1
+      do  j=nptlpt+1,nptl
+        if(mod(istptl(j),10).eq.0)then
+          if(ityptl(j).gt.100)then
+            nfif=nfif+1
+            if(ifirst.eq.1)then
+              pfif=pfif+pptl(3,j)
+              if(pptl(4,j).gt.0.)efif=efif+pptl(4,j)
+            endif
+            if(irescl.ge.1) then
+              if(ifirst.gt.1)then
+                if(pptl(4,j).gt.0.)then
+                  Einv=1./pptl(4,j)
+                  amt=1.-(pptl(5,j)*Einv)**2+(pptl(1,j)*Einv)**2
+     $                +(pptl(2,j)*Einv)**2
+                else
+                  amt=-1.
+                endif
+                if(amt.gt.0.)then
+                  pptl(3,j)=sign(pptl(4,j),pptl(3,j))*sqrt(amt)
+                else
+                  y=(rangen()+rangen()+rangen()+rangen()-2.)/2.*yhaha
+                  y=sign(abs(y),pptl(3,j))
+                  pptl(3,j)
+     $                 =sqrt(pptl(5,j)**2+pptl(1,j)**2
+     $                 +pptl(2,j)**2)*sinh(y)
+                  pptl(4,j)
+     $                 =sqrt(pptl(5,j)**2+pptl(1,j)**2
+     $                 +pptl(2,j)**2)*cosh(y)
+                  efif=efif+pptl(4,j)
+                endif
+                ifirst=0
+              else
+c                do k=1,3
+                do k=3,3
+                  pptl(k,j)=pptl(k,j)*scal
+                enddo
+                pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2+pptl(3,j)**2
+     *                 +pptl(5,j)**2)
+              endif
+            endif
+            psum=psum+pptl(3,j)
+            esum=esum+pptl(4,j)
+            if(ish.ge.5)
+     $           write (ifch,*) 'nrevt,psum,esum,pfif,efif,nfif,scal'
+     $           ,nrevt,psum,esum,pfif,efif,nfif,scal
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if ( ish.ge.5 )  write (ifch,*) 'tot',nfif,efif,pfif,esum,psum
+      if(nfif.gt.5.or.(esum.gt.0.05*engy.and.nfif.ne.1))then
+        if(ifirst.eq.0)then
+          do  j=nptlpt+1,nptl
+            if ( ityptl(j).ge.101 .and. ityptl(j).le.105 )then
+              if((psum-pfif)*(1.-scal).ge.0)
+     &             pptl(3,j)=pptl(3,j)-(psum-pfif)/nfif
+            endif
+          enddo
+        else
+          ifirst=2
+          goto 132
+        endif
+        scal=efif/esum
+        if ( ish.ge.5 )  write (ifch,*) 'scal',scal
+        if ( abs(scal-1.) .gt. 0.05 ) then
+          if(ntry.le.1000)then
+            goto 132
+          else
+            iret=1
+            if(ish.ge.2)write (ifch,*) 'Problem in utghost : redo event'
+            if(ish.ge.1)write (ifmt,*) 'Problem in utghost : redo event'
+            goto 9999
+         endif
+        endif
+      else
+        do  j=nptlpt+1,nptl
+          if ( ityptl(j).ge.101 .and. ityptl(j).le.105 )then
+            pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2+pptl(3,j)**2
+     *                 +pptl(5,j)**2)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a)')'---------Check Ghost list---------'
+c Check Ghost list
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        do  j=nptlpt+1,nptl
+          if(mod(istptl(j),10).eq.0)then
+            if(ityptl(j).le.105.and.ityptl(j).ge.101)then
+              write(ifch,'(a,$)')'ghost:'
+              call alistc("&",j,j)
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+ 9999 continue
+      call ranfst(seedp)        ! ... after this subroutine
+      call utprix('ughost',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+      subroutine utrsph(iret)
+c  if irescl=1 and ispherio=1 rescaling is done for particle used by
+c  spherio as initial condition.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision p1,esoll
+      dimension p1(5),p0(5,mamx+mamx)
+      call utpri('utrsph',ish,ishini,4)
+      errlim=0.0001
+      iret=0
+      nptlpt=iabs(maproj)+iabs(matarg)
+      if(nptl.le.nptlpt) goto 9999
+      esoll=0.d0
+      p1(1)=0.d0
+      p1(2)=0.d0
+      p1(3)=0.d0
+      p1(4)=0.d0
+      do i=nptlpt+1,nptl
+        if((istptl(i).le.11
+     $   .and.(iorptl(i).ge.1.and.istptl(iorptl(i)).eq.41))
+     $   .or.istptl(i).eq.20.or.istptl(i).eq.21)then
+         do j=1,2
+           p1(j)=p1(j)+dble(pptl(j,i))
+         enddo
+       endif
+      enddo
+      do i=1,nptlpt
+         do j=1,5
+           p0(j,i)=pptl(j,i)
+         enddo
+         do j=3,4
+           p1(j)=p1(j)+dble(pptl(j,i))
+         enddo
+      enddo
+      p1(5)=dsqrt((p1(4)+p1(3))*(p1(4)-p1(3))-p1(2)**2.d0-p1(1)**2.d0)
+      esoll=p1(5)
+      if(ish.ge.4) write (ifch,'(a,5g13.6)') 'boost-vector',p1
+c     trafo
+c     -----
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if((istptl(i).le.11
+     $   .and.(iorptl(i).ge.1.and.istptl(iorptl(i)).eq.41))
+     $   .or.istptl(i).eq.20.or.istptl(i).eq.21
+     $   .or.(istptl(i).eq.0.and.i.le.nptlpt))then
+          call utlob4(1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $         ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,'(a)')'------------------'
+c     rescale momenta in rest frame
+c     -----------------------------
+      scal=1.
+      diff=0.
+      do ipass=1,1000
+        sum=0.
+        sum3=0.
+        ndif=0
+        do  j=1,nptl
+        if((istptl(j).le.11
+     $   .and.(iorptl(j).ge.1.and.istptl(iorptl(j)).eq.41))
+     $   .or.istptl(j).eq.20.or.istptl(j).eq.21
+     $   .or.(istptl(j).eq.0.and.j.le.nptlpt))then
+            if(j.gt.nptlpt)then
+              ndif=ndif+1
+              pptl(3,j)=scal*(pptl(3,j)-diff)
+              pptl(4,j)=sqrt(pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2+pptl(3,j)**2
+     *           +pptl(5,j)**2)
+            endif
+            sum=sum+pptl(4,j)
+            sum3=sum3+pptl(3,j)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        diff=sum3/real(ndif)
+        scal=real(esoll)/sum
+        if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'ipass,scal,diff,e,esoll,pz,ndif:'
+     $       ,ipass,scal,diff,sum,esoll,sum3,ndif
+        if(abs(scal-1.).le.errlim.and.abs(diff).lt.10.*errlim) goto300
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+        call utmsg('hresph')
+        write(ifch,*)'*****  scal=',scal,diff
+        call utmsgf
+      endif
+c     trafo
+c     -----
+ 300  continue
+c      do i=nptlpt+1,nptl
+      do i=1,nptl
+        if((istptl(i).le.11
+     $   .and.(iorptl(i).ge.1.and.istptl(iorptl(i)).eq.41))
+     $   .or.istptl(i).eq.20.or.istptl(i).eq.21
+     $   .or.(istptl(i).eq.0.and.i.le.nptlpt))then
+          call utlob4(-1,p1(1),p1(2),p1(3),p1(4),p1(5)
+     $         ,pptl(1,i),pptl(2,i),pptl(3,i),pptl(4,i))
+        endif
+        if(i.le.nptlpt)then
+          do j=1,5
+            pptl(j,i)=p0(j,i)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+ 9999 call utprix('utrsph',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+c      double precision function dddlog(xxx)
+c      double precision xxx
+c      dddlog=-1d50
+c      if(xxx.gt.0d0)dddlog=dlog(xxx)
+c      end
+c      subroutine randfl(jc,iqa0,iflav,ic,isame)
+cc     returns random flavour ic(2) (iqa0=1:quark,2:antiquark,11:diquark)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      real probab(nflav),probsu(nflav+1)
+c      integer jc(nflav,2),jc0(nflav,2),ic(2)
+c      if(ish.ge.6)then
+c      write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,10)
+c     *,' entry sr randfl ',('-',i=1,30)
+c      write(ifch,*)'iqa0:',iqa0
+c      write(ifch,*)'jc:'
+c      write(ifch,*)jc
+c      endif
+c      iflav=0
+c      ic(1)=0
+c      ic(2)=0
+c      do 10 n=1,nflav
+c      do 10 i=1,2
+c10    jc0(n,i)=0
+c      iqa1=iqa0*10
+c9999  iqa1=iqa1/10
+c      if(iqa1.eq.0)goto9998
+c      iqa=mod(iqa1,10)
+c      su=0
+c      do 20 i=1,nflav
+c      probab(i)=jc(i,iqa)-jc0(i,iqa)
+c      if(isame.eq.1)probab(i)=probab(i)*(jc(i,3-iqa)-jc0(i,3-iqa))
+c20    su=su+probab(i)
+c      if(su.lt..5)then
+c      iflav=0
+c      ic(1)=0
+c      ic(2)=0
+c      goto9998
+c      endif
+c      probsu(1)=0.
+c      do 30 i=1,nflav
+c      probsu(i+1)=probsu(i)+probab(i)/su
+c      if(probsu(i+1)-probsu(i).lt.1e-5)probsu(i+1)=probsu(i)
+c30    continue
+c      r=rangen()*probsu(nflav+1)
+c      do 50 i=1,nflav
+c      if(probsu(i).le.r.and.r.lt.probsu(i+1))iflav=i
+c50    continue
+c      jc0(iflav,iqa)=jc0(iflav,iqa)+1
+c      if(isame.eq.1)jc0(iflav,3-iqa)=jc0(iflav,3-iqa)+1
+c      call idenco(jc0,ic,ireten)
+c      if(ireten.eq.1)call utstop('randfl: idenco ret code = 1&')
+c      if(ish.ge.6)then
+c      write(ifch,*)'probab:'
+c      write(ifch,*)probab
+c      write(ifch,*)'probsu:'
+c      write(ifch,*)probsu
+c      write(ifch,*)'ran#:',r,'   flav:',iflav
+c      endif
+c      goto9999
+c9998  continue
+c      if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)('-',i=1,30)
+c     *,' exit sr randfl ',('-',i=1,10)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine ranhvy(x,eps)
+cc     generates x for heavy particle fragmentation according to
+cc     the peterson form
+cc          d(x)=1/(x*(1-1/x-eps/(1-x))**2)
+cc              =d0(x)*d1(x)*d2(x)
+cc          d0(x)=(1-x)**2/((1-x)**2+eps)**2
+cc          d1(x)=x
+cc          d2(x)=(((1-x)**2+eps)/((1-x)**2+eps*x))**2
+cc     using x=1-y**pow
+cc     generates flat in x if eps>1.
+c      data aln4/1.3863/
+c      if(eps.lt.1.) then
+c        pow=alog((3.+eps)/eps)/aln4
+c        ymx=(eps*(3.*pow-1.)/(pow+1.))**(.5/pow)
+c        zmx=1-ymx**pow
+c        d0mx=(1-zmx)**2/((1.-zmx)**2+eps)**2*pow*ymx**(pow-1.)
+c        d2mx=2./(2.-sqrt(eps))
+c      else
+c        pow=1.
+c        zmx=0.
+c        d0mx=(1.-zmx)**2/((1.-zmx)**2+eps)**2
+c        d2mx=1.+eps
+c      endif
+cc          generate z according to (1-z)**2/((1-z)**2+eps*z)**2
+c1     continue
+c      y=rangen()
+c      z=1.-y**pow
+c      d0z=(1.-z)**2/((1.-z)**2+eps)**2*pow*y**(pow-1.)
+c      if(d0z.lt.rangen()*d0mx) goto1
+cc          check remaining factors
+c      d1=z
+c      d2=(((1.-z)**2+eps)/((1.-z)**2+eps*z))**2
+c      if(d1*d2.lt.rangen()*d2mx) goto1
+cc          good x
+c      x=z
+c      return
+c      end
+*-- Author :    D. HECK IK FZK KARLSRUHE       27/04/1994
+C  SEE: X. CAMPI AND J. HUEFNER, PHYS.REV. C24 (1981) 2199
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/eporansto2/irndmseq
+      integer irndmseq
+      DOUBLE PRECISION PFR(mamxx),PFRX(mamxx),PFRY(mamxx),PFRZ(mamxx)
+     *                ,RD(2*mamxx),SPFRY,SPFRZ,drangen
+      SAVE
+      EXTERNAL         RANNORM
+      IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*)'EPOVAPOR : MAPRO,INEW=',MAPRO,INEW
+      JC     = 0
+      JFIN   = 0
+      lseq   = irndmseq
+      ITYPRM = INEW
+      NPRF   = INEW/100
+      NINTA  = MAPRO - NPRF
+      IF ( NINTA .EQ. 0 ) THEN
+        JFIN    = 1
+        PFRX(1)  = 0.D0
+        PFRY(1)  = 0.D0
+        PFRZ(1)  = 0.D0
+        ITYP(1) = ITYPRM
+        IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) 'EPOVAPOR : JFIN,NINTA=',JFIN,NINTA
+        GOTO 50
+      ENDIF
+      EEX = 0.D0
+      CALL RMMARD( RD,2*NINTA,lseq )
+      DO  L = 1, NINTA
+        IF ( RD(NINTA+L) .LT. RD(L) ) RD(L) = 1.D0 - RD(L)
+        EEX = EEX + RD(L)
+      ENDDO
+      IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*)'EPOVAPOR : EEX=',SNGL(EEX*0.04D0),
+     &                                            ' GEV'
+C  NNSTEP IS EEX * 0.04/0.02 = EEX * 2.
+      NNSTEP = INT( EEX*2.D0 )
+      IF ( NNSTEP .LE. 0 ) THEN
+        JFIN    = 1
+        PFRX(1)  = 0.D0
+        PFRY(1)  = 0.D0
+        PFRZ(1)  = 0.D0
+        ITYP(1) = ITYPRM
+        IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) 'EPOVAPOR : JFIN,EEX=',JFIN,SNGL(EEX)
+        GOTO 50
+      ENDIF
+      APRF = DBLE(NPRF)
+      AFIN = APRF - 1.6D0 * DBLE(NNSTEP)
+      NFIN = MAX( 0, INT( AFIN+0.5D0 ) )
+      NNUC = NPRF - NFIN
+      IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) 'EPOVAPOR : NFIN,NNUC=',NFIN,NNUC
+      IF     ( NNUC .LE. 0 ) THEN
+        JFIN    = 1
+        PFRX(1)  = 0.D0
+        PFRY(1)  = 0.D0
+        PFRZ(1)  = 0.D0
+        ITYP(1) = ITYPRM
+        GOTO 50
+      ELSEIF ( NNUC .GE. 4 ) THEN
+        DO  LS = 1, NNSTEP
+          IARM = ITYPRM/100
+          IF ( IARM .LE. 0 ) GOTO 100
+          IZRM = MOD(ITYPRM,100)
+          INRM = IARM - IZRM
+          JC   = JC + 1
+          CALL RMMARD( RD,2,lseq )
+          IF ( RD(1) .LT. 0.2D0  .AND.  IZRM .GE. 2
+     *                           .AND.  INRM .GE. 2 ) THEN
+            ITYP(JC) = -402          !alpha
+            NNUC     = NNUC - 4
+            ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 402
+          ELSE
+            IF ( IZRM .EQ. 1 .AND. INRM .GT. IZRM ) THEN
+              ITYP(JC) = 1220
+              ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100              
+            ELSEIF ( INRM .EQ. 1 .AND. IZRM .GT. INRM ) THEN
+              ITYP(JC) = 1120
+              ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101              
+              ITYP(JC) = 1120
+              ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101
+            ELSE
+              ITYP(JC) = 1220
+              ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100
+            ENDIF
+            NNUC = NNUC - 1
+          ENDIF
+          IF ( NNUC .LE. 0 ) GOTO 50
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( NNUC .LT. 4 ) THEN
+        CALL RMMARD( RD,NNUC,lseq )
+        DO  IS = 1, NNUC
+          IARM = ITYPRM/100
+          IF ( IARM .LE. 0 ) GOTO 100
+          IZRM = MOD(ITYPRM,100)
+          INRM = IARM - IZRM
+          JC   = JC + 1
+          IF ( IZRM .EQ. 1 .AND. INRM .GT. IZRM ) THEN
+            ITYP(JC) = 1220
+            ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100              
+          ELSEIF ( INRM .EQ. 1 .AND. IZRM .GT. IZRM ) THEN
+            ITYP(JC) = 1120
+            ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101              
+            ITYP(JC) = 1120
+            ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101
+          ELSE
+            ITYP(JC) = 1220
+            ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100
+          ENDIF
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      IARM = ITYPRM/100
+      IF ( IARM .LE. 0 ) GOTO 100
+      IZRM = MOD(ITYPRM,100)
+      INRM = IARM - IZRM
+      JC = JC + 1
+      CALL RMMARD( RD,2,lseq )
+      DO WHILE ( INRM .GT. INT( 1.15D0 * DBLE(IZRM) + RD(1) ) )
+        ITYP(JC) = 1220
+        ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100              
+        IARM = ITYPRM/100
+        IZRM = MOD(ITYPRM,100)
+        INRM = IARM - IZRM
+        JC = JC + 1
+      ENDDO
+      DO WHILE ( IZRM .GE. NINT( (DBLE(INRM)+1.D0+RD(2)) / 1.15D0 ) )
+        ITYP(JC) = 1120
+        ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101              
+        IARM = ITYPRM/100
+        IZRM = MOD(ITYPRM,100)
+        INRM = IARM - IZRM
+        JC = JC + 1
+      ENDDO
+      IF ( IARM .EQ. 8 ) THEN     !EXCLUDED
+        DO WHILE ( IZRM .GE. 2 .AND. INRM .GE. 2 )
+          ITYP(JC) = -402
+          ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 402              
+          IARM = ITYPRM/100
+          IZRM = MOD(ITYPRM,100)
+          INRM = IARM - IZRM
+          JC = JC + 1
+        ENDDO
+        IF ( ITYPRM .GT. 0 ) THEN
+            IF ( IZRM .GE. INRM ) THEN
+              ITYP(JC) = 1120
+              ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101              
+            ELSE
+              ITYP(JC) = 1220
+              ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100
+            ENDIF
+            JC = JC + 1
+          ENDIF
+          ITYP(JC) = -ITYPRM
+        ELSE
+          JC = JC - 1
+        ENDIF
+      ELSEIF ( IARM .EQ. 5 ) THEN     !EXCLUDED
+        IF ( IZRM .GE. INRM ) THEN
+          ITYP(JC) = 1120
+          ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 101              
+        ELSE
+          ITYP(JC) = 1220
+          ITYPRM   = ITYPRM - 100
+        ENDIF
+        JC = JC + 1
+        ITYP(JC) = -ITYPRM
+      ELSEIF     ( ITYPRM .GT. 200 ) THEN
+        ITYP(JC) = -ITYPRM
+      ELSEIF ( ITYPRM .EQ. 101 ) THEN
+        ITYP(JC) = 1120
+      ELSEIF ( ITYPRM .EQ. 100 ) THEN
+        ITYP(JC) = 1220
+      ELSE
+        JC = JC - 1
+        IF ( ITYPRM .NE. 0 ) WRITE(*,*)
+     *                  'EPOVAPOR : ILLEGAL PARTICLE ITYPRM =',ITYPRM
+      ENDIF
+      IF ( JC .GT. JFIN ) THEN
+       JFIN = JC
+       IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) 
+     *   'EPOVAPOR :  NO        ITYP     PFR       PFL'
+       IF ( infragm .EQ. 2 ) THEN
+        DO  MF = 1, JFIN
+          IF(ITYP(MF).LT.0)THEN
+            IARM=-ITYP(MF)/100
+          ELSE
+            IARM=1
+          ENDIF
+          PFR(MF) = RANNORM(0.088D0,0.044D0)
+          PFRZ(MF)= (2*int(drangen(PFR(MF))+0.5d0)-1)
+     &   *RANNORM(0.300D0/DBLE(IARM),0.100D0/SQRT(DBLE(IARM)))    !Fermi motion about 300 MeV
+          IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) MF,ITYP(MF),SNGL(PFR(MF))
+     &                                         ,SNGL(PFRZ(MF))
+        ENDDO
+       ELSEIF ( infragm .EQ. 3 ) THEN
+        DO  MF = 1, JFIN
+          K    = MAX( 1, -ITYP(MF)/100 )
+          BGLH = K * (MAPRO - K) / DBLE(MAPRO-1)
+*         AGLH = 0.103D0 * SQRT( BGLH )
+          AGLH = 0.090D0 * SQRT( BGLH )
+          PFR(MF) = RANNORM(0.D0,AGLH)
+          PFRZ(MF)= RANNORM(0.000D0,0.500D0)    !from pAg at 100 GeV
+          IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) MF,ITYP(MF),SNGL(PFR(MF))
+     &                                         ,SNGL(PFRZ(MF))
+        ENDDO
+       ELSE
+        DO  MF = 1, JFIN
+          PFR(MF) = 0.D0
+          PFRZ(MF)= 0.D0
+          IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) MF,ITYP(MF),SNGL(PFR(MF))
+     &                                         ,SNGL(PFRZ(MF))
+        ENDDO
+       ENDIF
+       SPFRX = 0.D0
+       SPFRY = 0.D0
+       SPFRZ = 0.D0
+       CALL RMMARD( RD,JFIN,lseq )
+       DO  MF = 1, JFIN
+        PHIFR = PI * RD(MF)
+        PFRX(MF) = PFR(MF) * COS( PHIFR )
+        PFRY(MF) = PFR(MF) * SIN( PHIFR )
+        SPFRY = SPFRY + PFRY(MF)
+        SPFRX = SPFRX + PFRX(MF)
+        SPFRZ = SPFRZ + PFRZ(MF)
+       ENDDO
+       SPFRX = SPFRX / JFIN
+       SPFRY = SPFRY / JFIN
+       SPFRZ = SPFRZ / JFIN
+       DO  MF = 1, JFIN
+        PFRX(MF) = PFRX(MF) - SPFRX
+        PFRY(MF) = PFRY(MF) - SPFRY
+        PFRZ(MF) = PFRZ(MF) - SPFRZ
+       ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      IF(ish.ge.7)WRITE(ifch,*) 'EPOVAPOR : NINTA,JFIN=',NINTA,JFIN
+      RETURN
+      END
+*-- Author :    The CORSIKA development group   21/04/1994
+c  but to be used with CONEX/CORSIKA we should always use 2 new number
+c  to be able to reproduce the shower
+C              CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1992  ISBN 0 521 43064 X
+C   A      = MEAN VALUE
+      double precision facrdm,u1rdm,u2rdm,drangen
+c      logical knordm
+c      data knordm/.true./
+      SAVE facrdm,u1rdm,u2rdm!,knordm
+c      IF ( KNORdm ) THEN
+  1     CONTINUE
+        U1rdm = 2.D0*drangen(a) - 1.D0
+        U2rdm = 2.D0*drangen(b) - 1.D0
+        RR = U1rdm**2 + U2rdm**2
+        IF ( RR .GE. 1.D0  .OR.  RR .EQ. 0.D0 ) GOTO 1
+        FACrdm = SQRT( (-2.D0) * LOG(RR) / RR )
+        RANNORM = FACrdm * U1rdm * B + A
+c        KNORdm   = .FALSE.
+c      ELSE
+c        RANNORM = FACrdm * U2rdm * B + A
+c        KNORdm   = .TRUE.
+c      ENDIF
+      RETURN
+      END
+      function ransig()
+c     returns randomly +1 or -1
+      ransig=1
+      if(rangen().gt.0.5)ransig=-1
+      return
+      end
+c      function ranxq(n,x,q,xmin)
+cc     returns random number according to x(i) q(i) with x>=xmin
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      real x(n),q(n)
+c      imin=1
+c      if(xmin.eq.0.)goto3
+c      i1=1
+c      i2=n
+c1     i=i1+(i2-i1)/2
+c      if(x(i).lt.xmin)then
+c      i1=i
+c      elseif(x(i).gt.xmin)then
+c      i2=i
+c      else
+c      imin=i
+c      goto3
+c      endif
+c      if(i2-i1.gt.1)goto1
+c      imin=i2
+c3     continue
+c      if(q(imin).gt.q(n)*.9999)then
+c      ranxq=xmin
+c      goto4
+c      endif
+c      qran=q(imin)+rangen()*(q(n)-q(imin))
+c      ranxq=utinvt(n,x,q,qran)
+c4     continue
+c      if(ranxq.lt.xmin)then
+c      call utmsg('ranxq ')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  ranxq=',ranxq,' <       xmin=',xmin
+c      write(ifch,*)'q(imin) q q(n):',q(imin),qran,q(n)
+c      write(ifch,*)'x(imin) x x(n):',x(imin),ranxq,x(n)
+c      call utmsgf
+c      ranxq=xmin
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+cc  ***** end r-routines
+cc  ***** beg s-routines
+c      function sbet(z,w)
+c      sbet=utgam1(z)*utgam1(w)/utgam1(z+w)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function smass(a,y,z)
+cc     returns droplet mass (in gev) (per droplet, not (!) per nucleon)
+cc     according to berger/jaffe mass formula, prc35(1987)213 eq.2.31,
+cc     see also c. dover, BNL-46322, intersections-meeting, tucson, 91.
+cc     a: massnr, y: hypercharge, z: charge,
+c      common/cmass/thet,epsi,as,ac,dy,dz,ym,cz,zm,sigma,rzero
+c      ymin=ym*a
+c      zmin=cz/(dz/a+zm/a**(1./3.))
+c      smass=epsi*a+as*a**(2./3.)+(ac/a**(1./3.)+dz/a/2.)*(z-zmin)**2
+c     *+dy/a/2.*(y-ymin)**2
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine smassi(theta)
+cc     initialization for smass.
+cc     calculates parameters for berger/jaffe mass formula
+cc     (prc35(1987)213 eq.2.31, see also c. dover, BNL-46322).
+cc     theta: parameter that determines all parameters in mass formula.
+c      common/cmass/thet,epsi,as,ac,dy,dz,ym,cz,zm,sigma,rzero
+c      thet=theta
+c      astr=.150
+c      pi=3.14159
+c      alp=1./137.
+c      co=cos(theta)
+c      si=sin(theta)
+c      bet=(1+co**3)/2.
+c      rzero=si/astr/(  2./3./pi*(1+co**3)  )**(1./3.)
+cctp060829      cs=astr/si
+c      cz=-astr/si*(  (  .5*(1+co**3)  )**(1./3.)-1  )
+c      sigma=6./8./pi*(astr/si)**3*(co**2/6.-si**2*(1-si)/3.-
+c     *1./3./pi*(pi/2.-theta-sin(2*theta)+si**3*alog((1+co)/si)))
+c      epsi=astr*((.5*(1+co**3))**(1./3.)+2)/si
+c      as=4*pi*sigma*rzero**2
+c      ac=3./5.*alp/rzero
+c      dz=astr/si*bet**(1./3.)*co**2*
+c     *(co**4*(1+bet**(2./3.))+(1+bet)**2)/
+c     *(  (2*co**2+bet**(1./3.))*(co**4*(1+bet**(2./3.))+(1+bet)**2)-
+c     *(co**4+bet**(1./3.)*(1+bet))*((2*bet**(2./3.)-1)*co**2+1+bet)  )
+c      dy=astr/6.*(1+co**3)**3/si*
+c     *(  1+(1+co)/(4*(1+co**3))**(2./3.)  )/
+c     *(co**6+co+co*(.5*(1+co**3))**(4./3.))
+c      zm=6*alp/(5*rzero)
+c      ym=(1-co**3)/(1+co**3)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine smassp
+cc     prints smass.
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      common/cmass/thet,epsi,as,ac,dy,dz,ym,cz,zm,sigma,rzero
+c      real eng(14),ymi(14),zmi(14)
+c      pi=3.14159
+c      write(ifch,*)'parameters of mass formula:'
+c      write(ifch,*)'theta=',thet,'   epsi=',epsi
+c      write(ifch,*)'as=',as,'   ac=',ac
+c      write(ifch,*)'dy=',dy,'   dz=',dz
+c      write(ifch,*)'ym=',ym
+c      write(ifch,*)'cz dz zm=',cz,dz,zm
+c      write(ifch,*)'sigma**1/3=',sigma**(1./3.),'   rzero=',rzero
+c      write(ifch,*)'mass:'
+c      write(ifch,5000)(j,j=1,14)
+c5000  format(5x,'a:',14i5)
+c      do 4 j=1,14
+c      a=j
+c      ymi(j)=ym*a
+c4     zmi(j)=cz/(dz/a+zm/a**(1./3.))
+c      write(ifch,5002)(ymi(j),j=1,14)
+c5002  format(1x,'ymin: ',14f5.2)
+c      write(ifch,5003)(zmi(j),j=1,14)
+c5003  format(1x,'zmin: ',14f5.2)
+c      do 2 i=1,15
+c      ns=11-i
+c      do 3 j=1,14
+c      a=j
+c      y=a-ns
+c      z=0.
+c3     eng(j)=smass(a,y,z)/a
+c      write(ifch,5001)ns,(eng(j),j=1,14)
+c5001  format(1x,'s=',i2,2x,14f5.2)
+c2     continue
+c      write(ifch,*)'mass-mass(free):'
+c      write(ifch,5000)(j,j=1,14)
+c      do 5 i=1,15
+c      ns=11-i
+c      do 6 j=1,14
+c      a=j
+c      y=a-ns
+c      z=0.
+c      call smassu(a,y,z,ku,kd,ks,kc)
+c6     eng(j)=(smass(a,y,z)-utamnu(ku,kd,ks,kc,0,0,3))/a
+c      write(ifch,5001)ns,(eng(j),j=1,14)
+c5     continue
+c      stop
+c      end
+c      subroutine smasst(kux,kdx,ksx,kcx,a,y,z)
+cc     input: kux,kdx,ksx,kcx = net quark numbers (for u,d,s,c quarks).
+cc     output: massnr a, hypercharge y and charge z.
+c      sg=1
+c      if(kux+kdx+ksx+kcx.lt.0.)sg=-1
+c      ku=sg*kux
+c      kd=sg*kdx
+c      ks=sg*ksx
+c      kc=sg*kcx
+c      k=ku+kd+ks+kc
+c      if(mod(k,3).ne.0)stop'noninteger baryon number'
+c      a=k/3
+c      y=a-ks
+c      nz=2*ku-kd-ks+2*kc
+c      if(mod(nz,3).ne.0)stop'noninteger charge'
+c      z=nz/3
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine smassu(ax,yx,zx,ku,kd,ks,kc)
+cc     input: massnr ax, hypercharge yx and charge zx.
+cc     output: ku,kd,ks,kc = net quark numbers (for u,d,s,c quarks).
+c      sg=1
+c      if(ax.lt.0.)sg=-1
+c      a=sg*ax
+c      y=sg*yx
+c      z=sg*zx
+c      ku=nint(a+z)
+c      kd=nint(a-z+y)
+c      ks=nint(a-y)
+c      kc=0
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function spoc(a,b,c,d,x)
+cc     power fctn with cutoff
+c      spoc=0
+c      if(a.eq.0..and.b.eq.0.)return
+c      spoc =a+b*x**c
+c      spoc0=a+b*d**c
+c      spoc=amin1(spoc,spoc0)
+c      spoc=amax1(0.,spoc)
+c      return
+c      end
+      function utacos(x)
+c     returns acos(x) for -1 <= x <= 1 , acos(+-1) else
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      argum=x
+      if(x.lt.-1.)then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('utacos')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  argum = ',argum,' set -1'
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      argum=-1.
+      elseif(x.gt.1.)then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('utacos')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  argum = ',argum,' set 1'
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      argum=1.
+      endif
+      utacos=acos(argum)
+      return
+      end
+      function utamnu(keux,kedx,kesx,kecx,kebx,ketx,modus)
+c     returns min mass of droplet with given u,d,s,c content
+c     keux: net u quark number
+c     kedx: net d quark number
+c     kesx: net s quark number
+c     kecx: net c quark number
+c     kebx: net b quark number
+c     ketx: net t quark number
+c     modus: 4=two lowest multiplets; 5=lowest multiplet
+      common/files/ifop,ifmt,ifch,ifcx,ifhi,ifdt,ifcp,ifdr
+      common/csjcga/amnull,asuha(7)
+      common/drop4/asuhax(7),asuhay(7)
+      if(modus.lt.4.or.modus.gt.5)stop'UTAMNU: not supported'
+c 1    format(' flavours:',6i5 )
+c 100  format(' flavours+mass:',6i5,f8.2 )
+c      write(ifch,1)keux,kedx,kesx,kecx,kebx,ketx
+      amnull=0.
+      do i=1,7
+      if(modus.eq.4)asuha(i)=asuhax(i)    !two lowest multiplets
+      if(modus.eq.5)asuha(i)=asuhay(i)    !lowest multiplet
+      enddo
+      ke=iabs(keux+kedx+kesx+kecx+kebx+ketx)
+      if(keux+kedx+kesx+kecx+kebx+ketx.ge.0)then
+      keu=keux
+      ked=kedx
+      kes=kesx
+      kec=kecx
+      keb=kebx
+      ket=ketx
+      else
+      keu=-keux
+      ked=-kedx
+      kes=-kesx
+      kec=-kecx
+      keb=-kebx
+      ket=-ketx
+      endif
+c      write(ifch,*)keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket
+c   removing top mesons  to remove t quarks or antiquarks
+      if(ket.ne.0)then
+12    continue
+      ii=sign(1,ket)
+      ket=ket-ii
+      if(ii*keu.le.ii*ked)then
+      keu=keu+ii
+      else
+      ked=ked+ii
+      endif
+      amnull=amnull+200.    ! ???????
+      if(ket.ne.0)goto12
+      endif
+c   removing bottom mesons  to remove b quarks or antiquarks
+      if(keb.ne.0)then
+11    continue
+      ii=sign(1,keb)
+      keb=keb-ii
+      if(ii*keu.le.ii*ked)then
+      keu=keu+ii
+      else
+      ked=ked+ii
+      endif
+      amnull=amnull+6. !5.28   ! (more than B-meson)
+      if(keb.ne.0)goto11
+      endif
+c   removing charm mesons  to remove c quarks or antiquarks
+      if(kec.ne.0)then
+10    continue
+      ii=sign(1,kec)
+      kec=kec-ii
+      if(keu*ii.le.ked*ii)then
+      keu=keu+ii
+      else
+      ked=ked+ii
+      endif
+      amnull=amnull+2.2 !1.87  ! (more than D-meson)
+      if(kec.ne.0)goto10
+      endif
+c      write(ifch,100)keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull
+c   removing mesons to remove s antiquarks
+5     continue
+      if(kes.lt.0)then
+      amnull=amnull+asuha(6)
+      if(keu.ge.ked)then
+      keu=keu-1
+      else
+      ked=ked-1
+      endif
+      kes=kes+1
+      goto5
+      endif
+c   removing mesons to remove d antiquarks
+6     continue
+      if(ked.lt.0)then
+      if(keu.ge.kes)then
+      amnull=amnull+asuha(5)
+      keu=keu-1
+      else
+      amnull=amnull+asuha(6)
+      kes=kes-1
+      endif
+      ked=ked+1
+      goto6
+      endif
+c   removing mesons to remove u antiquarks
+7     continue
+      if(keu.lt.0)then
+      if(ked.ge.kes)then
+      amnull=amnull+asuha(5)
+      ked=ked-1
+      else
+      amnull=amnull+asuha(6)
+      kes=kes-1
+      endif
+      keu=keu+1
+      goto7
+      endif
+c      write(ifch,100)keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull
+c      print*,keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull
+      if(keu+ked+kes+kec+keb+ket.ne.ke)
+     *call utstop('utamnu: sum_kei /= ke&')
+      keq=keu+ked
+      keqx=keq
+      amnux=0
+c   removing strange baryons
+      i=4
+2     i=i-1
+3     continue
+      if((4-i)*kes.gt.(i-1)*keq)then
+      amnux=amnux+asuha(1+i)
+      kes=kes-i
+      keq=keq-3+i
+      if(kes.lt.0)call utstop('utamnu: negative kes&')
+      if(keq.lt.0)call utstop('utamnu: negative keq&')
+      goto3
+      endif
+      if(i.gt.1)goto2
+      if(keqx.gt.keq)then
+      do 8 k=1,keqx-keq
+      if(keu.ge.ked)then
+      keu=keu-1
+      else
+      ked=ked-1
+      endif
+8     continue
+      endif
+      if(keu+ked.ne.keq)call utstop('utamnu: keu+ked /= keq&')
+c      write(ifch,100)keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull+amnux
+c      print*,keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull+amnux
+c   removing nonstrange baryons
+9     continue
+      if(keu.gt.2*ked)then
+      amnux=amnux+asuha(7)
+      keu=keu-3
+      if(keu.lt.0)call utstop('utamnu: negative keu&')
+      goto9
+      endif
+      if(ked.gt.2*keu)then
+      amnux=amnux+asuha(7)
+      ked=ked-3
+      if(ked.lt.0)call utstop('utamnu: negative ked&')
+      goto9
+      endif
+      keq=keu+ked
+c      write(ifch,100)keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull+amnux
+c      print*,keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull+amnux
+      if(mod(keq,3).ne.0)call utstop('utamnu: mod(keq,3) /= 0&')
+      amnux=amnux+asuha(1)*keq/3
+c      write(ifch,100)keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull+amnux
+c      print*,keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,amnull+amnux
+      amnull=amnull+amnux
+      if(amnull.eq.0)amnull=asuha(5)
+      utamnu=amnull
+      return
+      end
+      function utamnx(jcp,jcm)
+c returns minimum mass for the decay of jcp---jcm (by calling utamnu).
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jcp(nflav,2),jcm(nflav,2)
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      if(jcp(i,j).ne.0)goto1
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      keu=jcm(1,1)-jcm(1,2)
+      ked=jcm(2,1)-jcm(2,2)
+      kes=jcm(3,1)-jcm(3,2)
+      kec=jcm(4,1)-jcm(4,2)
+      keb=jcm(5,1)-jcm(5,2)
+      ket=jcm(6,1)-jcm(6,2)
+      utamnx=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      return
+1     continue
+      do i=1,nflav
+      do j=1,2
+      if(jcm(i,j).ne.0)goto2
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      keu=jcp(1,1)-jcp(1,2)
+      ked=jcp(2,1)-jcp(2,2)
+      kes=jcp(3,1)-jcp(3,2)
+      kec=jcp(4,1)-jcp(4,2)
+      keb=jcp(5,1)-jcp(5,2)
+      ket=jcp(6,1)-jcp(6,2)
+      utamnx=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      return
+2     continue
+      keu=jcp(1,1)-jcp(1,2)
+      ked=jcp(2,1)-jcp(2,2)
+      kes=jcp(3,1)-jcp(3,2)
+      kec=jcp(4,1)-jcp(4,2)
+      keb=jcp(5,1)-jcp(5,2)
+      ket=jcp(6,1)-jcp(6,2)
+      ke=keu+ked+kes+kec+keb+ket
+      if(mod(ke+1,3).eq.0)then
+        keu=keu+1
+        amms1=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+        keu=keu-1
+        ked=ked+1
+        amms2=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      elseif(mod(ke-1,3).eq.0)then
+        keu=keu-1
+        amms1=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+        keu=keu+1
+        ked=ked-1
+        amms2=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      else
+        amms1=0
+        amms2=0
+        amms3=0
+        amms4=0
+        call utstop('utamnx: no singlet possible (1)&')
+      endif
+      keu=jcm(1,1)-jcm(1,2)
+      ked=jcm(2,1)-jcm(2,2)
+      kes=jcm(3,1)-jcm(3,2)
+      kec=jcm(4,1)-jcm(4,2)
+      keb=jcm(5,1)-jcm(5,2)
+      ket=jcm(6,1)-jcm(6,2)
+      ke=keu+ked+kes+kec+keb+ket
+      if(mod(ke+1,3).eq.0)then
+        keu=keu+1
+        amms3=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+        keu=keu-1
+        ked=ked+1
+        amms4=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      elseif(mod(ke-1,3).eq.0)then
+        keu=keu-1
+        amms3=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+        keu=keu+1
+        ked=ked-1
+        amms4=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+      else
+        call utstop('utamnx: no singlet possible (2)&')
+      endif
+      utamnx=min(amms1+amms3,amms2+amms4)
+c       print *,amms1,amms3,amms2,amms4,jcp,jcm
+      return
+      end
+c      function utamny(jcp,jcm)
+cc returns minimum mass of jcp+jcm (by calling utamnu).
+c      parameter (nflav=6)
+c      integer jcp(nflav,2),jcm(nflav,2),jc(nflav,2)
+c      do 7 nf=1,nflav
+c      jc(nf,1)=jcp(nf,1)+jcm(nf,1)
+c7     jc(nf,2)=jcp(nf,2)+jcm(nf,2)
+c      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+c      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+c      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+c      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+c      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+c      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+c      utamny=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)
+c      return
+c      end
+      function utamnz(jc,modus)
+c returns minimum mass of jc (by calling utamnu).
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)
+      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+      utamnz=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,modus)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utar(i1,i2,i3,x0,x1,x2,x3,xx)
+c     returns the array xx with xx(1)=x0 <= xx(i) <= xx(i3)=x3
+      real xx(i3)
+      do 1 i=1,i1-1
+  1   xx(i)=x0+(i-1.)/(i1-1.)*(x1-x0)
+      do 2 i=i1,i2-1
+  2   xx(i)=x1+(i-i1*1.)/(i2-i1*1.)*(x2-x1)
+      do 3 i=i2,i3
+  3   xx(i)=x2+(i-i2*1.)/(i3-i2*1.)*(x3-x2)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine utaxis(i,j,a1,a2,a3)
+cc     calculates the axis defined by the ptls i,j in the i,j cm system
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      double precision pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5
+c     *,err,a
+c      a1=0
+c      a2=0
+c      a3=1
+c      pi1=dble(pptl(1,i))
+c      pi2=dble(pptl(2,i))
+c      pi3=dble(pptl(3,i))
+c      pi4=dble(pptl(4,i))
+c      pj1=dble(pptl(1,j))
+c      pj2=dble(pptl(2,j))
+c      pj3=dble(pptl(3,j))
+c      pj4=dble(pptl(4,j))
+c      p1=pi1+pj1
+c      p2=pi2+pj2
+c      p3=pi3+pj3
+c      p4=pi4+pj4
+c      p5=dsqrt(p4**2-p3**2-p2**2-p1**2)
+c      call utlob2(1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,50)
+c      call utlob2(1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,51)
+c           err=(pi1+pj1)**2+(pi2+pj2)**2+(pi3+pj3)**2
+c           if(err.gt.1d-3)then
+c      call utmsg('utaxis')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  err=',err
+c      write(ifch,*)'pi:',pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4
+c      write(ifch,*)'pj:',pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4
+c      call utmsgf
+c           endif
+c      a=dsqrt( (pj1-pi1)**2 + (pj2-pi2)**2 + (pj3-pi3)**2 )
+c      if(a.eq.0.d0)return
+c      a1=sngl((pi1-pj1)/a)
+c      a2=sngl((pi2-pj2)/a)
+c      a3=sngl((pi3-pj3)/a)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine uthalf(i,j,zz1,zz2,iret)
+cc     give equal energy (E_i+E_j)/2 to particle i+j in their cm system
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      double precision pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,pi5,pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,pj5
+c     *,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,err,pt,pti,sinp,cosp,pmax,phi,drangen!,rrr
+c      iret=0
+c      pi1=dble(pptl(1,i))
+c      pi2=dble(pptl(2,i))
+c      pi3=dble(pptl(3,i))
+c      pi5=dble(pptl(5,i))
+c      pi4=sqrt(pi1**2+pi2**2+pi3**2+pi5**2)
+c      pj1=dble(pptl(1,j))
+c      pj2=dble(pptl(2,j))
+c      pj3=dble(pptl(3,j))
+c      pj5=dble(pptl(5,j))
+c      pj4=sqrt(pj1**2+pj2**2+pj3**2+pj5**2)
+c      if(ish.ge.6)then
+c        write(ifch,*)'uthalf for ',i,' and ',j
+c        write(ifch,*)'in ',idptl(i),pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,pi5
+c        write(ifch,*)'<> ',idptl(j),pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,pj5
+c      endif
+c      p1=pi1+pj1
+c      p2=pi2+pj2
+c      p3=pi3+pj3
+c      p4=pi4+pj4
+c      p5=(p4-p3)*(p4+p3)-p2**2-p1**2
+c      if(p5.lt.0d0.or.(pi3.lt.0.99d0*pj3.and.mod(ityptl(j)/10,10).eq.4)
+c     &       .or.(pi3.gt.0.99d0*pj3.and.mod(ityptl(j)/10,10).eq.5))then
+cc      if(p5.lt.0d0)then
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'Inversion not possible (1)',p5,pi3,pj3
+c        iret=1
+c        return
+c      else
+c        p5=sqrt(p5)
+c      endif
+c      call utlob2(1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,50)
+c      call utlob2(1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,51)
+c           err=(pi1+pj1)**2+(pi2+pj2)**2+(pi3+pj3)**2
+c           if(err.gt.1d-3)then
+c      call utmsg('uthalf')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  err=',err
+c      write(ifch,*)'pi:',pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4
+c      write(ifch,*)'pj:',pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4
+c      call utmsgf
+c           endif
+c      if(ish.ge.8)then
+c        write(ifch,*)'pi 1:',pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,pi5
+c     &       ,sqrt(pi1**2+pi2**2+pi3**2+pi5**2)
+c        write(ifch,*)'pj 1:',pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,pj5
+c     &       ,sqrt(pj1**2+pj2**2+pj3**2+pj5**2)
+c      endif
+c      phi=drangen(p5)*2d0*dble(pi)
+c      pti=sqrt(pi1*pi1+pi2*pi2)
+cc      sinp=abs(asin(pi2/pti))
+c      cosp=cos(phi)
+c      sinp=sin(phi)
+cc      cosp=pi1/pti
+cc      sinp=pi2/pti
+c      pini=abs(pi3)
+c      pmax=pini
+c      ntry=0
+c 10   ntry=ntry+1
+c      pi1=-pj1
+c      pi2=-pj2
+c      pi3=-pj3
+cc      rrr=dble(ranptcut(4.))*max(0.1d0,dble(zz))+0.01d0
+cc      rrr=dble(ranptcut(zz*max(1.,float(ntry/10)**3)))        !flip if pt too large
+cc      rrr=dble(min(1.,ranptcut(zz/float(max(1,ntry/10)))))        !return if pt too large
+c      rrr=rangen()
+c      phi=dble(pi*zz1*(1.-rrr*zz2/float(max(1,ntry/10))))
+c      call utroa2(phi,cosp,sinp,0d0,pi1,pi2,pi3)    !rotation around an axis perpendicular to p3
+c      pt=pi1*pi1+pi2*pi2
+ccc      pi3=pini*(1d0-(pmax/pini+1d0)*min(1d0,rrr))
+ccc     &   *sign(1.d0,pi3)
+cc      pi3=pini*(1d0-(pmax/pini+1d0)*(1d0-min(1d0,rrr)))
+cc     &   *sign(1.d0,pi3)
+cccc      pi3=(1d0-exp(-drangen(pti)))*pi3
+cccc      pi3=min(1d0,(drangen()+exp(-min(100d0,dble(zz)))))*pi3
+cccc      pi3=(dble(reminv)+exp(-min(100d0,dble(zz))))*pi3
+cc      pt=((pi4+pi3)*(pi4-pi3)-pi5*pi5)
+c      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,*)'ut',ntry,zz,rrr,-pi3/pj3,pt,pti*pti
+c     &,idptl(i),idptl(j)
+c      if((pt.lt.0d0.or.pt.gt.max(2.*pti*pti,1.d0))
+cc      if(pt.lt.0d0
+c     &                               .and.ntry.lt.1000)then
+c        goto 10
+c      elseif(ntry.ge.1000)then
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'Inversion not possible (2)',pt,pti*pti
+c        iret=1
+c        return         !pion distribution fall at xf=1
+cc        pi3=pj3       !if flip all particle with large pt
+cc        pt=pti*pti    !then very very hard pi+ spectra (flat at xf=1 like in pp400 !)
+c                       !but to hard for K, rho, eta, etc ..
+c      endif
+cc      print *,'ut',ntry,phi/(pi-sinp),zz,rrr,-pi3/pj3,pt/pti/pti
+cc      pt=sqrt(pt)
+cc      pi1=cosp*pt
+cc      pi2=sinp*pt
+c      pj1=-pi1
+c      pj2=-pi2
+c      pj3=-pi3
+cc      pi4=sqrt(pi3*pi3+pt*pt+pi5*pi5)
+cc      pj4=sqrt(pj3*pj3+pt*pt+pj5*pj5)
+c      pi4=sqrt(pi3*pi3+pt+pi5*pi5)
+c      pj4=sqrt(pj3*pj3+pt+pj5*pj5)
+c      if(ish.ge.8)then
+c        write(ifch,*)'pi 2:',pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,pi5
+c     &       ,sqrt(pi1**2+pi2**2+pi3**2+pi5**2)
+c        write(ifch,*)'pj 2:',pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,pj5
+c     &       ,sqrt(pj1**2+pj2**2+pj3**2+pj5**2)
+c      endif
+c      call utlob2(-1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4,-50)
+c      call utlob2(-1,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4,-51)
+c      if(pi3/dble(pptl(3,i)).gt.1.00001d0
+c     &.or.(pi3.gt.1.001d0*pj3.and.mod(ityptl(j)/10,10).eq.4)
+c     &.or.(pi3.lt.1.001d0*pj3.and.mod(ityptl(j)/10,10).eq.5))then
+c        if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'Inversion not possible (3)',pi3,pj3
+c        iret=1
+c        return
+c      endif
+c      id=idptl(i)
+c      pptl(1,i)=sngl(pi1)
+c      pptl(2,i)=sngl(pi2)
+c      pptl(3,i)=sngl(pi3)
+c      pptl(4,i)=sngl(pi4)
+c      pptl(5,i)=sngl(pi5)
+cc      pptl(5,i)=sngl(pj5)
+cc      idptl(i)=idptl(j)
+c      pptl(1,j)=sngl(pj1)
+c      pptl(2,j)=sngl(pj2)
+c      pptl(3,j)=sngl(pj3)
+c      pptl(4,j)=sngl(pj4)
+c      pptl(5,j)=sngl(pj5)
+cc      pptl(5,j)=sngl(pi5)
+cc      idptl(j)=id
+c      if(ish.ge.6)then
+c        write(ifch,*)'out ',idptl(i),pi1,pi2,pi3,pi4
+c        write(ifch,*)' <> ',idptl(j),pj1,pj2,pj3,pj4
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine utchm(arp,arm,ii)
+cc     checks whether arp**2=0 and arm**2=0.
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      double precision arp(4),arm(4),difp,difm
+c      difp=arp(4)**2-arp(1)**2-arp(2)**2-arp(3)**2
+c      difm=arm(4)**2-arm(1)**2-arm(2)**2-arm(3)**2
+c      if(dabs(difp).gt.1e-3*arp(4)**2
+c     *.or.dabs(difm).gt.1e-3*arm(4)**2)then
+c      call utmsg('utchm ')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  mass non zero  -  ',ii
+c      write(ifch,*)'jet-mass**2`s:    ',difp,difm
+c      write(ifch,*)'energy**2`s:      ',arp(4)**2,arm(4)**2
+c      write(ifch,*)(sngl(arp(i)),i=1,4)
+c      write(ifch,*)(sngl(arm(i)),i=1,4)
+c      call utmsgf
+c      endif
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine utclea(nptlii,nptl0)
+c     starting from nptlii
+c     overwrites istptl=99 particles in /cptl/, reduces so nptl
+c     and update minfra and maxfra
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer newptl(mxptl)!,oldptl(mxptl),ii(mxptl)
+      ish0=ish
+      if(ishsub/100.eq.18)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
+      call utpri('utclea',ish,ishini,2)
+      nptli=max(maproj+matarg+1,nptlii)
+      minfra0=minfra
+      maxfra0=maxfra
+      minfra1=maxfra
+      maxfra1=minfra
+      if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'entering subr utclea:',nptl
+     &                                                ,minfra,maxfra
+      if(ish.ge.7)then
+      write(ifch,*)('-',l=1,68)
+      write(ifch,*)'sr utclea. initial.'
+      write(ifch,*)('-',l=1,68)
+      do 34 n=nptli,nptl
+      write(ifch,116)iorptl(n),jorptl(n),n,ifrptl(1,n),ifrptl(2,n)
+     *,idptl(n),sqrt(pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2),pptl(3,n),pptl(5,n)
+     *,istptl(n),ityptl(n)
+34    continue
+116   format(1x,i6,i6,4x,i6,4x,i6,i6,i12,3x,3(e8.2,1x),i3,i3)
+      endif
+c      ish=ish0
+c      ish0=ish
+c      if(ishsub/100.eq.18)ish=mod(ishsub,100)
+      i=nptli-1
+1     i=i+1
+      if(i.gt.nptl)goto 1000
+      if(istptl(i).eq.99)goto 2
+      newptl(i)=i
+c      oldptl(i)=i
+      goto 1
+2     i=i-1
+      j=i
+3     i=i+1
+4     j=j+1
+      if(j.gt.nptl)goto 5
+      newptl(j)=0
+      if(istptl(j).eq.99)goto 4
+      newptl(j)=i
+c      oldptl(i)=j
+c      write(ifch,*)'move',j,' to ',i
+c       write(ifch,*)idptl(i),ityptl(i),idptl(j),ityptl(j),minfra,maxfra
+      call utrepl(i,j)
+      if(j.ge.minfra0.and.j.le.maxfra0)then
+        minfra1=min(minfra1,i)
+        maxfra1=max(maxfra1,i)
+      endif
+      goto 3
+5     nptl=i-1
+      if(nptl.eq.0)then
+        nptl0=0
+        goto 1000
+      endif
+20    n0=newptl(nptl0)
+      if(n0.gt.0)then
+      nptl0=n0
+      else
+      nptl0=nptl0-1
+      if(nptl0.gt.0)goto 20
+      endif
+c      do 11 k=1,nptl
+c      io=iorptl(k)
+c      if(io.le.0)ii(k)=io
+c      if(io.gt.0)ii(k)=newptl(io)
+c11    continue
+c      do 12 k=1,nptl
+c12    iorptl(k)=ii(k)
+c      do 13 k=1,nptl
+c      jo=jorptl(k)
+c      if(jo.le.0)ii(k)=jo
+c      if(jo.gt.0)ii(k)=newptl(jo)
+c13    continue
+c      do 14 k=1,nptl
+c14    jorptl(k)=ii(k)
+c      do 15 k=1,nptl
+c      if1=ifrptl(1,k)
+c      if(if1.le.0)ii(k)=if1
+c      if(if1.gt.0)ii(k)=newptl(if1)
+c15    continue
+c      do 16 k=1,nptl
+c16    ifrptl(1,k)=ii(k)
+c      do 17 k=1,nptl
+c      if2=ifrptl(2,k)
+c      if(if2.le.0)ii(k)=if2
+c      if(if2.gt.0)ii(k)=newptl(if2)
+c17    continue
+c      do 18 k=1,nptl
+c18    ifrptl(2,k)=ii(k)
+c      do 19 k=1,nptl
+c      if(ifrptl(1,k).eq.0.and.ifrptl(2,k).gt.0)ifrptl(1,k)=ifrptl(2,k)
+c      if(ifrptl(2,k).eq.0.and.ifrptl(1,k).gt.0)ifrptl(2,k)=ifrptl(1,k)
+c19    continue
+1000  continue
+      if(minfra1.lt.minfra0)minfra=minfra1
+      if(maxfra1.ge.minfra1)maxfra=maxfra1
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+      write(ifch,*)'exiting subr utclea:'
+      do 35 n=1,nptl
+      write(ifch,116)iorptl(n),jorptl(n),n,ifrptl(1,n),ifrptl(2,n)
+     *,idptl(n),sqrt(pptl(1,n)**2+pptl(2,n)**2),pptl(3,n),pptl(5,n)
+     *,istptl(n),ityptl(n)
+35    continue
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.2)write(ifch,*)'exiting subr utclea:',nptl
+     &                                                ,minfra,maxfra
+      call utprix('utclea',ish,ishini,2)
+      ish=ish0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utfit(x,y,ndata,sig,mwt,a,b,siga,sigb,chi2,q)
+c linear fit to data
+c input:
+c    ndata: nr of data points
+c    x(),y(),sig(): data
+c    mwt: unweighted (0) or weighted (else) data points
+c output:
+c    a,b: parameters of linear fit a+b*x
+      INTEGER mwt,ndata
+      REAL a,b,chi2,q,siga,sigb,sig(ndata),x(ndata),y(ndata)
+CU    USES utgmq
+      INTEGER i
+      REAL sigdat,ss,st2,sx,sxoss,sy,t,wt,utgmq
+      sx=0.
+      sy=0.
+      st2=0.
+      b=0.
+      if(mwt.ne.0) then
+        ss=0.
+        do 11 i=1,ndata
+          wt=1./(sig(i)**2)
+          ss=ss+wt
+          sx=sx+x(i)*wt
+          sy=sy+y(i)*wt
+11      continue
+      else
+        do 12 i=1,ndata
+          sx=sx+x(i)
+          sy=sy+y(i)
+12      continue
+        ss=float(ndata)
+      endif
+      sxoss=sx/ss
+      if(mwt.ne.0) then
+        do 13 i=1,ndata
+          t=(x(i)-sxoss)/sig(i)
+          st2=st2+t*t
+          b=b+t*y(i)/sig(i)
+13      continue
+      else
+        do 14 i=1,ndata
+          t=x(i)-sxoss
+          st2=st2+t*t
+          b=b+t*y(i)
+14      continue
+      endif
+      b=b/st2
+      a=(sy-sx*b)/ss
+      siga=sqrt((1.+sx*sx/(ss*st2))/ss)
+      sigb=sqrt(1./st2)
+      chi2=0.
+      if(mwt.eq.0) then
+        do 15 i=1,ndata
+          chi2=chi2+(y(i)-a-b*x(i))**2
+15      continue
+        q=1.
+        sigdat=sqrt(chi2/(ndata-2))
+        siga=siga*sigdat
+        sigb=sigb*sigdat
+      else
+        do 16 i=1,ndata
+          chi2=chi2+((y(i)-a-b*x(i))/sig(i))**2
+16      continue
+        q=utgmq(0.5*(ndata-2),0.5*chi2)
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      function utgam1(x)
+c  gamma fctn tabulated
+c  single precision
+      double precision utgamtab,utgam,al,dl
+      common/gamtab/utgamtab(10000)
+      if(x.gt.0.01.and.x.lt.99.99)then
+        al=100.d0*dble(x)
+        k1=int(al)
+        k2=k1+1
+        dl =al-dble(k1)
+        utgam1=real(utgamtab(k2)*dl+utgamtab(k1)*(1.d0-dl))
+      elseif(x.eq.0.)then
+        utgam1=0.
+      else
+        utgam1=real(utgam(dble(x)))
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function utgam2(x)
+c  gamma fctn tabulated
+c  double precision
+      double precision utgamtab,x,al,dl,utgam
+      common/gamtab/utgamtab(10000)
+      if(x.gt.0.01d0.and.x.le.99.99d0)then
+        al=100.d0*x
+        k1=int(al)
+        k2=k1+1
+        dl =al-dble(k1)
+        utgam2=utgamtab(k2)*dl+utgamtab(k1)*(1.d0-dl)
+      elseif(x.eq.0.d0)then
+        utgam2=0.d0
+      else
+        utgam2=utgam(x)
+      endif
+      end
+      double precision function utgam(x)
+c  gamma fctn
+c  double precision
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision c(13),x,z,f
+      data c
+     1/ 0.00053 96989 58808, 0.00261 93072 82746, 0.02044 96308 23590,
+     2  0.07309 48364 14370, 0.27964 36915 78538, 0.55338 76923 85769,
+     3  0.99999 99999 99998,-0.00083 27247 08684, 0.00469 86580 79622,
+     4  0.02252 38347 47260,-0.17044 79328 74746,-0.05681 03350 86194,
+     5  1.13060 33572 86556/
+      utgam=0d0
+      z=x
+      if(x .gt. 170.d0) goto6
+      if(x .gt. 0.0d0) goto1
+      if(x .eq. int(x)) goto5
+      z=1.0d0-z
+    1 f=1.0d0/z
+      if(z .le. 1.0d0) goto4
+      f=1.0d0
+    2 continue
+      if(z .lt. 2.0d0) goto3
+      z=z-1.0d0
+      f=f*z
+      goto2
+    3 z=z-1.0d0
+    4 utgam=
+     1 f*((((((c(1)*z+c(2))*z+c(3))*z+c(4))*z+c(5))*z+c(6))*z+c(7))/
+     2 ((((((c(8)*z+c(9))*z+c(10))*z+c(11))*z+c(12))*z+c(13))*z+1.0d0)
+      if(x .gt. 0.0d0) return
+      utgam=3.141592653589793d0/(sin(3.141592653589793d0*x)*utgam)
+      return
+    5 write(ifch,10)sngl(x)
+   10 format(1x,'argument of gamma fctn = ',e20.5)
+      call utstop('utgam : negative integer argument&')
+    6 write(ifch,11)sngl(x)
+   11 format(1x,'argument of gamma fctn = ',e20.5)
+      call utstop('utgam : argument too large&')
+      end
+      subroutine utgcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
+      REAL a,gammcf,gln,x,EPS,FPMIN
+      PARAMETER (ITMAX=100,EPS=3.e-7,FPMIN=1.e-30)
+CU    USES utgmln
+      INTEGER i
+      REAL an,b,c,d,del,h,utgmln
+      gln=utgmln(a)
+      b=x+1.-a
+      c=1./FPMIN
+      d=1./b
+      h=d
+      do 11 i=1,ITMAX
+        an=-i*(i-a)
+        b=b+2.
+        d=an*d+b
+        if(abs(d).lt.FPMIN)d=FPMIN
+        c=b+an/c
+        if(abs(c).lt.FPMIN)c=FPMIN
+        d=1./d
+        del=d*c
+        h=h*del
+        if(abs(del-1.).lt.EPS)goto 1
+11    continue
+      call utstop("a too large, ITMAX too small in utgcf&")
+1     gammcf=exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)*h
+      return
+      END
+      function utgmln(xx)
+      REAL utgmln,xx
+      INTEGER j
+      DOUBLE PRECISION ser,stp,tmp,x,y,cof(6)
+      SAVE cof,stp
+      DATA cof,stp/76.18009172947146d0,-86.50532032941677d0,
+     *24.01409824083091d0,-1.231739572450155d0,.1208650973866179d-2,
+     *-.5395239384953d-5,2.5066282746310005d0/
+      x=xx
+      y=x
+      tmp=x+5.5d0
+      tmp=(x+0.5d0)*log(tmp)-tmp
+      ser=1.000000000190015d0
+      do 11 j=1,6
+        y=y+1.d0
+        ser=ser+cof(j)/y
+11    continue
+      utgmln=tmp+log(stp*ser/x)
+      return
+      END
+      function utgmq(a,x)
+      REAL a,utgmq,x
+CU    USES utgcf,utgser
+      REAL gammcf,gamser,gln
+      if(x.lt.0..or.a.le.0.) call utstop("bad arguments in utgmq&")
+      if(x.lt.a+1.)then
+        call utgser(gamser,a,x,gln)
+        utgmq=1.-gamser
+      else
+        call utgcf(gammcf,a,x,gln)
+        utgmq=gammcf
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+      subroutine utgser(gamser,a,x,gln)
+      REAL a,gamser,gln,x,EPS
+      PARAMETER (ITMAX=100,EPS=3.e-7)
+CU    USES utgmln
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL ap,del,sum,utgmln
+      gln=utgmln(a)
+      if(x.le.0.)then
+        if(x.lt.0.)call utstop("x < 0 in utgser&")
+        gamser=0.
+        return
+      endif
+      ap=a
+      sum=1./a
+      del=sum
+      do 11 n=1,ITMAX
+        ap=ap+1.
+        del=del*x/ap
+        sum=sum+del
+        if(abs(del).lt.abs(sum)*EPS)goto 1
+11    continue
+      call utstop("a too large, ITMAX too small in utgser&")
+1     gamser=sum*exp(-x+a*log(x)-gln)
+      return
+      END
+      subroutine uticpl(ic,ifla,iqaq,iret)
+c  adds a quark (iqaq=1) or antiquark (iqaq=2) of flavour ifla
+c  to 2-id ic
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),ic(2)
+      iret=0
+      if(ifla.eq.0)return
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,'(2i8,12i3)')ic,jc
+      jqaq=3-iqaq
+      if(jc(ifla,jqaq).gt.0)then
+      jc(ifla,jqaq)=jc(ifla,jqaq)-1
+      else
+      jc(ifla,iqaq)=jc(ifla,iqaq)+1
+      endif
+      call idcomj(jc)
+      call idenco(jc,ic,ireten)
+      if(ish.ge.8)write(ifch,'(2i8,12i3)')ic,jc
+      if(ireten.eq.1)iret=1
+      if(ic(1).eq.0.and.ic(2).eq.0.and.ireten.eq.0)then
+      ic(1)=100000
+      ic(2)=100000
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine utindx(n,xar,x,i)
+cc  input:  dimension n
+cc          array xar(n) with xar(i) > xar(i-1)
+cc          some number x between xar(1) and xar(n)
+cc  output: the index i such that x is between xar(i)  and xar(i+1)
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      real xar(n)
+c           if(x.lt.xar(1))then
+c      if(ish.ge.5)then
+c      call utmsg('utindx')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  x=',x,' < xar(1)=',xar(1)
+c      call utmsgf
+c      endif
+c      i=1
+c      return
+c           elseif(x.gt.xar(n))then
+c      if(ish.ge.5)then
+c      call utmsg('utindx')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  x=',x,' > xar(n)=',xar(n)
+c      call utmsgf
+c      endif
+c      i=n
+c      return
+c           endif
+c      lu=1
+c      lo=n
+c1     lz=(lo+lu)/2
+c      if((xar(lu).le.x).and.(x.le.xar(lz)))then
+c      lo=lz
+c      elseif((xar(lz).lt.x).and.(x.le.xar(lo)))then
+c      lu=lz
+c      else
+c      call utstop('utindx: no interval found&')
+c      endif
+c      if((lo-lu).ge.2) goto1
+c      if(lo.le.lu)call utstop('utinvt: lo.le.lu&')
+c      i=lu
+c      return
+c      end
+      function utinvt(n,x,q,y)
+c     returns x with y=q(x)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      real x(n),q(n)
+      if(q(n).eq.0.)call utstop('utinvt: q(n)=0&')
+           if(y.lt.0.)then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('utinvt')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  y=',y,' < 0'
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      y=0.
+           elseif(y.gt.q(n))then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('utinvt')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  y=',y,' > ',q(n)
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      y=q(n)
+           endif
+      lu=1
+      lo=n
+1     lz=(lo+lu)/2
+      if((q(lu).le.y).and.(y.le.q(lz)))then
+      lo=lz
+      elseif((q(lz).lt.y).and.(y.le.q(lo)))then
+      lu=lz
+      else
+      write(ifch,*)'q(1),y,q(n):',q(1),y,q(n)
+      write(ifch,*)'lu,lz,lo:',lu,lz,lo
+      write(ifch,*)'q(lu),q(lz),q(lo):',q(lu),q(lz),q(lo)
+      call utstop('utinvt: no interval found&')
+      endif
+      if((lo-lu).ge.2) goto1
+      if(lo.le.lu)call utstop('utinvt: lo.le.lu&')
+      utinvt=x(lu)+(y-q(lu))*(x(lo)-x(lu))/(q(lo)-q(lu))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utlob2(isig,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,x1,x2,x3,x4,idi)
+c  performs a lorentz boost, double prec.
+c  isig=+1 is to boost the four vector x1,x2,x3,x4 such as to obtain it
+c  in the frame specified by the 5-vector p1...p5 (5-vector=4-vector+mass).
+c  isig=-1: the other way round, that means,
+c  if the 4-vector x1...x4 is given in some frame characterized by
+c  p1...p5 with respect to to some lab-frame, utlob2 returns the 4-vector
+c  x1...x4  in the lab frame.
+c  idi is a call identifyer (integer) to identify the call in case of problem
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision beta(4),z(4),p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,pp,bp,x1,x2,x3,x4
+     *,xx0,x10,x20,x30,x40,x4x,x0123
+           if(ish.ge.2)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+      write(ifch,101)x1,x2,x3,x4,(x4-x3)*(x4+x3)-x2*x2-x1*x1
+      write(ifch,301)p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,(p4-p3)*(p4+p3)-p2*p2-p1*p1
+101   format(' utlob2: x =  ',5e13.5)
+301   format('         p =  ',6e13.5)
+      endif
+      pp=(p4-p3)*(p4+p3)-p2*p2-p1*p1
+      if(dabs(pp-p5*p5).gt.1e-3*p4*p4.and.dabs(pp-p5*p5).gt.1e-3)then
+      call utmsg('utlob2')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  p**2 .ne. p5**2'
+      write(ifch,*)'call identifyer:',idi
+      write(ifch,*)'p**2,p5**2: ',pp,p5*p5
+      write(ifch,*)'p: ',p1,p2,p3,p4,p5
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      x10=x1
+      x20=x2
+      x30=x3
+      x40=x4
+           endif
+      xx0=(x4-x3)*(x4+x3)-x2*x2-x1*x1
+      if(p5.le.0.)then
+      call utmsg('utlob2')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  p5 negative.'
+      write(ifch,*)'call identifyer:',idi
+      write(ifch,*)'p(5): ',p1,p2,p3,p4,p5
+      write(ifmt,*)'call identifyer:',idi
+      write(ifmt,*)'p(5): ',p1,p2,p3,p4,p5
+      call utmsgf
+      call utstop('utlob2: p5 negative.&')
+      endif
+      z(1)=x1
+      z(2)=x2
+      z(3)=x3
+      z(4)=x4
+      beta(1)=-p1/p5
+      beta(2)=-p2/p5
+      beta(3)=-p3/p5
+      beta(4)= p4/p5
+      bp=0.
+      do 220 k=1,3
+220   bp=bp+z(k)*isig*beta(k)
+      do 230 k=1,3
+230   z(k)=z(k)+isig*beta(k)*z(4)
+     *+isig*beta(k)*bp/(beta(4)+1.)
+      z(4)=beta(4)*z(4)+bp
+      x1=z(1)
+      x2=z(2)
+      x3=z(3)
+      x4=z(4)
+      if(ish.ge.9)
+     *write(ifch,101)x1,x2,x3,x4,(x4-x3)*(x4+x3)-x2*x2-x1*x1
+      x4x=x4
+      x0123=xx0+x1*x1+x2*x2+x3*x3
+      if(x0123.gt.0.)then
+      x4=sign( dsqrt(x0123) , x4x )
+      else
+      x4=0
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+      write(ifch,101)x1,x2,x3,x4,(x4-x3)*(x4+x3)-x2*x2-x1*x1
+      endif
+           if(ish.ge.2)then
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'check x**2_ini -- x**2_fin'
+      if(dabs(x4-x4x).gt.1d-2*dabs(x4).and.dabs(x4-x4x).gt.1d-2)then
+      call utmsg('utlob2')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  x**2_ini .ne. x**2_fin.'
+      write(ifch,*)'call identifyer:',idi
+      write(ifch,*)'x1 x2 x3 x4 x**2 (initial/final/corrected):'
+102   format(5e13.5)
+      write(ifch,102)x10,x20,x30,x40,(x40-x30)*(x40+x30)-x20*x20-x10*x10
+      write(ifch,102)x1,x2,x3,x4x,(x4x-x3)*(x4x+x3)-x2*x2-x1*x1
+      write(ifch,102)x1,x2,x3,x4,(x4-x3)*(x4+x3)-x2*x2-x1*x1
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+           endif
+      if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'return from utlob2'
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utlob3(isig,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,x1,x2,x3,x4)
+c  performs a lorentz boost, double prec.
+c  but arguments are single precision
+      double precision xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4
+      xx1=dble(x1)
+      xx2=dble(x2)
+      xx3=dble(x3)
+      xx4=dble(x4)
+      call utlob2(isig
+     *,dble(p1),dble(p2),dble(p3),dble(p4),dble(p5)
+     *,xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,52)
+      x1=sngl(xx1)
+      x2=sngl(xx2)
+      x3=sngl(xx3)
+      x4=sngl(xx4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utlob5(yboost,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
+      amt=sqrt(x5**2+x1**2+x2**2)
+      y=sign(1.,x3)*alog((x4+abs(x3))/amt)
+      y=y-yboost
+      x4=amt*cosh(y)
+      x3=amt*sinh(y)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utlob4(isig,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5,x1,x2,x3,x4)
+c  performs a lorentz boost, double prec.
+c  but arguments are partly single precision
+      double precision xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5
+      xx1=dble(x1)
+      xx2=dble(x2)
+      xx3=dble(x3)
+      xx4=dble(x4)
+      call utlob2(isig,pp1,pp2,pp3,pp4,pp5,xx1,xx2,xx3,xx4,53)
+      x1=sngl(xx1)
+      x2=sngl(xx2)
+      x3=sngl(xx3)
+      x4=sngl(xx4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utlobo(isig,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,x1,x2,x3,x4)
+c     performs a lorentz boost
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      real beta(4),z(4)
+      if(p5.le.0.)then
+      call utmsg('utlobo')
+      write(ifch,*)'*****  mass <= 0.'
+      write(ifch,*)'p(5): ',p1,p2,p3,p4,p5
+      call utmsgf
+      call utstop('utlobo: mass <= 0.&')
+      endif
+      z(1)=x1
+      z(2)=x2
+      z(3)=x3
+      z(4)=x4
+      beta(1)=-p1/p5
+      beta(2)=-p2/p5
+      beta(3)=-p3/p5
+      beta(4)= p4/p5
+      bp=0.
+      do 220 k=1,3
+220   bp=bp+z(k)*isig*beta(k)
+      do 230 k=1,3
+230   z(k)=z(k)+isig*beta(k)*z(4)
+     *+isig*beta(k)*bp/(beta(4)+1.)
+      z(4)=beta(4)*z(4)+bp
+      x1=z(1)
+      x2=z(2)
+      x3=z(3)
+      x4=z(4)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utloc(ar,n,a,l)
+      real ar(n)
+      do 1 i=1,n
+      l=i-1
+      if(a.lt.ar(i))return
+1     continue
+      l=n
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine utlow(cone)
+c      character*1 cone
+c      if(cone.eq.'A')cone='a'
+c      if(cone.eq.'B')cone='b'
+c      if(cone.eq.'C')cone='c'
+c      if(cone.eq.'D')cone='d'
+c      if(cone.eq.'E')cone='e'
+c      if(cone.eq.'F')cone='f'
+c      if(cone.eq.'G')cone='g'
+c      if(cone.eq.'H')cone='h'
+c      if(cone.eq.'I')cone='i'
+c      if(cone.eq.'J')cone='j'
+c      if(cone.eq.'K')cone='k'
+c      if(cone.eq.'L')cone='l'
+c      if(cone.eq.'M')cone='m'
+c      if(cone.eq.'N')cone='n'
+c      if(cone.eq.'O')cone='o'
+c      if(cone.eq.'P')cone='p'
+c      if(cone.eq.'Q')cone='q'
+c      if(cone.eq.'R')cone='r'
+c      if(cone.eq.'S')cone='s'
+c      if(cone.eq.'T')cone='t'
+c      if(cone.eq.'U')cone='u'
+c      if(cone.eq.'V')cone='v'
+c      if(cone.eq.'W')cone='w'
+c      if(cone.eq.'X')cone='x'
+c      if(cone.eq.'Y')cone='y'
+c      if(cone.eq.'Z')cone='z'
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine utlow3(cthree)
+c      character cthree*3
+c      do 1 i=1,3
+c1     call utlow(cthree(i:i))
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine utlow6(csix)
+c      character csix*6
+c      do 1 i=1,6
+c1     call utlow(csix(i:i))
+c      return
+c      end
+c      function utmom(k,n,x,q)
+cc     calculates kth moment for f(x) with q(i)=int[0,x(i)]f(z)dz
+c      real x(n),q(n)
+c      if(n.lt.2)call utstop('utmom : dimension too small&')
+c      utmom=0
+c      do 1 i=2,n
+c1     utmom=utmom+((x(i)+x(i-1))/2)**k*(q(i)-q(i-1))
+c      utmom=utmom/q(n)
+c      return
+c      end
+      function utpcm(a,b,c)
+c     calculates cm momentum for a-->b+c
+      val=(a*a-b*b-c*c)*(a*a-b*b-c*c)-(2.*b*c)*(2.*b*c)
+      if(val.lt.0..and.val.gt.-1e-4)then
+      utpcm=0
+      return
+      endif
+      utpcm=sqrt(val)/(2.*a)
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function utpcmd(a,b,c,iret)
+c     calculates cm momentum for a-->b+c
+      double precision a,b,c,val
+      iret=0
+      val=(a*a-b*b-c*c)*(a*a-b*b-c*c)-(2.*b*c)*(2.*b*c)
+      utpcmd=0d0
+      if(val.lt.0d0.and.val.gt.-1d-4)then
+        return
+      elseif(val.lt.0d0)then
+        iret=1
+        return
+      endif
+      utpcmd=sqrt(val)/(2.d0*a)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utpri(text,ishi,ishini,ishx)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      character*(*) text
+c      double precision seedx                               !!!
+      ishini=ishi
+      if(ishevt.ne.0.and.nrevt+1.ne.ishevt)return
+      if(nrpri.gt.0)then
+      do nr=1,nrpri
+      if(subpri(nr)(1:6).eq.text)then
+      ishi=ishpri(nr)
+      endif
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.ishx)then
+        write(ifch,'(1x,43a)')
+     *  ('-',i=1,10),' entry ',text,' ',('-',i=1,30)
+c       call ranfgt(seedx)                                   !!!
+c       if(ish.ge.ishx)write(ifch,*)'seed:',seedx            !!!
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utprix(text,ishi,ishini,ishx)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      character*(*) text
+      if(ishevt.ne.0.and.nrevt+1.ne.ishevt)return
+      if(ish.ge.ishx)write(ifch,'(1x,44a)')
+     *('-',i=1,30),' exit ',text,' ',('-',i=1,11)
+      ishi=ishini
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utprj(text,ishi,ishini,ishx)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      character*(*) text
+c      double precision seedx                               !!!
+      idx=index(text,' ')-1
+      ishini=ishi
+      if(ishevt.ne.0.and.nrevt+1.ne.ishevt)return
+      if(nrpri.gt.0)then
+      do nr=1,nrpri
+      if(subpri(nr)(1:idx).eq.text(1:idx))then
+      ishi=ishpri(nr)
+      endif
+      enddo
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.ishx)then
+        write(ifch,'(1x,43a)')
+     *  ('-',i=1,10),' entry ',text(1:idx),' ',('-',i=1,30)
+c       call ranfgt(seedx)                                   !!!
+c       if(ish.ge.ishx)write(ifch,*)'seed:',seedx            !!!
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utprjx(text,ishi,ishini,ishx)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      character*(*) text
+      idx=index(text,' ')-1
+      if(ishevt.ne.0.and.nrevt+1.ne.ishevt)return
+      if(ish.ge.ishx)write(ifch,'(1x,44a)')
+     *('-',i=1,30),' exit ',text(1:idx),' ',('-',i=1,11)
+      ishi=ishini
+      return
+      end
+      function utquad(m,x,f,k)
+c     performs an integration according to simpson
+      real x(m),f(m)
+      utquad=0
+      do 1 i=1,k-1
+  1   utquad=utquad+(f(i)+f(i+1))/2*(x(i+1)-x(i))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utquaf(fu,n,x,q,x0,x1,x2,x3)
+c     returns q(i) = integral [x(1)->x(i)] fu(x) dx
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      real x(n),q(n)
+      parameter (m=10)
+      real xa(m),fa(m)
+      external fu
+      if(x1.lt.x0.or.x2.lt.x1.or.x3.lt.x2)then
+      if(ish.ge.1)then
+      call utmsg('utquaf')
+      write(ifch,*)'   xi=',x0,x1,x2,x3
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      endif
+      call utar(n/3,n*2/3,n,x0,x1,x2,x3,x)
+      q(1)=0
+      do 2 i=2,n
+      do 3 k=1,m
+      z=x(i-1)+(k-1.)/(m-1.)*(x(i)-x(i-1))
+      xa(k)=z
+3     fa(k)=fu(z)
+      q(i)=q(i-1)+utquad(m,xa,fa,m)
+2     continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utrepl(i,j)
+c     i is replaced by j in /cptl/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      do 1 k=1,5
+1     pptl(k,i)  =pptl(k,j)
+      iorptl(i)  = 0 !iorptl(j)
+      idptl(i)   =idptl(j)
+      istptl(i)  =istptl(j)
+      do 2 k=1,2
+2     tivptl(k,i)=tivptl(k,j)
+      do 3 k=1,2
+3     ifrptl(k,i)= 0 !ifrptl(k,j)
+      jorptl(i)  = 0 !jorptl(j)
+      do 4 k=1,4
+4     xorptl(k,i)=xorptl(k,j)
+      do 5 k=1,4
+5     ibptl(k,i) =ibptl(k,j)
+      ityptl(i)  =ityptl(j)
+      iaaptl(i)  =iaaptl(j)
+      radptl(i)  =radptl(j)
+      desptl(i)  =desptl(j)
+      dezptl(i)  =dezptl(j)
+      qsqptl(i)  =qsqptl(j)
+      zpaptl(1,i)=zpaptl(1,j)
+      zpaptl(2,i)=zpaptl(2,j)
+      itsptl(i)  =itsptl(j)
+      rinptl(i)  =rinptl(j)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utrepla(i,j)
+c     i is replaced by j in /cptl/
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      do 1 k=1,5
+1     pptl(k,i)  =pptl(k,j)
+      iorptl(i)  = iorptl(j)
+      idptl(i)   =idptl(j)
+      istptl(i)  =istptl(j)
+      do 2 k=1,2
+2     tivptl(k,i)=tivptl(k,j)
+      do 3 k=1,2
+3     ifrptl(k,i)= ifrptl(k,j)
+      jorptl(i)  = jorptl(j)
+      do 4 k=1,4
+4     xorptl(k,i)=xorptl(k,j)
+      do 5 k=1,4
+5     ibptl(k,i) =ibptl(k,j)
+      ityptl(i)  =ityptl(j)
+      iaaptl(i)  =iaaptl(j)
+      radptl(i)  =radptl(j)
+      desptl(i)  =desptl(j)
+      dezptl(i)  =dezptl(j)
+      qsqptl(i)  =qsqptl(j)
+      zpaptl(1,i)=zpaptl(1,j)
+      zpaptl(2,i)=zpaptl(2,j)
+      itsptl(i)  =itsptl(j)
+      rinptl(i)  =rinptl(j)
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine utresm(icp1,icp2,icm1,icm2,amp,idpr,iadj,ireten)
+c      parameter (nflav=6)
+c      integer icm(2),icp(2),jcm(nflav,2),jcp(nflav,2)
+c      icm(1)=icm1
+c      icm(2)=icm2
+c      icp(1)=icp1
+c      icp(2)=icp2
+c      do 37 nf=1,nflav
+c      do 37 k=1,2
+c37    jcP(nf,k)=jcp(nf,k)+jcm(nf,k)
+c      IDP=IDTRA(ICP,0,0,3)
+c      call idres(idp,amp,idpr,iadj)
+c      return
+c      end
+c      subroutine utroa1(phi,a1,a2,a3,x1,x2,x3)
+cc  rotates x by angle phi around axis a.
+cc  normalization of a is irrelevant.
+c      double precision aaa,aa(3),xxx,xx(3),e1(3),e2(3),e3(3),xp,xt,dphi
+c      dphi=phi
+c      xx(1)=x1
+c      xx(2)=x2
+c      xx(3)=x3
+c      aa(1)=a1
+c      aa(2)=a2
+c      aa(3)=a3
+c      aaa=0
+c      xxx=0
+c      do i=1,3
+c      aaa=aaa+aa(i)**2
+c      xxx=xxx+xx(i)**2
+c      enddo
+c      if(xxx.eq.0d0)return
+c      if(aaa.eq.0d0)call utstop('utroa1: zero rotation axis&')
+c      aaa=dsqrt(aaa)
+c      xxx=dsqrt(xxx)
+cc e3 = a / !a!
+c      do i=1,3
+c      e3(i)=aa(i)/aaa
+c      enddo
+cc x_parallel
+c      xp=0
+c      do i=1,3
+c      xp=xp+xx(i)*e3(i)
+c      enddo
+cc x_transverse
+c      if(xxx**2-xp**2.le.0.)return
+c      xt=dsqrt(xxx**2-xp**2)
+cc e1 = vector x_transverse / absolute value x_transverse
+c      do i=1,3
+c      e1(i)=(xx(i)-e3(i)*xp)/xt
+c      enddo
+cc e2 orthogonal e3,e1
+c      call utvec2(e3,e1,e2)
+cc rotate x
+c      do i=1,3
+c      xx(i)=xp*e3(i)+xt*dcos(dphi)*e1(i)+xt*dsin(dphi)*e2(i)
+c      enddo
+cc back to single precision
+c      x1=xx(1)
+c      x2=xx(2)
+c      x3=xx(3)
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine utroa1(phi,a1,a2,a3,x1,x2,x3)
+c  rotates x by angle phi around axis a (argument single precision)
+c  normalization of a is irrelevant.
+      double precision aa(3),xx(3),dphi
+      dphi=phi
+      xx(1)=x1
+      xx(2)=x2
+      xx(3)=x3
+      aa(1)=a1
+      aa(2)=a2
+      aa(3)=a3
+      call utroa2(dphi,aa(1),aa(2),aa(3),xx(1),xx(2),xx(3))
+c back to single precision
+      x1=sngl(xx(1))
+      x2=sngl(xx(2))
+      x3=sngl(xx(3))
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utroa2(phi,a1,a2,a3,x1,x2,x3)
+c  rotates x by angle phi around axis a.
+c  normalization of a is irrelevant.
+c  double precision phi,a1,a2,a3,x1,x2,x3
+      double precision phi,a1,a2,a3,x1,x2,x3
+      double precision aaa,aa(3),xxx,xx(3),e1(3),e2(3),e3(3),xp,xt,dphi
+      dphi=phi
+      xx(1)=x1
+      xx(2)=x2
+      xx(3)=x3
+      aa(1)=a1
+      aa(2)=a2
+      aa(3)=a3
+      aaa=0d0
+      xxx=0d0
+      do i=1,3
+      aaa=aaa+aa(i)**2
+      xxx=xxx+xx(i)**2
+      enddo
+      if(xxx.eq.0d0)return
+      if(aaa.eq.0d0)call utstop('utroa1: zero rotation axis&')
+      aaa=1.0/dsqrt(aaa)
+c e3 = a / !a!
+      do i=1,3
+      e3(i)=aa(i)*aaa
+      enddo
+c x_parallel
+      xp=0
+      do i=1,3
+      xp=xp+xx(i)*e3(i)
+      enddo
+c x_transverse
+      if(xxx-xp**2.le.0.)return
+      xt=dsqrt(xxx-xp**2)
+c e1 = vector x_transverse / absolute value x_transverse
+      do i=1,3
+      e1(i)=(xx(i)-e3(i)*xp)/xt
+      enddo
+c e2 orthogonal e3,e1
+      call utvec2(e3,e1,e2)
+c rotate x
+      do i=1,3
+      xx(i)=xp*e3(i)+xt*cos(dphi)*e1(i)+xt*sin(dphi)*e2(i)
+      enddo
+      xxx=0d0
+      do i=1,3
+      xxx=xxx+xx(i)**2
+      enddo
+c back to single precision
+      x1=xx(1)
+      x2=xx(2)
+      x3=xx(3)
+      return
+      end
+c      function utroot(funcd,x1,x2,xacc)
+cc combination of newton-raphson and bisection method for root finding
+cc input:
+cc   funcd: subr returning fctn value and first derivative
+cc   x1,x2: x-interval
+cc   xacc:  accuracy
+cc output:
+cc   utroot: root
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      REAL utroot,x1,x2,xacc
+c      EXTERNAL funcd
+c      PARAMETER (MAXIT=100)
+c      INTEGER j
+c      REAL df,dx,dxold,f,fh,fl,temp,xh,xl
+c      call funcd(x1,fl,df)
+c      call funcd(x2,fh,df)
+c      if((fl.gt.0..and.fh.gt.0.).or.(fl.lt.0..and.fh.lt.0.))
+c     *call utstop('utroot: root must be bracketed&')
+c      if(fl.eq.0.)then
+c        utroot=x1
+c        return
+c      else if(fh.eq.0.)then
+c        utroot=x2
+c        return
+c      else if(fl.lt.0.)then
+c        xl=x1
+c        xh=x2
+c      else
+c        xh=x1
+c        xl=x2
+c      endif
+c      utroot=.5*(x1+x2)
+c      dxold=abs(x2-x1)
+c      dx=dxold
+c      call funcd(utroot,f,df)
+c      do 11 j=1,MAXIT
+c        if(((utroot-xh)*df-f)*((utroot-xl)*df-f).ge.0..or. abs(2.*
+c     *f).gt.abs(dxold*df) ) then
+c          dxold=dx
+c          dx=0.5*(xh-xl)
+c          utroot=xl+dx
+c          if(xl.eq.utroot)return
+c        else
+c          dxold=dx
+c          dx=f/df
+c          temp=utroot
+c          utroot=utroot-dx
+c          if(temp.eq.utroot)return
+c        endif
+c        if(abs(dx).lt.xacc) return
+c        call funcd(utroot,f,df)
+c        if(f.lt.0.) then
+c          xl=utroot
+c        else
+c          xh=utroot
+c        endif
+c11    continue
+c      call utmsg('utroot')
+c      write(ifch,*)'*****  exceeding maximum iterations'
+c      write(ifch,*)'dx:',dx
+c      call utmsgf
+c      return
+c      END
+      subroutine utrot2(isig,ax,ay,az,x,y,z)
+c     performs a rotation, double prec.
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      double precision ax,ay,az,x,y,z,rx,ry,rz
+     *,alp,bet,cosa,sina,cosb,sinb,xs,ys,zs
+         if(ax**2.eq.0.and.ay**2.eq.0.and.az**2.eq.0.)then
+      write(ifch,*)'ax**2,ay**2,az**2:',ax**2,ay**2,az**2
+      write(ifch,*)'ax,ay,az:',ax,ay,az
+      call utstop('utrot2: zero vector.&')
+         endif
+         if(az.ge.0.)then
+      rx=ax
+      ry=ay
+      rz=az
+         else
+      rx=-ax
+      ry=-ay
+      rz=-az
+         endif
+      if(rz**2+ry**2.ne.0.)then
+      alp=dabs(dacos(rz/dsqrt(rz**2+ry**2)))*sign(1.,sngl(ry))
+      bet=
+     *dabs(dacos(dsqrt(rz**2+ry**2)/dsqrt(rz**2+ry**2+rx**2)))*
+     *sign(1.,sngl(rx))
+      else
+      alp=3.1415927d0/2d0
+      bet=3.1415927d0/2d0
+      endif
+      cosa=dcos(alp)
+      sina=dsin(alp)
+      cosb=dcos(bet)
+      sinb=dsin(bet)
+           if(isig.ge.0)then
+      xs=x*cosb-y*sina*sinb-z*cosa*sinb
+      ys=       y*cosa     -z*sina
+      zs=x*sinb+y*sina*cosb+z*cosa*cosb
+           else     !if(isig.lt.0)then
+      xs= x*cosb            +z*sinb
+      ys=-x*sinb*sina+y*cosa+z*cosb*sina
+      zs=-x*sinb*cosa-y*sina+z*cosb*cosa
+           endif
+      x=xs
+      y=ys
+      z=zs
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utrot4(isig,ax,ay,az,x,y,z)
+c     performs a rotation, double prec.
+c     arguments partly single
+      double precision ax,ay,az,xx,yy,zz
+      xx=dble(x)
+      yy=dble(y)
+      zz=dble(z)
+      call utrot2(isig,ax,ay,az,xx,yy,zz)
+      x=sngl(xx)
+      y=sngl(yy)
+      z=sngl(zz)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utrota(isig,ax,ay,az,x,y,z)
+c     performs a rotation
+         if(az.ge.0.)then
+      rx=ax
+      ry=ay
+      rz=az
+         else
+      rx=-ax
+      ry=-ay
+      rz=-az
+         endif
+      if(rz.eq.0..and.ry.eq.0.)then
+        alp=0.
+        stop
+      else
+        alp=abs(utacos(rz/sqrt(rz**2+ry**2)))*sign(1.,ry)
+      endif
+      bet=
+     *abs(utacos(sqrt(rz**2+ry**2)/sqrt(rz**2+ry**2+rx**2)))*sign(1.,rx)
+      cosa=cos(alp)
+      sina=sin(alp)
+      cosb=cos(bet)
+      sinb=sin(bet)
+           if(isig.ge.0)then
+      xs=x*cosb-y*sina*sinb-z*cosa*sinb
+      ys=       y*cosa     -z*sina
+      zs=x*sinb+y*sina*cosb+z*cosa*cosb
+           else        !if(isig.lt.0)then
+      xs= x*cosb            +z*sinb
+      ys=-x*sinb*sina+y*cosa+z*cosb*sina
+      zs=-x*sinb*cosa-y*sina+z*cosb*cosa
+           endif
+      x=xs
+      y=ys
+      z=zs
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utstop(text)
+c  returns error message and stops execution.
+c  text is an optonal text to appear in the error message.
+c  text is a character string of length 40;
+c     for shorter text, it has to be terminated by &;
+c        example: call utstop('error in subr xyz&')
+      include 'epos.inc'
+c      parameter(itext=40)
+      character  text*(*)  ,txt*6
+      imax=index(text,'&')
+      do 1 j=1,2
+      if(j.eq.1)then
+        ifi=ifch
+      else        !if(j.eq.2)
+        ifi=ifmt
+      endif
+      if(imax.gt.1)then
+      write(ifi,101)('*',k=1,72),text(1:imax-1)
+     *,nrevt+1,nint(seedj),seedc,('*',k=1,72)
+      else
+      write(ifi,101)('*',k=1,72),' '
+     *,nrevt+1,nint(seedj),seedc,('*',k=1,72)
+      endif
+101   format(
+     *1x,72a1
+     */1x,'***** stop in ',a
+     */1x,'***** current event number: ',i12
+     */1x,'***** initial seed for current run:',i10
+     */1x,'***** initial seed for current event:',d25.15
+     */1x,72a1)
+1     continue
+c      c=0.
+c      b=a/c
+      stop
+      entry utmsg(txt)
+      imsg=imsg+1
+      write(ifch,'(1x,74a1)')('*',j=1,72)
+      write(ifch,100)txt,nrevt+1,nint(seedj),seedc
+100   format(1x,'***** msg from ',a6,'.   es:',i7,2x,i9,2x,d23.17)
+      return
+      entry utmsgf
+      if(ish.eq.1)return
+      write(ifch,'(1x,74a1)')('*',j=1,72)
+      end
+      subroutine uttrap(func,a,b,s)
+c trapezoidal method for integration.
+c input: fctn func and limits a,b
+c output: value s of the integral
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      REAL a,b,func,s
+      EXTERNAL func
+      PARAMETER (JMAX=10)
+CU    USES uttras
+      INTEGER j
+      REAL olds
+      olds=-1.e30
+      do 11 j=1,JMAX
+        if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'sr uttrap:   j:',j
+        call uttras(func,a,b,s,j)
+        ds=abs(s-olds)
+        if (ds.lt.epsr*abs(olds)) return
+        olds=s
+11    continue
+c-c   nepsr=nepsr+1
+      if(ish.ge.9)then
+      call utmsg('uttrap')
+      write(ifch,*)
+     *'*****  requested accuracy could not be achieved'
+      write(ifch,*)'achieved accuracy: ',ds/abs(olds)
+      write(ifch,*)'requested accuracy:',epsr
+      call utmsgf
+      endif
+      END
+      subroutine uttraq(func,a,b,s)
+c trapezoidal method for integration.
+c input: function func and limits a,b
+c output: value s of the integral
+      REAL a,b,func,s
+      EXTERNAL func
+      PARAMETER (eps=1.e-6)
+CU    USES uttras
+      INTEGER j
+      REAL olds
+      olds=-1.e30
+      j=1
+10      call uttras(func,a,b,s,j)
+        ds=abs(s-olds)
+        if (ds.le.eps*abs(olds)) return
+        olds=s
+        if(j.ge.15)return
+        j=j+1
+      goto10
+      END
+      subroutine uttras(func,a,b,s,n)
+c performs one iteration of the trapezoidal method for integration
+      INTEGER n
+      REAL a,b,s,func
+      EXTERNAL func
+      INTEGER it,j
+      REAL del,sum,tnm,x
+      if (n.eq.1) then
+        s=0.5*(b-a)*(func(a)+func(b))
+      else
+        it=2**(n-2)
+        tnm=it
+        del=(b-a)/tnm
+        x=a+0.5*del
+        sum=0.
+        do 11 j=1,it
+          sum=sum+func(x)
+          x=x+del
+11      continue
+        s=0.5*(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)
+      endif
+      return
+      END
+c      subroutine utvec1(a,b,c)
+cc  returns vector product c = a x b .
+c      real a(3),b(3),c(3)
+c      c(1)=a(2)*b(3)-a(3)*b(2)
+c      c(2)=a(3)*b(1)-a(1)*b(3)
+c      c(3)=a(1)*b(2)-a(2)*b(1)
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine utvec2(a,b,c)
+c  returns vector product c = a x b .
+c  a,b,c double precision.
+      double precision a(3),b(3),c(3)
+      c(1)=a(2)*b(3)-a(3)*b(2)
+      c(2)=a(3)*b(1)-a(1)*b(3)
+      c(3)=a(1)*b(2)-a(2)*b(1)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine utword(line,i,j,iqu)
+c  finds the first word of the character string line(j+1:1000).
+c  the word is line(i:j) (with new i and j).
+c  if j<0 or if no word found --> new line read.
+c  a text between quotes "..." is considered one word;
+c  stronger: a text between double quotes ""..."" is consid one word
+c  stronger: a text between "{ and }" is considered one word
+c  input:
+c    line: character string (*1000)
+c    i: integer between 1 and 1000
+c    iqu: for iqu=1 a "?" is written to output before reading a line,
+c         otherwise (iqu/=1) nothing is typed
+c  output:
+c    i,j: left and right end of word (word=line(i:j))
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter(mempty=2)
+      character*1 empty(mempty),mk
+      character line*1000
+      character*2 mrk
+      data empty/' ',','/
+      parameter(mxdefine=40)
+      character w1define*100,w2define*100
+      common/cdefine/ndefine,l1define(mxdefine),l2define(mxdefine)
+     &               ,w1define(mxdefine),w2define(mxdefine)
+      j0=0
+      if(j.ge.0)then
+      i=j
+      goto 1
+      endif
+    5 continue
+      if(iqu.eq.1.and.iprmpt.gt.0)write(ifmt,'(a)')'?'
+      if(nopen.eq.0)then
+        ifopx=ifop
+      elseif(nopen.gt.0)then
+        ifopx=20+nopen
+      else !if(nopen.lt.0)
+        ifopx=ifcp
+      endif
+      read(ifopx,'(a1000)',end=9999)line
+      if(iecho.eq.1.or.(nopen.ge.0.and.kcpopen.eq.1))then
+       kmax=2
+       do k=3,1000
+       if(line(k:k).ne.' ')kmax=k
+       enddo
+      else
+        kmax=0
+      endif
+      if(nopen.ge.0.and.kcpopen.eq.1)
+     &  write(ifcp,'(a)')line(1:kmax)
+      if(iecho.eq.1)
+     &  write(ifmt,'(a)')line(1:kmax)
+      i=0
+    1 i=i+1
+      if(i.gt.1000)goto 5
+      if(line(i:i).eq.'!')goto 5
+      do ne=1,mempty
+      if(line(i:i).eq.empty(ne))goto 1
+      enddo
+      nbla=1
+      mrk='  '
+      mk=' '
+      if(line(i:i).eq.'~')mk='~'
+      if(line(i:i+1).eq.'"{')mrk='}"'
+      if(line(i:i+1).eq.'""')mrk='""'
+      if(mrk.ne.'  ')goto 10
+      if(line(i:i).eq.'"')mk='"'
+      if(mk.ne.' ')goto 8
+      j=i-1
+    6 j=j+1
+      if(j.gt.1000)goto 7
+      if(line(j:j).eq.'!')goto 7
+      do ne=1,mempty
+      if(line(j:j).eq.empty(ne))goto 7
+      enddo
+      goto 6
+    8 continue
+      if(i.ge.1000-1)stop'utword: make line shorter!!!         '
+      i=i+1
+      j=i
+      if(line(j:j).eq.mk)stop'utword: empty string!!!           '
+    9 j=j+1
+      if(j.gt.1000)then                 !reach the end of the line
+        j=j-nbla+2
+        goto 7
+      endif
+      if(line(j:j).eq.' ')then
+        nbla=nbla+1
+      else
+        nbla=2
+      endif
+      if(line(j:j).eq.mk)then
+      line(i-1:i-1)=' '
+      line(j:j)=' '
+      goto 7
+      endif
+      goto 9
+   10 continue
+      if(i.ge.1000-3)stop'utword: make line shorter!!!!          '
+      i=i+2
+      j=i
+      if(line(j:j+1).eq.mrk)stop'utword: empty string!!!!        '
+   11 j=j+1
+      if(j.gt.1000-1)then                 !reach the end of the line
+        j=j-nbla+2
+        goto 7
+      endif
+      if(line(j:j+1).eq.mrk)then
+      line(i-2:i-1)='  '
+      line(j:j+1)='  '
+      goto 7
+      endif
+      if(line(j:j).eq.' ')then
+        nbla=nbla+1
+      else
+        nbla=2
+      endif
+      goto 11
+    7 j=j-1
+      !--------#define---------------
+      if(ndefine.gt.0)then
+        do ndf=1,ndefine
+          l1=l1define(ndf)
+          l2=l2define(ndf)
+          do i0=i,j+1-l1
+            if(line(i0:i0-1+l1).eq.w1define(ndf)(1:l1))then
+              if(l2.eq.l1)then
+                line(i0:i0-1+l1)=w2define(ndf)(1:l2)
+              elseif(l2.lt.l1)then
+                line(i0:i0+l2-1)=w2define(ndf)(1:l2)
+                do k=i0+l2,i0-1+l1
+                  line(k:k)=' '
+                enddo
+              elseif(l2.gt.l1)then
+                do k=i0+l1,i0+l2-1
+                  if(line(k:k).ne.' ')
+     &        stop'utword: no space for `define` replacement.   '
+                enddo
+                line(i0:i0+l2-1)=w2define(ndf)(1:l2)
+                j=i0+l2-1
+              endif
+            endif
+          enddo
+        enddo
+       do k=i,j
+         if(line(k:k).ne.' ')j0=j
+       enddo
+       j=j0
+      endif
+      !--------
+      return
+9999  close(ifopx)
+      nopen=nopen-1
+      if(nopen.eq.0.and.iprmpt.eq.-1)iprmpt=1
+      goto 5
+      end
+      subroutine utworn(line,j,ne)
+c  returns number ne of nonempty characters of line(j+1:1000)
+      character line*1000
+      ne=0
+      do l=j+1,1000
+      if(line(l:l).ne.' ')ne=ne+1
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine getairmol(iz,ia)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      i=0
+      r=rangen()
+      do while(r.gt.0.)  ! choose air-molecule
+        i=i+1
+        r=r-airwnxs(i)
+      enddo
+      iz = nint(airznxs(i))
+      ia = nint(airanxs(i))
+      end
+      subroutine factoriel
+c tabulation of fctrl(n)=n!, facto(n)=1/n! and utgamtab(x) for x=0 to 50
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision utgamtab,utgam,x
+      common/gamtab/utgamtab(10000)
+      nfctrl=100
+      fctrl(0)=1.D0
+      facto(0)=1.D0
+      do i=1,min(npommx,nfctrl)
+        fctrl(i)=fctrl(i-1)*dble(i)
+        facto(i)=1.d0/fctrl(i)
+      enddo
+      do k=1,10000
+        x=dble(k)/100.d0
+        utgamtab(k)=utgam(x)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fremnu(amin,ca,cb,ca0,cb0,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4)
+      common/hadr2/iomodl,idproj,idtarg,wexcit
+      real pnll,ptq
+      common/hadr1/pnll,ptq,exmass,cutmss,wproj,wtarg
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer ic(2),jc(nflav,2)
+      ic(1)=ca
+      ic(2)=cb
+      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+      amin=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5)  !???4=2mults, 5=1mult
+        if(ca-ca0.eq.0..and.cb-cb0.eq.0..and.rangen().gt.wexcit)then
+      ic3=0
+      ic4=0
+      ic1=ca
+      ic2=cb
+       else
+      amin=amin+exmass
+      n=0
+      do i=1,4
+      do j=1,2
+      n=n+jc(i,j)
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      k=1+rangen()*n
+      do i=1,4
+      do j=1,2
+      k=k-jc(i,j)
+      if(k.le.0)goto 1
+      enddo
+      enddo
+1     if(j.eq.1)then
+      ic3=10**(6-i)
+      ic4=0
+      else
+      ic3=0
+      ic4=10**(6-i)
+      endif
+      ic1=int(ca)-ic3
+      ic2=int(cb)-ic4
+        endif
+      return
+      end
+      function fremnux(jc)
+      real pnll,ptq
+      common/hadr1/pnll,ptq,exmass,cutmss,wproj,wtarg
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)!,ic(2)
+c      ic(1)=210000
+c      ic(2)=0
+c      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+      fremnux=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,4) !+exmass  !???4=2mults, 5=1mult
+      return
+      end
+      function fremnux2(jc)
+      real pnll,ptq
+      common/hadr1/pnll,ptq,exmass,cutmss,wproj,wtarg
+      parameter (nflav=6)
+      integer jc(nflav,2)!,ic(2)
+c      ic(1)=210000
+c      ic(2)=0
+c      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      keu=jc(1,1)-jc(1,2)
+      ked=jc(2,1)-jc(2,2)
+      kes=jc(3,1)-jc(3,2)
+      kec=jc(4,1)-jc(4,2)
+      keb=jc(5,1)-jc(5,2)
+      ket=jc(6,1)-jc(6,2)
+      fremnux2=utamnu(keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket,5) !+exmass  !???4=2mults, 5=1mult
+      return
+      end
+      function fremnux3(jci)
+c minimum mass from ic counting all quarks
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer jc(nflav,2),jci(nflav,2)!,ic(2)
+c      ic(1)=210000
+c      ic(2)=0
+c      print *,'start',ic
+      fremnux3=0.
+      do j=1,2
+        do i=1,nflav
+          jc(i,j)=jci(i,j)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+c      call iddeco(ic,jc)
+      call idquacjc(jc,nqua,naqu)
+        do ii=1,2
+      if(ii.eq.1)then
+        nqu=nqua
+      else
+        nqu=naqu
+      endif
+      if(nqu.ge.3)then
+        do while(jc(3,ii).ne.0.and.nqu.ge.3)  !count baryons with s quark
+          jc(3,ii)=jc(3,ii)-1
+          if(jc(3,ii).gt.0)then
+            jc(3,ii)=jc(3,ii)-1
+            if(jc(3,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(3,ii)=jc(3,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhax(4)
+            elseif(jc(2,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(2,ii)=jc(2,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhax(4)
+            elseif(jc(1,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(1,ii)=jc(1,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhax(4)
+            endif
+          elseif(jc(2,ii).gt.0)then
+            jc(2,ii)=jc(2,ii)-1
+            if(jc(1,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(1,ii)=jc(1,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhax(3)
+            elseif(jc(2,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(2,ii)=jc(2,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhax(3)
+            endif
+          elseif(jc(1,ii).gt.0)then
+            jc(1,ii)=jc(1,ii)-2
+            fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(3)
+          endif
+          nqu=nqu-3
+        enddo
+        do while(jc(2,ii).ne.0.and.nqu.ge.3)  !count baryons with d quark
+          jc(2,ii)=jc(2,ii)-1
+          if(jc(1,ii).gt.0)then
+            jc(1,ii)=jc(1,ii)-1
+            if(jc(2,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(2,ii)=jc(2,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(2)
+            elseif(jc(1,ii).gt.0)then
+              jc(1,ii)=jc(1,ii)-1
+              fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(2)
+            endif
+          elseif(jc(2,ii).gt.0)then
+            jc(2,ii)=jc(2,ii)-2
+            fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(3)
+          endif
+          nqu=nqu-3
+        enddo
+        do while(jc(1,ii).ne.0.and.nqu.ge.3)  !count baryons with s quark
+          jc(1,ii)=jc(1,ii)-3
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(3)
+          nqu=nqu-3
+        enddo
+        if(ii.eq.1)then
+          nqua=nqu
+        else
+          naqu=nqu
+        endif
+      endif
+c      print *,ii,nqua,naqu,jc,fremnux3
+      enddo
+      if(nqua+naqu.ne.0)then
+      do while(jc(3,1).ne.0)    !count mesons with s quark
+        jc(3,1)=jc(3,1)-1
+        if(jc(3,2).gt.0)then
+          jc(3,2)=jc(3,2)-1
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhax(6)
+        elseif(jc(2,2).gt.0)then
+          jc(2,2)=jc(2,2)-1
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(6)
+        elseif(jc(1,2).gt.0)then
+          jc(1,2)=jc(1,2)-1
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(6)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do while(jc(2,1).ne.0)    !count mesons with d quark
+        jc(2,1)=jc(2,1)-1
+        if(jc(2,2).gt.0)then
+          jc(2,2)=jc(2,2)-1
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(5)
+        elseif(jc(1,2).gt.0)then
+          jc(1,2)=jc(1,2)-1
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(5)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do while(jc(1,1).ne.0)    !count mesons with s quark
+        jc(1,1)=jc(1,1)-1
+        if(jc(1,2).gt.0)then
+          jc(1,2)=jc(1,2)-1
+          fremnux3=fremnux3+asuhay(5)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      endif
+c      fremnux3=fremnux3+0.5
+c      print *,'stop',nqua,naqu,fremnux3
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fremnx(ammax,amin,sm,ic3,ic4,iret)
+      common/psar9/ alpr
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      iret=0
+      if(ic3.eq.0.and.ic4.eq.0)then
+        if(ammax.lt.amin**2)then
+          iret=1
+          return
+        endif
+        sm=amin**2
+      else
+c       ammax1=min(ammax,(engy/4.)**2)
+        ammax1=ammax
+        if(ammax1.lt.amin**2)then
+          iret=1
+          return
+        endif
+        if(alpr.eq.-1.)then
+          sm=amin**2*(ammax1/amin**2)**rangen()
+        else
+          sm=amin**2*(1.+((ammax1/amin**2)**(1.+alpr)-1.)
+     *    *rangen())**(1./(1.+alpr))
+        endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      SUBROUTINE gaulag(x,w,n,alf)
+      REAL alf,w(n),x(n)
+      PARAMETER (EPS=3.D-14,MAXIT=10)
+CU    USES gammln
+      INTEGER i,its,j
+      REAL ai,gammln
+      DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,pp,z,z1
+      z=0.
+      do 13 i=1,n
+        if(i.eq.1)then
+          z=(1.+alf)*(3.+.92*alf)/(1.+2.4*n+1.8*alf)
+        else if(i.eq.2)then
+          z=z+(15.+6.25*alf)/(1.+.9*alf+2.5*n)
+        else
+          ai=i-2
+          z=z+((1.+2.55*ai)/(1.9*ai)+1.26*ai*alf/(1.+3.5*ai))*
+     *(z-x(i-2))/(1.+.3*alf)
+        endif
+        do 12 its=1,MAXIT
+          p1=1.d0
+          p2=0.d0
+          do 11 j=1,n
+            p3=p2
+            p2=p1
+            p1=((2*j-1+alf-z)*p2-(j-1+alf)*p3)/j
+11        continue
+          pp=(n*p1-(n+alf)*p2)/z
+          z1=z
+          z=z1-p1/pp
+          if(abs(z-z1).le.EPS)goto 1
+12      continue
+        call utstop("too many iterations in gaulag")
+1       x(i)=z
+        w(i)=-exp(gammln(alf+n)-gammln(float(n)))/(pp*n*p2)
+13    continue
+      return
+      END
+C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software 4+1$!].
+      FUNCTION gammln(xx)
+      REAL gammln,xx
+      INTEGER j
+      DOUBLE PRECISION ser,stp,tmp,x,y,cof(6)
+      SAVE cof,stp
+      DATA cof,stp/76.18009172947146d0,-86.50532032941677d0,
+     *24.01409824083091d0,-1.231739572450155d0,.1208650973866179d-2,
+     *-.5395239384953d-5,2.5066282746310005d0/
+      x=xx
+      y=x
+      tmp=x+5.5d0
+      tmp=(x+0.5d0)*log(tmp)-tmp
+      ser=1.000000000190015d0
+      do 11 j=1,6
+        y=y+1.d0
+        ser=ser+cof(j)/y
+11    continue
+      gammln=tmp+log(stp*ser/x)
+      return
+      END
+C  (C) Copr. 1986-92 Numerical Recipes Software 4+1$!].
+      function polar(x,y)
+      pi=3.1415927
+      if(abs(x).gt.1.e-6)then
+        phi=atan(y/x)
+        if(x.lt.0.)phi=pi+phi
+        if(phi.lt.0)phi=2*pi+phi
+      else
+        phi=0.5*pi
+        if(y.lt.0)phi=phi+pi
+      endif
+      polar=phi
+      end
+      subroutine getJKNcentr
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-xan-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-xan-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95de8c32158041e750253c1e58702ce69e507fa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-xan-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,5515 @@
+      subroutine xiniall
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis) 
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+      parameter (mxfra=5)
+      common/pfra/nfra,ifra(mxfra),ivfra(2,mxhis),itfra(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,imofra(3,mxfra),iffra(mxfra),r1fra(3,mxfra),r2fra(3,mxfra)
+     $     ,emax(mxfra)
+      common/stavar/multc05,multy1,multc14,multyi,multc3,imulty1,multeb
+     &     ,multc1,multc83,multc24,multc25,rapgap,ipairs1,xsi
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      nhis=0
+      nfra=0
+      imulty1=0
+      ipairs1=0
+      do n=0,mxxhis
+        icorrtrig(n)=0
+        ihardevent(n)=0
+        ijetfind1(n)=0
+        ijetfind2(n)=0
+        ifastjet(n)=0
+        ijetevent(n)=0
+        imux(n)=0
+        icaltrig(n)=0
+      enddo
+      do n=1,mxhis
+        do m=1,mxpara
+          xpara(m,n)=0
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ncontrall=0
+      noerrall=0
+      end
+      subroutine xini
+c  called after beginhisto
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+      common/stavar/multc05,multy1,multc14,multyi,multc3,imulty1,multeb
+     &     ,multc1,multc83,multc24,multc25,rapgap,ipairs1,xsi
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      parameter (mxfra=5)
+      common/pfra/nfra,ifra(mxfra),ivfra(2,mxhis),itfra(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,imofra(3,mxfra),iffra(mxfra),r1fra(3,mxfra),r2fra(3,mxfra)
+     $     ,emax(mxfra)
+      character line*1000,cvar*6
+      logical go
+      common/nl/noplin  /cnnnhis/nnnhis
+      character*1000 cline
+      common/cjjj/jjj,cline
+      call utpri('xini  ',ish,ishini,5)
+      i=1
+                                !      iapl=0
+                                !      nhis=0
+      j=jjj     !-1
+      line=cline
+                                !      nfra=1
+                                !      ifra(1)=iframe
+      iapl=0
+      if(nfra.eq.0)then
+        nfra=1
+        ifra(1)=iframe
+      endif
+      nhis=nhis+1
+      nnnhis=nhis
+      if(nhis.gt.mxhis)stop'xini: mxhis too small.       '
+      noweak(nhis)=0
+      ionoerr=0
+c      newfra=0
+      indfra=1
+c      nepfra=0
+      inpfra=1
+ 1    call utword(line,i,j,0)
+      if(line(i:j).eq.'application')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'analysis')then
+                                !iapl=0
+                                !nhis=nhis+1
+                                !newfra=0
+                                !indfra=1
+                                !nepfra=0
+                                !inpfra=1
+        else
+          iapl=1
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'input')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,0)
+        if(nopen.ge.0)then
+         nopen=nopen+1
+         if(nopen.gt.9)stop'too many nested input commands'
+         open(unit=20+nopen,file=line(i:j),status='old')
+         if(iprmpt.eq.1)iprmpt=-1
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'runprogram')then !-----------
+        if(iapl.eq.0)then
+        else
+          goto 9999
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'frame'.or.line(i:j).eq.'frame+')then !------
+        ifp=1
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'frame+')ifp=2
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'total')then
+          nfp=iframe
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'nucleon-nucleon')then
+          nfp=11
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'target')then
+          nfp=12
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'gamma-nucleon')then
+          nfp=21
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'lab')then
+          nfp=22
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'breit')then
+          nfp=23
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'thrust')then
+          nfp=33
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'sphericity')then
+          nfp=32
+        else
+          nfp=0
+          call utstop("Wrong frame in xini !&")
+        endif
+        go=.true.
+        inl=0
+        do l=1,nfra
+          if(ifra(l).eq.nfp)then
+            inl=l
+            go=.false.
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if (go) then
+          nfra=nfra+1
+          inl=nfra
+          ifra(nfra)=nfp
+        endif
+        if(ifp.eq.1)then
+          indfra=inl
+c          newfra=nfp
+          ivfra(1,nhis)=indfra
+          ivfra(2,nhis)=indfra
+        else
+          inpfra=inl
+c          nepfra=nfp
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'binning')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'lin')then
+          iologb=0
+          iocnxb=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'log')then
+          iologb=1
+          iocnxb=0
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'clin')then
+          iologb=0
+          iocnxb=1
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'clog')then
+          iologb=1
+          iocnxb=1
+        else
+          print *, 'what the heck is ',line(i:j),' binning?'
+          print *, 'I will use the linear (lin) one'
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'setm')then !-----------
+        if(iapl.eq.0) then
+          print *,"You should use histogram instead of setm, please"
+          stop
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'set')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'iologb')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          read(line(i:j),*) iologb
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'iocnxb')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          read(line(i:j),*) iocnxb
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'etacut')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          read(line(i:j),*) etacut
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'nemsi')then
+          call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          read(line(i:j),*)nemsi
+        endif
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xpara')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        read(line(i:j),*)ipara
+        if(ipara.gt.mxpara)stop'mxpara too small.         '
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        read(line(i:j),*)val
+        xpara(ipara,nhis)=val
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xparas')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        read(line(i:j),*)ipara
+        if(ipara.gt.mxpara)stop'mxpara too small.'
+        do ii=1,ipara
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        read(line(i:j),*)val
+        xpara(ii,nhis)=val
+        enddo
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'echo')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'on')iecho=1
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'off')iecho=0
+        if(line(i:j).ne.'on'.and.line(i:j).ne.'off')
+     *  stop'invalid option'
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'noweak')then !-----------
+        noweak(nhis)=1
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'histogram'
+     *       .or.line(i:j).eq.'hi')then !-----------
+        nac(nhis)=1
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !xvaria
+        cvar='      '
+        cvar=line(i:j)
+        call xtrans(cvar,inom,ifrnew,nhis)
+        if(inom.eq.-1)then
+          if(line(i:i).ge.'0'.and.line(i:i).le.'9')then
+            inom=298
+            read(line(i:j),*) sval(1,nhis)
+          endif
+        endif
+        ivar(1,nhis)=inom
+        if(ifrnew.ne.0)then     !check frame for e+e- event
+          go=.true.             !shape variables
+          do l=1,nfra
+            if(ifra(l).eq.ifrnew)then
+              indfra=l
+              go=.false.        !have it already
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if (go) then
+            nfra=nfra+1
+            ifra(nfra)=ifrnew
+            indfra=nfra
+          endif
+        endif
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !yvaria
+        cvar='      '
+        cvar=line(i:j)
+        call xtrans(cvar,inom,ifrnew,nhis)
+        ivar(2,nhis)=inom
+        if(inom.eq.-1)then
+          if(line(i:i).ge.'0'.and.line(i:i).le.'9')then
+            inom=299
+            read(line(i:j),*) sval(2,nhis)
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(inom.eq.-1)ivar(1,nhis)=inom
+        ivfra(1,nhis)=indfra
+        ivfra(2,nhis)=indfra
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !normation
+        read(line(i:j),*) inorm(nhis)
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !xmin
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'egy')then
+         if(engy.gt.0)then
+          egy=engy
+         elseif(ecms.gt.0.)then
+          egy=ecms
+         elseif(elab.gt.0)then
+          call idmass(idproj,apj)
+          call idmass(idtarg,atg)
+          egy=sqrt( 2*elab*atg+atg**2+apj**2 )
+         elseif(ekin.gt.0.)then
+          call idmass(idproj,apj)
+          call idmass(idtarg,atg)
+          egy=sqrt( 2*(ekin+apj)*atg+atg**2+apj**2 )
+         elseif(pnll.gt.0.)then
+          call idmass(idproj,apj)
+          call idmass(idtarg,atg)
+          egy=sqrt( 2*sqrt(pnll**2+apj**2)*atg+atg**2+apj**2 )
+         else
+          stop'pb in xini (1).   '
+         endif
+         xmin(nhis)=egy-0.5
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xp9')then
+          xmin(nhis)=xpara(9,nhis)-0.5
+        else
+         read(line(i:j),*) xmin(nhis)
+        endif
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !xmax
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'egy')then
+         if(engy.gt.0)then
+          egy=engy
+         elseif(ecms.gt.0.)then
+          egy=ecms
+         elseif(elab.gt.0)then
+          call idmass(idproj,apj)
+          call idmass(idtarg,atg)
+          egy=sqrt( 2*elab*atg+atg**2+apj**2 )
+         elseif(ekin.gt.0.)then
+          call idmass(idproj,apj)
+          call idmass(idtarg,atg)
+          egy=sqrt( 2*(ekin+apj)*atg+atg**2+apj**2 )
+         elseif(pnll.gt.0.)then
+          call idmass(idproj,apj)
+          call idmass(idtarg,atg)
+          egy=sqrt( 2*sqrt(pnll**2+apj**2)*atg+atg**2+apj**2 )
+         else
+          stop'pb in xini (2).   '
+         endif
+         xmax(nhis)=egy+0.5
+        elseif(line(i:j).eq.'xp9')then
+          xmax(nhis)=xpara(9,nhis)+0.5
+        else
+         read(line(i:j),*) xmax(nhis)
+        endif
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !nbin
+        read(line(i:j),*) nbin(nhis)
+        do l=1,nbin(nhis)
+          bin(l,nac(nhis),nhis)=0.
+          zcbin(l,nac(nhis),nhis)=0
+        enddo
+        lookcontr(nhis)=0
+        lookcontrx(nhis)=0
+        inoerr(nhis)=0
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'idcode')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !idcode
+        if(line(i:i+2).eq.'995')stop'xini: idcode 995 not supported'
+        if(line(i:i+2).eq.'994')stop'xini: idcode 994 not supported'
+        nidcod(nhis)=nidcod(nhis)+1
+        read(line(i:j),*) idcod(nidcod(nhis),nhis)
+        idmod(nidcod(nhis),nhis)=.false.
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'idcode+')then !-----------
+        stop'xini: idcode+ not supported'
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !idcode
+        if(line(i:i+2).eq.'995')stop'xini: idcode 995 not supported'
+        if(line(i:i+2).eq.'994')stop'xini: idcode 994 not supported'
+        nidcod(nhis)=nidcod(nhis)+1
+        read(line(i:j),*) idcod(nidcod(nhis),nhis)
+        idmod(nidcod(nhis),nhis)=.true.
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'trigger')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        ntc=1
+        imo=1
+        ncontr=0
+        icontrtyp(nhis)=0
+        if(line(i:j).eq.'or'.or.line(i:j).eq.'contr')then
+          imo=2
+          if(line(i:j).eq.'contr')imo=3
+          call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          read(line(i:j),*)ztc
+          ntc=nint(ztc)
+          call utword(line,i,j,1)
+          if(imo.eq.3)then
+            ncontr=ntc
+            ncontrall=ncontrall+ncontr
+            if(ncontrall.gt.mxcontr)stop'xini: mxcontr too small.     '
+            if(ncontr.gt.mxcnt)stop'xini: mxcnt too small.     '
+            lookcontr(nhis)=ncontrall-ncontr+1
+            lookcontrx(nhis)=ncontrall
+            do nb=1,nbin(nhis)
+              do nn=1,ncontr
+                bbin(nb,nac(nhis),lookcontr(nhis)-1+nn)=0.d0
+                zbbin(nb,nac(nhis),lookcontr(nhis)-1+nn)=0.d0
+              enddo
+            enddo
+            do nn=1,ncontr
+                    nccevt(lookcontr(nhis)-1+nn)=0
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+        do n=1,ntc
+          if(n.ne.1)call utword(line,i,j,1) !trigger-name
+          cvar='      '
+          ifp=1
+          if(line(j:j).eq.'+')then
+            cvar=line(i:j-1)
+            ifp=2
+          else
+            cvar=line(i:j)
+            ifp=1
+          endif
+          call xtrans(cvar,inom,ifrnew,nhis)
+          if(inom.gt.0)then
+            ntri(nhis)=ntri(nhis)+1
+            if(ntc.eq.1)then
+              ntrc(ntri(nhis),nhis)=1
+            elseif(n.eq.1)then
+              ntrc(ntri(nhis),nhis)=2
+            elseif(n.eq.ntc)then
+              ntrc(ntri(nhis),nhis)=3
+            else
+              ntrc(ntri(nhis),nhis)=0
+            endif
+            if(imo.eq.3)then
+              ntrc(ntri(nhis),nhis)=-1
+              if(n.eq.1)then
+                icontrtyp(nhis)=1+inom/100
+              else
+                if(1+inom/100.ne.icontrtyp(nhis))
+     *               stop'xini: type mismatch'
+              endif
+            endif
+            itri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=inom
+            if(ifp.eq.1)then
+              itfra(ntri(nhis),nhis)=indfra
+            else
+              itfra(ntri(nhis),nhis)=inpfra
+            endif
+            xmitrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)=100.
+            xmatrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)=100.
+            call utword(line,i,j,1) !-----------xmin----------
+            if(line(i:j).eq.'inf')then
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=1e30
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'-inf')then
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=-1e30
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A')then
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A+1')then
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj+1
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A+B')then
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj+matarg
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A+B+1')then
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj+matarg+1
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'lead')then    !leading particle (neads Standard Variable)
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=-123456
+              imulty1=1
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'jet')then    !jet from fastjet
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=nhis*100
+              call actifastjet(nhis)
+            else
+              kk=0
+              do k=i+1,j-1
+                if(line(k:k).eq.'%')kk=k
+              enddo
+              if(kk.eq.0)then
+                read(line(i:j),*)xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              else
+                read(line(i:kk-1),*)xmitrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+                read(line(kk+1:j),*)xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              endif
+            endif
+            call utword(line,i,j,1) !-----------xmax------------
+            if(line(i:j).eq.'inf')then
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=1e30
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'-inf')then
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=-1e30
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A')then
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A+1')then
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj+1
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A+B')then
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj+matarg
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'A+B+1')then
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=maproj+matarg+1
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'lead')then    !leading particle (neads Standard Variable)
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=-123456
+              imulty1=1
+            elseif(line(i:j).eq.'jet')then    !jet form fastjet
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=nhis*100
+            else
+              kk=0
+              do k=i+1,j-1
+                if(line(k:k).eq.'%')kk=k
+              enddo
+              if(kk.eq.0)then
+                read(line(i:j),*)xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+                xmatrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)=100.
+              else
+                read(line(i:kk-1),*)xmatrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+                read(line(kk+1:j),*)xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              endif
+            endif
+            !---exchange min-max------------------
+            if(xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis).gt.xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis))then
+              xmatri_save=xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              xmatrp_save=xmatrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              xmatri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              xmatrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)=xmitrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)
+              xmitri(ntri(nhis),nhis)=xmatri_save
+              xmitrp(ntri(nhis),nhis)=xmatrp_save
+            endif
+            !-------------------------------------
+          else
+            ivar(1,nhis)=-1
+            call utword(line,i,j,1) !xmin
+            call utword(line,i,j,1) !xmax
+          endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'noerrorbut')then !-----------
+        ionoerr=ionoerr+1
+        if(ionoerr.gt.2)stop'xini: not more than 2 noerrorbut !   '
+        noerrall=noerrall+1
+        if(noerrall.gt.mxhis/2)stop'xini: to many noerrorbut     '
+        call utword(line,i,j,1) !variable-name
+        cvar=line(i:j)
+        call xtrans(cvar,inom,ifrnew,nhis)
+        if(inom.gt.0)then
+          if(inom.gt.100)then
+            write(*,*)'xini: noerrorbut can not be used with :',cvar
+            stop'xini: error with noerrorbut!'
+          endif
+          noerrhis(nhis)=noerrall-ionoerr+1
+          noerr(noerrhis(nhis),ionoerr)=inom
+          do nb=1,nbin(nhis)
+             ebin(nb,nac(nhis),ionoerr-1+noerrhis(nhis))=0.d0
+                  zebin(nb,nac(nhis),ionoerr-1+noerrhis(nhis))=0.d0
+          enddo
+        else
+          ionoerr=ionoerr-1
+          noerrall=noerrall-1
+        endif
+        inoerr(nhis)=ionoerr
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'write')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'writearray')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        iologb=0
+        iocnxb=0
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'writehisto')then !-----------
+        call utword(line,i,j,1)
+        iologb=0
+        iocnxb=0
+      elseif(line(i:j).eq.'endhisto'
+     .      .or.line(i:j).eq.'eh')then   !-----------
+        ilog(nhis)=.false.
+        icnx(nhis)=.false.
+        if(iologb.eq.1)ilog(nhis)=.true.
+        if(iocnxb.eq.1)icnx(nhis)=.true.
+        if(ilog(nhis))then
+          xinc(nhis)=1./log(xmax(nhis)/xmin(nhis))*nbin(nhis)
+        else
+          xinc(nhis)=float(nbin(nhis))/(xmax(nhis)-xmin(nhis))
+        endif
+        iologb=0
+        iocnxb=0
+        jjj=j
+        cline=line
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+      goto 1
+ 9999 continue
+      if(ish.ge.5)then
+        do n=1,nhis
+          write (ifch,*) n,': ',ivar(1,n),ivar(2,n)
+     $         ,'(',ivfra(1,n),ivfra(2,n)
+     $         ,')',inorm(n)
+     $         ,xmin(n),xmax(n),ilog(n),icnx(n)
+     $         ,nbin(n),(idcod(j,n),j=1,nidcod(n))
+     $         ,' tri:',ntri(n),(itri(j,n),j=1,ntri(n)),'('
+     $         ,(itfra(j,n),j=1,ntri(n)),')'
+     $         ,(xmitri(j,n),j=1,ntri(n)) ,(xmatri(j,n),j=1,ntri(n))
+        enddo
+        write (ifch,*) (ifra(j),j=1,nfra)
+      endif
+      call utprix('xini  ',ish,ishini,5)
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine actifastjet(nhis)
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      iok=0
+      do i=1,ifastjet(0)
+        if(ifastjet(i).eq.nhis)iok=1
+      enddo
+      if(iok.eq.0)then
+        ifastjet(0)=ifastjet(0)+1
+        if(ifastjet(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+        ifastjet(ifastjet(0))=nhis
+      endif
+      end              
+      subroutine actijetevent(n)    
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      iok=0
+      do i=1,ijetevent(0)
+        if(ijetevent(i).eq.n)iok=1
+      enddo
+      if(iok.eq.0)then
+        ijetevent(0)=ijetevent(0)+1
+        if(ijetevent(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+        ijetevent(ijetevent(0))=n
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine xana
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+      parameter (mxfra=5)
+      common/pfra/nfra,ifra(mxfra),ivfra(2,mxhis),itfra(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,imofra(3,mxfra),iffra(mxfra),r1fra(3,mxfra),r2fra(3,mxfra)
+     $     ,emax(mxfra)
+      double precision bofra
+      common/dfra/bofra(5,mxfra)
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      double precision pgampr,rgampr
+      common/cgampr/pgampr(5),rgampr(4)
+      common/photrans/phoele(4),ebeam
+      dimension ten(4,3)
+      logical go,goo(mxcnt),cont
+      common/stavar/multc05,multy1,multc14,multyi,multc3,imulty1,multeb
+     &     ,multc1,multc83,multc24,multc25,rapgap,ipairs1,xsi
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      common/cncntje/ncntje
+      call utpri('xana  ',ish,ishini,4)
+      if(ish.ge.2)then
+          call alist('fill histograms&',0,0)
+      endif
+      do n=1,nhis
+      do i=1,mypara
+        ypara(i,n)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'frames ...'
+      if(iappl.eq.6)then
+        if(mod(iolept/10,10).eq.1) call gakjet(1)
+        if(mod(iolept/100,10).eq.1) call gakjet(2)
+      endif
+      do l=1,nfra
+        emax(l)=egyevt/2
+        if(ifra(l).eq.12)emax(l)=sqrt(pnll**2+prom**2)
+        if(ifra(l).eq.iframe)then
+          if(iappl.eq.1.and.iframe.eq.22)emax(l)=ebeam
+          imofra(1,l)=0
+          imofra(2,l)=0
+          imofra(3,l)=0
+        elseif(ifra(l).eq.11.or.ifra(l).eq.12)then
+          imofra(1,l)=0
+          imofra(2,l)=0
+          bofra(1,l)=0d0
+          bofra(2,l)=0d0
+          bofra(3,l)=dsinh(dble(yhaha))
+          bofra(4,l)=dcosh(dble(yhaha))
+          bofra(5,l)=1d0
+          if(ifra(l).eq.11.and.iframe.eq.12)then
+            imofra(3,l)=1       ! target -> NN
+          elseif(ifra(l).eq.12.and.iframe.eq.11)then
+            imofra(3,l)=-1      ! NN -> target
+          else
+            imofra(3,l)=0       ! not known
+          endif
+        elseif(ifra(l).eq.21)then
+          if(iframe.ne.21)then
+            print *, 'invalid frame request'
+            print *, 'choose frame gamma-nucleon for event run'
+            stop'bye bye'
+          endif
+        elseif(ifra(l).eq.22)then
+          if(iappl.eq.1)emax(l)=ebeam
+          if(iframe.eq.21)then
+            imofra(1,l)=-1      !'  trafo gN -> lab'
+            imofra(1,l)=0
+            r1fra(1,l)=rgampr(1)
+            r1fra(2,l)=rgampr(2)
+            r1fra(3,l)=rgampr(3)
+            imofra(2,l)=0
+            if(iappl.eq.1)then
+              imofra(3,l)=-2
+              bofra(1,l)=dsinh(dble(yhaha)) !used for first boost in targ frame
+              bofra(2,l)=dcosh(dble(yhaha)) !here : pgampr(1)=pgampr(2)=0.
+              bofra(3,l)=pgampr(3)
+              bofra(4,l)=pgampr(4)
+              bofra(5,l)=pgampr(5)
+            else
+              imofra(3,l)=-1
+              bofra(1,l)=pgampr(1)
+              bofra(2,l)=pgampr(2)
+              bofra(3,l)=pgampr(3)
+              bofra(4,l)=pgampr(4)
+              bofra(5,l)=pgampr(5)
+            endif
+          elseif(iframe.eq.22)then
+                                ! nothing to do already gN-frame
+          else
+            print *, 'invalid frame request'
+            print *, 'choose frame gamma-nucleon or lab for event run'
+            stop'bye bye'
+          endif
+        elseif(ifra(l).eq.23)then
+          if(iframe.eq.21)then
+            imofra(1,l)=0       ! gN -> breit-frame
+            r1fra(1,l)=rgampr(1)
+            r1fra(2,l)=rgampr(2)
+            r1fra(3,l)=rgampr(3)
+            imofra(2,l)=0
+            imofra(3,l)=1
+            bofra(1,l)=0d0
+            bofra(2,l)=0d0
+            bofra(3,l)=rgampr(4)
+            bofra(4,l)=sqrt(rgampr(1)**2+rgampr(2)**2+rgampr(3)**2)
+            bofra(5,l)=sqrt( bofra(4,l)**2-rgampr(4)**2)
+          elseif(iframe.eq.23)then
+                                ! nothing to do already breit-frame
+          else
+            print *, 'invalid frame request'
+            print *, 'choose frame gamma-nucleon or lab for event run'
+            stop'bye bye'
+          endif
+        elseif(ifra(l).eq.33.or.ifra(l).eq.36)then
+          if(ifra(l).eq.33)then
+            call gakthru(ten,2)
+          else
+            call gakthru(ten,3)
+          endif
+          if(ten(4,1).lt.0.)then
+            imofra(1,l)=0
+            imofra(2,l)=0
+            imofra(3,l)=0
+          else
+            arox=ten(1,1)
+            aroy=ten(2,1)
+            aroz=ten(3,1)
+            brox=ten(1,2)
+            broy=ten(2,2)
+            broz=ten(3,2)
+            call utrota(1,arox,aroy,aroz,brox,broy,broz)
+            imofra(1,l)=1
+            r1fra(1,l)=arox
+            r1fra(2,l)=aroy
+            r1fra(3,l)=aroz
+            imofra(2,l)=1
+            r2fra(1,l)=brox
+            r2fra(2,l)=broy
+            r2fra(3,l)=broz
+            imofra(3,l)=0       !no boost
+          endif
+          bofra(1,l)=dble(ten(4,1)) !usually this is for boosting
+          bofra(2,l)=dble(ten(4,2)) !I abuse it to store the eigenvalues
+          bofra(3,l)=dble(ten(4,3)) !
+        elseif(ifra(l).eq.32.or.ifra(l).eq.34.or.ifra(l).eq.35)then
+          if(ifra(l).eq.32)then
+            call gaksphe(ten,2.,2)
+          elseif(ifra(l).eq.34)then
+            call gaksphe(ten,1.,2)
+          else
+            call gaksphe(ten,2.,3)
+          endif
+          if(ten(4,1).lt.0.)then
+            imofra(1,l)=0
+            imofra(2,l)=0
+            imofra(3,l)=0
+          else
+            arox=ten(1,1)
+            aroy=ten(2,1)
+            aroz=ten(3,1)
+            brox=ten(1,2)
+            broy=ten(2,2)
+            broz=ten(3,2)
+            call utrota(1,arox,aroy,aroz,brox,broy,broz)
+            imofra(1,l)=1
+            r1fra(1,l)=arox
+            r1fra(2,l)=aroy
+            r1fra(3,l)=aroz
+            imofra(2,l)=1
+            r2fra(1,l)=brox
+            r2fra(2,l)=broy
+            r2fra(3,l)=broz
+            imofra(3,l)=0
+          endif
+          bofra(1,l)=dble(ten(4,1))
+          bofra(2,l)=dble(ten(4,2))
+          bofra(3,l)=dble(ten(4,3))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      do n=1,nhis
+        itrevt(n)=.false.
+        if(ivar(1,n).ge.100.and.ivar(1,n).le.199) sval(1,n)=0.
+        if(ivar(2,n).ge.100.and.ivar(2,n).le.199) sval(2,n)=0.
+        if(ivar(1,n).gt.300.and.ivar(1,n).lt.400)then
+          call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),0,x) !initializing of  variables
+        endif
+        if(ivar(2,n).gt.300.and.ivar(2,n).lt.400)then
+          call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),0,y) !
+        endif
+        do j=1,ntri(n)
+          valtri(j,n)=0.
+        enddo
+        do j=1,nbin(n)  !copy bins
+          bin(j,3-nac(n),n)=bin(j,nac(n),n)
+          zcbin(j,3-nac(n),n)=zcbin(j,nac(n),n)
+        enddo
+        if(lookcontr(n).gt.0)then
+          do j=1,nbin(n)
+            do loo=lookcontr(n),lookcontrx(n)
+                    bbin(j,3-nac(n),loo)=bbin(j,nac(n),loo)
+                    zbbin(j,3-nac(n),loo)=zbbin(j,nac(n),loo)
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+        if(inoerr(n).gt.0)then
+          do j=1,nbin(n)
+            do nn=1,inoerr(n)
+              ebin(j,3-nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))=ebin(j,nac(n),
+     &                                          nn-1+noerrhis(n))
+              zebin(j,3-nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))=zebin(j,nac(n),
+     &                                          nn-1+noerrhis(n))
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(imulty1.eq.1)then
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Calculate standard variables ...'
+        call StandardVariables
+      endif
+      if(ipairs1.eq.1)then
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Calculate pair variables ...'
+        call PairVariables
+      endif
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call corrtrig ...'
+      do n=1,icorrtrig(0)
+        call corrtrig(icorrtrig(n))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call hardevent ...'
+      do n=1,ihardevent(0)
+        call hardevent(ihardevent(n))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call mux ...'
+      do n=1,imux(0)
+        call mux(imux(n))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call caltrig ...'
+      do n=1,icaltrig(0)
+        call caltrig(icaltrig(n))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call jetfind ...'
+      do n=1,ijetfind1(0)
+        call jetfind(1,ijetfind1(n))
+      enddo
+      do n=1,ijetfind2(0)
+        call jetfind(2,ijetfind2(n))
+      enddo
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call fastjet ...'
+      do n=1,ifastjet(0)
+        call fastjet(ifastjet(n))
+      enddo
+c don't change order here : jetevent should be called always after fastjet !
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Call jetevent ...'
+      ncntje=0
+      do n=1,ijetevent(0)
+        call jetevent(ijetevent(n))
+      enddo
+c...........................loop nptl...................................
+      ncontr=0
+      if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'Loop nptl ...'
+      do j=1,nptl
+        if(iorptl(j).lt.0.or.(istptl(j).lt.100.and.istptl(j).gt.istmax))
+     &                                                            goto 8
+        if(ish.ge.5)write(ifch,*)'ptl :',j
+        call idchrg(idptl(j),ch)
+        do i=1,nfra
+          iffra(i)=0            !flag if frame calculated or not
+        enddo
+        do n=1,nhis
+          if(ivar(1,n).eq.-1.or.ivar(2,n).eq.-1)goto 9
+          if(ivar(1,n).ge.200.and.ivar(2,n).ge.200)goto 9 !skip particle loop if event variables
+c...........check ids
+          go=nidcod(n).eq.0
+          do i=1,nidcod(n)
+            if(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.10000)then    !all final particle
+              go=.true.     
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9995)then    !all particles but nuclei
+              if(abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000) go=.true.     
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9990)then  !all hadrons
+              if((abs(idptl(j)).ge.100.or.abs(idptl(j)).eq.20)
+     $         .and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000) go=.true.      
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9985)then !neutral particles
+              if(abs(ch).lt.0.1.and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000) go=.true. 
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9980)then !charged particles
+              if(abs(ch).gt.0.1.and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000) go=.true. 
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9975)then  !neutral hadrons
+              if(abs(ch).lt.0.1.and.(abs(idptl(j)).ge.100
+     $ .or.abs(idptl(j)).eq.20).and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000) go=.true.
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9970)then  !charged hadrons
+              if(abs(ch).gt.0.1.and.abs(idptl(j)).ge.100
+     $         .and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000) go=.true.
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.-9960)then !negative hadrons
+              if(ch.lt.-0.1.and.abs(idptl(j)).ge.100
+     $             .and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000)go=.true.
+            elseif(istptl(j).eq.0.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9960)then  !positive hadrons
+              if(ch.gt.0.1.and.abs(idptl(j)).ge.100
+     $         .and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000)go=.true.
+            elseif((istptl(j).le.1.or.istptl(j).ge.10)
+     $            .and.ityptl(n).ne.61
+     $            .and.idcod(i,n).eq.idptl(j))then
+              go=.true.
+            elseif(istptl(j).gt.100.and.idcod(i,n).eq.9999)then   !jets from fastjet
+              go=.true.
+            endif
+          enddo
+          if(ish.ge.10)write(ifch,*)j,' id,ist',idptl(j),istptl(j),go
+c...........check weak decay
+          if(go)then
+            if(noweak(n).eq.1)then  !do not consider weak decay products
+             if(iorptl(j).ne.0)then
+              idora=abs( idptl(iorptl(j)) )
+              if(  idora.eq.20   .or.idora.eq.2130
+     &               .or.idora.eq.2230 .or.idora.eq.1130
+     &         .or.idora.eq.2330 .or.idora.eq.1330
+     &         .or.idora.eq.3331 )go=.false.
+             ! print *, j,n, '   ', idptl(j),idora,go
+             endif
+            endif
+          endif
+c...........check triggers
+          if(go)then
+            if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'  check triggers in histogram ',n
+            ncontr=0
+            do i=1,ntri(n)
+              if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'  trigger variable: ',itri(i,n)
+              if(itri(i,n).lt.100)then
+                call xval(n,itri(i,n),itfra(i,n),j,x)
+                if(ntrc(i,n).ne.-1)then
+                  call triggercondition(i,n,x,go)
+                else
+                  ncontr=ncontr+1
+                  goo(ncontr)=.true.
+                  call triggercondition(i,n,x,goo(ncontr))
+                  if((ivar(1,n).gt.100.and.ivar(1,n).lt.200)
+     .                 .or.(ivar(2,n).gt.100.and.ivar(2,n).lt.200))then
+                    print*,'!-----------------------------------------'
+                    print*,'!  100-199 event variables can not be used'
+                    print*,'! in connection with "trigger contr ..."  '
+                    print*,'!-----------------------------------------'
+                    stop'in xana (1).                      '
+                  endif
+                endif
+              elseif(itri(i,n).lt.200)then
+                if(ntrc(i,n).eq.-1)then
+                    print*,'!-----------------------------------------'
+                    print*,'!  100-199 event variables can not be used'
+                    print*,'! in connection with "trigger contr ..."  '
+                    print*,'!-----------------------------------------'
+                    stop'in xana (2).                      '
+                endif
+                call xval(n,itri(i,n),itfra(i,n),j,x)
+                valtri(i,n)=valtri(i,n)+x
+              endif
+            enddo
+          endif
+c............fill histogram
+          if(go)then
+            if(ish.ge.6)write(ifch,*)'  fill histogram '
+     &            ,n,ivar(1,n),ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n)
+            cont=.false.
+            if(ivar(1,n).lt.100.or.ivar(2,n).lt.100)then
+              if(ivar(2,n).lt.100)then
+                call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),j,y)
+                sval(2,n)=y
+                cont=.true.
+              endif
+              if(ivar(1,n).lt.100)then
+                call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),j,x)
+                if(x.ge.xmin(n).and.x.le.xmax(n))then
+                  norm3=mod(inorm(n)/100,10)
+                  if(norm3.eq.1)then
+                    y=y*x
+                  elseif(norm3.eq.2.and.ivar(1,n).eq.63.and.x.ne.0.)then
+                    y=y/(x+pptl(5,j))/2/pi
+                  elseif(norm3.eq.2.and.ivar(1,n).ne.63.and.x.ne.0.)then
+                    y=y/x/2/pi
+                  elseif(norm3.eq.4.and.x.ne.0.)then
+                    y=y/x**1.5
+                  elseif(norm3.eq.5.and.x.ne.0.)then
+                    y=y/x
+                  elseif(norm3.eq.7.and.x.ne.0.)then
+                    y=y/x/sqrt(x-pptl(5,j))
+                  endif
+                  if(icnx(n))then
+                    call fillhistoconex(n,x,y,ivfra(2,n),j)   !for conex
+                  else
+                    if(ilog(n))then
+                      nb=1+int(log(x/xmin(n))*xinc(n))
+                    else
+                      nb=1+int((x-xmin(n))*xinc(n))
+                    endif
+                    bin(nb,nac(n),n)=bin(nb,nac(n),n)+y
+                   if(ncontr.gt.0)then  !ptl trigger contr
+                      do nn=1,ncontr
+                        if(goo(nn))then
+                             bbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)=
+     &                  bbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)+y
+                             zbbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)=
+     &                  zbbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)+1
+                        endif
+                      enddo
+                    endif
+                    if(inoerr(n).gt.0)then
+                      do nn=1,inoerr(n)
+                       call xval(n,noerr(noerrhis(n),nn),ivfra(2,n),j,y)
+                        ebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))=
+     &                       ebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))+y
+                        zebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))=
+     &                       zebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))+1
+                      enddo
+                    endif
+                    zcbin(nb,nac(n),n)=zcbin(nb,nac(n),n)+1
+                  endif
+                  itrevt(n)=.true.
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+            if(ivar(1,n).gt.100.and.ivar(1,n).lt.200)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),j,x)
+              sval(1,n)=sval(1,n)+x
+            endif
+            if(ivar(2,n).gt.100.and.ivar(2,n).lt.200)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),j,y)
+              sval(2,n)=sval(2,n)+y
+              cont=.true.
+            endif
+            if(ivar(1,n).gt.300.and.ivar(1,n).lt.400)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),j,x)
+            endif
+            if(ivar(2,n).gt.300.and.ivar(2,n).lt.400)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),j,y)
+              cont=.true.
+            endif
+            if(ish.ge.6.and.cont)write (ifch,*)
+     *                           '   ---> histo n,x,y:',n,x,y
+          endif
+   9      continue
+        enddo
+  8     continue
+      enddo
+c...........................end loop nptl...........................
+      do n=1,nhis
+      if(ivar(1,n).eq.-1.or.ivar(2,n).eq.-1)goto 99
+c........check event triggers
+      if(ish.ge.7)write(ifch,*)'  check event triggers in histogram ',n
+       go=.true.
+        ncontr=0
+        do i=1,ntri(n)
+          if(itri(i,n).gt.100)then
+            if(itri(i,n).lt.200)then
+              x=valtri(i,n)
+            else
+              call xval(n,itri(i,n),itfra(i,n),0,x)
+            endif
+            if(ntrc(i,n).ne.-1)then
+              call triggercondition(i,n,x,go)
+            else
+              ncontr=ncontr+1
+              goo(ncontr)=.true.
+              call triggercondition(i,n,x,goo(ncontr))
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+c........event variables > 200
+        if(go)then
+          if(ivar(1,n).gt.100)then
+            if(ivar(1,n).gt.200.and.ivar(1,n).lt.300)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),0,x)
+            elseif(ivar(1,n).gt.300.and.ivar(1,n).lt.400)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),nptl+1,x)
+            elseif(ivar(1,n).gt.100.and.ivar(1,n).lt.200)then
+              x=sval(1,n)
+            else
+              call xval(n,ivar(1,n),ivfra(1,n),0,x)
+            endif
+            if(ivar(2,n).gt.200.and.ivar(2,n).lt.300)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),0,y)
+            elseif(ivar(2,n).gt.300.and.ivar(2,n).lt.400)then
+              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),nptl+1,y)
+            elseif(ivar(2,n).gt.0.and.ivar(2,n).lt.200)then
+              y=sval(2,n)
+            else             !inom>500
+              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),0,y)
+            endif
+c The following doesn't work for ivar(2,n)<100, since particle number is not defined !
+c            if(ivar(2,n).gt.200.and.ivar(2,n).lt.300)then
+c              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),0,y)
+c            elseif(ivar(2,n).gt.300.and.ivar(2,n).lt.400)then
+c              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),nptl+1,y)
+c            elseif(ivar(2,n).gt.100.and.ivar(2,n).lt.200)then
+c              y=sval(2,n)
+c            else
+c              call xval(n,ivar(2,n),ivfra(2,n),0,y)
+c            endif
+            if(mod(inorm(n)/100,10).eq.1)y=y*x
+            if(mod(inorm(n)/100,10).eq.2.and.x.ne.0.)y=y/x/2/pi
+            if(mod(inorm(n)/100,10).eq.4.and.x.ne.0.)y=y/x**1.5
+            if(mod(inorm(n)/100,10).eq.5.and.x.ne.0.)y=y/x
+            sval(1,n)=x
+            sval(2,n)=y
+            if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'histo n,x,y:',n,x,y
+            if(x.ge.xmin(n).and.x.le.xmax(n))then
+              if(ilog(n))then
+                nb=1+int(log(x/xmin(n))*xinc(n))
+              else
+                nb=1+int((x-xmin(n))*xinc(n))
+              endif
+              bin(nb,nac(n),n)=bin(nb,nac(n),n)+y
+              if(ncontr.gt.0)then
+                do nn=1,ncontr
+                  if(goo(nn))
+     &                    bbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)=
+     &             bbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)+y
+                enddo
+              endif
+              zcbin(nb,nac(n),n)=zcbin(nb,nac(n),n)+1
+              itrevt(n)=.true.
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+c........particle variables
+        if(go)then
+          if(ivar(1,n).le.100)then
+            if(ncontr.gt.0)then  !event trigger contr
+              do nb=1,nbin(n)
+                do nn=1,ncontr
+                  if(goo(nn))
+     &                     bbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)=
+     &              bbin(nb,nac(n),lookcontr(n)-1+nn)
+     &              +bin(nb,nac(n),n)-bin(nb,3-nac(n),n)
+                enddo
+              enddo
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+c............event ok (increase ncevt) or not (take copy)
+        if(go)then
+          ncevt(n)=ncevt(n)+1
+          if(ncontr.gt.0)then
+            do nn=1,ncontr
+              loo=lookcontr(n)-1+nn
+              if(goo(nn))
+     &        nccevt(loo)=nccevt(loo)+1
+            enddo
+          endif
+        else
+          if(ish.ge.6)write (ifch,*) 'event rejected for histo',n
+          nac(n)=3-nac(n)
+          itrevt(n)=.false.
+        endif
+ 99   continue
+      enddo
+      call utprix('xana  ',ish,ishini,4)
+      end
+      subroutine triggercondition(i,n,x,go)
+c ntrc is used to distinguish the different usage of trigger:
+c    trigger var xmin xmax
+c             ntrc=1
+c    trigger or n var1 xmin1 xmax1 var2 xmin2 xmax2 ... varn xminn xmaxn
+c          1  ntrc=2
+c          2  ntrc=0
+c              ...
+c         n-1 ntrc=0
+c          n  ntrc=3
+c    trigger contr n var1 xmin1 xmax1 var2 xmin2 xmax2 ... varn xminn xmaxn
+c             ntrc=-1
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+      logical go,gox,ok,goz
+                xmn=xmitri(i,n)
+                xmx=xmatri(i,n)
+                if(xmn.eq.-123456.and.xmx.eq.-123456)then  !for leading part
+                  xmn=float(idlead)
+                  xmx=float(idlead)
+                endif
+                pmn=xmitrp(i,n)
+                pmx=xmatrp(i,n)
+                if(abs(ntrc(i,n)).eq.1)then
+                  goz=.true.
+                  if(pmn.gt.99.999.and.pmx.gt.99.999)then
+                    if(x.lt.xmn.or.x.gt.xmx)goz=.false.
+                  else
+                    if(x.lt.xmn-0.5.or.x.gt.xmx+0.5)goz=.false.
+                    ok=rangen().le.xmitrp(i,n)/100.
+                    if(.not.ok.and.x.lt.xmn+0.5)goz=.false.
+                    ok=rangen().le.xmatrp(i,n)/100.
+                    if(.not.ok.and.x.gt.xmx-0.5)goz=.false.
+                  endif
+                  if(.not.goz)go=.false.
+                else
+                  if(ntrc(i,n).eq.2)gox=.false.
+                  goz=.true.
+                  if(pmn.gt.99.999.and.pmx.gt.99.999)then
+                    if(x.lt.xmn.or.x.gt.xmx)goz=.false.
+                  else
+                    if(x.lt.xmn-0.5.or.x.gt.xmx+0.5)goz=.false.
+                    ok=rangen().le.xmitrp(i,n)/100.
+                    if(.not.ok.and.x.lt.xmn+0.5)goz=.false.
+                    ok=rangen().le.xmatrp(i,n)/100.
+                    if(.not.ok.and.x.gt.xmx-0.5)goz=.false.
+                  endif
+                  if(goz)gox=.true.
+                  if(ntrc(i,n).eq.3.and..not.gox)go=.false.
+                endif
+                if(ish.ge.9)write(ifch,*)'trigger conditions '
+     &                                   ,i,n,xmn,x,xmx,go
+                end
+      subroutine fillhistoconex(n,x,y,lf,j)   !for conex
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+           if(.not.(mod(inorm(n),10).ne.4
+     &      .and.mod(inorm(n),10).ne.6
+     &      .and.mod(inorm(n)/100,10).ne.3))return
+                    if(ilog(n))then
+                      c=(xmax(n)/xmin(n))**(1./real(nbin(n)))
+                      nde=nint(1./log10(c))
+                      nb=max(1,1+int(log10(x/xmin(n))*nde))
+                      xmb=xmin(n)*c**(nb-0.5)
+                      if(x.gt.xmb.and.nb.lt.nbin(n))then
+                        if(x.gt.xmax(n))
+     &                    write(ifmt,*)'xana max ?',x,xmax(n),nb
+                        nbx=1
+                        xmx=c*xmb
+                      elseif(x.lt.xmb.and.nb.gt.1)then
+                        if(x.lt.xmin(n))write(ifmt,*)'xana min ?',x,nb
+                        nbx=-1
+                        xmx=xmb/c
+                      else
+                        nbx=0
+                        xmx=0.
+                      endif
+                    else
+                      c=(xmax(n)-xmin(n))/real(nbin(n))
+                      nb=max(1,1+int((x-xmin(n))/c))
+                      xmb=xmin(n)+c*(nb-0.5)
+                      if(x.gt.xmb)then
+                        nbx=1
+                        xmx=c+xmb
+                      elseif(x.lt.xmb)then
+                        nbx=-1
+                        xmx=xmb-c
+                      else
+                        nbx=0
+                        xmx=0.
+                      endif
+                    endif
+                    xc=(x-xmx)/(xmb-xmx)
+                    xc=max(0.,min(1.,xc))
+                    bin(nb,nac(n),n)=bin(nb,nac(n),n)+xc*y
+                    if(nbx.ne.0)bin(nb+nbx,nac(n),n)
+     &                  =bin(nb+nbx,nac(n),n)+(1.-xc)*y
+                    zcbin(nb,nac(n),n)=zcbin(nb,nac(n),n)+1
+                    if(inoerr(n).gt.0)then
+                      do nn=1,inoerr(n)
+                        call xval(n,noerr(noerrhis(n),nn),lf,j,y2)
+                        ebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))=
+     &                       ebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))+y2
+                        zebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))=
+     &                       zebin(nb,nac(n),nn-1+noerrhis(n))+1
+                      enddo
+                    endif
+      end
+      subroutine xhis(n)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+      dimension xx(mxbin)
+      double precision histoweight
+      common/chiswei/histoweight
+      common/cyield/yield
+      common/csigma/sigma
+      double precision dcel
+      common/ems3/dcel,ad
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      save cnormx
+      if(ivar(1,n).eq.-1)then
+        nrbins=0
+        goto 9999
+      endif
+c.......here normalization.......................................
+c           see also   "..........fill histogram"
+c     the norm ( inorm(n) ) is a number hijk which normalizes to:
+c  k  0:  * 1
+c     1:  / number of events
+c     2:  / number of triggered events
+c     4:  / bin-counts
+c     5:  / bin sum
+c     6:  / number of summed bin-counts (yield=1.)
+c     7:  uses same normalization as one histo before
+c  j  0:  * 1
+c     1:  / bin-width
+c     2:  * sigma_total / bin-width
+c     3:  * sigma_diff / bin-width
+c  i  0:  * 1
+c     1:  y => y*x
+c     2:  y => y/x/2/pi (modified for mt0)
+c     3:  kno-scaling
+c     4:  y => y/x**1.5
+c     5:  y => y/x
+c     6:  y => y*xi (for conex, xi=x of the bin)
+c     7:  y => y/x/(x-m)
+c  h  0: normal
+c     1: accumulated
+      norm1=mod(inorm(n),10)
+      norm2=mod(inorm(n)/10,10)
+      norm3=mod(inorm(n)/100,10)
+      norm4=mod(inorm(n)/1000,10)
+      nctbin=0
+      sumbin=0
+      do l=1,nbin(n)
+        nctbin=nctbin+zcbin(l,nac(n),n)
+        sumbin=sumbin+bin(l,nac(n),n)
+        if(norm1.eq.4.and.zcbin(l,nac(n),n).ne.0d0)then
+          bin(l,nac(n),n)=bin(l,nac(n),n)/zcbin(l,nac(n),n)
+          if(lookcontr(n).gt.0)then
+            do loo=lookcontr(n),lookcontrx(n)
+              if(zbbin(l,nac(n),loo).ne.0.)
+     &           bbin(l,nac(n),loo)=bbin(l,nac(n),loo)
+     &            /zbbin(l,nac(n),loo)
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(ilog(n))then
+          xx(l)=xmin(n)*(xmax(n)/xmin(n))**((float(l)-.5)/nbin(n))
+        else
+          xx(l)=(float(l)-0.5)*(xmax(n)-xmin(n))/nbin(n)+xmin(n)
+        endif
+      enddo
+      cnorm=1.
+      if(norm1.eq.1)cnorm=1./float(nevent)
+      if(norm1.eq.2)then
+        if(ncevt(n).ne.0)then
+          cnorm=1./float(ncevt(n))
+        else
+          cnorm=0.
+        endif
+      endif
+      if(norm1.eq.5.and.sumbin.ne.0.)cnorm=1./sumbin
+      if(norm1.eq.6.and.nctbin.ne.0)cnorm=1./float(nctbin)
+      if(norm1.eq.7)cnorm=cnormx
+      cnormx=cnorm
+      if(ntevt.ne.0)
+     &   sigma=10.*pi*bmax**2.*nevent/ntevt !total (untriggered) sigma
+      if(norm2.eq.3)then      !differential (triggered) sigma
+        if(ntevt.ne.0)
+     &     sigma=10.*pi*bmax**2.*ncevt(n)/ntevt
+      endif
+      if(norm3.eq.3)then      !kno
+        first=0.
+        secnd=0.
+        do l=1,nbin(n)
+          if(nctbin.ne.0)first=first+xx(l)*zcbin(l,nac(n),n)/nctbin
+          if(nctbin.ne.0)secnd=secnd
+     $           +xx(l)**2*zcbin(l,nac(n),n)/nctbin
+        enddo
+      else
+        first=1.
+      endif
+      if(ilog(n))then
+        if(norm2.eq.2.or.norm2.eq.3) cnorm=cnorm*sigma
+      else
+        if(norm2.ge.1.and.norm2.le.3) cnorm=cnorm*xinc(n)
+        if(norm2.eq.2.or.norm2.eq.3) cnorm=cnorm*sigma
+      endif
+      do l=1,nbin(n)
+        bnorm=0.
+        if(ilog(n).and.norm2.ge.1.and.norm2.le.3)then
+          bnorm=1./(xmin(n)*exp(float(l)/xinc(n))*(1.-exp(-1./xinc(n))))
+          bin(l,nac(n),n) =  bin(l,nac(n),n) * bnorm
+        endif
+        bin(l,nac(n),n) =  bin(l,nac(n),n) * cnorm
+        if(lookcontr(n).gt.0)then
+          if(ilog(n).and.norm2.ge.1.and.norm2.le.3)then
+            do loo=lookcontr(n),lookcontrx(n)
+              bbin(l,nac(n),loo)=bbin(l,nac(n),loo) * bnorm
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      f=first
+      nrbins=nbin(n)
+      nctbin=0
+      yield=0.
+      shft=0
+       if(nint(xpara(1,n)).eq.999963)shft=xpara(2,n)
+      do ii=1,nbin(n)
+        g=1
+        if(norm3.eq.1.and.xx(ii).ne.0.)g=1./xx(ii)
+        if(norm3.eq.2)g=2*pi*(xx(ii)+shft)
+        if(norm3.eq.4)g=xx(ii)**1.5
+        if(norm3.eq.5)g=xx(ii)
+        if(norm3.eq.7)g=0
+        yield=yield+bin(ii,nac(n),n)/xinc(n)*hisfac*f*g
+      enddo
+      do l=1,nbin(n)
+        x=(xx(l)+xshift)      !*xhfact
+        ar(l,1)=x/f
+        sigbin=0
+        if(zcbin(l,nac(n),n).ne.0d0)
+     *   sigbin=bin(l,nac(n),n)*hisfac*f/sqrt(zcbin(l,nac(n),n))
+        if(norm4.eq.0.or.l.eq.1)then
+          ar(l,3)=bin(l,nac(n),n)*hisfac*f
+          if(lookcontr(n).gt.0)then
+           do loo=lookcontr(n),lookcontrx(n)
+             r=1
+             if(norm1.eq.2.and.nccevt(loo).ne.0.)
+     *          r=float(ncevt(n))/nccevt(loo)
+             lo=loo-lookcontr(n)+1
+             ary(l,lo)=bbin(l,nac(n),loo)*hisfac*f*cnorm*r
+             if(zbbin(l,nac(n),loo).gt.0.)then
+               ardy(l,lo)=ary(l,lo)/sqrt(zbbin(l,nac(n),loo))
+             else
+               ardy(l,lo)=0
+             endif
+             if(norm1.eq.4)ardy(l,lo)=zbbin(l,nac(n),loo)
+            enddo
+          endif
+          if(norm3.eq.6)then   !conex
+           ar(l,3)=ar(l,3)*xx(l)
+          endif
+          ar(l,4)=sigbin
+        else
+          ar(l,3)=ar(l-1,3)+bin(l,nac(n),n)*hisfac*f
+          ar(l,4)=sqrt(ar(l-1,4)**2+sigbin**2)
+        endif
+        if(inoerr(n).ge.1)then
+          if(zebin(l,nac(n),noerrhis(n)).gt.0.d0)then
+         ar(l,4)=ebin(l,nac(n),noerrhis(n))/zebin(l,nac(n),noerrhis(n))
+          else
+            ar(l,4)=0.
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(inoerr(n).eq.2)then
+          if(zebin(l,nac(n),noerrhis(n)+1).gt.0.d0)then
+      ar(l,5)=ebin(l,nac(n),noerrhis(n)+1)/zebin(l,nac(n),noerrhis(n)+1)
+          else
+            ar(l,5)=0.
+          endif
+        endif
+        if(norm1.eq.4)ar(l,4)=zcbin(l,nac(n),n)
+      enddo
+      ionoerr=inoerr(n)
+      histoweight=dble(ncevt(n))
+      if(norm1.eq.1)histoweight=dble(nevent)
+      if(norm1.eq.4)histoweight=0d0
+ 9999 hisfac=1.
+      xshift=0
+      end
+      integer function nsdiff(insdif,now)
+c  returns  1 if trigger condition for NSD fulfilled and 0 otherwise
+c  for  UA1 (insdif=0) or UA5 (insdif=1) or CDF (insdif=2) or STAR (insdif=3,4)
+C  or BRAHMS (insdif=5) or NA61 (insdif=6) or CMS (insdif=7)
+c  or ATLAS (insdif=8) or ALICE (insdif=9, 10 and 11) 
+c  or CMS hadron level (insdif=12) or CMS hadron level double sided (insdif=13)
+c  or LHCf hadron level (insdif=15)
+c  now ... noweak(histogram number) (obsolete)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      integer ncevt,nsdi(0:20)
+      logical cont
+      data ncevt/1/
+      save nsdi,ncevt
+c initialization for each event
+      if(ncevt.eq.nrevt)then
+        ncevt=ncevt+1
+        do i=0,20
+          nsdi(i)=-1
+        enddo
+      endif
+      nsdiff=0
+           if(insdif.ge.0)then
+         if(nsdi(insdif).lt.0)then
+      iii1=0
+      iii2=0
+      iii3=0
+      ipos=0
+      ineg=0
+         do npts=1,nptl
+        if(istptl(npts).ne.0)goto 60
+          cont=   idptl(npts).ne.120 .and.idptl(npts).ne.-120
+     *   .and.idptl(npts).ne.130 .and.idptl(npts).ne.-130
+     *   .and.idptl(npts).ne.1120.and.idptl(npts).ne.-1120
+     *   .and.idptl(npts).ne.1130.and.idptl(npts).ne.-1130
+     *   .and.idptl(npts).ne.2230.and.idptl(npts).ne.-2230
+     *   .and.idptl(npts).ne.2330.and.idptl(npts).ne.-2330
+     *   .and.idptl(npts).ne.3331.and.idptl(npts).ne.-3331
+        if(insdif.ne.7.and.insdif.lt.14)then
+          if(cont)goto 60
+        endif
+c just to avoid warning with gfortran when "now" is not used
+        nowdum=now
+c        if(now.eq.1)then  !do not consider weak decay products
+c         if(iorptl(npts).ne.0)then
+c          idora=abs( idptl(iorptl(npts)) )
+c          if(  idora.eq.20   .or.idora.eq.2130
+c     &     .or.idora.eq.2230 .or.idora.eq.1130
+c     &     .or.idora.eq.2330 .or.idora.eq.1330
+c     &     .or.idora.eq.3331 )goto 60
+c          endif
+c         endif
+        pz=pptl(3,npts)
+        pt=sqrt(pptl(2,npts)**2+pptl(1,npts)**2)
+        ppp=sqrt(pz**2+pt**2)
+        Etot=pptl(4,npts)
+        if(ppp.gt.abs(pz))then
+          yyy=.5*log((ppp+pz)/(ppp-pz))
+        else
+          yyy=sign(100.,pz)
+        endif
+        if(insdif.eq.0)then
+          if(yyy.gt.1.5  .and. yyy.lt.5.5)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.5 .and. yyy.lt.-1.5)iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.1)then
+          if(yyy.gt.2.   .and. yyy.lt.5.6)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.6 .and. yyy.lt.-2.)iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.2)then
+          if(yyy.gt.3.2  .and. yyy.lt.5.9)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.9 .and. yyy.lt.-3.2)iii2=1
+          if(yyy.gt.0.   .and. yyy.lt.3.0)ipos=ipos+1
+          if(yyy.gt.-3.0 .and. yyy.lt.0. )ineg=ineg+1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.3)then
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.0 .and. yyy.lt.-3.3 )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 3.3 .and. yyy.lt. 5.0 )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.4)then
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.0 .and. yyy.lt.-3.1 )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 3.1 .and. yyy.lt. 5.0 )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.5)then
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.25 .and. yyy.lt.-3.26 )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 3.26 .and. yyy.lt. 5.25 )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.6)then  !NA61 trigger if NO charged particle with theta<5.26 mrad
+          if(pptl(3,npts).gt.0..and.yyy.lt.100.)then
+           theta=sqrt(pptl(1,npts)**2+pptl(2,npts)**2)/pptl(3,npts)
+           if(theta.lt.5.26e-3)iii1=1
+          endif
+        elseif(insdif.eq.7)then   !CMS NSD corrected using PYTHIA (2010)
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.2 .and. yyy.lt.-2.9 .and. Etot .gt.3.)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 2.9 .and. yyy.lt. 5.2 .and. Etot .gt.3.)iii2=1
+          if(yyy.gt. -2.5 .and. yyy.lt. 2.5 .and. pt .gt.0.2 .and. cont)
+     &                                                       iii3=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.8)then   !ATLAS
+          if(yyy.gt.-2.5 .and. yyy.lt.2.5.and.pt.gt.0.5)iii1=1
+          iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.9)then   !ALICE 900 GeV
+          if(yyy.gt.-3.7 .and. yyy.lt.-1.7 )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 2.8 .and. yyy.lt. 5.1 )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.10)then   !ALICE 2.36 TeV
+          if(yyy.gt.-2 .and. yyy.lt.2 )iii1=1
+          iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.11)then   !ALICE Inel>0
+          if(yyy.gt.-1 .and. yyy.lt.1 )iii1=1
+          iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.12)then   !CMS hadron level NSD trigger (2011)
+          if(yyy.gt.-4.4 .and. yyy.lt.-3.9 )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 3.9 .and. yyy.lt. 4.4 )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.13)then   !CMS hadron level doubl sided trigger (2012)
+          if(yyy.gt.-5. .and. yyy.lt.-3. .and. Etot .gt. 3. )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 3. .and. yyy.lt. 5. .and. Etot .gt. 3. )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.14)then   !CMS hadron level single sided trigger (HF 2012)
+          if(yyy.gt.-4.9 .and. yyy.lt.-2.9 .and. Etot .gt. 5. )iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt. 2.9 .and. yyy.lt. 4.9 .and. Etot .gt. 5. )iii2=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.15)then   !LHCf hadron level single sided trigger
+          emint=0.
+          if(idptl(npts).eq.10.or.abs(idptl(npts)).eq.20)emint=100.
+          if(abs(idptl(npts)).eq.1220.or.(abs(idptl(npts)).eq.2130))
+     *                                                   emint=300.
+          if(yyy.lt.-7.935 .and. Etot .gt. emint )iii1=1
+c          if(yyy.gt. 2.9 .and. yyy.lt. 4.9 .and. Etot .gt. 5. )iii2=1
+        endif
+60      continue
+         enddo
+        if(insdif.le.1)then
+          if(iii1.eq.1 .and. iii2.eq.1) nsdiff=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.2)then
+          if((iii1.eq.1 .and. iii2.eq.1) .and.
+     *    ((ipos.ne.0 .and. ineg.ne.0) .and. ipos+ineg.ge.4)) nsdiff=1
+        elseif(insdif.ge.14)then
+          if(iii1.eq.1 .or. iii2.eq.1) nsdiff=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.3.or.insdif.eq.4
+     *         .or.insdif.eq.5.or.insdif.eq.8.or.insdif.ge.9)then
+          if(iii1.eq.1 .and. iii2.eq.1) nsdiff=1
+        elseif(insdif.eq.6)then
+          if(iii1.eq.0 .and. iii2.eq.0)then
+            nsdiff=1
+          endif
+        elseif(insdif.eq.7)then
+          if(iii1.eq.1 .and. iii2.eq.1 .and.iii3.eq.1)then
+            nsdiff=1
+          endif
+        endif
+        nsdi(insdif)=nsdiff
+        else
+          nsdiff=nsdi(insdif)
+        endif
+           else
+      stop'in nsdiff. argument of nsdiff not authorized.        '
+           endif
+      end
+      integer function isdiff(isdif)
+c  returns  1 if trigger condition for single diff fulfilled and 0 otherwise
+c  for  UA4 Mult distri (isdif=1) or UA4 xsection (isdif=2) 
+c  or CDF SD (isdif=3) or CDF DPE (isdif=4) or CDF min bias (for DD) 
+c  (isdif=5)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      isdiff=0
+           if(isdif.ge.1)then
+      iii0=0
+      iii1=0
+      iii2=0
+      iii3=0
+      iii4=0
+      Et1=0.
+      Et2=0.
+      do npts=1,nptl
+        if(istptl(npts).ne.0)goto 60
+        if(   abs(idptl(npts)).ne.120
+     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.130
+     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.1120
+     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.1130
+     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.2230
+     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.2330
+     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.3331)goto 60
+        ppt=pptl(1,npts)**2+pptl(2,npts)**2
+        ppp=sqrt(ppt+pptl(3,npts)**2)
+        ppt=sqrt(ppt)
+        yyy=0.
+        if(pptl(3,npts).ne.0..and.ppt.ne.0.)yyy=sign(1.,pptl(3,npts))*
+     *   log((ppp+abs(pptl(3,npts)))/ppt)
+c        if(ppp.gt.abs(pptl(3,npts)))then
+c          yyy=.5*log((ppp+pptl(3,npts))/(ppp-pptl(3,npts)))
+c        else
+c          yyy=sign(100.,pptl(3,npts))
+c        endif
+        if(isdif.le.2)yyy=-sign(1.,float(ilprtg))*yyy   !trigger on antiproton (target : ilprt=-1)
+c        if(idptl(npts).eq.-1120)then
+          if(abs(pptl(3,npts)).gt.0.)then
+            theta=sign(1.,float(ilprtg))*ppt/pptl(3,npts)
+            if((isdif.le.2.and.theta.gt.2.5e-3.and.theta.lt.4.5e-3).or.
+     *         (isdif.gt.2.and.theta.gt.0.2e-3.and.theta.lt.1.2e-3))then
+              iii0=iii0+1
+c              write(ifch,*)'la',
+c              print *,'la',ilprtg,yyy,iii1,iii2
+c     &      ,npts,idptl(npts),ppt,pptl(3,npts),theta,ityptl(npts)
+            endif
+c          endif
+        endif
+        if(isdif.eq.1)then
+          if(yyy.gt.2.5   .and. yyy.lt.5.6)iii1=1
+        elseif(isdif.eq.2)then
+          if(yyy.gt.3.  .and. yyy.lt.5.6)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.6 .and. yyy.lt.-4.4 )iii2=1
+        elseif(isdif.eq.3)then
+          if(yyy.gt.2.4  .and. yyy.lt.5.9)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-4.2 .and. yyy.lt.1.1)iii3=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.9 .and. yyy.lt.-2.4)iii2=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-1.1 .and. yyy.lt.4.2)iii4=1
+        elseif(isdif.eq.4)then
+          if(ilprtg.eq.-1)then  !antiproton = target
+            if(yyy.gt.2.4  .and. yyy.lt.5.9)iii1=1
+            if(yyy.gt.-5.9 .and. yyy.lt.-3.2)iii2=iii2+1
+          else                  !antiproton = projectile
+            if(yyy.gt.-5.9 .and. yyy.lt.-2.4)iii1=1
+            if(yyy.gt. 3.2 .and. yyy.lt.5.9)iii2=iii2+1
+          endif
+        elseif(isdif.eq.5)then
+          if(yyy.gt.3.2  .and. yyy.lt.5.9)iii1=1
+          if(yyy.gt.-5.9 .and. yyy.lt.-3.2)iii2=1
+          if(abs(yyy).lt.2.4)Et1=Et1+ppt
+          if(Et1.gt.0.2)iii3=1
+          if(abs(yyy).gt.2.2 .and. abs(yyy).lt.4.2 )Et2=Et2+ppt
+          if(Et2.gt.1.)iii4=1
+        endif
+60      continue
+      enddo
+      if(isdif.eq.1)then
+        if(iii0.eq.1 .and. iii1.eq.1) isdiff=1
+      elseif(isdif.eq.2)then
+        if(iii0.eq.1 .and. iii1.eq.1 .and. iii2.ne.1) isdiff=1
+      elseif(isdif.eq.3)then
+        if( (iii1.ne.1 .and. iii3.eq.1) .or.
+     &      (iii2.ne.1 .and. iii4.eq.1)       ) isdiff=1
+      elseif(isdif.eq.4)then
+        if(iii0.eq.1 .and. iii1.ne.1 .and. iii2.le.6) isdiff=1
+c        if(isdiff.eq.1)then
+c      do npts=1,nptl
+c        if(istptl(npts).ne.0)goto 80
+c        if(   abs(idptl(npts)).ne.120
+c     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.130
+c     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.1120
+c     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.1130
+c     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.2230
+c     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.2330
+c     *   .and.abs(idptl(npts)).ne.3331)goto 80
+c        ppt=pptl(1,npts)**2+pptl(2,npts)**2
+c        ppp=sqrt(ppt+pptl(3,npts)**2)
+c        ppt=sqrt(ppt)
+c        yyy=0.
+c        if(pptl(3,npts).ne.0..and.ppt.ne.0.)yyy=sign(1.,pptl(3,npts))*
+c     *   log((ppp+abs(pptl(3,npts)))/ppt)
+c        print *,nrevt,yyy,idptl(npts),ityptl(npts)
+c80      continue
+c        enddo
+c          print *,'dpe',iii0
+c        endif
+      elseif(isdif.eq.5)then
+        if(iii1+iii2+iii3+iii4.eq.4) isdiff=1
+      else
+        stop'in sdiff. argument of sdiff not authorized.        '
+      endif
+             endif
+      end
+      subroutine xtrans(cvar,inom,ifr,n)
+      common/stavar/multc05,multy1,multc14,multyi,multc3,imulty1,multeb
+     &     ,multc1,multc83,multc24,multc25,rapgap,ipairs1,xsi
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      character*6 cvar
+      ifr=0
+      if(cvar.eq.'numptl')then
+        inom=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npaptl')then
+        inom=2
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npmptl')then
+        inom=3
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ispptl')then
+        inom=4
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rapx')then
+        inom=5
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'iptlfr')then
+        inom=6
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rinp')then
+        inom=7
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'eco')then
+        inom=8
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'tau')then
+        inom=9
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ctr')then
+        inom=10
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'v2np')then
+        inom=11
+        imulty1=1             !to switch on the calculation of "Standard variable"
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'absrap')then
+        inom=12
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rap')then
+        inom=13
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xp')then
+        inom=14
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xe')then
+        inom=15
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pt')then
+        inom=16
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p1a')then
+        inom=17
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p2a')then
+        inom=18
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xi')then
+        inom=19
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xf')then
+        inom=20
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'t')then
+        inom=21
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rapmi')then
+        inom=22
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'eta')then
+        inom=23
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'theta')then
+        inom=24
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pt2')then
+        inom=25
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'et')then
+        inom=26
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'idptl')then
+        inom=27
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'istptl')then
+        inom=28
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mass')then
+        inom=29
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'idaptl')then
+        inom=30
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'egy')then
+        inom=31
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rapwro')then
+        inom=32
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mt')then
+        inom=33
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pplus')then
+        inom=34
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pminus')then
+        inom=35
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p5')then
+        inom=36
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pa')then
+        inom=37
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sob')then
+        inom=38
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'idpom')then
+        inom=39
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p3a')then
+        inom=40
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'cmass')then
+        inom=41
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'arappi')then
+        inom=42
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'itsptl')then
+        inom=50
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ityptl')then
+        inom=51
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'idoptl')then
+        inom=52
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'iptl')then
+        inom=53
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'index')then
+        inom=54
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p1')then
+        inom=55
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p2')then
+        inom=56
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p3')then
+        inom=57
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'p4')then
+        inom=58
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xg')then
+        inom=59
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ek')then
+        inom=60
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'beta')then
+        inom=61
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mt0')then
+        inom=63
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'qsqptl')then
+        inom=64
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xelab')then
+        inom=65
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hgtc05')then
+        inom=66
+        imulty1=1             !to switch on the calculation of "Standard variable"
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hadtyp')then
+        inom=67
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hgtc1')then
+        inom=68
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'x4')then
+        inom=69
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npn')then
+        inom=70
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'routp')then
+        inom=71
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hgtc3')then
+        inom=72
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mu14')then
+        inom=73
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'delphi')then
+        inom=74
+        iok=0
+        !------------------------------------------------------------
+        !icorrtrig stores the histogram numbers of those histograms which
+        !use the delphi variable (and therfore require a call corrtrig
+        !------------------------------------------------------------
+        do i=1,icorrtrig(0)
+         if(icorrtrig(i).eq.n)iok=1
+        enddo
+        if(iok.eq.0)then
+          icorrtrig(0)=icorrtrig(0)+1
+          if(icorrtrig(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+        icorrtrig(icorrtrig(0))=n
+        endif
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'v2')then
+        inom=75
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pt4')then
+        inom=76
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rin')then
+        inom=77
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'theh1p')then
+        inom=78
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'theh1t')then
+        inom=79
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'phi')then
+        inom=80
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'isoft')then
+        inom=81
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mux')then
+        inom=82
+        imux(0)=imux(0)+1
+        imux(imux(0))=n
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'v4')then
+        inom=83
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'x3')then
+        inom=84
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'jorptl')then
+        inom=85
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ptlead')then
+        inom=86
+        iok=0
+        !------------------------------------------------------------
+        !icorrtrig stores the histogram numbers of those histograms which
+        !use the ptlead variable (and therfore require a call corrtrig
+        !------------------------------------------------------------
+        do i=1,icorrtrig(0)
+         if(icorrtrig(i).eq.n)iok=1
+        enddo
+        if(iok.eq.0)then
+          icorrtrig(0)=icorrtrig(0)+1
+          if(icorrtrig(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+        icorrtrig(icorrtrig(0))=n
+        endif
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mu25')then
+        inom=87
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pai')then
+        inom=88
+        ipairs1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'co2')then
+        inom=89
+        ipairs1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'co3')then
+        inom=90
+        ipairs1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rad')then
+        inom=91
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'abseta')then
+        inom=92
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'phiexp')then
+        inom=93
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mu24')then
+        inom=94
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mulevt')then
+        inom=101
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'etevt')then
+        inom=102
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'enevt')then
+        inom=103
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ev6evt')then
+        inom=104
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xenevt')then
+        inom=105
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'netevt')then
+        inom=106
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ptevt')then
+        inom=107
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pmxevt')then
+        inom=108
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'numevt')then
+        inom=201
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'egyevt')then
+        inom=202
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'bimevt')then
+        inom=203
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xbjevt')then
+        inom=204
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'qsqevt')then
+        inom=205
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'yevt')then
+        inom=206
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'eloevt')then
+        inom=207
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd1evt')then
+        inom=208
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd2evt')then
+        inom=209
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'theevt')then
+        inom=210
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nspevt')then
+        inom=211
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nhpevt')then
+        inom=212
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigtot')then
+        inom=213
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigela')then
+        inom=214
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sloela')then
+        inom=215
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nrgevt')then
+        inom=216
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'qevt')then
+        inom=217
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'qtlevt')then
+        inom=218
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd0evt')then
+        inom=219
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'threvt')then
+        inom=220
+        ifr=33                  !set thrust-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'omtevt')then
+        inom=221
+        ifr=33                  !set thrust-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'tmaevt')then
+        inom=222
+        ifr=33                  !set thrust-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'tmievt')then
+        inom=223
+        ifr=33                  !set thrust-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'oblevt')then
+        inom=224
+        ifr=33                  !set thrust-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sphevt')then
+        inom=230
+        ifr=32                  !set sph-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'aplevt')then
+        inom=231
+        ifr=32                  !set sph-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'cpaevt')then
+        inom=232
+        ifr=34                  !set sph2-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'dpaevt')then
+        inom=233
+        ifr=34                  !set sph2-frame
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npoevt')then
+        inom=234
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npnevt')then
+        inom=235
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ikoevt')then
+        inom=236
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'iktevt')then
+        inom=237
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npxevt')then
+        inom=238
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd6evt')then
+        inom=239
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mu1evt')then
+        inom=240
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'muievt')then
+        inom=241
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hgtevt')then
+        inom=242
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'difevt')then
+        inom=243
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'dixevt')then
+        inom=244
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd7evt')then
+        inom=245
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd8evt')then
+        inom=246
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd9evt')then
+        inom=247
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndaevt')then
+        inom=248
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndbevt')then
+        inom=249
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'qinevt')then
+        inom=250
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'qfievt')then
+        inom=251
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'einevt')then
+        inom=252
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'efievt')then
+        inom=253
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pinevt')then
+        inom=254
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pfievt')then
+        inom=255
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pxfevt')then    ! leading proton xf in cms
+        inom=256
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pi+xf')then     ! pi+xf: pi+ yield at cms xf>0.01
+        inom=257
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pi-xf')then     ! pi-xf: pi- yield at cms xf>0.01
+        inom=258
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigcut')then
+        inom=260
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'keu')then
+        inom=261
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ked')then
+        inom=262
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'kes')then
+        inom=263
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'kolevt')then
+        inom=265
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigsd')then
+        inom=266
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nglevt')then
+        inom=267
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'kppevt')then   ! collision numbers per participant
+        inom=268
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'npievt')then   ! pion + multiplicity per event
+        inom=269
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'np2evt')then   ! pion + multiplicity per participant
+        inom=270
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigdif'.or.cvar.eq.'sigdifr')then
+        inom=271
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'koievt')then
+        inom=272
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ineevt')then
+        inom=273
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'elaevt')then
+        inom=274
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'itgevt')then
+        inom=275
+        iok=0
+        do i=1,icorrtrig(0)
+          if(icorrtrig(i).eq.n)iok=1
+        enddo
+        if(iok.eq.0)then
+          icorrtrig(0)=icorrtrig(0)+1
+          if(icorrtrig(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+          icorrtrig(icorrtrig(0))=n
+        endif
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hrdevt')then
+        inom=276
+        iok=0
+        do i=1,ihardevent(0)
+          if(ihardevent(i).eq.n)iok=1
+        enddo
+        if(iok.eq.0)then
+          ihardevent(0)=ihardevent(0)+1
+          if(ihardevent(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+          ihardevent(ihardevent(0))=n
+        endif
+      elseif(cvar(2:6).eq.'j1evt'.or.cvar(2:6).eq.'j2evt')then
+        iok=0
+        do i=1,ijetfind1(0)
+          if(ijetfind1(i).eq.n)iok=1
+        enddo
+        if(iok.eq.0)then
+          ijetfind1(0)=ijetfind1(0)+1
+          if(ijetfind1(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+          ijetfind1(ijetfind1(0))=n
+        endif
+        if(cvar.eq.'ej1evt')inom=277
+        if(cvar.eq.'pj1evt')inom=278
+        if(cvar(2:6).eq.'j2evt')then
+          iok=0
+          do i=1,ijetfind2(0)
+            if(ijetfind2(i).eq.n)iok=1
+          enddo
+          if(iok.eq.0)then
+            ijetfind2(0)=ijetfind2(0)+1
+            if(ijetfind2(0).gt.mxxhis)stop'mxxhis too small'
+            ijetfind2(ijetfind2(0))=n
+          endif
+          if(cvar.eq.'ej2evt')inom=279
+          if(cvar.eq.'pj2evt')inom=280
+        endif
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'zppevt')then
+        inom=281
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'zptevt')then
+        inom=282
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'***not used***')then
+        inom=283
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd3evt')then
+        inom=284
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd4evt')then
+        inom=285
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mubevt')then
+        inom=286
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd5evt')then
+        inom=287
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ekievt')then
+        inom=288
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sd1evt')then
+        inom=289
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sd2evt')then
+        inom=290
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mdevt')then
+        inom=291
+        imulty1=1     !to switch on the calculation of "Standard variable"
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'m2devt')then
+        inom=292
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'tdevt')then
+        inom=293
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndpevt')then
+        inom=294
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rapgap')then
+        inom=295
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ng1evt')then
+        inom=296
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'r21evt')then
+        inom=297
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'aimevt')then
+        inom=301
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'wjbevt')then
+        inom=302
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'njbevt')then
+        inom=303
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'djbevt')then
+        inom=304
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'tjbevt')then
+        inom=305
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hjmevt')then
+        inom=306
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ljmevt')then
+        inom=307
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'djmevt')then
+        inom=308
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ybal')then
+        inom=310
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'yabal')then
+        inom=310
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigine')then
+        inom=312
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigiaa')then
+        inom=313
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'alpdsf')then
+        inom=314
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'alpdsh')then
+        inom=315
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'betdsf')then
+        inom=316
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'betdsh')then
+        inom=317
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rexdip')then
+        inom=318
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rexdit')then
+        inom=319
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'m14evt')then
+        inom=320
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ht3evt')then
+        inom=321
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigiex')then
+        inom=322
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigdex')then
+        inom=323
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigsex')then
+        inom=324
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ekievt')then
+        inom=325
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigcaa')then
+        inom=326
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigtaa')then
+        inom=327
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xkappa')then
+        inom=328
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'gamdsf')then
+        inom=329
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'gamdsh')then
+        inom=330
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'deldsf')then
+        inom=331
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'deldsh')then
+        inom=332
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nd6evt')then
+        inom=333
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'muxevt')then
+        inom=334
+        imux(0)=imux(0)+1
+        imux(imux(0))=n
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'typevt')then
+        inom=335
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'m25evt')then
+        inom=339
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'segevt')then
+        inom=340
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ielevt')then
+        inom=341
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'mc1evt')then
+        inom=342
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sdcdf')then
+        inom=343
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'dpecdf')then
+        inom=344
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ddcdf')then
+        inom=345
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'phievt')then
+        inom=346
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndcevt')then
+        inom=347
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'jetevt')then
+        inom=348
+        call actijetevent(n)
+        call actifastjet(n)
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'epszer')then
+        inom=349
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xsievt')then
+        inom=350
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xsicms')then
+        inom=351
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'calevt')then
+        inom=352
+        icaltrig(0)=icaltrig(0)+1
+        icaltrig(icaltrig(0))=n
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'fgpevt')then
+        inom=353
+        icaltrig(0)=icaltrig(0)+1
+        icaltrig(icaltrig(0))=n
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'bgpevt')then
+        inom=354
+        icaltrig(0)=icaltrig(0)+1
+        icaltrig(icaltrig(0))=n
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'gapevt')then
+        inom=355
+        icaltrig(0)=icaltrig(0)+1
+        icaltrig(icaltrig(0))=n
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sigdd')then
+        inom=356
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ajtevt')then
+        inom=357
+        call actijetevent(n)
+        call actifastjet(n)
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'fjtevt')then
+        inom=358
+        call actijetevent(n)
+        call actifastjet(n)
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'pjtevt')then
+        inom=359
+        call actijetevent(n)
+        call actifastjet(n)
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'styevt')then
+        inom=360   !                  moved from 357
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndsevt')then
+        inom=361   !                  moved from 358
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'m24evt')then
+        inom=362   !                  moved from 359
+        imulty1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndhevt')then
+        inom=363   !                  moved from 360
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ndfevt')then
+        inom=364
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ox1evt')then
+        inom=501
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ox2evt')then
+        inom=502
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ox3evt')then
+        inom=503
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ox4evt')then
+        inom=504
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'eglevt')then  ! eccentricity
+        inom=505
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'fglevt')then  ! eccentricity_part
+        inom=506
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rglevt')then  ! ratio ng2 / ng1
+        inom=507
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'sglevt')then  ! area S
+        inom=508
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'ptrevt')then
+        inom=509
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'rr2evt')then
+        inom=510
+        imulty1=1             !to switch on the calculation of "Standard variable"
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'perevt')then
+        inom=511
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'paievt')then
+        inom=512
+        ipairs1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'co2evt')then
+        inom=513
+        ipairs1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'co3evt')then
+        inom=514
+        ipairs1=1
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nh1evt')then
+        inom=515
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nh2evt')then
+        inom=516
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'nh3evt')then
+        inom=517
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'gbyevt')then
+        inom=518
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'icyevt')then
+        inom=519
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'xp9evt')then
+        inom=520
+      elseif(cvar.eq.'hlxevt')then
+        inom=521
+      else
+        print *,' '
+        print *,'              xtrans: unknown variable ',cvar
+        print *,' '
+c       inom=-1
+        stop
+      endif
+      end
+      subroutine xval(n,inom,lf,j,x)
+c   n ...... histogram index
+c   inom ... variable index
+c              1-100 particle variables
+c              101-200 accumulative event variables
+c              > 200 other event variables
+c   lf ..... frame index
+c   particle index (used for particle variables)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      common/cshatpr/shatpr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/stavar/multc05,multy1,multc14,multyi,multc3,imulty1,multeb
+     &     ,multc1,multc83,multc24,multc25,rapgap,ipairs1,xsi
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      common/zeus2/qtl /cgbyjmax/gbyjmax
+      parameter (ntim=1000)
+      common/cprt/pprt(5,ntim),q2prt(ntim),idaprt(2,ntim),idprt(ntim)
+     &,iorprt(ntim),jorprt(ntim),nprtj
+      common/cxyzt/xptl(mxptl),yptl(mxptl),zptl(mxptl),tptl(mxptl)
+     *,optl(mxptl),uptl(mxptl),sptl(mxptl),rptl(mxptl,3)
+      common/cpairs/paievt,co2evt,co3evt
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      double precision ebin,zebin
+      common/errbins/ebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),zebin(mxbin,2,mxhis/2),
+     $inoerr(mxhis),noerr(mxhis/2,2),noerrhis(mxhis/2),noerrall
+      parameter (mxfra=5)
+      common/pfra/nfra,ifra(mxfra),ivfra(2,mxhis),itfra(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,imofra(3,mxfra),iffra(mxfra),r1fra(3,mxfra),r2fra(3,mxfra)
+     $     ,emax(mxfra)
+      common/cphi2/phi2pos,phi2neg
+      common/cen/ncentr  
+      parameter(nbkbin=100)
+      common /kfitd/ xkappafit(nclegy,nclha,nclha,nbkbin),xkappa,bkbin
+      parameter (mxpaih=8)
+      common/cpairs2/paih(mxpaih,40),co2h(mxpaih,40),co3h(mxpaih,40)
+     .            ,ipaih(mxpaih,40),ico2h(mxpaih,40),ico3h(mxpaih,40)
+     .            ,maxpt,delpt
+      double precision bofra,bofra1,bofra2,bofra3,bofra4,bofra5
+      common/dfra/bofra(5,mxfra)
+      dimension p(5,mxfra),aimuni(10,mxhis),xor(5,mxfra)
+      common/cranphi/ranphi  /cicentrality/icentrality
+      save p,aimuni,xor
+      phinll=phievt+ranphi
+      if(phinll.lt.-pi)phinll=phinll+2*pi
+      if(phinll.gt.pi)phinll=phinll-2*pi
+      if(iffra(lf).eq.0.and.j.ne.0)then
+        do l=1,5
+          p(l,lf)=pptl(l,j)
+        enddo
+        do l=1,4
+          xor(l,lf)=xorptl(l,j)
+        enddo
+        if(imofra(1,lf).ne.0)then
+          call utrota(imofra(1,lf),r1fra(1,lf),r1fra(2,lf),r1fra(3,lf)
+     $         ,p(1,lf),p(2,lf),p(3,lf))
+          call utrota(imofra(1,lf),r1fra(1,lf),r1fra(2,lf),r1fra(3,lf)
+     $         ,xor(1,lf),xor(2,lf),xor(3,lf))
+        endif
+        if(imofra(2,lf).ne.0)then !the x-z exchanged is ok !!
+          call utrota(imofra(2,lf),r2fra(3,lf),r2fra(2,lf),r2fra(1,lf)
+     $         ,p(3,lf),p(2,lf),p(1,lf))
+          call utrota(imofra(2,lf),r2fra(3,lf),r2fra(2,lf),r2fra(1,lf)
+     $         ,xor(3,lf),xor(2,lf),xor(1,lf))
+        endif
+        if(imofra(3,lf).ne.0)then
+          imof3=sign(1,imofra(3,lf))
+          if(abs(imofra(3,lf)).gt.1)then
+            bofra1=0d0
+            bofra2=0d0
+            bofra5=1d0
+            call utlob5(imof3*yhaha
+     $                 ,p(1,lf),p(2,lf),p(3,lf),p(4,lf),p(5,lf))
+            bofra3=bofra(1,lf)
+            bofra4=bofra(2,lf)
+            call utlob4(imof3,bofra1,bofra2,bofra3,bofra4,bofra5
+     $         ,xor(1,lf),xor(2,lf),xor(3,lf),xor(4,lf))
+            bofra3=bofra(3,lf)
+            bofra4=bofra(4,lf)
+            bofra5=bofra(5,lf)
+          else
+            bofra1=bofra(1,lf)
+            bofra2=bofra(2,lf)
+            bofra3=bofra(3,lf)
+            bofra4=bofra(4,lf)
+            bofra5=bofra(5,lf)
+          endif
+          call utlob4(imof3,bofra1,bofra2,bofra3,bofra4,bofra5
+     $         ,p(1,lf),p(2,lf),p(3,lf),p(4,lf))
+          call utlob4(imof3,bofra1,bofra2,bofra3,bofra4,bofra5
+     $         ,xor(1,lf),xor(2,lf),xor(3,lf),xor(4,lf))
+        endif
+        iffra(lf)=1
+      endif
+c--------------------------------- 1 - 100 ----------------------------
+      if(inom.eq.1)then
+        x=1.
+      elseif(inom.eq.2)then
+        x=isign(1,idptl(j))
+      elseif(inom.eq.3)then
+        chrg=0
+        if(iabs(idptl(j)).le.9999
+     $       .and.mod(iabs(idptl(j)),10).le.1)
+     $       call idchrg(idptl(j),chrg)
+        if(chrg.eq.0.)then
+          x=0
+        else
+          x=int(sign(1.,chrg))
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.4)then
+        iad=abs(idptl(j))
+        jspin=mod(iad,10)
+        x=0.
+        if (iad.ge.100.and.iad.lt.1000) x=1./(1.+2.*jspin)
+        if (iad.ge.1000.and.iad.lt.9999) x=1./(2.+2*jspin)
+      elseif(inom.eq.5)then    !'rapx'  !st-rap for string segments only !!!!!!!!!!
+        x=dezptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.6)then                                      !'iptlfr'
+        x=0
+        if(j.ge.minfra.and.j.le.maxfra)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.7)then                                        !'rinp'
+        aa=cos(phinll)
+        bb=sin(phinll)
+        x=xptl(j)*aa+yptl(j)*bb
+      elseif(inom.eq.8)then                        !'eco' !engy in comoving frame
+        x=0
+        amt=p(5,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2
+        if(amt.gt.0..and.p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)).gt.0.d0)then
+          amt=sqrt(amt)
+          rap=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*alog((p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)))/amt)
+          rapx=dezptl(j)
+          x=amt*cosh(rap-rapx)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.9)then                                       !'tau'
+        x=-999999
+        !if(iorptl(j).ne.0)then
+        ! jo=iorptl(j)
+         dt=xorptl(4,j)  !-xorptl(4,jo)
+         dz=xorptl(3,j)  !-xorptl(3,jo)
+         x2=dt**2-dz**2
+         if(x2.gt.0.)x=sqrt(x2)
+        !endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.10)then                                       !'ctr'
+        x=ctrevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.11)then                                       !'v2np'
+        phi=polar( p(1,lf) , p(2,lf) )
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        eta=0
+        if(p(3,lf).ne.0..and.pt.ne.0.)eta=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*
+     *       alog((sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+pt**2)+abs(p(3,lf)))/pt)
+        if(eta.gt.0)then
+        phi2=phi2neg
+        else
+        phi2=phi2pos
+        endif
+        x=cos(2*(phi-phi2))
+      elseif(inom.eq.12)then                                      !'absrap'
+        amt=p(5,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2
+        if(amt.gt.0..and.p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)).gt.0.d0)then
+          amt=sqrt(amt)
+          x=alog((p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)))/amt)
+        else
+          x=0.                  !
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.13)then    !'rap'
+        amt=p(5,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2
+        if(amt.gt.0..and.p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)).gt.0.d0)then  !not correct if particles off-shell
+c        if(amt.gt.0..and.p(4,lf)+p(3,lf).gt.0.d0)then    !not correct and assymetric if particles off-shell
+          amt=sqrt(amt)
+          x=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*log((p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)))/amt)  !not correct if particles off-shell
+c          x=alog((p(4,lf)+p(3,lf))/amt)    !not correct and assymetric if particles off-shell
+c          x=0.5*alog((p(4,lf)+p(3,lf))/(p(4,lf)-p(3,lf)))  !always correct but numerically unstable
+c          if(abs(x).lt.0.05.and.idptl(j).eq.120)
+c     &    write(ifch,*)'pion epo',p(4,lf),p(3,lf),amt,x
+        else
+          x=0.                  !
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.14)then                                         !'xp'
+        x=sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)/emax(lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.15)then                                         !'xe'
+        x=min(1.,p(4,lf)/emax(lf))
+      elseif(inom.eq.16)then                                         !'pt'
+        x=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.17)then
+        x=abs(p(1,lf))
+      elseif(inom.eq.18)then
+        x=abs(p(2,lf))
+      elseif(inom.eq.19)then
+        x=-log(sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)/emax(lf))
+      elseif(inom.eq.20)then                                     !'xf'
+        m=mod(ifra(lf)/10,10)
+        if(m.eq.1.or.noebin.lt.0)then
+c          pmax=sqrt((engy/2)**2-prom*2)
+          pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+          if(mod(ifra(lf),10).eq.2)pmax=pnll
+          x=p(3,lf)/pmax
+        else
+          x=p(3,lf)/emax(lf)
+        endif
+c        if(x.gt.0.95.and.idptl(j).eq.1220)then
+c          write(ifch,'(a,d25.15)')'ici !!!!!!!!!',seedc
+c          stop
+c        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.21)then
+c        pmax=pmxevt
+c        pmax=sqrt((engy/2)**2-prom*2)
+        pmax=pnullx             !???????????????????
+        if(mod(ifra(lf),10).eq.2)pmax=pnll
+        x=-(amproj**2-2.*sqrt(amproj**2+pmax**2)*p(4,lf)
+     *      +2.*abs(pmax*p(3,lf))+p(5,lf)**2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.22)then
+        amt=sqrt(p(5,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2)
+        if(amt.ne.0.)then
+          x=-sign(1.,p(3,lf))*alog((p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)))/amt)
+        else
+          x=0.                  !
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.23)then                                     !'eta'
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        if(p(3,lf).eq.0.)then
+          x=0.
+        elseif(pt.ne.0.)then
+          x=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*
+     *       alog((sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+pt**2)+abs(p(3,lf)))/pt)
+        else
+          x=sign(1000.,p(3,lf))
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.24)then                                     !'theta (deg)'
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        x=90
+        if(p(3,lf).ne.0.)x=atan(pt/p(3,lf))/pi*180.
+        if(x.lt.0.)x=180.+x
+      elseif(inom.eq.25)then                                     !'pt2'
+        x=p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2
+      elseif(inom.eq.26)then                                     !'et'
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        x=0
+        eef=p(4,lf)
+c        if(idptl(j).ge.1000)eef=eef-prom
+c        if(idptl(j).le.-1000)eef=eef+prom
+        p2=p(3,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2
+        if(p2.ne.0.)x=eef*pt/sqrt(p2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.27)then                                     !'idptl'
+        x=idptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.28)then    !istptl
+        x=istptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.29)then    !mass
+        x=p(5,lf)
+        if(istptl(j).le.1)call idmass(idptl(j),x)
+      elseif(inom.eq.30)then    !idaptl
+        x=abs(idptl(j))
+      elseif(inom.eq.31)then    !egy
+        x=egyevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.32)then    !arapwro
+        x=0
+        pt2=p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2
+        if(p(3,lf).ne.0.)x=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*
+     *       alog((sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+pt2+.13957**2)+abs(p(3,lf)))
+     *       /sqrt(pt2+.13957**2))
+      elseif(inom.eq.33)then                                  !'mt'
+        x=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(5,lf)**2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.34)then                                  !'pplus'
+        x=sign(1.,p(3,lf)) * (p(4,lf)+abs(p(3,lf)))
+      elseif(inom.eq.35)then                                  !'pminus'
+        x=sign(1.,p(3,lf)) * (p(4,lf)-abs(p(3,lf)))
+      elseif(inom.eq.36)then                                  !'p5' (mass)
+        x=p(5,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.37)then                                  !pa
+        x=sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.38)then                                  !'pa'
+        if(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2.ne.0)
+     *       x=egyevt**2/sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2)*p(4,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.39)then                                  !idpom
+        x=idptl(j)/1000000
+      elseif(inom.eq.40)then                                  !p3a
+        x=abs(p(3,lf))
+      elseif(inom.eq.41)then
+        cm2=p(4,lf)**2-p(3,lf)**2-p(2,lf)**2-p(1,lf)**2         !cmass
+        x=sign(sqrt(abs(cm2)),cm2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.42)then    !arappi
+        x=0
+        pt2=p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2
+        if(p(3,lf).ne.0.)
+     *       x=alog((sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+pt2+.13957**2)+abs(p(3,lf)))
+     *       /sqrt(pt2+.13957**2))
+      elseif(inom.eq.50)then
+        x=itsptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.51)then
+        x=ityptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.52)then                      !'idoptl'
+        x=0.
+        if(iorptl(j).ne.0) x=idptl(iorptl(j))
+      elseif(inom.eq.53)then
+        x=j
+      elseif(inom.eq.54)then                       !'sloela'
+        call idflav(idptl(j),ifl1,ifl2,ifl3,jspin,indx)
+        x=indx
+      elseif(inom.eq.55)then                       !'p1'
+        x=p(1,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.56)then                       !'p2'
+        x=p(2,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.57)then                       !'p3'
+        x=p(3,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.58)then                       !'p4'
+        x=p(4,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.59)then                       !E/p_max
+c        pmax=sqrt((engy/2)**2-prom*2)
+          pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+        if(mod(ifra(lf),10).eq.2)pmax=pnll
+        x=p(4,lf)/pmax
+      elseif(inom.eq.60)then                       !'ek'
+        x=p(4,lf)-p(5,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.61)then                       !'beta'
+        x=p(3,lf)/p(4,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.63)then                       !'mt0'
+        x=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(5,lf)**2)-p(5,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.64)then                       !qsqptl
+        x=qsqptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.65)then                       !xelab=Elab/Eolab
+        x=p(4,lf)/(ecms**2/2/prom-prom)
+        if(x.gt.0.9999999) x=.9999999
+      elseif(inom.eq.66)then    !'hgtc05' ... charged ptl mult |[c]|<0.5
+        x=multc05
+      elseif(inom.eq.67)then    !'hadtyp' ... primary (1) or secondary (2) hadron
+        if(j.le.nbdky)then
+          x=1
+        else
+          x=2
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.68)then    !'hgtc1'
+        x=multc1
+      elseif(inom.eq.69)then                       !'x4'
+        x=xor(4,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.70)then                       !'npn'
+        x=npjevt+ntgevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.71)then                       !'routp'
+        cc=-sin(phinll)
+        dd=cos(phinll)
+        x=xptl(j)*cc+yptl(j)*dd
+      elseif(inom.eq.72)then    !'hgtc3' ... charged ptl mult |eta|<3.15  /6.3
+        x=multc3/6.3
+      elseif(inom.eq.73)then    !'mu14' ... charged ptl mult |eta|<1  pt>.4
+        x=multc14
+      elseif(inom.eq.74)then    !'delphi' ... azimuthhal correlation
+        x=10000.
+        pt=sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2)
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0.and.j.ne.nint(ypara(1,n)).and.
+     $           pt.gt.0)then
+           phi=sign(1.,p(2,lf))*acos(p(1,lf)/pt)
+               x=phi-ypara(2,n)
+           phiz= ypara(3,n)
+           if   (x.lt.(-2+phiz)*pi)then
+            x=x+4*pi
+           elseif(x.lt.(0+phiz)*pi)then
+            x=x+2*pi
+           elseif(x.gt.(4+phiz)*pi)then
+            x=x-4*pi
+           elseif(x.gt.(2+phiz)*pi)then
+            x=x-2*pi
+           endif
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.75)then    !'v2'
+c        if(iranphi.ne.1)stop'\n\n ERROR 29062010b \n\n'
+        aa=cos(phinll)
+        bb=sin(phinll)
+        cc=-sin(phinll)
+        dd=cos(phinll)
+        px=p(1,lf)*aa+p(2,lf)*bb
+        py=p(1,lf)*cc+p(2,lf)*dd
+        pt2=p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2
+        x=0
+        if(pt2.gt.0.)x=(px**2-py**2)/pt2
+      elseif(inom.eq.76)then                                     !'pt4'
+        x=(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)**2
+      elseif(inom.eq.77)then                                     !'rin'
+        x=rinptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.78)then              !'theta for H1 (rad) for (proj side)'
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        p1=p(1,lf)
+        p2=p(2,lf)
+        p3=p(3,lf)
+        p4=p(4,lf)
+        p5=p(5,lf)
+        if(abs(p3).gt.1e-5)then
+c put the particle in the projectile frame
+          call utlob5(yhaha,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)
+c put the particle in a frame where the projectile (proton) has 820 GeV (HERA)
+          call utlob4(-1,0d0,0d0,819.99946d0,820.d0,0.938d0,p1,p2,p3,p4)
+          x=atan(pt/p3)
+          if(x.lt.0.)x=pi+x
+        else
+          x=0.5*pi
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.79)then             !'theta for H1 (rad) (for target side)'
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        p1=p(1,lf)
+        p2=p(2,lf)
+        p3=p(3,lf)
+        p4=p(4,lf)
+        p5=p(5,lf)
+        if(abs(p3).gt.1e-5)then
+c put the particle in the projectile frame
+          call utlob5(-yhaha,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)
+c put the particle in a frame where the projectile (proton) has 820 GeV (HERA)
+          call utlob4(-1,0d0,0d0,-819.99946d0,820d0,0.938d0,p1,p2,p3,p4)
+          x=atan(pt/p3)
+          if(x.gt.0.)x=pi-x
+        else
+          x=0.5*pi
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.80)then    !'phi'
+        x=1000
+        pt=sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2)
+        if(pt.gt.0.)then
+           phi=sign(1.,p(2,lf))*acos(p(1,lf)/pt)
+           x=phi-phinll
+        endif
+        if(x.lt.-pi)x=x+2*pi
+        if(x.gt.pi)x=x-2*pi
+      elseif(inom.eq.81)then  !'isoft'
+        x=0
+        it=ityptl(j)
+        if(it.ge.20.and.it.le.29)x=1
+        if(it.ge.40.and.it.le.60)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.82)then  !'mux' ... charged ptl mult 
+        x= ypara(1,n)        
+      elseif(inom.eq.83)then    !'v4'
+        aa=cos(phinll)
+        bb=sin(phinll)
+        cc=-sin(phinll)
+        dd=cos(phinll)
+        px=p(1,lf)*aa+p(2,lf)*bb
+        py=p(1,lf)*cc+p(2,lf)*dd
+        pt2=p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2
+        x=0
+        if(pt2.gt.0.)x=px**2/pt2   !cos**2
+        x=8*x**2-8*x+1
+      elseif(inom.eq.84)then                       !'x3'
+        x=xor(3,lf)
+      elseif(inom.eq.85)then   !jorptl
+        x=jorptl(j)
+      elseif(inom.eq.86)then    !'ptlead' ... pt of particle with higher pt
+        x=0.
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=ypara(4,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.87)then    !'mu25' ... charged ptl mult |eta|<2.5  pt>.5
+        x=multc25
+      elseif(inom.eq.88)then    !'pai' 
+        x=0
+        if(bimevt.gt.xpara(1,n).and.bimevt.lt.xpara(2,n))then
+          ida=abs(idptl(j))
+          ian=abs(idptl(j))
+          idn=    idptl(j)
+          pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+          ipt=pt/delpt+1
+          if(ipt.ge.1.and.ipt.le.maxpt)then
+            iid=0
+            if(ida.eq.120)iid=1
+            if(ida.eq.1120)iid=2
+            if(ida.eq.130)iid=3
+            if(ida.eq.1130)iid=4
+            if(idn.eq.20)iid=5
+            if(ian.eq.2130)iid=6
+            if(ian.eq.2330)iid=7
+            if(ian.eq.3331)iid=8
+            if(iid.ne.0)then
+              if(ipaih(iid,ipt).eq.0)then 
+                x=paih(iid,ipt)
+                ipaih(iid,ipt)=1
+              endif
+            endif   
+          endif 
+        endif 
+      elseif(inom.eq.89)then    !'co2' 
+        x=0
+        if(bimevt.gt.xpara(1,n).and.bimevt.lt.xpara(2,n))then
+          ida=abs(idptl(j))
+          ian=abs(idptl(j))
+          idn=    idptl(j)
+          pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+          ipt=pt/delpt+1
+          if(ipt.ge.1.and.ipt.le.maxpt)then
+            iid=0
+            if(ida.eq.120)iid=1
+            if(ida.eq.1120)iid=2
+            if(ida.eq.130)iid=3
+            if(ida.eq.1130)iid=4
+            if(idn.eq.20)iid=5
+            if(ian.eq.2130)iid=6
+            if(ian.eq.2330)iid=7
+            if(ian.eq.3331)iid=8
+            if(iid.ne.0)then
+              if(ico2h(iid,ipt).eq.0)then 
+                x=co2h(iid,ipt)
+                ico2h(iid,ipt)=1
+              endif
+            endif  
+          endif  
+        endif 
+      elseif(inom.eq.90)then    !'co3' 
+        x=0
+        if(bimevt.gt.xpara(1,n).and.bimevt.lt.xpara(2,n))then
+          ida=abs(idptl(j))
+          ian=abs(idptl(j))
+          idn=    idptl(j)
+          pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+          ipt=pt/delpt+1
+          if(ipt.ge.1.and.ipt.le.maxpt)then
+            iid=0
+            if(ida.eq.120)iid=1
+            if(ida.eq.1120)iid=2
+            if(ida.eq.130)iid=3
+            if(ida.eq.1130)iid=4
+            if(idn.eq.20)iid=5
+            if(ian.eq.2130)iid=6
+            if(ian.eq.2330)iid=7
+            if(ian.eq.3331)iid=8
+            if(iid.ne.0)then
+              if(ico3h(iid,ipt).eq.0)then 
+                x=co3h(iid,ipt)
+                ico3h(iid,ipt)=1
+              endif
+            endif  
+          endif  
+        endif  
+      elseif(inom.eq.91)then                       !'rad'
+        x=0.001       !unit is fm !
+        x1=xor(1,lf)
+        x2=xor(2,lf)
+        xd=dble(x1)**2+dble(x2)**2
+        if(xd.gt.0.d0.and.xd.eq.xd)x=sqrt(xd)
+      elseif(inom.eq.92)then                                     !'abseta'
+        pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+        if(p(3,lf).eq.0.)then
+          x=0.
+        elseif(pt.ne.0.)then
+          x=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*
+     *       alog((sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+pt**2)+abs(p(3,lf)))/pt)
+        else
+          x=sign(1000.,p(3,lf))
+        endif
+c        pp=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2)
+c        x=0
+c        if(pp-p(3,lf).gt.0..and.pp+p(3,lf).gt.0.)x=
+c     *       0.5*log((pp+p(3,lf))/(pp-p(3,lf)))
+         x=abs(x)
+      elseif(inom.eq.93)then                                     !'phiexp'
+        x=1000
+        pt=sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2)
+        if(pt.gt.0.)x=sign(1.,p(2,lf))*acos(p(1,lf)/pt)
+        if(x.lt.-pi)x=x+2*pi
+        if(x.gt.pi)x=x-2*pi
+      elseif(inom.eq.94)then    !'mu24' ... charged ptl mult |eta|<2.4 (CMS)
+        x=multc24
+c--------------------------------- 101 - 200 ----------------------------
+      elseif(inom.eq.101)then           !mulevt
+        x=1.
+      elseif(inom.eq.102)then                      !'etevt'
+        x=0
+        if(istptl(j).eq.0)then
+         eef=p(4,lf)
+         if(maproj.gt.1.or.matarg.gt.1)then
+           if(idptl(j).ge.1000)eef=eef-prom
+           if(idptl(j).le.-1000)eef=eef+prom
+         endif
+         pp=sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2)
+         if(pp.ne.0.)x=eef*sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2)/pp
+         if(x.ne.x)then
+           write(ifch,*)x,eef,p(1,lf),p(2,lf),p(3,lf),pp,prom,idptl(j),j
+           call alist('xan&',1,nptl)
+           stop 'probleme dans xan'
+         endif
+         endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.103)then
+        x=p(4,lf)/1000.
+      elseif(inom.eq.104)then                       !'ev6evt'
+        x=0
+        if(istptl(j).eq.0)then
+         pt=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+         eta=0
+         if(p(3,lf).ne.0..and.pt.ne.0.)eta=sign(1.,p(3,lf))*
+     *   alog((sqrt(p(3,lf)**2+pt**2)+abs(p(3,lf)))/pt)
+         if(pt.eq.0.)eta=sign(1e5,p(3,lf))
+         if(eta.gt.6.0)then
+          eef=p(4,lf)
+          if(idptl(j).ge.1000)eef=eef-prom
+          if(idptl(j).le.-1000)eef=eef+prom
+          pp=sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2)
+          if(pp.ne.0.)x=0.001*eef
+         endif
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.105)then
+        !etot=maproj*emax(lf)+matarg*0.94  !nur richtig fur target frame!!!!!
+        etot=maproj*emax(lf)+matarg*emax(lf)
+        x=p(4,lf)/etot
+      elseif(inom.eq.106)then
+        x=isign(1,idptl(j))
+      elseif(inom.eq.107)then                       !'ptevt'
+        x=sqrt(p(2,lf)**2+p(1,lf)**2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.108)then                       !'pmxevt'
+        x=pmxevt
+c--------------------------------- > 200 ----------------------------
+      elseif(inom.eq.201)then
+        x=1.
+      elseif(inom.eq.202)then
+        x=egyevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.203)then
+        x=bimevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.204)then                       !'xbjevt'
+        x=xbjevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.205)then                       !'qsqevt'
+        x=qsqevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.206)then                       !'yevt'
+        x=qsqevt/xbjevt/ecms**2
+      elseif(inom.eq.207)then                       !'eloevt'
+c        x=qsqevt/4./elepti+elepti*(1.-qsqevt/xbjevt/ecms**2)
+        x=elepto
+      elseif(inom.eq.208)then                       !nd1evt
+        x=nsdiff(1,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.209)then                       !'nd2evt'
+        x=nsdiff(2,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.210)then                       !'theevt'
+c        eloevt=qsqevt/4./elepti+elepti*(1.-qsqevt/xbjevt/ecms**2)
+c        x=acos(1-qsqevt/2./elepti/eloevt)/pi*180.
+        x=acos(1-qsqevt/2./elepti/elepto)/pi*180.
+      elseif(inom.eq.211)then                       !'nspevt'
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if((istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)
+     &      .and.int(idptl(i)/1000000).eq.1)x=x+1
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.212)then                       !'nhpevt'
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if((istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)
+     &      .and.int(idptl(i)/1000000).eq.3)x=x+1
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.213)then                       !'sigtot'
+        x=sigtot
+      elseif(inom.eq.214)then                       !'sigela'
+        x=sigela
+      elseif(inom.eq.215)then                       !'sloela'
+        x=sloela
+      elseif(inom.eq.216)then                       !'nrgevt'
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if(istptl(i).eq.31.and.int(idptl(i)/10000).eq.2)x=x+1
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.217)then                       !qevt
+        x=sqrt(qsqevt)
+      elseif(inom.eq.218)then   !qevt
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then
+          x=qtl
+        else
+          x=pprt(1,5)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.219)then                       !'nd0evt'  UA1
+        x=nsdiff(0,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.220)then!------------------------------------------
+        x=sngl(bofra(1,lf))     !thrust
+      elseif(inom.eq.221)then
+        x=1.-sngl(bofra(1,lf))  !1-thrust
+      elseif(inom.eq.222)then
+        x=sngl(bofra(2,lf))     !major
+      elseif(inom.eq.223)then
+        x=sngl(bofra(3,lf))     !minor
+      elseif(inom.eq.224)then
+        x=sngl(bofra(2,lf)-bofra(3,lf)) !oblateness
+      elseif(inom.eq.230)then!------------------------------------------
+        x=1.5*(1.-sngl(bofra(1,lf))) !spherecity
+      elseif(inom.eq.231)then
+        x=1.5*sngl(bofra(3,lf)) !aplanarity
+      elseif(inom.eq.232)then
+        x=3.*sngl(bofra(1,lf)*bofra(2,lf)+bofra(1,lf)*bofra(3,lf)
+     &       +bofra(2,lf)*bofra(3,lf)) !c-parameter
+      elseif(inom.eq.233)then
+        x=27.*sngl(bofra(1,lf)*bofra(2,lf)*bofra(3,lf))   !d-parameter
+      elseif(inom.eq.234)then                       !npoevt
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if(istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)x=x+1
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.235)then                       !npnevt
+        x=npjevt+ntgevt   !npnevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.236)then                       !ikoevt
+        x=ikoevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.237)then                       !iktevt
+c        x=zkotest
+      elseif(inom.eq.238)then  !npxevt ... nr of pomerons, including absorbed
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if(istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)x=x+1
+         if(mod(abs(idptl(i)),100).eq.94)x=x+0.5
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.239)then                       !'nd6evt'
+        x=nsdiff(6,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.240)then    !mu1evt ... charged ptl multipl for central rap
+        x=multy1
+      elseif(inom.eq.241)then    !muievt ... charged ptl multipl
+        x=multyi
+      elseif(inom.eq.242)then    !hgtevt ... charged ptl multipl for central eta
+        x=multc05
+      elseif(inom.eq.243)then                       !difevt
+        npom=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if(istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)npom=npom+1
+        enddo
+        x=0
+        if(npom.eq.0)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.244)then                       !dixevt
+        zpom=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if(istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)zpom=zpom+1
+         if(mod(abs(idptl(i)),100).eq.94)zpom=zpom+0.5
+        enddo
+        x=0
+        if(abs(zpom).lt.0.001)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.245)then                       !'nd7evt' CMS NSD
+        x=nsdiff(7,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.246)then                       !'nd8evt'  ATLAS
+        x=nsdiff(8,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.247)then                       !'nd9evt'  ALICE 900 GeV
+        x=nsdiff(9,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.248)then                       !'ndaevt'  ALICE 2.36 TeV
+        x=nsdiff(10,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.249)then                       !'ndbevt'  ALICE Inel > 0
+        x=nsdiff(11,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.250)then
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then      !mass in
+          x=-pptl(5,6)
+        else
+          x=pprt(5,3)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.251)then
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then      !mass out
+          x=pptl(5,7)
+        else
+          x=pprt(5,2)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.252)then
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then
+          x=-pptl(4,6)
+        else
+          x=pprt(4,2)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.253)then
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then
+          x=pptl(4,7)
+        else
+          x=pprt(4,3)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.254)then
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then
+          x=abs(pptl(3,6))
+        else
+          x=abs(pprt(3,2))
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.255)then
+        if(iappl.eq.8)then
+          x=abs(pptl(3,7))
+          do l=1,5
+            p(l,lf)=pptl(l,7)
+          enddo
+          if(imofra(1,lf).ne.0)then
+            call utrota(imofra(1,lf),r1fra(1,lf),r1fra(2,lf),r1fra(3,lf)
+     $           ,p(1,lf),p(2,lf),p(3,lf))
+          endif
+          if(imofra(2,lf).ne.0)then !the x-z exchanged is ok !!
+            call utrota(imofra(2,lf),r2fra(3,lf),r2fra(2,lf),r2fra(1,lf)
+     $           ,p(3,lf),p(2,lf),p(1,lf))
+          endif
+          if(imofra(3,lf).ne.0)then
+            call utlob4(imofra(3,lf),bofra(1,lf),bofra(2,lf)
+     $           ,bofra(3,lf) ,bofra(4,lf),bofra(5,lf)
+     $           ,p(1,lf),p(2,lf),p(3,lf),p(4,lf))
+          endif
+          x=abs(p(3,lf))
+        else
+          x=abs(pprt(3,3))
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.256)then  !pxfevt: leading proton xf in cms
+        x=-2
+c       pmax=sqrt((ecms/2.)**2-prom**2)
+          pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if(idptl(i).eq.1120.and.istptl(i).eq.0)then
+            if(iframe.eq.11)then
+              pz=pptl(3,i)
+            else
+              amt=sqrt(prom**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+              rap=alog((pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))/amt)
+     &           -alog((sqrt(pnll**2+ecms**2)+pnll)/ecms)
+              pz=amt*sinh(rap)
+            endif
+            x=max(x,pz/pmax)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.257)then  !  pi+xf: pi+ yield at cms xf>0.01
+        x=0.
+c        pmax=sqrt((ecms/2)**2-prom*2)
+          pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if(idptl(i).eq.120.and.istptl(i).eq.0)then
+            if(iframe.eq.11)then
+              pz=pptl(3,i)
+            else
+              amt=sqrt(pptl(5,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+              rap=alog((pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))/amt)
+     &           -alog((sqrt(pnll**2+ecms**2)+pnll)/ecms)
+              pz=amt*sinh(rap)
+            endif
+            if(pz/pmax.gt.0.01)x=x+1.
+          endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.258)then  !  pi-xf: pi- yield at cms xf>0.01
+        x=0.
+c        pmax=sqrt((ecms/2)**2-prom*2)
+          pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if(idptl(i).eq.-120.and.istptl(i).eq.0)then
+            if(iframe.eq.11)then
+              pz=pptl(3,i)
+            else
+              amt=sqrt(pptl(5,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+              rap=alog((pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))/amt)
+     &           -alog((sqrt(pnll**2+ecms**2)+pnll)/ecms)
+              pz=amt*sinh(rap)
+            endif
+            if(pz/pmax.gt.0.01)x=x+1.
+          endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.260)then!------------------------------
+        x=sigcut
+      elseif(inom.eq.261)then
+        x=keu
+      elseif(inom.eq.262)then
+        x=ked
+      elseif(inom.eq.263)then
+        x=kes
+      elseif(inom.eq.265)then
+        x=kolevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.266)then
+        x=sigsd
+      elseif(inom.eq.267)then
+        x=nglevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.268)then  ! kppevt : collision number per participant
+        x=kolevt/float(npjevt+ntgevt)
+      elseif(inom.eq.269)then  ! npievt : pion + multi per event
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if(idptl(i).eq.120)x=x+1
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.270)then  ! np2evt : pion + multi per event
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if(idptl(i).eq.120)x=x+1
+        enddo
+        x=x/float(npjevt+ntgevt)
+      elseif(inom.eq.271)then
+        x=sigdif
+      elseif(inom.eq.272)then  !number of inelastic collisions per event
+        x=koievt
+      elseif(inom.eq.273)then  ! inelasticity (energy loss of leading particle)
+        x=0.
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+          if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+            if((((abs(idptl(i)).gt.1000.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)
+     *           .and.idproj.gt.1000).or.(iabs(idptl(i)).gt.100
+     *           .and.idproj.lt.1000)).and.pptl(4,i)
+     *           .gt.x.and.pptl(3,i).gt.0.)x=pptl(4,i)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        Eini=pptl(4,1)
+        if(Eini.gt.0.)x=(Eini-x)/Eini
+      elseif(inom.eq.274)then  ! elasticity (energy of leading particle)
+        x=0.
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+          if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+            if((((abs(idptl(i)).gt.1000.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)
+     *           .and.idproj.gt.1000).or.(iabs(idptl(i)).gt.100
+     *           .and.idproj.lt.1000)).and.pptl(4,i)
+     *           .gt.x.and.pptl(3,i).gt.0.)x=pptl(4,i)
+          endif
+        enddo
+        Eini=pptl(4,1)
+        if(Eini.gt.0.)x=x/Eini
+      elseif(inom.eq.275)then         !'itgevt'
+        x=0
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.276)then         !'hrdevt' ......  1 = hard event
+        x=0
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.277)then         !'ej1evt' .... et of jet 1
+        x=0
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)
+     &  x=ypara(2,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.278)then         !'pj1evt' .... phi of jet 1
+        x=1000
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)
+     &  x=ypara(4,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.279)then         !'ej2evt' .... et of jet 2
+        x=0
+        if(nint(ypara(6,n)).ne.0)
+     &  x=ypara(7,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.280)then         !'pj2evt' .... delta_phi of jet 2 1
+        x=1000
+        if(nint(ypara(6,n)).ne.0)then
+          x=ypara(9,n)-ypara(4,n)
+           if(x.lt.-2.5*pi)then
+            x=x+4*pi
+           elseif(x.lt.-0.5*pi)then
+            x=x+2*pi
+          elseif(x.gt.3.5*pi)then
+            x=x-4*pi
+          elseif(x.gt.1.5*pi)then
+            x=x-2*pi
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.281)then         !'zppevt'
+        x=zppevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.282)then         !'zptevt'
+        x=zptevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.283)then
+        stop '**********not used*********'
+      elseif(inom.eq.284)then                       !'nd3evt'
+        x=nsdiff(3,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.285)then                       !'nd4evt'
+        x=nsdiff(4,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.286)then         !'mubevt'
+        x=multeb
+      elseif(inom.eq.287)then                       !'nd5evt'
+        x=nsdiff(5,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.288)then
+        x=ekievt
+      elseif(inom.eq.289)then                       !'diffmevt'
+        x=isdiff(1)
+      elseif(inom.eq.290)then                       !'diffxevt'
+        x=isdiff(2)
+      elseif(inom.eq.291.or.inom.eq.292)then  ! mass of produced system (inelasticity of leading particle )
+        x=0.
+        i=idlead
+        if(i.gt.0)then
+          pmax=pnullx
+          if(mod(ifra(lf),10).eq.2)pmax=pnll
+          x=abs(pptl(3,i)/pmax)
+          x=(1.-x)*engy*engy
+          if(inom.eq.291.and.x.gt.0.)x=sqrt(x)
+c         write(ifch,*)'ici',i,idptl(i),x,abs(pptl(3,i)/pmax)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.293)then  ! tdevt : -t of leading particle
+        x=0.
+        i=idlead
+        if(i.gt.0)then
+          pmax=pnullx
+          if(mod(ifra(lf),10).eq.2)pmax=pnll
+c        xxx=(amproj**2-2.*sqrt(amproj**2+pmax**2)*pptl(4,i)
+c     *      +2.*abs(pmax*pptl(4,i))+pptl(5,i)**2)
+          ppt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+          if(abs(pptl(3,i)).gt.0.)then
+            theta=atan(ppt/pptl(3,i))
+          else
+            theta=pi/2.
+          endif
+          x=abs(pptl(3,i)/pmax)
+c -t definition of UA4 (Phys Lett B136,217)
+          x=pptl(5,i)**2*(1.-x)**2/x+2*x*pmax*pmax*(1.-cos(theta))
+c         write(*,*)'ici',i,idptl(i),theta,x,xxx
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.294)then          !'ndpevt' pomeron from diffraction
+        x=0
+        do i=1,nptl
+         if((istptl(i).eq.30.or.istptl(i).eq.31)
+     &      .and.mod(ityptl(i),10).eq.5)x=x+1
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.295)then          !'rapgap' rapidity gap
+        x=rapgap
+      elseif(inom.eq.296)then        !'ng1evt'
+        x=ng1evt
+      elseif(inom.eq.297)then        !'r21evt'
+        x=0
+        if(ng1evt.ne.0)x=ng2evt/float(ng1evt)
+      elseif(inom.eq.298)then
+        x=sval(1,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.299)then
+        x=sval(2,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.301)then   !---------------------------------------------
+        if(j.eq.0)then          !initialize
+          do l=1,4
+            aimuni(l,n)=0.
+          enddo
+        elseif(j.gt.nptl)then   !final calculation
+          am2=aimuni(4,n)**2-aimuni(3,n)**2
+     $         -aimuni(2,n)**2-aimuni(1,n)**2
+          x=sign(sqrt(abs(am2)),am2)
+c          print *, x
+        else                    !routine work
+          do l=1,4
+            aimuni(l,n)=aimuni(l,n)+p(l,lf)
+          enddo
+c          print *, j,(p(l,lf),l=1,5)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.ge.302.and.inom.le.305)then   !-----------------------
+        if(j.eq.0)then          !initialize
+          do l=1,4
+            aimuni(l,n)=0.
+          enddo
+        elseif(j.gt.nptl)then   !final calculation
+          if(inom.eq.302) x=max(aimuni(1,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n))
+     $         ,aimuni(3,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n)))
+          if(inom.eq.303) x=min(aimuni(1,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n))
+     $         ,aimuni(3,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n)))
+          if(inom.eq.304) x=abs(aimuni(1,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n))
+     $         -aimuni(3,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n)))
+          if(inom.eq.305) x=aimuni(1,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n))
+     $         +aimuni(3,n)/2/(aimuni(2,n)+aimuni(4,n))
+        else                    !routine work
+          l=0
+          if(p(3,lf).lt.0.)l=2
+          aimuni(1+l,n)=aimuni(1+l,n)+sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2)
+          aimuni(2+l,n)=aimuni(2+l,n)
+     $         +sqrt(p(1,lf)**2+p(2,lf)**2+p(3,lf)**2)
+        endif
+      elseif(inom.eq.306.or.inom.eq.307.or.inom.eq.308)then !---------
+        if(j.eq.0)then          !initialize
+          do ll=1,8
+            aimuni(ll,n)=0.
+          enddo
+        elseif(j.gt.nptl)then   !final calculation
+          am2a=aimuni(4,n)**2-aimuni(3,n)**2
+     $         -aimuni(2,n)**2-aimuni(1,n)**2
+          am2b=aimuni(8,n)**2-aimuni(7,n)**2
+     $         -aimuni(6,n)**2-aimuni(5,n)**2
+          if(inom.eq.306)x=(max(0.,am2a,am2b))/engy**2
+          if(inom.eq.307)x=(max(0.,min(am2a,am2b)))/engy**2
+          if(inom.eq.308)x=(abs(am2a-am2b))/engy**2
+        else                    !routine work
+          ll=0
+          if(p(3,lf).lt.0.)ll=4
+          do l=1,4
+            aimuni(l+ll,n)=aimuni(l+ll,n)+p(l,lf)
+          enddo
+        endif
+      elseif (inom.eq.310.or.inom.eq.311) then !---------
+        if(j.eq.0)then          !initialize
+          aimuni(1,n)=0
+          aimuni(2,n)=0
+          do i=1,nptl
+c            charge=0.
+             if(istptl(i).eq.0) then
+               if (idptl(i).eq.idcod(1,n)) aimuni(1,n)=aimuni(1,n)+1.
+               if (idptl(i).eq.idcod(2,n)) aimuni(2,n)=aimuni(2,n)+1.
+             endif
+           enddo
+        elseif(j.gt.nptl)then   !final calculation
+          if(aimuni(1,n).eq.0.or.aimuni(2,n).eq.0) then
+            ncevt(n)=ncevt(n)-1
+          endif
+          x=xmin(n)-100.
+          do i=1,nbin(n)
+            zcbin(i,nac(n),n)=abs(zcbin(i,nac(n),n))
+         enddo
+       else                    !routine work
+          if( istptl(j).eq.0
+     $         .and. aimuni(1,n).ne.0. .and. aimuni(2,n).ne.0. ) then
+            id1=idptl(j)
+            if(id1.eq.idcod(1,n) .or. id1.eq.idcod(2,n)) then
+              y1=sign(1.,pptl(3,j))*alog((pptl(4,j)+abs(pptl(3,j)))
+     *             /sqrt(pptl(5,j)**2+pptl(1,j)**2+pptl(2,j)**2))
+              do i=1,nptl
+                if(i.eq.j .or. istptl(i).ne.0) goto 124
+                id2=idptl(i)
+                if(id2.eq.idcod(1,n) .or. id2.eq.idcod(2,n)) then
+                  y2=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))
+     *                 /sqrt(pptl(5,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2))
+                  dy=(y2-y1)
+                  if(inom.eq.311) dy=abs(dy)
+                  ib=1+int((dy-xmin(n))*xinc(n))
+                  if(dy.ge.xmin(n).and.dy.le.xmax(n)) then
+                    if( id1.eq.idcod(1,n) ) then
+                      if( id2.eq.idcod(2,n) ) then
+                        bin(ib,nac(n),n)=bin(ib,nac(n),n)+.5/aimuni(2,n)
+                        zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)=zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)+1
+                      else
+                        bin(ib,nac(n),n)=bin(ib,nac(n),n)-.5/aimuni(1,n)
+                        zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)=zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)-1
+                      endif
+                    else        !id1 is idcod(2,n)
+                      if(id2.eq.idcod(1,n)) then
+                        bin(ib,nac(n),n)=bin(ib,nac(n),n)+.5/aimuni(1,n)
+                        zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)=zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)+1
+                      else
+                        bin(ib,nac(n),n)=bin(ib,nac(n),n)-.5/aimuni(2,n)
+                        zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)=zcbin(ib,nac(n),n)-1
+                      endif
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                endif
+ 124            continue 
+              enddo
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      elseif (inom.eq.312) then !---------
+        x=sigine
+      elseif (inom.eq.313) then !---------
+        x=sigineaa
+      elseif (inom.eq.314) then !---------
+        x=alpD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif (inom.eq.315) then !---------
+        x=alpD(1,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif (inom.eq.316) then !---------
+        x=betD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)
+        if(x.lt.0.)x=-10.*x
+      elseif (inom.eq.317) then !---------
+        x=betD(1,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif (inom.eq.318) then !---------
+        x=rexdif(iclpro)
+      elseif (inom.eq.319) then !---------
+        x=rexdif(icltar)
+      elseif(inom.eq.320)then    !m14evt ... multipl |eta|<1, pt>0.4
+        x=multc14
+      elseif(inom.eq.321)then    !ht3evt ... height |eta|<3.15
+        x=multc3/6.3
+      elseif (inom.eq.322) then !---------
+        x=sigineex
+      elseif (inom.eq.323) then !---------
+        x=sigdifex
+      elseif (inom.eq.324) then !---------
+        x=sigsdex
+      elseif (inom.eq.325) then !---------
+        x=ekin
+      elseif (inom.eq.326) then !---------
+        x=sigcutaa
+      elseif (inom.eq.327) then !---------
+        x=sigtotaa
+      elseif (inom.eq.328) then !---------
+        x=xkappafit(iclegy,iclpro,icltar,1)
+      elseif (inom.eq.329) then !---------
+        x=gamD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif (inom.eq.330) then !---------
+        x=gamD(1,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif (inom.eq.331) then !---------
+        x=delD(idxD0,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif (inom.eq.332) then !---------
+        x=delD(1,iclpro,icltar)
+      elseif(inom.eq.333)then                       !'nd6evt'
+        x=nsdiff(6,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.334)then !'muxevt' ... multipl 
+        x= ypara(1,n)         
+      elseif(inom.eq.335)then                       
+        x=abs(nint(typevt))                        !ND(1), DD(2), or SD(3)
+      elseif(inom.eq.339)then    !m25evt ... multipl |eta|<2.5, pt>0.5
+        x=multc25
+      elseif(inom.eq.340)then    !'segevt' ... segment multiplicity
+c        x=segevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.341)then    !'ielevt'
+        x=nsdiff(11,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.342)then                       !'mc1evt' charged particle
+        x=multc1                                    ! mult for |eta|<1
+      elseif(inom.eq.343)then   !CDF SD trigger 'sdcdf'
+        x=isdiff(3)
+      elseif(inom.eq.344)then   !CDF DPE trigger 'dpecdf'
+        x=isdiff(4)
+      elseif(inom.eq.345)then   !CDF DD trigger 'ddcdf'
+        x=isdiff(5)
+      elseif(inom.eq.346)then   !'phievt'
+        x=phievt
+      elseif(inom.eq.347)then   !'ndcevt'  CMS hadron level NSD (2011)
+        x=nsdiff(12,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.348)then   !'jetevt' ......  1 = jet event
+        x=0
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=1
+      elseif(inom.eq.349)then   !'epszero (Z for pp)'
+        x=epszero
+      elseif(inom.eq.350)then  !xsievt:  xsi = (M_X^2/s) 
+c (where M_X = sqrt{ (sum E)^2 - (sum vec-p)^2 } with sum E and sum vec-p 
+c being resp. the sum of the energies and the sum of the 3-momenta of the 
+c generated particles in the event, excluding the proton with the largest 
+c laboratory momentum)
+        x=xsi
+cc xsievt:  xsi = 1-xF_leading
+c        x=-2
+cc       pmax=sqrt((ecms/2.)**2-prom**2)
+c          pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+c        do i=1,nptl
+c          if(abs(idptl(i)).gt.100.and.istptl(i).eq.0)then
+c            if(iframe.eq.11)then
+c              pz=pptl(3,i)
+c            else
+c              amt=sqrt(prom**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+c              rap=alog((pptl(4,i)+pptl(3,i))/amt)
+c     &           -alog((sqrt(pnll**2+ecms**2)+pnll)/ecms)
+c              pz=amt*sinh(rap)
+c            endif
+c            x=max(x,abs(pz/pmax))
+c          endif
+c        enddo
+c        x=max(0.,1.-x)
+      elseif(inom.eq.351)then  !xsicms: CMS determination of xsi=M2_X/s
+                               !using xsi=Sum [(E+pz)_i/sqrt(s)]      where i runs on every reconstructed particles (= |eta|<4.9 charged + neutral)
+        x=-2
+c       pmax=sqrt((ecms/2.)**2-prom**2)
+        pmax=pnullx               !???????????????????
+        Ef=0.
+        Eb=0.
+        Pf=0.
+        Pb=0.
+        Esum=0.
+        Psum=0.
+        do i=1,nptl
+          if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+            pt=sqrt(pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2)
+            pz=pptl(3,i)
+            eta=0.
+            if(abs(pz).gt.0..and.pt.gt.0.)eta=sign(1.,pz)*
+     *   log((sqrt(pz**2+pt**2)+abs(pz))/pt)
+            if(pt.eq.0.)eta=sign(1e5,pz)
+            if(eta.ge.4.9)then
+              Ef=Ef+pptl(4,i)
+              Pf=Pf+pptl(3,i)
+            elseif(eta.le.-4.9)then
+              Eb=Eb+pptl(4,i)
+              Pb=Pb+pptl(3,i)
+            else
+              Esum=Esum+pptl(4,i)
+              Psum=Psum+pptl(3,i)
+            endif
+c        write(ifch,*)'ici',i,eta,Ef,Eb,Esum,Psum,Ef-Pf,Eb+Pb
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(Ef.ge.Eb)then
+          x=Esum+Psum+Eb+Pb
+        else
+          x=Esum-Psum+Ef-Pf
+        endif
+        x=max(0.,x/ecms)
+c        write(ifmt,*)'ici',x,min(Esum-Psum,Esum+Psum)/ecms
+      elseif(inom.eq.352)then   !'calevt' ......  energy in eta range
+        x= ypara(1,n)      
+      elseif(inom.eq.353)then   !'fgpevt' ......  max forward rapidity gap in eta range
+        x= ypara(2,n)      
+      elseif(inom.eq.354)then   !'bgpevt' ......  max backward rapidity gap in eta range
+        x= ypara(3,n)      
+      elseif(inom.eq.355)then   !'gapevt' ......  max backward rapidity gap in eta range
+        x= ypara(4,n)      
+      elseif(inom.eq.356)then
+        x=sigdd
+      elseif(inom.eq.357)then                    !'ajtevt' 
+        x=-9999
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=ypara(2,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.358)then                    !'fjtevt' 
+        x=-9999
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=ypara(3,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.359)then                    !'pjtevt' 
+        x=-9999
+        if(nint(ypara(1,n)).ne.0)x=ypara(4,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.360)then                       
+        x=nint(typevt)            !ND(1), DD(2), or SD(3) with fusion < 0
+      elseif(inom.eq.361)then   !'ndsevt'  CMS hadron level double sided trigger (2012)
+        x=nsdiff(13,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.362)then    !m24evt ... multipl |eta|<2.4 (CMS)
+        x=multc24
+      elseif(inom.eq.363)then   !'ndhevt'  CMS hadron level single sided trigger (HF 2012)
+        x=nsdiff(14,noweak(n))
+      elseif(inom.eq.364)then   !'ndfevt'  LHCf trigger
+        x=nsdiff(15,noweak(n))
+      elseif (inom.eq.501) then !---------
+        x=sval(1,1)
+      elseif (inom.eq.502) then !---------
+        x=sval(1,2)
+      elseif (inom.eq.503) then !---------
+        x=sval(1,3)
+      elseif (inom.eq.504) then !---------
+        x=sval(1,4)
+      elseif(inom.eq.505)then    !'eglevt'  eccentricity
+        x=eglevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.506)then    !'fglevt'  eccentricity_part
+        x=fglevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.507)then    !'rglevt'  ratio ng2 / ng1
+        x=0
+        if(ng1evt.ne.0)
+     .  x=ng2evt/float(ng1evt)
+      elseif(inom.eq.508)then    !'sglevt'  area S
+        x=sglevt
+      elseif(inom.eq.509)then                       !'ptrevt'
+        x=0
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,minfra
+        if(istptl(i).eq.25)then
+          pt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+          x=max(x,pt)
+        endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.510)then                       !'rr2evt'
+        x=cos(2*(phi2neg-phi2pos))
+        !write(ifmt,*)'+++++ rr2evt +++++ ',x,phi2neg,phi2pos
+      elseif(inom.eq.511)then  !'perevt'
+        call getJKNcentr
+        x=(ncentr-0.5)*5
+      elseif(inom.eq.512)then  !'paievt'
+        x=paievt  
+      elseif(inom.eq.513)then  !'co2evt'
+        x=co2evt      
+      elseif(inom.eq.514)then  !'co3evt'
+        x=co3evt
+      elseif(inom.eq.515)then  !'nh1evt'
+        x=0
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,minfra
+        if(istptl(i).eq.25)then
+          pt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+          if(pt.gt.10)x=x+1
+        endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.516)then  !'nh2evt'
+        x=0
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,minfra
+        if(istptl(i).eq.25)then
+          pt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+          if(pt.gt.20)x=x+1
+        endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.517)then  !'nh3evt'
+        x=0
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,minfra
+        if(istptl(i).eq.25)then
+          pt=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2)
+          if(pt.gt.50)x=x+1
+        endif
+        enddo
+      elseif(inom.eq.518)then  !'gbyevt'
+        x=gbyjmax
+      elseif(inom.eq.519)then  !'icyevt'
+c        call getncenthy
+        if(ncenthy.ne.20)stop'\n\n ERROR 28072011d\n\n'
+        f=(1-(icentrality-0.5)*0.05)
+        x=f * 100
+      elseif(inom.eq.520)then  !'xp9evt'
+        x=xpara(9,n)
+      elseif(inom.eq.521)then  !'hlxevt'
+        xi=xpara(9,n)
+        x=helix(xi)
+      endif                     !---------------------------------------
+      end
+      subroutine mux(n)
+      ! input
+      !   n = histogram number
+      !   xpara(1,n) ... etamin
+      !   xpara(2,n) ... etamax
+      !   xpara(3,n) ... ptmin
+      !   xpara(4,n) ... ptmax
+      !   xpara(5,n) ... factor
+      !   xpara(6,n) ... divisor
+      !   xpara(7,n) ... absolute value of eta (1)
+      !   xpara(8,n) ... take into account leptons (1)
+      !
+      ! output
+      !   ypara(1,n) ... multiplicity
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      mul=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+          pt=pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+c          if(pt.gt.1.)then
+c            ypara(1,n)=0
+c            return
+c          endif
+          pp=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(3,i)**2)
+          if(pt.gt.0.)then
+            pt=sqrt(pt)
+            eta=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pp+abs(pptl(3,i)))/pt)
+          else
+            eta=1000.
+          endif
+          if(xpara(7,n).ge.1.)eta=abs(eta)
+          idmin=100
+          if(xpara(8,n).ge.1.)idmin=0
+          if(abs(idptl(i)).ge.idmin
+     $   .and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+            if(abs(ch).gt.0.1)then
+              if(     eta.ge.xpara(1,n)
+     *           .and.eta.le.xpara(2,n)
+     *           .and.pt .gt.xpara(3,n)
+     *           .and.pt .lt.xpara(4,n)   )mul=mul+1
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ypara(1,n)=mul*xpara(5,n)/xpara(6,n) 
+      !print*,'+++++++',n,mul
+      !. ,xpara(1,n),xpara(2,n),xpara(3,n)
+      !. ,xpara(4,n),xpara(5,n),xpara(6,n)
+      end
+      function helix(xi)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (maxpv=20000)
+      real phixx(maxpv),etaxx(maxpv),ptxx(maxpv)
+      helix=0
+      ii=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+       if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+          px=pptl(1,i)
+          py=pptl(2,i)
+          pt=pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+          if(pt.gt.0.)then
+            pt=sqrt(pt)
+            theta=atan(pt/pptl(3,i))
+            if(theta.lt.0.)theta=theta+pi
+            eta=-log(tan(theta*0.5))
+          else
+            eta=1000.
+          endif
+          if(abs(eta).lt.2.5)then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+            if(abs(ch).gt.0.1.and.pt.gt.0.100)then
+              ii=ii+1
+              if(ii.gt.maxpv)then
+                write(ifmt,*)
+     .          '***** ERROR: PairVariables: arrays too small'
+                 stop'\n\n PairVariables: arrays too small \n\n'
+              endif
+              phixx(ii)=polar(px,py)
+              etaxx(ii)=eta
+              ptxx(ii)=pt
+              !print*,'+++++',ii,pt,idptl(i)
+            endif    
+          endif  
+        endif
+      enddo      
+      if(ii.gt.0)then
+      do m=1,ii
+      do n=1,ii 
+      if(n.ne.m)then
+        d=xi*(etaxx(m)-etaxx(n))-(phixx(m)-phixx(n))
+        helix=helix+cos(d)
+      endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      helix=helix/ii
+      endif
+      !print*,'helix',ii,xi,helix
+      end
+      subroutine PairVariables
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (maxpv=20000)
+      real phixx(maxpv),etaxx(maxpv),ptxx(maxpv)
+      integer idxx(maxpv)
+      common/cpairs/paievt,co2evt,co3evt
+      parameter (mxpaih=8)
+      common/cpairs2/paih(mxpaih,40),co2h(mxpaih,40),co3h(mxpaih,40)
+     .            ,ipaih(mxpaih,40),ico2h(mxpaih,40),ico3h(mxpaih,40)
+     .            ,maxpt,delpt
+      maxpt=40
+      delpt=8./maxpt
+      do j=1,maxpt
+       do i=1,mxpaih
+        ipaih(i,j)=0
+        ico2h(i,j)=0
+        ico3h(i,j)=0
+        paih(i,j)=0.
+        co2h(i,j)=0.
+        co3h(i,j)=0.
+       enddo 
+      enddo
+      paievt=0
+      co2evt=0
+      co3evt=0
+      ii=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+       if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+          px=pptl(1,i)
+          py=pptl(2,i)
+          pt=pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+          if(pt.gt.0.)then
+            pt=sqrt(pt)
+            theta=atan(pt/pptl(3,i))
+            if(theta.lt.0.)theta=theta+pi
+            eta=-log(tan(theta*0.5))
+          else
+            eta=1000.
+          endif
+          if(abs(eta).lt.1.0)then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+            !if(abs(ch).gt.0.1)then
+              ii=ii+1
+              if(ii.gt.maxpv)then
+                write(ifmt,*)
+     .          '***** ERROR: PairVariables: arrays too small'
+                 stop'\n\n PairVariables: arrays too small \n\n'
+              endif
+              phixx(ii)=polar(px,py)
+              etaxx(ii)=eta
+              ptxx(ii)=pt
+              idxx(ii)=idptl(i)
+              !print*,'+++++',ii,pt,idxx(ii)
+            !endif    
+          endif  
+        endif
+      enddo      
+      do m=1,ii
+      do n=1,ii 
+        if(    (etaxx(m).lt.-0.5 .and. etaxx(n).gt.0.5)
+     .    .or. (etaxx(n).lt.-0.5 .and. etaxx(m).gt.0.5) )then
+          if(abs(etaxx(m)-etaxx(n)).lt.0.999)
+     .    stop'\n\n ERROR 04112011\n\n' 
+          !m.ne.n automatic in this case
+          paievt=paievt+1
+          co2mn=cos(2*(phixx(m)-phixx(n)))
+          co3mn=cos(3*(phixx(m)-phixx(n)))
+          call idchrg(idxx(m),chm)
+          call idchrg(idxx(n),chn)
+          if(abs(chm).gt.0.1.and.abs(chn).gt.0.1)then
+            co2evt=co2evt+co2mn
+            co3evt=co3evt+co3mn
+          endif
+          !iam=abs(idxx(m))
+          !im=ptxx(m)/delpt+1
+          ian=abs(idxx(n))
+          idn=    idxx(n)
+          in=ptxx(n)/delpt+1
+          if(in.ge.1.and.in.le.maxpt)then
+            iid=0
+            if(ian.eq.120)iid=1
+            if(ian.eq.1120)iid=2
+            if(ian.eq.130)iid=3
+            if(ian.eq.1130)iid=4
+            if(idn.eq.20)iid=5
+            if(ian.eq.2130)iid=6
+            if(ian.eq.2330)iid=7
+            if(ian.eq.3331)iid=8
+            if(iid.ne.0)then
+              paih(iid,in)=paih(iid,in)+1
+              co2h(iid,in)=co2h(iid,in)+co2mn
+              co3h(iid,in)=co3h(iid,in)+co3mn
+              !print*,'+++hadron++',in, idxx(n),ptxx(n)
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      !print*,'+++++ pairs +++++',ii,paievt,co2evt,co3evt
+      sum1=0
+      sum2=0
+      sum3=0
+      do j=1,min(20,maxpt)
+         !write(*,'(a,i5,2(f7.0,2f7.3,3x))') '+++++++',j,
+         !.   paih(1,j),co2h(1,j),co3h(1,j),paih(2,j),co2h(2,j),co3h(2,j)
+         sum1=sum1+paih(1,j)+paih(2,j)+paih(3,j)+paih(4,j)
+         sum2=sum2+co2h(1,j)+co2h(2,j)+co2h(3,j)+co2h(4,j)
+         sum3=sum3+co3h(1,j)+co3h(2,j)+co3h(3,j)+co3h(4,j)
+      enddo
+      !print*,'+++++ sum +++++     ',sum1,sum2,sum3
+      end
+      subroutine StandardVariables
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      common/stavar/multc05,multy1,multc14,multyi,multc3,imulty1,multeb
+     &     ,multc1,multc83,multc24,multc25,rapgap,ipairs1,xsi
+      parameter(mxxhis=150)
+      common/varhis/icorrtrig(0:mxxhis),ihardevent(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ijetfind1(0:mxxhis),ijetfind2(0:mxxhis),imux(0:mxxhis)
+     &,ifastjet(0:mxxhis),ijetevent(0:mxxhis),icaltrig(0:mxxhis)
+      logical CDF
+      common/cphi2/phi2pos,phi2neg
+      double precision sumE,sumP(4)
+      Emax=0.
+      Pmax=0.
+      multy1=0
+      multc05=0
+      multc14=0
+      multc24=0
+      multc25=0
+      multc1=0
+      multyi=0
+      multc3=0
+      multeb=0
+      multc83=0
+      rapgap=0.
+      etamn=-1000.
+      etamx=1000.
+      avcos2p=0
+      avsin2p=0
+      avcos2n=0
+      avsin2n=0
+      sumE=0d0
+      sumP(1)=0d0
+      sumP(2)=0d0
+      sumP(3)=0d0
+      sumP(4)=0d0
+      imax=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+          amt=pptl(5,i)**2+pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+          px=pptl(1,i)
+          py=pptl(2,i)
+          pt=pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2
+          pp=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(3,i)**2)
+          et=sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2+pptl(5,i)**2)
+          if(amt.gt.0..and.pptl(4,i).gt.0.)then
+            amt=sqrt(amt)
+            rap=sign(1.,pptl(3,i))*alog((pptl(4,i)+abs(pptl(3,i)))/amt)
+          else
+            rap=1000.
+          endif
+          if(pt.gt.0.)then
+            pt=sqrt(pt)
+            theta=atan(pt/pptl(3,i))
+            if(theta.lt.0.)theta=theta+pi
+            et=sin(theta)*pptl(4,i)
+            eta=-log(tan(theta*0.5))
+          else
+            eta=1000.
+          endif
+          if(eta.gt.3.2.and.eta.lt.4.8)then
+            a=polar(px,py)
+            avcos2p=avcos2p+cos(2*a)
+            avsin2p=avsin2p+sin(2*a)
+          elseif(eta.lt.-3.2.and.eta.gt.-4.8)then
+            a=polar(px,py)
+            avcos2n=avcos2n+cos(2*a)
+            avsin2n=avsin2n+sin(2*a)
+          endif
+          sumE=sumE+dble(pptl(4,i))
+          sumP(1)=sumP(1)+dble(pptl(1,i))
+          sumP(2)=sumP(2)+dble(pptl(2,i))
+          sumP(3)=sumP(3)+dble(pptl(3,i))
+          if(idptl(i).eq.idproj.and.pp.gt.Pmax)then
+            imax=i
+            Pmax=pp
+          endif
+          if(abs(idptl(i)).ge.100
+     $         .and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+            call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+            CDF=.false.
+            if(abs(ch).gt.0.1)then
+c---multyi---charged ptl multipl
+              multyi=multyi+1
+c---multy1---charged ptl multipl for central rap
+              if(abs(rap).le.1.)multy1=multy1+1
+              if(abs(eta).le.0.5)multc05=multc05+1
+              if(abs(eta).le.1.and.pt.gt.0.4)multc14=multc14+1
+              if(abs(eta).le.0.8.and.pt.gt.0.3
+     *        .and.pt.lt.4.)multc83=multc83+1
+              if(abs(eta).lt.2.4)multc24=multc24+1
+              if(abs(eta).le.2.5.and.pt.gt.0.5)multc25=multc25+1
+              if(abs(eta).le.1)multc1=multc1+1
+              if(abs(rap).le.3.15)multc3=multc3+1
+c---multeb---charged ptl multipl for back rap
+              if(eta.gt.-3.8.and.eta.lt.-2.8)multeb=multeb+1
+              if(abs(eta).lt.1.2.and.pt.gt.0.3)then
+                CDF=.true.      !CDF CTC acceptance
+              elseif(abs(eta).gt.3.2.and.abs(eta).lt.5.9)then
+                CDF=.true.      !CDF BBC acceptance
+              endif
+            endif
+            if(abs(eta).lt.2.4.and.et.gt.0.2)then
+              CDF=.true.     !CDF central and plug calorimeters acceptance
+            elseif(abs(eta).gt.2.2.and.abs(eta).lt.4.2.and.et.gt.1.)then
+              CDF=.true.     !CDF forward calorimeters acceptance
+            endif
+            if(CDF)then
+              if(eta.le.0)etamn=max(etamn,eta)
+              if(eta.ge.0)etamx=min(etamx,eta)
+            endif
+          endif
+          if(ilprtg.eq.1)then
+            if((((abs(idptl(i)).gt.1000.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)
+     *         .and.abs(idproj).gt.1000).or.(iabs(idptl(i)).gt.100
+     *         .and.abs(idproj).lt.1000)).and.pptl(4,i)
+     *         .gt.Emax.and.pptl(3,i).gt.0.)then
+              Emax=pptl(4,i)
+              idlead=i
+            endif
+          else
+            if(abs(idptl(i)).gt.1000.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000
+     *        .and.pptl(4,i).gt.Emax.and.pptl(3,i).lt.0.)then
+              Emax=pptl(4,i)
+              idlead=i
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      if(imax.gt.0)then
+        sumE=sumE-dble(pptl(4,imax))
+        sumP(1)=sumP(1)-dble(pptl(1,imax))
+        sumP(2)=sumP(2)-dble(pptl(2,imax))
+        sumP(3)=sumP(3)-dble(pptl(3,imax))
+      endif
+      sumP(4)=sqrt(sumP(1)**2+sumP(2)**2+sumP(3)**2)
+      xsi=sngl((sumE+sumP(4))*(sumE-sumP(4))/dble(engy)**2)
+      rapgap=etamx-etamn
+      if(rapgap.gt.100)rapgap=-1.    !not defined
+      phi2pos=polar(avcos2p,avsin2p)/2.
+      phi2neg=polar(avcos2n,avsin2n)/2.
+      !write(ifmt,*)'+++++ phi2pos phi2neg +++++ '
+      !. ,phi2pos, phi2neg
+      end
+      subroutine jetfind(m,n)
+c   m = 1 ou 2 (two different definitions)
+c   n = histogram
+c input(jet definition):
+c   xpara(1,n) ... output (m=1) (0=et, 1=pt)
+c   xpara(2,n) ... etamin (m=1)
+c   xpara(3,n) ... etamax (m=1)
+c   xpara(4,n) ... rmax   (m=1) (rmax defining the cone)
+c   xpara(5,n) ... ichd   (m=1) (1=charged, 0=all)
+c   xpara(6,n) ... output (m=2) (0=et, 1=pt)
+c   xpara(7,n) ... etamin (m=2)
+c   xpara(8,n) ... etamax (m=2)
+c   xpara(9,n) ... rmax   (m=2)
+c   xpara(10,n) .. ichd   (m=2)
+c output (jet properties):
+c   ypara(1,n) ... 1 (found) or 0 if not  (m=1)
+c   ypara(2,n) ... et or pt               (m=1)
+c   ypara(3,n) ... eta of center          (m=1)
+c   ypara(4,n) ... phi of center          (m=1)
+c   ypara(5,n)
+c   ypara(6,n) ... 1 (found) or 0 if not  (m=2)
+c   ypara(7,n) ... et or pt               (m=2)
+c   ypara(8,n) ... eta of center          (m=2)
+c   ypara(9,n) ... phi of center          (m=2)
+c   ypara(10,n)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      parameter (mxval=5)
+      real ptx(mxval),lst(mxval),etax(mxval),phix(mxval)
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      if(m.ne.1.and.m.ne.2)stop'jetfind: value of m not valid.      '
+      ipt   = nint(xpara(1+5*(m-1),n))
+      etamin=           xpara(2+5*(m-1),n)
+      etamax=           xpara(3+5*(m-1),n)
+      rmax  =           xpara(4+5*(m-1),n)
+      ichd  = nint(xpara(5+5*(m-1),n))
+      ifound=0
+      do l=1,mxval
+        ptx(l)=0
+        lst(l)=0
+        etax(l)=0
+        phix(l)=0
+      enddo
+ctp060829      pp1=0
+ctp060829      pp2=0
+ctp060829      pp3=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        iok=0
+        if(istptl(i).eq.0.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)iok=1
+        if(iok.eq.1)call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+        if(ichd.eq.1.and.nint(ch).eq.0)iok=0
+        if(iok.eq.1)then
+          p1=pptl(1,i)
+          p2=pptl(2,i)
+          p3=pptl(3,i)
+          pt=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)
+                if(pt.gt.0)then
+            eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+            phi=sign(1.,p2)*acos(p1/pt)
+          else
+            eta=10000
+            phi=0
+          endif
+          do k=1,mxval
+            iok=1
+            if(m.eq.2)then
+              dphi=phi-ypara(4,n)
+              if(dphi.lt.-pi)dphi=dphi+2*pi
+              if(dphi.gt. pi)dphi=dphi-2*pi
+              if(abs(dphi).lt.pi/2)iok=0
+            endif
+            if(iok.eq.1.and.pt.gt.ptx(k)
+     &        .and.eta.le.etamax.and.eta.ge.etamin)then
+              do l=mxval,k+1,-1
+               ptx(l)=ptx(l-1)
+               lst(l)=lst(l-1)
+               etax(l)=etax(l-1)
+               phix(l)=phix(l-1)
+              enddo
+               ptx(k)=pt
+               lst(k)=i
+               etax(k)=eta
+               phix(k)=phi
+              goto2
+            endif
+          enddo
+  2       continue
+        endif
+      enddo
+      kk=0
+      etx=0
+      do k=1,mxval
+       if(lst(k).ne.0)then
+        ifound=1
+        et=0
+        etaxx=etax(k)
+        phixx=phix(k)
+        do j=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+          iok=0
+          if(istptl(j).eq.0.and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000)iok=1
+          if(iok.eq.1)call idchrg(idptl(j),ch)
+          if(ichd.eq.1.and.nint(ch).eq.0)iok=0
+          if(iok.eq.1)then
+            p1=pptl(1,j)
+            p2=pptl(2,j)
+            p3=pptl(3,j)
+            pt=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)
+            am=pptl(5,j)
+                  if(pt.gt.0)then
+              eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+              phi=sign(1.,p2)*acos(p1/pt)
+            else
+              eta=-10000
+              phi=0
+            endif
+            if(eta.le.etamax.and.eta.ge.etamin)then
+              deta=eta-etaxx
+              dphi=phi-phixx
+              if(dphi.lt.-pi)dphi=dphi+2*pi
+              if(dphi.gt. pi)dphi=dphi-2*pi
+              if(deta**2+dphi**2.lt.rmax**2)then
+                if(ipt.eq.0)then           !output is et
+                  et=et+sqrt(pt**2+am**2)
+                else                       !output is pt
+                  et=et+pt
+                endif
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        enddo
+        if(et.gt.etx)then
+          etx=et
+          kk=k
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      ypara(1+5*(m-1),n)=ifound
+      ypara(2+5*(m-1),n)=etx
+      if(kk.gt.0)then
+       ypara(3+5*(m-1),n)=etax(kk)
+       ypara(4+5*(m-1),n)=phix(kk)
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine fastjet(n)
+c   n = histogram (to define istptl=100*n of id=9999)
+c input:
+c   xpara(1,n) ... algorithm 1.0=kt, 0.0=Cam/Aachen,  -1.0 = anti-kt
+c   xpara(2,n) ... rapmin    for particles used to define jet
+c   xpara(3,n) ... rapmax    for particles used to define jet
+c   xpara(4,n) ... rmax      rmax defining the cone
+c   xpara(5,n) ... ichd      1=charged, 0=all
+c   xpara(10,n) .. iorap     0 = rap,  >0 = eta
+c   xpara(12,n) .. ptcheck   pt threshhold for checks (default 1e30)
+c output: 
+c   new particles (jets four momentum) in particle list triggered
+c          by : trigger istptl jet jet
+c          can be used as usual particle to plot pt, phi, etc ...
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      parameter (mxval=10000)
+      parameter (mxxeta=120,mxxphi=63)
+      double precision p(4,mxval), rmax, algo,jets(4,mxval)
+      double precision pav(mxval)
+      integer jarray1(mxval),jarray2(mxval)
+      integer iphimtx(mxval),ietamtx(mxval),npmtx(mxxeta,mxxphi)
+      common/cjcheck/jcheck
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      real amtx(mxxeta,mxxphi),bmtx(mxxeta,mxxphi)
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      data ncntfj/0/
+      save ncntfj
+      ncntfj=ncntfj+1
+      ptcheck=1e30
+      jcheck=0
+      kcheck=0
+      algo  = dble(xpara(1,n))
+      rapmin=      xpara(2,n)
+      rapmax=      xpara(3,n)
+      rmax  = dble(xpara(4,n))
+      ichd  = nint(xpara(5,n))
+      iorap = nint(xpara(10,n))
+      if(xpara(12,n).gt.1e-5)ptcheck=xpara(12,n)
+      mxphi=0
+      mxeta=0
+      mxphi=63
+      if(mxphi.gt.mxxphi)stop'\n\n  ERROR 04062012a \n\n'
+      phimax=2*3.1415927
+      delphi=phimax/mxphi
+      mxeta=iorap
+      if(mxeta.gt.mxxeta)stop'\n\n  ERROR 04062012b \n\n'
+      etamin=rapmin
+      etamax=rapmax
+      deleta=1
+      if(mxeta.gt.0)deleta=(etamax-etamin)/mxeta
+      do np=1,mxval
+        p(4,np)=0
+      enddo
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        amtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        bmtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).eq.25)then
+          p1=pptl(1,i)
+          p2=pptl(2,i)
+          pt2=p2**2+p1**2
+          if(pt2.gt.ptcheck**2)then
+           jcheck=1
+           goto 76
+          endif
+        endif    
+      enddo
+  76  continue
+      nj=0
+      npart=0
+      nchi=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+c        print*,'fastjet ',iorptl(i),jorptl(i),'   ',i,'   '
+c     .      ,idptl(i),istptl(i),ityptl(i),'   '
+c     .      ,sqrt(pptl(1,i)**2+pptl(2,i)**2) 
+        if(istptl(i).eq.0.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000)then
+          call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+          if(nint(ch).ne.0.or.ichd.eq.0)then
+            p1=pptl(1,i)
+            p2=pptl(2,i)
+            p3=pptl(3,i)
+            p4=pptl(4,i)
+            p5=pptl(5,i)
+            amt=p5**2+p1**2+p2**2
+            pt=p2**2+p1**2
+            if(iorap.eq.0)then !rap
+              rap=0.
+              if(amt.gt.0..and.p4+abs(p3).gt.0.)then 
+                amt=sqrt(amt)
+                rap=sign(1.,p3)*log((p4+abs(p3))/amt) !not correct if particles off-shell
+c                  rap=0.5*log((p4+p3)/(p4-p3))  !always correct but numerically unstable
+              endif
+            elseif(iorap.gt.0)then !eta
+              rap=0
+              if(sqrt(p3**2+pt)+abs(p3).gt.0..and.pt.gt.0.)then
+                pt=sqrt(pt)
+                rap=sign(1.,p3)*
+     .          alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+              endif
+            endif
+            if(rap.ge.rapmin.and.rap.le.rapmax)then  !particle used for jet
+              if(iorap.gt.1)then
+                eta=rap
+                ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+                phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+                iphi=1+phi/delphi
+                if(ieta.ge.1.and.ieta.le.mxeta
+     .          .and.iphi.ge.1.and.iphi.le.mxphi)then
+                  theta=polar(p3,pt)
+                  theta2=2*atan(exp(-eta))
+                  et=p4*sin(theta)
+                  bmtx(ieta,iphi)=bmtx(ieta,iphi)+et
+                  !print*,'++++ theta1/2 et1/2',theta,theta2,et,pt
+                  !+++++++++++++++++++++++++check+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+                  if(jcheck.eq.1)then
+                  if(ityptl(i).eq.30)then
+                    iori=iorptl(i)
+  77                continue               
+                    if(iori.gt.0)then
+                      if(istptl(iori).eq.1)then
+                        !print*,'        ',i,iori,iorptl(iori)
+                        iori=iorptl(iori)
+                        goto 77
+                      endif
+                      if(istptl(iori).ne.29)
+     .                 stop'\n\n ERROR 05062012a\n\n'
+                      i1parton=iorptl(iori)
+                      i25=i1parton
+  78                  i25=i25-1
+                      if(i25.eq.1)stop'\n\n ERROR 05062012b\n\n'
+                      if(istptl(i25).ne.25)goto 78
+                      if(istptl(i25-1).ne.25)
+     .                 stop'\n\n ERROR 05062012c\n\n'
+                      if(iorptl(i25-1).ne.iorptl(i1parton)
+     .                 .and.iorptl(i25-1).ne.0)
+     .                 stop'\n\n ERROR 05062012d\n\n'
+                      pt1=sqrt(pptl(1,i25)**2+pptl(2,i25)**2)
+                      pt2=sqrt(pptl(1,i25-1)**2+pptl(2,i25-1)**2)
+                      if(pt1.gt.ptcheck.or.pt2.gt.ptcheck)then
+                        nchi=nchi+1
+                        !print*,'++++',i,iori,i1parton,iorptl(i1parton)
+                        !.       ,i25,pt1,pt2,eta
+                        amtx(ieta,iphi)=amtx(ieta,iphi)+et
+                      endif
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                  endif
+                  !+++++++++++++++++++++++++check+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++      
+                endif          
+              else
+                npart=npart+1
+                if(npart.gt.mxval)then
+                  write(ifmt,*)
+     .           'Too many particles (mxval) for Fastjet ! skip ...'
+                  return
+                endif
+                p(1,npart)=dble(p1)
+                p(2,npart)=dble(p2)
+                p(3,npart)=dble(p3)
+                p(4,npart)=dble(p4)
+              endif
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      if(jcheck.eq.1)then
+        if(iorap.gt.1.and.nchi.gt.0)then
+c          call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,amtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     .     ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','E_{T} for '
+c     . ,'hadrons from hardest process       ')
+c          call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,bmtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     .     ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','E_{T} for '
+c     . ,'all final hadrons                  ')
+        endif
+      endif
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      if(iorap.gt.1)then
+        npart=0
+        do iphi=1,mxphi
+        do ieta=1,mxeta
+          npmtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+          et=bmtx(ieta,iphi)
+          if(et.gt.0.001)then
+            npart=npart+1
+            npmtx(ieta,iphi)=npart
+            iphimtx(npart)=iphi
+            ietamtx(npart)=ieta
+            phi=       (iphi-0.5)*delphi
+            eta=etamin+(ieta-0.5)*deleta
+            p(1,npart)=et*cos(phi)
+            p(2,npart)=et*sin(phi)
+            p(3,npart)=et*sinh(eta)
+            p(4,npart)=et*cosh(eta)
+          endif
+        enddo  
+        enddo  
+      endif
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      if(jcheck.eq.1)then
+        do ieta=1,mxeta
+        do iphi=1,mxphi
+          amtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+          bmtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+        enddo
+        enddo
+        k25p=0
+        ihitp=0
+        i25=0
+        do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+          ihit=0 
+          k25=0
+          if(istptl(i).eq.25)then
+            k25=1
+            p1=pptl(1,i)
+            p2=pptl(2,i)
+            p3=pptl(3,i)
+            pt=p2**2+p1**2
+            if(pt.gt.ptcheck**2.or.ihitp.eq.1)then
+              if(k25p.eq.1.and.ihitp.eq.0)then
+                nj=nj+1 
+                ptp=sqrt(ptp)
+                phi=polar( p1p , p2p )
+                eta
+     .           =sign(1.,p3p)*alog((sqrt(p3p**2+ptp**2)+abs(p3p))/ptp)
+                print*,'ist25 partons:   i pt phi eta ='
+     .           ,i-1,ptp, phi, eta
+                ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+                iphi=1+phi/delphi
+                amtx(ieta,iphi)=amtx(ieta,iphi)+ptp
+              endif
+              nj=nj+1 
+              pt=sqrt(pt)
+              phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+              eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+              print*,'ist25 partons:   i pt phi eta =',i,pt, phi, eta
+              ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+              iphi=1+phi/delphi
+              amtx(ieta,iphi)=amtx(ieta,iphi)+pt
+              ihit=1
+              if(k25p.eq.1)then
+                i25=i
+                ior25=iorptl(i25)
+                ii=i25
+  79            ii=ii+1
+                if(istptl(ii).ne.21.or.iorptl(ii).ne.ior25)
+     .          stop'\n\n  ERROR 10062012  \n\n'           
+                !print*,iorptl(ii),ii,istptl(ii)
+                p1=pptl(1,ii)
+                p2=pptl(2,ii)
+                p3=pptl(3,ii)
+                pt=p2**2+p1**2
+                pt=sqrt(pt)
+                phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+                eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+                ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+                iphi=1+phi/delphi
+                if(ieta.ge.1.and.ieta.le.mxeta
+     .          .and.iphi.ge.1.and.iphi.le.mxphi)
+     .           bmtx(ieta,iphi)=bmtx(ieta,iphi)+pt
+                if(istptl(ii+1).eq.21.and.iorptl(ii+1).eq.ior25)goto 79 
+                !print*,iorptl(ii+1),ii+1,istptl(ii+1)
+              endif
+            endif
+            p1p=p1
+            p2p=p2
+            p3p=p3
+            ptp=pt
+          endif
+          k25p=k25
+          ihitp=ihit
+        enddo
+        if(iorap.gt.1.and.nj.gt.0)then
+c          call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,amtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     .     ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','E_{T} for '
+c     .     ,'direct partons from hardest process')
+c          call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,bmtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     .     ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','E_{T} for '
+c     .     ,'final partons from hardest process ')
+        endif
+      endif
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      if(npart.le.0)goto 1001  !return
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        amtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+        bmtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      !run the clustering with a pp generalised-kt 
+      !sequential recombination alg
+      ipri=1
+      if(ncntfj.gt.1)ipri=0
+      if(ipri.eq.1)write(ifmt,'(a,$)')'fastjet:'
+      if(ipri.eq.1)write(ifmt,*)npart,' particles'
+      !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+          call fastjetppgenkt(p,npart,rmax,algo,jets,njets,
+     &          jarray1,jarray2,ipri) 
+      !$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+      if(njets.le.0)goto 1001 !return
+      if(.not.(iorap.gt.1))goto 1002
+      iconp=0
+      do i=1,njets
+        iprx=jcheck
+        if(i.gt.0)iprx=0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
+        p1=sngl(jets(1,i))  !jet px momentum
+        p2=sngl(jets(2,i))  !jet py momentum
+        p3=sngl(jets(3,i))  !jet pz momentum
+        pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+        phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+        eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+        if(iprx.eq.1)write(ifmt,'(a,i4,3f7.2,$)')
+     .  ' +++jet i pt, phi, eta',i,pt, phi, eta
+        if(iprx.eq.1)write(ifmt,'(i7,a,$)'),jarray1(i)-iconp,'   '
+        p1su=0
+        p2su=0
+        etsu=0
+        etmx=0
+        do ij=iconp+1,jarray1(i)
+          nco=jarray1(i)-iconp
+          nij=jarray2(ij)
+          et=sqrt(p(1,nij)**2+p(2,nij)**2)
+          etsu=etsu+et
+          etmx=max(etmx,et)
+          !write(ifmt,'(f6.1,$)')et
+          p1su=p1su+p(1,nij)
+          p2su=p2su+p(2,nij)
+        enddo
+        ptxx=sqrt(p1su**2+p2su**2)
+        if(abs(pt-ptxx).gt.1e-4)then
+          print*,'pt ptxx diff',pt,ptxx,abs(pt-ptxx)
+          stop'\n\n ERROR 10062012b \n\n'
+        endif
+        dd=etmx/etsu*nco
+        if(iprx.eq.1)write(ifmt,*)' ',dd
+        if(dd.gt.5)then
+          do ij=iconp+1,jarray1(i)
+            nij=jarray2(ij)
+            et=sqrt(p(1,nij)**2+p(2,nij)**2)
+            iphi=iphimtx(nij)
+            ieta=ietamtx(nij)
+            if(iprx.eq.1)print*,'+++++',i,ieta,iphi,et
+            bmtx(ieta,iphi)=1.
+          enddo
+        endif
+        iconp=jarray1(i)
+      enddo
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+c      if(jcheck.eq.1.and.kcheck.eq.1)
+c     .call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,bmtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     . ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','          '
+c     . ,'excluded towers (D>5)              ')
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      avpt=0
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        np=npmtx(ieta,iphi)
+        if(np.gt.0)then
+          p1=p(1,np)
+          p2=p(2,np)
+          p3=p(3,np)
+          p4=p(4,np)
+          pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+          if(nint(bmtx(ieta,iphi)).ne.1)then
+            avpt=avpt+pt
+          else
+            !if(jcheck.eq.1)write(ifmt,*)'excl',ieta,iphi,pt
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo  
+      avpt=avpt/mxphi
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        np=npmtx(ieta,iphi)
+        if(np.gt.0)then
+          pav(np)=avpt
+          amtx(ieta,iphi)=pav(np)
+        endif  
+      enddo
+      enddo  
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      !if(jcheck.eq.1)
+      !.call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,amtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+      !. ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','          '
+      !. ,'average pt (excl D>5)              ')
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      iconp=0
+      do i=1,njets
+        p1nsu=0
+        p2nsu=0
+        p3nsu=0
+        do ij=iconp+1,jarray1(i)
+          nij=jarray2(ij)
+          p1=p(1,nij)
+          p2=p(2,nij)
+          p3=p(3,nij)
+          pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+          ptav=pav(nij)
+          ptnew=pt-ptav
+          iphi=iphimtx(nij)
+          ieta=ietamtx(nij)
+          phi=       (iphi-0.5)*delphi
+          eta=etamin+(ieta-0.5)*deleta
+          p1n=ptnew*cos(phi)
+          p2n=ptnew*sin(phi)
+          p3n=ptnew*sinh(eta)
+          p4n=abs(ptnew)*cosh(eta)
+          p1nsu=p1nsu+p1n
+          p2nsu=p2nsu+p2n
+          p3nsu=p3nsu+p3n
+        enddo
+        p1=p1nsu
+        p2=p2nsu
+        p3=p3nsu
+        p4=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2+p3**2)
+        pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+        phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+        eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+        imark=0
+        if(pt.gt.25)then
+          do ij=iconp+1,jarray1(i)
+            nij=jarray2(ij)
+            iphi=iphimtx(nij)
+            ieta=ietamtx(nij)
+            bmtx(ieta,iphi)=1.
+          enddo
+          imark=999999
+        endif
+        !if(jcheck.eq.1.and.i.le.18)then
+        !print*,phi,'  ',eta,'  ',pt,'  ',imark
+        !endif
+        iconp=jarray1(i)
+      enddo  
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+c      if(jcheck.eq.1.and.kcheck.eq.1)
+c     .call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,bmtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     . ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','          '
+c     . ,'excluded towers (D>5 & pt>25)      ')
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        amtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      avpt=0
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        np=npmtx(ieta,iphi)
+        if(np.gt.0)then
+          p1=p(1,np)
+          p2=p(2,np)
+          p3=p(3,np)
+          p4=p(4,np)
+          pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+          if(nint(bmtx(ieta,iphi)).ne.1)then
+            avpt=avpt+pt
+          else
+            !if(jcheck.eq.1)write(ifmt,*)'excl',ieta,iphi,pt
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo  
+      avpt=avpt/mxphi
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        np=npmtx(ieta,iphi)
+        if(np.gt.0)then
+          pav(np)=avpt
+          amtx(ieta,iphi)=pav(np)
+        endif  
+      enddo
+      enddo  
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      !if(jcheck.eq.1)
+      !.call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,amtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+      !. ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','          '
+      !. ,'average pt (excl D>5 & pt>25)      ')
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        amtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      nptl0=nptl+1
+      iconp=0
+      do i=1,njets
+        p1j=sngl(jets(1,i))  !jet px momentum
+        p2j=sngl(jets(2,i))  !jet py momentum
+        p3j=sngl(jets(3,i))  !jet pz momentum
+        p4j=sngl(jets(4,i))  !jet E  momentum
+        ptj=sqrt(p2j**2+p1j**2)
+        phij=polar( p1j , p2j )
+        etaj=sign(1.,p3j)*alog((sqrt(p3j**2+ptj**2)+abs(p3j))/ptj)
+        p1su=0
+        p2su=0
+        p3su=0
+        p1nsu=0
+        p2nsu=0
+        p3nsu=0
+        do ij=iconp+1,jarray1(i)
+          nij=jarray2(ij)
+          p1=p(1,nij)
+          p2=p(2,nij)
+          p3=p(3,nij)
+          p1su=p1su+p1
+          p2su=p2su+p2
+          p3su=p3su+p3
+          pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+          ptav=pav(nij)
+          ptnew=pt-ptav
+          iphi=iphimtx(nij)
+          ieta=ietamtx(nij)
+          phi=       (iphi-0.5)*delphi
+          eta=etamin+(ieta-0.5)*deleta
+          p1n=ptnew*cos(phi)
+          p2n=ptnew*sin(phi)
+          p3n=ptnew*sinh(eta)
+          p4n=abs(ptnew)*cosh(eta)
+          p1nsu=p1nsu+p1n
+          p2nsu=p2nsu+p2n
+          p3nsu=p3nsu+p3n
+          !if(jcheck.eq.1.and.i.le.5)print*,phi,eta,pt,ptnew
+        enddo
+        p1=p1nsu
+        p2=p2nsu
+        p3=p3nsu
+        p4=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2+p3**2)
+        pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        istptl(nptl)=100*n     !used for trigger
+        idptl(nptl)=9999       !jet ID
+        pptl(1,nptl)=p1
+        pptl(2,nptl)=p2
+        pptl(3,nptl)=p3
+        pptl(4,nptl)=p4
+        pptl(5,nptl)=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)  
+        phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+        eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+        ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+        iphi=1+phi/delphi
+        if(jcheck.eq.1.and.i.le.10)then
+        !print*,i,p1su-p1j,p2su-p2j,p3su-p3j
+        !print*,i,p1j,p1nsu,'  ',p2j,p2nsu,'  ',p3j,p3nsu
+        !print*,phij,phi,'  ',etaj,eta,'  ',ptj,pt
+        !print*,phi,'  ',eta,'  ',pt
+        endif
+        if(ieta.ge.1.and.ieta.le.mxeta
+     .  .and.iphi.ge.1.and.iphi.le.mxphi)
+     .   amtx(ieta,iphi)=amtx(ieta,iphi)+pt
+        iconp=jarray1(i)
+      enddo  
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      !if(jcheck.eq.1)
+      !.call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,amtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+      !. ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','E_{T} for '
+      !. ,'jets                               ')
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      do ieta=1,mxeta
+      do iphi=1,mxphi
+        amtx(ieta,iphi)=0
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      do np=nptl0,nptl-1
+        nmax=np
+        do mp=np+1,nptl
+          if(pptl(5,mp).gt.pptl(5,nmax))nmax=mp
+        enddo
+        if(nmax.gt.np)then
+          p1xx=pptl(1,nmax)
+          p2xx=pptl(2,nmax)
+          p3xx=pptl(3,nmax)
+          p4xx=pptl(4,nmax)
+          p5xx=pptl(5,nmax)
+          do mp=nmax-1,np,-1
+            pptl(1,mp+1)=pptl(1,mp)
+            pptl(2,mp+1)=pptl(2,mp)
+            pptl(3,mp+1)=pptl(3,mp)
+            pptl(4,mp+1)=pptl(4,mp)
+            pptl(5,mp+1)=pptl(5,mp)
+          enddo
+          pptl(1,np)=p1xx
+          pptl(2,np)=p2xx
+          pptl(3,np)=p3xx
+          pptl(4,np)=p4xx
+          pptl(5,np)=p5xx
+        endif
+        if(jcheck.eq.1.and.np-nptl0+1.le.10)then
+          p1=pptl(1,np)
+          p2=pptl(2,np)
+          p3=pptl(3,np)
+          pt=pptl(5,np)
+          phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+          eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+          if(np-nptl0+1.le.10)
+     .     print*,phi,'  ',eta,'  ',pt
+          ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+          iphi=1+phi/delphi
+          if(ieta.ge.1.and.ieta.le.mxeta
+     .    .and.iphi.ge.1.and.iphi.le.mxphi)
+     .     amtx(ieta,iphi)=amtx(ieta,iphi)+pt
+        endif
+      enddo
+      !++++++++++++++++++++++++++++check++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+c      if(jcheck.eq.1)
+c     .call oo2bin(-4, mxxeta,mxxphi,amtx,mxeta,etamin,etamax
+c     . ,mxphi,0.,phimax,'#eta   ','#phi   ','E_{T} for '
+c     . ,'jets                               ')
+      !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+      if(ish.ge.5)call alist('list after fastjet&',nptl0,nptl)
+      return
+ 1002 nptl0=nptl+1
+      do i=1,njets
+        p1=sngl(jets(1,i))  !jet px momentum
+        p2=sngl(jets(2,i))  !jet py momentum
+        p3=sngl(jets(3,i))  !jet pz momentum
+        p4=sngl(jets(4,i))  !jet E  momentum
+        pt=sqrt(p2**2+p1**2)
+        nptl=nptl+1
+        istptl(nptl)=100*n     !used for trigger
+        idptl(nptl)=9999       !jet ID
+        pptl(1,nptl)=p1
+        pptl(2,nptl)=p2
+        pptl(3,nptl)=p3
+        pptl(4,nptl)=p4
+        pptl(5,nptl)=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)  
+        phi=polar( p1 , p2 )
+        eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+        ieta=1+(eta-etamin)/deleta
+        iphi=1+phi/delphi
+      enddo  
+      if(ish.ge.5)call alist('list after fastjet&',nptl0,nptl)
+      return
+ 1001 continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine jetevent(n)
+c uses jets found with fastjet (MANDATORY: activate fastjet BEFORE)
+c input:
+c      n = histogram
+c      xpara(6,n) ... pt_min 
+c      xpara(7,n) ... njet        (number of jets required)
+c      xpara(8,n) ... delta_phi   (0, not used, >0 uses delta_phi-pi (-0 if <0)
+c      xpara(9,n) ... pt_min_first  if >0.001
+c      xpara(11,n) .. pt_max_first  if >0.001
+c output: 
+c      ypara(1,n) ... 1 or 0  (valid event or not)
+c      ypara(2,n) ... ajt     (Asymmetry parameter A_j)
+c      ypara(3,n) ... fjt     (DeltaPhi)
+c      ypara(4,n) ... pjt     (ptSubleading/ptLeading)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      common/cjcheck/jcheck
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      dimension inumj(10000)
+      common/cncntje/ncntje
+      ncntje=ncntje+1
+      ypara(1,n)=0
+      njet=nint(xpara(7,n))
+      numj=0
+      ! count the number of jets with Et>Et_min in the event
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+        if(istptl(i).eq.100*n)then
+          if(pptl(5,i).ge.xpara(6,n))then
+            if(numj.eq.0.and.xpara(9,n).gt.0.001)then
+              if(pptl(5,i).lt.xpara(9,n))goto 999
+            endif
+            if(numj.eq.0.and.xpara(11,n).gt.0.001)then
+              if(pptl(5,i).gt.xpara(11,n))goto 999
+            endif
+            numj=numj+1
+            if(numj.le.10000)then
+            !save position of jet in particle list
+              inumj(numj)=i
+            else
+              write(ifmt,*)
+     .        "Too many jets in jetevent, last are skipped!"
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
+      enddo
+      !write(ifch,*)"jetevent",numj,abs(xpara(8,n)),inumj(1),inumj(2)
+      !if enough jets, analyse them
+      if(numj.lt.njet)goto 999
+      j=inumj(1)  !fastjet provides jet list ordered in pt
+      px=pptl(1,j)
+      py=pptl(2,j)
+      pt1=pptl(5,j)
+      phi1=polar(px,py)
+      j=inumj(2)
+      px=pptl(1,j)
+      py=pptl(2,j)
+      pt2=pptl(5,j)
+      phi2=polar(px,py)
+      if(abs(xpara(8,n)).gt.0.001)then
+        phi0=pi
+        if(xpara(8,n).lt.0.)phi0=0.
+        if(abs(abs(phi1-phi2)-phi0).gt.abs(xpara(8,n)))goto 999
+      endif  
+      ypara(1,n)=1        !valid event
+      ajt=0
+      if(pt1+pt2.gt.0.)then
+        ajt=(pt1-pt2)/(pt1+pt2)
+      endif 
+      ypara(2,n)=ajt
+      fjt=abs(phi1-phi2)
+      if(fjt.gt.3.14159)fjt=2*3.14159-fjt
+      ypara(3,n)=fjt
+      pjt=0
+      if(pt1.gt.0.)pjt=pt2/pt1
+      ypara(4,n)=pjt
+      iprije=0
+      if(ncntje.eq.1.and.iprije.eq.1)
+     . write(ifmt,'(a,2f8.2,3x,3f7.2)')
+     . ' +++pair pt1 pt2 ajt fjt pjt =',pt1,pt2,ajt,fjt,pjt
+      return
+ 999  continue    
+      end
+      subroutine hardevent(n)
+c   n = histogram
+c input(jet event conditions):
+c   xpara(2,n) ... pt1
+c   xpara(3,n) ... pt2
+c   xpara(4,n) ... absetamax
+c   xpara(5,n) ... rmax        (r=sqrt(deltaeta**2+deltaphi**2))
+c   xpara(6,n) ... Et_min
+c output (jet event found or not):
+c   ypara(1,n) ... 1 (found) or 0 if not
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      ypara(1,n)=0
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+       if(abs(idptl(i)).ge.100.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000.
+     $  and.istptl(i).eq.0)then
+        call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+        if(abs(ch).gt.0.1)then
+          p1=pptl(1,i)
+          p2=pptl(2,i)
+          p3=pptl(3,i)
+          pt=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)
+          if(pt.gt.0)then
+            eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+            phi=sign(1.,p2)*acos(p1/pt)
+          else
+            eta=10000
+            phi=0
+          endif
+          if(pt.ge.xpara(2,n).and.abs(eta).lt.xpara(4,n))then
+            et1=pptl(4,i)*pt/sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)
+            do j=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+              if(j.ne.i
+     $        .and.abs(idptl(j)).ge.100.and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000.
+     $        .and.istptl(j).eq.0)then
+                call idchrg(idptl(j),ch)
+                if(abs(ch).gt.0.1.and.abs(idptl(j)).ge.100
+     $          .and.abs(idptl(j)).lt.10000.and.istptl(j).eq.0)then
+                  p1=pptl(1,j)
+                  p2=pptl(2,j)
+                  p3=pptl(3,j)
+                  pt=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)
+                        if(pt.gt.0)then
+                   etax=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+                   phix=sign(1.,p2)*acos(p1/pt)
+                  else
+                    etax=-10000
+                    phix=0
+                  endif
+                  if(pt.ge.xpara(3,n).and.abs(etax).lt.xpara(4,n))then
+                    deta=eta-etax
+                    dphi=phi-phix
+                    if(dphi.lt.-pi)dphi=dphi+2*pi
+                    if(dphi.gt. pi)dphi=dphi-2*pi
+                    if(deta**2+dphi**2.lt.xpara(5,n)**2)then
+                    et2=pptl(4,j)*pt/sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)
+                     if(et1+et2.gt.xpara(6,n))then
+                      ypara(1,n)=1
+                      goto1
+                     endif
+                    endif
+                  endif
+                endif
+              endif
+            enddo
+          endif
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+   1  continue
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine corrtrig(n)
+c   n = histogram
+c input(trigger conditions):
+c   xpara(1,n) ... mode (0,1)
+c   xpara(2,n) ... ptmin
+c   xpara(3,n) ... ptmax
+c   xpara(4,n) ... etamin
+c   xpara(5,n) ... etamax
+c   xpara(6,n) ...
+c   xpara(7,n) ...
+c output (triggered particle (the one with highest pt if there are several)):
+c   ypara(1,n) ... iptl or 0 if no particle found
+c   ypara(2,n) ... phi of particle
+c   ypara(3,n) ... phi_null
+c   ypara(4,n) ... pt lead
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      pt0=xpara(2,n)
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+       if(abs(idptl(i)).ge.100.and.abs(idptl(i)).lt.10000.
+     $  and.istptl(i).eq.0)then
+        call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+        if(abs(ch).gt.0.1)then
+          p1=pptl(1,i)
+          p2=pptl(2,i)
+          p3=pptl(3,i)
+          pt=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)
+          pt=max(pt,1e-20)
+          eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+          phi=sign(1.,p2)*acos(p1/pt)
+          if(pt.ge.pt0.and.pt.le.xpara(3,n).and.eta.gt.xpara(4,n)
+     $      .and.eta.lt.xpara(5,n))then
+            pt0=pt
+            ypara(1,n)=i
+            ypara(2,n)=phi
+            ypara(4,n)=pt
+          endif
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      ypara(3,n)=-0.5
+      if(nint(xpara(1,n)).eq.1)ypara(3,n)=0.0
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine caltrig(n)
+c   n = histogram
+c input(trigger conditions):
+c   xpara(1,n) ... mode (0,1,2) (one eta side, 2 eta side independently or, 
+c                                2 eta side simultaneously)
+c   xpara(2,n) ... etamin
+c   xpara(3,n) ... etamax
+c   xpara(4,n) ... 0 all or 1 charged or 2 charged + photons
+c   xpara(5,n) ... ptmin
+c   xpara(6,n) ... ptmax
+c output (triggered energy):
+c   ypara(1,n) ... max E for a particle in eta range (per side)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (mxhis=500,mxcontr=500,mxidcd=60,mxtri=50,mxbin=405)
+      parameter (mypara=10,mxpara=20)
+      logical ilog,icnx,itrevt,idmod
+      double precision bin,bbin,zcbin,zbbin
+      common/bins/bin(mxbin,2,mxhis),zcbin(mxbin,2,mxhis)
+     $     ,bbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr),itrevt(mxhis),zbbin(mxbin,2,mxcontr)
+     $     ,nac(mxhis),ilog(mxhis),icnx(mxhis),xinc(mxhis),ncevt(mxhis)
+     $     ,sval(2,mxhis),valtri(mxtri,mxhis),ntrc(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmin(mxhis),xmax(mxhis),nhis,noweak(mxhis)
+     $     ,ivar(2,mxhis),inorm(mxhis),nbin(mxhis),nidcod(mxhis)
+     $     ,idcod(mxidcd,mxhis),idmod(mxidcd,mxhis),ntri(mxhis)
+     $     ,itri(mxtri,mxhis),xmitri(mxtri,mxhis),xmatri(mxtri,mxhis)
+     $     ,xmitrp(mxtri,mxhis),xmatrp(mxtri,mxhis),xpara(mxpara,mxhis)
+     $     ,ypara(mypara,mxhis),lookcontr(mxhis)
+     $     ,lookcontrx(mxhis),ncontrall,icontrtyp(mxhis),nccevt(mxcontr)
+      logical cont
+      double precision Eforw,Eback
+      mode=nint(xpara(1,n))
+      etamin=xpara(2,n)
+      etamax=xpara(3,n)
+      ptmin=xpara(5,n)
+      ptmax=xpara(6,n)
+      ichrd=nint(xpara(4,n))
+      Eforw=0.d0
+      Eback=0.d0
+      etaf=1000.
+      etab=1000.
+      do i=maproj+matarg+1,nptl
+       if(istptl(i).eq.0)then
+        call idchrg(idptl(i),ch)
+        if(ichrd.ge.1)then
+          cont=abs(ch).gt.0.1.or.(idptl(i).eq.10.and.ichrd.eq.2)
+        else
+          cont=.true.
+        endif
+        if(cont)then
+          p1=pptl(1,i)
+          p2=pptl(2,i)
+          p3=pptl(3,i)
+          pt=sqrt(p1**2+p2**2)
+          pt=max(pt,1e-20)
+          if(pt.gt.ptmin.and.pt.lt.ptmax)then
+            eta=sign(1.,p3)*alog((sqrt(p3**2+pt**2)+abs(p3))/pt)
+c          phi=sign(1.,p2)*acos(p1/pt)
+            if(eta.gt.etamin.and.eta.lt.etamax)
+     *           Eforw=max(Eforw,dble(pptl(4,i)))
+            if(eta.lt.-etamin.and.eta.gt.-etamax)
+     *           Eback=max(Eback,dble(pptl(4,i)))
+            if(eta.le.etamax)etaf=min(etaf,etamax-eta)
+            if(eta.ge.etamin)etab=min(etab,eta-etamin)
+          endif
+        endif
+       endif
+      enddo
+      if(mode.eq.0)then
+        ypara(1,n)=sngl(Eforw)
+      elseif(mode.eq.1)then
+        ypara(1,n)=sngl(max(Eforw,Eback))
+      elseif(mode.eq.2)then
+        ypara(1,n)=sngl(min(Eforw,Eback))
+      endif
+      ypara(2,n)=etaf
+      ypara(3,n)=etab
+      ypara(4,n)=max(etab,etaf)
+c      if(typevt.eq.3)print *,mode, ypara(1,n),Eforw,Eback,etaf,etab
+c      print *,typevt,mode, ypara(1,n),Eforw,Eback,etaf,etab
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos-xpr-lhc.f b/modules/epos/epos-xpr-lhc.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eebbf64aab29c7c8aaf1f6ad154e63a283c236b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos-xpr-lhc.f
@@ -0,0 +1,5992 @@
+      double precision function xDfit(zz,i1,i2,s,xp,xm,b)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      xDfit=0.d0
+      do i=max(0,i1),i2
+        call GfunPar(zz,zz,1,i,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss,gamv)
+        if(i1.ge.0)then
+          corp=alppar-epsp
+          cort=alppar-epst
+          cors=-epss
+        else
+          corp=alppar
+          cort=alppar
+          cors=0.
+        endif
+c        write(ifch,*)'xdfit',i,zz,b,s,alp,bet,betp,epsp,epst,epss
+        xDfit=xDfit+dble(alp*xp**(bet+corp)*xm**(betp+cort)*s**cors)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xFitD1
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,y,Dsoftshval,om51p,xminr,tmp,xtmp,xDfit
+      character chenergy*12
+      nptg=50                   !number of point for the graphs
+      iii=nint(xpar1)
+      biniDf=xpar2                   !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      y=dble(xpar3)                    !value of y (rapidity)
+      xtmp=xmaxDf
+      xmaxDf=dexp(-2.d0*y)
+      zz=xpar7
+      chenergy='E=          '
+      if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:8),'(I5)')int(engy)
+        ke=10
+      elseif (engy.ge.1000.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:7),'(I4)')int(engy)
+        ke=9
+      elseif (engy.ge.100.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:6),'(I3)')int(engy)
+        ke=8
+      elseif (engy.ge.10.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:5),'(I2)')int(engy)
+        ke=7
+      else
+        write(chenergy(4:4),'(I1)')int(engy)
+        ke=6
+      endif
+      chenergy(ke:ke+2)='GeV'
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      if(iii/10.eq.1)then !...................................................
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!----------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     D exact all      (blue)      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!----------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name DExact-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0.65 0.9 "exact" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        tmp=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,0)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!----------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     D exact soft      (red dot)      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!----------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name DExactSoft-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lra'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,2.d0*om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,0)
+     &       /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     D exact sea-sea      (yellow-dot)     '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name DExactSemi-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lya'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        tmp=2.d0*om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,1)
+     &       /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     D exact semi      (blue dot)          '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name DExactVal-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        tmp=2.d0*(om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,2)
+     &       +om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,1)
+     &       +om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,3)
+     &       +om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,4))
+     &       /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      if(iii.eq.11)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      endif
+      endif !................................................................
+      if(mod(iii,10).eq.1)then !.............................................
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     D exact all      (blue)              '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name DExact-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0.65 0.9 "exact+fit" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        tmp=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,0)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     D exact all      (green)              '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name DExact-f-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0.65 0.9 "exact+fit" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        tmp=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,-1)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     fit soft      (red dot)             '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lro'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        tmp=xDfit(zz,0,0,smaxDf,xp,xm,biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     fit semi      (blue dot)              '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        tmp=xDfit(zz,1,1,smaxDf,xp,xm,biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     fit all      (red)      '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')          'text 0.05 0.9 "',chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        tmp=xDfit(zz,0,1,smaxDf,xp,xm,biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      endif !...............................................................
+      xmaxDf=xtmp
+      end
+      subroutine xFitD2
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,om51p,xDfit,z(0:200),xminr,y,xtmp,om,om5,om51
+c     & ,omYuncut,omNpuncut
+      character chenergy*12,chf*3,texte*15,textb*17,texty*17
+      nptg=30                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2                 !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      y=dble(xpar3)                 !value of y (rapidity)
+      jj1=nint(xpar4)
+      jj2=nint(xpar5)
+      if(jj1.ne.1.and.jj1.ne.2)jj1=3
+      if(jj2.ne.1.and.jj2.ne.2)jj2=3
+      zz=xpar7
+      xtmp=xmaxDf
+      xmaxDf=dexp(-2.d0*y)
+      chenergy='E=          '
+      if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:8),'(I5)')int(engy)
+        ke=10
+      elseif (engy.ge.1000.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:7),'(I4)')int(engy)
+        ke=9
+      elseif (engy.ge.100.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:6),'(I3)')int(engy)
+        ke=8
+      elseif (engy.ge.10.) then
+        write(chenergy(4:5),'(I2)')int(engy)
+        ke=7
+      else
+        write(chenergy(4:4),'(I1)')int(engy)
+        ke=6
+      endif
+      chenergy(ke:ke+2)='GeV'
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+         do jj=jj1,jj2
+      if(jj.eq.1)chf='  D'
+      if(jj.eq.2)chf='  G'
+      if(jj.eq.3)chf='FFG'
+      texte='text 0.05 0.9 "'
+      textb='text 0.05 0.8 "b='
+      texty='text 0.05 0.7 "y='
+      if(jj.eq.2)texty='text 0.15 0.7 "y='
+      if(jj.eq.3)texte='text 0.05 0.3 "'
+      if(jj.eq.3)textb='text 0.05 0.2 "b='
+      if(jj.eq.3)texty='text 0.05 0.1 "y='
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     '//chf//' exact all      (green)         '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name '//chf//'ExaI-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis '//chf//'(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0.65 0.9 "exact+fit" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')        texte,chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  textb,biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  texty,y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        om=0
+        do j=0,4
+         om=om+om51p(engy**2*real(x),x,y,biniDf,j)
+        enddo
+        om=2.d0*om
+        if(jj.eq.1)om=om/(x**dble(-alppar))
+        if(jj.eq.3)om=om
+     &               *(1-xm)**alplea(icltar)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,om
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     '//chf//' exact all +diff (blue)        '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name '//chf//'ExaD-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis '//chf//'(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')        texte,chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  textb,biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  texty,y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        om=0
+        do j=0,4
+         om=om+om51p(engy**2*real(x),x,y,biniDf,j)
+        enddo
+        om5=om51(x,y,biniDf,5,5)
+        om=2.d0*(om+om5)
+        if(jj.eq.1)om=om/(x**dble(-alppar))
+        if(jj.eq.3)om=om
+     &               *(1-xm)**alplea(icltar)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,om
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     '//chf//' param all      (red)          '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name '//chf//'Par-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis '//chf//'(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')        texte,chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  textb,biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  texty,y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+          z(i)=xDfit(zz,0,imax,engy**2,xp,xm,biniDf)
+         if(jj.ge.2)z(i)=z(i)*(x**dble(-alppar))
+         if(jj.eq.3)z(i)=z(i)
+     &               *(1-xm)**alplea(icltar)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+         write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)
+       enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!     '//chf//' param all      (yellow)       '
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'!---------------------------------------------'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'openhisto name '//chf//'Scr-'//chenergy(4:ke-2)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lyi'
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "yaxis '//chf//'(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(3a)')        texte,chenergy,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  textb,biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  texty,y,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+          z(i)=xDfit(zz,-1,imax,engy**2,xp,xm,biniDf)
+         if(jj.ge.2)z(i)=z(i)*(x**dble(-alppar))
+         if(jj.eq.3)z(i)=z(i)
+     &               *(1-xm)**alplea(icltar)*(1-xp)**alplea(iclpro)
+         write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)
+       enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+         enddo
+      xmaxDf=xtmp
+      end
+      subroutine xbExaD
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,y,Dsoftshval,om51p,z,xDfit!,omNpuncut
+      nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      bmax=xpar2
+      bmax=max(0.1,bmax)
+             !value max of b (impact parameter)
+      y=dble(xpar3)                    !value of y (rapidity)
+      x=dble(xpar4)
+      zz=xpar7
+      if(x.eq.0.d0)x=1.d0
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExactb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExactb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExactb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExactb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExactb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .00001 auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,0)
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name DParamb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name DParamb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name DParamb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name DParamb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name DParamb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lrd'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+          z=xDfit(zz,0,imax,smaxDf,
+     &       real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(y)),real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(-y)),b)
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExactSoftb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExactSoftb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExactSoftb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExactSoftb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExactSoftb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=2.d0*om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,0)
+     &       /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExactSemib-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExactSemib-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExactSemib-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExactSemib-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExactSemib-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pft'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=2.d0*om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,1)
+     &       /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExactValb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExactValb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExactValb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExactValb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExactValb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfs'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=2.d0*(om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,2)+
+     &  om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,3)+om51p(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,4))
+     &           /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xbnExaD
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,y,Dsoftshval,z,xDfit,Dint
+      nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      bmax=xpar2
+      bmax=max(0.1,bmax)
+      y=dble(xpar2)                   !value of y (rapidity)
+      x=dble(xpar3)
+      zz=xpar7
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      Dint=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,0.,0)
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,0)/Dint
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lrd'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      Dint=xDfit(zz,0,imax,engy**2,
+     &     real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(y)),real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(-y)),0.)
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=xDfit(zz,0,imax,engy**2,
+     &       real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(y)),real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(-y)),b)
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z/Dint
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sig2=sigma2(x,2)
+      if(sig2.le.0.) sig2=1.e+10
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        write(ifhi,*) b,exp(-b**2/sig2)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSoft-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSoft-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSoft-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSoft-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSoft-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pft'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sig2=sigma2(x,0)
+      if(sig2.le.0.) sig2=1.e+10
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        write(ifhi,*) b,exp(-b**2/sig2)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSh-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSh-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSh-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSh-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DEfitbnSh-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sig2=sigma2(x,1)
+      if(sig2.le.0.) sig2=1.e+10
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        write(ifhi,*) b,exp(-b**2/sig2)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xbnParD
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,y,Dsoftshval,z,xDfit
+      nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      bmax=xpar2                   !value max of b (impact parameter)
+      bmax=max(0.1,bmax)
+      y=dble(xpar3)              !value of y (rapidity)
+      x=dble(xpar4)
+      zz=xpar7
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExactbn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      Dint=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,0.,0)
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=Dsoftshval(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,0)/Dint
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name DParambn-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lrd'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      Dint=xDfit(zz,0,1,smaxDf,
+     &     real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(y)),real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(-y)),0.)
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        z=xDfit(zz,0,imax,smaxDf,
+     &       real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(y)),real(dsqrt(x)*dexp(-y)),b)
+        write(ifhi,*) b,z/Dint
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DEfitb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sig2=sigma2(x,2)
+      if(sig2.le.0.) sig2=1.e+10
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        write(ifhi,*) b,exp(-b**2/sig2)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DEintb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DEintb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DEintb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DEintb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DEintb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pft'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sig2=sigma1i(x)
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        write(ifhi,*) b,exp(-b**2/sig2)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DPfitb-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DPfitb-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DPfitb-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DPfitb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DPfitb-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange -.01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sig2=xsigmafit(x)
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        write(ifhi,*) b,exp(-b**2/sig2)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xbParD
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,om5s,xDfit,z(0:200),y
+c     & ,omYuncut,omNpuncut,omYcut
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      x=dble(xpar4)                 !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      y=dble(xpar3)                 !value of y (rapidity)
+      if(x.gt.dexp(-2.d0*y))x=x*dexp(-2.d0*y)
+      zz=xpar7
+      bmax=xpar2
+      bmax=max(0.1,bmax)
+      t=1.
+c      iqqN=0
+c      iqq=int(xpar7)
+      iqq1=-1
+      iqq2=-1
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name DbParam-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name DbParam-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name DbParam-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name DbParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name DbParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+      xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      if(xpar6.eq.1.)t=real(xDfit(zz,0,imax,smaxDf,xp,xm,0.))
+      if(abs(t).lt.1.d-8)t=1.
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+         z(i)=xDfit(zz,0,imax,smaxDf,xp,xm,b)/dble(t)
+         write(ifhi,*) b,z(i)
+       enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+        if (engy.ge.100.) then
+          if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+            if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DbParamI-',int(engy)
+            else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DbParamI-',int(engy)
+            endif
+          else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DbParamI-',int(engy)
+          endif
+        else
+          write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DbParamI-',int(engy)
+        endif
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DbParamI-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      if(xpar6.eq.1.)t=(alpDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &   *(smaxDf*real(x))**betDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &                +alpDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &   *(smaxDf*real(x))**betDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar))
+     &   /real(idxD0+1)
+      if(abs(t).lt.1.d-8)t=1.
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        tmp=(alpDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)/t
+     &   *(smaxDf*real(x))**(betDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &           +gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*b**2.)
+     &        *exp(-b**2./delDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar))
+     &                 +alpDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)/t
+     &   *(smaxDf*real(x))**(betDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &           +gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*b**2.)
+     &        *exp(-b**2./delDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)))
+     &   /real(idxD0+1)
+        write(ifhi,*) b,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+        if (engy.ge.100.) then
+          if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+            if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DbExaI-',int(engy)
+            else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DbExaI-',int(engy)
+            endif
+          else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DbExaI-',int(engy)
+          endif
+        else
+          write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DbExaI-',int(engy)
+        endif
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DbExaI-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-bmax,bmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      if(xpar6.eq.1.)t=2*real(om5s(real(x)*smaxDf,x,0.d0,0.,iqq1,iqq2)
+     &         /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))))
+      if(abs(t).lt.1.d-8)t=1.
+      nptg=nptg/2
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=-bmax+2.*real(i)/real(nptg)*bmax
+        tmp=2*real(om5s(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,iqq1,iqq2)
+     &         /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))))/t
+        write(ifhi,*) b,tmp
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xGexaJ
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter(nptg=50) !number of point for the graphs
+      double precision x(0:nptg),omJ1(0:nptg),xtmp,w(0:nptg),corfa
+      double precision z(0:nptg),om5J!,omYuncut,omYuncutJ
+      double precision xminr,y,t,omJ2(0:nptg),omJ3(0:nptg),omJ4(0:nptg)
+     &,omJ5(0:nptg)!,omJ6(0:nptg),omJ7(0:nptg)
+      kollsave=koll        !koll modified in zzfz
+      koll=1
+      biniDf=xpar2                 !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      y=dble(xpar3)
+      t=1.d0
+      xtmp=xmaxDf
+      xmaxDf=exp(-2.d0*y)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      nnnmax=1
+      if(iscreen.ne.0)nnnmax=2
+      iscreensave=iscreen
+      do nnn=1,nnnmax
+        if(nnn.eq.2)then
+          iscreen=0
+          corfa=0d0
+          zzp=0.
+          zzt=0.
+        elseif(iscreen.ne.0)then
+          call zzfz(zzp,zzt,kollth,biniDf)
+          koll=kollth
+          rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy*engy)
+          rpom=4.*.0389*rs
+          b2x=epscrp*rpom
+          zzini=epscrw*fscra(engy/egyscr)*exp(-biniDf*biniDf/2./b2x)
+          zzini=min(zzini,epscrx) !saturation
+          zzp=zzini+zzp
+          zzt=zzini+zzt
+          if(gfactor.lt.0.)then
+            corfa=dble(abs(gfactor)*(zzp+zzt))
+          else
+            corfa=0d0
+          endif
+        else
+          corfa=0d0
+          zzp=0.
+          zzt=0.
+        endif
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name GIexa-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name GIexa-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name GIexa-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name GIexa-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name GIexa-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      x(0)=xminr
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if (i.ne.0) x(i)=x(0)*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        z(i)=0.d0
+        omJ1(i)=om5J(zzp,zzt,x(i),y,biniDf,0)
+        omJ2(i)=om5J(zzp,zzt,x(i),y,biniDf,1)
+        omJ3(i)=om5J(zzp,zzt,x(i),y,biniDf,2)
+        omJ3(i)=omJ3(i)+om5J(zz,zz,x(i),y,biniDf,3)
+        omJ4(i)=om5J(zzp,zzt,x(i),y,biniDf,4)
+        omJ5(i)=om5J(zzp,zzt,x(i),y,biniDf,5)
+        z(i)=omJ1(i)+omJ2(i)+omJ3(i)+omJ4(i)+omJ5(i)
+        w(i)=om5J(zzp,zzt,x(i),y,biniDf,-1)
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),z(i)/t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name GIsoft-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name GIsoft-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name GIsoft-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name GIsoft-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name GIsoft-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        gfa=1.
+      if(omJ2(i).gt.0)gfa=exp(-max(0d0,corfa
+     &                   *(1d0-sqrt(dble(xggfit)*omJ1(i)/omJ2(i)))))
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),omJ1(i)*gfa/t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name GIgg-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name GIgg-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name GIgg-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name GIgg-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name GIgg-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lra'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        gfa=1.
+        if(omJ2(i).gt.0)gfa=exp(-max(0d0,corfa
+     &                     *(1d0-sqrt(dble(xggfit)*omJ1(i)/omJ2(i)))))
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),(omJ2(i)+(1.-gfa)*omJ1(i))/t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name GIgq-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name GIgq-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name GIgq-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name GIgq-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name GIgq-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),omJ3(i)/t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name GIqq-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name GIqq-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name GIqq-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name GIqq-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name GIqq-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lya'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),omJ4(i)/t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name GIdif-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name GIdif-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name GIdif-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name GIdif-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name GIdif-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lfa'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),omJ5(i)/t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name GItot-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name GItot-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name GItot-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name GItot-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name GItot-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(xpar6.eq.0)t=z(i)/w(i)
+        if(xpar6.eq.1)t=z(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) x(i),(omJ1(i)+omJ2(i)+omJ3(i)+omJ4(i)+omJ5(i))
+     &                  /t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+        if(nnn.eq.2)iscreen=iscreensave
+      enddo
+      xmaxDf=xtmp
+      koll=kollsave
+      end
+      subroutine xsParD
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr,y,om5s,xtmp,z
+c     & ,t,omYuncut
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2                 !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      y=dble(xpar3)                 !value of y (rapidity)
+      xtmp=xmaxDf
+      xmaxDf=dexp(-2.d0*y)
+      call Class('xsParD     ')
+      iqq1=-1
+      iqq2=-1
+c      iqqN=0
+      xminr=dble(egylow/engy)**2.d0  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+        if (engy.ge.100.) then
+          if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+            if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DParamI-',int(engy)
+            else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DParamI-',int(engy)
+            endif
+          else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DParamI-',int(engy)
+          endif
+        else
+          write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DParamI-',int(engy)
+        endif
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DParamI-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        egy=sqrt(real(x))*engy
+        iclegy=1+int((log(egy)-log(egylow))/log(egyfac))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,(alpDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &   *(smaxDf*real(x))**(betDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &          +gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &     *exp(-biniDf**2./delDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar))
+     &                 +alpDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &   *(smaxDf*real(x))**(betDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &           +gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &        *exp(-biniDf**2./delDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)))
+     &   /real(idxD0+1)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+        if (engy.ge.100.) then
+          if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+            if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DExaI-',int(engy)
+            else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DExaI-',int(engy)
+            endif
+          else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DExaI-',int(engy)
+          endif
+        else
+          write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DExaI-',int(engy)
+        endif
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DExaI-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange .01 auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      nptg=nptg/2
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        egy=sqrt(real(x))*engy
+        iclegy=1+int((log(egy)-log(egylow))/log(egyfac))
+        z=2d0*om5s(real(x)*smaxDf,1.d0,0.d0,biniDf,iqq1,iqq2)
+     &              /dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      write(ifhi,*) x,z
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      xmaxDf=xtmp
+      end
+      subroutine xyParD
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,om5s,xDfit,z(0:200),ymax,y,t
+c     & ,omYuncut,omNpuncut
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2                 !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      x=dble(xpar4)
+      if(x.le.1.d-20)x=1.d0/dble(engy)
+      ymax=-.5d0*dlog(x)
+      zz=xpar7
+      iqq1=-1
+      iqq2=-1
+c      iqqN=0
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')       'openhisto name DyParam-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')       'openhisto name DyParam-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')       'openhisto name DyParam-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')       'openhisto name DyParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')       'openhisto name DyParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "x=',x,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=0,nptg
+        y=-ymax+(ymax+ymax)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+         z(i)=xDfit(zz,0,imax,engy**2,xp,xm,biniDf)
+         write(ifhi,*) y,z(i)
+       enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+        if (engy.ge.100.) then
+          if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+            if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DyParamI-',int(engy)
+            else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DyParamI-',int(engy)
+            endif
+          else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DyParamI-',int(engy)
+          endif
+        else
+          write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DyParamI-',int(engy)
+        endif
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DyParamI-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "x=',x,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        y=-ymax+(ymax+ymax)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        write(ifhi,*) y,(alpDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &     *smaxDf**(betDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &          +gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &     *xp**(betDps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &          +gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &     *xm**(betDpps(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &          +gamDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &     *exp(-biniDf**2./delDs(idxD0,iclegy,iclpro,icltar))
+     &                  +alpDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &     *smaxDf**(betDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &            +gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &     *xp**(betDps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &            +gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &     *xm**(betDpps(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)
+     &            +gamDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)*biniDf**2.)
+     &        *exp(-biniDf**2./delDs(1,iclegy,iclpro,icltar)))
+     &     /real(idxD0+1)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+        if (engy.ge.100.) then
+          if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+            if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')  'openhisto name DyExaI-',int(engy)
+            else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')  'openhisto name DyExaI-',int(engy)
+            endif
+          else
+           write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')  'openhisto name DyExaI-',int(engy)
+          endif
+        else
+          write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')  'openhisto name DyExaI-',int(engy)
+        endif
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name DyExaI-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange ',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'text 0 0 "xaxis y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis D(x+,x-,s,b)" '
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e8.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.7 "x=',x,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      nptg=nptg/2
+      do i=0,nptg
+        y=-ymax+(ymax+ymax)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=2*om5s(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,biniDf,iqq1,iqq2)
+     &         /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) y,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParSigma
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,w(0:200),z(0:200),xminr,t
+      nptg=20                  !number of point for the graphs
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name SigmaReel-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name SigmaReel-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name SigmaReel-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name SigmaReel-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name SigmaReel-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        z(i)=dble(sigma2(X,2))
+        if(z(i).le.0.) z(i)=0.d0
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name SigmaParam-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name SigmaParam-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name SigmaParam-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name SigmaParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name SigmaParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!?param!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+        endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        w(i)=dble(xsigmafit(X))
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,w(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name SigmaInt-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name SigmaInt-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name SigmaInt-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name SigmaInt-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name SigmaInt-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!?Int!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=dble(sigma1i(X))
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      if(xpar8.eq.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSoft-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSoft-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSoft-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSoft-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSoft-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pft'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=dble(sigma2(X,0))
+        if(t.gt.0.) write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSh-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSh-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSh-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSh-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name SigmaReelSh-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pot'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=dble(sigma2(X,1))
+        if(t.gt.0.)write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lya'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=1.d0/dble(-gamD(0,iclpro,icltar)*log(X*smaxDf)
+     &     +1./delD(0,iclpro,icltar))
+        if(t.gt.0.)write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lyo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [s]^2!(X)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.75 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=1.d0/dble(-gamD(1,iclpro,icltar)*log(X*smaxDf)
+     *     +1./delD(1,iclpro,icltar))
+        if(t.gt.0.)write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name SigmaDiff-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name SigmaDiff-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name SigmaDiff-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name SigmaDiff-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name SigmaDiff-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,1.
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [D][s]/[s]"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.05 0.9 "Emax=',engy,' GeV"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        X=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) X=X*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=0.d0
+        if(w(i).gt.0.d0)t=(z(i)-w(i))/w(i)
+        if(abs(t).gt.0.15d0) t=dsign(0.15d0,t)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') X,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParGauss
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,om5s,xDfit,y,enh,t!,omNpuncut
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      x=dble(xpar4)                  !value of x (energy)
+      y=dble(xpar2)                  !value of rapidity
+      zz=xpar7
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name GaussExact-',int(engy)
+           else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name GaussExact-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name GaussExact-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name GaussExact-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name GaussExact-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis b*D(x+,x-,s,b)"'
+c      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.6 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.6 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.6 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+c      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=bmaxDf*(real(i)/real(nptg))
+        enh=0.d0
+        t=dble(b)*(2*om5s(real(x)*smaxDf,x,y,b,-1,-1)
+     &                +enh)
+     &         /(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+       write(ifhi,*) b,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name GaussParam-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name GaussParam-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name GaussParam-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name GaussParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name GaussParam-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis b*D(x+,x-,s,b)"'
+c      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.6 0.9 "E=',engy,' GeV"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.6 0.8 "x=',x,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.6 0.7 "y=',y,'"'
+c      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=bmaxDf*(real(i)/real(nptg))
+        xp=sqrt(real(x))*exp(real(y))
+        xm=sqrt(real(x))*exp(-real(y))
+        t=xDfit(zz,0,imax,engy**2,xp,xm,b)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') b,dble(b)*t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParOmega1
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,w(0:200),z(0:200)
+      double precision yp,om1,xminr,Dsoftshval,t
+      nptg=50                 !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2               !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      yp=xpar3                   !value of yp (rapidity)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name Om1Exact-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name Om1Exact-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name Om1Exact-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name Om1Exact-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name Om1Exact-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [h](x,0,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        w(i)=Dsoftshval(real(x)*engy**2,x,0.d0,biniDf,0)
+     &       *(x**dble(-alppar)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar)))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,w(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name om5param-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name om5param-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name om5param-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name om5param-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name om5param-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1!(x,0,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        z(i)=om1(x,yp,biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name Om1Diff-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name Om1Diff-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name Om1Diff-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name Om1Diff-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name Om1Diff-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis ([w]?1!-[h])/[h]"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+         t=z(i)!(z(i)-w(i))
+c         if(abs(w(i)).gt.0.)t=t/w(i)
+c         if(abs(t).gt.0.15d0) t=dsign(0.15d0,t)
+         write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xEpsilon(iii)
+c iii:  modus (0,1,2)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter(nxeps=20,nyeps=32)
+      common/cxeps1/w(0:nxeps,nyeps),y1(nyeps),y2(nyeps)
+      common/cxeps2/db,b1,b2
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      character ch*3
+      common /psar34/ rrr,rrrm
+      common /psar41/ rrrp,rrrmp
+      external pprzz,pttzz
+      b1=0.03
+      b2=bkmx*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nyeps
+        if(iii.eq.0)then
+      do j=0,nxeps
+       do k=1,nyeps
+        w(j,k)=0
+       enddo
+      enddo
+        elseif(iii.eq.2)then
+      do nj=1,14
+       y1(nj)=1e+20
+       y2(nj)=1e-20
+       do k=1,nyeps
+        if(w(0,k).ne.0)then
+         y1(nj)=min(y1(nj),w(nj,k)/w(0,k))
+         y2(nj)=max(y2(nj),w(nj,k)/w(0,k))
+        endif
+       enddo
+       if(y1(nj).ge.0)then
+         y1(nj)=max(y1(nj)*.2,1e-4)
+       else
+         y1(nj)=y1(nj)*2.
+       endif
+       y2(nj)=min(y2(nj)*5,1e4)
+      enddo
+      y2(13)=max(y2(13),y2(14))
+      y2(14)=max(y2(13),y2(14))
+      y2(1)=max(y2(1),y2(2))
+      y2(2)=max(y2(1),y2(2))
+      y2(5)=max(y2(5),y2(6))
+      y2(6)=max(y2(5),y2(6))
+      y2(7)=y2(5)
+      y2(8)=y2(5)
+      y2(9)=max(y2(9),y2(10))
+      y2(10)=max(y2(9),y2(10))
+      y2(11)=y2(9)
+      y2(12)=y2(9)
+      do nj=1,14
+       if(nj.le.9)write(ifhi,'(a,i1)')'openhisto name xEps',nj
+       if(nj.gt.9)write(ifhi,'(a,i2)')'openhisto name xEps',nj
+       ch='lin'
+       if(nj.eq.7.or.nj.eq.11)ch='lyo'
+       if(nj.eq.8.or.nj.eq.12)ch='lgo'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')     'htyp '//ch//' xmod lin'
+       if(y1(nj).ge.0.)then
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')     'ymod log'
+       else
+         write(ifhi,'(a)')     'ymod lin'
+       endif
+       write(ifhi,'(a,e9.2)')'xrange 0 ',b2
+       if(nj.eq.1.or.nj.eq.3.or.nj.eq.5.or.nj.eq.9)then
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e9.2)')     'yrange ',min(y1(nj),y1(nj+1))
+     *                                      ,max(y2(nj),y2(nj+1))
+       else
+       write(ifhi,'(a,2e9.2)')     'yrange ',y1(nj),y2(nj)
+       endif
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')     'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+       if(nj.eq.1) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis [e]?GP/T!(b)"'
+       if(nj.eq.1) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "title soft pro   soft tar"'
+       if(nj.eq.3) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis [e]?G!(b)"'
+       if(nj.eq.3) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "title diff"'
+c       if(nj.eq.3) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "title soft   semi"'
+       if(nj.eq.5) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis [b]?eff!(b)"'
+       if(nj.eq.5) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "title soft pro   soft tar"'
+       if(nj.eq.9) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis [b]?eff!(b)"'
+       if(nj.eq.9) write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "title semi pro   semi tar"'
+       if(nj.eq.13)write(ifhi,'(a)')'txt "yaxis Z?P/T!"'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+       do k=1,nyeps
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=0
+        if(w(0,k).ne.0)y=w(nj,k)/w(0,k)
+        write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+       enddo
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+       if(nj.eq.2.or.nj.eq.4.or.nj.eq.8.or.nj.eq.12.or.nj.eq.14
+     &    .or.nj.eq.16)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+       else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+       endif
+      enddo
+      !----15-16-17---
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto name xEps15'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'xrange 0 10'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "xaxis b?0!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis Z?P/T!(b?0!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+      do k=1,10
+       b=(k-0.5)
+       y=0
+       if(w(17,k).ne.0)y=w(15,k)/w(17,k)
+       write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto name xEps16'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'xrange 0 10'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "xaxis b?0!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis Z?P/T!(b?0!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+      do k=1,10
+       b=(k-0.5)
+       y=0
+       if(w(17,k).ne.0)y=w(16,k)/w(17,k)
+       write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'closehisto plot 0'
+      !----18-19-20---
+      kk=2
+      do k=3,32
+        if(w(18,k).ne.0)kk=k
+      enddo
+      xmx=(kk-1)/31.*0.1*maproj*matarg
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto name xEps18'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f10.2)') 'xrange 0 ',xmx
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "xaxis n?Gl!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis Z?P/T!(n?Gl!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+      do k=1,32
+       x=(k-1.)*0.1*maproj*matarg/(nyeps-1.)
+       y=0
+       if(w(20,k).ne.0)y=w(18,k)/w(20,k)
+       write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto name xEps19'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'htyp lin xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f10.2)') 'xrange 0 ',xmx
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "xaxis n?Gl!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis Z?P/T!(n?Gl!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array 2'
+      do k=1,32
+       x=(k-1.)*0.1*maproj*matarg/(nyeps-1.)
+       y=0
+       if(w(20,k).ne.0)y=w(19,k)/w(20,k)
+       write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'closehisto plot 0'
+        endif
+      end
+      subroutine xZnucTheo
+c Theoretical mean Z as a function of impact parameter between proj and targ
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      common /psar34/ rrr,rrrm
+      common /psar41/ rrrp,rrrmp
+      external pprzz,pttzz
+      rs=r2had(iclpro)+r2had(icltar)+slopom*log(engy**2)
+      bglaub2=4.*.0389*rs
+      b2x=epscrp*bglaub2
+      zzini=epscrw*fscra(engy/egyscr)
+      if(maproj.gt.1)then
+        rrrp=radnuc(maproj)/difnuc(maproj)
+        rrrmp=rrrp+log(9.)
+      endif
+      if(matarg.gt.1)then
+        rrr=radnuc(matarg)/difnuc(matarg)
+        rrrm=rrr+log(9.)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'openhisto name xZTheo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'htyp lyi xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'xrange 0 10'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '- text 0 0 "xaxis b?0!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '+ txt "yaxis Z?P!(b?0!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') '+ txt "yaxis Z?T!(b?0!)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'array -3'
+      do k=1,10
+       b=(k-0.5)
+       call zzfz(zzp,zzt,kollth,b)
+       zz=min(epscrw,zzini*exp(-b*b/2./b2x))
+       write(ifhi,'(2e11.3)')b,zz+zzp,zz+zzt
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  'closehisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')  ' plot -htyp lyi xZTheo+1-',
+     &                   ' plot -htyp lga xZTheo+2'
+      end
+      subroutine xParOmegaN
+c xpar1=engy
+c xpar2=b
+c xpar4=xremnant
+c xpar5: 0=log scale (x dep of om) 1=lin scale (b dep of om)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      double precision x,w(0:200),z(0:200),xminr,t,ghh
+     *,xprem,omGam,Womint,Gammapp,WomGamint,omGamk
+c     *,yp,SomY,omYuncut,y,xtmp
+      nptg=30                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2               !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xprem=dble(xpar4)            !value of x remnant
+      bmax=3.
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      do i=0,3
+        b=bmax*(real(i)/real(3))
+        z(i)=1.d0
+c        if(xpar5.eq.0.)z(i)=Gammapp(engy**2.,b,1)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name Womint-1'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?int!(s,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      ierr=0
+      ghh=0.d0
+      do i=0,3
+        b=bmax*(real(i)/real(3))
+        w(i)=Womint(engy**2.,b)
+        if(b.eq.biniDf)then
+          write(*,*)'Womint(',b,',1)=',w(i)
+          ghh=ghh+w(i)
+        endif
+        if(w(i).lt.0.d0.and.ierr.eq.0.and.xpar5.eq.0.)then
+          write(*,*)'Warning Womint(1)<0 =',w(i)
+          w(i)=-w(i)
+          ierr=1
+          elseif(w(i).lt.0.d0.and.xpar5.eq.0.)then
+            w(i)=-w(i)
+          elseif(w(i).ge.0.d0.and.ierr.eq.1.and.xpar5.eq.0.)then
+            ierr=0
+            write(*,*)'Warning Womint(1)>0 =',w(i)
+        endif
+        write(ifhi,*) b,w(i)/z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,bmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis b"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?int!(s,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=bmax*(real(i)/real(nptg))
+        z(i)=1.d0
+        if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+          z(i)=z(i)+dabs(WomGamint(b))
+        endif
+      enddo
+      ierr=0
+      do i=0,nptg
+        b=bmax*(real(i)/real(nptg))
+        w(i)=WomGamint(b)
+        if(w(i).lt.0.d0.and.ierr.eq.0.and.xpar5.eq.0.)then
+          write(*,*)'Warning WomGamint(1)<0 =',w(i)
+          w(i)=-w(i)
+          ierr=1
+          elseif(w(i).lt.0.d0.and.xpar5.eq.0.)then
+            w(i)=-w(i)
+          elseif(w(i).ge.0.d0.and.ierr.eq.1.and.xpar5.eq.0.)then
+            ierr=0
+            write(*,*)'Warning WomGamint(1)>0 =',w(i)
+        endif
+        write(ifhi,*) b,w(i)/z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      t=Gammapp(engy**2.,biniDf,1)
+      write(*,*)'--> gamma(',biniDf,')=',ghh,t
+      do k=1,koll
+        bk(k)=biniDf
+      enddo
+      call GfunPark(0)
+      call integom1(0)
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?NPi!(x+rem,x-rem,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.85 "x+?rem!=',xprem,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=dabs(omGam(xprem,x,biniDf))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (engy.ge.10.) then
+       if (engy.ge.100.) then
+        if (engy.ge.1000.) then
+         if (engy.ge.10000.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I5)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+         else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I4)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+        endif
+        else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I3)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+       endif
+       else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I2)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      else
+      write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')    'openhisto name xOmNG-',int(engy)
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?NPi!(x+rem,x-rem,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.85 "x+?rem!=',xprem,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=dabs(omGamk(1,xprem,x))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParGampp
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision Gammapp,GammaGauss,sg,sgmc,Znorm,Zn,t
+     *                 ,w(0:200),z(0:200)!,GammaMC
+      nptg=2                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name Gamma-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name Gamma-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,real(nptg)
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis m"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [g]?h1h2!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sg=0.d0
+      do i=0,nptg
+        w(i)=Gammapp(engy**2.,biniDf,i)
+        sg=sg+w(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) i,w(i)
+      write(*,*) 'G12',i,w(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name GammaMC-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name GammaMC-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,real(nptg)
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis m"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [g]?h1h2!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      sgmc=0.d0
+      do i=0,nptg
+        z(i)=GammaGauss(engy**2.,biniDf,i)
+        sgmc=sgmc+z(i)
+        write(ifhi,*) i,z(i)
+        write(*,*) 'G12gauss',i,z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      Zn=Znorm(engy**2,biniDf)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name GammaDiff'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,real(nptg)
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis m"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis (G-GMC)/G"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "[S]?Guncut!=',sg,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.8 "[S]?Gcut!=',sgmc,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.7 "Z=',Zn,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        if(w(i).ne.0d0) t=(z(i)-w(i))/w(i)
+c         if(abs(t).gt.0.5d0) t=dsign(0.5d0,t)
+         write(ifhi,*) i,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomInc
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,PomIncExact,PomIncUnit,xminr,xm,t
+     *                 ,w(0:200),z(0:200)
+      nptg=10                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xm=dble(xpar4)              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c********************* red = PomIncXExact *****************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncExact-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncExact-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx+/dx-"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.8 "x-=',xm,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        w(i)=PomIncExact(dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,w(i)
+      write(*,*) 'Xe',i,w(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c************************* dot = PomIncXUnit **************************
+c      nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncUnit-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncUnit-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx+/dx-"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.8 "x-=',xm,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        z(i)=PomIncUnit(dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)
+        write(*,*) 'Xu',i,z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'openhisto name PomIncDiff'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis ([w]?5!-G)/G"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+      write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.8 "x-=',xm,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=0.d0
+        if(w(i).ne.0d0) t=(z(i)-w(i))/w(i)
+c         if(abs(t).gt.0.5d0) t=dsign(0.5d0,t)
+         write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncX
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,PomIncXExact,PomIncXUnit,xminr,y
+      nptg=20                   !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c********************* red = PomIncXExact *****************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncXExact-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncXExact-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx(x,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        y=PomIncXExact(x,biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,y
+c      write(*,*) 'Xe',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c************************* dot = PomIncXUnit **************************
+c      nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncXUnit-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncXUnit-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx(x,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncXUnit(x,biniDf)
+        write(*,*) 'Xu',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncXI
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr
+      double precision PomIncXIExact,PomIncXIUnit
+      nptg=20                   !number of point for the graphs
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c*********************red = PomIncXIExact *****************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncXIExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis d[s]?Pom!/dx(x)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncXIExact(x)
+c.......write(*,*) 'XIe',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c***************************dot = PomIncXIUnit ************************
+c.....nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncXIUnit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis d[s]?Pom!/dx(x)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncXIUnit(x)
+        write(*,*) 'XIu',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncP
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,PomIncPUnit,xminr
+      double precision PomIncPExact
+      nptg=30                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar1              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c*********************red = PomIncPExact *****************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncPExact-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncPExact-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx+(x+,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncPExact(x,biniDf)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c**************************dot = PomIncPUnit **************************
+c.....nptg=50     !number of point for the graphs
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncPUnit-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncPUnit-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx+(x+,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(*,*) 'Pu',i
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncPUnit(x,biniDf)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncPI
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr
+      double precision PomIncPIExact,PomIncPIUnit
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c*********************red = PomIncPIExact *****************************
+c.....nptg=100     !number of point for the graphs
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncPIExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis d[s]?Pom!/dx+(x+)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncPIExact(x)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c***************************dot = PomIncPIUnit ************************
+c.....nptg=10     !number of point for the graphs
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncPIUnit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis n?Pom!/dx+(x+)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncPIUnit(x)
+        write(*,*) 'PIu',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncM
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr,PomIncMUnit,PomIncMExact
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar1              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c**********************red = PomIncMExact *****************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncMExact-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncMExact-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx-(x-,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncMExact(x,biniDf)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c**************************dot = PomIncMUnit **************************
+c.....nptg=100     !number of point for the graphs
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PomIncMUnit-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')'openhisto name PomIncMUnit-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis dn?Pom!/dx-(x-,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncMUnit(x,biniDf)
+        write(*,*) 'Mu',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncMI
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr
+      double precision PomIncMIExact,PomIncMIUnit
+      nptg=30                 !number of point for the graphs
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c*********************red = PomIncMIExact *****************************
+c.....nptg=100     !number of point for the graphs
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncMIExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis d[s]?Pom!/dx-(x-)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncMIExact(x)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c***************************dot = PomIncMIUnit ************************
+c.....nptg=100     !number of point for the graphs
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncMIUnit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis d[s]?Pom!/dx-(x-)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,PomIncMIUnit(x)
+        write(*,*) 'MIu',i
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPomIncJ
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbib=48)
+      double precision PomIncJExact,PomIncJUnit
+      b1=0
+      b2=bkmx*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbib
+c*************************red = PomIncJExact **************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncJExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  n?Pom!(b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.8 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        write(ifhi,*)b,PomIncJExact(b)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c****************************dot = PomIncJUnit ***********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PomIncJUnit'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  n?Pom!(b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.8 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        write(ifhi,*)b,PomIncJUnit(b)
+        write(*,*) 'Ju',k
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPhi1
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr,y
+      double precision PhiExpo
+      double precision PhiExact
+      nptg=30                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      zz=xpar7
+c************************* red = PhiMExact ***************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Phi1Exact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis  [F](x)/x^[a]!"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4,a,f4.1,a)')
+     * 'txt  "title E=',nint(engy),' b=',biniDf,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        y=0.d0
+        if(engy**2..lt.5.e06)
+     &  y=Phiexact(zz,zz,.5,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(iclpro))
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(icltar))
+        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c********************** blue = PhiMExpo ******************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Phi1Expo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        y=Phiexpo(zz,zz,.5,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(iclpro))
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(icltar))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+c      subroutine xParPhi2
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incems'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      include 'epos.incpar'
+c      double precision x,xminr,xm,y,u(0:100),v(0:100),w(0:100)!,z
+c      double precision PhiExpo,omGam,PhiExpoK
+c      double precision PhiExact
+c      nptg=30                  !number of point for the graphs
+c      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+c      xminr=1.d-3 !/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c      xm=dble(xpar4)
+cc************************* yellow = PhiMExact ***************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Phi1Exact'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')      'xmod lin ymod lin'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'txt "yaxis  [F](x)/x^[a]!"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,i4,a,f4.1,a)')
+c     * 'txt  "title E=',nint(engy),' b=',biniDf,'"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c       ! x=xminr
+c       ! if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        y=0.d0
+c        if(engy**2..lt.5.e06)
+c     &  y=Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+c    ! &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(iclpro))
+c    ! &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(icltar))
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+cc********************** blue = PhiMExpo ******************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Phi1Expo'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+c       write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c       ! x=xminr
+c       ! if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        y=Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+c  !   &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(iclpro))
+c  !   &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(icltar))
+c        write(ifhi,*) x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c      do k=1,koll
+c        bk(k)=biniDf
+c      enddo
+c      call GfunPark(0)
+c      call integom1(0)
+cc********************* points = PhiExpoK*********************************
+c      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+c        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PhiExpok-b0.',k
+c      else
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')  'openhisto name PhiExpok-b',biniDf
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0.1 "yaxis  [F](x+,x-)/x^[a]?remn!!"'
+c      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        y=PhiExpoK(1,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x))
+c        write(ifhi,*) x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+cc************************* red = PhiMExact*omGam ************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name GPhiExact'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+c      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+c      else
+c        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,a)') 'text 0 0.1 "yaxis  G(x+,x-)*[F]'
+c     *,'(x+,x-)/x^[a]?remn!!"'
+c      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.2 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.3 "x-=',xm,'"'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)then
+c          if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        else
+c          x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        endif
+cc        z=1.d0-dsqrt(x)
+c        v(i)=0.d0
+c        if(engy**2..lt.5.e06)
+c     *  v(i)=Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,1.d0-x,1.d0-xm,engy**2,biniDf)
+cc     *  v(i)=Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,z,z,engy**2,biniDf)
+c        u(i)=omGam(x,xm,biniDf)
+cc        u(i)=omGam(dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),biniDf)
+c        y=u(i)*v(i)
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)y=dabs(y)
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+cc************************* red = PhiMExpo*omGam ************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name GPhiExpo'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba'
+c      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+c      else
+c        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,a)')
+c     * 'text 0 0.1 "yaxis  G(x+,x-)*[F]?'
+c     * ,'(1-x+,1-x-)/x^[a]?remn!!"'
+c      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.8 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.7 "x-=',xm,'"'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)then
+c          if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        else
+c          x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        endif
+cc        z=1.d0-dsqrt(x)
+cc        w(i)=Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,z,z,engy**2,biniDf)
+c        w(i)=Phiexpo(0.,0.,1.,1.d0-x,1.d0-xm,engy**2,biniDf)
+c        y=u(i)*w(i)
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)y=dabs(y)
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      if(xpar5.ne.0.)then
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+cc************************* green = omGam ************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name GM'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lgo'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,dabs(u(i))
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+cc************************* circle = PhiMExact  ************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PhiExact'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)then
+c          if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        else
+c          x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        endif
+c        y=v(i)
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)y=dabs(y)
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+cc************************* triangle = PhiMExpo ************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name PhiExpo'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pot'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)then
+c          if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        else
+c          x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        endif
+c        y=w(i)
+c        if(xpar5.ne.0.)y=dabs(y)
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+c      end
+      subroutine xParPhi
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xminr,y,z(0:200)!,Zn,Znorm
+      double precision PhiExpo,PhiExact,PhiExpoK
+      nptg=10                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xminr=max(1.d-6,1.d0/dble(engy**2))  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      zz=xpar7
+c********************** full-red = PhiExact ***************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PhiExact-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')  'openhisto name PhiExact-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)') 'text 0 0 "yaxis  [F](x)/x^[a]"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,i4,a,f4.1,a)')
+     * 'txt  "title E=',nint(engy),' b=',biniDf,'"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        !x=xminr
+        !if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        y=Phiexact(zz,zz,1.,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(iclpro))
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(icltar))
+        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c******************** blue = PhiExpo ***************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PhiExpo-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')  'openhisto name PhiExpo-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        !x=xminr
+        !if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        z(i)=Phiexpo(zz,zz,1.,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(iclpro))
+     &       *dsqrt(x)**dble(-alplea(icltar))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+cc*********************yellow = PhiUnit*********************************
+c      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+c        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PhiUnit-b0.',k
+c      else
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')  'openhisto name PhiUnit-b',biniDf
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lyu'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      Zn=Znorm(engy**2,biniDf)
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        !x=xminr
+c        !if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c        write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)/Zn
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      if(koll.ge.1)then
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      do k=1,koll
+        bk(k)=biniDf
+      enddo
+      call GfunPark(0)
+      call integom1(0)
+c*********************green = PhiExpoK*********************************
+      if (biniDf.lt.1.) then
+        k=int(10.*biniDf)
+        write(ifhi,'(a,I1)')  'openhisto name PhiExpok-b0.',k
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f3.1)')  'openhisto name PhiExpok-b',biniDf
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        !x=xminr
+        !if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        x=xminr+(xmaxDf-xminr)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        z(i)=PhiExpoK(1,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,z(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParH
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter(idxD2=8)
+      double precision GbetUni,GbetpUni,HbetUni,HbetpUni,HalpUni
+      common/DGamUni/GbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),HbetUni(  idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               GbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),HbetpUni(idxD0:idxD2),
+     &               HalpUni(idxD0:idxD2)
+      double precision x,xminr,y,xm,utgam2
+      double precision Hrst
+      nptg=20                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+      xm=dble(xpar4)            !value of xminus
+c.....xminr=0.d0   !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      xminr=1.d0/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax
+        call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,biniDf,smaxDf,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst
+     &               ,epss,gamv)
+      enddo
+      call GfomPar(biniDf,smaxDf)
+      imax0=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax0=1
+      imax1=idxD2
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax1=imax1-1
+      do i=idxDmin,imax0
+        GbetUni(i)=utgam2(betUni(i,1)+1.d0)
+        GbetpUni(i)=utgam2(betpUni(i,1)+1.d0)
+        HbetUni(i)=utgam2(GbetUni(i))
+        HbetpUni(i)=utgam2(GbetpUni(i))
+        HalpUni(i)=alpUni(i,1)*dble(chad(iclpro)*chad(icltar))
+      enddo
+      do i=0,1
+        HbetUni(imax0+1+i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        HbetUni(imax0+3+i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0
+        HbetUni(imax0+5+i)=betUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        HbetpUni(imax0+1+i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0
+        HbetpUni(imax0+3+i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        HbetpUni(imax0+5+i)=betpUni(i,1)+1.d0+betfom
+        GbetUni(imax0+1+i)=utgam2(HbetUni(imax0+1+i))
+        GbetUni(imax0+3+i)=utgam2(HbetUni(imax0+3+i))
+        GbetUni(imax0+5+i)=utgam2(HbetUni(imax0+5+i))
+        GbetpUni(imax0+1+i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(imax0+1+i))
+        GbetpUni(imax0+3+i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(imax0+3+i))
+        GbetpUni(imax0+5+i)=utgam2(HbetpUni(imax0+5+i))
+        HalpUni(imax0+1+i)=zztUni*alpUni(i,1)
+        HalpUni(imax0+3+i)=zzpUni*alpUni(i,1)
+        HalpUni(imax0+5+i)=zzpUni*zztUni*alpUni(i,1)
+      enddo
+c***********************  red = Hrst  *********************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Hrst'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')
+     *     'text 0 0 "yaxis  H?2!(x+,x-)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')
+     *     'text 0 0 "yaxis  H?2!(x+,x-)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.2 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.3 "x-=',xm,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminr
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        y=Hrst(smaxDf,biniDf,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x))
+        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+c      subroutine xParHPhiIntnew
+c      include 'epos.inc'
+c      include 'epos.incsem'
+c      include 'epos.incems'
+c      include 'epos.incpar'
+c      double precision x,xminr,xm,y
+c      double precision PhiExact,omGam
+cc      double precision PhiExpo
+c      nptg=30                  !number of point for the graphs
+c      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact parameter)
+c      xm=dble(xpar4)            !value of xminus
+cc.....xminr=0.d0   !value of xminr for plotting the function
+c      xminr=1.d-3 !/dble(engy**2)  !value of xminr for plotting the function
+cc************************* black = PhiExact ***************************
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Phi1Exact'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru'
+c      if(xpar5.eq.0.)then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+c      else
+c        write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod lin'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminr,xmaxDf
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis x+"'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')
+c     * 'text 0 0.1 "yaxis  [F]?(x+,x-)/x^[a]?remn!!"'
+c      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.2 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+c        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.3 "x-=',xm,'"'
+c      endif
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c      do i=0,nptg
+c        x=xminr
+c        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminr)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+c      y=Phiexact(0.,0.,1.,dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),engy**2,biniDf)
+c     &       *omGam(dsqrt(x),dsqrt(x),biniDf)
+c        write(ifhi,*)x,y
+c      enddo
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+c      end
+      subroutine xParHPhiInt
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision y,HPhiInt
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbib=32)
+c************************ dotted = gauss integration ******************
+      b1=0
+      b2=max(abs(bkmx),3.)*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbib
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name HPhiExpoInt'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfc xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  Int(H[F]?pp!)(s,b)"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      imax=idxD1
+      if(iomega.eq.2)imax=1
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        do i=idxDmin,imax
+          call Gfunpar(0.,0.,1,i,b,smaxDf,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss
+     &                ,gamv)
+          call Gfunpar(0.,0.,2,i,b,smaxDf,alpx,betx,betpx,epsp,epst,epss
+     &                ,gamv)
+        enddo
+        y=HPhiInt(smaxDf,b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParZ
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision Znorm,y
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbib=12)
+      b1=0
+      b2=max(abs(bkmx),3.)*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbib
+c************************full-red = Znorm *****************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Znorm'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  Z(s,b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.1 0.1 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+c        y=Znorm(engy**2,xpar2)
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=Znorm(smaxDf,b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name un'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=1
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPro
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision PhiExact,PhiExpo,y,om1intb,om1intbc,om1intgc
+     &,om1intbi!,PhiUnit
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbib=12)
+      b1=0
+      b2=max(abs(bkmx),3.)*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbib
+      zz=xpar7
+c********************* full-red = 1-PhiExact **************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name 1-PhiExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  1-[F]?pp!(1,1) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=1.d0-Phiexact(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c************************** blue-dashed = 1-PhiExpo *******************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name 1-PhiExpo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  1-[F]?pp!(1,1) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=1.d0-Phiexpo(zz,zz,1.,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lga xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=1
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+c****************************** red = om1intbc ********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name om1intbc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  [w]?1bc!(b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=om1intbc(b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c************************* blue dashed =  om1intb ********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name om1intb'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  [w]?1b!(b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=om1intb(b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c****************************** green dot = om1intgc ********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name om1intgc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lgo xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  [w]?1gc!(b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=om1intgc(b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+c****************************** red = om1intbi(0) ********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name om1intbc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  [w]?1bc!(b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=om1intbi(b,0)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c************************* blue dashed =  om1intbi(1) ********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name om1intb'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  [w]?1b!(b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=om1intbi(b,1)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c****************************** green dot = om1intbi(2) ********************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name om1intgc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lgo xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  [w]?1gc!(b) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=om1intbi(b,2)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParPro1
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision PhiExact,PhiExpo,y
+      common/geom/rmproj,rmtarg,bmax,bkmx
+      parameter(nbib=12)
+      b1=0
+      b2=max(abs(bkmx),3.)*1.2
+      db=(b2-b1)/nbib
+      zz=xpar7
+c********************* full-red = 1-PhiExact **************************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name 1-PhiExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lru xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  1-[F]?pp!(1,1) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=1.d0-Phiexact(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+c************************** blue-dashed = 1-PhiExpo *******************
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name 1-PhiExpo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lba xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis  impact parameter b (fm)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis  1-[F]?pp!(1,1) "'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')'text 0.5 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do k=1,nbib
+        b=b1+(k-0.5)*db
+        y=1.d0-Phiexpo(zz,zz,.5,1.d0,1.d0,engy**2,b)
+        write(ifhi,*)b,y
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParGam
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      dimension bet(idxD0:idxD1)
+      double precision utgam2,xgammag2!,xrem
+      dimension ip(idxD0:idxD1),imax(idxD0:idxD1)
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      b=xpar2
+      gamp=xpar6
+      zmax=6.
+c      xrem=dble(xpar4)
+      if(idxD0.ne.0.or.idxD1.ne.2) stop "Check xPargam"
+      do i=idxD0,idxD1
+        imax(i)=4
+        bet(i)=0
+      enddo
+      nmax=idxD1
+      imax(idxD0)=int(zmax)
+      imax(1)=imax(idxD0)
+      imax(2)=imax(idxD0)
+      do i=idxD0,nmax
+        gam=gamD(i,iclpro,icltar)*b**2
+        bet(i)=gam+betDp(i,iclpro,icltar)-alppar+1.
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name gExact'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp pfs'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,zmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+c      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange 1.e-10 2'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis z"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis g(z) "'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do ip0=0,imax(0)
+        ip(0)=ip0
+        do ip1=0,imax(1)
+          ip(1)=ip1
+          do ip2=0,imax(2)
+            ip(2)=ip2
+          t=0.
+          do i=idxD0,nmax
+            t=t+real(ip(i))*bet(i)
+          enddo
+          write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)')t,utgam2(dble(alplea(2))+1.D0)
+     &       /utgam2(dble(alplea(2))+1.D0+dble(t))
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name gExpo'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lbu'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,zmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis z"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis g(z)"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        t=zmax*(real(i)/real(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)') t,dexp(-dble(t))
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name gPower'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp poc'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,zmax
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis t"'
+      write(ifhi,'(2a)')    'text 0 0 ',
+     &     '"yaxis [P][G](1+[a]?L!)/[G](1+[a]?L!+[b])"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do ip0=0,imax(0)
+        ip(0)=ip0
+        do ip1=0,imax(1)
+          ip(1)=ip1
+          do ip2=0,imax(2)
+            ip(2)=ip2
+c$$$            do ip3=0,imax(3)
+c$$$              ip(3)=ip3
+              t=0.
+              do i=idxD0,nmax
+                t=t+real(ip(i))*bet(i)
+              enddo
+              write(ifhi,'(2e14.6)')t,xgammag2(iclpro,bet,ip,gamp)
+c$$$            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      end
+      subroutine xParOmega1xy
+c xpar2=b
+c xpar4=xh
+c xpar3=y
+c xpar7 : nucl coef
+c xpar8 : 2=xp/xm instead of xh/yp
+      include 'epos.incems'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+    !  double precision om1x,om1y
+      double precision x,ranhis(0:51),y,ymax,xh
+     &,om1xpk,om1xmk,t,om1xk,om1yk,xpr1,xmr1!,xp,xm,xmin,xmax
+      common /psar7/ delx,alam3p,gam3p
+      nptg=50                  !number of point for the graphs
+      biniDf=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact paramter)
+      xh=0.99d0
+      xpr1=1.d0
+      xmr1=1.d0
+      if(xpar4.lt.1..and.xpar4.gt.0.)then
+        xh=dble(xpar4**2)          !value of x
+        xpr1=dble(xpar4)
+        xmr1=dble(xpar4)
+      endif
+      do i=0,51
+        ranhis(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+c$$$      xp=dsqrt(xh)*dble(exp(xpar3)) !y=xpar3
+c$$$      xm=1.d0
+c$$$      if(xp.ne.0.d0)xm=xh/xp
+      if(koll.eq.0)then
+      call xhistomran1(ranhis,biniDf)
+      stop'om1x not defined'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1x'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,   0   !om1x(x,biniDf)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xRan'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x! random"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**((dble(i)+.5d0)/51.d0)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      x=xh
+      ymax=-.5D0*dlog(x)
+      do i=0,51
+        ranhis(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      call xhistomran2(ranhis,x,biniDf)
+      stop'om1y not defined'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1y'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis Y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1y!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        y=-ymax+(2.d0*ymax)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) y, 0  !om1y(x,y,biniDf)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1yRan'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis Y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1y! random"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,50
+        y=-ymax+(2.d0*ymax)*(dble(i)/50.d0)
+        write(ifhi,*) y,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      else
+      do k=1,koll
+        bk(k)=biniDf
+      enddo
+      call GfunPark(0)
+      call integom1(0)
+      if(xpar8.eq.2.)then
+        call xhistomran8(ranhis,xpr1,xmr1)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xp'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x+!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=om1xpk(x,xpr1,1)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xpRan'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x+! random"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      do i=0,51
+        ranhis(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      call xhistomran9(ranhis,xh,xpr1,xmr1)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xm'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x-!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.8 "x+=',xh,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=om1xmk(xh,x,xpr1,xmr1,1)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xmRan'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X-"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x-! random"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.8 "x+=',xh,'"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      else
+      call xhistomran10(ranhis)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xk'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=om1xk(x,1)
+        write(ifhi,*) x,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1xpRan'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod log ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',xminDf,xmaxDf
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis X+"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1x+! random"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        if (i.ne.0) x=x*(xmaxDf/xminDf)**(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      ymax=-.5D0*dlog(xh)
+      do i=0,51
+        ranhis(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      call xhistomran11(ranhis,xh)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1yk'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis Y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1y!"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        y=-ymax+(2.d0*ymax)*(dble(i)/dble(nptg))
+        t=om1yk(xh,y,1)
+        write(ifhi,*) y,t
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name Om1yRan'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp his'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',-ymax-1.d0,ymax+1.d0
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis Y"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis [w]?1y! random"'
+      if (xpar8.eq.1.) then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,e7.2,a)')  'text 0.1 0.9 "s=',engy**2,' GeV^2!"'
+        write(ifhi,'(a,f5.2,a)')  'text 0.5 0.9 "b=',biniDf,' fm"'
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,50
+        y=-ymax+(2.d0*ymax)*(dble(i)/50.d0)
+        write(ifhi,*) y,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0'
+      endif
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xRanPt
+c xpar2=xcut
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      parameter (nptg1=501)      !number of point for the graphs
+      double precision ranhis(0:nptg1)
+      common /cranpt/conv
+      nptg=nptg1-1
+      xcut=xpar2              !value of biniDf (impact paramter)
+      xfact=xpar3
+      xadd=xpar4
+      xmax=10.
+      conv=10./float(nptg)
+      if(xcut.le.0.)xcut=float(nptg)
+      if(xfact.le.0.)xfact=1.
+      do i=0,nptg1
+        ranhis(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+c$$$      xp=dsqrt(xh)*dble(exp(xpar3)) !y=xpar3
+c$$$      xm=1.d0
+c$$$      if(xp.ne.0.d0)xm=xh/xp
+      if(xpar1.ge.1.)then
+      call xranptg(ranhis,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name ranpt'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,min(xmax,xfact*xcut+xadd+1.)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis pt"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=float(i)*conv
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      endif
+      if(xpar1.ge.2.)then
+      call xranpte(ranhis,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name ranpt'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,min(xmax,xfact*xcut+xadd+1.)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis pt"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=float(i)*conv
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      endif
+      if(xpar1.ge.3.)then
+      call xranpts(ranhis,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name ranpt'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,min(xmax,xfact*xcut+xadd+1.)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis pt"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=float(i)*conv
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'closehisto plot 0-'
+      endif
+      call xranptc(ranhis,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'openhisto name ranpt'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'htyp lin'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'xmod lin ymod log'
+      if(xpar1.ge.1)then
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,min(xmax,xfact*xcut+xadd+1.)
+      else
+        write(ifhi,'(a,2e11.3)')'xrange',0.,1.
+      endif
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')'yrange auto auto'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "xaxis pt"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    'text 0 0 "yaxis P"'
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')       'array 2'
+      do i=0,nptg
+        x=float(i)*conv
+        write(ifhi,*) x,ranhis(i)
+      enddo
+      write(ifhi,'(a)')    '  endarray'
+      return
+      end
+      double precision function xgammag2(iclrem,bet,ip,gamp)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incsem'
+      double precision utgam2
+      dimension bet(idxD0:idxD1),ip(idxD0:idxD1)
+      xgammag2=1.d0
+      imax=idxD1
+      do i=idxD0,imax
+      if(ip(i).ne.0) xgammag2=xgammag2
+     &   *(utgam2(dble(alplea(iclrem))+1.d0+dble(gamp))
+     &   /(max(0.d0,dble(int(gamp+0.5))+1))
+     &   /utgam2(dble(alplea(iclrem)+bet(i)+gamp)+1.D0))
+     &                                          **dble(ip(i))
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      function xsigmafit(x)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision x,xDfit,sfsh,varifit,range,sig2
+      double precision bf(maxdataDf),Db(maxdataDf)
+      external varifit
+      sig2=bmaxDf/2.
+      range=sig2
+      xp=real(dsqrt(x))
+      xm=xp
+      zz=xpar7
+      sfsh=xDfit(zz,0,1,smaxDf,xp,xm,0.)
+      if(dabs(sfsh).ge.1.d-5)then
+      do i=0,nptf-1
+        bf(i+1)=dble(-bmaxDf+real(i)*2.*bmaxDf/real(nptf-1))
+        Db(i+1)=xDfit(zz,0,1,smaxDf,xp,xm,real(bf(i+1)))/sfsh
+      enddo
+c.....Fit of D(X,b) between -bmaxDf and bmaxDf
+      call minfit(varifit,bf,Db,nptf,sig2,range)
+      xsigmafit=real(sig2)
+      else
+      xsigmafit=0.
+      endif
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhistomran1(histo,b)
+c.....Make Histogram of om1xr
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision histo(0:51),x,x1  !,om1xr
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,51
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do 111 j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"x1",j,b
+        x=0  !om1xr(b)
+        stop'om1xr(b) not defined'
+        if(x.lt.xminDf)goto 111
+          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+ 111  continue
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        x1=xminDf
+        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+        if(i.eq.51)then
+          x1=1.d0
+          x=0.d0
+        endif
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*51.d0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhistomran2(histo,xh,b)
+c.....Make Histogram of om1yr
+      double precision histo(0:51),x,xh,dx,ymax   !,om1yr
+      integer*4 n
+      ymax=-.5D0*dlog(xh)
+      dx=ymax/25.d0
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,50
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"y1",j,b
+        x= 0 !  om1yr(xh,b)
+        stop'om1yr(xh,b) not defined'
+        k=int((x/ymax+1.d0)*25.d0)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,50
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/dx
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+c      subroutine xhistomran6(histo,bx,by,bmax,del)
+cc.....Make Histogram of b1 (impact parameter of vertex in Y and X)
+c      double precision histo(0:51),dx
+c      integer*4 n
+c      n=100000
+c      dx=dble(bmax)/50.d0
+c      do i=0,50
+c        histo(i)=0.d0
+c      enddo
+c      do j=1,n
+c        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"b1",j
+c        z=rangen()
+c        zp=rangen()
+c        bb1x=(bx+sqrt(-del*log(z))*cos(2.*3.14*zp))/2.
+c        bb1y=(by+sqrt(-del*log(z))*sin(2.*3.14*zp))/2.
+c        x=sqrt((bx-bb1x)*(bx-bb1x)+(by-bb1y)*(by-bb1y))
+c        k=int(x/bmax*50.)
+c        if(k.le.50)then
+c          histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+c        else
+c          histo(51)=histo(51)+1.d0
+c        endif
+c      enddo
+c      do i=0,50
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/dx
+c      enddo
+c      return
+c      end
+      subroutine xhistomran8(histo,xpr,xmr)
+c.....Make Histogram of om1xprk
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision histo(0:51),x,x1,om1xprk,xpr,xmr
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,51
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do 111 j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"x+",j,xmr
+          x=om1xprk(1,xpr,xminDf,1)
+        if(x.lt.xminDf)goto 111
+          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+ 111  continue
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        x1=xminDf
+        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+        if(i.eq.51)then
+          x1=1.d0
+          x=0.d0
+        endif
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)*xpr
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*51.d0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhistomran9(histo,xp,xpr,xmr)
+c.....Make Histogram of om1xmrk
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision histo(0:51),x,x1,om1xmrk,xp,xpr,xmr
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,51
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do 111 j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"x-",j
+          x=om1xmrk(1,xp,xpr,xminDf,1)
+        if(x.lt.xminDf)goto 111
+          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+ 111  continue
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        x1=xminDf
+        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+        if(i.eq.51)then
+          x1=1.d0
+          x=0.d0
+        endif
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)*xmr
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*51.d0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhistomran10(histo)
+c.....Make Histogram of om1xrk
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      double precision histo(0:51),x,x1,om1xrk
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,51
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do 111 j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"xk",j
+        x=om1xrk(1)
+        if(x.lt.xminDf)goto 111
+          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+ 111  continue
+      do i=0,51
+        x=xminDf
+        x1=xminDf
+        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+        if(i.eq.51)then
+          x1=1.d0
+          x=0.d0
+        endif
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*51.d0
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xhistomran11(histo,xh)
+c.....Make Histogram of om1yrk
+      double precision histo(0:51),x,xh,dx,om1yrk,ymax
+      integer*4 n
+      ymax=-.5D0*dlog(xh)
+      dx=ymax/25.d0
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,50
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"yk",j
+        x=om1yrk(xh)
+        k=int((x/ymax+1.d0)*25.d0)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,50
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/dx
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xranptg(histo,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+c.....Make Histogram of random distribution
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter (nptg1=501)      !number of point for the graphs
+      common /cranpt/conv
+      double precision histo(0:nptg1)
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,nptg1
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"ptg",j
+c .........exp(-x**2)
+ 12   x=sqrt(-log(rangen())/(3.1415927/4.)) !gauss
+      if(xcut.gt.0.)then
+        if(rangen().lt.x/xcut)goto 12
+      endif
+      x=x*xfact+xadd
+c          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        k=int(x/conv)
+        k=min(k,nptg1)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,nptg1
+c        x=xminDf
+c        x1=xminDf
+c        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+c        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+c        if(i.eq.51)then
+c          x1=1.d0
+c          x=0.d0
+c        endif
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*float(nptg1)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xranpte(histo,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+c.....Make Histogram of random distribution
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter (nptg1=501)      !number of point for the graphs
+      common /cranpt/conv
+      double precision histo(0:nptg1)
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,nptg1
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"pte",j
+c .........exp(-x)
+  12  xmx=50
+      r=2.
+      x=0.
+      do while (r.gt.1.)
+  11    x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+        if(x.eq.0.)goto11
+        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-x)*(1+x**2) )
+      enddo
+      x=x/2.
+      if(xcut.gt.0.)then
+        if(rangen().lt.x/xcut)goto 12
+      endif
+      x=x*xfact+xadd
+c          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        k=int(x/conv)
+        k=min(k,nptg1)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,nptg1
+c        x=xminDf
+c        x1=xminDf
+c        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+c        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+c        if(i.eq.51)then
+c          x1=1.d0
+c          x=0.d0
+c        endif
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*float(nptg1)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xranpts(histo,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+c.....Make Histogram of random distribution
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter (nptg1=501)      !number of point for the graphs
+      common /cranpt/conv
+      double precision histo(0:nptg1)
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,nptg1
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"pts",j
+c .........exp(-sqrt(x))
+ 12   xmx=500
+      r=2.
+      x=0.
+      do while (r.gt.1.)
+        x=sqrt(exp(rangen()*log(1+xmx**2))-1)
+        r=rangen()  /  ( exp(-sqrt(x))*(1+x**2)/5. )
+      enddo
+      x=x/20.
+      if(xcut.gt.0.)then
+        if(rangen().lt.x/xcut)goto 12
+      endif
+      x=x*xfact+xadd
+c          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        k=int(x/conv)
+        k=min(k,nptg1)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,nptg1
+c        x=xminDf
+c        x1=xminDf
+c        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+c        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+c        if(i.eq.51)then
+c          x1=1.d0
+c          x=0.d0
+c        endif
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*float(nptg1)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
+      subroutine xranptc(histo,xcut,xfact,xadd)
+c.....Make Histogram of random distribution
+      include 'epos.incpar'
+      parameter (nptg1=501)      !number of point for the graphs
+      common /cranpt/conv
+      double precision histo(0:nptg1)
+      integer*4 n
+      n=100000
+      do i=0,nptg1
+        histo(i)=0.d0
+      enddo
+      do j=1,n
+        if(mod(j,10000).eq.0)write(*,*)"ptc",j
+        x=ranptcut(xcut)*xfact+xadd
+c          k=int((-dlog(x)/dlog(xminDf)+1.d0)*51.d0)
+        k=int(x/conv)
+        k=min(k,nptg1)
+        histo(k)=histo(k)+1.d0
+      enddo
+      do i=0,nptg1
+c        x=xminDf
+c        x1=xminDf
+c        x=x**(1.d0-dble(i)/51.d0)
+c        x1=x1**(1.d0-dble(i+1)/51.d0)
+c        if(i.eq.51)then
+c          x1=1.d0
+c          x=0.d0
+c        endif
+c        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)/(x1-x)
+        histo(i)=histo(i)/dble(n)*float(nptg1)
+      enddo
+      return
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.cpp b/modules/epos/epos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..757fba685e75c91973bc3401f21f29a30ab22965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#include <epos.hpp>
+namespace epos {
+  // this is needed as linker object, but it is not needed to do anything
+  void ranfini_(double&, int&, int&) {}
+  // this is needed as linker object, but it is not needed to do anything
+  void ranfcv_(double&) {}
+  double rangen_() { return  ::epos::rndm_interface(); }
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.hpp b/modules/epos/epos.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47c2939d2e331c7ce60614d98e3765189d703127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <array>
+ * \file epos.hpp
+ *
+ * Interface file for the EPOS library.
+ */
+namespace epos {
+  /**
+   * \function epos::rndm_interface
+   *
+   * this is the random number hook to external packages.
+   *
+   * CORSIKA8, for example, has to provide an implementation of this.
+   **/
+  extern double rndm_interface();
+  extern "C" {
+  void aaset_(int&);
+  void atitle_();
+  double LHCparameters_();
+  void hdecin_(bool&);
+  void hnbspd_(int&);
+  void hnbpajini_();
+  void conini_();
+  void psaini_();
+  void idspin_(int&, int&, int&, int&);
+  void iclass_(int&, int&);
+  void emsini_(double&, int&, int&);
+  void paramini_(int&);
+  void xsigma_();
+  double cxepocrse_(double&, int&, int&, int&);
+  void emsaaa_(int&);
+  void gakfra_(int&, int&);
+  void utghost_(int&);
+  void bjinta_(int&);
+  void utresc_(int&);
+  void emsfrag_(int&);
+  void cxidmass_(int&, int&);
+  // additional random number functions
+  void ranfini_(double&, int&, int&);
+  void ranfcv_(double&);
+  // void ranfgt(int&);
+  double rangen_();
+  // common blocks as
+  // defined in epos.inc
+  extern struct { int inicnt; } cicnt_;
+  extern struct {
+    int intpol;
+    int isigma;
+    int iomega;
+    int isetcs;
+  } hadr6_;
+  extern struct { int infragm; } nucl6_;
+  extern struct {
+    int iorsce;
+    int iorsdf;
+    int iorshh;
+    int ionudi;
+  } cjinti_;
+  extern struct {
+    float airznxs[3];
+    float airanxs[3];
+    float airwnxs[3];
+    float airavznxs;
+    float airavanxs;
+  } nxsair_;
+  extern struct {
+    int iappl;
+    int model;
+  } appli_;
+  extern struct {
+    int nevent;
+    int nfull;
+    int nfreeze;
+    int ninicon;
+  } events_;
+  extern struct {
+    int ifrade;
+    int iframe;
+    int idecay;
+    int jdecay;
+    int iremn;
+  } othe2_;
+  // integer      ifrade,iframe,idecay,jdecay,iremn
+  // common/othe2/ifrade,iframe,idecay,jdecay,iremn
+  extern struct { int ktnbod; } metr7_;
+  // integer      ktnbod
+  // common/metr7/ktnbod
+  extern struct {
+    float egylow;
+    float egyfac;
+  } had12_;
+  //      real         egylow,egyfac
+  // common/had12/egylow,egyfac
+  extern struct {
+    int laproj;
+    int maproj;
+    int latarg;
+    int matarg;
+    float core;
+    float fctrmx;
+  } nucl1_;
+  // real         core,fctrmx
+  // integer       laproj,maproj,latarg,matarg
+  // common/nucl1/laproj,maproj,latarg,matarg,core,fctrmx
+  extern struct {
+    float amproj;
+    float amtarg;
+    float ypjtl;
+    float yhaha;
+    float pnullx;
+  } chadron_;
+  // real           amproj,amtarg,ypjtl,yhaha,pnullx
+  // common/chadron/amproj,amtarg,ypjtl,yhaha,pnullx
+  extern struct {
+    int iomodl;
+    int idproj;
+    int idtarg;
+    float wexcit;
+  } hadr2_;
+  // integer      iomodl,idproj,idtarg
+  // real         wexcit
+  // common/hadr2/iomodl,idproj,idtarg,wexcit
+  extern struct {
+    int idprojin;
+    int idtargin;
+    float rexdifi[4];
+    float rexndii[4];
+    int irdmpr;
+    int isoproj;
+    int isotarg;
+  } hadr25_;
+  //       real          rexdifi,rexndii
+  // integer       idprojin,idtargin,irdmpr,isoproj,isotarg
+  // common/hadr25/idprojin,idtargin,rexdifi(4),rexndii(4),irdmpr,
+  // *              isoproj,isotarg
+  extern struct {
+    float engy;
+    float elepti;
+    float elepto;
+    float angmue;
+    int icinpu;
+  } lept1_;
+  //  real engy, elepti, elepto, angmue integer icinpu
+  // common / lept1 / engy, elepti, elepto,
+  // angmue,
+  // icinpu
+  extern struct {
+    float egymin;
+    float egymax;
+    float elab;
+    float ecms;
+    float ekin;
+  } enrgy_;
+  // real egymin, egymax, elab, ecms, ekin
+  // common / enrgy / egymin, egymax, elab, ecms,
+  // ekin
+  extern struct {
+    float pnll;
+    float ptq;
+    float exmass;
+    float cutmss;
+    float wproj;
+    float wtarg;
+  } hadr1_;
+  // real pnll, ptq, exmass, cutmss, wproj, wtarg
+  // common / hadr1 / pnll, ptq, exmass, cutmss,
+  // wproj,
+  // wtarg
+  unsigned int constexpr idxD0 = 0;
+  unsigned int constexpr idxD1 = 2;
+  unsigned int constexpr idxD = 1;
+  unsigned int constexpr nclha = 4;
+  unsigned int constexpr nclegy = 100;
+  extern struct {
+    float alpD[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float alpdp[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float alpDpp[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float betD[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float betDp[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float betDpp[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float gamD[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    float delD[nclha][nclha][idxD1 - idxD0 + 1];
+    int idxDmin;
+    float bmxdif[nclha][nclha];
+    float bkmxndif;
+  } Dparam_;
+  //  real bmxdif,bkmxndif
+  // integer idxDmin
+  // common / Dparam / alpD(idxD0: idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //* alpDp(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //*alpDpp(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //*  betD(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //* betDp(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //*betDpp(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //*  gamD(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //*  delD(idxD0 : idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+  //*idxDmin, bmxdif(nclha, nclha),  bkmxndif
+  extern struct {
+    float phievt;
+    int nevt;
+    float bimevt;
+    int kolevt;
+    int koievt;
+    float pmxevt;
+    float egyevt;
+    int npjevt;
+    int ntgevt;
+    int npnevt;
+    int nppevt;
+    int ntnevt;
+    int ntpevt;
+    int jpnevt;
+    int jppevt;
+    int jtnevt;
+    int jtpevt;
+    float xbjevt;
+    float qsqevt;
+    int nglevt;
+    float zppevt;
+    float zptevt;
+    int minfra;
+    int maxfra;
+    int kohevt;
+  } cevt_;
+  //  real phievt, bimevt, pmxevt, egyevt , xbjevt, qsqevt, zppevt, zptevt
+  // integer nevt,
+  // kolevt, koievt, kohevt, npjevt , ntgevt, npnevt, nppevt, ntnevt, ntpevt, jpnevt,
+  // jppevt, jtnevt, jtpevt , nglevt, minfra, maxfra
+  // common / cevt / phievt, nevt,
+  //    bimevt, kolevt, koievt, pmxevt, egyevt, npjevt , ntgevt, npnevt, nppevt, ntnevt,
+  //    ntpevt, jpnevt, jppevt, jtnevt, jtpevt , xbjevt, qsqevt, nglevt, zppevt, zptevt,
+  //    minfra, maxfra, kohevt
+  }
+} // namespace epos
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.inc b/modules/epos/epos.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97c0afca6bea8b451ed8aaca94e2db83fb430b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+c                         dimensions
+      integer   mmry,mxptl,nmxhep,myptl,nzeta,nflav,mxstr,mystr,mxtau
+     *         ,mxtrig,mxpri,mxbins,matau,mxnucl,mxhisarg,idxD0,idxD1
+     *         ,idxD,nclha,nclegy,mamxx,mxjerr,mxvol,mxeps,mxidco,mxcoox
+     *         ,mxcooy
+      parameter (mmry=1)   !memory saving factor
+      parameter (mxptl=200000/mmry) !max nr of particles in epos ptl list
+      parameter (nmxhep=10000)    !max nr of particles in hep ptl list
+      parameter (myptl=1000)        !max nr of droplets in epos ptl list
+      parameter (nzeta=60)          !max nr of zeta bins for droplets
+      parameter (nflav=6)           !max nr of flavors
+      parameter (mxstr=20000/mmry)  !max nr of strings in epos string list 
+      parameter (mystr=20000/mmry)    
+      parameter (mxtau=4,mxvol=10,mxeps=16)
+      parameter (mxtrig=99,mxidco=99)
+      parameter (mxpri=200) 
+      parameter (mxbins=10000)
+      parameter (matau=10,mxcoox=40,mxcooy=10)
+      parameter (mxnucl=20)
+      parameter (mxhisarg=100)
+      parameter (idxD0=0,idxD1=2,idxD=1,nclha=4,nclegy=100) 
+      parameter (mamxx=250)
+      parameter (mxjerr=10)
+c                   epos event common block
+      real        phievt,bimevt,pmxevt,egyevt
+     *,xbjevt,qsqevt,zppevt,zptevt
+      integer     nevt,kolevt,koievt,kohevt,npjevt
+     *,ntgevt,npnevt,nppevt,ntnevt,ntpevt,jpnevt,jppevt,jtnevt,jtpevt
+     *,nglevt,minfra,maxfra
+      common/cevt/phievt,nevt,bimevt,kolevt,koievt,pmxevt,egyevt,npjevt
+     *,ntgevt,npnevt,nppevt,ntnevt,ntpevt,jpnevt,jppevt,jtnevt,jtpevt
+     *,xbjevt,qsqevt,nglevt,zppevt,zptevt,minfra,maxfra,kohevt
+      real         rglevt,sglevt,eglevt,fglevt,typevt
+      integer      ng1evt,ng2evt,ikoevt
+      common/c2evt/ng1evt,ng2evt,rglevt,sglevt,eglevt,fglevt,ikoevt
+     *,typevt            !qgsjet03.f and qgsjetII.f and phojet.f
+c     nevt .......... error code. 1=valid event, 0=invalid event
+c     bimevt ........ absolute value of impact parameter
+c     phievt ........ angle of impact parameter
+c     kolevt ........ number of collisions
+c     koievt ........ number of inelastic collisions
+c     kohevt ........ number of hard collisions
+c     pmxevt ........ reference momentum
+c     egyevt ........ pp cm energy (hadron) or string energy (lepton)
+c     npjevt ........ number of primary projectile participants
+c     ntgevt ........ number of primary target participants
+c     npnevt ........ number of primary projectile neutron spectators
+c     nppevt ........ number of primary projectile proton spectators
+c     ntnevt ........ number of primary target neutron spectators
+c     ntpevt ........ number of primary target proton spectators
+c     jpnevt ........ number of absolute projectile neutron spectators
+c     jppevt ........ number of absolute projectile proton spectators
+c     jtnevt ........ number of absolute target neutron spectators
+c     jtpevt ........ number of absolute target proton spectators
+c     xbjevt ........ bjorken x for dis     
+c     qsqevt ........ q**2 for dis  
+c     sigtot ........ total cross section
+c     nglevt ........ number of collisions acc to  Glauber 
+c     zppevt ........ average Z-parton-proj 
+c     zptevt ........ average Z-parton-targ
+c     ng1evt ........ number of Glauber participants with at least one IAs 
+c     ng2evt ........ number of Glauber participants with at least two IAs 
+c     ikoevt ........ number of elementary parton-parton scatterings
+c     typevt ........ type of event (1=Non Diff, 2=Double Diff, 3=Central Diff, 4=AB->XB, -4=AB->AX)
+c                   epos particle list common block
+      real        pptl,tivptl,xorptl
+      integer     nptl,iorptl,idptl,istptl,ifrptl,jorptl,ibptl,ityptl
+      common/cptl/nptl,pptl(5,mxptl),iorptl(mxptl),idptl(mxptl)
+     *,istptl(mxptl),tivptl(2,mxptl),ifrptl(2,mxptl),jorptl(mxptl)
+     *,xorptl(4,mxptl),ibptl(4,mxptl),ityptl(mxptl)
+      real         ekievt
+      integer      itsptl
+      common/c1ptl/ekievt,itsptl(mxptl)
+c     nptl .......... current particle index (=number of ptls stored)
+c     idptl(i) ...... particle id
+c     pptl(1,i) ..... x-component of particle momentum 
+c     pptl(2,i) ..... y-component of particle momentum 
+c     pptl(3,i) ..... z-component of particle momentum 
+c     pptl(4,i) ..... particle energy 
+c     pptl(5,i) ..... particle mass 
+c     iorptl(i) ..... particle number of father (if .le. 0 : no father) 
+c     jorptl(i) ..... particle number of mother (if .le. 0 : no mother)
+c     istptl(i) ..... status: 40 and 41 : Remnant
+c                             30 and 31 : Pomeron
+c                             20 and 21 : Parton
+c                             10 and 11 : Droplet
+c                             00 and 01 : Particle
+c                            last digit = 0 : last generation
+c                            last digit = 1 : not last generation
+c     xorptl(1,i) ... x-component of formation point
+c     xorptl(2,i) ... y-component of formation point
+c     xorptl(3,i) ... z-component of formation point
+c     xorptl(4,i) ... formation time
+c     tivptl(1,i) ... formation time (always in the pp-cms!)
+c     tivptl(2,i) ... destruction time (always in the pp-cms!)
+c     ityptl(i)  .... type of particles origin:
+c                         10-19: target
+c                         20-29: soft Pom
+c                         30-39: hard Pom 
+c                         40-49: projectile 
+c                         50: string, droplet
+c     itsptl(i) ..... string type of particles origin (if string)  
+      real         radptl
+      integer      iaaptl
+      common/c2ptl/iaaptl(mxptl),radptl(mxptl)
+      real         desptl,dezptl
+      common/c3ptl/desptl(mxptl),dezptl(mxptl)
+      integer      nptlbd
+      common/c4ptl/nptlbd
+      real         rinptl,vrad
+      integer      inbxxx
+      common/c6ptl/rinptl(mxptl),vrad,inbxxx
+      real         qsqptl,zpaptl
+      common/c8ptl/qsqptl(mxptl),zpaptl(2,mxptl)
+c                   hep standard event commonblock.
+      double precision phep,vhep
+      integer       nevhep,nhep,isthep,idhep,jmohep,jdahep
+      common/hepevt/nevhep,nhep,isthep(nmxhep),idhep(nmxhep),
+     &jmohep(2,nmxhep),jdahep(2,nmxhep),phep(5,nmxhep),vhep(4,nmxhep)
+c         nevhep      -   event number
+c         nhep        -   number of entries in the event record
+c         isthep(i)   -   status code
+c         idhep(i)    -   particle id (particle data group standard)
+c         jmohep(1,i) -   position of mother particle in list
+c         jmohep(2,i) -   position of second mother particle in list
+c         jdahep(1,i) -   position of first daughter in list
+c         jdahep(2,i) -   position of first daughter in list
+c         phep(1,i)   -   p_x momentum in gev/c
+c         phep(2,i)   -   p_y momentum in gev/c
+c         phep(3,i)   -   p_z momentum in gev/c
+c         phep(4,i)   -   energy in gev
+c         phep(5,i)   -   mass in gev/c**2
+c         vhep(1,i)   -   x position of production vertex in mm 
+c         vhep(2,i)   -   y position of production vertex in mm 
+c         vhep(3,i)   -   z position of production vertex in mm 
+c         vhep(4,i)   -   time of production  in mm/c 
+c          (note:  1 mm = 10^-12 fm = 5.07 10^-12 1/gev)
+c  Parameters set in sr aaset and variables to communicate between moduls
+      integer      ifop,ifmt,ifch,ifcx,ifhi,ifdt,ifcp,ifdr
+      common/files/ifop,ifmt,ifch,ifcx,ifhi,ifdt,ifcp,ifdr
+      integer       ifin
+      common/files2/ifin
+      character*500  fnch,fnhi,fndt,fnii,fnid,fnie,fnrj,fnmt
+     * ,fngrv,fncp,fnnx,fncs,fndr,fnhpf
+      common/fname/  fnch, fnhi, fndt, fnii, fnid, fnie, fnrj, fnmt
+     * ,fngrv,fncp,fnnx,fncs,fndr,fnhpf
+      integer       nfnch,nfnhi,nfndt,nfnii,nfnid,nfnie,nfnrj,nfnmt
+     *,nfngrv,nfncp,nfnnx,nfncs,nfndr,nfnhpf
+      common/nfname/nfnch,nfnhi,nfndt,nfnii,nfnid,nfnie,nfnrj,nfnmt
+     *,nfngrv,nfncp,nfnnx,nfncs,nfndr,nfnhpf
+      character*500  fnin
+      common/fname2/ fnin
+      integer        nfnin
+      common/nfname2/nfnin
+      real         delvol,deleps,dlzeta,etafac,facnuc,taurea,epscri
+      common/resc2/delvol,deleps,dlzeta,etafac,facnuc,taurea,epscri(3)
+      real         epsdfm
+      common/resc4/epsdfm
+      character*3  hydt
+      common/hydr1/hydt
+      real         pud,pmqu,pmqd,pmqs,pmqc,pmqq
+      integer      ndecay,maxres
+      common/frag1/ndecay,maxres,pud,pmqu,pmqd,pmqs,pmqc,pmqq
+      real         pdiqua,delrex,ptfraqq,ptfra,ptfrasr
+      integer      ioptf
+      common/frag2/pdiqua,delrex,ptfraqq,ptfra,ptfrasr,ioptf
+      real         aouni,pbreak,fkappa,strcut,diqcut,fkappag,pbreakg
+     *,zetacut
+      integer      itflav
+      common/frag3/aouni,pbreak,fkappa,itflav,strcut,diqcut
+     *,fkappag,pbreakg,zetacut
+      real         difud,difus,difuc,pudd,puds,pudc,difuuu,difuud
+     *,difuus,difuuc,difudd,difuds,difudc,difuss,difusc,difucc
+      integer      nrflav
+      common/frag4/difud,difus,difuc,pudd,puds,pudc,difuuu,difuud
+     *,difuus,difuuc,difudd,difuds,difudc,difuss,difusc,difucc,nrflav
+      real         qmass
+      integer      isospin
+      common/frag5/qmass(0:6),isospin(0:6)
+      real         pnll,ptq,exmass,cutmss,wproj,wtarg
+      common/hadr1/pnll,ptq,exmass,cutmss,wproj,wtarg
+      real          rstrau,rstrad,rstras,rstrac,rstrasi
+      common/hadr10/rstrau(4),rstrad(4),rstras(4),rstrac(4),rstrasi
+      real          wgtqqq,wgtval,wgtsea,wgtdiq
+      common/wgtqrk/wgtqqq(4),wgtval,wgtsea,wgtdiq
+      double precision timeini,timefin
+      common/time1/timeini,timefin
+      integer       iotst1,iotst2,iotst3,iotst4
+      common/ciotst/iotst1,iotst2,iotst3,iotst4
+      real         taumin,deltau,factau,numtau,amsiac,amprif
+      common/resc1/taumin,deltau,factau,numtau,amsiac,amprif
+      real         dscale,cepara,delamf,deuamf
+      integer      iceopt
+      common/resc3/dscale,cepara,iceopt,delamf,deuamf
+      integer      ispherio,icotabm,icotabr,icocore
+      common/sprio/ispherio,icotabm,icotabr,icocore
+      integer      iurqmd
+      common/urqm1/iurqmd
+      real         cutico,dssico
+      common/incon/cutico,dssico
+      real         gaumx
+      integer      istore,istmax,irescl,ntrymx,nclean,iopdg,ioidch
+      common/othe1/istore,istmax,gaumx,irescl,ntrymx,nclean,iopdg,ioidch
+      integer      ifrade,iframe,idecay,jdecay,iremn
+      common/othe2/ifrade,iframe,idecay,jdecay,iremn
+      integer       jframe,kframe
+      common/othe3/jframe,kframe
+      integer      iselect
+      common/othe4/iselect
+      real         taumx,sigj
+      integer      jpsi,jpsifi,nsttau,ijphis,ijtauan
+      common/jpsif/jpsi,jpsifi,taumx,nsttau,sigj,ijphis,ijtauan
+      real         themas
+      integer      iopenu
+      common/strlt/iopenu,themas
+      integer      iappl,model
+      common/appli/iappl,model
+      integer      nevent,nfull,nfreeze,ninicon
+      common/events/nevent,nfull,nfreeze,ninicon
+      real         egymin,egymax,elab,ecms,ekin
+      common/enrgy/egymin,egymax,elab,ecms,ekin
+      integer      iprmpt,ish,ishsub,irandm,irewch,iecho,modsho,idensi
+      common/prnt1/iprmpt,ish,ishsub,irandm,irewch,iecho,modsho,idensi
+      real         engy,elepti,elepto,angmue
+      integer      icinpu
+      common/lept1/engy,elepti,elepto,angmue,icinpu
+      real         core,fctrmx
+      integer       laproj,maproj,latarg,matarg
+      common/nucl1/laproj,maproj,latarg,matarg,core,fctrmx
+      real         bmaxim,bminim,phimax,phimin
+      common/nucl2/bmaxim,bminim,phimax,phimin
+      real         ymximi,wtimet,wtimei,wtimea
+      integer      imihis,iclhis,iwtime
+      common/wana1/ymximi,imihis,iclhis,iwtime,wtimet,wtimei,wtimea
+      real         wtmini,wtstep
+      integer      isphis,ispall,iwcent,iana,nbdky
+      common/wana2/isphis,ispall,wtmini,wtstep,iwcent,iana,nbdky
+      real         asuhax,asuhay
+      common/drop4/asuhax(7),asuhay(7)
+      real         grigam,grirsq,gridel,grislo,gricel,sigppi,sigppd
+      common/gribo/grigam,grirsq,gridel,grislo,gricel,sigppi,sigppd
+      real         bag4rt,dezzer,amuseg,taunll,yradmx,facts,factb,factq
+      common/drop3/bag4rt,dezzer,amuseg,taunll,yradmx,facts,factb,factq
+      real         rcoll,ylongmx,facecc,yradpp,yradmi,yrmaxi,fradflii
+      integer      nsegsu,nsegce
+      common/drop2/rcoll,ylongmx,nsegsu,nsegce,facecc,yradpp,yradmi
+     *             ,yrmaxi,fradflii
+      real         ptclu,yradpi,yradpx,fploss,fvisco,fplmin
+      integer      ioclude,iocluin,ioquen,iohole,kigrid
+      common/drop7/ptclu,yradpi,yradpx,fploss,fvisco,fplmin,ioclude
+     *            ,iocluin,ioquen,iohole,kigrid
+      real         fsgrid
+      common/drop8/fsgrid
+      integer      iospec,iocova,iopair,iozero,ioflac,iomom
+      common/metr1/iospec,iocova,iopair,iozero,ioflac,iomom
+      integer      nadd,iograc,iocite,ioceau,iociau
+      common/metr2/nadd,iograc,iocite,ioceau,iociau
+      integer      iomodl,idproj,idtarg
+      real         wexcit
+      common/hadr2/iomodl,idproj,idtarg,wexcit
+      real          rexdifi,rexndii
+      integer       idprojin,idtargin,irdmpr,isoproj,isotarg
+      common/hadr25/idprojin,idtargin,rexdifi(4),rexndii(4),irdmpr,
+     *              isoproj,isotarg
+      integer      iostat,ioinco,ionlat,ioobsv,iosngl,iorejz,iompar
+      common/metr3/iostat,ioinco,ionlat,ioobsv,iosngl,iorejz,iompar
+      integer      ioinfl,ioinct,iowidn
+      real         epsgc
+      common/metr4/ioinfl,ioinct,iowidn,epsgc
+      real         prob
+      integer      nstmax,icbac,icfor
+      common/lept2/nstmax,prob(99),icbac(99,2),icfor(99,2)
+      integer      iolept,igampr,idisco
+      common/lept3/iolept,igampr,idisco
+      real        engmin,engmax
+      integer     noebin,nrebin,iologe,iologl
+      common/ebin/noebin,engmin,engmax,nrebin,iologe,iologl
+      real         pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin 
+      common/cnsta/pi,pii,hquer,prom,piom,ainfin 
+      integer      iversn,iverso 
+      common/versn/iversn,iverso 
+      integer      imsg,jerr,ntevt,nrevt,naevt,nrstr,nrptl
+      common/accum/imsg,jerr(mxjerr),ntevt,nrevt,naevt,nrstr,nrptl
+      integer       nglacc
+      common/accum2/nglacc
+      integer      nptlu,nrclu
+      common/cptlu/nptlu /cnrclu/nrclu
+      real         tecm,volu
+      common/drop6/tecm,volu
+      integer      iterma,iternc,iterpr,iterpl,iozinc,iozevt
+      common/metr5/iterma,iternc,iterpr,iterpl,iozinc,iozevt
+      real         epsr
+      integer      keepr 
+      common/metr6/epsr,keepr 
+      integer      keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket
+      common/drop5/keu,ked,kes,kec,keb,ket
+      double precision seedi,seedj,seedj2,seedc
+      integer      iseqini,iseqsim
+      common/cseed/seedi,seedj,seedj2,seedc,iseqini,iseqsim  
+      real          clust
+      common/cjintc/clust(mxtau,mxvol,mxeps)
+      real          volsum,vo2sum
+      integer       nclsum
+      common/cjintd/volsum(mxtau),vo2sum(mxtau),nclsum(mxtau)
+      integer       iutotc,iutote
+      common/ciutot/iutotc,iutote
+      integer      nopen,nopenr
+      common/copen/nopen,nopenr
+      integer      kchopen,khiopen,kdtopen,kcpopen,klgopen,knxopen
+      common/kopen/kchopen,khiopen,kdtopen,kcpopen,klgopen,knxopen
+      character*6  xvaria,yvaria
+      real         xminim,xmaxim,hisfac
+      integer      normal,nrbins
+      common/vana1/xvaria,yvaria,normal,xminim,xmaxim,nrbins,hisfac
+      integer      iologb,iocnxb
+      common/vana3/iologb,iocnxb
+      integer      mxnody,nrnody,nody
+      parameter(mxnody=200)
+      common/nodcy/nrnody,nody(mxnody)
+      real         ctaumin
+      common/ctdcy/ctaumin
+      character*20 subpri
+      integer      nrpri,ishpri 
+      common/prnt2/nrpri,subpri(mxpri),ishpri(mxpri) 
+      integer      ishevt,ixtau,iwseed,jwseed,ixgeometry
+      common/prnt3/ishevt,ixtau,iwseed,jwseed,ixgeometry
+      integer      mxcnt,ionoerr
+      real         ar,ary,ardy
+      parameter (mxcnt=20)
+      common/vana4/ar(mxbins,5),ary(mxbins,mxcnt),ardy(mxbins,mxcnt)
+     *,ionoerr
+      real         xpar1,xpar2,xpar3,xpar4,xpar5,xpar6,xpar7,xpar8
+     *,xpar99
+      common/xpars/xpar1,xpar2,xpar3,xpar4,xpar5,xpar6,xpar7,xpar8
+     *,xpar99
+      integer      khisto
+      common/khist/khisto
+      integer      nctcor,ncttim
+      common/ctcor/nctcor/ccttim/ncttim
+      integer      kdensi
+      real         tauv
+      common/densi/kdensi(matau,nzeta,mxcoox,mxcooy),tauv(matau)
+      integer       iorsce,iorsdf,iorshh,ionudi
+      common/cjinti/iorsce,iorsdf,iorshh,ionudi
+      real         amimfs,amimel
+      common/camim/amimfs,amimel
+      real          scr,scs,hacore
+      common/craddf/scr,scs,hacore
+      integer      iokoll
+      common/ckoll/iokoll
+      integer      ncnt,inicnt,nemsi
+      common/cncnt/ncnt  /cicnt/inicnt /cnemsi/nemsi
+      real        gfactor,gwidth
+      integer     iemspl,iemsct
+      common/ems1/iemspl,iemsct,gfactor,gwidth
+      real           amproj,amtarg,ypjtl,yhaha,pnullx
+      common/chadron/amproj,amtarg,ypjtl,yhaha,pnullx
+      real         xshift,etacut
+      common/vana5/xshift,etacut
+      double precision rnucl
+      real         bnucl,xbtot
+      integer      ixbDens
+      common/nucl5/rnucl(mxnucl,2),bnucl(mxnucl,4),xbtot(4),ixbDens
+      integer      infragm,ibreit
+      common/nucl6/infragm,ibreit
+      real         drnucl,rnuclo
+      integer      nrnucl
+      common/nucl4/nrnucl(2),drnucl(2),rnuclo(mxnucl,2)
+      real       xsig,xpom
+      common/sig/xsig(7),xpom(7)
+      integer      ktnbod
+      common/metr7/ktnbod
+      integer      iregge,isopom,ishpom,iscreen,nprmax,inueff,irmdrop
+      common/hadr3/iregge,isopom,ishpom,iscreen,nprmax,inueff,irmdrop
+      real         sigtot,sigcut,sigela,sloela,sigsd,sigine,sigdif
+     *,sigineaa,sigtotaa,sigelaaa,sigcutaa,sigdd
+      common/hadr5/sigtot,sigcut,sigela,sloela,sigsd,sigine,sigdif
+     *,sigineaa,sigtotaa,sigelaaa,sigcutaa,sigdd
+      integer      intpol,isigma,iomega,isetcs
+      common/hadr6/intpol,isigma,iomega,isetcs
+      real         alppom,slopom,gamhad,r2had,chad,wdiff
+     *,gamtil,facdif,facmc,r2hads,gamhads,slopoms
+      integer      isplit
+      common/hadr4/alppom,slopom,gamhad(4),r2had(4),chad(4),wdiff(4)
+     &      ,gamtil,facdif,facmc,r2hads(4),gamhads(4),slopoms,isplit
+      real          gamhadsi
+      common/hadr42/gamhadsi(4)
+      real         alpreg,sloreg,gamreg,r2reg,ptdiff,ptsend,xminremn
+     &,xmindiff,ptsecu
+      common/hadr7/alpreg,sloreg,gamreg,r2reg,ptdiff,ptsend,xminremn
+     &,xmindiff,ptsecu
+      real         alpqua,alppar,alpsea,alpval,alpdiq,alplea,alpdif
+      common/hadr8/alpqua,alppar,alpsea,alpval,alpdiq,alplea(4),alpdif
+      real          alpndi,alpdi,ptsendi,zdrinc,zmsinc,ptsems
+      integer       irzptn
+      common/hadr14/alpndi,alpdi,ptsendi,zdrinc,zmsinc,ptsems,irzptn
+      real          zbcut,zopinc,zipinc,zoeinc,xmxrem
+      common/hadr15/zbcut,zopinc,zipinc,zoeinc,xmxrem
+      real          fkainc,fkamax,zodinc,zbrmax,zdfinc,xzcut,ptvpom
+      common/hadr16/fkainc,fkamax,zodinc,zbrmax,zdfinc,xzcut,ptvpom
+      real          edmaxi,epmaxi
+      common/hadr17/edmaxi,epmaxi
+      real          ammsqq,ammsqd,ammsdd,cumpom,rexndi,rexdif
+     *             ,reminv,rexpdif,rexres,zrminc,rexndf
+      common/hadr9/ammsqq,ammsqd,ammsdd,cumpom,rexndi(4),rexdif(4)
+     *             ,reminv,rexpdif(4),rexres(4),zrminc,rexndf
+      integer      iclpro,icltar,iclegy
+      common/had10/iclpro,icltar,iclegy
+      integer      iclpro1,iclpro2,icltar1,icltar2,iclegy1,iclegy2
+      common/had11/iclpro1,iclpro2,icltar1,icltar2,iclegy1,iclegy2
+      real         egylow,egyfac
+      common/had12/egylow,egyfac
+      real         amdrmax,amdrmin,alpdro
+      common/had13/amdrmax,amdrmin,alpdro(3)
+      real         alpcoso,alpcose,betcoso,betcose
+      common/had14/alpcoso,alpcose,betcoso,betcose
+      real         accept,reject
+      common/emsx1/accept,reject
+      integer      iemspr,iemspm,iemspx,iemsrx,iemspu,iemsi2,iemspbx
+      common/xems1/iemspr,iemspm,iemspx,iemsrx,iemspu,iemsi2,iemspbx
+      integer      iemsse,iemsi1,iemsb,iemsbg,ioems,iemsdr
+      common/xems2/iemsse,iemsi1,iemsb,iemsbg,ioems,iemsdr
+      integer        ispacetime
+      common/xspatim/ispacetime
+      real           difnuc,radnuc
+      common /psar10/difnuc(mamxx),radnuc(mamxx)
+      integer        mxbarray,nbarray
+      real           barray
+      parameter (mxbarray=100)
+      common/cbarray/barray(mxbarray),nbarray
+      real          airznxs,airanxs,airwnxs
+     *             ,airavznxs,airavanxs
+      common/nxsair/airznxs(3),airanxs(3),airwnxs(3)
+     *             ,airavznxs,airavanxs
+      real            qgsincs
+      common/mod2incs/qgsincs
+      real            gheincs
+      common/mod3incs/gheincs
+      real            pytincs
+      common/mod4incs/pytincs
+      real            hijincs
+      common/mod5incs/hijincs
+      real            sibincs
+      common/mod6incs/sibincs
+      real            qgsIIincs
+      common/mod7incs/qgsIIincs
+      real            phoincs
+      common/mod8incs/phoincs
+      real            fluincs
+      common/mod9incs/fluincs
+      real            urqincs
+      common/mod10incs/urqincs
+      real            dpmincs
+      common/mod12incs/dpmincs
+      real           antot,ansh,ansf,pp4max,pp4ini,andropl,anstrg0
+     *,anshf,ansff,antotf
+     *,anstrg1,anreso0,anreso1,anghadr,antotre
+      common/testpom/antot,ansh,ansf,pp4max,pp4ini,andropl,anstrg0
+     *,anshf,ansff,antotf
+     *,anstrg1,anreso0,anreso1,anghadr,antotre
+      real         anintdiff,anintsdif,anintine
+     *,sigineex,sigdifex,sigsdex
+      common/cdiff/anintdiff,anintsdif,anintine
+     *,sigineex,sigdifex,sigsdex
+      real           epszero,alpff,betff
+      common/cepszer/epszero,alpff(nclha),betff(2)
+      real        tgss,wgss
+      common/cgss/tgss(7,7),wgss(7,7)
+      real alpDs,alpDps,alpDpps,betDs,betDps,betDpps,gamDs,delDs
+     *    ,alpD,alpDp,alpDpp,betD,betDp,betDpp,gamD,delD
+      common/Dparams/alpDs(  idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              alpDps( idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              alpDpps(idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              betDs(  idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              betDps( idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              betDpps(idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              gamDs(  idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha),
+     *              delDs(  idxD0:idxD, nclegy, nclha,nclha)
+      real          bmxdif,bkmxndif
+      integer       idxDmin
+      common/Dparam/alpD(  idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              alpDp( idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              alpDpp(idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              betD(  idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              betDp( idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              betDpp(idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              gamD(  idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *              delD(  idxD0:idxD1, nclha, nclha),
+     *     idxDmin,bmxdif(nclha, nclha),bkmxndif
+      double precision alpUni,betUni,betpUni,fpUni,ftUni,betfom
+     *                 ,epspUni,epstUni,zzpUni,zztUni
+      real           alpfom,alpfomi,gamfom
+      common/DparUni/alpUni(  idxD0:idxD1,2),
+     *               betUni(  idxD0:idxD1,2),
+     *               betpUni(idxD0:idxD1,2),fpUni,ftUni,
+     *               epspUni(idxD0:idxD1),zzpUni,
+     *               epstUni(idxD0:idxD1),zztUni,
+     *               betfom,alpfom,alpfomi,gamfom
+      integer      idlead,ilprtg
+      common/crvar/idlead,ilprtg
+      integer        iLHC,ipytune
+      common/LHCtune/iLHC,ipytune
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.incems b/modules/epos/epos.incems
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cae89765e1eb7750db9aeb9c25e90bf224abfbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.incems
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+      parameter (mmrye=15,mmryk=3)   !memory saving factor
+      parameter (kollmx=45000/mmrye,npommx=150)
+      parameter (mamx=250/mmryk,ngrmx=1,ntymi=0,ntymx=2)
+      parameter (nflavems=4)
+      double precision om1int,om1intc
+     *        ,atilde,btildep,btildepp
+      common/comega/om1int(kollmx),om1intc(kollmx)
+      common/comtilde/atilde(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx)
+     *,btildep(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx),btildepp(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx)
+     *,ntymin
+      common/col/koll,iproj(kollmx),itarg(kollmx),coord(4,kollmx)
+      common/col1/kremn(mamx,mamx,2),lremn(mamx,2)
+      dimension kproj(mamx,mamx),ktarg(mamx,mamx)
+     *,lproj(mamx),ltarg(mamx)
+      equivalence (kproj(1,1),kremn(1,1,1)),(ktarg(1,1),kremn(1,1,2))
+      equivalence (lproj(1),lremn(1,1)),(ltarg(1),lremn(1,2))
+      double precision gammaV
+      common/col6/kproj3(mamx,mamx),ktarg3(mamx,mamx)
+     *,lproj3(mamx),ltarg3(mamx)
+     *,epsilongp(kollmx,0:1),epsilongt(kollmx,0:1)
+     *,epsilongs(kollmx,0:1),gammaV(kollmx)
+     *,epsilongf(kollmx),epsilongb(kollmx)
+      common/col4/bk(kollmx),bhpr(npommx,kollmx),bkx(kollmx)
+     *,bky(kollmx)
+      double precision PomInck,xxnuc,xzcutpar
+      common/col7/zparremn(kollmx,2),PomInck(kollmx),xzcutpar(kollmx)
+     *,xxnuc(mamx,2,kollmx),npnuc(mamx,2,kollmx)
+     *,irnuc(mamx,2,kollmx),knucnt(2,kollmx)
+      real zparpro(kollmx),zpartar(kollmx)
+      equivalence (zparpro(1),zparremn(1,1)),(zpartar(1),zparremn(1,2))
+! koll: number of relevant pairs
+! iproj(k): projectile index for k-th pair
+! itarg(k): target index for k-th pair
+! lproj(ip): number of pairs linked to projectile ip
+! kproj(ip,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair
+! ltarg(it): number of pairs linked to target it
+! ktarg(it,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair
+! bk(k): b value of the k-th pair (=sqrt(bx**2.+by**2.)) 
+! bkx(k): bx value of the k-th pair
+! bky(k): by value of the k-th pair
+! lproj3(ip): number of pairs linked to projectile ip (no diffraction) 
+! kproj3(ip,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair (no diffraction)
+! ltarg3(it): number of pairs linked to target it (no diffraction)
+! ktarg3(it,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair (no diffraction)
+      common/cems3/nprt(kollmx),npr(0:3,kollmx)
+      common/cems4/nprmx(kollmx)
+! nprt(k):     number of pomerons of collision k
+! npr(id,k):   number of pomerons of type id of collision k
+!                   (id: 0=zero, 1=soft, 2=reggeon, 3=hard)
+! nprmx(k):    maximum number of pomerons of collision k
+      common/cems2/itpr(kollmx),idpr(npommx,kollmx),ivpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *,idfpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *,nvpr(npommx,kollmx),nbkpr(npommx,kollmx)
+! itpr(k):     interaction type of collision k  
+!                       (0=nothing, 1=inelastic, 2=diffractive)   
+! idpr(n,k):   type of pomeron (n,k)
+!                       (0=zero, 1=soft, 2=reggeon, 3=hard)   
+! ivpr(n,k):   status of pomeron (n,k)   (0=virtual, 1=real, 2=backup)
+! nbkpr(n,k):  position of the backup pomeron
+! nvpr(n,k):   position of the pomeron for this backup pomeron
+! idfpr(n,k):  link of pomeron (n,k) (0=no, 1=pro&tar, 2=pro, 3=tar)
+!              idfpr=-1 means backup pomeron
+      double precision xpr,ypr,xppr,xmpr,xpprbor,xmprbor
+      common/cems1/xpr(npommx,kollmx),ypr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1c/xppr(npommx,kollmx),xmpr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1d/xpprbor(npommx,kollmx),xmprbor(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1e/nemispr(2,npommx,kollmx),ptprboo(2,npommx,kollmx)
+! xpr(n,k):     x=x+x- of pomeron (n,k)
+! ypr(n,k):     rapidity of pomeron (n,k) 
+! xpprbor(n,k): x+ of in Born parton of pomeron (n,k)
+! xmprbor(n,k): x- of in Born parton of pomeron (n,k)
+! nemispr(i,n,k): number of up (i=1) and down (i=2) emissions
+      double precision xp1pr,xp2pr,xm1pr,xm2pr,xxp1pr,xyp1pr  
+     *                ,xxp2pr,xyp2pr,xxm1pr,xym1pr,xxm2pr,xym2pr 
+       common/cems7/xp1pr(npommx,kollmx),xp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xm1pr(npommx,kollmx),xm2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,idp1pr(npommx,kollmx),idp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,idm1pr(npommx,kollmx),idm2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems8/xxp1pr(npommx,kollmx),xyp1pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxp2pr(npommx,kollmx),xyp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxm1pr(npommx,kollmx),xym1pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxm2pr(npommx,kollmx),xym2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+! xp1pr(n,k):  x of string end p1                               p1    p2
+! xp2pr(n,k):  x of string end p2                                \    / 
+! xm1pr(n,k):  x of string end m1                                 \  /
+! xm2pr(n,k):  x of string end m2                                  \/
+! idp1pr(n,k): id of string end p1 ( 0=0            )              /\
+! idp2pr(n,k): id of string end p2 ( 1=s    2=v     )             /  \
+! idm1pr(n,k): id of string end m1 ( 4=ss*2 5=ss    )            /    \
+! idm2pr(n,k): id of string end m2 ( 8=f            )           m1    m2
+! xxp1pr(n,k),xyp1pr(n,k): px,py of string end p1
+! xxp2pr(n,k),xyp2pr(n,k): px,py of string end p2
+! xxm1pr(n,k),xym1pr(n,k): px,py of string end m1
+! xxm2pr(n,k),xym2pr(n,k): px,py of string end m2    
+      double precision xme
+      common/cems11/xme(mamx)
+! xme(j):  x- exchange for nucleon j    
+      common/cems22/idhpr(npommx,kollmx),idrpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *             ,idsppr(npommx,kollmx),idstpr(npommx,kollmx)
+! idhpr(n,k):  flav hard Pom (n,k)  (0=gg,1=qg,2=gq,3=qq) 
+! idrpr(n,k):  flav Regg (n,k) (0=ss,1=0va0,2=v00a,3=0as0,4=s00a,5=0sv0,6=v00s)
+! idsppr(n,k): flav soft P (n,k) (proj) (0=ss,1=vs,2=sa,3=va,4=dd,5=svv,6=aas)
+! idstpr(n,k): flav soft P (n,k) (targ) (0=ss,1=vs,2=sa,3=va,4=dd,5=svv,6=aas)
+      common/remn4/jcpval(nflavems,2,mamx),jctval(nflavems,2,mamx)
+      common/remn3/jcpref(nflavems,2,mamx),jctref(nflavems,2,mamx)
+      common/remn2/zzremn(mamx,2)
+      common/remn/icremn(2,mamx,2)
+      dimension icproj(2,mamx),ictarg(2,mamx)     
+      double precision xpp,xmp,xpt,xmt,xxp,xyp,xxt,xyt
+      double precision xpz,xmz,xxz,xyz
+      common/cemsr/xpz(mamx,2),xmz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,xxz(mamx,2),xyz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,idz(mamx,2),ivz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,isz(mamx,2),iaz(mamx,2)
+      dimension xpp(mamx),xmp(mamx),xpt(mamx),xmt(mamx)
+     *         ,xxp(mamx),xyp(mamx),xxt(mamx),xyt(mamx)
+     *         ,idp(mamx),ivp(mamx),ivt(mamx),idt(mamx)
+     *         ,isp(mamx),iap(mamx),ist(mamx),iat(mamx)
+      equivalence (icproj(1,1),icremn(1,1,1))
+     *           ,(ictarg(1,1),icremn(1,1,2))
+      equivalence (xpp(1),xpz(1,1)),(xmt(1),xpz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmp(1),xmz(1,1)),(xpt(1),xmz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xxp(1),xxz(1,1)),(xxt(1),xxz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xyp(1),xyz(1,1)),(xyt(1),xyz(1,2))
+     *           ,(idp(1),idz(1,1)),(idt(1),idz(1,2))
+     *           ,(ivp(1),ivz(1,1)),(ivt(1),ivz(1,2))
+     *           ,(isp(1),isz(1,1)),(ist(1),isz(1,2))
+     *           ,(iap(1),iaz(1,1)),(iat(1),iaz(1,2))
+! xpp(ip),xmp(ip),xpt(it),xmt(it): x+,x- of projectile ip / target it
+! xxp(ip),xyp(ip),xxt(it),xyt(it): px,py of projectile ip / target it
+! idp(ip),idt(it): diquark counter 
+! ivp(ip),ivt(it): valenve quark counter
+! isp(ip),ist(it): sea quark counter
+! iap(ip),iat(it): anti valence quark counter
+      double precision xpmn,xtmn,xpmx,xtmx,xppmx,xptmx,xmpmx,xmtmx 
+     *                 ,xppmn ,xptmn,xmpmn,xmtmn,xpos,xtos     
+      double precision xzmn,xzmx,xpzmx,xmzmx 
+     *                 ,xpzmn ,xmzmn,xzos     
+      common/cemsr1/xzmn(mamx,2),xzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xpzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xmzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xpzmn(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xmzmn(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xzos(mamx,2)   
+      dimension  xpmn(mamx),xtmn(mamx),xpmx(mamx),xtmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xppmx(mamx),xptmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xmpmx(mamx),xmtmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xppmn(mamx),xptmn(mamx)
+     *          ,xmpmn(mamx),xmtmn(mamx)
+     *          ,xpos(mamx),xtos(mamx)    
+      equivalence ( xpmn(1), xzmn(1,1)),( xtmn(1), xzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,( xpmx(1), xzmx(1,1)),( xtmx(1), xzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xppmx(1),xpzmx(1,1)),(xptmx(1),xpzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmpmx(1),xmzmx(1,1)),(xmtmx(1),xmzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xppmn(1),xpzmn(1,1)),(xptmn(1),xpzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmpmn(1),xmzmn(1,1)),(xmtmn(1),xmzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,( xpos(1), xzos(1,1)),( xtos(1), xzos(1,2))
+! xpmn(ip),xtmn(it),xpmx(ip),xtmx(it):      x proj/targ minimum/maximum
+! xppmx(ip),xptmx(it),xmpmx(ip),xmtmx(it):  x+/x- proj/targ maximum
+! xppmn(ip),xptmn(it),xmpmn(ip),xmtmn(it):  x+/x- proj/targ minimum
+! xpos(ip),xtos(it): x value for on shell condition proj/targ
+      common/cemsr3/kolp(mamx),kolt(mamx),npp(mamx),npt(mamx)
+      common/cemsr4/iez(mamx,2),ifz(mamx,2)
+      dimension iep(mamx),iet(mamx),ifp(mamx),ift(mamx) 
+      equivalence (iep(1),iez(1,1)),(iet(1),iez(1,2))
+     *           ,(ifp(1),ifz(1,1)),(ift(1),ifz(1,2))
+! kolp(ip),kolt(it): number of cut Pomerons of proj ip / targ it
+! iep(ip),iet(it):   excitation type of proj ip / targ it 
+!                       (0=none,1=inelastic,2=diffractive)
+! ifp(ip),ift(it):   remnant flip flag proj/targ (0=no,1=yes)
+! if3dp(ip), if3dp(it): triple pomeron diffraction (if 1)
+! transfer from emsini
+      double precision amzmn,ampmn,amtmn,ammn,amemn,amemx,amprmn,xis
+     &,delxi,ddelx,r3pompi,r3pommi,r3pompi3,r3pommi3
+      parameter (ntypmx=19)
+      common/cems12/ammn(0:ntypmx),amprmn(0:ntypmx)
+      common/cemsr6/amzmn(0:1,2),amemn(0:1,0:6),amemx(0:2)
+      dimension ampmn(0:1),amtmn(0:1)
+      equivalence (ampmn(0),amzmn(0,1)), (amtmn(0),amzmn(0,2))  
+      common/cemsr13/xis,delxi,ddelx,r3pompi,r3pommi
+     &,r3pompi3,r3pommi3,ucfpro,ucftar
+      double precision 
+     *xxpr,xxpr0,yx,yx0,xxppr,xxmpr,xxppr0,xxmpr0
+     *,xmtx,xmtx0,xmtlx,xmtlx0
+     *,xppx,xppx0,xpplx,xpplx0
+     *,xppst,xmpst,xposst,xpest,xppstx0,xmpstx0,xppstx,xmpstx
+     *,xmtst,xptst,xtosst,xmest,xmtstx0,xptstx0,xmtstx,xptstx
+      dimension nprx(0:3),nprx0(0:3),iepst(mamx),ietst(mamx)
+     *,xppst(mamx),xmpst(mamx),xposst(mamx),xpest(mamx)
+     *,xmtst(mamx),xptst(mamx),xtosst(mamx),xmest(mamx)
+      common/emsstore/
+     *xxpr,xxpr0,yx,yx0,xxppr,xxmpr,xxppr0,xxmpr0
+     *,xmtx,xmtx0,xmtlx,xmtlx0
+     *,xppx,xppx0,xpplx,xpplx0
+     *,itx,itx0,idx,idx0,iepst,ietst
+     *,npplx0,nptlx0,npplx,nptlx
+     *,nppx,nppx0,nptx,nptx0,nprx,nprx0,nprtx,nprtx0
+     *,xppst,xmpst,xposst,xpest,xppstx0,xmpstx0,xppstx,xmpstx
+     *,xmtst,xptst,xtosst,xmest,xmtstx0,xptstx0,xmtstx,xptstx
+! utilities
+      double precision facto,fctrl
+      common/factori/facto(0:npommx),fctrl(0:npommx),nfctrl
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.incems.high b/modules/epos/epos.incems.high
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..662bbfaae2790493f110852e09b3845c93e1aa76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.incems.high
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+      parameter (mmrye=3,mmryk=1)   !memory saving factor
+      parameter (kollmx=45000/mmrye,npommx=150)
+      parameter (mamx=250/mmryk,ngrmx=1,ntymi=0,ntymx=2)
+      parameter (nflavems=4)
+      double precision om1int,om1intc
+     *        ,atilde,btildep,btildepp
+      common/comega/om1int(kollmx),om1intc(kollmx)
+      common/comtilde/atilde(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx)
+     *,btildep(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx),btildepp(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx)
+     *,ntymin
+      common/col/koll,iproj(kollmx),itarg(kollmx),coord(4,kollmx)
+      common/col1/kremn(mamx,mamx,2),lremn(mamx,2)
+      dimension kproj(mamx,mamx),ktarg(mamx,mamx)
+     *,lproj(mamx),ltarg(mamx)
+      equivalence (kproj(1,1),kremn(1,1,1)),(ktarg(1,1),kremn(1,1,2))
+      equivalence (lproj(1),lremn(1,1)),(ltarg(1),lremn(1,2))
+      double precision gammaV
+      common/col6/kproj3(mamx,mamx),ktarg3(mamx,mamx)
+     *,lproj3(mamx),ltarg3(mamx)
+     *,epsilongp(kollmx,0:1),epsilongt(kollmx,0:1)
+     *,epsilongs(kollmx,0:1),gammaV(kollmx)
+     *,epsilongf(kollmx),epsilongb(kollmx)
+      common/col4/bk(kollmx),bhpr(npommx,kollmx),bkx(kollmx)
+     *,bky(kollmx)
+      double precision PomInck,xxnuc,xzcutpar
+      common/col7/zparremn(kollmx,2),PomInck(kollmx),xzcutpar(kollmx)
+     *,xxnuc(mamx,2,kollmx),npnuc(mamx,2,kollmx)
+     *,irnuc(mamx,2,kollmx),knucnt(2,kollmx)
+      real zparpro(kollmx),zpartar(kollmx)
+      equivalence (zparpro(1),zparremn(1,1)),(zpartar(1),zparremn(1,2))
+! koll: number of relevant pairs
+! iproj(k): projectile index for k-th pair
+! itarg(k): target index for k-th pair
+! lproj(ip): number of pairs linked to projectile ip
+! kproj(ip,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair
+! ltarg(it): number of pairs linked to target it
+! ktarg(it,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair
+! bk(k): b value of the k-th pair (=sqrt(bx**2.+by**2.)) 
+! bkx(k): bx value of the k-th pair
+! bky(k): by value of the k-th pair
+! lproj3(ip): number of pairs linked to projectile ip (no diffraction) 
+! kproj3(ip,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair (no diffraction)
+! ltarg3(it): number of pairs linked to target it (no diffraction)
+! ktarg3(it,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair (no diffraction)
+      common/cems3/nprt(kollmx),npr(0:3,kollmx)
+      common/cems4/nprmx(kollmx)
+! nprt(k):     number of pomerons of collision k
+! npr(id,k):   number of pomerons of type id of collision k
+!                   (id: 0=zero, 1=soft, 2=reggeon, 3=hard)
+! nprmx(k):    maximum number of pomerons of collision k
+      common/cems2/itpr(kollmx),idpr(npommx,kollmx),ivpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *,idfpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *,nvpr(npommx,kollmx),nbkpr(npommx,kollmx)
+! itpr(k):     interaction type of collision k  
+!                       (0=nothing, 1=inelastic, 2=diffractive)   
+! idpr(n,k):   type of pomeron (n,k)
+!                       (0=zero, 1=soft, 2=reggeon, 3=hard)   
+! ivpr(n,k):   status of pomeron (n,k)   (0=virtual, 1=real, 2=backup)
+! nbkpr(n,k):  position of the backup pomeron
+! nvpr(n,k):   position of the pomeron for this backup pomeron
+! idfpr(n,k):  link of pomeron (n,k) (0=no, 1=pro&tar, 2=pro, 3=tar)
+!              idfpr=-1 means backup pomeron
+      double precision xpr,ypr,xppr,xmpr,xpprbor,xmprbor
+      common/cems1/xpr(npommx,kollmx),ypr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1c/xppr(npommx,kollmx),xmpr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1d/xpprbor(npommx,kollmx),xmprbor(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1e/nemispr(2,npommx,kollmx),ptprboo(2,npommx,kollmx)
+! xpr(n,k):     x=x+x- of pomeron (n,k)
+! ypr(n,k):     rapidity of pomeron (n,k) 
+! xpprbor(n,k): x+ of in Born parton of pomeron (n,k)
+! xmprbor(n,k): x- of in Born parton of pomeron (n,k)
+! nemispr(i,n,k): number of up (i=1) and down (i=2) emissions
+      double precision xp1pr,xp2pr,xm1pr,xm2pr,xxp1pr,xyp1pr  
+     *                ,xxp2pr,xyp2pr,xxm1pr,xym1pr,xxm2pr,xym2pr 
+       common/cems7/xp1pr(npommx,kollmx),xp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xm1pr(npommx,kollmx),xm2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,idp1pr(npommx,kollmx),idp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,idm1pr(npommx,kollmx),idm2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems8/xxp1pr(npommx,kollmx),xyp1pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxp2pr(npommx,kollmx),xyp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxm1pr(npommx,kollmx),xym1pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxm2pr(npommx,kollmx),xym2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+! xp1pr(n,k):  x of string end p1                               p1    p2
+! xp2pr(n,k):  x of string end p2                                \    / 
+! xm1pr(n,k):  x of string end m1                                 \  /
+! xm2pr(n,k):  x of string end m2                                  \/
+! idp1pr(n,k): id of string end p1 ( 0=0            )              /\
+! idp2pr(n,k): id of string end p2 ( 1=s    2=v     )             /  \
+! idm1pr(n,k): id of string end m1 ( 4=ss*2 5=ss    )            /    \
+! idm2pr(n,k): id of string end m2 ( 8=f            )           m1    m2
+! xxp1pr(n,k),xyp1pr(n,k): px,py of string end p1
+! xxp2pr(n,k),xyp2pr(n,k): px,py of string end p2
+! xxm1pr(n,k),xym1pr(n,k): px,py of string end m1
+! xxm2pr(n,k),xym2pr(n,k): px,py of string end m2    
+      double precision xme
+      common/cems11/xme(mamx)
+! xme(j):  x- exchange for nucleon j    
+      common/cems22/idhpr(npommx,kollmx),idrpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *             ,idsppr(npommx,kollmx),idstpr(npommx,kollmx)
+! idhpr(n,k):  flav hard Pom (n,k)  (0=gg,1=qg,2=gq,3=qq) 
+! idrpr(n,k):  flav Regg (n,k) (0=ss,1=0va0,2=v00a,3=0as0,4=s00a,5=0sv0,6=v00s)
+! idsppr(n,k): flav soft P (n,k) (proj) (0=ss,1=vs,2=sa,3=va,4=dd,5=svv,6=aas)
+! idstpr(n,k): flav soft P (n,k) (targ) (0=ss,1=vs,2=sa,3=va,4=dd,5=svv,6=aas)
+      common/remn4/jcpval(nflavems,2,mamx),jctval(nflavems,2,mamx)
+      common/remn3/jcpref(nflavems,2,mamx),jctref(nflavems,2,mamx)
+      common/remn2/zzremn(mamx,2)
+      common/remn/icremn(2,mamx,2)
+      dimension icproj(2,mamx),ictarg(2,mamx)     
+      double precision xpp,xmp,xpt,xmt,xxp,xyp,xxt,xyt
+      double precision xpz,xmz,xxz,xyz
+      common/cemsr/xpz(mamx,2),xmz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,xxz(mamx,2),xyz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,idz(mamx,2),ivz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,isz(mamx,2),iaz(mamx,2)
+      dimension xpp(mamx),xmp(mamx),xpt(mamx),xmt(mamx)
+     *         ,xxp(mamx),xyp(mamx),xxt(mamx),xyt(mamx)
+     *         ,idp(mamx),ivp(mamx),ivt(mamx),idt(mamx)
+     *         ,isp(mamx),iap(mamx),ist(mamx),iat(mamx)
+      equivalence (icproj(1,1),icremn(1,1,1))
+     *           ,(ictarg(1,1),icremn(1,1,2))
+      equivalence (xpp(1),xpz(1,1)),(xmt(1),xpz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmp(1),xmz(1,1)),(xpt(1),xmz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xxp(1),xxz(1,1)),(xxt(1),xxz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xyp(1),xyz(1,1)),(xyt(1),xyz(1,2))
+     *           ,(idp(1),idz(1,1)),(idt(1),idz(1,2))
+     *           ,(ivp(1),ivz(1,1)),(ivt(1),ivz(1,2))
+     *           ,(isp(1),isz(1,1)),(ist(1),isz(1,2))
+     *           ,(iap(1),iaz(1,1)),(iat(1),iaz(1,2))
+! xpp(ip),xmp(ip),xpt(it),xmt(it): x+,x- of projectile ip / target it
+! xxp(ip),xyp(ip),xxt(it),xyt(it): px,py of projectile ip / target it
+! idp(ip),idt(it): diquark counter 
+! ivp(ip),ivt(it): valenve quark counter
+! isp(ip),ist(it): sea quark counter
+! iap(ip),iat(it): anti valence quark counter
+      double precision xpmn,xtmn,xpmx,xtmx,xppmx,xptmx,xmpmx,xmtmx 
+     *                 ,xppmn ,xptmn,xmpmn,xmtmn,xpos,xtos     
+      double precision xzmn,xzmx,xpzmx,xmzmx 
+     *                 ,xpzmn ,xmzmn,xzos     
+      common/cemsr1/xzmn(mamx,2),xzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xpzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xmzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xpzmn(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xmzmn(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xzos(mamx,2)   
+      dimension  xpmn(mamx),xtmn(mamx),xpmx(mamx),xtmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xppmx(mamx),xptmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xmpmx(mamx),xmtmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xppmn(mamx),xptmn(mamx)
+     *          ,xmpmn(mamx),xmtmn(mamx)
+     *          ,xpos(mamx),xtos(mamx)    
+      equivalence ( xpmn(1), xzmn(1,1)),( xtmn(1), xzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,( xpmx(1), xzmx(1,1)),( xtmx(1), xzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xppmx(1),xpzmx(1,1)),(xptmx(1),xpzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmpmx(1),xmzmx(1,1)),(xmtmx(1),xmzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xppmn(1),xpzmn(1,1)),(xptmn(1),xpzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmpmn(1),xmzmn(1,1)),(xmtmn(1),xmzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,( xpos(1), xzos(1,1)),( xtos(1), xzos(1,2))
+! xpmn(ip),xtmn(it),xpmx(ip),xtmx(it):      x proj/targ minimum/maximum
+! xppmx(ip),xptmx(it),xmpmx(ip),xmtmx(it):  x+/x- proj/targ maximum
+! xppmn(ip),xptmn(it),xmpmn(ip),xmtmn(it):  x+/x- proj/targ minimum
+! xpos(ip),xtos(it): x value for on shell condition proj/targ
+      common/cemsr3/kolp(mamx),kolt(mamx),npp(mamx),npt(mamx)
+      common/cemsr4/iez(mamx,2),ifz(mamx,2)
+      dimension iep(mamx),iet(mamx),ifp(mamx),ift(mamx) 
+      equivalence (iep(1),iez(1,1)),(iet(1),iez(1,2))
+     *           ,(ifp(1),ifz(1,1)),(ift(1),ifz(1,2))
+! kolp(ip),kolt(it): number of cut Pomerons of proj ip / targ it
+! iep(ip),iet(it):   excitation type of proj ip / targ it 
+!                       (0=none,1=inelastic,2=diffractive)
+! ifp(ip),ift(it):   remnant flip flag proj/targ (0=no,1=yes)
+! if3dp(ip), if3dp(it): triple pomeron diffraction (if 1)
+! transfer from emsini
+      double precision amzmn,ampmn,amtmn,ammn,amemn,amemx,amprmn,xis
+     &,delxi,ddelx,r3pompi,r3pommi,r3pompi3,r3pommi3
+      parameter (ntypmx=19)
+      common/cems12/ammn(0:ntypmx),amprmn(0:ntypmx)
+      common/cemsr6/amzmn(0:1,2),amemn(0:1,0:6),amemx(0:2)
+      dimension ampmn(0:1),amtmn(0:1)
+      equivalence (ampmn(0),amzmn(0,1)), (amtmn(0),amzmn(0,2))  
+      common/cemsr13/xis,delxi,ddelx,r3pompi,r3pommi
+     &,r3pompi3,r3pommi3,ucfpro,ucftar
+      double precision 
+     *xxpr,xxpr0,yx,yx0,xxppr,xxmpr,xxppr0,xxmpr0
+     *,xmtx,xmtx0,xmtlx,xmtlx0
+     *,xppx,xppx0,xpplx,xpplx0
+     *,xppst,xmpst,xposst,xpest,xppstx0,xmpstx0,xppstx,xmpstx
+     *,xmtst,xptst,xtosst,xmest,xmtstx0,xptstx0,xmtstx,xptstx
+      dimension nprx(0:3),nprx0(0:3),iepst(mamx),ietst(mamx)
+     *,xppst(mamx),xmpst(mamx),xposst(mamx),xpest(mamx)
+     *,xmtst(mamx),xptst(mamx),xtosst(mamx),xmest(mamx)
+      common/emsstore/
+     *xxpr,xxpr0,yx,yx0,xxppr,xxmpr,xxppr0,xxmpr0
+     *,xmtx,xmtx0,xmtlx,xmtlx0
+     *,xppx,xppx0,xpplx,xpplx0
+     *,itx,itx0,idx,idx0,iepst,ietst
+     *,npplx0,nptlx0,npplx,nptlx
+     *,nppx,nppx0,nptx,nptx0,nprx,nprx0,nprtx,nprtx0
+     *,xppst,xmpst,xposst,xpest,xppstx0,xmpstx0,xppstx,xmpstx
+     *,xmtst,xptst,xtosst,xmest,xmtstx0,xptstx0,xmtstx,xptstx
+! utilities
+      double precision facto,fctrl
+      common/factori/facto(0:npommx),fctrl(0:npommx),nfctrl
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.incems.low b/modules/epos/epos.incems.low
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cae89765e1eb7750db9aeb9c25e90bf224abfbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.incems.low
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+      parameter (mmrye=15,mmryk=3)   !memory saving factor
+      parameter (kollmx=45000/mmrye,npommx=150)
+      parameter (mamx=250/mmryk,ngrmx=1,ntymi=0,ntymx=2)
+      parameter (nflavems=4)
+      double precision om1int,om1intc
+     *        ,atilde,btildep,btildepp
+      common/comega/om1int(kollmx),om1intc(kollmx)
+      common/comtilde/atilde(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx)
+     *,btildep(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx),btildepp(ntymi:ntymx,kollmx)
+     *,ntymin
+      common/col/koll,iproj(kollmx),itarg(kollmx),coord(4,kollmx)
+      common/col1/kremn(mamx,mamx,2),lremn(mamx,2)
+      dimension kproj(mamx,mamx),ktarg(mamx,mamx)
+     *,lproj(mamx),ltarg(mamx)
+      equivalence (kproj(1,1),kremn(1,1,1)),(ktarg(1,1),kremn(1,1,2))
+      equivalence (lproj(1),lremn(1,1)),(ltarg(1),lremn(1,2))
+      double precision gammaV
+      common/col6/kproj3(mamx,mamx),ktarg3(mamx,mamx)
+     *,lproj3(mamx),ltarg3(mamx)
+     *,epsilongp(kollmx,0:1),epsilongt(kollmx,0:1)
+     *,epsilongs(kollmx,0:1),gammaV(kollmx)
+     *,epsilongf(kollmx),epsilongb(kollmx)
+      common/col4/bk(kollmx),bhpr(npommx,kollmx),bkx(kollmx)
+     *,bky(kollmx)
+      double precision PomInck,xxnuc,xzcutpar
+      common/col7/zparremn(kollmx,2),PomInck(kollmx),xzcutpar(kollmx)
+     *,xxnuc(mamx,2,kollmx),npnuc(mamx,2,kollmx)
+     *,irnuc(mamx,2,kollmx),knucnt(2,kollmx)
+      real zparpro(kollmx),zpartar(kollmx)
+      equivalence (zparpro(1),zparremn(1,1)),(zpartar(1),zparremn(1,2))
+! koll: number of relevant pairs
+! iproj(k): projectile index for k-th pair
+! itarg(k): target index for k-th pair
+! lproj(ip): number of pairs linked to projectile ip
+! kproj(ip,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair
+! ltarg(it): number of pairs linked to target it
+! ktarg(it,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair
+! bk(k): b value of the k-th pair (=sqrt(bx**2.+by**2.)) 
+! bkx(k): bx value of the k-th pair
+! bky(k): by value of the k-th pair
+! lproj3(ip): number of pairs linked to projectile ip (no diffraction) 
+! kproj3(ip,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair (no diffraction)
+! ltarg3(it): number of pairs linked to target it (no diffraction)
+! ktarg3(it,l): corresponding pair index of the l-th pair (no diffraction)
+      common/cems3/nprt(kollmx),npr(0:3,kollmx)
+      common/cems4/nprmx(kollmx)
+! nprt(k):     number of pomerons of collision k
+! npr(id,k):   number of pomerons of type id of collision k
+!                   (id: 0=zero, 1=soft, 2=reggeon, 3=hard)
+! nprmx(k):    maximum number of pomerons of collision k
+      common/cems2/itpr(kollmx),idpr(npommx,kollmx),ivpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *,idfpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *,nvpr(npommx,kollmx),nbkpr(npommx,kollmx)
+! itpr(k):     interaction type of collision k  
+!                       (0=nothing, 1=inelastic, 2=diffractive)   
+! idpr(n,k):   type of pomeron (n,k)
+!                       (0=zero, 1=soft, 2=reggeon, 3=hard)   
+! ivpr(n,k):   status of pomeron (n,k)   (0=virtual, 1=real, 2=backup)
+! nbkpr(n,k):  position of the backup pomeron
+! nvpr(n,k):   position of the pomeron for this backup pomeron
+! idfpr(n,k):  link of pomeron (n,k) (0=no, 1=pro&tar, 2=pro, 3=tar)
+!              idfpr=-1 means backup pomeron
+      double precision xpr,ypr,xppr,xmpr,xpprbor,xmprbor
+      common/cems1/xpr(npommx,kollmx),ypr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1c/xppr(npommx,kollmx),xmpr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1d/xpprbor(npommx,kollmx),xmprbor(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems1e/nemispr(2,npommx,kollmx),ptprboo(2,npommx,kollmx)
+! xpr(n,k):     x=x+x- of pomeron (n,k)
+! ypr(n,k):     rapidity of pomeron (n,k) 
+! xpprbor(n,k): x+ of in Born parton of pomeron (n,k)
+! xmprbor(n,k): x- of in Born parton of pomeron (n,k)
+! nemispr(i,n,k): number of up (i=1) and down (i=2) emissions
+      double precision xp1pr,xp2pr,xm1pr,xm2pr,xxp1pr,xyp1pr  
+     *                ,xxp2pr,xyp2pr,xxm1pr,xym1pr,xxm2pr,xym2pr 
+       common/cems7/xp1pr(npommx,kollmx),xp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xm1pr(npommx,kollmx),xm2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,idp1pr(npommx,kollmx),idp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,idm1pr(npommx,kollmx),idm2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+      common/cems8/xxp1pr(npommx,kollmx),xyp1pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxp2pr(npommx,kollmx),xyp2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxm1pr(npommx,kollmx),xym1pr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *            ,xxm2pr(npommx,kollmx),xym2pr(npommx,kollmx)
+! xp1pr(n,k):  x of string end p1                               p1    p2
+! xp2pr(n,k):  x of string end p2                                \    / 
+! xm1pr(n,k):  x of string end m1                                 \  /
+! xm2pr(n,k):  x of string end m2                                  \/
+! idp1pr(n,k): id of string end p1 ( 0=0            )              /\
+! idp2pr(n,k): id of string end p2 ( 1=s    2=v     )             /  \
+! idm1pr(n,k): id of string end m1 ( 4=ss*2 5=ss    )            /    \
+! idm2pr(n,k): id of string end m2 ( 8=f            )           m1    m2
+! xxp1pr(n,k),xyp1pr(n,k): px,py of string end p1
+! xxp2pr(n,k),xyp2pr(n,k): px,py of string end p2
+! xxm1pr(n,k),xym1pr(n,k): px,py of string end m1
+! xxm2pr(n,k),xym2pr(n,k): px,py of string end m2    
+      double precision xme
+      common/cems11/xme(mamx)
+! xme(j):  x- exchange for nucleon j    
+      common/cems22/idhpr(npommx,kollmx),idrpr(npommx,kollmx)
+     *             ,idsppr(npommx,kollmx),idstpr(npommx,kollmx)
+! idhpr(n,k):  flav hard Pom (n,k)  (0=gg,1=qg,2=gq,3=qq) 
+! idrpr(n,k):  flav Regg (n,k) (0=ss,1=0va0,2=v00a,3=0as0,4=s00a,5=0sv0,6=v00s)
+! idsppr(n,k): flav soft P (n,k) (proj) (0=ss,1=vs,2=sa,3=va,4=dd,5=svv,6=aas)
+! idstpr(n,k): flav soft P (n,k) (targ) (0=ss,1=vs,2=sa,3=va,4=dd,5=svv,6=aas)
+      common/remn4/jcpval(nflavems,2,mamx),jctval(nflavems,2,mamx)
+      common/remn3/jcpref(nflavems,2,mamx),jctref(nflavems,2,mamx)
+      common/remn2/zzremn(mamx,2)
+      common/remn/icremn(2,mamx,2)
+      dimension icproj(2,mamx),ictarg(2,mamx)     
+      double precision xpp,xmp,xpt,xmt,xxp,xyp,xxt,xyt
+      double precision xpz,xmz,xxz,xyz
+      common/cemsr/xpz(mamx,2),xmz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,xxz(mamx,2),xyz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,idz(mamx,2),ivz(mamx,2)
+     *            ,isz(mamx,2),iaz(mamx,2)
+      dimension xpp(mamx),xmp(mamx),xpt(mamx),xmt(mamx)
+     *         ,xxp(mamx),xyp(mamx),xxt(mamx),xyt(mamx)
+     *         ,idp(mamx),ivp(mamx),ivt(mamx),idt(mamx)
+     *         ,isp(mamx),iap(mamx),ist(mamx),iat(mamx)
+      equivalence (icproj(1,1),icremn(1,1,1))
+     *           ,(ictarg(1,1),icremn(1,1,2))
+      equivalence (xpp(1),xpz(1,1)),(xmt(1),xpz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmp(1),xmz(1,1)),(xpt(1),xmz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xxp(1),xxz(1,1)),(xxt(1),xxz(1,2))
+     *           ,(xyp(1),xyz(1,1)),(xyt(1),xyz(1,2))
+     *           ,(idp(1),idz(1,1)),(idt(1),idz(1,2))
+     *           ,(ivp(1),ivz(1,1)),(ivt(1),ivz(1,2))
+     *           ,(isp(1),isz(1,1)),(ist(1),isz(1,2))
+     *           ,(iap(1),iaz(1,1)),(iat(1),iaz(1,2))
+! xpp(ip),xmp(ip),xpt(it),xmt(it): x+,x- of projectile ip / target it
+! xxp(ip),xyp(ip),xxt(it),xyt(it): px,py of projectile ip / target it
+! idp(ip),idt(it): diquark counter 
+! ivp(ip),ivt(it): valenve quark counter
+! isp(ip),ist(it): sea quark counter
+! iap(ip),iat(it): anti valence quark counter
+      double precision xpmn,xtmn,xpmx,xtmx,xppmx,xptmx,xmpmx,xmtmx 
+     *                 ,xppmn ,xptmn,xmpmn,xmtmn,xpos,xtos     
+      double precision xzmn,xzmx,xpzmx,xmzmx 
+     *                 ,xpzmn ,xmzmn,xzos     
+      common/cemsr1/xzmn(mamx,2),xzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xpzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xmzmx(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xpzmn(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xmzmn(mamx,2)
+     *             ,xzos(mamx,2)   
+      dimension  xpmn(mamx),xtmn(mamx),xpmx(mamx),xtmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xppmx(mamx),xptmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xmpmx(mamx),xmtmx(mamx)
+     *          ,xppmn(mamx),xptmn(mamx)
+     *          ,xmpmn(mamx),xmtmn(mamx)
+     *          ,xpos(mamx),xtos(mamx)    
+      equivalence ( xpmn(1), xzmn(1,1)),( xtmn(1), xzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,( xpmx(1), xzmx(1,1)),( xtmx(1), xzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xppmx(1),xpzmx(1,1)),(xptmx(1),xpzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmpmx(1),xmzmx(1,1)),(xmtmx(1),xmzmx(1,2))
+     *           ,(xppmn(1),xpzmn(1,1)),(xptmn(1),xpzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,(xmpmn(1),xmzmn(1,1)),(xmtmn(1),xmzmn(1,2))
+     *           ,( xpos(1), xzos(1,1)),( xtos(1), xzos(1,2))
+! xpmn(ip),xtmn(it),xpmx(ip),xtmx(it):      x proj/targ minimum/maximum
+! xppmx(ip),xptmx(it),xmpmx(ip),xmtmx(it):  x+/x- proj/targ maximum
+! xppmn(ip),xptmn(it),xmpmn(ip),xmtmn(it):  x+/x- proj/targ minimum
+! xpos(ip),xtos(it): x value for on shell condition proj/targ
+      common/cemsr3/kolp(mamx),kolt(mamx),npp(mamx),npt(mamx)
+      common/cemsr4/iez(mamx,2),ifz(mamx,2)
+      dimension iep(mamx),iet(mamx),ifp(mamx),ift(mamx) 
+      equivalence (iep(1),iez(1,1)),(iet(1),iez(1,2))
+     *           ,(ifp(1),ifz(1,1)),(ift(1),ifz(1,2))
+! kolp(ip),kolt(it): number of cut Pomerons of proj ip / targ it
+! iep(ip),iet(it):   excitation type of proj ip / targ it 
+!                       (0=none,1=inelastic,2=diffractive)
+! ifp(ip),ift(it):   remnant flip flag proj/targ (0=no,1=yes)
+! if3dp(ip), if3dp(it): triple pomeron diffraction (if 1)
+! transfer from emsini
+      double precision amzmn,ampmn,amtmn,ammn,amemn,amemx,amprmn,xis
+     &,delxi,ddelx,r3pompi,r3pommi,r3pompi3,r3pommi3
+      parameter (ntypmx=19)
+      common/cems12/ammn(0:ntypmx),amprmn(0:ntypmx)
+      common/cemsr6/amzmn(0:1,2),amemn(0:1,0:6),amemx(0:2)
+      dimension ampmn(0:1),amtmn(0:1)
+      equivalence (ampmn(0),amzmn(0,1)), (amtmn(0),amzmn(0,2))  
+      common/cemsr13/xis,delxi,ddelx,r3pompi,r3pommi
+     &,r3pompi3,r3pommi3,ucfpro,ucftar
+      double precision 
+     *xxpr,xxpr0,yx,yx0,xxppr,xxmpr,xxppr0,xxmpr0
+     *,xmtx,xmtx0,xmtlx,xmtlx0
+     *,xppx,xppx0,xpplx,xpplx0
+     *,xppst,xmpst,xposst,xpest,xppstx0,xmpstx0,xppstx,xmpstx
+     *,xmtst,xptst,xtosst,xmest,xmtstx0,xptstx0,xmtstx,xptstx
+      dimension nprx(0:3),nprx0(0:3),iepst(mamx),ietst(mamx)
+     *,xppst(mamx),xmpst(mamx),xposst(mamx),xpest(mamx)
+     *,xmtst(mamx),xptst(mamx),xtosst(mamx),xmest(mamx)
+      common/emsstore/
+     *xxpr,xxpr0,yx,yx0,xxppr,xxmpr,xxppr0,xxmpr0
+     *,xmtx,xmtx0,xmtlx,xmtlx0
+     *,xppx,xppx0,xpplx,xpplx0
+     *,itx,itx0,idx,idx0,iepst,ietst
+     *,npplx0,nptlx0,npplx,nptlx
+     *,nppx,nppx0,nptx,nptx0,nprx,nprx0,nprtx,nprtx0
+     *,xppst,xmpst,xposst,xpest,xppstx0,xmpstx0,xppstx,xmpstx
+     *,xmtst,xptst,xtosst,xmest,xmtstx0,xptstx0,xmtstx,xptstx
+! utilities
+      double precision facto,fctrl
+      common/factori/facto(0:npommx),fctrl(0:npommx),nfctrl
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.inchy b/modules/epos/epos.inchy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7afb89dcb6b7c917b0160b774a9889157c71a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.inchy
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+      parameter (ncenthx=7)
+      parameter (netahx=21,ntauhx=123)
+      parameter (nphihx=121,nradhx=75)
+      parameter (nraphx=20)
+      common/chydim/ncenthy,netahy,ntauhy,nphihy,nradhy
+      common/ctau/ntauho
+      common/ctauhoc/ntauhoc(ncenthx),tauhoc(ncenthx,ntauhx)
+      common/ctauhec/ntauhec(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,nphihx)
+      common/hydtab/centhy(ncenthx),etahy(netahx)
+     *      ,tauhy(ntauhx),phihy(nphihx),radhy(nradhx)
+     *       ,epsii(ncenthx,netahx,nphihx,nradhx)
+        common/czeta/zetahy(1-netahx:netahx-1)
+      common/cpau/
+     *  paut(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx)
+     * ,pauf(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+      common/hydtab4/
+     *   raa(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     *,vaa(3,ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     *  ,waa(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1,ntauhx,nphihx)
+      common/hydtab3/rar(ncenthx,netahx,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     *            ,var(3,ncenthx,netahx,ntauhx,nphihx)
+     *              ,war(ncenthx,netahx,ntauhx,nphihx)
+      parameter (mxeos=50001 )
+      common/ceos/eos(3,mxeos)              
+     *      ,eosmu(17,mxeos),meos,meosmu    
+      parameter (mxcenty=200 )
+      common/ccenty/bcenty(mxcenty),pcenty(mxcenty),mcenty
+      parameter (mxbimp=500 )
+      common/cbimp/bimpar(2,mxbimp),nbimp
+      common/hydtab6/geff(ncenthx,netahx)
+      common/hydtab7/feff(ncenthx,-netahx+1:netahx-1) 
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.incico b/modules/epos/epos.incico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..802f587955f0acba594fdc9e862b672c4bdc8c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.incico
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+c               initial conditions for hydro
+      real xminico,xmaxico,yminico,ymaxico,zminico,zmaxico
+      integer nxico,nyico,nzico
+      real IcoE, IcoV, IcoF
+      parameter (xminico=-10.25,xmaxico=10.25)       !x range
+      parameter (yminico=-10.25,ymaxico=10.25)       !y range
+      parameter (zminico= -6.25,zmaxico= 6.25)       !eta range
+      parameter (nxico=41,nyico=41,nzico=25) !number of bins (uneven!!!)
+      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !  We think in terms of bins:
+      !    xminico, yminico,zminico: lower end of 1st bin
+      !    xmaxico,ymaxico,zmaxico: upper end of last bin 
+      !  Concerning the mean value for the bins number "i":
+      !   x_i=xminico+(i-0.5)*(xmaxico-xminico)/nxico
+      !   y_j=xminico+(j-0.5)*(ymaxico-yminico)/nyico
+      !   z_k=xminico+(k-0.5)*(zmaxico-zminico)/nzico
+      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      common /Ico3/ IcoE(nxico,nyico,nzico)
+      common /Ico4/ IcoV(3,nxico,nyico,nzico)
+      common /Ico5/ IcoF(3,nxico,nyico,nzico)
+      !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !/Ico3/  IcoE(ix,iy,iz)         energy-density 
+      !
+      !/Ico4/  IcoV(1,ix,iy,iz)       x-velocity 
+      !        IcoV(2,ix,iy,iz)       y-velocity 
+      !        IcoV(3,ix,iy,iz)       z-velocity 
+      !
+      !/Ico5 / IcoF(1,ix,iy,iz)       net flavor density of up
+      !        IcoF(2,ix,iy,iz)       net flavor density of down
+      !        IcoF(3,ix,iy,iz)       net flavor density of strange
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !   ix,iy,iz ....... transverse coordinates + pseudo-rapidity eta
+      !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+      real tauico
+      common/ctauico/tauico
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.incpar b/modules/epos/epos.incpar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3d8b1992b0047603c8c11dcd6a94cca4d271f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.incpar
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+      parameter(maxdataDf=100,nbpf=30)
+      double precision xminDf,xmaxDf,xfitmin,xshmin,xggfit
+      common /parvar/ xminDf,xmaxDf,xfitmin,xshmin,xggfit
+     &               ,nmcxDf,nmcbDf,nptf,smaxDf,bmaxDf,sfshlim
+      common /fitpar/ numparDf,parDf(nbpf,4),numdataDf,numminDf,
+     &                datafitD(maxdataDF,3),fparDf,betac,betae
+      common /epspar/epscrw,epscrp,egyscr,iscreeni,epscrs,epscrx,epscrh
+     &,znurho,zbrads,epscrd,bglaubx,b2xscr,fegypp,zbcutx
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.incsem b/modules/epos/epos.incsem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2366156ed3ed9e9d434c7a90f7c277e10750b5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.incsem
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+      common /psar1/icdp,icdt
+      common /psar3/  dels,alfp,ffrr,delh,r3pom,r4pom,alpasf
+      common /psar5/  qcdlam,q2min,q2ini,q2fin,pt2cut,
+     *betpom,glusea,naflav,alfe
+      common /psar8/  stmass ,amhadr(8),qcmass
+      common /psar12/ ydmin,ydmax,qdmin,qdmax,themin,themax,elomin
+      common /psar14/ factk,factgam
+      double precision  cYfus,cYscr,cYdif,cXfus,cXdif,cXscr
+      common /psar16/ cYfus,cYscr,cYdif,cXfus,cXdif,cXscr
+      common/cgamsoft/gamsoft
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.ini1b b/modules/epos/epos.ini1b
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..610da47b49ecdb7982088f46a6d8504b081e1cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.ini1b
@@ -0,0 +1,6347 @@
+ +++++1b
+ 197 197  200.  0.219999999
+ 5 7 49 25 75
+  1.70000005  5.69999981  8.10000038  10.  12.8999996  0.  1.20000005
+  2.4000001  3.20000005  3.5999999  4.  4.4000001  0.600000024  1.  1.39999998
+  1.79999995  2.20000005  2.5999999  3.  3.4000001  3.79999995  4.19999981
+  4.5999999  5.  5.4000001  5.80000019  6.19999981  6.5999999  7.  7.4000001
+  7.80000019  8.19999981  8.60000038  9.  9.39999962  9.80000019  10.1999998
+  10.6000004  11.  11.3999996  11.8000002  12.1999998  12.6000004  13.
+  13.3999996  13.8000002  14.1999998  14.6000004  15.  15.3999996  15.8000002
+  16.2000008  16.6000004  17.  17.3999996  17.7999992  18.2000008  18.6000004
+  19.  19.3999996  19.7999992  0.  0.0654498488  0.130899698  0.196349546
+  0.261799395  0.327249229  0.392699093  0.458148926  0.52359879  0.589048624
+  0.654498458  0.719948351  0.785398185  0.850848019  0.916297853  0.981747746
+  1.04719758  1.11264741  1.17809725  1.24354708  1.30899692  1.37444687
+  1.4398967  1.50534654  1.57079637  0.  0.405405402  0.810810804  1.21621621
+  1.62162161  2.02702713  2.43243241  2.83783793  3.24324322  3.64864874
+  4.05405426  4.4594593  4.86486483  5.27027035  5.67567587  6.08108091
+  6.48648643  6.89189196  7.29729748  7.70270252  8.10810852  8.51351357
+  8.91891861  9.32432461  9.72972965  10.1351347  10.5405407  10.9459457
+  11.3513517  11.7567568  12.1621618  12.5675678  12.9729729  13.3783779
+  13.7837839  14.189189  14.594595  15.  15.405405  15.810811  16.216217
+  16.6216221  17.0270271  17.4324322  17.8378372  18.2432442  18.6486492
+  19.0540543  19.4594593  19.8648643  20.2702694  20.6756763  21.0810814
+  21.4864864  21.8918915  22.2972965  22.7027035  23.1081085  23.5135136
+  23.9189186  24.3243237  24.7297306  25.1351357  25.5405407  25.9459457
+  26.3513508  26.7567558  27.1621628  27.5675678  27.9729729  28.3783779
+  28.783783  29.1891899  29.594595  30.
+  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992
+  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996
+  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961
+  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003
+  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.
+  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991  16.0827999  11.8837996
+  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999  9.01430988  1.49333
+  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017  0.839999974  5.11375999
+  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  22.0832996  20.  16.9167004  12.5  2.33332992  20.9946995  19.0140991
+  16.0827999  11.8837996  2.12333012  15.9252996  14.4229002  12.1993999
+  9.01430988  1.49333  9.44209957  8.55132961  7.2329998  5.34458017
+  0.839999974  5.11375999  4.63133001  3.91733003  2.89457989  0.443333  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.987051  19.8273678  16.6279411  12.1747894
+  2.19206762  20.9031639  18.8499756  15.8081951  11.5745945  1.99478698
+  15.8559036  14.2983494  11.9911394  8.77977848  1.40292525  9.40093517
+  8.47751045  7.10953045  5.20552969  0.789146245  5.09146547  4.59135008
+  3.85046244  2.81926894  0.416493356  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9866066  19.8293152  16.6346684  12.1842031  2.19619274  20.9027481
+  18.8518238  15.8145971  11.5835514  1.9985404  15.8555832  14.2997589
+  11.9959955  8.7865696  1.40556502  9.40074539  8.47834206  7.11240911
+  5.20955467  0.790631115  5.09136295  4.59180117  3.85202217  2.82144928
+  0.417277038  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9863434  19.8317776
+  16.6423588  12.1947422  2.20087981  20.9024982  18.8541584  15.821908
+  11.5935736  2.00280523  15.8553972  14.3015404  12.001543  8.79416847
+  1.40856493  9.40063381  8.47939396  7.11569834  5.21405983  0.792318225
+  5.09130335  4.59237051  3.85380292  2.82388926  0.418167472  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9861927  19.8346348  16.6507835  12.2060986
+  2.20585918  20.9023571  18.8568745  15.8299208  11.6043739  2.00733542
+  15.8552885  14.303606  12.0076227  8.80235863  1.41175091  9.40056992
+  8.48061371  7.1193037  5.21891546  0.794110298  5.09126806  4.59303141
+  3.85575557  2.82651949  0.419113338  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9860992  19.8378048  16.6598015  12.2180786  2.21097946  20.9022694
+  18.8598843  15.8384962  11.6157684  2.01199412  15.8552265  14.3058977
+  12.0141287  8.81099796  1.41502774  9.40053177  8.48196793  7.12316084
+  5.22403765  0.795953274  5.09124804  4.59376526  3.85784459  2.82929373
+  0.420086116  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9861126  19.8412666
+  16.6692715  12.2305174  2.21629119  20.9022865  18.8631706  15.8475075
+  11.6275978  2.01682782  15.8552351  14.3083963  12.0209627  8.81996822
+  1.41842735  9.40053749  8.48344803  7.12721205  5.22935629  0.797865391
+  5.0912509  4.59456635  3.86003876  2.83217454  0.421095341  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9862137  19.8449535  16.6790466  12.2432184
+  2.22171307  20.9023857  18.8666744  15.8568001  11.6396751  2.02176142
+  15.8553104  14.3110628  12.0280132  8.82912636  1.42189717  9.40058041
+  8.48502445  7.13139296  5.23478651  0.799816966  5.09127522  4.59541988
+  3.86230278  2.83511519  0.422125399  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9863987  19.8488159  16.688982  12.2560024  2.22717214  20.9025612
+  18.8703423  15.86625  11.6518345  2.02672863  15.855443  14.3138514
+  12.035181  8.83834648  1.42539048  9.40066051  8.48667526  7.13564348
+  5.24025297  0.801782012  5.09131813  4.59631348  3.86460447  2.83807635
+  0.42316252  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9866505  19.8527946
+  16.6989536  12.2687149  2.23260331  20.9028072  18.8741207  15.8757362
+  11.6639223  2.03167057  15.8556261  14.3167267  12.0423756  8.84751511
+  1.42886639  9.40077019  8.48837471  7.13990879  5.24568892  0.803737044
+  5.09137726  4.5972352  3.86691523  2.84102058  0.424194336  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9869652  19.856842  16.7088509  12.2812147
+  2.23794723  20.9031086  18.8779678  15.8851452  11.6758089  2.03653336
+  15.8558531  14.3196497  12.0495157  8.85653114  1.43228614  9.40090466
+  8.49010658  7.1441412  5.25103331  0.805660784  5.09145117  4.59817266
+  3.86920738  2.84391499  0.425209671  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9873333  19.8609104  16.7185669  12.2933731  2.24315047  20.9034595
+  18.8818378  15.8943844  11.6873722  2.04126763  15.8561182  14.322588
+  12.0565243  8.86530018  1.43561602  9.40106297  8.49184513  7.14829588
+  5.25623322  0.807533681  5.09153652  4.59911489  3.87145758  2.84673142
+  0.426198214  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.987751  19.8649654
+  16.728014  12.30509  2.24817014  20.9038582  18.8856869  15.9033661
+  11.6985111  2.04583526  15.8564186  14.3255119  12.0633392  8.87374973
+  1.43882823  9.40124226  8.49357891  7.15233612  5.26124287  0.809340596
+  5.09163284  4.60005331  3.87364602  2.84944463  0.427151889  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.988205  19.8689613  16.7371178  12.3162718
+  2.25296736  20.9042931  18.8894882  15.9120255  11.7091455  2.0502007
+  15.8567448  14.3284006  12.0699062  8.88181496  1.44189823  9.4014349
+  8.49528885  7.15622902  5.26602507  0.811067641  5.0917387  4.60097885
+  3.87575459  2.85203433  0.428063363  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9886932  19.8728733  16.7458096  12.3268394  2.25750756  20.9047585
+  18.8932018  15.9202852  11.7191954  2.05433226  15.8570938  14.3312216
+  12.0761738  8.88943768  1.44480407  9.40164471  8.49695969  7.15994501
+  5.27054405  0.812702119  5.09185171  4.60188484  3.87776756  2.8544817
+  0.428926051  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9892159  19.8766689
+  16.754034  12.3367357  2.26176667  20.9052601  18.8968105  15.9281054
+  11.7286072  2.05820799  15.8574705  14.3339634  12.0821056  8.89657688
+  1.44752991  9.40186787  8.49858475  7.16346264  5.27477694  0.814235449
+  5.09197378  4.60276413  3.87967181  2.85677433  0.429735303  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.989769  19.8803253  16.7617359  12.3459015
+  2.26572013  20.9057865  18.9002838  15.9354305  11.7373228  2.06180525
+  15.8578663  14.3365993  12.0876646  8.90318871  1.45005953  9.40210438
+  8.50014782  7.16675758  5.27869749  0.815658391  5.09210157  4.60361052
+  3.88145614  2.85889721  0.430486351  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9903507  19.8838139  16.768877  12.35429  2.26934695  20.9063416
+  18.9035988  15.9422207  11.7453022  2.06510496  15.8582859  14.339119
+  12.0928173  8.90924072  1.4523803  9.40235233  8.50164127  7.1698103
+  5.28228569  0.81696403  5.09223604  4.60441923  3.88311052  2.86084032
+  0.431175381  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.990963  19.8871193
+  16.7754173  12.3618622  2.27262926  20.9069252  18.9067421  15.9484415
+  11.7525024  2.06809211  15.8587236  14.3415012  12.0975342  8.91470528
+  1.45448101  9.40261459  8.50305462  7.17260742  5.28552485  0.818145692
+  5.09237814  4.60518456  3.8846252  2.86259437  0.431799084  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9916077  19.8902149  16.7813168  12.368577
+  2.2755506  20.9075375  18.9096832  15.9540462  11.7588902  2.07075
+  15.8591824  14.3437357  12.1017895  8.91954994  1.45635009  9.4028883
+  8.50438023  7.17512941  5.28839731  0.819197357  5.09252644  4.60590172
+  3.88599133  2.86415005  0.432354152  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9922829  19.8930893  16.786541  12.3744011  2.27809572  20.9081745
+  18.9124126  15.9590168  11.764431  2.07306647  15.8596649  14.345808
+  12.1055613  8.92375374  1.45797908  9.40317535  8.50560951  7.17736292
+  5.29088974  0.820113897  5.09268236  4.60656738  3.88720202  2.8654995
+  0.432837754  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9929886  19.8957176
+  16.7910633  12.379302  2.28024983  20.9088516  18.9149113  15.9633141
+  11.7690935  2.07502651  15.8601694  14.347702  12.1088219  8.92729092
+  1.45935774  9.40347862  8.50673389  7.17929554  5.29298735  0.820889533
+  5.09284592  4.60717583  3.88824844  2.86663485  0.433247119  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9937344  19.8980827  16.7948475  12.3832455
+  2.28199959  20.9095612  18.9171638  15.9669104  11.7728481  2.07661891
+  15.8607016  14.349412  12.1115522  8.93013954  1.46047699  9.40379715
+  8.5077486  7.18091345  5.2946763  0.821519434  5.09301853  4.60772562
+  3.88912511  2.8675499  0.433579534  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  21.9944668  19.9001141  16.7977924  12.3861399  2.28330564  20.9102516
+  18.9190922  15.9697104  11.7756042  2.07780695  15.8612213  14.3508759
+  12.113677  8.9322319  1.46131265  9.40410614  8.50861931  7.18217278
+  5.29591656  0.821989775  5.09318686  4.60819674  3.88980651  2.86822057
+  0.433827698  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.9952202  19.9018497
+  16.7999554  12.3880396  2.28419113  20.9109669  18.9207382  15.9717674
+  11.7774134  2.0786128  15.861763  14.3521233  12.1152382  8.93360519
+  1.46187961  9.40442753  8.50936127  7.18309498  5.296731  0.822308779
+  5.0933609  4.60859728  3.89030719  2.8686614  0.433996081  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.996069  19.9033375  16.8013783  12.3889828  2.28466535
+  20.9117737  18.9221535  15.9731197  11.7783146  2.0790441  15.8623648
+  14.3531961  12.1162672  8.93428898  1.46218252  9.40478802  8.50999928
+  7.1837039  5.29713726  0.822479606  5.09355593  4.60894299  3.89063668
+  2.86888027  0.434086174  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7515526
+  19.3845081  15.8587017  11.2951603  1.81305826  20.6793385  18.4289398
+  15.0769033  10.7383738  1.64988482  15.6860123  13.9790344  11.4364357
+  8.14546108  1.16035438  9.30023003  8.28818512  6.78065586  4.8294363
+  0.652700663  5.03692675  4.48881388  3.67234063  2.61558127  0.34448123  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7523594  19.3985481  15.8992968
+  11.3500223  1.83544183  20.680088  18.4422798  15.1154957  10.790535
+  1.67025328  15.6865969  13.9891481  11.4657049  8.18502808  1.17467952
+  9.30057144  8.29417992  6.79801083  4.85289621  0.660758972  5.03711271
+  4.49206161  3.68174171  2.6282866  0.348734081  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7533951  19.4133835  15.9411793  11.4062529  1.85873723
+  20.6810474  18.4563847  15.1553135  10.8439941  1.69145167  15.6873436
+  13.9998455  11.495904  8.22557735  1.18958831  9.30101013  8.30052185
+  6.81591702  4.87693977  0.669145286  5.03735065  4.4954958  3.69144154
+  2.64130783  0.353160113  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7546368
+  19.4288483  15.983655  11.4626265  1.88188469  20.6822128  18.4710865
+  15.1956968  10.8975935  1.71251571  15.688242  14.010994  11.5265312
+  8.26623249  1.20440245  9.30153942  8.30713177  6.83407927  4.9010458
+  0.677478433  5.03763771  4.49907398  3.70127916  2.65436363  0.357558161  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7560616  19.444725  16.0261078
+  11.5182018  1.90422428  20.6835499  18.4861851  15.2360573  10.950429
+  1.73284435  15.689271  14.0224447  11.5571413  8.3063097  1.21869969
+  9.30214596  8.31391907  6.85222769  4.9248085  0.685520709  5.03796673
+  4.50274992  3.71110988  2.66723323  0.361802608  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7576103  19.4606953  16.0678253  11.5723295  1.92604363
+  20.6850147  18.5013657  15.2757196  11.0018883  1.75270009  15.6903887
+  14.0339594  11.5872211  8.34534359  1.23266411  9.30280972  8.32074451
+  6.87006426  4.94795179  0.693375707  5.03832483  4.50644588  3.72077107
+  2.67976713  0.365948349  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7592564
+  19.476532  16.1082726  11.6243353  1.94709504  20.6865673  18.5164261
+  15.3141747  11.0513353  1.77185667  15.691576  14.0453815  11.6163845
+  8.38284779  1.24613702  9.30351257  8.32751369  6.88735723  4.97018957
+  0.700954258  5.03870487  4.51011229  3.73013759  2.69181013  0.369948059  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7609634  19.4920578  16.1470184
+  11.6736898  1.96717691  20.6881866  18.531189  15.3510141  11.0982561
+  1.79013085  15.6928091  14.0565815  11.6443233  8.418437  1.25898921
+  9.30424213  8.33415031  6.90392303  4.99129057  0.708183646  5.03910065
+  4.51370668  3.73911023  2.70323873  0.373763561  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7626019  19.5067673  16.1828957  11.7188997  1.9856565
+  20.6897411  18.5451794  15.3851261  11.1412401  1.80694711  15.6939907
+  14.0671949  11.6701927  8.45104027  1.27081633  9.30494499  8.34044075
+  6.91926241  5.01062155  0.71483624  5.03948116  4.51711273  3.74741793
+  2.71370792  0.377274722  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7635784
+  19.5187397  16.2114849  11.754241  2.00002527  20.6906776  18.5565662
+  15.4123087  11.1748476  1.82002258  15.6946917  14.0758362  11.6907959
+  8.47652721  1.28001249  9.30536556  8.34555817  6.93148232  5.02573204
+  0.72000885  5.03971004  4.51988554  3.75403523  2.72189283  0.380004793  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7647038  19.530756  16.2395096
+  11.7886276  2.01420712  20.6917496  18.5679989  15.4389534  11.2075405
+  1.83292818  15.6955004  14.0845127  11.7109957  8.5013237  1.2890892
+  9.30584812  8.35069656  6.94346237  5.04043436  0.725114286  5.03997087
+  4.52266836  3.76052284  2.7298553  0.3826994  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  21.7659397  19.5426655  16.2666454  11.8216715  2.02806234
+  20.6929379  18.5793247  15.4647522  11.2389517  1.84553599  15.6963968
+  14.0931053  11.7305584  8.52515125  1.29795635  9.30638123  8.35579205
+  6.95506239  5.05456161  0.730101764  5.04025936  4.52542734  3.76680517
+  2.73750758  0.38533178  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7672806
+  19.5543423  16.2926121  11.8530502  2.0414784  20.6942215  18.5904293
+  15.4894447  11.2687798  1.85774529  15.6973686  14.101531  11.7492809
+  8.54778099  1.30654263  9.30695629  8.36078358  6.96616316  5.06797695
+  0.734931529  5.04057217  4.52813196  3.77281761  2.7447741  0.387880862  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7687073  19.5656605  16.317152
+  11.8824797  2.05436516  20.6955929  18.6011848  15.5127745  11.2967482
+  1.8694725  15.6984053  14.1096954  11.7669783  8.56900024  1.31479013
+  9.30757046  8.36562061  6.97665644  5.08055782  0.739570558  5.04090405
+  4.53075266  3.77850056  2.75158834  0.390329301  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7702007  19.576498  16.3400345  11.9096937  2.06664824
+  20.6970234  18.6114845  15.5345297  11.3226089  1.88065004  15.6994896
+  14.1175108  11.7834787  8.588624  1.32265091  9.30821228  8.37025547
+  6.98643875  5.09219313  0.743992209  5.04125166  4.53326273  3.78380036
+  2.75789046  0.392662972  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7717514
+  19.58675  16.3610458  11.9344721  2.0782733  20.6985111  18.6212254
+  15.5545044  11.3461494  1.89122963  15.7006273  14.1249084  11.7986336
+  8.60649109  1.33009076  9.30887985  8.37463856  6.99542475  5.10278606
+  0.74817723  5.04161358  4.53563738  3.78866744  2.76362753  0.394871712  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.773365  19.5963249  16.3799801
+  11.9565964  2.08919525  20.7000599  18.6303158  15.5725098  11.3671646
+  1.90116906  15.7018042  14.1318073  11.8122969  8.6224432  1.33708024
+  9.30957413  8.37872982  7.00352383  5.11224556  0.752108872  5.04198742
+  4.53785372  3.7930553  2.76875067  0.396946698  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7746544  19.6065311  16.4008236  11.9809055  2.09980297
+  20.7012901  18.6400166  15.592329  11.3902664  1.91082156  15.7027426
+  14.1391668  11.8273354  8.63997269  1.34386921  9.31012726  8.38309383
+  7.01243687  5.12263775  0.755927503  5.0422883  4.54021692  3.7978828
+  2.77437949  0.39896211  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7759266
+  19.6165504  16.4210243  12.0043001  2.10985065  20.7024994  18.6495399
+  15.6115389  11.4124994  1.91996479  15.703661  14.1463881  11.8419104
+  8.65684032  1.35030007  9.3106699  8.38737774  7.0210762  5.13263798
+  0.759544909  5.04258204  4.54253674  3.80256152  2.77979517  0.400871277  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7772217  19.6261597  16.4399738
+  12.0260611  2.11924672  20.7037296  18.6586685  15.6295624  11.4331837
+  1.92851412  15.7045994  14.1533146  11.855588  8.67252922  1.35631382
+  9.31122589  8.39148426  7.02918196  5.14194012  0.762927353  5.04288292
+  4.54476118  3.80695105  2.78483343  0.402656466  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7785454  19.6352711  16.4575272  12.0460243  2.1279304
+  20.7049885  18.6673336  15.6462574  11.4521551  1.93641543  15.7055569
+  14.1598825  11.8682566  8.68692017  1.36187172  9.31179142  8.39538288
+  7.03668833  5.15047264  0.766053617  5.04319096  4.54687071  3.81101584
+  2.78945398  0.404306412  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7799015
+  19.6438122  16.4735107  12.0640011  2.13583326  20.7062721  18.6754494
+  15.6614618  11.469245  1.94360602  15.7065325  14.1660366  11.879797
+  8.69988155  1.36693025  9.31237125  8.39903259  7.0435257  5.15815592
+  0.768898726  5.04350519  4.5488472  3.81471753  2.79361534  0.405808002  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7812958  19.651701  16.4877834
+  12.0798349  2.14286232  20.7075939  18.682951  15.6750412  11.4842949
+  1.95000088  15.7075329  14.1717224  11.8901052  8.71129513  1.37142968
+  9.3129673  8.40240574  7.04963112  5.16492319  0.771429241  5.04382849
+  4.55067301  3.8180232  2.79727983  0.407143593  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.7827148  19.6588287  16.5001163  12.0932617  2.14893746
+  20.7089386  18.6897221  15.68678  11.4970636  1.95552742  15.7085562
+  14.176857  11.8990145  8.72097301  1.37531853  9.31357574  8.40545273
+  7.0549078  5.17066097  0.773616433  5.04415846  4.55232239  3.82087922
+  2.80038667  0.408297867  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.7841492
+  19.6650505  16.5102348  12.1039686  2.15395856  20.7102947  18.6956387
+  15.6964083  11.5072422  1.96009493  15.7095833  14.1813412  11.9063263
+  8.72868824  1.37853289  9.314188  8.40811348  7.05923748  5.17523527
+  0.775423944  5.04449034  4.55376196  3.82322168  2.80286288  0.409251899  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.3992805  18.6931915  14.6294317
+  9.89536858  1.26694894  20.3444729  17.7716789  13.9083176  9.40757751
+  1.15292287  15.4319792  13.4804726  10.549963  7.13599157  0.810845077
+  9.14963627  7.99256849  6.25505924  4.23093128  0.456100106  4.95536709
+  4.32871199  3.38768792  2.29143167  0.240719914  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4020004  18.728241  14.7296152  10.0278854  1.31286728
+  20.3470497  17.804985  14.0035429  9.53356552  1.1947062  15.4339476
+  13.5057306  10.6221933  7.23155928  0.840232849  9.15079975  8.00755501
+  6.2978878  4.28759146  0.472630888  4.9559989  4.33682775  3.41088295
+  2.32212138  0.249444425  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4048824
+  18.7639236  14.8298702  10.1598902  1.35932994  20.3497734  17.8388996
+  14.0988455  9.65906811  1.23698521  15.4360304  13.5314465  10.6944799
+  7.32675838  0.869968951  9.15203094  8.02280903  6.34074926  4.34403324
+  0.489357501  4.95666695  4.34508896  3.43409538  2.35269284  0.25827226  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4079895  18.7998753  14.9284401
+  10.2882929  1.40451694  20.3527164  17.8730659  14.1925459  9.78114605
+  1.27810383  15.4382782  13.5573645  10.7655516  7.41935968  0.898888588
+  9.15335846  8.03818321  6.38289118  4.39893532  0.505624831  4.9573884
+  4.35341406  3.45691895  2.38242984  0.266857743  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4113388  18.83568  15.0238485  10.4108419  1.44716418
+  20.3558826  17.9070969  14.2832441  9.89765739  1.31691217  15.4406996
+  13.5831814  10.8343468  7.50773859  0.926182926  9.15478802  8.05349159
+  6.42368364  4.451334  0.520977974  4.95816278  4.36170435  3.47901154
+  2.41080999  0.274960726  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4147644
+  18.870636  15.1149397  10.526906  1.48809147  20.3591213  17.9403267
+  14.3698397  10.0080061  1.35415578  15.4431734  13.6083937  10.9000301
+  7.59144211  0.952376246  9.15624905  8.06844044  6.46263075  4.5009613
+  0.535711944  4.95895433  4.36980009  3.5001049  2.43768859  0.282736838  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4177399  18.9010906  15.1915579
+  10.6228828  1.5221498  20.3619251  17.9692802  14.4426813  10.0992584
+  1.38515103  15.4453163  13.6303844  10.9552784  7.66066027  0.974173903
+  9.15751266  8.08146286  6.4953928  4.5420022  0.547973156  4.95963669
+  4.37685394  3.51784897  2.45991373  0.289207935  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4207611  18.9309673  15.2652082  10.7144775  1.55530167
+  20.3647747  17.9976997  14.5126991  10.186348  1.41532111  15.4474916
+  13.6519661  11.0083857  7.7267189  0.995391309  9.15879917  8.0942421
+  6.52688551  4.58116961  0.559907913  4.96033192  4.38377619  3.53490496
+  2.48112392  0.295506775  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4238529
+  18.9604473  15.3365421  10.8027267  1.58802342  20.3676987  18.0257378
+  14.5805197  10.2702532  1.44509923  15.4497166  13.6732454  11.0598259
+  7.79036045  1.01633334  9.16011524  8.10684872  6.55738783  4.61890459
+  0.571687877  4.96104431  4.39060402  3.5514245  2.50155926  0.301723897  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4269695  18.9891891  15.4048376
+  10.886795  1.62008309  20.3706532  18.0530777  14.6454477  10.3501816
+  1.47427428  15.4519587  13.6939888  11.1090689  7.850986  1.03685153
+  9.16144562  8.11914158  6.58658743  4.65485001  0.583229363  4.96176338
+  4.39726162  3.56723905  2.5210259  0.307815313  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4300652  19.0169182  15.469532  10.9660845  1.65136206
+  20.3736  18.0794601  14.7069521  10.4255657  1.50273848  15.4541864
+  13.7139959  11.1557207  7.90816402  1.05686998  9.16277027  8.13100052
+  6.6142478  4.68875074  0.594489813  4.96248055  4.40368366  3.58222008
+  2.53938508  0.313758433  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4330978
+  19.0433578  15.5300922  11.0400457  1.68175566  20.3764858  18.1046162
+  14.7645254  10.4958782  1.53039598  15.4563656  13.7330666  11.1993914
+  7.96149588  1.07632184  9.16406631  8.14230824  6.6401391  4.72036982
+  0.605431557  4.9631834  4.40980768  3.59624243  2.55651045  0.319533348  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4360142  19.067688  15.5844164
+  11.105937  1.70947623  20.379282  18.1277504  14.8161688  10.5584965
+  1.55562043  15.4584684  13.7505951  11.2385864  8.00899887  1.09406281
+  9.1653204  8.15270901  6.66336679  4.74853277  0.615410805  4.96386194
+  4.41544151  3.60882378  2.57176375  0.324800313  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4387321  19.090683  15.6352196  11.1678581  1.73780632
+  20.3818913  18.1496181  14.8644571  10.6173382  1.58139956  15.460434
+  13.7671671  11.2752419  8.05363846  1.11219394  9.16649246  8.16254139
+  6.68508625  4.77499676  0.625609577  4.96449518  4.42076588  3.62058902
+  2.58609772  0.330183089  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4416695
+  19.1146317  15.686697  11.2286673  1.76149678  20.3847008  18.1723766
+  14.9133892  10.6751261  1.60295761  15.4625702  13.7844305  11.3123798
+  8.09748268  1.12735558  9.16775417  8.17277622  6.70709848  4.80099106
+  0.634138167  4.96517849  4.42631102  3.63251185  2.6001761  0.334684223  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4445858  19.1377926  15.7355881
+  11.2860279  1.78416324  20.3874874  18.1943836  14.9598665  10.7296419
+  1.62358403  15.464694  13.8011284  11.3476486  8.13884258  1.14186192
+  9.16900635  8.18267632  6.72800398  4.82551289  0.642298162  4.96585655
+  4.43167305  3.64383554  2.61345768  0.338990808  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4474678  19.1599236  15.7814417  11.3395252  1.80592656
+  20.3902283  18.215416  15.0034523  10.7804909  1.64338875  15.4667854
+  13.8170815  11.3807201  8.17742062  1.15579045  9.17023945  8.19213676
+  6.74761105  4.84838486  0.650133193  4.96652412  4.43679523  3.65445471
+  2.62584543  0.34312579  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4502945
+  19.1808338  15.8239088  11.3888283  1.82679021  20.3929157  18.2352886
+  15.043829  10.8273592  1.66237533  15.4688358  13.8321552  11.4113445
+  8.21297264  1.16914332  9.17144871  8.20107269  6.76577091  4.86946535
+  0.657644451  4.96717882  4.4416337  3.66428971  2.63726258  0.347089976  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.453043  19.2003021  15.8625879
+  11.4335384  1.84675765  20.3955231  18.2537937  15.0806055  10.8698683
+  1.68054581  15.47083  13.8461876  11.4392376  8.24521732  1.18192244
+  9.17262268  8.20939445  6.78231287  4.88858318  0.664833128  4.96781588
+  4.44613886  3.67324781  2.64761806  0.350883782  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4557152  19.2184753  15.8979073  11.474185  1.86584985
+  20.3980618  18.2710705  15.114192  10.908515  1.69792044  15.472765
+  13.8592873  11.4647017  8.27453041  1.19414151  9.17376518  8.21715927
+  6.79741669  4.90596342  0.671706796  4.96843529  4.45034409  3.68142748
+  2.65703177  0.35451144  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4584808
+  19.2381878  15.9363194  11.5179634  1.88416123  20.4006958  18.2898102
+  15.1507158  10.9501429  1.71458399  15.4747543  13.8735027  11.4924021
+  8.3061018  1.20586145  9.17494774  8.22558594  6.81384182  4.92468405
+  0.678299069  4.96907663  4.45490742  3.69032264  2.66717005  0.357990712  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4612465  19.2570248  15.9723396
+  11.5587273  1.90139675  20.4033318  18.3077259  15.1849613  10.9889078
+  1.73026943  15.4767361  13.8870897  11.5183725  8.33550262  1.21689343
+  9.17612839  8.23363972  6.82924271  4.94211531  0.684504151  4.96971703
+  4.45926905  3.69866371  2.67661023  0.361265749  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.4640808  19.2748604  16.0056629  11.5961123  1.91733897
+  20.4060345  18.3246899  15.2166471  11.0244617  1.74477768  15.4787607
+  13.8999577  11.5424004  8.36246872  1.22709763  9.1773386  8.24126625
+  6.84349108  4.95810318  0.690243483  4.9703722  4.46340179  3.70638013
+  2.68526793  0.364294976  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4668903
+  19.2913647  16.0356998  11.6294889  1.93190384  20.4087181  18.3403873
+  15.2452059  11.0562067  1.7580322  15.4807653  13.9118662  11.5640545
+  8.38654804  1.23642027  9.17854023  8.24832535  6.85633183  4.97237921
+  0.695486665  4.97102308  4.46722555  3.71333385  2.69299817  0.367062509  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.4695339  19.3061256  16.0617371
+  11.6581144  1.94497728  20.4112434  18.3544369  15.2699652  11.083437
+  1.76993012  15.482646  13.9225197  11.5828276  8.40720272  1.244789
+  9.17966843  8.25463772  6.86746311  4.98462343  0.700193226  4.97163391
+  4.4706459  3.71936226  2.69962788  0.369546741  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.9255028  17.7328072  12.9255323  8.02151871  0.692180157
+  19.8939991  16.858675  12.288394  7.62609816  0.629884303  15.0903654
+  12.7879066  9.32120705  5.78467798  0.442995727  8.94704723  7.58195257
+  5.52654457  3.4297328  0.249185383  4.84565163  4.10632849  2.99312925
+  1.8575182  0.13151446  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.930769
+  17.797945  13.1069803  8.24906254  0.748926818  19.8990116  16.9206123
+  12.4608488  7.8424263  0.681523561  15.0941324  12.8348961  9.452034
+  5.94877005  0.479313254  8.94929886  7.60981131  5.60410833  3.52702403
+  0.26961413  4.84686804  4.12141418  3.03513861  1.91020703  0.142296344  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9360733  17.8631287  13.2860003
+  8.47300053  0.805654407  19.9040585  16.982584  12.6310081  8.05532551
+  0.733145535  15.0979366  12.8819084  9.58111668  6.11026001  0.515618622
+  8.9515686  7.6376853  5.68063831  3.62277246  0.290035993  4.84809399
+  4.13650799  3.07658768  1.96206129  0.153074577  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.9415855  17.9276009  13.4589586  8.68768501  0.861283302
+  19.909296  17.0438747  12.7954216  8.25942993  0.783767641  15.1018934
+  12.9284019  9.70583344  6.2650795  0.551220953  8.95392513  7.66525459
+  5.75458241  3.71456504  0.310062349  4.84936762  4.15143776  3.11663461
+  2.0117743  0.163644075  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9473248
+  17.9896603  13.6201916  8.88539028  0.913682818  19.9147434  17.1028709
+  12.9487143  8.44739056  0.831450999  15.1060219  12.9731464  9.82210732
+  6.40765333  0.584756613  8.95637703  7.69178677  5.82352257  3.79909635
+  0.328926086  4.85069513  4.16580677  3.1539712  2.05755663  0.173600018  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9529305  18.0467262  13.7639723
+  9.06039333  0.961942911  19.9200382  17.1571083  13.0854549  8.61376762
+  0.875367701  15.1100626  13.0142794  9.92581463  6.53385925  0.615643263
+  8.95876884  7.71617985  5.88501406  3.87392068  0.346299499  4.85198927
+  4.1790185  3.18727255  2.09808397  0.182769433  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.9585361  18.1030655  13.9037657  9.23007679  1.01046848
+  19.9253407  17.210659  13.2183924  8.77509117  0.919525981  15.1141043
+  13.0548983  10.0266399  6.65622902  0.646699607  8.9611578  7.74026394
+  5.94479609  3.94647193  0.363768518  4.85328531  4.19206238  3.21964931
+  2.13737917  0.191989258  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9640827
+  18.1580009  14.0379848  9.39265156  1.05890143  19.930603  17.2628822
+  13.3460178  8.92965508  0.963600278  15.1181078  13.0945196  10.1234379
+  6.77347326  0.677696824  8.96352768  7.7637496  6.00219011  4.01598549
+  0.381204307  4.85456896  4.20478344  3.2507329  2.17502761  0.201191455  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9695644  18.2107697  14.1646633
+  9.54571342  1.1063565  19.9358158  17.3130417  13.4664555  9.07517242
+  1.00678468  15.1220665  13.1325836  10.2147913  6.88385439  0.708067894
+  8.96587181  7.78631115  6.05635405  4.08143139  0.398288071  4.8558383
+  4.21700239  3.28006887  2.21047211  0.210207775  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.9750366  18.2600327  14.2799778  9.68414593  1.15015209
+  19.9410515  17.3598785  13.5760756  9.20677662  1.04663777  15.1260223
+  13.1681261  10.297945  6.98368359  0.736097097  8.96821785  7.80737734
+  6.10565376  4.14062214  0.414054424  4.85711098  4.22841215  3.30677176
+  2.24252725  0.218528882  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9800758
+  18.3073711  14.3903399  9.81767464  1.19605887  19.9458542  17.4048958
+  13.680995  9.33372211  1.08841205  15.1296682  13.2022696  10.3775349
+  7.07997561  0.7654773  8.97037983  7.82762384  6.15284061  4.19771576
+  0.430580795  4.85828257  4.23937607  3.3323288  2.27344656  0.227251083  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9846268  18.3523121  14.4949627
+  9.94571972  1.244192  19.9501762  17.4476376  13.7804699  9.45545101
+  1.13221169  15.1329613  13.2346792  10.4529963  7.17231131  0.796282351
+  8.97232437  7.8468442  6.19758081  4.25246334  0.447908729  4.85933781
+  4.24978542  3.35655951  2.30309486  0.236396313  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.9896202  18.3969803  14.5950918  10.0649538  1.2858572
+  19.9549274  17.4901161  13.8756666  9.56879711  1.17012584  15.136569
+  13.2668867  10.525219  7.25828981  0.8229478  8.97446251  7.86594534
+  6.24039698  4.30344009  0.462908089  4.86049604  4.26012897  3.37974763
+  2.33070278  0.244312704  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.9950562
+  18.4407692  14.6900082  10.1756783  1.32273996  19.9601078  17.5317421
+  13.9658899  9.67405224  1.2036891  15.1404972  13.2984619  10.593668
+  7.33813381  0.84655261  8.97679043  7.88466597  6.28097582  4.3507781
+  0.476185858  4.86175632  4.27026749  3.40172577  2.35634089  0.251320392  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.0007439  18.482832  14.7791214
+  10.2789621  1.35765183  19.9655304  17.5717278  14.050581  9.77224445
+  1.23545921  15.1446142  13.328805  10.6579123  7.41262007  0.868895948
+  8.97922516  7.90264654  6.31906462  4.39494038  0.488754034  4.8630743
+  4.28000546  3.42235446  2.38025975  0.257953554  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.0059128  18.5224419  14.8625135  10.3762474  1.39388466
+  19.9704456  17.609375  14.1298437  9.86474037  1.26843095  15.1483545
+  13.3573713  10.718029  7.48278427  0.89208436  8.98143387  7.91957808
+  6.3547101  4.43653965  0.501797438  4.86427021  4.28917456  3.4416585
+  2.40279031  0.264837533  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.0105095
+  18.5591507  14.9395084  10.4670515  1.43178475  19.9748001  17.6442738
+  14.2030287  9.95108128  1.30291939  15.1516695  13.3838577  10.7735252
+  7.54827833  0.916339755  8.98339176  7.93527794  6.38762045  4.47537041
+  0.51544106  4.8653307  4.29767609  3.45948195  2.42382026  0.272038341  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.0155201  18.5967712  15.0162849
+  10.5554228  1.4646436  19.9795609  17.6800365  14.2760248  10.0351028
+  1.33282125  15.1552868  13.4109898  10.8288832  7.61200809  0.937369227
+  8.98553371  7.95136499  6.42044735  4.51315641  0.527270079  4.86649084
+  4.30638695  3.47726035  2.44428563  0.27828148  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.0204792  18.6330929  15.0890913  10.6386309  1.49580407
+  19.9842815  17.7145596  14.3452511  10.1142082  1.3611784  15.1588621
+  13.4371815  10.8813953  7.67200708  0.957312226  8.98765659  7.96689367
+  6.45158291  4.54873085  0.53848815  4.86764145  4.31479692  3.49412394
+  2.46355343  0.284202188  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.0252132
+  18.6672421  15.1564732  10.7155504  1.52625477  19.9887981  17.7470131
+  14.4093237  10.1873283  1.38889086  15.1622715  13.4618025  10.930006
+  7.72746515  0.976801336  8.98968601  7.98149252  6.48040295  4.58161163
+  0.549450815  4.86874151  4.32270432  3.50973415  2.48136282  0.28998822  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.029623  18.6987152  15.217576
+  10.7854071  1.55619955  19.9930134  17.7769165  14.4674263  10.2537231
+  1.41614342  15.1654558  13.4844933  10.9741011  7.77782249  0.995967269
+  8.99158382  7.99494743  6.50654078  4.61146784  0.560231745  4.86976957
+  4.32999229  3.52389288  2.49753451  0.295678288  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.0343838  18.7311268  15.2796135  10.8554726  1.58435833
+  19.9975491  17.8077259  14.5264196  10.3203278  1.44176888  15.16889
+  13.5078602  11.0188503  7.82834625  1.01398969  8.99362278  8.00880432
+  6.53307152  4.64142227  0.570369244  4.8708744  4.33749866  3.53826213
+  2.51375937  0.301028669  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.0394173
+  18.763031  15.3395491  10.9224968  1.61064327  20.0023289  17.8380623
+  14.5834093  10.3840475  1.46568775  15.1725264  13.5308676  11.0620632
+  7.87669182  1.03081262  8.99577427  8.02244759  6.55869579  4.67008495
+  0.579832077  4.87203932  4.34488964  3.55213928  2.52928352  0.306022853  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  21.0443707  18.7929878  15.3947439
+  10.98388  1.63542461  20.0070286  17.8665524  14.6358948  10.4424076
+  1.48823833  15.1760979  13.5524664  11.1018505  7.92097378  1.0466733
+  8.99788857  8.03525639  6.58229208  4.69633913  0.588753581  4.87318325
+  4.35182953  3.5649178  2.54350281  0.310731232  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  21.0489426  18.820219  15.4439507  11.038394  1.65881622
+  20.0113602  17.8924541  14.682683  10.4942417  1.50952291  15.1793947
+  13.5721016  11.13731  7.96030951  1.06164384  8.99983597  8.0468998
+  6.60332584  4.71966219  0.597174644  4.87423849  4.35813904  3.5763073
+  2.55613375  0.315175414  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3132801
+  16.4703732  10.7669945  5.8278017  0.26236707  19.3119831  15.6585035
+  10.2362499  5.54052591  0.238754034  14.6488314  11.8775167  7.76459074
+  4.20268917  0.167914852  8.68529701  7.04218102  4.60361719  2.4917748
+  0.0944522247  4.70388269  3.81399131  2.49328351  1.34952855  0.0498497561
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3218689  16.5750732  11.0411425
+  6.13790703  0.305608213  19.3201141  15.7580681  10.4968624  5.83534145
+  0.278103083  14.6549902  11.9530525  7.96228123  4.42632151  0.195589006
+  8.68895435  7.08695459  4.72082663  2.62436533  0.110018723  4.70586634
+  3.83823872  2.55676556  1.42133701  0.0580655597  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.3303604  16.678915  11.3101358  6.44261885  0.348729998
+  19.3281612  15.856802  10.7525797  6.12503195  0.317343652  14.6610928
+  12.0279598  8.15625477  4.64606476  0.223186806  8.69257355  7.13135862
+  4.83583212  2.75465107  0.125542372  4.70782804  3.86228657  2.6190536
+  1.49189663  0.0662586838  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3389969
+  16.7803764  11.5678215  6.7346406  0.393204927  19.3363571  15.9532604
+  10.9975424  6.40265512  0.357815623  14.6673126  12.1011333  8.34207344
+  4.85665464  0.251650691  8.69626045  7.17474174  4.94600439  2.8795104
+  0.141553208  4.70982504  3.885782  2.6787219  1.55951726  0.0747089013  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3479919  16.8743458  11.7985535
+  6.99621582  0.438281387  19.3449116  16.042551  11.2168827  6.65133667
+  0.398835391  14.6738291  12.1688738  8.50845242  5.04528666  0.280499816
+  8.7001133  7.21491814  5.04465199  2.99135041  0.157780841  4.71191025
+  3.90754271  2.73214602  1.62008858  0.0832734108  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.3568459  16.9666691  12.0224419  7.25060177  0.484997422
+  19.3533325  16.130291  11.4297304  6.89318275  0.441347212  14.6802368
+  12.2354317  8.6699028  5.22873497  0.310398251  8.7039032  7.25438786
+  5.14037704  3.10011625  0.174598768  4.71396255  3.92892003  2.783988
+  1.67899585  0.0921494588  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3655605
+  17.0564556  12.2375383  7.495893  0.533212662  19.3616142  16.2156258
+  11.6342258  7.12638378  0.485223174  14.686533  12.300168  8.82501602
+  5.40562677  0.341256171  8.70763111  7.29277134  5.23234653  3.20499396
+  0.191956386  4.71598005  3.9497087  2.83379507  1.73579812  0.101310395  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3745518  17.1411781  12.4357462
+  7.72166634  0.579185009  19.370163  16.296154  11.8226719  7.34102678
+  0.527058244  14.6930246  12.3612709  8.96794796  5.56844234  0.370678663
+  8.71147728  7.32898569  5.31709146  3.30152678  0.208506629  4.71806145
+  3.96931934  2.87969184  1.78808069  0.110045232  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.3830013  17.2228432  12.6259193  7.94034481  0.627531826
+  19.3782177  16.3737812  12.0034771  7.54892445  0.571053982  14.6991224
+  12.420167  9.10508823  5.72614193  0.401620686  8.71509552  7.36389446
+  5.39840126  3.39502549  0.225911617  4.72002172  3.98822427  2.92372942
+  1.83872008  0.119231202  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.3907623
+  17.3013153  12.8090143  8.15393162  0.67906338  19.3856297  16.4483929
+  12.1775522  7.75198269  0.617947757  14.7047052  12.4767628  9.2371273
+  5.88017082  0.4346008  8.71841431  7.39744759  5.47668505  3.48634911
+  0.244462952  4.7218194  4.00639772  2.96612978  1.88818038  0.129022181  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.398159  17.3759556  12.9832754
+  8.36031532  0.73179388  19.3926868  16.5193806  12.3432379  7.94819164
+  0.665932477  14.7100172  12.5305891  9.36280251  6.0290041  0.468348175
+  8.72157669  7.42936945  5.55119753  3.57459092  0.263445854  4.72353125
+  4.02368927  3.00648665  1.93597019  0.139040902  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.4072189  17.4497375  13.1446495  8.54290104  0.774716377
+  19.4012756  16.5895462  12.4966812  8.12177658  0.704991639  14.7165537
+  12.5837879  9.47919273  6.16067505  0.495818347  8.72544289  7.46092653
+  5.62020731  3.65265918  0.278898001  4.72562313  4.04078007  3.04385829
+  1.97824824  0.14719598  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4157677
+  17.5208035  13.2983007  8.71687794  0.819078684  19.4093876  16.657114
+  12.642766  8.28717804  0.745361447  14.722724  12.6350346  9.59000683
+  6.28613663  0.524210095  8.7290926  7.49131393  5.68590975  3.72704673
+  0.294868499  4.72760105  4.05723763  3.07943988  2.01853371  0.155624762  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4235744  17.5883827  13.4441338
+  8.88392925  0.866362691  19.4168148  16.7213612  12.7813997  8.44599152
+  0.788389981  14.728364  12.6837645  9.69517422  6.40660286  0.55447191
+  8.73243427  7.52020407  5.74826241  3.79847193  0.311890781  4.72941113
+  4.07288265  3.11320782  2.0572176  0.164608717  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.430685  17.6520844  13.5818882  9.04446125  0.916835129
+  19.4235973  16.7819061  12.9123487  8.59860992  0.834320128  14.7335005
+  12.7297001  9.79451084  6.52237034  0.58677429  8.73548126  7.54743004
+  5.80715799  3.86711049  0.33006084  4.73106289  4.0876255  3.14510632
+  2.09439278  0.174198538  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4394417
+  17.7158089  13.7137623  9.19388008  0.959076107  19.4319096  16.8424664
+  13.0377254  8.74066639  0.872758865  14.7398024  12.7756453  9.8896122
+  6.63012409  0.613808632  8.73922443  7.57467079  5.86354256  3.93099904
+  0.345267326  4.73309088  4.10237694  3.17564392  2.12899375  0.182224289  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4480457  17.7777443  13.8394289
+  9.33467484  0.999242008  19.440073  16.9013367  13.1572075  8.87452793
+  0.909309328  14.7459917  12.8203039  9.98023224  6.73165941  0.639514744
+  8.74289703  7.60115385  5.91727543  3.99120021  0.359726787  4.73507929
+  4.11672068  3.20474553  2.16159821  0.18985571  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.4557991  17.8358994  13.9571714  9.46810055  1.04204166
+  19.4474392  16.9566078  13.2691536  9.00138092  0.948256671  14.7515697
+  12.8622389  10.0651436  6.82788229  0.666906476  8.74620724  7.62601852
+  5.9676199  4.04824972  0.375134587  4.7368722  4.13018894  3.23201346
+  2.19249678  0.197987601  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4628677
+  17.8905621  14.0674973  9.59447861  1.08672976  19.4541531  17.0085659
+  13.3740454  9.12153053  0.988922894  14.7566519  12.9016552  10.1447086
+  6.91901779  0.695506632  8.74922466  7.64938927  6.01479578  4.10228443
+  0.391222328  4.73850489  4.1428504  3.25756478  2.2217629  0.206478313  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4707031  17.9460678  14.1761818
+  9.71588421  1.12548459  19.4615955  17.0613461  13.4773836  9.23694611
+  1.02419055  14.7623158  12.9416904  10.2231007  7.00656509  0.720310509
+  8.75257874  7.67312431  6.06126642  4.15419054  0.405174464  4.74032164
+  4.15570641  3.28273368  2.24987531  0.21384187  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.4781609  17.9984665  14.2776079  9.82937622  1.16434467
+  19.4686718  17.1111832  13.573823  9.3448391  1.05955386  14.7677221
+  12.979496  10.296257  7.08840847  0.745181739  8.7557745  7.69553566
+  6.10463095  4.20271301  0.419164479  4.74205351  4.16784477  3.30621958
+  2.27615523  0.221225515  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4850597
+  18.0469875  14.3706474  9.93412781  1.20390153  19.4752007  17.1573563
+  13.6622896  9.44441986  1.09555125  14.7727346  13.0145197  10.3633661
+  7.16394949  0.77049917  8.75872993  7.71629333  6.1444068  4.24749947
+  0.433405399  4.74365616  4.17908573  3.32776165  2.30040979  0.228741482  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.4930534  18.0974655  14.465044
+  10.0383453  1.23922265  19.4827843  17.2053661  13.7520247  9.54349899
+  1.12769282  14.7784967  13.0509243  10.431427  7.23910236  0.793103755
+  8.76214504  7.73788214  6.1847682  4.29205894  0.446120441  4.74550486
+  4.19077539  3.34962058  2.32454276  0.235452205  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  20.5009346  18.1453953  14.5532675  10.1354856  1.27335811
+  19.4902668  17.2509441  13.8358879  9.63584614  1.15875506  14.7841635
+  13.0854807  10.4950275  7.30915117  0.814948738  8.76550961  7.75837946
+  6.22249126  4.33359146  0.458408445  4.74732447  4.20187235  3.37005186
+  2.3470366  0.241937533  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  20.5082016
+  18.1895142  14.63344  10.223938  1.30702412  19.4971676  17.2928982
+  13.9120998  9.71993351  1.18939006  14.7893753  13.1172752  10.5528183
+  7.37293291  0.836492956  8.76860905  7.77724409  6.25677681  4.37141085
+  0.470527351  4.74900055  4.21208525  3.38861918  2.36751914  0.248333514  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.5389786  14.8763199  8.26398373
+  3.62159061  0.0577243902  18.5757351  14.1429796  7.85661268  3.44305706
+  0.0525291935  14.0904217  10.7279692  5.95953274  2.61168694  0.0369435884
+  8.35419941  6.36060333  3.53340769  1.54847181  0.0207808055  4.52456379
+  3.44485259  1.91366446  0.838638127  0.0109675881  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.5517273  15.0291862  8.62092972  3.95995903  0.075831905
+  18.5878773  14.288312  8.19596004  3.76474857  0.0690071136  14.099618
+  10.8382215  6.21694231  2.85570288  0.0485325083  8.35965919  6.42596722
+  3.68602324  1.69314563  0.0272995327  4.52752352  3.48025203  1.99631906
+  0.916996956  0.0144080454  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.5642796
+  15.1801653  8.97166729  4.29538012  0.0940538347  18.599823  14.4318504
+  8.52940369  4.08363771  0.0855891928  14.108674  10.9471073  6.46987581
+  3.09759164  0.0601946414  8.36502934  6.49052477  3.8359859  1.83655941
+  0.0338594541  4.53043509  3.5152142  2.07753658  0.994671285  0.0178702418
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.5770741  15.3241692  9.30257511
+  4.61946535  0.11578244  18.6119976  14.5687447  8.843997  4.39174652
+  0.105362445  14.1179104  11.0509386  6.7085042  3.33130336  0.074101001
+  8.37050438  6.55209637  3.97746801  1.97512865  0.0416817777  4.53339911
+  3.54856014  2.15416384  1.06971669  0.0219986998  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.5901737  15.4622803  9.61410236  4.9299655  0.142292842
+  18.6244583  14.7000351  9.14016533  4.68693876  0.129487097  14.1273708
+  11.1505127  6.93315792  3.55521679  0.0910676643  8.37610626  6.6111474
+  4.1106658  2.10788989  0.0512255244  4.53643179  3.58054256  2.22630286
+  1.14161456  0.0270356908  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.6030159
+  15.5969229  9.91602421  5.23489952  0.171615571  18.6366711  14.8280392
+  9.42719364  4.97684097  0.156170756  14.1366415  11.2476006  7.15088177
+  3.77511787  0.109834172  8.38159657  6.66871786  4.2397542  2.23827052
+  0.0617816895  4.53940248  3.61172199  2.29621625  1.2122252  0.0326069966  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.6163445  15.7245893  10.1980066
+  5.52314091  0.201641992  18.6493473  14.94946  9.69527435  5.25087547
+  0.183494344  14.1462584  11.3397007  7.35423183  3.98298502  0.12905094
+  8.38729477  6.72331381  4.36031818  2.36151195  0.0725911409  4.54248571
+  3.64128852  2.36151147  1.27897406  0.0383119546  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.6288586  15.8485203  10.4725866  5.80921984  0.234752074
+  18.6612434  15.0672884  9.95631218  5.52285337  0.213624284  14.1552944
+  11.4290924  7.55223846  4.189291  0.150241405  8.39264774  6.77630281
+  4.47771645  2.48382902  0.0845108256  4.54538298  3.66998482  2.42509222
+  1.34522212  0.0446028523  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.6407394
+  15.968132  10.7388763  6.09230709  0.269860983  18.6725349  15.1809759
+  10.2094717  5.79198647  0.245573476  14.1638718  11.5153446  7.74427032
+  4.39343882  0.172711253  8.39772797  6.82743359  4.59157276  2.60486698
+  0.0971501917  4.54813623  3.69767642  2.48675585  1.41077662  0.0512735955
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.6526451  16.0825386  10.9941607
+  6.36846399  0.303388506  18.6838703  15.2897339  10.4521666  6.05453396
+  0.276083708  14.1724548  11.597827  7.92837334  4.59259081  0.194168985
+  8.40281391  6.87634182  4.70072937  2.72294044  0.109220088  4.5508976
+  3.72416639  2.54587817  1.47472668  0.0576438382  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.6648102  16.1937618  11.2338543  6.62408161  0.340117782
+  18.6954651  15.395503  10.6800528  6.29755306  0.309507489  14.1812077
+  11.678031  8.10124111  4.77692938  0.217675641  8.40801239  6.92390251
+  4.80322123  2.83223319  0.122442529  4.55371332  3.74992633  2.60138988
+  1.53391922  0.0646223724  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.6769905
+  16.3010178  11.4600124  6.86488438  0.379924685  18.7070408  15.4974794
+  10.8950739  6.52648497  0.345731765  14.1899643  11.7553806  8.2643404
+  4.95058346  0.243151903  8.41321087  6.96976757  4.89992428  2.93519354
+  0.136772946  4.55652952  3.77476931  2.65376139  1.58967936  0.0721855909  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.68997  16.4042568  11.6749849
+  7.09552336  0.41877681  18.7193432  15.5955963  11.0994463  6.74575138
+  0.381087065  14.1992817  11.8298416  8.41935539  5.11690378  0.268016905
+  8.41875553  7.01390839  4.99183512  3.03381085  0.150759622  4.55952883
+  3.79867625  2.70353627  1.64308536  0.0795674473  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.7007637  16.5021572  11.8852959  7.33020592  0.462619394
+  18.7295761  15.6886568  11.2993708  6.96886539  0.420983762  14.2070532
+  11.9004498  8.57100677  5.28614187  0.296075702  8.42337132  7.05577087
+  5.0817523  3.13415527  0.166542813  4.56202745  3.82134771  2.75223422
+  1.69742942  0.0878975317  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.7127857
+  16.5988045  12.0818691  7.54111576  0.502437949  18.7410126  15.7805386
+  11.4862499  7.1693778  0.457218498  14.2157278  11.9701443  8.71276474
+  5.43823719  0.321559668  8.42851639  7.09709167  5.16579914  3.22433376
+  0.180877373  4.56481457  3.84372568  2.79775429  1.74626958  0.0954630896  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.7246685  16.6914635  12.2686653
+  7.74313211  0.544442415  18.7523308  15.8686275  11.6638527  7.36143637
+  0.495442301  14.2243185  12.0369635  8.84748173  5.58392239  0.348442882
+  8.43360329  7.13671255  5.24566984  3.31070876  0.195998937  4.56756926
+  3.86518359  2.84101129  1.79304981  0.10344395  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.7363529  16.7796383  12.4467564  7.93959999  0.589002728
+  18.7634869  15.9524546  11.8331728  7.54821634  0.535992086  14.2327862
+  12.1005621  8.97592068  5.72560406  0.376961917  8.43861294  7.17441607
+  5.32181787  3.39470887  0.212040812  4.57028246  3.88560319  2.88225317
+  1.83854568  0.111910433  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.7485657
+  16.8669319  12.6179304  8.12441826  0.628914535  18.7751141  16.0354443
+  11.9959021  7.72392368  0.572311997  14.2416115  12.1635227  9.09936047
+  5.85888529  0.402505457  8.44383812  7.21173906  5.39500523  3.4737289
+  0.226409167  4.57311153  3.90581656  2.92189145  1.88134468  0.119493641  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.760107  16.9502544  12.7802839
+  8.30086517  0.670913696  18.7860699  16.1146603  12.1502562  7.89167452
+  0.610531509  14.2499323  12.2235966  9.21643257  5.98612881  0.429384708
+  8.44876575  7.2473588  5.46441889  3.54917407  0.241528913  4.57577944
+  3.92510676  2.95948482  1.92220449  0.127473354  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.7705231  17.02841  12.9332762  8.47043991  0.71706605
+  18.7959328  16.1889572  12.2957335  8.05288982  0.65253073  14.2574244
+  12.2799177  9.32675457  6.1084156  0.458922207  8.45320415  7.28076029
+  5.52983284  3.62168241  0.258143812  4.57818031  3.9431963  2.99490952
+  1.96147156  0.136242181  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.7819824
+  17.1069489  13.0823126  8.63174057  0.757768989  18.8068085  16.2636318
+  12.4374161  8.2062397  0.689570189  14.265686  12.3365641  9.43423271
+  6.22473574  0.48497197  8.45810223  7.31434631  5.59355307  3.69064808
+  0.27279672  4.58083534  3.96138406  3.02942228  1.99882233  0.143975794  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.7927933  17.180954  13.2218657
+  8.78398514  0.800438523  18.8170681  16.3340015  12.5700665  8.35097885
+  0.728399098  14.2734747  12.3899565  9.53487492  6.33452797  0.512280464
+  8.46272659  7.34599972  5.6532197  3.75574017  0.288157433  4.58334351
+  3.97852731  3.06174064  2.03407693  0.152083144  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  19.803894  17.2527695  13.3550892  8.92883205  0.842076659
+  18.8276215  16.4022865  12.6967049  8.48868752  0.766289413  14.2814751
+  12.4417648  9.63095093  6.43898535  0.538928688  8.46748066  7.37671614
+  5.71018076  3.81767058  0.303146958  4.58592081  3.9951632  3.09259295
+  2.06761861  0.159994498  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.8155212
+  17.3236656  13.4840622  9.06762791  0.881024897  18.8386822  16.4696922
+  12.819315  8.6206398  0.801732242  14.2898645  12.492877  9.72395897
+  6.53907776  0.563855529  8.47245789  7.40703011  5.76532555  3.87701678
+  0.317168385  4.58861637  4.0115819  3.12245774  2.09975791  0.167394623  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  19.8263054  17.3896294  13.6032248
+  9.19681168  0.921138763  18.8489475  16.5323944  12.9326086  8.74345303
+  0.838235915  14.2976561  12.5404186  9.80988979  6.63223839  0.589528322
+  8.47707844  7.43523216  5.81627989  3.93225431  0.331609488  4.59111691
+  4.02685642  3.15005159  2.12967062  0.17501612  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  18.5745869  12.9425583  5.65712881  1.80141282  0.00562468544
+  17.6589241  12.3045692  5.37826538  1.7126075  0.00511846365  13.3949728
+  9.3334856  4.07960987  1.29908168  0.00359979807  7.94186497  5.53381538
+  2.41880059  0.770222068  0.00202488783  4.30125475  2.99706697  1.30999863
+  0.417145669  0.001068688  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.5926094
+  13.148881  6.05530119  2.08574796  0.00894650444  17.6760998  12.5007038
+  5.75680351  1.98292804  0.00814129971  13.4079695  9.48225784  4.36675072
+  1.50412524  0.00572574791  7.94957352  5.62202168  2.58904767  0.891798615
+  0.00322073442  4.30542374  3.04484367  1.40220189  0.482989281  0.00169982982
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.6103535  13.3525124  6.44997072
+  2.37361121  0.0124126943  17.692997  12.6942816  6.13201523  2.25660181
+  0.01129553  13.4207573  9.62909317  4.65136433  1.71171463  0.00794410799
+  7.95716095  5.70908117  2.75779533  1.01488149  0.00446855929  4.30953074
+  3.09199572  1.49359405  0.549649358  0.00235840422  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.6284008  13.5458679  6.82940578  2.66923952  0.0181700028
+  17.7101784  12.8780994  6.49275208  2.53765774  0.0165347476  13.4337635
+  9.76853371  4.92499638  1.92490971  0.0116288261  7.96488571  5.79175758
+  2.92002821  1.14127994  0.00654120231  4.31371641  3.13677096  1.58146024
+  0.61810708  0.0034522987  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.6464729
+  13.7332964  7.1957283  2.96681166  0.0269968249  17.7273579  13.056283
+  6.84102011  2.82056189  0.0245672259  13.4467936  9.90369511  5.18916941
+  2.13950491  0.0172780212  7.97261572  5.8718977  3.07665396  1.26851034
+  0.00971887168  4.31790495  3.18017173  1.66628897  0.687014401  0.00512940204
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.6649342  13.9130421  7.54743052
+  3.26244926  0.0374774747  17.7448387  13.22717  7.17538214  3.1016283
+  0.0341045596  13.4601021  10.0333042  5.44279718  2.35270143  0.0239855871
+  7.98049831  5.9487462  3.22702861  1.39491498  0.0134918829  4.32217646
+  3.22178936  1.74772966  0.755473614  0.00712071592  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.6827564  14.0874319  7.89210606  3.56216764  0.049658075
+  17.7617359  13.3929806  7.50306463  3.38657379  0.0451887734  13.4729595
+  10.1590557  5.69135714  2.56884098  0.0317810811  7.98811197  6.0233078
+  3.37439966  1.52306485  0.0178768523  4.32629919  3.26216841  1.82754409
+  0.824878454  0.00943500549  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  18.7002678  14.2563734  8.22928143  3.86391115  0.0624377057  17.7783985
+  13.5536032  7.82361794  3.67344165  0.0568181612  13.4856033  10.2808828
+  5.93450785  2.78644061  0.0399600118  7.99560213  6.09554243  3.51856327
+  1.65208113  0.0224775039  4.33035374  3.30128956  1.90562332  0.894752741
+  0.011863132  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.7172184  14.4201212
+  8.56165504  4.16983652  0.0745665208  17.7945404  13.7092323  8.13960648
+  3.96428514  0.0678554699  13.4978542  10.3989429  6.17419481  3.00705671
+  0.0477225445  8.00286388  6.16554928  3.66067624  1.78288543  0.0268439297
+  4.33428478  3.33920503  1.98259127  0.965595126  0.014167645  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.7333241  14.5791845  8.88594151  4.47469568
+  0.0903438181  17.8098507  13.8604116  8.44790459  4.25411797  0.0822128803
+  13.5094795  10.5136347  6.40804958  3.22690535  0.0578201115  8.00975704
+  6.23355675  3.79933214  1.91323209  0.0325238034  4.33801842  3.37603664
+  2.0576849  1.03619075  0.0171653647  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  18.7520313  14.7309742  9.17851353  4.74761152  0.111052737  17.8276539
+  14.0047894  8.72605324  4.51357937  0.101058066  13.5229349  10.6231422
+  6.61903906  3.42371845  0.0710738301  8.01774883  6.29847002  3.9244287
+  2.02991962  0.039978981  4.34234571  3.41119409  2.12543535  1.0993892
+  0.0211000387  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.769001  14.8778448
+  9.46860695  5.02855587  0.133013561  17.843792  14.1444426  9.00184631
+  4.7806716  0.121042408  13.5351324  10.729084  6.82823849  3.62631941
+  0.0851287544  8.02499485  6.36126804  4.04846287  2.15004253  0.0478848256
+  4.34626865  3.4452076  2.19261026  1.16444552  0.0252725724  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.7839966  15.0198183  9.7596674  5.32224035
+  0.155125678  17.8580341  14.2793627  9.27855873  5.05988121  0.141164362
+  13.5459185  10.8314562  7.0381341  3.83810925  0.0992805138  8.03139687
+  6.42195606  4.17290783  2.2756176  0.0558451638  4.34973478  3.47808003
+  2.26000762  1.23245287  0.0294738561  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  18.8026409  15.1578417  10.0215454  5.57520247  0.179984301  17.8757439
+  14.4106188  9.52752495  5.30037832  0.163785741  13.5593977  10.9309855
+  7.22698498  4.02053404  0.115189977  8.03936386  6.48097515  4.28487539
+  2.38377762  0.0647942871  4.35404921  3.51004696  2.32065296  1.29103208
+  0.0341969952  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.8193493  15.290432
+  10.2781725  5.83176088  0.207760155  17.8916588  14.5367069  9.77150917
+  5.54429007  0.189061835  13.5714874  11.0266018  7.41205931  4.20555162
+  0.132966623  8.04651737  6.5376792  4.39460325  2.49347377  0.0747935995
+  4.35792398  3.54075766  2.38008213  1.35044312  0.0394744165  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.834137  15.4174089  10.5311165  6.09440041
+  0.237607569  17.9057713  14.6574469  10.0119982  5.79397821  0.216222987
+  13.5821838  11.1181784  7.59448051  4.39495325  0.152069166  8.05285454
+  6.59198761  4.50275946  2.60576844  0.0855386481  4.36135626  3.5701704
+  2.43865561  1.41126108  0.0451454408  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  18.8518295  15.5423288  10.7646284  6.32716179  0.267337203  17.9225903
+  14.7761993  10.233983  6.01526594  0.243276924  13.5949507  11.2082758
+  7.76287127  4.56280708  0.171096027  8.06042099  6.64539814  4.60259962
+  2.70528555  0.09624134  4.36545563  3.59909534  2.49272752  1.46516001
+  0.0507940799  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.8683472  15.6615973
+  10.9909582  6.55971432  0.300300926  17.9382782  14.8895826  10.4491482
+  6.23635149  0.273273796  13.6068659  11.2943211  7.92608595  4.73050928
+  0.192192495  8.06748486  6.69639301  4.69936991  2.8047123  0.10810826
+  4.3692832  3.62671375  2.54513884  1.51900947  0.0570571683  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.8845234  15.7775288  11.2095432  6.78527832
+  0.333032638  17.9536343  14.9998026  10.656971  6.45079231  0.303059787
+  13.6185284  11.377944  8.08372498  4.89317322  0.213140726  8.0744009
+  6.74596167  4.7928319  2.90115499  0.119891644  4.37302732  3.65356016
+  2.5957582  1.57124043  0.063276194  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  18.9004459  15.8894224  11.4179773  7.00080013  0.367471755  17.9687347
+  15.1061668  10.8551407  6.65569305  0.33439973  13.6299953  11.4586143
+  8.23404217  5.04859447  0.235181957  8.08120251  6.79379702  4.88195658
+  2.99330711  0.132289603  4.37671089  3.67946649  2.64402795  1.62114716
+  0.0698196515  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.9155197  15.9963179
+  11.6176558  7.21077681  0.4048177  17.9830379  15.207778  11.0449762
+  6.85532331  0.368384778  13.6408491  11.5356741  8.37804413  5.20001554
+  0.259083688  8.08764553  6.83949518  4.9673357  3.08308768  0.145734042
+  4.38019943  3.70421481  2.69026971  1.66977155  0.0769154355  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.9313202  16.1013794  11.8093061  7.40971327
+  0.440684766  17.9980831  15.3076668  11.2271652  7.04445505  0.401023477
+  13.6522255  11.6114302  8.51623917  5.3434782  0.282038361  8.09440804
+  6.88441515  5.04927063  3.16814661  0.15864642  4.38386345  3.72854161
+  2.73464441  1.71584022  0.0837301537  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  18.9466572  16.2009907  11.9900799  7.59943104  0.479664445  18.0126934
+  15.4023809  11.3990116  7.22482252  0.436494529  13.66327  11.6832571
+  8.64658356  5.48029184  0.306984991  8.10096741  6.92700291  5.12655067
+  3.24926305  0.172679424  4.3874197  3.75160503  2.77649641  1.75977397
+  0.0911362171  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.9629612  16.3000641
+  12.1658535  7.78140736  0.515773118  18.0281887  15.4965668  11.5661125
+  7.39782667  0.469353497  13.6750412  11.7546892  8.7733345  5.61152315
+  0.330094665  8.10793972  6.96936035  5.20170212  3.32707095  0.185678452
+  4.39119625  3.77454543  2.81719851  1.80191243  0.0979970023  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  18.9782467  16.3931961  12.3308983  7.95458603
+  0.5546152  18.0427094  15.5850945  11.7230167  7.56246567  0.504700005
+  13.6860971  11.8218327  8.89234638  5.73641014  0.354953825  8.11448097
+  7.00917864  5.27226925  3.40111613  0.199661344  4.39473724  3.7961123
+  2.85541868  1.84201252  0.105377279  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  17.3917503  10.706069  3.30087352  0.653567672  0.000159925083  16.5344181
+  10.1782932  3.13815475  0.62135011  0.000145531623  12.5419626  7.72061682
+  2.38040614  0.471317321  0.000102352118  7.43612528  4.57755184  1.4113394
+  0.27944392  5.75730446E-05  4.02734613  2.47916222  0.764371037  0.151344582
+  3.03857905E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.416111  10.9636736
+  3.66985893  0.824063659  0.000342590996  16.5576077  10.4232426  3.48895073
+  0.783444643  0.00031175738  12.5595789  7.9064126  2.64649963  0.594272077
+  0.000219258392  7.4465518  4.68770742  1.56911063  0.352343708
+  0.000123332604  4.03298807  2.53882575  0.849816263  0.190826178
+  6.50922884E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.4402905
+  11.2180319  4.04203653  1.00420642  0.000563909998  16.5806122  10.6650877
+  3.84278131  0.954708338  0.000513157633  12.577034  8.08985519  2.91489506
+  0.724181473  0.000360902573  7.45689631  4.79647017  1.72824407  0.429366857
+  0.000203007352  4.03858948  2.59773159  0.936000645  0.232541144
+  0.000107142943  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.464592  11.4620695
+  4.41559076  1.20793295  0.00122532132  16.6036873  10.897109  4.1979208
+  1.14839029  0.00111504353  12.5945168  8.26584148  3.18428159  0.871094584
+  0.000784206553  7.46727896  4.90081596  1.88796294  0.516471744
+  0.000441115553  4.04422045  2.65423799  1.02250421  0.279716581
+  0.000232811261  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.4888859
+  11.6972752  4.78341866  1.42820215  0.00264002499  16.6267853  11.120697
+  4.54761839  1.35779881  0.00240242714  12.6120052  8.43545246  3.44953847
+  1.02994001  0.00168961834  7.47766304  5.00137901  2.04523182  0.610650957
+  0.000950408983  4.04984665  2.70870233  1.10767984  0.330723286
+  0.000501605042  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.5132523
+  11.9243364  5.14788389  1.66195273  0.00453034556  16.6499577  11.3365135
+  4.89411736  1.58002436  0.0041226116  12.6295586  8.59918308  3.7123704
+  1.19850922  0.00289941556  7.48808146  5.09845304  2.20106173  0.710595727
+  0.00163092196  4.0554862  2.76128125  1.19207454  0.384852201  0.000860764994
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.5369968  12.1463995  5.51384926
+  1.90890479  0.00668518199  16.6725044  11.5476208  5.24204397  1.81480289
+  0.0060835043  12.6466799  8.75931644  3.97628713  1.37659645  0.00427850196
+  7.49822712  5.19339371  2.35753441  0.816184282  0.00240666047  4.06098032
+  2.81269956  1.27681994  0.442037821  0.00127018371  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.5606384  12.3629465  5.87986803  2.16572642  0.00860045757
+  16.694973  11.7535257  5.59002209  2.05896258  0.0078264121  12.663744
+  8.9154768  4.24024296  1.56179917  0.00550428545  7.5083313  5.28598118
+  2.51403213  0.925992966  0.00309616118  4.06645203  2.86283994  1.36158133
+  0.501508892  0.00163408893  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  17.5827904  12.578289  6.25836706  2.43957615  0.0101973992  16.7160645
+  11.9582567  5.94986343  2.31931257  0.00927963667  12.6797371  9.07075691
+  4.51319408  1.75928271  0.00652633328  7.51780987  5.37804747  2.6758666
+  1.04308319  0.00367106358  4.0715847  2.91270351  1.44923067  0.564923525
+  0.00193750998  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.607233  12.7797527
+  6.59805393  2.69776607  0.016403731  16.7392883  12.149765  6.27280235
+  2.56478357  0.0149274049  12.6973782  9.21604443  4.75815535  1.94547856
+  0.0104983924  7.5282712  5.46418953  2.82110906  1.15347648  0.00590534648
+  4.07725048  2.95935988  1.52788782  0.624713063  0.00311671454  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.6299915  12.9761992  6.93981409  2.97198963
+  0.0228172541  16.7609177  12.3365517  6.59771442  2.82549024  0.0207637232
+  12.7137852  9.35772991  5.00461435  2.14323545  0.0146030495  7.53800344
+  5.54819584  2.96723723  1.2707231  0.00821420643  4.08252048  3.00485563
+  1.60702682  0.688214302  0.0043352819  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  17.6529942  13.16852  7.28273058  3.2536366  0.0276147313  16.7828217
+  12.5194321  6.92372847  3.09324527  0.0251294188  12.7303944  9.4964323
+  5.25190544  2.34634399  0.0176734347  7.54783869  5.63043308  3.11385584
+  1.39114094  0.00994129293  4.08784676  3.04939151  1.68643451  0.753432751
+  0.00524679944  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.6757812  13.3546343
+  7.61083269  3.52833962  0.0364606455  16.8045101  12.6963778  7.23565865
+  3.35440683  0.0331791751  12.7468624  9.63063908  5.48851347  2.54444718
+  0.0233348217  7.55758095  5.71000576  3.25413895  1.50859475  0.013125835
+  4.09312248  3.09248662  1.76241279  0.817044914  0.0069275205  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.698494  13.5335455  7.92576265  3.80094719
+  0.0470548384  16.8260803  12.8664446  7.53506374  3.61358094  0.0428198986
+  12.7632256  9.75964546  5.71562338  2.74103856  0.0301151145  7.56728458
+  5.78649378  3.38879061  1.62515676  0.0169397723  4.09837723  3.13391447
+  1.83534265  0.880173206  0.00894041825  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  17.7207432  13.7083797  8.24212933  4.08310986  0.0569058694  16.8472137
+  13.0325775  7.83583593  3.88183427  0.0517843217  12.7792234  9.88569641
+  5.94377041  2.94451737  0.036419753  7.57679081  5.86122847  3.52405739
+  1.7458005  0.0204861332  4.10352325  3.17439318  1.90860426  0.945512593
+  0.0108121121  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.7435417  13.8771715
+  8.53723335  4.3457818  0.0708458647  16.8688946  13.1930313  8.11638832
+  4.13155699  0.0644697323  12.7956581  10.0074043  6.15658188  3.13394022
+  0.0453413539  7.58654022  5.93339634  3.65023446  1.85810828  0.0255045015
+  4.10880518  3.21347737  1.97693741  1.00633752  0.0134607209  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.7643261  14.0401735  8.83369637  4.62320566
+  0.0849530101  16.8886452  13.3480349  8.39823341  4.39530945  0.0773072988
+  12.8106537  10.1249456  6.3703723  3.33400297  0.0543699339  7.59542608
+  6.00309753  3.77699494  1.97672594  0.0305830557  4.11362076  3.25122595
+  2.04558349  1.07057929  0.0161410943  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  17.7877808  14.1985712  9.10784435  4.87334633  0.102565102  16.9109764
+  13.4986458  8.65887165  4.63311863  0.0933342725  12.8275757  10.239212
+  6.56807709  3.51439309  0.0656416118  7.60546446  6.07083225  3.89421153
+  2.08367848  0.0369234197  4.11905813  3.28791285  2.10906911  1.12850416
+  0.0194873717  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.8094521  14.3513966
+  9.37926388  5.13081694  0.12153133  16.9315681  13.6439676  8.91692162
+  4.87789249  0.110593505  12.8431873  10.3494577  6.76381969  3.70006657
+  0.0777799413  7.61472416  6.13618374  4.01026249  2.1937654  0.043751277
+  4.12407017  3.32331038  2.17192388  1.18812704  0.0230909176  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.8312683  14.5006094  9.6417408  5.38057613
+  0.140736073  16.9522915  13.785841  9.16645527  5.11534166  0.128069833
+  12.858902  10.4570704  6.95310307  3.88017845  0.090071097  7.6240468
+  6.19998074  4.12248707  2.30055594  0.050665006  4.12911749  3.35786366
+  2.23270464  1.24596465  0.0267398376  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  17.852169  14.6438093  9.89489651  5.62683105  0.16287595  16.9721432
+  13.9219809  9.40712452  5.34945869  0.148217052  12.8739576  10.5603409
+  7.13565588  4.05776215  0.104240805  7.63298035  6.26120043  4.23072815
+  2.40584636  0.0586354025  4.13395357  3.39101624  2.29132533  1.30298877
+  0.0309464745  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.8734589  14.7836103
+  10.1388636  5.86419916  0.185649082  16.9923649  14.0548792  9.63906765
+  5.57512665  0.16894044  12.8893166  10.6611605  7.31158733  4.22893763
+  0.118815646  7.64207935  6.32097197  4.33504009  2.50733685  0.0668337047
+  4.13888264  3.42338467  2.34781885  1.35795355  0.035273362  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.8944511  14.917448  10.3709669  6.09250879
+  0.212153167  17.0123138  14.1820974  9.85973454  5.79218054  0.193058997
+  12.9044943  10.7576761  7.47897243  4.39358091  0.135778233  7.65105438
+  6.37819815  4.43427896  2.60495329  0.0763750523  4.14374781  3.45437503
+  2.40156865  1.41081977  0.0403090566  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  17.9160786  15.0488586  10.5951729  6.31186867  0.238546282  17.0329018
+  14.3070164  10.072896  6.00072718  0.217076898  12.9200993  10.8524313
+  7.64066267  4.55177212  0.152669847  7.66030979  6.43438721  4.53014612
+  2.69874525  0.0858764946  4.14876223  3.48480821  2.45349097  1.46161568
+  0.0453237891  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  17.9368382  15.1742287
+  10.8096189  6.52522564  0.267594069  17.0526791  14.4262152  10.2767801
+  6.20356464  0.243510738  12.93505  10.942831  7.79531431  4.70563602
+  0.171260536  7.66919851  6.48800039  4.62184048  2.78997111  0.0963336229
+  4.15357971  3.51384926  2.50315404  1.51102161  0.0508430004  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.966217  8.27233315  1.5424422  0.151820451
+  7.00154658E-07  15.1792316  7.86455345  1.46640337  0.144336149
+  6.37139976E-07  11.5139666  5.96555662  1.11232364  0.109484196
+  4.48098575E-07  6.82663822  3.53697896  0.659495175  0.0649133846
+  2.5205523E-07  3.69725275  1.91559494  0.357176781  0.0351565629
+  1.33029516E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.9980001
+  8.56746197  1.81180096  0.216797382  2.33983315E-06  15.2093534  8.14513206
+  1.72248828  0.206110537  2.12925079E-06  11.536869  6.17838812  1.30657053
+  0.156342432  1.49749121E-06  6.84020805  3.66316628  0.774666727  0.092695497
+  8.42340626E-07  3.70460558  1.98393655  0.419552982  0.0502030365
+  4.44568741E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.0298214
+  8.86014175  2.09294343  0.291346401  5.29638055E-06  15.2396069  8.4233799
+  1.98977041  0.276984692  4.81970983E-06  11.5598431  6.38945198  1.50931537
+  0.210103169  3.38968448E-06  6.85381794  3.78830385  0.894873857  0.124570087
+  1.90669903E-06  3.71197438  2.05171061  0.484656125  0.0674660578
+  1.00631166E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.0613079
+  9.14515495  2.39101362  0.386528492  3.32217387E-05  15.2695932  8.69433975
+  2.27314329  0.367474675  3.0231784E-05  11.582593  6.59498692  1.72426844
+  0.278743148  2.12619216E-05  6.86729956  3.91016316  1.02231729  0.165266663
+  1.19598244E-05  3.71927166  2.11770844  0.553678274  0.0895070285
+  6.31213561E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.0927334
+  9.41776276  2.6989944  0.50586009  0.000116087249  15.2994394  8.95350742
+  2.56594586  0.480923325  0.000105639403  11.6052399  6.79157734  1.94636774
+  0.364798695  7.42958364E-05  6.88072252  4.02671957  1.15399742  0.216289163
+  4.1791398E-05  3.72654295  2.18083596  0.624996543  0.117140166
+  2.2056598E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.1234417  9.68623734
+  3.02006888  0.643573105  0.00023300435  15.3286171  9.20873928  2.8711977
+  0.611846983  0.000212033949  11.6273537  6.98518658  2.17790914  0.464109987
+  0.000149122759  6.89383984  4.14150953  1.29127693  0.275170833
+  8.38815613E-05  3.73364806  2.24300647  0.699346662  0.149029911
+  4.42708333E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.1545162
+  9.94834614  3.34736228  0.793694556  0.000336209021  15.3581829  9.45794487
+  3.1823597  0.754568398  0.000305950467  11.6497383  7.17421293  2.413939
+  0.572368443  0.000215174005  6.90712595  4.25358248  1.43121946  0.33935684
+  0.000121035358  3.74084425  2.30370212  0.775137305  0.183792874
+  6.38797283E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.1846085
+  10.2120419  3.69313407  0.958674312  0.00041201245  15.3867817  9.70865822
+  3.51108503  0.911416054  0.000374931813  11.6714382  7.3643837  2.66329169
+  0.691342175  0.000263688416  6.91998863  4.36633587  1.57905936  0.409896195
+  0.000148324703  3.74781203  2.36476755  0.855206907  0.22199659
+  7.82823918E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.2156239
+  10.4695387  4.03693247  1.13130188  0.000762144162  15.4162979  9.95345211
+  3.83793187  1.07553434  0.000693551206  11.6938133  7.55006504  2.91121531
+  0.815832496  0.000487772108  6.93325377  4.4764266  1.72605228  0.483706981
+  0.000274372054  3.75499797  2.42439938  0.934818506  0.261971951
+  0.000144807462  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.2457142
+  10.7121887  4.3735466  1.33104062  0.00161752955  15.4449024  10.1841249
+  4.15795183  1.26542878  0.00147195149  11.7155161  7.72504139  3.15396237
+  0.95987314  0.00103521754  6.94611931  4.58017063  1.86997926  0.569109142
+  0.000582311885  3.76196432  2.48058891  1.01276648  0.308225036
+  0.000307330629  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.2760162
+  10.9521704  4.71824503  1.53976905  0.00206879689  15.4736519  10.4122572
+  4.48565817  1.46386611  0.00188260828  11.7373438  7.89810514  3.40254307
+  1.11039424  0.00132402719  6.95906687  4.6827817  2.01736665  0.658353329
+  0.000744768244  3.76897287  2.53616047  1.09258711  0.356558621
+  0.000393071503  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.3052502  11.192071
+  5.07556105  1.76382339  0.00297656655  15.5014257  10.6403294  4.82536077
+  1.67687249  0.00270868  11.7584009  8.07111549  3.66022062  1.27196872
+  0.00190499914  6.97156858  4.78536034  2.17014575  0.754149795  0.0010715645
+  3.77574325  2.59171462  1.1753298  0.408441216  0.000565547554  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.3358135  11.4157286  5.40296745  1.98582828
+  0.00506984396  15.5305347  10.8529997  5.13662386  1.88793612  0.00461355597
+  11.7804852  8.23240948  3.89632392  1.43207014  0.00324469712  6.98464966
+  4.88099432  2.3101294  0.849072099  0.00182514405  3.78282785  2.64350533
+  1.25114632  0.459850967  0.000963270082  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  16.3642693  11.6429844  5.76035833  2.23709249  0.00580455875  15.5576296
+  11.0690794  5.47639847  2.12681651  0.00528214918  11.801034  8.39631176
+  4.15405273  1.61327291  0.00371491606  6.99682808  4.97817135  2.46294045
+  0.956507504  0.00208964222  3.78942204  2.6961298  1.33390832  0.518036425
+  0.00110286684  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.3943825  11.8560295
+  6.08120871  2.47059989  0.00963554624  15.5862408  11.2715998  5.78143644
+  2.34881163  0.00876833871  11.8227386  8.54993153  4.3854332  1.78166461
+  0.00616673985  7.00969744  5.06925058  2.6001265  1.05634618  0.00346879684
+  3.79639173  2.74546003  1.40820861  0.572108865  0.00183075387  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.4231186  12.0677814  6.41760111  2.72718525
+  0.0123798288  15.6135473  11.4728937  6.10124254  2.59274578  0.0112656364
+  11.8434448  8.70261002  4.62802076  1.96670091  0.00792308338  7.02198219
+  5.1597724  2.7439518  1.16605115  0.0044567408  3.80304623  2.79448748
+  1.48610592  0.631525218  0.00235216855  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  16.452179  12.2733946  6.74107027  2.97853708  0.016562948  15.6411963
+  11.6683712  6.40876341  2.831707  0.0150722824  11.864398  8.85088539
+  4.86128712  2.14796305  0.0106002828  7.03441238  5.24768543  2.88225436
+  1.27352059  0.00596267171  3.80977941  2.84209991  1.56100953  0.689729989
+  0.00314696133  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.4803314  12.4714365
+  7.0599184  3.23818469  0.0216827691  15.6679802  11.8566265  6.71189785
+  3.07855844  0.019731313  11.8847132  8.99370384  5.09122229  2.33520484
+  0.0138769541  7.04644012  5.33236217  3.01858449  1.38453674  0.00780581497
+  3.81629705  2.88796139  1.63484228  0.749855578  0.00411972217  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.5097389  12.6644897  7.36344767  3.48468971
+  0.0290216077  15.6959124  12.040184  7.00046968  3.31291318  0.0264096577
+  11.9059095  9.13293076  5.31011629  2.51297045  0.018573802  7.05900621
+  5.41490889  3.14836335  1.48993504  0.010447789  3.82310057  2.93267012
+  1.70513034  0.80693841  0.00551409228  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  16.5374908  12.8529024  7.67126894  3.74712062  0.0362060256  15.7223349
+  12.2193575  7.29311609  3.56241417  0.032947477  11.9259081  9.26882744
+  5.53210449  2.7022264  0.023171816  7.07089281  5.49547911  3.27997518
+  1.60214496  0.0130341621  3.82953501  2.97630525  1.77641201  0.867709458
+  0.00687912526  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.5660801  13.0366526
+  7.96601629  3.99886703  0.044278603  15.7494793  12.3940134  7.57332897
+  3.80174828  0.0402935445  11.946537  9.40132713  5.74465704  2.88376784
+  0.0283382721  7.0831151  5.57403946  3.40600157  1.70978022  0.0159403048
+  3.83615685  3.01885486  1.8446641  0.926004291  0.00841292925  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.5936031  13.2143621  8.2564373  4.25579882
+  0.0535678156  15.7755861  12.5629005  7.84943008  4.04600954  0.0487467684
+  11.9664087  9.52945423  5.95409107  3.06904626  0.0342833884  7.094872
+  5.65000963  3.53017974  1.8196317  0.0192844421  3.84252763  3.06000352
+  1.91191423  0.985500515  0.0101778824  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  16.6214504  13.3863707  8.53329849  4.50177956  0.0654329881  15.8020849
+  12.7264147  8.11264896  4.27986622  0.0595440269  11.986496  9.65348434
+  6.15374851  3.24643469  0.0418770835  7.10677671  5.72354984  3.64855766
+  1.92480791  0.0235558972  3.8489728  3.09982848  1.9760288  1.04246342
+  0.0124322306  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.6491299  13.5533209
+  8.80174828  4.74346018  0.0792463496  15.8284178  12.8851824  8.36787033
+  4.50963116  0.0721142367  12.0064363  9.77390003  6.34734106  3.42072153
+  0.0507177152  7.11860561  5.79494143  3.76333785  2.02814436  0.0285287257
+  3.85537791  3.13849258  2.03819537  1.09842801  0.0150567964  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  16.6763744  13.7148237  9.06255722  4.98257589
+  0.0947086141  15.8543262  13.0388241  8.61582088  4.73695421  0.0861851349
+  12.0260553  9.89041042  6.53542233  3.59316111  0.0606137253  7.13025522
+  5.86401463  3.87484884  2.13038206  0.0340951942  3.86168694  3.17590523
+  2.09858966  1.1537956  0.0179947428  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  14.2858524  5.82927513  0.53012383  0.0187347624  1.79536483E-10  13.5816813
+  5.54192495  0.503991365  0.0178112537  1.63378394E-10  10.3022232  4.20375729
+  0.382295936  0.0135104731  1.14903309E-10  6.10816765  2.49240446
+  0.226662859  0.00801036879  6.46330836E-11  3.30813122  1.34986532
+  0.122759022  0.00433834735  3.41118973E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  14.3256531  6.13368082  0.673408449  0.0320216455  1.09533205E-09
+  13.6194477  5.8313241  0.640213192  0.0304430872  9.96748017E-10  10.3308792
+  4.42327213  0.485625476  0.0230922047  7.01010805E-10  6.12518024  2.62256074
+  0.287927419  0.0136913434  3.94318911E-10  3.31734824  1.42035544
+  0.155938804  0.00741512747  2.08113013E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  14.365942  6.43885231  0.831013441  0.0493503809  4.52031124E-09
+  13.6577501  6.12144899  0.790048897  0.0469175987  4.11348022E-09  10.3598938
+  4.6433444  0.599281728  0.0355887562  2.89299606E-09  6.1423893  2.75303769
+  0.355313838  0.0211005602  1.6273114E-09  3.32666683  1.49102187  0.192434773
+  0.0114278663  8.58857097E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  14.4055796  6.74048328  1.0114007  0.0763233677  3.06061963E-07  13.6954498
+  6.40821123  0.961543441  0.0725609809  2.78516495E-07  10.3884563  4.86086416
+  0.729367137  0.0550402328  1.95879892E-07  6.15932035  2.88200068
+  0.432440966  0.0326333493  1.10182391E-07  3.3358345  1.56086862  0.234206423
+  0.0176739022  5.81517305E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  14.4440937  7.03065014  1.21745086  0.119338699  1.36804351E-06  13.73207
+  6.68407536  1.15743661  0.113455929  1.24492112E-06  10.4162712  5.07012033
+  0.877958536  0.0860606208  8.75548892E-07  6.17579126  3.00606561
+  0.520540774  0.0510253273  4.92495928E-07  3.34475636  1.62806201
+  0.281920999  0.027634846  2.59929209E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  14.4822054  7.31887436  1.44093251  0.172680408  2.64202504E-06
+  13.7683067  6.95808983  1.36990309  0.164168075  2.40424447E-06  10.443759
+  5.27797318  1.03912139  0.124527708  1.69089742E-06  6.19208956  3.12930036
+  0.616093993  0.0738323852  9.5112938E-07  3.35358286  1.69480693  0.333671957
+  0.039987009  5.01985539E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  14.5202761  7.60897589  1.68285596  0.234794676  3.49508332E-06  13.8045206
+  7.23389101  1.59990287  0.223220348  3.18052389E-06  10.4712114  5.48717785
+  1.21358466  0.169320911  2.23685333E-06  6.20837545  3.25333953  0.719533622
+  0.100390062  1.25823033E-06  3.36240292  1.76198542  0.389693499
+  0.0543705784  6.64063009E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  14.5595951  7.90257978  1.9347347  0.298244923  3.34841775E-06  13.8418894
+  7.5130167  1.83936274  0.283542782  3.04705804E-06  10.499609  5.69890356
+  1.39522338  0.215077639  2.14299212E-06  6.22520351  3.37887931  0.827228963
+  0.12751922  1.20543166E-06  3.37152219  1.82997203  0.448019981  0.069063589
+  6.36197797E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.5978308
+  8.18540764  2.20258927  0.389953017  3.05743088E-05  13.878211  7.78190279
+  2.09401155  0.370730162  2.78226144E-05  10.527194  5.9028616  1.58838332
+  0.281212568  1.95675366E-05  6.24154949  3.49980736  0.941753864  0.166730717
+  1.10067331E-05  3.38037944  1.89546561  0.510046184  0.0903001875
+  5.80911365E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.6353559
+  8.45685387  2.48124361  0.498745948  4.74616754E-05  13.9138708  8.03997612
+  2.35893154  0.474160165  4.31901426E-05  10.554225  6.09861898  1.78933692
+  0.359668165  3.03754405E-05  6.25758028  3.61586595  1.06089711  0.213246956
+  1.70861858E-05  3.3890574  1.95832324  0.574573696  0.115492932
+  9.01769545E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.6735096  8.7391386
+  2.78241324  0.610564768  4.13953785E-05  13.9501724  8.30834389  2.64525342
+  0.580467224  3.76698445E-05  10.5817385  6.30218887  2.00652289  0.44030565
+  2.6493035E-05  6.27388906  3.73656154  1.18966627  0.261057168
+  1.49023426E-05  3.3978858  2.02369046  0.644313335  0.141386628
+  7.8650919E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.7109842  9.00232887
+  3.07597637  0.747458696  0.000188334045  13.9858227  8.55855751  2.92434621
+  0.71061343  0.000171384396  10.6087532  6.49199152  2.21822214  0.539025605
+  0.000120533587  6.28992558  3.84909606  1.31518388  0.319588453
+  6.78003344E-05  3.40657067  2.08463645  0.71229285  0.173086837
+  3.57834688E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.7478704
+  9.26675129  3.38982606  0.898711979  0.000210654005  14.020895  8.80994511
+  3.22272134  0.854410589  0.000191695246  10.6353636  6.68267488  2.44455576
+  0.648101091  0.000134818474  6.30570078  3.96215391  1.44937384  0.384258747
+  7.58355382E-05  3.41511631  2.14586854  0.784970045  0.208111808
+  4.0024257E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.785327  9.52543545
+  3.7017591  1.05828655  0.000508311554  14.0565166  9.05588055  3.51927948
+  1.00611842  0.000462563708  10.6624002  6.86922646  2.66950631  0.763178527
+  0.000325319357  6.32171631  4.07276058  1.58274829  0.452488333
+  0.000182992197  3.42379308  2.20577002  0.857204735  0.245063886
+  9.65791987E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.8220139
+  9.78042603  4.02698612  1.23948729  0.000586161215  14.0913639  9.29831791
+  3.82847857  1.17838752  0.000533406972  10.6888494  7.05311966  2.9040401
+  0.893849969  0.000375143398  6.33739662  4.18178844  1.72180796  0.529964089
+  0.00021101789  3.43228364  2.26482129  0.932517946  0.287024111
+  0.000111370558  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.858511  10.025425
+  4.34115219  1.42309916  0.00124864199  14.12605  9.53123188  4.12715578
+  1.35294735  0.00113626465  10.7151489  7.22979355  3.13059688  1.02626133
+  0.000799131696  6.35300207  4.28653908  1.85612977  0.608470201
+  0.000449511572  3.44073248  2.32155609  1.00526655  0.329542726
+  0.000237242319  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.8950186
+  10.2711582  4.6724844  1.62777603  0.00159248966  14.1608143  9.76483631
+  4.44215393  1.5475316  0.00144916587  10.7414541  7.40699244  3.36953521
+  1.17386281  0.00101919402  6.36861277  4.39160442  1.99779499  0.695982993
+  0.000573296624  3.44918633  2.37845111  1.08198977  0.376938939
+  0.000302573724  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.9312849
+  10.5069189  4.99035978  1.83377588  0.00242331135  14.1952744  9.98896694
+  4.74436235  1.74337637  0.0022052112  10.7676153  7.57700586  3.59877181
+  1.32241762  0.00155091821  6.38410902  4.49240494  2.13371038  0.78406024
+  0.000872392906  3.45758057  2.43304443  1.15559936  0.424641311
+  0.000460428651  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.9665213
+  10.7371893  5.31149483  2.0527389  0.00376674603  14.2287273  10.2078896
+  5.04966974  1.95154572  0.0034277353  10.7930651  7.7430644  3.83035851
+  1.48032153  0.00241071475  6.3991785  4.59085798  2.27102137  0.87768048
+  0.0013560293  3.46574235  2.48636889  1.22996569  0.475345403  0.000715680013
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.0027447  10.963275  5.62686872
+  2.27283549  0.00556359626  14.2632217  10.4228582  5.34949541  2.1607933
+  0.00506286835  10.8191986  7.90612555  4.05778885  1.63904285  0.00356069626
+  6.41468525  4.68753767  2.40586495  0.971787214  0.00200289139  3.47414184
+  2.53872967  1.30299735  0.526312411  0.00105708127  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.0386419  11.1860313  5.94645834  2.50470972  0.00723200291
+  14.2973614  10.6346245  5.65332651  2.38123751  0.00658112206  10.8450804
+  8.06676579  4.28825998  1.80625772  0.00462848088  6.43003702  4.78278351
+  2.54250908  1.07092965  0.00260351901  3.48245621  2.5903151  1.37700403
+  0.580006599  0.00137407973  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  15.0738859  11.4027147  6.26332092  2.74479985  0.00910436455  14.3308144
+  10.8405733  5.95457268  2.60949516  0.00828497671  10.8704939  8.22299004
+  4.51677084  1.97940135  0.00582679594  6.4451108  4.87541294  2.67798638
+  1.17358637  0.00327756861  3.49061513  2.64048052  1.4503777  0.635603428
+  0.001729829  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.1091089  11.612133
+  6.56595755  2.97731781  0.0121665699  14.3642673  11.0396976  6.24228764
+  2.83054996  0.0110715516  10.8958426  8.37403679  4.73501062  2.14707685
+  0.00778659992  6.4601512  4.96496773  2.8073833  1.27300143  0.00437995931
+  3.49875879  2.68898344  1.52045786  0.689446688  0.00231164438  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.1435642  11.8155718  6.86436319  3.2142303
+  0.016557578  14.3970127  11.233139  6.52598238  3.05578208  0.0150673529
+  10.92066  8.52076244  4.9501996  2.31792259  0.0105968285  6.47486782
+  5.05195856  2.93497276  1.37429667  0.00596072106  3.50673032  2.73609972
+  1.58955789  0.744307876  0.00314593432  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  15.178009  12.0143719  7.15835238  3.45307088  0.0217541717  14.4297686
+  11.422123  6.80548763  3.28285742  0.0197962821  10.9455404  8.66409779
+  5.16221666  2.49016905  0.013922615  6.48960447  5.13693619  3.06067467
+  1.4764235  0.00783149246  3.51471519  2.78212404  1.65763819  0.799616814
+  0.00413329061  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.3608475  3.62749815
+  0.119246967  0.000933755364  6.26456939E-16  11.7515326  3.44867611
+  0.113368936  0.000887724455  5.70075885E-16  8.91395092  2.61595201
+  0.0859942511  0.000673370669  4.00932616E-16  5.28507423  1.55099463
+  0.0509860925  0.000399241631  2.25524322E-16  2.86235213  0.840006292
+  0.0276136454  0.000216225759  1.19026459E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  12.4086294  3.90213728  0.169065684  0.00206787651  5.87792966E-15
+  11.7969255  3.70978069  0.16073209  0.00196594279  5.3489868E-15  8.94843388
+  2.81400466  0.12192136  0.00149123557  3.76191261E-15  5.30551815  1.66842568
+  0.0722870305  0.000884157955  2.11608291E-15  2.87342477  0.903603554
+  0.0391500741  0.000478851172  1.11681029E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  12.4574175  4.18186665  0.227941141  0.003863869  9.82691237E-14
+  11.8433113  3.97572351  0.216705173  0.0036733998  8.94243785E-14  8.98360825
+  3.01573181  0.16437909  0.00278640888  6.28918507E-14  5.32637596  1.78802443
+  0.0974602848  0.00165206392  3.53767512E-14  2.8847177  0.968377352
+  0.0527836382  0.000894742319  1.86710744E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  12.5052576  4.46284628  0.304405123  0.00801751576  3.3991876E-10
+  11.8887911  4.24285078  0.289399594  0.00762228807  3.09325981E-10
+  9.01808929  3.21835804  0.219520494  0.00578179304  2.17548091E-10
+  5.34682369  1.9081614  0.130153626  0.00342802424  1.22370905E-10  2.8957901
+  1.03344309  0.0704901218  0.00185658666  6.4584553E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.5504503  4.74132109  0.406341255  0.0168732181
+  1.64441871E-09  11.9317427  4.50759554  0.386310458  0.0160414539
+  1.49642054E-09  9.05066395  3.41917753  0.293030918  0.0121680479
+  1.05242948E-09  5.36613607  2.02723265  0.173737943  0.00721442979
+  5.91992233E-10  2.90625143  1.09793103  0.0940951183  0.00390727306
+  3.12440185E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.595314  5.02058077
+  0.523287356  0.0288317762  2.73130896E-09  11.9744482  4.77309322
+  0.497491807  0.0274105165  2.48549137E-09  9.08302975  3.6205678  0.377366066
+  0.020791905  1.7480386E-09  5.385324  2.14663553  0.223740339  0.0123274978
+  9.83272241E-10  2.91664815  1.16260028  0.121175781  0.00667648343
+  5.18949828E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.6412849
+  5.30716848  0.652027071  0.0423432291  2.87253887E-09  12.0181456  5.04555225
+  0.619885504  0.0402559191  2.61401123E-09  9.11618614  3.82723999
+  0.470206171  0.030535616  1.83842519E-09  5.40498257  2.26916885  0.27878508
+  0.0181045271  1.03411368E-09  2.92729425  1.22896588  0.150987521
+  0.00980529096  5.45783252E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  12.6913376  5.60869646  0.786944509  0.0552113503  2.97700398E-09  12.0657711
+  5.33221292  0.748152494  0.0524896979  2.70907341E-09  9.15231514  4.04468489
+  0.567501247  0.0398153737  1.90528726E-09  5.42640686  2.39809084  0.3364712
+  0.0236064959  1.0717216E-09  2.93889213  1.29878914  0.182229757
+  0.0127851171  5.65630875E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  12.734623  5.88201952  0.95780009  0.0914561749  2.02334121E-07  12.1069145
+  5.59206438  0.910586298  0.0869478732  1.84123849E-07  9.18354702  4.24179125
+  0.690713167  0.0659532174  1.29494367E-07  5.44491768  2.51495051
+  0.409523845  0.0391035527  7.28403862E-08  2.94892192  1.36207712
+  0.221794441  0.0211781953  3.84435168E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  12.7795954  6.16712141  1.14368641  0.127598658  1.55340331E-07
+  12.1496372  5.86311531  1.08730972  0.121308707  1.41359365E-07  9.21595383
+  4.44739199  0.824763656  0.0920171961  9.94178322E-08  5.46413183  2.6368525
+  0.489002973  0.0545568317  5.59224844E-08  2.9593308  1.42809665  0.264839828
+  0.0295475274  2.95146272E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  12.8271112  6.4590807  1.33884931  0.168744609  1.31325135E-06  12.1948481
+  6.14068079  1.27284968  0.160426408  1.19505933E-06  9.25023079  4.65793228
+  0.965502858  0.121689126  8.40480595E-07  5.48445511  2.76168585  0.572447062
+  0.0721494332  4.72770864E-07  2.97033405  1.49570489  0.310032219
+  0.0390755311  2.49517456E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  12.8702278  6.73267889  1.55539489  0.231836617  2.05565129E-06  12.2358389
+  6.40078926  1.47872281  0.22040835  1.87064165E-06  9.28132343  4.85523701
+  1.12166512  0.167187586  1.3156158E-06  5.50289583  2.87866592  0.665035129
+  0.099125497  7.40034977E-07  2.98031878  1.55906129  0.360177279
+  0.0536856838  3.90574286E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  12.917594  7.02405787  1.78887653  0.294208795  4.72348893E-06  12.2808771
+  6.67780733  1.70069742  0.279705584  4.29837291E-06  9.31547832  5.06536674
+  1.29004371  0.212166741  3.02303124E-06  5.52314663  3.00325155  0.764865756
+  0.125793338  1.70045701E-06  2.99128509  1.62653375  0.41424498  0.0681288913
+  8.97462712E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.9600859
+  7.29176998  2.0292294  0.381750494  1.06807584E-05  12.3212481  6.93232203
+  1.92919755  0.362931967  9.7194843E-06  9.34612465  5.25842571  1.46337152
+  0.275297552  6.83568351E-06  5.54131222  3.11772013  0.867630899  0.163223594
+  3.84507393E-06  3.00112724  1.68852699  0.469902217  0.0884006172
+  2.02934302E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.0065632
+  7.57431078  2.29038262  0.472867548  2.28405224E-05  12.3653936  7.20093727
+  2.17747402  0.449557632  2.07848807E-05  9.37960434  5.46218014  1.65170062
+  0.34100616  1.46179309E-05  5.5611639  3.23852563  0.979289889  0.202182069
+  8.2225888E-06  3.01188159  1.75395465  0.530375838  0.109500296
+  4.33969262E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.0491085
+  7.84062624  2.55625486  0.584674597  3.31544252E-05  12.405818  7.45412254
+  2.43024158  0.555853665  3.01705368E-05  9.41028881  5.65422964  1.84343207
+  0.42163524  2.12188188E-05  5.57935381  3.35238814  1.09296632  0.249987677
+  1.19356073E-05  3.02173233  1.81562781  0.591942728  0.135391325
+  6.29932447E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.0938692
+  8.10933113  2.83154249  0.704747558  9.31093018E-05  12.4483461  7.70957804
+  2.69195724  0.670007408  8.47294868E-05  9.44255733  5.84800243  2.04195547
+  0.508225083  5.95899619E-05  5.59848452  3.46727538  1.21067083  0.301326841
+  3.35193399E-05  3.03209591  1.87785077  0.655689597  0.163196281
+  1.76907961E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.1395273
+  8.38133144  3.12823558  0.841329753  7.64316719E-05  12.4918051  7.96816969
+  2.97403049  0.799856186  6.95528433E-05  9.47548389  6.0441618  2.25591516
+  0.606720388  4.8916274E-05  5.61801052  3.58357215  1.33752942  0.359724194
+  2.75153925E-05  3.04266834  1.94083786  0.724394143  0.194824234
+  1.45220229E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.1802387
+  8.63210011  3.40855813  0.989865363  0.000222501054  12.5305519  8.20658112
+  3.2405324  0.941069543  0.00020247596  9.50489902  6.22499752  2.45806432
+  0.713836193  0.000142400793  5.63544226  3.69079447  1.45738685  0.423232913
+  8.01002534E-05  3.05211043  1.99890423  0.789307475  0.229219839
+  4.22750963E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.2239895
+  8.88872147  3.70471716  1.14845526  0.000428826228  12.5721951  8.45055389
+  3.52209044  1.09184229  0.000390231464  9.53646469  6.41005707  2.67163968
+  0.828202903  0.000274449296  5.65415335  3.80051637  1.58401406  0.491041064
+  0.00015437734  3.06224537  2.05832815  0.857887983  0.265943825
+  8.1476901E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.2682161  9.14373398
+  4.01106501  1.32190919  0.000610051851  12.6142035  8.6930027  3.81333995
+  1.2567482  0.000555146777  9.56833935  6.59396267  2.8925612  0.953288972
+  0.000390434201  5.6730566  3.90955687  1.71500027  0.565204978
+  0.000219618625  3.07247877  2.11738896  0.928828776  0.306110084
+  0.000115909839  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.3122845
+  9.39269543  4.31534433  1.50298095  0.000772558327  12.6560459  8.92968655
+  4.10262299  1.42889726  0.000703027938  9.60011005  6.7735033  3.11199379
+  1.08386981  0.000494437234  5.6918993  4.01600504  1.84510159  0.642625272
+  0.000278120511  3.08268213  2.17503691  0.999292374  0.348040283
+  0.000146785926  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.3544807
+  9.63399696  4.61782598  1.69377315  0.00110533368  12.6961288  9.159091
+  4.39019203  1.61028063  0.00100585213  9.63052368  6.94751644  3.3301239
+  1.22145736  0.000707412022  5.70993376  4.1191783  1.9744308  0.724200249
+  0.00039791927  3.09245062  2.23091269  1.06933498  0.392221034
+  0.000210012935  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.3958559
+  9.86950302  4.91951561  1.89326108  0.00180127018  12.7354479  9.38298607
+  4.67700768  1.7999289  0.00163915381  9.66034889  7.11734772  3.54768062
+  1.3653152  0.00115281064  5.72761631  4.21987152  2.10342002  0.80949384
+  0.000648456567  3.10202956  2.28544927  1.13919127  0.438415617
+  0.000342240761  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  13.4377871
+  10.1015739  5.2215538  2.09931922  0.00272658258  12.7753305  9.60361385
+  4.9641571  1.9958359  0.00248119212  9.69058228  7.28469992  3.76549482
+  1.5139147  0.00174501177  5.745543  4.31909084  2.23256016  0.897600412
+  0.00098157092  3.11173415  2.33918905  1.20913601  0.486132979
+  0.000518050627  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.236352  1.90963185
+  0.0149045344  1.25513661E-05  3.26092458E-24  9.73177624  1.81550181
+  0.0141698094  1.19326478E-05  2.96744091E-24  7.38191795  1.37712455
+  0.0107483482  9.05132856E-06  2.0869901E-24  4.37673235  0.816495419
+  0.00637269579  5.3665367E-06  1.17393438E-24  2.37040091  0.442207009
+  0.00345139788  2.90646949E-06  6.1957525E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  10.2909384  2.11765838  0.0246322583  4.03583945E-05 -4.28753349E-22
+  9.78369331  2.01326728  0.023418013  3.83689585E-05 -3.90164571E-22
+  7.42128754  1.52714145  0.0177634358  2.9104307E-05 -2.74397907E-22
+  4.40007496  0.905441046  0.0105319545  1.72559321E-05 -1.54350216E-22
+  2.38304257  0.490379125  0.00570400758  9.34564832E-06 -8.14628132E-23  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.3471909  2.33376837  0.0372934006
+  9.93259746E-05  7.31686731E-21  9.83713818  2.2187283  0.0354550332
+  9.44296553E-05  6.65834147E-21  7.46182728  1.68298936  0.0268939901
+  7.16284485E-05  4.68275023E-21  4.4241128  0.997843325  0.0159454532
+  4.2468444E-05  2.63405629E-21  2.39605951  0.540422857  0.00863590185
+  2.30005899E-05  1.39020253E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  10.4018135  2.55733585  0.0578628965  0.000398975681  1.12319525E-14
+  9.88904953  2.43127322  0.0550104976  0.000379307836  1.02210458E-14
+  7.50121164  1.8442086  0.0417275317  0.000287719071  7.18842896E-15
+  4.44746685  1.09342945  0.0247402638  0.000170588624  4.04350659E-15
+  2.40870643  0.592193007  0.0133990711  9.23893749E-05  2.13406817E-15  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.452219  2.78819728  0.0914548784
+  0.00125703646  5.22550854E-14  9.93697166  2.65075254  0.086946547
+  0.00119506975  4.75520502E-14  7.53756523  2.01069212  0.0659522191
+  0.000906505389  3.34432189E-14  4.46901941  1.19213736  0.0391030535
+  0.000537466898  1.88118733E-14  2.42038155  0.645652652  0.0211778581
+  0.000291087403  9.9284662E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  10.5030727  3.02762008  0.132905975  0.00248655095  7.45674274E-14
+  9.98533058  2.87837768  0.126354426  0.00236397679  6.78562634E-14
+  7.57423687  2.18335724  0.0958446264  0.00179316546  4.7723161E-14
+  4.49075842  1.29451084  0.0568262637  0.00106316665  2.68443003E-14
+  2.43216133  0.701095581  0.0307765752  0.000575801707  1.41678254E-14  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.5564537  3.2748816  0.176914543
+  0.00368619128  4.96203319E-14  10.0360403  3.11345077  0.168193713
+  0.00350448373  4.51544387E-14  7.61271715  2.36166549  0.127581403
+  0.00265828334  3.17570236E-14  4.51357126  1.40023267  0.0756428987
+  0.00157609174  1.78633201E-14  2.44452  0.758353293  0.0409675092
+  0.000853598467  9.42786634E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  10.6133013  3.52939677  0.228174299  0.00618996192  4.44581351E-11  10.090085
+  3.35542417  0.216926768  0.00588483084  4.04569156E-11  7.65371943
+  2.54521179  0.164547399  0.00446386356  2.84532242E-11  4.53788424
+  1.50905502  0.0975599289  0.00264662015  1.60049092E-11  2.45768094
+  0.8172912  0.0528376028  0.00143338833  8.44703994E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.6624289  3.78168082  0.311717391  0.0130683919
+  4.63456808E-11  10.1368322  3.59526896  0.296351582  0.0124242017
+  4.21746596E-11  7.68916607  2.72714663  0.224794075  0.00942420959
+  2.96612145E-11  4.55890322  1.61692154  0.133280173  0.00558760576
+  1.66844316E-11  2.46906209  0.875710666  0.0721832886  0.00302620349
+  8.80567581E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.7169485
+  4.04765797  0.391599208  0.0175999161  2.32633617E-11  10.1886501  3.84812737
+  0.372295111  0.0167323351  2.11696962E-11  7.72845173  2.91895223
+  0.282399923  0.0126920547  1.48885453E-11  4.58219337  1.73064578
+  0.167434961  0.00752512971  8.37480345E-12  2.48168206  0.937302053
+  0.0906812474  0.00407554721  4.42003769E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  10.7673931  4.30614901  0.495899767  0.0311505515  2.7756164E-09
+  10.2366171  4.09387589  0.471454144  0.0296149813  2.52581267E-09  7.76484776
+  3.10535479  0.357615322  0.0224640183  1.77638992E-09  4.60377073  1.8411622
+  0.212030172  0.0133189159  9.99221816E-10  2.49336314  0.997159421
+  0.114833683  0.00721340301  5.27366539E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  10.8217545  4.58056164  0.613906264  0.0436189584  4.81888918E-10
+  10.2883034  4.35475969  0.583643436  0.0414687432  4.38518888E-10  7.80407047
+  3.3032434  0.442715347  0.0314556211  3.08408632E-10  4.62702942  1.95848906
+  0.262485594  0.0186500028  1.73479522E-10  2.50595784  1.06070518
+  0.142159864  0.0101006767  9.15590589E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  10.8714151  4.84302998  0.746675491  0.0670201257  3.57212215E-08
+  10.3355217  4.60429096  0.709867597  0.0637163743  3.25062786E-08  7.8398838
+  3.49252582  0.538461626  0.048331257  2.28615225E-08  4.64826393  2.07071447
+  0.319253832  0.0286555383  1.285962E-08  2.51745725  1.12148404  0.172905132
+  0.0155196264  6.78702872E-09  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  10.9253931  5.12266445  0.895924866  0.0891900063  6.93555702E-09  10.386838
+  4.87014198  0.851759851  0.0847934857  6.31135677E-09  7.87882137  3.6941812
+  0.646091998  0.064319022  4.43875781E-09  4.67135096  2.19028187  0.383067638
+  0.0381346941  2.49679877E-09  2.52996182  1.1862371  0.207466483
+  0.0206534602  1.31775912E-09  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  10.9743395  5.38536549  1.06253374  0.129286364  2.12042863E-07  10.4333735
+  5.11989498  1.01015711  0.122913241  1.92958936E-07  7.91409206  3.88362908
+  0.766242802  0.0932343602  1.35707083E-07  4.69226217  2.30260062
+  0.454304636  0.0552785285  7.63354677E-08  2.54128885  1.247069  0.246047661
+  0.0299384128  4.02881213E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  11.0272598  5.6629014  1.2445997  0.170275629  3.26228786E-07  10.4836941
+  5.38375044  1.18325007  0.161881953  2.96868194E-07  7.95225239  4.08377457
+  0.897540212  0.1227936  2.08786361E-07  4.71488762  2.42126417  0.532150507
+  0.0728043094  1.17442347E-07  2.55354285  1.31133699  0.288208425
+  0.0394301787  6.19834921E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  11.0766506  5.93237114  1.44205201  0.225336462  7.43585645E-07  10.5305977
+  5.63993502  1.3709631  0.214228347  6.76662921E-07  7.98785496  4.27809906
+  1.0399313  0.162500098  4.75894609E-07  4.73599386  2.53648376  0.616574049
+  0.0963463038  2.6769078E-07  2.56497693  1.37374055  0.333931029
+  0.0521803498  1.41281333E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  11.1300554  6.20570993  1.65087795  0.287723601  2.13580347E-06  10.5813789
+  5.89980221  1.56949341  0.273540288  1.94357858E-06  8.0263834  4.47521782
+  1.19052088  0.207490325  1.36691347E-06  4.75883913  2.65335727  0.705860972
+  0.123020694  7.68888867E-07  2.57734942  1.43703914  0.382288128
+  0.0666271225  4.05803036E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  11.177475  6.47195196  1.87526357  0.365904629  4.03726108E-06  10.6264849
+  6.15292072  1.78281808  0.347867906  3.67389543E-06  8.06060314  4.66721392
+  1.35233438  0.263870627  2.58384421E-06  4.77912664  2.76719379  0.801799417
+  0.156448394  1.45341278E-06  2.58833671  1.49868762  0.434247881
+  0.0847313702  7.67078575E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  11.2276669  6.74081993  2.11211085  0.454532564  1.0539351E-05  10.6742163
+  6.40852308  2.00799656  0.432126492  9.59079171E-06  8.09678078  4.86110258
+  1.52314413  0.327784061  6.7451856E-06  4.80057812  2.88214636  0.903068364
+  0.194342643  3.79416474E-06  2.59995604  1.56094611  0.489094347  0.105254613
+  2.00247405E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  11.279665  7.00889778
+  2.35701799  0.551714897  2.3075665E-05  10.7236013  6.66339207  2.24083328
+  0.524518192  2.0998863E-05  8.13426113  5.05443048  1.69975412  0.397866696
+  1.47684714E-05  4.82280207  2.99676538  1.00778317  0.235894993
+  8.30723639E-06  2.61199212  1.62302291  0.545806706  0.127758786
+  4.38437519E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  11.3319035
+  7.27640533  2.61366153  0.660281897  2.90544685E-05  10.773262  6.9177146
+  2.48482084  0.627733231  2.64395549E-05  8.17191887  5.24734259  1.8848263
+  0.476159334  1.85948647E-05  4.84513044  3.11114311  1.11751211  0.282314599
+  1.04595911E-05  2.62408185  1.68496847  0.605236173  0.152899355
+  5.52034044E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  11.3807573
+  7.53710079  2.87880206  0.785394847  3.62979408E-05  10.8197174  7.16555691
+  2.73688817  0.74667871  3.30310868E-05  8.20714664  5.43534088  2.07603097
+  0.566383958  2.32306847E-05  4.86601686  3.22260976  1.23087621  0.335808635
+  1.30672479E-05  2.635391  1.74533951  0.666633904  0.181871474
+  6.89661101E-06  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  11.42834  7.79285955
+  3.14882016  0.923045754  7.75759545E-05  10.8649225  7.40870523  2.9936018
+  0.877543747  7.05940911E-05  8.24147034  5.61978436  2.27075553  0.66565001
+  4.96486355E-05  4.8863678  3.33196306  1.34633183  0.394663751  2.7927339E-05
+  2.64641905  1.80456626  0.729162216  0.213746682  1.47394476E-05  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  11.4770861  8.04732609  3.42468023  1.06995893
+  0.000144973805  10.9113674  7.65062761  3.25585604  1.01721394
+  0.000131926412  8.27666283  5.80328512  2.46968746  0.771596074
+  9.27834772E-05  4.90722609  3.4407692  1.46427846  0.457478881
+  5.21905531E-05  2.65771031  1.86348999  0.793040216  0.247766674
+  2.75450002E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.00428581
+  0.803435624  0.000817954598  2.52920014E-08  8.85293286E-37  7.60971737
+  0.7638309  0.000777637528  2.40452049E-08  8.05614514E-37  5.77225113
+  0.579393864  0.000589865434  1.82391648E-08  5.66585909E-37  3.42236257
+  0.343522191  0.000349731214  1.08140448E-08  3.18704395E-37  1.85352266
+  0.186049074  0.00018941141  5.85678084E-09  1.68205052E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.06281185  0.928566933  0.00167614722  1.3909326E-07
+ -1.06099878E-32  7.66535664  0.882786751  0.00159352529  1.32236806E-07
+ -9.65506758E-33  5.81445312  0.669629872  0.00120874739  1.00306565E-07
+ -6.79040107E-33  3.44738698  0.397023171  0.000716665993  5.94715743E-08
+ -3.81959147E-33  1.86707997  0.215024412  0.000388140063  3.22093072E-08
+ -2.01589622E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.1235857  1.06141937
+  0.00295376079  5.08904463E-07  6.68724395E-32  7.72313309  1.00909328
+  0.00280815898  4.83818212E-07  6.08537615E-32  5.8582859  0.765435517
+  0.00213008979  3.66994698E-07  4.27985327E-32  3.47337151  0.453826606
+  0.00126292824  2.1759034E-07  2.40739862E-32  1.88115191  0.24578853
+  0.000683992286  1.17845282E-07  1.27056745E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  8.18202591  1.20616031  0.00607102411  8.67935614E-06
+  1.72460574E-21  7.77868938  1.14670205  0.00577174779  8.25150073E-06
+  1.56939023E-21  5.90042543  0.869818032  0.00437809015  6.25905614E-06
+  1.1037457E-21  3.49835515  0.515714586  0.00259577087  3.71099782E-06
+  6.2085918E-22  1.89468229  0.279306442  0.00140584365  2.00984778E-06
+  3.27674847E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.23467255
+  1.36606705  0.0125815878  3.77131655E-05  6.91918811E-21  7.8287406
+  1.29872894  0.011961381  3.58540929E-05  6.29645278E-21  5.93838882
+  0.985134959  0.009073155  2.71965691E-05  4.42827546E-21  3.52086639
+  0.584085643  0.00537946494  1.61248772E-05  2.49090921E-21  1.90687037
+  0.316335589  0.00291347364  8.73309909E-06  1.31464455E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.28868771  1.53627849  0.0207699947  7.68518585E-05
+  7.64823877E-21  7.88009787  1.46055007  0.019746162  7.30635875E-05
+  6.95988233E-21  5.97734547  1.10788167  0.0149781965  5.54211911E-05
+  4.89486874E-21  3.54396415  0.656862319  0.00888055749  3.28593087E-05
+  2.75336235E-21  1.91938126  0.35575071  0.00480964407  1.77963211E-05
+  1.45316378E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.34947586
+  1.71524405  0.0288256053  0.00010680929  2.03551721E-21  7.9378891
+  1.63069093  0.0274046808  0.000101544611  1.8523173E-21  6.02118492
+  1.2369374  0.0207874496  7.70249171E-05  1.30273161E-21  3.56995511
+  0.733380854  0.0123249013  4.56682064E-05  7.32785592E-22  1.93346131
+  0.397192508  0.00667504827  2.47335138E-05  3.86748109E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.40879154  1.89886057  0.0441525169  0.0004082823
+  5.25734874E-16  7.99428415  1.80525601  0.0419760607  0.00038815607
+  4.78417814E-16  6.06396532  1.3693521  0.0318404362  0.000294430705
+  3.36470762E-16  3.59532118  0.811888158  0.0188782066  0.000174567904
+  1.89264258E-16  1.94719291  0.439711541  0.0102242595  9.45444626E-05
+  9.98895234E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.46024609
+  2.09435725  0.0679197684  0.00082733779  2.23402769E-16  8.0432024
+  1.99111176  0.0645717382  0.00078655564  2.03295928E-16  6.10106993
+  1.51033568  0.0489800982  0.000596631318  1.42978103E-16  3.61732244
+  0.895477474  0.0290402789  0.00035374274  8.04248122E-17  1.95910919
+  0.484982401  0.0157279726  0.000191583924  4.24464456E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.52325916  2.30042839  0.0877591819  0.00115333498
+  6.80053277E-14  8.10310173  2.18702316  0.0834331214  0.0010964832
+  6.18848167E-14  6.14650774  1.65894139  0.0632870942  0.000831722282
+  4.35234327E-14  3.64426422  0.983587563  0.037522912  0.00049312826
+  2.44818898E-14  1.97370565  0.53270191  0.0203220919  0.000267074036
+  1.29210116E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.57655716
+  2.51286864  0.131187141  0.00302228658  1.80962863E-14  8.15377235
+  2.38899207  0.124720387  0.00287330407  1.64676181E-14  6.18494606
+  1.81213748  0.09460482  0.00217950856  1.15816153E-14  3.66705084  1.07441604
+  0.056091249  0.00129223126  6.51467143E-15  1.98604524  0.581895769
+  0.0303785484  0.000699859229  3.43829647E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  8.63592052  2.73387599  0.169124871  0.00447116187  6.79861332E-12
+  8.21021366  2.59910631  0.160788432  0.0042507546  6.18673732E-12  6.22775412
+  1.97152066  0.12196368  0.00322436099  4.35110888E-12  3.69242644  1.1689111
+  0.0723122731  0.0019117198  2.44749403E-12  1.99979055  0.633074462
+  0.0391636975  0.00103537017  1.29173853E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  8.68703842  2.95615983  0.230889544  0.00869399961  1.45346788E-12
+  8.25881577  2.81042933  0.219507873  0.00826542638  1.32265607E-12
+  6.26461744  2.13182163  0.166504785  0.00626965612  9.30220527E-13
+  3.71428466  1.2639538  0.098720789  0.00371726812  5.23247244E-13  2.01162505
+  0.684547484  0.0534662977  0.00201324164  2.76158924E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.74824333  3.19275069  0.294965863  0.0136717856
+  1.04430811E-10  8.31700611  3.03535724  0.280425519  0.0129978303
+  9.50320517E-11  6.30875921  2.30243659  0.212712824  0.00985935237
+  6.68357453E-11  3.74045849  1.365116  0.126117527  0.00584559189
+  3.75950764E-11  2.02579927  0.739332974  0.0683041215  0.00316592935
+  1.98419024E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.80242348
+  3.43168044  0.373922646  0.0202574674  1.9308069E-11  8.36850071  3.26251674
+  0.355489492  0.0192588754  1.75703705E-11  6.34782124  2.47473693
+  0.269652158  0.0146085871  1.23571865E-11  3.76361847  1.46727252
+  0.159876585  0.00866139587  6.95092508E-12  2.03834534  0.794662595
+  0.0865877941  0.0046909526  3.66853639E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  8.86058235  3.67396116  0.46875912  0.0318076462  4.17291007E-10
+  8.42379665  3.49285531  0.44565168  0.0302396417  3.79735021E-10  6.38976717
+  2.64945769  0.338043422  0.0229379442  2.67067035E-10  3.7884891  1.57086408
+  0.20042567  0.0135998949  1.50225027E-10  2.05181384  0.850766301  0.10854876
+  0.00736559974  7.92853561E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.91128635  3.91601229  0.578458726  0.0488355309  3.22955751E-09  8.47200489
+  3.72297502  0.54994297  0.0464280806  2.93889846E-09  6.42633009  2.82401252
+  0.417152941  0.035217464  2.06692152E-09  3.8101666  1.67435491  0.247330129
+  0.0208804104  1.16264187E-09  2.06355405  0.906818211  0.13395153
+  0.0113086672  6.13616269E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.97179604  4.17258072  0.698239148  0.06662824  1.65632912E-08  8.52952576
+  3.96689916  0.663818896  0.0633437485  1.50725299E-08  6.46996975  3.00904083
+  0.503532231  0.0480486266  1.06004991E-08  3.83603573  1.7840569  0.298544198
+  0.0284879506  5.96277472E-09  2.07756686  0.966231585  0.161688626
+  0.0154288756  3.14702575E-09  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.0252552  4.42553329  0.83850348  0.0934055224  4.27195257E-09  8.58035183
+  4.20738029  0.797169447  0.0888012946  3.88747745E-09  6.50851917  3.19145179
+  0.604683161  0.0673591793  2.73405298E-09  3.85889173  1.89221334
+  0.358516216  0.0399371944  1.53790602E-09  2.08994794  1.0248034  0.194169179
+  0.0216296893  8.11672174E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.07754517  4.67523623  0.989546061  0.129759252  6.30806909E-08  8.63006401
+  4.44476509  0.940768242  0.123362809  5.74035148E-08  6.54622364  3.37152243
+  0.713608563  0.0935753211  4.03716669E-08  3.8812511  1.99897587  0.423097193
+  0.0554806851  2.27090311E-08  2.10205412  1.08262682  0.229145795
+  0.0300479196  1.19853141E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.13555717  4.93480587  1.15262926  0.169097126  2.91827718E-07  8.6852169
+  4.69154167  1.09580994  0.160761371  2.65563443E-07  6.58806658  3.55871296
+  0.831212997  0.121943481  1.86769796E-07  3.90605903  2.10995936  0.492825329
+  0.0723002777  1.050579E-07  2.1154871  1.14273691  0.266909748  0.0391572192
+  5.54471953E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.19449711
+  5.19829559  1.33161366  0.215424925  4.33402477E-07  8.7412529  4.94205189
+  1.26596892  0.204805568  3.94396153E-07  6.63057184  3.74872565  0.960285664
+  0.155352592  2.77377751E-07  3.93125701  2.22261667  0.569353044
+  0.0921085775  1.56024683E-07  2.12913871  1.20375466  0.308356345
+  0.0498852804  8.23463679E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.24841213  5.4573431  1.52672172  0.275945574  2.78435522E-07  8.79250717
+  5.18832636  1.45146525  0.262343109  2.53376584E-07  6.66944551  3.93553638
+  1.10099053  0.198997185  1.78198931E-07  3.95430779  2.33337474  0.652777135
+  0.117985196  1.00236733E-07  2.14162493  1.26373601  0.353538305
+  0.0638998672  5.29027808E-08  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.30040741  5.71374035  1.73314691  0.348976552  8.87431611E-07  8.84193993
+  5.43207884  1.64771795  0.33177352  8.07562628E-07  6.70694113  4.12043667
+  1.24985051  0.25166294  5.6795642E-07  3.97654223  2.44300222  0.741037607
+  0.149211153  3.19475191E-07  2.15366292  1.32311261  0.401339322
+  0.0808113292  1.68612232E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.35427666  5.97176504  1.94951177  0.430507809  2.26467023E-06  8.89315319
+  5.67738867  1.85340571  0.409285694  2.06084837E-06  6.74578762  4.30651236
+  1.40588069  0.310458422  1.4493902E-06  3.99957252  2.55332637  0.833544493
+  0.184070885  8.15280202E-07  2.16613793  1.38286304  0.451440692
+  0.0996908918  4.30287457E-07  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.80585241  0.250635117  1.40196553E-05  3.27411102E-12  0.  5.51965284
+  0.238280207  1.33285912E-05  3.11271234E-12  0.  4.18686199  0.180744067
+  1.01102432E-05  2.36110675E-12  0.  2.4823885  0.107163586  5.9943477E-06
+  1.39990168E-12  0.  1.34444177  0.0580386743  3.24648704E-06  7.58175803E-13
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.86369848  0.306138396
+  3.89665511E-05  3.95435316E-11  0.  5.57464933  0.291047871  3.70456946E-05
+  3.75942506E-11  0.  4.22857714  0.22077024  2.81005287E-05  2.85166231E-11
+  0.  2.50711966  0.130894691  1.66608279E-05  1.69075084E-11  0.  1.35783827
+  0.0708914474  9.02334523E-06  9.15697032E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  5.92400074  0.366322905  8.4060579E-05  2.53147669E-10  0.
+  5.63197708  0.348264903  7.99167829E-05  2.40668263E-10  0.  4.27206707
+  0.264171869  6.06198882E-05  1.82555818E-10  0.  2.53290486  0.156627297
+  3.59415062E-05  1.0823694E-10  0.  1.37180507  0.0848281085  1.94655931E-05
+  5.86204002E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.98166895
+  0.438057184  0.000315727171  5.38763736E-08  7.31781204E-32  5.68680096
+  0.416462779  0.000300163316  5.1220443E-08  6.65919842E-32  4.31364775
+  0.315902591  0.000227685421  3.88526189E-08  4.68339695E-32  2.55756116
+  0.187298968  0.000134994698  2.30357156E-08  2.63441626E-32  1.38515329
+  0.101439387  7.31118489E-05  1.24759536E-08  1.39038765E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.03326464  0.526530683  0.000926672947
+  2.68087746E-07  2.52924678E-31  5.73585224  0.500575364  0.000880992739
+  2.54873356E-07  2.30160995E-31  4.3508625  0.379705459  0.000668266264
+  1.93330621E-07  1.61871532E-31  2.57962537  0.225126997  0.000396214513
+  1.14625536E-07  9.10528168E-32  1.3971045  0.121926896  0.0002145865
+  6.20802822E-08  4.80555668E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.08706093  0.621821702  0.00165053399  5.06673757E-07  1.71280577E-31
+  5.7869997  0.591169059  0.00156917446  4.81698066E-07  1.55865038E-31
+  4.38965607  0.448423624  0.0011902774  3.65385574E-07  1.09619386E-31
+  2.60262799  0.265870064  0.000705715211  2.16636764E-07  6.16609147E-32
+  1.40955639  0.143993065  0.00038220876  1.17328838E-07  3.25431732E-32  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.14910173  0.717093527  0.00217908039
+  5.76096681E-07  2.46036316E-32  5.84598589  0.681744516  0.0020716677
+  5.47697937E-07  2.23893132E-32  4.43439579  0.517128229  0.00157143758
+  4.15449364E-07  1.57463316E-32  2.62915087  0.306605309  0.000931704999
+  2.46319559E-07  8.85729924E-33  1.42392778  0.166054919  0.000504602969
+  1.33404754E-07  4.67467838E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.20445871  0.82878089  0.00521967886  1.01888518E-05  5.99792758E-24
+  5.89861059  0.787925601  0.00496237678  9.68658696E-06  5.45811559E-24
+  4.47431421  0.597670913  0.0037641495  7.34763353E-06  3.83867921E-24
+  2.65282011  0.354358941  0.00223176577  4.35641005E-06  2.15926021E-24
+  1.43674731  0.191917732  0.00120870362  2.35939547E-06  1.13960621E-24  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.26070356  0.954013348  0.00825015176
+  1.38529531E-05  7.76559852E-26  5.95208359  0.906981707  0.00784346554
+  1.31701154E-05  7.06669611E-26  4.51487541  0.687980711  0.00594956568
+  9.98999167E-06  4.96997346E-26  2.67687035  0.407903224  0.00352749485
+  5.92309061E-06  2.79560903E-26  1.4497689  0.220916942  0.00191045995
+  3.2078849E-06  1.47546217E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.32210302  1.08099234  0.0131477062  5.84215741E-05  1.4782842E-19
+  6.01045418  1.02770293  0.012499596  5.554171E-05  1.34523866E-19  4.55915546
+  0.779551446  0.0094814077  4.21304721E-05  9.46101267E-20  2.70312619
+  0.462195396  0.00562152173  2.49791192E-05  5.32183029E-20  1.46398449
+  0.250321269  0.00304457126  1.35284999E-05  2.80874153E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.37442541  1.22381163  0.0208695047  9.88082538E-05
+  5.67937079E-21  6.06019783  1.16348267  0.0198407359  9.39375095E-05
+  5.16822568E-21  4.59688425  0.882546246  0.0150499614  7.12551264E-05
+  3.63480488E-21  2.7254951  0.523261428  0.00892310031  4.22470948E-05
+  2.04458186E-21  1.47610378  0.283393919  0.00483267382  2.28806894E-05
+  1.07908094E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.43151045
+  1.37231064  0.0323785804  0.000310100761  8.25325495E-18  6.11446762
+  1.30466163  0.0307825506  0.000294814294  7.51046247E-18  4.63805151
+  0.989637077  0.0233497005  0.000223627852  5.2820896E-18  2.74989939
+  0.586754322  0.0138440076  0.000132588582  2.97117755E-18  1.48932099
+  0.317781329  0.00749780284  7.18088486E-05  1.56812041E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.49632406  1.53553641  0.0431424528  0.000336170313
+  1.09438208E-20  6.17608976  1.45983672  0.041015774  0.000319599087
+  9.95886118E-21  4.6847887  1.10734737  0.0311119892  0.000242427806
+  7.00406136E-21  2.77760673  0.656543016  0.0184462462  0.000143735233
+  3.93978654E-21  1.5043267  0.355578601  0.00999038015  7.7845878E-05
+  2.07933314E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.54560137
+  1.70219541  0.0675681978  0.00110777025  6.3035562E-16  6.22293854
+  1.61828399  0.0642374307  0.00105316215  5.73623682E-16  4.72033072
+  1.22753131  0.0487263985  0.000798863417  4.03427605E-16  2.79868102
+  0.727802396  0.0288898833  0.000473645487  2.26927988E-16  1.5157423
+  0.394171417  0.0156465098  0.000256522355  1.1976756E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.60289574  1.88028312  0.0935566649  0.00207060855
+  6.0060328E-15  6.27740335  1.7875967  0.0889447108  0.00196853722
+  5.4654856E-15  4.76164532  1.35595882  0.0674678311  0.00149320974
+  3.84385796E-15  2.82317781  0.803947628  0.0400016308  0.000885322108
+  2.16217526E-15  1.52901292  0.435411185  0.0216645524  0.000479483395
+  1.14114481E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.66471529
+  2.06901789  0.124183863  0.00322265341  7.28853935E-13  6.33617783
+  1.96702015  0.118062057  0.00306379097  6.63257264E-13  4.80622578
+  1.49206209  0.089554511  0.00232400373  4.66466438E-13  2.84961224
+  0.884641469  0.0530968495  0.00137789978  2.62387497E-13  1.54332066
+  0.479114503  0.0287567955  0.000746258826  1.38482243E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.71758652  2.26316094  0.168807313  0.00566450506
+  1.94159315E-14  6.38644123  2.15159726  0.160485506  0.00538527407
+  1.76685262E-14  4.84435272  1.63206708  0.121734381  0.00408493076
+  1.24262122E-14  2.8722167  0.967649937  0.0721764937  0.00242195418
+  6.989718E-15  1.55556417  0.524072528  0.0390900671  0.00131170754
+  3.68902754E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.77522612  2.4627285
+  0.220662937  0.00983032305  4.2842444E-12  6.44124174  2.34132957
+  0.209785104  0.00934572984  3.89865831E-12  4.88592434  1.7759856
+  0.159130111  0.00708908774  2.74192084E-12  2.89686322  1.05298126
+  0.0943481922  0.00420311186  1.54232367E-12  1.56891632  0.570285797
+  0.0510981344  0.00227637566  8.14006414E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  6.83357  2.67276835  0.281735122  0.0146662705  1.38422683E-12
+  6.49671125  2.54101324  0.267847002  0.013943309  1.25964582E-12  4.9279952
+  1.92745256  0.203172207  0.0105765127  8.8590642E-13  2.92180586  1.14278662
+  0.120460652  0.00627080817  4.98320406E-13  1.58243001  0.618923485
+  0.0652404875  0.00339621888  2.63003351E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  6.88603067  2.88520861  0.359148979  0.0241642371  5.88247367E-11
+  6.5465827  2.74297976  0.341444939  0.0229730532  5.35304578E-11  4.96582699
+  2.08065462  0.258998692  0.017425919  3.7647753E-11  2.94423532  1.23361838
+  0.153560147  0.010331817  2.11768502E-11  1.5945785  0.668117762
+  0.0831668004  0.005595617  1.11767002E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  6.94606876  3.10718751  0.442787975  0.0347676612  6.07964956E-10
+  6.60365486  2.9540174  0.420960665  0.0330537371  5.5324606E-10  5.00911999
+  2.24073076  0.31931451  0.0250725131  3.89097671E-10  2.9699049  1.32853007
+  0.189321443  0.0148654897  2.1886748E-10  1.60847783  0.719520509
+  0.102534629  0.00805101357  1.15513168E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  7.00786972  3.33675814  0.53801775  0.0471471995  1.59011126E-09
+  6.66241455  3.17227793  0.511496425  0.0448231548  1.4470013E-09  5.05368996
+  2.40628457  0.387989044  0.0340000317  1.01767306E-09  2.99632835  1.42668974
+  0.230038419  0.0201586019  5.72439929E-10  1.62278354  0.772682309
+  0.124586709  0.0109177297  3.02120884E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  7.06368732  3.56776643  0.651880205  0.0665007532  2.59092997E-10
+  6.71548557  3.39189315  0.619746149  0.0632225871  2.35774955E-10  5.09394264
+  2.57287478  0.470100164  0.0479566976  1.65819469E-10  3.02019835  1.52546191
+  0.278722018  0.0284335222  9.32734723E-11  1.63571334  0.82617569
+  0.150953665  0.0153993741  4.92276948E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  7.11707926  3.80001235  0.780357718  0.0937919691  1.50752788E-09
+  6.76623821  3.6126914  0.741889894  0.0891680568  1.37185197E-09  5.13244247
+  2.74035811  0.562751114  0.0676375553  9.64817115E-10  3.04302168  1.6247555
+  0.333655  0.0401023179  5.42709877E-10  1.64807343  0.879955173  0.180704638
+  0.0217191  2.8643013E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.17281055
+  4.03681087  0.919493437  0.126311928  6.12196605E-09  6.8192277  3.83781552
+  0.874164045  0.120084673  5.57098678E-09  5.17263365  2.91113091  0.663085461
+  0.0910887644  3.91805655E-09  3.06685638  1.72600543  0.393142819
+  0.0540065989  2.2039095E-09  1.66098392  0.934794307  0.212922886
+  0.0292495228  1.16317522E-09  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.81677675  0.0524662063  4.61236489E-08  7.99093695E-18  0.  3.62862945
+  0.0498799272  4.38499619E-08  7.59701782E-18  0.  2.75244665  0.037835747
+  3.32618413E-08  5.76264431E-18  0.  1.63192964  0.0224328469  1.97209147E-08
+  3.41666973E-18  0.  0.883837938  0.0121493973  1.06807079E-08  1.85043736E-18
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.86823153  0.068936348
+  1.98503571E-07  3.36533257E-16  0.  3.6775496  0.0655381531  1.88717948E-07
+  3.19944144E-16  0.  2.78955722  0.0497131124  1.43149776E-07  2.4268963E-16
+  0.  1.65392935  0.0294749141  8.48737116E-08  1.43890225E-16  0.  0.895753384
+  0.0159633458  4.59667362E-08  7.79301347E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  3.92153811  0.087102294  5.62771731E-07  4.44990876E-15  0.
+  3.72823119  0.082808584  5.35030324E-07  4.23055391E-15  0.  2.8280015
+  0.062813431  4.05839842E-07  3.20902943E-15  0.  1.67672348  0.0372420363
+  2.40622313E-07  1.90263209E-15  0.  0.908097744  0.0201699845  1.30318995E-07
+  1.03045116E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.97272158
+  0.112430096  7.37601385E-06  3.93652194E-11  0.  3.77688766  0.106887855
+  7.01241743E-06  3.74247126E-11  0.  2.86491227  0.0810783803  5.31918522E-06
+  2.83880176E-11  0.  1.69859886  0.0480713323  3.15374245E-06  1.6831276E-11
+  0.  0.919948697  0.0260350797  1.70803867E-06  9.11568564E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.01995134  0.148796767  2.80565455E-05
+  2.11697077E-10  0.  3.82179213  0.14146176  2.66734114E-05  2.01261438E-10
+  0.  2.89896989  0.107304052  2.02328192E-05  1.52664312E-10  0.  1.71879828
+  0.0636205077  1.19960287E-05  9.05146791E-11  0.  0.930888116  0.0344563238
+  6.4969563E-06  4.9021915E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.07007647  0.187240779  4.86548488E-05  3.47102375E-10  0.  3.86944532
+  0.178010508  4.6256373E-05  3.29992228E-10  0.  2.93511748  0.135027409
+  3.50872215E-05  2.50311299E-10  0.  1.7402302  0.0800575316  2.08031761E-05
+  1.48409313E-10  0.  0.942491531  0.0433586612  1.12668331E-05  8.03772673E-11
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.12745667  0.22066544
+  5.48547105E-05  2.79876983E-10  0.  3.92399573  0.209788054  5.21506663E-05
+  2.66080658E-10  0.  2.9764967  0.15913175  3.95582574E-05  2.01832343E-10  0.
+  1.76475906  0.0943490565  2.34540094E-05  1.19666471E-10  0.  0.955780685
+  0.0510986559  1.27025132E-05  6.48101711E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  4.17367268  0.276923597  0.000307746406  4.20748378E-08
+  1.57614607E-35  3.96792889  0.263272852  0.000292576238  4.00005753E-08
+  1.43429266E-35  3.00982547  0.199702829  0.00022193011  3.03419796E-08
+  1.00873257E-35  1.78452611  0.118403539  0.000131582128  1.79897484E-08
+  5.67413469E-36  0.96648401  0.0641262904  7.12637921E-05  9.74308989E-09
+  2.99467984E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.22686434
+  0.331387252  0.000398529432  3.29653673E-08  2.87918518E-38  4.01849937
+  0.315051407  0.000378883793  3.13401962E-08  2.62005426E-38  3.0481782
+  0.238978148  0.000287397619  2.37727331E-08  1.84268072E-38  1.80726588
+  0.14169012  0.000170397805  1.40948497E-08  1.0365067E-38  0.978800535
+  0.076738134  9.22860927E-05  7.63365282E-09  5.4704506E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.27681684  0.397068143  0.00114523002
+  7.31258069E-07  3.96583921E-30  4.06599283  0.377494752  0.00108877604
+  6.95211725E-07  3.6089106E-30  3.08420229  0.286343426  0.000825876254
+  5.27343502E-07  2.53813662E-30  1.82862377  0.169772893  0.000489661878
+  3.12661257E-07  1.42770259E-30  0.990368128  0.0919476002  0.000265197275
+  1.69335053E-07  7.53508994E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.33344316  0.466171056  0.00143143476  4.78101356E-07  3.0173101E-34
+  4.11982298  0.443191558  0.00136087101  4.54533875E-07  2.745753E-34
+  3.12503934  0.336177289  0.00103226863  3.44780659E-07  1.93108215E-34
+  1.85283577  0.199318975  0.000612032716  2.04420104E-07  1.08623369E-34
+  1.00348186  0.107949644  0.000331471645  1.10712364E-07  5.73289111E-35  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.384758  0.551906347  0.00333707198
+  4.08265623E-06  3.88971224E-29  4.16860771  0.524700642  0.00317256874
+  3.88140506E-06  3.53963685E-29  3.16204691  0.398004919  0.00240651169
+  2.94418692E-06  2.48941416E-29  1.87477767  0.235976368  0.00142681925
+  1.7456091E-06  1.40029852E-29  1.01536298  0.127802968  0.000772753498
+  9.4540502E-07  7.3904432E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.43746901  0.638981521  0.00557489041  1.71952597E-05  2.95835764E-22
+  4.21872807  0.607482493  0.00530007016  1.63476252E-05  2.6921008E-22
+  3.20006227  0.460798353  0.00402030628  1.24002927E-05  1.89335326E-22
+  1.89731634  0.27320686  0.00238363491  7.35212507E-06  1.06501157E-22
+  1.02756965  0.147966221  0.00129095791  3.98184966E-06  5.62089838E-23  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.49078798  0.738204718  0.00820251461
+  2.03100099E-05  4.64779065E-26  4.26941538  0.701815009  0.0077981418
+  1.93088108E-05  4.22949623E-26  3.2385118  0.532353282  0.00591518776
+  1.46464909E-05  2.97459202E-26  1.9201113  0.315631956  0.00350711029
+  8.6838927E-06  1.67320726E-26  1.03991461  0.170943648  0.00189942366
+  4.7031217E-06  8.83081943E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.54429865  0.847865582  0.0137604298  5.83068213E-05  1.8425154E-24
+  4.3202858  0.80607301  0.0130820889  5.54325998E-05  1.67668993E-24
+  3.27709746  0.61143595  0.00992323831  4.20476972E-05  1.17920772E-24
+  1.94298899  0.362520278  0.00588348694  2.49300374E-05  6.63307677E-25
+  1.05230725  0.196337819  0.00318645081  1.35019391E-05  3.50078178E-25  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.59347486  0.964991271  0.022589894
+  0.000205263612  2.42580718E-19  4.36703539  0.917421579  0.0214763433
+  0.000195145039  2.2074832E-19  3.31255746  0.695899546  0.0162906125
+  0.000148025254  1.55250996E-19  1.9640187  0.412597895  0.00965868589
+  8.77640559E-05  8.73288952E-20  1.06369245  0.223459303  0.00523106335
+  4.75322668E-05  4.60901935E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.64882851  1.09210277  0.0324219167  0.000351391267  1.73614186E-19
+  4.41966391  1.03826702  0.030823715  0.000334069424  1.57988899E-19
+  3.35247993  0.787565053  0.023380965  0.000253404723  1.11113078E-19
+  1.98768842  0.466946185  0.0138625344  0.000150243592  6.25010885E-20
+  1.07651091  0.252894402  0.00750783226  8.13707375E-05  3.29867124E-20  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.70139503  1.22762454  0.0475773998
+  0.000786307559  2.5095781E-16  4.46963739  1.16710806  0.0452320129
+  0.000747546612  2.28371809E-16  3.39039087  0.885295987  0.0343102552
+  0.000567042443  1.60612865E-16  2.01016378  0.524890661  0.0203425027
+  0.000336199184  9.03449378E-17  1.08868635  0.284276724  0.0110173328
+  0.000182082906  4.76819264E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.76055717  1.37292755  0.0636336729  0.00106238772  1.20215134E-17
+  4.52588701  1.30524683  0.0604969002  0.001010017  1.09395653E-17  3.43305516
+  0.990079999  0.0458891019  0.000766135694  7.69374915E-18  2.03545618
+  0.587018013  0.0272076353  0.000454241526  4.32773245E-18  1.10238779
+  0.317923814  0.014735451  0.000246013282  2.28407935E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.80806065  1.52818358  0.0928404108  0.00244768569
+  1.82430737E-15  4.57104301  1.45285189  0.0882639289  0.00232702424
+  1.66011925E-15  3.46730995  1.10204411  0.0669513419  0.00176513602
+  1.1675553E-15  2.05576777  0.653401017  0.0396954194  0.00104654755
+  6.56748901E-16  1.11338794  0.353876144  0.0214987062  0.000566801406
+  3.46618376E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.86360073
+  1.68904161  0.12392474  0.00424629264  5.15051868E-14  4.62384605  1.60578609
+  0.11781583  0.0040369546  4.68697143E-14  3.50736165  1.21804512
+  0.0893677026  0.00306218839  3.296329E-14  2.07951188  0.722178757
+  0.052986078  0.00181557168  1.85418782E-14  1.12624812  0.391126096
+  0.0286968239  0.000983297825  9.7860122E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  4.9220109  1.85925472  0.159458771  0.00609082077  3.97910302E-13
+  4.67937946  1.76760387  0.15159817  0.00579057541  3.62098481E-13  3.54948306
+  1.34079218  0.114992715  0.00439237105  2.54662448E-13  2.10449171
+  0.794955313  0.0681791008  0.00260423589  1.4324784E-13  1.13977015
+  0.430540383  0.0369252451  0.00141043006  7.56031793E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.9753871  2.03827667  0.208122239  0.00957699306
+  8.67451354E-15  4.73012352  1.93779564  0.197862834  0.00910485722
+  7.89379989E-15  3.58797717  1.46989453  0.150086313  0.00690637669
+  5.55168136E-15  2.12730408  0.871498287  0.0889862627  0.00409478508
+  3.12282095E-15  1.1521287  0.471996516  0.0481942557  0.00221770443
+  1.64815734E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.02628517
+  2.22304463  0.269148856  0.0159309246  1.57604724E-13  4.77851105  2.11346078
+  0.255881041  0.0151456082  1.43420066E-13  3.6246798  1.60313821  0.194095448
+  0.0114885001  1.00866865E-13  2.14907575  0.950500607  0.11507915
+  0.00681154197  5.67376211E-14  1.16391742  0.51478231  0.0623259246
+  0.0036890714  2.99448237E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.07944202  2.41418099  0.338171214  0.0243039075  1.34497361E-12  4.82905817
+  2.29516959  0.321501374  0.023105843  1.22392916E-12  3.66301727  1.7409755
+  0.243870765  0.0175266583  8.6078139E-13  2.17180347  1.03222156  0.144590512
+  0.0103915352  4.84190758E-13  1.17622924  0.559042454  0.0783091784
+  0.00562797533  2.55545422E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.20650387  0.0064335526  1.46276411E-11  6.20084115E-26  0.  2.09773421
+  0.00611641072  1.39065886E-11  5.89516925E-26  0.  1.59120727  0.00463952869
+  1.05486375E-11  4.47170704E-26  0.  0.94342953  0.00275077182  6.25429483E-12
+  2.65127306E-26  0.  0.51095295  0.00148979248  3.38727549E-12  1.43590496E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.24617338  0.00931683835
+  1.2231173E-10 -2.67486325E-23  0.  2.13544917  0.00885749981  1.16282609E-10
+ -2.54301177E-23  0.  1.61981547  0.00671877153  8.82042564E-11 -1.92897317E-23
+  0.  0.960392177  0.00398355396  5.2296438E-11 -1.143681E-23  0.  0.52013886
+  0.00215745973  2.83232795E-11 -6.19412123E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  2.28589487  0.0125015276  5.08378284E-10  7.94023463E-22  0.
+  2.17321658  0.0118852081  4.83317386E-10  7.54881826E-22  0.  1.64846313
+  0.00901539624  3.66614461E-10  5.72607651E-22  0.  0.97737658  0.00534522161
+  2.17365848E-10  3.39497789E-22  0.  0.529337287  0.00289492798
+  1.17723137E-10  1.83869076E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.3247757  0.0183267519  5.35129061E-08  1.19500128E-15  0.  2.21017766
+  0.0174233001  5.0874938E-08  1.13609395E-15  0.  1.67650282  0.0132162338
+  3.85905459E-08  8.61771797E-16  0.  0.993996799  0.00783589762
+  2.28802932E-08  5.1094335E-16  0.  0.53834033  0.00424385956  1.23917925E-08
+  2.76722593E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.36410975
+  0.028226288  2.14555897E-07  6.35912569E-15  0.  2.24756932  0.0268348902
+  2.03978686E-07  6.04565023E-15  0.  1.70486498  0.0203552525  1.54725555E-07
+  4.58584485E-15  0.  1.01081395  0.0120686311  9.17366734E-08  2.71894739E-15
+  0.  0.547448695  0.00653626909  4.96837593E-08  1.47255852E-15  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.40560842  0.0378261283  3.24153604E-07
+  8.34789594E-15  0.  2.28702188  0.0359614901  3.08174378E-07  7.93638701E-15
+  0.  1.73479342  0.0272781178  2.33761767E-07  6.02002579E-15  0.  1.02855623
+  0.0161731727  1.38597329E-07  3.56928207E-15  0.  0.557058334  0.00875927042
+  7.50629638E-08  1.9330952E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.44822788  0.0446435139  6.79198308E-07  1.72385326E-12  0.  2.32753921
+  0.0424428098  6.45717876E-07  1.63887719E-12  0.  1.76552796  0.0321944728
+  4.89800868E-07  1.24315152E-12  0.  1.04677689  0.019088082  2.9040271E-07
+  7.37065248E-13  0.  0.56692785  0.0103379143  1.572797E-07  3.9918676E-13  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.48741841  0.0655812398
+  5.77780429E-06  1.1429707E-11  0.  2.36480045  0.0623484626  5.49299875E-06
+  1.08662645E-11  0.  1.79378963  0.0472937562  4.1666267E-06  8.24247615E-12
+  0.  1.06353784  0.0280403942  2.47039679E-06  4.88695282E-12  0.  0.576003611
+  0.0151864439  1.33794777E-06  2.6467255E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  2.53253388  0.0784479454  4.65395624E-06  3.08828354E-12  0.
+  2.40769911  0.0745808929  4.42453529E-06  2.93604399E-12  0.  1.82632542
+  0.0565723293  3.35617915E-06  2.22709785E-12  0.  1.08282471  0.033541739
+  1.98987232E-06  1.32044538E-12  0.  0.586450994  0.0181659106  1.07770006E-06
+  7.15143114E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.57312894
+  0.106369413  3.34709875E-05  4.84468743E-10  0.  2.44629002  0.101126127
+  3.18210477E-05  4.60586874E-10  0.  1.85559762  0.0767076835  2.41374528E-05
+  3.4937131E-10  0.  1.10018337  0.0454800278  1.43110838E-05  2.07142067E-10
+  0.  0.595851243  0.0246315617  7.75074841E-06  1.12186316E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.61667061  0.128962532  6.96087955E-05
+  8.59816929E-09  2.81971223E-36  2.487679  0.122605443  6.61774829E-05
+  8.17432699E-09  2.56593883E-36  1.88700104  0.0930007771  5.01980794E-05
+  6.20052987E-09  1.80461934E-36  1.11879504  0.0551400743  2.97624138E-05
+  3.67629016E-09  1.01509837E-36  0.605932832  0.0298633948  1.61190801E-05
+  1.99104688E-09  5.3574555E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.65749073  0.163297161  0.000132302768  9.48852286E-09  2.34661441E-41
+  2.52648973  0.155247286  0.000125780905  9.02078412E-09  2.13543873E-41
+  1.91643596  0.117760763  9.54095303E-05  6.84260026E-09  1.50177156E-41
+  1.13625348  0.0698203593  5.65682567E-05  4.0569752E-09  8.44842844E-42
+  0.615386069  0.0378141329  3.06369584E-05  2.19721952E-09  4.45893171E-42  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.69845128  0.202916533  0.000373068411
+  1.12548641E-07  4.05826725E-36  2.56543446  0.192913577  0.000354678661
+  1.0700046E-07  3.69301955E-36  1.94597876  0.146332234  0.0002690377
+  8.11639467E-08  2.5972924E-36  1.15376735  0.0867603272  0.000159511823
+  4.81220574E-08  1.46097486E-36  0.624871671  0.0469885692  8.63902897E-05
+  2.60625015E-08  7.7106957E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.74402547  0.244700924  0.000667086919  4.06470406E-07  2.63433757E-33
+  2.60875607  0.232638389  0.000634202734  3.86433442E-07  2.39724679E-33
+  1.97884309  0.176465169  0.000481066498  2.93124799E-07  1.68597481E-33
+  1.17325222  0.10462606  0.000285223214  1.73793495E-07  9.48362669E-34
+  0.635425031  0.0566646159  0.000154474881  9.41251486E-08  5.00524393E-34  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.79026747  0.292195261  0.00106687588
+  1.15332546E-06  1.72188475E-26  2.65272164  0.277791739  0.00101428479
+  1.09647249E-06  1.56691596E-26  2.01218772  0.210714892  0.000769372564
+  8.31715113E-07  1.10200425E-26  1.19302416  0.124933004  0.000456160749
+  4.9312365E-07  6.19880467E-27  0.646131933  0.067662701  0.000247052667
+  2.67071982E-07  3.27158336E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.83317447  0.351787299  0.00195079902  2.01480975E-06  7.80389658E-32
+  2.69351077  0.334445775  0.00185463624  1.91549043E-06  7.10152989E-32
+  2.04313016  0.253689736  0.00140680885  1.45296917E-06  4.9945074E-32
+  1.21137249  0.15041247  0.00083409762  8.61466674E-07  2.80940035E-32
+  0.656067789  0.0814619884  0.000451739994  4.6656271E-07  1.48274066E-32  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.87952805  0.414400965  0.00309527689
+  3.86604643E-06  4.57978036E-32  2.73758745  0.393972993  0.00294269365
+  3.67546977E-06  4.16760561E-32  2.07656097  0.298843056  0.00223214598
+  2.78798257E-06  2.93105902E-32  1.23119521  0.177183703  0.00132343674
+  1.65299684E-06  1.64872119E-32  0.66680336  0.0959614292  0.000716761919
+  8.95248832E-07  8.70155579E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.92018867  0.490570635  0.00628022291  2.36763462E-05  7.89213797E-26
+  2.77623367  0.466387808  0.00597062567  2.25092299E-05  7.18183652E-26
+  2.10587573  0.353772819  0.00452896254  1.70740896E-05  5.05095897E-26
+  1.24857783  0.209751517  0.00268521369  1.0123209E-05  2.84117838E-26
+  0.676217556  0.113599785  0.00145428767  5.48264006E-06  1.49950456E-26  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.96890426  0.56581223  0.00860051438
+  3.2205593E-05  1.80630088E-22  2.82255125  0.537919998  0.00817655027
+  3.06179645E-05  1.64373546E-22  2.14100599  0.408032805  0.00620221952
+  2.32249131E-05  1.15603262E-22  1.26940179  0.241922572  0.00367729529
+  1.37700272E-05  6.50268331E-23  0.687498331  0.131023154  0.00199159468
+  7.45773195E-06  3.4319684E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.01068211  0.660455346  0.0154546266  0.000115952425  2.36008708E-23
+  2.86227131  0.627898157  0.0146928011  0.000110236499  2.14767776E-23
+  2.17113638  0.476284117  0.0111450413  8.36186082E-05  1.51045327E-23
+  1.28726661  0.282388955  0.00660788594  4.95774293E-05  8.49630253E-24
+  0.697172761  0.1529392  0.00357877719  2.68507247E-05  4.48417371E-24  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.05623364  0.755511343  0.0232039727
+  0.000280018168  3.58400654E-20  2.90558195  0.718269646  0.0220600832
+  0.00026621396  3.26144746E-20  2.20399117  0.54483366  0.0167334098
+  0.000201933814  2.29377006E-20  1.30674636  0.323031813  0.00992122293
+  0.000119726545  1.29024294E-20  0.707722068  0.17495133  0.0053732628
+  6.48428468E-05  6.80961495E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.10488534  0.857669115  0.0314037241  0.000419196294  3.77036451E-18
+  2.9518292  0.815390527  0.0298556592  0.000398531876  3.43103434E-18
+  2.2390728  0.618504107  0.0226466823  0.000302301196  2.41303598E-18
+  1.32754683  0.366710246  0.0134271923  0.000179234848  1.35733245E-18
+  0.718987167  0.198607534  0.00727205304  9.70717956E-05  7.16369378E-19  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.15171957  0.973519921  0.044862628
+  0.000686443935  5.06357925E-21  2.99635124  0.925530553  0.0426511206
+  0.000652605668  4.60785403E-21  2.27284861  0.702047944  0.0323525183
+  0.000495026005  3.2406923E-21  1.3475666  0.416243732  0.0191817917
+  0.00029350043  1.82288716E-21  0.729832828  0.225434482  0.0103886621
+  0.000158957555  9.62079715E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.19672322  1.09852433  0.0650934204  0.00145241828  3.7045643E-19
+  3.03913927  1.0443759  0.0618845858  0.00138082192  3.37115106E-19
+  2.30530071  0.792196631  0.046941828  0.00104740239  2.37092349E-19
+  1.36681342  0.469693482  0.0278317928  0.000621005718  1.33364081E-19
+  0.740254343  0.254381686  0.0150734847  0.000336331286  7.03869374E-20  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.24276733  1.22972119  0.0895852149
+  0.00265182601  8.14584058E-18  3.08291435  1.16910195  0.0851692855
+  0.00252110371  7.41274514E-18  2.33850551  0.886808157  0.0646041259
+  0.00191234704  5.21336082E-18  1.38649631  0.525786877  0.0383037589
+  0.0011338325  2.93251512E-18  0.750916302  0.284761757  0.0207450036
+  0.000614073826  1.54771469E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.0788461  0.000382227969  1.68591439E-16  1.14785032E-37  0.  1.02566016
+  0.000363385916  1.6028059E-16  1.09126308E-37  0.  0.778002679
+  0.000275642087  1.2157894E-16  8.27763762E-38  0.  0.461276978  0.00016342834
+  7.20840986E-17  4.9078203E-38  0.  0.249824122  8.8510933E-05  3.9040086E-17
+  2.65803702E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.10427761
+  0.000630550261  3.56969118E-15 -2.49695983E-32  0.  1.04983974
+  0.000599467836  3.39372221E-15 -2.37387293E-32  0.  0.796343505
+  0.00045471848  2.57426675E-15 -1.80067029E-32  0.  0.472151667
+  0.000269602402  1.52628529E-15 -1.067616E-32  0.  0.255713344  0.000146014179
+  8.26622259E-16 -5.78211675E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.12788916  0.000903383596  2.66396978E-14  1.03242458E-31  0.  1.07228589
+  0.000858854328  2.53265037E-14  9.81537313E-32  0.  0.813368857
+  0.000651473238  1.92110647E-14  7.44528382E-32  0.  0.48224622
+  0.000386257947  1.13902248E-14  4.41431542E-32  0.  0.261180758
+  0.000209194288  6.1688643E-15  2.39074892E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.15265179  0.00170413579  5.83034176E-11  3.60726503E-22  0.
+  1.09583008  0.0016201312  5.54294492E-11  3.42944568E-22  0.  0.831227362
+  0.00122893089  4.20452249E-11  2.60136539E-22  0.  0.492834568
+  0.000728632556  2.49285922E-11  1.54234752E-22  0.  0.266914994
+  0.000394621165  1.3501123E-11  8.35323866E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.18251967  0.00324440794  2.18372889E-10  1.7649522E-21  0.
+  1.12422585  0.00308447611  2.07608597E-10  1.67794839E-21  0.  0.852768064
+  0.00233969069  1.57478502E-10  1.27278661E-21  0.  0.505605519  0.0013872016
+  9.33689445E-11  7.54635702E-22  0.  0.273832113  0.000751297455
+  5.05679144E-11  4.08704064E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.21157181  0.00444578752  2.56815041E-10  1.59021252E-21  0.  1.15184438
+  0.00422663288  2.44155168E-10  1.5118206E-21  0.  0.873717964  0.0032060612
+  1.85200785E-10  1.14677323E-21  0.  0.518026769  0.00190086965
+  1.09805616E-10  6.79922319E-22  0.  0.280558974  0.00102949538
+  5.94697763E-11  3.68239387E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.23526931  0.00572673604  8.0241449E-09  9.21990466E-17  0.  1.17437541
+  0.00544443354  7.62861063E-09  8.76540994E-17  0.  0.890807331  0.004129807
+  5.78658366E-09  6.64888769E-17  0.  0.528159022  0.00244856346
+  3.43086715E-09  3.94212873E-17  0.  0.286046863  0.00132611906
+  1.85812743E-09  2.13502513E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.26660717  0.00978045538  1.86395646E-08  8.009617E-17  0.  1.20416915
+  0.00929834787  1.77207582E-08  7.61478318E-17  0.  0.913408577  0.00705313403
+  1.34418574E-08  5.77609899E-17  0.  0.541559339  0.00418180181
+  7.96966404E-09  3.42464222E-17  0.  0.293304145  0.00226482959
+  4.31630331E-09  1.85475532E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.29259324  0.0119245462  1.07633866E-07  4.9114992E-14  0.  1.22887027
+  0.0113367476  1.0232813E-07  4.669385E-14  0.  0.932145476  0.00859933253
+  7.76197595E-08  3.5418991E-14  0.  0.552668154  0.00509854686  4.60206273E-08
+  2.09999085E-14  0.  0.299320668  0.00276133162  2.49244341E-08
+  1.13733892E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.32370305
+  0.0184230953  2.28169142E-07  2.60427208E-14  0.  1.25844991  0.0175149478
+  2.16922487E-07  2.4759017E-14  0.  0.954581857  0.0132857123  1.64543707E-07
+  1.87805416E-14  0.  0.565971732  0.0078771105  9.75578089E-08  1.11349935E-14
+  0.  0.306525499  0.00426616892  5.28366044E-08  6.03062175E-15  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.35185087  0.0251103528  1.53762664E-06
+  3.84797706E-12  0.  1.28521025  0.0238725487  1.46183436E-06  3.65829502E-12
+  0.  0.974881828  0.0181082096  1.10885708E-06  2.77495344E-12  0.
+  0.578006387  0.01073635  6.57439045E-07  1.64526606E-12  0.  0.313043356
+  0.00581471575  3.56063282E-07  8.9106294E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.38203442  0.0313277878  2.05654715E-06  2.42917041E-11  0.
+  1.31390584  0.0297834761  1.95516964E-06  2.3094247E-11  0.  0.996647775
+  0.0225918759  1.48306958E-06  1.7517824E-11  0.  0.590911806  0.013394706
+  8.79310051E-07  1.03862986E-11  0.  0.320032895  0.00725445757
+  4.76227456E-07  5.62513924E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.41338265  0.0431740135  4.84976772E-06  1.28648437E-11  0.  1.34371388
+  0.0410458073  4.61069976E-06  1.22306358E-11  0.  1.01925707  0.0311347675
+  3.4973873E-06  9.27740523E-12  0.  0.604316294  0.0184597746  2.07359585E-06
+  5.50057482E-12  0.  0.32729274  0.00999765005  1.12304326E-06  2.97906361E-12
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.4433347  0.0564117432
+  1.58512667E-05  3.59522689E-10  0.  1.37218654  0.0536310002  1.5069857E-05
+  3.41800255E-10  0.  1.04085362  0.0406811312  1.14310615E-05  2.59268385E-10
+  0.  0.617123485  0.0241197664  6.77748358E-06  1.53719884E-10  0.
+  0.334228963  0.0130630787  3.67062034E-06  8.3253425E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.47369134  0.0740581006  5.49749893E-05
+  6.21230622E-09  1.15747253E-42  1.40104568  0.0704074204  5.22650553E-05
+  5.90606675E-09  1.05237515E-42  1.06274378  0.0534065887  3.96450232E-05
+  4.47997284E-09  7.41286888E-43  0.630100965  0.0316647664  2.35055268E-05
+  2.65617173E-09  4.16185644E-43  0.341257244  0.0171493702  1.27303701E-05
+  1.43856216E-09  2.20003859E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.5061065  0.0941918641  0.000110310502  1.85440587E-08  5.95411717E-42
+  1.43186188  0.0895486847  0.00010487267  1.76299242E-08  5.41741986E-42
+  1.08612013  0.0679259971  7.95498418E-05  1.33729996E-08  3.81013052E-42
+  0.643960059  0.0402733199  4.71651474E-05  7.92884602E-09  2.14398665E-42
+  0.348763615  0.0218116734  2.55442137E-05  4.29419966E-09  1.13084786E-42  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.53705335  0.115049899  0.000190299761
+  7.85204008E-08  6.56212742E-34  1.46127713  0.109378763  0.00018091868
+  7.46497335E-08  5.9715439E-34  1.10843468  0.0829677358  0.000137233656
+  5.66246356E-08  4.19976122E-34  0.657190502  0.049191501  8.13657607E-05
+  3.35727641E-08  2.3623662E-34  0.355928898  0.0266417023  4.40670374E-05
+  1.81827318E-08  1.24680037E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.57055521  0.146995977  0.000454888243  3.06554114E-07  4.78324235E-35
+  1.493132  0.139750093  0.000432464934  2.91442831E-07  4.35274796E-35
+  1.13259625  0.106005527  0.000328040624  2.21069953E-07  3.06127485E-35
+  0.671516716  0.0628506094  0.000194495326  1.31072525E-07  1.72196778E-35
+  0.363687783  0.0340393558  0.000105336912  7.09876815E-08  9.08815621E-36  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.60190487  0.175760269  0.000687309017
+  7.57409111E-07  1.39274873E-29  1.5229398  0.167096242  0.000653427909
+  7.2007191E-07  1.26739311E-29  1.15520704  0.126748398  0.000495649467
+  5.46202045E-07  8.91356715E-30  0.684922338  0.0751491413  0.000293870486
+  3.23842926E-07  5.01388289E-30  0.370948642  0.0407001413  0.000159157891
+  1.75390511E-07  2.64621646E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.63710821  0.219167396  0.00142011768  1.96432597E-06  1.95054024E-32
+  1.55640686  0.208363816  0.00135011389  1.86749503E-06  1.77498956E-32
+  1.18059158  0.158051476  0.00102411164  1.41656301E-06  1.24834517E-32
+  0.699973047  0.0937088504  0.000607195485  8.39880443E-07  7.02193379E-33
+  0.379099548  0.0507519171  0.000328851718  4.54871781E-07  3.70602879E-33  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.66916037  0.263078451  0.00262426608
+  7.99753434E-06  5.12371514E-28  1.58687556  0.250110239  0.00249489513
+  7.60329522E-06  4.66257769E-28  1.20370662  0.189718097  0.00189247308
+  5.7673783E-06  3.27917692E-28  0.71367681  0.112483747  0.00112204626
+  3.41948112E-06  1.84453774E-28  0.386521161  0.0609202422  0.000607690832
+  1.85196234E-06  9.73505406E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.70222068  0.309032381  0.00369378342  1.39448757E-05  4.90330695E-25
+  1.61830866  0.293798685  0.00351169379  1.32574614E-05  4.461994E-25
+  1.22754848  0.222857699  0.00266375253  1.00562702E-05  3.13811432E-25
+  0.727814138  0.132131755  0.00157933787  5.96237669E-06  1.76519004E-25
+  0.39417848  0.0715615302  0.000855355931  3.22916821E-06  9.31628952E-26  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.73814166  0.36737743  0.00572901219
+  1.9157751E-05  9.09347383E-30  1.65246034  0.349267364  0.00544660026
+  1.82133717E-05  8.27504915E-30  1.25345075  0.264932215  0.00413144752
+  1.38155265E-05  5.81983228E-30  0.743172526  0.157077938  0.00244953134
+  8.19123306E-06  3.2736472E-30  0.402496368  0.0850722417  0.00132664677
+  4.43629187E-06  1.72776059E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.77391386  0.435346276  0.00983964652  5.69531221E-05  3.70125679E-27
+  1.68646765  0.413886547  0.0093546072  5.41456393E-05  3.36814255E-27
+  1.27924931  0.313948423  0.00709583052  4.10714601E-05  2.36880081E-27
+  0.758467019  0.186139956  0.00420711283  2.43512568E-05  1.33244943E-27
+  0.410779446  0.100811869  0.00227853819  1.31884144E-05  7.03237671E-28  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.80899477  0.508011818  0.0153861614
+  0.000133798763  2.87859806E-25  1.71981692  0.482969105  0.0146276513
+  0.000127203602  2.61952283E-25  1.3045435  0.366350025  0.0110956542
+  9.64882856E-05  1.8423044E-25  0.773465395  0.217209026  0.00657859351
+  5.72079553E-05  1.03629366E-25  0.418902516  0.11763861  0.00356291491
+  3.09833267E-05  5.46934275E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.424341172  8.42020017E-06  1.76276097E-23  0.  0.  0.403423071
+  8.00508769E-06  1.67586557E-23  0.  0.  0.306011796  6.07218089E-06
+  1.27120667E-23  0.  0.  0.181433827  3.60019476E-06  7.53696089E-24  0.  0.
+  0.0982630104  1.9498334E-06  4.08197022E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.437141061  1.65877318E-05  9.26696943E-22  0.  0.
+  0.415591687  1.57700633E-05  8.81028839E-22  0.  0.  0.315242231
+  1.19622046E-05  6.68286861E-22  0.  0.  0.186906874  7.09235246E-06
+  3.96224385E-22  0.  0.  0.101227432  3.84116538E-06  2.14592784E-22  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.4472754  2.55583509E-05
+  2.42522328E-20 -1.40129846E-45  0.  0.425226778  2.4298497E-05
+  2.30567371E-20 -1.40129846E-45  0.  0.322550416  1.84313049E-05
+  1.74893624E-20 -1.40129846E-45  0.  0.191240296  1.09278844E-05
+  1.03694651E-20 -1.40129846E-45  0.  0.103574224  5.91846856E-06
+  5.61599696E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.460205317
+  8.23175869E-05  3.820958E-15  1.32118594E-31  0.  0.437519163  7.8259829E-05
+  3.6326054E-15  1.25605486E-31  0.  0.331874579  5.9363043E-05  2.7554653E-15
+  9.52766736E-32  0.  0.196768433  3.51963026E-05  1.63371522E-15
+  5.64893508E-32  0.  0.106568158  1.90620212E-05  8.8480384E-16
+  3.05942036E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.480158061
+  0.000192601598  1.25559446E-14  5.76719487E-31  0.  0.456488073
+  0.00018310723  1.19370041E-14  5.48289498E-31  0.  0.346263319
+  0.000138893811  9.05466277E-15  4.15898788E-31  0.  0.20529902
+  8.23499722E-05  5.36849397E-15  2.46586224E-31  0.  0.111188523
+  4.45999904E-05  2.90753525E-15  1.33549006E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.495723873  0.000245179806  9.84063396E-15  2.61492409E-31
+  0.  0.471286684  0.000233093961  9.35550855E-15  2.48602197E-31  0.
+  0.35748899  0.000176810689  7.09651742E-15  1.88574532E-31  0.  0.211954728
+  0.000104830906  4.20751716E-15  1.11805758E-31  0.  0.114793241
+  5.67754869E-05  2.27875749E-15  6.05529878E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.506367922  0.000436839822  5.46818667E-12  7.01076464E-24
+  0.  0.481406689  0.000415305345  5.19863709E-12  6.66515679E-24  0.
+  0.365164399  0.000315024983  3.94335779E-12  5.05577523E-24  0.  0.216505945
+  0.00018677862  2.3380152E-12  2.99757027E-24  0.  0.11725764  0.000101157551
+  1.26624948E-12  1.62346016E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.526365161  0.000748740917  3.73086631E-12  6.00955815E-25  0.  0.500418186
+  0.000711828645  3.54695288E-12  5.71335173E-25  0.  0.379585892
+  0.000539952191  2.69049735E-12  4.33377797E-25  0.  0.225055963
+  0.000320136052  1.59519533E-12  2.56949401E-25  0.  0.121888496
+  0.000173382941  8.6394417E-13  1.3916167E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.538395643  0.00116836815  2.32917907E-10  3.95974881E-20  0.
+  0.511855125  0.00111077377  2.21436272E-10  3.76455325E-20  0.  0.388261259
+  0.000842563109  1.67967182E-10  2.85555963E-20  0.  0.230200261
+  0.000499555608  9.95877686E-11  1.69306229E-20  0.  0.124674521
+  0.000270555291  5.3935946E-11  9.16945784E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.556002796  0.00160624506  8.5281622E-11  9.21186983E-22  0.
+  0.528594553  0.0015270618  8.10773393E-11  8.75774444E-22  0.  0.400958419
+  0.00115833501  6.15003187E-11  6.64305549E-22  0.  0.237728298
+  0.000686778105  3.6463485E-11  3.93868405E-22  0.  0.128751785
+  0.000371951784  1.97483176E-11  2.13315537E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.573457003  0.00284235203  2.2666351E-09  2.56454011E-18  0.
+  0.545188367  0.00270223618  2.15489937E-09  2.43811837E-18  0.  0.413545638
+  0.00204974716  1.63457359E-09  1.8494038E-18  0.  0.245191127  0.00121529342
+  9.69137326E-10  1.09651279E-18  0.  0.132793367  0.000658193137
+  5.2487753E-10  5.93860104E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.588264108  0.00396427978  1.56380224E-08  3.83882187E-16  0.  0.559265435
+  0.0037688585  1.48671448E-08  3.64959392E-16  0.  0.424223781  0.00285881222
+  1.12772822E-08  2.76834508E-16  0.  0.251522303  0.00169498939
+  6.68628308E-09  1.6413545E-16  0.  0.136222064  0.000917992322  3.6212322E-09
+  8.88944402E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.604361117
+  0.00532231713  5.78963544E-08  7.52715761E-14  0.  0.574569404  0.0050599589
+  5.50423671E-08  7.15608603E-14  0.  0.435832441  0.00383816799
+  4.17517043E-08  5.42816423E-14  0.  0.258404911  0.00227564457
+  2.47545024E-08  3.21835894E-14  0.  0.139949858  0.00123246945
+  1.34068268E-08  1.74303558E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.623143435  0.00775340665  8.91822651E-08  1.42955885E-14  0.  0.592425704
+  0.00737121794  8.47860306E-08  1.35908783E-14  0.  0.449377507  0.00559134595
+  6.43134257E-08  1.03091863E-14  0.  0.266435713  0.00331510068
+  3.81312724E-08  6.1123096E-15  0.  0.14429903  0.00179543253  2.06515534E-08
+  3.31038602E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.643274605
+  0.0116506573  3.90858872E-07  2.12825647E-13  0.  0.611563802  0.0110763488
+  3.7159063E-07  2.02334555E-13  0.  0.46389389  0.00840180367  2.81865709E-07
+  1.53478115E-13  0.  0.275042504  0.0049814349  1.67117747E-07  9.09970274E-14
+  0.  0.14896059  0.00269789994  9.05096158E-08  4.92834499E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.661281645  0.0157345943  8.75545425E-07
+  8.00026224E-13  0.  0.628683507  0.014958973  8.32384046E-07  7.60591947E-13
+  0.  0.476879925  0.011346912  6.313943E-07  5.76935364E-13  0.  0.282741755
+  0.00672759349  3.7435359E-07  3.42064484E-13  0.  0.153130636  0.00364360888
+  2.02746904E-07  1.85259509E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.678875923  0.0215907171  4.19238904E-06  6.6772976E-11  0.  0.64541012
+  0.0205263831  3.98572411E-06  6.34814562E-11  0.  0.489567667  0.0155700538
+  3.0233216E-06  4.81530302E-11  0.  0.290264845  0.00923146028  1.79252527E-06
+  2.85499246E-11  0.  0.157204852  0.00499968464  9.70817155E-07
+  1.54623814E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.701470613
+  0.0298439302  9.3246299E-06  1.29817782E-10  0.  0.666891515  0.0283727907
+  8.86497401E-06  1.23418165E-10  0.  0.5058617  0.0215218104  6.7243991E-06
+  9.36174749E-11  0.  0.299925029  0.0127602573  3.98689735E-06  5.55054475E-11
+  0.  0.162437126  0.00691083865  2.15926934E-06  3.00614048E-11  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.717437923  0.0377784781  2.35317912E-05
+  2.45812859E-09  4.21748799E-41  0.682072461  0.0359161384  2.23717689E-05
+  2.33695796E-09  3.83787623E-41  0.517377496  0.0272437539  1.69697796E-05
+  1.77267301E-09  2.6991811E-41  0.306752443  0.0161527451  1.00613997E-05
+  1.05101561E-09  1.51830689E-41  0.166135058  0.00874821469  5.4491652E-06
+  5.6922117E-10  8.01262462E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.741417944  0.051213026  5.25186733E-05  5.5555005E-09  1.40129846E-45
+  0.704868793  0.0486884788  4.99297785E-05  5.28164312E-09  1.40129846E-45
+  0.534669876  0.0369320586  3.78736222E-05  4.00632549E-09  1.40129846E-45
+  0.317005306  0.0218970142  2.24552477E-05  2.37534237E-09  1.40129846E-45
+  0.17168735  0.0118592512  1.21615667E-05  1.28646882E-09  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.760638058  0.0664985999  0.000151057815
+  6.3573026E-08  3.83706348E-39  0.723141372  0.0632205904  0.000143611309
+  6.04391843E-08  3.49172749E-39  0.548530281  0.0479551889  0.000108934597
+  4.58453684E-08  2.45571951E-39  0.325223386  0.0284326281  6.45872497E-05
+  2.71816685E-08  1.38134117E-39  0.176138192  0.0153988656  3.49798975E-05
+  1.47213708E-08  7.29039539E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.7770648  0.0807025582  0.00023181233  1.85970421E-07  8.54516435E-35
+  0.738759816  0.0767243207  0.000220385336  1.76802942E-07  7.77609774E-35
+  0.560376406  0.0581982881  0.000167170278  1.34111673E-07  5.46889735E-35
+  0.332247227  0.0345057473  9.91152992E-05  7.9514713E-08  3.07626671E-35
+  0.179942414  0.0186880082  5.3679978E-05  4.30645635E-08  1.62358112E-35  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.79982096  0.101621613  0.000361855316
+  1.48172262E-07  3.34209684E-42  0.760394037  0.0966119468  0.000344018132
+  1.40868067E-07  3.04081767E-42  0.576786757  0.0732838586  0.000260950008
+  1.06853356E-07  2.13838146E-42  0.34197706  0.043449983  0.000154717491
+  6.33531982E-08  1.20231408E-42  0.185211778  0.0235321559  8.37934203E-05
+  3.43117037E-08  6.34788204E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.824516833  0.129349425  0.000793873565  7.05064963E-07  1.44950593E-38
+  0.783872008  0.122973435  0.00075473747  6.70309646E-07  1.31904645E-38
+  0.594596386  0.093280077  0.0005724972  5.08452899E-07  9.27683265E-39
+  0.352536082  0.0553055778  0.000339433522  3.01461398E-07  5.21822809E-39
+  0.190930322  0.0299530234  0.000183834054  1.63269092E-07  2.75405455E-39  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.847158849  0.159812182  0.00148428127
+  2.34189156E-06  6.34642469E-36  0.805398345  0.151934043  0.00141111226
+  2.22644599E-06  5.77524629E-36  0.610925138  0.115248032  0.00107037916
+  1.68884151E-06  4.06171037E-36  0.362217098  0.0683303773  0.000634628523
+  1.00131308E-06  2.28471415E-36  0.196173936  0.0370071381  0.000343709311
+  5.42303212E-07  1.20581764E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.125933453  4.73859032E-08  2.30993419E-33  0.  0.  0.119725257
+  4.50499869E-08  2.19606314E-33  0.  0.  0.0908164158  3.41720821E-08
+  1.66579635E-33  0.  0.  0.0538449064  2.02606039E-08  9.87648976E-34  0.  0.
+  0.0291619189  1.09729941E-08  5.34903056E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.130610794  1.19297326E-07 -3.0312612E-30  0.  0.
+  0.12417227  1.13416199E-07 -2.8818459E-30  0.  0.  0.0941893905
+  8.60302691E-08 -2.18597976E-30  0.  0.  0.0558448061  5.10074258E-08
+ -1.29605785E-30  0.  0.  0.030245062  2.76251786E-08 -7.01930935E-31  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.133174658  2.00017098E-07
+  6.73620901E-29  0.  0.  0.12660946  1.90157465E-07  6.40415822E-29  0.  0.
+  0.0960379615  1.44241227E-07  4.85777099E-29  0.  0.  0.0569409207
+  8.55206039E-08  2.88016955E-29  0.  0.  0.0308387149  4.63172185E-08
+  1.55987416E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.138678953
+  1.80447296E-06  4.54426775E-21  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.131843105
+  1.71552063E-06  4.32025811E-21  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.100007914
+  1.30128956E-06  3.27708057E-21  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.0592946708
+  7.71532711E-07  1.94297738E-21  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.0321134962
+  4.17856171E-07  1.05230026E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.149346292  4.49350364E-06  1.22783386E-20  1.12103877E-44  0.
+  0.141984165  4.2719771E-06  1.16730662E-20  9.80908925E-45  0.  0.107700303
+  3.24046232E-06  8.85446763E-21  8.40779079E-45  0.  0.0638553575
+  1.92126777E-06  5.24980475E-21  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.0345836096
+  1.04054129E-06  2.84324736E-21  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.15403749  4.61854916E-06  5.33355477E-21  1.40129846E-45
+  0.  0.146444127  4.39087853E-06  5.07065189E-21  1.40129846E-45  0.
+  0.111083522  3.33064349E-06  3.84627837E-21  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.0658613518
+  1.97473855E-06  2.28045617E-21  0.  0.  0.0356699713  1.06950222E-06
+  1.23507395E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.158597365
+  1.72799464E-05  1.39156978E-16  5.31143541E-34  0.  0.150779307  1.642813E-05
+  1.32296766E-16  5.04960414E-34  0.  0.114371933  1.24613707E-05
+  1.00352328E-16  3.83031528E-34  0.  0.0678110197  7.38834296E-06
+  5.94987441E-17  2.27099447E-34  0.  0.0367258862  4.00146064E-06
+  3.22240582E-17  1.22994775E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.166993767  2.2118129E-05  3.28110851E-17  9.4349952E-36  0.  0.158762157
+  2.10277794E-05  3.11938412E-17  8.96989577E-36  0.  0.120427169
+  1.5950327E-05  2.36616106E-17  6.80401371E-36  0.  0.0714009702
+  9.4569632E-06  1.40289551E-17  4.03410304E-36  0.  0.0386702307
+  5.12180486E-06  7.59796081E-18  2.18483049E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.173057005  6.0546623E-05  2.90680261E-14  2.76955106E-28
+  0.  0.164526224  5.75618687E-05  2.76351123E-14  2.63302501E-28  0.
+  0.124799304  4.36627888E-05  2.09622782E-14  1.9972487E-28  0.  0.0739934742
+  2.58877026E-05  1.24285458E-14  1.18416754E-28  0.  0.0400742777
+  1.40205539E-05  6.73120143E-15  6.41335996E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.176007345  5.25416581E-05  2.68621528E-15  6.76452142E-31
+  0.  0.167331323  4.99514463E-05  2.55379947E-15  6.43107787E-31  0.
+  0.12692751  3.78900368E-05  1.93715482E-15  4.87820093E-31  0.  0.0752549767
+  2.24650248E-05  1.14853845E-15  2.89228316E-31  0.  0.0407574624
+  1.21668691E-05  6.22038074E-16  1.56643932E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.187213495  0.000145245052  4.39022598E-13  1.22754917E-25
+  0.  0.17798467  0.000138084986  4.17380675E-13  1.16703984E-25  0.
+  0.135007873  0.000104742823  3.16599096E-13  8.8524202E-26  0.  0.0800461546
+  6.21018917E-05  1.87710619E-13  5.24859236E-26  0.  0.0433523543
+  3.36339253E-05  1.01662846E-13  2.84259371E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.194914088  0.000287672388  1.48299983E-11  4.66053318E-22
+  0.  0.185305744  0.000273491431  1.40989746E-11  4.4307982E-22  0.
+  0.140561223  0.000207452875  1.06945945E-11  3.36092157E-22  0.  0.0833388194
+  0.000122998943  6.34081806E-12  1.99268638E-22  0.  0.0451355577
+  6.66152555E-05  3.43413145E-12  1.07922622E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.202262029  0.000480362592  1.68091777E-10  1.20023946E-19
+  0.  0.192291424  0.000456683221  1.59806265E-10  1.14106787E-19  0.
+  0.14586027  0.000346411281  1.21219063E-10  8.65543828E-20  0.  0.0864806026
+  0.000205386794  7.18705373E-11  5.1318114E-20  0.  0.0468371473
+  0.000111235859  3.8924506E-11  2.77934528E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.210296884  0.000747612852  8.64325667E-10  4.33347019E-18  0.
+  0.199929997  0.000710759545  8.21719526E-10  4.11984997E-18  0.  0.151654467
+  0.000539137807  6.2330513E-10  3.12505796E-18  0.  0.0899159089
+  0.000319654209  3.69557496E-10  1.85284962E-18  0.  0.0486976318
+  0.000173122389  2.00149106E-10  1.00348661E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.218221456  0.00109978695  2.45977616E-09  3.4760141E-17  0.
+  0.20746398  0.0010455735  2.33851938E-09  3.30466397E-17  0.  0.157368973
+  0.000793106097  1.77385984E-09  2.50671311E-17  0.  0.0933041126
+  0.000470233092  1.05171993E-09  1.48622717E-17  0.  0.0505327173
+  0.000254673621  5.69602143E-10  8.04927469E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.222928807  0.00145450572  4.18654844E-09  7.82416973E-17
+  0.  0.211939722  0.00138280541  3.98018019E-09  7.43847923E-17  0.
+  0.160764292  0.00104890822  3.01911252E-09  5.64236373E-17  0.  0.0953168869
+  0.000621898274  1.79002979E-09  3.34535596E-17  0.  0.0516227707
+  0.000336814555  9.69466396E-10  1.81181472E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.235216916  0.00263789785  6.04339903E-08  4.61818694E-14
+  0.  0.223622128  0.00250786101  5.74549013E-08  4.39052921E-14  0.
+  0.169625804  0.0019023068  4.35816929E-08  3.33038379E-14  0.  0.100571081
+  0.00112787739  2.58395723E-08  1.97458101E-14  0.  0.0544684865
+  0.000610848598  1.39944705E-08  1.06941814E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.245064124  0.00375174102  9.18966094E-08  3.88880619E-14
+  0.  0.232983693  0.00356679899  8.73665797E-08  3.69711213E-14  0.
+  0.176726729  0.00270554982  6.6270772E-08  2.8043931E-14  0.  0.104781047
+  0.0016041185  3.92920434E-08  1.66272483E-14  0.  0.0567486845
+  0.000868777046  2.12802007E-08  9.00517487E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.252092153  0.00537635433  4.908145E-07  2.79565E-12  0.
+  0.239665464  0.00511132181  4.66619611E-07  2.65783749E-12  0.  0.181795463
+  0.0038771315  3.53948167E-07  2.0160709E-12  0.  0.10778629  0.00229874719
+  2.09856111E-07  1.19532617E-12  0.  0.0583761446  0.00124498236
+  1.13656036E-07  6.47379286E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.263800591  0.00754107675  6.15851889E-07  1.06373872E-12  0.  0.250796527
+  0.00716933189  5.85490852E-07  1.01129879E-12  0.  0.190238893  0.00543820066
+  4.44117575E-07  7.6710784E-13  0.  0.112792589  0.00322430767  2.63317361E-07
+  4.54818203E-13  0.  0.0610874258  0.00174625719  1.42610176E-07
+  2.46325909E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.274733067
+  0.0111493906  3.13594251E-06  4.6605407E-11  0.  0.261190891  0.0105997846
+  2.9813657E-06  4.43080225E-11  0.  0.19812265  0.00804032665  2.26147813E-06
+  3.36093653E-11  0.  0.117466912  0.00476710685  1.3408295E-06  1.99269663E-11
+  0.  0.0636190623  0.00258182571  7.26181781E-07  1.07922924E-11  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.279520571  0.0139314281  6.86204203E-06
+  6.18787688E-10  0.  0.265741736  0.0132446736  6.52378958E-06  5.88284699E-10
+  0.  0.201574743  0.0100465827  4.9485302E-06  4.46236048E-10  0.  0.119513772
+  0.00595661532  2.93398602E-06  2.64573113E-10  0.  0.0647277012
+  0.00322604645  1.58901923E-06  1.43290588E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.290507406  0.0186451208  8.82763288E-06  1.99801925E-10  0.
+  0.276187181  0.0177259911  8.39246513E-06  1.89952498E-10  0.  0.209498376
+  0.0134458458  6.36599543E-06  1.44086021E-10  0.  0.1242112  0.00797201414
+  3.77440415E-06  8.54286017E-11  0.  0.0672718361  0.00431757653
+  2.04418689E-06  4.62675141E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.30460158  0.0263868626  2.74886515E-05  1.80529891E-09  0.  0.289585918
+  0.0250860974  2.61335663E-05  1.7163071E-09  0.  0.219661772  0.0190287195
+  1.98232829E-05  1.30188227E-09  0.  0.130237341  0.0112821106  1.17532054E-05
+  7.71884889E-10  0.  0.0705355331  0.00611030962  6.36543564E-06
+  4.18046792E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.316417217
+  0.0352868289  6.58613135E-05  9.53532098E-09  0.  0.300819039  0.0335473605
+  6.26149122E-05  9.06526942E-09  0.  0.228182688  0.0254469607  4.74957997E-05
+  6.8763808E-09  0.  0.135289043  0.0150874872  2.81601915E-05  4.07698941E-09
+  0.  0.07327158  0.00817122217  1.52513603E-05  2.20806462E-09  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0259586088  4.08144386E-11  0.  0.  0.
+  0.0246789735  3.8802489E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.0187199544  2.94331434E-11  0.  0.
+  0.  0.011099007  1.74508949E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.00601114705  9.45126703E-12
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0270783287
+  1.44572451E-10 -5.35015754E-42  0.  0.  0.0257435162  1.37445832E-10
+ -5.08671343E-42  0.  0.  0.019527413  1.04257512E-10 -3.85777467E-42  0.  0.
+  0.0115777841  6.1814498E-11 -2.28691909E-42  0.  0.  0.0062704403
+  3.34781126E-11 -1.23874784E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.0272106305  2.68373546E-10  4.63059078E-41  0.  0.  0.0258693006
+  2.55144322E-10  4.40217913E-41  0.  0.  0.019622799  1.93536145E-10
+  3.33929424E-41  0.  0.  0.0116343191  1.14747448E-10  1.9798946E-41  0.  0.
+  0.0063010687  6.21463714E-11  1.07227358E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0291326568  1.26384174E-08  1.8016533E-29  0.  0.
+  0.0276966263  1.20153913E-08  1.71284235E-29  0.  0.  0.0210088566
+  9.11410947E-09  1.29925551E-29  0.  0.  0.0124561628  5.40375567E-09
+  7.70328118E-30  0.  0.  0.00674615102  2.92662805E-09  4.17203145E-30  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0330035239  2.68545364E-08
+  3.38020897E-29  0.  0.  0.0313766375  2.55308485E-08  3.21359377E-29  0.  0.
+  0.0238003489  1.93660643E-08  2.43763268E-29  0.  0.  0.0141112115
+  1.14821308E-08  1.44526718E-29  0.  0.  0.007642515  6.21862251E-09
+  7.82743219E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0332735218
+  1.94938856E-08  7.41190528E-30  0.  0.  0.0316333324  1.85329014E-08
+  7.04651875E-30  0.  0.  0.0239950754  1.40578829E-08  5.34505707E-30  0.  0.
+  0.0142266871  8.33492031E-09  3.16908199E-30  0.  0.  0.0077050277
+  4.51411353E-09  1.71634739E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.0356143229  2.25515706E-07  2.96023431E-23  0.  0.  0.0338586681
+  2.1439908E-07  2.81430924E-23  0.  0.  0.0256830715  1.62629789E-07
+  2.13475985E-23  0.  0.  0.0152274976  9.64230935E-08  1.26569821E-23  0.  0.
+  0.00824708026  5.22218642E-08  6.8549015E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0367243253  1.42208066E-07  6.23555152E-25  0.  0.
+  0.0349139906  1.35198164E-07  5.92815954E-25  0.  0.  0.0264835991
+  1.02552853E-07  4.49673544E-25  0.  0.  0.0157021191  6.08036075E-08
+  2.6661169E-25  0.  0.  0.00850413274  3.29306786E-08  1.44394345E-25  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0400546081  9.3422932E-07
+  9.61600047E-21  5.53512893E-43  0.  0.0380801111  8.88176771E-07
+  9.14198074E-21  5.25486924E-43  0.  0.0288851764  6.73714908E-07
+  6.93451842E-21  3.99370062E-43  0.  0.0171260256  3.99445952E-07
+  4.11146731E-21  2.3681944E-43  0.  0.00927532371  2.16336019E-07
+  2.22674214E-21  1.2751816E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.0405706353  1.9575773E-06  7.19648539E-18  1.56704919E-35  0.  0.0385707244
+  1.86107559E-06  6.8417556E-18  1.48979918E-35  0.  0.0292573888
+  1.41169687E-06  5.18972951E-18  1.13006929E-35  0.  0.017346641
+  8.36993422E-07  3.07698656E-18  6.70017789E-36  0.  0.00939480867
+  4.53308985E-07  1.66647022E-18  3.62876017E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0426063314  1.96011365E-06  1.91415229E-19  8.63829037E-40
+  0.  0.0405060686  1.86348802E-06  1.81979502E-19  8.21247781E-40  0.
+  0.0307253525  1.41352473E-06  1.38037923E-19  6.22947232E-40  0.
+  0.0182170477  8.38077938E-07  8.18429882E-20  3.69345841E-40  0.
+  0.00986621063  4.53896462E-07  4.43253552E-20  2.00033954E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.046183493  6.16960551E-06  4.26007975E-17
+  2.92404541E-34  0.  0.0439068787  5.86548504E-06  4.05010392E-17
+  2.77990547E-34  0.  0.0333050005  4.44918351E-06  3.07214846E-17
+  2.10866077E-34  0.  0.0197465122  2.6379214E-06  1.82147537E-17
+  1.25022411E-34  0.  0.0106945466  1.42867702E-06  9.8649717E-18
+  6.77110288E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0489171036
+  1.40638658E-05  1.75159785E-15  1.61214066E-30  0.  0.0465057082
+  1.33705771E-05  1.66525057E-15  1.53266916E-30  0.  0.0352763273
+  1.01420837E-05  1.26315493E-15  1.16258742E-30  0.  0.0209153127
+  6.01323836E-06  7.48924191E-16  6.89297709E-31  0.  0.0113275712
+  3.25671817E-06  4.05611547E-16  3.73317516E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0511929244  2.58675718E-05  2.07197693E-14  4.27526018E-28
+  0.  0.0486693643  2.4592433E-05  1.96984102E-14  4.06450855E-28  0.
+  0.0369175114  1.86542511E-05  1.49419848E-14  3.08308162E-28  0.
+  0.0218883362  1.10601213E-05  8.85909218E-15  1.82795801E-28  0.
+  0.0118545517  5.99007808E-06  4.79802109E-15  9.90007015E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0525881536  3.95510469E-05  8.95151805E-14
+  1.02788545E-26  0.  0.049995847  3.76013886E-05  8.51028639E-14
+  9.77214851E-27  0.  0.0379236788  2.85220594E-05  6.45536006E-14
+  7.41255692E-27  0.  0.0224848967  1.69106952E-05  3.8273736E-14
+  4.39488778E-27  0.  0.0121776396  9.15870896E-06  2.07287529E-14
+  2.38023583E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0553483628
+  8.08395416E-05  7.4835884E-12  8.57263754E-22  0.  0.0526199155
+  7.68545651E-05  7.11469295E-12  8.15003074E-22  0.  0.0399141498
+  5.82970752E-05  5.39676463E-12  6.18212192E-22  0.  0.0236650575
+  3.4564302E-05  3.1997367E-12  3.66536533E-22  0.  0.0128168343
+  1.87197293E-05  1.73295308E-12  1.98513123E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0598816313  0.000154013163  2.32684687E-11  2.60584531E-21
+  0.  0.0569298342  0.000146421211  2.2121428E-11  2.4773821E-21  0.
+  0.0431834497  0.000111065754  1.67799385E-11  1.87918694E-21  0.
+  0.0256034248  6.5850807E-05  9.94882909E-12  1.11416957E-21  0.  0.0138666136
+  3.56642486E-05  5.38818773E-12  6.03423511E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0614912212  0.00020023789  4.81816947E-11  1.26662897E-19
+  0.  0.0584600121  0.000190367035  4.58064385E-11  1.20418976E-19  0.
+  0.0443441123  0.000144400736  3.4745911E-11  9.13423303E-20  0.  0.0262916032
+  8.5614578E-05  2.06008873E-11  5.41567522E-20  0.  0.0142393261
+  4.63683573E-05  1.11572609E-11  2.93309101E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0654310659  0.000435215246  2.39644771E-09  2.6057714E-16
+  0.  0.0622056425  0.000413760921  2.27831309E-09  2.47731911E-16  0.
+  0.0471853204  0.000313853147  1.72818726E-09  1.87913862E-16  0.  0.027976146
+  0.000186083518  1.02464037E-09  1.11413923E-16  0.  0.0151516395
+  0.000100781173  5.54937096E-10  6.03408603E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0684011877  0.000597024919  1.92680449E-09  3.36709295E-17
+  0.  0.0650295168  0.000567593495  1.83182214E-09  3.20109831E-17  0.
+  0.0493272766  0.000430540938  1.3895064E-09  2.42816172E-17  0.  0.0292460937
+  0.000255267747  8.23836555E-10  1.43965756E-17  0.  0.0158394556
+  0.000138250951  4.46183451E-10  7.79705326E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0735934079  0.00112738984  2.20656684E-08  5.3659677E-15
+  0.  0.0699658617  0.00107181398  2.09778506E-08  5.10146895E-15  0.
+  0.0530716442  0.000813011604  1.59124767E-08  3.86964757E-15  0.
+  0.0314661153  0.000482032716  9.43450829E-09  2.29431135E-15  0.  0.017041795
+  0.000261065521  5.10965759E-09  1.24258166E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0739235505  0.00143169041  7.29662801E-08  1.87804945E-13
+  0.  0.0702794418  0.00136111456  6.93693707E-08  1.78547254E-13  0.
+  0.0533095784  0.00103245606  5.26192636E-08  1.3543493E-13  0.  0.0316072814
+  0.000612142612  3.11979242E-08  8.02991706E-14  0.  0.017118182
+  0.000331531191  1.68965286E-08  4.34893956E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0774421766  0.00198363862  5.91998131E-08  2.48017041E-14
+  0.  0.0736246482  0.00188585289  5.62816638E-08  2.35790289E-14  0.
+  0.0558470562  0.00143049343  4.26916884E-08  1.78856089E-14  0.  0.0331116468
+  0.000848137308  2.53118841E-08  1.0604368E-14  0.  0.0179330371
+  0.000459344446  1.37087026E-08  5.74324422E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0836088136  0.00328747323  3.02903857E-07  5.37876601E-13
+  0.  0.0794872344  0.00312541751  2.87972483E-07  5.11363087E-13  0.
+  0.0602941476  0.00237074262  2.18437847E-07  3.87887557E-13  0.  0.0357483402
+  0.00140561408  1.29511662E-07  2.29978092E-13  0.  0.0193610135
+  0.000761267787  7.01425833E-08  1.24554121E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0882944539  0.00491051516  1.0174324E-06  5.213871E-12  0.
+  0.083941713  0.00466845091  9.67276605E-07  4.95685437E-12  0.  0.0636730641
+  0.0035411946  7.33718196E-07  3.75995545E-12  0.  0.0377516709  0.00209956989
+  4.35019729E-07  2.22927492E-12  0.  0.0204460323  0.00113711378
+  2.35603309E-07  1.20735713E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00333189475  2.66391227E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.00316764694  2.53259802E-15  0.
+  0.  0.  0.00240278151  1.92106882E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.00142460549
+  1.138998E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.000771558436  6.16875831E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00348439626  1.51915783E-14  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00331263547  1.4442708E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.0025127593  1.09553336E-14  0.
+  0.  0.  0.00148981297  6.49538364E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.000806868193
+  3.5178551E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.0033839643  3.19449667E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.00321715069  3.0370285E-14  0.
+  0.  0.  0.00244032685  2.30369956E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.00144687295
+  1.36586146E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.00078361301  7.39738945E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00388234202  1.53817323E-11  1.96349941E-41
+  0.  0.  0.00369096873  1.46235316E-11  1.86666968E-41  0.  0.  0.00279973447
+  1.10924612E-11  1.4160121E-41  0.  0.  0.00165995769  6.57674089E-12
+  8.3951791E-42  0.  0.  0.000899020524  3.56190142E-12  4.54721352E-42  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00475088926  2.40520538E-11
+  2.38010544E-41  0.  0.  0.00451669469  2.28664362E-11  2.26281676E-41  0.  0.
+  0.00342607847  1.73450247E-11  1.71645049E-41  0.  0.  0.00203132094
+  1.02838502E-11  1.01776307E-41  0.  0.  0.00110014773  5.56964717E-12
+  5.51270816E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0044019483
+  9.91870388E-12  1.5484348E-42  0.  0.  0.00418494968  9.42975992E-12
+  1.47276469E-42  0.  0.  0.00317444094  7.15282174E-12  1.11543358E-42  0.  0.
+  0.00188212504  4.2409019E-12  6.61412875E-43  0.  0.  0.00101934723
+  2.2968398E-12  3.57331108E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00529186241  5.28194988E-10  2.47903236E-33  0.  0.  0.00503098965
+  5.02156539E-10  2.35681456E-33  0.  0.  0.00381618901  3.80904502E-10
+  1.78773075E-33  0.  0.  0.00226261932  2.25837959E-10  1.05994748E-33  0.  0.
+  0.00122541585  1.22312174E-10  5.74060151E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00493994774  1.65472941E-10  1.36912634E-35  0.  0.
+  0.0046964325  1.57316007E-10  1.30163356E-35  0.  0.  0.00356242131
+  1.19330004E-10  9.8734028E-36  0.  0.  0.00211215625  7.07508496E-11
+  5.85390662E-36  0.  0.  0.00114392722  3.83179946E-11  3.1704397E-36  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00604714919  3.18856652E-09
+  7.8240904E-29  0.  0.  0.00574905006  3.03139025E-09  7.43839464E-29  0.  0.
+  0.00436087186  2.29941644E-09  5.64230427E-29  0.  0.  0.00258556055
+  1.36332456E-09  3.34532196E-29  0.  0.  0.00140031858  7.38364814E-10
+  1.81179603E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00625001406
+  1.63340417E-08  2.03636061E-24  0.  0.  0.0059419116  1.55288689E-08
+  1.93597688E-24  0.  0.  0.00450717518  1.17792016E-08  1.4685121E-24  0.  0.
+  0.00267229718  6.9838908E-09  8.70679685E-25  0.  0.  0.00144729379
+  3.78241261E-09  4.71553686E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.00609202636  2.68908114E-08  5.86124561E-22  2.57278398E-42  0.
+  0.00579172513  2.55652193E-08  5.57231805E-22  2.44666712E-42  0.
+  0.00439323718  1.93921785E-08  4.2268018E-22  1.85531917E-42  0.
+  0.00260475231  1.1497602E-08  2.50607932E-22  1.10001929E-42  0.
+  0.00141070725  6.22700558E-09  1.357268E-22  5.95551847E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00617823238  1.23114745E-08  2.31374922E-26  0.
+  0.  0.00587367406  1.17046319E-08  2.19969164E-26  0.  0.  0.00445539877
+  8.87837182E-09  1.66855082E-26  0.  0.  0.00264160358  5.26398614E-09
+  9.89285116E-27  0.  0.  0.00143066724  2.85093127E-09  5.35787008E-27  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00681217574  4.37152075E-08
+  6.90885406E-24  0.  0.  0.0064763655  4.15603125E-08  6.56827993E-24  0.  0.
+  0.00491257152  3.15250404E-08  4.98229165E-24  0.  0.  0.00291266106
+  1.86911553E-08  2.95399241E-24  0.  0.  0.00157747022  1.0123018E-08
+  1.59985646E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00713588903
+  1.01751652E-07  2.84887612E-22  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.00678411731
+  9.67354339E-08  2.70843691E-22  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.00514600845
+  7.33775423E-08  2.05445469E-22  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.00305106165
+  4.35054801E-08  1.21808113E-22  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.00165243156
+  2.35622331E-08  6.59704938E-23  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00801181886  6.03976389E-07  2.69987596E-16  3.06171643E-29
+  0.  0.00761687569  5.74203398E-07  2.56679544E-16  2.91078612E-29  0.
+  0.0057776738  4.35555364E-07  1.94700714E-16  2.20794522E-29  0.
+  0.00342558254  2.58240107E-07  1.15437766E-16  1.30908558E-29  0.
+  0.00185526791  1.39860859E-07  6.25201834E-17  7.08990258E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00929191988  2.29222064E-06  3.98618787E-15
+  7.88801731E-28  0.  0.0088338647  2.17922457E-06  3.78968639E-15
+  7.49918409E-28  0.  0.00670080259  1.65302447E-06  2.87463331E-15
+  5.68839731E-28  0.  0.00397290802  9.80077857E-07  1.70436338E-15
+  3.37265698E-28  0.  0.00215169531  5.30801515E-07  9.23069824E-16
+  1.82659987E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0102711283
+  4.52451241E-06  7.84753664E-15  9.22405273E-28  0.  0.00976481382
+  4.30148066E-06  7.46069669E-15  8.76934933E-28  0.  0.00740697095
+  3.26282748E-06  5.65921177E-15  6.65187362E-28  0.  0.00439158874
+  1.93452911E-06  3.35534992E-15  3.9438931E-28  0.  0.00237844652
+  1.0477255E-06  1.81722978E-15  2.13597957E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.00996844284  4.99213456E-06  3.66006791E-15  8.66517109E-29  0.
+  0.00947705191  4.74604349E-06  3.47964205E-15  8.23801909E-29  0.
+  0.00718870061  3.60005993E-06  2.63943831E-15  6.24883197E-29  0.
+  0.0042621661  2.13447242E-06  1.56492079E-15  3.70493972E-29  0.
+  0.00230835681  1.15601301E-06  8.47549849E-16  2.00656547E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0116478875  1.67276248E-05  4.55999225E-13
+  3.44998377E-24  0.  0.0110737039  1.59030296E-05  4.33519648E-13
+  3.279931E-24  0.  0.00839980505  1.20630548E-05  3.28841284E-13
+  2.48794877E-24  0.  0.00498024514  7.15216402E-06  1.94970193E-13
+  1.47510097E-24  0.  0.00269726012  3.87356022E-06  1.05594095E-13
+  7.98903105E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0116103105
+  1.88909362E-05  5.84922844E-13  1.87710604E-23  0.  0.0110379299
+  1.79597446E-05  5.56088758E-13  1.78457597E-23  0.  0.00837271009
+  1.36230819E-05  4.2181433E-13  1.35366701E-23  0.  0.00496417005
+  8.07714605E-06  2.50093511E-13  8.02586769E-24  0.  0.00268855318
+  4.3745049E-06  1.35448727E-13  4.34675414E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.0135621084  5.79270854E-05  2.92476078E-11  3.05896916E-20  0.
+  0.0128935743  5.50716068E-05  2.78058149E-11  2.90816767E-20  0.
+  0.00978026725  4.17738811E-05  2.1091736E-11  2.20595337E-20  0.
+  0.00579870399  2.47676562E-05  1.25053266E-11  1.30790785E-20  0.
+  0.00314053358  1.34139764E-05  6.77277375E-12  7.08353533E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0131906401  8.03278162E-05  2.09986348E-10
+  3.23630134E-18  0.  0.0125403926  7.63680364E-05  1.99634725E-10
+  3.07677108E-18  0.  0.00951236114  5.7928024E-05  1.51430521E-10
+  2.33384274E-18  0.  0.00563987345  3.43454703E-05  8.9783167E-11
+  1.38373554E-18  0.  0.00305450661  1.86012367E-05  4.86257493E-11
+  7.49419173E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0137632322
+  0.000101905658  6.7734103E-11  1.14425096E-19  0.  0.0130847525
+  9.68823006E-05  6.43951073E-11  1.08784448E-19  0.  0.00992526487
+  7.34887944E-05  4.88462326E-11  8.25170434E-20  0.  0.00588470837
+  4.35714755E-05  2.89608094E-11  4.89243179E-20  0.  0.00318711018
+  2.35979514E-05  1.56849585E-11  2.64970394E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0156209646  0.000213362815  7.08834991E-10  8.48391261E-18
+  0.  0.0148509322  0.000202845011  6.73893552E-10  8.06571325E-18  0.
+  0.0112649966  0.000153865243  5.11172049E-10  6.11814834E-18  0.
+  0.00667900173  9.12267569E-05  3.03074288E-10  3.62743473E-18  0.
+  0.00361729274  4.94076849E-05  1.64142672E-10  1.96459304E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0169197042  0.000372116483  3.73196807E-09
+  1.79885036E-16  0.  0.0160856694  0.000353773183  3.54799812E-09
+  1.71017686E-16  0.  0.0122015756  0.000268349861  2.69128919E-09
+  1.29723228E-16  0.  0.00723428465  0.000159104879  1.59566149E-09
+  7.69131592E-17  0.  0.00391804148  8.61700391E-05  8.64197824E-10
+  4.16554094E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000229588186
+  4.99875382E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.000218270696  4.75234003E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000165566336  3.60482363E-21  0.  0.  0.  9.81642079E-05  2.1373E-21  0.
+  0.  0.  5.31649566E-05  1.15754274E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000239255707  5.53368191E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.00022746154
+  5.26091199E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.000172537897  3.99058779E-20  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000102297498  2.36601686E-20  0.  0.  0.  5.54036269E-05  1.28141384E-20
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000217965353
+  1.35765348E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.00020722  1.2907272E-19  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000157184608  9.79062088E-20  0.  0.  0.  9.31947361E-05  5.80487243E-20
+  0.  0.  0.  5.04733398E-05  3.14387376E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000299800362  1.56525188E-15  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000285021873  1.48809342E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.000216199973  1.1287741E-15  0.
+  0.  0.  0.000128184591  6.69249573E-16  0.  0.  0.  6.94237679E-05
+  3.62460354E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000391744426  1.52837503E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.000372433336  1.45303589E-15
+  0.  0.  0.  0.000282504392  1.10218214E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.000167496764
+  6.53483907E-16  0.  0.  0.  9.07150315E-05  3.53921256E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000300093729  2.8812003E-16  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000285300601  2.7391685E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.000216411121  2.0777611E-16  0.
+  0.  0.  0.000128309941  1.23190447E-16  0.  0.  0.  6.94916453E-05
+  6.67187669E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000465132209  1.36507654E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.000442203367  1.29779081E-13
+  0.  0.  0.  0.000335427321  9.84418845E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.00019887471
+  5.8366113E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.000107708933  3.16106225E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000320205378  7.14004661E-14
+  2.86782597E-39  0.  0.  0.000304420508  6.78807325E-14  2.72645177E-39  0.
+  0.  0.00023091452  5.1490113E-14  2.06812175E-39  0.  0.  0.0001369089
+  3.05284803E-14  1.2261824E-39  0.  0.  7.41488766E-05  1.6533951E-14
+  6.64092158E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000481941883  5.30027357E-13  2.87266185E-43  0.  0.  0.000458184542
+  5.03901716E-13  2.73253201E-43  0.  0.  0.000347550027  3.82228266E-13
+  2.07392173E-43  0.  0.  0.000206062323  2.26623055E-13  1.23314265E-43  0.
+  0.  0.000111601628  1.22737148E-13  6.58610278E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000590640411  1.31771156E-11  3.57050598E-36  0.
+  0.  0.00056152523  1.25275536E-11  3.39450002E-36  0.  0.  0.000425937993
+  9.50261831E-12  2.57484849E-36  0.  0.  0.000252538099  5.63410213E-12
+  1.52662791E-36  0.  0.  0.000136772564  3.05138011E-12  8.26808066E-37  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000631015981  1.03903053E-10
+  2.84471043E-31  0.  0.  0.000599910505  9.87806781E-11  2.7044796E-31  0.  0.
+  0.000455054222  7.49287229E-11  2.05145229E-31  0.  0.  0.000269801589
+  4.44253419E-11  1.21630505E-31  0.  0.  0.000146121907  2.40603839E-11
+  6.58738629E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000655027165  4.06642442E-10  6.89763239E-28  0.  0.  0.000622738793
+  3.86598475E-10  6.55760994E-28  0.  0.  0.000472370477  2.93248537E-10
+  4.9741999E-28  0.  0.  0.000280068023  1.73867101E-10  2.94920686E-28  0.  0.
+  0.000151682354  9.41649467E-11  1.59726121E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000699965458  1.21333876E-09  1.66841025E-25  0.  0.
+  0.000665461237  1.15352849E-09  1.58616546E-25  0.  0.  0.000504776544
+  8.74994133E-10  1.2031672E-25  0.  0.  0.000299282256  5.18783017E-10
+  7.13355823E-26  0.  0.  0.000162088691  2.80969636E-10  3.86347278E-26  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000779697904  3.45296458E-09
+  8.49290333E-24  0.  0.  0.000741261581  3.28273853E-09  8.07423276E-24  0.
+  0.  0.000562274538  2.49008347E-09  6.12461983E-24  0.  0.  0.000333372562
+  1.47636836E-09  3.6312719E-24  0.  0.  0.00018055187  7.99589672E-10
+  1.96667362E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000889121962  8.7701979E-09  1.14142152E-22  4.34402524E-44  0.
+  0.000845292758  8.33788238E-09  1.08515921E-22  4.06376555E-44  0.
+  0.00064118614  6.32460351E-09  8.2313363E-23  3.08285662E-44  0.
+  0.000380159239  3.74985243E-09  4.8803451E-23  1.821688E-44  0.
+  0.000205890916  2.03088968E-09  2.64315135E-23  9.80908925E-45  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000988009153  1.62417439E-08
+  3.79355863E-22  3.97968764E-43  0.  0.000939305115  1.54411151E-08
+  3.60654357E-22  3.79751884E-43  0.  0.000712497276  1.17126584E-08
+  2.73569944E-22  2.87266185E-43  0.  0.000422439596  6.94443125E-09
+  1.62199622E-22  1.70958413E-43  0.  0.000228789824  3.76105236E-09
+  8.78459096E-23  9.24856986E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000983322854  1.84015096E-08  2.79539438E-22  1.52741533E-43  0.
+  0.000934849028  1.74944041E-08  2.65759439E-22  1.4573504E-43  0.
+  0.00070911611  1.32701636E-08  2.01588595E-22  1.10702579E-43  0.
+  0.000420435361  7.86785748E-09  1.1952149E-22  6.58610278E-44  0.
+  0.000227704164  4.26117275E-09  6.47318244E-23  3.50324616E-44  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00084062363  2.67161617E-08  7.97818648E-19
+  1.82298368E-32  0.  0.000799184723  2.53991548E-08  7.58489518E-19
+  1.73311904E-32  0.  0.000606211077  1.92662686E-08  5.7534258E-19
+  1.31463292E-32  0.  0.00035942276  1.14229408E-08  3.4112016E-19
+  7.79447308E-33  0.  0.000194660461  6.18657126E-09  1.84748218E-19
+  4.22142356E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00129618472
+  2.76923345E-07  3.17019782E-17  4.5802726E-32  0.  0.00123228901
+  2.63271744E-07  3.01391826E-17  4.35448305E-32  0.  0.000934736978
+  1.99701844E-07  2.28616889E-17  3.30304127E-32  0.  0.000554205035
+  1.18402504E-07  1.35547241E-17  1.9583705E-32  0.  0.000300152926
+  6.41261053E-08  7.34111213E-18  1.06063459E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00111707172  1.82609867E-07  1.76854772E-18  3.79518797E-35
+  0.  0.00106200448  1.73608456E-07  1.6813695E-18  3.60810587E-35  0.
+  0.000805574004  1.31688168E-07  1.27537974E-18  2.73688404E-35  0.
+  0.000477622787  7.80776617E-08  7.56169483E-19  1.62269333E-35  0.
+  0.000258676271  4.22863735E-08  4.0953663E-19  8.78841233E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00154752913  1.13698354E-06  3.40028269E-15
+  1.98091736E-27  0.  0.00147124252  1.08093593E-06  3.23266482E-15
+  1.8832704E-27  0.  0.00111599255  8.19930506E-07  2.45209834E-15
+  1.4285284E-27  0.  0.000661672384  4.86135832E-07  1.45384926E-15
+  8.46972664E-28  0.  0.000358356076  2.63287035E-07  7.87393887E-16
+  4.58714239E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00145250256
+  2.19607819E-06  9.33993822E-14  1.91541975E-24  0.  0.00138090027
+  2.08782239E-06  8.87954058E-14  1.82099646E-24  0.  0.00104746432
+  1.58369278E-06  6.73545489E-14  1.38129436E-24  0.  0.000621041399
+  9.38970061E-07  3.9934483E-14  8.1896719E-25  0.  0.000336350931
+  5.08538335E-07  2.16281901E-14  4.43547743E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00143448217  1.96396877E-06  6.36269593E-15  4.65566755E-27
+  0.  0.00136376591  1.86715954E-06  6.04904937E-15  4.42615641E-27  0.
+  0.00103446888  1.41630755E-06  4.58842957E-15  3.35740049E-27  0.
+  0.000613336626  8.39728273E-07  2.7204784E-15  1.99060132E-27  0.
+  0.000332177675  4.54790268E-07  1.47338872E-15  1.07809418E-27  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00176841649  5.80141977E-06  2.04581943E-13
+  2.38117309E-24  0.  0.00168124493  5.51542189E-06  1.94497142E-13
+  2.26379118E-24  0.  0.00127528538  4.18366199E-06  1.47533339E-13
+  1.71717211E-24  0.  0.000756116584  2.48049241E-06  8.74723742E-14
+  1.01810911E-24  0.  0.000409506756  1.34341383E-06  4.73744884E-14
+  5.51398636E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0019920764
+  1.25489405E-05  1.93207798E-12  1.37922446E-22  0.  0.00189387926
+  1.19303531E-05  1.83683385E-12  1.31123955E-22  0.  0.00143657881
+  9.04961962E-06  1.39330908E-12  9.94622903E-23  0.  0.000851748104
+  5.36551443E-06  8.26092395E-13  5.89711392E-23  0.  0.000461298332
+  2.90591765E-06  4.47404673E-13  3.19382391E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.92362619E-06  7.05339583E-29  0.  0.  0.  6.58235922E-06
+  6.70573418E-29  0.  0.  0.  4.99295584E-06  5.08653987E-29  0.  0.  0.
+  2.96032249E-06  3.01580527E-29  0.  0.  0.  1.60328545E-06  1.63333815E-29
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.12765313E-06
+  1.95926567E-27  0.  0.  0.  6.77629441E-06  1.86268125E-27  0.  0.  0.
+  5.14007661E-06  1.41291344E-27  0.  0.  0.  3.0475494E-06  8.37717607E-28  0.
+  0.  0.  1.65052893E-06  4.53700561E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.83440124E-06  5.76995322E-27  0.  0.  0.  5.54679309E-06
+  5.4855238E-27  0.  0.  0.  4.20744936E-06  4.16097164E-27  0.  0.  0.
+  2.49459663E-06  2.46704018E-27  0.  0.  0.  1.35104938E-06  1.33612574E-27
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.21524326E-05
+  5.17547643E-21  0.  0.  0.  1.15533749E-05  4.92033322E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  8.76368085E-06  3.73226679E-21  0.  0.  0.  5.19597916E-06  2.21285576E-21
+  0.  0.  0.  2.81409757E-06  1.19846677E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.51918493E-05  2.36327783E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  1.44429641E-05  2.24677784E-21  0.  0.  0.  1.09555231E-05  1.70426712E-21
+  0.  0.  0.  6.49552294E-06  1.01045807E-21  0.  0.  0.  3.51792301E-06
+  5.47255857E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.39584209E-06  2.10363884E-22  0.  0.  0.  7.98199017E-06  1.99993721E-22
+  0.  0.  0.  6.05461355E-06  1.51702887E-22  0.  0.  0.  3.58978264E-06
+  8.99445257E-23  0.  0.  0.  1.94419499E-06  4.87130728E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.8726485E-05  8.88936159E-19  0.  0.  0.
+  1.78033752E-05  8.45113733E-19  0.  0.  0.  1.35045184E-05  6.41051326E-19
+  0.  0.  0.  8.0068121E-06  3.80079281E-19  0.  0.  0.  4.33642208E-06
+  2.05847372E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.62411125E-05  1.04480177E-16  0.  0.  0.  1.54404952E-05  9.93297538E-17
+  0.  0.  0.  1.1712189E-05  7.53454402E-17  0.  0.  0.  6.94414484E-06
+  4.46722132E-17  0.  0.  0.  3.76089497E-06  2.41940916E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.68571605E-05  1.03756805E-17  0.  0.
+  0.  1.60262207E-05  9.86422393E-18  0.  0.  0.  1.21564726E-05
+  7.48237142E-18  0.  0.  0.  7.20757043E-06  4.4362937E-18  0.  0.  0.
+  3.90355581E-06  2.40266293E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  2.13792591E-05  3.57117826E-16  0.  0.  0.  2.03253385E-05
+  3.39513913E-16  0.  0.  0.  1.54175596E-05  2.57533988E-16  0.  0.  0.
+  9.14104567E-06  1.52691824E-16  0.  0.  0.  4.95071663E-06  8.26965744E-17
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.73348505E-05
+  3.40574436E-15  0.  0.  0.  2.59873686E-05  3.23785946E-15  0.  0.  0.
+  1.97124027E-05  2.45603513E-15  0.  0.  0.  1.1687468E-05  1.45618156E-15  0.
+  0.  0.  6.32982892E-06  7.88657395E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.332294E-05  4.60067436E-14  2.12997367E-42  0.  0.
+  3.16803889E-05  4.37387519E-14  2.02487628E-42  0.  0.  2.40308E-05
+  3.31774742E-14  1.53582312E-42  0.  0.  1.42478139E-05  1.96708511E-14
+  9.10844002E-43  0.  0.  7.71649593E-06  1.06536136E-14  4.93257059E-43  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.80843012E-05  2.9060646E-13
+  1.23991863E-38  0.  0.  3.62069695E-05  2.76281195E-13  1.17879581E-38  0.
+  0.  2.74643498E-05  2.09570276E-13  8.94161403E-39  0.  0.  1.62836022E-05
+  1.2425377E-13  5.30147222E-39  0.  0.  8.81906453E-06  6.72948703E-14
+  2.87124094E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.14943388E-05  1.03449985E-12  3.8883106E-36  0.  0.  3.94488197E-05
+  9.8350386E-13  3.69663091E-36  0.  0.  2.9923367E-05  7.46023523E-13
+  2.80403993E-36  0.  0.  1.77415786E-05  4.42316783E-13  1.66251144E-36  0.
+  0.  9.60868056E-06  2.39554904E-13  9.00402288E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.26635961E-05  2.2265809E-12  1.10310456E-34  0.  0.
+  4.05604551E-05  2.11682104E-12  1.04872842E-34  0.  0.  3.07666814E-05
+  1.60568824E-12  7.95498124E-35  0.  0.  1.82415424E-05  9.52011473E-13
+  4.71650492E-35  0.  0.  9.87945896E-06  5.15600746E-13  2.55442384E-35  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.28250751E-05  1.24795582E-11
+  4.86434564E-29  0.  0.  4.07140433E-05  1.18643845E-11  4.62455713E-29  0.
+  0.  3.08831186E-05  8.99957626E-12  3.50789241E-29  0.  0.  1.83105749E-05
+  5.33584548E-12  2.0798283E-29  0.  0.  9.9168592E-06  2.88984982E-12
+  1.12641917E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.51154629E-05  3.46969502E-11  5.37561233E-29  0.  0.  4.28915118E-05
+  3.29866863E-11  5.11062242E-29  0.  0.  3.25348155E-05  2.50215629E-11
+  3.87660177E-29  0.  0.  1.92898751E-05  1.4835284E-11  2.29842887E-29  0.  0.
+  1.04472401E-05  8.03466495E-12  1.2448115E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.12656079E-05  2.93946312E-10  9.74265207E-25  0.  0.
+  4.8738435E-05  2.79456208E-10  9.26238764E-25  0.  0.  3.69699155E-05
+  2.11977824E-10  7.02587034E-25  0.  0.  2.19194499E-05  1.25681535E-10
+  4.16562241E-25  0.  0.  1.18714015E-05  6.80681206E-11  2.2560707E-25  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.26384678E-05  7.11461001E-10
+  3.374758E-23  4.27396032E-43  0.  6.90578745E-05  6.76389222E-10
+  3.20839764E-23  4.06376555E-43  0.  5.23830095E-05  5.13066367E-10
+  2.43368038E-23  3.08285662E-43  0.  3.10577889E-05  3.04196723E-10
+  1.4429312E-23  1.821688E-43  0.  1.68206552E-05  1.64750297E-10
+  7.8148048E-24  9.9492191E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.03313786E-05  4.63734717E-10  9.46730806E-25  0.  0.  4.78503061E-05
+  4.40875447E-10  9.0006357E-25  0.  0.  3.62962455E-05  3.34419659E-10
+  6.82732095E-25  0.  0.  2.15200525E-05  1.98277256E-10  4.04791179E-25  0.
+  0.  1.16550655E-05  1.07385448E-10  2.19231225E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.3594972E-05  5.25462163E-09  1.26754665E-21
+  6.83385235E-41  0.  8.89810835E-05  4.99559905E-09  1.20506079E-21
+  6.49712033E-41  0.  6.7495479E-05  3.78933684E-09  9.14083145E-22
+  4.92822657E-41  0.  4.00180325E-05  2.24669883E-09  5.41960619E-22
+  2.92198756E-41  0.  2.16734843E-05  1.21679522E-09  2.93520956E-22
+  1.58248636E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.00309969E-05
+  2.27950103E-08  2.90881785E-18  6.29988565E-33  0.  8.55929029E-05
+  2.16713403E-08  2.76544098E-18  5.98931306E-33  0.  6.4925378E-05
+  1.64385234E-08  2.09768826E-18  4.54312624E-33  0.  3.8494265E-05
+  9.7463797E-09  1.24371899E-18  2.69362271E-33  0.  2.08481706E-05
+  5.27854827E-09  6.73587131E-19  1.45884157E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.36912043E-05  1.01771258E-08  1.5094261E-20  1.37631429E-38
+  0.  7.00586243E-05  9.67544089E-09  1.435017E-20  1.30846622E-38  0.
+  5.31420737E-05  7.33919014E-09  1.08851952E-20  9.92521345E-39  0.
+  3.15079196E-05  4.35139835E-09  6.4538045E-21  5.8846464E-39  0.
+  1.7064418E-05  2.35668129E-09  3.49532398E-21  3.18707539E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000103610371  4.91557977E-08  3.49680926E-18
+  2.60027873E-33  0.  9.85031511E-05  4.67327261E-08  3.32443661E-18
+  2.47209639E-33  0.  7.4718293E-05  3.54484833E-08  2.52171262E-18
+  1.87517669E-33  0.  4.43003955E-05  2.10173905E-08  1.49512317E-18
+  1.11179009E-33  0.  2.39927376E-05  1.13828635E-08  8.09746851E-19
+  6.02136879E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000123899139
+  1.42730229E-07  6.95911152E-17  5.53226104E-31  0.  0.000117791242
+  1.35694251E-07  6.61603141E-17  5.2595487E-31  0.  8.93491742E-05
+  1.02929533E-07  5.01852364E-17  3.98956341E-31  0.  5.29751451E-05
+  6.10264692E-08  2.97547686E-17  2.3654092E-31  0.  2.86908908E-05
+  3.30515668E-08  1.6114954E-17  1.28108548E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  6.91225566E-08  1.16528337E-39  0.  0.  0.  6.57150494E-08
+  1.10784415E-39  0.  0.  0.  4.98472268E-08  8.4033767E-40  0.  0.  0.
+  2.95544105E-08  4.98237274E-40  0.  0.  0.  1.60064264E-08  2.69841039E-40
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.95272249E-08
+  1.14841342E-37  0.  0.  0.  6.60999788E-08  1.09180118E-37  0.  0.  0.
+  5.01392634E-08  8.28169915E-38  0.  0.  0.  2.97275484E-08  4.91021652E-38
+  0.  0.  0.  1.61001825E-08  2.65934191E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.82280171E-08  4.17084134E-37  0.  0.  0.
+  4.58506193E-08  3.96524059E-37  0.  0.  0.  3.47793652E-08  3.00778267E-37
+  0.  0.  0.  2.06206998E-08  1.78331171E-37  0.  0.  0.  1.11679732E-08
+  9.6582546E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.16519112E-07  1.50754911E-28  0.  0.  0.  2.05845652E-07  1.43323843E-28
+  0.  0.  0.  1.56141766E-07  1.08716194E-28  0.  0.  0.  9.25762507E-08
+  6.44578238E-29  0.  0.  0.  5.01385919E-08  3.49098515E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.14565745E-07  3.12765215E-29  0.  0.
+  0.  2.03988535E-07  2.9734628E-29  0.  0.  0.  1.54733073E-07  2.25548891E-29
+  0.  0.  0.  9.17411782E-08  1.33727818E-29  0.  0.  0.  4.96861965E-08
+  7.24258745E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.66081803E-08  6.26014736E-31  0.  0.  0.  6.33246984E-08  5.95154812E-31
+  0.  0.  0.  4.80342024E-08  4.51447289E-31  0.  0.  0.  2.84794357E-08
+  2.67662814E-31  0.  0.  0.  1.54242397E-08  1.44964385E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.85373858E-07  7.04053982E-26  0.  0.
+  0.  2.71306504E-07  6.6934854E-26  0.  0.  0.  2.05796169E-07  5.07726255E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  1.22016246E-07  3.01030431E-26  0.  0.  0.  6.60831603E-08
+  1.63035239E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.93062606E-07  3.14905751E-22  0.  0.  0.  3.73686362E-07  2.99381574E-22
+  0.  0.  0.  2.83455222E-07  2.2709291E-22  0.  0.  0.  1.68060168E-07
+  1.3464288E-22  0.  0.  0.  9.102002E-08  7.29214438E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.39312633E-07  1.19350846E-25  0.  0.  0.
+  1.32445464E-07  1.13467472E-25  0.  0.  0.  1.00464803E-07  8.60691066E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  5.9565437E-08  5.10304351E-26  0.  0.  0.  3.22601217E-08
+  2.76376617E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.23085658E-07  1.93945303E-22  0.  0.  0.  3.07157904E-07  1.84384751E-22
+  0.  0.  0.  2.32990729E-07  1.39862615E-22  0.  0.  0.  1.38140081E-07
+  8.29245598E-23  0.  0.  0.  7.48155955E-08  4.4911123E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.271308E-07  2.51406861E-20  0.  0.  0.
+  4.0607506E-07  2.39013773E-20  0.  0.  0.  3.08023033E-07  1.81300784E-20  0.
+  0.  0.  1.82626906E-07  1.07493316E-20  0.  0.  0.  9.89090765E-08
+  5.82174643E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.27039658E-07  9.72231337E-21  0.  0.  0.  3.1091804E-07  9.24301795E-21  0.
+  0.  0.  2.35843103E-07  7.01117318E-21  0.  0.  0.  1.39831272E-07
+  4.15692791E-21  0.  0.  0.  7.57314638E-08  2.25135561E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.1955218E-07  1.65717648E-19  0.  0.  0.
+  3.98870554E-07  1.57548645E-19  0.  0.  0.  3.02558362E-07  1.19506609E-19
+  0.  0.  0.  1.79386802E-07  7.08555287E-20  0.  0.  0.  9.71541425E-08
+  3.83746179E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.40747897E-07  9.74572514E-19  0.  0.  0.  4.19021376E-07  9.26531311E-19
+  0.  0.  0.  3.17843273E-07  7.02807132E-19  0.  0.  0.  1.88448936E-07
+  4.16693836E-19  0.  0.  0.  1.02062373E-07  2.25677722E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.13367365E-07  6.33996008E-16
+  7.00649232E-44  0.  0.  7.73272063E-07  6.02742769E-16  6.72623263E-44  0.
+  0.  5.86556325E-07  4.57202921E-16  5.04467447E-44  0.  0.  3.47768776E-07
+  2.71075292E-16  2.94272678E-44  0.  0.  1.8834875E-07  1.46812078E-16
+  1.68155816E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.62921354E-07  8.99448722E-16  1.33123354E-43  0.  0.  8.20382468E-07
+  8.55110359E-16  1.26116862E-43  0.  0.  6.22291793E-07  6.48633585E-16
+  9.52882956E-44  0.  0.  3.6895625E-07  3.84573684E-16  5.7453237E-44  0.  0.
+  1.99823603E-07  2.08282067E-16  3.08285662E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.54076962E-07  3.82034041E-16  1.12103877E-44  0.  0.
+  5.26763699E-07  3.6320156E-16  1.12103877E-44  0.  0.  3.99569785E-07
+  2.75502204E-16  8.40779079E-45  0.  0.  2.36904413E-07  1.63345328E-16
+  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  1.28305771E-07  8.84664239E-17  2.80259693E-45  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.62278764E-06  4.17886673E-13
+  5.68546004E-32  0.  0.  1.54279144E-06  3.97286669E-13  5.40520044E-32  0.
+  0.  1.17026514E-06  3.01357355E-13  4.10005171E-32  0.  0.  6.93849302E-07
+  1.78673469E-13  2.43091233E-32  0.  0.  3.75782861E-07  9.67684252E-14
+  1.31656308E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.78500989E-06  2.89822989E-13  8.85514772E-34  0.  0.  1.69701639E-06
+  2.75535562E-13  8.41863065E-34  0.  0.  1.28724901E-06  2.09004268E-13
+  6.38584092E-34  0.  0.  7.63210323E-07  1.23918508E-13  3.78615963E-34  0.
+  0.  4.13347749E-07  6.71132868E-14  2.05055507E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.69981398E-07  1.24552536E-13  2.71531297E-33  0.
+  0.  7.32025796E-07  1.18413024E-13  2.58146421E-33  0.  0.  5.55269594E-07
+  8.98206612E-14  1.958135E-33  0.  0.  3.29217983E-07  5.32546216E-14
+  1.16097231E-33  0.  0.  1.78302344E-07  2.88422511E-14  6.28775051E-34  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.46994182E-06  5.7889713E-12
+  6.42094571E-29  0.  0.  2.34818913E-06  5.50361189E-12  6.10443778E-29  0.
+  0.  1.78118955E-06  4.17468707E-12  4.63044024E-29  0.  0.  1.0560658E-06
+  2.47517675E-12  2.74538274E-29  0.  0.  5.71956662E-07  1.3405337E-12
+  1.48687765E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.79063079E-06  5.6765339E-11  2.29982201E-24  1.54142831E-44  0.
+  2.6530663E-06  5.39670218E-11  2.18645205E-24  1.40129846E-44  0.
+  2.01245007E-06  4.09359976E-11  1.65851063E-24  1.12103877E-44  0.
+  1.19318111E-06  2.42709845E-11  9.83326557E-25  7.00649232E-45  0.
+  6.46217131E-07  1.31449313E-11  5.32561526E-25  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.47886215E-06  9.68644435E-12
+  7.48487828E-28  0.  0.  1.40595841E-06  9.20892963E-12  7.11592548E-28  0.
+  0.  1.06647133E-06  6.98534329E-12  5.39769071E-28  0.  0.  6.32311867E-07
+  4.14159766E-12  3.20028794E-28  0.  0.  3.42454825E-07  2.24305383E-12
+  1.73325113E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.53349299E-06  8.72914172E-11  1.3013442E-24  1.40129846E-45  0.
+  2.40860504E-06  8.29883662E-11  1.23719422E-24  1.40129846E-45  0.
+  1.82701797E-06  6.29498953E-11  9.38458712E-25  1.40129846E-45  0.
+  1.08323934E-06  3.73229052E-11  5.56412045E-25  0.  0.  5.8667257E-07
+  2.02137682E-11  3.01348465E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  3.30815033E-06  3.76446818E-10  6.6324017E-23  1.55684259E-42  0.
+  3.1450752E-06  3.57889829E-10  6.30547439E-23  1.47977118E-42  0.
+  2.38565622E-06  2.71473038E-10  4.78294571E-23  1.12244007E-42  0.
+  1.41445321E-06  1.60956221E-10  2.83580192E-23  6.65616771E-43  0.
+  7.66059259E-07  8.71722278E-11  1.53584955E-23  3.61535004E-43  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.5696415E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.4922627E-10
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.13193885E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.71127667E-11  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  3.63475708E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.52192509E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.44689871E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.09752527E-10  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.50723087E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.52426109E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.35297942E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.94120672E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.0237218E-11
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.57145979E-11  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.93427323E-11  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.19363386E-09  6.1053383E-39  0.
+  0.  0.  1.13479137E-09  5.80437722E-39  0.  0.  0.  8.60780558E-10
+  4.40283353E-39  0.  0.  0.  5.10356091E-10  2.61044248E-39  0.  0.  0.
+  2.76404843E-10  1.41379104E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  7.45675188E-10  4.79993769E-40  0.  0.  0.  7.08917314E-10
+  4.56332845E-40  0.  0.  0.  5.37739298E-10  3.46145944E-40  0.  0.  0.
+  3.18826077E-10  2.05229969E-40  0.  0.  0.  1.72673556E-10  1.11150994E-40
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.36932501E-10
+  2.08667375E-34  0.  0.  0.  2.2525283E-10  1.98381064E-34  0.  0.  0.
+  1.70862741E-10  1.50479337E-34  0.  0.  0.  1.01304409E-10  8.92192808E-35
+  0.  0.  0.  5.48656363E-11  4.8320377E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.01597253E-09  2.95709064E-35  0.  0.  0.  9.65889813E-10
+  2.81132388E-35  0.  0.  0.  7.3266293E-10  2.13249225E-35  0.  0.  0.
+  4.34395631E-10  1.26435696E-35  0.  0.  0.  2.3526503E-10  6.84763628E-36  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.35939246E-09
+  2.27909382E-31  0.  0.  0.  2.24309171E-09  2.16674078E-31  0.  0.  0.
+  1.70147008E-09  1.64355739E-31  0.  0.  0.  1.00879838E-09  9.7446354E-32  0.
+  0.  0.  5.46356516E-10  5.27761816E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.94112326E-09  1.13514561E-27  0.  0.  0.  1.84543514E-09
+  1.07918897E-27  0.  0.  0.  1.39983225E-09  8.18603138E-28  0.  0.  0.
+  8.29959101E-10  4.85350428E-28  0.  0.  0.  4.49498688E-10  2.62861728E-28
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.00127959E-10
+  3.16834482E-33  0.  0.  0.  3.80403764E-10  3.01216313E-33  0.  0.  0.
+  2.88550572E-10  2.28483629E-33  0.  0.  0.  1.71081233E-10  1.35467679E-33
+  0.  0.  0.  9.26560773E-11  7.33682962E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.13719845E-09  1.1361962E-29  0.  0.  0.  1.08114051E-09
+  1.08019008E-29  0.  0.  0.  8.20085722E-10  8.19364325E-30  0.  0.  0.
+  4.86230278E-10  4.85800105E-30  0.  0.  0.  2.6333738E-10  2.63105108E-30  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.738658E-09  3.17786048E-27
+  0.  0.  0.  1.65295044E-09  3.02120245E-27  0.  0.  0.  1.2538246E-09
+  2.29170217E-27  0.  0.  0.  7.43392514E-10  1.35874502E-27  0.  0.  0.
+  4.02614164E-10  7.35885458E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  3.57470653E-09  6.53982654E-22  0.  0.  0.  3.3984926E-09
+  6.21744724E-22  0.  0.  0.  2.57788391E-09  4.71616895E-22  0.  0.  0.
+  1.52842594E-09  2.79621858E-22  0.  0.  0.  8.27781732E-10  1.51440304E-22
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.95565084E-09
+  1.66003818E-23  0.  0.  0.  2.80996382E-09  1.57820586E-23  0.  0.  0.
+  2.13146389E-09  1.19712798E-23  0.  0.  0.  1.26374089E-09  7.09776416E-24
+  0.  0.  0.  6.84432122E-10  3.84409316E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.89844637E-09  3.72355095E-23  0.  0.  0.
+  2.75556666E-09  3.54000006E-23  0.  0.  0.  2.09020268E-09  2.68522288E-23
+  0.  0.  0.  1.2392789E-09  1.59206709E-23  0.  0.  0.  6.71184663E-10
+  8.62251238E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.62201574E-09  2.14048256E-23  0.  0.  0.  1.5420627E-09  2.03497178E-23  0.
+  0.  0.  1.16970666E-09  1.54360405E-23  0.  0.  0.  6.93519853E-10
+  9.15201239E-24  0.  0.  0.  3.75604714E-10  4.95665051E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.60378702E-09  3.64134956E-18  0.  0.
+  0.  8.17966317E-09  3.46184826E-18  0.  0.  0.  6.20457818E-09
+  2.62594358E-18  0.  0.  0.  3.6786878E-09  1.55692276E-18  0.  0.  0.
+  1.99234917E-09  8.43215922E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  1.57623674E-08  3.60751746E-18  0.  0.  0.  1.49854262E-08
+  3.42968583E-18  0.  0.  0.  1.13669882E-08  2.60153535E-18  0.  0.  0.
+  6.73947831E-09  1.54244896E-18  0.  0.  0.  3.65005182E-09  8.3537973E-19  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.24814097E-08
+  1.58718026E-17  1.12103877E-44  0.  0.  1.18661427E-08  1.50893907E-17
+  1.12103877E-44  0.  0.  9.00090846E-09  1.14458843E-17  8.40779079E-45  0.
+  0.  5.33662847E-09  6.78624889E-18  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  2.89027424E-09
+  3.67536943E-18  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  4.42939463E-09  5.76687758E-17  6.75567391E-40  0.  0.  4.21104884E-09
+  5.48261762E-17  6.42264132E-40  0.  0.  3.1942422E-09  4.15876402E-17
+  4.87181029E-40  0.  0.  1.89385863E-09  2.46572945E-17  2.88851054E-40  0.
+  0.  1.02570108E-09  1.33541982E-17  1.56438158E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.04607407E-08  6.70535369E-16  9.82991255E-39  0.
+  0.  1.94521554E-08  6.3748139E-16  9.34535755E-39  0.  0.  1.47552006E-08
+  4.83554275E-16  7.08879198E-39  0.  0.  8.74834427E-09  2.86698577E-16
+  4.20293971E-39  0.  0.  4.73803885E-09  1.55273527E-16  2.27628184E-39  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.42362085E-08  1.57787788E-14
+  6.6618255E-33  0.  0.  3.25484706E-08  1.5000967E-14  6.33341883E-33  0.  0.
+  2.46892888E-08  1.13787628E-14  4.80414623E-33  0.  0.  1.46382835E-08
+  6.74646623E-15  2.84837636E-33  0.  0.  7.9279534E-09  3.65382739E-15
+  1.5426545E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.54860893E-09
+  9.38693559E-16  1.0090155E-37  0.  0.  8.12719581E-09  8.92418773E-16
+  9.59275231E-38  0.  0.  6.16477491E-09  6.7693465E-16  7.2764435E-38  0.  0.
+  3.65509378E-09  4.01354333E-16  4.31420813E-38  0.  0.  1.97956362E-09
+  2.17370121E-16  2.33653683E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.93287377E-08  1.91443625E-14  2.65427635E-33  0.  0.  1.83759283E-08
+  1.82006797E-14  2.52343887E-33  0.  0.  1.39388288E-08  1.38058756E-14
+  1.91412137E-33  0.  0.  8.264327E-09  8.1854977E-15  1.13488231E-33  0.  0.
+  4.47588588E-09  4.43320273E-15  6.14643588E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.85984658E-08  1.39388325E-13  4.44254063E-31  0.  0.
+  2.71886993E-08  1.32517505E-13  4.22355026E-31  0.  0.  2.06236326E-08
+  1.00519331E-13  3.20371887E-31  0.  0.  1.22277326E-08  5.95976041E-14
+  1.89948144E-31  0.  0.  6.6224155E-09  3.22776948E-14  1.02874611E-31  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.91449126E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.67222865E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.54405836E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.10127326E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.13802959E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.51374981E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.29124272E-14
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.25506969E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.92992679E-14  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.04523501E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.79435053E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.70589742E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.29399004E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.67204497E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.15511843E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.27294356E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.21019937E-12  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.17981186E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.44269057E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.94771667E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.65258361E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.47253151E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.63404099E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.56172371E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.45817286E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.42043311E-12  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.  0.  1.35041403E-12  2.80259693E-45
+  0.  0.  0.  1.02433893E-12  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  0.  6.07329779E-13
+  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  0.  3.28924388E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.10707785E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.95391451E-13  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  2.24065246E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.32847997E-13  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.19495671E-14  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.07600234E-12  3.54948901E-42  0.  0.  0.  2.9243693E-12  3.3743267E-42  0.
+  0.  0.  2.21824577E-12  2.558771E-42  0.  0.  0.  1.31519752E-12
+  1.51760624E-42  0.  0.  0.  7.12299143E-13  8.211609E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.47692491E-12  1.69346359E-39  0.  0.  0.
+  3.30553098E-12  1.60998263E-39  0.  0.  0.  2.50736628E-12  1.22123301E-39
+  0.  0.  0.  1.4866179E-12  7.24069133E-40  0.  0.  0.  8.05135472E-13
+  3.92150573E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.53182716E-12  4.73693344E-35  0.  0.  0.  6.20984254E-12  4.50342906E-35
+  0.  0.  0.  4.71039874E-12  3.41601614E-35  0.  0.  0.  2.79278944E-12
+  2.02535209E-35  0.  0.  0.  1.51254996E-12  1.09691574E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.45528879E-12  1.22023115E-35  0.  0.
+  0.  2.33425518E-12  1.16007704E-35  0.  0.  0.  1.77061772E-12
+  8.79962415E-36  0.  0.  0.  1.04979653E-12  5.21730834E-36  0.  0.  0.
+  5.68562612E-13  2.82564549E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  8.41415739E-12  9.7099955E-33  0.  0.  0.  7.99940236E-12
+  9.23132758E-33  0.  0.  0.  6.06783287E-12  7.00233242E-33  0.  0.  0.
+  3.59761613E-12  4.15166568E-33  0.  0.  0.  1.94843555E-12  2.24850488E-33
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.51909752E-11
+  8.3386118E-31  0.  0.  0.  1.44421003E-11  7.92755835E-31  0.  0.  0.
+  1.09549123E-11  6.01336736E-31  0.  0.  0.  6.49516075E-12  3.56532209E-31
+  0.  0.  0.  3.51771737E-12  1.93094613E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.29577963E-11  9.25671521E-30  0.  0.  0.
+  1.23190061E-11  8.8004308E-30  0.  0.  0.  9.34442801E-12  6.67541914E-30  0.
+  0.  0.  5.54031343E-12  3.9578639E-30  0.  0.  0.  3.00058741E-12
+  2.1435463E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.98911459E-12  1.85604081E-29  0.  0.  0.  5.69392016E-12  1.7645483E-29  0.
+  0.  0.  4.31903688E-12  1.33847437E-29  0.  0.  0.  2.56075217E-12
+  7.93579584E-30  0.  0.  0.  1.38688334E-12  4.29796959E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.70826174E-11  3.200847E-25  0.  0.  0.
+  2.57476384E-11  3.04306767E-25  0.  0.  0.  1.95304658E-11  2.30828318E-25
+  0.  0.  0.  1.15796253E-11  1.36857876E-25  0.  0.  0.  6.27142956E-12
+  7.41210379E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.48740525E-11  1.50897751E-25  0.  0.  0.  2.36479083E-11  1.43459828E-25
+  0.  0.  0.  1.79378457E-11  1.08819565E-25  0.  0.  0.  1.06352861E-11
+  6.45188997E-26  0.  0.  0.  5.76000402E-12  3.49428927E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.17644808E-11  1.61380762E-23  0.  0.
+  0.  3.97057491E-11  1.53425794E-23  0.  0.  0.  3.01182447E-11
+  1.16378867E-23  0.  0.  0.  1.78571029E-11  6.9000985E-24  0.  0.  0.
+  9.67123083E-12  3.73704197E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  1.00936958E-11  3.89737075E-25  0.  0.  0.  9.59615807E-12
+  3.70524664E-25  0.  0.  0.  7.27904889E-12  2.81056842E-25  0.  0.  0.
+  4.31573527E-12  1.66638448E-25  0.  0.  0.  2.33736489E-12  9.02501002E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.2173199E-11
+  6.44224013E-21  0.  0.  0.  4.00942959E-11  6.12467426E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  3.04130471E-11  4.64579488E-21  0.  0.  0.  1.80318243E-11  2.75448761E-21
+  0.  0.  0.  9.7659077E-12  1.49181024E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.31197951E-11  3.11750196E-21  0.  0.  0.  3.14871809E-11
+  2.96382428E-21  0.  0.  0.  2.38842262E-11  2.24817048E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  1.41609051E-11  1.33293714E-21  0.  0.  0.  7.66944321E-12  7.21909258E-22
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.16309122E-10
+  3.05548834E-19  0.  0.  0.  1.10575646E-10  2.90486237E-19  0.  0.  0.
+  8.3876045E-11  2.20344811E-19  0.  0.  0.  4.97299042E-11  1.3064245E-19  0.
+  0.  0.  2.6933282E-11  7.07548259E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  9.44984715E-12  4.3230967E-21  0.  0.  0.  8.98399671E-12
+  4.10998783E-21  0.  0.  0.  6.81471719E-12  3.11757244E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  4.04043639E-12  1.84840798E-21  0.  0.  0.  2.18826433E-12  1.00108211E-21
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.11996852E-11
+  2.55608994E-19  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  2.96616898E-11  2.43008552E-19
+  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  2.24995092E-11  1.84331461E-19  2.80259693E-45  0.
+  0.  1.33399194E-11  1.09289739E-19  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  7.22480019E-12
+  5.91904145E-20  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  5.48880698E-11  3.69462413E-18  3.38273449E-42  0.  0.  5.2182203E-11
+  3.51250046E-18  3.21597998E-42  0.  0.  3.95821674E-11  2.66436261E-18
+  2.43966063E-42  0.  0.  2.34682135E-11  1.57970104E-18  1.44614002E-42  0.
+  0.  1.27102114E-11  8.555542E-19  7.83325842E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.08628956E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.03274595E-18  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  7.83372145E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.64462276E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.51548804E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.23201392E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.7769219E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.65761434E-19
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.94731183E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.13783136E-19  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.36376502E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.24724577E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.70462111E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.0106673E-19
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.47368547E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.46388615E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.39172688E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.05567351E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.25907916E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.38987251E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.16568492E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.10822358E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.40627261E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.98408124E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.69933891E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.67809605E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.49678335E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.65243868E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.57263221E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.51725047E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.59545769E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.51680953E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.15055662E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.82163402E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.69453438E-18  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.32624454E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.91579024E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.00441672E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.56002488E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.92807843E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.10596806E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.05145228E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.97563576E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.72875995E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.5610552E-16
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.02446996E-16  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  5.72749173E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.34451722E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.57586531E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.39506393E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.76305853E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.6268533E-15  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.99256475E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.18139306E-15  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.39830848E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.88405327E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.79117875E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.35867685E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.05559038E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.3628351E-17
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.82414147E-16  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  3.63561708E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.75775822E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.63507349E-16  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.85542506E-17  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.48383089E-16  1.821688E-44  0.  0.  0.
+  3.31211561E-16  1.68155816E-44  0.  0.  0.  2.51235716E-16  1.26116862E-44
+  0.  0.  0.  1.48957401E-16  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.  0.  8.06740252E-17
+  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.06427504E-14  2.30999169E-36  0.  0.  0.  1.01181228E-14  2.19612141E-36
+  0.  0.  0.  7.67497146E-15  1.66584173E-36  0.  0.  0.  4.55047868E-15
+  9.87675246E-37  0.  0.  0.  2.46450165E-15  5.34916385E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.49479304E-15  1.02158111E-36  0.  0.
+  0.  4.27321896E-15  9.71222433E-37  0.  0.  0.  3.24139985E-15
+  7.36708924E-37  0.  0.  0.  1.92181844E-15  4.3679361E-37  0.  0.  0.
+  1.04084203E-15  2.36563844E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  1.71084528E-14  1.3819476E-32  0.  0.  0.  1.62651197E-14
+  1.31382594E-32  0.  0.  0.  1.23376718E-14  9.96584625E-33  0.  0.  0.
+  7.31498924E-15  5.90872815E-33  0.  0.  0.  3.9617497E-15  3.20012835E-33  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.29931318E-15
+  2.45382586E-34  0.  0.  0.  3.13666359E-15  2.33286313E-34  0.  0.  0.
+  2.37928209E-15  1.76956463E-34  0.  0.  0.  1.41067408E-15  1.04917302E-34
+  0.  0.  0.  7.64008525E-16  5.6822249E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.87441551E-15  6.29555763E-33  0.  0.  0.  1.78201587E-15
+  5.98520104E-33  0.  0.  0.  1.35172525E-15  4.54001485E-33  0.  0.  0.
+  8.01437799E-16  2.69176176E-33  0.  0.  0.  4.34052902E-16  1.45783845E-33
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.64186457E-14
+  4.26707074E-27  0.  0.  0.  3.46233899E-14  4.05672414E-27  0.  0.  0.
+  2.6263107E-14  3.07717518E-27  0.  0.  0.  1.55713404E-14  1.82445674E-27  0.
+  0.  0.  8.43331244E-15  9.88107891E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.46680231E-15  1.2302101E-29  0.  0.  0.  5.19734122E-15
+  1.16956572E-29  0.  0.  0.  3.94236366E-15  8.87161348E-30  0.  0.  0.
+  2.33742617E-15  5.25995241E-30  0.  0.  0.  1.26593013E-15  2.84875451E-30
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.70222748E-14
+  2.40368432E-25  0.  0.  0.  6.37184262E-14  2.28519618E-25  0.  0.  0.
+  4.83327943E-14  1.73340511E-25  0.  0.  0.  2.86565205E-14  1.02773372E-25
+  0.  0.  0.  1.55201373E-14  5.56613845E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.15576047E-15  3.37103487E-28  0.  0.  0.
+  1.09878607E-15  3.20487671E-28  0.  0.  0.  8.33470626E-16  2.43101278E-28
+  0.  0.  0.  4.94164686E-16  1.44134659E-28  0.  0.  0.  2.67635042E-16
+  7.80620092E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.35456484E-15  8.01715825E-26  0.  0.  0.  6.04131765E-15  7.62194818E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  4.5825681E-15  5.78153322E-26  0.  0.  0.  2.7170009E-15
+  3.42786687E-26  0.  0.  0.  1.47150566E-15  1.85650818E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.41675502E-14  2.82570272E-24  0.  0.
+  0.  1.3469174E-14  2.68640961E-24  0.  0.  0.  1.02168868E-14  2.03774171E-24
+  0.  0.  0.  6.05757857E-15  1.20817736E-24  0.  0.  0.  3.28073754E-15
+  6.54338082E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.89362865E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.55383865E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.97131416E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.94749126E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.59633868E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.25143965E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.99256706E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.78705102E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.24533899E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.21605694E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.3625966E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.99965279E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.30949488E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.14800059E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.70493118E-26  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.32386085E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.91354059E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.00271501E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.55900088E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.92752457E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.91826028E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.82369858E-23
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.38334301E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.20183653E-24  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  4.44204065E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.91072966E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.81653649E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.37791276E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.16961317E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.42460091E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.95388871E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.85756911E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.40903795E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.35419476E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.52454959E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.48414688E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.21380513E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.95487122E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.34483918E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.26994451E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.81139711E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.42633808E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.63314793E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.33988864E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.80885566E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.64605856E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.56491974E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.1870478E-20
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.03799273E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.81172662E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.72920633E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.64396714E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.24701042E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.39350531E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.00426452E-22  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.12078589E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.72046682E-21
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.85626425E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.47217665E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.88049718E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.56441846E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.48729689E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.12816947E-23  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.68891412E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.62266464E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.50082032E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.37754342E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.80345423E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.06926439E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.79106643E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.21726372E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.15725944E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.7782418E-21
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.20462041E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.81877223E-21  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.88490638E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.74269336E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.08043692E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.23348837E-19  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.68047736E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.930676E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.73692186E-20  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  2.83459609E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.68062744E-20  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.1021436E-21  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.67916608E-20  1.821688E-44  0.  0.  0.  8.25132307E-20  1.68155816E-44  0.
+  0.  0.  6.25893254E-20  1.26116862E-44  0.  0.  0.  3.71092416E-20
+  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.  0.  2.0098038E-20  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.33011814E-20  1.87773994E-43  0.  0.  0.
+  1.26454889E-20  1.79366203E-43  0.  0.  0.  9.59204131E-21  1.35925951E-43
+  0.  0.  0.  5.68713207E-21  7.98740125E-44  0.  0.  0.  3.08010253E-21
+  4.34402524E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.09498375E-18  3.31984085E-38  0.  0.  0.  1.04101114E-18  3.15618993E-38
+  0.  0.  0.  7.89645069E-19  2.3940848E-38  0.  0.  0.  4.68179005E-19
+  1.41945018E-38  0.  0.  0.  2.53561748E-19  7.68763968E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.35484149E-20  3.07337544E-39  0.  0.
+  0.  7.94297986E-20  2.92187125E-39  0.  0.  0.  6.02503947E-20  2.2163469E-39
+  0.  0.  0.  3.57223958E-20  1.31407044E-39  0.  0.  0.  1.93470081E-20
+  7.11688661E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.44631919E-18  1.79744051E-33  0.  0.  0.  3.27643428E-18  1.70883689E-33
+  0.  0.  0.  2.48529538E-18  1.29621735E-33  0.  0.  0.  1.47353003E-18
+  7.685276E-34  0.  0.  0.  7.98051137E-19  4.16226524E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.47517546E-21  1.08029675E-37  0.  0.  0.
+  7.10670042E-21  1.02704371E-37  0.  0.  0.  5.39069162E-21  7.79050704E-38
+  0.  0.  0.  3.19613279E-21  4.61898186E-38  0.  0.  0.  1.73100205E-21
+  2.50160446E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.1854181E-20  1.61583913E-34  0.  0.  0.  7.7819181E-20  1.53618779E-34  0.
+  0.  0.  5.90287653E-20  1.16525619E-34  0.  0.  0.  3.49981604E-20
+  6.90879241E-35  0.  0.  0.  1.89547113E-20  3.74174201E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.52145201E-19  1.82320202E-32  0.  0.
+  0.  2.39715675E-19  1.73332593E-32  0.  0.  0.  1.8183344E-19  1.31479102E-32
+  0.  0.  0.  1.07809073E-19  7.79541275E-33  0.  0.  0.  5.8388269E-20
+  4.22192461E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.73363528E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.54958703E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.69249332E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.59637735E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.64583809E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.44100641E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.32068042E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.76032318E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.04369269E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.65255882E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.46125198E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.38922E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.05377501E-34
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.24782193E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.38377557E-35  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.08278071E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.6843365E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.82885225E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.45592962E-29
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.87170208E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  3.82555961E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.63698164E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.75878909E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.63568252E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.85872232E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.32757338E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.06493768E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.84195483E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.27789533E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.23368981E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.82247175E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.73263048E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.31426719E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.79229695E-33  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.220233E-33
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.19931721E-31  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  3.99230983E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.02831701E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.79548851E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.72419826E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.35742781E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.24122057E-28
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.70005387E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.00796306E-28  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  5.45902616E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.61591512E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.3883692E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.32875715E-29
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.97361025E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.06889052E-29  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.82987168E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.39459322E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.36760251E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.7753634E-28
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.04469891E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  4.28340775E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.07225774E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.0889618E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.8314422E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.91892195E-31
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.34214382E-25  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  3.17738505E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.41016383E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.42898554E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.73927522E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.20661588E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.09784342E-29
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.59129014E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.43476743E-30  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  5.10978555E-30  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.6046195E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.52551894E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.15716481E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.86082036E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.71574787E-27  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.89852052E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.75564945E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.09026184E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.23931387E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.71202041E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.44569726E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.17725653E-26
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.92713879E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.32839538E-26  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.26103815E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.29666268E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.03556291E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.81966412E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.26467767E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.22653101E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.78666727E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.69859751E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.28844689E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.63920774E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.13732935E-29  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.10012593E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.94730425E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.23564285E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.32551095E-24  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.17883589E-25  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.47797526E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.30652651E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.50812778E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.4870689E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.05383381E-27
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.73631756E-24
+  2.38220739E-44  0.  0.  0.  6.40424854E-24  2.24207754E-44  0.  0.  0.
+  4.8578658E-24  1.68155816E-44  0.  0.  0.  2.88022524E-24  9.80908925E-45  0.
+  0.  0.  1.55990529E-24  5.60519386E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.20767847E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.75378493E-28  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  6.64007104E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.93688994E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.13218573E-28  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.63353263E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.50371478E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.89915983E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.12600873E-26  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.09837898E-27  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.26443544E-25  1.86372696E-43  0.  0.  0.  1.20210372E-25  1.77964905E-43
+  0.  0.  0.  9.11842163E-26  1.34524653E-43  0.  0.  0.  5.40629613E-26
+  7.98740125E-44  0.  0.  0.  2.9280027E-26  4.34402524E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.36311631E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.22298647E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.38220739E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.40129846E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.40779079E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.821688E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.68155816E-44  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.26116862E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.29705889E-38
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.18382669E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.65651275E-38  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  9.82147112E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.31921547E-39  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.48915988E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.41573184E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.07381501E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.36609892E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.44859552E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.58599314E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.21204913E-37
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.47061046E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.24352816E-37  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.75666619E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.07147915E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.67911558E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.81538863E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.44719422E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.86372696E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.1928316E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.78897738E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.90829472E-41
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.5029659E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.89721799E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.026311E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.75710108E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.4012381E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.38816614E-41
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.3766022E-41  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  9.35250753E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.89148875E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.74452294E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.99881424E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.16572906E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.77908422E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.39561889E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.60984617E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.32606598E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.80136918E-40  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.93391426E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.64140072E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.27921395E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.53714347E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.37409949E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.77025566E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.5351019E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.44004827E-36
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.0395948E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.10463206E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.19124391E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.0832224E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.58020101E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.36902234E-37
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.0741847E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  5.32751087E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.06489353E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.84190525E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.27786657E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.23367248E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.22566871E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.06665727E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.32617604E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.37918864E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.4695642E-36
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.63368441E-37  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  2.50385848E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.89926837E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.12607425E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.09872669E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.68912382E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.60585665E-36
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.21810414E-36  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.2221183E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  3.91143387E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.3279749E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.21322313E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.67881565E-37
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  9.9536898E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.39083667E-38  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.04394149E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.92479402E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.52832309E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.46354277E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.41742074E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.57904705E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  8.15611532E-35
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.18673353E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.66810888E-35  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.98661645E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.15192604E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.09513909E-31  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.30704754E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.92525021E-32  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.6674741E-32
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.38980891E-37  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  4.17341749E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.16569107E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.87694075E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.01653341E-37  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.99592519E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.70035208E-35
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.32394778E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.56366594E-35  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.38846216E-35  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.36847673E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.1038027E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.871436E-34
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.29537198E-34  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.24315668E-34  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.00649232E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.60519386E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.76441478E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  4.48415509E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.36311631E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.96181785E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.12103877E-44  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.75775538E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.62182943E-42  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.98844252E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.17849201E-42  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  6.37590801E-43  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  4.20389539E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.80259693E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  1.40129846E-45  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.70185184  6.49179173  5.31080151  4.57987309  2.735116  7.6851449
+  6.47573853  5.29536676  4.56426191  2.6970911  7.59420729  6.38133192
+  5.20971441  4.47737026  2.54382849  7.3888092  6.19153738  5.03019571
+  4.29757929  2.23660541  7.12033367  5.93013144  4.78280497  4.04461765
+  1.73259997  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.51524496  6.30389214
+  5.14351606  4.40869522  2.46203971  7.49243259  6.28346348  5.12430382
+  4.3894515  2.41149664  7.36214113  6.17284966  5.0164094  4.28206968
+  2.20067954  7.11847448  5.92858028  4.78565645  4.04344797  1.70635879
+  6.73635244  5.56783819  4.43701172  3.68307781  0.  5.09587479  3.98513937
+  2.85564852  1.75082016  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.38170767  6.20064354
+  5.05450392  4.31404257  2.22417974  7.35277319  6.17503738  5.02993774
+  4.28939438  2.15727663  7.21850443  6.04141617  4.89622402  4.15371418
+  1.86029816  6.90195513  5.74349785  4.61024857  3.85633874  1.02003717
+  6.48131514  5.33632469  4.2143383  3.43272853  0.  5.1447401  4.02818203
+  2.89018941  1.77852702  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.31748676  6.15228987
+  5.01661634  4.26311064  1.99545169  7.28622341  6.12196112  4.98598671
+  4.23266792  1.91221547  7.13745594  5.96027565  4.8258009  4.07209253
+  1.52026892  6.77137661  5.61084843  4.48532486  3.71124744  0.  6.30693817
+  5.15808725  4.03945112  3.22767568  0.  4.98090458  3.85322404  2.68475389
+  1.4043715  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.28986073  6.13558865  5.00428104
+  4.23278952  1.7537365  7.25432491  6.09935713  4.96830559  4.19511127
+  1.64723396  7.07264614  5.90413332  4.7739048  4.00602627  1.12546027
+  6.65964985  5.50273228  4.37745428  3.57995272  0.  6.12667942  4.98696041
+  3.85908556  3.0112021  0.  4.74324274  3.59923339  2.37532568  0.601103663
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.2818532  6.13495827  5.00395727  4.20771408
+  1.4391005  7.2389183  6.09149408  4.96312141  4.16604424  1.2895304
+  7.01938391  5.86335802  4.73058319  3.93647194  0.411347598  6.54213858
+  5.39749718  4.26472521  3.43205333  0.  5.95597029  4.81260395  3.67163181
+  2.76766038  0.  4.44982433  3.27749634  1.94576728  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  7.28362799  6.14219236  5.00770283  4.18368959  0.889379561  7.23247147
+  6.09018993  4.95893574  4.13528013  0.578269005  6.97826815  5.82591867
+  4.68830538  3.85352373  0.  6.4371562  5.29177237  4.1473012  3.26866651  0.
+  5.76816463  4.62005997  3.4569006  2.4710536  0.  4.07928181  2.85873532
+  1.34339619  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.2915926  6.15053654  5.00594091
+  4.14753389  0.  7.22922802  6.08802652  4.94711304  4.08601904  0.
+  6.93916321  5.7886548  4.63776541  3.74842858  0.  6.33212662  5.17469263
+  4.01008654  3.06835341  0.  5.55559731  4.39140129  3.1880641  2.08303452  0.
+  3.66618919  2.38221836  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.30062819
+  6.15246058  4.99390459  4.0856452  0.  7.22658443  6.07663345  4.91798115
+  4.00291204  0.  6.89321232  5.7378726  4.56267691  3.60769892  0.  6.20317507
+  5.03491354  3.82898355  2.78577852  0.  5.309484  4.11908245  2.85011768
+  1.54655874  0.  3.22178626  1.8249321  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.30191517  6.14308691  4.95514154  3.96752286  0.  7.21721745  6.05061102
+  4.86085224  3.86240649  0.  6.8346858  5.66153193  4.44497871  3.38864732  0.
+  6.04413366  4.85412979  3.58037019  2.33884239  0.  5.02402306  3.79885125
+  2.43236423  0.464768112  0.  2.7300539  1.03713512  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  7.28832769  6.10941219  4.87036324  3.77034783  0.  7.19325447
+  6.00341797  4.75110579  3.62727141  0.  6.75401163  5.54779863  4.24953461
+  2.99456286  0.  5.84802914  4.60901642  3.19579268  1.54873371  0.
+  4.69735718  3.42226911  1.87176991  0.  0.  2.14944506  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.25384808  6.04080725  4.71161318  3.37504768  0.
+  7.14495611  5.92050695  4.57095385  3.14092588  0.  6.63914204  5.38657904
+  3.9259305  2.1796155  0.  5.59895897  4.27512217  2.60526729  0.  0.
+  4.32652617  2.97259688  0.961444497  0.  0.  1.30869961  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.18907309  5.92813396  4.42114353  2.60265541  0.
+  7.06289625  5.78843641  4.23085976  2.30779552  0.  6.47969627  5.13057947
+  3.33609056  0.671632886  0.  5.26375055  3.80314755  1.78815591  0.  0.
+  3.89789748  2.42051911  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.08748674  5.74069786  3.8821435  1.24823821  0.  6.94369078  5.5588789
+  3.64227152  0.495912582  0.  6.23308897  4.68794775  2.59603858  0.  0.
+  4.81475449  3.22423291  0.  0.  0.  3.40730071  1.70569503  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.94638681  5.40083647  3.24337363  0.
+  0.  6.75462484  5.14442778  2.9387033  0.  0.  5.83872652  4.13159466
+  1.50449538  0.  0.  4.30441952  2.58024049  0.  0.  0.  2.85084343  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.68423176  4.91022205
+  2.2821877  0.  0.  6.447124  4.63335943  1.83455312  0.  0.  5.31254721
+  3.53571892  0.  0.  0.  3.76778078  1.81837332  0.  0.  0.  2.16268563  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.22714424  4.38238573
+  0.  0.  0.  5.93081522  4.07860613  0.  0.  0.  4.8181591  2.86766768  0.  0.
+  0.  3.20743823  0.410383165  0.  0.  0.  1.14583826  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  5.76188612  3.77231574  0.  0.  0.
+  5.47461891  3.44871998  0.  0.  0.  4.32095766  2.03986716  0.  0.  0.
+  2.58853292  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  5.31285954  3.03845358  0.  0.  0.  5.01187658  2.63922668  0.
+  0.  0.  3.77176929  0.551957428  0.  0.  0.  1.82739115  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.83745718
+  2.01617575  0.  0.  0.  4.50717258  1.45514464  0.  0.  0.  3.16845489  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.309877902  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.2926383  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.92928863  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.47605348  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.66361928  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.27540708  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  1.55619764  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  2.93670797  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.48855734  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.96575475  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  1.33148444  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.117605828
+ -0.598513663 -0.773298085 -0.785614491 -0.497843891 -0.112486765 -0.598047078
+ -0.772739112 -0.78461796 -0.494032621 -0.102022856 -0.594935 -0.764659524
+ -0.775510311 -0.480799556 -0.135028183 -0.584410846 -0.751668036 -0.75732857
+ -0.438114911 -0.113950111 -0.573396146 -0.731930494 -0.732820451 -0.363774419
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.12010283 -0.584283412 -0.748967946
+ -0.753601551 -0.462611467 -0.126285389 -0.583035231 -0.748622954 -0.753076971
+ -0.455333114 -0.133163586 -0.579854608 -0.741322756 -0.744056582 -0.429619372
+ -0.115490109 -0.568615496 -0.72326231 -0.723761261 -0.359530926 -0.107433245
+ -0.550227284 -0.697754204 -0.684472561  0. -0.0989767164 -0.457586616
+ -0.528092027 -0.406513184  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.139417917 -0.570315599
+ -0.722019553 -0.723567963 -0.415891081 -0.132933274 -0.570030928 -0.719536662
+ -0.721298635 -0.405656815 -0.0939743221 -0.562425315 -0.711455405 -0.70575577
+ -0.371037602 -0.113918424 -0.552600741 -0.6906932 -0.683171749 -0.236271128
+ -0.110169277 -0.537359834 -0.665813625 -0.649865389  0. -0.0970482379
+ -0.454398483 -0.522428513 -0.402592748  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.121992491
+ -0.557718694 -0.690303147 -0.693196416 -0.378665537 -0.109751567 -0.554628253
+ -0.685660064 -0.68760407 -0.369261146 -0.104361132 -0.543414831 -0.690312326
+ -0.668386877 -0.321735859 -0.0936394706 -0.53214854 -0.662572503 -0.647729814
+  0. -0.103009924 -0.514520764 -0.635300338 -0.609673083  0. -0.0949828774
+ -0.43494311 -0.48172906 -0.313956589  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.111299664
+ -0.542529941 -0.660516441 -0.659394264 -0.333778232 -0.097495243 -0.538624704
+ -0.655504823 -0.648781419 -0.319177806 -0.119341455 -0.528155208 -0.668835342
+ -0.637325466 -0.2493985 -0.116569564 -0.516947925 -0.641766369 -0.615542829
+  0. -0.116599701 -0.508685231 -0.616598129 -0.574188113  0. -0.0895180851
+ -0.411838531 -0.422149062 -0.148958504  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.10571073
+ -0.529142916 -0.634458125 -0.622918427 -0.265546054 -0.0887427106 -0.523263156
+ -0.632071137 -0.616435349 -0.251457989 -0.13213931 -0.522673428 -0.647293091
+ -0.607416153 -0.126066968 -0.123620994 -0.514142394 -0.623266995 -0.588563979
+  0. -0.0960212797 -0.487630993 -0.584153116 -0.52581954  0. -0.0911568776
+ -0.376190126 -0.355089962  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.10285797 -0.517439127
+ -0.613371849 -0.592734337 -0.169267237 -0.0828243047 -0.50848788 -0.61073935
+ -0.587586224 -0.15924637 -0.132124364 -0.517210841 -0.619698405 -0.576124966
+  0. -0.0973877385 -0.496608883 -0.594736755 -0.556466281  0. -0.105184749
+ -0.464246362 -0.537049592 -0.454848796  0. -0.0798710361 -0.338666141
+ -0.260029644  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.102270298 -0.504975319 -0.5924685
+ -0.557196259  0. -0.0771251023 -0.491417259 -0.589015603 -0.554411173  0.
+ -0.124557443 -0.503746331 -0.586302638 -0.551061511  0. -0.0926501378
+ -0.471632987 -0.555897713 -0.491687953  0. -0.0973703191 -0.440053374
+ -0.483400047 -0.388079911  0. -0.0764653683 -0.295143634  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0. -0.102055535 -0.486703783 -0.559431255 -0.508866429  0.
+ -0.0755006075 -0.469798356 -0.561774254 -0.508794069  0. -0.110271201
+ -0.482916772 -0.547060251 -0.506028235  0. -0.1012116 -0.448160768
+ -0.502421916 -0.387809366  0. -0.0909688845 -0.410144269 -0.430215329
+ -0.289227635  0. -0.0691384673 -0.236129731  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0988164395 -0.454759836 -0.51638484 -0.436522961  0. -0.0767587423
+ -0.445653677 -0.518241227 -0.430571705  0. -0.0942503735 -0.452694684
+ -0.498554945 -0.399293631  0. -0.0990445167 -0.41859144 -0.425904661
+ -0.259215951  0. -0.0883951113 -0.377343744 -0.357291043 -0.0542508475  0.
+ -0.0612315759 -0.157507673  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0922442004
+ -0.418230206 -0.460293651 -0.320548326  0. -0.0795356184 -0.418764502
+ -0.44548139 -0.279816806  0. -0.0860292166 -0.412479818 -0.403706104
+ -0.158461154  0. -0.0830534548 -0.37337482 -0.303256094 -0.00809008535  0.
+ -0.0821122676 -0.336577475 -0.255343378  0.  0. -0.0491269492  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.084248215 -0.38037926 -0.358869314 -0.0361054242  0.
+ -0.0821662471 -0.385176986 -0.339673072  0.0346417725  0. -0.0806353837
+ -0.369285315 -0.214050516  0.167298883  0. -0.0880206749 -0.296153069
+ -0.13009645  0.  0. -0.0776561946 -0.28238675 -0.130335376  0.  0.
+ -0.0307084564  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0780801922 -0.338311791
+ -0.158937544  0.359302402  0. -0.0827709213 -0.340515643 -0.122317113
+  0.358418971  0. -0.0837482214 -0.258657962  0.0371566601  0.0421453379  0.
+ -0.070093371 -0.217943668 -0.0460581593  0.  0. -0.0688873753 -0.224936977  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0708434284 -0.258303285
+  0.107166588  0.310114652  0. -0.0829177052 -0.225629583  0.142906263
+  0.0697748661  0. -0.0564816408 -0.119058885  0.148378402  0.  0. -0.056830477
+ -0.147343367  0.  0.  0. -0.0563628562 -0.157024756  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0619655848 -0.0912955627  0.322680324  0.  0.
+ -0.0818152651 -0.0696662739  0.302563339  0.  0. -0.0363534503 -0.0421130843
+  0.0902507976  0.  0. -0.0496607237 -0.133997545  0.  0.  0. -0.0502257347  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.041991964  0.0294726752
+  0.38657701  0.  0. -0.0317216851  0.0207751319  0.286731869  0.  0.
+ -0.0269514248 -0.0406343862  0.  0.  0. -0.0444574542 -0.106990293  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0361419916  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.00640812935  0.0727545395  0.  0.  0. -0.0189424232  0.0401898362  0.  0.
+  0. -0.0360589661 -0.00671684928  0.  0.  0. -0.0400758311 -0.0121765304  0.
+  0.  0. -0.0289835129  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0251110028  0.0976442397  0.  0.  0. -0.0211795457  0.100832164  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0268331058 -0.00659580389  0.  0.  0. -0.0319162533  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0130795296  0.159322634
+  0.  0.  0. -0.0119442204  0.106178932  0.  0.  0. -0.0192864276
+ -0.000201512201  0.  0.  0. -0.0219336413  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.00115514523  0.135113552  0.  0.
+  0.  0.000503129151  0.0936970711  0.  0.  0. -0.0180826373  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0290350616  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.00957168359  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00262443046  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.00988695212  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00866127387  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.003128374
+  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.00615307083  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0101130698  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00427461881  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.019407589  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.00333721493  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.149239838  0.159585044
+  0.174531057  0.172589898  0.114062853  0.0802506134  0.0864585564
+  0.0937036946  0.0929495171  0.0594429784  0.023313418  0.025275806
+  0.0265688188  0.0269260276  0.0157515593  0.00852110609  0.00897599664
+  0.00973887276  0.00929049216  0.00424297666  0.003904599  0.00409835344
+  0.00433867145  0.00408644136  0.  0.0014290167  0.00144138699  0.00135697902
+  0.00086309918  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.262173027  0.28560698  0.302517682
+  0.298571706  0.159328386  0.138499096  0.150429755  0.15859817  0.156734571
+  0.0815172046  0.0399498604  0.0422231182  0.0443932824  0.0436583608
+  0.0199249685  0.0138653023  0.0148681384  0.0156103913  0.0149922958
+  0.00331643107  0.00673095975  0.0071088518  0.00739510776  0.00674488582  0.
+  0.00246590655  0.00247358927  0.0023187655  0.00152229844  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.361290783  0.384792745  0.399715215  0.388280511  0.187200218
+  0.18861118  0.199085355  0.205812335  0.200678691  0.0942677632  0.0541274771
+  0.0563742742  0.0587866604  0.0558585748  0.0210202951  0.0187931489
+  0.0195609797  0.0202561356  0.0188980829  0.  0.00923638884  0.00955073256
+  0.00971970614  0.00864196476  0.  0.00321596814  0.0031770179  0.00288918591
+  0.00162503193  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.439423233  0.458729267  0.470537245
+  0.449318409  0.192417756  0.226211876  0.234059528  0.23974362  0.22975859
+  0.0946356729  0.0640438125  0.0663028061  0.0681421086  0.0640970245
+  0.0181651954  0.0223010872  0.0230133329  0.0233051572  0.0212691091  0.
+  0.0106728403  0.0109330835  0.0108498894  0.00942467805  0.  0.00371720991
+  0.0035895647  0.00309301424  0.000825797964  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.495200694  0.511294127  0.519748271  0.48909393  0.165638134  0.251854748
+  0.258069485  0.262172222  0.247333869  0.0767945722  0.07068488  0.0727737024
+  0.0734100491  0.068579644  0.00565913646  0.0243208539  0.0249726605
+  0.0248757638  0.0221031811  0.  0.0114845689  0.0115830153  0.0112317558
+  0.00941198412  0.  0.00387501484  0.0036452522  0.00287323189  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.533800006  0.547105432  0.550484598  0.510337353  0.0901271403
+  0.269048035  0.273932725  0.275131404  0.256735414  0.0274754819
+  0.0751305372  0.0766263083  0.0762118697  0.0697896555  0.  0.0255622361
+  0.0258263815  0.0252741538  0.0217816196  0.  0.0117345871  0.0116955088
+  0.0110798385  0.00875623338  0.  0.00371014513  0.0033537203  0.00214696792
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.56057173  0.570367694  0.567218542  0.517704129
+  0.  0.280437469  0.283946991  0.281940728  0.259205639  0.  0.0778463185
+  0.0786840692  0.0772792697  0.0688907504  0.  0.0260681603  0.0259297304
+  0.0247961804  0.0206178129  0.  0.0115614943  0.0112975845  0.0103371693
+  0.00739286747  0.  0.00345202675  0.00294498913  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.578787506  0.583820701  0.574078083  0.509908319  0.  0.287584335
+  0.289026052  0.283400923  0.252737284  0.  0.0790760741  0.0791487545
+  0.0762308314  0.0654525533  0.  0.0257057175  0.0253044441  0.0235289577
+  0.0185049381  0.  0.0110537335  0.0105805248  0.00919993035  0.0054396675  0.
+  0.00311607006  0.00235232385  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.589774549
+  0.589068174  0.567540646  0.484970093  0.  0.291140854  0.289645821
+  0.27826789  0.240069285  0.  0.078903608  0.0776518211  0.0729377493
+  0.0604252815  0.  0.0247791409  0.0239207149  0.0215434711  0.0153394481  0.
+  0.010374763  0.00966334995  0.00779268844  0.00158933783  0.  0.00266125239
+  0.00133480446  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.592153907  0.583219886
+  0.546221554  0.45042178  0.  0.290922731  0.285644621  0.267901748
+  0.222781911  0.  0.0772308111  0.0747642517  0.0685186014  0.0535517074  0.
+  0.02352814  0.022271933  0.0190719347  0.0102888634  0.  0.0095626181
+  0.00861293543  0.00601082342  0.  0.  0.00208123703  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.584318578  0.566388309  0.518232346  0.407258719  0.
+  0.285863429  0.276912421  0.254059345  0.198538914  0.  0.0741934851
+  0.0709491521  0.0633903518  0.0406414233  0.  0.0219778977  0.0203577317
+  0.015778698  0.  0.  0.00867223181  0.00747406669  0.00306962896  0.  0.
+  0.00121761998  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.56713748  0.542203724
+  0.485209614  0.324990571  0.  0.276763469  0.26512292  0.237737551
+  0.151256189  0.  0.0706081539  0.0668986291  0.0557313412  0.0133793568  0.
+  0.0203841124  0.0181460492  0.0111581255  0.  0.  0.00773961935
+  0.00612020912  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.545069396  0.515756965  0.438630402  0.162819415  0.  0.26589033
+  0.252643138  0.212349191  0.034271311  0.  0.0673150122  0.0622126609
+  0.0444074646  0.  0.  0.018568024  0.015701944  0.  0.  0.  0.00673358748
+  0.0042818049  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.521591663
+  0.487929761  0.370396674  0.  0.  0.255770594  0.238597304  0.175099924  0.
+  0.  0.0635062009  0.0559432209  0.0265861284  0.  0.  0.0166871082
+  0.0127801336  0.  0.  0.  0.00562115526  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.499708265  0.452427119  0.264067352  0.  0.
+  0.244809076  0.219828367  0.11315003  0.  0.  0.0587273203  0.0484589227  0.
+  0.  0.  0.0147334188  0.00902462192  0.  0.  0.  0.00424839882  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.474410594  0.407402903  0.  0.
+  0.  0.231610641  0.196071461  0.  0.  0.  0.0533519611  0.0396795459  0.  0.
+  0.  0.0125995688  0.00204721908  0.  0.  0.  0.00216588238  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.443243772  0.351206899  0.  0.  0.
+  0.215294063  0.167160526  0.  0.  0.  0.04796803  0.0284256842  0.  0.  0.
+  0.0101697557  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.406668246  0.283408791  0.  0.  0.  0.197185531  0.129254654
+  0.  0.  0.  0.0420064367  0.00793066062  0.  0.  0.  0.00715919118  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.368742108  0.188970387  0.  0.  0.  0.177783564  0.072480917  0.  0.  0.
+  0.0352703221  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00121389155  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.326705843  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.155515447  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0276313312  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.277704835  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.129682541  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.017777646  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.222083822  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0992613658  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.15011315  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0543650687  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.00339230732  0.0122140888  0.0237953607  0.0243429113  0.0165713634
+ -0.00186809048  0.00709280139  0.0120943198  0.0135665424  0.0076754638
+  0.000477323018  0.00167555595  0.0021064363  0.00414446974  0.00159650645
+ -8.96511556E-05  0.000497306813  0.00112188747  0.00104520377  0.000619933533
+  7.90161648E-05  0.000306648901  0.000522020215  0.000570766802  0.
+  2.13982321E-06  9.68216627E-05  0.000169285835  0.000167659149  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.00206436915  0.0234661475  0.0317236483  0.0476639941
+  0.0231826212  0.00266592647  0.0112205371  0.0151612815  0.024552349
+  0.0117812045  0.0011441895  0.00233827508  0.0038262005  0.00530256843
+  0.00296169799  0.000367867382  0.0010346598  0.00186242175  0.0023897076
+  0.000660117075  7.70292827E-05  0.00043583673  0.000801348302  0.000903944951
+  0.  2.96351732E-06  0.000151326443  0.000266826944  0.000268378295  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0103517668  0.0222665165  0.0330724791  0.0503026433
+  0.0251849219  0.00558510609  0.0101916613  0.0161629692  0.0232719481
+  0.0126187224 -0.00033196804  0.00254276674  0.00427320972  0.00547219673
+  0.00305183535  0.000155731614  0.00105625123  0.00169237494  0.0022273995  0.
+  0.000135932743  0.000579260814  0.00101251167  0.00109232229  0.
+  4.73341352E-05  0.000204005089  0.000355296448  0.000340016006  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.0100542773  0.0194974933  0.0355850942  0.0433114432
+  0.0287657827  0.00479462184  0.00951590203  0.0162988808  0.0198758729
+  0.0141947065 -0.000356659264  0.00283902232  0.00473490171  0.00596685009
+  0.00337112718 -4.65846424E-05  0.00109356362  0.00196499843  0.00231226278
+  0.  4.97438293E-07  0.000542541675  0.000956582255  0.00112939382  0.
+  3.29281575E-05  0.00024429179  0.00043607704  0.000187035737  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.00856417697  0.0211365186  0.0354712829  0.0413769893  0.0315834843
+  0.00456797052  0.0101931272  0.0157832205  0.0196359511  0.0149802621
+ -0.000174984569  0.00279719871  0.0051314095  0.00641008606  0.000757714093
+  7.5998556E-05  0.00113172829  0.00201078621  0.00239995681  0.  0.00018014574
+  0.000591312186  0.000961508078  0.00120757974  0.  4.22657722E-05
+  0.000276130886  0.000451831787  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00836561527
+  0.0222812742  0.0359429419  0.0439072847  0.0165546276  0.00462201331
+  0.0105026299  0.0167792346  0.0211317576  0.00234693917  7.73764841E-05
+  0.00283993059  0.00511877146  0.00684236223  0.  0.000376340904
+  0.00117391977  0.00206011673  0.00229249545  0.  4.60744086E-05
+  0.000662631355  0.00113579561  0.00135648379  0.  4.71182866E-05
+  0.000290920725  0.000388116605  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00740133226
+  0.0220532138  0.0379732996  0.0477256402  0.  0.00452336296  0.0104253553
+  0.0178475194  0.02327241  0.  0.000236937674  0.00290858792  0.00529217161
+  0.00687919324  0.  0.000331216463  0.00139008125  0.00235845195
+  0.00282492675  0.  0.000121094519  0.000688612985  0.00124712312
+  0.00127801904  0.  3.73182629E-05  0.000284346868  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.00601291051  0.0214110557  0.0421222411  0.0574440062  0.
+  0.00398041587  0.0112864673  0.0192206372  0.0276098195  0.  0.000557037944
+  0.00328268879  0.00614754111  0.00812883023  0.  7.88709804E-05
+  0.00149220671  0.00262203999  0.00337307365  0.  0.00011128559
+  0.000729722611  0.00126659486  0.00103358366  0.  4.79095761E-05
+  0.000256810599  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00504413852  0.0260705594
+  0.0505853482  0.0689486638  0.  0.00349910604  0.0126813743  0.0234534796
+  0.0321577154  0.  0.00112113182  0.00425655814  0.00757786771  0.00972208939
+  0.  0.00026825149  0.00161120587  0.00291213347  0.00324602518  0.
+  9.58580713E-05  0.000754344917  0.00119745487  0.000405410188  0.
+  5.06982251E-05  0.000153370391  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00598638132
+  0.0335003063  0.0627121329  0.0775965974  0.  0.00304546207  0.0144572081
+  0.0285125319  0.0368711315  0.  0.00103709975  0.0047876942  0.00838538632
+  0.011228987  0.  0.000271545374  0.00172320416  0.00310413865  0.00271722255
+  0.  0.000122589874  0.000738391769  0.000964987848  0.  0.  3.9018465E-05  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00776046328  0.0391844921  0.0701050013
+  0.0863377228  0.  0.00271566678  0.0170643497  0.0311791338  0.0436240248  0.
+  0.000687358843  0.00511623686  0.00909920502  0.0121602025  0.
+  0.000311735639  0.00173249992  0.00290036527  0.  0.  0.000130764514
+  0.000721369463  0.000597667356  0.  0.  2.55722043E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00796592515  0.0424570255  0.0721472725  0.10820967  0.
+  0.00256643095  0.0188388936  0.0329195969  0.0514248498  0.  0.000697889365
+  0.00499072485  0.0107362708  0.00436412683  0.  0.000238402688  0.00173817948
+  0.00242170878  0.  0.  0.000115708222  0.000638894679  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00677152118  0.0427005105  0.0825766549
+  0.0717115328  0.  0.00244788127  0.0185886174  0.0402565226  0.0132539496  0.
+  0.000725530845  0.00550338998  0.0107552474  0.  0.  0.000277627201
+  0.00165213086  0.  0.  0.  0.000120383491  0.000494167674  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00560792629  0.041878067  0.0959518105  0.
+  0.  0.00312913535  0.0193557162  0.0456209108  0.  0.  0.000795422064
+  0.00617723353  0.00715777464  0.  0.  0.000262871356  0.00147688505  0.  0.
+  0.  9.40629616E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00621687528  0.0467695296  0.0851874426  0.  0.  0.00288119609  0.022937689
+  0.0365207344  0.  0.  0.000974419119  0.0057558273  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000252849713  0.00107622659  0.  0.  0.  7.97861212E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00674816221  0.0531551614  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00330423843  0.0242465064  0.  0.  0.  0.000875831523  0.005391418  0.  0.
+  0.  0.000227630793  0.0003368287  0.  0.  0.  3.36363046E-05  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00766999088  0.0498373024  0.  0.
+  0.  0.00370922545  0.0238613505  0.  0.  0.  0.000885077228  0.00402771169
+  0.  0.  0.  0.00019053572  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0079540927  0.0481447168  0.  0.  0.  0.00360520347
+  0.0208571795  0.  0.  0.  0.000856874452  0.0011527664  0.  0.  0.
+  0.000165146572  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00760919088  0.0351135693  0.  0.  0.  0.00361310854
+  0.01366009  0.  0.  0.  0.00072616135  0.  0.  0.  0. -7.78129324E-05  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00752389384  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00346719217  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.000628107053
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00693766726  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00318264565  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.000436958158  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00592185883  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00248429715  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.00475088786  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.00136208697  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.631256163  0.547144413
+  0.411019862  0.363247633  0.299884558  0.631669819  0.538386583  0.40190205
+  0.354156792  0.300620645  0.733320296  0.552919149  0.427069038  0.369739354
+  0.327195585  0.769104838  0.639453471  0.485743105  0.429346979  0.410008818
+  0.93111372  0.740395308  0.57068181  0.500938833  0.  2.88649225  2.25996923
+  1.73205018  1.59415972  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.91389358  0.66592288
+  0.522624671  0.459505171  0.385566562  0.855075896  0.613135755  0.47868529
+  0.420349866  0.375151843  0.778170943  0.631133795  0.500190914  0.442139149
+  0.418549389  0.976917207  0.713723481  0.564408362  0.495808989  0.526558042
+  1.04086614  0.78656745  0.611840189  0.55142206  0.  0.996088028  0.795185685
+  0.62321347  0.56619966  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.00978374  0.799944282
+  0.652680993  0.588306248  0.471354604  0.860661805  0.686764061  0.561226904
+  0.50612545  0.437295079  0.81097728  0.717174113  0.565611005  0.499224424
+  0.451245815  0.917899132  0.806328177  0.632253885  0.569642484  0.
+  1.04097199  0.891842902  0.69557476  0.618180275  0.  1.42180574  1.14660764
+  0.902868867  0.839307189  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.23229873  1.00659275
+  0.847658038  0.776379824  0.558247507  1.00575781  0.827864051  0.686570644
+  0.644856036  0.514441073  1.05068529  0.86903578  0.714140654  0.626127243
+  0.494978875  1.15984046  0.959481657  0.779940963  0.693699062  0.
+  1.41448033  1.11321616  0.910412729  0.796465814  0.  1.81049562  1.4564718
+  1.15355444  1.07779157  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.5427109  1.27788818
+  1.08884215  1.00786948  0.704058468  1.23489153  1.02064288  0.847205102
+  0.786733091  0.652159095  1.28906929  1.02639651  0.878832698  0.813775837
+  0.587547183  1.52096283  1.192963  0.997487247  0.907508492  0.  1.62387109
+  1.35133827  1.08817685  0.981616676  0.  2.223804  1.78628993  1.42155433  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  1.90715218  1.5932672  1.37193286  1.24693441
+  0.942341447  1.48922575  1.25192225  1.06651032  0.977277696  0.888866305
+  1.48708928  1.25305688  1.07316673  1.03725183  0.  1.69001722  1.419065
+  1.18123591  1.07846296  0.  2.01414347  1.65076911  1.34130001  1.21510065
+  0.  2.77598238  2.20567799  1.62159419  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  2.28507376  1.96908712  1.73341858  1.57859826  0.  1.78433013  1.54228354
+  1.34836221  1.27829087  0.  1.76071846  1.49586463  1.31314254  1.2913903  0.
+  1.94214249  1.71171665  1.44459713  1.34031343  0.  2.43291807  2.04723072
+  1.68953252  1.48105359  0.  3.04294157  2.31393147  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  2.71437812  2.43692803  2.13493514  2.00914931  0.  2.09878445
+  1.91561031  1.72053528  1.67148519  0.  2.12750864  1.86578143  1.67183161
+  1.61347067  0.  2.43883467  2.07407069  1.84017408  1.7822547  0.  2.92028332
+  2.45837116  2.02970743  1.72839952  0.  3.14624071  2.32815313  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.24822378  2.96178889  2.71589255  2.61758161  0.
+  2.49844432  2.34611607  2.17857385  2.21295643  0.  2.5553968  2.34421062
+  2.15954232  2.1985867  0.  2.97229171  2.58867526  2.37195802  2.49355936  0.
+  3.42047071  2.83999014  2.30005169  2.03520632  0.  3.20880699  2.35826325
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  3.99888444  3.64754081  3.41942763
+  3.39678073  0.  3.01528072  2.84452319  2.8733573  3.0485754  0.  3.08592105
+  2.93068147  2.96639991  3.39507365  0.  3.56962037  3.30596685  3.31789088
+  3.39687824  0.  3.88963318  3.19638729  2.62296915  0.  0.  3.2825892  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  4.70083475  4.54393482  4.59530449  5.22524643
+  0.  3.67943287  3.5248003  3.74107265  5.02433014  0.  3.78135085  3.63141537
+  4.23273993  5.39946795  0.  4.37431526  4.23598623  4.39338779  0.  0.
+  4.29589939  3.52388716  2.882236  0.  0.  3.54659295  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  5.63535261  5.3277607  6.20091248  7.37061834  0.  4.4930687
+  4.39824772  5.62699461  6.40350533  0.  4.64669895  5.00355577  6.43340063
+  5.44029951  0.  5.59780741  5.48272991  4.57941961  0.  0.  4.71777964
+  3.77410555  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  6.61348915
+  6.89975166  9.15832806  8.16424942  0.  5.36475706  6.0949235  7.96684599
+  7.1818223  0.  6.30562115  7.53274775  6.452878  0.  0.  7.05909586
+  5.94129896  0.  0.  0.  4.97391796  3.82818747  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  7.70525885  9.80926323  8.83789158  0.  0.
+  6.97918797  9.13733864  7.71865797  0.  0.  9.06696129  8.39423656
+  6.48962069  0.  0.  7.40893841  5.46171761  0.  0.  0.  4.96949959  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.8901453  12.0503206
+  9.82163143  0.  0.  9.67294025  10.0293036  8.60696411  0.  0.  11.012969
+  7.81186914  0.  0.  0.  7.00524521  4.8294158  0.  0.  0.  5.05639553  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  15.7084112  11.6018305  0.
+  0.  0.  14.0258932  9.64515305  0.  0.  0.  9.5028038  7.19722223  0.  0.  0.
+  6.34682941  4.45264292  0.  0.  0.  5.02281952  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  14.873394  11.3339014  0.  0.  0.  11.6940851
+  9.20872688  0.  0.  0.  8.63201618  6.65854073  0.  0.  0.  5.8076272  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  13.3579006  10.8810291  0.  0.  0.  10.891717  9.33057594  0.  0.  0.
+  8.42234707  6.10023737  0.  0.  0.  5.40362835  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.6860638  10.669611  0.  0.
+  0.  10.6731949  8.81359291  0.  0.  0.  7.82947493  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  5.19714403  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  12.7735062  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.6698627  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  7.14198971  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  12.4414873  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.0690231  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  6.60324526  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  11.4918957  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  9.40119171  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  10.956027  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  8.84656429  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0254520774 -0.0798276514
+ -0.0952663496 -0.105490975 -0.08433339  0.0622433499 -0.0816000104
+ -0.0939335674 -0.102701955 -0.0903835967  0.0802394599 -0.0808579326
+ -0.100461036 -0.105166949 -0.105605766 -0.0520574674 -0.0943886936
+ -0.117890306 -0.122965798 -0.139127776 -0.0362474471 -0.115332164 -0.135877803
+ -0.150317937  0. -0.0765039772 -0.377600551 -0.480346978 -0.557698131  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.0867718086 -0.0789151862 -0.117925309 -0.103918634
+ -0.110283032  0.0134358825 -0.0746609271 -0.122122243 -0.107973352
+ -0.114971511 -0.196229964 -0.10315454 -0.122947946 -0.136369392 -0.130989656
+ -0.0416207798 -0.0937444642 -0.137854189 -0.141539514 -0.192608178
+ -0.0225889739 -0.099901326 -0.150758877 -0.144080281  0. -0.0341244414
+ -0.127064392 -0.159836233 -0.179470584  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.122388922
+ -0.0825440735 -0.148802593 -0.116756856 -0.0944318622 -0.164918587
+ -0.0963205472 -0.147100404 -0.126395628 -0.0901731774  0.0695710406
+ -0.115075827 -0.0792584345 -0.127567634 -0.108953133 -0.112912804 -0.134229451
+ -0.133325428 -0.138591558  0. -0.0314122215 -0.153099045 -0.151414827
+ -0.166455746  0. -0.0336235538 -0.191285819 -0.251419842 -0.304659486  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.114013717 -0.104239255 -0.157473162 -0.140926376
+ -0.109454088 -0.129483104 -0.103092112 -0.143928632 -0.157039553 -0.115758792
+  0.126767248 -0.0958528221 -0.0859182552 -0.107814744 -0.130737677
+  0.171003118 -0.11681015 -0.11284259 -0.140839681  0.  0.0676248744
+ -0.0769725889 -0.131908432 -0.170268789  0. -0.0604845956 -0.226068348
+ -0.316277266 -0.386135161  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0867183581 -0.106118724
+ -0.147219136 -0.174744233 -0.144894838 -0.118051581 -0.115215488 -0.108518839
+ -0.128582925 -0.143768519  0.131282091 -0.0243024975 -0.0949505717
+ -0.115077645 -0.172791317  0.0354196392 -0.0395622589 -0.119891144
+ -0.133176982  0. -0.175683498 -0.198486224 -0.213115975 -0.23612611  0.
+ -0.0227325521 -0.305525899 -0.358896643  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0664380565 -0.0946843773 -0.0952810794 -0.111960262 -0.186975449
+ -0.104466327 -0.121954374 -0.0938784629 -0.102908149 -0.187859699
+  0.00591841666 -0.0252307318 -0.143975809 -0.130381256  0. -0.284279704
+ -0.171426564 -0.182072967 -0.170119539  0.  0.0762160793 -0.218629494
+ -0.301062673 -0.327932447  0. -0.114655785 -0.344096243 -0.420005381  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0272145774 -0.100453399 -0.072951436 -0.129915759  0.
+ -0.102804586 -0.157123804 -0.0975163728 -0.136794671  0. -0.0913172588
+ -0.0974209085 -0.186333418 -0.0930971578  0. -0.037317846 -0.241193473
+ -0.26212135 -0.349959493  0. -0.105068229 -0.248844445 -0.349720865
+ -0.305065244  0. -0.0645401329 -0.365601808  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.00101780752 -0.169652611 -0.194001213 -0.246107116  0. -0.0410654955
+ -0.218129814 -0.153310806 -0.242737576  0. -0.199226677 -0.188194215
+ -0.251301199 -0.248833477  0.  0.109109089 -0.226854458 -0.381783098
+ -0.549496531  0. -0.0827298462 -0.315161288 -0.351887882 -0.41754204  0.
+ -0.0906529725 -0.392484665  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0436162874
+ -0.370049417 -0.33487761 -0.470850229  0.  0.0180398393 -0.236304566
+ -0.326013923 -0.517132103  0. -0.23112306 -0.312206596 -0.356586754
+ -0.701403022  0. -0.0525991805 -0.308893263 -0.562705338 -0.646888971  0.
+ -0.0461820252 -0.346011102 -0.454538196 -0.567117274  0. -0.0885891914
+ -0.401925325  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0985032991 -0.465099603
+ -0.455487847 -0.822940171  0.  0.0643765703 -0.261743188 -0.660612404
+ -1.13763046  0. -0.103768557 -0.446586162 -0.844204783 -1.62193763  0.
+ -0.229163527 -0.501428545 -0.921533942 -0.955459476  0. -0.100504674
+ -0.409303963 -0.549087822  0.  0. -0.106519341  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0. -0.129046455 -0.489281267 -1.02522743 -2.25993538  0.  0.0752805471
+ -0.365914106 -1.02812195 -2.30860591  0. -0.0668756589 -0.504460394
+ -1.77559507 -1.49255252  0.  0.0773647055 -0.871572614 -1.1151731  0.  0.
+ -0.0730020478 -0.497833997 -0.475073427  0.  0. -0.123947129  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0821590498 -0.443432152 -2.2252841 -1.96204352  0.
+  0.0444523878 -0.552868307 -2.29008222 -1.05756032  0.  0.0772546232
+ -1.50959051 -2.01264429  1.84837174  0. -0.282033503 -0.832402587 -0.082486257
+  0.  0. -0.123552196 -0.462734967  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0. -0.101717249 -1.20087969 -2.5860939  3.42123342  0.  0.0356330276
+ -1.78147018 -2.25820351  3.68774319  0. -0.525064468 -1.83181083  0.162405446
+  0.  0. -0.212802559 -0.580301523  0.  0.  0. -0.153228104 -0.429683208  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.180227309 -2.81193185
+ -0.594926059  0.  0. -0.0173117593 -2.34820771  0.0847059712  0.  0.
+ -0.346471339 -0.551847041  1.84384322  0.  0. -0.093470037  0.129941791  0.
+  0.  0. -0.0693769902  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.469221354 -1.33648026  2.69456363  0.  0. -1.12950742 -0.73125875
+  2.75440121  0.  0. -0.0958218575  0.713250756  0.  0.  0. -0.0490452386
+  0.0347795822  0.  0.  0. -0.131622061  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.746921241  0.728244364  0.  0.  0. -0.167556152
+  0.872209191  0.  0.  0.  0.266262621  0.344239771  0.  0.  0. -0.0257333033
+ -0.114646733  0.  0.  0. -0.0590049699  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.74794364  1.32607698  0.  0.  0.  0.203514397  0.35266766
+  0.  0.  0. -0.0688792467  0.764736295  0.  0.  0. -0.0535879508  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.0593019128
+  0.911768675  0.  0.  0. -0.0210431721  1.38586783  0.  0.  0. -0.00683018239
+  0.68025291  0.  0.  0. -0.0392546579  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0. -0.00984544586  2.28318691  0.  0.  0.
+ -0.0546456464  1.61050558  0.  0.  0.  0.104084916  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.00014801581  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.0318741724  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.197972938  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.0201082006  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.341605425  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.225977138  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.10241013  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.320821404  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.214903325  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.206997305  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.236804411  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
+  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.  0.
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.inics.lhc b/modules/epos/epos.inics.lhc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf0d6033bd27e77f19e3070199fd3d82bb1a5584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.inics.lhc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  0.77499998      0.69999999       1.0000000      0.69999999       1.0000000       1.0750000      0.18000001      0.44257557       1.0000000      0.37820095      2.11779326E-02   1.0000000      0.85000002      0.69999999       0.0000000       1.0000000       1.0000000       1.0000000       1.0000000      3.99999991E-02   4.0000000      0.25000000      0.25000000      0.10000000               3   2.0000000       0.0000000    
+           3           1           3           2           2           1          99   1.5000000       2000000.0               1   3.0000000      0.30000001       1.2500000    
+   2.8841138       3.0764577       3.3310101       3.6772399       4.1428919       4.5129042       4.7908049       3.1744106       3.4514906       3.6977494       4.0043077       4.3923721       4.7068415       4.9510241       2.6527724       2.8973579       3.1207602       3.5142689       3.9961832       4.3727098       4.6624908       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       3.7230940       3.9133270       4.1649008       4.5055842       4.9670382       5.3334861       5.6080165       4.0130978       4.2880216       4.5316281       4.8337450       5.2172523       5.5275607       5.7677679       3.4920373       3.7347584       3.9551551       4.3432269       4.8211508       5.1943269       5.4808555       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       4.1692834       4.3350391       4.5489278       4.8240318       5.2028613       5.4998803       5.7197509       4.4258380       4.6633701       4.8663721       5.1081514       5.4153209       5.6627941       5.8549438       3.9575355       4.1733465       4.3609376       4.6815915       5.0801940       5.3866086       5.6166615       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       4.7552772       4.9047599       5.0937905       5.3297462       5.6551576       5.9099336       6.0997586       4.9840498       5.1949239       5.3712063       5.5771594       5.8391643       6.0518308       6.2191744       4.5607295       4.7575250       4.9244084       5.2039146       5.5487199       5.8125539       6.0102034       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       5.3285308       5.4563031       5.6167431       5.8124075       6.0883489       6.3057351       6.4692793       5.5288649       5.7084093       5.8561239       6.0265484       6.2468772       6.4281564       6.5730724       5.1535130       5.3254957       5.4671335       5.7023158       5.9967985       6.2225986       6.3921165       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       5.8805285       5.9864683       6.1192126       6.2794151       6.5096049       6.6919980       6.8309050       6.0505371       6.1990790       6.3200698       6.4593005       6.6426125       6.7958732       6.9202113       5.7275658       5.8735428       5.9907093       6.1853223       6.4330382       6.6219854       6.7652531       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       0.0000000       6.4120584       6.4976416       6.6051250       6.7353368       6.9230981       7.0743284       7.1917648       6.5517979       6.6718984       6.7693214       6.8822293       7.0332084       7.1618567       7.2679882       6.2823730       6.4028678       6.4975605       6.6574407       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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2ddc271a4e0c1cce0f81e3a3f001ea248f58055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.iniev
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+  3.9999999E-02   4.000000      0.2500000               3  1.0000000E+12
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-0.2840738     -0.4122941     -0.5462768     -0.6821858     -0.8172018     -0.9492769      -1.076947      -1.199255      -1.315627      -1.425824      -1.529836      -1.627840      -1.720114      -1.807026      -1.888966      -1.966329      -2.039492      -2.108811       0.000000     -4.6235707E-02 -0.1127114     -0.1929211     -0.2821042     -0.3769732     -0.4752126     -0.5750731     -0.6752132     -0.7745679     -0.8723170     -0.9678212      -1.060620      -1.150376      -1.236885      -1.320024      -1.399770      -1.476152      -1.549247      -1.619162      -1.686023       0.000000     -2.3263810E-02 -5.7049960E-02 -9.8284081E-02 -0.1448181     -0.1951771     -0.2483822     -0.3036774     -0.3604900     -0.4183428     -0.4768521     -0.5356843     -0.5945717     -0.6532710     -0.7115913     -0.7693582     -0.8264406     -0.8827178     -0.9380971     -0.9924952      -1.045840       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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-3.366795      -3.522669      -3.663647      -3.792240      -3.910384      -4.019587      -4.121069      -4.215812      -4.304629      -4.388186      -4.467041       0.000000     -0.3591750     -0.8131036      -1.287205      -1.725366      -2.101847      -2.415753      -2.678133      -2.901534      -3.095539      -3.266804      -3.419969      -3.558401      -3.684597      -3.800476      -3.907537      -4.006990      -4.099806      -4.186791      -4.268603      -4.345795       0.000000     -0.3399874     -0.7727709      -1.227870      -1.651894      -2.019199      -2.327516      -2.586138      -2.806507      -2.997821      -3.166624      -3.317514      -3.453833      -3.578058      -3.692098      -3.797436      -3.895271      -3.986565      -4.072115      -4.152572      -4.228482       0.000000     -0.3205811     -0.7317001      -1.167184      -1.576568      -1.934432      -2.237077      -2.492072      -2.709683      -2.898628      -3.065301      -3.214247      -3.348779      -3.471354  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-3.529707      -3.611634      -3.688709      -3.761452       0.000000     -0.2406756     -0.5592933     -0.9083968      -1.250924      -1.564595      -1.840809      -2.080166      -2.287563      -2.468795      -2.629009      -2.772273      -2.901697      -3.019636      -3.127911      -3.227940      -3.320869      -3.407617      -3.488940      -3.565456      -3.637683       0.000000     -0.2201054     -0.5139659     -0.8390178      -1.161891      -1.461741      -1.729330      -1.963657      -2.168105      -2.347450      -2.506293      -2.648446      -2.776915      -2.894007      -3.001522      -3.100860      -3.193161      -3.279332      -3.360126      -3.436152      -3.507927       0.000000     -0.1992881     -0.4676671     -0.7674795      -1.069134      -1.353492      -1.611024      -1.839334      -2.040280      -2.217501      -2.374918      -2.515993      -2.643574      -2.759894      -2.866724      -2.965445      -3.057185      -3.142843      -3.223167      -3.298761      -3.370136  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-0.4566249     -0.6531477     -0.8512534      -1.044085      -1.227294      -1.398499      -1.556783      -1.702273      -1.835718      -1.958204      -2.070907      -2.174982      -2.271476      -2.361323      -2.445323      -2.524160      -2.598406      -2.668544       0.000000     -9.1323815E-02 -0.2200873     -0.3719166     -0.5358251     -0.7040436     -0.8711687      -1.033456      -1.188461      -1.334751      -1.471700      -1.599258      -1.717784      -1.827863      -1.930204      -2.025539      -2.114590      -2.198022      -2.276430      -2.350337      -2.420194       0.000000     -6.8920575E-02 -0.1670408     -0.2840738     -0.4122941     -0.5462768     -0.6821858     -0.8172019     -0.9492770      -1.076947      -1.199255      -1.315627      -1.425824      -1.529836      -1.627841      -1.720114      -1.807026      -1.888966      -1.966329      -2.039492      -2.108811       0.000000     -4.6235707E-02 -0.1127114     -0.1929212     -0.2821042     -0.3769732     -0.4752126 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-3.570567      -3.733839      -3.881946      -4.017417      -4.142213      -4.257854      -4.365576      -4.466374      -4.561072      -4.650346      -4.734763       0.000000     -0.3969090     -0.8917010      -1.402306      -1.867881      -2.262496      -2.587776      -2.858546      -3.089260      -3.290028      -3.467646      -3.626813      -3.770930      -3.902521      -4.023535      -4.135487      -4.239609      -4.336887      -4.428143      -4.514047      -4.595164       0.000000     -0.3781479     -0.8527362      -1.345312      -1.797269      -2.182814      -2.502336      -2.768721      -2.995530      -3.192645      -3.366802      -3.522676      -3.663654      -3.792247      -3.910391      -4.019593      -4.121076      -4.215819      -4.304636      -4.388193      -4.467047       0.000000     -0.3591754     -0.8131049      -1.287207      -1.725370      -2.101852      -2.415758      -2.678138      -2.901540      -3.095545      -3.266809      -3.419975      -3.558407      -3.684602  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-3.761691      -3.845121      -3.923594      -3.997640       0.000000     -0.2810934     -0.6471980      -1.041261      -1.419211      -1.756694      -2.047232      -2.294907      -2.507450      -2.692327      -2.855466      -3.001244      -3.132901      -3.252850      -3.362951      -3.464646      -3.559102      -3.647256      -3.729876      -3.807595      -3.880938       0.000000     -0.2610033     -0.6036909     -0.9757638      -1.336588      -1.662714      -1.946479      -2.190205      -2.400244      -2.583284      -2.744910      -2.889369      -3.019846      -3.138728      -3.247859      -3.348667      -3.442307      -3.529710      -3.611636      -3.688711      -3.761455       0.000000     -0.2406757     -0.5592938     -0.9083977      -1.250926      -1.564597      -1.840811      -2.080168      -2.287566      -2.468798      -2.629012      -2.772275      -2.901700      -3.019638      -3.127913      -3.227942      -3.320871      -3.407619      -3.488942      -3.565459      -3.637685  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-0.6173145     -0.8709440      -1.117874      -1.349161      -1.560573      -1.751245      -1.922337      -2.075989      -2.214572      -2.340334      -2.455206      -2.560807      -2.658450      -2.749222      -2.834004      -2.913528      -2.988389      -3.059086       0.000000     -0.1353050     -0.3225142     -0.5383673     -0.7647073     -0.9888813      -1.202823      -1.402007      -1.584602      -1.750608      -1.901135      -2.037788      -2.162309      -2.276323      -2.381283      -2.478410      -2.568742      -2.653138      -2.732313      -2.806857      -2.877265       0.000000     -0.1134503     -0.2718975     -0.4566251     -0.6531481     -0.8512537      -1.044086      -1.227295      -1.398500      -1.556783      -1.702273      -1.835719      -1.958205      -2.070908      -2.174983      -2.271476      -2.361323      -2.445323      -2.524161      -2.598407      -2.668545       0.000000     -9.1323815E-02 -0.2200874     -0.3719167     -0.5358253     -0.7040438     -0.8711690 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-0.4768522     -0.5356843     -0.5945717     -0.6532710     -0.7115914     -0.7693583     -0.8264408     -0.8827178     -0.9380972     -0.9924953      -1.045840       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.4154643     -0.9300377      -1.458320      -1.937510      -2.341306      -2.672625      -2.948316      -3.183594      -3.388741      -3.570593      -3.733865      -3.881972      -4.017444      -4.142240      -4.257880      -4.365603      -4.466401      -4.561099      -4.650373      -4.734791       0.000000     -0.3969102     -0.8917054      -1.402315      -1.867894      -2.262512      -2.587795      -2.858566      -3.089281      -3.290050      -3.467668      -3.626835      -3.770952      -3.902543 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-3.986582      -4.072132      -4.152589      -4.228498       0.000000     -0.3205822     -0.7317037      -1.167191      -1.576578      -1.934445      -2.237092      -2.492088      -2.709699      -2.898645      -3.065318      -3.214264      -3.348795      -3.471369      -3.583880      -3.687795      -3.784303      -3.874360      -3.958750      -4.038119      -4.113004       0.000000     -0.3009517     -0.6898578      -1.105029      -1.499110      -1.847103      -2.143872      -2.395259      -2.610292      -2.797115      -2.961919      -3.109179      -3.242174      -3.363340      -3.474555      -3.577274      -3.672673      -3.761700      -3.845130      -3.923602      -3.997648       0.000000     -0.2810939     -0.6472000      -1.041265      -1.419216      -1.756701      -2.047240      -2.294916      -2.507459      -2.692336      -2.855475      -3.001253      -3.132910      -3.252859      -3.362959      -3.464655      -3.559110      -3.647264      -3.729883      -3.807602      -3.880946  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-0.7674818      -1.069137      -1.353496      -1.611030      -1.839340      -2.040286      -2.217507      -2.374924      -2.515999      -2.643580      -2.759901      -2.866730      -2.965451      -3.057191      -3.142849      -3.223173      -3.298766      -3.370141       0.000000     -0.1782190     -0.4203553     -0.6936326     -0.9722850      -1.239133      -1.484741      -1.705607      -1.902139      -2.076746      -2.232525      -2.372468      -2.499178      -2.614776      -2.720977      -2.819139      -2.910372      -2.995573      -3.075475      -3.150683      -3.221702       0.000000     -0.1568930     -0.3719851     -0.6173155     -0.8709455      -1.117876      -1.349163      -1.560576      -1.751248      -1.922340      -2.075991      -2.214575      -2.340337      -2.455209      -2.560810      -2.658453      -2.749225      -2.834007      -2.913531      -2.988391      -3.059089       0.000000     -0.1353052     -0.3225146     -0.5383680     -0.7647084     -0.9888828      -1.202825 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-1.199256      -1.315628      -1.425825      -1.529837      -1.627842      -1.720115      -1.807027      -1.888967      -1.966330      -2.039493      -2.108812       0.000000     -4.6235770E-02 -0.1127114     -0.1929213     -0.2821043     -0.3769735     -0.4752129     -0.5750735     -0.6752136     -0.7745683     -0.8723174     -0.9678217      -1.060620      -1.150376      -1.236886      -1.320025      -1.399771      -1.476152      -1.549248      -1.619162      -1.686023       0.000000     -2.3263810E-02 -5.7049960E-02 -9.8284140E-02 -0.1448182     -0.1951772     -0.2483822     -0.3036774     -0.3604901     -0.4183429     -0.4768523     -0.5356845     -0.5945718     -0.6532711     -0.7115915     -0.7693583     -0.8264409     -0.8827179     -0.9380972     -0.9924955      -1.045841       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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-4.215886      -4.304701      -4.388258      -4.467111       0.000000     -0.3591789     -0.8131178      -1.287232      -1.725407      -2.101899      -2.415812      -2.678195      -2.901598      -3.095605      -3.266869      -3.420035      -3.558467      -3.684661      -3.800540      -3.907600      -4.007052      -4.099867      -4.186851      -4.268662      -4.345853       0.000000     -0.3399908     -0.7727833      -1.227894      -1.651930      -2.019243      -2.327567      -2.586192      -2.806563      -2.997878      -3.166681      -3.317571      -3.453889      -3.578114      -3.692153      -3.797490      -3.895324      -3.986616      -4.072165      -4.152622      -4.228530       0.000000     -0.3205841     -0.7317109      -1.167205      -1.576598      -1.934471      -2.237122      -2.492120      -2.709732      -2.898678      -3.065351      -3.214296      -3.348827      -3.471401      -3.583911      -3.687826      -3.784333      -3.874389      -3.958779      -4.038147      -4.113031  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-0.9084075      -1.250940      -1.564616      -1.840833      -2.080191      -2.287590      -2.468822      -2.629036      -2.772299      -2.901723      -3.019661      -3.127936      -3.227965      -3.320893      -3.407640      -3.488963      -3.565479      -3.637705       0.000000     -0.2201067     -0.5139704     -0.8390266      -1.161904      -1.461758      -1.729350      -1.963678      -2.168127      -2.347473      -2.506316      -2.648468      -2.776937      -2.894029      -3.001543      -3.100881      -3.193181      -3.279352      -3.360145      -3.436171      -3.507945       0.000000     -0.1992892     -0.4676707     -0.7674865      -1.069144      -1.353505      -1.611040      -1.839351      -2.040298      -2.217520      -2.374936      -2.516012      -2.643592      -2.759913      -2.866742      -2.965463      -3.057202      -3.142860      -3.223183      -3.298777      -3.370152       0.000000     -0.1782196     -0.4203572     -0.6936363     -0.9722905      -1.239140      -1.484749 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-4.466678      -4.561376      -4.650651      -4.735068       0.000000     -0.3969224     -0.8917502      -1.402403      -1.868025      -2.262677      -2.587983      -2.858769      -3.089493      -3.290267      -3.467889      -3.627058      -3.771177      -3.902767      -4.023781      -4.135733      -4.239853      -4.337130      -4.428383      -4.514287      -4.595402       0.000000     -0.3781599     -0.8527798      -1.345397      -1.797396      -2.182974      -2.502518      -2.768916      -2.995732      -3.192851      -3.367010      -3.522885      -3.663862      -3.792454      -3.910597      -4.019797      -4.121277      -4.216018      -4.304832      -4.388387      -4.467238       0.000000     -0.3591860     -0.8131434      -1.287283      -1.725481      -2.101992      -2.415917      -2.678308      -2.901715      -3.095724      -3.266989      -3.420154      -3.558585      -3.684778      -3.800656      -3.907714      -4.007164      -4.099977      -4.186960      -4.268769      -4.345958  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-1.041303      -1.419272      -1.756772      -2.047321      -2.295003      -2.507549      -2.692427      -2.855566      -3.001343      -3.132999      -3.252946      -3.363045      -3.464738      -3.559191      -3.647343      -3.729961      -3.807678      -3.881019       0.000000     -0.2610085     -0.6037092     -0.9757989      -1.336640      -1.662780      -1.946555      -2.190286      -2.400329      -2.583370      -2.744996      -2.889453      -3.019930      -3.138810      -3.247939      -3.348745      -3.442384      -3.529784      -3.611708      -3.688782      -3.761524       0.000000     -0.2406800     -0.5593089     -0.9084269      -1.250969      -1.564652      -1.840875      -2.080237      -2.287638      -2.468871      -2.629085      -2.772347      -2.901771      -3.019708      -3.127982      -3.228009      -3.320936      -3.407683      -3.489004      -3.565519      -3.637744       0.000000     -0.2201091     -0.5139788     -0.8390425      -1.161927      -1.461788      -1.729385  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-2.076022      -2.214606      -2.340368      -2.455239      -2.560840      -2.658482      -2.749254      -2.834035      -2.913558      -2.988418      -3.059115       0.000000     -0.1353063     -0.3225186     -0.5383755     -0.7647196     -0.9888974      -1.202842      -1.402029      -1.584626      -1.750634      -1.901161      -2.037815      -2.162335      -2.276349      -2.381309      -2.478436      -2.568767      -2.653162      -2.732337      -2.806880      -2.877288       0.000000     -0.1134512     -0.2719004     -0.4566307     -0.6531565     -0.8512649      -1.044099      -1.227310      -1.398517      -1.556802      -1.702292      -1.835738      -1.958225      -2.070927      -2.175003      -2.271496      -2.361342      -2.445342      -2.524179      -2.598425      -2.668563       0.000000     -9.1324337E-02 -0.2200892     -0.3719202     -0.5358307     -0.7040510     -0.8711777      -1.033466      -1.188473      -1.334763      -1.471713      -1.599272      -1.717798      -1.827877  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-0.8827190     -0.9380984     -0.9924967      -1.045842       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.4155054     -0.9301883      -1.458619      -1.937958      -2.341873      -2.673273      -2.949016      -3.184331      -3.389503      -3.571374      -3.734661      -3.882778      -4.018258      -4.143060      -4.258705      -4.366431      -4.467231      -4.561930      -4.651206      -4.735623       0.000000     -0.3969470     -0.8918397      -1.402580      -1.868289      -2.263010      -2.588361      -2.859176      -3.089918      -3.290703      -3.468332      -3.627505      -3.771626      -3.903217      -4.024230      -4.136180      -4.240298      -4.337572      -4.428823      -4.514722      -4.595834 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-1.167346      -1.576808      -1.934734      -2.237420      -2.492439      -2.710062      -2.899012      -3.065685      -3.214628      -3.349154      -3.471723      -3.584227      -3.688135      -3.784636      -3.874686      -3.959069      -4.038431      -4.113309       0.000000     -0.3009712     -0.6899269      -1.105162      -1.499308      -1.847352      -2.144156      -2.395563      -2.610606      -2.797432      -2.962236      -3.109493      -3.242483      -3.363644      -3.474853      -3.577566      -3.672958      -3.761978      -3.845402      -3.923868      -3.997908       0.000000     -0.2811107     -0.6472592      -1.041379      -1.419385      -1.756914      -2.047483      -2.295177      -2.507730      -2.692610      -2.855748      -3.001523      -3.133177      -3.253120      -3.363215      -3.464905      -3.559354      -3.647502      -3.730116      -3.807829      -3.881167       0.000000     -0.2610179     -0.6037425     -0.9758629      -1.336735      -1.662900      -1.946693  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-2.375065      -2.516140      -2.643719      -2.760037      -2.866863      -2.965581      -3.057318      -3.142973      -3.223293      -3.298884      -3.370256       0.000000     -0.1782253     -0.4203767     -0.6936735     -0.9723459      -1.239211      -1.484834      -1.705711      -1.902249      -2.076860      -2.232641      -2.372583      -2.499292      -2.614889      -2.721088      -2.819247      -2.910478      -2.995676      -3.075575      -3.150780      -3.221797       0.000000     -0.1568977     -0.3720013     -0.6173464     -0.8709917      -1.117936      -1.349235      -1.560657      -1.751335      -1.922430      -2.076084      -2.214668      -2.340429      -2.455300      -2.560899      -2.658540      -2.749311      -2.834091      -2.913613      -2.988471      -3.059167       0.000000     -0.1353086     -0.3225265     -0.5383906     -0.7647421     -0.9889269      -1.202878      -1.402069      -1.584670      -1.750679      -1.901208      -2.037863      -2.162383      -2.276397  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-1.888991      -1.966354      -2.039517      -2.108835       0.000000     -4.6236146E-02 -0.1127127     -0.1929237     -0.2821080     -0.3769783     -0.4752187     -0.5750804     -0.6752216     -0.7745770     -0.8723269     -0.9678319      -1.060631      -1.150388      -1.236898      -1.320037      -1.399783      -1.476164      -1.549260      -1.619175      -1.686036       0.000000     -2.3263870E-02 -5.7050277E-02 -9.8284736E-02 -0.1448191     -0.1951783     -0.2483837     -0.3036791     -0.3604921     -0.4183450     -0.4768547     -0.5356871     -0.5945746     -0.6532741     -0.7115946     -0.7693616     -0.8264442     -0.8827214     -0.9381008     -0.9924991      -1.045844       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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-1.287800      -1.726246      -2.102953      -2.417008      -2.679474      -2.902922      -3.096951      -3.268222      -3.421385      -3.559807      -3.685988      -3.801851      -3.908892      -4.008325      -4.101120      -4.188082      -4.269873      -4.347043       0.000000     -0.3400621     -0.7730382      -1.228390      -1.652662      -2.020163      -2.328610      -2.587306      -2.807715      -2.999045      -3.167850      -3.318733      -3.455040      -3.579248      -3.693270      -3.798587      -3.896401      -3.987673      -4.073202      -4.153638      -4.229526       0.000000     -0.3206465     -0.7319326      -1.167635      -1.577233      -1.935268      -2.238028      -2.493088      -2.710732      -2.899690      -3.066362      -3.215299      -3.349817      -3.472375      -3.584867      -3.688763      -3.785251      -3.875288      -3.959658      -4.039007      -4.113873       0.000000     -0.3010074     -0.6900553      -1.105410      -1.499674      -1.847813      -2.144681  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-2.629589      -2.772846      -2.902262      -3.020189      -3.128452      -3.228468      -3.321384      -3.408119      -3.489429      -3.565933      -3.638147       0.000000     -0.2201337     -0.5140645     -0.8392069      -1.162171      -1.462100      -1.729748      -1.964114      -2.168583      -2.347938      -2.506783      -2.648931      -2.777393      -2.894476      -3.001981      -3.101308      -3.193597      -3.279758      -3.360540      -3.436556      -3.508320       0.000000     -0.1993110     -0.4677463     -0.7676309      -1.069359      -1.353782      -1.611364      -1.839708      -2.040674      -2.217906      -2.375325      -2.516399      -2.643975      -2.760288      -2.867109      -2.965822      -3.057552      -3.143201      -3.223516      -3.299100      -3.370467       0.000000     -0.1782367     -0.4204162     -0.6937492     -0.9724588      -1.239357      -1.485007      -1.705903      -1.902453      -2.077070      -2.232854      -2.372796      -2.499503      -2.615096  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-2.445471      -2.524305      -2.598548      -2.668683       0.000000     -9.1328189E-02 -0.2201023     -0.3719449     -0.5358677     -0.7040998     -0.8712374      -1.033535      -1.188550      -1.334846      -1.471801      -1.599363      -1.717891      -1.827971      -1.930313      -2.025647      -2.114697      -2.198129      -2.276535      -2.350440      -2.420295       0.000000     -6.8923004E-02 -0.1670491     -0.2840895     -0.4123178     -0.5463082     -0.6822244     -0.8172469     -0.9493278      -1.077003      -1.199315      -1.315690      -1.425889      -1.529903      -1.627908      -1.720183      -1.807095      -1.889035      -1.966398      -2.039560      -2.108878       0.000000     -4.6236832E-02 -0.1127151     -0.1929281     -0.2821146     -0.3769871     -0.4752297     -0.5750932     -0.6752360     -0.7745931     -0.8723445     -0.9678505      -1.060651      -1.150408      -1.236919      -1.320058      -1.399806      -1.476187      -1.549283      -1.619198      -1.686059  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-1.404488      -1.871129      -2.266588      -2.592430      -2.863550      -3.094483      -3.295389      -3.473092      -3.632308      -3.776448      -3.908042      -4.029046      -4.140978      -4.245071      -4.342316      -4.433533      -4.519396      -4.600469       0.000000     -0.3784198     -0.8537191      -1.347238      -1.800124      -2.186402      -2.506407      -2.773081      -3.000057      -3.197264      -3.371464      -3.527350      -3.668317      -3.796883      -3.914990      -4.024148      -4.125580      -4.220268      -4.309028      -4.392527      -4.471321       0.000000     -0.3594167     -0.8139721      -1.288899      -1.727870      -2.104989      -2.419315      -2.681939      -2.905473      -3.099541      -3.270824      -3.423980      -3.562384      -3.688538      -3.804368      -3.911374      -4.010767      -4.103522      -4.190445      -4.272195      -4.349324       0.000000     -0.3402004     -0.7735321      -1.229349      -1.654077      -2.021936      -2.330620  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-2.857702      -3.003456      -3.135077      -3.254984      -3.365039      -3.466687      -3.561094      -3.649199      -3.731772      -3.809444      -3.882742       0.000000     -0.2611206     -0.6041018     -0.9765536      -1.337755      -1.664192      -1.948176      -2.192035      -2.402143      -2.585207      -2.746829      -2.891267      -3.021714      -3.140558      -3.249648      -3.350414      -3.444011      -3.531371      -3.613255      -3.690289      -3.762993       0.000000     -0.2407738     -0.5596359     -0.9090539      -1.251897      -1.565833      -1.842238      -2.081716      -2.289178      -2.470435      -2.630648      -2.773895      -2.903294      -3.021200      -3.129440      -3.229433      -3.322324      -3.409035      -3.490321      -3.566802      -3.638994       0.000000     -0.2201862     -0.5142464     -0.8395549      -1.162687      -1.462760      -1.730515      -1.964950      -2.169459      -2.348831      -2.507678      -2.649819      -2.778267      -2.895333  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-2.834688      -2.914196      -2.989039      -3.059721       0.000000     -0.1353336     -0.3226115     -0.5385523     -0.7649838     -0.9892431      -1.203258      -1.402499      -1.585137      -1.751171      -1.901714      -2.038375      -2.162897      -2.276906      -2.381860      -2.478977      -2.569297      -2.653682      -2.732844      -2.807376      -2.877772       0.000000     -0.1134700     -0.2719644     -0.4567521     -0.6533382     -0.8515038      -1.044389      -1.227642      -1.398881      -1.557190      -1.702697      -1.836152      -1.958643      -2.071346      -2.175418      -2.271907      -2.361748      -2.445740      -2.524569      -2.598807      -2.668936       0.000000     -9.1336355E-02 -0.2201298     -0.3719971     -0.5359457     -0.7042030     -0.8713633      -1.033681      -1.188712      -1.335021      -1.471985      -1.599555      -1.718087      -1.828169      -1.930512      -2.025846      -2.114894      -2.198323      -2.276726      -2.350628      -2.420480  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-0.1929634     -0.2821674     -0.3770570     -0.4753158     -0.5751945     -0.6753510     -0.7747203     -0.8724824     -0.9679979      -1.060806      -1.150570      -1.237086      -1.320230      -1.399981      -1.476365      -1.549462      -1.619378      -1.686239       0.000000     -2.3265457E-02 -5.7055514E-02 -9.8294534E-02 -0.1448337     -0.1951978     -0.2484077     -0.3037074     -0.3605244     -0.4183811     -0.4768941     -0.5357298     -0.5946202     -0.6533223     -0.7116452     -0.7694144     -0.8264990     -0.8827780     -0.9381590     -0.9925587      -1.045905       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.4166729     -0.9344426      -1.467026      -1.950519      -2.357728      -2.691331 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-3.412484      -3.493679      -3.570070      -3.642176       0.000000     -0.2203925     -0.5149552     -0.8409023      -1.164674      -1.465291      -1.733447      -1.968141      -2.172793      -2.352222      -2.511070      -2.653178      -2.781571      -2.898568      -3.005978      -3.105206      -3.197395      -3.283456      -3.364140      -3.440060      -3.511731       0.000000     -0.1995195     -0.4684607     -0.7689887      -1.071368      -1.356356      -1.614371      -1.843008      -2.044147      -2.221460      -2.378897      -2.519946      -2.647471      -2.763718      -2.870463      -2.969095      -3.060742      -3.146308      -3.226541      -3.302045      -3.373333       0.000000     -0.1784007     -0.4209754     -0.6948099     -0.9740310      -1.241384      -1.487394      -1.708546      -1.905258      -2.079962      -2.235776      -2.375711      -2.502385      -2.617930      -2.724067      -2.822158      -2.913318      -2.998444      -3.078272      -3.153407      -3.224355  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-0.3721982     -0.5362455     -0.7045970     -0.8718427      -1.034234      -1.189326      -1.335683      -1.472683      -1.600277      -1.718825      -1.828915      -1.931259      -2.026589      -2.115631      -2.199051      -2.277444      -2.351333      -2.421172       0.000000     -6.8945549E-02 -0.1671241     -0.2842303     -0.4125278     -0.5465854     -0.6825641     -0.8176426     -0.9497722      -1.077489      -1.199834      -1.316236      -1.426456      -1.530483      -1.628499      -1.720778      -1.807692      -1.889630      -1.966990      -2.040147      -2.109458       0.000000     -4.6246756E-02 -0.1127481     -0.1929899     -0.2822067     -0.3771089     -0.4753796     -0.5752691     -0.6754355     -0.7748137     -0.8725836     -0.9681058      -1.060920      -1.150689      -1.237209      -1.320356      -1.400108      -1.476494      -1.549592      -1.619509      -1.686370       0.000000     -2.3266554E-02 -5.7059046E-02 -9.8301046E-02 -0.1448434     -0.1952105     -0.2484234 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-3.495404      -3.654773      -3.798966      -3.930541      -4.051472      -4.163292      -4.267244      -4.364326      -4.455363      -4.541036      -4.621909       0.000000     -0.3795814     -0.8578744      -1.355321      -1.812032      -2.201289      -2.523222      -2.791020      -3.018621      -3.216148      -3.390478      -3.546367      -3.687251      -3.815675      -3.933600      -4.042547      -4.143749      -4.238195      -4.326705      -4.409948      -4.488486       0.000000     -0.3604469     -0.8176333      -1.295985      -1.738273      -2.117970      -2.433963      -2.697531      -2.921547      -3.115820      -3.287135      -3.440213      -3.578466      -3.704423      -3.820025      -3.926783      -4.025918      -4.118407      -4.205062      -4.286545      -4.363409       0.000000     -0.3411077     -0.7767370      -1.235525      -1.663125      -2.033219      -2.343355      -2.602998      -2.823865      -3.015358      -3.184144      -3.334896      -3.471000      -3.594961  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-3.656920      -3.739294      -3.816774      -3.889885       0.000000     -0.2616197     -0.6058264     -0.9798354      -1.342566      -1.670248      -1.955094      -2.199464      -2.409819      -2.592955      -2.754540      -2.898875      -3.029181      -3.147861      -3.256777      -3.357362      -3.450779      -3.537961      -3.619671      -3.696535      -3.769076       0.000000     -0.2411910     -0.5610699     -0.9117768      -1.255894      -1.570888      -1.848047      -2.087986      -2.295684      -2.477021      -2.637214      -2.780379      -2.909659      -3.027426      -3.135516      -3.235353      -3.328088      -3.414645      -3.495780      -3.572114      -3.644165       0.000000     -0.2205291     -0.5154195     -0.8417777      -1.165956      -1.466916      -1.735322      -1.970175      -2.174910      -2.354371      -2.513216      -2.655298      -2.783652      -2.900603      -3.007963      -3.107139      -3.199276      -3.285285      -3.365918      -3.441789      -3.513413  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-0.5393155     -0.7661152     -0.9907141      -1.205016      -1.404483      -1.587283      -1.753424      -1.904028      -2.040713      -2.165232      -2.279222      -2.384142      -2.481218      -2.571492      -2.655828      -2.734940      -2.809422      -2.879767       0.000000     -0.1135536     -0.2722435     -0.4572759     -0.6541158     -0.8525199      -1.045614      -1.229039      -1.400411      -1.558815      -1.704385      -1.837876      -1.960382      -2.073083      -2.177142      -2.273608      -2.363421      -2.447383      -2.526178      -2.600381      -2.670475       0.000000     -9.1389574E-02 -0.2203067     -0.3723283     -0.5364379     -0.7048487     -0.8721477      -1.034585      -1.189714      -1.336100      -1.473122      -1.600730      -1.719287      -1.829382      -1.931726      -2.027055      -2.116092      -2.199505      -2.277891      -2.351773      -2.421603       0.000000     -6.8957359E-02 -0.1671630     -0.2843026     -0.4126346     -0.5467256     -0.6827350 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-3.892584      -3.976552      -4.055506      -4.129988       0.000000     -0.3021466     -0.6940189      -1.112975      -1.510722      -1.861603      -2.160284      -2.412741      -2.628259      -2.815201      -2.979904      -3.126930      -3.259613      -3.380422      -3.491256      -3.593582      -3.688586      -3.777221      -3.860267      -3.938365      -4.012048       0.000000     -0.2821184     -0.6507481      -1.048020      -1.429093      -1.769072      -2.061290      -2.309928      -2.522915      -2.707902      -2.870948      -3.016514      -3.147887      -3.267511      -3.377266      -3.478608      -3.572708      -3.660512      -3.742789      -3.820175      -3.893195       0.000000     -0.2618718     -0.6066831     -0.9814461      -1.344905      -1.673171      -1.958412      -2.203008      -2.413465      -2.596620      -2.758176      -2.902452      -3.032681      -3.151278      -3.260104      -3.360600      -3.453928      -3.541022      -3.622647      -3.699429      -3.771890  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-0.6960341     -0.9758262      -1.243679      -1.490078      -1.711502      -1.908380      -2.083166      -2.239003      -2.378920      -2.505549      -2.621034      -2.727100      -2.825117      -2.916199      -3.001248      -3.081000      -3.156060      -3.226935       0.000000     -0.1571804     -0.3729515     -0.6191323     -0.8736298      -1.121342      -1.353268      -1.565154      -1.756143      -1.927420      -2.081156      -2.219750      -2.345472      -2.460269      -2.565776      -2.663311      -2.753969      -2.838634      -2.918040      -2.992784      -3.063367       0.000000     -0.1355152     -0.3232176     -0.5396870     -0.7666606     -0.9914177      -1.205852      -1.405422      -1.588294      -1.754482      -1.905110      -2.041804      -2.166319      -2.280297      -2.385200      -2.482255      -2.572507      -2.656819      -2.735906      -2.810363      -2.880685       0.000000     -0.1135955     -0.2723810     -0.4575305     -0.6544901     -0.8530052      -1.046195 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-0.8728460     -0.9683851      -1.061213      -1.150994      -1.237524      -1.320678      -1.400437      -1.476826      -1.549927      -1.619845      -1.686706       0.000000     -2.3269484E-02 -5.7068575E-02 -9.8318540E-02 -0.1448691     -0.1952442     -0.2484647     -0.3037743     -0.3606004     -0.4184655     -0.4769863     -0.5358291     -0.5947260     -0.6534341     -0.7117625     -0.7695366     -0.8266256     -0.8829084     -0.9382930     -0.9926957      -1.046045       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.4189807     -0.9427076      -1.483167      -1.974428      -2.387677      -2.725203      -3.004866      -3.242799      -3.449793      -3.632962      -3.797189      -3.945988      -4.081960 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-4.134275      -4.220612      -4.301781      -4.378336       0.000000     -0.3421817     -0.7804542      -1.242582      -1.673346      -2.045843      -2.357484      -2.617915      -2.839114      -3.030670      -3.199360      -3.349922      -3.485778      -3.609458      -3.722904      -3.827621      -3.924825      -4.015486      -4.100409      -4.180250      -4.255556       0.000000     -0.3224977     -0.7383693      -1.179902      -1.595089      -1.957450      -2.262999      -2.519575      -2.737881      -2.926984      -3.093495      -3.242087      -3.376148      -3.498186      -3.610122      -3.713446      -3.809359      -3.898824      -3.982632      -4.061433      -4.135766       0.000000     -0.3026102     -0.6955943      -1.115930      -1.514980      -1.866861      -2.166176      -2.418966      -2.634610      -2.821554      -2.986187      -3.133103      -3.265652      -3.386316      -3.496998      -3.599172      -3.694026      -3.782514      -3.865417      -3.943377      -4.016927  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-0.8442802      -1.169588      -1.471482      -1.740557      -1.975823      -2.180766      -2.360291      -2.519106      -2.661101      -2.789336      -2.906149      -3.013361      -3.112387      -3.204374      -3.290236      -3.370726      -3.446460      -3.517951       0.000000     -0.1999539     -0.4699093     -0.7716876      -1.075301      -1.361340      -1.620139      -1.849288      -2.050712      -2.228140      -2.385577      -2.526553      -2.653959      -2.770061      -2.876647      -2.975113      -3.066594      -3.151995      -3.232067      -3.307415      -3.378552       0.000000     -0.1787418     -0.4221071     -0.6969141     -0.9771038      -1.245300      -1.491962      -1.713566      -1.910550      -2.085385      -2.241231      -2.381129      -2.507723      -2.623161      -2.729176      -2.827137      -2.918165      -3.003158      -3.082855      -3.157862      -3.228687       0.000000     -0.1572910     -0.3733124     -0.6197967     -0.8745962      -1.122575      -1.354714 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-1.474319      -1.601965      -1.720544      -1.830647      -1.932991      -2.028311      -2.117334      -2.200730      -2.279094      -2.352954      -2.422760       0.000000     -6.8992101E-02 -0.1672747     -0.2845072     -0.4129344     -0.5471161     -0.6832083     -0.8183875     -0.9506039      -1.078393      -1.200797      -1.317244      -1.427498      -1.531549      -1.629579      -1.721865      -1.808779      -1.890713      -1.968064      -2.041210      -2.110508       0.000000     -4.6267357E-02 -0.1128143     -0.1931113     -0.2823848     -0.3773417     -0.4756635     -0.5755998     -0.6758083     -0.7752237     -0.8730262     -0.9685765      -1.061414      -1.151203      -1.237738      -1.320898      -1.400660      -1.477052      -1.550154      -1.620072      -1.686933       0.000000     -2.3271680E-02 -5.7075456E-02 -9.8330967E-02 -0.1448872     -0.1952678     -0.2484934     -0.3038078     -0.3606383     -0.4185074     -0.4770321     -0.5358782     -0.5947782     -0.6534891  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-4.406497      -4.497089      -4.582302      -4.662707       0.000000     -0.3821059     -0.8666713      -1.372116      -1.836421      -2.231411      -2.556874      -2.826578      -3.055119      -3.253020      -3.427378      -3.583075      -3.723626      -3.851624      -3.969061      -4.077481      -4.178134      -4.272018      -4.359961      -4.442638      -4.520615       0.000000     -0.3626812     -0.8253567      -1.310636      -1.759452      -2.144056      -2.463062      -2.728192      -2.952887      -3.147324      -3.318498      -3.471249      -3.609060      -3.734505      -3.849554      -3.955737      -4.054287      -4.146192      -4.232267      -4.313179      -4.389485       0.000000     -0.3430718     -0.7834747      -1.248236      -1.681444      -2.055754      -2.368490      -2.629456      -2.850842      -3.042387      -3.210954      -3.361327      -3.496957      -3.620391      -3.733581      -3.838041      -3.934988      -4.025397      -4.110074      -4.189677      -4.264752  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-0.9864885      -1.352139      -1.682119      -1.968487      -2.213696      -2.424394      -2.607554      -2.768974      -2.913034      -3.043006      -3.161324      -3.269864      -3.370074      -3.463121      -3.549943      -3.631304      -3.707834      -3.780053       0.000000     -0.2420860     -0.5640411     -0.9172788      -1.263821      -1.580761      -1.859251      -2.099958      -2.307996      -2.489389      -2.649463      -2.792406      -2.921408      -3.038867      -3.146637      -3.246152      -3.338569      -3.424816      -3.505652      -3.581698      -3.653472       0.000000     -0.2212637     -0.5178438     -0.8462557      -1.172418      -1.475005      -1.744564      -1.980116      -2.185192      -2.364744      -2.523518      -2.665433      -2.793564      -2.910263      -3.017356      -3.116262      -3.208131      -3.293878      -3.374257      -3.449884      -3.521273       0.000000     -0.2002205     -0.4707722     -0.7732624      -1.077561      -1.364169      -1.623380 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-1.908291      -2.044999      -2.169496      -2.283431      -2.388277      -2.485266      -2.575446      -2.659683      -2.738696      -2.813079      -2.883328       0.000000     -0.1137311     -0.2728139     -0.4583176     -0.6556316     -0.8544707      -1.047937      -1.231663      -1.403261      -1.561823      -1.707491      -1.841032      -1.963550      -2.076236      -2.180260      -2.276677      -2.366432      -2.450330      -2.529058      -2.603193      -2.673219       0.000000     -9.1502436E-02 -0.2206675     -0.3729855     -0.5373949     -0.7060858     -0.8736326      -1.036279      -1.191577      -1.338094      -1.475209      -1.602879      -1.721471      -1.831579      -1.933920      -2.029232      -2.118243      -2.201625      -2.279973      -2.353815      -2.423603       0.000000     -6.9020458E-02 -0.1673636     -0.2846669     -0.4131653     -0.5474138     -0.6835663     -0.8187984     -0.9510597      -1.078886      -1.201320      -1.317790      -1.428060      -1.532122  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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.4228446     -0.9561466      -1.508909      -2.012043      -2.434230      -2.777273      -3.060245      -3.300260      -3.508617      -3.692697      -3.857532      -4.006730      -4.142951      -4.268240      -4.384182      -4.492060      -4.592896      -4.687544      -4.776699      -4.860940       0.000000     -0.4035153     -0.9148559      -1.446776      -1.932820      -2.342986      -2.677935      -2.954244      -3.188090      -3.390560      -3.568983      -3.728363      -3.872289      -4.003407      -4.123749      -4.234888      -4.338096      -4.434391      -4.524613      -4.609454      -4.689487       0.000000     -0.3840286     -0.8731689      -1.384259      -1.853770      -2.252547      -2.580198      -2.850963      -3.079923      -3.277886      -3.452097      -3.607522      -3.747724      -3.875327      -3.992343      -4.100328      -4.200541      -4.293986      -4.381494      -4.463744      -4.541302   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-1.126717      -1.530259      -1.885461      -2.186784      -2.440521      -2.656419      -2.843214      -3.007477      -3.153905      -3.285907      -3.405999      -3.516106      -3.617712      -3.712013      -3.799967      -3.882357      -3.959825      -4.032905       0.000000     -0.2840434     -0.6570788      -1.059636      -1.445605      -1.789286      -2.083822      -2.333620      -2.546974      -2.731850      -2.894514      -3.039551      -3.170321      -3.289310      -3.398422      -3.499127      -3.592607      -3.679811      -3.761512      -3.838345      -3.910839       0.000000     -0.2634984     -0.6119954     -0.9911588      -1.358719      -1.690143      -1.977418      -2.223078      -2.433908      -2.617005      -2.778251      -2.922079      -3.051790      -3.169836      -3.278105      -3.378047      -3.470836      -3.557410      -3.638534      -3.714838      -3.786842       0.000000     -0.2427570     -0.5661793     -0.9211267      -1.269247      -1.587408      -1.866691  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-2.248645      -2.388446      -2.514891      -2.630152      -2.735974      -2.833736      -2.924565      -3.009363      -3.088871      -3.163696      -3.234345       0.000000     -0.1577122     -0.3746356     -0.6221705     -0.8779849      -1.126837      -1.359654      -1.572170      -1.763552      -1.935028      -2.088819      -2.227367      -2.352978      -2.467623      -2.572953      -2.670299      -2.760764      -2.845235      -2.924450      -2.999009      -3.069412       0.000000     -0.1359029     -0.3244385     -0.5418844     -0.7698154     -0.9954202      -1.210546      -1.410634      -1.593861      -1.760260      -1.910987      -2.047694      -2.172163      -2.286054      -2.390844      -2.487770      -2.577884      -2.662055      -2.741001      -2.815319      -2.885504       0.000000     -0.1138626     -0.2732179     -0.4590330     -0.6566496     -0.8557592      -1.049452      -1.233355      -1.405083      -1.563732      -1.709451      -1.843013      -1.965529      -2.078197  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-1.477779      -1.550885      -1.620804      -1.687663       0.000000     -2.3279855E-02 -5.7100318E-02 -9.8374896E-02 -0.1449500     -0.1953484     -0.2485905     -0.3039200     -0.3607644     -0.4186462     -0.4771823     -0.5360389     -0.5949484     -0.6536679     -0.7120066     -0.7697898     -0.8268871     -0.8831774     -0.9385683     -0.9929767      -1.046331       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.4285855     -0.9752882      -1.544620      -2.063308      -2.496673      -2.846104      -3.132601      -3.374655      -3.584227      -3.769027      -3.934264      -4.083653      -4.219917      -4.345147      -4.460957      -4.568648      -4.669261      -4.763659      -4.852542      -4.936500  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-1.276900      -1.721331      -2.103446      -2.420405      -2.682976      -2.904457      -3.095303      -3.262763      -3.411828      -3.546061      -3.668073      -3.779853      -3.882935      -3.978549      -4.067677      -4.151126      -4.229555      -4.303510       0.000000     -0.3275811     -0.7546589      -1.209232      -1.635979      -2.006508      -2.316633      -2.575055      -2.793548      -2.981941      -3.147276      -3.294463      -3.427020      -3.547524      -3.657942      -3.759785      -3.854267      -3.942359      -4.024855      -4.102403      -4.175544       0.000000     -0.3069883     -0.7094958      -1.140819      -1.549624      -1.908468      -2.211764      -2.466210      -2.682041      -2.868353      -3.031931      -3.177584      -3.308784      -3.428078      -3.537408      -3.638268      -3.731856      -3.819135      -3.900885      -3.977748      -4.050256       0.000000     -0.2862484     -0.6638404      -1.071464      -1.461833      -1.808609      -2.104875  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-2.205261      -2.283532      -2.357292      -2.426998       0.000000     -6.9171824E-02 -0.1678037     -0.2854218     -0.4142215     -0.5487434     -0.6851361     -0.8205739     -0.9530066      -1.080971      -1.203513      -1.320062      -1.430387      -1.534482      -1.632533      -1.724821      -1.811722      -1.893631      -1.970947      -2.044052      -2.113303       0.000000     -4.6346519E-02 -0.1130460     -0.1935104     -0.2829461     -0.3780529     -0.4765100     -0.5765668     -0.6768814     -0.7763892     -0.8742708     -0.9698877      -1.062780      -1.152614      -1.239184      -1.322369      -1.402148      -1.478551      -1.551658      -1.621575      -1.688431       0.000000     -2.3291264E-02 -5.7132442E-02 -9.8428890E-02 -0.1450247     -0.1954421     -0.2487014     -0.3040465     -0.3609048     -0.4187992     -0.4773467     -0.5362136     -0.5951323     -0.6538602     -0.7122062     -0.7699962     -0.8270994     -0.8833947     -0.9387903     -0.9932026      -1.046560  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-1.553185      -1.968950      -2.315334      -2.603184      -2.845534      -3.053437      -3.235019      -3.396006      -3.540471      -3.671407      -3.791052      -3.901145      -4.003047      -4.097868      -4.186498      -4.269664      -4.347976      -4.421958       0.000000     -0.5059419      -1.013082      -1.477514      -1.878867      -2.215572      -2.496647      -2.733805      -2.937361      -3.115119      -3.272674      -3.414025      -3.542118      -3.659158      -3.766852      -3.866538      -3.959305      -4.046025      -4.127411      -4.204061      -4.276485       0.000000     -0.4770917     -0.9579253      -1.401794      -1.788936      -2.116405      -2.391344      -2.624071      -2.824100      -2.998854      -3.153769      -3.292767      -3.418741      -3.533864      -3.639814      -3.737908      -3.829212      -3.914585      -3.994727      -4.070223      -4.141575       0.000000     -0.4481840     -0.9025875      -1.325745      -1.698601      -2.016962      -2.286104  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-2.682955      -2.816241      -2.937206      -3.047881      -3.149848      -3.244352      -3.332405      -3.414817      -3.492251      -3.565263      -3.634326       0.000000     -0.3317290     -0.6777180      -1.013386      -1.323803      -1.601761      -1.846133      -2.059625      -2.246606      -2.411617      -2.558657      -2.690975      -2.811131      -2.921105      -3.022456      -3.116410      -3.203972      -3.285939      -3.362972      -3.435616      -3.504342       0.000000     -0.3023508     -0.6202367     -0.9321746      -1.224594      -1.490165      -1.726660      -1.935388      -2.119508      -2.282726      -2.428550      -2.559961      -2.679387      -2.788745      -2.889560      -2.983042      -3.070179      -3.151766      -3.228452      -3.300784      -3.369224       0.000000     -0.2728452     -0.5621099     -0.8493150      -1.122360      -1.374063      -1.601387      -1.804401      -1.985070      -2.146190      -2.290676      -2.421162      -2.539891      -2.648685  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-2.508086      -2.583747      -2.655158      -2.722764       0.000000     -0.1533526     -0.3218939     -0.4977139     -0.6750672     -0.8496350      -1.018258      -1.178797      -1.329992      -1.471300      -1.602739      -1.724700      -1.837822      -1.942848      -2.040558      -2.131705      -2.217000      -2.297067      -2.372458      -2.443655      -2.511083       0.000000     -0.1230655     -0.2596172     -0.4038915     -0.5516400     -0.6995789     -0.8451664     -0.9864969      -1.122220      -1.251467      -1.373783      -1.489028      -1.597324      -1.698950      -1.794302      -1.883830      -1.968020      -2.047329      -2.122193      -2.193016      -2.260170       0.000000     -9.2595182E-02 -0.1963418     -0.3073637     -0.4227824     -0.5403357     -0.6582088     -0.7749514     -0.8894207      -1.000744      -1.108291      -1.211634      -1.310528      -1.404866      -1.494666      -1.580026      -1.661127      -1.738173      -1.811394      -1.881028      -1.947327  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-1.618235      -2.018566      -2.351921      -2.631588      -2.870010      -3.076952      -3.259531      -3.422827      -3.570507      -3.705286      -3.829226      -3.943927      -4.050665      -4.150461      -4.244150      -4.332426      -4.415875      -4.494985       0.000000     -0.5657648      -1.089370      -1.546957      -1.933731      -2.256869      -2.528238      -2.759395      -2.959645      -3.135896      -3.293135      -3.434991      -3.564152      -3.682662      -3.792106      -3.893745      -3.988591      -4.077471      -4.161067      -4.239958      -4.314627       0.000000     -0.5370163      -1.036472      -1.475729      -1.849402      -2.163133      -2.427314      -2.652534      -2.847572      -3.019078      -3.171925      -3.309680      -3.434995      -3.549884      -3.655915      -3.754328      -3.846117      -3.932097      -4.012937      -4.089205      -4.161372       0.000000     -0.5081998     -0.9834002      -1.404318      -1.765090      -2.069887      -2.327599  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-2.717580      -2.846286      -2.963423      -3.070863      -3.170068      -3.262200      -3.348190      -3.428793      -3.504639      -3.576249      -3.644066       0.000000     -0.3920684     -0.7680602      -1.112847      -1.419968      -1.688833      -1.922572      -2.126039      -2.304363      -2.462147      -2.603188      -2.730496      -2.846420      -2.952787      -3.051034      -3.142301      -3.227506      -3.307395      -3.382586      -3.453594      -3.520855       0.000000     -0.3627771     -0.7131620      -1.037649      -1.329963      -1.588729      -1.815862      -2.015043      -2.190506      -2.346262      -2.485762      -2.611826      -2.726696      -2.832147      -2.929579      -3.020118      -3.104664      -3.183956      -3.258599      -3.329108      -3.395909       0.000000     -0.3333662     -0.6577301     -0.9612024      -1.237823      -1.485625      -1.705467      -1.899916      -2.072285      -2.225943      -2.363930      -2.488830      -2.602751      -2.707393  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-2.633031      -2.706145      -2.775263      -2.840792       0.000000     -0.2143847     -0.4297069     -0.6401030     -0.8418540      -1.032545      -1.210792      -1.376060      -1.528491      -1.668699      -1.797596      -1.916236      -2.025702      -2.127034      -2.221181      -2.308991      -2.391199      -2.468439      -2.541251      -2.610105      -2.675399       0.000000     -0.1842700     -0.3709049     -0.5553371     -0.7345393     -0.9063794      -1.069430      -1.222861      -1.366361      -1.500021      -1.624228      -1.739570      -1.846745      -1.946488      -2.039528      -2.126554      -2.208190      -2.284997      -2.357470      -2.426049      -2.491109       0.000000     -0.1539949     -0.3113023     -0.4685274     -0.6233293     -0.7739525     -0.9190922      -1.057829      -1.189595      -1.314123      -1.431387      -1.541559      -1.644949      -1.741961      -1.833049      -1.918683      -1.999326      -2.075417      -2.147366      -2.215551      -2.280308  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-2.641387      -2.769505      -2.886224      -2.993360      -3.092335      -3.184295      -3.270149      -3.350652      -3.426426      -3.497992      -3.565780       0.000000     -0.3884849     -0.7530950      -1.084598      -1.379699      -1.639137      -1.866117      -2.064970      -2.240164      -2.395761      -2.535191      -2.661240      -2.776122      -2.881598      -2.979061      -3.069628      -3.154196      -3.233508      -3.308174      -3.378705      -3.445527       0.000000     -0.3633339     -0.7062119      -1.020211      -1.302025      -1.551815      -1.771951      -1.965940      -2.137582      -2.290470      -2.427727      -2.551956      -2.665262      -2.769335      -2.865535      -2.954952      -3.038466      -3.116807      -3.190574      -3.260271      -3.326317       0.000000     -0.3380929     -0.6589664     -0.9550312      -1.223051      -1.462711      -1.675631      -1.864532      -2.032541      -2.182750      -2.317942      -2.440505      -2.552405      -2.655263  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-2.623529      -2.694885      -2.762371      -2.826375       0.000000     -0.2361403     -0.4657832     -0.6846645     -0.8904428      -1.081957      -1.258895      -1.421579      -1.570760      -1.707478      -1.832904      -1.948232      -2.054608      -2.153088      -2.244614      -2.330015      -2.409998      -2.485180      -2.556090      -2.623177      -2.686822       0.000000     -0.2103863     -0.4163066     -0.6142632     -0.8022389     -0.9790987      -1.144331      -1.297919      -1.440198      -1.571782      -1.693438      -1.806020      -1.910395      -2.007407      -2.097837      -2.182400      -2.261724      -2.336372      -2.406835      -2.473539      -2.536848       0.000000     -0.1845197     -0.3663105     -0.5425916     -0.7116858     -0.8725512      -1.024586      -1.167548      -1.301461      -1.426588      -1.543344      -1.652258      -1.753909      -1.848907      -1.937843      -2.021292      -2.099771      -2.173766      -2.243711      -2.309995      -2.372951  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-0.2418790     -0.3229856     -0.4036610     -0.4836156     -0.5626054     -0.6404061     -0.7168399     -0.7917512     -0.8650153     -0.9365279      -1.006214      -1.074013      -1.139897      -1.203839      -1.265843      -1.325920      -1.384098      -1.440408       0.000000     -5.3366121E-02 -0.1077706     -0.1628974     -0.2185128     -0.2744330     -0.3304931     -0.3865551     -0.4424781     -0.4981481     -0.5534588     -0.6083148     -0.6626272     -0.7163223     -0.7693291     -0.8215915     -0.8730510     -0.9236667     -0.9734023      -1.022230      -1.070117       0.000000     -2.6750972E-02 -5.4213047E-02 -8.2286887E-02 -0.1108847     -0.1399399     -0.1693927     -0.1991924     -0.2292784     -0.2596098     -0.2901406     -0.3208342     -0.3516468     -0.3825478     -0.4135011     -0.4444800     -0.4754476     -0.5063811     -0.5372556     -0.5680469     -0.5987273       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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-2.375176      -2.505329      -2.624410      -2.734018      -2.835456      -2.929816      -3.017993      -3.100722      -3.178634      -3.252239      -3.321993       0.000000     -0.3243231     -0.6310217     -0.9156058      -1.175952      -1.411762      -1.624061      -1.814725      -1.986066      -2.140488      -2.280292      -2.407536      -2.524002      -2.631212      -2.730421      -2.822689      -2.908885      -2.989735      -3.065858      -3.137754      -3.205874       0.000000     -0.3057132     -0.5958606     -0.8662743      -1.114890      -1.341250      -1.546065      -1.730838      -1.897516      -2.048177      -2.184869      -2.309465      -2.423617      -2.528755      -2.626076      -2.716600      -2.801171      -2.880496      -2.955180      -3.025717      -3.092546       0.000000     -0.2870511     -0.5605029     -0.8165321      -1.053163      -1.269817      -1.466935      -1.645672      -1.807618      -1.954535      -2.088207      -2.210305      -2.322332      -2.425618  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-2.434282      -2.505090      -2.572042      -2.635534       0.000000     -0.2118568     -0.4169040     -0.6127641     -0.7980409     -0.9720224      -1.134482      -1.285571      -1.425729      -1.555569      -1.675843      -1.787341      -1.890865      -1.987201      -2.077069      -2.161144      -2.240032      -2.314259      -2.384310      -2.450595      -2.513487       0.000000     -0.1929152     -0.3804105     -0.5604610     -0.7318435     -0.8938877      -1.046300      -1.189089      -1.322498      -1.446926      -1.562900      -1.671005      -1.771857      -1.866085      -1.954278      -2.037009      -2.114799      -2.188117      -2.257402      -2.323027      -2.385341       0.000000     -0.1739133     -0.3436606     -0.5075524     -0.6645455     -0.8140277     -0.9556758      -1.089396      -1.215283      -1.333555      -1.444550      -1.548664      -1.646336      -1.738038      -1.824225      -1.905358      -1.981865      -2.054143      -2.122575      -2.187487      -2.249197  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-0.2893386     -0.3831398     -0.4750561     -0.5648794     -0.6524501     -0.7376586     -0.8204114     -0.9006589     -0.9783670      -1.053520      -1.126138      -1.196239      -1.263872      -1.329091      -1.391955      -1.452548      -1.510938      -1.567222       0.000000     -7.7962622E-02 -0.1557621     -0.2330171     -0.3094592     -0.3849058     -0.4592028     -0.5322281     -0.6038878     -0.6740940     -0.7427877     -0.8099121     -0.8754259     -0.9393067      -1.001531      -1.062099      -1.121010      -1.178269      -1.233904      -1.287926      -1.340381       0.000000     -5.8575336E-02 -0.1172971     -0.1759419     -0.2343477     -0.2924031     -0.3500106     -0.4070851     -0.4635631     -0.5193768     -0.5744777     -0.6288152     -0.6823420     -0.7350307     -0.7868410     -0.8377532     -0.8877447     -0.9367916     -0.9848912      -1.032024      -1.078196       0.000000     -3.9120138E-02 -7.8518420E-02 -0.1180933     -0.1577605     -0.1974671     -0.2371609 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-1.693069      -1.814581      -1.928648      -2.035817      -2.136629      -2.231610      -2.321259      -2.406039      -2.486375      -2.562657      -2.635238       0.000000     -0.1967886     -0.3874127     -0.5708867     -0.7465028     -0.9137977      -1.072525      -1.222628      -1.364209      -1.497509      -1.622861      -1.740682      -1.851428      -1.955585      -2.053637      -2.146065      -2.233327      -2.315852      -2.394044      -2.468267      -2.538859       0.000000     -0.1865878     -0.3676554     -0.5422719     -0.7097676     -0.8696886      -1.021778      -1.165947      -1.302255      -1.430880      -1.552097      -1.666250      -1.773734      -1.874971      -1.970388      -2.060417      -2.145476      -2.225959      -2.302239      -2.374659      -2.443537       0.000000     -0.1763708     -0.3478349     -0.5135266     -0.6728135     -0.8252600     -0.9706059      -1.108741      -1.239681      -1.363559      -1.480585      -1.591043      -1.695264      -1.793608  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1.692870       1.878773       2.010584       2.072632       2.096493       2.112420       2.085472       2.062674       2.026381       1.960080       1.903710       1.839313       1.769159       1.695860       1.618788       1.539971       1.474473       1.389433       0.000000      0.8191284       1.268737       1.537124       1.699116       1.790854       1.833312       1.843213       1.837160       1.801503       1.766812       1.705172       1.647330       1.583508       1.500547       1.426240       1.349351       1.272106       1.195053       1.118028       1.034310       0.000000      0.7322325       1.130963       1.364801       1.498867       1.568092       1.608294       1.585562       1.549598       1.518614       1.459328       1.400674       1.324381       1.254106       1.180209       1.093966       1.016094      0.9403206      0.8650527      0.7903913      0.7113289       0.000000      0.6538008       1.004613       1.204066       1.310380       1.357157       1.363019       1.325821       1.279529       1.233113       1.164855       1.089747       1.018826      0.9347960      0.8587789      0.7746251      0.6984459      0.6243683      0.5498887      0.4762116      0.4004453       0.000000      0.5737855      0.8746486       1.027979       1.106310       1.129604       1.115852       1.065834       1.009411      0.9424395      0.8672202      0.7951948      0.7124755      0.6295589      0.5528533      0.4717453      0.3976565      0.3241084      0.2498379      0.1769909      0.1049370       0.000000      0.4924043      0.7355163      0.8629799      0.9100677      0.9015099      0.8695320      0.8077338      0.7415171      0.6672857      0.5870908      0.5042473      0.4212884      0.3433931      0.2630267      0.1874085      0.1136443      4.0387098E-02 -3.2840442E-02 -0.1031497     -0.1687476       0.000000      0.4097476      0.6064280      0.6878643      0.7076492      0.6770132      0.6279885      0.5558001      0.4806250      0.4000477      0.3159567      0.2322195      0.1496868      7.0333734E-02 -6.6907015E-03 -8.1938326E-02 -0.1544014     -0.2263039     -0.2944847     -0.3542235     -0.4083710       0.000000      0.3241390      0.4761577      0.5247389      0.5117472      0.4625481      0.3984470      0.3179757      0.2356127      0.1501556      6.4256378E-02 -1.9415649E-02 -0.1016657     -0.1796823     -0.2543217     -0.3248290     -0.3929742     -0.4579438     -0.5139912     -0.5592889     -0.6066359       0.000000      0.2429842      0.3447296      0.3631974      0.3305931      0.2686211      0.1938251      0.1097047      2.2594007E-02 -6.5713525E-02 -0.1509085     -0.2348826     -0.3132914     -0.3866202     -0.4550759     -0.5196270     -0.5795013     -0.6323841     -0.6725183     -0.7117555     -0.7460734       0.000000      0.1611223      0.2192326      0.2164145      0.1748170      0.1107066      3.5191026E-02 -4.6615828E-02 -0.1302757     -0.2136310     -0.2930054     -0.3703933     -0.4414580     -0.5062652  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4.567382       4.568500       4.548026       4.468586       0.000000       1.391774       2.176412       2.701591       3.048079       3.323055       3.534770       3.695024       3.855114       3.956590       4.062849       4.117133       4.178967       4.192112       4.221997       4.246076       4.260639       4.265715       4.262593       4.239267       4.157241       0.000000       1.331135       2.081495       2.554794       2.908864       3.173189       3.371883       3.521890       3.632261       3.748330       3.813287       3.845063       3.897411       3.941632       3.937288       3.945980       3.951288       3.950265       3.943222       3.918767       3.838090       0.000000       1.266325       1.962561       2.432230       2.765601       3.005019       3.188863       3.327943       3.430027       3.501621       3.546402       3.603602       3.619773       3.644881       3.628510       3.630750       3.629628       3.620051       3.607887       3.581694       3.503420   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1.882783       2.101223       2.265930       2.352772       2.426082       2.466965       2.461080       2.453777       2.435598       2.406310       2.390480       2.344832       2.285607       2.219244       2.171865       2.101552       2.042330       1.953686       0.000000      0.9112643       1.416233       1.723979       1.939859       2.061631       2.155101       2.186614       2.217029       2.196809       2.178609       2.151733       2.113275       2.061519       1.999504       1.932556       1.881443       1.812999       1.735829       1.668018       1.576782       0.000000      0.8382660       1.302726       1.582746       1.754546       1.874581       1.928626       1.965251       1.962256       1.929552       1.900683       1.859050       1.807704       1.731776       1.664475       1.593565       1.534402       1.459054       1.378385       1.294840       1.202671       0.000000      0.7641749       1.185317       1.434950       1.583599       1.665469       1.700332   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0.7574616      0.6741449      0.5880558      0.5066060      0.4210796      0.3405430      0.2614289      0.1827575      0.1042699      2.8369872E-02 -4.7737736E-02   0.000000      0.4576745      0.6822578      0.7962280      0.8335273      0.8178619      0.7799551      0.7216875      0.6431917      0.5636663      0.4796407      0.3974518      0.3112713      0.2259027      0.1441594      6.3608557E-02 -1.5029693E-02 -9.2725664E-02 -0.1685433     -0.2435036     -0.3129986       0.000000      0.3802895      0.5608209      0.6309433      0.6417296      0.6044609      0.5499139      0.4782172      0.3932272      0.3083101      0.2204663      0.1343539      4.9007937E-02 -3.4148823E-02 -0.1162065     -0.1954120     -0.2724735     -0.3423496     -0.4117621     -0.4788127     -0.5356129       0.000000      0.3003904      0.4387358      0.4776008      0.4570194      0.4060009      0.3323629      0.2501402      0.1604373      7.2680607E-02 -1.7954143E-02 -0.1056252     -0.1900068     -0.2697372  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2.003799       2.270488       2.461854       2.596241       2.693746       2.760842       2.803196       2.825579       2.826987       2.809318       2.806110       2.776079       2.759975       2.712724       2.680133       2.646888       2.578097       2.505249       0.000000      0.9794147       1.537448       1.880076       2.124009       2.272460       2.391260       2.470214       2.521021       2.550421       2.555210       2.539877       2.517057       2.486120       2.466835       2.418489       2.382725       2.323602       2.277347       2.202272       2.123504       0.000000      0.9136390       1.420083       1.751616       1.953603       2.104506       2.182107       2.246886       2.280853       2.293007       2.261268       2.236051       2.225037       2.187714       2.136820       2.078000       2.034226       1.965184       1.905273       1.826007       1.729515       0.000000      0.8463130       1.316910       1.602386       1.800887       1.911137       1.994387   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1.185059       1.109219       1.034814      0.9468417      0.8649622      0.7815523      0.6980278      0.6145267      0.5311892      0.4486897      0.3665141       0.000000      0.5636865      0.8655397       1.031433       1.113720       1.142327       1.134169       1.100444       1.047638      0.9809836      0.9037341      0.8274995      0.7399271      0.6566776      0.5664382      0.4816384      0.3978643      0.3148558      0.2313846      0.1503551      6.7832686E-02   0.000000      0.4935742      0.7502471      0.8744124      0.9302617      0.9363636      0.9093147      0.8600056      0.7948439      0.7188269      0.6350264      0.5462677      0.4610054      0.3713502      0.2850166      0.1994073      0.1155170      3.3652846E-02 -5.1497079E-02 -0.1331144     -0.2136200       0.000000      0.4225089      0.6277534      0.7271919      0.7539079      0.7303585      0.6856358      0.6215535      0.5451759      0.4610247      0.3719553      0.2808101      0.1924010      0.1032634   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-0.7919600     -0.8397068     -0.8828098     -0.9214709       0.000000      0.1363948      0.1821244      0.1662311      0.1152379      4.3809775E-02 -3.9386880E-02 -0.1281658     -0.2179670     -0.3040274     -0.3915856     -0.4696683     -0.5444492     -0.6110749     -0.6791326     -0.7347523     -0.7839606     -0.8253953     -0.8586093     -0.8892312     -0.9126283       0.000000      6.6751830E-02  8.4137790E-02  6.7704283E-02  2.9111819E-02 -2.2628907E-02 -8.1480391E-02 -0.1438914     -0.2086124     -0.2703888     -0.3346703     -0.3945127     -0.4479681     -0.5011196     -0.5440147     -0.5811126     -0.6173813     -0.6439003     -0.6631125     -0.6811221     -0.6912301       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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2.100202       2.386729       2.591981       2.748480       2.865304       2.949168       3.005280       3.073737       3.100442       3.099770       3.114707       3.127914       3.133646       3.098416       3.078382       3.059120       3.027440       2.975455       0.000000       1.023025       1.608455       1.988232       2.229614       2.421417       2.562738       2.663680       2.734880       2.808955       2.841500       2.850139       2.839021       2.845339       2.847223       2.814529       2.796552       2.775260       2.750243       2.715380       2.635764       0.000000      0.9652155       1.517295       1.853987       2.099369       2.274739       2.396022       2.485042       2.544866       2.579476       2.594982       2.593131       2.574311       2.568302       2.534045       2.513155       2.489130       2.437828       2.400327       2.354997       2.269798       0.000000      0.9055193       1.422299       1.738530       1.962528       2.097662       2.204681   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1.556090       1.510464       1.452301       1.384755       1.312177       1.234809       1.153473       1.080306      0.9974065      0.9105555      0.8232126       0.000000      0.6526976       1.014223       1.224160       1.344386       1.405415       1.424206       1.431328       1.400411       1.348647       1.299679       1.239417       1.159179       1.084004       1.004719      0.9222386      0.8368195      0.7570074      0.6701792      0.5829055      0.4953861       0.000000      0.5826217      0.9012946       1.080528       1.175521       1.215724       1.230636       1.207344       1.162244       1.100716       1.037842      0.9579337      0.8799447      0.7968300      0.7118549      0.6247704      0.5360495      0.4474037      0.3586457      0.2735471      0.1840249       0.000000      0.5184529      0.7963795      0.9453194       1.015549       1.035061       1.019905      0.9800985      0.9220349      0.8507394      0.7692930      0.6896976      0.5980861      0.5105669   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-0.5905572     -0.6599542     -0.7305921     -0.7978736       0.000000      0.2528578      0.3640404      0.3829100      0.3466181      0.2822485      0.1972658      0.1051592      8.2948739E-03 -8.9790672E-02 -0.1891467     -0.2831688     -0.3730473     -0.4603888     -0.5440814     -0.6227907     -0.6985034     -0.7637187     -0.8238376     -0.8805849     -0.9264988       0.000000      0.1885054      0.2592339      0.2543775      0.2045317      0.1265098      3.5305627E-02 -6.2072530E-02 -0.1621234     -0.2584708     -0.3575123     -0.4464371     -0.5308823     -0.6134197     -0.6885770     -0.7575536     -0.8217517     -0.8797986     -0.9206573     -0.9643653      -1.003872       0.000000      0.1242122      0.1630535      0.1421122      8.7593541E-02  1.1373457E-02 -7.6202467E-02 -0.1670241     -0.2599932     -0.3486086     -0.4385376     -0.5184932     -0.5940051     -0.6692417     -0.7330206     -0.7899552     -0.8406205     -0.8834306     -0.9180381     -0.9494819     -0.9737477 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2.112525       2.406039       2.625947       2.791581       2.946676       3.049326       3.150645       3.207675       3.269654       3.288849       3.319357       3.343375       3.359416       3.366566       3.364863       3.355795       3.328006       3.279656       0.000000       1.051796       1.629358       2.021147       2.301938       2.509278       2.663295       2.777243       2.888727       2.955279       3.022446       3.054776       3.092146       3.091957       3.102387       3.109417       3.110323       3.104534       3.093314       3.065403       3.015895       0.000000      0.9902996       1.554218       1.924662       2.186519       2.373813       2.515852       2.620935       2.695274       2.743707       2.804724       2.825233       2.851092       2.843011       2.846049       2.847007       2.842304       2.829563       2.810426       2.779103       2.700865       0.000000      0.9388921       1.474583       1.821127       2.041728       2.216170       2.343663   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1.883987       1.855800       1.815792       1.766728       1.726699       1.664937       1.611072       1.540533       1.476911       1.396194       1.310531       0.000000      0.7158837       1.113811       1.352196       1.514340       1.600373       1.662132       1.689648       1.683248       1.669119       1.639610       1.596521       1.546838       1.489240       1.422913       1.350545       1.286929       1.206520       1.131999       1.046829      0.9576769       0.000000      0.6567110       1.021528       1.236403       1.362160       1.444430       1.472669       1.485700       1.465067       1.436998       1.380370       1.326768       1.267302       1.198362       1.122018       1.051147      0.9679196      0.8789583      0.7966895      0.7087194      0.6175975       0.000000      0.5968419      0.9263462       1.115026       1.220327       1.270471       1.280852       1.280017       1.243444       1.198911       1.134036       1.071417      0.9983535      0.9176429   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2.107439       2.094806       2.093235       2.066286       2.048572       2.027229       1.978509       1.938030       1.896964       1.849772       1.784086       0.000000      0.7531894       1.166657       1.437830       1.620113       1.726798       1.808811       1.861702       1.887614       1.896101       1.888093       1.866302       1.851238       1.815147       1.785814       1.733016       1.687501       1.623387       1.569004       1.509262       1.433536       0.000000      0.7014278       1.088278       1.336716       1.485425       1.591703       1.656759       1.677548       1.691947       1.685765       1.665999       1.634245       1.591467       1.555271       1.498803       1.433136       1.376280       1.314353       1.237197       1.164494       1.080186       0.000000      0.6487632       1.006623       1.220066       1.362913       1.435906       1.486297       1.505252       1.492170       1.471922       1.440134       1.396345       1.342900       1.280961   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7.5791821E-02 -2.2507180E-02 -0.1252258     -0.2301655       0.000000      0.4273317      0.6531233      0.7649313      0.8097550      0.8103287      0.7797722      0.7272456      0.6581538      0.5837188      0.4952196      0.4028946      0.3056857      0.2060344      0.1041597      1.7018587E-03 -0.1000879     -0.1997316     -0.3003131     -0.4029970     -0.5050970       0.000000      0.3725994      0.5622103      0.6400331      0.6619388      0.6418560      0.5936002      0.5260940      0.4446286      0.3577103      0.2602708      0.1596955      5.7029717E-02 -4.6445765E-02 -0.1518658     -0.2547639     -0.3509683     -0.4467996     -0.5462701     -0.6418125     -0.7355008       0.000000      0.3175722      0.4662748      0.5229408      0.5196332      0.4733721      0.4082832      0.3266444      0.2340472      0.1364612      3.3157036E-02 -7.2773762E-02 -0.1774631     -0.2821267     -0.3834090     -0.4799389     -0.5693014     -0.6626183     -0.7530584     -0.8426668     -0.9233370  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     2.478237       2.580304       2.642186       2.706240       2.760703       2.804821       2.838734       2.862602       2.876716       2.881056       2.875895       2.863112       2.861510       2.801378       0.000000      0.8773273       1.379166       1.699592       1.937849       2.114082       2.269492       2.375977       2.450444       2.526466       2.589915       2.617810       2.651294       2.677611       2.695878       2.705992       2.707614       2.701025       2.687857       2.686210       2.626906       0.000000      0.8441842       1.312208       1.629412       1.855378       2.020705       2.141707       2.251899       2.322171       2.365955       2.418361       2.460479       2.469083       2.483107       2.492759       2.496355       2.493118       2.482797       2.467642       2.462981       2.403489       0.000000      0.8039271       1.254135       1.551494       1.761169       1.910094       2.021224       2.101142       2.158555       2.217569       2.241539       2.268359       2.266193       2.271065       2.273080       2.269428       2.259405       2.243249       2.223646       2.192556       2.140090       0.000000      0.7610465       1.189392       1.466470       1.642829       1.780226       1.878254       1.964613       2.014044       2.040915       2.048801       2.063944       2.052394       2.048026       2.039274       2.023536       2.003912       1.979034       1.951330       1.914852       1.840826       0.000000      0.7167737       1.121206       1.366323       1.544228       1.667924       1.749653       1.804989       1.838634       1.852598       1.849592       1.851054       1.829087       1.814728       1.777954       1.749855       1.717854       1.679632       1.639102       1.591377       1.510287       0.000000      0.6723206       1.040317       1.279902       1.439901       1.531317       1.599849       1.641703       1.661960       1.661860       1.647961       1.620345       1.601894       1.562943   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0.4562140      0.3614541      0.2657180      0.1627248       0.000000      0.4775801      0.7368574      0.8886119      0.9619714      0.9887990      0.9932019      0.9648733      0.9250403      0.8647336      0.7994350      0.7246821      0.6345251      0.5442810      0.4550888      0.3586096      0.2603298      0.1584292      5.5224150E-02 -4.9718924E-02 -0.1612829       0.000000      0.4296519      0.6602330      0.7784458      0.8303927      0.8476802      0.8270139      0.7829863      0.7281214      0.6556388      0.5773699      0.4852684      0.3903573      0.2911012      0.1914164      8.7609947E-02 -2.0123718E-02 -0.1279660     -0.2357266     -0.3464990     -0.4586999       0.000000      0.3809473      0.5807914      0.6736443      0.7051493      0.6959466      0.6577216      0.5981585      0.5287490      0.4440447      0.3530783      0.2516579      0.1477527      4.1913956E-02 -6.4883418E-02 -0.1755754     -0.2847204     -0.3896547     -0.4985916     -0.6028637     -0.7077963  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1.094321       1.047156       1.004178      0.9388249       0.000000      0.5027469      0.7721762      0.9440684       1.055482       1.125433       1.154514       1.183702       1.187264       1.175850       1.152251       1.117746       1.086858       1.040270      0.9964372      0.9478869      0.8931792      0.8330724      0.7691813      0.7006311      0.6172675       0.000000      0.4675652      0.7209796      0.8763375      0.9634526       1.018765       1.043764       1.048632       1.037610       1.013368      0.9778561      0.9321843      0.8865473      0.8280686      0.7691905      0.6973413      0.6258548      0.5490664      0.4670510      0.3807977      0.2860189       0.000000      0.4313121      0.6670732      0.7985706      0.8786626      0.9073763      0.9193154      0.9101726      0.8854388      0.8478628      0.7993057      0.7411888      0.6748923      0.6069000      0.5270185      0.4448439      0.3569797      0.2624863      0.1614271      5.8389429E-02 -5.3152461E-02   0.000000      0.3906275      0.6116319      0.7268293      0.7807785      0.8038311      0.7919988      0.7701751      0.7305499      0.6789948      0.6164593      0.5449961      0.4651209      0.3767251      0.2847146      0.1865914      8.1457503E-02 -2.8988350E-02 -0.1462871     -0.2642980     -0.3919276       0.000000      0.3562312      0.5488713      0.6507216      0.6884567      0.6883228      0.6706840      0.6263158      0.5727944      0.5064315      0.4297307      0.3441121      0.2492355      0.1467008      4.0503420E-02 -7.3013902E-02 -0.1926956     -0.3135064     -0.4358514     -0.5586581     -0.6887643       0.000000      0.3197793      0.4916327      0.5668961      0.5860678      0.5770320      0.5381497      0.4795869      0.4117375      0.3304781      0.2399918      0.1394005      3.0519348E-02 -8.3805010E-02 -0.2018185     -0.3254721     -0.4483452     -0.5695596     -0.6908398     -0.8099161     -0.9347328       0.000000      0.2830938      0.4322602 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-4.1039516E-03 -0.1195055     -0.2406292     -0.3650762     -0.4908425     -0.6135487     -0.7255624     -0.8409420     -0.9532297      -1.051606      -1.148946      -1.236790      -1.333734      -1.429524      -1.502875       0.000000      0.1353936      0.1846177      0.1583468      8.8868223E-02 -8.9365151E-03 -0.1250817     -0.2471861     -0.3720207     -0.4973101     -0.6184776     -0.7324409     -0.8433842     -0.9489233      -1.048977      -1.142811      -1.222105      -1.309325      -1.390692      -1.465614      -1.520668       0.000000      9.9771410E-02  0.1268955      9.0281352E-02  1.0991947E-02 -9.4048396E-02 -0.2138355     -0.3354870     -0.4584810     -0.5806615     -0.6934425     -0.7976122     -0.9010494     -0.9938840      -1.081456      -1.160235      -1.239718      -1.311752      -1.374252      -1.427730      -1.475416       0.000000      6.4694017E-02  7.5897843E-02  3.4845494E-02 -4.0775925E-02 -0.1370471     -0.2451074     -0.3527704     -0.4650188     -0.5673984 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1.600306       1.599629       1.609797       1.605800       1.609720       1.600895       1.592939       1.555840       0.000000      0.4804680      0.8008761       1.009129       1.152471       1.266929       1.343526       1.409379       1.448452       1.485598       1.514183       1.535701       1.550518       1.559063       1.561665       1.558417       1.548941       1.550385       1.541190       1.534259       1.498915       0.000000      0.4611343      0.7666901      0.9665926       1.103243       1.197714       1.276678       1.325298       1.369702       1.389677       1.410815       1.425556       1.434402       1.437693       1.435728       1.428517       1.415774       1.412029       1.399105       1.388964       1.351235       0.000000      0.4395989      0.7310852      0.9197532       1.046774       1.133875       1.192933       1.243674       1.269007       1.290988       1.295271       1.299680       1.299528       1.294876       1.285077       1.269938       1.249809   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0.3065928       0.000000      0.3701893      0.5901965      0.7133201      0.7783709      0.8161487      0.8281415      0.8207255      0.7997747      0.7675462      0.7253391      0.6810541      0.6248405      0.5675013      0.4989446      0.4280878      0.3511094      0.2671841      0.1788575      8.4980972E-02 -1.8396374E-02   0.000000      0.3553996      0.5486284      0.6506181      0.7092119      0.7305484      0.7214153      0.7022347      0.6683964      0.6236612      0.5688498      0.5054077      0.4399962      0.3634883      0.2821410      0.1928942      9.6236847E-02 -6.4288224E-03 -0.1191790     -0.2331232     -0.3590389       0.000000      0.3227908      0.5037094      0.5926775      0.6287778      0.6358473      0.6191109      0.5809218      0.5349550      0.4763165      0.4080831      0.3314949      0.2495573      0.1568088      5.7129234E-02 -5.0358754E-02 -0.1654960     -0.2864151     -0.4125010     -0.5339470     -0.6695746       0.000000      0.2938314      0.4529509  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0.1646487      7.1454540E-02 -3.3197921E-02 -0.1482212     -0.2716536     -0.3998940     -0.5269407     -0.6507258     -0.7808782     -0.9011542      -1.020266      -1.146122      -1.262631      -1.370442      -1.477061       0.000000      0.1705460      0.2534846      0.2560648      0.2108517      0.1386739      4.4870339E-02 -6.2066235E-02 -0.1804003     -0.3059453     -0.4362468     -0.5624614     -0.6926142     -0.8111395     -0.9344878      -1.049430      -1.165521      -1.271491      -1.381391      -1.477430      -1.575647       0.000000      0.1409848      0.2029329      0.1872851      0.1249621      3.8288232E-02 -7.1381673E-02 -0.1907577     -0.3196803     -0.4500442     -0.5806236     -0.7055339     -0.8296534     -0.9411161      -1.055940      -1.167904      -1.265100      -1.365575      -1.450382      -1.545708      -1.641586       0.000000      0.1099572      0.1532673      0.1217673      4.7163904E-02 -5.5073421E-02 -0.1756350     -0.3025058     -0.4389037     -0.5685897  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-0.6839811     -0.7337667     -0.7862795     -0.8254746     -0.8556418     -0.8806990     -0.9003504     -0.9237713       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.3766986      0.6262623      0.7879610      0.9029135      0.9744228       1.030981       1.064389       1.092914       1.114123       1.128618       1.137057       1.139729       1.136832       1.140398       1.134172       1.132786       1.120737       1.116443       1.107238       1.071580       0.000000      0.3603001      0.6054145      0.7670534      0.8779982      0.9510042      0.9995893       1.040640       1.071281       1.083540       1.095406       1.102890       1.105576       1.114681       1.114308       1.107703       1.107190 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0.5140015       0.000000      0.2873771      0.4853895      0.6100357      0.6869107      0.7298744      0.7501953      0.7622219      0.7552359      0.7429043      0.7187614      0.6930582      0.6552709      0.6173083      0.5761702      0.5312977      0.4822995      0.4323138      0.3757628      0.3178015      0.2463867       0.000000      0.2724290      0.4568894      0.5752860      0.6409932      0.6717656      0.6810805      0.6740636      0.6532958      0.6290748      0.5940381      0.5548341      0.5050768      0.4544924      0.3993737      0.3387246      0.2715437      0.1991237      0.1195128      3.6086105E-02 -5.8703899E-02   0.000000      0.2555738      0.4314407      0.5402374      0.5853143      0.6043322      0.6007705      0.5810094      0.5477741      0.5128402      0.4646134      0.4075224      0.3481280      0.2827805      0.2105946      0.1299273      4.1160651E-02 -5.4029658E-02 -0.1581393     -0.2656077     -0.3898044       0.000000      0.2405573      0.4084876  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0.2575225      0.1891453      0.1066360      1.2245956E-02 -9.2882991E-02 -0.2086962     -0.3305271     -0.4576429     -0.5880912     -0.7199255     -0.8585464     -0.9958811      -1.131801      -1.267674      -1.408155       0.000000      0.1852155      0.2854384      0.3111573      0.2874977      0.2344399      0.1678357      8.3567895E-02 -1.3515010E-02 -0.1233190     -0.2410224     -0.3676332     -0.4987972     -0.6311917     -0.7630095     -0.8971193      -1.037524      -1.166926      -1.295984      -1.420899      -1.550048       0.000000      0.1602062      0.2471291      0.2586934      0.2200190      0.1541482      7.2775736E-02 -2.5343331E-02 -0.1384960     -0.2600392     -0.3880628     -0.5192389     -0.6570045     -0.7909880     -0.9194188      -1.055112      -1.177459      -1.301471      -1.421108      -1.530695      -1.656954       0.000000      0.1354118      0.2051489      0.2027039      0.1497502      7.1583733E-02 -2.4862058E-02 -0.1378017     -0.2626819     -0.3960131  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-1.108976      -1.201146      -1.291202      -1.374275      -1.447471      -1.511265      -1.567213      -1.618363       0.000000      4.0432882E-02  5.1137052E-02  1.1455267E-02 -6.5340325E-02 -0.1662047     -0.2793479     -0.3947996     -0.5142461     -0.6234675     -0.7293163     -0.8333076     -0.9254298      -1.008202      -1.086759      -1.165638      -1.230807      -1.284408      -1.328782      -1.365772      -1.400256       0.000000      1.9338246E-02  2.0835700E-02 -7.5706001E-03 -5.9770413E-02 -0.1256663     -0.1974225     -0.2738168     -0.3518297     -0.4257037     -0.5003054     -0.5682171     -0.6355007     -0.6935124     -0.7512842     -0.7967684     -0.8444416     -0.8761450     -0.9021875     -0.9227753     -0.9464428       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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0.4761747       0.000000      0.2269578      0.3638771      0.4471862      0.5055854      0.5330216      0.5524873      0.5571537      0.5596265      0.5559607      0.5481607      0.5362141      0.5204912      0.5012952      0.4787232      0.4579405      0.4320118      0.4061335      0.3772649      0.3490882      0.3070767       0.000000      0.2125432      0.3397447      0.4172370      0.4661487      0.4895114      0.4985832      0.5016382      0.4911418      0.4790118      0.4608602      0.4382289      0.4111741      0.3800302      0.3449671      0.3094473      0.2689295      0.2257541      0.1782013      0.1296360      7.0334353E-02   0.000000      0.1952842      0.3151872      0.3848975      0.4237794      0.4448853      0.4458338      0.4340624      0.4178112      0.3896310      0.3589722      0.3228250      0.2816783      0.2357329      0.1848143      0.1304499      7.0593864E-02  2.4156743E-03 -6.9049515E-02 -0.1450414     -0.2378113       0.000000      0.1793020      0.2894312  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0.1897828      0.1279452      5.8168024E-02 -2.2859728E-02 -0.1124757     -0.2108892     -0.3192627     -0.4315524     -0.5553769     -0.6891575     -0.8213350     -0.9677183      -1.118208      -1.260729      -1.426264       0.000000      0.1191944      0.2044030      0.2538586      0.2351173      0.1896787      0.1253240      5.1736917E-02 -3.1940561E-02 -0.1266253     -0.2296681     -0.3422756     -0.4645675     -0.5890329     -0.7244784     -0.8639074      -1.009497      -1.162884      -1.305574      -1.458313      -1.621008       0.000000      0.1071026      0.1895856      0.2279921      0.1961382      0.1367391      6.1129715E-02 -2.3434345E-02 -0.1204335     -0.2265109     -0.3413261     -0.4671747     -0.5992037     -0.7367050     -0.8775692      -1.019590      -1.171838      -1.323596      -1.470931      -1.617154      -1.768792       0.000000      9.7238660E-02  0.1810354      0.1980856      0.1553601      8.5086539E-02 -1.5610233E-03 -9.7695038E-02 -0.2070847     -0.3237131  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-0.1705325       0.000000      7.0692256E-02  0.1449303      0.1972990      0.2287616      0.2419204      0.2434462      0.2368080      0.2243947      0.2101165      0.1926003      0.1749564      0.1555353      0.1360738      0.1166356      9.6454762E-02  7.5905629E-02  5.5103775E-02  3.2307640E-02  1.1982879E-02 -8.6743413E-03   0.000000      5.8851548E-02  0.1235059      0.1755392      0.2048074      0.2188700      0.2225559      0.2188558      0.2111734      0.2002900      0.1854751      0.1695883      0.1521190      0.1339492      0.1153833      9.5936209E-02  7.5827368E-02  5.3386275E-02  2.8842861E-02  6.6113439E-03 -1.6832780E-02   0.000000      4.6314232E-02  9.8062120E-02  0.1398062      0.1644390      0.1789113      0.1822315      0.1773427      0.1676734      0.1544998      0.1372334      0.1181880      9.6238539E-02  7.2302110E-02  4.6337817E-02  1.7854296E-02 -1.3019819E-02 -4.6486981E-02 -8.2700528E-02 -0.1152970     -0.1623076       0.000000      3.3955004E-02  6.8781279E-02  9.6578650E-02  0.1172933      0.1265427      0.1251280      0.1150032      9.9552251E-02  7.9379261E-02  5.4656334E-02  2.5575189E-02 -7.7572768E-03 -4.5849606E-02 -8.6703353E-02 -0.1316155     -0.1836943     -0.2406870     -0.3032769     -0.3678018     -0.4490978       0.000000      2.1781536E-02  3.5339542E-02  5.0418910E-02  6.3180625E-02  6.4523153E-02  5.4447323E-02  3.5315491E-02  8.8657551E-03 -2.3760540E-02 -6.2275335E-02 -0.1064255     -0.1595716     -0.2210348     -0.2862321     -0.3598453     -0.4345128     -0.5186237     -0.6094683     -0.7025560     -0.8202324       0.000000      9.8393010E-03  9.7844459E-04  3.2077457E-03  3.4861993E-03 -7.4692811E-03 -3.0502299E-02 -6.3640907E-02 -0.1063838     -0.1558387     -0.2145468     -0.2838182     -0.3614592     -0.4445848     -0.5358024     -0.6340110     -0.7311152     -0.8413013     -0.9579892      -1.085459      -1.233461       0.000000     -1.7603586E-03 -3.2592360E-02 -4.5835044E-02 -6.2356960E-02 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-1.838043      -1.982534      -2.136296      -2.273848      -2.399523      -2.549272      -2.673230      -2.802662      -2.926480       0.000000     -4.9901206E-02 -0.1833855     -0.3561822     -0.5465928     -0.7383447     -0.9295187      -1.104339      -1.279497      -1.436257      -1.600475      -1.762384      -1.903972      -2.049121      -2.174453      -2.318681      -2.424265      -2.556691      -2.675349      -2.806298      -2.911657       0.000000     -4.8484564E-02 -0.1812591     -0.3605659     -0.5582719     -0.7574161     -0.9517071      -1.138682      -1.303198      -1.467480      -1.623038      -1.772701      -1.918668      -2.038743      -2.170986      -2.290730      -2.384558      -2.505865      -2.629401      -2.718855      -2.828419       0.000000     -4.4368260E-02 -0.1705542     -0.3428105     -0.5351146     -0.7300667     -0.9195663      -1.101502      -1.271272      -1.428528      -1.573997      -1.713489      -1.846302      -1.969876      -2.086666      -2.175406  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6.6384286E-02  8.8960595E-02  9.3365029E-02  8.3174542E-02  6.1835054E-02  3.3500820E-02  1.4868204E-03 -3.3949424E-02 -6.7720018E-02 -0.1005372     -0.1316124     -0.1599261     -0.1872519     -0.2120965     -0.2452203     -0.2771457     -0.3124388     -0.3466214     -0.3790467     -0.4303384       0.000000      6.0582213E-02  8.1124239E-02  8.6834662E-02  7.8597307E-02  5.8998521E-02  3.3532616E-02  4.4043036E-03 -2.5832467E-02 -5.5197783E-02 -8.3666280E-02 -0.1124309     -0.1414027     -0.1724414     -0.2071623     -0.2462064     -0.2874429     -0.3316922     -0.3759001     -0.4227773     -0.4870565       0.000000      5.2822199E-02  6.7550570E-02  6.9504090E-02  5.9270043E-02  4.0050652E-02  1.5317624E-02 -1.1074809E-02 -3.8655885E-02 -6.8645328E-02 -0.1009226     -0.1362244     -0.1786898     -0.2248402     -0.2732282     -0.3275743     -0.3827164     -0.4425145     -0.5089827     -0.5766400     -0.6621865       0.000000      4.4266984E-02  5.0460663E-02  4.4559874E-02  3.0341251E-02  9.6152201E-03 -1.4418289E-02 -4.2602930E-02 -7.5776659E-02 -0.1150253     -0.1604347     -0.2129038     -0.2706621     -0.3333067     -0.3973625     -0.4697394     -0.5437948     -0.6294233     -0.7213665     -0.8131892     -0.9326007       0.000000      3.5252791E-02  3.0286478E-02  1.4086165E-02 -5.7150433E-03 -2.9213700E-02 -5.8135435E-02 -9.5707990E-02 -0.1418310     -0.1975264     -0.2603343     -0.3307811     -0.4024443     -0.4818160     -0.5685393     -0.6614025     -0.7631131     -0.8738478     -0.9938346      -1.113718      -1.269071       0.000000      2.6392587E-02  7.1117920E-03 -2.0376077E-02 -4.7476970E-02 -7.8266457E-02 -0.1200399     -0.1736184     -0.2368339     -0.3070523     -0.3887765     -0.4762473     -0.5687791     -0.6701590     -0.7773617     -0.8944435      -1.020467      -1.151794      -1.304737      -1.453471      -1.617762       0.000000      1.7142480E-02 -1.6966160E-02 -5.7269976E-02 -9.5448412E-02 -0.1404447     -0.2007301     -0.2734525  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-1.229295      -1.390379      -1.559799      -1.724714      -1.883375      -2.043492      -2.198893      -2.353230      -2.512273      -2.674749       0.000000     -1.4505423E-02 -0.1074654     -0.2174624     -0.3404583     -0.4792836     -0.6191668     -0.7633021     -0.9156376      -1.070603      -1.240667      -1.403868      -1.569755      -1.745412      -1.896803      -2.051233      -2.199705      -2.338220      -2.487410      -2.631063      -2.770832       0.000000     -1.9940058E-02 -0.1224072     -0.2531079     -0.3998850     -0.5610739     -0.7188618     -0.8797978      -1.051387      -1.211553      -1.385281      -1.551024      -1.720163      -1.870939      -2.010641      -2.171370      -2.299781      -2.432412      -2.584965      -2.705154      -2.831802       0.000000     -2.3582835E-02 -0.1339358     -0.2772787     -0.4469137     -0.6260707     -0.8004164     -0.9770845      -1.155540      -1.317548      -1.488865      -1.659532      -1.806343      -1.956809      -2.088144  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-2.220963      -2.288673      -2.351628       0.000000     -1.8549418E-02 -9.1830857E-02 -0.2013076     -0.3345543     -0.4729834     -0.6197794     -0.7581937     -0.8908636      -1.026652      -1.148703      -1.259243      -1.377533      -1.471876      -1.562612      -1.640866      -1.733377      -1.796591      -1.848647      -1.900896      -1.942744       0.000000     -1.0909310E-02 -5.2711416E-02 -0.1159060     -0.1920198     -0.2729843     -0.3592274     -0.4480208     -0.5332308     -0.6203646     -0.7068970     -0.7830645     -0.8618689     -0.9283663     -0.9969630      -1.050692      -1.108093      -1.147349      -1.180821      -1.218817      -1.238166       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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3.9806288E-02 -3.2691897E-03 -5.1051151E-02 -9.8298624E-02 -0.1434045     -0.1838040     -0.2243967     -0.2660011     -0.3111113     -0.3606129     -0.4094348     -0.4595357     -0.5105628     -0.5646386     -0.6179681     -0.6732993     -0.7481248       0.000000      8.1189275E-02  9.2449993E-02  7.2702996E-02  4.2158246E-02  1.1990159E-03 -4.3464713E-02 -8.6836159E-02 -0.1274643     -0.1683445     -0.2123207     -0.2603326     -0.3134697     -0.3669905     -0.4268742     -0.4862321     -0.5471838     -0.6174622     -0.6843870     -0.7549080     -0.8542629       0.000000      7.4729733E-02  8.3959237E-02  6.3570172E-02  3.1869970E-02 -9.3106143E-03 -5.1435087E-02 -9.3896799E-02 -0.1372399     -0.1867674     -0.2406044     -0.2999149     -0.3641194     -0.4287129     -0.5008342     -0.5783249     -0.6541501     -0.7417551     -0.8281639     -0.9282793      -1.053063       0.000000      6.7454644E-02  7.0574135E-02  4.6536703E-02  1.0516912E-02 -3.0708296E-02 -7.3604219E-02 -0.1224173  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-0.7738473     -0.9048433      -1.048011      -1.189883      -1.349107      -1.501546      -1.664638      -1.818698      -1.994113      -2.183856       0.000000      3.1500794E-02 -5.8261715E-03 -7.4161157E-02 -0.1453495     -0.2313424     -0.3314407     -0.4351479     -0.5497274     -0.6744053     -0.8069329     -0.9497662      -1.090292      -1.246147      -1.406471      -1.569675      -1.736180      -1.889713      -2.059134      -2.222529      -2.394540       0.000000      2.2304127E-02 -2.8257625E-02 -0.1097874     -0.1991159     -0.3070611     -0.4245040     -0.5478066     -0.6792831     -0.8189206     -0.9671142      -1.122842      -1.283387      -1.445565      -1.603586      -1.761962      -1.926853      -2.091784      -2.250170      -2.384417      -2.542665       0.000000      1.3548709E-02 -4.9898889E-02 -0.1459476     -0.2564315     -0.3867416     -0.5212614     -0.6600766     -0.8078907     -0.9586663      -1.127092      -1.289911      -1.457012      -1.613225      -1.763440 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-2.477589      -2.583820      -2.664536       0.000000     -9.1914712E-03 -9.3196094E-02 -0.2328456     -0.4015175     -0.5892068     -0.7727057     -0.9521815      -1.122468      -1.287445      -1.442876      -1.585597      -1.722317      -1.853178      -1.955438      -2.066040      -2.175655      -2.284924      -2.385574      -2.453408      -2.536757       0.000000     -1.0528260E-02 -8.8248678E-02 -0.2171027     -0.3743702     -0.5485952     -0.7194147     -0.8876701      -1.044258      -1.205621      -1.346229      -1.473806      -1.600966      -1.714544      -1.819062      -1.913793      -2.013453      -2.102308      -2.175934      -2.244214      -2.307807       0.000000     -9.7656669E-03 -7.1659960E-02 -0.1761784     -0.3031453     -0.4431289     -0.5835110     -0.7278950     -0.8603069     -0.9964601      -1.118469      -1.228753      -1.347505      -1.441673      -1.532517      -1.610645      -1.703914      -1.767060      -1.818898      -1.871433      -1.913543       0.000000  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-0.1121965     -0.1965817     -0.2774462     -0.3565007     -0.4363486     -0.5183213     -0.6044176     -0.6857972     -0.7647902     -0.8420088     -0.9179293     -0.9929132      -1.067995      -1.143927      -1.217265      -1.284655      -1.392730       0.000000      5.5560194E-02  5.3886093E-02  1.0710756E-02 -5.2289918E-02 -0.1226312     -0.1932351     -0.2613342     -0.3249672     -0.3893081     -0.4597280     -0.5258987     -0.5897134     -0.6528233     -0.7149324     -0.7763224     -0.8377221     -0.9004090     -0.9603890      -1.024577      -1.109662       0.000000      7.3986232E-02  7.3646493E-02  4.0449791E-02 -1.2522014E-02 -7.4280597E-02 -0.1368061     -0.1966103     -0.2523994     -0.3098238     -0.3682202     -0.4264777     -0.4889626     -0.5484006     -0.6070553     -0.6668513     -0.7272261     -0.7900615     -0.8519000     -0.9156356      -1.008555       0.000000      8.0398068E-02  8.5796945E-02  5.7535514E-02  1.0588471E-02 -4.5370374E-02 -0.1027416     -0.1567436 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-0.5015423     -0.5990480     -0.7073277     -0.8157236     -0.9326438      -1.057298      -1.193410      -1.332847      -1.475573      -1.652454       0.000000      6.4904332E-02  6.7673810E-02  3.3630610E-02 -1.7512564E-02 -7.7071466E-02 -0.1433968     -0.2216723     -0.3070025     -0.4029877     -0.5017670     -0.6089040     -0.7262374     -0.8446078     -0.9688864      -1.112398      -1.258223      -1.418898      -1.571457      -1.725388      -1.910874       0.000000      5.6759991E-02  5.3516299E-02  1.0416840E-02 -4.7945973E-02 -0.1178853     -0.1977745     -0.2891773     -0.3910320     -0.4976234     -0.6157957     -0.7443444     -0.8696784      -1.011493      -1.153076      -1.312230      -1.480204      -1.632161      -1.802983      -1.964040      -2.151687       0.000000      4.9772263E-02  3.7217706E-02 -1.7254995E-02 -8.7245680E-02 -0.1702405     -0.2672740     -0.3732905     -0.4889349     -0.6144209     -0.7472315     -0.8903611      -1.030847      -1.185780      -1.346509 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-2.383901      -2.512189      -2.666155       0.000000      1.7562803E-02 -3.6627885E-02 -0.1465334     -0.2864733     -0.4448824     -0.6095889     -0.7790403     -0.9447967      -1.117498      -1.292992      -1.453728      -1.612414      -1.755203      -1.910486      -2.031858      -2.172152      -2.297734      -2.434030      -2.547683      -2.676116       0.000000      1.0547983E-02 -5.0418049E-02 -0.1724949     -0.3256086     -0.4986788     -0.6741176     -0.8501698      -1.025822      -1.197055      -1.365958      -1.527488      -1.663083      -1.809843      -1.942699      -2.051024      -2.176805      -2.303634      -2.406875      -2.515212      -2.598002       0.000000      4.5002075E-03 -5.7801064E-02 -0.1835597     -0.3446318     -0.5261564     -0.7051684     -0.8819997      -1.052593      -1.218845      -1.375849      -1.520160      -1.658186      -1.790295      -1.893265      -2.005845      -2.112939      -2.220393      -2.323868      -2.393572      -2.477788       0.000000  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-2.147044      -2.312005      -2.484644       0.000000      3.9397828E-02  2.9799959E-02 -4.1720919E-02 -0.1362651     -0.2470328     -0.3770256     -0.5142772     -0.6606396     -0.8101259     -0.9760444      -1.136634      -1.296418      -1.461949      -1.623894      -1.776786      -1.950080      -2.105547      -2.255562      -2.411719      -2.568227       0.000000      3.1602707E-02  1.4407675E-02 -6.9991030E-02 -0.1811397     -0.3110326     -0.4584042     -0.6112863     -0.7741229     -0.9335943      -1.106622      -1.267141      -1.428408      -1.597822      -1.750991      -1.890854      -2.052301      -2.193313      -2.334388      -2.488954      -2.624838       0.000000      2.4495287E-02 -2.1975001E-03 -9.8499142E-02 -0.2247103     -0.3750967     -0.5381426     -0.7088345     -0.8744143      -1.045114      -1.218394      -1.374807      -1.540370      -1.687594      -1.835069      -1.963762      -2.112612      -2.243583      -2.380777      -2.494863      -2.624251       0.000000  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-0.2436735     -0.4097938     -0.5854689     -0.7631228     -0.9349549      -1.097021      -1.272348      -1.423560      -1.562649      -1.678781      -1.802913      -1.919726      -2.030690      -2.136103      -2.237035      -2.307106      -2.391231       0.000000      8.5152341E-03 -1.5028019E-02 -0.1100447     -0.2475271     -0.4122342     -0.5801874     -0.7491825     -0.9083467      -1.057800      -1.215142      -1.346617      -1.468773      -1.587959      -1.696475      -1.794669      -1.884126      -1.967813      -2.044664      -2.112246      -2.173932       0.000000      4.4510369E-03 -1.9243879E-02 -0.1010284     -0.2174547     -0.3542491     -0.4941221     -0.6398349     -0.7727356     -0.9009891      -1.032537      -1.142624      -1.249440      -1.356034      -1.446889      -1.525673      -1.595015      -1.661466      -1.716319      -1.761134      -1.803516       0.000000      1.3947014E-03 -1.5318838E-02 -6.6431977E-02 -0.1373112     -0.2190789     -0.3060874     -0.3957472 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-2.190183      -2.374174      -2.536962      -2.717614      -2.876596      -3.059778      -3.220180      -3.371732      -3.532967      -3.746602       0.000000     -0.1117790     -0.2750641     -0.4560622     -0.6435435     -0.8327007      -1.012974      -1.186504      -1.354943      -1.519004      -1.663417      -1.810602      -1.940778      -2.081806      -2.205673      -2.346575      -2.470726      -2.590532      -2.704764      -2.823323      -2.988121       0.000000     -9.6107557E-02 -0.2305708     -0.3836811     -0.5438989     -0.7029166     -0.8533192     -0.9979694      -1.136660      -1.270613      -1.385650      -1.505869      -1.611013      -1.726533      -1.831255      -1.950090      -2.054731      -2.178146      -2.282684      -2.386935      -2.535426       0.000000     -8.3275102E-02 -0.1942512     -0.3232403     -0.4554014     -0.5873083     -0.7146660     -0.8370392     -0.9535199      -1.064618      -1.173946      -1.269298      -1.374188      -1.484443      -1.581496  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-1.845531      -2.007260      -2.186472       0.000000     -4.9689189E-02 -7.9681754E-02 -0.1174279     -0.1954048     -0.2850760     -0.3821044     -0.4769106     -0.5815725     -0.6837304     -0.7979623     -0.9082419      -1.021634      -1.156199      -1.288730      -1.430332      -1.596584      -1.752637      -1.930642      -2.095843      -2.297176       0.000000     -4.3500736E-02 -4.8060577E-02 -8.4536687E-02 -0.1634784     -0.2555982     -0.3508416     -0.4530861     -0.5627810     -0.6734877     -0.7950250     -0.9153055      -1.050926      -1.200627      -1.350174      -1.518267      -1.691393      -1.851663      -2.034033      -2.204560      -2.406479       0.000000     -3.7164714E-02 -1.4289848E-02 -6.3047655E-02 -0.1446499     -0.2395895     -0.3413503     -0.4508211     -0.5683609     -0.6962563     -0.8243161     -0.9648232      -1.115366      -1.277662      -1.448959      -1.624095      -1.784666      -1.960528      -2.140125      -2.325682      -2.523038       0.000000  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-0.1764749     -0.3081731     -0.4616462     -0.6284745     -0.7962271     -0.9729152      -1.154652      -1.321696      -1.496319      -1.651986      -1.815042      -1.948700      -2.097589      -2.254415      -2.375589      -2.491676      -2.631058       0.000000      1.2677972E-02  6.8492396E-03 -7.1623638E-02 -0.1972111     -0.3435822     -0.5111503     -0.6876092     -0.8667505      -1.042923      -1.223022      -1.384337      -1.545807      -1.693347      -1.838173      -1.958208      -2.091185      -2.223623      -2.329378      -2.440919      -2.554128       0.000000      9.1206245E-03  6.6671835E-04 -8.3212622E-02 -0.2150685     -0.3719147     -0.5465136     -0.7256359     -0.9007766      -1.067122      -1.246965      -1.403067      -1.547079      -1.667769      -1.794813      -1.913121      -2.026175      -2.134218      -2.238002      -2.312800      -2.399576       0.000000      5.2322089E-03 -6.0463808E-03 -8.8108219E-02 -0.2177850     -0.3742726     -0.5457976     -0.7170078 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-2.599977      -2.724435      -2.916232       0.000000     -0.1889872     -0.3340939     -0.4964152     -0.6383482     -0.7811745     -0.9086038      -1.033044      -1.154972      -1.271357      -1.398979      -1.518809      -1.636149      -1.752247      -1.870574      -1.995355      -2.129198      -2.270627      -2.415411      -2.569652      -2.749835       0.000000     -0.1638228     -0.2946075     -0.4223223     -0.5429674     -0.6610433     -0.7776297     -0.9024515      -1.015173      -1.128543      -1.252753      -1.368702      -1.481544      -1.597549      -1.720485      -1.872488      -2.017841      -2.166714      -2.322514      -2.486487      -2.694434       0.000000     -0.1385949     -0.2572334     -0.3509091     -0.4528373     -0.5610262     -0.6780520     -0.7889363     -0.9080787      -1.021662      -1.145451      -1.261361      -1.378328      -1.518207      -1.655142      -1.818676      -1.976156      -2.134920      -2.320004      -2.491938      -2.702676       0.000000  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-0.2387801     -0.3564493     -0.4848638     -0.6189885     -0.7610493     -0.9141592      -1.070785      -1.252384      -1.428405      -1.601257      -1.781184      -1.957859      -2.123172      -2.315335      -2.487800      -2.650776      -2.821902       0.000000     -7.1380056E-02 -6.9292322E-02 -0.1172238     -0.2194361     -0.3466491     -0.4849839     -0.6304747     -0.7871324     -0.9573715      -1.124790      -1.315830      -1.489188      -1.662243      -1.847694      -2.012525      -2.163630      -2.340259      -2.492974      -2.644031      -2.814196       0.000000     -5.9623189E-02 -3.5710335E-02 -0.1009915     -0.2115007     -0.3478242     -0.5001821     -0.6577327     -0.8327681      -1.003278      -1.187016      -1.376752      -1.541413      -1.720288      -1.877959      -2.036140      -2.172244      -2.331656      -2.470627      -2.615749      -2.738116       0.000000     -4.6672393E-02 -2.9334301E-02 -9.2023119E-02 -0.2121121     -0.3560494     -0.5220968     -0.6924840 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-1.130192      -1.253153      -1.350853      -1.444380      -1.525547      -1.603990      -1.685669      -1.739592      -1.793999      -1.837526       0.000000     -4.8839631E-03 -1.0172606E-02 -4.7105685E-02 -0.1144383     -0.1973169     -0.2873290     -0.3801714     -0.4674855     -0.5570027     -0.6454625     -0.7218058     -0.8016432     -0.8679544     -0.9371848     -0.9906437      -1.048431      -1.087445      -1.120695      -1.159216      -1.178557       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.8850555      -1.461936      -2.025761      -2.575544      -3.081537      -3.585232      -4.043140      -4.514589      -4.948410      -5.366081      -5.773373      -6.173989      -6.570929      -6.967784  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-5.039126      -5.259557      -5.504187       0.000000     -0.6101635     -0.9501817      -1.282261      -1.585013      -1.882375      -2.143653      -2.374764      -2.609346      -2.809950      -2.997991      -3.178861      -3.355115      -3.530973      -3.671227      -3.835224      -4.008464      -4.186265      -4.368623      -4.512755      -4.746531       0.000000     -0.5485922     -0.8470789      -1.136646      -1.401717      -1.659815      -1.881063      -2.091829      -2.270617      -2.437499      -2.596668      -2.748620      -2.902219      -3.055299      -3.207618      -3.358618      -3.509055      -3.666497      -3.829096      -3.958374      -4.173722       0.000000     -0.4969693     -0.7492115      -1.003026      -1.237315      -1.458217      -1.639723      -1.819019      -1.972297      -2.122335      -2.261133      -2.418926      -2.562003      -2.700802      -2.835129      -2.971166      -3.116787      -3.269215      -3.423904      -3.593425      -3.821497       0.000000  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-0.6885557     -0.8166029     -0.9478079      -1.077786      -1.210230      -1.349237      -1.492121      -1.625667      -1.778782      -1.949290      -2.130693      -2.318918      -2.514434      -2.684740      -2.883094      -3.092185      -3.313923       0.000000     -0.2678641     -0.3735667     -0.4912539     -0.5857629     -0.7081212     -0.8383780     -0.9668353      -1.103897      -1.244259      -1.392462      -1.550004      -1.719139      -1.901700      -2.086196      -2.274932      -2.462812      -2.655518      -2.858516      -3.056663      -3.257471       0.000000     -0.2257372     -0.3257762     -0.4056959     -0.4904600     -0.6111922     -0.7414500     -0.8826393      -1.025308      -1.173717      -1.333376      -1.500261      -1.695998      -1.880903      -2.070973      -2.257076      -2.431130      -2.640548      -2.832719      -3.009321      -3.192297       0.000000     -0.1924564     -0.2820271     -0.3170833     -0.4107178     -0.5401369     -0.6733558     -0.8219787 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-1.468891      -1.631027      -1.785761      -1.928475      -2.059470      -2.196884      -2.325933      -2.415879      -2.518010      -2.616584       0.000000     -7.1597420E-02 -7.5972416E-02 -0.1156524     -0.2174956     -0.3624937     -0.5251914     -0.7027336     -0.8779279      -1.059536      -1.222186      -1.370960      -1.514676      -1.644769      -1.762960      -1.869599      -1.999812      -2.096685      -2.180018      -2.257013      -2.328301       0.000000     -4.7451064E-02 -4.8069444E-02 -8.2791306E-02 -0.1722517     -0.3000470     -0.4444517     -0.6008304     -0.7477854     -0.8980911      -1.032612      -1.153950      -1.281211      -1.384096      -1.481485      -1.567136      -1.663890      -1.732223      -1.790074      -1.846642      -1.892753       0.000000     -2.1969324E-02 -2.5625223E-02 -4.7395244E-02 -0.1062436     -0.1888968     -0.2817012     -0.3784830     -0.4697172     -0.5624660     -0.6535127     -0.7326639     -0.8143507     -0.8832347     -0.9538328  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-17.34419      -18.04983      -18.93926       0.000000      -1.893669      -3.313038      -4.533725      -5.597487      -6.604899      -7.480887      -8.280913      -9.103674      -9.816726      -10.48658      -11.12686      -11.74532      -12.34990      -12.94497      -13.53700      -14.12744      -14.72038      -15.31930      -15.92570      -16.53605       0.000000      -1.785919      -3.067523      -4.173167      -5.124082      -6.022377      -6.793666      -7.485389      -8.117981      -8.707762      -9.263512      -9.792845      -10.30482      -10.80394      -11.29591      -11.78384      -12.27228      -12.76486      -13.25789      -13.75617      -14.26053       0.000000      -1.677199      -2.826192      -3.823247      -4.669119      -5.464976      -6.128472      -6.730211      -7.276427      -7.779302      -8.251589      -8.702526      -9.135614      -9.557058      -9.970984      -10.38284      -10.79705      -11.09165      -11.45622      -11.85150      -12.25545       0.000000  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-3.047211      -3.481515      -3.848218      -4.205548      -4.498132      -4.756190      -4.999904      -5.234358      -5.455048      -5.667281      -5.892371      -6.115857      -6.337285      -6.555905      -6.781490      -7.017943      -7.272143       0.000000      -1.115831      -1.730575      -2.245768      -2.699674      -3.074062      -3.379300      -3.688979      -3.933870      -4.159421      -4.384727      -4.586753      -4.780835      -5.027446      -5.240351      -5.445343      -5.645176      -5.860206      -6.084411      -6.312756      -6.618363       0.000000      -1.000620      -1.535733      -1.980891      -2.376264      -2.685891      -2.973390      -3.210155      -3.424427      -3.670004      -3.863701      -4.044740      -4.235685      -4.469634      -4.667638      -4.857263      -5.058806      -5.317984      -5.536252      -5.767825      -6.061357       0.000000     -0.8860148      -1.351340      -1.725054      -2.068928      -2.317320      -2.565949      -2.771360  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-2.498288      -2.701613      -2.910194      -3.086663      -3.286875      -3.485056      -3.682746      -3.876130      -4.064132      -4.252555       0.000000     -0.4559901     -0.6754302     -0.8637432     -0.9601420      -1.123833      -1.292605      -1.471118      -1.648140      -1.835895      -2.028502      -2.222782      -2.421079      -2.615958      -2.805042      -2.984774      -3.159194      -3.329335      -3.487014      -3.651139      -3.808951       0.000000     -0.3586179     -0.5163710     -0.6699529     -0.7571962     -0.8946103      -1.058381      -1.225727      -1.404732      -1.589283      -1.780058      -1.962941      -2.162516      -2.339295      -2.505671      -2.658495      -2.814213      -2.955807      -3.082594      -3.236916      -3.352812       0.000000     -0.2637091     -0.3822382     -0.4652529     -0.5565437     -0.6745334     -0.8270721     -0.9918548      -1.162683      -1.339023      -1.522692      -1.687755      -1.844829      -2.013272      -2.147742  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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      -2.206266      -4.153139      -5.834904      -7.385701      -8.831644      -10.19659      -11.49930      -12.75251      -13.96917      -15.15950      -16.16963      -17.25520      -18.35182      -19.45784      -20.57151      -21.47538      -22.51826      -23.59754      -24.70262      -25.80720       0.000000      -2.097214      -3.913799      -5.455929      -6.878088      -8.202325      -9.447863      -10.63309      -11.77026      -12.87200      -13.79609      -14.78385      -15.77210      -16.59677      -17.51719      -18.46205      -19.22852      -20.12320      -21.05564      -21.79315      -22.66260       0.000000      -1.987909      -3.671849      -5.080264      -6.381667      -7.587931      -8.717834      -9.789745      -10.70309      -11.63423      -12.54911      -13.45107      -14.18998      -15.01112      -15.69085      -16.47003      -17.11116      -17.86826      -18.66812      -19.28441      -20.03021       0.000000   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-4.487669      -5.256071      -5.958172      -6.611083      -7.230976      -7.720359      -8.243875      -8.669129      -9.135536      -9.508711      -9.939755      -10.27868      -10.69485      -11.01598      -11.42904      -11.72714      -12.12380       0.000000      -1.437275      -2.446263      -3.298529      -4.058074      -4.745469      -5.367612      -5.948833      -6.425927      -6.901887      -7.360458      -7.725720      -8.127389      -8.444645      -8.815068      -9.110448      -9.469192      -9.747478      -9.997510      -10.34082      -10.71846       0.000000      -1.326217      -2.217366      -2.978053      -3.653985      -4.257667      -4.811504      -5.322410      -5.729575      -6.138204      -6.537569      -6.849533      -7.193730      -7.471197      -7.803349      -8.055096      -8.373296      -8.603938      -8.913529      -9.253408      -9.609128       0.000000      -1.214785      -1.998153      -2.672292      -3.267784      -3.796479      -4.286403      -4.721951  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-4.050586      -4.265350      -4.487285      -4.711209      -4.933897      -5.158962      -5.385830      -5.616941      -5.848351      -6.075672       0.000000     -0.7639191      -1.185851      -1.556700      -1.892823      -2.161168      -2.397820      -2.643112      -2.872489      -3.096700      -3.312573      -3.515494      -3.723269      -3.934682      -4.142133      -4.349328      -4.561907      -4.779220      -4.996430      -5.200776      -5.403990       0.000000     -0.6495779     -0.9976589      -1.296981      -1.587961      -1.781923      -2.018777      -2.229720      -2.439993      -2.646640      -2.839763      -3.031005      -3.233742      -3.429950      -3.626066      -3.828649      -4.026866      -4.255228      -4.444462      -4.634876      -4.828269       0.000000     -0.5353967     -0.8134087      -1.058527      -1.288413      -1.439913      -1.637421      -1.824384      -2.016915      -2.204731      -2.383097      -2.593315      -2.782030      -2.967097      -3.155446  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-2.096177      -2.198876      -2.274611       0.000000     -0.1013731     -0.1519044     -0.1914127     -0.2324035     -0.2772639     -0.3394730     -0.4143415     -0.4896408     -0.5704931     -0.6520958     -0.7335339     -0.8139147     -0.8824964     -0.9561858      -1.028198      -1.098872      -1.154969      -1.217882      -1.279545      -1.325756       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      -1.914798      -3.736990      -5.368609      -6.826546      -8.212628      -9.613811      -10.85135      -12.05162      -13.20020      -14.30372      -15.36766      -16.39690      -17.56742      -18.54817      -19.52715      -20.48345      -21.42126      -22.34271      -23.25165      -24.13876       0.000000  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-5.133800      -6.104386      -7.012210      -7.864446      -8.664879      -9.420325      -10.23502      -10.92130      -11.58160      -12.21511      -12.82805      -13.42286      -14.00145      -14.56677      -15.11957      -15.66185      -16.18630       0.000000      -1.439294      -2.733320      -3.752288      -4.731840      -5.609306      -6.431817      -7.194150      -7.911332      -8.585925      -9.221369      -9.825415      -10.40190      -10.95434      -11.48498      -11.99783      -12.49297      -12.97357      -13.44450      -13.90749      -14.35683       0.000000      -1.343938      -2.528272      -3.449532      -4.342473      -5.132938      -5.866099      -6.553127      -7.192932      -7.791638      -8.356853      -8.894279      -9.403565      -9.889598      -10.35271      -10.79621      -11.22695      -11.64965      -12.06457      -12.47181      -12.86479       0.000000      -1.248491      -2.323231      -3.153347      -3.961973      -4.670571      -5.327275      -5.938787  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-4.743863      -5.698627      -6.651065      -7.528405      -8.425961      -9.239239      -10.09126      -10.84314      -11.65963      -12.35615      -13.14944      -13.79799      -14.57577      -15.18276      -15.95326      -16.52532      -17.09989       0.000000      -1.197285      -2.398799      -3.473400      -4.437205      -5.311831      -6.191308      -6.993961      -7.820159      -8.559546      -9.343338      -10.02131      -10.77295      -11.39705      -12.12699      -12.70505      -13.42174      -13.96132      -14.50232      -15.16737      -15.66194       0.000000      -1.127098      -2.257665      -3.251164      -4.131343      -4.930478      -5.739390      -6.469582      -7.230976      -7.898170      -8.618915      -9.227877      -9.916960      -10.47619      -11.14610      -11.65916      -12.16734      -12.78282      -13.24844      -13.71028      -14.29537       0.000000      -1.056881      -2.116346      -3.027358      -3.828375      -4.556898      -5.298102      -5.962783  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-6.334176      -6.709383      -7.147634      -7.484785      -7.818701      -8.203424      -8.489901      -8.776698      -9.135438      -9.394694       0.000000     -0.7757031      -1.548772      -2.131922      -2.646061      -3.145219      -3.612283      -4.067490      -4.487559      -4.913281      -5.276220      -5.684769      -6.017309      -6.404440      -6.693536      -6.976007      -7.308965      -7.562716      -7.820587      -8.134809      -8.368222       0.000000     -0.7053350      -1.406135      -1.913290      -2.370932      -2.815566      -3.224205      -3.637669      -4.000689      -4.371410      -4.702579      -5.063553      -5.350782      -5.678401      -5.920064      -6.167917      -6.463562      -6.696057      -6.985314      -7.190492      -7.397037       0.000000     -0.6349368      -1.263094      -1.699849      -2.105874      -2.497845      -2.851974      -3.217017      -3.522962      -3.863837      -4.152301      -4.460690      -4.697165      -4.967622      -5.186229  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-4.909967      -5.278936      -5.583982      -5.914657      -6.250731      -6.588962      -6.840171      -7.143661      -7.451892      -7.681414       0.000000     -0.4924727     -0.9871222      -1.483942      -1.972852      -2.406129      -2.784272      -3.145364      -3.511158      -3.828588      -4.159000      -4.493605      -4.826382      -5.094458      -5.397620      -5.699625      -6.003932      -6.219388      -6.494598      -6.774012      -6.966781       0.000000     -0.4546253     -0.9113398      -1.370125      -1.819976      -2.208825      -2.544239      -2.869141      -3.202302      -3.483583      -3.786043      -4.083629      -4.387393      -4.623236      -4.892892      -5.160758      -5.379239      -5.625909      -5.872018      -6.120535      -6.281191       0.000000     -0.4167714     -0.8355328      -1.256259      -1.666826      -2.010695      -2.306659      -2.598316      -2.903269      -3.150073      -3.417648      -3.687216      -3.921267      -4.161998      -4.401825  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3.818754       3.848230       3.831639       3.830800       3.828999       3.815347       3.755459       0.000000      0.9582806       1.624915       2.106892       2.461786       2.729282       2.931629       3.088552       3.208267       3.296102       3.356151       3.430316       3.462371       3.466746       3.489086       3.509608       3.488595       3.482811       3.477332       3.461347       3.402560       0.000000      0.8944371       1.518796       1.966794       2.293395       2.513355       2.696163       2.835059       2.939193       3.013646       3.094291       3.133484       3.147403       3.140922       3.153993       3.164983       3.139046       3.129786       3.119106       3.096833       3.036499       0.000000      0.8255743       1.411992       1.823930       2.104448       2.325714       2.486577       2.610081       2.700815       2.763710       2.803960       2.824531       2.827727       2.815204       2.821474       2.797221       2.788163       2.776796   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0.000000      0.5892372      0.9792110       1.235038       1.416491       1.527703       1.592669       1.645738       1.655754       1.662423       1.656572       1.623547       1.598301       1.567106       1.530416       1.489299       1.459282       1.413612       1.362864       1.307562       1.243052       0.000000      0.5273086      0.8769431       1.098808       1.240814       1.327898       1.390277       1.412308       1.410225       1.407439       1.379879       1.356255       1.325129       1.288749       1.250247       1.207843       1.161969       1.113195       1.062788       1.010276      0.9501022       0.000000      0.4731328      0.7692678      0.9550064       1.079898       1.146265       1.178801       1.186471       1.174595       1.162502       1.129850       1.098931       1.053067       1.015253      0.9728382      0.9270810      0.8794910      0.8303489      0.7800807      0.7280042      0.6696666       0.000000      0.4194584      0.6738995      0.8272035   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3.571258       3.574167       3.562053       3.504858       0.000000      0.9134863       1.532561       1.953066       2.271720       2.513720       2.698459       2.839838       2.945696       3.052416       3.117248       3.153023       3.203497       3.247337       3.250780       3.265290       3.276041       3.280946       3.280538       3.267624       3.213318       0.000000      0.8578038       1.426176       1.831635       2.127961       2.347192       2.516499       2.646408       2.743855       2.813467       2.858835       2.917695       2.938504       2.967139       2.960976       2.967374       2.971393       2.971282       2.965735       2.947243       2.891288       0.000000      0.7966875       1.334513       1.709802       1.961181       2.162023       2.314237       2.427074       2.509630       2.566407       2.629404       2.655507       2.659357       2.675147       2.661632       2.660344       2.657845       2.650054       2.609910       2.578995       2.516376   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1.203258       1.373922       1.472157       1.546031       1.589566       1.598034       1.600927       1.593624       1.575352       1.546592       1.509981       1.467143       1.433577       1.384960       1.330245       1.287601       1.229540       1.170366       0.000000      0.5380298      0.8736069       1.086404       1.217674       1.308752       1.350336       1.380430       1.374008       1.368922       1.350298       1.320050       1.282366       1.240964       1.195127       1.145348       1.091864       1.046567      0.9926554      0.9333116      0.8743483       0.000000      0.4838122      0.7859898      0.9687078       1.077438       1.135547       1.172882       1.175988       1.170182       1.143880       1.113255       1.065836       1.024132      0.9783669      0.9290630      0.8768442      0.8218756      0.7728602      0.7163698      0.6579831      0.5992635       0.000000      0.4359749      0.6934112      0.8449458      0.9289454      0.9779811      0.9890989   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0.2890171      0.2275539      0.1668479      0.1048596      4.1021004E-02 -2.2266936E-02 -8.8661849E-02 -0.1557010     -0.2257622     -0.2906880     -0.3591872       0.000000      0.2468415      0.3682024      0.4174278      0.4182804      0.3952755      0.3548837      0.3035927      0.2459441      0.1849214      0.1212707      5.7132371E-02 -7.9092886E-03 -7.4494757E-02 -0.1418657     -0.2085796     -0.2758735     -0.3426614     -0.4098478     -0.4742924     -0.5467024       0.000000      0.2028909      0.2955801      0.3227977      0.3098815      0.2770682      0.2284130      0.1705775      0.1079233      4.1901417E-02 -2.5473576E-02 -9.3669459E-02 -0.1615732     -0.2297472     -0.2980232     -0.3675734     -0.4311755     -0.4989318     -0.5608460     -0.6280738     -0.6947539       0.000000      0.1602354      0.2255265      0.2366508      0.2170364      0.1750261      0.1218436      6.0577687E-02 -4.5285434E-03 -7.4232168E-02 -0.1436374     -0.2130311     -0.2814245     -0.3502684  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1.316481       1.512672       1.636310       1.734244       1.802098       1.842561       1.865329       1.872398       1.865962       1.847315       1.839675       1.810792       1.788893       1.746585       1.715046       1.682681       1.643980       1.580653       0.000000      0.5910518      0.9549932       1.204753       1.362963       1.480732       1.558120       1.593105       1.620191       1.628690       1.624622       1.608413       1.582253       1.563273       1.527361       1.483134       1.447101       1.409388       1.357953       1.312104       1.244578       0.000000      0.5435662      0.8730655       1.082265       1.228325       1.309953       1.369690       1.401761       1.401688       1.399526       1.383041       1.357593       1.324346       1.283839       1.250073       1.202053       1.148879       1.103999       1.058446       1.000583      0.9311039       0.000000      0.4967196      0.7914346      0.9731576       1.082274       1.155617       1.184468   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0.5115368      0.4529867      0.3959660      0.3368579      0.2755387      0.2122300      0.1486741      8.5907504E-02  1.8975848E-02 -5.0434198E-02 -0.1230187       0.000000      0.3150496      0.4748221      0.5490762      0.5666186      0.5574926      0.5284963      0.4912304      0.4401476      0.3833466      0.3262471      0.2643990      0.2025968      0.1387971      7.2834767E-02  7.0802509E-03 -5.8849987E-02 -0.1283911     -0.2026428     -0.2731811     -0.3464240       0.000000      0.2722521      0.3990298      0.4515475      0.4567254      0.4334393      0.3926476      0.3408681      0.2822962      0.2202556      0.1574000      9.2880324E-02  2.5204346E-02 -4.2491499E-02 -0.1134188     -0.1811213     -0.2493410     -0.3246370     -0.3974347     -0.4647930     -0.5403913       0.000000      0.2285123      0.3311352      0.3636380      0.3509305      0.3164782      0.2661328      0.2067736      0.1423503      7.5393818E-02  7.8187790E-03 -6.1746985E-02 -0.1335767     -0.2035182  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-0.7372146     -0.7878084     -0.8477706     -0.9041532       0.000000      7.1796551E-02  9.2689984E-02  8.2193971E-02  5.4547418E-02  1.4539023E-02 -3.3349667E-02 -8.6764820E-02 -0.1428667     -0.2028782     -0.2618957     -0.3244525     -0.3834856     -0.4415888     -0.4988625     -0.5595527     -0.6137214     -0.6659088     -0.7152270     -0.7703894     -0.8148252       0.000000      3.5186853E-02  4.3509338E-02  3.5853751E-02  1.8200144E-02 -6.2234704E-03 -3.5076804E-02 -6.7725666E-02 -0.1026946     -0.1398060     -0.1773915     -0.2149756     -0.2544939     -0.2947821     -0.3342352     -0.3702812     -0.4081873     -0.4457110     -0.4791370     -0.5139446     -0.5455008       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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1.398129       1.598939       1.757549       1.876036       1.962270       2.023480       2.084477       2.114020       2.123740       2.140274       2.132636       2.132255       2.128704       2.098561       2.078654       2.058781       2.031748       1.974981       0.000000      0.6213524       1.021046       1.282586       1.478214       1.619756       1.719341       1.792108       1.841320       1.869914       1.882260       1.880149       1.886225       1.870049       1.860273       1.829050       1.806530       1.782791       1.755494       1.720033       1.658922       0.000000      0.5772247      0.9339634       1.181889       1.354514       1.461807       1.545102       1.601074       1.631565       1.646709       1.647675       1.635556       1.628814       1.602960       1.583365       1.545976       1.514939       1.480984       1.431334       1.386896       1.320849       0.000000      0.5335094      0.8592693       1.080093       1.218094       1.318586       1.382374   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0.7548479      0.7069061      0.6545683      0.5985759      0.5395162      0.4773672      0.4179156      0.3531039      0.2903045      0.2274790      0.1594122       0.000000      0.3627228      0.5598029      0.6647460      0.7131538      0.7317131      0.7190574      0.6896099      0.6559297      0.6051335      0.5542865      0.4996948      0.4415835      0.3806753      0.3168957      0.2505268      0.1851915      0.1169141      4.9620163E-02 -1.9407654E-02 -9.4514422E-02   0.000000      0.3227809      0.4900837      0.5714577      0.6001458      0.5944647      0.5678146      0.5330166      0.4824609      0.4245336      0.3674815      0.3066016      0.2430036      0.1768432      0.1078351      3.8417298E-02 -3.2356963E-02 -0.1040224     -0.1765801     -0.2514110     -0.3300483       0.000000      0.2833559      0.4221032      0.4808320      0.4862629      0.4659611      0.4317295      0.3809901      0.3219135      0.2611170      0.1952291      0.1291328      5.9951413E-02 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-0.8610983       0.000000      3.1304203E-02  3.7020974E-02  2.7487904E-02  8.3272317E-03 -1.7273951E-02 -4.7299240E-02 -8.0248393E-02 -0.1167226     -0.1537366     -0.1929795     -0.2313718     -0.2715047     -0.3095081     -0.3491982     -0.3895337     -0.4281673     -0.4664766     -0.4998854     -0.5301858     -0.5646116       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.7015999       1.167252       1.493288       1.732526       1.911889       2.046855       2.146920       2.243521       2.304116       2.365662       2.418238       2.437416       2.461623       2.480893       2.493829       2.499879       2.499123       2.492375       2.473517       2.418633       0.000000      0.6627756       1.100739 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1.499658       1.559410       1.597814       1.617612       1.622078       1.630581       1.621242       1.597842       1.582123       1.564947       1.543004       1.500290       1.465850       1.427669       1.379935       0.000000      0.5068794      0.8198344       1.034737       1.182935       1.273307       1.341348       1.384727       1.405251       1.411393       1.404912       1.405098       1.384433       1.351674       1.325657       1.296443       1.250531       1.211187       1.171482       1.126881       1.062016       0.000000      0.4684756      0.7528178      0.9428808       1.059954       1.142211       1.191470       1.206592       1.214024       1.208318       1.203449       1.179879       1.146063       1.104079       1.066477       1.016298      0.9720591      0.9254912      0.8761452      0.8234302      0.7556176       0.000000      0.4304045      0.6858376      0.8429813      0.9466952      0.9984148       1.030802       1.040324       1.034691       1.017047   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0.1873755      0.1164877      4.4083748E-02 -2.9576363E-02 -0.1050546     -0.1812114     -0.2591820     -0.3430902       0.000000      0.2815042      0.4220095      0.4830397      0.4953483      0.4765139      0.4390403      0.3932357      0.3341739      0.2725082      0.2067909      0.1378804      6.6597968E-02 -7.4335947E-03 -8.3410583E-02 -0.1607588     -0.2373981     -0.3140147     -0.3929355     -0.4736965     -0.5602726       0.000000      0.2466109      0.3613475      0.4015413      0.3925922      0.3635675      0.3142236      0.2539137      0.1867993      0.1179255      4.5238532E-02 -2.8660759E-02 -0.1060349     -0.1846694     -0.2627045     -0.3396104     -0.4164964     -0.4931583     -0.5744798     -0.6539862     -0.7416774       0.000000      0.2124029      0.3004150      0.3226825      0.3027728      0.2578294      0.1980983      0.1293888      5.6770619E-02 -1.9275580E-02 -9.8557398E-02 -0.1761713     -0.2577105     -0.3347137     -0.4153264     -0.4916797     -0.5697370  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-1.101024       0.000000      8.4195144E-02  0.1030746      8.4227659E-02  4.1554265E-02 -1.5282132E-02 -8.2288966E-02 -0.1535792     -0.2307315     -0.3058648     -0.3812560     -0.4573470     -0.5307666     -0.6054733     -0.6763452     -0.7445050     -0.8107323     -0.8730844     -0.9389280      -1.000799      -1.058892       0.000000      5.4805961E-02  6.4308278E-02  4.5821920E-02  1.0507929E-02 -3.5579611E-02 -8.9339487E-02 -0.1468730     -0.2092381     -0.2706168     -0.3337052     -0.3994127     -0.4616124     -0.5281972     -0.5878913     -0.6461931     -0.7025785     -0.7560216     -0.8161522     -0.8658349     -0.9133151       0.000000      2.6733914E-02  2.9366527E-02  1.7545084E-02 -3.5187984E-03 -3.0368015E-02 -6.1465379E-02 -9.6067019E-02 -0.1323004     -0.1715509     -0.2117037     -0.2509887     -0.2918938     -0.3308808     -0.3712814     -0.4126512     -0.4474366     -0.4882678     -0.5252035     -0.5564489     -0.5873908       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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1.511868       1.594625       1.646536       1.677997       1.714373       1.742151       1.746447       1.754017       1.758027       1.756878       1.749729       1.738022       1.722760       1.699663       1.651462       0.000000      0.5164939      0.8408694       1.050303       1.204648       1.317755       1.399269       1.456806       1.494642       1.532572       1.544874       1.557595       1.551682       1.549441       1.543150       1.516449       1.496017       1.474172       1.450123       1.419597       1.379248       0.000000      0.4811466      0.7786759      0.9703435       1.110765       1.207698       1.276456       1.322618       1.349550       1.359965       1.356692       1.359687       1.343403       1.330021       1.299650       1.274355       1.247261       1.217130       1.184626       1.146102       1.086583       0.000000      0.4460939      0.7113725      0.8910258       1.003836       1.085767       1.138451       1.168501       1.178329       1.175331   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0.4126506      0.3475477      0.2818514      0.2133709      0.1414522      6.6235885E-02 -8.7031722E-03 -8.9491397E-02   0.000000      0.3094655      0.4740520      0.5660868      0.6009688      0.6004134      0.5841312      0.5471979      0.5054210      0.4540525      0.3961219      0.3328561      0.2659328      0.1980910      0.1256384      5.1334269E-02 -2.5408151E-02 -0.1058409     -0.1890545     -0.2703629     -0.3593210       0.000000      0.2780102      0.4189686      0.4834944      0.4978007      0.4861363      0.4498426      0.4053737      0.3469658      0.2852551      0.2178682      0.1469457      7.4173070E-02 -2.7261362E-03 -8.2141101E-02 -0.1637148     -0.2469824     -0.3306077     -0.4149041     -0.5013421     -0.5937138       0.000000      0.2468418      0.3642786      0.4083290      0.4049644      0.3728487      0.3269607      0.2670255      0.2008955      0.1280708      5.3678885E-02 -2.3577381E-02 -0.1044161     -0.1876634     -0.2704568     -0.3564737     -0.4407617  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-1.155345       0.000000      0.1271687      0.1651420      0.1474841      9.8423429E-02  2.9977392E-02 -4.9987987E-02 -0.1372472     -0.2261671     -0.3150973     -0.4038768     -0.4928206     -0.5744661     -0.6595119     -0.7329590     -0.8143970     -0.8990147     -0.9723815      -1.052229      -1.134156      -1.217372       0.000000      9.9851124E-02  0.1227997      0.1003324      4.8320621E-02 -1.9673811E-02 -9.8080993E-02 -0.1833638     -0.2696130     -0.3556157     -0.4416469     -0.5267949     -0.6092514     -0.6902644     -0.7619269     -0.8440486     -0.9217363     -0.9953838      -1.070003      -1.143382      -1.214671       0.000000      7.2927080E-02  8.5368156E-02  6.0644720E-02  1.2942237E-02 -4.9618538E-02 -0.1205469     -0.1977807     -0.2764425     -0.3548388     -0.4351280     -0.5127319     -0.5880273     -0.6625642     -0.7365205     -0.8165794     -0.8837815     -0.9500659      -1.018608      -1.080977      -1.140005       0.000000      4.7972266E-02  5.2420676E-02  3.0264972E-02 -8.3644548E-03 -5.7621490E-02 -0.1139784     -0.1738580     -0.2385673     -0.3021751     -0.3706362     -0.4345021     -0.4981228     -0.5619854     -0.6275522     -0.6881369     -0.7438119     -0.8012377     -0.8617537     -0.9109719     -0.9596773       0.000000      2.3447789E-02  2.3578275E-02  9.9079609E-03 -1.2692273E-02 -4.0991973E-02 -7.3619358E-02 -0.1092411     -0.1462677     -0.1865588     -0.2252363     -0.2675537     -0.3093295     -0.3486274     -0.3904705     -0.4278336     -0.4684353     -0.5086896     -0.5418998     -0.5811720     -0.6167728       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.5355196      0.8599914       1.077626       1.232590       1.345574  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1.239822       1.239848       1.244568       1.244191       1.226715       1.212068       1.195098       1.174926       1.151471       1.125255       1.093085       1.051543       0.000000      0.4208436      0.6634595      0.8222257      0.9292053      0.9996567       1.047374       1.077113       1.091418       1.091551       1.091610       1.077944       1.064450       1.037015       1.011955      0.9847841      0.9544645      0.9208785      0.8845104      0.8430364      0.7925078       0.000000      0.3912469      0.6143634      0.7562631      0.8388181      0.8969753      0.9315285      0.9479052      0.9471790      0.9349277      0.9251261      0.8993636      0.8734033      0.8359559      0.7998548      0.7613014      0.7192460      0.6736816      0.6253827      0.5729451      0.5121220       0.000000      0.3619270      0.5646647      0.6817038      0.7569691      0.8002844      0.8195099      0.8130447      0.7993550      0.7838514      0.7535865      0.7149694      0.6765285   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-0.2401866     -0.3291502     -0.4203628     -0.5085865     -0.6063570       0.000000      0.2466985      0.3632504      0.4079048      0.4112628      0.3871172      0.3389107      0.2834802      0.2192474      0.1479685      7.1845293E-02 -8.2446402E-03 -9.1704577E-02 -0.1782027     -0.2657270     -0.3547109     -0.4418936     -0.5329899     -0.6239772     -0.7172750     -0.8163560       0.000000      0.2191868      0.3155446      0.3442509      0.3313044      0.2878193      0.2295676      0.1601830      8.4730595E-02  3.6765086E-03 -8.0429934E-02 -0.1686564     -0.2569283     -0.3458076     -0.4347264     -0.5259382     -0.6177757     -0.7072042     -0.7967269     -0.8891388     -0.9840695       0.000000      0.1920608      0.2692774      0.2827630      0.2542019      0.1977227      0.1263692      4.7860406E-02 -3.8337089E-02 -0.1267152     -0.2163321     -0.3083797     -0.3996938     -0.4902381     -0.5781389     -0.6738463     -0.7628056     -0.8487595     -0.9396031      -1.028718 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0.1062444      7.9061165E-02  2.1841422E-02 -5.2952681E-02 -0.1381650     -0.2280587     -0.3193035     -0.4096530     -0.4991332     -0.5905360     -0.6773799     -0.7622399     -0.8445689     -0.9253426      -1.003976      -1.082107      -1.147574      -1.220404      -1.292611       0.000000      6.5611340E-02  7.3612526E-02  4.5223176E-02 -6.7885513E-03 -7.4008621E-02 -0.1491775     -0.2308356     -0.3126494     -0.3942696     -0.4769858     -0.5633798     -0.6416982     -0.7210534     -0.7956002     -0.8689203     -0.9375541      -1.010104      -1.076797      -1.140894      -1.202088       0.000000      4.2492386E-02  4.4796824E-02  2.0221788E-02 -2.1315584E-02 -7.3889770E-02 -0.1324823     -0.1966254     -0.2615602     -0.3272388     -0.3970804     -0.4642803     -0.5285465     -0.5989758     -0.6603312     -0.7223681     -0.7795160     -0.8459637     -0.8989605     -0.9530006      -1.002251       0.000000      2.0863222E-02  1.9943353E-02  5.0246883E-03 -1.8948602E-02 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0.7462492      0.7187685      0.6887711      0.6558793      0.6198570      0.5806999      0.5390317      0.4986327      0.4476849       0.000000      0.3331952      0.5137056      0.6170847      0.6723447      0.7052307      0.7176656      0.7155598      0.7017949      0.6857904      0.6570894      0.6269485      0.5880713      0.5491899      0.5072278      0.4619587      0.4130033      0.3604174      0.3049381      0.2483506      0.1828694       0.000000      0.3093463      0.4763645      0.5633959      0.6120186      0.6307771      0.6299257      0.6153679      0.5897413      0.5559074      0.5150568      0.4732007      0.4234580      0.3721539      0.3168734      0.2575674      0.1941789      0.1266261      5.5631358E-02 -1.8583771E-02 -0.1004823       0.000000      0.2832468      0.4388734      0.5138734      0.5463304      0.5466701      0.5333375      0.5050762      0.4674281      0.4221554      0.3702327      0.3164448      0.2542785      0.1895710      0.1202464      4.6785556E-02 -3.0872392E-02 -0.1144290     -0.2026068     -0.2915796     -0.3890289       0.000000      0.2607882      0.3966908      0.4611728      0.4743406      0.4664567      0.4346816      0.3943916      0.3448416      0.2877568      0.2263269      0.1569295      8.3068974E-02  4.7530932E-03 -7.8105114E-02 -0.1652557     -0.2543949     -0.3479964     -0.4460828     -0.5403968     -0.6432530       0.000000      0.2379260      0.3591390      0.4023528      0.4068029      0.3811055      0.3404011      0.2866803      0.2243395      0.1547536      7.8597099E-02 -2.4747197E-03 -8.8616878E-02 -0.1776789     -0.2694760     -0.3643927     -0.4572580     -0.5558764     -0.6565171     -0.7494372     -0.8536286       0.000000      0.2149798      0.3201744      0.3486875      0.3359785      0.3002730      0.2433754      0.1776097      0.1030771      2.1680729E-02 -6.6192247E-02 -0.1573787     -0.2506339     -0.3455465     -0.4413132     -0.5383292     -0.6362307     -0.7356551     -0.8348406  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0.1230684      0.1641833      0.1472278      9.1623329E-02  1.1931786E-02 -8.2812242E-02 -0.1843873     -0.2885715     -0.3934607     -0.4996960     -0.5989626     -0.6979485     -0.7897356     -0.8869575     -0.9692396      -1.060279      -1.157642      -1.236560      -1.314955      -1.407798       0.000000      9.9881686E-02  0.1298693      0.1040347      4.4617184E-02 -3.7668355E-02 -0.1338002     -0.2349806     -0.3377036     -0.4419030     -0.5448606     -0.6453001     -0.7357091     -0.8307000     -0.9196844     -0.9972426      -1.084717      -1.173576      -1.248589      -1.332638      -1.417910       0.000000      7.8653872E-02  9.7073108E-02  6.8278730E-02  7.8703621E-03 -7.2231933E-02 -0.1631431     -0.2584781     -0.3548558     -0.4568494     -0.5528825     -0.6463863     -0.7377258     -0.8268844     -0.9028539     -0.9841668      -1.066146      -1.145844      -1.223342      -1.298255      -1.372164       0.000000      5.8091827E-02  6.7609966E-02  3.8374323E-02 -1.6426895E-02 -8.7507151E-02 -0.1683940     -0.2527571     -0.3384506     -0.4294681     -0.5144812     -0.5983030     -0.6818590     -0.7616236     -0.8373773     -0.9116718     -0.9869102      -1.057674      -1.124119      -1.188593      -1.250422       0.000000      3.7809312E-02  4.1166067E-02  1.6354552E-02 -2.7372990E-02 -8.2693584E-02 -0.1440590     -0.2106835     -0.2780519     -0.3493415     -0.4174861     -0.4865100     -0.5578710     -0.6239176     -0.6867828     -0.7501537     -0.8164489     -0.8754103     -0.9297851     -0.9847479      -1.035165       0.000000      1.8403722E-02  1.8248677E-02  3.1176871E-03 -2.1833893E-02 -5.2414965E-02 -8.7880068E-02 -0.1248754     -0.1650276     -0.2052558     -0.2474314     -0.2913013     -0.3315364     -0.3752492     -0.4146477     -0.4573900     -0.4947535     -0.5358936     -0.5705999     -0.6098866     -0.6475374       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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0.5996020      0.5906608      0.5785798      0.5635092      0.5456732      0.5250019      0.5073667      0.4853170      0.4638888      0.4318158       0.000000      0.2278802      0.3701076      0.4534018      0.4998501      0.5248028      0.5408873      0.5433595      0.5363135      0.5290137      0.5166654      0.5002157      0.4798492      0.4562303      0.4296038      0.4001168      0.3677919      0.3368024      0.3018884      0.2664133      0.2241613       0.000000      0.2155914      0.3475803      0.4254516      0.4675526      0.4852550      0.4871945      0.4774804      0.4649312      0.4407932      0.4150370      0.3848090      0.3512189      0.3145598      0.2747054      0.2317874      0.1874512      0.1385720      8.8035509E-02  3.4505721E-02 -2.5920702E-02   0.000000      0.2013781      0.3264148      0.4009696      0.4326720      0.4403126      0.4287111      0.4101628      0.3795843      0.3449944      0.3039061      0.2606917      0.2143619      0.1643443      0.1099994  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-0.8261514     -0.9333463      -1.053208       0.000000      0.1522412      0.2601667      0.2987831      0.2793197      0.2286713      0.1655720      9.6461236E-02  2.2600066E-02 -5.9297115E-02 -0.1502909     -0.2461967     -0.3468329     -0.4464540     -0.5506938     -0.6594024     -0.7721127     -0.8877031     -0.9941968      -1.109576      -1.230638       0.000000      0.1426958      0.2471541      0.2653950      0.2328175      0.1736492      0.1007744      2.2449393E-02 -6.3062169E-02 -0.1587211     -0.2595164     -0.3644214     -0.4714334     -0.5791572     -0.6889684     -0.8018382     -0.9144604      -1.026754      -1.138084      -1.251951      -1.370422       0.000000      0.1340311      0.2261658      0.2308525      0.1887083      0.1186758      3.8405176E-02 -4.9268771E-02 -0.1467538     -0.2533275     -0.3607821     -0.4745519     -0.5849430     -0.6956561     -0.8094840     -0.9216419      -1.029773      -1.136755      -1.242876      -1.356714      -1.470569       0.000000 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3.1393178E-02 -5.2854281E-02 -0.1543193     -0.2649355     -0.3777809     -0.4896802     -0.6006492     -0.7091539     -0.8153763     -0.9097571      -1.007814      -1.105396      -1.204309      -1.301701      -1.374941      -1.460641      -1.549725       0.000000      6.0452886E-02  8.7423153E-02  6.5129712E-02  4.3121506E-03 -7.6434806E-02 -0.1734857     -0.2786523     -0.3835872     -0.4892137     -0.5921512     -0.6922081     -0.7895260     -0.8835577     -0.9731829      -1.066204      -1.156320      -1.240228      -1.308606      -1.385427      -1.462221       0.000000      4.4777717E-02  6.2471826E-02  4.0109538E-02 -1.3955885E-02 -8.6808555E-02 -0.1722791     -0.2623624     -0.3536773     -0.4495593     -0.5395209     -0.6279331     -0.7155058     -0.7986685     -0.8774197     -0.9687535      -1.044969      -1.117316      -1.186912      -1.254506      -1.319867       0.000000      2.9187594E-02  3.9571580E-02  2.0115338E-02 -2.2821698E-02 -8.0257587E-02 -0.1445585     -0.2149491  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0.1852682      0.1743584      0.1610014      0.1475658      0.1334700      0.1186489      0.1029268      8.7329768E-02  7.1807817E-02  5.1829826E-02   0.000000      9.6367247E-02  0.1327536      0.1484713      0.1574946      0.1617967      0.1633381      0.1626417      0.1600761      0.1565422      0.1514286      0.1452924      0.1364441      0.1256466      0.1128860      9.9965677E-02  8.6435750E-02  7.1778595E-02  5.6509584E-02  4.0826790E-02  2.2803079E-02   0.000000      8.5989110E-02  0.1109067      0.1156038      0.1124309      0.1084588      0.1043334      9.8660313E-02  9.1158174E-02  8.1394419E-02  6.8595208E-02  5.4201253E-02  3.7633691E-02  1.8498860E-02 -2.7697582E-03 -2.5412438E-02 -4.8817396E-02 -7.2028942E-02 -0.1010956     -0.1314067     -0.1697451       0.000000      7.6731391E-02  8.9029118E-02  7.7917315E-02  6.3680530E-02  5.1999364E-02  3.9638676E-02  2.4658140E-02  6.3387407E-03 -1.5003973E-02 -3.9439648E-02 -6.6171132E-02 -9.6547954E-02 -0.1323892     -0.1708642  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-1.303897      -1.419791      -1.555253       0.000000      4.0717967E-02  1.4038442E-03 -5.6530826E-02 -0.1264680     -0.2049245     -0.2895755     -0.3760733     -0.4677658     -0.5602774     -0.6637332     -0.7629109     -0.8727450     -0.9783856      -1.087347      -1.207484      -1.320705      -1.454532      -1.576602      -1.699489      -1.844185       0.000000      3.2581102E-02 -1.5421039E-02 -8.5503981E-02 -0.1740966     -0.2722078     -0.3747971     -0.4808779     -0.5855139     -0.6984056     -0.8137623     -0.9217305      -1.042441      -1.158210      -1.281421      -1.395669      -1.526292      -1.666034      -1.784225      -1.920651      -2.069199       0.000000      2.5302317E-02 -2.9917952E-02 -0.1125715     -0.2187424     -0.3334620     -0.4515551     -0.5714087     -0.6950267     -0.8198295     -0.9353563      -1.058885      -1.185309      -1.313768      -1.429402      -1.557809      -1.691847      -1.823610      -1.934275      -2.067681      -2.210590       0.000000  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-0.3131368     -0.4556246     -0.6046823     -0.7547591     -0.8952032      -1.035357      -1.162709      -1.295540      -1.411163      -1.544317      -1.656135      -1.767366      -1.870337      -1.996238      -2.101622      -2.196550      -2.319219       0.000000     -1.4588553E-05 -6.7351520E-02 -0.1764632     -0.3063009     -0.4474390     -0.5925747     -0.7375795     -0.8806656      -1.009081      -1.142272      -1.256970      -1.379056      -1.503815      -1.613147      -1.728179      -1.826077      -1.946460      -2.037988      -2.126745      -2.239714       0.000000     -2.5926409E-03 -6.5622799E-02 -0.1668263     -0.2888625     -0.4208741     -0.5568386     -0.6930413     -0.8266152     -0.9557266      -1.081932      -1.191794      -1.307709      -1.423996      -1.538776      -1.632614      -1.739919      -1.848354      -1.926727      -2.023357      -2.125485       0.000000     -4.0121484E-03 -6.0620677E-02 -0.1501881     -0.2582926     -0.3754875     -0.4970185     -0.6204810 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-0.3866185     -0.4340587     -0.4770353     -0.5233623     -0.5647365     -0.6092398     -0.6480392     -0.6903191     -0.7256626     -0.7654671       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      6.7197561E-02  6.4828545E-02  4.1125789E-02  1.3038248E-02 -1.5271548E-02 -4.2202465E-02 -6.9502629E-02 -9.7581059E-02 -0.1254668     -0.1523502     -0.1806621     -0.2129382     -0.2456905     -0.2792251     -0.3102655     -0.3432991     -0.3781267     -0.4139245     -0.4526957     -0.4975566       0.000000      6.1854284E-02  5.8565434E-02  3.5253633E-02  1.0842220E-02 -1.3360252E-02 -3.6881786E-02 -6.0362883E-02 -8.3699688E-02 -0.1064313     -0.1278075     -0.1513839     -0.1767101     -0.2025973     -0.2289438 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-0.8442535     -0.9308643      -1.036347       0.000000      3.7662033E-02  8.7385401E-03 -4.5198396E-02 -0.1000982     -0.1487809     -0.1994288     -0.2528750     -0.3106016     -0.3733463     -0.4404931     -0.5122467     -0.5861054     -0.6655309     -0.7494980     -0.8367582     -0.9279326      -1.024397      -1.125423      -1.242276      -1.370659       0.000000      3.1301904E-02 -5.5555808E-03 -7.0297964E-02 -0.1348488     -0.1962763     -0.2640390     -0.3350679     -0.4110542     -0.4904038     -0.5785120     -0.6656897     -0.7567231     -0.8602949     -0.9623528      -1.066693      -1.172594      -1.294105      -1.409881      -1.528934      -1.666371       0.000000      2.5546534E-02 -1.9645557E-02 -9.3948625E-02 -0.1691412     -0.2478407     -0.3349150     -0.4240420     -0.5213701     -0.6162029     -0.7199280     -0.8210009     -0.9367295      -1.046499      -1.170523      -1.287848      -1.404260      -1.536083      -1.657424      -1.794577      -1.940741       0.000000 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-0.2937047     -0.4334083     -0.5833356     -0.7278371     -0.8697864      -1.011893      -1.149817      -1.282909      -1.428735      -1.562239      -1.690246      -1.815292      -1.938102      -2.058297      -2.181222      -2.306699      -2.430495       0.000000      1.4723093E-03 -6.8327293E-02 -0.1764827     -0.3088290     -0.4581283     -0.6136025     -0.7628907     -0.9102236      -1.059493      -1.198149      -1.328155      -1.471763      -1.599928      -1.720702      -1.842415      -1.957824      -2.067019      -2.201662      -2.318113      -2.435616       0.000000     -1.4335641E-03 -7.1789421E-02 -0.1798024     -0.3165957     -0.4678552     -0.6243253     -0.7742829     -0.9277690      -1.066959      -1.210406      -1.336563      -1.478484      -1.599263      -1.716534      -1.841465      -1.950665      -2.052224      -2.180491      -2.285612      -2.413184       0.000000     -3.6557231E-03 -7.1812809E-02 -0.1786235     -0.3130644     -0.4554528     -0.6130102     -0.7599850 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-0.9551885      -1.052037      -1.144702      -1.233418      -1.325857      -1.410938      -1.491556      -1.568796      -1.641707      -1.711643       0.000000     -4.9705417E-03 -3.9005622E-02 -9.2882261E-02 -0.1597084     -0.2316474     -0.3103707     -0.3885729     -0.4673737     -0.5509048     -0.6306968     -0.7142307     -0.7905747     -0.8638904     -0.9363710      -1.018364      -1.083828      -1.150637      -1.211496      -1.268056      -1.324434       0.000000     -3.0062352E-03 -2.1633998E-02 -5.0703973E-02 -8.6288437E-02 -0.1246936     -0.1666617     -0.2112153     -0.2549135     -0.3014929     -0.3496208     -0.3937732     -0.4417351     -0.4855091     -0.5323416     -0.5801406     -0.6194826     -0.6654244     -0.7018639     -0.7380477     -0.7783064       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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-0.6476563     -0.6945300     -0.7523136       0.000000      3.9940096E-02  1.7003097E-02 -3.4066446E-02 -8.4707670E-02 -0.1323518     -0.1775165     -0.2229546     -0.2663504     -0.3093512     -0.3498163     -0.3944880     -0.4370243     -0.4850272     -0.5374277     -0.5872996     -0.6442613     -0.7053925     -0.7626558     -0.8297417     -0.9137400       0.000000      3.5495926E-02  9.2494655E-03 -4.6034884E-02 -0.1023336     -0.1569796     -0.2097855     -0.2589975     -0.3071139     -0.3577556     -0.4122841     -0.4652339     -0.5243155     -0.5880947     -0.6547709     -0.7247476     -0.7987060     -0.8778142     -0.9611283      -1.048506      -1.152251       0.000000      3.0670058E-02  1.3074387E-04 -6.1196405E-02 -0.1263500     -0.1910293     -0.2491964     -0.3065524     -0.3673365     -0.4330840     -0.5009225     -0.5717335     -0.6531121     -0.7330332     -0.8175848     -0.9054458     -0.9962895      -1.102561      -1.204751      -1.311461      -1.435575       0.000000 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-0.2374772     -0.3454667     -0.4697699     -0.5958738     -0.7216178     -0.8501673     -0.9714563      -1.102970      -1.235766      -1.369666      -1.504236      -1.642013      -1.783213      -1.905368      -2.040670      -2.180191      -2.319641       0.000000      7.8609120E-03 -4.8814356E-02 -0.1500201     -0.2600245     -0.3859377     -0.5252767     -0.6620933     -0.7977242     -0.9355063      -1.074455      -1.212404      -1.346140      -1.479947      -1.613697      -1.750615      -1.885711      -2.016208      -2.145490      -2.274717      -2.406661       0.000000      3.9608758E-03 -5.6711677E-02 -0.1605236     -0.2824929     -0.4204341     -0.5705532     -0.7154079     -0.8618435      -1.004621      -1.153033      -1.289561      -1.423889      -1.556733      -1.693845      -1.827885      -1.951446      -2.071091      -2.190016      -2.305985      -2.450855       0.000000      5.2222464E-04 -6.2477972E-02 -0.1684032     -0.2965348     -0.4450550     -0.6012283     -0.7518106 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-1.247247      -1.374187      -1.496017      -1.590702      -1.698747      -1.792360      -1.898941      -2.005943      -2.111968      -2.197295       0.000000     -6.2627895E-03 -5.8110528E-02 -0.1468261     -0.2574914     -0.3796040     -0.5121669     -0.6409125     -0.7683151     -0.8920743      -1.011831      -1.131937      -1.246499      -1.354755      -1.444371      -1.544699      -1.643923      -1.738553      -1.830098      -1.920951      -2.012476       0.000000     -5.9421924E-03 -4.9367476E-02 -0.1223555     -0.2146060     -0.3153360     -0.4250329     -0.5320238     -0.6402860     -0.7452112     -0.8480126     -0.9597341      -1.057395      -1.150916      -1.240627      -1.333691      -1.419203      -1.500457      -1.576899      -1.658379      -1.735508       0.000000     -4.8835971E-03 -3.6941998E-02 -9.0657093E-02 -0.1580090     -0.2308869     -0.3104689     -0.3895764     -0.4738624     -0.5533559     -0.6338045     -0.7178026     -0.7947720     -0.8687974     -0.9419211  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-1.204669      -1.283568      -1.380973       0.000000     -1.3527084E-02 -4.4803981E-02 -0.1023895     -0.1672632     -0.2298553     -0.2940658     -0.3523959     -0.4110327     -0.4655766     -0.5226241     -0.5755684     -0.6319373     -0.6832818     -0.7395718     -0.7904527     -0.8395522     -0.8962290     -0.9475104      -1.008876      -1.076061       0.000000     -7.3440670E-04 -2.4477178E-02 -8.1575304E-02 -0.1422834     -0.2006116     -0.2587251     -0.3155570     -0.3673733     -0.4209189     -0.4698890     -0.5206118     -0.5674214     -0.6181709     -0.6646628     -0.7166754     -0.7649925     -0.8199717     -0.8696051     -0.9284081      -1.003585       0.000000      1.2104608E-02 -1.5589404E-02 -7.1483858E-02 -0.1320111     -0.1916806     -0.2502918     -0.3070122     -0.3613153     -0.4149982     -0.4636972     -0.5157269     -0.5701895     -0.6205878     -0.6771491     -0.7377309     -0.8015285     -0.8588339     -0.9241629     -0.9963618      -1.084903       0.000000  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-0.1852607     -0.2691455     -0.3569742     -0.4507971     -0.5464748     -0.6487050     -0.7472478     -0.8579698     -0.9630947      -1.078756      -1.202799      -1.320074      -1.452847      -1.589493      -1.711246      -1.852268      -1.999539       0.000000      9.5447665E-03 -2.9226674E-02 -0.1107784     -0.2055676     -0.3024114     -0.4058164     -0.5157649     -0.6306846     -0.7401293     -0.8597116     -0.9826053      -1.097767      -1.225000      -1.357275      -1.496199      -1.639575      -1.766543      -1.907185      -2.053644      -2.201403       0.000000      6.4030248E-03 -3.5850294E-02 -0.1253837     -0.2279254     -0.3389699     -0.4577702     -0.5822378     -0.7082325     -0.8365008     -0.9693062      -1.092495      -1.225004      -1.359042      -1.501001      -1.645399      -1.787544      -1.927411      -2.067757      -2.210150      -2.349837       0.000000      3.8244985E-03 -4.2293303E-02 -0.1373536     -0.2478691     -0.3714992     -0.5082591     -0.6442168 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-1.331412      -1.471632      -1.617423      -1.736112      -1.849858      -1.977798      -2.088420      -2.188468      -2.313745      -2.450446       0.000000     -4.8176656E-03 -5.8062136E-02 -0.1583830     -0.2892290     -0.4372593     -0.5909774     -0.7476756     -0.8935874      -1.038789      -1.182325      -1.307930      -1.444168      -1.579268      -1.686277      -1.808534      -1.914153      -2.026668      -2.119736      -2.237302      -2.360471       0.000000     -5.8325403E-03 -5.6525081E-02 -0.1515400     -0.2744440     -0.4120215     -0.5611287     -0.7071179     -0.8514846     -0.9810439      -1.113803      -1.243503      -1.371035      -1.493316      -1.595179      -1.709223      -1.815481      -1.901362      -2.005056      -2.110026      -2.216519       0.000000     -6.4287595E-03 -5.2019190E-02 -0.1384090     -0.2490426     -0.3716899     -0.5048836     -0.6345899     -0.7633758     -0.8882947      -1.009133      -1.130141      -1.245262      -1.353937      -1.459631  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-0.7081872     -0.7524313     -0.7859819       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -8.6381309E-02 -0.1668401     -0.2597937     -0.3547596     -0.4530601     -0.5451338     -0.6374467     -0.7232731     -0.8115662     -0.9014020     -0.9925615      -1.073230      -1.160164      -1.250273      -1.341980      -1.435801      -1.530717      -1.626838      -1.724453      -1.839000       0.000000     -7.7291489E-02 -0.1434166     -0.2194297     -0.2978269     -0.3761502     -0.4522636     -0.5283834     -0.5977457     -0.6693882     -0.7415620     -0.8061367     -0.8741322     -0.9446459      -1.006000      -1.074964      -1.135783      -1.204535      -1.277217      -1.352955      -1.445136       0.000000 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-0.1849295     -0.2623801     -0.3330144     -0.4012156     -0.4707900     -0.5432130     -0.6236230     -0.7030208     -0.7832381     -0.8662307     -0.9615104      -1.051104      -1.144440      -1.255452      -1.358618      -1.477424      -1.604263       0.000000     -2.4771398E-02 -3.9197788E-02 -0.1081271     -0.1887534     -0.2694544     -0.3459764     -0.4260585     -0.5081893     -0.5975956     -0.6858494     -0.7829844     -0.8753926     -0.9821505      -1.083772      -1.188350      -1.308864      -1.434379      -1.549214      -1.682674      -1.823161       0.000000     -1.1704423E-02 -3.6115482E-02 -0.1091043     -0.1974148     -0.2869502     -0.3723553     -0.4662546     -0.5667512     -0.6654277     -0.7721409     -0.8744479     -0.9886547      -1.110909      -1.227292      -1.354107      -1.486697      -1.609807      -1.748020      -1.894436      -2.042369       0.000000     -3.6810301E-03 -3.6026716E-02 -0.1142844     -0.2101420     -0.3065552     -0.4084313     -0.5170364 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-1.267399      -1.403084      -1.554525      -1.693705      -1.825950      -1.960907      -2.090047      -2.212220      -2.331965      -2.475180       0.000000     -6.8530068E-03 -4.6737809E-02 -0.1437104     -0.2680708     -0.4067652     -0.5627041     -0.7177846     -0.8756185      -1.023887      -1.178035      -1.318241      -1.450627      -1.599740      -1.731528      -1.859119      -1.998995      -2.114771      -2.232036      -2.343045      -2.478275       0.000000     -7.9146996E-03 -4.9191143E-02 -0.1461019     -0.2720810     -0.4195021     -0.5784775     -0.7419240     -0.8916364      -1.047187      -1.188020      -1.332977      -1.461899      -1.607099      -1.727359      -1.861153      -1.971622      -2.081547      -2.203732      -2.307220      -2.437941       0.000000     -8.3278511E-03 -5.0147146E-02 -0.1457018     -0.2718789     -0.4191725     -0.5749692     -0.7337239     -0.8809737      -1.027231      -1.171704      -1.299109      -1.436097      -1.571219      -1.680337  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-1.586428      -1.664993      -1.738474       0.000000     -5.2159922E-03 -3.0071350E-02 -8.1360206E-02 -0.1491735     -0.2234706     -0.3044841     -0.3849097     -0.4701682     -0.5507524     -0.6320919     -0.7166961     -0.7946261     -0.8694345     -0.9522371      -1.025828      -1.092648      -1.160571      -1.234463      -1.297154      -1.354666       0.000000     -3.1398290E-03 -1.7057162E-02 -4.5196000E-02 -8.1582047E-02 -0.1213033     -0.1645289     -0.2100967     -0.2548449     -0.3021970     -0.3509240     -0.3959877     -0.4445044     -0.4891819     -0.5365626     -0.5848708     -0.6251860     -0.6715805     -0.7092026     -0.7535495     -0.7875658       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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-0.3318830     -0.4153234     -0.4918681     -0.5654032     -0.6367055     -0.7061411     -0.7735080     -0.8416692     -0.9111304     -0.9808536      -1.051306      -1.123666      -1.197285      -1.270914      -1.346812      -1.425587      -1.520707       0.000000     -9.2742920E-02 -0.1552560     -0.2124198     -0.2890460     -0.3659925     -0.4405656     -0.5136104     -0.5847515     -0.6536507     -0.7296645     -0.8028402     -0.8754960     -0.9492960      -1.025795      -1.104480      -1.183812      -1.266227      -1.365991      -1.458918      -1.567219       0.000000     -8.4801912E-02 -0.1296501     -0.1768027     -0.2552712     -0.3346220     -0.4136809     -0.4938049     -0.5680334     -0.6426764     -0.7261000     -0.8063671     -0.8883996     -0.9724878      -1.069117      -1.160487      -1.255047      -1.366723      -1.470362      -1.588388      -1.714061       0.000000     -7.6186158E-02 -0.1022852     -0.1530167     -0.2350647     -0.3237660     -0.4076678     -0.4894040 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-1.104434      -1.241793      -1.380993      -1.520411      -1.660524      -1.802615      -1.948157      -2.090666      -2.232608      -2.376321       0.000000     -3.2909892E-02 -4.7045112E-02 -0.1286758     -0.2412023     -0.3594457     -0.4843048     -0.6182446     -0.7673136     -0.9100983      -1.052319      -1.194855      -1.339056      -1.480339      -1.619596      -1.758948      -1.904681      -2.045980      -2.180605      -2.314622      -2.472059       0.000000     -1.9266346E-02 -4.5768868E-02 -0.1320877     -0.2477746     -0.3740572     -0.5146300     -0.6631627     -0.8196556     -0.9670864      -1.115773      -1.260028      -1.413246      -1.552730      -1.690914      -1.831773      -1.985389      -2.114275      -2.245285      -2.372344      -2.515725       0.000000     -1.5020373E-02 -4.5765635E-02 -0.1337678     -0.2558732     -0.3891873     -0.5407661     -0.7037279     -0.8576177      -1.009272      -1.166260      -1.309954      -1.445915      -1.595770      -1.728834  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-2.003800      -2.107035      -2.212316       0.000000     -1.1301887E-02 -4.0180210E-02 -0.1174663     -0.2237605     -0.3471860     -0.4834580     -0.6168366     -0.7487375     -0.8764652      -1.002703      -1.123867      -1.238638      -1.348882      -1.455469      -1.559931      -1.661120      -1.738757      -1.832089      -1.924308      -2.013848       0.000000     -9.4080037E-03 -3.4402952E-02 -9.9241123E-02 -0.1902651     -0.2934205     -0.4064105     -0.5170161     -0.6284437     -0.7362338     -0.8497321     -0.9541862      -1.053628      -1.148833      -1.244347      -1.336025      -1.420988      -1.502306      -1.587103      -1.665819      -1.739671       0.000000     -6.7664613E-03 -2.6612325E-02 -7.5273871E-02 -0.1427887     -0.2178429     -0.2998368     -0.3812869     -0.4673274     -0.5486301     -0.6305078     -0.7154493     -0.7937569     -0.8691556     -0.9519973      -1.025909      -1.093108      -1.161361      -1.235372      -1.298430      -1.356427       0.000000  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-0.6472616     -0.7973876     -0.9309326      -1.054680      -1.170925      -1.280048      -1.385910      -1.488570      -1.589441      -1.704399      -1.805954      -1.903680      -1.998916      -2.113572      -2.211649      -2.327695      -2.445195       0.000000     -0.1502100     -0.2974969     -0.4384530     -0.5726020     -0.7021239     -0.8129801     -0.9151008      -1.010903      -1.101562      -1.189475      -1.274856      -1.358258      -1.440617      -1.521817      -1.602214      -1.682819      -1.762673      -1.859935      -1.944044      -2.042344       0.000000     -0.1384348     -0.2684745     -0.3912737     -0.5066194     -0.6125739     -0.7060884     -0.7937409     -0.8770072     -0.9575076      -1.036947      -1.114913      -1.192212      -1.267479      -1.356491      -1.437034      -1.515421      -1.593388      -1.671637      -1.767586      -1.870485       0.000000     -0.1290905     -0.2426772     -0.3474177     -0.4400013     -0.5319774     -0.6165393     -0.6984974 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-1.011979      -1.120197      -1.242709      -1.370666      -1.504242      -1.643310      -1.787565      -1.914730      -2.059332      -2.228597       0.000000     -9.2017867E-02 -0.1423824     -0.1816479     -0.2722886     -0.3777022     -0.4867839     -0.5957452     -0.7088299     -0.8187855     -0.9396037      -1.066356      -1.197736      -1.331099      -1.468449      -1.613132      -1.760276      -1.909765      -2.059424      -2.210415      -2.359423       0.000000     -8.3504520E-02 -0.1129219     -0.1604733     -0.2588936     -0.3727739     -0.4885462     -0.6117651     -0.7378427     -0.8682077      -1.003665      -1.142220      -1.282916      -1.411505      -1.570463      -1.720919      -1.870981      -2.019103      -2.164674      -2.311626      -2.458795       0.000000     -7.4563287E-02 -8.3694726E-02 -0.1478687     -0.2549036     -0.3761102     -0.5003721     -0.6364952     -0.7758065     -0.9176130      -1.062704      -1.209047      -1.354432      -1.499064      -1.661940  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-2.232151      -2.365468      -2.504415       0.000000     -2.8568130E-02 -4.7160823E-02 -0.1251983     -0.2453171     -0.3833921     -0.5384232     -0.7013582     -0.8641117      -1.012282      -1.161335      -1.308293      -1.436801      -1.572882      -1.707913      -1.823368      -1.943213      -2.044042      -2.163847      -2.288734      -2.414943       0.000000     -2.0504538E-02 -4.3145921E-02 -0.1183346     -0.2322448     -0.3645855     -0.5173877     -0.6704206     -0.8213261     -0.9684916      -1.099712      -1.235473      -1.365194      -1.489702      -1.612282      -1.730632      -1.826602      -1.935636      -2.047197      -2.159177      -2.268921       0.000000     -1.7068412E-02 -3.8502555E-02 -0.1082523     -0.2122514     -0.3341027     -0.4720615     -0.6082224     -0.7427917     -0.8734093      -1.001961      -1.125299      -1.241244      -1.354337      -1.463743      -1.567376      -1.667442      -1.764819      -1.869022      -1.965341      -2.056468       0.000000  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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.3193722     -0.6059284     -0.8668100      -1.100268      -1.321934      -1.517549      -1.715958      -1.895937      -2.084164      -2.252846      -2.433547      -2.589930      -2.763940      -2.942829      -3.120184      -3.296901      -3.469961      -3.641051      -3.804456      -4.001948       0.000000     -0.2893773     -0.5480472     -0.7730486     -0.9710966      -1.163700      -1.334556      -1.508445      -1.661193      -1.803169      -1.954681      -2.088675      -2.234422      -2.358460      -2.498860      -2.617706      -2.754964      -2.895374      -3.035816      -3.172139      -3.304242       0.000000     -0.2650734     -0.4938302     -0.6855305     -0.8640336      -1.036564      -1.185158      -1.333924   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-1.291880      -1.380792      -1.481981      -1.571886      -1.677872      -1.773732      -1.887162      -2.008938      -2.134895      -2.262538       0.000000     -0.1833644     -0.3200487     -0.4382344     -0.5333586     -0.6236266     -0.7231426     -0.8204650     -0.9259720      -1.018319      -1.119323      -1.225132      -1.319550      -1.427588      -1.528957      -1.646742      -1.772154      -1.901714      -2.036618      -2.174489      -2.313554       0.000000     -0.1636195     -0.2899408     -0.3806804     -0.4582084     -0.5520763     -0.6575409     -0.7688004     -0.8680380     -0.9730296      -1.080994      -1.195722      -1.302951      -1.424284      -1.552883      -1.685124      -1.822124      -1.964889      -2.110184      -2.259002      -2.410897       0.000000     -0.1440628     -0.2597344     -0.3231805     -0.3997066     -0.5033119     -0.6194060     -0.7284878     -0.8398967     -0.9532696      -1.072835      -1.200628      -1.332393      -1.467440      -1.606340  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-2.381913      -2.537809      -2.669684       0.000000     -9.0535611E-02 -0.1322510     -0.1700035     -0.2787773     -0.4169100     -0.5551818     -0.7102867     -0.8705844      -1.036545      -1.192011      -1.356277      -1.506669      -1.650102      -1.807394      -1.972617      -2.108442      -2.240040      -2.385057      -2.500381      -2.640565       0.000000     -7.8672163E-02 -9.7973734E-02 -0.1500163     -0.2658058     -0.4020717     -0.5487230     -0.7130930     -0.8841727      -1.040271      -1.205116      -1.355750      -1.509686      -1.646051      -1.795666      -1.948167      -2.069690      -2.208529      -2.316678      -2.424656      -2.557081       0.000000     -6.6396199E-02 -7.1225829E-02 -0.1346429     -0.2487820     -0.3867149     -0.5374203     -0.7020651     -0.8685066      -1.022110      -1.180185      -1.330912      -1.463651      -1.603399      -1.741606      -1.878919      -1.992256      -2.111798      -2.212141      -2.334606      -2.458983       0.000000  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-0.1305150     -0.2077007     -0.2931413     -0.3784267     -0.4674991     -0.5518553     -0.6424371     -0.7231215     -0.8031401     -0.8914291     -0.9652126      -1.039706      -1.108335      -1.188698      -1.252405      -1.316480      -1.375589       0.000000     -8.4697092E-03 -1.5062420E-02 -3.6248595E-02 -7.2502375E-02 -0.1144998     -0.1602249     -0.2079406     -0.2546242     -0.3034020     -0.3532444     -0.3996142     -0.4489772     -0.4993103     -0.5428079     -0.5916897     -0.6332054     -0.6801099     -0.7190275     -0.7638342     -0.7992477       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.6572287      -1.051221      -1.400720      -1.721607      -2.024950      -2.287162      -2.545197 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-2.356498      -2.466639      -2.590640      -2.717819      -2.816288      -2.932723      -3.052754      -3.171433      -3.286049      -3.399019       0.000000     -0.4645148     -0.7146910     -0.9343145      -1.119661      -1.304160      -1.472095      -1.620527      -1.736607      -1.858954      -1.963960      -2.082997      -2.182739      -2.296428      -2.388823      -2.498015      -2.612712      -2.727074      -2.842018      -2.956288      -3.070634       0.000000     -0.4206944     -0.6443815     -0.8389729      -1.014053      -1.169688      -1.307992      -1.430569      -1.534431      -1.650869      -1.750833      -1.864068      -1.956921      -2.064408      -2.175219      -2.290298      -2.408116      -2.525330      -2.646555      -2.768147      -2.889779       0.000000     -0.3831064     -0.5765784     -0.7492474     -0.9078030      -1.037399      -1.153301      -1.265311      -1.382587      -1.485240      -1.599048      -1.692371      -1.800721      -1.913029      -2.030463  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-2.579117      -2.737105      -2.916640       0.000000     -0.2442635     -0.3562929     -0.4555026     -0.5158938     -0.6270326     -0.7645539     -0.8974187      -1.025779      -1.162782      -1.323019      -1.473669      -1.621616      -1.776017      -1.930410      -2.108080      -2.272106      -2.458168      -2.617406      -2.765818      -2.936760       0.000000     -0.2131481     -0.3048731     -0.3869781     -0.4448824     -0.5690091     -0.7063242     -0.8433932     -0.9909794      -1.145951      -1.313494      -1.467919      -1.625177      -1.797652      -1.954764      -2.137604      -2.297042      -2.474023      -2.620541      -2.755654      -2.917137       0.000000     -0.1816852     -0.2679647     -0.3192807     -0.3896499     -0.5166939     -0.6648818     -0.8059995     -0.9680158      -1.142733      -1.304184      -1.464493      -1.634421      -1.790307      -1.962654      -2.139999      -2.286797      -2.449004      -2.579679      -2.708850      -2.855843       0.000000  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-0.2234973     -0.3448868     -0.4786262     -0.6248915     -0.7738924     -0.9173637      -1.055441      -1.188309      -1.312531      -1.452111      -1.571664      -1.682511      -1.791114      -1.876380      -1.974348      -2.068400      -2.160839       0.000000     -5.9230763E-02 -7.3514573E-02 -0.1040360     -0.1802103     -0.2834411     -0.4019803     -0.5245011     -0.6537197     -0.7726233     -0.8900975      -1.001961      -1.107733      -1.225580      -1.324767      -1.418956      -1.514056      -1.602450      -1.685542      -1.765452      -1.842604       0.000000     -3.9192669E-02 -4.7345735E-02 -7.2242491E-02 -0.1310388     -0.2089759     -0.2976898     -0.3876210     -0.4805504     -0.5687572     -0.6619231     -0.7456460     -0.8281688     -0.9177019     -0.9936481      -1.069989      -1.151439      -1.221488      -1.287119      -1.352626      -1.413358       0.000000     -1.8574592E-02 -2.4379246E-02 -3.8517866E-02 -7.1852937E-02 -0.1152028     -0.1631356     -0.2129735 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-4.774510      -4.933609      -5.101745       0.000000     -0.8772479      -1.326019      -1.688031      -2.002139      -2.281248      -2.502539      -2.710222      -2.912496      -3.071553      -3.249922      -3.392818      -3.555816      -3.684033      -3.842347      -4.009741      -4.136683      -4.301990      -4.472342      -4.650599      -4.829810       0.000000     -0.7958224      -1.190409      -1.514673      -1.788243      -2.033412      -2.219114      -2.410936      -2.599330      -2.756163      -2.931000      -3.072200      -3.234093      -3.399590      -3.538054      -3.708007      -3.882826      -4.063659      -4.246857      -4.430680      -4.613201       0.000000     -0.7142402      -1.060349      -1.345096      -1.588297      -1.791094      -1.971756      -2.136790      -2.318767      -2.479755      -2.651496      -2.817620      -2.960184      -3.137272      -3.315360      -3.496781      -3.682775      -3.870154      -4.058791      -4.245509      -4.430221       0.000000  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-0.8388724     -0.9701085      -1.130711      -1.305377      -1.475516      -1.653024      -1.842535      -2.026181      -2.204029      -2.378109      -2.551595      -2.716004      -2.877511      -3.032605      -3.175134      -3.313903      -3.448249       0.000000     -0.3276338     -0.4756617     -0.6083865     -0.6690725     -0.8000475     -0.9510886      -1.113647      -1.274384      -1.464558      -1.641050      -1.810084      -1.973578      -2.138377      -2.293835      -2.437785      -2.599597      -2.731349      -2.862427      -2.988239      -3.104058       0.000000     -0.2579375     -0.3667735     -0.4704087     -0.5293987     -0.6408507     -0.7789320     -0.9291566      -1.078646      -1.250660      -1.404452      -1.551682      -1.699067      -1.854016      -1.984661      -2.112049      -2.231956      -2.342860      -2.480625      -2.585850      -2.684062       0.000000     -0.1899276     -0.2721114     -0.3319229     -0.3946038     -0.4910278     -0.6063085     -0.7257358 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-9.284554      -9.621769      -9.855431       0.000000      -1.095884      -2.022956      -2.703012      -3.331617      -3.878237      -4.379889      -4.880330      -5.300307      -5.701080      -6.127672      -6.470921      -6.796567      -7.168550      -7.447821      -7.719932      -8.051958      -8.286938      -8.516007      -8.820700      -9.020892       0.000000      -1.028456      -1.886621      -2.510722      -3.093200      -3.595493      -4.056671      -4.515700      -4.899280      -5.261528      -5.651431      -5.963437      -6.252657      -6.595971      -6.846903      -7.084161      -7.309967      -7.587504      -7.782907      -7.977308      -8.238754       0.000000     -0.9609051      -1.749382      -2.321226      -2.858716      -3.318817      -3.737341      -4.161888      -4.506856      -4.833988      -5.141150      -5.475710      -5.736497      -5.986043      -6.265774      -6.473164      -6.672412      -6.928394      -7.105319      -7.280447      -7.445908       0.000000  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-1.933005      -2.261656      -2.531404      -2.790271      -3.042405      -3.247175      -3.473800      -3.662625      -3.850383      -4.031629      -4.243411      -4.406883      -4.566986      -4.762441      -4.903739      -5.092696      -5.228301       0.000000     -0.6211370      -1.072785      -1.413035      -1.718765      -2.006978      -2.254786      -2.502568      -2.688173      -2.865521      -3.083576      -3.264781      -3.444317      -3.653506      -3.818107      -3.976247      -4.171806      -4.310634      -4.498566      -4.634661      -4.775351       0.000000     -0.5527541     -0.9441552      -1.243291      -1.511895      -1.755193      -1.982544      -2.185738      -2.336797      -2.513649      -2.715333      -2.889257      -3.094178      -3.255454      -3.416900      -3.604178      -3.746161      -3.929420      -4.071733      -4.222540      -4.401101       0.000000     -0.4842235     -0.8166400      -1.073703      -1.305844      -1.523658      -1.711849      -1.867383  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-1.528819      -1.645849      -1.777578      -1.899948      -2.034118      -2.173206      -2.288839      -2.421684      -2.556823      -2.661016       0.000000     -0.2085181     -0.3349217     -0.4360405     -0.5390658     -0.6078651     -0.6805040     -0.7722248     -0.8580921     -0.9616102      -1.070979      -1.167575      -1.272984      -1.385458      -1.480375      -1.589331      -1.699641      -1.793174      -1.896546      -2.000002      -2.084320       0.000000     -0.1391812     -0.2215514     -0.2891390     -0.3516710     -0.4001765     -0.4529478     -0.5134382     -0.5816637     -0.6493926     -0.7249992     -0.8001151     -0.8778889     -0.9467518      -1.021823      -1.097460      -1.173120      -1.248986      -1.309201      -1.380078      -1.450718       0.000000     -6.9675840E-02 -0.1092494     -0.1426280     -0.1708648     -0.1990412     -0.2282150     -0.2579531     -0.2934774     -0.3318425     -0.3712587     -0.4113514     -0.4515962     -0.4867309     -0.5251433  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-9.680908      -10.07508      -10.35140       0.000000     -0.9063332      -1.789946      -2.519595      -3.143821      -3.684261      -4.221559      -4.700346      -5.185575      -5.666644      -6.057293      -6.497672      -6.862511      -7.270155      -7.681718      -7.989729      -8.373408      -8.662415      -9.018136      -9.285890      -9.622307       0.000000     -0.8565843      -1.692251      -2.373571      -2.953369      -3.456016      -3.958955      -4.403617      -4.855835      -5.304875      -5.662567      -6.071633      -6.403214      -6.781188      -7.087589      -7.438790      -7.793852      -8.050499      -8.379452      -8.614347      -8.922183       0.000000     -0.8067721      -1.594282      -2.226597      -2.762940      -3.229246      -3.698352      -4.109459      -4.531050      -4.895016      -5.275670      -5.654295      -5.953965      -6.305493      -6.582716      -6.906117      -7.159396      -7.460393      -7.763695      -7.970474      -8.255649       0.000000  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-2.015078      -2.345300      -2.685580      -2.973508      -3.277415      -3.530828      -3.796665      -4.018881      -4.267978      -4.517191      -4.702315      -4.929120      -5.093092      -5.295003      -5.442698      -5.632876      -5.769843       0.000000     -0.5567003      -1.099616      -1.483551      -1.815024      -2.130036      -2.441648      -2.698398      -2.977622      -3.202053      -3.442073      -3.646805      -3.871617      -4.094958      -4.257541      -4.454498      -4.600238      -4.789290      -4.926981      -5.105615      -5.236039       0.000000     -0.5064760     -0.9995180      -1.336762      -1.634935      -1.918888      -2.197590      -2.432940      -2.679413      -2.877087      -3.100608      -3.282655      -3.479967      -3.672110      -3.811228      -3.991874      -4.133883      -4.310550      -4.442177      -4.610382      -4.784532       0.000000     -0.4561781     -0.8989358      -1.192276      -1.459005      -1.712243      -1.959490      -2.168783  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-1.863017      -1.981432      -2.111982      -2.244141      -2.359005      -2.492829      -2.629469      -2.736429      -2.870203      -3.002219       0.000000     -0.2542296     -0.4911580     -0.6386715     -0.7782232     -0.9139235      -1.041859      -1.161920      -1.274215      -1.360323      -1.428321      -1.544324      -1.660558      -1.758714      -1.876137      -1.998462      -2.100159      -2.217964      -2.340632      -2.437152      -2.547778       0.000000     -0.2035478     -0.3892628     -0.5073612     -0.6181895     -0.7185819     -0.8284080     -0.9207962     -0.9969922      -1.055775      -1.139229      -1.232468      -1.325694      -1.425629      -1.513321      -1.614173      -1.717210      -1.823685      -1.906832      -2.004221      -2.098318       0.000000     -0.1527847     -0.2891945     -0.3758991     -0.4579297     -0.5365290     -0.6160309     -0.6845469     -0.7224581     -0.7886899     -0.8600463     -0.9333967     -0.9975979      -1.075585      -1.155686  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-1.499696      -1.809679      -2.075242      -2.324330      -2.572890      -2.782005      -3.002124      -3.217266      -3.432979      -3.607896      -3.797688      -3.986998      -4.172630      -4.356176      -4.481275      -4.639129      -4.793118       0.000000     -0.3542457     -0.7066929      -1.056752      -1.393789      -1.676566      -1.916542      -2.144973      -2.375347      -2.565466      -2.766656      -2.967116      -3.164652      -3.322974      -3.499828      -3.672125      -3.841141      -4.009584      -4.122608      -4.266445      -4.405890       0.000000     -0.3271199     -0.6528547     -0.9766771      -1.287479      -1.542477      -1.758107      -1.966626      -2.178760      -2.350060      -2.536162      -2.717713      -2.900164      -3.043860      -3.203588      -3.359109      -3.516618      -3.671690      -3.771099      -3.900301      -4.023529       0.000000     -0.2999750     -0.5989336     -0.8964176      -1.180729      -1.407587      -1.600510      -1.790070  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-1.754893      -1.875708      -1.964443      -2.065040      -2.161391      -2.264991      -2.364802      -2.428202      -2.507151      -2.578301       0.000000     -0.1911916     -0.3823987     -0.5734133     -0.7483087     -0.8706535     -0.9870918      -1.107322      -1.211529      -1.316292      -1.419530      -1.525121      -1.627089      -1.700708      -1.788629      -1.881710      -1.969711      -2.054886      -2.108507      -2.172430      -2.226064       0.000000     -0.1639418     -0.3280472     -0.4921539     -0.6386130     -0.7398745     -0.8406304     -0.9419664      -1.029209      -1.117823      -1.208772      -1.295629      -1.377437      -1.444846      -1.527333      -1.604342      -1.677232      -1.745412      -1.788607      -1.833746      -1.865731       0.000000     -0.1366737     -0.2736052     -0.4106792     -0.5288247     -0.6116729     -0.6939229     -0.7792946     -0.8488501     -0.9255143     -0.9981275      -1.064908      -1.138195      -1.200445      -1.266828  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   0.7904570       1.073460       1.191571       1.245879       1.252676       1.236625       1.205246       1.179115       1.137320       1.103452       1.059382       1.025958      0.9838267      0.9551905      0.9181755      0.8957612      0.8763987      0.8513470      0.8382805      0.8299814       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       2.519481       3.194767       3.549353       3.801374       3.938950       4.068907       4.167691       4.229458       4.247465       4.277640       4.313758       4.320070       4.344676       4.345902       4.322761       4.297380       4.300577       4.284394       4.274447       4.236195       0.000000       2.467708       3.132503       3.481539       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1.558971       1.545101       1.532307       1.514737       1.497946       1.478732       1.446262       1.421149       1.388115       1.347167       0.000000      0.6927349       1.022874       1.193967       1.306209       1.365637       1.410416       1.419668       1.426705       1.424155       1.415250       1.405605       1.381551       1.360147       1.323432       1.285868       1.248023       1.198455       1.158759       1.105065       1.055197       0.000000      0.6507226      0.9527986       1.107425       1.196317       1.256596       1.277333       1.287238       1.284503       1.268830       1.243576       1.212211       1.183688       1.139515       1.085084       1.031578      0.9772559      0.9132991      0.8531445      0.7811157      0.7141655       0.000000      0.6079473      0.8799586       1.018469       1.093470       1.137995       1.143451       1.140029       1.120115       1.091296       1.051793       1.004871      0.9477156      0.8880309      0.8187699   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-0.5646530     -0.6848365     -0.8063635       0.000000      0.4276986      0.5801519      0.6272517      0.6126719      0.5657809      0.5030043      0.4208205      0.3269008      0.2270301      0.1193933      5.5695446E-03 -0.1125569     -0.2351974     -0.3628634     -0.4882119     -0.6133668     -0.7360398     -0.8519611     -0.9755087      -1.088530       0.000000      0.3820091      0.5068153      0.5254512      0.4854488      0.4167533      0.3294773      0.2293192      0.1215641      5.3204503E-03 -0.1142623     -0.2367135     -0.3644097     -0.4908572     -0.6195616     -0.7414933     -0.8696699     -0.9814908      -1.088311      -1.206415      -1.306246       0.000000      0.3369005      0.4342366      0.4200044      0.3558748      0.2661835      0.1619940      4.5128539E-02 -7.8474902E-02 -0.2038736     -0.3310375     -0.4582907     -0.5908252     -0.7130213     -0.8383759     -0.9614965      -1.068634      -1.170773      -1.282451      -1.384552      -1.486942       0.000000 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-4.8324473E-02 -0.1907141     -0.3388606     -0.4818685     -0.6173558     -0.7432941     -0.8741275     -0.9884725      -1.095013      -1.200440      -1.292091      -1.381783      -1.466573      -1.550000      -1.622682      -1.693562      -1.754766       0.000000      0.1191892      0.1080161      2.5027234E-02 -9.5510066E-02 -0.2323338     -0.3707171     -0.5099800     -0.6393700     -0.7613369     -0.8840296     -0.9907971      -1.091655      -1.184956      -1.272667      -1.366374      -1.442960      -1.512505      -1.578544      -1.634070      -1.682220       0.000000      7.7997424E-02  6.2367197E-02 -8.4486520E-03 -0.1083127     -0.2222013     -0.3422305     -0.4588528     -0.5774566     -0.6874155     -0.7966908     -0.8922195     -0.9951419      -1.076871      -1.156325      -1.239595      -1.302950      -1.381299      -1.432558      -1.476059      -1.517815       0.000000      3.8031612E-02  2.5571512E-02 -1.7663863E-02 -7.8041464E-02 -0.1479396     -0.2233153     -0.3018782 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1.087668       1.074413       1.052556       1.031395       1.012138      0.9959833      0.9699527      0.9490040      0.9278877      0.9025031       0.000000      0.5111309      0.7702759      0.9090417      0.9966440       1.040125       1.067255       1.079944       1.082899       1.077042       1.061437       1.047783       1.035818       1.016255      0.9978346      0.9773806      0.9587431      0.9309602      0.9081203      0.8858373      0.8639323       0.000000      0.4849838      0.7313033      0.8638440      0.9449790      0.9839926       1.007283       1.018566       1.016733       1.006934      0.9919948      0.9744192      0.9591861      0.9346968      0.9161807      0.8848460      0.8517456      0.8213374      0.7910254      0.7591050      0.7274096       0.000000      0.4567728      0.6877628      0.8093780      0.8812509      0.9132960      0.9338394      0.9302805      0.9248645      0.9124378      0.8924360      0.8748223      0.8442968      0.8158079      0.7778912   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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.4630724      0.6560697      0.7453263      0.7864800      0.7909289      0.7826674      0.7641290      0.7397636      0.7093967      0.6781746      0.6476250      0.6148561      0.5819256      0.5507165      0.5162295      0.4809261      0.4502964      0.4192352      0.3871939      0.3572592       0.000000      0.4482546      0.6499593      0.7505867      0.8012706      0.8163317      0.8185797      0.8103049      0.7960033      0.7754743      0.7506099      0.7251783      0.7004812      0.6738625      0.6470860      0.6184025      0.5944003      0.5664396      0.5390099      0.5126957      0.4881577       0.000000      0.4330738      0.6409655      0.7364360      0.7891985      0.8073300      0.8121801      0.8066826      0.7931480      0.7717206      0.7481294      0.7220952      0.7016228      0.6746676      0.6524704   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0.1502696      8.1537083E-02  6.6359085E-03   0.000000      0.3443336      0.5036574      0.5766317      0.5999985      0.5987675      0.5884917      0.5660294      0.5316014      0.4909236      0.4437920      0.3910453      0.3331844      0.2715922      0.2082088      0.1397110      6.4146630E-02 -1.7850967E-02 -0.1082825     -0.2060350     -0.3110769       0.000000      0.3180533      0.4612117      0.5150282      0.5330273      0.5244853      0.5033523      0.4630545      0.4179268      0.3644938      0.3036154      0.2362526      0.1652190      8.7426037E-02  3.7589108E-03 -8.9257389E-02 -0.1894340     -0.2968476     -0.4111666     -0.5308869     -0.6535460       0.000000      0.2911435      0.4161521      0.4546689      0.4603498      0.4404605      0.4010317      0.3518739      0.2918369      0.2222641      0.1452593      6.1025772E-02 -2.8536433E-02 -0.1268618     -0.2332203     -0.3464735     -0.4650309     -0.5901123     -0.7179641     -0.8466020     -0.9715710       0.000000  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0.1165482      2.0869164E-02 -9.0438932E-02 -0.2098401     -0.3389449     -0.4699662     -0.6087886     -0.7545941     -0.8916419      -1.025824      -1.160425      -1.288020      -1.418271      -1.533607      -1.663270      -1.785957      -1.895632       0.000000      0.1527274      0.1696016      0.1167109      2.4743723E-02 -9.2511676E-02 -0.2222534     -0.3581935     -0.5017627     -0.6407562     -0.7870488     -0.9346051      -1.068102      -1.202691      -1.323241      -1.447306      -1.572923      -1.693037      -1.812182      -1.908228      -2.011689       0.000000      0.1251872      0.1246117      5.1657259E-02 -6.2010773E-02 -0.2004115     -0.3469273     -0.4928090     -0.6444863     -0.7918282     -0.9396473      -1.082467      -1.217117      -1.333761      -1.457958      -1.573919      -1.687876      -1.798180      -1.904338      -2.004652      -2.097506       0.000000      0.1003793      8.3652891E-02 -6.8158214E-03 -0.1369377     -0.2901753     -0.4473900     -0.6055472  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-1.067631      -1.164503      -1.269842      -1.352352      -1.444032      -1.515787      -1.581895      -1.655450      -1.713832      -1.778312       0.000000      1.5379213E-02 -7.5125550E-03 -5.9597392E-02 -0.1282222     -0.2062731     -0.2864564     -0.3709460     -0.4565200     -0.5422153     -0.6273569     -0.7034070     -0.7825859     -0.8593345     -0.9242412     -0.9920988      -1.056668      -1.106221      -1.160620      -1.211619      -1.244198       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.3458002      0.5148606      0.5904056      0.6020664      0.5813835      0.5498424      0.5107872      0.4671928      0.4213340      0.3780810      0.3334928      0.2867832      0.2420152      0.1990875  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0.2408134      0.2062861      0.1700956       0.000000      0.3503214      0.5141034      0.5918593      0.6141083      0.6167718      0.5995960      0.5776737      0.5506167      0.5193599      0.4833401      0.4483272      0.4076019      0.3687565      0.3246735      0.2823524      0.2385356      0.1929684      0.1455049      9.6080303E-02  4.1879151E-02   0.000000      0.3321140      0.4918100      0.5632011      0.5815647      0.5803822      0.5593382      0.5352998      0.5037517      0.4642888      0.4209917      0.3753949      0.3293717      0.2767442      0.2242780      0.1693699      0.1111443      4.8674744E-02 -1.9345755E-02 -9.3767039E-02 -0.1748088       0.000000      0.3126814      0.4642059      0.5221654      0.5395841      0.5274011      0.5065764      0.4755093      0.4302846      0.3830342      0.3341132      0.2770526      0.2150501      0.1513675      8.3662473E-02  1.0460862E-02 -7.0147216E-02 -0.1575198     -0.2504512     -0.3500212     -0.4540198       0.000000  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0.2904215      0.2338871      0.1615504      7.6004587E-02 -2.0311713E-02 -0.1269033     -0.2398521     -0.3585034     -0.4896690     -0.6216117     -0.7555622     -0.8893886      -1.021251      -1.154141      -1.282884      -1.418338      -1.555379       0.000000      0.1987226      0.2718513      0.2590091      0.2122616      0.1380693      4.7080174E-02 -5.5260591E-02 -0.1679343     -0.2908173     -0.4158543     -0.5524039     -0.6922855     -0.8291791     -0.9669093      -1.109212      -1.235280      -1.371784      -1.494438      -1.635062      -1.746641       0.000000      0.1743076      0.2252158      0.1973629      0.1285344      3.5530288E-02 -7.4062996E-02 -0.1941018     -0.3217621     -0.4578870     -0.5935392     -0.7405964     -0.8824034      -1.029969      -1.158964      -1.295376      -1.416499      -1.547044      -1.679198      -1.788919      -1.894689       0.000000      0.1481944      0.1810872      0.1339784      4.4316947E-02 -6.9923647E-02 -0.1972170     -0.3321723  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-0.1326451     -0.1712655     -0.2088817       0.000000      0.2526088      0.3955233      0.4662992      0.4732600      0.4601630      0.4336229      0.3993835      0.3594161      0.3173839      0.2747807      0.2352635      0.1967809      0.1586898      0.1217038      8.5220538E-02  4.9744844E-02  1.5130630E-02 -1.9305576E-02 -5.4200951E-02 -8.9763261E-02   0.000000      0.2482407      0.4047505      0.4811448      0.4895308      0.4795721      0.4580026      0.4215998      0.3842456      0.3454136      0.3086240      0.2684865      0.2301134      0.1914951      0.1525531      0.1136400      7.5213328E-02  3.6209129E-02 -3.7675411E-03 -4.5491282E-02 -8.9713000E-02   0.000000      0.2456544      0.4174202      0.4820425      0.4903251      0.4825773      0.4559359      0.4248237      0.3889872      0.3497167      0.3071749      0.2653214      0.2204026      0.1762582      0.1312161      8.5430861E-02  3.7087634E-02 -1.3519644E-02 -6.7894019E-02 -0.1265238     -0.1880976       0.000000 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0.3815310      0.3523524      0.3059981      0.2486276      0.1805120      0.1044911      2.0912450E-02 -7.0244171E-02 -0.1664065     -0.2684072     -0.3775582     -0.4952819     -0.6209480     -0.7480066     -0.8750175      -1.006526      -1.144259       0.000000      0.2273456      0.3348001      0.3548479      0.3321996      0.2895492      0.2339559      0.1607200      7.9284407E-02 -1.2372876E-02 -0.1122878     -0.2190298     -0.3302960     -0.4493368     -0.5772257     -0.7107807     -0.8432555     -0.9769512      -1.111314      -1.251033      -1.390078       0.000000      0.2062986      0.3028902      0.3088286      0.2748250      0.2198165      0.1465502      6.0211997E-02 -3.8722750E-02 -0.1461972     -0.2611578     -0.3804793     -0.5069959     -0.6409675     -0.7868779     -0.9216830      -1.060554      -1.195912      -1.323021      -1.464115      -1.603523       0.000000      0.1843823      0.2660269      0.2565250      0.2084737      0.1397563      4.9512196E-02 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-1.504642      -1.610499      -1.692486      -1.771168      -1.845342      -1.909274      -1.964907       0.000000      3.5536889E-02  1.8487403E-02 -5.8041893E-02 -0.1684080     -0.2962132     -0.4312757     -0.5609432     -0.6928153     -0.8206276     -0.9340730      -1.049611      -1.147645      -1.254461      -1.337896      -1.430682      -1.505299      -1.570138      -1.645393      -1.698578      -1.744034       0.000000      1.6591437E-02  2.7675866E-03 -4.5977596E-02 -0.1145523     -0.1917565     -0.2749195     -0.3604206     -0.4468595     -0.5333150     -0.6191463     -0.6954823     -0.7751927     -0.8524377     -0.9174907     -0.9857455      -1.050718      -1.100347      -1.155107      -1.194480      -1.239076       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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0.000000      0.1843583      0.2682486      0.2981749      0.2910844      0.2582443      0.2165088      0.1691771      0.1194720      7.1058936E-02  2.2934774E-02 -2.4007190E-02 -7.1198024E-02 -0.1181557     -0.1669779     -0.2154534     -0.2645502     -0.3140995     -0.3644784     -0.4157275     -0.4711488       0.000000      0.1769463      0.2745018      0.3233331      0.3152844      0.2884325      0.2490211      0.2041202      0.1565923      0.1082985      6.0651779E-02  1.1839439E-02 -3.7594423E-02 -8.9613497E-02 -0.1429521     -0.2001309     -0.2576719     -0.3164591     -0.3773204     -0.4421856     -0.5103898       0.000000      0.1701587      0.2799678      0.3365059      0.3295558      0.2994399      0.2606078      0.2157325      0.1668532      0.1169388      6.4062044E-02  9.9959914E-03 -4.6902169E-02 -0.1079830     -0.1732811     -0.2402153     -0.3096024     -0.3855552     -0.4621280     -0.5469198     -0.6360552       0.000000      0.1639993      0.2892538      0.3397695   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7.9605967E-02 -3.9345585E-03 -9.6840546E-02 -0.1981227     -0.3050176     -0.4176068     -0.5443473     -0.6731333     -0.8049688     -0.9397954      -1.078207      -1.213037      -1.351045      -1.492977       0.000000      0.1551999      0.2635664      0.2662880      0.2269705      0.1653990      9.0523742E-02  3.4441303E-03 -9.4804198E-02 -0.2048143     -0.3206571     -0.4416307     -0.5740963     -0.7109150     -0.8490107     -0.9872813      -1.135574      -1.277994      -1.409910      -1.554067      -1.693809       0.000000      0.1601238      0.2399484      0.2311844      0.1776435      0.1054435      1.6124226E-02 -8.7063767E-02 -0.2035391     -0.3264848     -0.4579204     -0.5915710     -0.7379590     -0.8804760      -1.024377      -1.172066      -1.310773      -1.455117      -1.581662      -1.718376      -1.854165       0.000000      0.1475520      0.2121981      0.1907170      0.1234691      3.5872348E-02 -7.0402995E-02 -0.1915922     -0.3251023     -0.4611619     -0.6005451  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0.000000      8.6076654E-02  7.7210292E-02 -2.2428327E-03 -9.8363064E-02 -0.2010523     -0.3062146     -0.4106081     -0.5117060     -0.6090155     -0.7025006     -0.7916963     -0.8781391     -0.9573051      -1.036136      -1.116651      -1.193085      -1.271576      -1.336021      -1.404151      -1.468828       0.000000      9.9491850E-02  9.6727423E-02  4.2548086E-02 -3.2855183E-02 -0.1163821     -0.2026964     -0.2864088     -0.3688724     -0.4494021     -0.5269542     -0.5961666     -0.6672507     -0.7303559     -0.7958713     -0.8649119     -0.9220270     -0.9802139      -1.041072      -1.104990      -1.168158       0.000000      0.1028831      0.1130910      7.4968949E-02  1.4015724E-02 -5.0740436E-02 -0.1186745     -0.1893914     -0.2601210     -0.3265154     -0.3937024     -0.4562635     -0.5166935     -0.5812281     -0.6453289     -0.7026269     -0.7626318     -0.8261946     -0.8880836     -0.9534656      -1.010008       0.000000      0.1014049      0.1226724      9.8313294E-02  5.9566487E-02  7.8469878E-03 -5.1619329E-02 -0.1136564     -0.1767130     -0.2409351     -0.3030944     -0.3680041     -0.4296904     -0.4955209     -0.5580249     -0.6259155     -0.6892369     -0.7572497     -0.8220285     -0.8910497     -0.9658023       0.000000      9.7803868E-02  0.1286818      0.1233177      0.1020058      5.3935934E-02 -2.5339625E-03 -6.2307622E-02 -0.1251252     -0.1900362     -0.2542436     -0.3216937     -0.3918458     -0.4605380     -0.5292681     -0.6036773     -0.6773304     -0.7589798     -0.8420409     -0.9291096      -1.022628       0.000000      9.3257152E-02  0.1314944      0.1524597      0.1309073      8.4430367E-02  2.7443305E-02 -3.5358347E-02 -0.1001589     -0.1681354     -0.2388946     -0.3130022     -0.3875908     -0.4663217     -0.5493528     -0.6360749     -0.7288170     -0.8290679     -0.9292669      -1.034941      -1.148964       0.000000      8.9209899E-02  0.1365355      0.1820572      0.1485564      9.9955410E-02  3.8082328E-02 -2.8576458E-02 -9.8096363E-02 -0.1727176     -0.2512228     -0.3355550     -0.4229134     -0.5153825     -0.6128951     -0.7150275     -0.8259271     -0.9398573      -1.058245      -1.176816      -1.305419       0.000000      8.4898874E-02  0.1466885      0.1898244      0.1550860      9.9847779E-02  3.2579083E-02 -3.9397255E-02 -0.1166485     -0.2000124     -0.2906152     -0.3887072     -0.4895337     -0.5951046     -0.7078341     -0.8296207     -0.9539797      -1.086190      -1.213634      -1.350713      -1.492065       0.000000      7.8603946E-02  0.1602498      0.1903483      0.1499539      8.5624911E-02  1.2297437E-02 -6.6901125E-02 -0.1544132     -0.2502227     -0.3579634     -0.4682729     -0.5770187     -0.7033398     -0.8351359     -0.9705375      -1.104437      -1.240944      -1.389880      -1.534842      -1.683487       0.000000      7.4344814E-02  0.1779764      0.1811218      0.1330776      6.0719624E-02 -2.1136321E-02 -0.1111690     -0.2115085     -0.3239985  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-0.4012479     -0.4839058     -0.5613356     -0.6436101     -0.7259502     -0.7992244     -0.8811944     -0.9625670      -1.046014      -1.130803      -1.210496      -1.294688      -1.385755      -1.483698      -1.584974       0.000000     -4.0718939E-02 -6.4590916E-02 -0.1338906     -0.1853528     -0.2499332     -0.3247178     -0.4054528     -0.4845765     -0.5680450     -0.6502216     -0.7285526     -0.8135083     -0.9032408     -0.9938319      -1.083315      -1.180362      -1.278597      -1.384049      -1.497791      -1.617680       0.000000     -2.7503934E-02 -5.2423578E-02 -9.6237652E-02 -0.1266285     -0.1934624     -0.2683749     -0.3511099     -0.4364211     -0.5177417     -0.6046699     -0.6966424     -0.7900379     -0.8893285     -0.9879285      -1.094447      -1.202592      -1.317487      -1.443285      -1.575409      -1.710805       0.000000     -1.3865911E-02 -4.0410664E-02 -5.6758650E-02 -8.6163580E-02 -0.1524343     -0.2315976     -0.3177615     -0.4049613     -0.4968749 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-1.128089      -1.287443      -1.432697      -1.593485      -1.737488      -1.889296      -2.042357      -2.175798       0.000000     -3.0463538E-03  1.9682677E-02  3.7415251E-02 -3.3349246E-02 -0.1342393     -0.2413124     -0.3609914     -0.4946902     -0.6307231     -0.7707661     -0.9245374      -1.084149      -1.231852      -1.398296      -1.545115      -1.698786      -1.850637      -1.996689      -2.115293      -2.240880       0.000000     -3.3059327E-03  4.6782911E-02  3.5644252E-02 -4.7245402E-02 -0.1596852     -0.2771711     -0.4126746     -0.5608125     -0.7077145     -0.8647208      -1.026067      -1.179741      -1.340366      -1.500249      -1.647465      -1.790487      -1.927643      -2.044626      -2.167983      -2.285533       0.000000     -2.3703962E-03  6.6279069E-02  2.5498988E-02 -6.8002433E-02 -0.1897004     -0.3248344     -0.4752994     -0.6367270     -0.7915717     -0.9547173      -1.116900      -1.272728      -1.431484      -1.574476      -1.710917      -1.838571  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-2.052842       0.000000      9.2432965E-03  1.4866228E-02 -3.2848421E-02 -0.1333940     -0.2596726     -0.4002670     -0.5397626     -0.6799166     -0.8161609     -0.9369041      -1.058371      -1.161880      -1.272192      -1.363067      -1.459036      -1.533001      -1.614680      -1.678139      -1.753283      -1.806127       0.000000      4.0483144E-03  4.5792428E-03 -2.8471364E-02 -9.3995541E-02 -0.1737668     -0.2613948     -0.3514770     -0.4418683     -0.5315675     -0.6200414     -0.6988607     -0.7804981     -0.8594069     -0.9355229     -0.9960896      -1.062242      -1.113675      -1.169382      -1.221581      -1.255729       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.5927599     -0.9230888  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-1.341240      -1.506477      -1.647235      -1.766982      -1.876307      -1.997778      -2.094388      -2.183830      -2.270018      -2.363384      -2.450317      -2.531602      -2.630550      -2.716276      -2.793497       0.000000     -0.3918247     -0.5533924     -0.7150490     -0.8796663      -1.038063      -1.187252      -1.316358      -1.430872      -1.534064      -1.645150      -1.738594      -1.828312      -1.917049      -1.996643      -2.084731      -2.168753      -2.261641      -2.347600      -2.445436      -2.534909       0.000000     -0.3479617     -0.4860577     -0.6269308     -0.7728837     -0.9203937      -1.043338      -1.149913      -1.249771      -1.345542      -1.440154      -1.530542      -1.623079      -1.710791      -1.797747      -1.884626      -1.972975      -2.072114      -2.186704      -2.283454      -2.382526       0.000000     -0.3137344     -0.4197165     -0.5446334     -0.6851109     -0.8066219     -0.9032819      -1.000341      -1.096903      -1.194050  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-1.358702      -1.501601      -1.639423      -1.780273      -1.934561      -2.076047      -2.231880      -2.387845       0.000000     -0.1898217     -0.2380365     -0.3188494     -0.3481032     -0.4345785     -0.5378666     -0.6415182     -0.7454782     -0.8565869     -0.9722796      -1.104579      -1.228181      -1.373186      -1.517297      -1.665909      -1.826067      -1.972862      -2.136498      -2.292169      -2.449400       0.000000     -0.1632202     -0.1911413     -0.2661690     -0.2870692     -0.3831998     -0.4880109     -0.5961694     -0.7145154     -0.8351088     -0.9641916      -1.107638      -1.244584      -1.400551      -1.551254      -1.721943      -1.886036      -2.031449      -2.188743      -2.342960      -2.497515       0.000000     -0.1349688     -0.1726647     -0.2097347     -0.2423601     -0.3414860     -0.4542413     -0.5727943     -0.7029727     -0.8364862     -0.9788448      -1.131057      -1.291098      -1.446104      -1.616219      -1.783582      -1.944128  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-2.423940       0.000000     -5.5789560E-02 -7.0762321E-02 -6.7359373E-02 -0.1563156     -0.2912011     -0.4440202     -0.6133390     -0.7881834     -0.9579914      -1.121724      -1.290187      -1.436480      -1.568777      -1.693523      -1.830355      -1.936155      -2.038008      -2.130445      -2.236183      -2.318945       0.000000     -4.1718539E-02 -2.9323131E-02 -5.4316752E-02 -0.1473044     -0.2819422     -0.4395239     -0.6074461     -0.7725708     -0.9409274      -1.092704      -1.242588      -1.367352      -1.487950      -1.612622      -1.714341      -1.821497      -1.909220      -1.988837      -2.077877      -2.145515       0.000000     -2.8103396E-02 -1.7964549E-02 -4.4123963E-02 -0.1281751     -0.2483599     -0.3896174     -0.5341631     -0.6814198     -0.8244377     -0.9517208      -1.078124      -1.185796      -1.300336      -1.408037      -1.490487      -1.584700      -1.658507      -1.722647      -1.797387      -1.849344       0.000000     -1.2668325E-02 -1.1395966E-02 -2.9139735E-02 -8.5763454E-02 -0.1653024     -0.2554815     -0.3492724     -0.4431680     -0.5358220     -0.6266943     -0.7079148     -0.7913153     -0.8717347     -0.9491507      -1.011717      -1.078972      -1.142726      -1.188963      -1.241928      -1.277929       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      -1.424417      -2.568760      -3.493396      -4.284706      -4.970699      -5.580176      -6.132155      -6.634762      -7.097937      -7.529732      -7.936611      -8.323904      -8.696378      -9.057103      -9.408665      -9.753321      -10.09300      -10.42970      -10.76460      -11.09233       0.000000      -1.358759      -2.392312      -3.225676      -3.907462      -4.491995 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-4.508732      -4.692142      -4.883510      -5.065847      -5.241924      -5.414378      -5.585702      -5.757716      -5.931548      -6.040540      -6.190858      -6.347153       0.000000      -1.083258      -1.747220      -2.252261      -2.673080      -3.033989      -3.334146      -3.614147      -3.829583      -4.043119      -4.224410      -4.397456      -4.564985      -4.729489      -4.893236      -5.057442      -5.168024      -5.337022      -5.480238      -5.627973      -5.721187       0.000000      -1.010833      -1.594188      -2.048759      -2.429855      -2.746212      -3.033308      -3.250575      -3.457036      -3.633631      -3.803869      -3.968216      -4.129362      -4.289658      -4.402587      -4.554749      -4.715528      -4.819395      -4.944098      -5.102457      -5.231626       0.000000     -0.9367770      -1.442803      -1.855332      -2.198583      -2.487607      -2.724059      -2.925982      -3.097130      -3.266759      -3.430244      -3.590674      -3.750069  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-3.379040      -3.542283      -3.687572      -3.847524      -3.991025       0.000000     -0.6257504     -0.9222029      -1.166345      -1.395527      -1.522597      -1.665220      -1.817529      -1.971542      -2.124758      -2.273969      -2.401230      -2.556890      -2.712142      -2.871045      -3.002687      -3.150947      -3.317936      -3.475890      -3.634352      -3.817565       0.000000     -0.5472594     -0.7991545     -0.9993385      -1.210489      -1.292020      -1.448911      -1.597168      -1.751457      -1.898867      -2.048963      -2.204247      -2.362220      -2.505992      -2.658839      -2.822788      -2.966380      -3.147924      -3.306934      -3.459413      -3.604254       0.000000     -0.4705110     -0.6838963     -0.8704591      -1.021063      -1.117820      -1.260455      -1.397509      -1.549199      -1.695421      -1.850634      -2.010765      -2.169244      -2.336154      -2.491393      -2.649268      -2.797996      -2.982213      -3.118488      -3.261662  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-0.2701169     -0.3236462     -0.3861485     -0.4865177     -0.6202065     -0.7582883     -0.9167929      -1.071660      -1.230400      -1.371861      -1.522593      -1.650073      -1.779756      -1.902959      -2.002515      -2.112011      -2.197550      -2.298766      -2.366174       0.000000     -0.1236518     -0.1792166     -0.2027352     -0.2623020     -0.3469658     -0.4633054     -0.5888618     -0.7247075     -0.8636987     -0.9890730      -1.116960      -1.239865      -1.343946      -1.451531      -1.552681      -1.635307      -1.730394      -1.815406      -1.877196      -1.958038       0.000000     -6.1034214E-02 -8.4055431E-02 -0.1043390     -0.1359801     -0.1939740     -0.2702292     -0.3550573     -0.4378332     -0.5240712     -0.6086451     -0.6911411     -0.7714453     -0.8495750     -0.9155592     -0.9863047      -1.054493      -1.120174      -1.171351      -1.228742      -1.283381       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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-6.611584      -6.984450      -7.331986      -7.654800      -7.954638      -8.317479      -8.585922      -8.850686      -9.102505      -9.343682      -9.575749      -9.796268       0.000000      -1.283998      -2.301780      -3.071233      -3.719658      -4.306596      -4.792266      -5.219772      -5.615412      -6.032491      -6.356163      -6.657433      -6.938593      -7.209834      -7.465475      -7.704790      -7.930112      -8.144136      -8.348237      -8.543793      -8.730309       0.000000      -1.213286      -2.145379      -2.836733      -3.425251      -3.965220      -4.391632      -4.782917      -5.132566      -5.451947      -5.747894      -6.082533      -6.337336      -6.573980      -6.791455      -7.000829      -7.197463      -7.383354      -7.562630      -7.736949      -7.904475       0.000000      -1.141840      -1.987930      -2.609342      -3.138046      -3.595638      -4.037457      -4.379419      -4.692067      -4.987529      -5.261758      -5.506790      -5.726774  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-4.942977      -5.146380      -5.295584      -5.437491      -5.574507       0.000000     -0.8484011      -1.380888      -1.795502      -2.152356      -2.446836      -2.741331      -2.969000      -3.147037      -3.334183      -3.554826      -3.733327      -3.902658      -4.065470      -4.222104      -4.376430      -4.575749      -4.723683      -4.864622      -5.008921      -5.159113       0.000000     -0.7730046      -1.224017      -1.603380      -1.923050      -2.204412      -2.454318      -2.626367      -2.811260      -2.995228      -3.200867      -3.369888      -3.532774      -3.690263      -3.842725      -4.037718      -4.185389      -4.327845      -4.472413      -4.669333      -4.806360       0.000000     -0.6967036      -1.088687      -1.421635      -1.690376      -1.964850      -2.157271      -2.312321      -2.497122      -2.697014      -2.865206      -3.028454      -3.186365      -3.336223      -3.526237      -3.674187      -3.819764      -3.964029      -4.156264      -4.304758  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-0.5702404     -0.7408956     -0.9043366     -0.9618368      -1.110747      -1.260972      -1.410656      -1.557635      -1.711765      -1.859894      -2.002871      -2.169563      -2.304454      -2.467146      -2.590476      -2.730843      -2.860396      -3.003951      -3.112944       0.000000     -0.3017327     -0.4533359     -0.5928174     -0.6966534     -0.7683670     -0.8960687      -1.027291      -1.181801      -1.313481      -1.454751      -1.608822      -1.747511      -1.904590      -2.031334      -2.177817      -2.291087      -2.421401      -2.546923      -2.647780      -2.757726       0.000000     -0.2236860     -0.3340032     -0.4426529     -0.4808684     -0.5814521     -0.6817078     -0.8094009     -0.9369724      -1.072194      -1.204630      -1.346433      -1.474959      -1.612484      -1.741671      -1.847611      -1.969398      -2.084503      -2.174588      -2.274371      -2.370295       0.000000     -0.1475801     -0.2192862     -0.2868252     -0.3230318     -0.3901152 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-7.893635      -8.495350      -9.002067      -9.556671      -10.00902      -10.52937      -10.93755      -11.43431      -11.80746      -12.28839      -12.63276      -13.10411       0.000000      -1.247330      -2.355439      -3.302016      -4.151334      -4.845061      -5.533378      -6.104768      -6.696753      -7.179106      -7.711768      -8.132425      -8.622912      -8.991651      -9.454030      -9.780658      -10.11448      -10.51741      -10.80595      -11.20748      -11.46945       0.000000      -1.185637      -2.236410      -3.109448      -3.837479      -4.506187      -5.084593      -5.636922      -6.107345      -6.590652      -6.992956      -7.433074      -7.782065      -8.193515      -8.494338      -8.793610      -9.151181      -9.412934      -9.767593      -10.00086      -10.23863       0.000000      -1.123504      -2.114648      -2.912197      -3.572546      -4.183142      -4.701344      -5.199260      -5.622681      -6.060507      -6.415280      -6.753986      -7.124484  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-6.345825      -6.511940      -6.740844      -6.892473      -7.049081       0.000000     -0.8705226      -1.597611      -2.133605      -2.575497      -2.980980      -3.366277      -3.687851      -4.010025      -4.279247      -4.534820      -4.808798      -5.002184      -5.232427      -5.399728      -5.577290      -5.794810      -5.950274      -6.169665      -6.312610      -6.460158       0.000000     -0.8061777      -1.463000      -1.923495      -2.347595      -2.703344      -3.075490      -3.345897      -3.627659      -3.918372      -4.140042      -4.363460      -4.526942      -4.703742      -4.916763      -5.085641      -5.290400      -5.437769      -5.644764      -5.780478      -5.920954       0.000000     -0.7413871      -1.328091      -1.743770      -2.131394      -2.459210      -2.781034      -3.040463      -3.301615      -3.555653      -3.724264      -3.925777      -4.097116      -4.269558      -4.470725      -4.624050      -4.820778      -4.961145      -5.156810      -5.286139  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-0.8076771      -1.059684      -1.301168      -1.494953      -1.699294      -1.841385      -1.954963      -2.134550      -2.280835      -2.448042      -2.587685      -2.752447      -2.884609      -3.038150      -3.162593      -3.283228      -3.437360      -3.590993      -3.699753       0.000000     -0.4108839     -0.6872669     -0.8965511      -1.093120      -1.280843      -1.435685      -1.510831      -1.670030      -1.820973      -1.958275      -2.113023      -2.248525      -2.399261      -2.520575      -2.667224      -2.784958      -2.933318      -3.081316      -3.188585      -3.335343       0.000000     -0.3434820     -0.5655701     -0.7432984     -0.9005198      -1.063137      -1.168089      -1.252649      -1.398882      -1.519992      -1.664752      -1.791199      -1.936435      -2.052818      -2.190794      -2.306262      -2.446754      -2.585746      -2.691736      -2.829766      -2.959682       0.000000     -0.2756424     -0.4498642     -0.5874599     -0.7212037     -0.8385219 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-0.3621845     -0.4181870     -0.4765468     -0.5356996     -0.5948713     -0.6538374     -0.7047061     -0.7606424     -0.8154128     -0.8691366     -0.9217440     -0.9731842       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.9771606      -1.888879      -2.716326      -3.473022      -4.181796      -4.855225      -5.444002      -6.032590      -6.598656      -7.148777      -7.597951      -8.091809      -8.579315      -8.971320      -9.418210      -9.864320      -10.20903      -10.62148      -11.03759      -11.34195       0.000000     -0.9304210      -1.802110      -2.589344      -3.300165      -3.955675      -4.568995      -5.083438      -5.606950      -6.110477      -6.534041      -6.978812      -7.418119 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-6.915936      -7.113986      -7.378644      -7.566988      -7.812852       0.000000     -0.7412072      -1.446210      -2.052179      -2.552303      -3.017032      -3.395715      -3.788875      -4.117366      -4.463643      -4.788066      -5.054371      -5.351284      -5.643940      -5.849938      -6.110544      -6.309650      -6.554399      -6.805514      -6.974026      -7.208677       0.000000     -0.6933426      -1.354982      -1.909630      -2.360832      -2.757027      -3.132443      -3.485936      -3.800707      -4.106457      -4.422077      -4.663089      -4.935571      -5.139270      -5.386965      -5.636717      -5.817765      -6.049356      -6.218285      -6.430205      -6.640697       0.000000     -0.6452482      -1.262823      -1.764671      -2.171578      -2.525709      -2.874678      -3.214713      -3.482235      -3.778833      -4.027059      -4.280119      -4.526307      -4.724611      -4.960354      -5.145874      -5.359190      -5.568131      -5.702850      -5.876453  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-0.8842707      -1.179731      -1.453584      -1.685713      -1.916207      -2.127916      -2.315397      -2.508126      -2.708897      -2.894536      -3.018912      -3.134224      -3.279332      -3.408779      -3.562035      -3.714167      -3.823257      -3.969006      -4.074569       0.000000     -0.4014729     -0.7868851      -1.039850      -1.263885      -1.481386      -1.697122      -1.868203      -2.048970      -2.227400      -2.398874      -2.539925      -2.618531      -2.749552      -2.905679      -3.023521      -3.161715      -3.304398      -3.409747      -3.544883      -3.642038       0.000000     -0.3520545     -0.6881900     -0.9006037      -1.100609      -1.283820      -1.473240      -1.609624      -1.793177      -1.943413      -2.073395      -2.162386      -2.258133      -2.402177      -2.537661      -2.645093      -2.774800      -2.906142      -3.008028      -3.130414      -3.222197       0.000000     -0.3024163     -0.5882362     -0.7673797     -0.9348288      -1.096565 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    1.631293       1.559948       1.498715       1.429935       1.352762       1.293123       1.232612       1.172595       0.000000       1.314950       1.716762       1.880135       1.935673       1.935001       1.921433       1.871502       1.808253       1.746503       1.673987       1.598732       1.539224       1.466324       1.391012       1.331865       1.260988       1.199855       1.131516       1.079989       1.013436       0.000000       1.174812       1.550336       1.702419       1.753993       1.756648       1.726771       1.679630       1.618169       1.555835       1.487804       1.430289       1.361973       1.298050       1.228826       1.163688       1.109457       1.045834      0.9936553      0.9333789      0.8760266       0.000000       1.016535       1.361235       1.490466       1.540334       1.542057       1.516176       1.475642       1.426054       1.356669       1.297952       1.251636       1.190275       1.128348       1.069121       1.010367      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-1.202435      -1.269845       0.000000      0.1435107      0.1761156      0.1444644      7.8838505E-02 -3.1610178E-03 -9.5324159E-02 -0.1923424     -0.2879924     -0.3830345     -0.4745423     -0.5707982     -0.6581708     -0.7414135     -0.8204370     -0.9000264     -0.9750427      -1.046509      -1.116762      -1.182202      -1.243660       0.000000      0.1077967      0.1288546      9.9740587E-02  4.2927783E-02 -2.8368013E-02 -0.1083493     -0.1930175     -0.2780605     -0.3623640     -0.4490943     -0.5366088     -0.6158473     -0.6929954     -0.7671055     -0.8474044     -0.9156843     -0.9819443      -1.044700      -1.106104      -1.175156       0.000000      7.1288243E-02  8.3627187E-02  5.9979539E-02  1.6526021E-02 -3.7940092E-02 -9.9313952E-02 -0.1650801     -0.2337868     -0.3010227     -0.3720220     -0.4433811     -0.5100726     -0.5807016     -0.6436030     -0.7108628     -0.7703758     -0.8274206     -0.8895501     -0.9437451      -1.004829       0.000000      3.5777885E-02  4.0687688E-02  2.6706584E-02  2.2577071E-03 -2.8561324E-02 -6.3651390E-02 -0.1018296     -0.1423738     -0.1829129     -0.2256224     -0.2692784     -0.3136892     -0.3587353     -0.3993891     -0.4433972     -0.4875382     -0.5264262     -0.5686533     -0.6106930     -0.6523308       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.3854044      0.5851423      0.6996253      0.7727035      0.8209359      0.8611182      0.8820602      0.9014930      0.9069582      0.9159059      0.9131090      0.9087562      0.9088118      0.9037351      0.8920085      0.8856848      0.8729984      0.8589595      0.8518864      0.8404601       0.000000      0.3660325      0.5547039      0.6619411      0.7307700  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0.5479459      0.5313745      0.5078153      0.4789308      0.4464261      0.4107913      0.3721610      0.3306051      0.2867852      0.2410328      0.1906054      0.1381101      8.3133347E-02   0.000000      0.2814111      0.4088766      0.4585490      0.4738419      0.4751220      0.4650874      0.4482316      0.4227227      0.3881726      0.3478876      0.3029530      0.2548130      0.2023648      0.1472315      8.8239908E-02  2.5438676E-02 -4.2225935E-02 -0.1139933     -0.1879562     -0.2658577       0.000000      0.2596924      0.3700132      0.4025477      0.4050760      0.3926143      0.3662421      0.3305903      0.2860899      0.2345101      0.1780701      0.1166540      5.1810149E-02 -1.7000308E-02 -9.2755958E-02 -0.1716137     -0.2542221     -0.3389868     -0.4241402     -0.5144210     -0.6021965       0.000000      0.2381669      0.3308726      0.3477909      0.3365725      0.3072829      0.2618961      0.2069380      0.1445759      7.6973692E-02  4.1474393E-03 -7.3947564E-02 -0.1547682     -0.2427082     -0.3342434     -0.4237209     -0.5140178     -0.6091440     -0.7049596     -0.7924513     -0.8832067       0.000000      0.2168156      0.2894659      0.2923610      0.2661172      0.2201797      0.1556167      8.3004259E-02  4.7807670E-03 -7.8806832E-02 -0.1680222     -0.2579018     -0.3545404     -0.4538964     -0.5521675     -0.6441516     -0.7426038     -0.8400472     -0.9289310      -1.020990      -1.113267       0.000000      0.1957466      0.2529864      0.2421178      0.1997219      0.1337425      5.1856071E-02 -3.6729798E-02 -0.1297276     -0.2276715     -0.3255377     -0.4291269     -0.5344712     -0.6346154     -0.7362292     -0.8353119     -0.9358793      -1.023649      -1.118603      -1.213064      -1.306548       0.000000      0.1750321      0.2176611      0.1936366      0.1348269      5.1304955E-02 -4.5960270E-02 -0.1485903     -0.2531982     -0.3603889     -0.4681797     -0.5780773     -0.6869890     -0.7861717     -0.8900090 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-1.520620      -1.603941      -1.677777       0.000000      9.6418686E-02  9.4514452E-02  3.3895705E-02 -6.3809611E-02 -0.1791201     -0.3009212     -0.4284115     -0.5505507     -0.6695542     -0.7790551     -0.8888104     -0.9919543      -1.088180      -1.181888      -1.273807      -1.362515      -1.449176      -1.530825      -1.608202      -1.698280       0.000000      7.8381181E-02  6.9492616E-02  7.5191092E-03 -8.7470993E-02 -0.1994236     -0.3168671     -0.4396299     -0.5582018     -0.6701698     -0.7794186     -0.8822526     -0.9810057      -1.082129      -1.174298      -1.265329      -1.359332      -1.438664      -1.515373      -1.592796      -1.665904       0.000000      6.1022632E-02  4.8659794E-02 -1.1209427E-02 -9.9245816E-02 -0.2019778     -0.3094035     -0.4221697     -0.5305976     -0.6417259     -0.7440073     -0.8417320     -0.9365195      -1.036226      -1.122912      -1.215829      -1.292230      -1.372476      -1.444022      -1.522335      -1.589678       0.000000  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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.2827537      0.4210026      0.4885662      0.5291336      0.5528212      0.5649551      0.5695693      0.5688357      0.5642703      0.5568675      0.5530452      0.5439837      0.5326154      0.5197224      0.5058503      0.4963353      0.4828409      0.4711288      0.4571234      0.4429127       0.000000      0.2693309      0.4050605      0.4712392      0.5096016      0.5328869      0.5453849      0.5504600      0.5501614      0.5458936      0.5441209      0.5360612      0.5307789      0.5237970      0.5134641      0.5039889      0.4918248      0.4779676      0.4676022      0.4562834      0.4435388       0.000000      0.2552819      0.3835993      0.4414342      0.4727780      0.4900899      0.4973800      0.4967385   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0.1001275      5.0179925E-02 -3.9246753E-03 -6.3147239E-02 -0.1259107     -0.1923789     -0.2623050     -0.3364742     -0.4125250     -0.4895189       0.000000      0.1905564      0.2651242      0.2754567      0.2562813      0.2312987      0.1996909      0.1603196      0.1113273      5.6046281E-02 -3.1170680E-03 -6.7863710E-02 -0.1370522     -0.2109309     -0.2864026     -0.3662210     -0.4489306     -0.5381989     -0.6255916     -0.7091091     -0.7976779       0.000000      0.1738117      0.2349586      0.2306134      0.1981848      0.1617937      0.1128868      5.3596839E-02 -1.3487529E-02 -8.6307324E-02 -0.1623224     -0.2447568     -0.3300769     -0.4179099     -0.5077747     -0.6008050     -0.6958356     -0.7916642     -0.8803774     -0.9772152      -1.071787       0.000000      0.1572990      0.2051501      0.1858278      0.1425601      9.0316758E-02  2.1994298E-02 -5.6891534E-02 -0.1412202     -0.2287880     -0.3216580     -0.4188992     -0.5159910     -0.6117217     -0.7116719  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-1.528711      -1.618466      -1.705539       0.000000      9.3622379E-02  9.4345197E-02  3.4407325E-02 -5.8674626E-02 -0.1754107     -0.3001262     -0.4301109     -0.5585473     -0.6764540     -0.7941732     -0.9123464      -1.034516      -1.141773      -1.238228      -1.329453      -1.421351      -1.513681      -1.605134      -1.690875      -1.790192       0.000000      7.9356916E-02  7.1350738E-02  5.4268660E-03 -9.6785910E-02 -0.2193305     -0.3484418     -0.4830915     -0.6137004     -0.7335736     -0.8519046     -0.9738026      -1.092119      -1.184563      -1.283048      -1.377979      -1.467854      -1.556720      -1.644536      -1.745051      -1.823924       0.000000      6.5766647E-02  5.0797276E-02 -1.9078400E-02 -0.1238361     -0.2484386     -0.3775226     -0.5124593     -0.6411455     -0.7619508     -0.8816947      -1.000726      -1.109178      -1.196690      -1.300698      -1.395759      -1.480805      -1.569692      -1.665355      -1.742860      -1.820143       0.000000  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-0.1020054     -0.1701819     -0.2437566     -0.3209634     -0.3962059     -0.4746130     -0.5541109     -0.6276882     -0.7055941     -0.7836830     -0.8513380     -0.9243564     -0.9975893      -1.059354      -1.129643      -1.184491      -1.248376       0.000000      8.5864514E-03 -1.7354083E-03 -2.6182348E-02 -5.8639608E-02 -9.5967561E-02 -0.1366213     -0.1797772     -0.2249345     -0.2683221     -0.3147908     -0.3619940     -0.4097894     -0.4580635     -0.5014396     -0.5482621     -0.5949110     -0.6413699     -0.6876652     -0.7257285     -0.7688505       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.1787247      0.2909274      0.3514497      0.3689876      0.3725168      0.3677300      0.3582277 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0.2157068      0.1923404      0.1665102      0.1406428      0.1115167      8.0875449E-02  4.8330259E-02  1.4451844E-02 -2.1636302E-02 -6.0921263E-02   0.000000      0.1808192      0.2686239      0.2932646      0.2903334      0.2761202      0.2554220      0.2318701      0.2088207      0.1827753      0.1520553      0.1176257      8.0604918E-02  4.0308263E-02 -2.8883892E-03 -4.8893653E-02 -9.8543853E-02 -0.1499324     -0.2044792     -0.2624461     -0.3218150       0.000000      0.1684334      0.2471482      0.2607229      0.2467135      0.2210727      0.1918087      0.1621194      0.1273528      8.5813873E-02  3.9609157E-02 -1.1038617E-02 -6.6208385E-02 -0.1255978     -0.1874588     -0.2493567     -0.3183247     -0.3884560     -0.4626797     -0.5397807     -0.6187631       0.000000      0.1557734      0.2237436      0.2256461      0.1991079      0.1629962      0.1250864      8.1374168E-02  2.8770639E-02 -3.0314932E-02 -9.3922570E-02 -0.1629492     -0.2349715     -0.3094211     -0.3862167  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-1.375381      -1.478647      -1.573311       0.000000      0.1026532      0.1254667      7.9197653E-02  6.1598825E-03 -8.6808115E-02 -0.1923372     -0.3028581     -0.4147046     -0.5318136     -0.6486860     -0.7570434     -0.8785424     -0.9912709      -1.099099      -1.205171      -1.312894      -1.412500      -1.512164      -1.596406      -1.684441       0.000000      8.9768745E-02  0.1018876      4.6635978E-02 -3.9441552E-02 -0.1465713     -0.2651680     -0.3859694     -0.5074078     -0.6322646     -0.7541106     -0.8720053     -0.9965139      -1.106869      -1.218284      -1.313189      -1.412209      -1.510421      -1.605306      -1.695856      -1.782353       0.000000      7.7356510E-02  7.9373837E-02  1.7085884E-02 -7.9645708E-02 -0.1988294     -0.3266149     -0.4548168     -0.5830112     -0.7119346     -0.8350984     -0.9622387      -1.075565      -1.186672      -1.293588      -1.391742      -1.489351      -1.586602      -1.676046      -1.761283      -1.847613       0.000000  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-0.1520114     -0.2641012     -0.3791473     -0.4997865     -0.6149123     -0.7329977     -0.8404347     -0.9507439      -1.049206      -1.150621      -1.239601      -1.326766      -1.419729      -1.493465      -1.583686      -1.652588      -1.737744       0.000000      2.3121191E-02  3.5750601E-03 -5.5287674E-02 -0.1375946     -0.2300962     -0.3300201     -0.4334894     -0.5329342     -0.6357217     -0.7375582     -0.8305290     -0.9261581      -1.011121      -1.104183      -1.181970      -1.265597      -1.336141      -1.418412      -1.497236      -1.561132       0.000000      1.4361088E-02 -1.8326243E-03 -4.6574511E-02 -0.1072858     -0.1767433     -0.2514152     -0.3294707     -0.4059069     -0.4851328     -0.5650221     -0.6455953     -0.7177998     -0.7956420     -0.8737071     -0.9388031      -1.010592      -1.072406      -1.142291      -1.211898      -1.265431       0.000000      6.6835638E-03 -3.2489866E-03 -2.8153494E-02 -6.1352070E-02 -9.9355355E-02 -0.1405847     -0.1841922 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0.1205360      9.9128313E-02  7.8435719E-02  5.8216080E-02  3.8243763E-02  1.8560253E-02 -6.5111183E-04 -2.0327717E-02 -4.0268153E-02 -6.0652234E-02   0.000000      9.6769936E-02  0.1782297      0.2269027      0.2381985      0.2349171      0.2244191      0.2079123      0.1881192      0.1664015      0.1435915      0.1218953      0.1002439      7.7908732E-02  5.5884380E-02  3.3284891E-02  1.0369333E-02 -1.3702854E-02 -3.9015520E-02 -6.5573454E-02 -9.3194395E-02   0.000000      9.6934780E-02  0.1866681      0.2333007      0.2336877      0.2235892      0.2078307      0.1860715      0.1612753      0.1348929      0.1087638      8.1801109E-02  5.3617902E-02  2.3910901E-02 -7.7628903E-03 -4.2090587E-02 -7.8170575E-02 -0.1154922     -0.1550620     -0.1960728     -0.2408691       0.000000      9.7619101E-02  0.1986990      0.2244479      0.2157145      0.1973428      0.1728930      0.1440073      0.1126406      7.9979733E-02  4.5053910E-02  6.9135274E-03 -3.4936380E-02 -7.9919539E-02 -0.1280203  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-1.035736      -1.135745      -1.242307       0.000000      0.1069015      0.1525874      0.1292150      7.3565461E-02  1.1291935E-02 -6.1552014E-02 -0.1441067     -0.2332271     -0.3265079     -0.4230720     -0.5180511     -0.6202368     -0.7242354     -0.8309398     -0.9372272      -1.042197      -1.136557      -1.240451      -1.346763      -1.455591       0.000000      9.6123382E-02  0.1329915      9.8582424E-02  3.2417044E-02 -4.4216160E-02 -0.1340704     -0.2329212     -0.3367192     -0.4425406     -0.5513610     -0.6620892     -0.7732775     -0.8857368     -0.9981302      -1.097823      -1.204400      -1.310758      -1.416658      -1.521646      -1.625937       0.000000      8.5498147E-02  0.1131895      6.7487247E-02 -7.9962434E-03 -0.1001217     -0.2063384     -0.3199545     -0.4355558     -0.5526981     -0.6708544     -0.7875615     -0.9036599      -1.018596      -1.130562      -1.239639      -1.345573      -1.450319      -1.552797      -1.651320      -1.747772       0.000000  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-0.1360782     -0.2633700     -0.4015289     -0.5370109     -0.6762664     -0.8048244     -0.9270465      -1.051479      -1.158807      -1.264558      -1.375402      -1.470909      -1.558474      -1.646782      -1.728422      -1.826020      -1.900341       0.000000      3.6054056E-02  2.4136398E-02 -4.5418784E-02 -0.1495720     -0.2724303     -0.4063871     -0.5358315     -0.6701140     -0.7923868     -0.9176651      -1.027429      -1.133315      -1.243086      -1.338827      -1.425764      -1.513887      -1.610522      -1.685005      -1.776002      -1.849409       0.000000      2.7413296E-02  1.2793479E-02 -5.3232096E-02 -0.1494588     -0.2633089     -0.3811930     -0.5035068     -0.6270066     -0.7393706     -0.8555889     -0.9586796      -1.067965      -1.162600      -1.249962      -1.349356      -1.429289      -1.518721      -1.593059      -1.677939      -1.746402       0.000000      1.9422505E-02  4.0812902E-03 -5.3180367E-02 -0.1358977     -0.2302309     -0.3319802     -0.4366426 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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      5.2066579E-02  7.1735933E-02  6.6121913E-02  4.1641764E-02  8.4642973E-03 -2.8638164E-02 -6.8736300E-02 -0.1092311     -0.1489947     -0.1880838     -0.2291072     -0.2687327     -0.3081098     -0.3470437     -0.3854071     -0.4234582     -0.4612192     -0.4987938     -0.5358981     -0.5761211       0.000000      5.1211726E-02  7.7325173E-02  7.9657391E-02  6.5860175E-02  4.5632504E-02  2.1485059E-02 -6.5798867E-03 -3.6120936E-02 -6.6010520E-02 -9.5216356E-02 -0.1244365     -0.1536256     -0.1824355     -0.2107383     -0.2388864     -0.2669189     -0.2947768     -0.3225440     -0.3498842     -0.3799003       0.000000      4.9371917E-02  7.9223670E-02  9.1823556E-02  8.9499474E-02  7.8060508E-02  5.6365509E-02  3.1831782E-02  5.6182328E-03 -2.1552308E-02 -4.9013309E-02 -7.7293977E-02 -0.1056612     -0.1342086     -0.1629322   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-0.6763159     -0.7512971     -0.8373623       0.000000      4.2092577E-02  0.1089367      0.1325353      9.9878840E-02  5.3264499E-02  2.2021576E-03 -5.1612433E-02 -0.1089275     -0.1706882     -0.2378925     -0.3103205     -0.3822512     -0.4601431     -0.5381160     -0.6242412     -0.7144800     -0.7977788     -0.8925105     -0.9802024      -1.076900       0.000000      4.2384248E-02  0.1232456      0.1201879      7.4765779E-02  1.6903646E-02 -4.4800758E-02 -0.1115808     -0.1820521     -0.2594899     -0.3422290     -0.4298097     -0.5165993     -0.6105505     -0.7079366     -0.8079027     -0.9011588      -1.004290      -1.109134      -1.199704      -1.303017       0.000000      4.3677706E-02  0.1257237      0.1013689      4.4881523E-02 -2.3946747E-02 -9.8742954E-02 -0.1784064     -0.2657034     -0.3590056     -0.4565898     -0.5582606     -0.6630205     -0.7708369     -0.8722252     -0.9809347      -1.089976      -1.198222      -1.292097      -1.396191      -1.504313       0.000000 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-8.4367983E-02 -0.1975820     -0.3257423     -0.4645585     -0.5989841     -0.7331348     -0.8643805     -0.9995606      -1.117366      -1.229349      -1.343104      -1.450795      -1.547972      -1.641448      -1.733677      -1.823059      -1.909174       0.000000      4.3440599E-02  5.1790107E-02 -9.6347798E-03 -0.1111486     -0.2320576     -0.3681753     -0.5073659     -0.6501906     -0.7853433     -0.9238827      -1.046347      -1.160022      -1.273805      -1.393357      -1.488915      -1.582591      -1.676011      -1.766107      -1.850245      -1.930884       0.000000      3.5544217E-02  3.7674289E-02 -2.7381826E-02 -0.1304232     -0.2575521     -0.3944533     -0.5333881     -0.6758121     -0.8079327     -0.9418691      -1.059342      -1.172833      -1.291441      -1.387306      -1.483517      -1.575339      -1.676452      -1.760393      -1.840433      -1.915338       0.000000      2.8102910E-02  2.4468668E-02 -4.0738121E-02 -0.1425676     -0.2647805     -0.4004755     -0.5332996 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-0.6523075     -0.7259116     -0.8041139     -0.8823243     -0.9488196      -1.020811      -1.093307      -1.153429      -1.222712      -1.289093       0.000000      4.0926859E-03 -2.1563871E-03 -2.5787698E-02 -5.9649836E-02 -9.8829225E-02 -0.1411643     -0.1856540     -0.2318195     -0.2793920     -0.3239583     -0.3717524     -0.4199819     -0.4685371     -0.5173910     -0.5605100     -0.6072970     -0.6537615     -0.6999386     -0.7459013     -0.7826718       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -1.1295435E-02 -3.3151042E-02 -8.1806816E-02 -0.1477088     -0.2150549     -0.2822870     -0.3515316     -0.4160994     -0.4785756     -0.5389087     -0.6029365     -0.6609365     -0.7173598     -0.7723471 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-0.6063736     -0.6516954     -0.7007275       0.000000      6.7003183E-03 -1.4388617E-03 -1.1768845E-02 -2.3371371E-02 -4.7861379E-02 -8.3269596E-02 -0.1237752     -0.1692941     -0.2147287     -0.2608093     -0.3110100     -0.3590257     -0.4077407     -0.4615011     -0.5131883     -0.5658482     -0.6263158     -0.6835902     -0.7421589     -0.8058645       0.000000      5.5077206E-03  2.0412060E-03  7.4528726E-03  4.2889691E-03 -3.1876888E-02 -7.6247610E-02 -0.1275151     -0.1801417     -0.2338819     -0.2913514     -0.3488216     -0.4100224     -0.4701183     -0.5369149     -0.6020146     -0.6759169     -0.7479145     -0.8222328     -0.9044062     -0.9858543       0.000000      4.3629562E-03  6.7043058E-03  3.2451428E-02  1.4448657E-02 -3.2688498E-02 -8.9023970E-02 -0.1502998     -0.2122854     -0.2778924     -0.3476121     -0.4158655     -0.4909947     -0.5659995     -0.6488366     -0.7304724     -0.8217372     -0.9169498      -1.002868      -1.101468      -1.195677       0.000000 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-4.0310312E-02 -0.1364515     -0.2386127     -0.3467488     -0.4636270     -0.5844942     -0.7088706     -0.8431450     -0.9686242      -1.091291      -1.197806      -1.311866      -1.426211      -1.536113      -1.643431      -1.749239      -1.852628       0.000000      4.6636225E-03  6.2806688E-02  2.2279121E-02 -6.6126890E-02 -0.1711024     -0.2840253     -0.4075017     -0.5375738     -0.6684128     -0.8077448     -0.9383398      -1.064410      -1.184285      -1.300046      -1.415746      -1.525596      -1.631743      -1.737182      -1.836121      -1.931275       0.000000      7.3098796E-03  5.2028261E-02  6.5298090E-03 -8.9958906E-02 -0.2026873     -0.3282708     -0.4642039     -0.6019947     -0.7388334     -0.8814377      -1.011932      -1.134658      -1.251169      -1.368690      -1.479857      -1.579687      -1.694883      -1.790411      -1.880634      -1.968211       0.000000      1.1379802E-02  4.1452207E-02 -9.5291110E-03 -0.1112387     -0.2297750     -0.3626847     -0.5092458 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-0.9746612      -1.084471      -1.180286      -1.281875      -1.369625      -1.466792      -1.542866      -1.632541      -1.701099      -1.773305       0.000000      8.4837321E-03  4.7565293E-03 -4.4290356E-02 -0.1251101     -0.2212253     -0.3265374     -0.4351676     -0.5449454     -0.6463221     -0.7510612     -0.8550751     -0.9443668      -1.041133      -1.125052      -1.218316      -1.292644      -1.375421      -1.443823      -1.522193      -1.604268       0.000000      4.9650776E-03 -2.5995413E-04 -3.8642582E-02 -9.9170431E-02 -0.1716662     -0.2499925     -0.3312639     -0.4142956     -0.4929601     -0.5741404     -0.6557326     -0.7301164     -0.8087208     -0.8871863     -0.9638873      -1.026569      -1.099075      -1.159607      -1.228891      -1.295307       0.000000      2.0328346E-03 -1.9697906E-03 -2.3721399E-02 -5.7683233E-02 -9.7539783E-02 -0.1406240     -0.1857564     -0.2324370     -0.2804196     -0.3254322     -0.3735260     -0.4219907     -0.4707310     -0.5197255 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-1.322276      -1.373773      -1.428295       0.000000     -9.4216049E-02 -0.1710964     -0.2322570     -0.3070022     -0.3863079     -0.4588699     -0.5317304     -0.5932945     -0.6496915     -0.7025610     -0.7590133     -0.8090009     -0.8577576     -0.9048347     -0.9506658     -0.9965463      -1.051803      -1.099188      -1.145085      -1.193671       0.000000     -8.6148039E-02 -0.1444231     -0.1986108     -0.2690626     -0.3358948     -0.3909711     -0.4453824     -0.4954150     -0.5441836     -0.5921338     -0.6460896     -0.6956950     -0.7442287     -0.7924739     -0.8479107     -0.8968963     -0.9458150     -0.9942225      -1.042166      -1.104019       0.000000     -7.7918991E-02 -0.1193475     -0.1763797     -0.2343772     -0.2813034     -0.3218838     -0.3732418     -0.4231800     -0.4751246     -0.5337521     -0.5884883     -0.6416743     -0.7015302     -0.7555092     -0.8104301     -0.8741397     -0.9321343     -0.9905080      -1.050071      -1.124749       0.000000  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-9.4656825E-02 -0.1620216     -0.2476135     -0.3373248     -0.4227023     -0.5128827     -0.6099816     -0.7134606     -0.8223035     -0.9264794      -1.037833      -1.149840      -1.265722      -1.370122      -1.486764      -1.607477      -1.729853       0.000000     -3.1701237E-02 -6.8875074E-02 -4.3290213E-02 -8.6460009E-02 -0.1708021     -0.2661684     -0.3644779     -0.4629351     -0.5692401     -0.6817309     -0.7991638     -0.9199148      -1.042196      -1.153065      -1.271772      -1.391899      -1.512785      -1.633468      -1.749672      -1.860807       0.000000     -3.0433457E-02 -5.6691777E-02 -1.7488910E-02 -8.7389939E-02 -0.1853428     -0.2926605     -0.4001329     -0.5137574     -0.6355793     -0.7604889     -0.8889311      -1.016348      -1.142362      -1.265652      -1.388066      -1.509570      -1.628810      -1.744757      -1.836627      -1.939400       0.000000     -2.8815219E-02 -4.2494103E-02 -1.8163383E-02 -9.5113792E-02 -0.2032986     -0.3188717     -0.4361224 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-1.088330      -1.210314      -1.335137      -1.438073      -1.539738      -1.650247      -1.743838      -1.832849      -1.913531      -2.014452       0.000000     -1.6176624E-02  4.6457718E-03 -3.7488695E-02 -0.1342832     -0.2521189     -0.3889705     -0.5286293     -0.6727523     -0.8060240     -0.9404087      -1.060116      -1.185416      -1.289179      -1.390133      -1.495896      -1.587183      -1.690298      -1.770015      -1.850584      -1.945381       0.000000     -1.0437309E-02  2.2458597E-04 -4.1588593E-02 -0.1316682     -0.2424516     -0.3675686     -0.4986770     -0.6305302     -0.7519047     -0.8751662     -0.9875909      -1.100063      -1.198465      -1.301841      -1.391156      -1.490168      -1.568008      -1.662156      -1.735521      -1.821968       0.000000     -3.0739165E-03 -2.5544271E-03 -4.0901095E-02 -0.1196214     -0.2175853     -0.3232162     -0.4348641     -0.5473887     -0.6515056     -0.7584863     -0.8643466     -0.9557644      -1.053818      -1.139101  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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.3839728     -0.5861157     -0.7721537     -0.9496328      -1.114049      -1.280148      -1.426447      -1.575361      -1.706284      -1.847191      -1.967920      -2.082692      -2.211894      -2.322072      -2.427444      -2.553530      -2.658727      -2.760409      -2.858104      -2.982980       0.000000     -0.3506145     -0.5193288     -0.6745947     -0.8184069     -0.9592882      -1.099790      -1.219733      -1.330000      -1.445262      -1.545693      -1.656196      -1.748567      -1.835561      -1.917818      -2.014587      -2.093827      -2.169372      -2.242177      -2.312432      -2.405022       0.000000     -0.3182087     -0.4629423     -0.5961763     -0.7158319     -0.8387364     -0.9464777      -1.056351      -1.153446      -1.254556      -1.338739      -1.414991      -1.497693      -1.566416      -1.630959      -1.691782      -1.767998      -1.830877      -1.890552      -1.947379      -2.025242       0.000000   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-0.4406653     -0.5101065     -0.5629132     -0.6221553     -0.6967502     -0.7706897     -0.8534083     -0.9263241      -1.007947      -1.078616      -1.163349      -1.243573      -1.336555      -1.423088      -1.522438      -1.611746      -1.719448       0.000000     -0.1897279     -0.2562260     -0.3167071     -0.3898841     -0.4343956     -0.4920105     -0.5651055     -0.6510813     -0.7398104     -0.8198854     -0.9080716     -0.9890028      -1.083252      -1.185559      -1.281183      -1.387945      -1.497926      -1.598294      -1.715179      -1.839242       0.000000     -0.1672682     -0.2292902     -0.2870552     -0.3375801     -0.3677494     -0.4457060     -0.5376627     -0.6273708     -0.7216356     -0.8161526     -0.9083678      -1.013890      -1.124596      -1.239519      -1.357688      -1.463906      -1.585439      -1.709501      -1.832811      -1.940640       0.000000     -0.1485831     -0.2012410     -0.2561038     -0.2782803     -0.3264703     -0.4185476     -0.5212636 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-1.094872      -1.230568      -1.367840      -1.511780      -1.632190      -1.749957      -1.863304      -1.970690      -2.071142      -2.168850       0.000000     -8.2699560E-02 -0.1159224     -0.1025410     -0.1574604     -0.2751424     -0.4051436     -0.5372120     -0.6846862     -0.8330451     -0.9840073      -1.123889      -1.260905      -1.403392      -1.522185      -1.640372      -1.751034      -1.865836      -1.962588      -2.059365      -2.152177       0.000000     -6.9947407E-02 -9.9018261E-02 -6.7039996E-02 -0.1493922     -0.2688081     -0.3988086     -0.5445858     -0.6940687     -0.8420572     -0.9904942      -1.126110      -1.269153      -1.388301      -1.504036      -1.625827      -1.719908      -1.817263      -1.911466      -2.014229      -2.096667       0.000000     -5.6406029E-02 -8.0015197E-02 -6.3765913E-02 -0.1412250     -0.2615349     -0.3887078     -0.5316602     -0.6817932     -0.8225823     -0.9640512      -1.094177      -1.224174      -1.336739      -1.455208  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-1.202556      -1.261253      -1.330487       0.000000     -9.7986246E-03 -1.1273902E-02 -2.1614127E-02 -5.1730581E-02 -9.3260348E-02 -0.1392377     -0.1871482     -0.2360931     -0.2858598     -0.3325843     -0.3819503     -0.4314916     -0.4811532     -0.5309387     -0.5808581     -0.6231547     -0.6703420     -0.7171305     -0.7635831     -0.8098255       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.9389783      -1.667367      -2.259194      -2.778911      -3.246494      -3.676211      -4.075975      -4.450170      -4.803465      -5.140110      -5.462955      -5.774977      -6.079022      -6.376920      -6.671365      -6.963747      -7.254849      -7.545743      -7.759203      -8.012605       0.000000  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-1.890085      -2.167197      -2.418242      -2.644842      -2.855946      -3.052019      -3.233220      -3.401313      -3.523544      -3.659422      -3.794216      -3.929561      -4.025023      -4.143613      -4.269430      -4.356682      -4.473259       0.000000     -0.6982808      -1.105106      -1.425968      -1.705267      -1.953597      -2.171507      -2.376016      -2.561340      -2.726701      -2.876104      -3.017663      -3.122741      -3.243296      -3.365845      -3.490854      -3.581082      -3.697324      -3.814104      -3.935510      -4.059436       0.000000     -0.6487329      -1.003550      -1.289968      -1.539016      -1.753042      -1.952684      -2.131090      -2.284688      -2.421742      -2.554516      -2.684950      -2.784980      -2.900278      -3.018426      -3.140383      -3.261468      -3.346861      -3.459695      -3.575099      -3.694477       0.000000     -0.5985910     -0.9047273      -1.161624      -1.382483      -1.573143      -1.749768      -1.896009  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-1.842298      -1.970569      -2.106476      -2.241967      -2.398242      -2.537799      -2.674807      -2.808311      -2.936513      -3.065033       0.000000     -0.3936118     -0.5691190     -0.7178544     -0.8570099     -0.9347668      -1.041618      -1.174634      -1.313034      -1.464542      -1.593901      -1.727936      -1.868780      -2.010370      -2.147593      -2.309126      -2.446776      -2.580822      -2.708210      -2.835151      -2.991332       0.000000     -0.3432309     -0.4920229     -0.6144048     -0.7385290     -0.7879934     -0.9159029      -1.062337      -1.203308      -1.338820      -1.474759      -1.621276      -1.781429      -1.920102      -2.061008      -2.218483      -2.351587      -2.477191      -2.599928      -2.743068      -2.849330       0.000000     -0.2943315     -0.4203963     -0.5346122     -0.6177853     -0.6794959     -0.8111265     -0.9498404      -1.090629      -1.226974      -1.385353      -1.530428      -1.675578      -1.829725      -1.964261  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-1.897207      -1.972626      -2.068635       0.000000     -0.1169711     -0.1659020     -0.1990868     -0.2378900     -0.3107361     -0.4100620     -0.5152086     -0.6235464     -0.7372533     -0.8499997     -0.9611663      -1.056228      -1.157633      -1.257419      -1.341136      -1.431089      -1.520408      -1.591931      -1.678499      -1.760970       0.000000     -7.6514311E-02 -0.1099228     -0.1272806     -0.1615193     -0.2189146     -0.2936342     -0.3708639     -0.4542905     -0.5382708     -0.6215487     -0.7041321     -0.7769403     -0.8537353     -0.9298280      -1.005888      -1.068733      -1.140082      -1.211340      -1.280360      -1.331344       0.000000     -3.7703454E-02 -5.2048367E-02 -6.4697638E-02 -8.3943136E-02 -0.1160127     -0.1571358     -0.2015239     -0.2470293     -0.2927828     -0.3385261     -0.3843104     -0.4302414     -0.4706241     -0.5149201     -0.5590746     -0.6031302     -0.6471155     -0.6910819     -0.7270961     -0.7684706       0.000000  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-2.689464      -3.179194      -3.597335      -3.988168      -4.352872      -4.693606      -5.013364      -5.363270      -5.645449      -5.916737      -6.176706      -6.425186      -6.661587      -6.888901      -7.107637      -7.318479      -7.520392       0.000000     -0.8356212      -1.502797      -2.012973      -2.468583      -2.881196      -3.285329      -3.628195      -3.952949      -4.252440      -4.531761      -4.793550      -5.090738      -5.324025      -5.547393      -5.758346      -5.962027      -6.155005      -6.339376      -6.516348      -6.685962       0.000000     -0.7867541      -1.391737      -1.849149      -2.260547      -2.630823      -2.992406      -3.300738      -3.583755      -3.848852      -4.097113      -4.329259      -4.545603      -4.747536      -4.983297      -5.159628      -5.328428      -5.494200      -5.655420      -5.811810      -5.961173       0.000000     -0.7377644      -1.282067      -1.692385      -2.060904      -2.392552      -2.696550      -2.994032  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-2.769584      -2.911952      -3.017280       0.000000     -0.2997037     -0.5073618     -0.6656007     -0.8169637     -0.9478006      -1.084677      -1.161708      -1.252417      -1.376097      -1.508836      -1.649189      -1.768987      -1.905671      -2.022309      -2.146469      -2.256208      -2.387626      -2.522373      -2.626126      -2.753377       0.000000     -0.2569996     -0.4300284     -0.5612339     -0.6837536     -0.8067623     -0.9068190     -0.9461153      -1.065271      -1.184667      -1.298668      -1.426688      -1.556732      -1.666585      -1.785971      -1.891849      -2.016968      -2.143383      -2.244198      -2.363519      -2.484760       0.000000     -0.2142606     -0.3527636     -0.4632418     -0.5615959     -0.6649629     -0.7248567     -0.7895214     -0.8846511     -0.9901058      -1.107311      -1.209906      -1.327476      -1.439773      -1.536891      -1.653291      -1.769034      -1.864417      -1.974625      -2.084502      -2.193471       0.000000  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-0.1045148     -0.1216078     -0.1402078     -0.1625981     -0.1900145     -0.2208343     -0.2502563     -0.2823920     -0.3146753     -0.3468947     -0.3789690     -0.4108354     -0.4424653     -0.4738756     -0.5051116     -0.5361983     -0.5671760       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.6257874      -1.254144      -1.835158      -2.363497      -2.870092      -3.314713      -3.767939      -4.217296      -4.600528      -5.013536      -5.426865      -5.764002      -6.148813      -6.537607      -6.837989      -7.203791      -7.500337      -7.844960      -8.195953      -8.456113       0.000000     -0.5946255      -1.191633      -1.737725      -2.227115      -2.693153      -3.094459      -3.507205 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-3.869945      -4.134457      -4.359018      -4.604402      -4.853020      -5.041633      -5.273190      -5.455310      -5.672654      -5.896134       0.000000     -0.4698432     -0.9408201      -1.341965      -1.675017      -1.973660      -2.265631      -2.557245      -2.804502      -3.071507      -3.333817      -3.544709      -3.788094      -3.985076      -4.207262      -4.433263      -4.601582      -4.813569      -4.976142      -5.174043      -5.377377       0.000000     -0.4386140     -0.8779024      -1.241278      -1.540675      -1.810840      -2.077384      -2.339478      -2.568284      -2.805487      -3.016891      -3.237902      -3.456589      -3.628665      -3.833869      -4.041220      -4.192479      -4.385133      -4.529342      -4.704745      -4.882040       0.000000     -0.4073687     -0.8148838      -1.140592      -1.409940      -1.651188      -1.894637      -2.138677      -2.336514      -2.558183      -2.745770      -2.941454      -3.137741      -3.297889      -3.484231  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-2.977991      -3.076191      -3.204864       0.000000     -0.2822648     -0.5614839     -0.7491403     -0.9242260      -1.076558      -1.229434      -1.373138      -1.503237      -1.650928      -1.773515      -1.892765      -1.997086      -2.070236      -2.183300      -2.309174      -2.411552      -2.531574      -2.655948      -2.753755      -2.872618       0.000000     -0.2509555     -0.4976562     -0.6576427     -0.8086122     -0.9411828      -1.080617      -1.197488      -1.320719      -1.450454      -1.550410      -1.637949      -1.711335      -1.817685      -1.916419      -2.030418      -2.147526      -2.241902      -2.356018      -2.472744      -2.560241       0.000000     -0.2196328     -0.4335239     -0.5674213     -0.6939907     -0.8117665     -0.9316518      -1.027159      -1.146057      -1.251235      -1.334714      -1.379333      -1.463930      -1.573710      -1.664409      -1.767673      -1.877104      -1.987334      -2.072168      -2.176976      -2.284499       0.000000  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-2.913962      -3.122638      -3.329464      -3.534365      -3.739393      -3.904006      -4.091872      -4.277563      -4.461547      -4.645007       0.000000     -0.2861720     -0.5734242     -0.8617476      -1.147843      -1.415701      -1.662109      -1.891661      -2.110087      -2.323918      -2.511793      -2.706689      -2.897620      -3.086295      -3.274404      -3.462875      -3.607946      -3.778888      -3.948715      -4.116755      -4.283864       0.000000     -0.2693593     -0.5397824     -0.8112572      -1.080237      -1.329511      -1.555605      -1.763683      -1.961885      -2.157524      -2.326467      -2.504621      -2.678172      -2.851660      -3.022202      -3.196562      -3.325342      -3.479552      -3.632499      -3.787661      -3.941735       0.000000     -0.2525468     -0.5061296     -0.7607390      -1.012558      -1.243002      -1.448339      -1.635706      -1.815258      -1.994014      -2.146273      -2.308118      -2.466164      -2.624230      -2.783419  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-0.8007758     -0.8891551     -0.9722291      -1.047393      -1.131718      -1.200663      -1.279422      -1.342110      -1.413506      -1.470702       0.000000     -4.5901844E-03 -3.4615036E-02 -8.0897585E-02 -0.1372694     -0.1999085     -0.2662823     -0.3389594     -0.4102521     -0.4817814     -0.5528815     -0.6233036     -0.6913136     -0.7643062     -0.8310400     -0.9082951     -0.9690803      -1.041225      -1.095348      -1.160201      -1.210763       0.000000     -2.7893134E-03 -1.9184416E-02 -4.4101138E-02 -7.5413376E-02 -0.1104681     -0.1484616     -0.1886032     -0.2302173     -0.2727619     -0.3190909     -0.3635730     -0.4082403     -0.4520501     -0.4958689     -0.5389099     -0.5870291     -0.6295551     -0.6688052     -0.7139897     -0.7524910       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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1.356460       1.371195       1.378998       0.000000      9.4729133E-02  0.1855629      0.2829357      0.3831867      0.4800189      0.5633944      0.6407204      0.7082183      0.7661841      0.8070281      0.8457742      0.8781270      0.9045349      0.9254985      0.9415095      0.9529427      0.9602120      0.9636903      0.9638776      0.9581910       0.000000      8.0255799E-02  0.1447966      0.2104317      0.2791802      0.3432063      0.4037710      0.4562833      0.5002719      0.5304339      0.5568480      0.5767546      0.5907556      0.5994385      0.6032669      0.6025898      0.5979672      0.5899078      0.5784837      0.5639545      0.5444350       0.000000      6.6971332E-02  0.1067663      0.1438559      0.1824709      0.2184637      0.2521746      0.2798085      0.3001427      0.3102955      0.3169269      0.3178799      0.3138673      0.3052076      0.2920595      0.2753582      0.2556647      0.2323464      0.2054206      0.1757798      0.1430846       0.000000   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-0.1196764     -0.1822090     -0.2440074     -0.3050879     -0.3621170     -0.4221864     -0.4816198     -0.5409360     -0.5963443     -0.6574944     -0.7201439     -0.7840738     -0.8374933     -0.8936853     -0.9539525      -1.017552      -1.084528       0.000000      1.8281760E-02 -2.3308778E-02 -9.1755554E-02 -0.1704420     -0.2507504     -0.3295200     -0.4060197     -0.4805270     -0.5533511     -0.6179727     -0.6866254     -0.7555381     -0.8242335     -0.8925998     -0.9582855      -1.011201      -1.073326      -1.137914      -1.203520      -1.270230       0.000000      1.1647033E-02 -3.7824951E-02 -0.1163069     -0.2093934     -0.3040349     -0.3966816     -0.4858720     -0.5714437     -0.6531870     -0.7315055     -0.8088039     -0.8842373     -0.9582024      -1.030037      -1.088732      -1.154808      -1.221677      -1.288370      -1.353914      -1.418393       0.000000      6.2184301E-03 -4.8705302E-02 -0.1343467     -0.2365024     -0.3405303     -0.4442471     -0.5435033 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-0.9712051      -1.059245      -1.150519      -1.229317      -1.307109      -1.389665      -1.456494      -1.525004      -1.608892      -1.673448       0.000000     -5.1012640E-03 -5.4047961E-02 -0.1302126     -0.2209421     -0.3188105     -0.4190385     -0.5232710     -0.6210450     -0.7238702     -0.8193240     -0.9197543      -1.006726      -1.087900      -1.179247      -1.254101      -1.322223      -1.404347      -1.471844      -1.549901      -1.610087       0.000000     -5.2422453E-03 -4.6445739E-02 -0.1087900     -0.1837820     -0.2695523     -0.3574680     -0.4467375     -0.5357974     -0.6277842     -0.7106630     -0.8007423     -0.8898451     -0.9690764      -1.056562      -1.127786      -1.197259      -1.278719      -1.341472      -1.413057      -1.470210       0.000000     -4.5521120E-03 -3.4511913E-02 -8.0740444E-02 -0.1370824     -0.1997184     -0.2661148     -0.3386758     -0.4099725     -0.4815190     -0.5526291     -0.6231199     -0.6915399     -0.7649016     -0.8314419 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2.075078       2.115401       2.147822       0.000000      0.1304285      0.2870062      0.4555257      0.6223332      0.7772090      0.9082637       1.029914       1.137978       1.234174       1.307348       1.380004       1.445038       1.503355       1.555421       1.601753       1.642768       1.678831       1.710240       1.737379       1.756851       0.000000      0.1134438      0.2402751      0.3756154      0.5100567      0.6357568      0.7423226      0.8413327      0.9287965       1.005558       1.062024       1.117287       1.165699       1.207626       1.243576       1.274120       1.299711       1.320730       1.337491       1.350464       1.356650       0.000000      9.8586552E-02  0.1960593      0.2987634      0.4017863      0.4948069      0.5821791      0.6586555      0.7245423      0.7731335      0.8183351      0.8558469      0.8865138      0.9111018      0.9302736      0.9445561      0.9543388      0.9600489      0.9620337      0.9607565      0.9536561       0.000000   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3.1985376E-02  2.0098573E-02  6.6553927E-03 -1.0887682E-02 -3.3034943E-02 -5.8577582E-02 -8.8620350E-02 -0.1226222     -0.1609887     -0.2020349     -0.2440687     -0.2921720     -0.3430954     -0.3897634     -0.4395574     -0.4859101     -0.5411536       0.000000      3.6525752E-02  2.4436913E-02 -5.9042284E-03 -4.0955376E-02 -7.7264100E-02 -0.1137657     -0.1524555     -0.1939754     -0.2356453     -0.2821742     -0.3323050     -0.3802531     -0.4321084     -0.4879754     -0.5464270     -0.5969771     -0.6510538     -0.7024249     -0.7624666     -0.8275248       0.000000      2.7622541E-02  1.1275195E-03 -4.8152160E-02 -0.1044349     -0.1625015     -0.2212390     -0.2772891     -0.3347307     -0.3930661     -0.4533390     -0.5148775     -0.5712300     -0.6336183     -0.6961159     -0.7569999     -0.8087245     -0.8696986     -0.9341096      -1.000355      -1.068801       0.000000      1.9718625E-02 -1.8447340E-02 -8.3099768E-02 -0.1576309     -0.2342996     -0.3108383     -0.3857946  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-0.9456205      -1.026980      -1.114154      -1.191144      -1.267238      -1.340244      -1.406219      -1.472257      -1.537797      -1.600274       0.000000     -8.4384735E-04 -5.7677168E-02 -0.1447856     -0.2474339     -0.3563747     -0.4715132     -0.5816702     -0.6863910     -0.7881516     -0.8824084     -0.9795659      -1.061822      -1.146031      -1.225422      -1.311009      -1.379847      -1.448405      -1.518387      -1.582131      -1.647651       0.000000     -3.4294967E-03 -5.7190757E-02 -0.1411859     -0.2396576     -0.3451186     -0.4513077     -0.5637000     -0.6716443     -0.7731500     -0.8762454     -0.9654011      -1.053491      -1.147614      -1.225907      -1.300115      -1.370166      -1.452917      -1.520470      -1.586830      -1.667426       0.000000     -4.8751677E-03 -5.3360607E-02 -0.1278058     -0.2193428     -0.3170364     -0.4173609     -0.5180820     -0.6214516     -0.7235138     -0.8183984     -0.9092785      -1.005196      -1.087175      -1.173705 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-0.6686961     -0.7138643     -0.7547229       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.1502899      0.3370337      0.5362209      0.7292655      0.9056535       1.053600       1.191346       1.314231       1.424151       1.508196       1.592549       1.668893       1.738242       1.801116       1.858086       1.909589       1.955998       1.997615       2.034782       2.063831       0.000000      0.1324277      0.2896631      0.4575045      0.6212708      0.7715713      0.8973715       1.013725       1.116880       1.208309       1.277185       1.345638       1.406953       1.461783       1.510579       1.553820       1.591916       1.625227       1.654040       1.678743       1.695964       0.000000 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0.2212693      0.2668749      0.3047798      0.3339082      0.3510320      0.3629156      0.3683499      0.3679690      0.3620809      0.3508705      0.3351887      0.3157642      0.2925737      0.2658603      0.2359209      0.2030236      0.1667520       0.000000      5.9266515E-02  8.9447290E-02  0.1139682      0.1357842      0.1545992      0.1680769      0.1747625      0.1726715      0.1661904      0.1542028      0.1365519      0.1131610      8.5699096E-02  5.5000506E-02  2.0455956E-02 -1.7708015E-02 -5.8797732E-02 -0.1033139     -0.1485698     -0.1961273       0.000000      4.8093695E-02  5.8489528E-02  5.9806980E-02  5.5567298E-02  4.9189001E-02  3.9341062E-02  2.4224456E-02  4.3681161E-03 -2.0147907E-02 -5.0131898E-02 -8.5769996E-02 -0.1247573     -0.1649484     -0.2105464     -0.2596028     -0.3084937     -0.3612758     -0.4145588     -0.4638231     -0.5219482       0.000000      3.8084354E-02  3.2019597E-02  1.0440463E-02 -1.7430769E-02 -4.7293488E-02 -7.9796955E-02 -0.1155021  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-0.7565806     -0.8315928     -0.9052825     -0.9757007      -1.047168      -1.118275      -1.186697      -1.253706      -1.320053      -1.386848       0.000000      8.2440590E-03 -4.0981188E-02 -0.1200828     -0.2137137     -0.3131043     -0.4099758     -0.5062463     -0.6044358     -0.6929657     -0.7776061     -0.8595127     -0.9402698      -1.015662      -1.091265      -1.167222      -1.237489      -1.306059      -1.373114      -1.439217      -1.504419       0.000000      3.5069319E-03 -4.9744707E-02 -0.1338548     -0.2352896     -0.3396039     -0.4466335     -0.5549811     -0.6541820     -0.7488958     -0.8389332     -0.9282063      -1.010810      -1.087836      -1.175886      -1.249082      -1.321250      -1.390903      -1.458051      -1.524085      -1.586866       0.000000     -1.8237963E-04 -5.4879259E-02 -0.1394299     -0.2399614     -0.3509127     -0.4631599     -0.5716547     -0.6753698     -0.7746254     -0.8704588     -0.9683210      -1.050413      -1.134439      -1.213752 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-1.333383      -1.409218      -1.466526       0.000000     -4.3661501E-03 -3.4013335E-02 -7.9896010E-02 -0.1360092     -0.1985316     -0.2649176     -0.3371196     -0.4083973     -0.4799289     -0.5511096     -0.6216109     -0.6906580     -0.7567708     -0.8310922     -0.8985935     -0.9684074      -1.029878      -1.094142      -1.159446      -1.209459       0.000000     -2.7393540E-03 -1.9048803E-02 -4.3904379E-02 -7.4364521E-02 -0.1100984     -0.1480554     -0.1881718     -0.2297792     -0.2723267     -0.3153821     -0.3630219     -0.4075856     -0.4517351     -0.4953380     -0.5385183     -0.5863824     -0.6289333     -0.6683648     -0.7064823     -0.7527553       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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0.4016719      0.4916010      0.5743856      0.6454321      0.7051477      0.7472345      0.7857939      0.8169909      0.8415028      0.8601795      0.8737106      0.8826397      0.8873712      0.8883069      0.8857436      0.8801144      0.8688886       0.000000      8.5210569E-02  0.1586969      0.2332055      0.3081493      0.3745608      0.4337939      0.4820591      0.5149707      0.5427145      0.5625213      0.5755869      0.5828460      0.5850045      0.5824673      0.5756325      0.5650287      0.5509806      0.5334790      0.5129142      0.4875186       0.000000      7.1534283E-02  0.1223377      0.1710332      0.2179508      0.2610652      0.2953858      0.3205463      0.3337235      0.3416879      0.3432729      0.3392003      0.3299570      0.3156987      0.2969323      0.2744609      0.2485198      0.2186549      0.1852182      0.1491402      0.1100836       0.000000      5.9294306E-02  8.9310192E-02  0.1139533      0.1350121      0.1514455      0.1614012      0.1642522  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-0.4842282     -0.5488934     -0.6145194     -0.6815827     -0.7478653     -0.8042018     -0.8694690     -0.9376650      -1.006816      -1.077804       0.000000      2.1869741E-02 -9.7087193E-03 -6.6936061E-02 -0.1338954     -0.2055802     -0.2778986     -0.3496977     -0.4212321     -0.4930595     -0.5669747     -0.6395801     -0.7108094     -0.7824683     -0.8537074     -0.9148516     -0.9838575      -1.053505      -1.122096      -1.190103      -1.259386       0.000000      1.4803011E-02 -2.6347069E-02 -9.5764890E-02 -0.1783084     -0.2654266     -0.3520084     -0.4387718     -0.5210426     -0.6052915     -0.6869263     -0.7642802     -0.8407855     -0.9161950     -0.9886025      -1.061702      -1.133846      -1.202808      -1.270453      -1.337999      -1.406261       0.000000      8.8451281E-03 -3.9430100E-02 -0.1179698     -0.2113904     -0.3099704     -0.4079257     -0.5040095     -0.5994844     -0.6958982     -0.7820428     -0.8650762     -0.9471973      -1.024374      -1.101346 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0.5967921      0.7344255      0.8485703      0.9535460       1.046051       1.127548       1.188046       1.248163       1.301731       1.349338       1.391392       1.428337       1.460545       1.488340       1.511982       1.531846       1.544563       0.000000      0.1168413      0.2416459      0.3696954      0.4924589      0.5988085      0.6973696      0.7837313      0.8586359      0.9143410      0.9676579       1.013423       1.052400       1.085180       1.112388       1.134624       1.152337       1.165906       1.175625       1.181950       1.181884       0.000000      0.1011575      0.1988411      0.2967043      0.3914297      0.4750654      0.5521957      0.6180701      0.6732373      0.7121228      0.7471759      0.7749432      0.7963283      0.8120866      0.8228296      0.8290768      0.8312517      0.8297255      0.8247575      0.8167709      0.8032677       0.000000      8.7411895E-02  0.1587719      0.2281313      0.2962372      0.3563712      0.4098672      0.4533527  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-0.1549804     -0.1988672     -0.2466793     -0.2991010     -0.3513767     -0.4081078     -0.4617882     -0.5202951     -0.5804260     -0.6368778       0.000000      3.9527267E-02  3.1031277E-02  4.2047510E-03 -3.0257335E-02 -6.7868240E-02 -0.1083712     -0.1520620     -0.1989667     -0.2466041     -0.2993373     -0.3552213     -0.4095343     -0.4691702     -0.5313250     -0.5955642     -0.6539891     -0.7158900     -0.7805684     -0.8392382     -0.9069884       0.000000      3.0420186E-02  7.7112587E-03 -3.8422085E-02 -9.4091736E-02 -0.1519959     -0.2123596     -0.2734579     -0.3357605     -0.3994783     -0.4657848     -0.5289484     -0.5959973     -0.6635853     -0.7320598     -0.8016909     -0.8622324     -0.9270750     -0.9949169      -1.064227      -1.135657       0.000000      2.2293020E-02 -1.2360732E-02 -7.3863685E-02 -0.1469370     -0.2236862     -0.3010822     -0.3775196     -0.4533530     -0.5286741     -0.6053907     -0.6802475     -0.7534526     -0.8264035     -0.8993825 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-1.499693      -1.567684      -1.631861       0.000000      4.8399952E-04 -5.4459188E-02 -0.1402182     -0.2445083     -0.3574302     -0.4702787     -0.5799701     -0.6909487     -0.7909563     -0.8893716     -0.9903292      -1.074777      -1.159559      -1.239375      -1.311860      -1.396714      -1.468591      -1.540465      -1.605240      -1.671476       0.000000     -2.3969272E-03 -5.5193171E-02 -0.1373328     -0.2351934     -0.3453633     -0.4589915     -0.5694011     -0.6751185     -0.7780994     -0.8834278     -0.9742907      -1.062978      -1.157074      -1.233561      -1.309746      -1.384038      -1.468880      -1.536826      -1.603536      -1.684515       0.000000     -4.0940926E-03 -5.1853344E-02 -0.1262047     -0.2154182     -0.3156644     -0.4171035     -0.5202678     -0.6229181     -0.7294500     -0.8248931     -0.9159619      -1.011047      -1.092820      -1.171353      -1.258983      -1.330640      -1.413535      -1.477214      -1.556374      -1.616136       0.000000  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0.3268697      0.3117415      0.2919545      0.2680165      0.2404920      0.2094630      0.1741878      0.1354354      9.4789006E-02  5.1579122E-02   0.000000      7.0237361E-02  0.1083481      0.1354076      0.1548116      0.1689650      0.1760936      0.1750394      0.1643738      0.1487661      0.1274157      0.1005661      6.9093794E-02  3.3536550E-02 -5.2239341E-03 -4.8145089E-02 -9.6182607E-02 -0.1473639     -0.1978944     -0.2517472     -0.3090001       0.000000      5.7721086E-02  7.6707073E-02  8.0412805E-02  7.5073868E-02  6.5322764E-02  4.9511395E-02  2.6836727E-02 -1.5729567E-03 -3.5057545E-02 -7.4025705E-02 -0.1163790     -0.1625148     -0.2128405     -0.2653826     -0.3234779     -0.3839604     -0.4400841     -0.5001225     -0.5622851     -0.6214110       0.000000      4.7133040E-02  4.8454605E-02  3.0017965E-02  2.0446251E-03 -3.0953655E-02 -6.9122620E-02 -0.1121866     -0.1576507     -0.2078023     -0.2609803     -0.3174410     -0.3744201     -0.4374433     -0.5028970  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-0.1337407     -0.1964270     -0.2631802     -0.3322521     -0.4065615     -0.4785534     -0.5502069     -0.6196404     -0.6898978     -0.7613568     -0.8366905     -0.9018327     -0.9726740      -1.031242      -1.096893      -1.150805      -1.211831       0.000000     -2.1917494E-03 -1.8189231E-02 -4.2917255E-02 -7.3376760E-02 -0.1089021     -0.1468569     -0.1870092     -0.2286915     -0.2713541     -0.3146355     -0.3620402     -0.4063970     -0.4507484     -0.4945375     -0.5378717     -0.5801054     -0.6268964     -0.6676604     -0.7104829     -0.7482984       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.1849017      0.3791794      0.5627127      0.7260759      0.8598667      0.9795852       1.082915 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0.7978729      0.8119984      0.8207365      0.8247754      0.8247477      0.8201087      0.8120863      0.8011236      0.7876687      0.7695823       0.000000      0.1175256      0.2177442      0.3042116      0.3756330      0.4386702      0.4890819      0.5226532      0.5498739      0.5681310      0.5784417      0.5819083      0.5796413      0.5724072      0.5608078      0.5394281      0.5190395      0.4961537      0.4704848      0.4467111      0.4158105       0.000000      0.1029740      0.1801410      0.2416267      0.2906155      0.3305446      0.3590790      0.3739740      0.3819997      0.3817609      0.3745652      0.3612218      0.3425223      0.3192182      0.2889533      0.2576187      0.2231670      0.1868036      0.1456600      0.1021922      5.5957962E-02   0.000000      8.9185186E-02  0.1442013      0.1804951      0.2073468      0.2232848      0.2297898      0.2252781      0.2141474      0.1960202      0.1716233      0.1414455      0.1066044      6.7675777E-02  2.5282638E-02 -2.0863105E-02 -7.2325237E-02 -0.1266077     -0.1805776     -0.2377989     -0.2982787       0.000000      7.6154739E-02  0.1108074      0.1249118      0.1268318      0.1195606      0.1041853      8.0378562E-02  5.0725993E-02  1.5122153E-02 -2.6608557E-02 -7.2314270E-02 -0.1215207     -0.1755076     -0.2314964     -0.2928385     -0.3567263     -0.4167408     -0.4804049     -0.5455837     -0.6075777       0.000000      6.3871481E-02  8.0358326E-02  7.2661653E-02  5.1385690E-02  2.1646252E-02 -1.4937841E-02 -5.7446949E-02 -0.1053350     -0.1581847     -0.2146678     -0.2714010     -0.3334321     -0.3993313     -0.4682710     -0.5395665     -0.6031927     -0.6692977     -0.7389221     -0.8030602     -0.8761435       0.000000      5.2084107E-02  5.2851718E-02  2.4840707E-02 -1.7383119E-02 -6.8313047E-02 -0.1247999     -0.1854647     -0.2496969     -0.3169499     -0.3822666     -0.4519581     -0.5244519     -0.5990908     -0.6740716     -0.7474388     -0.8102145     -0.8808071  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0.000000      1.7691482E-02 -2.3822607E-02 -0.1010159     -0.1967811     -0.3007335     -0.4109399     -0.5168218     -0.6183197     -0.7179943     -0.8197771     -0.9087552     -0.9979833      -1.081592      -1.158922      -1.247762      -1.321543      -1.394649      -1.469343      -1.540006      -1.605719       0.000000      1.1622406E-02 -3.3341136E-02 -0.1130433     -0.2115370     -0.3185654     -0.4324642     -0.5412191     -0.6457745     -0.7547139     -0.8503438     -0.9441224      -1.041581      -1.121898      -1.203996      -1.282047      -1.355029      -1.441858      -1.514388      -1.580170      -1.640657       0.000000      6.6484902E-03 -3.8392819E-02 -0.1149038     -0.2116768     -0.3166122     -0.4286844     -0.5374218     -0.6422640     -0.7490439     -0.8467841     -0.9472643      -1.033009      -1.117512      -1.209664      -1.286119      -1.360537      -1.446279      -1.514601      -1.575550      -1.638157       0.000000      2.9562234E-03 -3.9043535E-02 -0.1096711   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-0.1837993     -0.2254021     -0.2680197     -0.3111747     -0.3583471     -0.4026442     -0.4470375     -0.4908115     -0.5343455     -0.5758049     -0.6224636     -0.6613776     -0.7020356     -0.7460133       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.2246916      0.4261552      0.5966848      0.7335429      0.8534715      0.9546488       1.041129       1.105701       1.167985       1.222634       1.270963       1.313725       1.351601       1.385101       1.414652       1.440576       1.463101       1.482385       1.498727       1.508480       0.000000      0.2066649      0.3864444      0.5379873      0.6602578      0.7669989      0.8563243      0.9318503      0.9871293       1.040013       1.085991 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0.5574796      0.5387780      0.5166816      0.4912592      0.4626113      0.4315118      0.3959613       0.000000      0.1346554      0.2245255      0.2901204      0.3466115      0.3886058      0.4117267      0.4262005      0.4302181      0.4254302      0.4102219      0.3928481      0.3709714      0.3447484      0.3143304      0.2801355      0.2420378      0.2002869      0.1574411      0.1114348      6.2517554E-02   0.000000      0.1186289      0.1883837      0.2362681      0.2723767      0.2889608      0.2947708      0.2894259      0.2749627      0.2535962      0.2243539      0.1918629      0.1542109      0.1118977      6.6035308E-02  1.5528049E-02 -3.9188735E-02 -9.5574297E-02 -0.1531576     -0.2136942     -0.2777034       0.000000      0.1036700      0.1550176      0.1844544      0.1977784      0.1924788      0.1770052      0.1524775      0.1209683      8.3496191E-02  4.0146448E-02 -8.6165490E-03 -6.2702604E-02 -0.1206026     -0.1823500     -0.2471371     -0.3130347     -0.3761699  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0.000000      5.2896757E-02  4.5640659E-02  2.4261440E-03 -6.5703779E-02 -0.1458339     -0.2307666     -0.3208682     -0.4112518     -0.5006227     -0.5879924     -0.6765038     -0.7647229     -0.8488047     -0.9290479      -1.009015      -1.086168      -1.162731      -1.238696      -1.311992      -1.385035       0.000000      4.2939648E-02  2.5056407E-02 -3.1680744E-02 -0.1121923     -0.2043836     -0.3008225     -0.4023330     -0.5007702     -0.5956022     -0.6899995     -0.7829046     -0.8770269     -0.9592043      -1.041593      -1.120578      -1.198175      -1.276265      -1.348842      -1.420061      -1.491752       0.000000      3.3918612E-02  7.7325497E-03 -5.8027957E-02 -0.1480880     -0.2481323     -0.3523988     -0.4616077     -0.5649827     -0.6638731     -0.7696673     -0.8612867     -0.9468465      -1.033287      -1.116246      -1.192276      -1.280203      -1.353745      -1.425314      -1.497795      -1.566905       0.000000      2.5903050E-02 -6.4563854E-03 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0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.2562560      0.4482469      0.5953274      0.7092382      0.8075973      0.8897439      0.9597633       1.011018       1.060990       1.104678       1.143234       1.177263       1.207221       1.233528       1.256537       1.276422       1.293379       1.307528       1.319141       1.324567       0.000000      0.2398799      0.4175939      0.5529907      0.6569299      0.7457082      0.8188517      0.8719227      0.9215150      0.9636117      0.9997465       1.030906       1.057608       1.079711       1.098145       1.113344       1.125607       1.135131       1.142012       1.146560       1.145300       0.000000      0.2218094      0.3836183      0.4996147      0.5940766      0.6701991      0.7321528      0.7751594      0.8143910      0.8469317      0.8740875      0.8949062      0.9019240      0.9117272   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0.1972509      0.1513660      0.1043796      5.3862870E-02   0.000000      0.1528406      0.2405876      0.2917968      0.3210889      0.3343728      0.3409950      0.3355710      0.3156908      0.2910432      0.2606958      0.2257119      0.1857911      0.1415860      9.2597179E-02  4.0171906E-02 -1.5073310E-02 -7.2465554E-02 -0.1332694     -0.1955910     -0.2610667       0.000000      0.1369821      0.2073560      0.2404740      0.2499802      0.2516761      0.2397485      0.2127688      0.1792012      0.1392529      9.4415195E-02  4.3922078E-02 -1.1374872E-02 -7.1922012E-02 -0.1356914     -0.2015599     -0.2670451     -0.3367577     -0.4082220     -0.4767506     -0.5521744       0.000000      0.1216919      0.1753710      0.1905693      0.1852262      0.1689392      0.1366059      9.3425155E-02  4.3025255E-02 -1.1358925E-02 -7.2048731E-02 -0.1377147     -0.2074411     -0.2803015     -0.3514304     -0.4249041     -0.5006270     -0.5787430     -0.6527484     -0.7323691     -0.8149278  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2.5103781E-02 -4.1823890E-02 -0.1288608     -0.2233949     -0.3204895     -0.4234224     -0.5213823     -0.6165563     -0.7127678     -0.8041660     -0.8897814     -0.9832109      -1.066084      -1.146123      -1.222765      -1.298329      -1.375474      -1.450706       0.000000      5.4288641E-02  4.4208903E-02 -4.9822223E-03 -8.3462872E-02 -0.1801310     -0.2823077     -0.3868652     -0.4959494     -0.5974440     -0.6972730     -0.8004615     -0.8885100     -0.9750541      -1.061182      -1.143592      -1.220883      -1.294032      -1.380488      -1.455336      -1.526225       0.000000      4.3579929E-02  2.6047498E-02 -2.9499030E-02 -0.1142565     -0.2143613     -0.3226198     -0.4303259     -0.5420267     -0.6450863     -0.7525083     -0.8454405     -0.9355687      -1.023954      -1.116294      -1.196315      -1.271877      -1.343557      -1.429432      -1.500346      -1.565743       0.000000      3.3635367E-02  1.1598166E-02 -4.7414608E-02 -0.1327627     -0.2320144     -0.3399555  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-0.5086089     -0.5869647     -0.6565518     -0.7320189     -0.7967109     -0.8669424     -0.9262472     -0.9930065      -1.050143      -1.113268      -1.162789       0.000000      4.4890610E-03 -6.5807137E-03 -2.8577723E-02 -5.7655927E-02 -9.1277733E-02 -0.1294999     -0.1692487     -0.2106379     -0.2531070     -0.2962039     -0.3395788     -0.3869437     -0.4311429     -0.4750236     -0.5171527     -0.5621685     -0.6039120     -0.6457154     -0.6906706     -0.7271304       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.2649635      0.4268792      0.5515295      0.6450362      0.7244547      0.7899748      0.8453531      0.8847280      0.9236727      0.9575243      0.9871791       1.013124       1.035725 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0.6020623      0.5823554      0.5662902      0.5432497       0.000000      0.2136431      0.3478364      0.4262074      0.4791769      0.5137359      0.5386477      0.5529981      0.5593697      0.5527237      0.5449730      0.5329791      0.5171028      0.4979112      0.4756217      0.4503901      0.4223647      0.3915313      0.3579149      0.3257222      0.2878121       0.000000      0.1972955      0.3185606      0.3856009      0.4281785      0.4487844      0.4592721      0.4603938      0.4485480      0.4338311      0.4136851      0.3886828      0.3597473      0.3271054      0.2907781      0.2508085      0.2073278      0.1610543      0.1136634      6.3199259E-02  1.0024895E-02   0.000000      0.1805033      0.2888264      0.3449750      0.3700149      0.3782078      0.3752053      0.3588803      0.3376158      0.3094407      0.2755596      0.2368339      0.1934465      0.1456255      9.3243323E-02  3.7147179E-02 -2.1038802E-02 -8.1396297E-02 -0.1445602     -0.2106981     -0.2803174  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0.1684664      0.1372649      8.6783208E-02  2.3740655E-02 -4.9841337E-02 -0.1294491     -0.2151015     -0.3043123     -0.3935620     -0.4822364     -0.5713068     -0.6604759     -0.7483435     -0.8366038     -0.9244741      -1.009460      -1.091531      -1.173704       0.000000      0.1019973      0.1437121      0.1275180      8.3234727E-02  1.9073069E-02 -5.9387743E-02 -0.1465792     -0.2385997     -0.3371266     -0.4327783     -0.5267724     -0.6199319     -0.7131235     -0.8032837     -0.8931825     -0.9823430      -1.066701      -1.146896      -1.226119      -1.306585       0.000000      8.7746426E-02  0.1162604      8.9574330E-02  3.3193033E-02 -4.3730903E-02 -0.1354108     -0.2334320     -0.3376176     -0.4395540     -0.5385899     -0.6354328     -0.7329772     -0.8261859     -0.9143400      -1.010713      -1.094215      -1.174346      -1.253247      -1.333345      -1.410871       0.000000      7.3992550E-02  8.9953788E-02  5.5386756E-02 -1.1409367E-02 -9.8760359E-02 -0.2001882  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-0.6878427     -0.7802160     -0.8767989     -0.9586142      -1.048489      -1.124067      -1.207636      -1.275429      -1.354756      -1.416646      -1.476420       0.000000      2.6128678E-02  1.6332543E-02 -2.6344147E-02 -9.1865875E-02 -0.1714014     -0.2590693     -0.3472066     -0.4397016     -0.5324530     -0.6197894     -0.7092499     -0.7915035     -0.8752098     -0.9600893      -1.029671      -1.107967      -1.171418      -1.245553      -1.303295      -1.373359       0.000000      1.6164567E-02  6.7639374E-03 -2.7419491E-02 -7.7629820E-02 -0.1373521     -0.2026023     -0.2712303     -0.3443742     -0.4159234     -0.4924242     -0.5632564     -0.6380747     -0.7046012     -0.7766602     -0.8374639     -0.9042041     -0.9633358      -1.027007      -1.080392      -1.142249       0.000000      7.6144962E-03  9.5708697E-04 -1.8807799E-02 -4.7064725E-02 -8.0518685E-02 -0.1185355     -0.1583389     -0.1998297     -0.2423301     -0.2855280     -0.3290558     -0.3726695     -0.4205896 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0.7498329      0.7486675      0.7531655      0.7497407       0.000000      0.1639479      0.2944515      0.3836594      0.4484030      0.4958111      0.5328717      0.5566944      0.5787143      0.5958856      0.6086122      0.6167731      0.6207213      0.6210295      0.6182059      0.6126371      0.6044499      0.5940546      0.5816729      0.5734169      0.5585277       0.000000      0.1519871      0.2724600      0.3545078      0.4122716      0.4550891      0.4817317      0.5027590      0.5152697      0.5206635      0.5185839      0.5115182      0.5005249      0.4864299      0.4697452      0.4507414      0.4301227      0.4077193      0.3832653      0.3606706      0.3324486       0.000000      0.1407663      0.2521713      0.3290598      0.3843901      0.4182894      0.4385200      0.4450960      0.4417233      0.4255095      0.4079531      0.3866223      0.3622052      0.3352050      0.3059077      0.2772032      0.2443966      0.2084081      0.1694606      0.1296553      8.5593998E-02   0.000000      0.1303943      0.2319468      0.3096310      0.3626270      0.3846798      0.3862322      0.3754598      0.3519938      0.3259558      0.2957051      0.2621414      0.2258954      0.1868650      0.1446904      0.1001476      5.0648689E-02 -1.5480054E-03 -5.7577599E-02 -0.1169579     -0.1803811       0.000000      0.1207828      0.2172695      0.2956669      0.3375380      0.3406026      0.3243671      0.2951385      0.2616273      0.2233003      0.1815808      0.1367913      8.7907784E-02  3.4967463E-02 -2.2964193E-02 -8.6164325E-02 -0.1524089     -0.2196001     -0.2910312     -0.3640229     -0.4363362       0.000000      0.1122981      0.2058765      0.2843598      0.3059784      0.2894186      0.2553343      0.2154730      0.1698861      0.1207877      6.8178438E-02  1.0207000E-02 -5.4445051E-02 -0.1238387     -0.1972731     -0.2740553     -0.3507729     -0.4302899     -0.5106918     -0.5885278     -0.6750169       0.000000      0.1048601      0.1978334  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-1.1430396E-02 -9.3367770E-02 -0.1852157     -0.2884969     -0.3913746     -0.4923688     -0.5917458     -0.6926127     -0.7914460     -0.8894318     -0.9870088      -1.078993      -1.165422      -1.250487      -1.337166       0.000000      8.7752387E-02  0.1476364      0.1440715      9.1513142E-02  1.5426604E-02 -7.0082203E-02 -0.1635988     -0.2684851     -0.3793386     -0.4858863     -0.5888121     -0.6936792     -0.7961749     -0.8923827     -0.9964296      -1.087526      -1.173016      -1.257332      -1.343778      -1.427588       0.000000      7.7711113E-02  0.1234159      0.1112619      5.1726066E-02 -3.1239893E-02 -0.1224342     -0.2279469     -0.3432914     -0.4550645     -0.5623304     -0.6688666     -0.7800186     -0.8774860     -0.9737673      -1.066469      -1.151152      -1.232208      -1.327671      -1.410371      -1.487829       0.000000      6.4536154E-02  0.1000669      8.1355184E-02  1.6905792E-02 -7.0355602E-02 -0.1682313     -0.2802916     -0.3983414     -0.5101966 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-0.8417084     -0.9163449     -0.9963972      -1.079700      -1.144198      -1.219652      -1.278718      -1.337033       0.000000      1.8218987E-02  2.2860486E-02 -6.4848718E-06 -4.5784596E-02 -0.1050094     -0.1720510     -0.2434280     -0.3176073     -0.3893674     -0.4642639     -0.5344600     -0.6080057     -0.6812136     -0.7447906     -0.8133669     -0.8837000     -0.9406873      -1.006006      -1.061030      -1.121928       0.000000      8.7307701E-03  9.4552636E-03 -4.4349483E-03 -3.0613126E-02 -6.3848898E-02 -0.1011258     -0.1423264     -0.1843419     -0.2274033     -0.2710962     -0.3151007     -0.3591983     -0.4032523     -0.4482312     -0.4945443     -0.5360704     -0.5778833     -0.6214790     -0.6653224     -0.7018283       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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0.2341781       0.000000      8.1633680E-02  0.1132630      0.1251022      0.1360550      0.1510621      0.1608325      0.1656750      0.1652922      0.1603427      0.1512838      0.1397461      0.1233315      0.1035163      8.0762096E-02  5.5872250E-02  2.8484356E-02 -1.7864970E-03 -3.4513608E-02 -6.9341190E-02 -0.1071521       0.000000      7.0510529E-02  8.4952176E-02  7.8075320E-02  7.5662687E-02  7.3269367E-02  6.4353667E-02  4.9341246E-02  2.9806891E-02  5.6361561E-03 -2.2613557E-02 -5.6076448E-02 -9.2738926E-02 -0.1320813     -0.1764712     -0.2225459     -0.2712180     -0.3245004     -0.3776928     -0.4323800     -0.4952522       0.000000      6.0006585E-02  5.7373852E-02  3.4858864E-02  1.6490206E-02 -8.4839324E-03 -3.9476644E-02 -7.5704820E-02 -0.1157280     -0.1611060     -0.2098072     -0.2639180     -0.3182133     -0.3801387     -0.4420326     -0.5098906     -0.5762683     -0.6438830     -0.7179237     -0.7883666     -0.8710612       0.000000      5.0078921E-02  3.1422805E-02 -3.7795065E-03 -4.2617109E-02 -9.1648579E-02 -0.1449488     -0.2021511     -0.2643140     -0.3284176     -0.3976184     -0.4654464     -0.5411009     -0.6218256     -0.6967546     -0.7817612     -0.8604830     -0.9454091      -1.025589      -1.115668      -1.209852       0.000000      4.0799487E-02  8.8611674E-03 -3.9802525E-02 -0.1016242     -0.1738698     -0.2474269     -0.3251401     -0.4067121     -0.4910613     -0.5709326     -0.6586864     -0.7517935     -0.8374233     -0.9307902      -1.025795      -1.107852      -1.201728      -1.300614      -1.382595      -1.472719       0.000000      3.2132559E-02 -1.0487857E-02 -7.4099600E-02 -0.1580268     -0.2489062     -0.3434449     -0.4396540     -0.5370796     -0.6347399     -0.7300385     -0.8315439     -0.9318397      -1.030918      -1.131914      -1.219369      -1.317176      -1.415874      -1.511779      -1.587299      -1.679015       0.000000      2.4078410E-02 -2.6956251E-02 -0.1050419     -0.2069381     -0.3172733  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-0.9908333      -1.111929      -1.225172      -1.331402      -1.439628      -1.541836      -1.634649      -1.741283      -1.828705      -1.913724      -1.997336      -2.080266       0.000000      1.2033657E-03 -6.5926038E-02 -0.1777928     -0.3116597     -0.4534586     -0.6013294     -0.7404122     -0.8737363      -1.009040      -1.130224      -1.241802      -1.352492      -1.468776      -1.562073      -1.654775      -1.744764      -1.830355      -1.913879      -1.993927      -2.093075       0.000000     -1.9003391E-03 -6.8982460E-02 -0.1767554     -0.3093302     -0.4476442     -0.5879890     -0.7307171     -0.8608399     -0.9956709      -1.114652      -1.227451      -1.345903      -1.441946      -1.539327      -1.630586      -1.726557      -1.812009      -1.895541      -1.970236      -2.065373       0.000000     -4.2240787E-03 -6.7524187E-02 -0.1696223     -0.2900143     -0.4234802     -0.5553203     -0.6922413     -0.8163005     -0.9473596      -1.061734      -1.182506      -1.283357 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-1.065605      -1.135897      -1.207438      -1.264252      -1.329763       0.000000     -2.9900130E-03 -2.1838045E-02 -5.0575476E-02 -8.4565878E-02 -0.1229751     -0.1642805     -0.2078600     -0.2532589     -0.3001719     -0.3447384     -0.3921523     -0.4400240     -0.4882331     -0.5367393     -0.5855207     -0.6267143     -0.6729364     -0.7188470     -0.7645119     -0.8017554       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.1553632      0.2406308      0.2960143      0.3380233      0.3749451      0.4046670      0.4284098      0.4472619      0.4619160      0.4732053      0.4814298      0.4875566      0.4918318      0.4944219      0.4954460      0.4949643      0.4930018      0.4895593      0.4902221  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0.1466355      0.1514722      0.1459872      0.1407948      0.1358123      0.1268101      0.1119966      9.0895504E-02  6.4135909E-02  3.3253357E-02 -9.3528954E-04 -3.7747614E-02 -7.8124054E-02 -0.1209624     -0.1674551     -0.2153943     -0.2683159     -0.3222392     -0.3798601       0.000000      9.7537383E-02  0.1219317      0.1099805      9.0568721E-02  7.3715262E-02  5.4140396E-02  2.7563203E-02 -7.1950941E-03 -4.8249751E-02 -9.4112955E-02 -0.1429088     -0.1961230     -0.2512087     -0.3113602     -0.3720301     -0.4382583     -0.5038742     -0.5784981     -0.6500521     -0.7231277       0.000000      8.6232528E-02  9.7288579E-02  6.9613323E-02  3.7825704E-02  5.4082465E-03 -3.3672798E-02 -8.2362816E-02 -0.1374628     -0.1968442     -0.2608773     -0.3266743     -0.3986290     -0.4695408     -0.5474766     -0.6221933     -0.7059372     -0.7886468     -0.8770707     -0.9565471      -1.045913       0.000000      7.5440362E-02  7.2495475E-02  3.1985156E-02 -1.3602102E-02 -6.4841442E-02 -0.1266083     -0.1968432     -0.2686997     -0.3438621     -0.4244795     -0.5103308     -0.5932048     -0.6831838     -0.7684786     -0.8616304     -0.9585900      -1.055344      -1.137015      -1.230152      -1.329904       0.000000      6.5121442E-02  5.0172307E-02 -2.5243822E-03 -6.3557371E-02 -0.1362500     -0.2196786     -0.3085594     -0.3941415     -0.4855641     -0.5806808     -0.6789122     -0.7800484     -0.8746352     -0.9757347      -1.076776      -1.175646      -1.260086      -1.355264      -1.453363      -1.553845       0.000000      5.5361655E-02  3.0121790E-02 -3.4204803E-02 -0.1119025     -0.2054692     -0.3080247     -0.4080660     -0.5110792     -0.6165714     -0.7225610     -0.8306730     -0.9397705      -1.046875      -1.150642      -1.252568      -1.341391      -1.439410      -1.536589      -1.632329      -1.728845       0.000000      4.6227679E-02  1.1750809E-02 -6.2726453E-02 -0.1560143     -0.2661951     -0.3826896     -0.4985468     -0.6146426 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-1.273755      -1.394678      -1.489848      -1.578758      -1.670392      -1.760928      -1.842417      -1.922614      -2.001420       0.000000      1.6773243E-02 -3.5646804E-02 -0.1292934     -0.2511834     -0.3879798     -0.5252861     -0.6674610     -0.7967325     -0.9222149      -1.048788      -1.160286      -1.282771      -1.381877      -1.472946      -1.564698      -1.668478      -1.750266      -1.831653      -1.912346      -1.984789       0.000000      1.1466783E-02 -3.9249286E-02 -0.1295516     -0.2459200     -0.3728645     -0.5068058     -0.6361805     -0.7675422     -0.8881668      -1.010144      -1.121460      -1.235553      -1.329496      -1.422955      -1.522132      -1.607614      -1.688584      -1.782014      -1.854680      -1.920341       0.000000      7.0932964E-03 -3.9027512E-02 -0.1217510     -0.2254681     -0.3411631     -0.4631406     -0.5803831     -0.7019007     -0.8137820     -0.9282790      -1.043272      -1.139231      -1.233485      -1.330903      -1.415504  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-0.7582712     -0.7953994       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.1767804      0.2616694      0.2976798      0.3235076      0.3411561      0.3522459      0.3590537      0.3625436      0.3633707      0.3619872      0.3589021      0.3544270      0.3485506      0.3415169      0.3334671      0.3244899      0.3182136      0.3095792      0.3001245      0.2899608       0.000000      0.1668113      0.2495931      0.2839249      0.3070497      0.3235468      0.3343036      0.3409137      0.3442244      0.3448585      0.3432040      0.3398848      0.3353926      0.3299418      0.3236184      0.3162645      0.3079614      0.3019936      0.2937896      0.2847372      0.2748711       0.000000      0.1565015 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0.1100803      8.4926009E-02  5.7652764E-02  2.4038883E-02 -1.6005607E-02 -6.0952947E-02 -0.1086771     -0.1614990     -0.2160691     -0.2750780     -0.3346109     -0.3994365     -0.4652855     -0.5397384     -0.6117866     -0.6927902       0.000000      0.1097181      0.1393860      0.1212392      8.4580161E-02  4.7411945E-02  9.9553503E-03 -3.5508208E-02 -8.8207237E-02 -0.1465782     -0.2076482     -0.2740408     -0.3445880     -0.4141892     -0.4902880     -0.5643399     -0.6474308     -0.7376944     -0.8204951     -0.9088563     -0.9933204       0.000000      9.7944528E-02  0.1158120      8.3589882E-02  3.3700027E-02 -1.4356997E-02 -7.0687436E-02 -0.1368531     -0.2067228     -0.2817778     -0.3607615     -0.4442687     -0.5258313     -0.6139957     -0.6990823     -0.7928282     -0.8908001     -0.9887592      -1.072105      -1.166771      -1.268517       0.000000      8.6564422E-02  9.3101412E-02  4.6743829E-02 -1.3479106E-02 -7.7742130E-02 -0.1552105     -0.2381878     -0.3257264  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-1.115400      -1.221900      -1.324672      -1.428516      -1.528290      -1.620977      -1.710723      -1.799642      -1.887923       0.000000      4.5064926E-02  1.5042921E-02 -6.5172650E-02 -0.1722149     -0.2994364     -0.4356652     -0.5679520     -0.6978850     -0.8244802     -0.9566010      -1.074597      -1.184397      -1.288349      -1.395216      -1.496719      -1.587622      -1.675230      -1.762595      -1.848004      -1.931008       0.000000      3.6473852E-02  1.2467633E-03 -8.2592092E-02 -0.1980602     -0.3300840     -0.4668441     -0.6082886     -0.7396734     -0.8681405     -0.9989983      -1.114355      -1.221181      -1.328810      -1.443089      -1.533287      -1.622024      -1.711850      -1.798546      -1.880383      -1.959863       0.000000      2.8695034E-02 -9.8330816E-03 -9.5415525E-02 -0.2112396     -0.3456286     -0.4814285     -0.6165949     -0.7530314     -0.8793173      -1.006919      -1.118905      -1.227393      -1.341402      -1.433184      -1.525543  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-1.534640      -1.616023       0.000000      5.6227478E-03 -1.9330164E-02 -6.8428621E-02 -0.1316920     -0.2010992     -0.2763742     -0.3547284     -0.4352891     -0.5122326     -0.5917281     -0.6718935     -0.7451784     -0.8227321     -0.9000547     -0.9776447      -1.039539      -1.110021      -1.169861      -1.238494      -1.304284       0.000000      2.2330568E-03 -1.1979319E-02 -3.8733356E-02 -7.2680853E-02 -0.1110582     -0.1524839     -0.1962022     -0.2417402     -0.2887957     -0.3332204     -0.3807034     -0.4286486     -0.4769389     -0.5255373     -0.5744255     -0.6153536     -0.6616276     -0.7076069     -0.7533460     -0.7903706       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      0.1226583  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0.2259579      0.2129213      0.1961062      0.1776684      0.1585992      0.1385762      0.1168104      9.2868984E-02  6.7694433E-02  4.0292401E-02  1.1069519E-02 -1.9920796E-02 -5.2901734E-02 -8.6709678E-02 -0.1215381     -0.1613273       0.000000      0.1357641      0.2002442      0.2103763      0.1989928      0.1800970      0.1570932      0.1330462      0.1083121      8.0780976E-02  4.9550507E-02  1.4319276E-02 -2.3811540E-02 -6.4509347E-02 -0.1081130     -0.1528980     -0.2014912     -0.2499011     -0.3004574     -0.3566781     -0.4151244       0.000000      0.1255395      0.1813625      0.1804783      0.1577984      0.1270814      9.5375866E-02  6.3106135E-02  2.6289130E-02 -1.6452817E-02 -6.4217515E-02 -0.1163711     -0.1700172     -0.2281460     -0.2860109     -0.3497993     -0.4127990     -0.4787792     -0.5523840     -0.6240960     -0.7042411       0.000000      0.1140485      0.1608736      0.1484875      0.1131489      7.1874954E-02  2.9993843E-02 -1.6772868E-02 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-1.468411      -1.561032      -1.650104      -1.738554      -1.825057      -1.908993       0.000000      4.3620944E-02  2.3433337E-02 -5.3683091E-02 -0.1651736     -0.2942992     -0.4297923     -0.5696961     -0.7021275     -0.8323965     -0.9651718      -1.082402      -1.191218      -1.300528      -1.416149      -1.507775      -1.597687      -1.688394      -1.775860      -1.858196      -1.938171       0.000000      3.5095572E-02  9.8650940E-03 -6.9753602E-02 -0.1822067     -0.3147140     -0.4493666     -0.5836822     -0.7216204     -0.8493727     -0.9785078      -1.091895      -1.201753      -1.316865      -1.409732      -1.502946      -1.592224      -1.691672      -1.773785      -1.854897      -1.928418       0.000000      2.7152624E-02 -8.0732780E-04 -7.9212554E-02 -0.1889956     -0.3133966     -0.4460361     -0.5749446     -0.7082274     -0.8301779     -0.9538043      -1.063162      -1.180198      -1.275849      -1.369800      -1.470725      -1.557194      -1.638402      -1.732220  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3.4477920E-03 -8.4578730E-03 -3.4509327E-02 -6.8432383E-02 -0.1069386     -0.1485344     -0.1924063     -0.2380829     -0.2852540     -0.3296970     -0.3772430     -0.4252404     -0.4735752     -0.5222135     -0.5653878     -0.6120024     -0.6582896     -0.7042819     -0.7500516     -0.7869434       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      7.0348427E-02  0.1249578      0.1486835      0.1512824      0.1443399      0.1307514      0.1105591      8.7026753E-02  6.2078375E-02  3.6810968E-02  1.0587991E-02 -1.5147395E-02 -4.0422704E-02 -6.6056982E-02 -9.1387652E-02 -0.1166946     -0.1419072     -0.1671092     -0.1918716     -0.2188585       0.000000      7.0938557E-02  0.1300827      0.1625870      0.1761624  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1.4377697E-02 -4.0754015E-03 -6.3216008E-02 -0.1471146     -0.2447429     -0.3448925     -0.4499295     -0.5564508     -0.6552315     -0.7576630     -0.8597582     -0.9475569      -1.043018      -1.126130      -1.215237      -1.288403      -1.373058      -1.440663      -1.518303      -1.599910       0.000000      8.6715138E-03 -6.8282816E-03 -5.2203853E-02 -0.1139477     -0.1851162     -0.2612825     -0.3403662     -0.4215450     -0.4988398     -0.5787343     -0.6592821     -0.7328023     -0.8106820     -0.8885219     -0.9549565      -1.026632      -1.098728      -1.158752      -1.227582      -1.293548       0.000000      3.8279262E-03 -5.6238333E-03 -3.0794196E-02 -6.4761862E-02 -0.1036023     -0.1455330     -0.1896582     -0.2355296     -0.2828664     -0.3274122     -0.3750771     -0.4231803     -0.4716030     -0.5203191     -0.5635264     -0.6101949     -0.6565315     -0.7025702     -0.7483720     -0.7853004       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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-2.0073187E-02 -4.6525571E-02 -7.3602468E-02 -0.1006434     -0.1283042     -0.1563384     -0.1861232     -0.2149454     -0.2446156     -0.2746515     -0.3048704     -0.3351127     -0.3685607       0.000000      3.3749543E-02  6.3202903E-02  8.5162602E-02  8.9268520E-02  7.1030684E-02  4.7372755E-02  1.9632157E-02 -1.0833985E-02 -4.1400079E-02 -7.2506130E-02 -0.1053001     -0.1392528     -0.1738802     -0.2092669     -0.2485003     -0.2868091     -0.3255881     -0.3658232     -0.4067884     -0.4517672       0.000000      3.1901378E-02  6.9685787E-02  0.1054871      9.7422764E-02  7.2517581E-02  4.1398108E-02  5.4941885E-03 -3.1238640E-02 -6.9296524E-02 -0.1088532     -0.1519518     -0.1958064     -0.2411680     -0.2912075     -0.3402791     -0.3902947     -0.4472072     -0.5028931     -0.5601889     -0.6281254       0.000000      3.0890111E-02  7.9391986E-02  0.1173826      9.3368717E-02  5.7333034E-02  1.5902612E-02 -2.8134655E-02 -7.3489316E-02 -0.1228127     -0.1741480     -0.2299474 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-0.9965202      -1.104045      -1.211001      -1.304121      -1.407176      -1.514399       0.000000      3.6997546E-02  9.9282101E-02  6.4134292E-02 -6.6901240E-03 -8.8434435E-02 -0.1778625     -0.2754975     -0.3762549     -0.4833069     -0.5932304     -0.7051176     -0.8198772     -0.9350671      -1.047767      -1.158061      -1.268178      -1.365060      -1.470016      -1.574368      -1.679291       0.000000      4.1996874E-02  8.5912280E-02  4.1909501E-02 -3.9049875E-02 -0.1317749     -0.2347694     -0.3474230     -0.4650660     -0.5844152     -0.7041864     -0.8270392     -0.9490731      -1.065237      -1.176503      -1.286284      -1.395658      -1.501448      -1.603392      -1.703436      -1.802677       0.000000      4.8929930E-02  7.1592219E-02  1.9311929E-02 -7.0697069E-02 -0.1751330     -0.2921411     -0.4188726     -0.5475317     -0.6755301     -0.8035774     -0.9382277      -1.059088      -1.173434      -1.284098      -1.394865      -1.500244      -1.599296      -1.696470 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2.3842081E-02  1.7607916E-02 -4.9228124E-02 -0.1520360     -0.2752387     -0.4112777     -0.5445441     -0.6813290     -0.8069044     -0.9336576      -1.045940      -1.165017      -1.262931      -1.358872      -1.461104      -1.549223      -1.632113      -1.726918      -1.801808      -1.869906       0.000000      1.7600240E-02  8.1375185E-03 -5.5782653E-02 -0.1506724     -0.2653819     -0.3861576     -0.5110331     -0.6366301     -0.7516896     -0.8692260     -0.9764643      -1.084438      -1.178957      -1.279197      -1.366020      -1.462390      -1.537683      -1.626770      -1.694426      -1.766073       0.000000      1.2065230E-02  1.1931078E-03 -5.3950693E-02 -0.1366229     -0.2348439     -0.3363113     -0.4429203     -0.5508230     -0.6506742     -0.7539150     -0.8566131     -0.9450262      -1.040887      -1.124127      -1.216786      -1.290488      -1.372915      -1.440815      -1.518800      -1.600725       0.000000      7.2764913E-03 -2.9932400E-03 -4.5703031E-02 -0.1071261  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-0.4273473     -0.4894962     -0.5494866     -0.6129414     -0.6705576     -0.7266210     -0.7812759     -0.8344699     -0.8864992     -0.9375792     -0.9878947      -1.037547      -1.090686       0.000000     -8.3374111E-03 -2.6686605E-02 -6.9817089E-02 -0.1181670     -0.1706736     -0.2233335     -0.2747791     -0.3264485     -0.3733646     -0.4185090     -0.4618341     -0.5033808     -0.5433276     -0.5820161     -0.6262131     -0.6657792     -0.7043883     -0.7422462     -0.7795333     -0.8200367       0.000000     -5.7623318E-05 -2.0557936E-02 -5.0673481E-02 -8.9432441E-02 -0.1320522     -0.1716567     -0.2109832     -0.2518694     -0.2898787     -0.3270390     -0.3636378     -0.3998190     -0.4362146     -0.4719425     -0.5118159     -0.5483698     -0.5846636     -0.6204059     -0.6566011     -0.6963300       0.000000      1.7682525E-03 -1.4637590E-02 -3.6115747E-02 -6.4891517E-02 -9.2222102E-02 -0.1244550     -0.1599376     -0.1987784     -0.2375303     -0.2766324     -0.3163061 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-0.7464422     -0.8309689     -0.9254203      -1.011189      -1.109015      -1.202509       0.000000     -1.2881234E-03  7.0646051E-03  4.7191832E-02  2.8381736E-03 -5.7227794E-02 -0.1269402     -0.1994792     -0.2717768     -0.3495411     -0.4328124     -0.5157375     -0.6065778     -0.7032508     -0.7959220     -0.8980172      -1.003378      -1.097478      -1.202128      -1.309993      -1.405326       0.000000     -1.1934770E-03  1.8992407E-02  4.5752116E-02 -7.8630801E-03 -8.2534373E-02 -0.1620506     -0.2455502     -0.3319533     -0.4251268     -0.5231700     -0.6226417     -0.7286882     -0.8367847     -0.9480737      -1.061774      -1.162537      -1.272141      -1.382988      -1.477785      -1.584554       0.000000     -1.2495808E-03  3.4561507E-02  4.0321011E-02 -2.5622707E-02 -0.1125508     -0.2043105     -0.2999760     -0.4017852     -0.5054681     -0.6235650     -0.7419525     -0.8534514     -0.9711930      -1.088590      -1.201866      -1.313022      -1.426450      -1.524051 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8.6111948E-03  3.7042379E-02 -1.4989797E-02 -0.1173217     -0.2362917     -0.3696013     -0.5160940     -0.6568025     -0.7955564     -0.9370764      -1.063772      -1.181704      -1.298893      -1.420464      -1.518950      -1.618012      -1.714250      -1.801736      -1.886622      -1.969562       0.000000      1.4930163E-02  2.7030900E-02 -2.9759875E-02 -0.1325835     -0.2558218     -0.3933582     -0.5354120     -0.6810071     -0.8169517     -0.9540473      -1.075431      -1.192214      -1.312812      -1.411429      -1.509360      -1.617342      -1.704219      -1.789570      -1.872868      -1.949191       0.000000      1.5433083E-02  1.7425295E-02 -4.0685736E-02 -0.1416505     -0.2612734     -0.3987418     -0.5350722     -0.6749690     -0.8039293     -0.9338274      -1.049117      -1.170696      -1.270957      -1.368819      -1.472171      -1.561350      -1.645601      -1.740625      -1.816411      -1.885623       0.000000      1.1159739E-02  9.2081018E-03 -4.7371559E-02 -0.1402770  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-0.2334559     -0.2814442     -0.3265329     -0.3746383     -0.4231077     -0.4718457     -0.5208307     -0.5643470     -0.6112424     -0.6577719     -0.7039750     -0.7499570     -0.7871709       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.1245564     -0.2317018     -0.3403140     -0.4504022     -0.5536735     -0.6602917     -0.7599383     -0.8549736     -0.9538642      -1.042100      -1.126547      -1.207124      -1.296675      -1.375724      -1.451990      -1.526201      -1.598678      -1.669618      -1.738934      -1.826674       0.000000     -0.1077383     -0.2011959     -0.2865966     -0.3663790     -0.4542769     -0.5384849     -0.6263422     -0.7045618     -0.7776803     -0.8537216     -0.9195198 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-0.8135381     -0.8770460     -0.9348847     -0.9931318      -1.052597      -1.127152       0.000000     -7.0816725E-02 -0.1029567     -0.1599258     -0.1982992     -0.2292981     -0.2759538     -0.3316058     -0.3900345     -0.4554571     -0.5166978     -0.5764234     -0.6415563     -0.7043557     -0.7744979     -0.8406341     -0.9171380     -0.9885809      -1.061679      -1.146665      -1.226742       0.000000     -6.1833858E-02 -9.5891185E-02 -0.1371022     -0.1538175     -0.1923007     -0.2478425     -0.3147078     -0.3870901     -0.4561978     -0.5237195     -0.5965960     -0.6748938     -0.7501029     -0.8341106     -0.9157265      -1.008130      -1.093847      -1.190136      -1.276927      -1.379018       0.000000     -5.2752666E-02 -8.9131780E-02 -0.1098588     -0.1141010     -0.1715217     -0.2425992     -0.3193895     -0.4001000     -0.4763502     -0.5577361     -0.6452627     -0.7388297     -0.8280406     -0.9271138      -1.032540      -1.128656      -1.235069      -1.330726 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-3.0136148E-02 -4.4672750E-02 -2.0738903E-02 -9.8004274E-02 -0.2063780     -0.3220641     -0.4398938     -0.5681429     -0.7003219     -0.8409265     -0.9742492      -1.104043      -1.229316      -1.350857      -1.475297      -1.596058      -1.705738      -1.810034      -1.910766      -2.011420       0.000000     -2.7948935E-02 -2.7112626E-02 -2.2569356E-02 -0.1105232     -0.2267371     -0.3489671     -0.4806392     -0.6200238     -0.7602465     -0.9052904      -1.039984      -1.168230      -1.290843      -1.413399      -1.545134      -1.651150      -1.753355      -1.852148      -1.951627      -2.049319       0.000000     -2.5063420E-02 -5.8479370E-03 -2.6843714E-02 -0.1217390     -0.2426626     -0.3739291     -0.5163360     -0.6605585     -0.8035325     -0.9490882      -1.081319      -1.205212      -1.327719      -1.453941      -1.557990      -1.661169      -1.759450      -1.853610      -1.961270      -2.046629       0.000000     -2.1435179E-02  9.1270441E-03 -3.3182982E-02 -0.1304667 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-0.5486121     -0.6527899     -0.7597578     -0.8655853     -0.9593423      -1.056271      -1.140454      -1.234581      -1.324920      -1.394336      -1.481020      -1.546229      -1.624598       0.000000     -2.6051505E-03 -4.8490744E-03 -3.5817664E-02 -9.5021792E-02 -0.1685222     -0.2487899     -0.3320946     -0.4169033     -0.4972128     -0.5797418     -0.6624092     -0.7453602     -0.8174106     -0.8962955     -0.9754052      -1.039000      -1.110581      -1.183441      -1.241376      -1.308005       0.000000     -1.6554708E-03 -3.8753427E-03 -2.1955669E-02 -5.5541079E-02 -9.6286766E-02 -0.1404688     -0.1865673     -0.2340236     -0.2826226     -0.3282791     -0.3768339     -0.4256932     -0.4747685     -0.5240487     -0.5735328     -0.6151130     -0.6618861     -0.7083077     -0.7544500     -0.7919781       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000 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-1.692909      -1.769088      -1.831942      -1.891593      -1.948399      -2.026232       0.000000     -0.2888215     -0.4093246     -0.5254422     -0.6332318     -0.7353162     -0.8341948     -0.9335794      -1.014985      -1.095361      -1.160004      -1.220716      -1.291742      -1.352208      -1.409940      -1.482068      -1.541657      -1.597634      -1.651309      -1.705424      -1.778332       0.000000     -0.2612117     -0.3682615     -0.4680834     -0.5561339     -0.6536753     -0.7422068     -0.8205436     -0.8820954     -0.9482204      -1.008720      -1.080122      -1.143138      -1.204279      -1.277380      -1.337632      -1.395266      -1.453662      -1.526311      -1.590217      -1.673066       0.000000     -0.2336932     -0.3273734     -0.4149121     -0.4927161     -0.5837011     -0.6503932     -0.7104186     -0.7690938     -0.8395658     -0.9064713     -0.9835010      -1.050491      -1.126806      -1.190560      -1.256099      -1.333736      -1.404542      -1.490613  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-0.1488731     -0.2018758     -0.2569314     -0.2791760     -0.3274291     -0.4195358     -0.5222535     -0.6254617     -0.7210081     -0.8292299     -0.9448122      -1.064382      -1.186238      -1.309021      -1.433797      -1.562523      -1.692979      -1.803034      -1.924626      -2.046919       0.000000     -0.1322024     -0.1728541     -0.2233613     -0.2220309     -0.3029474     -0.4099973     -0.5177017     -0.6265999     -0.7427626     -0.8676242     -0.9954144      -1.124221      -1.252538      -1.380957      -1.512413      -1.643321      -1.768746      -1.889809      -2.007420      -2.122511       0.000000     -0.1147301     -0.1426413     -0.1868152     -0.1897703     -0.2866499     -0.4038708     -0.5236438     -0.6439829     -0.7771466     -0.9129493      -1.049141      -1.183278      -1.315513      -1.451187      -1.584072      -1.707627      -1.825416      -1.939037      -2.047836      -2.153300       0.000000     -9.6476667E-02 -0.1296194     -0.1467630     -0.1713133 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-0.6823054     -0.8231041     -0.9645540      -1.094676      -1.224645      -1.337207      -1.455645      -1.549199      -1.643521      -1.751151      -1.833894      -1.915223      -2.010271       0.000000     -4.1775353E-02 -5.7852685E-02 -5.7075072E-02 -0.1320874     -0.2417413     -0.3664886     -0.4993500     -0.6376449     -0.7656471     -0.8948296      -1.022476      -1.130279      -1.246032      -1.339859      -1.431502      -1.535979      -1.617338      -1.708991      -1.783992      -1.871441       0.000000     -3.1344831E-02 -3.0656746E-02 -4.8088577E-02 -0.1151719     -0.2119024     -0.3188896     -0.4353525     -0.5530257     -0.6620907     -0.7732673     -0.8825154     -0.9796109      -1.078881      -1.165775      -1.261377      -1.353180      -1.424877      -1.512418      -1.579387      -1.658650       0.000000     -2.1048492E-02 -1.9919891E-02 -3.7142508E-02 -8.9907505E-02 -0.1622790     -0.2451672     -0.3321482     -0.4203096     -0.5035384     -0.5885117     -0.6731210 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-6.671366      -6.963748      -7.254850      -7.545743      -7.759203      -8.012605       0.000000     -0.8916581      -1.552991      -2.073404      -2.530456      -2.939862      -3.314101      -3.659527      -3.980804      -4.281747      -4.566941      -4.839299      -5.101409      -5.356208      -5.605582      -5.852112      -6.031818      -6.245796      -6.464843      -6.688015      -6.910141       0.000000     -0.8439577      -1.436984      -1.897817      -2.300238      -2.658757      -2.985279      -3.284116      -3.560909      -3.818496      -4.061406      -4.293314      -4.516684      -4.733666      -4.892970      -5.075878      -5.260578      -5.446179      -5.574080      -5.735174      -5.901419       0.000000     -0.7958493      -1.322761      -1.731440      -2.086469      -2.402450      -2.687031      -2.948023      -3.186927      -3.409914      -3.620330      -3.820852      -4.012252      -4.148339      -4.303964      -4.459219      -4.615259      -4.719136      -4.853149  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-0.5985910     -0.9047274      -1.161624      -1.382483      -1.573143      -1.749768      -1.896009      -2.024779      -2.153643      -2.281667      -2.408827      -2.510447      -2.628777      -2.746956      -2.860078      -2.977742      -3.099614      -3.191853      -3.311227      -3.438249       0.000000     -0.5477720     -0.8156851      -1.035561      -1.232241      -1.408820      -1.553248      -1.671945      -1.799536      -1.927735      -2.055571      -2.183081      -2.307734      -2.428699      -2.524554      -2.644334      -2.768047      -2.895741      -3.025889      -3.158414      -3.291468       0.000000     -0.4964116     -0.7277895     -0.9286706      -1.095635      -1.250541      -1.359978      -1.479316      -1.609166      -1.739594      -1.870600      -1.997464      -2.119253      -2.242967      -2.373094      -2.503238      -2.637725      -2.773659      -2.908880      -3.041586      -3.171196       0.000000     -0.4448685     -0.6455936     -0.8229963     -0.9753429 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-1.090629      -1.226974      -1.385353      -1.530429      -1.675578      -1.829725      -1.964261      -2.114208      -2.238144      -2.356248      -2.489444      -2.589507      -2.686992       0.000000     -0.2470987     -0.3551359     -0.4546222     -0.4941353     -0.5837812     -0.7074041     -0.8465095     -0.9904273      -1.130732      -1.278993      -1.433350      -1.573508      -1.719957      -1.845790      -1.984681      -2.096550      -2.222789      -2.320325      -2.415743      -2.528971       0.000000     -0.2020880     -0.2889346     -0.3729066     -0.3856353     -0.4885465     -0.6092616     -0.7486669     -0.8775760      -1.029069      -1.167088      -1.315009      -1.444008      -1.578877      -1.696405      -1.820257      -1.920937      -2.032606      -2.123784      -2.226823      -2.304625       0.000000     -0.1589757     -0.2213521     -0.2885494     -0.3136987     -0.3990801     -0.5169685     -0.6343124     -0.7656908     -0.8943875      -1.028774      -1.161264  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-0.5590746     -0.6031302     -0.6471156     -0.6910819     -0.7270961     -0.7684706       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000     -0.9815204      -1.832369      -2.536212      -3.166807      -3.769293      -4.297335      -4.795874      -5.264890      -5.758277      -6.175231      -6.580060      -6.965590      -7.333576      -7.686164      -8.103198      -8.430975      -8.759659      -9.078003      -9.387266      -9.685115       0.000000     -0.9330003      -1.723931      -2.357735      -2.921996      -3.464326      -3.934074      -4.376419      -4.790338      -5.178415      -5.593847      -5.938177      -6.270320      -6.586977      -6.888405      -7.176753      -7.454470      -7.722069      -7.980626 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-0.7377644      -1.282067      -1.692385      -2.060904      -2.392552      -2.696550      -2.994032      -3.245914      -3.484555      -3.704209      -3.905629      -4.088768      -4.259268      -4.418144      -4.618829      -4.774158      -4.926482      -5.072478      -5.212715      -5.345055       0.000000     -0.6886441      -1.174905      -1.544182      -1.877010      -2.174110      -2.441152      -2.709889      -2.937995      -3.147752      -3.333910      -3.504333      -3.664315      -3.816322      -4.007484      -4.157283      -4.302670      -4.440462      -4.572074      -4.702781      -4.838833       0.000000     -0.6393847      -1.071203      -1.401342      -1.697032      -1.966984      -2.200782      -2.449052      -2.647264      -2.822344      -2.982429      -3.138252      -3.288234      -3.472283      -3.619073      -3.758445      -3.890449      -4.020879      -4.156198      -4.329870      -4.454195       0.000000     -0.5899742     -0.9698955      -1.265965      -1.532155 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-1.637278      -1.804038      -1.948048      -2.089313      -2.224130      -2.374982      -2.505767      -2.646912      -2.804669      -2.939862      -3.097237      -3.215448      -3.337055       0.000000     -0.3903898     -0.5948082     -0.7820625     -0.9371577      -1.081933      -1.171896      -1.303127      -1.445247      -1.604233      -1.746273      -1.883875      -2.030105      -2.162781      -2.325699      -2.458694      -2.617537      -2.740677      -2.863005      -3.005435      -3.122147       0.000000     -0.3397923     -0.5141630     -0.6712034     -0.8122529     -0.9152588     -0.9975847      -1.129802      -1.280555      -1.419767      -1.559686      -1.700541      -1.834032      -1.990496      -2.127315      -2.274315      -2.401164      -2.539084      -2.653810      -2.789510      -2.900825       0.000000     -0.2889115     -0.4332783     -0.5594881     -0.6871731     -0.7535475     -0.8467852     -0.9701024      -1.111217      -1.247236      -1.385546      -1.513276  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-1.286979      -1.374171      -1.460532      -1.545941      -1.614277      -1.692652       0.000000     -9.1352686E-02 -0.1366411     -0.1762309     -0.2020111     -0.2419141     -0.2968938     -0.3641554     -0.4353660     -0.5045503     -0.5782813     -0.6518270     -0.7245289     -0.7962247     -0.8671234     -0.9280545     -0.9938905      -1.058730      -1.123533      -1.187841      -1.239136       0.000000     -4.5084000E-02 -6.7596897E-02 -8.4350318E-02 -0.1018921     -0.1239976     -0.1550633     -0.1901378     -0.2288011     -0.2684375     -0.3082634     -0.3479768     -0.3874301     -0.4266581     -0.4657333     -0.5047374     -0.5383118     -0.5757414     -0.6129377     -0.6499396     -0.6867718       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000  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-0.7246613      -1.392820      -1.927006      -2.381412      -2.834519      -3.220997      -3.588353      -3.962483      -4.283626      -4.632319      -4.918348      -5.249988      -5.504181      -5.754213      -6.048915      -6.269609      -6.493530      -6.764167      -6.959296      -7.156346       0.000000     -0.6823351      -1.302561      -1.784843      -2.194595      -2.581660      -2.953855      -3.287318      -3.624325      -3.913847      -4.230394      -4.481723      -4.731543      -5.006045      -5.222504      -5.491862      -5.686210      -5.876778      -6.119079      -6.284539      -6.446695       0.000000     -0.6399710      -1.211486      -1.645448      -2.015048      -2.364237      -2.706135      -3.000475      -3.311551      -3.567345      -3.851870      -4.077682      -4.295977      -4.547339      -4.739013      -4.926954      -5.143954      -5.303182      -5.462824      -5.661620      -5.809045       0.000000     -0.5975711      -1.119706      -1.510835      -1.844162 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-2.213800      -2.370026      -2.532527      -2.664851      -2.810261      -2.977537      -3.117519      -3.283337      -3.411902      -3.540146      -3.694864      -3.813781      -3.964580       0.000000     -0.4275881     -0.7578053     -0.9972193      -1.222108      -1.427623      -1.615554      -1.795766      -1.966802      -2.087299      -2.232940      -2.371055      -2.537977      -2.671127      -2.807560      -2.959849      -3.086634      -3.236742      -3.352130      -3.494604      -3.601722       0.000000     -0.3849967     -0.6716583     -0.8818305      -1.081364      -1.258191      -1.436120      -1.586887      -1.716604      -1.815407      -1.971664      -2.106017      -2.261704      -2.393451      -2.544211      -2.666392      -2.814243      -2.923268      -3.063566      -3.169886      -3.318602       0.000000     -0.3423677     -0.5888867     -0.7738599     -0.9493695      -1.090409      -1.260348      -1.376400      -1.466453      -1.587985      -1.731920      -1.862008  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-1.653291      -1.769034      -1.864417      -1.974625      -2.084502      -2.193471       0.000000     -0.1714819     -0.2795507     -0.3649115     -0.4476049     -0.5260630     -0.5485052     -0.6304704     -0.7167988     -0.8023396     -0.9011245      -1.004774      -1.094529      -1.191794      -1.294241      -1.396987      -1.483564      -1.581014      -1.677701      -1.772748      -1.866316       0.000000     -0.1286684     -0.2062243     -0.2678758     -0.3331181     -0.3749258     -0.4126938     -0.4737686     -0.5416091     -0.6204307     -0.6954259     -0.7774654     -0.8578587     -0.9428573      -1.028054      -1.099971      -1.180998      -1.260996      -1.339797      -1.417193      -1.493725       0.000000     -8.5815109E-02 -0.1364365     -0.1781640     -0.2167585     -0.2419501     -0.2791022     -0.3183711     -0.3675588     -0.4232497     -0.4827258     -0.5420849     -0.6036742     -0.6580391     -0.7177167     -0.7770576     -0.8357548     -0.8936916     -0.9508671  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-0.5946255      -1.191633      -1.737725      -2.227115      -2.693153      -3.094459      -3.507205      -3.918323      -4.262356      -4.639312      -5.017372      -5.317741      -5.667802      -5.959565      -6.287123      -6.619654      -6.874996      -7.188007      -7.508206      -7.733120       0.000000     -0.5634501      -1.129049      -1.639766      -2.089437      -2.515258      -2.877354      -3.255275      -3.595243      -3.942608      -4.286144      -4.580330      -4.898482      -5.218646      -5.474452      -5.773351      -6.077331      -6.300558      -6.585548      -6.801284      -7.069339       0.000000     -0.5322613      -1.066389      -1.541211      -1.950558      -2.314762      -2.667222      -3.012969      -3.319407      -3.637162      -3.951553      -4.214408      -4.505762      -4.798301      -5.023202      -5.297089      -5.513265      -5.768458      -6.028762      -6.213048      -6.457798       0.000000     -0.5010589      -1.003646      -1.441981      -1.812018 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-2.336514      -2.558183      -2.745770      -2.941454      -3.137741      -3.297889      -3.484231      -3.672080      -3.805382      -3.973490      -4.094275      -4.242648      -4.399026       0.000000     -0.3761128     -0.7517526      -1.040486      -1.281742      -1.501585      -1.719719      -1.919445      -2.119451      -2.319784      -2.481521      -2.658079      -2.841616      -2.985379      -3.150688      -3.313067      -3.422784      -3.562007      -3.672096      -3.812953      -3.960823       0.000000     -0.3448434     -0.6884927     -0.9415678      -1.159119      -1.353733      -1.553087      -1.726432      -1.912147      -2.084976      -2.229034      -2.395990      -2.558620      -2.682360      -2.820242      -2.950880      -3.046371      -3.184257      -3.294266      -3.427202      -3.565250       0.000000     -0.3135608     -0.6250790     -0.8440463      -1.039012      -1.211982      -1.387102      -1.548919      -1.707531      -1.855693      -1.998042      -2.143329  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-1.767673      -1.877104      -1.987334      -2.072168      -2.176976      -2.284499       0.000000     -0.1882969     -0.3691449     -0.4814238     -0.5868976     -0.6893227     -0.7817402     -0.8844676     -0.9726753      -1.049623      -1.098939      -1.150958      -1.246310      -1.340293      -1.436192      -1.520307      -1.618113      -1.716496      -1.815727      -1.895760      -1.989997       0.000000     -0.1569477     -0.3048746     -0.3955187     -0.4815529     -0.5663288     -0.6428260     -0.7314356     -0.7979981     -0.8425981     -0.8808033     -0.9640037      -1.035237      -1.115512      -1.201591      -1.290660      -1.366228      -1.452083      -1.541000      -1.628282      -1.695062       0.000000     -0.1255852     -0.2411230     -0.3136981     -0.3823212     -0.4423779     -0.5122361     -0.5781578     -0.6191311     -0.6412695     -0.7031225     -0.7694501     -0.8365631     -0.8991756     -0.9721258      -1.046645      -1.122943      -1.201166      -1.264572  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-1.815258      -1.994014      -2.146273      -2.308118      -2.466164      -2.624230      -2.783419      -2.909696      -3.051946      -3.195135      -3.335782      -3.474837      -3.613282       0.000000     -0.2357285     -0.4724655     -0.7101957     -0.9447929      -1.156120      -1.340420      -1.508613      -1.671324      -1.835401      -1.971182      -2.116219      -2.262917      -2.407071      -2.548543      -2.664525      -2.794983      -2.922328      -3.047355      -3.174719      -3.268292       0.000000     -0.2189105     -0.4387874     -0.6596277     -0.8769389      -1.068798      -1.232527      -1.383161      -1.531032      -1.681105      -1.799287      -1.934845      -2.065471      -2.196113      -2.330406      -2.429137      -2.543941      -2.659546      -2.777117      -2.892863      -2.972202       0.000000     -0.2020868     -0.4051013     -0.6090345     -0.8089814     -0.9809499      -1.125230      -1.259558      -1.393316      -1.513142      -1.637404      -1.756483  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-1.573165      -1.639724      -1.714790      -1.790292      -1.863237      -1.910275       0.000000     -0.1347698     -0.2702428     -0.4064177     -0.5356663     -0.6297503     -0.7138255     -0.7986345     -0.8824545     -0.9556292      -1.029562      -1.104251      -1.181917      -1.255893      -1.310529      -1.369009      -1.440374      -1.507906      -1.572274      -1.632245      -1.669050       0.000000     -0.1179322     -0.2365014     -0.3557008     -0.4667523     -0.5445382     -0.6165141     -0.6904594     -0.7656595     -0.8241234     -0.8887325     -0.9566230      -1.020206      -1.078267      -1.125860      -1.189731      -1.249210      -1.305507      -1.356932      -1.402719      -1.440314       0.000000     -0.1010918     -0.2027489     -0.3049623     -0.3975976     -0.4611349     -0.5234442     -0.5851863     -0.6416104     -0.6967137     -0.7550372     -0.8093215     -0.8573889     -0.9099447     -0.9690570      -1.012590      -1.060789      -1.104132      -1.141857  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diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.inirj.lhc b/modules/epos/epos.inirj.lhc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e22ad74ab99a21d9ddb95efe39f174bf36dc8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.inirj.lhc
@@ -0,0 +1,12477 @@
+  0.7750000      0.7000000       1.000000      0.7000000       1.000000       1.075000      0.1800000      0.4425756       1.000000      0.3782009      2.1177933E-02   1.000000      0.8500000      0.7000000       0.000000       1.000000       1.000000       1.000000       1.000000      3.9999999E-02   4.000000      0.2500000      0.2500000      0.1000000               3   2.000000       0.000000      7.9999998E-02
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-6.340492      -6.587458      -6.841819      -7.102778      -80.00000      -4.357840      -3.831879      -3.719075      -3.763441      -3.886307      -4.043120      -4.230720      -4.442796      -4.667524      -4.903794      -80.00000      -4.564695      -4.038156      -3.925056      -3.969249      -4.092014      -4.248756      -4.436304      -4.648342      -4.873034      -5.109273      -80.00000      -4.776801      -4.249506      -4.136014      -4.179979      -4.302612      -4.459257      -4.646738      -4.858724      -5.083371      -5.319568      -80.00000      -4.995056      -4.466830      -4.352849      -4.396524      -4.518988      -4.675512      -4.862906      -5.074828      -5.299416      -5.535561      -80.00000      -5.219184      -4.689960      -4.575428      -4.618775      -4.741045      -4.897430      -5.084725      -5.296572      -5.521093      -5.757178      -80.00000      -5.445387      -4.915480      -4.800499      -4.843565      -4.965665      -5.121927      -5.309136  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-4.268231      -4.466544      -4.679708      -80.00000      -4.630280      -4.065887      -3.916174      -3.926150      -4.014707      -4.139773      -4.296404      -4.478576      -4.676844      -4.889966      -80.00000      -4.848513      -4.283165      -4.132949      -4.142633      -4.231024      -4.355975      -4.512524      -4.694633      -4.892842      -5.105912      -80.00000      -5.072620      -4.506247      -4.355464      -4.364814      -4.453014      -4.577831      -4.734287      -4.916323      -5.114466      -5.327475      -80.00000      -5.298815      -4.731730      -4.580483      -4.589544      -4.677575      -4.802274      -4.958647      -5.140619      -5.338704      -5.551660      -80.00000      -5.514944      -4.948458      -4.797290      -4.806347      -4.894362      -5.019050      -5.175416      -5.357385      -5.555466      -5.768418      -80.00000      -5.627280      -5.062394      -4.911828      -4.921183      -5.009354      -5.134150      -5.290591      -5.472621  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-4.573669      -4.765286      -80.00000      -4.968076      -4.373763      -4.194859      -4.176931      -4.237124      -4.335075      -4.464848      -4.620841      -4.795259      -4.986814      -80.00000      -5.194264      -4.599222      -4.419842      -4.401620      -4.461646      -4.559483      -4.689175      -4.845105      -5.019465      -5.210967      -80.00000      -5.410415      -4.815967      -4.636656      -4.618424      -4.678430      -4.776254      -4.905939      -5.061865      -5.236222      -5.427720      -80.00000      -5.522789      -4.929954      -4.751244      -4.733305      -4.793458      -4.891384      -5.021141      -5.177128      -5.351540      -5.543088      -80.00000      -5.594491      -5.003329      -4.825303      -4.807714      -4.868049      -4.966101      -5.095946      -5.252006      -5.426485      -5.618095      -80.00000      -5.709014      -5.108755      -4.928443      -4.909610      -4.969222      -5.066708      -5.196097      -5.351746      -5.525844  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-4.924952      -80.00000      -5.329019      -4.711976      -4.509454      -4.468220      -4.504253      -4.578594      -4.684694      -4.817412      -4.970184      -5.141700      -80.00000      -5.441421      -4.826001      -4.624078      -4.583132      -4.619307      -4.693745      -4.799914      -4.932691      -5.085519      -5.257086      -80.00000      -5.513150      -4.899416      -4.698179      -4.657580      -4.693930      -4.768488      -4.874743      -5.007591      -5.160487      -5.332116      -80.00000      -5.627747      -5.004893      -4.801433      -4.759653      -4.795339      -4.869379      -4.975207      -5.107657      -5.260176      -5.431450      -80.00000      -3.958804      -3.326370      -3.106257      -3.046394      -3.062117      -3.116034      -3.201303      -3.313330      -3.446574      -3.599696      -80.00000      -4.165621      -3.532571      -3.312145      -3.252107      -3.267738      -3.321592      -3.406818      -3.518809      -3.652019      -3.805108  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-80.00000      -5.446483      -4.813720      -4.592619      -4.532022      -4.547309      -4.600940      -4.686016      -4.797894      -4.930995      -5.083979      -80.00000      -5.561142      -4.919244      -4.695977      -4.634258      -4.648936      -4.702092      -4.786774      -4.898273      -5.031006      -5.183640      -80.00000      -3.902275      -3.253368      -3.015856      -2.938259      -2.935148      -2.970155      -3.036181      -3.129065      -3.244033      -3.379718      -80.00000      -4.109087      -3.459559      -3.221732      -3.143961      -3.140759      -3.175706      -3.241689      -3.334537      -3.449471      -3.585123      -80.00000      -4.321138      -3.670797      -3.432554      -3.354551      -3.351228      -3.386094      -3.452022      -3.544822      -3.659709      -3.795318      -80.00000      -4.539327      -3.887983      -3.649216      -3.570918      -3.567441      -3.602205      -3.668061      -3.760801      -3.875629      -4.011184      -80.00000  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-3.853201      -3.189719      -2.936672      -2.843095      -2.822915      -2.840655      -2.889036      -2.964300      -3.062299      -3.181631      -80.00000      -4.060008      -3.395901      -3.142539      -3.048787      -3.028517      -3.046199      -3.094539      -3.169767      -3.267730      -3.387030      -80.00000      -4.272053      -3.607128      -3.353347      -3.259364      -3.238975      -3.256578      -3.304863      -3.380044      -3.477961      -3.597217      -80.00000      -4.490235      -3.824300      -3.569992      -3.475715      -3.455174      -3.472677      -3.520892      -3.596014      -3.693872      -3.813073      -80.00000      -4.714292      -4.047265      -3.792361      -3.697745      -3.677028      -3.694415      -3.742550      -3.817602      -3.915393      -4.034531      -80.00000      -4.940464      -4.272665      -4.017260      -3.922343      -3.901467      -3.918749      -3.966813      -4.041805      -4.139538      -4.258619      -80.00000      -5.156667  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-3.550651      -3.282809      -3.174258      -3.138241      -3.139944      -3.171929      -3.230783      -3.312866      -3.416744      -80.00000      -4.446851      -3.767811      -3.499440      -3.390595      -3.354429      -3.356033      -3.387950      -3.446745      -3.528769      -3.632592      -80.00000      -4.670901      -3.990762      -3.721792      -3.612609      -3.576269      -3.577759      -3.609598      -3.668325      -3.750281      -3.854040      -80.00000      -4.897071      -4.216153      -3.946678      -3.837194      -3.800695      -3.802084      -3.833852      -3.892520      -3.974417      -4.078119      -80.00000      -5.113282      -4.432941      -4.163510      -4.053994      -4.017467      -4.018840      -4.050600      -4.109264      -4.191157      -4.294855      -80.00000      -5.225759      -4.547063      -4.278224      -4.168980      -4.132576      -4.134034      -4.165855      -4.224578      -4.306527      -4.410277      -80.00000      -5.297556      -4.620582  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-3.658136      -3.535548      -3.484782      -3.471528      -3.488215      -3.531728      -3.598845      -3.688102      -80.00000      -4.858189      -4.165350      -3.883010      -3.760121      -3.709198      -3.695844      -3.712462      -3.755916      -3.822973      -3.912174      -80.00000      -5.074408      -4.382144      -4.099843      -3.976921      -3.925967      -3.912598      -3.929207      -3.972659      -4.039711      -4.128907      -80.00000      -5.186898      -4.496283      -4.214571      -4.091918      -4.041085      -4.027798      -4.044467      -4.087977      -4.155086      -4.244334      -80.00000      -5.258708      -4.569819      -4.288792      -4.166470      -4.115791      -4.102608      -4.119352      -4.162931      -4.230108      -4.319420      -80.00000      -5.373557      -4.675503      -4.392493      -4.269243      -4.218140      -4.204642      -4.221117      -4.264398      -4.331277      -4.420295      -80.00000      -3.999337      -3.544263      -3.494967  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-5.041704      -5.212699      -5.410360      -5.636742      -5.885993      -6.141461      -6.402588      -80.00000      -6.092654      -5.557091      -5.474907      -5.555772      -5.719187      -5.911259      -6.133646      -6.379955      -6.632868      -6.891708      -80.00000      -6.935738      -6.259216      -6.125468      -6.179509      -6.327531      -6.508457      -6.722978      -6.963550      -7.211516      -7.465950      -80.00000      -7.778963      -6.877107      -6.675066      -6.695987      -6.825708      -6.993711      -7.199270      -7.433396      -7.675852      -7.925416      -80.00000      -3.731721      -3.217849      -3.115416      -3.168534      -3.299410      -3.462918      -3.656428      -3.873628      -4.102224      -4.341280      -80.00000      -3.940182      -3.426545      -3.324263      -3.377486      -3.508430      -3.671989      -3.865537      -4.082766      -4.311387      -4.550466      -80.00000      -4.145864      -3.632585      -3.530502      -3.583851  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-5.841753      -5.988197      -6.169792      -6.378064      -6.598777      -6.830791      -80.00000      -7.481294      -6.515893      -6.260815      -6.237919      -6.327770      -6.462784      -6.636586      -6.839144      -7.054868      -7.282472      -80.00000      -3.573675      -3.021224      -2.881544      -2.900208      -2.996863      -3.129120      -3.292336      -3.480420      -3.683591      -3.900708      -80.00000      -3.782142      -3.229932      -3.090411      -3.109183      -3.205907      -3.338216      -3.501468      -3.689579      -3.892775      -4.109915      -80.00000      -3.987834      -3.435992      -3.296675      -3.315578      -3.412383      -3.544750      -3.708044      -3.896187      -4.099412      -4.316578      -80.00000      -4.188838      -3.637599      -3.498590      -3.517678      -3.614593      -3.747039      -3.910389      -4.098576      -4.301840      -4.519042      -80.00000      -4.387768      -3.837008      -3.698274      -3.717532      -3.814550  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-2.873596      -3.009873      -3.171825      -3.351452      -3.547521      -80.00000      -3.669336      -3.087862      -2.919070      -2.909700      -2.977695      -3.082707      -3.219020      -3.380999      -3.560650      -3.756743      -80.00000      -3.875036      -3.293936      -3.125351      -3.116114      -3.184190      -3.289259      -3.425612      -3.587623      -3.767303      -3.963422      -80.00000      -4.076051      -3.495565      -3.327293      -3.318243      -3.386426      -3.491573      -3.627980      -3.790032      -3.969752      -4.165907      -80.00000      -4.274988      -3.694992      -3.527001      -3.518124      -3.586409      -3.691627      -3.828084      -3.990175      -4.169931      -4.366119      -80.00000      -4.506067      -3.923332      -3.754296      -3.744894      -3.812908      -3.917938      -4.054261      -4.216243      -4.395898      -4.591994      -80.00000      -4.942898      -4.337296      -4.158844      -4.144511      -4.209906      -4.313119  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-3.192168      -3.330446      -3.488243      -3.664283      -80.00000      -3.988181      -3.383919      -3.191302      -3.158256      -3.201512      -3.282394      -3.394551      -3.532870      -3.690707      -3.866783      -80.00000      -4.187122      -3.583361      -3.391029      -3.358157      -3.401514      -3.482465      -3.594670      -3.733028      -3.890901      -4.067010      -80.00000      -4.418141      -3.811629      -3.618255      -3.584868      -3.627965      -3.708737      -3.820815      -3.959064      -4.116836      -4.292853      -80.00000      -4.854528      -4.224995      -4.022192      -3.983923      -4.024486      -4.103518      -4.214372      -4.351604      -4.508422      -4.683561      -80.00000      -5.454197      -4.763688      -4.536706      -4.486084      -4.520294      -4.595004      -4.702836      -4.837579      -4.992069      -5.165070      -80.00000      -6.276000      -5.439857      -5.161361      -5.085588      -5.107189      -5.173473      -5.275491  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-3.511107      -3.648587      -3.805616      -80.00000      -4.346051      -3.719406      -3.505074      -3.450670      -3.471670      -3.530580      -3.620611      -3.737121      -3.874500      -4.031435      -80.00000      -4.782076      -4.132293      -3.908530      -3.849290      -3.867832      -3.925067      -4.013918      -4.129419      -4.265843      -4.421894      -80.00000      -5.380808      -4.669764      -4.421824      -4.350354      -4.362730      -4.415804      -4.501742      -4.614781      -4.748873      -4.902769      -80.00000      -6.200300      -5.343283      -5.043968      -4.947646      -4.947803      -4.992780      -5.073123      -5.181490      -5.311180      -5.461032      -80.00000      -7.005059      -5.923395      -5.558629      -5.432580      -5.418622      -5.454497      -5.528676      -5.632002      -5.756961      -5.902507      -80.00000      -3.239816      -2.596629      -2.363866      -2.290577      -2.291568      -2.330485      -2.400249      -2.496678  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-4.050623      -4.188569      -80.00000      -5.318591      -4.589711      -4.323319      -4.233239      -4.225945      -4.259295      -4.325142      -4.418155      -4.533183      -4.668959      -80.00000      -6.136144      -5.261036      -4.943411      -4.828753      -4.809584      -4.835116      -4.895552      -4.983936      -5.094557      -5.226265      -80.00000      -6.937806      -5.838307      -5.455592      -5.311583      -5.278713      -5.295471      -5.349953      -5.433354      -5.539243      -5.666623      -80.00000      -3.186758      -2.528021      -2.278694      -2.188399      -2.171248      -2.191852      -2.242940      -2.320764      -2.421194      -2.542844      -80.00000      -3.395238      -2.736760      -2.487605      -2.397426      -2.380344      -2.400995      -2.452115      -2.529964      -2.630419      -2.752093      -80.00000      -3.600954      -2.942865      -2.693926      -2.603884      -2.586879      -2.607583      -2.658739      -2.736619      -2.837103  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-5.014052      -80.00000      -6.879464      -5.764215      -5.365443      -5.205180      -5.155052      -5.154196      -5.190449      -5.255342      -5.343354      -5.453516      -80.00000      -3.139856      -2.467122      -2.202758      -2.096899      -2.063059      -2.066708      -2.100440      -2.160914      -2.244552      -2.349925      -80.00000      -3.348338      -2.675865      -2.411674      -2.305931      -2.272160      -2.275855      -2.309618      -2.370118      -2.453781      -2.559178      -80.00000      -3.554057      -2.881975      -2.618003      -2.512396      -2.478702      -2.482448      -2.516247      -2.576777      -2.660469      -2.765894      -80.00000      -3.755106      -3.083664      -2.820014      -2.714596      -2.681003      -2.684817      -2.718663      -2.779233      -2.862964      -2.968427      -80.00000      -3.954059      -3.283141      -3.019787      -2.914546      -2.881048      -2.884926      -2.918815      -2.979422      -3.063190      -3.168687  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-80.00000      -3.306305      -2.621089      -2.343113      -2.223002      -2.173764      -2.161663      -2.179214      -2.223462      -2.291294      -2.381238      -80.00000      -3.512027      -2.827204      -2.549447      -2.429472      -2.380311      -2.368261      -2.385846      -2.430123      -2.497985      -2.587956      -80.00000      -3.713080      -3.028900      -2.751468      -2.631680      -2.582618      -2.570636      -2.588267      -2.632584      -2.700485      -2.790494      -80.00000      -3.912035      -3.228384      -2.951248      -2.831638      -2.782671      -2.770750      -2.788424      -2.832778      -2.900715      -2.990760      -80.00000      -4.142870      -3.456444      -3.178283      -3.058192      -3.009002      -2.996931      -3.014496      -3.058745      -3.126581      -3.216531      -80.00000      -4.577899      -3.868047      -3.580480      -3.455723      -3.404305      -3.390747      -3.407253      -3.450516      -3.517391      -3.606437      -80.00000  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-5.227439      -4.788027      -4.750869      -4.858227      -5.038896      -5.243067      -5.474323      -5.727371      -5.985242      -6.247732      -80.00000      -5.451623      -5.011290      -4.973623      -5.080666      -5.261135      -5.465153      -5.696297      -5.949261      -6.207060      -6.469483      -80.00000      -5.677851      -5.236902      -5.198832      -5.305613      -5.485912      -5.689798      -5.920843      -6.173736      -6.431470      -6.693836      -80.00000      -5.893866      -5.453530      -5.415584      -5.522398      -5.702702      -5.906588      -6.137631      -6.390520      -6.648252      -6.910614      -80.00000      -6.006006      -5.567191      -5.529844      -5.636978      -5.817470      -6.021494      -6.252636      -6.505597      -6.763391      -7.025809      -80.00000      -6.077496      -5.640224      -5.603538      -5.711038      -5.891748      -6.095936      -6.327195      -6.580243      -6.838111      -7.100597      -80.00000      -6.191546  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-4.886953      -4.796323      -4.859304      -4.998961      -5.169563      -5.369140      -5.591444      -5.823740      -6.065325      -80.00000      -5.603761      -5.103641      -5.013110      -5.076104      -5.215754      -5.386349      -5.585919      -5.808221      -6.040513      -6.282094      -80.00000      -5.716013      -5.217463      -5.127535      -5.190839      -5.330658      -5.501375      -5.701031      -5.923397      -6.155746      -6.397378      -80.00000      -5.787606      -5.290663      -5.201411      -5.265077      -5.405099      -5.575962      -5.775721      -5.998164      -6.230581      -6.472276      -80.00000      -5.901846      -5.395929      -5.304183      -5.366416      -5.505559      -5.675754      -5.875014      -6.097069      -6.329161      -6.570576      -80.00000      -4.128594      -3.591858      -3.465412      -3.495167      -3.601640      -3.742315      -3.912963      -4.107526      -4.315959      -4.537265      -80.00000      -4.335440      -3.798115  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-4.877986      -4.906725      -5.012581      -5.152818      -5.323159      -5.517491      -5.725714      -5.946828      -80.00000      -5.616176      -5.079257      -4.951962      -4.981058      -5.087107      -5.227479      -5.397914      -5.592320      -5.800611      -6.021786      -80.00000      -5.730553      -5.184583      -5.054881      -5.082617      -5.187841      -5.327575      -5.497514      -5.691505      -5.899432      -6.120284      -80.00000      -4.006086      -3.438736      -3.281938      -3.282829      -3.360015      -3.473169      -3.616848      -3.785432      -3.970764      -4.171696      -80.00000      -4.212920      -3.644970      -3.487867      -3.488582      -3.565672      -3.678758      -3.822391      -3.990938      -4.176235      -4.377136      -80.00000      -4.424998      -3.856264      -3.698756      -3.699240      -3.776201      -3.889198      -4.032768      -4.201266      -4.386518      -4.587378      -80.00000      -4.643221      -4.073520      -3.915504  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-4.870394      -4.946388      -5.058648      -5.201645      -5.369656      -5.554462      -5.754913      -80.00000      -3.910583      -3.318159      -3.135830      -3.111737      -3.163073      -3.251248      -3.370106      -3.514549      -3.677852      -3.858788      -80.00000      -4.117408      -3.524374      -3.341736      -3.317469      -3.368710      -3.456820      -3.575633      -3.720040      -3.883309      -4.064213      -80.00000      -4.329474      -3.735645      -3.552597      -3.528098      -3.579213      -3.667238      -3.785990      -3.930349      -4.093573      -4.274435      -80.00000      -4.547683      -3.952871      -3.769309      -3.744515      -3.795470      -3.883386      -4.002063      -4.146360      -4.309526      -4.490336      -80.00000      -4.771765      -4.175896      -3.991752      -3.966621      -4.017391      -4.105181      -4.223770      -4.367998      -4.531098      -4.711846      -80.00000      -4.997949      -4.401339      -4.216712      -4.191286  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-3.201514      -3.266785      -3.362665      -3.484580      -3.626915      -3.788390      -80.00000      -4.251116      -3.635918      -3.430705      -3.384082      -3.411998      -3.477186      -3.573008      -3.694875      -3.837165      -3.998597      -80.00000      -4.469313      -3.853121      -3.647387      -3.600471      -3.628230      -3.693313      -3.789062      -3.910869      -4.053101      -4.214478      -80.00000      -4.693384      -4.076119      -3.869798      -3.822544      -3.850121      -3.915083      -4.010747      -4.132485      -4.274650      -4.435966      -80.00000      -4.919562      -4.301544      -4.094732      -4.047181      -4.074595      -4.139448      -4.235037      -4.356714      -4.498821      -4.660083      -80.00000      -5.135744      -4.518312      -4.311557      -4.263985      -4.291374      -4.356212      -4.451794      -4.573467      -4.715571      -4.876829      -80.00000      -5.248171      -4.632369      -4.426209      -4.378920      -4.406446  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-3.526469      -3.600939      -3.701730      -3.824100      -3.966726      -80.00000      -4.626895      -3.990937      -3.764953      -3.697788      -3.704285      -3.748219      -3.822608      -3.923330      -4.045634      -4.188196      -80.00000      -4.853069      -4.216345      -3.989866      -3.922401      -3.928738      -3.972566      -4.046881      -4.147543      -4.269790      -4.412297      -80.00000      -5.069266      -4.433123      -4.206694      -4.139204      -4.145514      -4.189327      -4.263634      -4.364293      -4.486536      -4.629038      -80.00000      -5.181716      -4.547210      -4.321374      -4.254162      -4.260602      -4.304505      -4.378877      -4.479594      -4.601892      -4.744447      -80.00000      -5.253490      -4.620691      -4.395539      -4.328666      -4.335271      -4.379285      -4.453736      -4.554523      -4.676889      -4.819506      -80.00000      -5.368217      -4.726262      -4.498994      -4.431045      -4.437078      -4.480647  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-3.877951      -3.958918      -4.062328      -4.186811      -80.00000      -5.011518      -4.358720      -4.114573      -4.028937      -4.015899      -4.040225      -4.094700      -4.175665      -4.279071      -4.403549      -80.00000      -5.123989      -4.472833      -4.229278      -4.143914      -4.131001      -4.155414      -4.209951      -4.290974      -4.394436      -4.518966      -80.00000      -5.195782      -4.546342      -4.303470      -4.218441      -4.205688      -4.230208      -4.284822      -4.365915      -4.469444      -4.594038      -80.00000      -5.310572      -4.651966      -4.407037      -4.320994      -4.307730      -4.331854      -4.386131      -4.466873      -4.570057      -4.694314      -80.00000      -3.657019      -2.992976      -2.735015      -2.634050      -2.603823      -2.610444      -2.646671      -2.709393      -2.795197      -2.902651      -80.00000      -3.863819      -3.199145      -2.940867      -2.839730      -2.809416      -2.815979      -2.852167  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-4.118911      -4.204501      -4.311750      -80.00000      -5.144755      -4.480292      -4.221271      -4.119541      -4.088882      -4.095233      -4.131282      -4.193861      -4.279518      -4.386831      -80.00000      -5.259603      -4.585967      -4.324944      -4.222260      -4.191144      -4.197149      -4.232898      -4.295153      -4.380487      -4.487484      -80.00000      -3.611261      -2.933529      -2.660732      -2.544294      -2.497392      -2.486995      -2.505776      -2.551044      -2.619875      -2.710782      -80.00000      -3.818057      -3.139690      -2.866575      -2.749965      -2.702978      -2.692526      -2.711267      -2.756500      -2.825296      -2.916171      -80.00000      -4.030087      -3.350889      -3.077353      -2.960513      -2.913413      -2.902887      -2.921577      -2.966763      -3.035513      -3.126344      -80.00000      -4.248250      -3.568026      -3.293960      -3.176829      -3.129584      -3.118963      -3.137588      -3.182716  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-6.906692      -7.149907      -7.400981      -7.658980      -80.00000      -7.758000      -7.065470      -6.919932      -6.965611      -7.107067      -7.283574      -7.494563      -7.732183      -7.978419      -8.232110      -80.00000      -8.597626      -7.679856      -7.466349      -7.479285      -7.602862      -7.766837      -7.969155      -8.200513      -8.441377      -8.690321      -80.00000      -4.576595      -4.048885      -3.934760      -3.978174      -4.100406      -4.256740      -4.443992      -4.655807      -4.880300      -5.116357      -80.00000      -4.785057      -4.257583      -4.143612      -4.187130      -4.309432      -4.465816      -4.653106      -4.864949      -5.089467      -5.325547      -80.00000      -4.990741      -4.463628      -4.349855      -4.393503      -4.515884      -4.672329      -4.859661      -5.071537      -5.296084      -5.532191      -80.00000      -5.191732      -4.665211      -4.551740      -4.595570      -4.718061      -4.874588      -5.061978  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-7.619073      -7.830771      -8.055435      -80.00000      -4.430078      -3.865240      -3.714849      -3.724237      -3.812375      -3.937126      -4.093531      -4.275534      -4.473648      -4.686629      -80.00000      -4.638546      -4.073951      -3.923718      -3.933215      -4.021422      -4.146224      -4.302666      -4.484696      -4.682836      -4.895840      -80.00000      -4.844239      -4.280013      -4.129986      -4.139614      -4.227902      -4.352762      -4.509245      -4.691308      -4.889475      -5.102506      -80.00000      -5.045245      -4.481625      -4.331906      -4.341720      -4.430117      -4.555056      -4.711595      -4.893701      -5.091908      -5.304974      -80.00000      -5.244177      -4.681038      -4.531595      -4.541580      -4.630080      -4.755091      -4.911682      -5.093827      -5.292070      -5.505169      -80.00000      -5.475320      -4.909454      -4.758964      -4.768417      -4.856635      -4.981449      -5.137900      -5.319933  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-4.363624      -4.555174      -80.00000      -4.739738      -4.147599      -3.969443      -3.951777      -4.012040      -4.110024      -4.239818      -4.395836      -4.570279      -4.761856      -80.00000      -4.940756      -4.349230      -4.171388      -4.153909      -4.214280      -4.312340      -4.442188      -4.598248      -4.772730      -4.964344      -80.00000      -5.139692      -4.548660      -4.371099      -4.353794      -4.414267      -4.512397      -4.642295      -4.798394      -4.972912      -5.164559      -80.00000      -5.370764      -4.776989      -4.598383      -4.580555      -4.640759      -4.738702      -4.868468      -5.024457      -5.198874      -5.390428      -80.00000      -5.807534      -5.190866      -5.002839      -4.980083      -5.037681      -5.133820      -5.262315      -5.417272      -5.590733      -5.781413      -80.00000      -6.408198      -5.730864      -5.518662      -5.483440      -5.534503      -5.626155      -5.751513      -5.903941      -6.075068  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-4.678373      -80.00000      -5.058330      -4.444755      -4.244000      -4.203690      -4.240175      -4.314809      -4.421113      -4.554000      -4.706936      -4.878602      -80.00000      -5.289347      -4.673019      -4.471222      -4.430397      -4.466623      -4.541078      -4.647255      -4.780035      -4.932868      -5.104441      -80.00000      -5.725713      -5.086349      -4.875116      -4.829409      -4.863107      -4.935828      -5.040783      -5.172543      -5.324420      -5.495111      -80.00000      -6.325327      -5.624950      -5.389520      -5.331461      -5.358819      -5.427231      -5.529172      -5.658437      -5.807978      -5.976522      -80.00000      -7.146993      -6.300916      -6.013946      -5.930744      -5.945519      -6.005531      -6.101673      -6.226198      -6.371323      -6.535835      -80.00000      -7.955228      -6.884198      -6.531365      -6.418025      -6.418244      -6.468796      -6.558535      -6.677933      -6.818304      -6.978514  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-80.00000      -5.658657      -5.000170      -4.769085      -4.703434      -4.716143      -4.768000      -4.851820      -4.962618      -5.094699      -5.246739      -80.00000      -6.257420      -5.537653      -5.282370      -5.204476      -5.211015      -5.258710      -5.339617      -5.447946      -5.577687      -5.727565      -80.00000      -7.076985      -6.211196      -5.904490      -5.801722      -5.796034      -5.835631      -5.910940      -6.014584      -6.139908      -6.285730      -80.00000      -7.881856      -6.791332      -6.419119      -6.286593      -6.266785      -6.297276      -6.366417      -6.465006      -6.585584      -6.727083      -80.00000      -4.120945      -3.470093      -3.231081      -3.152419      -3.148651      -3.183208      -3.248925      -3.341565      -3.456299      -3.591761      -80.00000      -4.329424      -3.678828      -3.439986      -3.361439      -3.357741      -3.392345      -3.458095      -3.550761      -3.665520      -3.801006      -80.00000  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-7.017670      -6.134849      -5.810866      -5.690749      -5.666756      -5.687888      -5.744249      -5.828819      -5.935859      -6.064203      -80.00000      -7.819727      -6.712386      -6.323215      -6.173679      -6.135942      -6.148270      -6.198658      -6.278227      -6.380522      -6.504523      -80.00000      -4.071862      -3.406415      -3.151851      -3.057199      -3.036363      -3.053659      -3.101738      -3.176761      -3.274525      -3.393633      -80.00000      -4.280342      -3.615154      -3.360761      -3.266225      -3.245459      -3.262802      -3.310913      -3.385961      -3.483750      -3.602883      -80.00000      -4.486058      -3.821258      -3.567082      -3.472682      -3.451993      -3.469389      -3.517537      -3.592616      -3.690433      -3.809593      -80.00000      -4.687101      -4.022936      -3.769082      -3.674871      -3.654285      -3.671751      -3.719947      -3.795066      -3.892923      -4.012121      -80.00000      -4.886051  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-3.349931      -3.081293      -2.972064      -2.935599      -2.936998      -2.968781      -3.027479      -3.109408      -3.213138      -80.00000      -4.236967      -3.558673      -3.290208      -3.181096      -3.144700      -3.146144      -3.177959      -3.236682      -3.318636      -3.422390      -80.00000      -4.442685      -3.764781      -3.496535      -3.387559      -3.351240      -3.352737      -3.384587      -3.443340      -3.525323      -3.629105      -80.00000      -4.643732      -3.966467      -3.698544      -3.589756      -3.553540      -3.555104      -3.587001      -3.645796      -3.727818      -3.831638      -80.00000      -4.842684      -4.165942      -3.898314      -3.789705      -3.753583      -3.755212      -3.787153      -3.845984      -3.928044      -4.031898      -80.00000      -5.073558      -4.394043      -4.125385      -4.016285      -3.979934      -3.981407      -4.013235      -4.071961      -4.153919      -4.257678      -80.00000      -5.508874      -4.805995  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-3.432897      -3.310509      -3.259758      -3.246508      -3.263205      -3.306745      -3.373890      -3.463170      -80.00000      -4.604872      -3.915703      -3.634914      -3.512715      -3.462064      -3.448881      -3.465624      -3.509205      -3.576389      -3.665707      -80.00000      -4.803826      -4.115184      -3.834692      -3.712670      -3.662114      -3.648993      -3.665780      -3.709398      -3.776618      -3.865971      -80.00000      -5.034674      -4.343257      -4.061737      -3.939231      -3.888451      -3.875178      -3.891854      -3.935367      -4.002486      -4.091743      -80.00000      -5.469805      -4.754972      -4.464027      -4.336832      -4.283802      -4.269027      -4.284635      -4.327158      -4.393315      -4.481668      -80.00000      -6.066213      -5.289444      -4.974374      -4.835312      -4.776634      -4.758127      -4.771102      -4.811212      -4.875020      -4.961171      -80.00000      -6.879991      -5.956482      -5.590465  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-4.410715      -4.585048      -4.785185      -5.013345      -5.263912      -5.520523      -5.782678      -80.00000      -5.044787      -4.588624      -4.539146      -4.637935      -4.811942      -5.011839      -5.239828      -5.490268      -5.746769      -6.008826      -80.00000      -5.484449      -5.006593      -4.947978      -5.041704      -5.212699      -5.410360      -5.636742      -5.885993      -6.141461      -6.402588      -80.00000      -6.092654      -5.557091      -5.474907      -5.555772      -5.719187      -5.911259      -6.133646      -6.379955      -6.632868      -6.891708      -80.00000      -6.935738      -6.259216      -6.125468      -6.179509      -6.327531      -6.508457      -6.722978      -6.963550      -7.211516      -7.465950      -80.00000      -7.778963      -6.877107      -6.675066      -6.695987      -6.825708      -6.993711      -7.199270      -7.433396      -7.675852      -7.925416      -80.00000      -3.731721      -3.217849      -3.115416      -3.168534  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-4.742364      -4.903889      -5.096001      -5.312139      -5.539792      -5.778002      -80.00000      -5.819753      -5.223232      -5.087395      -5.122766      -5.243729      -5.400179      -5.588722      -5.802171      -6.027441      -6.263515      -80.00000      -6.653486      -5.913641      -5.726024      -5.735111      -5.841753      -5.988197      -6.169792      -6.378064      -6.598777      -6.830791      -80.00000      -7.481294      -6.515893      -6.260815      -6.237919      -6.327770      -6.462784      -6.636586      -6.839144      -7.054868      -7.282472      -80.00000      -3.573675      -3.021224      -2.881544      -2.900208      -2.996863      -3.129120      -3.292336      -3.480420      -3.683591      -3.900708      -80.00000      -3.782142      -3.229932      -3.090411      -3.109183      -3.205907      -3.338216      -3.501468      -3.689579      -3.892775      -4.109915      -80.00000      -3.987834      -3.435992      -3.296675      -3.315578      -3.412383  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-5.646541      -5.798691      -5.978226      -6.173686      -6.383860      -80.00000      -7.306160      -6.300071      -6.008225      -5.952265      -6.009989      -6.115748      -6.260731      -6.434865      -6.625502      -6.831382      -80.00000      -3.460865      -2.879144      -2.710190      -2.700709      -2.768634      -2.873596      -3.009873      -3.171825      -3.351452      -3.547521      -80.00000      -3.669336      -3.087862      -2.919070      -2.909700      -2.977695      -3.082707      -3.219020      -3.380999      -3.560650      -3.756743      -80.00000      -3.875036      -3.293936      -3.125351      -3.116114      -3.184190      -3.289259      -3.425612      -3.587623      -3.767303      -3.963422      -80.00000      -4.076051      -3.495565      -3.327293      -3.318243      -3.386426      -3.491573      -3.627980      -3.790032      -3.969752      -4.165907      -80.00000      -4.274988      -3.694992      -3.527001      -3.518124      -3.586409      -3.691627  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-2.776408      -2.914627      -3.072371      -3.248361      -80.00000      -3.581452      -2.976190      -2.783045      -2.749677      -2.792747      -2.873498      -2.985564      -3.123811      -3.281579      -3.457592      -80.00000      -3.787157      -3.182273      -2.989340      -2.956106      -2.999256      -3.080063      -3.192168      -3.330446      -3.488243      -3.664283      -80.00000      -3.988181      -3.383919      -3.191302      -3.158256      -3.201512      -3.282394      -3.394551      -3.532870      -3.690707      -3.866783      -80.00000      -4.187122      -3.583361      -3.391029      -3.358157      -3.401514      -3.482465      -3.594670      -3.733028      -3.890901      -4.067010      -80.00000      -4.418141      -3.811629      -3.618255      -3.584868      -3.627965      -3.708737      -3.820815      -3.959064      -4.116836      -4.292853      -80.00000      -4.854528      -4.224995      -4.022192      -3.983923      -4.024486      -4.103518      -4.214372  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-3.108502      -3.245907      -3.402866      -80.00000      -3.916136      -3.291741      -3.078160      -3.024087      -3.045239      -3.104253      -3.194359      -3.310938      -3.448383      -3.605378      -80.00000      -4.115080      -3.491194      -3.277901      -3.224004      -3.245255      -3.304336      -3.394490      -3.511107      -3.648587      -3.805616      -80.00000      -4.346051      -3.719406      -3.505074      -3.450670      -3.471670      -3.530580      -3.620611      -3.737121      -3.874500      -4.031435      -80.00000      -4.782076      -4.132293      -3.908530      -3.849290      -3.867832      -3.925067      -4.013918      -4.129419      -4.265843      -4.421894      -80.00000      -5.380808      -4.669764      -4.421824      -4.350354      -4.362730      -4.415804      -4.501742      -4.614781      -4.748873      -4.902769      -80.00000      -6.200300      -5.343283      -5.043968      -4.947646      -4.947803      -4.992780      -5.073123      -5.181490  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-3.433568      -3.572499      -80.00000      -4.284923      -3.640761      -3.407960      -3.334786      -3.335885      -3.374874      -3.444685      -3.541142      -3.659464      -3.798301      -80.00000      -4.720646      -4.053253      -3.811022      -3.733058      -3.731765      -3.769135      -3.837803      -3.933259      -4.050623      -4.188569      -80.00000      -5.318591      -4.589711      -4.323319      -4.233239      -4.225945      -4.259295      -4.325142      -4.418155      -4.533183      -4.668959      -80.00000      -6.136144      -5.261036      -4.943411      -4.828753      -4.809584      -4.835116      -4.895552      -4.983936      -5.094557      -5.226265      -80.00000      -6.937806      -5.838307      -5.455592      -5.311583      -5.278713      -5.295471      -5.349953      -5.433354      -5.539243      -5.666623      -80.00000      -3.186758      -2.528021      -2.278694      -2.188399      -2.171248      -2.191852      -2.242940      -2.320764      -2.421194  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-3.977495      -80.00000      -5.264571      -4.519891      -4.236974      -4.130050      -4.104826      -4.120035      -4.167316      -4.241745      -4.338904      -4.457504      -80.00000      -6.080458      -5.189353      -4.855343      -4.724093      -4.687300      -4.694935      -4.736962      -4.806795      -4.899542      -5.014052      -80.00000      -6.879464      -5.764215      -5.365443      -5.205180      -5.155052      -5.154196      -5.190449      -5.255342      -5.343354      -5.453516      -80.00000      -3.139856      -2.467122      -2.202758      -2.096899      -2.063059      -2.066708      -2.100440      -2.160914      -2.244552      -2.349925      -80.00000      -3.348338      -2.675865      -2.411674      -2.305931      -2.272160      -2.275855      -2.309618      -2.370118      -2.453781      -2.559178      -80.00000      -3.554057      -2.881975      -2.618003      -2.512396      -2.478702      -2.482448      -2.516247      -2.576777      -2.660469      -2.765894  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-80.00000      -6.827937      -5.698565      -5.285242      -5.110106      -5.044087      -5.026891      -5.046176      -5.093796      -5.165003      -5.258839      -80.00000      -3.097822      -2.412343      -2.134193      -2.013964      -1.964658      -1.952512      -1.970032      -2.014255      -2.082062      -2.171982      -80.00000      -3.306305      -2.621089      -2.343113      -2.223002      -2.173764      -2.161663      -2.179214      -2.223462      -2.291294      -2.381238      -80.00000      -3.512027      -2.827204      -2.549447      -2.429472      -2.380311      -2.368261      -2.385846      -2.430123      -2.497985      -2.587956      -80.00000      -3.713080      -3.028900      -2.751468      -2.631680      -2.582618      -2.570636      -2.588267      -2.632584      -2.700485      -2.790494      -80.00000      -3.912035      -3.228384      -2.951248      -2.831638      -2.782671      -2.770750      -2.788424      -2.832778      -2.900715      -2.990760      -80.00000  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-5.174541      -4.735877      -4.698793      -4.806068      -4.986626      -5.190687      -5.421847      -5.674819      -5.932620      -6.195044      -80.00000      -5.380201      -4.941874      -4.904975      -5.012370      -5.193007      -5.397130      -5.628338      -5.881345      -6.139178      -6.401630      -80.00000      -5.581150      -5.143378      -5.106762      -5.214333      -5.395083      -5.599294      -5.830567      -6.083622      -6.341498      -6.603988      -80.00000      -5.780054      -5.342706      -5.306335      -5.414062      -5.594915      -5.799206      -6.030539      -6.283639      -6.541553      -6.804080      -80.00000      -6.011578      -5.571594      -5.534178      -5.641338      -5.821856      -6.025900      -6.257055      -6.510026      -6.767828      -7.030254      -80.00000      -6.451639      -5.990105      -5.943566      -6.045623      -6.223064      -6.424804      -6.654300      -6.906048      -7.162791      -7.424265      -80.00000      -7.060889  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-4.793778      -4.704651      -4.768408      -4.908472      -5.079351      -5.279119      -5.501565      -5.733986      -5.975684      -80.00000      -5.490079      -4.993155      -4.904291      -4.968213      -5.108380      -5.279336      -5.479159      -5.701647      -5.934104      -6.175836      -80.00000      -5.721385      -5.221766      -5.131852      -5.195224      -5.335084      -5.505821      -5.705488      -5.927859      -6.160214      -6.401852      -80.00000      -6.159853      -5.637991      -5.538773      -5.597089      -5.734067      -5.902728      -6.100925      -6.322193      -6.553571      -6.794332      -80.00000      -6.764947      -6.184017      -6.060853      -6.106354      -6.236094      -6.399579      -6.594136      -6.812684      -7.041662      -7.280274      -80.00000      -7.600235      -6.876245      -6.701234      -6.720273      -6.835457      -6.988722      -7.176182      -7.389484      -7.613864      -7.848383      -80.00000      -8.430625      -7.480941  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-4.882302      -4.911133      -5.017037      -5.157293      -5.327643      -5.521978      -5.730206      -5.951325      -80.00000      -5.987333      -5.425166      -5.287875      -5.311706      -5.414864      -5.553185      -5.722172      -5.915452      -6.122725      -6.342981      -80.00000      -6.590039      -5.967916      -5.806533      -5.817707      -5.913977      -6.047481      -6.213100      -6.403787      -6.608723      -6.826871      -80.00000      -7.419370      -6.652943      -6.439776      -6.424987      -6.507493      -6.631544      -6.790640      -6.976364      -7.176853      -7.391013      -80.00000      -8.240025      -7.248112      -6.967970      -6.921781      -6.988240      -7.101557      -7.253381      -7.433671      -7.629330      -7.839193      -80.00000      -4.381985      -3.812791      -3.654583      -3.654463      -3.730997      -3.843677      -3.987023      -4.155354      -4.340453      -4.541172      -80.00000      -4.590455      -4.021507      -3.863461  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-5.602224      -5.669603      -5.775967      -5.914895      -6.079700      -6.261558      -6.459324      -80.00000      -7.290312      -6.491685      -6.248188      -6.205159      -6.259384      -6.356850      -6.489646      -6.649640      -6.827099      -7.020888      -80.00000      -8.104232      -7.080418      -6.770552      -6.696789      -6.735746      -6.823156      -6.949155      -7.103917      -7.276627      -7.466156      -80.00000      -4.286464      -3.692153      -3.508377      -3.483251      -3.533931      -3.621641      -3.740175      -3.884369      -4.047440      -4.228160      -80.00000      -4.494937      -3.900878      -3.717267      -3.692253      -3.743003      -3.830762      -3.949330      -4.093551      -4.256647      -4.437390      -80.00000      -4.700642      -4.106960      -3.923560      -3.898680      -3.949510      -4.037325      -4.155933      -4.300185      -4.463309      -4.644079      -80.00000      -4.901666      -4.308605      -4.125520      -4.100828  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-6.531109      -6.594811      -6.696854      -6.827753      -6.978477      -7.147957      -80.00000      -4.208108      -3.592412      -3.386446      -3.339180      -3.366655      -3.431531      -3.527139      -3.648844      -3.790982      -3.952269      -80.00000      -4.416584      -3.801142      -3.595345      -3.548192      -3.575737      -3.640661      -3.736303      -3.858034      -4.000196      -4.161507      -80.00000      -4.622294      -4.007235      -3.801650      -3.754632      -3.782256      -3.847235      -3.942915      -4.064677      -4.206868      -4.368206      -80.00000      -4.823327      -4.208894      -4.003627      -3.956797      -3.984526      -4.049578      -4.145309      -4.267112      -4.409342      -4.570717      -80.00000      -5.022271      -4.408346      -4.203368      -4.156713      -4.184541      -4.249661      -4.345438      -4.467279      -4.609545      -4.770954      -80.00000      -5.253240      -4.636558      -4.430542      -4.383380      -4.410958  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-3.473795      -3.548159      -3.648876      -3.771178      -3.913735      -80.00000      -4.555833      -3.922093      -3.696840      -3.629898      -3.636430      -3.680377      -3.754778      -3.855525      -3.977856      -4.120440      -80.00000      -4.756873      -4.123765      -3.898832      -3.832077      -3.838714      -3.882731      -3.957182      -4.057970      -4.180339      -4.322960      -80.00000      -4.955822      -4.323228      -4.098587      -4.032008      -4.038742      -4.082825      -4.157321      -4.258146      -4.380552      -4.523207      -80.00000      -5.186744      -4.551388      -4.325713      -4.258636      -4.265128      -4.309046      -4.383425      -4.484144      -4.606449      -4.749010      -80.00000      -5.622423      -4.963839      -4.728745      -4.656890      -4.660998      -4.703302      -4.776540      -4.876262      -4.997612      -5.139285      -80.00000      -6.220255      -5.500192      -5.240972      -5.157027      -5.155154      -5.193450  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-3.788274      -3.869367      -3.972901      -4.097499      -80.00000      -4.898098      -4.248886      -4.006535      -3.921803      -3.909177      -3.933762      -3.988421      -4.069551      -4.173121      -4.297754      -80.00000      -5.128982      -4.477002      -4.233622      -4.148399      -4.135539      -4.159966      -4.214510      -4.295535      -4.399004      -4.523543      -80.00000      -5.564372      -4.889081      -4.636292      -4.546340      -4.531162      -4.554029      -4.607468      -4.687500      -4.790013      -4.913657      -80.00000      -6.161451      -5.424488      -5.147602      -5.045684      -5.024691      -5.043683      -5.094395      -5.172008      -5.272186      -5.393652      -80.00000      -6.976879      -6.093542      -5.765667      -5.639514      -5.607024      -5.618489      -5.663977      -5.737011      -5.832789      -5.950176      -80.00000      -7.775158      -6.667880      -6.275403      -6.120351      -6.074613      -6.077643      -6.117392  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-4.123481      -4.209080      -4.316339      -80.00000      -5.513043      -4.822678      -4.553766      -4.447167      -4.414148      -4.418897      -4.453802      -4.515326      -4.599967      -4.706326      -80.00000      -6.109464      -5.357263      -5.064290      -4.945843      -4.907158      -4.908150      -4.940403      -4.999520      -5.081821      -5.185992      -80.00000      -6.923273      -6.024544      -5.680744      -5.538325      -5.488449      -5.482151      -5.509326      -5.563890      -5.641784      -5.741855      -80.00000      -7.718976      -6.596593      -6.188535      -6.017565      -5.954802      -5.940340      -5.961943      -6.011621      -6.084789      -6.180501      -80.00000      -3.987085      -3.307339      -3.032988      -2.915460      -2.867913      -2.857089      -2.875584      -2.920617      -2.989214      -3.079896      -80.00000      -4.195569      -3.516087      -3.241910      -3.124499      -3.077020      -3.066242      -3.084766      -3.129825  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-5.106080      -5.253202      -5.426443      -80.00000      -5.061794      -4.879414      -4.851273      -4.868670      -4.908563      -4.974045      -5.061796      -5.181237      -5.328434      -5.501754      -80.00000      -5.242693      -5.048819      -5.018653      -5.035367      -5.074745      -5.139784      -5.227026      -5.345838      -5.492470      -5.665205      -80.00000      -3.780597      -3.599784      -3.572655      -3.590523      -3.630572      -3.696209      -3.784141      -3.903791      -4.051198      -4.224715      -80.00000      -3.986955      -3.805561      -3.778229      -3.796031      -3.836045      -3.901651      -3.989549      -4.109155      -4.256523      -4.429998      -80.00000      -4.198417      -4.016254      -3.988651      -4.006364      -4.046331      -4.111895      -4.199749      -4.319296      -4.466611      -4.640033      -80.00000      -4.415897      -4.232760      -4.204809      -4.222406      -4.262315      -4.327824      -4.415623      -4.535096  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-5.699223      -5.871984      -80.00000      -3.983210      -3.802222      -3.775060      -3.792930      -3.833004      -3.898674      -3.986665      -4.106367      -4.253813      -4.427367      -80.00000      -4.189568      -4.007999      -3.980634      -3.998438      -4.038477      -4.104115      -4.192073      -4.311730      -4.459136      -4.632650      -80.00000      -4.401031      -4.218692      -4.191056      -4.208770      -4.248764      -4.314359      -4.402272      -4.521872      -4.669224      -4.842685      -80.00000      -4.618511      -4.435198      -4.407213      -4.424812      -4.464746      -4.530288      -4.618146      -4.737671      -4.884956      -5.058348      -80.00000      -4.841848      -4.657423      -4.629028      -4.646487      -4.686355      -4.751834      -4.839628      -4.959069      -5.106276      -5.279590      -80.00000      -5.067621      -4.882240      -4.853458      -4.870775      -4.910585      -4.976009      -5.063749      -5.183117      -5.330254  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-2.904237      -2.943628      -3.009025      -3.098149      -3.217647      -3.364413      -3.537360      -80.00000      -3.353708      -3.129640      -3.091608      -3.106623      -3.146057      -3.211488      -3.300662      -3.420206      -3.567013      -3.740000      -80.00000      -3.553061      -3.329447      -3.291631      -3.306736      -3.346209      -3.411673      -3.500900      -3.620486      -3.767328      -3.940352      -80.00000      -3.781866      -3.556185      -3.517786      -3.532764      -3.572125      -3.637497      -3.726662      -3.846117      -3.992840      -4.165739      -80.00000      -4.199772      -3.956304      -3.912213      -3.925623      -3.963947      -4.028432      -4.116703      -4.234966      -4.380634      -4.552421      -80.00000      -4.750925      -4.461810      -4.403347      -4.412683      -4.448486      -4.510788      -4.596733      -4.712124      -4.855263      -5.024389      -80.00000      -5.458298      -5.069575      -4.982200      -4.983298  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-3.555386      -3.620871      -3.710146      -3.829763      -3.976624      -4.149670      -80.00000      -3.990753      -3.765157      -3.726871      -3.741913      -3.781302      -3.846694      -3.935911      -4.055398      -4.202139      -4.375058      -80.00000      -4.408729      -4.165285      -4.121296      -4.134769      -4.173121      -4.237626      -4.325956      -4.444252      -4.589936      -4.761740      -80.00000      -4.959941      -4.670790      -4.612419      -4.621821      -4.657651      -4.719973      -4.805980      -4.921404      -5.064559      -5.233700      -80.00000      -5.667356      -5.278538      -5.191250      -5.192421      -5.223495      -5.281657      -5.363202      -5.473274      -5.611722      -5.775970      -80.00000      -6.304711      -5.779235      -5.657291      -5.648410      -5.674406      -5.728012      -5.804777      -5.909152      -6.042547      -6.201668      -80.00000      -3.152145      -2.927567      -2.889311      -2.904237      -2.943628  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-4.444279      -4.532661      -4.650994      -4.796703      -4.968531      -80.00000      -5.166158      -4.877170      -4.818933      -4.828408      -4.864270      -4.926614      -5.012676      -5.128139      -5.271316      -5.440480      -80.00000      -5.873547      -5.484882      -5.397735      -5.398992      -5.430098      -5.488280      -5.569876      -5.679987      -5.818459      -5.982728      -80.00000      -6.510850      -5.985538      -5.863749      -5.854966      -5.880994      -5.934620      -6.011428      -6.115844      -6.249265      -6.408406      -80.00000      -3.353708      -3.129640      -3.091608      -3.106623      -3.146057      -3.211488      -3.300662      -3.420206      -3.567013      -3.740000      -80.00000      -3.562543      -3.338600      -3.300691      -3.315772      -3.355234      -3.420686      -3.509905      -3.629480      -3.776307      -3.949316      -80.00000      -3.768664      -3.544981      -3.507223      -3.522374      -3.561868      -3.627344  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-5.772354      -5.882515      -6.021024      -6.185328      -80.00000      -6.712221      -6.187450      -6.065939      -6.057296      -6.083368      -6.137025      -6.213883      -6.318349      -6.451808      -6.610982      -80.00000      -3.553061      -3.329447      -3.291631      -3.306736      -3.346209      -3.411673      -3.500900      -3.620486      -3.767328      -3.940352      -80.00000      -3.761913      -3.538412      -3.500716      -3.515886      -3.555386      -3.620871      -3.710146      -3.829763      -3.976624      -4.149670      -80.00000      -3.968045      -3.744797      -3.707249      -3.722487      -3.762020      -3.827529      -3.916848      -4.036501      -4.183389      -4.356462      -80.00000      -4.169644      -3.946882      -3.909550      -3.924875      -3.964450      -4.029994      -4.119365      -4.239067      -4.385993      -4.559106      -80.00000      -4.369047      -4.146705      -4.109578      -4.124989      -4.164602      -4.230179      -4.319611  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-3.846117      -3.992840      -4.165739      -80.00000      -3.990753      -3.765157      -3.726871      -3.741913      -3.781302      -3.846694      -3.935911      -4.055398      -4.202139      -4.375058      -80.00000      -4.196909      -3.971547      -3.933405      -3.948514      -3.987935      -4.053352      -4.142617      -4.262139      -4.408906      -4.581851      -80.00000      -4.398526      -4.173635      -4.135705      -4.150901      -4.190364      -4.255815      -4.345135      -4.464706      -4.611511      -4.784496      -80.00000      -4.597955      -4.373463      -4.335734      -4.351016      -4.390517      -4.456001      -4.545385      -4.664999      -4.811836      -4.984856      -80.00000      -4.826948      -4.600240      -4.561900      -4.577048      -4.616437      -4.681828      -4.771176      -4.890657      -5.037370      -5.210258      -80.00000      -5.245336      -5.000460      -4.956361      -4.969928      -5.008279      -5.072782      -5.161278      -5.279570  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-4.796703      -4.968531      -80.00000      -4.816563      -4.573761      -4.530118      -4.543747      -4.582173      -4.646736      -4.735178      -4.853560      -4.999306      -5.171172      -80.00000      -5.016038      -4.773587      -4.730142      -4.743860      -4.782323      -4.846920      -4.935433      -5.053857      -5.199633      -5.371531      -80.00000      -5.245336      -5.000460      -4.956361      -4.969928      -5.008279      -5.072782      -5.161278      -5.279570      -5.425214      -5.596979      -80.00000      -5.665260      -5.401314      -5.351190      -5.363031      -5.400349      -5.463958      -5.551643      -5.668754      -5.813314      -5.983953      -80.00000      -6.220446      -5.908392      -5.843173      -5.850573      -5.885374      -5.946781      -6.032190      -6.146465      -6.288467      -6.456444      -80.00000      -6.935884      -6.518989      -6.423406      -6.421852      -6.451897      -6.509109      -6.590046      -6.699043      -6.836311  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-5.843460      -80.00000      -5.797143      -5.506102      -5.447542      -5.457020      -5.492852      -5.555164      -5.641354      -5.756783      -5.899888      -6.068983      -80.00000      -6.220446      -5.908392      -5.843173      -5.850573      -5.885374      -5.946781      -6.032190      -6.146465      -6.288467      -6.456444      -80.00000      -6.783565      -6.418826      -6.336940      -6.339028      -6.371310      -6.430497      -6.513669      -6.625162      -6.764568      -6.929914      -80.00000      -7.516218      -7.035778      -6.920217      -6.911634      -6.939129      -6.994095      -7.072839      -7.179145      -7.313758      -7.474286      -80.00000      -8.187698      -7.546170      -7.389936      -7.368502      -7.390830      -7.441206      -7.515153      -7.615971      -7.745474      -7.900979      -80.00000      -5.458298      -5.069575      -4.982200      -4.983298      -5.014344      -5.072489      -5.153978      -5.264013      -5.402444      -5.566679  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-80.00000      -7.516218      -7.035779      -6.920217      -6.911634      -6.939129      -6.994095      -7.072839      -7.179145      -7.313758      -7.474286      -80.00000      -8.288185      -7.665206      -7.508898      -7.486246      -7.508854      -7.559566      -7.633972      -7.735241      -7.864949      -8.020769      -80.00000      -9.017617      -8.189793      -7.983696      -7.944280      -7.961530      -8.007655      -8.077369      -8.173332      -8.297847      -8.448777      -80.00000      -6.095620      -5.570292      -5.448264      -5.439302      -5.465268      -5.518859      -5.595579      -5.699913      -5.833291      -5.992398      -80.00000      -6.304711      -5.779235      -5.657291      -5.648410      -5.674406      -5.728012      -5.804777      -5.909152      -6.042547      -6.201668      -80.00000      -6.510850      -5.985538      -5.863749      -5.854966      -5.880994      -5.934620      -6.011428      -6.115844      -6.249265      -6.408406      -80.00000  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-9.844418      -8.732322      -8.464256      -8.403527      -8.415097      -8.456674      -8.521815      -8.612678      -8.731930      -8.878117      -80.00000      -3.230772      -3.017479      -2.982324      -2.998208      -3.037865      -3.103425      -3.191239      -3.310815      -3.458180      -3.631654      -80.00000      -3.437168      -3.223285      -3.187909      -3.203718      -3.243339      -3.308867      -3.396648      -3.516179      -3.663505      -3.836938      -80.00000      -3.648681      -3.434017      -3.398345      -3.414054      -3.453626      -3.519111      -3.606848      -3.726321      -3.873593      -4.046973      -80.00000      -3.866221      -3.650571      -3.614521      -3.630100      -3.669610      -3.735041      -3.822723      -3.942122      -4.089326      -4.262638      -80.00000      -4.089620      -3.872851      -3.836357      -3.851779      -3.891220      -3.956588      -4.044206      -4.163520      -4.310647      -4.483880      -80.00000      -4.315430  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-3.432291      -3.397005      -3.412870      -3.452517      -3.518064      -3.605906      -3.725472      -3.872816      -4.046266      -80.00000      -3.857666      -3.643023      -3.607440      -3.623206      -3.662804      -3.728309      -3.816107      -3.935614      -4.082904      -4.256301      -80.00000      -4.075206      -3.859577      -3.823616      -3.839251      -3.878788      -3.944238      -4.031981      -4.151414      -4.298636      -4.471965      -80.00000      -4.298605      -4.081857      -4.045452      -4.060931      -4.100397      -4.165785      -4.253464      -4.372813      -4.519957      -4.693208      -80.00000      -4.524415      -4.306721      -4.269903      -4.285224      -4.324628      -4.389961      -4.477586      -4.596862      -4.743936      -4.917118      -80.00000      -4.741314      -4.523690      -4.486766      -4.502010      -4.541410      -4.606739      -4.694363      -4.813639      -4.960702      -5.133878      -80.00000      -4.855145      -4.638621  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-4.030158      -4.045855      -4.085422      -4.150896      -4.238692      -4.358165      -4.505412      -4.678766      -80.00000      -4.504840      -4.288276      -4.251994      -4.267534      -4.307031      -4.372442      -4.460175      -4.579564      -4.726732      -4.900008      -80.00000      -4.730650      -4.513140      -4.476444      -4.491827      -4.531262      -4.596618      -4.684296      -4.803612      -4.950711      -5.123918      -80.00000      -4.947549      -4.730109      -4.693307      -4.708613      -4.748044      -4.813396      -4.901073      -5.020389      -5.167477      -5.340678      -80.00000      -5.061379      -4.845040      -4.808520      -4.823881      -4.863370      -4.928774      -5.016508      -5.135899      -5.283047      -5.456312      -80.00000      -5.134476      -4.919437      -4.883293      -4.898748      -4.938307      -5.003775      -5.091576      -5.211057      -5.358280      -5.531623      -80.00000      -5.316119      -5.089255      -5.050808  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-4.694215      -4.733691      -4.799082      -4.886818      -5.006186      -5.153323      -5.326568      -80.00000      -5.149239      -4.932225      -4.895616      -4.911001      -4.950473      -5.015859      -5.103596      -5.222963      -5.370089      -5.543328      -80.00000      -5.263070      -5.047157      -5.010830      -5.026269      -5.065800      -5.131238      -5.219031      -5.338474      -5.485660      -5.658963      -80.00000      -5.336168      -5.121555      -5.085603      -5.101137      -5.140737      -5.206239      -5.294099      -5.413632      -5.560893      -5.734275      -80.00000      -5.517755      -5.291318      -5.253067      -5.267795      -5.306852      -5.371909      -5.459260      -5.578165      -5.724862      -5.897662      -80.00000      -4.047205      -3.834882      -3.800312      -3.816470      -3.856262      -3.921932      -4.009993      -4.129740      -4.277217      -4.450804      -80.00000      -4.253601      -4.040688      -4.005896      -4.021980  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-5.798237      -5.885649      -6.004461      -6.151056      -6.323751      -80.00000      -4.694187      -4.461630      -4.420826      -4.435322      -4.473969      -4.538672      -4.625951      -4.744317      -4.890568      -5.062884      -80.00000      -4.900617      -4.667456      -4.626421      -4.640837      -4.679447      -4.744119      -4.831364      -4.949686      -5.095898      -5.268174      -80.00000      -5.112174      -4.878213      -4.836870      -4.851179      -4.889740      -4.954369      -5.041570      -5.159834      -5.305993      -5.478216      -80.00000      -5.329767      -5.094801      -5.053063      -5.067232      -5.105731      -5.170305      -5.257451      -5.375643      -5.521733      -5.693889      -80.00000      -5.553222      -5.317117      -5.274918      -5.288919      -5.327348      -5.391859      -5.478941      -5.597050      -5.743062      -5.915140      -80.00000      -5.779065      -5.542010      -5.499383      -5.513217      -5.551582      -5.616039  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-5.311492      -5.426816      -5.570447      -5.740045      -80.00000      -5.662351      -5.383207      -5.327826      -5.338172      -5.374230      -5.436696      -5.521711      -5.636980      -5.780557      -5.950102      -80.00000      -5.880054      -5.599864      -5.544056      -5.554242      -5.590236      -5.652647      -5.737607      -5.852806      -5.996315      -6.165794      -80.00000      -6.103623      -5.822259      -5.765952      -5.775946      -5.811867      -5.874216      -5.959114      -6.074232      -6.217663      -6.387066      -80.00000      -6.329533      -6.047215      -5.990450      -6.000256      -6.036111      -6.098406      -6.183249      -6.298299      -6.441660      -6.610996      -80.00000      -6.546273      -6.264162      -6.207297      -6.217023      -6.252869      -6.315162      -6.400004      -6.515055      -6.658409      -6.827740      -80.00000      -6.659772      -6.378966      -6.322440      -6.332251      -6.368152      -6.430499      -6.515397  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-6.404590      -6.543322      -6.707902      -80.00000      -6.808386      -6.429104      -6.344565      -6.346479      -6.377675      -6.435894      -6.516501      -6.626048      -6.764701      -6.929207      -80.00000      -7.034435      -6.654185      -6.569126      -6.570811      -6.601935      -6.660101      -6.740655      -6.850138      -6.988723      -7.153165      -80.00000      -7.250942      -6.871111      -6.785965      -6.787570      -6.818678      -6.876846      -6.957398      -7.066884      -7.205465      -7.369902      -80.00000      -7.363964      -6.985756      -6.901034      -6.902763      -6.933924      -6.992148      -7.072754      -7.182312      -7.320958      -7.485459      -80.00000      -7.436275      -7.059845      -6.975661      -6.977569      -7.008798      -7.067089      -7.147759      -7.257400      -7.396126      -7.560703      -80.00000      -7.640072      -7.248333      -7.160064      -7.160048      -7.190557      -7.248210      -7.328225      -7.437061  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-5.590096      -5.063686      -4.952570      -4.998644      -5.124197      -5.282738      -5.472034      -5.685531      -5.910202      -6.145167      -80.00000      -5.806170      -5.280370      -5.169356      -5.215443      -5.340989      -5.499523      -5.688813      -5.902307      -6.126974      -6.361936      -80.00000      -5.918413      -5.394181      -5.283773      -5.330172      -5.455890      -5.614546      -5.803923      -6.017481      -6.242206      -6.477219      -80.00000      -5.989997      -5.467370      -5.357640      -5.404402      -5.530325      -5.689129      -5.878610      -6.092247      -6.317041      -6.552116      -80.00000      -6.104225      -5.572643      -5.460419      -5.505754      -5.630802      -5.788943      -5.977928      -6.191177      -6.415645      -6.650439      -80.00000      -4.292488      -3.735716      -3.593298      -3.609765      -3.705028      -3.835953      -3.998119      -4.185256      -4.387126      -4.602634      -80.00000      -4.499336  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-5.149831      -5.005887      -5.021337      -5.115981      -5.246464      -5.408320      -5.595224      -5.796883      -6.012198      -80.00000      -5.780061      -5.223117      -5.079854      -5.095664      -5.190502      -5.321122      -5.483074      -5.670053      -5.871779      -6.087155      -80.00000      -5.894424      -5.328443      -5.182774      -5.197227      -5.291247      -5.421234      -5.582695      -5.769263      -5.970627      -6.185681      -80.00000      -4.142632      -3.559238      -3.389695      -3.379948      -3.448111      -3.553321      -3.689986      -3.852317      -4.032010      -4.227862      -80.00000      -4.349468      -3.765475      -3.595626      -3.585703      -3.653769      -3.758912      -3.895529      -4.057823      -4.237481      -4.433302      -80.00000      -4.561549      -3.976773      -3.806520      -3.796365      -3.864301      -3.969353      -4.105907      -4.268152      -4.447765      -4.643545      -80.00000      -4.779775      -4.194034  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-4.979238      -4.967518      -5.034492      -5.138814      -5.274800      -5.436563      -5.615734      -5.811108      -80.00000      -4.025902      -3.420516      -3.227963      -3.195343      -3.239445      -3.321206      -3.434342      -3.573613      -3.732169      -3.908752      -80.00000      -4.232728      -3.626735      -3.433872      -3.401077      -3.445083      -3.526780      -3.639870      -3.779104      -3.937626      -4.114177      -80.00000      -4.444797      -3.838009      -3.644737      -3.611709      -3.655589      -3.737199      -3.850229      -3.989414      -4.147891      -4.324399      -80.00000      -4.663008      -4.055240      -3.861453      -3.828130      -3.871849      -3.953349      -4.066302      -4.205427      -4.363845      -4.540300      -80.00000      -4.887094      -4.278269      -4.083900      -4.050240      -4.093773      -4.175146      -4.288012      -4.427065      -4.585417      -4.761811      -80.00000      -5.113278      -4.503716      -4.308866  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-3.246077      -3.268413      -3.328614      -3.419948      -3.537714      -3.676183      -3.834057      -80.00000      -4.349084      -3.723439      -3.510073      -3.456686      -3.478898      -3.539016      -3.630292      -3.748009      -3.886433      -4.044264      -80.00000      -4.567283      -3.940646      -3.726760      -3.673078      -3.695132      -3.755145      -3.846348      -3.964004      -4.102369      -4.260146      -80.00000      -4.791357      -4.163649      -3.949176      -3.895155      -3.917027      -3.976916      -4.068034      -4.185621      -4.323920      -4.481635      -80.00000      -5.017537      -4.389077      -4.174114      -4.119796      -4.141503      -4.201283      -4.292325      -4.409851      -4.548092      -4.705752      -80.00000      -5.233715      -4.605843      -4.390937      -4.336599      -4.358283      -4.418048      -4.509082      -4.626605      -4.764842      -4.922497      -80.00000      -5.346135      -4.719893      -4.505585      -4.451531  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-3.541386      -3.581577      -3.652590      -3.750207      -3.869584      -4.009384      -80.00000      -4.710188      -4.065904      -3.833530      -3.761118      -3.763257      -3.803330      -3.874260      -3.971808      -4.091119      -4.230855      -80.00000      -4.936364      -4.291316      -4.058446      -3.985735      -3.987712      -4.027678      -4.098536      -4.196023      -4.315275      -4.454957      -80.00000      -5.152556      -4.508091      -4.275273      -4.202538      -4.204489      -4.244440      -4.315289      -4.412773      -4.532021      -4.671698      -80.00000      -5.265001      -4.622172      -4.389948      -4.317493      -4.319575      -4.359616      -4.430530      -4.528074      -4.647377      -4.787106      -80.00000      -5.336769      -4.695646      -4.464108      -4.391993      -4.394240      -4.434394      -4.505388      -4.603002      -4.722373      -4.862164      -80.00000      -5.451479      -4.801207      -4.567547      -4.494352      -4.496028  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-3.872874      -3.924917      -4.003645      -4.104920      -4.227367      -80.00000      -5.082086      -4.422797      -4.173795      -4.084254      -4.068063      -4.089632      -4.141667      -4.220393      -4.321663      -4.444106      -80.00000      -5.194552      -4.536904      -4.288495      -4.199227      -4.183164      -4.204820      -4.256917      -4.335701      -4.437028      -4.559522      -80.00000      -5.266339      -4.610407      -4.362681      -4.273751      -4.257848      -4.279612      -4.331787      -4.410641      -4.512035      -4.634592      -80.00000      -5.381113      -4.716020      -4.466230      -4.376280      -4.359862      -4.381231      -4.433070      -4.511577      -4.612630      -4.734855      -80.00000      -3.716357      -3.047425      -2.785965      -2.682299      -2.650019      -2.654905      -2.689651      -2.751031      -2.835543      -2.941754      -80.00000      -3.923158      -3.253596      -2.991820      -2.887980      -2.855613      -2.860442  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-4.099386      -4.160553      -4.244851      -4.350857      -80.00000      -5.204088      -4.534743      -4.272228      -4.167798      -4.135084      -4.139700      -4.174265      -4.235502      -4.319867      -4.425937      -80.00000      -5.318919      -4.640406      -4.375881      -4.270487      -4.237313      -4.241580      -4.275846      -4.336760      -4.420804      -4.526560      -80.00000      -3.660554      -2.979373      -2.704298      -2.586247      -2.538299      -2.527117      -2.545319      -2.590106      -2.658466      -2.748920      -80.00000      -3.867351      -3.185537      -2.910144      -2.791919      -2.743886      -2.732648      -2.750811      -2.795563      -2.863889      -2.954309      -80.00000      -4.079383      -3.396738      -3.120925      -3.002471      -2.954323      -2.943011      -2.961122      -3.005827      -3.074106      -3.164483      -80.00000      -4.297549      -3.613879      -3.337535      -3.218789      -3.170496      -3.159089      -3.177134  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-4.176118      -4.244034      -4.334051      -80.00000      -4.282172      -3.819340      -3.762209      -3.851621      -4.017264      -4.207515      -4.427024      -4.670253      -4.918962      -5.172861      -80.00000      -4.490616      -4.027997      -3.971002      -4.060507      -4.226217      -4.416522      -4.636072      -4.879333      -5.128070      -5.381994      -80.00000      -4.696267      -4.233980      -4.177166      -4.266792      -4.432582      -4.622952      -4.842551      -5.085848      -5.334618      -5.588572      -80.00000      -4.897202      -4.435461      -4.378928      -4.468729      -4.634636      -4.825096      -5.044763      -5.288111      -5.536924      -5.790918      -80.00000      -5.096100      -4.634770      -4.578478      -4.668436      -4.834446      -5.024990      -5.244719      -5.488113      -5.736968      -5.990999      -80.00000      -5.327719      -4.863764      -4.806417      -4.895794      -5.061455      -5.251737      -5.471280      -5.714539  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-4.486021      -4.722783      -80.00000      -4.309752      -3.798931      -3.699739      -3.754935      -3.888290      -4.052880      -4.247279      -4.465034      -4.692621      -4.929410      -80.00000      -4.510724      -4.000482      -3.901587      -3.956965      -4.090434      -4.255109      -4.449570      -4.667370      -4.894999      -5.131824      -80.00000      -4.709639      -4.199846      -4.101212      -4.156755      -4.290328      -4.455082      -4.649600      -4.867443      -5.095109      -5.331968      -80.00000      -4.941006      -4.428524      -4.328832      -4.383816      -4.517072      -4.681599      -4.875955      -5.093678      -5.321239      -5.558004      -80.00000      -5.379928      -4.845307      -4.736283      -4.786144      -4.916438      -5.078817      -5.271653      -5.488243      -5.714807      -5.950679      -80.00000      -5.986206      -5.392767      -5.259711      -5.296580      -5.419429      -5.576454      -5.765519      -5.979313      -6.203426  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-4.657448      -80.00000      -4.481169      -3.936772      -3.804768      -3.830079      -3.933525      -4.071487      -4.239968      -4.432634      -4.638833      -4.857628      -80.00000      -4.712392      -4.165275      -4.032217      -4.056983      -4.160134      -4.297889      -4.466223      -4.658775      -4.864872      -5.083575      -80.00000      -5.150264      -4.580609      -4.438149      -4.457864      -4.558210      -4.693979      -4.860918      -5.052398      -5.257531      -5.475365      -80.00000      -5.753805      -5.124348      -4.957723      -4.964646      -5.057952      -5.188780      -5.352263      -5.541111      -5.743884      -5.959593      -80.00000      -6.585218      -5.811548      -5.592874      -5.573515      -5.652735      -5.773850      -5.930634      -6.114430      -6.312706      -6.524390      -80.00000      -7.409276      -6.409596      -6.123419      -6.072212      -6.134976      -6.245040      -6.394341      -6.572596      -6.765974      -6.973312  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-80.00000      -4.986242      -4.388888      -4.218638      -4.211917      -4.285150      -4.395519      -4.537393      -4.704578      -4.888276      -5.087376      -80.00000      -5.587867      -4.930085      -4.735627      -4.716300      -4.782812      -4.888541      -5.027180      -5.191817      -5.373184      -5.570168      -80.00000      -6.414515      -5.611716      -5.365406      -5.320304      -5.373428      -5.470078      -5.602467      -5.762244      -5.939190      -6.132182      -80.00000      -7.230824      -6.202433      -5.889370      -5.813212      -5.850778      -5.937153      -6.062604      -6.217089      -6.389254      -6.577967      -80.00000      -3.376651      -2.780157      -2.595476      -2.570041      -2.621118      -2.709375      -2.828653      -2.973598      -3.137151      -3.318109      -80.00000      -3.585124      -2.988879      -2.804363      -2.779040      -2.830186      -2.918494      -3.037806      -3.182778      -3.346356      -3.527337      -80.00000  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-2.549914      -2.325106      -2.258881      -2.266445      -2.311499      -2.387081      -2.488987      -2.612355      -2.755870      -80.00000      -3.392260      -2.758649      -2.534011      -2.467901      -2.475534      -2.520636      -2.596250      -2.698183      -2.821576      -2.965114      -80.00000      -3.597973      -2.964748      -2.740325      -2.674350      -2.682062      -2.727217      -2.802868      -2.904831      -3.028253      -3.171819      -80.00000      -3.799011      -3.166418      -2.942315      -2.876528      -2.884344      -2.929570      -3.005271      -3.107275      -3.230736      -3.374338      -80.00000      -3.997959      -3.365880      -3.142068      -3.076457      -3.084370      -3.129663      -3.205409      -3.307450      -3.430948      -3.574584      -80.00000      -4.228889      -3.594046      -3.369200      -3.303089      -3.310760      -3.355886      -3.431515      -3.533449      -3.656846      -3.800388      -80.00000      -4.664620      -4.006557  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-2.630443      -2.546543      -2.534899      -2.560489      -2.616166      -2.698282      -2.802770      -2.928260      -80.00000      -3.722141      -3.073809      -2.832447      -2.748734      -2.737193      -2.762852      -2.818576      -2.900733      -3.005260      -3.130787      -80.00000      -3.921092      -3.273280      -3.032212      -2.948676      -2.937231      -2.962954      -3.018723      -3.100917      -3.205480      -3.331042      -80.00000      -4.151977      -3.501398      -3.259300      -3.175273      -3.163594      -3.189158      -3.244813      -3.326901      -3.431363      -3.556831      -80.00000      -4.587377      -3.913492      -3.661984      -3.573226      -3.559226      -3.583228      -3.637775      -3.718872      -3.822379      -3.946952      -80.00000      -5.184486      -4.448934      -4.173329      -4.072600      -4.052777      -4.072899      -4.124718      -4.203395      -4.304568      -4.426965      -80.00000      -5.999986      -5.118067      -4.791467  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-2.833922      -2.804421      -2.811751      -2.848664      -2.912044      -2.998473      -3.106525      -80.00000      -4.083973      -3.419083      -3.161138      -3.060489      -3.030763      -3.037940      -3.074742      -3.138017      -3.224345      -3.332303      -80.00000      -4.519084      -3.830817      -3.563479      -3.458153      -3.426174      -3.431842      -3.467570      -3.529858      -3.615230      -3.722287      -80.00000      -5.115441      -4.365337      -4.073953      -3.956792      -3.919160      -3.921078      -3.954160      -4.014043      -4.097077      -4.201947      -80.00000      -5.929095      -5.032481      -4.690304      -4.549201      -4.500402      -4.495047      -4.523061      -4.578396      -4.657024      -4.757798      -80.00000      -6.724554      -5.604355      -5.197971      -5.028356      -4.966700      -4.953199      -4.975652      -5.026107      -5.100013      -5.196430      -80.00000      -2.977980      -2.300885      -2.028271      -1.911965  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-3.304783      -3.293163      -3.311092      -3.355532      -3.423554      -3.513704      -80.00000      -5.053555      -4.290107      -3.984121      -3.851624      -3.797296      -3.782044      -3.797400      -3.839444      -3.905125      -3.993078      -80.00000      -5.865571      -4.955506      -4.598921      -4.442769      -4.377586      -4.355293      -4.365723      -4.403242      -4.464512      -4.548351      -80.00000      -6.658429      -5.525129      -5.104720      -4.920421      -4.842750      -4.812578      -4.817607      -4.850276      -4.906816      -4.986281      -80.00000      -4.911003      -4.460180      -4.410909      -4.504488      -4.672977      -4.864077      -5.084160      -5.327978      -5.576476      -5.829592      -80.00000      -5.117920      -4.666578      -4.617034      -4.710443      -4.878822      -5.069836      -5.289855      -5.533625      -5.782082      -6.035162      -80.00000      -5.330107      -4.878086      -4.828184      -4.921370      -5.089602  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-6.349828      -6.569665      -6.813296      -7.061628      -7.314591      -80.00000      -6.512231      -6.052898      -6.000464      -6.092066      -6.259279      -6.449416      -6.668803      -6.912116      -7.160195      -7.412942      -80.00000      -4.488105      -3.991845      -3.904485      -3.968661      -4.109614      -4.279815      -4.478804      -4.700277      -4.930193      -5.168231      -80.00000      -4.694983      -4.198166      -4.110517      -4.174520      -4.315366      -4.485488      -4.684422      -4.905853      -5.135734      -5.373738      -80.00000      -4.907121      -4.409575      -4.321543      -4.385317      -4.526023      -4.696042      -4.894900      -5.116276      -5.346108      -5.584069      -80.00000      -5.125412      -4.626972      -4.538463      -4.601947      -4.742475      -4.912362      -5.111126      -5.332433      -5.562203      -5.800109      -80.00000      -5.349576      -4.850181      -4.761138      -4.824294      -4.964619      -5.134355  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-4.055663      -4.253900      -4.464286      -4.686106      -80.00000      -4.444487      -3.913313      -3.793125      -3.828378      -3.940806      -4.086248      -4.261240      -4.459438      -4.669789      -4.891578      -80.00000      -4.656595      -4.124664      -4.004082      -4.039103      -4.151396      -4.296740      -4.471663      -4.669810      -4.880115      -5.101861      -80.00000      -4.874852      -4.341991      -4.220914      -4.255641      -4.367762      -4.512983      -4.687819      -4.885901      -5.096148      -5.317842      -80.00000      -5.098983      -4.565124      -4.443492      -4.477886      -4.589808      -4.734888      -4.909625      -5.107631      -5.317811      -5.539443      -80.00000      -5.325189      -4.790645      -4.668562      -4.702670      -4.814420      -4.959374      -5.134023      -5.331964      -5.542084      -5.763664      -80.00000      -5.541284      -5.007349      -4.885360      -4.919474      -5.031213      -5.176158      -5.350799  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-4.308401      -4.498362      -4.702626      -80.00000      -4.695679      -4.134798      -3.985624      -3.993926      -4.079052      -4.199368      -4.349823      -4.524450      -4.714354      -4.918564      -80.00000      -4.919786      -4.357877      -4.208135      -4.216100      -4.301034      -4.421216      -4.571576      -4.746131      -4.935969      -5.140120      -80.00000      -5.145981      -4.583360      -4.433151      -4.440825      -4.525588      -4.645651      -4.795928      -4.970420      -5.160200      -5.364297      -80.00000      -5.362110      -4.800091      -4.649961      -4.657630      -4.742377      -4.862428      -5.012697      -5.187185      -5.376961      -5.581055      -80.00000      -5.474447      -4.914031      -4.764506      -4.772476      -4.857378      -4.977536      -5.127882      -5.302430      -5.492262      -5.696406      -80.00000      -5.546115      -4.987356      -4.838517      -4.846843      -4.931935      -5.052225      -5.202662      -5.377285  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-4.606087      -4.791837      -80.00000      -5.006174      -4.419686      -4.244700      -4.228175      -4.287682      -4.383590      -4.509912      -4.661224      -4.830287      -5.015984      -80.00000      -5.222330      -4.636436      -4.461519      -4.444981      -4.504467      -4.600362      -4.726676      -4.877985      -5.047042      -5.232736      -80.00000      -5.334712      -4.750436      -4.576119      -4.559873      -4.619505      -4.715500      -4.841886      -4.993254      -5.162367      -5.348112      -80.00000      -5.406421      -4.823824      -4.650193      -4.634297      -4.694109      -4.790228      -4.916701      -5.068140      -5.237320      -5.423125      -80.00000      -5.520945      -4.929230      -4.753306      -4.736155      -4.795233      -4.890777      -5.016782      -5.167802      -5.336596      -5.522045      -80.00000      -3.804087      -3.200962      -3.006093      -2.968645      -3.005286      -3.078574      -3.182066      -3.311047      -3.459662  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-4.920577      -80.00000      -5.220016      -4.614881      -4.418352      -4.379833      -4.415865      -4.488749      -4.591962      -4.720725      -4.869131      -5.035970      -80.00000      -5.291760      -4.688318      -4.492474      -4.454299      -4.490505      -4.563505      -4.666801      -4.795635      -4.944107      -5.111009      -80.00000      -5.406387      -4.793800      -4.595747      -4.556398      -4.591940      -4.664418      -4.767282      -4.895707      -5.043793      -5.210330      -80.00000      -3.706748      -3.085080      -2.870081      -2.812035      -2.826592      -2.877882      -2.959128      -3.066248      -3.194441      -3.342421      -80.00000      -3.913558      -3.291270      -3.075958      -3.017737      -3.032204      -3.083433      -3.164637      -3.271722      -3.399880      -3.547828      -80.00000      -4.125607      -3.502506      -3.286779      -3.228327      -3.242673      -3.293822      -3.374970      -3.482008      -3.610121      -3.758025  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-80.00000      -5.309167      -4.677977      -4.459836      -4.399952      -4.413484      -4.464028      -4.544693      -4.651280      -4.778955      -4.926438      -80.00000      -3.622157      -2.983714      -2.750249      -2.673032      -2.666870      -2.697271      -2.757255      -2.843340      -2.951576      -3.080608      -80.00000      -3.828960      -3.189891      -2.956110      -2.878720      -2.872470      -2.902813      -2.962756      -3.048805      -3.157008      -3.286007      -80.00000      -4.041000      -3.401110      -3.166912      -3.089291      -3.082924      -3.113189      -3.173078      -3.259081      -3.367238      -3.496194      -80.00000      -4.259176      -3.618272      -3.383548      -3.305636      -3.299119      -3.329286      -3.389106      -3.475049      -3.583148      -3.712049      -80.00000      -4.483227      -3.841228      -3.605907      -3.527658      -3.520967      -3.551019      -3.610761      -3.696637      -3.804668      -3.933507      -80.00000  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-3.754130      -3.099710      -2.848847      -2.753523      -2.727778      -2.738289      -2.777941      -2.843809      -2.932628      -3.042971      -80.00000      -3.966161      -3.310914      -3.059632      -2.964078      -2.938220      -2.948655      -2.988255      -3.054076      -3.142849      -3.253149      -80.00000      -4.184328      -3.528058      -3.276247      -3.180403      -3.154398      -3.164738      -3.204272      -3.270034      -3.358749      -3.468993      -80.00000      -4.408370      -3.750992      -3.498582      -3.402402      -3.376227      -3.386457      -3.425914      -3.491609      -3.580257      -3.690438      -80.00000      -4.634535      -3.976370      -3.723453      -3.626974      -3.600644      -3.610775      -3.650163      -3.715800      -3.804388      -3.914513      -80.00000      -4.850759      -4.193166      -3.940287      -3.843774      -3.817414      -3.827529      -3.866909      -3.932543      -4.021128      -4.131248      -80.00000      -4.963259  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-3.446757      -3.179035      -3.066340      -3.021940      -3.013438      -3.033617      -3.080046      -3.150008      -3.242010      -80.00000      -4.341240      -3.669673      -3.401349      -3.288320      -3.243753      -3.235144      -3.255250      -3.301611      -3.371506      -3.463444      -80.00000      -4.567402      -3.895038      -3.626203      -3.512874      -3.468155      -3.459450      -3.479489      -3.525792      -3.595628      -3.687509      -80.00000      -4.783638      -4.111841      -3.843038      -3.729672      -3.684922      -3.676201      -3.696232      -3.742532      -3.812364      -3.904240      -80.00000      -4.896159      -4.226012      -3.957790      -3.844686      -3.800050      -3.791408      -3.811497      -3.857855      -3.927743      -4.019671      -80.00000      -4.967997      -4.299582      -4.032039      -3.919259      -3.874770      -3.866227      -3.886388      -3.932816      -4.002770      -4.094763      -80.00000      -5.082947      -4.405346  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+  6.3986994E-02  0.3981268       0.000000      0.3981268      0.3981268      0.3981268      7.5272545E-02  0.3022834    
+   1.041292    
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+  7.1211390E-02  0.3880293       0.000000      0.3880293      0.3880293      0.3880293      7.2813138E-02  0.3047221    
+   1.095922    
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+  7.8990094E-02  0.3784911       0.000000      0.3784911      0.3784911      0.3784911      7.0175111E-02  0.3074637    
+   1.045865    
+   1.111856    
+   1.101231    
+   1.084149    
+   1.060450    
+   1.032365    
+   1.003370    
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+  8.7410904E-02  0.3694108       0.000000      0.3694108      0.3694108      0.3694108      6.7554027E-02  0.3103114    
+   1.135037    
+   1.132070    
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+   1.074639    
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+  9.6314721E-02  0.3609467       0.000000      0.3609467      0.3609467      0.3609467      6.5171227E-02  0.3130047    
+   1.050442    
+   1.153704    
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+  0.1051085      0.3534955       0.000000      0.3534955      0.3534955      0.3534955      6.2810548E-02  0.3157819    
+   1.182103    
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+  0.1138893      0.3468024       0.000000      0.3468024      0.3468024      0.3468024      6.0762323E-02  0.3182755    
+   1.054087    
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+  0.1226223      0.3407778       0.000000      0.3407778      0.3407778      0.3407778      5.9091795E-02  0.3203530    
+   1.237626    
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+  0.1318058      0.3350409       0.000000      0.3350409      0.3350409      0.3350409      5.7509463E-02  0.3223892    
+   1.055909    
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+  0.1413052      0.3296390       0.000000      0.3296390      0.3296390      0.3296390      5.6194711E-02  0.3241084    
+   1.301563    
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+  0.1510443      0.3245823       0.000000      0.3245823      0.3245823      0.3245823      5.4997623E-02  0.3257155    
+   1.058309    
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+  0.1609592      0.3198682       0.000000      0.3198682      0.3198682      0.3198682      5.3850085E-02  0.3273056    
+   1.374473    
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+  0.1706139      0.3156338       0.000000      0.3156338      0.3156338      0.3156338      5.2806027E-02  0.3287643    
+   1.086585    
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+  0.1799211      0.3118455       0.000000      0.3118455      0.3118455      0.3118455      5.1601607E-02  0.3305530    
+   1.474254    
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+  0.1889303      0.3084250       0.000000      0.3084250      0.3084250      0.3084250      5.0484098E-02  0.3322380    
+   1.059348    
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+  0.1970350      0.3055241       0.000000      0.3055241      0.3055241      0.3055241      4.9183942E-02  0.3343021    
+   1.559689    
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+  0.2055503      0.3026599       0.000000      0.3026599      0.3026599      0.3026599      4.7889471E-02  0.3364215    
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+  0.2239636      0.2970170       0.000000      0.2970170      0.2970170      0.2970170      4.5039982E-02  0.3413691    
+   1.060223    
+   1.687538    
+   1.659678    
+   1.615622    
+   1.553745    
+   1.469911    
+   1.363841    
+   1.247120    
+   1.140101    
+   1.058486    
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+  0.2339286      0.2942319       0.000000      0.2942319      0.2942319      0.2942319      4.3546848E-02  0.3441052    
+   1.751481    
+   1.737119    
+   1.709219    
+   1.664490    
+   1.601813    
+   1.517006    
+   1.407806    
+   1.282515    
+   1.165377    
+   1.075121    
+   1.007978    
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+  0.2443145      0.2915022       0.000000      0.2915022      0.2915022      0.2915022      4.2050440E-02  0.3469568    
+   1.060026    
+   1.788688    
+   1.759731    
+   1.714643    
+   1.649270    
+   1.563671    
+   1.452633    
+   1.321294    
+   1.193487    
+   1.092567    
+   1.019843    
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+  0.2551285      0.2888289       0.000000      0.2888289      0.2888289      0.2888289      4.0642869E-02  0.3497066    
+   1.859163    
+   1.843560    
+   1.812538    
+   1.766068    
+   1.700642    
+   1.612909    
+   1.501267    
+   1.363789    
+   1.225831    
+   1.112913    
+   1.033395    
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+  0.2661828      0.2862567       0.000000      0.2862567      0.2862567      0.2862567      3.9241135E-02  0.3525488    
+   1.058638    
+   1.899335    
+   1.867952    
+   1.820045    
+   1.752886    
+   1.663379    
+   1.548975    
+   1.408554    
+   1.259635    
+   1.135569    
+   1.046596    
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+  0.2773827      0.2837988       0.000000      0.2837988      0.2837988      0.2837988      3.7932016E-02  0.3552931    
+   1.975500    
+   1.958128    
+   1.925845    
+   1.875373    
+   1.806035    
+   1.715145    
+   1.599936    
+   1.456008    
+   1.297274    
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+  0.2889636      0.2814006       0.000000      0.2814006      0.2814006      0.2814006      3.6581647E-02  0.3582292    
+   1.056644    
+   2.019929    
+   1.985418    
+   1.934210    
+   1.862977    
+   1.768873    
+   1.651243    
+   1.506373    
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+   1.079620    
+   1.005692    
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+  0.3008910      0.2790702       0.000000      0.2790702      0.2790702      0.2790702      3.5523549E-02  0.3605664    
+   2.102026    
+   2.083700    
+   2.047525    
+   1.994251    
+   1.920446    
+   1.825421    
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+   1.384286    
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+  0.3133992      0.2767613       0.000000      0.2767613      0.2767613      0.2767613      3.4398355E-02  0.3631373    
+   1.054221    
+   2.149355    
+   2.113113    
+   2.056841    
+   1.981898    
+   1.882099    
+   1.759753    
+   1.609922    
+   1.432723    
+   1.253690    
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+  0.3264791      0.2744792       0.000000      0.2744792      0.2744792      0.2744792      3.3271372E-02  0.3657906    
+   2.240169    
+   2.219355    
+   2.180631    
+   2.123197    
+   2.043952    
+   1.942484    
+   1.815559    
+   1.663794    
+   1.482391    
+   1.291827    
+   1.141950    
+   1.043409    
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+  0.3400829      0.2722361       0.000000      0.2722361      0.2722361      0.2722361      3.2143570E-02  0.3685320    
+   1.050978    
+   2.291815    
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+   2.109344    
+   2.004199    
+   1.874355    
+   1.718884    
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+  0.3539420      0.2700762       0.000000      0.2700762      0.2700762      0.2700762      3.1038079E-02  0.3713087    
+   2.390633    
+   2.367183    
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+   2.067840    
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+  0.3677633      0.2680357       0.000000      0.2680357      0.2680357      0.2680357      3.0033007E-02  0.3738982    
+   1.046886    
+   2.446352    
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+   2.249169    
+   2.135873    
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+  0.3816538      0.2660894       0.000000      0.2660894      0.2660894      0.2660894      2.9067826E-02  0.3764578    
+   2.554611    
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+  0.3952803      0.2642747       0.000000      0.2642747      0.2642747      0.2642747      2.7512660E-02  0.3808725    
+   1.042225    
+   2.614631    
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+  0.4091276      0.2625212       0.000000      0.2625212      0.2625212      0.2625212      2.6564104E-02  0.3835788    
+   2.733060    
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+   2.019288    
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+  0.4230802      0.2608377       0.000000      0.2608377      0.2608377      0.2608377      2.6856406E-02  0.3825538    
+   1.037608    
+   2.798736    
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+  0.4369675      0.2592399       0.000000      0.2592399      0.2592399      0.2592399      2.6144616E-02  0.3846390    
+   2.927760    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711304E-02   0.000000     -1.2711304E-02 -1.2711304E-02 -1.2711304E-02  0.1044168      0.2894797    
+  0.4508574      0.2577138       0.000000      0.2577138      0.2577138      0.2577138      2.5682431E-02  0.3859743    
+   1.037013    
+   2.998013    
+   2.942763    
+   2.859873    
+   2.746906    
+   2.602018    
+   2.426162    
+   2.224933    
+   2.000772    
+   1.759876    
+   1.497383    
+   1.254079    
+   1.097886    
+   1.005528    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711315E-02   0.000000     -1.2711315E-02 -1.2711315E-02 -1.2711315E-02  0.1049704      0.2871007    
+  0.4642936      0.2562993       0.000000      0.2562993      0.2562993      0.2562993      2.5343146E-02  0.3869666    
+   3.160807    
+   3.126590    
+   3.065536    
+   2.977191    
+   2.855908    
+   2.699699    
+   2.514040    
+   2.301895    
+   2.068332    
+   1.819956    
+   1.553686    
+   1.292703    
+   1.117780    
+   1.017132    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4769695     -1.2711249E-02   0.000000     -1.2711249E-02 -1.2711249E-02 -1.2711249E-02  0.1043503      0.2866003    
+  0.4774751      0.2549680       0.000000      0.2549680      0.2549680      0.2549680      2.4841987E-02  0.3884672    
+   1.028258    
+   3.240354    
+   3.177558    
+   3.084510    
+   2.958113    
+   2.794958    
+   2.598951    
+   2.378407    
+   2.136201    
+   1.880471    
+   1.608561    
+   1.335135    
+   1.140814    
+   1.029931    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711293E-02   0.000000     -1.2711293E-02 -1.2711293E-02 -1.2711293E-02  0.1018994      0.2892803    
+  0.4903046      0.2537226       0.000000      0.2537226      0.2537226      0.2537226      2.4431990E-02  0.3897090    
+   3.394994    
+   3.357463    
+   3.293073    
+   3.197113    
+   3.066320    
+   2.895246    
+   2.691687    
+   2.459052    
+   2.207679    
+   1.944403    
+   1.667317    
+   1.382268    
+   1.166543    
+   1.044643    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4769695     -1.2711271E-02   0.000000     -1.2711271E-02 -1.2711271E-02 -1.2711271E-02  0.1016817      0.2884851    
+  0.5022722      0.2526005       0.000000      0.2526005      0.2526005      0.2526005      2.4077442E-02  0.3908201    
+   1.024734    
+   3.479998    
+   3.412951    
+   3.314299    
+   3.179421    
+   3.002062    
+   2.787989    
+   2.545868    
+   2.282710    
+   2.009170    
+   1.727484    
+   1.432607    
+   1.194541    
+   1.059006    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711337E-02   0.000000     -1.2711337E-02 -1.2711337E-02 -1.2711337E-02  0.1009445      0.2880983    
+  0.5147078      0.2514774       0.000000      0.2514774      0.2514774      0.2514774      2.3738453E-02  0.3918876    
+   3.646100    
+   3.606523    
+   3.538218    
+   3.436800    
+   3.297279    
+   3.113863    
+   2.889598    
+   2.636108    
+   2.361329    
+   2.076785    
+   1.787885    
+   1.485648    
+   1.226838    
+   1.075578    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711293E-02   0.000000     -1.2711293E-02 -1.2711293E-02 -1.2711293E-02  9.9847920E-02  0.2881166    
+  0.5274006      0.2503732       0.000000      0.2503732      0.2503732      0.2503732      2.3580819E-02  0.3923520    
+   1.021675    
+   3.735864    
+   3.666625    
+   3.564181    
+   3.420726    
+   3.231871    
+   2.998190    
+   2.730999    
+   2.444556    
+   2.147982    
+   1.850602    
+   1.543157    
+   1.262264    
+   1.021675    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711348E-02   0.000000     -1.2711348E-02 -1.2711348E-02 -1.2711348E-02  9.9942833E-02  0.2862549    
+  0.5405464      0.2492717       0.000000      0.2492717      0.2492717      0.2492717      2.3000896E-02  0.3943135    
+   3.913564    
+   3.870223    
+   3.799563    
+   3.693106    
+   3.545692    
+   3.350976    
+   3.107469    
+   2.826246    
+   2.527889    
+   2.219056    
+   1.913073    
+   1.600399    
+   1.301641    
+   1.112630    
+   1.009612    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711271E-02   0.000000     -1.2711271E-02 -1.2711271E-02 -1.2711271E-02  9.8594099E-02  0.2878547    
+  0.5539875      0.2481864       0.000000      0.2481864      0.2481864      0.2481864      2.2750981E-02  0.3951215    
+   1.018619    
+   4.008440    
+   3.935192    
+   3.827889    
+   3.676383    
+   3.474773    
+   3.221815    
+   2.927938    
+   2.614813    
+   2.293555    
+   1.976223    
+   1.658751    
+   1.346299    
+   1.135496    
+   1.021690    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711315E-02   0.000000     -1.2711315E-02 -1.2711315E-02 -1.2711315E-02  9.7068518E-02  0.2895552    
+  0.5680013      0.2470964       0.000000      0.2470964      0.2470964      0.2470964      2.2523567E-02  0.3958824    
+   4.196096    
+   4.151337    
+   4.077156    
+   3.967196    
+   3.814716    
+   3.607656    
+   3.346317    
+   3.040068    
+   2.710003    
+   2.375562    
+   2.045020    
+   1.718981    
+   1.393667    
+   1.158698    
+   1.034167    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711315E-02   0.000000     -1.2711315E-02 -1.2711315E-02 -1.2711315E-02  9.7385630E-02  0.2869769    
+  0.5822462      0.2460287       0.000000      0.2460287      0.2460287      0.2460287      2.2152739E-02  0.3971704    
+   1.015630    
+   4.297097    
+   4.221244    
+   4.111254    
+   3.954375    
+   3.744136    
+   3.474869    
+   3.154986    
+   2.808925    
+   2.457439    
+   2.114684    
+   1.779789    
+   1.444787    
+   1.185991    
+   1.015630    
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+  0.4769696     -1.2711238E-02   0.000000     -1.2711238E-02 -1.2711238E-02 -1.2711238E-02  9.6823581E-02  0.2864825    
+  0.5968595      0.2449728       0.000000      0.2449728      0.2449728      0.2449728      2.1841863E-02  0.3982702    
+   4.495546    
+   4.446405    
+   4.369878    
+   4.255904    
+   4.097840    
+   3.881623    
+   3.603963    
+   3.270604    
+   2.908795    
+   2.541379    
+   2.185274    
+   1.842753    
+   1.499595    
+   1.216845    
+   1.063322    
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+  0.6121201      0.2439102       0.000000      0.2439102      0.2439102      0.2439102      2.1553876E-02  0.3993089    
+   1.012815    
+   4.601172    
+   4.522062    
+   4.408549    
+   4.246559    
+   4.027431    
+   3.744430    
+   3.398607    
+   3.017845    
+   2.632502    
+   2.259909    
+   1.905944    
+   1.557523    
+   1.252240    
+   1.012815    
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+  0.6276565      0.2428675       0.000000      0.2428675      0.2428675      0.2428675      2.1281501E-02  0.4003007    
+   4.810093    
+   4.758334    
+   4.678466    
+   4.561393    
+   4.398654    
+   4.175588    
+   3.882915    
+   3.525645    
+   3.128121    
+   2.724231    
+   2.337051    
+   1.971692    
+   1.615978    
+   1.290610    
+   1.098036    
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+  0.6439142      0.2418164       0.000000      0.2418164      0.2418164      0.2418164      2.0991789E-02  0.4013879    
+   1.010145    
+   4.919133    
+   4.838910    
+   4.720980    
+   4.554450    
+   4.327725    
+   4.029392    
+   3.661938    
+   3.248002    
+   2.822085    
+   2.417062    
+   2.038611    
+   1.675914    
+   1.333021    
+   1.010145    
+   1.005274    
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+  0.6607784      0.2407661       0.000000      0.2407661      0.2407661      0.2407661      2.0698218E-02  0.4025090    
+   5.136541    
+   5.082704    
+   5.002583    
+   4.886651    
+   4.720455    
+   4.489786    
+   4.188566    
+   3.810028    
+   3.376035    
+   2.930599    
+   2.504328    
+   2.109199    
+   1.737285    
+   1.380694    
+   1.141113    
+   1.017217    
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+  0.6782909      0.2397156       0.000000      0.2397156      0.2397156      0.2397156      2.0374091E-02  0.4038115    
+   1.006802    
+   5.250255    
+   1.006802    
+   5.050385    
+   4.881399    
+   4.649359    
+   4.340653    
+   3.953466    
+   3.504298    
+   3.037242    
+   2.589501    
+   2.180079    
+   1.799505    
+   1.429845    
+   1.165094    
+   1.006802    
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+  0.6962546      0.2386777       0.000000      0.2386777      0.2386777      0.2386777      1.9991122E-02  0.4053217    
+   5.478687    
+   5.422425    
+   5.338916    
+   5.220568    
+   5.051257    
+   4.814783    
+   4.500710    
+   4.105412    
+   3.641237    
+   3.150589    
+   2.682561    
+   2.254394    
+   1.862987    
+   1.484992    
+   1.193759    
+   1.043189    
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+  0.7151238      0.2376279       0.000000      0.2376279      0.2376279      0.2376279      1.9943748E-02  0.4054416    
+   1.002172    
+   5.597500    
+   1.002172    
+   5.392606    
+   5.224119    
+   4.985819    
+   4.667295    
+   4.262033    
+   3.784277    
+   3.270565    
+   2.777852    
+   2.331225    
+   1.926456    
+   1.542245    
+   1.224465    
+   1.002172    
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+  0.7349309      0.2365675       0.000000      0.2365675      0.2365675      0.2365675      1.9541956E-02  0.4071473    
+   5.835246    
+  0.8155829    
+   5.689698    
+  0.8155829    
+   5.396883    
+   5.157732    
+   4.832711    
+   4.421313    
+   3.929329    
+   3.394542    
+   2.879309    
+   2.411669    
+   1.991979    
+   1.600445    
+   1.261004    
+  0.8155829    
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+  0.7552241      0.2355217       0.000000      0.2355217      0.2355217      0.2355217      1.9262124E-02  0.4083249    
+   6.020889    
+  0.8136917    
+   5.871113    
+  0.8136917    
+   5.574956    
+   5.334093    
+   5.005230    
+   4.584319    
+   4.082823    
+   3.526807    
+   2.984110    
+   2.493142    
+   2.059378    
+   1.659873    
+   1.299098    
+  0.8136917    
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+  0.7764452      0.2344694       0.000000      0.2344694      0.2344694      0.2344694      1.9012958E-02  0.4093693    
+   6.211015    
+   6.147581    
+   6.059934    
+   5.933917    
+   5.761522    
+   5.519917    
+   5.188444    
+   4.761071    
+   4.244343    
+   3.668196    
+   3.097630    
+   2.583091    
+   2.130277    
+   1.721963    
+   1.342819    
+   1.111084    
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+  0.7983788      0.2334230       0.000000      0.2334230      0.2334230      0.2334230      1.8776570E-02  0.4104146    
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+   1.176029     -2.7165225E-02   0.000000     -2.7165225E-02 -2.7165225E-02 -2.7165225E-02  0.3428988      0.2650517    
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+  6.1672769E-02  0.4858317       0.000000      0.4858317      0.4858317      0.4858317      0.1248532      0.2557340    
+   1.003716    
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+  7.4828573E-02  0.4641732       0.000000      0.4641732      0.4641732      0.4641732      0.1232597      0.2561253    
+   1.014788    
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+  9.0162426E-02  0.4440593       0.000000      0.4440593      0.4440593      0.4440593      0.1201001      0.2576124    
+   1.026999    
+   1.018369    
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+  0.1068317      0.4263912       0.000000      0.4263912      0.4263912      0.4263912      0.1174123      0.2588429    
+   1.040412    
+   1.024369    
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+  0.1250649      0.4105343       0.000000      0.4105343      0.4105343      0.4105343      0.1145646      0.2602527    
+   1.055745    
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+  0.1441829      0.3967350       0.000000      0.3967350      0.3967350      0.3967350      0.1113034      0.2620464    
+   1.071428    
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+  0.1615264      0.3861257       0.000000      0.3861257      0.3861257      0.3861257      0.1085346      0.2635535    
+   1.088875    
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+  0.1806117      0.3759796       0.000000      0.3759796      0.3759796      0.3759796      0.1055895      0.2652705    
+   1.107378    
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+  0.2015847      0.3662998       0.000000      0.3662998      0.3662998      0.3662998      0.1029149      0.2668766    
+   1.127543    
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+  0.2252162      0.3567722       0.000000      0.3567722      0.3567722      0.3567722      9.9624000E-02  0.2690470    
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+  0.2508085      0.3477590       0.000000      0.3477590      0.3477590      0.3477590      9.6591316E-02  0.2711133    
+   1.171680    
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+  0.2786809      0.3391593       0.000000      0.3391593      0.3391593      0.3391593      9.3568146E-02  0.2732785    
+   1.047213    
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+  0.3083073      0.3311512       0.000000      0.3311512      0.3311512      0.3311512      9.0816185E-02  0.2753020    
+   1.180822    
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+  0.3377856      0.3241370       0.000000      0.3241370      0.3241370      0.3241370      8.8031776E-02  0.2774425    
+   1.166013    
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+  0.3674165      0.3178639       0.000000      0.3178639      0.3178639      0.3178639      8.5549228E-02  0.2793876    
+   1.276894    
+   1.274421    
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+  0.3970683      0.3122468       0.000000      0.3122468      0.3122468      0.3122468      8.3293125E-02  0.2811718    
+   1.167466    
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+  0.4283697      0.3069023       0.000000      0.3069023      0.3069023      0.3069023      8.1356376E-02  0.2827064    
+   1.336945    
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+   1.169284    
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+  0.4943990      0.2971865       0.000000      0.2971865      0.2971865      0.2971865      7.7896036E-02  0.2854931    
+   1.402182    
+   1.398656    
+   1.389232    
+   1.371619    
+   1.341512    
+   1.296321    
+   1.233765    
+   1.159695    
+   1.085648    
+   1.021526    
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+  0.5287033      0.2928212       0.000000      0.2928212      0.2928212      0.2928212      7.6377705E-02  0.2867293    
+   1.171111    
+   1.433018    
+   1.423048    
+   1.404311    
+   1.373702    
+   1.327965    
+   1.262241    
+   1.183520    
+   1.103879    
+   1.034178    
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+  0.5623450      0.2889246       0.000000      0.2889246      0.2889246      0.2889246      7.4932963E-02  0.2879258    
+   1.472396    
+   1.468081    
+   1.457984    
+   1.438762    
+   1.407501    
+   1.360009    
+   1.293121    
+   1.209303    
+   1.122937    
+   1.048187    
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+  0.5950466      0.2854611       0.000000      0.2854611      0.2854611      0.2854611      7.3491275E-02  0.2891659    
+   1.569006    
+   1.562137    
+   1.546166    
+   1.518605    
+   1.478393    
+   1.421111    
+   1.343442    
+   1.249117    
+   1.151758    
+   1.068231    
+   1.002319    
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+  0.6269398      0.2823553       0.000000      0.2823553      0.2823553      0.2823553      7.2000012E-02  0.2905174    
+   1.170808    
+   1.601004    
+   1.583878    
+   1.556217    
+   1.514377    
+   1.455758    
+   1.377536    
+   1.279719    
+   1.175397    
+   1.083662    
+   1.013838    
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+  0.6559999      0.2797587       0.000000      0.2797587      0.2797587      0.2797587      7.0452727E-02  0.2919959    
+   1.648887    
+   1.641788    
+   1.624108    
+   1.595740    
+   1.552978    
+   1.492281    
+   1.412357    
+   1.312391    
+   1.200758    
+   1.101960    
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+  0.6865985      0.2771880       0.000000      0.2771880      0.2771880      0.2771880      6.8907179E-02  0.2935320    
+   1.173699    
+   1.684007    
+   1.666392    
+   1.636328    
+   1.592993    
+   1.531911    
+   1.450631    
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+   1.038051    
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+  0.7186263      0.2746606       0.000000      0.2746606      0.2746606      0.2746606      6.7095190E-02  0.2955060    
+   1.737389    
+   1.728614    
+   1.709926    
+   1.679816    
+   1.634774    
+   1.572173    
+   1.489143    
+   1.383195    
+   1.259509    
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+   1.052740    
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+  0.7530501      0.2720949       0.000000      0.2720949      0.2720949      0.2720949      6.5443099E-02  0.2973154    
+   1.173616    
+   1.775520    
+   1.756079    
+   1.724566    
+   1.678099    
+   1.614280    
+   1.529447    
+   1.421379    
+   1.292903    
+   1.166605    
+   1.068164    
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+  0.7891780      0.2695663       0.000000      0.2695663      0.2695663      0.2695663      6.3716382E-02  0.2993105    
+   1.833821    
+   1.824363    
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+   1.771296    
+   1.723264    
+   1.657977    
+   1.571096    
+   1.460833    
+   1.328175    
+   1.193705    
+   1.084393    
+   1.007303    
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+  0.8269725      0.2670825       0.000000      0.2670825      0.2670825      0.2670825      6.2031623E-02  0.3013197    
+   1.171934    
+   1.874961    
+   1.854230    
+   1.820899    
+   1.771520    
+   1.703438    
+   1.614145    
+   1.502080    
+   1.366360    
+   1.222203    
+   1.103994    
+   1.019899    
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+  0.8664582      0.2646464       0.000000      0.2646464      0.2646464      0.2646464      6.0141474E-02  0.3037431    
+   1.939430    
+   1.928390    
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+   1.871441    
+   1.820786    
+   1.750470    
+   1.659745    
+   1.544502    
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+  0.9069813      0.2623050       0.000000      0.2623050      0.2623050      0.2623050      5.8674350E-02  0.3055556    
+   1.167986    
+   1.984471    
+   1.961844    
+   1.926266    
+   1.873667    
+   1.801315    
+   1.707949    
+   1.589632    
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+   1.288754    
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+   1.045234    
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+  0.9482072      0.2600730       0.000000      0.2600730      0.2600730      0.2600730      5.7076756E-02  0.3076590    
+   2.054347    
+   2.042939    
+   2.018839    
+   1.981690    
+   1.927767    
+   1.852896    
+   1.756446    
+   1.636203    
+   1.491268    
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+   1.171427    
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+  0.9909984      0.2578927       0.000000      0.2578927      0.2578927      0.2578927      5.5522420E-02  0.3097678    
+   1.163352    
+   2.103169    
+   2.079058    
+   2.039924    
+   1.983812    
+   1.906078    
+   1.806220    
+   1.682240    
+   1.533788    
+   1.364730    
+   1.199481    
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+   1.035170      0.2557772       0.000000      0.2557772      0.2557772      0.2557772      5.4028586E-02  0.3118482    
+   2.180051    
+   2.167048    
+   2.141324    
+   2.101164    
+   2.042138    
+   1.962420    
+   1.859080    
+   1.731040    
+   1.580248    
+   1.405696    
+   1.229704    
+   1.096236    
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+   1.081626      0.2536753       0.000000      0.2536753      0.2536753      0.2536753      5.2544381E-02  0.3139866    
+   1.158262    
+   2.233946    
+   2.207502    
+   2.165913    
+   2.105173    
+   2.022900    
+   1.916025    
+   1.783612    
+   1.628128    
+   1.449107    
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+   1.130402      0.2515906       0.000000      0.2515906      0.2515906      0.2515906      5.1110789E-02  0.3161028    
+   2.316838    
+   2.302986    
+   2.275311    
+   2.232825    
+   2.170048    
+   2.084206    
+   1.973243    
+   1.836770    
+   1.676336    
+   1.494707    
+   1.298837    
+   1.138058    
+   1.032700    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647896E-02   0.000000     -1.9647896E-02 -1.9647896E-02 -1.9647896E-02  0.1276369      0.2630644    
+   1.181264      0.2495402       0.000000      0.2495402      0.2495402      0.2495402      4.9691360E-02  0.3182469    
+   1.152216    
+   2.374138    
+   2.346427    
+   2.301150    
+   2.236417    
+   2.146462    
+   2.031603    
+   1.890108    
+   1.726256    
+   1.539570    
+   1.337623    
+   1.163046    
+   1.047479    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.172193     -1.9647842E-02   0.000000     -1.9647842E-02 -1.9647842E-02 -1.9647842E-02  0.1249313      0.2654905    
+   1.233310      0.2475676       0.000000      0.2475676      0.2475676      0.2475676      4.8350278E-02  0.3203737    
+   2.464684    
+   2.449056    
+   2.420027    
+   2.374100    
+   2.306629    
+   2.214542    
+   2.094797    
+   1.948675    
+   1.778039    
+   1.587478    
+   1.378280    
+   1.189308    
+   1.062678    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647911E-02   0.000000     -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02  0.1239732      0.2646979    
+   1.285463      0.2457121       0.000000      0.2457121      0.2457121      0.2457121      4.7042266E-02  0.3224569    
+   1.145980    
+   2.526685    
+   2.496132    
+   2.449259    
+   2.379519    
+   2.282750    
+   2.159324    
+   2.006769    
+   1.830622    
+   1.635337    
+   1.421522    
+   1.219409    
+   1.080144    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647911E-02   0.000000     -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02  0.1227186      0.2655155    
+   1.338097      0.2439480       0.000000      0.2439480      0.2439480      0.2439480      4.5851167E-02  0.3243895    
+   2.623287    
+   2.606094    
+   2.576197    
+   2.527440    
+   2.455701    
+   2.356854    
+   2.227466    
+   2.069486    
+   1.887470    
+   1.685541    
+   1.467143    
+   1.251701    
+   1.098378    
+   1.004271    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647922E-02   0.000000     -1.9647922E-02 -1.9647922E-02 -1.9647922E-02  0.1217753      0.2648889    
+   1.389989      0.2423146       0.000000      0.2423146      0.2423146      0.2423146      4.4773489E-02  0.3261494    
+   1.140581    
+   2.689092    
+   2.658980    
+   2.609678    
+   2.535602    
+   2.432369    
+   2.298541    
+   2.135071    
+   1.945030    
+   1.736721    
+   1.513594    
+   1.287381    
+   1.118454    
+   1.015688    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647894E-02   0.000000     -1.9647894E-02 -1.9647894E-02 -1.9647894E-02  0.1209614      0.2646737    
+   1.442848      0.2407411       0.000000      0.2407411      0.2407411      0.2407411      4.3791566E-02  0.3277519    
+   2.792509    
+   2.774784    
+   2.743437    
+   2.693167    
+   2.618196    
+   2.512026    
+   2.372581    
+   2.201462    
+   2.005601    
+   1.789790    
+   1.561261    
+   1.326209    
+   1.140352    
+   1.028222    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647911E-02   0.000000     -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02  0.1191426      0.2654316    
+   1.496338      0.2392335       0.000000      0.2392335      0.2392335      0.2392335      4.2919617E-02  0.3291642    
+   1.136189    
+   2.862676    
+   2.830584    
+   2.780975    
+   2.703227    
+   2.593887    
+   2.449250    
+   2.271937    
+   2.067037    
+   1.844759    
+   1.610355    
+   1.365959    
+   1.165193    
+   1.041230    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647889E-02   0.000000     -1.9647889E-02 -1.9647889E-02 -1.9647889E-02  0.1183684      0.2653025    
+   1.549691      0.2378131       0.000000      0.2378131      0.2378131      0.2378131      4.2155363E-02  0.3303734    
+   2.971770    
+   2.953471    
+   2.921366    
+   2.870743    
+   2.794018    
+   2.681762    
+   2.530977    
+   2.346320    
+   2.133651    
+   1.902316    
+   1.660700    
+   1.409861    
+   1.192518    
+   1.055844    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647932E-02   0.000000     -1.9647932E-02 -1.9647932E-02 -1.9647932E-02  0.1180270      0.2641883    
+   1.603283      0.2364611       0.000000      0.2364611      0.2364611      0.2364611      4.1515090E-02  0.3313273    
+   1.210375    
+   3.045795    
+   3.014423    
+   2.964394    
+   2.885875    
+   2.771479    
+   2.616109    
+   2.424170    
+   2.202292    
+   1.962273    
+   1.712846    
+   1.456421    
+   1.222019    
+   1.072435    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647866E-02   0.000000     -1.9647866E-02 -1.9647866E-02 -1.9647866E-02  0.1176407      0.2631617    
+   1.655415      0.2352194       0.000000      0.2352194      0.2352194      0.2352194      4.0870432E-02  0.3323277    
+   3.240116    
+   3.217561    
+   3.179031    
+   3.117500    
+   3.025939    
+   2.894321    
+   2.721236    
+   2.511476    
+   2.275602    
+   2.023775    
+   1.766406    
+   1.503253    
+   1.256001    
+   1.089988    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647911E-02   0.000000     -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02  0.1146902      0.2660100    
+   1.706816      0.2340586       0.000000      0.2340586      0.2340586      0.2340586      4.0249474E-02  0.3333024    
+   1.134066    
+   3.325495    
+   3.285846    
+   3.224450    
+   3.131883    
+   2.997782    
+   2.817770    
+   2.597932    
+   2.350562    
+   2.088068    
+   1.821176    
+   1.552241    
+   1.291943    
+   1.110013    
+   1.005289    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647911E-02   0.000000     -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02 -1.9647911E-02  0.1138953      0.2656121    
+   1.757051      0.2329834       0.000000      0.2329834      0.2329834      0.2329834      3.9555967E-02  0.3344980    
+   3.460113    
+   3.436574    
+   3.396884    
+   3.335611    
+   3.241633    
+   3.103963    
+   2.918755    
+   2.690181    
+   2.431182    
+   2.156090    
+   1.878620    
+   1.602906    
+   1.330179    
+   1.131026    
+   1.016745    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647913E-02   0.000000     -1.9647913E-02 -1.9647913E-02 -1.9647913E-02  0.1132138      0.2649659    
+   1.804360      0.2320288       0.000000      0.2320288      0.2320288      0.2320288      3.9060745E-02  0.3352186    
+   1.130914    
+   3.550617    
+   3.511232    
+   3.449489    
+   3.355023    
+   3.215621    
+   3.024393    
+   2.784980    
+   2.513377    
+   2.227143    
+   1.938678    
+   1.654090    
+   1.372570    
+   1.154355    
+   1.029584    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647894E-02   0.000000     -1.9647894E-02 -1.9647894E-02 -1.9647894E-02  0.1125137      0.2643759    
+   1.853522      0.2310702       0.000000      0.2310702      0.2310702      0.2310702      3.8513575E-02  0.3361039    
+   3.692035    
+   3.666832    
+   3.627230    
+   3.565512    
+   3.469992    
+   3.328357    
+   3.132833    
+   2.883327    
+   2.599443    
+   2.299454    
+   1.999362    
+   1.705539    
+   1.418185    
+   1.180947    
+   1.042845    
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+   1.903650      0.2301307       0.000000      0.2301307      0.2301307      0.2301307      3.7984982E-02  0.3369692    
+   1.127399    
+   3.787365    
+   3.747623    
+   3.686051    
+   3.589224    
+   3.445834    
+   3.244728    
+   2.986150    
+   2.688604    
+   2.374942    
+   2.062260    
+   1.759312    
+   1.464272    
+   1.209383    
+   1.057738    
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+   1.955532      0.2291921       0.000000      0.2291921      0.2291921      0.2291921      3.7510008E-02  0.3377185    
+   3.936356    
+   3.910824    
+   3.871397    
+   3.809712    
+   3.712970    
+   3.568588    
+   3.364400    
+   3.097017    
+   2.784667    
+   2.456279    
+   2.129645    
+   1.816240    
+   1.512255    
+   1.240972    
+   1.073189    
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+   2.008554      0.2282691       0.000000      0.2282691      0.2282691      0.2282691      3.7002634E-02  0.3385838    
+   1.123598    
+   4.037717    
+   3.997540    
+   3.937090    
+   3.842093    
+   3.696351    
+   3.488559    
+   3.212513    
+   2.886590    
+   2.541626    
+   2.199484    
+   1.874431    
+   1.562906    
+   1.275606    
+   1.091034    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.172193     -1.9647906E-02   0.000000     -1.9647906E-02 -1.9647906E-02 -1.9647906E-02  0.1092167      0.2641415    
+   2.063852      0.2273379       0.000000      0.2273379      0.2273379      0.2273379      3.6533304E-02  0.3393675    
+   4.193677    
+   4.166514    
+   4.127565    
+   4.068144    
+   3.973244    
+   3.827406    
+   3.616460    
+   3.334686    
+   2.993963    
+   2.631897    
+   2.273257    
+   1.934182    
+   1.615098    
+   1.315140    
+   1.110894    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
+   1.172193     -1.9647924E-02   0.000000     -1.9647924E-02 -1.9647924E-02 -1.9647924E-02  0.1082553      0.2637528    
+   2.119989      0.2264298       0.000000      0.2264298      0.2264298      0.2264298      3.6079735E-02  0.3401399    
+   1.117469    
+   4.298889    
+   4.259837    
+   4.199584    
+   4.105281    
+   3.958913    
+   3.743718    
+   3.455071    
+   3.101293    
+   2.720772    
+   2.347910    
+   1.995368    
+   1.666057    
+   1.355657    
+   1.132587    
+   1.007947    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
+   1.172193     -1.9647874E-02   0.000000     -1.9647874E-02 -1.9647874E-02 -1.9647874E-02  0.1070456      0.2649322    
+   2.177571      0.2255321       0.000000      0.2255321      0.2255321      0.2255321      3.5625987E-02  0.3409343    
+   4.463238    
+   4.434484    
+   4.394582    
+   4.334704    
+   4.240495    
+   4.093864    
+   3.877636    
+   3.582084    
+   3.216580    
+   2.817268    
+   2.426349    
+   2.059058    
+   1.720776    
+   1.399631    
+   1.156469    
+   1.020395    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
+   1.172193     -1.9647883E-02   0.000000     -1.9647883E-02 -1.9647883E-02 -1.9647883E-02  0.1054051      0.2660502    
+   2.237722      0.2246243       0.000000      0.2246243      0.2246243      0.2246243      3.5200771E-02  0.3416700    
+   1.108417    
+   4.574275    
+   4.533312    
+   4.474967    
+   4.381863    
+   4.236319    
+   4.017729    
+   3.716377    
+   3.337602    
+   2.920390    
+   2.509580    
+   2.125370    
+   1.775183    
+   1.447527    
+   1.182962    
+   1.033128    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.172193     -1.9647922E-02   0.000000     -1.9647922E-02 -1.9647922E-02 -1.9647922E-02  0.1052872      0.2649833    
+   2.298857      0.2237373       0.000000      0.2237373      0.2237373      0.2237373      3.4855612E-02  0.3421909    
+   4.745664    
+   4.716688    
+   4.676680    
+   4.617574    
+   4.525848    
+   4.381248    
+   4.163377    
+   3.856379    
+   3.467642    
+   3.030484    
+   2.597353    
+   2.196636    
+   1.832695    
+   1.495884    
+   1.212474    
+   1.047553    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647919E-02   0.000000     -1.9647919E-02 -1.9647919E-02 -1.9647919E-02  0.1045359      0.2644160    
+   2.362799      0.2228392       0.000000      0.2228392      0.2228392      0.2228392      3.4308728E-02  0.3433410    
+   1.098363    
+   4.863680    
+   4.822981    
+   4.763100    
+   4.669769    
+   4.525814    
+   4.305568    
+   3.994703    
+   3.595303    
+   3.140612    
+   2.687675    
+   2.268078    
+   1.890543    
+   1.545768    
+   1.244789    
+   1.062409    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647863E-02   0.000000     -1.9647863E-02 -1.9647863E-02 -1.9647863E-02  0.1033708      0.2654175    
+   2.429013      0.2219416       0.000000      0.2219416      0.2219416      0.2219416      3.3917032E-02  0.3440537    
+   5.044687    
+   5.014315    
+   4.973632    
+   4.914071    
+   4.822069    
+   4.679116    
+   4.460488    
+   4.145417    
+   3.736005    
+   3.263242    
+   2.784933    
+   2.345627    
+   1.951300    
+   1.596835    
+   1.279990    
+   1.079525    
+   1.000000    
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+   2.497702      0.2210426       0.000000      0.2210426      0.2210426      0.2210426      3.3467725E-02  0.3449580    
+   1.088703    
+   5.168709    
+   5.126691    
+   5.065443    
+   4.972095    
+   4.827306    
+   4.608184    
+   4.290200    
+   3.873787    
+   3.383352    
+   2.882619    
+   2.422650    
+   2.012865    
+   1.649343    
+   1.318237    
+   1.099272    
+   1.000000    
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+   1.172193     -1.9647896E-02   0.000000     -1.9647896E-02 -1.9647896E-02 -1.9647896E-02  0.1012567      0.2659483    
+   2.568010      0.2201568       0.000000      0.2201568      0.2201568      0.2201568      3.3041321E-02  0.3458200    
+   5.359532    
+   5.326888    
+   5.285823    
+   5.224598    
+   5.128705    
+   4.983513    
+   4.764481    
+   4.444159    
+   4.019129    
+   3.513252    
+   2.988614    
+   2.504923    
+   2.078526    
+   1.702944    
+   1.359816    
+   1.119119    
+   1.000000    
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+   2.641828      0.2192567       0.000000      0.2192567      0.2192567      0.2192567      3.2614131E-02  0.3467102    
+   1.081982    
+   5.489281    
+   5.448575    
+   5.388022    
+   5.291779    
+   5.146612    
+   4.927837    
+   4.606750    
+   4.172878    
+   3.651061    
+   3.100574    
+   2.593103    
+   2.146677    
+   1.758590    
+   1.404573    
+   1.142173    
+   1.009936    
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+   2.719297      0.2183432       0.000000      0.2183432      0.2183432      0.2183432      3.2187827E-02  0.3476233    
+   5.687713    
+   5.655340    
+   5.614879    
+   5.555741    
+   5.459547    
+   5.312776    
+   5.093855    
+   4.772761    
+   4.331863    
+   3.795495    
+   3.219542    
+   2.685267    
+   2.218076    
+   1.814594    
+   1.451537    
+   1.167121    
+   1.021256    
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+   2.798531      0.2174450       0.000000      0.2174450      0.2174450      0.2174450      3.1474989E-02  0.3494807    
+   1.080546    
+   5.822669    
+   5.783765    
+   5.725837    
+   5.628356    
+   5.477091    
+   5.254507    
+   4.933587    
+   4.487518    
+   3.938150    
+   3.339993    
+   2.778165    
+   2.290345    
+   1.871621    
+   1.500830    
+   1.195568    
+   1.035746    
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+   2.881289      0.2165390       0.000000      0.2165390      0.2165390      0.2165390      3.1314097E-02  0.3496020    
+   6.024549    
+   5.992111    
+   5.954597    
+   5.897725    
+   5.801098    
+   5.645670    
+   5.418603    
+   5.094443    
+   4.646169    
+   4.084007    
+   3.465394    
+   2.876594    
+   2.366318    
+   1.930901    
+   1.551071    
+   1.225295    
+   1.050424    
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+   2.966680      0.2156387       0.000000      0.2156387      0.2156387      0.2156387      3.0948425E-02  0.3503885    
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+  0.4877820     -3.6676232E-02   0.000000     -3.6676232E-02 -3.6676232E-02 -3.6676232E-02  0.4449362      0.2411990    
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+  7.3034629E-02  0.3850871       0.000000      0.3850871      0.3850871      0.3850871      9.0658300E-02  0.2615430    
+   1.040212    
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+  8.0768973E-02  0.3757603       0.000000      0.3757603      0.3757603      0.3757603      8.7326109E-02  0.2641048    
+   1.105642    
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+  8.9109667E-02  0.3668883       0.000000      0.3668883      0.3668883      0.3668883      8.3975486E-02  0.2668021    
+   1.044522    
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+  9.7895361E-02  0.3586233       0.000000      0.3586233      0.3586233      0.3586233      8.0735564E-02  0.2695233    
+   1.148638    
+   1.144237    
+   1.129294    
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+   1.037706    
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+  0.1065298      0.3513568       0.000000      0.3513568      0.3513568      0.3513568      7.7957109E-02  0.2719556    
+   1.048403    
+   1.168130    
+   1.151949    
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+  0.1151123      0.3448367       0.000000      0.3448367      0.3448367      0.3448367      7.5432412E-02  0.2742268    
+   1.200356    
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+  0.1236136      0.3389720       0.000000      0.3389720      0.3389720      0.3389720      7.3112056E-02  0.2764117    
+   1.049997    
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+  0.1325317      0.3333859       0.000000      0.3333859      0.3333859      0.3333859      7.1208030E-02  0.2782443    
+   1.260786    
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+  0.1417346      0.3281242       0.000000      0.3281242      0.3281242      0.3281242      6.9188967E-02  0.2802478    
+   1.051267    
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+  0.1511475      0.3231970       0.000000      0.3231970      0.3231970      0.3231970      6.7396633E-02  0.2820792    
+   1.331028    
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+  0.1607084      0.3186020       0.000000      0.3186020      0.3186020      0.3186020      6.5641999E-02  0.2839434    
+   1.051822    
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+  0.1699929      0.3144737       0.000000      0.3144737      0.3144737      0.3144737      6.4087264E-02  0.2856387    
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+  0.1789198      0.3107791       0.000000      0.3107791      0.3107791      0.3107791      6.2616408E-02  0.2872997    
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+   1.512183    
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+  0.1952621      0.3046135       0.000000      0.3046135      0.3046135      0.3046135      5.9263233E-02  0.2912779    
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+  0.2302613      0.2936108       0.000000      0.2936108      0.2936108      0.2936108      5.2443303E-02  0.3003302    
+   1.052553    
+   1.742123    
+   1.710778    
+   1.658832    
+   1.584386    
+   1.482736    
+   1.354166    
+   1.218167    
+   1.107665    
+   1.028426    
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+  0.2400638      0.2909550       0.000000      0.2909550      0.2909550      0.2909550      5.0628293E-02  0.3029599    
+   1.812768    
+   1.796287    
+   1.763406    
+   1.711152    
+   1.635604    
+   1.532790    
+   1.399146    
+   1.254043    
+   1.130552    
+   1.043070    
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+  0.2502497      0.2883549       0.000000      0.2883549      0.2883549      0.2883549      4.8965637E-02  0.3054533    
+   1.051413    
+   1.852511    
+   1.818371    
+   1.764642    
+   1.689120    
+   1.584149    
+   1.448207    
+   1.291554    
+   1.155758    
+   1.057969    
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+  0.2606391      0.2858537       0.000000      0.2858537      0.2858537      0.2858537      4.7338925E-02  0.3079773    
+   1.929478    
+   1.911789    
+   1.876247    
+   1.821146    
+   1.742373    
+   1.637439    
+   1.498645    
+   1.334917    
+   1.183471    
+   1.074777    
+   1.000404    
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+  0.2711421      0.2834640       0.000000      0.2834640      0.2834640      0.2834640      4.5838289E-02  0.3103755    
+   1.049649    
+   1.972812    
+   1.936502    
+   1.878549    
+   1.799056    
+   1.691180    
+   1.551634    
+   1.381119    
+   1.214967    
+   1.093938    
+   1.012990    
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+  0.2819896      0.2811312       0.000000      0.2811312      0.2811312      0.2811312      4.4207804E-02  0.3130635    
+   2.056382    
+   2.036441    
+   1.997540    
+   1.939419    
+   1.856870    
+   1.746295    
+   1.604491    
+   1.429392    
+   1.250536    
+   1.113736    
+   1.025636    
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+  0.2931427      0.2788643       0.000000      0.2788643      0.2788643      0.2788643      4.2757913E-02  0.3155620    
+   1.046868    
+   2.103029    
+   2.063138    
+   2.001774    
+   1.917133    
+   1.804683    
+   1.660428    
+   1.481389    
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+   1.038191    
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+  0.3048276      0.2766172       0.000000      0.2766172      0.2766172      0.2766172      4.1333821E-02  0.3180766    
+   2.194380    
+   2.172366    
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+   1.332602    
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+  0.3170297      0.2743961       0.000000      0.2743961      0.2743961      0.2743961      3.9855342E-02  0.3207740    
+   1.043932    
+   2.245564    
+   2.201412    
+   2.136397    
+   2.044926    
+   1.926278    
+   1.776366    
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+   1.378806    
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+  0.3297017      0.2722127       0.000000      0.2722127      0.2722127      0.2722127      3.8385063E-02  0.3235498    
+   2.345950    
+   2.321754    
+   2.276139    
+   2.207329    
+   2.113041    
+   1.989059    
+   1.835769    
+   1.649141    
+   1.429106    
+   1.225012    
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+  0.3426020      0.2701081       0.000000      0.2701081      0.2701081      0.2701081      3.6871612E-02  0.3265032    
+   1.039897    
+   2.400465    
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+   2.054435    
+   1.896188    
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+  0.3554563      0.2681176       0.000000      0.2681176      0.2681176      0.2681176      3.5660919E-02  0.3289476    
+   2.511281    
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+  0.3683650      0.2662170       0.000000      0.2662170      0.2662170      0.2662170      3.4461915E-02  0.3314341    
+   1.034849    
+   2.570656    
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+   2.333143    
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+   2.026263    
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+  0.3810252      0.2644416       0.000000      0.2644416      0.2644416      0.2644416      3.3397153E-02  0.3337014    
+   2.691191    
+   2.661689    
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+   2.412567    
+   2.269395    
+   2.094247    
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+  0.3938823      0.2627247       0.000000      0.2627247      0.2627247      0.2627247      3.2455735E-02  0.3357578    
+   1.029852    
+   2.757035    
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+   2.347004    
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+  0.4068413      0.2610734       0.000000      0.2610734      0.2610734      0.2610734      3.1700775E-02  0.3374284    
+   2.890414    
+   2.856201    
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+  0.4197326      0.2595043       0.000000      0.2595043      0.2595043      0.2595043      3.1049317E-02  0.3388936    
+   1.024175    
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+  0.4326290      0.2580032       0.000000      0.2580032      0.2580032      0.2580032      3.0578479E-02  0.3399530    
+   3.104657    
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+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779726E-02   0.000000     -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02  0.1324869      0.2396306    
+  0.4451146      0.2566080       0.000000      0.2566080      0.2566080      0.2566080      2.9985398E-02  0.3413297    
+   1.018360    
+   3.203980    
+   3.133518    
+   3.028881    
+   2.883919    
+   2.701150    
+   2.482294    
+   2.234986    
+   1.967325    
+   1.681523    
+   1.379919    
+   1.158097    
+   1.034750    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779682E-02   0.000000     -2.7779682E-02 -2.7779682E-02 -2.7779682E-02  0.1309872      0.2402328    
+  0.4573699      0.2552922       0.000000      0.2552922      0.2552922      0.2552922      2.9461347E-02  0.3425715    
+   3.367956    
+   3.325843    
+   3.252097    
+   3.141941    
+   2.991269    
+   2.798239    
+   2.568475    
+   2.311656    
+   2.035079    
+   1.741466    
+   1.431274    
+   1.185780    
+   1.050140    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779726E-02   0.000000     -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02  0.1284199      0.2420546    
+  0.4693037      0.2540586       0.000000      0.2540586      0.2540586      0.2540586      2.8949467E-02  0.3438124    
+   1.013491    
+   3.452017    
+   3.376021    
+   3.260923    
+   3.105124    
+   2.902302    
+   2.662207    
+   2.391616    
+   2.104661    
+   1.805473    
+   1.486507    
+   1.217361    
+   1.013491    
+   1.000000    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779760E-02   0.000000     -2.7779760E-02 -2.7779760E-02 -2.7779760E-02  0.1267365      0.2424538    
+  0.4804631      0.2529420       0.000000      0.2529420      0.2529420      0.2529420      2.8447781E-02  0.3450555    
+   3.630179    
+   3.584201    
+   3.505095    
+   3.386178    
+   3.223314    
+   3.011720    
+   2.758194    
+   2.476204    
+   2.177365    
+   1.869716    
+   1.545608    
+   1.252365    
+   1.083426    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779704E-02   0.000000     -2.7779704E-02 -2.7779704E-02 -2.7779704E-02  0.1256264      0.2424143    
+  0.4920555      0.2518244       0.000000      0.2518244      0.2518244      0.2518244      2.7967192E-02  0.3462721    
+   1.009335    
+   3.719848    
+   3.639276    
+   3.517122    
+   3.348659    
+   3.127571    
+   2.861545    
+   2.566230    
+   2.254143    
+   1.934833    
+   1.605911    
+   1.291173    
+   1.009335    
+  0.9999624    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779682E-02   0.000000     -2.7779682E-02 -2.7779682E-02 -2.7779682E-02  0.1256499      0.2411283    
+  0.5038850      0.2507253       0.000000      0.2507253      0.2507253      0.2507253      2.7491681E-02  0.3475028    
+   3.912750    
+   3.861857    
+   3.777982    
+   3.654480    
+   3.478315    
+   3.247796    
+   2.969084    
+   2.658631    
+   2.333449    
+   2.003760    
+   1.667719    
+   1.336629    
+   1.123138    
+   1.011413    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779715E-02   0.000000     -2.7779715E-02 -2.7779715E-02 -2.7779715E-02  0.1244249      0.2412631    
+  0.5161387      0.2496283       0.000000      0.2496283      0.2496283      0.2496283      2.7058262E-02  0.3486371    
+   1.005534    
+   4.007903    
+   1.005534    
+   3.794571    
+   3.613898    
+   3.372761    
+   3.081042    
+   2.754902    
+   2.414593    
+   2.072548    
+   1.730117    
+   1.383914    
+   1.005534    
+   1.019614    
+   1.000000    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779726E-02   0.000000     -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02  0.1231385      0.2418158    
+  0.5286635      0.2485474       0.000000      0.2485474      0.2485474      0.2485474      2.6648540E-02  0.3497432    
+   4.212619    
+   4.157897    
+   4.070745    
+   3.939884    
+   3.754115    
+   3.506312    
+   3.200985    
+   2.857111    
+   2.501372    
+   2.145731    
+   1.793556    
+   1.438501    
+   1.173497    
+   1.036510    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779693E-02   0.000000     -2.7779693E-02 -2.7779693E-02 -2.7779693E-02  0.1222890      0.2412635    
+  0.5417243      0.2474614       0.000000      0.2474614      0.2474614      0.2474614      2.6165104E-02  0.3510757    
+   1.001662    
+   4.313301    
+   1.001662    
+   4.089523    
+   3.899362    
+   3.643380    
+   3.324227    
+   2.965362    
+   2.590405    
+   2.219722    
+   1.859771    
+   1.494549    
+   1.201722    
+   1.001662    
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+  0.5550005      0.2463971       0.000000      0.2463971      0.2463971      0.2463971      2.5901612E-02  0.3517979    
+   4.531860    
+  0.8333527    
+   4.382752    
+   4.245161    
+   4.052232    
+   3.789886    
+   3.457674    
+   3.079138    
+   2.685392    
+   2.298452    
+   1.925449    
+   1.554356    
+   1.235031    
+  0.8333527    
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+  0.5686196      0.2453441       0.000000      0.2453441      0.2453441      0.2453441      2.5432203E-02  0.3531409    
+   4.699411    
+  0.8309810    
+   4.544677    
+   4.406150    
+   4.208659    
+   3.937600    
+   3.593795    
+   3.196044    
+   2.783456    
+   2.378466    
+   1.992461    
+   1.615006    
+   1.273244    
+  0.8309810    
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+  0.5828431      0.2442843       0.000000      0.2442843      0.2442843      0.2442843      2.5200609E-02  0.3538008    
+   4.870320    
+  0.8287345    
+   4.713171    
+   4.570323    
+   4.368590    
+   4.091722    
+   3.737384    
+   3.322448    
+   2.886731    
+   2.462642    
+   2.062417    
+   1.678955    
+   1.314865    
+  0.8287345    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779704E-02   0.000000     -2.7779704E-02 -2.7779704E-02 -2.7779704E-02  0.1183159      0.2411345    
+  0.5973189      0.2432441       0.000000      0.2432441      0.2432441      0.2432441      2.4860900E-02  0.3547980    
+   5.045536    
+  0.8251104    
+   4.885365    
+   4.741973    
+   4.535168    
+   4.254698    
+   3.888755    
+   3.454773    
+   2.996351    
+   2.552244    
+   2.136361    
+   1.741878    
+   1.362069    
+  0.8251104    
+   1.005944    
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+  0.6124676      0.2421954       0.000000      0.2421954      0.2421954      0.2421954      2.4528252E-02  0.3557947    
+   5.226617    
+  0.8233734    
+   5.061545    
+   4.915300    
+   4.706938    
+   4.419030    
+   4.044227    
+   3.592310    
+   3.111573    
+   2.644372    
+   2.210211    
+   1.807157    
+   1.413760    
+   1.146856    
+  0.8233734    
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+  0.6281755      0.2411477       0.000000      0.2411477      0.2411477      0.2411477      2.4202207E-02  0.3567905    
+   5.409703    
+  0.8199569    
+   5.241335    
+   5.095042    
+   4.881769    
+   4.587982    
+   4.204620    
+   3.736836    
+   3.231181    
+   2.740878    
+   2.288593    
+   1.873224    
+   1.469309    
+   1.173841    
+  0.8199569    
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+  0.6444854      0.2400997       0.000000      0.2400997      0.2400997      0.2400997      2.4091102E-02  0.3570750    
+   5.598728    
+  0.8185732    
+   5.425717    
+   5.276685    
+   5.061291    
+   4.760935    
+   4.367507    
+   3.885482    
+   3.357479    
+   2.840340    
+   2.369338    
+   1.938937    
+   1.528195    
+   1.203848    
+  0.8185732    
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+  0.6612033      0.2390645       0.000000      0.2390645      0.2390645      0.2390645      2.3570878E-02  0.3587733    
+   5.789510    
+  0.8170255    
+   5.613696    
+   5.463000    
+   5.246389    
+   4.940289    
+   4.536997    
+   4.042634    
+   3.489375    
+   2.945291    
+   2.452099    
+   2.006788    
+   1.588332    
+   1.236770    
+  0.8170255    
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+  0.6787638      0.2380175       0.000000      0.2380175      0.2380175      0.2380175      2.3158921E-02  0.3601146    
+   5.984653    
+   5.910878    
+   5.807185    
+   5.654213    
+   5.435431    
+   5.125011    
+   4.713583    
+   4.205241    
+   3.629866    
+   3.056557    
+   2.539525    
+   2.077869    
+   1.651972    
+   1.273766    
+  0.8151861    
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+  0.4859033     -2.7779726E-02   0.000000     -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02 -2.7779726E-02  0.1123936      0.2415672    
+  0.6971943      0.2369599       0.000000      0.2369599      0.2369599      0.2369599      2.2960138E-02  0.3607639    
+   6.184657    
+   6.109631    
+   6.001404    
+   5.848313    
+   5.625918    
+   5.312241    
+   4.890813    
+   4.369726    
+   3.772868    
+   3.173998    
+   2.629755    
+   2.149952    
+   1.714680    
+   1.316347    
+  0.8129618    
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+  0.7160764      0.2359167       0.000000      0.2359167      0.2359167      0.2359167      2.2648269E-02  0.3618103    
+   6.390119    
+   6.312205    
+   6.203206    
+   6.045745    
+   5.824049    
+   5.506789    
+   5.078420    
+   4.543221    
+   3.927834    
+   3.297354    
+   2.725598    
+   2.225235    
+   1.777896    
+   1.363356    
+  0.8101814    
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+  0.7358075      0.2348674       0.000000      0.2348674      0.2348674      0.2348674      2.2359261E-02  0.3628047    
+   6.601819    
+   6.521196    
+   6.407437    
+   6.249462    
+   6.021974    
+   5.702157    
+   5.267513    
+   4.720917    
+   4.085885    
+   3.425275    
+   2.825031    
+   2.301860    
+   1.844010    
+   1.414772    
+   1.136374    
+   1.006986    
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+  0.7561991      0.2338238       0.000000      0.2338238      0.2338238      0.2338238      2.2029573E-02  0.3639462    
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..accce69a45cef3110829afcf344fe7b80bc7cd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.initl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+  3.9999999E-02   4.000000      0.2500000               3  1.0000000E+12   0.000000    
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-1.570264      -1.650341      -1.724442      -1.791813      -1.851301      -1.900776      -1.937214      -1.955264      -1.946096      -1.894941      -1.777415      -1.556768      -1.179904     -0.4074402     -0.9870713      -1.136852      -1.278119      -1.411560      -1.537586      -1.656562      -1.768793      -1.874396      -1.973358      -2.065409      -2.149886      -2.225665      -2.290524      -2.340753      -2.369077      -2.361607      -2.289416      -2.094330      -1.670919     -0.6887694     -0.9890559      -1.175785      -1.349801      -1.512488      -1.664686      -1.807390      -1.941392      -2.067134      -2.185125      -2.295527      -2.398031      -2.492114      -2.576363      -2.647939      -2.701548      -2.725904      -2.694976      -2.543505      -2.113196     -0.9353619     -0.9897087      -1.212401      -1.417478      -1.606918      -1.782512      -1.945786      -2.098031      -2.240380      -2.373630      -2.498332      -2.614704      -2.722485      -2.820873  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-1.697697     -0.9811710      -1.358195      -1.664667      -1.948754      -2.196973      -2.422718      -2.627460      -2.815752      -2.989441      -3.150282      -3.300156      -3.440065      -3.570575      -3.691487      -3.801307      -3.895607      -3.962385      -3.963829      -3.720427      -1.850200     -0.9506864      -1.394296      -1.735710      -2.030454      -2.289224      -2.526435      -2.743318      -2.938828      -3.119313      -3.286537      -3.441727      -3.586591      -3.721848      -3.847635      -3.962850      -4.063826      -4.139966      -4.157156      -3.949425      -1.991894      -1.280635      -1.215578      -1.816657      -2.103930      -2.389331      -2.628609      -2.850310      -3.054409      -3.241865      -3.414644      -3.574811      -3.723872      -3.863186      -3.993007      -4.112682      -4.219183      -4.303139      -4.333552      -4.157030      -2.124210      -1.648908      -1.658276      -1.783319      -2.167517      -2.466150      -2.723656  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-2.098099      -2.179705      -2.256123      -2.326818      -2.391055      -2.447712      -2.494846      -2.529731      -2.547835      -2.542152      -2.501813      -2.410122      -2.242660      -1.960628      -1.332105      -1.624495      -1.767198      -1.902038      -2.029554      -2.150167      -2.264184      -2.371865      -2.473288      -2.568386      -2.656867      -2.738045      -2.810782      -2.872925      -2.920899      -2.948036      -2.942332      -2.881152      -2.723808      -2.400102      -1.613434      -1.626571      -1.804562      -1.970842      -2.126561      -2.272564      -2.409737      -2.538759      -2.660032      -2.773968      -2.880651      -2.979766      -3.070706      -3.152053      -3.221021      -3.272425      -3.295589      -3.267459      -3.136941      -2.796276      -1.860027      -1.627149      -1.839588      -2.035660      -2.217248      -2.386000      -2.543320      -2.690325      -2.828027      -2.957136      -3.078117      -3.191108      -3.295805  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-4.040199      -2.622362      -1.627372      -1.972437      -2.275734      -2.545061      -2.786550      -3.005174      -3.204693      -3.388009      -3.557516      -3.715028      -3.861917      -3.999183      -4.127299      -4.245996      -4.353682      -4.445872      -4.510702      -4.511307      -4.282684      -2.774865      -1.627373      -2.004508      -2.332124      -2.620160      -2.876554      -3.107152      -3.316547      -3.508185      -3.684797      -3.848495      -4.000904      -4.143229      -4.276200      -4.399871      -4.513072      -4.612029      -4.686182      -4.702188      -4.503658      -2.916559      -1.627373      -2.036172      -2.387163      -2.692960      -2.963115      -3.204768      -3.423119      -3.622256      -3.805220      -3.974390      -4.131629      -4.278318      -4.415407      -4.543222      -4.660998      -4.765578      -4.847560      -4.876542      -4.705747      -3.048875      -1.627373      -2.067439      -2.440961      -2.763527      -3.046567  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-2.528377      -2.598593      -2.662183      -2.718628      -2.767075      -2.806480      -2.835490      -2.852223      -2.854362      -2.838691      -2.800961      -2.735384      -2.633700      -2.483282      -2.258635      -1.737570      -2.213684      -2.344275      -2.467201      -2.582717      -2.691041      -2.792153      -2.885922      -2.971961      -3.049629      -3.117958      -3.175501      -3.220270      -3.249366      -3.258761      -3.242512      -3.191995      -3.094115      -2.928556      -2.658195      -2.018899      -2.220715      -2.385455      -2.539366      -2.683376      -2.818129      -2.944206      -3.061909      -3.171213      -3.271898      -3.363295      -3.444166      -3.512654      -3.565866      -3.599384      -3.606511      -3.576606      -3.492250      -3.324096      -3.018611      -2.265492      -2.222690      -2.420000      -2.602440      -2.771704      -2.929197      -3.076038      -3.213027      -3.340735      -3.459348      -3.568635      -3.667804  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-0.8761187     -0.8952293     -0.9243541     -0.9514711     -0.9737002     -0.9925250      -1.003895      -1.002385      -1.002881      -1.004516     -0.9953057     -0.9735936     -0.9353526     -0.8755673     -0.8166989     -0.7415392     -0.6279734     -0.4588953     -7.9957083E-02 -0.9126514     -0.9236548     -0.9357647     -0.9558433     -0.9754193     -0.9920740      -1.003242      -1.008723      -1.002456     -0.9983063     -0.9949309     -0.9826695     -0.9590862     -0.9196416     -0.8587896     -0.7989783     -0.7229999     -0.6116977     -0.4473101     -7.9957083E-02 -0.9692359     -0.9718997     -0.9763706     -0.9881838     -0.9997521      -1.008307      -1.013731      -1.013129      -1.002258     -0.9930251     -0.9856480     -0.9703167     -0.9446529     -0.9039239     -0.8419540     -0.7810462     -0.7042689     -0.5952219     -0.4356070     -7.9957083E-02  -1.026335      -1.020593      -1.015435      -1.019181      -1.022194      -1.025055      -1.024645      -1.018092 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-0.7952566     -0.7138849     -0.6347803     -0.5333870     -0.3902187     -7.9957083E-02  -1.344702      -1.299233      -1.255750      -1.222453      -1.191625      -1.162977      -1.134677      -1.102879      -1.064353      -1.026784     -0.9940480     -0.9586285     -0.9165079     -0.8641015     -0.7978038     -0.7168050     -0.6254213     -0.5229158     -0.3798801     -7.9957083E-02  -1.536192      -1.474229      -1.413451      -1.365248      -1.321920      -1.280058      -1.239926      -1.198035      -1.152319      -1.101846      -1.046549      -1.002512     -0.9530470     -0.8936099     -0.8227898     -0.7373506     -0.6356131     -0.5225991     -0.3724005     -7.9957083E-02  -1.923291      -1.847692      -1.774216      -1.702048      -1.636473      -1.569304      -1.505583      -1.447011      -1.385396      -1.320064      -1.249485      -1.173219      -1.089244     -0.9989557     -0.9100709     -0.8101620     -0.6884522     -0.5485054     -0.3713406     -7.9957083E-02  -3.430635 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-1.197430      -1.271235      -1.307444      -1.359753      -1.432704      -1.482808      -1.506921      -1.488347      -1.422617      -1.363325      -1.232067     -0.9861958     -0.4074402     -0.4754623     -0.5875283     -0.6970760     -0.7964323     -0.8974851      -1.014962      -1.123108      -1.214168      -1.276149      -1.318340      -1.370705      -1.441109      -1.483818      -1.501929      -1.474383      -1.407656      -1.345863      -1.214026     -0.9714181     -0.4074402     -0.5189034     -0.6283186     -0.7367187     -0.8351286     -0.9341055      -1.046358      -1.146322      -1.226456      -1.285783      -1.331367      -1.384668      -1.445607      -1.483865      -1.493842      -1.458361      -1.391751      -1.327424      -1.195257     -0.9562717     -0.4074402     -0.5756011     -0.6828153     -0.7853208     -0.8801754     -0.9754827      -1.077977      -1.167123      -1.239351      -1.300437      -1.346991      -1.395488      -1.449399      -1.481421      -1.482290  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-0.9026629     -0.9650390      -1.029265      -1.090806      -1.150533      -1.215272      -1.274559      -1.324851      -1.366731      -1.395367      -1.416553      -1.434947      -1.434509      -1.413521      -1.366195      -1.293539      -1.218777      -1.088416     -0.8764202     -0.4074402     -0.9985805      -1.048633      -1.100867      -1.151303      -1.202337      -1.256551      -1.305800      -1.347210      -1.380836      -1.401727      -1.413297      -1.421983      -1.416465      -1.392611      -1.343541      -1.269535      -1.193784      -1.064645     -0.8600461     -0.4074402      -1.100546      -1.136904      -1.176609      -1.216596      -1.256175      -1.298360      -1.336926      -1.368935      -1.392377      -1.403890      -1.407259      -1.408133      -1.396889      -1.369897      -1.319266      -1.244193      -1.167679      -1.040218     -0.8435526     -0.4074402      -1.208642      -1.230755      -1.257129      -1.284866      -1.311890      -1.341301      -1.367963 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-1.278784      -1.219241      -1.136628      -1.057033     -0.9431106     -0.7734023     -0.4074402      -1.737150      -1.691593      -1.652668      -1.618622      -1.587621      -1.561233      -1.533940      -1.508194      -1.475636      -1.440707      -1.403939      -1.366638      -1.319188      -1.268815      -1.208172      -1.124953      -1.034424     -0.9220606     -0.7574957     -0.4074402      -1.987976      -1.916086      -1.853048      -1.795660      -1.742336      -1.696582      -1.650971      -1.608371      -1.558756      -1.507262      -1.453407      -1.403552      -1.346238      -1.287134      -1.221386      -1.133322      -1.024567     -0.9088737     -0.7450240     -0.4074402      -2.479705      -2.369942      -2.271614      -2.179073      -2.090366      -2.000760      -1.929699      -1.862871      -1.796276      -1.726569      -1.648882      -1.565361      -1.483498      -1.401900      -1.311626      -1.205561      -1.073420     -0.9232599     -0.7453386     -0.4074402  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-1.214573      -1.363413      -1.493243      -1.579447      -1.615937      -1.724685      -1.816471      -1.883116      -1.905132      -1.838775      -1.802017      -1.673850      -1.386945     -0.6887694     -0.2716362     -0.4583375     -0.6354365     -0.7940503     -0.9396071      -1.083375      -1.243113      -1.387864      -1.506254      -1.582426      -1.637240      -1.742659      -1.829026      -1.887632      -1.898178      -1.827587      -1.785465      -1.653540      -1.367662     -0.6887694     -0.3244592     -0.4926223     -0.6667731     -0.8348777     -0.9808134      -1.124008      -1.276619      -1.410645      -1.514287      -1.597328      -1.662722      -1.761150      -1.840021      -1.888922      -1.885872      -1.816264      -1.767579      -1.631486      -1.348047     -0.6887694     -0.3928370     -0.5515190     -0.7225060     -0.8874166      -1.031899      -1.170608      -1.311391      -1.430649      -1.530188      -1.617717      -1.687305      -1.777989      -1.848486  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-0.6887694     -0.8376889     -0.9465469      -1.059469      -1.172493      -1.278497      -1.378695      -1.475252      -1.564077      -1.643549      -1.710729      -1.760174      -1.807625      -1.834016      -1.835352      -1.804731      -1.729867      -1.651514      -1.502104      -1.242708     -0.6887694     -0.9766544      -1.065187      -1.160457      -1.259545      -1.353242      -1.441896      -1.526675      -1.603494      -1.672139      -1.729759      -1.770032      -1.803829      -1.820727      -1.815820      -1.781001      -1.703480      -1.621239      -1.471636      -1.220120     -0.6887694      -1.122813      -1.191363      -1.270337      -1.354054      -1.433167      -1.507125      -1.578626      -1.643072      -1.698560      -1.745032      -1.774916      -1.797161      -1.804718      -1.792753      -1.754041      -1.673678      -1.588963      -1.439335      -1.197020     -0.6887694      -1.280232      -1.328696      -1.388168      -1.452924      -1.515587      -1.574294 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-1.711069      -1.669516      -1.612054      -1.525292      -1.436066      -1.300243      -1.100443     -0.6887694      -2.032191      -1.984197      -1.947597      -1.925310      -1.904940      -1.884480      -1.868624      -1.847417      -1.822540      -1.794327      -1.765631      -1.733657      -1.693115      -1.642080      -1.577540      -1.492793      -1.397645      -1.267706      -1.076779     -0.6887694      -2.338155      -2.252403      -2.180559      -2.128937      -2.081249      -2.034045      -1.994261      -1.950333      -1.903397      -1.852462      -1.804988      -1.754278      -1.697967      -1.635257      -1.563824      -1.474929      -1.369334      -1.241554      -1.056286     -0.6887694      -2.933463      -2.792673      -2.660432      -2.554575      -2.457202      -2.364600      -2.291259      -2.218495      -2.140988      -2.059693      -1.977463      -1.894387      -1.813268      -1.723334      -1.623833      -1.516744      -1.381576      -1.240156      -1.048107  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-1.091624      -1.291809      -1.483741      -1.661370      -1.805059      -1.866009      -1.968556      -2.094249      -2.192021      -2.251598      -2.207254      -2.180315      -2.066614      -1.750292     -0.9353619     -5.6708246E-02 -0.2937331     -0.5323872     -0.7474385     -0.9448941      -1.116447      -1.319433      -1.510237      -1.682292      -1.807505      -1.890631      -2.001210      -2.118674      -2.207339      -2.254733      -2.200747      -2.169446      -2.046304      -1.727516     -0.9353619     -0.1078487     -0.3325609     -0.5606880     -0.7789865     -0.9780156      -1.160843      -1.358335      -1.543955      -1.700650      -1.823490      -1.922258      -2.033746      -2.142116      -2.220454      -2.252188      -2.194959      -2.156159      -2.024300      -1.703688     -0.9353619     -0.1834096     -0.3951793     -0.6184852     -0.8315328      -1.032758      -1.218006      -1.409137      -1.577948      -1.722872      -1.850240      -1.956061      -2.062773  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-1.600613     -0.9353619     -0.7217538     -0.8735506      -1.038328      -1.204292      -1.362195      -1.506630      -1.640869      -1.765878      -1.879672      -1.983295      -2.071103      -2.142820      -2.195857      -2.218283      -2.203243      -2.136275      -2.049835      -1.882486      -1.573395     -0.9353619     -0.8995335      -1.027661      -1.173189      -1.320693      -1.458900      -1.587431      -1.707612      -1.820191      -1.922466      -2.014748      -2.092691      -2.152888      -2.193470      -2.206532      -2.183739      -2.111355      -2.017072      -1.846728      -1.545389     -0.9353619      -1.090136      -1.196059      -1.316308      -1.440102      -1.559263      -1.673192      -1.778737      -1.876287      -1.964139      -2.043672      -2.109205      -2.158026      -2.187138      -2.189727      -2.158017      -2.079887      -1.979808      -1.808096      -1.516566     -0.9353619      -1.294230      -1.372092      -1.465405      -1.567526      -1.667960  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-2.111310      -2.094358      -2.054207      -1.991100      -1.892995      -1.784295      -1.630030      -1.393734     -0.9353619      -2.270710      -2.227051      -2.197526      -2.184174      -2.176514      -2.169675      -2.161733      -2.150877      -2.143628      -2.129782      -2.114854      -2.089761      -2.060574      -2.010096      -1.939227      -1.836737      -1.727434      -1.583432      -1.361986     -0.9353619      -2.638855      -2.546597      -2.475569      -2.424610      -2.379827      -2.336899      -2.294443      -2.250742      -2.214500      -2.174415      -2.136669      -2.089974      -2.043593      -1.977530      -1.897468      -1.794508      -1.676908      -1.540494      -1.331484     -0.9353619      -3.337235      -3.167624      -3.020285      -2.904551      -2.802525      -2.701193      -2.602604      -2.510710      -2.433537      -2.356495      -2.278259      -2.195838      -2.113278      -2.028296      -1.922095      -1.801608      -1.658537      -1.516420  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-0.9404883      -1.142887      -1.360507      -1.589026      -1.796093      -1.986888      -2.089014      -2.180404      -2.333241      -2.451661      -2.543673      -2.525869      -2.507761      -2.416078      -2.084606      -1.154860      0.1625013     -0.1160344     -0.4036953     -0.6747599     -0.9233964      -1.154939      -1.385074      -1.607135      -1.817912      -1.998778      -2.112977      -2.229680      -2.369401      -2.477745      -2.557475      -2.524628      -2.503423      -2.398196      -2.059197      -1.154860      0.1216178     -0.1527023     -0.4284649     -0.6942789     -0.9521304      -1.193171      -1.419024      -1.639464      -1.847814      -2.017569      -2.150426      -2.277255      -2.404336      -2.502407      -2.566060      -2.526989      -2.498127      -2.378173      -2.032336      -1.154860      4.3620124E-02 -0.2194014     -0.4905342     -0.7530736      -1.008312      -1.244697      -1.468603      -1.687312      -1.885204      -2.051952      -2.195615 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-2.269720      -1.912120      -1.154860     -0.5650486     -0.7589132     -0.9740783      -1.190400      -1.399964      -1.594128      -1.778424      -1.948695      -2.097865      -2.231984      -2.351589      -2.449925      -2.524405      -2.561032      -2.562112      -2.512502      -2.420317      -2.234219      -1.879702      -1.154860     -0.7764147     -0.9485622      -1.143935      -1.336781      -1.522094      -1.701784      -1.865015      -2.014923      -2.151082      -2.274498      -2.384334      -2.472691      -2.534860      -2.561573      -2.551551      -2.492368      -2.388351      -2.194889      -1.846532      -1.154860      -1.010203      -1.154046      -1.319254      -1.489958      -1.653908      -1.807594      -1.949311      -2.083091      -2.206063      -2.316364      -2.412135      -2.489012      -2.540123      -2.555457      -2.533981      -2.463748      -2.349895      -2.151513      -1.812137      -1.154860      -1.254371      -1.371613      -1.508598      -1.650162  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-2.458387      -2.466075      -2.458575      -2.423676      -2.362130      -2.259944      -2.126755      -1.938048      -1.661686      -1.154860      -2.447434      -2.411016      -2.399256      -2.404006      -2.414333      -2.420332      -2.427991      -2.438128      -2.445489      -2.450660      -2.450949      -2.437067      -2.411749      -2.363927      -2.294069      -2.188203      -2.053973      -1.877069      -1.621117      -1.154860      -2.884006      -2.790274      -2.723323      -2.679764      -2.643872      -2.606418      -2.570442      -2.542432      -2.512400      -2.484067      -2.457150      -2.418794      -2.371654      -2.307284      -2.224730      -2.115652      -1.980170      -1.816239      -1.580898      -1.154860      -3.685809      -3.497877      -3.333759      -3.212942      -3.106146      -2.997941      -2.892706      -2.803058      -2.711727      -2.627877      -2.561567      -2.484160      -2.399953      -2.311718      -2.204223      -2.080762      -1.924754  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-2.784596      -2.598705      -2.205612      -1.352634     -0.3850942     -0.6286941     -0.8884183      -1.142895      -1.391319      -1.638486      -1.880681      -2.097039      -2.294233      -2.465017      -2.612018      -2.733344      -2.824949      -2.877154      -2.895727      -2.861478      -2.764848      -2.563395      -2.168853      -1.352634     -0.6241416     -0.8375727      -1.074147      -1.312220      -1.545979      -1.772821      -1.986315      -2.187835      -2.363928      -2.517172      -2.653336      -2.765917      -2.846846      -2.891023      -2.897780      -2.850496      -2.737864      -2.523046      -2.130348      -1.352634     -0.8854823      -1.071331      -1.285713      -1.501648      -1.705869      -1.905048      -2.097447      -2.271377      -2.428410      -2.569330      -2.691916      -2.792195      -2.862668      -2.896843      -2.890840      -2.829778      -2.703074      -2.477362      -2.091001      -1.352634      -1.175237      -1.329005      -1.508452  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-2.736798      -2.780343      -2.807313      -2.812255      -2.785443      -2.727870      -2.624074      -2.468298      -2.236275      -1.914260      -1.352634      -2.578226      -2.551885      -2.557592      -2.580711      -2.609908      -2.638989      -2.669326      -2.701232      -2.731232      -2.755711      -2.771757      -2.774623      -2.759468      -2.716574      -2.646849      -2.538605      -2.383292      -2.162953      -1.865010      -1.352634      -3.078195      -2.985210      -2.929047      -2.892938      -2.866837      -2.843899      -2.823454      -2.808654      -2.798858      -2.783259      -2.765605      -2.738787      -2.701223      -2.639956      -2.555986      -2.443284      -2.291898      -2.086871      -1.814669      -1.352634      -3.956423      -3.757896      -3.603686      -3.473963      -3.360107      -3.254103      -3.153633      -3.062121      -2.989047      -2.910318      -2.832900      -2.762817      -2.690169      -2.600601      -2.492087      -2.370174  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-0.1759869     -0.5673150     -0.9407834      -1.243604      -1.499808      -1.781037      -2.037242      -2.288999      -2.478010      -2.541800      -2.732804      -2.884337      -3.023045      -3.061021      -3.042575      -3.004399      -2.682917      -1.532598      0.6737590      0.2736205     -0.1318818     -0.5238632     -0.8848716      -1.207404      -1.501049      -1.786774      -2.054997      -2.307282      -2.489208      -2.620501      -2.790819      -2.932603      -3.058515      -3.068940      -3.059589      -2.996543      -2.655469      -1.532598      0.6418356      0.2479870     -0.1503397     -0.5292481     -0.8803625      -1.213652      -1.521816      -1.814473      -2.088837      -2.331435      -2.534003      -2.693123      -2.850163      -2.981125      -3.090381      -3.088484      -3.074996      -2.986250      -2.625651      -1.532598      0.5524925      0.1705311     -0.2142877     -0.5735317     -0.9181112      -1.251001      -1.564433      -1.865568      -2.139916 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-3.178657      -3.100148      -2.907220      -2.484269      -1.532598     -0.1866659     -0.4759685     -0.7817253      -1.083557      -1.376657      -1.660212      -1.940498      -2.212550      -2.461303      -2.673328      -2.856606      -2.998108      -3.107484      -3.177102      -3.209103      -3.188213      -3.090613      -2.875042      -2.444480      -1.532598     -0.4518197     -0.7101185     -0.9955728      -1.270045      -1.539099      -1.809067      -2.078063      -2.326843      -2.551403      -2.746315      -2.907892      -3.040550      -3.140329      -3.203252      -3.223547      -3.188289      -3.072354      -2.836787      -2.402613      -1.532598     -0.7449098     -0.9687685      -1.222724      -1.475878      -1.727016      -1.976349      -2.211780      -2.435842      -2.636742      -2.807925      -2.955684      -3.078651      -3.168061      -3.221202      -3.228491      -3.177099      -3.044614      -2.791999      -2.358274      -1.532598      -1.063737      -1.254575  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-2.938133      -3.020175      -3.085929      -3.136019      -3.160747      -3.144512      -3.088270      -2.981134      -2.807079      -2.533521      -2.157153      -1.532598      -2.670250      -2.657007      -2.685347      -2.728775      -2.777645      -2.830698      -2.888636      -2.945765      -3.003563      -3.048660      -3.081851      -3.103733      -3.105786      -3.070707      -2.998961      -2.885465      -2.711472      -2.450064      -2.099176      -1.532598      -3.229071      -3.141254      -3.101131      -3.076810      -3.061330      -3.055129      -3.057863      -3.062541      -3.071837      -3.074245      -3.067111      -3.056600      -3.031146      -2.976476      -2.890113      -2.770759      -2.602867      -2.360948      -2.037949      -1.532598      -4.185158      -3.969456      -3.821310      -3.696158      -3.580369      -3.477776      -3.391364      -3.313601      -3.247732      -3.182838      -3.111104      -3.047676      -2.980614      -2.898608      -2.790260  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0.3963733     -5.7468995E-02 -0.4916438     -0.9073467      -1.271705      -1.581626      -1.884745      -2.158971      -2.426606      -2.649602      -2.714150      -2.909013      -3.074042      -3.229576      -3.293224      -3.264512      -3.253367      -2.951972      -1.697697      0.9401958      0.4725908      1.0613542E-02 -0.4266863     -0.8435716      -1.235161      -1.574185      -1.882595      -2.173246      -2.444520      -2.659907      -2.800678      -2.979160      -3.134217      -3.275725      -3.305101      -3.291411      -3.252337      -2.925333      -1.697697      0.9159779      0.4597155      6.4026937E-03 -0.4276341     -0.8465665      -1.235420      -1.578384      -1.904728      -2.199997      -2.475966      -2.709511      -2.880618      -3.054591      -3.196411      -3.320140      -3.333520      -3.318800      -3.249376      -2.895834      -1.697697      0.8219097      0.3856325     -5.6212418E-02 -0.4812273     -0.8858638      -1.256986      -1.612591      -1.940889  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-3.470603      -3.472018      -3.393043      -3.198435      -2.750459      -1.697697      1.9478237E-02 -0.3151894     -0.6636230      -1.005701      -1.342326      -1.677765      -1.996932      -2.300769      -2.592964      -2.859815      -3.077737      -3.251544      -3.378474      -3.461437      -3.503474      -3.493426      -3.393919      -3.171709      -2.708683      -1.697697     -0.2696842     -0.5695649     -0.8936576      -1.214102      -1.530388      -1.835337      -2.138480      -2.434570      -2.713490      -2.947975      -3.151311      -3.306365      -3.422336      -3.498623      -3.530217      -3.504774      -3.385062      -3.137660      -2.664343      -1.697697     -0.5899208     -0.8553829      -1.151237      -1.440454      -1.726071      -2.014565      -2.303880      -2.573576      -2.819848      -3.032026      -3.210056      -3.354759      -3.461686      -3.527588      -3.547390      -3.504516      -3.365429      -3.095375      -2.617093      -1.697697     -0.9418966  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-3.058243      -3.181754      -3.289644      -3.382087      -3.453892      -3.496503      -3.493181      -3.443207      -3.332927      -3.137189      -2.827384      -2.395414      -1.697697      -2.734307      -2.736988      -2.786316      -2.850744      -2.922218      -3.004105      -3.091724      -3.178031      -3.259997      -3.330894      -3.386150      -3.427740      -3.442850      -3.418159      -3.352346      -3.230836      -3.034194      -2.733160      -2.329780      -1.697697      -3.351433      -3.266789      -3.240937      -3.234094      -3.236446      -3.249762      -3.274962      -3.304333      -3.333144      -3.356643      -3.368948      -3.373995      -3.356721      -3.309905      -3.230638      -3.101759      -2.911358      -2.629654      -2.259106      -1.697697      -4.377232      -4.155059      -4.008133      -3.884072      -3.772417      -3.680374      -3.608914      -3.550018      -3.497037      -3.445425      -3.392763      -3.340138      -3.270549      -3.195194  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1.117525      0.5641778      4.8988100E-02 -0.4316525     -0.8803249      -1.286928      -1.643505      -1.984690      -2.282251      -2.561668      -2.806385      -2.887267      -3.078184      -3.250097      -3.419902      -3.503887      -3.468213      -3.479229      -3.202412      -1.850200       1.205825      0.6636366      0.1446373     -0.3374268     -0.7967454      -1.231689      -1.633185      -1.985635      -2.290788      -2.583485      -2.816192      -2.982528      -3.161456      -3.323764      -3.477191      -3.521796      -3.505326      -3.486115      -3.177663      -1.850200       1.186213      0.6667769      0.1574134     -0.3263183     -0.7879738      -1.233241      -1.640053      -1.993020      -2.317555      -2.613014      -2.871111      -3.069934      -3.248159      -3.401538      -3.535959      -3.561832      -3.543925      -3.491826      -3.149587      -1.850200       1.092001      0.5954353      0.1010450     -0.3722651     -0.8310396      -1.266747      -1.660190   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-3.677960      -3.739065      -3.747227      -3.668110      -3.475721      -3.004511      -1.850200      0.2270329     -0.1524611     -0.5431228     -0.9266686      -1.302410      -1.675808      -2.041118      -2.389135      -2.707065      -3.011527      -3.280611      -3.484726      -3.634983      -3.732278      -3.784507      -3.781028      -3.680663      -3.456482      -2.961836      -1.850200     -8.2066230E-02 -0.4230877     -0.7863320      -1.144454      -1.500208      -1.857496      -2.197579      -2.524246      -2.840120      -3.131806      -3.368564      -3.558804      -3.690824      -3.780280      -3.823553      -3.805015      -3.683298      -3.428733      -2.916098      -1.850200     -0.4278195     -0.7317589      -1.062257      -1.393757      -1.722797      -2.046924      -2.368479      -2.686595      -2.981719      -3.233843      -3.450048      -3.618569      -3.739917      -3.821155      -3.852360      -3.817461      -3.674145      -3.391359      -2.866862      -1.850200  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-3.095184      -3.260740      -3.413835      -3.551304      -3.667912      -3.758798      -3.817192      -3.833873      -3.793690      -3.679753      -3.465492      -3.123828      -2.628199      -1.850200      -2.771219      -2.791223      -2.865799      -2.953013      -3.050046      -3.161820      -3.280516      -3.397095      -3.505649      -3.603063      -3.685572      -3.740979      -3.769724      -3.763088      -3.703899      -3.575416      -3.356217      -3.021876      -2.555757      -1.850200      -3.452271      -3.375357      -3.360312      -3.367463      -3.391536      -3.431579      -3.481627      -3.535652      -3.586387      -3.631058      -3.670048      -3.683439      -3.678842      -3.647758      -3.571136      -3.435322      -3.219198      -2.907021      -2.476834      -1.850200      -4.541509      -4.318401      -4.166962      -4.044132      -3.943698      -3.869203      -3.817104      -3.776020      -3.737565      -3.701698      -3.672530      -3.623708      -3.569359  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-1.991894       1.362579      0.7367927      0.1515685     -0.3874265     -0.8808191      -1.312218      -1.697600      -2.061759      -2.395565      -2.695647      -2.954572      -3.054423      -3.240344      -3.417937      -3.598273      -3.698907      -3.655934      -3.684425      -3.435790      -1.991894       1.472178      0.8554298      0.2717203     -0.2686377     -0.7610359      -1.228923      -1.666769      -2.068323      -2.414946      -2.717782      -2.972895      -3.156106      -3.340868      -3.505544      -3.669028      -3.724624      -3.705567      -3.699666      -3.413991      -1.991894       1.457367      0.8694416      0.2987742     -0.2319249     -0.7339338      -1.216126      -1.673115      -2.086102      -2.434363      -2.753527      -3.025888      -3.248611      -3.437539      -3.596020      -3.741990      -3.775238      -3.757242      -3.714250      -3.388437      -1.991894       1.361613      0.8002004      0.2536720     -0.2686638     -0.7692287      -1.251728  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-3.797941      -3.928476      -3.998716      -4.008407      -3.931024      -3.736443      -3.248291      -1.991894      0.4388274      1.4380509E-02 -0.4238999     -0.8489875      -1.267238      -1.676181      -2.073762      -2.462345      -2.825665      -3.153049      -3.454319      -3.701159      -3.879736      -3.995087      -4.056096      -4.055545      -3.955724      -3.726113      -3.205912      -1.991894      0.1060364     -0.2752299     -0.6772963      -1.073975      -1.467165      -1.860941      -2.245983      -2.614925      -2.956173      -3.282884      -3.570246      -3.789901      -3.951633      -4.054428      -4.106312      -4.091699      -3.970139      -3.706156      -3.159878      -1.991894     -0.2606719     -0.6029189     -0.9695051      -1.334612      -1.704307      -2.079187      -2.431500      -2.780275      -3.115962      -3.420901      -3.669076      -3.868269      -4.011342      -4.107027      -4.146704      -4.115811      -3.972758      -3.675259      -3.109658  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-3.047044      -3.254628      -3.453819      -3.637526      -3.803502      -3.945050      -4.056197      -4.136056      -4.165519      -4.131821      -4.017856      -3.789773      -3.414114      -2.856778      -1.991894      -2.789901      -2.827702      -2.923602      -3.036388      -3.165494      -3.308664      -3.458475      -3.606587      -3.743117      -3.866518      -3.974296      -4.049748      -4.099531      -4.104038      -4.045408      -3.914231      -3.677452      -3.306556      -2.777733      -1.991894      -3.531450      -3.466208      -3.464025      -3.487829      -3.534989      -3.601215      -3.679774      -3.760953      -3.833943      -3.901139      -3.962398      -3.994820      -4.009465      -3.987979      -3.907142      -3.765888      -3.530874      -3.181000      -2.690351      -1.991894      -4.687850      -4.458928      -4.307030      -4.189618      -4.104784      -4.050834      -4.019428      -3.997757      -3.976171      -3.956954      -3.943662      -3.916203  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-3.667480      -2.124210       1.618541      0.9137667      0.2515483     -0.3427809     -0.8823869      -1.366947      -1.764242      -2.141651      -2.493325      -2.822234      -3.098982      -3.217830      -3.397350      -3.578842      -3.764050      -3.882598      -3.829959      -3.872702      -3.653131      -2.124210       1.738806       1.046667      0.3981961     -0.1993304     -0.7501852      -1.243833      -1.703005      -2.134239      -2.522177      -2.859226      -3.124871      -3.323344      -3.513069      -3.680968      -3.849112      -3.917463      -3.892366      -3.896666      -3.635168      -2.124210       1.728306       1.070160      0.4388634     -0.1502548     -0.6924715      -1.204399      -1.693178      -2.152516      -2.556147      -2.892546      -3.184490      -3.419141      -3.622798      -3.783205      -3.936073      -3.977061      -3.958264      -3.920509      -3.613070      -2.124210       1.629543       1.002927      0.3990054     -0.1723851     -0.7119995  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-3.789976      -4.018085      -4.166616      -4.249658      -4.259189      -4.178026      -3.982235      -3.481572      -2.124210      0.6508731      0.1821451     -0.2987232     -0.7738963      -1.233799      -1.680245      -2.112082      -2.529434      -2.930226      -3.296758      -3.620275      -3.900705      -4.112357      -4.248185      -4.316407      -4.315737      -4.215324      -3.981355      -3.440192      -2.124210      0.3002601     -0.1265091     -0.5703633      -1.005306      -1.438969      -1.863606      -2.283654      -2.694194      -3.075754      -3.425679      -3.748559      -4.010328      -4.201166      -4.318870      -4.376623      -4.362161      -4.241810      -3.970384      -3.394540      -2.124210     -8.9969866E-02 -0.4697182     -0.8749310      -1.274868      -1.680491      -2.087475      -2.492944      -2.873455      -3.237836      -3.583051      -3.876920      -4.108397      -4.275514      -4.380687      -4.427636      -4.398002      -4.255490      -3.948026  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-2.921045      -3.166815      -3.409347      -3.640768      -3.855858      -4.050220      -4.216190      -4.352098      -4.450436      -4.488531      -4.458841      -4.344017      -4.104377      -3.702638      -3.080832      -2.124210      -2.792593      -2.852366      -2.968508      -3.106416      -3.269543      -3.448022      -3.630411      -3.808478      -3.975292      -4.126260      -4.257309      -4.361051      -4.427506      -4.437021      -4.381200      -4.245680      -3.991434      -3.591120      -2.996030      -2.124210      -3.595944      -3.538265      -3.552882      -3.597856      -3.670120      -3.763235      -3.869036      -3.977244      -4.078821      -4.171617      -4.252259      -4.314027      -4.343272      -4.321365      -4.242827      -4.094312      -3.837439      -3.454778      -2.901112      -2.124210      -4.817171      -4.583722      -4.431520      -4.326029      -4.257717      -4.224818      -4.212211      -4.208440      -4.209579      -4.214961      -4.219815  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-4.017458      -3.864287      -2.248313       1.873099       1.102253      0.3785766     -0.2999578     -0.8858488      -1.409084      -1.854678      -2.234680      -2.592724      -2.934875      -3.235932      -3.376261      -3.552530      -3.734455      -3.920994      -4.053348      -3.993532      -4.046787      -3.854337      -2.248313       2.007632       1.246401      0.5236461     -0.1330907     -0.7328257      -1.280439      -1.758926      -2.203200      -2.614865      -2.986007      -3.276048      -3.488941      -3.681533      -3.853523      -4.017565      -4.098995      -4.070239      -4.079516      -3.840623      -2.248313       1.999590       1.266553      0.5774496     -6.5347627E-02 -0.6659949      -1.211646      -1.719204      -2.206729      -2.654232      -3.035234      -3.335801      -3.590058      -3.800693      -3.967635      -4.116911      -4.168946      -4.149442      -4.112914      -3.822580      -2.248313       1.895904       1.205046      0.5415903     -8.2083702E-02 -0.6659873      -1.214670      -1.743785      -2.246989      -2.703104      -3.078046      -3.406406      -3.681863      -3.911011      -4.079744      -4.216262      -4.254751      -4.225654      -4.144605      -3.799613      -2.248313       1.719918       1.071000      0.4387996     -0.1582303     -0.7313653      -1.280401      -1.810826      -2.314814      -2.749680      -3.137092      -3.481909      -3.777317      -4.014964      -4.188768      -4.309817      -4.342496      -4.295765      -4.173314      -3.771105      -2.248313       1.482076      0.8752947      0.2798065     -0.2921189     -0.8491543      -1.388093      -1.911811      -2.384398      -2.813583      -3.216738      -3.571235      -3.878202      -4.115935      -4.294152      -4.400373      -4.425159      -4.359983      -4.197532      -3.738787      -2.248313       1.193012      0.6310197      7.3114604E-02 -0.4719371      -1.006784      -1.529465      -2.021722      -2.474684      -2.910946      -3.311491 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-4.527633      -4.211288      -3.572624      -2.248313     -0.3737342     -0.7405226      -1.138181      -1.538834      -1.947883      -2.365691      -2.777164      -3.172353      -3.556621      -3.915884      -4.205036      -4.443060      -4.606948      -4.706236      -4.748638      -4.702065      -4.536820      -4.183546      -3.517231      -2.248313     -0.8791750      -1.189739      -1.539701      -1.901890      -2.271450      -2.649298      -3.034678      -3.416092      -3.763855      -4.069939      -4.322129      -4.523393      -4.671221      -4.758885      -4.784200      -4.717216      -4.524423      -4.137926      -3.454438      -2.248313      -1.435145      -1.683588      -1.978010      -2.288490      -2.619025      -2.970249      -3.311589      -3.639252      -3.937141      -4.191443      -4.409528      -4.592645      -4.721897      -4.793945      -4.797100      -4.708500      -4.484905      -4.072561      -3.383143      -2.248313      -2.062697      -2.239203      -2.467987  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-4.482103      -4.510242      -4.524077      -4.508157      -4.457266      -4.357919      -4.193296      -3.938732      -3.553943      -2.996197      -2.248313      -41.62963      -40.68000      -39.51798      -38.16915      -36.65767      -35.00276      -33.22034      -31.32333      -29.32231      -27.22604      -25.04190      -22.77620      -20.43438      -18.02117      -15.54101      -12.99714      -10.39286      -7.731661      -5.015991      -2.248313      0.6883435     -0.1361651     -0.7505332      -1.044212      -1.591257      -2.007946      -2.358940      -2.483690      -2.771103      -3.035310      -3.274388      -3.455032      -3.490579      -3.693758      -3.882199      -4.046271      -4.032784      -4.143284      -4.048245      -2.365163       1.687604      0.8519976      0.1653046     -0.5001355      -1.129518      -1.686976      -2.069118      -2.380071      -2.698535      -3.014199      -3.307761      -3.436985      -3.554968      -3.762460      -3.969234      -4.138740  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0.6834993      8.7302197E-03 -0.6283728      -1.215751      -1.764670      -2.295480      -2.792764      -3.218590      -3.558692      -3.853326      -4.091518      -4.272655      -4.407341      -4.448057      -4.420380      -4.332329      -3.999593      -2.365163       1.975746       1.267980      0.5818116     -6.4929411E-02 -0.6813771      -1.262518      -1.824816      -2.363291      -2.861138      -3.273933      -3.640428      -3.947378      -4.202594      -4.386586      -4.514836      -4.547894      -4.502930      -4.371975      -3.974848      -2.365163       1.725053       1.063754      0.4197196     -0.1984952     -0.7930191      -1.367993      -1.926604      -2.457853      -2.924957      -3.348686      -3.725703      -4.052871      -4.308869      -4.497546      -4.615564      -4.638975      -4.578797      -4.407390      -3.945854      -2.365163       1.420276      0.8088172      0.2065005     -0.3824939     -0.9535733      -1.514050      -2.058637      -2.554281      -3.016125  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-4.931329      -4.790740      -4.464314      -3.790078      -2.365163     -0.2272520     -0.6261038      -1.057680      -1.493854      -1.935892      -2.385918      -2.837141      -3.270626      -3.681875      -4.072828      -4.417139      -4.677264      -4.860523      -4.972704      -5.019244      -4.976537      -4.811112      -4.445104      -3.735288      -2.365163     -0.7544653      -1.096529      -1.477437      -1.869983      -2.280512      -2.696644      -3.109831      -3.522293      -3.920956      -4.264767      -4.558358      -4.777680      -4.934906      -5.036149      -5.064300      -5.003510      -4.809515      -4.406013      -3.672027      -2.365163      -1.339722      -1.617343      -1.942033      -2.283238      -2.646492      -3.029457      -3.421487      -3.785948      -4.127546      -4.419388      -4.661407      -4.855397      -4.996762      -5.083208      -5.089042      -5.004722      -4.780475      -4.344413      -3.599160      -2.365163      -1.998256      -2.199693  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-4.696243      -4.758454      -4.807207      -4.833964      -4.828538      -4.779060      -4.665303      -4.494703      -4.226285      -3.807304      -3.190902      -2.365163      -45.88049      -44.84866      -43.57263      -42.08488      -40.41378      -38.58239      -36.60921      -34.50904      -32.29393      -29.97376      -27.55686      -25.05027      -22.46010      -19.79163      -17.04954      -14.23795      -11.36057      -8.420688      -5.421311      -2.365163      0.7966000     -9.8926567E-02 -0.8443698      -1.387886      -1.585795      -2.070469      -2.466931      -2.569807      -2.871536      -3.142151      -3.385749      -3.583156      -3.602206      -3.811110      -4.003847      -4.175035      -4.159752      -4.281704      -4.213651      -2.475562       1.895696      0.9842646      0.1672101     -0.4658461      -1.082729      -1.695126      -2.151543      -2.473355      -2.806120      -3.124238      -3.420609      -3.579184      -3.682665      -3.889280      -4.099835  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1.605731      0.8245504      9.6239172E-02 -0.5882570      -1.225297      -1.805463      -2.348099      -2.871676      -3.341262      -3.717351      -4.017295      -4.264431      -4.457133      -4.591503      -4.637332      -4.607753      -4.514319      -4.191332      -2.475562       2.229961       1.461165      0.7232453      2.4742249E-02 -0.6376724      -1.258009      -1.842367      -2.409161      -2.947120      -3.412457      -3.790729      -4.115807      -4.380281      -4.576993      -4.708673      -4.747734      -4.702116      -4.564547      -4.171171      -2.475562       1.965263       1.250232      0.5574335     -0.1104277     -0.7438325      -1.351737      -1.941809      -2.509569      -3.035250      -3.480279      -3.883485      -4.219683      -4.494754      -4.692346      -4.823856      -4.853044      -4.788697      -4.609968      -4.146162      -2.475562       1.644188      0.9834719      0.3367430     -0.2960355     -0.9054365      -1.499909      -2.080055      -2.631164   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-5.207789      -5.182567      -5.034778      -4.703013      -4.002581      -2.475562     -7.8159504E-02 -0.5118338     -0.9791319      -1.449931      -1.925529      -2.405896      -2.889032      -3.366530      -3.808554      -4.225452      -4.601821      -4.892509      -5.107167      -5.225720      -5.276566      -5.235429      -5.065237      -4.692305      -3.948983      -2.475562     -0.6287069      -1.000214      -1.413082      -1.838375      -2.281018      -2.737034      -3.186276      -3.627617      -4.057016      -4.456090      -4.773209      -5.020877      -5.194715      -5.297369      -5.331422      -5.271633      -5.074158      -4.661572      -3.885798      -2.475562      -1.242375      -1.547346      -1.899770      -2.277581      -2.673459      -3.086883      -3.511239      -3.931880      -4.305740      -4.644328      -4.910677      -5.117074      -5.267957      -5.353669      -5.366838      -5.283361      -5.054791      -4.607453      -3.811826      -2.475562      -1.932078  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-4.860538      -4.951145      -5.036756      -5.099455      -5.132735      -5.136650      -5.081741      -4.969267      -4.785985      -4.497767      -4.056820      -3.380622      -2.475562      -50.22493      -49.10967      -47.71679      -46.08607      -44.25046      -42.23758      -40.06838      -37.75964      -35.32486      -32.77512      -30.11991      -27.36634      -24.52190      -21.59220      -18.58240      -15.49705      -12.34047      -9.115559      -5.826340      -2.475562      0.9039733     -6.4396560E-02 -0.8692701      -1.476281      -2.019510      -2.114888      -2.551164      -2.640780      -2.959868      -3.242512      -3.494153      -3.703153      -3.707982      -3.922585      -4.118553      -4.296234      -4.279109      -4.411010      -4.366325      -2.580184       2.100889       1.119992      0.2413918     -0.5296299      -1.121549      -1.694398      -2.203681      -2.566506      -2.908193      -3.234782      -3.532543      -3.716513      -3.804661      -4.011568  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2.687416       1.807290      0.9743925      0.1848345     -0.5496206      -1.230736      -1.858788      -2.418984      -2.950965      -3.445758      -3.862039      -4.175421      -4.434980      -4.629766      -4.766556      -4.819919      -4.787297      -4.687322      -4.369977      -2.580184       2.482291       1.656291      0.8618159      0.1109434     -0.5963519      -1.262766      -1.874951      -2.459081      -3.021610      -3.534991      -3.945827      -4.276467      -4.551126      -4.759675      -4.898011      -4.941788      -4.892270      -4.746364      -4.355278      -2.580184       2.203242       1.434169      0.6922073     -2.3158576E-02 -0.7028042      -1.344574      -1.958938      -2.557338      -3.125769      -3.619561      -4.030319      -4.384074      -4.672238      -4.881968      -5.024273      -5.056436      -4.988434      -4.801234      -4.335587      -2.580184       1.865683       1.159135      0.4643814     -0.2125199     -0.8612566      -1.488299      -2.098114   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-5.368818      -5.444790      -5.421443      -5.276896      -4.937609      -4.212074      -2.580184      6.9678314E-02 -0.3988721     -0.9036899      -1.408474      -1.918987      -2.430045      -2.940341      -3.452103      -3.941985      -4.376860      -4.773871      -5.104317      -5.334358      -5.465198      -5.522528      -5.483009      -5.317720      -4.936812      -4.161752      -2.580184     -0.5030382     -0.9049179      -1.348161      -1.807069      -2.282225      -2.767729      -3.262286      -3.736044      -4.193236      -4.623417      -4.981915      -5.253814      -5.440979      -5.544344      -5.587095      -5.529246      -5.336650      -4.913924      -4.100317      -2.580184      -1.143570      -1.474757      -1.854357      -2.265554      -2.700840      -3.145153      -3.599989      -4.055802      -4.484365      -4.850130      -5.146085      -5.365895      -5.524517      -5.610579      -5.633751      -5.552933      -5.326287      -4.865517      -4.026494      -2.580184  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-4.973630      -5.088982      -5.207061      -5.317358      -5.390884      -5.426864      -5.432449      -5.382913      -5.273793      -5.076199      -4.777220      -4.305010      -3.572939      -2.580184      -54.65804      -53.45810      -51.94537      -50.16724      -48.16318      -45.96407      -43.59392      -41.07148      -38.41179      -35.62711      -32.72766      -29.72209      -26.61781      -23.42127      -20.13812      -16.77333      -13.33136      -9.816176      -6.231373      -2.580184       1.007202     -3.2817386E-02 -0.9014312      -1.527349      -2.107841      -2.581537      -2.542473      -2.719770      -3.060755      -3.335763      -3.597303      -3.816313      -3.808987      -4.028992      -4.228157      -4.410463      -4.390061      -4.533710      -4.508554      -2.679603       2.306895       1.248163      0.3028899     -0.5129858      -1.233675      -1.751997      -2.220044      -2.644145      -3.002544      -3.339222      -3.645054      -3.849438      -3.922935  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-2.679603       2.947619       2.004606       1.121539      0.2862451     -0.5105394      -1.238691      -1.900820      -2.510202      -3.038657      -3.546068      -3.986840      -4.333066      -4.595570      -4.800467      -4.936824      -4.993024      -4.960203      -4.851676      -4.535632      -2.679603       2.729952       1.848604       1.007125      0.1945803     -0.5578231      -1.264240      -1.923827      -2.521201      -3.096576      -3.635654      -4.089711      -4.431289      -4.717631      -4.939962      -5.074900      -5.124625      -5.076806      -4.922360      -4.525221      -2.679603       2.438892       1.615019      0.8233688      6.0426462E-02 -0.6622325      -1.348384      -1.985151      -2.606274      -3.201200      -3.745593      -4.177064      -4.543283      -4.839174      -5.071228      -5.208344      -5.249798      -5.184227      -4.988427      -4.509647      -2.679603       2.085486       1.332150      0.5890540     -0.1320462     -0.8221105      -1.479745  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-5.394429      -5.582446      -5.670382      -5.656215      -5.509386      -5.161458      -4.403748      -2.679603      0.2159443     -0.2866308     -0.8239417      -1.369037      -1.913946      -2.456717      -2.998191      -3.537934      -4.058132      -4.527462      -4.937200      -5.292238      -5.541586      -5.695869      -5.757671      -5.728648      -5.559011      -5.168903      -4.356761      -2.679603     -0.3789476     -0.8116893      -1.285829      -1.777473      -2.284289      -2.799091      -3.324618      -3.849896      -4.329242      -4.777676      -5.172557      -5.466411      -5.669049      -5.787904      -5.832830      -5.785849      -5.587469      -5.153500      -4.297873      -2.679603      -1.044173      -1.398369      -1.808939      -2.249717      -2.720546      -3.204340      -3.690063      -4.179493      -4.648827      -5.045675      -5.365047      -5.606073      -5.766725      -5.867114      -5.891817      -5.820242      -5.588344      -5.110539      -4.225204  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-5.054779      -5.172298      -5.314622      -5.464596      -5.588112      -5.677874      -5.733591      -5.742855      -5.699765      -5.578557      -5.365475      -5.042140      -4.533332      -3.761122      -2.679603      -59.17545      -57.88960      -56.25412      -54.32507      -52.14806      -49.75821      -47.18238      -44.44139      -41.55181      -38.52712      -35.37853      -32.11551      -28.74615      -25.27748      -21.71565      -18.06608      -14.33359      -10.52250      -6.636673      -2.679603       1.105619     -1.4837120E-02 -0.9307306      -1.575604      -2.181277      -2.684973      -3.045096      -2.659469      -3.144936      -3.437940      -3.691742      -3.922317      -3.905915      -4.129855      -4.333514      -4.519050      -4.495355      -4.649067      -4.643640      -2.774314       2.503875       1.367140      0.3697147     -0.4949133      -1.254607      -1.887135      -2.306703      -2.685123      -3.098914      -3.428626      -3.753132      -3.978224  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-4.697754      -2.774314       3.204683       2.198018       1.267080      0.3880379     -0.4479225      -1.246381      -1.943952      -2.580422      -3.145457      -3.644796      -4.101413      -4.478727      -4.751717      -4.967827      -5.103015      -5.160003      -5.127997      -5.012402      -4.699984      -2.774314       2.975517       2.037916       1.147798      0.2918122     -0.5213915      -1.269149      -1.960552      -2.602746      -3.176983      -3.728508      -4.214632      -4.586784      -4.877557      -5.107275      -5.249968      -5.303287      -5.255383      -5.091698      -4.695130      -2.774314       2.669988       1.795573      0.9560343      0.1426385     -0.6260538      -1.348637      -2.028604      -2.660664      -3.275834      -3.842959      -4.319384      -4.691350      -4.999755      -5.240022      -5.388103      -5.438093      -5.371929      -5.166135      -4.684603      -2.774314       2.300499       1.495507      0.7136201     -5.6298800E-02 -0.7846273  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-5.269064      -5.571616      -5.787976      -5.892582      -5.882331      -5.723974      -5.370691      -4.597258      -2.774314      0.3597867     -0.1752768     -0.7448481      -1.324092      -1.912202      -2.484636      -3.060815      -3.628448      -4.174150      -4.670263      -5.096406      -5.462588      -5.743178      -5.918849      -5.988812      -5.961645      -5.782069      -5.387011      -4.552678      -2.774314     -0.2556260     -0.7191234      -1.225902      -1.749678      -2.288373      -2.833346      -3.391566      -3.949233      -4.465550      -4.926718      -5.338683      -5.666074      -5.894247      -6.028428      -6.073253      -6.025171      -5.819643      -5.380797      -4.495000      -2.774314     -0.9437791      -1.322564      -1.762362      -2.234242      -2.735604      -3.258202      -3.784933      -4.303158      -4.796671      -5.233657      -5.570763      -5.833120      -6.012236      -6.121220      -6.142894      -6.065898      -5.828789      -5.346480  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-5.109307      -5.224528      -5.375717      -5.553235      -5.721126      -5.862110      -5.970232      -6.037704      -6.054250      -6.000972      -5.861079      -5.635346      -5.292093      -4.767626      -3.941073      -2.774314      -63.77322      -62.40026      -60.63921      -58.55555      -56.20155      -53.61666      -50.83067      -47.86650      -44.74229      -41.47278      -38.07018      -34.54478      -30.90538      -27.15958      -23.31404      -19.37463      -15.34655      -11.23444      -7.042445      -2.774314       1.197786      1.8623404E-03 -0.9573322      -1.630946      -2.246627      -2.764963      -3.188822      -2.786874      -3.216070      -3.530272      -3.787538      -4.023720      -3.998265      -4.225355      -4.433475      -4.622503      -4.596193      -4.756585      -4.769188      -2.864743       2.697511       1.489974      0.4291608     -0.4835730      -1.276726      -1.960439      -2.436057      -2.722569      -3.174183      -3.528773      -3.855111  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1.9301804E-02 -0.7512665      -1.482180      -2.176701      -2.843920      -3.486810      -4.075410      -4.559942      -4.957397      -5.283360      -5.543588      -5.712606      -5.750038      -5.658005      -5.408326      -4.842062      -2.864743       2.087257       1.301953      0.5242927     -0.2376136     -0.9658192      -1.665009      -2.350168      -3.022132      -3.661167      -4.218016      -4.683590      -5.091241      -5.428975      -5.680752      -5.850443      -5.875453      -5.758360      -5.476447      -4.830034      -2.864743       1.606419      0.8937953      0.1673923     -0.5400377      -1.228570      -1.907521      -2.577948      -3.239687      -3.838655      -4.367851      -4.841725      -5.251919      -5.582230      -5.826457      -5.981505      -5.986566      -5.850211      -5.531523      -4.810760      -2.864743       1.076839      0.4356520     -0.2288962     -0.8869802      -1.542691      -2.193173      -2.842649      -3.459667      -4.037921      -4.561706  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-1.734582      -1.764020      -1.798033      -1.834025      -1.857165      -1.865883      -1.855553      -1.820733      -1.775509      -1.706649      -1.596463      -1.422678      -1.004622      -1.316836      -1.381784      -1.446095      -1.521588      -1.591713      -1.652448      -1.704268      -1.743870      -1.770033      -1.802625      -1.836090      -1.855992      -1.860796      -1.846817      -1.808363      -1.761752      -1.692222      -1.582751      -1.412101      -1.004622      -1.347244      -1.410848      -1.473859      -1.547958      -1.612865      -1.670246      -1.717465      -1.751547      -1.777032      -1.807358      -1.836735      -1.853749      -1.854624      -1.836538      -1.795173      -1.747193      -1.677125      -1.568547      -1.401248      -1.004622      -1.383746      -1.446065      -1.506833      -1.574532      -1.635163      -1.687728      -1.728604      -1.760824      -1.784418      -1.811777      -1.837171      -1.850209      -1.846604      -1.824483  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-1.623225      -1.572146      -1.513309      -1.450920      -1.369239      -1.256488      -1.004622      -1.832374      -1.819832      -1.806387      -1.802522      -1.796064      -1.788033      -1.775708      -1.757856      -1.733577      -1.712109      -1.692886      -1.667738      -1.635762      -1.595259      -1.545371      -1.484841      -1.423685      -1.346190      -1.239877      -1.004622      -1.862834      -1.842536      -1.821504      -1.811115      -1.798682      -1.784891      -1.767347      -1.744624      -1.715918      -1.689815      -1.666988      -1.639929      -1.607002      -1.566901      -1.518131      -1.460313      -1.395883      -1.322324      -1.221978      -1.004622      -1.910730      -1.881356      -1.851602      -1.833757      -1.814510      -1.793524      -1.770833      -1.744759      -1.714791      -1.681021      -1.644425      -1.615880      -1.581995      -1.541523      -1.494035      -1.438061      -1.372700      -1.298836      -1.202900      -1.004622  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-2.899393      -2.899402      -2.889674      -2.858942      -2.800987      -2.705964      -2.613525      -2.477784      -2.273567      -1.860027      -2.558568      -2.592951      -2.642911      -2.693006      -2.736799      -2.771093      -2.804220      -2.833418      -2.857351      -2.873310      -2.872045      -2.859123      -2.839209      -2.801075      -2.738148      -2.640834      -2.549472      -2.423795      -2.236539      -1.860027      -2.738196      -2.743456      -2.764636      -2.787117      -2.804652      -2.814134      -2.824486      -2.833286      -2.839700      -2.840433      -2.826034      -2.800918      -2.772396      -2.728949      -2.663148      -2.566298      -2.477963      -2.365517      -2.196949      -1.860027      -2.903827      -2.878422      -2.873427      -2.869100      -2.859829      -2.843371      -2.829812      -2.817006      -2.805025      -2.790811      -2.763782      -2.727273      -2.690840      -2.642764      -2.577756      -2.489598      -2.399706  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-3.197373      -3.228946      -3.238701      -3.235396      -3.205434      -3.149304      -3.051413      -2.938335      -2.780222      -2.543645      -2.079525      -2.680535      -2.732659      -2.805052      -2.879669      -2.950608      -3.013675      -3.066064      -3.116082      -3.160978      -3.195751      -3.210624      -3.204613      -3.186730      -3.144380      -3.080402      -2.979130      -2.865118      -2.716556      -2.499563      -2.079525      -2.918665      -2.933486      -2.969400      -3.009138      -3.048396      -3.081362      -3.106213      -3.131024      -3.152796      -3.167600      -3.165496      -3.144709      -3.114254      -3.061889      -2.992789      -2.891956      -2.780965      -2.646739      -2.452188      -2.079525      -3.147720      -3.121809      -3.118907      -3.120582      -3.124078      -3.124557      -3.119226      -3.117091      -3.114885      -3.109439      -3.090698      -3.056777      -3.016131      -2.956641      -2.884828      -2.791364  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-1.205910      -1.539078      -1.836218      -2.053066      -2.233741      -2.475049      -2.696779      -2.898373      -3.048833      -3.104514      -3.273652      -3.414847      -3.530189      -3.571805      -3.574132      -3.530750      -3.252143      -2.277299     -0.3965018     -0.7606007      -1.126414      -1.467874      -1.759887      -1.988750      -2.210784      -2.463089      -2.697380      -2.906490      -3.034822      -3.119526      -3.291198      -3.433136      -3.546027      -3.565837      -3.568232      -3.515238      -3.227284      -2.277299     -0.3704315     -0.7422484      -1.106784      -1.434070      -1.722436      -1.981350      -2.221817      -2.479337      -2.718781      -2.918188      -3.042565      -3.154504      -3.317794      -3.455899      -3.560883      -3.561490      -3.562703      -3.497841      -3.200847      -2.277299     -0.4081380     -0.7745829      -1.119280      -1.437154      -1.736783      -2.008376      -2.260645      -2.516888      -2.748031  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-3.563886      -3.525287      -3.401521      -3.077868      -2.277299     -0.9284618      -1.231922      -1.527284      -1.814235      -2.082475      -2.336274      -2.568617      -2.791997      -2.986122      -3.155526      -3.293406      -3.397372      -3.495335      -3.557931      -3.586599      -3.561192      -3.506939      -3.368734      -3.043053      -2.277299      -1.137299      -1.422288      -1.697947      -1.959973      -2.216214      -2.462485      -2.687212      -2.887045      -3.068262      -3.222628      -3.348828      -3.443581      -3.522927      -3.570164      -3.589355      -3.553637      -3.483176      -3.331583      -3.006471      -2.277299      -1.369763      -1.626312      -1.881741      -2.129915      -2.374075      -2.601979      -2.799680      -2.986182      -3.147646      -3.286690      -3.400985      -3.483134      -3.543272      -3.580076      -3.588130      -3.539436      -3.453165      -3.289596      -2.967909      -2.277299      -1.618876      -1.852224  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-3.406635      -3.480192      -3.532885      -3.556717      -3.555304      -3.527803      -3.479261      -3.381230      -3.247306      -3.062752      -2.793004      -2.277299      -2.758981      -2.838583      -2.933730      -3.032274      -3.130879      -3.222668      -3.302670      -3.377020      -3.441731      -3.493712      -3.526386      -3.532075      -3.513982      -3.470343      -3.409242      -3.304155      -3.167120      -2.989535      -2.741954      -2.277299      -3.055800      -3.089185      -3.140556      -3.198452      -3.259859      -3.317012      -3.365119      -3.409745      -3.447296      -3.475195      -3.486885      -3.474196      -3.440492      -3.384650      -3.314249      -3.206592      -3.072822      -2.908973      -2.686849      -2.277299      -3.350394      -3.332597      -3.334489      -3.344882      -3.362733      -3.379668      -3.390811      -3.402753      -3.411571      -3.414253      -3.405199      -3.375112      -3.328218      -3.264924      -3.190687  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-0.7468143      -1.132115      -1.509536      -1.854628      -2.131837      -2.304215      -2.571658      -2.813706      -3.036737      -3.217547      -3.254208      -3.444121      -3.603808      -3.739160      -3.802563      -3.807754      -3.792583      -3.527457      -2.457263     -0.1735603     -0.6127543      -1.018728      -1.411712      -1.769191      -2.041301      -2.272355      -2.549256      -2.804324      -3.041859      -3.205446      -3.269058      -3.462307      -3.624556      -3.760171      -3.799911      -3.805457      -3.780205      -3.501915      -2.457263     -0.1291267     -0.5695693     -0.9827422      -1.378359      -1.722389      -2.017510      -2.279131      -2.558060      -2.820947      -3.057259      -3.203665      -3.308460      -3.493233      -3.652389      -3.781569      -3.796362      -3.805276      -3.766034      -3.474436      -2.457263     -0.1561258     -0.5893479      -1.000915      -1.379604      -1.722704      -2.035319      -2.312051      -2.592509 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-3.830614      -3.824528      -3.792511      -3.681249      -3.343005      -2.457263     -0.7169076      -1.071674      -1.408896      -1.738129      -2.060777      -2.367740      -2.632939      -2.886577      -3.120106      -3.326715      -3.494457      -3.610863      -3.718388      -3.801013      -3.844028      -3.831050      -3.781350      -3.650269      -3.305125      -2.457263     -0.9428841      -1.273760      -1.592947      -1.906146      -2.210001      -2.492337      -2.755870      -3.003971      -3.223600      -3.410463      -3.566135      -3.668565      -3.756924      -3.822468      -3.856770      -3.832919      -3.764590      -3.614218      -3.265123      -2.457263      -1.200150      -1.506059      -1.805481      -2.089961      -2.372330      -2.646463      -2.900712      -3.126298      -3.323156      -3.494175      -3.631367      -3.721840      -3.789626      -3.843408      -3.865996      -3.828425      -3.740958      -3.572406      -3.222787      -2.457263      -1.484393  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-3.540515      -3.650675      -3.744918      -3.817885      -3.851895      -3.857085      -3.841032      -3.796470      -3.694618      -3.543191      -3.332066      -3.026570      -2.457263      -2.801869      -2.912375      -3.035310      -3.161659      -3.287521      -3.408047      -3.519254      -3.618303      -3.703349      -3.774410      -3.826085      -3.840555      -3.825344      -3.790671      -3.729968      -3.616247      -3.457321      -3.250618      -2.968741      -2.457263      -3.157475      -3.212277      -3.284222      -3.363935      -3.447029      -3.528732      -3.603816      -3.669727      -3.725304      -3.769255      -3.796549      -3.790730      -3.755682      -3.704633      -3.631716      -3.511921      -3.353492      -3.160249      -2.905979      -2.457263      -3.514343      -3.510378      -3.522581      -3.545863      -3.578524      -3.614722      -3.647619      -3.674453      -3.696048      -3.710920      -3.712799      -3.687368      -3.635808      -3.573125  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-0.1561750     -0.6409031      -1.068289      -1.485188      -1.866817      -2.190617      -2.372590      -2.664663      -2.924652      -3.167102      -3.370758      -3.398493      -3.599818      -3.774808      -3.927381      -4.010703      -4.014693      -4.026441      -3.781599      -2.622362      5.0392143E-02 -0.4634983     -0.9179833      -1.354533      -1.755906      -2.078238      -2.338954      -2.634958      -2.909217      -3.167675      -3.361646      -3.413623      -3.617914      -3.798115      -3.953224      -4.012506      -4.015536      -4.017474      -3.756173      -2.622362      0.1166771     -0.3984773     -0.8620049      -1.303181      -1.702357      -2.054612      -2.345813      -2.640983      -2.923869      -3.183213      -3.354223      -3.456534      -3.653409      -3.830651      -3.980696      -4.009099      -4.019714      -4.006976      -3.728453      -2.622362      9.7522549E-02 -0.4088478     -0.8693156      -1.303235      -1.710638      -2.070317      -2.373052 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-3.994313      -4.059549      -4.062419      -4.033782      -3.937556      -3.591506      -2.622362     -0.5054499     -0.9134806      -1.297588      -1.670950      -2.031354      -2.378677      -2.695269      -2.980640      -3.237775      -3.476099      -3.676953      -3.805788      -3.928701      -4.026555      -4.081134      -4.077884      -4.030349      -3.909743      -3.551223      -2.622362     -0.7453223      -1.125115      -1.484651      -1.839030      -2.189378      -2.523013      -2.823371      -3.097471      -3.351969      -3.580870      -3.761148      -3.880373      -3.980768      -4.058407      -4.103309      -4.089193      -4.020938      -3.876182      -3.508427      -2.622362      -1.021408      -1.369556      -1.707259      -2.042413      -2.372347      -2.680030      -2.970817      -3.238124      -3.478122      -3.678500      -3.844810      -3.947107      -4.026354      -4.091080      -4.122959      -4.094220      -4.004253      -3.835897      -3.462864      -2.622362  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-3.594066      -3.746569      -3.880351      -3.994561      -4.085379      -4.131212      -4.144765      -4.138616      -4.095897      -3.993886      -3.821226      -3.586645      -3.247463      -2.622362      -2.819856      -2.961840      -3.112877      -3.267540      -3.423958      -3.577904      -3.719708      -3.842614      -3.949927      -4.040267      -4.107897      -4.134597      -4.125823      -4.097998      -4.035608      -3.917304      -3.732362      -3.498670      -3.183198      -2.622362      -3.230958      -3.308757      -3.403205      -3.505157      -3.612768      -3.723011      -3.826086      -3.913627      -3.988715      -4.051127      -4.091783      -4.095482      -4.064852      -4.015666      -3.937892      -3.808770      -3.621580      -3.397573      -3.113042      -2.622362      -3.649539      -3.658123      -3.686115      -3.726068      -3.777019      -3.833779      -3.889162      -3.933800      -3.970349      -3.999613      -4.012116      -3.992447      -3.942835  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-2.774865      2.0559302E-02 -0.5437172      -1.014609      -1.475840      -1.886360      -2.244543      -2.450746      -2.746373      -3.029253      -3.289016      -3.512218      -3.547185      -3.743524      -3.931790      -4.099186      -4.200078      -4.200954      -4.237267      -4.016602      -2.774865      0.2627089     -0.3215738     -0.8361748      -1.312300      -1.746510      -2.107615      -2.399651      -2.715102      -3.011321      -3.286822      -3.504926      -3.558685      -3.763393      -3.956961      -4.129245      -4.206310      -4.205207      -4.231920      -3.992016      -2.774865      0.3549244     -0.2310455     -0.7522644      -1.236137      -1.676767      -2.068983      -2.407008      -2.726621      -3.024169      -3.304786      -3.492224      -3.606169      -3.804416      -3.994848      -4.162574      -4.203285      -4.213436      -4.225480      -3.964793      -2.774865      0.3463686     -0.2280491     -0.7430105      -1.224509      -1.674128      -2.087101  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-4.058656      -4.194778      -4.271255      -4.280939      -4.253433      -4.174853      -3.825261      -2.774865     -0.2852170     -0.7538276      -1.191626      -1.607284      -2.012876      -2.392979      -2.743964      -3.064531      -3.356827      -3.613849      -3.836168      -3.992959      -4.128562      -4.238122      -4.301289      -4.304503      -4.257619      -4.151571      -3.783288      -2.774865     -0.5488706     -0.9758861      -1.381349      -1.779819      -2.164802      -2.536634      -2.881742      -3.191262      -3.468270      -3.723812      -3.937660      -4.078549      -4.193799      -4.279932      -4.333658      -4.325201      -4.255977      -4.122058      -3.738419      -2.774865     -0.8409199      -1.230670      -1.610085      -1.984139      -2.354437      -2.712612      -3.036548      -3.330123      -3.603415      -3.846255      -4.033039      -4.159903      -4.251213      -4.323363      -4.364253      -4.340445      -4.247343      -4.085015      -3.690334  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-3.555152      -3.762182      -3.939336      -4.096269      -4.229843      -4.335822      -4.395952      -4.418126      -4.420063      -4.380548      -4.276977      -4.086753      -3.835263      -3.458313      -2.774865      -2.812749      -2.988242      -3.174101      -3.359179      -3.547621      -3.732777      -3.904530      -4.052486      -4.181389      -4.290920      -4.374638      -4.414010      -4.414017      -4.390615      -4.328943      -4.205113      -3.996944      -3.742423      -3.388074      -2.774865      -3.277910      -3.380694      -3.502716      -3.630149      -3.765149      -3.902456      -4.031195      -4.142251      -4.237721      -4.317317      -4.373079      -4.388336      -4.364974      -4.315647      -4.234603      -4.096069      -3.880474      -3.633168      -3.310899      -2.774865      -3.761291      -3.783027      -3.829177      -3.888051      -3.960061      -4.039898      -4.115284      -4.179634      -4.233699      -4.277064      -4.300366      -4.290187  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-4.254673      -2.916559      0.1986274     -0.4487142     -0.9631214      -1.464890      -1.913756      -2.303486      -2.529287      -2.822391      -3.123409      -3.403244      -3.643174      -3.690182      -3.876598      -4.077690      -4.257233      -4.373753      -4.371026      -4.428582      -4.234190      -2.916559      0.4738178     -0.1880073     -0.7583463      -1.283436      -1.756971      -2.143249      -2.456041      -2.782303      -3.103899      -3.400273      -3.638539      -3.697498      -3.899673      -4.105309      -4.291735      -4.384924      -4.378282      -4.426793      -4.211076      -2.916559      0.5925842     -7.2752140E-02 -0.6563233      -1.192481      -1.662210      -2.083801      -2.452258      -2.797957      -3.123666      -3.419056      -3.626368      -3.748966      -3.948499      -4.148499      -4.331458      -4.382314      -4.391430      -4.424562      -4.185027      -2.916559      0.5913739     -5.3383157E-02 -0.6311952      -1.155836      -1.641827  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-4.069056      -4.234990      -4.383198      -4.470600      -4.481792      -4.459946      -4.394379      -4.045701      -2.916559     -6.4166717E-02 -0.5840035      -1.075504      -1.549990      -1.996623      -2.413592      -2.797620      -3.142313      -3.464387      -3.751286      -3.983964      -4.165342      -4.315338      -4.438636      -4.510030      -4.515237      -4.472292      -4.376600      -4.002752      -2.916559     -0.3450687     -0.8263526      -1.282745      -1.721979      -2.149642      -2.553768      -2.929389      -3.274611      -3.587681      -3.859360      -4.091394      -4.264129      -4.394303      -4.490641      -4.551711      -4.545527      -4.479045      -4.352304      -3.956545      -2.916559     -0.6611086      -1.093281      -1.517114      -1.932308      -2.335830      -2.728943      -3.095231      -3.424030      -3.719249      -3.987895      -4.207973      -4.356863      -4.465551      -4.544711      -4.591374      -4.569716      -4.478666      -4.319921  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-3.396228      -3.670691      -3.916501      -4.123397      -4.301337      -4.453411      -4.573412      -4.646056      -4.681731      -4.687946      -4.652841      -4.546738      -4.345583      -4.077097      -3.660388      -2.916559      -2.785822      -2.992022      -3.216491      -3.438187      -3.663376      -3.879775      -4.077449      -4.251276      -4.402237      -4.529245      -4.625355      -4.676910      -4.691432      -4.672723      -4.611172      -4.481479      -4.257730      -3.981205      -3.584560      -2.916559      -3.306542      -3.432583      -3.581599      -3.740582      -3.905675      -4.071370      -4.224077      -4.359081      -4.475551      -4.571863      -4.638795      -4.665184      -4.653369      -4.610830      -4.523913      -4.372875      -4.138827      -3.866073      -3.500682      -2.916559      -3.852562      -3.888734      -3.953909      -4.034455      -4.130280      -4.233405      -4.330672      -4.414877      -4.487848      -4.546048      -4.577761  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-4.603106      -4.454345      -3.048875      0.3772374     -0.3350341     -0.9055464      -1.455801      -1.936210      -2.358990      -2.613834      -2.898395      -3.212487      -3.508030      -3.765754      -3.827098      -4.001141      -4.213398      -4.403222      -4.535400      -4.527322      -4.603413      -4.436062      -3.048875      0.6892191     -4.9185712E-02 -0.6834406      -1.251871      -1.764809      -2.194784      -2.518717      -2.850908      -3.186941      -3.504566      -3.765050      -3.830909      -4.028814      -4.244339      -4.441309      -4.552171      -4.537716      -4.605074      -4.414983      -3.048875      0.8257993      8.2334325E-02 -0.5620275      -1.146793      -1.668821      -2.111027      -2.498884      -2.861081      -3.210428      -3.530946      -3.754221      -3.885290      -4.084793      -4.292519      -4.486962      -4.551205      -4.556126      -4.607045      -4.390718      -3.048875      0.8384521      0.1156628     -0.5222051      -1.107262  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-4.029733      -4.227904      -4.400503      -4.559873      -4.659217      -4.674134      -4.653760      -4.598020      -4.254224      -3.048875      0.1555073     -0.4149220     -0.9539793      -1.478504      -1.981583      -2.438770      -2.849830      -3.228284      -3.567506      -3.876316      -4.130424      -4.327298      -4.493159      -4.625882      -4.707640      -4.715799      -4.674133      -4.586130      -4.210969      -3.048875     -0.1403842     -0.6682133      -1.174922      -1.673075      -2.135738      -2.575840      -2.982485      -3.353998      -3.695417      -3.995711      -4.239305      -4.433872      -4.583005      -4.691011      -4.758179      -4.754104      -4.689986      -4.567740      -4.164060      -3.048875     -0.4733850     -0.9570771      -1.425992      -1.882730      -2.326738      -2.747165      -3.145042      -3.511876      -3.838592      -4.124519      -4.365039      -4.541936      -4.668528      -4.756368      -4.807723      -4.787627      -4.698547  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-3.888994      -4.162857      -4.385054      -4.563186      -4.727648      -4.836535      -4.858591      -4.835267      -4.788868      -4.451371      -3.172978      0.3726050     -0.2453690     -0.8349572      -1.405371      -1.949308      -2.459166      -2.908798      -3.309524      -3.674633      -3.996607      -4.271088      -4.485751      -4.662776      -4.806232      -4.895827      -4.907327      -4.863894      -4.783362      -4.408472      -3.172978      6.2124692E-02 -0.5090171      -1.062382      -1.609674      -2.125803      -2.599807      -3.036143      -3.438190      -3.799942      -4.123649      -4.386383      -4.595489      -4.766451      -4.882603      -4.956282      -4.953997      -4.887741      -4.771279      -4.361647      -3.172978     -0.2882066     -0.8145303      -1.332263      -1.839880      -2.315478      -2.773692      -3.196681      -3.593006      -3.951455      -4.259928      -4.512671      -4.716543      -4.862834      -4.959394      -5.013932      -4.996448  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-2.780438      -3.132686      -3.497247      -3.855513      -4.170627      -4.452469      -4.687764      -4.871868      -5.013179      -5.110738      -5.175604      -5.192651      -5.161330      -5.050066      -4.838803      -4.533416      -4.043164      -3.172978      -2.696805      -2.960730      -3.248347      -3.546817      -3.854932      -4.148957      -4.406173      -4.629133      -4.819869      -4.976108      -5.093092      -5.169546      -5.210546      -5.203392      -5.143460      -5.003341      -4.761144      -4.433823      -3.957371      -3.172978      -3.322366      -3.499064      -3.706961      -3.928595      -4.159039      -4.384360      -4.588002      -4.769834      -4.925629      -5.050443      -5.137521      -5.187556      -5.200872      -5.164840      -5.074602      -4.906880      -4.643533      -4.308942      -3.861315      -3.172978      -3.986241      -4.052672      -4.160664      -4.291305      -4.441304      -4.593432      -4.732363      -4.861367      -4.972427  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-3.672373      -4.006361      -4.291975      -4.532048      -4.723592      -4.891082      -5.005881      -5.027287      -5.008887      -4.966529      -4.636448      -3.289828      0.5872376     -8.1310011E-02 -0.7179524      -1.334579      -1.912645      -2.460163      -2.961570      -3.394706      -3.777695      -4.117262      -4.404432      -4.643577      -4.828249      -4.981484      -5.072507      -5.084494      -5.044838      -4.967297      -4.594272      -3.289828      0.2617770     -0.3529171     -0.9532738      -1.542528      -2.100590      -2.625363      -3.091755      -3.519565      -3.905006      -4.244305      -4.528379      -4.756565      -4.939559      -5.066789      -5.140924      -5.141435      -5.075930      -4.961524      -4.547864      -3.289828     -0.1043998     -0.6739097      -1.233354      -1.788574      -2.313221      -2.796734      -3.255194      -3.673425      -4.056441      -4.390800      -4.657156      -4.881653      -5.050912      -5.154663      -5.208767  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-2.381518      -2.750468      -3.133240      -3.526730      -3.915581      -4.283328      -4.594983      -4.860435      -5.066853      -5.221662      -5.335865      -5.408703      -5.429393      -5.398272      -5.285244      -5.071334      -4.750557      -4.222928      -3.289828      -2.638736      -2.925975      -3.245064      -3.587592      -3.929000      -4.259610      -4.556623      -4.808021      -5.018073      -5.187227      -5.314615      -5.406203      -5.456582      -5.451754      -5.391474      -5.247842      -4.999446      -4.652633      -4.132697      -3.289828      -3.310131      -3.514205      -3.753515      -4.012052      -4.277602      -4.528616      -4.757904      -4.963259      -5.139719      -5.277803      -5.375038      -5.438091      -5.460204      -5.425147      -5.333295      -5.159269      -4.884067      -4.526134      -4.031495      -3.289828      -4.034728      -4.115715      -4.247129      -4.405037      -4.584938      -4.760078      -4.925185      -5.074899  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-4.759247      -4.913055      -4.934330      -5.045618      -4.970347      -3.400226      0.8719314     -4.7522619E-02 -0.7668800      -1.378576      -1.953348      -2.475956      -2.841948      -3.121811      -3.470336      -3.794359      -4.086182      -4.209146      -4.338398      -4.576635      -4.791485      -4.958938      -4.932719      -5.052826      -4.960230      -3.400226       1.321276      0.3762749     -0.4023373      -1.101192      -1.744176      -2.306957      -2.716251      -3.079134      -3.439541      -3.780434      -4.088722      -4.205148      -4.385497      -4.619620      -4.841845      -4.993345      -4.954861      -5.064362      -4.947121      -3.400226       1.522694      0.5823356     -0.2339202     -0.9780135      -1.650583      -2.206914      -2.678531      -3.082754      -3.452014      -3.807976      -4.099224      -4.278934      -4.465322      -4.687544      -4.902486      -5.001261      -4.990256      -5.078233      -4.930426      -3.400226       1.565640  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-3.344948      -3.770934      -4.122171      -4.421001      -4.676314      -4.877599      -5.047693      -5.168835      -5.192727      -5.173694      -5.133688      -4.813767      -3.400226      0.7972401      8.0084555E-02 -0.6083297      -1.266549      -1.877696      -2.455839      -2.993700      -3.473805      -3.879670      -4.234086      -4.532767      -4.794785      -4.988560      -5.144986      -5.243810      -5.258502      -5.217373      -5.140920      -4.773040      -3.400226      0.4631744     -0.2024058     -0.8461583      -1.477565      -2.069022      -2.634892      -3.149039      -3.599565      -4.008051      -4.359800      -4.662441      -4.917413      -5.103269      -5.242320      -5.324389      -5.321369      -5.257439      -5.142311      -4.727903      -3.400226      7.8703001E-02 -0.5365402      -1.136193      -1.729378      -2.299144      -2.829583      -3.308148      -3.759185      -4.156579      -4.511356      -4.803276      -5.041914      -5.222012      -5.339669  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-1.934275      -2.314105      -2.714689      -3.134939      -3.555268      -3.969782      -4.366742      -4.727363      -5.018690      -5.252817      -5.423871      -5.552637      -5.628823      -5.655827      -5.624194      -5.515823      -5.298456      -4.963037      -4.400387      -3.400226      -2.577985      -2.888107      -3.232343      -3.607904      -3.998949      -4.358057      -4.690784      -4.976768      -5.211169      -5.391577      -5.530105      -5.636803      -5.687326      -5.690647      -5.629405      -5.489736      -5.235634      -4.866038      -4.305789      -3.400226      -3.293519      -3.516347      -3.788712      -4.086460      -4.390604      -4.671763      -4.928513      -5.153515      -5.347343      -5.497298      -5.604430      -5.683738      -5.705504      -5.679285      -5.583903      -5.409796      -5.125851      -4.736710      -4.198989      -3.400226      -4.069460      -4.167716      -4.324101      -4.513527      -4.720791      -4.924004      -5.115722  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-4.690703      -4.873078      -5.032655      -5.052823      -5.173951      -5.119464      -3.504848       1.014591      2.7050268E-02 -0.7360695      -1.393308      -1.966523      -2.496434      -2.899310      -3.190740      -3.548822      -3.884690      -4.184434      -4.327541      -4.440142      -4.685564      -4.905499      -5.084607      -5.051274      -5.183518      -5.112392      -3.504848       1.512298      0.5013207     -0.3498257      -1.061167      -1.715003      -2.308671      -2.775656      -3.149718      -3.521308      -3.870244      -4.186412      -4.319408      -4.495952      -4.733255      -4.958347      -5.125957      -5.077717      -5.198022      -5.102408      -3.504848       1.744162      0.7300862     -0.1317311     -0.9033366      -1.609599      -2.226522      -2.730515      -3.153541      -3.541709      -3.896476      -4.200799      -4.401065      -4.586346      -4.807216      -5.024103      -5.139355      -5.118791      -5.216046      -5.088770      -3.504848  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-2.878529      -3.393774      -3.852593      -4.236459      -4.544383      -4.818473      -5.025708      -5.196194      -5.321316      -5.357409      -5.332510      -5.294539      -4.982673      -3.504848       1.008931      0.2382820     -0.4997148      -1.207255      -1.849445      -2.453205      -3.017797      -3.534947      -3.979137      -4.345296      -4.662918      -4.936869      -5.144729      -5.299850      -5.407911      -5.430344      -5.385194      -5.308377      -4.944053      -3.504848      0.6622808     -5.6434255E-02 -0.7445908      -1.412566      -2.039571      -2.634600      -3.190944      -3.683766      -4.103646      -4.479298      -4.790771      -5.063313      -5.261105      -5.407759      -5.495608      -5.500453      -5.434113      -5.316402      -4.900819      -3.504848      0.2591357     -0.4012063      -1.041528      -1.671583      -2.274588      -2.850032      -3.368896      -3.835781      -4.260614      -4.626839      -4.938544      -5.195974      -5.386153  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-3.504848      -1.839843      -2.245050      -2.675081      -3.128093      -3.585436      -4.024791      -4.448603      -4.836866      -5.170049      -5.423990      -5.617414      -5.758902      -5.840267      -5.873450      -5.847611      -5.734122      -5.522891      -5.168092      -4.573573      -3.504848      -2.516768      -2.847996      -3.218106      -3.622791      -4.045254      -4.455014      -4.817985      -5.135002      -5.392069      -5.591444      -5.739654      -5.855270      -5.912650      -5.922024      -5.864087      -5.719084      -5.466572      -5.074483      -4.475528      -3.504848      -3.270955      -3.514677      -3.813869      -4.151606      -4.494841      -4.812931      -5.096686      -5.341807      -5.546849      -5.711942      -5.832353      -5.918896      -5.947009      -5.922496      -5.830605      -5.650956      -5.359794      -4.945655      -4.364144      -3.504848      -4.096263      -4.212658      -4.394435      -4.616301      -4.851443      -5.084620  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-4.585611      -4.795794      -4.981299      -5.145773      -5.163761      -5.295079      -5.258701      -3.604268       1.154138      9.6081078E-02 -0.7237255      -1.402855      -2.008464      -2.527463      -2.952830      -3.251743      -3.624108      -3.968869      -4.280679      -4.442833      -4.537670      -4.790040      -5.014178      -5.203984      -5.161860      -5.306594      -5.254471      -3.604268       1.692674      0.6095976     -0.2907103      -1.060646      -1.707779      -2.309913      -2.807996      -3.218791      -3.598715      -3.958494      -4.283342      -4.430176      -4.602307      -4.842827      -5.068100      -5.252740      -5.191654      -5.324575      -5.247263      -3.604268       1.957531      0.8715322     -5.9345603E-02 -0.8483139      -1.566975      -2.216684      -2.780595      -3.221200      -3.622820      -3.985979      -4.301699      -4.516471      -4.704531      -4.924056      -5.137877      -5.272541      -5.239419      -5.347070      -5.236378  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-2.341935      -2.911027      -3.440773      -3.920673      -4.337767      -4.666228      -4.952969      -5.166923      -5.344888      -5.463598      -5.518450      -5.487312      -5.446723      -5.138321      -3.604268       1.221006      0.3942291     -0.3940154      -1.144882      -1.833047      -2.455740      -3.041526      -3.582783      -4.063938      -4.458703      -4.783365      -5.070336      -5.289729      -5.456865      -5.558583      -5.600060      -5.548338      -5.466566      -5.101184      -3.604268      0.8573256      8.8037737E-02 -0.6468885      -1.354779      -2.011764      -2.635386      -3.217996      -3.752775      -4.202291      -4.589385      -4.914683      -5.203696      -5.416339      -5.569566      -5.657799      -5.679726      -5.605017      -5.481257      -5.059503      -3.604268      0.4372394     -0.2638207     -0.9497840      -1.615851      -2.250908      -2.857836      -3.420948      -3.915291      -4.354975      -4.741966      -5.068063      -5.346190  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-4.819706      -3.604268      -1.746066      -2.177639      -2.635451      -3.117757      -3.607597      -4.083301      -4.530572      -4.941463      -5.305363      -5.588479      -5.806487      -5.957584      -6.050139      -6.087313      -6.056207      -5.955582      -5.733860      -5.366510      -4.733612      -3.604268      -2.448651      -2.808354      -3.204480      -3.636614      -4.085257      -4.531116      -4.938996      -5.280491      -5.567099      -5.784001      -5.950599      -6.066535      -6.134616      -6.141670      -6.086029      -5.949123      -5.687472      -5.276206      -4.632976      -3.604268      -3.236292      -3.508466      -3.836518      -4.206547      -4.589471      -4.946728      -5.261288      -5.524906      -5.744534      -5.921539      -6.057666      -6.141740      -6.180303      -6.154856      -6.066706      -5.887744      -5.588606      -5.146937      -4.517179      -3.604268      -4.117521      -4.251654      -4.460009      -4.713277      -4.980501  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-4.631278      -4.681543      -4.896067      -5.085025      -5.253166      -5.269063      -5.409539      -5.390440      -3.698979       1.290499      0.1574929     -0.7068151      -1.416442      -2.040418      -2.581414      -3.010888      -3.308128      -3.697002      -4.048574      -4.373490      -4.555451      -4.631039      -4.890321      -5.121352      -5.317599      -5.266296      -5.423419      -5.389426      -3.698979       1.868521      0.7285821     -0.2338811      -1.042434      -1.736514      -2.321823      -2.837784      -3.274986      -3.673744      -4.039855      -4.379946      -4.538355      -4.704670      -4.949906      -5.181245      -5.373347      -5.300793      -5.445129      -5.385610      -3.698979       2.166951       1.011814      2.3805978E-02 -0.8234829      -1.541644      -2.204901      -2.800577      -3.286273      -3.698492      -4.075213      -4.402020      -4.628293      -4.816486      -5.039993      -5.256451      -5.399371      -5.356138      -5.471967  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-1.669751      -2.347495      -2.956492      -3.490248      -3.986499      -4.423378      -4.783900      -5.079004      -5.302460      -5.492605      -5.613511      -5.668231      -5.635363      -5.593787      -5.292275      -3.698979       1.434249      0.5430753     -0.2894930      -1.083873      -1.809921      -2.470095      -3.067636      -3.627062      -4.132175      -4.562091      -4.903084      -5.202684      -5.429221      -5.611989      -5.715305      -5.756896      -5.703964      -5.620086      -5.257822      -3.698979       1.049339      0.2314572     -0.5496684      -1.301880      -1.991679      -2.635864      -3.242831      -3.802065      -4.291565      -4.696571      -5.041418      -5.333025      -5.562353      -5.729038      -5.822304      -5.842926      -5.768544      -5.641343      -5.218870      -3.698979      0.6102124     -0.1313431     -0.8626316      -1.563055      -2.229817      -2.862692      -3.458855      -3.992687      -4.448140      -4.853340      -5.190958  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-5.615104      -4.985357      -3.698979      -1.651496      -2.111531      -2.597579      -3.106161      -3.624947      -4.137913      -4.613394      -5.044225      -5.427928      -5.745841      -5.980945      -6.144658      -6.246023      -6.291193      -6.265196      -6.156001      -5.938613      -5.561110      -4.898355      -3.698979      -2.381075      -2.762606      -3.192192      -3.650119      -4.124271      -4.599896      -5.043591      -5.421328      -5.727612      -5.969406      -6.148064      -6.266669      -6.338320      -6.361572      -6.304129      -6.160669      -5.899782      -5.476188      -4.795552      -3.698979      -3.198316      -3.490673      -3.854990      -4.258435      -4.674825      -5.074401      -5.417248      -5.706673      -5.938193      -6.126288      -6.267720      -6.355835      -6.395915      -6.386795      -6.297865      -6.112123      -5.807107      -5.349641      -4.674917      -3.698979      -4.131660      -4.286317      -4.522147      -4.805919  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-4.517990      -4.729899      -4.773070      -4.991727      -5.184124      -5.355341      -5.369871      -5.517076      -5.514493      -3.789407       1.420124      0.2291837     -0.6947657      -1.438634      -2.076374      -2.634708      -3.080177      -3.364866      -3.759926      -4.125915      -4.461530      -4.665489      -4.720136      -4.985114      -5.223361      -5.425740      -5.366781      -5.532525      -5.516654      -3.789407       2.049122      0.8496335     -0.1874501      -1.042754      -1.752950      -2.362936      -2.873389      -3.322720      -3.747250      -4.118869      -4.473537      -4.643436      -4.803749      -5.052371      -5.290237      -5.488221      -5.407964      -5.557006      -5.516235      -3.789407       2.371704       1.159138      8.9540437E-02 -0.7868336      -1.558230      -2.203879      -2.814491      -3.337661      -3.771994      -4.158341      -4.501716      -4.735970      -4.924373      -5.150819      -5.373012      -5.521385      -5.470634  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-0.8524865      -1.643526      -2.353876      -2.989418      -3.548946      -4.051871      -4.502689      -4.892211      -5.201090      -5.439911      -5.628769      -5.757985      -5.812869      -5.777977      -5.728841      -5.440225      -3.789407       1.641769      0.6927260     -0.1894111      -1.024132      -1.785364      -2.482619      -3.102401      -3.670359      -4.196040      -4.651682      -5.022466      -5.324795      -5.567322      -5.754601      -5.866047      -5.908481      -5.853490      -5.760973      -5.409019      -3.789407       1.235624      0.3690195     -0.4557472      -1.245963      -1.979337      -2.643565      -3.266337      -3.847248      -4.369036      -4.802961      -5.155433      -5.459624      -5.706380      -5.879543      -5.981019      -6.003027      -5.925601      -5.788873      -5.373309      -3.789407      0.7804207     -5.8240285E-03 -0.7784906      -1.517343      -2.209575      -2.868261      -3.486729      -4.058567      -4.545103      -4.955313 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-1.892799      -1.923313      -1.950189      -1.983732      -2.013112      -2.037448      -2.055403      -2.065314      -2.067752      -2.073501      -2.078925      -2.075119      -2.060496      -2.034566      -1.995726      -1.957813      -1.908032      -1.832403      -1.716481      -1.410087      -1.924388      -1.947944      -1.969188      -1.999257      -2.025032      -2.045918      -2.059999      -2.067587      -2.067263      -2.069039      -2.071837      -2.065694      -2.049889      -2.023232      -1.983837      -1.945545      -1.895825      -1.820876      -1.707375      -1.410087      -1.954022      -1.972601      -1.989692      -2.015292      -2.036973      -2.053290      -2.064581      -2.069062      -2.064783      -2.063670      -2.063692      -2.055575      -2.038739      -2.011360      -1.971367      -1.932675      -1.882771      -1.808822      -1.697894      -1.410087      -1.984354      -1.998203      -2.010406      -2.030520      -2.047592      -2.060522      -2.067602  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-1.957661      -1.915448      -1.872335      -1.822679      -1.754277      -1.655192      -1.410087      -2.099460      -2.091284      -2.082288      -2.083235      -2.081663      -2.078725      -2.071749      -2.059680      -2.041615      -2.027183      -2.015685      -1.998908      -1.975492      -1.943154      -1.902035      -1.854772      -1.805577      -1.738842      -1.642950      -1.410087      -2.130253      -2.116489      -2.102291      -2.098582      -2.092788      -2.085879      -2.075278      -2.059809      -2.038688      -2.021344      -2.007114      -1.987783      -1.962468      -1.929611      -1.888475      -1.837868      -1.787789      -1.722628      -1.630037      -1.410087      -2.171871      -2.152009      -2.131789      -2.122870      -2.112201      -2.100428      -2.085275      -2.065402      -2.040126      -2.018143      -1.999919      -1.977969      -1.950759      -1.917059      -1.875423      -1.825512      -1.769786      -1.705754      -1.615878      -1.410087  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-1.737570      -1.928099      -2.015385      -2.093467      -2.161510      -2.223835      -2.289265      -2.345377      -2.390643      -2.424665      -2.443969      -2.462227      -2.483017      -2.485628      -2.468640      -2.433295      -2.383378      -2.335986      -2.251555      -2.110000      -1.737570      -1.994942      -2.070950      -2.139612      -2.197605      -2.251771      -2.311377      -2.361792      -2.402308      -2.431146      -2.446185      -2.459681      -2.474887      -2.472781      -2.454460      -2.418509      -2.368272      -2.320502      -2.236780      -2.098310      -1.737570      -2.062259      -2.126453      -2.184609      -2.234290      -2.281527      -2.334210      -2.378788      -2.412754      -2.436323      -2.446933      -2.454903      -2.464246      -2.458891      -2.439426      -2.402807      -2.352122      -2.304166      -2.221138      -2.086054      -1.737570      -2.128747      -2.182703      -2.230978      -2.271969      -2.312078      -2.356675  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-1.396761      -1.722677      -2.050676      -2.347003      -2.597514      -2.751961      -2.987219      -3.198571      -3.392384      -3.551835      -3.603560      -3.764726      -3.896535      -3.996021      -4.018272      -3.979826      -3.904532      -3.657126      -2.862728     -0.7422237      -1.138194      -1.510815      -1.875191      -2.209964      -2.480312      -2.665163      -2.925343      -3.163376      -3.380381      -3.548139      -3.592759      -3.766371      -3.905517      -4.006626      -4.015080      -3.968445      -3.889763      -3.639784      -2.862728     -0.5980461      -1.020834      -1.412793      -1.792129      -2.138381      -2.411362      -2.642632      -2.912406      -3.160879      -3.388238      -3.543478      -3.612556      -3.785124      -3.921743      -4.017403      -4.005863      -3.958641      -3.874243      -3.621523      -2.862728     -0.5600177     -0.9848785      -1.384454      -1.767036      -2.104818      -2.395930      -2.654820      -2.926760  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-4.029210      -3.983188      -3.917728      -3.799454      -3.537666      -2.862728     -0.9589850      -1.325173      -1.672959      -2.006183      -2.331728      -2.640836      -2.919494      -3.166336      -3.390433      -3.591561      -3.752559      -3.855661      -3.948681      -4.014362      -4.026788      -3.978717      -3.903271      -3.776482      -3.514061      -2.862728      -1.151160      -1.496675      -1.825691      -2.147053      -2.462143      -2.761672      -3.017981      -3.259315      -3.477172      -3.664494      -3.810078      -3.901366      -3.975235      -4.020492      -4.024787      -3.971558      -3.886131      -3.751245      -3.489507      -2.862728      -1.377057      -1.699233      -2.010624      -2.316147      -2.611987      -2.884448      -3.135460      -3.367398      -3.567714      -3.732540      -3.863914      -3.940249      -3.994597      -4.024302      -4.020603      -3.960536      -3.865679      -3.723568      -3.463870      -2.862728      -1.633510  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-3.726053      -3.832752      -3.920463      -3.985036      -4.009961      -4.007497      -3.988769      -3.948037      -3.860554      -3.739786      -3.580776      -3.347606      -2.862728      -2.852192      -2.997078      -3.145928      -3.291213      -3.432663      -3.565199      -3.682591      -3.783641      -3.868304      -3.937367      -3.986219      -3.998472      -3.984617      -3.955918      -3.908241      -3.816742      -3.693296      -3.535556      -3.313875      -2.862728      -3.165697      -3.256436      -3.358270      -3.462459      -3.565377      -3.662400      -3.749382      -3.824308      -3.886593      -3.936800      -3.970289      -3.970769      -3.946109      -3.909511      -3.856706      -3.763078      -3.638803      -3.485410      -3.277271      -2.862728      -3.470109      -3.506370      -3.557973      -3.616935      -3.679690      -3.741590      -3.797065      -3.844550      -3.884209      -3.915557      -3.934008      -3.924085      -3.890261      -3.847521  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-0.9009501      -1.341088      -1.700485      -2.063507      -2.387807      -2.668736      -2.833556      -3.085431      -3.314576      -3.522998      -3.700408      -3.751943      -3.923021      -4.071756      -4.192059      -4.236228      -4.200810      -4.139637      -3.886728      -3.027827     -0.5473614      -1.015065      -1.431197      -1.834748      -2.205939      -2.520656      -2.720749      -3.007706      -3.264066      -3.502622      -3.694192      -3.732581      -3.922618      -4.082524      -4.207782      -4.238084      -4.191056      -4.125838      -3.868601      -3.027827     -0.3624111     -0.8577496      -1.298371      -1.720957      -2.110457      -2.433022      -2.698737      -2.988353      -3.256827      -3.507060      -3.690493      -3.755995      -3.944158      -4.104201      -4.225227      -4.233229      -4.184011      -4.111352      -3.849406      -3.027827     -0.3034023     -0.8014125      -1.250962      -1.678585      -2.070485      -2.420370      -2.710968 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-4.222529      -4.268089      -4.229057      -4.158814      -4.039904      -3.759917      -3.027827     -0.7173519      -1.148660      -1.547941      -1.927362      -2.296029      -2.640450      -2.958372      -3.247770      -3.506616      -3.734377      -3.926957      -4.049243      -4.161494      -4.246668      -4.272842      -4.231059      -4.148550      -4.017204      -3.734420      -3.027827     -0.9288093      -1.326826      -1.702203      -2.068006      -2.421596      -2.762187      -3.073471      -3.351693      -3.597881      -3.820918      -4.002845      -4.109632      -4.201556      -4.263357      -4.278281      -4.230126      -4.134889      -3.991893      -3.707892      -3.027827      -1.168593      -1.539353      -1.891445      -2.238648      -2.581836      -2.909359      -3.202083      -3.464732      -3.703963      -3.913305      -4.071324      -4.165774      -4.234812      -4.277399      -4.281814      -4.224869      -4.117159      -3.963686      -3.680168      -3.027827  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-3.772750      -3.928026      -4.058890      -4.168045      -4.250573      -4.284410      -4.288788      -4.275200      -4.231812      -4.138595      -3.993793      -3.812455      -3.553299      -3.027827      -2.822220      -3.004701      -3.193043      -3.377218      -3.555449      -3.723751      -3.874181      -4.001478      -4.109149      -4.196970      -4.260902      -4.281812      -4.271616      -4.246044      -4.193349      -4.094534      -3.944973      -3.763434      -3.516379      -3.027827      -3.195132      -3.317781      -3.448553      -3.581211      -3.714107      -3.843526      -3.960019      -4.057070      -4.138915      -4.205383      -4.250836      -4.258858      -4.235883      -4.199923      -4.140626      -4.038169      -3.886707      -3.708922      -3.476183      -3.027827      -3.559050      -3.617174      -3.690120      -3.769487      -3.854326      -3.941548      -4.021767      -4.087443      -4.142593      -4.188152      -4.215890      -4.211311      -4.178429  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-3.027827     -0.7797417      -1.290898      -1.684702      -2.085177      -2.440284      -2.742867      -2.937640      -3.175094      -3.421417      -3.646691      -3.837665      -3.907028      -4.066805      -4.230352      -4.367942      -4.432405      -4.400618      -4.356898      -4.102078      -3.180330     -0.3577956     -0.9026354      -1.364661      -1.813700      -2.213432      -2.560534      -2.783625      -3.077949      -3.359840      -3.616864      -3.829220      -3.873617      -4.064604      -4.241908      -4.388586      -4.439911      -4.392815      -4.344672      -4.083503      -3.180330     -0.1385867     -0.7036978      -1.204399      -1.667144      -2.089419      -2.448307      -2.746764      -3.059620      -3.351544      -3.619692      -3.825702      -3.896041      -4.090160      -4.267907      -4.412243      -4.439594      -4.389547      -4.331965      -4.063697      -3.180330     -5.5231065E-02 -0.6229225      -1.129565      -1.600294      -2.032229      -2.421904  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-4.301770      -4.425210      -4.488428      -4.456442      -4.382842      -4.267627      -3.969774      -3.180330     -0.4712055     -0.9584118      -1.418226      -1.858327      -2.265021      -2.649584      -3.001082      -3.315948      -3.609261      -3.870880      -4.081286      -4.229531      -4.359213      -4.461274      -4.500656      -4.465361      -4.377050      -4.246219      -3.942652      -3.180330     -0.6980019      -1.156293      -1.585606      -1.993310      -2.391760      -2.766009      -3.111995      -3.427775      -3.714258      -3.960609      -4.167877      -4.305960      -4.413951      -4.489710      -4.514886      -4.471274      -4.367723      -4.221883      -3.914424      -3.180330     -0.9622738      -1.379497      -1.777395      -2.168669      -2.546969      -2.913094      -3.253085      -3.556306      -3.822706      -4.062805      -4.257226      -4.375196      -4.461230      -4.514500      -4.527769      -4.472934      -4.353747      -4.194207      -3.884900  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-3.692043      -3.920884      -4.113298      -4.271795      -4.400866      -4.498937      -4.547582      -4.558976      -4.550259      -4.505104      -4.405549      -4.237803      -4.038997      -3.748727      -3.180330      -2.767169      -2.990418      -3.213361      -3.435790      -3.659580      -3.867250      -4.051286      -4.204725      -4.336114      -4.443280      -4.521783      -4.554636      -4.549789      -4.526301      -4.469840      -4.361991      -4.187706      -3.987268      -3.708912      -3.180330      -3.196005      -3.352880      -3.518973      -3.682731      -3.848305      -4.009017      -4.154851      -4.276477      -4.378757      -4.462242      -4.520932      -4.538217      -4.519567      -4.482146      -4.417463      -4.304506      -4.126327      -3.929220      -3.665416      -3.180330      -3.619834      -3.702133      -3.802006      -3.905975      -4.016582      -4.128850      -4.232193      -4.318719      -4.391231      -4.450468      -4.489162      -4.492443  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-6.705981      -5.643719      -4.559515      -3.454340     -0.4230214      -1.119348      -1.640574      -2.131180      -2.579383      -2.962554      -3.240642      -3.440416      -3.715803      -3.970418      -4.198070      -4.324165      -4.441027      -4.634751      -4.807374      -4.923632      -4.903733      -4.914954      -4.676718      -3.578443      0.2140664     -0.5388953      -1.150442      -1.733627      -2.260801      -2.702148      -2.996133      -3.286689      -3.605211      -3.912179      -4.180501      -4.263860      -4.430258      -4.646603      -4.838844      -4.949136      -4.903113      -4.909780      -4.658867      -3.578443      0.5374810     -0.2446023     -0.9261541      -1.551851      -2.090212      -2.549939      -2.912597      -3.244632      -3.586101      -3.913785      -4.186711      -4.281581      -4.472492      -4.686798      -4.879614      -4.965429      -4.913467      -4.905355      -4.639288      -3.578443      0.6797092     -0.1137824     -0.8186435  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-4.126022      -4.394021      -4.608734      -4.789127      -4.949910      -5.060474      -5.050474      -4.984848      -4.878469      -4.539824      -3.578443      0.2483384     -0.4037909      -1.015707      -1.594941      -2.148046      -2.665239      -3.141379      -3.546323      -3.900550      -4.220000      -4.490535      -4.709089      -4.878334      -5.021925      -5.101788      -5.085377      -4.998951      -4.865789      -4.509512      -3.578443     -1.4860532E-02 -0.6216817      -1.201444      -1.763934      -2.300849      -2.805686      -3.250732      -3.647770      -4.010273      -4.329246      -4.599534      -4.806928      -4.970283      -5.089202      -5.147659      -5.116331      -5.008568      -4.849247      -4.477900      -3.578443     -0.3250220     -0.8863943      -1.431651      -1.971153      -2.481243      -2.949637      -3.381282      -3.779841      -4.137970      -4.457855      -4.713762      -4.910465      -5.062314      -5.151740      -5.190483      -5.142065  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-8.357479      -7.199411      -6.016228      -4.808876      -3.578443     -0.3288138      -1.086883      -1.658720      -2.147605      -2.612780      -3.020114      -3.331070      -3.522696      -3.809610      -4.070574      -4.304574      -4.448458      -4.551600      -4.752921      -4.932909      -5.062157      -5.045707      -5.074310      -4.846965      -3.695293      0.3906006     -0.4313975      -1.082647      -1.686905      -2.247814      -2.742774      -3.062852      -3.356340      -3.687871      -4.001066      -4.281048      -4.384180      -4.539279      -4.764893      -4.967907      -5.093808      -5.047786      -5.071838      -4.829855      -3.695293      0.7574173     -8.7842174E-02 -0.8142585      -1.480611      -2.085544      -2.581141      -2.969672      -3.321704      -3.663907      -3.999119      -4.288514      -4.403013      -4.588500      -4.810023      -5.014028      -5.115065      -5.063464      -5.070824      -4.810869      -3.695293      0.9230841      6.7196123E-02 -0.6914744      -1.384160      -1.984403      -2.500795      -2.942586      -3.319480      -3.685286      -4.033248      -4.303879      -4.471819      -4.662102      -4.873496      -5.066394      -5.122817      -5.086431      -5.070039      -4.789790      -3.695293      0.9475520      0.1023564     -0.6564513      -1.334885      -1.941146      -2.479023      -2.938044      -3.349391      -3.738098      -4.090367      -4.354973      -4.557731      -4.748861      -4.947253      -5.122384      -5.144169      -5.112511      -5.068623      -4.766398      -3.695293      0.8645589      5.4077525E-02 -0.6728776      -1.344931      -1.951217      -2.488502      -2.968953      -3.413164      -3.815799      -4.156923      -4.427332      -4.650448      -4.842011      -5.026588      -5.178021      -5.181045      -5.139032      -5.065646      -4.740399      -3.695293      0.7039967     -5.4666653E-02 -0.7550674      -1.408541      -2.001719      -2.542879      -3.047406      -3.505519  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-5.385827      -5.342003      -5.212687      -5.021036      -4.614201      -3.695293     -0.4848309      -1.046028      -1.597731      -2.145642      -2.665031      -3.143078      -3.597355      -4.012112      -4.391066      -4.721073      -4.978951      -5.188412      -5.337410      -5.414160      -5.433465      -5.368919      -5.215951      -4.997416      -4.578103      -3.695293     -0.8952694      -1.410512      -1.920533      -2.415391      -2.898779      -3.362408      -3.797354      -4.208081      -4.574195      -4.872596      -5.116531      -5.304343      -5.422504      -5.475234      -5.472617      -5.385746      -5.210632      -4.966917      -4.539495      -3.695293      -1.351439      -1.808516      -2.269568      -2.728079      -3.183359      -3.627284      -4.046988      -4.427027      -4.758963      -5.041660      -5.256196      -5.403092      -5.494653      -5.523425      -5.498888      -5.390616      -5.194607      -4.928444      -4.497900      -3.695293      -1.856227  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-5.166952      -5.316593      -5.428315      -5.498928      -5.537806      -5.538414      -5.487045      -5.388248      -5.222105      -4.976450      -4.679589      -4.287117      -3.695293      -4.346061      -4.405662      -4.513728      -4.646152      -4.798994      -4.946116      -5.084421      -5.208964      -5.316194      -5.395445      -5.438276      -5.457580      -5.442183      -5.379790      -5.275161      -5.108896      -4.867755      -4.581789      -4.216265      -3.695293      -4.999196      -4.926652      -4.913646      -4.935305      -4.986672      -5.043563      -5.108545      -5.172750      -5.232404      -5.278046      -5.295887      -5.298727      -5.274879      -5.208896      -5.105833      -4.948091      -4.722845      -4.456868      -4.129307      -3.695293      -23.06822      -22.60505      -22.03277      -21.36712      -20.62088      -19.80418      -18.92505      -17.98991      -17.00400      -15.97164      -14.89647      -13.78158      -12.62966      -11.44303  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1.155596      0.2387272     -0.5651757      -1.299886      -1.965845      -2.520202      -2.991514      -3.396510      -3.762918      -4.116062      -4.403873      -4.596539      -4.782861      -4.997894      -5.200918      -5.268753      -5.232942      -5.229294      -4.955233      -3.805691       1.193127      0.2885190     -0.5240187      -1.268829      -1.921116      -2.493899      -2.992372      -3.415431      -3.808473      -4.174220      -4.462496      -4.687494      -4.878669      -5.079267      -5.264907      -5.295051      -5.266723      -5.232185      -4.932485      -3.805691       1.115898      0.2422316     -0.5508810      -1.276816      -1.926996      -2.507340      -3.011850      -3.464281      -3.882831      -4.250599      -4.546640      -4.784476      -4.977600      -5.168337      -5.328541      -5.337885      -5.301292      -5.233737      -4.906867      -3.805691      0.9468554      0.1233360     -0.6326020      -1.335920      -1.979393      -2.550167      -3.069890   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-5.525403      -5.577559      -5.533345      -5.406748      -5.207283      -4.779999      -3.805691     -0.2957779     -0.9017059      -1.493641      -2.079087      -2.644034      -3.169777      -3.643797      -4.091726      -4.485700      -4.836427      -5.123521      -5.351047      -5.513975      -5.607328      -5.635475      -5.569128      -5.417458      -5.187707      -4.743492      -3.805691     -0.7268402      -1.278937      -1.829548      -2.372559      -2.889305      -3.383570      -3.850307      -4.281981      -4.672615      -5.003757      -5.266304      -5.479704      -5.614578      -5.682541      -5.682532      -5.595156      -5.418710      -5.160598      -4.704293      -3.805691      -1.203645      -1.700365      -2.195506      -2.690124      -3.179125      -3.648135      -4.101776      -4.518580      -4.875731      -5.178025      -5.423903      -5.598966      -5.703378      -5.741529      -5.716473      -5.609159      -5.408514      -5.124678      -4.661790      -3.805691  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-5.166683      -5.365239      -5.532004      -5.655349      -5.735427      -5.788896      -5.786889      -5.740859      -5.633618      -5.461086      -5.202643      -4.872784      -4.441989      -3.805691      -4.390475      -4.466753      -4.598591      -4.761835      -4.940556      -5.114717      -5.278572      -5.422111      -5.542036      -5.629985      -5.681702      -5.712615      -5.694219      -5.635737      -5.520853      -5.344318      -5.090286      -4.769976      -4.366975      -3.805691      -5.103481      -5.036507      -5.030383      -5.073148      -5.138158      -5.216509      -5.302818      -5.385177      -5.456494      -5.506810      -5.536292      -5.550871      -5.521606      -5.457958      -5.345265      -5.174294      -4.935000      -4.639459      -4.274428      -3.805691      -25.06082      -24.56020      -23.93568      -23.20647      -22.38695      -21.48961      -20.52341      -19.49562      -18.41213      -17.27778      -16.09686      -14.87210      -13.60720  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-3.910313       1.385633      0.3921290     -0.4550084      -1.216828      -1.917148      -2.533209      -3.037488      -3.462056      -3.848652      -4.199950      -4.500442      -4.714277      -4.901111      -5.115653      -5.322481      -5.409701      -5.370687      -5.379866      -5.113297      -3.910313       1.435898      0.4656016     -0.3919819      -1.179247      -1.894711      -2.505028      -3.033772      -3.490333      -3.884325      -4.256085      -4.562492      -4.814484      -5.004854      -5.204961      -5.394159      -5.441043      -5.412668      -5.387933      -5.091538      -3.910313       1.360704      0.4264692     -0.4172615      -1.206529      -1.900732      -2.515893      -3.060561      -3.525522      -3.949497      -4.334661      -4.656138      -4.915044      -5.111773      -5.301172      -5.465518      -5.491811      -5.455790      -5.394766      -5.066674      -3.910313       1.191382      0.3038813     -0.5145664      -1.264676      -1.950027      -2.565859  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-5.564838      -5.695096      -5.756630      -5.722510      -5.595702      -5.388159      -4.940971      -3.910313     -0.1090294     -0.7595479      -1.392659      -2.014902      -2.612898      -3.184155      -3.699249      -4.162470      -4.584612      -4.947278      -5.255638      -5.505723      -5.681622      -5.790360      -5.825802      -5.767541      -5.614365      -5.372546      -4.904402      -3.910313     -0.5584428      -1.147727      -1.737334      -2.320620      -2.885782      -3.406652      -3.903299      -4.358963      -4.768563      -5.124383      -5.411406      -5.642179      -5.798749      -5.874768      -5.885151      -5.802413      -5.622935      -5.348975      -4.864852      -3.910313      -1.056769      -1.587310      -2.125078      -2.654619      -3.175066      -3.676775      -4.152025      -4.597970      -4.991104      -5.310928      -5.576224      -5.781804      -5.896658      -5.945796      -5.931490      -5.822717      -5.619926      -5.315786      -4.821668  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-5.081699      -5.340986      -5.561126      -5.740006      -5.878472      -5.972954      -6.031883      -6.033337      -5.984681      -5.876519      -5.694342      -5.422683      -5.065931      -4.594665      -3.910313      -4.425851      -4.520172      -4.676667      -4.871390      -5.077299      -5.281332      -5.470203      -5.633056      -5.764814      -5.864880      -5.932105      -5.964242      -5.945061      -5.879790      -5.762336      -5.577484      -5.306655      -4.960402      -4.516543      -3.910313      -5.204495      -5.139417      -5.145940      -5.205091      -5.290020      -5.394672      -5.499061      -5.596826      -5.679073      -5.742878      -5.784499      -5.797159      -5.767189      -5.696118      -5.579118      -5.400543      -5.145306      -4.823281      -4.419633      -3.910313      -27.08958      -26.55094      -25.87286      -25.07788      -24.18363      -23.20356      -22.14809      -21.02537      -19.84196      -18.60322      -17.31366      -15.97706  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-5.279286      -4.009733       1.605506      0.5404266     -0.3732086      -1.153305      -1.868006      -2.516140      -3.081348      -3.524486      -3.925440      -4.286022      -4.596885      -4.824792      -5.016220      -5.230816      -5.434449      -5.544992      -5.499499      -5.522676      -5.261259      -4.009733       1.670111      0.6291327     -0.2720170      -1.090259      -1.842147      -2.512240      -3.071328      -3.550996      -3.968950      -4.339120      -4.659792      -4.932387      -5.126648      -5.328407      -5.511033      -5.581652      -5.550086      -5.535501      -5.240326      -4.009733       1.595617      0.6029180     -0.2874967      -1.117334      -1.872514      -2.521504      -3.094509      -3.597853      -4.020820      -4.415761      -4.756258      -5.040999      -5.240017      -5.430790      -5.592793      -5.641160      -5.602134      -5.547568      -5.215967      -4.009733       1.430587      0.4808489     -0.3875614      -1.198168      -1.921878  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-5.511946      -5.719536      -5.859517      -5.925416      -5.909947      -5.778193      -5.561041      -5.089338      -4.009733      7.5030349E-02 -0.6165767      -1.294911      -1.953239      -2.583142      -3.186116      -3.746101      -4.237272      -4.674053      -5.058161      -5.380943      -5.654024      -5.841878      -5.966552      -6.006562      -5.962445      -5.805119      -5.549907      -5.052391      -4.009733     -0.3916630      -1.021121      -1.648991      -2.266129      -2.871253      -3.437943      -3.952404      -4.437540      -4.862111      -5.241115      -5.551354      -5.793209      -5.968724      -6.062493      -6.076018      -6.004142      -5.821295      -5.530218      -5.012372      -4.009733     -0.9105659      -1.476605      -2.050071      -2.625183      -3.173124      -3.704473      -4.207523      -4.673572      -5.089627      -5.443888      -5.721603      -5.945813      -6.086368      -6.147795      -6.130287      -6.033486      -5.823984      -5.500462  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-4.890463      -5.222037      -5.511120      -5.751277      -5.945874      -6.097156      -6.206285      -6.262045      -6.272709      -6.220775      -6.112638      -5.923170      -5.639627      -5.251558      -4.735386      -4.009733      -4.454313      -4.566230      -4.749238      -4.974181      -5.212226      -5.447490      -5.657586      -5.840575      -5.986882      -6.097120      -6.172927      -6.201136      -6.189970      -6.120395      -6.001882      -5.801787      -5.521302      -5.141709      -4.655166      -4.009733      -5.299631      -5.235714      -5.255870      -5.330865      -5.440226      -5.567795      -5.691298      -5.806432      -5.906030      -5.974368      -6.023593      -6.032430      -6.008017      -5.930865      -5.815351      -5.616692      -5.352755      -4.998982      -4.555756      -4.009733      -29.15287      -28.57568      -27.84276      -26.98061      -26.00950      -24.94469      -23.79785      -22.57804      -21.29250      -19.94713      -18.54687  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-5.640918      -5.423137      -4.104444       1.821140      0.6860234     -0.2854895      -1.124595      -1.836970      -2.496747      -3.094513      -3.584202      -3.996667      -4.372486      -4.693180      -4.931809      -5.124767      -5.344176      -5.552657      -5.672315      -5.622696      -5.658492      -5.406958      -4.104444       1.889348      0.7905900     -0.1774824      -1.015617      -1.787062      -2.490060      -3.106214      -3.607293      -4.044358      -4.424805      -4.755264      -5.041643      -5.245238      -5.449221      -5.637506      -5.713258      -5.682062      -5.676962      -5.387587      -4.104444       1.815839      0.7698666     -0.1675541      -1.028895      -1.820831      -2.527486      -3.125387      -3.652467      -4.102316      -4.496659      -4.852061      -5.157078      -5.363898      -5.559256      -5.727081      -5.780371      -5.743018      -5.694267      -5.364544      -4.104444       1.658106      0.6518619     -0.2619404      -1.116811  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-5.349260      -5.637743      -5.863959      -6.020357      -6.094567      -6.080271      -5.951849      -5.730133      -5.240953      -4.104444      0.2535242     -0.4791846      -1.202199      -1.894846      -2.556308      -3.185434      -3.778995      -4.310574      -4.762938      -5.165763      -5.500453      -5.784833      -5.994376      -6.135010      -6.184573      -6.140820      -5.985721      -5.723664      -5.204478      -4.104444     -0.2320917     -0.8979783      -1.562987      -2.214768      -2.849100      -3.455957      -4.008271      -4.507642      -4.959425      -5.347073      -5.677127      -5.937756      -6.131271      -6.245456      -6.266096      -6.191347      -6.008628      -5.708232      -5.164607      -4.104444     -0.7716401      -1.368346      -1.976693      -2.586926      -3.178561      -3.731901      -4.264988      -4.750025      -5.188238      -5.565303      -5.863977      -6.100546      -6.263331      -6.341154      -6.331059      -6.227866      -6.018497  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-4.589385      -4.983382      -5.356472      -5.674035      -5.938434      -6.147246      -6.310170      -6.425001      -6.484664      -6.495203      -6.457084      -6.344058      -6.144076      -5.847905      -5.440494      -4.880956      -4.104444      -4.474393      -4.606710      -4.817050      -5.072182      -5.344429      -5.609055      -5.844471      -6.040597      -6.204564      -6.323205      -6.403415      -6.434024      -6.418784      -6.359818      -6.233708      -6.024879      -5.727679      -5.328804      -4.796334      -4.104444      -5.388162      -5.327279      -5.360020      -5.454612      -5.591527      -5.741611      -5.885285      -6.012246      -6.120741      -6.202342      -6.255812      -6.264612      -6.233196      -6.169964      -6.038605      -5.834622      -5.552946      -5.178721      -4.690536      -4.104444      -31.24921      -30.63293      -29.84394      -28.91301      -27.86324      -26.71180      -25.47160      -24.15264      -22.76286      -21.30871  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-1.664986      -1.332105      -2.434175      -2.392610      -2.358329      -2.329293      -2.303814      -2.284043      -2.264148      -2.246669      -2.223050      -2.197884      -2.171776      -2.146417      -2.112153      -2.075730      -2.030241      -1.963656      -1.891592      -1.799487      -1.657270      -1.332105      -2.748213      -2.680414      -2.621773      -2.568764      -2.520013      -2.479640      -2.439935      -2.403830      -2.361131      -2.317076      -2.270891      -2.229589      -2.181499      -2.132186      -2.076854      -2.000133      -1.903880      -1.801895      -1.653049      -1.332105      -3.317859      -3.211278      -3.115999      -3.026392      -2.940563      -2.853950      -2.786190      -2.722737      -2.659650      -2.593641      -2.519865      -2.440539      -2.363282      -2.286604      -2.201597      -2.101235      -1.975348      -1.832060      -1.661654      -1.332105      -6.924547      -6.725896      -6.514347      -6.290972      -6.055847  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-2.161129      -2.253746      -2.324879      -2.359752      -2.327557      -2.337789      -2.287539      -2.125801      -1.613434     -0.7655928     -0.9394375      -1.107388      -1.260507      -1.400922      -1.538865      -1.688932      -1.824785      -1.937376      -2.016681      -2.077766      -2.181991      -2.269970      -2.334694      -2.361418      -2.327497      -2.333852      -2.280088      -2.116048      -1.613434     -0.8185676     -0.9771537      -1.142697      -1.303253      -1.443806      -1.579656      -1.722901      -1.849564      -1.951327      -2.036428      -2.105765      -2.203806      -2.285521      -2.342792      -2.360143      -2.328430      -2.329554      -2.271592      -2.106167      -1.613434     -0.8885503      -1.038439      -1.200382      -1.357376      -1.495079      -1.626552      -1.759347      -1.874244      -1.973015      -2.061179      -2.133719      -2.225022      -2.299950      -2.348933      -2.358471      -2.328588      -2.324762      -2.262856  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-1.755144      -1.852011      -1.946344      -2.033930      -2.113472      -2.183522      -2.239125      -2.294831      -2.335355      -2.358216      -2.358005      -2.324412      -2.299214      -2.220062      -2.052176      -1.613434      -1.480415      -1.562854      -1.652741      -1.747486      -1.837829      -1.924019      -2.007629      -2.084397      -2.154414      -2.216259      -2.264433      -2.309349      -2.342334      -2.360286      -2.356658      -2.320336      -2.290179      -2.207320      -2.040382      -1.613434      -1.632807      -1.696612      -1.771256      -1.851675      -1.928591      -2.001226      -2.072862      -2.138704      -2.197289      -2.249599      -2.289351      -2.324895      -2.350287      -2.362253      -2.355084      -2.315166      -2.280576      -2.193519      -2.028248      -1.613434      -1.799710      -1.844944      -1.901473      -1.964224      -2.026004      -2.084871      -2.143492      -2.196682      -2.242807      -2.284250      -2.315120  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-2.135109      -1.977245      -1.613434      -2.673394      -2.627672      -2.594048      -2.576248      -2.561287      -2.547026      -2.538673      -2.526019      -2.510776      -2.493213      -2.476948      -2.459183      -2.434649      -2.401548      -2.357412      -2.295210      -2.225656      -2.124324      -1.965379      -1.613434      -3.051145      -2.968641      -2.900147      -2.853000      -2.810448      -2.769060      -2.735927      -2.699472      -2.660737      -2.618606      -2.580930      -2.541438      -2.496908      -2.447043      -2.389916      -2.316752      -2.228730      -2.120508      -1.956826      -1.613434      -3.740639      -3.603869      -3.475500      -3.374111      -3.280218      -3.191014      -3.121505      -3.052993      -2.980111      -2.903732      -2.826627      -2.749121      -2.674239      -2.591034      -2.498879      -2.399818      -2.273461      -2.141919      -1.960700      -1.613434      -9.740750      -9.472783      -9.182953      -8.872050  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-2.275173      -2.380400      -2.502774      -2.599518      -2.661876      -2.641886      -2.652777      -2.611574      -2.435460      -1.860027     -0.5336677     -0.7569983     -0.9836731      -1.192193      -1.384677      -1.552801      -1.746158      -1.927647      -2.090333      -2.213072      -2.302608      -2.413105      -2.528103      -2.617046      -2.669787      -2.644466      -2.652890      -2.604602      -2.424283      -1.860027     -0.5854717     -0.7982758      -1.017721      -1.228436      -1.420925      -1.598075      -1.786424      -1.962556      -2.111468      -2.233724      -2.335153      -2.445633      -2.552793      -2.633213      -2.674394      -2.648312      -2.651697      -2.596879      -2.412407      -1.860027     -0.6617835     -0.8640993      -1.078401      -1.283144      -1.476802      -1.655512      -1.837719      -1.998119      -2.138150      -2.263466      -2.369956      -2.475961      -2.575041      -2.647636      -2.676055      -2.652840      -2.649770  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-1.660319      -1.810808      -1.949647      -2.078921      -2.200024      -2.311471      -2.414360      -2.503888      -2.580180      -2.641961      -2.679938      -2.689975      -2.661429      -2.629919      -2.542711      -2.346691      -1.860027      -1.382291      -1.502544      -1.639763      -1.780002      -1.912278      -2.036237      -2.152550      -2.262003      -2.362830      -2.455458      -2.536403      -2.603362      -2.655652      -2.686579      -2.691117      -2.658661      -2.620332      -2.528059      -2.332512      -1.860027      -1.576374      -1.675156      -1.788274      -1.906144      -2.020487      -2.130529      -2.233167      -2.328756      -2.416460      -2.497805      -2.568278      -2.626040      -2.669463      -2.692366      -2.690113      -2.652959      -2.608697      -2.511818      -2.317822      -1.860027      -1.786856      -1.858853      -1.946450      -2.043823      -2.140453      -2.233723      -2.319567      -2.399295      -2.473464      -2.541783  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-2.542149      -2.435700      -2.254545      -1.860027      -2.868711      -2.825334      -2.797003      -2.786264      -2.782328      -2.780037      -2.777850      -2.774015      -2.775715      -2.772742      -2.770896      -2.761079      -2.750142      -2.720782      -2.674412      -2.600479      -2.523926      -2.417460      -2.238422      -1.860027      -3.312195      -3.221410      -3.152369      -3.104894      -3.064831      -3.027134      -2.991003      -2.954459      -2.926632      -2.896375      -2.869734      -2.835654      -2.803685      -2.753932      -2.691668      -2.608986      -2.514392      -2.403970      -2.223815      -1.860027      -4.116922      -3.950233      -3.805997      -3.693757      -3.595819      -3.499032      -3.406039      -3.319403      -3.247301      -3.176005      -3.104015      -3.028538      -2.953603      -2.877151      -2.780349      -2.670437      -2.539172      -2.410315      -2.218435      -1.860027      -12.77138      -12.43298      -12.06073  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-1.422812      -1.631251      -1.832982      -2.018954      -2.194805      -2.357947      -2.502829      -2.634634      -2.753382      -2.853549      -2.932862      -2.980254      -3.000329      -2.982756      -2.941993      -2.839648      -2.616211      -2.079525      -1.242677      -1.407073      -1.594340      -1.779094      -1.956387      -2.127653      -2.284186      -2.429108      -2.562097      -2.683827      -2.793341      -2.884714      -2.954303      -2.994297      -3.006598      -2.982603      -2.933226      -2.823719      -2.599721      -2.079525      -1.479223      -1.615315      -1.772326      -1.934930      -2.091612      -2.238746      -2.375395      -2.505305      -2.625687      -2.735281      -2.832162      -2.913746      -2.974524      -3.006084      -3.010351      -2.978548      -2.921419      -2.805681      -2.582496      -2.079525      -1.727682      -1.837415      -1.966912      -2.101683      -2.231856      -2.356540      -2.475077      -2.588322      -2.692592  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-2.928903      -2.843793      -2.713242      -2.505592      -2.079525      -3.011235      -2.973490      -2.960836      -2.966244      -2.978208      -2.986541      -2.997524      -3.013209      -3.027616      -3.042155      -3.055151      -3.056820      -3.050408      -3.025808      -2.984124      -2.912077      -2.817751      -2.687200      -2.484609      -2.079525      -3.524100      -3.430379      -3.363629      -3.322336      -3.289804      -3.256311      -3.225147      -3.203735      -3.181578      -3.162601      -3.147544      -3.122959      -3.091785      -3.046149      -2.985575      -2.901278      -2.794353      -2.663100      -2.464431      -2.079525      -4.443517      -4.257622      -4.094810      -3.976049      -3.872447      -3.768417      -3.667764      -3.583844      -3.499272      -3.422112      -3.362801      -3.293376      -3.218181      -3.140121      -3.044143      -2.933975      -2.793044      -2.652752      -2.451649      -2.079525      -15.99132      -15.58112  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-1.071456      -1.323984      -1.571383      -1.812734      -2.051766      -2.285324      -2.492646      -2.681688      -2.847260      -2.991775      -3.113279      -3.207624      -3.267702      -3.299835      -3.290842      -3.239343      -3.119014      -2.868665      -2.277299      -1.076366      -1.281894      -1.511181      -1.741860      -1.968053      -2.186030      -2.390334      -2.582760      -2.753174      -2.903651      -3.037989      -3.151241      -3.236669      -3.290362      -3.313920      -3.296152      -3.233881      -3.103142      -2.849489      -2.277299      -1.339785      -1.518129      -1.724792      -1.933018      -2.129039      -2.319120      -2.502870      -2.670451      -2.823727      -2.962640      -3.084398      -3.186542      -3.263207      -3.309026      -3.323637      -3.296700      -3.224788      -3.084587      -2.830120      -2.277299      -1.633782      -1.779748      -1.950822      -2.127022      -2.298944      -2.459476      -2.614408      -2.761249  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-3.307602      -3.246540      -3.144994      -2.980502      -2.740600      -2.277299      -3.113239      -3.084098      -3.087741      -3.109376      -3.138113      -3.167688      -3.199306      -3.233974      -3.269725      -3.301642      -3.328615      -3.346021      -3.350338      -3.331830      -3.292480      -3.222575      -3.113928      -2.948416      -2.714966      -2.277299      -3.688073      -3.593973      -3.537579      -3.501929      -3.477399      -3.457004      -3.439913      -3.429781      -3.427535      -3.420824      -3.414594      -3.401845      -3.381834      -3.341400      -3.282244      -3.199233      -3.081979      -2.916347      -2.688941      -2.277299      -4.691870      -4.495097      -4.341555      -4.212675      -4.101191      -3.998760      -3.901953      -3.815086      -3.748821      -3.677494      -3.609326      -3.547726      -3.485335      -3.407659      -3.312706      -3.206925      -3.065147      -2.893614      -2.668197      -2.277299      -19.38085  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-2.146318      -2.399686      -2.646981      -2.836996      -2.923009      -3.105655      -3.252553      -3.385309      -3.425182      -3.427528      -3.416440      -3.222960      -2.457263      0.2393775     -0.1451841     -0.5368569     -0.9157650      -1.268554      -1.585060      -1.875803      -2.157674      -2.422530      -2.671220      -2.858650      -2.997995      -3.163072      -3.300346      -3.420077      -3.440614      -3.448097      -3.417600      -3.210196      -2.457263      0.2048017     -0.1753015     -0.5614105     -0.9301530      -1.271835      -1.597613      -1.901508      -2.190495      -2.462081      -2.703790      -2.906586      -3.068130      -3.220702      -3.347662      -3.452062      -3.464618      -3.467658      -3.417563      -3.196090      -2.457263      0.1149653     -0.2548702     -0.6294183     -0.9789250      -1.314892      -1.640570      -1.948958      -2.246272      -2.518698      -2.752533      -2.966907      -3.138036      -3.277871      -3.393516  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-0.6250978     -0.9055699      -1.204410      -1.499898      -1.787013      -2.063829      -2.336947      -2.600528      -2.840368      -3.043792      -3.220722      -3.361702      -3.472725      -3.547984      -3.589612      -3.587618      -3.528201      -3.387429      -3.108433      -2.457263     -0.8914963      -1.141814      -1.420369      -1.688278      -1.950690      -2.212945      -2.473295      -2.712427      -2.927748      -3.115797      -3.274447      -3.407458      -3.510192      -3.579314      -3.611937      -3.599771      -3.528316      -3.373445      -3.088100      -2.457263      -1.186753      -1.403042      -1.649390      -1.895748      -2.139411      -2.380002      -2.605948      -2.820150      -3.013872      -3.181461      -3.327639      -3.451434      -3.545185      -3.605939      -3.628891      -3.605757      -3.523710      -3.356273      -3.066344      -2.457263      -1.509073      -1.692200      -1.908343      -2.128089      -2.336115      -2.541154      -2.742150 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-3.647004      -3.622524      -3.559810      -3.444516      -3.246904      -2.965499      -2.457263      -3.181693      -3.164052      -3.188777      -3.229188      -3.275669      -3.327299      -3.384926      -3.442981      -3.503874      -3.554623      -3.596311      -3.631737      -3.652134      -3.641850      -3.602236      -3.530411      -3.408646      -3.210583      -2.935172      -2.457263      -3.812241      -3.721774      -3.680622      -3.655679      -3.639990      -3.634500      -3.639256      -3.647522      -3.662600      -3.673120      -3.676316      -3.680501      -3.672988      -3.640739      -3.582036      -3.496647      -3.368341      -3.172580      -2.902601      -2.457263      -4.899316      -4.684165      -4.536182      -4.411791      -4.297316      -4.197095      -4.113789      -4.040289      -3.980381      -3.922807      -3.859724      -3.808111      -3.752387      -3.683769      -3.591163      -3.484329      -3.337172      -3.141168      -2.870950      -2.457263  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-1.937760      -2.237463      -2.509357      -2.773510      -2.994018      -3.087608      -3.276201      -3.437212      -3.586337      -3.647050      -3.639129      -3.643302      -3.452661      -2.622362      0.5165036      6.6139802E-02 -0.3806687     -0.8051081      -1.212294      -1.598074      -1.935086      -2.239749      -2.528283      -2.796309      -3.017702      -3.170512      -3.345961      -3.496977      -3.631638      -3.667559      -3.668507      -3.649367      -3.440579      -2.622362      0.4888918      4.8158906E-02 -0.3920879     -0.8149098      -1.224234      -1.606206      -1.943785      -2.266502      -2.559508      -2.834795      -3.072471      -3.248284      -3.419669      -3.557523      -3.675391      -3.700233      -3.698263      -3.654504      -3.426921      -2.622362      0.3948505     -2.8584741E-02 -0.4589045     -0.8736514      -1.269966      -1.633279      -1.983029      -2.307361      -2.613028      -2.893008      -3.133093      -3.327476      -3.491988  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-2.622362     -0.4072768     -0.7328725      -1.074577      -1.410079      -1.740625      -2.071022      -2.385249      -2.682792      -2.967275      -3.224490      -3.434101      -3.603744      -3.731078      -3.818226      -3.867829      -3.871716      -3.802982      -3.647030      -3.338184      -2.622362     -0.6976613     -0.9897228      -1.306797      -1.621067      -1.931781      -2.230655      -2.526993      -2.815037      -3.084123      -3.308610      -3.504957      -3.659297      -3.777440      -3.858148      -3.899260      -3.891475      -3.809122      -3.636001      -3.317194      -2.622362      -1.020165      -1.278122      -1.567111      -1.849846      -2.128834      -2.410111      -2.690933      -2.951214      -3.187005      -3.391336      -3.566125      -3.711146      -3.821127      -3.892834      -3.924472      -3.904323      -3.809485      -3.620814      -3.294646      -2.622362      -1.375623      -1.593276      -1.844239      -2.099315      -2.354209      -2.607167  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-3.938888      -3.956370      -3.937695      -3.871391      -3.737521      -3.510226      -3.185526      -2.622362      -3.226561      -3.223361      -3.267753      -3.327749      -3.395168      -3.473629      -3.559036      -3.644678      -3.727635      -3.802122      -3.864094      -3.917187      -3.948829      -3.948533      -3.916240      -3.838436      -3.698799      -3.468713      -3.151527      -2.622362      -3.910953      -3.822428      -3.794254      -3.785429      -3.786071      -3.798443      -3.824282      -3.856030      -3.889128      -3.919232      -3.941489      -3.960351      -3.961069      -3.938004      -3.889007      -3.797324      -3.652132      -3.423125      -3.113881      -2.622362      -5.071471      -4.848199      -4.700623      -4.576713      -4.465499      -4.374686      -4.305797      -4.250794      -4.203191      -4.158296      -4.114933      -4.073986      -4.018573      -3.957886      -3.878592      -3.765311      -3.610527      -3.378043      -3.073716  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-1.622341      -1.983648      -2.326667      -2.623771      -2.899858      -3.140796      -3.250309      -3.440343      -3.608966      -3.772927      -3.850956      -3.836640      -3.854949      -3.669069      -2.774865      0.7918636      0.2687730     -0.2344831     -0.7040781      -1.152804      -1.580971      -1.980228      -2.331749      -2.634807      -2.925899      -3.162973      -3.342783      -3.522703      -3.682378      -3.829616      -3.878443      -3.875631      -3.867250      -3.658261      -2.774865      0.7689662      0.2658053     -0.2299758     -0.7015952      -1.153480      -1.591140      -1.993276      -2.342602      -2.665347      -2.960049      -3.221957      -3.428673      -3.607161      -3.758456      -3.886964      -3.922303      -3.915453      -3.879038      -3.645637      -2.774865      0.6743246      0.1913934     -0.2907774     -0.7532738      -1.202934      -1.631544      -2.019195      -2.376813      -2.709449      -3.016235      -3.292130      -3.509547  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-3.578309      -2.774865     -0.1896857     -0.5598747     -0.9432873      -1.319975      -1.689496      -2.057940      -2.419321      -2.764253      -3.077164      -3.373232      -3.633311      -3.830602      -3.978303      -4.079029      -4.137576      -4.145055      -4.069054      -3.901524      -3.558727      -2.774865     -0.4993140     -0.8325168      -1.188910      -1.540653      -1.890672      -2.243542      -2.579125      -2.900126      -3.207982      -3.489030      -3.716257      -3.901503      -4.034396      -4.128326      -4.178851      -4.174229      -4.083119      -3.894773      -3.537692      -2.774865     -0.8472975      -1.143877      -1.467764      -1.793133      -2.116557      -2.434987      -2.750039      -3.060053      -3.344784      -3.586340      -3.795106      -3.962163      -4.085894      -4.172534      -4.212817      -4.195873      -4.090284      -3.883047      -3.514873      -2.774865      -1.231247      -1.487678      -1.775807      -2.062927      -2.352147  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-4.160567      -4.229113      -4.264354      -4.253016      -4.182213      -4.030755      -3.777203      -3.399966      -2.774865      -3.248047      -3.260699      -3.328937      -3.410428      -3.502174      -3.608963      -3.723698      -3.837861      -3.945438      -4.044157      -4.132231      -4.196302      -4.240273      -4.257228      -4.230989      -4.148037      -3.989221      -3.732876      -3.363064      -2.774865      -3.990931      -3.909287      -3.890090      -3.893641      -3.914671      -3.952631      -4.002109      -4.056975      -4.110296      -4.160117      -4.208298      -4.234219      -4.247700      -4.241542      -4.196701      -4.101512      -3.935467      -3.682360      -3.321528      -2.774865      -5.217290      -4.991740      -4.838763      -4.714069      -4.613087      -4.539089      -4.488829      -4.450880      -4.417175      -4.387923      -4.368379      -4.331231      -4.291515      -4.243045      -4.166642      -4.055826      -3.883714      -3.627576  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-1.209202      -1.634594      -2.023453      -2.391378      -2.729018      -3.027984      -3.282530      -3.408782      -3.597168      -3.773392      -3.948817      -4.040746      -4.021122      -4.050800      -3.873848      -2.916559       1.066859      0.4710190     -9.6365385E-02 -0.6237128      -1.105789      -1.566293      -2.000863      -2.402751      -2.750587      -3.051917      -3.310961      -3.506176      -3.696425      -3.860340      -4.018987      -4.076440      -4.071865      -4.070179      -3.864978      -2.916559       1.048936      0.4778214     -7.7955276E-02 -0.5966769      -1.088940      -1.562931      -2.014839      -2.425371      -2.772365      -3.090896      -3.366659      -3.596927      -3.790298      -3.948971      -4.089887      -4.130652      -4.123545      -4.089236      -3.854060      -2.916559      0.9525121      0.4059384     -0.1285537     -0.6395382      -1.130704      -1.605707      -2.056236      -2.452869      -2.811319      -3.141702      -3.437293  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-4.321880      -4.435657      -4.523884      -4.569610      -4.561056      -4.488368      -4.322999      -4.039145      -3.610225      -2.916559      -3.253727      -3.283406      -3.371611      -3.477519      -3.600353      -3.737324      -3.881787      -4.025780      -4.159452      -4.282340      -4.393657      -4.476450      -4.539866      -4.566651      -4.539552      -4.454317      -4.280580      -3.993287      -3.570496      -2.916559      -4.052089      -3.980827      -3.973112      -3.991922      -4.034727      -4.097801      -4.174541      -4.255047      -4.329001      -4.399737      -4.468454      -4.513222      -4.545665      -4.549510      -4.501610      -4.403636      -4.223009      -3.938237      -3.524818      -2.916559      -5.346406      -5.114060      -4.958988      -4.838586      -4.751560      -4.697198      -4.667211      -4.647934      -4.630498      -4.617279      -4.612930      -4.597709      -4.577195      -4.539707      -4.459557      -4.345662      -4.160724  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-0.6712189      -1.200750      -1.679263      -2.078205      -2.460010      -2.817139      -3.149410      -3.422709      -3.564931      -3.749463      -3.931265      -4.112437      -4.220244      -4.192735      -4.233112      -4.067566      -3.048875       1.341236      0.6712297      3.9880350E-02 -0.5439078      -1.084478      -1.570612      -2.025767      -2.457216      -2.848853      -3.187422      -3.455400      -3.665470      -3.861794      -4.032022      -4.196716      -4.265140      -4.255972      -4.260322      -4.061225      -3.048875       1.327873      0.6872489      7.1386337E-02 -0.5053536      -1.037723      -1.541505      -2.024797      -2.481543      -2.885776      -3.221711      -3.517287      -3.758437      -3.968988      -4.132192      -4.281912      -4.328747      -4.320695      -4.287358      -4.052582      -3.048875       1.228355      0.6172951      2.5850749E-02 -0.5339763      -1.064382      -1.575172      -2.066745      -2.527949      -2.920455      -3.271310 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-4.537714      -4.371964      -3.996012      -3.048875      0.2520625     -0.2074154     -0.6805919      -1.148689      -1.602206      -2.042986      -2.470757      -2.885241      -3.284270      -3.650064      -3.968415      -4.241835      -4.447067      -4.581158      -4.653733      -4.661223      -4.577436      -4.382720      -3.978362      -3.048875     -9.9239968E-02 -0.5177975     -0.9545534      -1.382529      -1.810378      -2.230503      -2.647312      -3.055891      -3.435764      -3.780326      -4.093616      -4.346067      -4.531408      -4.650501      -4.713693      -4.708984      -4.609138      -4.387516      -3.958760      -3.048875     -0.4908584     -0.8628815      -1.261633      -1.655596      -2.055679      -2.458874      -2.861824      -3.239060      -3.597335      -3.933382      -4.215553      -4.438527      -4.604651      -4.712870      -4.766094      -4.748610      -4.632143      -4.386052      -3.936874      -3.048875     -0.9252731      -1.250880      -1.610037  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-4.411170      -4.576339      -4.714636      -4.819335      -4.870477      -4.863739      -4.787403      -4.608268      -4.300484      -3.816092      -3.048875      -3.245016      -3.296066      -3.403724      -3.533989      -3.689738      -3.860877      -4.036705      -4.209224      -4.371847      -4.521120      -4.653820      -4.764001      -4.842366      -4.871615      -4.846646      -4.756496      -4.566092      -4.253918      -3.774221      -3.048875      -4.101095      -4.036143      -4.043875      -4.082864      -4.149368      -4.238105      -4.340521      -4.446332      -4.547482      -4.642670      -4.729584      -4.802812      -4.849466      -4.852637      -4.808502      -4.705064      -4.505703      -4.193959      -3.725241      -3.048875      -5.460030      -5.221516      -5.065348      -4.955572      -4.883615      -4.848857      -4.836699      -4.834509      -4.838810      -4.849603      -4.862995      -4.875131      -4.870581      -4.833110      -4.758389      -4.637686  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4.5327857E-02 -0.6179577      -1.194806      -1.712639      -2.160956      -2.544039      -2.907687      -3.254858      -3.556212      -3.717219      -3.900656      -4.083342      -4.266849      -4.388412      -4.355129      -4.403366      -4.249909      -3.172978       1.617472      0.8786821      0.1744004     -0.4684173      -1.057934      -1.598281      -2.072240      -2.516112      -2.931878      -3.307868      -3.601555      -3.824596      -4.024368      -4.200623      -4.362914      -4.443686      -4.431808      -4.438745      -4.246447      -3.172978       1.606002      0.8917193      0.2182205     -0.4118090      -1.002078      -1.539951      -2.041933      -2.526515      -2.975046      -3.358079      -3.661702      -3.922178      -4.140057      -4.312664      -4.460844      -4.518041      -4.508835      -4.474390      -4.240557      -3.172978       1.502064      0.8270561      0.1767562     -0.4351356      -1.009885      -1.550733      -2.073822      -2.573305      -3.028696  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-4.840281      -4.770171      -4.592692      -4.193273      -3.172978      0.4710413     -3.2511681E-02 -0.5472008      -1.055827      -1.560260      -2.042225      -2.504772      -2.951097      -3.376600      -3.779238      -4.131477      -4.430354      -4.667950      -4.815494      -4.896393      -4.905196      -4.819230      -4.611269      -4.177813      -3.172978      0.1023926     -0.3589999     -0.8366297      -1.310088      -1.774161      -2.231712      -2.679022      -3.118265      -3.540905      -3.922297      -4.261008      -4.554713      -4.763077      -4.896036      -4.966033      -4.962359      -4.859643      -4.623445      -4.160331      -3.172978     -0.3125764     -0.7239971      -1.158052      -1.589585      -2.024873      -2.460048      -2.896895      -3.325207      -3.714917      -4.079664      -4.407103      -4.665636      -4.853497      -4.968102      -5.028531      -5.011194      -4.891040      -4.628444      -4.140196      -3.172978     -0.7694855      -1.128958  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-4.422788      -4.640872      -4.832414      -4.991087      -5.104067      -5.165128      -5.162357      -5.083486      -4.890526      -4.556082      -4.020707      -3.172978      -3.223378      -3.294356      -3.428225      -3.586134      -3.772783      -3.977828      -4.185496      -4.389216      -4.582500      -4.759820      -4.917142      -5.045519      -5.133026      -5.172012      -5.150989      -5.055099      -4.850419      -4.508791      -3.977402      -3.172978      -4.136347      -4.083882      -4.104643      -4.166019      -4.259502      -4.374918      -4.502697      -4.634696      -4.766997      -4.889718      -4.999266      -5.087585      -5.141893      -5.154593      -5.114410      -5.001746      -4.789629      -4.445659      -3.925934      -3.172978      -5.560581      -5.317094      -5.167201      -5.067751      -5.015368      -4.996083      -5.002248      -5.021479      -5.055187      -5.092019      -5.128958      -5.155863      -5.157367      -5.128912      -5.058296  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0.9407381      0.1887173     -0.5201726      -1.183269      -1.748147      -2.229896      -2.653035      -3.008818      -3.360208      -3.674322      -3.869499      -4.049817      -4.230097      -4.416543      -4.544463      -4.510602      -4.561103      -4.421094      -3.289828       1.889313       1.087234      0.3319951     -0.3877641      -1.034232      -1.616242      -2.141265      -2.594921      -3.018152      -3.411869      -3.738903      -3.981666      -4.184860      -4.361083      -4.526367      -4.610414      -4.600692      -4.604678      -4.420801      -3.289828       1.882725       1.102967      0.3655576     -0.3229340     -0.9634181      -1.552553      -2.082942      -2.577204      -3.051180      -3.475941      -3.812340      -4.083000      -4.306613      -4.488919      -4.637302      -4.695107      -4.689795      -4.648949      -4.417986      -3.289828       1.774113       1.031985      0.3261180     -0.3367894     -0.9642158      -1.544011      -2.086889      -2.613739  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-5.043172      -5.062048      -4.994702      -4.804394      -4.380979      -3.289828      0.6871479      0.1392042     -0.4171602     -0.9665363      -1.507035      -2.040263      -2.542734      -3.019033      -3.475601      -3.902290      -4.292724      -4.613422      -4.867899      -5.041234      -5.130153      -5.138921      -5.053257      -4.831420      -4.367823      -3.289828      0.3005283     -0.2028598     -0.7166871      -1.230453      -1.744439      -2.235248      -2.718386      -3.183564      -3.638441      -4.059941      -4.427800      -4.745466      -4.985422      -5.135515      -5.210792      -5.206631      -5.103383      -4.851588      -4.352284      -3.289828     -0.1340686     -0.5832007      -1.056982      -1.527563      -1.998951      -2.467903      -2.931895      -3.393153      -3.836049      -4.224492      -4.585443      -4.883636      -5.087826      -5.218904      -5.283454      -5.266165      -5.143924      -4.863678      -4.333726      -3.289828     -0.6153535  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-4.354746      -4.627702      -4.873587      -5.087080      -5.259072      -5.382218      -5.453759      -5.449244      -5.367973      -5.170371      -4.804540      -4.215334      -3.289828      -3.192610      -3.283682      -3.443194      -3.634645      -3.854410      -4.092281      -4.333764      -4.570483      -4.798458      -5.004321      -5.184502      -5.327441      -5.423686      -5.468955      -5.442607      -5.343143      -5.131879      -4.757224      -4.171154      -3.289828      -4.160716      -4.119873      -4.161148      -4.243134      -4.364150      -4.509068      -4.664656      -4.825634      -4.990780      -5.143623      -5.275697      -5.378719      -5.441066      -5.456662      -5.406762      -5.290851      -5.069419      -4.692224      -4.118073      -3.289828      -5.653906      -5.403454      -5.257888      -5.170434      -5.138956      -5.141811      -5.165032      -5.212548      -5.277749      -5.344959      -5.402625      -5.442489      -5.454790      -5.429463  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2.002424       1.123880      0.3225873     -0.4210474      -1.125552      -1.775326      -2.298089      -2.745662      -3.128229      -3.469144      -3.786718      -4.012401      -4.194900      -4.371695      -4.560474      -4.695410      -4.657660      -4.711565      -4.585195      -3.400226       2.159054       1.293347      0.4870367     -0.2785740     -0.9994747      -1.636456      -2.196429      -2.696828      -3.117078      -3.515718      -3.862328      -4.136377      -4.341878      -4.518384      -4.685983      -4.773175      -4.760509      -4.763859      -4.588871      -3.400226       2.156096       1.312894      0.5255550     -0.2303683     -0.9261387      -1.559807      -2.139618      -2.649550      -3.130032      -3.577124      -3.952406      -4.239799      -4.473373      -4.658105      -4.808857      -4.870940      -4.861688      -4.817470      -4.589745      -3.400226       2.044493       1.241649      0.4738965     -0.2427914     -0.9174523      -1.546713      -2.120628   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-5.141634      -5.260001      -5.283036      -5.207850      -5.008626      -4.564757      -3.400226      0.9018604      0.3061237     -0.2896637     -0.8802370      -1.457014      -2.026815      -2.581012      -3.089455      -3.577990      -4.025878      -4.443457      -4.791320      -5.060499      -5.258887      -5.359628      -5.367732      -5.273622      -5.043262      -4.554029      -3.400226      0.4975314     -4.6111364E-02 -0.6006916      -1.152916      -1.703526      -2.246784      -2.757169      -3.259226      -3.734828      -4.190016      -4.595791      -4.923747      -5.192176      -5.360910      -5.448623      -5.443921      -5.330896      -5.070055      -4.540652      -3.400226      4.4370074E-02 -0.4420583     -0.9525407      -1.468549      -1.975869      -2.479260      -2.974891      -3.462190      -3.936471      -4.373675      -4.752146      -5.073770      -5.312462      -5.457203      -5.527146      -5.510415      -5.379294      -5.088173      -4.523881      -3.400226  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-4.187866      -4.527556      -4.834912      -5.108734      -5.340162      -5.524681      -5.656747      -5.724772      -5.724653      -5.640920      -5.430771      -5.049238      -4.407153      -3.400226      -3.158305      -3.265316      -3.451123      -3.676409      -3.935094      -4.207117      -4.480421      -4.753510      -5.015336      -5.249715      -5.445563      -5.599657      -5.705379      -5.747935      -5.724251      -5.621228      -5.394296      -5.002858      -4.361385      -3.400226      -4.172040      -4.142874      -4.205348      -4.315851      -4.466270      -4.640593      -4.825921      -5.023344      -5.218109      -5.398137      -5.546306      -5.656781      -5.727632      -5.740624      -5.691815      -5.570264      -5.331268      -4.935558      -4.305659      -3.400226      -5.727656      -5.479310      -5.345443      -5.273653      -5.261044      -5.285432      -5.337531      -5.419620      -5.511434      -5.601395      -5.672600      -5.718625      -5.741508  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-3.504848       2.252410       1.306731      0.4353921     -0.3375996      -1.064293      -1.753294      -2.362548      -2.836642      -3.238752      -3.585769      -3.900652      -4.144046      -4.337742      -4.511623      -4.690573      -4.839889      -4.797246      -4.853190      -4.739527      -3.504848       2.426936       1.494175      0.6328522     -0.1705800     -0.9303625      -1.646101      -2.251484      -2.779932      -3.237658      -3.624303      -3.980344      -4.278649      -4.497796      -4.673320      -4.830723      -4.929039      -4.912425      -4.914745      -4.747243      -3.504848       2.429046       1.519818      0.6822726     -0.1205431     -0.8807592      -1.568895      -2.184800      -2.743905      -3.221576      -3.677407      -4.073986      -4.394210      -4.634161      -4.820406      -4.969838      -5.038089      -5.027071      -4.978378      -4.752133      -3.504848       2.311444       1.448559      0.6296582     -0.1484809     -0.8736172      -1.546656  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-5.119719      -5.332234      -5.468429      -5.492119      -5.414542      -5.205187      -4.743092      -3.504848       1.118239      0.4719977     -0.1648256     -0.7980094      -1.412257      -2.012304      -2.605280      -3.168745      -3.677088      -4.162003      -4.583844      -4.957011      -5.244683      -5.456773      -5.573879      -5.585954      -5.490963      -5.248693      -4.736238      -3.504848      0.6880505      0.1046546     -0.4876399      -1.079456      -1.663807      -2.244365      -2.804100      -3.330499      -3.843027      -4.313482      -4.741655      -5.097892      -5.383389      -5.574559      -5.672500      -5.669529      -5.557981      -5.284344      -4.726669      -3.504848      0.2161522     -0.3058348     -0.8518858      -1.403158      -1.955940      -2.492942      -3.020789      -3.538395      -4.039618      -4.509167      -4.912954      -5.255707      -5.526598      -5.681486      -5.759722      -5.744107      -5.614683      -5.310842      -4.713308  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-3.922611      -4.313544      -4.696745      -5.044566      -5.341245      -5.583663      -5.774940      -5.914221      -5.985673      -5.994147      -5.907499      -5.693053      -5.290190      -4.602425      -3.504848      -3.120555      -3.244305      -3.453600      -3.713065      -4.011615      -4.324297      -4.635110      -4.947648      -5.237548      -5.493637      -5.701163      -5.860444      -5.974056      -6.019354      -6.002738      -5.893494      -5.661489      -5.245496      -4.555361      -3.504848      -4.176007      -4.156958      -4.243480      -4.384238      -4.567160      -4.772926      -4.994992      -5.228664      -5.452535      -5.654003      -5.813061      -5.926573      -6.005141      -6.019602      -5.976352      -5.845952      -5.600943      -5.177912      -4.496868      -3.504848      -5.793470      -5.545438      -5.426201      -5.375665      -5.384237      -5.433758      -5.515341      -5.628150      -5.746497      -5.861535      -5.943041      -5.992193  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-4.869192      -3.604268       2.499778       1.484119      0.5487780     -0.2864825      -1.020640      -1.724043      -2.375610      -2.923284      -3.342164      -3.705676      -4.016686      -4.270104      -4.474751      -4.648220      -4.815692      -4.977228      -4.926929      -4.988357      -4.882880      -3.604268       2.693695       1.691553      0.7647545     -7.3799357E-02 -0.8596931      -1.614277      -2.302757      -2.860501      -3.342380      -3.743213      -4.096234      -4.408849      -4.650171      -4.822732      -4.970520      -5.079525      -5.057405      -5.059038      -4.894126      -3.604268       2.700984       1.720936      0.8316900     -1.1550839E-02 -0.8100185      -1.570737      -2.229596      -2.817768      -3.335021      -3.780266      -4.188221      -4.535786      -4.787045      -4.978546      -5.121761      -5.198614      -5.185909      -5.131679      -4.902776      -3.604268       2.576533       1.651399      0.7829528     -4.1962359E-02 -0.8285523  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-4.973419      -5.284052      -5.515736      -5.658526      -5.694084      -5.616492      -5.397260      -4.907021      -3.604268       1.326079      0.6370730     -4.3914065E-02 -0.7177688      -1.367843      -2.001281      -2.622662      -3.235036      -3.786381      -4.278753      -4.723745      -5.115268      -5.420678      -5.644681      -5.774238      -5.797522      -5.700441      -5.448620      -4.903650      -3.604268      0.8783752      0.2565016     -0.3792132      -1.009135      -1.625772      -2.237806      -2.840452      -3.409325      -3.944489      -4.438797      -4.885658      -5.271474      -5.560919      -5.776284      -5.883511      -5.890884      -5.776037      -5.491013      -4.897131      -3.604268      0.3872166     -0.1707050     -0.7558745      -1.340940      -1.926662      -2.511277      -3.067447      -3.620575      -4.144642      -4.640069      -5.075791      -5.430494      -5.713735      -5.894411      -5.981906      -5.975092      -5.841243      -5.523453  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-3.557080      -3.998126      -4.442698      -4.865519      -5.252986      -5.569234      -5.820088      -6.022242      -6.166989      -6.251047      -6.258017      -6.172077      -5.948008      -5.516076      -4.783830      -3.604268      -3.069030      -3.219528      -3.455539      -3.745695      -4.084221      -4.439581      -4.793847      -5.140666      -5.459216      -5.735297      -5.951226      -6.122596      -6.239638      -6.298828      -6.277698      -6.162823      -5.918652      -5.470012      -4.737060      -3.604268      -4.176344      -4.168177      -4.274327      -4.446289      -4.663421      -4.906436      -5.165047      -5.432088      -5.685357      -5.904145      -6.074776      -6.205962      -6.284211      -6.311075      -6.259721      -6.117709      -5.857108      -5.399708      -4.679310      -3.604268      -5.852900      -5.606039      -5.496519      -5.475309      -5.511034      -5.586718      -5.696942      -5.835308      -5.985280      -6.112514      -6.210567  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-5.044424      -5.005476      -3.698979       2.747442       1.655997      0.6582776     -0.2275844      -1.019989      -1.709278      -2.378607      -2.978218      -3.441717      -3.812742      -4.134722      -4.396032      -4.603970      -4.782784      -4.947804      -5.106793      -5.052763      -5.118328      -5.024074      -3.698979       2.961537       1.881981      0.8964012      1.2313888E-03 -0.8024008      -1.576138      -2.305001      -2.936076      -3.440376      -3.867019      -4.213444      -4.534315      -4.788980      -4.969662      -5.114824      -5.220418      -5.198913      -5.198240      -5.040159      -3.698979       2.972874       1.919741      0.9688639      9.0295412E-02 -0.7389342      -1.537571      -2.271426      -2.889719      -3.434762      -3.892563      -4.299112      -4.662203      -4.936121      -5.136681      -5.276659      -5.350873      -5.340382      -5.280670      -5.053368      -3.698979       2.838513       1.850426      0.9319575      6.5039016E-02 -0.7623338      -1.551253      -2.243458      -2.876627      -3.440036      -3.939742      -4.401767      -4.784705      -5.062066      -5.284564      -5.429657      -5.494750      -5.472134      -5.361562      -5.063108      -3.698979       2.609534       1.686830      0.8097985     -3.5505716E-02 -0.8401424      -1.580443      -2.265996      -2.904312      -3.476196      -4.027987      -4.517038      -4.892514      -5.186959      -5.421720      -5.573788      -5.634384      -5.594469      -5.439417      -5.068639      -3.698979       2.305410       1.444528      0.6157289     -0.1883478     -0.9488525      -1.664247      -2.338981      -2.967096      -3.580502      -4.147252      -4.624665      -4.998252      -5.309717      -5.555665      -5.709720      -5.765669      -5.706384      -5.512312      -5.071266      -3.698979       1.938509       1.144462      0.3714083     -0.3900647      -1.110975      -1.798754      -2.456953      -3.104959      -3.725134      -4.275838  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-6.050541      -5.724733      -5.062332      -3.698979     -3.2958402E-03 -0.5307866      -1.093795      -1.667665      -2.252304      -2.821847      -3.396560      -3.963450      -4.508506      -5.005296      -5.428634      -5.786654      -6.057445      -6.225844      -6.296397      -6.275199      -6.110507      -5.752285      -5.048714      -3.698979     -0.6227000      -1.078241      -1.578634      -2.097785      -2.633385      -3.176867      -3.735344      -4.292937      -4.809468      -5.265595      -5.666506      -5.980995      -6.200451      -6.334278      -6.382468      -6.341007      -6.154572      -5.765533      -5.028508      -3.698979      -1.315961      -1.688004      -2.121888      -2.589227      -3.087957      -3.610070      -4.135521      -4.649857      -5.136615      -5.561762      -5.885455      -6.139357      -6.318379      -6.430206      -6.456442      -6.389437      -6.179556      -5.762749      -5.000386      -3.698979      -2.096580      -2.384362      -2.745924  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-6.368296      -6.485138      -6.566789      -6.602776      -6.576048      -6.469790      -6.287743      -5.996889      -5.533651      -4.780036      -3.698979      -64.69788      -63.32493      -61.56387      -59.48021      -57.12621      -54.54133      -51.75533      -48.79116      -45.66695      -42.39745      -38.99484      -35.46944      -31.83005      -28.08425      -24.23871      -20.29929      -16.27122      -12.15911      -7.967110      -3.698979       1.209739      0.1018659     -0.8153958      -1.456187      -2.059936      -2.566810      -3.003789      -3.144609      -3.486615      -3.801705      -4.084693      -4.328586      -4.311613      -4.540153      -4.755910      -4.953622      -4.927366      -5.089330      -5.107334      -3.789407       2.419301       1.252792      0.2277802     -0.6484935      -1.409252      -2.061916      -2.612213      -3.053340      -3.470194      -3.833571      -4.156521      -4.405288      -4.487782      -4.690754      -4.899566      -5.099317  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1.075269      0.1662821     -0.6951892      -1.521120      -2.279296      -2.942912      -3.538504      -4.040697      -4.505880      -4.907766      -5.213090      -5.435346      -5.591939      -5.652650      -5.629800      -5.506142      -5.208961      -3.789407       2.854155       1.876808      0.9530326      6.4003326E-02 -0.7846289      -1.577953      -2.301150      -2.970243      -3.565474      -4.113166      -4.620719      -5.029530      -5.332532      -5.574530      -5.746514      -5.800978      -5.759243      -5.593165      -5.218960      -3.789407       2.534753       1.625190      0.7504089     -9.8794311E-02 -0.9091430      -1.662813      -2.371939      -3.031309      -3.648156      -4.231269      -4.748853      -5.139650      -5.462003      -5.713813      -5.890078      -5.941522      -5.876803      -5.675064      -5.225688      -3.789407       2.162001       1.315263      0.4948702     -0.3098840      -1.072579      -1.797145      -2.487036      -3.150988      -3.792200   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-6.394989      -6.251215      -5.917819      -5.230860      -3.789407      0.1437174     -0.4157942      -1.012394      -1.620699      -2.236038      -2.850175      -3.454967      -4.055886      -4.614888      -5.133555      -5.583451      -5.952304      -6.255689      -6.436440      -6.509688      -6.481123      -6.317304      -5.950398      -5.220017      -3.789407     -0.4954442     -0.9800279      -1.513854      -2.066759      -2.633345      -3.210622      -3.800682      -4.385566      -4.937675      -5.413404      -5.832297      -6.179238      -6.419057      -6.557918      -6.601660      -6.554248      -6.367175      -5.968428      -5.201543      -3.789407      -1.209344      -1.608937      -2.070340      -2.568003      -3.097385      -3.652795      -4.229519      -4.768122      -5.277756      -5.727682      -6.089608      -6.364443      -6.554961      -6.659964      -6.682150      -6.610923      -6.397059      -5.969625      -5.174593      -3.789407      -2.013953      -2.325225  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-2.326377      -2.020731      -2.083008      -2.142419      -2.210766      -2.274394      -2.331185      -2.382762      -2.428948      -2.469221      -2.514824      -2.564247      -2.604917      -2.636372      -2.656261      -2.664910      -2.677015      -2.678976      -2.656359      -2.592254      -2.326377      -2.075577      -2.133507      -2.188269      -2.252057      -2.309942      -2.364313      -2.413774      -2.457770      -2.494616      -2.537843      -2.582830      -2.620085      -2.647775      -2.664635      -2.670709      -2.679907      -2.678952      -2.653538      -2.587834      -2.326377      -2.134543      -2.186646      -2.236503      -2.294213      -2.349202      -2.400629      -2.447253      -2.487455      -2.521909      -2.561426      -2.602169      -2.635233      -2.658955      -2.673174      -2.676437      -2.682555      -2.678574      -2.650330      -2.583121      -2.326377      -2.196543      -2.241965      -2.286327      -2.340645      -2.391979      -2.439711  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-2.706705      -2.707888      -2.697564      -2.689629      -2.671340      -2.632733      -2.560620      -2.326377      -2.480475      -2.503692      -2.525760      -2.557552      -2.586850      -2.614074      -2.636895      -2.654423      -2.665678      -2.681249      -2.699986      -2.713103      -2.719314      -2.716480      -2.702177      -2.689432      -2.667910      -2.626891      -2.553836      -2.326377      -2.561151      -2.577758      -2.593295      -2.618520      -2.641234      -2.662305      -2.679434      -2.691781      -2.698162      -2.708602      -2.722274      -2.730654      -2.732318      -2.725079      -2.707114      -2.688576      -2.663763      -2.620396      -2.546449      -2.326377      -2.647693      -2.656426      -2.664681      -2.682971      -2.699072      -2.714164      -2.725553      -2.732220      -2.733202      -2.738075      -2.746164      -2.749282      -2.745996      -2.734055      -2.713577      -2.687122      -2.658881      -2.613195      -2.538357  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-3.079875      -3.051767      -3.026750      -2.998872      -2.968139      -2.933865      -2.896127      -2.854613      -2.810407      -2.767513      -2.717646      -2.657842      -2.587204      -2.495947      -2.326377      -3.828560      -3.769727      -3.708366      -3.644529      -3.578260      -3.509606      -3.438635      -3.365640      -3.289922      -3.212273      -3.132508      -3.050670      -2.967028      -2.880917      -2.793114      -2.703414      -2.611837      -2.518451      -2.423288      -2.326377      -1.702223      -1.828565      -1.944814      -2.045136      -2.140344      -2.253601      -2.360173      -2.457012      -2.542596      -2.611279      -2.680176      -2.766787      -2.842998      -2.907647      -2.955369      -2.984749      -3.024312      -3.033057      -2.982974      -2.653861      -1.708524      -1.837583      -1.955382      -2.053559      -2.154384      -2.271403      -2.379352      -2.477624      -2.561959      -2.626415      -2.695777      -2.782328  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-2.992462      -3.022086      -3.041367      -3.046354      -3.039579      -3.038063      -3.004673      -2.926621      -2.653861      -2.539272      -2.592935      -2.644915      -2.693533      -2.741796      -2.796453      -2.847422      -2.892025      -2.928123      -2.955685      -2.983717      -3.016131      -3.039679      -3.053893      -3.054037      -3.042429      -3.035744      -2.998170      -2.918627      -2.653861      -2.664328      -2.707201      -2.748182      -2.786174      -2.823842      -2.867884      -2.908583      -2.944682      -2.973130      -2.993989      -3.015685      -3.041227      -3.058105      -3.066459      -3.061281      -3.044538      -3.031810      -2.990774      -2.909849      -2.653861      -2.798468      -2.829434      -2.857622      -2.883513      -2.909941      -2.943690      -2.974484      -3.002172      -3.022303      -3.035388      -3.049838      -3.068130      -3.077588      -3.079339      -3.068197      -3.044986      -3.026662      -2.982471  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-3.468014      -3.432872      -3.410923      -3.387826      -3.363210      -3.333362      -3.296576      -3.253307      -3.216584      -3.180812      -3.137594      -3.084701      -3.018179      -2.943590      -2.851174      -2.653861      -5.157303      -5.068347      -4.973272      -4.872968      -4.767378      -4.656682      -4.541017      -4.420588      -4.295527      -4.165998      -4.032156      -3.894111      -3.752031      -3.606017      -3.456202      -3.302703      -3.145607      -2.985046      -2.821340      -2.653861      -1.548753      -1.732505      -1.902192      -2.054641      -2.179442      -2.301683      -2.445978      -2.579206      -2.698634      -2.799209      -2.866798      -2.972915      -3.075149      -3.163960      -3.233270      -3.265985      -3.324216      -3.349049      -3.303276      -2.935190      -1.512939      -1.707721      -1.886843      -2.042129      -2.166719      -2.299882      -2.453215      -2.592304      -2.714734      -2.813833      -2.876701  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-3.348390      -3.285684      -2.935190      -1.669412      -1.843751      -2.013800      -2.171984      -2.310514      -2.447605      -2.587750      -2.707541      -2.810697      -2.902569      -2.980409      -3.083933      -3.174540      -3.244159      -3.284741      -3.300442      -3.343045      -3.347234      -3.280429      -2.935190      -1.757419      -1.925499      -2.088721      -2.239067      -2.374469      -2.504234      -2.631987      -2.745187      -2.847785      -2.938611      -3.014638      -3.112452      -3.196578      -3.258730      -3.294815      -3.308540      -3.346690      -3.345479      -3.274788      -2.935190      -1.863259      -2.019846      -2.171644      -2.315231      -2.442849      -2.561624      -2.680523      -2.790696      -2.890767      -2.978081      -3.050499      -3.141358      -3.217834      -3.272005      -3.306030      -3.316601      -3.349513      -3.343147      -3.268719      -2.935190      -1.977347      -2.123501      -2.264866      -2.396567  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-3.465486      -3.577970      -3.669157      -3.742296      -3.809185      -3.857289      -3.887638      -3.889342      -3.894353      -3.866201      -3.760467      -3.401281      -2.441444      -2.592951      -2.754093      -2.909455      -3.054915      -3.188415      -3.310640      -3.429625      -3.541388      -3.641830      -3.721599      -3.785814      -3.843941      -3.883553      -3.905604      -3.898799      -3.894267      -3.857502      -3.748833      -3.401281      -2.687410      -2.805760      -2.938812      -3.071342      -3.197917      -3.313838      -3.418446      -3.521074      -3.618598      -3.706754      -3.775928      -3.829858      -3.877956      -3.907842      -3.921314      -3.905790      -3.891518      -3.846595      -3.735869      -3.401281      -2.943667      -3.032142      -3.138820      -3.246710      -3.350272      -3.445717      -3.531498      -3.616777      -3.699135      -3.773974      -3.831666      -3.873674      -3.910255      -3.929446      -3.933940  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-4.064203      -4.186609      -4.218643      -4.275687      -4.325224      -4.263287      -3.779018     -0.6734776      -1.082015      -1.466408      -1.819299      -2.157525      -2.470835      -2.752110      -3.029863      -3.279944      -3.487128      -3.667355      -3.803132      -3.959071      -4.102215      -4.208212      -4.239039      -4.290699      -4.328720      -4.256079      -3.779018     -0.8003020      -1.189965      -1.551542      -1.898976      -2.232775      -2.545337      -2.832210      -3.103912      -3.336782      -3.551199      -3.736255      -3.868928      -4.011668      -4.140362      -4.227682      -4.261763      -4.305589      -4.331452      -4.247818      -3.779018     -0.9596962      -1.326326      -1.674796      -2.009067      -2.336242      -2.647899      -2.930516      -3.183222      -3.415987      -3.629738      -3.808587      -3.936626      -4.064316      -4.177246      -4.252251      -4.286689      -4.320231      -4.333181      -4.238913      -3.779018  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-3.265442      -3.538399      -3.773284      -3.978328      -4.157225      -4.304364      -4.401591      -4.481382      -4.552498      -4.602068      -4.609388      -4.582153      -4.531967      -4.390137      -3.944117      -2.096885      -2.373743      -2.648266      -2.924474      -3.202194      -3.466910      -3.702466      -3.911961      -4.091903      -4.249100      -4.382405      -4.470673      -4.539639      -4.598755      -4.636527      -4.632709      -4.591012      -4.524036      -4.374996      -3.944117      -2.463004      -2.705928      -2.952136      -3.190857      -3.426668      -3.656031      -3.861118      -4.039681      -4.198167      -4.339968      -4.460940      -4.539287      -4.595615      -4.641965      -4.666980      -4.651680      -4.595381      -4.512289      -4.358563      -3.944117      -2.861131      -3.053060      -3.253180      -3.451861      -3.647605      -3.836613      -4.011502      -4.167324      -4.307574      -4.432222      -4.537875      -4.605330  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-2.968770      -3.293099      -3.599696      -3.878390      -4.123839      -4.328619      -4.497127      -4.607743      -4.695446      -4.770758      -4.822699      -4.828764      -4.787344      -4.732873      -4.574836      -4.096621      -1.954524      -2.270534      -2.585312      -2.893725      -3.206289      -3.514294      -3.803154      -4.043459      -4.257341      -4.438051      -4.585404      -4.685695      -4.761425      -4.824923      -4.863303      -4.857775      -4.800303      -4.726492      -4.559343      -4.096621      -2.354127      -2.627138      -2.907041      -3.189459      -3.475577      -3.740453      -3.985266      -4.197780      -4.380543      -4.538873      -4.672211      -4.762979      -4.824653      -4.875536      -4.900018      -4.881601      -4.808100      -4.715777      -4.541717      -4.096621      -2.792291      -3.022530      -3.254405      -3.488377      -3.726829      -3.952389      -4.158023      -4.337024      -4.498386      -4.640221      -4.758595  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-4.617997      -4.436533      -4.096621      -5.056663      -4.995698      -4.954385      -4.932961      -4.933196      -4.950200      -4.972281      -4.993593      -5.016732      -5.041725      -5.057718      -5.051786      -5.022995      -4.981444      -4.931629      -4.850325      -4.712822      -4.566952      -4.391570      -4.096621      -16.41466      -16.09571      -15.71861      -15.28952      -14.81385      -14.29631      -13.74079      -13.15063      -12.52864      -11.87725      -11.19851      -10.49423      -9.765972      -9.015121      -8.242917      -7.450458      -6.638739      -5.808659      -4.961035      -4.096621     -0.6506115      -1.234526      -1.673369      -2.108683      -2.489833      -2.820912      -3.042678      -3.263567      -3.522025      -3.761157      -3.968194      -4.057513      -4.207351      -4.391627      -4.560574      -4.679164      -4.722820      -4.834870      -4.834416      -4.238315     -0.1679038     -0.7933521      -1.299821      -1.792087  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-4.000866      -4.166085      -4.355552      -4.546465      -4.714483      -4.753691      -4.799100      -4.876958      -4.821218      -4.238315      0.1069420     -0.4956650      -1.041819      -1.554423      -2.040829      -2.493804      -2.895942      -3.238508      -3.554323      -3.832450      -4.068066      -4.249272      -4.427020      -4.608261      -4.755445      -4.786862      -4.827805      -4.888242      -4.814588      -4.238315     -3.5430435E-02 -0.6083469      -1.138595      -1.643075      -2.126764      -2.575205      -2.964246      -3.304941      -3.622258      -3.906741      -4.151553      -4.332973      -4.505271      -4.671751      -4.791409      -4.825939      -4.857391      -4.898941      -4.806244      -4.238315     -0.2284218     -0.7714231      -1.279481      -1.770552      -2.240332      -2.665666      -3.046290      -3.393771      -3.709332      -4.001167      -4.243489      -4.423340      -4.588384      -4.735135      -4.832711      -4.869089      -4.886741  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-4.972861      -4.816649      -4.605051      -4.238315      -5.175853      -5.117315      -5.082459      -5.071487      -5.086984      -5.117346      -5.153838      -5.188602      -5.226700      -5.263007      -5.285457      -5.287346      -5.264732      -5.235658      -5.175821      -5.077289      -4.925501      -4.759969      -4.556233      -4.238315      -18.24260      -17.88844      -17.46471      -16.97941      -16.43957      -15.85101      -15.21859      -14.54636      -13.83771      -13.09550      -12.32216      -11.51982      -10.69029      -9.835195      -8.955964      -8.053876      -7.130076      -6.185604      -5.221395      -4.238315     -0.5715898      -1.130342      -1.647838      -2.124051      -2.541785      -2.893733      -3.145186      -3.352706      -3.619443      -3.867730      -4.087040      -4.194793      -4.328872      -4.520040      -4.696363      -4.825997      -4.864548      -4.986460      -4.995520      -4.370631      3.1995427E-02 -0.6645250      -1.229027  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-2.093058      -2.513307      -2.927639      -3.333136      -3.715454      -4.052541      -4.360353      -4.633467      -4.845906      -4.996412      -5.105623      -5.188313      -5.243283      -5.240310      -5.184896      -5.112241      -4.917455      -4.370631      -1.652841      -2.038958      -2.426181      -2.816976      -3.209647      -3.583811      -3.932851      -4.256488      -4.546935      -4.782047      -4.965971      -5.094521      -5.189227      -5.258313      -5.298683      -5.281927      -5.207000      -5.111050      -4.901782      -4.370631      -2.112366      -2.453973      -2.807757      -3.154822      -3.508471      -3.858227      -4.187536      -4.471952      -4.714851      -4.918053      -5.074486      -5.186150      -5.270340      -5.325025      -5.349542      -5.317379      -5.223336      -5.104492      -4.883469      -4.370631      -2.614667      -2.902472      -3.207988      -3.523523      -3.846925      -4.146633      -4.422315      -4.661677      -4.866505  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-5.348693      -5.190123      -5.007908      -4.766761      -4.370631      -5.279660      -5.223110      -5.200009      -5.202685      -5.232322      -5.280515      -5.330253      -5.381632      -5.434667      -5.482071      -5.511069      -5.520705      -5.507369      -5.477259      -5.413711      -5.304929      -5.136049      -4.947053      -4.714368      -4.370631      -20.11515      -19.72523      -19.25337      -18.70988      -18.10345      -17.44128      -16.72918      -15.97198      -15.17366      -14.33754      -13.46646      -12.56284      -11.62879      -10.66617      -9.676591      -8.661524      -7.622272      -6.560010      -5.475806      -4.370631     -0.5064820      -1.150779      -1.636045      -2.123374      -2.579921      -2.961414      -3.241649      -3.440346      -3.716033      -3.970661      -4.198543      -4.325404      -4.443946      -4.641733      -4.823998      -4.963609      -4.997047      -5.128436      -5.147131      -4.494734      0.2062581     -0.5311027  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-3.668696      -3.998280      -4.239443      -4.430584      -4.625378      -4.826388      -5.012998      -5.064891      -5.102339      -5.191679      -5.142541      -4.494734      0.6127586     -0.1263863     -0.7953303      -1.412060      -1.968885      -2.476568      -2.942556      -3.364412      -3.742676      -4.052164      -4.312013      -4.519909      -4.714096      -4.902131      -5.069786      -5.108973      -5.142380      -5.209980      -5.137407      -4.494734      0.4595851     -0.2365545     -0.8802159      -1.476471      -2.031579      -2.552090      -3.028814      -3.457297      -3.816597      -4.128222      -4.398446      -4.617516      -4.806167      -4.982408      -5.121420      -5.161467      -5.183591      -5.228028      -5.130131      -4.494734      0.2483475     -0.4038056      -1.015714      -1.594984      -2.148146      -2.665453      -3.141821      -3.547202      -3.902319      -4.223472      -4.497241      -4.721827      -4.901880      -5.064830      -5.178060  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-1.541900      -2.003799      -2.464069      -2.911736      -3.344784      -3.758070      -4.140448      -4.471525      -4.763725      -5.002295      -5.175605      -5.306218      -5.389291      -5.442354      -5.437058      -5.373369      -5.291502      -5.077940      -4.494734      -1.502240      -1.922320      -2.346639      -2.771303      -3.197844      -3.612634      -3.997128      -4.347323      -4.665319      -4.938116      -5.137719      -5.287265      -5.399114      -5.467799      -5.505194      -5.484007      -5.401597      -5.293119      -5.062565      -4.494734      -1.986430      -2.356294      -2.741087      -3.134711      -3.523391      -3.900221      -4.259736      -4.590013      -4.866674      -5.090858      -5.264185      -5.389064      -5.486053      -5.541745      -5.563334      -5.525432      -5.424058      -5.288687      -5.044304      -4.494734      -2.522723      -2.838206      -3.171769      -3.519476      -3.878633      -4.230195      -4.536709      -4.810749  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-5.681557      -5.575514      -5.403274      -5.193500      -4.923820      -4.494734      -5.378185      -5.318733      -5.306466      -5.324771      -5.374465      -5.434433      -5.498497      -5.569672      -5.638164      -5.701437      -5.736350      -5.752497      -5.754129      -5.717357      -5.646040      -5.527523      -5.345402      -5.128998      -4.868049      -4.494734      -22.02986      -21.60359      -21.08246      -20.47857      -19.80333      -19.06504      -18.27066      -17.42577      -16.53497      -15.60207      -14.63032      -13.62245      -12.58087      -11.50766      -10.40491      -9.273770      -8.115702      -6.932519      -5.725166      -4.494734     -0.4194027      -1.206384      -1.757506      -2.113211      -2.621429      -3.014359      -3.328594      -3.521207      -3.809897      -4.070765      -4.304766      -4.449116      -4.553388      -4.757547      -4.944692      -5.092537      -5.121869      -5.261245      -5.289537      -4.611584      0.3680901  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-3.349511      -3.738349      -4.090904      -4.356162      -4.560457      -4.754961      -4.960717      -5.151819      -5.207053      -5.243109      -5.335559      -5.289812      -4.611584      0.8645824      5.4147087E-02 -0.6728694      -1.345082      -1.951174      -2.488588      -2.969023      -3.413291      -3.816133      -4.157747      -4.429142      -4.654415      -4.850541      -5.044579      -5.215540      -5.256928      -5.289259      -5.357722      -5.285565      -4.611584      0.7039793     -5.4707386E-02 -0.7551242      -1.408623      -2.001789      -2.542934      -3.047556      -3.505797      -3.907666      -4.237568      -4.520086      -4.753364      -4.951666      -5.131526      -5.276316      -5.315089      -5.337133      -5.379748      -5.278929      -4.611584      0.4830439     -0.2251088     -0.8933309      -1.517979      -2.103518      -2.652330      -3.161158      -3.618824      -4.000674      -4.333847      -4.619116      -4.860965      -5.055746      -5.222182  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-0.8954021      -1.410744      -1.920936      -2.416091      -2.899993      -3.364514      -3.800997      -4.214362      -4.584869      -4.890346      -5.145601      -5.350760      -5.494294      -5.584183      -5.635104      -5.624720      -5.557519      -5.463415      -5.229338      -4.611584      -1.351852      -1.809189      -2.270666      -2.729863      -3.186262      -3.632011      -4.054689      -4.439481      -4.778810      -5.072820      -5.303864      -5.473776      -5.597226      -5.669990      -5.705724      -5.678807      -5.591785      -5.468661      -5.214397      -4.611584      -1.857546      -2.259786      -2.674513      -3.100647      -3.532261      -3.943065      -4.329540      -4.689928      -5.006927      -5.253738      -5.447385      -5.589993      -5.693293      -5.751587      -5.770689      -5.727241      -5.619295      -5.467547      -5.196449      -4.611584      -2.422062      -2.769970      -3.134891      -3.513854      -3.903371      -4.286792      -4.646469 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-5.966388      -5.911067      -5.796732      -5.610147      -5.380953      -5.073935      -4.611584      -5.469839      -5.405987      -5.404297      -5.440956      -5.510021      -5.587191      -5.673953      -5.761385      -5.845069      -5.915375      -5.959028      -5.988077      -5.990750      -5.952022      -5.876568      -5.747096      -5.550815      -5.314241      -5.016243      -4.611584      -23.98451      -23.52134      -22.94906      -22.28341      -21.53717      -20.72047      -19.84134      -18.90620      -17.92029      -16.88794      -15.81276      -14.69787      -13.54595      -12.35932      -11.14004      -9.889944      -8.610653      -7.303632      -5.970207      -4.611584     -0.3283474      -1.185699      -1.855937      -2.362364      -2.619803      -3.068395      -3.421973      -3.597873      -3.899346      -4.167619      -4.406985      -4.566850      -4.657231      -4.867537      -5.059219      -5.215052      -5.239703      -5.386348      -5.424995      -4.721982  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-2.992081      -3.415469      -3.808681      -4.174522      -4.463213      -4.689223      -4.882773      -5.088871      -5.287146      -5.345523      -5.377690      -5.472335      -5.431529      -4.721982       1.116007      0.2422785     -0.5512671      -1.276771      -1.927026      -2.507164      -3.011927      -3.464370      -3.883010      -4.251068      -4.547749      -4.787050      -4.983469      -5.181440      -5.357395      -5.399683      -5.430369      -5.498458      -5.428531      -4.721982      0.9468364      0.1234241     -0.6325670      -1.335971      -1.979294      -2.550220      -3.069970      -3.550861      -3.981052      -4.345602      -4.636690      -4.890118      -5.091111      -5.276308      -5.424747      -5.464170      -5.484743      -5.524689      -5.422938      -4.721982      0.7148281     -5.0163779E-02 -0.7708098      -1.450452      -2.069247      -2.641870      -3.178719      -3.668127      -4.093513      -4.443122      -4.741968      -4.999108      -5.203243  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-4.721982     -0.7269071      -1.279060      -1.829770      -2.372954      -2.890022      -3.384859      -3.852627      -4.286128      -4.679941      -5.016482      -5.287905      -5.515554      -5.672434      -5.773605      -5.822991      -5.808296      -5.737834      -5.631721      -5.378264      -4.721982      -1.203873      -1.700749      -2.196149      -2.691206      -3.180945      -3.651194      -4.106937      -4.527232      -4.889988      -5.201196      -5.460803      -5.655680      -5.788694      -5.867068      -5.898742      -5.870263      -5.778107      -5.641233      -5.364150      -4.721982      -1.731399      -2.165259      -2.610016      -3.068345      -3.530665      -3.981648      -4.400436      -4.784321      -5.126633      -5.410624      -5.620699      -5.786325      -5.892953      -5.955124      -5.970449      -5.926902      -5.811674      -5.643856      -5.346752      -4.721982      -2.320869      -2.694956      -3.091751      -3.509343      -3.927219      -4.337557  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-6.211232      -6.201535      -6.138219      -6.016752      -5.820522      -5.560739      -5.220420      -4.721982      -5.549778      -5.490207      -5.495863      -5.554156      -5.638440      -5.737961      -5.847335      -5.953481      -6.050244      -6.126968      -6.183270      -6.225086      -6.224303      -6.189441      -6.106025      -5.965110      -5.756693      -5.492580      -5.159259      -4.721982      -25.97711      -25.47649      -24.85197      -24.12276      -23.30324      -22.40590      -21.43970      -20.41191      -19.32842      -18.19407      -17.01315      -15.78839      -14.52349      -13.22078      -11.88255      -10.51080      -9.107579      -7.673762      -6.211536      -4.721982     -0.2445823      -1.166374      -1.884345      -2.455958      -2.938850      -3.083948      -3.491377      -3.667412      -3.978484      -4.259395      -4.506557      -4.679193      -4.756139      -4.972275      -5.167464      -5.331480      -5.351099      -5.504793      -5.553322  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-2.503788      -3.033381      -3.490286      -3.884398      -4.256278      -4.562931      -4.815553      -5.007617      -5.211806      -5.410970      -5.481482      -5.506892      -5.603827      -5.566841      -4.826604       1.361051      0.4265482     -0.4170282      -1.206594      -1.900062      -2.515364      -3.060211      -3.525821      -3.949626      -4.334945      -4.656803      -4.916710      -5.115822      -5.310706      -5.487688      -5.542064      -5.566587      -5.634506      -5.565347      -4.826604       1.191518      0.3039937     -0.5147797      -1.264688      -1.949894      -2.565651      -3.105430      -3.597163      -4.046412      -4.441025      -4.755650      -5.022274      -5.226911      -5.414106      -5.563988      -5.613732      -5.627263      -5.665433      -5.561210      -4.826604      0.9430621      0.1212962     -0.6521297      -1.380572      -2.047318      -2.644340      -3.197474      -3.710805      -4.169158      -4.552098      -4.859646      -5.134611  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-5.533412      -4.826604     -0.5584776      -1.147792      -1.737455      -2.320847      -2.886200      -3.407440      -3.904777      -4.361707      -4.773599      -5.133471      -5.427459      -5.669789      -5.845309      -5.950665      -6.006313      -5.992519      -5.916271      -5.795536      -5.523007      -4.826604      -1.056895      -1.587530      -2.125457      -2.655276      -3.176205      -3.678761      -4.155480      -4.603963      -5.001364      -5.328142      -5.604604      -5.827231      -5.967293      -6.053089      -6.091982      -6.059219      -5.963726      -5.809136      -5.509890      -4.826604      -1.608118      -2.070335      -2.549425      -3.039560      -3.528820      -4.009610      -4.469074      -4.877414      -5.241612      -5.551432      -5.788543      -5.969402      -6.083370      -6.149771      -6.170955      -6.119442      -6.004169      -5.815408      -5.493180      -4.826604      -2.219584      -2.619005      -3.044740      -3.495582      -3.952127  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-6.412354      -6.439974      -6.424919      -6.361567      -6.234211      -6.024593      -5.742704      -5.365741      -4.826604      -5.627238      -5.568479      -5.586567      -5.662616      -5.767507      -5.894463      -6.023485      -6.145977      -6.254500      -6.345905      -6.415498      -6.456953      -6.456460      -6.415654      -6.329845      -6.183056      -5.960621      -5.672154      -5.302349      -4.826604      -28.00587      -27.46723      -26.78915      -25.99417      -25.09992      -24.11985      -23.06438      -21.94166      -20.75825      -19.51951      -18.22995      -16.89335      -15.51299      -14.09171      -12.63202      -11.13609      -9.605913      -8.043240      -6.449658      -4.826604     -0.1609934      -1.149489      -1.914128      -2.505718      -3.038422      -3.456162      -3.499837      -3.732485      -4.067208      -4.344625      -4.602238      -4.786593      -4.850832      -5.072270      -5.270367      -5.441978      -5.455202      -5.617444  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-1.837956      -2.512816      -3.070454      -3.551718      -3.969002      -4.339273      -4.659978      -4.933072      -5.128489      -5.333288      -5.523731      -5.614030      -5.630017      -5.729499      -5.693120      -4.926024       1.594510      0.6022838     -0.2871190      -1.117078      -1.872804      -2.521704      -3.094139      -3.597785      -4.020943      -4.415885      -4.756647      -5.042108      -5.242796      -5.437719      -5.609842      -5.681990      -5.697189      -5.764596      -5.692743      -4.926024       1.431035      0.4813341     -0.3871682      -1.198064      -1.921614      -2.569604      -3.151268      -3.651190      -4.109935      -4.523044      -4.866940      -5.148370      -5.360379      -5.547120      -5.693736      -5.762148      -5.766415      -5.800215      -5.689259      -4.926024       1.171980      0.2896343     -0.5357196      -1.312554      -2.017770      -2.660151      -3.224880      -3.752489      -4.231670      -4.648759      -4.976303  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-5.929256      -5.664296      -4.926024     -0.3916813      -1.021156      -1.649059      -2.266257      -2.871503      -3.438429      -3.953343      -4.439359      -4.865568      -5.247609      -5.563270      -5.814456      -6.005909      -6.125638      -6.180497      -6.173391      -6.090957      -5.953325      -5.654845      -4.926024     -0.9106368      -1.476731      -2.050296      -2.625584      -3.173839      -3.705763      -4.209837      -4.677721      -5.096983      -5.456713      -5.743349      -5.981963      -6.144647      -6.239382      -6.271300      -6.247387      -6.143689      -5.971535      -5.642733      -4.926024      -1.485054      -1.980684      -2.491455      -3.014132      -3.531301      -4.037997      -4.525901      -4.973125      -5.353893      -5.683354      -5.949319      -6.142846      -6.274212      -6.345335      -6.357308      -6.315838      -6.188022      -5.981821      -5.626943      -4.926024      -2.119312      -2.544862      -2.998332      -3.478329  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-6.554179      -6.626900      -6.663437      -6.645645      -6.582729      -6.443408      -6.227171      -5.915745      -5.500074      -4.926024      -5.699875      -5.641276      -5.673295      -5.765812      -5.896162      -6.047642      -6.195995      -6.337338      -6.463773      -6.560686      -6.639051      -6.677857      -6.684385      -6.638958      -6.555816      -6.390995      -6.161736      -5.843603      -5.436347      -4.926024      -30.06916      -29.49197      -28.75905      -27.89690      -26.92579      -25.86098      -24.71414      -23.49433      -22.20879      -20.86342      -19.46316      -18.01217      -16.51402      -14.97182      -13.38829      -11.76581      -10.10653      -8.412355      -6.685004      -4.926024     -8.5588291E-02  -1.134101      -1.944002      -2.555583      -3.103770      -3.567199      -3.879364      -3.712183      -4.140505      -4.438554      -4.690419      -4.888790      -4.941644      -5.167827      -5.370255      -5.546826      -5.554725  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-1.016879      -1.783678      -2.489306      -3.105822      -3.605814      -4.044900      -4.424714      -4.755576      -5.042147      -5.246462      -5.452712      -5.647093      -5.739200      -5.749896      -5.851173      -5.818197      -5.020735       1.814993      0.7687821     -0.1661806      -1.027123      -1.820073      -2.527595      -3.126197      -3.652803      -4.102445      -4.496659      -4.852307      -5.157823      -5.365826      -5.564299      -5.740184      -5.813544      -5.824572      -5.890572      -5.819667      -5.020735       1.657915      0.6519461     -0.2620801      -1.116763      -1.893861      -2.573250      -3.180103      -3.715619      -4.176822      -4.601205      -4.969045      -5.272085      -5.487857      -5.682320      -5.832705      -5.899560      -5.900653      -5.930897      -5.817857      -5.020735       1.400428      0.4566473     -0.4190970      -1.244203      -1.989134      -2.661598      -3.266262      -3.796998      -4.292388      -4.729498  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-2.850871      -2.870227      -2.876602      -2.866362      -2.842161      -2.820582      -2.763962      -2.656984      -2.343706      -2.383505      -2.443054      -2.499547      -2.551646      -2.603014      -2.659683      -2.711364      -2.755443      -2.790071      -2.813192      -2.834693      -2.859694      -2.873995      -2.876356      -2.862641      -2.835101      -2.810540      -2.751871      -2.646280      -2.343706      -2.488381      -2.536814      -2.582995      -2.625235      -2.666475      -2.713390      -2.755804      -2.791165      -2.817097      -2.833544      -2.849404      -2.868351      -2.877072      -2.875120      -2.857658      -2.826800      -2.799084      -2.738749      -2.634692      -2.343706      -2.597890      -2.635015      -2.669713      -2.700886      -2.731170      -2.767217      -2.799195      -2.825975      -2.844278      -2.854162      -2.864011      -2.876652      -2.879516      -2.872768      -2.851386      -2.817189      -2.785686      -2.724577  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-3.370545      -3.487392      -3.582303      -3.656148      -3.719063      -3.759093      -3.776956      -3.760828      -3.741292      -3.679179      -3.524749      -3.091126      -2.206632      -2.382719      -2.566707      -2.743876      -2.909111      -3.057470      -3.190554      -3.318484      -3.437622      -3.543194      -3.625811      -3.688296      -3.741835      -3.773189      -3.782670      -3.758336      -3.730398      -3.661886      -3.507705      -3.091126      -2.433998      -2.583784      -2.742849      -2.895676      -3.038047      -3.167788      -3.285431      -3.398867      -3.503922      -3.596272      -3.666288      -3.718643      -3.762298      -3.784247      -3.784969      -3.752390      -3.716218      -3.641953      -3.489408      -3.091126      -2.674666      -2.790590      -2.920792      -3.049912      -3.172418      -3.283525      -3.382441      -3.478353      -3.567952      -3.646796      -3.705055      -3.746055      -3.778810      -3.790499      -3.782653  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-3.747382      -3.750396      -3.759036      -3.770585      -3.779734      -3.784164      -3.793795      -3.805357      -3.815727      -3.814993      -3.801375      -3.783749      -3.750080      -3.707082      -3.645186      -3.573475      -3.495615      -3.367908      -3.091126      -4.175868      -4.106358      -4.068542      -4.038688      -4.013189      -3.983042      -3.948288      -3.922437      -3.901423      -3.881975      -3.856725      -3.819009      -3.783062      -3.738091      -3.683267      -3.615022      -3.525454      -3.452216      -3.333627      -3.091126      -9.300068      -9.116036      -8.910143      -8.683781      -8.438292      -8.174921      -7.894796      -7.598967      -7.288372      -6.963861      -6.626196      -6.276063      -5.914096      -5.540868      -5.156897      -4.762655      -4.358574      -3.945052      -3.522455      -3.091126      -1.157215      -1.456821      -1.759196      -2.049855      -2.310979      -2.520724      -2.674073      -2.888515  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-3.940871      -3.960317      -3.994567      -3.997779      -3.866264      -3.288899     -0.8546963      -1.208359      -1.540540      -1.849634      -2.142788      -2.410182      -2.658820      -2.909870      -3.133431      -3.313810      -3.460209      -3.583659      -3.734440      -3.862760      -3.956544      -3.968517      -3.999231      -3.992662      -3.854067      -3.288899     -0.9358849      -1.272344      -1.595116      -1.901893      -2.195065      -2.470393      -2.721699      -2.963353      -3.174249      -3.357659      -3.510713      -3.633209      -3.772482      -3.890172      -3.968521      -3.978906      -4.003137      -3.986406      -3.840826      -3.288899      -1.048008      -1.373222      -1.685656      -1.986632      -2.278728      -2.551920      -2.795622      -3.024651      -3.231531      -3.418376      -3.566066      -3.686406      -3.812403      -3.916705      -3.978853      -3.990496      -4.005929      -3.978820      -3.826580      -3.288899      -1.196513  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-3.388943      -3.547520      -3.686339      -3.802084      -3.888416      -3.956359      -4.006506      -4.037401      -4.026093      -3.998417      -3.930351      -3.760588      -3.288899      -2.069537      -2.295523      -2.525948      -2.748854      -2.956556      -3.151835      -3.324744      -3.483274      -3.626133      -3.753131      -3.856465      -3.930240      -3.986943      -4.026835      -4.048631      -4.028198      -3.989662      -3.912275      -3.741707      -3.288899      -2.347182      -2.541897      -2.738166      -2.930921      -3.117346      -3.286101      -3.435220      -3.575723      -3.704377      -3.817251      -3.907299      -3.970860      -4.015836      -4.043935      -4.055391      -4.025980      -3.977091      -3.890946      -3.721350      -3.288899      -2.630864      -2.789833      -2.955155      -3.116900      -3.272130      -3.417403      -3.547257      -3.669368      -3.780642      -3.877890      -3.955778      -4.007920      -4.040736      -4.055536  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-3.933770      -3.918651      -3.924250      -3.939456      -3.963363      -3.987452      -4.007094      -4.029755      -4.051951      -4.070704      -4.080636      -4.072356      -4.050626      -4.016540      -3.975462      -3.909023      -3.825751      -3.726816      -3.584153      -3.288899      -4.397944      -4.327909      -4.282067      -4.247948      -4.223758      -4.200151      -4.173770      -4.154931      -4.141031      -4.127556      -4.108435      -4.076523      -4.035820      -3.986270      -3.929328      -3.861696      -3.768867      -3.676147      -3.544223      -3.288899      -10.91791      -10.70105      -10.45475      -10.18120      -9.882466      -9.560441      -9.216810      -8.853076      -8.470572      -8.070486      -7.653873      -7.221676      -6.774741      -6.313823      -5.839607      -5.352710      -4.853699      -4.343085      -3.821340      -3.288899      -1.024968      -1.396823      -1.722790      -2.050876      -2.347356      -2.598144      -2.753070  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-3.468863      -4.066342      -4.063540      -4.076815      -4.102481      -4.139074      -4.180688      -4.220753      -4.256982      -4.290810      -4.321351      -4.342337      -4.339513      -4.314845      -4.283877      -4.242946      -4.167354      -4.066475      -3.947466      -3.784267      -3.468863      -4.590817      -4.523675      -4.470988      -4.435556      -4.414444      -4.401616      -4.390861      -4.380549      -4.373188      -4.369138      -4.359789      -4.329274      -4.285361      -4.236322      -4.183849      -4.108341      -4.002195      -3.890886      -3.737735      -3.468863      -12.59390      -12.34360      -12.05551      -11.73213      -11.37718      -10.99309      -10.58221      -10.14656      -9.687949      -9.207932      -8.707882      -8.189016      -7.652409      -7.099013      -6.529690      -5.945210      -5.346278      -4.733529      -4.107544      -3.468863     -0.9009588      -1.341105      -1.700520      -2.063572      -2.387931      -2.668973  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-4.010691      -4.185308      -4.330910      -4.368396      -4.401793      -4.432396      -4.303702      -3.633962     -0.3254447     -0.8158398      -1.263000      -1.686837      -2.087380      -2.442359      -2.742077      -3.039568      -3.315651      -3.559503      -3.749446      -3.879007      -4.061184      -4.226051      -4.358639      -4.383195      -4.414238      -4.431257      -4.290730      -3.633962     -0.4101814     -0.8827265      -1.321033      -1.742315      -2.133623      -2.480083      -2.796259      -3.092215      -3.367885      -3.609061      -3.807741      -3.949059      -4.117703      -4.270030      -4.383450      -4.403416      -4.426844      -4.428902      -4.276324      -3.633962     -0.5419263     -0.9954019      -1.421874      -1.823741      -2.197312      -2.550760      -2.867678      -3.165039      -3.434624      -3.675342      -3.878637      -4.024257      -4.176236      -4.313948      -4.404271      -4.426486      -4.439244      -4.425050      -4.260402  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-4.015141      -3.633962      -4.175320      -4.183424      -4.210489      -4.250579      -4.303381      -4.363577      -4.424280      -4.476729      -4.524215      -4.568029      -4.599338      -4.602583      -4.580983      -4.548578      -4.504158      -4.420731      -4.296128      -4.152379      -3.972447      -3.633962      -4.759116      -4.693743      -4.643593      -4.610083      -4.595513      -4.594169      -4.597397      -4.598622      -4.601246      -4.606591      -4.606525      -4.582636      -4.538526      -4.488876      -4.435797      -4.349445      -4.227435      -4.087198      -3.920334      -3.633962      -14.32395      -14.03962      -13.70767      -13.33265      -12.91868      -12.46935      -11.98774      -11.47653      -10.93798      -10.37408      -9.786539      -9.176852      -8.546340      -7.896168      -7.227380      -6.540906      -5.837594      -5.118210      -4.383452      -3.633962     -0.7797439      -1.290903      -1.684712      -2.085198      -2.440327  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-3.958531      -4.153140      -4.340808      -4.503435      -4.549295      -4.579602      -4.625786      -4.501024      -3.786466     -6.6701889E-02 -0.6241186      -1.125586      -1.596125      -2.038390      -2.446890      -2.798986      -3.110562      -3.408635      -3.672339      -3.878058      -4.025644      -4.210146      -4.389714      -4.538197      -4.567850      -4.596409      -4.627501      -4.488105      -3.786466     -0.1495171     -0.6865807      -1.178798      -1.645844      -2.092226      -2.498058      -2.846050      -3.162616      -3.459811      -3.720880      -3.943625      -4.099698      -4.274718      -4.441197      -4.570395      -4.593283      -4.614193      -4.628137      -4.473541      -3.786466     -0.2870798     -0.8006555      -1.277787      -1.738138      -2.172066      -2.561743      -2.913296      -3.233433      -3.525913      -3.794785      -4.018085      -4.179099      -4.344635      -4.494244      -4.597214      -4.622853      -4.631987      -4.627221  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-2.744483      -3.099571      -3.420274      -3.708857      -3.975508      -4.211134      -4.392690      -4.517668      -4.611405      -4.689554      -4.740969      -4.738227      -4.682318      -4.598621      -4.379564      -3.786466      -1.586383      -1.934319      -2.282089      -2.626961      -2.967547      -3.291297      -3.597040      -3.874486      -4.118165      -4.320480      -4.485533      -4.591333      -4.672136      -4.737456      -4.774763      -4.759275      -4.685367      -4.582391      -4.356195      -3.786466      -1.953935      -2.269707      -2.584141      -2.892068      -3.203948      -3.510981      -3.798468      -4.036907      -4.248247      -4.425553      -4.568332      -4.662436      -4.729590      -4.781126      -4.802752      -4.773609      -4.682391      -4.561112      -4.330609      -3.786466      -2.352732      -2.625274      -2.904529      -3.186063      -3.470983      -3.734267      -3.976953      -4.186668      -4.365835      -4.519515      -4.646785  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-4.415590      -4.197884      -3.786466      -4.265086      -4.284622      -4.327950      -4.385140      -4.456999      -4.538346      -4.617172      -4.687549      -4.751077      -4.807909      -4.849008      -4.861547      -4.844937      -4.810269      -4.760140      -4.668338      -4.516263      -4.356704      -4.151472      -3.786466      -4.906247      -4.841840      -4.796795      -4.770916      -4.766072      -4.777339      -4.793077      -4.807478      -4.823006      -4.839764      -4.847115      -4.832077      -4.793625      -4.741922      -4.681394      -4.588945      -4.439826      -4.281925      -4.094131      -3.786466      -16.10451      -15.78555      -15.40846      -14.97936      -14.50370      -13.98615      -13.43064      -12.84047      -12.21849      -11.56710      -10.88836      -10.18408      -9.455817      -8.704967      -7.932762      -7.140304      -6.328584      -5.498504      -4.650880      -3.786466     -0.6571023      -1.232962      -1.670112      -2.107083  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-2.315846      -2.714561      -3.103800      -3.468029      -3.794645      -4.085257      -4.347532      -4.561753      -4.706568      -4.814954      -4.899307      -4.954447      -4.950035      -4.890246      -4.801647      -4.563748      -3.928160      -1.412718      -1.799942      -2.185982      -2.567779      -2.949301      -3.322116      -3.655555      -3.963111      -4.244088      -4.483257      -4.667984      -4.794375      -4.884696      -4.956826      -4.996629      -4.977662      -4.898608      -4.787829      -4.539656      -3.928160      -1.804696      -2.154088      -2.508050      -2.863517      -3.208642      -3.546618      -3.867195      -4.157732      -4.400949      -4.607260      -4.768268      -4.876212      -4.951621      -5.009551      -5.033459      -4.998736      -4.900311      -4.768441      -4.513135      -3.928160      -2.237161      -2.544650      -2.856514      -3.170012      -3.491357      -3.807983      -4.088591      -4.332106      -4.542965      -4.717934  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-4.803253      -4.622835      -4.372391      -3.928160      -4.338102      -4.370383      -4.431130      -4.508281      -4.602360      -4.704983      -4.804015      -4.892463      -4.973349      -5.043583      -5.091928      -5.111957      -5.101547      -5.076262      -5.015901      -4.907359      -4.740421      -4.560026      -4.322448      -3.928160      -5.035914      -4.974221      -4.935674      -4.920252      -4.930551      -4.954995      -4.984877      -5.012342      -5.042411      -5.070030      -5.083313      -5.075455      -5.042478      -5.002492      -4.931151      -4.820536      -4.656107      -4.477398      -4.260052      -3.928160      -17.93244      -17.57829      -17.15455      -16.66925      -16.12941      -15.54085      -14.90844      -14.23621      -13.52756      -12.78534      -12.01201      -11.20966      -10.38013      -9.525040      -8.645809      -7.743721      -6.819921      -5.875449      -4.911240      -3.928160     -0.5357791      -1.170164      -1.643486  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-3.856527      -4.077635      -4.220932      -4.418983      -4.624626      -4.814439      -4.876578      -4.901685      -4.973183      -4.861551      -4.060476      0.4430159     -0.2616097     -0.8858155      -1.459375      -1.969402      -2.437284      -2.859568      -3.241576      -3.592329      -3.892647      -4.121717      -4.298128      -4.491484      -4.685831      -4.863226      -4.900800      -4.930242      -4.981749      -4.849654      -4.060476      0.3605953     -0.3094099     -0.9189276      -1.475545      -1.996132      -2.482703      -2.921696      -3.312195      -3.651137      -3.942926      -4.189632      -4.384960      -4.570240      -4.753573      -4.909593      -4.936346      -4.960311      -4.989575      -4.835679      -4.060476      0.2133128     -0.4214298      -1.004528      -1.554166      -2.076406      -2.565322      -3.009334      -3.385086      -3.716986      -4.018566      -4.274946      -4.477367      -4.653861      -4.825845      -4.951448      -4.978803  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-1.806565      -2.256402      -2.695151      -3.111644      -3.506526      -3.871838      -4.196945      -4.478656      -4.713668      -4.885793      -5.010198      -5.101168      -5.159857      -5.154407      -5.091352      -4.995305      -4.739495      -4.060476      -1.239775      -1.669225      -2.092896      -2.513047      -2.927224      -3.332477      -3.714403      -4.050883      -4.357759      -4.629446      -4.839757      -4.987104      -5.091595      -5.167087      -5.210786      -5.189917      -5.105308      -4.984511      -4.714918      -4.060476      -1.652669      -2.038698      -2.425790      -2.816385      -3.208753      -3.582462      -3.930815      -4.253426      -4.542370      -4.775362      -4.956269      -5.080531      -5.169065      -5.229088      -5.255872      -5.218579      -5.112128      -4.967558      -4.687694      -4.060476      -2.111889      -2.453298      -2.806792      -3.153446      -3.506503      -3.855402      -4.183483      -4.466196      -4.706772  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-3.612669      -3.949499      -4.195400      -4.348221      -4.543977      -4.756347      -4.953703      -5.028280      -5.047685      -5.130250      -5.026972      -4.184579      0.6933519     -8.4899418E-02 -0.7708260      -1.396668      -1.959084      -2.453404      -2.890436      -3.293624      -3.668636      -3.998182      -4.239244      -4.430140      -4.624429      -4.824386      -5.008721      -5.055737      -5.082051      -5.142768      -5.016007      -4.184579      0.6126831     -0.1264744     -0.7953575      -1.412090      -1.968920      -2.476587      -2.942542      -3.364369      -3.742605      -4.052017      -4.311708      -4.519266      -4.712786      -4.899472      -5.064328      -5.097783      -5.118450      -5.154784      -5.002754      -4.184579      0.4596134     -0.2365364     -0.8802177      -1.476439      -2.031572      -2.552079      -3.028780      -3.457230      -3.816479      -4.127984      -4.397976      -4.616585      -4.804344      -4.978849      -5.114434  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-1.194117      -1.704520      -2.205224      -2.674997      -3.128936      -3.548662      -3.942832      -4.300372      -4.607226      -4.855892      -5.055130      -5.199275      -5.296468      -5.356672      -5.351722      -5.282637      -5.181418      -4.907875      -4.184579      -1.068967      -1.541847      -2.003711      -2.463923      -2.911494      -3.344383      -3.757407      -4.139359      -4.469759      -4.760894      -4.997791      -5.168556      -5.295261      -5.372231      -5.415474      -5.394066      -5.303145      -5.173929      -4.883193      -4.184579      -1.502147      -1.922174      -2.346412      -2.770947      -3.197289      -3.611767      -3.995775      -4.345225      -4.662093      -4.933204      -5.130372      -5.276348      -5.382962      -5.443795      -5.469091      -5.429047      -5.316612      -5.159579      -4.855605      -4.184579      -1.986147      -2.355883      -2.740485      -3.133828      -3.522090      -3.898304      -4.256907      -4.585864  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-5.553771      -5.438662      -5.249250      -5.015579      -4.702232      -4.184579      -4.443494      -4.502816      -4.604010      -4.728483      -4.873557      -5.021766      -5.159192      -5.289806      -5.405919      -5.501669      -5.564159      -5.598952      -5.610396      -5.579930      -5.508897      -5.380654      -5.183563      -4.946080      -4.646122      -4.184579      -5.257560      -5.195275      -5.179610      -5.193483      -5.237734      -5.291456      -5.348502      -5.411743      -5.471591      -5.525564      -5.550266      -5.555599      -5.545677      -5.496554      -5.412165      -5.279827      -5.083090      -4.851321      -4.574382      -4.184579      -21.71970      -21.29344      -20.77230      -20.16842      -19.49317      -18.75489      -17.96050      -17.11561      -16.22481      -15.29192      -14.32016      -13.31230      -12.27072      -11.19751      -10.09476      -8.963615      -7.805547      -6.622364      -5.415011      -4.184579     -0.3288138  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-3.319528      -3.685404      -4.033539      -4.304589      -4.473510      -4.666049      -4.882578      -5.087110      -5.169353      -5.186087      -5.276958      -5.182589      -4.301429      0.9475517      0.1023562     -0.6564519      -1.334886      -1.941151      -2.479035      -2.938075      -3.349471      -3.738290      -4.090825      -4.356042      -4.560170      -4.754326      -4.959303      -5.148646      -5.199906      -5.226534      -5.293497      -5.172688      -4.301429      0.8645586      5.4076847E-02 -0.6728789      -1.344935      -1.951226      -2.488525      -2.969010      -3.413301      -3.816120      -4.157654      -4.428959      -4.654007      -4.849646      -5.042668      -5.211428      -5.248093      -5.269528      -5.309875      -5.160265      -4.301429      0.7039961     -5.4667912E-02 -0.7550706      -1.408549      -2.001739      -2.542924      -3.047512      -3.505762      -3.907586      -4.237421      -4.519795      -4.752749      -4.950392      -5.128923  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-0.4848697      -1.046100      -1.597865      -2.145891      -2.665488      -3.143926      -3.598922      -4.014969      -4.396219      -4.730215      -4.994800      -5.215281      -5.381735      -5.485177      -5.544358      -5.538223      -5.467656      -5.358995      -5.066916      -4.301429     -0.8953866      -1.410716      -1.920887      -2.416008      -2.899852      -3.364271      -3.800580      -4.213646      -4.583662      -4.888342      -5.142303      -5.345404      -5.485709      -5.570403      -5.612797      -5.587998      -5.495472      -5.355476      -5.042229      -4.301429      -1.351801      -1.809107      -2.270532      -2.729650      -3.185917      -3.631453      -4.053788      -4.438036      -4.776519      -5.069216      -5.298276      -5.465243      -5.584256      -5.650198      -5.675198      -5.631079      -5.515587      -5.344717      -5.014471      -4.301429      -1.857380      -2.259536      -2.674135      -3.100079      -3.531399      -3.941759      -4.327559 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-5.845674      -5.788357      -5.665082      -5.462967      -5.208941      -4.856994      -4.301429      -4.481218      -4.553402      -4.676911      -4.827532      -5.001159      -5.171387      -5.334075      -5.484236      -5.617801      -5.724101      -5.794871      -5.842447      -5.855607      -5.822304      -5.746730      -5.609373      -5.396667      -5.138125      -4.798690      -4.301429      -5.357701      -5.291421      -5.286441      -5.318681      -5.382315      -5.453094      -5.532650      -5.611998      -5.686800      -5.747461      -5.780555      -5.798262      -5.788881      -5.737185      -5.647982      -5.503867      -5.292032      -5.039013      -4.723835      -4.301429      -23.67435      -23.21119      -22.63891      -21.97325      -21.22701      -20.41031      -19.53118      -18.59605      -17.61014      -16.57778      -15.50261      -14.38772      -13.23579      -12.04916      -10.82989      -9.579789      -8.300498      -6.993477      -5.660052      -4.301429  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-2.991522      -3.396533      -3.762978      -4.116220      -4.404284      -4.597585      -4.785461      -5.004250      -5.216321      -5.305668      -5.317087      -5.415501      -5.331706      -4.411827       1.193127      0.2885190     -0.5240190      -1.268830      -1.921118      -2.493904      -2.992387      -3.415470      -3.808573      -4.174476      -4.463135      -4.689041      -4.882352      -5.087868      -5.284781      -5.339919      -5.364093      -5.436095      -5.323261      -4.411827       1.115898      0.2422314     -0.5508814      -1.276817      -1.927000      -2.507350      -3.011877      -3.464350      -3.883004      -4.251021      -4.547644      -4.786790      -4.982860      -5.180061      -5.354284      -5.392671      -5.414038      -5.456924      -5.312089      -4.411827      0.9468552      0.1233355     -0.6326032      -1.335923      -1.979401      -2.550188      -3.069942      -3.550826      -3.981002      -4.345531      -4.636508      -4.889713      -5.090224  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-4.411827     -0.2957959     -0.9017413      -1.493709      -2.079221      -2.644290      -3.170269      -3.644744      -4.093535      -4.489097      -4.842724      -5.134946      -5.371166      -5.548704      -5.665400      -5.729970      -5.718776      -5.648261      -5.531261      -5.222720      -4.411827     -0.7269000      -1.279046      -1.829743      -2.372910      -2.889937      -3.384711      -3.852363      -4.285657      -4.679118      -5.015056      -5.285481      -5.511487      -5.665683      -5.762446      -5.804419      -5.776874      -5.683043      -5.532595      -5.198590      -4.411827      -1.203845      -1.700702      -2.196072      -2.691076      -3.180729      -3.650835      -4.106338      -4.526233      -4.888354      -5.198546      -5.456552      -5.648997      -5.778232      -5.850712      -5.872898      -5.828771      -5.709894      -5.526132      -5.171090      -4.411827      -1.731300      -2.165105      -2.609780      -3.067978      -3.530094      -3.980755  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-6.086842      -6.081868      -6.018211      -5.891453      -5.679570      -5.396054      -5.009068      -4.411827      -4.506476      -4.594837      -4.741968      -4.923179      -5.122792      -5.320118      -5.508665      -5.678008      -5.824813      -5.940937      -6.021222      -6.081473      -6.093422      -6.065773      -5.981888      -5.836538      -5.613115      -5.322422      -4.947611      -4.411827      -5.445623      -5.384157      -5.386594      -5.440481      -5.519127      -5.612205      -5.714207      -5.812301      -5.899919      -5.966598      -6.012126      -6.042316      -6.028816      -5.980432      -5.882617      -5.726244      -5.501379      -5.219794      -4.868105      -4.411827      -25.66696      -25.16634      -24.54181      -23.81260      -22.99309      -22.09575      -21.12955      -20.10176      -19.01827      -17.88391      -16.70300      -15.47824      -14.21333      -12.91063      -11.57240      -10.20065      -8.797424      -7.363607      -5.901381  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-2.533210      -3.037492      -3.462067      -3.848683      -4.200035      -4.500680      -4.714922      -4.902823      -5.120104      -5.333933      -5.438927      -5.441624      -5.547137      -5.473581      -4.516449       1.435898      0.4656016     -0.3919821      -1.179247      -1.894712      -2.505030      -3.033779      -3.490352      -3.884378      -4.256227      -4.562872      -4.815464      -5.007335      -5.211102      -5.409199      -5.477072      -5.495690      -5.572529      -5.466865      -4.516449       1.360704      0.4264691     -0.4172617      -1.206530      -1.900733      -2.515898      -3.060574      -3.525558      -3.949591      -4.334904      -4.656755      -4.916548      -5.115398      -5.309712      -5.485327      -5.536482      -5.553019      -5.598382      -5.457253      -4.516449       1.191382      0.3038811     -0.5145669      -1.264678      -1.950031      -2.565869      -3.105430      -3.597197      -4.046387      -4.440986      -4.755533      -5.022000  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-5.394335      -4.516449     -0.1090379     -0.7595653      -1.392694      -2.014973      -2.613041      -3.184441      -3.699822      -4.163610      -4.586861      -4.951604      -5.263829      -5.520766      -5.708714      -5.837741      -5.906034      -5.899675      -5.825624      -5.698489      -5.373928      -4.516449     -0.5584735      -1.147784      -1.737442      -2.320821      -2.886155      -3.407350      -3.904609      -4.361397      -4.773035      -5.132461      -5.425673      -5.666695      -5.839983      -5.941612      -5.990815      -5.965527      -5.867816      -5.704591      -5.350589      -4.516449      -1.056881      -1.587504      -2.125411      -2.655198      -3.176072      -3.678528      -4.155080      -4.603277      -5.000196      -5.326187      -5.601373      -5.821980      -5.958849      -6.039548      -6.070026      -6.023055      -5.902562      -5.702400      -5.323572      -4.516449      -1.608059      -2.070242      -2.549276      -3.039322      -3.528440  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-6.274692      -6.314924      -6.308572      -6.245905      -6.111733      -5.889933      -5.582910      -5.158899      -4.516449      -4.525082      -4.630687      -4.802063      -5.014576      -5.241230      -5.468193      -5.681986      -5.870558      -6.029643      -6.158405      -6.254855      -6.317718      -6.330080      -6.297162      -6.212819      -6.061130      -5.823236      -5.508891      -5.095368      -4.516449      -5.530510      -5.470297      -5.485444      -5.556892      -5.656199      -5.776595      -5.898002      -6.012365      -6.111695      -6.192814      -6.251344      -6.280753      -6.267303      -6.212496      -6.111542      -5.948578      -5.708806      -5.401794      -5.012452      -4.516449      -27.69572      -27.15708      -26.47899      -25.68402      -24.78976      -23.80970      -22.75422      -21.63150      -20.44809      -19.20936      -17.91979      -16.58319      -15.20284      -13.78156      -12.32186      -10.82594      -9.295758      -7.733084  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-1.868006      -2.516140      -3.081350      -3.524491      -3.925456      -4.286068      -4.597023      -4.825190      -5.017350      -5.233932      -5.442975      -5.568100      -5.559205      -5.672753      -5.605924      -4.615869       1.670111      0.6291327     -0.2720170      -1.090259      -1.842147      -2.512241      -3.071331      -3.551006      -3.968978      -4.339200      -4.660018      -4.933008      -5.128319      -5.332791      -5.522405      -5.610552      -5.620756      -5.702391      -5.600691      -4.615869       1.595617      0.6029179     -0.2874967      -1.117335      -1.872515      -2.521506      -3.094515      -3.597871      -4.020870      -4.415901      -4.756635      -5.041979      -5.242513      -5.437004      -5.608047      -5.677530      -5.685871      -5.733094      -5.592304      -4.615869       1.430587      0.4808488     -0.3875615      -1.198168      -1.921880      -2.569823      -3.151117      -3.651172      -4.109931      -4.523038      -4.866880  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-5.841115      -5.531929      -4.615869      7.5026140E-02 -0.6165851      -1.294929      -1.953277      -2.583221      -3.186282      -3.746448      -4.237992      -4.675535      -5.061134      -5.386808      -5.665294      -5.862958      -6.005119      -6.074607      -6.078901      -5.998298      -5.858797      -5.512186      -4.615869     -0.3916786      -1.021151      -1.649050      -2.266244      -2.871475      -3.438371      -3.953237      -4.439154      -4.865184      -5.246890      -5.561954      -5.812097      -6.001719      -6.118267      -6.167521      -6.150166      -6.048001      -5.869850      -5.489479      -4.615869     -0.9106280      -1.476717      -2.050269      -2.625536      -3.173755      -3.705611      -4.209573      -4.677248      -5.096149      -5.455265      -5.740894      -5.977842      -6.137822      -6.228129      -6.252638      -6.215813      -6.088785      -5.872513      -5.463020      -4.615869      -1.485018      -1.980626      -2.491361      -3.013977  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-6.396269      -6.487041      -6.536585      -6.527821      -6.466633      -6.328109      -6.097172      -5.762338      -5.296731      -4.615869      -4.538910      -4.661325      -4.858583      -5.101107      -5.359384      -5.617388      -5.852132      -6.061046      -6.234768      -6.373862      -6.479548      -6.539452      -6.560940      -6.525324      -6.441465      -6.277023      -6.031660      -5.686303      -5.232152      -4.615869      -5.609985      -5.550379      -5.579541      -5.667562      -5.792233      -5.936909      -6.077846      -6.210771      -6.328040      -6.414535      -6.481583      -6.508108      -6.501216      -6.441323      -6.342662      -6.160829      -5.913361      -5.575658      -5.147710      -4.615869      -29.75901      -29.18181      -28.44890      -27.58675      -26.61563      -25.55083      -24.40399      -23.18418      -21.89863      -20.55326      -19.15300      -17.70201      -16.20387      -14.66167      -13.07813      -11.45565      -9.796374  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-1.124595      -1.836971      -2.496747      -3.094514      -3.584205      -3.996675      -4.372511      -4.693259      -4.932055      -5.125511      -5.346358      -5.558990      -5.690601      -5.672945      -5.792967      -5.736006      -4.710580       1.889348      0.7905900     -0.1774824      -1.015617      -1.787062      -2.490060      -3.106215      -3.607297      -4.044373      -4.424850      -4.755398      -5.042035      -5.246365      -5.452349      -5.646103      -5.736445      -5.742204      -5.827641      -5.732923      -4.710580       1.815839      0.7698666     -0.1675541      -1.028895      -1.820831      -2.527487      -3.125390      -3.652477      -4.102344      -4.496740      -4.852291      -5.157714      -5.365617      -5.563773      -5.738817      -5.809971      -5.815092      -5.863056      -5.726524      -4.710580       1.658106      0.6518617     -0.2619406      -1.116811      -1.893956      -2.572887      -3.180051      -3.715686      -4.176761      -4.601147  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-6.099872      -5.993075      -5.672619      -4.710580      0.2535224     -0.4791887      -1.202209      -1.894867      -2.556352      -3.185531      -3.779206      -4.311030      -4.763912      -5.167806      -5.504636      -5.793220      -6.010765      -6.166243      -6.242103      -6.243325      -6.162103      -6.015929      -5.654413      -4.710580     -0.2320996     -0.8979946      -1.563020      -2.214834      -2.849232      -3.456220      -4.008801      -4.508708      -4.961541      -5.351179      -5.684940      -5.952274      -6.157647      -6.291883      -6.345145      -6.321992      -6.218091      -6.032075      -5.632975      -4.710580     -0.7716748      -1.368410      -1.976811      -2.587143      -3.178957      -3.732638      -4.266366      -4.752579      -5.192919      -5.573742      -5.878741      -6.125988      -6.305882      -6.409826      -6.439019      -6.393619      -6.266160      -6.039627      -5.607383      -4.710580      -1.361808      -1.893499      -2.437645  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-6.453667      -6.598513      -6.692714      -6.742123      -6.747750      -6.683274      -6.536144      -6.295673      -5.944765      -5.439380      -4.710580      -4.546255      -4.688453      -4.912405      -5.184515      -5.476649      -5.763687      -6.023039      -6.245142      -6.436541      -6.583811      -6.694363      -6.757425      -6.775904      -6.752038      -6.662839      -6.491489      -6.231673      -5.869337      -5.371473      -4.710580      -5.683460      -5.626282      -5.668358      -5.776490      -5.929850      -6.097685      -6.259506      -6.405136      -6.532617      -6.632667      -6.704921      -6.732275      -6.719162      -6.674081      -6.561018      -6.374843      -6.110609      -5.753524      -5.281621      -4.710580      -31.85535      -31.23906      -30.45008      -29.51914      -28.46938      -27.31794      -26.07774      -24.75878      -23.36899      -21.91485      -20.40172      -18.83414      -17.21601      -15.55066      -13.84105      -12.08977  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-0.2068256      -1.083290      -1.844474      -2.490409      -3.101104      -3.629829      -4.065909      -4.451812      -4.789678      -5.035216      -5.230078      -5.454334      -5.673135      -5.808852      -5.784399      -5.903779      -5.860719      -4.801008       2.086759      0.9498609     -7.7338226E-02 -0.9707618      -1.744354      -2.462584      -3.115107      -3.659312      -4.114047      -4.513637      -4.849240      -5.145725      -5.360789      -5.567148      -5.767856      -5.858895      -5.860333      -5.942575      -5.860171      -4.801008       2.013595      0.9345203     -6.4640634E-02 -0.9497254      -1.762972      -2.505555      -3.151881      -3.701242      -4.179414      -4.579733      -4.944446      -5.263912      -5.490179      -5.687787      -5.867003      -5.937113      -5.940004      -5.982824      -5.856152      -4.801008       1.866333      0.8154103     -0.1412520      -1.031583      -1.847656      -2.573316      -3.206470      -3.767484      -4.250520 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-6.316325      -6.251758      -6.134281      -5.810475      -4.801008      0.4282079     -0.3489070      -1.113310      -1.844350      -2.531074      -3.186207      -3.802322      -4.372655      -4.856878      -5.265417      -5.620857      -5.920625      -6.159304      -6.320946      -6.403387      -6.406537      -6.320787      -6.163508      -5.794175      -4.801008     -7.4947372E-02 -0.7799430      -1.480919      -2.166982      -2.828929      -3.465182      -4.057339      -4.580780      -5.049822      -5.456029      -5.805953      -6.092870      -6.305545      -6.457526      -6.511432      -6.491652      -6.382524      -6.185922      -5.774470      -4.801008     -0.6337323      -1.265646      -1.906902      -2.547369      -3.174562      -3.766432      -4.318196      -4.833810      -5.283954      -5.683941      -6.011883      -6.269320      -6.465823      -6.585036      -6.613426      -6.570578      -6.436256      -6.199198      -5.750665      -4.801008      -1.241470      -1.804467  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-1.032559     -0.9886482     -0.9225027     -0.8564943     -0.7732173     -0.6504158     -0.4708275     -7.9957083E-02  -1.001098      -1.010422      -1.020772      -1.039102      -1.056751      -1.071212      -1.079856      -1.082587      -1.073137      -1.065589      -1.058399      -1.041847      -1.013443     -0.9686206     -0.9017833     -0.8352898     -0.7517949     -0.6320245     -0.4580808     -7.9957083E-02  -1.051786      -1.052886      -1.055707      -1.065767      -1.075409      -1.081717      -1.084629      -1.081284      -1.067324      -1.054759      -1.043736      -1.024331     -0.9941066     -0.9483550     -0.8808302     -0.8137472     -0.7301099     -0.6134000     -0.4452108     -7.9957083E-02  -1.102446      -1.095197      -1.088381      -1.090362      -1.091390      -1.092073      -1.089224      -1.079978      -1.061543      -1.044639      -1.029677      -1.007342     -0.9751912     -0.9282723     -0.8600217     -0.7908124     -0.7083464     -0.5947509     -0.4322633  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-1.196342      -1.166512      -1.133099      -1.092844      -1.053399      -1.018694     -0.9812155     -0.9369218     -0.8821977     -0.8134222     -0.7297617     -0.6355127     -0.5299265     -0.3835509     -7.9957083E-02  -1.564066      -1.501165      -1.439419      -1.390119      -1.345709      -1.302755      -1.261510      -1.218472      -1.171552      -1.119813      -1.063178      -1.017739     -0.9668029     -0.9057986     -0.8333055     -0.7460710     -0.6424012     -0.5273138     -0.3748695     -7.9957083E-02  -1.937539      -1.861339      -1.787280      -1.714544      -1.648432      -1.580718      -1.516439      -1.457296      -1.395090      -1.329137      -1.257908      -1.180951      -1.096236      -1.005155     -0.9154274     -0.8146158     -0.6919239     -0.5509186     -0.3726006     -7.9957083E-02  -3.430635      -3.299433      -3.162668      -3.020435      -2.872838      -2.719976      -2.561935      -2.399056      -2.230688      -2.057677      -1.879890      -1.697421  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-1.010188     -0.4074402     -0.6024197     -0.7096135     -0.8138977     -0.9084838      -1.005064      -1.118958      -1.223984      -1.311810      -1.369412      -1.406746      -1.455233      -1.522621      -1.561889      -1.576136      -1.543104      -1.468899      -1.398071      -1.253823     -0.9941331     -0.4074402     -0.6371633     -0.7424496     -0.8471026     -0.9415012      -1.036719      -1.146216      -1.243423      -1.320179      -1.375354      -1.416965      -1.466915      -1.524983      -1.559945      -1.565933      -1.524636      -1.450684      -1.377379      -1.233073     -0.9776902     -0.4074402     -0.6863095     -0.7904337     -0.8897740     -0.9812891      -1.073699      -1.173759      -1.260182      -1.328986      -1.386660      -1.429888      -1.475359      -1.526536      -1.555331      -1.551966      -1.505745      -1.431266      -1.355411      -1.211505     -0.9609078     -0.4074402     -0.7522135     -0.8466128     -0.9387460      -1.026500      -1.111589  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-1.500504      -1.496393      -1.470737      -1.417748      -1.338354      -1.255529      -1.115284     -0.8910969     -0.4074402      -1.080181      -1.128958      -1.179850      -1.228874      -1.278494      -1.331290      -1.379025      -1.418661      -1.450388      -1.468992      -1.477894      -1.483569      -1.474411      -1.445982      -1.391403      -1.310904      -1.227483      -1.089102     -0.8733218     -0.4074402      -1.176927      -1.212191      -1.250754      -1.289514      -1.327833      -1.368731      -1.405842      -1.436138      -1.457689      -1.466873      -1.467513      -1.465326      -1.450468      -1.419034      -1.363120      -1.281879      -1.198177      -1.062192     -0.8554082     -0.4074402      -1.279745      -1.300879      -1.326255      -1.352894      -1.378706      -1.406833      -1.432061      -1.450743      -1.461131      -1.461992      -1.455698      -1.445938      -1.424875      -1.390393      -1.333194      -1.251606      -1.167698      -1.034727  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-1.625495      -1.597864      -1.569204      -1.541939      -1.507747      -1.471037      -1.432343      -1.392894      -1.343075      -1.290198      -1.226812      -1.140580      -1.046708     -0.9306715     -0.7620406     -0.4074402      -2.017926      -1.945278      -1.881423      -1.823218      -1.769042      -1.722307      -1.675623      -1.631842      -1.580969      -1.528125      -1.472882      -1.421480      -1.362496      -1.301619      -1.233981      -1.143860      -1.032833     -0.9146481     -0.7480642     -0.4074402      -2.495463      -2.385125      -2.286243      -2.193168      -2.103937      -2.013785      -1.942122      -1.874677      -1.807443      -1.737062      -1.658664      -1.574380      -1.491678      -1.409186      -1.317954      -1.210851      -1.077571     -0.9261583     -0.7468653     -0.4074402      -5.999882      -5.801231      -5.589682      -5.366308      -5.131182      -4.884620      -4.626924      -4.358483      -4.079573      -3.790549      -3.491744  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-1.716755      -1.413184     -0.6887694     -0.3955325     -0.5771933     -0.7483732     -0.9004205      -1.040041      -1.178603      -1.334709      -1.476087      -1.591044      -1.662153      -1.711874      -1.814338      -1.897922      -1.953950      -1.961270      -1.884933      -1.836589      -1.694790      -1.392586     -0.6887694     -0.4385164     -0.6017128     -0.7709064     -0.9342324      -1.075229      -1.214627      -1.364254      -1.495295      -1.595144      -1.673932      -1.735329      -1.831159      -1.907581      -1.953956      -1.947276      -1.871987      -1.816997      -1.670972      -1.371621     -0.6887694     -0.4975910     -0.6521735     -0.8194056     -0.9805304      -1.121414      -1.256979      -1.395176      -1.511406      -1.607420      -1.691659      -1.757965      -1.846373      -1.914643      -1.949839      -1.931054      -1.857200      -1.795685      -1.646214      -1.350141     -0.6887694     -0.5801176     -0.7270359     -0.8841211      -1.035809  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-1.822409      -1.868057      -1.892095      -1.890289      -1.855525      -1.775185      -1.689979      -1.531195      -1.259097     -0.6887694      -1.049747      -1.137129      -1.231205      -1.329060      -1.421476      -1.508831      -1.592275      -1.667797      -1.735149      -1.791243      -1.829683      -1.861513      -1.875993      -1.867915      -1.828926      -1.745954      -1.656901      -1.498299      -1.234988     -0.6887694      -1.190999      -1.258659      -1.336747      -1.419488      -1.497551      -1.570452      -1.640867      -1.704173      -1.758461      -1.803499      -1.831556      -1.851728      -1.856771      -1.841584      -1.798692      -1.712960      -1.621601      -1.463444      -1.210338     -0.6887694      -1.343769      -1.391495      -1.450244      -1.514234      -1.576075      -1.633886      -1.689796      -1.738840      -1.778725      -1.811081      -1.828616      -1.838311      -1.833455      -1.810955      -1.763268      -1.676984      -1.583188  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-1.963785      -1.942598      -1.921226      -1.904315      -1.881916      -1.855706      -1.826038      -1.795627      -1.761702      -1.718953      -1.665440      -1.598063      -1.510161      -1.411412      -1.277421      -1.081945     -0.6887694      -2.368062      -2.281842      -2.209524      -2.157266      -2.108850      -2.060825      -2.020116      -1.975141      -1.927060      -1.874898      -1.826053      -1.773771      -1.715812      -1.651303      -1.577859      -1.486742      -1.378653      -1.248093      -1.059746     -0.6887694      -2.950171      -2.808815      -2.676031      -2.569533      -2.471667      -2.378586      -2.304705      -2.231338      -2.153176      -2.071183      -1.988230      -1.904364      -1.822360      -1.731470      -1.630926      -1.522696      -1.386270      -1.243440      -1.049841     -0.6887694      -8.816086      -8.548119      -8.258288      -7.947386      -7.616139      -7.265341      -6.895776      -6.508225      -6.103409      -5.682073  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-2.228625      -2.108204      -1.777591     -0.9353619     -0.1772438     -0.4075672     -0.6399165     -0.8478421      -1.038590      -1.203795      -1.402408      -1.589153      -1.757776      -1.878883      -1.956787      -2.063819      -2.178644      -2.264951      -2.310288      -2.252110      -2.216712      -2.086610      -1.753552     -0.9353619     -0.2166765     -0.4359401     -0.6582577     -0.8711278      -1.064962      -1.242996      -1.436763      -1.619139      -1.772801      -1.891642      -1.986403      -2.094993      -2.200972      -2.277155      -2.306693      -2.245248      -2.202311      -2.063213      -1.728411     -0.9353619     -0.2821652     -0.4891404     -0.7080327     -0.9168608      -1.114117      -1.295516      -1.483599      -1.649671      -1.791535      -1.915735      -2.018419      -2.122623      -2.219596      -2.286170      -2.297099      -2.238100      -2.185703      -2.037798      -1.702145     -0.9353619     -0.3750098     -0.5696490     -0.7787315  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-2.234261      -2.220509      -2.212365      -2.204975      -2.196374      -2.184743      -2.176522      -2.161508      -2.145177      -2.118452      -2.087290      -2.034510      -1.960946      -1.855268      -1.742279      -1.593982      -1.367627     -0.9353619      -2.667477      -2.575012      -2.503729      -2.452360      -2.407040      -2.363530      -2.320378      -2.275892      -2.238729      -2.197559      -2.158593      -2.110503      -2.062517      -1.994617      -1.912552      -1.807288      -1.687057      -1.547640      -1.335272     -0.9353619      -3.353912      -3.183978      -3.036297      -2.920173      -2.817685      -2.715837      -2.616602      -2.524106      -2.446362      -2.368668      -2.289725      -2.206511      -2.123082      -2.037120      -1.929837      -1.808127      -1.663687      -1.520025      -1.311875     -0.9353619      -11.84672      -11.50831      -11.13606      -10.73146      -10.29597      -9.831173      -9.338581      -8.819549      -8.275471  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-2.572120      -2.550810      -2.455026      -2.112120      -1.154860      4.5350071E-02 -0.2247789     -0.5051954     -0.7695449      -1.011146      -1.236207      -1.460848      -1.678356      -1.885301      -2.062714      -2.171877      -2.284738      -2.422010      -2.528031      -2.606063      -2.569906      -2.545815      -2.436240      -2.085553      -1.154860      1.7667770E-02 -0.2501512     -0.5198259     -0.7799628      -1.032599      -1.268586      -1.489949      -1.706705      -1.911982      -2.078088      -2.207343      -2.331183      -2.455922      -2.551907      -2.613942      -2.571462      -2.539841      -2.415209      -2.057470      -1.154860     -4.9330790E-02 -0.3072006     -0.5735239     -0.8315549      -1.082638      -1.315030      -1.535405      -1.751109      -1.946108      -2.109953      -2.250894      -2.371412      -2.486415      -2.572955      -2.614042      -2.574252      -2.532713      -2.391500      -2.027784      -1.154860     -0.1513090     -0.3989091  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-2.149735      -2.282395      -2.400601      -2.497500      -2.570616      -2.605670      -2.604907      -2.552776      -2.456799      -2.264045      -1.897837      -1.154860     -0.8351753      -1.006019      -1.200157      -1.391865      -1.576106      -1.754829      -1.917040      -2.065837      -2.200809      -2.323060      -2.431788      -2.518950      -2.579798      -2.605006      -2.593078      -2.531218      -2.423064      -2.222719      -1.863103      -1.154860      -1.064529      -1.207480      -1.371881      -1.541809      -1.704990      -1.857901      -1.998745      -2.131637      -2.253705      -2.363063      -2.457943      -2.533777      -2.583657      -2.597479      -2.573938      -2.500776      -2.382494      -2.177130      -1.827089      -1.154860      -1.304739      -1.421399      -1.557864      -1.698878      -1.833941      -1.963155      -2.085263      -2.200902      -2.305945      -2.400053      -2.478924      -2.541455      -2.579022      -2.580369      -2.545366  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-2.445060      -2.433200      -2.437746      -2.447808      -2.453511      -2.460825      -2.470435      -2.477181      -2.481558      -2.480767      -2.465566      -2.438633      -2.388777      -2.316407      -2.207454      -2.069523      -1.888224      -1.627121      -1.154860      -2.910904      -2.817111      -2.750087      -2.706282      -2.670061      -2.632241      -2.595844      -2.567247      -2.536525      -2.507374      -2.479399      -2.439806      -2.391222      -2.325127      -2.240529      -2.129123      -1.990930      -1.823854      -1.584944      -1.154860      -3.701826      -3.513708      -3.349477      -3.228471      -3.121381      -3.012788      -2.907126      -2.816938      -2.724960      -2.640480      -2.573513      -2.495355      -2.410297      -2.321094      -2.212497      -2.087754      -1.930286      -1.771322      -1.549697      -1.154860      -15.06665      -14.65645      -14.19795      -13.69369      -13.14634      -12.55851      -11.93264      -11.27105  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-2.839954      -2.847764      -2.830076      -2.762813      -2.421484      -1.352634      0.2964105     -3.3217326E-02 -0.3730461     -0.6925784     -0.9828127      -1.254847      -1.506994      -1.763974      -2.004951      -2.215431      -2.361149      -2.485821      -2.635817      -2.759729      -2.863944      -2.850510      -2.834776      -2.748607      -2.393456      -1.352634      0.2717008     -5.5307791E-02 -0.3789019     -0.6886954     -0.9875299      -1.269621      -1.537038      -1.795167      -2.029041      -2.230899      -2.403882      -2.543682      -2.682288      -2.794415      -2.883490      -2.860829      -2.840748      -2.731780      -2.363455      -1.352634      0.2006046     -0.1131999     -0.4290726     -0.7334355      -1.027453      -1.315673      -1.586375      -1.838710      -2.066730      -2.274702      -2.456771      -2.598569      -2.724698      -2.826841      -2.895701      -2.874045      -2.843263      -2.711876      -2.331354      -1.352634      9.1234379E-02 -0.2097910     -0.5165186     -0.8123968      -1.102232      -1.384602      -1.648691      -1.895185      -2.123509      -2.336224      -2.509044      -2.650736      -2.765625      -2.855319      -2.904153      -2.886818      -2.840755      -2.688432      -2.297377      -1.352634     -5.5663772E-02 -0.3397580     -0.6343529     -0.9209384      -1.201225      -1.469067      -1.722983      -1.969452      -2.196938      -2.394299      -2.564449      -2.697358      -2.804513      -2.878884      -2.915614      -2.895999      -2.833214      -2.661036      -2.262143      -1.352634     -0.2360369     -0.4995987     -0.7781121      -1.053665      -1.312859      -1.568009      -1.817811      -2.058976      -2.267729      -2.454849      -2.612929      -2.738884      -2.838453      -2.898643      -2.926650      -2.900727      -2.819554      -2.629130      -2.225508      -1.352634     -0.4432105     -0.6850231     -0.9429890      -1.195767      -1.442615      -1.688352      -1.929228  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-2.928695      -2.907619      -2.830817      -2.688736      -2.448923      -2.063502      -1.352634      -1.523606      -1.641621      -1.785579      -1.935371      -2.078344      -2.215117      -2.350900      -2.478848      -2.598157      -2.705399      -2.793626      -2.861745      -2.903283      -2.908094      -2.873816      -2.784581      -2.633160      -2.388936      -2.018613      -1.352634      -1.855638      -1.927420      -2.028472      -2.141848      -2.253458      -2.358892      -2.463820      -2.564271      -2.658186      -2.743150      -2.810795      -2.859330      -2.882565      -2.870783      -2.823552      -2.723977      -2.566510      -2.323148      -1.971639      -1.352634      -2.213942      -2.240121      -2.295814      -2.366057      -2.438660      -2.508646      -2.579100      -2.648787      -2.712953      -2.770496      -2.813444      -2.839587      -2.843341      -2.814912      -2.755157      -2.648303      -2.488484      -2.251194      -1.922505      -1.352634  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-1.532598      0.3460744     -1.3578938E-02 -0.3725530     -0.7168512      -1.049103      -1.372006      -1.686656      -1.983217      -2.241716      -2.485887      -2.706535      -2.874061      -3.007983      -3.108924      -3.174441      -3.171926      -3.130419      -2.985832      -2.580819      -1.532598      0.1851601     -0.1520014     -0.4949522     -0.8251441      -1.146843      -1.465792      -1.774007      -2.053875      -2.314939      -2.561827      -2.773344      -2.936468      -3.061018      -3.147578      -3.198796      -3.194683      -3.134142      -2.963531      -2.543321      -1.532598     -1.0138834E-02 -0.3247015     -0.6482280     -0.9644475      -1.274470      -1.583693      -1.868612      -2.144916      -2.405655      -2.640799      -2.836748      -2.990120      -3.106052      -3.181640      -3.223007      -3.212020      -3.131902      -2.935928      -2.504110      -1.532598     -0.2399804     -0.5275714     -0.8315560      -1.131721      -1.423215      -1.705307  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-2.886015      -1.697697      0.6121149      0.1973823     -0.2235430     -0.6253020      -1.002649      -1.369109      -1.716563      -2.048511      -2.356088      -2.631473      -2.877539      -3.081254      -3.237523      -3.351076      -3.428614      -3.437548      -3.394363      -3.261289      -2.849351      -1.697697      0.4347264      4.0558022E-02 -0.3552287     -0.7319974      -1.098240      -1.454025      -1.801491      -2.131008      -2.431891      -2.705139      -2.955855      -3.154100      -3.304847      -3.403671      -3.465554      -3.472628      -3.411754      -3.246200      -2.810679      -1.697697      0.2186093     -0.1453706     -0.5151151     -0.8746875      -1.224547      -1.573213      -1.912447      -2.229637      -2.520773      -2.795550      -3.038790      -3.221799      -3.362629      -3.450608      -3.501859      -3.502018      -3.421825      -3.225212      -2.770008      -1.697697     -2.9707950E-02 -0.3627203     -0.7094272      -1.049906      -1.385018  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-3.520430      -3.139752      -1.850200      0.8764593      0.4089667     -6.3056849E-02 -0.5187222     -0.9590926      -1.369037      -1.754858      -2.118309      -2.455926      -2.770456      -3.041900      -3.268927      -3.453024      -3.580282      -3.669910      -3.688009      -3.642795      -3.519285      -3.103407      -1.850200      0.6866516      0.2429803     -0.2075221     -0.6416259      -1.053664      -1.451394      -1.833040      -2.194361      -2.537422      -2.848953      -3.119158      -3.352796      -3.529197      -3.647400      -3.718776      -3.734118      -3.672360      -3.513000      -3.064641      -1.850200      0.4534335      3.7415318E-02 -0.3836904     -0.7864156      -1.181409      -1.565471      -1.939086      -2.300391      -2.636351      -2.936210      -3.211615      -3.437608      -3.601158      -3.707530      -3.767360      -3.774335      -3.694171      -3.500478      -3.023586      -1.850200      0.1814644     -0.1964291     -0.5854698     -0.9674919  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-3.544060      -3.699002      -3.809901      -3.880070      -3.895263      -3.841349      -3.675570      -3.364364      -2.827625      -1.850200      -1.257030      -1.471514      -1.726310      -1.986439      -2.251789      -2.516434      -2.778034      -3.026031      -3.244515      -3.434052      -3.602346      -3.741341      -3.840123      -3.896781      -3.894367      -3.820190      -3.634177      -3.302313      -2.768504      -1.850200      -1.718926      -1.880729      -2.083299      -2.296256      -2.514289      -2.734923      -2.949334      -3.153495      -3.341945      -3.509273      -3.654538      -3.772107      -3.854126      -3.892663      -3.871164      -3.775387      -3.571589      -3.227669      -2.705393      -1.850200      -2.224665      -2.322918      -2.468464      -2.621783      -2.780291      -2.950244      -3.121908      -3.287400      -3.440408      -3.577754      -3.694145      -3.784809      -3.842810      -3.858826      -3.817591      -3.701954      -3.484929  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-26.98909      -25.92598      -24.76757      -23.52276      -22.19913      -20.80326      -19.34067      -17.81612      -16.23376      -14.59716      -12.90950      -11.17360      -9.391960      -7.566847      -5.700306      -3.794187      -1.850200      0.2420342     -0.3273337     -0.7091867      -1.139654      -1.517928      -1.855032      -2.078706      -2.245217      -2.498997      -2.736529      -2.950605      -3.045306      -3.151828      -3.329891      -3.498316      -3.631538      -3.619526      -3.683019      -3.492526      -1.991894      0.9116901      0.3057100     -0.2063071     -0.7128273      -1.172465      -1.587596      -1.833134      -2.137854      -2.435619      -2.723236      -2.977250      -3.009473      -3.185150      -3.373742      -3.559316      -3.688382      -3.639637      -3.693969      -3.476835      -1.991894       1.240230      0.6306550      5.9048809E-02 -0.4690119     -0.9534197      -1.377040      -1.754986      -2.113139      -2.441975      -2.738213  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-3.832182      -3.749778      -3.379568      -1.991894       1.141385      0.6166210      9.2993125E-02 -0.4084292     -0.8958734      -1.366535      -1.798794      -2.191522      -2.562750      -2.899611      -3.203112      -3.450058      -3.651977      -3.799880      -3.901103      -3.920589      -3.879512      -3.758317      -3.344711      -1.991894      0.9373705      0.4418541     -5.4770846E-02 -0.5365106      -1.007916      -1.453017      -1.867554      -2.266434      -2.635135      -2.982456      -3.283984      -3.536042      -3.742938      -3.880329      -3.963115      -3.979000      -3.920841      -3.761923      -3.306982      -1.991894      0.6875984      0.2258791     -0.2427939     -0.7010686      -1.141260      -1.564726      -1.972552      -2.362805      -2.736887      -3.080004      -3.374928      -3.632057      -3.826007      -3.955489      -4.024539      -4.033067      -3.954718      -3.759246      -3.266760      -1.991894      0.3964034     -2.6478026E-02 -0.4632093  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-3.568149      -3.784594      -3.957325      -4.089678      -4.174700      -4.199621      -4.149125      -3.982992      -3.652315      -3.068540      -1.991894      -1.145202      -1.392818      -1.678829      -1.969234      -2.269062      -2.582994      -2.886689      -3.176906      -3.442077      -3.666138      -3.853863      -4.011284      -4.131660      -4.202107      -4.211063      -4.139561      -3.950102      -3.593496      -3.006601      -1.991894      -1.637183      -1.828340      -2.067276      -2.313417      -2.565532      -2.830878      -3.091356      -3.333206      -3.551761      -3.749791      -3.917066      -4.054947      -4.158014      -4.209688      -4.199271      -4.105343      -3.893182      -3.519732      -2.939194      -1.991894      -2.189085      -2.311176      -2.486868      -2.672470      -2.866941      -3.071795      -3.279323      -3.478450      -3.662076      -3.827945      -3.969299      -4.080256      -4.159806      -4.188765      -4.154326      -4.039018  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-31.69816      -30.61488      -29.40769      -28.08959      -26.67175      -25.16341      -23.57243      -21.90539      -20.16790      -18.36479      -16.50024      -14.57795      -12.60116      -10.57278      -8.495420      -6.371429      -4.202934      -1.991894      0.2667059     -0.2128431     -0.7045342      -1.173731      -1.587425      -1.939972      -2.205684      -2.345844      -2.606952      -2.853239      -3.076994      -3.204508      -3.281554      -3.467091      -3.642710      -3.788512      -3.774515      -3.856369      -3.699852      -2.124210       1.135277      0.4532606     -0.1273985     -0.6951323      -1.193322      -1.645854      -1.935066      -2.226671      -2.532590      -2.836225      -3.108029      -3.166033      -3.321080      -3.517459      -3.711276      -3.857619      -3.800877      -3.872792      -3.688487      -2.124210       1.499043      0.8112341      0.1627192     -0.4204393     -0.9510088      -1.427988      -1.818282      -2.189870      -2.536660  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-4.072031      -4.043899      -3.963712      -3.606133      -2.124210       1.405544      0.8194727      0.2448532     -0.3026683     -0.8323077      -1.342811      -1.835268      -2.274427      -2.668329      -3.034137      -3.357111      -3.630361      -3.846369      -4.009929      -4.122239      -4.145370      -4.102759      -3.982228      -3.573781      -2.124210       1.187144      0.6377714      9.3422748E-02 -0.4325599     -0.9469198      -1.446426      -1.911728      -2.335755      -2.743247      -3.111232      -3.444317      -3.718336      -3.943867      -4.103705      -4.199821      -4.216363      -4.154737      -3.996029      -3.537891      -2.124210      0.9202662      0.4094481     -0.1029548     -0.6032658      -1.097177      -1.567838      -2.009008      -2.435569      -2.833876      -3.211360      -3.541319      -3.816786      -4.043838      -4.191408      -4.273417      -4.281837      -4.199684      -4.003205      -3.499342      -2.124210      0.6112103      0.1440004  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-3.453864      -3.759072      -4.015084      -4.214325      -4.363609      -4.456142      -4.489598      -4.441421      -4.274420      -3.931406      -3.301795      -2.124210      -1.026231      -1.306112      -1.627073      -1.949857      -2.282377      -2.628454      -2.981942      -3.316278      -3.619623      -3.888199      -4.100318      -4.278557      -4.417779      -4.495516      -4.512552      -4.443820      -4.251110      -3.878500      -3.238286      -2.124210      -1.549336      -1.769439      -2.036254      -2.316626      -2.612212      -2.913103      -3.218468      -3.505506      -3.758707      -3.983670      -4.173697      -4.334320      -4.456712      -4.517186      -4.512786      -4.420776      -4.202238      -3.808086      -3.167495      -2.124210      -2.145571      -2.290748      -2.490054      -2.709302      -2.944016      -3.189791      -3.432279      -3.663624      -3.878615      -4.072865      -4.238656      -4.374351      -4.472444      -4.510179      -4.479906  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-36.60915      -35.55754      -34.34384      -32.98705      -31.50338      -29.90618      -28.20658      -26.41373      -24.53530      -22.57779      -20.54672      -18.44693      -16.28260      -14.05746      -11.77482      -9.437626      -7.048552      -4.610014      -2.124210      0.2992614     -0.2940102     -0.7105388      -1.177732      -1.634743      -2.019489      -2.321452      -2.444405      -2.713496      -2.965820      -3.195710      -3.351661      -3.403401      -3.596936      -3.778239      -3.933106      -3.918518      -4.015550      -3.890533      -2.248313       1.332230      0.6120088     -3.3669952E-02 -0.6488884      -1.214728      -1.697291      -2.031541      -2.328421      -2.632542      -2.943818      -3.228317      -3.319407      -3.452891      -3.655262      -3.854897      -4.014237      -3.950163      -4.037524      -3.883778      -2.248313       1.756840       1.003377      0.2934310     -0.3739972     -0.9508207      -1.466654      -1.905454      -2.279975  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-4.239127      -4.276186      -4.245801      -4.164066      -3.818202      -2.248313       1.666365       1.021217      0.3923194     -0.2017045     -0.7721295      -1.318713      -1.846887      -2.348772      -2.781685      -3.167258      -3.510350      -3.804046      -4.040077      -4.212483      -4.332358      -4.363734      -4.315822      -4.192721      -3.789247      -2.248313       1.435275      0.8311933      0.2381901     -0.3314608     -0.8864346      -1.423442      -1.945338      -2.416232      -2.843864      -3.245510      -3.598503      -3.904002      -4.140388      -4.317425      -4.422605      -4.446238      -4.379957      -4.216893      -3.756387      -2.248313       1.151520      0.5914899      3.5440795E-02 -0.5078576      -1.041083      -1.562228      -2.053032      -2.504636      -2.939606      -3.338896      -3.702187      -4.001754      -4.246212      -4.416692      -4.508600      -4.520758      -4.437359      -4.234579      -3.720740      -2.248313      0.8246875  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-3.196257      -3.580063      -3.938984      -4.227902      -4.465613      -4.628975      -4.727638      -4.769479      -4.722319      -4.556447      -4.201764      -3.530589      -2.248313     -0.9047242      -1.214925      -1.564523      -1.926325      -2.295479      -2.672921      -3.057921      -3.439024      -3.786618      -4.092592      -4.344527      -4.545375      -4.692743      -4.779906      -4.804789      -4.737264      -4.543737      -4.155306      -3.466487      -2.248313      -1.458576      -1.706843      -2.001066      -2.311328      -2.641639      -2.992646      -3.333872      -3.661510      -3.959334      -4.213435      -4.431190      -4.613994      -4.742908      -4.814590      -4.817368      -4.728192      -4.503550      -4.088696      -3.393684      -2.248313      -2.084154      -2.260624      -2.489368      -2.736140      -3.009388      -3.300166      -3.582047      -3.845673      -4.091662      -4.313431      -4.506402      -4.664097      -4.771569      -4.821089  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-41.62963      -40.68000      -39.51798      -38.16915      -36.65767      -35.00276      -33.22034      -31.32333      -29.32231      -27.22604      -25.04190      -22.77620      -20.43438      -18.02117      -15.54101      -12.99714      -10.39286      -7.731661      -5.015991      -2.248313      0.3956833     -0.3618647     -0.9256624      -1.157639      -1.685436      -2.081901      -2.420992      -2.535285      -2.816187      -3.074742      -3.309085      -3.487130      -3.519093      -3.719741      -3.905765      -4.067956      -4.053120      -4.162188      -4.066399      -2.365163       1.526388      0.7207417      6.0848430E-02 -0.5862375      -1.202768      -1.749426      -2.122358      -2.425384      -2.738864      -3.050647      -3.340800      -3.466562      -3.581165      -3.786971      -3.992072      -4.160390      -4.091874      -4.189226      -4.064413      -2.365163       2.002593       1.190973      0.4298378     -0.2787769     -0.9442247      -1.506295      -1.979905  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-4.295164      -4.428574      -4.467947      -4.439009      -4.350227      -4.017079      -2.365163       1.925002       1.220926      0.5379230     -0.1058829     -0.7197536      -1.298526      -1.858658      -2.395144      -2.891112      -3.302153      -3.667002      -3.972360      -4.226068      -4.408684      -4.535761      -4.567633      -4.521479      -4.389827      -3.991979      -2.365163       1.680853       1.022171      0.3805105     -0.2355105     -0.8280416      -1.401156      -1.958046      -2.487675      -2.953264      -3.375579      -3.751197      -4.076990      -4.331687      -4.519190      -4.636189      -4.658509      -4.597283      -4.425217      -3.962555      -2.365163       1.381210      0.7716032      0.1710782     -0.4162257     -0.9857529      -1.544770      -2.087973      -2.582301      -3.042925      -3.470048      -3.857367      -4.188528      -4.438605      -4.631418      -4.733388      -4.744347      -4.665453      -4.453936      -3.930403      -2.365163  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-2.859992      -3.292889      -3.703629      -4.094194      -4.438240      -4.698140      -4.881002      -4.992584      -5.038594      -4.995316      -4.829348      -4.462306      -3.748344      -2.365163     -0.7784044      -1.120106      -1.500657      -1.892827      -2.302951      -2.718671      -3.131452      -3.543565      -3.941965      -4.285649      -4.579130      -4.798145      -4.954910      -5.055663      -5.083402      -5.022158      -4.827559      -4.422589      -3.683879      -2.365163      -1.361659      -1.639096      -1.963582      -2.304569      -2.667585      -3.050301      -3.442127      -3.806516      -4.148099      -4.439829      -4.681578      -4.875240      -5.016261      -5.102374      -5.107885      -5.023134      -4.798056      -4.359962      -3.609597      -2.365163      -2.018338      -2.219743      -2.477024      -2.761750      -3.067758      -3.397095      -3.724017      -4.027595      -4.305433      -4.554549      -4.769348      -4.940166      -5.059049  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-2.365163      -45.88049      -44.84866      -43.57263      -42.08488      -40.41378      -38.58239      -36.60921      -34.50904      -32.29393      -29.97376      -27.55686      -25.05027      -22.46010      -19.79163      -17.04954      -14.23795      -11.36057      -8.420688      -5.421311      -2.365163      0.4946381     -0.3262431      -1.016964      -1.519854      -1.678252      -2.141448      -2.526530      -2.618439      -2.913993      -3.179142      -3.418311      -3.612982      -3.628866      -3.835397      -4.025853      -4.195188      -4.178693      -4.299279      -4.230482      -2.475562       1.736492      0.8565015      6.3181907E-02 -0.5507547      -1.152349      -1.754518      -2.201710      -2.515809      -2.843828      -3.158306      -3.451579      -3.607022      -3.707033      -3.912096      -4.121093      -4.299201      -4.224899      -4.332085      -4.233731      -2.475562       2.251670       1.357000      0.5578167     -0.1884100     -0.8873802      -1.542238  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-4.287030      -4.478218      -4.611311      -4.655865      -4.625092      -4.530895      -4.207763      -2.475562       2.181815       1.416558      0.6817229     -1.3937109E-02 -0.6738749      -1.291955      -1.874228      -2.439118      -2.975279      -3.438928      -3.815639      -4.139207      -4.402302      -4.597663      -4.728175      -4.766086      -4.719391      -4.581093      -4.187337      -2.475562       1.923427       1.210921      0.5204048     -0.1453488     -0.7768388      -1.382944      -1.971382      -2.537594      -3.061806      -3.505503      -3.907373      -4.242297      -4.516150      -4.712548      -4.843052      -4.871249      -4.805937      -4.626510      -4.161980      -2.475562       1.607234      0.9483495      0.3033318     -0.3278189     -0.9357117      -1.528804      -2.107630      -2.657477      -3.149012      -3.602498      -4.007316      -4.358763      -4.627386      -4.833519      -4.951569      -4.968946      -4.883278      -4.664938      -4.133731  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-2.427886      -2.910478      -3.387410      -3.828870      -4.245321      -4.621378      -4.911837      -5.126225      -5.244297      -5.294618      -5.252936      -5.082229      -4.708488      -3.961721      -2.475562     -0.6512012      -1.022368      -1.434901      -1.859817      -2.302068      -2.757665      -3.206479      -3.647432      -4.076526      -4.475404      -4.792413      -5.039891      -5.213383      -5.315594      -5.349235      -5.289017      -5.091052      -4.677292      -3.897432      -2.475562      -1.262988      -1.567775      -1.919991      -2.297571      -2.693204      -3.106359      -3.530471      -3.950954      -4.324769      -4.663332      -4.929513      -5.135592      -5.286150      -5.371554      -5.384421      -5.300563      -5.071370      -4.622357      -3.822140      -2.475562      -1.950954      -2.174809      -2.458017      -2.775757      -3.125527      -3.488469      -3.855494      -4.206561      -4.520490      -4.797273      -5.030325      -5.214304  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-3.383182      -2.475562      -50.22493      -49.10967      -47.71679      -46.08607      -44.25046      -42.23758      -40.06838      -37.75964      -35.32486      -32.77512      -30.11991      -27.36634      -24.52190      -21.59220      -18.58240      -15.49705      -12.34047      -9.115559      -5.826340      -2.475562      0.5930040     -0.2934325      -1.040147      -1.602540      -2.120103      -2.187432      -2.608436      -2.686616      -2.999860      -3.277365      -3.524760      -3.730925      -3.733016      -3.945360      -4.139202      -4.315031      -4.296829      -4.427438      -4.381976      -2.580184       1.943362      0.9951471      0.1412868     -0.6124804      -1.190180      -1.751097      -2.251709      -2.606581      -2.943661      -3.266652      -3.561624      -3.742829      -3.827446      -4.032888      -4.240484      -4.430867      -4.350984      -4.466347      -4.390327      -2.580184       2.498831       1.542001      0.6540619     -0.1206911     -0.8364743  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-4.198164      -4.456217      -4.649579      -4.785053      -4.837246      -4.803504      -4.702764      -4.385371      -2.580184       2.436500       1.613937      0.8224390      7.4297182E-02 -0.6305825      -1.294838      -1.905032      -2.487335      -3.048147      -3.559891      -3.969234      -4.298456      -4.571820      -4.779083      -4.916262      -4.958990      -4.908435      -4.761768      -4.370466      -2.580184       2.163535       1.396889      0.6571632     -5.6180641E-02 -0.7339821      -1.374051      -1.986838      -2.583766      -3.150786      -3.643263      -4.052782      -4.405325      -4.692373      -4.900930      -5.042271      -5.073487      -5.004543      -4.816614      -4.350510      -2.580184       1.830647       1.125886      0.4327958     -0.2425493     -0.8898427      -1.515553      -2.124111      -2.716720      -3.259934      -3.730628      -4.162295      -4.522471      -4.814926      -5.026342      -5.162624      -5.180558      -5.091742      -4.865357  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-1.940194      -2.450745      -2.960521      -3.471752      -3.961082      -4.395458      -4.792101      -5.122299      -5.352141      -5.482616      -5.539427      -5.499380      -5.333621      -4.952070      -4.174121      -2.580184     -0.5242237     -0.9258026      -1.368715      -1.827264      -2.302043      -2.787135      -3.281268      -3.754609      -4.211450      -4.641397      -4.999783      -5.271577      -5.458472      -5.561419      -5.603757      -5.545492      -5.352494      -4.928852      -4.111707      -2.580184      -1.163006      -1.493997      -1.873393      -2.284352      -2.719389      -3.163421      -3.617993      -4.073603      -4.502042      -4.867794      -5.163702      -5.383267      -5.541582      -5.627316      -5.650185      -5.569048      -5.341911      -4.879798      -4.036667      -2.580184      -1.880825      -2.126747      -2.437450      -2.785647      -3.169207      -3.580063      -3.982056      -4.377366      -4.734624      -5.035884      -5.279715  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-4.309786      -3.575520      -2.580184      -54.65804      -53.45810      -51.94537      -50.16724      -48.16318      -45.96407      -43.59392      -41.07148      -38.41179      -35.62711      -32.72766      -29.72209      -26.61781      -23.42127      -20.13812      -16.77333      -13.33136      -9.816176      -6.231373      -2.580184      0.6873940     -0.2641063      -1.070569      -1.649905      -2.202705      -2.658675      -2.598196      -2.763449      -3.098882      -3.368733      -3.626121      -3.842266      -3.832551      -4.050407      -4.247586      -4.428078      -4.406727      -4.549118      -4.523188      -2.679603       2.150855       1.126536      0.2055962     -0.5921262      -1.300151      -1.807808      -2.265904      -2.682397      -3.036044      -3.369261      -3.672401      -3.874377      -3.944335      -4.150742      -4.356955      -4.556264      -4.467655      -4.593379      -4.536241      -2.679603       2.741355       1.713550      0.7653920     -9.0897925E-02 -0.8161757      -1.499017      -2.126002      -2.665596      -3.075129      -3.430003      -3.737662      -3.974063      -4.160655      -4.328772      -4.495593      -4.666631      -4.584685      -4.653394      -4.546095      -2.679603       2.978878       1.967242       1.021480      0.1755021     -0.6010154      -1.363221      -2.050437      -2.602536      -3.079392      -3.472583      -3.817897      -4.117220      -4.347074      -4.510053      -4.652239      -4.762184      -4.716965      -4.721878      -4.552159      -2.679603       3.010043       2.013699       1.115185      0.2665132     -0.5374317      -1.306043      -1.965231      -2.554727      -3.068574      -3.509060      -3.907246      -4.246825      -4.490433      -4.671135      -4.805705      -4.876445      -4.849927      -4.793890      -4.553933      -2.679603       2.896169       1.957862       1.078888      0.2472139     -0.5465263      -1.271961      -1.931689      -2.538867      -3.065332      -3.570850 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-5.296671      -5.061862      -4.505787      -2.679603       1.662966      0.9653364      0.2775706     -0.4030836      -1.058781      -1.696255      -2.320724      -2.934365      -3.487291      -3.980879      -4.425248      -4.815291      -5.116642      -5.342458      -5.472721      -5.491159      -5.382505      -5.111961      -4.483272      -2.679603       1.217740      0.5878272     -5.4376982E-02 -0.6905178      -1.311948      -1.927464      -2.531920      -3.102561      -3.639341      -4.133847      -4.580398      -4.964020      -5.255677      -5.476499      -5.585754      -5.586343      -5.459216      -5.150793      -4.453993      -2.679603      0.7298675      0.1645405     -0.4267190      -1.017689      -1.607154      -2.194302      -2.752814      -3.307133      -3.831825      -4.327376      -4.761329      -5.119494      -5.411335      -5.598998      -5.686483      -5.671721      -5.524314      -5.175937      -4.416406      -2.679603      0.1940123     -0.3080817     -0.8449325  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-5.268322      -5.520848      -5.722718      -5.864593      -5.942461      -5.939130      -5.833273      -5.565075      -5.045906      -4.144870      -2.679603      -2.674518      -2.835412      -3.080516      -3.379378      -3.728602      -4.096057      -4.460375      -4.814375      -5.137908      -5.416960      -5.633435      -5.802712      -5.914705      -5.962911      -5.923069      -5.775413      -5.472500      -4.926121      -4.037846      -2.679603      -3.738288      -3.741169      -3.857530      -4.039375      -4.266442      -4.519277      -4.787133      -5.061326      -5.318731      -5.539375      -5.707388      -5.831542      -5.896847      -5.903278      -5.821132      -5.633255      -5.306158      -4.755589      -3.912438      -2.679603      -5.289793      -5.051144      -4.950267      -4.937537      -4.981881      -5.066030      -5.183750      -5.326197      -5.476222      -5.599716      -5.689331      -5.744777      -5.753600      -5.709875      -5.587776      -5.373506  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0.8762746     -3.0906251E-02 -0.8405380      -1.486287      -2.149307      -2.720201      -3.177679      -3.540246      -3.855345      -4.103834      -4.293653      -4.464438      -4.629292      -4.796319      -4.709642      -4.783440      -4.691577      -2.774314       3.244364       2.156750       1.153198      0.2454840     -0.5525277      -1.319230      -2.055440      -2.680249      -3.179751      -3.597463      -3.937483      -4.247427      -4.489677      -4.659111      -4.798489      -4.904108      -4.859013      -4.861714      -4.703685      -2.774314       3.279326       2.210027       1.247632      0.3651006     -0.4699893      -1.273574      -2.009986      -2.627461      -3.171100      -3.624118      -4.022614      -4.377417      -4.641702      -4.832645      -4.964231      -5.029229      -5.005514      -4.944044      -4.711418      -2.774314       3.155483       2.153354       1.226466      0.3508753     -0.4821004      -1.277974      -1.973216      -2.607563      -3.170696  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-2.297925      -2.324147      -2.326935      -2.306342      -2.260292      -2.190338      -2.110858      -1.980360      -1.777182      -1.332105      -1.747571      -1.827725      -1.902154      -1.968407      -2.032711      -2.102615      -2.164113      -2.214057      -2.252868      -2.276695      -2.295351      -2.311796      -2.307966      -2.283489      -2.234365      -2.162262      -2.082080      -1.953671      -1.757900      -1.332105      -1.828012      -1.897521      -1.961954      -2.019234      -2.075913      -2.136663      -2.189518      -2.231398      -2.262206      -2.277908      -2.287069      -2.294677      -2.285656      -2.257331      -2.205405      -2.131602      -2.051330      -1.925625      -1.738072      -1.332105      -1.911937      -1.969618      -2.023461      -2.071721      -2.118093      -2.168191      -2.211520      -2.244642      -2.265910      -2.272255      -2.273206      -2.273947      -2.259432      -2.227377      -2.173101      -2.098155      -2.018495  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-3.344987      -3.360328      -3.351548      -3.276006      -2.981742      -2.079525     -0.7493320      -1.039621      -1.338281      -1.612554      -1.841614      -2.029149      -2.235193      -2.453564      -2.650598      -2.822113      -2.916918      -3.008661      -3.153541      -3.270119      -3.354437      -3.351216      -3.341645      -3.257216      -2.957304      -2.079525     -0.7237854      -1.022552      -1.317887      -1.582013      -1.817788      -2.031918      -2.249643      -2.467450      -2.668519      -2.830109      -2.927610      -3.034458      -3.174765      -3.286590      -3.361842      -3.343966      -3.330663      -3.236563      -2.931568      -2.079525     -0.7519827      -1.046507      -1.329218      -1.591337      -1.839244      -2.064889      -2.281637      -2.498187      -2.694906      -2.841898      -2.953518      -3.066889      -3.199128      -3.303590      -3.365281      -3.338186      -3.318391      -3.213768      -2.904450      -2.079525     -0.8180876  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-2.722557      -2.880318      -3.014620      -3.122192      -3.210972      -3.295556      -3.339441      -3.347366      -3.305341      -3.242992      -3.095064      -2.782104      -2.079525      -1.380309      -1.611875      -1.845263      -2.067611      -2.277981      -2.464750      -2.636341      -2.796412      -2.939595      -3.063925      -3.164685      -3.243496      -3.309780      -3.340479      -3.339420      -3.288373      -3.213503      -3.056947      -2.748254      -2.079525      -1.578378      -1.790788      -2.008557      -2.208857      -2.397350      -2.572541      -2.725466      -2.867678      -2.998009      -3.112225      -3.202784      -3.268773      -3.318665      -3.338861      -3.326486      -3.264967      -3.178219      -3.014785      -2.713088      -2.079525      -1.797851      -1.980923      -2.171278      -2.354140      -2.523880      -2.675369      -2.809870      -2.937843      -3.055472      -3.157349      -3.233568      -3.285301      -3.323181      -3.331589  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-3.462238      -3.574913      -3.614681      -3.613921      -3.567510      -3.280154      -2.277299     -0.5296177     -0.8804554      -1.235429      -1.567689      -1.851805      -2.071489      -2.286129      -2.532792      -2.762036      -2.967244      -3.091518      -3.171197      -3.340054      -3.479314      -3.590082      -3.607788      -3.607428      -3.551417      -3.254362      -2.277299     -0.4841908     -0.8466225      -1.203097      -1.523491      -1.804527      -2.056747      -2.291509      -2.544414      -2.779853      -2.976166      -3.096090      -3.204265      -3.365162      -3.501020      -3.604325      -3.602519      -3.601335      -3.533378      -3.226925      -2.277299     -0.5074292     -0.8668275      -1.205462      -1.517339      -1.811442      -2.077891      -2.325547      -2.577945      -2.806041      -2.984923      -3.125176      -3.244084      -3.396536      -3.524600      -3.615323      -3.601157      -3.595233      -3.512959      -3.197725      -2.277299  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-2.619396      -2.841114      -3.033731      -3.201690      -3.338042      -3.440495      -3.537388      -3.598732      -3.625871      -3.598737      -3.542274      -3.399432      -3.063047      -2.277299      -1.195623      -1.478708      -1.752532      -2.012815      -2.267422      -2.512179      -2.735524      -2.934140      -3.114186      -3.267274      -3.392184      -3.485705      -3.564067      -3.610032      -3.627849      -3.590426      -3.517483      -3.360832      -3.025032      -2.277299      -1.423304      -1.678477      -1.932554      -2.179406      -2.422353      -2.649207      -2.845953      -3.031545      -3.191960      -3.329884      -3.443118      -3.524237      -3.583337      -3.619057      -3.625813      -3.575304      -3.486209      -3.317179      -2.984962      -2.277299      -1.668335      -1.900713      -2.137225      -2.366038      -2.580165      -2.782099      -2.960133      -3.121171      -3.263958      -3.389385      -3.488611      -3.554255      -3.599614  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-2.277299      -2.796062      -2.875629      -2.970723      -3.069196      -3.167689      -3.259330      -3.339135      -3.413214      -3.477561      -3.529039      -3.561013      -3.565762      -3.546382      -3.500966      -3.437489      -3.329147      -3.187844      -3.004766      -2.750316      -2.277299      -3.089814      -3.123197      -3.174558      -3.232429      -3.293745      -3.350749      -3.398632      -3.442919      -3.479974      -3.507187      -3.517939      -3.504039      -3.468765      -3.410874      -3.337916      -3.227046      -3.089359      -2.920857      -2.693235      -2.277299      -3.380094      -3.362192      -3.363934      -3.374132      -3.391724      -3.408336      -3.419070      -3.430460      -3.438542      -3.440295      -3.430082      -3.398613      -3.350067      -3.284768      -3.208178      -3.101903      -2.974623      -2.827038      -2.630979      -2.277299      -3.684105      -3.609533      -3.558000      -3.516564      -3.484062      -3.451949  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-3.489984      -3.646498      -3.779202      -3.841058      -3.843369      -3.825994      -3.554514      -2.457263     -0.3043410     -0.7292797      -1.123223      -1.506292      -1.855457      -2.118507      -2.341966      -2.613395      -2.863577      -3.097163      -3.257276      -3.315764      -3.506378      -3.666026      -3.799553      -3.837604      -3.840523      -3.813207      -3.528196      -2.457263     -0.2391586     -0.6695241      -1.073909      -1.462258      -1.799003      -2.087536      -2.343357      -2.617762      -2.876749      -3.109968      -3.252292      -3.353304      -3.535811      -3.692812      -3.820380      -3.833109      -3.839863      -3.798590      -3.499867      -2.457263     -0.2508069     -0.6765779      -1.081761      -1.454400      -1.792041      -2.099658      -2.371764      -2.648471      -2.908497      -3.121798      -3.280928      -3.401893      -3.573309      -3.723561      -3.838728      -3.835495      -3.838756      -3.781632      -3.469371  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-2.415720      -2.678950      -2.930851      -3.162830      -3.368044      -3.534464      -3.649516      -3.756001      -3.837503      -3.879133      -3.864756      -3.813570      -3.679355      -3.325073      -2.457263     -0.9964091      -1.325469      -1.642857      -1.954347      -2.256521      -2.537290      -2.799364      -3.046196      -3.264672      -3.450474      -3.605044      -3.706253      -3.793694      -3.858099      -3.891238      -3.866108      -3.796134      -3.642179      -3.283725      -2.457263      -1.249063      -1.553604      -1.851624      -2.134790      -2.415919      -2.688908      -2.942122      -3.166830      -3.362855      -3.533005      -3.669192      -3.758611      -3.825432      -3.878272      -3.899851      -3.861025      -3.771649      -3.599022      -3.239956      -2.457263      -1.529341      -1.801563      -2.070798      -2.337681      -2.604333      -2.860422      -3.081804      -3.284009      -3.457628      -3.605396      -3.727123      -3.803944  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-3.037071      -2.457263      -2.835274      -2.945788      -3.068699      -3.194999      -3.320794      -3.441226      -3.552304      -3.651182      -3.735983      -3.806711      -3.857933      -3.871732      -3.855636      -3.819672      -3.757090      -3.640650      -3.477942      -3.266030      -2.977338      -2.457263      -3.188239      -3.243093      -3.315117      -3.394885      -3.477979      -3.559628      -3.634614      -3.700366      -3.755658      -3.799164      -3.825822      -3.819089      -3.782823      -3.730125      -3.654986      -3.532288      -3.370193      -3.172379      -2.912570      -2.457263      -3.541641      -3.537660      -3.549879      -3.573135      -3.605707      -3.641746      -3.674399      -3.700880      -3.721971      -3.736132      -3.737085      -3.710489      -3.657464      -3.592972      -3.512856      -3.392440      -3.241622      -3.066620      -2.841286      -2.457263      -3.908117      -3.836979      -3.780000      -3.738320      -3.709783  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-3.443459      -3.641587      -3.813577      -3.963554      -4.045522      -4.046821      -4.056754      -3.807431      -2.622362     -7.7694923E-02 -0.5764834      -1.018035      -1.444235      -1.837043      -2.150636      -2.403410      -2.694081      -2.963648      -3.218240      -3.409336      -3.456162      -3.657940      -3.835669      -3.988737      -4.046670      -4.047131      -4.047486      -3.781387      -2.622362      1.0620856E-02 -0.4939957     -0.9483796      -1.382053      -1.774136      -2.119754      -2.405131      -2.695930      -2.974991      -3.231372      -3.398723      -3.497301      -3.692006      -3.867177      -4.015653      -4.042293      -4.050854      -4.036669      -3.752968      -2.622362      7.5010555E-03 -0.4914344     -0.9453138      -1.373242      -1.775156      -2.129909      -2.428185      -2.726626      -3.005258      -3.249457      -3.430062      -3.552326      -3.738020      -3.904860      -4.041429      -4.048066      -4.055559      -4.023777  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-2.077400      -2.422839      -2.737506      -3.021071      -3.276605      -3.513522      -3.713072      -3.840634      -3.962579      -4.059432      -4.112760      -4.108259      -4.059664      -3.937034      -3.570914      -2.622362     -0.7947244      -1.172816      -1.530635      -1.883376      -2.232175      -2.564219      -2.863045      -3.135802      -3.389100      -3.616958      -3.796251      -3.914408      -4.013909      -4.090497      -4.134356      -4.119175      -4.049807      -3.902632      -3.526882      -2.622362      -1.066400      -1.413244      -1.749631      -2.083507      -2.412188      -2.718663      -3.008358      -3.274700      -3.513857      -3.713495      -3.878998      -3.980350      -4.058659      -4.122492      -4.153492      -4.123784      -4.032557      -3.861310      -3.479979      -2.622362      -1.371070      -1.688250      -2.001482      -2.303236      -2.604182      -2.901091      -3.179475      -3.419914      -3.629352      -3.808610      -3.950642  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-3.604849      -3.258128      -2.622362      -2.850206      -2.992213      -3.143223      -3.297848      -3.454222      -3.608096      -3.749786      -3.872548      -3.979678      -4.069761      -4.137073      -4.163304      -4.153898      -4.125186      -4.061349      -3.940862      -3.752628      -3.514132      -3.191962      -2.622362      -3.258929      -3.336818      -3.431361      -3.533394      -3.641052      -3.751322      -3.854372      -3.941834      -4.016768      -4.078900      -4.119121      -4.122171      -4.090610      -4.040151      -3.960493      -3.828832      -3.638249      -3.409847      -3.119790      -2.622362      -3.674643      -3.683277      -3.711369      -3.751392      -3.802356      -3.859091      -3.914377      -3.958816      -3.995025      -4.023784      -4.035559      -4.014923      -3.964041      -3.896594      -3.809975      -3.677798      -3.497403      -3.290698      -3.039901      -2.622362      -4.105251      -4.036402      -3.982788      -3.944427  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-3.557975      -3.588680      -3.781780      -3.967242      -4.132119      -4.231779      -4.230164      -4.264819      -4.041065      -2.774865      0.1372510     -0.4308761     -0.9318919      -1.397289      -1.822766      -2.175693      -2.459873      -2.769825      -3.061489      -3.333265      -3.548822      -3.597767      -3.799959      -3.991227      -4.161520      -4.237489      -4.233891      -4.259213      -4.015995      -2.774865      0.2527568     -0.3223191     -0.8342119      -1.310343      -1.744146      -2.129899      -2.462178      -2.777362      -3.071249      -3.348920      -3.533168      -3.643549      -3.839647      -4.028116      -4.194297      -4.233498      -4.241673      -4.252527      -3.988225      -2.774865      0.2605738     -0.3063121     -0.8145449      -1.290163      -1.734414      -2.142574      -2.492280      -2.804363      -3.104316      -3.370342      -3.567244      -3.705795      -3.892327      -4.073750      -4.228030      -4.242943      -4.251629  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-1.651785      -2.055494      -2.433791      -2.783003      -3.101852      -3.392498      -3.648086      -3.869119      -4.024661      -4.159330      -4.267988      -4.329969      -4.332032      -4.284298      -4.176969      -3.802562      -2.774865     -0.5946593      -1.020086      -1.423910      -1.820835      -2.204349      -2.574712      -2.918364      -3.226461      -3.502219      -3.756691      -3.969548      -4.109499      -4.223921      -4.309081      -4.361817      -4.352396      -4.282352      -4.146859      -3.756575      -2.774865     -0.8825331      -1.271049      -1.649221      -2.022087      -2.391210      -2.748200      -3.070970      -3.363513      -3.635923      -3.877995      -4.064054      -4.190150      -4.280596      -4.351884      -4.391975      -4.367316      -4.273352      -4.109038      -3.707256      -2.774865      -1.208389      -1.561548      -1.914053      -2.262665      -2.606247      -2.934101      -3.244935      -3.528939      -3.780190      -3.989048  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-4.108856      -3.853164      -3.469063      -2.774865      -2.840475      -3.016004      -3.201868      -3.386913      -3.575314      -3.760403      -3.932056      -4.079867      -4.208601      -4.317925      -4.401388      -4.440397      -4.439928      -4.415930      -4.353199      -4.227644      -4.016709      -3.757787      -3.396946      -2.774865      -3.303478      -3.406382      -3.528507      -3.656023      -3.791099      -3.928454      -4.057209      -4.168232      -4.263606      -4.343026      -4.398515      -4.413294      -4.389231      -4.338929      -4.256366      -4.115644      -3.896991      -3.645483      -3.317764      -2.774865      -3.784428      -3.806270      -3.852563      -3.911559      -3.983654      -4.063538      -4.138922      -4.203187      -4.257049      -4.300052      -4.322813      -4.311857      -4.265701      -4.194689      -4.100495      -3.956478      -3.743568      -3.514257      -3.229548      -2.774865      -4.278531      -4.211401      -4.164012  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-3.448838      -3.685318      -3.728606      -3.911825      -4.110287      -4.287427      -4.402801      -4.397743      -4.453726      -4.257210      -2.916559      0.3509764     -0.2937554     -0.8499580      -1.363899      -1.828626      -2.207250      -2.512477      -2.833293      -3.150401      -3.443109      -3.679007      -3.733543      -3.933281      -4.136758      -4.321264      -4.413569      -4.404465      -4.451708      -4.233737      -2.916559      0.4940459     -0.1600639     -0.7340926      -1.262425      -1.725517      -2.140894      -2.503861      -2.845146      -3.167194      -3.459734      -3.664197      -3.783437      -3.980860      -4.179013      -4.360443      -4.410037      -4.417177      -4.449266      -4.207271      -2.916559      0.5095056     -0.1275869     -0.6987062      -1.217560      -1.698309      -2.142301      -2.534482      -2.883137      -3.201152      -3.488283      -3.696384      -3.851937      -4.040441      -4.230907      -4.401528      -4.421875  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-1.118817      -1.591348      -2.036213      -2.451454      -2.833817      -3.176907      -3.497451      -3.782887      -4.014254      -4.194424      -4.343451      -4.465955      -4.536246      -4.540369      -4.496652      -4.400127      -4.021493      -2.916559     -0.3877272     -0.8674753      -1.322271      -1.760059      -2.186335      -2.589093      -2.963360      -3.307252      -3.619039      -3.889590      -4.120606      -4.292440      -4.421837      -4.517290      -4.577450      -4.570360      -4.503180      -4.375414      -3.974280      -2.916559     -0.6997800      -1.130784      -1.553424      -1.967507      -2.369921      -2.761943      -3.127119      -3.454830      -3.749096      -4.016946      -4.236289      -4.384500      -4.492465      -4.570788      -4.616688      -4.594276      -4.502551      -4.342469      -3.923267      -2.916559      -1.041696      -1.434632      -1.825938      -2.212100      -2.596436      -2.971105      -3.307435      -3.619883      -3.907686  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-4.569522      -4.366633      -4.094573      -3.671161      -2.916559      -2.811279      -3.017493      -3.241995      -3.463687      -3.688874      -3.905198      -4.102765      -4.276453      -4.427246      -4.554048      -4.649946      -4.701197      -4.715384      -4.696166      -4.633881      -4.502923      -4.276838      -3.996374      -3.593503      -2.916559      -3.330055      -3.456224      -3.605345      -3.764416      -3.929586      -4.095336      -4.248065      -4.383064      -4.499457      -4.595643      -4.662393      -4.688445      -4.676151      -4.632790      -4.544693      -4.391863      -4.155060      -3.878371      -3.507623      -2.916559      -3.873939      -3.910255      -3.975601      -4.056300      -4.152232      -4.255464      -4.352778      -4.436983      -4.509840      -4.567794      -4.599107      -4.596415      -4.556916      -4.494295      -4.388636      -4.225659      -3.993338      -3.736810      -3.411316      -2.916559      -4.432511      -4.368555  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-3.259590      -3.550521      -3.804728      -3.862855      -4.033693      -4.243540      -4.431072      -4.562116      -4.551893      -4.626489      -4.457635      -3.048875      0.5689571     -0.1515198     -0.7712561      -1.328257      -1.832281      -2.254885      -2.571654      -2.898562      -3.230303      -3.544311      -3.802465      -3.864302      -4.059845      -4.273364      -4.468499      -4.578600      -4.561764      -4.627928      -4.436310      -3.048875      0.7307960     -1.3125208E-03 -0.6359839      -1.212840      -1.728333      -2.164608      -2.547273      -2.905173      -3.250929      -3.568592      -3.789338      -3.917204      -4.114694      -4.320664      -4.513628      -4.576787      -4.579748      -4.629694      -4.411734      -3.048875      0.7602206      4.5153420E-02 -0.5860032      -1.165389      -1.678136      -2.146695      -2.567029      -2.946284      -3.296227      -3.600674      -3.822871      -3.991045      -4.182975      -4.378248      -4.561748  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-0.4573178     -0.9944673      -1.517111      -2.018483      -2.474018      -2.883517      -3.260437      -3.598242      -3.905668      -4.158473      -4.354169      -4.519013      -4.650969      -4.731748      -4.738891      -4.696466      -4.607896      -4.229084      -3.048875     -0.1802812     -0.7066271      -1.211803      -1.708555      -2.169895      -2.608713      -3.014091      -3.384366      -3.724583      -4.023706      -4.266277      -4.459941      -4.608306      -4.715524      -4.781837      -4.776904      -4.712141      -4.589227      -4.181302      -3.048875     -0.5094746     -0.9920093      -1.459817      -1.915509      -2.358471      -2.777868      -3.174731      -3.540543      -3.866263      -4.151324      -4.391096      -4.567324      -4.693277      -4.780371      -4.830991      -4.810166      -4.720527      -4.562061      -4.129216      -3.048875     -0.8747312      -1.310804      -1.740128      -2.165244      -2.582726      -2.990148      -3.372970      -3.711774 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-4.935436      -4.824433      -4.616232      -4.326735      -3.865608      -3.048875      -2.773561      -3.006114      -3.259415      -3.523765      -3.790787      -4.043354      -4.267938      -4.465350      -4.638114      -4.779946      -4.886419      -4.949333      -4.975782      -4.966720      -4.905383      -4.765531      -4.531404      -4.226505      -3.782788      -3.048875      -3.343021      -3.494285      -3.670483      -3.860613      -4.058699      -4.253198      -4.432740      -4.589777      -4.727139      -4.838048      -4.915009      -4.951973      -4.950416      -4.914420      -4.825454      -4.660488      -4.410199      -4.103298      -3.690546      -3.048875      -3.946383      -3.996809      -4.083514      -4.189124      -4.310830      -4.439013      -4.558757      -4.664098      -4.756103      -4.826333      -4.866611      -4.872432      -4.841302      -4.779831      -4.670037      -4.493133      -4.242200      -3.951916      -3.586395      -3.048875      -4.568722  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-3.026332      -3.343752      -3.646470      -3.915153      -3.992996      -4.149420      -4.369002      -4.565827      -4.710647      -4.694254      -4.785879      -4.643654      -3.172978      0.7898958      5.6359200E-03 -0.6743143      -1.297039      -1.834295      -2.292675      -2.641717      -2.969400      -3.309366      -3.635997      -3.917263      -3.990820      -4.181448      -4.402030      -4.606653      -4.733280      -4.707786      -4.790727      -4.624812      -3.172978      0.9697243      0.1682774     -0.5413454      -1.164133      -1.721918      -2.202013      -2.602246      -2.968238      -3.327381      -3.664885      -3.911067      -4.048780      -4.243134      -4.456026      -4.656216      -4.734266      -4.731369      -4.796687      -4.602540      -3.172978       1.006190      0.2168248     -0.4759276      -1.107067      -1.672124      -2.167922      -2.603667      -3.004137      -3.377227      -3.709329      -3.944933      -4.128018      -4.320063      -4.520256  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0.3308324     -0.2851735     -0.8729149      -1.441537      -1.983833      -2.492090      -2.940230      -3.339530      -3.703263      -4.023945      -4.297214      -4.510723      -4.686722      -4.829406      -4.918109      -4.928660      -4.884482      -4.803521      -4.425908      -3.172978      2.4721663E-02 -0.5449754      -1.096912      -1.642883      -2.157717      -2.630499      -3.065642      -3.466523      -3.827157      -4.149765      -4.411467      -4.619649      -4.789821      -4.905261      -4.978179      -4.975064      -4.908174      -4.791256      -4.378316      -3.172978     -0.3220011     -0.8472049      -1.363881      -1.870500      -2.345119      -2.802355      -3.224397      -3.619772      -3.977287      -4.284862      -4.536835      -4.740024      -4.885663      -4.981589      -5.035447      -5.017269      -4.924654      -4.770293      -4.326029      -3.172978     -0.7100441      -1.189782      -1.657384      -2.123221      -2.574196      -3.009694      -3.424429  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-5.213273      -5.181627      -5.069870      -4.857647      -4.549857      -4.053865      -3.172978      -2.718664      -2.982509      -3.270058      -3.568501      -3.876651      -4.170720      -4.427904      -4.650729      -4.841275      -4.997318      -5.114093      -5.190310      -5.231050      -5.223619      -5.163292      -5.022437      -4.778742      -4.448417      -3.966340      -3.172978      -3.342597      -3.519398      -3.727406      -3.949121      -4.179625      -4.404996      -4.608670      -4.790468      -4.946197      -5.070901      -5.157856      -5.207726      -5.220745      -5.184299      -5.093369      -4.924421      -4.658978      -4.321050      -3.868351      -3.172978      -4.004678      -4.071284      -4.179457      -4.310268      -4.460414      -4.612695      -4.751729      -4.880788      -4.991836      -5.077463      -5.125890      -5.140494      -5.124189      -5.058235      -4.941364      -4.755248      -4.486178      -4.161117      -3.756912      -3.172978  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-2.821292      -3.097319      -3.428159      -3.739031      -4.018672      -4.118140      -4.259446      -4.487949      -4.693433      -4.849289      -4.827557      -4.933412      -4.816261      -3.289828       1.005619      0.1559635     -0.5695604      -1.231902      -1.833840      -2.327956      -2.702629      -3.047956      -3.390260      -3.725148      -4.021194      -4.114517      -4.298294      -4.525126      -4.738366      -4.877405      -4.845040      -4.941492      -4.800070      -3.289828       1.208950      0.3435303     -0.4195557      -1.113743      -1.715062      -2.228600      -2.666237      -3.039934      -3.404445      -3.752655      -4.024113      -4.177776      -4.367699      -4.585609      -4.792449      -4.881002      -4.874359      -4.951341      -4.780302      -3.289828       1.255534      0.3989644     -0.3673101      -1.049587      -1.658248      -2.197161      -2.655773      -3.064843      -3.451859      -3.805496      -4.065093      -4.262295      -4.453488  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-3.289828      0.5478966     -0.1187973     -0.7536518      -1.368557      -1.945050      -2.491041      -2.991005      -3.422782      -3.804470      -4.142833      -4.428865      -4.666876      -4.850536      -5.003012      -5.093215      -5.104278      -5.063912      -4.985986      -4.610993      -3.289828      0.2265708     -0.3866851     -0.9856998      -1.573701      -2.130522      -2.654105      -3.119361      -3.546073      -3.930474      -4.268749      -4.551839      -4.779096      -4.961287      -5.087828      -5.161248      -5.160982      -5.094841      -4.980100      -4.563935      -3.289828     -0.1361238     -0.7045745      -1.263021      -1.817294      -2.340971      -2.823577      -3.281139      -3.698478      -4.080630      -4.414135      -4.679695      -4.903514      -5.072134      -5.175289      -5.228733      -5.211514      -5.119970      -4.965766      -4.511708      -3.289828     -0.5424977      -1.064803      -1.580229      -2.081437      -2.569099      -3.036479  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-5.428169      -5.448553      -5.417142      -5.303734      -5.089122      -4.766381      -4.233533      -3.289828      -2.659152      -2.946299      -3.265264      -3.607702      -3.949099      -4.279765      -4.576819      -4.828152      -5.038013      -5.206954      -5.334138      -5.425507      -5.475654      -5.470596      -5.410009      -5.265820      -5.016257      -4.666838      -4.141631      -3.289828      -3.328985      -3.533174      -3.772579      -4.031228      -4.296830      -4.547877      -4.777163      -4.982487      -5.158877      -5.296853      -5.393978      -5.456872      -5.478797      -5.443432      -5.351041      -5.176023      -4.899045      -4.538060      -4.038539      -3.289828      -4.051935      -4.133114      -4.264698      -4.422774      -4.602833      -4.778114      -4.943322      -5.093092      -5.222836      -5.320862      -5.378736      -5.407366      -5.394412      -5.326550      -5.205707      -5.009813      -4.722981      -4.371957      -3.920563  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-2.534209      -2.892256      -3.165056      -3.509124      -3.829363      -4.118009      -4.238601      -4.364664      -4.601007      -4.813960      -4.980263      -4.952401      -5.071236      -4.977859      -3.400226       1.209482      0.2834918     -0.4802590      -1.167654      -1.801777      -2.357706      -2.760489      -3.118499      -3.475227      -3.813098      -4.119019      -4.232299      -4.410525      -4.643026      -4.863735      -5.014593      -4.974056      -5.082538      -4.964687      -3.400226       1.437069      0.5083159     -0.2982849      -1.034611      -1.700870      -2.251785      -2.718829      -3.119192      -3.485407      -3.838758      -4.127887      -4.304861      -4.489425      -4.710234      -4.923865      -5.021903      -5.009091      -5.096204      -4.947901      -3.400226       1.496974      0.5804187     -0.2402922     -0.9882312      -1.642214      -2.215540      -2.713097      -3.134676      -3.526476      -3.892937      -4.175569      -4.394879  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-4.830212      -3.400226      0.7600386      4.4709731E-02 -0.6419888      -1.298573      -1.908196      -2.484883      -3.021357      -3.500142      -3.904799      -4.258070      -4.555663      -4.816633      -5.009418      -5.165075      -5.263093      -5.276983      -5.235105      -5.158281      -4.789028      -3.400226      0.4299378     -0.2342340     -0.8767003      -1.506908      -2.097180      -2.661901      -3.174954      -3.624442      -4.031936      -4.382715      -4.684441      -4.938546      -5.123596      -5.261935      -5.343341      -5.339598      -5.275029      -5.159595      -4.743343      -3.400226      4.8850972E-02 -0.5654163      -1.164114      -1.756406      -2.325227      -2.854787      -3.332501      -3.782693      -4.179281      -4.533262      -4.824399      -5.062339      -5.241815      -5.358885      -5.420737      -5.397866      -5.309004      -5.152823      -4.692186      -3.400226     -0.3793038     -0.9387484      -1.495046      -2.043457      -2.564899  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-5.571116      -5.647006      -5.673693      -5.641788      -5.533099      -5.315190      -4.978260      -4.410882      -3.400226      -2.597131      -2.907164      -3.251247      -3.626677      -4.017616      -4.376739      -4.709520      -4.995512      -5.229809      -5.410007      -5.548347      -5.654817      -5.705117      -5.708213      -5.646729      -5.506659      -5.251633      -4.879870      -4.314686      -3.400226      -3.311166      -3.534079      -3.806519      -4.104379      -4.408621      -4.689808      -4.946534      -5.171499      -5.365264      -5.515110      -5.622129      -5.701313      -5.722893      -5.696437      -5.600645      -5.425790      -5.140349      -4.748456      -4.206044      -3.400226      -4.085574      -4.184025      -4.340592      -4.530175      -4.737606      -4.940947      -5.132758      -5.302329      -5.446111      -5.555626      -5.623466      -5.666043      -5.653818      -5.593332      -5.465075      -5.261787      -4.962565      -4.574983  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-2.031805      -2.552014      -2.947327      -3.231558      -3.585388      -3.917625      -4.214376      -4.355356      -4.464774      -4.708433      -4.926608      -5.104516      -5.069699      -5.200728      -5.128899      -3.504848       1.403023      0.4117638     -0.4248355      -1.124796      -1.770027      -2.356950      -2.817605      -3.186907      -3.554925      -3.900971      -4.214859      -4.344935      -4.519394      -4.755204      -4.978874      -5.145825      -5.095670      -5.214998      -5.118874      -3.504848       1.661352      0.6590567     -0.1933596     -0.9573916      -1.657428      -2.269087      -2.768672      -3.187954      -3.573147      -3.925457      -4.227779      -4.425446      -4.608947      -4.828477      -5.044133      -5.158701      -5.136389      -5.232832      -5.105181      -3.504848       1.734856      0.7525044     -0.1125018     -0.9037942      -1.620477      -2.230449      -2.757980      -3.212106      -3.605844      -3.977921      -4.279251  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-5.310814      -4.998312      -3.504848      0.9736243      0.2048106     -0.5315213      -1.237499      -1.878240      -2.480600      -3.043869      -3.559748      -4.002764      -4.367850      -4.684436      -4.957450      -5.164339      -5.318652      -5.425969      -5.447643      -5.401760      -5.324581      -4.959319      -3.504848      0.6308885     -8.6480059E-02 -0.7734392      -1.440265      -2.066139      -2.660060      -3.215340      -3.707167      -4.126117      -4.500839      -4.811463      -5.083169      -5.280174      -5.426126      -5.513344      -5.517518      -5.450540      -5.332551      -4.915625      -3.504848      0.2309245     -0.4285051      -1.067875      -1.697073      -2.299187      -2.873770      -3.391813      -3.857906      -4.281959      -4.647451      -4.958405      -5.215141      -5.404708      -5.535063      -5.600324      -5.584744      -5.493131      -5.332499      -4.866174      -3.504848     -0.2152350     -0.8119714      -1.408409      -1.996740  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-5.634989      -5.776211      -5.857284      -5.890162      -5.864077      -5.750299      -5.538700      -5.182677      -4.583941      -3.504848      -2.534780      -2.865911      -3.235873      -3.640389      -4.062703      -4.472398      -4.835413      -5.152470      -5.409504      -5.608724      -5.756722      -5.872122      -5.929293      -5.938488      -5.880338      -5.734996      -5.481840      -5.087881      -4.484358      -3.504848      -3.287537      -3.531309      -3.830550      -4.168377      -4.511733      -4.829896      -5.113622      -5.358686      -5.563653      -5.728648      -5.848916      -5.935345      -5.963325      -5.938652      -5.846444      -5.666183      -5.373794      -4.957175      -4.371183      -3.504848      -4.111414      -4.227993      -4.409944      -4.631979      -4.867272      -5.100564      -5.318509      -5.508111      -5.664823      -5.787339      -5.872725      -5.919984      -5.909801      -5.845810      -5.718801      -5.509415      -5.194836  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-1.477443      -2.070637      -2.580509      -2.998772      -3.290450      -3.658672      -3.999999      -4.308905      -4.469161      -4.560847      -4.811547      -5.034089      -5.222631      -5.179166      -5.322758      -5.269969      -3.604268       1.586132      0.5224836     -0.3628341      -1.121631      -1.760343      -2.355965      -2.847938      -3.254021      -3.630494      -3.987465      -4.310112      -4.454257      -4.624343      -4.863476      -5.087428      -5.271358      -5.208492      -5.340508      -5.262756      -3.604268       1.877503      0.8032927     -0.1185081     -0.9000422      -1.612554      -2.257223      -2.816819      -3.253805      -3.652532      -4.013309      -4.327142      -4.539485      -4.725808      -4.944035      -5.156759      -5.290724      -5.255911      -5.362807      -5.251845      -3.604268       1.968567      0.9126595      2.2739524E-03 -0.8190411      -1.573051      -2.241872      -2.799426      -3.275925      -3.692957      -4.063677  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-5.503004      -5.461967      -5.153201      -3.604268       1.187459      0.3624783     -0.4241479      -1.173506      -1.860271      -2.481639      -3.066152      -3.606210      -4.086234      -4.479946      -4.803664      -5.089718      -5.308210      -5.474569      -5.575531      -5.616309      -5.563875      -5.481742      -5.115754      -3.604268      0.8275973      5.9534147E-02 -0.6741892      -1.380990      -2.036884      -2.659445      -3.241044      -3.774846      -4.223469      -4.609710      -4.934176      -5.222423      -5.434301      -5.586859      -5.674438      -5.695783      -5.620426      -5.496380      -5.073694      -3.604268      0.4104963     -0.2896681     -0.9747114      -1.639951      -2.274158      -2.880262      -3.442574      -3.936155      -4.375109      -4.761409      -5.086819      -5.364285      -5.562137      -5.704947      -5.772915      -5.769605      -5.671984      -5.503258      -5.025602      -3.604268     -5.2176725E-02 -0.6896200      -1.324738  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-5.605022      -5.822937      -5.973864      -6.066137      -6.103058      -6.071656      -5.970804      -5.748755      -5.380494      -4.743819      -3.604268      -2.465664      -2.825256      -3.221229      -3.653179      -4.101650      -4.547398      -4.955254      -5.296797      -5.583432      -5.800256      -5.966655      -6.082406      -6.150274      -6.157140      -6.101279      -5.964172      -5.701975      -5.289190      -4.641737      -3.604268      -3.251937      -3.524122      -3.852192      -4.222268      -4.605308      -4.962655      -5.277244      -5.540799      -5.760335      -5.937241      -6.073261      -6.157213      -6.195650      -6.170048      -6.081650      -5.902285      -5.602092      -5.158242      -4.524194      -3.604268      -4.131814      -4.266122      -4.474647      -4.728087      -4.995451      -5.260244      -5.499629      -5.709956      -5.881363      -6.015608      -6.111423      -6.156911      -6.157588      -6.093027      -5.967524      -5.747614  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-0.7965555      -1.487893      -2.099912      -2.631880      -3.054857      -3.344974      -3.729762      -4.078070      -4.400154      -4.580444      -4.652912      -4.910599      -5.140111      -5.335131      -5.282599      -5.438639      -5.403984      -3.698979       1.764287      0.6439701     -0.3031584      -1.100833      -1.786709      -2.365661      -2.875930      -3.308491      -3.703873      -4.067276      -4.405205      -4.561127      -4.725478      -4.969363      -5.199461      -5.390868      -5.316626      -5.460124      -5.400165      -3.698979       2.089196      0.9461353     -3.2894809E-02 -0.8729103      -1.585210      -2.243569      -2.835097      -3.317247      -3.726655      -4.101024      -4.426080      -4.650079      -4.836578      -5.058843      -5.274223      -5.416530      -5.371660      -5.486785      -5.392757      -3.698979       2.184738       1.071545      9.2587225E-02 -0.7479496      -1.521414      -2.224339      -2.838118      -3.335637      -3.770794 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-5.683769      -5.650136      -5.608109      -5.306389      -3.698979       1.402403      0.5128875     -0.3181196      -1.111030      -1.835713      -2.494629      -3.090963      -3.649230      -4.153271      -4.582180      -4.922266      -5.221007      -5.446701      -5.628712      -5.731299      -5.772238      -5.718601      -5.634351      -5.271693      -3.698979       1.021076      0.2043829     -0.5755686      -1.326709      -2.015479      -2.658655      -3.264653      -3.822953      -4.311590      -4.715789      -5.059850      -5.350744      -5.579332      -5.745367      -5.838009      -5.858082      -5.783064      -5.655559      -5.232427      -3.698979      0.5848179     -0.1558423     -0.8862849      -1.585904      -2.251861      -2.883929      -3.479321      -4.012406      -4.467181      -4.871704      -5.208693      -5.496413      -5.712397      -5.868656      -5.943065      -5.938448      -5.841302      -5.668991      -5.186992      -3.698979      0.1031436     -0.5708601  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-5.443537      -5.761371      -5.996412      -6.159994      -6.261137      -6.306006      -6.279766      -6.170324      -5.952695      -5.574461      -4.908390      -3.698979      -2.397192      -2.778614      -3.208038      -3.665767      -4.139729      -4.615212      -5.058853      -5.436594      -5.742932      -5.984697      -6.163215      -6.281636      -6.353091      -6.376155      -6.318495      -6.174857      -5.913574      -5.488706      -4.804215      -3.698979      -3.213125      -3.505485      -3.869770      -4.273227      -4.689689      -5.089373      -5.432269      -5.721686      -5.953101      -6.141107      -6.282427      -6.370419      -6.410378      -6.401144      -6.312010      -6.125927      -5.820089      -5.360678      -4.681906      -3.698979      -4.145188      -4.300012      -4.536008      -4.819952      -5.121515      -5.415975      -5.680165      -5.904305      -6.093938      -6.236490      -6.337970      -6.388023      -6.387866      -6.335872      -6.208602  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0.1153765     -0.7816879      -1.507775      -2.133314      -2.682859      -3.122188      -3.399967      -3.791101      -4.153917      -4.486808      -4.689256      -4.740808      -5.004297      -5.241074      -5.442279      -5.382173      -5.546921      -5.530344      -3.789407       1.947185      0.7667904     -0.2541817      -1.099029      -1.801073      -2.404766      -2.909862      -3.354696      -3.775889      -4.144894      -4.497438      -4.665021      -4.823432      -5.070754      -5.307450      -5.504748      -5.422915      -5.571188      -5.529940      -3.789407       2.296543       1.095194      3.4952253E-02 -0.8341807      -1.599870      -2.240796      -2.847487      -3.367179      -3.798760      -4.182837      -4.524508      -4.756633      -4.943394      -5.168651      -5.389805      -5.537618      -5.485291      -5.601272      -5.526158      -3.789407       2.387016       1.228843      0.1873940     -0.7097244      -1.482273      -2.202354      -2.852158      -3.391747  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-5.773445      -5.827561      -5.791939      -5.742342      -5.453615      -3.789407       1.611463      0.6639422     -0.2166633      -1.049951      -1.809862      -2.505900      -3.124540      -3.691396      -4.216057      -4.670726      -5.040644      -5.342167      -5.583881      -5.770427      -5.881185      -5.922971      -5.867323      -5.774404      -5.422202      -3.789407       1.208747      0.3432505     -0.4803672      -1.269544      -2.001918      -2.665200      -3.287045      -3.867054      -4.388005      -4.821164      -5.172900      -5.476409      -5.722468      -5.894978      -5.995889      -6.017344      -5.939320      -5.802240      -5.386246      -3.789407      0.7562820     -2.9111853E-02 -0.8009574      -1.539045      -2.230500      -2.888417      -3.506143      -4.077260      -4.563138      -4.972711      -5.328111      -5.627480      -5.865455      -6.025971      -6.108306      -6.105699      -6.005210      -5.823463      -5.343978      -3.789407      0.2560170  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-1.782115      -1.410087      -1.819075      -1.866838      -1.911175      -1.968049      -2.018960      -2.061915      -2.094990      -2.117559      -2.126394      -2.140276      -2.156607      -2.161888      -2.155542      -2.134408      -2.095029      -2.052982      -1.996534      -1.910309      -1.774396      -1.410087      -1.831672      -1.878450      -1.923659      -1.978715      -2.027778      -2.067337      -2.097977      -2.117135      -2.123918      -2.137254      -2.152335      -2.155982      -2.147655      -2.124920      -2.083984      -2.041983      -1.985784      -1.900353      -1.766456      -1.410087      -1.849515      -1.894596      -1.938212      -1.991932      -2.036331      -2.073150      -2.100271      -2.115271      -2.122281      -2.134476      -2.147005      -2.149504      -2.139263      -2.114575      -2.072613      -2.030595      -1.974653      -1.890059      -1.758282      -1.410087      -1.871879      -1.915503      -1.956822      -2.004802      -2.045565  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-3.233161      -3.185748      -3.085636      -2.871438      -2.265492      -1.408934      -1.639101      -1.865738      -2.071777      -2.245279      -2.371905      -2.549515      -2.713105      -2.858484      -2.975500      -3.036531      -3.107957      -3.195551      -3.252684      -3.269922      -3.219085      -3.171151      -3.070543      -2.857577      -2.265492      -1.368618      -1.609235      -1.841270      -2.047756      -2.220515      -2.370206      -2.552472      -2.720959      -2.868263      -2.979065      -3.035025      -3.113493      -3.199066      -3.252409      -3.263106      -3.204535      -3.156246      -3.054778      -2.843180      -2.265492      -1.376383      -1.618072      -1.846578      -2.047338      -2.228990      -2.388487      -2.572911      -2.740612      -2.882550      -2.980827      -3.044561      -3.124254      -3.204438      -3.251313      -3.253905      -3.190005      -3.141154      -3.038285      -2.828206      -2.265492      -1.419563      -1.653811  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-3.003055      -3.149556      -3.273362      -3.363761      -3.433148      -3.496702      -3.521898      -3.503819      -3.442265      -3.377812      -3.261946      -3.036947      -2.484990      -1.634894      -1.875215      -2.110762      -2.333955      -2.545063      -2.738784      -2.905945      -3.059975      -3.196674      -3.308790      -3.391701      -3.451117      -3.500507      -3.510828      -3.488797      -3.424999      -3.356140      -3.238036      -3.016229      -2.484990      -1.808682      -2.029247      -2.251408      -2.461266      -2.657426      -2.827484      -2.979658      -3.118869      -3.240329      -3.341139      -3.415061      -3.463980      -3.498163      -3.499007      -3.472224      -3.405348      -3.332128      -3.212329      -2.994854      -2.484990      -2.001767      -2.201449      -2.405977      -2.591664      -2.763459      -2.919158      -3.051949      -3.173014      -3.280390      -3.369506      -3.432270      -3.469421      -3.491032      -3.485031  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-2.835480      -2.905140      -2.991069      -3.075794      -3.153574      -3.220570      -3.275136      -3.326642      -3.372556      -3.408264      -3.424103      -3.421356      -3.410123      -3.378206      -3.328830      -3.248105      -3.163465      -3.048882      -2.871699      -2.484990      -3.034148      -3.067885      -3.121860      -3.177481      -3.229496      -3.273871      -3.308110      -3.341388      -3.371434      -3.394079      -3.400061      -3.388922      -3.370652      -3.333345      -3.281760      -3.201353      -3.116861      -3.008181      -2.841973      -2.484990      -3.222101      -3.222422      -3.244624      -3.270623      -3.296740      -3.317086      -3.330276      -3.345403      -3.359802      -3.369901      -3.366144      -3.347152      -3.322611      -3.280408      -3.226905      -3.147721      -3.064077      -2.963539      -2.809535      -2.484990      -3.411832      -3.378197      -3.369558      -3.366081      -3.365138      -3.361161      -3.352137  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-2.895496      -3.109128      -3.302100      -3.460743      -3.584994      -3.670738      -3.748461      -3.791565      -3.788763      -3.732529      -3.660970      -3.536884      -3.289593      -2.682764      -1.415148      -1.708055      -1.993636      -2.270920      -2.528098      -2.769419      -2.987121      -3.192750      -3.366634      -3.513284      -3.626454      -3.702263      -3.763556      -3.787960      -3.779154      -3.719268      -3.640193      -3.511404      -3.266493      -2.682764      -1.619115      -1.894009      -2.159639      -2.410777      -2.654815      -2.886264      -3.093319      -3.273037      -3.431783      -3.562587      -3.662681      -3.727403      -3.771120      -3.782842      -3.767364      -3.702630      -3.616481      -3.483752      -3.242392      -2.682764      -1.846002      -2.091494      -2.335540      -2.571378      -2.800979      -3.011201      -3.188726      -3.352732      -3.491386      -3.606070      -3.692726      -3.744357      -3.771578  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-2.682764      -2.876633      -2.979795      -3.094257      -3.208314      -3.317955      -3.416809      -3.499818      -3.575193      -3.639840      -3.690433      -3.722095      -3.727694      -3.712356      -3.677149      -3.629777      -3.545388      -3.439829      -3.302897      -3.103282      -2.682764      -3.130711      -3.190745      -3.265555      -3.342837      -3.419870      -3.489723      -3.547813      -3.601080      -3.646185      -3.680847      -3.699422      -3.694766      -3.671476      -3.629579      -3.578170      -3.493314      -3.388289      -3.256351      -3.069597      -2.682764      -3.373601      -3.389853      -3.423907      -3.464057      -3.508186      -3.548430      -3.580343      -3.610601      -3.636291      -3.655177      -3.661486      -3.647213      -3.616803      -3.570437      -3.515911      -3.431783      -3.329653      -3.205538      -3.032707      -2.682764      -3.613553      -3.585670      -3.578292      -3.579838      -3.589349      -3.598394  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-2.675072      -2.952337      -3.197965      -3.421039      -3.621281      -3.781418      -3.883639      -3.976049      -4.041007      -4.052117      -4.002225      -3.924386      -3.793715      -3.524571      -2.862728      -1.189140      -1.533397      -1.861158      -2.181331      -2.495277      -2.793695      -3.048993      -3.289504      -3.506654      -3.693339      -3.838251      -3.928768      -4.002035      -4.046427      -4.049401      -3.994339      -3.906391      -3.767546      -3.499281      -2.862728      -1.411650      -1.732903      -2.043350      -2.347962      -2.642943      -2.914658      -3.165023      -3.396451      -3.596298      -3.760637      -3.891443      -3.967037      -4.020731      -4.049477      -4.044446      -3.982482      -3.884977      -3.738861      -3.472883      -2.862728      -1.665242      -1.962058      -2.252925      -2.527804      -2.799056      -3.059666      -3.297117      -3.502714      -3.677068      -3.823774      -3.935634      -3.997837  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-3.353331      -2.862728      -2.876080      -3.021114      -3.170062      -3.315396      -3.456860      -3.589359      -3.706634      -3.807473      -3.891801      -3.960378      -4.008565      -4.019922      -4.004966      -3.974859      -3.925399      -3.831678      -3.705528      -3.544447      -3.318713      -2.862728      -3.187913      -3.278780      -3.380717      -3.484961      -3.587869      -3.684806      -3.771615      -3.846264      -3.908126      -3.957750      -3.990477      -3.989973      -3.964131      -3.926082      -3.871518      -3.775784      -3.649038      -3.492727      -3.281197      -2.862728      -3.490242      -3.526530      -3.578159      -3.637087      -3.699724      -3.761420      -3.816610      -3.863712      -3.902850      -3.933523      -3.951147      -3.940221      -3.905221      -3.861101      -3.803448      -3.708016      -3.583839      -3.436288      -3.239933      -2.862728      -3.781453      -3.765365      -3.764516      -3.775140      -3.795676  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-3.785336      -3.953635      -4.100094      -4.218596      -4.261705      -4.224333      -4.160564      -3.901546      -3.027827     -0.6499068      -1.104187      -1.509016      -1.904030      -2.268009      -2.576502      -2.768810      -3.051512      -3.304178      -3.539610      -3.728870      -3.763527      -3.951715      -4.109913      -4.233844      -4.263185      -4.214062      -4.146297      -3.882897      -3.027827     -0.4436765     -0.9305901      -1.363824      -1.780458      -2.164768      -2.481726      -2.742298      -3.028589      -3.294177      -3.542045      -3.723287      -3.785345      -3.972126      -4.130843      -4.250889      -4.257771      -4.206546      -4.131319      -3.863156      -3.027827     -0.3709863     -0.8632160      -1.307618      -1.730902      -2.118480      -2.464233      -2.751114      -3.037093      -3.310971      -3.558065      -3.727006      -3.828587      -4.005952      -4.157800      -4.267332      -4.249440      -4.200759      -4.115229  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-2.329375      -2.672373      -2.988922      -3.276983      -3.534642      -3.761446      -3.953168      -4.074604      -4.186316      -4.270935      -4.296105      -4.252889      -4.168546      -4.034012      -3.744997      -3.027827     -0.9644169      -1.361236      -1.735411      -2.100031      -2.452472      -2.791967      -3.102108      -3.379337      -3.624722      -3.847104      -4.028408      -4.134493      -4.225919      -4.287067      -4.300987      -4.251410      -4.154204      -4.007875      -3.717749      -3.027827      -1.200918      -1.570789      -1.921936      -2.268234      -2.610566      -2.937191      -3.229117      -3.491143      -3.729865      -3.938788      -4.096331      -4.190181      -4.258679      -4.300521      -4.303937      -4.245518      -4.135685      -3.978758      -3.689282      -3.027827      -1.474334      -1.813846      -2.143646      -2.471063      -2.793114      -3.091173      -3.369558      -3.620708      -3.840719      -4.018179      -4.159339  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-3.822888      -3.559144      -3.027827      -2.843991      -3.026619      -3.215102      -3.399400      -3.577719      -3.746034      -3.896409      -4.023589      -4.131046      -4.218518      -4.281966      -4.302159      -4.291066      -4.264336      -4.210084      -4.109272      -3.957185      -3.772431      -3.521333      -3.027827      -3.215488      -3.338312      -3.469224      -3.602000      -3.734972      -3.864408      -3.980832      -4.077722      -4.159288      -4.225317      -4.270172      -4.277382      -4.253381      -4.216167      -4.155257      -4.050844      -3.897009      -3.716368      -3.480210      -3.027827      -3.577693      -3.635925      -3.708973      -3.788400      -3.873229      -3.960375      -4.040429      -4.105834      -4.160591      -4.205604      -4.232632      -4.227170      -4.193213      -4.147283      -4.083030      -3.977601      -3.826588      -3.653079      -3.434792      -3.027827      -3.923614      -3.918194      -3.930338      -3.954132  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-3.871513      -3.938385      -4.095190      -4.256451      -4.392209      -4.455729      -4.422314      -4.376557      -4.116615      -3.180330     -0.4610752     -0.9913306      -1.440782      -1.880617      -2.272959      -2.614010      -2.829539      -3.119286      -3.397340      -3.651290      -3.861436      -3.902408      -4.091388      -4.267023      -4.412363      -4.462932      -4.414032      -4.363946      -4.097565      -3.180330     -0.2189093     -0.7749156      -1.267772      -1.724234      -2.141232      -2.494771      -2.788059      -3.097304      -3.386316      -3.652170      -3.856239      -3.923222      -4.115817      -4.292265      -4.435634      -4.462139      -4.410359      -4.350833      -4.077256      -3.180330     -0.1209400     -0.6826360      -1.183962      -1.650188      -2.077909      -2.463519      -2.798686      -3.111785      -3.401010      -3.671044      -3.855798      -3.973032      -4.156938      -4.326862      -4.459641      -4.456272      -4.408582  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-1.891042      -2.296300      -2.679499      -3.029649      -3.343208      -3.635290      -3.895810      -4.105301      -4.252697      -4.381826      -4.483430      -4.522003      -4.485563      -4.395866      -4.262454      -3.953217      -3.180330     -0.7315289      -1.188656      -1.616767      -2.023336      -2.420696      -2.793844      -3.138736      -3.453461      -3.738981      -3.984598      -4.191229      -4.328662      -4.436193      -4.511418      -4.535784      -4.491061      -4.386003      -4.237404      -3.924294      -3.180330     -0.9925683      -1.408963      -1.805949      -2.196352      -2.573798      -2.939060      -3.278182      -3.580607      -3.846405      -4.086040      -4.280022      -4.397498      -4.483082      -4.535738      -4.548234      -4.492248      -4.371395      -4.208926      -3.894049      -3.180330      -1.282005      -1.663034      -2.034780      -2.401298      -2.764555      -3.116275      -3.432276      -3.714185      -3.971369      -4.193743  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-4.251445      -4.049412      -3.754652      -3.180330      -2.787167      -3.010494      -3.233539      -3.456100      -3.680066      -3.887817      -4.071864      -4.225222      -4.356472      -4.463387      -4.541523      -4.573824      -4.568241      -4.543826      -4.486035      -4.376410      -4.199814      -3.996297      -3.713947      -3.180330      -3.214717      -3.371792      -3.538055      -3.701959      -3.867653      -4.028441      -4.174290      -4.295833      -4.397931      -4.481104      -4.539337      -4.555952      -4.536424      -4.497926      -4.431809      -4.317045      -4.136629      -3.936733      -3.669519      -3.180330      -3.637088      -3.719558      -3.819591      -3.923677      -4.034359      -4.146637      -4.249915      -4.336270      -4.408488      -4.467292      -4.505407      -4.507907      -4.477328      -4.427541      -4.356554      -4.240195      -4.061083      -3.868474      -3.620239      -3.180330      -4.044051      -4.049950      -4.077883  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-3.795185      -3.998065      -4.083310      -4.226161      -4.399883      -4.549815      -4.631508      -4.603145      -4.575953      -4.318894      -3.322024     -0.2714059     -0.8812709      -1.375792      -1.856549      -2.289061      -2.661466      -2.893119      -3.182678      -3.479614      -3.756197      -3.984601      -4.035996      -4.219094      -4.411072      -4.574044      -4.644083      -4.597402      -4.565450      -4.299781      -3.322024      4.1281492E-03 -0.6283132      -1.176994      -1.683586      -2.140403      -2.516884      -2.830935      -3.152557      -3.469081      -3.757849      -3.981108      -4.054913      -4.248431      -4.440760      -4.603856      -4.648491      -4.597858      -4.554744      -4.279247      -3.322024      0.1280500     -0.5120177      -1.075633      -1.594398      -2.050599      -2.465142      -2.830491      -3.171780      -3.491794      -3.777234      -3.980989      -4.109187      -4.298822      -4.482429      -4.636019      -4.645025  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-1.311679      -1.801178      -2.269305      -2.692898      -3.071519      -3.416424      -3.728517      -4.015306      -4.249954      -4.417815      -4.564078      -4.681587      -4.733723      -4.700877      -4.613342      -4.479181      -4.150880      -3.322024     -0.4992596      -1.007207      -1.488665      -1.954681      -2.392694      -2.802669      -3.181004      -3.520594      -3.837347      -4.117718      -4.339311      -4.504911      -4.631292      -4.722492      -4.757566      -4.715217      -4.609134      -4.456182      -4.120575      -3.322024     -0.7773020      -1.247768      -1.696212      -2.126898      -2.547012      -2.944791      -3.314829      -3.654763      -3.961274      -4.221718      -4.438150      -4.590000      -4.693156      -4.758366      -4.779636      -4.724468      -4.599724      -4.429318      -4.088846      -3.322024      -1.091206      -1.514385      -1.930529      -2.338193      -2.735217      -3.122139      -3.483003      -3.804752      -4.088388  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-4.676633      -4.491737      -4.270351      -3.941555      -3.322024      -2.707728      -2.963045      -3.232104      -3.497805      -3.759108      -4.011071      -4.232975      -4.416373      -4.570400      -4.696652      -4.788722      -4.832481      -4.838293      -4.815561      -4.755080      -4.634764      -4.440282      -4.215550      -3.897946      -3.322024      -3.191827      -3.380921      -3.586002      -3.787208      -3.989722      -4.182786      -4.355371      -4.503039      -4.627040      -4.726939      -4.795882      -4.821860      -4.812431      -4.775728      -4.702895      -4.575225      -4.375746      -4.153407      -3.850421      -3.322024      -3.675674      -3.781512      -3.908512      -4.043471      -4.183497      -4.323018      -4.449154      -4.557423      -4.648642      -4.721675      -4.767746      -4.777586      -4.753941      -4.708364      -4.627097      -4.494502      -4.296924      -4.081557      -3.797470      -3.322024      -4.145343      -4.164071  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-3.656853      -3.900357      -4.115703      -4.220410      -4.348868      -4.532039      -4.693594      -4.793180      -4.768830      -4.760128      -4.509735      -3.454340     -8.0109470E-02 -0.7526895      -1.303968      -1.835067      -2.300545      -2.707931      -2.966583      -3.248989      -3.558041      -3.851195      -4.100524      -4.163536      -4.338494      -4.543184      -4.721279      -4.811827      -4.765580      -4.752015      -4.490925      -3.454340      0.2315288     -0.4766199      -1.089548      -1.641070      -2.138365      -2.558240      -2.882548      -3.210722      -3.542017      -3.854383      -4.100388      -4.181334      -4.373334      -4.578188      -4.756679      -4.821860      -4.770453      -4.744153      -4.470545      -3.454340      0.3720614     -0.3450903     -0.9699858      -1.538029      -2.046862      -2.481400      -2.865373      -3.224081      -3.569401      -3.882285      -4.100397      -4.239100      -4.431109      -4.626253      -4.796520  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-0.6172812      -1.176402      -1.708881      -2.223274      -2.702791      -3.122595      -3.488031      -3.828044      -4.127512      -4.383501      -4.574772      -4.732577      -4.865793      -4.932536      -4.905877      -4.819886      -4.684370      -4.339469      -3.454340     -0.2695238     -0.8278754      -1.356274      -1.872212      -2.367169      -2.817647      -3.222782      -3.596881      -3.931422      -4.235654      -4.482989      -4.667774      -4.814775      -4.918840      -4.966499      -4.928731      -4.822046      -4.664029      -4.308057      -3.454340     -0.5620995      -1.079137      -1.577741      -2.067675      -2.522797      -2.956364      -3.357761      -3.724518      -4.061021      -4.354983      -4.587030      -4.764397      -4.889838      -4.968616      -4.998475      -4.945864      -4.819098      -4.639488      -4.275103      -3.454340     -0.8932092      -1.368322      -1.829225      -2.278104      -2.715617      -3.130435      -3.522948      -3.884730 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-5.042495      -4.924545      -4.726630      -4.483577      -4.121066      -3.454340      -2.621586      -2.905819      -3.206379      -3.515114      -3.829261      -4.116862      -4.376692      -4.596115      -4.776646      -4.919125      -5.023077      -5.078392      -5.097805      -5.079731      -5.016690      -4.884826      -4.676816      -4.427344      -4.074643      -3.454340      -3.157264      -3.374768      -3.611050      -3.855197      -4.099555      -4.328346      -4.529557      -4.701905      -4.848371      -4.963600      -5.042253      -5.077950      -5.077692      -5.045948      -4.968600      -4.826194      -4.612381      -4.362656      -4.024177      -3.454340      -3.697426      -3.828690      -3.983457      -4.149725      -4.322317      -4.490458      -4.642667      -4.772202      -4.882903      -4.968792      -5.022464      -5.039839      -5.023216      -4.979505      -4.892928      -4.745154      -4.531520      -4.286978      -3.967726      -3.454340      -4.229569  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-3.480876      -3.751358      -4.001710      -4.225972      -4.350284      -4.464216      -4.655852      -4.826637      -4.941975      -4.920915      -4.930992      -4.689988      -3.578443      0.1095835     -0.6258487      -1.222145      -1.794292      -2.312894      -2.748012      -3.035675      -3.321412      -3.636657      -3.940684      -4.206754      -4.287540      -4.451787      -4.666677      -4.857572      -4.967314      -4.919831      -4.925577      -4.671810      -3.578443      0.4603087     -0.3111050     -0.9837995      -1.602236      -2.134904      -2.589839      -2.947752      -3.276340      -3.615037      -3.940381      -4.211636      -4.303679      -4.493016      -4.706120      -4.897936      -4.983304      -4.929854      -4.920925      -4.651874      -3.578443      0.6190748     -0.1677967     -0.8669553      -1.482958      -2.034502      -2.513393      -2.913806      -3.280704      -3.639437      -3.974057      -4.217486      -4.366637      -4.557783      -4.762105  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0.2164560     -0.4342097      -1.044724      -1.622521      -2.174341      -2.690230      -3.165111      -3.568865      -3.922001      -4.240380      -4.509957      -4.727589      -4.896066      -5.039182      -5.118535      -5.101440      -5.014314      -4.879949      -4.519724      -3.578443     -4.3227099E-02 -0.6489763      -1.227684      -1.789121      -2.325033      -2.828848      -3.272924      -3.669025      -4.030597      -4.348698      -4.618186      -4.824879      -4.987661      -5.106184      -5.164151      -5.132203      -5.023705      -4.862988      -4.487518      -3.578443     -0.3505084     -0.9110881      -1.455529      -1.994266      -2.503560      -2.971189      -3.402077      -3.799864      -4.157259      -4.476433      -4.731737      -4.927953      -5.079396      -5.168445      -5.206758      -5.157743      -5.027201      -4.841315      -4.453700      -3.578443     -0.6985770      -1.216426      -1.726117      -2.226041      -2.694867      -3.147559      -3.565557  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-5.333981      -5.287083      -5.163488      -4.955588      -4.689742      -4.294198      -3.578443      -2.532222      -2.845144      -3.175098      -3.517737      -3.869761      -4.211410      -4.504842      -4.761750      -4.972035      -5.132458      -5.248019      -5.317264      -5.350358      -5.333614      -5.267964      -5.129420      -4.908279      -4.632198      -4.245451      -3.578443      -3.102396      -3.353669      -3.626950      -3.907585      -4.193834      -4.463699      -4.696455      -4.895561      -5.061383      -5.191518      -5.280232      -5.328009      -5.340480      -5.306221      -5.224173      -5.074216      -4.844277      -4.565156      -4.192324      -3.578443      -3.703172      -3.860924      -4.047680      -4.246200      -4.451701      -4.650503      -4.826159      -4.980497      -5.109421      -5.208621      -5.270095      -5.297029      -5.292278      -5.243270      -5.149440      -4.992821      -4.761410      -4.486074      -4.132835      -3.578443  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-3.376865      -3.561287      -3.843349      -4.100238      -4.330939      -4.473101      -4.573412      -4.772732      -4.950933      -5.079237      -5.061714      -5.089304      -4.859751      -3.695293      0.2861437     -0.5174520      -1.153114      -1.746024      -2.298174      -2.786498      -3.100576      -3.389141      -3.717511      -4.027987      -4.305772      -4.406519      -4.559428      -4.783676      -4.985390      -5.110744      -5.063322      -5.086615      -4.842361      -3.695293      0.6815945     -0.1528300     -0.8702229      -1.529233      -2.128291      -2.619174      -3.003072      -3.351603      -3.691230      -4.024221      -4.311952      -4.423757      -4.607700      -4.828075      -5.031103      -5.131746      -5.078676      -5.085398      -4.823062      -3.695293      0.8641104      1.4884136E-02 -0.7380233      -1.425744      -2.021853      -2.534525      -2.973083      -3.347259      -3.710817      -4.056902      -4.325817      -4.491685      -4.680618  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-3.695293      0.4526962     -0.2540142     -0.9208669      -1.544101      -2.128382      -2.675900      -3.183379      -3.639609      -4.019823      -4.350882      -4.633005      -4.869600      -5.055280      -5.205642      -5.293900      -5.280438      -5.200232      -5.064996      -4.690511      -3.695293      0.1795103     -0.4762431      -1.102022      -1.709597      -2.279590      -2.821020      -3.317629      -3.746539      -4.126014      -4.462259      -4.745203      -4.979876      -5.154242      -5.285948      -5.348536      -5.320708      -5.216594      -5.051928      -4.657658      -3.695293     -0.1421936     -0.7469258      -1.337772      -1.918083      -2.469492      -2.988550      -3.449669      -3.873210      -4.254754      -4.590050      -4.869258      -5.088552      -5.255914      -5.359073      -5.400961      -5.356640      -5.226656      -5.033716      -4.623071      -3.695293     -0.5066655      -1.067281      -1.618418      -2.165780      -2.684564      -3.162049  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-5.562660      -5.569720      -5.522489      -5.394041      -5.177729      -4.890749      -4.458700      -3.695293      -2.432973      -2.779033      -3.141315      -3.516518      -3.900606      -4.276270      -4.624968      -4.913134      -5.153395      -5.335243      -5.464960      -5.551791      -5.593420      -5.578778      -5.510504      -5.364788      -5.132594      -4.833711      -4.408169      -3.695293      -3.041146      -3.317426      -3.624952      -3.952565      -4.274938      -4.581672      -4.852965      -5.080177      -5.267194      -5.411271      -5.510864      -5.573251      -5.593367      -5.558317      -5.471721      -5.312376      -5.068991      -4.766326      -4.352491      -3.695293      -3.694622      -3.880014      -4.099052      -4.334288      -4.575728      -4.800686      -5.003098      -5.181087      -5.330676      -5.442241      -5.512607      -5.551090      -5.551157      -5.499050      -5.399267      -5.231830      -4.984513      -4.685537      -4.290403  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-3.125313      -3.455101      -3.638588      -3.930403      -4.195925      -4.431882      -4.589760      -4.676715      -4.883135      -5.067799      -5.207946      -5.192565      -5.236839      -5.021496      -3.805691      0.4462812     -0.4234780      -1.120601      -1.716255      -2.282227      -2.797089      -3.164852      -3.453542      -3.795321      -4.114456      -4.400927      -4.520668      -4.662510      -4.894600      -5.105486      -5.245256      -5.196589      -5.237123      -5.005346      -3.805691      0.8922879     -1.5396559E-02 -0.7740423      -1.457036      -2.088714      -2.642976      -3.055532      -3.417896      -3.773143      -4.107735      -4.406302      -4.537743      -4.717817      -4.944376      -5.157007      -5.272225      -5.217268      -5.239673      -4.987165      -3.805691       1.098149      0.1880774     -0.6100532      -1.339854      -2.001660      -2.552340      -3.020501      -3.422786      -3.787081      -4.138421      -4.424605      -4.615248  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-4.888340      -3.805691      0.6858320     -7.7726163E-02 -0.7970414      -1.475342      -2.092874      -2.664256      -3.199872      -3.688013      -4.111970      -4.459917      -4.756331      -5.009480      -5.206495      -5.363401      -5.462151      -5.454148      -5.377230      -5.241534      -4.856623      -3.805691      0.3975341     -0.3072886     -0.9846725      -1.633518      -2.236743      -2.808749      -3.342049      -3.818870      -4.221156      -4.572577      -4.868307      -5.126454      -5.313319      -5.452630      -5.526795      -5.503654      -5.401496      -5.233074      -4.823578      -3.805691      6.7045860E-02 -0.5887668      -1.222840      -1.845165      -2.429802      -2.990229      -3.499917      -3.946244      -4.351046      -4.699615      -4.998052      -5.246853      -5.420723      -5.539896      -5.591709      -5.547033      -5.419883      -5.219398      -4.788730      -3.805691     -0.3164721     -0.9218783      -1.513261      -2.098193      -2.662544  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-5.711568      -5.782277      -5.796509      -5.748047      -5.620585      -5.396271      -5.088316      -4.621281      -3.805691      -2.332458      -2.705224      -3.100087      -3.514847      -3.928607      -4.332909      -4.714435      -5.053871      -5.321191      -5.528861      -5.674793      -5.778033      -5.823013      -5.815183      -5.744196      -5.598110      -5.355461      -5.031569      -4.569035      -3.805691      -2.976557      -3.276671      -3.611469      -3.975187      -4.350642      -4.688328      -4.995939      -5.256311      -5.466821      -5.623477      -5.735010      -5.813266      -5.832683      -5.804145      -5.712266      -5.550183      -5.294733      -4.962714      -4.510616      -3.805691      -3.679820      -3.885628      -4.138446      -4.413521      -4.692716      -4.948898      -5.179991      -5.378593      -5.545344      -5.668578      -5.748448      -5.801599      -5.799119      -5.752447      -5.644323      -5.470625      -5.210618      -4.878722  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-2.778253      -3.182933      -3.527895      -3.710761      -4.014030      -4.286347      -4.529558      -4.700988      -4.774900      -4.987870      -5.177501      -5.328920      -5.314523      -5.375008      -5.174933      -3.910313      0.5990795     -0.3412201      -1.084885      -1.723658      -2.283502      -2.807587      -3.210712      -3.516866      -3.868265      -4.199822      -4.493961      -4.631346      -4.760308      -4.999473      -5.216044      -5.372743      -5.320581      -5.378726      -5.160332      -3.910313       1.092820      0.1136636     -0.7125678      -1.406941      -2.050239      -2.635314      -3.106728      -3.482167      -3.849521      -4.192479      -4.499108      -4.646392      -4.825036      -5.054571      -5.271502      -5.406600      -5.347068      -5.384946      -5.143600      -3.910313       1.329727      0.3430319     -0.4983551      -1.255298      -1.951512      -2.563921      -3.065121      -3.487024      -3.871519      -4.221117      -4.520079  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-5.411412      -5.048458      -3.910313      0.9153166      9.4961725E-02 -0.6770613      -1.404151      -2.069779      -2.665543      -3.217655      -3.729770      -4.186911      -4.568436      -4.874069      -5.145994      -5.350508      -5.512073      -5.618672      -5.625535      -5.547712      -5.412414      -5.017091      -3.910313      0.6171337     -0.1420893     -0.8691862      -1.567138      -2.201192      -2.798980      -3.359117      -3.873445      -4.314779      -4.677992      -4.993065      -5.263299      -5.467013      -5.609697      -5.695728      -5.683486      -5.581128      -5.408879      -4.984287      -3.910313      0.2722625     -0.4359916      -1.114018      -1.772867      -2.392946      -2.982650      -3.535102      -4.024429      -4.440441      -4.813561      -5.121439      -5.389663      -5.578811      -5.708684      -5.769867      -5.735358      -5.608064      -5.399728      -4.949548      -3.910313     -0.1287186     -0.7787493      -1.411307      -2.033052  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-5.751620      -5.908854      -5.990032      -6.011769      -5.971760      -5.838245      -5.613329      -5.281003      -4.780005      -3.910313      -2.231402      -2.629872      -3.054196      -3.502911      -3.956306      -4.388574      -4.800438      -5.170585      -5.480549      -5.709126      -5.876334      -5.992661      -6.044550      -6.042836      -5.975718      -5.821583      -5.576394      -5.225286      -4.726308      -3.910313      -2.910761      -3.233097      -3.595294      -3.990947      -4.400857      -4.792487      -5.131987      -5.423017      -5.654795      -5.830750      -5.954358      -6.041702      -6.067509      -6.042263      -5.950735      -5.779213      -5.516428      -5.156744      -4.665711      -3.910313      -3.657769      -3.886101      -4.167668      -4.483597      -4.801602      -5.094185      -5.353570      -5.573756      -5.752628      -5.891018      -5.985314      -6.043998      -6.045070      -5.995875      -5.886927      -5.703668      -5.430554  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-2.351082      -2.836329      -3.252157      -3.601640      -3.778317      -4.094601      -4.372814      -4.623786      -4.807248      -4.868900      -5.087594      -5.281280      -5.442735      -5.427171      -5.504915      -5.319041      -4.009733      0.7464703     -0.2628731      -1.058174      -1.724035      -2.318609      -2.830248      -3.253551      -3.571219      -3.938507      -4.278576      -4.586033      -4.739333      -4.853923      -5.100361      -5.320313      -5.493528      -5.435531      -5.511489      -5.305817      -4.009733       1.285221      0.2352625     -0.6440812      -1.395197      -2.032631      -2.626687      -3.130707      -3.545117      -3.921468      -4.276449      -4.592029      -4.751837      -4.927823      -5.160855      -5.378380      -5.534971      -5.467277      -5.521953      -5.290215      -4.009733       1.551104      0.4928509     -0.4151241      -1.190371      -1.901024      -2.545620      -3.107757      -3.548280      -3.947164      -4.306070  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-5.665156      -5.568947      -5.197453      -4.009733       1.145490      0.2644348     -0.5597017      -1.335249      -2.039015      -2.680445      -3.244056      -3.770560      -4.248631      -4.664506      -4.990533      -5.275307      -5.487682      -5.660279      -5.763356      -5.792629      -5.712673      -5.574917      -5.165717      -4.009733      0.8359566      2.0399880E-02 -0.7571786      -1.498623      -2.178759      -2.795042      -3.376550      -3.914912      -4.393966      -4.786578      -5.108216      -5.392702      -5.609032      -5.766662      -5.851024      -5.860178      -5.754883      -5.576324      -5.132702      -4.009733      0.4734291     -0.2842609      -1.009929      -1.708392      -2.358350      -2.976919      -3.555740      -4.087795      -4.533864      -4.918102      -5.240880      -5.525647      -5.732722      -5.872307      -5.937847      -5.922053      -5.789851      -5.572078      -5.097757      -4.009733      5.6254212E-02 -0.6348587      -1.312672  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-5.670181      -5.921529      -6.094197      -6.195864      -6.225413      -6.179488      -6.057703      -5.820749      -5.467736      -4.926075      -4.009733      -2.131100      -2.555955      -3.008381      -3.486796      -3.973826      -4.445612      -4.883944      -5.280112      -5.622946      -5.881812      -6.073913      -6.198716      -6.263202      -6.264734      -6.194300      -6.047496      -5.787592      -5.413339      -4.871120      -4.009733      -2.837389      -3.189377      -3.578920      -4.004191      -4.443297      -4.874363      -5.261232      -5.577728      -5.837290      -6.030360      -6.173306      -6.261125      -6.298007      -6.269947      -6.179215      -6.008192      -5.731585      -5.344526      -4.808801      -4.009733      -3.621915      -3.880666      -4.193340      -4.543770      -4.902061      -5.233824      -5.523035      -5.763234      -5.957823      -6.109053      -6.218060      -6.273612      -6.283956      -6.231549      -6.122708      -5.932305  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-1.882744      -2.397954      -2.895674      -3.322024      -3.679942      -3.845636      -4.169197      -4.455988      -4.713637      -4.908960      -4.958986      -5.182803      -5.381594      -5.549983      -5.533607      -5.627200      -5.458305      -4.104444      0.8962898     -0.1837406      -1.036345      -1.731969      -2.343791      -2.877612      -3.302057      -3.620061      -4.006133      -4.353281      -4.675212      -4.845150      -4.943700      -5.197532      -5.425465      -5.607544      -5.543617      -5.637346      -5.447187      -4.104444       1.472339      0.3600311     -0.5832555      -1.371397      -2.054868      -2.632956      -3.151555      -3.594511      -3.991151      -4.353187      -4.685393      -4.855093      -5.026235      -5.265280      -5.489207      -5.655864      -5.581508      -5.652253      -5.433625      -4.104444       1.768154      0.6398578     -0.3260145      -1.160335      -1.868734      -2.525091      -3.119869      -3.606944      -4.017361  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-1.955212      -2.007764      -2.042950      -2.053436      -2.038327      -2.005272      -1.981428      -1.908116      -1.754783      -1.332105      -1.302943      -1.383993      -1.463959      -1.540497      -1.613581      -1.690606      -1.762473      -1.827360      -1.884683      -1.928049      -1.970313      -2.017131      -2.045383      -2.050936      -2.034819      -2.000315      -1.973439      -1.898268      -1.745590      -1.332105      -1.388813      -1.458265      -1.529186      -1.596319      -1.661579      -1.732440      -1.798088      -1.858216      -1.909620      -1.948831      -1.985737      -2.024501      -2.045779      -2.049033      -2.031344      -1.995029      -1.965012      -1.887920      -1.736579      -1.332105      -1.481372      -1.539147      -1.599615      -1.658345      -1.715886      -1.779222      -1.838512      -1.890576      -1.935924      -1.970618      -2.000373      -2.030344      -2.046356      -2.047364      -2.027774      -1.989222      -1.956199  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-1.976746      -1.993221      -2.012219      -2.030977      -2.047666      -2.058453      -2.063763      -2.065648      -2.066447      -2.059758      -2.045954      -2.015222      -1.965284      -1.917192      -1.830030      -1.687730      -1.332105      -2.083473      -2.077538      -2.075493      -2.076787      -2.080021      -2.087187      -2.094274      -2.100694      -2.101261      -2.097770      -2.091751      -2.084965      -2.070597      -2.050926      -2.015558      -1.960213      -1.907491      -1.819419      -1.677447      -1.332105      -2.246376      -2.223518      -2.207322      -2.195154      -2.184962      -2.179158      -2.173174      -2.168125      -2.157145      -2.143625      -2.128313      -2.112799      -2.089732      -2.062353      -2.020514      -1.957440      -1.899852      -1.810261      -1.667655      -1.332105      -2.454472      -2.412413      -2.377587      -2.347980      -2.321893      -2.301432      -2.280792      -2.262504      -2.238031      -2.211952  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-3.766279      -3.245886      -2.713362      -2.169075      -1.613434     -0.7360798     -0.9244148      -1.138080      -1.338076      -1.508820      -1.605724      -1.776987      -1.940601      -2.094009      -2.228783      -2.309370      -2.382566      -2.504032      -2.602576      -2.674412      -2.673941      -2.683715      -2.646683      -2.469946      -1.860027     -0.6284090     -0.8430021      -1.070864      -1.285228      -1.462669      -1.573019      -1.761524      -1.937812      -2.102483      -2.242823      -2.310447      -2.396601      -2.520381      -2.619015      -2.686982      -2.673038      -2.681312      -2.640054      -2.459405      -1.860027     -0.5957940     -0.8169091      -1.046175      -1.257653      -1.432701      -1.583687      -1.772500      -1.952918      -2.118941      -2.252515      -2.319246      -2.421600      -2.541918      -2.636533      -2.696561      -2.672797      -2.679577      -2.632816      -2.448244      -1.860027     -0.6069189     -0.8266967  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-2.090059      -2.152916      -2.226935      -2.300584      -2.373249      -2.441270      -2.503491      -2.561473      -2.614703      -2.659430      -2.694207      -2.717402      -2.720347      -2.701422      -2.649590      -2.591787      -2.483933      -2.291909      -1.860027      -2.289343      -2.307201      -2.341964      -2.390836      -2.442002      -2.492784      -2.540660      -2.584346      -2.625825      -2.661784      -2.692137      -2.714333      -2.727699      -2.720711      -2.693728      -2.635385      -2.572301      -2.463079      -2.275036      -1.860027      -2.562424      -2.550962      -2.557298      -2.578927      -2.604757      -2.631084      -2.654932      -2.675527      -2.698063      -2.716110      -2.731476      -2.738755      -2.740537      -2.722844      -2.686703      -2.620911      -2.550979      -2.441946      -2.257875      -1.860027      -2.888610      -2.845025      -2.816433      -2.805352      -2.801014      -2.798281      -2.795585      -2.791178  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-5.473290      -4.784029      -4.077417      -3.354144      -2.614829      -1.860027     -0.6310297     -0.8288211      -1.091846      -1.334270      -1.551839      -1.709657      -1.848010      -2.042588      -2.225632      -2.389949      -2.509426      -2.563141      -2.706956      -2.826009      -2.922832      -2.948638      -2.957401      -2.935436      -2.754238      -2.079525     -0.4586552     -0.6930023     -0.9710528      -1.234612      -1.471504      -1.629573      -1.814806      -2.025843      -2.224026      -2.400478      -2.517004      -2.579953      -2.728296      -2.847841      -2.943108      -2.953864      -2.958630      -2.930565      -2.743042      -2.079525     -0.3832902     -0.6363024     -0.9142137      -1.179623      -1.409337      -1.607523      -1.818283      -2.037941      -2.234941      -2.413997      -2.518885      -2.615556      -2.760252      -2.873162      -2.960408      -2.954960      -2.962392      -2.925188      -2.731048      -2.079525     -0.3704492  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-2.194125      -2.371592      -2.530144      -2.665481      -2.782210      -2.888128      -2.965047      -3.000614      -2.989560      -2.973105      -2.893830      -2.674145      -2.079525     -0.7211097     -0.9459965      -1.189259      -1.419298      -1.642037      -1.859119      -2.067198      -2.256612      -2.424382      -2.576520      -2.705837      -2.817378      -2.914916      -2.980115      -3.009442      -2.997352      -2.972085      -2.882454      -2.658136      -2.079525     -0.8849357      -1.091150      -1.313764      -1.534242      -1.748090      -1.956243      -2.146430      -2.322523      -2.481132      -2.621458      -2.745663      -2.851240      -2.939606      -2.993405      -3.017866      -3.002658      -2.967954      -2.869285      -2.641509      -2.079525      -1.069809      -1.254768      -1.460946      -1.668603      -1.869569      -2.054825      -2.229980      -2.392355      -2.536302      -2.667080      -2.784745      -2.883676      -2.961604      -3.007304  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-2.033298      -2.274762      -2.497822      -2.704572      -2.873096      -3.013042      -3.127982      -3.217351      -3.272170      -3.273902      -3.256199      -3.169652      -2.931684      -2.277299     -0.4796266     -0.7558942      -1.043389      -1.324179      -1.599286      -1.862014      -2.110363      -2.350294      -2.570989      -2.761321      -2.926515      -3.058947      -3.167138      -3.244057      -3.289599      -3.289732      -3.260197      -3.159956      -2.914282      -2.277299     -0.6631413     -0.9189401      -1.190711      -1.460844      -1.714295      -1.963198      -2.206254      -2.439426      -2.640683      -2.820576      -2.975179      -3.101521      -3.202787      -3.268730      -3.307437      -3.303176      -3.260911      -3.148003      -2.896196      -2.277299     -0.8730550      -1.107452      -1.359082      -1.605621      -1.846169      -2.084512      -2.317433      -2.524121      -2.712477      -2.877208      -3.020784      -3.141217      -3.234365  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-2.277299      -1.972765      -2.082998      -2.219411      -2.362462      -2.499622      -2.631029      -2.762005      -2.886346      -3.003272      -3.110231      -3.201098      -3.275303      -3.328099      -3.351078      -3.345153      -3.298302      -3.207474      -3.048034      -2.793382      -2.277299      -2.316827      -2.382169      -2.476871      -2.584734      -2.691609      -2.793042      -2.894391      -2.992842      -3.086432      -3.173056      -3.245935      -3.303689      -3.341748      -3.351907      -3.336116      -3.281036      -3.183457      -3.019249      -2.769540      -2.277299      -2.695523      -2.717365      -2.768614      -2.834916      -2.904514      -2.972421      -3.041523      -3.111535      -3.178347      -3.240263      -3.291473      -3.330111      -3.352062      -3.348325      -3.321344      -3.258379      -3.154569      -2.987388      -2.744316      -2.277299      -3.131229      -3.102033      -3.105579      -3.127092      -3.155656      -3.185008  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-1.747860      -2.058378      -2.352644      -2.608849      -2.848582      -3.064119      -3.228832      -3.361311      -3.461865      -3.530321      -3.542482      -3.521774      -3.429237      -3.174454      -2.457263     -0.2289265     -0.5574740     -0.8930452      -1.217010      -1.532951      -1.846863      -2.151614      -2.427731      -2.683847      -2.923711      -3.128454      -3.287755      -3.412210      -3.501205      -3.558242      -3.568635      -3.533688      -3.422856      -3.156191      -2.457263     -0.4266027     -0.7330037      -1.050164      -1.360596      -1.665097      -1.969612      -2.249740      -2.520028      -2.773966      -3.000554      -3.189164      -3.340157      -3.457241      -3.537319      -3.586274      -3.590943      -3.542157      -3.413758      -3.137162      -2.457263     -0.6594236     -0.9390368      -1.236944      -1.531528      -1.817773      -2.093833      -2.366254      -2.629233      -2.868481      -3.071275      -3.247486      -3.387480  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-3.050196      -2.457263      -1.894489      -2.033702      -2.206874      -2.388896      -2.564865      -2.734605      -2.900156      -3.058958      -3.207833      -3.341573      -3.456585      -3.553873      -3.624654      -3.659406      -3.659728      -3.613303      -3.510649      -3.319738      -3.025190      -2.457263      -2.278979      -2.373819      -2.503836      -2.641893      -2.777042      -2.912724      -3.047745      -3.178565      -3.301519      -3.412603      -3.507047      -3.587358      -3.644051      -3.664549      -3.652351      -3.596420      -3.485979      -3.289260      -2.998317      -2.457263      -2.706915      -2.749351      -2.830398      -2.923305      -3.017366      -3.112572      -3.210712      -3.308274      -3.403385      -3.487229      -3.557710      -3.617065      -3.656625      -3.662166      -3.636272      -3.571757      -3.454261      -3.253968      -2.969345      -2.457263      -3.198693      -3.181061      -3.205749      -3.246093      -3.292483  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-13.06520      -11.86002      -10.61683      -9.337589      -8.024076      -6.677896      -5.300500      -3.893214      -2.457263     -0.2389962     -0.6428039     -0.9628357      -1.321799      -1.651813      -1.948691      -2.086845      -2.348899      -2.582720      -2.799769      -2.996314      -3.020389      -3.205682      -3.367523      -3.519372      -3.616423      -3.618681      -3.649487      -3.486626      -2.622362      0.1620359     -0.2628340     -0.6607474      -1.059289      -1.440460      -1.782598      -1.994312      -2.292793      -2.547288      -2.797212      -3.015268      -3.039615      -3.240827      -3.407758      -3.564241      -3.647853      -3.634834      -3.655206      -3.476892      -2.622362      0.3776224     -7.1176656E-02 -0.5026507     -0.9167219      -1.314661      -1.671811      -1.981855      -2.277923      -2.546638      -2.808121      -3.026112      -3.115621      -3.302691      -3.462218      -3.610125      -3.669369      -3.659127      -3.661389  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-1.372675      -1.733442      -2.076735      -2.405678      -2.712716      -2.987255      -3.230044      -3.430819      -3.584831      -3.697360      -3.776297      -3.797187      -3.769859      -3.675613      -3.405312      -2.622362      2.9653443E-02 -0.3558773     -0.7436368      -1.113423      -1.473395      -1.823964      -2.167281      -2.494585      -2.794054      -3.062742      -3.307374      -3.500620      -3.648450      -3.748881      -3.815081      -3.833365      -3.791875      -3.673994      -3.386770      -2.622362     -0.1888817     -0.5441800     -0.9068963      -1.260364      -1.604558      -1.948097      -2.283773      -2.598074      -2.884680      -3.152249      -3.387585      -3.565393      -3.704376      -3.795984      -3.853239      -3.865035      -3.808975      -3.669231      -3.367422      -2.622362     -0.4393733     -0.7641138      -1.104882      -1.439498      -1.769195      -2.098744      -2.412180      -2.709041      -2.992932      -3.249641      -3.458649  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-3.611937      -3.276661      -2.622362      -1.788655      -1.964270      -2.179435      -2.394382      -2.607207      -2.823591      -3.030016      -3.225689      -3.404595      -3.564626      -3.706867      -3.825910      -3.913647      -3.960812      -3.967563      -3.922008      -3.802855      -3.585607      -3.250103      -2.622362      -2.220201      -2.341858      -2.506857      -2.679592      -2.848769      -3.020048      -3.189978      -3.354975      -3.507941      -3.644098      -3.764923      -3.865362      -3.938546      -3.971616      -3.964794      -3.907929      -3.779435      -3.554335      -3.221169      -2.622362      -2.697858      -2.761498      -2.868712      -2.988007      -3.110007      -3.239117      -3.370213      -3.497828      -3.619062      -3.726975      -3.821715      -3.900460      -3.954810      -3.971269      -3.951270      -3.883312      -3.747323      -3.517409      -3.189470      -2.622362      -3.242584      -3.239441      -3.283842      -3.343823  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-16.45159      -15.08216      -13.66559      -12.20455      -10.70142      -9.158332      -7.577211      -5.959808      -4.307705      -2.622362     -0.1030829     -0.5807702     -0.9406481      -1.339039      -1.702019      -2.019567      -2.207374      -2.438460      -2.691684      -2.927211      -3.134710      -3.190789      -3.346888      -3.519782      -3.684382      -3.798605      -3.797823      -3.848914      -3.699524      -2.774865      0.3795745     -0.1221889     -0.5771318      -1.026868      -1.435705      -1.811032      -2.060390      -2.372261      -2.656147      -2.920330      -3.157150      -3.195684      -3.389795      -3.566651      -3.738546      -3.840912      -3.820311      -3.859701      -3.691489      -2.774865      0.6335014      0.1109436     -0.3809649     -0.8410046      -1.272361      -1.669414      -2.025709      -2.364702      -2.658552      -2.932050      -3.170662      -3.276354      -3.464621      -3.631812      -3.794615      -3.871424      -3.854963  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-0.8861594      -1.319708      -1.723945      -2.104820      -2.465177      -2.801116      -3.116175      -3.388335      -3.613788      -3.796011      -3.921964      -4.011778      -4.039984      -4.007624      -3.912503      -3.625103      -2.774865      0.2893113     -0.1451182     -0.5868673      -1.013962      -1.419392      -1.811345      -2.188476      -2.546957      -2.888819      -3.200249      -3.467225      -3.696234      -3.868574      -3.986588      -4.061543      -4.086014      -4.039403      -3.917017      -3.606876      -2.774865      5.4180514E-02 -0.3528179     -0.7664475      -1.162702      -1.551450      -1.930553      -2.300141      -2.658926      -2.993645      -3.289541      -3.558530      -3.778073      -3.937172      -4.045314      -4.110718      -4.127056      -4.065543      -3.918040      -3.587790      -2.774865     -0.2197686     -0.5891216     -0.9716403      -1.347474      -1.716165      -2.083773      -2.444325      -2.788444      -3.100679      -3.396245 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-4.103884      -3.876834      -3.496508      -2.774865      -1.674139      -1.880897      -2.128615      -2.381924      -2.639494      -2.895121      -3.146760      -3.385296      -3.597506      -3.783948      -3.950244      -4.088953      -4.191705      -4.257196      -4.271563      -4.226532      -4.093485      -3.852346      -3.468249      -2.774865      -2.145504      -2.299057      -2.493489      -2.697890      -2.906713      -3.118886      -3.326015      -3.524342      -3.708084      -3.872487      -4.016702      -4.135434      -4.223357      -4.274637      -4.275727      -4.216632      -4.072639      -3.821844      -3.437786      -2.774865      -2.664742      -2.755262      -2.892943      -3.038408      -3.189970      -3.353243      -3.518935      -3.679301      -3.828405      -3.963890      -4.081969      -4.176617      -4.244512      -4.278849      -4.266333      -4.193995      -4.040543      -3.784436      -3.403981      -2.774865      -3.263127      -3.275874      -3.344170  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-0.2746851     -0.7674391      -1.247706      -1.712549      -2.140200      -2.529218      -2.898502      -3.235192      -3.540726      -3.789568      -3.991203      -4.138680      -4.238964      -4.268019      -4.237298      -4.136513      -3.835867      -2.916559      0.5470563      6.1470564E-02 -0.4262682     -0.9002087      -1.364975      -1.804739      -2.214198      -2.609748      -2.976257      -3.323831      -3.626355      -3.876059      -4.079642      -4.215750      -4.300935      -4.325640      -4.279117      -4.148262      -3.818601      -2.916559      0.2957260     -0.1565095     -0.6171725      -1.068761      -1.502787      -1.920926      -2.324608      -2.711895      -3.084257      -3.427276      -3.718907      -3.970315      -4.159636      -4.287963      -4.361672      -4.378733      -4.315094      -4.156267      -3.800476      -2.916559      3.1207928E-03 -0.4113433     -0.8412315      -1.258221      -1.669190      -2.072197      -2.464954      -2.850138      -3.211049 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-4.514014      -4.386554      -4.134776      -3.710944      -2.916559      -1.553437      -1.793579      -2.072695      -2.356693      -2.649843      -2.956235      -3.250844      -3.530149      -3.785103      -4.003965      -4.189968      -4.346955      -4.470182      -4.547336      -4.569331      -4.523105      -4.381135      -4.112816      -3.682051      -2.916559      -2.054207      -2.237245      -2.468649      -2.706867      -2.950163      -3.205644      -3.456716      -3.690877      -3.904223      -4.098403      -4.264591      -4.402547      -4.510140      -4.572200      -4.579785      -4.519114      -4.363468      -4.083712      -3.650052      -2.916559      -2.619538      -2.733081      -2.900011      -3.077209      -3.263572      -3.460980      -3.661585      -3.854750      -4.033369      -4.195903      -4.337622      -4.451011      -4.538674      -4.583603      -4.574029      -4.499937      -4.332698      -4.046388      -3.614294      -2.916559      -3.267930      -3.297720  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-24.49710      -22.83006      -21.09257      -19.28945      -17.42491      -15.50261      -13.52582      -11.49745      -9.420085      -7.296094      -5.127599      -2.916559      0.1760659     -0.4257608     -0.8765520      -1.370118      -1.802674      -2.177115      -2.448761      -2.623840      -2.891749      -3.151879      -3.388427      -3.505037      -3.605199      -3.794755      -3.978338      -4.121859      -4.114615      -4.200485      -4.087064      -3.048875      0.8347316      0.1773020     -0.4078297     -0.9697707      -1.463629      -1.912730      -2.224723      -2.526791      -2.839163      -3.147017      -3.419615      -3.498965      -3.663787      -3.857917      -4.050477      -4.186057      -4.152454      -4.222238      -4.084198      -3.048875       1.155905      0.4850392     -0.1504303     -0.7245861      -1.248523      -1.722135      -2.116479      -2.494297      -2.847939      -3.177357      -3.448555      -3.587653      -3.770285      -3.950628      -4.130718  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0.4488266     -0.1154518     -0.6541567      -1.176337      -1.680629      -2.168503      -2.604488      -2.995723      -3.361386      -3.685608      -3.963482      -4.181801      -4.346134      -4.457353      -4.488681      -4.455140      -4.349847      -4.037866      -3.048875      0.8033829      0.2642134     -0.2709265     -0.7886950      -1.296039      -1.790053      -2.251092      -2.671059      -3.075821      -3.443031      -3.778258      -4.053971      -4.277857      -4.436468      -4.533214      -4.557700      -4.506704      -4.369549      -4.021956      -3.048875      0.5350936      3.4312703E-02 -0.4698584     -0.9629882      -1.450925      -1.916441      -2.352988      -2.776390      -3.172258      -3.549200      -3.880018      -4.152655      -4.375525      -4.520464      -4.604798      -4.621099      -4.552310      -4.384934      -4.005235      -3.048875      0.2253440     -0.2333027     -0.7056454      -1.172940      -1.625680      -2.065701      -2.492690      -2.906392  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-4.824982      -4.792499      -4.658187      -4.388013      -3.918828      -3.048875      -1.426178      -1.698768      -2.013335      -2.330099      -2.656748      -2.996808      -3.342944      -3.667053      -3.958712      -4.217810      -4.426869      -4.605125      -4.746593      -4.829749      -4.856959      -4.809628      -4.658663      -4.370263      -3.890108      -3.048875      -1.957686      -2.169767      -2.429223      -2.702503      -2.990440      -3.282389      -3.576970      -3.853495      -4.099591      -4.320714      -4.509682      -4.670697      -4.795919      -4.864473      -4.875187      -4.812444      -4.645714      -4.343987      -3.857233      -3.048875      -2.567543      -2.703713      -2.894295      -3.104288      -3.330168      -3.566987      -3.801754      -4.026536      -4.236089      -4.426399      -4.591319      -4.729257      -4.833477      -4.883950      -4.876286      -4.798680      -4.617830      -4.307704      -3.820192      -3.048875      -3.258411  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-29.13124      -27.33840      -25.45997      -23.50245      -21.47139      -19.37159      -17.20727      -14.98213      -12.69948      -10.36229      -7.973217      -5.534679      -3.048875      0.3036154     -0.3520661     -0.8667702      -1.362117      -1.836790      -2.250843      -2.556457      -2.719819      -2.993592      -3.258224      -3.501713      -3.648461      -3.723828      -3.921181      -4.110608      -4.265366      -4.256099      -4.356306      -4.262616      -3.172978       1.056896      0.3374045     -0.2994218     -0.9120200      -1.479073      -1.960465      -2.312158      -2.626619      -2.934128      -3.248965      -3.536695      -3.646536      -3.794714      -3.993552      -4.191899      -4.341645      -4.301023      -4.384026      -4.262995      -3.172978       1.417880      0.6834376     -1.2794456E-02 -0.6694114      -1.240536      -1.753550      -2.197304      -2.576604      -2.936872      -3.281199      -3.580327      -3.738514      -3.920058      -4.101343  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1.290258      0.6568521      3.8846586E-02 -0.5462999      -1.109070      -1.649288      -2.172502      -2.671386      -3.102201      -3.487209      -3.831722      -4.129724      -4.370650      -4.545011      -4.665015      -4.703111      -4.664689      -4.553123      -4.230454      -3.172978       1.057386      0.4643040     -0.1193686     -0.6809112      -1.228481      -1.759584      -2.277251      -2.744807      -3.169184      -3.569639      -3.924033      -4.233236      -4.470859      -4.647301      -4.752758      -4.782826      -4.727354      -4.581349      -4.216808      -3.172978      0.7729443      0.2229725     -0.3247335     -0.8607118      -1.387645      -1.903670      -2.390346      -2.838273      -3.270695      -3.668700      -4.033249      -4.334122      -4.575696      -4.742914      -4.835962      -4.855000      -4.783841      -4.604979      -4.202296      -3.172978      0.4457531     -5.6970894E-02 -0.5708485      -1.078725      -1.582385      -2.063599      -2.525414   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-5.049112      -5.096998      -5.063267      -4.924498      -4.635551      -4.123431      -3.172978      -1.296876      -1.600091      -1.943422      -2.299787      -2.664028      -3.036878      -3.416082      -3.788828      -4.125048      -4.419073      -4.664363      -4.864331      -5.013330      -5.105592      -5.138667      -5.089646      -4.931839      -4.622060      -4.095435      -3.172978      -1.859162      -2.099305      -2.386536      -2.690032      -3.013868      -3.357543      -3.688760      -4.004487      -4.292096      -4.541049      -4.757326      -4.939908      -5.071546      -5.150057      -5.165522      -5.101613      -4.924081      -4.598494      -4.062601      -3.172978      -2.497370      -2.665325      -2.885694      -3.123719      -3.387686      -3.667929      -3.940239      -4.196792      -4.437352      -4.655303      -4.846633      -5.005019      -5.117574      -5.178048      -5.174448      -5.094459      -4.899906      -4.563257      -4.024830      -3.172978  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-34.14500      -32.24800      -30.24697      -28.15070      -25.96657      -23.70087      -21.35904      -18.94584      -16.46568      -13.92180      -11.31752      -8.656326      -5.940656      -3.172978      0.4266064     -0.2878513     -0.8714900      -1.362753      -1.857485      -2.303844      -2.656891      -2.809422      -3.094498      -3.363301      -3.610169      -3.781844      -3.837252      -4.041096      -4.235236      -4.398786      -4.388875      -4.500127      -4.426559      -3.289828       1.270746      0.4892311     -0.1970725     -0.8389705      -1.448786      -2.007704      -2.394941      -2.721066      -3.039901      -3.351947      -3.645149      -3.788088      -3.922351      -4.123705      -4.327400      -4.486534      -4.442530      -4.533441      -4.430370      -3.289828       1.675130      0.8763716      0.1325220     -0.5696997      -1.227120      -1.787175      -2.264505      -2.683822      -3.036448      -3.385114      -3.696958      -3.889477      -4.067984  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-3.289828       1.554388      0.8622318      0.1907223     -0.4443044      -1.049994      -1.622409      -2.177583      -2.710594      -3.205294      -3.615767      -3.982179      -4.291623      -4.550518      -4.737297      -4.865739      -4.903548      -4.867511      -4.745585      -4.413080      -3.289828       1.308549      0.6609761      2.9297175E-02 -0.5785556      -1.163745      -1.730924      -2.283058      -2.809685      -3.272843      -3.693264      -4.070134      -4.399187      -4.657570      -4.846314      -4.963705      -4.992424      -4.941000      -4.783354      -4.401807      -3.289828       1.008044      0.4091907     -0.1829383     -0.7628604      -1.325956      -1.879496      -2.418655      -2.909846      -3.367377      -3.793014      -4.180864      -4.515521      -4.765616      -4.955829      -5.057761      -5.075784      -5.007508      -4.816012      -4.389787      -3.289828      0.6631747      0.1160423     -0.4395504     -0.9882082      -1.527956      -2.060442  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-5.228365      -5.434897      -5.554489      -5.609420      -5.577847      -5.427642      -5.106194      -4.509449      -3.400226      -1.029397      -1.393936      -1.800072      -2.220037      -2.658604      -3.112012      -3.558686      -3.995507      -4.417162      -4.804964      -5.109972      -5.349837      -5.522565      -5.628067      -5.667447      -5.620223      -5.449718      -5.102729      -4.482975      -3.400226      -1.648964      -1.946452      -2.292307      -2.664427      -3.055052      -3.463647      -3.881538      -4.292493      -4.654458      -4.981097      -5.242112      -5.448523      -5.600931      -5.690121      -5.711327      -5.646096      -5.454738      -5.086916      -4.450702      -3.400226      -2.348957      -2.563789      -2.839691      -3.150416      -3.493049      -3.846208      -4.200957      -4.540708      -4.848008      -5.121691      -5.352948      -5.537233      -5.668969      -5.736566      -5.735839      -5.651206      -5.439743      -5.056255  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-45.17513      -43.16224      -40.99304      -38.68431      -36.24953      -33.69979      -31.04457      -28.29100      -25.44656      -22.51686      -19.50706      -16.42171      -13.26513      -10.04022      -6.751004      -3.400226      0.6672360     -0.1778672     -0.8905284      -1.424068      -1.946708      -2.397971      -2.805314      -2.970225      -3.278306      -3.562233      -3.819361      -4.024939      -4.046353      -4.261711      -4.462804      -4.644938      -4.629230      -4.761295      -4.727444      -3.504848       1.694714      0.7773613     -4.6725992E-02 -0.7648491      -1.391795      -1.997053      -2.517102      -2.901513      -3.241055      -3.567940      -3.860018      -4.051414      -4.167430      -4.367940      -4.572263      -4.755286      -4.700705      -4.808168      -4.739513      -3.504848       2.180589       1.245625      0.3825906     -0.3835447      -1.104742      -1.789036      -2.393983      -2.864448      -3.263434      -3.608000      -3.920837  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-5.051528      -4.763176      -3.504848       2.074985       1.265574      0.4860818     -0.2531649     -0.9500170      -1.607318      -2.212241      -2.791022      -3.350692      -3.863672      -4.274866      -4.607712      -4.885228      -5.099751      -5.241934      -5.289997      -5.248386      -5.110559      -4.761129      -3.504848       1.801242       1.046424      0.3165640     -0.3881143      -1.058292      -1.692166      -2.300103      -2.893602      -3.459418      -3.951367      -4.360910      -4.716392      -5.007125      -5.221880      -5.365037      -5.400995      -5.341213      -5.165707      -4.756738      -3.504848       1.469002      0.7742580      9.0031691E-02 -0.5777678      -1.218654      -1.838598      -2.442717      -3.032546      -3.574129      -4.042830      -4.474385      -4.836321      -5.133788      -5.345702      -5.481313      -5.504286      -5.425899      -5.215596      -4.751413      -3.504848       1.096580      0.4510721     -0.1850253     -0.8175185  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-5.121781      -5.440212      -5.659613      -5.788024      -5.849781      -5.818806      -5.670659      -5.335381      -4.701601      -3.504848     -0.8968410      -1.290989      -1.727512      -2.181362      -2.652634      -3.135976      -3.629424      -4.100950      -4.552920      -4.973361      -5.318589      -5.579082      -5.762813      -5.868916      -5.916783      -5.869763      -5.700140      -5.337065      -4.677097      -3.504848      -1.542115      -1.866278      -2.239607      -2.645532      -3.076662      -3.517401      -3.967230      -4.415709      -4.833659      -5.186481      -5.472545      -5.690096      -5.850134      -5.940143      -5.970231      -5.904620      -5.711162      -5.324923      -4.645985      -3.504848      -2.272136      -2.509209      -2.812579      -3.154276      -3.531823      -3.934851      -4.325862      -4.709139      -5.056962      -5.353542      -5.595794      -5.786869      -5.925851      -5.996921      -6.004862      -5.917430      -5.701786  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-51.09190      -49.08784      -46.88874      -44.51858      -41.99615      -39.33646      -36.55177      -33.65232      -30.64675      -27.54248      -24.34594      -21.06279      -17.69800      -14.25602      -10.74084      -7.156037      -3.504848      0.7837967     -0.1300392     -0.9006376      -1.458215      -2.003327      -2.469975      -2.875032      -3.037412      -3.363869      -3.653231      -3.919557      -4.136831      -4.143776      -4.364648      -4.568360      -4.757188      -4.736682      -4.881435      -4.863071      -3.604268       1.905918      0.9120680      2.4482410E-02 -0.7404502      -1.419535      -2.004059      -2.547255      -2.970501      -3.335905      -3.666805      -3.970100      -4.176715      -4.282769      -4.485263      -4.685889      -4.880192      -4.816984      -4.934167      -4.878891      -3.604268       2.429354       1.424557      0.4975661     -0.3309530      -1.059583      -1.758344      -2.405760      -2.949790      -3.365623      -3.726648  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-5.317612      -5.213715      -4.917061      -3.604268       2.329663       1.464283      0.6374283     -0.1627018     -0.9051052      -1.602373      -2.254586      -2.846633      -3.419073      -3.957772      -4.413199      -4.756648      -5.046016      -5.273363      -5.414714      -5.469978      -5.429928      -5.283411      -4.918254      -3.604268       2.043526       1.233985      0.4541776     -0.2980735      -1.011383      -1.689333      -2.319661      -2.935941      -3.528462      -4.071727      -4.501956      -4.869778      -5.167722      -5.404820      -5.545074      -5.591298      -5.533198      -5.348432      -4.916874      -3.604268       1.695175      0.9532665      0.2211213     -0.4911104      -1.172837      -1.823382      -2.456316      -3.076241      -3.668857      -4.172690      -4.608877      -4.987503      -5.297411      -5.528463      -5.670676      -5.705557      -5.627230      -5.407151      -4.915085      -3.604268       1.305421      0.6171114     -6.3153222E-02 -0.7363456      -1.385767      -2.018543      -2.639281      -3.250992      -3.801715      -4.293500      -4.737883      -5.128819      -5.433623      -5.657179      -5.786243      -5.808922      -5.711111      -5.458396      -4.911341      -3.604268      0.8597423      0.2383759     -0.3968109      -1.026236      -1.642358      -2.253873      -2.855973      -3.424322      -3.958988      -4.452786      -4.899154      -5.284468      -5.573543      -5.788581      -5.895387      -5.902168      -5.786612      -5.500622      -4.904398      -3.604268      0.3703300     -0.1872383     -0.7720305      -1.356731      -1.942040      -2.526230      -3.081990      -3.634692      -4.158331      -4.653348      -5.088644      -5.443069      -5.726121      -5.906533      -5.993618      -5.986238      -5.851680      -5.532812      -4.893475      -3.604268     -0.1677579     -0.6629053      -1.193148      -1.732887      -2.273481      -2.812942      -3.352481      -3.891251      -4.411064 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-6.181669      -5.956524      -5.522902      -4.787950      -3.604268      -3.079369      -3.229982      -3.466082      -3.756311      -4.094952      -4.450439      -4.804777      -5.151621      -5.470134      -5.746138      -5.961924      -6.133084      -6.249851      -6.308633      -6.286949      -6.171286      -5.925935      -5.475616      -4.740287      -3.604268      -4.185086      -4.177073      -4.283359      -4.455442      -4.672689      -4.915813      -5.174516      -5.441604      -5.694847      -5.913561      -6.084026      -6.214959      -6.292844      -6.319221      -6.267220      -6.124351      -5.862622      -5.403766      -4.681560      -3.604268      -5.858729      -5.611984      -5.502590      -5.481498      -5.517343      -5.593135      -5.703450      -5.841831      -5.991752      -6.118871      -6.216727      -6.285820      -6.313931      -6.296537      -6.208289      -6.037036      -5.762848      -5.311403      -4.607003      -3.604268      -60.10012      -58.81427  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-3.464058      -3.832658      -4.152807      -4.412251      -4.618414      -4.795951      -4.960065      -5.118441      -5.062927      -5.128032      -5.033184      -3.698979       2.909936       1.837199      0.8565496     -3.4350626E-02 -0.8343243      -1.604913      -2.330974      -2.959507      -3.461560      -3.886161      -4.230918      -4.550169      -4.803352      -4.982773      -5.126946      -5.231763      -5.209074      -5.207860      -5.049143      -3.698979       2.932079       1.882791      0.9354220      5.9834220E-02 -0.7668201      -1.563183      -2.294960      -2.911362      -3.454657      -3.910870      -4.315878      -4.677591      -4.950256      -5.149697      -5.288678      -5.361981      -5.350568      -5.290235      -5.062191      -3.698979       2.804659       1.819177      0.9031004      3.8352937E-02 -0.7871003      -1.574324      -2.264956      -2.896655      -3.458697      -3.957119      -4.417829      -4.799578      -5.075915      -5.297435      -5.441537  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0.7805241      5.5056408E-02 -0.6595348      -1.343819      -2.006484      -2.658483      -3.300581      -3.900686      -4.413614      -4.877610      -5.271890      -5.599406      -5.834456      -5.983685      -6.013558      -5.909824      -5.645985      -5.080987      -3.698979       1.051847      0.3880392     -0.2904720     -0.9558047      -1.605804      -2.247290      -2.885233      -3.502871      -4.060301      -4.580553      -5.033182      -5.434769      -5.744001      -5.974196      -6.102206      -6.115406      -5.990153      -5.694946      -5.077359      -3.698979      0.5413048     -5.4187059E-02 -0.6759984      -1.294291      -1.913007      -2.530281      -3.136451      -3.712759      -4.270133      -4.772902      -5.229088      -5.606515      -5.903001      -6.111764      -6.211949      -6.206800      -6.060486      -5.733697      -5.068997      -3.698979     -1.7961148E-02 -0.5452259      -1.107989      -1.681586      -2.265916      -2.835146      -3.409518      -3.976068  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-6.521184      -6.425177      -6.190334      -5.747820      -4.967216      -3.698979      -3.024011      -3.197556      -3.464171      -3.788010      -4.162775      -4.563318      -4.963214      -5.343876      -5.688322      -5.976923      -6.213172      -6.392756      -6.519526      -6.577657      -6.546233      -6.421194      -6.164020      -5.703322      -4.918617      -3.698979      -4.177915      -4.184789      -4.311817      -4.515395      -4.771109      -5.051724      -5.348166      -5.646123      -5.924638      -6.157350      -6.349407      -6.487970      -6.576031      -6.596772      -6.530776      -6.378269      -6.102577      -5.632126      -4.858272      -3.698979      -5.909559      -5.663548      -5.567173      -5.572431      -5.642071      -5.748269      -5.890691      -6.064026      -6.230443      -6.374568      -6.491222      -6.572598      -6.608234      -6.581067      -6.474274      -6.291568      -5.999954      -5.535844      -4.781216      -3.698979      -64.69788  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-3.035519      -3.554605      -3.936187      -4.267803      -4.533413      -4.741895      -4.920127      -5.085418      -5.242787      -5.186562      -5.245455      -5.164475      -3.789407       3.187821       2.021965      0.9864583      4.6113186E-02 -0.8112756      -1.575659      -2.321898      -3.005235      -3.553389      -3.992013      -4.351555      -4.666770      -4.934230      -5.122285      -5.266040      -5.370838      -5.346412      -5.334229      -5.185378      -3.789407       3.207502       2.077955       1.074569      0.1436889     -0.7042670      -1.523271      -2.298163      -2.977422      -3.543349      -4.033203      -4.426448      -4.794454      -5.093116      -5.293793      -5.439890      -5.511913      -5.498646      -5.425270      -5.203164      -3.789407       3.063117       2.016536       1.047543      0.1406992     -0.7188933      -1.543192      -2.299829      -2.962011      -3.556282      -4.057263      -4.521215      -4.921965      -5.226302      -5.447592  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-2.333686      -2.314092      -2.291289      -2.264705      -2.233770      -2.195766      -2.147607      -2.078656      -1.934567      -2.487543      -2.478292      -2.468365      -2.457968      -2.446099      -2.434114      -2.421272      -2.406401      -2.391526      -2.374261      -2.357340      -2.337969      -2.315912      -2.290631      -2.262035      -2.227998      -2.187270      -2.136489      -2.066314      -1.934567      -2.549841      -2.534322      -2.521468      -2.507231      -2.491887      -2.475647      -2.458230      -2.439474      -2.419536      -2.398027      -2.374837      -2.350841      -2.323024      -2.292944      -2.259073      -2.220501      -2.175008      -2.117749      -2.051008      -1.934567      -2.659107      -2.637640      -2.615431      -2.593623      -2.569379      -2.544207      -2.518013      -2.491158      -2.462301      -2.432039      -2.399921      -2.365549      -2.328298      -2.287382      -2.242226      -2.194323      -2.143963      -2.090100  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-2.240441      -2.305539      -2.364131      -2.413634      -2.453274      -2.502693      -2.557214      -2.603580      -2.641390      -2.668300      -2.680309      -2.695153      -2.699763      -2.678883      -2.612727      -2.326377      -1.996984      -2.060173      -2.123854      -2.199626      -2.268097      -2.331148      -2.386678      -2.432259      -2.472414      -2.520761      -2.572434      -2.617092      -2.651969      -2.675443      -2.684592      -2.697276      -2.699486      -2.676270      -2.608577      -2.326377      -2.037017      -2.099815      -2.162214      -2.232986      -2.298513      -2.358246      -2.409092      -2.454127      -2.493542      -2.540152      -2.589084      -2.630857      -2.662150      -2.682058      -2.688905      -2.699233      -2.698940      -2.673290      -2.604186      -2.326377      -2.084455      -2.144973      -2.202552      -2.269050      -2.330737      -2.385379      -2.434662      -2.478478      -2.516298      -2.559393      -2.606163  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-2.657641      -2.583881      -2.326377      -2.310809      -2.349953      -2.388781      -2.436984      -2.482346      -2.523292      -2.560356      -2.591677      -2.615186      -2.642933      -2.672751      -2.695277      -2.710049      -2.715339      -2.709058      -2.705043      -2.690575      -2.652618      -2.577977      -2.326377      -2.376241      -2.410624      -2.444329      -2.486594      -2.526764      -2.563548      -2.595309      -2.621917      -2.640921      -2.663969      -2.689314      -2.708373      -2.719923      -2.722017      -2.712446      -2.705088      -2.687118      -2.647051      -2.571663      -2.326377      -2.446465      -2.474720      -2.502653      -2.539307      -2.573775      -2.604735      -2.631510      -2.652928      -2.667064      -2.685387      -2.706702      -2.721967      -2.729932      -2.728567      -2.715491      -2.704572      -2.683038      -2.640886      -2.564888      -2.326377      -2.520097      -2.542225      -2.563135      -2.593696  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-2.788066      -2.783725      -2.773510      -2.755834      -2.729907      -2.694494      -2.659572      -2.609479      -2.531781      -2.326377      -2.874518      -2.865374      -2.855978      -2.857756      -2.857945      -2.857205      -2.853224      -2.844671      -2.830777      -2.820167      -2.813405      -2.802984      -2.787358      -2.765243      -2.735194      -2.696833      -2.652584      -2.599931      -2.521263      -2.326377      -3.011749      -2.991262      -2.970675      -2.962162      -2.952428      -2.941213      -2.928559      -2.912859      -2.893634      -2.870973      -2.845864      -2.829075      -2.807328      -2.779394      -2.744846      -2.702230      -2.650642      -2.590953      -2.509613      -2.326377      -3.233091      -3.204992      -3.176373      -3.146704      -3.117414      -3.085986      -3.057528      -3.032157      -3.003915      -2.972804      -2.938137      -2.899992      -2.858055      -2.813412      -2.770067      -2.719732      -2.659438  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-3.057783      -3.032324      -2.953733      -2.653861      -2.264654      -2.346995      -2.425310      -2.497120      -2.568519      -2.647404      -2.720440      -2.784963      -2.841611      -2.887541      -2.933153      -2.982588      -3.019446      -3.044300      -3.054328      -3.052829      -3.056588      -3.027194      -2.946907      -2.653861      -2.361149      -2.434621      -2.504346      -2.568582      -2.633833      -2.705281      -2.771415      -2.829838      -2.880423      -2.920212      -2.958527      -3.001015      -3.033532      -3.054605      -3.060862      -3.055285      -3.054689      -3.021300      -2.939685      -2.653861      -2.466042      -2.529324      -2.590090      -2.646984      -2.703772      -2.766558      -2.825126      -2.876748      -2.919844      -2.952274      -2.984092      -3.020779      -3.048136      -3.064873      -3.067018      -3.057072      -3.052002      -3.014576      -2.931907      -2.653861      -2.579235      -2.632047      -2.683150  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-3.100527      -3.105377      -3.114110      -3.113937      -3.106342      -3.086667      -3.053321      -3.027825      -2.978178      -2.892143      -2.653861      -3.123076      -3.126676      -3.129047      -3.129997      -3.132668      -3.143809      -3.151425      -3.158062      -3.157395      -3.149811      -3.145078      -3.144739      -3.134897      -3.118842      -3.094550      -3.056370      -3.018704      -2.966164      -2.879542      -2.653861      -3.316542      -3.303397      -3.289696      -3.274497      -3.262037      -3.259871      -3.254274      -3.247960      -3.234632      -3.214323      -3.193390      -3.181746      -3.162969      -3.138325      -3.107471      -3.063337      -3.010237      -2.953594      -2.865652      -2.653861      -3.612850      -3.577789      -3.544631      -3.510786      -3.475501      -3.440000      -3.417673      -3.394189      -3.369174      -3.338907      -3.301681      -3.257949      -3.220737      -3.184455      -3.140704      -3.087252  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-3.347874      -3.371131      -3.354398      -3.270143      -2.935190      -2.150829      -2.282317      -2.407933      -2.526121      -2.632179      -2.735228      -2.840749      -2.937805      -3.025016      -3.100405      -3.159722      -3.230956      -3.287737      -3.329952      -3.354218      -3.354308      -3.371706      -3.349426      -3.262385      -2.935190      -2.281292      -2.395864      -2.508399      -2.616807      -2.714637      -2.809046      -2.905908      -2.994640      -3.074403      -3.142794      -3.195113      -3.256128      -3.306539      -3.343912      -3.363869      -3.359410      -3.371018      -3.343436      -3.254001      -2.935190      -2.418319      -2.518386      -2.619231      -2.716551      -2.804000      -2.887428      -2.974526      -3.054379      -3.124939      -3.184957      -3.229346      -3.282600      -3.326673      -3.358118      -3.373435      -3.363557      -3.369379      -3.336172      -3.244899      -2.935190      -2.568011      -2.653142  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-3.611351      -3.621276      -3.649340      -3.639417      -3.548378      -3.181782      -2.001611      -2.182394      -2.359637      -2.527002      -2.679911      -2.814456      -2.948965      -3.074655      -3.191702      -3.297328      -3.384159      -3.464097      -3.536851      -3.591158      -3.624829      -3.630169      -3.651353      -3.634662      -3.539750      -3.181782      -2.169714      -2.326404      -2.487968      -2.641768      -2.780424      -2.903070      -3.026838      -3.142791      -3.251257      -3.348778      -3.428444      -3.498153      -3.561780      -3.610019      -3.638412      -3.638380      -3.652154      -3.628644      -3.530394      -3.181782      -2.347161      -2.482869      -2.624897      -2.761259      -2.886261      -2.997598      -3.110313      -3.214968      -3.312658      -3.400826      -3.471089      -3.532175      -3.588166      -3.629689      -3.651186      -3.644996      -3.651398      -3.621078      -3.520197      -3.181782      -2.534897  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-1.152452      -1.435338      -1.723611      -1.988394      -2.214353      -2.406382      -2.612797      -2.829190      -3.022532      -3.188926      -3.291296      -3.394188      -3.543457      -3.669264      -3.768808      -3.802739      -3.861192      -3.900647      -3.843484      -3.401281      -1.138862      -1.427782      -1.713127      -1.970930      -2.205345      -2.419969      -2.636390      -2.849765      -3.045241      -3.204268      -3.311841      -3.426225      -3.571225      -3.692657      -3.784888      -3.810424      -3.867861      -3.901558      -3.837692      -3.401281      -1.173314      -1.458665      -1.734223      -1.991747      -2.236448      -2.461108      -2.674830      -2.885657      -3.076545      -3.226657      -3.344846      -3.464141      -3.602165      -3.717200      -3.799279      -3.820657      -3.875019      -3.902008      -3.831214      -3.401281      -1.244312      -1.520519      -1.791664      -2.049476      -2.295821      -2.517762      -2.728696  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-3.945281      -4.025207      -4.085014      -4.109502      -4.134477      -4.130260      -4.027137      -3.599054      -1.624517      -1.901706      -2.170500      -2.425970      -2.675994      -2.915776      -3.134234      -3.328572      -3.506254      -3.661018      -3.791277      -3.893888      -3.984915      -4.054313      -4.108572      -4.127486      -4.141850      -4.126749      -4.016511      -3.599054      -1.855344      -2.104322      -2.353078      -2.595198      -2.833206      -3.054578      -3.246468      -3.428707      -3.589829      -3.732124      -3.852680      -3.945579      -4.022538      -4.085045      -4.132665      -4.143973      -4.147585      -4.121465      -4.004856      -3.599054      -2.103240      -2.329484      -2.560390      -2.784050      -2.992859      -3.189733      -3.364730      -3.525948      -3.672305      -3.803931      -3.913306      -3.994911      -4.062059      -4.115809      -4.155667      -4.158692      -4.151312      -4.114057      -3.992628  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-3.764999      -3.854074      -3.940681      -4.021438      -4.094064      -4.152765      -4.190650      -4.212373      -4.217727      -4.216168      -4.183189      -4.132381      -4.056712      -3.927624      -3.599054      -3.640312      -3.677425      -3.733643      -3.797934      -3.868006      -3.936015      -3.997390      -4.058572      -4.116586      -4.169264      -4.210571      -4.232689      -4.240016      -4.232471      -4.218082      -4.174979      -4.114976      -4.034197      -3.905154      -3.599054      -4.049709      -4.039664      -4.050673      -4.071826      -4.102282      -4.133470      -4.160748      -4.191644      -4.222667      -4.250880      -4.270821      -4.273213      -4.262874      -4.240778      -4.212397      -4.159278      -4.090085      -4.005897      -3.878536      -3.599054      -4.593846      -4.527565      -4.485418      -4.455323      -4.435429      -4.416409      -4.394949      -4.381339      -4.373030      -4.365438      -4.352423      -4.327028  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-4.292357      -3.779018     -0.6803048      -1.095219      -1.480516      -1.854343      -2.195766      -2.463592      -2.690998      -2.958865      -3.206763      -3.435754      -3.595136      -3.671556      -3.860291      -4.023584      -4.162834      -4.218132      -4.270463      -4.335304      -4.287416      -3.779018     -0.6295333      -1.048943      -1.443761      -1.822347      -2.156135      -2.443932      -2.700344      -2.971373      -3.226443      -3.454248      -3.604616      -3.715285      -3.895925      -4.055550      -4.188038      -4.226723      -4.282971      -4.339221      -4.281641      -3.779018     -0.6495282      -1.064863      -1.459957      -1.826081      -2.158600      -2.463224      -2.734626      -3.008001      -3.263679      -3.476896      -3.641848      -3.768923      -3.938309      -4.090901      -4.212020      -4.241735      -4.296409      -4.342749      -4.274921      -3.779018     -0.7261590      -1.131710      -1.513233      -1.863534      -2.199312  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-4.028534      -4.140134      -4.234962      -4.303226      -4.332238      -4.352219      -4.348296      -4.238471      -3.779018      -1.413934      -1.736328      -2.048445      -2.355479      -2.653985      -2.930813      -3.188615      -3.430537      -3.644687      -3.827922      -3.983697      -4.091773      -4.187774      -4.270296      -4.333101      -4.355930      -4.364028      -4.346266      -4.227300      -3.779018      -1.669519      -1.968216      -2.261767      -2.540370      -2.816863      -3.084887      -3.332708      -3.552050      -3.744287      -3.913930      -4.054730      -4.153565      -4.234137      -4.308210      -4.363507      -4.378230      -4.374012      -4.342255      -4.215059      -3.779018      -1.953233      -2.219774      -2.483763      -2.745717      -3.007034      -3.257095      -3.472883      -3.670677      -3.843655      -3.994838      -4.123851      -4.213341      -4.282923      -4.346968      -4.392820      -4.398156      -4.381631      -4.335850  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-3.784062      -3.908316      -4.025637      -4.133746      -4.231734      -4.320308      -4.394902      -4.439066      -4.461267      -4.474345      -4.473995      -4.435680      -4.369836      -4.276939      -4.130971      -3.779018      -3.704067      -3.760092      -3.833770      -3.916996      -4.006040      -4.096009      -4.181909      -4.261699      -4.335267      -4.402006      -4.457375      -4.485773      -4.491971      -4.490707      -4.477355      -4.427795      -4.351299      -4.252675      -4.106162      -3.779018      -4.165832      -4.167856      -4.186429      -4.218012      -4.261232      -4.310009      -4.357970      -4.402783      -4.445929      -4.486478      -4.518209      -4.526879      -4.514532      -4.496794      -4.469875      -4.409141      -4.324183      -4.221927      -4.076249      -3.779018      -4.773833      -4.710357      -4.661377      -4.630164      -4.613686      -4.605699      -4.600348      -4.595867      -4.594703      -4.597211      -4.594787  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-4.520767      -4.489373      -3.944117     -0.4437348     -0.9306065      -1.363903      -1.780640      -2.164997      -2.482196      -2.743136      -3.030137      -3.296989      -3.547143      -3.732515      -3.801647      -4.000813      -4.180820      -4.337234      -4.404310      -4.448561      -4.526532      -4.484861      -3.944117     -0.3710050     -0.8632750      -1.307752      -1.731111      -2.118825      -2.464870      -2.752295      -3.039217      -3.314768      -3.564811      -3.738856      -3.849104      -4.041148      -4.217438      -4.367435      -4.413150      -4.463946      -4.532320      -4.479397      -3.944117     -0.3831473     -0.8694878      -1.312945      -1.733323      -2.130601      -2.482566      -2.779583      -3.074920      -3.349279      -3.591590      -3.779962      -3.908756      -4.091832      -4.259137      -4.397103      -4.430844      -4.481238      -4.537912      -4.472853      -3.944117     -0.4604850     -0.9300357      -1.365506      -1.784174  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-4.077165      -4.206319      -4.330190      -4.436027      -4.510684      -4.542833      -4.555204      -4.551912      -4.435598      -3.944117      -1.201887      -1.572321      -1.924326      -2.271946      -2.616309      -2.946047      -3.242690      -3.511762      -3.760791      -3.984361      -4.161878      -4.283120      -4.388441      -4.479186      -4.547081      -4.572551      -4.571362      -4.551692      -4.424065      -3.944117      -1.476299      -1.816808      -2.148084      -2.477691      -2.802969      -3.105747      -3.391080      -3.652241      -3.886126      -4.081918      -4.247488      -4.355205      -4.444375      -4.525408      -4.584276      -4.600661      -4.585500      -4.549194      -4.411384      -3.944117      -1.784102      -2.096160      -2.405040      -2.702125      -2.998488      -3.290096      -3.562706      -3.797243      -4.001904      -4.180287      -4.326753      -4.423136      -4.502053      -4.572182      -4.620537      -4.626271      -4.596979  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-3.734125      -3.889804      -4.044970      -4.190568      -4.319988      -4.437344      -4.542392      -4.629835      -4.683130      -4.709030      -4.726178      -4.723299      -4.681495      -4.594510      -4.484548      -4.321711      -3.944117      -3.747693      -3.824327      -3.918282      -4.021359      -4.132304      -4.248031      -4.359426      -4.458385      -4.548883      -4.631667      -4.698433      -4.734758      -4.744663      -4.745250      -4.729168      -4.674347      -4.576065      -4.457193      -4.294790      -3.944117      -4.260639      -4.273248      -4.305388      -4.351277      -4.410568      -4.477978      -4.546758      -4.607953      -4.665009      -4.719239      -4.761803      -4.777158      -4.768618      -4.750527      -4.721304      -4.654265      -4.547206      -4.422222      -4.262021      -3.944117      -4.930159      -4.868193      -4.821714      -4.792512      -4.782748      -4.786647      -4.795709      -4.803215      -4.812575      -4.825127  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-4.005422      -4.224262      -4.380103      -4.514565      -4.628706      -4.708375      -4.741514      -4.745653      -4.745785      -4.620891      -4.096621     -0.9929825      -1.409650      -1.807073      -2.198193      -2.576788      -2.943897      -3.285984      -3.593101      -3.866036      -4.116455      -4.326333      -4.466258      -4.583486      -4.679787      -4.752347      -4.777680      -4.766564      -4.748137      -4.609238      -4.096621      -1.282913      -1.664460      -2.037015      -2.404795      -2.769994      -3.124713      -3.445289      -3.734128      -4.001527      -4.238503      -4.422091      -4.550161      -4.648638      -4.734177      -4.797178      -4.812476      -4.785599      -4.747920      -4.596378      -4.096621      -1.611856      -1.959414      -2.306858      -2.651475      -2.991931      -3.315818      -3.622023      -3.900382      -4.145521      -4.349928      -4.517920      -4.627804      -4.714754      -4.789200      -4.840119      -4.844821  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-3.845248      -4.131124      -4.361604      -4.541493      -4.689927      -4.814507      -4.899195      -4.929957      -4.930845      -4.930146      -4.796042      -4.238315     -0.7774808      -1.248078      -1.696742      -2.127810      -2.548571      -2.947442      -3.319311      -3.662309      -3.973771      -4.241961      -4.470479      -4.640635      -4.770486      -4.874093      -4.950434      -4.973035      -4.957259      -4.935712      -4.784513      -4.238315      -1.091626      -1.515074      -1.931657      -2.340041      -2.738220      -3.127007      -3.490871      -3.817382      -4.108319      -4.371454      -4.587182      -4.734399      -4.846607      -4.937022      -5.002120      -5.013929      -4.981417      -4.938499      -4.771725      -4.238315      -1.436483      -1.823293      -2.208961      -2.590428      -2.971669      -3.344326      -3.677879      -3.985934      -4.267909      -4.508654      -4.695682      -4.825413      -4.920766      -5.000628      -5.052425  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-3.186181      -3.411048      -3.656919      -3.913506      -4.173523      -4.421384      -4.645174      -4.844223      -5.021594      -5.171803      -5.290688      -5.372275      -5.424138      -5.451136      -5.440196      -5.372235      -5.241149      -5.082400      -4.840662      -4.370631      -3.778974      -3.923525      -4.094437      -4.280241      -4.475585      -4.669826      -4.851400      -5.013680      -5.160203      -5.284706      -5.380593      -5.443914      -5.477051      -5.487107      -5.458786      -5.373662      -5.227251      -5.054053      -4.808891      -4.370631      -4.450601      -4.498917      -4.584002      -4.689580      -4.813450      -4.946389      -5.073359      -5.190028      -5.298019      -5.389656      -5.457227      -5.497876      -5.509919      -5.501339      -5.455640      -5.355616      -5.195705      -5.011915      -4.768925      -4.370631      -5.288317      -5.231695      -5.208552      -5.211197      -5.240766      -5.288870      -5.338475  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-3.273713      -3.670556      -4.033531      -4.354191      -4.628344      -4.843231      -5.020079      -5.162332      -5.258989      -5.289188      -5.279545      -5.273228      -5.121245      -4.494734     -0.3505391     -0.9111507      -1.455651      -1.994495      -2.503990      -2.971986      -3.403567      -3.802617      -4.162262      -4.485378      -4.747435      -4.954927      -5.124726      -5.242606      -5.325697      -5.345132      -5.318141      -5.286275      -5.110654      -4.494734     -0.6986695      -1.216590      -1.726408      -2.226559      -2.695787      -3.149190      -3.568431      -3.962216      -4.319538      -4.626520      -4.875846      -5.076472      -5.223002      -5.324366      -5.391810      -5.399611      -5.353767      -5.296173      -5.098744      -4.494734      -1.089953      -1.562441      -2.023896      -2.483742      -2.930919      -3.363477      -3.776267      -4.158134      -4.488795      -4.780691      -5.018954      -5.191912      -5.322031  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-5.179466      -4.611584      -3.055400      -3.336083      -3.649639      -3.985558      -4.318955      -4.640234      -4.929942      -5.179122      -5.391988      -5.566942      -5.703342      -5.808851      -5.879417      -5.903608      -5.885820      -5.805892      -5.653757      -5.453888      -5.152164      -4.611584      -3.743360      -3.938682      -4.170356      -4.421602      -4.682377      -4.930311      -5.159255      -5.367294      -5.550177      -5.698965      -5.811215      -5.895848      -5.947032      -5.951922      -5.914989      -5.816661      -5.645077      -5.427858      -5.118903      -4.611584      -4.521226      -4.596285      -4.723435      -4.878481      -5.057403      -5.233786      -5.403400      -5.561456      -5.703941      -5.820330      -5.902628      -5.963326      -5.991331      -5.975104      -5.918923      -5.803543      -5.615699      -5.384984      -5.076139      -4.611584      -5.477971      -5.414123      -5.412431      -5.449092      -5.518139  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-4.521227      -4.664002      -4.898541      -5.115911      -5.273057      -5.267429      -5.415902      -5.439482      -4.721982      0.8844975     -3.0491745E-02 -0.7780891      -1.460899      -2.086344      -2.645388      -3.055044      -3.417301      -3.772882      -4.107711      -4.406634      -4.538570      -4.719849      -4.949601      -5.170293      -5.306096      -5.299129      -5.436472      -5.441789      -4.721982       1.094463      0.1878497     -0.6115587      -1.338687      -2.001422      -2.552244      -3.020835      -3.422452      -3.787088      -4.138562      -4.425041      -4.616392      -4.803110      -5.021345      -5.233628      -5.324983      -5.341814      -5.459579      -5.442581      -4.721982       1.147743      0.2473127     -0.5617188      -1.303493      -1.952279      -2.522978      -3.018731      -3.440019      -3.831399      -4.195685      -4.482737      -4.707280      -4.899624      -5.104765      -5.302349      -5.359777      -5.390784      -5.484468  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-2.236808      -2.808851      -3.342294      -3.819381      -4.222241      -4.574832      -4.872907      -5.135605      -5.331134      -5.486583      -5.589828      -5.617787      -5.603904      -5.586029      -5.416492      -4.721982      6.7041628E-02 -0.5887792      -1.222861      -1.845219      -2.429924      -2.990471      -3.500407      -3.947252      -4.353053      -4.703556      -5.005660      -5.261133      -5.446941      -5.587008      -5.673987      -5.687468      -5.655375      -5.608098      -5.407585      -4.721982     -0.3164936     -0.9219213      -1.513340      -2.098340      -2.662829      -3.188265      -3.662243      -4.110568      -4.505759      -4.859201      -5.151505      -5.388379      -5.567391      -5.686905      -5.756741      -5.755320      -5.704131      -5.627069      -5.397316      -4.721982     -0.7457222      -1.297493      -1.847788      -2.390549      -2.907195      -3.401593      -3.868893      -4.301939      -4.695298      -5.031427      -5.302497  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-5.647995      -5.329955      -4.721982      -2.986590      -3.290050      -3.629500      -3.999832      -4.384514      -4.734488      -5.058134      -5.338408      -5.572604      -5.757866      -5.904009      -6.023276      -6.091963      -6.121965      -6.099430      -6.018900      -5.857863      -5.634552      -5.301883      -4.721982      -3.717413      -3.931502      -4.195329      -4.484659      -4.781621      -5.059053      -5.314861      -5.541715      -5.740395      -5.899859      -6.020527      -6.119223      -6.168183      -6.179368      -6.135840      -6.034424      -5.853791      -5.608815      -5.267463      -4.721982      -4.541032      -4.631994      -4.782549      -4.967892      -5.172513      -5.375635      -5.570780      -5.747570      -5.902910      -6.028952      -6.120329      -6.193486      -6.220407      -6.210058      -6.145933      -6.023490      -5.826046      -5.564774      -5.222644      -4.721982      -5.557662      -5.498101      -5.503790      -5.562090  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-1.567153      -2.201218      -2.799044      -3.359250      -3.873722      -4.315449      -4.679439      -4.996165      -5.269745      -5.480225      -5.636019      -5.747029      -5.780666      -5.760871      -5.735872      -5.557163      -4.826604      0.2722605     -0.4359961      -1.114036      -1.772909      -2.393012      -2.982786      -3.535384      -4.025028      -4.441715      -4.816192      -5.126710      -5.400016      -5.598713      -5.746058      -5.838079      -5.856776      -5.819611      -5.762583      -5.549617      -4.826604     -0.1287302     -0.7787710      -1.411344      -2.033132      -2.630646      -3.201493      -3.716360      -4.179687      -4.602527      -4.967006      -5.279169      -5.536482      -5.725554      -5.856896      -5.929631      -5.931901      -5.875320      -5.786031      -5.540729      -4.826604     -0.5763460      -1.165296      -1.754587      -2.337565      -2.902490      -3.423315      -3.920221      -4.376702      -4.788169      -5.147611  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-6.043706      -5.822697      -5.476804      -4.826604      -2.917844      -3.242700      -3.608486      -4.009306      -4.426683      -4.828803      -5.182038      -5.490675      -5.744215      -5.946551      -6.102137      -6.228653      -6.302177      -6.334711      -6.312561      -6.223444      -6.058764      -5.812553      -5.448537      -4.826604      -3.686770      -3.921945      -4.212900      -4.541337      -4.875517      -5.187647      -5.470000      -5.716415      -5.925761      -6.098969      -6.232448      -6.336301      -6.388844      -6.398130      -6.355299      -6.246261      -6.056517      -5.789472      -5.413774      -4.826604      -4.555050      -4.662980      -4.837519      -5.053936      -5.285260      -5.517642      -5.737729      -5.933305      -6.100545      -6.238830      -6.346093      -6.421769      -6.448903      -6.433244      -6.369142      -6.240855      -6.030077      -5.746735      -5.367977      -4.826604      -5.634853      -5.576143      -5.594281  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-4.280215      -4.586072      -4.739625      -4.854513      -5.102163      -5.325725      -5.509946      -5.483510      -5.649942      -5.690988      -4.926024       1.280256      0.2234150     -0.6691311      -1.436218      -2.044788      -2.623606      -3.123499      -3.541198      -3.920290      -4.276525      -4.592073      -4.752061      -4.928663      -5.163320      -5.385496      -5.555530      -5.523829      -5.676475      -5.696586      -4.926024       1.548437      0.4864223     -0.4277894      -1.198037      -1.895792      -2.544539      -3.106914      -3.546791      -3.946788      -4.306306      -4.615755      -4.841968      -5.032967      -5.248837      -5.457749      -5.584003      -5.578650      -5.707247      -5.700507      -4.926024       1.625169      0.5863687     -0.3091474      -1.119834      -1.866971      -2.539297      -3.094629      -3.573868      -3.989449      -4.358292      -4.677561      -4.949271      -5.143532      -5.347464      -5.537193      -5.626693  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-0.7571416      -1.498599      -2.178775      -2.795091      -3.376617      -3.915098      -4.394371      -4.787502      -5.110291      -5.397236      -5.618773      -5.787058      -5.892699      -5.942850      -5.914460      -5.879062      -5.686097      -4.926024      0.4734353     -0.2842798      -1.009935      -1.708420      -2.358390      -2.976986      -3.555897      -4.088161      -4.534668      -4.919838      -5.244528      -5.533151      -5.747806      -5.901909      -5.994370      -6.026969      -5.979814      -5.910605      -5.679455      -4.926024      5.6250270E-02 -0.6348711      -1.312688      -1.970561      -2.599959      -3.202488      -3.762135      -4.253201      -4.690326      -5.075610      -5.401140      -5.679810      -5.878277      -6.022315      -6.095595      -6.107478      -6.042675      -5.938859      -5.671467      -4.926024     -0.4086770      -1.037813      -1.665366      -2.282166      -2.887002      -3.453509      -3.968019      -4.453611      -4.879397 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-6.384911      -6.231948      -5.992478      -5.611143      -4.926024      -2.842392      -3.196290      -3.588591      -4.017884      -4.462948      -4.902642      -5.301373      -5.633215      -5.912734      -6.129822      -6.302513      -6.427533      -6.510180      -6.538607      -6.516533      -6.429791      -6.253284      -5.984905      -5.583167      -4.926024      -3.644168      -3.908650      -4.229279      -4.590535      -4.963250      -5.312807      -5.623340      -5.888011      -6.111423      -6.295658      -6.442729      -6.542639      -6.603806      -6.610025      -6.568115      -6.455023      -6.256390      -5.962991      -5.548073      -4.926024      -4.565021      -4.689514      -4.889674      -5.135872      -5.398485      -5.661605      -5.902200      -6.117810      -6.299268      -6.447460      -6.563650      -6.636020      -6.672115      -6.653771      -6.590143      -6.449965      -6.232607      -5.919771      -5.502319      -4.926024      -5.707240      -5.648705  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-2.120204      -2.215219      -2.326606      -2.428410      -2.519907      -2.596514      -2.651758      -2.710282      -2.784077      -2.844124      -2.887570      -2.907439      -2.902624      -2.901572      -2.858556      -2.744354      -2.343706      -1.808943      -1.931408      -2.039866      -2.136033      -2.234784      -2.347014      -2.449010      -2.538662      -2.611345      -2.662970      -2.723530      -2.795975      -2.853391      -2.893204      -2.908199      -2.900182      -2.896836      -2.851703      -2.736814      -2.343706      -1.841259      -1.956789      -2.065027      -2.163874      -2.263847      -2.374164      -2.473802      -2.559175      -2.625625      -2.678720      -2.738467      -2.808926      -2.862500      -2.898102      -2.907639      -2.897499      -2.891645      -2.844383      -2.728940      -2.343706      -1.881127      -1.995476      -2.103037      -2.201484      -2.299764      -2.406224      -2.500672      -2.579537      -2.643613      -2.696949  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-3.170866      -3.190863      -3.200647      -3.217795      -3.223653      -3.217453      -3.195486      -3.149228      -3.114720      -3.044758      -2.926887      -2.625035      -3.008909      -3.034743      -3.065542      -3.095257      -3.118207      -3.139721      -3.166435      -3.190951      -3.207145      -3.215922      -3.215948      -3.224515      -3.223091      -3.209413      -3.181479      -3.130435      -3.091994      -3.022702      -2.908547      -2.625035      -3.177940      -3.183783      -3.196946      -3.209774      -3.215549      -3.220675      -3.232193      -3.242887      -3.246382      -3.242592      -3.231615      -3.231081      -3.221331      -3.199589      -3.165191      -3.113882      -3.066719      -2.998622      -2.888480      -2.625035      -3.371144      -3.355696      -3.350212      -3.344757      -3.331949      -3.319100      -3.314456      -3.309523      -3.298296      -3.279753      -3.254775      -3.241874      -3.222078      -3.191695      -3.152121  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-3.561982      -3.714018      -3.853631      -3.979435      -4.091239      -4.189760      -4.270308      -4.316351      -4.338425      -4.346971      -4.337469      -4.284603      -4.199689      -4.078674      -3.890707      -3.468863      -3.283521      -3.388293      -3.506150      -3.628369      -3.751216      -3.870035      -3.980978      -4.081652      -4.171038      -4.249624      -4.312617      -4.343435      -4.350000      -4.344864      -4.323416      -4.260783      -4.166801      -4.041992      -3.860248      -3.468863      -3.665169      -3.717110      -3.786104      -3.863936      -3.946822      -4.029891      -4.107954      -4.178913      -4.242577      -4.298239      -4.341217      -4.355875      -4.346645      -4.328092      -4.295569      -4.224821      -4.124774      -4.000379      -3.825932      -3.468863      -4.081932      -4.079020      -4.092190      -4.117702      -4.154090      -4.195448      -4.235200      -4.271044      -4.304398      -4.334353      -4.354650  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-4.451561      -4.349365      -3.633962     -0.6499165      -1.104207      -1.509056      -1.904108      -2.268158      -2.576793      -2.769370      -3.052551      -3.306093      -3.543130      -3.735372      -3.775260      -3.972793      -4.147364      -4.299762      -4.377429      -4.403779      -4.451466      -4.339458      -3.633962     -0.4436902     -0.9306179      -1.363879      -1.780566      -2.164974      -2.482124      -2.743054      -3.029974      -3.296694      -3.546606      -3.731543      -3.799920      -3.997705      -4.175199      -4.326886      -4.384960      -4.411518      -4.451233      -4.328468      -3.633962     -0.3710078     -0.8632587      -1.307701      -1.731061      -2.118782      -2.464800      -2.752167      -3.038990      -3.314365      -3.564094      -3.737597      -3.846902      -4.037272      -4.210586      -4.355111      -4.390874      -4.422289      -4.450433      -4.316278      -3.633962     -0.3831376     -0.8694901      -1.312934      -1.733286  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-3.985263      -4.123673      -4.259799      -4.378913      -4.451283      -4.471125      -4.469120      -4.435082      -4.253656      -3.633962     -0.9648476      -1.361949      -1.736571      -2.101904      -2.455479      -2.796784      -3.109797      -3.391464      -3.643515      -3.875811      -4.071474      -4.197662      -4.316977      -4.415795      -4.479510      -4.494201      -4.477665      -4.426325      -4.234989      -3.633962      -1.201772      -1.572140      -1.924046      -2.271513      -2.615642      -2.945023      -3.241126      -3.509388      -3.757208      -3.979003      -4.153959      -4.271454      -4.371224      -4.453681      -4.508988      -4.515066      -4.483139      -4.414824      -4.215067      -3.633962      -1.476061      -1.816451      -2.147553      -2.476902      -2.801802      -3.104028      -3.388547      -3.648521      -3.880710      -4.074142      -4.236366      -4.339386      -4.421813      -4.493035      -4.537502      -4.532539      -4.485034  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-3.462777      -3.655861      -3.841520      -4.012232      -4.162898      -4.296820      -4.413709      -4.509798      -4.565547      -4.593131      -4.607899      -4.597188      -4.541790      -4.436061      -4.296915      -4.088793      -3.633962      -3.284708      -3.419540      -3.564420      -3.713589      -3.865340      -4.015840      -4.155875      -4.278718      -4.388300      -4.484190      -4.560787      -4.601342      -4.612123      -4.611061      -4.586799      -4.519601      -4.402771      -4.258052      -4.055706      -3.633962      -3.718197      -3.791337      -3.881236      -3.979525      -4.084919      -4.194264      -4.298305      -4.388937      -4.469942      -4.541951      -4.596534      -4.619123      -4.613459      -4.596117      -4.560003      -4.482518      -4.358823      -4.211616      -4.018184      -3.633962      -4.190102      -4.198153      -4.225184      -4.265202      -4.317879      -4.377902      -4.438372      -4.490510      -4.537590      -4.580897  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-4.568306      -4.636679      -4.545204      -3.786466     -0.4610777     -0.9913361      -1.440794      -1.880643      -2.273012      -2.614122      -2.829772      -3.119752      -3.398259      -3.653094      -3.865007      -3.909342      -4.104706      -4.292370      -4.460213      -4.552236      -4.573258      -4.638693      -4.535872      -3.786466     -0.2189128     -0.7749235      -1.267790      -1.724270      -2.141308      -2.494929      -2.788381      -3.097945      -3.387559      -3.654571      -3.860894      -3.932031      -4.132337      -4.322866      -4.491772      -4.563054      -4.584277      -4.640945      -4.525314      -3.786466     -0.1209459     -0.6826488      -1.183989      -1.650244      -2.078024      -2.463752      -2.799154      -3.112694      -3.402739      -3.674318      -3.861940      -3.984396      -4.177634      -4.364061      -4.525702      -4.570096      -4.598656      -4.642858      -4.513404      -3.786466     -0.1222258     -0.6755248      -1.173184  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-3.908652      -4.126371      -4.286819      -4.435801      -4.567067      -4.648467      -4.672426      -4.665950      -4.639453      -4.449825      -3.786466     -0.7317004      -1.188955      -1.617277      -2.024209      -2.422181      -2.796348      -3.142944      -3.460486      -3.750502      -4.003091      -4.220521      -4.374144      -4.505106      -4.613650      -4.684247      -4.702263      -4.680005      -4.633453      -4.430550      -3.786466     -0.9929332      -1.409569      -1.806942      -2.197980      -2.576443      -2.943342      -3.285095      -3.591684      -3.863807      -4.112978      -4.320946      -4.458013      -4.570859      -4.660409      -4.722301      -4.730503      -4.690798      -4.624413      -4.409927      -3.786466      -1.282803      -1.664289      -2.036749      -2.404382      -2.769356      -3.123730      -3.443780      -3.731820      -3.998026      -4.233241      -4.414295      -4.538656      -4.631680      -4.709035      -4.759539      -4.755566  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-3.268596      -3.501034      -3.737514      -3.960446      -4.162700      -4.337430      -4.493450      -4.628597      -4.738605      -4.806537      -4.840561      -4.859696      -4.848563      -4.788407      -4.663271      -4.510777      -4.276792      -3.786466      -3.264214      -3.431335      -3.609728      -3.788170      -3.970870      -4.151356      -4.319853      -4.466620      -4.596392      -4.709663      -4.800313      -4.851480      -4.868721      -4.869070      -4.843001      -4.769279      -4.630256      -4.470628      -4.241405      -3.786466      -3.748667      -3.845108      -3.961260      -4.083648      -4.214624      -4.349361      -4.477124      -4.589500      -4.689106      -4.776375      -4.843842      -4.876321      -4.876459      -4.857945      -4.818201      -4.732933      -4.584498      -4.421324      -4.200990      -3.786466      -4.279078      -4.298617      -4.341965      -4.399144      -4.470944      -4.552183      -4.630842      -4.700977      -4.764166  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-4.692048      -4.723808      -4.807454      -4.728213      -3.928160     -0.2714067     -0.8812725      -1.375796      -1.856557      -2.289080      -2.661509      -2.893216      -3.182886      -3.480055      -3.757124      -3.986561      -4.040091      -4.227496      -4.428193      -4.608648      -4.713632      -4.730356      -4.811732      -4.719740      -3.928160      4.1271993E-03 -0.6283157      -1.176999      -1.683598      -2.140430      -2.516946      -2.831073      -3.152852      -3.469696      -3.759117      -3.983734      -4.060232      -4.259080      -4.461824      -4.645164      -4.728259      -4.744652      -4.816711      -4.709916      -3.928160      0.1280483     -0.5120215      -1.075642      -1.594418      -2.050643      -2.465237      -2.830698      -3.172214      -3.492679      -3.779013      -3.984557      -4.116220      -4.312485      -4.508554      -4.685529      -4.736281      -4.763660      -4.821751      -4.698589      -3.928160      0.1339078     -0.4889709  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-3.733025      -4.023273      -4.263783      -4.441403      -4.603536      -4.745984      -4.836271      -4.860116      -4.854975      -4.832389      -4.635217      -3.928160     -0.4993278      -1.007332      -1.488891      -1.955088      -2.393427      -2.803974      -3.183318      -3.524657      -3.844378      -4.129647      -4.359130      -4.537373      -4.683110      -4.803232      -4.880424      -4.898172      -4.875277      -4.829908      -4.615634      -3.928160     -0.7774596      -1.248041      -1.696679      -2.127705      -2.548395      -2.947139      -3.318805      -3.661462      -3.972373      -4.239690      -4.466816      -4.634772      -4.761171      -4.859291      -4.926649      -4.934225      -4.892242      -4.824140      -4.594618      -3.928160      -1.091576      -1.514992      -1.931524      -2.339825      -2.737872      -3.126444      -3.489968      -3.815939      -4.106045      -4.367900      -4.581686      -4.725995      -4.833788      -4.917420      -4.971774  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-2.981118      -3.256020      -3.529458      -3.800791      -4.065707      -4.303717      -4.506337      -4.683022      -4.835719      -4.958290      -5.037191      -5.082902      -5.104655      -5.093500      -5.026446      -4.887960      -4.719745      -4.456092      -3.928160      -3.226944      -3.424149      -3.639491      -3.853317      -4.071100      -4.282158      -4.475754      -4.647455      -4.798321      -4.927801      -5.029124      -5.090472      -5.119419      -5.123315      -5.093676      -5.010963      -4.856850      -4.679288      -4.418637      -3.928160      -3.763609      -3.882038      -4.023994      -4.176578      -4.336333      -4.497993      -4.648460      -4.783135      -4.902335      -5.004694      -5.081351      -5.123015      -5.132348      -5.120179      -5.073111      -4.974959      -4.811199      -4.628613      -4.375544      -3.928160      -4.351332      -4.383663      -4.444475      -4.521661      -4.615724      -4.718299      -4.817217      -4.905486  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-4.714334      -4.839482      -4.868186      -4.965447      -4.899858      -4.060476     -8.0109604E-02 -0.7526900      -1.303969      -1.835070      -2.300551      -2.707947      -2.966624      -3.249083      -3.558253      -3.851671      -4.101601      -4.165954      -4.343794      -4.554737      -4.746257      -4.865787      -4.876173      -4.972024      -4.892547      -4.060476      0.2315285     -0.4766205      -1.089549      -1.641074      -2.138376      -2.558265      -2.882608      -3.210858      -3.542321      -3.855052      -4.101869      -4.184549      -4.380195      -4.592676      -4.786986      -4.884665      -4.893890      -4.979905      -4.883780      -4.060476      0.3720609     -0.3450913     -0.9699888      -1.538037      -2.046879      -2.481439      -2.865464      -3.224288      -3.569853      -3.883255      -4.102468      -4.243457      -4.440111      -4.644578      -4.833494      -4.894578      -4.918140      -4.988328      -4.873353      -4.060476      0.3915075  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-3.489427      -3.830700      -4.132444      -4.392551      -4.591062      -4.761234      -4.915182      -5.015389      -5.041160      -5.035241      -5.014423      -4.811367      -4.060476     -0.2695509     -0.8279277      -1.356374      -1.872403      -2.367532      -2.818328      -3.224054      -3.599241      -3.935708      -4.243303      -4.496398      -4.690829      -4.853540      -4.982290      -5.067796      -5.086661      -5.062083      -5.015851      -4.791747      -4.060476     -0.5621676      -1.079260      -1.577963      -2.068077      -2.523519      -2.957654      -3.360055      -3.728561      -4.068059      -4.366970      -4.607034      -4.797249      -4.942217      -5.050005      -5.122166      -5.129838      -5.086095      -5.013880      -4.770597      -4.060476     -0.8933820      -1.368618      -1.829728      -2.278969      -2.717089      -3.132925      -3.527158      -3.891804      -4.216307      -4.497546      -4.732137      -4.903820      -5.027713      -5.118054  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-2.630446      -2.917739      -3.222560      -3.537191      -3.859421      -4.157588      -4.431198      -4.667744      -4.868823      -5.035464      -5.168374      -5.257743      -5.316760      -5.343747      -5.331752      -5.256226      -5.108527      -4.921152      -4.628003      -4.060476      -3.182139      -3.406016      -3.650587      -3.905474      -4.163294      -4.408375      -4.628718      -4.823467      -4.995513      -5.139215      -5.249944      -5.321320      -5.360285      -5.370994      -5.339313      -5.245050      -5.080755      -4.880431      -4.588661      -4.060476      -3.766285      -3.908778      -4.077128      -4.259737      -4.451220      -4.640824      -4.816902      -4.972665      -5.111509      -5.227053      -5.312286      -5.362944      -5.381012      -5.373124      -5.323397      -5.212917      -5.036505      -4.828193      -4.543086      -4.060476      -4.409186      -4.454138      -4.535061      -4.635664      -4.753700      -4.879883      -4.999192  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-4.662048      -4.841378      -4.977284      -5.002545      -5.112558      -5.061095      -4.184579      0.1095835     -0.6258488      -1.222145      -1.794293      -2.312896      -2.748019      -3.035691      -3.321455      -3.636758      -3.940928      -4.207345      -4.288970      -4.455131      -4.674469      -4.875586      -5.009038      -5.011595      -5.121542      -5.055193      -4.184579      0.4603085     -0.3111052     -0.9837998      -1.602237      -2.134908      -2.589849      -2.947777      -3.276403      -3.615187      -3.940733      -4.212471      -4.305622      -4.497436      -4.716071      -4.920145      -5.032594      -5.033371      -5.132476      -5.047706      -4.184579      0.6190747     -0.1677970     -0.8669563      -1.482960      -2.034508      -2.513410      -2.913847      -3.280802      -3.639666      -3.974584      -4.218692      -4.369337      -4.563711      -4.774952      -4.971434      -5.045091      -5.063027      -5.144495      -5.038422      -4.184579  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-3.165491      -3.569642      -3.923560      -4.243440      -4.515872      -4.738831      -4.916837      -5.076931      -5.185252      -5.216020      -5.205716      -5.187694      -4.979012      -4.184579     -4.3237742E-02 -0.6489983      -1.227728      -1.789211      -2.325213      -2.829204      -3.273625      -3.670390      -4.033215      -4.353597      -4.627244      -4.841232      -5.016491      -5.155897      -5.247431      -5.268095      -5.239606      -5.193547      -4.959660      -4.184579     -0.3505378     -0.9111438      -1.455635      -1.994467      -2.503938      -2.971898      -3.403400      -3.802312      -4.161711      -4.484395      -4.745709      -4.951934      -5.119582      -5.233815      -5.310563      -5.318638      -5.270212      -5.195732      -4.938742      -4.184579     -0.6986581      -1.216571      -1.726374      -2.226499      -2.695682      -3.149005      -3.568105      -3.961650      -4.318564      -4.624876      -4.873098      -5.071924      -5.215581  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-4.184579      -2.537944      -2.853031      -3.186057      -3.533045      -3.891274      -4.241603      -4.546484      -4.818290      -5.047031      -5.229568      -5.372184      -5.473978      -5.545598      -5.574007      -5.560664      -5.480915      -5.324185      -5.115568      -4.793979      -4.184579      -3.119896      -3.376178      -3.656133      -3.945549      -4.243364      -4.527729      -4.777998      -4.997668      -5.187304      -5.344692      -5.464753      -5.547962      -5.599881      -5.609375      -5.575253      -5.476488      -5.299964      -5.074757      -4.753036      -4.184579      -3.756781      -3.924355      -4.123384      -4.336843      -4.560046      -4.779331      -4.978247      -5.158191      -5.314853      -5.443664      -5.537405      -5.598678      -5.629858      -5.618762      -5.564407      -5.448074      -5.257074      -5.021383      -4.705455      -4.184579      -4.455326      -4.514770      -4.616079      -4.740651      -4.885787      -5.034039  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-4.575021      -4.776843      -4.961401      -5.106145      -5.128645      -5.249497      -5.212214      -4.301429      0.2861437     -0.5174520      -1.153114      -1.746024      -2.298175      -2.786500      -3.100583      -3.389160      -3.717561      -4.028112      -4.306096      -4.407363      -4.561538      -4.788929      -4.998372      -5.142968      -5.139293      -5.260752      -5.207798      -4.301429      0.6815945     -0.1528301     -0.8702232      -1.529234      -2.128292      -2.619178      -3.003083      -3.351633      -3.691304      -4.024407      -4.312422      -4.424931      -4.610549      -4.834907      -5.047370      -5.170381      -5.165295      -5.274773      -5.201706      -4.301429      0.8641102      1.4884136E-02 -0.7380236      -1.425745      -2.021856      -2.534532      -2.973102      -3.347306      -3.710933      -4.057189      -4.326519      -4.493357      -4.684525      -4.899998      -5.103673      -5.185123      -5.200428      -5.290359      -5.193679  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-2.675991      -3.183578      -3.640042      -4.020739      -4.352779      -4.636871      -4.877321      -5.070332      -5.234402      -5.347512      -5.377211      -5.369981      -5.351209      -5.137128      -4.301429      0.1795060     -0.4762522      -1.102042      -1.709640      -2.279679      -2.821206      -3.318016      -3.747330      -4.127607      -4.465404      -4.751309      -4.991469      -5.175651      -5.324789      -5.416796      -5.437322      -5.410364      -5.361727      -5.118155      -4.301429     -0.1422063     -0.7469509      -1.337822      -1.918184      -2.469691      -2.988941      -3.450432      -3.874691      -4.257576      -4.595342      -4.879012      -5.106031      -5.286561      -5.411412      -5.487778      -5.496973      -5.447354      -5.368397      -5.097540      -4.301429     -0.5067035      -1.067352      -1.618550      -2.166025      -2.685015      -3.162886      -3.617293      -4.032732      -4.413402      -4.746818      -5.010913      -5.230985  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-4.988791      -4.301429      -2.436678      -2.784270      -3.148748      -3.527139      -3.915898      -4.298334      -4.656697      -4.957491      -5.213971      -5.416025      -5.570807      -5.688259      -5.767081      -5.797273      -5.781841      -5.696905      -5.532813      -5.306234      -4.951778      -4.301429      -3.053464      -3.333579      -3.646358      -3.981216      -4.313188      -4.632554      -4.919761      -5.165782      -5.374687      -5.544571      -5.674409      -5.771453      -5.831002      -5.840624      -5.803555      -5.698068      -5.511907      -5.267428      -4.909355      -4.301429      -3.736137      -3.930059      -4.159910      -4.408800      -4.666632      -4.910941      -5.135489      -5.338221      -5.514772      -5.655905      -5.758766      -5.831998      -5.869231      -5.856860      -5.798695      -5.674291      -5.470694      -5.214722      -4.860235      -4.301429      -4.492417      -4.564755      -4.688394      -4.839131      -5.012852  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-4.590122      -4.677713      -4.885863      -5.075232      -5.228414      -5.247344      -5.377904      -5.355608      -4.411827      0.4462812     -0.4234780      -1.120601      -1.716255      -2.282228      -2.797090      -3.164855      -3.453550      -3.795344      -4.114521      -4.401105      -4.521165      -4.663844      -4.898144      -5.114835      -5.270108      -5.259373      -5.391559      -5.353034      -4.411827      0.8922879     -1.5396559E-02 -0.7740425      -1.457036      -2.088715      -2.642977      -3.055537      -3.417910      -3.773180      -4.107833      -4.406567      -4.538452      -4.719655      -4.949069      -5.168910      -5.302455      -5.289627      -5.408846      -5.348733      -4.411827       1.098149      0.1880774     -0.6100532      -1.339855      -2.001661      -2.552342      -3.020509      -3.422808      -3.787141      -4.138577      -4.425011      -4.616283      -4.802823      -5.020615      -5.231836      -5.320501      -5.330530      -5.428118  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-2.092893      -2.664301      -3.199976      -3.688252      -4.112509      -4.461092      -4.758862      -5.014771      -5.217392      -5.385284      -5.505123      -5.535744      -5.527389      -5.507180      -5.290442      -4.411827      0.3975324     -0.3072925     -0.9846812      -1.633537      -2.236787      -2.808846      -3.342262      -3.819329      -4.222126      -4.574596      -4.872417      -5.134626      -5.329214      -5.482845      -5.582578      -5.603562      -5.574939      -5.522858      -5.272290      -4.411827      6.7040510E-02 -0.5887781      -1.222864      -1.845216      -2.429906      -2.990445      -3.500358      -3.947138      -4.352839      -4.703129      -5.004836      -5.259582      -5.444061      -5.581691      -5.664184      -5.669144      -5.619827      -5.534910      -5.252481      -4.411827     -0.3164900     -0.9219131      -1.513329      -2.098325      -2.662797      -3.188205      -3.662127      -4.110345      -4.505343      -4.858431      -5.150108  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-5.519386      -5.145255      -4.411827      -2.334865      -2.708711      -3.105139      -3.522240      -3.939482      -4.349016      -4.738227      -5.088508      -5.369797      -5.595796      -5.764710      -5.896308      -5.977103      -6.013002      -5.995022      -5.911398      -5.739841      -5.493425      -5.107679      -4.411827      -2.985241      -3.288274      -3.627131      -3.996632      -4.380157      -4.728570      -5.050126      -5.327688      -5.558433      -5.739239      -5.879553      -5.991216      -6.049768      -6.066170      -6.025237      -5.919623      -5.724678      -5.455423      -5.063605      -4.411827      -3.711943      -3.924901      -4.187202      -4.474525      -4.768908      -5.043149      -5.295057      -5.517183      -5.710109      -5.862513      -5.974533      -6.062542      -6.098182      -6.092644      -6.028225      -5.900459      -5.687191      -5.401812      -5.012327      -4.411827      -4.517087      -4.605618      -4.752907      -4.934244  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-4.529627      -4.701198      -4.775519      -4.989682      -5.182783      -5.344470      -5.359305      -5.499007      -5.491121      -4.516449      0.5990795     -0.3412201      -1.084885      -1.723659      -2.283502      -2.807587      -3.210714      -3.516870      -3.868277      -4.199856      -4.494059      -4.631639      -4.761150      -5.001864      -5.222783      -5.391876      -5.372414      -5.515431      -5.490597      -4.516449       1.092819      0.1136636     -0.7125678      -1.406941      -2.050239      -2.635315      -3.106730      -3.482173      -3.849540      -4.192532      -4.499258      -4.646819      -4.826222      -5.057798      -5.280213      -5.430206      -5.407434      -5.535789      -5.488326      -4.516449       1.329727      0.3430319     -0.4983551      -1.255298      -1.951513      -2.563922      -3.065124      -3.487034      -3.871549      -4.221201      -4.520314      -4.732606      -4.919185      -5.135518      -5.348527      -5.452897      -5.454248  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-1.404155      -2.069788      -2.665565      -3.217709      -3.729902      -4.187225      -4.569165      -4.875719      -5.149623      -5.358381      -5.528710      -5.653007      -5.694211      -5.680284      -5.658605      -5.438048      -4.516449      0.6171332     -0.1420909     -0.8691900      -1.567147      -2.201213      -2.799031      -3.359234      -3.873710      -4.315372      -4.679285      -4.995837      -5.269056      -5.478814      -5.633160      -5.741253      -5.768911      -5.736108      -5.679568      -5.421125      -4.516449      0.2722601     -0.4359966      -1.114030      -1.772893      -2.393001      -2.982768      -3.535357      -4.024971      -4.441576      -4.815901      -5.126145      -5.398900      -5.596549      -5.741910      -5.830153      -5.841447      -5.788898      -5.696756      -5.402475      -4.516449     -0.1287270     -0.7787665      -1.411342      -2.033123      -2.630626      -3.201461      -3.716290      -4.179547      -4.602253      -4.966481  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-5.936954      -5.699028      -5.297752      -4.516449      -2.232970      -2.632196      -3.057642      -3.508063      -3.964054      -4.400320      -4.818223      -5.197204      -5.519461      -5.764152      -5.952340      -6.095025      -6.180787      -6.221584      -6.207285      -6.116412      -5.945455      -5.676154      -5.259895      -4.516449      -2.916899      -3.241436      -3.606768      -4.006945      -4.423398      -4.824224      -5.175726      -5.482065      -5.732593      -5.931011      -6.081480      -6.201116      -6.265353      -6.285183      -6.245553      -6.132273      -5.933627      -5.640750      -5.214765      -4.516449      -3.682616      -3.916879      -4.206568      -4.533306      -4.865245      -5.174565      -5.453451      -5.695677      -5.899816      -6.066570      -6.192143      -6.285931      -6.325799      -6.318966      -6.255619      -6.120512      -5.897433      -5.588626      -5.162167      -4.516449      -4.535155      -4.640938      -4.812483  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-4.372825      -4.623823      -4.807369      -4.869285      -5.088797      -5.285036      -5.454541      -5.463764      -5.613789      -5.618102      -4.615869      0.7464703     -0.2628731      -1.058174      -1.724035      -2.318609      -2.830248      -3.253551      -3.571221      -3.938513      -4.278594      -4.586088      -4.739506      -4.854455      -5.101975      -5.325178      -5.508244      -5.478276      -5.632369      -5.619384      -4.615869       1.285221      0.2352625     -0.6440812      -1.395197      -2.032631      -2.626687      -3.130707      -3.545120      -3.921477      -4.276477      -4.592113      -4.752095      -4.928588      -5.163074      -5.384763      -5.553374      -5.517557      -5.656305      -5.618751      -4.615869       1.551104      0.4928509     -0.4151241      -1.190371      -1.901025      -2.545621      -3.107759      -3.548286      -3.947180      -4.306116      -4.615654      -4.841983      -5.032820      -5.248479      -5.456776      -5.581283  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-0.5597022      -1.335251      -2.039019      -2.680455      -3.244084      -3.770632      -4.248814      -4.664958      -4.991609      -5.277799      -5.493356      -5.672917      -5.790784      -5.850311      -5.829610      -5.802764      -5.574004      -4.615869      0.8359564      2.0399177E-02 -0.7571803      -1.498627      -2.178770      -2.795068      -3.376613      -3.915065      -4.394327      -4.787407      -5.110076      -5.396757      -5.617736      -5.784865      -5.888087      -5.933103      -5.893213      -5.828823      -5.557770      -4.615869      0.4734280     -0.2842633      -1.009934      -1.708405      -2.358379      -2.976985      -3.555887      -4.088123      -4.534585      -4.919650      -5.244141      -5.532347      -5.746181      -5.898665      -5.987939      -6.014095      -5.953198      -5.851350      -5.539897      -4.615869      5.6250270E-02 -0.6348671      -1.312689      -1.970552      -2.599956      -3.202474      -3.762093      -4.253114      -4.690148 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-6.283130      -6.127413      -5.872948      -5.437500      -4.615869      -2.132124      -2.557508      -3.010737      -3.490388      -3.979356      -4.454184      -4.897223      -5.300508      -5.653905      -5.926867      -6.137790      -6.287160      -6.383407      -6.426081      -6.407340      -6.324963      -6.141285      -5.853428      -5.399566      -4.615869      -2.841729      -3.195386      -3.587342      -4.016134      -4.460466      -4.899111      -5.296391      -5.626292      -5.903174      -6.116849      -6.284981      -6.403795      -6.477982      -6.494644      -6.456149      -6.345743      -6.135892      -5.819994      -5.353884      -4.615869      -3.641021      -3.904753      -4.224333      -4.584155      -4.954947      -5.302046      -5.609499      -5.870426      -6.089125      -6.267525      -6.407257      -6.497788      -6.547011      -6.537814      -6.476014      -6.336686      -6.104538      -5.768016      -5.300004      -4.615869      -4.548491      -4.671092  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-4.169199      -4.455994      -4.713657      -4.909030      -4.959225      -5.183602      -5.384263      -5.558952      -5.563483      -5.722682      -5.740552      -4.710580      0.8962898     -0.1837406      -1.036345      -1.731969      -2.343791      -2.877612      -3.302057      -3.620061      -4.006135      -4.353291      -4.675242      -4.845252      -4.944036      -5.198622      -5.428968      -5.618865      -5.578835      -5.744090      -5.744256      -4.710580       1.472339      0.3600311     -0.5832555      -1.371397      -2.054868      -2.632956      -3.151556      -3.594513      -3.991155      -4.353201      -4.685441      -4.855248      -5.026729      -5.266806      -5.493876      -5.670222      -5.623369      -5.771765      -5.746066      -4.710580       1.768154      0.6398578     -0.3260144      -1.160335      -1.868734      -2.525091      -3.119870      -3.606946      -4.017369      -4.391530      -4.710972      -4.948046      -5.140187      -5.360137      -5.572030  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0.4326083     -0.4419555      -1.265673      -2.009639      -2.680826      -3.284577      -3.814422      -4.308793      -4.744893      -5.104397      -5.398353      -5.623557      -5.815094      -5.936121      -5.995148      -5.972405      -5.943071      -5.711239      -4.710580       1.054067      0.1757178     -0.6464664      -1.431909      -2.150472      -2.804082      -3.396872      -3.953672      -4.456736      -4.885544      -5.224740      -5.523264      -5.751301      -5.934940      -6.039842      -6.084513      -6.043096      -5.974752      -5.696611      -4.710580      0.6717631     -0.1345796     -0.9068133      -1.650029      -2.332541      -2.971398      -3.574785      -4.131650      -4.618778      -5.021198      -5.365044      -5.655602      -5.886654      -6.053326      -6.147843      -6.171452      -6.110279      -6.002843      -5.680394      -4.710580      0.2355926     -0.4966138      -1.219162      -1.911344      -2.572316      -3.200963      -3.794102      -4.325401  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-6.534957      -6.466523      -6.311944      -6.044756      -5.582492      -4.710580      -2.031311      -2.484776      -2.966044      -3.472105      -3.989622      -4.502697      -4.975948      -5.401182      -5.775611      -6.083364      -6.309616      -6.469091      -6.572001      -6.624075      -6.607684      -6.515864      -6.331869      -6.029691      -5.544580      -4.710580      -2.767385      -3.142933      -3.569401      -4.024986      -4.496610      -4.966468      -5.400929      -5.767139      -6.062346      -6.297618      -6.475640      -6.597055      -6.673676      -6.705732      -6.663830      -6.545000      -6.330887      -5.999881      -5.498497      -4.710580      -3.596471      -3.880845      -4.238286      -4.632930      -5.038040      -5.425404      -5.759881      -6.044165      -6.275495      -6.464313      -6.608998      -6.702984      -6.752117      -6.757366      -6.692353      -6.544472      -6.302901      -5.950382      -5.442657      -4.710580      -4.555386  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-3.914077      -4.242075      -4.535917      -4.799850      -5.006114      -5.045171      -5.274086      -5.479475      -5.658453      -5.659554      -5.824568      -5.857088      -4.801008       1.037318     -0.1025379      -1.012386      -1.744115      -2.373918      -2.923953      -3.363775      -3.670660      -4.063783      -4.425883      -4.759324      -4.948889      -5.030119      -5.289858      -5.527997      -5.724450      -5.676204      -5.847865      -5.863317      -4.801008       1.659363      0.4950861     -0.5252630      -1.355565      -2.061872      -2.669534      -3.179382      -3.634665      -4.059300      -4.427789      -4.775941      -4.955615      -5.122148      -5.365958      -5.599897      -5.781835      -5.727211      -5.878493      -5.867729      -4.801008       1.979689      0.7981805     -0.2459907      -1.117751      -1.875016      -2.517671      -3.125504      -3.651637      -4.085678      -4.469940      -4.806536      -5.050466      -5.244028      -5.467411  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5.5409934E-02  1.6648762E-02 -2.0712985E-02 -5.8328316E-02 -9.4334103E-02 -0.1329299     -0.1732084     -0.2125451     -0.2521687     -0.2909710     -0.3290351     -0.3680328     -0.4080648     -0.4466438     -0.4746315      -3.430635      0.1590987      0.1329800      0.1005876      5.6302894E-02  1.2075417E-02 -3.1224130E-02 -7.2267517E-02 -0.1127601     -0.1513023     -0.1919526     -0.2335923     -0.2735358     -0.3130419     -0.3503305     -0.3862805     -0.4220686     -0.4582781     -0.4905573     -0.5107361      -3.430635      0.1300907      9.7220063E-02  5.7408266E-02  1.0409703E-02 -3.7185181E-02 -8.2191177E-02 -0.1273749     -0.1699156     -0.2108951     -0.2532494     -0.2951947     -0.3359835     -0.3745772     -0.4103240     -0.4442350     -0.4772449     -0.5093353     -0.5348149     -0.5470176      -3.430635      8.5090473E-02  4.7880650E-02  3.9876956E-03 -4.6666909E-02 -9.4326243E-02 -0.1428260     -0.1895408     -0.2343441     -0.2772157     -0.3204440     -0.3631884  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-0.7796947     -0.7599903      -3.430635     -0.2153405     -0.2567087     -0.3022750     -0.3511965     -0.4002835     -0.4500088     -0.4989924     -0.5464666     -0.5936165     -0.6397020     -0.6826072     -0.7234088     -0.7610525     -0.7930700     -0.8218925     -0.8465902     -0.8584199     -0.8506804     -0.8222461      -3.430635     -0.3162002     -0.3560638     -0.3996883     -0.4456267     -0.4927148     -0.5401210     -0.5886250     -0.6366792     -0.6838160     -0.7285141     -0.7716367     -0.8123553     -0.8492215     -0.8828061     -0.9102737     -0.9323075     -0.9375962     -0.9242424     -0.8862787      -3.430635     -0.4288969     -0.4648968     -0.5048653     -0.5474185     -0.5909014     -0.6374222     -0.6860142     -0.7334121     -0.7778596     -0.8221558     -0.8657554     -0.9058097     -0.9420727     -0.9752271      -1.002100      -1.019082      -1.017552     -0.9977729     -0.9496223      -3.430635     -0.5529679     -0.5847569     -0.6198790     -0.6592233 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-1.358640      -1.393205      -1.421456      -1.436031      -1.434376      -1.418920      -1.386025      -1.324396      -1.225322      -3.430635      -1.269738      -1.280441      -1.298106      -1.319226      -1.342158      -1.373092      -1.409411      -1.443265      -1.475706      -1.505198      -1.535663      -1.561877      -1.578118      -1.583363      -1.573464      -1.547040      -1.497370      -1.419594      -1.303908      -3.430635      -1.567322      -1.569696      -1.581339      -1.596940      -1.616425      -1.638683      -1.662924      -1.687672      -1.713024      -1.734593      -1.752263      -1.765353      -1.769995      -1.763987      -1.743158      -1.697805      -1.630391      -1.531353      -1.398277      -3.430635      -1.980742      -1.972403      -1.967287      -1.968016      -1.976984      -1.987352      -2.002502      -2.014887      -2.024200      -2.032849      -2.038295      -2.039412      -2.030109      -2.005220      -1.961680      -1.895275      -1.801725  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0.3636900      0.3145979      0.2583868      0.2020186      0.1466925      9.2664592E-02  3.9013527E-02 -1.5394985E-02 -7.0244201E-02 -0.1243231     -0.1762117     -0.2249749     -0.2708197     -0.3143110     -0.3538050     -0.3858346      -5.999882      0.5204871      0.4675416      0.4109166      0.3538776      0.2910634      0.2238363      0.1579875      9.3860865E-02  3.1514440E-02 -2.9537329E-02 -8.9179888E-02 -0.1480642     -0.2025504     -0.2524304     -0.2968566     -0.3355382     -0.3698342     -0.3972269     -0.4137379      -5.999882      0.5118739      0.4510964      0.3858297      0.3170592      0.2442093      0.1682860      9.4567254E-02  2.3145860E-02 -4.7297813E-02 -0.1145510     -0.1797291     -0.2412822     -0.2966915     -0.3448426     -0.3853647     -0.4178050     -0.4434123     -0.4597340     -0.4607711      -5.999882      0.4783660      0.4121401      0.3377129      0.2602008      0.1797697      9.8016918E-02  1.7852806E-02 -6.0515635E-02 -0.1369329     -0.2099704  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-0.8314970     -0.8079196     -0.7485164      -5.999882      0.1248845      5.1445637E-02 -3.0955311E-02 -0.1193918     -0.2116192     -0.3050624     -0.3972933     -0.4881508     -0.5763508     -0.6600209     -0.7371899     -0.8055935     -0.8638175     -0.9097221     -0.9423862     -0.9575271     -0.9512494     -0.9184397     -0.8444483      -5.999882     -1.3422887E-02 -8.5459217E-02 -0.1670024     -0.2540937     -0.3442876     -0.4353370     -0.5259561     -0.6150464     -0.7028420     -0.7874761     -0.8659034     -0.9350769     -0.9932042      -1.041321      -1.075780      -1.089775      -1.081141      -1.037798     -0.9496506      -5.999882     -0.1753369     -0.2441767     -0.3205522     -0.4029255     -0.4895585     -0.5772136     -0.6644375     -0.7506949     -0.8370950     -0.9215479     -0.9992033      -1.068229      -1.127885      -1.178218      -1.213867      -1.227262      -1.216571      -1.162510      -1.059979      -5.999882     -0.3616944     -0.4229455     -0.4917689 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-1.582685      -1.655262      -1.721815      -1.784864      -1.840643      -1.878994      -1.878590      -1.830402      -1.730827      -1.561209      -5.999882      -1.398561      -1.419102      -1.446829      -1.484785      -1.529389      -1.580800      -1.636125      -1.695361      -1.759570      -1.824521      -1.889755      -1.952400      -2.012722      -2.066415      -2.092977      -2.077177      -2.016494      -1.897054      -1.704759      -5.999882      -1.785980      -1.791917      -1.809498      -1.834700      -1.872052      -1.916812      -1.965581      -2.016432      -2.070026      -2.125209      -2.184655      -2.242921      -2.292171      -2.328031      -2.336371      -2.304514      -2.223171      -2.077778      -1.856673      -5.999882      -2.311205      -2.303711      -2.308055      -2.321108      -2.343417      -2.370100      -2.403329      -2.444247      -2.489708      -2.535166      -2.578290      -2.617137      -2.643228      -2.657604      -2.649714      -2.593400  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0.7098908      0.6407640      0.5707724      0.4968943      0.4196922      0.3455177      0.2751368      0.2060762      0.1401833      7.6496936E-02  1.4912910E-02 -4.3466557E-02 -9.9264786E-02 -0.1490566     -0.1925541     -0.2298414     -0.2585971      -8.816086      0.9125856      0.8363724      0.7523589      0.6631645      0.5739832      0.4821724      0.3893672      0.3013408      0.2174415      0.1383800      6.6087581E-02 -1.7202382E-03 -6.4283669E-02 -0.1197829     -0.1673570     -0.2038071     -0.2299277     -0.2457548     -0.2490997      -8.816086      0.9321427      0.8430225      0.7423164      0.6375378      0.5324277      0.4244767      0.3200572      0.2206438      0.1252397      3.7033662E-02 -4.3265313E-02 -0.1169666     -0.1809229     -0.2350131     -0.2753816     -0.3002029     -0.3101916     -0.3057822     -0.2845839      -8.816086      0.9085444      0.8088374      0.6976167      0.5804512      0.4608113      0.3435105      0.2293842      0.1185052      1.4630298E-02 -8.1138954E-02 -0.1696852     -0.2496700     -0.3172983     -0.3710265     -0.4058233     -0.4206023     -0.4157329     -0.3920165     -0.3467251      -8.816086      0.8481779      0.7425032      0.6241420      0.4973665      0.3709155      0.2464977      0.1224174      4.3380209E-03 -0.1067094     -0.2102937     -0.3072553     -0.3927138     -0.4652311     -0.5196958     -0.5504758     -0.5567913     -0.5387601     -0.4966077     -0.4276646      -8.816086      0.7589426      0.6480786      0.5240183      0.3942757      0.2638860      0.1331701      5.1574996E-03 -0.1193528     -0.2369120     -0.3482140     -0.4510875     -0.5433127     -0.6210577     -0.6764858     -0.7051467     -0.7051532     -0.6759689     -0.6162782     -0.5240839      -8.816086      0.6397494      0.5267046      0.4015160      0.2707239      0.1377017      5.9375572E-03 -0.1253062     -0.2532127     -0.3768367     -0.4949638     -0.6036966     -0.7026922     -0.7857454     -0.8440578     -0.8737929  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-0.2089286     -0.3098920     -0.4224629     -0.5394549     -0.6592065     -0.7799554     -0.9009585      -1.026663      -1.151031      -1.269833      -1.381438      -1.480369      -1.558492      -1.610457      -1.619492      -1.569280      -1.449262      -1.247483      -8.816086     -0.3836800     -0.4609454     -0.5503260     -0.6522590     -0.7596777     -0.8714178     -0.9870437      -1.103459      -1.221387      -1.340343      -1.455974      -1.566335      -1.667943      -1.753510      -1.811551      -1.825740      -1.778290      -1.644733      -1.421981      -8.816086     -0.6809903     -0.7445675     -0.8217043     -0.9117728      -1.009686      -1.113494      -1.221211      -1.327626      -1.436553      -1.547563      -1.658365      -1.767436      -1.873706      -1.963927      -2.026597      -2.046220      -1.999768      -1.852079      -1.608414      -8.816086      -1.021425      -1.070482      -1.135795      -1.214668      -1.300234      -1.390311      -1.486442      -1.581035 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-3.248322      -3.221861      -3.100897      -2.856533      -2.486187      -8.816086      -3.489842      -3.450156      -3.422420      -3.419721      -3.426932      -3.445843      -3.482535      -3.522163      -3.563803      -3.609349      -3.663803      -3.717503      -3.767718      -3.804785      -3.808666      -3.737199      -3.558543      -3.249434      -2.825338      -8.816086      -5.196366      -5.109946      -5.031345      -4.979995      -4.939489      -4.913580      -4.900167      -4.901894      -4.906328      -4.913668      -4.928018      -4.942605      -4.945654      -4.918545      -4.834326      -4.650404      -4.344542      -3.933878      -3.453727      -8.816086      -16.94340      -16.67543      -16.38560      -16.07470      -15.74345      -15.39266      -15.02309      -14.63554      -14.23073      -13.80939      -13.37215      -12.91972      -12.45260      -11.97145      -11.47670      -10.96893      -10.44854      -9.916014      -9.371727      -8.816086       1.131704  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0.2993219      0.1603366      3.0612931E-02 -8.5752971E-02 -0.1834862     -0.2597595     -0.3111581     -0.3367879     -0.3338926     -0.3031569     -0.2467940     -0.1656777      -11.84672       1.301845       1.159636      0.9981793      0.8300914      0.6604497      0.4895122      0.3223156      0.1641013      1.4244778E-02 -0.1271473     -0.2541560     -0.3620199     -0.4461744     -0.4995628     -0.5214011     -0.5059879     -0.4546160     -0.3705775     -0.2555883      -11.84672       1.202007       1.053304      0.8851097      0.7085319      0.5315161      0.3560109      0.1849168      1.9384587E-02 -0.1412373     -0.2916906     -0.4278676     -0.5471826     -0.6404511     -0.7004232     -0.7214009     -0.6969253     -0.6279916     -0.5180231     -0.3697989      -11.84672       1.060677      0.9102872      0.7398651      0.5610210      0.3828895      0.2082140      3.4771048E-02 -0.1364933     -0.3021860     -0.4609293     -0.6081071     -0.7375497     -0.8408910     -0.9107417  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0.1544402      3.5679858E-02 -0.1016280     -0.2496398     -0.4026999     -0.5602299     -0.7167086     -0.8751744      -1.039768      -1.205659      -1.369805      -1.527464      -1.668283      -1.781191      -1.852009      -1.858502      -1.771605      -1.576984      -1.276439      -11.84672     -0.1584815     -0.2609474     -0.3840151     -0.5193176     -0.6613873     -0.8083072     -0.9554106      -1.105920      -1.262481      -1.422984      -1.583603      -1.739410      -1.884843      -2.008138      -2.090762      -2.114575      -2.036597      -1.833643      -1.505311      -11.84672     -0.5138456     -0.5985204     -0.7053757     -0.8256984     -0.9524454      -1.087927      -1.225141      -1.364641      -1.510643      -1.661480      -1.814860      -1.969224      -2.116666      -2.246795      -2.343340      -2.381636      -2.314988      -2.103878      -1.747848      -11.84672     -0.9212860     -0.9849702      -1.072425      -1.177807      -1.289911      -1.409183      -1.531911  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-3.670304      -3.767519      -3.793282      -3.688489      -3.388554      -2.890105      -11.84672      -3.791189      -3.742508      -3.717257      -3.720155      -3.738513      -3.766540      -3.799592      -3.843424      -3.906816      -3.979610      -4.062391      -4.149681      -4.252369      -4.344338      -4.403799      -4.401441      -4.238289      -3.871418      -3.303056      -11.84672      -5.751137      -5.636965      -5.542649      -5.472627      -5.424417      -5.396081      -5.379275      -5.370123      -5.377609      -5.402231      -5.447708      -5.496130      -5.548056      -5.600507      -5.612705      -5.510674      -5.210908      -4.696119      -4.046009      -11.84672      -22.75808      -22.41967      -22.04742      -21.64282      -21.20733      -20.74253      -20.24994      -19.73091      -19.18683      -18.61897      -18.02842      -17.41630      -16.78361      -16.13120      -15.45998      -14.77072      -14.06411      -13.34084      -12.60152      -11.84672  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0.6893827      0.4982618      0.3134427      0.1424240     -4.5716795E-03 -0.1248819     -0.2123387     -0.2633107     -0.2761593     -0.2518025     -0.1919300     -0.1008503      1.7713916E-02  -15.06665       1.757031       1.582083       1.382096       1.176248      0.9680452      0.7579941      0.5482630      0.3411462      0.1422497     -3.9528191E-02 -0.2014772     -0.3361917     -0.4340912     -0.4900002     -0.4968413     -0.4556791     -0.3667462     -0.2372952     -7.3404662E-02  -15.06665       1.652285       1.467578       1.257754       1.041728      0.8257571      0.6076813      0.3886583      0.1727284     -3.4685954E-02 -0.2283947     -0.4041003     -0.5531548     -0.6661083     -0.7324635     -0.7411012     -0.6885986     -0.5754750     -0.4098372     -0.2014801      -15.06665       1.495246       1.307824       1.095759      0.8778265      0.6566299      0.4363708      0.2147204     -3.3910484E-03 -0.2150765     -0.4195833     -0.6079558     -0.7705410     -0.9009144  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-15.06665      0.4528140      0.3041648      0.1294041     -5.5710342E-02 -0.2464020     -0.4371398     -0.6303436     -0.8284192      -1.032377      -1.239156      -1.445540      -1.644124      -1.828956      -1.981429      -2.080900      -2.088634      -1.960841      -1.679158      -1.268983      -15.06665      9.2370734E-02 -3.7180725E-02 -0.1950127     -0.3644526     -0.5394437     -0.7161139     -0.8976256      -1.087242      -1.281956      -1.479328      -1.679875      -1.879245      -2.067250      -2.234472      -2.354211      -2.390722      -2.284428      -1.997860      -1.551570      -15.06665     -0.3180999     -0.4250722     -0.5618655     -0.7131114     -0.8713768      -1.033376      -1.201710      -1.377959      -1.559357      -1.745771      -1.937714      -2.131822      -2.321045      -2.497474      -2.633046      -2.698341      -2.615484      -2.326759      -1.845250      -15.06665     -0.7862668     -0.8692788     -0.9827496      -1.115208      -1.255838      -1.399570  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-3.866431      -4.040331      -4.208711      -4.311331      -4.242006      -3.891037      -3.245874      -15.06665      -4.058538      -3.992399      -3.958400      -3.966391      -3.991672      -4.018816      -4.061531      -4.121130      -4.191652      -4.280348      -4.394520      -4.516458      -4.650605      -4.801078      -4.934081      -4.993225      -4.882962      -4.461485      -3.739106      -15.06665      -6.226552      -6.089877      -5.973019      -5.901381      -5.849247      -5.806671      -5.779997      -5.781719      -5.799606      -5.832169      -5.885207      -5.956929      -6.051525      -6.149862      -6.247922      -6.256979      -6.019108      -5.427055      -4.597485      -15.06665      -28.97844      -28.56824      -28.10974      -27.60548      -27.05813      -26.47030      -25.84443      -25.18284      -24.48764      -23.76077      -23.00397      -22.21881      -21.40677      -20.56915      -19.70716      -18.82189      -17.91432      -16.98537      -16.03589  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1.172249      0.9387509      0.7062412      0.4833471      0.2760391      9.3334362E-02 -5.2374743E-02 -0.1540275     -0.2056450     -0.2036929     -0.1519783     -5.8902197E-02  6.9746241E-02  0.2276259      -18.45619       2.208529       2.001214       1.767026       1.527766       1.284395       1.035269      0.7828826      0.5327607      0.2914538      6.5304048E-02 -0.1364848     -0.3011108     -0.4209962     -0.4795436     -0.4720096     -0.3974845     -0.2668553     -8.8746056E-02  0.1262919      -18.45619       2.101972       1.882290       1.635952       1.383734       1.129535      0.8703527      0.6079376      0.3480767      9.2498004E-02 -0.1495112     -0.3654023     -0.5509707     -0.6925482     -0.7683206     -0.7645973     -0.6770954     -0.5147263     -0.2898779     -1.8530048E-02  -18.45619       1.933581       1.711430       1.460307       1.202980      0.9427825      0.6821821      0.4174613      0.1516686     -0.1104495     -0.3603029     -0.5918549     -0.7961240   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-0.9386996      -18.45619      0.7701578      0.5901512      0.3770222      0.1538036     -7.1637183E-02 -0.2986017     -0.5337185     -0.7712865      -1.012936      -1.254798      -1.499162      -1.734742      -1.958849      -2.158784      -2.297507      -2.315289      -2.141973      -1.768174      -1.238986      -18.45619      0.3623240      0.2036832      1.0972285E-02 -0.1946098     -0.4043939     -0.6143035     -0.8329644      -1.055783      -1.285524      -1.519348      -1.752566      -1.983718      -2.212189      -2.426703      -2.593315      -2.652216      -2.514639      -2.134947      -1.561306      -18.45619     -0.1006682     -0.2358877     -0.4053368     -0.5893882     -0.7772883     -0.9680906      -1.167571      -1.374707      -1.590832      -1.809871      -2.031332      -2.257803      -2.484117      -2.706703      -2.896625      -2.995773      -2.902323      -2.527783      -1.911734      -18.45619     -0.6337510     -0.7380263     -0.8781390      -1.037448      -1.201448 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-3.956916      -4.145839      -4.348720      -4.568439      -4.757332      -4.764991      -4.367215      -3.567014      -18.45619      -4.242103      -4.175065      -4.149671      -4.155791      -4.178466      -4.217100      -4.269967      -4.342260      -4.433223      -4.540646      -4.667738      -4.817502      -4.987226      -5.170049      -5.365087      -5.515636      -5.480755      -5.019522      -4.136174      -18.45619      -6.597899      -6.438999      -6.320014      -6.234665      -6.180455      -6.143909      -6.120791      -6.118327      -6.140099      -6.196156      -6.264203      -6.354795      -6.467888      -6.610864      -6.756460      -6.871372      -6.740280      -6.102319      -5.083828      -18.45619      -35.55974      -35.07640      -34.52791      -33.91834      -33.25188      -32.53257      -31.76413      -30.94994      -30.09303      -29.19612      -28.26164      -27.29177      -26.28846      -25.25344      -24.18830      -23.09444      -21.97318      -20.82568  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1.721725       1.458502       1.188636      0.9197567      0.6606455      0.4175100      0.2035659      2.7558457E-02 -9.0089738E-02 -0.1404913     -0.1230556     -4.4160351E-02  8.6142622E-02  0.2542956      0.4526188      -21.99948       2.661330       2.418928       2.149095       1.876455       1.599648       1.312959       1.022101      0.7314844      0.4484650      0.1855389     -5.4986823E-02 -0.2587014     -0.3987716     -0.4621036     -0.4375146     -0.3295280     -0.1519070      7.7702224E-02  0.3458539      -21.99948       2.551412       2.295707       2.013148       1.725313       1.435349       1.137290      0.8340092      0.5297933      0.2336107     -4.9774293E-02 -0.3119109     -0.5383383     -0.7106019     -0.7997922     -0.7844453     -0.6598219     -0.4430000     -0.1552093      0.1817822      -21.99948       2.373644       2.114167       1.825400       1.531444       1.235555      0.9333896      0.6258029      0.3181912      1.3409545E-02 -0.2812926     -0.5590003   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-1.452514     -0.8553039      -21.99948       1.098904      0.8861082      0.6354532      0.3749193      0.1141374     -0.1519471     -0.4227248     -0.6987716     -0.9773213      -1.254452      -1.531082      -1.806746      -2.074548      -2.315874      -2.499222      -2.536887      -2.323985      -1.849849      -1.194510      -21.99948      0.6450283      0.4553950      0.2279995     -1.1571763E-02 -0.2518514     -0.4981824     -0.7523093      -1.010801      -1.275478      -1.539364      -1.808228      -2.077042      -2.339280      -2.596512      -2.812398      -2.909779      -2.747913      -2.271494      -1.561424      -21.99948      0.1306511     -2.9396139E-02 -0.2284115     -0.4441735     -0.6618497     -0.8853177      -1.119044      -1.358359      -1.605372      -1.856856      -2.110896      -2.369268      -2.628903      -2.890690      -3.130552      -3.277232      -3.182180      -2.714898      -1.953834      -21.99948     -0.4537798     -0.5812519     -0.7486412     -0.9348181  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-3.981194      -4.181793      -4.407064      -4.638640      -4.896389      -5.155250      -5.253276      -4.826377      -3.859842      -21.99948      -4.372252      -4.300844      -4.285780      -4.297235      -4.329000      -4.380318      -4.446461      -4.534797      -4.651655      -4.777293      -4.922959      -5.094547      -5.292237      -5.514337      -5.753150      -5.991889      -6.036214      -5.557688      -4.500162      -21.99948      -6.920189      -6.733097      -6.609886      -6.523985      -6.463735      -6.425375      -6.419935      -6.430339      -6.464887      -6.533426      -6.621571      -6.735569      -6.870485      -7.036150      -7.232421      -7.412130      -7.403852      -6.751314      -5.538916      -21.99948      -42.46637      -41.90857      -41.26666      -40.54605      -39.75369      -38.89511      -37.97556      -36.99966      -35.97150      -34.89469      -33.77240      -32.60742      -31.40224      -30.15904      -28.87981      -27.56629      -26.22012  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2.326472       2.034857       1.736276       1.434053       1.131697      0.8387010      0.5617233      0.3112708      0.1107032     -2.5894251E-02 -7.8474067E-02 -4.5994088E-02  6.2897503E-02  0.2305433      0.4395367      0.6789759      -25.68348       3.113806       2.835848       2.530320       2.220635       1.907189       1.585824       1.257810      0.9299330      0.6111718      0.3086165      3.0271346E-02 -0.2086914     -0.3781751     -0.4478536     -0.4091357     -0.2648973     -3.8599312E-02  0.2443789      0.5667821      -25.68348       3.000842       2.708000       2.386455       2.061876       1.736607       1.400285       1.058220      0.7152067      0.3813352      5.8774352E-02 -0.2441810     -0.5170810     -0.7254184     -0.8334221     -0.8090154     -0.6476703     -0.3728072     -1.9639218E-02  0.3848103      -25.68348       2.812547       2.514183       2.187007       1.857607       1.524559       1.182582      0.8353180      0.4884989      0.1467994     -0.1845323   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-2.044555      -1.484673     -0.7684998      -25.68348       1.430317       1.185053      0.8997959      0.6063181      0.3118603      6.4779059E-03 -0.3030999     -0.6174574     -0.9286651      -1.241405      -1.557180      -1.866629      -2.171309      -2.457818      -2.685469      -2.752437      -2.509314      -1.931760      -1.145047      -25.68348      0.9383856      0.7196856      0.4593081      0.1867557     -8.7163717E-02 -0.3706348     -0.6613558     -0.9558229      -1.252624      -1.550824      -1.854261      -2.157234      -2.454755      -2.747105      -3.010888      -3.149699      -2.978713      -2.404575      -1.552463      -25.68348      0.3802797      0.1928568     -3.7304830E-02 -0.2819766     -0.5307480     -0.7890906      -1.058381      -1.333368      -1.611063      -1.890590      -2.180666      -2.472527      -2.760231      -3.056321      -3.340434      -3.541539      -3.455134      -2.904109      -1.991413      -25.68348     -0.2520727     -0.4031407     -0.5990467  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-3.963035      -4.167834      -4.393610      -4.639169      -4.904382      -5.194917      -5.506561      -5.699073      -5.276584      -4.134244      -25.68348      -4.464826      -4.386198      -4.381325      -4.403975      -4.440923      -4.503412      -4.596040      -4.709470      -4.838882      -4.990520      -5.155444      -5.351866      -5.575481      -5.822574      -6.106637      -6.407744      -6.564755      -6.085001      -4.845361      -25.68348      -7.184724      -6.975873      -6.850550      -6.758852      -6.695029      -6.664611      -6.670705      -6.703573      -6.764999      -6.847330      -6.951305      -7.080704      -7.254672      -7.446414      -7.667504      -7.922436      -8.026573      -7.379858      -5.967295      -25.68348      -49.66926      -49.03569      -48.29630      -47.45993      -46.53525      -45.53015      -44.45158      -43.30564      -42.09758      -40.83195      -39.51270      -38.14328      -36.72671      -35.26567      -33.76254      -32.21945  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2.986168       2.670355       2.343525       2.009817       1.672617       1.339697       1.015831      0.7029414      0.4204569      0.1891184      3.5366006E-02 -2.2385931E-02  2.6802287E-02  0.1651245      0.3711482      0.6220316      0.9033562      -29.49723       3.563415       3.249425       2.906535       2.561177       2.210109       1.850664       1.487093       1.127928      0.7744969      0.4341988      0.1156646     -0.1585893     -0.3575410     -0.4409671     -0.3884647     -0.2088042      6.6702001E-02  0.4044691      0.7821913      -29.49723       3.448026       3.115336       2.756217       2.395351       2.029611       1.655618       1.279142      0.9023483      0.5334239      0.1722795     -0.1730402     -0.4849640     -0.7368078     -0.8669600     -0.8400211     -0.6413803     -0.3078341      0.1131194      0.5864439      -29.49723       3.247479       2.910809       2.544612       2.177975       1.805693       1.427007       1.042867      0.6611553      0.2851525   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-2.527547      -2.187535      -1.523045     -0.6841811      -29.49723       1.766388       1.489125       1.169202      0.8428248      0.5125914      0.1713452     -0.1781133     -0.5274666     -0.8752203      -1.223287      -1.572810      -1.916460      -2.256109      -2.585656      -2.859745      -2.964992      -2.699448      -2.016694      -1.094467      -29.49723       1.239613      0.9902167      0.6979124      0.3953276      8.6044945E-02 -0.2347441     -0.5645678     -0.8946110      -1.222771      -1.557457      -1.894284      -2.225147      -2.559053      -2.887811      -3.194793      -3.379068      -3.214817      -2.541096      -1.541205      -29.49723      0.6433282      0.4281672      0.1657915     -0.1083234     -0.3901769     -0.6858410     -0.9896446      -1.298793      -1.607808      -1.925275      -2.242296      -2.562691      -2.884721      -3.212348      -3.535616      -3.782193      -3.727065      -3.092575      -2.022527      -29.49723     -3.6443163E-02 -0.2108415  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-3.900304      -4.113134      -4.345213      -4.588510      -4.853211      -5.151471      -5.476331      -5.832271      -6.103778      -5.711637      -4.389295      -29.49723      -4.521384      -4.445711      -4.446383      -4.472632      -4.524563      -4.608112      -4.719731      -4.854459      -5.009933      -5.179260      -5.380668      -5.591947      -5.832870      -6.114302      -6.432008      -6.787440      -7.046612      -6.599323      -5.177186      -29.49723      -7.395437      -7.177958      -7.049200      -6.948033      -6.885670      -6.865935      -6.890049      -6.942034      -7.018893      -7.125263      -7.256058      -7.416815      -7.599612      -7.825938      -8.075851      -8.388072      -8.583035      -7.987075      -6.376667      -29.49723      -57.14426      -56.43360      -55.59351      -54.63612      -53.57301      -52.41460      -51.16978      -49.84616      -48.45029      -46.98770      -45.46315      -43.88079      -42.24419      -40.55653      -38.82063  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3.697435       3.355414       3.008229       2.647367       2.276952       1.907619       1.543839       1.187827      0.8438920      0.5267222      0.2672093      9.2959233E-02  3.1705592E-02  9.4669953E-02  0.2640954      0.5098477      0.8033067       1.127333      -33.43137       4.008830       3.656349       3.277422       2.896927       2.506147       2.110354       1.712962       1.321939      0.9370806      0.5596963      0.2046823     -0.1076401     -0.3354409     -0.4368510     -0.3730015     -0.1580959      0.1687945      0.5627012      0.9969469      -33.43137       3.891565       3.518821       3.121122       2.722047       2.316734       1.905417       1.493982       1.087869      0.6834967      0.2855073     -9.5658757E-02 -0.4480003     -0.7394188     -0.9038782     -0.8764929     -0.6430471     -0.2485632      0.2417824      0.7856056      -33.43137       3.679626       3.302174       2.896475       2.492412       2.080809       1.664254       1.247601      0.8320778   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-2.668147      -2.715149      -2.336805      -1.564751     -0.5993425      -33.43137       2.103775       1.793049       1.440989       1.082180      0.7142115      0.3355244     -5.0147984E-02 -0.4334554     -0.8190370      -1.203807      -1.580590      -1.958134      -2.337330      -2.701121      -3.022123      -3.174658      -2.897782      -2.109056      -1.047490      -33.43137       1.545631       1.265583      0.9404877      0.6076383      0.2624016     -9.5674105E-02 -0.4620909     -0.8284066      -1.193931      -1.559621      -1.923823      -2.290207      -2.656401      -3.022245      -3.362904      -3.600706      -3.452730      -2.681128      -1.529428      -33.43137      0.9124334      0.6700788      0.3774071      7.4271284E-02 -0.2433609     -0.5766236     -0.9174926      -1.259723      -1.603760      -1.952595      -2.299181      -2.647440      -3.004606      -3.361046      -3.715772      -4.011434      -4.001100      -3.285390      -2.052634      -33.43137      0.1917451  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-3.789976      -4.012710      -4.253720      -4.510980      -4.778451      -5.078218      -5.394778      -5.748473      -6.135344      -6.478180      -6.135515      -4.633599      -33.43137      -4.553363      -4.481598      -4.483390      -4.520969      -4.592491      -4.698901      -4.836749      -4.991764      -5.163893      -5.362482      -5.587298      -5.824580      -6.096519      -6.405351      -6.742435      -7.139025      -7.484653      -7.098636      -5.494854      -33.43137      -7.588885      -7.353148      -7.208883      -7.109195      -7.057423      -7.051587      -7.097214      -7.168168      -7.261170      -7.380515      -7.540798      -7.727900      -7.939745      -8.198229      -8.484227      -8.815960      -9.108140      -8.582332      -6.775867      -33.43137      -64.87086      -64.08182      -63.13764      -62.05436      -60.84717      -59.52908      -58.11123      -56.60289      -55.01191      -53.34487      -51.60738      -49.80427      -47.93972      -46.01743  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4.447003       4.093157       3.717462       3.336462       2.943044       2.540598       2.138544       1.745269       1.358496      0.9834102      0.6354714      0.3438519      0.1473553      8.0450907E-02  0.1573218      0.3603062      0.6464898      0.9830363       1.350508      -37.47786       4.450035       4.056010       3.640359       3.224509       2.797799       2.364363       1.936205       1.514427       1.095455      0.6877766      0.2962286     -5.2687708E-02 -0.3157507     -0.4356606     -0.3650687     -0.1117743      0.2671849      0.7181026       1.210022      -37.47786       4.328942       3.915151       3.479285       3.043207       2.597425       2.150552       1.706894       1.266636      0.8314242      0.4018281     -1.6349262E-02 -0.4085400     -0.7385936     -0.9402667     -0.9200858     -0.6522767     -0.1958108      0.3654296      0.9812252      -37.47786       4.107290       3.688074       3.243430       2.800005       2.351506       1.898423       1.447704      0.9997003      0.5516479      0.1144369     -0.3146234     -0.7319288      -1.112904      -1.396570      -1.466451      -1.228550     -0.7195630     -5.4986950E-02  0.6838088      -37.47786       3.797997       3.385371       2.943992       2.506352       2.059269       1.608084       1.157190      0.7068648      0.2569267     -0.1811249     -0.6149005      -1.040969      -1.450675      -1.792397      -1.971089      -1.814208      -1.288664     -0.5318969      0.3283899      -37.47786       3.412596       3.018235       2.589627       2.161501       1.723463       1.278178      0.8315780      0.3871663     -5.6166958E-02 -0.4933832     -0.9223047      -1.351946      -1.768666      -2.147801      -2.415622      -2.380002      -1.885401      -1.053553     -7.4135281E-02  -37.47786       2.960819       2.589551       2.179618       1.766970       1.342946      0.9085709      0.4721960      3.9155222E-02 -0.3960187     -0.8221008      -1.245940      -1.670026      -2.081522      -2.480039      -2.806784      -2.901891      -2.493578      -1.612586     -0.5177011      -37.47786       2.442172       2.098240       1.712770       1.321273      0.9158863      0.4982030      7.7476420E-02 -0.3426558     -0.7625897      -1.177087      -1.589043      -1.998000      -2.407236      -2.805232      -3.169912      -3.373623      -3.098224      -2.203094     -0.9982528      -37.47786       1.852737       1.543117       1.186625      0.8209693      0.4392740      4.3463308E-02 -0.3574587     -0.7601219      -1.162857      -1.559667      -1.951703      -2.353119      -2.748744      -3.141098      -3.520404      -3.807461      -3.690260      -2.825615      -1.518305      -37.47786       1.185838      0.9149653      0.5923922      0.2588851     -9.3045995E-02 -0.4634754     -0.8407912      -1.218698      -1.597419      -1.974158      -2.351323      -2.737234      -3.117428      -3.501819      -3.884210      -4.224736      -4.266360      -3.479434      -2.079141      -37.47786  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-3.639264      -3.876889      -4.123715      -4.390905      -4.676666      -4.979627      -5.303351      -5.639445      -6.009006      -6.424430      -6.826491      -6.550136      -4.868380      -37.47786      -4.576807      -4.502367      -4.510561      -4.559410      -4.649519      -4.782597      -4.942763      -5.121856      -5.316893      -5.539120      -5.791587      -6.066531      -6.371596      -6.692724      -7.056670      -7.472902      -7.885452      -7.585854      -5.805036      -37.47786      -7.760757      -7.512976      -7.360648      -7.257892      -7.210334      -7.225338      -7.288454      -7.377905      -7.490237      -7.637512      -7.817361      -8.039104      -8.290832      -8.569065      -8.882702      -9.225753      -9.591271      -9.163814      -7.165271      -37.47786      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -68.34070      -66.85703      -65.25983      -63.56022      -61.76738      -59.88895      -57.93143      -55.90037      -53.80057  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-41.62963       4.875290       4.482912       4.073011       3.657478       3.229375       2.796554       2.367812       1.941625       1.525972       1.120101      0.7423791      0.4205936      0.1981805      0.1238636      0.2189895      0.4551604      0.7828209       1.163161       1.574865      -41.62963       4.886419       4.449594       3.996721       3.542818       3.080378       2.615420       2.154218       1.700354       1.251451      0.8115382      0.3879458      1.0763572E-03 -0.2966506     -0.4385744     -0.3611445     -6.9748834E-02  0.3625670      0.8713777       1.422063      -41.62963       4.761809       4.304760       3.829219       3.355548       2.874615       2.390862       1.914632       1.439456      0.9730528      0.5147228      6.2049519E-02 -0.3663084     -0.7372092     -0.9756011     -0.9692668     -0.6677237     -0.1488211      0.4843298       1.173544      -41.62963       4.528229       4.067074       3.584388       3.104500       2.616237       2.128066  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-2.128569      -2.557506      -2.931405      -3.082904      -2.658258      -1.667320     -0.4402040      -41.62963       2.779353       2.403233       1.983605       1.558385       1.114191      0.6598626      0.2018450     -0.2539546     -0.7070946      -1.150402      -1.597986      -2.040013      -2.469492      -2.898598      -3.299509      -3.562033      -3.304265      -2.304119     -0.9526886      -41.62963       2.161315       1.820510       1.431684       1.033690      0.6148596      0.1819531     -0.2554659     -0.6907157      -1.128311      -1.556008      -1.987161      -2.414871      -2.833890      -3.251476      -3.665914      -3.999046      -3.929446      -2.977705      -1.511387      -41.62963       1.459116       1.161725      0.8100978      0.4445610      5.6719847E-02 -0.3494465     -0.7626202      -1.174445      -1.589049      -1.996710      -2.407997      -2.823033      -3.226019      -3.634268      -4.043948      -4.422115      -4.524236      -3.679987      -2.110205  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-3.438142      -3.686379      -3.950008      -4.230670      -4.524285      -4.842408      -5.171736      -5.513972      -5.875949      -6.260787      -6.702851      -7.152520      -6.955491      -5.095615      -41.62963      -4.580048      -4.508229      -4.523039      -4.587646      -4.696593      -4.850671      -5.034585      -5.237843      -5.465587      -5.713824      -5.994384      -6.295979      -6.617376      -6.968031      -7.353779      -7.793170      -8.259923      -8.065512      -6.105537      -41.62963      -7.904446      -7.640815      -7.494031      -7.397200      -7.354190      -7.376106      -7.453590      -7.565064      -7.710040      -7.887776      -8.097648      -8.341887      -8.615775      -8.920012      -9.261036      -9.633685      -10.03942      -9.728048      -7.547807      -41.62963      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -68.70363      -66.60735      -64.42322      -62.15752  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1.797974      -45.88049       5.299802       4.868268       4.422434       3.971218       3.509254       3.045807       2.588087       2.133490       1.688294       1.253703      0.8449358      0.4935044      0.2430699      0.1618663      0.2735525      0.5434660      0.9135514       1.338455       1.795112      -45.88049       5.317413       4.837100       4.346711       3.853963       3.355187       2.858083       2.365694       1.878884       1.401918      0.9319258      0.4763132      5.8204636E-02 -0.2786441     -0.4460069     -0.3621613     -3.3604361E-02  0.4532435       1.021067       1.631571      -45.88049       5.189322       4.688070       4.172703       3.660270       3.143004       2.626506       2.114237       1.606066       1.110664      0.6195886      0.1391643     -0.3226384     -0.7311256      -1.009262      -1.022096     -0.6899375     -0.1070782      0.5993490       1.363353      -45.88049       4.943865       4.440426       3.918657       3.401209       2.876037   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-1.700058      -2.171996      -2.629191      -3.045541      -3.255719      -2.829907      -1.729423     -0.3676432      -45.88049       3.113702       2.703802       2.251777       1.790310       1.309858      0.8171281      0.3242078     -0.1677532     -0.6532806      -1.132088      -1.610797      -2.076938      -2.532508      -2.989206      -3.421770      -3.743583      -3.515064      -2.414340     -0.9139936      -45.88049       2.466993       2.095458       1.676733       1.243780      0.7884344      0.3174926     -0.1549249     -0.6261559      -1.095275      -1.559282      -2.024500      -2.473346      -2.918162      -3.361917      -3.801146      -4.183074      -4.166002      -3.135531      -1.507008      -45.88049       1.732863       1.407120       1.029394      0.6299595      0.2046535     -0.2382509     -0.6855633      -1.132377      -1.579369      -2.026217      -2.467960      -2.903322      -3.333941      -3.763143      -4.198521      -4.613362      -4.776320      -3.887874  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-3.202954      -3.457874      -3.734529      -4.029374      -4.345443      -4.675178      -5.018630      -5.370985      -5.727983      -6.107817      -6.506455      -6.964994      -7.464872      -7.351802      -5.317446      -45.88049      -4.576140      -4.505044      -4.532904      -4.613499      -4.744570      -4.916724      -5.120526      -5.355806      -5.620268      -5.904424      -6.210866      -6.536576      -6.873964      -7.243520      -7.640312      -8.102648      -8.618713      -8.532315      -6.399297      -45.88049      -8.036114      -7.762061      -7.605369      -7.506845      -7.487020      -7.521945      -7.602847      -7.745996      -7.936629      -8.144382      -8.389814      -8.658610      -8.954250      -9.274299      -9.632701      -10.03172      -10.46588      -10.27598      -7.928342      -45.88049      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755  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1.679778       2.012989      -50.22493       5.720846       5.248444       4.767934       4.278033       3.782757       3.288865       2.800599       2.319297       1.848294       1.384612      0.9476782      0.5618904      0.2865615      0.1930525      0.3195037      0.6244969       1.037881       1.507777       2.010132      -50.22493       5.743307       5.220041       4.690017       4.158618       3.623335       3.093851       2.568626       2.055174       1.547171       1.048997      0.5639943      0.1147457     -0.2597502     -0.4561056     -0.3703558     -4.3102875E-03  0.5382907       1.166004       1.837353      -50.22493       5.611041       5.065349       4.510312       3.958499       3.404259       2.853953       2.308864       1.768713       1.242744      0.7218240      0.2144718     -0.2757424     -0.7212637      -1.044010      -1.077566     -0.7177129     -7.0324704E-02  0.7105306       1.550610      -50.22493       5.354012       4.808088       4.247385       3.690731       3.127901       2.569209       2.010558       1.461995      0.9236977      0.3916746     -0.1273286     -0.6354077      -1.119506      -1.531733      -1.729598      -1.463877     -0.7544774      0.1709198       1.179094      -50.22493       4.996525       4.465179       3.912755       3.360979       2.799654       2.235238       1.677286       1.124782      0.5832220      4.7318790E-02 -0.4755497     -0.9866480      -1.486529      -1.948503      -2.283118      -2.191058      -1.490120     -0.4361451      0.7387512      -50.22493       4.556284       4.048307       3.512759       2.971653       2.416435       1.860321       1.305166      0.7553720      0.2187812     -0.3184192     -0.8386876      -1.346177      -1.844206      -2.330768      -2.742984      -2.851203      -2.250917      -1.097056      0.2419596      -50.22493       4.039765       3.560497       3.045915       2.524120       1.985120       1.439157      0.8953573      0.3535807     -0.1773796     -0.7057701      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1.521241       1.861583       2.225864      -54.65804       6.136668       5.625063       5.107053       4.580761       4.050126       3.525701       3.007870       2.501459       1.999118       1.509136       1.045212      0.6302361      0.3273036      0.2191588      0.3611107      0.7028459       1.159638       1.675233       2.224009      -54.65804       6.165281       5.597256       5.028705       4.456804       3.886098       3.323104       2.766790       2.222034       1.685151       1.158893      0.6504355      0.1704095     -0.2390649     -0.4682404     -0.3834988      1.9726288E-02  0.6186995       1.307098       2.040297      -54.65804       6.026905       5.437573       4.841912       4.250783       3.659243       3.075835       2.494401       1.925759       1.365093      0.8194059      0.2870952     -0.2284072     -0.7090717      -1.073869      -1.135148     -0.7527202     -4.0520936E-02  0.8159123       1.733364      -54.65804       5.758172       5.170125       4.570373   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1.336250       1.666223       2.037683       2.433460      -59.17545       6.547622       5.995597       5.441547       4.877352       4.313496       3.755592       3.208631       2.674593       2.145431       1.633029       1.139875      0.6979670      0.3643866      0.2435384      0.4008085      0.7787603       1.279835       1.841808       2.437693      -59.17545       6.582619       5.969779       5.360992       4.750818       4.142828       3.545601       2.956954       2.382094       1.817984       1.266016      0.7346494      0.2265597     -0.2162436     -0.4791327     -0.3978963      4.3329872E-02  0.6992472       1.449382       2.245422      -59.17545       6.438128       5.803704       5.169044       4.536972       3.908500       3.288242       2.673507       2.074680       1.484566      0.9138379      0.3579140     -0.1835571     -0.6936719      -1.099201      -1.193093     -0.7932442     -1.5651904E-02  0.9173691       1.913434      -59.17545       6.157166       5.526933       4.887768       4.251460       3.613446       2.979091       2.352854       1.739597       1.134381      0.5531136     -1.3965758E-02 -0.5702931      -1.107774      -1.597270      -1.885246      -1.647819     -0.8126589      0.2927659       1.488369      -59.17545       5.770327       5.158302       4.530674       3.898288       3.259091       2.623821       1.991871       1.373310      0.7645646      0.1754076     -0.3942913     -0.9534359      -1.495687      -2.017794      -2.444699      -2.449039      -1.660785     -0.4041062      0.9897795      -59.17545       5.296055       4.710683       4.100223       3.480631       2.851216       2.219182       1.591862      0.9745163      0.3659290     -0.2221690     -0.7924979      -1.345023      -1.882402      -2.410873      -2.905908      -3.141540      -2.528877      -1.160634      0.4287208      -59.17545       4.735619       4.184896       3.600850       3.002159       2.385988       1.767011       1.150134      0.5394559     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-1.024047      -1.104686      -1.183718      -1.258331      -1.328241      -1.393280      -1.453296      -1.506724      -1.550690      -1.584623      -1.608455      -1.623073      -1.626904      -1.618211      -1.597626      -1.559699      -1.504676      -6.924547      -1.029419      -1.103579      -1.179484      -1.256625      -1.332843      -1.405420      -1.472397      -1.535437      -1.593561      -1.645173      -1.687559      -1.720315      -1.744262      -1.758028      -1.759525      -1.748319      -1.723657      -1.679216      -1.616978      -6.924547      -1.213578      -1.281936      -1.352333      -1.424238      -1.496124      -1.565175      -1.630326      -1.689425      -1.744577      -1.793424      -1.834193      -1.866815      -1.890716      -1.902616      -1.902344      -1.889628      -1.858966      -1.808107      -1.738312      -6.924547      -1.417686      -1.480055      -1.543142      -1.610582      -1.677894      -1.741720      -1.802441      -1.857552      -1.907996  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-2.597901      -2.538044      -2.455667      -2.348549      -6.924547      -2.612032      -2.641697      -2.674673      -2.709887      -2.747687      -2.785764      -2.823257      -2.862780      -2.898800      -2.927152      -2.946829      -2.957201      -2.954490      -2.939845      -2.910798      -2.859936      -2.786861      -2.691459      -2.571904      -6.924547      -3.187632      -3.205491      -3.228564      -3.253936      -3.282167      -3.307921      -3.332633      -3.355825      -3.372624      -3.388438      -3.392865      -3.389235      -3.374073      -3.345178      -3.298945      -3.232546      -3.142001      -3.028582      -2.895798      -6.924547      -4.220209      -4.216935      -4.219285      -4.224311      -4.229186      -4.233208      -4.235223      -4.233908      -4.227869      -4.216229      -4.197978      -4.165687      -4.119914      -4.056859      -3.975042      -3.874594      -3.756029      -3.622173      -3.475671      -6.924547      -9.427989      -9.339032  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-0.5284232     -0.5854237     -0.6344768     -0.6766560     -0.7113268     -0.7391477     -0.7585369     -0.7689392     -0.7712007     -0.7659033     -0.7529737      -9.740750      0.1493785      3.7855141E-02 -7.1649291E-02 -0.1782773     -0.2805600     -0.3759987     -0.4633219     -0.5426285     -0.6126737     -0.6731547     -0.7253217     -0.7691655     -0.8035858     -0.8288432     -0.8431960     -0.8467526     -0.8404222     -0.8250874     -0.8006656      -9.740750      0.1000632     -1.8702932E-02 -0.1358461     -0.2512463     -0.3599376     -0.4611804     -0.5559640     -0.6402286     -0.7142491     -0.7782722     -0.8336533     -0.8783166     -0.9128201     -0.9355782     -0.9450291     -0.9419756     -0.9274088     -0.9021786     -0.8663490      -9.740750      2.1028778E-02 -0.1034998     -0.2268366     -0.3460137     -0.4587850     -0.5658799     -0.6642663     -0.7535376     -0.8314795     -0.8994791     -0.9568652      -1.003175      -1.037596      -1.057527      -1.062559 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-0.6818753     -0.8001422     -0.9196365      -1.035979      -1.147129      -1.250578      -1.348074      -1.440022      -1.522518      -1.590874      -1.642311      -1.674934      -1.688635      -1.683269      -1.657493      -1.609555      -1.540610      -1.448740      -9.740750     -0.7740756     -0.8828751     -0.9935363      -1.108568      -1.222132      -1.331446      -1.434745      -1.530505      -1.622371      -1.705273      -1.773790      -1.826063      -1.859727      -1.872191      -1.865750      -1.837057      -1.784104      -1.707113      -1.604279      -9.740750      -1.006708      -1.108136      -1.211033      -1.319039      -1.426873      -1.532601      -1.635338      -1.729834      -1.817311      -1.897623      -1.966235      -2.019047      -2.053055      -2.066272      -2.058287      -2.026616      -1.969571      -1.883275      -1.769473      -9.740750      -1.267321      -1.359754      -1.454926      -1.553868      -1.655970      -1.756866      -1.855862      -1.946064 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-3.031080      -2.974432      -2.881943      -2.755807      -2.593847      -9.740750      -2.777115      -2.821587      -2.876762      -2.933393      -2.989371      -3.051716      -3.115505      -3.180853      -3.239233      -3.295076      -3.344892      -3.388688      -3.412369      -3.408879      -3.373231      -3.302568      -3.197766      -3.055750      -2.877477      -9.740750      -3.477442      -3.502937      -3.538424      -3.583446      -3.628499      -3.674402      -3.727324      -3.780415      -3.829208      -3.868287      -3.901077      -3.918393      -3.918027      -3.895324      -3.845064      -3.756077      -3.630169      -3.466814      -3.269336      -9.740750      -4.719965      -4.720048      -4.727958      -4.742719      -4.761022      -4.783748      -4.805566      -4.829367      -4.850257      -4.862752      -4.867826      -4.856447      -4.825844      -4.768267      -4.679450      -4.552094      -4.386698      -4.190800      -3.973032      -9.740750      -13.37432  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-0.2458466     -0.4028156     -0.5615199     -0.7226136     -0.8791565      -1.029893      -1.169776      -1.300819      -1.424929      -1.535495      -1.625937      -1.695143      -1.735988      -1.745654      -1.727068      -1.677470      -1.597801      -1.489633      -1.356153      -12.77138     -0.4932889     -0.6422084     -0.7934625     -0.9450460      -1.096316      -1.243972      -1.384031      -1.513745      -1.638183      -1.751708      -1.848586      -1.922469      -1.966730      -1.978379      -1.958883      -1.907024      -1.820777      -1.701886      -1.553207      -12.77138     -0.7723989     -0.9085912      -1.050957      -1.191766      -1.336151      -1.478545      -1.616361      -1.744810      -1.866592      -1.982150      -2.082261      -2.158900      -2.207806      -2.223090      -2.202771      -2.149685      -2.057714      -1.928326      -1.764645      -12.77138      -1.083568      -1.206692      -1.339149      -1.469460      -1.602715      -1.737754      -1.871026 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-3.411384      -3.395906      -3.327089      -3.202708      -3.023674      -2.797580      -12.77138      -2.883482      -2.938739      -3.011573      -3.088331      -3.166948      -3.248078      -3.335353      -3.425921      -3.519880      -3.611661      -3.693049      -3.763899      -3.818871      -3.844050      -3.816373      -3.729240      -3.587152      -3.391814      -3.146902      -12.77138      -3.689949      -3.722641      -3.774409      -3.835933      -3.898546      -3.964030      -4.031475      -4.104649      -4.182999      -4.264268      -4.335724      -4.388049      -4.421886      -4.418508      -4.365610      -4.262698      -4.096694      -3.878555      -3.609374      -12.77138      -5.117570      -5.117121      -5.130267      -5.152619      -5.187812      -5.230449      -5.270264      -5.306641      -5.349444      -5.394656      -5.439494      -5.465093      -5.460457      -5.424451      -5.344024      -5.199326      -4.991361      -4.730067      -4.433141      -12.77138  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0.1044167     -1.9683108E-02 -0.1301563     -0.2246930     -0.2997890     -0.3550196     -0.3936102     -0.4156833     -0.4239763     -0.4197035     -0.4042718     -0.3784629     -0.3436959      -15.99132       1.036134      0.8572778      0.6776326      0.5022899      0.3309634      0.1674368      1.6986594E-02 -0.1189378     -0.2388774     -0.3391145     -0.4162178     -0.4714964     -0.5055566     -0.5200108     -0.5168546     -0.4981417     -0.4651392     -0.4197195     -0.3637116      -15.99132       1.006598      0.8082241      0.6087419      0.4172002      0.2318017      5.4439072E-02 -0.1093491     -0.2578334     -0.3862821     -0.4900436     -0.5700271     -0.6260059     -0.6569950     -0.6654468     -0.6520649     -0.6199220     -0.5700051     -0.5052950     -0.4282330      -15.99132      0.9155917      0.7065580      0.4951191      0.2906589      9.5767103E-02 -9.0482980E-02 -0.2649755     -0.4234443     -0.5593541     -0.6692438     -0.7530009     -0.8100646     -0.8398858  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-15.99132      0.1048078     -9.6996464E-02 -0.3025633     -0.5043985     -0.7021089     -0.8939641      -1.074774      -1.245310      -1.403832      -1.543733      -1.659704      -1.742858      -1.787897      -1.791959      -1.755883      -1.678442      -1.560671      -1.408930      -1.229691      -15.99132     -0.1889697     -0.3776281     -0.5716594     -0.7613308     -0.9517599      -1.137720      -1.316048      -1.486389      -1.646122      -1.790920      -1.913453      -2.006488      -2.062134      -2.071310      -2.036443      -1.955954      -1.830076      -1.663449      -1.464586      -15.99132     -0.5138733     -0.6859263     -0.8681644      -1.046528      -1.225305      -1.402140      -1.575296      -1.746137      -1.905758      -2.051372      -2.179582      -2.283141      -2.347914      -2.366494      -2.334818      -2.253987      -2.121795      -1.941824      -1.723322      -15.99132     -0.8760219      -1.029778      -1.197174      -1.362759      -1.527178      -1.694476  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-3.693948      -3.745078      -3.738371      -3.657334      -3.498145      -3.258552      -2.961146      -15.99132      -2.964288      -3.023826      -3.108192      -3.202899      -3.301395      -3.401867      -3.510180      -3.625051      -3.748585      -3.875067      -3.991136      -4.096547      -4.181903      -4.231756      -4.225300      -4.130519      -3.948030      -3.690348      -3.369537      -15.99132      -3.874604      -3.904851      -3.962207      -4.032958      -4.112382      -4.192395      -4.280006      -4.377172      -4.481514      -4.590874      -4.698994      -4.795483      -4.868820      -4.901831      -4.867323      -4.743635      -4.538437      -4.254656      -3.906472      -15.99132      -5.449461      -5.452066      -5.467116      -5.500093      -5.545285      -5.596250      -5.650408      -5.717433      -5.790050      -5.863634      -5.934677      -5.996012      -6.038073      -6.033659      -5.966119      -5.813523      -5.562512      -5.232507      -4.850025  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0.5306231      0.3692276      0.2200207      8.7510012E-02 -2.2996206E-02 -0.1105455     -0.1738897     -0.2133880     -0.2323716     -0.2329223     -0.2185303     -0.1918329     -0.1545002     -0.1080181      -19.38085       1.478170       1.264439       1.053763      0.8491421      0.6463806      0.4522890      0.2705279      0.1053418     -3.7809324E-02 -0.1563817     -0.2479524     -0.3095653     -0.3430305     -0.3511928     -0.3363470     -0.3024892     -0.2535284     -0.1914291     -0.1184474      -19.38085       1.456233       1.221139      0.9863243      0.7598301      0.5387915      0.3257406      0.1252942     -5.5856179E-02 -0.2108294     -0.3374795     -0.4328795     -0.4943215     -0.5244724     -0.5235467     -0.4954027     -0.4435478     -0.3730306     -0.2865413     -0.1872785      -19.38085       1.364826       1.116024      0.8663017      0.6235235      0.3886460      0.1632909     -5.1209677E-02 -0.2447066     -0.4133730     -0.5504020     -0.6492265     -0.7127243  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-0.8433141      -19.38085      0.4682739      0.2267049     -2.1564303E-02 -0.2638002     -0.5043449     -0.7394601     -0.9655889      -1.178912      -1.374555      -1.547746      -1.688513      -1.789078      -1.840338      -1.836760      -1.781173      -1.670276      -1.510536      -1.312176      -1.084354      -19.38085      0.1360519     -9.0911180E-02 -0.3282579     -0.5594366     -0.7883697      -1.012783      -1.234177      -1.448278      -1.643917      -1.820336      -1.972097      -2.084505      -2.148314      -2.158648      -2.107154      -1.993871      -1.822360      -1.604801      -1.352177      -19.38085     -0.2368603     -0.4450365     -0.6656511     -0.8829756      -1.097597      -1.310884      -1.523385      -1.732348      -1.927017      -2.106741      -2.264087      -2.385885      -2.466679      -2.492136      -2.448523      -2.335578      -2.155913      -1.920285      -1.643191      -19.38085     -0.6519704     -0.8375844      -1.039224      -1.240701      -1.438951 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-3.840599      -3.960929      -4.042425      -4.054356      -3.964670      -3.767686      -3.464078      -3.088847      -19.38085      -3.010201      -3.076793      -3.170099      -3.276433      -3.393730      -3.514112      -3.643428      -3.784973      -3.933654      -4.084121      -4.233811      -4.375831      -4.498374      -4.581156      -4.594478      -4.503895      -4.286260      -3.958829      -3.556651      -19.38085      -4.010395      -4.044799      -4.107651      -4.184544      -4.273296      -4.370054      -4.476237      -4.595169      -4.724436      -4.861800      -4.999403      -5.130210      -5.248992      -5.324520      -5.319627      -5.197596      -4.949697      -4.594124      -4.160947      -19.38085      -5.719757      -5.717768      -5.734968      -5.773680      -5.825152      -5.887376      -5.959550      -6.042026      -6.136120      -6.244046      -6.351778      -6.445896      -6.521120      -6.568833      -6.523693      -6.363833      -6.071924      -5.668524  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1.012635      0.8195484      0.6347331      0.4627287      0.3108314      0.1836574      8.5174225E-02  1.5585055E-02 -2.5887216E-02 -3.9838154E-02 -3.2501400E-02 -7.6306583E-03  3.1095739E-02  8.0482036E-02  0.1389546      -22.92415       1.920453       1.673076       1.427507       1.190580      0.9586398      0.7356013      0.5244583      0.3329600      0.1675577      3.0674322E-02 -7.1762376E-02 -0.1404038     -0.1728256     -0.1724620     -0.1450056     -9.5945939E-02 -2.9539231E-02  4.9991027E-02  0.1404875      -22.92415       1.906180       1.631400       1.359734       1.098755      0.8449906      0.5970489      0.3628484      0.1515854     -3.1113937E-02 -0.1761955     -0.2848884     -0.3547834     -0.3812278     -0.3694355     -0.3241149     -0.2521551     -0.1591078     -4.9769469E-02  7.2551228E-02  -22.92415       1.811215       1.521307       1.234999      0.9550083      0.6822472      0.4188575      0.1673411     -6.2286828E-02 -0.2608500     -0.4212718     -0.5383668   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-0.9024742     -0.6544721      -22.92415      0.8378249      0.5563771      0.2678017     -1.3936323E-02 -0.2933354     -0.5700368     -0.8418944      -1.097796      -1.329321      -1.536493      -1.706298      -1.827507      -1.892695      -1.883763      -1.803166      -1.655759      -1.451003      -1.202815     -0.9240294      -22.92415      0.4676077      0.2036112     -7.1143307E-02 -0.3421434     -0.6100268     -0.8760218      -1.138357      -1.389140      -1.621688      -1.834768      -2.014776      -2.152947      -2.237424      -2.245368      -2.174603      -2.024787      -1.804976      -1.532805      -1.223719      -22.92415      4.9273763E-02 -0.1922478     -0.4484957     -0.7037903     -0.9548208      -1.204289      -1.453978      -1.698617      -1.929428      -2.142329      -2.332096      -2.484460      -2.585091      -2.619383      -2.562911      -2.416672      -2.185780      -1.891268      -1.552244      -22.92415     -0.4188094     -0.6327083     -0.8640835      -1.098358 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-3.870460      -4.044814      -4.197730      -4.316402      -4.355611      -4.257570      -4.017039      -3.644124      -3.185991      -22.92415      -3.022856      -3.098201      -3.202244      -3.323680      -3.459206      -3.600922      -3.752279      -3.915225      -4.088804      -4.268258      -4.446473      -4.617852      -4.776880      -4.901602      -4.950502      -4.859454      -4.605321      -4.203819      -3.714710      -22.92415      -4.113148      -4.152402      -4.217616      -4.302734      -4.405625      -4.520671      -4.643442      -4.782070      -4.935957      -5.097316      -5.265900      -5.432169      -5.580735      -5.703990      -5.745023      -5.632523      -5.337510      -4.905119      -4.380191      -22.92415      -5.957595      -5.951573      -5.966650      -6.006122      -6.062301      -6.138342      -6.229236      -6.332298      -6.448169      -6.576559      -6.717536      -6.862903      -6.979993      -7.052408      -7.054884      -6.893669      -6.556091  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1.551986       1.323033       1.101891      0.8924564      0.7001448      0.5291376      0.3847112      0.2739962      0.1984904      0.1573352      0.1468486      0.1626886      0.1982359      0.2488045      0.3105355      0.3811812      -26.60814       2.361386       2.077826       1.799087       1.529530       1.265038       1.010353      0.7726889      0.5564525      0.3690524      0.2151224      9.8572403E-02  2.6330637E-02 -4.3343524E-03  4.3860902E-03  4.4860423E-02  0.1101983      0.1940699      0.2915632      0.3999451      -26.60814       2.354031       2.038813       1.731075       1.431378       1.142534      0.8616423      0.5961370      0.3544906      0.1466928     -1.9376472E-02 -0.1421365     -0.2175905     -0.2418919     -0.2177296     -0.1552204     -6.1875850E-02  5.4293543E-02  0.1871973      0.3331541      -26.60814       2.256425       1.924193       1.598011       1.278906      0.9702607      0.6692128      0.3824378      0.1193621     -0.1086758     -0.2936038   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-1.029137     -0.7607456     -0.4659740      -26.60814       1.205234      0.8863198      0.5597600      0.2390319     -7.8966551E-02 -0.3945663     -0.7035584     -0.9973011      -1.270669      -1.512658      -1.714250      -1.867450      -1.947134      -1.934701      -1.828879      -1.642411      -1.390055      -1.090367     -0.7589467      -26.60814      0.7988026      0.5006154      0.1913184     -0.1169063     -0.4203900     -0.7249188      -1.025897      -1.315791      -1.585451      -1.831777      -2.046521      -2.217452      -2.324614      -2.336439      -2.244244      -2.055601      -1.785253      -1.456150      -1.088511      -26.60814      0.3415272      6.8742581E-02 -0.2182889     -0.5093048     -0.7971100      -1.085232      -1.371140      -1.648368      -1.915806      -2.164133      -2.383854      -2.570046      -2.702931      -2.744853      -2.676251      -2.493140      -2.209531      -1.853471      -1.450182      -26.60814     -0.1695526     -0.4131675     -0.6746668  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-3.805643      -4.018075      -4.221484      -4.412477      -4.568164      -4.634768      -4.538127      -4.255213      -3.810230      -3.266249      -26.60814      -3.010471      -3.099468      -3.212765      -3.347601      -3.500420      -3.667796      -3.844678      -4.026063      -4.221071      -4.428339      -4.634026      -4.829824      -5.019978      -5.192875      -5.278636      -5.199021      -4.910207      -4.434031      -3.853174      -26.60814      -4.188887      -4.232990      -4.301139      -4.393899      -4.510197      -4.643547      -4.790128      -4.944506      -5.113937      -5.303949      -5.500565      -5.690588      -5.879382      -6.044767      -6.139262      -6.046186      -5.715514      -5.199771      -4.578173      -26.60814      -6.158002      -6.150553      -6.164901      -6.201985      -6.266242      -6.356066      -6.462605      -6.582436      -6.716727      -6.871133      -7.045477      -7.223204      -7.389112      -7.509557      -7.549777      -7.406800  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2.144898       1.885831       1.629350       1.381605       1.148569      0.9338712      0.7439162      0.5828874      0.4599228      0.3791376      0.3385080      0.3330556      0.3574957      0.4037867      0.4664940      0.5408119      0.6238828      -30.42189       2.796045       2.476696       2.166993       1.863647       1.566271       1.280708       1.014113      0.7735580      0.5661939      0.3922951      0.2637447      0.1862603      0.1595310      0.1766554      0.2312806      0.3128868      0.4145257      0.5303946      0.6570774      -30.42189       2.797864       2.442495       2.097111       1.759623       1.434153       1.118226      0.8215561      0.5529859      0.3201033      0.1308324     -8.5877711E-03 -8.8966891E-02 -0.1091929     -7.3603272E-02  7.3094796E-03  0.1222502      0.2617801      0.4188136      0.5889785      -30.42189       2.698846       2.321446       1.957098       1.598822       1.249802      0.9118062      0.5940788      0.2996424      4.2975817E-02 -0.1683939     -0.3256534     -0.4155317     -0.4364933     -0.3878046     -0.2844905     -0.1384972      3.7727267E-02  0.2355515      0.4491190      -30.42189       2.516123       2.132041       1.757853       1.389736       1.026234      0.6721810      0.3370527      2.4839584E-02 -0.2515146     -0.4857940     -0.6656172     -0.7746657     -0.8018404     -0.7487922     -0.6277148     -0.4537586     -0.2423193     -4.2607230E-03  0.2526348      -30.42189       2.264131       1.881638       1.504492       1.134354      0.7667167      0.4034848      5.7833869E-02 -0.2640689     -0.5583192     -0.8101429      -1.015189      -1.150261      -1.190500      -1.142291      -1.009457     -0.8114346     -0.5669450     -0.2893990      1.0691151E-02  -30.42189       1.947021       1.574369       1.202508      0.8350713      0.4697522      0.1079677     -0.2400812     -0.5694306     -0.8720022      -1.141010      -1.367766      -1.527191      -1.595501      -1.559610      -1.423874  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-0.1837818     -0.4751557     -0.7748752      -1.077035      -1.380551      -1.678242      -1.973877      -2.266310      -2.543427      -2.796565      -3.025518      -3.214330      -3.315924      -3.279863      -3.078598      -2.733200      -2.284205      -1.773280      -30.42189     -0.5286599     -0.7649603      -1.022656      -1.291150      -1.565724      -1.844089      -2.121143      -2.399096      -2.676726      -2.943464      -3.194767      -3.423909      -3.630262      -3.773326      -3.782222      -3.611506      -3.267272      -2.792179      -2.240493      -30.42189      -1.222808      -1.417836      -1.636887      -1.870505      -2.115503      -2.368244      -2.620276      -2.874074      -3.133522      -3.390198      -3.633253      -3.866589      -4.083655      -4.256657      -4.316147      -4.181636      -3.848839      -3.351004      -2.758955      -30.42189      -2.022082      -2.172732      -2.348274      -2.541145      -2.751932      -2.974171      -3.200369      -3.429273 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-8.009381      -7.897807      -7.468409      -6.811744      -6.034566      -30.42189      -42.73994      -42.42098      -42.04388      -41.61479      -41.13913      -40.62158      -40.06607      -39.47590      -38.85392      -38.20252      -37.52378      -36.81950      -36.09124      -35.34039      -34.56819      -33.77573      -32.96401      -32.13393      -31.28631      -30.42189       2.142165       2.031268       1.902520       1.751125       1.584223       1.407298       1.224872       1.045003      0.8739656      0.7167839      0.5787591      0.4632601      0.3727800      0.3056491      0.2586152      0.2279849      0.2091475      0.1985891      0.1936641      -34.35604       2.720111       2.522893       2.319281       2.102102       1.879892       1.653686       1.431557       1.222397       1.030729      0.8638667      0.7304708      0.6310650      0.5681525      0.5367849      0.5310888      0.5460597      0.5751780      0.6141369      0.6599531      -34.35604       3.067519  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0.4783747      0.1926691     -5.0324418E-02 -0.2273336     -0.3270013     -0.3443848     -0.2826402     -0.1560951      1.6989524E-02  0.2230603      0.4515954      0.6960990      -34.35604       2.943396       2.515086       2.099485       1.691380       1.288864      0.8982199      0.5320177      0.1871545     -0.1222204     -0.3885339     -0.5974299     -0.7204558     -0.7503963     -0.6831661     -0.5368602     -0.3308890     -8.3830670E-02  0.1909929      0.4849830      -34.35604       2.672467       2.248656       1.831222       1.421695       1.015083      0.6190302      0.2386623     -0.1193352     -0.4441894     -0.7329903     -0.9699937      -1.128728      -1.180415      -1.119495     -0.9610022     -0.7269378     -0.4410805     -0.1206826      0.2227171      -34.35604       2.332638       1.922024       1.512103       1.107138      0.7049161      0.3073856     -7.6456949E-02 -0.4400998     -0.7766138      -1.078882      -1.342294      -1.536224      -1.619116      -1.578947  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0.3522800      5.0490186E-02 -0.2706397     -0.6005802     -0.9392012      -1.277237      -1.608479      -1.934692      -2.254289      -2.560808      -2.848104      -3.108561      -3.333885      -3.464300      -3.434668      -3.205956      -2.805238      -2.284661      -1.699004      -34.35604     -0.3064354     -0.5710471     -0.8569204      -1.154790      -1.464567      -1.774598      -2.080021      -2.385559      -2.691593      -2.987659      -3.264584      -3.528861      -3.765346      -3.940818      -3.969651      -3.782265      -3.385022      -2.835025      -2.202567      -34.35604      -1.051634      -1.272467      -1.515577      -1.774789      -2.050021      -2.331723      -2.612246      -2.893593      -3.176706      -3.458687      -3.727809      -3.985946      -4.235770      -4.442694      -4.529408      -4.393137      -4.012007      -3.435539      -2.756646      -34.35604      -1.907644      -2.078407      -2.274263      -2.491280      -2.727767      -2.975290      -3.225370  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1.005312      0.6542779      0.3385526      6.6393614E-02 -0.1342940     -0.2450098     -0.2590723     -0.1831329     -3.3921003E-02  0.1671721      0.4038178      0.6637300      0.9398817      -38.40252       3.364472       2.893257       2.436758       1.987016       1.547401       1.123899      0.7234353      0.3503008      8.9497613E-03 -0.2938045     -0.5295111     -0.6722829     -0.7034644     -0.6244493     -0.4520085     -0.2132036      7.0328757E-02  0.3827761      0.7147508      -38.40252       3.076980       2.611208       2.153187       1.705156       1.261720      0.8310031      0.4184583      2.8534902E-02 -0.3302235     -0.6533972     -0.9255156      -1.108346      -1.172704      -1.102670     -0.9186708     -0.6478460     -0.3196951      4.4570073E-02  0.4323098      -38.40252       2.713864       2.266076       1.818650       1.375466      0.9354174      0.5064746      8.8617556E-02 -0.3097290     -0.6775505      -1.015455      -1.312777      -1.539459      -1.647730   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1.619850       1.207744      0.8275999      0.4790459      0.1795857     -4.5074336E-02 -0.1682608     -0.1808736     -9.0059407E-02  8.2174465E-02  0.3127177      0.5804641      0.8722468       1.180737      -42.55429       3.778188       3.264045       2.767444       2.280027       1.801869       1.345702      0.9120879      0.5085210      0.1367474     -0.1982827     -0.4652061     -0.6285859     -0.6630377     -0.5725037     -0.3748368     -0.1020311      0.2187733      0.5695503      0.9403481      -42.55429       3.474853       2.969723       2.472750       1.983191       1.504010       1.039832      0.5931126      0.1745259     -0.2157666     -0.5741698     -0.8782459      -1.091717      -1.168248      -1.094110     -0.8835942     -0.5747595     -0.2034970      0.2055263      0.6386090      -42.55429       3.093577       2.606847       2.121178       1.638881       1.162852      0.6994114      0.2508358     -0.1786811     -0.5794072     -0.9477624      -1.281481      -1.540138   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-1.021329      -42.55429      0.8879889      0.5253575      0.1425750     -0.2536018     -0.6596808      -1.060047      -1.450642      -1.836292      -2.212039      -2.568315      -2.907520      -3.240679      -3.536279      -3.739830      -3.741107      -3.470760      -2.952874      -2.283622      -1.542927      -42.55429      0.1497327     -0.1690216     -0.5111514     -0.8713444      -1.245948      -1.618329      -1.983360      -2.344688      -2.697329      -3.039606      -3.369529      -3.691730      -4.003534      -4.247448      -4.329783      -4.129600      -3.625708      -2.918187      -2.117692      -42.55429     -0.6845433     -0.9541613      -1.249419      -1.568179      -1.904456      -2.241616      -2.574438      -2.909186      -3.241728      -3.564720      -3.881292      -4.196779      -4.505961      -4.780012      -4.933970      -4.817167      -4.344436      -3.605908      -2.746265      -42.55429      -1.646480      -1.855978      -2.097479      -2.366771      -2.657606  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2.318747       1.847928       1.405656      0.9964191      0.6174043      0.2882705      4.0941767E-02 -9.6333556E-02 -0.1083991     -3.5411159E-03  0.1935527      0.4540176      0.7534556       1.077700       1.419188      -46.80515       4.186234       3.629213       3.090783       2.564960       2.052577       1.561773       1.097052      0.6638016      0.2606679     -0.1036720     -0.4016659     -0.5881709     -0.6309619     -0.5279884     -0.3043294      3.5864098E-03  0.3623426      0.7520984       1.162519      -46.80515       3.866902       3.321707       2.785982       2.257857       1.740419       1.243299      0.7647560      0.3152833     -0.1023103     -0.4912618     -0.8312322      -1.075575      -1.168552      -1.091470     -0.8556061     -0.5081739     -9.2840612E-02  0.3618043      0.8411726      -46.80515       3.468711       2.943650       2.419901       1.896199       1.384293      0.8881989      0.4066755     -4.9587436E-02 -0.4779157     -0.8795425      -1.246403   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-1.670394     -0.9169473      -46.80515       1.156237      0.7632748      0.3505478     -8.0772109E-02 -0.5200650     -0.9519086      -1.373023      -1.784346      -2.182331      -2.564854      -2.930346      -3.292674      -3.621918      -3.861313      -3.896341      -3.612666      -3.036447      -2.290428      -1.469705      -46.80515      0.3819722      3.5289023E-02 -0.3350430     -0.7294175      -1.135337      -1.537814      -1.930924      -2.319820      -2.697542      -3.057747      -3.414079      -3.768093      -4.101559      -4.383509      -4.501338      -4.305098      -3.748874      -2.960003      -2.072654      -46.80515     -0.4949424     -0.7865877      -1.109988      -1.459611      -1.826515      -2.194070      -2.552942      -2.911274      -3.268376      -3.611653      -3.948956      -4.294372      -4.626937      -4.929063      -5.121953      -5.024859      -4.512669      -3.690260      -2.737169      -46.80515      -1.504545      -1.734336      -2.001610      -2.296709  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-8.323215      -8.621621      -8.952212      -9.289301      -9.599944      -9.681849      -9.191365      -8.170018      -6.939447      -46.80515      -66.17808      -65.71491      -65.14263      -64.47697      -63.73074      -62.91404      -62.03490      -61.09977      -60.11386      -59.08150      -58.00633      -56.89144      -55.73952      -54.55289      -53.33361      -52.08351      -50.80422      -49.49720      -48.16378      -46.80515       3.243381       3.143686       3.011681       2.840969       2.637415       2.414093       2.173411       1.924382       1.678754       1.448473       1.245686       1.075141      0.9441898      0.8527642      0.7936669      0.7591588      0.7406431      0.7319546      0.7286759      -51.14960       4.110176       3.859278       3.597636       3.319317       3.032593       2.742197       2.449122       2.163383       1.899201       1.671251       1.488565       1.359581       1.286308       1.261981       1.275232       1.314722       1.370833       1.437376       1.510492      -51.14960       4.640625       4.230151       3.838492       3.451699       3.074183       2.714055       2.373331       2.050710       1.762596       1.525341       1.350916       1.247728       1.217396       1.248299       1.324930       1.432043       1.558786       1.698438       1.847057      -51.14960       4.889550       4.376601       3.892588       3.424665       2.977294       2.553883       2.161374       1.795077       1.473121       1.205749       1.017723      0.9207724      0.9152492      0.9893078       1.122137       1.293377       1.489470       1.701769       1.925791      -51.14960       4.933090       4.362845       3.823310       3.300649       2.800795       2.331896       1.895983       1.490062       1.119548      0.8108867      0.5883503      0.4754775      0.4759097      0.5808486      0.7633894      0.9960829       1.260517       1.545376       1.844879      -51.14960       4.822687       4.225344       3.657347       3.102753       2.572143       2.069812       1.600586       1.161653      0.7545285      0.3965975      0.1231898     -2.8469995E-02 -4.2707674E-02  7.6820888E-02  0.3003647      0.5911638      0.9228685       1.280167       1.655264      -51.14960       4.588364       3.988621       3.408576       2.842831       2.296731       1.774765       1.278786      0.8172807      0.3857054     -1.1006384E-02 -0.3387510     -0.5507529     -0.6039371     -0.4903660     -0.2396144      0.1038144      0.5011615      0.9306291       1.381419      -51.14960       4.254386       3.668162       3.091973       2.525277       1.974538       1.441891      0.9335792      0.4561732      8.7633077E-03 -0.4091217     -0.7834932      -1.059481      -1.175755      -1.095583     -0.8355666     -0.4484564      1.1634710E-02  0.5127035       1.039235      -51.14960       3.838243       3.274057       2.713117       2.151038       1.601190       1.073050      0.5617226      7.6587044E-02 -0.3753894     -0.8079718   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-2.411047      -1.642309     -0.8141935      -51.14960       1.423115       1.000898      0.5563464      9.0355858E-02 -0.3828951     -0.8455248      -1.297054      -1.735396      -2.153464      -2.556800      -2.957027      -3.337985      -3.696266      -3.972464      -4.045720      -3.755830      -3.123034      -2.298755      -1.396455      -51.14960      0.6134353      0.2412342     -0.1604019     -0.5873697      -1.026898      -1.456979      -1.878097      -2.293319      -2.695708      -3.077394      -3.457086      -3.833468      -4.189662      -4.505073      -4.665405      -4.481706      -3.876139      -3.005039      -2.029278      -51.14960     -0.3026015     -0.6181990     -0.9697784      -1.349673      -1.747736      -2.139964      -2.531338      -2.915080      -3.293631      -3.657046      -4.019207      -4.381326      -4.735301      -5.064464      -5.297592      -5.231446      -4.684694      -3.777100      -2.728716      -51.14960      -1.359823      -1.608190      -1.901122  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-8.248789      -8.546636      -8.879309      -9.223232      -9.588904      -9.933291      -10.08273      -9.599563      -8.488126      -7.137218      -51.14960      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -68.83352      -67.86732      -66.83953      -65.75603      -64.62168      -63.44077      -62.21600      -60.95110      -59.64840      -58.31017      -56.93842      -55.53519      -54.10138      -52.63915      -51.14960       3.501156       3.407562       3.278119       3.106830       2.899753       2.665010       2.410558       2.144111       1.879112       1.630493       1.406683       1.221307       1.080237      0.9823923      0.9202814      0.8848363      0.8663230      0.8579878      0.8549783      -55.58271       4.442252       4.177839       3.903965       3.614079       3.311409       3.006005       2.694095       2.389367       2.109223       1.862184       1.666141       1.529707       1.454683       1.433206       1.451718       1.497733  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3.977392       3.384476       2.820218       2.288179       1.788813       1.322596      0.8860610      0.5012325      0.2021371      3.3142742E-02  1.6040213E-02  0.1511563      0.4008192      0.7224279       1.087061       1.477932       1.887249      -55.58271       4.985050       4.341784       3.720051       3.115782       2.536029       1.980417       1.455231      0.9644871      0.5067921      8.0737405E-02 -0.2778745     -0.5155299     -0.5818456     -0.4594288     -0.1807301      0.1986627      0.6353549       1.105152       1.597050      -55.58271       4.637086       4.008519       3.393150       2.786446       2.200250       1.636335       1.095745      0.5937738      0.1208364     -0.3297298     -0.7337227      -1.042715      -1.183990      -1.105123     -0.8215527     -0.3944075      0.1113675      0.6595829       1.234135      -55.58271       4.203684       3.599452       2.998495       2.398477       1.814298       1.251110      0.7116510      0.2025422     -0.2765950   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-3.159170      -2.466006      -1.623623     -0.7195410      -55.58271       1.687193       1.235382      0.7595415      0.2585984     -0.2478154     -0.7407967      -1.220398      -1.687713      -2.126087      -2.548592      -2.975040      -3.377189      -3.760368      -4.076816      -4.189529      -3.904135      -3.215040      -2.311353      -1.325979      -55.58271      0.8445553      0.4450378      1.3752470E-02 -0.4474415     -0.9168803      -1.377250      -1.827529      -2.268823      -2.689179      -3.094688      -3.499851      -3.890032      -4.272456      -4.615103      -4.821690      -4.660059      -4.009553      -3.054521      -1.988768      -55.58271     -0.1105829     -0.4483409     -0.8283899      -1.241158      -1.667342      -2.089961      -2.508394      -2.921244      -3.314549      -3.695570      -4.084556      -4.460093      -4.836031      -5.192049      -5.461740      -5.434125      -4.860004      -3.866243      -2.720891      -55.58271      -1.212892      -1.478116  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-8.151978      -8.452448      -8.771242      -9.118101      -9.472538      -9.853319      -10.23757      -10.45192      -10.00408      -8.804233      -7.329497      -55.58271      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -68.98605      -67.64945      -66.26910      -64.84782      -63.38812      -61.89219      -60.36201      -58.79934      -57.20576      -55.58271       3.754847       3.667161       3.541607       3.370502       3.159405       2.915619       2.646477       2.362765       2.078089       1.809444       1.566142       1.364818       1.213239       1.108465       1.043678       1.007212      0.9887337      0.9806700      0.9778915      -60.10012       4.770023       4.492507       4.205672       3.902673       3.588297       3.264853       2.936649       2.613055       2.313772       2.051677       1.841490       1.697313       1.621763       1.603280       1.627491       1.680223       1.750234       1.830897       1.918093      -60.10012       5.393723       4.923021       4.478476       4.040322       3.614874       3.213437       2.826325       2.463212       2.138237       1.867108       1.668882       1.558421       1.535659       1.585434       1.685996       1.819301       1.972903       2.139871       2.316185      -60.10012       5.691705       5.100004       4.544072       4.006244       3.500834       3.027604       2.583517       2.170221       1.799807       1.497440       1.281990       1.175914       1.183024       1.285065       1.453481       1.663762       1.899735       2.152685       2.418113      -60.10012       5.752325       5.092851       4.470074       3.872505       3.308338       2.782135       2.293846       1.832361       1.410879       1.051582      0.7949434      0.6616672      0.6723548      0.8099008       1.038066       1.322158       1.639681       1.978653       2.333337      -60.10012       5.633023       4.945369       4.292105       3.660404       3.063133       2.498932       1.972075       1.479945       1.016369      0.6025395      0.2789814      8.9632213E-02  7.0088618E-02  0.2202099      0.4962832      0.8496412       1.247676       1.672638       2.116745      -60.10012       5.376729       4.689609       4.025412       3.382621       2.767812       2.179867       1.627499       1.112131      0.6241786      0.1705613     -0.2181291     -0.4835635     -0.5656471     -0.4352776     -0.1294882      0.2865725      0.7632187       1.274002       1.807693      -60.10012       5.014102       4.343829       3.687221       3.041419       2.419283       1.824955       1.257834      0.7280018      0.2306145     -0.2494121     -0.6815528      -1.023858      -1.192080      -1.120749     -0.8135641     -0.3461540      0.2058738      0.8019799       1.425377      -60.10012       4.564740       3.918748       3.277615       2.638754       2.022207       1.426920      0.8573385      0.3242614   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     1.798674       1.858121       1.935280       2.023060       2.117423      -64.69788       5.763117       5.263828       4.790486       4.325737       3.879619       3.453843       3.046602       2.662340       2.318363       2.032575       1.821942       1.708044       1.690904       1.750644       1.863893       2.010622       2.178002       2.358906       2.549379      -64.69788       6.086424       5.452642       4.859821       4.290687       3.754193       3.256970       2.786045       2.349251       1.959343       1.637847       1.407286       1.298260       1.312850       1.430061       1.617244       1.847529       2.103906       2.377631       2.664250      -64.69788       6.152014       5.448688       4.786123       4.150055       3.554100       2.998215       2.483774       1.998698       1.551488       1.169572      0.8906502      0.7487410      0.7643360      0.9193162       1.171560       1.482108       1.826710       2.193347       2.576286      -64.69788       6.029713       5.297921       4.599788       3.931459       3.298722       2.704102       2.151500       1.633636       1.143856      0.7008801      0.3520934      0.1418049      0.1185528      0.2826987      0.5858425      0.9717739       1.403504       1.863087       2.342535      -64.69788       5.763709       5.031293       4.325620       3.642334       2.993015       2.375298       1.796158       1.256974      0.7394534      0.2597239     -0.1569639     -0.4521836     -0.5536696     -0.4176942     -8.4915251E-02  0.3683969      0.8855371       1.437935       2.014081      -64.69788       5.386926       4.673156       3.974853       3.289338       2.634566       2.007915       1.415733      0.8598852      0.3350974     -0.1691425     -0.6292217      -1.002299      -1.205197      -1.143437     -0.8142678     -0.3062906      0.2926358      0.9374058       1.610401      -64.69788       4.919771       4.232122       3.550423       2.875244       2.223872       1.598050      0.9993120   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-1.774857      -1.787997      -1.807437      -2.912270      -1.375429      -1.410214      -1.444093      -1.481989      -1.517361      -1.550469      -1.581234      -1.609358      -1.634856      -1.661894      -1.689969      -1.715173      -1.737773      -1.757537      -1.774759      -1.794996      -1.815150      -1.825480      -1.843676      -2.912270      -1.425332      -1.459812      -1.493530      -1.530432      -1.565073      -1.598241      -1.628882      -1.656987      -1.682349      -1.709390      -1.736401      -1.760824      -1.782854      -1.801832      -1.818619      -1.837802      -1.856729      -1.864564      -1.881205      -2.912270      -1.481988      -1.515200      -1.547824      -1.583186      -1.617068      -1.649405      -1.679473      -1.706849      -1.732431      -1.758809      -1.784549      -1.808111      -1.829243      -1.847341      -1.863785      -1.882421      -1.897432      -1.905210      -1.919850      -2.912270      -1.543878      -1.575345      -1.606247  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-1.969882      -1.990592      -2.010594      -2.028278      -2.043422      -2.054614      -2.059883      -2.065447      -2.071475      -2.071599      -2.912270      -1.845096      -1.865620      -1.886544      -1.910686      -1.933481      -1.955752      -1.976581      -1.995636      -2.012411      -2.030711      -2.051056      -2.069985      -2.086336      -2.099068      -2.103392      -2.106665      -2.112180      -2.115007      -2.109100      -2.912270      -1.940655      -1.956025      -1.971321      -1.992040      -2.012647      -2.032998      -2.051334      -2.067326      -2.082774      -2.099100      -2.117576      -2.134339      -2.148315      -2.155205      -2.154872      -2.156901      -2.160136      -2.158511      -2.145231      -2.912270      -2.048311      -2.059408      -2.072226      -2.088487      -2.103526      -2.121026      -2.138896      -2.153837      -2.166471      -2.179396      -2.193992      -2.206588      -2.212995      -2.215207      -2.214961      -2.213899  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-3.061449      -3.043603      -3.025857      -3.006633      -2.988370      -2.971234      -2.951433      -2.928780      -2.902648      -2.872519      -2.838091      -2.799781      -2.759345      -2.712045      -2.656152      -2.591372      -2.513522      -2.912270      -4.414452      -4.355619      -4.294259      -4.230421      -4.164152      -4.095498      -4.024528      -3.951532      -3.875814      -3.798166      -3.718400      -3.636562      -3.552920      -3.466809      -3.379006      -3.289306      -3.197729      -3.104343      -3.009180      -2.912270      -1.031641      -1.074865      -1.116094      -1.153494      -1.190613      -1.232629      -1.272020      -1.308211      -1.341237      -1.371968      -1.403162      -1.436596      -1.469668      -1.501781      -1.532425      -1.561787      -1.592444      -1.622342      -1.652090      -4.241012     -0.9931909      -1.046591      -1.096393      -1.141774      -1.188444      -1.237870      -1.283198      -1.324832      -1.362309  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-1.734424      -1.751244      -1.764226      -1.773371      -4.241012      -1.079697      -1.151173      -1.220005      -1.286260      -1.350566      -1.413629      -1.472334      -1.525944      -1.575364      -1.620477      -1.662577      -1.701114      -1.734113      -1.761002      -1.782229      -1.799457      -1.813782      -1.823804      -1.828422      -4.241012      -1.148301      -1.219635      -1.288999      -1.355869      -1.421278      -1.485452      -1.545048      -1.600677      -1.652000      -1.697797      -1.739878      -1.778440      -1.810758      -1.836883      -1.857298      -1.873123      -1.885795      -1.893733      -1.894244      -4.241012      -1.230731      -1.300033      -1.368944      -1.436075      -1.501233      -1.565029      -1.624998      -1.681105      -1.732522      -1.778817      -1.820716      -1.858631      -1.890098      -1.915373      -1.935316      -1.950071      -1.961297      -1.967853      -1.964501      -4.241012      -1.326057      -1.393030  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-2.088066      -2.126556      -2.161148      -2.192946      -2.221815      -2.245760      -2.264429      -2.278621      -2.287960      -2.285278      -2.266619      -4.241012      -1.838057      -1.881708      -1.925360      -1.971886      -2.018786      -2.064430      -2.107996      -2.148376      -2.185123      -2.220074      -2.252868      -2.283416      -2.309502      -2.333536      -2.352507      -2.367035      -2.373148      -2.368102      -2.343621      -4.241012      -1.995162      -2.031955      -2.068800      -2.107984      -2.147237      -2.184749      -2.220989      -2.256194      -2.289382      -2.320942      -2.351446      -2.378624      -2.403358      -2.426514      -2.447148      -2.458036      -2.460186      -2.451662      -2.419989      -4.241012      -2.170180      -2.196953      -2.223231      -2.253255      -2.283871      -2.315924      -2.346261      -2.376415      -2.406285      -2.433813      -2.460197      -2.484934      -2.508084      -2.531370      -2.547748  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-3.543196      -3.528255      -3.515270      -3.502843      -3.491212      -3.482363      -3.473014      -3.463553      -3.451410      -3.436508      -3.414626      -3.389262      -3.356670      -3.312056      -3.252976      -3.175667      -3.080157      -2.962902      -4.241012      -6.744454      -6.655498      -6.560423      -6.460120      -6.354529      -6.243833      -6.128168      -6.007740      -5.882678      -5.753149      -5.619308      -5.481262      -5.339182      -5.193169      -5.043353      -4.889854      -4.732759      -4.572197      -4.408491      -4.241012     -0.7268364     -0.7928897     -0.8578465     -0.9193783     -0.9755628      -1.032329      -1.090421      -1.142687      -1.188725      -1.230710      -1.268039      -1.304524      -1.338457      -1.370873      -1.404439      -1.435665      -1.465693      -1.494130      -1.522019      -5.652469     -0.6327222     -0.7169074     -0.7970566     -0.8730017     -0.9435462      -1.013395      -1.081745      -1.142268  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-1.614038      -1.624047      -1.627112      -1.622298      -1.612630      -5.652469     -0.6991166     -0.8158281     -0.9307377      -1.040398      -1.142336      -1.239127      -1.327664      -1.406224      -1.473877      -1.532812      -1.583385      -1.628098      -1.665805      -1.693165      -1.709849      -1.716448      -1.714787      -1.703569      -1.686220      -5.652469     -0.7907250     -0.9082715      -1.023813      -1.134252      -1.237991      -1.334688      -1.424718      -1.504794      -1.575289      -1.637559      -1.690557      -1.738629      -1.777213      -1.803685      -1.819126      -1.823433      -1.818069      -1.802127      -1.777707      -5.652469     -0.9054125      -1.018947      -1.132588      -1.243580      -1.345510      -1.440958      -1.530211      -1.612006      -1.685612      -1.749586      -1.807509      -1.857697      -1.896257      -1.922978      -1.937957      -1.941303      -1.933430      -1.915094      -1.884108      -5.652469      -1.037527  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-2.102895      -2.171176      -2.234846      -2.291725      -2.340250      -2.379102      -2.407195      -2.424152      -2.429174      -2.425534      -2.404313      -2.354459      -5.652469      -1.732300      -1.802139      -1.874487      -1.950127      -2.026989      -2.101451      -2.175029      -2.242684      -2.303981      -2.361331      -2.414068      -2.461233      -2.501019      -2.529283      -2.546007      -2.552937      -2.554122      -2.530681      -2.477056      -5.652469      -1.946616      -2.005379      -2.069384      -2.135368      -2.201320      -2.265061      -2.328197      -2.388164      -2.441604      -2.491886      -2.541325      -2.586762      -2.624768      -2.653444      -2.671066      -2.683516      -2.683662      -2.657627      -2.599495      -5.652469      -2.188968      -2.233403      -2.283656      -2.336051      -2.388558      -2.439982      -2.491418      -2.541018      -2.588702      -2.634693      -2.678305      -2.719042      -2.753690      -2.782720  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-3.907288      -3.880873      -3.863259      -3.852156      -3.843811      -3.839977      -3.839396      -3.840880      -3.841009      -3.838990      -3.837429      -3.831668      -3.822143      -3.802165      -3.768141      -3.712731      -3.625362      -3.501583      -3.336663      -5.652469      -9.286039      -9.165846      -9.035739      -8.896114      -8.747401      -8.589987      -8.424263      -8.250593      -8.069317      -7.880767      -7.685230      -7.483010      -7.274344      -7.059507      -6.838700      -6.612168      -6.380087      -6.142666      -5.900068      -5.652469     -0.4246037     -0.4991536     -0.5822446     -0.6637400     -0.7433273     -0.8188981     -0.8947713     -0.9646239      -1.028877      -1.086987      -1.136588      -1.180734      -1.218902      -1.252069      -1.282429      -1.313251      -1.342241      -1.368794      -1.393224      -7.138974     -0.2606948     -0.3629655     -0.4688333     -0.5722972     -0.6719686     -0.7648365     -0.8551874  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-1.474193      -1.483323      -1.479387      -1.464180      -1.438300      -1.404085      -7.138974     -0.2711419     -0.4330501     -0.5944219     -0.7502548     -0.8977406      -1.036646      -1.162172      -1.271762      -1.367413      -1.445867      -1.507677      -1.554157      -1.585664      -1.604358      -1.609744      -1.600001      -1.576634      -1.540333      -1.493952      -7.138974     -0.3829829     -0.5462207     -0.7114951     -0.8722357      -1.023454      -1.161909      -1.288672      -1.402180      -1.500016      -1.582309      -1.647374      -1.696232      -1.729296      -1.749943      -1.753048      -1.739236      -1.709416      -1.664239      -1.606952      -7.138974     -0.5264114     -0.6885802     -0.8531544      -1.012646      -1.160708      -1.298096      -1.425311      -1.538745      -1.638669      -1.723949      -1.792930      -1.845006      -1.882912      -1.904663      -1.906868      -1.890464      -1.856022      -1.803804      -1.736839      -7.138974  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-2.038635      -2.139264      -2.235758      -2.327998      -2.409829      -2.476762      -2.528178      -2.559949      -2.571295      -2.563549      -2.533671      -2.482089      -2.391308      -7.138974      -1.586848      -1.687705      -1.796342      -1.901140      -2.006028      -2.111006      -2.213723      -2.310091      -2.400375      -2.485700      -2.563487      -2.630229      -2.682287      -2.716913      -2.731396      -2.727487      -2.704188      -2.657992      -2.564211      -7.138974      -1.856974      -1.939106      -2.032443      -2.126195      -2.217378      -2.309950      -2.402345      -2.489697      -2.570734      -2.647265      -2.719206      -2.782943      -2.835407      -2.871623      -2.889072      -2.888524      -2.877132      -2.831006      -2.734544      -7.138974      -2.154526      -2.218894      -2.296205      -2.374830      -2.450346      -2.526260      -2.602346      -2.678083      -2.751011      -2.818336      -2.882743      -2.941742      -2.992691  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-7.138974      -4.185396      -4.152966      -4.135837      -4.125290      -4.123912      -4.128395      -4.130587      -4.131902      -4.139142      -4.152296      -4.168784      -4.182327      -4.188603      -4.188097      -4.174949      -4.133027      -4.047538      -3.902867      -3.688854      -7.138974      -12.01246      -11.86065      -11.69350      -11.51184      -11.31640      -11.10799      -10.88731      -10.65499      -10.41165      -10.15786      -9.894099      -9.620863      -9.338585      -9.047643      -8.748418      -8.441248      -8.126436      -7.804278      -7.475043      -7.138974     -0.1268308     -0.2082641     -0.3066566     -0.4028152     -0.5004491     -0.5963078     -0.6896553     -0.7800560     -0.8630554     -0.9360812      -1.001125      -1.056402      -1.101871      -1.139375      -1.170774      -1.197854      -1.225403      -1.250005      -1.271461      -8.693932      0.1045474     -1.2765177E-02 -0.1380701     -0.2629435     -0.3867472     -0.5051156  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-1.348190      -1.356785      -1.347669      -1.326620      -1.290692      -1.241757      -1.182039      -8.693932      0.1760712     -2.8152866E-02 -0.2346180     -0.4340298     -0.6226539     -0.8007696     -0.9677175      -1.119585      -1.249009      -1.351631      -1.429243      -1.480453      -1.507780      -1.513303      -1.499816      -1.469687      -1.421497      -1.357117      -1.279771      -8.693932      4.9453270E-02 -0.1594637     -0.3711213     -0.5743498     -0.7689033     -0.9525449      -1.125177      -1.281263      -1.413255      -1.522435      -1.603429      -1.656127      -1.684638      -1.688674      -1.674251      -1.637321      -1.578749      -1.500762      -1.407060      -8.693932     -0.1185863     -0.3272762     -0.5355058     -0.7395265     -0.9376699      -1.124575      -1.295440      -1.449984      -1.587023      -1.699970      -1.785779      -1.844232      -1.874931      -1.882103      -1.868196      -1.827258      -1.761024      -1.671868      -1.563626  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-1.890415      -2.033579      -2.172134      -2.298849      -2.413008      -2.514815      -2.601934      -2.665679      -2.701359      -2.705692      -2.679389      -2.619108      -2.522158      -2.380570      -8.693932      -1.407449      -1.543036      -1.687900      -1.828948      -1.967602      -2.104710      -2.237129      -2.365081      -2.485778      -2.596991      -2.697742      -2.783750      -2.850658      -2.893434      -2.904870      -2.886796      -2.836172      -2.750118      -2.606098      -8.693932      -1.734062      -1.845093      -1.970739      -2.096058      -2.216650      -2.336996      -2.454601      -2.571124      -2.684939      -2.789063      -2.881994      -2.964900      -3.032110      -3.078931      -3.099689      -3.089396      -3.050735      -2.978757      -2.834600      -8.693932      -2.094546      -2.181169      -2.284119      -2.388731      -2.490122      -2.591439      -2.692967      -2.794705      -2.894293      -2.988087      -3.072513      -3.148489  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-3.720756      -8.693932      -4.421904      -4.388633      -4.369308      -4.362362      -4.363797      -4.366908      -4.373525      -4.390285      -4.411442      -4.435054      -4.461919      -4.490376      -4.518024      -4.537582      -4.548463      -4.532744      -4.457627      -4.305599      -4.043972      -8.693932      -14.90287      -14.71884      -14.51295      -14.28659      -14.04110      -13.77773      -13.49760      -13.20177      -12.89118      -12.56667      -12.22900      -11.87887      -11.51690      -11.14367      -10.75970      -10.36546      -9.961380      -9.547857      -9.125261      -8.693932      0.1760808      8.5420951E-02 -2.2711538E-02 -0.1376171     -0.2544589     -0.3654154     -0.4747284     -0.5825413     -0.6831500     -0.7750247     -0.8531916     -0.9196463     -0.9752898      -1.018249      -1.052307      -1.079224      -1.103047      -1.125447      -1.144300      -10.31178      0.4745643      0.3417100      0.1944945      4.5913950E-02 -9.8320901E-02 -0.2377935     -0.3737579     -0.5032839     -0.6203678     -0.7211751     -0.8020095     -0.8669289     -0.9139558     -0.9448187     -0.9619919     -0.9692436     -0.9709096     -0.9675101     -0.9582979      -10.31178      0.6471918      0.4691529      0.2864117      0.1095921     -6.3208587E-02 -0.2285904     -0.3861001     -0.5327699     -0.6631045     -0.7698097     -0.8546351     -0.9169048     -0.9550632     -0.9733554     -0.9743367     -0.9624448     -0.9428723     -0.9149582     -0.8791826      -10.31178      0.7147380      0.5025933      0.2939604      9.2936203E-02 -0.1058336     -0.2955231     -0.4737270     -0.6365957     -0.7760965     -0.8906114     -0.9802476      -1.040495      -1.072909      -1.080824      -1.067696      -1.038424     -0.9989977     -0.9478911     -0.8867396      -10.31178      0.7007675      0.4689358      0.2382791      1.6067429E-02 -0.2002250     -0.4089926     -0.6063098     -0.7838085     -0.9334005      -1.056800      -1.150569 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-1.523124      -1.371519      -10.31178      7.4242063E-02 -0.1738892     -0.4241320     -0.6654380     -0.9032689      -1.133351      -1.352263      -1.552756      -1.728577      -1.878958      -1.993540      -2.069057      -2.106238      -2.103754      -2.070009      -1.997474      -1.887931      -1.745262      -1.575568      -10.31178     -0.1957886     -0.4308880     -0.6708631     -0.9043029      -1.135020      -1.358874      -1.569556      -1.764464      -1.939389      -2.088290      -2.207020      -2.292259      -2.339310      -2.349766      -2.323998      -2.254259      -2.141934      -1.990605      -1.806045      -10.31178     -0.4976309     -0.7165815     -0.9452882      -1.167151      -1.383987      -1.590731      -1.791162      -1.980054      -2.146675      -2.292718      -2.415567      -2.506706      -2.566338      -2.594520      -2.578526      -2.517143      -2.407564      -2.252868      -2.057510      -10.31178     -0.8340831      -1.033411      -1.242308      -1.445119  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-3.242033      -3.337832      -3.417145      -3.476201      -3.512158      -3.508747      -3.462834      -3.367350      -3.169619      -10.31178      -2.489996      -2.562030      -2.655542      -2.755883      -2.858601      -2.960086      -3.064494      -3.171407      -3.277124      -3.378160      -3.471554      -3.556687      -3.630316      -3.688892      -3.730024      -3.740468      -3.724943      -3.638868      -3.445727      -10.31178      -3.014800      -3.052586      -3.110145      -3.176632      -3.249217      -3.323298      -3.401443      -3.486168      -3.572446      -3.655708      -3.734160      -3.805971      -3.872651      -3.928113      -3.972759      -4.009387      -3.996585      -3.915776      -3.718425      -10.31178      -3.639859      -3.644070      -3.668438      -3.701375      -3.741616      -3.786617      -3.837288      -3.894462      -3.956090      -4.020331      -4.081392      -4.141248      -4.205716      -4.267528      -4.314283      -4.336711      -4.315094  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0.3624739      0.1939534      2.9790916E-02 -0.1258469     -0.2743163     -0.4094635     -0.5263880     -0.6239398     -0.6975064     -0.7512063     -0.7840923     -0.7999294     -0.8022804     -0.7956986     -0.7841945     -0.7666993      -11.98777       1.060809      0.8542337      0.6468897      0.4395175      0.2365806      4.6543170E-02 -0.1346964     -0.3043664     -0.4545200     -0.5818370     -0.6804053     -0.7502362     -0.7935215     -0.8091366     -0.8037107     -0.7814831     -0.7478952     -0.7062967     -0.6564557      -11.98777       1.152086      0.9058441      0.6608543      0.4237109      0.1946329     -2.4206454E-02 -0.2320520     -0.4208378     -0.5855880     -0.7227817     -0.8244756     -0.8944542     -0.9292657     -0.9314100     -0.9069241     -0.8621767     -0.8030502     -0.7326373     -0.6515937      -11.98777       1.147767      0.8743284      0.6038004      0.3459442      9.6619129E-02 -0.1472475     -0.3774080     -0.5865812     -0.7684531     -0.9119800  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-1.545581      -1.374137      -1.178324      -11.98777      0.4703853      0.1822211     -0.1086233     -0.3933291     -0.6763187     -0.9495896      -1.213227      -1.457676      -1.678090      -1.862144      -2.005290      -2.101378      -2.143977      -2.133389      -2.070237      -1.963707      -1.811648      -1.621249      -1.400924      -11.98777      0.1729670     -0.1044720     -0.3884270     -0.6644853     -0.9348869      -1.201430      -1.461509      -1.703438      -1.916530      -2.102528      -2.250943      -2.354452      -2.412456      -2.413089      -2.363467      -2.259581      -2.102081      -1.897642      -1.656080      -11.98777     -0.1701096     -0.4300827     -0.6977325     -0.9602931      -1.218545      -1.472413      -1.718574      -1.947431      -2.154876      -2.337162      -2.485558      -2.598600      -2.669936      -2.690573      -2.659342      -2.565729      -2.410115      -2.198443      -1.940257      -11.98777     -0.5537742     -0.7895553      -1.037580  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-3.269657      -3.397995      -3.509682      -3.606875      -3.686152      -3.729760      -3.721232      -3.653414      -3.510850      -3.248825      -11.98777      -2.456175      -2.547321      -2.661163      -2.781806      -2.906261      -3.031223      -3.159237      -3.288701      -3.415711      -3.537689      -3.651731      -3.753489      -3.841063      -3.916957      -3.971019      -3.981873      -3.948030      -3.835687      -3.583248      -11.98777      -3.051069      -3.099574      -3.170176      -3.252679      -3.342956      -3.436999      -3.534909      -3.636598      -3.740487      -3.842220      -3.939194      -4.027159      -4.103935      -4.173569      -4.231677      -4.267941      -4.260957      -4.159042      -3.915155      -11.98777      -3.751434      -3.756906      -3.784609      -3.825907      -3.878123      -3.940052      -4.006819      -4.078900      -4.155087      -4.229837      -4.307882      -4.382649      -4.448493      -4.521150      -4.590224      -4.633039  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0.8615462      0.6756318      0.4878512      0.3013682      0.1197351     -4.9642429E-02 -0.2002871     -0.3343780     -0.4456932     -0.5316831     -0.5900242     -0.6259341     -0.6400979     -0.6381881     -0.6247867     -0.6049931     -0.5794597      -13.71782       1.470523       1.235369       1.002706      0.7682424      0.5393296      0.3180878      0.1096251     -7.8991190E-02 -0.2485783     -0.3932944     -0.5067864     -0.5857871     -0.6305245     -0.6451550     -0.6325515     -0.6000596     -0.5534673     -0.4980748     -0.4343294      -13.71782       1.586960       1.303356       1.025234      0.7560818      0.4915515      0.2377863      4.4377181E-03 -0.2090160     -0.3956329     -0.5511289     -0.6716076     -0.7477013     -0.7836375     -0.7801421     -0.7443328     -0.6834970     -0.6052508     -0.5153093     -0.4144316      -13.71782       1.590788       1.276082      0.9696192      0.6704967      0.3826159      0.1067061     -0.1542374     -0.3933159     -0.6002906  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-1.616283      -1.435723      -1.221052     -0.9804084      -13.71782      0.8628025      0.5338077      0.2037837     -0.1204348     -0.4425314     -0.7610015      -1.067873      -1.347925      -1.606641      -1.832114      -2.009069      -2.132165      -2.188010      -2.169081      -2.082105      -1.935741      -1.739203      -1.500031      -1.228422      -13.71782      0.5372730      0.2214312     -0.1003069     -0.4166757     -0.7299463      -1.038078      -1.335795      -1.617134      -1.875709      -2.099915      -2.281919      -2.416753      -2.488095      -2.486413      -2.409174      -2.268352      -2.062537      -1.803533      -1.503890      -13.71782      0.1586308     -0.1372157     -0.4426184     -0.7453925      -1.040362      -1.334421      -1.622664      -1.895751      -2.142775      -2.361526      -2.545276      -2.685673      -2.775779      -2.795560      -2.742734      -2.614100      -2.408750      -2.137308      -1.814307      -13.71782     -0.2668995     -0.5372499  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-3.230322      -3.392147      -3.541600      -3.673954      -3.789062      -3.885931      -3.938962      -3.925345      -3.830839      -3.634510      -3.301631      -13.71782      -2.401828      -2.511936      -2.645016      -2.789059      -2.938926      -3.091643      -3.244061      -3.394042      -3.543035      -3.688280      -3.820408      -3.938344      -4.043865      -4.135466      -4.200425      -4.213057      -4.158324      -4.012559      -3.697310      -13.71782      -3.065291      -3.127692      -3.211446      -3.309426      -3.418169      -3.536427      -3.658226      -3.777124      -3.897079      -4.019388      -4.134115      -4.235125      -4.324936      -4.408509      -4.479081      -4.512620      -4.506699      -4.386459      -4.088318      -13.71782      -3.842873      -3.852796      -3.885682      -3.932792      -3.998999      -4.077579      -4.163786      -4.251125      -4.339949      -4.433051      -4.525616      -4.611041      -4.688799      -4.761228      -4.847324  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1.373754       1.181601      0.9805479      0.7769074      0.5697340      0.3678018      0.1770347      3.5137124E-03 -0.1464348     -0.2721963     -0.3677864     -0.4341896     -0.4708794     -0.4842285     -0.4780179     -0.4583927     -0.4306862     -0.3973494      -15.49837       1.868893       1.605173       1.348000       1.089935      0.8345836      0.5872241      0.3536009      0.1379297     -5.1505335E-02 -0.2145469     -0.3424735     -0.4308651     -0.4787922     -0.4906290     -0.4715882     -0.4293851     -0.3706879     -0.3014219     -0.2239610      -15.49837       2.012653       1.692754       1.383794       1.081529      0.7849807      0.4996129      0.2330066     -5.9268530E-03 -0.2125585     -0.3894670     -0.5245625     -0.6112734     -0.6461166     -0.6371655     -0.5891080     -0.5127201     -0.4162458     -0.3065121     -0.1858353      -15.49837       2.028081       1.672947       1.328763      0.9925793      0.6678262      0.3530331      5.9492026E-02 -0.2048830   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-1.725026      -1.547121      -1.324043      -1.065065     -0.7790632      -15.49837       1.248436      0.8772728      0.5102526      0.1477001     -0.2125533     -0.5681363     -0.9105590      -1.233478      -1.526471      -1.785012      -2.002386      -2.156315      -2.227128      -2.203612      -2.092206      -1.905014      -1.662233      -1.372619      -1.048824      -15.49837      0.8949748      0.5429234      0.1859600     -0.1680245     -0.5190724     -0.8676061      -1.205353      -1.522464      -1.817306      -2.080802      -2.302393      -2.470948      -2.565099      -2.563272      -2.467144      -2.283805      -2.028545      -1.713717      -1.355153      -15.49837      0.4868169      0.1576467     -0.1819576     -0.5225824     -0.8593429      -1.192398      -1.514663      -1.824707      -2.114895      -2.370510      -2.588842      -2.765847      -2.877839      -2.906111      -2.832495      -2.667462      -2.410131      -2.077326      -1.688246      -15.49837      2.6532302E-02 -0.2768789     -0.5931793     -0.9120220      -1.226512      -1.540169      -1.845693      -2.139269      -2.410810      -2.655343      -2.866840      -3.040893      -3.170312      -3.225540      -3.192290      -3.054264      -2.809503      -2.470163      -2.057411      -15.49837     -0.4858287     -0.7559122      -1.041430      -1.332441      -1.624207      -1.913864      -2.191261      -2.457193      -2.709634      -2.937053      -3.134483      -3.304615      -3.439960      -3.524141      -3.532901      -3.432358      -3.215164      -2.885121      -2.458876      -15.49837      -1.046430      -1.279325      -1.529657      -1.786512      -2.044738      -2.301251      -2.548707      -2.785521      -3.010801      -3.218506      -3.404063      -3.560325      -3.699068      -3.806298      -3.847391      -3.789624      -3.614400      -3.311396      -2.884877      -15.49837      -1.659189      -1.846147      -2.052955      -2.267866      -2.487347      -2.707441      -2.920033  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-5.007225      -5.094299      -5.172043      -5.172134      -5.050810      -4.694750      -15.49837      -5.133217      -5.080401      -5.058873      -5.050509      -5.063018      -5.104712      -5.160607      -5.220308      -5.282626      -5.358110      -5.443281      -5.530884      -5.610742      -5.684417      -5.751760      -5.825715      -5.817335      -5.669580      -5.220047      -15.49837      -27.81642      -27.49746      -27.12036      -26.69127      -26.21561      -25.69806      -25.14254      -24.55238      -23.93040      -23.27900      -22.60027      -21.89598      -21.16772      -20.41687      -19.64467      -18.85221      -18.04049      -17.21041      -16.36279      -15.49837       1.329675       1.209076       1.077057      0.9248464      0.7599619      0.5873050      0.4100176      0.2327801      6.1925374E-02 -9.6401028E-02 -0.2350717     -0.3527583     -0.4478544     -0.5201170     -0.5706090     -0.6044301     -0.6257150     -0.6396946     -0.6506824      -17.32631  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0.2727031     -2.1917792E-02 -0.2773168     -0.4953842     -0.6604816     -0.7610371     -0.7894756     -0.7545012     -0.6651201     -0.5360957     -0.3791173     -0.2036338     -1.4173341E-02  -17.32631       2.373876       1.954169       1.551947       1.155142      0.7682278      0.3974073      5.0086163E-02 -0.2652820     -0.5481727     -0.7935867     -0.9797636      -1.092415      -1.123864      -1.077399     -0.9633501     -0.8005638     -0.6034500     -0.3833039     -0.1455278      -17.32631       2.199701       1.771989       1.357786      0.9513730      0.5511613      0.1651617     -0.1930174     -0.5311013     -0.8364555      -1.103648      -1.318247      -1.449791      -1.493899      -1.443649      -1.312999      -1.121397     -0.8871757     -0.6238934     -0.3385173      -17.32631       1.947943       1.524716       1.108661      0.7009791      0.2987140     -8.9117140E-02 -0.4617426     -0.8126833      -1.133022      -1.419100      -1.653886      -1.815855      -1.880197  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-17.32631      0.3224383     -1.2840703E-02 -0.3621114     -0.7155542      -1.071456      -1.419784      -1.758278      -2.086905      -2.398541      -2.675939      -2.921968      -3.131629      -3.288302      -3.364173      -3.318444      -3.150072      -2.852686      -2.444704      -1.957224      -17.32631     -0.2273233     -0.5293152     -0.8476201      -1.170527      -1.499857      -1.825895      -2.140554      -2.442420      -2.726795      -2.988534      -3.218564      -3.415509      -3.579251      -3.677839      -3.687545      -3.564521      -3.300135      -2.899053      -2.391135      -17.32631     -0.8334810      -1.095922      -1.376531      -1.665309      -1.962920      -2.255888      -2.536097      -2.806016      -3.063333      -3.300653      -3.510545      -3.696682      -3.850592      -3.974512      -4.026312      -3.956681      -3.742535      -3.372330      -2.859536      -17.32631      -1.500046      -1.716390      -1.951506      -2.196016      -2.450663      -2.704901  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-5.146477      -5.247359      -5.335821      -5.420223      -5.428559      -5.298836      -4.893279      -17.32631      -5.261932      -5.210149      -5.186610      -5.186763      -5.214673      -5.260638      -5.328101      -5.402385      -5.480968      -5.565905      -5.662872      -5.761701      -5.851682      -5.941313      -6.028867      -6.104701      -6.113710      -5.966439      -5.471571      -17.32631      -31.33059      -30.97644      -30.55270      -30.06740      -29.52756      -28.93900      -28.30659      -27.63436      -26.92570      -26.18349      -25.41016      -24.60781      -23.77828      -22.92319      -22.04396      -21.14187      -20.21807      -19.27360      -18.30939      -17.32631       1.604093       1.479422       1.339492       1.179834       1.009009      0.8231487      0.6332287      0.4420686      0.2540831      7.8864299E-02 -7.8343779E-02 -0.2096198     -0.3153895     -0.3949980     -0.4501878     -0.4864210     -0.5078970     -0.5208192     -0.5303562  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0.8395143      0.4861425      0.1651176     -0.1233822     -0.3642923     -0.5477712     -0.6578948     -0.6877567     -0.6415795     -0.5359339     -0.3845634     -0.2026980     -9.5359242E-04  0.2149909      -19.19886       2.795377       2.331581       1.890531       1.457221       1.030880      0.6282371      0.2495120     -9.7914048E-02 -0.4100699     -0.6847146     -0.8954063      -1.023974      -1.057453      -1.000311     -0.8666949     -0.6768604     -0.4486695     -0.1956274      7.5123906E-02  -19.19886       2.613536       2.143005       1.688260       1.240700      0.8041883      0.3843783     -1.0583297E-02 -0.3758676     -0.7120731      -1.013663      -1.256506      -1.413516      -1.462767      -1.405812      -1.252241      -1.028662     -0.7570719     -0.4543660     -0.1293829      -19.19886       2.347014       1.881113       1.424441      0.9784734      0.5381619      0.1132342     -0.2903523     -0.6722460      -1.023904      -1.343400      -1.616364      -1.804218  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-1.435013      -19.19886      0.6196844      0.2510166     -0.1291047     -0.5180796     -0.9104872      -1.296351      -1.667921      -2.027236      -2.370461      -2.685903      -2.963859      -3.209587      -3.400810      -3.496868      -3.451614      -3.251870      -2.899937      -2.421559      -1.858551      -19.19886      3.5248514E-02 -0.2985718     -0.6477012      -1.006986      -1.371703      -1.730795      -2.078575      -2.415255      -2.735137      -3.024171      -3.286072      -3.517290      -3.708925      -3.833700      -3.840656      -3.700586      -3.387048      -2.912130      -2.321239      -19.19886     -0.6140508     -0.9059982      -1.215613      -1.537709      -1.870074      -2.199339      -2.515156      -2.814732      -3.103641      -3.368198      -3.604364      -3.815783      -4.002555      -4.138576      -4.199107      -4.121633      -3.868674      -3.426605      -2.824887      -19.19886      -1.329870      -1.572634      -1.836889      -2.115767      -2.403427  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-5.250087      -5.361995      -5.473201      -5.575793      -5.653123      -5.673305      -5.533811      -5.079271      -19.19886      -5.363172      -5.316663      -5.300663      -5.309512      -5.346948      -5.410807      -5.487451      -5.574393      -5.672333      -5.773295      -5.873249      -5.981391      -6.084575      -6.188569      -6.293852      -6.367299      -6.393701      -6.248595      -5.710330      -19.19886      -34.94338      -34.55346      -34.08160      -33.53811      -32.93168      -32.26951      -31.55741      -30.80021      -30.00189      -29.16577      -28.29469      -27.39107      -26.45702      -25.49439      -24.50482      -23.48975      -22.45050      -21.38824      -20.30404      -19.19886       1.870529       1.744022       1.600494       1.433933       1.252285       1.058328      0.8548711      0.6477980      0.4440847      0.2490608      7.5249292E-02 -7.2924018E-02 -0.1894186     -0.2772990     -0.3376427     -0.3757105     -0.3977451     -0.4101526  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1.480833       1.075729      0.6943313      0.3459399      2.8071141E-02 -0.2409322     -0.4413359     -0.5627260     -0.5921854     -0.5370721     -0.4136546     -0.2393798     -3.2346800E-02  0.1957082      0.4384083      -21.11357       3.211468       2.702567       2.219253       1.748233       1.289675      0.8541532      0.4455830      6.9179632E-02 -0.2776441     -0.5785267     -0.8140525     -0.9584470     -0.9966649     -0.9285688     -0.7747517     -0.5562717     -0.2965216     -1.0526614E-02  0.2936237      -21.11357       3.019572       2.505165       2.010579       1.526486       1.051646      0.5995352      0.1713567     -0.2262383     -0.5911464     -0.9233692      -1.196896      -1.378028      -1.436389      -1.372179      -1.197074     -0.9405689     -0.6310763     -0.2885111      7.6609790E-02  -21.11357       2.737781       2.232724       1.737328       1.249437      0.7735143      0.3144135     -0.1254491     -0.5345267     -0.9157246      -1.267898      -1.572743   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-1.903271      -1.309922      -21.11357      0.9147124      0.5139635      0.1002204     -0.3233077     -0.7513201      -1.169326      -1.575174      -1.966268      -2.335352      -2.679187      -2.995247      -3.276073      -3.503248      -3.625006      -3.588117      -3.360109      -2.952708      -2.402830      -1.763258      -21.11357      0.2972648     -6.5789573E-02 -0.4470935     -0.8402947      -1.241720      -1.634346      -2.012141      -2.379668      -2.730226      -3.050414      -3.338802      -3.605170      -3.829156      -3.979556      -3.996732      -3.841974      -3.478508      -2.929199      -2.254061      -21.11357     -0.3903559     -0.7105080      -1.051643      -1.406544      -1.773004      -2.134129      -2.482893      -2.818306      -3.132752      -3.424184      -3.687706      -3.926026      -4.140051      -4.298533      -4.371010      -4.290697      -4.000072      -3.483969      -2.790942      -21.11357      -1.152490      -1.421472      -1.713524      -2.025536  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-5.319837      -5.454493      -5.586078      -5.704152      -5.810917      -5.888978      -5.916761      -5.774159      -5.256650      -21.11357      -5.463986      -5.411049      -5.406122      -5.428843      -5.483284      -5.558495      -5.645150      -5.750258      -5.862916      -5.984155      -6.098505      -6.208209      -6.332408      -6.448680      -6.557418      -6.644465      -6.670555      -6.530799      -5.946835      -21.11357      -38.64869      -38.22243      -37.70129      -37.09740      -36.42216      -35.68388      -34.88949      -34.04460      -33.15380      -32.22091      -31.24915      -30.24129      -29.19971      -28.12650      -27.02374      -25.89260      -24.73454      -23.55135      -22.34400      -21.11357       2.124056       1.996685       1.853360       1.684422       1.495065       1.288645       1.073389      0.8490722      0.6263106      0.4121676      0.2186068      5.3451449E-02 -7.8106329E-02 -0.1755553     -0.2416373     -0.2822104     -0.3052387  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2.198251       1.737040       1.304416      0.8996891      0.5217526      0.1778276     -0.1153927     -0.3366246     -0.4671210     -0.4983003     -0.4335481     -0.2897647     -9.1936946E-02  0.1407126      0.3954328      0.6652539      -23.06822       3.620944       3.067382       2.542186       2.031018       1.540043       1.075482      0.6371498      0.2330622     -0.1430458     -0.4744420     -0.7340696     -0.8956635     -0.9386117     -0.8616835     -0.6852793     -0.4377322     -0.1459814      0.1733479      0.5113579      -23.06822       3.419679       2.861755       2.325026       1.802979       1.295341      0.8089041      0.3506584     -7.5519562E-02 -0.4716773     -0.8323531      -1.136875      -1.343643      -1.416312      -1.344536      -1.147009     -0.8564347     -0.5085107     -0.1258018      0.2800155      -23.06822       3.122654       2.576882       2.043010       1.517183       1.003037      0.5118442      4.0553212E-02 -0.3997934     -0.8071623      -1.188916   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-2.447881      -1.851547      -1.188354      -23.06822       1.208935      0.7741624      0.3276305     -0.1308115     -0.5932002      -1.043676      -1.479841      -1.902930      -2.298347      -2.666872      -3.013427      -3.332873      -3.592814      -3.747440      -3.722511      -3.470742      -3.007112      -2.383622      -1.666302      -23.06822      0.5603141      0.1660238     -0.2458098     -0.6741801      -1.109402      -1.535538      -1.946813      -2.342194      -2.717534      -3.067285      -3.385799      -3.684520      -3.939564      -4.115959      -4.155648      -3.986667      -3.574413      -2.948481      -2.187809      -23.06822     -0.1644627     -0.5130218     -0.8832318      -1.274694      -1.674383      -2.067116      -2.446060      -2.812968      -3.157520      -3.471250      -3.763845      -4.034906      -4.269583      -4.452902      -4.538099      -4.459342      -4.132856      -3.540390      -2.754507      -23.06822     -0.9719781      -1.264618      -1.585873  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-5.351552      -5.507865      -5.659100      -5.798630      -5.921362      -6.032135      -6.114820      -6.147307      -6.007020      -5.425177      -23.06822      -5.556280      -5.495097      -5.495789      -5.533612      -5.610092      -5.697990      -5.803596      -5.925224      -6.054016      -6.186468      -6.312804      -6.435060      -6.567181      -6.689487      -6.804871      -6.898982      -6.929785      -6.804071      -6.177450      -23.06822      -42.44114      -41.97798      -41.40569      -40.74004      -39.99380      -39.17710      -38.29797      -37.36283      -36.37693      -35.34457      -34.26939      -33.15451      -32.00258      -30.81595      -29.59668      -28.34658      -27.06729      -25.76027      -24.42684      -23.06822       2.369241       2.238895       2.097131       1.929418       1.735085       1.520691       1.289789       1.050965      0.8061288      0.5742618      0.3579986      0.1731142      2.5442919E-02 -8.1745423E-02 -0.1539267     -0.1976051  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2.999655       2.480947       1.988754       1.526083       1.098788      0.6956205      0.3216872      3.0513890E-03 -0.2392194     -0.3820662     -0.4157876     -0.3395097     -0.1761472      4.5528121E-02  0.3041748      0.5858009      0.8830404      -25.06082       4.025189       3.425236       2.858958       2.308799       1.783523       1.289957      0.8273516      0.3916575     -1.2133359E-02 -0.3720223     -0.6584968     -0.8366517     -0.8860896     -0.7992646     -0.5988401     -0.3216666      2.6068059E-03  0.3556902      0.7279827      -25.06082       3.813319       3.212833       2.634266       2.071661       1.532195       1.016421      0.5252295      7.0949249E-02 -0.3532979     -0.7459287      -1.078632      -1.311232      -1.398240      -1.322081      -1.101019     -0.7760427     -0.3892129      3.4173086E-02  0.4812053      -25.06082       3.503003       2.915553       2.340831       1.777856       1.231012      0.7030319      0.2018539     -0.2668732     -0.7042204   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-3.010197      -2.468542      -1.803139      -1.069482      -25.06082       1.499827       1.032246      0.5505542      5.7482775E-02 -0.4381996     -0.9206976      -1.388489      -1.837224      -2.259884      -2.652879      -3.030517      -3.381649      -3.670581      -3.859802      -3.855980      -3.589659      -3.069319      -2.371132      -1.575481      -25.06082      0.8203427      0.3965838     -4.7407929E-02 -0.5105919     -0.9793327      -1.436299      -1.879500      -2.304479      -2.702714      -3.076784      -3.432797      -3.754365      -4.036641      -4.242656      -4.308190      -4.134113      -3.676039      -2.972038      -2.125072      -25.06082      6.0278997E-02 -0.3143111     -0.7154174      -1.140103      -1.574819      -1.997380      -2.406582      -2.802925      -3.176152      -3.515133      -3.834324      -4.131203      -4.387302      -4.594180      -4.700174      -4.629375      -4.270132      -3.601239      -2.721672      -25.06082     -0.7868792      -1.105199  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-5.334193      -5.518769      -5.688579      -5.857062      -6.000195      -6.131690      -6.243095      -6.334708      -6.370148      -6.227793      -5.581972      -25.06082      -5.631079      -5.573296      -5.575269      -5.631809      -5.718518      -5.828534      -5.955991      -6.094769      -6.239724      -6.379880      -6.519976      -6.660018      -6.789718      -6.919412      -7.037278      -7.140090      -7.177355      -7.064770      -6.397356      -25.06082      -46.31595      -45.81533      -45.19081      -44.46160      -43.64208      -42.74475      -41.77854      -40.75076      -39.66726      -38.53291      -37.35199      -36.12723      -34.86233      -33.55962      -32.22139      -30.84964      -29.44642      -28.01260      -26.55038      -25.06082       2.606015       2.475552       2.333580       2.167923       1.973659       1.752905       1.508721       1.251134      0.9895735      0.7337871      0.4958158      0.2894993      0.1249611      6.4064842E-03 -7.2316915E-02 -0.1192504     -0.1445691     -0.1567276     -0.1629376      -27.08958       3.546932       3.254984       2.975282       2.690264       2.397079       2.099897       1.793745       1.491731       1.202045      0.9371014      0.7091783      0.5373473      0.4285125      0.3803700      0.3800436      0.4147810      0.4717999      0.5423092      0.6203918      -27.08958       4.140084       3.686538       3.267074       2.857356       2.463469       2.088615       1.730886       1.388020       1.071196      0.7923532      0.5720962      0.4246569      0.3603955      0.3723666      0.4421883      0.5517922      0.6865548      0.8370998      0.9978007      -27.08958       4.438705       3.879424       3.358075       2.859883       2.388931       1.949341       1.538666       1.150948      0.7976889      0.4913768      0.2598105      0.1178513      8.0065742E-02  0.1375046      0.2685654      0.4487245      0.6594449      0.8892860       1.132231      -27.08958       4.515312 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-0.1360244     -0.5998691      -1.040806      -1.438779      -1.755706      -1.926136      -1.891725      -1.649736      -1.250360     -0.7599362     -0.2198968      0.3502517      -27.08958       3.469021       2.863635       2.264152       1.666940       1.086545      0.5290107     -4.4934824E-03 -0.5050077     -0.9729728      -1.419025      -1.839739      -2.198600      -2.436908      -2.472268      -2.262057      -1.844047      -1.298631     -0.6861699     -3.5594221E-02  -27.08958       2.983459       2.406324       1.827611       1.244688      0.6758630      0.1276729     -0.3992286     -0.8965728      -1.363226      -1.808511      -2.235065      -2.616532      -2.904499      -3.020288      -2.870497      -2.461494      -1.875867      -1.196688     -0.4673330      -27.08958       2.421395       1.879315       1.328412      0.7703500      0.2178229     -0.3150277     -0.8279257      -1.318338      -1.777981      -2.214879      -2.636464      -3.016599      -3.338319      -3.519058 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-0.6020722     -0.9438755      -1.324543      -1.735227      -2.156111      -2.569685      -2.971474      -3.355934      -3.708503      -4.033408      -4.345441      -4.624365      -4.873294      -5.082198      -5.229449      -5.251676      -5.004671      -4.356331      -3.375067      -27.08958      -1.599961      -1.868146      -2.186460      -2.539148      -2.903952      -3.260981      -3.609204      -3.942328      -4.250818      -4.535858      -4.803849      -5.048897      -5.258467      -5.447329      -5.591713      -5.659881      -5.538660      -5.053540      -4.117722      -27.08958      -2.730025      -2.907029      -3.143618      -3.418411      -3.707265      -3.999789      -4.289417      -4.566997      -4.827290      -5.069741      -5.297106      -5.507501      -5.691564      -5.850388      -5.979616      -6.061543      -6.039870      -5.744734      -4.912416      -27.08958      -4.027216      -4.092029      -4.223670      -4.404986      -4.607817      -4.827667      -5.053493 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9.4553590E-02  9.7387908E-03 -4.0487666E-02 -6.6945441E-02 -7.9202846E-02 -8.4977157E-02  -29.15287       3.853011       3.543430       3.248853       2.952844       2.650313       2.343916       2.020682       1.699338       1.390941       1.100672      0.8528836      0.6628645      0.5444864      0.4927444      0.4944465      0.5340926      0.5973571      0.6748685      0.7602412      -29.15287       4.496203       4.008480       3.562001       3.129653       2.717841       2.323722       1.942737       1.582428       1.240610      0.9428374      0.7013205      0.5395000      0.4707647      0.4868421      0.5658613      0.6874632      0.8353193      0.9996673       1.174550      -29.15287       4.821689       4.221116       3.665215       3.135997       2.638095       2.173194       1.740554       1.327438      0.9487935      0.6239557      0.3689860      0.2134851      0.1736490      0.2403373      0.3866453      0.5854632      0.8160453       1.066506       1.330581      -29.15287  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0.5162133     -7.2060558E-03 -0.4963042     -0.9664340      -1.390905      -1.738568      -1.936719      -1.914828      -1.654411      -1.216560     -0.6795679     -9.0760268E-02  0.5289890      -29.15287       3.824229       3.176679       2.536234       1.900916       1.289149      0.6997041      0.1352043     -0.3904382     -0.8835701      -1.357358      -1.801461      -2.190019      -2.462377      -2.522816      -2.307064      -1.849605      -1.251499     -0.5829202      0.1246343      -29.15287       3.316185       2.700200       2.084952       1.466394      0.8610279      0.2801816     -0.2766859     -0.7993435      -1.288476      -1.762457      -2.209456      -2.616512      -2.939748      -3.092698      -2.952475      -2.511420      -1.868623      -1.125869     -0.3320003      -29.15287       2.731986       2.155584       1.567610      0.9705737      0.3843660     -0.1812317     -0.7252094      -1.237313      -1.719834      -2.184786      -2.623415      -3.030311      -3.381796  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-29.15287     -0.4182387     -0.7818406      -1.191578      -1.636151      -2.088338      -2.533803      -2.964579      -3.373336      -3.753147      -4.102035      -4.438917      -4.734966      -5.000749      -5.229825      -5.390935      -5.433619      -5.176476      -4.461244      -3.378633      -29.15287      -1.458646      -1.745875      -2.092271      -2.477576      -2.873195      -3.266480      -3.643034      -3.999953      -4.332930      -4.642046      -4.932229      -5.186572      -5.413706      -5.608330      -5.766087      -5.847782      -5.728017      -5.194101      -4.156357      -29.15287      -2.645439      -2.839492      -3.101137      -3.406291      -3.725925      -4.050032      -4.366308      -4.667630      -4.949159      -5.210866      -5.454459      -5.669355      -5.866531      -6.032835      -6.169547      -6.258276      -6.242578      -5.917510      -4.996242      -29.15287      -4.019302      -4.094685      -4.245270      -4.447495      -4.678346      -4.924376  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0.3200827      0.1774500      8.5261256E-02  3.1443052E-02  3.7709810E-03 -8.7780645E-03 -1.4256047E-02  -31.24921       4.154720       3.824586       3.518427       3.205786       2.894677       2.579184       2.247456       1.909070       1.578161       1.265103      0.9943593      0.7879627      0.6607001      0.6061280      0.6105145      0.6552133      0.7251071      0.8096576      0.9023657      -31.24921       4.845835       4.326781       3.848166       3.390979       2.962513       2.555324       2.154773       1.771437       1.408417       1.086499      0.8229602      0.6471699      0.5752646      0.5947782      0.6832740      0.8169957      0.9782798       1.156587       1.345796      -31.24921       5.200801       4.554648       3.961747       3.403603       2.883168       2.395561       1.937219       1.499933       1.097018      0.7489262      0.4710459      0.3029010      0.2614321      0.3368975      0.4989398      0.7167801      0.9675624       1.238907       1.524368  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1.250291      0.6651729      0.1166428     -0.3992964     -0.8919454      -1.342595      -1.718166      -1.950534      -1.941376      -1.663165      -1.186023     -0.6017373      3.6541991E-02  0.7064886      -31.24921       4.173656       3.484028       2.802859       2.130170       1.482911      0.8620768      0.2691502     -0.2808618     -0.7985743      -1.297279      -1.760746      -2.177777      -2.487627      -2.573246      -2.354237      -1.858450      -1.207329     -0.4818964      0.2832950      -31.24921       3.643762       2.990496       2.335386       1.680150       1.041198      0.4248512     -0.1586406     -0.7045420      -1.218525      -1.714116      -2.180263      -2.613735      -2.975557      -3.159725      -3.038457      -2.565775      -1.866238      -1.059419     -0.2003845      -31.24921       3.036603       2.425140       1.800574       1.166730      0.5454512     -5.1702280E-02 -0.6245852      -1.161408      -1.663394      -2.153350      -2.609137      -3.043949   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-2.638907      -31.24921     -0.2337739     -0.6189712      -1.058870      -1.535737      -2.021005      -2.499482      -2.957594      -3.389936      -3.794804      -4.172976      -4.519837      -4.839024      -5.119319      -5.371181      -5.548033      -5.608100      -5.347011      -4.569085      -3.383632      -31.24921      -1.315646      -1.624112      -1.997465      -2.413762      -2.843075      -3.269519      -3.676402      -4.056669      -4.412856      -4.744639      -5.047684      -5.319684      -5.557490      -5.769806      -5.936344      -6.027318      -5.913439      -5.338589      -4.196936      -31.24921      -2.557658      -2.770186      -3.057361      -3.390671      -3.745340      -4.098437      -4.441512      -4.766301      -5.069308      -5.349198      -5.603826      -5.826738      -6.027550      -6.212038      -6.355848      -6.445868      -6.435954      -6.093347      -5.077895      -31.24921      -4.007041      -4.091410      -4.263269      -4.486720      -4.746198  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0.6288967      0.4087703      0.2531094      0.1522861      9.4708338E-02  6.5570801E-02  5.2540667E-02  4.7325268E-02  -33.37725       4.450034       4.099494       3.776307       3.447591       3.122806       2.804461       2.468329       2.114940       1.760309       1.421933       1.129369      0.9076855      0.7685967      0.7112673      0.7174433      0.7674457      0.8438697      0.9354373       1.035558      -33.37725       5.192434       4.636330       4.124957       3.638553       3.197941       2.776701       2.363539       1.955646       1.571056       1.226068      0.9422865      0.7532194      0.6774081      0.7006964      0.7993054      0.9456344       1.120592       1.312975       1.516713      -33.37725       5.572118       4.881678       4.246683       3.661763       3.118287       2.614491       2.128355       1.666166       1.239561      0.8672189      0.5700204      0.3858711      0.3422025      0.4257786      0.6041104      0.8411806       1.112495       1.404938  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-0.8410568     -0.8759487     -0.9159539     -0.9548067     -0.9929634      -1.030172      -1.065681      -1.106360      -1.152053      -1.200707      -1.244527      -2.506804     -0.6071644     -0.6283090     -0.6554704     -0.6980041     -0.7409329     -0.7824224     -0.8204315     -0.8566889     -0.8885129     -0.9260604     -0.9675186      -1.006389      -1.044685      -1.080222      -1.113332      -1.151133      -1.193596      -1.236239      -1.275468      -2.506804     -0.6303366     -0.6581085     -0.6930745     -0.7384462     -0.7848067     -0.8272890     -0.8690904     -0.9069428     -0.9410140     -0.9805523      -1.022434      -1.061972      -1.099028      -1.132978      -1.163858      -1.199461      -1.238730      -1.275377      -1.309989      -2.506804     -0.6684738     -0.7004331     -0.7395138     -0.7892650     -0.8347803     -0.8804887     -0.9235619     -0.9625294     -0.9993529      -1.039867      -1.081687      -1.122000      -1.158000      -1.190533      -1.219448 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-0.9742386      -1.013786      -1.058521      -1.103484      -1.148743      -1.192761      -1.233770      -1.273490      -1.314429      -1.353839      -1.390790      -1.424386      -1.453169      -1.479629      -1.510257      -1.536934      -1.551803      -1.565385      -2.506804      -1.028829      -1.062535      -1.099490      -1.141490      -1.184172      -1.226927      -1.269232      -1.310289      -1.349053      -1.387058      -1.425633      -1.461710      -1.494489      -1.524463      -1.550164      -1.579816      -1.601357      -1.615559      -1.623976      -2.506804      -1.128629      -1.158572      -1.192021      -1.230250      -1.269171      -1.309487      -1.350980      -1.390397      -1.425392      -1.461750      -1.499388      -1.534262      -1.566193      -1.596108      -1.621854      -1.648963      -1.665699      -1.678710      -1.681127      -2.506804      -1.237934      -1.263476      -1.292023      -1.325838      -1.362227      -1.400251      -1.437890      -1.473901 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-1.936370      -1.942797      -1.949099      -1.941825      -1.905746      -2.506804      -1.827239      -1.826945      -1.832364      -1.842920      -1.855270      -1.873854      -1.896838      -1.917781      -1.936819      -1.955778      -1.978412      -2.000622      -2.017235      -2.027851      -2.031576      -2.030856      -2.026237      -2.007073      -1.954072      -2.506804      -2.053886      -2.044116      -2.041714      -2.044927      -2.051749      -2.061746      -2.073817      -2.086094      -2.098171      -2.110043      -2.122249      -2.133134      -2.141515      -2.145738      -2.144053      -2.129389      -2.111299      -2.073398      -2.000159      -2.506804      -2.362307      -2.340939      -2.322942      -2.312155      -2.307818      -2.305674      -2.307702      -2.307780      -2.305171      -2.304638      -2.306686      -2.309534      -2.308782      -2.300830      -2.283098      -2.253585      -2.210331      -2.147786      -2.049932      -2.506804      -2.802126  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-0.5939624     -0.6614941     -0.7368288     -0.8170971     -0.9003625     -0.9854375      -1.069015      -1.150588      -1.228798      -1.301995      -1.370471      -1.433057      -1.485711      -1.527721      -1.559532      -1.580199      -1.592235      -1.594289      -1.572590      -3.835547     -0.7186511     -0.7838749     -0.8576499     -0.9357540      -1.016365      -1.098812      -1.180188      -1.259060      -1.335419      -1.408182      -1.476402      -1.537537      -1.588713      -1.631793      -1.665075      -1.685791      -1.699233      -1.698074      -1.670105      -3.835547     -0.8636857     -0.9251698     -0.9934337      -1.066400      -1.143157      -1.221161      -1.298089      -1.373011      -1.446662      -1.517607      -1.582705      -1.641242      -1.692134      -1.735963      -1.770212      -1.791879      -1.808130      -1.804214      -1.770476      -3.835547      -1.029419      -1.083428      -1.144032      -1.210185      -1.280480      -1.352673      -1.423871 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-2.191423      -2.233585      -2.259647      -2.268948      -2.257881      -2.196323      -3.835547      -1.911901      -1.921237      -1.936789      -1.960114      -1.988104      -2.020843      -2.055768      -2.093153      -2.133536      -2.173467      -2.213467      -2.252756      -2.293249      -2.337422      -2.373704      -2.392751      -2.399559      -2.380215      -2.303495      -3.835547      -2.215612      -2.207886      -2.210533      -2.219735      -2.237829      -2.261735      -2.287309      -2.314292      -2.342435      -2.371846      -2.405155      -2.439921      -2.472225      -2.504011      -2.529753      -2.542006      -2.539830      -2.505091      -2.402860      -3.835547      -2.612032      -2.587973      -2.574357      -2.568956      -2.571414      -2.577115      -2.586776      -2.602287      -2.620315      -2.639146      -2.658366      -2.678089      -2.693527      -2.711362      -2.728026      -2.727095      -2.702149      -2.638196      -2.499999      -3.835547  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-0.3433575     -0.4157093     -0.4833924     -0.5486480     -0.6086539     -0.6697419     -0.7284203     -0.7844279     -0.8403370     -0.8913559     -0.9395951     -0.9858026      -1.033889      -5.247004      0.1350613      6.1245102E-02 -2.0082695E-02 -0.1038184     -0.1848487     -0.2712795     -0.3624366     -0.4476488     -0.5279184     -0.6017718     -0.6675076     -0.7320945     -0.7915972     -0.8458953     -0.8944391     -0.9332781     -0.9656823     -0.9919714      -1.016814      -5.247004      0.1634748      7.6887235E-02 -1.9298322E-02 -0.1177892     -0.2156535     -0.3183480     -0.4197699     -0.5152468     -0.6055033     -0.6868238     -0.7599998     -0.8296330     -0.8901645     -0.9438365     -0.9860265      -1.014417      -1.032439      -1.040547      -1.044038      -5.247004      0.1493785      5.3791083E-02 -5.2655857E-02 -0.1641887     -0.2774503     -0.3887134     -0.4984546     -0.6040461     -0.7007570     -0.7888942     -0.8695216     -0.9443373      -1.008844 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-5.247004     -0.2234607     -0.3269914     -0.4424238     -0.5652499     -0.6867794     -0.8078956     -0.9279828      -1.046211      -1.160765      -1.268757      -1.372374      -1.468151      -1.548364      -1.608356      -1.643420      -1.651441      -1.630407      -1.582177      -1.502533      -5.247004     -0.3825614     -0.4812125     -0.5909435     -0.7077990     -0.8260414     -0.9437655      -1.060831      -1.177452      -1.290628      -1.400725      -1.506383      -1.603173      -1.684590      -1.746750      -1.785547      -1.796250      -1.775436      -1.726448      -1.636217      -5.247004     -0.5667739     -0.6562710     -0.7578349     -0.8678481     -0.9804540      -1.093718      -1.205682      -1.316685      -1.428441      -1.538470      -1.642359      -1.737309      -1.818824      -1.882476      -1.926562      -1.942184      -1.924592      -1.877468      -1.779634      -5.247004     -0.7740756     -0.8535406     -0.9451236      -1.046783      -1.151231      -1.256792  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-2.367173      -2.430533      -2.482491      -2.525269      -2.540676      -2.503225      -2.393434      -5.247004      -1.900421      -1.921117      -1.954835      -2.001256      -2.052870      -2.106018      -2.163116      -2.218018      -2.278231      -2.343063      -2.406655      -2.469839      -2.531382      -2.590885      -2.648151      -2.691705      -2.705325      -2.674027      -2.556226      -5.247004      -2.297405      -2.293474      -2.302418      -2.325967      -2.354643      -2.392466      -2.438986      -2.482937      -2.524937      -2.573293      -2.625944      -2.677195      -2.729476      -2.788308      -2.840143      -2.876102      -2.884814      -2.850840      -2.718941      -5.247004      -2.777115      -2.750939      -2.738522      -2.743249      -2.752900      -2.769065      -2.794079      -2.820506      -2.845179      -2.875422      -2.912391      -2.955169      -2.995443      -3.034988      -3.070681      -3.097790      -3.099359      -3.044495      -2.876730  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-3.3579152E-02 -0.1292770     -0.2236101     -0.3159825     -0.4045618     -0.4841826     -0.5590680     -0.6267473     -0.6875859     -0.7433147     -0.7971464     -0.8458314     -0.8895382     -0.9314303      -6.733509      0.5110670      0.4308528      0.3280813      0.2170031      0.1036237     -7.6352833E-03 -0.1249386     -0.2403997     -0.3505935     -0.4506306     -0.5390944     -0.6177156     -0.6839482     -0.7379203     -0.7811078     -0.8166866     -0.8402165     -0.8532876     -0.8599209      -6.733509      0.5844267      0.4790961      0.3524699      0.2176819      8.3832897E-02 -4.8553366E-02 -0.1847675     -0.3171071     -0.4409359     -0.5517527     -0.6507280     -0.7336788     -0.8007523     -0.8506474     -0.8845392     -0.9031653     -0.9038371     -0.8885785     -0.8624016      -6.733509      0.5944534      0.4695174      0.3250104      0.1735966      2.3112312E-02 -0.1277785     -0.2795928     -0.4239932     -0.5565922     -0.6791689     -0.7871830     -0.8776406 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-1.243087      -6.733509      0.1733027      3.0975435E-02 -0.1303519     -0.2985705     -0.4643009     -0.6282098     -0.7911023     -0.9489322      -1.101977      -1.249379      -1.387116      -1.510992      -1.616792      -1.694608      -1.732229      -1.722604      -1.661393      -1.548901      -1.394496      -6.733509     -2.2991752E-02 -0.1583194     -0.3098928     -0.4681286     -0.6279889     -0.7882677     -0.9430529      -1.097641      -1.250405      -1.397409      -1.539019      -1.669852      -1.782792      -1.867198      -1.913908      -1.911523      -1.852858      -1.735046      -1.565718      -6.733509     -0.2458466     -0.3686288     -0.5083894     -0.6585099     -0.8094396     -0.9602278      -1.108316      -1.257240      -1.405477      -1.552140      -1.694183      -1.828218      -1.944753      -2.034551      -2.090405      -2.098713      -2.048301      -1.933857      -1.753292      -6.733509     -0.4932889     -0.6038679     -0.7317901     -0.8679361      -1.007471  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-2.479156      -2.579417      -2.667545      -2.738465      -2.783519      -2.802959      -2.743409      -2.561982      -6.733509      -1.837044      -1.869571      -1.922563      -1.992168      -2.067574      -2.146583      -2.226997      -2.310874      -2.398047      -2.487529      -2.579726      -2.672690      -2.762264      -2.844054      -2.910590      -2.967724      -2.999911      -2.951048      -2.778885      -6.733509      -2.309744      -2.314327      -2.339347      -2.381341      -2.431548      -2.487531      -2.545602      -2.607778      -2.677822      -2.749637      -2.824257      -2.900350      -2.978004      -3.048588      -3.118374      -3.177431      -3.207520      -3.174099      -2.997944      -6.733509      -2.883482      -2.856118      -2.850474      -2.864186      -2.887991      -2.917148      -2.950755      -2.988270      -3.035053      -3.084840      -3.138077      -3.191874      -3.256581      -3.322183      -3.379297      -3.424226      -3.450590      -3.417169  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0.3161957      0.2072447      9.2993125E-02 -2.5806354E-02 -0.1431195     -0.2531539     -0.3574092     -0.4507180     -0.5314271     -0.6010526     -0.6608771     -0.7125785     -0.7614592     -0.8033369     -0.8403502      -8.288466      0.8747721      0.7895676      0.6714500      0.5423983      0.4059214      0.2660670      0.1206479     -2.6211947E-02 -0.1650805     -0.2957006     -0.4128780     -0.5092062     -0.5874535     -0.6449826     -0.6854854     -0.7108374     -0.7248655     -0.7248023     -0.7139853      -8.288466      0.9966171      0.8753493      0.7248030      0.5642710      0.3997532      0.2316367      6.1011739E-02 -0.1059366     -0.2663212     -0.4165555     -0.5458357     -0.6485715     -0.7263396     -0.7758344     -0.8002368     -0.8024840     -0.7840999     -0.7446654     -0.6888986      -8.288466       1.036134      0.8857443      0.7102643      0.5261309      0.3381896      0.1474901     -4.1168716E-02 -0.2253080     -0.4044172     -0.5705496     -0.7105726  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-1.305294      -1.094501      -8.288466      0.5881338      0.4096864      0.2074637     -2.6727838E-03 -0.2157826     -0.4264740     -0.6349304     -0.8389937      -1.039867      -1.231256      -1.407867      -1.566111      -1.694823      -1.787235      -1.831277      -1.803780      -1.697317      -1.516391      -1.276166      -8.288466      0.3650523      0.1943457     -1.1884477E-03 -0.2049754     -0.4114068     -0.6123284     -0.8107484      -1.010860      -1.205872      -1.394675      -1.575714      -1.740652      -1.880191      -1.989674      -2.049190      -2.036267      -1.935248      -1.745816      -1.482420      -8.288466      0.1048078     -5.3854503E-02 -0.2378506     -0.4293679     -0.6215005     -0.8122178      -1.001723      -1.190758      -1.377796      -1.564198      -1.744888      -1.912149      -2.061523      -2.181141      -2.254751      -2.259374      -2.171452      -1.982156      -1.702477      -8.288466     -0.1889697     -0.3313260     -0.4977517     -0.6728024  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-2.508233      -2.644535      -2.773228      -2.892266      -2.989194      -3.049898      -3.057696      -2.980510      -2.715113      -8.288466      -1.748113      -1.796557      -1.873141      -1.967058      -2.068645      -2.170775      -2.276297      -2.388864      -2.502860      -2.622368      -2.740285      -2.858431      -2.974012      -3.082487      -3.174766      -3.237884      -3.278205      -3.224415      -2.978151      -8.288466      -2.297456      -2.312134      -2.355244      -2.418721      -2.490405      -2.562624      -2.639822      -2.725714      -2.814463      -2.912189      -3.010844      -3.108061      -3.204686      -3.300231      -3.383704      -3.460965      -3.511933      -3.476040      -3.253628      -8.288466      -2.964288      -2.937194      -2.939014      -2.967421      -3.003150      -3.041132      -3.089839      -3.144831      -3.204667      -3.275023      -3.347929      -3.421533      -3.495545      -3.577359      -3.662743      -3.733310      -3.774309  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0.6997612      0.5780098      0.4542211      0.3234761      0.1837822      4.3911204E-02 -9.2191234E-02 -0.2152521     -0.3266116     -0.4250535     -0.5049527     -0.5710101     -0.6244590     -0.6699912     -0.7096995     -0.7425753      -9.906311       1.247657       1.152684       1.014452      0.8634963      0.7069542      0.5442995      0.3745965      0.1996031      2.7935864E-02 -0.1314527     -0.2694395     -0.3887459     -0.4813610     -0.5465678     -0.5850812     -0.6020938     -0.6028715     -0.5886343     -0.5608950      -9.906311       1.416011       1.270309       1.092069      0.9065796      0.7155185      0.5188739      0.3172650      0.1128925     -8.6002834E-02 -0.2646878     -0.4224601     -0.5517865     -0.6419079     -0.6948454     -0.7098620     -0.6929861     -0.6516048     -0.5858387     -0.5001991      -9.906311       1.478170       1.296198       1.089536      0.8767318      0.6571162      0.4329635      0.2048076     -2.3969611E-02 -0.2410218     -0.4418634  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-1.464313      -1.232660     -0.9422194      -9.906311       1.011016      0.7963540      0.5526356      0.3011304      4.9591225E-02 -0.2002745     -0.4555540     -0.7119083     -0.9620830      -1.200181      -1.422836      -1.618179      -1.779625      -1.892581      -1.936917      -1.890326      -1.734789      -1.478183      -1.146270      -9.906311      0.7616227      0.5550030      0.3176650      7.5612776E-02 -0.1690105     -0.4140351     -0.6625234     -0.9084066      -1.149957      -1.385983      -1.605210      -1.806347      -1.981982      -2.113144      -2.187872      -2.163550      -2.016429      -1.746487      -1.380277      -9.906311      0.4682739      0.2759502      5.2342482E-02 -0.1799445     -0.4135806     -0.6473266     -0.8811208      -1.116051      -1.347847      -1.572555      -1.787265      -1.991365      -2.173036      -2.323713      -2.423036      -2.426936      -2.300158      -2.030730      -1.639855      -9.906311      0.1360519     -3.9100491E-02 -0.2469796  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-2.462096      -2.629440      -2.792408      -2.949239      -3.097684      -3.225773      -3.312904      -3.322521      -3.201674      -2.837679      -9.906311      -1.649248      -1.712604      -1.811007      -1.930852      -2.054516      -2.179593      -2.314116      -2.452485      -2.595164      -2.743035      -2.887808      -3.031187      -3.171047      -3.302776      -3.424302      -3.514369      -3.551558      -3.486056      -3.157332      -9.906311      -2.265005      -2.289820      -2.349986      -2.433617      -2.523750      -2.616852      -2.719690      -2.828532      -2.940528      -3.060660      -3.182351      -3.305412      -3.423652      -3.535962      -3.644723      -3.734941      -3.806525      -3.769989      -3.482510      -9.906311      -3.010201      -2.989274      -3.003910      -3.041777      -3.090652      -3.144856      -3.207351      -3.282813      -3.365174      -3.452733      -3.545043      -3.639688      -3.734477      -3.825336      -3.922197      -4.021879  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1.107390      0.9864764      0.8506164      0.7040272      0.5510822      0.3948689      0.2358608      8.0830425E-02 -6.4671092E-02 -0.1944807     -0.3066417     -0.4006268     -0.4739899     -0.5303068     -0.5738761     -0.6109101     -0.6400519      -11.58230       1.623945       1.514624       1.360412       1.191449       1.008709      0.8186845      0.6254410      0.4262303      0.2307313      4.7127869E-02 -0.1186339     -0.2545641     -0.3626838     -0.4349288     -0.4737704     -0.4827851     -0.4691916     -0.4396450     -0.3950325      -11.58230       1.835939       1.666104       1.461438       1.245590       1.022133      0.7974859      0.5666859      0.3316977      0.1042904     -0.1091916     -0.2948013     -0.4450895     -0.5541321     -0.6098015     -0.6180280     -0.5835684     -0.5159186     -0.4225752     -0.3071220      -11.58230       1.920453       1.708469       1.465263       1.217294      0.9664226      0.7102296      0.4469591      0.1845321     -7.0795529E-02 -0.3109687     -0.5199214     -0.6948735     -0.8147882     -0.8695410     -0.8586487     -0.7898794     -0.6740859     -0.5206273     -0.3368742      -11.58230       1.906180       1.666780       1.400311       1.133009      0.8630405      0.5832194      0.2994880      1.4104798E-02 -0.2644587     -0.5204915     -0.7548573     -0.9553912      -1.093821      -1.160617      -1.144870      -1.052621     -0.8966660     -0.6867996     -0.4369899      -11.58230       1.811215       1.558863       1.281850       1.000726      0.7174198      0.4264966      0.1289892     -0.1702660     -0.4587350     -0.7329654     -0.9871057      -1.204750      -1.369900      -1.457851      -1.453081      -1.351475      -1.165815     -0.9052227     -0.5921517      -11.58230       1.650696       1.395938       1.112904      0.8254651      0.5364528      0.2399058     -6.2748805E-02 -0.3629079     -0.6575075     -0.9420140      -1.207848      -1.438636      -1.626849      -1.742001      -1.762328 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0.2573445      1.0829959E-02 -0.2443003     -0.4986141     -0.7566076      -1.016386      -1.276694      -1.534815      -1.784054      -2.024987      -2.259197      -2.477809      -2.672498      -2.823563      -2.874668      -2.753358      -2.415427      -1.884773      -11.58230      4.9273763E-02 -0.1379202     -0.3616059     -0.5953086     -0.8278503      -1.063254      -1.303532      -1.543758      -1.782427      -2.014486      -2.245567      -2.468518      -2.679021      -2.878290      -3.039922      -3.125523      -3.054041      -2.756416      -2.223490      -11.58230     -0.4188094     -0.5764922     -0.7706268     -0.9782753      -1.186318      -1.397347      -1.613561      -1.830315      -2.049356      -2.267389      -2.480927      -2.690912      -2.892541      -3.082390      -3.246196      -3.351790      -3.329834      -3.087294      -2.572293      -11.58230     -0.9391543      -1.062990      -1.224738      -1.401768      -1.580699      -1.762746      -1.952768      -2.149242  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-4.185035      -4.299626      -4.396989      -4.392221      -4.090203      -11.58230      -4.113148      -4.024411      -3.989496      -3.978654      -3.982623      -3.999722      -4.031152      -4.074483      -4.130614      -4.192009      -4.263271      -4.341260      -4.426675      -4.519635      -4.608506      -4.706128      -4.782831      -4.818517      -4.525349      -11.58230      -5.957595      -5.746020      -5.598600      -5.482890      -5.388316      -5.310585      -5.259942      -5.222920      -5.198900      -5.195045      -5.205704      -5.229409      -5.260571      -5.302530      -5.357654      -5.423880      -5.505264      -5.511856      -5.044804      -11.58230      -32.04919      -31.49139      -30.84948      -30.12888      -29.33651      -28.47794      -27.55838      -26.58248      -25.55432      -24.47751      -23.35522      -22.19024      -20.98506      -19.74187      -18.46263      -17.14911      -15.80294      -14.42554      -13.01825      -11.58230       1.557132  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0.3883050      0.1019945     -0.1708080     -0.4203149     -0.6207328     -0.7634779     -0.8260673     -0.8055505     -0.7095673     -0.5560467     -0.3613998     -0.1343262      -13.31235       2.354031       2.078264       1.775570       1.468946       1.159474      0.8463576      0.5271813      0.2069828     -0.1048594     -0.4030021     -0.6757647     -0.9116342      -1.085151      -1.163569      -1.139479      -1.014782     -0.8102792     -0.5468258     -0.2401268      -13.31235       2.256425       1.966345       1.648312       1.328177       1.010156      0.6819903      0.3475095      1.2154796E-02 -0.3158886     -0.6310700     -0.9236250      -1.189185      -1.393741      -1.505721      -1.496264      -1.362529      -1.120284     -0.7944027     -0.4107340      -13.31235       2.085820       1.790497       1.467670       1.145217      0.8191741      0.4840248      0.1437444     -0.1971069     -0.5315851     -0.8508781      -1.161267      -1.445467      -1.675007      -1.825022  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0.7988026      0.5549133      0.2719334     -1.7636111E-02 -0.3057236     -0.6033474     -0.9042696      -1.206446      -1.500404      -1.789056      -2.070431      -2.335845      -2.588224      -2.815211      -2.997924      -3.073026      -2.933677      -2.510321      -1.846044      -13.31235      0.3415272      0.1235503     -0.1335460     -0.4010558     -0.6691033     -0.9447160      -1.224443      -1.502485      -1.777665      -2.045699      -2.309101      -2.564737      -2.804656      -3.029983      -3.226921      -3.340134      -3.265708      -2.895125      -2.222776      -13.31235     -0.1695526     -0.3563909     -0.5841278     -0.8235633      -1.064729      -1.312584      -1.567624      -1.822043      -2.072572      -2.318439      -2.566460      -2.806137      -3.032213      -3.251022      -3.445745      -3.583313      -3.567938      -3.272095      -2.619695      -13.31235     -0.7406479     -0.8901584      -1.081697      -1.287889      -1.498528      -1.715207      -1.939371  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-4.325892      -4.448535      -4.566394      -4.683642      -4.691809      -4.338689      -13.31235      -4.188887      -4.096057      -4.071297      -4.068767      -4.080347      -4.111046      -4.164642      -4.230589      -4.305543      -4.389455      -4.472909      -4.567526      -4.672231      -4.775252      -4.881861      -4.989871      -5.090456      -5.138425      -4.832774      -13.31235      -6.158002      -5.927470      -5.776351      -5.652441      -5.551474      -5.479132      -5.437198      -5.416933      -5.413037      -5.422272      -5.443357      -5.471305      -5.524039      -5.581155      -5.642019      -5.724624      -5.827610      -5.885572      -5.433610      -13.31235      -37.29813      -36.66456      -35.92517      -35.08880      -34.16412      -33.15903      -32.08046      -30.93451      -29.72646      -28.46083      -27.14158      -25.77215      -24.35558      -22.89454      -21.39141      -19.84832      -18.26720      -16.64980      -14.99769      -13.31235       1.851480       1.789547       1.682978       1.547140       1.390647       1.213952       1.020089      0.8203416      0.6190497      0.4250726      0.2421413      7.3845640E-02 -7.2742142E-02 -0.1911279     -0.2835653     -0.3485683     -0.3932260     -0.4245926     -0.4476815      -15.09291       2.360520       2.218607       2.035855       1.832860       1.611820       1.371879       1.122593      0.8726396      0.6284069      0.3997954      0.1892303      1.1013552E-02 -0.1273721     -0.2144308     -0.2541118     -0.2488079     -0.2097677     -0.1479516     -7.0135824E-02  -15.09291       2.662793       2.439349       2.183803       1.915947       1.634479       1.342798       1.047652      0.7549052      0.4739318      0.2034062     -3.9610602E-02 -0.2401134     -0.3802196     -0.4498576     -0.4445611     -0.3754042     -0.2572595     -0.1058712      6.9411099E-02  -15.09291       2.796045       2.516413       2.208103       1.895230       1.571798       1.241694      0.9091434      0.5851046      0.2706029     -3.6079500E-02 -0.3170493     -0.5537925     -0.7164554     -0.7907151     -0.7598379     -0.6383561     -0.4477712     -0.2104857      6.0247343E-02  -15.09291       2.797864       2.485313       2.144839       1.802667       1.455137       1.100196      0.7447861      0.3963493      5.1838815E-02 -0.2808486     -0.5959325     -0.8685826      -1.072419      -1.171491      -1.140544     -0.9846377     -0.7318200     -0.4131490     -4.8867706E-02  -15.09291       2.698846       2.367870       2.011834       1.654506       1.292886      0.9258047      0.5593419      0.1917812     -0.1682642     -0.5221963     -0.8600282      -1.162359      -1.411602      -1.550268      -1.544958      -1.379864      -1.080544     -0.6868138     -0.2314558      -15.09291       2.516123       2.181816       1.818998       1.456418       1.090041      0.7197043      0.3438218     -2.9570973E-02 -0.3982309     -0.7611477      -1.107490      -1.433651      -1.713470  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-15.09291       1.131936      0.8552125      0.5373721      0.2139353     -0.1125020     -0.4473622     -0.7871844      -1.125584      -1.459184      -1.785858      -2.104420      -2.405186      -2.689003      -2.953985      -3.166315      -3.270442      -3.121229      -2.612187      -1.809697      -15.09291      0.6395178      0.3895949      9.8609559E-02 -0.2004463     -0.5034981     -0.8169378      -1.136738      -1.454202      -1.763761      -2.070779      -2.368713      -2.651337      -2.925447      -3.178378      -3.406217      -3.550487      -3.483747      -3.040688      -2.222469      -15.09291      8.8301003E-02 -0.1272741     -0.3873715     -0.6571000     -0.9328985      -1.220629      -1.511859      -1.803311      -2.088786      -2.371596      -2.645612      -2.914544      -3.169927      -3.414033      -3.639059      -3.804691      -3.807342      -3.459687      -2.661913      -15.09291     -0.5286599     -0.7038124     -0.9263465      -1.160880      -1.402744      -1.658360  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1.501780       1.137589      0.7796149      0.4329334      9.8932475E-02 -0.2149945     -0.4815119     -0.6719601     -0.7551666     -0.7184936     -0.5709714     -0.3421514     -6.1282832E-02  0.2537026      -16.92084       3.235474       2.883335       2.507022       2.130336       1.743846       1.352976      0.9613273      0.5791490      0.2072691     -0.1596827     -0.5088617     -0.8225119      -1.058095      -1.180406      -1.147470     -0.9629520     -0.6611026     -0.2850216      0.1376839      -16.92084       3.135930       2.764502       2.369604       1.973763       1.572649       1.166344      0.7627122      0.3687464     -2.4166640E-02 -0.4118991     -0.7853356      -1.130489      -1.417979      -1.595887      -1.598528      -1.405756      -1.048500     -0.5845835     -5.6312483E-02  -16.92084       2.943396       2.567153       2.164109       1.763330       1.355969      0.9459683      0.5398177      0.1346626     -0.2687880     -0.6641808      -1.049979      -1.412091   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-1.356822      -16.92084       1.465232       1.154335      0.8040484      0.4483492      8.4361695E-02 -0.2894834     -0.6676841      -1.039927      -1.411209      -1.777196      -2.127262      -2.465342      -2.787966      -3.084180      -3.334128      -3.466693      -3.315846      -2.720906      -1.776895      -16.92084      0.9406831      0.6596327      0.3358701      5.6226435E-03 -0.3355125     -0.6860615      -1.042461      -1.396893      -1.746961      -2.087720      -2.417973      -2.736154      -3.040548      -3.328997      -3.578426      -3.756315      -3.703662      -3.189513      -2.221132      -16.92084      0.3522800      0.1080712     -0.1834784     -0.4827044     -0.7943074      -1.119740      -1.449987      -1.777982      -2.100328      -2.417787      -2.722774      -3.018471      -3.307850      -3.575974      -3.825451      -4.019165      -4.046272      -3.649049      -2.700066      -16.92084     -0.3064354     -0.5080097     -0.7605460      -1.023491      -1.300375  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-4.464433      -4.646305      -4.818091      -4.973441      -5.115494      -5.234575      -5.275148      -4.809461      -16.92084      -4.260734      -4.178835      -4.166225      -4.185227      -4.232184      -4.305564      -4.403689      -4.513230      -4.628907      -4.757267      -4.895097      -5.026876      -5.162477      -5.305242      -5.430590      -5.566961      -5.689474      -5.749008      -5.410937      -16.92084      -6.459852      -6.215456      -6.049102      -5.919674      -5.830276      -5.779328      -5.770628      -5.782808      -5.808629      -5.849566      -5.912505      -5.987940      -6.065221      -6.155103      -6.246089      -6.341023      -6.459065      -6.565071      -6.163081      -16.92084      -48.36032      -47.57129      -46.62711      -45.54383      -44.33664      -43.01854      -41.60070      -40.09236      -38.50138      -36.83434      -35.09685      -33.29374      -31.42919      -29.50690      -27.53011      -25.50173      -23.42437      -21.30038  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2.151151       1.756844       1.362159      0.9755433      0.5960293      0.2300328     -0.1132690     -0.4112126     -0.6295042     -0.7271094     -0.6850576     -0.5097745     -0.2420720      8.2432799E-02  0.4421107      -18.79339       3.668395       3.273315       2.859243       2.447646       2.027097       1.600068       1.178556      0.7641705      0.3561641     -3.8379967E-02 -0.4210847     -0.7692908      -1.044597      -1.189337      -1.159399     -0.9430856     -0.5908043     -0.1567024      0.3253355      -18.79339       3.565737       3.152007       2.719096       2.286937       1.845992       1.404975      0.9677662      0.5371408      0.1153703     -0.3022319     -0.7090652      -1.094302      -1.421144      -1.637205      -1.657048      -1.438807      -1.023112     -0.4871784      0.1150847      -18.79339       3.364472       2.946032       2.503797       2.063531       1.619639       1.172178      0.7294675      0.2933661     -0.1434789     -0.5689426     -0.9866562   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-2.310361      -1.287078      -18.79339       1.798127       1.453644       1.070138      0.6815747      0.2807460     -0.1312057     -0.5456468     -0.9572334      -1.362900      -1.759922      -2.148843      -2.521467      -2.878445      -3.205924      -3.489736      -3.653595      -3.508755      -2.828856      -1.739581      -18.79339       1.243338      0.9318430      0.5764288      0.2136033     -0.1641187     -0.5542580     -0.9461597      -1.337036      -1.724549      -2.101948      -2.463169      -2.819203      -3.153515      -3.466286      -3.745205      -3.951058      -3.920115      -3.343333      -2.222374      -18.79339      0.6202384      0.3472282      2.5373653E-02 -0.3058051     -0.6522949      -1.014714      -1.382196      -1.748249      -2.108664      -2.457568      -2.796239      -3.128007      -3.440611      -3.734895      -4.002233      -4.222352      -4.277391      -3.841600      -2.738729      -18.79339     -7.9872116E-02 -0.3061820     -0.5861151     -0.8798526  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-4.461728      -4.673780      -4.877545      -5.062064      -5.226690      -5.373608      -5.491984      -5.546533      -5.035351      -18.79339      -4.273033      -4.192534      -4.188454      -4.221023      -4.289492      -4.390089      -4.510983      -4.643179      -4.782075      -4.934049      -5.097128      -5.261263      -5.420923      -5.568767      -5.707437      -5.839236      -5.965263      -6.028838      -5.684403      -18.79339      -6.570523      -6.317037      -6.148314      -6.024654      -5.946588      -5.915122      -5.918091      -5.944552      -5.989231      -6.056127      -6.139103      -6.240669      -6.347255      -6.449518      -6.549442      -6.638840      -6.759318      -6.873200      -6.505316      -18.79339      -54.14704      -53.27834      -52.22673      -51.01303      -49.65624      -48.17257      -46.57536      -44.87576      -43.08292      -41.20449      -39.24697      -37.21591      -35.11611      -32.95179      -30.72665      -28.44400      -26.10681  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2.846967       2.425475       2.001811       1.583138       1.164713      0.7566527      0.3592712     -1.3527281E-02 -0.3407170     -0.5882707     -0.7037972     -0.6515494     -0.4488835     -0.1415088      0.2273441      0.6323477      -20.70810       4.095355       3.656674       3.204879       2.755132       2.299283       1.842732       1.388844      0.9426229      0.5041795      7.6072022E-02 -0.3348518     -0.7180380      -1.029272      -1.204067      -1.176722     -0.9305456     -0.5274385     -3.4762170E-02  0.5073930      -20.70810       3.990542       3.532677       3.059328       2.589928       2.115086       1.637444       1.167738      0.7014408      0.2463985     -0.1968743     -0.6354789      -1.054281      -1.423599      -1.676856      -1.718776      -1.476627      -1.002209     -0.3935360      0.2839175      -20.70810       3.778188       3.316735       2.836549       2.360487       1.876569       1.393991      0.9159490      0.4411307     -2.2082364E-02 -0.4778875   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-3.210433      -2.380918      -1.221954      -20.70810       2.129283       1.751599       1.333401      0.9116606      0.4726837      2.4899585E-02 -0.4263401     -0.8747076      -1.316850      -1.743605      -2.168378      -2.578383      -2.958446      -3.318077      -3.632340      -3.835238      -3.706973      -2.945750      -1.708031      -20.70810       1.545614       1.203333      0.8156301      0.4204171      5.8992798E-03 -0.4215397     -0.8523524      -1.277292      -1.700097      -2.109788      -2.513265      -2.898823      -3.259741      -3.597188      -3.905400      -4.137041      -4.137824      -3.506397      -2.229203      -20.70810      0.8879889      0.5879092      0.2368414     -0.1267940     -0.5108302     -0.9103040      -1.313950      -1.714188      -2.112862      -2.496353      -2.870671      -3.234835      -3.570992      -3.886832      -4.175089      -4.417788      -4.504111      -4.042164      -2.782189      -20.70810      0.1497327     -0.1019148     -0.4083917  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-4.401170      -4.644049      -4.881109      -5.101730      -5.305156      -5.484417      -5.641727      -5.763233      -5.822422      -5.261529      -20.70810      -4.267403      -4.193290      -4.200443      -4.252060      -4.342110      -4.466870      -4.612737      -4.772330      -4.943243      -5.123351      -5.311525      -5.498630      -5.672523      -5.837760      -5.989782      -6.121408      -6.251537      -6.326069      -5.956708      -20.70810      -6.664695      -6.402028      -6.242966      -6.132314      -6.070760      -6.052484      -6.069800      -6.115808      -6.187652      -6.285229      -6.393775      -6.509034      -6.629491      -6.747737      -6.859390      -6.959109      -7.070635      -7.183931      -6.844807      -20.70810      -60.08942      -59.13979      -57.97777      -56.62893      -55.11746      -53.46255      -51.68013      -49.78312      -47.78210      -45.68583      -43.50169      -41.23599      -38.89417      -36.48096      -34.00080      -31.45693  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3.596304       3.148165       2.693564       2.239963       1.793880       1.349531      0.9129959      0.4888925      8.5489579E-02 -0.2714456     -0.5500352     -0.6812299     -0.6220108     -0.3911699     -4.2828359E-02  0.3711870      0.8220845      -22.66275       4.516842       4.033309       3.544067       3.055524       2.563719       2.075703       1.592642       1.114140      0.6491331      0.1916578     -0.2502437     -0.6628045      -1.012560      -1.219326      -1.194274     -0.9190248     -0.4636300      8.8917859E-02  0.6920937      -22.66275       4.409427       3.906905       3.393268       2.885172       2.374353       1.865157       1.359852      0.8616893      0.3776879     -9.8092802E-02 -0.5631320      -1.012756      -1.418332      -1.713290      -1.780446      -1.518796     -0.9844540     -0.3016230      0.4521586      -22.66275       4.186234       3.681818       3.162157       2.648753       2.128615       1.608891       1.096639      0.5878473      9.3856089E-02 -0.3914486     -0.8711050      -1.335485      -1.773327      -2.135596      -2.317224      -2.135499      -1.567693     -0.7692020      0.1323454      -22.66275       3.866902       3.375040       2.862251       2.351573       1.831092       1.312771      0.7982253      0.2885541     -0.2069074     -0.6993020      -1.182002      -1.650660      -2.094053      -2.497638      -2.769881      -2.718145      -2.180824      -1.291559     -0.2471481      -22.66275       3.468711       2.997414       2.498683       1.998115       1.488566      0.9748909      0.4653032     -3.8502548E-02 -0.5347422      -1.024275      -1.504798      -1.964920      -2.407600      -2.822312      -3.147585      -3.230653      -2.796957      -1.859474     -0.6812058      -22.66275       2.997761       2.553140       2.075979       1.594309       1.098465      0.5974099      9.8192208E-02 -0.4007128     -0.8880661      -1.368998      -1.841701      -2.288221      -2.722252      -3.124193      -3.472511  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0.1036085     -0.2290289     -0.5856978     -0.9698076      -1.372854      -1.779303      -2.184082      -2.582286      -2.973015      -3.353854      -3.713422      -4.048716      -4.364459      -4.646958      -4.897543      -5.051411      -4.766108      -3.453245      -22.66275     -0.4949424     -0.7118846     -0.9913158      -1.298609      -1.637510      -1.998495      -2.361809      -2.725753      -3.087327      -3.443767      -3.791056      -4.119231      -4.427088      -4.714816      -4.971205      -5.195525      -5.350697      -5.227591      -4.111624      -22.66275      -1.504545      -1.648610      -1.861105      -2.109382      -2.391283      -2.697604      -3.010146      -3.328377      -3.648356      -3.964479      -4.276362      -4.571178      -4.846406      -5.103009      -5.325599      -5.518026      -5.662288      -5.644355      -4.785487      -22.66275      -2.708796      -2.761601      -2.892459      -3.066033      -3.276713      -3.512779      -3.762683      -4.023868  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-37.34713      -34.53554      -31.65816      -28.71828      -25.71890      -22.66275       3.243381       3.154764       3.025511       2.859970       2.655535       2.423171       2.165631       1.891917       1.598324       1.303696       1.006316      0.7286932      0.4864378      0.2928564      0.1511085      5.9504829E-02  6.0721682E-03 -2.1821229E-02 -3.6034700E-02  -24.65536       4.110176       3.871331       3.598794       3.301000       2.981590       2.648408       2.306114       1.956147       1.604989       1.259766      0.9278063      0.6375609      0.4166457      0.2849337      0.2495832      0.2972389      0.4019470      0.5414177      0.7006048      -24.65536       4.640625       4.253785       3.853523       3.439955       3.015442       2.595027       2.176889       1.757673       1.347550      0.9439164      0.5661260      0.2333660     -7.5002741E-03 -0.1179127     -7.6685771E-02  9.1749050E-02  0.3442669      0.6452686      0.9741234      -24.65536       4.889550       4.410836       3.929642       3.442593       2.954989       2.472598       1.995162       1.528959       1.066762      0.6122810      0.1813915     -0.2098843     -0.5153651     -0.6672159     -0.6051987     -0.3460957      4.3763679E-02  0.5028850       1.000254      -24.65536       4.933090       4.405819       3.876307       3.349312       2.822026       2.300834       1.787927       1.284255      0.7861934      0.3004321     -0.1703124     -0.6113449     -0.9961598      -1.235488      -1.221270     -0.9181347     -0.4096494      0.2031597      0.8681168      -24.65536       4.822687       4.274561       3.721481       3.174176       2.625933       2.084818       1.548191       1.016097      0.5010960     -5.0010956E-03 -0.4956909     -0.9710232      -1.409453      -1.748288      -1.842987      -1.564669     -0.9701992     -0.2123598      0.6187810      -24.65536       4.588364       4.041488       3.482421       2.929436       2.373165       1.820842       1.269044      0.7296029      0.2030442     -0.3140700     -0.8166007      -1.307461      -1.773345      -2.176009      -2.405299      -2.231247      -1.605785     -0.7191551      0.2754127      -24.65536       4.254386       3.721755       3.171251       2.622954       2.066324       1.507896      0.9574749      0.4145407     -0.1148897     -0.6366033      -1.144285      -1.636582      -2.111733      -2.545186      -2.870147      -2.850636      -2.271783      -1.284507     -0.1313647      -24.65536       3.838243       3.329018       2.794904       2.256430       1.706359       1.156473      0.6093518      6.9706328E-02 -0.4554609     -0.9801358      -1.485190      -1.971771      -2.439671      -2.884558      -3.251744      -3.384447      -2.937762      -1.899159     -0.5967493      -24.65536       3.347730       2.866999       2.353693       1.834781       1.300898      0.7613983      0.2260900     -0.3060400     -0.8272624      -1.343153      -1.841481      -2.314008      -2.772783      -3.205505  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0.6134353      0.3110419     -4.9739901E-02 -0.4390469     -0.8594509      -1.296830      -1.739158      -2.183038      -2.620516      -3.046801      -3.454134      -3.836890      -4.196120      -4.522545      -4.821109      -5.088651      -5.261609      -4.992912      -3.541630      -24.65536     -0.3026015     -0.5419833     -0.8459086      -1.185940      -1.560107      -1.955417      -2.357488      -2.759334      -3.158015      -3.549451      -3.922826      -4.272537      -4.599579      -4.891911      -5.163847      -5.401758      -5.568235      -5.466227      -4.239955      -24.65536      -1.359823      -1.522786      -1.759026      -2.038378      -2.352938      -2.692179      -3.039785      -3.394281      -3.751040      -4.101640      -4.435537      -4.750176      -5.042334      -5.302429      -5.538862      -5.741327      -5.887579      -5.890588      -4.957653      -24.65536      -2.622278      -2.688044      -2.838992      -3.038000      -3.279124      -3.547068      -3.825701  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-43.77199      -40.76220      -37.67685      -34.52026      -31.29535      -28.00614      -24.65536       3.501156       3.405674       3.271513       3.104148       2.899179       2.660328       2.392249       2.100187       1.792537       1.474180       1.153074      0.8502440      0.5844194      0.3720260      0.2184113      0.1200660      6.3679449E-02  3.5530999E-02  2.2047415E-02  -26.68411       4.442252       4.180573       3.890806       3.577087       3.239861       2.890641       2.526668       2.159328       1.789465       1.421361       1.061648      0.7462849      0.5029002      0.3599010      0.3236391      0.3793518      0.4968590      0.6516846      0.8269824      -26.68411       5.019818       4.599843       4.170181       3.726182       3.275104       2.826828       2.382584       1.943305       1.509676       1.083027      0.6755484      0.3149094      4.7867354E-02 -7.4191131E-02 -2.7720626E-02  0.1613642      0.4413455      0.7728601       1.133212      -26.68411  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1.437514      0.8645890      0.3039519     -0.2406405     -0.7660452      -1.279925      -1.772330      -2.214170      -2.484429      -2.325644      -1.645651     -0.6694895      0.4195762      -26.68411       4.637086       4.063330       3.475549       2.887255       2.293431       1.699365       1.109564      0.5348805     -2.9753512E-02 -0.5812917      -1.109453      -1.625920      -2.125747      -2.588434      -2.960339      -2.980450      -2.369283      -1.283605     -2.0146491E-02  -26.68411       4.203684       3.655938       3.084949       2.508248       1.920480       1.330899      0.7478867      0.1737602     -0.3881451     -0.9397643      -1.466629      -1.978080      -2.470022      -2.937070      -3.346136      -3.527374      -3.080900      -1.941293     -0.5126562      -26.68411       3.692248       3.175750       2.627577       2.069241       1.497040      0.9196180      0.3476008     -0.2184945     -0.7755373      -1.320058      -1.839675      -2.343271      -2.818220   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-26.68411      0.8445553      0.5168049      0.1295084     -0.2945139     -0.7509927      -1.225267      -1.703813      -2.186288      -2.662109      -3.121957      -3.550472      -3.955630      -4.329639      -4.670800      -4.990752      -5.268126      -5.469795      -5.222015      -3.636365      -26.68411     -0.1105829     -0.3721241     -0.7023697      -1.074776      -1.483465      -1.913713      -2.351093      -2.795616      -3.231178      -3.651252      -4.044512      -4.414588      -4.756006      -5.064375      -5.351725      -5.600595      -5.786170      -5.704994      -4.373834      -26.68411      -1.212892      -1.393652      -1.654407      -1.963091      -2.313589      -2.685365      -3.068815      -3.464174      -3.856510      -4.234248      -4.585771      -4.918313      -5.223033      -5.496048      -5.749680      -5.960673      -6.116138      -6.134979      -5.137574      -26.68411      -2.527934      -2.605516      -2.779002      -3.006620      -3.278880      -3.578142  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-50.72174      -47.52520      -44.24205      -40.87727      -37.43529      -33.92011      -30.33530      -26.68411       3.754847       3.650228       3.510808       3.340488       3.134357       2.892132       2.619247       2.310523       1.988143       1.645328       1.300860      0.9729156      0.6831275      0.4509343      0.2858829      0.1801319      0.1211660      9.2519306E-02  7.9579264E-02  -28.74740       4.770023       4.484715       4.173368       3.842023       3.489934       3.127182       2.746712       2.359448       1.973057       1.576665       1.196062      0.8535482      0.5877327      0.4310226      0.3939756      0.4574032      0.5881795      0.7585705      0.9500788      -28.74740       5.393723       4.938013       4.477345       4.005346       3.529181       3.054932       2.584540       2.126038       1.665635       1.217710      0.7833083      0.3940439      9.7501896E-02 -3.9790332E-02  1.0855548E-02  0.2191659      0.5267305      0.8890682       1.281211  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2.216189       1.600147      0.9965764      0.3999633     -0.1695217     -0.7203010      -1.255116      -1.770937      -2.245096      -2.556680      -2.428181      -1.696052     -0.6299236      0.5548509      -28.74740       5.014102       4.400484       3.774832       3.145479       2.512375       1.884725       1.261003      0.6490086      4.9584646E-02 -0.5263825      -1.077886      -1.615868      -2.133840      -2.625600      -3.031952      -3.106874      -2.469336      -1.284719      9.0832010E-02  -28.74740       4.564740       3.977812       3.368767       2.752704       2.128669       1.503164      0.8815289      0.2717314     -0.3261820     -0.8992106      -1.452159      -1.984414      -2.494211      -2.982021      -3.425286      -3.663419      -3.225445      -1.987057     -0.4301334      -28.74740       4.031120       3.478544       2.895742       2.299765       1.687931       1.074191      0.4639568     -0.1377837     -0.7269760      -1.297560      -1.841998      -2.364997      -2.856690      -3.336431      -3.773367      -4.104212      -3.911686      -2.718621     -0.9981992      -28.74740       3.418164       2.907235       2.355141       1.784752       1.195490      0.5992851      4.4447202E-03 -0.5830837      -1.165150      -1.723417      -2.254372      -2.759459      -3.233421      -3.692614      -4.113020      -4.468775      -4.489547      -3.468876      -1.620102      -28.74740       2.724678       2.259926       1.747698       1.210170      0.6471885      7.5456254E-02 -0.5016993      -1.074311      -1.639003      -2.179359      -2.688418      -3.174303      -3.624839      -4.052328      -4.451557      -4.800794      -4.953150      -4.197930      -2.282553      -28.74740       1.947523       1.536052       1.068027      0.5678527      3.7104651E-02 -0.5077542      -1.060066      -1.610706      -2.151191      -2.663502      -3.150160      -3.610646      -4.026143      -4.428648      -4.796193      -5.122269      -5.334109      -4.870861      -2.988661      -28.74740       1.073331      0.7211393      0.3041981     -0.1526979     -0.6449896      -1.153775      -1.672827      -2.192145      -2.703548      -3.187575      -3.638166      -4.063579      -4.452382      -4.821567      -5.156838      -5.451492      -5.670464      -5.448913      -3.732106      -28.74740      8.1155941E-02 -0.2015537     -0.5584233     -0.9628555      -1.407111      -1.871435      -2.351012      -2.834539      -3.305520      -3.747664      -4.159513      -4.551626      -4.906676      -5.241066      -5.536565      -5.801677      -5.996274      -5.933942      -4.508578      -28.74740      -1.062227      -1.260040      -1.546734      -1.887414      -2.271777      -2.681152      -3.106468      -3.540180      -3.964170      -4.364825      -4.733351      -5.082949      -5.402790      -5.697271      -5.958404      -6.178777      -6.338861      -6.362839      -5.310668      -28.74740      -2.428181      -2.519022      -2.717543      -2.975093      -3.280272  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-2.735027      -2.749619      -2.752911      -2.745089      -2.723347      -2.686382      -2.630598      -5.157303      -2.335884      -2.390107      -2.444534      -2.501399      -2.557852      -2.611910      -2.663754      -2.712628      -2.757497      -2.798125      -2.834222      -2.862884      -2.884239      -2.897866      -2.902064      -2.891210      -2.866233      -2.826221      -2.764734      -5.157303      -2.579734      -2.623314      -2.666470      -2.713199      -2.760087      -2.807550      -2.852357      -2.895364      -2.935954      -2.971796      -3.003271      -3.029120      -3.048556      -3.062103      -3.063028      -3.048071      -3.020809      -2.976446      -2.908414      -5.157303      -2.848306      -2.881555      -2.916182      -2.952259      -2.992021      -3.032938      -3.071271      -3.106746      -3.139221      -3.168772      -3.196404      -3.220023      -3.235554      -3.241861      -3.237163      -3.218540      -3.187487      -3.137125      -3.060403  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-1.723124      -6.568760     -0.8258766     -0.9503642      -1.073876      -1.193198      -1.306705      -1.413969      -1.515051      -1.606325      -1.687739      -1.759580      -1.820045      -1.871976      -1.910607      -1.933042      -1.939705      -1.930764      -1.907771      -1.871053      -1.822971      -6.568760     -0.9509352      -1.072974      -1.196291      -1.318045      -1.431682      -1.539553      -1.641737      -1.736696      -1.822780      -1.897636      -1.963366      -2.017536      -2.055964      -2.077690      -2.082201      -2.069713      -2.041187      -1.997983      -1.940451      -6.568760      -1.097009      -1.216120      -1.336440      -1.455823      -1.569669      -1.677073      -1.779454      -1.876631      -1.964943      -2.044754      -2.113420      -2.168708      -2.206842      -2.227683      -2.230555      -2.214994      -2.181595      -2.132637      -2.066158      -6.568760      -1.266726      -1.378762      -1.493906      -1.609512      -1.721639  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-2.833059      -2.871755      -2.890942      -2.889683      -2.868398      -2.829111      -2.760931      -2.664427      -6.568760      -2.178901      -2.256935      -2.340900      -2.427676      -2.515432      -2.601246      -2.686198      -2.766648      -2.839036      -2.905879      -2.967462      -3.019319      -3.056457      -3.075757      -3.074642      -3.056374      -3.014977      -2.942890      -2.840378      -6.568760      -2.490472      -2.554966      -2.625642      -2.698853      -2.773038      -2.846110      -2.918936      -2.988550      -3.054411      -3.116124      -3.171577      -3.218518      -3.252609      -3.272196      -3.275144      -3.256600      -3.211578      -3.137466      -3.027869      -6.568760      -2.844201      -2.891573      -2.945124      -3.002392      -3.059582      -3.121494      -3.184006      -3.245001      -3.299689      -3.351476      -3.399759      -3.440871      -3.471130      -3.494375      -3.497420      -3.474105      -3.424815      -3.347795  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-12.42813      -12.23269      -12.02428      -11.80360      -11.57128      -11.32794      -11.07415      -10.81039      -10.53715      -10.25488      -9.963933      -9.664708      -9.357539      -9.042727      -8.720569      -8.391334      -8.055264     -0.1275555     -0.2092337     -0.3079671     -0.4046054     -0.5029048     -0.5996637     -0.6941822     -0.7860756     -0.8709241     -0.9461803      -1.013824      -1.071986      -1.120478      -1.160993      -1.194803      -1.222903      -1.247837      -1.266802      -1.280010      -9.610223      0.1037091     -1.3911482E-02 -0.1396464     -0.2651261     -0.3897587     -0.5092286     -0.6250447     -0.7346734     -0.8310993     -0.9157011     -0.9872811      -1.043507      -1.087034      -1.118221      -1.139702      -1.152812      -1.159465      -1.157877      -1.149018      -9.610223      0.2290586      8.0163777E-02 -7.4420780E-02 -0.2258261     -0.3733549     -0.5145436     -0.6483634     -0.7699645     -0.8777021     -0.9709064  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-1.458225      -1.381972      -1.291345      -9.610223      4.5053028E-02 -0.1655257     -0.3793761     -0.5854989     -0.7838275     -0.9722599      -1.150874      -1.314034      -1.453804      -1.571217      -1.660228      -1.719891      -1.753291      -1.758892      -1.740513      -1.694824      -1.623669      -1.530813      -1.421096      -9.610223     -0.1252720     -0.3363360     -0.5476297     -0.7556720     -0.9590049      -1.152418      -1.331218      -1.494951      -1.642203      -1.765834      -1.861880      -1.928811      -1.965072      -1.972835      -1.952716      -1.899905      -1.817228      -1.709172      -1.581254      -9.610223     -0.3309880     -0.5367894     -0.7452965     -0.9521701      -1.154660      -1.346099      -1.521246      -1.687766      -1.838230      -1.967178      -2.072259      -2.148168      -2.190399      -2.204222      -2.183616      -2.126452      -2.034577      -1.913029      -1.768047      -9.610223     -0.5705206     -0.7681698     -0.9707251  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-2.845037      -2.970422      -3.076222      -3.154237      -3.195415      -3.189637      -3.137577      -3.036397      -2.888036      -2.688455      -9.610223      -1.833464      -1.960053      -2.103162      -2.248110      -2.390674      -2.535375      -2.679345      -2.823955      -2.966798      -3.099312      -3.218821      -3.323365      -3.403174      -3.449138      -3.451679      -3.404245      -3.308094      -3.161883      -2.952943      -9.610223      -2.248909      -2.354248      -2.477725      -2.604775      -2.730544      -2.858303      -2.988026      -3.119271      -3.248970      -3.372075      -3.483508      -3.581543      -3.658882      -3.707920      -3.717026      -3.675124      -3.590814      -3.443965      -3.227472      -9.610223      -2.734154      -2.812547      -2.911454      -3.016266      -3.122280      -3.227868      -3.336971      -3.450322      -3.563856      -3.674030      -3.773751      -3.862143      -3.933941      -3.982767      -3.997375      -3.970468  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-15.42924      -15.20288      -14.95739      -14.69402      -14.41389      -14.11806      -13.80747      -13.48296      -13.14529      -12.79516      -12.43319      -12.05997      -11.67599      -11.28175      -10.87767      -10.46415      -10.04155      -9.610223      0.1759099      8.5173242E-02 -2.3070434E-02 -0.1381421     -0.2552357     -0.3665696     -0.4764296     -0.5850092     -0.6866689     -0.7799266     -0.8598400     -0.9284081     -0.9864442      -1.031938      -1.068433      -1.097057      -1.120384      -1.138817      -1.151059      -11.22807      0.4743548      0.3414044      0.1940443      4.5246169E-02 -9.9317111E-02 -0.2392722     -0.3759178     -0.5063795     -0.6247132     -0.7271101     -0.8098888     -0.8770329     -0.9264259     -0.9596232     -0.9788079     -0.9870783     -0.9873348     -0.9796991     -0.9642643      -11.22807      0.6469125      0.4687381      0.2857921      0.1086636     -6.4594343E-02 -0.2306324     -0.3890573     -0.5369587     -0.6688905  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-1.373055      -1.290657      -1.187627      -1.068672      -11.22807      0.4849229      0.2337640     -1.8534482E-02 -0.2660862     -0.5094740     -0.7395027     -0.9558381      -1.158407      -1.337984      -1.484630      -1.592664      -1.661848      -1.692762      -1.687759      -1.646676      -1.576295      -1.476226      -1.351442      -1.207907      -11.22807      0.3002198      4.6821456E-02 -0.2071426     -0.4586502     -0.7039640     -0.9363287      -1.158979      -1.369016      -1.554817      -1.708052      -1.827046      -1.903240      -1.938072      -1.933859      -1.890745      -1.811075      -1.695596      -1.550507      -1.383257      -11.22807      7.0120178E-02 -0.1797040     -0.4322346     -0.6766751     -0.9187776      -1.154550      -1.380815      -1.590378      -1.776840      -1.939253      -2.066142      -2.152708      -2.197621      -2.197565      -2.157803      -2.071943      -1.943792      -1.780453      -1.590662      -11.22807     -0.2027748     -0.4404836  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-2.739445      -2.901550      -3.051060      -3.181317      -3.279689      -3.336078      -3.333919      -3.264091      -3.125844      -2.923081      -2.662871      -11.22807      -1.660274      -1.813587      -1.983821      -2.155878      -2.327317      -2.499427      -2.673553      -2.845693      -3.014237      -3.174079      -3.323405      -3.453785      -3.555536      -3.621073      -3.631030      -3.573717      -3.444168      -3.244953      -2.972952      -11.22807      -2.129408      -2.252296      -2.397448      -2.548797      -2.700396      -2.851646      -3.007316      -3.166198      -3.323915      -3.474358      -3.613155      -3.738931      -3.840420      -3.907943      -3.930494      -3.886090      -3.769807      -3.579365      -3.298913      -11.22807      -2.670975      -2.762592      -2.877615      -3.001650      -3.130138      -3.259368      -3.393670      -3.532266      -3.671006      -3.805480      -3.931201      -4.045405      -4.140914      -4.208673      -4.237943  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-18.64022      -18.39392      -18.12037      -17.82163      -17.49961      -17.15598      -16.79224      -16.40974      -16.00965      -15.59304      -15.16084      -14.71391      -14.25299      -13.77877      -13.29188      -12.79287      -12.28225      -11.76051      -11.22807      0.4781934      0.3769036      0.2618592      0.1342699      2.1246735E-03 -0.1300647     -0.2589999     -0.3819624     -0.4992003     -0.6067535     -0.7016067     -0.7817402     -0.8473819     -0.8998287     -0.9393128     -0.9689247     -0.9910951      -1.008551      -1.019804      -12.90406      0.8452014      0.6930813      0.5300026      0.3622660      0.1936243      2.9269621E-02 -0.1266701     -0.2755997     -0.4114172     -0.5292767     -0.6280549     -0.7031414     -0.7585780     -0.7932817     -0.8108321     -0.8144134     -0.8077317     -0.7934353     -0.7712410      -12.90406       1.060736      0.8541194      0.6467041      0.4392210      0.2361068      4.5791201E-02 -0.1358753     -0.3061751  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-1.309352      -1.224506      -1.115213     -0.9837109     -0.8353565      -12.90406      0.9189528      0.6257477      0.3353353      4.9340148E-02 -0.2320192     -0.5036276     -0.7653551      -1.005212      -1.216045      -1.393246      -1.526805      -1.607735      -1.641672      -1.624814      -1.563314      -1.463195      -1.331847      -1.173418     -0.9948407      -12.90406      0.7203190      0.4246274      0.1324164     -0.1564079     -0.4436021     -0.7236912     -0.9893547      -1.234590      -1.457706      -1.647461      -1.789261      -1.883705      -1.922899      -1.907910      -1.841082      -1.729977      -1.578794      -1.394794      -1.186731      -12.90406      0.4687528      0.1797823     -0.1122229     -0.3986189     -0.6840592     -0.9608076      -1.229260      -1.480135      -1.708843      -1.902734      -2.056760      -2.163505      -2.214362      -2.207248      -2.141211      -2.023647      -1.855800      -1.648118      -1.411636      -12.90406      0.1699546  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-2.554909      -2.761052      -2.954593      -3.127452      -3.275399      -3.398363      -3.471650      -3.469065      -3.379517      -3.198831      -2.935807      -2.608511      -12.90406      -1.472245      -1.653203      -1.852371      -2.056292      -2.258600      -2.458517      -2.660773      -2.863170      -3.059242      -3.243223      -3.414719      -3.569911      -3.699293      -3.788084      -3.808829      -3.738847      -3.574144      -3.315578      -2.974555      -12.90406      -1.999554      -2.144257      -2.310774      -2.484144      -2.662781      -2.841409      -3.023802      -3.205744      -3.386621      -3.564028      -3.729386      -3.877196      -4.005218      -4.101739      -4.138229      -4.089661      -3.945032      -3.699161      -3.347841      -12.90406      -2.593622      -2.702415      -2.836234      -2.979389      -3.129037      -3.281385      -3.439657      -3.601949      -3.764113      -3.922985      -4.074200      -4.211568      -4.329915      -4.424209  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-22.02910      -21.77880      -21.49070      -21.16732      -20.81237      -20.42829      -20.01740      -19.58176      -19.12314      -18.64313      -18.14308      -17.62421      -17.08760      -16.53421      -15.96488      -15.38040      -14.78147      -14.16872      -13.54274      -12.90406      0.7685279      0.6611078      0.5401030      0.4032696      0.2583306      0.1102204     -3.7593126E-02 -0.1822433     -0.3152640     -0.4371480     -0.5465763     -0.6394812     -0.7145270     -0.7733257     -0.8170306     -0.8483036     -0.8702788     -0.8863333     -0.8966640      -14.63411       1.207859       1.038847      0.8615013      0.6755608      0.4877371      0.3011762      0.1194137     -5.0175998E-02 -0.2011648     -0.3357785     -0.4478399     -0.5348145     -0.5943715     -0.6316506     -0.6471950     -0.6464592     -0.6334454     -0.6120270     -0.5829805      -14.63411       1.470503       1.235333       1.002644      0.7681405      0.5391602      0.3178016      0.1091489  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-1.263430      -1.190640      -1.080417     -0.9417468     -0.7807185     -0.6021971      -14.63411       1.351151       1.011242      0.6795537      0.3573281      3.7919417E-02 -0.2744172     -0.5710436     -0.8466977      -1.093372      -1.294862      -1.452989      -1.554763      -1.589212      -1.561934      -1.477069      -1.346222      -1.180987     -0.9872926     -0.7725826      -14.63411       1.133387      0.7958320      0.4649584      0.1373273     -0.1877702     -0.5083886     -0.8148350      -1.099693      -1.354365      -1.574278      -1.749981      -1.865114      -1.911920      -1.887204      -1.796924      -1.650632      -1.461513      -1.236803     -0.9866268      -14.63411      0.8621621      0.5327933      0.2021951     -0.1229041     -0.4463531     -0.7668644      -1.076749      -1.361098      -1.625787      -1.859055      -2.045244      -2.178076      -2.242046      -2.227262      -2.138785      -1.984346      -1.774646      -1.521008      -1.236435      -14.63411  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-2.290854      -2.540701      -2.778918      -2.999358      -3.199893      -3.373980      -3.515651      -3.608531      -3.609043      -3.499428      -3.273419      -2.948686      -2.550204      -14.63411      -1.272292      -1.482115      -1.708815      -1.942910      -2.178331      -2.412595      -2.645373      -2.872965      -3.096704      -3.310172      -3.501901      -3.677106      -3.833709      -3.945418      -3.976068      -3.893369      -3.687862      -3.365055      -2.949786      -14.63411      -1.852525      -2.022781      -2.214205      -2.414077      -2.618975      -2.825154      -3.035211      -3.243336      -3.447117      -3.645832      -3.834634      -4.007418      -4.160573      -4.283779      -4.337945      -4.287203      -4.111728      -3.806035      -3.379385      -14.63411      -2.504937      -2.630568      -2.781674      -2.946454      -3.119912      -3.299044      -3.481270      -3.664142      -3.849310      -4.033286      -4.205894      -4.364868      -4.508577  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-14.63411      -25.32410      -25.03976      -24.70781      -24.33279      -23.91882      -23.46950      -22.98789      -22.47667      -21.93813      -21.37423      -20.78668      -20.17700      -19.54648      -18.89631      -18.22752      -17.54105      -16.83774      -16.11835      -15.38360      -14.63411       1.052152      0.9385712      0.8107189      0.6654158      0.5116307      0.3511679      0.1859489      2.4979349E-02 -0.1284856     -0.2676898     -0.3905375     -0.4961173     -0.5817288     -0.6466362     -0.6947718     -0.7274969     -0.7495419     -0.7644780     -0.7739275      -16.41466       1.561661       1.373672       1.181527      0.9804541      0.7767797      0.5695539      0.3675428      0.1766484      2.9259985E-03 -0.1473391     -0.2735731     -0.3698220     -0.4370729     -0.4747874     -0.4892271     -0.4840374     -0.4649652     -0.4364208     -0.4004764      -16.41466       1.868891       1.605170       1.347988       1.089915      0.8345399      0.5871374  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-1.206578      -1.170503      -1.078064     -0.9415451     -0.7732783     -0.5818461     -0.3724816      -16.41466       1.777547       1.394568       1.021901      0.6554509      0.2960752     -5.1435743E-02 -0.3814608     -0.6895749     -0.9653435      -1.202340      -1.386241      -1.504341      -1.545017      -1.506056      -1.398445      -1.237213      -1.036514     -0.8065516     -0.5548450      -16.41466       1.544096       1.162793      0.7877966      0.4218186      5.9765272E-02 -0.2980508     -0.6384974     -0.9571314      -1.249895      -1.500190      -1.706455      -1.849075      -1.901836      -1.869406      -1.754328      -1.573475      -1.343979      -1.077056     -0.7836451      -16.41466       1.248185      0.8768530      0.5095576      0.1465549     -0.2144261     -0.5711690     -0.9154160      -1.241123      -1.538218      -1.802541      -2.027495      -2.189912      -2.268316      -2.249191      -2.137177      -1.944178      -1.690521      -1.388950      -1.054838  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-1.945702      -2.234330      -2.515018      -2.786530      -3.037537      -3.263436      -3.466120      -3.634287      -3.741193      -3.748937      -3.617715      -3.345681      -2.955484      -2.482659      -16.41466      -1.061164      -1.298710      -1.555135      -1.819958      -2.088390      -2.357891      -2.621774      -2.879118      -3.129649      -3.367476      -3.588035      -3.783325      -3.961271      -4.097722      -4.142873      -4.050936      -3.804777      -3.416592      -2.922057      -16.41466      -1.693112      -1.888302      -2.105318      -2.332997      -2.568073      -2.806964      -3.042074      -3.274114      -3.504992      -3.727435      -3.933767      -4.129068      -4.306560      -4.453465      -4.530860      -4.478921      -4.273389      -3.904276      -3.397406      -16.41466      -2.402646      -2.550323      -2.721598      -2.906130      -3.104733      -3.312028      -3.519437      -3.723096      -3.928854      -4.134869      -4.330685      -4.510708  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-5.818865      -16.41466      -28.73271      -28.41375      -28.03665      -27.60756      -27.13190      -26.61435      -26.05883      -25.46867      -24.84669      -24.19529      -23.51656      -22.81227      -22.08401      -21.33316      -20.56096      -19.76850      -18.95678      -18.12670      -17.27908      -16.41466       1.330581       1.210109       1.078189      0.9261829      0.7615333      0.5891644      0.4122230      0.2353877      6.4967856E-02 -9.2929952E-02 -0.2312546     -0.3487611     -0.4439285     -0.5165802     -0.5678121     -0.6026072     -0.6248020     -0.6387106     -0.6472532      -18.24260       1.907397       1.702180       1.495822       1.277871       1.057542      0.8348016      0.6148824      0.4051497      0.2104953      3.9261252E-02 -9.8495647E-02 -0.2056139     -0.2780454     -0.3178278     -0.3302701     -0.3206240     -0.2954325     -0.2598105     -0.2168810      -18.24260       2.261712       1.967103       1.682802       1.400069       1.121865  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-1.097677      -1.130816      -1.085713     -0.9724517     -0.8096332     -0.6113613     -0.3886392     -0.1477261      -18.24260       2.199682       1.771953       1.357718      0.9512447      0.5509263      0.1647299     -0.1937987     -0.5324902     -0.8388468      -1.107615      -1.324430      -1.458657      -1.505392      -1.457005      -1.327058      -1.134704     -0.8980521     -0.6307577     -0.3412138      -18.24260       1.947901       1.524637       1.108519      0.7007231      0.2982547     -8.9935169E-02 -0.4631803     -0.8151566      -1.137173      -1.425839      -1.664284      -1.830702      -1.899255      -1.858383      -1.720195      -1.504642      -1.233233     -0.9228219     -0.5851696      -18.24260       1.629116       1.218599      0.8107255      0.4098848      1.3670983E-02 -0.3775967     -0.7550585      -1.113869      -1.446518      -1.743395      -2.002399      -2.199640      -2.295477      -2.276469      -2.141580      -1.911724      -1.611193      -1.260033  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-1.514700      -1.846950      -2.170171      -2.483711      -2.783635      -3.065723      -3.321585      -3.550081      -3.748235      -3.874686      -3.889170      -3.738368      -3.419205      -2.959910      -2.410024      -18.24260     -0.8424186      -1.108026      -1.392951      -1.687579      -1.992975      -2.296152      -2.589660      -2.876849      -3.156171      -3.420762      -3.663759      -3.889097      -4.085389      -4.245132      -4.308572      -4.208948      -3.922764      -3.466255      -2.889299      -18.24260      -1.522735      -1.745317      -1.988379      -2.243078      -2.510578      -2.780847      -3.044441      -3.302649      -3.556309      -3.803522      -4.032130      -4.243651      -4.445117      -4.616036      -4.714210      -4.665254      -4.428895      -3.993423      -3.400460      -18.24260      -2.287340      -2.457594      -2.651170      -2.861246      -3.086614      -3.319123      -3.550867      -3.780960      -4.007051      -4.231433      -4.446314  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-6.635211      -6.046076      -18.24260      -32.24688      -31.89273      -31.46899      -30.98369      -30.44385      -29.85529      -29.22288      -28.55065      -27.84200      -27.09978      -26.32645      -25.52410      -24.69457      -23.83948      -22.96025      -22.05816      -21.13436      -20.18989      -19.22568      -18.24260       1.599754       1.474657       1.334072       1.173473       1.001472      0.8140655      0.6222289      0.4287234      0.2379329      5.9542120E-02 -0.1010861     -0.2357735     -0.3448201     -0.4274078     -0.4851874     -0.5236321     -0.5468282     -0.5605127     -0.5685643      -20.11515       2.250562       2.025694       1.802902       1.573128       1.335363       1.096580      0.8620391      0.6350458      0.4214976      0.2342701      7.9896271E-02 -3.5228889E-02 -0.1128205     -0.1537163     -0.1628400     -0.1482896     -0.1166118     -7.3821180E-02 -2.3806192E-02  -20.11515       2.647602       2.321115       2.012446       1.703954  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-0.8975940      -1.027339      -1.062091      -1.006055     -0.8731060     -0.6833203     -0.4543772     -0.1996009      7.3482737E-02  -20.11515       2.613530       2.142993       1.688234       1.240650      0.8040870      0.3841813     -1.0960222E-02 -0.3765793     -0.7133859      -1.015996      -1.260400      -1.419431      -1.470785      -1.415429      -1.262531      -1.038469     -0.7651721     -0.4595507     -0.1313996      -20.11515       2.346998       1.881082       1.424383      0.9783624      0.5379533      0.1128412     -0.2910834     -0.6735816      -1.026288      -1.347535      -1.623177      -1.814536      -1.898290      -1.853771      -1.693685      -1.442672      -1.128654     -0.7736921     -0.3909305      -20.11515       2.005110       1.557138       1.111200      0.6702050      0.2349034     -0.1863272     -0.5968043     -0.9874753      -1.349639      -1.683038      -1.974949      -2.203201      -2.327497      -2.308041      -2.153970      -1.886677      -1.537794 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-1.013363      -1.381115      -1.744619      -2.098750      -2.444450      -2.776864      -3.082809      -3.367592      -3.628450      -3.854487      -4.010405      -4.028664      -3.863990      -3.496074      -2.965267      -2.336588      -20.11515     -0.6194555     -0.9135320      -1.226142      -1.552431      -1.890604      -2.227760      -2.554198      -2.867912      -3.175519      -3.464096      -3.730743      -3.980189      -4.210636      -4.387916      -4.467802      -4.365454      -4.039473      -3.511058      -2.849237      -20.11515      -1.344930      -1.592339      -1.862688      -2.149588      -2.447647      -2.747902      -3.040797      -3.325407      -3.605005      -3.870457      -4.122043      -4.353634      -4.577968      -4.773813      -4.891278      -4.850692      -4.586632      -4.084450      -3.402066      -20.11515      -2.162398      -2.354029      -2.572134      -2.809951      -3.063124      -3.323406      -3.579120      -3.832289      -4.084178      -4.324956  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-7.164345      -6.913656      -6.261316      -20.11515      -35.85967      -35.46975      -34.99789      -34.45440      -33.84797      -33.18580      -32.47370      -31.71650      -30.91818      -30.08206      -29.21098      -28.30736      -27.37331      -26.41068      -25.42111      -24.40604      -23.36679      -22.30453      -21.22033      -20.11515       1.861850       1.734659       1.589805       1.421376       1.237178       1.039957      0.8323050      0.6199618      0.4098391      0.2072591      2.5257656E-02 -0.1312429     -0.2553939     -0.3499184     -0.4155131     -0.4574793     -0.4822367     -0.4961161     -0.5037349      -22.02986       2.587461       2.345263       2.104900       1.857322       1.605471       1.351097       1.099030      0.8532341      0.6203215      0.4136420      0.2425119      0.1142942      3.0119248E-02 -1.2834544E-02 -2.0191437E-02 -1.0563348E-03  3.6894195E-02  8.6530477E-02  0.1435829      -22.02986       3.030701       2.671803       2.333415  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-0.4496408     -0.8442004      -1.247690      -1.643409      -2.025823      -2.400159      -2.760561      -3.094682      -3.402645      -3.696008      -3.953337      -4.137361      -4.171437      -3.995884      -3.579065      -2.975758      -2.266593      -22.02986     -0.3936228     -0.7151926      -1.058385      -1.416250      -1.786961      -2.154054      -2.511152      -2.858048      -3.187958      -3.500148      -3.791242      -4.065195      -4.322638      -4.526059      -4.626034      -4.526393      -4.162355      -3.560004      -2.810982      -22.02986      -1.162458      -1.434834      -1.731483      -2.049702      -2.383122      -2.712351      -3.031630      -3.345282      -3.648296      -3.934404      -4.204133      -4.461504      -4.703510      -4.921836      -5.063490      -5.038138      -4.749874      -4.179286      -3.404818      -22.02986      -2.031359      -2.243442      -2.486118      -2.752871      -3.036576      -3.323878      -3.605113      -3.882401      -4.155096 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-7.456751      -7.447720      -7.193466      -6.474871      -22.02986      -39.56498      -39.13872      -38.61758      -38.01369      -37.33845      -36.60017      -35.80578      -34.96089      -34.07009      -33.13720      -32.16544      -31.15758      -30.11600      -29.04279      -27.94004      -26.80889      -25.65083      -24.46764      -23.26029      -22.02986       2.115571       1.987847       1.843482       1.672775       1.480992       1.271312       1.051848      0.8220372      0.5924093      0.3699854      0.1671525     -7.5937212E-03 -0.1481729     -0.2533277     -0.3253641     -0.3701630     -0.3960513     -0.4098597     -0.4169479      -23.98451       2.914817       2.657362       2.401902       2.140158       1.870310       1.601597       1.332158       1.065455      0.8137844      0.5860388      0.3975689      0.2543633      0.1617788      0.1157554      0.1098630      0.1340183      0.1779257      0.2343512      0.2984667      -23.98451       3.408250       3.016950  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-0.1432385     -0.4748418     -0.7348465     -0.8970140     -0.9406711     -0.8644057     -0.6884367     -0.4409992     -0.1489543      0.1711900      0.5104777      -23.98451       3.419678       2.861754       2.325022       1.802970       1.295321      0.8088629      0.3505695     -7.5707152E-02 -0.4720687     -0.8331488      -1.138401      -1.346271      -1.420249      -1.349589      -1.152570     -0.8618084     -0.5130101     -0.1287759      0.2788601      -23.98451       3.122651       2.576879       2.043000       1.517161       1.002995      0.5117528      4.0364433E-02 -0.4001772     -0.8079354      -1.190442      -1.531343      -1.788458      -1.906962      -1.864543      -1.661175      -1.336979     -0.9356009     -0.4887114     -1.3036638E-02  -23.98451       2.747721       2.221891       1.698850       1.177005      0.6697195      0.1790552     -0.2936226     -0.7395418      -1.158484      -1.551712      -1.913432      -2.210486      -2.385808      -2.389879      -2.201844 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0.1650790     -0.2473148     -0.6765687      -1.113180      -1.541475      -1.956083      -2.356532      -2.739434      -3.100497      -3.435534      -3.757950      -4.044610      -4.256125      -4.317436      -4.132410      -3.667591      -2.989570      -2.198291      -23.98451     -0.1664342     -0.5159342     -0.8875428      -1.281089      -1.683847      -2.081055      -2.466424      -2.842480      -3.199739      -3.531046      -3.848169      -4.152065      -4.428644      -4.659202      -4.779481      -4.688027      -4.287789      -3.609405      -2.771375      -23.98451     -0.9785699      -1.273656      -1.598324      -1.947362      -2.312191      -2.674442      -3.021752      -3.360411      -3.688987      -3.995694      -4.285602      -4.569124      -4.831393      -5.062839      -5.228173      -5.218880      -4.911315      -4.269757      -3.400635      -23.98451      -1.892832      -2.127100      -2.397030      -2.691489      -3.005591      -3.319918      -3.626876      -3.930324  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-7.611005      -7.713097      -7.714580      -7.467400      -6.684389      -23.98451      -43.35743      -42.89427      -42.32198      -41.65633      -40.91009      -40.09339      -39.21426      -38.27913      -37.29322      -36.26086      -35.18568      -34.07080      -32.91887      -31.73224      -30.51297      -29.26287      -27.98358      -26.67656      -25.34313      -23.98451       2.362439       2.231797       2.089075       1.920098       1.723882       1.506762       1.272210       1.028589      0.7774542      0.5379626      0.3127191      0.1183458     -3.8406663E-02 -0.1532519     -0.2313011     -0.2790505     -0.3058785     -0.3195384     -0.3261561      -25.97711       3.233375       2.960251       2.692482       2.417059       2.135463       1.850216       1.563489       1.277671       1.006422      0.7605091      0.5515242      0.3936058      0.2921326      0.2443255      0.2407291      0.2697194      0.3198903      0.3831935      0.4544139      -25.97711       3.778041  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0.3916181     -1.2223740E-02 -0.3722297     -0.6589304     -0.8374671     -0.8874074     -0.8010720     -0.6009871     -0.3239132      5.4499554E-04  0.3541777      0.7274165      -25.97711       3.813319       3.212832       2.634265       2.071658       1.532187       1.016402      0.5251862      7.0852853E-02 -0.3535115     -0.7463914      -1.079580      -1.312979      -1.401012      -1.325758      -1.105137     -0.7800400     -0.3925761      3.1908832E-02  0.4803240      -25.97711       3.503002       2.915552       2.340826       1.777848       1.230993      0.7029870      0.2017581     -0.2670788     -0.7046587      -1.113769      -1.486222      -1.773318      -1.918028      -1.877953      -1.655126      -1.292996     -0.8469048     -0.3529266      0.1704214      -25.97711       3.110205       2.545446       1.985576       1.425174      0.8793277      0.3564269     -0.1470877     -0.6224295      -1.063423      -1.485438      -1.879521      -2.210476      -2.416055      -2.436953  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0.8200134      0.3960437     -4.8295423E-02 -0.5120520     -0.9817238      -1.440188      -1.885770      -2.314489      -2.718499      -3.101575      -3.471465      -3.813335      -4.124905      -4.366250      -4.457932      -4.272460      -3.762739      -3.008571      -2.133927      -25.97711      5.9089486E-02 -0.3161201     -0.7181742      -1.144312      -1.581234      -2.007109      -2.421201      -2.824730      -3.208319      -3.562148      -3.902622      -4.229081      -4.525108      -4.780247      -4.927599      -4.851633      -4.419141      -3.664436      -2.736098      -25.97711     -0.7912293      -1.111308      -1.464479      -1.844196      -2.240459      -2.629332      -3.010950      -3.376306      -3.727023      -4.053778      -4.367315      -4.668552      -4.947314      -5.195097      -5.384928      -5.399238      -5.076862      -4.363110      -3.397632      -25.97711      -1.752245      -2.006599      -2.303482      -2.630935      -2.974153      -3.313067      -3.650459  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-7.700954      -7.840093      -7.954999      -7.969203      -7.730731      -6.884382      -25.97711      -47.23225      -46.73162      -46.10710      -45.37789      -44.55837      -43.66104      -42.69483      -41.66705      -40.58355      -39.44920      -38.26828      -37.04352      -35.77862      -34.47591      -33.13768      -31.76593      -30.36271      -28.92889      -27.46667      -25.97711       2.600549       2.469896       2.327184       2.160478       1.964707       1.741759       1.494471       1.232654      0.9655002      0.7025861      0.4560537      0.2403770      6.6741705E-02 -5.9500322E-02 -0.1440402     -0.1949225     -0.2227718     -0.2363856     -0.2426138      -28.00587       3.546126       3.254179       2.974338       2.689146       2.395655       2.097992       1.791130       1.488120       1.197067      0.9303520      0.7002905      0.5262023      0.4152967      0.3655139      0.3640039      0.3979395      0.4544165      0.5246471      0.6030120      -28.00587  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-28.00587       1.076927      0.6226339      0.1472819     -0.3508018     -0.8528762      -1.341377      -1.815697      -2.274347      -2.699977      -3.102596      -3.498878      -3.861827      -4.196741      -4.471119      -4.594505      -4.417096      -3.863040      -3.031399      -2.072134      -28.00587      0.2841335     -0.1182614     -0.5499715      -1.010022      -1.477683      -1.935157      -2.379210      -2.808893      -3.211544      -3.589923      -3.956373      -4.297432      -4.617540      -4.894432      -5.074857      -5.016776      -4.557652      -3.725260      -2.705339      -28.00587     -0.6049435     -0.9480019      -1.330509      -1.743891      -2.168699      -2.587837      -2.997455      -3.392828      -3.760332      -4.105630      -4.445640      -4.761506      -5.059268      -5.327795      -5.535522      -5.576931      -5.246766      -4.460066      -3.396495      -28.00587      -1.611531      -1.883369      -2.206700      -2.566171      -2.940102      -3.308955  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-7.779153      -7.935657      -8.084100      -8.202068      -8.235806      -8.004570      -7.085849      -28.00587      -51.18514      -50.64650      -49.96841      -49.17344      -48.27919      -47.29912      -46.24364      -45.12093      -43.93751      -42.69878      -41.40921      -40.07262      -38.69226      -37.27098      -35.81128      -34.31536      -32.78518      -31.22251      -29.62893      -28.00587       2.834391       2.700508       2.560423       2.394575       2.199811       1.973389       1.719199       1.439160       1.155848      0.8696058      0.6004527      0.3629576      0.1724399      3.3738095E-02 -5.6802370E-02 -0.1108644     -0.1397077     -0.1533263     -0.1592208      -30.06916       3.852434       3.542866       3.248191       2.952045       2.649286       2.342534       2.018755       1.696618       1.387113       1.095332      0.8456838      0.6536362      0.5333936      0.4801793      0.4808500      0.5198181      0.5826299      0.6598924      0.7454556  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1.704141       1.184227      0.7020252      0.2427248     -0.1767419     -0.5177993     -0.7415814     -0.8084275     -0.7035981     -0.4577385     -0.1202830      0.2705359      0.6923566       1.135121      -30.06916       4.586572       3.896866       3.234155       2.597144       1.987998       1.406808      0.8646385      0.3576251     -0.1244919     -0.5742301     -0.9664178      -1.250717      -1.373536      -1.291408      -1.022107     -0.6263714     -0.1591729      0.3475278      0.8795179      -30.06916       4.248151       3.576617       2.922271       2.278973       1.662133       1.075653      0.5161884     -7.2651324E-03 -0.4964467     -0.9667658      -1.391658      -1.740159      -1.939600      -1.918978      -1.659049      -1.220750     -0.6827718     -9.2693463E-02  0.5283394      -30.06916       3.824228       3.176679       2.536231       1.900912       1.289137      0.6996758      0.1351417     -0.3905814     -0.8838894      -1.358068      -1.802999      -2.193193   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-1.402672      -30.06916       1.330608      0.8476633      0.3383852     -0.1935337     -0.7261245      -1.246776      -1.750359      -2.232616      -2.680845      -3.105307      -3.519952      -3.907090      -4.263146      -4.565887      -4.726439      -4.565104      -3.967228      -3.057665      -2.012321      -30.06916      0.5063881      7.8653745E-02 -0.3856488     -0.8784153      -1.376627      -1.865731      -2.339528      -2.790207      -3.213900      -3.615001      -4.006353      -4.361787      -4.703233      -5.003208      -5.216442      -5.181988      -4.698693      -3.789190      -2.676106      -30.06916     -0.4201355     -0.7846268      -1.195703      -1.642288      -2.097481      -2.547300      -2.984361      -3.402082      -3.794631      -4.161149      -4.523017      -4.853414      -5.165322      -5.454155      -5.680357      -5.753413      -5.417475      -4.560379      -3.397604      -30.06916      -1.466997      -1.757053      -2.107433      -2.498264      -2.901442  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-7.825811      -7.997893      -8.149964      -8.311371      -8.438060      -8.488168      -8.267728      -7.284308      -30.06916      -55.21230      -54.63510      -53.90219      -53.04004      -52.06892      -51.00412      -49.85728      -48.63747      -47.35192      -46.00656      -44.60629      -43.15530      -41.65716      -40.11496      -38.53142      -36.90895      -35.24966      -33.55549      -31.82814      -30.06916       3.058789       2.925978       2.784490       2.624481       2.423283       2.198256       1.940701       1.648113       1.344056       1.034765      0.7402198      0.4801556      0.2713486      0.1209798      2.3050457E-02 -3.4544777E-02 -6.4489119E-02 -7.8329466E-02 -8.3990067E-02  -32.16550       4.154306       3.824188       3.517962       3.205213       2.893933       2.578174       2.246032       1.907025       1.575208       1.260875      0.9885055      0.7803029      0.6513711      0.5954838      0.5989751      0.6431007      0.7126205      0.7969517  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2.489888       1.903350       1.357346      0.8472863      0.3615840     -8.6505860E-02 -0.4541313     -0.7042470     -0.7848808     -0.6757997     -0.4080738     -3.9663315E-02  0.3845053      0.8410655       1.319333      -32.16550       4.966145       4.230904       3.528260       2.850986       2.207331       1.595631       1.024712      0.4937621     -1.6681939E-02 -0.4913311     -0.9092355      -1.224118      -1.370695      -1.290679     -0.9993844     -0.5679996     -6.0402546E-02  0.4881735       1.062850      -32.16550       4.614604       3.900034       3.203707       2.521167       1.870378       1.250286      0.6651613      0.1166094     -0.3993775     -0.8921474      -1.343079      -1.719256      -1.952650      -1.944588      -1.666818      -1.189335     -0.6042761      3.4980688E-02  0.7059408      -32.16550       4.173656       3.484027       2.802859       2.130167       1.482905      0.8620626      0.2691154     -0.2809426     -0.7987649      -1.297721      -1.761758   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-2.370189      -1.323404      -32.16550       1.580758       1.068659      0.5263878     -4.1362952E-02 -0.6038359      -1.157183      -1.688190      -2.190767      -2.661689      -3.115360      -3.540044      -3.948756      -4.324998      -4.654234      -4.854657      -4.717938      -4.080427      -3.093456      -1.961172      -32.16550      0.7248994      0.2716004     -0.2217444     -0.7492309      -1.278175      -1.800076      -2.301102      -2.774388      -3.218890      -3.646308      -4.051148      -4.428224      -4.781173      -5.106116      -5.348840      -5.343863      -4.841970      -3.855817      -2.648308      -32.16550     -0.2350236     -0.6208491      -1.061721      -1.540087      -2.027637      -2.509520      -2.972630      -3.412319      -3.827891      -4.221424      -4.590307      -4.941032      -5.265000      -5.575558      -5.820820      -5.922154      -5.588390      -4.663970      -3.400412      -32.16550      -1.321663      -1.632313      -2.008808      -2.429576  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-7.843902      -8.028676      -8.203563      -8.370451      -8.528829      -8.664023      -8.731483      -8.525223      -7.479285      -32.16550      -59.31027      -58.69398      -57.90500      -56.97406      -55.92430      -54.77286      -53.53266      -52.21370      -50.82391      -49.36977      -47.85664      -46.28907      -44.67093      -43.00558      -41.29597      -39.54470      -37.75406      -35.92612      -34.06271      -32.16550       3.275999       3.143751       3.004817       2.842903       2.633098       2.410612       2.152412       1.857367       1.528847       1.194490      0.8754162      0.5929295      0.3637322      0.2002480      9.3567140E-02  3.2226428E-02  8.8223629E-04 -1.3383863E-02 -1.8838003E-02  -34.29354       4.449733       4.099211       3.775975       3.447177       3.122258       2.803715       2.467273       2.113394       1.758019       1.418557       1.124573      0.9012856      0.7606721      0.7021577      0.7075374      0.7570496      0.8331606  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3.372322       2.714171       2.096016       1.523429      0.9881381      0.4763680      4.6427785E-03 -0.3959046     -0.6749269     -0.7776756     -0.6698322     -0.3813559      1.6844418E-02  0.4745689      0.9661521       1.480417      -34.29354       5.338608       4.561087       3.817244       3.099501       2.420106       1.777131       1.180564      0.6244800      9.1252767E-02 -0.4104106     -0.8539621      -1.202993      -1.378520      -1.308133     -0.9964425     -0.5301044      1.7783130E-02  0.6086128       1.226581      -34.29354       4.977926       4.218277       3.478271       2.757644       2.070991       1.419827      0.8077269      0.2385828     -0.3082367     -0.8187318      -1.293361      -1.700486      -1.964823      -1.974378      -1.679598      -1.163665     -0.5309737      0.1580345      0.8796605      -34.29354       4.517237       3.785077       3.064003       2.352765       1.669842       1.018022      0.4009302     -0.1761231     -0.7192192      -1.235071   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-2.397161      -2.402563      -2.400938      -2.397423      -2.391985      -2.379685      -3.518405      -2.180438      -2.209651      -2.238863      -2.270644      -2.300505      -2.329094      -2.355444      -2.379165      -2.399603      -2.420181      -2.441152      -2.459113      -2.472915      -2.481644      -2.481202      -2.477938      -2.474465      -2.466587      -2.449630      -3.518405      -2.310443      -2.333767      -2.356691      -2.384454      -2.411445      -2.437494      -2.460780      -2.480968      -2.499645      -2.517998      -2.536928      -2.552734      -2.564360      -2.567949      -2.563485      -2.559318      -2.554220      -2.543021      -2.520385      -3.518405      -2.455016      -2.473042      -2.492451      -2.514779      -2.535424      -2.557903      -2.579965      -2.598403      -2.613720      -2.628274      -2.643265      -2.655081      -2.659791      -2.659241      -2.654981      -2.648391      -2.639543      -2.623685      -2.593992      -3.518405  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-3.560864      -3.544137      -3.524601      -3.502059      -3.475883      -3.445557      -3.410784      -3.371974      -3.330845      -3.282786      -3.226143      -3.160686      -3.082421      -3.518405      -5.020588      -4.961755      -4.900394      -4.836557      -4.770288      -4.701634      -4.630663      -4.557668      -4.481950      -4.404301      -4.324536      -4.242698      -4.159056      -4.072945      -3.985142      -3.895442      -3.803865      -3.710479      -3.615316      -3.518405      -1.065995      -1.112734      -1.157691      -1.199013      -1.240240      -1.286402      -1.329924      -1.370172      -1.407043      -1.441230      -1.475038      -1.509725      -1.542531      -1.572825      -1.600136      -1.624590      -1.647997      -1.668891      -1.687764      -4.847148      -1.030958      -1.088531      -1.142792      -1.192833      -1.244377      -1.298694      -1.348887      -1.395139      -1.436985      -1.475019      -1.511891      -1.548953      -1.581780  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-2.512982      -2.530229      -2.538230      -2.537383      -2.527280      -2.502848      -2.462266      -4.847148      -2.063826      -2.120374      -2.177108      -2.236628      -2.296137      -2.353827      -2.408471      -2.458514      -2.503561      -2.544799      -2.581302      -2.612597      -2.636159      -2.653507      -2.661671      -2.660974      -2.648203      -2.621596      -2.576019      -4.847148      -2.262910      -2.312263      -2.361663      -2.413357      -2.464655      -2.513601      -2.560460      -2.604831      -2.645739      -2.683215      -2.717244      -2.745188      -2.767479      -2.784219      -2.794001      -2.790643      -2.775067      -2.746006      -2.694887      -4.847148      -2.485999      -2.524445      -2.562312      -2.603704      -2.645282      -2.687588      -2.727429      -2.765921      -2.802640      -2.835427      -2.864970      -2.890312      -2.911034      -2.928140      -2.934823      -2.927423      -2.909899      -2.876508      -2.818523  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-4.051155      -4.043872      -4.035843      -4.027365      -4.015850      -4.001142      -3.979009      -3.952814      -3.918823      -3.872353      -3.811084      -3.731503      -3.633815      -3.514845      -4.847148      -7.350590      -7.261634      -7.166559      -7.066256      -6.960665      -6.849969      -6.734303      -6.613875      -6.488813      -6.359285      -6.225443      -6.087398      -5.945318      -5.799304      -5.649489      -5.495990      -5.338894      -5.178333      -5.014627      -4.847148     -0.7365690     -0.8043374     -0.8712894     -0.9350384     -0.9937662      -1.053366      -1.114477      -1.170009      -1.219528      -1.265035      -1.305815      -1.345201      -1.381305      -1.414481      -1.446398      -1.474127      -1.498479      -1.519228      -1.537216      -6.258605     -0.6436549     -0.7299107     -0.8124266     -0.8910569     -0.9646383      -1.037870      -1.109860      -1.174220      -1.231662      -1.282112      -1.325524      -1.366089  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-1.638216      -6.258605     -0.7228523     -0.8443068     -0.9646713      -1.080423      -1.189131      -1.293202      -1.389374      -1.475647      -1.550744      -1.616362      -1.672150      -1.719752      -1.757310      -1.781572      -1.792064      -1.789554      -1.775809      -1.750645      -1.717094      -6.258605     -0.8208992     -0.9443023      -1.066530      -1.184377      -1.296207      -1.401585      -1.500601      -1.589683      -1.668833      -1.738534      -1.797137      -1.847787      -1.885826      -1.908495      -1.916453      -1.909898      -1.890445      -1.858236      -1.815644      -6.258605     -0.9442722      -1.064934      -1.186640      -1.306538      -1.418090      -1.523660      -1.623340      -1.715623      -1.799006      -1.871331      -1.934997      -1.987762      -2.025568      -2.047701      -2.053897      -2.044437      -2.020239      -1.982615      -1.931374      -6.258605      -1.087989      -1.205377      -1.323685      -1.440761      -1.552053  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-2.589481      -2.626878      -2.647925      -2.651745      -2.637194      -2.606724      -2.554576      -2.475526      -6.258605      -1.877431      -1.961450      -2.048581      -2.139539      -2.232263      -2.322785      -2.412017      -2.494245      -2.568904      -2.637678      -2.698613      -2.749523      -2.787802      -2.808907      -2.812243      -2.798699      -2.770869      -2.715482      -2.631318      -6.258605      -2.133589      -2.207023      -2.286071      -2.367545      -2.449568      -2.529374      -2.608145      -2.682544      -2.749089      -2.810591      -2.867993      -2.917271      -2.954038      -2.975672      -2.979921      -2.970912      -2.942255      -2.884330      -2.795462      -6.258605      -2.427206      -2.486379      -2.551471      -2.618814      -2.686714      -2.753324      -2.819528      -2.882728      -2.942524      -2.998773      -3.049922      -3.094333      -3.128124      -3.150483      -3.159879      -3.151578      -3.120026      -3.061423  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-4.390527      -4.389724      -4.391919      -4.395932      -4.398267      -4.397991      -4.397501      -4.391992      -4.381625      -4.359607      -4.322236      -4.262321      -4.169912      -4.041276      -3.872636      -6.258605      -9.892175      -9.771982      -9.641875      -9.502251      -9.353538      -9.196123      -9.030398      -8.856730      -8.675452      -8.486903      -8.291366      -8.089146      -7.880480      -7.665643      -7.444836      -7.218304      -6.986222      -6.748801      -6.506204      -6.258605     -0.4271421     -0.5023409     -0.5862681     -0.6688247     -0.7497376     -0.8269207     -0.9046739     -0.9767163      -1.043443      -1.104256      -1.156714      -1.203735      -1.244617      -1.279978      -1.311324      -1.340559      -1.365567      -1.385938      -1.402224      -7.745110     -0.2636038     -0.3666776     -0.4735690     -0.5783235     -0.6795895     -0.7743905     -0.8669878     -0.9526317      -1.029713      -1.096035      -1.151657  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-1.462752      -1.416948      -7.745110     -0.2791338     -0.4433888     -0.6076456     -0.7669966     -0.9187394      -1.062677      -1.193962      -1.309829      -1.412017      -1.496876      -1.564434      -1.615454      -1.649394      -1.667323      -1.668365      -1.651181      -1.617577      -1.569268      -1.509455      -7.745110     -0.3939515     -0.5602815     -0.7293404     -0.8946778      -1.051391      -1.196212      -1.330160      -1.451533      -1.557458      -1.647499      -1.719340      -1.773204      -1.808522      -1.827194      -1.824543      -1.801252      -1.758823      -1.699220      -1.626171      -7.745110     -0.5416909     -0.7079369     -0.8774613      -1.042910      -1.197944      -1.343249      -1.479386      -1.602509      -1.712261      -1.806807      -1.883771      -1.941295      -1.980823      -1.999655      -1.994488      -1.966277      -1.916378      -1.846720      -1.761201      -7.745110     -0.7215744     -0.8833002      -1.046247      -1.205592  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-2.618377      -2.693321      -2.746517      -2.772725      -2.770259      -2.739961      -2.679509      -2.590970      -2.466346      -7.745110      -1.676288      -1.789835      -1.912357      -2.032343      -2.153974      -2.276562      -2.397486      -2.512066      -2.620044      -2.721640      -2.812734      -2.888086      -2.942263      -2.971078      -2.970990      -2.942780      -2.885312      -2.797204      -2.665823      -7.745110      -1.983123      -2.079712      -2.188366      -2.298513      -2.407355      -2.518574      -2.629915      -2.736040      -2.835108      -2.928084      -3.013539      -3.086203      -3.140895      -3.171480      -3.174108      -3.148506      -3.099220      -3.009161      -2.872352      -7.745110      -2.329947      -2.409772      -2.503222      -2.598801      -2.692095      -2.786559      -2.881505      -2.975615      -3.065951      -3.148995      -3.226361      -3.294014      -3.347547      -3.379807      -3.384825      -3.367011      -3.323350  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-4.656490      -4.659286      -4.667860      -4.674139      -4.679415      -4.690290      -4.706605      -4.725550      -4.740512      -4.746809      -4.744364      -4.726753      -4.677831      -4.583457      -4.429767      -4.208955      -7.745110      -12.61859      -12.46679      -12.29964      -12.11797      -11.92254      -11.71413      -11.49345      -11.26112      -11.01778      -10.76399      -10.50023      -10.22700      -9.944720      -9.653778      -9.354553      -9.047384      -8.732572      -8.410414      -8.081179      -7.745110     -0.1274644     -0.2091123     -0.3078048     -0.4043831     -0.5025983     -0.5992411     -0.6936026     -0.7852870     -0.8698623     -0.9447669      -1.011973      -1.069613      -1.117507      -1.157369      -1.190565      -1.218238      -1.243398      -1.263269      -1.278112      -9.300068      0.1038075     -1.3776952E-02 -0.1394597     -0.2648631     -0.3893910     -0.5087174     -0.6243402     -0.7337167     -0.8298183     -0.9140154  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-1.315332      -1.258472      -1.189850      -9.300068      0.1734887     -3.1746544E-02 -0.2395692     -0.4407867     -0.6317688     -0.8129063     -0.9836345      -1.139978      -1.274418      -1.382229      -1.464994      -1.520770      -1.551415      -1.558197      -1.542811      -1.507163      -1.450877      -1.376817      -1.288962      -9.300068      4.5617074E-02 -0.1647400     -0.3782916     -0.5840095     -0.7817954     -0.9695182      -1.147215      -1.309246      -1.447707      -1.563653      -1.651129      -1.709320      -1.741488      -1.746348      -1.728183      -1.683673      -1.614619      -1.524589      -1.418266      -9.300068     -0.1243900     -0.3351273     -0.5459884     -0.7534489     -0.9560107      -1.148428      -1.325971      -1.488185      -1.633663      -1.755326      -1.849341      -1.914402      -1.949167      -1.956231      -1.936663      -1.885600      -1.805807      -1.701458      -1.577778      -9.300068     -0.3295869     -0.5349031     -0.7427791  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-2.572326      -2.690841      -2.790507      -2.860285      -2.893208      -2.884497      -2.834407      -2.740904      -2.605466      -2.428483      -9.300068      -1.460484      -1.606188      -1.762673      -1.917057      -2.070738      -2.224751      -2.375781      -2.523745      -2.664925      -2.795988      -2.914833      -3.014825      -3.088823      -3.128997      -3.126247      -3.081734      -2.992612      -2.859562      -2.673802      -9.300068      -1.816438      -1.940053      -2.079721      -2.220680      -2.358618      -2.497963      -2.635883      -2.773735      -2.909210      -3.034071      -3.145938      -3.243689      -3.318785      -3.363523      -3.369742      -3.331460      -3.250278      -3.123661      -2.931753      -9.300068      -2.220457      -2.321818      -2.440790      -2.562752      -2.682797      -2.804082      -2.926603      -3.049968      -3.171229      -3.285652      -3.388596      -3.479159      -3.551281      -3.598968      -3.612409      -3.581209  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-4.881946      -4.880052      -4.886611      -4.894939      -4.906760      -4.928757      -4.955004      -4.983452      -5.014525      -5.046154      -5.075299      -5.093964      -5.100264      -5.075270      -4.986819      -4.819531      -4.546465      -9.300068      -15.50901      -15.32498      -15.11908      -14.89272      -14.64723      -14.38386      -14.10374      -13.80791      -13.49731      -13.17280      -12.83514      -12.48500      -12.12304      -11.74981      -11.36584      -10.97160      -10.56752      -10.15399      -9.731397      -9.300068      0.1759246      8.5197762E-02 -2.3033593E-02 -0.1380872     -0.2551511     -0.3664396     -0.4762323     -0.5847133     -0.6862327     -0.7792953     -0.8589440     -0.9271659     -0.9847748      -1.029769      -1.065723      -1.093871      -1.117070      -1.136070      -1.149573      -10.91791      0.4743778      0.3414377      0.1940946      4.5321707E-02 -9.9201396E-02 -0.2390976     -0.3756570     -0.5059962     -0.6241593  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-1.192722      -1.130037      -1.050911     -0.9586952      -10.91791      0.6213786      0.3762313      0.1305641     -0.1075202     -0.3386979     -0.5620778     -0.7743143     -0.9637740      -1.130838      -1.268594      -1.368133      -1.432799      -1.463143      -1.459396      -1.425507      -1.366659      -1.285291      -1.183865      -1.066950      -10.91791      0.4851100      0.2340419     -1.8124828E-02 -0.2654852     -0.5085989     -0.7382419     -0.9540450      -1.155904      -1.334579      -1.480149      -1.586995      -1.654960      -1.684762      -1.679000      -1.637697      -1.568053      -1.469507      -1.346864      -1.205881      -10.91791      0.3005364      4.7281951E-02 -0.2064794     -0.4576949     -0.7025955     -0.9343882      -1.156261      -1.365274      -1.549792      -1.701520      -1.818846      -1.893374      -1.926778      -1.921678      -1.878607      -1.800190      -1.686946      -1.544763      -1.380785      -10.91791      7.0664376E-02 -0.1789299  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-2.459847      -2.621927      -2.762315      -2.875642      -2.960930      -3.002337      -2.987287      -2.913002      -2.778425      -2.588645      -2.352595      -10.91791      -1.231012      -1.410892      -1.604742      -1.797886      -1.985949      -2.170554      -2.353174      -2.535203      -2.707536      -2.863189      -3.005762      -3.129268      -3.222110      -3.275818      -3.275595      -3.212953      -3.086751      -2.898744      -2.652117      -10.91791      -1.649982      -1.801102      -1.968702      -2.137592      -2.305265      -2.472873      -2.641676      -2.807604      -2.969038      -3.121030      -3.261995      -3.384191      -3.479173      -3.541265      -3.553314      -3.504923      -3.390920      -3.211722      -2.957263      -10.91791      -2.110466      -2.230171      -2.371626      -2.518649      -2.665238      -2.810686      -2.959663      -3.110958      -3.260180      -3.401381      -3.530480      -3.646839      -3.740575      -3.803942      -3.828711  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-5.083704      -5.069890      -5.070812      -5.078019      -5.091851      -5.115233      -5.147054      -5.184471      -5.229928      -5.277162      -5.319934      -5.361428      -5.407829      -5.434817      -5.430089      -5.359546      -5.183896      -4.857010      -10.91791      -18.54692      -18.33006      -18.08376      -17.81021      -17.51148      -17.18945      -16.84582      -16.48209      -16.09958      -15.69950      -15.28289      -14.85069      -14.40375      -13.94284      -13.46862      -12.98172      -12.48271      -11.97210      -11.45035      -10.91791      0.4782272      0.3769394      0.2619018      0.1343249      2.1958067E-03 -0.1299702     -0.2588699     -0.3817800     -0.4989400     -0.6063796     -0.7010705     -0.7809805     -0.8463250     -0.8984042     -0.9374601     -0.9666343     -0.9885135      -1.006265      -1.018472      -12.59390      0.8452054      0.6930951      0.5300179      0.3622921      0.1936643      2.9332945E-02 -0.1265685     -0.2754400  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-1.087959      -1.022030     -0.9364363     -0.8338296     -0.7174550      -12.59390       1.064690      0.7762778      0.4938018      0.2185126     -5.0346419E-02 -0.3098252     -0.5590048     -0.7880878     -0.9856834      -1.145918      -1.265979      -1.341640      -1.372028      -1.357931      -1.304800      -1.219977      -1.111347     -0.9809848     -0.8341126      -12.59390      0.9190149      0.6258459      0.3354892      4.9581356E-02 -0.2316439     -0.5030518     -0.7644821      -1.003915      -1.214163      -1.390608      -1.523270      -1.603241      -1.636267      -1.618719      -1.556937      -1.457125      -1.326855      -1.170023     -0.9933423      -12.59390      0.7204319      0.4248024      0.1326840     -0.1559988     -0.4429803     -0.7227533     -0.9879600      -1.232550      -1.454785      -1.643417      -1.783912      -1.876962      -1.914891      -1.899048      -1.832011      -1.721692      -1.572205      -1.390467      -1.184902      -12.59390      0.4689637  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-2.258822      -2.470535      -2.661992      -2.831290      -2.968231      -3.065971      -3.117887      -3.095925      -2.996763      -2.817823      -2.570789      -2.270530      -12.59390     -0.9943093      -1.206317      -1.432584      -1.659733      -1.883526      -2.104790      -2.323844      -2.536262      -2.737450      -2.925095      -3.091157      -3.231842      -3.348232      -3.417615      -3.415856      -3.332957      -3.164112      -2.915073      -2.600437      -12.59390      -1.466046      -1.645458      -1.842700      -2.044210      -2.243549      -2.439825      -2.637604      -2.834578      -3.024170      -3.200593      -3.363616      -3.509823      -3.630848      -3.714231      -3.735439      -3.673581      -3.524761      -3.286067      -2.962402      -12.59390      -1.987004      -2.129243      -2.292807      -2.462617      -2.637013      -2.810648      -2.987083      -3.162011      -3.334772      -3.502962      -3.658236      -3.795458      -3.913565      -4.003356  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-5.290649      -5.252069      -5.235819      -5.235446      -5.244504      -5.269012      -5.307322      -5.352251      -5.402939      -5.458083      -5.518264      -5.584764      -5.642363      -5.692657      -5.747373      -5.764150      -5.707618      -5.526186      -5.143504      -12.59390      -21.71894      -21.46864      -21.18055      -20.85716      -20.50222      -20.11813      -19.70725      -19.27160      -18.81299      -18.33297      -17.83292      -17.31405      -16.77745      -16.22405      -15.65473      -15.07025      -14.47132      -13.85857      -13.23258      -12.59390      0.7685952      0.6611645      0.5401643      0.4033479      0.2584224      0.1103320     -3.7453949E-02 -0.1820663     -0.3150353     -0.4368446     -0.5461658     -0.6389210     -0.7137623     -0.7722909     -0.8156649     -0.8465649     -0.8682306     -0.8843648     -0.8954098      -14.32395       1.207856       1.038855      0.8615138      0.6755762      0.4877560      0.3012064      0.1194615  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-0.9976401     -0.9420605     -0.8551999     -0.7456051     -0.6188523     -0.4778766      -14.32395       1.506456       1.175226      0.8504554      0.5330973      0.2293583     -6.6675887E-02 -0.3498275     -0.6103583     -0.8391719      -1.026928      -1.164576      -1.254165      -1.285430      -1.260649      -1.187560      -1.077286     -0.9389694     -0.7787432     -0.6013026      -14.32395       1.351171       1.011277      0.6796117      0.3574243      3.8079053E-02 -0.2741562     -0.5706220     -0.8460292      -1.092340      -1.293327      -1.450804      -1.551840      -1.585578      -1.557735      -1.472579      -1.341833      -1.177315     -0.9847929     -0.7714940      -14.32395       1.133427      0.7958979      0.4650654      0.1375020     -0.1874890     -0.5079381     -0.8141240      -1.098588      -1.352687      -1.571811      -1.746503      -1.860511      -1.906257      -1.880768      -1.790236      -1.644354      -1.456496      -1.233534     -0.9852592      -14.32395 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-1.955333      -2.218259      -2.467747      -2.693683      -2.889621      -3.055070      -3.176717      -3.231625      -3.202932      -3.073817      -2.846800      -2.538686      -2.170943      -14.32395     -0.7446774     -0.9876566      -1.246133      -1.509213      -1.769503      -2.026270      -2.280967      -2.527569      -2.761633      -2.976892      -3.171157      -3.338029      -3.472383      -3.560163      -3.560298      -3.456697      -3.242085      -2.930821      -2.543867      -14.32395      -1.268570      -1.477323      -1.702657      -1.934976      -2.168127      -2.399524      -2.628664      -2.851680      -3.069745      -3.276317      -3.459898      -3.625914      -3.773148      -3.877762      -3.907126      -3.831699      -3.642001      -3.338730      -2.940229      -14.32395      -1.844251      -2.012645      -2.201765      -2.398787      -2.600195      -2.802153      -3.007063      -3.208952      -3.405262      -3.595187      -3.773939      -3.935598      -4.077343  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-14.32395      -5.444084      -5.400166      -5.383935      -5.381465      -5.396706      -5.433122      -5.482553      -5.539259      -5.601091      -5.669859      -5.748115      -5.827708      -5.902544      -5.965719      -6.029565      -6.073922      -6.032728      -5.847230      -5.409895      -14.32395      -25.01394      -24.72961      -24.39765      -24.02264      -23.60867      -23.15934      -22.67773      -22.16652      -21.62797      -21.06407      -20.47653      -19.86684      -19.23633      -18.58616      -17.91737      -17.23090      -16.52758      -15.80820      -15.07344      -14.32395       1.051869      0.9382229      0.8103262      0.6649708      0.5111125      0.3505592      0.1852355      2.4147684E-02 -0.1294416     -0.2687660     -0.3917142     -0.4973593     -0.5829789     -0.6478153     -0.6957951     -0.7282855     -0.7500867     -0.7650135     -0.7750129      -16.10451       1.561700       1.373749       1.181592      0.9805312      0.7768764      0.5696768  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-0.9000499     -0.8751929     -0.8029727     -0.6950461     -0.5616020     -0.4101620     -0.2441661      -16.10451       1.944060       1.567138       1.204258      0.8473184      0.4996542      0.1654010     -0.1463032     -0.4371799     -0.6929431     -0.9081967      -1.073140      -1.171844      -1.205056      -1.168651      -1.075971     -0.9393629     -0.7712767     -0.5804005     -0.3718264      -16.10451       1.777554       1.394580       1.021922      0.6554890      0.2961430     -5.1317148E-02 -0.3812568     -0.6892306     -0.9647776      -1.201443      -1.384886      -1.502433      -1.542553      -1.503135      -1.395260      -1.234054      -1.033795     -0.8046932     -0.5540382      -16.10451       1.544110       1.162818      0.7878396      0.4218929      5.9892382E-02 -0.2978352     -0.6381361     -0.9565360      -1.248936      -1.498691      -1.704211      -1.845938      -1.897829      -1.864737      -1.749389      -1.568775      -1.340178      -1.074595     -0.7826327 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-1.555271      -1.867124      -2.169331      -2.452208      -2.711241      -2.940641      -3.135194      -3.284202      -3.351515      -3.314808      -3.156025      -2.879200      -2.507324      -2.069882      -16.10451     -0.4912877     -0.7634686      -1.051878      -1.346885      -1.644040      -1.940879      -2.227671      -2.505858      -2.774003      -3.020635      -3.240946      -3.436778      -3.597398      -3.698148      -3.704426      -3.578398      -3.317431      -2.940084      -2.477612      -16.10451      -1.058942      -1.295768      -1.551231      -1.814770      -2.081515      -2.348807      -2.609798      -2.863383      -3.109076      -3.340817      -3.553851      -3.740149      -3.908174      -4.036060      -4.078091      -3.992408      -3.761914      -3.393198      -2.914385      -16.10451      -1.687674      -1.881486      -2.096754      -2.322195      -2.554457      -2.789842      -3.020590      -3.247207      -3.471383      -3.685703      -3.882402      -4.066515  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-4.961668      -16.10451      -5.579414      -5.533422      -5.518764      -5.517901      -5.538549      -5.588777      -5.653654      -5.722644      -5.794634      -5.879901      -5.974558      -6.071271      -6.159406      -6.239669      -6.309671      -6.376999      -6.345298      -6.151781      -5.659558      -16.10451      -28.42255      -28.10360      -27.72650      -27.29741      -26.82174      -26.30420      -25.74868      -25.15851      -24.53653      -23.88514      -23.20640      -22.50212      -21.77386      -21.02301      -20.25080      -19.45835      -18.64663      -17.81655      -16.96892      -16.10451       1.329675       1.209075       1.077055      0.9248430      0.7599551      0.5872912      0.4099896      0.2327241      6.1814997E-02 -9.6612006E-02 -0.2354627     -0.3534564     -0.4490282     -0.5219615     -0.5733201     -0.6081010     -0.6301903     -0.6440856     -0.6530673      -17.93244       1.907403       1.702187       1.495817       1.277913       1.057597  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-0.7637793     -0.7931790     -0.7590737     -0.6703079     -0.5414879     -0.3840519     -0.2071436     -1.5658807E-02  -17.93244       2.373869       1.954154       1.551918       1.155086      0.7681203      0.3972056      4.9712826E-02 -0.2659585     -0.5493643     -0.7955912     -0.9829167      -1.096961      -1.129830      -1.084477     -0.9710223     -0.8081151     -0.6099346     -0.3875866     -0.1472481      -17.93244       2.199684       1.771957       1.357726      0.9512612      0.5509548      0.1647830     -0.1937014     -0.5323140     -0.8385392      -1.107093      -1.323595      -1.457416      -1.503717      -1.454967      -1.324797      -1.132429     -0.8960526     -0.6293814     -0.3406187      -17.93244       1.947906       1.524648       1.108536      0.7007543      0.2983116     -8.9832395E-02 -0.4629976     -0.8148379      -1.136628      -1.424933      -1.662843      -1.828570      -1.896407      -1.854978      -1.716535      -1.501136      -1.230353     -0.9209664 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-1.077757      -1.429151      -1.772122      -2.107188      -2.427780      -2.717127      -2.978878      -3.208002      -3.385138      -3.475560      -3.430025      -3.242782      -2.914405      -2.476039      -1.967034      -17.93244     -0.2303611     -0.5336612     -0.8538456      -1.179433      -1.512538      -1.843837      -2.165711      -2.477351      -2.774638      -3.053119      -3.304148      -3.526354      -3.717057      -3.836649      -3.848517      -3.702125      -3.393743      -2.946627      -2.405924      -17.93244     -0.8410960      -1.106226      -1.390489      -1.684206      -1.988361      -2.289865      -2.581125      -2.865287      -3.140580      -3.399922      -3.636164      -3.852938      -4.039188      -4.189267      -4.247837      -4.153202      -3.882527      -3.445351      -2.882980      -17.93244      -1.519176      -1.740747      -1.982495      -2.235476      -2.500749      -2.768155      -3.028104      -3.281680      -3.529455      -3.769318      -3.988906  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-5.649639      -5.135982      -17.93244      -5.694696      -5.649794      -5.633610      -5.641881      -5.678638      -5.734009      -5.811284      -5.895861      -5.985201      -6.080904      -6.188279      -6.297261      -6.396790      -6.494477      -6.586602      -6.658341      -6.644196      -6.444369      -5.895909      -17.93244      -31.93673      -31.58257      -31.15884      -30.67353      -30.13370      -29.54513      -28.91272      -28.24049      -27.53184      -26.78963      -26.01629      -25.21395      -24.38442      -23.52932      -22.65009      -21.74800      -20.82421      -19.87973      -18.91552      -17.93244       1.604092       1.479422       1.339491       1.179833       1.009007      0.8231441      0.6332186      0.4420466      0.2540357      7.8766026E-02 -7.8539059E-02 -0.2099946     -0.3160721     -0.3961529     -0.4519926     -0.4889993     -0.5112047     -0.5242874     -0.5323258      -19.80499       2.250045       2.024981       1.802065       1.572115  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-0.5488397     -0.6595678     -0.6901194     -0.6446143     -0.5394664     -0.3883055     -0.2062020     -3.5380053E-03  0.2138901      -19.80499       2.795375       2.331576       1.890520       1.457199       1.030836      0.6281496      0.2493399     -9.8245539E-02 -0.4106947     -0.6858464     -0.8973091      -1.026888      -1.061445      -1.005217     -0.8721178     -0.6822578     -0.4533629     -0.1988246      7.3841549E-02  -19.80499       2.613530       2.142993       1.688237       1.240655      0.8040996      0.3842056     -1.0913882E-02 -0.3764898     -0.7132201      -1.015695      -1.259885      -1.418622      -1.469645      -1.413998      -1.260917      -1.036831     -0.7637150     -0.4585298     -0.1309608      -19.80499       2.347001       1.881086       1.424390      0.9783761      0.5379782      0.1128902     -0.2909909     -0.6734120      -1.025980      -1.346990      -1.622253      -1.813088      -1.896259      -1.851268      -1.690954      -1.440044      -1.126472 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-0.5204831     -0.9142305      -1.302143      -1.676816      -2.040788      -2.390825      -2.715965      -3.007301      -3.270833      -3.482376      -3.594920      -3.552803      -3.336678      -2.954941      -2.448290      -1.866467      -19.80499      3.3565775E-02 -0.3010652     -0.6513999      -1.012462      -1.379772      -1.742618      -2.095780      -2.440060      -2.770425      -3.073481      -3.354162      -3.609374      -3.828331      -3.977067      -3.991557      -3.830510      -3.473063      -2.953729      -2.333207      -19.80499     -0.6186686     -0.9124309      -1.224592      -1.550246      -1.887521      -2.223425      -2.548129      -2.859452      -3.163768      -3.447911      -3.708616      -3.950152      -4.170755      -4.337666      -4.411088      -4.312335      -4.001732      -3.492308      -2.843957      -19.80499      -1.342610      -1.589287      -1.858658      -2.144248      -2.440566      -2.738528      -3.028425      -3.309118      -3.583643      -3.842597 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-6.125224      -5.880377      -5.300019      -19.80499      -5.782398      -5.743022      -5.734672      -5.752112      -5.799184      -5.873342      -5.960765      -6.059096      -6.168685      -6.281280      -6.392675      -6.512043      -6.625859      -6.739264      -6.850989      -6.923031      -6.927441      -6.723705      -6.119724      -19.80499      -35.54951      -35.15959      -34.68774      -34.14424      -33.53782      -32.87564      -32.16354      -31.40634      -30.60802      -29.77190      -28.90082      -27.99721      -27.06316      -26.10053      -25.11096      -24.09589      -23.05664      -21.99438      -20.91017      -19.80499       1.870529       1.744022       1.600493       1.433933       1.252285       1.058327      0.8548675      0.6477894      0.4440645      0.2490151      7.5150885E-02 -7.3126063E-02 -0.1898161     -0.2780211     -0.3388453     -0.3775325     -0.4002078     -0.4128669     -0.4200584      -21.71970       2.588126       2.345681       2.105590  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-0.2412662     -0.4419492     -0.5637461     -0.5937054     -0.5390932     -0.4160683     -0.2419891     -3.4848385E-02  0.1938051      0.4375940      -21.71970       3.211467       2.702565       2.219249       1.748225       1.289657      0.8541154      0.4455038      6.9016762E-02 -0.2779714     -0.5791610     -0.8151985     -0.9603097     -0.9993399     -0.9319718     -0.7785816     -0.5601370     -0.2999375     -1.2905789E-02  0.2926729      -21.71970       3.019570       2.505161       2.010570       1.526468       1.051608      0.5994561      0.1711969     -0.2265576     -0.5917728     -0.9245612      -1.199018      -1.381445      -1.441213      -1.378122      -1.203456     -0.9466183     -0.6360205     -0.2916634      7.5428508E-02  -21.71970       2.737776       2.232714       1.737307       1.249395      0.7734305      0.3142477     -0.1257737     -0.5351533     -0.9169128      -1.270091      -1.576594      -1.801467      -1.899308      -1.855078      -1.672267      -1.384908 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9.9380381E-02 -0.3246778     -0.7535406      -1.172899      -1.580883      -1.975294      -2.349431      -2.700852      -3.028156      -3.324652      -3.571288      -3.710921      -3.679794      -3.437761      -3.001935      -2.425689      -1.769666      -21.71970      0.2963339     -6.7217290E-02 -0.4492887     -0.8436576      -1.246852      -1.642122      -2.023849      -2.397143      -2.755984      -3.087805      -3.392381      -3.680805      -3.931570      -4.108265      -4.137649      -3.964885      -3.558117      -2.965713      -2.263810      -21.71970     -0.3931541     -0.7145182      -1.057409      -1.414835      -1.784904      -2.151077      -2.506853      -2.851870      -3.179147      -3.487646      -3.773575      -4.040428      -4.288526      -4.481260      -4.573216      -4.475783      -4.126881      -3.543197      -2.806576      -21.71970      -1.160947      -1.432800      -1.728731      -2.045962      -2.378029      -2.705444      -3.022282      -3.332664      -3.631356  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-6.384890      -6.373755      -6.115906      -5.457075      -21.71970      -5.869330      -5.824023      -5.827067      -5.859164      -5.924024      -6.010290      -6.108767      -6.226277      -6.351480      -6.485276      -6.612090      -6.733895      -6.869698      -6.996579      -7.113461      -7.201450      -7.207699      -7.003835      -6.341340      -21.71970      -39.25483      -38.82856      -38.30743      -37.70354      -37.02829      -36.29001      -35.49563      -34.65074      -33.75994      -32.82704      -31.85529      -30.84742      -29.80584      -28.73263      -27.62988      -26.49874      -25.34067      -24.15749      -22.95014      -21.71970       2.124056       1.996685       1.853360       1.684422       1.495065       1.288644       1.073388      0.8490689      0.6263021      0.4121465      0.2185571      5.3340472E-02 -7.8339398E-02 -0.1760120     -0.2424504     -0.2835181     -0.3071024     -0.3196110     -0.3262057      -23.67435       2.916329       2.658820  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0.1777419     -0.1155722     -0.3369745     -0.4677408     -0.4992715     -0.4348849     -0.2914072     -9.3749739E-02  0.1389372      0.3940392      0.6646498      -23.67435       3.620944       3.067381       2.542185       2.031014       1.540036       1.075466      0.6371136      0.2329824     -0.1432175     -0.4747964     -0.7347550     -0.8968490     -0.9404089     -0.8640415     -0.6879889     -0.4405031     -0.1484653      0.1715785      0.5106471      -23.67435       3.419678       2.861754       2.325023       1.802971       1.295324      0.8088679      0.3505807     -7.5683169E-02 -0.4720186     -0.8330466      -1.138201      -1.345918      -1.419701      -1.348855      -1.151719     -0.8609305     -0.5122136     -0.1281924      0.2791217      -23.67435       3.122652       2.576878       2.043001       1.517165       1.002999      0.5117642      4.0387902E-02 -0.4001296     -0.8078376      -1.190246      -1.530966      -1.787790      -1.905922      -1.863163      -1.659630  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0.7738923      0.3271705     -0.1315900     -0.5945147      -1.045876      -1.483492      -1.908927      -2.308042      -2.682410      -3.038068      -3.370968      -3.648942      -3.822372      -3.805629      -3.541917      -3.051167      -2.403191      -1.671523      -23.67435      0.5597996      0.1652076     -0.2471093     -0.6762412      -1.112658      -1.540645      -1.954768      -2.354460      -2.736194      -3.095444      -3.427709      -3.745935      -4.026605      -4.230824      -4.286700      -4.103511      -3.648422      -2.980768      -2.195953      -23.67435     -0.1661548     -0.5155205     -0.8869278      -1.280171      -1.682475      -2.079009      -2.463385      -2.837984      -3.193144      -3.521421      -3.834107      -4.131698      -4.399613      -4.619435      -4.730375      -4.639577      -4.254277      -3.594235      -2.767630      -23.67435     -0.9775850      -1.272300      -1.596446      -1.944746      -2.308542      -2.669353      -3.014699      -3.350671  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-6.521588      -6.612249      -6.610501      -6.346260      -5.607636      -23.67435      -5.948972      -5.895497      -5.904561      -5.952455      -6.039931      -6.139836      -6.258241      -6.393191      -6.535486      -6.681321      -6.821037      -6.956296      -7.100832      -7.234769      -7.359736      -7.457173      -7.471040      -7.276858      -6.558053      -23.67435      -43.04728      -42.58411      -42.01183      -41.34618      -40.59994      -39.78324      -38.90411      -37.96897      -36.98306      -35.95070      -34.87553      -33.76064      -32.60872      -31.42209      -30.20281      -28.95271      -27.67342      -26.36640      -25.03298      -23.67435       2.369241       2.238895       2.097131       1.929418       1.735085       1.520690       1.289789       1.050963      0.8061252      0.5742521      0.3579735      0.1730532      2.5305079E-02 -8.2035691E-02 -0.1544805     -0.1985502     -0.2231717     -0.2356292     -0.2417887      -25.66696       3.234505  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0.6956021      0.3216442      2.9546437E-03 -0.2394203     -0.3824440     -0.4164117     -0.3404033     -0.1772740      4.4258770E-02  0.3029062      0.5847718      0.8825886      -25.66696       4.025189       3.425235       2.858958       2.308798       1.783520       1.289950      0.8273350      0.3916185     -1.2223318E-02 -0.3722211     -0.6589054     -0.8374074     -0.8872952     -0.8008996     -0.6007606     -0.3236539      8.0207596E-04  0.3543710      0.7274504      -25.66696       3.813319       3.212833       2.634265       2.071658       1.532188       1.016404      0.5251920      7.0865072E-02 -0.3534845     -0.7463319      -1.079455      -1.312745      -1.400629      -1.325229      -1.104512     -0.7793925     -0.3919849      3.2352235E-02  0.4805271      -25.66696       3.503003       2.915551       2.340827       1.777848       1.230995      0.7029933      0.2017695     -0.2670545     -0.7046049      -1.113654      -1.485988      -1.772876      -1.917300      -1.876951  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1.499746       1.032103      0.5503027      5.7039794E-02 -0.4389758     -0.9220505      -1.390821      -1.841195      -2.266552      -2.663992      -3.048869      -3.411340      -3.716561      -3.924734      -3.931456      -3.654934      -3.108963      -2.388047      -1.579781      -25.66696      0.8200579      0.3961164     -4.8175577E-02 -0.5118539     -0.9813973      -1.439652      -1.884895      -2.313066      -2.716205      -3.097871      -3.465496      -3.803876      -4.110085      -4.344387      -4.429986      -4.245448      -3.745129      -3.000806      -2.131949      -25.66696      5.9256341E-02 -0.3158662     -0.7177861      -1.143716      -1.580318      -2.005704      -2.419057      -2.821467      -3.203387      -3.554728      -3.891463      -4.212427      -4.500497      -4.745122      -4.882159      -4.805175      -4.387253      -3.650630      -2.732875      -25.66696     -0.7905877      -1.110405      -1.463198      -1.842369      -2.237846      -2.625600      -3.005640   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-6.592098      -6.728274      -6.832655      -6.839325      -6.566684      -5.748420      -25.66696      -6.011332      -5.960833      -5.971835      -6.038962      -6.137723      -6.260737      -6.401898      -6.554676      -6.714130      -6.868774      -7.023024      -7.176640      -7.319798      -7.462007      -7.590684      -7.698977      -7.722482      -7.538504      -6.764635      -25.66696      -46.92209      -46.42147      -45.79694      -45.06773      -44.24822      -43.35088      -42.38468      -41.35689      -40.27340      -39.13905      -37.95813      -36.73337      -35.46846      -34.16576      -32.82753      -31.45578      -30.05256      -28.61874      -27.15651      -25.66696       2.606015       2.475552       2.333580       2.167923       1.973659       1.752905       1.508721       1.251134      0.9895720      0.7337825      0.4958031      0.2894658      0.1248789      6.2214513E-03 -7.2694130E-02 -0.1199357     -0.1456609     -0.1581568     -0.1639582      -27.69572  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1.292228      0.8633710      0.4636837      0.1187174     -0.1452764     -0.3048994     -0.3390160     -0.2515222     -6.8334982E-02  0.1777581      0.4628508      0.7717763       1.097242      -27.69572       4.423520       3.779157       3.169267       2.580754       2.023546       1.499040       1.009685      0.5486570      0.1161552     -0.2732230     -0.5873756     -0.7854010     -0.8427483     -0.7459583     -0.5225636     -0.2155034      0.1419901      0.5294877      0.9371148      -27.69572       4.202323       3.557125       2.937271       2.336520       1.762559       1.215794      0.6970895      0.2139324     -0.2377968     -0.6598802      -1.022644      -1.279746      -1.384156      -1.305064      -1.059176     -0.6990504     -0.2720619      0.1931494      0.6828622      -27.69572       3.878354       3.248590       2.634169       2.030863       1.450842      0.8920901      0.3587840     -0.1361220     -0.6000884      -1.041292      -1.439811      -1.757733      -1.929564   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-27.69572       1.786624       1.286454      0.7700959      0.2395532     -0.2893580     -0.8025314      -1.300302      -1.776945      -2.223482      -2.648661      -3.057620      -3.439010      -3.778034      -4.020498      -4.057593      -3.772622      -3.170416      -2.375381      -1.489410      -27.69572       1.076952      0.6226754      0.1473520     -0.3506818     -0.8526717      -1.341031      -1.815113      -2.273368      -2.698346      -3.099882      -3.494366      -3.854403      -4.184658      -4.452364      -4.569180      -4.391815      -3.846804      -3.024524      -2.070481      -27.69572      0.2842333     -0.1181056     -0.5497262      -1.009634      -1.477070      -1.934192      -2.377695      -2.806526      -3.207861      -3.584216      -3.947560      -4.283886      -4.596811      -4.863672      -5.033020      -4.972150      -4.527175      -3.712617      -2.702571      -27.69572     -0.6045249     -0.9473993      -1.329634      -1.742612      -2.166823      -2.585098  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-6.631420      -6.793152      -6.940763      -7.050477      -7.069416      -6.791399      -5.888176      -27.69572      -6.076180      -6.023578      -6.043727      -6.126572      -6.240577      -6.388184      -6.553415      -6.722203      -6.896791      -7.070714      -7.238039      -7.406962      -7.554653      -7.699526      -7.836652      -7.946419      -7.986722      -7.811159      -6.972429      -27.69572      -50.87498      -50.33635      -49.65826      -48.86329      -47.96903      -46.98896      -45.93349      -44.81077      -43.62736      -42.38863      -41.09906      -39.76246      -38.38210      -36.96083      -35.50113      -34.00520      -32.47503      -30.91235      -29.31877      -27.69572       2.838805       2.705044       2.565522       2.400527       2.206973       1.982346       1.730729       1.454387       1.176011      0.8963655      0.6353339      0.4069876      0.2254733      9.4436124E-02  9.4815185E-03 -4.0984452E-02 -6.7785069E-02 -8.0362774E-02 -8.5860260E-02  -29.75901       3.853011       3.543430       3.248853       2.952844       2.650313       2.343916       2.020682       1.699338       1.390940       1.100669      0.8528751      0.6628423      0.5444344      0.4926353      0.4942409      0.5337477      0.5968499      0.6742569      0.7598365      -29.75901       4.496203       4.008480       3.562001       3.129653       2.717841       2.323722       1.942737       1.582428       1.240608      0.9428315      0.7013053      0.5394639      0.4706893      0.4867013      0.5656280      0.6871179      0.8348687      0.9991866       1.174269      -29.75901       4.821689       4.221116       3.665215       3.135997       2.638095       2.173194       1.740553       1.327437      0.9487889      0.6239433      0.3689552      0.2134168      0.1735170      0.2401151      0.3863180      0.5850327      0.8155422       1.066028       1.330334      -29.75901       4.909977       4.245476       3.625492       3.032598       2.475653 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-1.739959      -1.939227      -1.918420      -1.658397      -1.220127     -0.6822644     -9.2367135E-02  0.5284423      -29.75901       3.824228       3.176679       2.536232       1.900912       1.289139      0.6996798      0.1351490     -0.3905630     -0.8838494      -1.357977      -1.802798      -2.192768      -2.467415      -2.530288      -2.315372      -1.856646      -1.256336     -0.5854788      0.1238427      -29.75901       3.316183       2.700197       2.084945       1.466380      0.8609974      0.2801154     -0.2768276     -0.7996422      -1.289102      -1.763760      -2.212103      -2.621748      -2.949308      -3.107495      -2.969525      -2.525563      -1.877565      -1.130099     -0.3331890      -29.75901       2.731981       2.155574       1.567589      0.9705290      0.3842753     -0.1814143     -0.7255741      -1.238032      -1.721241      -2.187508      -2.628587      -3.039994      -3.399093      -3.634999      -3.600140      -3.212890      -2.542301      -1.726658  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-2.096137      -2.545293      -2.981372      -3.397651      -3.788077      -4.151529      -4.508838      -4.832585      -5.134912      -5.410186      -5.619832      -5.682618      -5.363200      -4.538191      -3.393350      -29.75901      -1.465712      -1.755330      -2.105083      -2.495032      -2.896982      -3.298635      -3.686099      -4.057097      -4.408302      -4.740542      -5.059778      -5.350256      -5.620594      -5.865133      -6.073395      -6.184651      -6.014200      -5.330440      -4.184058      -29.75901      -2.675707      -2.876253      -3.146490      -3.462573      -3.795659      -4.136012      -4.471620      -4.795479      -5.103913      -5.396277      -5.675049      -5.929061      -6.168766      -6.380455      -6.561112      -6.680050      -6.632492      -6.144142      -5.054521      -29.75901      -4.138781      -4.226016      -4.391912      -4.612490      -4.863922      -5.132789      -5.403657      -5.673567      -5.931885      -6.179440      -6.415477  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-9.7294161E-03 -1.5018321E-02  -31.85535       4.154720       3.824586       3.518427       3.205786       2.894677       2.579184       2.247456       1.909070       1.578161       1.265101      0.9943551      0.7879502      0.6606691      0.6060591      0.6103771      0.6549714      0.7247334      0.8091843      0.9020397      -31.85535       4.845835       4.326781       3.848166       3.390979       2.962513       2.555324       2.154773       1.771437       1.408416       1.086496      0.8229520      0.6471491      0.5752187      0.5946882      0.6831177      0.8167540      0.9779519       1.156222       1.345577      -31.85535       5.200801       4.554648       3.961747       3.403603       2.883168       2.395561       1.937219       1.499933       1.097016      0.7489198      0.4710286      0.3028603      0.2613497      0.3367522      0.4987181      0.7164780      0.9671993       1.238549       1.524179      -31.85535       5.295942       4.586879       3.928242       3.301997 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-1.343016      -1.719112      -1.952363      -1.944136      -1.666276      -1.188811     -0.6038387      3.5281889E-02  0.7060678      -31.85535       4.173656       3.484027       2.802858       2.130168       1.482906      0.8620644      0.2691202     -0.2809328     -0.7987410      -1.297665      -1.761627      -2.179702      -2.491408      -2.579187      -2.361018      -1.864193      -1.211235     -0.4839517      0.2826756      -31.85535       3.643762       2.990495       2.335383       1.680143       1.041182      0.4248151     -0.1587212     -0.7047201      -1.218915      -1.714961      -2.182074      -2.617502      -2.982900      -3.171810      -3.052997      -2.577883      -1.873786      -1.062925     -0.2013375      -31.85535       3.036601       2.425134       1.800563       1.166706      0.5454004     -5.1808234E-02 -0.6248050      -1.161859      -1.664313      -2.155200      -2.612808      -3.051144      -3.436353      -3.708776      -3.708367      -3.305943      -2.579093  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-1.539461      -2.026675      -2.508047      -2.970391      -3.408919      -3.822743      -4.213664      -4.578621      -4.923404      -5.238559      -5.536221      -5.764696      -5.853380      -5.534371      -4.642841      -3.396635      -31.85535      -1.320748      -1.631064      -2.007073      -2.427139      -2.861657      -3.295199      -3.711498      -4.104201      -4.476751      -4.829930      -5.160484      -5.467562      -5.748329      -6.011699      -6.232159      -6.360978      -6.203451      -5.472680      -4.221639      -31.85535      -2.581693      -2.799793      -3.094470      -3.437551      -3.804436      -4.172455      -4.533576      -4.880029      -5.208651      -5.519011      -5.808558      -6.071177      -6.315629      -6.547663      -6.738779      -6.864937      -6.831334      -6.320158      -5.129883      -31.85535      -4.112660      -4.208273      -4.394909      -4.636405      -4.916675      -5.210890      -5.505858      -5.791722      -6.072900      -6.333168  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6.5061353E-02  5.1757317E-02  4.6655811E-02  -33.98338       4.450034       4.099494       3.776307       3.447591       3.122806       2.804461       2.468329       2.114940       1.760308       1.421932       1.129367      0.9076785      0.7685781      0.7112237      0.7173512      0.7672741      0.8435917      0.9350708       1.035291      -33.98338       5.192434       4.636330       4.124957       3.638553       3.197941       2.776701       2.363539       1.955646       1.571055       1.226067      0.9422821      0.7532075      0.6773800      0.7006390      0.7992004      0.9454653       1.120352       1.312700       1.516540      -33.98338       5.572118       4.881678       4.246683       3.661763       3.118287       2.614491       2.128355       1.666166       1.239560      0.8672156      0.5700110      0.3858469      0.3421504      0.4256835      0.6039591      0.8409678       1.112231       1.404671       1.711930      -33.98338       5.674782       4.919407       4.221600  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-0.8187216      -1.293334      -1.700422      -1.964689      -1.974169      -1.679365      -1.163471     -0.5308609      0.1580407      0.8795313      -33.98338       4.517237       3.785077       3.064003       2.352764       1.669841       1.018023      0.4009335     -0.1761173     -0.7192050      -1.235037      -1.722163      -2.168147      -2.509612      -2.634833      -2.412797      -1.880048      -1.174244     -0.3898728      0.4348384      -33.98338       3.966131       3.274521       2.579795       1.885894       1.215417      0.5689320     -4.6701882E-02 -0.6140009      -1.152675      -1.666921      -2.156259      -2.615082      -3.004284      -3.239062      -3.140832      -2.639046      -1.879269      -1.004223     -7.7122070E-02  -33.98338       3.334563       2.687237       2.027203       1.358606      0.7032803      7.3525712E-02 -0.5285304      -1.086781      -1.612587      -2.123583      -2.601805      -3.055331      -3.465131      -3.779281      -3.814666      -3.404243 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-0.9304225      -1.439559      -1.960145      -2.472583      -2.960969      -3.422877      -3.856572      -4.269025      -4.644338      -5.004041      -5.339931      -5.652683      -5.903344      -6.017001      -5.707264      -4.749733      -3.402362      -33.98338      -1.176964      -1.506598      -1.911131      -2.359469      -2.829044      -3.290333      -3.736461      -4.154239      -4.540839      -4.913100      -5.254711      -5.574723      -5.877177      -6.146826      -6.375506      -6.529921      -6.392376      -5.614310      -4.260308      -33.98338      -2.488299      -2.720797      -3.042347      -3.412664      -3.810777      -4.208850      -4.593410      -4.960588      -5.305222      -5.634488      -5.934714      -6.208959      -6.467226      -6.705392      -6.894258      -7.038605      -7.024495      -6.491919      -5.204810      -33.98338      -4.081805      -4.186309      -4.391299      -4.660542      -4.969498      -5.291975      -5.605814      -5.910979      -6.199045 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0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452  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-0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811 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-0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715     -0.2031424     -0.1194566     -3.4229293E-02  5.2523363E-02  0.1407856      0.2305420      0.3217811      0.4144916      0.5086436      0.6042217      0.7012113      0.7995963     -0.8153529     -0.7445452     -0.6720721     -0.5979484     -0.5221909     -0.4448147     -0.3658357     -0.2852715 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-0.3120461     -0.3672530     -0.4289234     -0.4887904     -0.5391763      -1.149407     -7.5880565E-02 -5.7718646E-02 -4.5082878E-02 -4.6088707E-02 -5.3536516E-02 -6.5134361E-02 -7.8147836E-02 -8.9091077E-02 -9.4634995E-02 -0.1028509     -0.1251707     -0.1893559     -0.2493551     -0.3025840     -0.3491656     -0.4030569     -0.4624089     -0.5180364     -0.5613601      -1.149407     -0.1340190     -0.1131049     -9.7856663E-02 -9.5541753E-02 -0.1000319     -0.1088413     -0.1197055     -0.1290368     -0.1338030     -0.1410066     -0.1611597     -0.2268922     -0.2864617     -0.3398274     -0.3850785     -0.4381619     -0.4950135     -0.5459681     -0.5819687      -1.149407     -0.1955046     -0.1715580     -0.1534380     -0.1476400     -0.1488615     -0.1547590     -0.1632837     -0.1706800     -0.1744043     -0.1805586     -0.1989264     -0.2666210     -0.3258640     -0.3783321     -0.4226613     -0.4747952     -0.5291011     -0.5751301     -0.6037474      -1.149407     -0.2615420 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-0.3657553     -0.3623138     -0.3619235     -0.3728577     -0.4336108     -0.4890509     -0.5373394     -0.5789006     -0.6225427     -0.6627574     -0.6828084     -0.6779071      -1.149407     -0.5697752     -0.5269325     -0.4908231     -0.4654195     -0.4470003     -0.4356914     -0.4290509     -0.4238660     -0.4173835     -0.4143128     -0.4226003     -0.4824003     -0.5362349     -0.5845116     -0.6239517     -0.6651134     -0.6993061     -0.7118663     -0.6973932      -1.149407     -0.6670749     -0.6191049     -0.5780886     -0.5477400     -0.5245725     -0.5085708     -0.4978352     -0.4889078     -0.4790094     -0.4726509     -0.4778612     -0.5351107     -0.5886682     -0.6360603     -0.6728333     -0.7103642     -0.7376989     -0.7421296     -0.7174888      -1.149407     -0.7764260     -0.7224990     -0.6758839     -0.6397626     -0.6112632     -0.5899410     -0.5745457     -0.5611533     -0.5472160     -0.5366132     -0.5381544     -0.5934272     -0.6461144     -0.6913468 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-1.441090      -1.356014      -1.276583      -1.208773      -1.149331      -1.096338      -1.051234      -1.010008     -0.9704019     -0.9334198     -0.9101810     -0.9519700     -0.9871536      -1.009100      -1.014614      -1.003594     -0.9789546     -0.9249883     -0.8404363      -1.149407      -1.707775      -1.612061      -1.521214      -1.442673      -1.372574      -1.308210      -1.251375      -1.198594      -1.147834      -1.100315      -1.066416      -1.097091      -1.121138      -1.132513      -1.126323      -1.096280      -1.053699     -0.9831613     -0.8868597      -1.149407      -2.055536      -1.948545      -1.845375      -1.750350      -1.667029      -1.587834      -1.515920      -1.447937      -1.382213      -1.317916      -1.270306      -1.288909      -1.298502      -1.293521      -1.268216      -1.218749      -1.148284      -1.061782     -0.9551988      -1.149407      -2.549890      -2.434658      -2.321612      -2.210098      -2.100343      -2.001614      -1.909327  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-0.2983592     -0.3645672     -0.4287387     -0.4937851     -0.5553259     -0.6078431      -3.430635      0.3902195      0.3721123      0.3415696      0.3023361      0.2575997      0.1998500      0.1413675      7.8576714E-02  1.8660290E-03 -6.6400170E-02 -0.1378934     -0.2184760     -0.2950265     -0.3665583     -0.4324406     -0.4933350     -0.5530188     -0.6059224     -0.6449679      -3.430635      0.3164462      0.3064553      0.2833651      0.2501886      0.2100910      0.1589697      0.1058428      4.4288080E-02 -3.8764730E-02 -0.1138725     -0.1947410     -0.2806996     -0.3606973     -0.4334416     -0.4993527     -0.5573780     -0.6118376     -0.6566385     -0.6818726      -3.430635      0.2340805      0.2315370      0.2161366      0.1898009      0.1551546      0.1103487      6.2483344E-02  1.6744415E-03 -8.5034519E-02 -0.1694968     -0.2572065     -0.3472583     -0.4300275     -0.5044721     -0.5710455     -0.6275267     -0.6774186     -0.7153153     -0.7267675      -3.430635 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-0.1938530     -0.2434739     -0.3440900     -0.4438353     -0.5422145     -0.6387247     -0.7319664     -0.8167918     -0.8911982     -0.9503140     -0.9947538      -1.008638     -0.9668919      -3.430635     -0.3224413     -0.2886768     -0.2671048     -0.2571540     -0.2568100     -0.2661072     -0.2825477     -0.3268763     -0.4262101     -0.5237866     -0.6199564     -0.7174497     -0.8121102     -0.8988669     -0.9766852      -1.038214      -1.082546      -1.088581      -1.033369      -3.430635     -0.4685304     -0.4271593     -0.3980363     -0.3808074     -0.3729575     -0.3742350     -0.3829109     -0.4206079     -0.5152982     -0.6092578     -0.7039763     -0.8011038     -0.8947337     -0.9848344      -1.063991      -1.128161      -1.172841      -1.168771      -1.099065      -3.430635     -0.6273335     -0.5781170     -0.5413166     -0.5165424     -0.5011308     -0.4939914     -0.4947118     -0.5250986     -0.6133103     -0.7045063     -0.7979233     -0.8909933     -0.9847555 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-3.430635      -1.531487      -1.436923      -1.357164      -1.292013      -1.236288      -1.187573      -1.146217      -1.139854      -1.201633      -1.267844      -1.340835      -1.420679      -1.504839      -1.594881      -1.673587      -1.716472      -1.712297      -1.634574      -1.462619      -3.430635      -1.898617      -1.786608      -1.690128      -1.607671      -1.537176      -1.472699      -1.415775      -1.394761      -1.449575      -1.510194      -1.576981      -1.648914      -1.726467      -1.802856      -1.863530      -1.890886      -1.866858      -1.759771      -1.556066      -3.430635      -2.398732      -2.265728      -2.148298      -2.045407      -1.953899      -1.870961      -1.793495      -1.756689      -1.796989      -1.844922      -1.900554      -1.959196      -2.017354      -2.074916      -2.120852      -2.126572      -2.067165      -1.921004      -1.682631      -3.430635      -3.115329      -2.959032      -2.817046      -2.685843      -2.566968      -2.456708  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-0.1347525     -0.2125561     -0.2901133     -0.3623603     -0.4285264     -0.4874920     -0.5358786      -5.999882      0.8749620      0.8181109      0.7364355      0.6414965      0.5457253      0.4472636      0.3378266      0.2362128      0.1407390      4.9119763E-02 -3.7140515E-02 -0.1265785     -0.2133873     -0.2962647     -0.3732192     -0.4391238     -0.4937166     -0.5359997     -0.5619063      -5.999882      0.8030559      0.7599639      0.6936718      0.6118146      0.5248576      0.4324951      0.3151006      0.2023106      9.4329171E-02 -9.0340115E-03 -0.1078392     -0.2088055     -0.3043235     -0.3937110     -0.4711766     -0.5327774     -0.5776352     -0.6045987     -0.6089085      -5.999882      0.7154949      0.6847053      0.6325399      0.5640588      0.4873688      0.4032875      0.2797267      0.1581310      3.9983556E-02 -7.3312685E-02 -0.1849883     -0.2966645     -0.4015828     -0.4972332     -0.5764657     -0.6354680     -0.6722691     -0.6854506     -0.6686058 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0.1215110     -5.0047496E-03 -0.1406450     -0.2788930     -0.4171116     -0.5566192     -0.6947889     -0.8255749     -0.9422412      -1.036720      -1.099805      -1.124466      -1.098877      -1.001709      -5.999882      2.4960978E-02  5.1240668E-02  5.7401173E-02  4.7740299E-02  2.9802604E-02  3.6703856E-03 -0.1215395     -0.2568394     -0.3934113     -0.5311511     -0.6696593     -0.8077904     -0.9408480      -1.061509      -1.160379      -1.230246      -1.257046      -1.227055      -1.110784      -5.999882     -0.1704065     -0.1328007     -0.1157059     -0.1148594     -0.1224121     -0.1376414     -0.2594886     -0.3898524     -0.5226482     -0.6569118     -0.7916757     -0.9273860      -1.060055      -1.182925      -1.287509      -1.364953      -1.394621      -1.360311      -1.225159      -5.999882     -0.3899897     -0.3405686     -0.3118895     -0.3005443     -0.2977379     -0.3024861     -0.4169422     -0.5400919     -0.6665795     -0.7948484     -0.9247342      -1.056088  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-1.743831      -5.999882      -1.587426      -1.482451      -1.396657      -1.331695      -1.278250      -1.234311      -1.303474      -1.380881      -1.460963      -1.550648      -1.647195      -1.753641      -1.863886      -1.982100      -2.104928      -2.209728      -2.235871      -2.141424      -1.892353      -5.999882      -2.035636      -1.909399      -1.802380      -1.718030      -1.645796      -1.583852      -1.637475      -1.701077      -1.770678      -1.851883      -1.938925      -2.033755      -2.137117      -2.253336      -2.367751      -2.450725      -2.457408      -2.336690      -2.048750      -5.999882      -2.637608      -2.483140      -2.347553      -2.238028      -2.140911      -2.054641      -2.095423      -2.143713      -2.196979      -2.259292      -2.334109      -2.420441      -2.514264      -2.610702      -2.698872      -2.758961      -2.743977      -2.577062      -2.237361      -5.999882      -3.516914      -3.327820      -3.154038      -3.008727      -2.877895  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5.7094742E-02 -2.9639428E-02 -0.1107747     -0.1883330     -0.2620264     -0.3269512     -0.3810189     -0.4217842      -8.816086       1.341198       1.236229       1.098454      0.9435765      0.7847767      0.6806988      0.5584071      0.4358285      0.3141629      0.1968346      8.8144824E-02 -1.5395106E-02 -0.1092829     -0.1933827     -0.2666306     -0.3287229     -0.3728609     -0.3988531     -0.4049776      -8.816086       1.283858       1.201617       1.087291      0.9547426      0.8148419      0.6838344      0.5420090      0.3998378      0.2592981      0.1261978     -4.9055827E-05 -0.1173416     -0.2211023     -0.3115017     -0.3846811     -0.4378969     -0.4644631     -0.4647270     -0.4377606      -8.816086       1.195434       1.132969       1.040099      0.9283706      0.8070259      0.6583804      0.5013905      0.3434100      0.1896575      4.1585900E-02 -0.1004167     -0.2309345     -0.3468993     -0.4455576     -0.5225833     -0.5694578     -0.5813791     -0.5582533  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0.4568213      0.2916858      0.1180663     -5.5300482E-02 -0.2282864     -0.4011628     -0.5745109     -0.7437127     -0.9054779      -1.049980      -1.158152      -1.214209      -1.203253      -1.114353     -0.9401847      -8.816086      0.3785984      0.3906413      0.3742204      0.3420830      0.3013329      0.1396543     -2.8889244E-02 -0.1990017     -0.3698579     -0.5426670     -0.7160985     -0.8879145      -1.055845      -1.206322      -1.324301      -1.390829      -1.385466      -1.288243      -1.088912      -8.816086      0.1403031      0.1673057      0.1657110      0.1467193      0.1191608     -3.4457847E-02 -0.1969799     -0.3614624     -0.5289201     -0.6984228     -0.8697977      -1.042934      -1.211225      -1.365396      -1.492916      -1.571758      -1.575727      -1.474979      -1.250622      -8.816086     -0.1248226     -8.2480088E-02 -6.8560228E-02 -7.3767535E-02 -8.8481963E-02 -0.2332168     -0.3879814     -0.5454220     -0.7057703     -0.8698152      -1.038412  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-2.320060      -1.996081      -8.816086      -1.573521      -1.463147      -1.380561      -1.320846      -1.273471      -1.361058      -1.461279      -1.568551      -1.679587      -1.798402      -1.922767      -2.060244      -2.203497      -2.351251      -2.497612      -2.632714      -2.693227      -2.562057      -2.209279      -8.816086      -2.113222      -1.978086      -1.872087      -1.789601      -1.720054      -1.782965      -1.860393      -1.944647      -2.042752      -2.150639      -2.264825      -2.388724      -2.523692      -2.665221      -2.811038      -2.943155      -2.983628      -2.834887      -2.439676      -8.816086      -2.807457      -2.638108      -2.499454      -2.388222      -2.290925      -2.333530      -2.393207      -2.457607      -2.536718      -2.624003      -2.722761      -2.830949      -2.955032      -3.091824      -3.220824      -3.321197      -3.337125      -3.148491      -2.698075      -8.816086      -3.841900      -3.626136      -3.440871      -3.286543  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0.2650510      0.1541054      5.3636760E-02 -3.7942853E-02 -0.1194695     -0.1921851     -0.2567304     -0.3080669     -0.3437622      -11.84672       1.786511       1.628984       1.433010       1.216870       1.057540      0.9359983      0.7976320      0.6498809      0.5018312      0.3549525      0.2157058      9.1887817E-02 -1.6120087E-02 -0.1059287     -0.1768352     -0.2286266     -0.2616620     -0.2721259     -0.2598568      -11.84672       1.757272       1.630067       1.466229       1.282800       1.117218      0.9603881      0.7909620      0.6170600      0.4421741      0.2703615      0.1113739     -2.8170707E-02 -0.1481082     -0.2415716     -0.3081729     -0.3445415     -0.3502697     -0.3232588     -0.2653779      -11.84672       1.679464       1.579359       1.443900       1.291154       1.120812      0.9364634      0.7449790      0.5500423      0.3524456      0.1615993     -1.3261665E-02 -0.1711171     -0.3048626     -0.4071310     -0.4737729     -0.5006332     -0.4829771  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0.8503021      0.6886550      0.4710790      0.2543038      3.9860189E-02 -0.1751645     -0.3892666     -0.5979384     -0.8005319     -0.9910111      -1.153052      -1.271381      -1.313835      -1.259133      -1.097501     -0.8349065      -11.84672      0.7519557      0.7467714      0.7063847      0.6496547      0.4970389      0.2873237      7.8499682E-02 -0.1323550     -0.3440625     -0.5558223     -0.7657058     -0.9716943      -1.167981      -1.345276      -1.479355      -1.539961      -1.494094      -1.321898      -1.024992      -11.84672      0.4759044      0.4875000      0.4636343      0.4222688      0.2822669      8.2417540E-02 -0.1197147     -0.3234527     -0.5285120     -0.7365126     -0.9451289      -1.151211      -1.351533      -1.538170      -1.686966      -1.768364      -1.739133      -1.562943      -1.234415      -11.84672      0.1684782      0.1982286      0.1918666      0.1671778      3.9696828E-02 -0.1493691     -0.3405463     -0.5349691     -0.7333995     -0.9344500  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-2.794149      -2.646727      -2.200880      -11.84672      -1.514494      -1.399468      -1.322286      -1.271488      -1.325417      -1.443874      -1.569840      -1.705220      -1.847260      -2.000010      -2.157277      -2.322415      -2.495745      -2.680910      -2.864047      -3.027237      -3.111876      -2.957082      -2.480096      -11.84672      -2.133676      -1.988659      -1.882315      -1.806046      -1.833236      -1.923793      -2.025431      -2.137528      -2.260828      -2.396215      -2.539840      -2.691290      -2.853860      -3.032494      -3.212608      -3.384712      -3.466898      -3.290850      -2.777787      -11.84672      -2.928944      -2.742762      -2.597249      -2.488559      -2.485017      -2.547270      -2.623385      -2.709865      -2.809137      -2.925428      -3.052005      -3.186414      -3.331420      -3.497476      -3.678944      -3.834056      -3.886565      -3.685973      -3.112544      -11.84672      -4.095607      -3.852094      -3.647890  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0.5320446      0.3915523      0.2585725      0.1374049      3.3530846E-02 -5.6508232E-02 -0.1319151     -0.1945513     -0.2437274     -0.2757308      -15.06665       2.211866       1.995866       1.736960       1.467774       1.340415       1.200272       1.042649      0.8711571      0.6945710      0.5184745      0.3526343      0.2011379      7.4162707E-02 -2.5787150E-02 -9.7974263E-02 -0.1434498     -0.1633479     -0.1587289     -0.1294785      -15.06665       2.213466       2.037087       1.821759       1.591256       1.425543       1.243559       1.046624      0.8405221      0.6309158      0.4276270      0.2352742      6.3848898E-02 -7.3653899E-02 -0.1756241     -0.2370595     -0.2579724     -0.2400761     -0.1851315     -9.7075865E-02  -15.06665       2.152834       2.010978       1.832178       1.637120       1.435261       1.219702      0.9938747      0.7601300      0.5269263      0.2992740      8.3417997E-02 -0.1063059     -0.2599732     -0.3712474     -0.4301237     -0.4335890  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1.294764       1.185209      0.9307271      0.6740071      0.4124756      0.1505500     -0.1091410     -0.3628134     -0.6122509     -0.8522114      -1.073817      -1.261785      -1.386772      -1.417300      -1.314784      -1.073122     -0.7178084      -15.06665       1.145367       1.121169       1.056211      0.9627519      0.7116790      0.4596302      0.2043580     -4.9695235E-02 -0.3018231     -0.5533715     -0.8022516      -1.044932      -1.276886      -1.480367      -1.632150      -1.688506      -1.599345      -1.341948     -0.9407690      -15.06665      0.8310561      0.8264694      0.7799807      0.7031133      0.4620813      0.2211515     -2.2149213E-02 -0.2668850     -0.5124083     -0.7577011      -1.001397      -1.246746      -1.482427      -1.698233      -1.873115      -1.957896      -1.891263      -1.628040      -1.184547      -15.06665      0.4812445      0.4968520      0.4692703      0.4093161      0.1837602     -4.0954582E-02 -0.2728381     -0.5062708     -0.7431482   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-3.071027      -3.149454      -2.949009      -2.366482      -15.06665      -1.429985      -1.311567      -1.239783      -1.213595      -1.352674      -1.496164      -1.652991      -1.815576      -1.989633      -2.172641      -2.359988      -2.557458      -2.760740      -2.974591      -3.197775      -3.401456      -3.508134      -3.324348      -2.706515      -15.06665      -2.129839      -1.977885      -1.872333      -1.814919      -1.922538      -2.034588      -2.163084      -2.301328      -2.449405      -2.612192      -2.781528      -2.964509      -3.153933      -3.360801      -3.582317      -3.793169      -3.925136      -3.730330      -3.072874      -15.06665      -3.024083      -2.826798      -2.678014      -2.579266      -2.650114      -2.728149      -2.821573      -2.931980      -3.053730      -3.189474      -3.338162      -3.502856      -3.678892      -3.868565      -4.084970      -4.301683      -4.418187      -4.193567      -3.477420      -15.06665      -4.316754      -4.054693  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0.8657808      0.7009291      0.5390448      0.3859733      0.2475984      0.1275515      2.9695798E-02 -4.8487548E-02 -0.1090334     -0.1544324     -0.1826412      -18.45619       2.630767       2.357121       2.033498       1.782638       1.635765       1.473021       1.295629       1.102881      0.9018065      0.7001511      0.5069506      0.3345654      0.1878277      7.6754101E-02  2.9168462E-03 -3.4076154E-02 -3.8971640E-02 -1.7420167E-02  2.8995439E-02  -18.45619       2.662853       2.437642       2.169550       1.928399       1.734166       1.526589       1.304406       1.070460      0.8322835      0.5974405      0.3771806      0.1820710      2.3015859E-02 -8.5213259E-02 -0.1414462     -0.1430141     -9.6458852E-02 -1.0905326E-02  0.1079073      -18.45619       2.617613       2.432092       2.208297       1.976270       1.742619       1.498279       1.240371      0.9750834      0.7081481      0.4447778      0.1985880     -2.2563932E-02 -0.2007752     -0.3207711     -0.3717947  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1.782217       1.671139       1.474619       1.182850      0.8841310      0.5828999      0.2806859     -2.1137398E-02 -0.3187034     -0.6089473     -0.8893634      -1.148449      -1.365158      -1.505322      -1.516832      -1.358526      -1.030553     -0.5792223      -18.45619       1.545198       1.499896       1.409503       1.226094      0.9384540      0.6467981      0.3510779      5.2354135E-02 -0.2429645     -0.5326080     -0.8218694      -1.105402      -1.371794      -1.610970      -1.781097      -1.834039      -1.694640      -1.344276     -0.8345084      -18.45619       1.198011       1.175648       1.105601      0.9375198      0.6617116      0.3801297      9.4023541E-02 -0.1948868     -0.4793868     -0.7631443      -1.046123      -1.325622      -1.598660      -1.847847      -2.049365      -2.144865      -2.039814      -1.680271      -1.116267      -18.45619      0.8078337      0.8094617      0.7615338      0.6105478      0.3493768      8.3320498E-02 -0.1878618     -0.4628624   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-3.151083      -3.377414      -3.480701      -3.221882      -2.491098      -18.45619      -1.324730      -1.208960      -1.146468      -1.195309      -1.357988      -1.528232      -1.712006      -1.907483      -2.107350      -2.314901      -2.533328      -2.760287      -2.993255      -3.236647      -3.489866      -3.739295      -3.883400      -3.664735      -2.897527      -18.45619      -2.092251      -1.938884      -1.840474      -1.852238      -1.980052      -2.115991      -2.266481      -2.434697      -2.609740      -2.793384      -2.991010      -3.200919      -3.420018      -3.651842      -3.907323      -4.163572      -4.340940      -4.141515      -3.331446      -18.45619      -3.069332      -2.864748      -2.720414      -2.686597      -2.771475      -2.867698      -2.981263      -3.114691      -3.258867      -3.415612      -3.588482      -3.777523      -3.982715      -4.202155      -4.446551      -4.710702      -4.895462      -4.669791      -3.807009      -18.45619      -4.466771  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1.239896       1.062398      0.8794761      0.6956768      0.5222510      0.3658276      0.2316645      0.1244243      4.2769447E-02 -1.6745459E-02 -5.8121283E-02 -8.3045788E-02  -21.99948       3.041428       2.706006       2.318562       2.106975       1.943510       1.758315       1.554595       1.338959       1.116812      0.8916429      0.6754574      0.4797293      0.3175733      0.1955328      0.1231007      9.5094189E-02  0.1051805      0.1449728      0.2085251      -21.99948       3.106331       2.831808       2.511416       2.270712       2.048903       1.809247       1.558166       1.300179       1.035231      0.7728693      0.5262917      0.3067223      0.1308759      1.3414956E-02 -3.3267114E-02 -1.4121532E-02  6.0878605E-02  0.1781941      0.3276576      -21.99948       3.076168       2.848476       2.580567       2.317863       2.048207       1.769557       1.483052       1.188883      0.8906026      0.5969999      0.3179016      7.0305094E-02 -0.1331426     -0.2628401   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2.277114       2.182464       2.043837       1.766967       1.439214       1.101510      0.7588894      0.4168870      7.8852184E-02 -0.2585627     -0.5913985     -0.9083365      -1.205984      -1.459319      -1.622464      -1.618523      -1.401565     -0.9824988     -0.4327306      -21.99948       1.946904       1.879696       1.764222       1.497293       1.172953      0.8405410      0.5034355      0.1664231     -0.1682807     -0.5007445     -0.8256926      -1.144039      -1.450299      -1.725447      -1.928709      -1.977784      -1.787539      -1.338119     -0.7163655      -21.99948       1.568926       1.528301       1.435864       1.181750      0.8684043      0.5473201      0.2204150     -0.1082433     -0.4333341     -0.7551082      -1.072500      -1.386887      -1.693895      -1.984836      -2.217135      -2.327020      -2.185011      -1.723333      -1.034292      -21.99948       1.142596       1.128169       1.059897      0.8231484      0.5261216      0.2186132     -9.3333222E-02 -0.4072390     -0.7163870      -1.027869      -1.336845      -1.641664      -1.946560      -2.240069      -2.498981      -2.663488      -2.586509      -2.132929      -1.382552      -21.99948      0.6617482      0.6751963      0.6333899      0.4172870      0.1406544     -0.1459711     -0.4386990     -0.7327521      -1.027098      -1.323874      -1.620795      -1.917027      -2.212964      -2.503520      -2.782231      -2.991972      -2.985285      -2.562931      -1.758975      -21.99948      0.1219192      0.1644879      0.1503989     -3.8570877E-02 -0.2897421     -0.5504898     -0.8225907      -1.095293      -1.370639      -1.649722      -1.934778      -2.216982      -2.499781      -2.790056      -3.076962      -3.322620      -3.386710      -3.012048      -2.161239      -21.99948     -0.4878465     -0.4131066     -0.3969932     -0.5549818     -0.7773167      -1.008711      -1.253719      -1.504009      -1.756812      -2.019633      -2.284094      -2.550156      -2.825818      -3.109276      -3.399412      -3.665200      -3.803596      -3.488816      -2.599493      -21.99948      -1.189178      -1.078167      -1.028752      -1.149598      -1.337261      -1.536587      -1.752190      -1.977596      -2.204148      -2.440984      -2.689082      -2.942053      -3.204153      -3.479408      -3.765093      -4.050717      -4.239935      -3.990534      -3.060781      -21.99948      -2.020520      -1.866578      -1.778608      -1.858153      -2.005203      -2.167906      -2.349247      -2.541690      -2.742755      -2.954400      -3.182357      -3.415992      -3.662942      -3.925095      -4.210907      -4.505599      -4.733605      -4.533450      -3.559240      -21.99948      -3.072374      -2.861580      -2.723909      -2.753811      -2.852423      -2.971814      -3.113721      -3.268951      -3.437786      -3.618960      -3.820806      -4.031168      -4.260364      -4.515230      -4.790152      -5.088467      -5.344377      -5.139325      -4.107586      -21.99948      -4.569466      -4.276255      -4.064801      -4.028310      -4.062393      -4.122061      -4.210602      -4.319889      -4.444060      -4.589023      -4.751015      -4.932456      -5.135575      -5.367609      -5.634962      -5.925729      -6.145123      -5.891353      -4.759110      -21.99948      -7.228554      -6.797430      -6.455938      -6.301453      -6.224960      -6.186401      -6.185810      -6.213297      -6.265310      -6.337545      -6.429111      -6.553495      -6.706411      -6.877580      -7.088809      -7.345488      -7.535416      -7.142732      -5.807606      -21.99948      -46.30904      -45.66858      -44.92028      -44.07322      -43.13633      -42.11770      -41.02447      -39.86285      -38.63845      -37.35518      -36.01778      -34.62977      -33.19375      -31.71242      -30.18870      -28.62450      -27.02179      -25.38233      -23.70773      -21.99948       3.197783       2.703344       2.167130       2.067125       1.959920       1.818951       1.649428       1.463093       1.265071       1.061130      0.8578641      0.6621546      0.4876544      0.3408566      0.2233594      0.1386293      7.9758689E-02  4.1282818E-02  1.9249886E-02  -25.68348       3.442641       3.040387       2.587844       2.428200       2.252512       2.045432       1.818470       1.578665       1.331375       1.084996      0.8453958      0.6279153      0.4481983      0.3201547      0.2473328      0.2292797      0.2546177      0.3118890      0.3923190      -25.68348       3.543115       3.215010       2.841960       2.609961       2.361223       2.092106       1.812086       1.524816       1.234720      0.9473775      0.6726457      0.4283124      0.2355857      0.1119795      7.2365835E-02  0.1118719      0.2155570      0.3643101      0.5441767      -25.68348       3.529590       3.257884       2.945571       2.655964       2.352607       2.039726       1.719886       1.396022       1.069730      0.7461833      0.4385340      0.1591750     -6.3885719E-02 -0.2055988     -0.2353103     -0.1550090      1.7170699E-02  0.2525364      0.5298088      -25.68348       3.423056       3.196202       2.930715       2.604522       2.268881       1.925554       1.576722       1.227203      0.8732573      0.5238228      0.1890381     -0.1197393     -0.3820571     -0.5569605     -0.6022004     -0.5010707     -0.2716662      4.5585297E-02  0.4189814      -25.68348       3.243191       3.054413       2.826086       2.481826       2.125819       1.763466       1.398495       1.029424      0.6586525      0.2939219     -5.9650823E-02 -0.3930455     -0.6915480     -0.9074325     -0.9921049     -0.8963342     -0.6262942     -0.2336191      0.2342386      -25.68348       3.000635       2.846009       2.649873       2.297492       1.932111       1.561266       1.182679      0.8050449      0.4294358      5.6902863E-02 -0.3053709     -0.6566827     -0.9803167      -1.237156      -1.373952      -1.310138      -1.020501     -0.5609082     -4.5071266E-04  -25.68348       2.700281       2.578161       2.410831       2.058961       1.693134       1.316815      0.9351951      0.5571772      0.1803209     -0.1897837     -0.5561319     -0.9155025      -1.250604      -1.543995      -1.734103      -1.725041      -1.444201     -0.9304017     -0.2801951      -25.68348       2.346335       2.255912       2.115290       1.769231       1.406600       1.034399      0.6585355      0.2852088     -8.5512005E-02 -0.4540865     -0.8165748      -1.170474      -1.514614      -1.830858      -2.069023      -2.127120      -1.885399      -1.334404     -0.5984696      -25.68348       1.940010       1.879133       1.764156       1.429095       1.076782      0.7157779      0.3515701     -1.0979205E-02 -0.3739222     -0.7350229      -1.086664      -1.434194      -1.779442      -2.104328      -2.379752      -2.509888      -2.332312      -1.765293     -0.9487560      -25.68348       1.479074       1.446431       1.358128       1.040037      0.7068523 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-2.691139      -2.995973      -3.312271      -3.628191      -3.935864      -4.106170      -3.741861      -2.685435      -25.68348      -1.031804     -0.9267993     -0.8913458      -1.081997      -1.295822      -1.528751      -1.775664      -2.028850      -2.289906      -2.558754      -2.829591      -3.106775      -3.401458      -3.706330      -4.021603      -4.336163      -4.576826      -4.303019      -3.207476      -25.68348      -1.925224      -1.773043      -1.694816      -1.838040      -2.008624      -2.200882      -2.410436      -2.630949      -2.861009      -3.104817      -3.355898      -3.611119      -3.889928      -4.182791      -4.490603      -4.822354      -5.107678      -4.911639      -3.771024      -25.68348      -3.047404      -2.834202      -2.700490      -2.789357      -2.908634      -3.052308      -3.218684      -3.402257      -3.595915      -3.807617      -4.031996      -4.264191      -4.520760      -4.801905      -5.108545      -5.442469      -5.760189      -5.591464  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2.228516       2.077493       1.895567       1.690761       1.473194       1.247789       1.022329      0.8076506      0.6147257      0.4536994      0.3290630      0.2403726      0.1816271      0.1457258      0.1262690      -29.49723       3.834843       3.365027       2.898815       2.745275       2.553862       2.329742       2.081869       1.818614       1.548887       1.277545       1.016086      0.7772519      0.5832907      0.4482254      0.3777966      0.3704683      0.4109507      0.4853659      0.5824806      -29.49723       3.972102       3.587219       3.187587       2.939091       2.665680       2.370898       2.061690       1.747039       1.430482       1.117968      0.8169839      0.5478987      0.3370446      0.2092265      0.1770117      0.2391721      0.3715521      0.5512697      0.7615467      -29.49723       3.976291       3.656818       3.305680       2.987214       2.653095       2.304747       1.953635       1.598648       1.242320      0.8931836      0.5548297   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-0.4691282      0.1786127      -29.49723       3.119057       2.969803       2.747244       2.347930       1.941177       1.528192       1.111601      0.6979235      0.2861061     -0.1188895     -0.5161331     -0.9106929      -1.287567      -1.618598      -1.847554      -1.833982      -1.490269     -0.8798366     -0.1277796      -29.49723       2.742565       2.627982       2.431697       2.038023       1.636986       1.226892      0.8158774      0.4074916     -1.5839359E-03 -0.4009629     -0.7970449      -1.190591      -1.567831      -1.923005      -2.202953      -2.277957      -1.984738      -1.329841     -0.4774552      -29.49723       2.308734       2.226131       2.057086       1.675712       1.287225      0.8867652      0.4870129      8.7561131E-02 -0.3106512     -0.7036580      -1.091944      -1.474867      -1.853241      -2.216218      -2.531468      -2.691703      -2.484214      -1.812408     -0.8656619      -29.49723       1.818639       1.766387       1.625614       1.263229 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-2.499233      -2.830171      -3.160118      -3.499713      -3.843508      -4.185471      -4.395047      -3.992471      -2.766304      -29.49723     -0.8575236     -0.7604008     -0.7677420     -0.9953693      -1.241984      -1.507741      -1.786973      -2.072531      -2.362621      -2.664760      -2.960554      -3.270622      -3.590848      -3.916800      -4.256416      -4.607220      -4.895264      -4.609053      -3.342704      -29.49723      -1.810691      -1.662837      -1.621172      -1.798225      -1.997823      -2.219942      -2.459743      -2.708959      -2.966153      -3.240631      -3.514583      -3.803902      -4.108835      -4.420861      -4.754017      -5.115193      -5.450998      -5.273669      -3.963217      -29.49723      -3.001660      -2.789395      -2.685374      -2.801523      -2.945618      -3.117286      -3.311139      -3.517802      -3.737058      -3.976011      -4.224804      -4.486676      -4.775546      -5.071956      -5.406063      -5.769434      -6.140600  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2.615185       2.497833       2.336905       2.143012       1.923481       1.686172       1.439759       1.193324      0.9600207      0.7500980      0.5776119      0.4462459      0.3538789      0.2962000      0.2629372      0.2458115      -33.43137       4.219854       3.680971       3.226433       3.058636       2.850152       2.607975       2.342131       2.058716       1.766017       1.471403       1.186343      0.9304347      0.7212939      0.5818291      0.5173739      0.5211969      0.5776341      0.6694087      0.7830169      -33.43137       4.394758       3.951448       3.536885       3.261513       2.960634       2.641729       2.307917       1.964880       1.623102       1.283469      0.9581063      0.6654047      0.4362708      0.3033839      0.2827798      0.3670854      0.5284397      0.7393014      0.9800330      -33.43137       4.416765       4.047716       3.661938       3.310138       2.944923       2.566968       2.182317       1.796534       1.412572       1.035011   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-1.013027     -0.3801648      0.3561763      -33.43137       3.531840       3.354774       3.069632       2.632654       2.185436       1.734792       1.286125      0.8356351      0.3909072     -4.4939663E-02 -0.4775796     -0.9022026      -1.314337      -1.687886      -1.953642      -1.945671      -1.543471     -0.8343936      2.1001812E-02  -33.43137       3.134306       2.994364       2.734499       2.304227       1.863992       1.418307      0.9721102      0.5257071      8.5364692E-02 -0.3467708     -0.7758578      -1.203093      -1.616554      -2.005686      -2.331270      -2.429661      -2.091962      -1.330352     -0.3598496      -33.43137       2.676705       2.570596       2.338325       1.922406       1.495969       1.058801      0.6228180      0.1868067     -0.2461479     -0.6678550      -1.092316      -1.512880      -1.917231      -2.315639      -2.670924      -2.870018      -2.641891      -1.861612     -0.7819839      -33.43137       2.159056       2.086511       1.882837  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-2.248510      -2.601388      -2.963955      -3.319679      -3.678224      -4.048390      -4.416831      -4.678782      -4.246000      -2.844601      -33.43137     -0.6731624     -0.5854989     -0.6426880     -0.8981398      -1.177309      -1.478415      -1.791058      -2.107009      -2.429468      -2.759776      -3.090511      -3.432078      -3.773521      -4.121280      -4.483934      -4.861635      -5.193719      -4.911695      -3.465960      -33.43137      -1.683723      -1.540853      -1.544669      -1.744901      -1.974636      -2.229812      -2.499984      -2.778350      -3.064792      -3.363932      -3.672656      -3.992723      -4.319841      -4.652980      -5.011457      -5.389792      -5.774203      -5.630148      -4.146746      -33.43137      -2.941247      -2.726323      -2.663697      -2.798971      -2.968964      -3.169244      -3.390704      -3.625257      -3.869507      -4.133699      -4.414775      -4.710938      -5.021115      -5.341621      -5.693225      -6.080096  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-1.924290      -2.312549      -2.702316      -3.089901      -3.471258      -3.854048      -4.245213      -4.638899      -4.946574      -4.499453      -2.920239      -37.47786     -0.4824135     -0.4043617     -0.5107893     -0.7928412      -1.107455      -1.442661      -1.788485      -2.137127      -2.490717      -2.851680      -3.218080      -3.588053      -3.949740      -4.321412      -4.703479      -5.103685      -5.474004      -5.210812      -3.587833      -37.47786      -1.544043      -1.406090      -1.455688      -1.682465      -1.943796      -2.230548      -2.531636      -2.840175      -3.158634      -3.487800      -3.828180      -4.174924      -4.522121      -4.882241      -5.256154      -5.658330      -6.084157      -5.980512      -4.327967      -37.47786      -2.867433      -2.653195      -2.629805      -2.788038      -2.983966      -3.213438      -3.460498      -3.721924      -3.999634      -4.290395      -4.603717      -4.923726      -5.254536      -5.603202      -5.969950  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-1.686062      -1.575659      -1.026885     -0.2169340      0.7005602      -41.62963       4.344545       4.108307       3.703920       3.190003       2.664745       2.142636       1.620367       1.103934      0.5984631      9.2818119E-02 -0.4006184     -0.8813065      -1.350382      -1.798933      -2.146226      -2.179433      -1.668492     -0.7588879      0.3081010      -41.62963       3.907284       3.713352       3.333566       2.828521       2.312874       1.793396       1.274682      0.7598758      0.2546644     -0.2490030     -0.7372491      -1.215770      -1.687033      -2.145878      -2.548239      -2.724120      -2.324157      -1.349286     -0.1370010      -41.62963       3.404931       3.250823       2.898739       2.411652       1.908999       1.399283      0.8900882      0.3797936     -0.1165792     -0.6104484      -1.095106      -1.564036      -2.032184      -2.483853      -2.912608      -3.203378      -2.967591      -1.976059     -0.6251103      -41.62963       2.836861  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-1.536886      -1.955060      -2.376265      -2.796022      -3.207611      -3.614134      -4.021982      -4.427536      -4.848276      -5.199000      -4.750937      -2.997591      -41.62963     -0.2840728     -0.2159221     -0.3709990     -0.6844705      -1.032121      -1.402641      -1.779552      -2.162488      -2.549828      -2.944896      -3.339713      -3.732046      -4.119520      -4.511098      -4.908960      -5.330323      -5.739615      -5.505834      -3.711380      -41.62963      -1.396667      -1.265456      -1.358423      -1.613597      -1.905659      -2.225264      -2.555692      -2.898781      -3.251254      -3.615834      -3.985225      -4.351507      -4.718784      -5.097761      -5.485930      -5.912302      -6.366117      -6.316834      -4.496472      -41.62963      -2.782600      -2.569255      -2.585851      -2.767930      -2.991384      -3.247494      -3.523730      -3.817020      -4.128547      -4.456707      -4.795338      -5.138673      -5.485257      -5.850737  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4.764458       3.859515       3.506012       3.432525       3.288634       3.096037       2.862395       2.592793       2.290806       1.970594       1.647650       1.332685       1.045920      0.8093907      0.6331443      0.5167234      0.4480866      0.4132482      0.3984606      -45.88049       5.339883       4.595065       4.199557       3.977855       3.710874       3.412803       3.092250       2.750873       2.392813       2.030765       1.679253       1.361053       1.108823      0.9527429      0.9036309      0.9445307       1.047792       1.188861       1.351257      -45.88049       5.628624       5.011577       4.560466       4.195307       3.808430       3.410925       3.001636       2.588730       2.173231       1.762594       1.361764      0.9993193      0.7224606      0.5788453      0.5996992      0.7600902       1.012360       1.317039       1.650739      -45.88049       5.703692       5.182206       4.701834       4.243775       3.778588       3.308459       2.834493   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     3.170795       3.035171       2.656685       2.155049       1.633391       1.102283      0.5711946      4.1760504E-02 -0.4800029     -0.9953828      -1.493035      -1.979302      -2.459351      -2.923528      -3.385345      -3.787171      -3.778815      -2.746781      -1.113196      -45.88049       2.503906       2.410671       2.067680       1.594860       1.098295      0.5878943      7.7269435E-02 -0.4315799     -0.9370709      -1.434206      -1.920608      -2.393436      -2.854536      -3.307628      -3.760062      -4.192119      -4.366943      -3.479656      -1.719840      -45.88049       1.751426       1.703065       1.401156      0.9642720      0.4978412      1.5687041E-02 -0.4688498     -0.9534788      -1.436014      -1.915992      -2.383866      -2.833885      -3.283377      -3.718397      -4.164341      -4.601363      -4.909370      -4.233416      -2.372853      -45.88049      0.8992225      0.9003291      0.6443273      0.2493549     -0.1791268     -0.6261715      -1.079530      -1.535845      -1.991502      -2.446187      -2.890600      -3.323882      -3.752704      -4.174027      -4.603352      -5.042247      -5.435644      -5.005661      -3.073936      -45.88049     -8.2971565E-02 -2.5695473E-02 -0.2267971     -0.5725857     -0.9551624      -1.359150      -1.772458      -2.191766      -2.616090      -3.044692      -3.465430      -3.876864      -4.289076      -4.688225      -5.106355      -5.542854      -5.990956      -5.803349      -3.832840      -45.88049      -1.245102      -1.119738      -1.256309      -1.540881      -1.864233      -2.215423      -2.579896      -2.959103      -3.349565      -3.746625      -4.140305      -4.527909      -4.918732      -5.300865      -5.708380      -6.147629      -6.629416      -6.653343      -4.664836      -45.88049      -2.692186      -2.478694      -2.533975      -2.740025      -2.993609      -3.279136      -3.583243      -3.914918      -4.262786      -4.623531      -4.982497      -5.344157      -5.714940  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     3.039792       2.543594       2.055059       1.574010       1.098748      0.6518779      0.2784850      6.5295897E-02  0.1032355      0.3804491      0.8125654       1.323500       1.874385      -50.22493       6.048202       5.560602       5.026121       4.474055       3.920158       3.368054       2.821853       2.286904       1.759290       1.241437      0.7329960      0.2395926     -0.2099852     -0.5325627     -0.5792237     -0.2752108      0.2839035      0.9649265       1.701058      -50.22493       5.843026       5.429240       4.885665       4.303869       3.719598       3.140762       2.567392       2.007755       1.450985      0.9112472      0.3818839     -0.1337843     -0.6317728      -1.053511      -1.243207      -1.001452     -0.3555664      0.4877863       1.408550      -50.22493       5.532092       5.180623       4.644815       4.050935       3.453595       2.861780       2.273536       1.696253       1.126415      0.5723159      3.3209860E-02 -0.4968322      -1.011839      -1.492966      -1.825077      -1.733048      -1.066852     -7.5976379E-02   1.028195      -50.22493       5.135047       4.836573       4.319204       3.726780       3.129094       2.532150       1.934890       1.354114      0.7767548      0.2168465     -0.3258432     -0.8603135      -1.380436      -1.880656      -2.313083      -2.413254      -1.820042     -0.7081454      0.5770254      -50.22493       4.663471       4.413548       3.919441       3.339495       2.747047       2.150430       1.559337      0.9764250      0.4012787     -0.1600203     -0.7016796      -1.231066      -1.747290      -2.253548      -2.727083      -3.000998      -2.581320      -1.393811      6.8005346E-02  -50.22493       4.119217       3.916598       3.450062       2.886426       2.306972       1.722449       1.141193      0.5640162     -5.0769360E-03 -0.5618191      -1.095456      -1.619401      -2.122875      -2.628171      -3.110511      -3.495525      -3.309540      -2.116671     -0.4855448  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-0.5539987      -1.043876      -1.538620      -2.033080      -2.517865      -2.981576      -3.439291      -3.879117      -4.316673      -4.766278      -5.219836      -5.656895      -5.260156      -3.153189      -50.22493      0.1192320      0.1657864     -8.2028054E-02 -0.4595517     -0.8767282      -1.316226      -1.765206      -2.225046      -2.686354      -3.140762      -3.580394      -4.014372      -4.436665      -4.856239      -5.290510      -5.739377      -6.221769      -6.097119      -3.956655      -50.22493      -1.090540     -0.9710265      -1.151674      -1.464687      -1.822996      -2.205510      -2.606042      -3.023884      -3.450372      -3.872043      -4.283016      -4.693629      -5.092167      -5.493249      -5.916642      -6.365487      -6.874616      -6.981635      -4.835891      -50.22493      -2.593505      -2.381235      -2.477130      -2.709764      -2.991919      -3.306847      -3.649866      -4.018378      -4.399888      -4.781988      -5.158861      -5.536126 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     3.770736       3.239914       2.717463       2.204047       1.694337       1.195087      0.7241702      0.3247813      9.7871542E-02  0.1445033      0.4559847      0.9336506       1.491791       2.090221      -54.65804       6.466626       5.935184       5.357622       4.766304       4.174319       3.587498       3.010956       2.446330       1.888069       1.345636      0.8149168      0.2970031     -0.1800477     -0.5328642     -0.5896164     -0.2543313      0.3622873       1.105993       1.905493      -54.65804       6.255277       5.802989       5.209922       4.586232       3.965339       3.349867       2.746415       2.150501       1.566467       1.000603      0.4486737     -9.1341250E-02 -0.6142907      -1.068341      -1.289757      -1.039171     -0.3288524      0.5922543       1.592297      -54.65804       5.933330       5.547387       4.957627       4.323256       3.689137       3.060431       2.437483       1.826234       1.223561      0.6466217      8.2150303E-02 -0.4689256      -1.008384      -1.516372      -1.887169      -1.819400      -1.095777     -1.3010310E-02   1.186446      -54.65804       5.522786       5.192857       4.619543       3.988274       3.352419       2.717755       2.086617       1.467624      0.8592046      0.2754740     -0.2922883     -0.8478429      -1.388179      -1.913207      -2.379662      -2.529025      -1.905510     -0.6919246      0.7045729      -54.65804       5.033678       4.755770       4.206028       3.585685       2.955304       2.323301       1.693598       1.075628      0.4680624     -0.1169582     -0.6860421      -1.235608      -1.770601      -2.295263      -2.802688      -3.130510      -2.717524      -1.426296      0.1626990      -54.65804       4.467972       4.240963       3.718791       3.116927       2.498955       1.877906       1.259492      0.6477655      4.5882411E-02 -0.5378584      -1.097811      -1.639618      -2.160988      -2.685096      -3.191753      -3.628047      -3.480942      -2.191890 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3.4938324E-02 -0.4831514      -1.012698      -1.545179      -2.073773      -2.580497      -3.066243      -3.540144      -3.995010      -4.456071      -4.921469      -5.401911      -5.862992      -5.514388      -3.236069      -54.65804      0.3214790      0.3573683      6.3076034E-02 -0.3466544     -0.7992192      -1.273246      -1.764795      -2.262652      -2.756799      -3.231279      -3.688017      -4.141994      -4.576442      -5.023420      -5.467769      -5.939783      -6.436530      -6.382649      -4.082818      -54.65804     -0.9309344     -0.8185420      -1.043873      -1.388603      -1.778773      -2.197586      -2.638702      -3.093807      -3.549769      -3.992961      -4.418155      -4.846385      -5.262520      -5.688677      -6.120660      -6.584792      -7.109301      -7.291646      -5.008211      -54.65804      -2.486055      -2.277494      -2.415966      -2.675780      -2.987103      -3.332970      -3.713088      -4.117392      -4.530948      -4.937511      -5.327886  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     4.564857       3.994882       3.434520       2.883105       2.346473       1.812572       1.290767      0.7949979      0.3719105      0.1299701      0.1818936      0.5297356       1.053244       1.659224       2.305853      -59.17545       6.879936       6.304326       5.684419       5.052954       4.424763       3.801373       3.194169       2.597489       2.014089       1.448897      0.8936094      0.3543457     -0.1500286     -0.5306169     -0.6014947     -0.2334721      0.4412033       1.248416       2.112165      -59.17545       6.662465       6.171896       5.528409       4.865007       4.205535       3.553633       2.917275       2.286523       1.678180       1.085608      0.5119988     -4.9080409E-02 -0.5949860      -1.080014      -1.339105      -1.079388     -0.3069259      0.6928295       1.773277      -59.17545       6.329417       5.908685       5.266285       4.590467       3.919048       3.252404       2.594765       1.949804       1.319203      0.7171760      0.1306119     -0.4393324      -1.000869      -1.531580      -1.947081      -1.909747      -1.132538      4.2164590E-02   1.338249      -59.17545       5.904553       5.543148       4.915307       4.243925       3.569264       2.896628       2.232196       1.576845      0.9392980      0.3306102     -0.2620859     -0.8321713      -1.394041      -1.938110      -2.441161      -2.642296      -1.996565     -0.6816473      0.8277624      -59.17545       5.397841       5.092459       4.486663       3.826488       3.156833       2.490526       1.824453       1.169721      0.5322598     -7.8904368E-02 -0.6696603      -1.235086      -1.790538      -2.331276      -2.870224      -3.247041      -2.855555      -1.464624      0.2534768      -59.17545       4.811605       4.559757       3.981274       3.342072       2.687388       2.028211       1.373739      0.7239478      8.9369409E-02 -0.5161469      -1.101212      -1.653070      -2.199399      -2.735393      -3.275806      -3.745316      -3.651164  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-0.8499198     -0.8181729     -0.7856686     -0.7524146     -0.7184198     -0.6836920     -0.6482393     -0.6120683     -0.5751804     -0.5375954     -0.4993210     -0.4603648     -0.4207348     -0.3804383     -0.3394793     -0.2978619     -0.2556050     -0.2127157     -0.1692010     -0.1250684     -0.8499198     -0.8181729     -0.7856686     -0.7524146     -0.7184198     -0.6836920     -0.6482393     -0.6120683     -0.5751804     -0.5375954     -0.4993210     -0.4603648     -0.4207348     -0.3804383     -0.3394793     -0.2978619     -0.2556050     -0.2127157     -0.1692010     -0.1250684     -0.8499198     -0.8181729     -0.7856686     -0.7524146     -0.7184198     -0.6836920     -0.6482393     -0.6120683     -0.5751804     -0.5375954     -0.4993210     -0.4603648     -0.4207348     -0.3804383     -0.3394793     -0.2978619     -0.2556050     -0.2127157     -0.1692010     -0.1250684     -0.8499198     -0.8181729     -0.7856686     -0.7524146     -0.7184198     -0.6836920     -0.6482393 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-0.3804383     -0.3394793     -0.2978619     -0.2556050     -0.2127157     -0.1692010     -0.1250684     -0.7371622     -0.7422071     -0.7478510     -0.7644770     -0.7827361     -0.8009180     -0.8173620     -0.8308002     -0.8401289     -0.8524731     -0.8740193     -0.9152600     -0.9511558     -0.9825381      -1.009120      -1.037488      -1.066013      -1.090998      -1.110085      -2.074072     -0.7861697     -0.7895452     -0.7934959     -0.8078036     -0.8239688     -0.8400865     -0.8546522     -0.8663796     -0.8742227     -0.8846434     -0.9038540     -0.9467830     -0.9842085      -1.015719      -1.041678      -1.069069      -1.095990      -1.118448      -1.133897      -2.074072     -0.8365742     -0.8382372     -0.8404637     -0.8524880     -0.8665677     -0.8806477     -0.8934379     -0.9035122     -0.9099212     -0.9185848     -0.9356444     -0.9797976      -1.017366      -1.048678      -1.073657      -1.100159      -1.125318      -1.145042      -1.156751      -2.074072 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-1.071634      -1.075519      -1.076422      -1.078913      -1.088817      -1.130788      -1.165551      -1.192896      -1.214152      -1.234927      -1.251704      -1.258461      -1.254421      -2.074072      -1.124942      -1.116744      -1.109609      -1.110611      -1.113635      -1.118249      -1.122360      -1.124690      -1.124014      -1.124915      -1.133072      -1.173403      -1.206709      -1.232977      -1.252895      -1.271556      -1.285543      -1.288576      -1.280273      -2.074072      -1.192700      -1.182175      -1.172673      -1.171520      -1.172115      -1.174601      -1.176840      -1.177531      -1.175203      -1.174485      -1.180892      -1.219779      -1.251543      -1.276943      -1.295031      -1.311725      -1.322343      -1.321579      -1.308870      -2.074072      -1.266450      -1.253276      -1.241232      -1.237544      -1.235721      -1.235805      -1.236008      -1.234835      -1.230764      -1.228232      -1.232765      -1.269588      -1.300363  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-2.074072      -1.661245      -1.632659      -1.605419      -1.587060      -1.571051      -1.557530      -1.545180      -1.532577      -1.518427      -1.505048      -1.499109      -1.526822      -1.548918      -1.561502      -1.562888      -1.558868      -1.547514      -1.523414      -1.485953      -2.074072      -1.805131      -1.771942      -1.739584      -1.716464      -1.695956      -1.677115      -1.659801      -1.642380      -1.623939      -1.606555      -1.596723      -1.620833      -1.637207      -1.643687      -1.640519      -1.629324      -1.611991      -1.581832      -1.539303      -2.074072      -1.981462      -1.942594      -1.904517      -1.875813      -1.849941      -1.825126      -1.801760      -1.778245      -1.754058      -1.731550      -1.716477      -1.733386      -1.742883      -1.743570      -1.734542      -1.714421      -1.689673      -1.652958      -1.605728      -2.074072      -2.206858      -2.161899      -2.117505      -2.078396      -2.045901      -2.013585  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-2.752564      -2.661692      -2.568975      -2.473710      -2.376691      -2.277722      -2.177083      -2.074072     -0.2880650     -0.3360792     -0.3873388     -0.4398474     -0.4940057     -0.5592795     -0.6215668     -0.6797544     -0.7326912     -0.7790968     -0.8246596     -0.8741538     -0.9199107     -0.9613332     -0.9976576      -1.029767      -1.058911      -1.083243      -1.101541      -4.355299     -0.3493894     -0.3906232     -0.4359137     -0.4837180     -0.5333409     -0.5916150     -0.6475949     -0.7034772     -0.7636778     -0.8161914     -0.8681239     -0.9221133     -0.9704854      -1.012339      -1.047644      -1.077054      -1.102352      -1.121397      -1.132698      -4.355299     -0.4163496     -0.4508671     -0.4903321     -0.5331197     -0.5784439     -0.6306490     -0.6811726     -0.7349714     -0.8006219     -0.8583142     -0.9161378     -0.9736656      -1.023624      -1.065358      -1.099488      -1.126114      -1.147429      -1.161267      -1.165430  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-0.8732885     -0.9067751     -0.9548943      -1.036863      -1.113004      -1.183434      -1.246830      -1.299667      -1.341801      -1.371612      -1.390029      -1.397501      -1.391957      -1.367484      -4.355299     -0.8695201     -0.8772392     -0.8896054     -0.9063889     -0.9280980     -0.9556755     -0.9848947      -1.031246      -1.114411      -1.191542      -1.262109      -1.325498      -1.379277      -1.421026      -1.450499      -1.466709      -1.471552      -1.460844      -1.429176      -4.355299     -0.9843870     -0.9876836     -0.9950334      -1.007573      -1.024428      -1.046725      -1.071714      -1.115327      -1.198423      -1.274887      -1.344643      -1.408430      -1.462249      -1.503787      -1.532887      -1.547553      -1.549495      -1.533051      -1.494137      -4.355299      -1.108517      -1.107342      -1.109876      -1.117993      -1.130128      -1.147128      -1.167154      -1.206961      -1.287882      -1.362557      -1.431727      -1.495037 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-1.792058      -4.355299      -1.722045      -1.699769      -1.684618      -1.673502      -1.665907      -1.661838      -1.660491      -1.680826      -1.744631      -1.807994      -1.867864      -1.921735      -1.970815      -2.009965      -2.035184      -2.036405      -2.011384      -1.959962      -1.879132      -4.355299      -1.932159      -1.903230      -1.879506      -1.863590      -1.849116      -1.838908      -1.830803      -1.845050      -1.904059      -1.961289      -2.017037      -2.070232      -2.116538      -2.154362      -2.172722      -2.164523      -2.131908      -2.070819      -1.979455      -4.355299      -2.193137      -2.154776      -2.122774      -2.096923      -2.076130      -2.056789      -2.040888      -2.047396      -2.101538      -2.155180      -2.207773      -2.257789      -2.300416      -2.328245      -2.335359      -2.318163      -2.276550      -2.203985      -2.100699      -4.355299      -2.545936      -2.495889      -2.452907      -2.416509      -2.384196  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-5.645848      -5.498102      -5.346220      -5.190364      -5.030634      -4.867157      -4.700045      -4.529385      -4.355299      0.1692834      6.7415349E-02 -4.1801192E-02 -0.1514396     -0.2581308     -0.3682652     -0.4510088     -0.5223778     -0.5861246     -0.6439949     -0.6972311     -0.7494318     -0.7986748     -0.8443668     -0.8871115     -0.9236851     -0.9538407     -0.9774453     -0.9941823      -6.924547      0.1227321      3.4670644E-02 -6.1526336E-02 -0.1604056     -0.2566986     -0.3551693     -0.4508680     -0.5349960     -0.6097481     -0.6773297     -0.7379570     -0.7962747     -0.8493131     -0.8965905     -0.9374482     -0.9690822     -0.9919654      -1.006323      -1.011905      -6.924547      5.7953350E-02 -1.8001322E-02 -0.1026523     -0.1917937     -0.2798124     -0.3701962     -0.4740384     -0.5678752     -0.6521291     -0.7279475     -0.7959152     -0.8604506     -0.9171336     -0.9663295      -1.005181      -1.032242      -1.048189      -1.053537  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-0.5304011     -0.5895613     -0.7079201     -0.8229711     -0.9323611      -1.035669      -1.130256      -1.216349      -1.287554      -1.340140      -1.372628      -1.384015      -1.375860      -1.347741      -1.298950      -6.924547     -0.4801954     -0.5063854     -0.5419513     -0.5850142     -0.6308323     -0.6815020     -0.7992897     -0.9183901      -1.032381      -1.139001      -1.238748      -1.328020      -1.401141      -1.454701      -1.486606      -1.495529      -1.482470      -1.447322      -1.387544      -6.924547     -0.6306449     -0.6480997     -0.6752805     -0.7098505     -0.7474697     -0.7893226     -0.9079481      -1.029068      -1.144761      -1.254781      -1.357029      -1.447929      -1.522485      -1.577196      -1.608617      -1.616189      -1.598902      -1.557023      -1.486404      -6.924547     -0.8004458     -0.8087479     -0.8280786     -0.8541307     -0.8837004     -0.9168946      -1.034427      -1.154217      -1.270605      -1.381354      -1.483406 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-2.073606      -1.959229      -6.924547      -1.675928      -1.651093      -1.638558      -1.634930      -1.634994      -1.636866      -1.729760      -1.827132      -1.920232      -2.010629      -2.097730      -2.179909      -2.252197      -2.308647      -2.343419      -2.349651      -2.313608      -2.228687      -2.102616      -6.924547      -1.966447      -1.931756      -1.909787      -1.897786      -1.888852      -1.882665      -1.963508      -2.050022      -2.132782      -2.216246      -2.299458      -2.380046      -2.448555      -2.504102      -2.539779      -2.543081      -2.496182      -2.401621      -2.261851      -6.924547      -2.299108      -2.256001      -2.223417      -2.201558      -2.183587      -2.168754      -2.236482      -2.313804      -2.389857      -2.467899      -2.544042      -2.618763      -2.684610      -2.740180      -2.770678      -2.759674      -2.700921      -2.594213      -2.439221      -6.924547      -2.730662      -2.673460      -2.629698      -2.593572  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-9.019703      -8.811358      -8.596339      -8.374931      -8.147358      -7.913856      -7.674877      -7.429883      -7.179800      -6.924547      0.6000366      0.4387435      0.2659164      9.0240516E-02 -8.0838479E-02 -0.1610755     -0.2482261     -0.3304509     -0.4077474     -0.4796871     -0.5440469     -0.6025519     -0.6554051     -0.7019387     -0.7437565     -0.7809322     -0.8108475     -0.8328362     -0.8470266      -9.740750      0.5838436      0.4444231      0.2933477      0.1397351     -1.1621390E-02 -0.1131241     -0.2199985     -0.3200926     -0.4128571     -0.4966750     -0.5694942     -0.6339988     -0.6886493     -0.7342873     -0.7713081     -0.8003477     -0.8183308     -0.8259256     -0.8237796      -9.740750      0.5341333      0.4141816      0.2824936      0.1467736      1.1405386E-02 -0.1113926     -0.2350227     -0.3505452     -0.4568885     -0.5507925     -0.6329688     -0.7033143     -0.7604119     -0.8059222     -0.8392964     -0.8605255     -0.8673199  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-0.1354585     -0.2176391     -0.3779758     -0.5358805     -0.6840449     -0.8225868     -0.9492498      -1.061333      -1.157496      -1.232737      -1.286543      -1.312055      -1.308189      -1.276381      -1.219499      -1.139683      -9.740750     -9.0475284E-02 -0.1395509     -0.2018470     -0.2694415     -0.3401691     -0.4996560     -0.6592670     -0.8103430     -0.9521084      -1.083093      -1.202198      -1.304433      -1.387045      -1.444697      -1.470302      -1.463212      -1.424468      -1.356688      -1.262146      -9.740750     -0.2797678     -0.3154981     -0.3667976     -0.4230022     -0.4827185     -0.6409587     -0.7985978     -0.9495155      -1.092602      -1.228002      -1.351820      -1.459600      -1.548430      -1.608434      -1.634840      -1.625504      -1.580868      -1.502582      -1.393480      -9.740750     -0.4905041     -0.5133888     -0.5531672     -0.5992920     -0.6482273     -0.8009565     -0.9554939      -1.103782      -1.248296      -1.386274 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-2.325998      -2.212286      -2.044050      -9.740750      -1.572992      -1.552687      -1.546276      -1.549336      -1.559716      -1.678108      -1.805268      -1.933772      -2.060691      -2.184611      -2.301422      -2.410924      -2.504277      -2.574060      -2.612685      -2.607759      -2.548645      -2.422331      -2.239072      -9.740750      -1.935369      -1.903170      -1.886630      -1.877264      -1.876318      -1.983110      -2.095446      -2.210530      -2.326512      -2.441876      -2.551251      -2.656215      -2.749923      -2.820679      -2.859264      -2.855556      -2.790842      -2.650743      -2.452055      -9.740750      -2.356226      -2.312005      -2.283553      -2.260858      -2.247252      -2.336668      -2.434262      -2.532994      -2.638636      -2.746568      -2.851022      -2.950161      -3.040390      -3.110709      -3.149111      -3.142480      -3.062808      -2.909537      -2.692403      -9.740750      -2.864979      -2.808068      -2.766664  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-12.83400      -12.56382      -12.28390      -11.99468      -11.69658      -11.38997      -11.07521      -10.75263      -10.42250      -10.08513      -9.740750      0.9940199      0.7692385      0.5270803      0.2819830      0.1310835      4.1411038E-02 -5.1946409E-02 -0.1487076     -0.2420965     -0.3285979     -0.4081887     -0.4784301     -0.5383039     -0.5897113     -0.6328918     -0.6691256     -0.6988795     -0.7199135     -0.7323856      -12.77138       1.023379      0.8283121      0.6194966      0.4082354      0.2532492      0.1371447      1.6551798E-02 -0.1028814     -0.2142828     -0.3164219     -0.4061544     -0.4803418     -0.5402591     -0.5867039     -0.6207933     -0.6437419     -0.6563236     -0.6572916     -0.6478133      -12.77138       1.002069      0.8334775      0.6519787      0.4670093      0.3053421      0.1604932      1.5224207E-02 -0.1242751     -0.2539203     -0.3708914     -0.4701267     -0.5491598     -0.6103397     -0.6531290     -0.6797133     -0.6907378  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0.3292717      0.2245202      5.5420760E-02 -0.1518612     -0.3512521     -0.5393896     -0.7109008     -0.8655707     -0.9982016      -1.104488      -1.182486      -1.227538      -1.238798      -1.213909      -1.154878      -1.066217     -0.9529792      -12.77138      0.3197863      0.2471416      0.1590564      6.8591103E-02 -9.7413592E-02 -0.3075963     -0.5065359     -0.6941456     -0.8708351      -1.031566      -1.170226      -1.284078      -1.369670      -1.419425      -1.432043      -1.401909      -1.332316      -1.228210      -1.095210      -12.77138      9.1057099E-02  3.3934813E-02 -4.0493872E-02 -0.1189840     -0.2779425     -0.4839251     -0.6786543     -0.8663323      -1.045123      -1.210059      -1.355019      -1.476749      -1.569135      -1.627570      -1.642255      -1.609676      -1.531601      -1.413334      -1.261049      -12.77138     -0.1602018     -0.2034011     -0.2639910     -0.3311369     -0.4791605     -0.6773821     -0.8696106      -1.055722      -1.233096  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-2.572138      -2.480403      -2.317348      -2.089824      -12.77138      -1.439479      -1.427747      -1.433965      -1.446280      -1.547322      -1.702868      -1.857892      -2.016402      -2.176954      -2.333330      -2.480954      -2.615002      -2.732658      -2.820777      -2.864779      -2.848137      -2.754734      -2.581312      -2.334709      -12.77138      -1.862013      -1.835215      -1.828365      -1.826758      -1.911385      -2.051917      -2.194496      -2.339550      -2.487016      -2.633660      -2.775026      -2.905508      -3.019655      -3.113586      -3.164122      -3.151648      -3.058307      -2.870201      -2.604250      -12.77138      -2.356452      -2.313655      -2.291549      -2.275526      -2.340603      -2.461326      -2.586877      -2.717217      -2.850441      -2.986286      -3.119308      -3.245138      -3.357497      -3.452229      -3.505388      -3.495687      -3.393254      -3.186993      -2.901162      -12.77138      -2.956229      -2.897461  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-17.05487      -16.72375      -16.37918      -16.02186      -15.65246      -15.27155      -14.87967      -14.47731      -14.06491      -13.64288      -13.21158      -12.77138       1.361936       1.065281      0.7519294      0.4494404      0.3500738      0.2502167      0.1449999      3.3761490E-02 -7.5029671E-02 -0.1783571     -0.2724736     -0.3557872     -0.4269573     -0.4844017     -0.5311527     -0.5680686     -0.5966720     -0.6168776     -0.6280762      -15.99132       1.439131       1.182306      0.9135270      0.6529774      0.5226703      0.3903347      0.2526551      0.1140059     -1.7594254E-02 -0.1386840     -0.2435888     -0.3318148     -0.3999971     -0.4492641     -0.4819073     -0.5003947     -0.5063435     -0.5006860     -0.4842301      -15.99132       1.450027       1.228312      0.9963465      0.7665052      0.6023209      0.4355623      0.2671863      0.1033076     -5.0472606E-02 -0.1869102     -0.3036695     -0.3968519     -0.4629889     -0.5052090     -0.5253323  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0.8491699      0.7177575      0.5769582      0.3255916      8.1377842E-02 -0.1546058     -0.3820024     -0.5928639     -0.7774450     -0.9308764      -1.051832      -1.132120      -1.168824      -1.160469      -1.110412      -1.020712     -0.8981797     -0.7503126      -15.99132      0.7415634      0.6427942      0.5290639      0.4031823      0.1492373     -9.8285720E-02 -0.3400452     -0.5710746     -0.7856661     -0.9753104      -1.137957      -1.267837      -1.357241      -1.400396      -1.392418      -1.335835      -1.232042      -1.088943     -0.9158906      -15.99132      0.4846781      0.4031667      0.3063279      0.1931959     -5.8373749E-02 -0.3058343     -0.5473915     -0.7770858     -0.9898923      -1.184754      -1.355021      -1.493648      -1.594954      -1.646361      -1.643463      -1.583027      -1.467605      -1.305519      -1.107745      -15.99132      0.1950250      0.1300577      4.9200457E-02 -5.0654989E-02 -0.2966771     -0.5366457     -0.7707791     -0.9956645  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-2.780818      -2.738003      -2.606460      -2.385397      -2.093318      -15.99132      -1.282088      -1.279082      -1.298904      -1.337568      -1.519173      -1.705391      -1.896410      -2.085864      -2.273091      -2.457634      -2.635202      -2.796248      -2.938703      -3.050841      -3.099481      -3.070183      -2.940074      -2.708018      -2.392438      -15.99132      -1.768592      -1.745608      -1.747583      -1.769926      -1.930581      -2.097622      -2.270344      -2.446318      -2.621729      -2.796655      -2.965329      -3.124898      -3.267387      -3.382931      -3.446829      -3.426545      -3.297188      -3.052576      -2.712969      -15.99132      -2.338761      -2.293277      -2.274834      -2.278956      -2.414235      -2.557964      -2.711393      -2.871281      -3.031204      -3.193136      -3.353458      -3.506997      -3.646219      -3.768665      -3.841148      -3.826786      -3.697681      -3.432985      -3.068750      -15.99132      -3.029192  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-21.65344      -21.26425      -20.85715      -20.43320      -19.99339      -19.53857      -19.06952      -18.58693      -18.09145      -17.58364      -17.06404      -16.53311      -15.99132       1.716472       1.344335      0.9634937      0.6997358      0.5917392      0.4766446      0.3564514      0.2331174      0.1102312     -8.4367646E-03 -0.1169303     -0.2126520     -0.2931913     -0.3583136     -0.4081846     -0.4456997     -0.4730029     -0.4916537     -0.5015616      -19.38085       1.848221       1.528888       1.202040      0.9544731      0.8067309      0.6554943      0.5009574      0.3459275      0.1966056      5.9037458E-02 -6.1896775E-02 -0.1603894     -0.2363302     -0.2882889     -0.3192095     -0.3321750     -0.3307255     -0.3176812     -0.2941367      -19.38085       1.891396       1.617183       1.334982       1.093405      0.9052737      0.7172022      0.5286304      0.3439718      0.1706644      1.5507355E-02 -0.1156481     -0.2177337     -0.2891195     -0.3286612  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1.410542       1.261912       1.101069      0.8854715      0.5981796      0.3159886      4.1141424E-02 -0.2206457     -0.4613916     -0.6764556     -0.8577150     -0.9933393      -1.077685      -1.104121      -1.076167     -0.9954380     -0.8721730     -0.7140685     -0.5305995      -19.38085       1.167068       1.040580      0.9013541      0.6927630      0.4012257      0.1123949     -0.1683738     -0.4348227     -0.6835175     -0.9067599      -1.096096      -1.245298      -1.340737      -1.374026      -1.344876      -1.255123      -1.113055     -0.9288640     -0.7144541      -19.38085      0.8828340      0.7761410      0.6566894      0.4577259      0.1666249     -0.1193393     -0.4004847     -0.6702131     -0.9221762      -1.146741      -1.344657      -1.507797      -1.615825      -1.661878      -1.636286      -1.542871      -1.385195      -1.176562     -0.9316922      -19.38085      0.5603673      0.4727408      0.3704929      0.1846541     -9.8746218E-02 -0.3792637     -0.6559182   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-2.911965      -2.950327      -2.887781      -2.709957      -2.425977      -2.065403      -19.38085      -1.117464      -1.121387      -1.153419      -1.269082      -1.480109      -1.695876      -1.916740      -2.137646      -2.354014      -2.562065      -2.760441      -2.951798      -3.123880      -3.256160      -3.314486      -3.267227      -3.095317      -2.798081      -2.409233      -19.38085      -1.665618      -1.644572      -1.654966      -1.748479      -1.933775      -2.126916      -2.327837      -2.530535      -2.730593      -2.929707      -3.123407      -3.311515      -3.486395      -3.630974      -3.705404      -3.680111      -3.514205      -3.204420      -2.787106      -19.38085      -2.300933      -2.253684      -2.240130      -2.308629      -2.465963      -2.630545      -2.806881      -2.991879      -3.179017      -3.364727      -3.547992      -3.730688      -3.903947      -4.053280      -4.149043      -4.135933      -3.973775      -3.646821      -3.199850      -19.38085  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-26.60363      -26.16134      -25.69568      -25.20827      -24.70051      -24.17388      -23.62899      -23.06681      -22.48871      -21.89547      -21.28708      -20.66491      -20.02932      -19.38085       2.058047       1.607181       1.155420      0.9566166      0.8439376      0.7158597      0.5796564      0.4400147      0.3018557      0.1690482      4.4796135E-02 -6.3496888E-02 -0.1539819     -0.2259967     -0.2797734     -0.3181796     -0.3446294     -0.3615887     -0.3703668      -22.92415       2.249279       1.865419       1.479820       1.264984       1.103158      0.9328490      0.7578869      0.5849602      0.4202093      0.2664361      0.1315893      2.1890564E-02 -5.9330359E-02 -0.1137566     -0.1417077     -0.1490674     -0.1403893     -0.1195008     -8.8850476E-02  -22.92415       2.327019       1.998602       1.668341       1.426648       1.215384       1.001245      0.7898885      0.5872127      0.3959195      0.2232260      7.8842372E-02 -3.1701569E-02 -0.1051152  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-22.92415       1.849565       1.667297       1.475826       1.189866      0.8670006      0.5477101      0.2376120     -5.5847481E-02 -0.3275252     -0.5704241     -0.7784775     -0.9323105      -1.019217      -1.038067     -0.9870069     -0.8753988     -0.7162133     -0.5214927     -0.3015819      -22.92415       1.589171       1.433286       1.267668      0.9805106      0.6521878      0.3246439      7.0582097E-03 -0.2960767     -0.5744079     -0.8282304      -1.051012      -1.218798      -1.320871      -1.347910      -1.296194      -1.171126     -0.9886716     -0.7620236     -0.5052105      -22.92415       1.281829       1.149600       1.006158      0.7257732      0.3956951      6.9032446E-02 -0.2499649     -0.5535394     -0.8388859      -1.098945      -1.328666      -1.512981      -1.633137      -1.673598      -1.627611      -1.495335      -1.292869      -1.035834     -0.7425191      -22.92415      0.9304033      0.8207596      0.6963688      0.4270847      0.1034744     -0.2180286  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-2.935018      -3.068215      -3.109624      -3.023000      -2.793532      -2.442518      -2.009670      -22.92415     -0.9329501     -0.9459293     -0.9907534      -1.180769      -1.421769      -1.668896      -1.919775      -2.168231      -2.412340      -2.647971      -2.874620      -3.091508      -3.291857      -3.447182      -3.518886      -3.457438      -3.240352      -2.873818      -2.408058      -22.92415      -1.539029      -1.523281      -1.543015      -1.704205      -1.917103      -2.137328      -2.365255      -2.596156      -2.823816      -3.042932      -3.260314      -3.478116      -3.683815      -3.854401      -3.950103      -3.917852      -3.711468      -3.331677      -2.832066      -22.92415      -2.235352      -2.189245      -2.180809      -2.310671      -2.493878      -2.685268      -2.885468      -3.090781      -3.303389      -3.512763      -3.718803      -3.929996      -4.136681      -4.313681      -4.434082      -4.426991      -4.229602      -3.834192      -3.299861  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-31.88018      -31.39206      -30.87387      -30.32820      -29.75633      -29.16072      -28.54292      -27.90376      -27.24445      -26.56651      -25.87066      -25.15775      -24.42857      -23.68381      -22.92415       2.380315       1.850278       1.329445       1.213855       1.098226      0.9610781      0.8095903      0.6541182      0.4988379      0.3489285      0.2107072      8.7938175E-02 -1.2812387E-02 -9.0924688E-02 -0.1489211     -0.1881768     -0.2139672     -0.2296406     -0.2374232      -26.60814       2.637877       2.187751       1.740849       1.572816       1.401378       1.212937       1.019471      0.8279208      0.6436264      0.4742152      0.3254190      0.2049645      0.1171684      6.2773466E-02  3.7109360E-02  3.5528239E-02  5.1411781E-02  7.9845756E-02  0.1175579      -26.60814       2.754551       2.370382       1.989102       1.757013       1.523638       1.285188       1.051178      0.8265737      0.6160936      0.4270032      0.2682799      0.1492041  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0.1174424      -26.60814       2.284032       2.067925       1.845401       1.488429       1.128380      0.7754989      0.4322977      0.1075297     -0.1917467     -0.4663747     -0.6954768     -0.8657684     -0.9606918     -0.9679803     -0.8938223     -0.7497814     -0.5533242     -0.3209601     -6.3884832E-02  -26.60814       2.006083       1.819698       1.625456       1.264424      0.8978396      0.5339512      0.1815544     -0.1524493     -0.4633576     -0.7471945     -0.9975381      -1.190087      -1.301112      -1.321273      -1.245095      -1.084899     -0.8598358     -0.5895448     -0.2893878      -26.60814       1.677331       1.519520       1.350098      0.9914851      0.6220340      0.2566085     -9.5780753E-02 -0.4330803     -0.7472159      -1.040605      -1.305536      -1.516262      -1.651371      -1.691063      -1.621901      -1.452179      -1.202994     -0.8964558     -0.5536538      -26.60814       1.297832       1.166750       1.018718      0.6691042      0.3066884  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-2.851036      -3.068129      -3.219332      -3.265617      -3.156725      -2.875747      -2.454545      -1.947740      -26.60814     -0.7316322     -0.7553478     -0.8134850      -1.074720      -1.348500      -1.628433      -1.907564      -2.186186      -2.458183      -2.717263      -2.974935      -3.217668      -3.444036      -3.624314      -3.707536      -3.635477      -3.367363      -2.927779      -2.381880      -26.60814      -1.391843      -1.384149      -1.414209      -1.640650      -1.884265      -2.135678      -2.388994      -2.644194      -2.900266      -3.145465      -3.387077      -3.627406      -3.862261      -4.060371      -4.179573      -4.142912      -3.897813      -3.443588      -2.859021      -26.60814      -2.149748      -2.108471      -2.107377      -2.293843      -2.503530      -2.722790      -2.948356      -3.177189      -3.411620      -3.643999      -3.877147      -4.110014      -4.342609      -4.556137      -4.697027      -4.703482      -4.476640      -4.007235  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-37.45686      -36.93303      -36.37072      -35.77329      -35.14364      -34.48421      -33.79709      -33.08413      -32.34689      -31.58681      -30.80512      -30.00294      -29.18128      -28.34105      -27.48309      -26.60814       2.691398       2.081477       1.563271       1.474386       1.353541       1.207556       1.044914      0.8731220      0.7005329      0.5332577      0.3785491      0.2429901      0.1315830      4.6458393E-02 -1.4470040E-02 -5.5017114E-02 -8.0342747E-02 -9.4873257E-02 -0.1017776      -30.42189       3.016632       2.497698       2.039847       1.878864       1.695351       1.493552       1.283400       1.072838      0.8702415      0.6830963      0.5208530      0.3898325      0.2976122      0.2429094      0.2205813      0.2250009      0.2480067      0.2838663      0.3286199      -30.42189       3.171824       2.730133       2.323500       2.078977       1.825981       1.566938       1.310237       1.064372      0.8333392      0.6275557      0.4557590  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0.1225520      0.3678132      -30.42189       2.712806       2.462526       2.188121       1.784185       1.385362      0.9963675      0.6238612      0.2707725     -5.9541252E-02 -0.3619026     -0.6174721     -0.8040460     -0.9055628     -0.9037728     -0.8064899     -0.6289117     -0.3950230     -0.1245133      0.1703790      -30.42189       2.418643       2.202429       1.953852       1.544086       1.136424      0.7401850      0.3561473     -7.1846233E-03 -0.3486866     -0.6666270     -0.9429795      -1.158254      -1.284786      -1.297108      -1.198966      -1.001354     -0.7327339     -0.4179932     -7.3691301E-02  -30.42189       2.067453       1.883610       1.658811       1.251776      0.8456239      0.4450677      5.9896871E-02 -0.3062468     -0.6534511     -0.9792221      -1.273219      -1.515014      -1.667564      -1.707551      -1.617987      -1.409745      -1.111425     -0.7542095     -0.3608558      -30.42189       1.660628       1.508045       1.305932      0.9087096  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-2.663976      -2.941564      -3.191245      -3.362983      -3.418685      -3.290312      -2.954511      -2.460129      -1.877265      -30.42189     -0.5173917     -0.5534310     -0.6542391     -0.9563716      -1.266318      -1.577096      -1.885183      -2.191702      -2.491625      -2.780484      -3.060179      -3.334388      -3.590172      -3.791108      -3.890139      -3.811282      -3.492702      -2.977262      -2.349285      -30.42189      -1.228539      -1.231851      -1.301284      -1.564335      -1.840029      -2.120016      -2.402119      -2.685001      -2.964055      -3.234977      -3.502044      -3.765521      -4.030608      -4.251540      -4.389290      -4.363957      -4.077086      -3.545014      -2.872622      -30.42189      -2.045368      -2.011832      -2.044214      -2.264908      -2.501986      -2.746492      -2.996933      -3.252946      -3.511035      -3.764394      -4.018464      -4.275044      -4.537267      -4.774544      -4.940531      -4.965337      -4.708803  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-43.30479      -42.75906      -42.16398      -41.52451      -40.84475      -40.12815      -39.37761      -38.59560      -37.78427      -36.94547      -36.08083      -35.19180      -34.27968      -33.34563      -32.39069      -31.41582      -30.42189       2.994369       2.310157       1.825973       1.735935       1.611987       1.457210       1.283618       1.097404      0.9069206      0.7222551      0.5510218      0.4026287      0.2811320      0.1899585      0.1260283      8.4243789E-02  5.9540436E-02  4.6095427E-02  3.9996613E-02  -34.35604       3.385968       2.799814       2.354136       2.184521       1.987990       1.772742       1.548238       1.320291       1.099392      0.8957112      0.7188521      0.5804765      0.4837417      0.4300926      0.4126759      0.4233021      0.4535987      0.4969484      0.5487558      -34.35604       3.582682       3.081506       2.662303       2.396011       2.120842       1.843134       1.567348       1.298513       1.048200      0.8242389  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8.0896288E-02  0.3385034      0.6159306      -34.35604       3.137880       2.853731       2.520886       2.074785       1.637528       1.214496      0.8117475      0.4322821      7.1734913E-02 -0.2598934     -0.5389422     -0.7466265     -0.8533564     -0.8459081     -0.7228524     -0.5110909     -0.2392007      7.0146404E-02  0.4036192      -34.35604       2.825167       2.579079       2.268275       1.818942       1.372716      0.9419718      0.5298320      0.1378299     -0.2365607     -0.5829755     -0.8889653      -1.128255      -1.268758      -1.280216      -1.158441     -0.9229063     -0.6103053     -0.2503848      0.1389461      -34.35604       2.452120       2.242138       1.953605       1.508399       1.064623      0.6334271      0.2159356     -0.1801043     -0.5578864     -0.9144406      -1.238496      -1.509836      -1.686127      -1.728902      -1.621775      -1.372856      -1.024679     -0.6157877     -0.1708812      -34.35604       2.021146       1.844800       1.579463  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-2.391638      -2.712775      -3.027066      -3.300204      -3.501093      -3.570713      -3.426631      -3.034106      -2.464840      -1.803976      -34.35604     -0.2931185     -0.3434658     -0.4968110     -0.8310735      -1.175302      -1.518495      -1.857236      -2.190311      -2.515889      -2.829365      -3.135131      -3.436533      -3.721835      -3.946170      -4.070305      -3.987669      -3.619130      -3.025041      -2.312643      -34.35604      -1.054844      -1.070189      -1.187254      -1.480794      -1.786338      -2.095825      -2.405110      -2.715170      -3.021159      -3.312628      -3.603186      -3.890718      -4.178323      -4.427763      -4.593747      -4.578652      -4.247775      -3.635270      -2.871938      -34.35604      -1.928377      -1.903855      -1.977580      -2.223773      -2.488476      -2.762098      -3.036748      -3.317027      -3.600009      -3.872878      -4.145841      -4.423493      -4.710256      -4.972888      -5.177152      -5.218830  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3.1561637E-04  0.2602800      0.5506415      0.8607903      -38.40252       3.556300       3.237672       2.847029       2.361964       1.885379       1.429991      0.9990541      0.5901053      0.2022953     -0.1551486     -0.4645850     -0.6906976     -0.8078598     -0.7923428     -0.6444396     -0.3978357     -8.7288715E-02  0.2614892      0.6342367      -38.40252       3.227695       2.951974       2.579778       2.088484       1.606607       1.143196      0.7012836      0.2813294     -0.1213042     -0.4994989     -0.8346277      -1.099643      -1.256375      -1.270346      -1.123187     -0.8492312     -0.4921005     -8.6125873E-02  0.3490719      -38.40252       2.832309       2.595277       2.245043       1.761717       1.283128      0.8182913      0.3720682     -5.3590912E-02 -0.4621623     -0.8464756      -1.205533      -1.500545      -1.702197      -1.756371      -1.630685      -1.341452     -0.9432149     -0.4817345      1.5664626E-02  -38.40252       2.379369       2.178434  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-1.642231      -2.035434      -2.415138      -2.783723      -3.146167      -3.479740      -3.746591      -3.869509      -3.699331      -3.194520      -2.470883      -1.649761      -42.55429      0.1644306      8.3847918E-02 -0.1707241     -0.5693772     -0.9790514      -1.383095      -1.779633      -2.169559      -2.543489      -2.898909      -3.254343      -3.604460      -3.937615      -4.231247      -4.412206      -4.336046      -3.872787      -3.116357      -2.230195      -42.55429     -0.6850033     -0.7252601     -0.9375803      -1.291458      -1.661397      -2.029324      -2.390545      -2.750437      -3.103518      -3.440394      -3.774095      -4.111793      -4.442168      -4.744253      -4.977459      -4.992874      -4.592369      -3.814469      -2.864527      -42.55429      -1.661559      -1.656594      -1.819112      -2.117491      -2.437783      -2.762225      -3.087843      -3.417804      -3.747107      -4.063582      -4.379333      -4.700025      -5.021294      -5.334451  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-62.09480      -61.62828      -61.05136      -60.38003      -59.62731      -58.80344      -57.91656      -56.97319      -55.97860      -54.93717      -53.85256      -52.72791      -51.56593      -50.36896      -49.13909      -47.87815      -46.58780      -45.26950      -43.92459      -42.55429       3.854055       2.941964       2.606362       2.526536       2.386338       2.207791       1.997964       1.765139       1.518863       1.275867       1.052402      0.8567895      0.7007756      0.5877740      0.5127453      0.4679621      0.4434447      0.4317339      0.4272729      -46.80515       4.458679       3.674414       3.290780       3.086154       2.850090       2.594325       2.323475       2.044741       1.768634       1.513895       1.296504       1.129632       1.023177      0.9739832      0.9716302       1.002512       1.054595       1.119697       1.192724      -46.80515       4.777153       4.103955       3.656568       3.318934       2.977916       2.642702       2.307261  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-0.1753544      9.1138538E-03  0.2819845      0.6077045      0.9647003       1.342045      -46.80515       4.372429       3.983983       3.478511       2.914741       2.370353       1.852458       1.362745      0.8967655      0.4539774      3.9440501E-02 -0.3160476     -0.5933310     -0.7374248     -0.7053568     -0.5067423     -0.1878474      0.2012144      0.6299823       1.083429      -46.80515       4.013172       3.675139       3.184830       2.617808       2.066032       1.535263       1.033544      0.5549902      9.9506333E-02 -0.3344394     -0.7240021      -1.043607      -1.246565      -1.262679      -1.071118     -0.7183803     -0.2701967      0.2293516      0.7588434      -46.80515       3.583720       3.290326       2.821681       2.259176       1.708871       1.178817      0.6706132      0.1881938     -0.2692778     -0.7128128      -1.124404      -1.480487      -1.737093      -1.822287      -1.663917      -1.295031     -0.7945125     -0.2258354      0.3795346      -46.80515 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-1.161297      -1.601268      -2.015774      -2.416690      -2.816393      -3.196503      -3.558607      -3.859249      -4.013800      -3.842613      -3.283810      -2.481085      -1.577425      -46.80515      0.3969805      0.3005701     -5.0973049E-03 -0.4363797     -0.8782023      -1.311077      -1.735124      -2.152789      -2.550111      -2.928197      -3.306736      -3.677211      -4.033519      -4.357225      -4.574389      -4.510892      -4.001667      -3.161970      -2.186304      -46.80515     -0.4940000     -0.5476933     -0.8073199      -1.191582      -1.590968      -1.985948      -2.378646      -2.765173      -3.136731      -3.494769      -3.856793      -4.208949      -4.560122      -4.889565      -5.155556      -5.196685      -4.766920      -3.903182      -2.856817      -46.80515      -1.519828      -1.522701      -1.729128      -2.058738      -2.405116      -2.754802      -3.109498      -3.463533      -3.812513      -4.146262      -4.490887      -4.828478      -5.165064  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-46.80515      -68.23173      -67.72771      -67.09842      -66.36314      -65.53720      -64.63274      -63.65836      -62.62212      -61.52973      -60.38608      -59.19526      -57.96076      -56.68557      -55.37229      -54.02348      -52.64041      -51.22565      -49.78056      -48.30661      -46.80515       4.121181       3.133853       2.859552       2.783738       2.645329       2.458561       2.236870       1.986807       1.720664       1.459301       1.214784       1.003025      0.8341818      0.7130954      0.6341547      0.5878417      0.5632704      0.5520849      0.5479949      -51.14960       4.800287       3.946965       3.590786       3.379596       3.131735       2.862783       2.575408       2.278284       1.983791       1.711313       1.479357       1.303370       1.192853       1.146042       1.148975       1.186569       1.245834       1.318224       1.398379      -51.14960       5.163301       4.430731       3.978282       3.617242       3.255450       2.898638  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-0.1663976     -9.8192349E-02  0.1124965      0.4168849      0.7761017       1.167242       1.579015      -51.14960       4.771520       4.347063       3.785703       3.183097       2.604433       2.056015       1.538365       1.045162      0.5750995      0.1373803     -0.2458190     -0.5481923     -0.7091479     -0.6714423     -0.4457943     -9.0619102E-02  0.3383992      0.8081642       1.302961      -51.14960       4.398294       4.027438       3.479603       2.872970       2.288356       1.727118       1.193196      0.6898274      0.2084252     -0.2510357     -0.6668213      -1.018332      -1.246222      -1.266409      -1.055008     -0.6624724     -0.1680051      0.3794707      0.9572815      -51.14960       3.951575       3.628056       3.100940       2.502123       1.918154       1.352696      0.8155329      0.3082179     -0.1748150     -0.6412872      -1.080587      -1.466199      -1.757244      -1.857403      -1.690129      -1.281488     -0.7288436     -0.1052390      0.5554796 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-0.6090240      -1.092335      -1.560577      -1.996783      -2.419868      -2.840133      -3.242041      -3.626702      -3.963648      -4.149030      -3.987157      -3.375407      -2.492574      -1.505021      -51.14960      0.6288119      0.5162685      0.1612942     -0.3043528     -0.7758585      -1.240304      -1.693402      -2.135769      -2.551863      -2.957630      -3.356849      -3.743301      -4.123853      -4.472560      -4.725410      -4.683181      -4.133904      -3.210545      -2.144011      -51.14960     -0.3023663     -0.3674902     -0.6749008      -1.091852      -1.520017      -1.945984      -2.365810      -2.778600      -3.168497      -3.547090      -3.932623      -4.300271      -4.671391      -5.024174      -5.319446      -5.393198      -4.941954      -3.993970      -2.849686      -51.14960      -1.374891      -1.385342      -1.635948      -1.995891      -2.372276      -2.750845      -3.130386      -3.508323      -3.873280      -4.230671      -4.595556      -4.950863 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-7.280874      -51.14960      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -69.07755      -68.39429      -67.20177      -65.95354      -64.65410      -63.30730      -61.91644      -60.48462      -59.01363      -57.50642      -55.96472      -54.39030      -52.78478      -51.14960       4.380928       3.319403       3.111791       3.040363       2.901603       2.710778       2.476072       2.209260       1.923940       1.642839       1.376559       1.147493      0.9665093      0.8373237      0.7546464      0.7067385      0.6823175      0.6715095      0.6677427      -55.58271       5.136058       4.214394       3.888613       3.667066       3.411406       3.127182       2.825288       2.509253       2.196022       1.907055       1.657515       1.472575       1.360170       1.315970       1.324320       1.368770       1.435425       1.515134       1.602475      -55.58271       5.542316       4.750020       4.292538       3.911178       3.527785  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1.0316145E-02  0.7272239      -55.58271       3.776328       3.470552       2.912302       2.288781       1.678317       1.089732      0.5267399     -1.8045485E-03 -0.5043203     -0.9944206      -1.462720      -1.897577      -2.265047      -2.479984      -2.395142      -1.962674      -1.304919     -0.5450280      0.2617297      -55.58271       3.165153       2.905397       2.377340       1.775048       1.183605      0.6101515      5.6409597E-02 -0.4643643     -0.9584993      -1.441265      -1.901566      -2.340799      -2.738170      -3.030837      -3.055460      -2.681064      -1.991427      -1.155620     -0.2594767      -55.58271       2.479355       2.263047       1.773219       1.200053      0.6316158      7.8189947E-02 -0.4595144     -0.9691203      -1.447158      -1.916396      -2.362841      -2.797839      -3.211145      -3.545443      -3.682984      -3.407013      -2.712509      -1.807579     -0.8227525      -55.58271       1.716053       1.543150       1.093264      0.5542492  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4.198305       3.796971       3.395591       3.003506       2.618411       2.256289       1.928280       1.664752       1.494639       1.430330       1.458520       1.553536       1.692571       1.857624       2.038569       2.230012      -60.10012       6.082476       5.344248       4.772663       4.240520       3.730629       3.250103       2.786737       2.349815       1.945560       1.579201       1.286581       1.107737       1.061695       1.138649       1.303746       1.524879       1.778905       2.053172       2.341404      -60.10012       6.048462       5.404388       4.767826       4.151762       3.572102       3.029310       2.516062       2.030885       1.576174       1.168103      0.8251244      0.6029273      0.5424022      0.6428410      0.8662900       1.165004       1.506806       1.874287       2.259441      -60.10012       5.861012       5.294864       4.628334       3.968239       3.344294       2.760979       2.211720       1.687994       1.195334      0.7427182      0.3505711      6.0638197E-02 -5.2831851E-02  3.8282037E-02  0.3017515      0.6714321       1.099306       1.559859       2.042093      -60.10012       5.553470       5.055403       4.384119       3.704792       3.058846       2.448336       1.872944       1.331309      0.8100685      0.3268924     -0.1106038     -0.4671674     -0.6626003     -0.6197748     -0.3431812      8.6443126E-02  0.5976222       1.150859       1.730305      -60.10012       5.154308       4.714979       4.053657       3.371404       2.717016       2.089844       1.502887      0.9481145      0.4191083     -8.5737258E-02 -0.5552125     -0.9649671      -1.246613      -1.290476      -1.039801     -0.5669674      2.2140117E-02  0.6672306       1.343961      -60.10012       4.672091       4.288423       3.646326       2.970501       2.316403       1.689648       1.093742      0.5381146      6.9375825E-03 -0.5058395     -0.9902197      -1.434909      -1.787544      -1.936678      -1.760516      -1.272436     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4.910213       4.482609       4.059583       3.638247       3.224234       2.821461       2.439353       2.093573       1.817919       1.643478       1.584508       1.621947       1.730620       1.883890       2.063206       2.258413       2.464296      -64.69788       6.471738       5.684517       5.083951       4.519423       3.984411       3.474737       2.991119       2.530483       2.105215       1.720012       1.412694       1.228198       1.189467       1.281163       1.465939       1.708175       1.983266       2.278804       2.588631      -64.69788       6.443157       5.754623       5.076689       4.426372       3.813107       3.242739       2.703584       2.192470       1.720533       1.288006      0.9231894      0.6909121      0.6318138      0.7493608      0.9976102       1.324034       1.693720       2.089507       2.503449      -64.69788       6.253690       5.647119       4.931056       4.232206       3.575167       2.960352       2.384994       1.838580       1.323838   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     1.469223      0.8627316      0.2567344     -0.3347454     -0.9036341      -1.436375      -1.944177      -2.432527      -2.897014      -3.350428      -3.800902      -4.216309      -4.522816      -4.426003      -3.681670      -2.554613      -1.308292      -64.69788       1.313240       1.154120      0.6511919      8.7704733E-02 -0.4829670      -1.041583      -1.577026      -2.084433      -2.566874      -3.030266      -3.479459      -3.916323      -4.347670      -4.770066      -5.125548      -5.188416      -4.557288      -3.381582      -2.034442      -64.69788      0.2750825      0.1709736     -0.2758995     -0.7878264      -1.312392      -1.829309      -2.328037      -2.803664      -3.259279      -3.704082      -4.124080      -4.544519      -4.958896      -5.371384      -5.751107      -5.948674      -5.477781      -4.280508      -2.834665      -64.69788     -0.9201704     -0.9608282      -1.341231      -1.789029      -2.259326      -2.724668      -3.185802      -3.629596      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5.683243       5.214520       4.765040       4.316018       3.874598       3.440041       3.020897       2.618092       2.252543       1.963168       1.788966       1.733998       1.781916       1.904658       2.072212       2.265864       2.475499       2.695995      -69.07755       6.853311       6.021381       5.392093       4.793196       4.231333       3.696359       3.189451       2.711100       2.262217       1.854787       1.536833       1.350850       1.320608       1.428938       1.635150       1.898807       2.195313       2.512405       2.844117      -69.07755       6.831811       6.101425       5.379143       4.694080       4.051069       3.450190       2.889601       2.353443       1.856474       1.400091       1.020580      0.7757476      0.7185363      0.8548968       1.129037       1.483443       1.881404       2.305886       2.749002      -69.07755       6.638749       5.992200       5.227405       4.492793       3.800798       3.158290       2.556409       1.984034       1.443735      0.9484255      0.5028158      0.1719173      3.5345294E-02  0.1508249      0.4689874      0.9056954       1.403207       1.934990       2.489724      -69.07755       6.316681       5.741935       4.963016       4.207827       3.492467       2.819451       2.192359       1.600173       1.037793      0.5067275      1.7723050E-02 -0.3926231     -0.6331883     -0.5931529     -0.2675951      0.2384106      0.8326299       1.471511       2.138074      -69.07755       5.887764       5.380682       4.608056       3.848272       3.123845       2.435716       1.793643       1.194169      0.6176475      7.1463138E-02 -0.4444598     -0.9101191      -1.253289      -1.331736      -1.052645     -0.5018254      0.1835052      0.9287235       1.707256      -69.07755       5.368957       4.925292       4.169870       3.418932       2.696446       2.005463       1.360579      0.7556658      0.1749801     -0.3729450     -0.9012196      -1.391630      -1.810611      -2.019598      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-1.797323      -2.912270      -1.071068      -1.103295      -1.139116      -1.177022      -1.217306      -1.267232      -1.315639      -1.363726      -1.414774      -1.457582      -1.504746      -1.558987      -1.607575      -1.650319      -1.687168      -1.719489      -1.756754      -1.789945      -1.817293      -2.912270      -1.125697      -1.152299      -1.182787      -1.215821      -1.251848      -1.296886      -1.340712      -1.387177      -1.440468      -1.488930      -1.540175      -1.596561      -1.645967      -1.688655      -1.724632      -1.755582      -1.790389      -1.820470      -1.842422      -2.912270      -1.186301      -1.207660      -1.232853      -1.260760      -1.292427      -1.332800      -1.372105      -1.416667      -1.473483      -1.526455      -1.581150      -1.638500      -1.688168      -1.730754      -1.765681      -1.795618      -1.828283      -1.855385      -1.872020      -2.912270      -1.253253      -1.269390      -1.289438      -1.312320      -1.339352  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-1.780041      -1.879826      -1.969173      -2.049661      -2.111981      -2.153136      -2.171357      -2.166602      -2.135694      -2.079756      -5.652469      -1.106649      -1.132529      -1.174938      -1.223916      -1.275980      -1.408586      -1.539860      -1.662594      -1.779577      -1.889277      -1.989930      -2.084669      -2.166389      -2.230367      -2.274391      -2.295610      -2.292244      -2.261121      -2.198841      -5.652469      -1.295830      -1.309724      -1.340411      -1.379427      -1.421047      -1.544285      -1.667810      -1.785042      -1.896854      -2.004152      -2.107627      -2.201710      -2.281917      -2.346657      -2.392901      -2.417819      -2.416976      -2.388397      -2.319826      -5.652469      -1.498927      -1.501843      -1.520707      -1.548677      -1.580506      -1.692483      -1.807908      -1.917032      -2.024360      -2.129892      -2.229293      -2.319057      -2.396834      -2.460654      -2.508914      -2.537006  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-2.437037      -2.420680      -2.411009      -2.467208      -2.527663      -2.587329      -2.651523      -2.717698      -2.780287      -2.840044      -2.898550      -2.952629      -3.001926      -3.046539      -3.062223      -3.028487      -2.921715      -5.652469      -2.818335      -2.769222      -2.735519      -2.707296      -2.685285      -2.726149      -2.771632      -2.817045      -2.867049      -2.919216      -2.970456      -3.020689      -3.072647      -3.131721      -3.177999      -3.207295      -3.213063      -3.167316      -3.039157      -5.652469      -3.270468      -3.198910      -3.148060      -3.102190      -3.060992      -3.081459      -3.106220      -3.135300      -3.169025      -3.211814      -3.255400      -3.297932      -3.339222      -3.378041      -3.406715      -3.425930      -3.412964      -3.341193      -3.176990      -5.652469      -4.075594      -3.970318      -3.882360      -3.804008      -3.735246      -3.729620      -3.730731      -3.733618      -3.744024  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-1.369972      -1.391794      -1.406181      -1.413256      -7.138974      0.2399633      7.0615947E-02 -0.1119525     -0.2980330     -0.4561312     -0.5946776     -0.7363186     -0.8720355     -0.9951345      -1.105185      -1.197031      -1.269162      -1.325252      -1.363598      -1.388332      -1.403581      -1.411351      -1.408433      -1.395541      -7.138974      0.1840202      3.7061233E-02 -0.1219329     -0.2847987     -0.4493704     -0.6136141     -0.7734323     -0.9232069      -1.061856      -1.183529      -1.281894      -1.359857      -1.416632      -1.452753      -1.472159      -1.480286      -1.475541      -1.456744      -1.425265      -7.138974      9.0262190E-02 -3.7418615E-02 -0.1769707     -0.3191865     -0.4879181     -0.6690679     -0.8402091      -1.003840      -1.154777      -1.284464      -1.389855      -1.473047      -1.531770      -1.567853      -1.584224      -1.587275      -1.571746      -1.538581      -1.489766      -7.138974     -3.6911909E-02 -0.1473333  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-1.653535      -1.793371      -1.913219      -2.011902      -2.089375      -2.148901      -2.180376      -2.179048      -2.143616      -2.073796      -1.972179      -7.138974     -0.8034395     -0.8511246     -0.9168936     -0.9891797      -1.130847      -1.311469      -1.483319      -1.645256      -1.795239      -1.932279      -2.053118      -2.155289      -2.241405      -2.308475      -2.345729      -2.349830      -2.317486      -2.246248      -2.137590      -7.138974      -1.039579      -1.074251      -1.125498      -1.185879      -1.317051      -1.486523      -1.645840      -1.798518      -1.942193      -2.074252      -2.194182      -2.300198      -2.392761      -2.463534      -2.507234      -2.517602      -2.491025      -2.421660      -2.308394      -7.138974      -1.294554      -1.315771      -1.353090      -1.400830      -1.517318      -1.669826      -1.817078      -1.960209      -2.095761      -2.222481      -2.340454      -2.448884      -2.541426      -2.614062      -2.663054  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-2.485219      -2.469746      -2.461908      -2.508863      -2.591690      -2.675805      -2.760776      -2.845701      -2.929630      -3.010337      -3.084873      -3.151475      -3.213916      -3.267939      -3.314739      -3.338958      -3.298301      -3.164857      -7.138974      -2.917554      -2.867299      -2.834102      -2.811401      -2.837252      -2.896032      -2.958789      -3.026058      -3.093221      -3.161652      -3.228090      -3.291154      -3.346825      -3.402448      -3.468044      -3.515354      -3.528182      -3.484631      -3.330926      -7.138974      -3.435084      -3.359636      -3.305633      -3.260375      -3.263007      -3.296022      -3.335511      -3.380332      -3.426890      -3.475442      -3.526845      -3.585270      -3.640202      -3.689616      -3.736471      -3.763874      -3.769519      -3.701333      -3.508794      -7.138974      -4.330360      -4.213808      -4.115901      -4.033947      -4.003971      -4.004558      -4.008815      -4.023859  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-1.210234      -1.228295      -1.239858      -1.245293      -1.242715      -8.693932      0.6862537      0.4633894      0.2296620     -1.8745338E-03 -0.1633409     -0.3256505     -0.4896917     -0.6505222     -0.8001578     -0.9297864      -1.038952      -1.126593      -1.188113      -1.226500      -1.244333      -1.246740      -1.239797      -1.221998      -1.193283      -8.693932      0.6478983      0.4545174      0.2514567      4.5962226E-02 -0.1469488     -0.3394414     -0.5283196     -0.7111490     -0.8772314      -1.020390      -1.141037      -1.233044      -1.294091      -1.327029      -1.335184      -1.323737      -1.300061      -1.260549      -1.207003      -8.693932      0.5591487      0.3911002      0.2133545      3.1013342E-02 -0.1871173     -0.4019189     -0.6108211     -0.8098048     -0.9876736      -1.145211      -1.276296      -1.371628      -1.434820      -1.464216      -1.465564      -1.443960      -1.404656      -1.345063      -1.267931      -8.693932      0.4241933  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-1.426193      -1.620132      -1.794125      -1.939637      -2.054662      -2.138215      -2.184016      -2.198082      -2.171080      -2.099631      -1.984726      -1.832240      -8.693932     -0.4561272     -0.5275670     -0.6155952     -0.7205082     -0.9557108      -1.183984      -1.402692      -1.607493      -1.797713      -1.965326      -2.108664      -2.228355      -2.318206      -2.376778      -2.401917      -2.381304      -2.312030      -2.192976      -2.028878      -8.693932     -0.7446924     -0.8007023     -0.8741110     -0.9659541      -1.188116      -1.397679      -1.601930      -1.797371      -1.976409      -2.137509      -2.278715      -2.398708      -2.494982      -2.569309      -2.604162      -2.594211      -2.532318      -2.414547      -2.243333      -8.693932      -1.051351      -1.092070      -1.151067      -1.228668      -1.429600      -1.624277      -1.811712      -1.990502      -2.158777      -2.314333      -2.450547      -2.567945      -2.675887      -2.757653  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-2.525782      -2.490893      -2.482166      -2.492526      -2.594230      -2.699314      -2.808255      -2.918359      -3.024315      -3.126893      -3.223363      -3.313515      -3.393882      -3.466387      -3.528061      -3.569484      -3.595676      -3.546608      -3.375489      -8.693932      -2.999555      -2.945390      -2.915025      -2.904681      -2.975156      -3.050389      -3.132066      -3.218658      -3.305319      -3.388205      -3.467868      -3.542837      -3.613456      -3.675543      -3.736428      -3.799907      -3.826535      -3.775782      -3.593547      -8.693932      -3.585072      -3.504696      -3.449290      -3.412528      -3.451179      -3.494316      -3.546088      -3.605512      -3.668650      -3.730535      -3.789265      -3.850282      -3.917312      -3.983516      -4.044828      -4.090346      -4.105959      -4.041198      -3.823147      -8.693932      -4.545488      -4.422613      -4.321749      -4.243183      -4.242821      -4.248768      -4.262849  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-1.035415      -1.064810      -1.077606      -1.079343      -1.075542      -1.063512      -10.31178       1.127435      0.8506668      0.5660815      0.3222898      0.1321674     -5.3799402E-02 -0.2377304     -0.4190595     -0.5878513     -0.7394978     -0.8662140     -0.9634907      -1.033138      -1.071062      -1.083432      -1.074485      -1.051180      -1.017920     -0.9734808      -10.31178       1.102638      0.8612917      0.6130565      0.3736531      0.1504600     -6.6324629E-02 -0.2818002     -0.4886670     -0.6795037     -0.8492058     -0.9851818      -1.090029      -1.158030      -1.187958      -1.185678      -1.157685      -1.111583      -1.050693     -0.9753243      -10.31178       1.015877      0.8052130      0.5877957      0.3556838      0.1076618     -0.1381375     -0.3773341     -0.6055027     -0.8161271     -0.9977347      -1.148008      -1.261621      -1.329076      -1.354776      -1.341465      -1.297204      -1.230927      -1.144115      -1.039062      -10.31178  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-1.070457      -1.328553      -1.567574      -1.774739      -1.951338      -2.091157      -2.181278      -2.221181      -2.207659      -2.148938      -2.034249      -1.869282      -1.662907      -10.31178     -9.4954453E-02 -0.1911092     -0.3017357     -0.4888913     -0.7624750      -1.032299      -1.297646      -1.550244      -1.779265      -1.982774      -2.157119      -2.298241      -2.398937      -2.449547      -2.454628      -2.404759      -2.292128      -2.119156      -1.895567      -10.31178     -0.4218987     -0.4992651     -0.5943800     -0.7656924      -1.028700      -1.288321      -1.539937      -1.774830      -1.993804      -2.189567      -2.356814      -2.498951      -2.606722      -2.672283      -2.697868      -2.662316      -2.558383      -2.384957      -2.149496      -10.31178     -0.7804383     -0.8394207     -0.9189999      -1.074006      -1.318701      -1.556419      -1.788091      -2.007643      -2.209798      -2.391697      -2.554161      -2.692486      -2.804204  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-10.31178      -2.513279      -2.481110      -2.480397      -2.541382      -2.665301      -2.792220      -2.924262      -3.056946      -3.185504      -3.306389      -3.419074      -3.524974      -3.622712      -3.707693      -3.776266      -3.817572      -3.827281      -3.765759      -3.547773      -10.31178      -3.056981      -3.000272      -2.973496      -3.004997      -3.094285      -3.188036      -3.288631      -3.393256      -3.496835      -3.597305      -3.690985      -3.779535      -3.862851      -3.938938      -4.005410      -4.063399      -4.096364      -4.037057      -3.821695      -10.31178      -3.707428      -3.621731      -3.565627      -3.562061      -3.614079      -3.673975      -3.741181      -3.814412      -3.891379      -3.965266      -4.039120      -4.110066      -4.178957      -4.255527      -4.332599      -4.393635      -4.408612      -4.352736      -4.106193      -10.31178      -4.741441      -4.607402      -4.502018      -4.447381      -4.448203      -4.464672  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-0.8243731     -0.8786777     -0.9070001     -0.9152675     -0.9091644     -0.8953696     -0.8741082      -11.98777       1.558824       1.225375      0.8908252      0.6469174      0.4349519      0.2206345      1.0007564E-02 -0.1884547     -0.3758439     -0.5451689     -0.6883263     -0.7984818     -0.8718473     -0.9113739     -0.9171162     -0.8974161     -0.8595238     -0.8106674     -0.7509277      -11.98777       1.550841       1.260943      0.9692802      0.7045919      0.4490989      0.1987959     -4.0416103E-02 -0.2686213     -0.4815263     -0.6709347     -0.8287886     -0.9428859      -1.015651      -1.043420      -1.030887     -0.9861627     -0.9187843     -0.8364641     -0.7396648      -11.98777       1.468320       1.216014      0.9597141      0.6790104      0.3936016      0.1185739     -0.1486987     -0.4027085     -0.6367299     -0.8459157      -1.016595      -1.139880      -1.214812      -1.234423      -1.206852      -1.140257      -1.045954     -0.9314401     -0.7985945 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-0.6165053     -0.9291253      -1.221604      -1.494180      -1.740291      -1.952188      -2.117486      -2.222991      -2.259180      -2.225839      -2.126389      -1.966085      -1.749288      -1.488300      -11.98777      0.2743394      0.1549941      2.1684228E-02 -0.2462639     -0.5649336     -0.8796847      -1.181137      -1.470040      -1.739766      -1.980561      -2.188257      -2.359603      -2.474106      -2.526617      -2.506774      -2.422029      -2.261298      -2.031286      -1.746039      -11.98777     -9.2929564E-02 -0.1912637     -0.3076719     -0.5606900     -0.8623178      -1.162945      -1.455523      -1.733422      -1.987689      -2.217049      -2.421023      -2.589044      -2.714480      -2.782170      -2.788296      -2.722088      -2.571166      -2.336702      -2.033107      -11.98777     -0.4983290     -0.5745206     -0.6725639     -0.9061395      -1.188970      -1.471389      -1.745501      -2.000309      -2.238501      -2.453629      -2.644734      -2.810163 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-3.351566      -11.98777      -2.475343      -2.447873      -2.455890      -2.568738      -2.719195      -2.872862      -3.028066      -3.180833      -3.331646      -3.472646      -3.601958      -3.725683      -3.839787      -3.937233      -4.013507      -4.056061      -4.046636      -3.962880      -3.688341      -11.98777      -3.088928      -3.032598      -3.010028      -3.081984      -3.191506      -3.308684      -3.431583      -3.552828      -3.675107      -3.793539      -3.903341      -4.006012      -4.102321      -4.190859      -4.264356      -4.316959      -4.349557      -4.283626      -4.021128      -11.98777      -3.812195      -3.723531      -3.667481      -3.693469      -3.758404      -3.835912      -3.921818      -4.010176      -4.100328      -4.192802      -4.279372      -4.361612      -4.440832      -4.518963      -4.605384      -4.677484      -4.701884      -4.641266      -4.359974      -11.98777      -4.916431      -4.776222      -4.668048      -4.636163      -4.642496  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-0.5765211     -0.6664565     -0.7224805     -0.7507092     -0.7544551     -0.7412972     -0.7182544     -0.6882051      -13.71782       1.980279       1.588876       1.200644      0.9668970      0.7338669      0.4965310      0.2632839      3.9079335E-02 -0.1671409     -0.3529536     -0.5109176     -0.6324375     -0.7116096     -0.7491881     -0.7490932     -0.7190396     -0.6676527     -0.6031714     -0.5284754      -13.71782       1.991811       1.652458       1.316167       1.029617      0.7458988      0.4667247      0.1972366     -5.5216201E-02 -0.2870175     -0.4965755     -0.6686673     -0.7973109     -0.8718231     -0.8962966     -0.8720286     -0.8110313     -0.7236618     -0.6194901     -0.5014921      -13.71782       1.913882       1.618426       1.323219      0.9995671      0.6808274      0.3688670      7.0662156E-02 -0.2045386     -0.4635364     -0.6953344     -0.8849123      -1.021809      -1.099567      -1.114878      -1.071540     -0.9827425     -0.8615772     -0.7192445 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-7.3287606E-02 -0.4323507     -0.7786936      -1.109114      -1.412333      -1.691793      -1.941961      -2.137926      -2.262342      -2.301114      -2.247763      -2.109012      -1.901458      -1.631479      -1.315874      -13.71782      0.6384117      0.4964482      0.3383161     -7.2197439E-03 -0.3643207     -0.7183912      -1.059341      -1.380136      -1.680820      -1.960968      -2.208804      -2.409055      -2.547335      -2.603091      -2.568040      -2.442042      -2.230883      -1.941558      -1.594185      -13.71782      0.2354101      0.1187891     -1.8690603E-02 -0.3498990     -0.6920772      -1.031954      -1.357686      -1.670157      -1.962610      -2.230056      -2.468002      -2.669620      -2.815239      -2.892778      -2.880688      -2.782106      -2.579772      -2.280980      -1.907921      -13.71782     -0.2116745     -0.3040889     -0.4213290     -0.7317917      -1.049623      -1.368954      -1.680134      -1.976597      -2.247564      -2.496746      -2.722917 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-3.771611      -3.407365      -13.71782      -2.417470      -2.397810      -2.416289      -2.578878      -2.757585      -2.940317      -3.121192      -3.295715      -3.466411      -3.628026      -3.779179      -3.918033      -4.045593      -4.158577      -4.240286      -4.283683      -4.264323      -4.143562      -3.804658      -13.71782      -3.098800      -3.045827      -3.030290      -3.143311      -3.275617      -3.415712      -3.558204      -3.702032      -3.843339      -3.978980      -4.106142      -4.225304      -4.332388      -4.431991      -4.510649      -4.566498      -4.588005      -4.512157      -4.196689      -13.71782      -3.897710      -3.807900      -3.752345      -3.808894      -3.889577      -3.984763      -4.087029      -4.192030      -4.299546      -4.407397      -4.508462      -4.603600      -4.693413      -4.780309      -4.861379      -4.943016      -4.976042      -4.909610      -4.591873      -13.71782      -5.077416      -4.928069      -4.814285      -4.802010  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-0.2800402     -0.4131455     -0.5102522     -0.5703903     -0.5972934     -0.5967774     -0.5770112     -0.5455629     -0.5071353      -15.49837       2.389059       1.936849       1.520818       1.274346       1.022530      0.7664795      0.5118664      0.2665122      3.5267044E-02 -0.1693926     -0.3425115     -0.4759643     -0.5613939     -0.5970859     -0.5912232     -0.5504202     -0.4860274     -0.4068858     -0.3176676      -15.49837       2.421472       2.030462       1.655833       1.344536       1.035611      0.7280090      0.4347786      0.1558912     -0.1033203     -0.3283305     -0.5180385     -0.6572544     -0.7372361     -0.7554598     -0.7205129     -0.6429300     -0.5360780     -0.4106396     -0.2717367      -15.49837       2.352025       2.012005       1.672225       1.314447      0.9601244      0.6183083      0.2913435     -1.5528098E-02 -0.2976520     -0.5496451     -0.7579154     -0.9102246     -0.9905171     -0.9993488     -0.9406205     -0.8299109     -0.6827756 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0.5431964      0.1433398     -0.2506367     -0.6284531     -0.9872558      -1.326808      -1.640641      -1.919760      -2.148862      -2.294296      -2.337884      -2.267015      -2.091581      -1.831439      -1.506927      -1.136250      -15.49837      0.9956623      0.8305584      0.6192148      0.2264775     -0.1666107     -0.5549273     -0.9288863      -1.286315      -1.618004      -1.930231      -2.214727      -2.449585      -2.614506      -2.680580      -2.633384      -2.469214      -2.205263      -1.855438      -1.445832      -15.49837      0.5633629      0.4268907      0.2383621     -0.1385912     -0.5171719     -0.8927566      -1.256949      -1.600262      -1.923119      -2.227937      -2.501597      -2.736317      -2.911886      -2.999697      -2.983351      -2.847536      -2.590933      -2.225623      -1.782498      -15.49837      8.2099244E-02 -2.7461935E-02 -0.1925640     -0.5491389     -0.9084519      -1.261611      -1.604891      -1.935534      -2.243952      -2.526637  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-4.137066      -3.892786      -3.444298      -15.49837      -2.338085      -2.328623      -2.378296      -2.576406      -2.784623      -2.994097      -3.201725      -3.403589      -3.595867      -3.775143      -3.943770      -4.100000      -4.246937      -4.372817      -4.459632      -4.508010      -4.478291      -4.312889      -3.899372      -15.49837      -3.089691      -3.042191      -3.049145      -3.190863      -3.346498      -3.510121      -3.675046      -3.838889      -4.002165      -4.156156      -4.297433      -4.431150      -4.556231      -4.668546      -4.751855      -4.809778      -4.823370      -4.729691      -4.352487      -15.49837      -3.959553      -3.870923      -3.830253      -3.909359      -4.009406      -4.121369      -4.241632      -4.364596      -4.490245      -4.614298      -4.728512      -4.836092      -4.937318      -5.041516      -5.121167      -5.200406      -5.247615      -5.168704      -4.807411      -15.49837      -5.216663      -5.065305      -4.957973  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7.5408719E-02 -0.1056493     -0.2487144     -0.3541124     -0.4175854     -0.4422929     -0.4374493     -0.4111473     -0.3716679     -0.3250667      -17.32631       2.790248       2.275217       1.844753       1.575491       1.301507       1.027481      0.7566344      0.4899129      0.2385474      1.1070851E-02 -0.1780912     -0.3219800     -0.4125248     -0.4478875     -0.4340866     -0.3828311     -0.3056403     -0.2121860     -0.1085637      -17.32631       2.842953       2.398343       1.990353       1.648313       1.312765      0.9839444      0.6668059      0.3640388      8.1504755E-02 -0.1662577     -0.3703190     -0.5210596     -0.6040993     -0.6173746     -0.5701976     -0.4754911     -0.3492211     -0.2028916     -4.3139409E-02  -17.32631       2.780547       2.394319       2.008796       1.617055       1.233245      0.8609644      0.5083259      0.1733916     -0.1381757     -0.4083575     -0.6364671     -0.8013693     -0.8883035     -0.8891368     -0.8150548     -0.6814430  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1.236954      0.7931890      0.3535105     -6.9476932E-02 -0.4783680     -0.8657346      -1.235032      -1.582203      -1.893035      -2.151521      -2.324391      -2.375031      -2.291033      -2.076943      -1.763772      -1.383930     -0.9578156      -17.32631       1.349676       1.159488      0.8858876      0.4560049      2.9055538E-02 -0.3914815     -0.7982667      -1.183781      -1.550852      -1.892427      -2.208177      -2.481725      -2.670940      -2.754242      -2.698588      -2.498061      -2.176149      -1.764177      -1.291461      -17.32631      0.8912262      0.7326953      0.4851281      7.1091816E-02 -0.3430522     -0.7508798      -1.147352      -1.526156      -1.878863      -2.212996      -2.523314      -2.794052      -2.997975      -3.105791      -3.089661      -2.919154      -2.606541      -2.173412      -1.659538      -17.32631      0.3785309      0.2496136      2.8601980E-02 -0.3640614     -0.7585427      -1.148088      -1.525159      -1.885817      -2.225276   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-4.415299      -4.309549      -4.003580      -3.461234      -17.32631      -2.240926      -2.242391      -2.330991      -2.559334      -2.798635      -3.039501      -3.272868      -3.500387      -3.718826      -3.916061      -4.099289      -4.271362      -4.435203      -4.574419      -4.674558      -4.724196      -4.685494      -4.470817      -3.975846      -17.32631      -3.062602      -3.021470      -3.060404      -3.225616      -3.408144      -3.596796      -3.783151      -3.968567      -4.151283      -4.323116      -4.480416      -4.627093      -4.767470      -4.890196      -4.982311      -5.043770      -5.053510      -4.934921      -4.491417      -17.32631      -4.004322      -3.917839      -3.902179      -3.996025      -4.115838      -4.250640      -4.386166      -4.528327      -4.672927      -4.810851      -4.938208      -5.057915      -5.172237      -5.282343      -5.372389      -5.446761      -5.503790      -5.414383      -5.008067      -17.32631      -5.334528      -5.181235  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0.4945047      0.2698575      7.2625168E-02 -8.5158087E-02 -0.1975040     -0.2630160     -0.2859004     -0.2761867     -0.2430400     -0.1959180     -0.1412704      -19.19886       3.182042       2.605625       2.162320       1.871075       1.577243       1.282960      0.9944145      0.7108727      0.4403451      0.1938710     -1.3878846E-02 -0.1680155     -0.2633194     -0.2957641     -0.2735850     -0.2112319     -0.1207946     -1.3120701E-02  0.1048395      -19.19886       3.256219       2.757422       2.318333       1.946536       1.581432       1.230243      0.8930869      0.5659376      0.2644240     -6.0601505E-03 -0.2288984     -0.3904044     -0.4775905     -0.4859872     -0.4247338     -0.3130808     -0.1672619     -2.4607824E-04  0.1803085      -19.19886       3.202857       2.769539       2.339515       1.910447       1.495402       1.097628      0.7196835      0.3592626      2.4722479E-02 -0.2725303     -0.5177833     -0.6962592     -0.7870314     -0.7810175     -0.6890906  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1.880422       1.523388       1.041542      0.5660530      0.1069685     -0.3298045     -0.7461487      -1.144042      -1.518129      -1.866606      -2.149506      -2.348132      -2.415731      -2.318413      -2.065384      -1.700058      -1.264262     -0.7826040      -19.19886       1.701791       1.486684       1.153848      0.6842856      0.2200933     -0.2296519     -0.6679887      -1.083251      -1.478114      -1.852012      -2.199215      -2.500455      -2.723917      -2.826483      -2.766527      -2.528813      -2.148968      -1.673849      -1.137889      -19.19886       1.216568       1.034707      0.7292300      0.2799314     -0.1696078     -0.6097209      -1.037399      -1.445913      -1.831868      -2.191364      -2.533449      -2.841044      -3.072145      -3.206867      -3.192920      -2.991066      -2.618446      -2.115608      -1.530471      -19.19886      0.6747954      0.5262247      0.2489107     -0.1786652     -0.6082990      -1.030251      -1.441010      -1.834305   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-4.571905      -4.606830      -4.479165      -4.110168      -3.472949      -19.19886      -2.128968      -2.141654      -2.271748      -2.530661      -2.803301      -3.073465      -3.334408      -3.587351      -3.829245      -4.050042      -4.248304      -4.437438      -4.614592      -4.764627      -4.876557      -4.933479      -4.885988      -4.622595      -4.044255      -19.19886      -3.019984      -2.986534      -3.061798      -3.250205      -3.458284      -3.671678      -3.880527      -4.087540      -4.292583      -4.481270      -4.653734      -4.817069      -4.969445      -5.100595      -5.198677      -5.268853      -5.277047      -5.130113      -4.616706      -19.19886      -4.033730      -3.948463      -3.960338      -4.072200      -4.211440      -4.361629      -4.517413      -4.679179      -4.844113      -4.999178      -5.138499      -5.271069      -5.399478      -5.513448      -5.607125      -5.678460      -5.743772      -5.654362      -5.194376      -19.19886      -5.438166  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0.9573295      0.7036587      0.4610677      0.2476966      7.5413473E-02 -4.3540638E-02 -0.1109313     -0.1315391     -0.1158649     -7.6050915E-02 -2.1541342E-02  4.0945545E-02  -21.11357       3.569313       2.932210       2.478265       2.160839       1.845599       1.535304       1.226593      0.9265169      0.6382602      0.3727418      0.1492731     -1.7984755E-02 -0.1150672     -0.1436870     -0.1129084     -3.8403567E-02  6.5539874E-02  0.1871742      0.3194945      -21.11357       3.662875       3.110766       2.639991       2.236481       1.845446       1.470485       1.111051      0.7650864      0.4415724      0.1511062     -9.0531789E-02 -0.2631058     -0.3529640     -0.3534376     -0.2781419     -0.1484699      1.7350437E-02  0.2050207      0.4064850      -21.11357       3.617597       3.136379       2.662606       2.198038       1.750554       1.325904      0.9253200      0.5392532      0.1820101     -0.1391135     -0.4063282     -0.5983429     -0.6944700     -0.6808706  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2.502859       2.224499       1.808485       1.285044      0.7755865      0.2825552     -0.1880534     -0.6304855      -1.053625      -1.458020      -1.831965      -2.146799      -2.372278      -2.459937      -2.349544      -2.058575      -1.641247      -1.149283     -0.6116966      -21.11357       2.050045       1.809052       1.419289      0.9105301      0.4104697     -7.5461581E-02 -0.5403517     -0.9842237      -1.405428      -1.805390      -2.186031      -2.512659      -2.770841      -2.897918      -2.836925      -2.563393      -2.126658      -1.588338     -0.9888934      -21.11357       1.540053       1.334707      0.9718910      0.4833283      7.2643592E-04 -0.4714867     -0.9297853      -1.366745      -1.777638      -2.167550      -2.534671      -2.871692      -3.140427      -3.304628      -3.297383      -3.068104      -2.635159      -2.062369      -1.405836      -21.11357      0.9692993      0.7991027      0.4669454      4.6819346E-03 -0.4599424     -0.9140415      -1.354943   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-4.626667      -4.756123      -4.795439      -4.652114      -4.218135      -3.484518      -21.11357      -2.007301      -2.031483      -2.204614      -2.492793      -2.796191      -3.096113      -3.385601      -3.666891      -3.933557      -4.173602      -4.394279      -4.599385      -4.789318      -4.951989      -5.076476      -5.140020      -5.082882      -4.771533      -4.098043      -21.11357      -2.964579      -2.937294      -3.048997      -3.265234      -3.501271      -3.736156      -3.972023      -4.203954      -4.429528      -4.633461      -4.822094      -5.004878      -5.167667      -5.310276      -5.418425      -5.491940      -5.499427      -5.323503      -4.733021      -21.11357      -4.053926      -3.966259      -4.004763      -4.139133      -4.299682      -4.469168      -4.648249      -4.830997      -5.014809      -5.182557      -5.337071      -5.489719      -5.624352      -5.744308      -5.846585      -5.924324      -5.986438      -5.893053      -5.373379      -21.11357  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1.450180       1.179590      0.9061462      0.6460275      0.4135477      0.2276327      9.9100694E-02  2.9376587E-02  1.1074506E-02  3.1932388E-02  7.8210339E-02  0.1399471      0.2101025      -23.06822       3.949693       3.250716       2.788043       2.449066       2.110220       1.781069       1.454631       1.135928      0.8292745      0.5454282      0.3054355      0.1261004      2.5429554E-02  2.3364748E-05  3.9965112E-02  0.1271722      0.2443144      0.3798828      0.5265622      -23.06822       4.064472       3.459117       2.959766       2.521668       2.102877       1.706154       1.322544      0.9573476      0.6139205      0.3036719      4.4897806E-02 -0.1418093     -0.2322080     -0.2251395     -0.1349429      1.3711904E-02  0.1995228      0.4078437      0.6304389      -23.06822       4.026646       3.498327       2.980022       2.479194       2.000785       1.549413       1.123713      0.7161281      0.3351277     -7.6037515E-03 -0.2956859     -0.5035744     -0.6033212   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-4.602352      -4.790477      -4.934860      -4.982932      -4.825875      -4.322284      -3.487251      -23.06822      -1.877565      -1.911091      -2.126902      -2.450225      -2.783835      -3.112389      -3.434753      -3.742863      -4.031728      -4.290606      -4.537575      -4.760282      -4.957174      -5.132070      -5.268701      -5.341575      -5.281190      -4.918555      -4.146254      -23.06822      -2.901731      -2.879845      -3.027816      -3.273953      -3.537086      -3.802433      -4.064166      -4.320786      -4.562120      -4.782684      -4.991492      -5.187372      -5.358598      -5.509627      -5.627426      -5.705269      -5.718085      -5.508443      -4.837297      -23.06822      -4.065989      -3.978928      -4.044422      -4.201851      -4.383657      -4.577876      -4.779927      -4.983141      -5.178449      -5.362891      -5.534667      -5.700251      -5.839459      -5.968617      -6.072763      -6.156788      -6.220505      -6.120705      -5.543661  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1.963021       1.683995       1.396370       1.102420      0.8238441      0.5702205      0.3673788      0.2275929      0.1547448      0.1382263      0.1636529      0.2162426      0.2851831      0.3628449      -25.06082       4.322101       3.558183       3.089504       2.729116       2.372656       2.022484       1.677134       1.340097       1.013884      0.7136672      0.4517846      0.2605914      0.1543422      0.1332289      0.1827220      0.2818074      0.4123088      0.5619048      0.7229079      -25.06082       4.460973       3.800596       3.272575       2.804196       2.355825       1.934994       1.529711       1.142066      0.7817364      0.4498272      0.1692901     -3.0731615E-02 -0.1234764     -0.1086569     -3.0714306E-03  0.1643605      0.3701905      0.5993413      0.8431373      -25.06082       4.429793       3.854007       3.294708       2.755181       2.245457       1.768571       1.314891      0.8887510      0.4847006      0.1180314     -0.1934752     -0.4194348   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8.9247078E-02  -25.06082       3.229781       2.890544       2.360245       1.764188       1.183537      0.6230465      9.2553973E-02 -0.4052142     -0.8760818      -1.328563      -1.754580      -2.129848      -2.421577      -2.546044      -2.425198      -2.062531      -1.540813     -0.9353494     -0.2839963      -25.06082       2.737180       2.442759       1.938016       1.353056      0.7819625      0.2308577     -0.2965814     -0.7903918      -1.257496      -1.708770      -2.138068      -2.528006      -2.847106      -3.036762      -2.981626      -2.645698      -2.094909      -1.427791     -0.6990021      -25.06082       2.176389       1.923835       1.447822      0.8867412      0.3320716     -0.2039464     -0.7191193      -1.208068      -1.667535      -2.108144      -2.529963      -2.915242      -3.252988      -3.482658      -3.507671      -3.233518      -2.683147      -1.968077      -1.166204      -25.06082       1.550798       1.338503      0.8973936      0.3630908     -0.1680469  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-4.495653      -4.743834      -4.950265      -5.104211      -5.165441      -4.997368      -4.427655      -3.489618      -25.06082      -1.743141      -1.785648      -2.044550      -2.400929      -2.768748      -3.129157      -3.479504      -3.814215      -4.122036      -4.405743      -4.674492      -4.913791      -5.121572      -5.306717      -5.452072      -5.537273      -5.472834      -5.064764      -4.191836      -25.06082      -2.828812      -2.813843      -3.000138      -3.276814      -3.567189      -3.861894      -4.152766      -4.431224      -4.690740      -4.931135      -5.159681      -5.365187      -5.547149      -5.702871      -5.826559      -5.912511      -5.924966      -5.690267      -4.936466      -25.06082      -4.067486      -3.983927      -4.075584      -4.256726      -4.460251      -4.680391      -4.906494      -5.128237      -5.341318      -5.540013      -5.732155      -5.904982      -6.053770      -6.180748      -6.288929      -6.378964      -6.437601      -6.338241  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-9.6424721E-02 -0.3401282     -0.4454063     -0.4018719     -0.2312517      2.4497068E-02  0.3310060      0.6669976       1.021770      -27.08958       4.665032       4.117715       3.499292       2.879206       2.296602       1.751937       1.239766      0.7548804      0.2892318     -0.1324992     -0.5071506     -0.7977701     -0.9428886     -0.9069014     -0.7046734     -0.3876770     -3.7735882E-03  0.4172976      0.8614833      -27.08958       4.389934       3.909889       3.289751       2.653101       2.046833       1.475760      0.9387388      0.4282308     -5.8818307E-02 -0.5108026     -0.9187479      -1.255114      -1.461467      -1.465496      -1.256116     -0.8896968     -0.4329996      7.1850523E-02  0.6051123      -27.08958       4.026801       3.604736       2.997021       2.355787       1.741747       1.155737      0.6005031      7.8982614E-02 -0.4160427     -0.8875560      -1.318468      -1.697167      -1.967518      -2.039643      -1.857962      -1.461132     -0.9393997 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0.5371078     -2.7568419E-02 -0.5745844      -1.104243      -1.603994      -2.069914      -2.521505      -2.943021      -3.340531      -3.701762      -3.980785      -4.104805      -3.919001      -3.357165      -2.537452      -1.588743      -27.08958       1.110782      0.9188606      0.4652763     -7.0450112E-02 -0.6046974      -1.128322      -1.634576      -2.114784      -2.560173      -2.985370      -3.384611      -3.760232      -4.091752      -4.369710      -4.534767      -4.458599      -3.997418      -3.182298      -2.173307      -27.08958      0.3044610      0.1558315     -0.2537953     -0.7493262      -1.249770      -1.741638      -2.216976      -2.663503      -3.080525      -3.476601      -3.847286      -4.180316      -4.483677      -4.736438      -4.918322      -4.930057      -4.607939      -3.851641      -2.806726      -27.08958     -0.5956984     -0.6989496      -1.058979      -1.507391      -1.963689      -2.412667      -2.846698      -3.255332      -3.635697      -3.988073  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-6.653661      -6.557744      -5.858020      -27.08958      -5.769488      -5.584009      -5.581207      -5.661334      -5.783644      -5.934892      -6.102774      -6.280947      -6.457942      -6.625424      -6.790855      -6.938789      -7.081014      -7.201685      -7.328881      -7.427880      -7.496853      -7.437712      -6.743411      -27.08958      -52.41130      -51.83061      -51.09270      -50.22443      -49.24631      -48.17379      -47.01863      -45.78998      -44.49514      -43.14007      -41.72974      -40.26834      -38.75949      -37.20630      -35.61151      -33.97754      -32.30653      -30.60041      -28.86091      -27.08958       3.766524       2.571370       2.382616       2.309317       2.183150       2.009081       1.786426       1.518838       1.226263      0.9256810      0.6259418      0.3566144      0.1325423     -3.3653308E-02 -0.1445363     -0.2104924     -0.2448625     -0.2605803     -0.2674931      -29.15287       4.583809       3.541403       3.215545       2.980952       2.728201       2.448737       2.149181       1.821771       1.492831       1.167207      0.8717549      0.6314127      0.4681143      0.3856586      0.3715630      0.4065149      0.4722716      0.5555032      0.6480947      -29.15287       5.043795       4.147925       3.669245       3.267628       2.876935       2.494176       2.111779       1.735478       1.374418       1.024990      0.7259969      0.5037741      0.3856112      0.3710594      0.4376255      0.5611584      0.7189407      0.8967650       1.086639      -29.15287       5.229962       4.456785       3.876594       3.348782       2.852047       2.381812       1.930432       1.507115       1.100942      0.7251886      0.4021125      0.1738450      7.3754400E-02  0.1063681      0.2419517      0.4475521      0.6945307      0.9657866       1.252531      -29.15287       5.218600       4.546567       3.905192       3.296215       2.724000       2.191151       1.693624       1.217185      0.7690639      0.3583500     -4.4740839E-03 -0.2658755     -0.3777299     -0.3253569     -0.1348414      0.1466079      0.4806827      0.8448091       1.228308      -29.15287       5.054812       4.465213       3.796832       3.140517       2.523536       1.952634       1.413210      0.8995194      0.4171268     -3.1671237E-02 -0.4321011     -0.7469246     -0.9046999     -0.8662737     -0.6420128     -0.2934845      0.1248073      0.5811062       1.061245      -29.15287       4.770799       4.252437       3.578935       2.903338       2.266182       1.663029       1.096259      0.5663729      5.5481888E-02 -0.4213609     -0.8551134      -1.219181      -1.445162      -1.453815      -1.223150     -0.8206373     -0.3222102      0.2251900      0.8017567      -29.15287       4.394763       3.936942       3.274597       2.597038       1.947114       1.327275      0.7493958      0.2038071     -0.3170913     -0.8111332      -1.269515      -1.673563      -1.971480      -2.060866      -1.865386      -1.430758  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1.314535      0.7092127      0.1116644     -0.4692748      -1.026201      -1.548705      -2.037833      -2.511434      -2.952937      -3.369110      -3.753880      -4.068957      -4.225438      -4.041310      -3.431467      -2.533483      -1.502482      -29.15287       1.362865       1.151942      0.6482538      7.7640787E-02 -0.4882091      -1.044367      -1.578745      -2.080117      -2.549101      -3.000799      -3.415809      -3.810196      -4.167974      -4.473055      -4.669515      -4.608039      -4.110780      -3.215315      -2.115646      -29.15287      0.5251918      0.3603054     -9.6136615E-02 -0.6265185      -1.158674      -1.682774      -2.185268      -2.656119      -3.095853      -3.516671      -3.905118      -4.260184      -4.582561      -4.860397      -5.064786      -5.092268      -4.755908      -3.923734      -2.780615      -29.15287     -0.4106949     -0.5276006     -0.9334216      -1.413003      -1.901680      -2.383473      -2.844242      -3.278352      -3.682269   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-6.809273      -6.865017      -6.768323      -6.009367      -29.15287      -5.840997      -5.649929      -5.664776      -5.759228      -5.905775      -6.078972      -6.264541      -6.454034      -6.646226      -6.829947      -7.004528      -7.160977      -7.303444      -7.436710      -7.559323      -7.664210      -7.741399      -7.689878      -6.961422      -29.15287      -56.47953      -55.85970      -55.06561      -54.12841      -53.07148      -51.91215      -50.66346      -49.33548      -47.93621      -46.47219      -44.94880      -43.37063      -41.74159      -40.06506      -38.34400      -36.58102      -34.77846      -32.93838      -31.06262      -29.15287       3.997607       2.716030       2.596395       2.525975       2.405831       2.224525       1.999793       1.728217       1.416481       1.091071      0.7676868      0.4732437      0.2288847      4.7822010E-02 -7.2471090E-02 -0.1427032     -0.1787450     -0.1948508     -0.2013875      -31.24921       4.889987       3.771666  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0.9046775      0.4678580      7.8777261E-02 -0.2006639     -0.3227565     -0.2638425     -5.4304421E-02  0.2529900      0.6144909       1.007030       1.419575      -31.24921       5.436933       4.804516       4.088936       3.397369       2.749020       2.147387       1.581613       1.043540      0.5379888      6.4658374E-02 -0.3645538     -0.7007761     -0.8786106     -0.8397056     -0.5946686     -0.2151566      0.2373077      0.7291487       1.245638      -31.24921       5.147696       4.589799       3.863518       3.152099       2.479448       1.844883       1.252695      0.6973583      0.1635387     -0.3376872     -0.7953800      -1.186395      -1.436281      -1.453435      -1.202820     -0.7643352     -0.2247326      0.3656065      0.9859639      -31.24921       4.757888       4.265463       3.548846       2.832285       2.146686       1.496804      0.8906870      0.3216875     -0.2251698     -0.7380395      -1.218592      -1.648952      -1.974237      -2.083138      -1.874532  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2.117235       1.517678      0.8760498      0.2456459     -0.3673877     -0.9518640      -1.495544      -2.011545      -2.502561      -2.963293      -3.396747      -3.801510      -4.150368      -4.338018      -4.169518      -3.514779      -2.538727      -1.424414      -31.24921       1.611057       1.380990      0.8278439      0.2237347     -0.3776419     -0.9628476      -1.524800      -2.048837      -2.543854      -3.011699      -3.445856      -3.854655      -4.239250      -4.567490      -4.795315      -4.758327      -4.231773      -3.257381      -2.066175      -31.24921      0.7436776      0.5617679      5.7326771E-02 -0.5031697      -1.069940      -1.624323      -2.154157      -2.651129      -3.114827      -3.549552      -3.955506      -4.330543      -4.673817      -4.978159      -5.202802      -5.255014      -4.905552      -3.998553      -2.755287      -31.24921     -0.2270436     -0.3579301     -0.8075238      -1.318654      -1.841533      -2.354121      -2.842845      -3.300998   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-6.904187      -7.006439      -7.075086      -6.973623      -6.153946      -31.24921      -5.901797      -5.707151      -5.737106      -5.852991      -6.020855      -6.219323      -6.423808      -6.633287      -6.828842      -7.030887      -7.209664      -7.372466      -7.522476      -7.663191      -7.772850      -7.887000      -7.975899      -7.933748      -7.174120      -31.24921      -60.61663      -59.95713      -59.10564      -58.09798      -56.96054      -55.71258      -54.36846      -52.93920      -51.43352      -49.85850      -48.22001      -46.52299      -44.77167      -42.96970      -41.12026      -39.22618      -37.28992      -35.31372      -33.29955      -31.24921       4.221165       2.852161       2.803618       2.738650       2.617598       2.426281       2.206289       1.927885       1.605539       1.253235      0.9035487      0.5864427      0.3208212      0.1221530     -8.4244423E-03 -8.3568841E-02 -0.1215486     -0.1380634     -0.1443419      -33.37725       5.188638  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1.525264       1.032839      0.5703662      0.1593170     -0.1464628     -0.2841865     -0.2225915      4.4279862E-03  0.3366674      0.7255110       1.146755       1.588638      -33.37725       5.810409       5.135227       4.373254       3.649813       2.971370       2.336444       1.744599       1.182074      0.6528740      0.1589284     -0.2988432     -0.6626778     -0.8668176     -0.8316608     -0.5694678     -0.1603016      0.3260033      0.8537765       1.406975      -33.37725       5.517992       4.919924       4.144843       3.396741       2.686848       2.021358       1.402446      0.8224187      0.2684589     -0.2551591     -0.7384474      -1.155144      -1.435825      -1.465842      -1.201204     -0.7284824     -0.1481066      0.4856209       1.150169      -33.37725       5.115910       4.589516       3.818238       3.061198       2.341538       1.659898       1.026963      0.4347510     -0.1326507     -0.6672288      -1.167803      -1.624292      -1.981063      -2.106534   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2.665233       2.366089       1.716453       1.040413      0.3748247     -0.2695904     -0.8781424      -1.447333      -1.986937      -2.491444      -2.969008      -3.420411      -3.847166      -4.221062      -4.447822      -4.300585      -3.602256      -2.547588      -1.349667      -33.37725       1.855371       1.605386       1.003867      0.3664750     -0.2675319     -0.8861275      -1.471731      -2.021757      -2.538247      -3.016394      -3.471696      -3.894627      -4.302814      -4.650635      -4.913753      -4.907217      -4.353549      -3.301575      -2.018500      -33.37725      0.9591308      0.7604016      0.2091599     -0.3837612     -0.9832357      -1.569183      -2.126223      -2.645946      -3.129876      -3.578205      -4.002272      -4.399716      -4.761580      -5.075709      -5.330997      -5.413613      -5.053134      -4.076478      -2.733261      -33.37725     -4.4035457E-02 -0.1895516     -0.6846038      -1.226090      -1.783027      -2.324728      -2.841620   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-6.978925      -7.094160      -7.194332      -7.265166      -7.161831      -6.283909      -33.37725      -5.960910      -5.763710      -5.809534      -5.944328      -6.138709      -6.357025      -6.585224      -6.809355      -7.013653      -7.225327      -7.407387      -7.579659      -7.731219      -7.861346      -7.977055      -8.092204      -8.189138      -8.148482      -7.369318      -33.37725      -64.81963      -64.11994      -63.20986      -62.13051      -60.91066      -59.57233      -58.13097      -56.59856      -54.98480      -53.29662      -51.54107      -49.72323      -47.84765      -45.91824      -43.93842      -41.91119      -39.83922      -37.72486      -35.57022      -33.37725      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684  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-1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790  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-0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479 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-0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684      -1.740018      -1.669210      -1.596737      -1.522613      -1.446855      -1.369479      -1.290500      -1.209936      -1.127807      -1.044121     -0.9588939     -0.8721413     -0.7838790     -0.6941226     -0.6028836     -0.5101730     -0.4160210     -0.3204429     -0.2234533     -0.1250684     -0.7956956     -0.7773596     -0.7637632     -0.7653962     -0.7729985     -0.7845116     -0.7967473     -0.8062217     -0.8093717     -0.8171764     -0.8425899     -0.8995926     -0.9508307     -0.9989654      -1.040408      -1.094685      -1.161597      -1.231314      -1.299802 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-0.9396448     -0.9425427     -0.9444259     -0.9429896     -0.9455001     -0.9624868      -1.020772      -1.073543      -1.118645      -1.154949      -1.205795      -1.264864      -1.319933      -1.365777      -1.268719      -1.071796      -1.039217      -1.011766     -0.9965183     -0.9882058     -0.9852401     -0.9854500     -0.9851426     -0.9820815     -0.9829494     -0.9979832      -1.054417      -1.105206      -1.148293      -1.184238      -1.233290      -1.289819      -1.340085      -1.379831      -1.268719      -1.136069      -1.100121      -1.069479      -1.050686      -1.038759      -1.032616      -1.029845      -1.026975      -1.021672      -1.020319      -1.033168      -1.088421      -1.137838      -1.179268      -1.214440      -1.261306      -1.314853      -1.359965      -1.393303      -1.268719      -1.206418      -1.166703      -1.132441      -1.109890      -1.094169      -1.084641      -1.078729      -1.073206      -1.065407      -1.061732      -1.072024      -1.124558 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-1.439223      -1.268719      -1.566207      -1.505808      -1.451568      -1.409155      -1.374324      -1.346234      -1.323490      -1.302143      -1.279620      -1.260754      -1.255971      -1.297505      -1.336157      -1.368194      -1.390205      -1.416595      -1.441888      -1.454455      -1.447659      -1.268719      -1.689638      -1.622157      -1.560713      -1.511417      -1.469935      -1.435352      -1.406635      -1.379639      -1.351939      -1.327458      -1.317222      -1.354521      -1.388778      -1.417393      -1.433079      -1.451181      -1.468486      -1.471818      -1.454587      -1.268719      -1.833275      -1.758082      -1.688344      -1.631217      -1.582006      -1.539731      -1.503821      -1.470103      -1.436155      -1.405146      -1.388398      -1.420302      -1.450286      -1.471934      -1.479725      -1.487899      -1.495873      -1.488390      -1.459564      -1.268719      -2.005632      -1.921515      -1.842143      -1.776105      -1.718275  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-1.909457      -1.888320      -1.856788      -1.812623      -1.753729      -1.681435      -1.607195      -1.496507      -1.268719      -3.595244      -3.460763      -3.323500      -3.181402      -3.051029      -2.919284      -2.787164      -2.652697      -2.535439      -2.420154      -2.308367      -2.244429      -2.172156      -2.098520      -2.024972      -1.941195      -1.847725      -1.676428      -1.507981      -1.268719      -4.807698      -4.670463      -4.527156      -4.377888      -4.222779      -4.061938      -3.895463      -3.723468      -3.546040      -3.363326      -3.175438      -2.982467      -2.784512      -2.581722      -2.374439      -2.161988      -1.945243      -1.724068      -1.498784      -1.268719     -0.3173012     -0.3423458     -0.3780478     -0.4195499     -0.4651516     -0.5281332     -0.5907467     -0.6513095     -0.7110225     -0.7613858     -0.8140761     -0.8868061     -0.9560029      -1.022547      -1.084603      -1.143416      -1.214377      -1.286137  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-0.6416005     -0.6785007     -0.7191552     -0.7737853     -0.8555244     -0.9351122      -1.018802      -1.107080      -1.186769      -1.257873      -1.317866      -1.369687      -1.426092      -1.475236      -1.506550      -2.506804     -0.6883075     -0.6765509     -0.6768944     -0.6870046     -0.7057927     -0.7357936     -0.7702007     -0.8223634     -0.9094662     -0.9940912      -1.080482      -1.169471      -1.250052      -1.322404      -1.382664      -1.434987      -1.490127      -1.535762      -1.558496      -2.506804     -0.7900893     -0.7716058     -0.7649461     -0.7679490     -0.7799226     -0.8030454     -0.8311881     -0.8802159     -0.9696786      -1.057018      -1.143733      -1.232607      -1.313722      -1.386464      -1.447809      -1.500822      -1.555254      -1.598223      -1.612698      -2.506804     -0.9009659     -0.8756279     -0.8620970     -0.8585498     -0.8638530     -0.8799052     -0.9015887     -0.9466109      -1.036535      -1.123132      -1.209002 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-1.852347      -1.835627      -2.506804      -1.449242      -1.394927      -1.352802      -1.321719      -1.298962      -1.284417      -1.277339      -1.296348      -1.365965      -1.436667      -1.505778      -1.576483      -1.648200      -1.718402      -1.784883      -1.843038      -1.896936      -1.917234      -1.891144      -2.506804      -1.623141      -1.559468      -1.508936      -1.469334      -1.438350      -1.415087      -1.399365      -1.410948      -1.472582      -1.534272      -1.596932      -1.662213      -1.727886      -1.797504      -1.863118      -1.921124      -1.968291      -1.982442      -1.944711      -2.506804      -1.822494      -1.747637      -1.687059      -1.638160      -1.597931      -1.565184      -1.539575      -1.541251      -1.592095      -1.646257      -1.701884      -1.758810      -1.820712      -1.886366      -1.951042      -2.002639      -2.041158      -2.046582      -1.993345      -2.506804      -2.057189      -1.969279      -1.895735      -1.835595  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-2.510044      -2.518134      -2.527546      -2.538502      -2.543327      -2.523466      -2.463642      -2.359936      -2.189583      -2.506804      -4.269985      -4.088015      -3.919365      -3.758485      -3.604844      -3.454515      -3.313537      -3.210883      -3.175729      -3.142594      -3.107216      -3.069935      -3.033510      -2.991903      -2.932367      -2.842505      -2.708331      -2.536362      -2.325234      -2.506804      -8.316067      -8.111013      -7.892805      -7.661813      -7.418384      -7.162858      -6.895586      -6.616974      -6.327317      -6.027030      -5.716424      -5.395820      -5.065582      -4.725929      -4.377237      -4.019726      -3.653683      -3.279375      -2.896981      -2.506804      0.1498654      7.6763928E-02 -2.1810386E-02 -0.1282645     -0.2284923     -0.3315852     -0.4202335     -0.5020676     -0.5795994     -0.6519114     -0.7158715     -0.7924034     -0.8691213     -0.9436616      -1.018026      -1.086705      -1.157390  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-0.2483528     -0.3119904     -0.3820692     -0.5027790     -0.6229368     -0.7380474     -0.8497784     -0.9595715      -1.071220      -1.176684      -1.269821      -1.345565      -1.400530      -1.440790      -1.460581      -1.461409      -3.835547     -0.2432528     -0.2524779     -0.2811970     -0.3247091     -0.3770531     -0.4365974     -0.5586542     -0.6812143     -0.8005341     -0.9200839      -1.037221      -1.155054      -1.265657      -1.362253      -1.439970      -1.495024      -1.532646      -1.545054      -1.532471      -3.835547     -0.3705104     -0.3688169     -0.3863589     -0.4185686     -0.4594981     -0.5082974     -0.6287562     -0.7522867     -0.8759102     -0.9998290      -1.121184      -1.243636      -1.357529      -1.457498      -1.538182      -1.594976      -1.632302      -1.640867      -1.617031      -3.835547     -0.5126951     -0.5000153     -0.5067661     -0.5286376     -0.5583280     -0.5960768     -0.7137597     -0.8383800     -0.9639218      -1.087800 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-2.044203      -2.063689      -2.007993      -3.835547      -1.261014      -1.204910      -1.168550      -1.150177      -1.140327      -1.137073      -1.230895      -1.330068      -1.430800      -1.533206      -1.634443      -1.734010      -1.831000      -1.926083      -2.016563      -2.092307      -2.153773      -2.173357      -2.113017      -3.835547      -1.498670      -1.431141      -1.382843      -1.353058      -1.332878      -1.319580      -1.401495      -1.489464      -1.579632      -1.670659      -1.760175      -1.848008      -1.937797      -2.028429      -2.116124      -2.196121      -2.267774      -2.285990      -2.220982      -3.835547      -1.764749      -1.684334      -1.622734      -1.580343      -1.548368      -1.523963      -1.594349      -1.669505      -1.744256      -1.820051      -1.895897      -1.975035      -2.056991      -2.140620      -2.225656      -2.312633      -2.385482      -2.401512      -2.329880      -3.835547      -2.073261      -1.977499      -1.900588  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-2.875811      -2.890519      -2.905546      -2.929340      -2.958601      -2.998314      -3.035014      -3.044839      -2.969713      -2.745402      -3.835547      -4.767932      -4.543530      -4.324227      -4.135075      -3.959338      -3.797346      -3.743759      -3.703475      -3.666703      -3.630217      -3.603928      -3.582523      -3.569481      -3.558166      -3.544579      -3.514566      -3.424923      -3.240886      -2.926665      -3.835547      -12.20372      -11.92947      -11.63238      -11.31330      -10.97300      -10.61234      -10.23213      -9.833250      -9.416419      -8.982460      -8.532002      -8.065803      -7.584402      -7.088464      -6.578495      -6.055039      -5.518823      -4.969557      -4.408422      -3.835547      0.5790781      0.4487855      0.2865846      0.1082082     -6.7203842E-02 -0.1324417     -0.2280766     -0.3259601     -0.4239269     -0.5202525     -0.6075380     -0.6927285     -0.7772211     -0.8547632     -0.9279898      -1.000337  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0.2134386      0.1188344      1.4763509E-02 -0.1371591     -0.2990072     -0.4590694     -0.6132751     -0.7644547     -0.9063308      -1.037795      -1.156322      -1.255244      -1.335724      -1.382942      -1.396202      -1.374482      -1.322803      -5.247004      0.2097176      0.1766015      0.1151271      3.7502587E-02 -5.0053671E-02 -0.2093358     -0.3761916     -0.5378309     -0.6978052     -0.8539764      -1.003181      -1.143134      -1.270256      -1.380852      -1.466631      -1.514260      -1.521860      -1.486635      -1.413471      -5.247004      5.7458013E-02  3.7966933E-02 -9.0735285E-03 -7.1830772E-02 -0.1440603     -0.3051504     -0.4705968     -0.6342287     -0.7949881     -0.9530504      -1.105909      -1.252758      -1.387378      -1.509080      -1.600978      -1.652554      -1.658988      -1.614872      -1.524330      -5.247004     -0.1168918     -0.1227170     -0.1562575     -0.2051785     -0.2630275     -0.4200460     -0.5838499     -0.7454819     -0.9045835  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-2.190993      -2.227259      -2.203528      -2.080305      -5.247004      -1.032037     -0.9812221     -0.9579746     -0.9540824     -0.9603415      -1.082460      -1.211801      -1.341627      -1.474129      -1.609839      -1.746151      -1.878821      -2.005399      -2.122542      -2.229606      -2.315182      -2.362873      -2.355003      -2.230767      -5.247004      -1.323627      -1.258007      -1.219766      -1.201727      -1.194888      -1.302374      -1.417596      -1.535978      -1.658932      -1.782017      -1.903946      -2.023916      -2.138812      -2.248977      -2.351462      -2.439557      -2.500911      -2.510021      -2.387966      -5.247004      -1.648167      -1.566639      -1.512277      -1.479339      -1.458131      -1.550061      -1.652048      -1.756651      -1.862002      -1.969224      -2.073611      -2.178008      -2.283746      -2.384892      -2.480767      -2.569412      -2.651133      -2.666910      -2.549063      -5.247004      -2.024038      -1.924610  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-3.159298      -3.179480      -3.206128      -3.232956      -3.270128      -3.309371      -3.353468      -3.411157      -3.464365      -3.448899      -3.208846      -5.247004      -5.183207      -4.915492      -4.671891      -4.460348      -4.270519      -4.193302      -4.132224      -4.077346      -4.039460      -4.007304      -3.988889      -3.974401      -3.969293      -3.973079      -3.983293      -3.991728      -3.971524      -3.828869      -3.447958      -5.247004      -16.41989      -16.07507      -15.69522      -15.28189      -14.83665      -14.36113      -13.85695      -13.32554      -12.76832      -12.18663      -11.58164      -10.95447      -10.30616      -9.637654      -8.949813      -8.243467      -7.519357      -6.778149      -6.020502      -5.247004      0.9775064      0.7885991      0.5578188      0.3063318      0.1569741      7.3389910E-02 -2.4299644E-02 -0.1428397     -0.2632826     -0.3790003     -0.4919493     -0.5972367     -0.6939421     -0.7804737     -0.8567559  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0.7379596      0.6218644      0.4915507      0.3206684      0.1243453     -7.3303901E-02 -0.2758974     -0.4797329     -0.6733442     -0.8513921      -1.013247      -1.148458      -1.252269      -1.319248      -1.349447      -1.329365      -1.259992      -1.149072      -6.733509      0.6763146      0.6146559      0.5178807      0.4079196      0.2394000      3.5485785E-02 -0.1730379     -0.3841601     -0.5919752     -0.7880476     -0.9764592      -1.146251      -1.293724      -1.410884      -1.489965      -1.522570      -1.494078      -1.403732      -1.260562      -6.733509      0.5016022      0.4587482      0.3802479      0.2882298      0.1245208     -8.5096501E-02 -0.2984076     -0.5100721     -0.7135087     -0.9136796      -1.103150      -1.278905      -1.436489      -1.566377      -1.661927      -1.701284      -1.670742      -1.565963      -1.395108      -6.733509      0.2976971      0.2723443      0.2114146      0.1354974     -2.3353921E-02 -0.2335218     -0.4427334     -0.6464584  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-2.299643      -2.386267      -2.405932      -2.322748      -2.111936      -6.733509     -0.7761989     -0.7372087     -0.7337167     -0.7491643     -0.8558347      -1.016838      -1.179542      -1.344972      -1.510614      -1.677790      -1.845883      -2.010953      -2.169704      -2.316532      -2.444179      -2.537884      -2.575170      -2.519686      -2.313652      -6.733509      -1.116706      -1.058456      -1.036646      -1.035757      -1.125163      -1.269857      -1.415025      -1.566403      -1.720365      -1.876231      -2.030438      -2.181257      -2.328029      -2.465838      -2.588197      -2.685058      -2.736895      -2.715800      -2.520308      -6.733509      -1.497753      -1.419294      -1.377791      -1.359293      -1.428771      -1.553192      -1.682058      -1.817667      -1.954399      -2.093560      -2.229234      -2.363872      -2.495712      -2.622339      -2.736918      -2.833519      -2.898511      -2.909934      -2.729238      -6.733509      -1.931858  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-3.387194      -3.406914      -3.438630      -3.481104      -3.525925      -3.572679      -3.625631      -3.687173      -3.747296      -3.825414      -3.857716      -3.630912      -6.733509      -5.527146      -5.219203      -4.939331      -4.715272      -4.585011      -4.507197      -4.439845      -4.389455      -4.351367      -4.323752      -4.310504      -4.304178      -4.308822      -4.319682      -4.346913      -4.384599      -4.413518      -4.338857      -3.931360      -6.733509      -20.92498      -20.50825      -20.04181      -19.52830      -18.97052      -18.37119      -17.73287      -17.05829      -16.34861      -15.60687      -14.83452      -14.03322      -13.20442      -12.34952      -11.46973      -10.56617      -9.639880      -8.691771      -7.722713      -6.733509       1.357869       1.101505      0.7963260      0.4867709      0.3922830      0.2929079      0.1840556      5.0338186E-02 -8.8576846E-02 -0.2298119     -0.3644831     -0.4897494     -0.6070834     -0.7057261  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1.296232       1.178436       1.023980      0.8533921      0.6296241      0.3966815      0.1563554     -8.7635510E-02 -0.3269509     -0.5633475     -0.7880507     -0.9824142      -1.144093      -1.257006      -1.317002      -1.318231      -1.260835      -1.140382     -0.9691040      -8.288466       1.144606       1.052532      0.9220504      0.7735780      0.5340020      0.2871359      3.6105614E-02 -0.2134246     -0.4644624     -0.7103903     -0.9392928      -1.146824      -1.321167      -1.450473      -1.523725      -1.531258      -1.461276      -1.310390      -1.093919      -8.288466      0.9522029      0.8828222      0.7738207      0.6439806      0.3955388      0.1446626     -0.1074153     -0.3630187     -0.6184469     -0.8637559      -1.093814      -1.307983      -1.492101      -1.638423      -1.728036      -1.751356      -1.678202      -1.504869      -1.248405      -8.288466      0.7250285      0.6755791      0.5861611      0.4720915      0.2240977     -2.4066931E-02 -0.2772770   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-2.332146      -2.484934      -2.582796      -2.583308      -2.434624      -2.110640      -8.288466     -0.5010128     -0.4753105     -0.4925074     -0.5419903     -0.7396177     -0.9369633      -1.137150      -1.337300      -1.540522      -1.742379      -1.939779      -2.132994      -2.323595      -2.500948      -2.654058      -2.762554      -2.790184      -2.676648      -2.368505      -8.288466     -0.8914871     -0.8434694     -0.8396823     -0.8707834      -1.045673      -1.221079      -1.400829      -1.586151      -1.776038      -1.963599      -2.147046      -2.328087      -2.505065      -2.671812      -2.819250      -2.931885      -2.981242      -2.910779      -2.624939      -8.288466      -1.326167      -1.252922      -1.225307      -1.235489      -1.385817      -1.539736      -1.702599      -1.867808      -2.037684      -2.208005      -2.374788      -2.538244      -2.696901      -2.849076      -2.986930      -3.099648      -3.164520      -3.145869      -2.889141      -8.288466  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-3.568165      -3.597552      -3.636909      -3.684055      -3.734324      -3.795490      -3.863584      -3.929155      -4.003796      -4.082083      -4.170027      -4.228364      -4.022723      -8.288466      -5.794678      -5.459826      -5.171911      -4.935844      -4.849742      -4.776050      -4.709668      -4.660718      -4.626843      -4.613230      -4.608041      -4.610415      -4.626851      -4.651753      -4.684726      -4.742476      -4.809557      -4.803458      -4.401546      -8.288466      -25.68787      -25.19789      -24.64113      -24.02180      -23.34429      -22.61276      -21.83107      -21.00269      -20.13074      -19.21803      -18.26706      -17.28004      -16.25897      -15.20565      -14.12167      -13.00849      -11.86742      -10.69968      -9.506357      -8.288466       1.725258       1.394009       1.013088      0.7492114      0.6468655      0.5266715      0.3969593      0.2513126      9.6142150E-02 -6.3548081E-02 -0.2212286     -0.3684779     -0.5013526  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-9.906311       1.761997       1.604548       1.409657       1.184156      0.9283199      0.6611384      0.3877355      0.1078514     -0.1737207     -0.4448941     -0.7042028     -0.9412536      -1.131171      -1.263874      -1.319182      -1.292606      -1.190123      -1.015359     -0.7835190      -9.906311       1.605999       1.479383       1.313872       1.097547      0.8224316      0.5408680      0.2522309     -4.2631287E-02 -0.3320393     -0.6135304     -0.8878637      -1.137174      -1.345024      -1.496651      -1.569762      -1.547166      -1.430417      -1.214923     -0.9241326      -9.906311       1.401831       1.302079       1.162009      0.9552074      0.6723021      0.3819073      8.4849469E-02 -0.2123094     -0.5037483     -0.7932574      -1.072553      -1.325346      -1.547929      -1.716015      -1.813025      -1.809238      -1.688368      -1.441509      -1.096838      -9.906311       1.156149       1.080922      0.9636507      0.7668259      0.4817418      0.1884640  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-2.279514      -2.485408      -2.666731      -2.780708      -2.765607      -2.545019      -2.093759      -9.906311     -0.2134401     -0.2010676     -0.2381275     -0.3728004     -0.6077762     -0.8454694      -1.087709      -1.330627      -1.568824      -1.801093      -2.032340      -2.254045      -2.466949      -2.673146      -2.853357      -2.982409      -3.002249      -2.826427      -2.389752      -9.906311     -0.6548200     -0.6181856     -0.6320627     -0.7449586     -0.9556471      -1.170558      -1.388906      -1.607730      -1.826659      -2.044754      -2.259433      -2.467632      -2.670243      -2.864300      -3.038108      -3.172954      -3.223887      -3.103630      -2.704712      -9.906311      -1.149376      -1.085764      -1.073590      -1.159825      -1.341248      -1.525870      -1.718986      -1.916900      -2.116125      -2.312234      -2.508905      -2.702171      -2.886856      -3.062916      -3.225600      -3.357273      -3.429036      -3.370600      -3.017849  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-3.714425      -3.747353      -3.793218      -3.850005      -3.910488      -3.981602      -4.055856      -4.137012      -4.223166      -4.307718      -4.403879      -4.488917      -4.573293      -4.379519      -9.906311      -6.030166      -5.659712      -5.366942      -5.170549      -5.073588      -4.996331      -4.946074      -4.908618      -4.885299      -4.875818      -4.882796      -4.903828      -4.929279      -4.964807      -5.013375      -5.079338      -5.169575      -5.222394      -4.838935      -9.906311      -30.68366      -30.11909      -29.46834      -28.73775      -27.93373      -27.06227      -26.12873      -25.13785      -24.09385      -23.00040      -21.86075      -20.67799      -19.45417      -18.19150      -16.89250      -15.55897      -14.19180      -12.79321      -11.36430      -9.906311       2.076205       1.663528       1.206455       1.014049      0.9064606      0.7737379      0.6248862      0.4567298      0.2846298      0.1090645     -6.7887388E-02 -0.2364031  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-0.4875157      -11.58230       2.220763       2.025031       1.790329       1.512470       1.215891      0.9166582      0.6103016      0.2988054     -1.3541660E-02 -0.3241633     -0.6179287     -0.8845242      -1.112310      -1.263250      -1.318387      -1.264326      -1.111420     -0.8792266     -0.5862883      -11.58230       2.060029       1.897417       1.695358       1.413471       1.103477      0.7863304      0.4619370      0.1348734     -0.1934765     -0.5171344     -0.8231087      -1.111874      -1.358555      -1.538158      -1.614441      -1.567483      -1.393950      -1.109559     -0.7433562      -11.58230       1.845640       1.713289       1.540258       1.262043      0.9423469      0.6147822      0.2816666     -5.4552712E-02 -0.3882865     -0.7133235      -1.030981      -1.329901      -1.589180      -1.793258      -1.901232      -1.877095      -1.702927      -1.378143     -0.9443393      -11.58230       1.582705       1.479504       1.333080       1.058718      0.7377868 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-2.148848      -2.403454      -2.636947      -2.840781      -2.974990      -2.950926      -2.652599      -2.063420      -11.58230      7.9872392E-02  7.6688409E-02  2.0563388E-02 -0.1956377     -0.4667343     -0.7463022      -1.029207      -1.308739      -1.584469      -1.854113      -2.115007      -2.368169      -2.609135      -2.836775      -3.045949      -3.197221      -3.219945      -2.983077      -2.407372      -11.58230     -0.4119455     -0.3887958     -0.4203037     -0.6100675     -0.8545203      -1.105636      -1.364771      -1.620030      -1.870990      -2.118903      -2.365452      -2.601285      -2.827720      -3.047581      -3.247258      -3.406021      -3.463213      -3.296426      -2.760227      -11.58230     -0.9560179     -0.9035563     -0.9080518      -1.066564      -1.280366      -1.500440      -1.728639      -1.956755      -2.183824      -2.413515      -2.636956      -2.854271      -3.067127      -3.268055      -3.454057      -3.607419      -3.690662      -3.598249  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-3.819069      -3.851883      -3.907010      -3.974208      -4.050043      -4.134335      -4.219825      -4.312894      -4.409189      -4.508712      -4.613178      -4.717434      -4.815902      -4.904570      -4.707090      -11.58230      -6.230482      -5.837127      -5.535917      -5.373517      -5.269139      -5.194951      -5.153419      -5.134141      -5.129684      -5.138234      -5.154370      -5.183813      -5.230590      -5.279443      -5.337624      -5.417128      -5.513912      -5.603189      -5.249407      -11.58230      -35.89186      -35.25140      -34.50310      -33.65604      -32.71915      -31.70052      -30.60729      -29.44567      -28.22127      -26.93800      -25.60060      -24.21259      -22.77657      -21.29524      -19.77152      -18.20732      -16.60461      -14.96515      -13.29055      -11.58230       2.412120       1.915215       1.378479       1.274090       1.163248       1.022510      0.8565990      0.6728165      0.4774822      0.2807422      8.6428255E-02 -0.1028927     -0.2749083     -0.4202140     -0.5381968     -0.6237532     -0.6840653     -0.7277379     -0.7609099      -13.31235       2.663128       2.254710       1.797873       1.633805       1.456453       1.250631       1.026823      0.7894257      0.5468770      0.3108529      7.8798197E-02 -0.1340638     -0.3142379     -0.4434803     -0.5212941     -0.5440700     -0.5241790     -0.4752938     -0.4056748      -13.31235       2.770497       2.434217       2.053543       1.820045       1.572421       1.305535       1.027853      0.7438120      0.4635165      0.1856707     -8.1944853E-02 -0.3241975     -0.5180228     -0.6472391     -0.6961871     -0.6664819     -0.5732794     -0.4368813     -0.2691548      -13.31235       2.766629       2.486374       2.165042       1.876566       1.575534       1.265031      0.9480419      0.6322288      0.3172465      2.7916767E-03 -0.2974338     -0.5736141     -0.7948011     -0.9431836     -0.9844431     -0.9186465     -0.7632107  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1.346226      0.9875613      0.6184447      0.2440397     -0.1277636     -0.4980854     -0.8565633      -1.208156      -1.549060      -1.857293      -2.118854      -2.286186      -2.295875      -2.085392      -1.645433      -1.046181      -13.31235       1.671899       1.570511       1.420380       1.079285      0.7224743      0.3562253     -1.4309375E-02 -0.3820439     -0.7423878      -1.098182      -1.444842      -1.774265      -2.083230      -2.353099      -2.552196      -2.615395      -2.455333      -2.007345      -1.345103      -13.31235       1.290258       1.217569       1.092619      0.7613177      0.4136706      5.7054993E-02 -0.3017082     -0.6549666      -1.006759      -1.354170      -1.685558      -2.001857      -2.302072      -2.570860      -2.790528      -2.907269      -2.808319      -2.379763      -1.670649      -13.31235      0.8580609      0.8113376      0.7112743      0.3957843      6.6122279E-02 -0.2733008     -0.6144518     -0.9545277      -1.291291      -1.618948   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-3.947682      -3.824922      -3.227290      -13.31235      -1.414858      -1.336926      -1.326460      -1.512724      -1.717429      -1.937067      -2.165791      -2.396126      -2.628842      -2.860793      -3.084796      -3.304651      -3.522380      -3.727723      -3.916093      -4.072867      -4.181107      -4.140282      -3.652459      -13.31235      -2.181921      -2.058986      -2.008435      -2.144386      -2.303317      -2.480337      -2.669660      -2.863672      -3.060251      -3.260366      -3.456542      -3.644480      -3.833597      -4.013444      -4.176964      -4.315592      -4.425265      -4.460003      -4.079701      -13.31235      -3.104239      -2.926845      -2.825657      -2.903568      -3.006996      -3.130215      -3.269560      -3.418968      -3.571218      -3.729007      -3.888758      -4.042780      -4.198567      -4.346967      -4.484435      -4.605819      -4.724252      -4.796503      -4.519176      -13.31235      -4.332493      -4.074560      -3.898083  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0.4571642      0.2393463      3.1545859E-02 -0.1591368     -0.3227007     -0.4493693     -0.5417385     -0.6036960     -0.6447784     -0.6744046      -15.09291       3.049264       2.570262       2.095612       1.934773       1.742139       1.521343       1.279358       1.020980      0.7556989      0.4902593      0.2376198      2.3613684E-03 -0.1945426     -0.3369528     -0.4162164     -0.4325416     -0.3996105     -0.3333415     -0.2457490      -15.09291       3.192407       2.796746       2.386792       2.136733       1.865290       1.575065       1.270422      0.9599233      0.6486657      0.3460815      5.3116333E-02 -0.2139455     -0.4319515     -0.5712872     -0.6197277     -0.5726446     -0.4530472     -0.2851197     -8.5408971E-02  -15.09291       3.207142       2.876764       2.515635       2.198633       1.868199       1.523861       1.176690      0.8267376      0.4795104      0.1428660     -0.1865460     -0.4897610     -0.7417988     -0.9035276     -0.9446298     -0.8542113  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2.025100       1.629528       1.227463      0.8224998      0.4142519      8.6717224E-03 -0.3952844     -0.7920676      -1.174785      -1.549609      -1.902248      -2.201412      -2.405523      -2.416705      -2.150011      -1.617285     -0.9110823      -15.09291       2.063999       1.936880       1.731475       1.341832      0.9470204      0.5435864      0.1394974     -0.2625481     -0.6645778      -1.052087      -1.431410      -1.802303      -2.146360      -2.455854      -2.691071      -2.770515      -2.568427      -2.025236      -1.241203      -15.09291       1.655264       1.559493       1.381204       1.003958      0.6202712      0.2253921     -0.1692870     -0.5627727     -0.9499593      -1.329008      -1.698542      -2.053298      -2.389498      -2.693232      -2.947498      -3.082788      -2.966870      -2.449311      -1.605839      -15.09291       1.193639       1.126663      0.9755805      0.6164703      0.2490453     -0.1297531     -0.5097182     -0.8836061      -1.259063   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-4.088287      -4.200810      -4.054919      -3.321707      -15.09291      -1.247510      -1.179256      -1.209039      -1.432003      -1.671100      -1.925403      -2.187600      -2.450899      -2.712007      -2.976013      -3.225722      -3.473991      -3.716527      -3.942866      -4.150241      -4.326962      -4.449996      -4.393349      -3.798007      -15.09291      -2.071879      -1.955911      -1.939855      -2.109487      -2.298362      -2.505340      -2.725185      -2.948801      -3.172158      -3.401346      -3.622216      -3.840977      -4.055099      -4.253336      -4.433178      -4.587703      -4.707274      -4.731227      -4.273957      -15.09291      -3.059637      -2.885203      -2.810980      -2.915771      -3.044455      -3.195521      -3.362976      -3.537488      -3.715447      -3.900500      -4.084233      -4.265376      -4.446699      -4.612650      -4.763507      -4.895998      -5.012521      -5.089825      -4.763603      -15.09291      -4.361469      -4.099770  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0.8791952      0.6381996      0.3957650      0.1679654     -4.1513857E-02 -0.2199287     -0.3582360     -0.4577815     -0.5211302     -0.5602216     -0.5865982      -16.92084       3.426279       2.874554       2.406289       2.230608       2.020491       1.782493       1.524589       1.250089      0.9639371      0.6741090      0.3930513      0.1403665     -7.5617917E-02 -0.2298506     -0.3088660     -0.3188947     -0.2725916     -0.1891147     -8.3897628E-02  -16.92084       3.606751       3.149692       2.722986       2.444799       2.146080       1.832560       1.507124       1.171226      0.8354555      0.5019770      0.1854178     -0.1055818     -0.3458095     -0.4995039     -0.5427085     -0.4797299     -0.3338075     -0.1344489      9.7129092E-02  -16.92084       3.639836       3.257365       2.860899       2.510140       2.148588       1.777292       1.399157       1.019654      0.6429039      0.2765616     -7.5817093E-02 -0.4081506     -0.6882442     -0.8676458     -0.9064380  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2.634931       2.342313       1.908382       1.464970       1.019979      0.5810713      0.1409660     -0.2940169     -0.7206584      -1.141700      -1.546632      -1.932724      -2.276160      -2.518729      -2.538563      -2.222235      -1.593643     -0.7794087      -16.92084       2.450026       2.296457       2.028800       1.601587       1.166043      0.7284250      0.2905620     -0.1475883     -0.5803136      -1.003457      -1.416306      -1.820246      -2.203411      -2.547866      -2.824590      -2.926143      -2.688252      -2.045805      -1.138225      -16.92084       2.017661       1.897181       1.656744       1.244496      0.8237203      0.3930884     -3.6359839E-02 -0.4660490     -0.8912385      -1.299524      -1.704728      -2.099150      -2.464887      -2.805649      -3.093683      -3.260023      -3.129025      -2.517810      -1.536318      -16.92084       1.529379       1.441203       1.228754      0.8364439      0.4325317      1.7000541E-02 -0.3993601     -0.8141093   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-4.099773      -4.313357      -4.446939      -4.286741      -3.411070      -16.92084      -1.070197      -1.012921      -1.089486      -1.341790      -1.614135      -1.905030      -2.203315      -2.498146      -2.792162      -3.084118      -3.367889      -3.645660      -3.909046      -4.154354      -4.379229      -4.570427      -4.705695      -4.648812      -3.930071      -16.92084      -1.949322      -1.841042      -1.867712      -2.062575      -2.282806      -2.524335      -2.775393      -3.028490      -3.281920      -3.536645      -3.789678      -4.038197      -4.274292      -4.489277      -4.685143      -4.847771      -4.974313      -4.996008      -4.456067      -16.92084      -3.001250      -2.827886      -2.790920      -2.916799      -3.073453      -3.253978      -3.449179      -3.651314      -3.855719      -4.066976      -4.280642      -4.492280      -4.693853      -4.874482      -5.036542      -5.174575      -5.287992      -5.373140      -4.995840      -16.92084      -4.378233  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1.323363       1.079728      0.8189737      0.5564796      0.3031969      7.5403415E-02 -0.1192924     -0.2701961     -0.3748146     -0.4402770     -0.4785607     -0.5021081      -18.79339       3.796897       3.173323       2.716376       2.519820       2.293871       2.039726       1.763239       1.473375       1.168998      0.8573018      0.5534660      0.2752468      4.2247675E-02 -0.1216978     -0.2024671     -0.2047322     -0.1440823     -4.4070400E-02  7.8603499E-02  -18.79339       4.013153       3.494234       3.052343       2.745932       2.421146       2.081112       1.732961       1.377738       1.018128      0.6608641      0.3156886      3.6358171E-05 -0.2623940     -0.4262636     -0.4651577     -0.3845044     -0.2106145      2.0256786E-02  0.2837306      -18.79339       4.065581       3.629364       3.200179       2.815680       2.420048       2.019896       1.615718       1.207421      0.8063837      0.4115030      3.1181827E-02 -0.3296164     -0.6378685     -0.8372389   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3.228316       3.008273       2.655890       2.181636       1.700668       1.218872      0.7417560      0.2700915     -0.1945432     -0.6538536      -1.106243      -1.543734      -1.958210      -2.343976      -2.624245      -2.664785      -2.302303      -1.574848     -0.6521124      -18.79339       2.831336       2.650087       2.323195       1.859668       1.385401      0.9091531      0.4386783     -3.5867382E-02 -0.4976287     -0.9544574      -1.404080      -1.833295      -2.248144      -2.629694      -2.946075      -3.078959      -2.813202      -2.070106      -1.038620      -18.79339       2.377143       2.232148       1.931975       1.483897       1.023731      0.5597035      9.3076110E-02 -0.3724174     -0.8277873      -1.275150      -1.711984      -2.133299      -2.535795      -2.906429      -3.230007      -3.432523      -3.293011      -2.588037      -1.468052      -18.79339       1.863388       1.753633       1.481666       1.056353      0.6148306      0.1642145     -0.2890679   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-4.034827      -4.301575      -4.530342      -4.680859      -4.511378      -3.495211      -18.79339     -0.8854023     -0.8395033     -0.9626961      -1.242922      -1.552834      -1.879589      -2.212318      -2.542454      -2.868230      -3.191940      -3.508526      -3.814448      -4.094456      -4.360281      -4.600551      -4.805566      -4.949094      -4.892500      -4.060762      -18.79339      -1.816386      -1.715579      -1.784906      -2.007882      -2.261670      -2.535815      -2.818965      -3.103189      -3.387726      -3.672893      -3.955415      -4.228792      -4.482414      -4.718787      -4.927495      -5.101001      -5.232046      -5.247028      -4.637586      -18.79339      -2.929796      -2.760747      -2.759781      -2.910288      -3.094234      -3.304596      -3.526550      -3.756302      -3.993277      -4.232536      -4.475586      -4.708578      -4.926754      -5.126702      -5.300534      -5.446792      -5.562574      -5.640060      -5.218762      -18.79339  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1.774314       1.538152       1.277257      0.9990792      0.7142882      0.4390437      0.1891362     -2.2066643E-02 -0.1843115     -0.2946454     -0.3626500     -0.4006879     -0.4221223      -20.70810       4.160508       3.464253       3.022909       2.808939       2.561058       2.290639       1.998821       1.691258       1.368393       1.036321      0.7097453      0.4069224      0.1581372     -1.6720245E-02 -9.7860076E-02 -8.9584641E-02 -1.5263827E-02  0.1010326      0.2409339      -20.70810       4.414127       3.834163       3.379480       3.040521       2.687808       2.324167       1.950878       1.575460       1.195595      0.8146509      0.4440252      9.9593416E-02 -0.1790994     -0.3540023     -0.3885747     -0.2872379     -8.4783085E-02  0.1773614      0.4729747      -20.70810       4.484434       3.994593       3.533412       3.113605       2.685691       2.255116       1.822256       1.391846      0.9634102      0.5430985      0.1324216     -0.2549913     -0.5888709   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-20.70810       3.624434       3.373235       2.963795       2.452986       1.931917       1.414947      0.8994713      0.3919364     -0.1007212     -0.5927972      -1.072127      -1.536823      -1.980755      -2.397876      -2.721812      -2.789953      -2.386760      -1.561103     -0.5284024      -20.70810       3.210248       3.001316       2.616291       2.113324       1.602096       1.088142      0.5768992      7.3143192E-02 -0.4211942     -0.9130515      -1.388722      -1.847396      -2.287868      -2.706037      -3.057034      -3.225989      -2.942910      -2.101135     -0.9439536      -20.70810       2.732809       2.563073       2.205574       1.720996       1.222482      0.7191380      0.2191638     -0.2817516     -0.7689906      -1.252607      -1.721932      -2.165957      -2.599567      -2.998945      -3.355825      -3.593373      -3.457715      -2.664658      -1.404567      -20.70810       2.193780       2.062606       1.734537       1.272186      0.7941751      0.3062105  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-3.906187      -4.216827      -4.493285      -4.741292      -4.910912      -4.736620      -3.585351      -20.70810     -0.6949870     -0.6602623     -0.8297690      -1.141732      -1.485274      -1.849735      -2.215727      -2.581486      -2.943773      -3.301829      -3.647644      -3.973649      -4.277538      -4.559988      -4.812551      -5.033103      -5.190819      -5.136184      -4.199006      -20.70810      -1.677067      -1.585022      -1.695207      -1.947310      -2.233346      -2.542896      -2.857259      -3.176727      -3.496365      -3.815046      -4.125530      -4.417138      -4.689167      -4.941401      -5.161457      -5.348928      -5.487822      -5.505285      -4.818933      -20.70810      -2.847812      -2.682545      -2.718965      -2.895473      -3.109698      -3.348840      -3.600896      -3.862967      -4.134295      -4.408928      -4.676699      -4.930606      -5.164736      -5.377688      -5.559499      -5.714547      -5.836766      -5.908563      -5.447848  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2.219081       1.999357       1.751318       1.472005       1.174535      0.8675116      0.5697367      0.2955721      6.6227719E-02 -0.1094845     -0.2278781     -0.2996103     -0.3377955     -0.3576806      -22.66275       4.516222       3.744530       3.322507       3.092016       2.828010       2.537099       2.229390       1.904604       1.561882       1.210226      0.8595186      0.5359470      0.2655261      7.9620436E-02 -2.1339161E-03  1.4089401E-02  0.1017201      0.2340772      0.3909230      -22.66275       4.809822       4.168132       3.701008       3.334124       2.949811       2.560181       2.164180       1.765975       1.365655      0.9627018      0.5674568      0.1995899     -0.1001566     -0.2884245     -0.3178691     -0.1949448      3.5267733E-02  0.3289122      0.6567685      -22.66275       4.898323       4.355351       3.864620       3.406173       2.945189       2.484257       2.022358       1.567681       1.115603      0.6703127      0.2335349     -0.1818937   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-1.9034633E-02  -22.66275       4.014546       3.731634       3.266160       2.717049       2.160470       1.604497       1.053508      0.5134839     -1.6065087E-02 -0.5339753      -1.038196      -1.529433      -2.004081      -2.445832      -2.813136      -2.911639      -2.475791      -1.552808     -0.4084357      -22.66275       3.583841       3.346395       2.905019       2.364768       1.813465       1.263806      0.7149032      0.1764165     -0.3494276     -0.8731285      -1.374238      -1.861344      -2.326637      -2.770608      -3.158036      -3.368925      -3.078851      -2.138535     -0.8535451      -22.66275       3.085537       2.890954       2.476145       1.953981       1.418033      0.8768607      0.3400977     -0.1926334     -0.7152687      -1.232439      -1.727239      -2.199783      -2.656019      -3.085538      -3.473267      -3.746364      -3.626395      -2.748855      -1.345845      -22.66275       2.520894       2.368151       1.984996       1.485894      0.9694120 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-3.705596      -4.061913      -4.383964      -4.678614      -4.939977      -5.127865      -4.963367      -3.672508      -22.66275     -0.5030361     -0.4798745     -0.6933666      -1.037678      -1.416189      -1.815005      -2.219947      -2.623793      -3.024112      -3.416983      -3.788540      -4.134898      -4.460193      -4.748093      -5.017211      -5.248624      -5.419672      -5.377065      -4.329524      -22.66275      -1.532270      -1.448284      -1.600254      -1.883607      -2.202507      -2.545573      -2.896453      -3.252474      -3.610688      -3.961923      -4.293867      -4.605978      -4.897150      -5.152360      -5.386930      -5.583911      -5.727262      -5.756654      -4.994250      -22.66275      -2.761998      -2.599250      -2.672697      -2.875596      -3.121614      -3.393694      -3.675842      -3.974523      -4.281540      -4.586533      -4.874414      -5.144428      -5.397964      -5.613780      -5.806073      -5.968916      -6.089853      -6.163945  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2.640491       2.453813       2.226408       1.961136       1.666789       1.347623       1.021469      0.6957737      0.3981138      0.1488001     -4.1588541E-02 -0.1695323     -0.2450299     -0.2834413     -0.3023493      -24.65536       4.863957       4.014345       3.610145       3.366471       3.087244       2.781970       2.455184       2.112501       1.749932       1.379362       1.005384      0.6567887      0.3634579      0.1662232      8.1714608E-02  0.1043781      0.2052021      0.3535961      0.5270843      -24.65536       5.198755       4.493328       4.014735       3.620170       3.209960       2.790970       2.371493       1.951598       1.529420       1.107954      0.6844897      0.2940523     -3.2017916E-02 -0.2308888     -0.2564232     -0.1154290      0.1431623      0.4683789      0.8283861      -24.65536       5.307727       4.711062       4.189400       3.696670       3.199681       2.706733       2.218143       1.735207       1.264076      0.7925367      0.3284817   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-0.9621052      0.1245219      -24.65536       4.399799       4.084968       3.564137       2.974852       2.383018       1.791883       1.201590      0.6291835      6.3471489E-02 -0.4817302      -1.008399      -1.524482      -2.020670      -2.489993      -2.894943      -3.031106      -2.571382      -1.549421     -0.2927962      -24.65536       3.951917       3.685683       3.188540       2.611338       2.023266       1.432912      0.8490790      0.2754689     -0.2876644     -0.8356260      -1.362424      -1.872579      -2.361582      -2.828556      -3.249631      -3.503957      -3.220634      -2.183036     -0.7698532      -24.65536       3.433107       3.213943       2.744235       2.182921       1.608500       1.030360      0.4568098     -0.1102479     -0.6686931      -1.213455      -1.732010      -2.234192      -2.706137      -3.163338      -3.574528      -3.888700      -3.797077      -2.834347      -1.287653      -24.65536       2.843998       2.669407       2.231527       1.696213       1.141393      0.5798662      2.2413271E-02 -0.5345735      -1.082882      -1.615051      -2.122241      -2.605265      -3.064104      -3.492844      -3.889608      -4.218543      -4.283644      -3.491668      -1.852667      -24.65536       2.185701       2.054364       1.653521       1.147915      0.6187917      7.9606012E-02 -0.4615559     -0.9994212      -1.531526      -2.045895      -2.531940      -2.998040      -3.428861      -3.831856      -4.202467      -4.523320      -4.686881      -4.123566      -2.458209      -24.65536       1.449402       1.362303       1.002721      0.5328873      3.4019738E-02 -0.4780798     -0.9945652      -1.509427      -2.016007      -2.506836      -2.971804      -3.406488      -3.806563      -4.179501      -4.523100      -4.817524      -5.028445      -4.694617      -3.095780      -24.65536      0.6232473      0.5828206      0.2709074     -0.1575691     -0.6181943      -1.095943      -1.578247      -2.062232      -2.541737      -3.002638      -3.429220      -3.833879      -4.202449      -4.541254      -4.856369      -5.126438      -5.337376      -5.187152      -3.764362      -24.65536     -0.3091923     -0.2973738     -0.5558758     -0.9326079      -1.346015      -1.780461      -2.222420      -2.669182      -3.107038      -3.526834      -3.918142      -4.287150      -4.622426      -4.929319      -5.212315      -5.453189      -5.640620      -5.611001      -4.461178      -24.65536      -1.384691      -1.308698      -1.502965      -1.816365      -2.172196      -2.548417      -2.936093      -3.332814      -3.726398      -4.103370      -4.452338      -4.783844      -5.083107      -5.354721      -5.604274      -5.807574      -5.959785      -5.996408      -5.167454      -24.65536      -2.669387      -2.510401      -2.622837      -2.854541      -3.130952      -3.434635      -3.757441      -4.093595      -4.432243      -4.759243      -5.063961      -5.346841      -5.611630      -5.841045      -6.047285      -6.211257      -6.338667  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3.013666       2.872602       2.687385       2.453450       2.173446       1.860159       1.524104       1.173548      0.8222544      0.5007828      0.2291363      2.3933316E-02 -0.1139014     -0.1928057     -0.2322702     -0.2503489      -26.68411       5.205826       4.276503       3.891936       3.632211       3.340642       3.019864       2.679793       2.315080       1.936354       1.543446       1.148406      0.7734445      0.4582873      0.2457308      0.1565026      0.1854631      0.2998412      0.4640765      0.6542042      -26.68411       5.580797       4.810180       4.320364       3.899829       3.463280       3.019062       2.574368       2.131667       1.691064       1.245479      0.8000586      0.3823684      3.1137686E-02 -0.1801207     -0.2062503     -4.7056060E-02  0.2402325      0.5969269      0.9892963      -26.68411       5.710851       5.059043       4.508176       3.980853       3.451892       2.924685       2.407984       1.901035       1.404761      0.9100106   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-1.944442     -0.9147509      0.2690291      -26.68411       4.780059       4.432961       3.857327       3.228991       2.599120       1.972065       1.348026      0.7378336      0.1386350     -0.4321255     -0.9824734      -1.517116      -2.033670      -2.529053      -2.964164      -3.147536      -2.671713      -1.551817     -0.1817708      -26.68411       4.314579       4.020080       3.468305       2.851240       2.225941       1.600003      0.9778944      0.3673003     -0.2298371     -0.8005708      -1.352476      -1.882300      -2.391667      -2.878576      -3.331018      -3.632220      -3.361997      -2.229461     -0.6866466      -26.68411       3.774934       3.531162       3.006864       2.407455       1.794460       1.179617      0.5677118     -3.5597373E-02 -0.6254865      -1.195413      -1.739160      -2.260610      -2.752645      -3.229529      -3.665621      -4.024892      -3.967226      -2.925345      -1.233942      -26.68411       3.163542       2.966671       2.474806  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-3.074670      -3.525229      -3.947960      -4.333568      -4.698551      -5.027971      -5.317981      -5.536834      -5.404814      -3.862967      -26.68411     -0.1156673     -0.1151207     -0.4185983     -0.8283184      -1.278021      -1.747222      -2.231055      -2.716655      -3.189147      -3.630641      -4.040827      -4.430120      -4.780697      -5.112289      -5.403620      -5.661411      -5.852486      -5.834007      -4.599229      -26.68411      -1.234271      -1.167194      -1.403852      -1.748957      -2.137922      -2.552537      -2.981541      -3.416743      -3.841373      -4.240316      -4.606891      -4.953485      -5.270018      -5.562919      -5.819489      -6.032169      -6.186572      -6.225162      -5.350765      -26.68411      -2.569369      -2.416583      -2.568554      -2.829551      -3.138610      -3.475499      -3.836546      -4.211916      -4.580884      -4.930728      -5.249500      -5.551398      -5.826898      -6.080285      -6.289373      -6.455467  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3.332433       3.240609       3.099206       2.912685       2.676017       2.386158       2.055269       1.702149       1.323629      0.9518297      0.6050584      0.3110780      8.8633157E-02 -5.7748135E-02 -0.1412065     -0.1817400     -0.1991668      -28.74740       5.542799       4.531283       4.169114       3.890145       3.583859       3.250468       2.899485       2.516417       2.119679       1.705215       1.287907      0.8893817      0.5524699      0.3213681      0.2271985      0.2635652      0.3910818      0.5711672      0.7780210      -28.74740       5.958308       5.120267       4.619642       4.170389       3.709361       3.242079       2.774134       2.308493       1.848526       1.375895      0.9139797      0.4666352      9.3178637E-02 -0.1373874     -0.1670744      1.0823472E-02  0.3259296      0.7144071       1.139395      -28.74740       6.107696       5.399757       4.819328       4.258784       3.698614       3.139559       2.593504       2.063065       1.539429   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-2.647636      -1.997584     -0.8775165      0.4045176      -28.74740       5.154278       4.774998       4.146111       3.478958       2.809354       2.144588       1.489097      0.8428805      0.2133977     -0.3835347     -0.9593893      -1.507902      -2.045406      -2.558954      -3.028636      -3.258840      -2.772550      -1.555983     -7.1014099E-02  -28.74740       4.671794       4.349599       3.742716       3.085545       2.422069       1.762607       1.103987      0.4557679     -0.1723093     -0.7699010      -1.342612      -1.887564      -2.417477      -2.921235      -3.405833      -3.747332      -3.500693      -2.279068     -0.6049337      -28.74740       4.111964       3.843067       3.263374       2.627258       1.978013       1.324311      0.6758192      3.3854496E-02 -0.5892883      -1.180050      -1.748261      -2.280338      -2.797423      -3.288742      -3.759711      -4.145691      -4.129315      -3.023410      -1.186309      -28.74740       3.478581       3.258956  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-2.637560      -3.142666      -3.617243      -4.055319      -4.471954      -4.853478      -5.193005      -5.487422      -5.720026      -5.620502      -3.963243      -28.74740      7.8305587E-02  6.6701889E-02 -0.2820083     -0.7239628      -1.209188      -1.717006      -2.242262      -2.764717      -3.269206      -3.730736      -4.163744      -4.568128      -4.949696      -5.292789      -5.588809      -5.848752      -6.046255      -6.052629      -4.737980      -28.74740      -1.080025      -1.023127      -1.301945      -1.678841      -2.103536      -2.555353      -3.026306      -3.496765      -3.953683      -4.371699      -4.765383      -5.129228      -5.469694      -5.767418      -6.024951      -6.239484      -6.393434      -6.448329      -5.526886      -28.74740      -2.467018      -2.321135      -2.508510      -2.801832      -3.146690      -3.520303      -3.918671      -4.328081      -4.729093      -5.096429      -5.443653      -5.761085      -6.054684      -6.310203      -6.516419  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3.717159       3.557905       3.461961       3.323977       3.127055       2.888233       2.599409       2.253262       1.876939       1.475994       1.079459      0.7071672      0.3912666      0.1529993     -3.7525881E-03 -9.1227949E-02 -0.1328847     -0.1498276      -30.84375       5.874768       4.778153       4.436926       4.143535       3.815899       3.470333       3.109412       2.716636       2.299781       1.864643       1.421889       1.001529      0.6421160      0.3935804      0.2958404      0.3381577      0.4793454      0.6754210      0.8990891      -30.84375       6.331947       5.423007       4.914305       4.432679       3.943791       3.456064       2.969665       2.484629       1.998469       1.506003       1.018062      0.5472239      0.1529868     -0.1020182     -0.1320381      6.2105086E-02  0.4058116      0.8262012       1.284116      -30.84375       6.501065       5.735973       5.123176       4.526737       3.937318       3.350292       2.777320       2.218023   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-2.655039      -2.740396      -2.063548     -0.8539255      0.5272167      -30.84375       5.523509       5.112611       4.431077       3.722797       3.013520       2.313374       1.620721      0.9397997      0.2822202     -0.3388766     -0.9311768      -1.498410      -2.052622      -2.590384      -3.085686      -3.360645      -2.876957      -1.564673      3.6612902E-02  -30.84375       5.023550       4.673339       4.011139       3.314433       2.613987       1.916606       1.222420      0.5354074     -0.1195984     -0.7408813      -1.329822      -1.893078      -2.441098      -2.971312      -3.471053      -3.847739      -3.639896      -2.331018     -0.5238532      -30.84375       4.443127       4.149114       3.515283       2.841166       2.155043       1.464434      0.7745708      9.6043937E-02 -0.5533351      -1.167126      -1.751165      -2.303043      -2.840337      -3.350972      -3.840848      -4.250311      -4.290459      -3.128162      -1.143748      -30.84375       3.787123  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-2.118286      -2.685652      -3.210557      -3.709139      -4.174479      -4.607408      -4.994821      -5.343132      -5.644783      -5.895696      -5.830604      -4.065490      -30.84375      0.2719383      0.2472941     -0.1447377     -0.6197672      -1.141556      -1.690652      -2.253841      -2.811589      -3.341606      -3.832578      -4.288090      -4.716653      -5.111071      -5.455363      -5.760423      -6.020538      -6.231886      -6.260771      -4.876922      -30.84375     -0.9249948     -0.8795880      -1.199117      -1.608571      -2.071202      -2.562713      -3.073056      -3.580433      -4.059899      -4.506851      -4.922658      -5.308878      -5.658406      -5.955394      -6.213632      -6.432628      -6.592902      -6.659101      -5.702468      -30.84375      -2.361627      -2.223858      -2.450046      -2.776229      -3.159111      -3.571260      -4.007047      -4.453160      -4.874308      -5.267800      -5.636260      -5.969935      -6.270013      -6.524953  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5.283427       3.870611       3.775997       3.676584       3.534548       3.322811       3.091013       2.798377       2.448900       2.046962       1.622602       1.203645      0.8059154      0.4657934      0.2081845      4.0045977E-02 -5.2204419E-02 -9.5500834E-02 -0.1121823      -32.97178       6.203732       5.017542       4.702081       4.386285       4.032426       3.671084       3.305492       2.911603       2.474033       2.016357       1.552356       1.112128      0.7262606      0.4620492      0.3573435      0.4058638      0.5605853      0.7726772       1.013252      -32.97178       6.705737       5.721278       5.203087       4.686200       4.163678       3.659076       3.158452       2.654397       2.141664       1.628210       1.118019      0.6314967      0.2100553     -6.3466527E-02 -9.6212141E-02  0.1162430      0.4891241      0.9419403       1.433178      -32.97178       6.888592       6.064580       5.420269       4.784094       4.165549       3.554981       2.955752   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     4.089475       3.824744       3.175177       2.491333       1.787684       1.073265      0.3589270     -0.3416917      -1.001930      -1.626783      -2.215184      -2.780000      -3.312768      -3.810710      -4.282009      -4.712651      -4.960101      -4.073872      -1.813798      -32.97178       3.330405       3.118583       2.513373       1.861831       1.186142      0.4949335     -0.2039011     -0.8857687      -1.530728      -2.136724      -2.706782      -3.253328      -3.759487      -4.233775      -4.665987      -5.067807      -5.364379      -4.843509      -2.561057      -32.97178       2.481137       2.324817       1.770491       1.159769      0.5165736     -0.1487966     -0.8237736      -1.485888      -2.106292      -2.688229      -3.234190      -3.753958      -4.233165      -4.664543      -5.065334      -5.429577      -5.716197      -5.500073      -3.351375      -32.97178       1.534664       1.434567      0.9359128      0.3727585     -0.2325946     -0.8656266      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-1.776778      -1.868647      -1.956065      -2.029101      -2.084026      -2.119161      -2.134033      -2.132442      -2.111552      -2.072696      -5.157303      -1.215670      -1.244745      -1.282975      -1.328042      -1.374866      -1.426501      -1.542798      -1.659578      -1.770958      -1.874936      -1.972113      -2.062324      -2.137308      -2.193305      -2.228339      -2.241306      -2.235654      -2.209141      -2.161116      -5.157303      -1.358470      -1.378792      -1.408848      -1.445730      -1.484628      -1.527988      -1.644981      -1.763632      -1.876731      -1.984246      -2.083790      -2.175270      -2.251489      -2.308530      -2.343517      -2.355404      -2.346486      -2.315086      -2.258333      -5.157303      -1.519680      -1.530948      -1.553051      -1.581590      -1.612740      -1.647761      -1.763469      -1.880864      -1.994812      -2.102966      -2.202140      -2.293352      -2.369729      -2.427304      -2.462602      -2.473838  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-2.318971      -2.316996      -2.318516      -2.322310      -2.411620      -2.504791      -2.593368      -2.678483      -2.759258      -2.836204      -2.903603      -2.957187      -2.993041      -3.007314      -2.993384      -2.937698      -2.842753      -5.157303      -2.618206      -2.588263      -2.569962      -2.559474      -2.551945      -2.547926      -2.623935      -2.704293      -2.780276      -2.855762      -2.929135      -3.001011      -3.062476      -3.113386      -3.150667      -3.166081      -3.147492      -3.088095      -2.984735      -5.157303      -2.914078      -2.876325      -2.849262      -2.830381      -2.813944      -2.801508      -2.862346      -2.929989      -2.994683      -3.060156      -3.123295      -3.186011      -3.242372      -3.292671      -3.328274      -3.335775      -3.312130      -3.247550      -3.134354      -5.157303      -3.275287      -3.224498      -3.187931      -3.157478      -3.130718      -3.106939      -3.153672      -3.206502      -3.257605  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-6.146612      -5.907633      -5.662640      -5.412556      -5.157303     -0.1850758     -0.3463829     -0.5188937     -0.6938446     -0.8639628     -0.9368649      -1.024035      -1.106906      -1.184624      -1.256444      -1.319012      -1.377388      -1.431944      -1.479479      -1.521849      -1.560854      -1.594331      -1.620494      -1.639755      -6.568760     -0.1913848     -0.3320285     -0.4837926     -0.6373622     -0.7880329     -0.8816473     -0.9878641      -1.088216      -1.181411      -1.264894      -1.335464      -1.400118      -1.456611      -1.503293      -1.541358      -1.572986      -1.595090      -1.607237      -1.610475      -6.568760     -0.2317075     -0.3538480     -0.4873015     -0.6233877     -0.7580304     -0.8737878     -0.9959876      -1.111564      -1.217823      -1.310477      -1.390150      -1.460741      -1.519523      -1.566047      -1.601305      -1.625743      -1.637284      -1.636109      -1.623931      -6.568760     -0.3010277     -0.4066799  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-1.551940      -1.675486      -1.784610      -1.879213      -1.955059      -2.012990      -2.044441      -2.047817      -2.024976      -1.977141      -1.908443      -6.568760     -0.8097222     -0.8621372     -0.9285997      -1.000333      -1.074521      -1.229542      -1.385498      -1.532541      -1.670223      -1.797498      -1.912731      -2.012692      -2.096848      -2.159042      -2.191418      -2.192680      -2.164362      -2.107457      -2.026394      -6.568760     -0.9857964      -1.025459      -1.080939      -1.141620      -1.205500      -1.359639      -1.513038      -1.659192      -1.797736      -1.928447      -2.047565      -2.153385      -2.244328      -2.309210      -2.343045      -2.343247      -2.310560      -2.245531      -2.152844      -6.568760      -1.182155      -1.209435      -1.253495      -1.304153      -1.357867      -1.505825      -1.655541      -1.798675      -1.937740      -2.070028      -2.192312      -2.304899      -2.398514      -2.465667      -2.501512  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-2.165782      -2.164127      -2.171968      -2.185999      -2.298845      -2.419856      -2.541536      -2.660843      -2.776417      -2.884689      -2.984711      -3.071840      -3.138289      -3.178687      -3.186048      -3.156985      -3.072646      -2.930917      -6.568760      -2.515163      -2.486219      -2.474009      -2.469690      -2.472402      -2.572431      -2.677874      -2.784051      -2.889765      -2.993101      -3.090476      -3.183156      -3.264688      -3.328271      -3.367651      -3.380270      -3.355716      -3.267459      -3.118588      -6.568760      -2.891628      -2.851568      -2.827556      -2.810425      -2.800812      -2.880871      -2.967686      -3.054207      -3.145144      -3.237277      -3.323827      -3.404269      -3.477555      -3.537195      -3.578778      -3.597271      -3.568849      -3.479581      -3.321277      -6.568760      -3.321555      -3.270145      -3.234388      -3.204440      -3.181422      -3.242925      -3.311281      -3.379719  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-8.217982      -7.903224      -7.580637      -7.250513      -6.913136      -6.568760      0.2112717     -1.1483068E-02 -0.2528357     -0.4974003     -0.6459293     -0.7309323     -0.8222675     -0.9210916      -1.014912      -1.099301      -1.176405      -1.244967      -1.304920      -1.356192      -1.399401      -1.436352      -1.469744      -1.495318      -1.512976      -8.055264      0.2498010      5.5050090E-02 -0.1543187     -0.3665345     -0.5196553     -0.6302470     -0.7495922     -0.8704428     -0.9808007      -1.080691      -1.168292      -1.240862      -1.301278      -1.347720      -1.382189      -1.406924      -1.423915      -1.429758      -1.425528      -8.055264      0.2368181      6.7166254E-02 -0.1157282     -0.3021822     -0.4613061     -0.6016933     -0.7457395     -0.8845153      -1.011360      -1.125830      -1.222655      -1.300031      -1.361226      -1.403935      -1.431166      -1.445155      -1.446661      -1.433834      -1.408621      -8.055264      0.1797776  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-1.265125      -1.432592      -1.583879      -1.712487      -1.815713      -1.892421      -1.939661      -1.959015      -1.944605      -1.896640      -1.818613      -1.716330      -8.055264     -0.3897189     -0.4673730     -0.5611497     -0.6572033     -0.8220552      -1.027807      -1.223261      -1.406101      -1.578431      -1.734161      -1.867350      -1.977066      -2.061196      -2.115083      -2.137855      -2.120266      -2.063921      -1.972680      -1.853210      -8.055264     -0.6029893     -0.6652550     -0.7455295     -0.8298703     -0.9888891      -1.191169      -1.379966      -1.562593      -1.735392      -1.893002      -2.031321      -2.147647      -2.238929      -2.303855      -2.330008      -2.311962      -2.249725      -2.147253      -2.011955      -8.055264     -0.8382041     -0.8868304     -0.9536008      -1.026897      -1.174973      -1.367477      -1.553710      -1.732563      -1.901867      -2.060116      -2.203079      -2.325844      -2.427599      -2.500880  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-2.007086      -2.000939      -2.013600      -2.033149      -2.132045      -2.278754      -2.424448      -2.573597      -2.723158      -2.867366      -3.002886      -3.125791      -3.233143      -3.316622      -3.365159      -3.366835      -3.310857      -3.193946      -2.998948      -8.055264      -2.387943      -2.366396      -2.365572      -2.371648      -2.454380      -2.586885      -2.719571      -2.853207      -2.987618      -3.118964      -3.243656      -3.357063      -3.456327      -3.537510      -3.587730      -3.594803      -3.552452      -3.435481      -3.233090      -8.055264      -2.830101      -2.792300      -2.775884      -2.767587      -2.830156      -2.940419      -3.053336      -3.168294      -3.284227      -3.399333      -3.509984      -3.611700      -3.700071      -3.774581      -3.824452      -3.842863      -3.809110      -3.691122      -3.483035      -8.055264      -3.343671      -3.291301      -3.256128      -3.231776      -3.271590      -3.355645      -3.444501  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-10.55543      -10.16355      -9.761191      -9.348791      -8.926756      -8.495464      -8.055264      0.5830874      0.2894295     -2.1834144E-02 -0.3222400     -0.4222371     -0.5206981     -0.6218175     -0.7336876     -0.8415582     -0.9432796      -1.034127      -1.113713      -1.184144      -1.240875      -1.287280      -1.324704      -1.355838      -1.380764      -1.397199      -9.610223      0.6684457      0.4125426      0.1433387     -0.1179841     -0.2482482     -0.3770281     -0.5112887     -0.6495386     -0.7798254     -0.8988112     -0.9992682      -1.084688      -1.152390      -1.201338      -1.234016      -1.253656      -1.263207      -1.262484      -1.251096      -9.610223      0.6854349      0.4624719      0.2286343     -3.0505050E-03 -0.1650602     -0.3281698     -0.4933617     -0.6557894     -0.8075675     -0.9399443      -1.052467      -1.143924      -1.209388      -1.251509      -1.272189      -1.275364      -1.264919      -1.239913      -1.201810      -9.610223  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-0.8785399      -1.100599      -1.307881      -1.489696      -1.638947      -1.756568      -1.834653      -1.873096      -1.870595      -1.832780      -1.755731      -1.644445      -1.506697      -9.610223      3.6230475E-02 -6.9019310E-02 -0.1892889     -0.3207791     -0.5705047     -0.8116232      -1.047755      -1.275099      -1.486360      -1.670233      -1.828238      -1.952078      -2.039037      -2.084594      -2.086238      -2.045204      -1.957060      -1.828062      -1.667803      -9.610223     -0.2028901     -0.2913476     -0.3954397     -0.5142913     -0.7595910      -1.001826      -1.239306      -1.465435      -1.671618      -1.860274      -2.022252      -2.154096      -2.252226      -2.306795      -2.318559      -2.277254      -2.181457      -2.037367      -1.856159      -9.610223     -0.4715582     -0.5435261     -0.6320654     -0.7379087     -0.9792610      -1.215653      -1.444786      -1.662468      -1.868478      -2.054566      -2.218438      -2.358998      -2.466852 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-9.610223      -1.823987      -1.830118      -1.858742      -1.906344      -2.080176      -2.256062      -2.434836      -2.610765      -2.782810      -2.951654      -3.112882      -3.259284      -3.388303      -3.492244      -3.549777      -3.547690      -3.468362      -3.306525      -3.052572      -9.610223      -2.258810      -2.245076      -2.255880      -2.286472      -2.439284      -2.596384      -2.756502      -2.918734      -3.078247      -3.234239      -3.382189      -3.520044      -3.640947      -3.740103      -3.802859      -3.809097      -3.742626      -3.591326      -3.329262      -9.610223      -2.764122      -2.728296      -2.718885      -2.731176      -2.858369      -2.991361      -3.130335      -3.272393      -3.411992      -3.549521      -3.681086      -3.804649      -3.913837      -4.005898      -4.069112      -4.084370      -4.043229      -3.895637      -3.628920      -9.610223      -3.358083      -3.301398      -3.268927      -3.259211      -3.354971      -3.457202  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-13.15747      -12.68842      -12.20584      -11.71036      -11.20255      -10.68295      -10.15202      -9.610223      0.9377723      0.5672904      0.1889714     -7.3302425E-02 -0.1820472     -0.2984960     -0.4170013     -0.5395927     -0.6603333     -0.7760243     -0.8823230     -0.9754815      -1.054205      -1.119438      -1.169526      -1.207960      -1.237295      -1.260800      -1.275884      -11.22807       1.077397      0.7572322      0.4302419      0.1821884      3.2720570E-02 -0.1196529     -0.2705749     -0.4238250     -0.5704732     -0.7052337     -0.8243616     -0.9199175     -0.9955113      -1.048168      -1.080144      -1.094817      -1.096419      -1.088439      -1.069690      -11.22807       1.127221      0.8504217      0.5658011      0.3219252      0.1315998     -5.4693662E-02 -0.2391404     -0.4212501     -0.5911883     -0.7444507     -0.8732897     -0.9731655      -1.045703      -1.086497      -1.101313      -1.093664      -1.069108      -1.030881     -0.9794711  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-0.4103931     -0.6822991     -0.9402096      -1.174354      -1.385787      -1.565763      -1.698974      -1.783448      -1.812834      -1.791798      -1.723182      -1.613883      -1.467339      -1.292941      -11.22807      0.4645946      0.3305427      0.1842270     -2.5840729E-02 -0.3129738     -0.5987246     -0.8753381      -1.134928      -1.378855      -1.599255      -1.783803      -1.928789      -2.022057      -2.058712      -2.039026      -1.966490      -1.841916      -1.672303      -1.469426      -11.22807      0.1999191      8.5268155E-02 -4.1893736E-02 -0.2430706     -0.5308194     -0.8119072      -1.086541      -1.351432      -1.599544      -1.818130      -2.008464      -2.163346      -2.267402      -2.316711      -2.304305      -2.233870      -2.098337      -1.908476      -1.678695      -11.22807     -0.1016837     -0.1981109     -0.3089965     -0.4975828     -0.7748674      -1.049848      -1.322271      -1.584377      -1.825584      -2.044271      -2.236693      -2.397579 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-2.762248      -11.22807      -1.646383      -1.663712      -1.707524      -1.827951      -2.031307      -2.235894      -2.443182      -2.648102      -2.845433      -3.032314      -3.210737      -3.382686      -3.536042      -3.658021      -3.726795      -3.717666      -3.611181      -3.395267      -3.074806      -11.22807      -2.135062      -2.127804      -2.150494      -2.247285      -2.424454      -2.606860      -2.793391      -2.979033      -3.160550      -3.338471      -3.507807      -3.668480      -3.814924      -3.936416      -4.010599      -4.017228      -3.930230      -3.731840      -3.403490      -11.22807      -2.696045      -2.662810      -2.661671      -2.732779      -2.881357      -3.035476      -3.197668      -3.363195      -3.526982      -3.685334      -3.836888      -3.981753      -4.115389      -4.227658      -4.305437      -4.324014      -4.263014      -4.083026      -3.750789      -11.22807      -3.357051      -3.297433      -3.268679      -3.310282      -3.425620  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-16.02110      -15.47621      -14.91403      -14.33593      -13.74269      -13.13430      -12.51213      -11.87654      -11.22807       1.277056      0.8264352      0.3760265      0.1770041      6.2880933E-02 -6.5333314E-02 -0.1995647     -0.3403293     -0.4755427     -0.6041526     -0.7248977     -0.8313815     -0.9210031     -0.9928796      -1.047842      -1.087894      -1.116585      -1.137882      -1.151589      -12.90406       1.475127       1.088317      0.7008839      0.4841925      0.3209209      0.1504493     -2.3509761E-02 -0.1959419     -0.3562354     -0.5067121     -0.6392996     -0.7488667     -0.8301805     -0.8864937     -0.9168540     -0.9268415     -0.9212702     -0.9050418     -0.8787762      -12.90406       1.558768       1.225310      0.8907490      0.6468086      0.4347633      0.2203156      9.4712451E-03 -0.1893548     -0.3773359     -0.5475616     -0.6920058     -0.8038448     -0.8792319     -0.9208898     -0.9285811     -0.9102135     -0.8721625     -0.8201073  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0.1329453     -0.1813014     -0.4857785     -0.7757332      -1.044622      -1.282468      -1.487824      -1.643407      -1.733498      -1.759115      -1.717714      -1.618709      -1.474202      -1.290977      -1.079220      -12.90406      0.8855264      0.7205204      0.5464153      0.2605509     -6.2934011E-02 -0.3849889     -0.6989910     -0.9986319      -1.270981      -1.519310      -1.738760      -1.904462      -2.008430      -2.041220      -2.001596      -1.894003      -1.730795      -1.518891      -1.272424      -12.90406      0.5991762      0.4576324      0.3055251      2.6641419E-02 -0.2986975     -0.6222643     -0.9379054      -1.234805      -1.513684      -1.768446      -1.991446      -2.169580      -2.287808      -2.333396      -2.302322      -2.194833      -2.016925      -1.779214      -1.499491      -12.90406      0.2714349      0.1519551      1.8514670E-02 -0.2505778     -0.5714122     -0.8893411      -1.195376      -1.490824      -1.769622      -2.022425      -2.245243  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-3.091261      -2.709233      -12.90406      -1.455592      -1.484959      -1.543913      -1.734343      -1.970086      -2.208733      -2.445696      -2.676139      -2.899062      -3.110165      -3.309352      -3.498888      -3.675251      -3.816065      -3.897540      -3.883443      -3.745971      -3.472205      -3.078754      -12.90406      -2.001056      -2.002812      -2.038019      -2.197983      -2.402164      -2.610975      -2.824009      -3.035443      -3.239506      -3.433906      -3.624455      -3.808681      -3.977301      -4.118880      -4.210377      -4.218290      -4.107644      -3.856568      -3.454690      -12.90406      -2.614084      -2.585608      -2.593291      -2.721153      -2.894677      -3.074441      -3.259179      -3.444645      -3.631377      -3.810893      -3.981484      -4.148224      -4.304239      -4.436728      -4.530707      -4.556069      -4.474809      -4.256372      -3.852150      -12.90406      -3.338700      -3.279268      -3.254724      -3.343829  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-19.14063      -18.52283      -17.88368      -17.22436      -16.54642      -15.85057      -15.13766      -14.40848      -13.66372      -12.90406       1.594712       1.062131      0.5400874      0.4215873      0.3041385      0.1682302      1.9587891E-02 -0.1347610     -0.2892966     -0.4359805     -0.5700754     -0.6909194     -0.7924198     -0.8719118     -0.9322080     -0.9740282      -1.002574      -1.022193      -1.034698      -14.63411       1.857729       1.402263      0.9510337      0.7794921      0.6071261      0.4197948      0.2283689      3.7257873E-02 -0.1458133     -0.3108226     -0.4577824     -0.5787340     -0.6698197     -0.7272815     -0.7570755     -0.7622525     -0.7498378     -0.7255366     -0.6917960      -14.63411       1.980266       1.588860       1.200625      0.9668524      0.7337981      0.4964106      0.2630662      3.8694412E-02 -0.1678196     -0.3541226     -0.5128430     -0.6354367     -0.7159676     -0.7550945     -0.7564941     -0.7275864     -0.6764128  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0.7436077      0.3868836      4.1333605E-02 -0.2955638     -0.6143935     -0.9094884      -1.181753      -1.408555      -1.581197      -1.684041      -1.701615      -1.640037      -1.510009      -1.327501      -1.106099     -0.8561084      -14.63411       1.298272       1.101253      0.8966085      0.5390081      0.1786243     -0.1795544     -0.5260423     -0.8551381      -1.162404      -1.440566      -1.686517      -1.879926      -1.995660      -2.026360      -1.965502      -1.824303      -1.618761      -1.362857      -1.071861      -14.63411      0.9921687      0.8235099      0.6438552      0.2896305     -7.5106837E-02 -0.4353051     -0.7834488      -1.116671      -1.424117      -1.709819      -1.968690      -2.175379      -2.311112      -2.358895      -2.308480      -2.164276      -1.942033      -1.654742      -1.324115      -14.63411      0.6371637      0.4951371      0.3369392     -9.3549397E-03 -0.3676884     -0.7236661      -1.067522      -1.392665      -1.699739      -1.989080  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-3.459134      -3.109711      -2.652140      -14.63411      -1.253556      -1.295260      -1.369019      -1.628271      -1.897952      -2.170372      -2.438295      -2.698925      -2.947495      -3.180868      -3.406180      -3.612651      -3.806428      -3.967020      -4.058894      -4.040475      -3.867488      -3.529608      -3.055673      -14.63411      -1.850971      -1.863534      -1.911817      -2.134624      -2.371081      -2.611033      -2.848660      -3.083524      -3.313820      -3.530255      -3.737786      -3.940140      -4.131491      -4.292921      -4.401920      -4.411500      -4.279146      -3.968944      -3.488666      -14.63411      -2.521591      -2.501023      -2.519290      -2.699263      -2.899131      -3.106284      -3.315253      -3.521632      -3.727972      -3.928648      -4.122473      -4.307004      -4.481404      -4.636799      -4.745397      -4.779294      -4.686750      -4.419980      -3.938783      -14.63411      -3.305167      -3.249110      -3.231822  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-22.51017      -21.82306      -21.11009      -20.37286      -19.61277      -18.83108      -18.02890      -17.20724      -16.36702      -15.50905      -14.63411       1.899941       1.284248      0.7612943      0.6663375      0.5426144      0.3990181      0.2413364      7.3445074E-02 -9.7169012E-02 -0.2632507     -0.4155776     -0.5495442     -0.6624299     -0.7513682     -0.8153614     -0.8596113     -0.8882290     -0.9065025     -0.9178756      -16.41466       2.229129       1.701039       1.235297       1.068499      0.8841669      0.6850010      0.4786459      0.2698316      6.7547172E-02 -0.1196721     -0.2809846     -0.4146441     -0.5125464     -0.5737153     -0.6018138     -0.6024572     -0.5834770     -0.5514801     -0.5103438      -16.41466       2.389053       1.936841       1.520823       1.274338       1.022518      0.7664481      0.5117986      0.2663741      3.4992084E-02 -0.1699153     -0.3434614     -0.4775664     -0.5638916     -0.6006723     -0.5959263     -0.5560528  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1.438314       1.036041      0.6389374      0.2535829     -0.1110779     -0.4567114     -0.7806607      -1.079391      -1.335825      -1.525607      -1.637049      -1.650275      -1.569086      -1.407073      -1.186483     -0.9262592     -0.6374629      -16.41466       1.707193       1.479473       1.221495      0.8133758      0.4089819      1.9958386E-02 -0.3569230     -0.7134719      -1.049071      -1.363173      -1.635397      -1.850458      -1.985339      -2.011657      -1.932012      -1.755711      -1.505755      -1.204664     -0.8682970      -16.41466       1.377147       1.181034      0.9464342      0.5426896      0.1424614     -0.2521468     -0.6310145     -0.9915454      -1.333892      -1.652097      -1.937720      -2.175573      -2.330743      -2.382631      -2.315009      -2.135221      -1.863594      -1.524984      -1.142349      -16.41466      0.9951292      0.8299963      0.6185836      0.2254239     -0.1683558     -0.5577958     -0.9335590      -1.293833      -1.629922   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-3.788150      -3.540840      -3.121846      -2.585818      -16.41466      -1.040561      -1.095930      -1.211193      -1.511087      -1.818022      -2.123860      -2.421263      -2.711489      -2.988296      -3.247856      -3.493393      -3.727020      -3.938587      -4.113612      -4.218866      -4.200732      -3.992815      -3.586827      -3.029469      -16.41466      -1.688773      -1.714400      -1.801110      -2.060543      -2.330377      -2.601158      -2.867461      -3.128009      -3.380563      -3.621311      -3.849493      -4.066218      -4.280860      -4.460733      -4.582652      -4.603566      -4.448152      -4.074418      -3.508946      -16.41466      -2.415540      -2.405329      -2.456789      -2.670903      -2.898100      -3.130058      -3.363825      -3.596021      -3.822982      -4.041033      -4.252866      -4.456674      -4.654446      -4.828325      -4.950802      -4.998260      -4.895127      -4.574602      -4.009869      -16.41466      -3.259229      -3.208776  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-26.12092      -25.37038      -24.58838      -23.77704      -22.93824      -22.07360      -21.18457      -20.27245      -19.33840      -18.38346      -17.40859      -16.41466       2.196383       1.502452       1.008170      0.9084731      0.7833597      0.6311288      0.4633686      0.2841649      9.8194152E-02 -8.4937967E-02 -0.2563720     -0.4044851     -0.5285560     -0.6252199     -0.6942784     -0.7408382     -0.7694135     -0.7865196     -0.7967038      -18.24260       2.588712       1.989525       1.531585       1.355387       1.157524      0.9451314      0.7256662      0.5017260      0.2813302      7.5093269E-02 -0.1061639     -0.2495611     -0.3554682     -0.4196438     -0.4452149     -0.4412726     -0.4156752     -0.3760582     -0.3275009      -18.24260       2.790232       2.275187       1.844758       1.575462       1.301477       1.027434      0.7565605      0.4897884      0.2383354      1.0701058E-02 -0.1787325     -0.3230571     -0.4142252     -0.4503637     -0.4374093  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2.106428       1.765642       1.321514      0.8867931      0.4665860      6.8352543E-02 -0.3018479     -0.6535056     -0.9794655      -1.259611      -1.475241      -1.594300      -1.606897      -1.504435      -1.309939      -1.051250     -0.7512183     -0.4229623      -18.24260       2.108898       1.850340       1.531416       1.083768      0.6396961      0.2132166     -0.1900469     -0.5728946     -0.9390373      -1.279919      -1.583799      -1.823471      -1.973195      -2.004146      -1.905889      -1.693359      -1.398926      -1.051738     -0.6692374      -18.24260       1.756694       1.533580       1.236827      0.7929559      0.3530873     -7.0243366E-02 -0.4797405     -0.8681551      -1.239254      -1.589426      -1.905018      -2.170381      -2.351619      -2.409754      -2.328866      -2.111340      -1.789262      -1.398012     -0.9624295      -18.24260       1.349449       1.159246      0.8855916      0.4554871      2.8156562E-02 -0.3930360     -0.8009213      -1.188258   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-3.989456      -3.916817      -3.622553      -3.131221      -2.514273      -18.24260     -0.8205882     -0.8911516      -1.056624      -1.388220      -1.729128      -2.067710      -2.398215      -2.715883      -3.020696      -3.305050      -3.573471      -3.830808      -4.068651      -4.255445      -4.378043      -4.362281      -4.118865      -3.641895      -2.998072      -18.24260      -1.516760      -1.555307      -1.687569      -1.979732      -2.280827      -2.582371      -2.878130      -3.166122      -3.444190      -3.703826      -3.953764      -4.189718      -4.419631      -4.620307      -4.760264      -4.791171      -4.610437      -4.170485      -3.513664      -18.24260      -2.298075      -2.298907      -2.390829      -2.632989      -2.889070      -3.150102      -3.407476      -3.663499      -3.915087      -4.150117      -4.376710      -4.597596      -4.814793      -5.007352      -5.151230      -5.208994      -5.098324      -4.721023      -4.068321      -18.24260      -3.200898  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-29.96248      -29.15561      -28.31090      -27.43088      -26.51800      -25.57439      -24.60194      -23.60228      -22.57689      -21.52710      -20.45408      -19.35892      -18.24260       2.484226       1.708581       1.247804       1.145025       1.011557      0.8540263      0.6729755      0.4775949      0.2739589      6.8628944E-02 -0.1242033     -0.2954733     -0.4359425     -0.5455466     -0.6232855     -0.6737919     -0.7041326     -0.7213360     -0.7309037      -20.11515       2.942809       2.274906       1.828417       1.638189       1.429804       1.205872      0.9714527      0.7330783      0.4972777      0.2733957      7.7013843E-02 -7.9950109E-02 -0.1916612     -0.2568497     -0.2797746     -0.2703815     -0.2376281     -0.1904557     -0.1343796      -20.11515       3.182039       2.605612       2.162305       1.871071       1.577228       1.282938      0.9943807      0.7108123      0.4402414      0.1936816     -1.4220074E-02 -0.1686187     -0.2643213     -0.2972926  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2.813995       2.481679       2.083917       1.602033       1.129109      0.6778743      0.2513038     -0.1509833     -0.5290723     -0.8797362      -1.188271      -1.424228      -1.559118      -1.568282      -1.445844      -1.218394     -0.9210173     -0.5805653     -0.2123090      -20.11515       2.505654       2.216482       1.837388       1.347888      0.8691567      0.4095007     -2.6286660E-02 -0.4361663     -0.8290473      -1.198541      -1.530479      -1.798954      -1.965880      -2.004574      -1.886069      -1.637162      -1.298131     -0.9037423     -0.4744789      -20.11515       2.130870       1.880382       1.523333       1.041435      0.5658481      0.1065802     -0.3305355     -0.7475092      -1.146544      -1.522658      -1.874580      -2.162767      -2.368425      -2.442750      -2.348372      -2.092663      -1.720303      -1.275374     -0.7861518      -20.11515       1.701693       1.486580       1.153708      0.6840316      0.2196308     -0.2304891     -0.6694908   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-4.032928      -4.128695      -4.046729      -3.705758      -3.140809      -2.441816      -20.11515     -0.5974579     -0.6833441     -0.8987008      -1.262101      -1.635948      -2.005651      -2.366247      -2.717115      -3.044657      -3.353221      -3.645203      -3.924265      -4.184253      -4.393332      -4.533431      -4.520200      -4.242263      -3.691609      -2.959276      -20.11515      -1.338384      -1.390095      -1.567484      -1.890003      -2.227250      -2.559067      -2.881249      -3.197483      -3.498994      -3.780711      -4.048700      -4.309135      -4.552129      -4.769455      -4.931138      -4.973795      -4.772667      -4.265960      -3.516702      -20.11515      -2.170907      -2.183063      -2.317164      -2.587767      -2.875052      -3.163141      -3.445836      -3.725003      -3.997944      -4.255164      -4.496405      -4.734908      -4.966933      -5.174624      -5.337933      -5.412925      -5.297432      -4.864984      -4.122863      -20.11515  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-34.02043      -33.16752      -32.26827      -31.32653      -30.34558      -29.32820      -28.27680      -27.19350      -26.08016      -24.93843      -23.76979      -22.57558      -21.35700      -20.11515       2.760450       1.899543       1.481465       1.382730       1.244405       1.075764      0.8850058      0.6729634      0.4488421      0.2217211      4.5878389E-03 -0.1895043     -0.3507602     -0.4743314     -0.5615737     -0.6169870     -0.6494774     -0.6671293     -0.6763204      -22.02986       3.289182       2.549964       2.120253       1.918735       1.694965       1.459171       1.210803      0.9553803      0.7010760      0.4576510      0.2432648      6.9836959E-02 -5.0280981E-02 -0.1187810     -0.1403845     -0.1255773     -8.6452052E-02 -3.2172527E-02  3.1227354E-02  -22.02986       3.569360       2.932312       2.478281       2.160925       1.845691       1.535427       1.226765      0.9267539      0.6385821      0.3731653      0.1497947     -1.7412040E-02 -0.1145500  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-22.02986       3.217160       2.848850       2.393914       1.872957       1.367569      0.8848579      0.4303811     -1.2676999E-03 -0.4089442     -0.7851874      -1.117827      -1.377207      -1.531487      -1.536160      -1.393360      -1.131599     -0.7949148     -0.4139614     -5.1008398E-03  -22.02986       2.893886       2.573030       2.135881       1.609692       1.094160      0.6023180      0.1362229     -0.3059397     -0.7220690      -1.119787      -1.478602      -1.771357      -1.964058      -2.007909      -1.871810      -1.586494      -1.202087     -0.7601296     -0.2833831      -22.02986       2.502845       2.224483       1.808461       1.284995      0.7754868      0.2823575     -0.1884430     -0.6312490      -1.055105      -1.460857      -1.837250      -2.156114      -2.387381      -2.481037      -2.373405      -2.080341      -1.657325      -1.158083     -0.6144069      -22.02986       2.050004       1.809007       1.419223      0.9104043      0.4102315     -7.5912967E-02 -0.5411983     -0.9857971      -1.408314      -1.810638      -2.195396      -2.528677      -2.796581      -2.934257      -2.878811      -2.601069      -2.153048      -1.601773     -0.9927515      -22.02986       1.539931       1.334579      0.9717113      0.4830039      1.4268333E-04 -0.4725317     -0.9316407      -1.369993      -1.783255      -2.177193      -2.551024      -2.898678      -3.182681      -3.364735      -3.368443      -3.132620      -2.678737      -2.083369      -1.411499      -22.02986      0.9689416      0.7987315      0.4664417      3.8263218E-03 -0.4613929     -0.9164806      -1.359014      -1.784944      -2.182091      -2.558547      -2.923221      -3.264539      -3.554364      -3.767732      -3.834138      -3.661676      -3.229882      -2.603002      -1.872647      -22.02986      0.3335910      0.1982934     -0.1014245     -0.5352159     -0.9748241      -1.406468      -1.825912      -2.227861      -2.607722      -2.968333      -3.308149      -3.632112      -3.921217      -4.148982      -4.270001      -4.179306      -3.794807      -3.154757      -2.372841      -22.02986     -0.3718978     -0.4732322     -0.7369195      -1.134980      -1.541967      -1.941064      -2.330412      -2.709290      -3.065632      -3.394091      -3.711916      -4.014674      -4.291798      -4.527796      -4.683747      -4.677940      -4.370316      -3.744240      -2.922389      -22.02986      -1.155170      -1.220247      -1.443795      -1.797243      -2.165501      -2.529552      -2.880414      -3.221768      -3.548728      -3.851607      -4.140338      -4.420909      -4.683513      -4.914015      -5.097426      -5.153730      -4.939254      -4.364458      -3.521103      -22.02986      -2.037932      -2.061716      -2.238981      -2.536910      -2.852798      -3.168451      -3.477347      -3.782445      -4.077834      -4.352654      -4.615006      -4.869096      -5.115051      -5.338642      -5.520957      -5.612280      -5.491802      -5.003652      -4.164236      -22.02986      -3.055096      -3.025693      -3.144825      -3.378695      -3.635786      -3.895461      -4.159836      -4.424117      -4.686415      -4.931244      -5.165702      -5.398494      -5.615704      -5.815657      -5.977675      -6.081743      -6.041074      -5.672143      -4.861282      -22.02986      -4.300466      -4.205902      -4.252907      -4.410883      -4.597894      -4.796729      -5.007642      -5.224741      -5.445168      -5.651385      -5.846896      -6.042366      -6.220783      -6.384946      -6.527525      -6.629671      -6.657655      -6.394186      -5.635866      -22.02986      -6.089570      -5.907417      -5.858384      -5.911390      -6.002337      -6.109344      -6.236623      -6.378084      -6.529427      -6.681944      -6.827993      -6.975158      -7.123315      -7.265572      -7.395706      -7.490464      -7.526519      -7.335395      -6.602915      -22.02986      -41.57036      -41.10385      -40.52692      -39.85559      -39.10287  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0.1222670      2.0595504E-02 -5.7294876E-03  3.3454530E-02  0.1200717      0.2368142      0.3723313      0.5196465      -23.98451       4.064477       3.459131       2.959774       2.521684       2.102898       1.706190       1.322594      0.9574245      0.6140312      0.3038197      4.5072287E-02 -0.1416529     -0.2321606     -0.2253006     -0.1353795      1.3002845E-02  0.1986576      0.4071565      0.6305233      -23.98451       4.026646       3.498328       2.980025       2.479193       2.000785       1.549414       1.123712      0.7161199      0.3350970     -7.6858560E-03 -0.2958859     -0.5040063     -0.6041210     -0.5808663     -0.4504059     -0.2452552      7.0147668E-03  0.2877030      0.5868738      -23.98451       3.868903       3.405760       2.888387       2.345579       1.828783       1.341192      0.8811972      0.4413831      3.1020738E-02 -0.3472851     -0.6682148     -0.9140053      -1.042110      -1.022541     -0.8653319     -0.6099232     -0.2938291      5.8090810E-02  0.4328899      -23.98451       3.614137       3.209255       2.698287       2.137758       1.599105       1.087883      0.6034721      0.1458275     -0.2878441     -0.6937027      -1.046476      -1.334213      -1.505694      -1.509878      -1.344874      -1.048784     -0.6726772     -0.2508002      0.1993657      -23.98451       3.275934       2.922666       2.427610       1.863751       1.316331      0.7899300      0.2951688     -0.1746250     -0.6187881      -1.040907      -1.423538      -1.746207      -1.966642      -2.015726      -1.863394      -1.540679      -1.110556     -0.6207451     -9.5680855E-02  -23.98451       2.869234       2.560877       2.087831       1.526950      0.9799049      0.4555884     -4.5755148E-02 -0.5179336     -0.9632697      -1.394861      -1.796863      -2.147549      -2.408270      -2.518959      -2.403299      -2.074743      -1.600602      -1.046304     -0.4472062      -23.98451       2.395836       2.128665       1.680071       1.133343  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-3.348181      -3.690799      -4.006075      -4.262663      -4.407507      -4.316730      -3.889391      -3.172497      -2.305518      -23.98451     -0.1451989     -0.2624410     -0.5751155      -1.005977      -1.446102      -1.875300      -2.292434      -2.698810      -3.079607      -3.432274      -3.774115      -4.097791      -4.395363      -4.654498      -4.832859      -4.838924      -4.501150      -3.798102      -2.884035      -23.98451     -0.9704922      -1.049733      -1.318754      -1.702650      -2.100422      -2.492225      -2.876420      -3.245900      -3.592795      -3.916988      -4.232873      -4.528602      -4.806984      -5.054656      -5.258740      -5.332678      -5.106487      -4.459663      -3.518465      -23.98451      -1.899838      -1.933039      -2.152800      -2.484201      -2.828355      -3.170446      -3.509949      -3.839476      -4.154932      -4.446348      -4.733638      -5.004064      -5.257933      -5.496272      -5.696798      -5.806969      -5.688569  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-43.54249      -42.71655      -41.81210      -40.83771      -39.80147      -38.70908      -37.56543      -36.37461      -35.14011      -33.86492      -32.55165      -31.20283      -29.81977      -28.40500      -26.95992      -25.48597      -23.98451       3.278928       2.249179       1.937856       1.851895       1.718156       1.541922       1.328749       1.086859      0.8264787      0.5584186      0.3002502      6.3307464E-02 -0.1333166     -0.2819418     -0.3841353     -0.4472746     -0.4825050     -0.4998268     -0.5078373      -25.97711       3.951981       3.061899       2.679069       2.462755       2.221478       1.960964       1.681244       1.392624       1.097232      0.8167117      0.5605785      0.3548964      0.2123110      0.1371148      0.1188512      0.1430840      0.1948868      0.2634363      0.3414770      -25.97711       4.322000       3.557911       3.089182       2.728830       2.372292       2.021973       1.676393       1.339005       1.012264      0.7112898  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-0.1455142      0.2410667      0.6507010      -25.97711       4.004492       3.562190       2.996969       2.398011       1.824412       1.284682      0.7745293      0.2877820     -0.1730275     -0.6016123     -0.9813129      -1.293476      -1.483944      -1.488353      -1.300805     -0.9701167     -0.5540507     -9.0539880E-02  0.4014665      -25.97711       3.653631       3.266615       2.714850       2.110913       1.532418      0.9766141      0.4482822     -4.6554815E-02 -0.5167072     -0.9640298      -1.370867      -1.722851      -1.968407      -2.027168      -1.860595      -1.500649      -1.024401     -0.4858675      8.8134453E-02  -25.97711       3.229778       2.890541       2.360239       1.764178       1.183515      0.6229948      9.2442684E-02 -0.4054543     -0.8765978      -1.329662      -1.756866      -2.134406      -2.429922      -2.558948      -2.440613      -2.076579      -1.551002     -0.9408860     -0.2856553      -25.97711       2.737173       2.442751       1.938002 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-2.985846      -3.379895      -3.744574      -4.081346      -4.368166      -4.537877      -4.457351      -3.989355      -3.195220      -2.242114      -25.97711      8.0040216E-02 -5.3346001E-02 -0.4139180     -0.8782629      -1.347819      -1.809047      -2.256071      -2.687761      -3.088883      -3.470014      -3.833913      -4.173065      -4.492872      -4.772604      -4.977078      -4.998158      -4.636424      -3.857258      -2.849869      -25.97711     -0.7843564     -0.8753906      -1.190791      -1.608059      -2.034925      -2.457849      -2.870760      -3.268317      -3.634533      -3.979473      -4.318906      -4.629495      -4.925781      -5.191789      -5.410385      -5.506460      -5.273448      -4.557400      -3.516814      -25.97711      -1.759298      -1.801523      -2.064022      -2.427006      -2.803733      -3.175700      -3.540972      -3.894730      -4.226803      -4.540901      -4.847720      -5.133677      -5.398219      -5.648997      -5.863310      -5.995136  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-48.10644      -47.30549      -46.40439      -45.41678      -44.35341      -43.22180      -42.02929      -40.78105      -39.48161      -38.13482      -36.74396      -35.31214      -33.84114      -32.33393      -30.79223      -29.21782      -27.61230      -25.97711       3.524277       2.410221       2.161023       2.079039       1.949459       1.773785       1.553581       1.295477       1.016312      0.7291155      0.4467720      0.1878806     -2.7735516E-02 -0.1902473     -0.2999335     -0.3676091     -0.4039113     -0.4212901     -0.4288720      -28.00587       4.271549       3.305298       2.949223       2.724508       2.478198       2.207343       1.915834       1.606394       1.294524      0.9911356      0.7150174      0.4911081      0.3371877      0.2581611      0.2414679      0.2704267      0.3289481      0.4047282      0.4901077      -28.00587       4.685614       3.855721       3.382244       3.002561       2.628081       2.260350       1.895354       1.538574       1.194664  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-0.3890652     -5.0714845E-03  0.4163914      0.8613262      -28.00587       4.389935       3.909890       3.289751       2.653102       2.046833       1.475758      0.9387314      0.4282083     -5.8875583E-02 -0.5109468     -0.9190962      -1.255898      -1.462995      -1.467881      -1.259036     -0.8926356     -0.4355097      7.0180967E-02  0.6046064      -28.00587       4.026800       3.604735       2.997020       2.355786       1.741743       1.155728      0.6004797      7.8926325E-02 -0.4161783     -0.8878765      -1.319207      -1.698792      -1.970694      -2.044677      -1.864030      -1.466867     -0.9438703     -0.3560882      0.2674854      -28.00587       3.585742       3.215660       2.629117       1.994162       1.380767      0.7885252      0.2277572     -0.2960649     -0.7913076      -1.267872      -1.715686      -2.122244      -2.448044      -2.599530      -2.481372      -2.080301      -1.502207     -0.8355492     -0.1234657      -28.00587       3.072475       2.750714 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-2.568107      -2.998685      -3.406724      -3.796908      -4.151237      -4.463130      -4.666471      -4.600333      -4.092548      -3.220926      -2.181202      -28.00587      0.3037392      0.1551017     -0.2548669     -0.7510700      -1.252599      -1.746188      -2.224236      -2.674953      -3.098452      -3.504458      -3.890222      -4.245861      -4.582788      -4.882104      -5.118778      -5.157296      -4.774960      -3.921183      -2.820220      -28.00587     -0.5985957     -0.7018326      -1.062925      -1.513283      -1.972499      -2.425729      -2.865893      -3.283245      -3.676057      -4.045737      -4.400991      -4.730083      -5.036594      -5.321472      -5.559127      -5.677925      -5.438855      -4.657151      -3.517029      -28.00587      -1.616310      -1.669215      -1.973791      -2.367136      -2.773066      -3.179317      -3.570687      -3.945166      -4.298790      -4.637456      -4.957970      -5.257343      -5.535811      -5.795050      -6.026212  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-52.74690      -52.00899      -51.14072      -50.16260      -49.09008      -47.93492      -46.70627      -45.41143      -44.05636      -42.64603      -41.18464      -39.67578      -38.12259      -36.52780      -34.89383      -33.22282      -31.51670      -29.77720      -28.00587       3.765203       2.566317       2.376633       2.303083       2.176314       2.001004       1.776343       1.505643       1.208543      0.9016712      0.5934012      0.3137911      7.8645147E-02 -9.7676046E-02 -0.2164885     -0.2878323     -0.3254849     -0.3430391     -0.3502340      -30.06916       4.583615       3.540747       3.214778       2.980199       2.727348       2.447646       2.147704       1.819666       1.489800       1.162809      0.8655110      0.6229555      0.4574261      0.3731062      0.3576843      0.3917838      0.4569995      0.5399318      0.6326993      -30.06916       5.043755       4.147802       3.669114       3.267494       2.876771       2.493946       2.111432       1.734944       1.373590       1.023696      0.7240397      0.5009896      0.3819847      0.3667309      0.4327843      0.5559687      0.7135144      0.8912398       1.081331      -30.06916       5.229953       4.456758       3.876565       3.348750       2.852006       2.381747       1.930323       1.506929       1.100625      0.7246466      0.4012122      0.1724528      7.1811028E-02  0.1039338      0.2391424      0.4444840      0.6913049      0.9625492       1.249562      -30.06916       5.218598       4.546562       3.905185       3.296209       2.723990       2.191133       1.693590       1.217117      0.7689361      0.3581084     -4.9292138E-03 -0.2666780     -0.3789921     -0.3270864     -0.1369376      0.1442767      0.4782519      0.8424669       1.226333      -30.06916       5.054811       4.465211       3.796831       3.140516       2.523534       1.952629       1.413198      0.8994939      0.4170696     -3.1799335E-02 -0.4323844     -0.7475191     -0.9057924     -0.8679382     -0.6441144     -0.2958027      0.1224966      0.5790610       1.059750      -30.06916       4.770799       4.252436       3.578935       2.903339       2.266183       1.663028       1.096257      0.5663654      5.5457301E-02 -0.4214295     -0.8552951      -1.219623      -1.446089      -1.455329      -1.225028     -0.8225157     -0.3237655      0.2242668      0.8017118      -30.06916       4.394763       3.936941       3.274597       2.597038       1.947111       1.327271      0.7493848      0.2037766     -0.3171690     -0.8113245      -1.269985      -1.674661      -1.973771      -2.064693      -1.870116      -1.435254     -0.8646415     -0.2272244      0.4466417      -30.06916       3.936791       3.536371       2.893067       2.219539       1.571096      0.9506983      0.3618782     -0.1876240     -0.7089264      -1.208214      -1.676160      -2.107960      -2.461519      -2.640743      -2.523333      -2.086865      -1.456294     -0.7327352      3.7036188E-02  -30.06916       3.402670 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-2.083389      -2.554807      -3.010672      -3.432773      -3.839213      -4.216950      -4.553112      -4.788404      -4.741535      -4.200176      -3.250084      -2.122327      -30.06916      0.5247549      0.3598636     -9.6822172E-02 -0.6276657      -1.160592      -1.685949      -2.190465      -2.664543      -3.109403      -3.538322      -3.939555      -4.314233      -4.666871      -4.988805      -5.249119      -5.310843      -4.918084      -3.988418      -2.792267      -30.06916     -0.4126072     -0.5295032     -0.9361508      -1.417180      -1.908067      -2.393183      -2.858823      -3.300104      -3.714457      -4.108483      -4.472172      -4.821388      -5.142596      -5.445768      -5.699352      -5.841039      -5.608643      -4.760968      -3.519686      -30.06916      -1.471422      -1.535939      -1.881310      -2.304301      -2.742909      -3.178735      -3.599688      -3.995217      -4.369837      -4.727092      -5.058772      -5.374392      -5.665355      -5.938399  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-57.39582      -56.77599      -55.98190      -55.04470      -53.98777      -52.82844      -51.57975      -50.25177      -48.85251      -47.38848      -45.86509      -44.28692      -42.65788      -40.98135      -39.26029      -37.49731      -35.69476      -33.85467      -31.97891      -30.06916       3.996523       2.711516       2.591578       2.520941       2.400316       2.217950       1.991563       1.717408       1.401689       1.070532      0.7391911      0.4347979      0.1795156     -1.1684105E-02 -0.1399496     -0.2154963     -0.2546989     -0.2725391     -0.2794256      -32.16550       4.889851       3.771164       3.471309       3.232058       2.966535       2.680357       2.372911       2.034151       1.683755       1.334026       1.013901      0.7535733      0.5771400      0.4886234      0.4751910      0.5147858      0.5868167      0.6770125      0.7772489      -32.16550       5.394360       4.433039       3.950887       3.524003       3.115077       2.717881       2.324130  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-0.8409252     -0.5962374     -0.2169008      0.2355572      0.7275912       1.244491      -32.16550       5.147696       4.589799       3.863517       3.152099       2.479449       1.844883       1.252693      0.6973506      0.1635187     -0.3377439     -0.7955326      -1.186779      -1.437125      -1.454876      -1.204678     -0.7662607     -0.2264393      0.3643764      0.9853929      -32.16550       4.757889       4.265464       3.548845       2.832284       2.146684       1.496801      0.8906807      0.3216706     -0.2252146     -0.7381555      -1.218891      -1.649695      -1.975896      -2.086069      -1.878270      -1.406991     -0.7881075     -0.1004525      0.6244292      -32.16550       4.281937       3.850958       3.151868       2.440206       1.757429       1.105399      0.4899097     -8.5408129E-02 -0.6308341      -1.146702      -1.636626      -2.091942      -2.473903      -2.684829      -2.565414      -2.097499      -1.413460     -0.6322741      0.1959980      -32.16550 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-1.526053      -2.051119      -2.547964      -3.019035      -3.458878      -3.877612      -4.279469      -4.635829      -4.902504      -4.884813      -4.316535      -3.288865      -2.071951      -32.16550      0.7434130      0.5615002      5.6888111E-02 -0.5039257      -1.071238      -1.626537      -2.157880      -2.657344      -3.125099      -3.566358      -3.983008      -4.375083      -4.745235      -5.091112      -5.372067      -5.465070      -5.063384      -4.058606      -2.765476      -32.16550     -0.2283047     -0.3591837     -0.8094101      -1.321615      -1.846167      -2.361330      -2.853939      -3.317933      -3.752407      -4.165240      -4.542319      -4.904854      -5.245329      -5.564138      -5.836451      -6.001844      -5.779988      -4.867942      -3.523653      -32.16550      -1.326115      -1.402106      -1.789872      -2.241240      -2.713300      -3.176882      -3.626736      -4.048951      -4.437416      -4.812398      -5.158244      -5.483910      -5.795666  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-32.16550      -61.53292      -60.87342      -60.02193      -59.01427      -57.87683      -56.62888      -55.28475      -53.85549      -52.34981      -50.77479      -49.13630      -47.43929      -45.68796      -43.88599      -42.03655      -40.14247      -38.20622      -36.23001      -34.21584      -32.16550       4.220269       2.848094       2.799703       2.734561       2.613095       2.420851       2.199524       1.918939       1.593170       1.235597      0.8784323      0.5517874      0.2753707      6.6402756E-02 -7.2278410E-02 -0.1527540     -0.1938279     -0.2120050     -0.2186934      -34.29354       5.188540       3.994118       3.725383       3.474142       3.191770       2.897761       2.586869       2.245790       1.871622       1.498333       1.156062      0.8788691      0.6885708      0.5953022      0.5835479      0.6284277      0.7072322      0.8047564      0.9124899      -34.29354       5.740126       4.716799       4.224738       3.770801       3.338725       2.932787  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-0.8673913     -0.8326005     -0.5706994     -0.1616847      0.3246098      0.8525181       1.406029      -34.29354       5.517992       4.919924       4.144842       3.396740       2.686849       2.021359       1.402444      0.8224133      0.2684433     -0.2552017     -0.7385636      -1.155451      -1.436538      -1.467133      -1.202918     -0.7303015     -0.1497697      0.4843119       1.149368      -34.29354       5.115910       4.589516       3.818238       3.061197       2.341537       1.659896       1.026960      0.4347424     -0.1326746     -0.6672963      -1.167986      -1.624773      -1.982205      -2.108664      -1.892884      -1.384090     -0.7168799      2.1806821E-02  0.7982901      -34.29354       4.621394       4.160374       3.404306       2.655757       1.937863       1.253082      0.6136799      1.5678708E-02 -0.5551081      -1.087583      -1.598160      -2.074529      -2.489959      -2.724511      -2.615249      -2.116407      -1.378783     -0.5391088      0.3482922 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-0.8865731      -1.472578      -2.023353      -2.541210      -3.021835      -3.481666      -3.912758      -4.335711      -4.708967      -5.009856      -5.026999      -4.434756      -3.330477      -2.023677      -34.29354      0.9589704      0.7602393      0.2088793     -0.3842592     -0.9841149      -1.570724      -2.128898      -2.650529      -3.137644      -3.591245      -4.024208      -4.436435      -4.822060      -5.174591      -5.485332      -5.615197      -5.208656      -4.133107      -2.742565      -34.29354     -4.4867221E-02 -0.1903787     -0.6859085      -1.228189      -1.786394      -2.330077      -2.850065      -3.336124      -3.787826      -4.214710      -4.612995      -4.984813      -5.347151      -5.666251      -5.966311      -6.151399      -5.945624      -4.977077      -3.529615      -34.29354      -1.182408      -1.269731      -1.697140      -2.180655      -2.683418      -3.179284      -3.649472      -4.095001      -4.504126      -4.891781      -5.250216      -5.587974 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-7.799337      -34.29354      -65.73592      -65.03623      -64.12615      -63.04680      -61.82695      -60.48862      -59.04726      -57.51485      -55.90109      -54.21291      -52.45736      -50.63952      -48.76394      -46.83453      -44.85471      -42.82748      -40.75551      -38.64115      -36.48652      -34.29354      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021  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-1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316  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-1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922  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-1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.861521      -1.829774      -1.797269      -1.764016      -1.730021      -1.695293      -1.659840      -1.623669      -1.586781      -1.549196      -1.510922      -1.471966      -1.432336      -1.392039      -1.351080      -1.309463      -1.267206      -1.224316      -1.180802      -1.136669      -1.537448      -1.540730      -1.544276      -1.560122      -1.577652      -1.595032      -1.610577      -1.623091      -1.631480      -1.644069      -1.667410      -1.706929      -1.741661      -1.772259      -1.797771      -1.827928      -1.860670      -1.890861      -1.916948      -2.280320      -1.581085      -1.582640      -1.584392      -1.598000      -1.613459      -1.628817      -1.642523      -1.653357      -1.660270      -1.671076      -1.692414      -1.733515      -1.769887      -1.800640      -1.825463      -1.854958      -1.886500      -1.914616      -1.937639      -2.280320      -1.626799      -1.626611      -1.626571      -1.638001  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-1.817292      -1.859203      -1.894319      -1.922123      -1.943817      -1.969801      -1.995255      -2.013648      -2.024000      -2.280320      -1.831361      -1.823713      -1.816317      -1.819223      -1.824143      -1.830037      -1.835084      -1.837873      -1.837542      -1.840401      -1.853085      -1.894000      -1.927908      -1.954543      -1.975356      -1.999821      -2.023327      -2.038863      -2.045901      -2.280320      -1.888691      -1.878963      -1.869499      -1.870328      -1.873061      -1.877050      -1.880234      -1.881398      -1.879390      -1.880555      -1.891430      -1.930589      -1.962874      -1.988580      -2.008169      -2.030856      -2.052146      -2.064679      -2.068306      -2.280320      -1.949194      -1.937208      -1.925491      -1.924225      -1.924630      -1.926511      -1.927737      -1.927133      -1.923329      -1.922705      -1.931678      -1.969064      -1.999864      -2.024559      -2.042474      -2.063334      -2.081984  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-2.183216      -2.172569      -2.163691      -2.154962      -2.144753      -2.132138      -2.121913      -2.121292      -2.149076      -2.171534      -2.187717      -2.194991      -2.202731      -2.207122      -2.202183      -2.186334      -2.280320      -2.340431      -2.311713      -2.283497      -2.266644      -2.251975      -2.239215      -2.226787      -2.213131      -2.197369      -2.183889      -2.179935      -2.203975      -2.223273      -2.235070      -2.237708      -2.240252      -2.240354      -2.230810      -2.210305      -2.280320      -2.451734      -2.418463      -2.385336      -2.364049      -2.345113      -2.327569      -2.310667      -2.292656      -2.272928      -2.255648      -2.247830      -2.267621      -2.281698      -2.288027      -2.287256      -2.282180      -2.277200      -2.262519      -2.237181      -2.280320      -2.584621      -2.545876      -2.507138      -2.480662      -2.456659      -2.433496      -2.411008      -2.387413      -2.362411      -2.340353  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-2.571095      -2.490856      -2.401890      -2.280320      -3.866702      -3.805162      -3.740865      -3.673868      -3.604220      -3.531984      -3.457229      -3.380011      -3.300364      -3.218371      -3.134086      -3.047551      -2.958812      -2.867940      -2.775223      -2.679958      -2.582939      -2.483970      -2.383332      -2.280320      -1.070651      -1.118064      -1.167663      -1.217814      -1.269721      -1.334790      -1.397052      -1.454026      -1.502599      -1.543728      -1.585553      -1.636367      -1.682856      -1.724794      -1.761325      -1.793672      -1.828254      -1.858685      -1.884862      -3.518405      -1.122904      -1.164072      -1.208022      -1.253584      -1.301080      -1.359737      -1.416245      -1.471328      -1.526677      -1.573147      -1.621167      -1.676606      -1.726001      -1.768753      -1.804472      -1.834470      -1.865869      -1.891682      -1.911666      -3.518405      -1.182663      -1.217443      -1.256064  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-1.769660      -1.835460      -1.899643      -1.953038      -1.996006      -2.027453      -2.050416      -2.070095      -2.079731      -2.075797      -3.518405      -1.499504      -1.512711      -1.530015      -1.550366      -1.575318      -1.608867      -1.642847      -1.689632      -1.765820      -1.836007      -1.902752      -1.967186      -2.020772      -2.063324      -2.094198      -2.115795      -2.133146      -2.139281      -2.129762      -3.518405      -1.598628      -1.607009      -1.619358      -1.635093      -1.655320      -1.683869      -1.713535      -1.758360      -1.835986      -1.906770      -1.973530      -2.037442      -2.091143      -2.133098      -2.163707      -2.183680      -2.199227      -2.201793      -2.186838      -3.518405      -1.705188      -1.709111      -1.716540      -1.728041      -1.743604      -1.767041      -1.792445      -1.834362      -1.911425      -1.981456      -2.046999      -2.110197      -2.163101      -2.204634      -2.234850      -2.253644  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-1.572635      -1.664204      -1.747771      -1.827251      -1.895885      -1.949006      -1.985201      -2.004541      -2.011162      -2.002083      -1.978821      -4.847148      -1.073330      -1.111141      -1.157832      -1.210511      -1.265375      -1.324457      -1.438703      -1.548447      -1.651915      -1.748964      -1.837391      -1.921886      -1.992901      -2.047066      -2.082977      -2.100284      -2.103124      -2.088286      -2.056633      -4.847148      -1.198592      -1.227404      -1.265357      -1.310123      -1.356621      -1.407896      -1.521071      -1.634171      -1.741575      -1.841435      -1.934707      -2.021604      -2.094307      -2.149487      -2.185519      -2.201449      -2.201027      -2.181680      -2.141701      -4.847148      -1.336909      -1.356986      -1.386777      -1.423363      -1.461935      -1.504925      -1.618227      -1.732603      -1.841083      -1.943908      -2.039037      -2.126752      -2.200362      -2.256504      -2.292702  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-2.041808      -2.039234      -2.045440      -2.054128      -2.065706      -2.157984      -2.252858      -2.344468      -2.432203      -2.513886      -2.589341      -2.655947      -2.710739      -2.748826      -2.766259      -2.765127      -2.727535      -2.652536      -4.847148      -2.276529      -2.255542      -2.245532      -2.243671      -2.245183      -2.248935      -2.331481      -2.417167      -2.498046      -2.575544      -2.649210      -2.720246      -2.783604      -2.835864      -2.874187      -2.895597      -2.893396      -2.851401      -2.769959      -4.847148      -2.523037      -2.493500      -2.475607      -2.465437      -2.458059      -2.454178      -2.523017      -2.595557      -2.663541      -2.731252      -2.797435      -2.863346      -2.920775      -2.970463      -3.010604      -3.033717      -3.026928      -2.981651      -2.891693      -4.847148      -2.791438      -2.754307      -2.727865      -2.709512      -2.693472      -2.681322      -2.735028      -2.794891  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-3.974882      -3.933105      -3.852416      -3.733889      -3.570324      -4.847148      -8.588029      -8.465016      -8.331647      -8.188350      -8.035576      -7.873747      -7.703267      -7.524538      -7.337902      -7.143728      -6.942304      -6.733960      -6.518941      -6.297533      -6.069960      -5.836457      -5.597478      -5.352485      -5.102401      -4.847148     -0.1841261     -0.3453463     -0.5177612     -0.6926055     -0.8626012     -0.9351751      -1.021905      -1.104227      -1.181273      -1.252290      -1.313919      -1.371253      -1.424707      -1.471180      -1.512747      -1.551712      -1.586056      -1.614025      -1.636125      -6.258605     -0.1902013     -0.3307543     -0.4824216     -0.6358850     -0.7864377     -0.8796453     -0.9853175      -1.084989      -1.177366      -1.259886      -1.329357      -1.392824      -1.448107      -1.493706      -1.531076      -1.562915      -1.586131      -1.600344      -1.606654      -6.258605     -0.2301984  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-1.307545      -1.435790      -1.551821      -1.652688      -1.738091      -1.806798      -1.858046      -1.889965      -1.898319      -1.885478      -1.852309      -1.802073      -6.258605     -0.6461518     -0.7111382     -0.7883604     -0.8707587     -0.9554805      -1.110698      -1.263598      -1.406284      -1.538903      -1.659662      -1.765849      -1.857587      -1.931058      -1.987802      -2.019524      -2.024863      -2.005755      -1.963056      -1.900600      -6.258605     -0.8033931     -0.8556476     -0.9219414     -0.9935044      -1.067515      -1.220799      -1.374522      -1.518896      -1.653508      -1.777382      -1.889024      -1.985564      -2.067051      -2.127942      -2.160774      -2.164594      -2.140975      -2.090373      -2.016711      -6.258605     -0.9770907      -1.016595      -1.071887      -1.132383      -1.196072      -1.348028      -1.498643      -1.641521      -1.776337      -1.902915      -2.017761      -2.119573      -2.207476      -2.270856  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-1.861016      -1.854356      -1.863146      -1.881758      -1.906043      -2.022588      -2.147148      -2.271297      -2.394081      -2.511923      -2.622044      -2.722218      -2.806935      -2.872191      -2.913952      -2.925581      -2.902030      -2.838490      -2.720144      -6.258605      -2.137140      -2.120135      -2.118655      -2.126501      -2.140399      -2.247562      -2.361800      -2.475988      -2.587315      -2.694647      -2.794699      -2.887167      -2.968571      -3.032298      -3.074424      -3.089381      -3.074935      -3.008885      -2.884400      -6.258605      -2.450870      -2.422324      -2.410500      -2.406401      -2.409148      -2.502630      -2.600461      -2.698383      -2.795392      -2.889874      -2.978617      -3.063405      -3.138937      -3.199762      -3.241045      -3.262251      -3.253961      -3.185286      -3.055087      -6.258605      -2.801197      -2.761859      -2.738482      -2.721865      -2.712569      -2.785511      -2.864148  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-4.398094      -4.405362      -4.383234      -4.314592      -4.175924      -3.955410      -6.258605      -11.24852      -11.09384      -10.92327      -10.73769      -10.53789      -10.32469      -10.09883      -9.860990      -9.611802      -9.351858      -9.081678      -8.801751      -8.512534      -8.214435      -7.907827      -7.593069      -7.270483      -6.940358      -6.602981      -6.258605      0.2114944     -1.1231858E-02 -0.2525525     -0.4970791     -0.6455256     -0.7303869     -0.8215266     -0.9200853      -1.013553      -1.097480      -1.173995      -1.241842      -1.300964      -1.351324      -1.393654      -1.430015      -1.463742      -1.490581      -1.510444      -7.745110      0.2500900      5.5369444E-02 -0.1539657     -0.3661423     -0.5191635     -0.6295753     -0.7486724     -0.8691917     -0.9791138      -1.078447      -1.165361      -1.237119      -1.296634      -1.342139      -1.375790      -1.400136      -1.417695      -1.424979      -1.423024      -7.745110  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-0.9526592      -1.131321      -1.295438      -1.436953      -1.557945      -1.652763      -1.721293      -1.763183      -1.779320      -1.770967      -1.735309      -1.675175      -1.595135      -7.745110     -0.2023075     -0.2962117     -0.4040102     -0.5138912     -0.6808300     -0.8815710      -1.075766      -1.259763      -1.425552      -1.574830      -1.701151      -1.801966      -1.876426      -1.922034      -1.941108      -1.928007      -1.882951      -1.809100      -1.711766      -7.745110     -0.3874171     -0.4649948     -0.5586949     -0.6546696     -0.8189737      -1.023645      -1.217691      -1.398754      -1.568898      -1.722028      -1.852293      -1.958971      -2.040329      -2.092375      -2.115093      -2.099385      -2.046900      -1.960983      -1.847599      -7.745110     -0.5995473     -0.6617258     -0.7419070     -0.8261527     -0.9844267      -1.185244      -1.372188      -1.552504      -1.722475      -1.876757      -2.011385      -2.123888      -2.211756 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-7.745110      -1.652128      -1.660092      -1.685580      -1.720220      -1.831999      -1.987086      -2.138570      -2.292152      -2.441581      -2.586886      -2.723120      -2.845399      -2.950115      -3.030205      -3.076094      -3.078831      -3.030277      -2.928337      -2.759683      -7.745110      -1.978847      -1.972815      -1.985533      -2.005044      -2.101034      -2.242462      -2.382100      -2.524303      -2.666068      -2.801789      -2.928377      -3.042529      -3.142224      -3.220932      -3.269809      -3.278817      -3.237951      -3.142874      -2.967734      -7.745110      -2.344723      -2.323457      -2.322867      -2.329081      -2.408284      -2.534339      -2.659824      -2.785417      -2.910944      -3.032771      -3.147657      -3.251559      -3.342619      -3.418607      -3.469210      -3.484410      -3.460178      -3.367916      -3.188262      -7.745110      -2.763751      -2.726529      -2.710639      -2.702759      -2.761314      -2.864066  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-4.722207      -4.752264      -4.776512      -4.778979      -4.726679      -4.578523      -4.306103      -7.745110      -14.07850      -13.89154      -13.68208      -13.45157      -13.20142      -12.93292      -12.64724      -12.34582      -12.02859      -11.69747      -11.35290      -10.99559      -10.62619      -10.24528      -9.853398      -9.451036      -9.038636      -8.616601      -8.185309      -7.745110      0.5831426      0.2894959     -2.1754220E-02 -0.3221427     -0.4221022     -0.5205066     -0.6215405     -0.7332849     -0.8409755     -0.9424415      -1.032936      -1.112051      -1.181892      -1.237924      -1.283566      -1.320317      -1.351290      -1.377037      -1.395201      -9.300068      0.6685166      0.4126235      0.1434308     -0.1178783     -0.2480953     -0.3768017     -0.5109549     -0.6490487     -0.7791126     -0.8977907     -0.9978333      -1.082724      -1.149794      -1.198034      -1.229996      -1.249103      -1.258733      -1.258962      -1.249283  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-0.5101077     -0.7351538     -0.9456654      -1.141110      -1.314929      -1.457170      -1.565286      -1.636455      -1.669771      -1.668263      -1.636028      -1.574538      -1.485393      -1.374389      -9.300068      0.2465878      0.1229446     -1.4109139E-02 -0.1599390     -0.4071474     -0.6473880     -0.8766446      -1.097897      -1.304093      -1.484516      -1.632101      -1.747841      -1.824050      -1.860973      -1.857703      -1.820647      -1.745758      -1.637690      -1.503707      -9.300068      3.7060887E-02 -6.8156175E-02 -0.1883930     -0.3198231     -0.5691274     -0.8096504      -1.044953      -1.271167      -1.480927      -1.662925      -1.818666      -1.939988      -2.024493      -2.068142      -2.069118      -2.029381      -1.944304      -1.819594      -1.664133      -9.300068     -0.2015475     -0.2899628     -0.3940128     -0.5127802     -0.7574612     -0.9988334      -1.235135      -1.459694      -1.663863      -1.849982      -2.008932      -2.137436 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-2.523128      -9.300068      -1.430586      -1.455115      -1.499667      -1.563560      -1.755423      -1.943150      -2.129762      -2.314037      -2.492629      -2.661528      -2.817115      -2.960498      -3.086207      -3.181991      -3.232196      -3.224123      -3.147746      -2.996448      -2.770308      -9.300068      -1.806835      -1.812994      -1.841609      -1.888896      -2.059043      -2.230516      -2.404040      -2.573787      -2.738633      -2.899243      -3.051353      -3.188187      -3.308090      -3.405267      -3.461156      -3.465342      -3.401670      -3.262914      -3.030389      -9.300068      -2.230011      -2.216458      -2.227397      -2.257677      -2.405585      -2.556956      -2.710479      -2.865182      -3.016143      -3.162560      -3.300102      -3.427187      -3.538038      -3.629683      -3.690479      -3.703780      -3.655702      -3.532794      -3.296460      -9.300068      -2.715688      -2.680348      -2.671364      -2.683454      -2.804459  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-4.984957      -5.033312      -5.086741      -5.125988      -5.149199      -5.120170      -4.971500      -4.651350      -9.300068      -17.06069      -16.84085      -16.59083      -16.31291      -16.00924      -15.68177      -15.33224      -14.96219      -14.57300      -14.16590      -13.74195      -13.30214      -12.84732      -12.37827      -11.89569      -11.40020      -10.89240      -10.37279      -9.841866      -9.300068      0.9377816      0.5673013      0.1889848     -7.3285364E-02 -0.1820170     -0.2984455     -0.4169181     -0.5394564     -0.6601117     -0.7756708     -0.8817707     -0.9746431      -1.052973      -1.117701      -1.167197      -1.205018      -1.233964      -1.257923      -1.274333      -10.91791       1.077416      0.7572545      0.4302675      0.1822136      3.2764990E-02 -0.1195815     -0.2704593     -0.4236392     -0.5701790     -0.7047760     -0.8236677     -0.9188973     -0.9940697      -1.046224      -1.077654      -1.091828      -1.093233      -1.085834  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8.5326144E-03 -0.2555692     -0.5142688     -0.7629545     -0.9883769      -1.184972      -1.353068      -1.478654      -1.554064      -1.581337      -1.562564      -1.503619      -1.413792      -1.294222      -1.151757      -10.91791      0.6907162      0.5348138      0.3673968      0.1499027     -0.1322435     -0.4098080     -0.6814016     -0.9388483      -1.172325      -1.382832      -1.561605      -1.693411      -1.776410      -1.804494      -1.782700      -1.714296      -1.606528      -1.462412      -1.290827      -10.91791      0.4648928      0.3308546      0.1845531     -2.5437918E-02 -0.3123589     -0.5977909     -0.8739334      -1.132838      -1.375791      -1.594863      -1.777723      -1.920727      -2.011950      -2.046895      -2.026352      -1.954530      -1.832282      -1.666038      -1.466840      -10.91791      0.2004411      8.5809425E-02 -4.1333567E-02 -0.2423881     -0.5298036     -0.8104027      -1.084329      -1.348209      -1.594914      -1.811644      -1.999615  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-2.731496      -2.448493      -10.91791      -1.197300      -1.237462      -1.300739      -1.440031      -1.667680      -1.894899      -2.119543      -2.334411      -2.539437      -2.733067      -2.910476      -3.070851      -3.217074      -3.326904      -3.380589      -3.360909      -3.250211      -3.043348      -2.750967      -10.91791      -1.636021      -1.653353      -1.697140      -1.816458      -2.016937      -2.217967      -2.420874      -2.620481      -2.811406      -2.990655      -3.160204      -3.322283      -3.465568      -3.579116      -3.644286      -3.640094      -3.549301      -3.356751      -3.058222      -10.91791      -2.115887      -2.108770      -2.131535      -2.226741      -2.399816      -2.577343      -2.758045      -2.936805      -3.110341      -3.279023      -3.437893      -3.587085      -3.721986      -3.833772      -3.903491      -3.915449      -3.847138      -3.679051      -3.378460      -10.91791      -2.660655      -2.627878      -2.627061      -2.696079  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0.5892391      0.2861669     -1.0846937E-02 -0.3007431     -0.5759930     -0.8304743      -1.058504      -1.244633      -1.384805      -1.466826      -1.487732      -1.450566      -1.365698      -1.243823      -1.092576     -0.9181027      -12.59390       1.126559      0.9353591      0.7354565      0.4506731      0.1331040     -0.1810405     -0.4853526     -0.7750470      -1.043534      -1.280784      -1.485306      -1.639847      -1.728806      -1.753379      -1.711297      -1.612263      -1.468769      -1.287354      -1.077706      -12.59390      0.8856330      0.7206330      0.5465338      0.2607214     -6.2658243E-02 -0.3845472     -0.6982867     -0.9975208      -1.269258      -1.516689      -1.734895      -1.899075      -2.001388      -2.032710      -1.992279      -1.884940      -1.723479      -1.514197      -1.270541      -12.59390      0.5993787      0.4578436      0.3057451      2.6950248E-02 -0.2982130     -0.6215080     -0.9367318      -1.233002      -1.510950      -1.764378  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-2.991385      -2.719376      -2.367377      -12.59390     -0.9589426      -1.012629      -1.091857      -1.307482      -1.570487      -1.832419      -2.092412      -2.341897      -2.576071      -2.792694      -2.998152      -3.183480      -3.340443      -3.465071      -3.522542      -3.486546      -3.335151      -3.067426      -2.700729      -12.59390      -1.449351      -1.478721      -1.537653      -1.726800      -1.960363      -2.196220      -2.429639      -2.655623      -2.873023      -3.077299      -3.268129      -3.447921      -3.613682      -3.744789      -3.820808      -3.810232      -3.688145      -3.437810      -3.065968      -12.59390      -1.988356      -1.990221      -2.025472      -2.183394      -2.384218      -2.588919      -2.796937      -3.002285      -3.199059      -3.384812      -3.565167      -3.737790      -3.893929      -4.024026      -4.108579      -4.119893      -4.027755      -3.808153      -3.434946      -12.59390      -2.588289      -2.560214      -2.568157  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-5.394136      -5.469247      -5.542901      -5.616105      -5.686641      -5.756686      -5.818649      -5.813756      -5.671112      -5.257234      -12.59390      -23.42787      -23.14045      -22.80450      -22.42470      -22.00529      -21.54994      -21.06181      -20.54362      -19.99796      -19.42608      -18.83048      -18.21268      -17.57352      -16.91420      -16.23627      -15.54041      -14.82751      -14.09832      -13.35357      -12.59390       1.594766       1.062224      0.5402262      0.4216387      0.3042146      0.1683100      1.9688301E-02 -0.1346366     -0.2891359     -0.4357670     -0.5697822     -0.6905054     -0.7918273     -0.8710651     -0.9310203     -0.9724326      -1.000591      -1.020174      -1.033416      -14.32395       1.857711       1.402235      0.9509941      0.7795015      0.6071371      0.4198106      0.2283928      3.7296232E-02 -0.1457485     -0.3107125     -0.4575979     -0.5784332     -0.6693498     -0.7265791     -0.7560868     -0.7609528  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1.245249      0.9005116      0.5562000      0.2219427     -9.3609005E-02 -0.3949630     -0.6763253     -0.9300968      -1.141062      -1.292583      -1.382114      -1.395659      -1.340687      -1.228657      -1.074717     -0.8910199     -0.6842049      -14.32395       1.558100       1.332212       1.100082      0.7436453      0.3869505      4.1450381E-02 -0.2953623     -0.6140482     -0.9089062      -1.180793      -1.407039      -1.578933      -1.680912      -1.697674      -1.635533      -1.505427      -1.323534      -1.103447     -0.8550186      -14.32395       1.298311       1.101294      0.8966520      0.5390801      0.1787481     -0.1793453     -0.5256894     -0.8545487      -1.161435      -1.439005      -1.684082      -1.876325      -1.990743      -2.020229      -1.958636      -1.817545      -1.613235      -1.359336      -1.070485      -14.32395      0.9922472      0.8235924      0.6439418      0.2897702     -7.4875362E-02 -0.4349243     -0.7828270      -1.115664      -1.422510   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-3.246340      -3.030212      -2.692794      -2.268801      -14.32395     -0.7087355     -0.7763186     -0.8722687      -1.160164      -1.459743      -1.761207      -2.053682      -2.334813      -2.600554      -2.847190      -3.076929      -3.288249      -3.468221      -3.601883      -3.665282      -3.614372      -3.422372      -3.089131      -2.645454      -14.32395      -1.249811      -1.291522      -1.365264      -1.623336      -1.891398      -2.161678      -2.426792      -2.683766      -2.927656      -3.155078      -3.372842      -3.570034      -3.753097      -3.903120      -3.987918      -3.971708      -3.813773      -3.499169      -3.045583      -14.32395      -1.842603      -1.855250      -1.903562      -2.124312      -2.358061      -2.594613      -2.827995      -3.057582      -3.281385      -3.489906      -3.687797      -3.878772      -4.057206      -4.205727      -4.305476      -4.316226      -4.202079      -3.923891      -3.472663      -14.32395      -2.502880      -2.482651  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-5.536442      -5.622158      -5.711381      -5.798674      -5.885300      -5.969270      -6.045315      -6.118941      -6.122606      -5.986937      -5.526979      -14.32395      -26.79140      -26.46930      -26.08807      -25.65400      -25.17267      -24.64884      -24.08652      -23.48910      -22.85945      -22.20002      -21.51290      -20.79993      -20.06270      -19.30262      -18.52093      -17.71875      -16.89709      -16.05686      -15.19890      -14.32395       1.899898       1.284090      0.7608480      0.6659187      0.5421410      0.3984752      0.2407034      7.2697118E-02 -9.8048024E-02 -0.2642753     -0.4167443     -0.5508292     -0.6637840     -0.7527118     -0.8165836     -0.8606111     -0.8889535     -0.9071366     -0.9190750      -16.10451       2.229130       1.701049       1.235448       1.068579      0.8842409      0.6850970      0.4787672      0.2699883      6.7750499E-02 -0.1194051     -0.2806326     -0.4141778     -0.5119312     -0.5729123     -0.6007825  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1.904417       1.593785       1.205448      0.8249664      0.4553269      0.1039190     -0.2207744     -0.5286447     -0.8068572      -1.038069      -1.209281      -1.300879      -1.309596      -1.235067      -1.095659     -0.9098237     -0.6931032     -0.4535730      -16.10451       1.982872       1.721699       1.438322       1.036057      0.6389666      0.2536353     -0.1109823     -0.4565366     -0.7803470      -1.078842      -1.334905      -1.524156      -1.634949      -1.647542      -1.565907      -1.403796      -1.183577     -0.9242942     -0.6366588      -16.10451       1.707205       1.479487       1.221512      0.8134059      0.4090373      2.0057473E-02 -0.3567458     -0.7131597      -1.048527      -1.362243      -1.633862      -1.848060      -1.981901      -2.007232      -1.926965      -1.750716      -1.501599      -1.202018     -0.8672830      -16.10451       1.377178       1.181067      0.9464706      0.5427529      0.1425721     -0.2519554     -0.6306849     -0.9909846   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-3.443735      -3.338285      -3.071609      -2.666141      -2.168621      -16.10451     -0.4536349     -0.5372072     -0.6782487      -1.007960      -1.342870      -1.677628      -2.004420      -2.319886      -2.613331      -2.890997      -3.148787      -3.384190      -3.592421      -3.737484      -3.806428      -3.744037      -3.507874      -3.104097      -2.580493      -16.10451      -1.038326      -1.093703      -1.208858      -1.507877      -1.813619      -2.117840      -2.413062      -2.700354      -2.973281      -3.227734      -3.466582      -3.691572      -3.892662      -4.056602      -4.153319      -4.136016      -3.942833      -3.559690      -3.021336      -16.10451      -1.683279      -1.708968      -1.795502      -2.053277      -2.320966      -2.588980      -2.851744      -3.107787      -3.354658      -3.588292      -3.807577      -4.013308      -4.214976      -4.381134      -4.491705      -4.511667      -4.374092      -4.032761      -3.495877      -16.10451      -2.402019  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-5.660461      -5.750826      -5.846242      -5.948686      -6.049607      -6.148709      -6.254525      -6.346841      -6.408612      -6.433520      -6.289937      -5.779517      -16.10451      -30.26322      -29.90587      -29.47787      -28.98741      -28.44168      -27.84659      -27.20712      -26.52736      -25.81076      -25.06022      -24.27822      -23.46689      -22.62808      -21.76344      -20.87442      -19.96230      -19.02824      -18.07331      -17.09844      -16.10451       2.195788       1.501416       1.006920      0.9071312      0.7818441      0.6293632      0.4612874      0.2816750      9.5197923E-02 -8.8529892E-02 -0.2606243     -0.4093898     -0.5340577     -0.6311904     -0.7005302     -0.7471769     -0.7756814     -0.7927465     -0.8033864      -17.93244       2.588714       1.989539       1.531384       1.355386       1.157569      0.9451913      0.7257394      0.5018218      0.2814542      7.5257920E-02 -0.1059443     -0.2492690     -0.3550790     -0.4191293  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2.629930       2.291671       1.928158       1.504649       1.086563      0.6847575      0.3030777     -5.3544756E-02 -0.3853019     -0.6860881     -0.9408452      -1.128361      -1.226725      -1.228519      -1.135606     -0.9685149     -0.7507755     -0.5004951     -0.2278363      -17.93244       2.402822       2.106431       1.765645       1.321521      0.8868052      0.4666099      6.8398193E-02 -0.3017600     -0.6533381     -0.9791536      -1.259054      -1.474312      -1.592888      -1.604994      -1.502187      -1.307599      -1.049146     -0.7497701     -0.4223726      -17.93244       2.108903       1.850345       1.531424       1.083781      0.6397206      0.2132640     -0.1899583     -0.5727302     -0.9387332      -1.279368      -1.582834      -1.821877      -1.970786      -2.000930      -1.902170      -1.689656      -1.395802      -1.049748     -0.6684837      -17.93244       1.756706       1.533593       1.236843      0.7929852      0.3531398     -7.0146628E-02 -0.4795663   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-3.532709      -3.566529      -3.434835      -3.114815      -2.639252      -2.066552      -17.93244     -0.1922542     -0.2922677     -0.4871030     -0.8526540      -1.222826      -1.588271      -1.946218      -2.293294      -2.620214      -2.922103      -3.208756      -3.476517      -3.706113      -3.874794      -3.948222      -3.876533      -3.592947      -3.115904      -2.509940      -17.93244     -0.8192583     -0.8898270      -1.055154      -1.386139      -1.726185      -2.063560      -2.392386      -2.707741      -3.009390      -3.289449      -3.552018      -3.801461      -4.029279      -4.204709      -4.317592      -4.301233      -4.072196      -3.617599      -2.991339      -17.93244      -1.513164      -1.551758      -1.683730      -1.974628      -2.274046      -2.573377      -2.866228      -3.150414      -3.423575      -3.676927      -3.918713      -4.144266      -4.361392      -4.547795      -4.674789      -4.702691      -4.539307      -4.132181      -3.502780      -17.93244  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-5.745860      -5.842758      -5.953511      -6.065785      -6.173063      -6.285615      -6.399894      -6.517760      -6.621955      -6.687782      -6.726214      -6.580110      -6.018368      -17.93244      -33.83607      -33.44289      -32.96664      -32.41782      -31.80529      -31.13636      -30.41697      -29.65233      -28.84545      -28.00074      -27.12072      -26.20784      -25.26424      -24.29178      -23.29213      -22.26674      -21.21694      -20.14392      -19.04876      -17.93244       2.485039       1.711285       1.252954       1.151611       1.018950      0.8626540      0.6833117      0.4901484      0.2893284      8.7470800E-02 -0.1013921     -0.2684420     -0.4048649     -0.5108710     -0.5857564     -0.6341963     -0.6631321     -0.6794829     -0.6889186      -19.80499       2.942690       2.274494       1.827873       1.637321       1.428746       1.204553      0.9697728      0.7309101      0.4944730      0.2697871      7.2477162E-02 -8.5454158E-02 -0.1980582  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-19.80499       3.049221       2.669808       2.253801       1.791994       1.341861      0.9090369      0.5007843      0.1161799     -0.2452921     -0.5688724     -0.8469095      -1.051378      -1.160755      -1.154239      -1.042025     -0.8458819     -0.5957307     -0.3118272     -5.6747571E-03  -19.80499       2.813995       2.481680       2.083917       1.602034       1.129113      0.6778840      0.2513251     -0.1509388     -0.5289830     -0.8795595      -1.187935      -1.423633      -1.558165      -1.566952      -1.444247      -1.216719     -0.9194996     -0.5794917     -0.2118743      -19.80499       2.505656       2.216484       1.837392       1.347892      0.8691674      0.4095235     -2.6241930E-02 -0.4360801     -0.8288770      -1.198215      -1.529872      -1.797892      -1.964185      -2.002220      -1.883306      -1.634398      -1.295791     -0.9022279     -0.4739109      -19.80499       2.130874       1.880387       1.523339       1.041448      0.5658737      0.1066288  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-3.469154      -3.643944      -3.690964      -3.535863      -3.162431      -2.615321      -1.966675      -19.80499      7.1121126E-02 -4.5809623E-02 -0.2941623     -0.6934399      -1.099472      -1.498439      -1.884826      -2.260930      -2.615789      -2.947326      -3.256516      -3.553003      -3.809057      -4.003123      -4.091630      -4.009754      -3.678953      -3.127451      -2.438220      -19.80499     -0.5966663     -0.6825559     -0.8977758      -1.260754      -1.633986      -2.002800      -2.362117      -2.711163      -3.036171      -3.341164      -3.628088      -3.900135      -4.150753      -4.348429      -4.477750      -4.462587      -4.198579      -3.669751      -2.953608      -19.80499      -1.336038      -1.387785      -1.564864      -1.886430      -2.222371      -2.552431      -2.872244      -3.185303      -3.482640      -3.758863      -4.019494      -4.270267      -4.500925      -4.703642      -4.850951      -4.888455      -4.703794      -4.230237      -3.507401  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-5.802523      -5.900442      -6.015128      -6.141403      -6.273775      -6.395152      -6.511440      -6.645728      -6.769732      -6.878895      -6.956226      -7.000294      -6.857233      -6.243796      -19.80499      -37.50359      -37.07403      -36.54813      -35.93898      -35.25743      -34.51219      -33.71027      -32.85737      -31.95811      -31.01638      -30.03543      -29.01804      -27.96665      -26.88335      -25.77000      -24.62827      -23.45963      -22.26543      -21.04685      -19.80499       2.762966       1.906436       1.492955       1.395180       1.258604       1.092605      0.9053608      0.6980637      0.4801519      0.2608612      5.2997064E-02 -0.1310141     -0.2823584     -0.3972318     -0.4776608     -0.5283787     -0.5579019     -0.5738453     -0.5823907      -21.71970       3.289462       2.550644       2.121015       1.919465       1.695868       1.460319       1.212284      0.9573241      0.7036450      0.4610351      0.2476221      7.5254381E-02 -4.3857016E-02 -0.1115022     -0.1324653     -0.1172156     -7.7791624E-02 -2.3349650E-02  3.9955150E-02  -21.71970       3.569313       2.932210       2.478265       2.160839       1.845598       1.535302       1.226589      0.9265069      0.6382363      0.3726868      0.1491533     -1.8227166E-02 -0.1155168     -0.1444307     -0.1140049     -3.9853785E-02  6.3841626E-02  0.1855771      0.3187073      -21.71970       3.662875       3.110766       2.639990       2.236480       1.845444       1.470482       1.111042      0.7650669      0.4415272      0.1510052     -9.0743951E-02 -0.2635200     -0.3536882     -0.3545514     -0.2796547     -0.1503014      1.5388330E-02  0.2033429      0.4057361      -21.71970       3.617597       3.136378       2.662605       2.198036       1.750551       1.325897      0.9253032      0.5392138      0.1819215     -0.1393054     -0.4067228     -0.5990933     -0.6957273     -0.6826943     -0.5718713     -0.3915671     -0.1659439      8.7338306E-02  0.3587247      -21.71970       3.462541       3.041509       2.574282       2.071350       1.587986       1.128671      0.6936470      0.2809064     -0.1054169     -0.4590225     -0.7562401     -0.9810065      -1.098769      -1.085849     -0.9520981     -0.7266469     -0.4436198     -0.1259546      0.2141367      -21.71970       3.217161       2.848850       2.393915       1.872957       1.367571      0.8848630      0.4303923     -1.2451410E-03 -0.4088952     -0.7850849      -1.117618      -1.376814      -1.530826      -1.535205      -1.392192      -1.130361     -0.7937759     -0.4131308     -4.7495323E-03  -21.71970       2.893887       2.573030       2.135882       1.609694       1.094165      0.6023288      0.1362446     -0.3058943     -0.7219735      -1.119594      -1.478222      -1.770650      -1.962865      -2.006186      -1.869753      -1.584430      -1.200340     -0.7589865     -0.2829696      -21.71970       2.502846       2.224485       1.808464       1.285001  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-2.919005      -3.257665      -3.543508      -3.751640      -3.813581      -3.641343      -3.215601      -2.595946      -1.870742      -21.71970      0.3337395      0.1984431     -0.1012305     -0.5349052     -0.9743273      -1.405675      -1.824652      -2.225872      -2.604610      -2.963461      -3.300565      -3.620412      -3.903513      -4.123399      -4.236844      -4.145245      -3.770423      -3.143021      -2.369879      -21.71970     -0.3714257     -0.4727621     -0.7363366      -1.134107      -1.540658      -1.939105      -2.327492      -2.704960      -3.059276      -3.384798      -3.698301      -3.994903      -4.263450      -4.488325      -4.632778      -4.623501      -4.329287      -3.724448      -2.917655      -21.71970      -1.153642      -1.218743      -1.442008      -1.794744      -2.162002      -2.524662      -2.873620      -3.212366      -3.535803      -3.833888      -4.116069      -4.387820      -4.638766      -4.854651      -5.022633      -5.071425      -4.872397  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7.1972860E-03  0.2878495      0.5868561      -23.67435       3.868903       3.405760       2.888386       2.345578       1.828783       1.341191      0.8811987      0.4413877      3.1030446E-02 -0.3472601     -0.6681587     -0.9138875      -1.041897      -1.022215     -0.8649036     -0.6094314     -0.2933320      5.8489703E-02  0.4330538      -23.67435       3.614137       3.209255       2.698287       2.137761       1.599106       1.087885      0.6034786      0.1458395     -0.2878174     -0.6936442      -1.046350      -1.333960      -1.505243      -1.509204      -1.344033      -1.047886     -0.6718450     -0.2501870      0.1996247      -23.67435       3.275935       2.922667       2.427611       1.863752       1.316333      0.7899355      0.2951802     -0.1746004     -0.6187359      -1.040792      -1.423299      -1.745732      -1.965793      -2.014448      -1.861837      -1.539111      -1.109224     -0.6198674     -9.5358014E-02  -23.67435       2.869235       2.560879       2.087832  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-2.545378      -2.932212      -3.297669      -3.611537      -3.851795      -3.933959      -3.751729      -3.270872      -2.576886      -1.773321      -23.67435      0.5959765      0.4421271      9.0726957E-02 -0.3773670     -0.8498098      -1.311473      -1.761156      -2.192087      -2.592517      -2.972762      -3.342422      -3.681619      -3.991575      -4.240755      -4.377790      -4.285268      -3.867170      -3.162210      -2.303037      -23.67435     -0.1449174     -0.2621606     -0.5747473      -1.005409      -1.445228      -1.873955      -2.290375      -2.695671      -3.074855      -3.425112      -3.763339      -4.081658      -4.371400      -4.619853      -4.786236      -4.787363      -4.462508      -3.780206      -2.880005      -23.67435     -0.9694964      -1.048753      -1.317535      -1.700905      -2.097917      -2.488640      -2.871310      -3.238659      -3.582594      -3.902643      -4.212721      -4.500499      -4.767881      -5.001197      -5.188978      -5.253279  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-0.1085266      0.1706069      0.4788744      0.8058139      -25.66696       4.269944       3.764900       3.196015       2.614696       2.065267       1.547976       1.062965      0.6018742      0.1610067     -0.2385265     -0.5860400     -0.8522783     -0.9898489     -0.9608260     -0.7808945     -0.4949798     -0.1452561      0.2412614      0.6507267      -25.66696       4.004492       3.562190       2.996969       2.398012       1.824412       1.284683      0.7745315      0.2877880     -0.1730138     -0.6015784     -0.9812356      -1.293310      -1.483631      -1.487868      -1.300188     -0.9694545     -0.5534326     -9.0074539E-02  0.4016691      -25.66696       3.653632       3.266616       2.714850       2.110913       1.532420      0.9766164      0.4482879     -4.6541512E-02 -0.5166788     -0.9639633      -1.370720      -1.722540      -1.967820      -2.026245      -1.859448      -1.499501      -1.023436     -0.4852421      8.8334836E-02  -25.66696       3.229779       2.890542 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-2.108857      -2.536511      -2.943163      -3.328976      -3.675365      -3.945657      -4.053783      -3.868697      -3.333686      -2.564874      -1.682208      -25.66696      0.8545542      0.6817521      0.2801821     -0.2221884     -0.7271063      -1.218953      -1.696734      -2.156217      -2.579683      -2.983232      -3.375547      -3.737375      -4.069554      -4.349486      -4.511267      -4.428216      -3.968938      -3.186157      -2.240022      -25.66696      8.0208227E-02 -5.3178400E-02 -0.4136856     -0.8778943      -1.347234      -1.808123      -2.254618      -2.685485      -3.085339      -3.464500      -3.825404      -4.159938      -4.472707      -4.742352      -4.934585      -4.949254      -4.599686      -3.840958      -2.846376      -25.66696     -0.7837070     -0.8747529      -1.189958      -1.606840      -2.033131      -2.455220      -2.866923      -3.262742      -3.626489      -3.967901      -4.302259      -4.605676      -4.891729      -5.143874      -5.345578  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-5.890942      -5.873891      -5.954781      -6.067923      -6.213988      -6.377842      -6.547801      -6.720963      -6.891802      -7.060051      -7.222266      -7.367132      -7.503568      -7.630769      -7.736818      -7.788574      -7.663629      -6.893200      -25.66696      -49.02134      -48.47925      -47.79628      -46.99533      -46.09423      -45.10662      -44.04326      -42.91164      -41.71913      -40.47090      -39.17146      -37.82467      -36.43380      -35.00198      -33.53099      -32.02378      -30.48208      -28.90767      -27.30215      -25.66696       3.525904       2.415944       2.168486       2.086810       1.957958       1.783804       1.566027       1.311559       1.037520      0.7572803      0.4839545      0.2357935      3.1376049E-02 -0.1210468     -0.2229862     -0.2854385     -0.3187384     -0.3345709     -0.3415571      -27.69572       4.271824       3.306164       2.950336       2.725581       2.479383       2.208837       1.917848       1.609203       1.298488      0.9967295      0.7227572      0.5013408      0.3498819      0.2728602      0.2575530      0.2873363      0.3462960      0.4222906      0.5076964      -27.69572       4.685678       3.855906       3.382458       3.002770       2.628325       2.260694       1.895864       1.539343       1.195828      0.8734961      0.5912486      0.3858856      0.2732800      0.2562656      0.3144181      0.4252912      0.5692765      0.7329082      0.9085692      -27.69572       4.849704       4.132720       3.579041       3.079902       2.606496       2.160234       1.731555       1.326334      0.9439803      0.5909094      0.2888317      7.5511418E-02 -2.0692114E-02  3.8604036E-03  0.1247575      0.3108114      0.5370902      0.7872694       1.052761      -27.69572       4.828023       4.204431       3.603121       3.028358       2.486225       1.981931       1.505172       1.055320      0.6290786      0.2397013     -9.6496925E-02 -0.3402931     -0.4457300     -0.4024037     -0.2319862      2.3616917E-02  0.3300878      0.6662321       1.021437      -27.69572       4.665032       4.117715       3.499292       2.879206       2.296602       1.751936       1.239763      0.7548713      0.2892078     -0.1325612     -0.5073035     -0.7981147     -0.9435556     -0.9079498     -0.7060140     -0.3891349     -5.1421779E-03  0.4162773      0.8610889      -27.69572       4.389934       3.909889       3.289751       2.653101       2.046832       1.475757      0.9387307      0.4282096     -5.8872167E-02 -0.5109361     -0.9190663      -1.255826      -1.462845      -1.467635      -1.258717     -0.8922974     -0.4352075      7.0375428E-02  0.6046031      -27.69572       4.026801       3.604736       2.997021       2.355786       1.741743       1.155728      0.6004823      7.8932270E-02 -0.4161631     -0.8878390      -1.319118      -1.698593      -1.970294      -2.044020      -1.863203      -1.466045     -0.9431930     -0.3556647      0.2675777      -27.69572       3.585742 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-1.605666      -2.072952      -2.526985      -2.952766      -3.357754      -3.731554      -4.029121      -4.171929      -3.985381      -3.399326      -2.554739      -1.592471      -27.69572       1.110624      0.9186981      0.4650208     -7.0900969E-02 -0.6054894      -1.129702      -1.636955      -2.118835      -2.566995      -2.996770      -3.403445      -3.791266      -4.141674      -4.447303      -4.642773      -4.573348      -4.073609      -3.212836      -2.179446      -27.69572      0.3038397      0.1552021     -0.2547199     -0.7508298      -1.252208      -1.745552      -2.223208      -2.673302      -3.095809      -3.500237      -3.883499      -4.235190      -4.565883      -4.855832      -5.080205      -5.110870      -4.739674      -3.906135      -2.817202      -27.69572     -0.5981717     -0.7014169      -1.062356      -1.512429      -1.971212      -2.423799      -2.863011      -3.278968      -3.669720      -4.036411      -4.387246      -4.709878      -5.007058      -5.278643  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-6.140816      -5.945895      -5.949120      -6.041884      -6.177992      -6.344219      -6.527686      -6.721950      -6.915103      -7.098893      -7.280332      -7.443881      -7.601212      -7.736358      -7.876876      -7.986167      -8.051484      -7.929133      -7.101888      -27.69572      -53.01744      -52.43675      -51.69884      -50.83057      -49.85244      -48.77992      -47.62476      -46.39611      -45.10127      -43.74620      -42.33587      -40.87448      -39.36563      -37.81244      -36.21765      -34.58367      -32.91266      -31.20655      -29.46704      -27.69572       3.766524       2.571370       2.382616       2.309316       2.183150       2.009081       1.786426       1.518838       1.226263      0.9256800      0.6259381      0.3566029      0.1325080     -3.3745099E-02 -0.1447570     -0.2109564     -0.2457010     -0.2617972     -0.2684423      -29.75901       4.583809       3.541403       3.215545       2.980952       2.728201       2.448737       2.149181  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-1.026779      -1.549809      -2.039916      -2.515320      -2.960126      -3.382282      -3.777658      -4.109571      -4.285035      -4.102365      -3.469697      -2.548625      -1.505576      -29.75901       1.362777       1.151851      0.6481023      7.7364765E-02 -0.4887106      -1.045270      -1.580353      -2.082944      -2.554016      -3.009270      -3.430292      -3.834814      -4.209200      -4.539771      -4.767342      -4.716449      -4.182580      -3.242859      -2.120842      -29.75901      0.5248154      0.3599239     -9.6728869E-02 -0.6275089      -1.160329      -1.685510      -2.189738      -2.663344      -3.107432      -3.535087      -3.934243      -4.305573      -4.652732      -4.966044      -5.214225      -5.266765      -4.884150      -3.974517      -2.789658      -29.75901     -0.4123304     -0.5292318     -0.9357614      -1.416582      -1.907145      -2.391766      -2.856664      -3.296819      -3.709478      -4.100968      -4.460855      -4.804326      -5.116990  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-29.75901      -6.200813      -5.999253      -6.021564      -6.129189      -6.290624      -6.479617      -6.681639      -6.888064      -7.097380      -7.298028      -7.489351      -7.662161      -7.820308      -7.968609      -8.105475      -8.221861      -8.297987      -8.184060      -7.307651      -29.75901      -57.08566      -56.46583      -55.67174      -54.73454      -53.67762      -52.51829      -51.26960      -49.94162      -48.54235      -47.07832      -45.55494      -43.97677      -42.34772      -40.67119      -38.95013      -37.18716      -35.38460      -33.54451      -31.66876      -29.75901       3.997607       2.716030       2.596395       2.525975       2.405831       2.224525       1.999793       1.728217       1.416481       1.091071      0.7676851      0.4732374      0.2288642      4.7763370E-02 -7.2621770E-02 -0.1430426     -0.1793962     -0.1958444     -0.2022168      -31.85535       4.889987       3.771666       3.471844       3.232590       2.967151       2.681154  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-0.3228919     -0.2640851     -5.4661300E-02  0.2525403      0.6140013       1.006605       1.419381      -31.85535       5.436933       4.804516       4.088936       3.397369       2.749020       2.147386       1.581612       1.043538      0.5379823      6.4639263E-02 -0.3646079     -0.7009152     -0.8789141     -0.8402259     -0.5953714     -0.2159468      0.2365449      0.7285686       1.245406      -31.85535       5.147696       4.589799       3.863517       3.152099       2.479448       1.844882       1.252693      0.6973526      0.1635230     -0.3377315     -0.7955002      -1.186700      -1.436953      -1.454577      -1.204279     -0.7658186     -0.2260040      0.3647562      0.9856650      -31.85535       4.757888       4.265463       3.548845       2.832284       2.146685       1.496802      0.8906815      0.3216729     -0.2252087     -0.7381410      -1.218853      -1.649598      -1.975675      -2.085664      -1.877726      -1.406438     -0.7876395     -0.1001335      0.6245542 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-0.3675720     -0.9522324      -1.496273      -2.012974      -2.505324      -2.968606      -3.406842      -3.820425      -4.184401      -4.390943      -4.225999      -3.549713      -2.552001      -1.427031      -31.85535       1.611008       1.380939      0.8277537      0.2235650     -0.3779596     -0.9634390      -1.525886      -2.050812      -2.547400      -3.018006      -3.456997      -3.874178      -4.273197      -4.624612      -4.883791      -4.861336      -4.300035      -3.282372      -2.070669      -31.85535      0.7434494      0.5615366      5.6947343E-02 -0.5038233      -1.071062      -1.626234      -2.157365      -2.656469      -3.123623      -3.563880      -3.978824      -4.368050      -4.733444      -5.071407      -5.340514      -5.423225      -5.030679      -4.045790      -2.763196      -31.85535     -0.2281238     -0.3590065     -0.8091437      -1.321195      -1.845505      -2.360290      -2.852316      -3.315408      -3.748492      -4.159189      -4.532995      -4.890449 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-6.287702      -31.85535      -6.250834      -6.044511      -6.083033      -6.212775      -6.396515      -6.611754      -6.833347      -7.060729      -7.273944      -7.493635      -7.689969      -7.869730      -8.036219      -8.192706      -8.317282      -8.444099      -8.534480      -8.431672      -7.508961      -31.85535      -61.22277      -60.56327      -59.71178      -58.70412      -57.56668      -56.31872      -54.97460      -53.54534      -52.03965      -50.46464      -48.82615      -47.12913      -45.37781      -43.57583      -41.72640      -39.83231      -37.89606      -35.91986      -33.90569      -31.85535       4.221165       2.852161       2.803618       2.738650       2.617598       2.426281       2.206289       1.927885       1.605539       1.253235      0.9035479      0.5864393      0.3208091      0.1221152     -8.5281953E-03 -8.3818935E-02 -0.1220568     -0.1388875     -0.1450848      -33.98338       5.188638       3.994509       3.725757       3.474521       3.192223  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-0.1465013     -0.2842760     -0.2227592      4.1724299E-03  0.3363358      0.7251444       1.146428       1.588482      -33.98338       5.810409       5.135227       4.373254       3.649813       2.971370       2.336444       1.744599       1.182073      0.6528707      0.1589179     -0.2988755     -0.6627669     -0.8670248     -0.8320375     -0.5699925     -0.1609032      0.3254192      0.8533222       1.406786      -33.98338       5.517992       4.919924       4.144843       3.396741       2.686848       2.021358       1.402444      0.8224159      0.2684503     -0.2551847     -0.7385213      -1.155345      -1.436297      -1.466697      -1.202324     -0.7296338     -0.1490930      0.4849521       1.149927      -33.98338       5.115910       4.589516       3.818238       3.061197       2.341537       1.659897       1.026960      0.4347432     -0.1326727     -0.6672898      -1.167969      -1.624728      -1.982098      -2.108466      -1.892634      -1.383868     -0.7167393      2.1829566E-02  0.7981641      -33.98338       4.621395       4.160374       3.404306       2.655757       1.937865       1.253083      0.6136817      1.5681526E-02 -0.5550999      -1.087562      -1.598107      -2.074393      -2.489632      -2.723848      -2.614292      -2.115481      -1.378098     -0.5387177      0.3484001      -33.98338       4.045387       3.642656       2.915424       2.183881       1.476804      0.7998329      0.1571206     -0.4351156     -0.9999377      -1.528975      -2.035800      -2.519550      -2.957321      -3.277739      -3.310254      -2.879709      -2.099483      -1.166141     -0.1693593      -33.98338       3.393383       3.043988       2.352344       1.647366      0.9575189      0.2894787     -0.3377290     -0.9208556      -1.476514      -1.996079      -2.494558      -2.966447      -3.409873      -3.777785      -3.939545      -3.636104      -2.855898      -1.840530     -0.7362677      -33.98338       2.665228       2.366083       1.716441       1.040387  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-4.605290      -4.972654      -5.327936      -5.636041      -5.919471      -6.086205      -5.885254      -4.952512      -3.525700      -33.98338      -1.181747      -1.269094      -1.696229      -2.179323      -2.681466      -3.176435      -3.645329      -4.088984      -4.495461      -4.879325      -5.232251      -5.562136      -5.880491      -6.150639      -6.394225      -6.578361      -6.524230      -5.804464      -4.388412      -33.98338      -2.506058      -2.520916      -2.863034      -3.270485      -3.700915      -4.128426      -4.536433      -4.922042      -5.284252      -5.626877      -5.933918      -6.219515      -6.487954      -6.721995      -6.924966      -7.084363      -7.114582      -6.654502      -5.335428      -33.98338      -4.114406      -4.033651      -4.254977      -4.553231      -4.894290      -5.240175      -5.582976      -5.906670      -6.206936      -6.500285      -6.759156      -6.996620      -7.216329      -7.398012      -7.550309      -7.683541      -7.763217  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-0.2834751      4.8262395E-02  0.3514790      0.6456679      0.9508473       1.257548       1.557132       1.851480       2.142165       2.428889       2.709035       2.979384       3.243381       3.501156       3.754847       4.001112       4.242345     -0.5305336      -1.357123      -1.269198      -1.031641     -0.7268364     -0.4246037     -0.1268308      0.1760808      0.4782652      0.7686042       1.051872       1.329675       1.604093       1.870529       2.124056       2.369241       2.606015       2.838805       3.062389       3.278955     -0.5900738      -1.407906      -1.305856     -0.9830396     -0.6045073     -0.2244738      0.1423378      0.4941987      0.8381707       1.175259       1.506482       1.832339       2.153035       2.468722       2.779444       3.085042       3.385176       3.680392       3.970589       4.255506     -0.1250684     -0.8429193     -0.5940138     -0.2834751      4.8262395E-02  0.3514790      0.6456679      0.9508474       1.257548       1.557132 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2.544802       2.823586       3.095982       3.362019      0.7995963     -0.7894697     -0.9503295     -0.9797196     -0.9870713     -0.9890559     -0.9897087     -0.9897208     -0.9903132     -0.9897352     -0.9811710     -0.9506864      -1.280635      -1.648908      -1.682908      -1.682991      -1.682991      -1.682991      -1.682991      -1.682991     -0.1250684      -1.433705      -1.586878      -1.616891      -1.624495      -1.626571      -1.627149      -1.627310      -1.627355      -1.627368      -1.627372      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373      -1.627373     -0.5305336      -1.803804      -2.101460      -2.188770      -2.213684      -2.220715      -2.222690      -2.223243      -2.223399      -2.223443      -2.223454      -2.223458      -2.223459      -2.223459      -2.223459      -2.223459      -2.223459      -2.223459      -2.223459      -2.223459     -0.5900738      -1.467401      -1.592416   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    -1.766493      -1.751202      -1.706592      -1.594102      -1.033486      -1.156095      -1.267136      -1.413355      -1.556533      -1.700170      -1.836372      -1.964995      -2.079506      -2.195903      -2.334326      -2.465546      -2.583504      -2.688459      -2.770887      -2.853589      -2.928970      -2.968506      -2.944901      -2.747458     -0.9066472      -1.124870      -1.340968      -1.539565      -1.725618      -1.957537      -2.188849      -2.411983      -2.626170      -2.817894      -3.004548      -3.232382      -3.446283      -3.646255      -3.821872      -3.962253      -4.124968      -4.239711      -4.266828      -4.027280     -0.7486222      -1.055199      -1.364111      -1.666419      -1.938051      -2.204374      -2.525553      -2.843236      -3.155462      -3.450812      -3.698873      -4.006285      -4.320112      -4.620224      -4.897262      -5.114279      -5.368268      -5.570419      -5.662806      -5.410901     -0.6303532     -0.9797431      -1.373619      -1.768455      -2.148422      -2.470465      -2.869287      -3.278039      -3.686476      -4.087068      -4.444635      -4.799623      -5.213884      -5.615871      -5.998673      -6.317933      -6.654226      -6.953719      -7.122209      -6.880484     -0.5159621     -0.9113752      -1.394971      -1.878598      -2.355664      -2.792371      -3.221559      -3.724146      -4.229668      -4.730764      -5.199837      -5.612937      -6.129785      -6.632714      -7.124556      -7.556324      -7.980055      -8.384832      -8.641709      -8.423812     -0.3806867     -0.8652502      -1.412150      -1.988485      -2.569556      -3.120060      -3.595762      -4.190442      -4.784974      -5.386368      -5.969396      -6.445223      -7.067869      -7.674480      -8.277194      -8.826497      -9.343482      -9.860533      -10.21663      -10.03237     -0.2414379     -0.8399660      -1.440873      -2.103097      -2.776701      -3.439495      -3.985583      -4.678209      -5.363657      -6.059793      -6.750099      -7.299952      -8.029325      -8.743117      -9.458138      -10.12813      -10.74330      -11.37756      -11.84338      -11.69990     -0.1015769     -0.8113340      -1.485633      -2.237850      -2.997814      -3.758842      -4.396687      -5.179386      -5.963641      -6.754569      -7.548548      -8.193689      -9.016459      -9.837244      -10.66693      -11.45942      -12.17360      -12.93377      -13.51791      -13.42153      4.0099230E-02 -0.7796937      -1.541921      -2.388826      -3.244477      -4.094587      -4.853351      -5.685294      -6.571281      -7.468508      -8.364120      -9.134686      -10.02596      -10.95804      -11.90316      -12.81801      -13.63695      -14.52703      -15.23623      -15.19339      0.1889395     -0.7371463      -1.599020      -2.546597      -3.496443      -4.450836      -5.324548      -6.207076      -7.189524      -8.192515      -9.198438      -10.09548      -11.05905      -12.10423      -13.16628      -14.20460      -15.13242      -16.15386      -16.99545      -17.01217      0.3327669     -0.6882640      -1.641851      -2.699188      -3.757349      -4.808924      -5.805830      -6.749858      -7.824869      -8.929916      -10.04580      -11.07411      -12.11498      -13.27403      -14.45409      -15.61936      -16.65794      -17.81310      -18.79237      -18.87486      0.4670433     -0.6476118      -1.714439      -2.836345      -4.005079      -5.173931      -6.286157      -7.305942      -8.478972      -9.684251      -10.90695      -12.06866      -13.19199      -14.46871      -15.76720      -17.05898      -18.21349      -19.50293      -20.62381      -20.77944      0.5962187     -0.6172694      -1.804821      -2.986559      -4.245952      -5.524694      -6.769937      -7.868701      -9.147433      -10.45569      -11.78427      -13.07699      -14.29033      -15.68611      -17.10487      -18.52362      -19.79818      -21.22161      -22.48756      -22.72339      0.7233431     -0.5940542      -1.902467      -3.170504      -4.502943      -5.874255      -7.242424      -8.439306      -9.823742      -11.24260      -12.67873      -14.09949      -15.40771      -16.92420      -18.46562      -20.01476      -21.40966      -22.96991      -24.38409      -24.70477      0.8491464     -0.5770904      -2.001993      -3.358990      -4.794505      -6.239272      -7.713378      -9.012062      -10.51015      -12.03836      -13.59012      -15.13661      -16.54305      -18.18346      -19.84792      -21.52959      -23.04759      -24.74575      -26.30932      -26.72183      0.9718812     -0.5652584      -2.104484      -3.553849      -5.088193      -6.633286      -8.195215      -9.587678      -11.20565      -12.84524      -14.51612      -16.18787      -17.69688      -19.46289      -21.25300      -23.06709      -24.70854      -26.55006      -28.26179      -28.77296       1.090041     -0.5580710      -2.209574      -3.754288      -5.387943      -7.035547      -8.696449      -10.17399      -11.90363      -13.66352      -15.45354      -17.25382      -18.86857      -20.76074      -22.68116      -24.62678      -26.39495      -28.37996      -30.24464      -30.85672       1.203619     -0.5557930      -2.318095      -3.959703      -5.693493      -7.440253      -9.212717      -10.77368      -12.61168      -14.49171      -16.40275      -18.33287      -20.05614      -22.07528      -24.12885      -26.20877      -28.10666      -30.23252      -32.25216      -32.97178      -1.525010      -1.524589      -1.524164      -1.523733      -1.523297      -1.522856      -1.522410      -1.521959      -1.521502      -1.521039      -1.520572      -1.520099      -1.519620      -1.519135      -1.518645      -1.518149      -1.517648      -1.517140      -1.516627      -1.516108      -1.886304      -1.950156      -2.012101      -2.072295      -2.130009      -2.184465      -2.241493      -2.301740      -2.359418      -2.413970      -2.464107      -2.510510      -2.551484      -2.587012      -2.624024      -2.652958      -2.671059      -2.674107      -2.653882      -2.579681      -1.822767      -1.955020      -2.080329      -2.225615      -2.369824      -2.512283      -2.650151      -2.782649      -2.906891      -3.032905      -3.170714      -3.302874      -3.426620      -3.540414      -3.639438      -3.736057      -3.822949      -3.882028      -3.892575      -3.750286      -1.698151      -1.918816      -2.135401      -2.341630      -2.542480      -2.771681      -2.998789      -3.220541      -3.434993      -3.635906      -3.836353      -4.060802      -4.276351      -4.480881      -4.667878      -4.832975      -5.006388      -5.142301      -5.210138      -5.036098      -1.546307      -1.855076      -2.160212      -2.458458      -2.738380      -3.019786      -3.335946      -3.648734      -3.955395      -4.249671      -4.516795      -4.824709      -5.136178      -5.437191      -5.720064      -5.965153      -6.231320      -6.456479      -6.596514      -6.421646      -1.413994      -1.783895      -2.174895      -2.562687      -2.939049      -3.282391      -3.679039      -4.081563      -4.481723      -4.873433      -5.236513      -5.607154      -6.016493      -6.416821      -6.800728      -7.142130      -7.497696      -7.821647      -8.044955      -7.891827      -1.288862      -1.719861      -2.201489      -2.678592      -3.146610      -3.586245      -4.031690      -4.525978      -5.021163      -5.509890      -5.972847      -6.410701      -6.920061      -7.421265      -7.910719      -8.356280      -8.804937      -9.234733      -9.551297      -9.435336      -1.159267      -1.678788      -2.229403      -2.798442      -3.364341      -3.903257      -4.403980      -4.988669      -5.574299      -6.161188      -6.728469      -7.235701      -7.847797      -8.452966      -9.051217      -9.605603      -10.15101      -10.69285      -11.11153      -11.04394      -1.026945      -1.651737      -2.268162      -2.923854      -3.580461      -4.221379      -4.791746      -5.470082      -6.147507      -6.830317      -7.500940      -8.083835      -8.800656      -9.512870      -10.22185      -10.88899      -11.53481      -12.19361      -12.72209      -12.71149     -0.9032663      -1.629626      -2.323237      -3.065784      -3.808742      -4.544419      -5.197309      -5.964564      -6.739331      -7.518871      -8.292657      -8.964972      -9.779803      -10.59989      -11.42180      -12.20512      -12.95308      -13.73428      -14.37955      -14.43313     -0.7827411      -1.613694      -2.386691      -3.220227      -4.055513      -4.880816      -5.636638      -6.467973      -7.342035      -8.225100      -9.102187      -9.884957      -10.78303      -11.71408      -12.65026      -13.55211      -14.40546      -15.31326      -16.08085      -16.20499     -0.6605759      -1.590869      -2.453106      -3.379237      -4.306003      -5.230517      -6.089300      -6.985880      -7.957689      -8.944009      -9.929825      -10.82697      -11.81021      -12.85430      -13.90637      -14.92873      -15.89158      -16.92802      -17.82317      -18.02378     -0.5397620      -1.563654      -2.510791      -3.537532      -4.562804      -5.582761      -6.551532      -7.519646      -8.588681      -9.677395      -10.77237      -11.78894      -12.86066      -14.01883      -15.18846      -16.33522      -17.40966      -18.57659      -19.60418      -19.88647     -0.4266192      -1.548774      -2.593187      -3.689056      -4.815506      -5.940939      -7.017300      -8.064921      -9.235039      -10.42647      -11.63016      -12.76935      -13.93278      -15.20773      -16.49640      -17.76925      -18.95809      -20.25778      -21.42140      -21.79104     -0.3319629      -1.552846      -2.698718      -3.854701      -5.068392      -6.295216      -7.488991      -8.618285      -9.894393      -11.19112      -12.50381      -13.76681      -15.02588      -16.42007      -17.82951      -19.22938      -20.53617      -21.96961      -23.27231      -23.73499     -0.2469985      -1.568659      -2.814188      -4.048305      -5.336169      -6.653592      -7.960093      -9.180987      -10.56368      -11.97030      -13.39346      -14.78085      -16.13851      -17.65434      -19.18676      -20.71601      -22.14257      -23.71139      -25.15677      -25.71637     -0.1691570      -1.591302      -2.935436      -4.245872      -5.628399      -7.025500      -8.435659      -9.750223      -11.24371      -12.76075      -14.29885      -15.81098      -17.27007      -18.90969      -20.56650      -22.22769      -23.77602      -25.48220      -27.07218      -27.73343     -9.1113560E-02  -1.617015      -3.062355      -4.451201      -5.923808      -7.416659      -8.921625      -10.32627      -11.93421      -13.56303      -15.21885      -16.85659      -18.42027      -20.18534      -21.96829      -23.76308      -25.43404      -27.28115      -29.01600      -29.78456     -1.9711861E-02  -1.644229      -3.190990      -4.662608      -6.225805      -7.815084      -9.421268      -10.91307      -12.63170      -14.37715      -16.15175      -17.91715      -19.58826      -21.48051      -23.39314      -25.32107      -27.11785      -29.10698      -30.99041      -31.86833      4.2600617E-02  -1.675741      -3.320664      -4.876642      -6.533861      -8.218472      -9.931794      -11.51157      -13.33997      -15.20250      -17.09753      -18.99174      -20.77294      -22.79413      -24.83884      -26.90113      -28.82712      -30.95704      -32.99231      -33.98338    
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos.param b/modules/epos/epos.param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6982144b244830d1f555419497a68c9d30b0f228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos.param
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+echo off
+!switch fusion off
+echo on
diff --git a/modules/epos/epos_j.f b/modules/epos/epos_j.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51ab4ebfd7dff5f54ce36875f74ff64b735b649c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/epos_j.f
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+      DOUBLE PRECISION P(4,*), R, PALG, F77JETS(4,*)
+      INTEGER          NPART, NJETS,Nd
+      F77JETS(1,1)=0d0
+      NJETS=0
+      dP=P(1,1)
+      Nd=NPART
+      dR=R
+      dPALG=PALG
+c      write(*,*)"FastJet called with :",F77JETS(1,1),NJETS,R,PALG
+c      stop"But FastJet not installed !"
+      END
diff --git a/modules/epos/eposm.f b/modules/epos/eposm.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3715d1e342a8af226dc70b1df1649aa4d51ef311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/eposm.f
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+      subroutine NumberModel(cmodel,model)
+      character cmodel*21,cmodel2*21
+      cmodel2=cmodel
+      model2=model
+      stop'   ***** This program can only run EPOS *****      '
+      end
+      subroutine IniModel(model)
+      model2=model
+      end
+      subroutine IniEvtModel
+      end
+      subroutine emsaaaModel(model,id,iret)
+      model2=model
+      id2=id
+      iret2=iret
+      end
+      function crseModel(model,ekin,maproj,matarg,idtarg)
+      crseModel=0.
+      model2=model
+      ekin2=ekin
+      maproj2=maproj
+      matarg2=matarg
+      idtarg2=idtarg
+      end
+      subroutine crseaaModel(sigt,sigi,sigc,sigel)
+      sigt=0.
+      sigi=0.
+      sigc=0.
+      sigel=0.
+      end
+      subroutine m2XXFZ( a,b)
+      double precision a, b(2),c,d(2)
+      c=a
+      d(1)=b(1)
+      d(2)=b(2)
+      end
+      subroutine m3SIGMA(ek,idpro,idtar,latar,matar,sigi,sige)
+      sige=0.
+      sigi=0.
+      ek2=ek
+      idpro2=idpro
+      matar2=matar
+      idtar2=idtar
+      latar2=latar
+      end
+      subroutine m6SIGMA(icl,engy,stot,sela,sine,sdifr,slela,Rho)
+      icl2=icl
+      engy2=engy
+      stot=0.
+      sela=0.
+      sine=0.
+      sdifr=0.
+      slela=0.
+      Rho=0.
+      end
+      subroutine m7SIGMA(stot,scut,sine,slela)
+      stot=0.
+      scut=0.
+      sine=0.
+      slela=0.
+      end
+      subroutine m8SIGMA(stot,scut,sine,sela,slela,ssd)
+      stot=0.
+      scut=0.
+      sine=0.
+      sela=0.
+      slela=0.
+      ssd=0.
+      end
+      subroutine m9SIGMA(stot,sine,sela)
+      stot=0.
+      sine=0.
+      sela=0.
+      end
+      subroutine decaymod(ip)
+      idum=ip
+      end
diff --git a/modules/epos/eposu_no.f b/modules/epos/eposu_no.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4fe7f423c7ec63c0eb663dfd6c207a443896758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/epos/eposu_no.f
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+      subroutine urqmd(n)
+      include 'epos.inc'
+      print *,n
+      if(iurqmd.eq.1)stop'compile with eposu.f instead of eposu_no.f '
+      end
diff --git a/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt
index 5c0b9e860a75c4f673d6cabdb156293702afd4aa..121eb11f05324c229696fde27aef25aa064b39ac 100644
--- a/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ set (test_modules_sources
   # testOnShellCheck.cpp
+  testEpos.cpp
 CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (testModules SOURCES ${test_modules_sources})
diff --git a/tests/modules/testEpos.cpp b/tests/modules/testEpos.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f0b01ce36f5ff790856d559986dd1f69421e9248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/modules/testEpos.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2019 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <corsika/modules/Epos.hpp>
+//#include <corsika/modules/epos/ParticleConversion.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <tuple>
+  The epos/Random.hpp implements the hook of epos to the C8 random
+  number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
+  executable. If you include the header below in multiple "tests" and
+  link them togehter, it will fail.
+ */
+#include <corsika/modules/epos/Random.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace corsika::epos;
+TEST_CASE("Epos", "[processes]") {
+  corsika_logger->set_pattern("[%n:%^%-8l%$] custom pattern: %v");
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::trace);
+  SECTION("Epos -> Corsika") {
+  }
+  SECTION("Corsika -> Epos") {
+  }
+  SECTION("canInteractInEpos") {
+  }
+  SECTION("cross-section type") {
+  }
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Vector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
+#include <SetupTestEnvironment.hpp>
+#include <SetupTestStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+template <typename TStackView>
+auto sumMomentum(TStackView const& view, CoordinateSystemPtr const& vCS) {
+  Vector<hepenergy_d> sum{vCS, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV};
+  for (auto const& p : view) { sum += p.getMomentum(); }
+  return sum;
+TEST_CASE("EposInterface", "[processes]") {
+  corsika_logger->set_pattern("[%n:%^%-8l%$] custom pattern: %v");
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::trace);
+  auto [env, csPtr, nodePtr] = setup::testing::setup_environment(Code::Oxygen);
+  auto const& cs = *csPtr;
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto const& env_dummy = env;
+  //  RNGManager::getInstance().registerRandomStream("epos");
+  SECTION("InteractionInterface - low energy") {
+    const HEPEnergyType P0 = 60_GeV;
+    auto [stack, viewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+        Code::Proton, 0, 0, P0, (setup::Environment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, cs);
+    MomentumVector plab =
+        MomentumVector(cs, {P0, 0_eV, 0_eV}); // this is secret knowledge about setupStack
+    setup::StackView& view = *viewPtr;
+    auto particle = stack->first();
+    Interaction model;
+    model.doInteraction(view);
+  }