From 7c276813de7b4f7635eb024b3806936a4bc9c770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rulrich <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 18:35:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] test for corsika-data

 readLib/CMakeLists.txt            |  41 ++++----
 readLib/corsika_data/Interface.h  |  18 ++--
 readLib/source/ |  45 ++++----
 readLib/source/ |  32 +++---
 readLib/source/          |   2 +
 readLib/source/      | Bin 0 -> 221 bytes
 readLib/               | 166 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 readLib/source/
 create mode 100644 readLib/source/
 create mode 100644 readLib/

diff --git a/readLib/CMakeLists.txt b/readLib/CMakeLists.txt
index 5073dd1..1f2c852 100644
--- a/readLib/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/readLib/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ else (Boost_iostreams_FOUND)
 endif (Boost_iostreams_FOUND)
-add_library(CorsikaData STATIC ${files})
+add_library (CorsikaData STATIC ${files})
 if (Boost_iostreams_FOUND)
-  target_link_libraries(CorsikaData PUBLIC Boost::iostreams)
+  target_link_libraries (CorsikaData PUBLIC Boost::iostreams)
 endif (Boost_iostreams_FOUND)
 set_target_properties (
@@ -42,20 +42,23 @@ install (
 #add_executable (readLZMA source/
 #target_link_libraries (readLZMA CorsikaData)
-# --------------------
-# code unit testing
-# CORSIKA_ADD_TEST(testGeometry)
-# target_link_libraries (
-#   testGeometry
-#   CORSIKAgeometry
-#   CORSIKAunits
-#   CORSIKAtesting
-#   )
-# CORSIKA_ADD_TEST(testFourVector)
-# target_link_libraries (
-#   testFourVector
-#   CORSIKAgeometry
-#   CORSIKAunits
-#   CORSIKAtesting
-#   )
+# add unit test, if run inside CORSIKA
+  CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (testData)
+  set (TEST_WITH_BOOST "")
+  if (Boost_iostreams_FOUND)
+  endif (Boost_iostreams_FOUND)
+  target_compile_definitions (
+    testData
+    )
+  target_link_libraries (
+    testData
+    CorsikaData
+    CORSIKAtesting
+    )
diff --git a/readLib/corsika_data/Interface.h b/readLib/corsika_data/Interface.h
index d01684c..c8199a3 100644
--- a/readLib/corsika_data/Interface.h
+++ b/readLib/corsika_data/Interface.h
@@ -15,20 +15,22 @@
 namespace corsika_data {
   // the c++ interface functions
-  void CorDataOpenFile(char* name);
+  //void CorDataOpenFile(const char* name);
+  void CorDataOpenFile(const std::string& name);
   void CorDataFillArray(double* data, const int& length);
   void CorDataCloseFile();
   double CorDataNextNumber();
-  int CorDataNextText(std::string& data);
+  void CorDataNextText(std::string& data);
+  void CorDataNextText(char* data, int maxlength);
   bool CorDataCanDeCompress();
   // the fortran interface functions
   extern "C" {
-  void cordataopenfile_(char* name);
-  void cordatafillarray_(double* data, const int& length);
-  void cordataclosefile_();
-  double cordatanextnumber_();
-  int cordatanexttext_(char* data, int length);
-  int cordatacandecompress_();
+    void cordataopenfile_(const char* name);
+    void cordatafillarray_(double* data, const int& length);
+    void cordataclosefile_();
+    double cordatanextnumber_();
+    void cordatanexttext_(char* data, int maxlength);
+    int cordatacandecompress_();
 } // namespace corsika_data
diff --git a/readLib/source/ b/readLib/source/
index 07b854d..14fdd8c 100644
--- a/readLib/source/
+++ b/readLib/source/
@@ -28,16 +28,17 @@ namespace corsika_data {
     ~DataFile() {}
     void Open(const char* name) {
       if (file_in_.is_open()) {
-        std::cout << "DataFile is still open! Close it" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << "DataFile is still open! Closing it now..." << std::endl;
       std::string s(name);
-      auto i1 = s.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n");
-      auto i2 = s.find_first_of(" \t\r\n", i1);
+      auto i1 = s.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n"); // trimm right
+      auto i2 = s.find_first_of(" \t\r\n", i1); // trimm left
       std::string trimmed(s.substr(i1, i2 - i1));, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
-      in_.push(boost::iostreams::bzip2_decompressor());
+      if (trimmed.rfind(".bz2") == trimmed.length()-4)
+	in_.push(boost::iostreams::bzip2_decompressor());
     void Close() { file_in_.close(); }
@@ -57,30 +58,34 @@ namespace corsika_data {
   DataFile global_DataFile;
-  void CorDataOpenFile(char* name) { global_DataFile.Open(name); }
+  void CorDataOpenFile(const std::string& name) { global_DataFile.Open(name.c_str()); }
+  //void CorDataOpenFile(const char* name) { global_DataFile.Open(name); }
   void CorDataFillArray(double* data, const int& length) {
     global_DataFile.FillArray(data, length);
   void CorDataCloseFile() { global_DataFile.Close(); }
   double CorDataNextNumber() { return global_DataFile.ReadNextNumber(); }
-  int CorDataNextText(char* data, const int length) {
+  void CorDataNextText(std::string& data) {
+    global_DataFile.ReadNextText(data);
+  }
+  void CorDataNextText(char* data, const int maxlength) {
     std::string STR;
-    global_DataFile.ReadNextText(STR);
-    for (int i = 0; i < length && i < (int)STR.size(); ++i) data[i] = STR[i];
-    return 0;
+    CorDataNextText(STR);
+    for (int i = 0; i < maxlength && i < (int)STR.size(); ++i)
+      data[i] = STR[i];
   bool CorDataCanDeCompress() { return true; }
   extern "C" {
-  void cordataopenfile_(char* name) { CorDataOpenFile(name); }
-  void cordatafillarray_(double* data, const int& length) {
-    global_DataFile.FillArray(data, length);
-  }
-  double cordatanextnumber_() { return global_DataFile.ReadNextNumber(); }
-  int cordatanexttext_(char* data, const int length) {
-    return CorDataNextText(data, length);
-  }
-  void cordataclosefile_() { global_DataFile.Close(); }
-  int cordatacandecompress_() { return 1; }
+    void cordataopenfile_(const char* name) { CorDataOpenFile(name); }
+    void cordatafillarray_(double* data, const int& length) {
+      global_DataFile.FillArray(data, length);
+    }
+    double cordatanextnumber_() { return global_DataFile.ReadNextNumber(); }
+    void cordatanexttext_(char* data, const int maxlength) {
+      return CorDataNextText(data, maxlength);
+    }
+    void cordataclosefile_() { global_DataFile.Close(); }
+    int cordatacandecompress_() { return 1; }
 } // namespace corsika_data
diff --git a/readLib/source/ b/readLib/source/
index 7e0fb8a..8bc4713 100644
--- a/readLib/source/
+++ b/readLib/source/
@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
 namespace corsika_data {
   // the c++ interface functions
-  void CorDataOpenFile(char*) {
+  //void CorDataOpenFile(const char*) {
+  //std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
+  //}
+  void CorDataOpenFile(const std::string&) {
     std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
   void CorDataFillArray(double*, const int&) {
@@ -27,24 +30,25 @@ namespace corsika_data {
     std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
     return 0;
-  int CorDataNextText(std::string&) {
+  void CorDataNextText(std::string&) {
+    std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
+  }
+  void CorDataNextText(char*, int) {
     std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
-    return 0;
   bool CorDataCanDeCompress() { return false; }
   // the fortran interface functions
   extern "C" {
-  void cordataopenfile_(char* name) { CorDataOpenFile(name); }
-  void cordatafillarray_(double* data, const int& length) {
-    CorDataFillArray(data, length);
-  }
-  void cordataclosefile_() { CorDataCloseFile(); }
-  double cordatanextnumber_() { return CorDataNextNumber(); }
-  int cordatanexttext_(char*) {
-    std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
-    return 0;
-  }
-  int cordatacandecompress_() { return 0; }
+    void cordataopenfile_(const char* name) { CorDataOpenFile(name); }
+    void cordatafillarray_(double* data, const int& length) {
+      CorDataFillArray(data, length);
+    }
+    void cordataclosefile_() { CorDataCloseFile(); }
+    double cordatanextnumber_() { return CorDataNextNumber(); }
+    void  cordatanexttext_(char*, int) {
+      std::runtime_error("Cannot read compressed data files with dummy library.");
+    }
+    int cordatacandecompress_() { return 0; }
 } // namespace corsika_data
diff --git a/readLib/source/ b/readLib/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bef903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readLib/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+sibyll20              0.10000E-02   91  261    5   11   20
+0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       7.74900036E-06   1.00000000       1.47967212E-05   3.76063472E-05   3.91302201E-05   5.68050455E-05   5.91166172E-05   6.64338659E-05   8.79753206E-05   9.61698461E-05   1.02615748E-04   1.12829475E-04   1.28208514E-04   1.50734515E-04   1.79381183E-04   2.09064019E-04   2.32736333E-04   2.50067125E-04   2.74370745E-04
diff --git a/readLib/source/ b/readLib/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fd229a02caa7c85f3e8050a7956e684ceadbb38
GIT binary patch
literal 221

literal 0

diff --git a/readLib/ b/readLib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17495a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readLib/
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project,
+ *
+ * See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <corsika_data/Interface.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <array>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace corsika_data;
+const array<double, 3*9> testData = {0.00000000,       0.00000000,       0.00000000,       
+				     0.00000000,       0.00000000,       0.00000000,
+				     0.00000000,       0.00000000,       0.00000000,
+				     7.74900036E-06,   1.00000000,       1.47967212E-05,
+				     3.76063472E-05,   3.91302201E-05,   5.68050455E-05,
+				     5.91166172E-05,   6.64338659E-05,   8.79753206E-05,
+				     9.61698461E-05,   1.02615748E-04,   1.12829475E-04,
+				     1.28208514E-04,   1.50734515E-04,   1.79381183E-04,
+				     2.09064019E-04,   2.32736333E-04,   2.50067125E-04};
+const std::string fileName = std::string(TESTDATA);
+const std::string fileNameBZ2 = std::string(TESTDATA)+std::string(".bz2");
+TEST_CASE ("Data", "[data]") {
+  SECTION ("c++, uncompressed") {
+    bool b = CorDataCanDeCompress();
+    CHECK( b==true );
+    cout << "Reading: " << fileName << endl;
+    CorDataOpenFile(fileName);
+    std::string str;
+    CorDataNextText(str);
+    CHECK ( str=="sibyll20" );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==0.10000E-02 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==91 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==261 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==5 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==11 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==20 );
+    double aData[3*9];
+    const int length = 3*9;
+    CorDataFillArray(aData, length);
+    for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
+      CHECK( aData[i] == testData[i] );
+    }    
+    CorDataCloseFile();
+  }
+  SECTION ("c++, compressed") {
+    bool b = CorDataCanDeCompress();
+    CHECK( b==true );
+    cout << "Reading: " << fileNameBZ2 << endl;
+    CorDataOpenFile(fileNameBZ2);
+    std::string str;
+    CorDataNextText(str);
+    CHECK ( str=="sibyll20" );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==0.10000E-02 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==91 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==261 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==5 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==11 );
+    CHECK ( CorDataNextNumber()==20 );
+    double aData[3*9];
+    const int length = 3*9;
+    CorDataFillArray(aData, length);
+    for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
+      CHECK( aData[i] == testData[i] );
+    }    
+    CorDataCloseFile();
+  }
+  SECTION ("fortran, uncompressed") {
+    bool b = cordatacandecompress_();
+    CHECK( b==true );
+    cout << "Reading: " << fileName << endl;
+    cordataopenfile_(fileName.c_str());
+    char str[10];
+    cordatanexttext_(str, 10);
+    CHECK ( std::string(str)=="sibyll20" );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==0.10000E-02 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==91 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==261 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==5 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==11 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==20 );
+    double aData[3*9];
+    const int length = 3*9;
+    cordatafillarray_(aData, length);
+    for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
+      CHECK( aData[i] == testData[i] );
+    }    
+    cordataclosefile_();
+  }
+  SECTION ("fortran, compressed") {
+    bool b = cordatacandecompress_();
+    CHECK( b==true );
+    cout << "Reading: " << fileNameBZ2 << endl;
+    cordataopenfile_(fileNameBZ2.c_str());
+    char str[10];
+    cordatanexttext_(str, 10);
+    CHECK ( std::string(str)=="sibyll20" );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==0.10000E-02 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==91 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==261 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==5 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==11 );
+    CHECK ( cordatanextnumber_()==20 );
+    double aData[3*9];
+    const int length = 3*9;
+    cordatafillarray_(aData, length);
+    for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) {
+      CHECK( aData[i] == testData[i] );
+    }    
+    cordataclosefile_();
+  }
+  SECTION ("c++") {
+    CorDataOpenFile("");
+    double a[1];
+    const int length = 1;
+    CorDataFillArray(a, length);
+    CorDataCloseFile();
+    double v = CorDataNextNumber();
+    string data;
+    CorDataNextText(data);
+    bool b = CorDataCanDeCompress();
+    CHECK( b==false );
+  }
+  SECTION ("fortran") {
+    cordataopenfile_("");
+    double a[1];
+    const int length = 1;
+    cordatafillarray_(a, legnth);
+    cordataclosefile_();
+    double d = cordatanextnumber_();
+    const char* str = "";
+    cordatanexttext_(str, 0);
+    int b = cordatacandecompress_();
+    CHECK( b==0 );
+  }