diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/TimeCut.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/TimeCut.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3dbdecb7f28dd0c7804308f2841b5e7ae78ebed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/TimeCut.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/TimeCut.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  inline TimeCut::TimeCut(const TimeType time)
+      : time_(time) {}
+  template <typename Particle>
+  inline ProcessReturn TimeCut::doContinuous(Step<Particle> const& step, bool const) {
+    CORSIKA_LOG_TRACE("TimeCut::doContinuous");
+    if (step.getTimePost() >= time_) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_TRACE("stopping continuous process");
+      return ProcessReturn::ParticleAbsorbed;
+    }
+    return ProcessReturn::Ok;
+  }
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/proposal/ContinuousProcess.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/proposal/ContinuousProcess.inl
index 7d0cb7eb56876bcff01b675a9b0430835fa8b82b..9ffb5d8fde6798f9adfcb2d21bc7a21edb2ea840 100644
--- a/corsika/detail/modules/proposal/ContinuousProcess.inl
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/proposal/ContinuousProcess.inl
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace corsika::proposal {
     // Use higland multiple scattering and deactivate stochastic deflection by
     // passing an empty vector
-    static constexpr auto ms_type = PROPOSAL::MultipleScatteringType::Highland;
+    static constexpr auto ms_type = PROPOSAL::MultipleScatteringType::Moliere;
     auto s_type = std::vector<PROPOSAL::InteractionType>();
     // Build displacement integral and scattering object and interpolate them too and
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/CoREAS.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/CoREAS.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f25ae97265f97cddf955f19ad2eee0c199c01b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/CoREAS.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TRadioDetector, typename TPropagator>
+  template <typename Particle>
+  inline ProcessReturn CoREAS<TRadioDetector, TPropagator>::simulate(
+      Step<Particle> const& step) {
+    // get the global simulation time for that track.
+    auto const startTime_{
+        step.getTimePre()}; // time at the start point of the track. I
+                            // should use something similar to fCoreHitTime (?)
+    auto const endTime_{step.getTimePost()}; // time at end point of track.
+    if (startTime_ == endTime_) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("Time at the start and end of the track coincides! - radio");
+      return ProcessReturn::Ok;
+      // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
+    } else {
+      // get start and end position of the track
+      Point const startPoint_{step.getPositionPre()};
+      Point const endPoint_{step.getPositionPost()};
+      // get the coordinate system of the startpoint and hence the track
+      auto const cs_{startPoint_.getCoordinateSystem()};
+      auto const currDirection{(endPoint_ - startPoint_).normalized()};
+      // calculate the track length
+      auto const tracklength_{(endPoint_ - startPoint_).getNorm()};
+      // beta is velocity / speed of light. Start & end should be the same in endpoints!
+      auto const corrBetaValue{(endPoint_ - startPoint_).getNorm() /
+                               (constants::c * (endTime_ - startTime_))};
+      auto const beta_{currDirection * corrBetaValue};
+      // get particle charge
+      auto const charge_{get_charge(step.getParticlePre().getPID())};
+      // constants for electric field vector calculation
+      auto const constants_{charge_ / (4 * M_PI) / (constants::epsilonZero) /
+                            constants::c};
+      // set threshold for application of ZHS-like approximation.
+      const double approxThreshold_{1.0e-3};
+      // loop over each antenna in the antenna collection (detector)
+      for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
+        // get the SignalPathCollection (path1) from the start "endpoint" to the antenna.
+        auto paths1{this->propagator_.propagate(
+            startPoint_, antenna.getLocation(),
+            1_m)}; // TODO: Add the stepsize to .propagate() at some point
+        // get the SignalPathCollection (path2) from the end "endpoint" to the antenna.
+        auto paths2{this->propagator_.propagate(endPoint_, antenna.getLocation(), 1_m)};
+        // throw an exception if path sizes don't match
+        try {
+          // loop over both paths at once and directly compare 'start' and 'end'
+          // attributes
+          for (size_t i = (paths1.size() == paths2.size()) ? 0 : throw(i = paths1.size());
+               (i < paths1.size() && i < paths2.size()); i++) {
+            // calculate preDoppler factor
+            double preDoppler_{1.0 - paths1[i].refractive_index_source_ *
+                                         beta_.dot(paths1[i].emit_)};
+            // check if preDoppler has become zero in case of refractive index of unity
+            // because of numerical limitations here you might need std::fabs(preDoppler)
+            // in the if statement - same with post & mid
+            // LCOV_EXCL_START
+            if (preDoppler_ == 0) {
+              CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("preDoppler factor numerically zero in COREAS");
+              // redo calculation with higher precision
+              auto const& beta_components_{beta_.getComponents(cs_)};
+              auto const& emit_components_{paths1[i].emit_.getComponents(cs_)};
+              long double const indexL_{paths1[i].refractive_index_source_};
+              long double const betaX_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getX())};
+              long double const betaY_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getY())};
+              long double const betaZ_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getZ())};
+              long double const startX_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getX())};
+              long double const startY_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getY())};
+              long double const startZ_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getZ())};
+              long double const doppler =
+                  1.0l -
+                  indexL_ * (betaX_ * startX_ + betaY_ * startY_ + betaZ_ * startZ_);
+              preDoppler_ = doppler;
+            }
+            // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
+            // calculate postDoppler factor
+            double postDoppler_{1.0 - paths2[i].refractive_index_source_ *
+                                          beta_.dot(paths2[i].emit_)};
+            // check if postDoppler has become zero in case of refractive index of unity
+            // because of numerical limitations
+            // LCOV_EXCL_START
+            if (postDoppler_ == 0) {
+              CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("postDoppler factor numerically zero in CoREAS");
+              // redo calculation with higher precision
+              auto const& beta_components_{beta_.getComponents(cs_)};
+              auto const& emit_components_{paths2[i].emit_.getComponents(cs_)};
+              long double const indexL_{paths2[i].refractive_index_source_};
+              long double const betaX_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getX())};
+              long double const betaY_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getY())};
+              long double const betaZ_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getZ())};
+              long double const endX_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getX())};
+              long double const endY_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getY())};
+              long double const endZ_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getZ())};
+              long double const doppler =
+                  1.0l - indexL_ * (betaX_ * endX_ + betaY_ * endY_ + betaZ_ * endZ_);
+              postDoppler_ = doppler;
+            }
+            // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
+            // calculate receive time for startpoint (aka time delay)
+            auto startPointReceiveTime_{
+                startTime_ +
+                paths1[i].propagation_time_}; // TODO: time 0 is when the imaginary
+                                              // primary hits the ground
+            // calculate receive time for endpoint
+            auto endPointReceiveTime_{endTime_ + paths2[i].propagation_time_};
+            // get unit vector for startpoint at antenna location
+            auto ReceiveVectorStart_{paths1[i].receive_};
+            // get unit vector for endpoint at antenna location
+            auto ReceiveVectorEnd_{paths2[i].receive_};
+            // perform ZHS-like calculation close to Cherenkov angle and for refractive
+            // index at antenna location greater than 1
+            if ((paths1[i].refractive_index_destination_ > 1) &&
+                ((std::fabs(preDoppler_) < approxThreshold_) ||
+                 (std::fabs(postDoppler_) < approxThreshold_))) {
+              CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Used ZHS-like approximation in CoREAS - radio");
+              // clear the existing paths for this particle and track, since we don't need
+              // them anymore
+              paths1.clear();
+              paths2.clear();
+              auto const halfVector_{(startPoint_ - endPoint_) * 0.5};
+              auto const midPoint_{endPoint_ + halfVector_};
+              // get global simulation time for the middle point of that track.
+              TimeType const midTime_{(startTime_ + endTime_) * 0.5};
+              // get the SignalPathCollection (path3) from the middle "endpoint" to the
+              // antenna.
+              auto paths3{
+                  this->propagator_.propagate(midPoint_, antenna.getLocation(), 1_m)};
+              // now loop over the paths for endpoint that we got above
+              for (auto const& path : paths3) {
+                auto const midPointReceiveTime_{midTime_ + path.propagation_time_};
+                double midDoppler_{1.0 -
+                                   path.refractive_index_source_ * beta_.dot(path.emit_)};
+                // check if midDoppler has become zero because of numerical limitations
+                // LCOV_EXCL_START
+                if (midDoppler_ == 0) {
+                  CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("midDoppler factor numerically zero in COREAS");
+                  // redo calculation with higher precision
+                  auto const& beta_components_{beta_.getComponents(cs_)};
+                  auto const& emit_components_{path.emit_.getComponents(cs_)};
+                  long double const indexL_{path.refractive_index_source_};
+                  long double const betaX_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getX())};
+                  long double const betaY_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getY())};
+                  long double const betaZ_{static_cast<double>(beta_components_.getZ())};
+                  long double const midX_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getX())};
+                  long double const midY_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getY())};
+                  long double const midZ_{static_cast<double>(emit_components_.getZ())};
+                  long double const doppler =
+                      1.0l - indexL_ * (betaX_ * midX_ + betaY_ * midY_ + betaZ_ * midZ_);
+                  midDoppler_ = doppler;
+                }
+                // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
+                // change the values of the receive unit vectors of start and end
+                ReceiveVectorStart_ = path.receive_;
+                ReceiveVectorEnd_ = path.receive_;
+                // CoREAS calculation -> get ElectricFieldVector for "midPoint"
+                ElectricFieldVector EVmid_ = (path.emit_.cross(path.emit_.cross(beta_))) /
+                                             midDoppler_ / path.R_distance_ * constants_ *
+                                             antenna.getSampleRate();
+                ElectricFieldVector EV1_{EVmid_};
+                ElectricFieldVector EV2_{EVmid_ * (-1.0)};
+                TimeType deltaT_{tracklength_ / (constants::c * corrBetaValue) *
+                                 std::fabs(midDoppler_)}; // TODO: Caution with this!
+                if (startPointReceiveTime_ <
+                    endPointReceiveTime_) // EVstart_ arrives earlier
+                {
+                  startPointReceiveTime_ = midPointReceiveTime_ - 0.5 * deltaT_;
+                  endPointReceiveTime_ = midPointReceiveTime_ + 0.5 * deltaT_;
+                } else // EVend_ arrives earlier
+                {
+                  startPointReceiveTime_ = midPointReceiveTime_ + 0.5 * deltaT_;
+                  endPointReceiveTime_ = midPointReceiveTime_ - 0.5 * deltaT_;
+                }
+                TimeType const gridResolution_{1 / antenna.getSampleRate()};
+                deltaT_ = endPointReceiveTime_ - startPointReceiveTime_;
+                // redistribute contributions over time scale defined by the observation
+                // time resolution
+                if (abs(deltaT_) < (gridResolution_)) {
+                  EV1_ *= std::fabs((deltaT_ / gridResolution_));
+                  EV2_ *= std::fabs((deltaT_ / gridResolution_));
+                  // ToDO: be careful with times in C8!!! where is the zero (time). Is it
+                  // close-by?
+                  long const startBin = static_cast<long>(
+                      std::floor(startPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_ + 0.5l));
+                  long const endBin = static_cast<long>(
+                      std::floor(endPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_ + 0.5l));
+                  double const startBinFraction =
+                      (startPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_) -
+                      std::floor(startPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_);
+                  double const endBinFraction =
+                      (endPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_) -
+                      std::floor(endPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_);
+                  // only do timing modification if contributions would land in same bin
+                  if (startBin == endBin) {
+                    // if startE arrives before endE
+                    if ((deltaT_) >= 0_s) {
+                      if ((startBinFraction >= 0.5) &&
+                          (endBinFraction >= 0.5)) // both points left of bin center
+                      {
+                        startPointReceiveTime_ -=
+                            gridResolution_; // shift EV1_ to previous gridpoint
+                      } else if ((startBinFraction < 0.5) &&
+                                 (endBinFraction <
+                                  0.5)) // both points right of bin center
+                      {
+                        endPointReceiveTime_ +=
+                            gridResolution_; // shift EV2_ to next gridpoint
+                      } else                 // points on both sides of bin center
+                      {
+                        double const leftDist = 1.0 - startBinFraction;
+                        double const rightDist = endBinFraction;
+                        // check if asymmetry to right or left
+                        if (rightDist >= leftDist) {
+                          endPointReceiveTime_ +=
+                              gridResolution_; // shift EV2_ to next gridpoint
+                        } else {
+                          startPointReceiveTime_ -=
+                              gridResolution_; // shift EV1_ to previous gridpoint
+                        }
+                      }
+                    } else // if endE arrives before startE
+                    {
+                      if ((startBinFraction >= 0.5) &&
+                          (endBinFraction >= 0.5)) // both points left of bin center
+                      {
+                        endPointReceiveTime_ -=
+                            gridResolution_; // shift EV2_ to previous gridpoint
+                      } else if ((startBinFraction < 0.5) &&
+                                 (endBinFraction <
+                                  0.5)) // both points right of bin center
+                      {
+                        startPointReceiveTime_ +=
+                            gridResolution_; // shift EV1_ to next gridpoint
+                      } else                 // points on both sides of bin center
+                      {
+                        double const leftDist = 1.0 - endBinFraction;
+                        double const rightDist = startBinFraction;
+                        // check if asymmetry to right or left
+                        if (rightDist >= leftDist) {
+                          startPointReceiveTime_ +=
+                              gridResolution_; // shift EV1_ to next gridpoint
+                        } else {
+                          endPointReceiveTime_ -=
+                              gridResolution_; // shift EV2_ to previous gridpoint
+                        }
+                      }
+                    } // End of else statement
+                  }   // End of if for startbin == endbin
+                }     // End of if deltaT < gridresolution
+                // TODO: Be very careful with this. Maybe the EVs should be fed after the
+                // for loop of paths3
+                antenna.receive(startPointReceiveTime_, ReceiveVectorStart_, EV1_);
+                antenna.receive(endPointReceiveTime_, ReceiveVectorEnd_, EV2_);
+              } // End of looping over paths3
+            } // end of ZHS-like approximation
+            else {
+              // calculate electric field vector for startpoint
+              ElectricFieldVector EV1_ =
+                  (paths1[i].emit_.cross(paths1[i].emit_.cross(beta_))) / preDoppler_ /
+                  paths1[i].R_distance_ * constants_ * antenna.getSampleRate();
+              // calculate electric field vector for endpoint
+              ElectricFieldVector EV2_ =
+                  (paths2[i].emit_.cross(paths2[i].emit_.cross(beta_))) / postDoppler_ /
+                  paths2[i].R_distance_ * constants_ * (-1.0) * antenna.getSampleRate();
+              if ((preDoppler_ < 1.e-9) || (postDoppler_ < 1.e-9)) {
+                TimeType const gridResolution_{1 / antenna.getSampleRate()};
+                TimeType deltaT_{endPointReceiveTime_ - startPointReceiveTime_};
+                if (abs(deltaT_) < (gridResolution_)) {
+                  EV1_ *= std::fabs(deltaT_ / gridResolution_); // Todo: rename EV1 and 2
+                  EV2_ *= std::fabs(deltaT_ / gridResolution_);
+                  long const startBin = static_cast<long>(
+                      std::floor(startPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_ + 0.5l));
+                  long const endBin = static_cast<long>(
+                      std::floor(endPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_ + 0.5l));
+                  double const startBinFraction =
+                      (startPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_) -
+                      std::floor(startPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_);
+                  double const endBinFraction =
+                      (endPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_) -
+                      std::floor(endPointReceiveTime_ / gridResolution_);
+                  // only do timing modification if contributions would land in same bin
+                  if (startBin == endBin) {
+                    if ((startBinFraction >= 0.5) &&
+                        (endBinFraction >= 0.5)) // both points left of bin center
+                    {
+                      startPointReceiveTime_ -=
+                          gridResolution_; // shift EV1_ to previous gridpoint
+                    } else if ((startBinFraction < 0.5) &&
+                               (endBinFraction < 0.5)) // both points right of bin center
+                    {
+                      endPointReceiveTime_ +=
+                          gridResolution_; // shift EV2_ to next gridpoint
+                    } else                 // points on both sides of bin center
+                    {
+                      double const leftDist = 1.0 - startBinFraction;
+                      double const rightDist = endBinFraction;
+                      // check if asymmetry to right or left
+                      if (rightDist >= leftDist) {
+                        endPointReceiveTime_ +=
+                            gridResolution_; // shift EV2_ to next gridpoint
+                      } else {
+                        startPointReceiveTime_ -=
+                            gridResolution_; // shift EV1_ to previous gridpoint
+                      }
+                    }
+                  } // End of if for startbin == endbin
+                }   // End of if deltaT < gridresolution
+              }     // End of if that checks small doppler factors
+              antenna.receive(startPointReceiveTime_, ReceiveVectorStart_, EV1_);
+              antenna.receive(endPointReceiveTime_, ReceiveVectorEnd_, EV2_);
+            } // End of else that does not perform ZHS-like approximation
+          } // End of loop over both paths to get signal info
+        }   // End of try block
+        // LCOV_EXCL_START
+        catch (size_t i) {
+          CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("Signal Paths do not have the same size in CoREAS");
+        }
+        // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
+      } // End of looping over antennas
+      return ProcessReturn::Ok;
+    }
+  } // End of simulate method
+} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/RadioProcess.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/RadioProcess.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0548b71a4226e554ddb20b59ed4fa13b0b69ff2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/RadioProcess.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  inline TRadioImpl&
+  RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::implementation() {
+    return static_cast<TRadioImpl&>(*this);
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  inline TRadioImpl const&
+  RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::implementation() const {
+    return static_cast<TRadioImpl const&>(*this);
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  template <typename... TArgs>
+  inline RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::RadioProcess(
+      TAntennaCollection& antennas, TArgs&&... args)
+      : antennas_(antennas)
+      , propagator_(args...) {}
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  template <typename Particle>
+  inline ProcessReturn RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl,
+                                    TPropagator>::doContinuous(const Step<Particle>& step,
+                                                               const bool) {
+    // we want the following particles:
+    // Code::Electron & Code::Positron & Code::Gamma
+    // we wrap Simulate() in doContinuous as the plan is to add particle level
+    // filtering or thinning for calculation of the radio emission. This is
+    // important for controlling the runtime of radio (by ignoring particles
+    // that aren't going to contribute i.e. heavy hadrons)
+    // if (valid(particle, track)) {
+    auto const particleID_{step.getParticlePre().getPID()};
+    if ((particleID_ == Code::Electron) || (particleID_ == Code::Positron)) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Particle for radio calculation: {} ", particleID_);
+      return this->implementation().simulate(step);
+    } else {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Particle {} is irrelevant for radio", particleID_);
+      return ProcessReturn::Ok;
+    }
+    //}
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  template <typename Particle, typename Track>
+  inline LengthType
+  RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::getMaxStepLength(
+      const Particle& vParticle, const Track& vTrack) const {
+    return meter * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+  }
+  // this should all be moved at a separate radio output function
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  inline void RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::startOfLibrary(
+      const boost::filesystem::path& directory) {
+    // loop over every antenna and set the initial path
+    // this also writes the time-bins to disk.
+    for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
+      antenna.startOfLibrary(directory, this->implementation().algorithm);
+    }
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  inline void RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::endOfShower(
+      const unsigned int) {
+    // loop over every antenna and instruct them to
+    // flush data to disk, and then reset the antenna
+    // before the next event
+    for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
+      antenna.endOfShower(event_, this->implementation().algorithm,
+                          antenna.getSampleRate() * 1_s);
+      antenna.reset();
+    }
+    // increment our event counter
+    event_++;
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  inline YAML::Node RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::getConfig()
+      const {
+    // top-level YAML node
+    YAML::Node config;
+    // fill in some basics
+    config["type"] = "RadioProcess";
+    config["algorithm"] = this->implementation().algorithm;
+    config["units"]["time"] = "ns";
+    config["units"]["frequency"] = "GHz";
+    config["units"]["electric field"] = "V/m";
+    config["units"]["distance"] = "m";
+    for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
+      // get the name/location of this antenna
+      auto name = antenna.getName();
+      auto location = antenna.getLocation().getCoordinates();
+      // get the antennas config
+      config["antennas"][name] = antenna.getConfig();
+      // write the location of this antenna
+      config["antennas"][name]["location"].push_back(location.getX() / 1_m);
+      config["antennas"][name]["location"].push_back(location.getY() / 1_m);
+      config["antennas"][name]["location"].push_back(location.getZ() / 1_m);
+    }
+    return config;
+  }
+} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/ZHS.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/ZHS.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c9e4aacc824b06499b65b988883d9bc1f3cbb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/ZHS.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TRadioDetector, typename TPropagator>
+  template <typename Particle>
+  inline ProcessReturn ZHS<TRadioDetector, TPropagator>::simulate(
+      Step<Particle> const& step) const {
+    auto const startTime{step.getTimePre()};
+    auto const endTime{step.getTimePost()};
+    if (startTime == endTime) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("Time at the start and end of the track coincides! - radio");
+      return ProcessReturn::Ok;
+      // LCOV_EXCL_STOP
+    } else {
+      auto const startPoint{step.getPositionPre()};
+      auto const endPoint{step.getPositionPost()};
+      LengthType const trackLength{(startPoint - endPoint).getNorm()};
+      auto const betaModule{(endPoint - startPoint).getNorm() /
+                            (constants::c * (endTime - startTime))};
+      auto const beta{(endPoint - startPoint).normalized() * betaModule};
+      auto const charge{get_charge(step.getParticlePre().getPID())};
+      // // get "mid" position of the track geometrically
+      auto const halfVector{(startPoint - endPoint) / 2};
+      auto const midPoint{endPoint + halfVector};
+      auto const constants{charge / (4 * M_PI) / (constants::epsilonZero) / constants::c};
+      // we loop over each antenna in the collection
+      for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
+        auto midPaths{this->propagator_.propagate(midPoint, antenna.getLocation(), 1_m)};
+        // Loop over midPaths, first check Fraunhoffer limit
+        for (size_t i{0}; i < midPaths.size(); i++) {
+          double const uTimesK{beta.dot(midPaths[i].emit_) / betaModule};
+          double const sinTheta2{1. - uTimesK * uTimesK};
+          LengthType const lambda{constants::c / antenna.getSampleRate()};
+          double const fraunhLimit{sinTheta2 * trackLength * trackLength /
+                                   midPaths[i].R_distance_ / lambda * 2 * M_PI};
+          // Checks if we are in fraunhoffer domain
+          if (fraunhLimit > 1.0) {
+            /// code for dividing track and calculating field.
+            double const nSubTracks{sqrt(fraunhLimit) + 1};
+            auto const step_{(endPoint - startPoint) / nSubTracks};
+            TimeType const timeStep{(endTime - startTime) / nSubTracks};
+            // energy should be divided up when it is possible to get the energy at end of
+            // track!!!!
+            auto point1{startPoint};
+            TimeType time1{startTime};
+            for (int j{0}; j < nSubTracks; j++) {
+              auto const point2{point1 + step_};
+              TimeType const time2{time1 + timeStep};
+              auto const newHalfVector{(point1 - point2) / 2.};
+              auto const newMidPoint{point2 + newHalfVector};
+              auto const newMidPaths{
+                  this->propagator_.propagate(newMidPoint, antenna.getLocation(), 1_m)};
+              // A function for calculating the field should be made since it is repeated
+              // later
+              for (size_t k{0}; k < newMidPaths.size(); k++) {
+                double const n_source{newMidPaths[k].refractive_index_source_};
+                double const betaTimesK{beta.dot(newMidPaths[k].emit_)};
+                TimeType const midTime{(time1 + time2) / 2.};
+                TimeType detectionTime1{time1 + newMidPaths[k].propagation_time_ -
+                                        n_source * betaTimesK * (time1 - midTime)};
+                TimeType detectionTime2{time2 + newMidPaths[k].propagation_time_ -
+                                        n_source * betaTimesK * (time2 - midTime)};
+                // make detectionTime1_ be the smallest time =>
+                // changes step function order so sign is changed to account for it
+                double sign = 1.;
+                if (detectionTime1 > detectionTime2) {
+                  detectionTime1 = time2 + newMidPaths[k].propagation_time_ -
+                                   n_source * betaTimesK * (time2 - midTime);
+                  detectionTime2 = time1 + newMidPaths[k].propagation_time_ -
+                                   n_source * betaTimesK * (time1 - midTime);
+                  sign = -1.;
+                } // end if statement for time structure
+                double const startBin{std::floor(
+                    (detectionTime1 - antenna.getStartTime()) * antenna.getSampleRate() +
+                    0.5)};
+                double const endBin{std::floor((detectionTime2 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                                   antenna.getSampleRate() +
+                                               0.5)};
+                auto const betaPerp{
+                    newMidPaths[k].emit_.cross(beta.cross(newMidPaths[k].emit_))};
+                double const denominator{1. - n_source * betaTimesK};
+                if (startBin == endBin) {
+                  // track contained in bin
+                  // if not in Cerenkov angle then
+                  if (std::fabs(denominator) > 1.e-15) {
+                    double const f{std::fabs((detectionTime2 * antenna.getSampleRate() -
+                                              detectionTime1 * antenna.getSampleRate()))};
+                    VectorPotential const Vp = betaPerp * sign * constants * f /
+                                               denominator / newMidPaths[k].R_distance_;
+                    antenna.receive(detectionTime2, betaPerp, Vp);
+                  } else { // If emission in Cerenkov angle => approximation
+                    double const f{time2 * antenna.getSampleRate() -
+                                   time1 * antenna.getSampleRate()};
+                    VectorPotential const Vp =
+                        betaPerp * sign * constants * f / newMidPaths[k].R_distance_;
+                    antenna.receive(detectionTime2, betaPerp, Vp);
+                  } // end if Cerenkov angle approx
+                } else {
+                  /*Track is contained in more than one bin*/
+                  int const numberOfBins{static_cast<int>(endBin - startBin)};
+                  // first contribution/ plus 1 bin minus 0.5 from new antenna ruonding
+                  double f{std::fabs(startBin + 0.5 -
+                                     (detectionTime1 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                         antenna.getSampleRate())};
+                  VectorPotential Vp = betaPerp * sign * constants * f / denominator /
+                                       newMidPaths[k].R_distance_;
+                  antenna.receive(detectionTime1, betaPerp, Vp);
+                  // intermidiate contributions
+                  for (int it{1}; it < numberOfBins; ++it) {
+                    Vp = betaPerp * constants / denominator / newMidPaths[k].R_distance_;
+                    antenna.receive(detectionTime1 +
+                                        static_cast<double>(it) / antenna.getSampleRate(),
+                                    betaPerp, Vp);
+                  } // end loop over bins in which potential vector is not zero
+                  // final contribution// f +0.5 from new antenna rounding
+                  f = std::fabs((detectionTime2 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                    antenna.getSampleRate() +
+                                0.5 - endBin);
+                  Vp = betaPerp * sign * constants * f / denominator /
+                       newMidPaths[k].R_distance_;
+                  antenna.receive(detectionTime2, betaPerp, Vp);
+                } // end if statement for track in multiple bins
+              } // end of loop over newMidPaths
+              // update points for next sub track
+              point1 = point1 + step_;
+              time1 = time1 + timeStep;
+            }
+          } else // Calculate vector potential of whole track
+          {
+            double const n_source{midPaths[i].refractive_index_source_};
+            double const betaTimesK{beta.dot(midPaths[i].emit_)};
+            TimeType const midTime{(startTime + endTime) / 2};
+            TimeType detectionTime1{startTime + midPaths[i].propagation_time_ -
+                                    n_source * betaTimesK * (startTime - midTime)};
+            TimeType detectionTime2{endTime + midPaths[i].propagation_time_ -
+                                    n_source * betaTimesK * (endTime - midTime)};
+            // make detectionTime1_ be the smallest time =>
+            // changes step function order so sign is changed to account for it
+            double sign = 1.;
+            if (detectionTime1 > detectionTime2) {
+              detectionTime1 = endTime + midPaths[i].propagation_time_ -
+                               n_source * betaTimesK * (endTime - midTime);
+              detectionTime2 = startTime + midPaths[i].propagation_time_ -
+                               n_source * betaTimesK * (startTime - midTime);
+              sign = -1.;
+            } // end if statement for time structure
+            double const startBin{std::floor((detectionTime1 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                                 antenna.getSampleRate() +
+                                             0.5)};
+            double const endBin{std::floor((detectionTime2 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                               antenna.getSampleRate() +
+                                           0.5)};
+            auto const betaPerp{midPaths[i].emit_.cross(beta.cross(midPaths[i].emit_))};
+            double const denominator{1. -
+                                     midPaths[i].refractive_index_source_ * betaTimesK};
+            if (startBin == endBin) {
+              // track contained in bin
+              // if not in Cerenkov angle then
+              if (std::fabs(denominator) > 1.e-15) {
+                double const f{std::fabs((detectionTime2 * antenna.getSampleRate() -
+                                          detectionTime1 * antenna.getSampleRate()))};
+                VectorPotential const Vp = betaPerp * sign * constants * f / denominator /
+                                           midPaths[i].R_distance_;
+                antenna.receive(detectionTime2, betaPerp, Vp);
+              } else { // If emission in Cerenkov angle => approximation
+                double const f{endTime * antenna.getSampleRate() -
+                               startTime * antenna.getSampleRate()};
+                VectorPotential const Vp =
+                    betaPerp * sign * constants * f / midPaths[i].R_distance_;
+                antenna.receive(detectionTime2, betaPerp, Vp);
+              } // end if Cerenkov angle approx
+            } else {
+              /*Track is contained in more than one bin*/
+              int const numberOfBins{static_cast<int>(endBin - startBin)};
+              // TODO: should we check for Cerenkov angle?
+              // first contribution
+              double f{std::fabs(startBin + 0.5 -
+                                 (detectionTime1 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                     antenna.getSampleRate())};
+              VectorPotential Vp =
+                  betaPerp * sign * constants * f / denominator / midPaths[i].R_distance_;
+              antenna.receive(detectionTime1, betaPerp, Vp);
+              // intermidiate contributions
+              for (int it{1}; it < numberOfBins; ++it) {
+                Vp = betaPerp * sign * constants / denominator / midPaths[i].R_distance_;
+                antenna.receive(
+                    detectionTime1 + static_cast<double>(it) / antenna.getSampleRate(),
+                    betaPerp, Vp);
+              } // end loop over bins in which potential vector is not zero
+              // final contribution
+              f = std::fabs((detectionTime2 - antenna.getStartTime()) *
+                                antenna.getSampleRate() +
+                            0.5 - endBin);
+              Vp =
+                  betaPerp * sign * constants * f / denominator / midPaths[i].R_distance_;
+              antenna.receive(detectionTime2, betaPerp, Vp);
+            } // end if statement for track in multiple bins
+          } // finish if statement of track in fraunhoffer or not
+        } // end loop over mid paths
+      } // END: loop over antennas
+      return ProcessReturn::Ok;
+    }
+  } // end simulate
+} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b97560aaefc129779fdf1e39dfdfe8f68e9e61b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::Antenna(std::string const& name, Point const& location,
+                                        CoordinateSystemPtr const& coordinateSystem)
+      : name_(name)
+      , location_(location)
+      , coordinateSystem_(coordinateSystem){};
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline Point const& Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::getLocation() const {
+    return location_;
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline std::string const& Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::getName() const {
+    return name_;
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline void Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::startOfLibrary(
+      const boost::filesystem::path& directory, const std::string radioImplementation) {
+    // calculate and save our filename
+    filename_ = (directory / this->getName()).string() + ".npz";
+    // get the axis labels for this antenna and write the first row.
+    axistype axis = this->implementation().getAxis();
+    // check for the axis name
+    std::string label = "Unknown";
+    if constexpr (TAntennaImpl::is_time_domain) {
+      label = "Time";
+    } else if constexpr (TAntennaImpl::is_freq_domain) {
+      label = "Frequency";
+    }
+    if (radioImplementation == "ZHS" && TAntennaImpl::is_time_domain) {
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.size() - 1; i++) {
+        axis.at(i) = (axis.at(i + 1) + axis.at(i)) / 2.;
+      }
+      // explicitly convert the arrays to the needed type for cnpy
+      axis.pop_back();
+      long double const* raw_data = axis.data();
+      std::vector<size_t> N = {
+          axis.size()}; // cnpy needs a vector here -- this should be axis.size() - 1 --
+      // write the labels to the first row of the NumPy file
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, label, raw_data, N, "w");
+    } else {
+      // explicitly convert the arrays to the needed type for cnpy
+      long double const* raw_data = axis.data();
+      std::vector<size_t> N = {axis.size()}; // cnpy needs a vector here
+      // write the labels to the first row of the NumPy file
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, label, raw_data, N, "w");
+    }
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline void Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::endOfShower(const int event,
+                                                 std::string const& radioImplementation,
+                                                 const double sampleRate) {
+    // get the copy of the waveform data for this event
+    // we transpose it so that we can match dimensions with the
+    // time array that is already in the output file
+    std::vector<double> const& dataX = this->implementation().getWaveformX();
+    std::vector<double> const& dataY = this->implementation().getWaveformY();
+    std::vector<double> const& dataZ = this->implementation().getWaveformZ();
+    if (radioImplementation == "ZHS") {
+      std::vector<double> electricFieldX(dataX.size() - 1,
+                                         0); // num_bins_, std::vector<double>(3, 0)
+      std::vector<double> electricFieldY(dataY.size() - 1, 0);
+      std::vector<double> electricFieldZ(dataZ.size() - 1, 0);
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < electricFieldX.size(); i++) {
+        electricFieldX.at(i) = -(dataX.at(i + 1) - dataX.at(i)) * sampleRate;
+        electricFieldY.at(i) = -(dataY.at(i + 1) - dataY.at(i)) * sampleRate;
+        electricFieldZ.at(i) = -(dataZ.at(i + 1) - dataZ.at(i)) * sampleRate;
+      }
+      // cnpy needs a vector for the shape
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "X", electricFieldX.data(),
+                     {electricFieldX.size()}, "a");
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Y", electricFieldY.data(),
+                     {electricFieldY.size()}, "a");
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Z", electricFieldZ.data(),
+                     {electricFieldZ.size()}, "a");
+    } else {
+      // cnpy needs a vector for the shape
+      // and write this event to the .npz archive
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "X", dataX.data(), {dataX.size()},
+                     "a");
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Y", dataY.data(), {dataY.size()},
+                     "a");
+      cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Z", dataZ.data(), {dataZ.size()},
+                     "a");
+    }
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline TAntennaImpl& Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::implementation() {
+    return static_cast<TAntennaImpl&>(*this);
+  }
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..920b303b9d63281e708ad59b278b8089a4a98cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  inline TimeDomainAntenna::TimeDomainAntenna(std::string const& name,
+                                              Point const& location,
+                                              CoordinateSystemPtr coordinateSystem,
+                                              TimeType const& start_time,
+                                              TimeType const& duration,
+                                              InverseTimeType const& sample_rate,
+                                              TimeType const ground_hit_time)
+      : Antenna(name, location, coordinateSystem)
+      , start_time_(start_time)
+      , duration_(duration)
+      , sample_rate_(sample_rate)
+      , ground_hit_time_(ground_hit_time)
+      , num_bins_(static_cast<std::size_t>(duration * sample_rate + 1.5l))
+      , waveformEX_(num_bins_, 0)
+      , waveformEY_(num_bins_, 0)
+      , waveformEZ_(num_bins_, 0)
+      , time_axis_(createTimeAxis()){};
+  inline void TimeDomainAntenna::receive(const TimeType time,
+                                         const Vector<dimensionless_d>& receive_vector,
+                                         const ElectricFieldVector& efield) {
+    if (time < start_time_ || time > (start_time_ + duration_)) {
+      return;
+    } else {
+      // figure out the correct timebin to store the E-field value.
+      // NOTE: static cast is implicitly flooring
+      auto timebin_{static_cast<std::size_t>(
+          std::floor((time - start_time_) * sample_rate_ + 0.5l))};
+      // store the x,y,z electric field components.
+      auto const& Electric_field_components{efield.getComponents(coordinateSystem_)};
+      waveformEX_.at(timebin_) += (Electric_field_components.getX() * (1_m / 1_V));
+      waveformEY_.at(timebin_) += (Electric_field_components.getY() * (1_m / 1_V));
+      waveformEZ_.at(timebin_) += (Electric_field_components.getZ() * (1_m / 1_V));
+      // TODO: Check how they are stored in memory, row-wise or column-wise? Probably use
+      // a 3D object
+    }
+  }
+  inline void TimeDomainAntenna::receive(const TimeType time,
+                                         const Vector<dimensionless_d>& receive_vector,
+                                         const VectorPotential& vectorP) {
+    if (time < start_time_ || time > (start_time_ + duration_)) {
+      return;
+    } else {
+      // figure out the correct timebin to store the E-field value.
+      // NOTE: static cast is implicitly flooring
+      auto timebin_{static_cast<std::size_t>(
+          std::floor((time - start_time_) * sample_rate_ + 0.5l))};
+      // store the x,y,z electric field components.
+      auto const& Vector_potential_components{vectorP.getComponents(coordinateSystem_)};
+      waveformEX_.at(timebin_) +=
+          (Vector_potential_components.getX() * (1_m / (1_V * 1_s)));
+      waveformEY_.at(timebin_) +=
+          (Vector_potential_components.getY() * (1_m / (1_V * 1_s)));
+      waveformEZ_.at(timebin_) +=
+          (Vector_potential_components.getZ() * (1_m / (1_V * 1_s)));
+      // TODO: Check how they are stored in memory, row-wise or column-wise? Probably use
+      // a 3D object
+    }
+  }
+  inline auto const& TimeDomainAntenna::getWaveformX() const { return waveformEX_; }
+  inline auto const& TimeDomainAntenna::getWaveformY() const { return waveformEY_; }
+  inline auto const& TimeDomainAntenna::getWaveformZ() const { return waveformEZ_; }
+  inline std::vector<long double> TimeDomainAntenna::createTimeAxis() const {
+    // create a 1-D xtensor to store time values so we can print them later.
+    std::vector<long double> times(num_bins_, 0);
+    // calculate the sample_period
+    auto sample_period{1 / sample_rate_};
+    // fill in every time-value
+    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_bins_; i++) {
+      // create the current time in nanoseconds
+      times.at(i) = static_cast<long double>(
+          ((start_time_ - ground_hit_time_) + i * sample_period) / 1_ns);
+    }
+    return times;
+  }
+  inline auto const& TimeDomainAntenna::getAxis() const { return time_axis_; }
+  inline InverseTimeType const& TimeDomainAntenna::getSampleRate() const {
+    return sample_rate_;
+  }
+  inline TimeType const& TimeDomainAntenna::getStartTime() const { return start_time_; }
+  inline void TimeDomainAntenna::reset() {
+    std::fill(waveformEX_.begin(), waveformEX_.end(), 0);
+    std::fill(waveformEY_.begin(), waveformEY_.end(), 0);
+    std::fill(waveformEZ_.begin(), waveformEZ_.end(), 0);
+  }
+  inline YAML::Node TimeDomainAntenna::getConfig() const {
+    // top-level config
+    YAML::Node config;
+    config["type"] = "TimeDomainAntenna";
+    config["start_time"] = start_time_ / 1_ns;
+    config["duration"] = duration_ / 1_ns;
+    config["sample_rate"] = sample_rate_ / 1_GHz;
+    return config;
+  }
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d985bb98027ccd9f89b202c8352355dccd3da35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline void AntennaCollection<TAntennaImpl>::addAntenna(TAntennaImpl const& antenna) {
+    antennas_.push_back(antenna);
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline TAntennaImpl& AntennaCollection<TAntennaImpl>::at(std::size_t const i) {
+    return antennas_.at(i);
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline TAntennaImpl const& AntennaCollection<TAntennaImpl>::at(
+      std::size_t const i) const {
+    return antennas_.at(i);
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline int AntennaCollection<TAntennaImpl>::size() const {
+    return antennas_.size();
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline std::vector<TAntennaImpl>& AntennaCollection<TAntennaImpl>::getAntennas() {
+    return antennas_;
+  }
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  inline void AntennaCollection<TAntennaImpl>::reset() {
+    std::for_each(antennas_.begin(), antennas_.end(), std::mem_fn(&TAntennaImpl::reset));
+  }
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5c65f97ef3518a5bf47467c8b3650956fcf3f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TImpl, typename TEnvironment>
+  inline RadioPropagator<TImpl, TEnvironment>::RadioPropagator(TEnvironment const& env)
+      : env_(env) {}
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7de9c8419a9e75bde2fd556d717e1135028fa0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  inline SignalPath::SignalPath(
+      TimeType const propagation_time, double const average_refractive_index,
+      double const refractive_index_source, double const refractive_index_destination,
+      Vector<dimensionless_d> const& emit, Vector<dimensionless_d> const& receive,
+      LengthType const R_distance, std::deque<Point> const& points)
+      : Path(points)
+      , propagation_time_(propagation_time)
+      , average_refractive_index_(average_refractive_index)
+      , refractive_index_source_(refractive_index_source)
+      , refractive_index_destination_(refractive_index_destination)
+      , emit_(emit)
+      , receive_(receive)
+      , R_distance_(R_distance) {}
+} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4101878983cb7f3060e0743392a08caca9689508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TEnvironment>
+  inline SimplePropagator<TEnvironment>::SimplePropagator(TEnvironment const& env)
+      : RadioPropagator<SimplePropagator, TEnvironment>(env){};
+  template <typename TEnvironment>
+  inline typename SimplePropagator<TEnvironment>::SignalPathCollection
+  SimplePropagator<TEnvironment>::propagate(Point const& source, Point const& destination,
+                                            LengthType const stepsize) const {
+    /**
+     * This is the simplest case of straight propagator
+     * where no integration takes place.
+     * This can be used for fast tests and checks of the radio module.
+     *
+     */
+    // these are used for the direction of emission and reception of signal at the antenna
+    auto const emit_{(destination - source).normalized()};
+    auto const receive_{-emit_};
+    // the geometrical distance from the point of emission to an observer
+    auto const distance_{(destination - source).getNorm()};
+    // get the universe for this environment
+    auto const* const universe{Base::env_.getUniverse().get()};
+    // the points that consist the signal path (source & destination).
+    std::deque<Point> points;
+    // store value of the refractive index at points.
+    std::vector<double> rindex;
+    rindex.reserve(2);
+    // get and store the refractive index of the first point 'source'.
+    auto const* const nodeSource{universe->getContainingNode(source)};
+    auto const ri_source{nodeSource->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(source)};
+    rindex.push_back(ri_source);
+    points.push_back(source);
+    // add the refractive index of last point 'destination' and store it.
+    auto const* const node{universe->getContainingNode(destination)};
+    auto const ri_destination{node->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(destination)};
+    rindex.push_back(ri_destination);
+    points.push_back(destination);
+    // compute the average refractive index.
+    auto const averageRefractiveIndex_ = (ri_source + ri_destination) / 2;
+    // compute the total time delay.
+    TimeType const time = averageRefractiveIndex_ * (distance_ / constants::c);
+    return {SignalPath(time, averageRefractiveIndex_, ri_source, ri_destination, emit_,
+                       receive_, distance_, points)};
+  } // END: propagate()
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.inl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9962fc133003d855ab682aa15b12c275e225c035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.inl
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TEnvironment>
+  // TODO: maybe the constructor doesn't take any arguments for the environment (?)
+  inline StraightPropagator<TEnvironment>::StraightPropagator(TEnvironment const& env)
+      : RadioPropagator<StraightPropagator, TEnvironment>(env){};
+  template <typename TEnvironment>
+  inline typename StraightPropagator<TEnvironment>::SignalPathCollection
+  StraightPropagator<TEnvironment>::propagate(Point const& source,
+                                              Point const& destination,
+                                              LengthType const stepsize) const {
+    /*
+     * get the normalized (unit) vector from `source` to `destination'.
+     * this is also the `emit` and `receive` vectors in the SignalPath class.
+     * in this case emit and receive unit vectors should be the same
+     * so they are both called direction
+     */
+    // these are used for the direction of emission and reception of signal at the antenna
+    auto const emit_{(destination - source).normalized()};
+    auto const receive_{-emit_};
+    // the distance from the point of emission to an observer
+    auto const distance_{(destination - source).getNorm()};
+    try {
+      if (stepsize <= 0.5 * distance_) {
+        // "step" is the direction vector with length `stepsize`
+        auto const step{emit_ * stepsize};
+        // calculate the number of points (roughly) for the numerical integration
+        auto const n_points{(destination - source).getNorm() / stepsize};
+        // get the universe for this environment
+        auto const* const universe{Base::env_.getUniverse().get()};
+        // the points that we build along the way for the numerical integration
+        std::deque<Point> points;
+        // store value of the refractive index at points
+        std::vector<double> rindex;
+        rindex.reserve(n_points);
+        // get and store the refractive index of the first point 'source'
+        auto const* const nodeSource{universe->getContainingNode(source)};
+        auto const ri_source{nodeSource->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(source)};
+        rindex.push_back(ri_source);
+        points.push_back(source);
+        // loop from `source` to `destination` to store values before Simpson's rule.
+        // this loop skips the last point 'destination' and "misses" the extra point
+        for (auto point = source + step; (point - destination).getNorm() > 0.6 * stepsize;
+             point = point + step) {
+          // get the environment node at this specific 'point'
+          auto const* const node{universe->getContainingNode(point)};
+          // get the associated refractivity at 'point'
+          auto const refractive_index{
+              node->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(point)};
+          //         auto const refractive_index{1.000327};
+          rindex.push_back(refractive_index);
+          // add this 'point' to our deque collection
+          points.push_back(point);
+        }
+        // Get the extra points that the for loop misses until the destination
+        auto const extrapoint_{points.back() + step};
+        // add the refractive index of last point 'destination' and store it
+        auto const* const node{universe->getContainingNode(destination)};
+        auto const ri_destination{
+            node->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(destination)};
+        //      auto const ri_destination{1.000327};
+        rindex.push_back(ri_destination);
+        points.push_back(destination);
+        auto N = rindex.size();
+        std::size_t index = 0;
+        double sum = rindex.at(index);
+        auto refra_ = rindex.at(index);
+        TimeType time{0_s};
+        if ((N - 1) % 2 == 0) {
+          // Apply the standard Simpson's rule
+          auto const h = ((destination - source).getNorm()) / (N - 1);
+          for (std::size_t index = 1; index < (N - 1); index += 2) {
+            sum += 4 * rindex.at(index);
+            refra_ += rindex.at(index);
+          }
+          for (std::size_t index = 2; index < (N - 1); index += 2) {
+            sum += 2 * rindex.at(index);
+            refra_ += rindex.at(index);
+          }
+          index = N - 1;
+          sum = sum + rindex.at(index);
+          refra_ += rindex.at(index);
+          // compute the total time delay.
+          time = sum * (h / (3 * constants::c));
+        } else {
+          // Apply Simpson's rule for one "extra" point and then subtract the difference
+          points.pop_back();
+          rindex.pop_back();
+          auto const* const node{universe->getContainingNode(extrapoint_)};
+          auto const ri_extrapoint{
+              node->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(extrapoint_)};
+          rindex.push_back(ri_extrapoint);
+          points.push_back(extrapoint_);
+          auto const extrapoint2_{extrapoint_ + step};
+          auto const* const node2{universe->getContainingNode(extrapoint2_)};
+          auto const ri_extrapoint2{
+              node2->getModelProperties().getRefractiveIndex(extrapoint2_)};
+          rindex.push_back(ri_extrapoint2);
+          points.push_back(extrapoint2_);
+          N = rindex.size();
+          auto const h = ((extrapoint2_ - source).getNorm()) / (N - 1);
+          for (std::size_t index = 1; index < (N - 1); index += 2) {
+            sum += 4 * rindex.at(index);
+            refra_ += rindex.at(index);
+          }
+          for (std::size_t index = 2; index < (N - 1); index += 2) {
+            sum += 2 * rindex.at(index);
+            refra_ += rindex.at(index);
+          }
+          index = N - 1;
+          sum = sum + rindex.at(index);
+          refra_ += rindex.at(index);
+          // compute the total time delay including the correction
+          time =
+              sum * (h / (3 * constants::c)) -
+              (ri_extrapoint2 * ((extrapoint2_ - destination).getNorm()) / constants::c);
+        }
+        // uncomment the following if you want to skip the integration for fast tests
+        // TimeType time = ri_destination * (distance_ / constants::c);
+        // compute the average refractive index.
+        auto const averageRefractiveIndex_ = refra_ / N;
+        return {SignalPath(time, averageRefractiveIndex_, ri_source, ri_destination,
+                           emit_, receive_, distance_, points)};
+      } else {
+        throw stepsize;
+      }
+    } catch (const LengthType& s) {
+      CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("Please choose a smaller stepsize for the numerical integration");
+    }
+  } // END: propagate()
+} // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp b/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp
index 92df20c2018ef382aac191517116d98363155f25..5fd079bd2985f9ece15619964da7a2483ee9576f 100644
--- a/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp
+++ b/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ namespace corsika::constants {
   // elementary charge
   constexpr quantity<electric_charge_d> e{Rep(1.6021766208e-19L) * coulomb};
+  // vacuum permittivity
+  constexpr quantity<dimensions<-3, -1, 4, 2>> epsilonZero{Rep(8.8541878128e-12L) *
+                                                           farad / meter};
   // electronvolt
   // constexpr quantity<hepenergy_d> eV{e / coulomb * joule};
diff --git a/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalGeometry.hpp b/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalGeometry.hpp
index 6a1227de457dc5febde7f4d730ca74893972fdd6..e0ea84b10d38899161b8dade986618311060e648 100644
--- a/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalGeometry.hpp
+++ b/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalGeometry.hpp
@@ -43,4 +43,14 @@ namespace corsika {
   using LengthVector = Vector<length_d>;
+  /**
+   * A 3D vector defined in a specific coordinate system with units ElectricFieldType
+   **/
+  typedef Vector<ElectricFieldType::dimension_type> ElectricFieldVector;
+  /**
+   * A 3D vector defined in a specific coordinate system with units VectorPotentialType
+   **/
+  typedef Vector<VectorPotentialType::dimension_type> VectorPotential;
 } // namespace corsika
diff --git a/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp b/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp
index 82373acc9057817ccde077ad93adac8f3584360b..ba04c819969448fc586733c8e642cdc5a6b680d2 100644
--- a/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp
+++ b/corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp
@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ namespace corsika::units::si {
       phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<2, -1, 0>, double>;
   using MagneticFluxType =
       phys::units::quantity<phys::units::magnetic_flux_density_d, double>;
+  using ElectricFieldType =
+      phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<1, 1, -3, -1>, double>;
+  using VectorPotentialType =
+      phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<1, 1, -2, -1>, double>;
   template <typename DimFrom, typename DimTo>
   auto constexpr conversion_factor_HEP_to_SI() {
diff --git a/corsika/modules/TimeCut.hpp b/corsika/modules/TimeCut.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c846ad0ca5dbb92266321469a46b79789ec79c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/TimeCut.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ContinuousProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Step.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * Simple TimeCut process, removes particles older than specified cut time.
+   */
+  class TimeCut : public ContinuousProcess<TimeCut> {
+  public:
+    TimeCut(TimeType const time);
+    template <typename Particle>
+    ProcessReturn doContinuous(
+        Step<Particle> const& step,
+        const bool limitFlag = false); // this is not used for TimeCut
+    template <typename Particle, typename Track>
+    LengthType getMaxStepLength(Particle const&, Track const&) {
+      return meter * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
+    }
+  private:
+    TimeType time_;
+  };
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/TimeCut.inl>
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0756a78af2b932093312fd3416780929c319379b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/QuantityVector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace corsika {
+  template <typename TRadioDetector, typename TPropagator>
+  class CoREAS final
+      : public RadioProcess<TRadioDetector, CoREAS<TRadioDetector, TPropagator>,
+                            TPropagator> {
+  public:
+    // an identifier for which algorithm was used
+    static constexpr auto algorithm = "CoREAS";
+    /**
+     * Construct a new CoREAS instance.
+     *
+     * This forwards the detector and other arguments to
+     * the RadioProcess parent.
+     *
+     */
+    template <typename... TArgs>
+    CoREAS(TRadioDetector& detector, TArgs&&... args)
+        : RadioProcess<TRadioDetector, CoREAS, TPropagator>(detector, args...){};
+    /**
+     * Simulate the radio emission from a particle across a track.
+     *
+     * This must be provided by the TRadioImpl.
+     *
+     * @param particle    The current particle.
+     * @param track       The current track.
+     *
+     */
+    template <typename Particle>
+    ProcessReturn simulate(Step<Particle> const& step);
+    using Base =
+        RadioProcess<TRadioDetector, CoREAS<TRadioDetector, TPropagator>, TPropagator>;
+    using Base::antennas_;
+  }; // end of class CoREAS
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/CoREAS.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9ae9087bde8e81b06c143f9fff320cacd7fe279f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <istream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <corsika/output/BaseOutput.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ContinuousProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Step.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * The base interface for radio emission processes.
+   *
+   * TRadioImpl is the concrete implementation of the radio algorithm.
+   * TAntennaCollection is the detector instance that stores antennas
+   * and is responsible for managing the output writing.
+   */
+  template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
+  class RadioProcess : public ContinuousProcess<
+                           RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>>,
+                       public BaseOutput {
+    /*
+     * A collection of filter objects for deciding on valid particles and tracks.
+     */
+    // std::vector<std::function<bool(ParticleType&, TrackType const&)>> filters_;
+    /**
+     * Get a reference to the underlying radio implementation.
+     */
+    TRadioImpl& implementation();
+    /**
+     *  Get a const reference to the underlying implementation.
+     */
+    TRadioImpl const& implementation() const;
+  protected:
+    TAntennaCollection& antennas_; ///< The radio antennas we store into.
+    TPropagator propagator_;       ///< The propagator implementation.
+    int event_{0};                 ///< The current event ID.
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a new RadioProcess.
+     */
+    template <typename... TArgs>
+    RadioProcess(TAntennaCollection& antennas, TArgs&&... args);
+    /**
+     * Perform the continuous process (radio emission).
+     *
+     * This handles filtering individual particle tracks
+     * before passing them to `Simulate`.`
+     *
+     * @param particle    The current particle.
+     * @param track       The current track.
+     */
+    template <typename Particle>
+    ProcessReturn doContinuous(Step<Particle> const& step, bool const);
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum step length for this particle and track.
+     *
+     * This must be provided by the TRadioImpl.
+     *
+     * @param particle    The current particle.
+     * @param track       The current track.
+     *
+     * @returns The maximum length of this track.
+     */
+    template <typename Particle, typename Track>
+    LengthType getMaxStepLength(Particle const& vParticle, Track const& vTrack) const;
+    /**
+     * Called at the start of each library.
+     */
+    void startOfLibrary(boost::filesystem::path const& directory) final override;
+    /**
+     * Called at the end of each shower.
+     */
+    virtual void endOfShower(unsigned int const) final override;
+    /**
+     * Called at the end of each library.
+     *
+     */
+    void endOfLibrary() final override {}
+    /**
+     * Get the configuration of this output.
+     */
+    YAML::Node getConfig() const final;
+  }; // END: class RadioProcess
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/RadioProcess.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ec38895b8a8c75a9cb6974b996253a430de1f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/QuantityVector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * A concrete implementation of the ZHS algorithm.
+   */
+  template <typename TRadioDetector, typename TPropagator>
+  class ZHS final : public RadioProcess<TRadioDetector, ZHS<TRadioDetector, TPropagator>,
+                                        TPropagator> {
+  public:
+    // an identifier for which algorithm was used
+    static constexpr auto algorithm = "ZHS";
+    /**
+     * Construct a new ZHS instance.
+     *
+     * This forwards the detector and other arguments to
+     * the RadioProcess parent.
+     *
+     */
+    template <typename... TArgs>
+    ZHS(TRadioDetector& detector, TArgs&&... args)
+        : RadioProcess<TRadioDetector, ZHS, TPropagator>(detector, args...){};
+    /**
+     * Simulate the radio emission from a particle across a track.
+     *
+     * This must be provided by the TRadioImpl.
+     *
+     * @param particle    The current particle.
+     * @param track       The current track.
+     *
+     */
+    template <typename Particle>
+    ProcessReturn simulate(Step<Particle> const& step) const;
+  private:
+    using Base =
+        RadioProcess<TRadioDetector, ZHS<TRadioDetector, TPropagator>, TPropagator>;
+    using Base::antennas_;
+  }; // END: class ZHS
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/ZHS.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5aeb8fb99be1dd69e0ce57536a2e0e731921d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <cnpy.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalGeometry.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * A common abstract interface for radio antennas.
+   *
+   * All concrete antenna implementations should be of
+   * type Antenna<T> where T is a concrete antenna implementation.
+   *
+   */
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  class Antenna {
+  protected:
+    std::string const name_;                     ///< The name/identifier of this antenna.
+    Point const location_;                       ///< The location of this antenna.
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const coordinateSystem_; ///< The coordinate system of the antenna
+    std::string filename_ = ""; ///< The filename for the output file for this antenna.
+  public:
+    using axistype = std::vector<long double>;
+    /**
+     * \brief Construct a base antenna instance.
+     *
+     * @param name    A name for this antenna.
+     * @param location    The location of this antenna.
+     *
+     */
+    Antenna(std::string const& name, Point const& location,
+            CoordinateSystemPtr const& coordinateSystem);
+    /**
+     * Receive a signal at this antenna.
+     *
+     * This is a general implementation call that must be specialized
+     * for the particular antenna implementation and usage.
+     *
+     */
+    template <typename... TVArgs>
+    void receive(TVArgs&&... args);
+    /**
+     * Get the location of this antenna.
+     */
+    Point const& getLocation() const;
+    /**
+     * Get the name of this name antenna.
+     *
+     * This is used in producing the output data file.
+     */
+    std::string const& getName() const;
+    /**
+     * Reset the antenna before starting a new simulation.
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to the x-axis labels (i.e. time or frequency).
+     *
+     * This should be an xtensor-convertible type with
+     * a ->data() method that converts to a raw pointer.
+     */
+    axistype getAxis() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to the underlying waveform data for X polarization.
+     *
+     * This is used when writing the antenna information to disk
+     * and will be converted to a 32-bit float before writing.
+     */
+    std::vector<double> const& getWaveformX() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to the underlying waveform data for Y polarization.
+     *
+     * This is used when writing the antenna information to disk
+     * and will be converted to a 32-bit float before writing.
+     */
+    std::vector<double> const& getWaveformY() const;
+    /**
+     * Return a reference to the underlying waveform data for Z polarization.
+     *
+     * This is used when writing the antenna information to disk
+     * and will be converted to a 32-bit float before writing.
+     */
+    std::vector<double> const& getWaveformZ() const;
+    /**
+     * Prepare for the start of the library.
+     */
+    void startOfLibrary(boost::filesystem::path const& directory,
+                        std::string const radioImplementation);
+    /**
+     * Flush the data from this shower to disk.
+     */
+    void endOfShower(int const event, std::string const& radioImplementation,
+                     double const sampleRate);
+  protected:
+    /**
+     * Get a reference to the underlying radio implementation.
+     */
+    TAntennaImpl& implementation();
+  }; // END: class Antenna final
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.inl>
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..801c529b87a035a021ab1c3aeb52cd86adf9e14d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * An implementation of a time-domain antenna that has a customized
+   * start time, sampling rate, and waveform duration.
+   *
+   */
+  class TimeDomainAntenna : public Antenna<TimeDomainAntenna> {
+    TimeType const start_time_;         ///< The start time of this waveform.
+    TimeType const duration_;           ///< The duration of this waveform.
+    InverseTimeType const sample_rate_; ///< The sampling rate of this antenna.
+    int const num_bins_;                ///< The number of bins used.
+    std::vector<double> waveformEX_;    ///< EX polarization.
+    std::vector<double> waveformEY_;    ///< EY polarization.
+    std::vector<double> waveformEZ_;    ///< EZ polarization.
+    TimeType const ground_hit_time_; ///< The time the primary particle hits the ground.
+    std::vector<long double> const
+        time_axis_; ///< The time axis corresponding to the electric field.
+  public:
+    // import the methods from the antenna
+    // label this as a time-domain antenna.
+    static constexpr bool is_time_domain{true};
+    using Antenna<TimeDomainAntenna>::getName;
+    using Antenna<TimeDomainAntenna>::getLocation;
+    /**
+     * Construct a new TimeDomainAntenna.
+     *
+     * @param name               The name of this antenna.
+     * @param location           The location of this antenna.
+     * @param coordinateSystem   The coordinate system of this antenna.
+     * @param start_time         The starting time of this waveform.
+     * @param duration           The duration of this waveform.
+     * @param sample_rate        The sample rate of this waveform.
+     * @param ground_hit_time    The time the primary particle hits the ground on a
+     * straight vertical line.
+     *
+     */
+    TimeDomainAntenna(std::string const& name, Point const& location,
+                      CoordinateSystemPtr coordinateSystem, TimeType const& start_time,
+                      TimeType const& duration, InverseTimeType const& sample_rate,
+                      TimeType const ground_hit_time);
+    /**
+     * Receive an electric field at this antenna.
+     *
+     * This assumes that the antenna will receive
+     *  an *instantaneous* electric field modeled as a delta function (or timebin).
+     *
+     * @param time             The (global) time at which this signal is received.
+     * @param receive_vector   The incident unit vector. (not used at the moment)
+     * @param field            The incident electric field vector.
+     *
+     */
+    // TODO: rethink this method a bit. If the endpoint is at the end of the antenna
+    // resolution then you get the startpoint signal but you lose the endpoint signal!
+    void receive(TimeType const time, Vector<dimensionless_d> const& receive_vector,
+                 ElectricFieldVector const& efield);
+    void receive(TimeType const time, Vector<dimensionless_d> const& receive_vector,
+                 VectorPotential const& vectorP);
+    /**
+     * Return the time-units of each waveform for X polarization
+     *
+     * This returns them in nanoseconds for ease of use.
+     */
+    auto const& getWaveformX() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the time-units of each waveform for Y polarization
+     *
+     * This returns them in nanoseconds for ease of use.
+     */
+    auto const& getWaveformY() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the time-units of each waveform for Z polarization
+     *
+     * This returns them in nanoseconds for ease of use.
+     */
+    auto const& getWaveformZ() const;
+    /**
+     * Creates time-units of each waveform.
+     *
+     * It creates them in nanoseconds for ease of use.
+     */
+    std::vector<long double> createTimeAxis() const;
+    /**
+     * Return the time-units of each waveform.
+     *
+     * This returns them in nanoseconds for ease of use.
+     */
+    auto const& getAxis() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the sampling rate of the time domain antenna.
+     */
+    InverseTimeType const& getSampleRate() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the start time of detection for the time domain antenna.
+     */
+    TimeType const& getStartTime() const;
+    /**
+     * Reset the antenna before starting a new simulation.
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Return a YAML configuration for this antenna.
+     */
+    YAML::Node getConfig() const;
+  }; // END: class TimeDomainAntenna
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.inl>
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..368be18d934d2a4093a9871c6e51e4157523c058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * The base interface for radio detectors.
+   * At the moment it is a collection of antennas with the same implementation.
+   */
+  template <typename TAntennaImpl>
+  class AntennaCollection {
+    /**
+     * The collection of antennas used in this simulation.
+     */
+    std::vector<TAntennaImpl> antennas_;
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Add an antenna to this radio process.
+     *
+     * @param antenna    The antenna to add
+     */
+    void addAntenna(TAntennaImpl const& antenna);
+    /**
+     * Get the specific antenna at that place in the collection
+     *
+     * @param index in the collection
+     */
+    TAntennaImpl& at(std::size_t const i);
+    TAntennaImpl const& at(std::size_t const i) const;
+    /**
+     * Get the number of antennas in the collection
+     */
+    int size() const;
+    /**
+     * Get a *non*-const reference to the collection of antennas.
+     *
+     * @returns    An iterable mutable reference to the antennas.
+     */
+    std::vector<TAntennaImpl>& getAntennas();
+    /**
+     * Get a const reference to the collection of antennas.
+     *
+     * @returns    An iterable mutable reference to the antennas.
+     */
+    std::vector<TAntennaImpl> const& getAntennas() const;
+    /**
+     * Reset all the antenna waveforms.
+     */
+    void reset();
+  }; // END: class RadioDetector
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.inl>
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..599ada07f8029beb776aeeab9ada233c9cb22f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <vector>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Path.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * Radio propagators are used to calculate the propagation
+   * paths from particles to antennas. Any class that wants
+   * to be used as a RadioPropagator must implement the
+   * following methods:
+   *
+   *  SignalPathCollection Propagate(Point const& start,
+   *                                 Point const& end,
+   *                                 LengthType const stepsize);
+   */
+  template <typename TImpl, typename TEnvironment>
+  class RadioPropagator {
+  protected:
+    // Since we typically know roughly how many paths will
+    // be computed for a given propagator, we use a std::vector here.
+    using SignalPathCollection = std::vector<SignalPath> const;
+    TEnvironment const& env_; ///< The environment.
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a new RadioPropagator instance.
+     */
+    RadioPropagator(TEnvironment const& env);
+  }; // class RadioPropagator
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a1239223838b5c56dd49384d9152bb42ee9032d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Path.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Vector.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * Store the photon signal path between two points.
+   *
+   * This is basically a container class
+   */
+  struct SignalPath final : private Path {
+    // TODO: discuss if we need average refractivity or average refractive index
+    TimeType const propagation_time_;       ///< The total propagation time.
+    double const average_refractive_index_; ///< The average refractive index.
+    double const refractive_index_source_;  ///< The refractive index at the source.
+    double const
+        refractive_index_destination_; ///< The refractive index at the destination point.
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> const emit_;    ///< The (unit-length) emission vector.
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> const receive_; ///< The (unit-length) receive vector.
+    std::deque<Point> const
+        points_; ///< A collection of points that make up the geometrical path.
+    LengthType const
+        R_distance_; ///< The distance from the point of emission to an observer. TODO:
+                     ///< optical path, not geometrical! (probably)
+    /**
+     * Create a new SignalPath instance.
+     */
+    SignalPath(TimeType const propagation_time, double const average_refractive_index,
+               double const refractive_index_source,
+               double const refractive_index_destination,
+               Vector<dimensionless_d> const& emit,
+               Vector<dimensionless_d> const& receive, LengthType const R_distance,
+               std::deque<Point> const& points);
+  }; // END: class SignalPath final
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33c402774178560248a7e5949bb69f1794ca0f7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Vector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * This class implements a simple propagator that uses
+   * the straight-line (vector) between the particle
+   * location and the antenna as the trajectory.
+   *
+   */
+  template <typename TEnvironment>
+  class SimplePropagator final
+      : public RadioPropagator<SimplePropagator<TEnvironment>, TEnvironment> {
+    using Base = RadioPropagator<SimplePropagator<TEnvironment>, TEnvironment>;
+    using SignalPathCollection = typename Base::SignalPathCollection;
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a new SimplePropagator with a given environment.
+     *
+     */
+    SimplePropagator(TEnvironment const& env);
+    /**
+     * Return the collection of paths from `source` to `destination`.
+     * Hence, the signal propagated from the
+     * emission point to the antenna location.
+     *
+     */
+    SignalPathCollection propagate(Point const& source, Point const& destination,
+                                   LengthType const stepsize) const;
+  }; // End: SimplePropagator
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6c156336efadd83e94434360e14caa8ed72bb07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Vector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp>
+namespace corsika {
+  /**
+   * This class implements a basic propagator that uses
+   * the straight-line (vector) between the particle
+   * location and the antenna as the trajectory.
+   *
+   * This is what is used in ZHAireS and CoREAS in C7.
+   */
+  template <typename TEnvironment>
+  class StraightPropagator final
+      : public RadioPropagator<StraightPropagator<TEnvironment>, TEnvironment> {
+    using Base = RadioPropagator<StraightPropagator<TEnvironment>, TEnvironment>;
+    using SignalPathCollection = typename Base::SignalPathCollection;
+  public:
+    /**
+     * Construct a new StraightPropagator with a given environment.
+     *
+     */
+    StraightPropagator(TEnvironment const& env);
+    /**
+     * Return the collection of paths from `start` to `end`.
+     * or from 'source' which is the emission point to 'destination'
+     * which is the location of the antenna
+     */
+    SignalPathCollection propagate(Point const& source, Point const& destination,
+                                   LengthType const stepsize) const;
+  }; // End: StraightPropagator
+} // namespace corsika
+#include <corsika/detail/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
index 7b89a91772b63dfc731b7ba24d33536158d356f9..7e1df4b56ae2ab93962396f77d941166c619c43b 100644
--- a/examples/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -68,4 +68,20 @@ add_executable (water water.cpp)
 target_link_libraries (water CORSIKA8::CORSIKA8)
 add_executable (environment environment.cpp)
 target_link_libraries (environment CORSIKA8::CORSIKA8)
+add_executable (synchrotron_test_manual_tracking synchrotron_test_manual_tracking.cpp)
+target_link_libraries (synchrotron_test_manual_tracking CORSIKA8::CORSIKA8)
+CORSIKA_REGISTER_EXAMPLE (synchrotron_test_manual_tracking)
+add_executable (synchrotron_test_C8tracking synchrotron_test_C8tracking.cpp)
+target_link_libraries (synchrotron_test_C8tracking CORSIKA8::CORSIKA8)
+CORSIKA_REGISTER_EXAMPLE (synchrotron_test_C8tracking)
+add_executable (clover_leaf clover_leaf.cpp)
+target_link_libraries (clover_leaf CORSIKA8::CORSIKA8)
+add_executable (radio_em_shower radio_em_shower.cpp)
+target_link_libraries (radio_em_shower CORSIKA8::CORSIKA8)
+CORSIKA_REGISTER_EXAMPLE (radio_em_shower RUN_OPTIONS 10 1121673489)
diff --git a/examples/boundary_example.cpp b/examples/boundary_example.cpp
index 4ede912094f627f1e590996a183ba5ce4b98e5db..b9037bf019255e7d4232f3cbb4c256811a30766d 100644
--- a/examples/boundary_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/boundary_example.cpp
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ private:
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
diff --git a/examples/cascade_example.cpp b/examples/cascade_example.cpp
index 8f846ac8130a3336ef6ec242d8398e7f72f7c214..c27511c18ef03c561838ee45fe21f13763ed002a 100644
--- a/examples/cascade_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/cascade_example.cpp
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ using namespace std;
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
diff --git a/examples/cascade_proton_example.cpp b/examples/cascade_proton_example.cpp
index 62ce71079ddbeebf50e39115cfa7729ac42f9bb0..efb99770ad9e22dea7b94c71ed735a0ad1c680b4 100644
--- a/examples/cascade_proton_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/cascade_proton_example.cpp
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ using namespace std;
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
   std::cout << "cascade_proton_example" << std::endl;
diff --git a/examples/clover_leaf.cpp b/examples/clover_leaf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccb8c7e79aed238d9bfeabe5994dac0efe41cbff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/clover_leaf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Cascade.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Sphere.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/PhysicalGeometry.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/CorsikaFenv.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/OutputManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IMagneticFieldModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/MediumPropertyModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformRefractiveIndex.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/ShowerAxis.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/TrackWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/StackInspector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/ParticleCut.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/TimeCut.hpp>
+//#include <corsika/modules/TrackWriter.hpp>
+  The .../Random.hpppp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
+  number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
+  executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
+  link this together, it will fail.
+ */
+#include <corsika/modules/sibyll/Random.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/urqmd/Random.hpp>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <typeinfo>
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace std;
+// A simple shower to get the electric field trace of an electron (& a positron)
+// in order to reveal the "clover leaf" pattern of energy fluence to the ground.
+int main() {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
+  corsika_logger->set_pattern("[%n:%^%-8l%$] custom pattern: %v");
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Synchrotron radiation");
+  feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("cascade");
+  std::random_device rd;
+  auto seed = rd();
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().setSeed(seed);
+  OutputManager output("1 electron - 1 positron");
+  // create a suitable environment
+  using IModelInterface =
+      IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+  using AtmModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<
+      MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>>>;
+  using EnvType = Environment<AtmModel>;
+  EnvType env;
+  CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+  Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+  // a refractive index for the vacuum
+  const double ri_{1.};
+  // the composition we use for the homogeneous medium
+  NuclearComposition const Composition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.});
+  // create magnetic field vector
+  auto const Bmag{0.00005_T};
+  MagneticFieldVector B(rootCS, 0_T, Bmag, 0_T);
+  // create a Sphere for the medium
+  auto world = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(center, 150_km);
+  // set the environment properties
+  world->setModelProperties<AtmModel>(ri_, Medium::AirDry1Atm, B,
+                                      1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m), Composition);
+  // bind things together
+  env.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(world));
+  Point injectionPos(rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 5_km);
+  auto const centerX{center.getCoordinates().getX()};
+  auto const centerY{center.getCoordinates().getY()};
+  auto const centerZ{center.getCoordinates().getZ()};
+  auto const injectionPosX_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getX()};
+  auto const injectionPosY_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getY()};
+  auto const injectionPosZ_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getZ()};
+  auto const triggerpoint_{Point(rootCS, injectionPosX_, injectionPosY_, injectionPosZ_)};
+  std::cout << "Trigger Point is: " << triggerpoint_ << std::endl;
+  // the antenna characteristics
+  const TimeType duration_{2e-6_s};            // 0.8e-4_s
+  const InverseTimeType sampleRate_{1e+11_Hz}; // 1e+9_Hz
+  // the detectors
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorCoREAS;
+  // AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorZHS;
+  std::string name_center = "CoREAS_R=0_m--Phi=0degrees";
+  auto triggertime_center{((triggerpoint_ - center).getNorm() / constants::c) - 500_ns};
+  TimeDomainAntenna antenna_center(name_center, center, rootCS, triggertime_center,
+                                   duration_, sampleRate_, triggertime_center);
+  detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(antenna_center);
+  for (auto radius_1 = 25_m; radius_1 <= 1000_m; radius_1 += 25_m) {
+    for (auto phi_1 = 0; phi_1 <= 315; phi_1 += 45) {
+      auto phiRad_1 = phi_1 / 180. * M_PI;
+      auto rr_1 = static_cast<int>(radius_1 / 1_m);
+      auto const point_1{Point(rootCS, centerX + radius_1 * cos(phiRad_1),
+                               centerY + radius_1 * sin(phiRad_1), centerZ)};
+      std::cout << "Antenna point: " << point_1 << std::endl;
+      auto triggertime_1{((triggerpoint_ - point_1).getNorm() / constants::c) - 500_ns};
+      std::string name_1 = "CoREAS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_1) +
+                           "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_1) + "degrees";
+      TimeDomainAntenna antenna_1(name_1, point_1, rootCS, triggertime_1, duration_,
+                                  sampleRate_, triggertime_1);
+      detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(antenna_1);
+    }
+  }
+  // setup particle stack, and add primary particle
+  setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+  stack.clear();
+  // electron
+  const Code beamCode = Code::Electron;
+  auto const charge = get_charge(beamCode);
+  auto const mass = get_mass(beamCode);
+  auto const gyroradius = 100_m;
+  auto const pLabMag = convert_SI_to_HEP(charge * Bmag * gyroradius);
+  auto const omega_inv =
+      convert_HEP_to_SI<MassType::dimension_type>(mass) / (abs(charge) * Bmag);
+  MomentumVector const plab{rootCS, 0_MeV, 0_MeV, -10_MeV};
+  auto const Elab = sqrt(plab.getSquaredNorm() + static_pow<2>(mass));
+  auto gamma = Elab / mass;
+  TimeType const period = 2 * M_PI * omega_inv * gamma;
+  // positron
+  const Code beamCodeP = Code::Positron;
+  auto const chargeP = get_charge(beamCodeP);
+  auto const massP = get_mass(beamCodeP);
+  // auto const gyroradius = 100_m;
+  auto const pLabMagP = convert_SI_to_HEP(chargeP * Bmag * gyroradius);
+  auto const omega_invP =
+      convert_HEP_to_SI<MassType::dimension_type>(massP) / (abs(chargeP) * Bmag);
+  MomentumVector const plabP{rootCS, 0_MeV, 0_MeV, -10_MeV};
+  auto const ElabP = sqrt(plabP.getSquaredNorm() + static_pow<2>(massP));
+  auto gammaP = ElabP / massP;
+  TimeType const periodP = 2 * M_PI * omega_invP * gammaP;
+  stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(beamCode,
+                                    calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), mass),
+                                    plab.normalized(), injectionPos, 0_ns));
+  stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(beamCodeP,
+                                    calculate_kinetic_energy(plabP.getNorm(), massP),
+                                    plabP.normalized(), injectionPos, 0_ns));
+  // setup relevant processes
+  setup::Tracking tracking;
+  // put radio processes here
+  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorCoREAS),
+               CoREAS<decltype(detectorCoREAS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      coreas(detectorCoREAS, env);
+  output.add("CoREAS", coreas);
+  // RadioProcess<decltype(detectorZHS), ZHS<decltype(detectorZHS),
+  //         decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>, decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+  //                                           zhs(detectorZHS, env);
+  // output.add("ZHS", zhs);
+  TimeCut cut(period / 4);
+  // TrackWriter trackWriter;
+  // output.add("tracks", trackWriter); // register TrackWriter
+  // assemble all processes into an ordered process list
+  auto sequence = make_sequence(coreas, cut);
+  // define air shower object, run simulation
+  Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, output, stack);
+  output.startOfShower();
+  EAS.run();
+  output.endOfShower();
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("|p| electron = {} and E electron = {}", plab.getNorm(), Elab);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("period: {}", period);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("gamma: {}", gamma);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("|p| positron = {} and E positron = {}", plabP.getNorm(), ElabP);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("period: {}", periodP);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("gamma: {}", gammaP);
+  output.endOfLibrary();
diff --git a/examples/em_shower.cpp b/examples/em_shower.cpp
index 1516bac2046e818d33e457ba61442db7ac0331cf..0c8e4c448cdf1d878e9a300bf5d8e0475af2ba56 100644
--- a/examples/em_shower.cpp
+++ b/examples/em_shower.cpp
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ using MyExtraEnv = MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<T>>;
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
   if (!(argc == 2 || argc == 3)) {
     std::cerr << "usage: em_shower <energy/GeV> [seed]" << std::endl
diff --git a/examples/geometry_example.cpp b/examples/geometry_example.cpp
index 596e6c1842011d56d8db27dc6e02fe81ab8bdbb9..059f6d849c5d6758b6fd5ffbdb99ddfdd71bd0e0 100644
--- a/examples/geometry_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/geometry_example.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ using namespace corsika;
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
diff --git a/examples/helix_example.cpp b/examples/helix_example.cpp
index e980931b74ace074bf6d0459cf69e6d158f32b91..9ce484b67636bb68a693e5451e969ace248983df 100644
--- a/examples/helix_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/helix_example.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ using namespace corsika;
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
diff --git a/examples/particle_list_example.cpp b/examples/particle_list_example.cpp
index 241fda60d53fbeb8d5d9e7862c3a7df51b7a1235..36020bc1d6ac4fc9f9a10e2496441c15312585e2 100644
--- a/examples/particle_list_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/particle_list_example.cpp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ using namespace std;
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
   corsika_logger->set_pattern("[%n:%^%-8l%$] %v");
diff --git a/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp b/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f151b1e893d0444c47b54365f6145852f53dc0ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/radio_em_shower.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/SwitchProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/InteractionCounter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Cascade.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/EnergyMomentumOperations.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Sphere.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Plane.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Sphere.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/PhysicalGeometry.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/CorsikaFenv.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/SaveBoostHistogram.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/OutputManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/writers/SubWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/writers/EnergyLossWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/writers/LongitudinalWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/ShowerAxis.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/MediumPropertyModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformRefractiveIndex.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/CORSIKA7Atmospheres.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/LongitudinalProfile.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/ObservationPlane.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/ParticleCut.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/TrackWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/Sibyll.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/PROPOSAL.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/Antenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <typeinfo>
+ The .../Random.hpppp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
+ number generator. It has to occur exactly ONCE per linked
+ executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
+ link this together, it will fail.
+#include <corsika/modules/Random.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace std;
+void registerRandomStreams(int seed) {
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("cascade");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("proposal");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("sibyll");
+  if (seed == 0) {
+    std::random_device rd;
+    seed = rd();
+    cout << "new random seed (auto) " << seed << endl;
+  }
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().setSeed(seed);
+template <typename TInterface>
+using MyExtraEnv =
+    UniformRefractiveIndex<MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<TInterface>>>;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
+  if (argc != 3) {
+    std::cerr
+        << "usage: radio_em_shower <energy/GeV> <seed> - put seed=0 to use random seed"
+        << std::endl;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  int seed{static_cast<int>(std::stof(std::string(argv[2])))};
+  std::cout << "Seed: " << seed << std::endl;
+  feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
+  // initialize random number sequence(s)
+  registerRandomStreams(seed);
+  // setup environment, geometry
+  using EnvironmentInterface =
+      IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+  using EnvType = Environment<EnvironmentInterface>;
+  EnvType env;
+  CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+  Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+  create_5layer_atmosphere<EnvironmentInterface, MyExtraEnv>(
+      env, AtmosphereId::LinsleyUSStd, center, 1.000327, Medium::AirDry1Atm,
+      MagneticFieldVector{rootCS, 50_uT, 0_T, 0_T});
+  std::unordered_map<Code, HEPEnergyType> energy_resolution = {
+      {Code::Electron, 5_MeV},
+      {Code::Positron, 5_MeV},
+      {Code::Photon, 5_MeV},
+  };
+  for (auto [pcode, energy] : energy_resolution)
+    set_energy_production_threshold(pcode, energy);
+  // setup particle stack, and add primary particle
+  setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+  stack.clear();
+  const Code beamCode = Code::Electron;
+  auto const mass = get_mass(beamCode);
+  const HEPEnergyType E0 = 1_GeV * std::stof(std::string(argv[1]));
+  double theta = 0.;
+  auto const thetaRad = theta / 180. * M_PI;
+  HEPMomentumType P0 = calculate_momentum(E0, mass);
+  auto momentumComponents = [](double thetaRad, HEPMomentumType ptot) {
+    return std::make_tuple(ptot * sin(thetaRad), 0_eV, -ptot * cos(thetaRad));
+  };
+  auto const [px, py, pz] = momentumComponents(thetaRad, P0);
+  auto plab = MomentumVector(rootCS, {px, py, pz});
+  cout << "input particle: " << beamCode << endl;
+  cout << "input angles: theta=" << theta << endl;
+  cout << "input momentum: " << plab.getComponents() / 1_GeV
+       << ", norm = " << plab.getNorm() << endl;
+  auto const observationHeight = 1.4_km + constants::EarthRadius::Mean;
+  auto const injectionHeight = 112.75_km + constants::EarthRadius::Mean;
+  auto const t = -observationHeight * cos(thetaRad) +
+                 sqrt(-static_pow<2>(sin(thetaRad) * observationHeight) +
+                      static_pow<2>(injectionHeight));
+  Point const showerCore{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
+  Point const injectionPos =
+      showerCore + DirectionVector{rootCS, {-sin(thetaRad), 0, cos(thetaRad)}} * t;
+  std::cout << "point of injection: " << injectionPos.getCoordinates() << std::endl;
+  stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+      beamCode, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(beamCode)),
+      plab.normalized(), injectionPos, 0_ns));
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("shower axis length: {} ",
+                   (showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() * 1.02);
+  ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos) * 1.02, env,
+                              false, 1000};
+  TimeType const groundHitTime{(showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() / constants::c};
+  std::string outname_ = "radio_em_shower_outputs"; // + std::to_string(rr_);
+  OutputManager output(outname_);
+  // Radio antennas and relevant information
+  // the antenna time variables
+  const TimeType duration_{1e-6_s};
+  const InverseTimeType sampleRate_{1e+9_Hz};
+  // the detector (aka antenna collection) for CoREAS and ZHS
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorCoREAS;
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorZHS;
+  auto const showerCoreX_{showerCore.getCoordinates().getX()};
+  auto const showerCoreY_{showerCore.getCoordinates().getY()};
+  auto const injectionPosX_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getX()};
+  auto const injectionPosY_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getY()};
+  auto const injectionPosZ_{injectionPos.getCoordinates().getZ()};
+  auto const triggerpoint_{Point(rootCS, injectionPosX_, injectionPosY_, injectionPosZ_)};
+  std::cout << "Trigger Point is: " << triggerpoint_ << std::endl;
+  // // setup CoREAS antennas - use the for loop for star shape pattern
+  // for (auto radius_1 = 25_m; radius_1 <= 500_m; radius_1 += 25_m) {
+  //   for (auto phi_1 = 0; phi_1 <= 315; phi_1 += 45) {
+  auto radius_1 = 200_m;
+  auto phi_1 = 45;
+  auto phiRad_1 = phi_1 / 180. * M_PI;
+  auto rr_1 = static_cast<int>(radius_1 / 1_m);
+  auto const point_1{Point(rootCS, showerCoreX_ + radius_1 * cos(phiRad_1),
+                           showerCoreY_ + radius_1 * sin(phiRad_1),
+                           constants::EarthRadius::Mean)};
+  std::cout << "Antenna point: " << point_1 << std::endl;
+  auto triggertime_1{(triggerpoint_ - point_1).getNorm() / constants::c};
+  std::string name_1 =
+      "CoREAS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_1) + "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_1) + "degrees";
+  TimeDomainAntenna antenna_1(name_1, point_1, rootCS, triggertime_1, duration_,
+                              sampleRate_, triggertime_1);
+  detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(antenna_1);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // // setup ZHS antennas - use the for loop for star shape pattern
+  // for (auto radius_ = 25_m; radius_ <= 500_m; radius_ += 25_m) {
+  //   for (auto phi_ = 0; phi_ <= 315; phi_ += 45) {
+  auto radius_ = 200_m;
+  auto phi_ = 45;
+  auto phiRad_ = phi_ / 180. * M_PI;
+  auto rr_ = static_cast<int>(radius_ / 1_m);
+  auto const point_{Point(rootCS, showerCoreX_ + radius_ * cos(phiRad_),
+                          showerCoreY_ + radius_ * sin(phiRad_),
+                          constants::EarthRadius::Mean)};
+  auto triggertime_{(triggerpoint_ - point_).getNorm() / constants::c};
+  std::string name_ =
+      "ZHS_R=" + std::to_string(rr_) + "_m--Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_) + "degrees";
+  TimeDomainAntenna antenna_(name_, point_, rootCS, triggertime_, duration_, sampleRate_,
+                             triggertime_);
+  detectorZHS.addAntenna(antenna_);
+  //   }
+  // }
+  // setup processes, decays and interactions
+  EnergyLossWriter dEdX{showerAxis, 10_g / square(1_cm), 200};
+  // register energy losses as output
+  output.add("dEdX", dEdX);
+  ParticleCut<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> cut(5_MeV, 5_MeV, 100_GeV, 100_GeV, true, dEdX);
+  corsika::sibyll::Interaction sibyll{env};
+  HEPEnergyType heThresholdNN = 80_GeV;
+  corsika::proposal::Interaction emCascade(env, sibyll.getHadronInteractionModel(),
+                                           heThresholdNN);
+  corsika::proposal::ContinuousProcess<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> emContinuous(env, dEdX);
+  //  BetheBlochPDG<SubWriter<decltype(dEdX)>> emContinuous{dEdX};
+  //  NOT possible right now, due to interface differenc in PROPOSAL
+  //  InteractionCounter emCascadeCounted(emCascade);
+  TrackWriter tracks;
+  output.add("tracks", tracks);
+  // long. profile
+  LongitudinalWriter profile{showerAxis, 10_g / square(1_cm)};
+  output.add("profile", profile);
+  LongitudinalProfile<SubWriter<decltype(profile)>> longprof{profile};
+  // initiate CoREAS
+  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorCoREAS),
+               CoREAS<decltype(detectorCoREAS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      coreas(detectorCoREAS, env);
+  // register CoREAS with the output manager
+  output.add("CoREAS", coreas);
+  // initiate ZHS
+  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorZHS),
+               ZHS<decltype(detectorZHS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      zhs(detectorZHS, env);
+  // // register ZHS with the output manager
+  output.add("ZHS", zhs);
+  Plane const obsPlane(showerCore, DirectionVector(rootCS, {0., 0., 1.}));
+  ObservationPlane<setup::Tracking, ParticleWriterParquet> observationLevel{
+      obsPlane, DirectionVector(rootCS, {1., 0., 0.})};
+  output.add("particles", observationLevel);
+  // auto sequence = make_sequence(emCascade, emContinuous, longprof, cut, coreas, zhs);
+  auto sequence = make_sequence(emCascade, emContinuous, longprof, cut, coreas, zhs,
+                                observationLevel, tracks);
+  // define air shower object, run simulation
+  setup::Tracking tracking;
+  output.startOfLibrary();
+  Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, output, stack);
+  // to fix the point of first interaction, uncomment the following two lines:
+  //  EAS.forceInteraction();
+  EAS.run();
+  HEPEnergyType const Efinal = dEdX.getEnergyLost() + observationLevel.getEnergyGround();
+      "total energy budget (GeV): {}, "
+      "relative difference (%): {}",
+      Efinal / 1_GeV, (Efinal / E0 - 1) * 100);
+  output.endOfLibrary();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/stack_example.cpp b/examples/stack_example.cpp
index da97201afad3001f6a4b9e5cec6f2701df227091..8f7f6cdeb9a5e24e2547c309b69506836a4fc615 100644
--- a/examples/stack_example.cpp
+++ b/examples/stack_example.cpp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void read(VectorStack& s) {
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
   VectorStack s;
diff --git a/examples/stopping_power.cpp b/examples/stopping_power.cpp
index 4aa5a0f5a504aa4a6baf5ebb2bffd14f87c01c26..8b39786e1380f7f25c0821635218f220e472094f 100644
--- a/examples/stopping_power.cpp
+++ b/examples/stopping_power.cpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ using namespace std;
 int main() {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
diff --git a/examples/synchrotron_test_C8tracking.cpp b/examples/synchrotron_test_C8tracking.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf1792188e4e463c33c2f5a9078b8121bdfb9ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/synchrotron_test_C8tracking.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Cascade.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Sphere.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/PhysicalGeometry.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/CorsikaFenv.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/OutputManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IMagneticFieldModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/MediumPropertyModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformRefractiveIndex.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/TimeCut.hpp>
+  The .../Random.hpppp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
+  number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
+  executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
+  link this together, it will fail.
+ */
+#include <corsika/modules/sibyll/Random.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/urqmd/Random.hpp>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include <typeinfo>
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace std;
+// A simple shower to get the electric field trace of an electron using C8 tracking
+int main() {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
+  corsika_logger->set_pattern("[%n:%^%-8l%$] custom pattern: %v");
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Synchrotron radiation");
+  feenableexcept(FE_INVALID);
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("cascade");
+  std::random_device rd;
+  auto seed = rd();
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().setSeed(seed);
+  OutputManager output("synchrotron_radiation_C8tracking-output");
+  // set up the environment
+  using EnvironmentInterface =
+      IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+  using EnvType = Environment<EnvironmentInterface>;
+  EnvType env;
+  auto& universe = *(env.getUniverse());
+  CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+  auto world = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(Point{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, 150_km);
+  using MyHomogeneousModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<
+      MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<EnvironmentInterface>>>>;
+  auto const Bmag{0.0003809_T};
+  MagneticFieldVector B{rootCS, 0_T, 0_T, Bmag};
+  // the composition we use for the homogeneous medium
+  NuclearComposition const nitrogenComposition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.});
+  world->setModelProperties<MyHomogeneousModel>(
+      1, Medium::AirDry1Atm, B, 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m), nitrogenComposition);
+  universe.addChild(std::move(world));
+  // the antenna locations
+  const auto point1{Point(rootCS, 30000_m, 0_m, 0_m)};
+  // the antenna time variables
+  const TimeType t1{0.994e-4_s};
+  const TimeType t2{1.07e-4_s - 0.994e-4_s};
+  const InverseTimeType t3{5e+11_Hz};
+  // the antennas
+  TimeDomainAntenna ant1("antenna CoREAS", point1, rootCS, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+  TimeDomainAntenna ant2("antenna ZHS", point1, rootCS, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+  // the detectors
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorCoREAS;
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorZHS;
+  detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(ant1);
+  detectorZHS.addAntenna(ant2);
+  // setup particle stack, and add primary particle
+  setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+  stack.clear();
+  const Code beamCode = Code::Electron;
+  auto const charge = get_charge(beamCode);
+  auto const mass = get_mass(beamCode);
+  auto const gyroradius = 100_m;
+  auto const pLabMag = convert_SI_to_HEP(charge * Bmag * gyroradius);
+  auto const omega_inv =
+      convert_HEP_to_SI<MassType::dimension_type>(mass) / (abs(charge) * Bmag);
+  MomentumVector const plab{rootCS, pLabMag, 0_MeV, 0_MeV};
+  auto const Elab = sqrt(plab.getSquaredNorm() + static_pow<2>(mass));
+  auto gamma = Elab / mass;
+  TimeType const period = 2 * M_PI * omega_inv * gamma;
+  Point injectionPos(rootCS, 0_m, 100_m, 0_m);
+  stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+      beamCode, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(beamCode)),
+      plab.normalized(), injectionPos, 0_ns));
+  // setup relevant processes
+  setup::Tracking tracking;
+  // put radio processes here
+  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorCoREAS),
+               CoREAS<decltype(detectorCoREAS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      coreas(detectorCoREAS, env);
+  output.add("CoREAS", coreas);
+  RadioProcess<decltype(detectorZHS),
+               ZHS<decltype(detectorZHS), decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      zhs(detectorZHS, env);
+  output.add("ZHS", zhs);
+  TimeCut cut(period);
+  // assemble all processes into an ordered process list
+  auto sequence = make_sequence(coreas, zhs, cut);
+  // define air shower object, run simulation
+  Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, output, stack);
+  output.startOfShower();
+  EAS.run();
+  output.endOfShower();
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("|p| = {} and E = {}", plab.getNorm(), Elab);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("period: {}", period);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("gamma: {}", gamma);
+  output.endOfLibrary();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/synchrotron_test_manual_tracking.cpp b/examples/synchrotron_test_manual_tracking.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8921329f5d365d7f0e54003b7ed51e9417435315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/synchrotron_test_manual_tracking.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Sphere.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/PhysicalGeometry.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/OutputManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IMagneticFieldModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/MediumPropertyModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformRefractiveIndex.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/RadioProcess.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp>
+  The .../Random.hpppp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
+  number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
+  executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
+  link this together, it will fail.
+ */
+#include <corsika/modules/sibyll/Random.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/urqmd/Random.hpp>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace std;
+// A simple example to get the electric field trace of an electron using manual tracking
+int main() {
+  // create a suitable environment
+  using IModelInterface =
+      IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+  using AtmModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<
+      MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>>>;
+  using EnvType = Environment<AtmModel>;
+  EnvType env;
+  CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+  Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+  // a refractive index for the vacuum
+  const double ri_{1};
+  // the constant density
+  const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
+  // the composition we use for the homogeneous medium
+  NuclearComposition const Composition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.});
+  // create magnetic field vector
+  Vector B1(rootCS, 0_T, 0_T, 0.3809_T);
+  // create a Sphere for the medium
+  auto Medium =
+      EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(center, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+  // set the environment properties
+  auto const props = Medium->setModelProperties<AtmModel>(ri_, Medium::AirDry1Atm, B1,
+                                                          density, Composition);
+  // bind things together
+  env.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium));
+  // the antennas location
+  const auto point1{Point(rootCS, 30000_m, 0_m, 0_m)};
+  // create times for the antenna
+  const TimeType start{0.994e-4_s};
+  const TimeType duration{1.07e-4_s - 0.994e-4_s};
+  // 3 km antenna
+  //    const TimeType start{0.994e-5_s};
+  //    const TimeType duration{1.7e-5_s - 0.994e-5_s};
+  const InverseTimeType sampleRate_{5e+11_Hz};
+  std::cout << "number of points in time: " << duration * sampleRate_ << std::endl;
+  // create 2 antennas
+  TimeDomainAntenna ant1("CoREAS antenna", point1, rootCS, start, duration, sampleRate_,
+                         start);
+  TimeDomainAntenna ant2("ZHS antenna", point1, rootCS, start, duration, sampleRate_,
+                         start);
+  // construct a radio detector instance to store our antennas
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorCoREAS;
+  AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detectorZHS;
+  // add the antennas to the detector
+  detectorCoREAS.addAntenna(ant1);
+  detectorZHS.addAntenna(ant2);
+  // create a new stack for each trial
+  setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+  stack.clear();
+  const Code particle{Code::Electron};
+  const HEPMassType pmass{get_mass(particle)};
+  // construct an energy // move in the for loop
+  const HEPEnergyType E0{11.4_MeV};
+  // construct the output manager
+  OutputManager outputs("synchrotron_radiation_manual_tracking-output");
+  // create a radio process instance using CoREAS
+  RadioProcess<
+      AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna>,
+      CoREAS<AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna>, decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+      decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      coreas(detectorCoREAS, env);
+  // register CoREAS to the output manager
+  outputs.add("CoREAS", coreas);
+  // create a radio process instance using ZHS
+  RadioProcess<AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna>,
+               ZHS<AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna>, decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>,
+               decltype(SimplePropagator(env))>
+      zhs(detectorZHS, env);
+  // register ZHS to the output manager
+  outputs.add("ZHS", zhs);
+  // trigger the start of the library and the first event
+  outputs.startOfLibrary();
+  outputs.startOfShower();
+  // the number of points that make up the circle
+  int const n_points{100000};
+  LengthType const radius{100_m};
+  TimeType timeCounter{0._s};
+  // loop over all the tracks twice (this produces 2 pulses)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i <= (n_points)*2; i++) {
+    Point const point_1(rootCS, {radius * cos(M_PI * 2 * i / n_points),
+                                 radius * sin(M_PI * 2 * i / n_points), 0_m});
+    Point const point_2(rootCS, {radius * cos(M_PI * 2 * (i + 1) / n_points),
+                                 radius * sin(M_PI * 2 * (i + 1) / n_points), 0_m});
+    TimeType t{(point_2 - point_1).getNorm() / (0.999 * constants::c)};
+    timeCounter = timeCounter + t;
+    VelocityVector v{(point_2 - point_1) / t};
+    auto beta{v / constants::c};
+    auto gamma{E0 / pmass};
+    auto plab{beta * pmass * gamma};
+    Line l{point_1, v};
+    StraightTrajectory track{l, t};
+    auto particle1{stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+        particle, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(particle)),
+        plab.normalized(), point_1, timeCounter))};
+    Step step(particle1, track);
+    coreas.doContinuous(step, true);
+    zhs.doContinuous(step, true);
+    stack.clear();
+  }
+  // trigger the manager to write the data to disk
+  outputs.endOfShower();
+  outputs.endOfLibrary();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/vertical_EAS.cpp b/examples/vertical_EAS.cpp
index 1a24ab355ae5180cebf04fc709f37e243e089e4b..e24a632fadef6f9f399d6e3a7604909e50a4156f 100644
--- a/examples/vertical_EAS.cpp
+++ b/examples/vertical_EAS.cpp
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ using MyExtraEnv = MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<T>>;
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
diff --git a/python/corsika/io/library.py b/python/corsika/io/library.py
index 236fc97ac972a11c0fb366876bd92cae20d6ab18..1c2ff38e025e9a728bde4b9c7a5e0cad5982deb1 100644
--- a/python/corsika/io/library.py
+++ b/python/corsika/io/library.py
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 import logging
 import os
 import os.path as op
-import re
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, List
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
 import yaml
diff --git a/python/corsika/io/outputs/__init__.py b/python/corsika/io/outputs/__init__.py
index 63b76b533d41085aa77af57df5439c5dd3c68335..7678ab32b2fa79be594ca0b34e2846a166c933c4 100644
--- a/python/corsika/io/outputs/__init__.py
+++ b/python/corsika/io/outputs/__init__.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from .bethe_bloch import BetheBlochPDG
 from .particle_cut import ParticleCut
 from .energy_loss import EnergyLoss
 from .output import Output
+from .radio_process import RadioProcess
 __all__ = [
@@ -23,4 +24,5 @@ __all__ = [
+    "RadioProcess",
diff --git a/python/corsika/io/outputs/output.py b/python/corsika/io/outputs/output.py
index fed4368aac5d1cb8be7c1cbe6a955f1f799df4df..5b59f1099261f10d7270622655d4829c41b32201 100644
--- a/python/corsika/io/outputs/output.py
+++ b/python/corsika/io/outputs/output.py
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class Output(ABC):
             The data in its default format.
-        return self.astype()
+        return self.astype()  # type: ignore
     def load_config(path: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
diff --git a/python/corsika/io/outputs/radio_process.py b/python/corsika/io/outputs/radio_process.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4936f92e8a25cfbce852c046ee0ec34b39d6eb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/corsika/io/outputs/radio_process.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ Read data written by a RadioProcess
+ (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ the license.
+import logging
+import os.path as op
+from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+import xarray as xr
+from .output import Output
+class RadioProcess(Output):
+    """
+    Read particle data from an RadioProcess.
+    This *currently* can be used to read data written by ZHS
+    or CoREAS implementations of the RadioProcess.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, path: str):
+        """
+        Initialize this radio process reader (and load the data).
+        Since each antenna can have a different sample rate and duration,
+        we can't load them into a shared array. Therefore, we load each
+        of the antennas into an XArray dataset.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        path: str
+            The path to the directory containing this output.
+        """
+        super().__init__(path)
+        # try and load our data
+        try:
+            self.__data = self.load_data(path)
+        except Exception as e:
+            logging.getLogger("corsika").warn(
+                f"An error occured loading a RadioProcess: {e}"
+            )
+    def load_data(self, path: str) -> xr.Dataset:
+        """
+        Load the data associated with this radio process.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        path: str
+            The path to the directory containing this output.
+        """
+        # get the list of antenna names
+        antennas = list(self.config["antennas"].keys())
+        # if there are no antennas,
+        if len(antennas) == 0:
+            logging.warn(f"No antennas were found for {self.config['name']}")
+        # we build up the XArray Dataset in this dictionary
+        dataset = {}
+        # loop over each of the antennas
+        for iant, name in enumerate(antennas):
+            # load the data file associated with this antenna
+            try:
+                data = np.load(f"{op.join(path, name)}.npz")
+            except Exception as e:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    (
+                        f"Unable to open file for antenna {name}"
+                        f"in {self.config['name']} as {e}"
+                    )
+                )
+            # if we get here, we have successfully loaded the antennas data file
+            # extract the sample times (in ns)
+            times = data["Time"]
+            # calculate the number of showers for this antenna
+            nshowers = len(list(data.keys())) - 1
+            # check that we got some events
+            if nshowers == 0:
+                logging.warn(f"Antenna {name} contains data for 0 showers.")
+            # create the array to store the waveforms for all the events
+            waveforms = np.zeros((nshowers, *data["0"].shape), dtype=np.float32)
+            # fill in the 'waveforms' array
+            for iev in np.arange(nshowers):
+                waveforms[iev, ...] = data[str(iev)]
+            # create the  data array
+            showers = xr.DataArray(
+                waveforms,
+                coords=(np.arange(nshowers), ["x", "y", "z"], times),  # type: ignore
+                dims=["shower", "pol", "time"],
+            )
+            # save this data array
+            dataset[name] = showers
+        return xr.Dataset(dataset)
+    def is_good(self) -> bool:
+        """
+        Returns true if this output has been read successfully
+        and has the correct files/state/etc.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool:
+            True if this is a good output.
+        """
+        return self.__data is not None
+    def astype(self, dtype: str = "xarray", **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
+        """
+        Load the antenna data from this process.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        dtype: str
+            The data format to return the data in (i.e. numpy, pandas, etc.)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        Any:
+            The return type of this method is determined by `dtype`.
+        """
+        if dtype == "xarray":
+            return self.__data
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                (
+                    f"Unknown format '{dtype}' for RadioProcess. "
+                    "We currently only support ['xarray']."
+                )
+            )
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        """
+        Return a string representation of this class.
+        """
+        return f"RadioProcess('{self.config['name']}', '{self.config['algorithm']}')"
diff --git a/python/setup.cfg b/python/setup.cfg
index f58d04eeb061f000b2d890aa26f542f70f3aa0c0..2c8d668ffdf9a3a8135dc52fc6e4c79b66c06e72 100644
--- a/python/setup.cfg
+++ b/python/setup.cfg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # use a slightly longer line to be consistent with black
-max-line-length = 88
+max-line-length = 90
 # E231 is missing whitespace after a comma
 # this contradicts the black formatting rules
diff --git a/python/setup.py b/python/setup.py
index 4bc73b3260b617ac3c55b2273d399b546ffdd3f6..0e7b1babd8d98fc1228627dd3f70dcb7910af8fc 100644
--- a/python/setup.py
+++ b/python/setup.py
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ setup(
     keywords=["cosmic ray", "physics", "air shower", "simulation"],
     python_requires=">=3.6*, <4",
-    install_requires=["numpy", "pyyaml", "pyarrow", "boost_histogram"],
+    install_requires=["numpy", "pyyaml", "pyarrow", "boost_histogram", "xarray"],
         "test": [
diff --git a/python/tests/io/test_hist.py b/python/tests/io/test_hist.py
index 7cf5b38fb7798c81680cf14d108e3b31dd3dcaf1..3bd11003ca663337f322ed9fea4a7f7559e75d03 100644
--- a/python/tests/io/test_hist.py
+++ b/python/tests/io/test_hist.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import corsika
 from .. import build_directory
 # the directory containing 'testSaveBoostHistogram'
-bindir = op.join(build_directory, "Framework", "Utilities")
+bindir = op.join(build_directory, "bin")
 def generate_hist() -> str:
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ def generate_hist() -> str:
     # we construct the name of the bin
-    bin = op.join(bindir, "testSaveBoostHistogram")
+    bin = op.join(bindir, "testFramework")
     # check if a histogram already exists
     if op.exists(op.join(bin, "hist.npz")):
         return op.join(bin, "hist.npz"), False
         # run the program - this generates "hist.npz" in the CWD
-        subprocess.call(bin)
+        subprocess.call([bin, "saveHistogram"])
         return op.join(os.getcwd(), "hist.npz"), True
diff --git a/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt
index 2073a7d50f44a6647163cd40618fd73b8293d95f..78e3d5faff9e66ccd4a2d9720fc294717e1cd850 100644
--- a/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/modules/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ set (test_modules_sources
+        testRadio.cpp
 CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (testModules SOURCES ${test_modules_sources})
diff --git a/tests/modules/testRadio.cpp b/tests/modules/testRadio.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d019d9ecad783ee3e501d5b22a8130ca73026d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/modules/testRadio.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2022 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/ZHS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/CoREAS.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/antennas/TimeDomainAntenna.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/detectors/AntennaCollection.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/StraightPropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SimplePropagator.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/SignalPath.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/radio/propagators/RadioPropagator.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <istream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/FlatExponential.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IMagneticFieldModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/MediumPropertyModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/SlidingPlanarExponential.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IMediumModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IRefractiveIndexModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformRefractiveIndex.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/ExponentialRefractiveIndex.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/VolumeTreeNode.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/CORSIKA7Atmospheres.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/CoordinateSystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Line.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Vector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/OutputManager.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+double constexpr absMargin = 1.0e-7;
+template <typename TInterface>
+using MyExtraEnv =
+    UniformRefractiveIndex<MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<TInterface>>>;
+TEST_CASE("Radio", "[processes]") {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::debug);
+  SECTION("CoREAS process") {
+    // This serves as a compiler test for any changes in the CoREAS algorithm
+    // Environment
+    using EnvironmentInterface =
+        IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    //    using EnvType = setup::Environment;
+    using EnvType = Environment<EnvironmentInterface>;
+    EnvType envCoREAS;
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCSCoREAS = envCoREAS.getCoordinateSystem();
+    Point const center{rootCSCoREAS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    //        1.000327,
+    create_5layer_atmosphere<EnvironmentInterface, MyExtraEnv>(
+        envCoREAS, AtmosphereId::LinsleyUSStd, center, 1.000327, Medium::AirDry1Atm,
+        MagneticFieldVector{rootCSCoREAS, 0_T, 50_uT, 0_T});
+    // now create antennas and detectors
+    // the antennas location
+    const auto point1{Point(envCoREAS.getCoordinateSystem(), 100_m, 2_m, 3_m)};
+    const auto point2{Point(envCoREAS.getCoordinateSystem(), 4_m, 80_m, 6_m)};
+    const auto point3{Point(envCoREAS.getCoordinateSystem(), 7_m, 8_m, 9_m)};
+    const auto point4{Point(envCoREAS.getCoordinateSystem(), 5_m, 5_m, 10_m)};
+    // create times for the antenna
+    const TimeType t1{0_s};
+    const TimeType t2{10_s};
+    const InverseTimeType t3{1e+3_Hz};
+    const TimeType t4{11_s};
+    // check that I can create an antenna at (1, 2, 3)
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant1("antenna_name", point1, rootCSCoREAS, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant2("antenna_name2", point2, rootCSCoREAS, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+    // construct a radio detector instance to store our antennas
+    AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detector;
+    // add the antennas to the detector
+    detector.addAntenna(ant1);
+    detector.addAntenna(ant2);
+    // create a particle
+    const Code particle{Code::Electron};
+    // const Code particle{Code::Proton};
+    const auto pmass{get_mass(particle)};
+    VelocityVector v0(rootCSCoREAS, {5e+2_m / second, 5e+2_m / second, 5e+2_m / second});
+    Vector B0(rootCSCoREAS, 5_T, 5_T, 5_T);
+    Line const line(point3, v0);
+    auto const k{1_m * ((1_m) / ((1_s * 1_s) * 1_V))};
+    auto const t = 1e-12_s;
+    LeapFrogTrajectory base(point4, v0, B0, k, t);
+    // std::cout << "Leap Frog Trajectory is: " << base << std::endl;
+    // create a new stack for each trial
+    setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+    // construct an energy
+    const HEPEnergyType E0{1_TeV};
+    // compute the necessary momentumn
+    const HEPMomentumType P0{sqrt(E0 * E0 - pmass * pmass)};
+    // and create the momentum vector
+    const auto plab{MomentumVector(rootCSCoREAS, {0_GeV, 0_GeV, P0})};
+    // and create the location of the particle in this coordinate system
+    const Point pos(rootCSCoREAS, 50_m, 10_m, 80_m);
+    // add the particle to the stack
+    auto const particle1{stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+        particle, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(particle)),
+        plab.normalized(), pos, 0_ns))};
+    auto const charge_{get_charge(particle1.getPID())};
+    // create a radio process instance using CoREAS
+    RadioProcess<decltype(detector),
+                 CoREAS<decltype(detector), decltype(StraightPropagator(envCoREAS))>,
+                 decltype(StraightPropagator(envCoREAS))>
+        coreas(detector, envCoREAS);
+    Step step(particle1, base);
+    // check doContinuous and simulate methods
+    coreas.doContinuous(step, true);
+  } // END: SECTION("CoREAS process")
+  SECTION("ZHS process") {
+    // This section serves as a compiler test for any changes in the ZHS algorithm
+    // Environment
+    using IModelInterface =
+        IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    using AtmModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<
+        MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>>>;
+    using EnvType = Environment<AtmModel>;
+    EnvType envZHS;
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCSZHS = envZHS.getCoordinateSystem();
+    // get the center point
+    Point const center{rootCSZHS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    // a refractive index
+    const double ri_{1.000327};
+    // the constant density
+    const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
+    // the composition we use for the homogeneous medium
+    NuclearComposition const protonComposition({Code::Proton}, {1.});
+    // create magnetic field vector
+    Vector B1(rootCSZHS, 0_T, 0_T, 1_T);
+    auto Medium = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(
+        center, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+    auto const props = Medium->setModelProperties<AtmModel>(ri_, Medium::AirDry1Atm, B1,
+                                                            density, protonComposition);
+    envZHS.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium));
+    // the antennas location
+    const auto point1{Point(envZHS.getCoordinateSystem(), 100_m, 2_m, 3_m)};
+    const auto point2{Point(envZHS.getCoordinateSystem(), 4_m, 80_m, 6_m)};
+    const auto point3{Point(envZHS.getCoordinateSystem(), 7_m, 8_m, 9_m)};
+    const auto point4{Point(envZHS.getCoordinateSystem(), 5_m, 5_m, 10_m)};
+    // create times for the antenna
+    const TimeType t1{0_s};
+    const TimeType t2{10_s};
+    const InverseTimeType t3{1e+3_Hz};
+    const TimeType t4{11_s};
+    // check that I can create an antenna at (1, 2, 3)
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant1("antenna_zhs", point1, rootCSZHS, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant2("antenna_zhs2", point2, rootCSZHS, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+    // construct a radio detector instance to store our antennas
+    AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detector;
+    // add the antennas to the detector
+    detector.addAntenna(ant1);
+    detector.addAntenna(ant2);
+    // create a particle
+    auto const particle{Code::Electron};
+    const auto pmass{get_mass(particle)};
+    VelocityVector v0(rootCSZHS, {5e+2_m / second, 5e+2_m / second, 5e+2_m / second});
+    Vector B0(rootCSZHS, 5_T, 5_T, 5_T);
+    Line const line(point3, v0);
+    auto const k{1_m * ((1_m) / ((1_s * 1_s) * 1_V))};
+    auto const t = 1e-12_s;
+    LeapFrogTrajectory base(point4, v0, B0, k, t);
+    // std::cout << "Leap Frog Trajectory is: " << base << std::endl;
+    // create a new stack for each trial
+    setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+    // construct an energy
+    const HEPEnergyType E0{1_TeV};
+    // compute the necessary momentum
+    const HEPMomentumType P0{sqrt(E0 * E0 - pmass * pmass)};
+    // and create the momentum vector
+    const auto plab{MomentumVector(rootCSZHS, {0_GeV, 0_GeV, P0})};
+    // and create the location of the particle in this coordinate system
+    const Point pos(rootCSZHS, 50_m, 10_m, 80_m);
+    // add the particle to the stack
+    auto const particle1{stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+        particle, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(particle)),
+        plab.normalized(), pos, 0_ns))};
+    auto const charge_{get_charge(particle1.getPID())};
+    // create a radio process instance using ZHS
+    RadioProcess<
+        AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna>,
+        ZHS<AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna>, decltype(StraightPropagator(envZHS))>,
+        decltype(StraightPropagator(envZHS))>
+        zhs(detector, envZHS);
+    Step step(particle1, base);
+    // check doContinuous and simulate methods
+    zhs.doContinuous(step, true);
+  } // END: SECTION("ZHS process")
+  SECTION("Radio extreme cases") {
+    // Environment
+    using EnvironmentInterface =
+        IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    using EnvType = Environment<EnvironmentInterface>;
+    EnvType envRadio;
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCSRadio = envRadio.getCoordinateSystem();
+    Point const center{rootCSRadio, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    create_5layer_atmosphere<EnvironmentInterface, MyExtraEnv>(
+        envRadio, AtmosphereId::LinsleyUSStd, center, 1.415, Medium::AirDry1Atm,
+        MagneticFieldVector{rootCSRadio, 0_T, 50_uT, 0_T});
+    // now create antennas and detectors
+    // the antennas location
+    const auto point1{Point(envRadio.getCoordinateSystem(), 0_m, 0_m, 0_m)};
+    // track points
+    Point const point_1(rootCSRadio, {1_m, 1_m, 0_m});
+    Point const point_2(rootCSRadio, {2_km, 1_km, 0_m});
+    Point const point_4(rootCSRadio, {0_m, 1_m, 0_m});
+    // create times for the antenna
+    const TimeType start{0_s};
+    const TimeType duration{100_ns};
+    const InverseTimeType sample{1e+12_Hz};
+    const TimeType duration_dummy{2_s};
+    const InverseTimeType sample_dummy{1_Hz};
+    // check that I can create an antenna at (1, 2, 3)
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant1("antenna_name", point1, rootCSRadio, start, duration, sample,
+                           start);
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant2("dummy", point1, rootCSRadio, start, duration_dummy,
+                           sample_dummy, start);
+    // construct a radio detector instance to store our antennas
+    AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detector;
+    AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detector_dummy;
+    // add the antennas to the detector
+    detector.addAntenna(ant1);
+    detector_dummy.addAntenna(ant2);
+    // create a new stack for each trial
+    setup::Stack<EnvType> stack;
+    // create a particle
+    const Code particle{Code::Electron};
+    const Code particle2{Code::Proton};
+    const auto pmass{get_mass(particle)};
+    const auto pmass2{get_mass(particle2)};
+    // construct an energy
+    const HEPEnergyType E0{1_TeV};
+    // compute the necessary momentumn
+    const HEPMomentumType P0{sqrt(E0 * E0 - pmass * pmass)};
+    // and create the momentum vector
+    const auto plab{MomentumVector(rootCSRadio, {P0, 0_GeV, 0_GeV})};
+    // add the particle to the stack
+    auto const particle_stack{stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+        particle, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(particle)),
+        plab.normalized(), point_1, 0_ns))};
+    // particle stack with proton
+    auto const particle_stack_proton{stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(
+        particle2, calculate_kinetic_energy(plab.getNorm(), get_mass(particle2)),
+        plab.normalized(), point_1, 0_ns))};
+    // feed radio with a proton track to check that it skips that track.
+    TimeType tp{(point_2 - point_1).getNorm() / (0.999 * constants::c)};
+    VelocityVector vp{(point_2 - point_1) / tp};
+    Line lp{point_1, vp};
+    StraightTrajectory track_p{lp, tp};
+    Step step_proton(particle_stack_proton, track_p);
+    // feed radio with a track that triggers zhs like approx in coreas and fraunhofer
+    // limit check for zhs
+    TimeType th{(point_4 - point1).getNorm() / constants::c};
+    VelocityVector vh{(point_4 - point1) / th};
+    Line lh{point1, vh};
+    StraightTrajectory track_h{lh, th};
+    Step step_h(particle_stack, track_h);
+    // create radio process instances
+    RadioProcess<decltype(detector),
+                 CoREAS<decltype(detector), decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>,
+                 decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>
+        coreas(detector, envRadio);
+    RadioProcess<decltype(detector),
+                 ZHS<decltype(detector), decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>,
+                 decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>
+        zhs(detector, envRadio);
+    coreas.doContinuous(step_proton, true);
+    zhs.doContinuous(step_proton, true);
+    coreas.doContinuous(step_h, true);
+    zhs.doContinuous(step_h, true);
+    // create radio processes with "dummy" antenna to trigger extreme time-binning
+    RadioProcess<decltype(detector_dummy),
+                 CoREAS<decltype(detector_dummy), decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>,
+                 decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>
+        coreas_dummy(detector_dummy, envRadio);
+    RadioProcess<decltype(detector_dummy),
+                 ZHS<decltype(detector_dummy), decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>,
+                 decltype(SimplePropagator(envRadio))>
+        zhs_dummy(detector_dummy, envRadio);
+    coreas_dummy.doContinuous(step_h, true);
+    zhs_dummy.doContinuous(step_h, true);
+  } // END: SECTION("Radio extreme cases")
+} // END: TEST_CASE("Radio", "[processes]")
+TEST_CASE("Antennas") {
+  SECTION("TimeDomainAntenna") {
+    // create an environment so we can get a coordinate system
+    using EnvType = Environment<IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>>;
+    EnvType env6;
+    using UniRIndex =
+        UniformRefractiveIndex<HomogeneousMedium<IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    // the antenna location
+    const auto point1{Point(env6.getCoordinateSystem(), 1_m, 2_m, 3_m)};
+    const auto point2{Point(env6.getCoordinateSystem(), 4_m, 5_m, 6_m)};
+    // get a coordinate system
+    const CoordinateSystemPtr rootCS6 = env6.getCoordinateSystem();
+    auto Medium6 = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(
+        Point{rootCS6, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+    auto const props6 = Medium6->setModelProperties<UniRIndex>(
+        1, 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m), NuclearComposition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.}));
+    env6.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium6));
+    // create times for the antenna
+    const TimeType t1{10_s};
+    const TimeType t2{10_s};
+    const InverseTimeType t3{1 / 1_s};
+    const TimeType t4{11_s};
+    // check that I can create an antenna at (1, 2, 3)
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant1("antenna_name", point1, rootCS6, t1, t2, t3, t1);
+    TimeDomainAntenna ant2("antenna_name2", point2, rootCS6, t4, t2, t3, t4);
+    // assert that the antenna name is correct
+    REQUIRE(ant1.getName() == "antenna_name");
+    REQUIRE(ant2.getName() == "antenna_name2");
+    // and check that the antenna is at the right location
+    REQUIRE((ant1.getLocation() - point1).getNorm() < 1e-12 * 1_m);
+    REQUIRE((ant2.getLocation() - point2).getNorm() < 1e-12 * 1_m);
+    // construct a radio detector instance to store our antennas
+    AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detector;
+    // add this antenna to the process
+    detector.addAntenna(ant1);
+    detector.addAntenna(ant2);
+    CHECK(detector.size() == 2);
+    // get a unit vector
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> v1(rootCS6, {0, 0, 1});
+    Vector<ElectricFieldType::dimension_type> v11(rootCS6,
+                                                  {10_V / 1_m, 10_V / 1_m, 10_V / 1_m});
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> v2(rootCS6, {0, 1, 0});
+    Vector<ElectricFieldType::dimension_type> v22(rootCS6,
+                                                  {20_V / 1_m, 20_V / 1_m, 20_V / 1_m});
+    // use receive methods
+    ant1.receive(15_s, v1, v11);
+    ant2.receive(16_s, v2, v22);
+    // use getDataX,Y,Z() and getAxis() methods
+    auto Ex = ant1.getWaveformX();
+    CHECK(Ex[5] - 10 == 0);
+    auto tx = ant1.getAxis();
+    CHECK(tx[5] - 5 * 1_s / 1_ns == Approx(0.0));
+    auto Ey = ant1.getWaveformY();
+    CHECK(Ey[5] - 10 == 0);
+    auto Ez = ant1.getWaveformZ();
+    CHECK(Ez[5] - 10 == 0);
+    auto ty = ant1.getAxis();
+    auto tz = ant1.getAxis();
+    CHECK(tx[5] - ty[5] == 0);
+    CHECK(ty[5] - tz[5] == 0);
+    auto Ex2 = ant2.getWaveformX();
+    CHECK(Ex2[5] - 20 == 0);
+    auto Ey2 = ant2.getWaveformY();
+    CHECK(Ey2[5] - 20 == 0);
+    auto Ez2 = ant2.getWaveformZ();
+    CHECK(Ez2[5] - 20 == 0);
+    // the following creates a star-shaped pattern of antennas in the ground
+    AntennaCollection<TimeDomainAntenna> detector__;
+    const auto point11{Point(env6.getCoordinateSystem(), 1000_m, 20_m, 30_m)};
+    const TimeType t2222{1e-6_s};
+    const InverseTimeType t3333{1e+9_Hz};
+    std::vector<std::string> antenna_names;
+    std::vector<Point> antenna_locations;
+    for (auto radius_ = 100_m; radius_ <= 200_m; radius_ += 100_m) {
+      for (auto phi_ = 0; phi_ <= 315; phi_ += 45) {
+        auto phiRad_ = phi_ / 180. * M_PI;
+        auto const point_{Point(env6.getCoordinateSystem(), radius_ * cos(phiRad_),
+                                radius_ * sin(phiRad_), 0_m)};
+        antenna_locations.push_back(point_);
+        auto time__{(point11 - point_).getNorm() / constants::c};
+        const int rr_ = static_cast<int>(radius_ / 1_m);
+        std::string var_ = "antenna_R=" + std::to_string(rr_) +
+                           "_m-Phi=" + std::to_string(phi_) + "degrees";
+        antenna_names.push_back(var_);
+        TimeDomainAntenna ant111(var_, point_, rootCS6, time__, t2222, t3333, time__);
+        detector__.addAntenna(ant111);
+      }
+    }
+    CHECK(detector__.size() == 16);
+    CHECK(detector__.getAntennas().size() == 16);
+    int i = 0;
+    // this prints out the antenna names and locations
+    for (auto const antenna : detector__.getAntennas()) {
+      CHECK(antenna.getName() == antenna_names[i]);
+      CHECK(distance(antenna.getLocation(), antenna_locations[i]) / 1_m == 0);
+      i++;
+    }
+    // Check the .at() method for radio detectors
+    for (size_t i = 0; i <= (detector__.size() - 1); i++) {
+      CHECK(detector__.at(i).getName() == antenna_names[i]);
+      CHECK(distance(detector__.at(i).getLocation(), antenna_locations[i]) / 1_m == 0);
+    }
+  } // END: SECTION("TimeDomainAntenna")
+} // END: TEST_CASE("Antennas")
+TEST_CASE("Propagators") {
+  SECTION("Simple Propagator w/ Uniform Refractive Index") {
+    // create a suitable environment
+    using IModelInterface =
+        IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    using AtmModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<
+        MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>>>;
+    using EnvType = Environment<AtmModel>;
+    EnvType env;
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+    // get the center point
+    Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    // a refractive index for the vacuum
+    const double ri_{1};
+    // the constant density
+    const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
+    // the composition we use for the homogeneous medium
+    NuclearComposition const Composition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.});
+    // create magnetic field vector
+    Vector B1(rootCS, 0_T, 0_T, 0.3809_T);
+    // create a Sphere for the medium
+    auto Medium = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(
+        center, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+    // set the environment properties
+    auto const props = Medium->setModelProperties<AtmModel>(ri_, Medium::AirDry1Atm, B1,
+                                                            density, Composition);
+    // bind things together
+    env.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium));
+    // get some points
+    Point p0(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
+    Point p10(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 10_m});
+    // get a unit vector
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> v1(rootCS, {0, 0, 1});
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> v2(rootCS, {0, 0, -1});
+    // get a geometrical path of points
+    Path P1({p0, p10});
+    // construct a Straight Propagator given the uniform refractive index environment
+    SimplePropagator SP(env);
+    // store the outcome of the Propagate method to paths_
+    auto const paths_ = SP.propagate(p0, p10, 1_m);
+    // perform checks to paths_ components
+    for (auto const& path : paths_) {
+      CHECK((path.propagation_time_ / 1_s) -
+                (((p10 - p0).getNorm() / constants::c) / 1_s) ==
+            Approx(0));
+      CHECK(path.average_refractive_index_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_source_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_destination_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.emit_.getComponents() == v1.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.receive_.getComponents() == v2.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.R_distance_ == 10_m);
+      CHECK(std::equal(P1.begin(), P1.end(), Path(path.points_).begin(),
+                       [](Point a, Point b) { return (a - b).getNorm() / 1_m < 1e-5; }));
+    }
+  } // END: SECTION("Simple Propagator w/ Uniform Refractive Index")
+  // check that I can create working Straight Propagators in different environments
+  SECTION("Straight Propagator w/ Uniform Refractive Index") {
+    // create a suitable environment
+    using IModelInterface =
+        IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumPropertyModel<IMagneticFieldModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    using AtmModel = UniformRefractiveIndex<
+        MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<HomogeneousMedium<IModelInterface>>>>;
+    using EnvType = Environment<AtmModel>;
+    EnvType env;
+    CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+    // get the center point
+    Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    // a refractive index for the vacuum
+    const double ri_{1};
+    // the constant density
+    const auto density{19.2_g / cube(1_cm)};
+    // the composition we use for the homogeneous medium
+    NuclearComposition const Composition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.});
+    // create magnetic field vector
+    Vector B1(rootCS, 0_T, 0_T, 0.3809_T);
+    // create a Sphere for the medium
+    auto Medium = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(
+        center, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+    // set the environment properties
+    auto const props = Medium->setModelProperties<AtmModel>(ri_, Medium::AirDry1Atm, B1,
+                                                            density, Composition);
+    // bind things together
+    env.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium));
+    // get some points
+    Point p0(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
+    Point p1(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 1_m});
+    Point p2(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 2_m});
+    Point p3(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 3_m});
+    Point p4(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 4_m});
+    Point p5(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 5_m});
+    Point p6(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 6_m});
+    Point p7(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 7_m});
+    Point p8(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 8_m});
+    Point p9(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 9_m});
+    Point p10(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 10_m});
+    Point p30(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 30000_m});
+    // get a unit vector
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> v1(rootCS, {0, 0, 1});
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> v2(rootCS, {0, 0, -1});
+    // get a geometrical path of points
+    Path P1({p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10});
+    // construct a Straight Propagator given the uniform refractive index environment
+    StraightPropagator SP(env);
+    // store the outcome of the Propagate method to paths_
+    auto const paths_ = SP.propagate(p0, p10, 1_m);
+    // perform checks to paths_ components
+    for (auto const& path : paths_) {
+      CHECK((path.propagation_time_ / 1_s) -
+                (((p10 - p0).getNorm() / constants::c) / 1_s) ==
+            Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
+      CHECK(path.average_refractive_index_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_source_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_destination_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.emit_.getComponents() == v1.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.receive_.getComponents() == v2.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.R_distance_ == 10_m);
+      CHECK(std::equal(P1.begin(), P1.end(), Path(path.points_).begin(),
+                       [](Point a, Point b) { return (a - b).getNorm() / 1_m < 1e-5; }));
+    }
+    // get another path to different points
+    auto const paths2_{SP.propagate(p0, p30, 909_m)};
+    for (auto const& path : paths2_) {
+      CHECK((path.propagation_time_ / 1_s) -
+                (((p30 - p0).getNorm() / constants::c) / 1_s) ==
+            Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
+      CHECK(path.average_refractive_index_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_source_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_destination_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.R_distance_ == 30000_m);
+    }
+    // get a third path using a weird stepsize
+    auto const paths3_{SP.propagate(p0, p30, 731.89_m)};
+    for (auto const& path : paths3_) {
+      CHECK((path.propagation_time_ / 1_s) -
+                (((p30 - p0).getNorm() / constants::c) / 1_s) ==
+            Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
+      CHECK(path.average_refractive_index_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_source_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_destination_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.R_distance_ == 30000_m);
+    }
+    CHECK(paths_.size() == 1);
+    CHECK(paths2_.size() == 1);
+    CHECK(paths3_.size() == 1);
+  } // END: SECTION("Straight Propagator w/ Uniform Refractive Index")
+  SECTION("Straight Propagator w/ Exponential Refractive Index") {
+    // create an environment with exponential refractive index (n_0 = 1 & lambda = 0)
+    using ExpoRIndex = ExponentialRefractiveIndex<
+        HomogeneousMedium<IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    using EnvType = Environment<IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>>;
+    EnvType env1;
+    // get another coordinate system
+    const CoordinateSystemPtr rootCS1 = env1.getCoordinateSystem();
+    // the center of the earth
+    Point const center1_{rootCS1, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    LengthType const radius_{0_m};
+    auto Medium1 = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(
+        Point{rootCS1, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+    auto const props1 = Medium1->setModelProperties<ExpoRIndex>(
+        1, 0 / 1_m, center1_, radius_, 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m),
+        NuclearComposition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.}));
+    env1.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium1));
+    // get some points
+    Point pp0(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
+    Point pp1(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 1_m});
+    Point pp2(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 2_m});
+    Point pp3(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 3_m});
+    Point pp4(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 4_m});
+    Point pp5(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 5_m});
+    Point pp6(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 6_m});
+    Point pp7(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 7_m});
+    Point pp8(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 8_m});
+    Point pp9(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 9_m});
+    Point pp10(rootCS1, {0_m, 0_m, 10_m});
+    // get a unit vector
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> vv1(rootCS1, {0, 0, 1});
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> vv2(rootCS1, {0, 0, -1});
+    // get a geometrical path of points
+    Path PP1({pp0, pp1, pp2, pp3, pp4, pp5, pp6, pp7, pp8, pp9, pp10});
+    // construct a Straight Propagator given the exponential refractive index environment
+    StraightPropagator SP1(env1);
+    // store the outcome of Propagate method to paths1_
+    auto const paths1_ = SP1.propagate(pp0, pp10, 1_m);
+    // perform checks to paths1_ components (this is just a sketch for now)
+    for (auto const& path : paths1_) {
+      CHECK((path.propagation_time_ / 1_s) -
+                (((pp10 - pp0).getNorm() / constants::c) / 1_s) ==
+            Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
+      CHECK(path.average_refractive_index_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_source_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_destination_ == Approx(1));
+      CHECK(path.emit_.getComponents() == vv1.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.receive_.getComponents() == vv2.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.R_distance_ == 10_m);
+      CHECK(std::equal(PP1.begin(), PP1.end(), Path(path.points_).begin(),
+                       [](Point a, Point b) { return (a - b).getNorm() / 1_m < 1e-5; }));
+    }
+    CHECK(paths1_.size() == 1);
+    /*
+     * A second environment with another exponential refractive index
+     */
+    // create an environment with exponential refractive index (n_0 = 2 & lambda = 2)
+    using ExpoRIndex = ExponentialRefractiveIndex<
+        HomogeneousMedium<IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>>>;
+    using EnvType = Environment<IRefractiveIndexModel<IMediumModel>>;
+    EnvType env2;
+    // get another coordinate system
+    const CoordinateSystemPtr rootCS2 = env2.getCoordinateSystem();
+    // the center of the earth
+    Point const center2_{rootCS2, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+    auto Medium2 = EnvType::createNode<Sphere>(
+        Point{rootCS2, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+    auto const props2 = Medium2->setModelProperties<ExpoRIndex>(
+        2, 2 / 1_m, center2_, radius_, 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m),
+        NuclearComposition({Code::Nitrogen}, {1.}));
+    env2.getUniverse()->addChild(std::move(Medium2));
+    // get some points
+    Point ppp0(rootCS2, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
+    Point ppp10(rootCS2, {0_m, 0_m, 10_m});
+    // get a unit vector
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> vvv1(rootCS2, {0, 0, 1});
+    Vector<dimensionless_d> vvv2(rootCS2, {0, 0, -1});
+    // construct a Straight Propagator given the exponential refractive index environment
+    StraightPropagator SP2(env2);
+    // store the outcome of Propagate method to paths1_
+    auto const paths2_ = SP2.propagate(ppp0, ppp10, 1_m);
+    // perform checks to paths1_ components (this is just a sketch for now)
+    for (auto const& path : paths2_) {
+      CHECK((path.propagation_time_ / 1_s) -
+                ((3.177511688_m / (3 * constants::c)) / 1_s) ==
+            Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
+      CHECK(path.average_refractive_index_ == Approx(0.210275935));
+      CHECK(path.refractive_index_source_ == Approx(2));
+      // CHECK(path.refractive_index_destination_ == Approx(0.0000000041));
+      CHECK(path.emit_.getComponents() == vvv1.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.receive_.getComponents() == vvv2.getComponents());
+      CHECK(path.R_distance_ == 10_m);
+    }
+    CHECK(paths2_.size() == 1);
+  } // END: SECTION("Straight Propagator w/ Exponential Refractive Index")
+} // END: TEST_CASE("Propagators")