diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index 7036fa76902c4d4368664f0b745b5ea621a7e62f..517adbbef2aef965bee9260037d86cb218e3def4 100644
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 Maximilian Reininghaus, maximilian.reininghaus@kit.edu
 Ralf Ulrich, ralf.ulrich@kit.edu
+Felix Riehn, friehn@lip.pt
diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/cascade_example.cc b/Documentation/Examples/cascade_example.cc
index 888b9a31e893b01a80170556654620f9799a59c7..8607bbcbb7c16d8f8e975b8550ca41492dee26dc 100644
--- a/Documentation/Examples/cascade_example.cc
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/cascade_example.cc
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static int fEmCount;
 static EnergyType fInvEnergy;
 static int fInvCount;
-class ProcessEMCut : public corsika::process::BaseProcess<ProcessEMCut> {
+class ProcessEMCut : public corsika::process::ContinuousProcess<ProcessEMCut> {
   ProcessEMCut() {}
   template <typename Particle>
@@ -131,7 +131,24 @@ public:
   template <typename Particle, typename Stack>
-  EProcessReturn DoContinuous(Particle&, setup::Trajectory&, Stack&) const {
+  EProcessReturn DoContinuous(Particle& p, setup::Trajectory&, Stack&) const {
+    cout << "ProcessCut: DoContinuous: " << p.GetPID() << endl;
+    const Code pid = p.GetPID();
+    if (isEmParticle(pid)) {
+      cout << "removing em. particle..." << endl;
+      fEmEnergy += p.GetEnergy();
+      fEmCount += 1;
+      p.Delete();
+    } else if (isInvisible(pid)) {
+      cout << "removing inv. particle..." << endl;
+      fInvEnergy += p.GetEnergy();
+      fInvCount += 1;
+      p.Delete();
+    } else if (isBelowEnergyCut(p)) {
+      cout << "removing low en. particle..." << endl;
+      fEnergy += p.GetEnergy();
+      p.Delete();
+    }
     // cout << "ProcessCut: DoContinous: " << p.GetPID() << endl;
     // cout << " is em: " << isEmParticle( p.GetPID() ) << endl;
     // cout << " is inv: " << isInvisible( p.GetPID() ) << endl;
@@ -153,27 +170,6 @@ public:
     return EProcessReturn::eOk;
-  template <typename Particle, typename Stack>
-  void DoDiscrete(Particle& p, Stack&) const {
-    cout << "ProcessCut: DoDiscrete: " << p.GetPID() << endl;
-    const Code pid = p.GetPID();
-    if (isEmParticle(pid)) {
-      cout << "removing em. particle..." << endl;
-      fEmEnergy += p.GetEnergy();
-      fEmCount += 1;
-      p.Delete();
-    } else if (isInvisible(pid)) {
-      cout << "removing inv. particle..." << endl;
-      fInvEnergy += p.GetEnergy();
-      fInvCount += 1;
-      p.Delete();
-    } else if (isBelowEnergyCut(p)) {
-      cout << "removing low en. particle..." << endl;
-      fEnergy += p.GetEnergy();
-      p.Delete();
-    }
-  }
   void Init() {
     fEmEnergy = 0. * 1_GeV;
     fEmCount = 0;
@@ -223,15 +219,22 @@ int main() {
-  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
   tracking_line::TrackingLine<setup::Stack> tracking(env);
   stack_inspector::StackInspector<setup::Stack> p0(true);
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   corsika::process::sibyll::Interaction /*<setup::Stack>,setup::Trajectory>*/ p1;
   corsika::process::sibyll::Decay p2;
   ProcessEMCut p3;
   const auto sequence = /*p0 +*/ p1 + p2 + p3;
+  corsika::process::sibyll::Interaction sibyll;
+  corsika::process::sibyll::Decay decay;
+  ProcessEMCut cut;
+  const auto sequence = /*p0 +*/ sibyll + decay + cut;
+>>>>>>> master
   setup::Stack stack;
   corsika::cascade::Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, stack);
@@ -256,7 +259,7 @@ int main() {
        << endl;
   cout << "total energy below threshold (GeV): " //<< p1.GetEnergy() / 1_GeV
        << std::endl;
-  p3.ShowResults();
+  cut.ShowResults();
   cout << "total energy (GeV): "
-       << (p3.GetCutEnergy() + p3.GetInvEnergy() + p3.GetEmEnergy()) / 1_GeV << endl;
+       << (cut.GetCutEnergy() + cut.GetInvEnergy() + cut.GetEmEnergy()) / 1_GeV << endl;
diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc b/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc
index 67f43344c55d99fadfca0483e824f862c533db4d..cfd9fd8b0af8e36de289ba7dd8b4bd600677d3bf 100644
--- a/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/geometry_example.cc
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ using namespace corsika::units::si;
 int main() {
   // define the root coordinate system
   geometry::CoordinateSystem& root =
-      geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+      geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
   // another CS defined by a translation relative to the root CS
   CoordinateSystem cs2 = root.translate({0_m, 0_m, 1_m});
diff --git a/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc b/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc
index 02ccc7c2454da62ea2fec686f9980f923ba34ceb..068d25f1fc0fe6ea320eaa6d525a9679c006d2f5 100644
--- a/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc
+++ b/Documentation/Examples/helix_example.cc
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ using namespace corsika::units::si;
 int main() {
   geometry::CoordinateSystem& root =
-      geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+      geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
   Point const r0(root, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
   auto const omegaC = 2 * M_PI * 1_Hz;
diff --git a/Environment/CMakeLists.txt b/Environment/CMakeLists.txt
index 420fc20f087d0cb8ba3ab884f4ae0db7efc8c469..ca93c81cde5c8aec8df2f2ee3f10df371828b108 100644
--- a/Environment/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Environment/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ add_executable (testEnvironment testEnvironment.cc)
 target_link_libraries (
+  CORSIKAsetup
   CORSIKAthirdparty # for catch2
diff --git a/Environment/Environment.h b/Environment/Environment.h
index 1aea20cda07f642cabb82a0fb9eb18b6a73d0e4a..ef69116febd3d4859d443be8a005ecf82e36404b 100644
--- a/Environment/Environment.h
+++ b/Environment/Environment.h
@@ -35,9 +35,8 @@ namespace corsika::environment {
   class Environment {
-        : fCoordinateSystem{corsika::geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance()
-                                .GetRootCS()}
-        , fUniverse(std::make_unique<VolumeTreeNode<IEnvironmentModel>>(
+        : fCoordinateSystem{corsika::geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem()},        
+        fUniverse(std::make_unique<VolumeTreeNode<IEnvironmentModel>>(
               std::make_unique<Universe>(fCoordinateSystem))) {}
     using IEnvironmentModel = corsika::setup::IEnvironmentModel;
diff --git a/Framework/Geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h b/Framework/Geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h
index 4c3133becd9c59e4b50a9730b893a933657c5518..a9df34edfeda18b9c7a058503ac163a0f18d4c05 100644
--- a/Framework/Geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h
+++ b/Framework/Geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ namespace corsika::geometry {
     RootCoordinateSystem() {}
-    corsika::geometry::CoordinateSystem& GetRootCS() { return fRootCS; }
-    const corsika::geometry::CoordinateSystem& GetRootCS() const { return fRootCS; }
+    corsika::geometry::CoordinateSystem& GetRootCoordinateSystem() { return fRootCS; }
+    const corsika::geometry::CoordinateSystem& GetRootCoordinateSystem() const { return fRootCS; }
     corsika::geometry::CoordinateSystem fRootCS; // THIS IS IT
diff --git a/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc b/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc
index 2f1f891814cc68d7e5f585c9992dce63f244cb8a..d5ef385881ec304aff345b8a6a89a608517be521 100644
--- a/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc
+++ b/Framework/Geometry/testGeometry.cc
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ using namespace corsika::units::si;
 double constexpr absMargin = 1.0e-8;
 TEST_CASE("transformations between CoordinateSystems") {
-  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
   REQUIRE(CoordinateSystem::GetTransformation(rootCS, rootCS)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ TEST_CASE("transformations between CoordinateSystems") {
 TEST_CASE("Sphere") {
-  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
   Point center(rootCS, {0_m, 3_m, 4_m});
   Sphere sphere(center, 5_m);
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ TEST_CASE("Sphere") {
 TEST_CASE("Trajectories") {
-  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+  CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
   Point r0(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
   SECTION("Line") {
diff --git a/Framework/Particles/CMakeLists.txt b/Framework/Particles/CMakeLists.txt
index 8ea8654fad658692dbbc1819dbc2ab957cb64de5..3301139d597d1bc513e8b226db4708ca4c20f6ed 100644
--- a/Framework/Particles/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Framework/Particles/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 add_custom_command (
   OUTPUT  ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/GeneratedParticleProperties.inc
-          ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/pythia_db.pkl
+          ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/particle_db.pkl
   COMMAND ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework/Particles/pdxml_reader.py 
+          ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework/Particles/NuclearData.xml
   DEPENDS pdxml_reader.py
+          NuclearData.xml
diff --git a/Framework/Particles/NuclearData.xml b/Framework/Particles/NuclearData.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6d2a46dee4c0ac3beb53e8ec5ca5db94bf20680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Framework/Particles/NuclearData.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<chapter name="Nuclear Data">
+<particle id="1000010010" name="hydrogen" A="1" Z="1" >
+<particle id="1000010020" name="deuterium" A="2" Z="1" >
+<particle id="1000010030" name="tritium" A="3" Z="1" >
+<particle id="1000020040" name="helium" A="4" Z="2" >
+<particle id="1000060120" name="carbon" A="12" Z="6" >
+<particle id="1000070140" name="nitrogen" A="14" Z="7" >
+<particle id="1000080160" name="oxygen" A="16" Z="8" >
+<particle id="1000180400" name="argon" A="40" Z="18" >
diff --git a/Framework/Particles/ParticleProperties.h b/Framework/Particles/ParticleProperties.h
index e7d48547f87779c8da84ea2c318de55ee8b163a8..91bb74eefd485b3f8afbd67fc0eaeabdbf4f7b42 100644
--- a/Framework/Particles/ParticleProperties.h
+++ b/Framework/Particles/ParticleProperties.h
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace corsika::particles {
   enum class Code : int16_t;
-  using PDGCodeType = int16_t;
+  using PDGCodeType = int32_t;
   using CodeIntType = std::underlying_type<Code>::type;
   // forward declarations to be used in GeneratedParticleProperties
@@ -51,24 +51,28 @@ namespace corsika::particles {
   constexpr std::string const& GetName(Code const);
   corsika::units::si::TimeType constexpr GetLifetime(Code const);
+  bool constexpr IsNucleus(Code const);
+  int constexpr GetNucleusA(Code const);
+  int constexpr GetNucleusZ(Code const);
 #include <corsika/particles/GeneratedParticleProperties.inc>
    * returns mass of particle
   corsika::units::hep::MassType constexpr GetMass(Code const p) {
-    return masses[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+    return detail::masses[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
   PDGCodeType constexpr GetPDG(Code const p) {
-    return pdg_codes[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+    return detail::pdg_codes[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
    * returns electric charge of particle / (e/3).
   int16_t constexpr GetElectricChargeNumber(Code const p) {
-    return electric_charges[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+    return detail::electric_charges[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
   corsika::units::si::ElectricChargeType constexpr GetElectricCharge(Code const p) {
@@ -76,13 +80,26 @@ namespace corsika::particles {
   constexpr std::string const& GetName(Code const p) {
-    return names[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+    return detail::names[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
   corsika::units::si::TimeType constexpr GetLifetime(Code const p) {
-    return lifetime[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+    return detail::lifetime[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)] * corsika::units::si::second;
+  bool constexpr IsNucleus(Code const p) {
+    return detail::isNucleus[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+  }
+  int constexpr GetNucleusA(Code const p) {
+      return detail::nucleusA[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+  }
+  int constexpr GetNucleusZ(Code const p) {
+    return detail::nucleusZ[static_cast<CodeIntType const>(p)];
+  }
   namespace io {
     std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, Code const p);
diff --git a/Framework/Particles/pdxml_reader.py b/Framework/Particles/pdxml_reader.py
index aa77d0c5a4e954f713c4cac0aeb938bcf00d8bff..ca7701d40dbb467781a63ffb304adfe8bdb2a7e3 100755
--- a/Framework/Particles/pdxml_reader.py
+++ b/Framework/Particles/pdxml_reader.py
@@ -5,21 +5,23 @@ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
 from collections import OrderedDict
 import pickle
+GeVfm = 0.19732696312541853
+c_speed_of_light = 29.9792458e10  # mm / s
+# for nuclear masses
+mneutron = 0.9395654133 # GeV
+mproton = 0.9382720813 # GeV
 # reading xml input data, return line by line particle data
-def parse(filename):
+def parsePythia(filename):
     tree = ET.parse(filename)
     root = tree.getroot()
-    GeVfm = 0.19732696312541853
-    c_speed_of_light = 29.9792458e10  # mm / s
     for particle in root.iter("particle"):
-        name = particle.attrib["name"]
+        name = particle.attrib["name"]        
         antiName = "Unknown"
         if ("antiName" in particle.attrib):
             antiName = particle.attrib["antiName"]
@@ -47,12 +49,39 @@ def parse(filename):
             yield (-pdg_id, antiName, mass, -electric_charge, name, ctau/c_speed_of_light)
-# returns dict with particle codes and class names
+# reading xml input data, return line by line particle data
+def parseNuclei(filename):
+    tree = ET.parse(filename)
+    root = tree.getroot()
+    for particle in root.iter("particle"):
+        name = particle.attrib["name"]        
+        antiName = "Unknown"
+        if ("antiName" in particle.attrib):
+            antiName = particle.attrib["antiName"]
+        pdg_id = int(particle.attrib["id"])
+        A = int(particle.attrib["A"])
+        Z = int(particle.attrib["Z"])
+        # mass in GeV
+        if ("mass" in particle.attrib):
+            mass = particle.attrib["mass"] 
+        else:
+            mass = (A-Z)*mneutron + Z*mproton
+        electric_charge = Z*3  # in units of e/3        
+        ctau = float('Inf')
+        yield (pdg_id, name, mass, electric_charge, antiName, ctau/c_speed_of_light, A, Z)
+# returns dict with particle codes and class names
 def class_names(filename):
     tree = ET.parse(filename)
     root = tree.getroot()
@@ -164,14 +193,12 @@ def c_identifier_camel(name):
 # returns dict containing all data from pythia-xml input
+def read_pythia_db(filename, particle_db, classnames):    
-def build_pythia_db(filename, classnames):    
-    particle_db = OrderedDict()
+    counter = itertools.count(len(particle_db))
-    counter = itertools.count(0)
-    for (pdg, name, mass, electric_charge, antiName, lifetime) in parse(filename):
+    for (pdg, name, mass, electric_charge, antiName, lifetime) in parsePythia(filename):
         c_id = "Unknown"
         if pdg in classnames:
@@ -186,7 +213,41 @@ def build_pythia_db(filename, classnames):
             "mass" : mass, # in GeV
             "electric_charge" : electric_charge, # in e/3
             "lifetime" : lifetime,
-            "ngc_code" : next(counter)
+            "ngc_code" : next(counter),
+            "isNucleus" : False,
+        }
+    return particle_db
+# returns dict containing all data from pythia-xml input
+def read_nuclei_db(filename, particle_db, classnames):    
+    counter = itertools.count(len(particle_db))
+    for (pdg, name, mass, electric_charge, antiName, lifetime, A, Z) in parseNuclei(filename):
+        c_id = "Unknown"
+        if pdg in classnames:
+            c_id = classnames[pdg]
+        else:
+            c_id = c_identifier_camel(name)
+        particle_db[c_id] = {
+            "name" : name,
+            "antiName" : antiName,
+            "pdg" : pdg,
+            "mass" : mass, # in GeV
+            "electric_charge" : electric_charge, # in e/3
+            "lifetime" : lifetime,
+            "ngc_code" : next(counter),
+            "A" : A,
+            "Z" : Z,
+            "isNucleus" : True,
     return particle_db
@@ -198,14 +259,13 @@ def build_pythia_db(filename, classnames):
 # return string with enum of all internal particle codes
-def gen_internal_enum(pythia_db):
+def gen_internal_enum(particle_db):
     string = ("enum class Code : int16_t {\n"
               "  FirstParticle = 1, // if you want to loop over particles, you want to start with \"1\"  \n") # identifier for eventual loops...
-    for k in filter(lambda k: "ngc_code" in pythia_db[k], pythia_db):
-        last_ngc_id = pythia_db[k]['ngc_code']
+    for k in filter(lambda k: "ngc_code" in particle_db[k], particle_db):
+        last_ngc_id = particle_db[k]['ngc_code']
         string += "  {key:s} = {code:d},\n".format(key = k, code = last_ngc_id)
     string += ("  LastParticle = {:d},\n" # identifier for eventual loops...
@@ -223,52 +283,83 @@ def gen_internal_enum(pythia_db):
 # return string with all data arrays 
-def gen_properties(pythia_db):
+def gen_properties(particle_db):
     # number of particles, size of tables
-    string = "static constexpr std::size_t size = {size:d};\n".format(size = len(pythia_db))
+    string = "static constexpr std::size_t size = {size:d};\n".format(size = len(particle_db))
     string += "\n"
     # particle masses table
     string += "static constexpr std::array<corsika::units::hep::MassType const, size> masses = {\n"    
-    for p in pythia_db.values():
-        string += "  {mass:f} * (1e9 * corsika::units::si::constants::eV), // {name:s}\n".format(mass = p['mass'], name = p['name'])              
+    for p in particle_db.values():
+        string += "  {mass:e} * (1e9 * corsika::units::si::constants::eV), // {name:s}\n".format(mass = p['mass'], name = p['name'])
     string += "};\n\n"
     # PDG code table
     string += "static constexpr std::array<PDGCodeType const, size> pdg_codes = {\n"
-    for p in pythia_db.values():
+    for p in particle_db.values():
         string += "  {pdg:d}, // {name:s}\n".format(pdg = p['pdg'], name = p['name'])    
     string += "};\n"
     # name string table
     string += "static const std::array<std::string const, size> names = {\n"
-    for p in pythia_db.values():
+    for p in particle_db.values():
         string += "  \"{name:s}\",\n".format(name = p['name'])            
     string += "};\n"
     # electric charges table
     string += "static constexpr std::array<int16_t, size> electric_charges = {\n"
-    for p in pythia_db.values():
+    for p in particle_db.values():
         string += "  {charge:d},\n".format(charge = p['electric_charge'])
     string += "};\n"
     # anti-particle table
-#    string += "static constexpr std::array<size, size> anti_particle = {\n"
-#    for p in pythia_db.values():
-#        string += "  {anti:d},\n".format(charge = p['anti_particle'])
-#    string += "};\n"
+    #    string += "static constexpr std::array<size, size> anti_particle = {\n"
+    #    for p in particle_db.values():
+    #        string += "  {anti:d},\n".format(charge = p['anti_particle'])
+    #    string += "};\n"
     # lifetime
-    string += "static constexpr std::array<corsika::units::si::TimeType const, size> lifetime = {\n"
-    for p in pythia_db.values():
+    #string += "static constexpr std::array<corsika::units::si::TimeType const, size> lifetime = {\n"
+    string += "static constexpr std::array<double const, size> lifetime = {\n"
+    for p in particle_db.values():
         if p['lifetime'] == float("Inf") :
-            string += "  std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * corsika::units::si::second, \n"
+            string += "  std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), \n" # * corsika::units::si::second, \n"
         else :
-            string += "  {tau:f} * corsika::units::si::second, \n".format(tau = p['lifetime'])
+            string += "  {tau:e}, \n".format(tau = p['lifetime'])
+            #string += "  {tau:e} * corsika::units::si::second, \n".format(tau = p['lifetime'])
+    string += "};\n"
+    ### nuclear data ###
+    # is nucleus flag
+    string += "static constexpr std::array<bool, size> isNucleus = {\n"
+    for p in particle_db.values():
+        value = 'false'
+        if p['isNucleus']:
+            value = 'true'
+        string += "  {val},\n".format(val = value)
+    string += "};\n"
+    # nucleus mass number A
+    string += "static constexpr std::array<int, size> nucleusA = {\n"
+    for p in particle_db.values():
+        A = 0
+        if p['isNucleus']:
+            A = p['A']
+        string += "  {val},\n".format(val = A)
     string += "};\n"
+    # nucleus charge number Z
+    string += "static constexpr std::array<int, size> nucleusZ = {\n"
+    for p in particle_db.values():
+        Z = 0
+        if p['isNucleus']:
+            Z = p['Z']
+        string += "  {val},\n".format(val = Z)
+    string += "};\n"
     return string
@@ -278,27 +369,29 @@ def gen_properties(pythia_db):
 # return string with a list of classes for all particles
-def gen_classes(pythia_db):
+def gen_classes(particle_db):
     string = "// list of C++ classes to access particle properties"
-    for cname in pythia_db:
+    for cname in particle_db:
         antiP = 'Unknown'
-        for cname_anti in pythia_db:
-            if (pythia_db[cname_anti]['name'] == pythia_db[cname]['antiName']):
+        for cname_anti in particle_db:
+            if (particle_db[cname_anti]['name'] == particle_db[cname]['antiName']):
                 antiP = cname_anti
         string += "\n";
         string += "/** @class " + cname + "\n\n"
         string += " * Particle properties are taken from the PYTHIA8 ParticleData.xml file:<br>\n"
-        string += " *  - pdg=" + str(pythia_db[cname]['pdg']) +"\n"
-        string += " *  - mass=" + str(pythia_db[cname]['mass']) + " GeV \n"
-        string += " *  - charge= " + str(pythia_db[cname]['electric_charge']/3) + " \n"
+        string += " *  - pdg=" + str(particle_db[cname]['pdg']) +"\n"
+        string += " *  - mass=" + str(particle_db[cname]['mass']) + " GeV \n"
+        string += " *  - charge= " + str(particle_db[cname]['electric_charge']/3) + " \n"
         string += " *  - name=" + str(cname) + "\n"
         string += " *  - anti=" + str(antiP) + "\n"
+        if (particle_db[cname]['isNucleus']):
+            string += " *  - nuclear A=" + str(particle_db[cname]['A']) + "\n"
+            string += " *  - nuclear Z=" + str(particle_db[cname]['Z']) + "\n"        
         string += "*/\n\n"
         string += "class " + cname + " {\n"
         string += "  public:\n"
@@ -308,6 +401,9 @@ def gen_classes(pythia_db):
         string += "   static constexpr int16_t GetChargeNumber() { return corsika::particles::GetElectricChargeNumber(Type); }\n"
         string += "   static std::string const& GetName() { return corsika::particles::GetName(Type); }\n"
         string += "   static constexpr Code GetAntiParticle() { return AntiType; }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr bool IsNucleus() { return corsika::particles::IsNucleus(Type); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr int GetNucleusA() { return corsika::particles::GetNucleusA(Type); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr int GetNucleusZ() { return corsika::particles::GetNucleusZ(Type); }\n"
         string += "   static constexpr Code Type = Code::" + cname + ";\n"
         string += "   static constexpr Code AntiType = Code::" + antiP + ";\n"
         string += " private:\n"
@@ -320,17 +416,30 @@ def gen_classes(pythia_db):
 def inc_start():
     string = ('// generated by pdxml_reader.py\n'
-              '// MANUAL EDITS ON OWN RISK\n')
     return string
+def detail_start():
+    string = ('namespace detail {\n\n')
+    return string
+def detail_end():
+    string = "\n}//end namespace detail\n"
+    return string
 def inc_end():
     string = ""
     return string
@@ -338,36 +447,38 @@ def inc_end():
-# Serialize pythia_db into file 
+# Serialize particle_db into file 
+def serialize_particle_db(particle_db, file):
+    pickle.dump(particle_db, file)
-def serialize_pythia_db(pythia_db, file):
-    pickle.dump(pythia_db, file)
 # Main function
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
-        print("usage: {:s} <Pythia8.xml> <ClassNames.xml>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
+    if len(sys.argv) != 4:
+        print("usage: {:s} <Pythia8.xml> <Nuclei.xml> <ClassNames.xml>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
-    print("\n       pdxml_reader.py: Automatically produce particle-properties from PYTHIA8 xml file\n")
-    names = class_names(sys.argv[2])
-    pythia_db = build_pythia_db(sys.argv[1], names)
-    print (str(pythia_db))
+    print("\n       pdxml_reader.py: Automatically produce particle-properties from input files\n")
+    names = class_names(sys.argv[3])
+    particle_db = OrderedDict()
+    read_pythia_db(sys.argv[1], particle_db, names)
+    read_nuclei_db(sys.argv[2], particle_db, names)
     with open("GeneratedParticleProperties.inc", "w") as f:
-        print(inc_start(), file=f) 
-        print(gen_internal_enum(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(gen_properties(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(gen_classes(pythia_db), file=f)
+        print(inc_start(), file=f)
+        print(gen_internal_enum(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(detail_start(), file=f)
+        print(gen_properties(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(detail_end(), file=f) 
+        print(gen_classes(particle_db), file=f)
         print(inc_end(), file=f) 
-    with open("pythia_db.pkl", "wb") as f:
-        serialize_pythia_db(pythia_db, f)
+    with open("particle_db.pkl", "wb") as f:
+        serialize_particle_db(particle_db, f)
diff --git a/Framework/Particles/testParticles.cc b/Framework/Particles/testParticles.cc
index 78f34d0beb262166e51839bbedf3b83521355d6a..bf307798b57d4998115a54321de965e6e53d8bb3 100644
--- a/Framework/Particles/testParticles.cc
+++ b/Framework/Particles/testParticles.cc
@@ -58,11 +58,28 @@ TEST_CASE("ParticleProperties", "[Particles]") {
     REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::Electron) ==
             std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * corsika::units::si::second);
     REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::DPlus) < GetLifetime(Code::Gamma));
-    // REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::RhoPlus)/corsika::units::si::second ==
-    // (Approx(4.414566727909413e-24).epsilon(1e-3)));
-    // REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::SigmaMinusBar)/corsika::units::si::second ==
-    // (Approx(8.018880848563575e-11).epsilon(1e-5)));
-    // REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::MuPlus)/corsika::units::si::second ==
-    // (Approx(2.1970332555864364e-06).epsilon(1e-5)));
+    REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::RhoPlus)/corsika::units::si::second ==
+	    (Approx(4.414566727909413e-24).epsilon(1e-3)));
+    REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::SigmaMinusBar)/corsika::units::si::second ==
+	    (Approx(8.018880848563575e-11).epsilon(1e-5)));
+    REQUIRE(GetLifetime(Code::MuPlus)/corsika::units::si::second ==
+	    (Approx(2.1970332555864364e-06).epsilon(1e-5)));
+  SECTION("Nuclei") {
+    REQUIRE(IsNucleus(Code::Gamma) == false);
+    REQUIRE(IsNucleus(Code::Argon) == true);
+    REQUIRE(IsNucleus(Code::Proton) == false);
+    REQUIRE(IsNucleus(Code::Hydrogen) == true);
+    REQUIRE(Argon::IsNucleus() == true);
+    REQUIRE(EtaC::IsNucleus() == false);
+    REQUIRE(GetNucleusA(Code::Hydrogen) == 1);
+    REQUIRE(GetNucleusA(Code::Tritium) == 3);
+    REQUIRE(Hydrogen::GetNucleusZ() == 1);
+    REQUIRE(Tritium::GetNucleusA() == 3);
+  }
diff --git a/Processes/NullModel/CMakeLists.txt b/Processes/NullModel/CMakeLists.txt
index ff8b026d993b5ccf9f98c2352a571c9e4dd3e018..300e3b571c581dce68f4983537a3ac128fcdf009 100644
--- a/Processes/NullModel/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Processes/NullModel/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ set_target_properties (
 target_link_libraries (
+  CORSIKAgeometry
+  CORSIKAsetup
 target_include_directories (
@@ -52,6 +54,8 @@ add_executable (testNullModel testNullModel.cc)
 target_link_libraries (
+  ProcessNullModel
+  CORSIKAsetup
   CORSIKAthirdparty # for catch2
diff --git a/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.cc b/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.cc
index 3629d522a3383abcb5954a84f2fa47d1a1d45354..631891e63d11cca0fc7485c4e549496037e0b19e 100644
--- a/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.cc
+++ b/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.cc
@@ -11,14 +11,40 @@
 #include <corsika/process/null_model/NullModel.h>
+#include <corsika/logging/Logger.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace corsika::units::si;
 using namespace corsika::process::null_model;
-NullModel::NullModel() {}
+template <typename Stack>
+NullModel<Stack>::NullModel() {}
+template <typename Stack>
+NullModel<Stack>::~NullModel() {}
+template <typename Stack>
+process::EProcessReturn NullModel<Stack>::DoContinuous(Particle&, setup::Trajectory&,
+						       Stack& ) const {
+  return EProcessReturn::eOk;
+template <typename Stack>
+double NullModel<Stack>::MaxStepLength(Particle&, setup::Trajectory&) const {
+  return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
-NullModel::~NullModel() {}
+template <typename Stack>
+void NullModel<Stack>::Init() {
-void NullModel::init() {}
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
-void NullModel::run() {}
+template class process::null_model::NullModel<setup::Stack>;
-double NullModel::GetStepLength() { return 0; }
diff --git a/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.h b/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.h
index dc3bf504bca57e2cadcc264ec50e9903dcd9a2ad..e7eac1bb0196c77f0ced559ac6145455615fd00b 100644
--- a/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.h
+++ b/Processes/NullModel/NullModel.h
@@ -12,19 +12,26 @@
 #ifndef _Physics_NullModel_NullModel_h_
 #define _Physics_NullModel_NullModel_h_
+#include <corsika/process/ContinuousProcess.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
 namespace corsika::process {
   namespace null_model {
+    template <typename Stack>
     class NullModel {
+      typedef typename Stack::ParticleType Particle;
-      void init();
-      void run();
-      double GetStepLength();
+      void Init();
+      EProcessReturn DoContinuous(Particle&, corsika::setup::Trajectory&, Stack& s) const;
+      double MaxStepLength(Particle&, corsika::setup::Trajectory&) const;
   } // namespace null_model
diff --git a/Processes/NullModel/testNullModel.cc b/Processes/NullModel/testNullModel.cc
index c098b025b678427f1e244fc8052d0dd889f11d08..908d7370224a4237bb1332e6b6149176eace39ee 100644
--- a/Processes/NullModel/testNullModel.cc
+++ b/Processes/NullModel/testNullModel.cc
@@ -13,11 +13,41 @@
                           // cpp file
 #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <corsika/process/null_model/NullModel.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
 #include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
+using namespace corsika::units::si;
+using namespace corsika::process::null_model;
+using namespace corsika;
 TEST_CASE("NullModel", "[processes]") {
-  SECTION("bla") {}
+  auto const& cs = geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();    
+  geometry::Point const origin(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});    
+  geometry::Vector<corsika::units::si::SpeedType::dimension_type> v(cs, 0_m / second,
+								    0_m / second, 1_m / second);
+  geometry::Line line(origin, v);
+  geometry::Trajectory<geometry::Line> track(line, 10_s);
+  setup::Stack stack;
+  auto particle = stack.NewParticle();
+  SECTION("interface") {
+    NullModel<setup::Stack> model;
+    model.Init();
+    [[maybe_unused]] const process::EProcessReturn ret = model.DoContinuous(particle, track, stack);
+    [[maybe_unused]] const double length = model.MaxStepLength(particle, track);
-  SECTION("blubb") {}
+  }
diff --git a/Processes/Sibyll/CMakeLists.txt b/Processes/Sibyll/CMakeLists.txt
index 31d204714dba4aa72301e97ab3f5402e1abdeb73..9224d9fe5f557aa8a9d2bd8e1973a52cea4c8830 100644
--- a/Processes/Sibyll/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Processes/Sibyll/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 add_custom_command (
   OUTPUT  ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Processes/Sibyll/Generated.inc
   COMMAND ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Processes/Sibyll/code_generator.py 
-          ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/pythia_db.pkl
+          ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/particle_db.pkl
   DEPENDS code_generator.py
-          ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/pythia_db.pkl
+          ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Framework/Particles/particle_db.pkl
   COMMENT "Generate conversion tables for particle codes SIBYLL <-> CORSIKA"
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ add_executable (testSibyll
 target_link_libraries (
+  ProcessSibyll
+  CORSIKAsetup
+  CORSIKArandom
   CORSIKAthirdparty # for catch2
diff --git a/Processes/Sibyll/Decay.h b/Processes/Sibyll/Decay.h
index 13524a1a03d36e27bc4d170d61d10992b2732f06..fb2f67a6786fdc3613678baac6948f3417bd6c75 100644
--- a/Processes/Sibyll/Decay.h
+++ b/Processes/Sibyll/Decay.h
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include <corsika/process/sibyll/ParticleConversion.h>
 #include <corsika/process/sibyll/SibStack.h>
 #include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
 #include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
diff --git a/Processes/Sibyll/Interaction.h b/Processes/Sibyll/Interaction.h
index 87a2a054143bbbd99d0b97b0c9f8a27ed93ad58e..839fc4461b08c61fd7f08d3242b52a8360d3a40e 100644
--- a/Processes/Sibyll/Interaction.h
+++ b/Processes/Sibyll/Interaction.h
@@ -20,14 +20,7 @@ using namespace corsika::units::si;
 namespace corsika::process::sibyll {
-  // template <typename Stack, typename Track>
-  // template <typename Stack>
-  class Interaction
-      : public corsika::process::InteractionProcess<Interaction> { // <Stack,Track>> {
-    // typedef typename Stack::ParticleType Particle;
-    // typedef typename corsika::setup::Stack::ParticleType Particle;
-    // typedef corsika::setup::Trajectory Track;
+  class Interaction : public corsika::process::InteractionProcess<Interaction> { 
     Interaction() {}
@@ -51,9 +44,8 @@ namespace corsika::process::sibyll {
     template <typename Particle, typename Track>
     corsika::units::si::GrammageType GetInteractionLength(Particle& p, Track&) const {
       // coordinate system, get global frame of reference
-      CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+      CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
       const particles::Code corsikaBeamId = p.GetPID();
diff --git a/Processes/Sibyll/SibStack.h b/Processes/Sibyll/SibStack.h
index f79fe7da354077f7b2934afac315ba926b89ae5a..3df5f8076fb356873af57dde343f1a13faf6371c 100644
--- a/Processes/Sibyll/SibStack.h
+++ b/Processes/Sibyll/SibStack.h
@@ -24,65 +24,66 @@ namespace corsika::process::sibyll {
     int GetSize() const { return s_plist_.np; }
 #warning check actual capacity of sibyll stack
-    int GetCapacity() const { return 8000; }
-    void SetId(const int i, const int v) { s_plist_.llist[i] = v; }
-    void SetEnergy(const int i, const EnergyType v) { s_plist_.p[3][i] = v / 1_GeV; }
-    void SetMomentum(const int i, const super_stupid::MomentumVector& v) {
-      auto tmp = v.GetComponents();
-      for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx)
-        s_plist_.p[idx][i] = tmp[idx] / 1_GeV * constants::c;
-    }
-    int GetId(const int i) const { return s_plist_.llist[i]; }
-    EnergyType GetEnergy(const int i) const { return s_plist_.p[3][i] * 1_GeV; }
-    super_stupid::MomentumVector GetMomentum(const int i) const {
-      CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
-      corsika::geometry::QuantityVector<momentum_d> components{
-          s_plist_.p[0][i] * 1_GeV / constants::c,
-          s_plist_.p[1][i] * 1_GeV / constants::c,
-          s_plist_.p[2][i] * 1_GeV / constants::c};
-      super_stupid::MomentumVector v1(rootCS, components);
-      return v1;
-    }
-    void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) {
-      s_plist_.llist[i1] = s_plist_.llist[i2];
-      s_plist_.p[3][i1] = s_plist_.p[3][i2];
-    }
-  protected:
-    void IncrementSize() { s_plist_.np++; }
-    void DecrementSize() {
-      if (s_plist_.np > 0) { s_plist_.np--; }
-    }
-  };
-  template <typename StackIteratorInterface>
-  class ParticleInterface : public ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface> {
-    using ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface>::GetStackData;
-    using ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface>::GetIndex;
-  public:
-    void SetEnergy(const EnergyType v) { GetStackData().SetEnergy(GetIndex(), v); }
-    EnergyType GetEnergy() const { return GetStackData().GetEnergy(GetIndex()); }
-    void SetPID(const int v) { GetStackData().SetId(GetIndex(), v); }
-    corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode GetPID() const {
-      return static_cast<corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode>(
-          GetStackData().GetId(GetIndex()));
-    }
-    super_stupid::MomentumVector GetMomentum() const {
-      return GetStackData().GetMomentum(GetIndex());
-    }
-    void SetMomentum(const super_stupid::MomentumVector& v) {
-      GetStackData().SetMomentum(GetIndex(), v);
-    }
-  };
-  typedef Stack<SibStackData, ParticleInterface> SibStack;
-} // namespace corsika::process::sibyll
+  int GetCapacity() const { return 8000; }
+  void SetId(const int i, const int v) { s_plist_.llist[i] = v; }
+  void SetEnergy(const int i, const EnergyType v) { s_plist_.p[3][i] = v / 1_GeV; }
+  void SetMomentum(const int i, const super_stupid::MomentumVector& v) {
+    auto tmp = v.GetComponents();
+    for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx)
+      s_plist_.p[idx][i] = tmp[idx] / 1_GeV * constants::c;
+  }
+  int GetId(const int i) const { return s_plist_.llist[i]; }
+  EnergyType GetEnergy(const int i) const { return s_plist_.p[3][i] * 1_GeV; }
+  super_stupid::MomentumVector GetMomentum(const int i) const {
+    CoordinateSystem& rootCS = RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
+    corsika::geometry::QuantityVector<momentum_d> components{
+        s_plist_.p[0][i] * 1_GeV / constants::c,
+        s_plist_.p[1][i] * 1_GeV / constants::c,
+        s_plist_.p[2][i] * 1_GeV / constants::c};
+    super_stupid::MomentumVector v1(rootCS, components);
+    return v1;
+  }
+  void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) {
+    s_plist_.llist[i1] = s_plist_.llist[i2];
+    s_plist_.p[3][i1] = s_plist_.p[3][i2];
+  }
+  void IncrementSize() { s_plist_.np++; }
+  void DecrementSize() {
+    if (s_plist_.np > 0) { s_plist_.np--; }
+  }
+template <typename StackIteratorInterface>
+class ParticleInterface : public ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface> {
+  using ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface>::GetStackData;
+  using ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface>::GetIndex;
+  void SetEnergy(const EnergyType v) { GetStackData().SetEnergy(GetIndex(), v); }
+  EnergyType GetEnergy() const { return GetStackData().GetEnergy(GetIndex()); }
+  void SetPID(const int v) { GetStackData().SetId(GetIndex(), v); }
+  corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode GetPID() const {
+    return static_cast<corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode>(
+        GetStackData().GetId(GetIndex()));
+  }
+  super_stupid::MomentumVector GetMomentum() const {
+    return GetStackData().GetMomentum(GetIndex());
+  }
+  void SetMomentum(const super_stupid::MomentumVector& v) {
+    GetStackData().SetMomentum(GetIndex(), v);
+  }
+typedef Stack<SibStackData, ParticleInterface> SibStack;
+>>>>>>> master
diff --git a/Processes/Sibyll/code_generator.py b/Processes/Sibyll/code_generator.py
index 388668e1de0d5b04c8b5fa920308d20ab9982d39..e1cfcbfaf84e4d04aff4ed35b324daacf1fc66c1 100755
--- a/Processes/Sibyll/code_generator.py
+++ b/Processes/Sibyll/code_generator.py
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ import pickle, sys, itertools
-# loads the pickled pythia_db (which is an OrderedDict)
-def load_pythiadb(filename):
+# loads the pickled particle_db (which is an OrderedDict)
+def load_particledb(filename):
     with open(filename, "rb") as f:
-        pythia_db = pickle.load(f)
-    return pythia_db
+        particle_db = pickle.load(f)
+    return particle_db
-def read_sibyll_codes(filename, pythia_db):
+def read_sibyll_codes(filename, particle_db):
     with open(filename) as f:
         for line in f:
             line = line.strip()
@@ -30,19 +30,19 @@ def read_sibyll_codes(filename, pythia_db):
             identifier, sib_code, canInteractFlag, xsType = line.split()
-                pythia_db[identifier]["sibyll_code"] = int(sib_code)
-                pythia_db[identifier]["sibyll_canInteract"] = int(canInteractFlag)
-                pythia_db[identifier]["sibyll_xsType"] = int(xsType)
+                particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_code"] = int(sib_code)
+                particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_canInteract"] = int(canInteractFlag)
+                particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_xsType"] = int(xsType)
             except KeyError as e:
-                raise Exception("Identifier '{:s}' not found in pythia_db".format(identifier))
+                raise Exception("Identifier '{:s}' not found in particle_db".format(identifier))
 # generates the enum to access sibyll particles by readable names
-def generate_sibyll_enum(pythia_db):
+def generate_sibyll_enum(particle_db):
     output = "enum class SibyllCode : int8_t {\n"
-    for identifier, pData in pythia_db.items():
+    for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
         if pData.get('sibyll_code') != None:
             output += "  {:s} = {:d},\n".format(identifier, pData['sibyll_code'])
     output += "};\n"
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@ def generate_sibyll_enum(pythia_db):
 # generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
-def generate_corsika2sibyll(pythia_db):    
-    string = "std::array<SibyllCodeIntType, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyll = {{\n".format(len(pythia_db))
-    for identifier, pData in pythia_db.items():
+def generate_corsika2sibyll(particle_db):    
+    string = "std::array<SibyllCodeIntType, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyll = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
+    for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
         sibCode = pData.get("sibyll_code", 0)
         string += "  {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(sibCode, identifier if sibCode else identifier + " (not implemented in SIBYLL)")
     string += "};\n"
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ def generate_corsika2sibyll(pythia_db):
 # generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
-def generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(pythia_db):    
-    string = "std::array<int, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyllXStype = {{\n".format(len(pythia_db))
-    for identifier, pData in pythia_db.items():
+def generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(particle_db):    
+    string = "std::array<int, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyllXStype = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
+    for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
         sibCodeXS = pData.get("sibyll_xsType", -1)
         string += "  {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(sibCodeXS, identifier if sibCodeXS else identifier + " (not implemented in SIBYLL)")
     string += "};\n"
@@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ def generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(pythia_db):
 # generates the look-up table to convert sibyll codes to corsika codes    
-def generate_sibyll2corsika(pythia_db) :
+def generate_sibyll2corsika(particle_db) :
     string = ""
     minID = 0
-    for identifier, pData in pythia_db.items() :
+    for identifier, pData in particle_db.items() :
         if 'sibyll_code' in pData:
             minID = min(minID, pData['sibyll_code'])
     string += "SibyllCodeIntType constexpr minSibyll = {:d};\n\n".format(minID)
     pDict = {}
-    for identifier, pData in pythia_db.items() :
+    for identifier, pData in particle_db.items() :
         if 'sibyll_code' in pData:
             sib_code = pData['sibyll_code'] - minID
             pDict[sib_code] = identifier
@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ def generate_sibyll2corsika(pythia_db) :
 # generates the bitset for the flag whether Sibyll knows the particle
-def generate_known_particle(pythia_db):
-    num_particles = len(pythia_db)
+def generate_known_particle(particle_db):
+    num_particles = len(particle_db)
     num_bytes = num_particles // 32 + 1
     string = "Bitset2::bitset2<{:d}> constexpr isKnown{{ std::array<uint32_t, {:d}>{{{{\n".format(num_particles, num_bytes)
     numeric = 0
-    for identifier, pData in reversed(pythia_db.items()):
+    for identifier, pData in reversed(particle_db.items()):
         handledBySibyll = int("sibyll_code" in pData) & 0x1
         numeric = (numeric << 1) | handledBySibyll
@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ def generate_known_particle(pythia_db):
 # generates the bitset for the flag whether Sibyll can use particle as projectile
-def generate_interacting_particle(pythia_db):
-    num_particles = len(pythia_db)
+def generate_interacting_particle(particle_db):
+    num_particles = len(particle_db)
     num_bytes = num_particles // 32 + 1
     string = "Bitset2::bitset2<{:d}> constexpr canInteract{{ std::array<uint32_t, {:d}>{{{{\n".format(num_particles, num_bytes)
     #string = "std::array<bool, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyll = {{\n".format(num_particles)
     numeric = 0    
-    for identifier, pData in reversed(pythia_db.items()):
+    for identifier, pData in reversed(particle_db.items()):
         can = 0
         if 'sibyll_canInteract' in pData:
             if pData['sibyll_canInteract'] > 0:
@@ -151,19 +151,19 @@ def generate_interacting_particle(pythia_db):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     if len(sys.argv) != 3:
-        print("usage: {:s} <pythia_db.pkl> <sibyll_codes.dat>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
+        print("usage: {:s} <particle_db.pkl> <sibyll_codes.dat>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
     print("code_generator.py for SIBYLL")
-    pythia_db = load_pythiadb(sys.argv[1])
-    read_sibyll_codes(sys.argv[2], pythia_db)
+    particle_db = load_particledb(sys.argv[1])
+    read_sibyll_codes(sys.argv[2], particle_db)
     with open("Generated.inc", "w") as f:
         print("// this file is automatically generated\n// edit at your own risk!\n", file=f)
-        print(generate_sibyll_enum(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(generate_corsika2sibyll(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(generate_known_particle(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(generate_sibyll2corsika(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(generate_interacting_particle(pythia_db), file=f)
-        print(generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(pythia_db), file=f)
+        print(generate_sibyll_enum(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(generate_corsika2sibyll(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(generate_known_particle(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(generate_sibyll2corsika(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(generate_interacting_particle(particle_db), file=f)
+        print(generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(particle_db), file=f)
diff --git a/Processes/Sibyll/testSibyll.cc b/Processes/Sibyll/testSibyll.cc
index 67c950e5585f831f8a95ae4f0e00f59df95c8919..5d91a5b4b4f2ba06f93fdc25bad74c095c66fac6 100644
--- a/Processes/Sibyll/testSibyll.cc
+++ b/Processes/Sibyll/testSibyll.cc
@@ -9,17 +9,18 @@
  * the license.
-#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
+#include <corsika/process/sibyll/Interaction.h>
+#include <corsika/process/sibyll/Decay.h>
 #include <corsika/process/sibyll/ParticleConversion.h>
-#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
+#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
 #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one
                           // cpp file
 #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
 using namespace corsika;
+using namespace corsika::process::sibyll;
 TEST_CASE("Sibyll", "[processes]") {
@@ -57,5 +58,51 @@ TEST_CASE("Sibyll", "[processes]") {
     REQUIRE(process::sibyll::GetSibyllXSCode(corsika::particles::Code::K0Long) == 3);
     REQUIRE(process::sibyll::GetSibyllXSCode(corsika::particles::Code::SigmaPlus) == 1);
     REQUIRE(process::sibyll::GetSibyllXSCode(corsika::particles::Code::PiMinus) == 2);
+  } 
+#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
+#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
+using namespace corsika::units::si;
+TEST_CASE("SibyllInterface", "[processes]") {
+  auto const& cs = geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();    
+  geometry::Point const origin(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});    
+  geometry::Vector<corsika::units::si::SpeedType::dimension_type> v(cs, 0_m / second,
+								    0_m / second, 1_m / second);
+  geometry::Line line(origin, v);
+  geometry::Trajectory<geometry::Line> track(line, 10_s);
+  setup::Stack stack;
+  auto particle = stack.NewParticle();
+  SECTION("InteractionInterface") {
+    Interaction model;
+    model.Init();
+    [[maybe_unused]] const process::EProcessReturn ret = model.DoInteraction(particle, stack);
+    [[maybe_unused]] const double length = model.GetInteractionLength(particle, track);
+  }
+  SECTION("DecayInterface") {
+    Decay model;
+    model.Init();
+    /*[[maybe_unused]] const process::EProcessReturn ret =*/ model.DoDecay(particle, stack);
+    [[maybe_unused]] const double length = model.GetLifetime(particle);
diff --git a/Processes/StackInspector/CMakeLists.txt b/Processes/StackInspector/CMakeLists.txt
index b0b9d379e9b5b1c7536e1619e9c9e55f322b791c..f87cc1374c6161e98383a7e755a70190d62220e4 100644
--- a/Processes/StackInspector/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Processes/StackInspector/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ set_target_properties (
 target_link_libraries (
+  CORSIKAgeometry
@@ -53,6 +54,9 @@ add_executable (testStackInspector testStackInspector.cc)
 target_link_libraries (
+  ProcessStackInspector
+  CORSIKAsetup
+  CORSIKAgeometry
   CORSIKAthirdparty # for catch2
diff --git a/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.cc b/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.cc
index 0dce10b08f9971c3265845a858fd8b66d943e831..d84634fbad2641982bc7024e799ac3655b1722d6 100644
--- a/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.cc
+++ b/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.cc
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ process::EProcessReturn StackInspector<Stack>::DoContinuous(Particle&, setup::Tr
     EnergyType E = iterP.GetEnergy();
     Etot += E;
     geometry::CoordinateSystem& rootCS =
-        geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS(); // for printout
+        geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem(); // for printout
     auto pos = iterP.GetPosition().GetCoordinates(rootCS);
     cout << "StackInspector: i=" << setw(5) << fixed << (i++) << ", id=" << setw(30)
          << iterP.GetPID() << " E=" << setw(15) << scientific << (E / 1_GeV) << " GeV, "
diff --git a/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.h b/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.h
index 6a7d2fc62f248813895b3bfef4e673e010b20ad1..07b987b46f8a03a2683b2d160ac86e24ac251560 100644
--- a/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.h
+++ b/Processes/StackInspector/StackInspector.h
@@ -31,11 +31,8 @@ namespace corsika::process {
       void Init();
-      // template <typename Particle, typename Trajectory, typename Stack>
       EProcessReturn DoContinuous(Particle&, corsika::setup::Trajectory&, Stack& s) const;
-      //      template <typename Particle>
+      //~ template <typename Particle>
       corsika::units::si::LengthType MaxStepLength(Particle&,
                                                    corsika::setup::Trajectory&) const;
diff --git a/Processes/StackInspector/testStackInspector.cc b/Processes/StackInspector/testStackInspector.cc
index c098b025b678427f1e244fc8052d0dd889f11d08..51f796a24a92439d2fc11a42c1fac07cc2f8ec30 100644
--- a/Processes/StackInspector/testStackInspector.cc
+++ b/Processes/StackInspector/testStackInspector.cc
@@ -13,11 +13,43 @@
                           // cpp file
 #include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <corsika/process/stack_inspector/StackInspector.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
+#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
 #include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
-TEST_CASE("NullModel", "[processes]") {
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
+using namespace corsika::units::si;
+using namespace corsika::process::stack_inspector;
+using namespace corsika;
+TEST_CASE("StackInspector", "[processes]") {
-  SECTION("bla") {}
+  auto const& cs = geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();    
+  geometry::Point const origin(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});    
+  geometry::Vector<corsika::units::si::SpeedType::dimension_type> v(cs, 0_m / second,
+								    0_m / second, 1_m / second);
+  geometry::Line line(origin, v);
+  geometry::Trajectory<geometry::Line> track(line, 10_s);
-  SECTION("blubb") {}
+  setup::Stack stack;
+  auto particle = stack.NewParticle();
+  SECTION("interface") {
+    StackInspector<setup::Stack> model(true);
+    model.Init();
+    [[maybe_unused]] const process::EProcessReturn ret = model.DoContinuous(particle, track, stack);
+    [[maybe_unused]] const double length = model.MaxStepLength(particle, track);
+  }
diff --git a/Processes/TrackingLine/CMakeLists.txt b/Processes/TrackingLine/CMakeLists.txt
index 83ed893c150d6d041182bbe7ab9cd30046edb640..b68564bfa284cce6048c88532e13b6f796cb6b9d 100644
--- a/Processes/TrackingLine/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Processes/TrackingLine/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ add_executable (testTrackingLine testTrackingLine.cc)
 target_link_libraries (
+   ProcessTrackingLine
+   CORSIKAsetup
+   CORSIKAutilities
+   CORSIKAenvironment
diff --git a/Stack/SuperStupidStack/SuperStupidStack.h b/Stack/SuperStupidStack/SuperStupidStack.h
index a889d32a652753955ba2553012350e521b1d99dc..d865c2d1e7ac1aaf5a5692ca3a32587506c81375 100644
--- a/Stack/SuperStupidStack/SuperStupidStack.h
+++ b/Stack/SuperStupidStack/SuperStupidStack.h
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
       Point GetPosition() const { return GetStackData().GetPosition(GetIndex()); }
       TimeType GetTime() const { return GetStackData().GetTime(GetIndex()); }
-#warning this does not really work, nor make sense:
+#warning this does not really work, nor makes sense:
       Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type> GetDirection() const {
         auto P = GetMomentum();
         return P / P.norm() * 1e10 * (units::si::meter / units::si::second);
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
         fDataE.push_back(0 * joule);
         //#TODO this here makes no sense: see issue #48
         geometry::CoordinateSystem& dummyCS =
-            geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+            geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
             dummyCS, {0 * newton_second, 0 * newton_second, 0 * newton_second}));
         fPosition.push_back(Point(dummyCS, {0 * meter, 0 * meter, 0 * meter}));
diff --git a/Stack/SuperStupidStack/testSuperStupidStack.cc b/Stack/SuperStupidStack/testSuperStupidStack.cc
index 28cb891bdc8dfead5e3b04e8113d46f7bc127108..21f882908a39e58ff83411e82771c3379dcdbc27 100644
--- a/Stack/SuperStupidStack/testSuperStupidStack.cc
+++ b/Stack/SuperStupidStack/testSuperStupidStack.cc
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ TEST_CASE("SuperStupidStack", "[stack]") {
     geometry::CoordinateSystem& dummyCS =
-        geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCS();
+        geometry::RootCoordinateSystem::GetInstance().GetRootCoordinateSystem();
         dummyCS, {1 * newton_second, 1 * newton_second, 1 * newton_second}));
     p.SetPosition(Point(dummyCS, {1 * meter, 1 * meter, 1 * meter}));