diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/vertical_EAS.cc b/Documentation/Examples/vertical_EAS.cc
index ae48ca770681eeba48e7f6626e0e4a7dd7afbfa5..e670655d5f8e9a817db4eebcc2d1662df50ab17e 100644
--- a/Documentation/Examples/vertical_EAS.cc
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/vertical_EAS.cc
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   process::sibyll::Interaction sibyll;
   process::interaction_counter::InteractionCounter sibyllCounted(sibyll);
   process::sibyll::NuclearInteraction sibyllNuc(sibyll, env);
   process::interaction_counter::InteractionCounter sibyllNucCounted(sibyllNuc);
@@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   process::switch_process::SwitchProcess switchProcess(urqmd, sibyllSequence, 55_GeV);
   auto decaySequence = decayPythia << decaySibyll;
   auto sequence = switchProcess << decaySequence << eLoss << cut << observationLevel;
-                                // << trackWriter;
+  // << trackWriter;
   // define air shower object, run simulation
   tracking_line::TrackingLine tracking;
   cascade::Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, stack);
-//  EAS.SetNodes();
-//  EAS.forceInteraction();
+  //  EAS.SetNodes();
+  //  EAS.forceInteraction();
   eLoss.PrintProfile(); // print longitudinal profile
@@ -221,13 +221,18 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        << "relative difference (%): " << (Efinal / E0 - 1) * 100 << endl;
   cout << "total dEdX energy (GeV): " << eLoss.GetTotal() / 1_GeV << endl
        << "relative difference (%): " << eLoss.GetTotal() / E0 * 100 << endl;
-  auto const cms_hists = *std::get<0>(sibyllCounted.CMSHists()) + *std::get<0>(sibyllNucCounted.CMSHists());
-  auto const lab_hists = *std::get<0>(sibyllCounted.labHists()) + *std::get<0>(sibyllNucCounted.labHists());
-  process::interaction_counter::saveHist(cms_hists, *std::get<1>(sibyllNucCounted.CMSHists()), "intcount_hist_cms.txt", "center-of-mass system");
-  process::interaction_counter::saveHist(lab_hists, *std::get<1>(sibyllNucCounted.labHists()), "intcount_hist_lab.txt", "lab system");
+  auto const cms_hists =
+      *std::get<0>(sibyllCounted.CMSHists()) + *std::get<0>(sibyllNucCounted.CMSHists());
+  auto const lab_hists =
+      *std::get<0>(sibyllCounted.labHists()) + *std::get<0>(sibyllNucCounted.labHists());
+  process::interaction_counter::saveHist(
+      cms_hists, *std::get<1>(sibyllNucCounted.CMSHists()), "intcount_hist_cms.txt",
+      "center-of-mass system");
+  process::interaction_counter::saveHist(lab_hists,
+                                         *std::get<1>(sibyllNucCounted.labHists()),
+                                         "intcount_hist_lab.txt", "lab system");
   std::ofstream finish("finished");
   finish << "run completed without error" << std::endl;
diff --git a/Processes/InteractionCounter/InteractionCounter.h b/Processes/InteractionCounter/InteractionCounter.h
index 7c5de97a8944ea0ec28292471d30a8509048824f..6f833f4ce6a805080ef576b0bdefd7c8acd25e5b 100644
--- a/Processes/InteractionCounter/InteractionCounter.h
+++ b/Processes/InteractionCounter/InteractionCounter.h
@@ -134,16 +134,23 @@ namespace corsika::process::interaction_counter {
-  template <typename T1, typename T2>
-  static void saveHist(T1 const& hist, T2 const& histMap, std::string const& filename,
+  template <typename T1>
+  static void saveHist(T1 const& hist, std::string const& filename,
+                       std::string const& comment = "") {
+    std::ofstream file;
+    file.open(filename);
+    saveHist(hist, file, comment);
+  }
+  template <typename T1>
+  static void saveHist(T1 const& hist, std::ofstream& file,
                        std::string const& comment = "") {
     auto const& energy_axis = hist.axis(1);
-    std::ofstream myfile;
-    myfile.open(filename);
-    myfile << "# interaction count histogram (" << comment << ")" << std::endl
-           << "# " << energy_axis.size() << " bins between " << energy_axis.bin(0).lower()
-           << " and " << energy_axis.bin(energy_axis.size() - 1).upper() << " GeV"
-           << std::endl;
+    file << "# interaction count histogram (" << comment << ")" << std::endl
+         << "# " << energy_axis.size() << " bins between " << energy_axis.bin(0).lower()
+         << " and " << energy_axis.bin(energy_axis.size() - 1).upper() << " GeV"
+         << std::endl;
     for (particles::CodeIntType p = 0;
          p < static_cast<particles::CodeIntType>(particles::Code::LastParticle); ++p) {
@@ -151,22 +158,34 @@ namespace corsika::process::interaction_counter {
       if (auto pdg = static_cast<particles::PDGCodeType>(
           pdg < 1'000'000'000l) {
-        myfile << "# " << static_cast<particles::Code>(p) << std::endl;
-        myfile << pdg;
-        for (int i = 0; i < energy_axis.size(); ++i) { myfile << ' ' << hist.at(p, i); }
-        myfile << std::endl;
+        file << "# " << static_cast<particles::Code>(p) << std::endl;
+        file << pdg;
+        for (int i = 0; i < energy_axis.size(); ++i) { file << ' ' << hist.at(p, i); }
+        file << std::endl;
+  }
-    myfile << "# nuclei" << std::endl;
+  template <typename THistogramMap>
+  static void saveHistMap(THistogramMap const& histMap, std::ofstream& file) {
+    file << "# nuclei" << std::endl;
     for (auto const& [pdg, hist] : histMap) {
       auto const num_ebins_nucl = hist.axis(0).size();
-      assert(energy_axis.size() == num_ebins_nucl);
-      myfile << pdg << " ";
-      for (int i = 0; i < num_ebins_nucl; ++i) { myfile << ' ' << hist.at(i); }
-      myfile << std::endl;
+      file << pdg << ' ';
+      for (int i = 0; i < num_ebins_nucl; ++i) { file << ' ' << hist.at(i); }
+      file << std::endl;
+  template <typename T1, typename T2>
+  static void saveHist(T1 const& hist, T2 const& histMap, std::string const& filename,
+                       std::string const& comment = "") {
+    std::ofstream file;
+    file.open(filename);
+    saveHist(hist, file, comment);
+    saveHistMap(histMap, file);
+  }
 } // namespace corsika::process::interaction_counter